#Mortal kombat oneshots
itjazzbicch · 1 year
Mortal Kombat Master List:
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🥰 - means fluff
😠 - means angst
🍋 - means smut
😥- means sad/emotional
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Interesting Rivals -🍋
Fighting with Destiny - 🥰/😥
Fighting With Destiny PT. 2 - 🍋
Fighting with Destiny PT. 3 -😥
Fighting With Destiny PT. 4 -😢/🥰
Tomas "Smoke" Vrbada
Safe Haven - 🥰
All of You -🍋
Johnny Cage
Needs - 🍋
No Angel -🍋
Kenshi Takashi
The Way You Are - 🥰
What Friends Are For - 🥰
Reborn - 🥰
Bi Han "SubZero"
Only Yours - 🍋
Ice To A Flame - 🥰
Melting Hearts - 🥰
A Big Step in Life -🥰
Deeper Desires -🍋
Shang Tsung
Experimentation - 🍋
Escaping False Fate - 🥰
Escaping False Fate PT. 2 - 🍋
What Wasn't Meant To Be -🥰
New Sparks - 🥰
Kuai Liang "Scorpion"
Playing with Fire - 🍋
Kung Lao
Battle of Egos - 🍋
As Real As It Gets - 🥰
Hunger - 🥰
Cravings -🍋
Free - 🥰
Lui Kang
Things That Never Change - 🥰
Erron Black
Never Happened - 😠/🥰
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
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Subzero x fem! Reader Nsfwish and fluffish Alphabet!
This is for my best friend, Since a few days ago her account got suspended out of the sudden. I’m very happy that they restored her account, I’m glad that she is back again! Alhimdullah! 💕💕 My dear! @subzero-simp hope you like it and enjoy it! 💖💖💙💞💕💓😘😘🥰
After every love-making, he loves to hug you and gives you a back rub. He will make you warm. He enjoys making tea for you, to warm up.
B=body parts
His favourite body part of yours is your breasts, he loves to kiss your nipples, lick them, bite them, and finally pinch them.
C=Cum (everything about his white liquid)
He loves to make you a mess, his white stuff all on your face, then your breasts. He is always satisfied seeing you like this, then he will help you get up to shower.
D=Dirty secrets
He won’t admit it, that he loves to spy on you while you are in the bathtub, it is his favourite fetish seeing you like this. Usually, when you sit in the bathtub and read a book.
He isn’t that experienced, but he will be more experienced with you. You both love to test each other, and new techniques in lovemaking. You know what I mean 😏.
F=Favourite positions
He has a lot of positions, it depends on his mood, if he is calm he will choose missionary. But mostly he loved missionary. It makes him dominant. He is in control, not you.
He sometimes loves to say ice puns between you and him, he loves to show you his goofy and dork side, Only to you.
He always takes care of himself. Shaves his beard, Grooms his hair, He is just a tidy man.
talking either normally or dirty 😏. In public, he loves to hold a clear and prestigious image of himself that includes him being stoic, respectful, and calm. Alone with you. That's a different matter, he loves to talk dirty to you. Whispers of bad words and sexual moans into your ears. He loves to seduce you with his biceps and his huge private member. Which makes you drool nonstop.
Šęx or love-making. He is moody sometimes, love-making positions are up to his mood. If he was calm he prefer the missionary position. but, when he is a bit violent he prefers the doggy position or cowgirl ones for you. To tame you.
Extraordinary intimate. He loves to touch you and run his calloused hands with your soft and gentle ones. But, During teaching his trainees, he is very stoic and shows his stoic default face. He will get touchy with you only when he is alone. He isn’t a fan of PDAs. So, No don’t expect him to hold your hand in public!
J= Jack Off (masturbation)
He uses it to suppress his sexual urges, especially when he can’t control himself anymore, but he fully knows that he won’t be pleased enough like when he is with you.
K= Kink
His favourite kink is bondage, he loves to bind your hands on the bed-board. So that you won’t escape while he makes love-making to you!
He doesn’t have any favourite location of his. He only knows the Lin Kuei temple for most of his life. But if you suggest going somewhere and he finds it fun, he will consider it his favourite location. Only because you love it
That’s all for today! I hope you like it! And enjoy reading it! Xoxoxo 😘😘😘💋❤️❤️❤️
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dontbesoweirdkira · 4 months
Yandere Raiden x reader x Yandere Fujin? Or feed my delusional mind with just Yandere mk men x reader- with that harem “no she’s mine! Not yours!”
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“Alright, men please listen up. Y/N can only choose one of us..which means you all will have to die.”
A/N: I love a delusional queen from infinity to infinityyyyyy. MHMM OFC!!! Anything for my delusional friends…I didn’t have Raiden in this one because I’m going to give you some good stuff in a separate post. I have Raiden and Fujin fighting for you in that. Plus a bonus;) this has been my favorite request so far.
Warnings: Johnny cage💀, Yandere/Toxic Themes, mentions of stalking, harassment, violence, a bit suggestive???
Requests: open 24/7
Let’s be real, the mk men are perpetually thirsty. Actually all the characters are to be honest. Did you hear the flirty dialogue?? Even the keeper is trying to get some of that action.
So really it’s no shocker that you, the new fighter, have all the attention from them.
Johnny is undoubtedly the first to strike. He may be an older man now but damn, you make him feel like he’s 20 again. He just cannot control making some kind of flirtatious comment when he sees you walk by.
“Woah, woah, woah, now sweetheart. I think you and I should have a nice long conversation. Get to know each other a little…or a lot…dealers choice.” ;)
Yeahh he doesn’t care that he has a kid and a mortgage. Cassie is grown now and Sonya doesn’t want him anymore…so free game, baby.
His eyes are hungry and he barely can hold himself back from pouncing on you—
Liu Kang and Kung Lao see this and apologize for his behavior towards you. They introduced themselves and of course did their absolute best to make you feel at home.
Don’t let this fool you though, those are some sinful monks. They are no better than Johnny and they want you real baaaad.
“So, Y/N. What is your skill set? Wait. Let me guess, you use beauty essence to trap your opponent in a daze before knocking them out?”
Liu Kang jabs Kung Lao in the stomach with his elbow, before speaking to you.
“I’m sorry for these two. You are very beautiful but please know we are just as excited to train with you as we would anyone else. Anytime you’d like to spar, please, don’t hesitate to find me.”
Ahh he’s so damn slick…he just wants a reason to pin you downnnn
“Hey! Liu Kang don’t you mean us? We all would like to train with you darling~. Some people like to fight over in the courtyard but if you’d like I have a very special place called, me casa.”
“I would also like to train with you…in the courtyard of course. I mean unless you prefer—“
“Thanks? Umm..I appreciate all of your….offers. I’m supposed to actually meet with Raiden, I’m just a little lost. Have you guys—-“
Before you could even finish your sentence all three of them bombarded you with offers and began fighting over each other, debating who actually knows how to find Lord Raiden the best.
That pretty much sets the tone for how everyone acts around you.
By a month or so into you being here, everyone knows about you. Especially the men. You’re all they talk about.
At first it was simply chatter about you being a new kombatant for earthrealm and of course mentions of your beauty.
But since learning more about and becoming closer with you, the little infatuations have turned into full blown obsessions.
No one can seem to get enough of you, even the grand masters have trouble focusing when you’re around. Hanzo and Kai Liang may disagree on many things but you are one of the few things they can get behind.
They are both trying to recruit you to their different clans so they can be fully entitled to you.
Scorpion wants extreme control over you, he wants to shape you into the perfect companion. He wants you to be just as poised as his wife once was. You already have her beauty so just let him perfect you.
Sub-Zero wants you to become his equal. What he failed to do with Frost, he will make up with you. How more beautiful you’d become if only your heart was frozen over.
Either one will stop at nothing to have you. A trophy they could boast over. For a second you ended a centuries-long feud, both agreeing on your excellence…only for it to start all over again for who is more worthy to own you.
This isn’t isolated to just them, all the men are fighting for your attention. Arguing about who you actually belong to, bragging about how much attention they got from you, and comparing it to each other. Don’t get me started on that. Mk men are so needy for your attention. Whenever they can’t get it, they resort to other ways.
Johnny is such a filthy pervert. You don’t wanna give him the time of day? Fine, he’ll take matters into his own hands.
He’s your very own paparazzi, you should be grateful that he’s taking this many pictures of you. You’re the first and only.
It doesn’t matter that he’s doing it without your consent or knowledge…. He’ll jump into the flesh pits if that meant getting the perfect shot of you…let him have this.
He refuses to share these with the other guys, it’s just for him. Over his dead body will Kano or someone else see you like this.
Shang Tsung has also caught wind of you and you’re a pretty sight indeed. He doesn’t want you to fight in the tournament. A gorgeous soul like you should be locked away in his throne room. He always tries to bribe you with fortune and power. He can offer you so much more than these rodents. If you need an extra push in his direction, a little trickery may help with that….he has no shame using an incantation on you.
Liu Kang and Kung Lao are no better. They manipulate that fact you see them as good friends as a way to be in the limelight.
They stalk you just as much as the rest, sometimes separately but often times together. It always ends up in a fight between the two tho because one person starts shit talking…
“Idk Kang. A woman like that would never be into you. Kitana barely even looks your way…what makes you think Y/N will? Besides, she called me cute.”
“Yeah, I think she’ll think it’s real ‘cute’ how I destroy you in the tournament..”
Perverted as Cage. Kung Lao is extremely touchy while sparring. He loves to “teach” you things. He never shines away from a moment to flex all of his years of training under the shaolin and that he’s a self proclaimed expert.
For some reason when he’s fixing your form, his hand always winds up a little too far up…hmm strange.
Liu Kang loves when you watch him workout or spar with others. When it’s finally your turn to be his opponent, he never holds back.
You cannot catch a break. Gifts and proposals are constantly sent to your door and no matter how much you try to decline, it just won’t stop coming. Sure being basically waited on, and desired by many is really nice. Every girls dream! But you have to admit just how it is scary having such dangerous men obsessed with you.
There hasn’t been a moment in the last few months where you’ve ever felt completely alone. The feeling that someone is always watching you has never left.
And, occasionally you would awkwardly overhear or walk in on a group of men fighting about you.
“With all due disrespect, I believe a babe like that would prefer a star like me. She’s all mine”
“Nonsense. Y/N belongs to the Shirai Ryu. Both her beauty and skill makes her a viable asset to the clan. You can fight me in hell over it, Cage.”
It doesn’t get any better when the tournament starts.
I think the men forgot they were fighting for their realms because it quickly turned into a fight for dominance.
A tournament that was once a noble cause, turned into a bloody showcase. Every man dedicating their wins to you, making sure to send a cheeky flex or wink your way.
Besides, what value did their realms hold if you weren’t there with them.
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restinslices · 2 months
Bi-Han x Child!Reader (no gender specified)
Word count: 2036
Summary: Who would have thought that raising a child would be the hardest thing in a world full of gods, Edenians, sorcerers, war, and whatever else life decided to throw in the mix.
Translations for future reference: 小天使 - Little angel. 爸爸- Baba/dad. 我爱你! - I love you! (I got all these translations from Google, so they could be wrong).
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If someone were to ask Bi-Han which was harder, being a Grandmaster or having a young child, he'd say the latter without hesitation. 
It's not that he didn't like being a father. It's just that kids… well… they're special creatures. Special in the sense that things that made sense to them, made no sense to the adults around them. 
Here are just a few moments that made Bi-Han wanna face the wall and never be seen again. 
Bald People 
“Chew with your mouth closed 小天使” Bi-Han used his hand to push your jaw up then wipe juice from your mouth, earning a giggle from you. He had no idea what was funny, but he learned long ago to not ask many questions. Your brain would never make sense to him and vice versa. 
To say it was a nice day would be an understatement. For the first time in days there was no rain in the area, the cold didn't bite at anyone's exposed flesh (something he didn't mind, but your body didn't process the cold the same way his did. At least not yet), the clouds didn't cast the world into darkness, no. Nothing like that. It was clear. Not a cloud in sight. No rumbles of thunder. Just a clear day. Perfect for eating fruit with his little buddy outside. 
Bi-Han made a fatal error though. He allowed himself to get too comfortable. He stopped being on his guard. 
“爸爸!” You shouted. “爸爸 WHY IS THAT GUY BALD?!”. 
Please let that be a hallucination… 
He followed where your finger was pointing, and to his disappointment, he wasn't hallucinating. You were pointing to a Lin Kuei ninja who had taken his mask off to reveal his smooth and bald head. The man- well, not just him. Every ninja looked over at the two of you in shock. 
“Hey!” he pushed your hand down. “What'd I say about pointing?” he scolded. It was all he could think to say. What was he supposed to do in this situation? He had never been advised on what to do if his child suddenly became interested in bald people. 
“BUT HE IS BALD! WHY IS HE BALD?!”. Bi-Han said a silent prayer to the Elder Gods to give him the strength to not strangle you. 
“Stop yelling! Eat your fruit!”
“But why is he bald?” at least you weren't screaming anymore. Small wins. “I'm not bald. You're not bald. I've never seen a bald person in real life. What's the word for 'bald’ in Chinese? I can't remember-”
His hand covered your mouth. He sighed. If only he could stay like this forever. 
As the Grandmaster, he wasn't afraid of confrontation. That'd be ridiculous. Didn't mean he wanted you poking at some random bald guy though. 
Your small hands pulled his down from your mouth. He hated you were so cute, with your wide eyes and chubby cheeks. It made it a lot harder to be stern with you. 
Bi-Han having trouble with being stern? You definitely had changed him. 
“But he's bald” the last word came out your mouth in amazement. Had you really never seen a bald person before? He never felt the need to show you one. Why would he? “Come on, child of mine! Let's go watch bald people today!”. Kuai Liang had kids of his own, but he hadn't brought up kids could become fascinated with bald people. Was this normal? 
Parenting was so confusing. 
“Eat your fruit” he practically begged. 
“I'm gonna go ask him why he's bald!” You exclaimed. “Excuse me! Kind stranger! Hey-” with a sigh, Bi-Han threw you over his shoulder, grabbed the bowl of fruit, and walked towards the house. 
“Hey!” Your small hands hit his back and your legs kicked up in the air. “Hey I was talking to him! Hey! Hey! Kind stranger! Why are you bald?!”. 
You continued your shouts of curiosity, all while Bi-Han continued carrying you over his shoulder. And once you both got back inside, you still hadn't understood what you did wrong. 
“It was just a question” you defended as you bit at your nails and swung your legs from your seat. “Can I have ice cream?”. 
Bi-Han sighed. 
War was easier than this. 
As soft as you had made him, he still pushed you when it came to training. 
And as silly as you were, you were still a fantastic fighter. 
It filled him with pride to watch you use your small size to your advantage. You'd dodge under the other ninjas legs, kick them in places like their shins, you'd even crawl up their bodies and startle them. 
His perfect little warrior. 
But before being a warrior, you were still a child. So it was to his disappointment, but not surprise, when you gasped and pointed behind him. Something had gotten your attention. 
“Look! Look!” You exclaimed as you ran past him. 
What he expected to see was something like a rainbow. Something that made sense to get excited over. What he didn't expect to see were two white ducks waddling next to each other. 
“They're ducks” 
“They're ducks!” You repeated after him. “They're so cute!” You ran at him and tugged on his arm. “Can I have them?! Please please please?! Can I have them both?!”. 
Would it be terrible to make a joke about cooking them?
More than likely. 
“No” he said sternly and grabbed your arm. “Go back to-”
“I wanna go draw them” you whined. You tried to pull away from him, even going so far as to try and pry his hand away, but you were a small child. 
By the Elder Gods… maybe if he screamed everytime he woke up, he'd have more patience. 
Bi-Han tried his hardest to say “go back to your training” as sternly as he could, in hopes it'd spark obedience in you. You weren't an obedient warrior though. You were a child. 
You did what he hated most. You fell to the floor, becoming dead weight in his hand. You mumbled whines he couldn't, and didn't care to hear. Everytime he tried to pick you up, you fought to stay back down. It didn't matter that he threatened to take away everything you loved. Even using the typical lines about Santa didn't work. You didn't care about Santa, or your toys, or getting an earlier bedtime, or no longer having candy, or anything else he could think of. You were in love with these stupid fucking birds now and all you wanted to do was draw them. 
“Fine!” he shouted. “Go draw your ducks!”. 
Of course, your sour mood was gone now. You ran away, leaving him behind to dismiss his men and debate on asking one of his brothers to babysit. 
Bi-Han hoped that this phase would only last a few days. 
But hope never really did anything. 
The phase lasted months. There were drawings of ducks everywhere. There were framed pictures, pictures on the fridge, pictures in between couch cushions, he even found some in the bathroom. Why the hell were you drawing in the bathroom? 
The sound of crayons scribbling on paper and you humming filled his ears when he entered your room. Ducks again he was sure. Duck this, duck that, duck every fucking thing. 
“Come on. We're visiting your uncles today”
“One more minute”. 
He sighed. He kept giving you “one more minute”. You were supposed to have left ten minutes ago. There wasn't a set time you both were supposed to be at Kuai Liangs home. He just wanted to be there by 2:30pm, but it was 2:25pm and you still hadn't left. 
“No more minutes” he didn't know why he kept trying to be stern with you. “We're going. Now.” 
He walked closer to you then, prepared to throw you over his shoulder and carry you off if he had to. Thankfully, you slammed your crayon down and showed off your drawing with a wide smile. 
“I drew us as ducks!”. 
It was true. Though the ducks weren't entirely anatomically correct, Bi-Han could still see the two ducks holding hands and smiling. You even added hair on both of you, and on the bottom in pink sat the words “我爱你!”. 
He pointed at the words and asked “who's saying that?”. 
“Both of us” you answered. “Cause I love you and you love me!”. Very true. Even if you made his head pound sometimes, he loved you more than life itself. “It's a gift for you”. 
Was it stupid to feel happy as he held the paper in his hands? It was just ducks after all. 
But in the same breath, you took two things you loved and put them together. Perhaps it was insecurity, but sometimes he worried that you weren't aware of how much he loved you. He was glad to know that although he pushed you, it didn't change how you felt for him. 
“Do you like it?”. 
Did he like it?
He left a kiss on top of your head and nodded. 
Maybe ducks weren't so bad. 
Party Time!
When Bi-Han felt himself being shook awake, he knew it could only be one person doing it. So, being the reasonable and mature adult he was, he decided to ignore the person. 
“爸爸. 爸爸. 爸爸” You whispered while shaking him. He kept his eyes closed and pretended to still be asleep. “Dad. Dad. Daddy. Dada. 爸爸”. He groaned and tried to shake you off while still pretending to be asleep. Unfortunately for him, you inherited his stubbornness. 
He felt your breath on his ear as you whispered “are you awake? Wake up”. 
Fuck. You weren't gonna stop. Maybe you'd tire eventually, but it wouldn't be anytime soon. 
He sighed, opened his eyes, then looked at you. “Why are you awake?” he grumbled, noticing the lack of light coming through his curtains. 
“I can't sleep” you complained. “I had a bad dream”. Well now he felt a little bad for ignoring you. 
“Come lay next to me-”
“I don't wanna go back to sleep” you whined. You fully collapsed on top of him, which he wished you didn't do because your head was now on his throat. “I wanna stay up. Let's have a party!”. 
“No” he answered simply. He pushed you off, much to your dismay. “I'll read you a story-”
“Nooooooooo” you whined from next to him. “Party time! Let's have a party! Dad and kid party!”. He rolled his eyes at your jazz hands. Parents needed a daily salary. 
“We're not having a party,” he said. He wasn't even sure what kind of party you were even talking about. Either way, it was far too late. “I will read you a bedtime story. You'll like the story. Then you'll go to sleep”. 
More whines. “Then the monster will come back”. 
That made him raise a brow. “The monster?” he questioned. 
Your frown deepened. “The monster” you repeated. “In my dream, there was a monster. You left me behind”. 
Oh his heart was so soft when it came to you. He could've told you to suck it up and that it was just a dream. Instead, his eyes softened and he rubbed your cheek. Your hand gripped his in response. 
“I wouldn't leave you behind”
“You wouldn't?”. 
You sweet child… 
“Never” he said firmly. That answer seemed to satisfy you. You burrowed yourself into his side and let out a sigh of relief. Poor thing. He wished he could prevent you from having bad dreams ever again. 
He stayed awake beside you, patiently waiting for you to fall back asleep. 
You frustrated Bi-Han. That much was true. You gave him headache after headache and confused him beyond belief. 
It didn't matter in the long run. It didn't matter how many times you said something inappropriate in public, or how many obsessive phases you went through. 
It wouldn't matter how many tantrums you had, or how many times you woke him up while the moon was still high in the sky. 
None of that would matter. 
He would always stand beside you. 
He would always love and adore you. 
His warrior. 
His little duck. 
His 小天使.
I haven’t written x reader fanfic in a hot minute, so I’m still a little rusty. I hope y’all enjoyed either way! While proof reading I realized that Kuai Liang would more than likely live with Bi-Han and wouldn’t have his own home to visit. But uuuhhhh it’s already to written 😀. So let’s all just ignore that little error.
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gtgbabie0 · 10 months
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-Liu Kang x Reader
{A soft moment between you and Liu Kang}
Super fluffy and very domestic!! Hope you enjoy my lovelies! 💕
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Evenings in the Shaolin monastery never fail to take your breath away, how the pink and orange hues from the setting sun seem to bleed together, casting its warm light across the horizon. You admire the beauty of the scenery from the quaint little space you found. Hidden away from the other monks, a small open room lit by candles, where you could enjoy some tea in peace.
You allow your mind to drift as you take a deep breath, taking in the sounds of nature and distant water, only to be pleasantly interrupted by Liu Kang as he enters your quaint space with consideration, careful, so as to not rip you away from your meditative state.
“Nice of you to join me” you smile, shuffling to make space on the wooden floor for him to sit beside you, and he does so without hesitation, sitting on the blanket you laid upon the floor, “How did you find me?” You wonder as he looks at you with soft eyes.
“I couldn’t find you anywhere, I figured you’d be here” he explains, his hands finding yours, stopping you from pouring him some tea. “How is your head?” He tilts his chin slightly as he caresses your cheek, thumb soothing the space under your eye.
You had told him you weren’t feeling all too well this morning, way before he left to help Raiden and Kung Lao with whatever needed their attention around the Shaolin Temple. He had offered to look after you, the ever-caring man that he was, but yet his duties called him and he was whisked away from you.
Liu Kang can’t help but smile as you lean into his warm hand, the fabric of his bandages are rough against your skin but that doesn’t stop you. “A lot better than this morning” you hum, fingers wrapping around his wrist, gently bringing his hands down to your lap.
“Nothing some ginger tea couldn’t help” You begin unwrapping the bandages from his hands ever so carefully. He relishes in the way it feels, almost as if the tension from him unravels along with the tough cloth. You take a moment to run your fingertips across his slightly calloused palms, making a mental note to buy more hand cream.
The absence of the sun brings a cold chill, one that causes a shiver to run down your spine. Liu Kang notices, and with a soft frown, he reaches from behind you, picking up the knitted shawl and draping it over your shoulders before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Mhm, I am glad to hear” he whispers, shuffling to sit behind you. He wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder as you continue to drink the warm liquid. “Tomorrow I am all yours my heart, the two of us can do whatever you please,” he says and you don't have to look at him to know there's a smirk on his lips.
His chest blooms with warmth at the way you giggle, a sound Liu Kang couldn’t possibly ever get bored of, “Whatever I please? Hmm, you might come to regret saying that” There’s a certain playfulness in your words that only drives Liu Kang to hold you tighter, peppering your shoulder with soft kisses.
“Learn from it… perhaps, but regret I could never, every moment with you is deeply cherished” his words carry a certain weight to them, something that doesn’t go amiss as his lips continue to playfully trail up towards your jaw.
“Like you learned from the baking incident?” you remind him of the series of unfortunate events all over again. How the sweet treat ended up being terribly charred and completely inedible. You can feel Liu Kang's chest rise and fall from behind you as he laughs, calloused hands slipping into your own.
“Yes, I learned not to let you distract me” he teases, thumb soothing along your knuckles. Another gust of wind pushes through the trees, and you’re thankful that the god of fire is sitting behind you, holding you close to him. But despite his warm presence, he still notices the goosebumps that invade your body and the slight shiver that crawls through your spine.
“Let’s go home before you catch a cold” he whispers, lips grazing against your ear before standing up. The loss of his warmth hits you suddenly, and you are made very aware of the autumn winds. Liu Kang helps you to your feet, and with linked arms, the pair of you make your way home.
The rest of the night he spends practically glued to your hip, touching you in any way he possibly can and true to his words, the next day is spent doing whatever you please.
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sanguinesweets · 1 year
syzoth x reader brainrot below the cut
• Your first kiss is kinda weird. Syzoth isn't used to giving/recieving affection in his human form, so your faces bump into each other a few times before you finally meet your target. His eyes are open the whole time, and you try to hold back giggles as not to discourage him.
• As he becomes more accustomed to kissing you, makeout sessions also become a thing you tutor him on. He seemed curious the first time you slipped your tongue into his mouth, not disliking it but also not really understanding it. So you guide him in moving his mouth against yours, and it doesn't take long for his prehensile, forked tongue to slip past your lips as he wraps his arms around you.
• Sometimes his long, scaly tail makes an appearance out of nowhere, even when the rest of his body is visibly human. You have learned through accidentally petting it before that it is... a particularly sensitive zone for him. You still blush when you think about the soft moan that escaped his mouth the first time you ran your fingers along the individual scales, hard muscle lying underneath.
• Syzoth is gentleman when it comes to kissing and caressing you... until you ask him to do otherwise. When you urge him to be a little more rough, to leave marks along your neck and grind down into you like an animal in heat, well, he can certainly deliver.
• Foreplay is also a newer experience for the Zaterran, at least in his human form. When your encounters start to get spicier, you have to show him the ropes a little here and there, but he's a quick leaner.
He takes immense pleasure in fingering you, the smell of your arousal driving him wild as he elicits whines and moans from your slackened jaw. Eating you out also becomes one of his favorite activities (and yours as well), as his tongue can drive you absolutely wild and make you cum like no one else ever has.
As for recieving, he's a little shy about it at first, but with time opens up to your gentle caresses and strokes, being driven wild whenever you have your hands on him. It's a constant struggle for him not to cum immediately when you take his length into your mouth, his pale green eyes rolling back into his head and legs shaking beneath you.
• He's very versatile when it comes to sex. There aren't any complaints if you want him to top you (though you do develop a system of how hard you want it, after a while, as some days you want to get dicked down like it's mating season, others, you want it nice and slow). Although he'll blush bright green if you point it out, he absolutely loves it when you're on top, and enjoys holding on to your waist as you ride him.
• He's a cold-blooded boy, so he'll definitely choose to snuggle close to you after activities, or during the night, to share some of your heat and take a little nap.
• Taking him to Walmart and buying him a tupperware of live crickets from their fishing section (his fav snack).
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soaked4mk · 6 months
Treating you // Liu Kang one smut (part one)
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Omg thank you. I gotchu, Tehehe 🤭
★ Liu Kang absolutely loves you, but being earth realms protector can sometimes drive you apart, causing you to feel a bit lonely.
★ “Starlight? Are you okay…?” He asks, approaching you with his gaze lingering on your face, hoping to read any expression it may make.
★ “Yeah…I’m fine.” You lamely reply, shooting him a fake smile. He gently sits next to you, placing his hand on your thigh.
★ “You know we can talk about it if you need.” ‘How sweet’ you would think to yourself before relenting.
★ “I just feel like you’re gone a lot, we barely get to see each other anymore and when we do… it’s always for a short period of time. I’m lucky if I get to have a night of sleep with you by my side throughout it, I get lonely, I just…miss you.” You choke up a bit as you express yourself.
★ He sits there, silent for a moment, letting your words sink in before speaking softly to you. “I never knew you felt so alone, I should have predicted this would have been an issue, I am sorry, Y/N…”
★ He gently cups your face with both of his rough, calloused hands. Caressing your lips with his thumb, admiring their soft appearance.
★ Looking at each other for a moment, your eyes glued to his piercing gaze, you wait for him to have some type of response to your feelings, besides ‘sorry’. Cut short from your internal dialogue, you were frozen speechless, as he suddenly pulled you in to press his lips against yours lovingly, then pulled away to look at you admiringly.
★ “Y/N…” he gently whispered, looking at you with a tint of sadness in his eyes. He knows he’s gone a lot. But he didn’t know he was neglecting you in such a way. His chest tightened as he felt a sense of guilt. You are his lover, this shouldn’t be an issue with the relationship, yet here you are, pouring your heart out right before him.
★ You couldn’t even react, he leaned back in, to gently place another soft kiss on your lips. “I love you.” He whispers right before going back in for a more passionate lip-locking session. The kiss felt like a dream, and you quickly began to melt into it.
★ “L-Liu…” you would breathe into the kiss, as your tongues intertwined in a passionate fight for dominance, of course, Liu Kang being victor in the end, would turn you into a puddle quickly within his grasp. You began running your fingers through his fine, black hair, relishing in the physical contact that you had been so desperate for. The kiss would last just a few minutes, causing you to want more when he separated for air.
★ His lips released from yours, and began trailing down your neck, while he held your head, gently in place with his hands still cupping your rose-tinted cheeks. he would successfully elicit a small whimper from your mouth as he cornered a sweet spot in the crook of your neck, abusing it slightly, he sucked and nipped at it.
★ “How could I have been so foolish to leave you feeling this way, my love? “I’m truly sorry, and I am grateful that you stay patient with me, starlight…” “I don’t know what I would do without you, my angel.”
★ Liu Kang would whisper small praise in between kissing your neck and leaving small love bites. Apologies flooding the air as he moved his hands to your hips, pulling you in closer, to sit comfortably on his lap.
★ “I promise to try better with how I use my time with you, I never knew you felt so neglected by me, my love.” “Please forgive me…” He seemed to get almost emotional, with his realization. You simply shake your head in an attempt to reassure him. “I-It’s okay… I just-“
★ You were cut off, when he picked you up and laid you down on the bed, gently onto your back. You looked up at him, face flushed as you took in his towering figure above your own. “Don’t dismiss your feelings, Y/N.” He simply stated as he began to slowly crawl over you. “I’ve been a fool, neglecting you the way I have been…”
★ Not even able to protest, as he began running his rough hands down your sides, hiking your shirt up, enough to expose your beautiful skin. Liu Kang leaned his head down to plant of slow burning kiss onto your lips for the umpteenth time, savoring the taste of them as his hands snaked beneath your shirt, feeling you up before he cut the kiss short, guiding his mouth to the nape of your neck, trailing down past your collar bones.
★ You would let out a small gasp, as your lover kissed his way down from your collarbones to your stomach. His hands were both on each breast, fondling and playing with your nipples as he teased your sensitive flesh with his mouth. Sprinkling kisses he felt your body react to his touch. Once he felt satisfied with the small section of skin he was littering with kisses to the next, up until he reached your lower stomach, teasing the hem of your shorts.
★ Looking down at him, your eyes glossy from the intimacy, awaiting his next move, Liu Kang takes this time out to admire the way you react. Looking into your eyes with his bright, glowing ones. “I cannot believe I have this wonderful being at home, and I’ve been neglecting her…” he spoke with a sweet tone, as he continued. “All just for me, I must be mad to think something as sweet as you could go on as long as you have been, without any of my attention…” “I do apologize Y/N…”
★ After saying this, he lowered himself to the floor, swiftly pulling you closer to the edge of the bed by your plush thighs in the process. You let out a small yip in surprise, but that is shortly cut off when he uses his left hand to pull your shorts to the side, revealing your dampened panties to him. “Just look at this, you’ve been so good, waiting for me patiently. I think it’s time I reward you, sweet girl”
★ And with one swift movement, he pulled your soaked panties to the side, alongside your shorts. Leaving you bare to his demand. Of course, he was going to make the most of this moment and began praising your beautiful pussy, soaked in its own sweet, sticky nectar. He couldn’t help but plant a loving kiss on it. Licking the small trace of your essence off his lips. “Mmmh…”
★ Nothing else was said as he simply delved deep into your core, nuzzling your clit with his nose as he lapped at your juices, eating you out like it was his last meal. Flicking his tongue just right, he continued teasing your small bud with his nose, his arm locked over your stomach, keeping your hips in place as he tongue fucked you. Using his other hand to continue fondling your breast, he began pushing deeper working you, just barely touching that sweet spot with his tongue's length.
★ Your hips would buck involuntarily begging for more, as he picked up his pace, keeping your hips pinned in the process so you wouldn’t squirm away. His hand left your soft tit, making its way down your vulnerable body, and to his lap, palming at his hardened cock as he focused on pleasuring you, before moving it back up to between your legs. He would stop his lapping and replace it with his thick middle finger, pumping in and out of your needy, tight cunt.
★ “You’re doing so well for me, Y/N.” Liu Kang would talk you through it as he added a second finger, leaning back into your heat, flicking his tongue onto the small bundle of nerves while he quickened the pace of his fingers inside of you. Feeling your walls tighten around his fingers, he keeps his pace exact, bringing you closer to the edge.
★ “ I- I feel close~” “Aha- don’t stop~” you would muster the last bit of your strength to say that sentence coherently. “Yes my love~” Your lover hummed in response against your core, feeling the vibrations of his voice throughout your body caused goose bumps to form on your soft skin. he curled his fingers, hitting your sweet spot over and over again, relishing in the taste of your clit as his digits worked their magic within you. You gripped the sheets above your head, back arched. feeling the build-up begging for release, and without further thought you let go.
★ Coming undone, squirting roughly onto his hand, your mind is in a complete state of bliss, as he laps at your folds, savoring the juices while his fingers continue their movement, milking you for every last drop. Your brain would go fuzzy when he finally released from your heaving cunt. Bringing his hand up to his mouth to lick his fingers clean, before climbing up onto the bed, pulling you in close to him. He knew he could push you further if he wanted to, but he was content to simply watch and enjoy the glowing aftermath of your orgasm. Resting his chin on top of your head as you two cuddled in that moment, he gently spoke.
★ “Would you like to bathe, starlight?” He would ask genuinely, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, pulling your hand up to his lips and kissing it. You nod, and he simply picks you up bridal style, carrying you off to after care.
(Will most likely make a part two with a spicy shower scene)
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Possession | Johnny Cage x m!reader
↳ ❝ “Fuck, I love it when you get so possessive”
With Johnny Cage if you have do it already ❞
: ̗̀➛ Johnny doesn't like it when he spots someone else trying to steal his spotlight.
: ̗̀➛ gets a little nsfw near the end, dom/sub dynamics, swearing, jealousy and possessive behaviour.
Gently, Kung Lao rested his hand on your shoulder as he laughed along at some joke you had told; the two of you had always gotten along brilliantly, which had never really posed an issue before and had never really caused any problems except the odd distraction from his duties here and there.
Small, insignificant issues and problems were easily dealt with, usually laughed off with ease.
You had always been good friends, though, and mostly everyone had always understood that the relationship was more akin to brotherhood than anything else; Raiden picked up on it early, as did Tomas and his brother Kuai.
You acted like brothers, after all, and it was obvious that you did love each other as such, too. But as he laughed at your joke, you couldn’t help but to look out of the corner of your eye and notice your boyfriend Johnny.
He looked pissed, pouting and folding his arms across his chest. You figured that either Raiden or Kuai had told him off for taking selfies again, so you shrugged it off as you grinned at Kung Lao.
He seemed to notice Johnny’s discontented look, and chuckled as he shook his head, nudging you.
“Looks like your Hollywood star isn’t too happy… what’d you do? Tell him you didn’t like one of his films?”
You shook your head as you pushed him gently, trying not to laugh. “I like all of his films, thank you very much - even the ones that suck.”
He didn’t seem convinced as he scoffed and rolled his eyes, looking over at Johnny, who was now sat down and scrolling on his phone, his brows furrowed and his lips in an obvious frown; you looked over, and shook your head before you got up and headed to Johnny’s side.
Sitting on the rock beside him, you gently nudged his knee to get his attention. He looked up at you, then quickly returned his gaze to his phone again. 
“Johnny?” You hummed, inching a little closer and resting your chin on his shoulder. “Talk to me, baby.”
He locked his phone, stuffing it back into his pocket as he sighed and shrugged. “You sure you wouldn’t rather spend time with the chosen one?”
“Very much,” you nodded, reaching under his arm so you could hold his hand tightly, your thumb gently tracing his knuckles. “C’mon, talk to me… I know somewhere private we can go.”
Johnny glared at you for a moment, then told you to lead the way as he quickly followed behind; you were lucky, you had a place just on the outskirts that was usually undisturbed, so you could quickly head over with Johnny, all too eager to get the door open and unlocked, even more eager to have him press you against it once you were inside.
His kiss was heavy, all breaths and wandering hands as he kept you pinned between his body and the heavy door; you were all too greedy, welcoming every second of the kiss as you did your best to keep up with him, grinning as you buried your hands into his hair and tugged softly at the velvety brown strands.
He pulled away, breathing somewhat heavily as he scowled and grumbled softly.
Softly biting at your bottom lip, Johnny sighed as he tried to regain some composure to at least speak. “Mine. All mine.”
“Oh, Johnny,” you grinned breathlessly, gently smoothing down his hair. “Fuck, I love it when you get so possessive…”
“C’mon, say it,” he harshly pleaded, his hands on your sides as he squeezed gently. “I need to hear you say it, please.”
You couldn’t deny such sweet begs and soft pleading, doing your best not to grin as you nodded and hummed quietly under your breath. “All yours, Mister Cage - morning, noon and night.”
“Yeah?” He whispered, daring to smile as he licked his lips and dropped his gaze down to your mouth for a moment. “You mean that?”
You nodded, letting your hands drop to his chest as you smiled back and dared to laugh softly. “Ever since I met you on the set of that film about the cunt in the mask.”
“You mean the one where I played the handsome sheriff?” He mused, raising a brow.
“That’s the one,” you agreed, daring to softly kiss his cheek. “Best horror film I ever watched, because you were in it.”
Johnny grinned, holding you a little tighter as he dared to murmur in your ear, “y’know, I’ve still got the costume back home.”
“It does look great on you,” you told him gently. “But, y’know, we’ll have to see what happens when we get home.”
He nodded, although it was quite reluctant; he never was the patient one. “Do we have to?”
“We’re only here for a few days,” you told him. “And then we’ll be back at your mojo dojo casa house.”
“I wish you wouldn’t call it that,” he muttered, although clearly smiling. “You still gonna come to the premier of Timequake?”
You nodded, smiling as you dared to hum softly under your breath. “Of course - what kinda boyfriend would I be if I didn’t show up to support you, Mister Cage?”
Johnny nodded as he gently tugged at your belt, slowly gesturing for you to get on your knees; you did so, gently grabbing his thighs. “You’re all mine, aren’t you, baby?”
You nodded at him, looking up at him as innocently as you could, knowing that he could never say no to the puppy dog eyes, his ultimate weakness. “All yours, only yours, Mister Cage… what would you like me to do?”
Unzipping his jeans, Johnny raised a brow slightly as he tilted his head to the side and gently swiped his tongue along your lower lip. “I think you know what I want you to do, pretty boy.”
You couldn’t help it, gently gripping onto his thighs a little tighter as you bit at your bottom lip and tried your best not to grin. You knew it was going to be a long night, but you were more than happy to stay awake. 
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wannawritefast · 11 months
Comfortember 2023 Day 6: “Notes”
A/N: My sporadic contribution to Comfortember. It’s short but Johnny Cage bbs come get y’all juice. It’s my birth month and I’m closing in on the end of my semester so I can’t promise anything but please enjoy!!
Pairing: Johnny Cage x Reader
Warnings: none, fluff :)
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Notes. Johnny left them everywhere. Don’t get him wrong. He definitely preferred the convenience of using his phone to send you little memos. It was instant and Johnny could really accommodate his own attention span by using his phone but when he found out on accident how much you loved them, he made a point of it.
You both still remembered the first of its kind.
A pink sticky note on the back of your script that said “And it was all a dream!” with the most hastily-drawn smiley face ever.
You laughed when you saw it. It was a miracle that it hadn’t become a casualty to the rough handling of your scripts before you discovered it.
He had to have done it when you were putting your post-its in your script, marking it up the night before. You hadn’t thought much of the clumsy kiss he gave you when he checked in as the sun went down. Then again you hadn’t been paying that close attention to him or anything else for that matter. A glass of water. A “How’s it going, baby?” A stumble and a peck. And his leg and hand knocking right into the back of the thick stack of 8.5 by 11 copy paper in your grasp as he had moved to sit next to you.
The bump into the script in your hand had been completely intentional, you realized with delight at the table read. It made your Instagram story in seconds accompanied by the words ‘original illustration by @johnny.cage’ and some pink hearts in the top right corner.
That had sealed it.
The next one you found was in your purse. Well, not your purse exactly. It was in the compact in your purse. Blue. “Hey, good-lookin.’” A winky face. It had fluttered out as you were landing out of the country for a shoot. You still had your neck pillow on. You sent Johnny one of the ugliest selfies you had ever taken with it. Against your protests, it became his lock screen photo.
Then they truly popped up everywhere. Your boyfriend was relentless.
A set of expensive rings you’d stared at a little too long on Rodeo. Purple sticky note. “For my precious.” A noble but indecent-looking stick figure attempt at Gollum was near it, partially scribbled out.
Surprise coffee in your trailer. Yellow note. Sunshine with sunglasses.
New boots, courtesy of Johnny. Pink. “Step on me in these.”
Sleeping in while he had left at the crack of dawn. Pink. “Busy all day. Sushi at our regular spot for dinner.” Heart.
Almost all of them made your Instagram story. The dick that looked like it had been drawn by a middle school boy on a blue sticky note slapped to the bathroom mirror, for example, hadn’t made the cut. The ones that did though… Johnny reposted each within 5 minutes, no matter what time it was.
Like the orange sticky note you woke up to under your glasses that said ‘Jinkies!’ You had gone to bed and left them on your nightstand at 4 am. Johnny had stayed up with you. He had left at 6 am for the day. It made you worry about his sleep schedule.
It didn’t matter that you couldn’t keep up with his god-like speed in making unique sticky notes. You posted them. And you kept and remembered all of them. All of them. Yes, even the blue doodle dick.
Again, Johnny definitely preferred sending you texts and voice memos as soon as he felt like you were forgetting how hot you were, which was usually several times a day. It should also be noted that the sticky notes never detracted from the amount of attention he was already giving you. Johnny was a beast at reminding you how much he loved you.
As he had said it once: “There’s no threshold, baby. I’ll die telling you how sexy your walker is; the last sticky note I ever leave you will tell you the same thing.”
He slapped one on your ass after he had said that. Yellow. “Johnny Cage wuz here.”
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spcewild · 10 months
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"And then one random night - when everything changes, you won't reply and we'll go back to strangers"
Warnings: angst, fluff, depressing topics, ghosting, situationship, implied smut at end, etc.
Another read message.
Looking down at your phone, the message you sent -
"Wanna go on a drive again?" < read
You let out an audible sigh as you slumped into your chair. It was a common occurrence to get ghosted by the Hollywood star. You knew it was likely trust issues from his recent divorce - I know right? A cocky man like him? Have trust issues? Seems very unlikely.. but he hides it well.
Your eyes seemed to engrave the message screen engulfing your phone. You almost hope he blocks you sometimes. You hate when he does this, and then texts you in the middle of the night asking if your up.
You're used to getting bothered by him 24/7, text messages, calls, pictures, etc. Although it was different when you found out he was training as a champion for earthrealm.. he tried to explain it the best he could with what little knowledge he knew himself. You knew how busy he would be, yet that never seemed to stop him half the time. The other half? He was like this. You had enough.
You glared down at your still read message - it's been 15 minutes. You give an annoyed sigh and began typing again.
"Keep ignoring me Cage, I don't know what we are but I can't handle when you do this to me. Don't try to call me again."
< sent
With a huff you soon retreated to the backseat of your own car. Pulling your knees to your chest staring out of your left window.
You didn't bother checking your phone from that point. Feeling so conflicted in your own mind you seemed to get lost in time.
You don't know how much time has passed but you know you've been sitting in your car for a while. Your eyes feeling heavy - yet you weren't really tired.
You were brought back to your conscious, getting pulled away from your thoughts as you hearing a voice yelling out.
"Y/N open the door please.. I'm sorry!"
The familiar voice of Johnny ringing in your ears, you looked over to see his form pounding his fist at your front door. Then standing there in a silence, almost looking defeated by the second.
You heard a sigh escape the man before he turned around, while going to walk to his car he spotted you in yours. Locking eyes for a moment before you turned your head and looked back outside the other window.
It wasn't long before you heard the door to your car open, and a shift in the seat next to you, then the car door shutting. You stayed in silence for a while before hearing a sigh from the figure beside you.
"How long are you going to ignore me hun'?"
Not falling for the Hollywood's words you pursed your lips further together and locked your eyes to the stars painting the sky from your window. You heard a shifting motion before you felt strong hands slink around your waist and a weight fall on the back of your shoulder, a feeling you often felt when receiving comfort from Johnny.
"You know I don't mean to do that.. I- ...I'm sorry.."
You heard the man sputter over his words, trying to refrain from excuses. His warm breath hitting your neck and his hands squeezing your waist. You at first - didn't want to give him the satisfaction of a reply but quickly realized that the man was not joking this time - yet was serious.
His hands slightly clinging tighter around your waist, like he was afraid you would disappear. You release a breath you didn't even realize you were holding.
Feeling his head turn up to your face slightly as if he was expecting you to say something.
You huffed out in defeat. You knew you couldn't be mad at him entirely, he was always busy and you knew he didn't mean it.
You felt a growing smile form from his lips as his face buried into your neck, before feeling the same soft skin press light kisses all over your neck.
"I knew you couldn't stay mad at me."
Yet the man still joked. Receiving an eye roll from you. It wasn't too soon before he finally gave out and pulled away from you, then hearing a thud as you looked back to see his frame, laid on his back as he looked up at the ceiling of the car. You couldn't help but smile at it all. Letting your own car seat fall back and slowly laying back on your back as well, beside him. You two stayed in comfortable silence before you spoke again.
"So what are we exactly, Johnny?"
You questioned the man beside you, turning your head towards him. You saw his lips purse into a thin line for a moment before opening.
"Whatever you want us to be, as long as I get to be right next to you like this."
His head finally turning to yours. Smiling to yourselves as you felt the small gap between you two shrinken even more. Watching as his form leaned into yours as his body rolled to his side so his arms could slink around your waist again and pull you in.
Your lips connecting felt like the missing puzzle pieces to your whole world, connecting together, everything felt perfect. Between the soft kiss when you two pulled away to catch your breath, you heard him speak in soft praises, before you finally got some words out yourself.
"I want to be yours, Cage."
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Author's note:
It took a while to write this lol, i was honestly debating weather I should post it or not.
Idk if I went too off w his character, but I feel like Johnny is secretly a sweetheart. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this regardless ! <3
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yuujis-sunshine · 1 year
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓(𝒔): Kung Lao, Liu Kang (mentioned), Raiden (mentioned)
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈(𝒔): Little bit of CHILDBIRTH mentioned, Blood
𝑨/𝑵: This was requested by @eemr1000
𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: Kung Lao and his kinda bedwritten pregnant wife.
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"𝖂hat are you doing, [Name]?" Asked a voice. Your eyes widened before turning your face around to see the Shaolin, who happened to be your husband; Kung Lao. He had his arms crossed, a worried/mad expression on his face.
"Oh, Lao! I didn't knew you would come home right now." She tells him, before her foot accidentally missed a step on her stool, making Lao worried for his wife and catch her in his arms. "I thought I told you to not move around much, it's not safe for the baby." He tells her in a kinda harsh, but worried tone. Kung Lao cared way too much for his wife. "Sorry, just felt hungry." A small pout forms on the woman's lips. Lao sighed at his wife before nuzzling his face into his wife's neck. "How could I be mad at you...?" He said softly, as his wife softly smiles at her husband's words.
[Name] walked to her bed with assistance from her White Lotus husband behind her, he then tells her, "I'll be back with some food. Don't move." Kung Lao kissed her forehead and pets her hair softly filled with affection before heading off to cook. And after he left, the woman decides to look out of her window, looking at the beautiful cherry blossom petals going to the ground or in the pond. And a memory hitted her head on when she and Kung Lao met. "What's your name?" He asked her as [Name] was about to defeat Kung Lao in Mortal Kombat. The female fighter looks at him with a bit of a death glare, and she had a tiny blush on her cheeks. "I-I-It's... [Name] [Last Name]." She tells him, trying to sound tough but was embarrassed either way. The man chuckles and stands up, walking over to the woman just to put his finger on her chin. [Name]'s eyes widened in shock. "W-What are you doing?!" She asked with a bit of anger, before kicking him in his nuts. Kung Lao hunched over in pain as he groaned in pain, holding onto his nuts. "Damn... You're pretty tough...!!" He tells her breathlessly. [Name] darkly stares at her, staring at the man on the ground. As time passes by, he was still trying to flirt with her, but she rejects them all... But at some point, [Name] finally gave in after the battle between Earthrealm and Outworld ended and decided to be with Lao. It took a very long time to accept him into your life, but she had no other choice but to confess her feelings in her way. "[Name]~, are you ok?" Lao asked, waving his hand in front of his wife's face. She blinks and softly chuckles at the flashback she had.
"What's so funny?" Lao asked.
She smiles and replies to him with, "Yeah, just thinking about... How we met." Lao chuckles at his wife's words before putting her food down on the table beside her bed. The White Lotus sits on his wife's bed and has his hand on the side of her hair with a soft smile on his lips, as [Name] gave him the same look in his eyes back. "I love you and our baby so much..." He tells [Name] softly. "I love you too, Lao."
"You're doing good, [Name]!" Said [Name]'s mother, as she seen her daughter in pain and grips her hand back tightly. Kung Lao was out doing training, but it was interrupted when Lord Raiden informed him that he was finally gonna be a father now. Soon as he heard that, Kung Lao bid Liu Kang and Lord Raiden farewell before running to their home and thinking about [Name] and their new addition. And when he walked in their home, he was met with a very loud and strong cry of a baby. Lao's heart stopped when he heard that sound.... It made him breath raggedly as he felt some tears coming down his cheeks. [Name]'s mother walks up to see who it was and seen his son-in-law on his knees. "He's healthy, Kung Lao." He? Thought Lao as he felt more tears down his cheeks, and was helped up by his mother-in-law who was softly smiling at him. [Name]'s mother opens the slide in door of the huge traditional Chinese home, seeing a tired [Name] holding their crying baby boy in a hanfu gown. She smiled softly at her husband and their mother bids them goodbye, saying she'll come back tomorrow. "Meet your son, Hàoyú." She looks down at her little newborn with a soft smile, seeing him peacefully in her arms sleeping.
Lao walks inside of the room to see the baby up close, seeing that he had the color of his hair, which is black. His eyes were closed, his body was wrapped inside of a yellow blanket. All of a sudden, your husband pulls you close to him and gives her a forehead kiss. "You did such an amazing job while I was gone. I'm really proud of you, [Name]." He said, acting like he never cried, but his heart was still in shock. She smiles, and notices how shocked he is from seeing their newborn. "Wanna hold him?" Kung Lao's eyes were in shock from the question, and he softly gulps.
He nods his head lightly before she places the baby in his arms softly, seeing the little human in his arms. "Hey, Háoyú..." Lao pauses, noticing how Háoyú moves a bit uncomfortable but comfortable at the same time. "I'm your dad." He finishes the part, relieved. The baby softly fusses and whines a bit, so he bounces his son a bit while shushing Háoyú with a calming voice as [Name] smiles softly at her two boys in front of her.
"As long as you have me, Kung Lao and [Name] [Last Name], there is no need to worry. I'll protect both of you..." He tells him, as [Name] chuckles lightly at his words, happy that he is slowly getting attached to his son. So far, Kung Lao liked this part of fatherhood, and he wanted this moment to last.
"Is that a... Baby?" Asked Liu, seeing his best friend and also partner wearing a baby carrier that had his cute son inside of it, while [Name] stood behind him, smiling and bowing at Liu softly. "Yes, Liu Kang." He said proudly, as Háoyú's hands were up for a couple seconds, cooing cutely. Lord Raiden came out and seen what was going on. It was Kung Lao... With a baby carrier and he also noticed [Name] as well. "Greetings, Lord Raiden. This is our son, Háoyú [Last Name]." [Name] bows as she had her fist in a bowing manner. As Raiden and [Name] talked, he couldn't help but continue to stare at the baby. He looked VERY adorable.
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itjazzbicch · 11 months
Melting Hearts
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Pairing: Husband!Bi Han x Wife!Fem Reader
Summary: Seeing Bi Han injured for the first time when he returns from his duties, the reader is the first to help him even though he decides to be stubborn at first, but slowly melts as the reader tends to his wounds and expresses her worries and love for him…
Requested by: @belle-oftheball34 (I hope you enjoy it!)
Warnings: mentions of blood, Bi Han is injured
Word Count: .7k
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“Move, I’m fine!”
“But Grandmaster, your wound!”
Bi Han was so stubborn sometimes, returning to the temple, blood dried on the side of his head, holding his ribs.
“Bi Han-“ Seeing him like this had tears swelling in my eyes. I’d never seen him in such a state.
He always worried me when he went out for missions and coming back like this, refusing help? I wouldn’t allow him to limp around.
“Bi Han, come with me,” Everyone moved away from us as I took his hand, Bi Han’s eyes beaming at me:
“I said I’m f-fine-“
Stuttering on his words and groaning in pain, I didn’t care how much he wanted to tell himself that he was okay when he clearly wasn’t.
“Stop being so stubborn and let me help you,” I sniffled but was firm; He still decided limped away with me following, we got away from everyone’s sight and he finally dropped his tough act, letting me help him as I placed his arm around my shoulder, leading him to our bedroom.
It was easy to see that his ribs were bothering him, so I made sure to be as gentle as possible, sitting him down on the bed and helping him get out of his clothes.
“Stay here while I go get something’s to patch you up, okay?”
“Fine,” He sighed, groaning in pain, but stayed still.
I returned with some wraps for his ribs, gazes and a bowl of warm, soapy water to clean his cut.
Beginning to wrap his ribs carefully, he was fighting louder groans of pain, kissing the top of his head as I finished with that toughest part.
“I’m all done with your ribs. Now, be careful laying back. You can try to relax while I finish up, okay?”
Nodding and holding his breath, I delicately guiding him to his back on the bed, making sure the pillow was holding his head upright; he kept huffing, taking deep breaths and hissing at his ribs and I tried to be as helpful as I could, cooing and kissing the top of his head:
“I’m going to take good care of you. I know it hurts, but I have you, love.”
“I know,” He inhaled, closing his eyes as I took the warm, soapy rag, cleaning away the blood, making sure his wound was cleaned so it could begin to heal.
“Please be more careful the next time you know you’re going to face danger. You worry me till I’m sick, sometimes,” I whispered as I covered the cut, kissing it softly, “I know you’re strong, but I can’t help but worry about you.”
“They got lucky,” He growled, holding his ribs; I didn’t know exactly what happened, but regardless, he came back injured.
“I love you, Bi Han,” Connecting a deep gaze, I needed him to know how much I cared for him, ”And I hate seeing you this way. I know it’s hard given your responsibilities and the many challenges you face, but I worry every second you’re gone. I don’t ever want to lose you or see you hurt.”
The tears that were built up began to leak out, cleaning my face, quickly looking as he took my hand.
“You won’t lose me, dear,” He was confident in his words, squeezing my handle softly as he whispered, “I love you too.”
Bi Han didn’t express his feelings with words so directly. He didn’t say, ‘I love you’, often. I knew that he did, but hearing him say it always filled me with joy.
My tears faded with a small smile as he pulled me close to him, kissing me softly. I wanted to hold onto his kiss for as long as I could, but knew he needed rest, kissing one last time before I picked myself up, “I love you so much, Bi Han. You’ll be feeling better soon. I’ll make sure of it.”
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome
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I just want to apologize in advance if you choose to read this nonsense 😭 this is based on a head canon that's been eating at my brain for the past two days about the Earthrealm Champions and their spice tolerances. Don't ask why, I don't know, but I thought it'd be silly. Anyway, this is implied Railao and Johnshi. There are a few other little head canons sprinkled in, but nothing major. This was meant for me and my friends, but I thought I'd share.
CW: Swearing, maybe spelling errors
The Earthrealm Champions had decided to go to Madame Bo's for dinner after the four had a very long day. Kung Lao was the one to recommend going, as he heard that Madame Bo had a new dish she wanted him to try the next time he came. Apparently it was supposed to be super spicy, made with peppers imported from South Carolina in the United States, the Carolina Reaper. The reason she wanted Kung Lao to try it was because she knew he practically had an iron stomach when it came to spice. He used to eat handfuls of chili peppers when him and Raiden were younger. Raiden also ate them once in a while, having a similar spice tolerance but he wasn't very fond of spicy food, preferring sweet and savory.
When the four arrived to the Teahouse, Madame Bo was happy to see the four, greeting them properly as she lead them to their usual table near the back of the teahouse, in case they had matters to discuss that the common man could not listen in on. Johnny Cage was talking on and on about something to Kenshi, holding the swordsman's hand to guide him to the table so he wouldn't bump into anything, as he didn't have Sento with him at the moment, the sword tucked away in Kung Lao and Raiden's place for now. As Johnny pulled out Kenshi's chair, Madame Bo discussed the secret menu item with Kung Lao, who seemed very eager to try the dish. Raiden on the other hand was a bit uneasy, since he wasn't sure if his wallet could afford what the Shaolin monk would eat. As the four sat down, Madame Bo left and returned with tea for the four to drink while she got the food prepared. As they waited, the four spoke about anything, nothing really specific about their duties. They were all tired from working.
"So," Johnny eventually spoke up, his sunglasses resting on the table as his eyes landed on Kung Lao who moved a stray piece of his hair out of his face. "What was that dish Madame Bo was talking about?" He asked, being genuinely curious about it.
"Oh!" Kung Lao was quick to beam, his dimples showing prominently with his smile. Raiden couldn't help but have a smitten look on his face, adoring the little indentations of the monk's features. "Madame Bo wanted me to try a new dish." Kung Lao explained, leaning back in his chair a bit. "It'll be something like Dan Dan noodles, except instead of using a chili black bean paste for the sauce, she's using imported Carolina Reapers thanks to the Shirai Ryu. She's hoping that if the dish is good and sells well, she'll try growing her own." He explained, quite excited to try the dish. This only seemed to make Raiden a bit more worried for his poor wallet, assuming the dish wouldn't be cheap since the key ingredient was imported. But his worries slowly came to an ease seeing how happy Kung Lao was to try it.
"Just be careful, please." Raiden spoke up, sipping his tea after his long silence. Kung Lao playfully rolled his eyes, grinning.
"Oh, please! You know I can handle spice like a champ!" He laughed a bit, playfully elbowing Raiden after the Champion had set down his tea cup. Kenshi smiled softly as he listened to the others speak.
"If you don't mind me taking some, I'd like to try a bit." He spoke calmly, carefully feeling around for his tea cup before drinking from it. Kung Lao grinned a bit.
"Maybe, if there's any left." He joked a bit. He could spare maybe a noddle or two for Kenshi, but he wasn't willing to share much more. Johnny Cage laughed a bit at this, shaking his head a bit.
"Oh yeah? I'll definitely have to try this dish. That doesn't sound spicy at all!" He got a little cocky, thinking he had a great spice tolerance, not exactly realizing that there was a bit of a difference between what was considered spicy or not between the Eastern and Western world. Soon enough the food was brought out, Madame Bo gave everyone their usual orders before bringing out the bowl of spicy noodles to Kung Lao and she waited patiently for his reaction. Kung Lao was eager to dig in, taking his chopsticks to mix the noodles and toppings in with the sauce before getting a decent amount of noodles between his chopsticks to shove them into his mouth. After finishing the mouthful, the Shaolin monk's eyes widened eagerly, his cheeks getting a little warm but other than that he seemed unfazed by the spice.
"Like always, Madame Bo, you know how to make the best food!" He beamed, eagerly stuffing more noodles into his mouth. Raiden carefully reached over, using his unused chopsticks to take a noodle from the bowl and carefully set it on Kenshi's plate as the blind swordsman ate quietly, preferring to eat in quiet peace unlike Johnny and Kung Lao who enjoyed talking. Madame Bo was flattered, patting Kung Lao's shoulder.
"You always know what to say. Eat as much as you want, I have more I can prepare." She hummed softly. Raiden wanted to object, a look in his eyes that begged her not to but it was too late. Kung Lao's bowl was already empty and the monk eagerly nodded for more, finishing the bite in his mouth. Madame Bo hummed and soon left to get more food for the hungry man. Raiden slouched a bit, he would never financially recover from this. He sighed softly, eating quietly, afraid he'd have to pull out a loan or something just for this one meal if Kung Lao kept eating the way he did. It was like he had a bottomless stomach sometimes.
"If you aren't careful, Kung Lao," Kenshi eventually broke his silence when he finished eating his food and the noodles given to him, his face and tongue feeling warm from the spice but he didn't have much of a reaction either. "You'll end up with heart burn and bad reflux from all the spices." He warned the monk, who only seemed to laugh at the warning.
"Oh please! I'll be fine, even when I get old! Nothing can stop The Great Kung Lao from enjoying a meal!" He joked a bit, patting his stomach until Madame Bo returned with another bowl, and just as the one before it was gone within a few minutes. Raiden just shook his head, feeling his poor wallet lighten the more food Kung Lao asked for. Johnny Cage was just laughing, watching Kung Lao for a while after he finished eating his own food, before he decided to say screw it and he asked for his own bowl of the noodles. Kenshi was quick to turn his attention to Johnny, frowning a bit.
"I advise against that, Cage. . ." He knew that the actor had pretty bad heartburn whenever he ate anything spicy. The American was just asking to perish. But nonetheless, he couldn't stop him and Madame Bo soon came with the bowl for Johnny. Kung Lao was half way through his third bowl of noodles, mid bite when Johnny mixed around the ingredients and carefully used his chopsticks to shovel a massive mouthful into his mouth. At first the actor was unbothered as he chewed, but soon the heat rose to his face, starting to sweat a bit as he swallowed down the food and he took a deep breath, his face red and his tongue feeling numb. He whistled slightly, his mouth watering in an attempt to kombat the heat.
"Man, that uh. . . That's a good kick to it, huh?" He tried to play it off, taking another bite. It was clear to see the American was in pain from the spice, and Kenshi got Madame Bo's attention to see if she had anything to help Johnny. Soon enough Johnny unknowingly had tears in his eyes, forcing himself to finish his food as to not be rude, but once all that was left was the sauce, he couldn't take it. "Holy fucking shit. . . What the hell is in that dish. . . Christ. . ." The man mumbled and whined a bit, mainly complaining to himself. Kung Lao stared at the actor, snorting in amusement at his reaction.
"You good there?" He asked with a playful tone, watching Johnny set his head down on the table, his shirt stained at his armpits from sweating and he had to unbutton the collar of his shirt, trying to combat the heat and boy was he losing.
"No. . . Shut up. . ." Johnny groaned a bit, slowly regretting his life choices as his breathing got a bit heavy. Kenshi patted his back, frowning.
"And this is why you should listen sometimes, Cage. . ." The swordsman let out a soft sigh, only to get a muffled whine from Johnny. Soon Madame Bo came over with some matcha green tea ice cream. Kung Lao took Johnny's bowl, pouring the soup into his fourth bowl before chowing down on the noodles once again, eating the food like it was nothing. Kenshi had Johnny sit up and carefully felt around for the spoon and the bowl before he started to assist the actor, carefully putting spoon full after spoon full of the green ice cream into his mouth. Johnny had to admit that he did enjoy being taken care of by the blind man, and he felt a little silly for not listening but hey he got ice cream and he wasn't complaining. Matcha wasn't his favorite flavor, but something was better than nothing against the aching pain in his mouth and chest. Raiden couldn't help but chuckle a bit, amused by the situation. He watched the three other champions carefully, fixing his hat a bit on his head before sitting up when both bills were brought out. Madame Bo handed one bill to Johnny and the other to Raiden. Johnny looked at the bill and wasn't too bothered, meanwhile Raiden was afraid to even look at the bill, but he knew he had to. When he flipped it over, his heart nearly stopped beating for a moment, staring at the triple digit number. Madame Bo was ruthless with her prices, but it was to be expected. Her Teahouse needed to make money somehow. Johnny Cage noticed the look on Raiden's face, and as Raiden reached for his wallet, the actor reached over quickly to snag the bill to pay for both bills himself, a tired grin on his still red, slightly tear stained face. A bit of the makeup he had on his face got smudged, like the foundation, showing the minor imperfections he usually hid like freckles and sunspots and acne scars. He was an actor, so of course he usually hid his face from time to time, but the imperfections also weren't noticeable unless someone was very close up to his face, like Kenshi often was. Raiden looked at the actor, giving him a bit of a look.
"Hey, give that back." The lightning wielder frowned, holding his hand out for the bill. Johnny Cage gave a playful grin.
"Not a chance, Kid Thunder!" Johnny playfully grinned at him, getting out his wallet as he took the last bite of his ice cream before getting out his money as Madame Bo came by again and he handed off both bills with the cash to her. The woman took the bills and the money and walked back off to ensure both were properly paid for. Johnny Cage had a very smug look across his rose colored lips, still gathering himself back up from the mistake of eating the spicy noodles. He ran his hand through his brown hair, getting it out of his face with a tired grunt. He grabbed his sunglasses off the table and put them over his eyes.
"You're impossible, you know that?" Raiden spoke, more so in a playful manner than actually meaning it maliciously. Johnny Cage chuckled along with him, Kenshi smiling softly while Kung Lao looked confused, having tuned everything out as he finished his final bowl and drank the last of the sauce from the bowls before leaning back in his seat to burp, making Kenshi grimace, forgetting how much Kung Lao lacked in manners at the table.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 1 month
Hey, hi! I really liked your work about the harem! It's very interesting, in my opinion. And can I find out the continuation of this whole story, when the reader chooses some nondescript extra as his love?
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“Okay. Let’s refocus our efforts, men. Y/N has a partner which mean we need to figure out how to get rid of them first. *Then*…we can finish killing each other in the tournament.”
A/N: I didn’t really want to continue the story because I was kinda lost on what to do with it but I thought this little Drabble would be funny. Thank you soooo muchhhhhhh💞
Warnings: obsessive and aggressive behavior
Requests: always open
When your partner came to visit you in the outworld, all eyes were on them. The way they had confidently strutted over and kissed you with a chill, “Hey baby. I missed you so much”, sent them into orbit.
I’m sorry you have a what—?
So you mean to tell them that you already had someone and basically all of this infighting was for nothing?!? It was never going to be one of them?
you’re such a jokester. You did this to rile things up and make them jealous. So playful, you are.
Johnny of course was the first to go up to y'all and start his bullsh*t
“Y/N, this is absolutely hilarious. Was the attention I gave you not enough? You don’t have to try to make me jealous with this…punk. I would’ve gladly given you more if you just asked.”
Umm no Johnny this is actually your lover..
Kano was the next to bite
“Haha doll, that’s a real good one! There’s no way you’d want someone like ‘at. Tell you what, why don’t you come make some jokes over there with me..I’m a real good tickla’.”
Oh.. they are in reeeaaal bad denial
“Hey—let’s give Y/N some space. She’s allowed to have privacy and a personal relationship of her choosing—“
Luckily Fujin is the voice of reason and compassion
“—-even if they are so…unexpectedly unique.”
You had one job 😩
They definitely were still trying to process this whole situation. For the rest of the night all the men were whispering amongst each other and sending weird looks over their way. There was no way that was actually your partner. This was just all some ruse. They’ll be gone by the morning.
Nope. They weren’t and you were as affectionate and clingy as ever. You were just so smitten over them that it couldn’t have been fake. Every question about you, your lover could flawlessly answer and recall stories only someone close to you could.
They even showed pictures of you two together through the years on different occasions and at family gatherings…so either this was the greatest actor/stunt ever or you really was taken.
The guys loathe them so bad..
Not only did they take their beloved darling away from them but how could someone so average claim your heart so easily?
All of them felt like they were far better than them, like come on you have assassins, celebrities, monks, kahns and more at your disposal but you chose…them? What about them could possibly be better than what is right in front of you?
I can imagine the mk harem frequently going up to your partner and sizing them up. Like it’s so funny watching them pop out their chest and flex in order to seem more superior.
Oh and all the things I mentioned previously about the being super creepy and desperate…it’s cranked up to ten now.
They’ll purposely do..questionable things in front of your partner to get them upset and insecure. Especially the younger guys.
They’re all huge show offs during training sessions and can’t help but to be a little too comfortable with you.
Will steal garments (hoodies..ect) from your closet and then return them to your partner to make it seem like you were spending time with him.
We all know that Kano, Erron, Kabal, and Johnny have no filter. They’ll put things into your lover’s head to make them worried. These men love to talk big game and boast about anything they can. Sometimes they’re just flat out crass about their feelings towards you.
Shang tsung flants his wealth and constantly is gifting you money, clothes and other luxury goods…your lover could never afford it.
“I like to make sure that Y/N is well taken care of. All of her old stuff was hindering her beauty. I hope you don’t mind the initiative that I’ve taken…I figured it’d help you out since you possibly couldn’t have access to the aristocracy that I do.”
*has tried tricking your partner into drinking pure acid*
Raiden and Fujin are great at pretending they like your partner and wanna welcome them but are soooo shady.
“I appreciate you inviting me into your temple. It’s so cool that you both can control the weather. Wish I could do that.”
“Yes, it is quite a shame. It’s one of the many things that Y/N loves. We frequently make thunderous skies and wind storms for her whenever she’s feeling a bit down.”
“ Dont worry, though. I’m sure Y/N enjoys the fact that you can make her laugh and whatever other talents you possess.”
Backhanded insults, threats, hazing and rough housing are frequent.
By the way, you cannot leave your partner alone…like at alll. Like take that poor thing into the bathroom with you because they are constantly watching and waiting for any moment to pounce on them.
This is the first time in months these men are bonding over something since you came along…the mutual disdain for your partner is so powerful.
They really need to do something about this relationship and a plan will be devised soon.
Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kotal Khan, Erron and Shang Tsung, Kabal and Baraka all want to just flat out want them brutally killed in some kind of public execution so you’ll learn that having a lover outside of any of them is completely unacceptable.
Fujin, Night Wolf, Raiden, Jax and Liu Kang all want to try to…passionately pursue and manipulate..you out of the relationship. They don’t really want your partner to be harmed in any way.
Kung Lao and Johnny Cage think it would be hilarious to haniously humiliate them AND jump them so they’ll be left not only traumatized but filled with hatred for you.
The only reason why they haven’t gone through with any of these plans is because they can’t come to an agreement on which method is better.
I can’t imagine your partner being like “hey…I think they want me dead..”
“Oh that’s non sense, honey. They are a bit strange but I promise you that they are the sweetest to me.”
“They’re literally are into you and hate me for being with your partner. I heard them talking about getting rid of me.”
“Sure a few of them may have a crush on me but I promise you they like you! They’re just guys being guys.”
Yeah they are NOT safe in the slightest. You are owned by the harem, not by this nobody. I really hope they’ll learn how to fight very soon or dump you because your s/o is going to go missing soon. And they’ll make it look like an accident.
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restinslices · 7 months
Hey sorry I’m the Liu Kang requester that accidentally put you through a tone of pain (sorry bout that)
Gimme angst of him seeing the woman he loves dying and getting reincarnated over and over again and no matter what she keeps dying in his arms by unnatural causes. This is his last time, his final try to save her. Will he save her? Or will she die again?
Firstly, no need to apologize lol. I’m just brain empty 6/7 days of the week. Funny enough, once you sent this I got more ideas for Liu Kang so we’ll see more of him once I finish all my requests. Secondly, I really like this prompt. I really like this trope in general. But I feel like I wrote it so bad😭. I don’t feel like I did it justice. As I was writing it I was like “the hoes not gon like this. Why is my brain buns?”. So, apologies in advance-
When Liu Kang returned with Raiden after speaking to the Elder Gods, the last thing he expected was to see a blood bath caused by Sindel. 
Bodies laid on the floor perfectly still. It was like someone laid a bunch of mannequins down and dressed them up to look exactly like the kombatants he cared for, and honestly if this was all just some cruel joke and everyone stood up and laughed, he would've breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe the anger would kick in later, but he'd sigh and say how happy he was to see everyone still alive. 
The only body that moved was yours. 
Your legs moved very slightly and your voice was so quiet, he was sure he wouldn't have been able to hear it if he wasn't silenced by shock. 
He ran over to you and crouched by your side, “you are alright” he tried to offer both of you some sort of hope even if he knew it was not true. In reality you looked terrible. There was a deep slash that went from the side of your neck and diagonal down your body. Blood covered your clothes and soaked the floor beneath you and in all honesty, he had no idea how you were still alive. Perhaps it had something to do with the theory about animals. He wasn't calling you an animal and he didn't see you as a pet, but there was a theory that pets waited for their owner to return to them before they died instead of dying on their own. No one knew why. For comfort in their final moments? To say goodbye? For one last moment together? It was a question that would never get an answer and Liu Kang wondered if that theory went for friends and lovers as well. 
“Don't speak. Preserve your strength. We'll find you help”. Your hand went up to caress his face and Liu Kang leaned into it, his face memorizing how your fingers felt against him. He wanted to have hope. You were strong enough to raise your hand to him so surely you'd be ok if they got you medical attention. 
That hope was snipped from him within seconds. 
As quickly as your hand raised, it fell back to the floor and your body went limp. That was it. There was no inspiration speech you gave before you died or some emotional moment he'd see in the plays he watched. It was over as soon as it started. 
Your death upset him, yes. What really pushed him over the edge though is that his trip to the Elder Gods meant nothing. Shao Khan got closer and closer to invading Earthrealm and the Elder Gods refused to intervene. Their absence should've meant something. He should've came back with good news, but instead he came back with no answers, no help, no idea what to do next and hardly any friends left. 
Your death plus the others is what ultimately led him to going against Raiden and his own untimely death.  
In one universe, that was it. His pain was over. Liu Kang died, Earthrealm was invaded and Shao Khan killed everyone else. It's not what he wanted but being dead meant no more sorrow. Your bloody body was no longer imprinted in his mind and he would never touch his own face while imagining it was your hand again. 
That's what happened in that timeline. 
In another timeline, things were different, yet you still fell victim to a brutal fate. 
The past and present merged for reasons unknown. You, Liu Kang and Kung Lao were sent to the Academy to make sure your enemies would not reach the Grotto. After dealing with traps, Scorpion and a Revenant Jade, he could feel how tense you were. 
“You are silent” he stated, “it is not like you to be so silent”
“It's nothing”. You responded too quickly, but Liu Kang knew you. Sure, you could be quiet at times but completely silent? Your face bunched together? Fingers tapping against your leg as you walk? It wasn't “nothing” and he was sure he knew what you were thinking. It was something both you and Kung Lao seemed to think. Kung Lao had just been the only one to voice his concerns. 
“They were mistakes-”
“How many mistakes can one person make?” You interrupted, “how many lives can be lost because of 'mistakes’? Raiden seems to make constant mistakes that hurt everyone around him, yet he escapes”. He understood your frustration. After all, he was told Raiden murders him himself, but was it murder if it was an accident? Could any of this be pinned on Raiden, the man he worships and respects?
No. This wasn't on him. Everyone made mistakes and some of your deaths weren't on Raiden at all. Some of you made your own stupid choices that led to your death. His version of Raiden would never do something so foul to any of his followers on purpose. 
Liu Kang grabbed your hand -ignored Kung Lao's immature disgusted noises- and stopped the both of you from walking any further. “You can't lose faith in Lord Raiden”, you went to protest but he stopped you “if you want to blame him, then you have to blame me as well”. 
You looked even more displeased than before, like he had said something treacherous. Was it though? Liu Kang didn't blame Raiden when it came to all of your deaths. He blamed himself. He's Earthrealm's champion, the chosen one if you will, and he couldn't save anyone? Wasn't that the point of him? To save everyone and give everyone a sense of hope? 
Then his mind went to his Revenant self. In this timeline he saw his friends slaughtered like pigs and lived with this guilt, even if it was only for a short while. And now they were all revenants and Liu Kang couldn't help but wonder if this twisted version of himself still carried that guilt or did he see it as a blessing now? 
Your fingers touching his cheek brought him back to reality, but that calming feeling only lasted so long. He didn't know how to describe it or why he was feeling this way, but he felt this tenseness all over his body like something terrible was going to happen. 
“Why would I blame you for my death?”
That tense feeling became worse and he couldn't help but look around as he spoke, “I accompanied Lord Raiden to speak with the Elder Gods. If I had been there, then perhaps…” he didn't have to finish for you to understand. You snapped your fingers in front of his face and drew his attention back to you, 
“I don't blame you for my death”
“And I don't blame you either. How sweet” Kung Lao said impatiently, sarcasm seeping through his words. “Now can we keep walking?”. He supposed he was right, even if he hated it. Before he started walking again, you placed a kiss on his cheek and Kung Lao once again voiced his disgust with sarcasm, “can I give you a kiss too?”. 
“Something you wish to tell us, Kung Lao?” You joked and if it wasn't for the danger you three were in, he'd say he was really enjoying the quality time you three were spending together. 
Kung Lao went to respond, but was interrupted when a figure came into view. A man with brown skin and these weird cracks that made him seem like he had been broken and put together multiple times and golden clothing. He was tampering with something he should not have been and Liu Kang knew he was in for another fight. 
“Is there any point to us asking you to put those back?” he asked. 
The male hardly regarded him and responded with “they said you'd come”. 
“Who said?”. 
An eerily familiar voice spoke out from the darkness, “who do you think Kung Lao?”. 
Bright red eyes. 
That's the first thing he saw. 
Three pairs of these eyes lit up in the darkness, and the only time Liu Kang was able to focus on anything other than that, is when they all came fully into view. They were you, but a twisted version. The versions of you that were corrupted and no longer cared for Earthrealm, but about what they could gain and destroy. Your revenants. That feeling of dread got stronger and he put his body in front of yours like a shield. 
Revenant him spoke next, “welcome to your future. Courtesy of Raiden”. 
“Our future may be tragic, but it's not Lord Raiden's fault. You've all been warped by Shinnock's evil”. 
“Raiden’s continued ignorance gets others killed” revenant you said, “how many times can he excuse deaths by saying they're mistakes? While he consulted with the Elder Gods, Sindel wiped us out”. 
“Shao Kahn snapped my neck in the arena” revenant Kung Lao said. “Raiden saw it coming, and did nothing!”. 
“I would have defeated Shao Kahn, but Raiden wanted the glory. His lightning cut me down”
“No!” Liu Kang exclaimed, “I don't believe that!”. 
“One day Raiden will betray you. Then you'll believe”. 
What happened next is something Liu Kang has tried on numerous occasions to forget. It's why he tries to stay busy. As long as he's busy and his mind is preoccupied, his mind will hopefully not replay the events that happened. 
“It happened so fast” is clichè to say. He knew this, but it genuinely went by so fast. One moment he was fighting against himself, and the next everything went wrong. 
That sense of dread and fear got worse and worse and it wasn't for Kung Lao. He worried about him the normal amount you'd worry about your friend in kombat. All these feelings were about you. He had been so distracted and constantly looking over his shoulders at you, that he hadn't realized how desperate the revenants had gotten for a win. They were losing and they had to do something about that. 
Liu Kang didn't see “Kung Lao” take off his hat and throw it at him. All he remembers is seeing you run at him, colliding with the floor after you kicked him away, and the hat decapitating you. 
It was one of those moments where everything seemed to stop. In reality, he only stared at you for a few seconds. In his mind it felt as though he stared at your limp frame for hours before the blood pooling out of your neck was too much for him and he had to look away. 
He had failed… again. 
It seemed as though the Elder Gods enjoyed laughing at his torment because they gave him what could be his final chance. 
“Are you upset with me?” Liu Kang asked. Not too long ago he was forced to reveal the truth about the past timelines and the danger you were all in and since then you kept quiet and to yourself. He wouldn't blame you for being upset, but he really hoped you weren't. Confused or shocked, yeah. Just not upset. 
“I'm just thinking about our plan against Quan Chi and Shang Tsung” you answered quietly. He hated you weren't looking at him and for the first time ever he wished he had the power to read minds instead of fire. Maybe that was a blessing though. Your thoughts could possibly destroy him. 
“But that is not all” he challenged. “Tell me”. 
“Is that an order from my creator?”
He frowned and although he wanted to touch you, he kept his distance. “It is a request from your lover and friend”. You turned to face him and thankfully, you didn't seem upset. He expected something worse, like you yelling and looking at him and horror but instead you just looked lost. That was the best way he could describe it. 
“I'm sorry, that's not fair to you”. 
“You don't have to apologize to me. Just please, tell me what you are thinking”. You sighed and after what seemed like some debating, you stepped closer to him and grabbed his hand and the beating in his chest slowed. 
“Were we lovers in the past timeline?”, he nodded and he had a feeling he knew where this was going. “We are replacements for what you lost and that means-”
“No” he said louder than he planned to. 
“The memories you have with me aren't actually with me. I'm not the actual person you're in love with. You want me because you want her”
“You're wrong” his voice came out stern and his eyebrows lowered, “the reason I am yours is because I adore everything about you. I brought you back because I valued who you are as a person, but I was not drawn to you because of who you were”. He brought your hand to his cheek, the feeling being familiar in a painful yet comforting way. “I see you for you, and our memories are ours to make”. 
You smiled at him and instead of feeling relief, a familiar feeling of dread creeped up on him. 
No… no this wouldn't happen again. It couldn't. 
His calm facade slipped and the pain of the memory showed on his face. He tried to cover it up, but he was too slow. “Memories?”, you asked. He nodded. “What happened to us in the past timeline?”. 
He shook his head, wanting the memories to go away. “A story for another time” he replied grimly and stepped away from you. As bad as it sounded, Liu Kang didn't want to love you. He wanted to bring everyone back, including you, but he wanted nothing to do with you romantically. A mentor type of relationship would hopefully make the possibility of losing you hurt less, but fate brought you back together again. When fate brought you together, it always seems to cut you down. Two steps forward and three steps back. 
“I don't know if this will help, but if something terrible happened to me… I don't blame you. None of us blame you for any of our untimely deaths”
“I don't blame you for my death”
That was the last thing you said to him. 
Your words were so similar yet different, and that uneasy feeling got stronger. 
“Perhaps it would be best if you stayed behind” he tried to say as calmly as he could. Maybe this was the wrong decision, but he didn't wanna scare you and telling you about your untimely deaths in both timelines seemed like the wrong idea. 
“What?” You asked confused, “we need all hands on deck. I'll be fine”. 
“You can help in your own way”
“How?”. He hadn't thought of a task or an excuse to use and as he tried to rack his brain for an answer, you spoke again “for your sake I can stay right on your tail. You'll always know I'm right there but Liu…” your hand found his again, “over worrying only leads to bad things. Remember that”. 
What he felt next was weird. He considered your words and as he did so, that feeling of dread started to slip away. He didn't understand why and he didn't realize what the best course of action was until it was too late. 
You accompanied him and many others to stop Shang Tsung and Quan Chi and that went as well as anyone with his luck could expect. He had found out Shang Tsung from the original timeline was still alive and actively trying to destroy his era of peace, and then to make matters worse, an evil Raiden and Sindel made their appearance. Raiden was simple but being there and watching Sindel challenge them all gave him memories he didn't even have. 
He wondered if this is what happened to the past version of you. He wondered how different it was. He knew Sindel killed you and other kombatants. Is this how it happened? His attention went to you and that feeling of dread got stronger and stronger. 
This was it. This is when it'd happen. 
He stayed close to you the entire time and since he was so distracted, Sindel took the opportunity to use her hair to grab both your ankles and knock you both down. 
Liu Kang saw you try to get up to assist Sindel with her evil counterpart, and he gripped your ankle and pulled you towards him. 
“What are you doing?!” he saw how angry you were and he hated it, but he'd hate you dying even more. He kept a grip on you, so concerned with keeping you down, that he stopped paying attention to Sindel. He was only alerted to what had happened when he heard Kitana and Mileena scream. 
Sindel had been fatally wounded. 
Guilt pushed down on his shoulders and he let you go. Why couldn't he do both? Protect you and save Sindel? Then he felt even more guilty because he let out a sigh of relief when he realized that he broke the cycle. He won! 
He won. 
He won?
Why did that feeling of dread get stronger?
The feeling of dread and death got so strong, his shoulders actually felt weight on them. It felt like multiple people were pushing his shoulders down, while he tried his best to stand up. 
One last battle was left and he knew you absolutely could not go. This timeline must've been different. It made sense. The first one Sindel killed you, the second one revenant Kung Lao killed you. It must be the battle that kills you in this timeline. 
He couldn't let that happen. 
“You've gone mad if you think I'll stay here!” You weren't exactly taking his command the best, but he knew this was for the better. This battle had to be what would kill you. You had to stay far away and locked away. 
“I realize now what I must do to save you. You have to stay here until the battle is over. You'll be safe”. He tried to stay calm, hoping it'd ease your mood but it seemed to do the opposite. You weren't known to be angry, so seeing you look so bitter and hateful made his heart ache but he knew he was making the right decision. 
“You're insane. I have to help” you tried to walk away but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him harder than he meant to. 
“No! Do as I say” he meant for it to come out commanding, but there was an edge of pleading. “Have faith in me”. 
“Faith?” You gawked, “faith? In you? What about you having faith in me?!” You yanked your wrist away from him and rubbed it. “I could've helped Sindel and saved her life, but you kept me down!”
“Sindel would have killed you! Forgive me if I can't allow that”
“So my life is more special than everyone else's? You let everyone fight, get hurt and die but somehow I'm more special? Do you not see how twisted that is?”. He didn't wanna think about it that way. He felt awful after Sindel's death, but he would've been paralyzed if it was you instead. It made him feel guilty, as if he personally killed Sindel himself. It wasn't like that though! You wouldn't have stood a chance! Why couldn't you see that?
“You never let me do anything. I love you, but you suffocate me! I can't be more than two steps away from you without there being a problem”. He was protecting you like he knew he had to. 
“I worry-”
“You worry too much! What good comes from being paranoid? I've said it before. Only bad things happen when you over worry”. You tried to walk away again and he grabbed your wrist again. 
“I can't let you fight with us!”
“Why can't I be your champion?!” You shouted. “Why Raiden instead of me?!”
“He won-”
“He won a mini tournament you didn't even let me participate in, even after I asked you to!”. You were right. He remembers you begging for days, but he always said no. He made the excuse that you were better by his side and for immediate support but in reality, you in Mortal Kombat was a risk he didn't want to take. 
You did something he didn't expect next. You pulled out the amulet Raiden was supposed to have, out of your pocket. “This should be mine”. 
“How do you have that?”
“Raiden is easy to steal from. I don't know how he's survived this long” you said dismissively. He didn't like it. That amulet gave you more confidence and he couldn't afford that. You'd understand why he was so protective once the fight was over. 
“It doesn't belong to you for a reason. You're not Earthrealm's champion for a reason. You can't fight in this war for a reason”
“You want to lock me up like I'm your enemy! Like I'm a prisoner! I'm not Bi-Han!”
“You are not a prisoner. You're protected”
You let out a frustrated sigh and took a moment to collect your thoughts. “I'll return this, but when are you gonna realize the only way we're gonna work is if you let me out this cage you built?”. The sudden softness of your words took him by surprise and his grip loosened enough so you could slip your wrist out. 
You walked away and the further you got, the more that pressure eased up on his shoulders. It didn't make sense. Why was that feeling changing now when you were leaving him? You weren't supposed to leave! You were supposed to stay here, safe and sound and wait for him to come back to you!
His mind was moving fast and without truly thinking, he shot fire in front of you. “Stop!”
He regretted it immediately. You had no warning and as the fireball passed you, it burnt one of your hands badly. You screamed and held your hand with your other, trying to soothe a wound he knew wouldn't stop aching that fast. 
His heart sunk and he froze. To say he felt awful would be an understatement. He wasn't quite sure how to place it, but “bad” or “awful” weren't the right words. He never meant to actually harm you. It was the last thing he wanted to do. 
Feelings of dread reached an all time high when you turned around, a mix of hurt and rage on your face. “You'd hurt me to make me stay?! Enough of your madness! If I have to fight you, then so be it!”. 
He felt the same feeling he had when he watched you die. Everything was so fast, yet slow at the same time. 
You pulled out the amulet and lightning flew. Liu Kang shot fire at it and that's when he realized his mistake. 
A reaction happened and since the lighting was attached to the amulet, all that power surged back at you, throwing you back and severely burning you. 
“By the gods! No!” he shouted and ran towards your body, which seized before going limp. 
No. This was not meant to happen. 
This isn't what he wanted. 
He held your now bloody and burnt form, hoping that someone you'd make a recovery. He wanted to scream and burn everything down to the ground. How did he manage to fail again?!
“Forgive me…” he muttered. 
You said nothing in return. 
As he sat there in complete silence, the smell of burnt flesh filling his nose and tears falling down his face, he thought back to your words from before. 
“Over worrying only leads to bad things. Remember that”. 
“You worry too much! What good comes from being paranoid? I've said it before. Only bad things happen when you over worry”.
That's when it hit him. 
Your death to Sindel may have not been his fault, but him carrying the guilt of your death plus others clouded his judgment. He refused to listen to reason. He attacked Raiden and he was killed because of it. 
He was so focused and worried about you during your battle against the revenants, that he became sloppy. If he was focused, he would've noticed Kung Lao throwing his hat at him. He would've reacted in time. You wouldn't have had to kick him away and you wouldn't have died. 
If he let you go, you could've helped and saved Sindel. 
If he let you join the final battle instead of being paranoid, he wouldn't have accidentally harmed you and you wouldn't have attacked him. He wouldn't have had to fight back and you wouldn't have died. 
If he wasn't so paranoid to begin with, you wouldn't have been as frustrated and maybe you would've actually stayed behind. 
How did he not see it before? He gave up his power as a Titan, fearing he'd go insane like Kronika, but in his own way he had done the same thing. His need to protect became over worrying and that became paranoia and he allowed it to destroy himself and worst of all, he allowed it to destroy you and your relationship. 
The crushing feeling getting lighter when you talked about him letting you go, or you walking away, was because that's what he was supposed to do. There was nothing wrong with protecting, but his paranoia led to your downfall more than once. Maybe there were even more timelines that ended in your death or both of your deaths. 
The more he understood, the more his chest burned and the louder his sobs got. How could he have been so blind? How many times had he failed? Why did the Elder Gods punish him instead of the actual evil people in the world? He wasn't perfect by any means, but where was this sort of punishment for people like Shao? Or Shang Tsung? Or Quan Chi? Or anyone else who had wickedness in their heart and fed off chaos and strife? Why did he have to suffer such a cruel fate over and over again?
Maybe if he could somehow get his powers back or see if Geras could reverse time or erase this timeline and start again, he could do better. 
He could erase all he did wrong. He could keep his era of peace. He could save everyone. He could save you. 
All he needed was one more chance. 
Although I think this is buns, the reader’s death mimicking Liu Kang’s death in MK9 eats down
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raniamich · 8 months
Find someone to look at you the way Noshir Dalal looks at Sam Riegel
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