#Mornin' glory
bea-lele-carmen · 1 year
Good mornin', mornin' glory Good mornin', what's your story? Good mornin', where'd you spend the night? Where did your night dreams take you? Sorry, but I had to wake you Oh, I just had to make you Shed your precious mornin' light on me, yeah
Oh, good mornin', sleepy baby You know, I'm thinkin' maybe I love you even more today Every time you go to sleep I'm jealous of the dreams That keep you away from me
Good mornin', mornin' glory I have to thank the sandman For he's let you wake up In my arms again
Doo-doo, da-doo-doo, doo-doo
Oh-oh-oh, come on, darlin', time to get up I have your breakfast table set up It's such a lovely mornin' to see And I have my mornin' glory with me
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pulchramsolis · 2 years
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look, I tried to get this to a reasonable amount of tracks, okay you guys?
merry holidays to @fyredreamt, @kinslcyer, and @sunfyred ! spotify link coming to your dms!
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izukuszn · 9 months
𝟗:𝟐𝟑 𝐚.𝐦
“Baby?” Someone lightly shakes your shoulder, but you only groan in response, clutching at the covers and pulling them further up your body. 
“Wake up, sleepy head,” the voice says, a bit louder this time, laced with amusement. When they rub at your shoulder, hard enough to rouse you but still gentle, you lazily open an eye, revealing Satoru, sitting on the side of the bed. 
The blinds are pulled open behind him, early morning sunlight pouring in, highlighting the edges of his hair. He’s not wearing any eye-coverings, so you get to see him in all his glory, azure eyes set on you. His skin crinkles in the corners as he gives you a soft smile. “How’s my angel?” He asks, leaning down to place a lingering kiss on your forehead, brushing your hair back with a warm hand.
You pout, grumpy that he’s woken you up, but pleased that he’s the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes. “Mornin’,” you say.
“Good morning. ‘Missed you.” Satoru’s hand settles on the side of your face, thumb stroking your skin as he talks. “You’ve been sleeping for too long, there’s only so much you can dream about when all you need is right in front of you, you know.”
Laughing, you sit up, sheets pooling at your waist, and you reach over to envelop him in a cozy hug as a greeting. You feel him sniff your hair, nose at your neck, rub his large palms up and down your back. Slowly, he maneuvers you back down and settles on top of you, making sure to keep half of his weight on the mattress so you’re not crushed. He ends up with his head resting on your chest, his arms wrapped around you, tangled with you and the sheets. His palms are warm, crawling underneath your shirt to feel your bare skin. 
You place your own arms around his shoulders, one of your hands carding through his pillowy hair. You close your eyes as he invades your senses, content to just lay like this. To bask in this morning with him, knowing that you’re here together. That you’ve been granted this luxury, at least for today. 
“Is someone feeling clingy?” You tease. 
He whines, burying further into you. “So mean to me, baby. What did I ever do to deserve this?”
Giggling, you place a kiss on the crown of his head, and you can hear him sigh against you, satisfied with your affection. 
“Love you, ‘Toru,” you say. You mean it more than anything. 
He momentarily brings his face up for a kiss, grinning at you in that lovesick way that does terrible things to your heart. “I love you too,” he responds, then giving you another. 
The two of you lay there, content to love each other, and enjoy this moment. 
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imaginesmai · 1 year
Alfie Solomons - Night adventures
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I've been sick for week now with the worst stomach bug ever, and this has been on my mind for a few days! Welcome back Alfie to my blog!
Plot: Alfie doesn't come home from work and you worry something has happened, so you decided to go to the bakery.
Warning: Alfie's vocabulary is just saying fuck, really.
The streets were empty, too late for the common citizens and too early for the unfortunate first-shift workers. You had only found a beggar sleeping in a pile of boxes and two men trying to get home stumbling through the pavement. The silence, the darkness, would have been a good reason to turn back and worry about him under the covers, warm and safe. When a cat jumped from a window and landed on a car, you actually took a few steps back.
But Cyril stared at the menace until the animal hissed its way back to wherever it belonged.
Swallowed in one of Alfie’s long coats, with his hat covering your face, you finished the thirty minutes’ walk to the bakery. A faint light was coming from the top floor, and anyone would have thought bakers were starting their day early.
You knew it was your husband, Alfie, who hadn’t finished his yet. There was a man posted on the back entrance, the one you always used when you came to see him unexpected. It was closer to his office, it was more discreet, and besides, you knew Ollie. He would be one less problem for you that night.
When the boy saw you approach him, his whole back tensed. His hand made it to the holster on his hip before he recognized Cyril and your soft smile, once you were close enough. The soft street light let you see his panicked stare.
“What – Y/N, what the fuck are you doin’ here?” he quickly grabbed you by your arm and, checking both sides, pushed you inside the bakery. “It’s fuckin’ two in the mornin’!”
“I am aware of that, Ollie, since I also own a watch” you told him, taking down your hat.
“How did you get – does he know you’re here?” Ollie, who had been almost asleep leaning against the door, was now growing agitated. “You didn’ brin’ a car. You walked?”
“Me and Cyril, yeah”
The familiar warmth of the bakery felt good against your sore muscles. Not only you had half-jogged half-ran for thirty minutes, but the tension of the night and the worries for him had made the cold weather of November seep into your bones. You weren’t about to let Ollie notice how glad you were to be finally somewhere safe, because that would only prove a point you were trying to avoid.
“Y/N, it’s the middle of the night”
“So it is for my husband, who was supposed to be home with me. But that big head must have forgotten his own watch at home, given he’s still here”
“He’s not alone. Someone came to see him, and the meetin’… yeah, it was longer than wha’ he thought”
“Oi, wha’ that noise ‘bout, yeah?” a booming voice came from the floor above you, the door of his office banging open. “Didn’ I ask for silence?”
Alfie, in all his grumpy and broody glory, leaned against the railing and saw both of you. You weren’t surprised to see he was still wearing his working clothes, a small, stained pinny wrapped around his waist. His hair was sticking in different directions from being tugged at, and his face complemented his mood when he locked eyes with you.
Of course, Cyril tried to reach him and let his presence be known with loud barks. You passed his leash to Ollie and made your way up to your husband’s office. The metal stairs echoed under your shoes, and even if you kept your eyes on them, you felt his on you every second.
Far from being intimidated or angry, you felt your worries melting away. He usually came home before the sun set – had picked that tradition years ago once you were officially married and hadn’t missed a day. But it had been a rough week for the both of you, and when he hadn’t shown up, you had feared the worst. Patiently, you had waited and called his office. After not receiving an answer and not hearing the door, you had decided to check for yourself.
You weren’t naïve enough to go alone, but since there wasn’t anyone around to accompany you, Cyril had been your bodyguard for the night. Many things could have happened. Some of them you could imagine, some remember from past experiences because of his enemies’ retaliations. All of them were present in Alfie’s eyes as you reached the top of the stairs and met him face to face.
His nostrils flared and he pressed his lips in a tight line, but behind all of that there was just fear. You waited until he looked at every part of your body, from your soft smile to the hem of your skirt. One of your hands took his fist and didn’t let go until he held it. Alfie didn’t let his frown go as he raised it to his mouth and pressed a kiss to your knuckles.
“Aren’ your suppos’ to be in bed” he growled against your hand.
“With you, but you didn’t come and I was worried” you explained, moving a step closer to him. “Called and no one answered. I didn’t know if… so I came to check. Brought Cyril with me”
“Stupid dog knows you ain’t suppos’ to leave” Alfie looked down at Cyril, and his eyes softened. “You alrigh’, yeah? Nothin’ happen?”
“I’m fine. Just tired. And worried about you”
“Come ‘ere”
You fell into his arms and the remains of worry and tension left your body. He smelt like rum, bread and sweat, like home. You closed your eyes when his hand found the back of your head and pressed it against his shoulder. Later, you would probably have a long conversation about what you had done. Not only it had been reckless, but if you had been right, there wasn’t much you could have done.
His life came with highs and downs, and you had been there enough to know them. That doesn’t meant you had grown used to the feeling of not knowing if he was fine or not, if he was alive. When you hugged him closer, your arms around his middle, you let him know that you were glad.
Someone opened the door and you saw Tommy Shelby walking out of Alfie’s office. You didn’t like that man, neither did he like you, but you both respected each other enough. Eventually, their relationship would go south, either because of his or Alfie’s biggest interest; and you just hoped it wouldn’t go too south.
Alfie noticed his stare and turned around. Instinctively, you were covered by his huge back, not seeing anything but the sweaty locks at the back of his neck.
“I believe we were in the middle of something”
“And I believe it’s time for my husband to come home” you said from behind Alfie, trying to move around. Effectively, Alfie moved with you.
“Your’ gonna ‘ave to excuse my wife, mate. She’s right, ain’t she” Alfie said. He gripped your hand again and made you stay in place.
When it came to you and the business, Alfie Solomons had always had it clear. You had walked into his life and turned everything around, and if needed to, he would leave it all behind if you asked to. You always came first, no matter what. He could come home late, share his matters with you and attend to political galas by your side, but if you asked something, he could not say no.
So he stared down at Tommy, who had been arguing for the past six hours. He had just showed up when he was about to close the bakery, and the bouquet of flowers he had bought you was now sad and forgotten in the storage room.
“Alfie” Tommy warned him. “We need to close the deal. I’m not about to risk half my percentage if you aren’t willing to take the risk”
“The only risk I’m takin’ tonig’ is this lovely lady back ‘ome”
“You don’t get to kick me out! I am –“
Before Tommy could grow any more aggressive, he had Alfie’s gun pressed tightly against his chin. The baker was a few inches shorter than him, but somehow, he stared down at Tommy, daring him to keep talking. The Shelby brother looked at you with your arms crossed, biting back his next words.
“Listen, now, cause I believe, this¸ right, this is my fuckin’ bakery. My fuckin’ rum. Money. Business. And that’s my fuckin’ wife your’ lookin’ at, so unless you wan’ to go ‘ome wit’ one less eye, Shelby, stop fuckin’ lookin’ at ‘er”
“Get your fucking hands – “
“Shut the fuck up! You, barkin’ orders, at me?! In my fuckin’ work?!” Alfie screamed into his face, making Tommy take a few steps back. When the man once more met your eyes with the same, disgusted face, Alfie struck him with the gun. “Are you fuckin’ deaf?! Don’ look at her or I’ll rip your eyes out with my nails!”
Cyril barked as if he supported his owner’s words. You looked down and noticed Ollie was no longer alone. There were three other men, that had appeared out of thin air, at the bottom of the stairs. All of them looked ready to climb it in less than a second.
Not too far away, Tommy’s men would be close. It wouldn’t be the first time Alfie got into trouble because of you, or the last. His protectiveness was founded, but sometimes he went a little overboard. Tommy had looked at you many times before, and had been threatened each time he had done it.
Some part of you wondered if he was a sucker for Alfie’s threats or was really looking for them to become true.
Before your night could escalate into bigger events, you moved behind Alfie and wrapped your hands around his raised arm. You had gone to the bakery to find out if Alfie was there, to retrieve him from his pile of work and hopefully catch a few hours of sleep by his side. After a long day of own work, you were tired and in need of some peace.
“Let’s just go home”
Under your touch, Alfie relaxed and dropped the gun. He kept his eyes locked on Tommy and the man was smart enough to clean the blood of his lip and turn back. You guessed his men should be on the main entrance, and you were really thankful you had chosen the back one.
You watched him disappear. Watched, in silence, as the group of men that had surrounded you went back to their corners where you couldn’t see them. Alfie didn’t bother retrieving anything from his office, just closed the door and let you lead the way down the stairs.
Once you were down, he nodded to Ollie and the boy disappeared, carrying Cyril with him.
“That was dangerous, pet” he said, his voice soft. There was a rough, scared edge you had grown to notice through the years. “You, yeah, you can’t jus’ come ‘ere. You need to tell me”
“I know, Alf. But I did call. And you always answer. I knew you had a meeting and since you didn’t come home, I didn’t know what to think” you told him, not giving him. “What if it was the other way? What if I didn’t come home one night? Wouldn’t you come looking for me too?”
“I’d burn down fuckin’ Camden, luv, you know tha’”
“Then you can’t get angry at me, not at this. I was careful, nothing happened”
It hadn’t happened, but it could. Not only Alfie’s enemies. Night in Camden Town held more dangers than mobsters or gangs, ones that didn’t know who you were married to and weren’t afraid of your husband. It was irresponsible, dangerous, and you knew better.
It wasn’t the time, though, and Alfie knew it.
“Alrigh’, pet, alrigh’. Jus’ try not to send me to an early gave, yeah?”
“You won’t get rid of me even in a grave, Alfie Solomons”
His laugh echoed in the empty bakery. Alfie wrapped his coat closer to your body, not saying anything about your choices of clothes, and put his hat back into your head. Always the gentleman he opened the door for you and dragged you closer to his side.
You didn’t take the path you had walked, but the opposite way. Ollie’s car was waiting for you at the other end of the street, Cyril probably a looming threat in the backseat ready to tackle Alfie as soon as he opened the door. Finally in peace, you wrapped your arm around his middle and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Love you” you whispered, looking up at him.
“Yeah, luv you too, don’ I”
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated!
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sweetadonisbutbetter · 6 months
I HAVE A PENNY *gives you a copper penny*:) BUTTTTT ! Do you think you could do Female Fluff with Striker? If not it’s alright!
AHWFR *attempts to grab at the penny like a gremlin* i will write the sexy cowboy... as long as i get the penny in the end (TYY FOR THE ASK TOO TEEHEE) reader is meant to be an imp and they will be married bc...i say so thx
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Even cowboys gotta rest | Striker x Fem! Reader
Relationship: Romantic Warnings: NONE!!! kinda short
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You awoke to the lack of heat next to you. Sitting up, you rub your eyes and sit up, your blanket pooling around your torso as your husband's shirt drapes over you. You stretch and notice the lack of another presence in your bed. You look to his side of the bed, and confirm that he was not there. Sighing, you throw yourself back into your bed. 
‘It seems he has already left for work.’ You think as you move to get comfortable. However, before you can get too cozy, you smell meat cooking. Slightly startled by the smell, you leap out of bed and go to investigate the smell. Bare hooves caused soft clicks on the floor as you neared the kitchen. At the doorway, there stood your husband, Stiker, in all his glory. His ivory hair was a mess, be it bedhead or your constant moving in the night you didn’t know. He was shirtless, wearing something more akin to pajama pants and without his boots. He doesn’t seem to notice you, far too focused on cooking. You just stood there, looking at your husband's back like an idiot. 
You didn’t even notice him finish up the food, plating it onto two separate plates. You do notice him turning around and looking at you. He wipes his hands on the towel that was on the counter, cleaning them of all the grease and dirt on it. His signature smirk makes its way to his face as he greets you.
“Mornin’ baby doll. Yuh hungry?” You dumbly nod at his question, to which he just softly chuckles. He grabs both of the plates and moves to set them down on the table, you following behind him. Taking a seat, he continues to work, pouring you a glass of what you normally prefer in the morning and fixing himself a glass of coffee. You watch as he works, unsure why you are stunned by your husband being home. After finishing, he drags his seat closer to yours and begins to eat. 
Instead of eating, you continue to look at him like he is a stranger. Striker seems to notice your gaze, and without even looking up, he snaps you out of your thoughts.
“Yuh need something, sugar?” 
“You’re home.” You say after a while. He doesn’t stop eating, he doesn’t even turn to look at you, but his smirk does grow bigger ever so slightly.
“Yeah, I’m home.”
You don’t say anything more, throwing your arms over his shoulders, hugging him a bit awkwardly since he is right next to you. However, he doesn’t seem to mind, instead chuckling and throwing an arm around your waist. You begin to pepper his cheek with kisses, elated to have him home. He chuckles some more, no longer eating, instead of relishing in your kisses. While you were kissing him, he pulled you into his lap. Now on his lap, both of y’alls tail wrap around one another. Once you were done peppering him with kisses, you cupped his face and just looked at him. 
“I wasn’t expecting you home today.”  You say as you stroke his cheek. He leans into your touch and kisses the palm of your hand, placing a hand over yours. 
“Even I can only last so long without your touch.” He purrs, causing you to blush and smile softly. He leans forward and kisses you on your lips, as you return the kiss. After the kiss, you attempt to get off his lap, only to be held back by Stiker’s arm. “Where do you think you're going? You are staying right on me.”
You smile and begin to dig in, already excited for your lazy day with your husband.
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AHFDF hope u enjoyed thiss, sorry this is so short bawling i don't really have a firm grasp on his character, so I hope I did him justice :DDD
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backwzzds · 1 year
ೃ⁀➷ 5 in the mornin’, trafalgar law (nsfw)
law never gets mad when you call. even if its to have phone sex with him at 5 in the morning.
only back to drop for my baby daddy’s birthday <3. might feed y’all some more later today i gotta see how tired i am 🙇🏾‍♀️
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it nearing 5 in the morning when you’d started to grow restless. usually you pulled all nighters on the night where law had to pull doubles at the hospital, most lasting anywhere from 36 to 48 hours. but no matter how many times he told you to stop waiting up two days straight for him—you didn’t listen.
you were sure that sleep was coming soon. law only worked four days a week, ranging at 96 hours of being head surgeon, and most of that time, you spent it awake, up and waiting for him—you were insane. you checked the time and figured that he’d finally be on his three hour break, permitting him to finally get at least a nap in his office quarters designated for senior doctors.
you began to grow irritable as you felt your body heat up randomly. you couldn’t remember the last time you had sex; it’s been a couple weeks due to how busy both you and law were. though the sun would be coming up soon, you’d felt the sudden urge to masturbate and hopefully release some tension like you usually did in order to sleep, but knew your fingers were nothing in comparison to law’s.
contemplation picked at your brain. you bit your lip, waging a mental war with yourself on what you should do. you were sure law would be napping right now—getting the little bit of sleep he usually did before his next and last surgery at eight in the morning, just a few hours from now. he always answered the phone whenever you called, but you felt so bad for disturbing him, even if it was just to get a nut from the sound of his voice alone.
you decided to try and settle it out yourself in hopes that you could have at least one orgasm before sleep naturally came over you. but with your plush legs spread open to the wall full of pictures of you two, you screwed your eyes shut in frustration when you couldn’t get yourself to cum. twenty minutes had passed by and you were growing annoyed for the lack of a nice orgasm.
finally giving into your nasty desires, you picked up your phone and clicked on law’s contact to facetime, resting the phone on the pillow by your ear, hand still between your hands and rubbing at your clit. you’re breathing heavily when he finally answers.
“hm?” you look over at your phone and notice that law is laying down with near closed eyes, the room to his quarters barely lit. “you alright baby?” his voice is groggy and tired. you felt bad for bothering him.
“i’m sorry,” you choked out. “just wanted to hear your voice is all. go back to sleep.” you’re prepared to hang up and just deal with your orgasm yourself but stopped when law hums in decline.
law opens one eye and furrows his brow as to why he was staring at the ceiling. “it’s alright. you okay?”
you breath out, rubbing your clit at the sound of his voice. even that was enough to get you to cum. “yeah, i’m good. just miss you.”
your man lets out a yawn as he finally sits up a bit and eyes the camera. “i miss you too. you sure you’re okay? you sound like something is bothering you.”
“law, please talk to me,” you whisper softly, “say something sexy, please baby. how was your day at work?”
“it’s fine. had a knee and back surgery today. the back one nearly blew me out from how intricate it was. one wrong move and you could nick an artery in the spinal cord and permanently paralyze the patient…” it doesn’t take long for your doctor boyfriend to hang onto your words once he hears your unsteady breathing grow louder. “you in bed right now?” you hum out a response and nod your head, forgetting he couldn’t see you. now law was more awake as the topic of conversation intrigued him. his voice remains low as he thinks about you in all your glory. “you touching yourself?”
“mhm,” you let out. “keep—keep telling me about your day, baby please.”
“you really couldn’t wait, huh?” he chuckled lowly. it was just like you to be impatient. “thought i told you i’ll deal with you when i get home in a few hours, hm? you know my work days are boring.”
“fuck,” you drew out. it wasn’t unusual for you to be the perverted one in the relationship. law was more of the quiet one but you never had a problem with expressing yourself—oncoming orgasms included. “c-couldn’t wait. g-gonna cum soon.”
your chest is heaving up and down as law responds, dominance slowly peaking into his still hoarse vocie. “alright. you gonna do everything i tell you to, baby?”
you slip your middle finger into your cunt, slowly teasing yourself in hopes of tricking your body into thinking it was law touching you, but your body knew better than that. no one could ever replace the surgeon of death’s hands. “yes daddy, just make me cum please,” you whisper, eyes fully closed now.
the sound of a zipper is being heard from the phone, and you could only assume that law was mirroring your actions in the confinements of his own room, pulling his fat cock out the tent of his pants. with a heavy breath, he mutters, “rub that clit for me. nice and slow, okay, baby? just let me take control.”
you nod your head and do as told, handling your little bud with the utmost care as law would have. a few seconds into doing so, you can’t help but ask, “you touching yourself?”
small grunts and moans from law’s end of the phone tells you all you need to know as he breathes heavily. “no other choice but to,” he grits out, referring to your irresistible personality that only got more attractive during your mutual masturbation sessions. only you could wake the surgeon three hours before his next surgery for some phone sex and an orgasm. “go ahead ‘n put a finger in for me just the way i do it.”
“as long as you rub your thumb over your fat tip,” you whisper, pumping your middle finger in and out of you. “can you do that for me baby? nice and slow.”
“mhm,” law hummed, nodding. “fuck,” he whined lowly. and just like you said, he rolled the D of his right thumb finger right over his reddened tip, sticky with pre-cum as he savored your voice over the phone. “take your tits out. squeeze them just the way you like it.” with your free hand, you opened your robe, revealing your already naked body. “add one more finger.”
you let out a gasp as you feel yourself stretch with the addition of another finger, but not in the same way it does with law’s. “wish i can show you,” you wheeze out. “show you how wet my pussy is for you.”
“i know, mama,” law coos as he talks you through it. “but i’m not there right now so you’re gonna have to work this one out on your own in the mean time. rub your clit clockwise. you know how i do it,”
you frown. “‘s not you, daddy,” you whine, “‘s not gonna work.”
“stop talking and focus,” law’s voice is stern as he practically bites down on his tongue to prevent a loud groan from escaping from his lips. “you wanna call me at 5 in the mornin’ knowin’ i got a surgery to prepare for soon? mhm hmm, shove those fingers up that cunt and be a good girl now.”
you immediately do as told and stuff yourself with another finger. you curve your thumb upward to rub at your clit, causing you to jolt with extra stimulation. “oh fuck,” you whined, kicking ur knees up to the ceiling. you begin to feel a large knot tie in your stomach as you sped up your pace. “keep talking, baby. please.”
“yeah? you like that, mama?” law’s voice is taunting and teasing as he himself begins to lose control of his breathing. “you like it when i talk to you mean like that? you little minx.”
“yes,” you dragged out in a whining tone. “need you so bad, papa, i miss you.” you hadn’t seen your man in four days—of course you were gonna be acting like this.
“fuck,” the young doctor’s straining himself to hear your words. with a few more pumps of his shaft to the sounds of your wet pussy and whiny cries, law finally comes undone, shooting thick ropes of his hot white cum all over his delicate fingers and scrubs.
the proof of his affection continues oozing out the slick red slit of his tip as he bites down on his lip, trying his hardest not to let his sounds travel outside his sleeping quarters. “you gonna cum baby?”
“law, ngh—i’m coming!—“ you’re gasping for air once you finally feel the knot in your stomach come undone once more. fingers soaking up your juices like prunes, your eyes flutter shut when you feel your heart finally slow down. you and your man are both are breathing heavily over the phone when law finally sits up from his position.
“i’m on my way home.”
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iamnotdeadyet · 28 days
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Lazy Mornings |Pt.1
// Lazy mornings with JJK men
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It's so rare to have him in your bed even two seconds after six A.M, so imagine your surprise when the alarm clock doesn't ring and the clock shows 8:05.
But that isn't what surprises you, no. Instead it's the long arms wrapped around your waist and the mess of white hair that tickles your chest. On top of you lay Satoru Gojo in all his sleepy glory. "So that's why I couldn't breathe, huh?..." You whisper, mostly to yourself but it seems to make Satoru stir and a groan to escape from his lips. Oops.
"Mornin'" is the only warning you get before he shifts closer to you and begins planting lazy kisses on your neck. Just as you were about to say your goodmorning's too, a kiss that lands on your lips has you silenced. Satoru's hands drift further south, one stopping on your thigh and the other going to lazily trace circles on your clothed clit.
A whimper and then a muttered "goodmornin'" leaves your lips. Meanwhile Satoru had moved to suck on your nipples while your shirt was still on. Not doing much to please you, but it still left you hot and bothered. So you press your knee against his crotch, gently, and are pleasently surprised he is already semi-hard. A toothy is grin spreads on his lips before leaning down to capture yours again.
It would be a while until you two left the bed.♥︎
Geto Suguru
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Waking up with Suguru by your side was normal, yes. But he would usually be fully awake and ready for the day. But today...
You woke up because of a particularly loud snore coming from none other than your lover,Suguru. You didn't expect to see him not awaken before you, but the sight of him laying on your chest with his cheeks squished by your chest and messy raven hair thrown everywhere-you couldn't help but snap a picture. Hearing the 'click' of the camera, Suguru raises his head from your chest with a confused,sleep-dazed look and searches around his room with his eyes until he finds the culprit. As his hooded eyes land on you, he groans, pushing the phone away from your hands. Then he buries his head in your chest again to muffle your laughter from his ears. After a while he begins placing kisses on your collarbone ,making his way up to your jaw. His teeth make contact with your skin and you gasp. Fonding amusement in your reactions, he continues this little game until your neck and collarbone are covered in an acceptable amount of hickeys.
It wasn't often he acted like this, no, but you were going to make the most of it today.♥︎
I know Geto's part was shorter but im making a similar thing for him rn and it will be out soon
iamnotdeadyet owns this
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angelicblondie · 2 months
hiii! i loved your fic about lazy days with luke? could you write one for rafe?
hi angel! yes ofcccc! glad you liked it <333 (MDNI)
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rafe rarely got days off, which made lazy days hard to come by. but when he did, they were your favorite of days.
there was something so perfect about simply waking up with nothing to do. whilst on most days you were waken by rafes blaring alarm (you told him to change it to anything but the radar noise, but he refused, saying it was the "most effective"), today you got to wake up on your own time. rafe was still asleep, most likely exhausted from his latest work trip, so you let him sleep a bit longer, getting up to fetch him some coffee.
by the time you got back he had migrated to your side of the bed with a subconscious frown, as if he had noticed you were gone and was searching for you. you bite your lip to hold back a smile and place the mug on the end table, crawling up next to him and brushing some hair out of his face. he groaned, scrunching his eyes up as you giggle softly.
"mornin' rafey," you whisper groggily, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. his eyes fluttered open, taking in the sight above him. "mornin'," he replied, looking to the clock for the time.
you cuddle back up into him, handing him his coffee and he sits up to sip it. you decide to just lay in his lap, playing with his free hand and cracking his knuckles. the silence that surrounds the two of you is comfortable, and you quietly hum underneath your breath, looking up at rafe every now and then to admire his early morning glory.
you two spend most of the morning in bed, cuddling and kissing, talking in quiet and gentle voices, as if you two weren't trying to disturb the peace.
you eventually get up to shower, the warm water trailing down your skin as rafe lathers body wash all over you, taking a moment to raunchily fondle your tits and ass, to which you giggle and shove him off, scolding him lightheartedly.
you then washed him, becoming shy when reaching his lower stomach, looking up at him with a shy smile and fluttering lashes. rafe looks down at you knowingly, his lips quirking up and lust clouding his eyes.
" y'askin' for permission?" he cocks his head, bringing his hand to smoothen out your wet hair.
you bite you lip timidly and nod, eagerly waiting for his verdict. he waits a moment, before nodding. "aight, go for it".
you get down on your knees, looking up at him through you lashes as your hands move to wrap around his base, and your lips shyly kiss his tip, not breaking eye contact for a second. rafe groan, before letting out a breathy chuckle. "nah, nah, fuck this. j'need to be in ya," he states as he pulls you up. "sound good, princess?"
you nod eagerly, very pleased with where this was headed. "mhm"
rafe lifts you up, allowing your to wrap you legs around his his waist as he pressed you against the shower wall, placing sloppy kisses on the wet skin of your necks as you whimper pathetically, your noises echoing against the close walls.
rafe aligns himself with your entrance and slides himself in, making sure to look in your eyes as he does so.
eye contact was a really big thing for rafe - there was something so intimate about it that you loved, as well. it was really hot for the both of you, and it got you going each and every time.
rafe rythmically moved himself in and out of you as you threw your head back against the cold shower wall and whined, babbling and begging incoherently.
your nails scratched downs his back as he pounded himself into you, muttering dirty things against your lips, only bringing you closer to your climax.
"yeah? feels good, huh?"
"y'close? is that what your sayin'?"
you would reply, but your words were rushed and blended all together, coming across inaudible. rafe would tease and mock you in reply, saying something like, "s'that so?" or, "oh yeah? tell me more baby".
it didn't take too long for the both of you to cum, not once looking away from each others eyes. rafe hips spluttered against your, and he let out a low, guttural groan, fucking the last of his cum deep inside of you. your head is throw back again, as you close your eyes to catch your breath. rafe grabs your hips to lift you back to the ground, and and cups your face as you smile tiredly up at him.
"gimme a kiss," rafe mutters through a soft smile, guiding you face close to his as you gift him a soft yet steamy kiss.
rafe cleaned the both of you up, and you finished in the shower, drying yourselfs off before simply jump back in bed naked, to enjoy the rest of your day off.
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m2ok · 6 months
I’ve never been so madly in love
Cowboy! Johnny Mactavish x bottom! M!reader
Tw: soft fluffy smut
A/N: Guys this is my first time writing smut…I think I did alright, but let me know if you have any critiques for future reference :) 
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Johnny twisted in the bonds tied around his wrists, thick rope cutting into soft skin as he wriggled about from where you had placed him on top of your horse. 
“Oh come on!” He groaned, trying with all he had to stretch the rope and break it, but to no avail. 
You ignored him, the hefty bounty you would get for his capture heavy on your mind as you made your way steadily back to your little town for which you were the sheriff of. 
Seemingly annoyed at your lack of attention, he shuffled forward as much as he could on the horse, knocking his shoulder into yours to force you to put your eyes on him. 
“Can we at least stop for the night! Wolves live near these parts and I’d rather not meet em.” He tried to reason. 
You rolled your eyes at the man as you ventured onwards, shaking your head at his pleas. 
“With the bounty on your head I wouldn’t worry about wolves. Ain’t no way I’m lettin’ them take that money from me” you assured, though positive your words did little to comfort him. 
Johnny chuckled dryly, “aw sheriff, you wound me.” he mocked, struggling against the ropes halfheartedly. After a moment he sighed, once again giving up.
“Tell me honest pal, that bounty’s all worth it? All the work, risking your neck each time? For what, a few coins and a pat on the back?” He gazed ahead down the darkening trail. The trees seemed closer, though miles ahead still, shadowy figures lurking within just awaiting his arrival. 
“When was the last time you took a rest, had yourself a drink or dance with a pretty thing?” Johnny glanced sidelong at you, a hint of mischief in his eyes despite his words. 
You were tempted to ignore him once again, but you figured conversation might do you some good out on the dusty landscape. Though you wished it was with better company. 
“Dance with who? You?” You scoffed, shaking your head as you adjusted your hat so it wouldn’t cover your eyes. 
“This here’s the only work I’ve known. I’ll be damned If I let it go now,” you didn’t care much for the money nor the glory despite what you had said, the chase was the most fun part; that was what kept you going and made the job enjoyable. 
And Johnny was the only man who routinely matched your wits. Though this time proved different, this time you had finally won. It was a kind of euphoria you hadn’t felt in a long while. 
Johnny let out an obnoxious bark of laughter. “Well now sheriff, I’ll have you know I get rather frisky when I’ve had one too many. But you don’t seem the type.” His smile faded as he pondered your words. 
“Aye…I get it. The thrill of it all keeps the blood pumpin’. Nothin else quite like the open road.” He sighed wistfully. “What I wouldn’t give to feel that freedom again, even if just for a night.”
The horses slowed as darkness fell. Up ahead was a small clearing, as good a spot as any to camp, and it had Johnny eying you sideways again.
 “Bet you five dollars i can wriggle outta these here ropes by mornin’. Whaddya say?” He flash a rougish grin, bright eyes watching for your reaction.
You stopped the horses as you camp upon the little plot of land, dismounting as you unpacked the little rucksack you carried. You set up a small tent with a mat on the inside for a buffer against the hard ground and some furs for warmth. 
You spent the next few minutes gathering wood for a humble fire, completely ignoring Johnny until the thing was built - then you spoke as you dusted your hands off on your worn denim. 
“I’d be a damned fool if I took that bet.” You said as you looked over at him, the mischievous glint in his eyes doing little to ease your nerves. “Reckon I won’t get much sleep tonight on account of makin’ sure you stay put.” You grumbled to yourself as you practically dragged him off of the horse, setting him in front of the fire before he could complain about being cold. 
Johnny chuckled at your wariness. “No need to fret sheriff, I ain’t goin anywhere.” He said with a wink before he shifted into a more comfortable position, eyeing the flickering flame.
“Must get lonely out here though. Never thought I’d say this, but I’d offer you some company.” His grin returned, flecks of gold in his eyes as he gazed over at you from where he sat, his eyes holding something you couldn’t quite pinpoint. 
“We bounty men gotta stick together after all. Who else understands the thrill of the chase, hm?”
He leaned forward, closing in on your space as his voice turned low, “and between you and me, I’ve had my sights set on a certain lawman for a while now. Why do you think I keep letting you catch me?” He winked. 
You cleared your throat, suddenly feeling warm in places the fire couldn’t have reached. Damn scoundrel was playing games with your head, same as he did to escape time and time again. But part of you found yourself intrigued at his new tactic, despite your better judgment.  
You wrote off his words as deception, an attempt to get your guard down just enough so he could run off in the middle of the night with everything you owned. 
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, adjusting your pants as you turned your attention back to the fire to hide your blush; hoping he would right off your red face as a result of the fire burning bright in front of you. 
“You’re bad at hidin’ your intentions. No wonder ya get caught so often, you’re a terrible liar.” You said with a roll of your eyes, trying as hard as you could to ignore the temptation and desire slowly building in the deep pit of your stomach. 
You and Johnny had always had this strange sort of relationship. He would tell you sweet nothings, his face so honest and true you couldn’t help but believe him only for him to run off the second he saw an opportunity. Though you always crossed paths again, and he always assured he meant what he said.
You knew it was wrong to feel this way about a man of his stature, and you hated your body for betraying your mind. The desire in you slowly turning into sick guilt at the feeling of being physically attracted to a man you were supposed to be capturing, and likely sending to his death should you turn him in. For what crimes committed you couldn’t rightly say. 
Johnny chuckled once again, not missing the slight flush creeping up your neck towards your ears. “Now now sheriff, no need to be coy. Ain’t no crime in finding a fella agreeable.”
He shifted his bound wrists, leaning ever closer so his words were for your ears alone. “And to be honest, I’ve yet to meet a man as cunning and determined as yourself. It’s…inspiring” His breath was warm against your skin, lips barely inches from your own. Fear and desire warred within - this outlaw could ruin you with a single move. And yet…out here in the whispering dark, titles and duties seemed so far away and futile. 
Johnny searched your gaze, smile fading to something hungrier, questioning. After so long chasing each other’s shadows, what would happen if one of you stopped running, just for a moment?
The fire crackled lower as stars emerged unseen above trees. Anything could happen…if you would just let it.
Your own eyes were blown wide as he leaned in ever closer, sharing the same air as you gazed into his eyes. You wanted to believe his words, and you wanted to give into your instincts. No. You couldn’t, you had to convince yourself this was just an issue of forced proximity. So pent up from a job you couldn’t catch a break from that you got hot and bothered at the sight of an attractive man. You were better than your instincts, you had to believe that. 
You cleared your throat as you leaned away from him, shaking your head as your eyebrows furrowed while a new sort of feeling filled you - hurt. You weren’t sure why this new emotion popped up, but it did. You wanted to be seen as more than just a means to an end, but you knew this life didn’t offer much of that. Everyone was always going to be more worried about their own skin, and maybe you should take their lead. 
“M’ not gonna be something you use just to get away. Nor will I be a one night stand.” You grumbled, words firm and sure as you mindlessly poked the fire with a nearby stick as a way to distract yourself from the current situation. 
Johnny sat back with a sigh, watching your restless stoking of the flames. Clearly this situation stirred more within you than you cared to show. And he understood - to give in would risk everything, for the both of you. 
“Hey now…” He said softly as his gaze turned tender “I meant no disrespect.” His tone was gentle now, earnest in the firelight. “Fact is, I’ve never met a man like you. There’s something about you that intrigues me, lawman. Something worth riskin’ it all for, if you’d have me” 
He held your gaze steadily, searching. After so long running wild, the idea of settling…It didn’t scare him half as much as he thought. Not if it was with you. 
Johnny smiled faintly. “What do you say we grab this here bounty in the morn, head into town as partners? I’m willing to turn a new leaf, if you’ll vouch for me.” 
The offer hung between you, heavy with promise. A chance at something real. It was all your call.  
You thought about your options, finally landing on something you deemed not quite illegal. With steady hands you grabbed a knife from your pocket, taking his bound hands in one of your own while the other used the blade to carefully saw through the thick rope. 
The binds fell away to the wind, and you set the knife to rest on the dirt as you gently massaged the indented skin, unwilling to let go of his warm hands just yet. 
You pulled away to look over at the small town barely a mile away, a big wooden saloon sign catching your eye. “I need a drink anyway.” You said simply as you both made the short trek over.
It was hours later when you finally got back to camp, alcohol still buzzing in your system just enough to give you confidence as you clung onto each other life life depended on it, lips clashing in a heated kiss as you moaned against him, addicted to the feeling of Johnny’s hands on your waist - desperate to keep you pressed against him. 
Johnny grinned against your lips, heart soaring like it hadn’t in years. Finally free in more ways than one, and with the most interesting man he’d ever known no less. 
“Sheriff…” he murmured, guiding you down into the soft grass as hands roamed, learning your shape in the pale moonlight. No need for words now - just sensation and freedom, two men chasing a different kind of high. 
Clothes were discarded in haste, bare flesh reveling in the cool air and fiery touches. Johnny looked down at you with hunger, a longing, he’d never allowed himself to feel fully before this night. 
“Tell me what you want darlin’,” He breathed against your neck, nipping softly at tender skin. Your hands in his hair urged him closer still, the ache inside building swiftly with the need to be inside you. 
You arched into his touch, a whine leaving your lips as his hands roamed against sensitive skin. It wasn’t often you were under someone like this, so vulnerable and splayed out for all of him to see. 
“Johnny~” You gasped, desperate for some sort of friction as you rolled your hips up to meet his own. 
“You- just want you. Please…need you to - to make me yours~” You were begging, frantic hands keeping him close as you waited with mock patience for what you wanted Hips wiggled in anticipation as you looked down to where your bodies were so nearly joined, only needing a slight push from Johnny to come together as one. 
Johnny growled low at your plea, all thoughts fleeing save the primal need to claim and be claimed in return. 
“Fuck, baby. Whatever you want~” He rumbled, grasping your hips to still them. With a slow roll of his own and careful aiming, he teased your entrance with his aching length. Your gasp spurred him onwards, sinking in to the hilt with shuddering care. 
Pausing the savor the connection, Johnny saw stars behind his eyes. You felt so unbelievably right wrapped around him, guiding his rough edges into a smooth whole. 
Bracing above, he gazed down at your blissed out expression and swore then and there - come hell or high water, nothing would rend him from your side again. You belonged to each other, body and soul, and may the devil himself try to tear you apart. 
With that vow sealed in his blood, Johnny began to move with near excruciating patience, learning your responses like familiar paths once trekked long ago. 
“Mmf~!” You moaned, words escaping you at the feeling of being filled so entirely, nearly cumming as soon as he entered, hard member pressing down in you deep enough to make you feel utterly full. 
“Fuck! so - shit - so fucking big Johnny!”  You whined, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him impossibly closer as you began to rock your hips in time with his thrusts, trying to urge him to go faster. 
“Please - please move I can’t- Need you to move-!” You begged, your own hard cock leaking precum against your stomach as you waited impatiently for him to bend to your pleas. 
Johnny groaned at your words, beyond thrilled you found his size so pleasing already. “Anythin’ for you, darlin’,” he grit out, pulling back slowly before snapping his hips forward in a deep thrust. 
That first rollick sent sparks shooting through his veins, your walls clasping him in exquisite heat. Johnny set a punishing pace from there, driving into your willing body like a man possessed. All that built up want and denial over your respective chases came flooding out in each meeting of skin. 
Reaching between you, he grasped your aching member, pumping in rhythm with his thrusts. Johnny wanted you unraveling completely beneath him, marked inside and out as truly his. 
“Come on now honey, let go for me,” he urged roughly, angling for that spot deep within. 
His balls drew tight with the promise of release, but Johnny wouldn’t dare finish before you. No, he was going to milk you for all you were worth before he even thought about his own release, tying your pleasure irrevocably to his own.
You gasped at the sudden onslaught of pleasure, eyes nearly rolling back as your body moved with every harsh pound into you, mind going dumb on his cock. Though you wouldn't ask for anything better, the feeling consumed you entirely, pleasure taking over everything as you felt that familiar coil in your stomach start to tighten further and further until-
With a soft cry you came, body shaking as your spend landed across both of your bodies. Your legs tightened around his waist, desperate to keep inside for a while longer, almost crying at the thought of him pulling out of you so quickly. You wanted to spend the entire night wrapped in him like this.
Johnny groaned at your reaction, grinding his hips through your release to prolong your pleasure. The way you clung to him so wantonly with shaking legs stole what little breath he had left. 
“So responsive already, darlin’. I ain’t done with you yet - don’t worry your pretty little head~” He rasped, uncaring of the mess you were creating. With sloppy rolls he rode out your aftershocks, cock throbbing at your fluttering insides. 
But you begged for more like the insatiable creature he knew you to be. Johnny wasted no time obeying, moving your legs so he could pull you up into his lap, pistoning up into that sweet spot with no mercy. His orgasm teetered on the edge, held back only by sheer force of will. Johnny latched onto your neck, sucking a sore mark to match the pulse beating erratically beneath his lips. 
“Fuck, sweetheart. Ya feel so damn good takin’ my cock. Gonna fuck another load outta you ‘fore I’m done, you hear?”
His fingers returned unbidden to your sensitive length, determined to wring every last shiver from your overstimulated form beneath the glory of the moon. Johnny wanted this night - wanted you - to last as long as fate allowed. Let the dawn take care of itself for once. 
His words did little to quell the burning lust building up inside of you once more, a whiny moan leaving you as your second orgasm of the night rippled through you, this time merely dribbling out of your tip. 
“God- fuck Johnny!” You whined “So good- so so good inside me. Can’t even can’t even think right!” You babbled, practically drooling as you held on tight to him fingernails no doubt leaving scratches along his body. 
“Need you to cum in me - nice and deep and- and make me yours~” You begged, rocking your hips against his. 
Johnny growled deep at your pleasure cries, all sense of restrain utterly vanished in the throes of lustful abandon. 
“Anythin’ you want, darlin’, gon’ fill that tight hole up just how you want,” he grit out through clenched teeth. A few final brutal thrusts was all it took, his release exploding within your clasping heat with a drawn out groan. 
Wave after wave pulsed from his cock, painting your velvety walls white inside and out. Johnny held you flush, grinding through the bliss to be certain not a drop was spared between your bodies. 
As his throes eased, Johnny pressed loving kisses to your sweat-slick brow, nose nuzzling sweetly against your own. “You’re fuckin’ perfect,” he murmured, cock still twitching inside its paradise. 
Johnny adjusted your sated form to cradle properly in his lap, breath coming fast yet deep with afterglow. One hand stroked gently through your hair while the other rubbed your sated length, reluctant to part so soon. 
His sweet words clouded your brain, fuzz covering everything logical as a pleasured haze took over. 
With a weak whine you came for one final time, panting softly as he removed his hand and allowed you to just rest against him. Your body was completely lax in his arms, lingering pleasures twitching inside you still. With another whine you cuddled into him, sweat turning cold on your skin as you sought out his body heat to keep you warm. 
“Don’t leave…” You whispered, the aftermath hitting you hard, body and mind falling together. “Don’t leave me again” you begged, voice shaky as you clung onto him. 
Johnny held you tighter at your whispers, heart near bursting at the confessed sentiment. 
“Never, darlin’, I ain’t goin’ nowhere without you,” he vowed softly into your hair, peppering it with gentle kisses. His hand rose to cup your face, urging your glazed eyes to meet his own smoldering gaze. 
“You’re stuck with me now, ya hear? I’d follow you into hell itself for another taste of heaven like this.” Johnny chuckled lightly even as deep emotion welled in his chest. 
“We’ll face tomorrow together, you and me against the world. Anyone tries to tear us apart will get a bullet quicker than they can blink.” He held your eyes steadily, willing you to see the sincerity in his soul. 
“I love you, little sheriff. Now and always, till my dying day.” With that Johnny sealed the oath with a tender kiss, Pouring every unspoken feeling into action. Nothing would part you from this moment, from him, ever again if he had any say. 
Now yours completely, he guided your limp form to rest atop his chest as blankets of stars looked on. Whatever dreams may come, for tonight there was only peace in each other’s arms at long last. 
As always, requests are open
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𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚖 · · · · 𝚅𝙸. 𝙹𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 ║ ⓒⓗⓐⓟⓣⓔⓡⓔⓓ
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𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚖 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 || 𝚗 𝚊 𝚟 𝚒 𝚐 𝚊 𝚝 𝚒 𝚘 𝚗 || 𝚏𝚒𝚌 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 | PAIRING(s): Joel Miller x fem!OC/reader
| RATING: explicit material | 18+ | CHAPTER CONTENT: inherent power imbalance due to boss/employee dynamic, Feelings Turning Into Action™, fucked up family relationships and drama, abusive relationships, brief mention of abusive child/parent interaction, alcoholic parent, Joel being protective, Joel being an old man, dialogue on steroids, the messy journey of healing | WORD COUNT: 10.4k
| CHAPTER SUMMARY: After a chaotic, tumultuous New Year's Eve, you start the New Year off with Joel by your side and make some much overdue resolutions.
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The light is coming from the wrong direction.
The gentle glow of the hazy, hesitant sunrise creeps slowly through the blinds and sheer purple draperies, ghosting against the impending day. There’s an unfamiliar but welcome stillness to it all, but the subconscious recognition that you aren’t waking in your own bed stirs you. Your lids lift and flutter as your mind begins piecing together all the atmosphere and context of your current setting.
The cuffs of Joel’s flannel, bunched up in your grasp, beckon your nose closer just to breathe in the scent of him. When your eyes flutter again, the room is significantly brighter. The blink of an eye and hours gone by. You’re fully awake this time, though; no drifting again. The house is still a comforting quiet, but there’s the intimations of someone else already up and about. The crust in the corner of your eyes feels particularly sharp as you rub them. The floor is cool against the arch of your foot when you swing your legs from the warm bedding and finally start to face whatever awaits you.
You’d kissed Joel. He’d kissed you back.
And then you’d practically run off upstairs while he sat there in shock. Did he regret it? Did he think you regretted it? Do you regret it???
No. There’s no amount of mortification that could ever make you truly regret finally getting to know what his lips felt like against yours. Still, you can’t quite meet your reflection’s eye while washing your hands in the hallway bathroom after peeing. His pants feel soft and warm around you. You stare into the sink, finger dabbed with toothpaste acting as a brush, and give up looking for mouthwash after a minute or two. Nothing left but to go downstairs and be confronted with the aftermath of your impulsive, reckless advance last night.
Music drifts low from a speaker somewhere in the corner of the kitchen.  A spice bottle is almost to his nose as he squints at the label. He huffs and glances off the other way and snatches something off the countertop. The swell of his bicep stretches the hem of the sleeve as he bends his arm towards his face. The slightest peek of his torso is revealed when his shirt lifts from the movement.
Joel Miller in all his scruffy morning glory. Pajama pants impressively wrinkled. T-shirt sporting several misshapen areas that droop and give from being pulled too many times. Hair mussed and tousled. Scruffy beard serving as a place for his hand to rub contemplative passes as he skims the label on the spice bottle, words and letters coming into focus with the help of his readers perched atop his curved, proud nose. His lips move in little rounded and bent shapes as he wordlessly reads through what you imagine is the ingredient list. He looks so warm and cozy and homey.
He’s breathtaking.
Your silent ogling is noticeable, apparently, because Joel notches his head in your direction in a swift jerk, eyes and mouth softening at the sight of you.
“Morning,” you offer up nervously.
He smiles, an affectionate, relieved wash over his features, and returns the greeting with more confidence. “Mornin’.”
“Uh, Happy Ne–” You stop yourself short of wishing him a happy new year when you remember you already did that several times last night and would rather not bring up your incredibly forward advance that went with it.
He grins easy like he knows your train of thought. “Hey, it’s—”
“No,” you interject. “Listen, I shouldn’t have—” You take several strides into the kitchen. You need to own up to your actions and take responsibility for making things weird. Had you made things weird? There was something shifting and new in the air, that was certain.
He holds up a hand to stop your spiel, but you drive the conversation forward.
“I’m really sorry about last night, and I shouldn’t have just done that,” you hastily apologize. “And if I crossed a line, I’m– I really wasn’t meaning to make— I just–”
“It was nice,” he contends with a casual shrug.
“Wait, what?”
You weren’t really sure what to expect, but it wasn’t that. A reminder that things need to remain professional, maybe. A gentle correction that you hadn’t asked permission before kissing him. But a declaration of acceptance? You hadn’t let yourself hope for that much.
“Yeah, you know, I haven’t had one of them in a while,” he explains. “A midnight kiss on New Year’s Eve,” he adds when you shake your head in confusion.
“So you’re… not upset with me?”
“The only thing that’ll upset me is if you don’t help me read the fuckin’ tiny writing on this thing.” He holds the spice bottle out for you to take. 
“Um.” You hold it in your hands and read out the list of ingredients in the mix. You hand it back to him and fix your face from the dubious, hesitant hope it wants to broadcast. 
“Thanks, Pluck,” he beams and gives your upper arm a quick rub before continuing whatever it was that you’d walked into.
Was that it? Was it really going to be that simple? No big conversation? No huge deal made about it? You aren’t sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, and you aren’t sure if it makes you feel better or worse.
“Y-Yeah, Goob. No problem.”
He sorts out some additional spices and sets them beside some pans. The oven is already on a low heat, and you smell something salty and sweet. 
“You, uh, got anywhere you gotta be this mornin’, or ……?” he hedges.
Is he asking because he’s trying to be polite and doesn’t want to outright ask just how long you plan on invading his personal space? Is he asking because he wants you to stay but doesn’t want you to feel obligated to do so?
“No. Is that–Is that okay?”
“Perfect,” he chimes. “Need me a sous chef today.” The corner of his mouth twitches up like there’s some funny inside joke. 
“What’re you making?” you ask, deciding to just take his lead and act like everything is normal. 
It’s the least you can do for letting yourself get out of line last night. You wish he could just understand the sense of calm and safety that overrode your brain when you woke up with his arms around you. You wish you could explain how after months and months of feeling seen by him, you’d finally given into wanting to be felt by him, too.
“Classic New Year’s Day dish. Ham, cornbread, and black eyed peas.” 
“Never had it,” you admit with a shrug.
He gives a theatrically shocked look, wide palm clutched across his chest, with an exaggerated gasp to pull it all together. You giggle and give him a small shove with your elbow.
“You’re acting like everybody should’ve heard about it – like it’s some huge deal.”
“‘Round here it is,” he contends. “Been makin’ this every New Year’s since, well, as long as I can remember. Used to have it as a kid, and then I just sorta kept it up when I got old enough, I guess. Now I still make it even though it’s just me around to eat it.”
“Oh.” Even though he hadn’t said it in any way to suggest it, you can’t help but feel like you’re intruding on some private tradition meant for those nearest and dearest to him, which you most decidedly are not.
“What’d’ya mean ‘oh’?” he snorts.
“Just sounds… I dunno, sounds special, I guess. Sounds nice.”
“It is nice,” he agrees. “And, yeah, pretty special, too.”
You force yourself to meet his eye again, and the warm, welcoming brightness there speaks volumes.
You belong in this space. You’ve earned yourself a seat at the table for something like this. I want to share this with you, too.
“So you gonna learn the ropes and join the ranks?”
“Such a fearless captain at the helm, how could I refuse?” you jibe.
He throws you a flimsy salute and stations you to prepare the cornbread. Your body feels electric every time his shoulder bumps into yours side by side at the counter as he explains the “absolutes” and the “must nots” of the meal.
He explains how you soak the beans the night before so they cook evenly and timely, how it's imperative to use yellow cornmeal for the cornbread, how a pinch of sugar brings out the flavor and compliments the ham.
“You gonna eat greens if I make ‘em?” he asks over his shoulder, digging through the fridge for various ingredients.
Thankfully your brain autocorrects I’ll take anything you want to give me, Joel into “I’ll give them a try, sure.”
The morning passes languid and cozy as you watch him come to life, animated and bright over something clearly sentimental and meaningful to him. Part of you knows that you’re involved simply because you happened to be here, but another, smaller part of you likes to imagine that he would’ve liked to have had you here and a part of it all regardless.
Being this close to him, all soft and cozy in the kitchen as you share in a little feel-good bubble, brings the simmering want that your kiss last night sowed. It’s teething and clawing in your belly, this need for more more more of him heightened in every conceivable way. Any minor and innocuous movement or glance threads a burning wire throughout every bit of you, all alight and inciting as though it was being done just to pull you further into the clutches of him.
Your body feels hot and itchy, the urge to just throw caution to the wind and kiss him again - just to see what would happen - inches closer and closer to drowning out all the sensible thoughts in your head. You’d expected a more stilted, awkward atmosphere this morning and had waited for it, but it never came.
The better than expected reception has emboldened you in a way that you don’t recognize. The only thing keeping you from throwing yourself at him again is the notion that he deserved – you both deserved – to know that you weren’t just being reactionary from last night’s trainwreck and seeking out something to comfort yourself as a result.
You get the first major distraction from your inner thoughts when Joel’s phone lights up with a call. A silly little photo of him and Sarah together, her name bright across the top of the screen. It’s a video call. His eyes flit to yours, something apologetic mixed with something imploring. You aren’t sure if he wants you to be in the background of the call or not, but you aren’t up for all the questions that would garner.
“I just remembered I should probably charge my phone from last night,” you point out. It’s not untrue. You went to bed with it unplugged and didn’t think too much of it with everything else swirling around your mind at the time.
He nods and tells you there’s a mix of chargers on the desk in your room before picking his phone up just as you make your way out of the kitchen. It doesn’t take much searching to find a charger that works with your device, and you quietly descend the stairs to avoid alerting Sarah to your presence. You listen to the light, affectionate lilt in Joel’s voice as he talks with her.
You find the closest vacant outlet and plug in your phone. It takes a few moments before it comes to life again. There’d been no notifications on your old phone, which hadn’t died because old bricks like them seemed to survive just about anything, but you still worried you’d missed something on your work phone. No missed calls or texts from your dad, which is a relief, but there are a few from Kenzie along with dozens of texts.
A quick scan through the messages reveals numerous apologies and pleas for you to let her know you made it somewhere safely. There are a few notable messages, namely i wasn’t thinking straight as well as i fucked up so bad pls im sorry i just want to know if ur ok.
You feel guilty for worrying her, which annoys you for some reason, but it’s the overwhelming feeling of self-disgust for leaving her by herself last night that takes center stage. You know deep down you should be making sure she’s okay, too – that nothing horrific happened after you abandoned her, drunk and emotional with two creeps in an already unpredictable environment.
You lock the screen and push the phone aside on the table to finish charging. A hearty chuckle from Joel draws your attention back to the kitchen where you stealthily creep against the doorframe to listen closer. He’s holding the phone at an unnatural angle above his face, fat fingertip poking and jabbing at the screen as Sarah mocks him for not knowing how to use technology.
“You sure got lots of energy for somebody who was so drunk last night she didn’t even text me that she got home okay,” he chides half-heartedly.
“Ohhhh my god, dad, I’m sorry,” she groans almost petulantly. “I was with Ben – you know that. I was perfectly safe, I swear.”
“Uh huh. Weren’t you just sayin’ how y’all were both taking turns throwin’ up earlier?” he snickers.
“It wasn’t that much,” she scoffs. “Like, two times each max.”
“Yeah, enjoy that while ya can, kiddo, because once you hit about thirty those hangovers start lastin’ longer and hittin’ harder.”
“Yeah, well, right now I’m young and invincible,” she jokes. “And hungry.”
“You mean you ain’t had any time to cook up some peas and ham in between all the puking?” he snorts. “How’re you gonna usher in good luck and prosperity in the coming year?”
“Ugh, that actually sounds so good right now,” she huffs. “Me and Ben should try to find somewhere that makes it so we can have it today.”
Joel rambles about how next year they should just come stay with him so he can play chauffeur and chef for them. You’re hyper-aware of how neutral and nonjudgmental the conversation is. She’d called him and evidently spoken freely about how she’d had too much to drink, hadn’t been entirely responsible during her night out, and had been sick as a result of her revelry for a good part of the morning. 
Joel hadn’t given her a lecture about being hungover and overindulging and hadn’t admonished her for not texting when he’d told her to. It was just an uncomplicated, warm conversation about their lives and happening –  a simple exchange between two people who simply cared about each other.
You wish you could see Calum.
“Alright, tell Ben I said hi and all that.”
“I will, dad. Love you.”
“Love you, kiddo.”
“Love you. Bye.”
He’s smiling warmly at the screen when the call disconnects. His expression holds so much tenderness and warmth it makes your insides feel syrupy. He rests his phone on the counter without locking it and continues staring fondly. When you crane your neck to see what’s holding his attention, a little gasp gets caught in your throat. His head snaps your direction, fingers quickly turning the phone over and hitting the lock button.
Your eyes meet, and you swear you must’ve imagined it. Surely he hadn’t taken one of those pictures Kenzie sent of you yesterday and made it his wallpaper. His bugged eyes and mouth practically agog suggest otherwise.
“Phone charger?” he chokes out while regaining some composure.
“Found a phone charger?” he repeats, fumbling forward with the conversation and glossing over the fact that he almost definitely has you set as his phone background.
“Um, yeah. Yes. Charging it now.” You nod and clamp your teeth together to hold down the nervous giggle threatening to bubble up.
“Good. That’s good.”
His cheeks are flushed a delightful shade of pink as he runs a hand along the nape of his neck, eyes zipping around for a diversion. “Your, uh, friend doin’ alright? She text you that she got home okay?”
Classic Southern gentleman. Chivalry isn’t dead, apparently, but you’d wish in Joel’s case at least that it’d take a long nap. He never would’ve left anyone, especially a young woman, in a situation like that. If he knew the truth about how you’d deserted her and threw her to the wolves, he’d probably not be all warm and fuzzy about sharing sentimental family traditions with you and letting you spend the night in his house.
“She’s fine,” you mumble, now also avoiding his eye and looking around for something to occupy your gaze.
“You, uh, you never said what happened last night other than some sorta fight between the two of ya….”
“Just dumb stuff,” you say quickly – dismissively. “It’s fine.”
He bobs his head, slow and understanding despite the fact that you both know you’re lying. “Okay.”
“So anyway—”
You rock on the balls of your feet and gesture broadly to the stovetop. He takes the hint and gets back to putting the meal together. Things return to a normal cadence, and he strikes up conversation again as you plate the dish into pale blue bowls that somehow are so distinctly Joel that it makes your heart ache for something you don’t understand.
“Any resolutions?” he asks when you finally sit down together in front of the steaming food.
You chew a tender piece of ham and work it over for a moment in thought. “Mmmmm, this is delicious,” you praise. “And, uh, I dunno. Always seems like I’m jinxing something if I try to think that far ahead. High expectations means big disappointments, you know?” 
Being candid with him felt so dangerously freeing. Even sharing that small bit of truth had you hungering to let everything out in all its chaotic, thorny veracity.
“I do,” he sympathizes. His forehead scrunches and relaxes. “Ya know, sometimes when things feel like that, it can be less intimidating to just pick somethin’ real small.”
“What do you mean?”
He shrugs and works through a heaping spoonful before answering. “Just mean that you can start with somethin’ that ain’t high stakes. Even like watching more movies, like you said a coupla weeks ago. Just somethin’ you wanna do more of, somethin’ to make you happier.”
You hide a smile behind a big bite. His preoccupation with you getting to watch and enjoy more movies – all because you’d mentioned it almost offhandedly some weeks ago – makes your tummy feel fluttery. 
“That actually doesn’t sound too bad,” you concede. “I think that’s a really good one.”
“So there ya go: resolution sorted.” He has that big, lopsided grin that makes you want to devour him.
“And what about you? What’s your resolution?”
He thinks it over, takes it earnestly into consideration, and decides on something you think wouldn’t hurt for you to take up, too.
“Taking bigger chances, maybe? Maybe not like crazy leaps of faith or somethin’, but just– I dunno, not letting me talk myself outta somethin’ every time. Maybe just not thinkin’ too hard on things every single time, learning to lean into instincts or whatever a little bit more.”
“Trusting your gut,” you summarize.
“Yeah, trustin’ my instincts,” he reaffirms.
The meal and the company have left you feeling full and comforted, and the two of you make quick work of cleaning up the kitchen. It’s so calming listening to Joel hum a song you don’t recognize, feeling like somehow you know it intimately after hearing him sing it. Midday rolls around, and it’s the first point where the bubble bursts.
“You never said anything about a ride home,” he starts.
“Oh. I guess I didn’t.”
The sentiment that you’ve overstayed your welcome leaves you embarrassed.
“I mean you’re more’n welcome to stay as long as ya want. Just don’t want you stickin’ around because you feel sorry for me bein’ by myself or somethin’. Don’t wanna hold you hostage.”
“Joel,” you huff, entirely incredulous that he could ever think you wanted anything other than to be right next to him, wherever that happened to be. “This is the best New Year’s I’ve had since… well, this is the best New Year’s I’ve ever had, actually.”
Joel makes a face, and you’re sure he’s wondering how on earth that could be true when you had such a terrible night last night with Kenzie. “Kinda hard to believe that,” he chortles. “Bar must be so low it’s in hell for that to be true.”
Just as he often did, Joel ran straight into the point without knowing just how right he was.
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The burgundy sedan parked outside your house isn’t one you’ve seen before, and it’s certainly seen better days. You don’t even bother lying to Joel about the fact that you don’t recognize it despite it being parked clearly in front of the curb of your house.
“M’comin’ with ya” is all you get before he’s opening your car door  and herding you to the front of the house like a personal bodyguard. Not up for discussion, and certainly not going to be disputed. It doesn’t feel domineering or demanding, though. It gives a sense of calm and protection. Your dad’s compact SUV is parked in the driveway as usual.
Joel inspects the lock and seems satisfied that there’s no sign of forced entry or damage to it. You tense as he turns the knob and heads inside first. You tail him like a second shadow, eyes darting furiously around for any indication of something amiss. The foyer has several shattered picture frames on one side, and the doorframe into the living room is missing a chunk out of it at about shoulder height. You set your handful of items on the foyer table with a shaky hand as you strain your ears to listen.
“You stay behind me, you understand?” is Joel’s firm demand, maybe the first one you’ve ever really heard from him with such a tense tone. You nod and let him take the lead again.
“Dad?” you call out. Joel whips around and pins you with a look that says you probably shouldn’t be shouting out your location into a house that’s clearly had some sort of disturbance recently. You duck your head down and mumble an apology.
How could you explain that the state of the house isn’t out of the norm? How could you explain to Joel that you wouldn’t have looked twice at the damaged areas if you’d come home like usual? The only aspect of it that was unexpected was the worn down sedan parked outside.
A soft sound travels down the adjoining hallway where your room is located, and your heart sinks. Had your dad gotten drunk and decided to ransack your room for an impromptu inspection? Was he going to find the envelopes of money you’d hidden around that end of the house in various vents? How fast could you get a handle on the interaction before Joel put his foot down and demanded you tell him everything? Could you control the situation enough that your dad and Joel wouldn’t get into a physical altercation?
Without thinking, you rush towards the sound and get an immediate hiss of disapproval from Joel who picks up his strides to cut you off right in front of your bedroom door. A louder sound comes from somewhere you can’t see, and you’re almost knocked on your ass with how quickly Joel shoves you behind him, acting like a shield. There’s some shuffling – whoever it was in your room now being alerted to you and Joel’s presence in the hallway - but you can’t see past the width of Joel’s back, and his arms are outstretched behind him to keep you bracketed and guarded.
“Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doin’ here?” he snarls.
“Jesus christ, man! What the fuck! Who the fuck are you?” a man’s voice snaps back, a trill of panic laced in the challenge.
“You got ten seconds to get the fuck outta this house before I–”
Joel doesn’t have a chance to finish his threat as you launch out from behind him and stagger towards the stranger’s voice — except it’s not a stranger at all.
“Calum!” you gasp when your eyes land on him, confirming that it really is him even under all the bumps and fresh bruising and dried split lip.
You’re running and crashing into him with loose limbs before you can even process the situation fully. Hot trails stream down your cheeks as you grab at him and grip him tight so he can’t get away – not that he’s trying. Your chest fractures into a tiny million pieces when he lets out a soft exhale that’s one breath away from weeping as he grabs you up into his arms and holds on for dear life.
You’re a blubbering mess, but Calum isn’t far behind, sniffling and warbling your name as he holds you closer and sways you both on the spot in a meager attempt at self-soothing. 
I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so sorry he keeps saying over and over.
Your strangled whispers of “it’s not your fault” and “it’s okay” fall on deaf ears.
“This your brother Calum?” Joel interrupts. His voice has a tense edge to it, like he’s still not at ease with the situation.
You break away from Calum and nod. “This is my brother Calum,” you confirm.
He eyes him with patent suspicion but doesn’t speak on it. You step closer to Joel, who surprises you by angling his body slightly in front of yours and directly addressing Calum.
“You make a habit of going through her shit?” he demands in a harsh voice you’ve never heard from him until this moment.
“Joel!” you snap. “He can be in my room. Stop it.”
You and Calum exchange a loaded glance and drop it quickly. You know he can sense that Joel isn’t abreast of all the nitty gritty details of your life. Joel cocks his head sideways and back to meet your eye like he’s sizing up whatever silent, weird undercurrent he’s clearly not privy to.
“There’s a car you don’t recognize parked in front of your house and then we come inside to find shit banged up and broken. Then there’s sounds from your fucking bedroom? After you called out and nobody answered? He’s lucky I don’t fuckin’ carry because plenty of people woulda assumed it was a fuckin’ intruder and shot his ass,” he gripes.
It’s so unlike Joel to be so tightly wound, and it’s hard to pin exactly why he’s reacting so severely.
“Hey, man, I didn’t mean to scare anybody,” Calum offers. “I’m sure that it was kinda crazy to walk in on the house like that. I’m sorry.”
Joel is still tense, the lack of being clued in on the unspoken situation clearly causing him further agitation. “You got any explanation for why you look fucked up?” he demands.
“Joel!” you hiss. “Don’t fucking talk to him like that!”
You round on him now, placing yourself between the two of them, and square up your shoulders.
“Hey, it’s okay. I get why he’s–” You’re sure Calum is ready to stick up for Joel, but you’re not having it. Joel has no right to come into your house and demand anything from Calum. 
“He doesn’t get to talk to you like that,” you say plainly.
Joel’s outstretched hands beckon you closer, a gesture of apology and placation. “Can I talk to you in private in the hallway for a minute?”
Calum gives you a terse nod, and so you agree.
“Somethin’ weird is going on here,” he starts in a low voice once he makes sure Calum’s out of earshot. “I don’t know what it is or if you know what it is, but I don’t feel comfortable leavin’ you here alone with him.”
In a moment of clarity, you’re afforded the realization that Joel is acting so unkind and sharp because he’s afraid. Not of Calum and not of the mysterious stranger he’d been up until he’d confronted him in your bedroom. No, he’d been afraid that something or someone could’ve been lying in wait to harm you. Leftover frustration at the feelings of adrenaline and fear that you could’ve been in a potentially unsafe situation by yourself if he hadn’t insisted on accompanying you inside. A threat to your well-being that ultimately ended up okay but still left him with an electric energy to keep you out of harm’s way.
You soften and take his hands in yours. “Joel, I trust Calum with my life. He’s safe. I promise you, he’s okay.”
Joel swallows hard and slides his jaw back and forth in a moment of calculation. “Would you tell me if he wasn’t?” he wonders. Your head inches back in surprise at the question, but he’s talking again before you can even answer. “You would tell me? If you needed to get out of here? Because you know if you said the word, sweetheart, we’d be outta here no questions asked. You’d come to mine, and we’d figure it out from there. You’d tell me if that’s what you needed, right?”
His hands slide above your hips on either side of your body, a gentle squeeze pressed into the flesh there. Something in his pleading eyes and open, earnest face that tell you he’s not just talking about right here and right now. He’s begging for you to tell him that you’d come to him if you needed somewhere to go, someone to talk to.
“I know more than ever that you’d show up for me, Joel. Last night you came to get me without a second thought. Trust me, I know I — I know that I have you.”
“You do,” he repeats firmly. “You have me.”
You’re locked into each other much in the same way you were on the couch last night. His lips part ever so slightly, and you don’t need the fireworks bursting into the night air to feel that same fiery explosiveness between you. You tilt your head back in an invitation. Kiss me.
“I can, um, I can go if that would….” Calum’s head is peeking out of your doorframe, eyes darting curiously to where Joel’s hands rests on your waist.
“Let’s just take this outside,” you announce abruptly, turning on your heel and making for the front door. Calum follows in step with Joel stepping in sync behind him. You know Calum doesn’t have anything he needs to grab on the way out. There’s nothing for him here anymore. You grab your things from the front table and hop down the porch steps.
“Ride around the block and talk?” Calum surmises from your silent thoughts.
“Yeah. Just give me a minute, okay?”
He nods and shoots Joel a wave before heading to his sedan. You turn to find Joel still watching him with a probing stare.
“Hey,” you gently prod him.
His gaze settles down to you and softens. He’s still worried. You can see it in every etch and downturned corner of his mouth.
“He just ain’t gonna explain anything about why the fuck the house looks like that? Who the fuck was he throwin’ hands with? Your fuckin’ dad?”
He sounds almost incredulous, as if the idea of Calum and your dad beating on each other was outlandish rather than the normal fare that it actually was.
“Probably,” you answer plainly. Your mind is racing too fast to come up with something, so you opt for the most simple version of the truth.
Joel’s brow pinches together with a whole new expression of concern. Why doesn’t that upset you? Why does that sound like it’s not a surprise to you in the slightest? Why don’t you seem fazed by any of this?
“Listen, I’m going to go for a drive with him so we can talk—”
“In that piece of shit car?” he balks.
“Joel,” you warn. “I’m going with him. You don’t have anything to worry about.”
His hands splay wide across his hips, one knee jutted out while he thinks it over. He huffs but eventually appears to come to the conclusion that you’re getting in that car with or without his approval.
“I want you to check in. Not a text, okay? Call me,” he urges. “Please,” he adds softly. 
“I promise. I won’t leave you hanging, okay? I’m going to call you first thing.”
“That thing even have heat?” he wonders aloud, almost to himself. “You gonna be warm enough?”
He doesn’t wait for you to answer and instead peels off his outer flannel. He helps you work your arms through the sleeves and straightens it up on you. He brings you into a tight hug and rests his mouth just beside your ear.
“You tell me if you need anything. Anything. I’ve got you.”
You shiver when his lips graze your earlobe as he pulls away. He watches you get into your brother’s car, sparing an inquisitive look at your house just as you round the corner and lose sight of him in your rearview mirror.
The drive to a nearby park is quiet and serene. It feels unreal and leaves you almost giddy just to be in close proximity with your little brother again. He parks and cuts the engine. He turns to face you, and for a moment you just smile back and forth. A rarity to be in each other’s company without the threat of imminent harm closing in on all sides.
You break the silence first. 
“What happened with dad?”
He scoffs and flicks the steering wheel. “Came to talk to him. A real conversation - or at least that was the goal. Figured if I did it on New Year’s it wouldn’t be so bizarre. New beginnings and setting intentions and all that.”
“I can’t believe he even let you in.”
“He didn’t. I still had a key. Dumbass hadn’t changed the locks. Probably thought I’d be too afraid to ever step foot in the house again, so no need to change them.”
You swallow hard thinking back to that fateful day Calum had left. He’d have every reason to be afraid of crossing the threshold of that front door ever again. You straighten up and dismiss the memories for now.
“So, you waited up for him? Or …. I mean, what happened?”
He smirks, but it lacks any trace of amusement. “Well, he was already pretty hammered when he got in. Saw me waiting in the living room and accused me of coming to ‘kill him like the coward I always was.’ Told him I’d come to talk with him and see if those bridges were really burnt up, you know? I think he got kinda smug thinkin’ I meant I wanted to make sure I hadn’t burned any bridges because I wanted to come back, so he let me stay and say my piece.”
He shakes his head and laughs as if recalling the memory of it was too absurd to be real. “ Once he realized I was basically letting him know I had no intention of speaking to him ever again, he got pretty pissed. That’s when we started scuffling. I tried to hold back so it wouldn’t escalate, but he just kept going harder. You know how he gets.”
Your lips press together in a tight line. You knew very well how your father got.
“Anyway, I got him off me and told him I was leaving. Didn’t need him calling the cops or something. He was already bent over the kitchen table with a bottle of something when I went out the back. I hung around until he blacked out because I could tell he was going to, you know? Didn’t know where you were and wanted to wait up for you. Wanted to see you and make sure you were okay.”
“That unfortunately sounds about right, I guess,” you sigh. “ Um, thank you for sticking around to see me. I’ve– It’s been a little bit. How’ve you been? I’ve been worried about you.”
“Been doing okay,” he offers up noncommittally with a lazy shrug. “Don’t wanna jinx it by saying it’s been going good, you know?” he exhales in a laugh. 
“But you are? Doing good?” you press. 
“Yeah. I am.”
He picks at his hands like he’s hesitant or unsure of what to say and where to start. You give him the space and time he needs.
“I stay and work at a halfway house sorta place. They agreed to let me board there even though I’m not on anything. No drug habit or whatever to overcome, but they still allow me to board there.  Guess they took pity on me and needed some extra help anyway. So. Yeah. Got a safe place to lay my head at night. Get two free therapy appointments a week there. My counselor specializes in sobriety and recovery, of course, but he’s still been a big help with all… my stuff.”
“Wow,” you breathe. Your chest feels like it could burst hearing how well he’s doing and how secure he sounds. “That’s so amazing!”
He snorts and waves off your praise. “Yeah, wasn’t all that impressive when I first got out there. Bouncing from shelter to shelter. It’s where I met Jaz, though. She’s the one who got me linked up with the sober house. Wouldn’t be doing as good if it weren’t for her.”
He gets noticeably antsy at the way you clocked his attachment to this Jaz person. “Yeah, Jaz. Or Jazzy. Jasmine.” He says her name so delicately, like if he spoke a syllable too harshly the name would crumble altogether on his tongue. There’s a soft reverence there, and you want to know all about whoever it is that has your brother so clearly happy.
“So you still get to see her then?”
“I guess you could say that.” His shy grin stretches until the glint of his teeth is visible, his palpable joy unable to be contained. “Only about every day.” He doesn’t bother holding back now, his whole face beaming with a bright smile.
“So are you….”
“Yeah. Girlfriend territory, definitely. I mean, we haven’t sat down and had the conversation or anything official, but… I mean, if having Thanksgiving with her folks isn’t official then I don’t really know what is.”
You stiffen slightly with a twinge of hurt at the mention of him spending Thanksgiving with a new family. A normal family. One that didn’t include you. 
Realizing the impact of his choice of phrasing, he quickly attempts to correct himself. “I shouldn’t have said it all casual like that. I’m sorry.”
A watery smile plays on your mouth. You tell him that it’s okay. That you know he didn’t mean anything by it. That you thought about him on Thanksgiving Day, too, and imagined that he was somewhere with a group of people who were warm and kind and welcoming. How happy you were to know just how right you’d been in your wishful hoping for him. That you don’t begrudge him for doing so well all these months apart.
He in turn tells you that he thought about you often. About how he’d told Jaz’s parents all about you already. That her mom was a Community Outreach Coordinator who, along with Jaz’s Nonprofit Organization Lawyer father, had given her the passion for helping others and offering the gift of her empathetic heart.
Calum went on to share that Jaz and her parents knew all about his upbringing and what had landed him in a shelter on his own so young in the first place. How they’d taken it in stride and applauded his steps to bettering his situation. How they’d said how proud he should be of himself and how proud they were of him.
His own eyes shimmer now with fat lines of wet threatening to spill over. He sniffs loudly and clears his throat. You imagine it’s probably the first time in his life a parent, even if it was someone else’s, told him they were proud of him.
“I came back because… well, I wanted to see you, but also because my counselor had said I should give myself ‘the gift of closure.’ Coming back to talk to dad and make sure that deciding to go no contact was the right thing. Because I was starting to doubt myself, you know? Even with all the good things happening with him out of the picture, there was still that little thought of what if. And thinking like you and him were a package deal or something since you still live at home. My counselor said that wasn’t true, you know? And after all that went down this morning, it was the push I needed to cut ties with dad completely.”
“I understand.” You look out into the clouded sky, a visual white noise to let your coherent thoughts through. “There’s no path forward there. Just a dead end.”
“Yeah…. I always sort of knew it, in a way, but I think I needed to come here to leave myself with no doubts. And – just let me finish saying this, okay? – I owe you an apology. I should’ve reached out. I didn’t have your number when I left because my phone died and got cut off, but I still could’ve— I dunno, I could’ve called the grocery store or something. Reached you that way. I was just so into my own shit and getting my head clear that I just left you behind, and I didn’t even mean to. I didn’t realize it had even happened, and that’s what makes me feel so fucking bad about it all. I didn’t realize how long it’d been since we last spoke, and it’s not okay. I got so lost in my own process to deal with all this shit that I just left you here even though I know exactly the sort of shithole it is.”
“I don’t blame you for getting out and not looking back.”
“I know that. You were always too nice for your own good, I think.”
You share a small laugh at the truth of it. The laugh runs short when he offers a place for you to come with him.
“Just… up and leave? Calum, I-I can’t do that.”
“Dad’s not stable. You know he’s not fucking stable,” he rebuts. “It’s only a matter of time before he does something serious. Not just a broken door or a slap across your face. He’s dangerous, and he just gets worse the longer time goes on.” You can hear the tinge of fear in his voice.
“I know,” you concede. “I’m-I’m working on it, okay? I’ve got a real job now, and I’ve been able to put aside more money than ever. I’ve got myself into a good path to getting out, but I want to do it on my own terms.”
“And do those terms include Joel?” he pries with a smile you can hear in his voice without even needing to look.
“Maybe.” You bite back a grin and shrug.
“So, what? I tell you about Jazzy, but I don’t get to hear about him? Fuckin’ guard dog of a boyfriend. Thought he was gonna beat my ass for a second there,” he huffs in a laugh.
Boyfriend. The sound of it makes something warm and syrupy drip down your spine. As much as you’d love to claim him as such, you tell Calum it’s not quite that straightforward. You don’t downplay your feelings for Joel when Calum asks you about it directly. He’s delighted at all the thoughtful gifts you received for Christmas. You tell him all the small things Joel does that make you feel supported and set up to succeed and seen. You tell him how you don’t know what to do with all of it sometimes. How you feel overwhelmed with the goodness of it all at times. 
“I know. It’s such a weird feeling, isn’t it?” he commiserates. 
“What feeling?”
“Of somebody taking care of you. Wanting to. Not expecting anything in return. It’s a mindfuck.”
You both burst into a fit of laughter, something so freeing and weightless about the candor and being so deeply, intimately understood passing between the two of you. 
“You know, Joel seems like a good guy,” he notes after a beat of quiet. “I think you should go after it – whatever it is to you. Really. Just– Just chase happiness, you know? Because you deserve it. You deserve to have that.”
You reach over and squeeze his arm, shooting him a soft look of appreciation. “It means a lot to know you get a good feeling from him, even if he probably was about to rock your shit at the house.”
He chuckles again and tucks his chin down in reflection. “I do. But I trust you, too. Your judgment. And, if you feel safe with him, then he’s my new favorite person.”
Your next exhale feels like you’re breathing out all the tension and last bits of apprehension about diving head first into Joel. 
“Plus he’s just so handsome,” Calum gushes theatrically.
You playfully shove him but don’t argue because it’s the truth. But just as good things do, it has to come to an end eventually. Calum apologizes for having to leave so he makes it back by curfew. You aren’t ready to go back home just yet.
“Drive me to Joel’s?”
“Like I didn’t figure that’s where you wanted to go,” he snorts. “God knows you don’t wanna go back to dad.”
His engine sounds pitiful as it cranks to life, but you’re quickly headed back into the neighborhood. He pulls to a stop outside Joel’s house but motions for you to wait before getting out.
“Hey, promise me you’ll go to him if dad does anything.”
“Calum, I can’t just—”
“No. Promise me.”
You sigh and give in. “Okay. Fine. I promise if anything happens, I’ll go to Joel.”
That placates him, apparently. He leaves the car running while he walks you to the door. You see him grin from the corner of your eye when the front door swings open to reveal a relieved looking Joel who appears appropriately sheepish and apologetic about their previous interaction.
“Sorry about that. Earlier, I mean. Just got a little high strung there for a minute. Hope you don’t take it too personal,” Joel says with a sort of tail between the legs kind of tone.
“Not at all. Consider it history, Joel,” Calum supplies brightly. “Actually pretty glad there’s somebody out here looking after my sister like that.”
They shake hands and put the awkward first meeting behind them. You hug Calum as tight as you can and triple check that he has your number before seeing him off. Joel shuts the door softly behind you both just as Calum rounds the end of the street.
“Well, this is a pleasant surprise.”
“Yeah, sorry I didn’t text or call before coming over.”
“You can come over whenever you want. Open invitation. You should know that by now, sweetheart.”
A loud sound from the TV draws your attention, and Joel skirts around the couch for the remote to mute it. You follow closely and ogle the way his shirt stretches the span of his back with each movement. You hear Calum’s voice echo in your head.
Chase happiness. Chase happiness. Chase happiness.
You can’t stop thinking about kissing Joel. He’d kissed you back last night, hadn’t he? Was it just reflexive? You’d both just woken up. Maybe he was just so shocked by it that he didn’t have time to react in a way that was aligned with his actual feelings? Had it meant anything to him? But then you could’ve sworn he wanted to kiss you again just a few hours ago in the hallway of your house.
“Found it.” He switches the volume off and sets the remote back down on the table before plopping down onto the couch and patting the spot next to him. You sink slowly into the cushion beside him and work your flannel – Joel’s flannel – off you.
“Thanks for letting me borrow this.”
“You can keep it on if you need to.” He almost sounds like he wishes you’d keep it.
“I’m good. Thanks.”
“So, did he… what was goin’ on with–”
“Can I ask you something first?” you interject.
Joel sits up straighter and angles himself towards you. “Yeah, of course.”
“Are you– Did you think anything after… when I … last night when those fireworks woke us up?” you gulp, chickening out on asking a straightforward question.
He’s quiet in thought for a few beats and reaches out gently for your hand, which you readily slide into his warm palm. 
“You really wanna know?”
“I was thinkin’ about how guilty I felt to just take from you like that,” he admits.
“What?” you gasp. “ You didn’t take—”
“You’d just been in a fight with your friend – obviously had a bad night. Needed somewhere to crash. Probably weren’t in the best of mind, and that still wasn’t enough to keep me from kissin’ you back.”
You sit in a stunned silence and absorb this alternate version of events that hadn’t even occurred to you. It made sense from his perspective, you suppose. You’re glad you didn’t tell him about Logan because you can only imagine the sort of unwarranted guilt he’d feel about it.
“And I, you know, I’m your boss, and if I’m puttin’ you in a weird spot–it’s just – I don’t wanna take advantage–”
“If I kissed you right now, would you kiss me back?” you interrupt in a strained whisper.
His head inches back in surprise. “I– Would you want me to?”
“Yeah,” you breathe. “I would. I really would.”
He licks his lips and nods, eyes skirting down to your mouth and then back up. He reaches out for you no sooner than you’re clambering onto his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck. His mouth is hot and eager on yours, the plush give of his lip contrasting delightfully with the scratch of his beard. He rocks up into you, pressing on the curve of your spine to flatten your body against his. The wet smack of your mouths is only drowned out by the breathy moans escaping your throat.
The warm pad of his palm runs along your back where his hand is shoved under your shirt – his shirt – and dances across your bare skin. Your body writhes against him instinctively, seeking out more points of contact between the two of you, as the kiss deepens. His free hand wraps around your hip and encourages the swivel of them against his lap. Joel’s gravelly groans spur you on until you’re deliberately rocking against the plump of his belly. 
You’re thanking yourself for forgoing your bra and panties from last night and just donning the clothes Joel gave you to borrow because there’s so little separating your bodies. When your reflexive grinding lands the heat of your core against the firm pressure of his thigh, you gasp and break from the kiss.
 Joel’s eyes are dark and half-lidded, eyeing you with a hunger that makes you clench around nothing. 
“You gotta tell me to stop if you need it to stop,” he grits.
“I don’t want you to stop,” you choke out as you rush to resume the heaven of his touch.
You chase his lips and pout when you realize his mouth is drifting to the side as he pulls away for a moment longer.
“Listen, I just gotta– I gotta make sure of somethin’ before I get caught up in all this and can’t string two thoughts together. Are you, uh… you been with … somebody before?”
You blink a few times and level your breathing while you process the unexpected question. “You mean am I a virgin?”
His face flushes a million degrees. “Yeah, I guess that’s what I’m askin’.”
“Are you a virgin, Joel? You’re pretty pink right now.”
He flushes deeper. “Nah, quit it. M’serious. I just, you know, I wanna make sure you’re— I don’t wanna hurt you or anything is all. I don’t mean to ask after your whole history or somethin’—”
“You sorta sound like you’re interested in deflowering me,” you tease.
“Christ, I dunno about that,” he scoffs.
“You mean the idea of a sweet, innocent virgin doesn’t do anything for you?”
“Honestly, it’s — that would be— that’s a lot of pressure if I’m bein’ honest. Not that I wouldn’t— I would take care of anybody that needed— I mean, of course, but I think I’d be so in my head about it the whole time worried I’d ruin your first time or somethin’.”
“Well, you’re off the hook. I’m not a virgin.”
He gives you a crooked smile. “Phew,” he jokes.
“But, um. Well, I’ve actually never— I’ve only been with girls, so I’m sort of new to … your type of equipment,” you admit.
“Oh. Oh.  So– wait. You— you’ve had stuff up there before though, right?”
“Small fingers if it’s just been girls.”
You shrug. You can feel heat flooding your face now, too. You hoped you weren't coming off as inexperienced and scaring him away. “Normal fingers,” you petulantly argue.
“No, what I mean is—” he takes your hand in his, easily cradling it in the size of his own “—mine might be a little more to take. Among other things.”
Heat floods your cheeks and panties. “We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to,” you assure him. While you really do mean it, you pray that Joel doesn’t want to stop.
“How about we just see after you today, huh?” he suggests. “See where that takes us.”
“What did you have in mind?” You roll your hips against his lap and giggle when he groans and grips your sides.
“You gonna be trouble for me, huh?” he rasps. He slips a hand under your  waistband and curves his hand around the meat of your inner thigh, knuckles grazing against your pussy lips.
You jolt forward with a loud moan and grip onto his shoulders, mouth gone slack. You catch the satisfied grin on his face before he ducks his head to nuzzle your throat where he lays a line of wet, open mouthed kisses.
You grab at his wrist to push him closer to where you ache to be touched, but he freezes for a split second in confusion, thinking you wanted him to stop. A devilish grin blooms on his mouth when he realizes it’s quite the opposite, and then he’s teasing his thick fingers in a V on the outside of your lips.
“Can’t even wait for me to touch you there, can ya?” he goads. “You need it real bad, huh?”
You shake your head dumbly at a complete loss of words. He grins even wider.
“Yeah you do,” he hums low and breathy.
He presses against your thigh creases before drawing his fingers together, trapping your lips between his middle and pointer fingers. He massages the engorged flesh and applies pressure and friction to your clit with your own folds. The smear of his movements makes your dripping arousal smack and pop.
“Please touch it,” you beg, not even caring how desperate and needy you sound.
“Like this?”
Four of his fingers stacked on top of each other form a wide, flat plane against your folds where he runs firm passes. Your hips buck as you cry out, and you feel a release already building. You could say it was the much needed tension relief or how long you’ve wanted Joel like this, but it’s undeniable that he is about to make you come faster than you can ever remember with anyone or even yourself.
“Yeah, you like that,” he husks. “All wet and needy. You just let me take care of that.”
“I think I’m gonna come,” you squeak out.
“Yeah?” His face lights up with an eager hunger. “Come for me, sweetheart. Lemme see how much you like my hand, and we’ll see what else I got that you like.”
You grind in sync with his rubbing, and your pussy clenches hard and deep inside, feeling so intense you could swear it’s pulling on your stomach muscles with each contraction. Everything is a hazy euphoria as your orgasm tears through you. You’re vaguely aware of Joel’s running commentary to himself as you come down from your high. Murmurings of “pretty when you come for me” and “look so good like this.” You whine when he removes his hand, but he just chuckles and goes back to kissing and nuzzling your neck.
“You gonna let me see it or am I just allowed to feel it today?”
“You can do whatever you want to it,” you breathe, drunk on pleasure.
“Mmmm, just like I thought. Trouble.”
He turns and lays you on the couch. You feel weightless and warm. He asks if it’s okay to tug your pants down, and you draw another chuckle from him when you impatiently start shoving at it yourself. He pulls them down to your thighs and drags one pant leg all the way off before discarding them completely. He sucks in a sharp inhale when he leans in closer to your soaked pussy.
“Fuck me that’s pretty,” he murmurs under his breath. 
He drops a leg off the couch so he can crouch forward and rest his cheek against your thigh. You nearly launch off the couch when he presses a soft kiss to your clit. “Sshhh sshhhh, I got you. So sensitive, sweetheart.”
“I can’t help it,” you pout.
“I’ll be real gentle, okay? I just wanna taste you.”
“Okay,” you say back in a hush. “Lemme feel your mouth.”
He grunts at the invitation and hovers just next to your glistening core. “Look at me. Wanna see your face when I eat this pretty pussy.”
You oblige and prop yourself up slightly on your elbows until you’re holding Joel’s gaze. Your head snaps back when he flits his tongue just inside your slit, and you have enough mind to crane your head back down to look at him like he asked you to. His grin is wild and devilish, eyes locked onto you and waiting for you to look at him again before he’s lapping slow strokes up and down. 
You’d always thought that if you ever did end up getting with a guy that they wouldn’t be as skilled at going down on you as the girls you’d been with or even want to at all based on stories you’d heard from others. Apparently neither applied to Joel because you can barely keep yourself conscious of anything but him and his mouth as he devours you with a genuine enthusiasm that only further turns you on.
“Feels so good,” you whine.
He groans in approval, and the added vibration nearly sends you over the edge right then and there. He yanks your lower body closer to him so he can drape your leg over his shoulder, and you realize the loud, pitiful whimpers and moans floating through the room are coming from you.
“Look at me when I make you come,” he urges.
You hold eye contact right as he latches onto your clit and sucks with wet, pursed lips, and you’re freefalling again. Your entire body droops against the cushions, hands grabbing Joel’s curls as he rocks his head back and forth to work you through your high. He gently laps at your release, slipping his tongue around and inside you and suckling every drop until you’re limp and worn out.
Your head lolls to the side, and you watch as Joel grips a large bulge in the crotch of his pants. He almost looks pained as he squeezes, and your eyes widen at the size of his outline.
“Fuck, are you okay?”
“Just tryna…. tryin’ not to come, sweetheart,” he grits, leaning back to sit against the couch.
You scurry over to him and palm him through his pants. “I want you to come, too.”
“This is about you tod—” He lets out a ragged exhale when you clumsily stroke the outline of him.
“Please. I wanna see you.”
He obliges with an okay, sweetheart, and you keep your expression in check when the heft of him falls free. You’ve never seen one before, but you’re pretty sure that his is bigger than average. You awkwardly grip a hand around it and gently tug up and down.
“Show me how to do it,” you whisper.
He presses his hand around yours and strokes faster, but it feels a bit dry. You spit onto the tip of it, and his face is something you wish you could capture forever. Brow knitted, mouth hung open and low. Looking like he’s indebted to you and astounded all at once. The added lubrication makes your hands move faster, and you watch curiously as his balls start to pull up into themselves.
“M’gonna come,” he warns, and a few seconds later he’s erupting all over himself and both of your hands with a guttural moan.
It’s unfamiliar and arousing to see the thick ropes of cum spurt and splatter everywhere, and you watch with unabashed interest. You’re only pulled away from examining the way his stomach rises and falls as his breaths even out when he slings an arm around you and pulls you into a kiss.
It’s slower and more deliberate than before, and you taste the tang of yourself on his tongue. You get into a lazy, sated rhythm, exploring and learning one another, until you both eventually slow to a stop.
“That was really nice,” you say in a hush.
He grins and nods. “Yeah, it was.”
“I feel so good.”
“Mmmm, me, too. Wanted to make it about you, but I just got so fuckin’ hard tasting you.”
You giggle and cuddle up against him. “You looked so hot when you were coming.”
“Same to you times ten. Looked like an angel singing when you came all over my fingers and mouth.”
“The devil was an angel, too, you know,” you joke.
“Like I said earlier: trouble,” he laughs. “Just my kinda trouble, sweetheart. Just my kinda trouble.”
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Thanks for your patience on this one. I will be slow responding to anybody who comments or reblogs because of irl shit, but I will do my best. Thanks for reading.
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@survivingandenduring @bizarrelove-triangle @cumberpegg @verybigvag @jodiswiftle
@umnitsa @ellenmunn @fairy3333 @doblasftcisco @ctrlaltdel3te
@fishingforpike @copperhalfcent @zooty-and-fruity @jupiter-soups @walw1017
@beelzebeth87 @pastelpinkflowerlife @samiamproductions @koshkaj-blog @dontjudgemyobsessionpls
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str4ngr · 7 months
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cw: suggestive, ghost's pov/ journal-esque, sexual tension, perverted thoughts, military inaccuracies, might be ooc/ not british enough. this is part three to a series. part one. notes: more in pt.2 later hehe. bro academic trenches once again, this time it was like a 1 v. 6. words: 1,081.
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Apparently, medical files were just as easily tricked by pretty brown eyes as you were. Because last time you checked, which was definitely not two or three minutes ago, Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley was not stated to have any tattoos. 
Blinking in surprise, you watched as the hunk of muscle dashed at the other figure across the sand, white mask reflecting the light of the sun as he moved. 
Eyes sharp, shoulders relaxed, lunging forward, I meet Johnny’s eyes as I grapple his shoulders and shove him to the ground, a laugh sounding from the man below me,
“Unfair, L.T.!”
My lips tease a smirk, growling back,
“Don’t think so, Sargent,”
He laughs when I release him, helping him back up to his feet. Usually, I wasn’t one to skimp out on training, but I’d much rather waste my time listening to Johnny ramble on about the dog he’s been thinking of getting than doing any more combative training. 
His eyes fall behind my face, his elbow coming to nudge my arm as he grins, 
“Y’know L.T. I think me and that medic—”
“Quiet, Johnny.” 
I warn, watching as his eyes go wide, the devil’s grin gracing his lips as he raises his arm and waves at her. I take a sharp breath, groaning as my hand tightens into a fist.
“Hi Soap, Ghost.”
She smiles. I could feel it, even though my back was facing her. I sigh, hoping she didn’t take it the wrong way as I glance over my shoulder, turning slowly,
“Mornin’, Doc.”
“Heya, Bonnie.”
Johnny grins, standing closer than he needs to before you. He knows, he just won’t say it. I glare to my side, staring down at his half-shaved head. It was impossible to keep my eyes away from her, her damn brilliant smile, eyes curving into half-crescents as they looked up to meet mine. 
My eyes shift back to hers, my stomach turning at the way she giggles and smiles at Johnny, at fucking Soap. How her hands rest on her hips, her hair springing out from around her head as she was mid-shift. He didn’t notice.
I did.
Her eyes were softer, her face a litter hallow as she sucks in her cheeks. Her eyes glittered with the reflection of the orange and red sunset, rounded as they watched Johnny attentively. 
“Aye, Doc,”
The words came out of my mouth before I could think of stopping them and when her eyes met mine I couldn’t do anything but stare, whatever else I was going to say slipping away from my tongue. she look at me, looks to my arm, to my tattoos, to the empty spot on my bicep. Her eyes follow every detail of the ink I need to get touched up, yet she glories it like art. I suck on my teeth, spitting out my question like a reluctant apology,
“What’re you doin’ out ‘ere?” 
There it was. 
Bloody hell, the way her fuckin’ lips turn up in a sheepish smile, glancing up at me, her eyes bouncing around nervously. I can’t help but smirk, the skin wrinkling around my eyes as I shift my feet,
“Oh, just walking around,” 
Her voice was so soft, so sweet, untouched by violence and filth of war. I nod blandly, unsure of what else to do under the probing eyes of the slippery bastard beside me. 
She smiles again, swaying her hips like she always does when she to awkward to figure out what to say next.
“How, uh, how’s your training?” 
The question was obviously for both of us, but her eyes never peeled away from mine. I couldn’t look away either, enamored by the way her eyes filled with curiosity, her cheeks round from the small smile on her face, blushing from either the sun or something else.
I was praying on the latter. 
Her eyes glimmered in the sun, fluttering between mine and Johnny’s face as the prick babbles about training. He didn’t matter, she did, an astral beauty whose face never left my damn mind from the moment I met her.
A rose too beautiful to touch, wrapped behind the protective case of her scrubs and white jacket. Too beautiful for a man like me, who spills blood and guts, who would stain her fragile petals.
“Enough, Johnny, get your ass back on the damn field.” 
I growl, my eyes meeting his in a sharp glare as he smirks at me. I watched as he pulled her into a hug, my hands tightening into a fist in my pockets as she smiled up at him. 
He’s fucking playing with me, laughing with her as he sways with her before pulling away. 
I shove the bastard over, 
“See ya’, Doc.” 
“Bye, Ghost! Soap!” 
She grins, her lips a perfect present on her gorgeous face. I turn away before I let my blood rush, my eyes closing as my eyebrows twitch. Soap talks on about something, not that I’m too keen on listening to his English interjected with nonsensical Scottish phrases. 
Even the way she walks is graceful, with each step, she’s mesmerizing, like a siren’s song. Yet here I am, a fucking mile away from being anywhere near capable of speaking to her.  
My breath felt heavy when I let it out of my lungs, desperate for escape for longer than I realized. Johnny knocks his shoulder to mine, a grin on his face as he looks at me. I groan, rolling my eyes as we lock up for another match.
Drinking with straws was more common than I had originally thought. Or maybe, my observation didn’t include enough people, since one person probably doesn’t make an accurate statistic. 
It was like that night, Two weeks ago when we all had drinks. Two weeks ago when I first saw the way the apples of her cheeks made her eyes squint with each drunken laugh. Two weeks since I saw her wrap her lips around my fucking cherry. 
All I could focus on was the way her lips moved when she spoke, how her eyes met mine and how the noise of drunkards around us at the pub dissipated into the hypnotic song of her voice. 
Every time I saw her, the way she licked her lips while she searched for her chapstick in her pocket, the way her hips swayed side to side as she looked at the clipboard in her hands. 
God, she was fucking addicting to look at, let alone interact with. 
The way she knew—yes, fucking knew because there is no way on this bloody Earth this woman pouts so sweetly with her eyes so fucking attractive and she doesn’t know it—she could sink her sweet teeth into me. And I would happily let her. 
⚬ ☠︎︎ ⚬
i don't like this one at all tbh. but, hopefully the next one will make up for it. anyways hashtab situationship goals. taglist: @141trash, @thriving-n-jiving, @agorophobicreader, @murder-hobo
174 notes · View notes
mochis-cream · 3 months
23:55 — choi san ♡
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・ cleaning up after a party is a necessity, it always has been. and yet, as tedious as it may be, as tedious as the whole process may be, you find that you really don’t mind. in fact, you’ll do it time and time again just to make sure he knows he’s loved, and to put a smile on that beautiful face
c.s x gn!reader ・ ateez ・ 에이티즈 ・ sfw ・ non!idol au ・ wc: 932 ・ genre -> fluff, slice of life?? ・ one shot! -> masterlist!
content warning: established relationship, birthday boy san, kissing, lots of fluff me thinks, one singular curse word, lowercase intended, not proofread, let me know if i missed something!
author’s note: yoo employment is crazy dawg 😭 like wdym i don’t have enough free time to actively be working on my own personal projects 😰 so yeah this definitely isn’t getting posted while it’s still his birthday 😞 but hey! it’s still his birthday in alaska, yeah? that’s gotta count for smth right?
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“bye! thanks for coming!”
the night winds down as you gently usher the last party guest out of the house, exchanging tired yet happy goodbyes. the door clicks shut behind them, and you lock it, letting out a sigh of relief. turning around, you survey the battlefield residing in what was once your living room. streamers hang limply from the ceiling, confetti is scattered about like glittery snow, and popped balloons lie sadly around the floor. and there, in the dead center of your living room, draped over the couch like a cake-covered renaissance painting, is san. he’s half asleep, a mix of frosting and confetti adorning his face, and he looks like a complete utter mess.
you sigh again, this time out of resignation, and grab a broom. starting with the confetti, you sweep up the colorful pieces, the crunch of paper underfoot filling the quiet room. next, you gather the popped balloons, their deflated forms serving as a stern reminder of the earlier chaos. fallen cake chunks are carefully swept into a dustpan, and you mop up the frosting smeared across the floor, each swipe of the mop bringing back a bit of the room's former glory.
with the house now looking somewhat presentable, you return you equipment to their rightful locations and then turn your attention to san. he’s now fully asleep on the couch, one arm dangling off the side, his face still a frosting-covered mess. fighting back the urge to groan, you tiptoe past him, heading to the bathroom, and return with a wet towel. despite the mess, the sight of him makes you smile—he looks so peaceful like this you almost don’t want to disturb him. and yet still, you carefully climb on top of him, straddling his hips. you give his nose a gentle peck, smiling as you lick the frosting off your lips. san stirs slightly but doesn’t wake. you begin to gently wipe his face with the towel, the cool water making quick work of the remaining frosting. about halfway through though, san starts to wake up, his hands almost instinctively finding your hips.
he mumbles something about the towel being cold, and you can’t help but laugh softly. “mornin’, sleepyhead. did you sleep well?” you ask, your voice barely concealing your amusement.
san chuckles, eyes still half-closed, and nods. you continue cleaning his face, but he starts shifting beneath you, making it a bit difficult. “hold still for a moment, sannie. i need to get the rest of this frosting off,” you say, trying to sound stern yet failing completely.
san, ever the playful one, shakes his head and swiftly swipes some frosting from his lips onto yours, a mischievous smile spreading across his face as you nearly splutter around his fingers. “ah- come on, san, seriously?” you say, half-exasperated, half-amused. you could hardly complain though, it wasn’t like the frosting tasted bad. it was your favorite.
and just as you begin to lick the icing off your lips, san's free hand cups the back of your head, pulling you into a kiss. his tongue sweeps across your lips, licking off the remaining frosting in the process. the kiss is sweet and lingering, and when he finally pulls away, it's just enough to whisper, "thank you for making my birthday special." his words are sincere, filled with warmth, before he pulls you back in for another, gentler kiss that nearly sends your heart tumbling out your ass.
despite not wanting too, you force yourself to pull away first, instead opting to give him a soft kiss on his forehead. you don’t miss his little blissed out eye smile as you climb off of him, grabbing his arm and hoisting him up off the couch with you. as he stands, most of the confetti clinging to him falls off, fluttering to the floor in a colorful shower. you both laugh at the sight.
"don't worry, i'll clean it up later," you assure him with a smile. "let's go to bed now, kay? you promised your sister you'd spend the day with her tomorrow."
agreeing, san follows you to your shared room. you both change into your pajamas, laughing at how tired you look in the mirror. finally, you climb into bed, snuggling close to each other, the warmth and comfort of being together enveloping you both.
after a moment of peaceful silence, san speaks. his voice is quite, vulnerable, and filled with an emotion you recognize wholeheartedly as love. “seriously, thank you so much for today. i couldn’t possibly have asked for a better birthday. you always make everything feel so special, i’m so glad i met you. thank you.”
you couldn’t stop smiling even if you tried, and your heart all but burst within your chest into a puddle of sunshine and rainbows. “of course, sannie. you deserve this, you know? i want to make sure that you always feel loved by those around you, and that the love you give is returned to you tenfold. whether it’s me, or your family, or your friends, we won’t stop until we’ve put the whole world in your hands.”
san's eyes are red and glossy when they meet yours, his voice fragile and tender. “i know. thank you, i love you.”
you return his sentiment with a gentle squeeze. “i love you more. now go to sleep, okay? you have a long day ahead of you. goodnight, my love.”
“okay, yeah, goodnight.”
with a final kiss to the crown of his head, you both drift off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms.
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thewheelofrp · 4 months
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"Welcome to Mornin' Glory Milking farm! I'm Daisy." she greeted the stranger with a bright smile while doing a cute curtsy. "Are you a client? Or a new employee?"
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cultofdixon · 8 months
Small but mighty
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • It’s adorable watching this short and mighty woman take on 6’ foot men that mess with her. It’s a little less adorable when the archer is being carried on her shoulders • ANSGT/SFW • TW: Injuries
Requested by: Anon
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After the war, a lot needed to be done to bring every community back to its former glory without the wrath of Negan coming down on them.
Alexandria had more structural rebuilding needing to be done so that was the priority.
“Ready to pull?”
“Like you need my help, sunshine” Daryl scoffs playfully, ignoring the smirk on Y/N’s face as they were helping a few bring up the new wall.
Once they were in a position holding the wall up and letting those taking care of wielding get the job done. Eugene walked over in hopes to find Rick helping out so he could ask him something but he noticed Y/N holding onto the rope with Daryl behind her as his mind instantly went to—
“Yea sure she’s strong enough to help steady the wall in place for a while?” Eugene’s voice directed toward the archer as he gave him a you’re kidding? look before letting go of the rope. “Wait!—-…wait”
Y/N noticed the rope drop from behind her as she gave Daryl a confused look before fixing her stance to have her more cemented. Daryl crossed his arms giving Eugene an annoyed look.
“She can handle herself. Just didn’t want her to strain so much”
“If she holds this ability, mind if she helps me with somethin’ later?”
“As long as it’s before nightfall or imma have to—-“
“I’m not property Daryl, but yeah I’m not working on shit past nightfall” Y/N interrupted as Eugene respected such before getting one last word in to inform him when she’s done.
After helping with the wall it was onto carrying the tech scraps that Eugene collected that were being unused at the Sanctuary in hopes he could make something useful out of it for all of them. Daryl even helped to make the job faster so he could spend some alone time with his partner.
“You can make a radio with these parts. Have stations at each community but you’re definitely missing a few things that could connect them all” Y/N went on while rummaging through the scraps as Eugene took inventory of everything useful.
“We can also improve the solar system we have here in Alexandria by having a sole source. Then bring one to the Hilltop”
“That’s a lot of heavy lifting you’re going to have to do”
“Thank the higher power we got you” Eugene smiles at her before returning to his work. Y/N laughs to herself with an eye roll to his words.
Daryl watches the two work from the door way which gave his position. Leading for Michonne to quickly get his attention for help in regard to watching Judith for the night. He could never say no to the small grimes even if he wanted a peaceful night with his partner.
“Of course it’s okay! How could you say no to this face?” Y/N smiles in the comforts of their basement living holding Judith in her arms.
“She’s gonna want those crackers you stash away for later”
“Don’t bring those up!” She laughs which lead Judith to start laughing. “She can have some but after I try and get her to eat whatever a-n-i-m-a-l you caught”
“She loves r-a-b-b-i-t. And Carol sent over some veggies that have started growin’ since the war ended about a month ago. Jude loves that stew yea make”
“Everybody does or at least I hope” Y/N smiles bringing Judith on her shoulders as she instantly reached for Daryl who closed the distance to let Judith grab at him.
A bit of domesticity was nice after a long day and while Judith currently lays passed out in Daryl and Y/N’s bed. The two were enjoying the other’s company in the mini living room not far from the bedroom, the door being open just in case Jude needed either of them.
“Michonne said they’d be back in the mornin’ to grab her. Then we’ll head to the Kingdom”
“M’kay…guess this is our bed for the night” Y/N laughs softly laying against his chest on the couch feeling his hand gently go up and down her arm.
The two fell asleep fast and woke rather early, the usual habit of feeling unsteady after sleeping. Y/N lifted herself up and off Daryl even with his short lived protests on the matter. She went to check on Judith only to be met with a note that Rick came through during the night to pick her up.
“Guess we have an early start with no baby” Y/N smiles kissing Daryl’s forehead on her way to their small kitchenette. “There’s leftover stew from last night if you’re hungry. But I’m gonna pack my bag for the trip to the kingdom”
“Just toss a couple clothes in my pack and then we’re good” Daryl pulled himself up and off the couch heading toward the fridge to grab the jar of jelly Ezekiel gave him. The archer went to open it only for a struggle that Y/N witnessed when she came back into the main room.
“You want—-“
“Nah fuck off” Daryl continued to struggle, turning away from Y/N’s gaze as she rolls her eyes setting her clothes on the couch before getting his pack.
The second she heard the jar hit the counter, Y/N knew that was her cue for her turn at opening it. Once she did, she left it on the counter for Daryl to approach it later to get a spoon full of what he wanted.
“Okay I did what you said but I also included my first aid. Not like we’ll need it but better safe than sorry” Y/N smiles slipping her jacket on and pulling her pony tail out. She relaxed when Daryl brought himself up behind her kissing the spot where her neck meets her shoulder.
“Let’s get going, sunshine” Daryl playfully pats her butt on the way out of their living quarters.
Then two always stop to hunt for a moment before completing the trip to the Kingdom, but the second the gates opened Carol couldn’t help the laugh to erupt from her watching her friend carry in two bucks on her back while Daryl brought his bike to a stop with only rabbits over his shoulder.
“How do you manage to carry those things from wherever the two of you hunted?”
“Don’t ask questions I’ve brought dinner” Y/N laughs walking past Carol to Jerry who helped her take the hunt to their kitchen to prep it. Leaving Daryl alone with his best friend.
“Why didn’t you carry them in? Why make your partner?”
“Funny you think I didn’t ask” Daryl scoffs. “Besides you know—-“
“She’d argue with you. I do know that” She smiles bringing him in for a hug before pulling away to lead to where they’ll be staying for the night. “You would think someone of her stature wouldn’t be able to carry things four times her weight. But look at her go. Freak of nature…respectfully” she clarified when Daryl gave her a glare to that comment.
“It’s adorable.” Daryl states opening the door for Carol. “Sometimes”
“She opened the jar for you again huh?” She smirks getting a groan out of the man. “Ha!”
“Shut the fuck up” He groans once more as he walked through the mess hall to head into the kitchen watching Y/N prepare one of the bucks. “Need a hand?”
A few hours went by and the two got a lot done in the Kingdom, all they had to do left for their agenda was to set up snares and a few trigger points in case herds passed through. Daryl took care of the trigger points while Y/N set up traps but neither of them accounted for old traps that were still placed just that the environment grown over them making it difficult to spot.
So when the sound of a bear trap went off followed by a thud, Y/N thought it was one and hers and retraced her steps. But the obvious scream coming from the archer, made it clear to Y/N it wasn’t one of hers.
“Fucking—-SON OF A BITCH” Daryl shouted staring at the bear trap latched to his left calf. “Stupid fucking shit didn’t warn—-“ Trying to blame someone else for your misstep isn’t going to make this not happen—after it already did.
The quick steps triggered Daryl to grab his crossbow and aim it, forgetting Y/N was out there with him.
“Woah!” Y/N held her hands up alerting her presences as Daryl drops his crossbow with a huff. “What the fuck did you do?!”
“Oh me?! Look at what yea—-“
“STOP YELLING” Y/N was last to shout as she quickly ran in a direction that Daryl had to make his head fall back to see what she was doing which was take out the walker coming toward them after their screaming match. But her sense of heat of the moment action, was to kick the walker down and stomp on its head instead of using her knife. Effective but the whole “you bit?” conversation—-
“You gotta stop doing that!”
“It didn’t bite me!”
“The one you fucking threw the other day almost did!”
“I didn’t have my gun or my knife. I had to think fast! Besides—-Can we just agree it was impressive of me to throw a body like it was nothing?!”
“Can yea PLEASE just help me??”
“Right!” Y/N drops her backpack by her side when she knelt down to Daryl’s leg. “Was it just…under a lot of shit? Maybe we need to start be gardeners and check how many are actually under this grass”
Daryl scoffs, wincing immediately when Y/N held his leg to straighten it a bit so she could get the shirt she pulled out around it to use it as a tourniquet.
“Not too tight! Ain’t losing—-“
“Shut up I know what I’m doing” Y/N ignored Daryl because she does indeed know what she’s doing and his anxiety will only stress her into doing something wrong.
After the tourniquet was on just enough to stop the bleeding but not to kill the foot, she took out her first aid kit taking out the gauze and wrap getting it ready for when she unclenched the trap. Daryl braced himself but when he watched his partner take out her journal, his mind went to its intended use before—-
“You want to scream a herd over? Bite down, Dar” Y/N held up the journal as he immediately took it in his mouth before gripping the earth when she didn’t even give him a countdown and quickly opened it. Y/N ignored the muffled scream as she felt her anxiety crawl up her shoulders but she focused on what’s in front of her.
Daryl spit out the journal once Y/N finished getting the gauze and wrap onto his wound. Taking a deep breath even when every part of him is screaming internally.
“Okay. I have to carry you”
“FUCK that. I ain’t about to be carried by yea”
“Well you can’t walk on the leg and you shouldn’t put more pressure on it. It needs stitches. This is only a temporary fix”
“I can walk” He scoffs trying to rise to his feet only to fall on his ass. Daryl groans a bit looking up at Y/N who rose to her feet when he tried to stand. The annoyance grew in her face. “FINE!”
Y/N didn’t even wait another second and grabbed Daryl’s arms before pulling him over her shoulders. Adjusting him enough for his weight to be evenly distributed on her shoulders before starting to walk back to the main gate of the Kingdom.
It didn’t take long for word to travel fast as Carol busted into the infirmary they have.
“The fuck happen to you?!”
“Bear trap” Y/N states sitting in the chair beside Daryl’s bed as he’s already been stitched up and now stuck in the bed until he can get back on his bike. Or someone from Alexandria travels with a car.
“Wow. Well you better stay in the fucking bed, Dixon” Carol sighs. “I’ll go get your room set up and I’ll help you move him later” she stated before leaving as Y/N turned to Daryl who’s annoyed look never left him.
“Not like I need the he—“
“Shut up”
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truths33k3r4 · 16 days
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Oh- alright that’s ok! I have plenty of time left to record and draw some animation for the 4K Special, let me just go to bed and I’ll get right to it in the mornin-“
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0-0 OH. OOOooooOooOooKAY. This is fine- Let’s just hope the next sub will just take their sweet time so I can actually finish this specia-“
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DANG IT. I mean- YAY! Thank you all so much!!! But… uh.. the 4K Special is uh… it’s gonna be a LITTTTLE laaaaaate 😅 But I refuse to give you guys bad content so I’ll still take my time with it. :)
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for sharing my comic dubs and getting my name out to other fans of TMNT!!! I’m praising the Lord with how much my little channel has grown! Maybe by 5K I’ll have finally finished the 4K Special HAHAHA
To God be the glory!!
~ Melissa
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rinstaro · 2 years
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a/n: this is an ask for twilight that i accidentally deleted lol. this one’s gonna be loooooong. i feel really sick today so sorry if it’s really bad 🫠 not proofread because im ashamed of what ive done
cw: overstim <33, clit slapping, twilight being mean cause you pissed him off, you shouldn’t have bitched at him!! he says mean things in the sweetest tone, he still loves you very much, crying, biting, squirting, he cums in you hnnnnn, reader has a vagina and no pronouns
minors do not interact.
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twilight was at his wits end. he’d come home to a clean house, a lovely dinner, and yet you were no where to be found. when he ventured into your shared bedroom, you were perched on the bed with your nose in a book. twilight got the feeling you weren’t reading, though.
you glanced at him quickly before letting out a small huff. what was that all about, he wondered. “i’m home, doll,” he smiled, reaching a finger out to push your book down. instead you snatched it away from him, causing him to jump back.
“did you eat?” you asked, still not looking at him. he frowned at your strange behavior. he decided to ignore it, maybe you were just really into that book?
“it was amazing, doll. i cleaned up the dishes for you.”
“hm. thanks,” you mumbled, finally setting your book down. twilight thought you were finally giving him some attention, only to watch you climb off the bed and walk towards the door. “i’m gonna fold the laundry.”
“oh, i did that too.” you grit your teeth. of course he did. he was just doing everything but you, huh?
the reason you were upset at him may have been silly, but you couldn’t help it. when you woke up this morning, there was an ache between your legs. you tried to ignore it, but how could you when your lover was right next to you? it was rare that you woke up before him, so you thought you’d use it to your advantage.
you turned over, wrapping your arms around his waist the same way his were currently wrapped around yours. you leaned up a bit, placing soft kisses on his neck at which he stirred slightly. you pressed your almost naked form closer to him, innocent kisses turning into little love bites. soon enough your lover was awake. “mmm, mornin’.”
“g’morning, baby. sleep well?”
“mhm. always do when you’re next ‘ta me. c’mere,” he mumbled, laying on his back and pulling you into his lap. perfect, you thought.
you ran your hands down his chest, your gaze heated. twilight had closed his eyes again, relishing in the feeling of your body heat. you leaned down, lips hovering over his when—
“are ya comin’ with me today?”
“you said you wanted to come watch me work, right?” he asked, opening his eyes to look at your confused face. you almost couldn’t believe what you were hearing. here you were in all your glory, horny, barely any clothes on, and he was thinking about work?
you pouted, climbing off of him and laying back down, back towards him. “i’m still sleepy. maybe tomorrow,” you mumbled. twilight thought nothing of it, assuming your attitude was due to you being ‘sleepy’.
“alright, darlin, i’ll see you soon.” without a second thought, twilight rose, planting a kiss on your forehead before going to get ready for the day.
yes, you were pissed off because you didn’t get to fuck your husband in the early morning. damn him for being so hardworking.
now you were standing in the door frame looking silly, still scantily clad with a scowl on your face. “thank you,” you hissed. you had no choice but to walk back to the bed, sitting next to him and picking back up your book. twilight frowned. this was getting frustrating.
“whatsa matter, darlin’? you okay?” he asked directly, prying the book out of your hands. you looked appalled at the fact that he dared take it away from you. “i’m fine—“
“no you’re not. tell me. now.”
“excuse me? why do i have to?” you growled, “whatever. go play with your stupid goats.” with that, you stood once more, marching towards the door. before you could even reach for the handle, your lover’s hand was around your neck, chest pressed to your back.
a growl rumbled in his chest, making you freeze on the spot. you could tell that he was trying to calm his breathing, the grip on your neck pinning you in place. “mind sayin’ that again?”you choked back a whimper, slightly shaking your head no. “i d-didnt mean—“
“you didn’t, huh? so why you been so mean since i got here?” he could feel you swallow. when you didn’t respond, twilight took a moment to sniff the air.
right, just like he thought. surely you wouldn’t talk to him like that for no reason. “how ‘bout you go sit your pretty self back on the bed? i’ll make sure that attitude’s dealt with.”
and that’s how you were tied up by your wrists and stripped bare in the span of 15 minutes.
there were bite marks littering your entire body, coloring your skin in different shades of reds, purples and blues. you trembled, tears decorating your lash line already while your lover sat in front of you and spanked your clit.
“can’t even go one day without me touchin’ this cunt? that’s a lil’ pathetic even for you, doll,” twilight hummed, landing another slap on your clit. you cried out, legs twitching in an effort to close. too bad twilight was absolutely fucking massive. “got me a runner, huh? you know that’s not gonna work, darlin’.”
your pussy was sobbing, a damp spot already formed on the sheets. your clit was so sensitive from his spankings and you didn’t think you could take anymore.
“i-i’m sorry, please let me go! i won’t do it anymore!”
“hm? i’m just givin’ ya what you wanted,” he smirked, thumbing at your over sensitive clit. you gasped, legs trying to close again. he never understood why you kept trying to stop him, you craved his touch. how could he deny you what you had been asking for?
“y’know what? i think you even deserve a reward for waiting for so long,” twilight said while lowering himself and pushing your thighs back, not even giving you a moment to brace yourself as his tongue attacked your swollen bud.
you let out a slutty moan, rolling your hips into his mouth. “ahhn, link!–” finally he was giving you what you wanted and more. you couldn’t help but yell his name, eyes rolling back in pure bliss.
even though he was upset with you, twilight only ever wanted to please you. his dick twitched in his pants at every gasp you let out. more, he needed to hear you more. he wrapped his lips around your clit, sucking at your gushing cunt. the tears finally started falling as you came abruptly, overwhelmed by his ministrations and your own sensitivity.
you twisted and turned in your restraints when he didn’t stop, drinking your cum like he hasn’t had water in days. “f-fuuuuck! quit it, let go let go!” you cried. he didn’t listen, not even for a second. instead, he dove his tongue even further into your cunt, viciously tongue fucking you towards your second orgasm. your legs shook in his grasp.
“please please i’m sorry! n-no, no more! too much!” twilight laughed into your cunt at your cries. where’d his tough little darling go? you had only cum once and he was far from done with you.
he kept tongue fucking you until he could feel you cum again, creaming all over his face. he sucked your poor pussy til there was nothing left, pulling away from your clit with a ‘pop’. you continued to shake, eyes squeezed shut. twilight ran his hands up and down your body, massaging the tense muscles. he didn’t need you cramping, he still hadn’t fucked you full of cum.
he gave you a minute before he spoke. “you said you’re sorry?” “mhm,” you whimpered in response. he smiled softly, grabbing your chin and kissing you deeply so you could taste yourself on his tongue. “how you gonna make it up to me? you thought i’d let ya off that easy, brat?” you flinched at his words. his tone was sinister, holding promises that tonight would not end well for you.
“y’know, i was thinkin’ ‘bout you all day. your pretty face never leaves my mind,” he spoke quietly. “neither does that pretty cunt. thought about how my sweet darling feels so good when i fuck them. after all, don’t i deserve something for dealin’ with that nasty attitude of yours?”
as mean as he sounded, he was testing you. seeing if you wanted to stop. after all of that? fuck no. you needed him to batter your pussy til it was sore. you whimpered once more as you nodded, which made your lover laugh.
“there’s my good doll. just needed me to take care of you, right? then you’ll stop all that bitchin’?”
he finally stripped himself of his clothing, making you drool at the sight of him. you squirmed once more, whining at him. “liiiiiiink!” his dick throbbed painfully at the sound of his name coming from you. “please lemme go, i wanna hold you too.”
you’re so damn cute. how could he say no to such a precious request? he was gonna destroy you.
twilight untied the rope binding your wrists, sighing dreamily when your arms wrapped around his neck. maybe he should let you get this needy more often.
“you ready, darlin’?”
“y-yes, please give it to me,” you whispered, looking him right in the eyes. he could’ve came right then and there.
slowly, he pushed his cock into you, the stretch making you hiss. it felt like he was splitting you open every time and you adored it. a broken moan left your throat, toes curling so hard it hurt. twilight was no better off, shuddering when his hips met yours.
“oh my— fuck, move!” you yelped. he started at an easy pace, letting you get used to his size. your eyes rolled into the back of your head, the pleasure sending you into a frenzy. hell, twilight could even feel you trying to fuck him back, your hips chasing his whenever he pulled back.
“that’s it, fuck, let me feel you,” he growled, gradually increasing his pace. your cunt was so wet, clenching around him so hard, he felt like he was in heaven.
“my p-precious darlin’ was just waitin’ for me, huh? needed me to bury my cock in ya? ‘s that all?”
“yes! yesyesyes, please! i love you so much, please!”
twilights pace stuttered, a choked groan tumbling out of his mouth. “i love you, too. gonna make me cum.” you were about to cum yourself, thighs shaking violently. you pulled him into a searing kiss that sent both of you over the edge. you were cumming so hard you couldn’t breathe, cunt squirting all over your husband and yourself. he moaned loudly, thrusts slowing but never stopping as he fucked his cum into you.
you started growing sensitive once more, begging him to stop, to take a break. but he couldn’t, not when you missed him so much and your pussy fucked him so good. twilight suddenly started fucking you at an animalistic pace, his grip on your hips bruising. you were screaming, certain that the entire village could hear you. your poor neighbors.
“fuckfuck, can’t stop, so fuckin’ good, need more,” he moaned out, throwing your legs over his shoulders. your back arched almost painfully. he was so deep you could only feel him. everything felt so good, too good, and you weren’t sure if you could handle any more.
“link, it’s too good! c-can’t take it! can’t— oh my— hahhhh!” your fucked out babbling was cut short as you came again, squirting all over the two of you once more. you felt so good, you were sobbing. twilight chuckled darkly.
“there ya go, jus’ like that. give me all of it til there’s nothin’ left, you hear me?”
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