#Yandere liu kang
dontbesoweirdkira · 29 days
Yandere Raiden x reader x Yandere Fujin? Or feed my delusional mind with just Yandere mk men x reader- with that harem “no she’s mine! Not yours!”
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“Alright, men please listen up. Y/N can only choose one of us..which means you all will have to die.”
A/N: I love a delusional queen from infinity to infinityyyyyy. MHMM OFC!!! Anything for my delusional friends…I didn’t have Raiden in this one because I’m going to give you some good stuff in a separate post. I have Raiden and Fujin fighting for you in that. Plus a bonus;) this has been my favorite request so far.
Warnings: Johnny cage💀, Yandere/Toxic Themes, mentions of stalking, harassment, violence, a bit suggestive???
Requests: open 24/7
Let’s be real, the mk men are perpetually thirsty. Actually all the characters are to be honest. Did you hear the flirty dialogue?? Even the keeper is trying to get some of that action.
So really it’s no shocker that you, the new fighter, have all the attention from them.
Johnny is undoubtedly the first to strike. He may be an older man now but damn, you make him feel like he’s 20 again. He just cannot control making some kind of flirtatious comment when he sees you walk by.
“Woah, woah, woah, now sweetheart. I think you and I should have a nice long conversation. Get to know each other a little…or a lot…dealers choice.” ;)
Yeahh he doesn’t care that he has a kid and a mortgage. Cassie is grown now and Sonya doesn’t want him anymore…so free game, baby.
His eyes are hungry and he barely can hold himself back from pouncing on you—
Liu Kang and Kung Lao see this and apologize for his behavior towards you. They introduced themselves and of course did their absolute best to make you feel at home.
Don’t let this fool you though, those are some sinful monks. They are no better than Johnny and they want you real baaaad.
“So, Y/N. What is your skill set? Wait. Let me guess, you use beauty essence to trap your opponent in a daze before knocking them out?”
Liu Kang jabs Kung Lao in the stomach with his elbow, before speaking to you.
“I’m sorry for these two. You are very beautiful but please know we are just as excited to train with you as we would anyone else. Anytime you’d like to spar, please, don’t hesitate to find me.”
Ahh he’s so damn slick…he just wants a reason to pin you downnnn
“Hey! Liu Kang don’t you mean us? We all would like to train with you darling~. Some people like to fight over in the courtyard but if you’d like I have a very special place called, me casa.”
“I would also like to train with you…in the courtyard of course. I mean unless you prefer—“
“Thanks? Umm..I appreciate all of your….offers. I’m supposed to actually meet with Raiden, I’m just a little lost. Have you guys—-“
Before you could even finish your sentence all three of them bombarded you with offers and began fighting over each other, debating who actually knows how to find Lord Raiden the best.
That pretty much sets the tone for how everyone acts around you.
By a month or so into you being here, everyone knows about you. Especially the men. You’re all they talk about.
At first it was simply chatter about you being a new kombatant for earthrealm and of course mentions of your beauty.
But since learning more about and becoming closer with you, the little infatuations have turned into full blown obsessions.
No one can seem to get enough of you, even the grand masters have trouble focusing when you’re around. Hanzo and Kai Liang may disagree on many things but you are one of the few things they can get behind.
They are both trying to recruit you to their different clans so they can be fully entitled to you.
Scorpion wants extreme control over you, he wants to shape you into the perfect companion. He wants you to be just as poised as his wife once was. You already have her beauty so just let him perfect you.
Sub-Zero wants you to become his equal. What he failed to do with Frost, he will make up with you. How more beautiful you’d become if only your heart was frozen over.
Either one will stop at nothing to have you. A trophy they could boast over. For a second you ended a centuries-long feud, both agreeing on your excellence…only for it to start all over again for who is more worthy to own you.
This isn’t isolated to just them, all the men are fighting for your attention. Arguing about who you actually belong to, bragging about how much attention they got from you, and comparing it to each other. Don’t get me started on that. Mk men are so needy for your attention. Whenever they can’t get it, they resort to other ways.
Johnny is such a filthy pervert. You don’t wanna give him the time of day? Fine, he’ll take matters into his own hands.
He’s your very own paparazzi, you should be grateful that he’s taking this many pictures of you. You’re the first and only.
It doesn’t matter that he’s doing it without your consent or knowledge…it also doesn’t matter that some of them are a little…provocative. He’ll jump into the flesh pits if that meant getting the perfect shot of you…let him have this.
He refuses to share these with the other guys, it’s just for him. Over his dead body will Kano or someone else see you like this.
Shang Tsung has also caught wind of you and you’re a pretty sight indeed. He doesn’t want you to fight in the tournament. A gorgeous soul like you should be locked away in his throne room. He always tries to bribe you with fortune and power. He can offer you so much more than these rodents. If you need an extra push in his direction, a little trickery may help with that….he has no shame using an incantation on you.
Liu Kang and Kung Lao are no better. They manipulate that fact you see them as good friends as a way to be in the limelight.
They stalk you just as much as the rest, sometimes separately but often times together. It always ends up in a fight between the two tho because one person starts shit talking…
“Idk Kang. A woman like that would never be into you. Kitana barely even looks your way…what makes you think Y/N will? Besides, she called me cute.”
“Yeah, I think she’ll think it’s real ‘cute’ how I destroy you in the tournament..”
Perverted as Cage. Kung Lao is extremely touchy while sparring. He loves to “teach” you things. He never shines away from a moment to flex all of his years of training under the shaolin and that he’s a self proclaimed expert.
For some reason when he’s fixing your form, his hand always winds up on your ass…hmm strange.
Liu Kang loves when you watch him workout or spar with others. When it’s finally your turn to be his opponent, he never holds back. All because he wants to be the one on top…always.
You cannot catch a break. Gifts and proposals are constantly sent to your door and no matter how much you try to decline, it just won’t stop coming. Sure being basically waited on, and desired by many is really nice. Every girls dream! But you have to admit just how it is scary having such dangerous men obsessed with you.
There hasn’t been a moment in the last few months where you’ve ever felt completely alone. The feeling that someone is always watching you has never left.
And, occasionally you would awkwardly overhear or walk in on a group of men fighting about you.
“With all due disrespect, I believe a babe like that would prefer a star like me. She’s all mine”
“Nonsense. Y/N belongs to the Shirai Ryu. Both her beauty and skill makes her a viable asset to the clan. You can fight me in hell over it, Cage.”
It doesn’t get any better when the tournament starts.
I think the men forgot they were fighting for their realms because it quickly turned into a fight for dominance.
A tournament that was once a noble cause, turned into a bloody showcase. Every man dedicating their wins to you, making sure to send a cheeky flex or wink your way.
Besides, what value did their realms hold if you weren’t there with them.
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heartsforhavik · 6 months
Yandere Liu Kang? 👀👀👀
yandere liu kang x reader hcs
warnings: toxic relationship, controlling liu kang, yk regular yandere tendencies
summary: hcs of yandere liu kang x (gender neutral) reader
a/n: i just ate like 7 tacos anyways here’s a story about a god that is obsessed with you bc we all secretly want that!! (hi its me from the future this took so long for me to write anyways i just ate 12 chicken nuggets and i was holding in a shit while i was writing this anyways please enjoy guys love you all. havik is next :333)
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when liu kang created the new timeline, he was bent on making sure everyone had the chance to live a life of peace. he wanted everyone to be in control of their lives.
but when it came to you, liu kang had a twisted desire to completely craft your life so you two can be together. however, he resisted the urge, and he decided to let you be in control of your own life.
but he didn't expect for you to naturally gravitate towards him. he felt so... familiar to you. as if you knew each other in another life.
liu kang was so grateful that you naturally found each other again. and now, he was determined to make sure nothing would happen to you.
now that you two are together, he treats you as if you're glass. he barely lets you leave your house without him helping you. but can you blame him? he's a demi-god and you are just a vulnerable mortal. he just doesn't want you getting hurt!
"liu kang, please, let me leave. i just want to walk around. i'm not going to get hurt!" you begged.
"i cannot risk you losing your life, my darling. you'll understand one day." liu kang told you.
liu kang may be extremely controlling, but it's because he holds you very dear to his heart. he doesn't want anything bad happening to you, so he safeguards you very carefully. he is afraid of losing you more than anything.
you are his darling. you are the love of his life. can you really blame him for wanting to keep you forever? hold you in his arms til' death do you part?
he doesn't mind when you talk to others, however. he doesn't trust you to protect yourself, but he trusts you to stay loyal to him. he isn't that possessive. but he does always have to know every single person you are acquainted with. he just wants to make sure they're good people, that's all! he just doesn't want you to accidentally be friends with bad people.
however, liu kang is extremely busy as earthrealm's protecter. he doesn't get to keep an eye on you all the time, unfortunately. so he keeps you locked up in your shared living space! fun, right?
but he knows how bored you can get in there, so he knows to get whatever furniture you want inside your home. anything you show even a little bit of interest in, ends up in your home a few minutes later. you're very spoiled in other aspects other than furniture, however.
for example, on the rare occasion that liu kang isn't too busy, he does whatever you ask him. make you tea? he's on it. cuddle and watch a movie? he's got the blankets and snacks ready. need a shoulder to cry on? he's there, and he'll give you advice on how to solve the problem.
liu kang is very thoughtful, and he knows exactly how to take care of you. but unfortunately, his fear of losing you someday is too strong, that he doesn't know how to love you without a voice in the back of his head always reminding him that your lifespan is much shorter than his. he knows you won't be with him someday. but he likes to pretend that fact isn't true.
for now, he'll stay hopeful that nothing will come between your unconditional love. your loss someday will leave him crestfallen, and you will stay within his heart forevermore. so for now, let him love you with his whole heart. let him kiss you every morning. let him enjoy your company every afternoon. let him embrace you every night. he'll go mad if anything were to happen to you, his sweet beloved.
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kentstoji · 7 months
ㅤ ㅤㅤ‹ MANIA.
ㅤ ㅤㅤ‹ 𖤐 pairing. yandere!liu kang x gn! reader
ㅤ ㅤㅤ‹ 𖤐 setting. mk1 timeline.
ㅤ ㅤㅤ‹ 𖤐 type. headcanons.
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ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ exuding calmness and gentleness with a single smile, liu kang's true intentions could harbor an even darker undertone. as a yandere he would be danger personified, after all, he was the creator of everything — and his will was the truth.
ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ when he envisioned a new era of peace — where even his rivals could attain the purest nirvanas —, you were not part of the already planned equation, of his design, nor were you a component present in his past. you were inexplicably new, something unknown and intriguing.
ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ he would be aware that his obsession was far from healthy, both for him, sensing the signs of growing mental and moral corrosion, and for you, losing contact with the outside world due to a whim, a curiosity.
ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ with this in mind, he would try to isolate you, trap you in a little world where there was space only for him. your friends? they were not trustworthy, not loyal.
ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ only he was worthy of your love, friendship, or any other kind of sentiment that he could cling and devour, relishing solely in having your presence. and anyone daring to cross his path, whether by creating obstacles in your relationship or capturing your attention for more than mere moments, would dearly pay the price.
ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ during warm nights, while liu kang's arms enveloped you in an initially comforting, welcoming, and loving embrace, he found himself lost in reveries of his past. he could perfectly visualize lord raiden's face — his mentor — contorting into something bitter, into discontent and disapproval. he imagined that if he saw him, he would be severely reprimanded for interfering in the fate of a mortal.
ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ "however", a small and distant voice echoed in his subconscious. the same voice that led kronika to corrupt herself and manipulate the timelines like a sick game. "raiden interfered countless times with fate. and that brought me here... to you"
ㅤㅤㅤ ٬ ✃ that velvety voice belonged to his obsession. abandoning what remained of his good sense, liu kang listened to it and descended his lips onto your forehead, in a gentle kiss while you were sleeping, in a world of fantasies and sweet dreams.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
I hope it’s not too much can I request for liu kang with a daughter reader perhaps in the other time line she was the daughter of liu kang and Kitana and they see her again when they reunite in mk1 before the battle as she is a time keeper herself
Have a goodnight/day :)
I can try, sure! Altered a bit for canon but this is what I have!
Yandere! Liu Kang with Daughter! Darling
(Mortal Kombat 1)
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Slight manipulation, Fear of loss, Somewhat soft yandere, Implied thoughts of kidnapping, Forced companionship.
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This story begins with you, the daughter of Liu Kang and Kitana.
In your torn timeline, you defeated Kronika and became a Titan/Time Keeper.
You had your own Geras to aid you in your duties and you just took comfort in getting rid of Kronika.
You are your timeline's Keeper and shape it to how you see fit.
You may even take after your father, wanting to create peace due to not being able to have it yourself.
You think this is where your story ends.
It's not, much to your surprise.
You are summoned to another timeline before you know it.
You panic for a moment, your Geras not in sight currently.
But your anxiety falters slightly when you look in front of you, a god staring back at you.
Not just some god... a fellow Titan and Keeper...
Your father.
There's a long pause of hesitancy when you lock eyes.
You have trouble believing it... even more so when you see other Titans beside him.
Including your mother.
Liu Kang merely smiles at you, his eyes open wide.
"It is nice to see you again, my daughter."
It's then that you accept it and launch yourself into your father's arms.
Your mother may even join, the family united once again as Titan Time Keepers.
Liu Kang brings up the reason you're brought here, to defeat Titan Shang Tsung, but he easily gets distracted by you.
Liu Kang thought he lost you when the timeline reset... same with Kitana, his love.
But no... now he has you both beside him, united for yet another battle.
You look so happy... he pities you becoming a Titan at such a young age... but he's glad he could see you again.
In fact... he gets quite attached to you again.
He knows you're his daughter in the same way he knows Kitana is his love.
He hates that he had to find you to bring you into battle, but you feel so right in his arms.
Liu Kang finds himself smiling at the sight of he, his love, and daughter in the same room again.
He gets attached to the scene easily.
The both of them look so beautiful... even as Titans.
He didn't realize how much he missed his family until now.
He fears the thought of Titan Shang Tsung harming you or Kitana.
Liu Kang barely even wants to trust his timeline's Shang Tsung or Quan Chi with you.
You agree to help your father take down Shang Tsung.
Liu Kang expected this as you loved him.
However... Liu Kang has some regrets about it.
He fears you'll be hurt... he fears the idea of leaving you and Kitana again.
Liu Kang does his best to smother such thoughts.
He must focus on preserving his timeline first.
As you help your father protect his Hourglass, he grows more attached to you.
He thinks of times when you two were together... a family...
But those times are gone... for now.
As the battle begins to conclude and Titan Shang Tsung is dispatched due to you and your father... he knows he should send you back.
Yet instead... he finds himself asking you to stay in his timeline awhile longer...
"I know I shouldn't ask this but... I was hoping you and I could catch up in my Timeline. Just before you have to go."
Reluctantly you agree, missing your father.
You hope Geras back home can watch over your hourglass for just awhile longer....
As a result you agree and continue to be around your father.
Perhaps he tried to convince Kitana to stay too but she refused... or maybe leaves later.
Either way, even with the extra time he has with you, Liu Kang can't seem to let you go.
He finds himself thinking of ways to trap you... his own Geras expressing concern towards his master.
For now... this is just an extended visit between father and daughter...
That is until Liu Kang decides to give into his darker and more selfish desires... but for now... there is calm before the storm.
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moronkombat · 8 months
(If you're comfortable only!)
Can we ask for a yandere hc of Liu Kang and Shang Tsung? It could be anything! Tysm!
yess some yandere. bless u for requesting. tw: for unhealthy obsessions, stalking, manipulation
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Liu Kang made you for him and him alone. You were created to be his. His precious treasure, a doll for him to dress and love
That is why he has watched you for so long now. He has been waiting as you move through life and he sees all that you but you are so unaware of his presence
But it has always been there, lurking and plotting. Never have you been in the arms of anyone else. Every time you formed a relationship with someone there always something that ruined it
You think you must have rotten luck when it comes to relationships but it is so out of your control
Liu Kang won't tolerate another having you. No that won't do at you. You were created just for him and no one else
Shadows begin to lurk and you see things within, just out of reach. You walk down a street and the shadows follow you. You swear you see eyes that glow bright within them but you can never truly catch them
Then you faces in the crowd, the same face. It is a man you don't know but his eyes pierce you and they glow with otherworldly beautiy
You tell your friends, you tell them there is someone there but they see no one. That face has disappeared when they turn their heads to look
Crazy...you must be right? Seeing glowing eyes in the dark and now a face to match them? This can't be real, there is something wrong with you
No, there isn't. You are perfect. Liu Kang made you to be. He watches as your eyes widen and dart around looking for the face in the crowd. He cannot help but find your terrified curiosity endearing
Playing with you brings him smiles but to have you completely will bring him so much more. It is in the night that he comes for you
There you lay unknowing and defenseless and Liu Kang drinks in the sight of you and his hands glide and hover over you
When he's had enough of carnal gazes, he'll wake you and oh how you scream when you see the face that has been haunting you from the shadows
You scream, call for help and Liu Kang can only smile. The only help you'll ever need is right here. You're silenced then and his whispers begin to fill your ears
He speaks of how he has been watching you since the beginning, detailing all the events of your life and deepest secrets. Lips at your ear smirk as you shake and quiver
Your hand moves to strike him but he catches it and there is something different about him now. His grip on your wrist is tight and burning
You yelp and wince but he doesn't let go and now he's scolding you. How dare you try to hit him, you must have done that by accident surely? You would never hit the man who loves you so much. The man who is going to take you away and keep you safe forever
No, you don't want to leave but you have no choice. Dragged and pulled from your bed, he carries you all the while you cry and scream
Lips find your eyes, kissing away your tears and you try to turn your head but his hold on you is firm. He will never let you go
Liu Kang keeps you in a place most hidden away from the world. A place you do not know. A place where time seems to never move. Locked away in a room where he leaves beautiful little dresses for you to wear
You refuse and he appears disappointed and then stern. Must he teach you manners? You have forced his hand you see? He doesn't want to discipline you but when you misbehave you need to learn
You must learn there is no life outside this place. There is no escape to a paradise. There is only him and it will never change
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It takes but a first look at you and Shang Tsung is captivated. The way you move, the way you smile...yes he must have them. He must have you
But he mustn't be hasty, no no that wouldn't do at all. If he to have you then he must plan very carefully. You will need to become dependent on him. All others from your life must be removed
And so he worms his way into your life by putting on a friendly smile and offering to help you with picking up the bag you dropped
Yes, he did well having you trip so you'd fall and be in need of help but you don't know that only he does
He introduces himself and so do you. It is of little use, however, he knows it already. He knows much about you and soon Shang Tsung will know it all
Shang Tsung becomes a friend to you rather quickly. He is always there when you seem to need him. He there to comfort you when something has upset you like when your partner left you without much word
Oh how you cried in his arms and oh how he caressed and rubbed your back, offering you words of sympathy. With your eyes buried in tears you didn't see how devilish that smirk of his was
Yes, in that moment while you cried he found himself rather sentimental. Shang Tsung recalled how troublesome your partner was to his plans. It only natural that they be removed, that they disappear
There he is to pick up your broken pieces but you were not shattered enough for him to completely consume you
More and more seem to go terribly wrong in your life but it's okay though because Shang Tsung is always there for you and happy to help you with all your troubles
Troubles he has caused. Troubles he has orchestrated as the puppet master wielding those strings. He cuts all those vexing connections to others you have. There no room for anyone else. It will be his strings alone that coil around you
You are grateful to him just as he has planned and predicted. So close now you are to being so broken, so worn down. You are nearly his
When he holds you in his arms, you at your lowest point, he simply cannot wait any longer. Oh how he loves the terror that twists your face as he reveals all he has done
He relishes in your shock, your disbelief and there he sees just the last of you fall apart and it makes him smile coyly
You scream, you cry, you plead for understanding but you will receive none. He did this because he loves you and you do not need anyone else but him. He just had to make you realize that
The world is burning, you are panicked, you feel sick. How can this be? Why is this happening? You need to wake up from this nightmare?
There is no such sanctuary. There is only him and his snake like arms that keep you close and command you. You cry until there are no tears left
Don't worry though, Shang Tsung will take care of you. He always has and now he can forever uninterrupted
thank you for the request!!! i love writing the nasty dark stuff!!
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beloved-belittled · 3 months
Gods/Titans x Sick! Reader
Characters: Shinnok, Raiden, Fujin, Liu Kang, Cetrion, Kronika 
A/N: Did not have the brainpower to work on my other stories so I drafted up this instead. Influenza is a bitch.
TW: Implied yandere, mentions of drugging, kidnapping, death, SFW
18+ to interact
Can probably detect that you're getting sick before your symptoms show. You know how some people can smell sickness? It's like that with Shinnok. Thankfully, you don't have the waft of death he's so accustomed to being around. He's not worried about you dying from this. Still, he'd rather not his plaything be ill.
He's a bit confused on how you got sick in the first place though. He doesn't exactly take you outside once he's kidnapped you, and it's not like he's affected by any mortal disease so ???. It's especially puzzling if this happens while you're trapped in the amulet. At least in the cell you came into contact with demons who may have carried something. 
Regardless, at this point Shinnok realizes his arsenal of healing magic is rather… Lacking. He's much more adept at rending flesh than mending it. But he's a skilled sorcerer so it takes him little time to learn a healing spell. A few test subjects later and he feels confident at curing your cold.
All this takes less than 24 hours for Shinnok to achieve. You're probably bed ridden at this point with all the chills/fever, coughing, and weakness. Speaking of beds, I think this is one of the few times he'll have you sleep in a bed rather than your cell. He wants you to recover after all. The only way you’re dying is by his hands and not some petty mortal disease. 
His magic works better than any herbal healing or medicine tbh. One moment you're on death's door and the next you've completely recovered. No sign of illness anywhere in your body. Even though being Shinnok's darling is not desirable, it does come with a few benefits like this.
Raiden doesn't know you're sick until the symptoms show. Might not discover your illness until 2-3 days of you being under the weather due to his busy schedule. He likely hears about your condition from a monk he's trusted to watch over you. Man immediately teleports to the Sky Temple to see how you're doing. He finds you laying in the bed barely able to move. Wearily, you greet him only to immediately fall into a coughing fit.
Unfortunately, he can't fry the disease out of you with his electricity. So, herbal healing it is! You drink more tea this week than you have your entire life. Seriously, you have to beg Raiden to stop because your stomach is about to burst. He does, only to immediately pursue some aromatherapy. Your room smells strongly of flowers and eucalyptus afterwards.
Would frequently check on you nearly every hour. If there's an extremely urgent matter that calls for his attention he'll leave his most trusted colleagues to look after you. Right after he's done with business he'll ask the person if your status has improved. 
He's super mindful of making sure you don't get bed sores or any other complications from laying around all day. At the same time, he only wants you getting up to bathe or use the restroom. You're essentially stuck in one place until he can 100% guarantee you've recovered. 
If your condition worsens he would hire a doctor to come see you. If the doctor suggests you go to a hospital, Raiden will take you there. I imagine the admission process would be a bit awkward though. He has no idea how all this works so you're left doing most of the speaking. You get admitted in though, and no his constant visiting doesn't stop even now. The hospital staff would likely have to kick him out.
Overall, he's praying that you'll make it through this.
Well, Fujin actually lives among mortals so he has more knowledge on how to take care of you. Like Raiden, whenever he's on important business he hires someone to watch over you. I could see him having a phone unlike his brother. Definitely more hip with the times. Anyways, because of this he probably gets a worried text from your caretaker that you've fallen ill.
He arrives back home ASAP. Seeing you in this condition pulls at his heartstring the most. Out of everyone he's the most worried, as he's had his most favorite mortals pass away from illness. He wastes no time getting into Dr. Fujin mode.
He has you on a liquid diet until you heal. Tea, soup, broth -that's all you're eating for the next week. He’ll get whatever you need medicine wise. Got a headache or cramps? He'll get some painkillers pronto. Are you coughing with an irritated throat? Have some cough syrup/drops. He's very attentive in giving you a balance of home remedies and prescribed drugs.
It pains him every time you cough or groan in pain. He wants nothing more than to cure you right now. He hates seeing you suffer from illness. You can expect him to keep you company for as long as necessary. He'll also bring whatever entertainment you want, long as it isn't too expensive. 
Again, if your conditions worsen he'll take you to a hospital. It's a smoother process getting in with him though. He also understands the concept of visiting hours, but best believe he's taking full advantage of them. He'll only leave your side if he has to and will be back the next morning.
Liu Kang 
He doesn't have an ability to detect disease but he does have impeccable intuition. Something just changes about you before you fall ill. He's not even sure how he predicted it, but sure enough you're bedridden a few days after his spidey senses tingle.
He tries not to be too worried about your cold. He hasn't crafted your destiny to be one where you die from disease. But, there are some externalities even he can't control being Keeper of Time. So, it's off to the Wu Shi's medbay with you!
The Fire God checks up on you regularly, but not as often as Raiden or Fujin. It's not that he cares less, but rather he understands boundaries more. You don't need him breathing down your neck while you're recovering or sleeping. He makes an effort to see you every day though, giving you updates of what's going on at the academy. 
If you're suffering from chills though at least you're in luck! He'll keep the room more than warm enough with his fire powers. It's like having a heated blanket around whenever he's in the medbay. At the same time, if you have a fever you may find his presence to be a little too warm. 
I believe if you don't get better he'd take you to a sorcerer skilled in healing. Luckily, there's a whole multiverse at his disposal so it's extremely easy for him to find someone to cure you. You won't die under his care. You're far too precious for him to lose.
Can detect your sickness way before symptoms show. Honestly, you probably wouldn't even realize you're sick before her magic heals you. With her around you don't have to worry about such mortal afflictions. 
If there was an illness that her powers couldn't heal… Well tbh you're probably going to die. But, I think it would leave her spiraling into a pit of worry beforehand. How did you get this disease? What can she do to help you? I think she'd try a lot of home remedies like the other characters here but doesn't have as much faith for it working. After all, no mortal medicine can surpass her powers as an Elder God.
If you pass away from this she'll likely just keep your soul in Heaven with her. If she's Keeper of Time she may just restart the Timeline. Although, I can't imagine it'd be too hard for her to just put your soul in a surrogate or artificial body. Regardless, she's not going to let an illness take you away from her. The consequences be damned.
Also, in a weird way I could see Cetrion getting you sick on purpose. Drugging whatever you eat/drink with just enough poison to make you lethargic and sleepy. Or manipulating the timeline so you're purposefully born with a weak body. It feeds her ego to take over a caregiver role for you. Having you completely dependent on her love and attention gives her a much needed dopamine boost. It's very unfortunate for you.
Overall… Probably the best person to have if you get sick. As long as she decides to heal you immediately of course.
Is even more confused than her son about how you got sick. After all, she had you trapped in a pocket outside of time. Even if you caught a pathogen, it wouldn't be able to progress due to time being paused there. And not only that, you've been in there for far longer than the incubation time of any disease. Briefly, she wonders if your safety inside the bubble has been compromised. She dismisses that idea though. No… No one has the ability to tread that space without her permission. Not in her New Era.
Fortunately, she can just reverse the “age” of your body to before you got infected. She's reversed time on your body several times at this point, so she's not the least bit worried about doing so. A wave of her hands later and you're cured. And feeling a bit younger too.
Not much else to really say here. I doubt she would intentionally get you sick. Also with her being a Titan and succeeding against Liu Kang/Raiden in this timeline, the arc of history really does bend to her will. So basically -you're not getting sick on her watch.
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014miki · 6 months
WE ALL LOVE YOUR WRITING!!!! But we need Yandere Liu Kang 🫦
OMG TY <3 and yes, take.
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♥︎‹ 𖤩 𝐎𝐇 𝐀𝐍𝐀 .
TW: dark concept, yandere themes, violence, unhealthy jealousy, obsessive protection, non-gender specific (yiii) and song lyrics (not at all).
liu kang x reader. (yandere version)
✦ tomas vrbada version here!
✦ johnny cage version here!
✦ rain version here!
a/n: I am very sorry for the wait but i had unforeseen problems, after they returned my computer i had extra tasks due to late. Also yesterday i had surgery which was necessary for my brackets (my treatment) possibly ends in april since it started in may of this year and i must say that the difference was quite fast and noticeable, i suppose because i am still very young (XD) well leaving that aside... i hope you all like it.
> used song: oh ana by mother mother.
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>﹏<"Even the gods themselves have weaknesses, except that Liu Kang was a man who fought for his desires, which were increasingly twisted. No one would think that seeing you at that event was the trigger for releasing a dark nature that not even he himself could have thought he had."
🍓▋୨★« ་. 01.- He had introduced you to his champions, however after having introduced you to them he wanted to have a small conversation trying to have you as another ally on his side of the fight since he knew that there was someone plotting and he needed someone to verify that, you innocently accepted. So far they started well and it would be the last normal attitude you would see in him.
🍓▋୨★« ་. 02.- You were someone without anything special, you were just another ordinary person who lived in Edenia but he saw something in you and that was why he had introduced you before, something very special that you didn't even know. For him you were like an angel.
🍓▋୨★« ་. 03.- During the mission which he had assigned to Kenshi and the others, he took that opportunity to learn more about you. From the smallest detail of your life, one of the things you are most good at is finding out about someone.
🍓▋୨★« ་. 04.- ¿Intense? Nah, not even because they provoke it, he must dominate his darkest and most primitive instincts. He just wished that no one else would come near you, that would make he lose sanity. If that happened to happen, that person would disappear, although of course he would not do it by typical means, he would disappear through a black hole.
🍓▋୨★« ་. 05.- Unlike the others, he was one of thinking things before acting which has made him always one step ahead. But if i had to act i would do it immediately. First he would talk to you so that the news wouldn't be so sudden, after that he would say what he feels for you so he would give you the choice: agree to be by his side or erase you from existence… disappearing from existence doesn't sound very fun, on the other hand…
─ Maybe playing at being more than a god is not good for your safety, but today… today i will be and i will be one who gives you the choice of what is best and convenient for you…
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fandomzwriterk · 10 days
I will take requests for the following fandoms:
Mortal Mombat/MK1
X-Men ‘97
My OC lore
Honkai Star Rail
Wuthering Waves
Ghost of Tsushima
Genshin Impact
Baldurs Gate
Vox Machina
💖I’m willing to do both SFW & NSFW if you want. Just send the request to me and I’ll do it as long as it’s not “harmful content”💝
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magicgalatica · 7 months
Teaser To The First Story
Yandere! Mortal Kombat 1 Males x Po Au! Female Reader
“Training within the mountains.”
“Under eyes of a master.. To gain knowledge of Kung Fu.”
“To Know Balance and Inner peace.”
“To defend their home and fight to protect those they love.”
“Master of what she learned.”
“Then a dawn of day, a god comes to her, seeking for her help. To join them in champions and fight in future tournaments.”
“Agreeing to his question in emotion of excitement to experience new things.”
“But upon taking the first step… eyes will soon burn onto her.”
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niphredil-14 · 1 year
please send in requests. I’ll write pretty much anything. im desperate for inspiration. all my posts are queued.
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astralxfaery · 9 months
I am the only person that can be sweet and nostalgic about buying my nesting partner MK11, the most gruesome game ever.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 26 days
Could you write a possessive flavored yandere Erron black?
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“Sweetheart…where are you hidin’? I know you’re here. Come out, come out, wherever you are.”
A/N: yes sirrrrr. I’m sorry I realized I got a little bit distracted while writing and didn’t follow the request exactlyyyy…oopsies. I’ve never written Erron so I do hope he’s in character enough. Thank you so much for requesting. I hope you enjoy. Just request again if you want a specific scenario.
Warnings: Yandere/toxic themes, kidnapping, talks of murder, threats, obsession
Requests: open 24/7
Being tracked down by a bounty hunter-cowboy was definitely not on this year's bingo card.
You had no clue you were putting yourself in the middle of something far greater than anything you could imagine. That a little celebratory trip down to the local pub would turn into you hiding for your life.
“Sweetheart…where are you hidin’? I know you’re here. Come out, come out, wherever you are.” A deep husky, southern voice taunted
You remained stiff, curled into a tight ball, silently praying for a way out of this nightmare.
How could you be so damn stupid. How did you not notice something off about the man? Why didn’t the alarm bells go off for you the second he walked in? And why were you just now putting the pieces together ?
From the way he had dressed to the way the atmosphere changed from the second he walked in…you were so oblivious.
Tipsy and blissful you had thought his outfit was the coolest thing since sliced bread. Unknowingly, you thought he was a part of one of the larp groups in the area. gleefully, you struck up a conversation with the fella.
“You know, you are one, if not the coolest motherfucker I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I wish I had a cowboy hat like that.”
Amused, the man had decided to take a seat next to you and indulge in the conversation.
“Well a mighty thank you, princess. You know you are one, if not the prettiest woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Names’ Erron, what brings someone like you to a place like this?”
“Haha I’m y/n and thank you! I’m here to celebrate a bonus I finally got from my boss. I’ve been hounding her about it for months and I’m so happy to finally get it,. Times been rough, y’know?”
“Oh don’t I know it, baby doll.”
From there you guys chatted it up, flirted back and forth, and shared a few drinks. Not even realizing the staleness of the rest of the Pub.
Everyone, except for you, seemed to know exactly who Erron was. They recognized that man wasn’t just here to socialize, he was there to collect.
You had found the perfect hiding space, just under the performance stage, behind the small curtains.
Luckily, no one noticed you crawling over to it, seemingly not even the cowboy. Everyone was far too busy with their own business to care about you in the heat of the moment.
It kept you safe enough from all the commotion that went down, just moments earlier, protecting you from all the stray bullets that unfortunately caught a few others.
The cowboy had a hefty bounty to collect if he successfully killed the man he was after…which also happened to be a frequent patron of the pub.
The man that everyone turned their heads to look at when he arrived, the man that turned Erron Black from a fun-loving conversationalist to a bloodthirsty monster.
You could hear the heavy thudding of his thick metal boots, treading the wooden floor as he tried to find you.
“I’m so sorry about all that, doll. Erron had some business to take care of…I hope you understand.” He had tried to make his voice sweet to make you feel safe enough to come out. Like he hadn’t just murdered the entire bar.
The sound of chairs and tables being thrown, and cabinets being searched sent a sharp fear down your throat and into your stomach.
You couldn’t see it but you could hear just how erratic he was becoming searching for you.
“I know you’re a little frightened but don’t worry I’m not gunna hurt ya darlin’…I think we have something special going on. Wouldn’t ya’ agree?”
Erron wasn’t leaving that place without you. You’ve charmed the dangerous cowboy enough to win him over so like hell he would leave you here! He’s not done with you just yet. Besides you’ve seen too much, either way he’d still have to find you to kill you.
“You looked mighty fine tonight…why don’t ya say’, we go back to my place. Not like there’s any other men here to take you home…”
You could hear his boots pick up pace on the hard wood as he walked over to the bar before they stopped. Clinking of a glass could be heard before the pouring of a drink.
“Come on pretty please.” The irritation in his voice began to rise, his patience with you wavering
Erron usually isn’t this patient, and for a moment he’d thought about just setting the place ablaze and just letting you die like that. But Erron knew if he did, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself for a while. Something about you just couldn’t escape his mind. He needed to see that precious little face again.
A deep sigh filled the air before it became completely silent. It lasted quite some time, far longer than just a beat. Nearly ten minutes had passed and curiosity started to get the better of you.
What the hell was he doing? He couldn’t of left. Not that silently at least. You hadn’t heard a single sound, not even the sound of him drinking…was he just sitting there?
You wanted to get a good look, maybe he was distracted enough to sneak past?
Carefully, you leaned forward enough to grab a little bit of the curtain that lined the front of the platform, gently pushing it aside…only enough to see him. He sat haphazardly on the bar stool, with one leg planted on the ground to keep his balance and the other placed on the leg rest. His head face downwards and his hat hung low, shadowing his face and in his hands he still held the glass he earlier had drank from.
As if he could feel the gentle wind of the curtain being moved, Erron suddenly shattered the glass he was holding, causing it to catch you off guard and send you falling forward onto the cold, hardwood floor.
The cowboy released a chilling chuckle, one just as violent and twisted as he was.
You had fell right into his trap, there wasn’t any time to escape or run and hide again before he was removing that curtain and pulling you out from under the stage
“Darlin’, my job is catching people. You really thought that I wouldn’t find you? Truthfully, I knew exactly where you were the whole time. I just wanted to see if you’d come out for me if I’d ask~.”
“P-please…let me go. I-I didn’t do anything to you please—“ you squirmed tremendously as you tried your best to free your limbs from his grasp.
He shook his head and tsk’ed
“I would’ve let you go if you’d been good for me…you made me wait so long for you. Love is patient, I however, am not.”
“I’m so sorry-I was sca—“
“Shh it’s okay. I’ll teach ya how to reaaal be obedient.”
“Are you going to kill me..please—I don’t wanna die. I’m sorry please—.“
He let out another chilling laugh, this time a bit more dry.
“Oh i'm not going to kill you…I like you enough not to.—“ taking out and unwind I the rope from his hip, he continued
“You’re comin’ with me, Y/N. You’re gunna my new lil’ pet.”
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thisonehere · 5 months
The Lin Kuei boys get jealous after you get flowers from another man
Mk1 Headkanons
C/w: Yandere tropes, jealousy, toxic relationship, G/n reader, mentions of violence, stalking, these men being unreasonable and irrational lol
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The Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei has never been affectionate, especially when it came to you. But while saying that, he hated the idea of someone else showing you affection or even making you happy. The idea of another (especially a man) putting a smile on your face, giving you a warm feeling inside, even making you laugh, burned him.
So when someone (Maybe some member of the Lin Kuei or even Johnny Cage) works up the courage to give you a nice bouquet, he rages.
You can feel his eyes burn a hole into the back of your head as you graciously receive the gift and thank the man.
You smile and giggle causing Bi-Han to shake with rage. The final straw was when he saw your face, or what was on your face. Blush, you were blushing. Bi-Han's mind begins to race. Why are you blushing? Does he make you happy? Happier than when you are with him? Did you prefer this man to him?
Without even thinking anymore he attacks the man, punching him so hard that his teeth are scattered all over the floor. He pummels him with no mercy and not a single sign of stopping. It takes you and a few other Lin Kuei to finally rip him off the poor man.
You drag him home but this isn't the end of it. "What is wrong with you?" "YOU and you whoring ways." before you know it, you're arguing, neither of you shows any sign of relenting. Soon the arguing turns into a screaming match, and things get so heated to the point that Bi-Han punches a wall leaving a massive dent.
Tears stream down your face as you yell at him to get out. For a moment his eyes soften and grow wide with hurt and shock, but immediately harden as he turns and slams the door behind him, basically breaking the door and the wall. Leaving you there alone crying.
Time passes, minutes become hours, hours become days, days, become weeks, and you and Bi-han haven't talked to each other. Whenever you see each other you quickly look away, refusing to even make eye contact with the man. You don't see it, but Bi-Han is hurt by this, but he buries it down and puts on his usually stern face.
Finally, it all ends one night when you hear someone knocking at your door. You open it to find Bi-Han, his cheeks are flushed and his eyes are puffy and red, he's trying his best to keep it together but it's obvious that he'll break at any second.
"I'm... Sorry." He forces out his mouth, this is something hard for him to do. He'd rather be fighting Liu Kang than be facing you right about now. "You mean so much to me, I don't want to lose you..." he admits.
He then gets onto his knees and prostrates himself before you. After a few moments, you sigh and let him back inside.
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Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang has never hidden his love for you, he'd show it every chance he got. He'd buy you gifts and send you poems spouting his eternal devotion to you, and more stuff like that. He feels confident in this relationship and your feelings for him.
So when that man comes up to you and gives you flowers, he isn't the least bit jealous... well, that's what he wants to believe.
It bothers him the way you smile at receiving the gift, you laugh and even blush. What are you doing, he thinks to himself. Why are you acting like this? Does his gifts make you act this way? Aren't you happy with him? Isn't he enough for you?
He forces a smile onto his face and tries to retain his composure. He then finds the opportunity and interjects, saying something like you need to go because of an emergency.
Afterwards, he will do everything in his power to make you happy. Do you want flowers? Fine, he'll find the most beautiful and exotic ones the realms could offer. He'll make multiple gestures to display his affection, hoping that you'll return it.
But at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how many times you tell him you love him, he will see that bouquet of flowers that you still keep and jealousy and insecurity consume him.
One day, he'll see the flowers in the pot you specifically chose for it and just stare at them. Before he can even top and think, he grabs the pot and throws it to the ground. He stomps at it and even uses his power to burn it to ashes.
Of course, all this ruckus gets your attention and you rush in and find Kuai Liang hitting the ground where the flowers were. Its ground is broken and charged by his spontaneous and reckless actions.
"What are you doing?!" You shout, both confused and even scared by this. Kuai's head shoots up realizing you're in the room. "Y/n, I didn't...You...I... I'm sorry." He turns and rushes out of the room.
For the next few weeks, Kuai will avoid you at all costs. Too ashamed of himself to face you after what he did. Every time you try to talk to him he quickly gets away. You don't understand why he's acting like this, did you do something? Does he hate you?
Finally, you can corner him. You try to talk to him, ask him what's wrong. Kuai rushes past you and attempts to quickly get away from you, but he stops when he hears a sniffling noise. He turns and sees you crying. It was then he finally realised how much he was hurting you. He hated himself even more now, he was so busy thinking about himself that he didn't even stop to think about how his actions were affecting you.
He walks back up to you and holds you. "I-I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you. Those flowers... they...it doesn't matter anymore. I love you." He says as he pulls you in and tightly holds you.
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Tomas Vrbada
Tomas was and always has been insecure about the relationship. He's constantly scared that you'll one day leave him. You were the most beautiful and wonderful thing to happen to him, how could he not worry that things were too good to be true. It didn't help that he knew about all the others that desired you. He already lost his family, he couldn't lose you as well.
When you are offered flowers by that man, Tomas does everything he can to maintain his composure as you smile and laugh as you happily receive the gift. He watches as you continue your conversation with the man, he feels strange urges come over him. The urge to rip the flowers from out your hands and stomp them to pieces, the urge to beat the man to a bloody pulp, the urge to...what was happening to him?
Quickly he interjects into the conversation and insists that you have to go. You leave and Tomas tries to stop thinking about what just happened. But the way you are smiling at the bouquet so fondly it makes him go mad.
For the next few weeks nothing happens, Tomas seems off though. You ask what's wrong but he insists that everything is fine. So you don't think much about it, if Tomas wants to talk to you about it he will. And continue on with your daily routines...unaware that Tomas is following you.
Everywhere you go, he's too far behind. He keeps to the shadows, using powers to help him hide from you. He has to see everything you do, everywhere you go, every person you talk to. He loves you, but he can't seem to trust you for the life of him.
You realize something's wrong when Kuai comes to you and reveals that Tomas hasn't been fulfilling his tasks and duties. You immediately start to get concerned. He's been very distant lately, does this have anything to do with it? Why was he acting strange? Why won't he talk to you about it? You try to catch him before he leaves and talk to him. But seems to avoid you like the black plague and rushes out of the house.
You sigh and go on with the rest of your day. But since Kuai told you this news, you've seemed to become on edge for no reason. You become paranoid that someone is following you. As you make your way through your daily routine, you see the very same man who gave you the flowers and happily go to him and have a conversation.
Tomas watches you two talk and he feels an anger rise up in him. The way you two chatted so happily like you were in love, Tomas couldn't take it any more and spring from the shadows and confront you. "I-I can't believe you, was nothing we had special?!"
You didn't understand what was happening, Tomas suddenly appeared and he was yelling at you. Screaming at the man and chasing him away. He admits to following you and is grateful that he did, seeing how familiar you are with other men.
"Y-You were stalking me?" You suddenly yelled back. Hearing you say, Tomas realizes quickly how insane he was acting. His cheeks flush as his once confident form shrinks into an awkward one. "Oh gods, Y/n, I'm so sorry. I-" but before he can finish, you turn your back on him and you walk away, leaving him there all alone.
Weeks go by as you avoid him, you don't come home, and you don't speak Kuai either, it's like you disappeared off the face of the planet. These were some of the loneliest weeks Tomas has ever experienced in his life, he couldn't eat he could sleep, and he couldn't even build up the strength to get out of bed. What was even the point? Without you, life didn't have much meaning.
You finally build up the courage and come back home, hoping for some closure and to settle things. Tomas immediately swings open the door and ushers you inside. He is quick to start apologizing, he is in a desperate state. He even starts to break down and cry.
This pathetic display moves you, you admit that you missed him. You embrace each other and cry in each other's arms. "I'm so sorry, please don't leave me," he begs.
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popawritter12 · 3 months
Yandere! Lin Kuei clan x Fem! Reader
Author's Notes: GUYS I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY EVERYONE LOVES BI-HAN (Yes, probably because he has terrible tits- BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT). I think that he is bitter from start to finish but IDK there are colors for tastes.
Also, this one-shots is from a Wattpad request
(Don't let my favoritism towards Tomas be noticed jsadhjasfa &lt;;3)
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Yandere Characters: Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Tomas Vrbada, (mention of Sektor and Bi-han, Kuai Liang and Tomas's father)
From the video game/manga/anime/series/movie: Mortal Kombat 1 (World of "the new age" as I investigated)
Case: Confinement, forced adoption, unhealthy obsession, extremely strange "family" relationships.
Finished: Yes
You still had vague memories of the last time you were free, or the last time you were with your mother. For many nights the question of your mother's whereabouts echoed in your head. However, it wasn't that long before your father's disappearance knocked on your door.
In the middle of the night, a group of warriors from the Lin Kuei clan found your dying father, who only had one last wish; Let the men who found him take care of his little daughter.
He didn't know them, he didn't even know their names, but something in his heart pumped in such a way that it only announced his time, and only "Protect my daughter" came out of his mouth.
He didn't even know why he said it, but in his heart there was only the desire to protect that little girl that he adored so much.
The warriors who were in charge of burying your father had to notify you of your existence, and the existence of a now orphaned girl generated some curiosity in several warriors.
And when the leader of that generation of warriors learned who the man who had died was, he only generated some surprise and anger.
It is there that, after asking the universe so much and mainly asking himself what he should do, he decided to call a clan meeting.
In the midst of all the doubts about why the leader called all the Lin Kuei, there was only one sentence which unleashed the beginning of chaos.
—One of my best friends, one of the people I loved most in my life, died in the hands of some thieves —The man began —, and his daughter, (Name) (Last name), is lost in the middle of the crowd, in "A town not far from here." The man looked up, the crowd realizing the seriousness in his words. His last wish, as the father of a little girl, and of a warrior who once belonged to this clan, is that we take care of his first-born daughter.
All the men and women present noticed that, amidst all the façade of concern for a friend's last will, they noticed that there was a hint of insecurity behind his words. It was a sensation that generated some intrigue as to who this young woman was.
—I strongly request that you investigate her whereabouts, and bring her to be part of the Lin Kuei from now on.
The chaos had begun, and the woman behind the mirror only longed for one thing from the bottom of her soul; May she find an escape from the chaos that was to come.
Even Liu Kang himself had a bad feeling, which heralded a change in the most powerful clan in the entire land. A change which began a breakdown in the clan's principles.
The dawn marked her presence in an imposing manner with its tormenting solar rays, while the crowing of the roosters echoed in all the nearby fields, a harmonious song that seemed to strain their vocal cords just to cause such a noise. And it was a noise that was as annoying as cutting onions.
The glass of the window collided with the first rays of the sun, and the temperature of the room began to rise where the solar lights shine. And just as those lights collided with the fabrics covering the young woman's body, a grunt of protest came from her, her body moving off the mattress, the friction making soft noises throughout the room as she felt the cold of the dark wood against her. the transparent fabrics.
Even with the discomfort of the floor, her heavy, closed eyelids refused to move even an inch, and her muscles only relaxed against the coldness of the wood.
Three soft knocks against the wood sounded from the other side, while the young woman only pressed her face against her wrinkled pillow.
—(Name), Are you awake?
She pretended not to know anything, and her head was cradled against the soft, cotton-filled fabric. Her fingers approached the fabric that covered the rest of her body, and her nails dug against the loom, only dragging to cover a part of her jaw and leave the soles of her feet. in the air.
—(Name), I'm going to pass.
The screech of wood opening and old metal moving invaded the woman's ears, generating a certain tremor in her eardrums. But even then, pr
He continued without separating his eyelids.
The man moved quietly, the softness of his steps at the same time as he tried not to move too much to the bed. The soft aroma of the lavender scented sheets and the sound of the leaves moving to the sound of the wind, gently colliding against the wood of the house. With each step, he just tried to see throughout the room some trace of disorder, but he was all pretty well done to make a complaint.
Since the girl took charge of issuing a complaint when she felt how her only free hand was suppressed against the ground.
The man took several steps back, now giving more firmness to his posture in his final retreat.
—What the hell is wrong with you?!
The brown-haired man's gaze lowered gently, noticing how a figure emerged from the ground, barely lifting his body. A sudden movement of the woman's wrist was heard as more moans came from her lips.
—That hurts… —she whispered with her voice barely high-pitched.
The man noticed the mistake he had made in taking steps, and only gasped angrily, lowering his shoulders along with the tension in his body.
—Are you sleeping on the floor again?!
—Stepping on my hand again, Liang?!
The two exchanged glances after a few seconds, a stinging pain spreading tension and burning through the skin and muscles of her injured limb.
—How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't sleep on the floor? —The man in yellowish clothes complained —, it's not healthy, and you leave everything lying around as soon as you get up.
—Yes, yes, yes… Whatever you say —The woman clicked her tongue, —, not even your dad was so complaining about me sleeping on the floor.
The man rolled his eyes, before kneeling on his feet. His gaze was fixed on the injured skin, and the circular movement that (Last Name) exerted with her wrist, trying to keep her body from focusing on the stinging burning in her hand. A somewhat heavy sigh left him, before her hand took his hand, her fingers taking gentle walks over her skin.
—It hurts?
A question so stupid but so loaded with worry that he asked her between nausea and wanting to jizz in her face, but he just shook his head, taking her wrist now. The man, even with his muscular build, allowed himself to be manipulated by the woman's soft movements.
—Yes, you idiot —she joked, before releasing the wrist of the man in front of her —, but I just need an ointment to calm the pain."
The look of doubt on her face didn't leave her grimace, but she just accepted her hasty excuse.
—Why did you come so early? —The woman asked, before taking the pillow and placing it on the mattress again.
Liang wasn't specifically someone who liked to interrupt people, especially her, so the few times he did, it wasn't especially for pleasure.
—Things happened, —he whispered, before moving from her position to get back up. —Can you go to the living room? Tomas wanted to tell you something.
The woman's face scrunched up a little, confused as to why the gray-haired man wanted to talk to her, but she assumed it was some kind of warning or something.
She gave gentle tugs on her muscles before moving her feet to stand up. The woman looked quite overwhelmed by the lights coming from her window, but she just ran her palms across her eyes, her back leaning back solely to stretch her lower back muscles.
It had been some time since the war, and she heard only prattle of the events of the great war that had been fought between this world and others. For some reason, a deja vu passed through (Name)'s mind after hearing what happened during those fights, as if in her soul, she knew something about the events of the war.
However, she just shook her head. The grimace on her face changed to a gentle smile as she greeted some newcomers from the clan, while her rigid body became accustomed to moving around the large place that until that day you dared to call home.
And at one point, she ran into someone particularly well-known, mostly because of her distinctive hair color. She smiled, giving a gentle click of her tongue against her teeth as her steps quickened a little, but maintained a certain stealth.
(Name), being close enough to the man —Particularly a couple of centimeters from his body, or rather her back—, she almost jumped on top of him, wrapping her arms around the edge of the waist of her. A soft gasp came from the man, his body generating some tension as he felt her hands so close to the gray garments, gently squeezing the fabric against his skin.
The man smiled after realizing who had made such a 'deadly attack', and her shoulders released their tension after a few seconds.
—Hello, (Name) —The man greeted.
The woman smiled, before walking away from him.
—How have you been, Tomás? —The woman asked, now located next to him.
—I'm better than I expected, luckily, —he replied, his gaze escaping to rom where he was looking to admire the girl next to him.
The two exchanged words, a conventional conversation typical of two people who had known each other for years that resembled a sibling relationship more than anything else. However, that was the thought the woman had about how they both looked in the eyes of other people.
He told her what the end of the war was like, and the "extra jobs" that both he and his brother did after said event. Even as boring as what he explained to her was, you just nodded silently while he continued talking to her.
But, to (Name)'s surprise, the people that she previously found everywhere around the house began to leave, or rather, began to stop appearing in her circle of vision, but the woman was not very focused.
It wasn't long before they arrived at a vast place full of plants and flowers, the bright colors spread harmoniously throughout the place, with a table in the middle of the grass. From the warmest colors to the coldest and dullest adorned the place, while the metal table and chairs of the same material with a spongy padding on the part where the weight of the body rested.
It was a special place for her, being one of the few outdoor places that she could access without having to ask the grandmaster for permission, and one where she hung out the most with your best clan friends.
When you sat down, Tomas sat next to her, his words pausing for a second as both of them gazed at the soft colors that adorned the garden.
—(Name) —He called you.
—There's something I've wanted to tell you for a while —the man said, —, it's something I wanted to tell you but I never found the words to say it correctly.
—Well, that's new. —She leans back gently against the chair —, so, tell me.
—It's… complicated, you know? After so long of us being friends.
Her words seemed to take a very obvious direction, but the young woman did not seem very excited, just curious about what her best friend wanted to tell her.
—It sounds like something important, may I know what it is?
But there was no response, and not specifically because Smoke wanted it that way.
—Smoke! —A scream was heard in the distance.
Both of them looked at who called the man near them, turning out to be the young man that you and Smoke had known for a long time, but never as well as Smoke or Bi-Han, or his brother.
—Sector? —Smoke asks, intrigued —what's going on?
He stands up from the chair, moving to stand in front of she. She didn't notice it because she only saw his back, but there was a serious grimace on his face, knowing that a bad event was approaching.
—I need to talk with you.
His brow furrowed, as that feeling in his head that something bad was about to happen grew like a graph rising exponentially. The gray-haired man asked her to go to her room, which confused her, after all, why did she need to get away from someone she knew as well as Sektor?
She shook her head, her eyes closing for a moment before she snapped back to reality, and decided to get up. Obeying the request—although it was more like an order—from her best friend, she couldn't even say goodbye to Sektor, because the tension in the air didn't allow it.
She left the garden, getting away from everything to be able to access her inner thoughts, which you always kept locked in her room. In her face, which was always that of someone carefree, dropped to a thoughtful grimace; It had been several weeks since she stopped seeing Bi-Han, and both Liang and Smoke refused to talk to her about him, dodging your question almost in an Olympic manner.
You shook your head, trying not to go overboard with her thoughts, so as to vent the darkness of her soul on pages full of ink in Morse code. However, when she opened the door, she was surprised that someone was already waiting for her.
With his characteristic bluish clothes accompanied by his hair tied up and a permanently serious face in any situation —which he did not let her see because he had his back to you—, she saw him, the man from whom she heared so much expected even to know his whereabouts.
—"It is then that, by mere self-awareness, I notice that nothing is the same. For a long time I mistakenly thought that they were only kind to me, but inside me, very buried deep in my soul, I knew that the lie was extensive, a which had invaded my life and brought me to a point of no return, now I ask myself, over and over again, what can I do to escape them?"
A noise of piles of pages suddenly colliding with others in a book is heard. It is then that he extends that dusty book into your range of vision, allowing you to see where he had gotten those words from.
—I always figured you weren't as dumb as the former grandmaster led us to believe, —Bi-Han explained, his serious voice sounding surprisingly relaxed —after all, you were going to be my wife one day.
The woman shook her head, her jaw rubbing against her bottom and top teeth.
—My father taught me that I should get a woman who had a lot of intelligence, one who could help me and that I would give her the same help in return —He began his explanation—, and when he picked you up from that house, I thought you were going to be that woman.
He got up from the ground, while (Name) stepped back, but the moment she wanted to open the door and leave, she realized that it was closed, and locked. When trying to push against the door, someone responded by exerting much more pressure against the wood to prevent it from being opened.
—But, I was unpleasantly surprised that he didn't want you for that —The man threw her book on the bed —, he wanted you for himself, he wanted you to be his perfect daughter, the girl who was destined for a life of her own. , or rather, to a life with him.
She shook her head again and again, her gaze dropping to the ground, fixating on the remains of destroyed metal on the ground in front of the window.
—He wanted you for himself, he wanted you to be just his daughter until the end of his life, and that when he died, you would be left alone, taking care of this place as if it were yours —The man gritted his teeth —, and he became obsessed with the idea that you really were his blood daughter.
The woman's heart palpitations were such that it seemed like it was threatening to break the bones in her chest, she felt as if the air did not seem to reach completely into her lungs, as if it had stopped in the middle of the breath. veins of her.
—Kuai Liang and Smoke believed the same thing, that you were destined to give them orders, and they took care of you in a cradle of gold —He continued, now taking slow but forceful steps towards her —, you grew up away from the world, and they taught you what was necessary to that you could do everything from here.
She shook her head, her hands going to her ears, applying pressure, as if she wanted not to hear the reality behind the man's words, however, he took the woman's hands, easily forcing them to stay in her ears. shoulders.
—And Liang and Smoke became obsessed with the idea that you were weak, that you needed protection, that you were destined to lead from this damn room while they risked their lives for you—He press her hands against the wall—but I know better than that. You deserve so much more than that, someone like you needs much more than these four walls.
Her cries of denial echoed through the room, a wish that someone would magically appear and save her from Bi-Han's words. But she knew it was reality, that she couldn't deny the fact that she was like a bird in a cage full of harmless traps to keep it locked there.
—I will give you the life you deserve, and I will not let either of these two interfere in our destiny —He brought her face closer to her neck, pressing gently—. I am not alone, both Sektor and other Lin Kuei know what your destiny is, and they are willing to do everything to make it come true.
The poor woman sobbed, her arms too weak to fight someone as big as him.
But then, an explosion of smoke covered the place, while both of them heard the door being torn out. One arm took hold of her waist, taking hold of her body and stepping back with her in her arms.
—I knew they were up to something, —Liang whispered, before setting her down again —. Don't you understand that this is not right?
Smoke took her into her arms, pressing her face against her neck, while her hands clung to her body.
—You speak as if you know what she wants, —Bi-han replies, leaving the room —. Do you really think that someone like her deserves to be locked up in this place forever?
—Shut up now!.
It was the first time in a long time since she had heard Kuai Liang respond with such aggression, and in fact, she had never heard him speak with such expressions of anger.
—You don't know her, you just made yourself sick with the idea that she deserved to be by your side —Liang says, taking the blade out of his pocket —You already betrayed all of our father's will, what do you think gives you the right to also kidnap our future leader?
It was strange to hear him use that word, being that the idea that she was secretly in charge of keeping the clan alive in the new generations, but now that that idea had become a reality, she just wished it was a lie, an ugly one and horrendous lie.
Smoke walked away from the fight, carrying (Name) in his arms to safety place.
She knew the truth, she knew she had to take a path, one that was always going to be linked to obsession, and a sick feeling of horror invaded her chest at the idea that, wherever she went, it would always be the same.
Sorry if it took me too long, I was working on some headcanons that I had pending on Tumblr, soon there will be more one-shots and headcanons &lt;3
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Well, this is going to be my last request.
Fandom: Mortal Kombat
Character: Reptile/Syzoth (from MK 1)
Tupe of fic: Romantic concepts
So, for this one, darling is an ally to Liu Kang and joins the group, getting specially close to Reptile after they escape from Shang Tsung's lab and Syzoth discovers his family was killed.
I'd love to write Reptile! He was cool in MK1 :) I love him... and apparently the rest of the fandom does too 👀 He's just so sweet!
Let me know what you think! I need to do Shang Tsung soon :D
Yandere! Syzoth/Reptile Concept
(Mortal Kombat 1)
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Fear of loss, Clingy behavior, Stalking, Manipulation, Technically terato(?), Mentions of "mate", Biting, Violence, Possessive behavior, Delusional behavior, Brief mention of abduction, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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You briefly met Syzoth when you and the rest of the group were captured.
To hear he was a slave to Shang Tsung saddened you, yet you currently could only focus on your own survival.
You don't get to properly meet Syzoth until after Baraka defeats him and you all flee.
You pitied him for being a slave... only to still lose his family in the end.
Syzoth just looked so... devastated afterwards.
While you were also aiding the group by watching over Kenshi until he could get a doctor, you wouldn't help but try to mend Syzoth's broken emotions.
This is what brings you two closer.
You find out that Syzoth isn't that bad of a man... or Zaterran.
His story is actually quite sad.
He left his race in order to find a better life... only to be sucked into something worse.
At first he's apologetic if he hurt you in the lab while also being distant.
Syzoth fears to be close with many due to all the shame he has faced and the fact he lost his family.
Despite this you appear to be... welcoming to him.
In fact... the group itself accepts him and finds him useful.
For that... he is happy.
Syzoth could be an intimidating yandere even if he is really kind with you.
His natural Zaterran form is strong, capable of crushing and jumping large distances.
He is also capable of invisibility, allowing him to spy and stalk.
Syzoth is much nicer than his other counterpart(s).
He genuinely wants to help his allies because he cares for them.
He sees them like they're new family.
Including you.
Syzoth most likely fell for you the moment you tried to help him.
Well, not entirely, but he certainly got attached.
You greeted him with open arms and accepted him into your band of warriors and for that... he feels he's loyal to you.
He understands he's free now, yet he feels like he must stick around you.
Syzoth would try to play bodyguard around you.
He primarily keeps his human form around you but also uses his Zaterran form to intimidate others.
This is a person HC but I feel Zaterrans are possessive towards those they see as a "mate".
Even when in human form he snarls and hisses at others.
He also appears to be way too clingy?
If Syzoth was close enough to you or managed to get you somewhere private... he'd probably bite and nip at you in an attempt to claim you as his.
He doesn't mean it to hurt you, he just wants to show you and others he takes a claim to you.
If you're comfortable with it Syzoth will appear in his natural form before you.
He's nervous at first because you're from Earthrealm, yet you reassure him it's fine.
Now picture this: Giant Zaterran cuddles.
When in private Syzoth shows his natural form more often, pushing his head into your lap and making guttural yet pleased noises.
Syzoth feels at peace with you.
You may not know his true feelings towards you until the clingy behavior, biting, and nuzzling manifest.
Perhaps you make the mistake of asking him... only for him to perk up and answer.
"Right... you're from Earthrealm. Do you not do "courting" in your realm?"
Syzoth is incredibly honest with you.
He thinks you feel the same for him so he has decided to show you he's capable.
Even when you try to tell him you may not be ready, that you just see him as a friend and ally, Syzoth ignores you.
"There's no need to worry, I promise I can be a good mate if you let me."
Even if you try to ignore Syzoth after that he simply follows loyally.
There's times you even feel like you're being watched due to Syzoth going invisible to follow.
Syzoth is incredibly overprotective, often swapping to his natural form to attack those he feels will take you away.
He's clingy as he's already lost his family.
With you... he has potential to have a new family.
Just a cute thought, Syzoth melts when you hold him or stroke under his chin.
He loves you so much.
Syzoth tries to show restraint but he may kidnap you to hide you from others.
He feels guilty but he just gets so... possessive at times.
Syzoth wants nothing more than to have you love him back.
He may even try to guilt you into it, mentioning his past to you and appearing upset.
Syzoth tries his best to care for you... bringing meat and showering you in affection.
His tail probably wags in his natural form if you praise him.
Once Shang Tsung is dealt with... Syzoth hopes to continue a future with you.
He apologizes if he seems so forceful...
He just feels he has to claim you as his before he loses you like he did his family.
"Oh, please don't ignore me, dear... am I going too fast? I'm sorry... I'll try to be patient. But... you must understand I've already claimed you as mine, yes?"
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moronkombat · 8 months
May I ask yandere liu kang with a Male!Reader 💏
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tw: yandere, dubcon, male pronouns and anatomy
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"I just want to go home..." That had been what he said to the God of Fire. That had been what this damned fool had begged and cried. There would be mercy for this unfortunate soul. His very being belonged to his creator, to his god.
Liu Kang smiles, a canine slipping past a lip. He saunters over to the sobbing man, so weak and pathetic but Liu Kang loves him this way. The God of Fire moves to kneel down next to him, a hand cupping his unwilling lover's cheek.
"Why do you cry, dear boy? You know you look so pretty when you do." Liu Kang's lips move to kiss and lick the curve of his neck. "How could I never resist you when you look so...needy."
Hands explore him. They are upon his chest and the his thighs and then at a place he wish they weren't.
"Oh?" Liu Kang smirks, "Even though you cry and beg to leave, you're still so hard for me. Such a good boy, aren't you?"
"No...I really just want to-" his words can't be finished as Liu Kang begins to stroke him ever so lightly.
"Why don't you use your words for a more...meaningful purpose, hmn? Let me show you just how much you need me, boy."
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