#Mr Washed
msclaritea · 16 days
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Too many douche gamers kept skipping over the Doctor Strange character in Marvel Rivals (thanks again, for DS2 and the crap representation of such a cool character, Disney. Do better in 3, please) But, it turns out that the MR Strange is pretty beastly. He's got some cool features and a hang tough quality. I actually wish I could play it. I haven't played any video games since God of War.
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barely-gettin-bi · 3 days
spock with his hair that looks like a lego piece taking in a child with really curly hair and having to figure out how to properly take care of her curls and then having to figure out how to get saavik to be still long enough for him to actually take care of them
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cookietastic · 7 months
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Laundry day and distractions 🧺🫧
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wlwtsubomi · 1 year
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theriverbeyond · 3 months
working in human healthcare and also having a pet is so funny bc i will take my little guy to the vet and just. forget. that they don't have HIPAA for cats. I'm at the desk being like hi I'm here for my little guy and they don't even ask me to confirm his birthday. they don't have those "please stand 6 ft back for privacy" signs. the vet can come into the room and just discuss other animals currently being treated. because he is a cat.
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scowlsnwhiskey · 3 months
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flowerbloom-arts · 1 month
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Based on this animatic based on a TikTok soundbite.
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tvckerwash · 3 months
one of my favorite silly hc's is that all the characters I hc as being former odst's (wash, south, north) develop a dislike of heights and flying via that line sarge has in I think s7 where's he's like "where do you think I got the fear of heights from? that shit was crazy!" in regards to it being revealed that he used to be an odst
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cowardlycowboys · 11 days
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looks at you with malicious intent
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sergle · 2 months
i always thought it was meant like when you press together the dough for biscuits, so it's not really kneading and more just pressing down and trying to make it come together!
tsk tsk tsk... trying to get your cat re-hired at the bakery i see
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angelgigisworld · 7 months
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hermitcrimes · 1 year
Gem's crimes of episode 27
Murder ×31
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lucylessons · 11 months
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#less bullying #more supporting pls
#30DAYSOFLUCY for PRIDE 2023 THE ROOKIE (2018) – 2x05 // 4x05
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skiploom · 1 year
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columbo but he’s covered in mold
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So I may or may not be currently hyperfixating on Cats after finally seeing it live (fantastic production btw the 2022-23 cast is so good) and looking back on the Boschian nightmare that is the 2019 film, you know what the worst thing they did was? And I mean the WORST thing. It wasn’t turning sweet & matronly Jennyanydots into Rebel Wilson scissoring the camera. It wasn’t shoving poor Victoria into the role of protagonist in a musical that’s designed not to have a protagonist. It wasn’t the horrific MoCap suits (but I do still feel so bad for the VFX team that got thrown under the bus). It wasn’t even James Corden existing. I will go to my grave insisting that the movie’s greatest sin was, in fact, the straightwashing. Tom Hooper took my beautiful boys-
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And hit them with the hetero ray. How fucking dare he. The movie’s understanding of Tugger is so goddamn surface level it makes my head spin. Their version of him is a flirt and nothing else, and that isn’t actually the case in the musical. Like, for all his strutting and, ahem, gyrating, that Rum Tum Tugger isn’t actually all that interested in the girl cats who fawn over him is made pretty clear in his big number. But who DOES he show an interest in, in just about every version of the stage show?
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The movie adds insult to injury by still giving the “Rum Tum Tugger is a terrible bore” line to Mistoffelees, but then changing the context to make it no homo. Rather than Misto playfully teasing Tugger, he’s now acting jealous & trying to dissuade Victoria from taking an interest in Tugger. Because the film is so committed to convincing us that this guy is straight-
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that they wrote up a romantic arc for him out of whole cloth WITH HIS SISTER GUYS THEY WERE SO AFRAID OF GAY CATS THEY PAIRED HIM OFF WITH HIS SISTER. I know the film versions of their characters aren’t related (probably because Hooper & co didn’t know they were canonically siblings because they didn’t do their homework because they didn’t care they just wanted that awards bait)- but still what the actual fuck? No gays allowed but you can kiss your sibling. Truly a movie for Alabamans.
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randomwriteronline · 3 months
"We had deluded ourselves," Vakama answered simply. His shoulders had risen and fallen with his words in a disheartened, resignated shrug as he had simply gazed forward, never tearing his eyes from them. "We had grown accustomed to calling them ours. But they never were. They had never been meant to be."
Vastus followed his gaze.
"They were never ours," the Turaga repeated softly. "They were Mata Nui's first and foremost - from the very beginning."
They watched in silence, for a while.
Discussions typical of these situations were still on hold, hanging in the air with their jittering inevitability as they went unspoken in awkward glances and weights shifted from one foot to the other, cautious not to shatter the careful filigree of new pain that only the inhabitants of Spherus Magna were already familiar with.
The Toa looked beside themselves in a distant, lost manner. They kept touching them as though it would have done something. It didn't, and they knew it wouldn't; but they continued.
"It doesn't quite matter whose they were meant to be, in the end," the Glatorian murmured.
"It does," Vakama said, but there was no emphasis in his statement.
"It doesn't," Vastus insisted. "In the end, if you feel like this, it's safe to say they were yours."
"They were not," again, without conviction.
The Matoran touched them too.
As if that would have done something.
It didn't, and they knew it wouldn't; but they continued.
"They were yours," the Glatorian repeated. He recognized that quiet anguish; he had seen it, on many faces, across many years. "It always hurts," he continued, though he had changed the subject somewhat, "To see your children die before you."
A wordless moment passed. Many hands, smaller and bigger, kept touching them, their limbs and chests and masks, as if that would have done something.
It didn't.
And they knew it wouldn't.
But they continued.
"I don't understand that word," Vakama confessed. He still did not turn away from the sight of the gathering crowd touching them as if that would have done something. "I don't know what 'children' are."
Vastus thought quietly.
"Younger beings," he explained at last, hoping it would make sense: "Little ones, or bigger ones. They can come into your life as easily as they can not, planned or otherwise: they start knowing nothing, aimless, confused and scared, and it's your duty to guide and care for them. You teach them what you can; you tell them who you were, what they never saw. You love them despite it all and they love you too, hopefully. You teach them and they teach you back, sometimes. You watch them grow. One day they might be bigger than you. One day they might be the ones protecting you. One day you might watch them leave, and it will hurt. One day they might see you die, and you will always hope it won't be the opposite."
"Ah," Vakama spoke.
They kept touching them, as if that would have done something.
As if that would have kept the protodermis warm, the muscle taut.
It didn't, and they knew it wouldn't; but they continued, because there was nothing else to do except touch as if that could have done something.
"Yes, then, I suppose," the Turaga said very softly, in an unsteady, wavering breath, the mechanism in his throat which gave him his voice creaking like a door gone unoiled for far too long: "It must have been so. Or something like it."
Among the many cruelties bestowed by the Great Beings, he counted the ability to grieve in a body that cannot cry.
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