#Morgan rielly imagines
swissboyhisch · 1 year
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What Keeps You Up At Night By @puckinghell Sleeping seems impossible but what is keeping you up at night?
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UPDATED: 19/6/23
1 note · View note
sweetiepoison · 5 months
Famous Baby
4 Times you and Auston were almost caught and the 1 time you willingly told everyone
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Warnings: smut (oral receiving, P in V) no arguing for like the first time?
You loved the morning time, especially slow mornings. It was rare for you to get a morning that didn’t involve rushing from one thing to the next, so the days you did you cherished it. This morning was extra sweet as you felt the arm that never left your waist all night still settled there.
You peeked over your shoulder at Auston who was still comfortably sleeping. The sunrise reflected perfectly on him. The lighting made him look even more attractive, almost ethereal. You picked up your phone on the night stand. Most notifications were the usual, texts from your manager and publicist, your parents and siblings, and your friends. After going though all of them the pressure on your bladder that you tried to ignore had become unbearable.
You gently lifted Auston’s arm and attempted to slip from under it, but his grip tightened as he pulled you back into his body.
“No.” He grumbled into your shoulder.
“I have to go to the bathroom.” You stated picking his arm up again and this time he let you.
“You better come back.”
“Not making any promises.” You joked going into the bathroom. After using the bathroom you stood looking at yourself in the mirror. Your body was covered with hickey’s and bruises.
As you gently touched your hips where hand shape bruises had formed you noticed the way your legs subconsciously clenched. Despite the slight discomfort you enjoyed having all of the marks on your body knowing they were from him. They allowed you to relive the night all over again.
You crawled back under the covers and into Auston’s arms but this time you faced him. You watched as his eyes remained closed, but you knew he was awake from the way his hand rubbed up and down your back.
“Last time you were in my bed there was a pillow wall.”
“I don’t see a wall anymore.” You lifted the covers to look between the two of you, “But I do see a lot less clothing.” A chuckle rumbled deep in his chest.
“You also stayed past sunrise this time.”
Your chest tightened at the reminder of the first night you stayed in his bed and how you were out of it just as quick as you were in.
You ran your fingers through his hair giving his scalp a gentle massage, “Im sorry. It’s different now.”
He shrugged, eyes still closed, “not the first time.” He slowly dragged his hand over your hip before it was on your ass and pulling you on top of him. He laughed at your surprised squeal as he finally opened his eyes and smiled looking up at you, “Now we just have more time to go again.”
He leaned up to place a kiss on your lips. His hips also moved up allowing his cock to slip between your folds. You moaned into the kiss as you started moving your own hips.
It was ridiculous, really, that dry humping could get you this hot and bothered, but it did. Another moan passed your lips as you nails dug into his shoulders.
“Auston, please.” You begged. You had him where you wanted, but you needed more, you needed all of him.
“Tell me what you need, baby.”
“You.” You moaned out into his shoulder, “I need you.” Auston grabbed himself between your bodies lining himself up with your entrance.
“I want you to be loud as you want, baby.”
But before things could go any further you heard the front door open and slam shut. Your head shot up from where you were kissing on his neck, “who is that?”
“Aus, you ready to go?” You recognized Mitch’s voice.
Auston groaned throwing his head back into his pillow, “fuck, I can’t believe I forgot.”
“What are they doing here?” You hissed climbing off of him, your previous activities long forgotten.
“We’re golfing today.”
“Looks like he got busy last night!” You could hear Willy’s voice laugh. Your eyes widened and your heart began to pound. All of your clothes had come off last night before you made it to Auston’s bedroom.
You felt a sense of panic set in as you could only imagine what Will had found. “Tell her the matching set is a nice touch.” Your cheeks burned up at the thought of him finding the blue lingerie you had worn.
“This can’t be happening.” You whispered to yourself trying to think of any excuse as to why you would be in Auston’s apartment. Specifically why you were in his bed…naked…and covered in hickeys…yep you were totally screwed.
“Auston, seriously” That was Morgan’s voice, “you’re going to make us late.”
“Get under the bed.” Auston instructed, in a hushed tone.
“I’m naked.” You yelled back in a hushed tone as well, “I’m not getting under the bed!”
“Then get in the closet.”
“Im not hiding in your closet.” You refused, feeling claustrophobic just from looking at it.
“Then go in the bathroom.” Auston’s patience was wearing very thin.
“Fine.” You huffed.
“Come out or we’re coming in.” Mitch warned knocking once.
“Give me a sec!” Auston yelled helping you stand from the bed. You wrapped the sheet around your body and ran into the bathroom shutting the door right as his bedroom one opened.
“Good morning, Auston.” Mitch said in a sing song voice, “It was obviously good for you.”
You leaned into the bathroom door until your left ear was pressed against it in an attempt to hear everything.
“You guys couldn’t wait till I came out.” Auston responded, the frustrated tone that you were used to hearing only directed at you was used.
“I voted to wait, Mitch wanted to barge in.” Morgan leaned against the door frame crossing his arms over his chest.
“I just wanted to meet the girl.” Mitch walked around the room looking for any signs of who Auston may be hiding.
“Here are all of her clothes.” Will walked in dropping everything on the floor.
“10 minutes please, just to get dressed.” Auston begged wanting nothing more than for them to leave.
“We’ll wait.” Mo shrugged. All three boys stood still watching their teammate.
“I’m naked.” Auston mumbled.
All three burst out laughing, “we were just fucking with you, we’ll wait in the living room.” Will assured letting out a loud laugh again. Right as they were all shuffling out the door you turned on the shower knowing you were in the clear.
“I swear to God if you get in that shower and have sex with her while we’re waiting, we’re leaving your ass.” Mitch warned closing the door behind them.
“This is (y/n), Auston’s girlfriend.” Ema introduced you to the table filled with Auston’s family members.
“My friend, mom, not girlfriend.” Auston corrected. You would be lying if you said that didn’t sting a little bit, but you brushed it off as you smiled sitting down at the chair Auston had pulled out for you.
Your invite to Arizona was something Auston had planned for a while. He knew he wanted you to meet his family it was just a matter of when. It was difficult to find a few free days with your intense schedule but you moved some things around to make it work. You knew it was risky traveling with paparazzi and your fans following your every move, but you were careful to cover your tracks.
Dinner with his family reminded you of times spent with your own family. Stories were shared, people talking over one another, and lots of laughter. You felt comfortable and for the first time in a while you felt at ease.
Even long after the plates were cleared from the table you all remained. Auston kept his left arm on the back of your chair and his right hand on your thigh as you talked with with his aunts about what exactly your lifestyle entailed.
“(Y/n)!” Paige shouted running up to your chair, “will you come play fairies with us!” You giggled looking at the little girl with fake fairy wings on her back. Behind her stood Grace and two other girls. One was Auston’s other cousin Mia who was five and Madison, their neighbor who was eight.
“Paigey, she doesn’t want-“
“I would love to!” You cut Auston off. You gave him a bright smile standing from your chair. You crouched down next to Paige so she could help you put on your fairy wings before you took her hand and walked further into the backyard.
While his family continued to mingle around him, some even talking with him, Auston’s eyes never left you. He watched as you ran around with the little girls pretending you could fly and participating in a fairy tea party.
“You are so in love with her,” Auston turned to see Alex had taken the empty seat next to him.
“I’m not.”
Alex hummed, “really? because you haven’t stopped staring at her since she got here.”
“Yes, I have.” Auston was thankful that it was getting dark and the redness that was starting to crawl up his neck wouldn’t be noticeable.
“I wish you could’ve seen yourself during dinner. Anytime she talked you would just look at her and smile.” Alex laughed, “but don’t worry…” she didn’t look over at her younger brother before continuing to talk, “She was doing the same thing.”
Auston shook his head. He didnt know if he was disagreeing with what Alex said about him or you. He didn’t want to believe he was acting like that and he couldn’t believe you were either, “Our friendship is…complicated.”
“I’m not mom or nana, I know your hooking up.” Alex shrugged like it was no big deal. While Auston never shared his dating life with his sisters, he knew they weren’t nieve.
“That obvious?”
“Mhm.” She nodded, taking a sip of her drink, “Like I said, it’s the way you look at each other.”
“How do we look at each other” his eyes still remained on you.
“Like there’s nothing better or more interesting in the world to look at.” That hit Auston in the chest…hard, “it’s actually sickening to watch.”
Alex continued talking, but Auston stopped listening. Your relationship was always clear cut, until it wasn’t. Even when you transitioned to friends with benefits you both made it clear that it was just that, but was there something more? Had he fucked everything up by inviting you here?
He remained so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn’t realize the sun slowly started to set and your game had finished.
“Aus, we want ice cream.” Grace demanded carrying her youngest sister, Hope on her hip.
“Did your mom say it was okay?”
“Yeah she’s at the fire pit and told me to ask you.” Auston looked past Grace and towards the fire pit his parents had built. A majority of his aunts and uncles sat around it, drinks in their hands.
“Alright let’s go.” He stood up picking up his two year old cousin out of her sister’s hands and led the group of girls inside, you trailing in the back.
Auston scooped each girl their requested ice cream, saving you for last. He handed you a cone which you happily excepted.
“Nice wings,” he commented at the plastic ones you had yet to take off.
You suddenly felt embarrassed about the wings and the tiara sitting on your head. You took the wings off first. “It’s silly, but the girls wanted-” You tried explaining while reaching up to remove the tiara as well.
“Don’t take it off.” Auston grabbed your wrist, “it suits you.” He smiled watching as you blushed at his compliment. He fixed the tiara so it was sitting on your head properly, holding eye contact. You cleared your throat reminded that you were surrounded by his cousins as Hope wedged her way in between the two of you. She lifted her arms to be picked up, which you happily did sitting down with her at the island.
“Hope a good girl for finishing her ice cweam.” The two year old cheered sticking out her hands for Auston to clean.
“You are a good girl for finishing.” Auston affirmed cleaning off her sticky fingers.
“Tell (y/n) she a good girl too for finishing her ice cweam.” You giggled at the two year olds babbling.
“Yeah, tell me I’m a good girl too.” You smirked up at Auston, giggling as he cleared his throat.
“She already knows she’s one.” He replied to Hope, his eyes flickering over to you.
As the night wore on more family members left, until it was the faithful few still sitting around the fire pit. You offered to help Auston with the dishes and even though he refused you stood beside him at the sink; you drying as he washed.
You worked in a comfortable silence the only sound coming from those outside and the speaker that was playing music.
“I think last time we were in a kitchen together we were baking Justin’s cake.” You thought out loud giggling at the disaster that afternoon was.
“And before that you were throwing a drink in my face.” Auston bumped you with his shoulder. It was nice to laugh about the situation now because in the moment it was anything but funny.
You took the cup he handed you drying it off, “I guess us and kitchens don’t really mix.”
“Nah.” He shook his head dunking his hands back in the water. “We could always make a new memory though.”
“If you try to stab me with the knife your mom used to cut the cake, I will sue.”
“That wasn’t my first thought.” Auston laughed lifting his hands up to show they were empty.
“What’s the new memory then?” You questioned, “Us doing dishes?” You placed another dried plate On the towel next to the sink.
“No that’s boring. I was thinking something a little more…us.” You didn’t get a chance to question him before a splash of water hit your chest. You looked over at him in disbelief as he busted out laughing. You wasted no time splashing him back. You both fought over dominance of the sink as you flung water and soap at each other. You laughed giving Auston one last splash as he slipped on the water that accumulated all over the floor. He quickly grabbed onto you with one hand and the counter with the other.
“Careful.” You giggled, “I don’t want to be responsible for breaking Hockey’s golden boy.”
You laughed at the soap bubbles that sat on top of Auston’s head knowing you probably looked the exact same.
“That’s a good look on you.” Auston joked playing with the soap on top of your head.
“Is it?”
“Mhm, probably top ten.”
“Better than after my Atlanta show?” You asked referring to the night after your concert you surprised him with an outfit that left very little to the imagination.
“Oh yeah, much better.” He nodded his hands finding your hips and backing you into the counter.
“I probably look like a wet dog.” You giggled rolling your eyes.
Auston placed his hand on your chin to make you look at him, “You look really beautiful,” the words surprised him as much as they surprised you. “I like when you don’t look perfect.”
Your eyes stayed locked on each other. Your breathing matched each other as you could feel his chest rising and falling at the same time yours was. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears and hoped his was doing the same. You felt his thumb rubbing small circles on your waist as the other moved to cup the back of your head. Your were so close, you could feel his breath on your lips, but before they could touch the back sliding door opened.
“Hey guys,” Ema greeted.
You jumped apart, Auston’s hand going to the back of his neck as you picked up the towel you were using to dry.
“Did you end up washing yourselves instead of the dishes?” His mom laughed pointing at the state of both of you.
“Yeah it got a little messy,” you commented using the towel to keep your hands busy. You refused to look at Auston and you knew he was doing the same.
“Cheers to summer! Cheers to (y/n)’s tour, and cheers to the Leafs season!” Justin held his glass up as the rest of you followed suit.
The Bieber’s decided to throw a pool party at their LA house as an opportunity to see all of their friends. You stood in between your best friends clinking your glasses together before taking a sip.
“We’re proud of you.” One of your best friend rested her head on your shoulder giving you a side hug. You shrugged the comment off, wanting no attention.
“Let’s go in the pool.” You suggested. It was a calculated move and maybe even a jealous one, but watching Hailey’s model friends all over Auston all afternoon had you in a bad mood.
You marched over to the seat where you placed your bag and towel earlier and took your time removing your clothes. You knew Auston was sitting at the patio table, two girls on either side of him. Both were fighting for his attention, taking turns getting closer, playfully hitting his arm, and giggling at anything he said. You spent the afternoon watching from afar and you were over it.
“Damn, you look good.” Your best friend let out a low whistle as you laughed and gave her a spin, “like really good.”
“Whose heart are you trying to break today?” Your other best friend joked giving your butt a slap.
You were aware you didn’t necessarily look like a model, but Auston loved your body, he said so himself every time you were together. And the compliments you received from others didn’t hurt either.
You and your friends lounged around in the pool even engaging in some pool games. Your best friend was on Ryan’s shoulders as you were on Mason’s going back in forth in a game of chicken.
“C’mon, (y/l/n), knock her off!” Mason encouraged from below you as he attempted to trip Ryan under the water.
“I’m trying.” You and (y/bff/n) were in a deadlock as you held onto each other’s shoulder’s.
“Now!” Mason shouted as he got his foot around the back of Ryan’s ankle tripping him as you pushed (y/bff/n) off his shoulders at the same time. They crashed into the water as you and Mason began celebrating. He pulled you off his shoulders wrapping you in a tight hug.
“The dream team.” You smiled giving him a high five before going to shake your opponent’s hands.
Despite Mason’s pleading you gracefully bowed out of another round climbing out of the water and drying off. You went over to the table set up with all of the food, filling a plate with various finger foods.
“Having fun?” You didn’t look up from the fruit you were picking up, but nodded at Auston’s question.
“Are you?” You’re tone was short and your voice even.
“I am.” He confirmed filling up a plate as well. Auston’s tone matched your own and that’s when you knew you had him exactly where you wanted him.
Auston got jealous easily, easier than you. Ever since you started your situationship he didn’t like when other guys even looked in your direction and he made that known.
You may have been watching him all afternoon, but he was also watching you. He watched as a guys hand lingered on your waist a little too long for his liking. He watched as one of your friends looked you up and down in your bikini despite him having a long time girlfriend. And he watched as you sat on Mason’s shoulders in the pool. He was the only one that belonged between your thighs.
“I bet you are.” You couldn’t help the twinge of jealousy that accompanied your comment. Auston stopped your hand from picking anything else up.
“The attitude isn’t cute.” His voice was low and hot in your ear, “I know you just want my attention.”
You bit down hard on the inside of your cheek as your body involuntarily reacted to him. You knew he had the upper hand right now, but you didn’t want to lose.
“Is it working?” You smirked feeling the bulge in his swim trunks against your leg.
“Meet me in the bathroom in 10.” He released your arm leaving you standing alone and breathless.
You took your plate of food back to your seat, but didn’t touch any of it. Time felt like it was moving painfully slow, but as it neared 10 minutes you promptly stood up.
Passing Auston on your way in, you dragged your fingers along his arm giving each other a fleeting glance before making your way up stairs. You went to the first bathroom on your left and quickly took a second to fix your hair and readjust your bikini. It wasn’t long before you heard the door knob turning and Auston came in.
“You’re acting like such a brat-“ you cut him off crashing your lips into his own. The white button down linen shirt he wore made his skin look even more tan and you wanted to kiss every inch of his body.
Auston backed you up into the counter lifting you up so you were sitting on it as he stood between your legs. He left kisses all along your chest and shoulder before meeting your lips again. You knew your lips were going to be bruised later from how forcefully he was kissing you, but you didn’t care. All you could focus on was the way his arms felt in your hands.
It was like you couldn’t get enough of each other. Your hands were all over each other grabbing and scratching. And it didn’t matter that your lungs were on fire, you didn’t want to stop kissing him. Auston finally pulled away allowing you both to catch your breath. Through panting breaths he smirked.
“You like that huh? Pissing me off.”
“Almost as much as I like what comes after.”
Auston bit down on his lip shaking his head at you before kissing you again. One hand kept you in place on the counter as the other untied your bikini top, letting it fall to the floor.
“So fucking perfect.” He breathed out staring at your chest before taking one of your nipples in his mouth and massaging the other with his hand. You kept your hands locked around his neck throwing your head back and closing your eyes.
So caught up in the moment you didn’t hear someone knocking. The door sprung open and your eyes snapped open making eye contact with Ryan.
“Oh my god.” He chocked out before covering his eyes with one of his hands and using the other to try and find the door handle. He rambled out an apology as you dropped from the counter.
“It’s fine, really.” You tried reassuring him as you pushed Auston away and scrambled to grab your top. You slammed the door shut in his face covering your chest with your free arm.
“Why are you smiling?” You furrowed your eyebrows at Auston, “he’s going to tell (y/bff/n) who’s going to tell (b/ff/n#2), who’s going to tell Mason, who will literally tell everyone.” Your voice rose as you became more panicked.
“Because he’s not going to say anything.” Auston placed his hands on your shoulders. He turned you around so your back was towards him as he retied your top.
"how do you know?"
"Because you’re going to talk to him.” Auston placed a kiss on your shoulder before turning you back around.
“I can’t talk to him, he just saw my boobs.” You whined pointing at your chest.
“And they look great.” Auston assured you, “it’s either you talk to him or everyone finds out and with how often you tell me to not even look at you in public I’m guessing you don’t want everyone to know.”
“Of course not.”
“So go talk to him.”
Auston placed another kiss on your lips, “Oh and make sure you tell him I said ‘fuck you’ for interrupting before we even got to the good part.”
You suppressed a smile, turning on your heel, “Make sure five minutes passes before you come out.” You closed the door behind you going to beg your best friend’s boyfriend to keep this secret.
The hot water felt both relaxing and refreshing as it glided down your body. So caught up in your own thoughts you almost didn’t hear the glass door open.
“No.” You insisted turning around to see who was attempting to break your peace.
“C’mon. I have to be back at the hotel in 45 minutes to leave for the rink. That’s not enough time to shower there.” Auston was already undressed with one foot in the shower.
“You should’ve thought about that when I told you to get up earlier.”
“Oh you mean right after I went down on you for the third time this morning? Sorry I was out of energy then.”
Your stomach did a flip at the reminder of the earlier hours in the morning.
“Fine.” You conceded “but keep your hands to yourself.”
“That should be a note to self, you’re the one who can’t keep your hands off of me.” Auston teased closing the door behind him.
You giggled innocently shrugging your shoulders, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You continued rinsing off before switching spots with Auston. You worked conditioner through your hair as he washed off. When you went to switch spots again Auston gave your hip a squeeze.
“Hands to yourself, remember?”
“It was one touch.” He didn’t move his hand though, instead he allowed it to stay there tilting his head to the side as his eyes moved up and down your body.
“And that’s all it’s going to be. I’m getting out.” You finalized after rinsing out all of the conditioner.
You moved Auston’s hand from your hip and went to reach for the door handle, but just as you were about to grab it Auston pulled you into his chest, “just one round baby, please, I’ll be quick, I promise.” He kissed along your neck starting at your shoulder and working his way up until he was sucking the sweet spot behind your ear.
“No.” You tried to sound stern, but the sigh that passed your lips and the way you tilted your head to give him more access was less than convincing.
“Give me 10 minutes.” He promised between kisses.
“Fine 8.”
“You’re a terrible negotiator, I could’ve been done in 5.”
“(Y/n)?” You both froze at the new voice on the other side of the bathroom door. You knew it was your manager, Veronica. You weren’t expecting her, but this wouldn’t be the first time she’s showed up unannounced. “We need to go over your schedule for the next few days.”
You slapped your hand over Auston’s mouth, “I’m kinda busy right now.”
“There’s no other time today, we have interviews, studio time, and meetings all day.”
“And why couldn’t this be a phone call or a text?”
“I tried both. You didn’t answer.” Damn you forgot you put your phone on dnd. You felt Auston’s hands begin to massage your shoulders and you let out a deep sigh at the relaxing feeling.
“We also need to decide, are we playing into this possible relationship between you and Andre Westbrook or shutting it down?”
Auston’s hands tensed on your shoulders. And you didn’t need to open your eyes to know that he was annoyed.
As of recently you have been linked to the star forward of the Lakers after attending a game with courtside seats. There was a small interaction between the two of you and every media outlet has ran with the idea that he’s your new boyfriend. To say Auston was pissed when the headline came up on his Instagram feed would be an understatement. He called you and demanded an explanation.
“Tell Rosie to Shut it down.” your publicist could make people believe pigs could fly if she really wanted to, so shutting down a rumor was nothing for her.
“Well Rosie is the one who actually wanted me to talk to you, apparently she did some research into him and he’s a big deal right now. He’s one of the best in the league. He’s on a winning team, and just signed a 2 million dollar contract.”
If only she knew you already had a world class athlete at your fingertips.
You would’ve kept your eyes closed, the conversation starting to bring on a headache had it not been for the noise Auston made getting down on his knees in front of you.
“Absolutely not.” You hissed out yanking on his arm to try and pull him up. Your effort was useless though, he was too big and strong in comparison to you. Auston ignored your pleas and began kissing up your leg, starting at your knee and working his way up your inner thigh.
“So what do you think?” Veronica’s hopeful voice traveled through the door.
Auston looked up at you as he forced your legs apart. He first placed a firm kiss to your heat gently sucking on your clit before he began to move his tongue.
“I-“ you cut yourself off to catch your breath and keep from moaning. “I don’t need him for publicity.”
“No, but it’ll keep people interested and if they think there’s even a slight chance Andre could show up to one of your shows they’ll be invested.”
“But all of my shows sold out.” One hand gripped onto Auston’s hair as the other held onto the wall.
“It’s the idea, honey. If you’re linked with him it opens up a door to a whole new audience for you.”
“Middle aged men?”
“Yes, but those middle aged men have teenage daughters and if they can connect a name with a face they’ll be more willing to pay for the concert tickets, or the merch, or the album, etc.” veronica explained.
“That’s just not me.”
The combination of Auston’s tongue and fingers mixed with the heat from the shower had you feeling lightheaded, “I just-I need to sit down.”
Auston helped you lower yourself to the ground and then he reached behind you to turn off the water. Your vision was blurry and it felt like the world was spinning.
“(Y/n), honey, are you okay?” Veronica attempted to turn the door handle.
You used Auston to steady yourself and pushed open the glass door desperately needing air, “Yeah I’m fine, I just need some time to think about everything.”
“Okay, 30 minutes and then we need to be in the car.”
“Veronica-.” You attempted to cut in.
“I’ll be waiting downstairs and tell your friend if he’s interested in the position that the maple leafs PR guy should give Rosie a call.”
“Damn, I didn’t expect a round of applause, but this silence is loud.” Auston commented following your reveal of your relationship to your friends.
You gathered everyone together at Auston’s apartment so you could do it all at once. But the silence that followed after Auston blurted it out felt like ages and you were beginning to panic.
You wanted your friends to be supportive, but they’ve also seen you at your worst with each other and you were scared they wouldn’t be able to look past that.
Everyone immediately began protesting with various statements like “we’re happy for you” and “that’s not what we meant.”
“We’re just surprised it took you guys this long to finally tell us.” Steph elbowed Mitch in the stomach making him double over.
“All of you already knew?!” You exclaimed looking around the room for confirmation, “Ryan! You promised.”
You turned to look at your best friends boyfriend who looked terrified while also trying to avoid eye contact with you.
“He didn’t tell everyone.” Your best friend defended, “just me.” You watched as she glanced at your other friends, “And I told (y/bff/n#2).”
You looked at your other best friend, “and I may have accidentally told Mason.” She bit down her lip also trying to avoid eye contact.
“And how’d you guys find out?” Auston nodded towards his teammates.
Will, morgan, and Mitch all shared a look before Mitch spoke up.
“That morning we came to your apartment to pick you up to go golfing and we knew you had a girl over-”
“And I found your clothes.” Will cheekily smiled before giving you a wink, “I also found your purse that you left on the couch.”
“And we were curious so we looked through it and saw your ID and passport.” Morgan finished sending you an apologetic smile.
Ryan seeing your boobs was bad, but this was even worse. You had interacted with all of them since that day and the fact that they knew what was going on made you want to cry. (Especially since they saw you lingerie)
“We said we were going to keep it between the three of us” Morgan continued to explain, “but I told Tessa.” He placed a hand on his wife’s thigh.
“And I told Steph.” Mitch rubbed the back of his neck.
“And I told kniesy and Reevo who told the rest of the team.” Willy admitted looking at the other two as a way to get the blame off himself.
Ryan laughed unapologetically, “Sorry, I just got excited for my boy.” You knew that was an honest answer and you wouldn’t be able to stay mad at him. You looked to Matthew next for an explanation.
“Im not good at keeping secrets.” He shrugged sheepishly and that did make you laugh despite yourself.
“So you’ve all known and no one said anything to us?” You were raking your brain thinking about all the times you and Auston were around your friends together, thinking you were getting away with something, but everyone knew.
“We wanted to see how long it would take for you guys to tell us, which I totally won the bet, all you boys better pay up!” Steph slapped Mitch’s arm this time cutting him off.
“But more importantly we wanted to wait until you both felt comfortable enough to tell us.”
“Thank you, but this news doesn’t leave this room. We’re not ready for the world to know yet.” Auston looked at you picking up your hand in his own, “We follow (y/n)’s lead.”
Auston made it clear from the jump that he would do whatever you wanted. If that meant keeping your relationship private he was fine with that.
“That’s enough intense conversations for one night. Lets just enjoy the rest of tonight.” You smiled up at him.
You thought doing one big reveal would be like ripping a band aid off. It would hurt, but it would be over quickly. You were very wrong. It just led to more questions all night.
“You have to give us all the details.” Tessa giggled munching down on a chip.
All the girls escaped to talk in the kitchen while the boys played video games in the living room.
“There’s not much to tell.” You took a sip of your wine. “It started when we were planning the drew house party. We got into a fight, he stopped by my apartment to apologize and then we ended up sleeping together.”
“It’s giving enemies to lovers, but in real life.” Steph smiled linking her arm with yours.
“The sex was probably so good.” You all turned to look at your best friend. “What? Everyone knows angry sex is the best sex.” She shrugged like the explanation was simple.
“And we’ve all seen the fights between you and Auston, there was a lot of tension there.”
“It’s even better now.” You smiled trying to hide your blush as all the girls cheered.
“Like before I didn’t care about what I said or did and now it’s the same thing, but it’s not because I don’t care but because I’m comfortable with him.” You tried your best to explain your feelings, “it’s intimate.”
“It sounds like you’re in love.” Tessa smiled giving your hand a squeeze across the kitchen island.
“No way.” You rejected looking around the group for someone to back you up, but they all just wore knowing smiles. “It’s too soon and I hated him literally like a week ago so that’s just not possible.” You rambled on fidgeting with your glass.
“You don’t have to convince us you aren’t feeling that way.” Aryne brought you out of your panicked thoughts, “It’s just an observation.”
You poured yourself another glass of wine starting to drink it quickly. You and Auston had been living in a fairy tale ever since you started dating, but revealing everything to your friends reminded you of just how intense it’s going to be when you reveal it to the public.
This wouldn’t be your first go around, but it would be Auston’s first time connected to someone as famous as you. It worried you that your fans wouldn’t like him or his wouldn’t like you. And all the questions your friends had would be what everyone else would ask but times a million.
“Sorry to interrupt ladies just getting more beers.” You recognized the one voice that could get you out of your own head.
Auston moved past the group and to the fridge where he grabbed another twelve pack. Before leaving the kitchen he came to stand behind you giving your hip a squeeze and placing a kiss on your head.
“I hope you aren’t giving my girl too much of a hard time.”
“Nope, just getting her to spill all the details about you.” One of your best friends teased.
“Well considering all the trash talking she’s done since we met, I’m owed a few compliments.”
You rolled your eyes, “In your dreams, Matthews. I will always be your number one hater.” You smiled giving him a wink.
There’s his girl.
Auston could tell from the moment he walked into the kitchen you were stressed. He knew telling your families and friends had been both an exciting and overwhelming thing for you. So many questions to answer and so much to talk about. He just wanted you to relax.
“I would expect nothing less, (y/l/n).” He joked before placing another kiss on your shoulder before leaving.
This was just the beginning.
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toasttt11 · 7 months
worth it ; joseph woll
She frowned as she walked into their shared apartment knowing that Joseph is usually at the couch these days when she gets home as he’s been recovering from an injury and waits at the couch for her when she is coming home.
“Jo baby?” She called out frowning in concern when she got no response, she set down her purse and keys at the entrance table, walking through their apartment in Toronto towards the kitchen seeing some light shine from there.
She walked around the corner into the kitchen pausing at the door and smiled slightly at the kitchen, candles lite around the kitchen and dinning table, multiple bouquets of flowers, she could smell her favorite meal and saw it on two plates, her favorite wine already poured into her wine glass, and she could see the cookies on the counter from the bakery that Joseph and her love and she saw Joseph standing there with his sweet smile and had on her favorite sweater on him.
“Jo my love whats all this?” She soflty questions walking towards him and gently grabbing his hands softly caressing them with her thumbs.
"i notice the little efforts you make for me.. and i just want you to know i appreciate it." Joseph Woll responded softly, smiling lovingly down at his beautiful girlfriend.
He knows she’s not the biggest in words and he’s more than okay with her showing her love in her actions. Even after long days of work she’s come home to him being grumpy and in pain and never complained once and he just needed to make sure that she knows he never takes her for granted.
She could feel her face softening even more, in complete adoration for her sweet boy and leaned up on her toes in her heels and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, “Thank you.” She smiled softly before her stomach rumbled making them break into laughter.
“Come on sweetheart let’s get you some food.” Joseph gently guided her to the dinning room table sliding out her chair for her, letting her sit down before he bent down and slipped of her heels setting them beside the table before he sat down at the spot next to her intertwining his hands to her.
He listened intently as she spoke about her day as they ate their dinner together.
“and then she-“ She trailed off seeing Joseph staring at her, “What?” She smiled looking at him.
“You’re beautiful.” He responded leaning down resting his forehead against hers, his thumb reached up and brushed the sauce off the corner of her lips and he licked it his thumb relishing in the sharp intake from his girlfriend.
“Joey… I want to at least wait to eat dessert first.” She playfully warned knowing fully well what he was doing having been on the receiving end of his flirtatious actions for many years now.
“Well i want mine now and besides it will be here after.” He leaned even closer brushing his lips against her and twirling her hair between his fingers.
“It better be worth it Joseph Woll.” She playfully smirked as she whispered her words against his lips.
“It always is my love.” Joseph whispered back before standing up and picking up his girlfriend with him, she squealed as he quickly picked her up and her legs wrapped around his waist.
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barzal-mat · 1 year
emotional support nhl fic recs:
mat barzal:
to all the girls you loved before 2. 3. 4. by: @youunravelme
Five Times Everyone Knew Mat Loved You & The One Time Mat Realized Himself by @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69
caught in the middle by: @hockeywhy
matthew tkachuk:
four times you sat in Matthew’s chair + the one time they called him out by: @extratragic
All For You (4 times you tried to tell Brady you loved him, and the one time Matty did it for you) by: @comphersjost
More Than Morning Sickness by: @hockeylvr59 ​
Whatever Life Throws At You by: @raysofcrosby
on the line by: @tkachuckycheese
making love in hotel rooms by: @hookingminor
consequences by: @midnightsnyx
Patience Is A Virtue by: @spine-buster
Falling From Grace by: @mbarzals
sidney crosby:
call me crosby by: @barzzal
To Sail Beyond The Sunset by: @spine-buster
william nylander:
Ten Day War by: @whockeywhore
The President Wears Prada by: @spine-buster
Told You So by: @puckinghell
morgan rielly:
Alone, Together by: @spine-buster
What Keeps You Up At Night by: @puckinghell
Just Another Girl by: @laurenairay
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nylwnder · 2 months
three years and counting
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a/n: hiii sweets!! i'm sorry for making such a delay in the last half of this series, with the playoffs and the offseason’s shenanigans, i haven't been able to find a proper writing groove so bare with me. i hope you guys enjoy this part! i tried to lean on the fluffier/cutesy side for balance and also since i love me some soft mo! kisses xx
pairing: morgan rielly x fem!reader
warnings: SMUT, dry humping, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, use of lingerie, fluffy in the beginning, “food fight”, honestly just some cute soft sex w mo
word count: 2.6k
taglist: @shoot-the-puck, @11livpangburn, @eastoncowan, @boqvistsbabe, @sweetiet, @p1tstop, @occasionallyaurora, @laurenairay, @fallinallincurls, @andrea9, @biznastysloneshift12
series masterpost
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the city sprinkled with snow, the last bits before winter’s goodbye. the steam from the kitchen fogging up the windows and the apartment smelling of pesto and pasta. the warm lighting only makes the atmosphere even more cosy and pleasant.
you head over to the window to look down. the food is almost done and morgan should be due any minute now. before you head to your bedroom you instinctively draw hearts against the fog with your finger on the glass with a smile.
it was your three year anniversary a couple of days ago, but since morgan was on a road trip for a week, you could only spend the day chatting on facetime waiting till he took the plane back to toronto.
luckily he won that night, and you were beaming just like you were earlier in the afternoon when you received the most beautiful lace dress in the mail with a bouquet of flowers. but little does morgan know you also have a gift for him when he gets home.
standing in front of the mirror, you fixed the dress before making sure your makeup didn’t smudge while you were cooking the last part of the pasta. then the lock clicked and the door followed open, you smiled.
“im home, honey”
you walked out of the bedroom, “welcome back soldier” you joked, even though you must admit the past week felt like years for you.
morgan’s eyes lit up, his hand dropping his equipment bag and welcoming your figure in his arms. you wrapped your own arms around him, sinking in the smell of his sweet cologne, mint from his gum and coffee. your body eased.
“you're so beautiful,” he says, as you step back enough for him to appreciate how you look. his hands are stuck on your hips as you smile. “thank you! i love it so much, morgan.”
he smiles in response, kissing you softly before you bring him into the dining area. he hums at the smell of dinner. “since we couldn't be together on our anniversary, i figured we can have our special dinner together, tonight. i cooked our favourite!”
you grab two plates from the cabinet and set them down on the table, “and i didnt want to drag you out to eat since you've been on the road for so long.” you mention.
“all that matters is that i spend it with you.” morgan says, reaching you for another hug.
“i'll serve while you clean yourself up if you want, but keep the suit on!” you say as morgan nodded.
he would have done whatever you wanted. whether it was a dinner out despite the fact his body felt a bit achy and tired, or stay at home like the two of you will do. even if he's dressed in his suit, the way you look in that dress makes it so worth it. he feels all the more better with each passing gaze at you.
you serve the pasta carefully, trying to have a little masterchef moment with the way you decorated and cleaned the plate. making sure to sprinkle cheese on the top, a bit more on morgan’s just like he always likes.
you both sit down at the table and begin eating, you can't help but giggle at how much your boyfriend enjoys the meal. he returns the giggle, shyly apologising. “no, i'm happy you like it. that is the point, mo.” you respond with a smile.
after talking about the team’s road trip shenanigans and the own shenanigans you had to deal with this week, amongst other things, you finished the meal before you two knew it. morgan helped place the plates in the sink with the other pots and pans.
you reach to grab small bowls from the cabinets once again in order to serve the dessert you half made, half store-bought. you felt his breath hover over your neck by the sink, kissing you ever so softly below your jaw. your hands seeked him, for his own hands to wrap around your waist and your body.
they did, one arm holding your body closer to his. though, mo’s intrusive thoughts led his free hand to reach for the icing you had freshly whipped up earlier. he dabbed his finger into the container, making sure to catch your nose with his iced finger when you slightly turned back towards his direction.
“morgan!” you playfully shouted, turning around to show your dismay. your boyfriend laughed as he took another scoop with his finger to his mouth. “its really good though.” he mentions, licking his fingers clean.
you repeat the same lighthearted play, making sure to get two lines on his cheeks and on top of his nose. he let you, in all fairness, get your own move back. but just as he was going to go back in the icing you duck and move behind him. squealing and laughing as he chases you around the island and dining table.
you quickly grab the chocolate sauce bottle and threaten to use it against him as you stand on opposite ends of the counter.
“i really want to use it so do not tempt me.”
“i dare you.” he says with a smile. you share one back to him, knowing you could easily get him covered in the—although delicious—sticky substance. he could easily buy another suit. but then you’d feel bad, so you opt away from the fun idea.
“no! im a better person than that.” you mention, moving towards the counter and setting the so-called weapon down.
morgan scoffs, and you shoot him a look. “i mean it! i respect the quality of your suit, it would be offensive to your suit dealer-person-man. and i don't want it spilling on my dress either.”
the man laughs in front of you and appears to agree with you, licking the frosting off his fingers once again. you subtly stare at his action before originally planning to move back to finish what you were doing.
or so you thought. but morgan’s figure still made his way back to yours, body close. his hand parting your hair, his head fit in the crook of your neck before his hands moved down. lingering in the places you love the most. your lips ached for a kiss, and morgan felt the same.
“morgan” you whisper, he hums in response.
“what do you want, love?” he asks gently, his voice low.
you turn around, wrapping your arms around his neck and letting your lips connect with his own. the kiss was a little more needy than usual, as you give him a small pout when he breaks it.
“i missed you so much ” he sighed on your lips.
“i missed you too” you whispered back. your fingers needingly gripping the nape of his neck.
after being together for three years you were used to the long road trips, or rather you forced yourself to get used to them. but oftentimes it felt lonely and you missed morgan. you missed his voice and his smile, his laugh and his jokes, his arms and chest and his carefully calculated and perfectly executed touch and butterfly-inducing kisses and his love that he would share with you selflessly and endlessly.
is it such a bad thing you love your boyfriend so fucking much that being apart for five days and four nights feels so cruel?
morgan seemed to share the same sentiment as he carried your figure to the bedroom with ease. you stood in front of him, your newly gifted dress threatening to fall down as his hand unzipped the back. mo made his way down to his knees, his eyes looking at yours. he tugged at the hem and the material slipped off your body. he carefully threw it to the side, falling on the dresser.
he looked up to admire you in full glory, his eyes guided by your every curve. the smile on his face made you realise you picked the right lingerie set from the store.
his hands went up your stockings, softly tugging at your little garters around your thighs before moving upward and letting his fingers graze the thin and delicate material covering your core. his hands then moved to lightly squeeze the sides of your breast, the lace and mesh still allowing your nipples to appear through the fabric. mo licked his lips.
“my god, you’re heavenly.” morgan says, looking back up at your eyes, moving to plant a kiss at your core. it was delicate and gentle but his nose bumped perfectly into your clothed cunt and you couldn't hold back the small whimper from your lips. or the blush peeking through your cheeks.
you tugged him by the hair, a signal you want him back up to his feet. he obliged, moving to kiss your cheek before trailing down to kiss on the crook of your neck. his tongue drew a trail down your neck to your collarbone, sucking on a sensitive spot. you bite your lip as you place one of your hands onto his chest while the other trailed up to his hair.
the ice cream long abandoned on the counter now—melting.
morgan turns the two of you around, allowing him to sit on the bed as you follow him, straddling his lap. your hands push off his suit jacket, throwing it wherever the dress ended up on. your lips then connect with his, kissing and kissing and kissing.
it didn't take long to feel a bulge grow in mo’s lap, and instinctively you grind down on it earning a deep moan from your boyfriend. his lips moved to nip at the tops of your breasts while his big hands began kneading your ass.
your fingers swiftly undo his dress pants tugging down at them, morgan assisting in the process. you needingly palmed him through his boxers before kissing his neck in return.
“oh fuck,” he softly curses, the end of the word high pitch and breathy.
you yank down his boxers, freeing his needy cock. god did you miss it. you carry on grinding your clothed cunt against him, feeling him swell more and more. his breathing slowly quickened and he tried to hide it, trying to muffle it against the hot skin of your neck but it’s no use. you loved it. you wanted to hear it.
his fingers moved in between your thighs, cuping your pussy and feeling your growing eagerness through the thin material of your panties. he pushes the undergarment aside, letting his thick digits slide in with ease. you moan, moving to kiss his lips as he slowly pumps in and out, trying to find that sensitive spot inside of you.
the wet sounds from your cunt were driving you mad, making you unceasingly whine as morgan kept up his assault. without any warning he hit it, his long fingers pressing hard on that perfect part inside of you. you bite down on his neck before soothing it with your tongue, feeling a bit guilty.
mo didnt mind picking up a few love marks after a homecoming like this. it just goes to show that he did his work right.
your fingers held a good grip on his curls, feeling a delicious wash of euphoria forthcoming. just as your hips buck, morgan stops his actions altogether. you protested with a needy whine.
“s’alright” morgan coos as he lifts your body up, parting your underwear again in order to slip himself in.
“god,” you gasp, clenching as the head of his cock pushes into your pussy. the side of his face comes into view, and he moves to kiss the underside of your jaw. you sit down, taking him all in.
a shiver is sent down your spine. morgan keeps his lips connected to your neck as you pulse and clench around him, rocking your hips. it doesn’t take much longer before that same creeping feeling appears in your body again, and before you know it mo is holding you close as you cry out in pleasure.
your breathing heavy, you can feel morgan’s smile on your cheek soothing you. “that’s my beautiful girl. s’good”
you can’t help but smile in return, wrapping your arms tighter around his neck, your hands folding up to play with his hair. his cock still hugged by your warm wet walls.
his mouth moves to kiss along your clavicle while his fingers unhook your bra, forcing your tits to spill out. gently taking it off and placing it somewhere on the floor, his hands ghosted over your sides, finding their way to your breasts. your back arched, pushing your breasts further into his hands.
“god i love you” you softly cry, feeling yourself clench around his length again.
“i love you more, angel.” morgan voices against your lips. his hands move down to your hips as he takes you both to lay down on the bed. you feel the emptiness as he accidentally slips out of you due to his movements.
he lays to his side, making you mimic his actions. his arm drapes over your body and pulls you close to him. your perked up nipples rubbing against his chest hair—a hum escaping your lips. you drape your leg over his own, as morgan leans in for a kiss. his hand guiding his thick length back into your entrance and slowly pushing himself in.
a low grunt escaped his throat, and your lips were quick to envelop his again. he began to thrust into you, his hand rubbing up your thigh and squeezing your ass. morgan kept his motions slow at the beginning and steadily began to pick up the pace as his own eagerness kicked in. making sure your leg was hooked nicely around his torso in order to guarantee hearing your sweet moans in his ear.
his cock is perfectly hitting the bundle of nerves inside of you. mo presses his forehead to yours as you clench around him, making him moan in sync with you. "fuck i missed your pussy so much" morgan whimpers as you feel his cock pulse inside of you.
“she’s all yours. three years and counting” you whine back to him. your fingers finding their home in between the strands of his hair.
he grunts in return. holding your body in place as the lewd sounds of your act begin to echo further throughout the apartment.
“s’close” you moan.
“i got you, honey” he replies, “think you can ride it out, baby?”
you nod, pushing morgan’s body in order to straddle his lap again. you are quick to begin swaying your hips, aiming to hit every possible angle to drive you to the edge.
“yeah just like that” morgan says with a smile, admiring the way your boobs move with your actions.
not far after, the tremble in your legs begins to travel all over your body. your eyes shutting as your mouth sits agape, pleasure consuming you. morgan sits up, sharing the same noises as you as his grip on your hips helps keep you grounded.
once the high wanes, morgan holds you tight as your body goes limp in his embrace. you’d die here if you could, in his arms wrapped around you, in the comfort of his kisses and his voice in your ear telling you how much he loves you. you can't help but smile and feel ever grateful.
“definitely makes up for the agonisingly long road trip.” you mutter as your body relaxes into his warmth.
“its our three year anniversary, honey. i’m not done with you” morgan says back, a smirk appearing on his face as his finger pulls on your stockings, letting them snap back onto your skin once he lets go. “need some more time with you,”
he kisses your nose, his mouth still capable of tasting the icing that was once smudged at the tip of it. “sweet girl.” he mutters.
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twirlyleafs · 9 months
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Morgan Rielly x reader
TW: swearing, alcohol and a bunch of fluff
“Have you seen Morgan?”
You had been away from the dance floor for ten minutes and in that time your boyfriend had managed to disappear with both your shoes and your phone. Mitch turned around to look at you and you couldn’t help but laugh when you saw his face. Across his forehead and eyebrow there was clumps of, now stale, cream and he had lipstick smudged across his chin.
“What?” He whined and you just shook your head. Steph pressed a finger to her lips from where she stood behind her fiancé, urging you to not say anything. Looking back up at Mitch you tried to suppress your grin.
“I was just asking if you guys know where my boyfriend went?” You digressed and by the amount of alcohol in Mitch’s system he didn’t seem to think twice about it. Instead his face settled in a deep frown and he shook his head.
“No. And I lost John too. Even Keerfy is gone.” He whined, eyes flickering across the big barn you were currently occupying. The now newly wedded Kerfoots had really gone all. The wedding had been amazing and beautiful and at one point you had glanced up at Morgan to see his eyes watering. When you had leaned into him he had squeezed your hand tighter, pressing his lips against your head for a few seconds. You both knew you wanted this for yourselves at some point.
“Last time I saw Alex he ran past us without a shirt, I’m pretty sure Morgan was chasing him.” Steph quipped, nodding towards the back of the building. Before you could answer Mitch grabbed his fiancés hand in one and yours in the other, pulling you both with him. You turned to look at Steph as you tried to keep up and she just laughed, rolling her eyes.
“If this is him at Alex’s wedding, imagine him next weekend.” She mused, glancing down at where their hands were intertwined. You just smiled. In exactly a week they were getting married and you were almost giddy at the fact that you would get to experience another wedding with Morgan by your side. There really was love in the air this summer. The further Mitch dragged you and Steph the further away from the music you got. You were about to tell him he might be leading you astray when you suddenly heard familiar voices.
“Johnny lay down in our laps!”
“Yeah that’ll be fun! Come on!”
Mitch dropped your hand, waving in front of him triumphantly. He had found all the lost boys. Squeezed together in the photobooth there were several large hockeyplayers, including your boyfriend and the groom himself. Morgan was leaning back slightly, shirt ripped open and tie loosened, smiling up at John standing next to him. Keerfy were next to him, patting both his own and Morgan’s thighs to get John to lay down. You and Steph shared a look, both trying to suppress giggles.
“I’m good, thank you. Besides, I think your lap is reserved for someone else.” Johnny ruffled Morgan’s hair. When your boyfriend gave him a confused look he nodded towards you, making Morgan whip his head around. A large smile settled on his face and once again you let out a giggle. He was adorable.
“Baby!” He practically whined, stretching his arms out. You passed John on your way over and the two of you shared an amused look before you looked back down at your boyfriend. His hands immediately found the back of your thighs as you stopped in front of him.
“You disappeared on me Rielly.” You stated, letting one of your hands stroke some hair away from his forehead. He was staring up at you with big eyes, a slight pink tint covering his cheeks. He had gotten more tipsy since you saw him last, meaning he must’ve downed at least a few quick shots in the last fifteen minutes.
“I’m sorry. Alex wanted us to take some pictures.” He pouted, but smiled again when he saw you chuckle.
“Hmm, can’t say no to the groom.” You sunk down to sit on his thigh, letting your eyes wander up his body. “What’s going on here?” You let your hand wander in under his shirt, tapping his stomach before looking up to meet his eyes.
“Couldn’t tell you even if I wanted to baby.” He shook his head with a sheepish smile and you couldn’t help but laugh. You loved drunk Mo, you loved to see him let loose and relax for once. Wrapping your arm over his shoulder you leaned closer, pressing a few kisses against his cheek and jaw. You could feel him hum, his chest vibrating against your palm. Morgan’s hand fumbled up your body to cup your cheek, bringing your lips to his. You could taste the vodka on his tongue but you didn’t mind. You were well aware that if the two of you had been sober you never would’ve been comfortable making out in front of a bunch of people, but the state you were currently in had you just enjoying the moment. For a few seconds you tuned out the buzzing around you, only focusing on Morgan. When you finally pulled away you did so barely a few inches, your eyes flickering across his face. His cheeks were still flushed but now they were paired with stained lips too. You grinned.
“You’re so pretty.”
“I’m…pretty?” He tried to seem skeptical but you noticed the way the corners of his lips turned upwards.
“Yeah. Pretty.” You confirmed, reaching up to wipe a stray hair away from his forehead. Letting your finger softly trace his face, past the crinkles by his eye down his cheek and along his jaw, finally coming to a rest against his bottom lip. Morgan watched you watch him, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly. Even though you’ve been together for more than a year now he still felt just as in love as in the beginning. The look of admiration in your eyes confirmed that you felt the same way.
“I love you.” He mumbled, letting his hand grasp your hip a bit firmer, pulling you closer. The other one moved up cup your cheek, his thumb lovingly grazing just beneath your eye. You smiled at him.
“I love you.” You barely got the words out before he dipped his head, pressing his lips against yours again.
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hmneighbors · 5 months
In honor of the hockey season coming to a close, here's all the top loaders I decorated this 2023-2024 season!
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sorryjustafangirl · 2 years
babe for the weekend
a/n: this is a little different than what i usually write, in terms of boy and structure but i am really really proud of how it turned out, so i hope y'all like it too! the title comes from Taylor Swift's ''tis the damn season" and it quite inspired by it. this is for @broadstbroskis, one of the very first writers i starting following on hockeyblr. it was an absolute honour to write for her in @antoinerousselssel's winter fic exchange and i really really hope she enjoys it (and all its Swiftie references <3)
pairing: morgan rielly x fem!reader
word count: 8.8k+
warnings: a few swears, holiday setting (although not crazy prominent), childhood idiot friends to lovers?
disclaimer: this is a piece of fiction and this beautiful gif is not mine! p.s. i know he got engaged recently (to the figure skating love of my life Tessa Virtue; congrats to them!) but i was too deep in the fic to switch it when i heard the news. hope you still love it!
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Morgan had been getting you out of trouble since the day you two could walk. You’d knock over a vase, and he’d find a way to blame the dog. You’d convince him to mattress surf down the stairs, and he put it back while you stalled your mom so she wouldn’t know. He would tell his mom that she “saw you walk up the stairs after dinner like hours ago” when you only snuck in his window four minutes before. 
That didn’t end when he left to play junior hockey or when he got drafted and you moved across the country for school. Despite being in the same city, you relied less on him to bail you out as you got older, but every once in a while, his number was on speed dial to decipher if a guy was phishing you or for a 2am pickup from the club. 
Granted, you’d saved him just as many times. You’d posed as his girlfriend to save him from puck bunnies and more than once told his mom it was you he was out with, instead of the girlfriend he wasn’t supposed to have. Every other week, he’d call with a question he was too embarrassed to ask his own mom (“is $10 too much for a carton of orange juice?”). 
You just never thought he’d be bailing you out like this. 
As the youngest of four kids (and the last single one), your parents were overbearing about your love life to say the least. But in the holiday season? It dialed up to 11. 
“Are you sure you’re alright though? We don’t want you to be feeling lonely.” Your mom brought up at the end of your weekly Zoom family call, complete with all your siblings and grandma. 
“For the last time, I am not lonely. I have great friends, I have a good job at an ad agency, and my credit card is paid off. I’m doing great!”
“But it’s a big city, darling. You’ve been out of school for years and you still haven’t told us about any guy. Or-or girl, if you’re into that,” she tried to reason.
“Mom, she isn’t lonely because she’s getting some!” Ben, your youngest brother, chimed in, making you cringe. 
“Grow up, dork,” Julie, your eldest sister, said at the same time your older brother, James, said “Nice one!”
“Kids, you’re making Grams blush, can you knock it off?” Your dad chimed in. Ben’s face flushed but that didn’t stop James from poking the bear. 
“Just think Mom, there’s less people to feed at Christmas!” 
“That’s what you take out of this? Your sister could be at risk for depression.”
“I don’t have depression!”
“You always talk to me with an iced coffee, I do get a little concerned.” “Rude!” “Hey! Ruby drinks iced coffees too and she’s not depressed.” “She’s in a relationship with you, I’d rethink that.” “You aren’t depressed when you’re in happy relationships, that’s what I know.” “Grams, that is not true.” “That’s what Cynthia at book club said!” “None of that changes the fact that your sister hasn’t had a boyfriend in a long time and I’m worried about her!” “She’s not that old Brenda.” “She’s not seventeen anymore Thomas, our daughter is getting older and if she wants kids–” “Kids? Mom, she doesn’t even have a boyfriend.” “That’s my point!” “Who said she wants kids?” “Julie, you’re a mother, you should know every woman wants kids!” “Grams, that isn’t true.” 
All of their overlapping voices seemed to get louder, rattling around in your brain, and you couldn’t take it anymore. 
“I have a boyfriend!” You blurted and the screen silenced. You relished the small moment of quiet before the sound exploded again. 
“What?” “Yes!” “Who is he?” “Is he coming home with you?” “What’s his name?”
“Woah, woah. One at a time please,” you nervously laughed. 
“What’s his name?” The smiles on your mom and Grams faces were so wide it was starting to freak you out and your brain froze. What’s a boy’s name what’s a boy name what’s a boy’s name??
Your brain blurted out the name before you realized its implications. 
“Morgan?” Your mom’s smile widened. “Like our Morgan? The Rielly’s boy?” 
Shit, shit, shit. “You’ll have to wait to find out.”
“If they couldn’t get together in high school, no way it would happen now. I say it’s different.” “There’s lots of Morgans in Toronto! It’s a big city.” 
“Yeah, I call bullshit on this whole boyfriend thing,” your older sister Julie chimed in.
You felt blood starting to drain from your face “What?” 
“Oh c’mon! All we have is a name? You don’t want to share his job or what he looks like? You can’t even tell us if he’s coming back with you. You’re just faking it.”
“His work is busy, we haven’t decided if he’s coming back yet!”
“Two weeks before the holidays?” She raised an eyebrow and you pursed your lips. 
“Fine. I was going to surprise you instead, but yes he’s coming back with me. And he has blond hair. Happy?” Julie only shrugged but you could hear your grandmother rejoice in the background of the call. “Look, I have to go but I’ll see you all in two weeks.”
“With Morgan! Oh, I’m so excited to meet him!”
“Yes. With Morgan.” You ended the phone call and flopped into your couch pillows before letting out a scream. 
Where were you going to find a Morgan with blond hair to act as a fake-boyfriend to meet your family across the country?  
“Just call your Morgan.” Your best friend, Ivy, said as the two of you sat in Fran’s, the best diner for burger and fries past Jarvis street, for your regular lunch chat.  
“No, it’d be weird! He’s known my family for a long time and we’re friends.” You shook your head while munching on your fries. 
“Those are exactly the reasons you should take him! Plus, you said his name. I don’t get why you’re making it into this big deal about taking him.” 
“Because it is!”
“But why? It’s not like you’re in love with him,” She said, dipping her fries in ketchup. 
“About that…” You trailed off, biting your lip waiting for her reaction. 
She dropped the food before it could get to her mouth. “No!”
“Look, it was when we were in high school! I was about to tell him when we moved out here, but then he was saying how there was so much on his plate and he was feeling a lot of pressure and I just didn’t want to add to that, you know?” You took a bite of your food before continuing. “I didn’t want him to resent me for telling him at such a crucial point in his life.” 
“And now?”
You shrugged. “I think I’ll always have some sort of feelings for him. He was my best friend growing up.”
“You’re going to have to be really good at hiding those feelings when you’re posing as boyfriend and girlfriend with him.”
“Who said I’m asking him?”
Ivy raised her eyebrows. “Where else are you going to find a blond-haired Morgan to bring home to your family across the country in less than two weeks?” You threw a fry at her, which she grabbed and put on her own plate. “Besides, there’s no harm in asking. He can always say no.”
“Really?” You asked a little too loudly, putting your coffee mug down a little too harshly, gaining the attention of others in the cafe the two of you routinely catch up in. But you didn’t care. You were expecting a little more skepticism from Morgan when you proposed him playing a fake boyfriend role in front of your family. 
“Yeah, ‘course. It’s my job to bail you out of trouble, isn’t it?” You playfully kicked him under the table. “Besides, I haven’t seen Vancouver or your family in a while. It’d be nice to go back to the old times.” 
“Oh my gosh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” You said, instinctively placing a hand on his arm laid across the table. “Okay, so I don’t know when your season ends but I’m hoping we can fly out for like three days maximum, so it’ll be quick, and we can use your job as an excuse so that’ll be good. For the story, obviously we just went out one day after being friends for a long time, so that’ll be easy. You asked me out. Five or six months is a good timeline for them not knowing but also you coming home so let’s stick to that. You can’t tell your parents because my mom will be furious if Shirley knew before her. Um, Ben, my little brother – you know him–, he’s bringing his girlfriend Ruby, but she’s chill so you’ll get along with her a lot. Drew, my oldest nephew, he’s Julie’s kid and then Charlie and Julie had Rebekah the year before last and Izzy, who is James’s wife, just had baby Taylor a couple months ago so the house is going to be chaotic. You should be writing this down, you know.” You slowed down to notice that Morgan was just staring at you. “I just said so much stuff you need to remember.”
“I know your family. Trust me, it’s going to be fine. I’ll remember all that,” He assured you, placing a hand over your arm like you had done to him.
“Are you sure? I just..I can’t have this go wrong. Julie already suspects the legitimacy of this…fake relationship.”
He squeezes your arm and sends you one of his smiles that makes your heart swell. “We’ve got this in the bag.”
You’d both decided that it’d be easiest if you came to the airport together, so you said you’d pick him up from morning practice. You were waiting in the parking garage at the arena, scrolling through your phone, until you heard footsteps. Looking up, you see Morgan, Mitch, and Willy walking towards you. You give them a shy wave, and they all return with big grins, like they knew something they didn’t. Morgan came up to you, swung an arm over your shoulder and pressed a kiss to your temple. 
“Bye guys, safe travels,” He shouted over his shoulder, the two of you walking towards your vehicle. Once they were out of earshot, you turned to Morgan.
“What was that?” 
“That forehead kiss!”
“Oh!” His smile grew a little. “I was practicing for this weekend. Was it okay?” His slight concern made your heart beat faster and you could feel heat starting to go to your face. 
“I mean, yeah, but like won’t the guys think that, you know, we’re—” 
“Believe me, the guys already think we’re together.”
He laughed. “They asked about my plans for the holidays and I said I was going home with you. They just assumed we were dating and it felt like a lot of work to correct them. It’s okay, I promise.”
“If you say so,” you hummed. You unlatched yourself from his arm as you approached your car but Morgan stopped in his tracks and started to laugh. 
“You’re still driving this old thing?” He was referring to your blue Honda you’d had since high school. 
“Excuse me, you named this thing and Louise is still in great shape so of course I still drive her. Now get in.” He holds up his hands in surrender. You buckled yourself in and turned the engine over. The dash lit up like a Christmas tree and the radio was uneven again, so you hit the console a few times before it started to come out of both speakers. 
“Great shape, sure.”
“Shut up.” 
Despite the busyness of the Toronto Pearson International Airport during the holidays, the two of you seemed to breeze through security and boarding. It wasn’t until you stepped onto the airplane, you’d realized just how much anxiety you got from flying. 
Morgan offered to put both carry-on bags in the overhead bins and you gladly took him up the offer. You slid into your seat, immediately putting on the seatbelt and making it tight against your hips. 
“We aren’t flying just yet,” He teased, sliding into the seat next to you.
“I know, it’s just that I–nevermind, it’s silly.” You murmured with a strained smile. 
“No, what is it?” You met your eyes and you took a deep breath. This was Morgan, your Morgan. He’d seen you cry after you got root beer up your nose and he only laughed a little. 
“Airplanes give me a lot of anxiety and I hate takeoffs. It’s just really nerve wracking for me.” 
“Okay, well I’m right here. Would it help if I held your hand?” You shyly nodded, and Mo grabbed a hold of your hand, lacing your fingers together and rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. You tried to take deep breaths but after the safety presentation, and the plane started to taxi, it got shallower and the grip on Morgan’s hand got stronger.
“I think it's time for a distraction. Want to help me out here?” He said, turning his body towards yours as much as he could. You nodded, trying not to focus on the bouncing of the wings outside your window. 
“What kind of pet names do you like?”
That was…not what you were expecting but it certainly is a distraction. “I don’t really know? I didn’t name our dogs, Julie or my parents did. Why?” You look over to Morgan to see him quietly laughing to himself. “What?” 
“I meant like, romantic pet names. So I can play this boyfriend role right, you know?”
“Oh,” you said, feeling your face heat up. “Uh, I don’t really know. My past boyfriends weren’t really into those.” You continued to take deep breaths as he pulled out his phone. 
“Okay, cool, I’ve got a list and we can just go through them?” You nodded and he started. 
“We aren’t fifty years old Mo.”
“I’m not five either,” you joked. At your attempt at humour, you say Morgan’s face lit up. 
“What about sweetheart?” Your grimace made him laugh and he moved on. “Kitten? Dear? Babe? Sugar plum?”
“You can call me babe. For the weekend, of course. I like that one.” 
“Of course, babe.” He winked. “And look, we’re in the air already. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
You looked out and the clouds were level, the city skyline peeking through like a scene out of a movie. You look back at him to see him already looking at you. Unable to say everything you feel for him in that moment (platonically, you tell yourself), you squeeze his hand. 
As you touched back in Vancouver (still holding Morgan’s hand for safety purposes), it started to feel real. Real you were back in the city, real Morgan was here, and real that you were supposed to be acting like you’re in love. 
“Hey, I’ll be right back. Hold my bag for me?” Morgan asked, once you’d deplaned and entered the airport. You nodded and shooed him off, finding a place in the nearest lounge to wait for him. You pulled out your phone and started to catch up on messages when someone beside you cleared their throat.
“Sorry to bother you but did you go to Prince of Wales Secondary School in Vancouver?” You turned towards the voice to see someone so familiar but couldn’t put a finger on who.
“Um, yes. How did you know that?”
“I’m Abigail Brown. I think you were my lab partner in high school chemistry?” As soon as she said it, it was like everything rushed back to you. The two of you were good friends but just fell out of touch as years went on. 
“Oh my gosh yes! Oh my gosh, hi! How have you been?” You got out of your seat to give her a hug. 
“I’ve been really good! My girlfriend and I are headed to London for the holidays.”
“Oh fun! I’ve come back for the holidays with my uh..” You trailed off, thinking of what to call this arrangement. “Morgan Reilly, do you remember him?”
“Yeah, totally. Did he come back with you?” She asked, raising her eyebrows. 
“Yeah, we’re here together.”
“No way, that’s so sweet! Back in the day, everyone was wondering when you two would get together!”
“Oh, really?” You asked, surprised. You had thought that your crush on one of your closest friends was pretty discrete. 
“Yeah, a lot of us thought you’d be a cute couple. Turns out we were right,” she winked and nodded her head behind you. You turned to see Morgan coming back with two Tim Horton cups in his hands – one hot coffee for him and one Iced Capp for you. You tilted your head at his thoughtfulness. 
“My flight is boarding now, but it was so nice to see you again!” Abigail said, waving briefly to Morgan before leaving with her girlfriend. 
“Yeah, you too!” You called after her. “Is that coffee for me?” You asked, a wide smile on your face. 
“Because it is so ridiculously early, it is,” he said, placing it in your hands. “Who was that?”
“My high school lab partner. She thought we were together, actually.”
Morgan gave you a puzzled look. “Isn’t that what she’s supposed to think?”
“I mean, I guess, but we’re really just pretending for my family, so I didn’t think she’d think we’re together.” Morgan only hummed at your response and grabbed his bag. 
“Ready to head to your parents' then?” 
Like coming home, the two of you navigated through the airport easily and were on your way to your parents house in no time. Outside of the Uber, looking up at your childhood home, you felt your nerves getting the best of you again. The warm Christmas lights and the three cars in the driveway should’ve calmed you down, but instead had the opposite effect.
“Okay, so, again, we’ve been dating for five months, you asked me out. We kept it a secret, so your parents don’t know either. Ruby is Ben’s girlfriend. Drew and–”
“–Rebekah are Julie and Charlie’s kids. Rebekah is two years old. James married Izzy and their baby, Taylor, was born last month,” He finished with a smile. “Told ya I’d remember it. It’s going to be fine, let’s just go see your family?” He held out his hand for you to take and you cautiously placed it in his. He tugged you up to the front door, wrapping his arm around your shoulders to ring the doorbell. He left it over your shoulder and leaned down to whisper in your ear. 
“Trust me, we’ve got this.” He pressed a quick kiss to your cheek but before you could process what he was playing at, your mom had opened the front door.
“Oh, it is our Morgan! Thomas, I told you it was going to be him! Oh, come in, come in,” she ushered you in and your family all appeared, saying their hellos, taking your bags up to your room, placing drinks in your hands and leading you both into the living room. You settled in beside Morgan, your thighs touching each other as he reached over to entangle your hand with his.
“So, Morgan, my daughter hasn’t told us anything yet! How long have you been together?” Your mom said, once everyone was back together and catching up with the two of you. 
“Couldn’t have been too recent if you brought him home with you,” Julie said, her skepticism showing through. 
“Can’t be too long either since she never told us about him!” James said, nudging her.
Before you could get a word in and defend yourselves, Morgan spoke up. “We started dating five months ago. Might seem a little fast to come home for Christmas but I remember your family pretty well from when I was little. Plus, the schedule lined up really nicely this year so we figured, why not? But we decided to keep it to ourselves for the first little bit, with my job and everything. It can be a really hard adjustment. Especially with the media, I didn’t want them to freak her out.” 
“Aw, how sweet of you.” 
“Who asked who out?” Ruby said, curled up next to her boyfriend. 
“She asked me.” Your heart stopped as Morgan deviated from the plan you’d created. “It was nice, though, so I didn’t have to rack up the courage to ask her the same thing.” He turned towards you, meeting your eyes. To your family, you were recounting your first date and how you’ve been in love since. But Morgan was trying to get away with changing the story and you were civilly throwing daggers at him. 
“That’s nice. But you’ve got to get dressed, we’re still going cross country skiing this afternoon.” Julie said, standing up. 
“Why?” you whined. “We’re tired from traveling.”
“Then exercise will be good for you. And it’s tradition, you can’t deprive Morgan of that.” The smile she sent you was fake and you could tell, narrowing your eyes at her. 
“Yeah, babe, don’t deprive me from family traditions,” he commented, earning a small poke to his side, but you nodded, going to find your warm clothes. 
Cypress Mountain was where your family always skied on Christmas Eve. It was a tradition passed on from your grandfather, who’d done it with his father, and your family liked to keep it alive. It was a thirty minute drive, forty five in Vancouver traffic, so your head fell to Morgan’s shoulder. Soon enough, he was shaking you awake.
“We’re here, sleeping beauty,” He said softly, unbuckling your seatbelt. “Ready?”
“The better question is if you’re ready. I’ve been doing this for years,” you laughed, getting out of the car and walking towards the lodge to get Morgan skis. 
“Please, I’m an athlete. I’ll be fantastic.” He grabbed your hand and your heart started to beat faster at the cute gesture, only to notice some of your family behind you, watching the two of you. Of course, it was only for show. What else would be for? You reminded yourself. 
Twenty minutes later, and you were still watching Mo struggle to clip his skis in, trying not to laugh when he fell over. 
“‘I’m an athlete, I’ll be fantastic’” you said, mocking him and he pouted. You unclipped your own skis and held your hands out to help him get up. 
“The key is this little latch here,” you said, guiding his foot into the ski. You did the same with the other before getting yourself ready. 
“Where would I be without you?” He said, as the two of you, slowly, moved to the track. 
“Probably still be on the ground,” you said with a cheeky smile. You knocked his poles with yours. “Want to go this way? It’s easier than the track they’re doing,” you said, referring to the rest of your family. 
He looked up at the hill your family, including your little nephew, were already halfway up and shook his head. 
“If this is a family tradition, and I’m supposed to be part of your family, I should do it with them. We can join them, I’ll be okay.” 
Morgan was right, for the most part. He got the hang of it pretty quickly, and soon enough you were both caught up to your family. He was smiling, and talking with your dad and brothers. You had time to catch up with Ruby and Charlie, who you never really saw in the family Zoom chats. 
Until you rounded the corner and saw Morgan standing to the side. You didn’t understand why until you saw what was ahead – the hills. For your family, including daredevil Drew, it was easy. But for a beginner like Morgan? You understood why he stopped. 
“If you want to turn back now, it’s okay. They’ll understand.” 
He shook his head again. “I’ve got to sell this boyfriend thing, don’t I? Just…can you go first?” You nodded and made your way down, gaining some speed before slowing down and stopping at the base to watch him. 
“You’ve got this, Mo, just do it!” You told him. He nodded at your words and came down slowly, mimicking the way you had just conquered the hill. His eyes were determined, the way you saw he was on the ice, and your smile got wider as he made it down successfully.
“Yes! You did it!”
That was, until he caught an edge and very ungracefully tumbled to the ground. 
“Well, you mostly did it. I thought you were supposed to be coordinated!” You said in a joking manner, maneuvering over to where he was trying to get up. 
“I don’t usually have these long things attached to my feet!” After his attempts, he held his hands out and you helped him stand upright again. 
“Are you okay? It looked like you fell pretty hard.” 
“My ego is bruised more than anything,” He mumbled. 
“Why? None of them saw your wipeout.” You nodded towards your family who were all ahead and had no idea of what had happened.
“But you did.”
“It’s not like you have to impress me,” You said, waving it off and starting to move along the trail. He only huffed, settling into pace beside you. 
After making it back to the lodge in one piece, you all traveled back to your parent’s and sat down for a family dinner, albeit quick, as the kids’ bedtime was long ago. You helped your mom with the dishes while Morgan had “bonding time”, as he called it, with your brothers and Dad. 
“I’m glad you brought Morgan home, sweetheart,” she said, breaking through the quiet sounds of washing dishes. “He’s a catch and you seem really happy with him.”
You blushed, involuntarily, and nodded. “I am really happy when I’m with him.”
There were sounds of protests and laughter, so you peeked your head around to see Ben on the couch leaning over Morgan’s lap to ruffle James’ hair, only to get caught by Morgan in a loose headlock. Your dad was laughing at their antics and you joined him. It was nice to see Morgan be so carefree, especially with the stress of the season. 
“Hey!” Ben got your attention. “Your boyfriend is bullying me, tell him to stop!” 
“Maybe you deserved it,” You said, moving to be behind the couch. “Morgan is usually right.”
Morgan looked at you and only let Ben free once you gave me a small nod. You leaned down over the couch, wrapping your arms around his chest. At the slight display of affection, James gagged but thankfully, Izzy came down and whisked away her husband. Ben left shortly after that and you noticed Morgan’s head starting to drop. 
“Okay, we’re still on Toronto time a little bit,” You checked with Morgan, who was nodding along. “So we’re going to hit the hay, but Mom, I didn’t see the spare blankets for the pull-out couch?”
“Oh, you don’t need them, Ben has them.”
“What?” You asked, removing your hands from Morgan so he couldn’t tell how clammy they suddenly got. “Where’s Morgan going to sleep?”
“In your bed. It’ll be better for his back.” She answered. 
“Where am I going to sleep?” 
“In your bed.” She sighed when she saw the shock on your face. “Look, we trust Morgan. Besides, it’s a big bed and your dad and I aren’t under the impression you haven’t already slept together.” Her bluntness made you choke on your breath and Morgan patted your back, answering for you.
“Thank you Brenda. We'll be good, I promise.” 
“I know you will. And if you aren’t, know I’m not above telling your mother,” She said with a smirk. “Now, goodnight.” 
You both said your goodnights, and headed up to your room. Morgan shut the door behind you and you immediately started apologizing. 
“I’m sorry, I was certain she’d send one of us to the basement. She never let Charlie or Izzy sleep in the same room with my siblings until they were married,” you said, rummaging through your suitcase for pajamas. 
He waved you off and took a look around your room. It hadn’t changed much since high school, your parents leaving it unchanged for when you came back. The photos in the frames and on the walls were faded and each childhood trophy and trinket was covered in a small layer of dust – not enough for it to be untouched, but enough for it to be preserved. 
The sound of you digging through the closet for extra pillows broke him away from your walls. There were two blankets spread out on the floor and you dropped the pillows you’d found on the space above them.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting ready for bed,” You answered. “You can get changed in the bathroom.”
“Why aren’t you in the bed?” 
“Because you’re sleeping on the bed, hotshot. Can you please get changed, I want to sleep.” He huffed but nodded, slipping out of the room. When he came back to see you curled up on the floor beside the queen sized bed, he let out a small sigh and moved towards you. 
“I’m not going to let you sleep on the floor. Please come sleep on the bed?” He said, standing over top of you.
“I…I don’t want it to be weird.” You said, suddenly interested in the fraying fibres of your blanket. 
“It’s not going to be weird. I promise. Please?” You turned to see him with his puppy-dog eyes and you started to break.
“I don’t know Mo…”
“I’d feel better if you slept in the bed, babe, please? For me?” At that, you relented, nodding your head. He helped you up, gathering the blankets from the floor and laying them over you in the bed. 
He slipped in beside you, a large margin of space between the two of you. It was silent as you got comfy and you turned off your side table light. Morgan hadn’t followed your lead, so you looked over to see him looking at his side table. 
“Remember when we took this picture?” Morgan said, pointing to the only frame on the table. You didn’t even have to look at the photo to know which one he was referring to. It was the last day he spent in Vancouver before the draft and it was a few days before your graduation date. You’d taken your car to the North Shore and hiked to Lighthouse Park. The serenity of being able to see far into the ocean and see the downtown skyline was the place both of you had gone to clear your mind. You’d taken a silly selfie together but it was the one physical memento of your last time together in Vancouver. It was when you almost confessed your feelings to him. 
“Of course I do. It was a good day.”
“Do you think about it a lot?” He asked, and you turned your body to face him. 
“I mean, sometimes, yeah. Do you think about it a lot?”
He nodded, his eyes fixated on the picture. “Yeah. Reminds me of when life seemed normal.” 
You stayed silent for a few moments, watching his eyes begin to get hazy looking at the picture. “Are you okay, Mo?”  
He just nodded curtly, and turned off the light. “Goodnight.” 
You couldn’t lie and say his behaviour didn’t feel like a thousand cuts to your heart but you said goodnight before turning to face away from him, like he’d done to you. 
The sun shining in from the window woke you up in the morning. You started to stir, stretching your arms and legs, but stopped when you felt arms around you. You slowly turned your head to see Morgan close to you, his arms wrapped around your waist. Sometime during the night, he must’ve moved to start cuddling you. You thought it should feel weird, being so close to your friend like this, but all you felt was a sense of calm. Being hyper aware of his arms, you shifted slightly to face him. 
You took the opportunity to look at him, really look at him. Not on the TV, through his hockey gear, not in the cafe when he was conscious that anyone could recognize him, but when he was just him. The sun was shining on him, giving his skin that soft golden glow. The lines on his forehead were almost nonexistent and his beard was filling out nicely. He looked so peaceful here, like he wasn’t one of Toronto’s biggest stars. You looked at him, your face softening as he started to stir under your gaze.
“Morning sleeping beauty,” you teased in a quiet voice, the same way he’d done to you yesterday. 
“Hmm, what time is it?” His voice was raspy and it took everything in yourself not to kiss him right there.
“Early,” you answered and he hummed in response. He slowly opened his eyes and must’ve noticed how close he was to you because his eyes got increasingly wider. His eyes met yours and when he didn’t see any panic or disgust in them, he relaxed, a small smile coming onto his face. 
“Morning babe,” He said, pulling you a little closer to him. 
“Nobody’s around, you don’t have to call me that.”
“What if I want to?” 
You looked up at him, eyes wide in shock and your lips parted. What did he say? It might have been a shock to your brain, but your body seemed to long for a closeness to him. Your heart wasn’t beating faster, no, it seemed to slow down, as if the idea of a relationship with him was the only thing to calm you. 
You noticed his eyes glancing down at your lips and you swallowed. Was he…what was he doing? He started to lean his head towards you and you felt yourself leaning in as well. He was close enough you could feel his breath hot on your face and see the grey flicks in his eyes. You started to close your eyes, his hand caressing your waist from under the covers, and —
“Auntie, Auntie! He came! Santa came! You have to get up! Come see!” Drew yelled through the door, pounding away as if you didn’t hear him. You broke away from Morgan, the small bubble popped by your nephew.  
“We’ll be right there Drew!” you yelled back, rubbing your forehead and getting out of bed. You left Morgan in bed, running downstairs to start some coffee, desperately needing to clear your head. What just happened? 
“Morning, sweetheart!” You sighed as your mom walked into the room, too chipper for how early it was. “I’ve got the pajamas for you and Morgan.”
“Morgan too?” It was a tradition to dress in matching pajamas on Christmas morning but you didn’t think it was something your parents would enforce for him. 
“Yup. Go get changed, I want to take photos soon.” She placed the two pajama sets in your arms and you trudged upstairs. You figured Mo was still laying in bed so you didn’t knock, just charged right in. Maybe you should’ve knocked. But then you wouldn’t get to see Morgan shirtless. Your brain short-circuited until you saw him looking back at you and you shut your eyes.
“I’m sorry, I forgot to knock! My mom wanted me to give you these. Matching pajamas and photos before gifts is a family tradition.” You tried to pull out his pair with your eyes closed but Mo just laughed when he saw you struggling. He came closer, his distinctive cologne invading your senses. He took one of the pairs, hopefully his size, from your arms.
“You can open your eyes, it’s okay.” You slowly opened one eye to test the waters, to see he was still without a shirt. You stared at him as long as it is socially acceptable to look at your best friend shirtless, before rushing out of the room to get changed yourself. 
You beat Morgan downstairs, and got started on the coffees. After buying him many hungover wake-up coffees, you knew his order by heart. You brought them out to the table, your sister and her family having their portrait taken in front of the tree. 
Mo came up from behind you, wrapping his arms around you and taking a whiff of your coffee. He recoiled at the hint of chocolate. 
“Yours has vanilla creamer, don’t worry,” you told him, taking a sip while watching Taylor get her first family photo in front of the tree. It was so nice to see the smiles across your family’s faces as you had this tradition. When it became Ben and Ruby’s turn, you noticed Drew starting to get a little antsy, his eyes fixated on the big box with his name on it. 
“Okay, sweetheart, yours and Morgan’s turn,” your mom said, clearing the area for you two to sit. 
“Oh, Mom, Drew’s looking a little antsy. We can skip ours–”
“No!” Mo interrupted you, taking one last sip of his coffee before tugging you along to sit in front of the tree. You gave him a look and smiled shyly. “It’s our first Christmas together. I want a picture. Please?” 
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” You turned to the camera, plastering a smile on. You were pretty close to him, your legs touching and his arm around your shoulders. Near the end,  Morgan pressed a kiss to your cheek and you blushed, the sound of the camera clicking long forgotten as you stared into his eyes. 
“Auntie, can I please please open my presents from Santa now?” Drew said, once again interrupting the moment between you and Morgan.
“Of course, baby, but you have to open the ones from me and Morgan next, deal?” He shrieked and scrambled over to the boxes, ripping into his wrapping paper. You stood up, grabbing your coffee before watching your nephew and niece on Christmas morning.
“Look at how cute you two are together,” She said, tilting the camera towards you. The first one was a cute photo. Morgan had his lips pressed against your cheek and your face was scrunched up in joy. She switched it to the next one, where the two of you were looking into each other’s eyes. He had the softest, earnest smile on his face. “I swear, I haven’t seen any people so in love since Ben met Ruby. I’m so glad you brought him home.” 
“Thanks, Mom.” You put on the best fake-smile you could, and turned back to the kids, trying not to think about how they two of you did look in love. But it wasn’t real and your stomach sunk. You took a seat on the couch, talking to Rebekah about her new doll and watching Drew drive his toy cars across the coffee table. 
“Who are these from?” you dad asked, holding up some small packages wrapped in blue paper.
“Oh, those are from me sir.” Morgan spoke up from behind you, moving to sit beside you. “There should be one for everyone.” Your dad nodded and handed them out to everyone while you turned to your fake-boyfriend. 
“Mo, I told you you didn’t have to bring anything,” you said, eyeing everyone tearing into their small gifts. 
“Now what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?” He winked at you, before turning to see their reactions. You were glad you’d turned too.
Everyone was holding up a different variety of a Toronto Maple Leafs keychain. Ben held one with a bottle opener on it and Drew held one that had skate on it. Some of them had the shape of Ontario with them or a special spinny part in the middle.
“You’re really banking on us liking you, eh?” Julie said, holding up her Rielly jersey keychain. 
“I’m planning on sticking around for a while. I figure you’ll be fans sooner or later,” he laughed off your sister’s hazing and assured your parents it was the least he could do. He turned to you. “And I didn’t forget you either.”
“What? No. Babe, I thought we were doing gifts back in Toronto?” If you’d known, you would’ve gotten him something, but he seemed unfazed. He brought out a medium box and placed it in your lap.  
“Are you sure? I didn’t bring anything for you,” you whispered to him. He just nodded and told you to open it. You ripped into the wrapping paper, opened the box, and tore out the tissue paper only to stop.
“You didn’t.” 
“I did,” He said, his face growing. “Bring it out, let’s see it.”
You lifted out of the box a dark wash denim jacket, the same one you’d been trying to rationalize buying for the past three months. It was your size and you couldn’t help but run your fingers over the seams, tracing the buttons. 
“Check the inside,” Morgan said, leaning over your shoulder. You turned your head to see him slightly blushing, and you turned to the jacket’s inside as quickly as you could. Inside there was a small label stitched in. Upon closer inspection, you read what it said and your breath hitched. 
 You’ve got a smile that could light up this whole town. Don’t forget it. Love, your Morgan
“Mo, I don’t even know what to say. This is-this is perfect. I love it, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He pressed a kiss to your temple, before slipping out of the room, both empty mugs in his hands. Your heart started to beat faster again, and as you stared down at the inscription, you had to remind yourself that it didn’t mean anything special. He was acting like your boyfriend, but he wasn’t your boyfriend. This was all fake, and this must’ve been a part of it; a show for your family to make sure you didn’t get in trouble. 
You shoved those feelings deep inside you, instead focusing on the Christmas spirit your family had. The living room was full of laughs and someone had turned on the Christmas music. Morgan came back and sat beside you, his arm resting comfortably over the back of the couch and you couldn’t help but curl into his side. The kids came over and asked to play with Morgan and he eagerly agreed, switching from playing cars to dolls to lifting them up to play the airplane game. Like the Grinch, your heart grew three sizes watching him interact with your family – the way he was so patient and sweet with them meant everything, even if he was just pretending. 
Later, your Grams arrived and Morgan was quick to win her over as well. You bit your lip, trying to stop from smiling so wide as you watched him help her with her coat, and lead her over to where he was sitting. 
“Do you mind holding her for a few minutes?” Izzy said, coming over with Taylor in her arms.
“Of course not! Come ‘ere, darling girl.” You rocked the baby in your arms, sometimes looking over to where Morgan was. Sometimes you even catch him looking at you. You took Taylor’s little hand and waved at him, and he over-enthusiastically waved back, making you laugh. 
“You picked a good one, you know? The two of you are really adorable together.” Izzy said, coming back to take her daughter from you. 
“Thanks Iz. He’s just…” You trailed off, trying to describe the situation. “I couldn’t imagine doing all of this with anyone else.” And it was the truth. From the plane ride to skiing to the gifts this morning, you couldn’t fathom bringing back a stranger and pulling this off in the same way. 
“Sounds like you’ve found the one then.” Her comment made you choke on air and turned into a full coughing fit. Before you knew it, Morgan was beside you, his blue eyes full of concern. 
“Are you okay?” His hand was rubbing your upper back as you continued to cough. You nodded as best you could, and he turned to get his cup. When you seemed to be finished, he handed it to you. 
“Here, drink. It’s water.” You gulped down the water and sighed. 
“Thank you.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” 
“I’m good, thank you. I’m just going to get my lip balm; will you be okay on your own for a while?” You asked, placing a hand on his arm. 
“It’s your family, not war,” He laughed. “Go, I’ll be fine.” 
You smiled at his comment and gave him a quick cheek peck before making your way out of the room. In the bathroom, you took a breather, trying to stop your cheeks from blushing. Whatever you were doing with Morgan, it felt real. But it wasn’t, and you had to keep reminding yourself of that before you got hurt. 
When you exited, Grams was standing outside the door. 
“Sorry, I didn’t realize someone was waiting,” you said, quickly leaving the bathroom but she waved you off. 
“Oh, I haven’t been here that long. But dear, my goodness, that Morgan. He’s a keeper, dear. You hold onto him, you hear me? With him, you’ll be happy for the rest of your life.” She said, patting your cheek before walking past you to the bathroom. You stood in shock for a moment at her words, before taking a deep breath and moving on. 
You were just friends. 
You repeated that to yourself as you sat next to him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. You repeated it again when he moved your legs into his lap, caressing your ankle. You said it again when he snagged the race car, arguably the best Monopoly piece, only to give it to you, taking the lame iron for himself. 
“Hey, can I talk to you?” Julie said, tapping your shoulder, just before Monopoly (another family tradition) started. You nodded, and lifted your legs out of Mo’s lap. You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before following her into the kitchen. 
“What’s up?”
“I wanted to apologize.” You furrowed your brows a little bit. “You know, for thinking your relationship was fake? It was wrong for me to think your relationship wasn’t serious but…I was just trying to look out for Mom and Dad. You don’t see how worried they get when you say you don’t have anyone in that big city. You’re the youngest, they’re always going to worry. And it’s just …You never even remotely told me about anyone and I didn’t want you to be faking it, just to get them off your back. But I was wrong and I’m sorry if it seemed like I was doubting your relationship. He’s perfect for you, and you seem really happy together.” 
It was everything you’d been wanting to hear – that even the most skeptic of your family bought your lie and was happy for Christmas. But no relief came like you thought it would; only a lump forming in your throat. “Thanks Julie, that…that means a lot. Would you excuse me please?”
You slipped out of the room, taking the stairs two at a time. You paced around for a few moments, before sitting on the edge of your bed, placing your head in your hands. You’ve gotten in too deep now and it’s going to hurt everyone — yourself included — when you have a ‘breakup’. Your mom will resent Morgan, sweet sweet Morgan, and he’ll probably get chewed out by his own mother, and it’ll all be your fault. You did this to your family, to Morgan, to yourself. 
“What’s wrong?” Morgan said, leaning against your doorframe. 
“Julie thinks we’re dating. Like for real. They all do. ” At your words, he pushed off the wall and sat beside you on the bed, his hands dangerously close to touching yours. You move them into your lap before you can’t function. 
“And that’s a bad thing?”
“I thought that was the whole point of this? To make them think we’re dating?”
“No, it was. It’s just….” You trailed off, looking down at your hands. 
“It’s just what?” 
“It’s too much, okay!” You stood up and turned to face him. “Like you’re here. You’re in Vancouver again, with me again, in my parent’s house like we’re fifteen again! You can’t be around like this and expect me not to think about the road not taken! And it doesn’t seem to bother you! And I don’t like lying! I don’t need to be lying to both our families, your teammates, my friends! I don’t need to be lying to myself that I don’t enjoy this! It feels wrong. I know we lied a lot as kids, but it feels different this time. It feels like people are going to get hurt and I don’t think I was prepared for that.” 
He took a moment. “We don’t have to lie, you know.”
“What do you mean? We’re fake dating; fake indicating lies.” You crossed your arms across your chest. 
He took another moment, taking a deep breath. “We don’t have to be fake dating. We could…be dating for real.”
“What?” you whispered.
“Can I be honest here? Like really honest?” He asked, and you could only nod slightly. “I thought you would’ve got your head out of your ass by now. I thought you had feelings for me.
"Why do you think you said my name? You could’ve said any other name but you said mine. You could’ve found any other Morgan in Toronto but you asked me. You could’ve come clean to them! There were a thousand ways you could’ve gotten out of this but you didn’t! I thought that meant we had something special; that you were finding excuses to bring me here.” He sees your blank, shocked face as a sign to continue. 
“And now that we’re here? Back in our hometown? It just all rushes back to me about how I didn’t tell you how I felt. Then I spend the days doing your family traditions and seeing you so happy with Drew and Rebekah and thinking that I could’ve had this a long time ago. But I was a coward and I don’t know if I can make the same mistake again.”
“What are you talking about?” You said breathlessly. 
“When we were at Lighthouse Park that day, I almost told you I loved you. But I didn’t. And I went to Toronto and tried to forget the huge regret I’d made. I can’t- I can’t do that again. I love you. I have loved you since we were kids. I didn’t want you to be tied down when you moved out so I didn’t say anything and I tried to forget how I felt about you. But in two days, you’ve made me fall for you all over again and I can’t go back to how things were. I won’t. I don’t want to be your fake boyfriend when I am irrevocably in love with you. I want this,” He stood up and walked closer to you, his fingers reaching out for yours. “I want this to be real.” 
“Mo…holy shit.”
“Yeah. It’s a lot, I know.” He went to step back, to give you space after everything he said, but you held onto his hand tighter. 
“No, like holy shit, I was going to tell you I loved you that day too.” One of your hands traveled to rest on his cheekbone as you caressed his soft skin. “I didn’t want to give you more pressure as you started your career; that wouldn’t be fair. But some part of me has always wanted this to be real.”
“Really?” The corners of your mouth started to lift up as you nodded. “Can I kiss you?” He asked, ever the gentleman.
“Please.” And less than a second later, his mouth was on yours. Maybe it was a good thing you waited so long, because this was better than anything you could’ve imagined at eighteen. His hands found your waist, and pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. 
When you finally pulled away for air, you pressed your forehead against his. “Wow.” 
“You’re telling me.” You giggled at him and played with the hair at the nape of his neck.
“Guess you can tell the team we’re dating for real life now.”
He laughed and pulled you in for another kiss. “For real life, eh?”
“For real life. As long as you’ll have me. ”
“Forever then, babe.” He winked, squeezing you tight. “Now let’s go join the family, yeah? Gotta beat my in-laws at Monopoly.”
His antics had you in laughter all the way down the stairs, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. There was happiness because of him.
taglist (join here): @heatherawoowoo @4ambagelbites @typical-simplelove @2manytabsopen @stars-canucks @lorrmorr @fallinallincurls @plds2000 @barzysandhughesbaby @yummygoldenfood @drei-mrssvechii @bananarantanen @pulpfixion
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huggybros · 2 years
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500 points for him!!!
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wmnylander · 11 months
looking at the leafs fanbase & realising that most people have never watched a team sport before becoming a leafs fan and finally realising that’s why people act the way they do.
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luvmmarner · 2 years
Morgan Rielly - Hold me
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(REQUESTED) Request: "I'm right here baby, it's okay." with Morgan Rielly TW: mentions of death. TAGLIST: @bolts-nation @j-drysdale @mysticaldonkey @notacardigan @ryeriy Thanks for requesting this I loved writing it so much! <3 –
You used to be afraid of the darkness when you were a kid, and that fear has never gone away. It wasn't a big fear now that you were older. You could control being in the dark, but not when the entire home is completely pitch black.
You kept yourself occupied by watching television shows while waiting for Morgan to return home. He was finishing up the post-game interviews. You both planned to watch a movie when he got home like you always did when he was gone for a significant amount of time.
It wasn't even halfway through the show when the lights and the television both went out at the same time. You moved your gaze over to the hallway for a moment. It was dark, too. Your heart rate started to quicken. 
‘This was not happening.’ you mumbled.
You frantically searched the bed, patting it repeatedly to see if you could find your phone. You found it after rustling the blankets for a bit. You quickly unlocked your phone with no wasted time. You called Morgan's number. It rang and rang until it reached his voicemail. You made a number of attempts, but you were only able to reach his voicemail. You persisted in trying until your phone finally died.
You felt shivers rush through your body at the thought of being in the dark by yourself with no one else around to comfort you. You tightened the hold on the blanket bringing it up to cover what was to the side of you. It would be apparent to everyone there was nothing there, but the image of the darkness engulfing you was racing through your head like a freight train was all you could think about.
You had no idea how long you had been huddled up in your blankets you knew it had to be at least an hour. No matter how hard you tried to go to sleep, you were unable to do so because it was simply impossible to even close your eyes in the never-ending void of darkness.
You sat there and waited for an extremely long time, the only sound you could hear is the hooting of owls and the crickets in the distance.
That’s until you heard the front door close making the house's walls vibrate slightly. You feared the worst thoughts like; ‘what if someone broke in.’ and ‘am I going to die’ clouded your mind.
You temporarily shut your eyes as you listened to the sound of footsteps ascending the staircase. You were powerless to stop yourself from releasing a muffled sob as your tears soaked into the pillow. It was simple as that it was like in all horror movies. The power cuts and then someone dies.
"Baby… baby?" You were able to make out Morgan's voice, but your vision was hazy because the tears that were streaming down your face made it difficult to see clearly.
You could feel hands encircling your body. The scent of the cologne instantly calms and soothes you, putting you at ease. It was Morgan all along. You had absolutely nothing to be concerned about.
Morgan's hand briefly combed through your hair before returning to his previous position of massaging your back. You were able to stop crying and calm down.
“Why didn’t you answer.” You sniffled.
“I’m sorry baby. I’m here now.” He whispered planting a soft kiss on your head.
“Don’t leave.” You sighed feeling your eyes get heavier and heavier to the point you couldn’t open them.
“I’m right here baby, it’s okay. I’m never going to leave you." He shushed you when you tried to speak a few more words, but he kept reassuring you.
"I'll hold you until you wake up I promise." 
Those words made you feel comfortable enough to drift off. No more worries. You were safe and Morgan would protect you -- you were aware of that now. He was your protector and would hold you until the morning came around. 
- Enjoy reading this? Consider joining my TAGLIST <3
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sweetiepoison · 4 months
Famous Baby (Social Media Blurb)
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It all started with posts you added to your instagram story. Your fans immediately began flooding your dms with questions about why you’re in Toronto.
You of course have friends that live in the city but since speculation has begun about you and a certain NHL player, it’s hard to believe you’re there just visiting friends.
Some news outlets started reporting that you were in Toronto with Shawn, “rekindling” your relationship. They used the fact that you went to his show months before and pictures taken of the two of you at the Drew House party.
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You post two more pictures to your insta story during the leafs game which had everyone going crazy.
Fan#1: (y/n) really said let me make it clear who my man is
Fan#2: No fr, the Matthews jersey in the second pic she posted like girl….you aren’t being subtle
Fan#3: (y/n) as a wag is what 2024 needed
-> Fan#4: Can you imagine being a wag for the leafs and now (y/f/n) (y/l/n) is also one and you get to hang out with her!
->Fan#5: She would be the ultimate wag!
Fan#6: Steph Marner posted a picture of the game to her insta story and she tagged (y/n)
->Fan#7: STOP! Mitch and Auston are best friends and now we’ll get (y/n) and Steph as best friends!
Fan#8: apparently some fans went up to her during the game and she was super sweet and took pictures
->Hater#1: people were saying she wasn’t wearing his jersey like that’s so unsupportive
->Fan#9: She doesn’t need to wear his jersey to be supportive like gtfo 😤
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@yourusername: Lover girl 💙🤍
Load more comments….
Fan#1: I know ya’ll also saw Auston’s post 👀
->Fan#2: They aren’t even trying to hide it
->Fan#3: fr the matching captions, the hearts being the leafs colors…might as well just tell us
Fan#4: I’m so happy that she’s happy!
Fan#5: I know that tattooed arm!!
Mitchmarner: Just move here already
->yourusername: Can I stay at your place?
->Mitchmarner: yeah you can sleep between Steph and I
->stephmarner: she’s actually taking your spot in our bed 🤷‍♀️
-> yourusername: say less…bags are packed
Fan#6: NOOO!!! It should be you and Harry!! If you ever loved him you would get back together
->Fan#7: Can people move on and accept reality like it’s so weird
->Fan#8: I loved her and Harry, but obviously it wasn’t meant to be and we can’t bash her for moving on with her life
Yourbff#1: It’s giving soft launch
Youbff#2: It’s giving my man my man my man
->yourusername: You two will always be my #1’s no matter what 💖
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@AustonMatthews: Lover boy 😮‍💨
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Fan#1: Alexa play that should be me
->Fan#2: Idk who I want to be more Auston or (y/n)
->Fan#3: No bc you are so real for that
Fan#4: It has to be (y/n), she’s worn those sweats before during tour rehearsals
Fan#6: oh he’s down bad for her
->Morganrielly: horrendously bad
Mitchmarner: World’s biggest simp
->Fan#7: the confirmation we’re getting from all their friends in the comments is crazy 🤯
->Fan#8: no literally there was probably a pr meeting they were supposed to attend and obviously no one showed up 💀😭
Hater#1: this is gonna be terrible for his game, she’s just gonna be a distraction
->Fan#9: she literally has a whole life and career outside of him. Like she doesn’t even have the time to be a distraction
->Fan#10: she’s the best distraction to have
->Fan#11: tell me your a hater and desperate without telling me your a hater
Fan#12: Kinda random, but I love that their styles compliment each other
->Fan#13: I was thinking the same thing! I love the lowkey matching
Fan#14: I love that (y/n) was trying to be subtle and Auston was like “no I’m showing off my girl”
Fan#15: hand her back to @harrystyles
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Multi-Grammy winning pop star, (y/f/n) (y/l/n) and NHL superstar, Auston Matthews have fans speculating (and fangirling) about a possible romance between the two. While we haven’t seen a picture of the two together, back and forth posts across social media platforms have fans suspecting there might be something more than friendship there.
It’s believed the two met through mutual friend, Justin Bieber. And while we don’t know exactly when it’s clear they started becoming closer at the beginning of this year, starting with the NHL all star games. (Y/n) attended the weekend in Toronto with friends to support Bieber who was a celebrity captain alongside Matthews.
The 7 Rings singer who has been on her world tour since the summer took a break before going overseas and seems to have spent a majority of that break in Toronto.
(Y/n) posted on her instagram story at a Toronto Maple Leafs game this past weekend as they took on the Edmonton Oilers at Scotiabank arena. One post in particular caught fans eyes. At first glance it’s simple enough, a glass of wine at the game, but fans focused on the fact that also featured in the picture was a fan in front of her with a Matthews jersey on, possible a tribute to her new relationship.
When asked about (y/l/n)’s attendance following his 2 point game, Mathew’s gave up very little info. “Yeah she decided to come to a game, but so did a few thousand other people.” Auston continued, “She’s an extremely popular celebrity who is insanely talented so I’m not surprised she received a lot of attention.”
He shut down further conversation about the pair’s relationship status by saying, “I’m not going to talk about my personal life. I know what you want me to say, but it’s not my place to speak for or about her without her permission.” When asked by another reporter if (y/l/n) reached out to him about his goals or the teams win he responded, “And that’s gonna wrap it up here” ending the press conference altogether.
Later in the week the two posted to Instagram within hours of each other and fans pointed out that many of the pictures are similar. (Y/n)’s post included a boat ride featuring the Toronto skyline. Auston was a little bit more bold as his post also included a boat ride with the Toronto skyline and kissing girl but her face can’t be seen. They also had similar captions with (y/n)’s being “lover girl” and Auston’s being “lover boy”.
While they are giving away very little, we along with the rest of the world are excited about this possibly new couple.
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leafsbabe · 1 year
breeding kink headcanon - Morgan Rielly
- breeding kink Morgan who can’t decide what he thinks is hotter –coming deep inside you, watching it drip back out of you, or the thought of getting you pregnant and watching you grow round with his child
- breeding kink Morgan who doesn’t have a preference 
- breeding kink Morgan who is looking forward to being a dad
- breeding kink Morgan who is looking forward to the trying part just as much
- breeding kink Morgan who loves you
- breeding kink Morgan who loves the trust you put in each other, allowing him to come deep inside you and make you his
- breeding kink Morgan who just wants to fuck you until you’re full of him and only him for the rest of your lives
- breeding kink Morgan who leaves the timeline up to you
- breeding kink Morgan who is content with whatever you give him
- breeding kink Morgan who would be over the moon when you tell him you’re ready to try for real
- breeding kink Morgan who tells you how much he loves you and how amazing you are 
- breeding kink Morgan who is so grateful that you’re letting him breed you
- breeding kink Morgan who makes love
- breeding kink Morgan who fucks you full
- breeding kink Morgan who holds you close after, letting you calm down and settle into his arms
- breeding kink Morgan who uses his fingers to play with you after, pushing his cum back into you
- breeding kink Morgan who fucks his cum out of you only to fill you up again
- breeding kink Morgan who just loves being with you
- breeding kink Morgan who is looking forward to getting you pregnant but wouldn’t mind trying for a while
- breeding kink Morgan who’s over the moon when you tell him he’s gonna be a dad
- breeding kink Morgan who goes a little nesting crazy
- breeding kink Morgan who spends all his free time getting a nursery ready
- breeding kink Morgan who talks to your bump all the time, telling your unborn child how much he loves them
- breeding kink Morgan who can’t wait until he’s a dad
- breeding kink Morgan who’s secretly already thinking about the next one
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fullsixtyminutes · 5 months
"they're going to explore moving one or more members of their core this summer."
yeah moving mitch marner to right d
0 notes
nylwnder · 9 months
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welcome to nylwnder (2024 edition) <3 i present to you all a gift. not only because you guys are the sweetest bunch ever!!but because you deserve a little treat to start off the year! and what better than something spicy, something thirsty, just plain right horny. yes. thats how much i love you guys!
this series will be featuring my favs, which i know you also love since you brainrot with me :) the fics will be posted whenever they are ready in order to allow them each to gain traction before the next drop. dont forget to join my new taglist to be notified! im having fun writing these, and i hope you all have fun reading them! coming soon… mwah mwah!
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01 ⋆ ★ ryan o’reilly
-✶ ͙˚ ༘✎ plot : with ryan’s homecoming, you wont be using those late nights waiting for the offseason or the odd visit home. ryan is now yours, at every time of the hour. so this summer, the two of you go back to the family lakehouse, as an official pair, with still so much love to share.
02 ⋆ ★ luke schenn
-✶ ͙˚ ༘✎ plot : on a warm summer day, what better than to spend it in the pool with the people you love. but when clothes are stripped over the heat and the need for the feeling of cool, hands may get in some places. which only means luke needs to remind you, you’re all his.
03 ⋆ ★ john tavares
-✶ ͙˚ ༘✎ plot : sometimes, that barley used polaroid camera was made to take pictures that doesn’t necessarily showcase the usual subjects. but the landscape is enough to capture john’s eyes, and the film serves as a perfect gift for the road. you just better hope nobody finds them on accident.
04 ⋆ ★ morgan rielly
-✶ ͙˚ ༘✎ plot : home from a road trip in the cold days of winter, a freshly cooking meal is enough to make the rest of the night cozy and warm. but innocent food fights can also lead to some heated activities.
05 ⋆ ★ auston matthews
-✶ ͙˚ ༘✎ plot : coming home to a trail of clothes is probably the best thing auston could wish for, especially after getting another hattrick this season. not only do you bring warmth to his cold apartment, you’re lying there perfectly, waiting to be all his for the night.
06 ⋆ ★ michael bunting
-✶ ͙˚ ༘✎ plot : entering the new year with your partner is the way to go. but acting bratty to bunts during a competitive game of pool between the boys, isnt the way to go. so at the strike of midnight, there will definitely be some “entering” in one way or another.
07 ⋆ ★ william nylander
-✶ ͙˚ ༘✎ plot : as a local dog walker, there’s a certain pair of pups that own your heart — as well as their daddy. but since he’s your boss, that means the blonde is off limits. or one would think. but when you get in a muddy mess, you wouldn’t mind the offered help.
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✧.*❥。˚⁀➷ tagging some moots! @shoot-the-puck , @11livpangburn , @donttelltheelff , @domi-max , @spine-buster , @broadstbroskis , @2manytabsopen , @boqvistsbabe , @bunting27 , @ilyasorokinn , @harlowhockeystick , @couldawouldashoulda50 , @fallinallincurls , @p1tstop , @sweetiet , @mattyhatty , @bambina-daydreamer , @equallyshaw , @bedsyandco , @wyattjohnston , @catboygiroux
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twirlyleafs · 10 months
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”I knew I could take him.”
Morgan Rielly x reader
TW: blood, swearing
“What the actually fuck is wrong with you?”
That was the first thing you said, hissed even, to Morgan as he embraced you after the game. He stopped for a second, arms still around you, before leaning back slightly with a frown on his face.
When you looked up at him, ready to cuss him out again, you could clearly see the remnants of the fight. The blue and purple starting to take form around his eye and cheekbone and the screaming red scrapes over his cheek. His nose looked fine, better than you expected after seeing the blood gushing out of it when he left the ice. Morgan had raised his eyebrows, looking at you expectantly. One of his hands had settled on your hip and his fingers squeezed you slightly.
“You could’ve gotten hurt. Like really hurt. He’s big, a fucking giant-“
“I knew I could take him.” Mo shrugged, realizing what you were upset about. He had assumed that you would say something about it, being the first fight he’d been in since you started dating. “I’m strong you know.” A small smirk played on his lips as he stepped closer to you again, pulling on your hip. You frowned, pulling away. “Oh come on baby, you can’t actually be mad about this? It’s part of the game, it’s hockey.” Morgan tried to explain, dropping his arms to his side. You knew that, and you understood where he was coming from. The last seven months you had learned the ups and downs of hockey, you had seen a few fights on the ice and not once had anyone gotten seriously injured. But it was different when it was Morgan, and honestly you were offended that he couldn’t understand that.
“Let’s just go.” You muttered, earning a look from Morgan that said really? Without another word you made your way down to the underground garage. You knew Morgan was following you, even without looking, because you could hear the flops of his slippers and an occasional sigh. He stopped next to the car, waiting a few seconds before unlocking it. When you still didn’t speak up he let out a louder sigh, finally letting you in. The car ride was just as silent, until you came up on the intersection that determined if he was going straight home, or to your place.
“So?” You didn’t look over at him when he spoke, but lifted your head slightly to let him know you were listening. In the corner of your eye you could see him grip the steering wheel tighter, you knew he was annoyed. “Should I just drop you off at your place?” You felt the lump in your stomach move up your throat.
“Well babe,” he muttered, sarcasm dripping from his words. “I don’t see the point in hanging out if you’re not even speaking to me.” You didn’t answer but to your relief Morgan still didn’t take the turn to your part of town. No level of annoyance would make him actively choose to sleep apart from you. The air felt cold around the two of you in the elevator ride up to his apartment and the second you entered he made his way to the bedroom, not even sparing you a glance. You knew you were the one who started this, and you were without a doubt still upset about the fight, but you seriously hated fighting with Morgan. He wasn’t an angry person and the two of you rarely raised your voices at each other. Instead, when he noticed you being mad or he himself got upset he’d just distance himself from you for a while. It was how you usually handled disagreements and it usually worked, but tonight you hated it. You let a few tears roll down your cheeks as you quietly maneuvered around the kitchen, picking out the ingredients to make sandwiches. Morgan was always hungry when he got back after a game so you knew he’d make his way to the kitchen sooner or later to get something to eat. You fried some chicken and chopped vegetables, toasting some bread at the same time. It didn’t take more than fifteen minutes before you heard Morgan trudging down the hallway and in the corner of your eye you could see him stop right in the doorway. You knew he was watching you as you assembled the sandwich, cutting it into two triangles before placing them on a plate.
“What do you want to drink?” You asked, still not looking over at him. With something between a sight and a groan Morgan pushed off the doorframe, walking towards you. You didn’t resist when he grabbed your hips, turning you around to face him.
“Please stop sulking.” His voice was soft, apologetic almost, but his words had you shaking your head.
“I’m not sulking Mo. I’m-“ you didn’t really know what it was you were doing, trailing off as you hung your head.
“Then what? What’s wrong? I’m fine, you’re fine. No one’s hurt and we won the game. I don’t get why you’re so upset-“
“How would you feel watching me get punched in the face?” Frowning you finally looked up at him. Morgan’s eyes flickered between yours, probably noticing the signs of your earlier crying. “You wouldn’t find it disturbing to see my blood all over my shirt and on the ground?”
“That’s not the same thing. It’s part-“
“It’s part of the game I know.” You interrupted him, breaking away from his touch. You walked a few steps before turning back around to look at him, dragging your hands through your hair. “I get that Morgan, I do but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s fucking scary. You were bleeding so much, you have a black eye for gods sake! And I sat up there not being able to do anything. I couldn’t even come see you. Sure you’re fine but I couldn’t know that. You skated off the ice and I had to sit there and hope that you didn’t have a concussion or a broken nose or a broken hand or whatever. I know it’s your job and I know it’s hockey but even when you’re on the ice, when you’re Morgan Rielly of the Toronto Maple Leafs, you’re still my boyfriend and I think I’m allowed to worry about you.” You hadn’t even noticed you started crying again until you tasted the salt on your lips. Embarrassed you quickly reached up to wipe your cheeks, turning away from your boyfriend. He watched you with big eyes for a few seconds before he regained control of his body, taking a few quick steps towards you. You couldn’t help but let out a small sob as he wrapped you up in his arms, quickly tucking your head under his chin.
“I’m sorry.” He muttered against your head, swaying you slightly from side to side. “You’re right, you are one hundred percent right baby.”
“I just don’t like seeing you hurt.” You sniffed, making Morgan squeeze you even tighter.
“Come’er.” He bent down slightly to grab your legs, hoisting you up into his arms. You let your arms snake around his neck, head still pressed against his chest. Morgan carried you into the living room, sinking down into the couch with you in his lap. “Look at me.” He urged after getting comfortable, softly grabbing your chin. You obliged, leaning slightly away to be able to come face to face with him. Morgan offered a soft smile as he wiped your cheek with his thumb. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” You puffed out, leaning into his touch. He leaned closer a pressed a few featherlight kisses on your face, lapping up the last tears. When he pulled back again he was pouting slightly. “I want to tell you that it won’t happen again but I can’t, you know that right?” You nodded with a sigh. He was right earlier, it’s part of the game. Morgan kept stroking his thumb across your cheek, down your chin and your bottom lip. “But I can tell the medical team to call you if I ever have to leave the ice, so you can come down right away, hmm? And I can promise you to always win the fights.” When you couldn’t help but smile his smirk grew. “And we can make a deal.”
“What deal?” You were curious now, making him let out a soft laugh.
“Every time I get into a fight, which isn’t often thank you very much, I will owe you.”
“Owe me what?” You shifted on his lap, so that you were more or less straddling him. Morgan leaned back slightly in the couch, letting his hands trail down to squeeze your thighs.
“Whatever you want baby.” He mused. You pretended to think about it, scrunching your eyebrows together for a few seconds. Morgan couldn’t help but laugh.
“Fine. Deal.” You nodded, pulling up your hand for him to shake. He shook his head, reaching up to grab your face instead. You giggled as he pulled you down, pressing his lips against yours.
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