oliverwondertf · 4 months
A True Bromance
“Are you sure about this Mark?” I asked hesitantly. “That potion smells pretty disgusting babe. Whose underwear did you steal anyways?”
I pointed to the bubbling, dark green potion in my boyfriend’s hands as he took a whiff of its contents. He had just concocted another transformation brew and I was looking forward to seeing its effects in just a few moments.
“That’s just the way I like it - you know that bear. And hell if I know. I grabbed the first pair of boxer briefs I could find in an unlocked locker. Should make for an interesting shift this time…”
“Just promise me you’ll behave yourself this time. I know you like to get carried away when you shift.” The power to become someone else at your whim is truly an intoxicating power and I loved every moment he got to use it.
“Of course, bear.” He says with a devilish smirk. “I’m beginning to be a pro at this.”
With one smooth gulp, Mark downed the musky green potion and let out a satisfying burp, followed by a louder belch.
“Oh fuck…” Mark started to groan as his skin bubbled up and changed, starting with his arms and spreading across his torso and belly, before making its way down his legs and up to his face. Mark quickly stripped his body of his clothes, standing nude in our living room. I watched in horny disbelief as his features and his body proportions changed. His belly shrank down, becoming a nice set of toned abs. His body blossomed with copious amounts of body hair that began to materialize on his chest, abdomen, arms, and legs. He was pretty hairy before, but this was something else.
I watched as his face suddenly began to change, becoming unfamiliar to the cute adorable boyfriend that I’ve always loved. His beard more or less stayed the same, but his eyes, mouth, nose, and chin all began to reform. The final changes made their way over his body until I was left staring at the body and face of a very HOT and hairy gym bro.
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“Mmm, how do I look bear?” Mark asked me in a completely unfamiliar voice. He looked down lustfully and rubbed his new hands along his hairy torso and pits before grabbing his new cock and jerking it a bit. “Or should I say *bro*?”
I looked in awe as my new boyfriend began exploring his new jock body, admiring his new features in the mirror. He began flexing and posing as if he really was the man he was impersonating. He completed his look by putting on a necklace, sports cap, and his own earbuds.
“You look fucking amazing babe. How do you feel?” I say, trying to hide my growing erection. "What should I even call you anymore?"
“I feel fucking fantastic bro... It’s incredible what that potion can do. I’ll be in this form for at least a week… maybe more. I got a lot of his essence from those boxer briefs. It’s sexy this dick was getting sweaty in those.” Mark grabs his erect cock one more time and playfully teases it in front of me. "And you should keep calling me Mark - fuck if I know his real name."
“Yeah… fuck, we’re going to have to explore your body more in the bedroom. I’m leaking just looking at you right now, bear.”
“Oh I agree bro. But first you need to drink your potion, don’t you? 😈”
To be continued... This was my first time writing a story in a while! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it!
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teathattast · 6 months
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🌴 R8 🌴
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Naruto Shippuden S20 ep 1
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Brother body part swap part 2:
Oh man, my brother is such a dumbass, and now I get to keep his, I mean my new awesome big cock, I get he was trying to be helpful and make me happy, but how dumb could he be?
It started a few days ago when I got kinda self conscious after hanging out with my friends smoking pot, talkin about all the girls we fuck, when in actuality I don’t fuck many, kinda been hurt too many times when they make fun of my dick size….
After my friends left, I sat down with my bro who was high as a kite watching Tv
I asked him “hey Christian, I have a question for you”
“Yuh” Christian said not breaking focus from the tv and looking like a zombie
“How old were you when you first got laid” I said clasping my hands together and leaning in, trying to look like I was focusing on the tv and not his answer
“And how big is your dick?”
“Um about 9 inches… um you?” He said tilting his head to try and look at me
I wasn’t ready for him to fire back a question like that, I don’t wanna lie but I don’t want him to make fun of me if he’s actually 9 inches, bro must have gotten the good genes in the family
“Um, 7 myself. Why do you ask?” I said feeling like a fraud for lying
“Bro chill, I don’t care, you asked me first after all, what’s the problem, something wrong?” He said finally breaking from trying to make eye contact with me and faced the tv again
“Um, I mean, kinda I guess… some girls I’ve been with kinda think I’m small” i said sinking into the couch feeling embarrassed
“Nah bro, your good, I mean your pretty good looking, no homo. And 7 inches isn’t small, bigger than average, she’s probs just a college slut, there’s always someone bigger. Now let’s just watch the rest of this, and finish the season haha” my brother said laughing referring to the show we’re watching, Rick and Morty, what a fit show for a smoking session might I add
“… wait you think I’m good looking?” I said smiling trying not to blush for some reason “haha thanks bro, just one more question what’s your body count, like how often do you get laid?”
“Uh like 2 or 3”
“2 or 3!? Times or girls?” I said shocked from what I herd
“Times bro, now shut up we can talk about this later dude” he said annoyed that I kept bothering him
I was quiet for the rest of the episode and decided to go up to my room after that figuring that’s the most I could get out of him without it being weird. I mean it was already weird but I didn’t want it to be anymore
I ended up falling asleep pretty early that day sense me and my brother actually go to the same college, we both gotta get up early so he can drive us both there
I wasn’t asleep for long when I herd a knocking at my door
I sat up letting my hair dangle in my face and just pulled my phone out that way I could play games or whatever when whoever walks though the door decides to talk to me
Chris opened the door a little bit and stuck his head in
Ultimately he was just checking in on me asking how I was doing and eventually came in having one of those brotherly talks where he basically just tells me he cares about me, that he’s here if I ever need to talk, and how I’m his favorite little brother, when In reality I’m his only little brother…
We started talking about my problems and I broke down a little bit completely throwing myself onto my bad trying to hide my face so he couldn’t see I was about to cry
I told him I mainly just wanted a actual relationship but all the girls I do like dump me
He told me something along the lines of how he’s not like me, and was shocked this is what I actually want and how it seemed like me and my friends were playing a game of who could fuck the most girls
That just upsetted me even more cause I forgot for a moment about how I’m very good at making it seem like I’m a fuck boi that gets all the girls, when in reality all my one night stands, weren’t one night stands cause of my choice, they all decided 5 inches isn’t enough
Chris could see I was hurting on the inside from this, not knowing the actual reasoning why I can’t keep a girl, and told me that most of his girlfriends always thought I was the cute one, he then proceeded to ask if I wanted him to try and hook me up with one of them
“Ya” I said trying not to let my voice break
“Ok, I’ll start work on it tomorrow” Christian said walking out
The next day came and went as usual, however Christian did tell me I had a date with his Ex Beth in like 2 days! That’s not alot of time to prepare but I think he purposely set it up cause that’s my birthday, must just trying to be cheap and call my date a gift or something
I spent the whole rest of that day and the next telling Christian all my ideas for my date and asking questions like what did she like
Chris told me “just be you, maybe hang out for a little bit, dinner if she gets hungry, perhaps take her out to the lake and go for a swim”
I asked Chris “ how are we gonna get there? It’ll be pretty weird if you have to drive us, even more pathetic if she has to drive us” I said annoyed
I saw chris roll and eyes and reach into his pockets pulling out the keys to his mustang and tossing them to me
“Duh bro you can borrow my car I guess while you go on your date, don’t fucking scratch it tho, you know mustangs aren’t cheap” he said all seriously
“Seriously bro? Your gonna let me drive the stang? What’s the catch, why are you being so nice all of a sudden” I said squinting my eyes at him
“No reason bro, it’s your birthday, that’s like 1 of the 2 days a year I legally have to be nice to you, what you don’t wanna drive it?” Christian said raising an eyebrow to me
“No!, No!, I do! It was just a question that’s all” i said back peddling trying not to get him ask for his keys back
“Listen we can talk more about this tomorrow ok?” I said tossing him back the keys
Me being the stoner I am I proceeded to go back to my room and get high so I can fall asleep and wake up sooner to start enjoying my birthday
As always I’m typically the first one out the door but this morning I almost tripped over a packaged addressed to Chris
I opened back up the front door and yelled “Chris there’s a package here for you! On the step” And the. Proceeded to go back to the car
Once inside I kinda just closed my eyes and tried falling asleep again, sleeps one of my favorite things and I’ll take every minute I can get of it
For some reason my feet got super tight in my shoes but I didn’t think much about it just kicked them off so it quit distracting me from taking a few minute nap
After a bit I could hear my door open and a pair of shoes and keys were tossed on me
“Your driving” I herd a voice say
I looked up was shocked to see my own body wearing my clothes
“Bro what the fuck! Why am I looking at myself” i said frantically trying to pull the sun visor down just to be greeted with my brothers face instead of mine
“Holy shit! I’m you now Christian, how did this happen!?” I said feeling my face thinking I was still asleep
In the corner of my eye I could see my brother reach into his hoodie and pull out a necklace dangling it around his neck
“Remember the necklace you wanted” he said still jiggling the necklace around
“Ya and you got it? And it actually works!?” Holy shit bro this is crazy” I said unbuttoning my jeans so I can check his dick out
“Aye bro, I think you forgot a part” I said looking at him disappointed
“Nah dude, I just felt like it’d be weird to swap that, now anyways get up your driving.” Chris said standing there waiting for me to get up
I stood up, putting on his shoes and walked over to the driver side and started the car. Not gonna lie, really weird being in my brothers body, like carrying the weight feels weird, we both weigh almost the same but since Chris is taller I’m way skinner now than in my real body… but anyways I was really excited to drive my brothers car, I fucking love his car, I kinda have a thing for mustangs
I know it’s important to let your car warm up so I left it started for about a minute before I put it in drive and started heading to our classes
“So… um, how long is this gonna last? Or how long are we gonna stay swapped” i said trying to keep my eyes on the road
“Oh I don’t know, there was a instructions booklet but I don’t think we need that haha… aslong as you want bro, aslong as it’s within reason, so could be for a day, could be for a week or two, but I definitely don’t wanna be you for a whole month haha, guess you could consider this another birthday gift” said laughing checking his smile out in the side mirror
“Oh jeez, thanks bro, but you do remember I have that date tonight right?” I said a bit annoyed about the timing of the swap
“Well I mean we could always swap back after class. Or we could stay like this and I could go on your date for you maybe? That way I can do everything possible to make sure you get a 2nd date and continue seeing you, sense, ya know… you like to fuck up a lot haha” he said laughing at me
“Not funny dude, but ya dude I guess maybe it would be a good idea for you to go as me. You’d probably know what she would like and could probably seal the deal with her to date me” I said pulling off the main road and onto the campus looking for a place to park
“So we have a deal then?” Chris said holding a hand out
“Deal” i said shaking his hand
After turning the car off and opening the door to get out I herd Chris yell “Hope you have a good day CHRISTIAN” he said putting emphasis on his name, er I guess my name for now
“You too benji” I said also putting emphasis on his new name
I went to Chris’s class for the day and they were a lot harder than what I expected mainly the bullshit math and science ones that typically don’t have much to do with whatever major you pick
After school I waited by the car for my brother to come that way I can drive us both home and he can start getting ready his date
Chris was going though my whole closet looking for a outfit that was date worthy and when the time finally came for him to go pick Beth up, he came and grabbed the keys to the car
After he took the keys and left me in his room, I started looking at myself in the mirror slowly stripping looking at my boney figure
I mean Chris ain’t that bad looking but even he admits I’m the better looking one, I mean truthfully I don’t think I’d mind staying in his body, but only if I had his dick, that’s also assuming he’s not lying about being 9 inches hard haha, I know I’m no where near that, I’m really 5 inches and our dad is about the same so I doubt bro is even above 6
Wondering if it was possible a swap could be permanent I remembered Chris said there was a instruction book that he threw away cause who needs one for a fucking necklace
I found a little pamphlet in his trash and started reading it, really only 2 pages explaining how it works, how to do a swap, but after that there was a section explaining what to do if you want a swap to become permanent
The pamphlet said if you want a permanent swap all you have to do is jerk off since the magic in the necklace is holy magic, any sins done while swapped can break the magic link leaving it useless to those that used it. So things like sexual conduct before marriage, or even just jerking off was enough to break it
It’s a good thing I read this cause I was gonna jerk off but I don’t think I wanna be stuck as my brother, taller and skinner now but with the same sized dick I have, it kinda looks even smaller
I decided to get dressed again and started playing Chris’s Xbox looking for a good game to play, finally settling on over watch playing quick play not wanting to mess up his competitive score
About an hour and a half later, I was in the middle of the practice range testing out a new hero when I herd the door open, I paused it and turned around looking up to see my brother “how’d it go, does she still wanna go out with me?” I said
“Oh ya bro, it’s still not over, I’m just here to grab some shorts cause she wants to go down to the lake and go for a swim before it gets real dark… do you think it’d be wrong of me if I tried to fuck her on the first date?” He said grabbing a bag and putting some black shorts and some towels in it
“Nah bro, I mean it does sound like something I’d do, so she might be expecting it” i said not able to help giving him a sly smile
Chris ended up setting his bag down and went into the bathroom connected to his room, just then an idea struck me and I ran to my room grabbing a pair of my shorts and ran back taking his shorts out tossing them under the bed and stuffing mine in the bag
Just then chris came out the bathroom seeing me stuff something in there.
“What’s that” he said walking closer to grab the bag
“Uh… just some condoms, can’t be too careful right?” I said taking a step back trying not to seem suspicious
“Ugh ya thanks bro, stopping at a store to buy some might have been weird if she knew I was planning to do this haha” grabbing the bag and laughing while he walked out saying “see ya later bro”
After he left I couldn’t help but laughing to myself “oh man, I can’t believe I just did that, well I guess atleast now I I’ll know how big his dick is… although I suppose if he does fuck her once we swap junk, we’ll permanently be stuck like this, but I mean if he’s actually that hung and not lying, I think I could live with this, but fuck, I hate the fact that this is a gamble that he’s not lying about how big he is” I thought to myself
I went back to playing my game, going back to quick play, after like 5 or 6 games holding the controller in my hand resting them on my sweats, I started feeling someone brushing my hand, I lifted up both hands and saw a larger bulge than before
“Oh my god this is it, he put my swim shorts on” I thought myself backing out my game and getting up to go to the bathroom
I pulled my sweats down some and could see the large imprint on my underwear, I pulled those down too, to take a piss and was left almost speechless, bro looks as big soft as I do hard that’s insane haha
After getting done with taking I piss I went back to the room and took my pants completely off standing in the middle of the room in just my brothers underwear, I swapped into his early cause why not, not like I could actually swap anything myself
I pulled them down a little bit and grabbed my dick, thinking about how I have my brothers dick might be a little weird but the fact that it’s so much bigger is even hotter
It started growing in my hand and once fully hard I grabbed a tape measure and measured it, I just had to know
And sure enough he wasn’t lying, Chris actually does have a 9 inch dick, we’ll actually 9 inches and 1/4th
I started slowly jerking off at a pace that wouldn’t be able to make me cum, basically just edging and enjoying the use of my huge cock debating if I wanted to cum, I could be the nice brother and swap back with him, but at the same time he probably fucked his ex already, oh man she HAS to be disappointed, but at the same time I don’t wanna go back to disappointed women. But I might not have to, if he fucked her then that means we can’t swap back anyways, but if he hasn’t then that means I have to give him his dick and body back
I sped up my jerking and kept stopping short of cuming for over an hour continuing my internal debate, on whether or not I wanted to do this and keeping Chris’s body, trapping him in mine, like I said kinda hot we’ve swapped bodies entirely, the big dick is even hotter, but I don’t know if I could keep his body forever
Just then I herd a car door slam and I figured that was Christian pissed off, not having anymore time to debate, I sped up, hoping I’m making the right decision, sense I’ve been edging for over an hour it didn’t take long for me to cum now that I ramped up the speed trying to bust before he walks in on me jerking, probably took less than half a minute of me jerking furiously to finally bust sending giant ropes of cum flying out my dick, 6 or 7 ropes total flew out my dick landing a couple feet away and a few more smaller ones landing on my feet
Just as I was panting, about to wipe the tip of my head off and put it away, Chris walks in, i looked at him the moment he opened the door, looking like he was about to yell but went into shock for a few minutes at the site of me with his dick in my hand
“You didn’t!” He said loudly with my old higher voice
“I froze, uh uh uh, this isn’t what it looks like” i said panicking, I thought I’d have a few more moments before he’d come in
“Really? Cause it looks like you swapped my shorts out for yours, I come back after my date almost exploding after I told her I’m almost as big as my brother, which was a let down for her when she saw I’m only 5 inches hard! And walked in right after you got done jerking off in my body!” He said angrily
“Uh, uh, Im sorry just couldn’t help myself, when I noticed my dick didn’t feel right I decided to check it out and then I got hard from looking at this chopper and I just couldn’t help myself haha” i said trying to break the tension
“Whatever dude your lucky Beth still wants to go out with you, we’re fucking done with this swap, get out” he said grabbing some of his clothes and a beanie
I walked out smirking knowing what was gonna happen.
“Hold on,” I said stopping at the door “I thought you said we could stay swapped for a week or too”
“Ya well you forfeited that when you took my shorts and swapped them with your own, I told you I didn’t wanna swap junks with you, I mean who wants a smaller dick, not to mention balls. I didn’t wanna lose 2 inches and instead you forced me to lose 4! Now get out!” He screamed at me slamming the door on me
I went back to my room smirking and just laid on my bed waiting for him to realize swapping back wouldn’t work
I laid in bed for about 5 minutes when I herd a “WHAT THE FUCK” from across the hall and then stomping coming my way
“Oh? Did you change your mind?” I said trying to look shocked but failing to hide a creeping smile from popping up on my face
“No as you can see, I’m wearing my clothes but nothing happened, now help me get this dam necklace off” he said failing to get the necklace off
“Oh this is great, I mean might not be the best body to be stuck in but with a dick this big, I don’t mind giving up the cute brother title, atleast I’ll be the big dicked brother haha fucking sweat!” I thought to myself as I walked over and tried to unclasp the necklace to no prevail, I decided to pull it off breaking the clasp to the necklace
I decided to grab some of my old clothes and put them on before I decided to loosely tie the necklace around my neck so I was technically still wearing it
“Did you ever read the instructions” i said trying to hide a smile
“No, what would be so important about stupid instructions for a necklace” he said frustrated
“A magic necklace, and well in the instructions it says that part of the magic is if you desire to keep your parts you have, all you have to do is cum, ether jerking off or sex, whatever gets you to blow” i said with a full blown shit eating grin now as I saw realization Dawn upon Chris’s face
“And well you already had sex with Beth in my body right?” I said
“Ya” he said changing facial expressions from confused to horrified
“And I already jerked off right before you got back. Which means nothing is probably gonna happen” i said
We waited in silence for a couple minutes before he finally snapped
“So you knew if you jerked off we wouldn’t be able to swap back!? What the fuck is wrong with you dude? Now we’re stuck like this! We gotta find a way to swap back, I don’t wanna be known as the small dick little brother” Chris said with tears in his eyes
“Let me reiterate something you said to me not long ago. “” who wants a smaller dick”” well not me, when I saw you weren’t actually bullshitting about having a 9 inch dick, I decided I don’t actually mind having your body. Knowing you probably would try and bang your ex in my body, I decided to seize the opportunity and jerk off in your body, just to seal the deal in case you didn’t fuck her, just so I can keep this” I said putting my hand in my pants and fondling my dick and balls
“I mean not to mention even if I didn’t swap our shorts out, sense you fucked her we’d still be stuck but then you’d be hung in my body while I kept my shrimp dick in yours, it kinda looked weird on me sense I’m skinner and taller now… so don’t be mad that you fucked up and made it permanent, I just took advantage and swapped the final thing out that way it’s a complete Bodyswap” i said
“I mean you don’t have to be known as the little dicked brother, your known as the cute brother now, you just happen to have a small cock now, so if I was you BENJI, I’d get use to being the smaller brother in more than one way, cause luckily for me, this is permanent now haha” i said laughing and putting emphasis on his name
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the-changeling-manor · 2 months
2024. Yes, it’s 2024. It’s only 2024. The future of humanity will be greatly influenced by this decade, both politically and culturally. But a subject that splits the opinions of all, transcending politics and culture, is defined in two words: artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence is currently in its infancy.
The ia coupled with chronivac technology could offer infinite possibilities to the users of the software, which is so known to transformation lovers, but yet so impossible to reach. Imagine the chronivac capable of thinking on its own to interpret a prompt, imagine the chronivac capable of analyzing the world around it simply by wandering on the networks, and imagine the chronivac capable of satisfying your desires just with a photo.
It’s just a Dream. Imagination. Unreal.
Isn’t that right? Well.... Don’t be so sure.
Think about this guy. He’s like you and me. I even think he's one of you who reads these words. Brown hair, thirty years old, young gay, it’s a kind of "mister everyone" in this community of male transformations, which besides will not even be named or represented by a photo, since I know that this guy is you. 
Indeed, every night, he connects on tumblr and reads these stories where people change to become the ones they dream of being, whether they are serious or only in the context of fantasy.
He reads stories, more or less exciting, sometimes redundant because full of clichés, the story you read is also a mountain of clichés, I guess. This ordinary guy is enjoying this moment. He is happy, even though he knows he will never be able to live it.
He is deeply sad.
He receives a notification. Someone who sends him a message on tumblr precisely. He thought it was still one of those bots that redirected to adult sites. Yeah you know, those same fake accounts that pollute youtube with their nude women photos. A real hell.
But this one was different. It had a profile picture of a Greek statue and a curiously long name. His message was accompanied only by a link, a link that immediately caught the attention of our young man since he could read the term “chronivac”.
There was little hope that it was not a dream, or his imagination, or unreal. But reality dominated his thinking. He opened the link 
“Chronivac, Latest Edition” was displayed in the middle of his screen. There was a drop-down menu with different pages on the website. One of them was called “Targets”. Clicking on it, he came across a world map, similar to Google Map but more sober. The site zoomed in on her house before displaying her name at its exact location. Not just her name. The names of her family members were there. Also those of the neighbors. And even of the inhabitants of the neighborhood!
Hope overcame reason. He wanted to believe it. He believed in one of those stories he could read on Tumblr. He pressed his name, and then— This is what he has always dreamed of. An extremely complete interface displaying all its physical or mental characteristics… There were even different options such as the ability to change reality or even use prompts instead of checking elements for transformations.
It was fantastic. He discovered the different menus and saw the image reader option as what the gpt chat could do. Suddenly, he had an idea. He recorded an image of a sexy guy that he followed on twitter and instagram. He added a prompt «Give me the identical physique of the man in the photo, and ONLY his physique». For the rest, he wanted something different. He did not want to become this man, he only wanted his body to serve as the basis for his new life.
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For his mind, he deliberately clicked on the «Stupid jock» option, not wanting to  click on ten thousand different options to forge a new personality. Finally, to better change the reality, he launched a second prompt: "I will become a heterosexual Hispanic sportsman, completely dominated by primitive and conservative thoughts. The chronivac will disappear from my life and I will never have access to it again, no matter what.”
This last part could have been replaced by the possibility of making the transformation permanent, but he did not want it. He liked these cliche stories where the protagonist was forced to stay in this new life, a real victim.
His excitement made him want to get through this. He voluntarily locked himself in there. He fell victim to his fantasies. And he loved it. Not clicking on the permanent option would torture him for the rest of his life, leaving him the hope of one day being able to return, even if the prompt made it impossible.
He wanted to explode with joy. He clicked on one last “Adapt Reality” option before pressing "save".
A flash of light blinded him for a few moments. When his body stabilized, he found himself in a basement with sports equipment. "Felipe" he whispered with a Spanish accent. The little voice in his head had just been replaced, he no longer spoke his original language. An uncontrollable desire led him to live his new life as Felipe.
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He now had the body of a god. He was incredibly well carved... neither too big nor fat. He measured 1.80m for 85kg. His beautiful pecs bounced, making him laugh. A long stupid laugh that let his intellect disappear, replaced by knowledge about bodybuilding, women and alcohol.
He had little hairs, apparently this gymbro body liked to shave... except under the armpits. He raised his arm to feel this tuft of black and musky hairs... sweat. Yes, it was normal, Felipe was doing his exercises. His whole body was covered in sweat.
Because of the sweat, his underwear was even tighter against his cock. His new penis was now circumcised, just a religious tradition. This cock had met many women in bed.
He also remembered that two friends had to join him for his bodybuilding session, and after that they were going to watch a football match. A good life well stereotyped for an athlete as stupid as Felipe.
He was now a gymbro like the others.
His mind was trapped inside Felipe, inside him, but he was so happy to have fulfilled his fantasy.
It was a dream, the imagination, the unreal come true.
Please forgive me for the mistakes, I am not fluent in English!
It was a first story, based on the most common clichés in order to do something a little different.
The next stories will be shorter, it was only for the beginning.
I am open to all requests, do not hesitate to offer me images with the source if possible!
The images of the new Felipe come from this X account: @Mariosalvadr
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thurstongrey · 4 months
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intersexfairy · 2 years
i am a trans man and one day i will love myself. even if not today. i am not doomed to hate myself for being a trans man. no matter how much i hurt right now, i will be happy. i will be my truest self. i will have pride. and it will be okay. one day.
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metalgrateeater · 2 months
Dweezel art based off the new ep and the stupid cube who I love a lot
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oliverwondertf · 4 months
A True Bromance: Part Two
Read Part 1 HERE.
I took the vial Mark was holding up in his hands. I studied the viscous blue liquid in the vial before bringing it up to my nose and taking a sniff.
“Fuck Mark. You made two shapeshifting potions? I’ve never tried this before. Who is this going to turn me into?” The differing blue potion smelled similarly to Mark’s potion - musk and body odor.
“You’ll just have to find out bro. But I’ll give you a hint - I didn’t go too much further to get the undies for this potion. I’ll bet the two of them were buds.”
“You really want me to change too, huh?” I asked him with a suspicious look as I swirled the vial in my hand.
“Duh, bro. Now c’mon drink up. This dude’s dick is so sensitive.” Mark taunted as he grabbed his manhood and began to jerk it a little bit.
I looked at the potion and thought about the prospects it would bring. I’d never shifted before but the thought of wearing another guy’s body for a bit did turn me on a lot. I didn’t want Mark to know it, but I really did have a serious kink for this kind of stuff.
Feigning a hesitant drink, I brought the vial to my lips and drank the blue potion in one smooth gulp. Instantly I could feel my insides burning, but it wasn’t painful - more erotic.
“Fuck Mark. I can’t believe you are making me do th- UGH!”
I doubled over as I felt my insides twisting and churning. I looked down and saw my body proportions changing before my very eyes. I watched as I started to get taller and my belly receded, being replaced by a set of toned hairy abs.
My skin began to tingle and tan and I watched in a mixture of awe and ecstasy as my arms and legs reshaped, becoming unfamiliar to my normally thick ones. Damn, this guy was a real bro. I noticed as I was moaning that my voice was slowly changing, becoming a mixture of my own and the guy I was turning into.
“Fuck bro. Watching you get fit as fuck like that is hot. I’ll miss our bear bellies, but it’s fun to have a jock’s build.” He flaunted as he ran a hand down his hairy abs and kept jerking himself off.
As my transformation finished and my moaning subsided, I looked down to see a light dusting of hair covering my abs and chest. I extended my arms out in front of me and cracked my knuckles before flexing and admiring my body.
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“Damn Mark. How do I look?” I asked him in my new unfamiliar voice. It sounded like I had a frat bro accent. “Whoa, I sound different.”
“Mmm, yeah you do bro. You look good enough to fuck!”
Suddenly Mark tackled me to the bed and we began to passionately make out as he pinned me down with his new found weight. It felt weird being dominated by someone I did not recognize and it definitely felt weird since I didn’t feel our guts up against each other. All I could feel was our excited dicks rubbing up against each other.
I can’t wait to hit the gym with my new bro later. Should be fun to get even more musky later.
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minnesotacore · 1 month
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Tantei Gakuen Q ep 24
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Brother body part swap part 1:
My teen brother after finishing high school and going to the same college as me as a freshman, went though a major transformation inbetween summer break and starting college
In high school he had a lot of friends, more than I do now as a senior, and I never really herd him talk about sex or getting with anyone when he was in high school.
But whenever we’d go home after school and he’d have his friends over, they would always talk about how and who they were banging that week, my brother always had the most outlandish stories, talking about how how he’d use his big dick to fuck whatever brode it was in his story, all the moaning, and getting his face shoved into her boobs
I was kinda proud of him, I’ve only been with 3 girls myself, but what I was even more proud about was hearing how he had a big dick, I’ve seen my father’s one time on accident when I was a kid and was afraid that’s what I would peak at. luckily I’m probs 3 or 4 inches bigger than my old man. I was worried my brother didn’t get laid any in school cause he had my fathers dick size, but I guess I was wrong
I envied my brother benji , i always thought he was better looking than me, and I don’t know how he went from the popular class clown to one of the supposed fuck boi’s on campus in such a short time
His friends always thought it was a bit weird that benji would invite me to their smoke sesh and get High while they told their latest stories and I never seemed to have any
I typically would just zone out and watch the tv, as their stories would just become white noise to me while getting high
One day after his friends left, benji shortly came back and sat down next to me while I was zooted watching Rick and Morty, he was always better functioning while high, probs from smoking in high school too, so he had a couple years of experience, I only started smoking with him cause I was curious and didn’t have a connect myself…
Benji started talkin to me, and started asking some weird questions, but I tried not to pay any attention to them since I was so into my show
“Hey Christian, I have a question for you” he said trying not to seem needy for a answer
“Yuh” I said still staring at the tv
“Um how old were you when you first got laid” he said putting his hands together and leaning forward focusing on the tv with me
“17” I said
“And ummm… how big is your dick”
“Uh like 9 inches…. Um…. You?” I said Tilting my head a bit to look at him
“Um… 7, myself, why do you ask” he said seeming uneasy
“Bruh, chill, I don’t care, you asked first after all, what’s the problem bro, something wrong?” I said, turning back to the tv
“Um, I mean I guess, some girls I’ve been with kinda think I’m small” it was as if I could feel him sink into the couch after he said that
“Nah bro, your good, I mean your pretty good looking, no homo. And 7 inches isn’t small, bigger than average, she’s probs just a college slut, there’s always someone bigger. Now let’s just watch the rest of this, and finish the season haha” i said laughing and reaching over to give him a brotherly tapping on his chest
“You think I’m good looking? haha thanks bro. just one more question, what’s your body count, or like how often do you get laid” he said laughing seeming to return to his happy self
“Um like 2 or 3” I said
“2 or 3 girls or times” he said looking directly at me shocked
“Times bro, now shut up, we can talk about this later” i said annoyed now
Thankfully benji decided to shut up for while… but I did decide to knock on his door before we both went to bed, so we can get up early and drive to campus…
***knock knock knock***
“hey bro, you good?” I said looking at him sitting down on his bed biting his lip, hair dangling down looking at his phone.
“Ya Chris, I’m good…” benji said not really seeming like he was in a good place
“Aye you sure ben? You know I’m here for you right? You’re my favorite little brother you know?” I said smirking
“I’m your only little brother” he said seeming to cheer up a bit”
“Ya I know” I said still standing at his door frame
“May I come in?”
I stepped into his room, which was kinda a mess but I don’t really blame him, my room was kinda the same when I was his age
“So um about some of the things you were talking to me about earlier, what was that about?” I said taking a seat in one of Beni’s gaming chairs, swinging it around so I can look at him
“Um it was nothing… just, some girl problems…. You know what I mean?” He said looking kinda sad at me
“I mean ya, don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my heart broken before but I’m not like you Brosif, it almost seems like you and your buddies have a game going on to see who can fuck the most girls or something haha.” I said trying to relate to him
“That’s the problem bro” he said tossing himself on his bed but still facing his head towards me so I can here him talk
“I can get with chicks no problem, but none of them seem to wanna date me for some reason, and the few I have dated, cheated on me with guys they said had bigger dicks, said I wasn’t enough for them” he said looking very distraught now clinching a pillow to his chest
I felt bad for my bro, it seems he’s really trying, but just can’t find the right girl, I know how it feels to hurt like that.
“Man, like I said earlier, they must just be sluts if that’s all they care about bro, don’t stress about it bro, I’m sure in a couple years you won’t think about any of them again” i said walking over and putting a hand on his shoulder
“ but I don’t wanna wait years, I wanna form a connection with someone that cares for me bro, it fucking sucks” benji said as I saw a tear slip out his closed eyes
“I’m sorry man, maybe I can try to hook you up with one of my exes bro, some of them have told me they thought you were the cute brother anyways haha, they might be interested, you always liked hanging out with me and my girlfriends right?”
“Ya” he said voice trying not to break
“Ok then, I’ll start work on it tomorrow, get a good night sleep bro” I said heading to the door”
“And um, benji, just know, your never lonely as long as you have family, your a good person, good night, love you bro” i said closing the door heading back to my room
Once back in my room I hopped on my instagram, and was scrolling though posts when I saw a post from benji’s fanstagram (fake instagram account) where he shared a link about some necklace that looked kinda cool but clearly wasn’t real (the material I mean, definitely didn’t look like real silver). I checked the comments and I guess it was suppose to be some magic prop from a show or something, came with warning labels and all, but what does a necklace need a warning label for? Ya know what I mean haha?
Anyways the necklace was SUPPOSEDLY enchanted by a witch, and the wearer could swap bodies parts with other people when he wore the necklace and put on the clothes of the person he wanted to swap with.
I thought it was weird but decided to go ahead and purchase it anyways for him, sometimes ya just need to get a gift for one of your family members, plus I mean his birthday was in a few days anyways, luckily the deliver date was a day before his birthday, talk about coming in clutch haha.
The next day came by and was kinda uneventful, for some reason I was just really excited to see benji’s face when I give him his gift
I did however was able to get one of my ex’s “Beth” to agree to go on a date with him, even better was it was gonna be on his birthday too, guess I got him 2 gifts haha, when I told him he seemed really excited telling me I’m the best brother anyone could ask for
Another day gos by uneventful, benji telling me about all the idea’s he has for his date, asking me questions like what I think she’d like… I told him, “just be you, maybe hang out for a bit, dinner if she gets hungry, perhaps take her to the lake and go for a swim” I said winking at him
“How am I gonna get there? It’s be kinda weird if you drove us, also kinda pathetic if she has to drive us” he said seeming like he was trying to hint at something
I rolled my eyes and tossed my keys at him “duh bro, you can borrow my car I guess while you go on your date, don’t fucking scratch it tho, you know mustangs aren’t cheap”
“Seriously bro? Your gonna let me drive the stang? What’s the catch, why are you being so nice all of a sudden” he said squinting his eyes at me
“No reason bro, it’s your birthday, that’s like 1 of the 2 days a year I legally have to be nice to you, what you don’t wanna drive it?” I said raising an eye at his question
“No!, No!, I do! It was just a question that’s all” he said back peddling
The rest of the night went as usual, play’ed some games, did homework, kept checking the mail all the way till 9 pm waiting for benji’s gift to come, it’d be ashame for it to arrive after his birthday, not really a birthday gift then is it?
The next morning I got dressed and ready to go to campus, benji was the first one out as usual and just waited in the car, but he did yell out the door that I had a package on the step
“This is it” I thought to myself “it arrived, good thing too, I’ll give it to him after school” my internal monologue continued as I ran down the stairs to grab it and ran back up to my room
I opened it up and saw the necklace in a plastic baggy, aslong with instructions…. “Who needs instructions for a necklace like seriously? How hard is it to put a necklace on haha”
It did look pretty cool, I decided to open it and try it on, my head was too big to just slide it over my head, so I had to unclasp it and clasp it again around my neck
Looking in the mirror on my dresser I decided it really did look good, and I should have gotten myself one too, that way we could match, but too late now I guess, could always check and see if they still have any later I suppose
For some strange reason I thought back to what the description said of the necklace, about how it could supposedly swap body parts by wearing other people’s cloths, and I know it’s dumb, but you know what they say. Curiosity killed the cat.
I didn’t have any of benji’s spare clothes in my room, but he did leave a pair of his shoes in my room from hanging out with me a lot
I took mine off including socks since if there’s a chance this would work, socks would probs mess with it, cause you know, socks are actually touching you, shoes just touch your socks
I managed to fit my feet in benji’s smaller shoes, they weren’t that much smaller than mine, but with me wearing size 12’s and him wearing 10.5’s they were small enough that I had to curl my toes to fit in them
I stood up with disappointment as I took a few steps and still felt my feet curled up…. I decided to sit back down and take them off. But when I did I was met with toenails that looked like they haven’t been clipped in over a month, strange since I just clipped mine last week…
A spark of hope was reignited as I noticed they seemed a bit smaller too
I stuck my foot back into benji’s vans and was shocked that I didn’t have to curl them to fit now… maybe I just had them so tense the first time I couldn’t feel that I didn’t need to curl them anymore…
I decided maybe this could be another gift for benji? Maybe let him live as the older brother for a week or something? If that’s what he wants of course…
I knew we were gonna be late to class if I spent too much time fucking off, so I decided to rush to benji’s room kicking his shoes off and striping. I opened his closet and grabbed a shirt and pair of pants and threw them on. I saw a pair of dirty underwear on the ground but decided against it, I feel like that would be too weird having my brothers junk
After waiting with my eyes closed for half a minute I opened them and saw that I looked a bit shorter, I mean after all benji was 5’10 compared to my 6’ so not to much of a difference. I decided to take my shirt off just to make sure I’m not crazy and saw my new chest and immediately knew it worked, I use to have a treasure tail on my stomach but not anymore sense benji could never grow one, plus my arms looked a bit thicker, not fat or anything, benji was far from that, but more like it looked like he went to the gym… once a week haha… not to mention benji weighed maybe 5 or 10 pounds more than me dispute being a couple inches shorter, I could see he, er I guess, I now had the beginnings of a faint 4 pack, I mean I had abs myself but they were from how skinny I use to be.
Now the Only issue, is I still had my old face, and I know benji didn’t wear any hats so that was an issue
Truthfully I wasn’t sure this would even work, not because I don’t believe in magic, I mean the shoe part proved me wrong, but because a lot of his clothes are hand me downs from me, but I guess aslong as he’s worn them it works?
I went back though his closet and found a hoodie that I’ve seen him wear before, I decided to put it on and zip it up, I put the hood over my head and pulled the strings so it covered as much of my face as possible and waited
“Please work, please let this count as a head article” i said outloud waiting
Wasn’t that long till I felt something touching my eyes
I let go of the strings and pulled back the hood still facing the mirror
“Yes! It worked” I said seeing benji’s face and much longer hair than mine
I was shocked to hear his voice, it definitely wasn’t mine but didn’t sound exactly like benji ether,
“is this how benji sounds to himself” i said aloud making faces in the mirror trying to get use to this
“Well I guess they do say due to vibrations in the skull, people think their voice is actually deeper than it actually is” I thought to myself as I tied benji’s shoes on and ran back to my old room and grabbing my old pair of shoes
Even tho this is crazy, I’m still thoughtful and knew benji must be feeling the shoe swap, if he hasn’t already noticed the rest of the swap
I ran down stairs and passed my mum on the way out “benji, I thought you all left already” she said not even bothering to stop preparing breakfast for when dad wakes up
“Ya I just had to grab something real quick, bye love you mom” I said continuing my way out the door
I got outside and continued running to the drive way, I got close enough and could see myself passed out in the passenger seat. I got closer and opened the passenger side door, seeing benji simply took his shoes off and relaxed instead of questioning what was happening
I tossed my old shoes at him and tossed my pair of keys on the lap waking him up
“Your driving Christian” i said winking at him
“Bro, what the fuck, why am I looking at myself” benji said pulling down the sun visor to check the mirror
“Holy shit, I’m you Christian! How is this possible” he said feeling his face
I pulled the necklace out from being tuck under the hoodie and shook it
“Remember this necklace you wanted?” I said still dangling the necklace
“You got it? And it actually works? Holy shit bro, this is crazy” benji said reaching into his pants feeling around
“Aye bro I think you forgot underwear” he said looking up at me
“Nah, I just felt like it’d be too weird to swap that, now any ways get up, your driving.” I said trying to get into the passenger side
Benji got in the driver seat and started it up, waiting 30 seconds for the engine to warm up before sticking it into drive
“So um, how long does this last? Or how long are we gonna stay swapped” benji said keeping his eyes on the road
“Oh I don’t know, there was a instructions manual but I didn’t think we’d need that, so As long as you want bro, aslong as it’s within reason, so could be for a day, could be for a week or 2, but I’m definitely not doing a whole month haha… you can consider this a 3rd birthday gift I guess”
“Jeez thanks bro, but um, you do remember I have a date tonight right?” He said a bit annoyed at the timing of the swap
“Well, I mean we can always swap back after class. Or…. We could stay like this and I could go on your date for you maybe? That way I can do everything possible to make sure she wants a 2nd date and continue seeing you, ya know since you always seem to fuck shit up haha” i said laughing
“Not funny dude, but ya I guess maybe it would be a good idea for you to go as me, you’d know what she would like, and could probs seal the deal with getting her to date me” benji said pulling off the road into campus to park
“Sounds like a deal then” I said reaching over to shake his hand
“Deal” he said
After benji turned the car off and we got out I decided to make a joke about the situation before I headed to his class’s
“Have a good day Christian” i said putting emphasis on the name
“You too benji” he said doing the same
I went to benji’s classes and tried doing my best impression of him, especially sense one of benji’s friends that we typically smoke with decided to come sit by me
I decided to talk with him and boast about how I got a hot date with Christian’s ex “Beth” to which benji’s friend just absolutely lost it
“You got a date with Beth? Dude that’s insane, I always thought she was your brothers hottest ex, you tots gotta get pics and share them with me bro” he said dabbing me up
“I don’t know bro, I might just keep them all for myself dude haha” I told him smirking
The rest of the day went as usual, or as usual as I can imagine for a day as benji. My date with Beth wasn’t for another 2 hours but I was still gonna prepare and go though my brothers closet to find the right outfit for this.
The time came and I went to grab my keys from benji, since he still had them on him personally.
I did everything I thought Beth would like, and it worked, took her for a early dinner, then a movie, and after wards she still wanted to hang out. I proposed going for a swim down by the lake which she seemed down for. We drove back to her house first since it was closer and she needed to pick up one of her bikinis and then headed back to my place since I would also need to get a pair of swimming trunks or shorts to swim in.
I went up to my room and saw benji sitting there playing one of my games, he paused it when he herd me come in
“How’d he go, does she still wanna go out” he said turning around seeming nervous
“Oh ya bro, it’s still not over, I’m just here to grab some shorts cause she wants to go down to the lake and go for a swim before it gets real dark… do you think it’d be wrong of me if I tried to fuck her on the first date? ” i said grabbing a bag and putting a pair of my black shorts in there and some towels
“Nah bro, I mean it does sound like something I’d do, so she might be expecting it” benji said smiling at me
Before heading out I left my bag next to benji as I went to take a piss, I could hear him leave the room and come back in a short amount of time. I came out the bathroom and saw him stuffing something into the bag
“What’s that” I said walking closer to grab my bag”
“Uh just some condoms, can’t be too safe right bro” he said stepping back seeming a bit weird, like I caught him doing something he shouldn’t
“Uh ya thanks bro, stopping at a store to buy some might have been weird if she knew I was planning to do this haha” i said laughing grabbing the bag and heading out
It was only a short drive to the lake, I parked and we got out together but decided to separate for a bit to change out of our clothes.
I got behind a tree and opened my bag, I couldn’t seem to find my shorts, I pulled out my phone and turned the flashlight on, pulling the towels out and found something I wasn’t expecting, my shorts weren’t in there but a pair of of benji’s orange, white and black striped swimming trunks.
“God damit benji, I told you I didn’t wanna swap dicks, that’s fucking weird, but I guess I have no choice now” I thought to myself as I kicked my jeans off and slide his swimming shorts on
I started headed to the lake but realized something felt off, my dick didn’t want to sit as usual, which I guess is understandable sense I’m not use to having my brothers dick. I decided to check the damage out and pulled my shorts down a bit grabbing my smaller soft cock
“Fuck bro I’m like 5 inches soft, but benji is like 3.5 soft, at best, I kinda wanna say closer to 3… he just must be a grower” I thought to myself as I herd Beth yell “hurry up benji, I’m waiting for you”
I could see Beth in the water, I got in to get closer to her but once I was waist high in, I saw she just undone the top half of her bra letting it float towards me “ops” she said giggling covering her mouth
After seeing that I hurried up and proceeded to go deeper into the water till I reached her. “Oh my god, your so gorgeous in this light” i said as I went in for a kiss
Beth allowed it and got close enough to wrap her arms around me and kiss me back “funny, your brother once used the same line on me, but to be honest, I always thought you were the cuter one” she said inbetween making out with
“Haha, thanks I get that a lot” I said feeling my dick starting to grow. It must have touched her legs as we were kicking to stay afloat cause she knew where I wanted to go next “should we take this to the shore” she said guiding me to it anyways
“You know what you’re doing?” She said sliding the bottom half of her bikini down exposing herself to me
“Ya, I just hope your ready for this, I’m almost as big as Christian haha” i said pulling my pants down just to have to bite my pride with shock mixed in
Benji had lied to me about his size, he wasn’t 7 inches, no where near, I looked down was greated by my new 5 inches of glory
I could see Beth’s facial expression change a bit as she covered her mouth
Before she could laugh or say anything I decided to just stick it in
Truthfully I could see why a lot of girls passed on benji, I bet over half the campus is bigger than Ben, not to mention it was mere minutes and I was ready to blow
This is kinda embarrassing as fuck, I don’t want benji to remember me as the one that fucked up his date and chance of a long term relationship cause I couldn’t hold it on
I tried my best to remember where her g-spot was and eventually I found it, but I just couldn’t seem to hit it all the way, I simply didn’t have the length anymore, I was able to get quite a few moans out of her when I would get far enough in to graze her spot, but I’m not quite sure if it was because I was reaching it, or if they were moans out of sympathy trying to keep my ego in check
Another couple minutes go by and she starts pulling my body closer trying to get me as close and as far as she could get me inside of her, she was moaning telling me not to stop, and I tried not, if I could have lasted another 15 seconds, I might have gotten her to cum first or as the same time as me, but I couldn’t, I herd a metallic click from around my neck just as I started to cum and lose my rhythm right before I got her to finish.
“Fuck I said” panting pulling out and laying next to her “ I know I almost had you finish, I just barely beat you to the punch, I’m so sorry, not very gentleman like of me to not let you cum first haha” I said laughing trying to defuse the situation
“Well, you certainly don’t last as long as your brother, nor are you anywhere near as big, but I guess you did the best with what you had to work with, your lucky your cute you know, or else I might consider this a one night stand” she said laying there with her eyes closed for a few moments
“Ok, well, let’s get you home I suppose” i said getting up and offering her a hand up
I dropped her off walking her to her door, able to steal a good night kiss before separating for the night
I drove back home in a fury, benji almost fucked this up and he wasn’t even the one on the date!
I rushed up the stairs once I got home and went straight to my room, I opened the door ready to yell at benji but was left silent after being caught off guard. When I opened the door, I saw benji in my body, panting looking down at himself, no pants on, underwear halfway pulled down and cum falling off my big dick
“You didn’t!” I said loudly surprising him
“Uh uh uh, Christian, this isn’t what it looks like” he said panicking
“Really? Cause it looks like you swapped my shorts out for yours, I come back after my date almost exploding when I told her I’m almost as big as my brother, which was a let down for her when she saw that I’m only 5 inches hard! And walked in right as you finished jerking off in my body!” I said angrily
“Uh uh, I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help myself, I noticed my dick didn’t feel right, so I checked it out, and then I got hard from looking at it, and I just couldn’t help myself” benji said back tracking
“What ever dude, your lucky Beth still wants to go out with you, we’re fucking done with this swap, get out” i said grabbing some of my clothes and a spare beanie off the ground
“I thought you said we could stay swapped for atleast a week!?” Benji said defensively moving to the door
“Ya well you forfeited that when you took my shorts and swapped them with your own, I told you I didn’t want to swap junks with you, who wants a smaller dick? Not to mention balls. I didn’t wanna lose 2 inches and instead you forced me to lose 4. Now get out!” I said slamming the door on him
I kicked my shoes off stripped naked putting on all my old clothes, and layed on my bed waiting a couple minutes to swap back before I got up
I opened my eyes and looked at the mirror positioned so that I can see myself on my bed. I was surprised to still be greated by benji’s shit eating face
“What the fuck” I said outloud heading to benji’s room to get him to put the necklace on and swap us back
I walked in and he acted shocked to still see me as him
“Did you change your mind” he said smirking
“No as you can see I’m wearing my old clothes but nothing happened” i said trying to unclasp the necklace to give it to him but failing. “Now help me get this necklace off”
Benji came over and tried unclasping to no prevail.
Benji laughed and said “hold on” as he yanked the necklace making the clasp break so the necklace would come undone
Benji made a big ole show about picking up some of his clothes and putting them on before loosely tangling the necklace so it was kinda tied around his neck “did you ever read the instructions” he said trying not to smile but failing
“No, what could be so important about stupid instructions for a necklace” i said
“A magic necklace, and well, in the instructions it says that part of the magic is if you desire to keep the parts you have, all you have to do is cum, ether jerk off, sex, whatever gets you to blow” he said looking at me with a full blown shit eating grin
“And well, you already had sex with Beth in my body right?”
“Ya” I said slowly realizing what this ment
“And I already jerked off right before you got back. Which means nothing is probably gonna happen” he said
We waited there for a solid two minutes before I finally broke
“So you knew if you jerked off we wouldn’t be able to swap back? What the fuck is wrong with you dude, now we’re stuck like this! We gotta find a way to swap back, I don’t wanna be known as the small dick little brother” I said tears starting to form in my eyes
“Let me reiterate something you said to me not to long ago, “”who wants a smaller dick”” well not me, when I saw you weren’t actually bullshitting about having a 9inch dick, I decided I don’t actually mind having your body, knowing you’d probably try and bang your ex in my body, I decided to seize the opportunity and jerk off in yours so I can keep this” benji said putting his hand in his pants
“So if I was you, id get use to being the little brother in more than 1 way benji, cause luckily for me, this is permanent now haha” my brother said laughing to me, putting emphasis on his name.
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metrotrainsmelbourne · 4 months
When you're in a train station and you feel the ground rumbling beneath your feet. That's the trains purring :)
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gaspingandcompressing · 9 months
I enjoy being choked in bed. A lot. (Safely, of course.) But, I recently had a fantasy I’m dying try… Instead of being choked, I’d hold my breath while I touched myself. I wouldn’t be permitted to breathe on my own until I came. My partner would be able to breathe for me by doing mouth to mouth whenever they saw fit. I’d never know when my next breath was coming, or how long it’d last. It’d be entirely at their control and discretion. I probably wouldn’t last very long if we’re being honest🥵
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thurstongrey · 3 months
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anthemofgvf · 1 year
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im obsessed w the red and white. giving purity and sin all at once.
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