#My Grape Plant Is Dying
nysus-temple · 8 months
Apollo & Dionysus [Part 1]
MAN. not sure if i know what i'm doing, they're very complicated and this won't be my only essay about them. But I've been delaying this essay for way too long, to a point in which I was close to crying about it.
Hope you enjoy, in any case, how i give you all the connections, both good and bad, of my favourite god figures from the Greek Folklore.
1. Karneia [Καρνεῖα].
One of Dionysus' main characteristics is how he's depicted with horns. It's part of his identity as a god, it's horns what (according to the Orphic hymns) made him look like Persephone's son. you can't take away his horns and pretend he's still Dionysus. Euripides knew that well.
Apollo, on the other hand, not many are aware that he sometimes was represented with horns, as well ! This festival, held mainly in Sparta, was to honor Apollo (and a couple of other gods but, he was the star of the show).
The reasons for why this festival was held vary; like Pausanias saying it was to calm him down so he wouldn't send a plague.
But, you see, the main reason this festival is mentioned here: the Spartans would stop any military activity to honor a horned Apollo, he resembled Dionysus during that time. And not only that, but he also was related with vines during it, and that's Dionysus sacred plant. Just like the laurel (or bay, i think it's called in English) is the sacred tree of Apollo.
Seeing Apollo with that plant, and harvesting grapes while having horns, has a strong conection to what Dionysus is.
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2. Delphi's Oracle.
It's still Apollo's Oracle, wether Dionysus kept it while he was gone at Hyperborea or not. He killed Python, Gaia's big-ass snake, in order to get it.
While Apollo had to leave during the winter time to go to Hyperborea, it was Dionysus OF ALL GODS the one who kept Delphi, and thus, his festivals were celebrated there.
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On one side of the main temple, you could see Apollo with his twin sister, Artemis, and his mother, Leto.
And on the other side, it was Dionysus.
Dionysus wasn't related to prophecies, at all. Maenads did shenanigans during the time Apollo wasn't there.
But it's, you know... Interesting, that Apollo's most important oracle was kept by Dionysus during the time that he wasn't there.
With this, you should think "then, they're in good terms, right?" Yeah, well, they're supposed to be, there's nothing stating that they have a bad relationship, it's the other way around, actually !
But the next point... Is gonna leave us all confused.
3. Orpheus.
Or, as i like to call it:
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And my favourite part of this essay, gotta say !
Orpheus brought many cults to the Greeks, according to Pausanias. Like the Eleusinian Demeter one, for example. And not to forget, Orphism gets his name from him, as well as the Orphic Hymns, obviously.
But, apparently, besides doing all that, at the end of his life, he claimed to not care about any gods, not even Dionysus, the main figure of Orphism, that weren't Apollo.
And his death was explained in a lost play of Aeschylus, one that two different writers describe; Eratosthenes and Pausanias, so pick your favourite:
P: 1. the maeneads saw Orpheus refusing to worship Dionysus, and killed him.
E: 2. Or, the interesting one: Dionysus saw that Orpheus devoted himself to Apollo and Apollo only, and got... Jealous. Jealous of his devotion to Apollo.
He was the one who started Orphism, the one who wrote many hymns for him. Seeing him being devoted to someone else than him apparently wasn't a good move. In this version he sent the maeneads to kill him, they didn't go for their own will, which makes it more peculiar.
I'm not writting down Ovid's version because it doesn't fucking count.
Plato also says some odd thingy, that "the gods imposed on Orpheus the punishment of dying at the hands of women for not having had the courage to die for love like Alcestis, daughter of Pelias, who had died in the place of her husband Admetus." ... Which, yeah, sure, I guess, whatever you say, buddy. We have to keep in mind Plato's texts are more related to philosophy than anything.
People always say it's Apollo the one who was envious of Dionysus' talents and parties, (for... some reason i guess) specially knowing how he had two of his muses related to him (tragedy and comedy) due to Dionysus being, after all, the god of theatre.
But, surprise ! It was the other way around. Dionysus was jealous of Orpheus' devotion to Apollo. "If you won't devote yourself to me, you won't devote yourself to anyone".
And, well, either because the sources didn't survive or because he wasn't considered his son in these versions, Apollo didn't do anything. In fact, we never see him doing anything towards Dionysus.
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So, what now, Nysus? What was their relationship exactly, after all of this?
It's... Complicated !! Okay !!! This needs more research from my part, plus we all should keep in mind that, while all the authors mentioned here were Greek, they were different guys. You always need to keep in mind the place, person, era... All of that, before starting to judge how a dynamic between two gods work.
( If you enjoy my badly-written posts, please consider buying me a kofi ! You're not forced to, though, but please, reblog this post at least if you are gonna leave a like ! 💕 That's what will motivate me to keep working on my essays )
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thedansemacabres · 11 months
A Modern Understanding of Dionysus Hestios
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Photo from a vineyard I worked on.
[ID: A close-up image of a Chardonnay white-wine grapevine with three clusters. The clusters are green with some red. Bright green leaves cover the top of the clusters, while below a black irrigation line is visible. The ground below is covered in woodchips, except for a single plant below the clusters].
HESTIOS IS A FUN YET OBSCURE EPITHET OF DIONYSUS.  We can infer some of its context due to Zeus Hestios, that being a protector of the home and hearth. This epithet of Dionysus is a favourite of mine—for my home and hearth, he is a household deity as I am a viticulturist and winemaker. My life and livelihood is partially bound by grapevines as I currently work at an orchard that is establishing a vineyard and my responsibility is to make it happen. 
The context of this epithet is little known beyond a passage in Pausanias’ iconic Description of Greece: 
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1. 2. 5 (trans. Jones) (Greek travelogue C2nd A.D.) : "From the gate to the Kerameikos [in Athens] there are porticoes . . . containing shrines of gods, and a gymnasium called that of Hermes. In it is the house of Poulytion . . . [which] in my time it was devoted to the worship of Dionysos. This Dionysos they call Melpomenos (Minstrel) [i.e. of Melpomene, the muse of tragedy], on the same principle as they call Apollon Mousegetes (Leader of the Muses) . . . After the precinct of Apollon is a building that contains earthen ware images, Amphiktyon, king of Athens, Dionysos Hestios (Feasting or Of the Hearth) and other gods. Here also is Pegasos of Eleutherai, who introduced the god [Dionysos] to the Athenians. Herein he was helped by the oracle at Delphoi, which called to mind that the god once dwelt in Athens in the days of Ikarios."
Dionysus Hestios is mentioned in Athens, along with his myth of his devotee Pegasos bringing his cult to the city. Other than references to Zeus Hestios, I have not found any more context for this epithet beyond protecting the home/hearth. Therefore, this aspect of him will be a contender for a strong upg basis. 
In my times in wine, I’ve gathered my own gnosis of Dionysus Hestios. He is a protector of the hearth, but in my personal experience, the table wine aspect of Dionysus.
Table wine is named exactly for what it is, a wine that sits at your dinner table and a key part of a meal. Italy especially is famous for its cheap table wines, many of which I’ve had at my own tables and dinners. Most commercial wines these days are made to be drinkable on their own—while table wines are uncomfortable and harsh on the tongue. With food, they transform, turning these harsh and bitter wines into something truly enjoyable. It also makes the food taste better. For anyone unknowing, that’s why wine and food pairing is a thing. Unfortunately, the table wine market is slowly beginning to crumble—most modern wine drinkers enjoy more of a good tasting drink instead of a complement of one’s meal. If you have the chance, I recommend buying some and trying it in pairings—it’s a dying market, sadly, and one that has an ancient history behind it. 
While table wines slowly fade, there is always a place for them in our lives. I myself have fond memories of a terribly bitter wine being served at my family’s table, and while I hated the taste, I’ve come to fall in love with them in recent years. Dionysus Hestios as a god of the home is a god of table wine, the happy smiles and festive memories of people having their Chianti with some steak or pasta. It’s the thrill of a good food pairing, a decanter, and the hundred years history of people making wine for the common folk instead of just for the aristocrats and their “noble” grapes. 
Dionysus Hestios, Hearth warmer, master  Of your craft, joy becoming  Protect our heart and wine, Let us dance and joy,  Under your blessings  Of the woody grapevine. 
DIONYSUS CULT 1 - Ancient Greek Religion. (n.d.). https://www.theoi.com/Cult/DionysosCult.html
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 6 months
Hello! what are your references for the medieval dyes, if you don't mind me asking? I wanna look up the sources and learn more :D
Hi! I'm sorry I didn't see your ask sooner, Tumblr has been hiding them in notifications for whatever reason.
So I mostly find my references on Pinterest but my Granny taught me how to dye fabrics with plants and other natural stuff so that kinda sparked my initial interest. My favorite thing to use would be hyacinth (mostly because of the smell) I mostly use the dyes as paint lol
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Grape hyacinth gives a really nice color ⬆️⬇️
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Rosalie's is a good reference ⬇️ https://rosaliegilbert.com/dyesandcolours.html
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But The Company of The Staple is also really good
This pin will take you to one of their dying posts⬇️
But again I use Pinterest for most of my dye references because I color pick for my digital drawings and pins tend to have better lighting than any pictures I've taken
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But yeah medieval times were a lot more colorful than what's typically shown in movies and shows and stuff and depending on where you live you can just pop out to your back yard and find most of the materials you need. Like depending on the season I could go out and find all of the things I've shown in this post.
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odditycircus-2002 · 1 year
Medusa!Reader and Shang Tsung in MK1: Part 6
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SPOILER ALERT: Proceed with Caution
You and Shang Tsung land in a stone chamber somewhere entirely unfamiliar. The Sorcerer is quick to push you away when your snakes attempt to bite at him again before using magic to bind your wrists together before you can use either your scythes or remove your mask. He then levitates you into the air to coo patronizingly at you.
"Honestly, my dove, did you really-"
Shang stops in midsentence when he notices a strange growth on his finger. The same one of your snakes knicked him with his fangs. This growth speared like a small flesh-covered branch with a couple of grape-sized orbs that were the same shade of blood, black veins quickly making their way up his wrist under the odd protrusion. Shang narrows his eyes when he plucks one of these orbs and pops them between his fingers, the smell of his blood immediately recognizable. He doesn't notice how the magic holding you flickers.
Shang then lights the growth with a familiar green magical aura before completely removing it from his body. He lets the strange protrusion fall to the ground and shrivel up before turning his attention back on you; watching as the black veins underneath start to recede. He explains that his benefactor taught him and his fellow sorcerer, Quan-chi, the magic Shang could only ever dream of. She promised them realms and, if he succeeds, the realms will be at his feet, and he wants you by his side when he does. Shang knows you're upset with him, but what happened to you came with a grand purpose in mind. He'll grow you gardens even more grand than Sindel's and grant all you desire in apology. His expression softens when he senses your dejection as you turn your head away from him.
"Our time together in our lab wasn't all a ruse, Y/N. Those were truly some of the best days of my life."
You then move your head in his direction and Shang follows your gaze with an, dare you say, hopeful expression on his face. Yet, it's soon erased when you inquire about the growth protruding from his finger, the same finger from earlier.
Shang's brows furrow in confusion as he observes the strange protrusion, his eyes widening when he sees the black veins under his skin grow faster than before. He then uses his magic to kill the lump again, only another to grow in its place with more branches and orbs. To his horror, on the other hand, another similar growth spurts from his wrist, most likely from another knick of your snake's fangs he didn't notice. Growing desperate, Shang rips out the strange plant from his wrist, gritting his teeth in pain as he uses his magic to heal the new wound. But it is in vain, as the veins continue to make their way up his arm. So the process repeats of Shang ripping out the strange branches and using his magic to heal the wound, but he could only keep the effects at bay, not cure it.
You start to lower from the air as Shang's magic wavers around you until it disperses completely, allowing you to drop back on the ground. You watch in morbid fascination as Shang visibly starts to exhaust himself from the vicious cycle you inadvertently put him in, circling around him as the Sorcerer falls to his knees. Shang pants while watching with horror as the veins grow and branches spring from his flesh, causing the skin to shrivel like old apples.
You then let a low giggle before gradually increasing in volume. It doesn't take long before the giggles transform into laughter that echoes in your empty chamber, giving the impression that a crowd of people has gathered around the dying Sorcerer to mock his misfortune. Shang Tsung can barely choke out his question, demanding to know why you're laughing. You could hardly hear Shang's words as the sound of your amusement travels down the tunnels surrounding both you and Shang.
After taking a breath to compose yourself and wiping away tears, you explain to Shang that it's humorously ironic that he's dying for something he created. He made you into this snake-like monster, and now he'll die from the same monster. You divulge to Shang that you're tempted to just watch him die, but you haven't forgotten how the Sorcerer brought you back to health.
You haven't forgotten how he would bring you flowers, prepare your favorite meals, patiently help you relearn how to use your hands due to how their nerves were damaged, gently bathe you, careful to not irritate your burns, and whisper assurances after you first saw your new form... Nor have you forgotten how he turned your innermost thoughts into pure nightmares or coerced you to hand over your life's work.
For these reasons, you offer to put Shang Tsung out of his misery and show him the syringe filled with the poison you use to euthanize your patients when Tarkat takes hold of their minds permanently. Shang catches a glimpse of your sinister grin similar to the one he'd give to his experiments. A grin made more malicious from your fangs. Despite how every breath became harder and harder to draw, he couldn't help but find you beautiful even now.
It doesn't surprise you when he refuses to be euthanized, claiming he will not die like some sick dog. You reply by saying that, at some point, you wished he put you down like a sick dog. With that, you bid the Sorcerer farewell for what you thought the final time. You then take off running down a random hall to, hopefully, freedom. By the time Shang hears your footsteps dissipate completely, he sees the edges of his vision go black. Yet, just as he was about to slip into the inky blackness's embrace, possibly forever, he spotted a familiar pair of glowing electric blue eyes. Once again, Damashi proves to be his salvation when she sticks him with a syringe filled with a blue liquid. Immediately, the bloody orbs shriveled up to dust; then branches started to fall off him; life returned to his skin; finally, the black veins receded from his arms.
"Y/N is ready."
Admittedly, running off into an environment you're not familiar with to escape your captor may not have been the best plan on your part. You can make out you're in a mountain or within a mountainous terrain based on the smells you can pick up. There are seemingly endless tunnels no matter which way you go. However, thanks to your snakes, you could use them as whiskers to feel the airflow around you. They eventually led out to a large chamber where you could sense the most airflow, a chamber filled with mountains of gold koins that glittered in the torchlight from the burning basins surrounding the area.
You silently make your way through the gold, occasionally ducking and hiding behind pillars when you hear someone passing by. It turns out to be primarily guards you recognize from Shao's army, which only confirms your suspicions that the general is in on this whole conspiracy. Yet, out of all the people you expected to be traitors, you didn't want to believe it to be the High Mage, Rain.
You were crouched next to a small ornate boat when you saw Rain overseeing a large pot filled with molten gold with a simple machine fanning the flames. He spoke with a hooded woman with a skull mask about another sorcerer named Quan-chi and how soon Shao is expected to overthrow Sindel. You barely held in a gasp and more or less had to strangle your snakes to keep them from hissing. You have known Rain since he was a child when he used to run around with Mileena and Katana in the palace. He was such a curious and bright boy when you met him after he caught you using your hydromancy to create your medicinal elixirs. You still remember how he visited you practically every day, asking you a million questions about your magic and how you used it. You honestly thought he would've become an imperial healer like you, but you weren't surprised when learning that Rain studied to become a high mage, given his primary focus was how you controlled water.
Was everyone you knew in the imperial house a traitor??? You couldn't help but think to yourself as you ground your teeth together in frustration. Deciding to wrestle with that concept later, you waited until Raine moved away from his spot before making your move. You could see snow raining down, but you restrained yourself until you reached the threshold. That's when you bolted, almost tripping over a stone barrier that led down a steep drop of about 30 meters, but caught yourself just in time. While you didn't get much practice with your wings (with most of them crashing to the ground and frightening Baraka). Still, you're mostly positive that you have a slight chance of dying. You then looked around for any guards, finding them too far to do anything, before running off the stone wall. You smiled widely as you jumped off the wall, glad to be finally free. And then you fell.
Luckily, your wings opened in time for you to catch an updraft that sent you hurdling through the air. You let out a brief laugh, relieved to be gaining air and NOT falling to your death. However, this relief is short-lived when you hear an ear-shattering screech to your side and are tackled back to the fortress by a red blur. You both try to bite at one another as you wrestle one another on the ground, simultaneously trying to avoid being bit by the other. Nitara eventually pushes you away from her when too many of your snakes get too close to biting her. You immediately recognize her as Vaternian from the stories you heard as a girl from the Battle of Chesna Fields and from Baraka during his days in the Daybreak Legion. Because of the latter, you have a good idea of how to take the Vaternian down. Nitara informs you that she's been instructed to not allow you to leave, as Shang Tsung and Quan-chi still have plans for you. Plans that will ensure that Nitara will be able to save her realm. So you and Nitara fight, mercilessly tearing into one another.
A/N: Sorry, I ran out of space😅, but I hope you enjoyed this latest installment! Stay weird, my fellow humans.
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aluria-sevhex · 3 months
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I CAN KILL SIFFRIN. WITH ANAPHYLAXIS. but... will have i have to do the second floor again...
Notes time~!
-please the child say it's yummy
-:D Mira can unfreeze people
-gonna stop for the night
-my break lasted all of yesterday but now i'm back baybeeeeeeee
-i still love the title screen music
-are the enemy names in French?
-yeah i think they are
-eh i feel like dying
-hm looping forwards costs memories... another incentive to fight! yippee i actually like fighting in this game
-i get the kid's drawing every loop :]
-asked Isa about "the hand thing"
-hmmmm methinks there may be... ☆gay☆ :3c
-:0 mysterious 4th hand shape?
-time to loop forward. plantain peel time
-i feel so bad for the frozen people...
-i got a pair of garden scissors! <insert joke about how i've said that Siffrin reminds me of Basil here>
-aw... Mira's anecdotes about the frozen people...
-lol Mira's dying plant
-ooo the Head Housemaiden's office
-love how Vaugarde isn't a monarchy but they call the King that because it's the title he chose and calling him something else would be rude. Vaugarde unsurprisingly supports trans rights
-oh nice a helpful icon to indicate you've fucked up
-i feel like Loop has some sort of weird thing for Sif...
-exploring elsewhere on the floor
-oh hey a classroom
-how many classes have you taken, Mira? >:)
-"Someone wrote on the board "Don't stay with your mistakes! Don't be afraid to start over!" You nod! What a true little fact!"
-"no eating snacks" live Bonnie reaction: chomp
-why yes i am writing commentary on a bunch of little bits of narration, it's my notes and i get to make the rules
-bonding earrings? hmmmmmmmm
-oh cool Vaugardians tend to give people multiple names
-fuck yeah trans rights
-oh? Odile has another name?
-Isa doesn't want to tell his because "if i do change again, i want it to be a surprise" again? 👀
-fuck. another weird Sadness
-aight looping time
-my favorite part of the game was when Siffrin said "it's looping time" and looped all over the place
-Mira and Isa: getting hopeful and romantic about how this couple's reunion might go.
Bonnie and Odile:
-hmmmm why u wanna know what a bonding earring is, Sif?
-:0 library? LIBRARY
-"people don't REALLY kiss in plays, do they?" Bonnie. actors do a lot of things.
-your honor they're friends
-the fuck happened to the island. does this have something to do with Loop and/or the King
-how fitting that a game centered on time shenanigans puts so much emphasis on change
-ah yes the Opposite Sides of the Age Spectrum Alliance vs. the Beauty Alliance
-bruh. i picked the wrong way
-"grape juice for adults"
-bonding earrings explanation!
-"I wanna know what happens when prople love each other very much, no one's ever told me!" XD oh, Bonnie
-"And if the bonding is between three or more people, you'd make as many earrings as there are people!" VAUGARDE SAYS POLYAMORY IS COOL
-kinda cool that they basically do wedding earrings instead of rings
-"Not my kind of thing" eh fair
-Isa, Mira, and Bonnie are now overthinking the normal earrings because Siffrin pointed it out
-Mira doesn't seem to want to get bonded... hmmmm... 🟩⬜️⬛️?
-:0 Mira has beef with the trap room guy? >:O he stole her shit!
-that was a tricky boss
-hehe Isa is hungry
-ISA WHAT KIND OF A QUESTION IS THAT... fair actually. what WOULD they do with any bodies?
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lorablackmane · 10 months
ISAT Act 5 Missable Interactions
I missed a shitton my 1st playthrough bc I was on that Siffrin mindset during act 5's loop and I realized afterwards I had a save in the meadow b4 everything. So I decided to compile stuff I found I missed 4 others who might've missed things too! Please keep in mind that below will be spoilers for this act and the next, and that there are some concerning things about Siffrin found here that I've labeled this post with a few trigger warnings. Check them before reading to decide if you want to read!
Please note the section on the favor tree has new info!! If you don't want to know how a secret boss fight goes please skip the 2nd to last dot.
• Literally every kid in town is terrified by Siffrin now, ignoring him or telling them to go away. You'll walk away from the shopkeeper if you try to talk to him, causing Odile to look at Siffrin with concern. He eats the pain du chocolat in one bite, concerning the pastry maker.
• Says stepping on the banana peel isn't in the stage instructions if u try to use it now.
• Everything that had a smell in earlier chapters now smells like sugar.
• If you interact with the cookies on floor one Siffrin will try to eat one. It's as hard as a rock.
• Interacting with the landscape drawings in the broken egg key room makes them hysterically ask if they'll ever see anything outside this loop ever again.
• A new group of drawings are also here of Siffrin with his face completely blotted out like the friendship drawing.
• The dictionary makes him scream that he isn't taciturn anymore, is he?!
• Interacting with the "grape juice for adults" makes them say they hate alcohol (jlmfr) b4 taking a swig.. only to discover its actually just juice. They remark hysterically they can't even get drunk in peace here!
• Mira's dying plant reminds them of someone, and they remark how there's four happy, never changing plants all together on the other desk before hysterically laughing. Rubs their arms when passing the desks to try to simulate the human contact they'd get in earlier loops from their family.
• Says they'll make all the wishes come true if you Interact with the Head Housemaiden's wish survey.
• Rips the info on the King, if interacted with again they attempt their breathing exercises to no avail then suddenly smell sugar again.
• Looking at the drawings in this office will make Siffrin start thinking about defacing them, but remarks he doesn't have a pencil as he hysterically thinks scribble, scribble, scribble.
• Mocks themself for thinking odile is there if u interact with the checked out book list in the library.
• Gets upset if Interacting with the diary area bc they still can't say the name of their home country. Calls himself a stupid blinding idiot.
• Gets upset at the theater scroll section, stating why read one when you're in one. Tells themself to stop going off script and go if interacted with again.
• Wonders if they'll ever carve again when Interacting with the carving wood. States they'd like to carve the King if so so they can snap him in half if interacted with again.
• Interacting with the cupboard with eyepatch makes them say they're cold, their stomach hurts, they can't stop shaking and a headache is forming from thinking about their mistakes. Then they take the painkillers, one over the recommended dosage for their size.
• Interacting with food shelves makes them ask why their stomach hurts so much and they're so hungry like they haven't eaten in years.
• The croissant cookbook makes them grip their coin.
• The anthology of horror stories makes them repeat the scene with their family, before they mock themself again for knowing it by heart since they have always wanted to never forget
• Breaks one of the statues on the change God shelf in the pottery room.
• Refuses to take the gizmo, stating a fair fight or none at all.
• The clothing closet where Isabeau talks about your cloak makes him repeat the scene though says he's had this cloak forever in shaking text. When Isabeau goes to check the cloak Siffrin says that he doesn't touch them because they're disgusting. They say they're so cold. This time they realize they're hallucinating the others being there when they are going to do the final reply.
• They tell themselves to stop monologuing if they try to go towards the bathrooms.
• You can see the House inhabitants if you leave the final room!! And go back to Dormont to see the party they were getting ready for. The others will join Siffrin out of corcern for his mental state instead of stopping him which is nice. There's a bunch of interactions here I won't note but they're delights.
• Loop is gone, but Siffrin will leave their silver coin where they sat in a custom from his homeland.
Edit: thanks to @cleverretortnotfound for the hint that this changes! Instead of nothing there u find a silver coin. If interacted with he'll remark its the exact same as his own and call out to Loop, then ask if they should call them by their previous name... and Loop reappears. Silently they let Siffrin look them over, and though they don't have any features that mirror Siffrin's own... he knows. Theyre the same person. He takes their own coin out, flipping it before sending it to Loop who catches it without thinking. They look at it for a moment, before saying, "Oh stardust... so, you've won, haven't you? You broke the loops? Defeated the King? Talked to your party? Realized that all along, the reason you were stuck here was because of a stupid blinding wish you made? Awww. I'm soooo happy for you. You got your perfect ending, after all. And now... I have nothing left to say to you. So you should go."
Siffrin doesn't reply, causing Loop to ask why they're there still. What does he want them to say? WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO SAY? HE'S WON!
Once again, Siffrin doesn't reply. Loop laughs, before saying "oh, Stardust! You know, you know I was just like you once! A stupid, aimless traveler, trying to find any reason to keep going! And then, I met everyone! And I felt that finally, I had people i could count on, people I could love! And then, I got scared! And made the exact same mistake you did! Make a stupid blinding wish, hoping I could stay with them! Went through the House, tried to fight the King, tried to win! Did that for so long, I couldn't even give you a number! And then... I couldn't do it anymore. ...You see, not unlike you a few hours ago, I did a very special kind of giving up. But unlike you, who gave up on your wish, and almost destroyed the world in the process... I gave up on my wish, and destroyed myself.
And made another wish instead. I wished it could be over. I wished I could get out of here. I wished for someone to help me. For someone... Anyone, to help me!!! And someone did help me, right? The Universe did! They got me out of here! And trapped me in some other Siffrin's loops instead!!! And it was fine. It was different. It was even peaceful, for a while. I didn't have to stay inside the House, trying to defeat the King. I didn't have to fight, I didn't have struggle, I didn't have to do anything.
(Note: during the last paragraph, during the I wished section up until the scream for anyone to help,, we see stills from the intro animation where Siffrin eats the star. Theres a new still though, a close up of Siffrin crying out before he ate it.)
I just had to watch, and be happy that at least, I wasn't the only idiot out there who trapped themselves eternally in time. I just had to be happy that at least, this time, it wasn't me. And now. And now. AND NOW YOU-!!!
So! Since you won't leave, here's what I'm thinking... let's fight, you and I! Let's have a cute, minuscule, old-fashioned little fight like a bonded couple. Okay~?"
Once again, Siffrin doesn't reply and Loop laughs, "nothing to say, still? Haha... HAHAHAHA!! STARS, killing you would make me SO HAPPY. (note: during this sentence temporarily Loop turns into Siffrin and looks rather... concerning) Are you ready?"
Siffrin tries to speak up, but Loop says they don't get a choice.
The battle commences, with Loop saying let's just get to it. Loop strikes with stars but isn't very strong, they loop back the 1st time you win, the 2nd, the 3rd, and on the fourth the photo changes (will add link to another post with pics later).
At the end of the battle Loop looks away before saying, "you... Siffrin, Stardust, whatever our real name actually is... just kill me."
Siffrin is shocked and asks why. "Why," they say, "Are you stupid? Isn't it obvious?! I wanted to kill you!! So I could take your place!! I wanted what you have!!! Stars, I still do! You... you don't.. you don't want another you walking around. You should just kill me and get on with your stupid life!!"
This makes Siffrin laugh and reply their self-hatred isn't strong enough that'd they'd kill another version of themselves. Loops laughs at that and says he's got weird priorities... then say but what if they're asking him? What if Loop wants this? What if dying is the ending they want?! Siffrin doesn't reply and Loop starts to beg, "Stardust, please, please just kill me!!! I don't want to be here! What else is there for me now?! You've won, so I should be gone!! I can't go back to how it was before, because that past is gone! I can't go back to my friends, because they wouldn't recognize me!! There's nothing else for me to do, no script to follow, no Universe to lead me, I-"
They can't continue, sobbing. "Why.. why did it have to be you...? I could've... I wanted to... if only back then, I... if I had held on longer... maybe then..."
Oh Loop, Siffrin thinks. But don't you get it, he says. Loop asks what is there to get. The reason he succeeded, he replies, but Loop still doesn't understand. They take Loop's face into their hands as they say Loop was the reason they succeeded! Without them, he would've given up too. Because they were by Siffrin's side they continued going. Yes they didn't tell him everything, yeah they didn't know what to do... but knowing they were here and he wasn't alone...
They tearfully reply he's lying, but he says he's not. They shout again Siffrin is lying, but they reply again they're not! They try to scream it again, but siffrin stops them by saying, "Loop. Mira sends her thanks, by the way. They all do." Confused Loop repeats the word thanks, adding "...to me...?"
Siffrin laughs, and reminds them they helped the others get to the King. That they sent their thanks for leading them to Siffrin. For helping them save him. Loop can't reply, and Siffrin says, "See?"
"Stardust... why couldn't it have been me...?" Loop asks, to which Siffrin replies they don't know. Maybe it was the script, maybe it was the Universe, or maybe... maybe it's no one's fault. Loop is silent once more and he replies, "I'm sorry, Siffrin."
Finally using Loops real name. Then adds, "And thank you, Loop. Without you, I would've given up a long time ago. Thank you for helping me, this whole time."
Loop doesn't respond and Siffrin goes, "Loop, we can-"
Loop cuts them off, "Siffrin." He flinches as they continue, "Please, you're going to have to talk to them, from now on. No more keeping how you feel from them. We both know where this leads. And if one day, no matter what you do, everyone's paths and yours diverge... you'll have to learn to be okay with it. We cant... we can't do this again. Hold them hostage, against their knowledge, against their will, just because we're lonely. Learning to talk to them... learning to let go... it'll be hard. It'll feel impossible. You might think you'd rather die than share how you feel. After all, isn't bottling things up the reason you managed to break the loops? You didn't have to tell them anything until the very end, and it turned out fine didn't it?"
Siffrin is silent, then attempts to say but, but if I talked to them earlier, then maybe - then gets cut off by loop, "Yeah, dummy. If only you had been strong enough to talk to them, maybe this whole story wouldn't have happened at all. If only... oh well. It doesn't matter now."
Loop starts to disappear. Siffrin asks where they'll go now? Loop sadly replies, "Oh, stardust... I don't know! I'll join you so we can become one? I'll Die? I'll stay under this tree forever? Does it matter?"
You can choose between it does and I guess it doesn't. I won't update this with the other, I'm sorry but this is taking a toll on me, so I'll atleast tell you what "It does!" Leads to.
They laugh, then say Siffrin's sweet. "Aww, don't worry, Stardust. Somehow... I'm sure I'll see you again. You... and everyone else. Mirabelle, Isabeau, Odile, and Bonnie. I need to accept their thanks in person, don't I? That's just basic etiquette. And I'll need to give you back your silver coin eventually!"
Siffein agrees, and Loop continues, "...hmm. I'll see you all again soon enough, Stardust. I promise! I super promise! I super duper promise! So don't forget me, okay?"
The screen fades, leading us back to the gang. They welcome Siffrin back and ask if everything's okay. He says he thanked Loop, to which they're relieved. Odile says she was hoping they'd bring em back so she could thank them in person, and the others agree though Isa says they looked shy so maybe they were too embarrassed. Which is too bad because he had so many questions, and so he hopes they see them again soon. Bonnie says they wanted to know how Loop glows and how it felt, to which Mira chides them saying you can't ask someone how they glow. Bonnie is flabbergasted, making the others laugh.
Odile adds she hopes Siffrin told them they can see the gang anytime. Sadly Siffrin smiles before saying he did, and how they too hope Loop says hi again soon. The others note Siffrin looks sad while saying this to which he replies he was thinking of Loop. The others tell them they'll have to tell the gang more about them then soon. Like how they met and why they're a star. Also how they knew about the loops. They then go back to the final room.
• The best artist ever has something new in the epilogue.
Silver coin
B4: grips it in his pocket.
Epilogue: remarks that it's been with them through it all and feels like it could've been used for something. Backstory no longer unlockable, but can be used at the Favor tree.
Drawn card
B4 epilogue: says it's a traveler walking to their death with open eyes, rips it apart.
The end: looks at the card and just says "it's you!"
Epilogue: says it's a traveler starting a new journey, the card is labeled the fool.
Bright flower
B4 epilogue: tears off all the petals then discards it
The end: says it's still here.
Epilogue: you still have the flower, he says before deciding that it's theirs now!
Friendship doodle
B4: Siffrin's face is blotted out, no reaction to viewing this..
Epilogue: their face is no longer missing. Unknown whether this was a hallucination on their end or not.
B4: presses it between their hands to try and help them with their breathing exercises.
The end: squish, squish they say.
Epilogue: Clay they say, before making a star. 
Piece of glass
B4: uses it to self harm by piercing it through a bit of the back of their arm multiple times. Says stars afterwards, can't tell if being sarcastic and calling the dots they made that or screaming the word like a curse as usual. (Updated: if used a second time Siffrin says they're making more tiny stars. Concerning)
The end: they say hide it, hide it don't make the others worried.
Epilogue: they become scared and startled, saying they need to be careful. Then they toss it before they can hurt themself.
Broken doll
B4: fixes the clothing on it, if u click on the cupboard it's from again tells it it'll see the end if it's the last thing it does.
The end: turns the doll so it can see everything.
Epilogue: they hold it close as they look at the sky, saying they both made it.
Crumpled poem
B4: genuinely could not read this the first seven times but using the capture reveals after reading it Siffrin repeatedly says they want to go home.
Epilogue: they read it, then say they'll never go home again, but maybe they can make a new one. They can't wait to see if they can.
Mirror picture
B4: no reaction. Says its of them and the actors despite no one being there.
Epilogue: they grip it tightly before tossing it, saying it's in the past now. That they're fine, they're fine! And if not they will be soon.
Long thingy-thing
B4: tosses it, saying it's not needed anymore.
Epilogue: they say it's their long thingy now.
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readyforthegarden · 4 months
Season of the Witch - Part Four
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Pairing: Sam Kiszka x F!Reader, Danny Wagner x F!Reader
Synopsis: Danny always told you, you shouldn't play with things you don't fully understand. When trying your hand at magic, you accidentally summon something more than you bargained for. Now stuck, you try to find a way to rid yourself of him, but what if the only way of ridding yourself of him is dying?
Warnings: mentions of witchcraft, angst, 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!
A/N: I just want to say a quick shoutout to @earthlysorrows for helping me get through a wording wall with this one, and always being such an amazing sounding board and creative inspiration. If you've never read any of her fics, please do yourself a favor and go read them, Madi is an unmatched talent and her fics are some of my favorites I've ever read!
WC: 2947
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The next morning had been almost as surreal as the first. You were greeted with the smell of toast and bacon wafting through your apartment, both things you knew you didn’t have in your fridge when you went to sleep the night before. 
Crawling from under your covers, you slowly opened the door to your hallway, peeking out, hearing a soft humming over a sizzling sound. The melody of the hum was almost enchanting, coaxing you closer and closer towards it. It sounded old, older than any song you had heard. The tone was low, sending a warm vibration through you as your feet planted firmly in the kitchen. Sam glanced up from his position at the stove, stirring around eggs in a pan, scrambling them to a fluffy perfection. He didn’t stop the song as he smiled at you, merely hummed around it and finished the song before he formally greeted you.
“Good morning, darling,” he scooped some eggs from the pan, placing them on a plate that was already filled with triangles of perfectly golden brown toast, butter melting into the crispy dough. There were a few slices of bacon, and a small smattering of fruit. Sam set down the pan and spatula, dusting the eggs with a sprinkle of salt and pepper.
“Good…morning….”you watched him warily. “Where did all this come from?”
“What do you mean?” Sam picked the plate up, offering it to you. You took it gingerly, still eyeing him.
“I know I didn’t have all this last night…and you have no money…” Sam just smiled, waggling his fingers before going back to the stove.
“I don’t need it.” 
“So you just steal?” while you were pressing him regarding morals, you still picked up a piece of toast, biting off the corner of a triangle while waiting for his retort.
“I mean,” Sam opened his palm, and in front of your eyes, a perfectly ripe peach materialized in his hand. “I have no need for your money.” you nearly dropped the plate in your hands, and Sam laughed. “Go on, take it.” you reached out with one hand, pausing before continuing, feeling the fuzz brush against your fingertips. It was as real, and you couldn’t help the awe-filled gasp as you took the fruit from his grasp.
“How did you do that?” your voice was soft as you turned the peach over in your hands, looking for some sort of flaw to tell you it was fake, all a trick. 
“The same way you can,” the moment was gone, and you glared up at Sam, and he reached out, taking the peach from your hands and taking a bite, as if to confirm to you it was indeed real and edible. “Don’t give me that look. Go eat, you barely touched your dinner last night.” 
“If you can do that, why can’t you conjure up a spellbook to un-bond us?” you grumbled as you walked to the living room, taking a seat on the couch. Sam had already deconstructed his bed and set the bedding to the very last cushion. 
“If I could, I would have done so by now.” 
“Forgive me if I don’t believe you, darling,” the sarcasm dripped off your tongue, making Sam chortle as he plated his own breakfast. 
“And forgive me if I enjoy the idea of being bonded to a beautiful young woman,” Sam sat down next to you, popping a grape in his mouth and chewing as he watched the tips of your ears turn pink. “There are far worse fates I could think of.”
“You really think you’re a charmer, don’t you?” you bit into your toast again, matching his bemused expression. 
“I’ve been told a time or two it’s one of my strengths.”  you went to reply but there was a knock on the door that caught both you and Sam off guard. Placing your plate on the coffee table, you made your way to the door before checking the peephole and tugging the door open. Danny stood there, brown eyes immediately scanning you for any sign of injury.  He had a large backpack slung on his shoulders, and his curls were frizzy from a restless night. 
“Hey, come in,” you ushered Danny inside. He flicked a short look towards Sam, who was still lounging on the couch, enjoying his breakfast, ignoring him. 
“I have a lead,” Danny started as soon as you shut the door behind him. 
“Really?!” Your gasp was sharp, the inhale almost stinging your throat as you came around and grabbed hold of Danny’s arm, squeezing tightly with both hands, as if you were afraid the hope you now had would cause him to vanish and leave you shattered. 
“A friend of a friend has heard of something like this, has some texts that he can loan me.” Danny nodded. 
“That’s great!” you were nearly humming with excited energy. 
“Unfortunately, he’s out in Nevada.” Danny sighed. “He says the texts are too fragile to send physically and even scanning them could destroy them.” Your grip loosened on Danny’s arm. You weren’t prepared for a trip west. You didn’t have the money to spend on a plane ticket, let alone a full tank of gas.  As if reading your thoughts, Danny lifted one of your hands from his arm and held it in his. “I’m going to go see him. I’ve already booked a ticket, I need a ride to the airport, if you don’t mind.”
“My flight leaves in three hours, I got a ride-share here because I wanted to go over some details again before I left.”
“And you couldn’t do the same to the airport, Daniel?” Sam simpered from the couch, taking a bite of crispy bacon as he spoke. Ignoring Sam’s question Danny pulled something from his front pocket, the paper Sam had drawn on for him the morning before. Unfolding it, he held it out to him. 
“You’re sure everything on here is accurate?” Danny asked. Sam simply kept eating, making Danny huff, before setting the plate down and dabbing his mouth with a paper towel napkin. Glancing it over, Sam nodded. 
“Came all the way here just for that?” He blinked up at Danny, who in turn rolled his eyes and faced you. 
“Can I talk to you for a sec?” nodding, you led Danny into your room, shutting the door behind you. “Are you going to be okay while I’m gone? Here with…him?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” you nodded. “I’ve slept two nights and have still woken up. If he wanted to hurt me, he would have by now.” Danny looked at you again, his eyes softer. 
“I don’t like leaving you here,” he glanced towards the door. “If I could, I’d have you come with me.” 
“It’s okay,” you gave Danny a soft smile. “How long will you be gone for?”
“I don’t know, I hope only a few days,” he replied, scratching the back of his neck. “I’ll need help from him deciphering the texts. That could take a while.” 
“If you’re done, she should return to her breakfast. Even I cannot keep it warm.” Sam’s voice was muffled through the door, causing Danny to glare at it. 
“He refuses to let us have a single conversation.” he mumbled. 
“I’m not sure I���m a fan of you alone in a bedroom with my-“
“Your what?” You whipped open the door to Sam’s shocked face, though the shock turned into a smarmy grin as he saw you flustered. 
“My little fawn, of course.” he grinned. “Please eat your breakfast. I worked very hard on it.” 
“Stop being so obsessed with my eating habits,” you rolled your eyes, pushing past Sam and back to the living room. Much to his happiness, you picked up your plate, but Sam frowned as you offered the rest of your toast to Danny, who in turn grinned at Sam before taking a large bite of the softened bread.
You finished the plate and left it on the coffee table, getting up and sliding your shoes on, grabbing your purse and keys. The ride to the airport was mostly quiet, only a few grumbles from Sam who had been forced into the backseat after Danny took the passenger seat. A few times Danny would say something to you, about where he was headed exactly, and there would be a short conversation. 
It wasn’t until you were standing at security that it hit you Danny was leaving you alone with your mess, even if he was going to find a way to help you out if it. In all the years of your friendship, you’d never really be apart from each other for longer than a weekend. Throwing your arms around Danny’s shoulders, you hopped up on your toes to hug him. He bent at the waist to wrap his own around your middle and lifted you up, hugging you just as tightly back. 
“It’s going to be okay,” Danny whispered into your hair. “I promise.” 
“Be safe, okay?” you murmured back. “Don’t get murdered by some weird witchy dude on the internet.”
“I can hold my own,” Danny laughed, pulling back. He glanced behind you, where Sam stood, watching him with a blank face. “I want you to be careful with him. We don’t know him, we don’t know exactly what he is.” 
“I will be.” you vowed. “I’ll call you every day to check in, too.”
“You’d better.” Danny leaned forward slightly, his eyes jumping between each one of your lips. The gears were turning as you watched him lean in closer, and closer, but then a delicate peck was placed between your eyebrows and for a reason unbeknownst to you, you let out a soft sigh. “I’ll see you soon, okay?” 
Nodding, you stepped back, jumping slightly at how close Sam was behind you now. Danny stared at the tall man at your side warily. 
“If you do anything to hurt her, I’ll make sure I come back with something that will tear your soul to shreds.” Danny’s voice was low as he took a few steps towards you and Sam. The latter smiled coolly, stepping forward and murmuring something into his ear. Danny’s face reddened slightly as his eyebrows knit together tensely and Sam pulled back, clapping a hand a bit too hard on the taller man’s shoulder before stepping back next to you. Danny’s eyes stayed on him for a moment before he cleared his throat and set them back on you. “I’ll let you know when I land.”
You said a final goodbye, watching Danny start to file through the security line. When he was almost out of sight, Sam touched your arm, nodding to the exit. Sam reclaimed his spot in the passenger seat, settling in and rubbing his back against the fabric, as if he were marking it with his scent. 
“What did you say to Danny?” you asked as you got onto the highway. You glanced over at Sam, who merely shrugged. 
“I told him to have a safe flight.” 
“Bullshit.” Sam just rolled his eyes with a soft smirk, as if he was proud of whatever he said to make Danny look upset. “Listen, Danny is my best friend, and he’s doing all of this to help us. It wouldn’t kill you to be nice to him.”
“Have you ever considered that him helping you get out of this bond does nothing for me?” Sam asked, the retort simple, and you weren’t sure why, but a small knot of guilt formed in your stomach. 
“What do you mean?”
“It doesn’t matter now,” Sam sniffed indifferently, looking out the window. 
“Maybe I should have let you buy those body sprays yesterday.” you mumbled. Sam shot you a look. “You’re acting like such a moody teenager.”
Sam gave you another snotty look but seemed content to leave the conversation at that, which you were glad for. Once back at the apartment, you shuffled toward the bathroom, tossing your bag on the table. 
“I have to get ready for work,” was all you muttered, closing the door behind you. You took a quick shower, mentally preparing yourself for a shift at the small coffee house you worked at. It was much, but between tips and a surprisingly decent minimum wage, you made enough to scrape by on your own. A small voice in the back of your head nagged at you, telling you that you’d have to start picking up more shifts if you couldn’t get out of this mess. You pushed down the feeling and finished getting ready. 
“Okay, you have the TV, I just have an antenna so you’re stuck with The Waltons or old movies. You might get lucky if there’s a nice breeze and a game show will be on.” Sam looked up at you, a slight flash of pity in his eyes. “I’ll be back in a few hours.”
“Can’t I just come with you?” Sam asked, blinking up at you. 
“No,” you shook your head. “I can’t babysit you and do my job. And I would really like to keep this one for now.” Sam stayed silent, and looked back at the television's black screen. “I’ll be back soon.”
“If I don’t die of boredom.” Sam huffed quietly as you left. You opted to walk to the shop, it only being a few blocks from your apartment. The sun was peeking out between wispy clouds and warming the morning air around you. You hoped it was a sign of a good day at work as you pushed open the door to the cafe. 
You were greeted by your coworkers, and quickly got set up and clocked in, ready to take the orders from the gaggle of college students pouring in. Your shift was busy, you barely had time to register the faces of your customers, not that you cared after burning your hand when you spilled some of an espresso shot on it. It took everything you had to not leave after that, but eventually you made it to your break, and sat down in the back, a small baggie of ice pressed to your skin. Spending most of your time icing the burn on your hand, you didn’t have time to eat anything, though your stomach rumbled. You found your bag, searching blindly with your good hand for anything. Sometimes you were smart and kept a granola bar or two in your bag so you wouldn’t have to take from your paycheck and eat something from the cafe.
“Hey,” you glanced up and your coworker, Henry, was looking at you from the doorway of the breakroom. 
“Oh shit, is my break up?” you looked at the time on your phone, you still had about three minutes left.
“No, there’s someone out front asking for you?.” Henry nodded behind him. Confusion flooded your face. The only person who would ever visit you at work was Danny. Getting up, you moved to the doorway, peeking behind Henry and held back the groan that wanted so desperately to leave your throat. Moving around your coworker, you made your way back to the floor, moving around the counter, taking Sam by the hand and tugging him away from anyone's earshot.
“What are you doing here?!” you hissed. Sam just looked down at you with a satisfied smile on his face, watching you grow red with frustration. “How did you even find where I work?”
“I followed your scent,” Sam shrugged as if the statement was nothing. “I was so bored, the television had nothing to offer in the way of entertainment and all of your books…well some of them were interesting, to say the least.” he waggled his eyebrows, making your cheeks burn further. 
“I told you that you couldn’t come here!” you seethed quietly, glancing around. Henry and your other coworkers were doing everything they could to look occupied, but you knew they were trying to eavesdrop. 
“Ah-ah! You said I couldn’t come with you. Not that I couldn’t come on my own.” you rolled your eyes, shifting the now-melted bag of ice on your hand. His smile fell as he took your injured hand and pulled the bag away. “What happened?”
“I just spilled a little espresso on it.” you shook your head. “It’s nothing I haven’t done before. It’ll fade in a few days.” Sam’s lips were downturned as he clasped his other palm over your hand, enveloping it between his. You felt your skin tingle and itch, your fingers twitching gently against his before he raised the hand on top of yours. The red, stinging burn was gone. 
“Looks like you’re a fast healer.” Sam winked at you. “How much longer until your work is done?”
“A few hours, Sam.” you muttered, still staring at your hand. 
“Hm, then I think I’ll stick around here for the time being.” he looked around the cafe, taking in the decor that hadn’t been updated since the early 2000s. “At least people watching may be more interesting than reading your smut collection.”
You heard your timer going off from the backroom and took a deep breath, rolling your shoulders back.
“My break is over. If you’re going to stay here, don’t touch anything, don’t bother me, and don’t bother the customers or my coworkers, got it?” Sam rolled his eyes and gave you a mocking salute, but settled down into one of the lumpy, soft chairs at the back of the cafe. You turned to leave but stopped when Sam spoke.
“Fawn, one thing?” you turned your head to glance at him. He batted his long eyelashes with a cheeky smile. “Could I trouble you for a hot espresso?”
“Fuck off.”
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Taglist: (feel free to add yourself!)
@joshsindigostreak @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @sunfl0wer-power @indigo-starcatcher @sammyscherub @earthlysorrows @lvnterninthenight @losfacedevil @xserenax-13 @sarakay-gvf @myownparadise96 @watchingovergvff @gretavanfleetposts @josiee-gvf @joshkiszkatoothgap @madneedshelp @gardensgatedaisy @myownparadise96 @demonrat444 @dannyandthekiszkas @tearsofbri @paleshadow-ofadragon @happy-harpy-stuff @like-a-woman-in-a-dream @starshine-wagner @objectsinspvce @josh-iamyour-mama @mountain-in-springtime @cal-a-bungaa @capturethechaos @jankandjonch @gvfpal
@allybjt @hippievanfleet @weightofbrokenbells @joshkiszkasbadussy @malany-gvf @ruby0antlers @samofthedawn @sacredjake @aim4thedoublee @diditallforyouu @gvfmarge @highladyofasgard @sammysvanfeet@gold-mines-melting @earthgrlsreasy @mountain-in-springtime @forcebond301 @stardust-and-shadows @llightmyllovee @gretavangroupie @comesofarsomehow @infinisonicosm @indigofallingsky @hellowgoodbye @hearts-hunger @fwzco @dharma-divine33 @lightsofthe-living-gvf @ascendingtothestarsasone @klarxtr @ofthecaravel @musicspeaks @mindastreamofcolours @imleavingyoufornewyork @dammm1256 @jordie-gvf @demonrat444 @misshunnybee @valleydollgvf @brookes-so-done @age0fwagner @starcatcherxstevie @amethystars @jakesguitarsolo @lolidontknowwhat @lyndz2names @godly-sinsx @dannythedog @anthemheatwave @samomf @spark-my-nature @scorpiosunsammy @theindigostre4k @jjwasneverhere @couldbefalling
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crwdgoinapeshit · 5 months
I have sooo many The Cleaning Lady Theories
Last night's episode was my favorite of the season! Ramona, Ramona, Ramona. She's a complicated woman to say the least.
I guess I'll start with my first theory:
[Ramona is dying] After Ramona questioned Jorge's feelings towards Thony, there was a moment where it looked like she grimaced in pain. Jorge even noticed that and asked if she's okay. Also, back in episode five when Jorge went to question Ramona about Luca's disappearance, Ramona told him she wants him and Arman to work together when she's gone. If Ramona is suffering from a terminal illness then that could explain why she's been so obsessed with bringing back Arman to partner up with Jorge. She knows she's not long for the world so she wants Arman to take over the smuggling side and Jorge to remain in the fixer/legal role that he already is in.
[Jeremy is an undercover FBI agent sent in by Russo to plant surveillance devices] I'm convinced that he was the one who called the FBI because Jorge mentioned that their contact heard nothing through the grape vine. I also think he set up devices in Thony and Fiona's cleaning shop and now in their home. A judge may have granted Russo a warrant to plant surveillance devices because Thony kept the knowledge of Kamdar bringing back fentanyl into the country. Plus she hangs around Arman, a known criminal. Anyways, who knows what evidence Russo could've brought to a judge. Or there's another option. Russo is hell bent on revenge for Miller and she badly wants to take down Thony/Arman, to the point she's willing to break the law. Maybe Russo doesn't have a warrant to plant these wires. That would be Thony's only saving grace.
[Jorge turns on Ramona] Eduardo just had to air out the family's business in front of company lol. If what Arman's parents said is true then it's clear that Ramona purposely isolated Jorge and turned him against Eduardo. This may be an unpopular opinion, but ever since Arman told the story of how he came to work for Hyak, I wasn't mad at Eduardo. Eduardo isn't wrong for not wanting his son be a violent, drug/gun dealing, human trafficking murderer lol. I would hope NO parent would want that for their child. As for his decision on cutting all ties to Arman, I'm iffy on that, but either way I do understand Eduardo's position. From what it seems, Eduardo wanted to look after his little brother and raise him far away from the cartel life, similarly to Arman. I do think it's wild that Ramona thinks she had any rights to Arman when he isn't her son, but she strikes me as the narcissistic controlling type. Anyways, we know that Ramona sent Jorge to college in order to "beat them at their own game". His education and professional career, which was funded by her, was Ramona's decision. She clearly wanted to use his knowledge and his access to further the Sin Cara cartel. She's a master manipulator and we've seen Jorge push back against her since the second episode of the season. We've also heard him tell Thony that he has no control over what Ramona chooses to do. He seems to be her puppet. A well put together, powerful, intelligent, and dangerous puppet. I believe it's likely that Thony, as well as Ramona's actions herself, will finally cause Jorge to break. A bit of a spoiler, but in the preview for episode 8 we saw Ramona pressing Jorge to kill Thony. Ramona has noted Jorge's fondness of her so forcing him to be the one to shoot Thony, at her command too feels incredibly cruel. So yeah I can definitely see Jorge turning on his sister at some point.
[Nadia and Thony team up to take Ramona down] I was so frustrated with Thony for not calling Nadia when she put together that Dante has been drugging Arman. Even if there was no way for Nadia to sneak away from Ramona's watchful eye, I just get the feeling that someone like Nadia could have figured out a way to stall so Thony could get Arman. However, as we know, Arman had to die. *heavy breath* I hope in one of the upcoming episodes Thony reaches out to Nadia, they sit down together and Thony tells her EVERYTHING. Dante getting arrested at the apartment where she physically saw Arman through a window, the name written in the powder, and even the car chase. If Thony comes clean I think Nadia would question who was this convenient handyman, who also KNEW ABOUT WHERE THE DROP WAS. Anyways, yeah I need to see Nadia and Thony find peace and get revenge for Arman.
[Jorge and Thony run the Sin Cara cartel together] Elodie recently did an interview where she spoke about the love triangle in this season and how she went to the writers and gave input on how she believed Thony's perspective should be addressed. ("I was part of some conversations this season, with the loss of Adan, on how to approach the new love triangle. I was like, 'Guys, this woman just lost someone she loved a lot, if not the love her life. Don't think in terms of entertainment, but ask how to approach someone who's grieving.'" Elodie Yung Character Media). When the season first began Kwok and Renshaw also spoke on what we could expect between Thony and Jorge. ("Thony and Jorge's relationship evolves more slowly and more organically through the season where it is like, 'Who are these people? Who are they together?' For Thony, Jorge is a tough nut to crack. But, so is she." | "It makes it very tantalizing to watch and to write these scenes, because there's just a lot of energy in their dynamic." | "Yeah, a lot of energy, but also resistance. There is a different kind of cat-and-mouse where they're drawn to each other, they're trying to figure each out, they're both a little standoffish - which also makes them even more attracted to each other") Given these two excerpts alongside with what we've seen throughout the season, I can see the writers setting up a romance between them next season(if they get one 😬). Now, ever since episode two we've heard Jorge continually address Ramona's choices and direction with the cartel. He believes that their trafficking routes need to be eliminated given that Arman and presumedly others have stolen and used those routes for their own trafficking purposes. He views them as a weak point and most likely a legal time bomb waiting to happen. During their argument in the dessert, Thony tells Jorge about the dying woman and her baby left in a closet when he asserts that their routes are safe. Thony rightfully pushes back on him and calls him out for not knowing or not caring enough TO know what's going on on the human trafficking end of the cartel. That scene was probably put there to challenge Jorge's humanity, but to also expose how Ramona's running the border smuggling. Back in episode 5, when Ramona said she wants Arman and Jorge to work together to run the Sin Cara cartel, he responded that he'll decide who he will work with. If my, "Ramona is dying" theory turns out to be correct then I'm convinced that Jorge will choose Thony to be his partner once Ramona is gone.
[Thony gets arrested] I mean, it has to happen right? Jeremy snooping around has to amount to something, right? I know last season ended with Fiona being arrested and then deported, so I can see how that would be redundant, but I feel like this all Jeremy stuff has to culminate into something big right? lol I just know Jeremy is a plant seeded by Russo because no way she just gave up and went away. Plus, Nadia told Russo in episode three that Thony is working with the cartel. Maybe Thony gets arrested and makes bail somehow and Jorge goes about getting her clear of her charges.....lmaoooo. This theory is the one I believe in the least so it's hard for me see where this could all go.
Anways, this was looonnngggg hah. I had so many thoughts after last night's episode I just had to type them out. Honestly, this episode was one of their strongest in the show's entire run and Eva was the complete standout for me. Eva really translated Nadia's anguish in every moment. She was incredible.
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marzipanlvr · 8 months
I’m scared to become a weed
To grow from a rose plant I once was 
I’m scared to he unidentified
I hate to he unacknowledged
My friend, Grape 
He looked at my petals 
And flared at my thorns 
We later together in the bed of poppies 
Bleeding red and raw 
Until now, when the crocodile tears became prominent and invisible 
His bite was silent and poisonous 
Affecting apart of me that I didn’t know existed 
My crumpled stem and growing branches 
Never knew the light of a friend again 
Weeds are spotted by a gardener 
My gardener, Amara 
Who is loved by my fellow flowers 
As she trims them neat and pretty all around 
She helps my grow but lets my hide in my shade 
I realize more about my body 
I realized that my stems aren’t smooth
I have thorns surrounding my exterior 
I realized that my petals have gashes 
Eaten by caterpillars and gnats 
Moths surround me whole 
Protecting what lays 
Flies eat my pollen 
Taking what I give them  
I realized that I’m very small 
Compared to the others who are more than what they bargained for 
They grow midway and stop 
They grow taller and feel smaller 
But I stay the same
Weirdly, I couldn’t see my roots in the dirt 
I realized my dirt was perfect and damp 
A perfect situation for a growing plant 
I look at myself as a weed 
This is because I feel a weed 
I feel unwanted
And I feel replaced 
I know my flower friends will burst into light 
I shall remain in the darkness of their shadows 
I wish I was a flower 
So then I could be noticed and wanted and irreplaceable 
Yet the prettiest flowers are picked 
This is a risk I want to take 
For what is the life of a weed 
If it does not dream of the stars, clouds, sun, and desires of being something more? 
I’m scared of being a weed 
I never chose to be a weed 
But then again, I don’t know how to grow 
I don’t know how to use my soil 
I don’t know how to be as pretty as the gardener 
I don’t know how to be as nonchalant as the grape 
I don’t know how to be as melodious as the birds above 
I don’t know how to be a weed 
That’s the point of a weed 
I shrink and shrink and shrink 
I kiss my feet in pity 
Rain pours from my sky 
Damping my soul and socks 
The sun shines overhead the meadow 
But I’m stuck in a never ending waterfall 
Falling headfirst into a bed of poppies 
That I once laid in 
That I was once apart of 
When I was a growing stem with petals sprouting from my center 
Yet I didn’t know I was a weed 
I shrink and shrink and shrink 
I look up at the sky 
The shadows engulf me more 
I fall deeper and deeper and deeper 
I can’t let go of my thick thorny branches 
I can’t let go of my dreams 
I can’t let go of my pride 
I can’t let go 
A weed shouldn’t feel these things 
A weed is identified as a weed 
A weed is smoked and used and chewed 
A weed is discovered as a mistake 
A weed is someone who feels things more than what you should 
A weed doesn’t know who they are 
A weed’s tolerance is taken for granted 
A weed sinks in a bed of roses 
A weed is scared to become a weed 
A weed isn’t made 
A weed isn’t real 
A weed is a misconception 
It’s a plot that thickens 
It’s a potion that’s brewed 
It’s someone you know
Nearby and crying 
Close to dying 
But close to flying 
And seeing themselves 
For not a weed
But a plant 
That suffered too many for too much 
An everlasting forever bed of weed is a treasure to many alike 
weeds have To be spotted
but they want to be seen
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skyward-floored · 7 months
the thing about botw/totk zelink is i absolutely adore it, i just adore other zelink MORE. Like I love orange juice, but my favorite is grape juice, and when i get a nice strong craving for grape juice all i can find is orange, and it is Frustrating
everyone is planting orange trees even though there's already a huge orchard of them and while oranges are indeed delicious, the grapes are literally dying a few fields over. please water them.
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 11 months
I don’t know if you’re still doing the trick or treat thing, but I am dying for some Bagginshield fluff, featuring my favorite berry, maybe? 🥺🫐
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Sorry I couldn't get this out last night, but here's some blueberry fluff!
Try It?
Pairing: Bagginshield
Type of Treat: Fluffy
Word Count: 662
It was a wondrous day for a walk through the mountainside. When Thorin had asked for Bilbo’s hand, he had made sure the dwarf realized how important sunshine and outdoor walks were to him if he were to remain in Erebor. Exactly four days later, there was a balcony and hidden set of stairs outside the royal apartments. Dis and Balin did nothing but chastise Thorin for how reckless that was, but Bilbo was completely enamored with the dwarf’s ingenuity. Their wedding had been the happiest day of Bilbo’s life.
Wandering through what Bilbo referred to as ‘the gardens’ he took stock of all the plant life returning to the mountains in the wake of Smaug’s demise. Many of them Bilbo was familiar with, but there was the occasional plant or two that Bilbo had to have Ori help him look up the name for it. Nearing the end of his walking trail, Bilbo checked on what he had assumed was a tree growing in only to be met with a beautiful sight!
Fresh wild blueberries were blossoming, thick and full and nearly bursting. Bilbo’s mind was racing with all the recipes he could make with a basketful of them. He might even have enough for a pie! Taking off his jacket, Bilbo created a makeshift carrier for the berries plucking as many as he could. He cursed his inability to reach the higher ones and vowed to come back with a basket and Thorin later for a respectable berry picking. 
Once he had as many blueberries as he could manage, he folded them carefully into his jacket and carted them back up the mountainside. Not quite enough for a pie, but more than enough for some tarts! As soon as he was back in his and Thorin’s suite, he made his way straight for the kitchen. Fully stocked and furnished, a wedding gift from the family Urs. 
“Bilbo, what are you doing?” Thorin asked amused, finding him hours later covered in flour and smelling of pastry dough.
“Look! I found blueberries today! We can go back tomorrow and gather the rest of them and maybe can them or turn it to jam…why do you have that weird look on your face?”
Thorin’s grimace seemed to be twinged with guilt when he admitted. “I don’t like blueberries.”
Bilbo was aghast. He had never heard of someone not liking blueberries! “What? Whyever not?”
“The fruit itself is yellow but somehow it has a purple juice? It is…odd. And then I’m not a fan of the outside texture.”
Bilbo’s mouth formed a perfect ‘o’ of understanding. “You’ve only ever had them raw, not baked? Would you be willing to try a tart of mine to see if you would like it?”
Thorin looked uncomfortable, and Bilbo was quick to reassure him with a kiss. “You don’t have to. In the Shire, we believe food should be enjoyed, not forced. I’m not trying to pressure you.”
“If they were blackberries…believe me, amrâlimê (my love), I would have them devoured in a heartbeat. But blueberries…”
Bilbo kissed Thorin again, more thoroughly. “It is perfectly alright, my dear. I’m sure there are members of the Company that would be more than willing to…”
Thorin suddenly grabbed Bilbo and kissed him again, his tongue exploring its way into Bilbo’s mouth. Not that he was complaining in the slightest.
“Are those the blueberries I taste?” He asked when he finally pulled away, a wondrous look in his eye.
Bilbo smirked. “Well I had to sample the tarts to make sure they were edible.”
Thorin rolled his eyes and shook his head before taking a step towards Bilbo’s cooling tarts. He hesitantly picked it up, gave it a sniff, before popping it in his mouth. Thorin’s eyes grew wide in amazement, and he quickly ate five more after it. It was then that he and Bilbo found out that blueberries Thorin liked. It was grapes he had an issue with.
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It is fall, and people complain that the soil is dying. Soon it will freeze. Tomato plants will shrivel, the last cucumbers picked, no berries in sight. Under a soft blanket of leaves the world will wait. The trees understand, they have drawn into themselves and hope that the thaw will not leave their bark shattered. Garlic understands too, it will grow under frozen ground and its root will be dug up in the summer. Carrots are not meant to grow and their flesh will look strange, but they too survive. This slow brewing of our food is not enough to continue to supply us with fresh stocks during the winter, and though the grocery is a short walk away, I spend hours over boiling pots and checking my pantry as if i will be miles away from society. Apples and tomatoes find new homes in stacked boxes, wine made from leftover grapes, salsa stocks replenished. Dig. my trowel will be enough to shelter us if we do it right. Pray, not to a god, but to the worms, to the soil, to the leaves, to the compost, to anything that will mean I can sense the roots in the winter soil beneath the snow twisting and turning and that spring brings green.
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gardeningforfun0714 · 4 months
Hi everyone,
For those that may not recognize my username, I’m Maisy. My main blog is @mabrego0714 I’m an artist and often post Star Wars art (along with other fandoms). I also have a writing blog @writingforfun0714 where I write fanfics (I’m not a writer and just do that for fun).
Now I’d like to start a gardening blog where I basically just journal what I have, what I use for my plants, harvests, and maybe even share some garden/plant art as well.
I AM A NOVICE/BEGINNER. I’m still learning and am definitely open to any tips, tricks, and/or hacks to any of my plants but full on hate/condescension/general assholery will not be tolerated because I want this to be a safe space for everyone including:
—disabled/nd folks
—other beginner gardeners
—literally anyone interested in gardening
So here’s some info about my garden/area.
USA: Zone 9 (a)
Normal climate on an avg day: warm to hot/dry/arid with few days of rain though we’ve gotten more rain than normal this year. Can get windy. I do get hurricane and tornado warnings during those respective seasons.
Soil in my area is incredibly rocky and clay-like so my garden is split into 2 parts: direct-sow and container garden. Also I’ve had plants that require full sun in my yard die due to the intense heat of summer and fall. So that means some full sun plants might need protection and/or partial sun in my area.
Both gardens get sun but direct-sow garden is full sun. Potted plants get morning sun along with partial afternoon shade thanks to my house.
Now for the fun, listing what I already have and the status of them as of this post 6/4/24:
Container garden:
Apple tree—new tree/adding new growth and is currently ~7-8ft tall.
Peach tree—new tree/ has 4 small golf ball sized peaches and is currently ~6-7ft tall.
Olive tree—new tree/new growth and is ~4.5ft tall.
Fig tree/bush?—small but new growth.
Blueberries—I have 4 blueberry plants that range from a small fruiting bush to plants that are recovering from a fungal infection. I originally got 3 of them when they were packed in clay soil and developed blueberry blight (they were on clearance) and thought I could save them despite no knowledge of gardening/taking care of any kind of plant. I got some organic fungicide and changed the soil, adding in organic soil acidifier. They are currently recovering and adding new growth which I’m extremely proud of cuz I thought they would all die—which led me to buying the 4th one just in case the others didn’t make it. I’ll make a whole post about them later.
Raspberries—new plants with small buds growing. Currently ~2ft-3ft tall. I have 2 for pollination.
Blackberries—thorny vine producing fruit. I also have a thornless variety that is a small plant with new growth on it.
Elderberries—small bush that hasn’t flowered despite it being 2yrs old. Maybe it needs a pollinator?
Potatoes—I have 2 5gal buckets of potatoes. One has the plants yellowing/dying off and almost ready to harvest while the other bucket still has new growth.
Tomatoes—Lots of varieties that range from seedling, new growth to producing. Will make a tomato post as well.
Carrots—new growth and all carrots have their secondary leaves.
Onions—Chives specifically, rather small but still green and healthy.
Peppers—seedlings (we grew all our peppers from seed this year which takes longer and my dad and I started a bit late).
Chile pequin—established, flowering and producing small bush. Native plant in my area.
Green beans—producing
Cucumbers—flowering, about to produce
Native wildflowers—just past seedling, also doing great since I planted these way too late.
Radishes—They were doing well but we had high winds recently that wrecked them so I’m hoping they’ll come back.
Grapes—1 small 4ft vine from an online nursery and 2 fruiting vines about 6ft-7ft tall from Lowes. All green grapes.
Direct-sow/Ground Garden:
Corn—new growth, ~2ft tall with 1-inch thick stalks.
Tomatoes—Lemon boy hybrid, Super Sweet 100 hybrid, that are both flowering.
Pole beans—producing
Yellow Lantana—FLOWER. it migrated and exploded in my direct-sow garden. Doing great.
Melon patch—Mostly watermelon with cantaloupe. Everything is doing incredibly well and the watermelon have started to vine. I’ve got classic red sugar baby watermelon along with orange watermelon and yellow golden honey watermelon. Different color watermelon is common where I’m at. Will make a separate post for my melon patch too.
Exotic/Tropical/Cacti and Succulents/Unusual: I believe zones 9+ can grow lots of tropical fruit (but not all)
Pineapples—grown from tops. New growth but no flowers. All 3 are in a clay pot.
Pink Lemonade Blueberries—small plant with new growth. No flowers. Bought from online nursery early May ‘24.
Golden Raspberries—small plant with new growth. No flowers. Bought from online nursery early May ‘24. I have 2 for pollination.
Papaya—new tree with new growth but no flowers. ~3ft tall. I have 2 for pollination.
Pink Guava—new tree with new growth but no flowers. ~3ft tall. I have 2 for pollination.
I believe that’s it. So I think that’s all the important stuff I’ll include for my intro post but feel free to message me if you have a question or just wanna talk about gardening🌱🌿💚
Have a pic of one of the big grape vines I have. For reference it’s taller than me (I’m 5’3”). I will make posts about each plant this summer so get ready for that. If anyone has something they wanna see from the list, lemme know💚
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Below the cut is a bit about me, how I got into gardening, why I’m doing it now, what I hope to achieve and future plans for my garden. Thanks to those that like/reblog this and it’s never too late to plant. Happy gardening🥰
I was lucky enough to grow up with a garden during my early childhood years thanks to my dad. My dad had me late in life (he was 45) and he grew up around his farmer grandparents, and his green-thumbed mother who could make anything grow but mostly grew flowers in her garden. Our garden wasn’t much but it produced a lot. It consisted of cherry tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers and corn, at least at first. Then my dad added sunflowers, melons, and peppers. It was great and I loved going out with my dad and helping him. Sadly life got in the way when I was 7 and I experienced a lot of trauma. My parents divorced and that was the end of the garden because my mom had no time or interest in the upkeep of the garden. I had tried myself but things started to die one by one.
Years and years would pass that I wouldn’t even consider gardening. I was too busy with trauma/family/school etc to focus on gardening. It wasn’t until I graduated high school that I really started to think seriously about gardening to produce food to survive. In college I started to research gardening in my spare time (being an artist, I was in school for animation and illustration) and after dropping out, I decided to pursue gardening as a way to get up and outside especially with the pandemic.
I think around the time of the pandemic, I started researching different kinds of gardens and fell in love with the idea of a food forest. I told my dad about my new interest in gardening and I think that also inspired him to also get back into it as well and now it’s our shared activity we do.
I’d love to eventually get a large enough harvest to share with friends and family and I will definitely be expanding my garden this year as well. There was lots of construction last year in my neighborhood which drove all the pests and insects towards my garden and discouraged me so lots of my plants (all the trees/most of the berries) I bought this year are new and I haven’t grown 95% of what I have now so I’m super excited.
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True Vine
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by Andrew Murray
"And Every Branch That Beareth Fruit, He Cleanseth, That it May Bear More Fruit" – John 15:2
There are two remarkable things about the vine. There is not a plant of which the fruit has so much spirit in it, of which spirit can be so abundantly distilled as the vine. And there is not a plantnwhich so soon runs into wild wood, that hinders its fruit, and therefore needs the most mercilessnpruning. I look out of my window here on large vineyards: the chief care of the vinedresser is then pruning. You may have a trellis vine rooting so deep in good soil that it needs neither digging, nornmanuring, nor watering: pruning it cannot dispense with, if it is to bear good fruit. Some tree needsnoccasional pruning; others bear perfect fruit without any: the vine must have it. And so our Lordntells us, here at the very outset of the parable, that the one work the Father does to the branch thatnbears fruit is: He cleanseth it, that it may bear more fruit.
Consider a moment what this pruning or cleansing is. It is not the removal of weeds or thorns, or anything from without that may hinder the growth. No; it is the cutting off of the long shoots of the previous year, the removal of something that comes from within, that has been produced by the life of the vine itself. It is the removal of something that is a proof of the vigor of its life; the more vigorous the growth has been, the greater the need for the pruning. It is the honest, healthy wood of the vine that has to be cut away. And why? Because it would consume too much of the sap to fill all the long shoots of last year’s growth: the sap must be saved up and used for fruit alone. The branches, sometimes eight and ten feet long, are cut down close to the stem, and nothing is left but just one or two inches of wood, enough to bear the grapes. It is when everything that is not needful for fruit-bearing has been relentlessly cut down, and just as little of the branches as possible has been left, that full, rich fruit may be expected.
What a solemn, precious lesson! It is not to sin only that the cleansing of the Husbandman here refers. It is to our own religious activity, as it is developed in the very act of bearing fruit. It is this that must be cut down and cleansed away. We have, in working for God, to use our natural gifts of wisdom, or eloquence, or influence, or zeal. And yet they are ever in danger of being unduly developed, and then trusted in. And so, after each season of work, God has to bring us to the end of ourselves, to the consciousness of the helplessness and the danger of all that is of man, to feel that we are nothing. All that is to be left of us is just enough to receive the power of the life-giving sap of the Holy Spirit. What is of man must be reduced to its very lowest measure. All that is inconsistent with the most entire devotion to Christ’s service must be removed. The more perfect the cleansing and cutting away of all that is of self, the less of surface over which the Holy Spirit is to be spread, so much the more intense can be the concentration of our whole being, to be entirely at the disposal of the Spirit. This is the true circumcision of the heart, the circumcision of Christ. This is the true crucifixion with Christ, bearing about the dying of the Lord Jesus in the body.
Blessed cleansing, God’s own cleansing! How we may rejoice in the assurance that we shall bring forth more fruit.
O our holy Husbandman, cleanse and cut away all that there is in us that would make a fair show, or could become a source of self-confidence and glorying. Lord, keep us very low, that no flesh may glory in Thy presence. We do trust Thee to do Thy work.
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Random Things SCP 076-2 Has Said in His Sleep: Lovingly Compiled by Iris and Rabbit
As Abel's sisters, it is our sacred duty to embarass our dear brother. It's not well known, as few people really want to hang out with him long term, that he talks in his sleep. That being said, as his sisters we have access to secrets no one else knows. We present the following gems, if you can figure out what the hell he was talking about please let us know. There is no context, only babbling. And maybe a bit of drooling. Enjoy.
"Everyone asks 'Why, Abel?', no one asks 'How Abel?' Abel needs a hug. And vodka."
"Mr. Deeds, my largest sword."
"Dimitri... are you sure? But... with fairy floss?"
"Grape. Why is it grape?"
"No, I do not want your butter, Dr. Bright."
"Ow. Why did you hit me, Mr. Fluffington?"
"Who. Moved. My. Plushie?" (very angry voice)
"Where is my butt?"
"Terrible. Simply terrible." A pause. "Another."
"Why are my sheep blue?"
"Iris... your hair. When did it turn so green?" (Iris has, for the record, never dyed her hair, period)
"Tis but a flesh wound... Come back here, Bright! I'm going to bite your knees off!"
"So pretty. But cold."
"Agent Strelnikof, your trousers are open."
"Yes, I would like an ice cream."
"What? In there? No, I do not think I will."
"My sisters can kick your sisters' asses."
"More cow." A pause. "Too much cow."
"Why are you eating my leg? I need that."
"I think I will pass on that hug, 049. No offense."
"Why are there 6 levers yet only 4 directions on this thing?"
"Call off the floor cleaning machine, it's no match for me!"
"Where the hells did the zamboni come from?"
"But... the fish!"
"Rubber baby buggy bumpers."
"Rabbit... why is the snowman chasing us?"
"Oh no... not you again!"
"So... 682... want to go scare the pants off Bright?" Chuckling. "He'll never see us in our clown suits. Heh."
"The cake is true. The ice cream is a lie. But... the cake is not good."
"Just find a nice pile of blankets and come cuddle with me. Trust me, better to sleep than face... that."
"Why is the plant biting me?"
"Who stole my sweetroll?"
And last but not least...
"Dr. Clef... please put your clothes back on. I'm not your type."
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Spoiler for my stories
Reaper seating on the edge of the cliff staring at the beach side. He saw everyone having fun down in the sand, while his alone staring at them having fun with the new addition of their group.
Reaper held out his hand, a silver scythe cover with vines and flower engraving and symbols appear on his hands.
He spin it to his right to his left hand before he point at the side of him and flower bloom from unfertilized soil.
Sometimes he wonder about his friend group. It seems that from the four of them, other bee called him "4*" for a nicknames before.
Moving his scythe to poke his other side and making another plant sprout and bloom.
Reaper: I wonder if other bee think everyone is a card. σ( ̄、 ̄〃) to say that.
His mismatched eyes stare at Bee who's making sandcastle with Blood and Sea.
Holding the scythe and tapping it's edge of the staff of the scythe to the ground in the edge of the cliff it suddenly blossom trees and he casually alter it's growth to be sides, before long his feet is no longer dangling over the edge as tree roots and branches form a safe hanging ground and he stand it with confidence.
Reaper: is bee a 5* then? Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
He wonder about Bee power level, since a day ago, Doll keep asking Blood about ranking system of the multiverse and blood casually ignoring the question.
Reaper: hmm. (ㆀ˘・з・˘) blood said bee can be any stat of other kohaku. But his initial is a 5*... Blood also letting Bee borrow his powers as he said before. So Bee should be strong...
While walking on the branches that form a stair case for him as he move around as he wave his scythe from left to write, the vines of grapes and roses bloom and soon as he went back to the cliff a gigantic tree and the roots have taken over the cliff.
He suddenly remember how often the fae says about being past tense.
Standing on top of his now created tree garden, he stare at the people in the beach again while making a curtain made of vines and leaves.
Reaper:... I Wonder why, that's the case then... If Bee is strong why does he keep dying then. (●´⌓`●) maybe his au is a dangerous place... (︶︹︺) I hope bee don't suffer that badly.
His eyes then saw doll who's holding a black cat full of bandage and angrily went to Blood and start to demand some stuff from the other who once again ignore him.
Reaper who can see who the cat is:... Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) isn't that the other cat that catnap cat mc? Wonder why his leaking the stench of death.
Reaper watch as doll get was stopped by Bee who takes the wounded Kuma and his translucent wings become 6 feather like and he held the little guy who slowly healed up and the stench of death disappear with Bee going back to his usual attire and giving back the cat to Doll who seems quite glad the black cat is well again.
Reaper:... Isn't that like his other self ability. (●__●) Maybe they get along now to let him use that skill. Through wonder why would he use--
As he mumble that he sees you appearing beside Doll and looking in wonder at the healthy Kuma, he felt he understands now when you seems surprised And smile at Bee-- who flabbergasted and shyly blush before he cling to you and pulling you away from the group to somewhere.
Reaper who remember things:.. (• ▽ •;) oh. That's why.
The Reaper of Spring covered his face in embarrassment as he remembers some concerning memories he wish to not resurface at all.
Suddenly he was boink by an apple from the tree, turn out it's an apple tree. The moment he stare at it, he saw the glossy fresh apple but he take a bite but would keep it to give it to blood later.
Surrounded by nature of spring, he sigh happily but suddenly realize something.
he worriedly look around at his creation. He sigh hopelessly.
Reaper: blood and I seems to have similar type of skill... But his still better than me. (^~^;)ゞmaybe his a 5*.
Somehow he felt self conscious being around those version of himself that probably better than him. He always felt left out sometimes. He can never really have the same energy as Doll, Happy go lucky attitude of Blood, concerning lovesick personality of Bee or maybe the comforting silence of Sea.
His just That out of place kohaku. Among others. He wonder why if he belong with the group if his not as amazing as them.
He probably isn't categories as same as them. His not close with the 5 people they are close with from what they said Canon unit. His close with different people.
Hadey, eternity, frost, and Grave.
That was his set of friends other than his world MC and other spirit of winter cycle. His not close to Rinne Amagi, HiMERU, kaname, Madara Mikejima or even know a Niki Shiina.
He wonder why he seems so different from them. He can never assist Bee either as good Blood could or how Doll could.
His just him, who likes spring and flowers.
Leaves soon brush against his face as if wiping something, at that moment he realize how his vision is blurry as tears start to pour out.
Reaper: ... Am I really that sad to be different?
He suddenly went and hide himself from the view, leaning his back against the wall, he wipe his tears away.
Many memories and facts he refuse to remember resurfacing. His heart suddenly felt cold as if it's taken a frostbite of sadness.
Reaper: even the group of reapers ... I'm also the different one...
Maybe it's what he is. The oddball. To be different... Is this my form of eternity?
suddenly he heard someone calling out to him.
He quickly wipe his tears away and look where the voice are coming from.
Reaper of Spring, can you let us come in to your beautiful tree house? ♡(ӦvӦ。)
He look the others who have come to the cliff side without him noticing and calling out his name. His heart suddenly felt warm and the cold from loneliness he felt suddenly subside.
Sea held two shells together and smacking it together to make noises:
Doll who knows Morse code:...
Sea stared at Doll as if saying, his you too and your calling yourself stupid along the process: (c" ತ,_ತ)
Doll: fuck. I don't mop around crying on stupid things anyway. (`ー´)
It seems that doll notice what's wrong with him. Maybe doll is sensitive to emotions in his surrounding. Reaper wonder as quickly run downstairs toward his friends, when his finally out he saw everyone, even Bee who's holding the mofumofu moth stared at him with a soft smile.
Bee: can we come in, Reaper ? (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Reaper tearing up: (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) of course!
Doll:... Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
Bee: Σ(• ▽ •;)
Blood: oh my... (;^ω^)
Sea: Σ(¬︿¬)
Others soon approach Reaper and wipes his tears and try to comfort him and laugh his sadness away, but the moment they appear his emotion that bother him is gone and his just happy to see them approach him without him trying to stay on top of the floor of the group like he always do to not felt left out before.
When they ask what's making him cry he told them the truth they all look at him like his a dumb ass( more like it's doll) and sass him out about everyone is different and they are far different from what they are in canon. And being different make them original and unique. That they are not just that alternative but they are them. And each one of them are important like the other.
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