#My Little Pony: FiM rp
findroleplay · 1 year
Hello! I’m Demon, 23, and I live in the EST zone. This ad will be short and sweet, as it’s really more of an interest check and a dragnet for writing partners rather than a thought-out and fleshed-out plot(I am hoping to share the building of that with you). I’m going to list a short number of requirements/preferences right now:
you must be 21 or older to roleplay with me.
I prefer a 3rd person/past-tense format. I write comfortable between 3-7 paragraphs but can often do more, if my partner matches or comes close to the length of whatever I write. Visa versa, I tend to match my partner’s length per post. My starters always tend to run long, however.
I love a mix of wholesomeness and angst. I am open to and very comfortable with various dark themes, as well as smut/ERP as long as it doesn’t dominate the story. You should know that my characters are submissive types, regardless of how meek or fiery their personality is. Further details can be discussed privately.
I play male/non-binary/non-hetero-normative characters and I also prefer MxM pairings. Very rarely, I will play an AFAB character, but don’t count on it.
I roleplay mainly on Discord, but can be flexible for various platforms.
Now, onto my list of pairings, these can work with original characters.
x our characters are merfolk/sirens x I play a merfolk OC against your pirate OC(historical fantasy plot, think Pirates of the Caribbean) x One of us plays a merfolk against a scientific researcher/journalist/wildlife photographer/cryptid hunter.
I just really like merfolk, mmkay? And pirates. I love pirates. In fact, let’s have more pirates.
x Pirate captain(you) against my French Navy captain OC. He’s a big barrel of fun in a very small, sassy package. If you write this plot with me, I will be your biggest fan.
Aaaand I’ve got some fandom pairings I really want as well. I mean, REALLY want. I’m going to put cute little stars around the roles I will play, if I have a preference.
x Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass(Tim Burton) human!Cheshire Cat x Mad Hatter
x Encanto / Coco Crossover Bruno Madrigal x Héctor Rivera
x The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom Link x Ganondorf
x Potterverse Severus Snape x Fae OC
x The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Dragonborn!OC x Sheogorath x Sanguine
And finally, some various fandom fixations just to throw them out there. Harvestella My Little Pony: FiM(I know, I know, but Luna and Discord are super cool. I would love a Discord to my Luna). Venom Outlast My Pride Watership Down The Addams Family(1991, of course, because… WHEW. DAMN. What I wouldn’t give to be in a wholesome and loving throuple with my healthy marriage goth icons).
That’s almost it. But, there is a post on my page that contains a Google Doc, as a bio for information relating to myself as a writer/roleplayer. It also includes a list of likes/limits for ERP and a writing sample at the end. Please do check it out if you would be so kind. If you like what you see here, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. If I don’t answer for a bit, it’s just because I’m sleeping or doing something, but I’ll get back to you soon. Have a lovely day/night~
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woahpinkhorsegirl · 2 months
I made an infection AU too lol
Its just a concept, i'll put out character sheets but i cant guarantee i'll do anything with it but I can do RP with it
It takes place during the show's run but not at any particular point so theres gonna be a lot of mixed details
Trigger warning, just in case: mention of euthanasia, possession
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The sketches are a bit old but here's roughly what happens when a creature is infected
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snackyyduck · 2 months
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Mr starbeam ✨
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phykoha · 25 days
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i dont draw mlp much but i felt inspired.... I took a few creative liberties, i hope thats ok.... :)
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my-house-maybe · 4 months
hello? hi?
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uhm how are you?
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party-of-2 · 3 months
I am u son from from a nover Universe
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wwwwWWWWWWHHHHHHAAAAAATTTT?! I HAVE A SON?! AND I DIDN’T KNOW?? Well, I mean, you ARE from a different universe, BUT STILL! Do you know “Pinktrap?” Are you her son??? This day just keeps getting crazier and crazier!!
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Ehem... so, um... who’s the dad?
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snapple-bloom · 5 months
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For realllllllllllllllllllll tho! 😩😩😩
“Ah’ need mah’ fellow crusaders so that we can go an’ help Ponies get their Cutie Marks, or ta commit tax fraud! Ya know, either or would be great cuz they’re both fun!”
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zvyozde-kra · 29 days
Date: 14.05.24
Desc: An old MLP elegance of Noveltine, I'm really proud of this art I made ✧✧✧
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feral-roach · 1 month
4th day of school and everyone already knows i’m trans, a therian, possibly autistic, i watch cartoons, im a fnaf fanatic, i had a gacha phase, a genshin phase, i roleplay on discord, and i watch my little pony. guys what happened i was trying to be cool and mysterious
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cheesey-ocs · 3 months
"My my Another alicorn? My name is winner and your bubbles am I right..?~"
- [ @ask-winner-drop ]
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*bubble hops excitedly when seeing another alicorn, she nods her head quickly*
*she circles around winner fascinated by her*
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pruechaosbracket · 1 year
ROUND 3: Chungledown Bim VS Discord
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About Chungledown Bim: He's a Pirate in the Cult of Old Bill, originally created as a random tertiary character, he temporarily helped Fabian until Fabian tried to hide during a fight against Captain James Whitclaw, where Chungledown tried to cast Eldritch Blast on him and delivering the line "Ye ain't no pirate, and Bill would spit in yer eye! I'm gonna shit in yer mouth! I'm gonna make a toilet of yer mouth, boy!", mentally scaring Fabian to the point where Chungledown Bim is now his worst fear.
About Discord: He is a spirit of chaos, he originally tried to turn Pony Vile into "The chaos capital of the world" and turning the Mane Six into opposite versions of themselves, this plan failed and he was turned back into a statue before being released and redeemed not long after. Even after his redemption, he didn't stop his chaos and world-bending antics, he just toned them down a bit, some of things he's caused after this includes; Faking illness to test Twilight, Bringing a slime creature to the Grand Galloping Gala, Breaking a window, Creating a real-life version of MLP's equivalent to DND, presumably trying to teach Trixie chaos magic, Trying to get Twilight to make Starlight Glimmer his roommate, and Scaring the School of Friendship's students as a ghost. The one time her tried to be normal he started to fade away.
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thatponyposter · 5 months
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I redrew it because I hated how the first one came out. This one’s more accurate to their sizes as well as headcanons lmaoo- I know it’s been ages but I’m still wanting to do a rp of them
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woahpinkhorsegirl · 2 months
A continuation of my MLP infection premise where, in short, the Tree of Harmony got sick of everyone missing the point and constantly getting into conflicts that it just decided its time to force friendship.
Because i formatted these for Instagram, all the necessary information is right on the images themselves, so theres no additional info needed.
Edit: I forgot to clarify all of these are just edited renders except for any original characters, any infection OCs will have a base credit of some kind. All canon characters are just edited renders.
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Thats the first batch I have, I'll post the others in a timely manner eventually lol. Thanks for reading!
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snackyyduck · 2 months
Working on some adopts (base paid for artist is fuchsiaplume on etsy)
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odi-the-oddity · 8 months
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Weed pony red sheet finally finished!! y’all finally get to see her cutie mark and name, Forest Echo!
I was thinking maybe she became a social degenerate after her mother (the princess of nature, basically mother nature herself) passed away during the crystal war or something. She abandoned becoming a princess and let celestia find a replacement, which was never done and celestial manages the role with certain magic.
She lives a quiet life in manehattan, but travels to visit pinkie pie every now and then. They became friends at Luna’s coronation thingy once she came back.
Celestia always comes to her and asks that she take her rightful role as princess of the forest/nature. She’s debating that though. (Please someone tell me if I should make her a princess or not idk wht to do)
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my-house-maybe · 4 months
What happened to the camera? If you can figure it out :3
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figured it out!!!! yay!!
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