#Morticia x Larissa
writerswho · 9 months
Morticia: Well, here's your cappuccino.
Gomez: Where’s the grated cheese?
Weems: I'll get it.
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fictionalized-lesbian · 11 months
Should I make a side blog that’s dedicated to just fanfiction? Is it easier that way?
I don’t want to make things unnecessarily complicated, but I also feel like having a blog just dedicated to fanfiction might be easier for people. I don’t want them to have to put up with all the random stuff I reblog. Plus, it kind of helps separate my own random/personal stuff, and fanfiction. I’ll also be able to reblog more fanfiction.
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bluecurtainsart · 1 year
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Morticia and Larissa drawings I did in the car
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dianneking · 1 year
SoL Marathon - Day 4
And we’ve reached the second-to-last day of our own little marathon! Here’s the link to today’s chapter:
Chapter 29 of Shapes of Love
It’s the last chapter before the epilogue, so you know Stuff is going to Happen, but what stuff? read more to find out! 
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What’s SoL? A Larissa/Morticia AU longfic (75k words in total) I’ve been working at for months, and is now reaching its final stages!
What’s the marathon?  For the duration of this week (June 12-16) I’ll be posting one chapter a day until the epilogue, which will come up tomorrow, Friday, 16th June…stay tuned!
Here’s the first chapter of SoL
Here’s my fanfiction masterlist.
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mandysgirlf · 1 year
Reasons that I headcanon Larissa Weems as a lesbian, and why you should too.
1. Because I fucking said so.
2. Did you see the way she stares at Morticia?
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charymobile · 1 year
Sobbing and crying😭🥹
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(not mine)
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Controversial opinion, but Morticia was sunshine and Larissa was midnight rain.
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writerswho · 1 year
Weems: I keep pictures of you two in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the pictures.
Gomez: Awww—
Weems: And I tell myself, “If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything”.
Morticia: Oh.
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dianneking · 1 year
Shapes of Love Marathon, Day 2!
Here you go, folks!
Chapter 27 of Shapes of Love is up!
Read at your own peril! But I must admit, it's one of my absolute favorites, so if you don't, you might miss out...
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What’s SoL? A Larissa/Morticia AU longfic (75k words in total) I’ve been working at for months, and is now reaching its final stages!
What’s the marathon?  For the duration of this week (June 12-16) I’ll be posting one chapter a day until the epilogue, which will come up on Friday, 16th June…stay tuned! 
Here’s the first chapter of SoL 
Here’s my fanfiction masterlist. 
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idkman201 · 1 year
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I'm Not Ready To Say Goodbye
Larissa Weems x Morticia Addams.
Read it on Ao3. Watch the companion edit to this fic on YouTube.
It's their senior year, and Morticia is dating Gomez Addams. When she starts to fall behind in one of her classes, she turns to her roommate and best friend, Larissa Weems.
Though reluctant at first, Larissa eventually gives in and agrees to do Morticia's homework.
What Morticia doesn't know is that Larissa really likes her, and she's hoping that by doing her best friend's homework, Morticia will finally notice her in a more-than-friends way. Morticia continues to spend most of her time talking about how wonderful Gomez is, leading Larissa to try and bury her feelings for her roommate.
After months of doing her work for her, and covering for Morticia when she sneaks out at night for secret dates with Gomez, Larissa finally has enough and decides she has to tell Morticia how she feels.
Only, before Larissa can tell her, Morticia excitedly cuts her off with the news that Gomez has proposed to her. And she said yes.
Heartbroken, Larissa plasters a fake smile on her face and congratulates her, unable to bring herself to tell her roommate how she feels.
If Morticia notices the hollow tone in which Larissa speaks, or the watery look in her eyes, she doesn't comment on it.
And it was at that moment that everything fully shifted between them, and they grew apart.
Later, when Morticia stands in front of the grave of her former roommate and best friend, long after everyone else has departed the funeral, she thinks about that moment between them.
She recalls the sadness in Larissa's eyes as she gave Morticia a small, shaky smile and seemed to force out the words 'Congratulations Morticia!'
She remembers how it was the first time in years that Larissa didn't use Morticia's nickname.
At the time, Morticia noticed the change in tone and name, but chose not to think on the reason behind it. 
Despite being a caring person, she was high on champagne and excitement after celebrating with her new fiancé, and she just couldn't seem to bring herself to care about anything but how she was going to be Gomez's wife.
She didn't let Larissa finish what she was going to say before Morticia interrupted her, and she hadn't cared to ask.
And because of this, her friendship with Larissa fizzled out, she hadn't even realized how much of an impact the Shapeshifter had made in her life until it was too late, and then they graduated and Morticia left to New Jersey with Gomez, while Larissa left to study to become a teacher.
Through the years, she found herself wanting to call the blonde, even to just hear her voice. But she could never bring herself to go through with it, and instead, she kept tabs on her from afar.
When Larissa got the job as Principal of Nevermore Academy, Morticia sent her a bouquet of Pansies, Violets and a single red rose from her garden. 
Morticia received a reply of; 'Thank you. The flowers are beautiful by the way, I put them in a vase in my new office. Hope you and your family are well.' written on Nevermore stationary, and signed as Principal Larissa Weems. And that was the last time they exchanged any form of communication until Morticia's daughter was expelled from yet another school, and Morticia and Gomez made the decision to send Wednesday to Nevermore.
Even when they were sat across from each other, physically separated only by a desk, they were separated by so much more. Larissa was still Larissa, but Morticia was now Mrs. Addams, and the distance between them stretched on and on, and neither would make the move across it. 
Morticia's daughter moved into the dorm that she and Larissa once shared, and aside from a few smiles and vague quips about their past, they did not interact further.
Morticia knew how Larissa felt about her, knew what she tried to tell Morticia, and Morticia hadn't realized until years after the fact, and by then, she was married with a baby on the way, and Larissa was working up in her career.
She was too late. Too late to realize, too late to reach out, too late to save her. 
At the time, Morticia had been in her own greenhouse, alone, feeding her beloved carnivorous plant, Cleopatra. When, without warning, her body froze as she was struck unexpectedly with a vision. 
It happened at the exact moment when Larissa Weems was killed in the conservatory, though she wouldn't learn this until a day later, when she received a call from Sheriff Galpin.
She saw Larissa falling to the ground choking violently as the Nightshade poison worked its way through her system. She watched helplessly as her former roommate and best friend stared up at Wednesday with terrified eyes as she seemed to drown in her own saliva.
And Morticia could only stare in horrifying silence as she watched Larissa Weems draw her final breath as her body stilled. Her vision faded as her daughter voiced what Morticia already knew had killed the Shapeshifter.
And when Morticia awoke from her vision, it was with a shaking grasp as tears clouded her eyesight, and Poor Pugsley was knelt beside her on the conservatory floor.
He had come looking for her after he woke up with the feeling like something bad had happened to Wednesday, only to find his mother stiff as a board on the floor, the food for her plant laying among the shattered bowl a few feet away. 
Morticia had blinked up at him, not quite hearing as he called her name and asked if she was ok.
Her heart was hammering in her chest, her blood pumping hard in her ears, as she dazedly looked around.
She hadn't had a powerful vision like that since she was around Wednesday's age, and even then, it was never something so dark.
Morticia was vaguely aware as her son called for his father, and then she felt strong arms lift her to her feet and steady her. She blinked as her husband's concerned and slightly panicked face came into view, and she was struck by the realization that Gomez had never been around her when she experienced such strong visions, that had all been before they begun dating, and it was Larissa who had been there to help her regain her footing in the physical world. Morticia felt her blood run cold, and Gomez placed a steadying hand on her shoulder, but she suddenly felt like everything was closing in.
"I- I must call Larissa." Morticia gasped out as she brushed her husband's hands away, she heard him call her name as she stumbled away to the small room beyond the conservatory, "Something's happened at the school." She said as she slumped into the chair in front of the desk, on which sat one of her crystal balls. 
She knew that Larissa kept a small crystal ball in a drawer in her desk; she had been using it to communicate with the Addams' about Wednesday's schooling.
She felt Gomez rush up behind her, telling Pugsley to try and get a hold of Wednesday on his crystal ball.
But Larissa did not answer, and neither did Wednesday. And the next day they would learn what happened at the school.
And around a week later they arrived in town for Larissa Weems' funeral. The whole school was there, students and teachers, and some normies from the town, including the sheriff.
Morticia sat quietly, holding her husband's hand, with Pugsley sitting on her other side. She made eye contact with Wednesday, who was sitting across the way beside her roommate Enid, a sweet werewolf who seemed to stick to Wednesday's side throughout the whole service.
The skin between Wednesday's eyes scrunched slightly in concern, and Morticia lifted the corners of her lips in the smallest of smiles to reassure her daughter, before focusing her eyes on the man speaking about the passing of life and death.
She felt Wednesday's eyes on her a few more seconds, before she looked away to listen as her friend whispered something in her ear. 
Morticia glanced over to watch them, suddenly struck not for the first time by how much the two girls remind her of herself and her former roommate when they were young.
After the service, Morticia sent Gomez and Pugsley to The Weathervane to have some warm drinks to help fight the sharp sting of cold. And she waited until everyone else had left before she slowly approached the fresh grave.
She stared at the name engraved on the stone, allowing herself to cry quietly now that she was alone. Her eyes traced the letters over and over, and she swallowed thickly around the knot in her throat.
"I'm sorry." She said, her voice barely a whisper as she felt tears slide down her cheeks.
She laced her fingers together, shifting on her feet. "I know the students were your everything, and I thank you for protecting my daughter." She took a deep breath, "and I'm sorry I wasn't there."
Her tongue flicked out to wet her lips, tasting the salt of her tears on them. Pursing her lips, she stepped forward so she was standing closer to the headstone, the skirt of her dress brushing across the newly placed dirt.
She unlaced her hands and gently rested her right hand on the top of the stone. "I'm sorry I didn't realize what it was you tried to tell me until it was too late."
She took another deep breath, "I want you to know," she squeezed her eyes shut tightly and shook her head once as tears dripped off her chin, forcing herself to plough on; "I want you to know that I love you. Even when I didn't realize I did, even when I didn't show it. Especially when I didn't show it. I have and always will love you, and I'm sorry it was too late for us."
Her fingers were cold as ice, just like the body of the woman she loved that was buried beneath her feet. 
'At least we share that.' Morticia thought, allowing it to comfort her somewhat as she withdrew her hand and took a step back.
She reached into a pocket on her long black coat and drew from within a flower; a violet, which she placed on the soil in front of the headstone, before lacing her fingers together once again.
She felt a familiar presence approaching from behind, and smiled slightly as she turned to look into the expressionless face of her daughter, Wednesday, who came to stand next to her. "Hello Wednesday."
"Mother." Wednesday nodded at her, and then took a step forward to place something on the top of the headstone. When Wednesday returned to her mother's side, Morticia saw that Wednesday had placed a red poppy atop the stone. 
The flower's petals reminded Morticia of blood. And that led her mind to wander to the unwelcome reminder that the Poppy matched the color of the warm blood that once rushed through Larissa's veins.
Morticia was drawn from her thoughts by an arm lacing through her own. Blinking, she looked to her left to find Wednesday staring at her, her arm (albeit slightly stiff) intertwined with Morticia's. It was rare for her daughter to show physical affection.
Yet another thing that changed after the incident at the school.
"I'm afraid my head was lost in the storm clouds. Did you ask me something, darling?" Morticia asked.
Wednesday was frowning "I asked if you were alright." 
Morticia gave her daughter a small wet smile, moving her hand to gently pat her daughter's arm. "I will be."
"You two were friends." Wednesday stated.
Morticia smiled with a bittersweet look on her face as she looked at the headstone again.
She was silent for a few moments, during which Wednesday continued to watch her.
Suddenly Morticia spoke, though it was quiet. "Yes. We were practically inseparable for many of our school years, I was always dragging her into all sorts of trouble." She hesitated briefly, before adding; "We were more than roommates. We were like family."
Wednesday looked away from her mother now, her eyebrows furrowed as she thought over the words.
They stood in comfortable silence for a few minutes, before Wednesday broke it. "I didn't hate her as much as I thought I would." 
Morticia laughed, a sweet, chiming sound, and Wednesday watched her mother with the slightest bit of amusement in her eyes. "It is hard to hate a woman like Larissa Weems." She was smiling normally now, and Wednesday relaxed slightly, secretly content she managed to cheer her mother up.
"Enid and I were wondering if you would like to join us for a drink at The Weathervane." Wednesday wasn't looking at her mother as she spoke, but had her eyes focused on her blonde roommate, who stood on the sidewalk outside The Weathervane with her arms out at her sides, looking as if she was trying to balance on the cracks like it was a rope.
Morticia looked at her daughter with soft fondness, "I would love to."
Wednesday nodded once sharply, eyes still on the blonde in front of the coffee shop. The corner of her mouth lifted slightly as she watched Enid nearly trip over her own feet as she spun around to go back the way she had come.
Morticia noticed Wednesday's expression, and her smile widened, she bumped her shoulder lightly against her daughter's. Wednesday quickly looked away from Enid and met her mother's eyes briefly before focusing her gaze ahead of them, they began a slow stroll towards the shop.
"Enid seems nice." Her mother turned to say.
Wednesday gained some color in her pale skin.
"We should have her over to visit soon." Morticia continued, causing Wednesday to swallow.
"Good, I shall discuss the arrangements with her parents." Morticia smiled at her daughter's roommate who looked over as they crossed the street. Enid grinned and skipped over to join them once they reached the sidewalk.
"Enid! You remember my mother?" Wednesday said the girl's name with affection, and Morticia found it amusing." 
"Of course! Hi Mrs. Addams." Enid grinned brightly, bouncing a bit in place.
Enid reminded Morticia of a golden retriever, and she watched amused as Enid happily linked arms with Wednesday, so now she was in-between her mother and Enid. Morticia noted that Wednesday was perfectly fine with Enid touching her, even seeming to find comfort in it as she relaxed once the werewolf came to her side. Morticia smiled to herself.
They entered The Weathervane to slight chaos, as it was very busy. Spotting Wednesday's father and brother, Enid led the way over to the table by the window.
Gomez stood to allow Morticia to slide into the booth, before he left to get drinks for her and the girls. As Wednesday settled with Enid beside her in the seats across from her mother, Pugsley sat down next to Enid, and Morticia smiled at the children before looking out the window.
Her eyes immediately looked towards the square. She couldn't see the cemetery from where she sat, or Larissa's grave, but the sight of it was still fresh in her mind's eye, and taking a deep breath, she allowed her eyes to drift closed.
The sound of cups being placed on the table a few minutes later had her opening her eyes once more. She smiled as her husband placed a warm drink in front of her with a sweet smile. "Your drink, mi amor." 
"Thank you, mon cher."
And as her family talked amongst themselves, Morticia couldn't help but keep glancing towards the path that led to the cemetery, thinking with a sigh 'oh Rissa, I don't want to say goodbye.' 
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singofsolace · 1 year
It’s so interesting how after the disaster that was Outreach Day, when Weems is fielding angry calls from normies and parents/alumni of Nevermore alike, and she has an impassioned discussion (*cough* fight) with Wednesday over the history of the town and how Wednesday believes Weems is ignoring the atrocities that were committed against outcasts by Joseph Crackstone, we see Larissa attempting to relax with a glass of wine, looking through her yearbook, only to rip Morticia’s photo out.
What do you think it was about her conversation with Wednesday that prompted Larissa to tear out Morticia’s picture, I wonder? 🤔
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abisnailz · 1 year
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Old roommate drama thehehe
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mandysgirlf · 1 year
Morticia: Can you cut me some slack, Larissa? I’m sort of in love. Larissa: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem. Morticia: I’m in love with you. Larissa: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
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daydream-cement · 1 year
Larissa Weems x Morticia Addams
Authors Note: Thank you too @booitsrue for the prompt
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Morticia was tossing and turning in her dorm bed, the bright lamplight shining from her roommate’s desk keeping her awake. It was almost 1AM and while Morticia Frump often enjoyed a late night, all she wanted right now was a good night’s rest.
Turning over once more, Morticia turned to face Larissa Weems who was stretched out on the dorm room floor, study materials sprawled before her. She had been studying for this one exam for 3 hours and Morticia couldn’t understand what more there was to learn about geometry. Larissa knew everything in the class anyway, so studying to this degree was pointless.
Morticia scanned the blonde’s face, she seemed utterly exhausted. The raven haired girl felt a pang of sympathy for her best friend, worried about the pressure Larissa was placing upon herself. Morticia knew something had to be done.
She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood, padding over to where Larissa lay. Larissa glanced up at Morticia, wondering why her roommate wasn’t sleeping. Squatting down near the shapeshifter, Morticia began speaking gently with her, “Perhaps you should go to bed. I don’t know how much more studying you can actually do…”
Larissa brushed her roommate’s words to the side, “No, I-I have two more weeks of notes I have to look over before I’m ready. I just-“
Morticia’s hands came to rest on Larissa’s cheeks, her voice was firm, “Rissa. Calm. Down.”
“No. You need to relax.” Morticia moved her hands from Larissa’s face and stood up, offering her hands to help Larissa stand. It was always hard for Larissa to say no to her beautiful roommate. The shapeshifter shifts off her stomach and allows Morticia to help her stand. Morticia maintains her grasp on Larissa’s hands, pulling her towards her own bed. The raven haired girl climbed in first and beckoned for Larissa’s to join her, “Come on. You need to sleep and if you go to your own bed, you will just stay up and read.”
Larissa nervously shifts back and forth before crawling into bed next to Morticia. As Larissa lays on her back, Morticia shifts down on the bed, resting her head on Larissa’s shoulder and slinging and arm torso, hand resting on her hip. Morticia snuggles in close, keeping a tight grasp on the shapeshifter so she won’t be able to wriggle free.
Larissa grasps at the covers and pulls them up higher, allowing herself to enjoy this time snuggling with her roomie. Morticia’s bare leg comes to rest between Larissa’s. Finally, the brunette is in a perfectly comfortable position. Larissa couldn’t help but turn into Morticia’s embrace, pulling an arm around her. Both of them let out a sigh of contentment as they relaxed into one another’s embrace.
Studying could wait.
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milf-lover42 · 1 year
I’m working on a playlist for a character rn and had a thought for the Wenclair and Morticia/Larissa fans listening to this. This is my offering, I can’t use it, but maybe y’all can
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