#Most Popular Engagement Ring Styles
What Are the Latest Trends in Engagement Ring Designs and Settings?
Engagement rings are one of the most personal decisions a couple makes. This necklace represents love, commitment, and a couple's style, values, and connection. Couples have more options than ever to choose an engagement ring that matches their relationship as fashion and jewelry trends change.
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vangundysdiamonds · 1 year
Engagement rings hold immense sentimental value and serve as symbols of love and commitment. This blog dives into the enchanting realm of engagement rings, delving into the timeless beauty of traditional designs and the allure of unique expressions through unconventional styles and diamond rings.
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prickly-paprikash · 6 months
One of my favorite things about Denis Villeneuve's style is how utterly masterful he is at subtle storytelling. Using the visuals to tell a tale that, even when you don't figure it out explicitly, one feels it immediately.
In Dune Part 1, my favorite form of this is at the very beginning when the Herald of the Change arrives to formalize the transition of Arrakis' ownership from the Harkonnens to the Atreides. The procession is full of pomp and posturing, with the Herald speaking in this loud, bombastic voice just to announce what is already a given, and Leto responds with his own spectacle—the armies of Atreides, chanting as one. It's all a show, since at this point House Atreides has been commanded by the Emperor. The contract is a legal formality; the costly procession on Caladan was (un)necessary showmanship. In the books, showing off the illusion of power and authority is vital in maintaining this cruel, unyielding power system, and without bringing mention of it, the film shows this off too. Then, once the Duke has sealed the form with his signet ring, everything just... drops.
Leto looks at the Herald in the eye, and asks, "So, it's done?"
And just as Leto replied to the grandiose display of the Emperor, the Herald now replies with the levity the situation truly deserves.
"It's done."
Both the Herald and the Duke know what this truly is. It's not a reward. It's not a show of love. The Herald, at this moment, is looking at a dead man walking. Millions of their currency sunk into this process, barely five minutes in total, and all to simply declare it all "done."
You can even feel a sense of satisfaction from the Herald.
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The Emperor, in his paranoia and envy, guided the hand of the Atreides into a trap. And the Atreides know it is their doom, but they have no choice. They are popular and loved by the Great Houses, but they are bound by honor. And bound by might.
And all of this, narrowed down into one brilliant scene.
Once again, this subtle, visual storytelling is in full display in Part 2, and my favorite by far happens on Giedi Prime.
The Bene Gesserit Sister, Lady Margot Fenring (who is also a Lady of her own House in the books), watches on as one of their prospects, Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha engages in ritual combat for his birthday. Afterwards, in a hallway lit by only the fireworks outside, she stalks the Harkonnen heir, and Feyd catches on immediately.
Here's the thing: barring other Sisters of the Bene Gesserit, Paul Atreides, and some very gifted Mentat Assassins—you will never know if a Sister of the Order is stalking you. From the beginning, she had wanted to be caught by him. A lure. A tantalizing bait, perfectly designed to entrap the feral Feyd.
And he sinks in immediately.
Here is where my favorite visual storytelling comes into play.
In the hallway, we begin with a fully covered Margot. She is veiled completely in shadow, with the oil fireworks illuminating only her visage.
Next, Feyd strikes and holds his blade to her neck, revealing her face. But only her face.
Slowly, the scene shows off little by little her skin. In the hall, I believe the most we see is her throat, and I could be mistaken. The light flashes erratically, and we see her the way Feyd must see her.
In the shadows, a threat. In the brief sparks of light, a curiosity.
And when Margot confuses him, leading him to the Guest Wing where she stays, the light fully shows her off. She's still in formal clothing, but now we see her dress. It reveals a plunging neckline that barely shows off the top of her chest. Her top is sleeveless, showing off her shoulders and the soft musculature of her arms. In the dark, we could clearly see her wearing a veil that covered her body.
And the light mimics her, stripping away and revealing something beautiful. Irresistible, especially to Feyd, who despite his high intelligence and skill, is just as brutal and animalistic as his uncle and brother. All three so easily give in to their vice, and Feyd is no different.
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He is allured by her. He lusts after her.
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And all this without a word hinting towards sex in their entire shared dialogue.
Just the use of light, shadow, and body to tell a story.
Afterwards, Margot speaks to the Reverend Mother and Princess Irulan, revealing that she has secured a child from Feyd in her womb, which again without saying anything specific immediately shows that the Sisters have such power over their own bodies that they can ensure fertilization and have complete knowledge over their pregnancy. They even control what sex the child will be, as alluded to in Dune Part 1 when Jessica, out of the love she had for Leto and his desire for a son, rebelled against the Bene Gesserit's orders and sired a male.
Again, without info-dumping, we immediately understand that this religious order engages in Eugenics, and uses sex, fanaticism, and more to control the Great Houses.
Please watch Dune. Please read Dune.
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
So between these two posts taking me out at the knees for different reasons, I now have Corset Thoughts:
Dream is corsetiere and he vends at his local Renaissance Faire. His corsets are all handmade, high quality and absolutely beautiful. He's very popular and his stall is always full of customers, especially because he accommodates so many different body types.
Hob is at the Renaissance Faire with his girlfriend, and it is her goal to get one of Dream's corsets. She's saved up her money, brought her measurements, etc. Hob decides to indulge her and try on one of the men's corsets Dream has available, and he has a million realizations at once about his body and how good it can look in a well fitting corset.
Ultimately, Hob doesn't buy his own corset even though his girlfriend agrees he looks amazing and absolutely deserves to have a nice quality corset of his own. But Hob is saving up money to propose, and he just doesn't have the extra cash to spend it on an impulse. His girlfriend leaves happily with her purchase though and swears they'll be back next year to get her a second one AND Hob's first corset.
One year later, Hob is back but he's alone this time. Turns out they wanted different things in life so they broke up and it's fine. They're still friendly. But Hob hasn't stopped thinking about that corset. Or the gorgeous coset maker at the Faire. And now that he no longer has a girlfriend to buy an engagement ring for, he now has a lot of extra cash to buy himself a corset... or three.
Hi this is so good!!!! I’m super obsessed with corsets in general and I am constantly in awe of corsetieres, their craftsmanship, and their dedication to making things that are size inclusive. The fact that we’re all acknowledging now that men in corsets are fucking incredible is a very good thing indeed.
I’m just imagining Dream’s face lighting up because he remembers Hob from the previous year and was hoping he’d come back. If he’s honest with himself he’s VERY attracted to Hob but he disguises his interest by asking if he can take a few pictures while Hob tries on the various available styles. He’s trying to get as many pictures as possible for his website so he can show that corsets are perfect for everyone! And Hob looks so good, he clearly belongs front and centre in Dream’s new marketing strategy…
So Hob hands over his measurements, and Dream brings out a selection of different designs for him to try. Most are the traditional laced up variety, but he’s also been experimenting with Velcro as some people can’t manage the laces so easy. Hob gushes on about how talented and thoughtful Dream is, and he seems to be completely in his element as he tries each one on and poses for photos. Dream blushes and stammers and asks if Hob’s girlfriend liked her corset? Which leads to Hob explaining about the breakup.
Dream feels a huge sense of relief, and doesn’t feel quite so terrible about the fact that he can’t keep his eyes off Hob’s fantastic tits. The way the corset compresses the fabric of his shirt and makes absolutely sure that his chest hair is visible is driving Dream wild. His hands are shaking so much, he’s not even sure if the pictures he’s taking will be in focus.
Hob finally decides which corsets he’ll be taking home, and he can’t resist kissing the back of Dream’s hand in thanks. And when he cautiously asks if Dream would care to meet him at the mead tent when he’s due for a break, Dream nearly abandons his stall altogether just at the mere offer. Luckily, one of the other vendors offers to watch his stall for a bit, so Hob is able to spirit Dream away just for a little while. Yes, they do spend the whole time making out in a quiet corner, and yes, Dream does finally cop a feel of the Hoboobies.
Hob is about to have sooooo many pretty outfits designed just for him, the lucky bastard. In all fairness, he was absolutely made to wear corsets. Dream definitely isn’t letting him go!
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thestrangestthing89 · 6 months
This myth honestly cracks me up.... 1) No one wears a promise ring on their index finger 😂. It's meant to be replaced by an engagement ring at some point. It goes on your ring finger. El wears this ring on her index finger. It's not a romantic ring. 2) It's so important to the plot but it was never mentioned in the show ever. They never zoom in on the ring or draw your attention to it in any way. But somehow it's significant. Even though you can barely see it and I doubt most of the audience even noticed it was there. 3) El was feeling so unloved by Mike that she fought with him about how he never tells her he loves her. But if he had sent her a promise ring that would have made that feeling very clear. It would have indicated that he thought of them as serious and long term. It would have reassured her. And I don't know any woman who, in the middle of a fight with their boyfriend, wouldn't be like "you sent me a ring but you can't say I love you?!" Seriously, this topic would have come up during this fight lmao. But The Ring is not ever mentioned by either character. It's so significant that it's never once mentioned? 4) El wears the ring the same way Nancy wears her ring. That style ring was very popular during that time. Nancy wears hers on her index finger. El wears hers on her index finger. I am positive other girls in school did the same because this was trendy at the time. El copying what other people do and wear is a reoccurring theme on this show. She wears Will's clothes in S4. She has been trying to dress like Nancy since S1. She is figuring out what she likes and she copies other people. We have seen this countless times. AND FOR FUCKS SAKE, NO ONE WEARS A PROMISE RING ON THEIR INDEX FINGER LMAO. Gonna need this myth to be debunked. It's crazy how it's persisted this long. It makes no sense 😂.
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omegaversetheory · 3 months
Engagement in a/b/o, specially if your partner is an omega, what will you give them ??. An engagement ring or a collar ??? or both ??.
Has there been a discussion about engagement ???
Happy Monday!
In my au we've got a couple options - all of which are gender/dynamic nonspecific.
Rings : instead of a ring featuring a large jem like we know here, it would be more common to give your partner a plain band. In the olden days, it was traditional for an individual to craft the ring themselves based on whatever material they had around. This lead to all sort of rings - leather, woven twine, metal, stone. Warriors customarily make their partner's ring out of their weapon - ex: a piece of metal taken from the hilt of their sword, or a ring from the string of their bow.
Totems. If rings aren't your style but you are some sort of artisan, craftsman, or hobbyist making a token of your affection using those gifts could be common. Although "totems" and "tokens" may sound small and kitchy, these items would be nothing of the sort. Instead they would be extremely grand works - often times it is a piece the individual may have spent years preparing for their beloved. Examples - carptenters/builders may surprise their partner with a new home, writers may gift their partners novels or epics, painters may present their lovers with a series of portraits, tailors may create elaborate wardrobes etc... These totems are grand both in time, quality, and size.
Jewelry/Gland Adornments - I don't use collars, but there are a variety of other sorts of jewelry one might present to a partner during engagement. Necklaces, earrings, and bracelets are the most popular. They don't reduce a wearer's scent instead - due to being made of heat conducting metals, they normally emphasize it (and therefore emphasize the wearer's post-bond scent). This kind of jewelry does not cover the scent gland, but has some freedom of movement/loseness to help add the wearer's fragrance to the air around them as they move. Earrings are most common for omegas, necklaces for alphas, and bracelets for betas - each item sits against a different scent gland location.
Different cultures have different customs and different engagement gifting traditions. My current favorite is the ring + each partner exchanges a handmade token on the night before their bonding.
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rude-doggy · 6 months
Car-Hammer: In Defence of a Death Threat
Hey everyone, I fell down a rabbithole after the banning of predstrogen and I had a humor class I needed to do a presentation for a humor class. it's an analysis of the ban and the reactions to it. I figured I should post it because it really opened my eyes to the humor here on tumblr and how it was weaponized. Also I spent hella time on it.
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1. Thesis
In this presentation, I am going to analyze the ban of a popular Tumblr user, Predstrogen. Through this analysis, I’ll be able to shed light on the style of humor that is unique to the website, the way that style of humor keeps communities on Tumblr safe, and the way that Tumblr’s CEO tried and failed to silence that humor by villainizing it.
That was a mouthful; now let me explain.
2. Predstrogren
Predstrogen is the username of a blogger by the name of Rita.
A few weeks ago, she posted a transition timeline, a style of post coined by trans people to show their gender transformation progress.
The post was marked as explicit, and Rita was banned.
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The misidentification of posts by trans people as sexual content is actually a common occurrence on social media sites (Haimson 5-6),
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but it is especially bad on Tumblr, which is ironic considering that it has actively branded itself as the queerest place on the internet. (tumblr dot com the website and app [tumblr]).
3. Matt Mullenweg
Predstrogen was a very popular blog, and this blatant example of discrimination made people frustrated. One user even reached out to the CEO of Tumblr, Matt Mullenweg, to ask him about the ban.
He made a lot of different points in his response, but most importantly in our case, he claimed that the reason Progesterone was banned was because she made threats against Tumblr staff.
Tumblr users were not happy with this response, and one of them asked for an example of a threat. Mullenweg obliged, and posted this:
4. The Threat
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This did not satisfy the Tumblr audience. Mullenweg was mocked into oblivion.
He is correct. This is technically a death threat. So why didn’t Tumblr users see it that way?
5. Transgender People and Humor on Tumblr
In Kahente gah-han-de Horn-Miller’s essay “IO STER IS” (yo-ster-is), she discusses the ways that First Peoples use humor.
Obviously, there is a wide gap between the plight of First Peoples and the plight of trans Tumblr users, but many of her points ring true in both cases.
Horn-Miller states that, due to the difference in world views between people groups in First Peoples humor, “What may appear to be funny to some may not be funny at all to others.” (Horn-Miller 22) This is also true for Tumblr’s trans community. The brand of humor in Rita’s “threat” is obvious to anyone who is engaged with the community, but may be incomprehensible to an “untrained eye.”
Horn-Miller also states that the humor of First Peoples is pointed, aiming to “critique, to probe the limits of [their] values and to suggest new possibilities.” (Horn-Miller 40)
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This is exactly what Rita was trying to do with her “death threat.” In fact, Rita made a comment underneath the original post clarifying this:
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The lack of punctuation is another Tumblr tone indication that this is a sarcastic comment. With this, Rita is clarifying that her joke was a sort of litmus test, a critique of Tumblr’s moderation standards. She was trying to see how long it would take for Tumblr to crack down on her for a joke, as the website was actively dragging its feet moderating real bad actor elements like TERFs. This brings me to my second point…
6. Keep Yourself Safe
Tumblr’s weak moderation policy has hurt trans people, but it has also bolstered anti-trans sentiment. A large community of TERF’s [Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists] thrive on the site without much moderation to keep them away. (Felts 57-58, Hairedtin 68) This has obviously generated backlash.
Take this post, which went viral shortly after Rita’s ban, for example.
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This post may look simplistic, even crass, on the surface, but dismissing it as such would do it a disservice.
In her essay, “Teasing, Teaching, Tolerating”, Kristina Fagan, like Horn-Miller, examines humor in the First Peoples communities. Once again, these are vastly different communities, but certain concepts carry over. Fagan claims that the humor that First Peoples cultivate usually has multiple lessons embedded within it. It is rare, she claims, that their humor simply “demonstrates unsuitable behavior.” Instead, it explores “troublesome or contradictory areas of life.” (Fagan 31)
By examining this post through a similar lens, we can see that the humor is not simply demonstrating the unsuitable behavior of telling someone to end their life, but is instead exploring the contradictions inherent to our transphobic world.
Why is it okay for transphobes to tell trans people to kill themselves by denying their identity or their access to medical care or access to their communities [lesson 1], but it isn’t okay to tell transphobes to do the same thing [lesson 2]?
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7. Keep Yourself Safe - 2
These aren’t the only lessons, though.
Let’s examine a comment made on this post by another user.
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In chapter 8 of his book Laughter and Ridicule: Towards a Social Critique of Humor, Michael Billig comments on the paradoxical quality of humor as both social and anti-social. Humor can bring people together, and also maintain social order via exclusion. (Billig 22)
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The transgender community understands the context of this joke, and thus finds it funny. Moreover, they can find community within this joke, knowing that everyone who finds it funny knows these same truths. The “cishet” elements, not understanding this truth, take issue with this post. Thus, they are effectively marked and driven away by what appears to them as “blatant terrorism.” In this way, the insular community can keep itself safe from outside elements that would threaten them while also outwardly mocking those elements, a defence that is necessitated by the lack of competent moderation.
8. Poor Little Mullenweg
In an attempt to portray himself as a victim, Mullenweg villainized Rita by posting her joke and deliberately misinterpreting it.
In this way, he engaged in unlaughter, a term coined by Billig in his essay. Unlaughter, Billig says, can be “itself a rhetorical presence, speaking volumes of criticism,” effectively silencing laughter. (Billig 16)
Unfortunately, this silencing attempt failed.
Billig explains, “Just as joke-tellers cannot guarantee themselves a reaction of laughter… unlaughter, cannot guarantee to silence the laughter of others… Unlaughter is a favourite target for the laughter of ridicule.” (Billig 17)
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In this case, the unlaughter failed because of the context surrounding Mullenweg.
9. Poor Little Mullenweg - 2
In her essay “Comedian Mike Ward v. The Quebec Human Rights Commission”, Christelle Pare examines a defamation case against comedian Mike Ward, brought on by his jokes about a young disabled boy, Jeremy Gabriel. In Ward’s set, he goes as far as joking about drowning Gabriel.
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Pare argues Ward’s case, claiming that his jokes were permissible in the context of his “dark humor standup” and that he never intended to harm Gabriel. (Pare, 122)
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Rita’s defenders are engaging in a similar argument, claiming that her joke was permissible in the context of “Tumblr” humor (which I have just defined) and that she obviously had no intention to harm Mullenweg.
More importantly, the context that surrounds Rita’s joke is not one of discrimination. Mullenweg is not a disabled child; he is the millionaire CEO of Tumblr. He is not a sympathetic victim.
10. Poor Little Mullenweg - 3
Still, Mullenweg does not falter. Billig claims that “ridicule can be more hurtful than hatred.” (Billeg 19)
Mullenweg, unable to handle his ridicule, is racing towards hatred. In an attempt to weasel out from under the laughter of the Tumblr community, he has refused to engage in the criticism levied against him.
Instead, he is doubling down. So far, he’s made multiple posts smearing Rita, posted her private usernames in an attempt to shame her, and mocked other users for supporting her.
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11. What Now?
Interestingly enough, a group of trans Tumblr staff made a post condemning the actions of their boss and CEO, calling them “unwarranted and harmful.” They also plainly state that the car-hammer post quote “does not meet our definition of a realistic threat of violence.” They are in on the joke. They understand what the transgender community has gone through. They end by stating their commitment to preventing harassment and encouraging trans expression on the site. (Staff)
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Predstrogen’s ban was unwarranted and harmful, yes, but it was really just a small symptom of a larger system that classifies all forms of trans expression as sexual. By deliberately misinterpreting the humor that transgender communities on Tumblr cultivate and use to keep themselves safe, Mullenweg villainized a trans woman and was made a laughingstock.
By turning himself into a figure of ridicule, Tumblr users who were otherwise unsympathetic to Rita’s cause were galvanized. This is a bitter-sweet point for Rita, who spoke about her experience on another social media site. (clownkiwi) She’s glad that light is being shed on this situation, but is disgruntled that focus is squarely on Mullenweg and not the bigger issue of trans censorship on Tumblr and the internet at large. If people really cared about the censorship that trans women go through on social media sites, she claims, they would have spoken up sooner.
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Even after all this, it’s still not about trans women. It’s about the cis guy in power.
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skeletonpendeja · 1 year
Fav horror movie recommendations if you feel like sharing? I try to watch one a day in Oct and my list is a little light this year!
Hi hi hi I'm gonna be obnoxious and recommend a few of varying moods!! (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
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1.) Ring
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One of the main inspirations for the J-Horror boom in the early 2000's, Ring (often referred to as "Ringu") is a moody suspense flick with aspirations towards solving the mystery of a mysterious curse transmitted via VHS tape.
Based on the novel by Koji Suzuki, Ring captures the mood and tone of the book much moreso than the American Remake (which as far as American remakes go is loud but fine) and has a few stand out moments. It's definitely a favorite of mine.
CW: Child Abuse, Mild Body Horror
Liked this? Check out: Ju-On 2, Ring 0, and One Missed Call.
2.) Sleepaway Camp
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Definitely not a popular pick, Sleepaway Camp is a typical summer camp slasher (as was the style at the time) and holds up shockingly well*** all things considered! (We'll get to the asterisk in the CW)
Sleepaway Camp is carried by odd, earnest, and fun performances, the kids are kids who yell, swear, and are silly, the adults are either Shakespearean or complete planks of wood, and they all bounce off each other with really naturalistic and hysterical dialogue, it's very quotable. A great fun time with friends. BUT...
CW: Spoilers! Transphobia, the entire film has trickles of mild queer symbolism in some dream sequences, but the big ending reveal is that surprise! The killer is trans! And that is depicted as being more horrifying than the decapitated head they're holding. In the queer lens I view this in today it's quite a fun film with a lot of revenge kills but it's still, in the text and to the mass audience, it's quite a Hallmark of pop culture transphobia. Take is or leave is.
Like this? Check out: Basket Case, Nightmare on Elm Street 2, Cabin in the Woods (I don't like that one but it tends to be loved by most who watch it)
3.) Us
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Something more contemporary, more artistic, and honestly funny, Us by Jordan Peele is a very interesting high concept film, and his second overall. The concept of the doppelganger is not new, but to see it plain as day, so well executed is super interesting to see properly.
Us gets a lot of flack for being a bit more bloated and messy compared to other Peele films, but I like to think of the looseness of the rules and the bleakness of the metaphor to be very engaging and beautiful
CW: General violence
Like this? Check out: Nope, Get Out, Uzumaki (yes actually, I think they have a similar situation of an unnatural and bleak conflict that can't really be solved)
4.) La Casa Lobo
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Where the fuck do I start with this one, La Casa Lobo is in universe, a propaganda-y children's story for a midsommar ass cult, and it is as beautiful as it is horrifying. This stop motion, paper maché, charcoal nightmare is always moving, always uncanny, and always isolating. It's phenomenal, and while it's premise may be simple, entering the wolf house will make you feel like you can't leave.
CW: animal violence, child endangerment, it's uncanny as fuck.
Like this? Check out: Mad God, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, Midsommar
4.) [•REC]
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This Spanish found footage "zombie" movie is a blast from start to end with great pacing. Not so much a story as it is more of a "things happening" movie, [•REC] never fails to deliver on the tension or scares. I have a soft spot for the film, as I saw it as a kid with my folks IN PARTS on YouTube like a fucking anime
If that doesn't age me I don't know what will.
CW: Child death, particularly jumpscarey, gore and body horror
Like this? Check out: [•REC2] (think Aliens compared to Alien), The Mandela Catalogue (yes really), Quarantine (American Remake that's not, terrible?)
5.) heck/Skinamarink
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Predecessor to recent indie smash hit, Skinamarink, heck is the litmus test as to whether or not you can stomach Skinamarink. Slow, creeping, exclusively diagetic, and immensely creepy. There is little plot, and it's again an experience, but one that feels like a living breathing Nightmare.
The reason heck is here first instead of Skinamarink, is mainly length vs quality vs density. Skinamarink is a very good picture but for the average person it wears out it's welcome by the 1 hour mark, and we still got like 40 min to go. heck is a bite sized 30 minute short film that just gets to the point quicker. However with the reduced runtime, you lose the density of the atmosphere. It's both better but lesser. Both heck and Skinamarink are fine movies, but definitely pick which one you wanna see based on the mood of the evening and your company
CW: body horror, child endangerment (lot of that on this list)
Like this? Check out: Paranormal Activity, The Mandela Catalogue, Vita Carnis
Other Curiosities worth exploring
The Cabinet of Dr. Calagari - it's the first, it's beautiful, and still an admirable work of art to this day, around 100 years later
Gojira - while the character is nowadays more of an action property, the original Gojira is still incredibly harrowing
Tetsuo the Iron Man - loud, intense, and metal as fuckkk. Tetsuo is a more surreal extreme horror movie full of body horror and antagonistic sound design
Chainmail Chasers - a quaint horror series based off of the old smiledog creepypasta. Considering it's just like one gal and her friends it's very impressive, still in progress
Local 58 - a well regarded foreboding horror series regarding mysteries around the moon and how that relates to the local news station
Okay that's it sorry bYE!! (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)
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enha-roza · 1 year
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧
Heeseung ( acez/heeza ) : 
- First ship 
- Popular since iland 
- Ace couple 
- Mum and dad of Enhypen 
- Lots of skinship 
- Heeseung calls Roza his wife
- Heeseung gets jealous easily 
- Cover songs together 
- Fan fave #1 
Iconic moments : 
We’re the most popular iland duo.
When traveling through the airport Roza almost tripped and from then on Heeseung held her hand.
Heeseung was caught holding Roza's waist under her shirt on live.
During an en-log they were seen sleeping in the same bed.
Heeseung fought with Jake when Jake proposed to Roza during an en-o'clock. 
Heeseung brought Roza matching couple rings for her birthday. 
Jay ( Jayza/Jay-Z ) : 
- 02z 
- English buddy’s 
- Soft for Roza 
- Clingy when tired 
- Protective Jay
- Sugar daddy Jay 
- Lots of bickering 
- Underrated 
Iconic moments : 
Jay and Sunghoon called Roza pretty during iland's first episode.
When Jay pulled Roza’s photo card and put it in the back of his phone case. 
The iconic pre-debut live where they couldn’t stop laughing over nothing. 
When Roza didn’t understand something during iland Jay would translate for her. 
When Jay fell asleep during the spa en-o'clock episode, Roza laid down and cuddled him. 
That time Jay brought Roza expensive headphones after she did aegyo for him. 
Jake ( Yunri ) : 
- 02z 
- Chaotic & loud
- English buddy’s 2.0
- Touchy 
- Cuddle buddies 
- Flirty 24/7 
- Engaged ( en o’clock ) 
- Roza plays with jake's hair when he lays in her lap
- Fan fave #2 
Iconic moments : 
When they got nicknamed iland’s sweethearts. 
When Jake proposed to Roza during an episode of en-o’clock. 
All the ice cream ‘dates’ they go on. 
The time Roza flirted with Jake and got shy when he flirted back. 
The shared Spotify playlist they have for when they cuddle/sleep together. 
During iland Jake fell asleep because Roza was playing with his hair. 
Sunghoon ( visualz/hoonza ) : 
- 02z 
- visuals 
- Prince and Princess 
- Possessive Sunghoon 
- Clingy & touchy 
- Accidentally kissed on live 
- Bickering lots 
- Roza plays with the hair on the back of his head a lot
- Roza is the biggest fan of his skating 
- Always complement each other 
- Fan fave #3 
Iconic moments : 
The time Sunghoon caught Roza staring at his hands and then called her out, making her flustered.
When Roza tripped and Sunghoon caught her kdrama style.
When they got voted top male and female visuals on iland.
During the start of an en o’clock episode Roza was seen playing with Sunghoon's Hair. 
When they went on a skating ‘date’ and earned the nicknames ice prince and princess.
when Sunghoon leaned towards Roza as she turned her head and their lips touched while they were on live.
Sunoo ( sunza ) : 
- Cuties
- Lots of aegyo 
- Sassy duo 
- Bickering 24/7 
- Annoy the other members 
- Best reactions since iland
- Tom and jerry 
- Help each other out lots 
Iconic moments : 
When they both judged the bad singers on the iland.
They snuggled on the couch on the first day in the dorms after iland.
When decorating cakes Sunoo accidentally knocked Roza’s cake over causing them to burst out laughing. 
Them having an aegyo battle and the staff having to stop them or it wouldn’t end.
When Roza and Sunoo were caught judging Jay and Sunghoon during ‘paradoXXX invasion’ shoot when they were flexing their muscles.
They started arguing during an episode of en-o'clock and made all the staff laugh. 
Sooyoung ( sooza ) :
- only girls 
- Gayest ship 
- Tease each other
- Go everywhere together 
- Holding hands 24/7 
- Team up to tease the boys
- Met in 2018
- Iconic and most memorable female duo on iland
Iconic moments : 
When Sooyoung made fun of Roza, so Roza chased her. 
When they made fun of Jake’s 10 months ending fairy. 
Any post Produce interaction.
When they saw each other for the first time in months on I-Land
When they laughed at Eunhae for demanding the male trainees' attention during I-Land.
When they realized they were the only girls with 7 male members and both burst out laughing. 
Jungwon ( meowz/wonza ) : 
- Jays favorites 
- Cat duo
- Sibling energy
- Clingy Jungwon 
- Jungwon relies on Roza a lot
- Roza has a soft spot for Jungwon 
- Roza is the only member that always listens to Jungwon
- Roza protects Jungwon from the other members teasing  
Iconic moments : 
When Jungwon accidentally called Roza unnie.
Jungwon being the child of Roza and Heeseung during I-Land.
Roza buying Jungwon and Niki ice creams before a live. 
When Jungwon picked her as the member who listens the best so she treated him to dinner.
When they fangirled over Jungkook together on live. 
when Jungwon was clinging to Roza and fell asleep in her arms.
Niki ( yuki ) : 
- Niki is Roza baby’s
- Both Japanese
- Main dancers 
- Mum and son energy 
- Bickering 
- Roza and Heeseung scolding Niki 
- Niki clingy to Roza 
- Niki often whines to Roza 
Iconic moments : 
When he accidentally called Roza mom. 
Roza bought Niki and Jungwon ice creams before a live.
Niki came up with the duo name Yuki for the both of them. 
Roza defended Niki when the members made fun of his Korean. 
Niki took Roza to meet his family after their concert in Japan.
Niki said on live that he only cries in front of Roza because she is his comfort person.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧
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eviesaurusrex · 2 years
Harry Styles x Model!Reader | 2
faceclaim: Lily Collins
author’s note: part 2 of my model!reader smau :3 joepark, camilleinlondon, and antoinemoreau are reader’s best friends! We’re gonna cover Harry’s NYC shows, but particularly his 15th show, because I’m so proud of our hard-working man 🥺 This one is long, I guess? Plus, there will be a part 3 with the wedding because I’m a sucker for those.
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voguearabia For our sixth-anniversary issue, we are celebrating with model YN LN as our issue’s cover face.
We talked about the struggling start of her career and how she achieved being noticed by the most established and esteemed fashion houses in the world, highlighting the beginning of her rising fame and popularity, especially amongst a young generation who never had a connection to the old names of the fashion industry. Of course, we also asked about the announced engagement to singer-songwriter and Grammy winner Harry Styles—especially for you, dear Harries.
Model: yourinstagram
Stylist: harry_lambert
Photographer: helenepambrun.photography
Interviewer: noelleflamingo
Liked by harrystyles, annetwist, joepark, gemmastyles and 997,320 others | 441,327 comments
voguearabia “I started my modeling career without any support system—my last blood-related family member died while I graduated from the Paris College of Art, and suddenly, I had been even more alone than I’d already been before. Imagine a young woman with a degree in photography in the midst of Paris, the center of art. […] It was crazy to even think about the possibility I could make it, but it never stopped me from trying. Though I have to admit, I seriously doubted my own sanity from time to time. […] Everything morphed from small photography jobs for aspiring designers, freshly graduated from the same school as I have; we relied on one another because we all knew that no one would make it out there without a team. And one day, a model couldn’t make it in time, and both—the designer and photographer—turned to me, and I didn’t realize their looks because… well, I had made them coffee because I was the photographer’s freaking assistant. […] On this day, I stood in front of the camera for the first time. It was a moment of clarity—and dreadful fear because I knew what hard work I had to invest in everything—again—to make it maybe. But… I jumped into the water without thinking. […]”
liked by harrystyles, jefezoff, joepark, and 5,761 others
hsfan1 I picture this moment vividly: “Can you write something for his fans?”-“And what exactly?”-“I don’t know, something about our engagement maybe. And then you address them directly.”-“This is… brilliant!”
↳ yourfan1 And the money will flow 😅
↳ hsfan1 That is very true. I couldn’t get a hold of one of the magazines bc everything was sold out in my area 😂
hsfan2 And the first person who liked this was, of course, Harry!
↳ hsfan3 He is a very proud fiancé ❤️
joepark What a goddess!
liked by voguearabia, yourinstagram and 1,320 others
annetwist ❤️
↳ gemmastyles ❤️ indeed!
yourinstagram It was such an honor to be your anniversary cover face! As usual: It was a blast working with everyone. It’s always like talking to a friend over a cup of coffee noelleflamingo helenepambrun.photography
↳ helenepambrun.photography I was so happy to see you again! Thanks for making this job as fun as always ❤️
liked by harrystyles, yourinstagram and 121 others
↳ hsfan4 Wait, isn’t she Harry’s photographer???
↳ yourfan2 She is! But they already knew each other before YN even started dating Harry :3
liked by hsfan4, yourinstagram and 79 others
↳ voguearabia We can’t thank you enough, YN!
liked by yourinstagram and 542 others
yn_harry_shipper She is wearing her engagement ring in every single picture 😮‍💨❤️
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harrystyles She.
Liked by joepark, mitchrowland, harry_lambert, annetwist and 782,669 others | 333,724 comments
harry_lambert Another word: Goddess.
↳ hsfan1 I lowkey love what simps these two are for YN ❤️
↳ yourinstagram You need to stop. Both.
liked by harrystyles, harry_lambert, yourfan3 and 222 others
joepark Was this post approved by your supervisor? 👀
↳ jefezoff If not, this post wouldn’t be here 👀
↳ yourinstagram I’m quickly reminding you of that incident two years ago. Do you want to reconsider your statement from above?
liked by joepark, hsfan1, hsfan2, and 324 others
↳ harrystyles I can read this, you know that? You are my fiancée. You should stand on my side x And Joe? Your invitation got withdrawn.
↳ yourinstagram I’m always on your side, mon amour. But sometimes, I have to tease you about certain aspects of your wonderful character and lovely habits ❤️ Joe: It is not.
↳ harrystyles No, it is not x
liked by yourinstagram, joepark, modelfriends4ever and 547 others
↳ hsfan2 Popcorn, anyone? xD
↳ hsfan3 I love how they are together. I love how Harry becomes a bit more open over here🥹
yourfan1 What a sight 😮‍💨
mitchrowland What a simp 👀❤️
liked by pillowpersonpp, yourfan1, hsfan6 and 88 others
↳ annetwist Not a surprise at all 😍
yourfan2 please adopt me thank you
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camilleinlondon I’m not sure what she is trying to do. Either packing or getting packed herself.
Joe already lost it in the back. Antoine isn’t impressed in the slightest and keeps editing his pictures on his phone. And me? I have to keep an eye on the clock, so this crazy chica gets to the airport ON TIME.
Liked by yourinstagram, antoinemoreau, yourfan1, modelfriends4ever, and 101,891 others | 39,882 comments
yourinstagram Thank you for being the responsible adult in this group when my brain can’t do it 👉🏻👈🏻
↳ joepark I love that you two always switch, so I don’t have to do this job lol
↳ camilleinlondon Someone has to do it when half of the group consists of grownup children 👀
↳ antoinemoreau Ouch.
joepark I love how you took the photo when I practically shouted at Antoine to move his lazy af butt and help us 😂
↳ camilleinlondon Call me a✨professional photographer✨
hsfan1 She is going to NYC, I just KNOW it 🥰
↳ hsfan2 Love myself a supportive fiancée ❤️
mitchrowland Our biggest groupie returns! ❤️
modelfriends4ever this group is everything to me.
↳ yourfan1 same bestie, same 😅
yourfan2 Her outfit is ✨chefskiss✨ - as usual 👸🏽
yourinstagram ps: we made it to the airport on time.
liked by yourfan2, hsfan1, hsfan3, harrystyles, and 399 others
↳ pillowpersonpp I’m very glad you made it on time. I couldn’t handle another day of his constant sighing 👀
liked by hsfan8, hsfan5, yourfan3, and 78 others
↳ harrystyles HEY
↳ yourinstagram I miss you too, my love ❤️
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yourinstagram Quick airport selfie because I was obsessed with this wallpaper in one of the cafés here. Oh, and to show off my ring again, sorry 👉🏻👈🏻
Liked by gemmastyles, harrystyles, annetwist, ynfanpage, and 986,582 others | 224,510 comments
yourinstagram I think we need that wallpaper somewhere in the new house harrystyles
↳ harrystyles Maybe the basement? No, I’m just kidding. It’s a pretty wallpaper.
↳ yourinstagram Sir, you’re not being very funny right now 🫢
↳ harrystyles I know 🫣 I love you, though. Does this count for anything?
liked by hsfan1, hsfan2, harrystylesforever, and 101 others
↳ yourinstagram It does 🥰
↳ hsfan1 First of all: their relationship is EVERY-FREAKING-THING. Second: could we talk about the “new house” drop???
liked by hsfan3, harrystylesfanpage, ynfanpage, and 86 others
gemmastyles My sister-in-law is being pretty ❤️
↳ yourinstagram Says the one pretty enough to be Miss UK 😘❤️
↳ yourfan1 I. Love. These. Two. I’m so jealous of Gemma. Or YN. No, both.
liked by yourinstagram, ynforever, modelfriends4ever, and 55 others
harrystyles Have a safe flight, my love x
liked by hsfan4, hsfan5, yn_and_harry, and 979 others
↳ yourinstagram ❤️❤️❤️
↳ yn_and_harry Your honor, I live for these two. ADOPT ME
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yourinstagram Look who I’ve found on my way out of the airport <3
Liked by harrystyles, annetwist, yourfan1, hsfan2, and 202,779 others | 10,328 comments
annetwist My two darlings ❤️
↳ gemmastyles If you wouldn’t have to work, you could’ve been here too! With us!
↳ annetwist I’m joining you soon enough, love ❤️
harrystyles And why was I not invited? 😦
↳ yourinstagram You said you needed to rehearse 😚 But I could bring you something to eat?
↳ harrystyles Is that the place we went to in 2020?
↳ yourinstagram Yup!
↳ harrystyles Gonna text you the order, love, yeah? The band needs a break x
liked by yourinstagram, mitchrowland, hsfan3, and 69 others
mitchrowland Thanks YN!!!
↳ yourinstagram Happy to help out ❤️
↳ pillowpersonpp Harry bragged about this place for far too long, so we need some of those deliciously looking beauties—and the food 👀
liked by mitchrowland, harrystyles, gemmastyles, and 13 others
↳ hsfan1 😂😂😂 Sarah! 😂
yourfan1 I want to be there 🥺
yourfan2 I… I think I’m sitting on the other side of the place 😳
↳ yourfan3 ???????? TELL HER HI!
↳ hsfan2 JEALOUS
↳ yourfan4 I’m not jealous, no. Don’t know what’ya talking about.
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CelebrityNews Singer-songwriter Harry Styles and his fiancée and model YN LN were seen today in Manhattan on their way to their current New Yorker home before heading out again for Styles’ 15th show at Madison Square Garden. Rumors became loud that the couple bought a historic brownstone in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn, to make it their secondary residence beside their primary residence—the 4,500,000£ townhouse at the Royal Crescent in Bath, Somerset, UK.
Liked by hsfan1, hsfan2, yourfan1, harrystylesfanpage, and 2,341 likes | 976 comments
hsfan1 Brooklyn, especially CH, is one of the best neighborhoods for families. They have so many great public schools 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
↳ hsfan2 And it’s where YN grew up 🥺
↳ yourfan1 I think they prepare everything for their future 😭❤️
liked by harryfanpage, hsfan3, hsfan7, and 67 others
yourfan2 They both are SO successful. But it’s what they deserve, and I can’t wait for their future life ❤️
harrystylesfanpage They would live in my neighborhood 😳
↳ yn_and_harry 😨😱
yourfan3 I’m seriously so glad that YN found Harry. He really makes her shine and smile and so, so, so happy 😭 After all she went through with the early loss of almost her entire family, it’s what she earned after the universe had thrown so much in front of her feet 🥹
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rosesarered On my way to MSG after checking out how the first day of the renovations went. I’m still so in love with our new baby 🥹
Liked by pillowpersonpp, joepark, camilleinlondon, and 14 others
joepark You should start a photo diary!
↳ annetwist I told her the same 😊
↳ yourinstagram I actually did take a lot of pictures when we first visited, and today too—to show them to Harry 😚
camilleinlondon You look gorgeous ❤️
pillowpersonpp Can’t wait to have you back in the crowd!!!
harrysworld My wonderful, gorgeous woman ❤️
↳ rosesarered H 🥹❤️
↳ harrysworld I’m waiting for you (and the photos) ❤️
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yourinstagram Entirely in awe of what he is achieving tonight… ❤️
Have fun at his 15th consecutive show at the Garden, people!
Liked by jefezoff, joepark, yourfan1, harrystylesforever, and 2,376,516 others | 460,131 comments
harrystylesforever She is such a simp for him 😌
harrystylesfanpage Can’t wait to be there!!
joepark This will be the best night for sure 🤩
↳ yourinstagram We'll meet at the backstage entrance, oui?
↳ joepark Sure thing, mon amour!
↳ yourfan1 Awww, Joe is with her tonight
jefezoff 🥳🥳🥳
camilleinlondon Get an autograph for me 👀
↳ antoinemoreau You know him. You’re friends. What is wrong with you, woman? 😂❤️
↳ camilleinlondon You can never have enough Harry autographs is my philosophy 🤨
liked by hsfan1, hsfan2, harrystylesforever, and 25 others
mitchrowland He is rambling about how much he hopes to show you the best time of your life. What a simp. 🤭
liked by harrystylesfanpage, ynfanpage, yourfan3, and 87 others
↳ hsfan1 Awwwwwwwww 🥹
↳ hsfan2 Harry is nothing but whipped for this woman.
↳ pillowpersonpp I could now write something inappropriate, but I gonna keep this minor safe.
↳ yourfan1 We all know what Sarah wants to say 😏
ynfanpage Uhm… Is it okay if I say Hi for just a second? 👉🏻👈🏻
liked by yourinstagram, joepark, and 12 others
↳ yourinstagram Of course, lovely! Just come over if you see me ❤️
liked by ynfanpage, yourfan3, hsfan1, and 90 others
↳ yourfan2 Heaven on earth. Kinda jealous tho 🥺
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yourinstagram 😭❤️
Liked by annetwist, yourfan1, yourfan2, hsfan1, hsfan2, and 306,447 others | 99,991 comments
hsfan1 Someone got very excited for their man 😂
hsfan2 I love YN for her undying support ❤️
yourinstagram Sorry, Instagram people. I got carried away.
↳ yourfan1 That's okay, lovie ❤️
↳ hsfan3 We love you for that!
↳ joepark “Carried away” aka my eardrums are irreversibly damaged
liked by hsfan5, yourfan6, modelfriends4ever, and 127 others
annetwist I feel what you are feeling ❤️
antoinemoreau Oooooh. This is today?? I thought he had a few more shows before that. Congrats, mate! harrystyles
hsfan4 !!!!!!!!!
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harrystyles Love On Tour. New York XV. September, 2022.
Thank you MSG. Thank you NYC. Thank you my darling love.
Liked by gemmastyles, annetwist, jefezoff, yourinstagram, and 2,320,878 others | 431,685 comments
hsfan1 His thanks to YN 🥺
jefezoff Congratulations!
annetwist I’m so proud of you, my sweet boy ❤️
↳ gemmastyles ME TOO!!!
hsfan3 Congratulations on 15 nights! Maybe you should check on your fiancée—she kinda lost it over it 🥹❤️
liked by joepark, hsfan8, yourfan2, and 10 others
hsfan4 I’m so proud of you!!
harrystylesfanpage Proud prouder being a harry fan right now
hsfan5 You really lucked out in life ❤️
joepark Congrats, Harry! I just sent your wife on her way 👀
↳ hsfan6 Everyone ships these two hard 🥰
A grin formed on his face after he had stepped out of his dressing room and saw YN in the distance, her back surrounded by three bodyguards, the backstage pass dangling around her neck. She grinned as well as soon as she spotted him, and her feet started to carry her faster over to him—until she ran down the hallway and flew into his arms. Harry had already awaited her, arms widely opened, knees slightly bent, and now wrapped one arm around her back while the other steadied her butt as she wrapped both legs around his waist.
“Hey, love,” he whispered into her cheek and pressed several kisses to the soft skin. “I’m so, so, so proud of you,” Harry could hear her whisper into his neck, feeling her arms hugging his neck and shoulders closer. “Thank you, love.”
He felt his heart flutter and tears of pure joy forming in his eyes. He knew that this would’ve never been possible without her by his side, without her constant support and love, and the way she always built him up again if something didn’t work out. She gave him the strength to do this, to try new things, even though they might could turn into the worst nightmare. She had helped him build his career further and further because she always had his back—during every late homecoming because he needed to finish that one recording in the studio, during every breakdown because he got overwhelmed, during every press or paparazzi storm he had to stand through.
YN had always been there for him, loving expression on her beautiful face and open arms in which he could sink and hide if he needed to. She had been his everything from the first moment on, and now, they shared this too—just like they would share a lot more that was coming their way.
“Pretty girl,” he whispered to coax her face from his neck, and the singer smiled his bright smile as she finally leaned their foreheads together, legs still tightly wrapped around him. “There she is.” YN smiled at his words, and without loosing another second, she dove right into the long-awaited kiss—relished in the feeling of his soft, perfect lips on hers, of his strong, large hand wandering from her back to the back of her head to hold her in place, and in the familiar but nonetheless still exciting taste of his kisses.
The couple parted with labored breaths but leaned their foreheads together again. YN gently let the tip of her nose run along his nose and peppered his handsome face with kisses. “You were great—as usual,” she grinned after they had opened their eyes and Harry had let her stand on the ground again. “Glad you enjoyed it. What about the outfit?” He wiggled his brows, and YN giggled before pulling his face back down to her. “I will show you how much I adored said outfit when we get home,” she mumbled against his lips in a teasing tone, letting a low growl rumble out of his chest and laughing softly into their next kiss. “Can’t wait for that show.” His voice was as deep as it could get, and a delicious chill ran down her spine.
Jeff cleared his throat behind Harry’s back, and YN chuckled again before letting her fiancé go. “Ready to take those pictures, handsome?” She asked, and Harry laced their fingers together and raised her intertwined hands to his lips to kiss it. “With you? Always.”
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harrystyles I am beyond grateful for this milestone in my career. And it’s only possible because I have people who always support, love, and cherish me. Starting with my fans and family and ending with my gorgeous fiancée, who is always there and keeps my compass on track.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart x H.
Liked by gemmastyles, camilleinlondon, hsfan1, mitchrowland, and 2,313,426 others | 348,924 comments
annetwist We are so proud of you, Harry 🥰
gemmastyles ❤️❤️❤️
hsfan2 That’s our man 🥳
camilleinlondon You even got a banner 😦
↳ joepark Of course he got one???
yourinstagram It’s an honor and pleasure to be part of your life, my love. Thank you for letting me love and support you ❤️
liked by harrystyles, annetwist, yourfan1, and 327 others
↳ ynfanpage awwwww 🥺
↳ harrystylesfanpage awwwwww +1 🥺
↳ harrystyles ❤️
pillowpersonpp My main purpose in life is watching and reading how Harry gushes over his woman.
↳ mitchrowland And what’s with our son? Or me??
↳ pillowpersonpp You’re also a part of that 👀
↳ mitchrowland 😦😦😦
↳ hsfan3 gotta love these group 😂
yourfan1 We are all so proud of you!
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yourinstagram I made him laugh. It’s still, even after years with him by my side, the best thing I have ever accomplished and probably will ever accomplish. Je t’aime plus que tout, H (I love you more than anything).
ps: He demanded to take the banner home and take a quick nap under it.
Liked by annetwist, harry_and_yn, hsfan1, and 958,537 others | 119,772 comments
yourinstagram + I’m so proud of you. I can’t say this often enough. You have to live with this now.
liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles, and 200 others
↳ harrystyles I’m already used to you praising me to the heavens, darling x
↳ yourinstagram Good. It’s what you deserve ❤️
↳ yn_and_harry Screaming Crying Lying on the floor. I can’t with these two 😭❤️
annetwist And even after years, I’m still very thankful and grateful that you make my boy the happiest he has ever been ❤️
↳ yourinstagram Thank you, Anne 🥹 I love you all with my entire heart ❤️
↳ gemmastyles And we you, sweets 🥰
liked by harrystyles, hsfan2, yourfan3, yourinstagram, and 137 others
yourfan1 Still can’t comprehend how her life changed after she met Harry
↳ yourfan2 Me too. But she deserves nothing less.
harry_and_YN Thank you for making him happy, YN 👉🏻👈🏻
harrystyles It was a great blanket!
↳ harrystyles And I love you more, darling x
↳ yourinstagram I think that’s not possible, love 🤷🏽‍♀️
↳ harrystyles I think it is, my muse ❤️
liked by yourinstagram, hsfan3, hsfan7, yourfan2, and 1,879 others
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harrysworld Got her to bed safely after she demanded she wasn’t tired while we watched a movie.
Gosh, YN… I love you so fucking much. Thank you for making me the happiest man gracing this freaking planet.
Liked by mitchrowland, joepark, jefezoff, and 13 others | 8 comments
mitchrowland I’m so happy for you, man. Can’t wait for you to spend the rest of your lives together.
jefezoff To use YN’s words: It’s what you deserve, Harry.
joepark Sleepy angel. Thanks for treating her the way you do. If not, I would’ve eliminated you a long time ago 🗡️
↳ pillowpersonpp And I would’ve been your alibi
↳ harrysworld Thank you…? 🫣
gemmastyles Will you guys drive to the house tomorrow before you head to Austin?
↳ harrysworld Yeah. We have an appointment with our construction manager at eleven. Wanna tag along?
↳ gemmastyles That’s the reason why I ask 👀 Mom wants to come as well!
↳ harrysworld Sure. Lunch after that?
↳ joepark Oui 👌🏻
rosesarered Thank you for making me the happiest woman on this planet 👉🏻👈🏻
Hui, this one got even longer than already planned. Ooopsiiii. Hope y’all enjoyed it tho <3 As usual: comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated!
taglist: @onecrazydirectioner @nyctophilic0vitnir @grapejuice-rry
376 notes · View notes
ironwoman359 · 2 months
Taylor Reads - July WrapUp
So I have a spreadsheet where I keep track of all the books I read each year, and I also keep a scrapbook style reading journal where each month has a spread of all the books I read that month, and I'm going to start putting my wrap ups here on tumblr, because I can :3
I had a unexpectedly fruitful reading month in July; I only read three books in June, but the League of Extraordinary Gentlefolk comic here on tumblr made me want to read some classic victorian sci-fi, which pulled me out of my reading slump and got the ball rolling on some of my reading goals.
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Here's everything I read in a glance, and beneath the cut is a little blurb review for each book!
The Black God's Drums by P. Djeli Clark - 4/5 Stars This is a fantasy novella set in a post Civil War alternate history steampunk New Orleans featuring street urchins and sky pirates. Need I say more? P. Djeli Clark became an auto-read author for me after I read Ring Shout, and while this didn't have quite the punch of that story, I still thoroughly enjoyed it.
The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells - 3.5/5 Stars My first classic of the month, I went back and forth on whether to rate this book 3 or 3.5 stars (I think it's rated 3 on my storygraph, actually), because while there were parts that were slow/boring to read, some of the prose was very memorable, and the ending was excellent. I find Dracula to be a bit more readable, but if you're interested in these early sci-fi classics, I still definitely recommend it.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne - 2.5/5 Stars This book, on the other hand, I found mostly frustrating. I wonder if I would have enjoyed it more in a serialized fashion similar to Dracula Daily, because the long descriptions of travel to a place where nothing much happens and lists of fish and mollusk species that our main character saw quickly became boring. These moments were interspersed with genuinely interesting character moments and scenes of adventure, but reading the whole book in one week really detracted the impact of those scenes for me. Maybe read an abridged version if you're interested in the story but have more trouble with older books.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson - 4.5/5 Stars This was by far my favorite of the classic sci-fi (or would this be classic horror?) books that I read this month. The book is presented as a mystery that, as a modern reader, it's hard not to know the twist to, but even then, the execution keeps you engaged the entire time. This is by far the most readable of the classics I read this month as well, and is also very short, so there's nothing holding you as a modern reader back from checking this one out! I dinged it half a star because I found the ending to be a bit abrupt and unsatisfying; I wish we'd gotten to see our pov character react to the final explanations and truths instead of him just vanishing from the story. But still, this was very very good!
Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron - 4/5 Stars Do you want a sapphic YA fairy tale retelling where our black lesbian protagonist decides to attempt to single-handedly overthrow the patriarchy? Yes, yes you do. While not a perfect five stars, this book still felt absolutely tailor made to my specific tastes, and if I had been a teen myself when it came out I probably would have been obsessed with it. Kalynn Bayron just had a snow white retelling come out last month and if it's anything like this then I need it in my hands yesterday.
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells - 3/5 Stars Reading the book that is credited for popularizing the idea of a time machine as an avid fan of time travel stories today was an interesting experience. I have a few more books of his on my tbr to go before I can make a final judgement, but I'm not sure if Wells's writing style is really connecting with me. I found this to be a little more readable line by line than The Invisible Man, but there were more striking character moments in that book than in this one. Still, seeing the arguable origin of one of my favorite sci-fi subgenres was very cool.
Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer - 2/5 Stars I started writing a stand alone review for this book and it's already over one thousand words long. It seems I always have more to say about a book that I thought was bad than a book I thought was good. Suffice it to say, this book had a good premise (if you're into that sort of thing) but it needed several more rounds of editing. It felt like I was reading an unpolished manuscript that had been sent out on submission, not a finished product that I paid money for. Very disappointing.
The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson - 4.5/5 Stars There's not much you can say about this book on its own, as it's the third book in a trilogy, but suffice it to say it was a perfect ending to said trilogy. I have so much love for these characters and this world, and I can't wait to start reading era 2!...after I start Stormlight. And Warbreaker. Why am I trying to read the entire cosmere before Wind and Truth comes out why is this my life-
He Who Drowned the World by Shelley Parker-Chan - 4/5 Stars So this is a book that I started on audio back at the end of May, and for whatever reason I listened to the first 60% or so in a few days and then just...stopped. Had no desire to pick it back up, not because it wasn't good, it was, it was really good, I just had some kind of mental block on it for some reason. Then in a burst of inspiration after finishing the Hero of Ages a few days ago, I put the book back on and listened to another hour of it, then finished the rest on ebook during a slow couple hours at work. Again, not much to say about this if you haven't read the first book, She Who Became the Sun, but I highly recommend this duology, it's incredibly written, queer as hell, and the ending was extremely satisfying.
Abeni's Song by P. Djeli Clark - 5/5 Stars Beginning the month where we started it with P. Djeli Clark, this time with his middle grade debut! I love middle grade books, I usually read at least one per month if not more, and this was an absolutely stellar example of the genre. A great coming of age story based on West African mythology with lovable characters and the type of plot that will keep even adults hooked, I highly recommend this and can't wait to read the sequel when it comes out next year!
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Discover the Magic of the 14k Rose Gold Lab Grown Emerald Cut Diamond Hidden Halo Engagement Ring ✨💍
Hey, jewelry enthusiasts! Today, I’m excited to share a stunning engagement ring that beautifully combines classic charm with modern elegance: the 14k Rose Gold Lab-Grown Emerald Cut Diamond Hidden Halo Engagement Ring. If you’re on the hunt for something truly unique and special, this ring might just be your perfect match. Let’s dive into what makes this ring so captivating!
🌟 The Emerald Cut: A Timeless Classic
The emerald cut diamond is all about refined elegance. With its step-cut facets and rectangular shape, this cut highlights the diamond’s clarity and creates a sophisticated, understated sparkle. It’s a classic choice that stands out from the crowd, perfect for those who love a touch of vintage-inspired glamour with a modern twist.
🌱 Lab-Grown Diamonds: Beauty Meets Sustainability
Lab-grown diamonds are becoming a popular choice for their ethical and environmental benefits. Created in a controlled environment, these diamonds have the same physical properties as mined diamonds but are often more affordable and eco-friendly. Choosing a lab-grown diamond allows you to enjoy a stunning gem while supporting sustainable practices.
💫 Hidden Halo Design: Subtle Sparkle
One of the most enchanting features of this ring is the hidden halo. Unlike traditional halo settings, where smaller diamonds are visible from above, the hidden halo is discreetly nestled beneath the main emerald cut diamond. This clever design enhances the overall sparkle of the ring without overpowering its minimalist beauty. It’s a touch of magic that adds an extra layer of brilliance.
🌹 Rose Gold: Warm and Romantic
Rose gold is the perfect choice for a romantic and unique engagement ring. Its warm, pinkish hue complements the brilliance of the diamond and adds a touch of sophistication. The 14k rose gold setting is not only beautiful but also durable, ensuring that your ring will continue to shine for years to come.
🎨 Handmade Craftsmanship: One-of-a-Kind
This engagement ring is not just any piece of jewelry—it’s a work of art. Handcrafted with meticulous care, each ring is unique and reflects the skill and artistry of its creator. The handmade quality ensures that your ring will be as special as your love story.
🎁 A Unique Choice for a Special Moment
Whether you’re proposing or looking for a meaningful gift, the 14k Rose Gold Lab-Grown Emerald Cut Diamond Hidden Halo Engagement Ring is a beautiful choice. Its combination of classic design, modern features, and handcrafted elegance makes it a standout piece that’s sure to be cherished.
The 14k Rose Gold Lab-Grown Emerald Cut Diamond Hidden Halo Engagement Ring is a perfect blend of timeless elegance and contemporary style. With its stunning emerald cut, hidden halo sparkle, and romantic rose gold setting, it’s a ring that beautifully captures the essence of love and commitment. If you’re looking for a unique and unforgettable engagement ring, this one is definitely worth considering.
Thanks for reading, and happy ring hunting! 💖✨
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oliverreedmasterass · 2 years
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Roxanne - 4k words, Jake insists that everyone should participate in a new drinking game, bets are made, and things almost immediately descend into chaos
Heat Above - 4k words, the guys get up to some hijinks and hair trouble on the set of their Heat Above music video 
It’s Been - 3.8k words, Jake picks a pointless fight with Josh and it takes them one week to finally let it go (oddly enough, based on the Barenaked Ladies song, One Week) 
Argh - 3.5k words, Jake, Josh, and Sam are all little kids, indulging in a fun and dramatic game of imaginary pirates
Sunshine - 2k words, 12 year old Jake meets his famous Gibson SG guitar for the first time
It’s Giving - 4k words, my interpretation of what happened backstage before the guys took the stage in Tucson, slaying the house down with their stage makeup
Stage Fright (pt. 1) - 2.7k words, the guys have to work through some nerves before playing new music at the Sacramento DIG show
Stage Fright (pt. 2) - 3.5k words, the aftermath of the last show of the DIG tour, some angst, and a stressful trip to In N’ Out
They Say It’s Your Birthday - 4.4k words, Danny and Sam take the twins to a karaoke bar to celebrate their 27th birthday
Welcome to My Crib - 2.8k words, Greta Van Fleet gives a home tour for Architectural Digest 
Thirst Tweets - 2k words, Greta Van Fleet react to Thirst Tweets for Buzzfeed 
New York Runaway - 800 words, the GVF group chat is popping off when Sam disappears to New York without any explanation 
Sam Kiszka Sees God While Eating Spicy Wings - 7.9k words, Sam goes on Hot Ones and frankly kinda terrifies Sean Evans
GVF Masterclass Group Chat - 1.2k words, a look at the group chat between Oliver Reed, Cal A Bungah, Chip Bunker, and Dr. JMK
Booze Run - 3k words, the GVF guys come up with a game to make their booze run a bit more entertaining
The Greta Van Fleetles - 3.2k words, GVF go on America’s Got Talent, impersonating one of the most popular bands of all time
Addressing Your Questions and Concerns Pt. 2 - 7.6k words, Literally what the title says lol 
Clowning Around - 4.1k words, Oliver Reed is alive, he’s just stuck in a witness protection program because he accidentally stumbled across a ninja clown crime ring
Rising With the Demons Above - 5.2k words, Greta Van Fleet witness a demonic possession and, of course, end up making things like 20x worse
Ready for the Garden - 1.8k words, Jake reflects on his success, and how Greta Van Fleet finally played Madison Square Garden
Turkey Day - 4.3k words, Jake decides he wants to host Thanksgiving this year, and Josh is immediately skeptical that he's up to no good 
Prime Suspects - 8k words, The GVF guys find themselves caught in a heap of trouble. The problem is, they can't quite work out what they did.
Growth - 2.4k words, Danny will go to great lengths to ensure that he can grow facial hair
Nardwuar Vs. Greta Van Fleet - 2k words, The members of Greta Van Fleet agree to do an interview with the Human Napkin himself, Nardwuar, and find themselves ridiculously unprepared for his interview style.
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Hexed - 27k words, Jake physically can’t stop singing and dancing and it seems that there must be some dark magic involved. Will the guys be able to get Jake back to normal before their show?
Summer of 69 - 39k words, Greta Van Fleet somehow manage to travel back in time to the Woodstock Art and Music festival
The Frozen Light - 48k words, In the quiet town of Frankenmuth, a string of missing persons cases opens a wider question about who is to blame, drawing a deep divide between the town and its hidden supernatural residents. 
Battle of the Bands - 29k words, A young Greta Van Fleet find hope in a local battle of the bands competition to finally catch their big break.
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Episode 1 - 5k words, Josh struggles with writer’s block, Jake is certain he’s being haunted, and Sam and Danny are engaged in an intense prank war
Episode 2 - 6.7k words, The members of Greta Van Fleet deal with loss: Josh loses his beloved notebook (which Sam attempts to find) and Jake and Danny get hopelessly lost in the woods
Episode 3 - 5.9k words, After an incident involving Jake's amp, he's determined to win the cash to buy a replacement. Meanwhile, Josh and Danny choreograph a dance for a music video and Sam's clumsiness makes him see red. 
Episode 4 - 5.8k words, It's media day for the GVF guys! What could go wrong? (everything) Danny struggles to hold back the truth, Jake takes advice from a higher up, and Sam and Josh can't stop saying the wrong thing. 
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The One Where They Play Monopoly - 1.5k words, On a slow day, GVF decides to play a friendly game of Monopoly that winds up being anything but that
Greta Van Fleet Go To A Haunted House - 4.7k words, GVF make their way to a haunted house for shits and giggles. 
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sixminutestoriesblog · 8 months
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Unlike most of the other months, January babies only have one birth stone. But oh - what a birthstone it is!
Garnets come in a variety of colors, including the ultra rare blue ones, but the most well known and well loved is the deep rich red. Red garnets are one of the oldest recorded gems for humanity and one that stretched across continents. Garnets can be found in jewelry as far back as the Bronze Age and ancient Romans and Greeks were fond of it as well. The carbuncle gemstone on the High Priest's breastplate in the Old Testament might have been a garnet. They were often found on the jewelry of ancient pharaohs. In fact, archeologists have used garnets to trace historic trade routes, with the 7th century Staffordshire Hoard and the Winfarthing pendant of England both containing garnets from as far away as ancient Sri Lanka. Garnets featured frequently in Migration Period art, a style that arose across Europe and Britain after the collapse of Rome, during the 3rd century, that relied on small, intricate interlocking patterns like the above sword hilt piece.
In modern times, garnets are more than just a pretty face. With a hardness on the Mohs scale from 6 to 7.5, they are often used for their abrasive properties. Garnet grains added to a jet of water can cut through steel!
Just remember, January babies, you're made of tough stuff!
Having such a long history across so much of the world, garnets have netted their fair share of superstitions over the centuries.
In Persia, the garnet was good for protection from natural dangers, like storms and their lightning. In some stories, while there was no light from the moon or the sun during the storm that brought the flood, Noah's ark was lit with the light from a brilliant garnet. Many cultures saw garnets as protection against physical harm and wore them into battle. In fact, during the Crusades, both Christian and Muslim soldiers wore garnets for the exact same reason. Garnets were good at signalling danger since they would grow pale as it approached. They were also supposed to help protect travelers going on long journeys to ensure they came safely home and parting friends would exchange garnets in the belief that the stones would ensure they would meet again. In ancient Egypt, garnets could ward off depression and bad dreams.
The garnet's red color associates it naturally with blood and the stone was supposed to be a cure against inflammation. Too much blood could make you hot-headed, and the garnet was supposed to soothe anger and help with mental clarity and peace of mind. It was also associated with love and friendship. Many older engagement rings were set with garnet as it was supposed to represent loyalty and unchanging affection.
In Medieval Europe, dragon's eyes were sometimes said to be made of garnets. Garnets were also associated with the deep red pomegranate seeds Persephone ate while trapped in the underworld.
Garnets were popular through the Victorian times and are starting to return to popularity as different colored garnets are coming into vogue. Demantoid garnets are a beautiful green color while mandarin garnets are a brilliant golden orange. The iridescent garnet changes color, from red to purple under different lighting. And, as already mentioned, the blue garnet is a deep teal color and was only official in 2017. Garnet lovers have more choices than ever -
but there's something to be said for the classic red garnets that have entranced humanity down through the centuries.
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purestarjewelry · 4 days
Embrace Timeless Elegance: Round Cut Lab Grown Diamond Wedding Band in Women's White Gold
There's something truly magical about the sparkle of a diamond wedding band. It captures the essence of a love that shines bright and lasts forever. If you're looking for a piece that embodies this timeless elegance, consider the Round Cut Lab Grown Diamond Wedding Band in women's white gold, designed as a full eternity ring in 14k gold.
Why Choose Lab Grown Diamonds?
Lab grown diamonds have revolutionized the jewelry industry. They offer the same stunning beauty and durability as mined diamonds but with a few key benefits:
Ethical Sourcing: Lab grown diamonds are created in a controlled environment, ensuring that your gem is conflict-free and environmentally friendly.
Identical in Every Way: These diamonds are chemically, physically, and optically the same as mined diamonds, meaning they have the same brilliance and sparkle.
Cost-Effective Luxury: Lab grown diamonds typically cost less than mined ones, allowing you to get a bigger or better-quality diamond for your budget.
The Beauty of the Round Cut
The round cut is the most popular diamond shape, and for good reason. Its design maximizes the reflection of light, creating an unmatched sparkle. Each facet is cut to perfection, making the diamond shine brilliantly from every angle. When set in an eternity band, the round cut diamonds create a continuous circle of sparkle, symbolizing infinite love.
Full Eternity Band: A Circle of Forever
A full eternity band is a perfect symbol of everlasting love. With diamonds encircling the entire ring, it represents an unbroken bond. This style is not only visually stunning but also deeply meaningful. It's a constant reminder of the promises you've made to each other, with each diamond symbolizing a special moment in your journey together.
The Allure of 14k White Gold
White gold has a sleek and modern look that complements the brilliance of diamonds beautifully. The silvery hue of 14k white gold enhances the sparkle of the round cut diamonds, creating a seamless and sophisticated appearance. It's durable enough for everyday wear, making it a practical and stylish choice for a wedding band.
Why This Ring Is Perfect for You
Timeless and Classic: The round cut is a classic choice that never goes out of style, while the full eternity design adds a touch of luxury.
Ethical and Sustainable: Lab grown diamonds offer an eco-friendly and ethical alternative to mined diamonds, so you can wear your ring with pride.
Versatile and Elegant: This ring pairs beautifully with any engagement ring or can be worn alone as a statement piece.
In Summary
A Round Cut Lab Grown Diamond Wedding Band in women's white gold is a stunning representation of love that lasts forever. Its full eternity design, set in 14k white gold, makes it a timeless and elegant choice for any bride. With its ethical and sustainable nature, this ring is perfect for the modern woman who values both beauty and responsibility. Whether you're exchanging vows or celebrating an anniversary, this wedding band is a piece you'll cherish for a lifetime. 💍✨
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wonerinternational · 11 days
Solitaire Engagement Rings: Your Complete Guide
Categories: Engagement Rings
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Timeless, elegant, and highly popular, solitaire engagement rings continue to capture hearts with their minimalist beauty. Loved for their simple yet refined design, these rings are a top choice for those seeking a sophisticated look. At Woner International, a diamond jewelry exporter of global repute, we offer a stunning selection of solitaire engagement rings that stand out for their exceptional craftsmanship and style.
Whether it’s a proposal or a special anniversary, solitaire rings symbolize life’s most precious moments with their sleek bands and brilliant diamonds. In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about solitaire engagement rings and why they’re a favorite in the world of fine jewelry.
What Is A Solitaire Engagement Ring?
The term "solitaire" originates from the Latin word “Solus,” meaning "alone" or "sole." In the world of jewelry, a solitaire engagement ring refers to a single diamond set prominently on a metal band, creating a classic and elegant look. Solitaire rings are known for their simplicity and their ability to highlight the diamond’s brilliance. At Woner International, our solitaire diamond rings showcase exquisite craftsmanship, offering clients timeless beauty in every piece.
Why Choose A Solitaire Engagement Ring?
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For individuals with a refined sense of style, solitaire engagement rings are the perfect choice. The simplicity of the design ensures that the center diamond shines brilliantly, making it the star of the show. Here are a few reasons why solitaire engagement rings are a great choice:
Uncomplicated Beauty: With no additional stones or elaborate details, the solitaire setting allows the diamond to truly shine.
Timeless Appeal: The minimal design ensures that this style never goes out of fashion, offering sophistication for years to come.
Versatile: Solitaire rings pair beautifully with gemstone jewelry or wedding bands, making them adaptable to any occasion or style.
Customization Options: Whether you prefer rose gold, yellow gold, or platinum, you can customize your solitaire ring to suit your personal style. At Woner International, we provide a wide range of options to make your solitaire engagement ring unique.
The combination of diamond jewelry exporter expertise and high-quality materials ensures that your solitaire ring from Woner International will remain a cherished symbol of love and commitment.
Solitaire Engagement Rings for Every Diamond Shape
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Solitaire rings are designed to accommodate various diamond shapes and sizes, ensuring the diamond remains secure and beautifully highlighted. While round diamonds are the traditional choice, you can also opt for fancy shapes such as oval, pear, cushion, marquise, and emerald cut diamonds. At Woner International, a diamond jewelry exporter, we provide a diverse range of diamond shapes to match every preference and style.
What to Look For in a Solitaire Engagement Ring
When choosing a solitaire engagement ring, the most important aspect to consider is the quality of the diamond. Since the design is simple, all the attention is on the center stone. Therefore, it’s essential to choose a high-quality diamond that is certified and evaluated based on the 4 Cs: Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat.
At Woner International, we recommend diamonds that are GIA-certified, ensuring that your solitaire ring not only looks magnificent but also meets the highest industry standards. Whether you’re looking for a classic round diamond or a unique fancy shape, our experts are here to guide you through the process.
Additionally, there are a variety of prong settings to choose from, including classic four-prong, six-prong, bezel, and cathedral settings. Each style offers its own unique aesthetic, allowing you to create a personalized design that reflects your taste.
Pros and Cons of a Solitaire Setting
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Timeless and classic design that never goes out of style.
Versatile enough to pair with any wedding band.
Emphasizes the beauty of the center diamond.
Fewer design elements compared to more elaborate settings.
More frequent cleaning may be needed as there are no other stones to distract from dirt on the diamond.
Lab-Created Diamond Solitaire Ring Price
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If you're seeking affordability without compromising on quality, consider a lab-grown diamond solitaire engagement ring. Lab-grown diamonds are 100% real diamonds with the same chemical and optical properties as natural diamonds. At Woner International, a trusted diamond jewelry exporter, we offer lab-created diamonds that are both eco-friendly and budget-friendly.
Lab-grown diamonds are priced about 30% lower than earth-mined diamonds, making them an excellent choice for those looking to create a custom solitaire engagement ring without breaking the bank. You’ll get the same brilliance, clarity, and durability, but at a more affordable price.
Solitaire Engagement Rings With a Wedding Band
Solitaire engagement rings are highly versatile and pair beautifully with nearly any wedding band. For a harmonious look, choose a wedding band that matches the metal of your engagement ring. For those looking to add extra sparkle, stacking multiple bands on either side of the solitaire ring is a popular trend.
At Woner International, we offer custom options for both engagement rings and wedding bands, allowing you to create a seamless set that’s as unique as your love story.
What is the difference between a solitaire and a diamond? A solitaire refers to the setting—a single stone placed on the band—while a diamond refers to the type of gemstone. Solitaire settings can hold diamonds or other gemstones.
Does an engagement ring have to be a solitaire? No, while solitaire rings are the most popular, there are many other engagement ring styles to choose from.
Why are solitaire rings the best? Solitaire rings are incredibly versatile and timeless, allowing for easy pairing with wedding bands of various styles. Their minimal design ensures that they’ll never go out of fashion.
At Woner International, we pride ourselves on being a premier diamond jewelry exporter, offering the finest solitaire engagement rings to clients around the globe. Whether you prefer a traditional diamond or a lab-grown alternative, we’re here to help you create the ring of your dreams. Contact us today to begin your journey toward the perfect engagement ring!
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