#My Dragon Age
elfcollector · 3 months
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DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS (2009) — developed by bioware.
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legoprime · 1 year
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Since apparently I'm doing this backwards, last set of designs is Renan Surana! This is the most I've ever drawn of him, so I hope y'all enjoy meeting the angry Warden.
Avery Hawke | Lorenn Lavellan
Thoughts under the cut:
Renan has a hard time showing emotions, one of the many side effects of being an elf in the Circle since he was five. A subdued, well behaved mage draws less attention than others.
Once he was out the emotion he learned to express the easiest was anger, though only his companions remember this side of him. Everyone else thought he was perfectly cordial. (It was blood magic.)
He began wearing heavy armor after becoming an Arcane Warrior, and continued this through his time at Vigil's Keep. He's also made small efforts at times to keep his hair cut, but it varies year to year.
Vigil's Keep... was not a good time for him. When you're 19 and your girlfriend leaves you and you realize, shit, you actually have feelings for her, and also she's carrying your child and you never even considered having children before because you were a Circle mage all your life, AND on top of all that you suddenly have to manage an entire Arling with no experience, well, it doesn't put you in the best headspace. He drank a lot that year, got a lot more bold about the blood magic, and found out people care more about the bad decisions you make when it isn't the middle of a Blight. (The armor he's wearing here is a custom set Wade made for him from the Sentinel armor.)
The years after he left Vigil's Keep were the best of his life, living with Morrigan and learning how to be a father. Kieran helped him soften quite a bit, and he actually knows how to smile now sometimes. His arms are heavily scarred from all the blood magic and he tends to keep them covered around others, though I imagine when they were alone exploring the Crossroads neither really cared what they were wearing (if anything).
Renan left to research a cure because he began hearing his own Calling a few years before the Breach. He's studied with Avernus and is talented enough with blood and blight magic to stall the effects in himself, but it's slowly been becoming more noticeable. His pallor and resting bitch face make him intimidating to approach, but he's reasonably friendly towards other researchers so long as they don't waste too much of his time.
I honestly don't know where he is now, since Bioware definitely isn't done with Morrigan and whatever they do with her is going to affect him. Ideally he found a reasonable enough cure and they're back together now, though even if they're apart I like to imagine they still see each other often through the Eluvian network. Providing someone (Solas) hasn't locked them both out of it.
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high-dragon-bait · 2 years
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Your friends are a fate that befell me Hell is the talking type I'd suffer Hell if you’d tell me What you'd do to me tonight
Ah. The things that happen in abandoned mansions in Kirkwall
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theydjarin · 8 months
Build an Inquisitor Lighting Round: Romance
Build an Inquisitor Results & Master Post | Follow Tag
Based on previous polls, I've made Aakak, a qunari mage, destined to be a knight enchanter! People think he's a hardass because he's stoic, a little shy, and keeps his cards close to his chest, but he's a huge softie around anyone he trusts.
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nipuni · 3 months
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Emmrich Volkarin 💀
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mzcain27 · 1 year
I think game studios should just release their character creators online. For the times when I don’t wanna play the whole game, just the lil dress up part
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stealingpotatoes · 2 months
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broke: everyone calls Hawke by surname bc the game can't get people to say your custom name
woke: nobody in Kirkwall knows Hawke's first name
(commission info // tip jar!)
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perplexingly · 30 days
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My favourite Merrill banter
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sclappin · 1 month
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Hey guys! Let's put my art to good use!
Dr. Mohammed Al-Deeb ( @mohammedaldeeb ) reached out to me on my personal blog looking for help spreading awareness and getting donations for his fundraiser to get himself and his family out of Gaza & support themselves in Egypt once they get there. He is #212 on nabulsi and el-shab-hussein's Vetted Evacuation Fundraiser spreadsheet.
I'm doing drawing requests for anyone who donates at least €5 to his GFM and sends me a screenshot of their receipt. They can be sent to me here or @petitelappin. You can request a guy from your shows, your OC, your cousin Kyle, and I'll make a little drawing for you.
Match my own donation of €20 and I'll add color!
Let's see how much we can raise!
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hattedhedgehog · 2 months
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I've finally finished my Dread Wolf tarot embroidery from Dragon Age Inquisition! Clocking in at 64 hours of work, it measures 11.5 X 19.5 cm and I've been chipping away it during my downtime at work. My fellow community council members on Dragon Age: The Veilguard may have been biased while helping me choose which character's card to do, but I'm so grateful they did because it was so much fun to work on, and so different from the previous ones.
This is my fourth large Dragon Age character card project, and the first one I started since I uprooted everything to train as a costumer. Having a portable yet elaborate project was comforting while travelling for new experiences.
Now, who's excited for the new game later this year?!
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chanafehs · 2 months
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skyhold maid to a dreadwolf hunter? never underestimate a lesbian
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ruushes · 2 months
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i'm sure there's a canon timeline but dao is a springtime game to me
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legoprime · 1 year
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Continuing with character models I decided, what the hell, it's been years, let's completely reinvent my Hawke.
Renan Surana | Lorenn Lavellan
Thoughts under the cut:
I've played a lot of Hawkes, mostly mages, but deep in my heart none of them ever felt as completely, utterly Hawke as my very first purple warrior did. He was special, but so was Avery, and so I finally decided to mash them together and see what came out. I gotta say I'm pretty pleased with what happened!
Garrett Avery Hawke went by Garrett or Hawke as a young adult and as the Champion. Anders was the first to call him Avery as a pet name once they were partners, he loved it and started going by it full time when they went on the run together.
Renegade Hawke brings back the classic Avery look! Everyone knew him as the Champion, there were paintings and personal accounts of him all over the Free Marches; when he left Kirkwall he left everything recognizably "Hawke" behind and began experimenting more with his appearance.
One of the things that got left behind was the Champion armor, which stayed in Kirkwall. Varric had it shipped to Skyhold later for appearances, and Avery left it with Varric when he left again. It's probably set up somewhere prominent in Viscount's Keep now.
Over the years between Kirkwall and Skyhold he injured his shoulder several times, and had to switch from two-handed weapons to a lighter sword for his own health. Doctor's (Anders') orders.
I like to imagine him and Anders in the future settling in a nice farming village (nowhere near Kirkwall) and Avery becoming a house husband while Anders secretly helps the College of Enchanters. He'll still gladly pick up his sword and kill a Templar any day, but nowadays he's mostly doing farm work, supporting his husband, and providing eye candy to the local farmer's wives.
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high-dragon-bait · 2 years
idk if you talked about this and obviously the birth was hard to the hip but how was hawkes pregnancy
Context if you don't know: My Hawke has a baby with Fenris about halfway through act 3 that Varric left out of the story for obvious reasons. The birth was very hard, almost lethal, but Anders managed to save both Hawke and the baby. yay!
(Note: I realize now I keep switching between "Hawke" and "Avis" throughout this. Avis is the name of my Hawke, it's the same character. Sorry for the confusion)
So, physically it was fine. I already make the birth so hard that it feels mean to give her a really hard pregnancy. She had some nausea at the beginning but even then not an excessive amount. I have yet to be pregnant but I have never heard a single person on god's green earth who has describe it as pleasant, but I do think her pregnancy itself was merciful (which probably made the birth being so rough even MORE of a surprise now that I think about it, since it had been "easy" so far)
SOCIALLY though it was a fucking circus
I imagine the kirkwall crew finds out first and finds out quickly. Then everyone tries as hard as POSSIBLE to keep it a secret from the rest of Kirkwall for as long as they can. There are a million reasons for this. The baby being elf-blooded, Hawke being wanted by about 100 people at any given moment, Meredith and Orsino being wildcards, simply not wanting all of Kirkwall on her doorstep anymore than they already are they try SO HARD to stave it off for as long as they can. I'd say, it works for about the first six months. Which is pretty impressive! Avis tries to keep up her activity (going out, taking jobs, etc.) and quietly peters it out over the course of about month four-five to not raise as much suspicion over suddenly stopping her public Champion Acts. No, Fenris does not enjoy this part but understands the practical aspects, even if he's Really Stressed the entire time
She also keeps going to the Hanged Man, as she's seen there so regularly her suddenly stopping would raise suspicion. She even orders drinks. She doesn't DRINK them, Varric or Isabela so kindly gets rid of the drink itself for her, but she ORDERS them. She always wore loose fitting clothes and coats, so hiding her belly is easier than she would've thought at first. Of course it can't last forever. And when it finally does become impossible to hide, exactly what they were putting off starts to happen. They're getting undue attention from the city, letters of "congratulations" (totally not bribes) from Meredith and Orsino, people coming to their door, constantly offering "gifts" or "services" for the baby. Poor Bartrand and Orana basically take shifts dealing with these people because it is non-stop
And. There is a little bit of interpersonal social drama, and by that I mean there is drama exclusively started by Anders. Anders is NOT pleased with this situation
Everyone else is happy, Hawke and Fenris are happy, but Anders is not. Anders had been vocally against the relationship from the start, but had quieted about it after it became clear his influence was not going to split Avis and Fenris up (again.) Eventually, he relaxed, not because he got anywhere close to accepting their relationship, but because he'd built a narrative in his head that one day Avis would realize Fenris didn't really love her. That Fenris can't love anyone. And when that day came he would be ready, and he would be ready no matter how long it takes.
Then, Avis falls pregnant, and he is the one who tells her. Because who else is she going to go to when she starts to suspect she's pregnant? We already went over how she doesn't want anyone outside her inner circle to know. So, she goes to Anders, and he discovers it and he is devastated
I have a whole scene written, but the gist is that Anders tries to convince her of that narrative he's built. Tries to tell her that Fenris does not love her, he's already left her once, he'll do it again. If she ties herself to him she'll only be causing herself so much pain. She doesn't believe him. And that leads to Anders blurting: "What about Kirkwall? What will the people say when their Champion gives birth to a bastard half-breed?"
And they both just go completely silent. Avis starts to leave, and Anders tries to say he's sorry, but she leaves. And they. Don't speak. For months
That's why Anders isn't there at the start of the birth. He's effectively been banned. No one expects him to be there, that includes him. So when Fenris comes to get him, panicked and desperate, Anders knows the situation is dire
And it's also that moment, seeing Fenris so terrified, and then afterwards so attending, so unguarded and soft around Avis and their baby... that Anders realizes he was wrong. It puts everything about his behavior into perspective. He's heartbroken. Beyond heartbroken. But it reconciles his and Avis' relationship, and even makes peace between him and Fenris. For awhile. Because then he destroys the Chantry, and because of that, he's not there to save Avis in the fade all those years later
That was longer than I intended but I am obsessed with everything having to do with this :)
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theydjarin · 8 months
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Some boy adventures btw <3 he's a good egg
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harmonified · 3 months
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