#My brain keeps wanting to use emotes XD
murmuringbug · 5 months
hes in the window <3
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toweroftickles · 2 months
Hi (:
What do you think about characters of "Inside out 2"? Do we have some lees here?
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Ok I somehow didn't experience the original Inside Out until like 2 weeks ago, and then immediately rushed to theaters for the second one, and I have not been able to stop thinking about it since! Of course the first thing I started daydreaming about was the chaos that would ensue in Brain HQ during tickles. So yes, I've definitely got headcanons. XD
When Riley Gets Tickled
Joy squees, claps, bounces up and down, the usual. "AAAH Tickle time! Awww, our girl is still so adorable..."
Disgust: "Mm-mm. I hate this. Hate it. Majorly messing with my zen."
Sadness: *confused and a little uncomfortable*
Fear: *open-mouthed and deeply uncomfortable*
Envy gasps and hops up to the screen. "Omigosh omigosh they're touching us. That means they like us and think we're cute, right? Right?!"
Anger: "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be, huh?! You want a fight, kid?! I'll give ya a fight! Right up your -"
Anxiety: "Wait! There's a million possible variables in what'll happen if we decide to fight back! Accidentally punching them would be devastating to our network!"
Joy's not paying attention, she's too busy laughing and hammering the serotonin injector.
"I-I got it! Scream! Just holler, really loud!"
"GUHH, get out of the wayyyy; stop hogging this thing! We have to run! Come on!"
Ennui: *exists in French*
*Meanwhile Embarrassment is just spread out like a starfish and rolling his entire girth back and forth across the keyboard.*
When Riley's Tickling Someone Else
Joy takes the wheel here. The others know not to disturb a master plying her craft. She's an expert tickler, so she feeds Riley a whole bushel of fun ideas, and Envy is her eager troublemaker minion.
There is in fact a dedicated "Tickle" command button. The plastic is slightly stuck in the slot because it hasn't been used much.
Anger keeps trying to grab his levers and switches, but Joy usually shoves him to the side with her foot.
*tries to wrest control from Joy and rein her in*
*barfing in the corner somewhere*
When a Tickle Scene Pops Up in a Movie
Joy giggles happily and squirms in her seat, then boops the control panel so that Riley follows suit.
Disgust is a tiny bit antsy...she's not influencing Riley yet but she's on standby in case stuff gets weird.
Embarrassment gingerly taps the console at increasing intervals until Sadness pulls his arm away.
Ennui: Probably watching something else. Or doomscrolling.
When Someone Asks Riley if She's Ticklish
*screams like a little girl*
*hides, bangs head on the desk*
"That is NOT funny!"
"Oh no! What do we do; whaddawedo?! Riley's way too ticklish! What if they tickle us and don't stop for the rest of eternity?! What if they think Riley's laugh is weird and we're socially ostracized and forced to get a job in a fish cannery?!"
“Ew ew ew ew no. Lie. We have to lie right now!” *jumps for the controller*
*Joy grabs Disgust's arm* "Whoa whoa whoa, eeeaasy there. Let's just calm down...this is a fun question; we're having fun..."
Envy: "Ooo, what if they're ticklish and they want us to tickle them?" *already wiggling her fingers in the air*
"But if we misread that signal and make them mad at us, then..."
Ennui: *groans and taps her console app*
Riley, being super casual: “Meh…a little. Not really.”
Suddenly Riley's eyes dilate. Her throat hitches and there's the tiniest bit of pink in her cheeks. Everyone turns their heads to look at -
"Ohhhh boy. There it is. We're doomed now."
When They Get Tickled Themselves
Come on, we all know that Joy always draws first blood. (Er...first giggle?) She's such a switchy monster. Tickling is her default method of cheering others up. It's canon. Case closed.
As someone whose default setting repels positivity, Sadness is not ticklish at all, and this actually upsets her.
*silently grabs the tickler by the neck and tosses them out the window*
Nobody protests like Disgust. She gets mad. She slaps. She hurls insults. She runs away. Disgust is both extremely ticklish and extremely touch-averse, so this is Code Red for her.
Fear is the type who doesn’t so much “laugh” as “have a shrieking, spastic outburst and breakdance like Sonic the Hedgehog in a malfunctioning taser-testing facility."
At first, Anxiety is overcome by stressful jitters, miserable and whimpering, and her whole body contracts. After a few moments of tickling, though, she starts to let all that tension out and relaxes into nervous vibrato laughter. It becomes sort of a therapeutic stress release, like her special chair.
It's not exactly the physical sensation of tickle torture that Envy craves, it's the attention. The sound she makes when tickled oscillates between wild, snorty cackles and the dulcet hoots of a baby owl trapped in a pinball machine.
Ennui is dead. No reaction. Her body is a neurological cemetery. ...EXCEPT for her heels and the back of her knees. (And if you thought phone loss made her experience Vietnam flashbacks...)
What do you think Embarrassment does? He plops himself down on the floor and pulls his hoodie so tight around his face that no one can tell if he's laughing or sobbing.
As Riley's primary protector, Fear is always scouting ahead for any potentially-tickly environmental hazards, and gently nudges her away from catastrophe ("you forgot your shoes! put them back on before you walk on grass;" "don't lift your arms up around Bree and Grace;" "those massage chairs in the mall are actually full of rusty knives and drug dealers sleep on them;" etc.)
When Riley gets tickled, the emotions don't "feel" it, exactly, but they perceive something of a contact buzz.
These are typically how the reactions go, but they're not universal. If Riley's been in a bad mood, Anger might be more proactive in grabbing the handles. Embarrassment may have more or less of his body mass pancaking the buttons, depending on who's tickling her. (Like...a boy?! Or Val?! Or -) Standard variations like that.
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Riley has an extremely ticklish tummy! That's her spot. (Just the vibe I get; IDK.)
Bree and Grace are really ticklish too, but Riley is the weak link... the member of the trio that the other two team up against. Lots of tickle fights and sneak attacks.
She obviously loves to laugh and goof around with her friends, but probably isn't over-enthused by that last part.
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The most popular girl in school, the tough athletic one - her adulating devotees wouldn't think it, but beneath that too-cool exterior, Val is very weak to tickling.
All the other Firehawks know, and like to tease Val by poking her.
She's a good sport about it and takes it like a champ - just yelps and laughs and pushes back. They have fun.
Her big weakness is her feet.
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Lance Slashblade
Crop top alert. The abs are asking for it. (Just sayin.')
The thought of being tickled is intolerable to him. Even in this...what should be a moment of joyous camaraderie...he is haunted. Forced to laugh like...like some sort of...clown swordsman?! How could he be so weak...so degraded...so unworthy to carry the holy blade of his ancestors, they whose destinies were written in the stars ere these centuries long past? Will he never be a true warrior, with the strength to stem the tide of encroaching night? It is too painful to think about...the icy whips of humiliation, always ravenous and bitter in their lashes, strike! and cast him into the shadows and okay the joke's over now we're getting long-winded and edgelordery big words drama sparkling vampires and junk
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(Also, yes, he Morph-Balls himself.)
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scuttlingcrab · 6 months
What if Raphael sent Tav an embarrassing gift? Something he'd definitely find pleasure in, but Tav would be mortified to receive? xD
LOL. Thank you for sending me this one. I died writing this, had me grinning from beginning to end. x
Summary: Raphael gives Tav, his very favourite client, a generous gift after she signs his contract.
Notes: Some suggestive imagery from the devil we know and love.
Link to my other work in the Devil's Archive.
The Devil's Muse
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(Image via keylana-dragon)
“I beg your indulgence. A brief word, before you depart.” 
Raphael spoke in a low rumble, intending his voice for Tav but unperturbed whether or not the other companions overheard him. 
Tav hesitated, her ears perking up as his voice shattered the silence. She hovered near the door of his suite in Sharess’ Caress, halfway through the threshold as she attempted to make her leave. Shadowheart, Astarion, and Karlach waited on the landing outside, the companions lingering like flies on a rotten corpse. 
Raphael casually leaned against the desk, resting his hands on the smooth, rich rosewood. He lightly tapped his fingers on the surface, warming up his digits before the second performance began. 
The little mouse was always the last to leave his company, lagging behind her companions. It was only for a moment, but that was long enough for Raphael to take note, keeping a detailed record after each encounter.
She tried to play coy, never giving Raphael the satisfaction of losing himself in those dark delectable eyes. He could often feel Tav’s gaze on him as soon as he turned his back to her, those eyes burning through his very body and spirit. 
Despite her attempts of acting aloof, with her crossed arms and narrowed lips, she remained at the forefront of their conversations. Raphael would catch her leaning towards him, edging closer as he spoke his rhymes of wisdom and warning. Tav in turn spoke softly when she addressed Raphael, her words blunt yet voice cracking with emotion. 
That confounded mortal fanned the flames of his desires the more detached she presented herself. She was becoming a nuisance; occupying every waking thought and following him freely into every dream. Raphael had an insatiable longing for carnality, his chest overflowing with passion. He had been reduced to his primal instincts, letting his lust for that woman lead his motivations instead of his ambitions for the Crown. He would need to be more cautious. 
“There is one thing I wish to show you… now that the contract has been signed.”
Tav raised an eyebrow, biting her bottom lip as she watched Raphael, waiting for him to continue.
“What in the flaming Hells does he want now?” Karlach shouted, shoving her obnoxious face through the doorway. “C’mon soldier, we need to leave.” 
Karlach placed a hand on Tav’s arm, trying to lure her outside. Tav remained cemented, grabbing Karlach’s hand in return. 
“Hold on a minute.” Tav responded, “let’s hear what he has to say.”
“It would be in your best interest, little mouse, if it was just the two of us.” An edge of warning in Raphael’s tone.
“Oh, go on then, devil.” Karlach sneered.
“Come now, Karlach, no need to be unpleasant. Can we not speak with civility?” 
Tav regarded the situation with curiosity, her intense stare shifting around the room. Raphael could just about hear the rusted cogs turning inside of that tadpoled infested brain of hers.
Tav nodded, walking to the centre of the suite. 
“Alright, Raphael. I’m not interested in any more secrets. Whatever you have to say or show can be done in front of everyone.”
Karlach stomped her way into the room, standing close behind Tav. The Tiefling's infernal engine roared, the flames in her chest growing more chaotic as she shot Raphael a scathing glance. Shadowheart and Astarion shared a few hushed words as they followed Karlach, shuffling reluctantly back inside the Devil’s Den. 
“So be it, if you insist.” 
Raphael snapped his fingers and a large painting sizzled into view, suspended above them. The entire party gasped in unison. 
“A gift for my new treasured client.”
The painting showcased Tav reclining on a leather chaise lounge against a dark grey backdrop, her body bending with pleasure. She was draped in a red robe, the sleeves falling loosely off her slender shoulders, stopping just above the hill of her breasts. Her eyes were closed and her lips wore a savoury smile, as if she was on the cusp of release. Her dark wavy hair poured off the edge of the furniture like a waterfall. 
Raphael beamed, his lips curling into a satisfied smirk as he respected the painting in the very presence of his muse. He had painted Tav’s likeness from memory, hoping he would be able to do her justice by capturing her unique beauty on the canvas. 
Whether Tav signed Raphael’s contract that afternoon was debatable, he would’ve delivered his gift to the little mouse regardless of the outcome.
He had worked diligently behind the scenes since their last rendezvous in the Shadow-Cursed Lands; sketching mockups, painting, re-painting, one failed canvas after another, until he successfully recreated the image that plagued his mind for what felt like an eternity.
Raphael knew it would never be perfect, he still found flaws as he stared at the painting; minor errors in the brushstrokes, a few shadows that could’ve perhaps been blended better. He only hoped it added to the charm and the little mouse would not notice. 
Raphael returned his attention to his guests, immediately observing Tav. She was frozen in place, her eyes wide and fixed on the painting, as if she was hypnotised by it. There was something different to her face now, something Raphael always yearned to see from the mortal. A faint gleam in those eyes, a playful smile slowly crawling up her delicate lips the more she stared at the artwork. Had he stirred something in the little mouse? At long last? 
“Perhaps, at a later time, we can admire it together, once the Crown is in my possession, yes? Until then, it will remain in my House of Hope. For safekeeping, naturally.”
“This has got to be a fucking joke, right?” Karlach shouted, getting in between Tav and Raphael. “I told you he was a creep!”
“I don’t know, it does capture her essence... in a drab, lifeless kind of way.” Shadowheart murmured, her cheeks blushing as she continued to gape at the painting.  
“And here I was thinking only his poetry was questionable.” Astarion whispered, giggling like an ill-behaved schoolboy. 
“I often forget how ignorant you mortals are. A pity.” 
Raphael straightened his posture and kept his chin held high. He tightly clasped his hands behind his back, imagining what it would feel like to have his fingers around the companions' brittle necks, ridding them of their pitiful lives. Those foolish twits would feel his wrath in due time. Perhaps one, or two, would perish when they fought the Elder Brain. Yes, that would be most preferable.
Raphael instead approached Tav, ignoring the companions and their onslaught of criticisms. He turned to face the painting, standing beside her. Raphael could see Tav out of the corner of his eye, feeling the warmth radiating off her body as she continued to stare at the artwork. 
“I never took you for a painter, Raphael.”  
“I occasionally dabble in mortal amusements from time to time, when I’m feeling inclined.”
“And do you always give your clients such risqué gifts? These types of things are open to suggestions.” 
“It’s an innocent gift, I assure you. But now I am most curious, what does this painting tell you?”
Raphael crossed his arms, his fingers trembling as he raised a hand to his chin, anticipating her answer. 
“A promise of what could be? Maybe what more could be offered?”
“Very astute. I have been known to provide exceptional entertainment when certain deals have been met.”
Raphael tilted his head, taking an opportunity to lean towards Tav. It was a subtle gesture, but their bodies were now touching, linked together. With his arms still crossed, he removed an index finger from his lower extremity, lightly caressing Tav’s exposed forearm. The little mouse did not flinch at his touch but he saw her smile grow. 
“One note though.” Tav whispered. 
“Go on?” 
“I think my jawline is a bit off, don’t you think?”
Raphael bit his tongue, unsure whether he wanted to incinerate the little mouse or take her by the neck and violently kiss her.
Raphael had Tav's signature but he’d only praise the occasion when that little mouse bestowed the Crown to him. Her contract didn’t amount to a hill of beans when compared to his grander schemes. Raphael would not rest until he had succeeded in his plight to unite the Nine Hells, until he faced Mephistopheles, and claimed his birthright. 
Raphael had once made a promise to himself not to allow any distractions. It was too perilous, opening him up to failure and eternal punishment. But that damned little mouse found a way through his defences, crept through the cracks of what he thought was a sturdy foundation. The woman had caught Raphael in her snare. Until he held her in his arms, until she was his, she would continue to plague his dreams. Perhaps along the road to ascension, he would add Tav’s heart to his list of conquests. 
“I will make sure to keep that in mind for my next piece.” Raphael noted, turning to face the rest of the party. 
The silence was heavy, the awkwardness weighing on the companions. Raphael stared at each of them until they looked away, unable to handle the intense heat of his gaze without melting. 
“You may take your leave. The room is getting far too crowded for my tastes.” Raphael waved the party off, walking back to his desk. He left the painting floating above him. 
“Gods, I thought he’d never ask. Fucking prick.” Karlach whispered, practically sprinting out the room. 
“Tav, you owe me a damned drink.” Astarion groaned.
Shadowheart had no words, but she curiously eyed the painting a final time before trailing after Astarion. 
“Don’t disappoint me, little mouse. The fate of the world, our very futures, hang over your shoulders.”
Tav remained in the room, staring amorously into Raphael’s eyes. He held his breath, relishing the seconds he was allowed to devour her magnificence.
“Thank you." Tav mouthed, and quickly made her exit.
Raphael released a sigh, resting a hand on his desk to keep himself from combusting. That damned woman.
The curtain had fallen on this act, but it was not yet the finale. Change was brewing, mists of uncertainty clouding Raphael’s judgement, and for once, he was not fearful of what was to come.
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bluginkgo · 1 month
Ep 8 Thoughts and Details Part 1
Some thoughts and details I had while watching ep8, and some parallels I found. And yes, I had to split this into 2 parts because Tumblr said "fack you, you can only upload 30 images :P"
Spoilers, duh
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Already starting strong, the song that plays through the radio is "Cyn's theme" if you will, that is heard all the way back in ep5 (time stamp about 2:34)
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Ep8 showcasing the first teaser image that was released on Liam's channel. Quite bittersweet, in a good way.
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Well, uh, Uzi is a true god now XD She's got the AS that was originally in Cyn as well, double powerful and double traumatized/damaged OC!
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"A How-to guide of overcoming the existential dread evoked by murdering innocent sentient robots capable of emotion and independent thought. Real life JCJ engineer testimonies. Thought provoking analysis of life and the benefit of being the apex predator. Insanely philosophical advice such as, 'Get over it,' 'Shut up and keep working,' 'Do you want a job or not.'"
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Bleh >:P The fact that the AS is still playful is something a bit silly to me, in a funny way. Despite it being the god of the universe- almost- it has a silly side to it.
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The amount of times there were cuss words either almost said/implicated made me so happy and burst out laughing one too many times XD
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I've seen some people mention how the reunion between Uzi and Nori was unsatisfactory. In my opinion? It was perfect. The awkward feeling of meeting someone you should have known your entire life, all the while trying to the world was perfectly translated here. The silliness that Uzi inherited from Nori shines here. But most of all, N's kindness shines through Uzi. I think if Uzi was still her angsty rebellious teen like she was back at the beginning of the series, she would have not had as nice of a reunion with Nori as she did now.
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Omg, you have no idea how happy I was in this scene. The animation, VAs, the DETAIL- ALL OF IT was so amazing! N looks so silly and goober-y <:3 Another thing I took notice later on was the timing. It's not really stated how much time it took for Uzi to go from falling down the AS hole to being punted into space. But assuming about minutes, that implies N facking booked it. The moment he got tossed out of the cathedral with the keys, he absolutely booked it to the ship without evening thinking whether Uzi was alive or not. He needed to see the evidence for himself. He didn't give up on and assume that Uzi was gone.
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Recently one of the animators posted the scenes they worked on, giving us a clearer view of expressions. The work done by Xoriak was amazing and really pushed the expressions on these characters to the limit. What used to be Uzi's anger, quickly melts into relief an sadness as she realizes that N didn't give up on her in this scene. While she sacrificed herself, N did not accept her possible death as the only answer. No, he chose to look for her, and he would have done the same with V had the elevator not been blocked off.
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This made me happy too. N has grown so much from who he was in the pilot. He used to be the push over that made friends with rocks, that accepted any order from the higher ups and didn't dare question any rebuttals. Now? Now he's confident enough to even voice the fact that he was mad about what Uzi did.
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Give me like- giv- give me a second- LKJD;OIADKNVKVNAKDJF;OIWAEJFANVKJASDJFAOIWEFNAKJSDBV For the longest time my hyperfixation has been BONKS. Evident enough with what I've drawn (looks back at the 4-5 bonk drawings I've made). The fact that I got to see them bonk in canon made my sad sorry soul ascend into the upper plane of existence XD Oh and "die man bit-"
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I grew up watching Studio Ghibli, so to see this moment- of NUzi falling and holding hands, of course my brain said- YOYOYOYO LOOK LOOK THEY'RE SO CUTE-
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The moment of respite, the hug, the tail wrap around and the quick release from Uzi's part after having a heart to heart- it was all so perfectly beautiful ;w; NOT TO MENTION THE MUSIC, as usual AJ DiSpirito absolutely delivered. I REQUIRE THAT MUSIC TO BE PLAYING LOUDLY IN MY EARS 24/7 PLEASE AND THANK YOU AJ.
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"I owe you 1 spaceship" -N
Couple things:
It's funny how J just either gave the ship up without a fight, or N was so stupidly fast that J couldn't even do anything about him taking it XD
N is an absolute machine at speed drawing XD
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"I'm FINE, and calm, and GO AWAY." J is the embodiment of the entire work force TwT Couldn't help but say "same, honey, same ;w;"
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Excuse me while I just- ITS VVVVVVVVV SHE CAME BACK OH MY GOSH- passes out On a more serious note, I've seen plenty of people mention that if V came back, her sacrifice would be for nothing. I don't think so. V came such a long way and grew to be more kind and honest thanks to her interactions with N, Uzi, Lizzy, and even her "death." It shows, because she chose to side with Uzi and N, and they all fought together in an amazing dance.
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There were many moments in the episode that were a bit "slower" pace as many have put. That these moments took away from the intensity that was supposed to be in the episode. I don't think so. These moments are needed not just for the comedy part of it, but to give our brains to rest. To take a second, process the fighting we just saw, and be ready for more action. This is often used in Studio Ghibli movies, where after heavy action, it is followed by moments of quiet serenity to give you time to let the events sink in.
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This, this right here TwT CRIES. These three have been together, hanging out, figuring out the eldritch mysteries- of course they'd pick up habits from each other. From N becoming more confident with himself and allowing himself to be mad at someone. To Uzi picking up on V's crawling on the ceiling habit. To V picking up Uzi's "bite me."
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The amount of hand holding that was in this episode gave me enough serotonin for a life time. And the way that N always ended up wrapping his tail around Uzi, be it a hug or a cool pose. All of my NUzi hyperfixations are becoming canon and making me go FERAL.
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Something that is interesting and always comes back to us, is the AS's interest and fixation on N. The way I have always seen it was Cyn was the reason for it. The AS tends to take something from the host and amplify it ten fold. For Uzi's case the perfect example was when she felt anxious or upset. Ep4 and ep7 are great examples of that. For Cyn's case it would seem that she got attached to N after she entered the mansion as a Solver host. The AS probably took that thought and amplified it to unhealthy amounts.
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Oh.MY.GOD. THESE GOOBERS SEND HELP THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL ME WITH HOW CUTE THEY ARE. N first attempts to protect Uzi, and she says "nuh uh" and covers his hand instead. This. This right here. It's far too beautiful TwT
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Great frame, but uh, how the fack are we able to see the AS symbol? XD Cause uh like, her face has a split for the nose section still and all of a sudden it just... went away? XD Don't get me wrong, the animation is TOP NOTCH in these last episodes, but silly little moments like this- where it's super tense and scary, but after a rewatch it just seems silly.
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When I first saw this I figured "oh shit, it's ep7 all over again, they're gonna be obliterated." The demonic screams I let out were a bit embarrassing to say the least XD
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This little shit. She's just playing with them, and she knows it. This entire fight was nothing more than a little game for her. Like a cat playing with a mouse before killing it.
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In this scene you can actually hear the first notes of Eternal Dream, but in a super distorted way, much like it sounded in ep6 (timestamp about 15:30)
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Alright, Ginkgo what now, why include this blurry frame of nothing? I really admire Cyn's VA. Fitzy has always done an amazing job at making my favorite character- Cyn- the creepy silly goober that she is. So of course I would have watched and unwillingly memorized laugh takes that Fitzy also shared. One of which was here (time stamp of about 0:47. The laughs are similar, and most likely reused from ep7 takes that never made it into ep7 but carried over to ep8. Just a fun little detail I noticed.
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Split second frame but I see it. I SEE IT V. SHE COVERED UP N'S CORE TwT Despite all of the comments she made, despite all of the things she did, she still cared for him. And the entire show, her entire character growth shows that. She didn't run in that moment- she could have much like she did from Cynessa mere seconds ago, but she stayed, and tried to protect N too.
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The entire fighting scene between Uzi, Cynessa and J was so amazing. As usual, AJ DiSpirito did an AMAZING job with the songs, but more so the fact that Uzi is able to hold her own against J and Cynessa, that just amazes me. She has always been strong, but seeing it in battle made me appreciate it all that much more. Another thing about this episode, it seemed like the animators didn't particularly try to hide anything sneaky. All of the glitched sections (ex: Uzi's visor after she at the AS) were code that general population is unable to read/decipher- unless someone with an actual expertise tells me otherwise, I can only assume its code of her CPU functions- once again, remember, I know next to nothing about computers and that language TwT But the moments that were evident were these- they were even changed to BLUE. From the pilot time, everything was sneaky. I mean from the way the Murder Drones logo switched briefly into the AS symbol, to N's waking up having administration "CYN" written on his visor upon reboot. All of that was sneaky details put in for us to hunt down. This time around, it didn't feel much of like a hunt and more like silly easter eggs.
Wanna see the rest of it? Yeah, here's part 2 because Tumblr doesn't like more than 30 images per post TwT
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fillinforlater · 1 year
Master['s] Ball[s]
Male Reader x Choi Yena
Length: 2788 words
Tags: a totally normal gaming night, playing games, cute friendship, having fun, helping each other, grinding, sex as a reward, blow job, playing with testicles, balls, balls, balls, Yena really likes sucking you, jerking you off, soft dom, violent orgasm, pajama party gone wild
Inspiration: that Yena pic as well as some crazy ideas/implementation of Pokemon elements (I do not claim them to be right, just go along with it xD)
(A/N: I wanted to keep it at about 1k, but I went wild xD I feel obliged to @usedpidemo and @worldsover but it's for all of you Yena lovers out there!)
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“Ugh, dang it! I can’t beat this guy.”
Yena slams a hand on her blanket and sulks. It has not been her night. Usually, she is bubbly and energetic when the two of you play games together, but today, both her luck and skill seem to have run out. She can’t get past this one difficult enemy, who has a strong matchup against her. 
Peek over her shoulder as she walks across the world to buy items and once again tries to beat her nemesis. She is playing on her 3DS, one of the older Pokemon versions, in her memory the hardest. You have been too occupied with your own handheld device, a gray Gameboy with small scratches and concerning dents, to know how she is doing. 
Yena calls both your console and taste in games ancient and does not understand your obsession with the old, funky sound track and graphics. She will play with you, sure, but she prefers the newer games, the bigger worlds, the mostly easier games to play. No wonder she starts to whine at her first challenge. You giggle.
“Should I help you?” you ask Yena and rub her shoulder to cheer her up. A cute girl in pink pajamas with a pink 3DS and pink fingernails should not get sad over a game, especially if there is someone who could help her. She just has to swallow her pride.
“No, I can do it on my own!” Yena responds and starts up the fight again. At first she is confident, calculated, her attacks connect, but as the battle continues, her Pokemon faint. One by one, her opponent can take them out, always having an answer for what she throws at him. In the end, it’s a devastating defeat and Yena lowers the 3DS, which she had put close to her face, as if it was of any use.
“Ts,” she hisses after a second of awkward silence and turns to look at you. “He is too difficult, I bet you can’t beat him either.”
“Can I at least try?” you ask her with a smile and she hands you the console. You make your own adjustments before the fight and notice some of Yena’s pre-match mistakes. Switch around items and Pokemon, and leave her confused as she watches from the side, scooting her body close to you, almost sitting on you. 
“Do you want to sit in between my legs?” you laugh when she almost falls onto you. It’s not an honest question, just a show of how uncertain you are with her being this close. You’re not children anymore, no kindergarten friends, but adults, who flee from reality ever so often in colorful, exciting worlds. However, Yena’s answer stuns you.
“Yes, that would be so cool! Like when we were kids!”
You sit there and look at her with wide eyes, not moving, brain frozen with a mixture of conflicting emotions. There is thrill, a bit of fear, a droplet of child-like wonder and a sudden rush of… something warm in your chest. Yena suddenly takes matters into her own hands, pushing your legs apart and sitting down in between them, her back resting on your upper body. Your arms naturally fall around her and you have to put your chin on her shoulder to watch the two screens.
“Is this comfortable for you?” she asks kindly, her pink-pajama-covered legs touching your blue-pajama-covered legs.
“Ye-yeah, it’s n-nice,” you stutter and quickly try to focus on the battle ahead. Right from the get go it’s smooth. Watching Yena’s previous attempt, you have memorized the opponents playstyle and the attacks of his Pokemon. With smart play after smart play, you find answers for the things he throws at you.
Yena gasps in awe from time to time, shimming in excitement as you get closer and closer to succeeding. It’s like she is about to burst when you send out the final, winning hit and hear the triumphant music, but she holds herself back and wordlessly takes back her 3DS.
“And?” you ask her with a grin. “I did beat him. You didn’t believe me, but in the end, I’m still the Master at Pokemon.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Yena rolls her eyes and pouts her lips. “Well done, Pokemon Master. I would have beaten him too… eventually…”
“Don’t worry Yena, you’ll get there eventually.”
“Stop being so mean, ts.”
After your short banter, you expected her to get out from her seat in between your legs, but quite the opposite is true. She gets more comfortable, sinking into you like you're a chair and playing totally relaxed. You try to do the same, but after a bit of aimlessly wandering around in your own world of escapism, you turn off the Gameboy and decide to watch Yena play. 
It’s endearing, her adorable laugh at NPC’s textboxes, her attempts to hum the various melodies, her gasp when she finds a new Pokemon in the tall grass. Sadly, most of them run away or accidentally die before she can catch them, but you love the way she never gives up.
“What if I,” she suddenly says and turns to look at you, noses almost touching. 
“Wh-what is it, Yena?”
“What if I finally find a Jigglypuff and can't catch it? That would be really frustrating. They are so rare and easily the coolest Pokemon, but so rare. Can I ask you for help then?”
She looks at you with wide, adorable eyes, like a kitten who meows for food and someone to lovingly scratch her back. You can’t help but blush at her cuteness and pat her head.
“You can just get a Master Ball, you know? It’s not that hard to obtain in this game.”
“What is a Master Ball?”
“Wait, you don’t know the Master Ball? It’s an item which lets you catch every Pokemon on the first try, guaranteed.” 
“Really? That is so cool, please get me one!”
Yena eagerly hands you her pink console and you take charge of the controls once more. As you travel across the land, searching far and wide for the last couple of things to finish your quest for the item Yena so desperately wants. Speaking of Yena, she watches you play in awe, with dreamy eyes and adjusts her posture from time to time, which is not a big deal until—
Her butt reaches your crotch. You feel the softness of her, even through a couple of layers of pajamas you swear you can feel it right on your most private parts. You clear your throat, but Yena is oblivious to your signs and continues to melt her body into you, now even rubbing you. 
Focus back on the game, the task ahead will distract you. You can’t allow yourself to have lewd thoughts over Yena. She is your childhood friend, loyal from then to now and forever. Never would you allow yourself to think in that way about her—well, but her lips can probably do one word starting with ‘S’ very well, except for shouting and singing. 
No, focus. You need to get the Master Ball. If Yena can just get her Jigglypuff, her favorite Pokemon, and also favorite fighter in Smash, she would be all bubbly and her giggles would not only fill her room, but also your heart. With the Master Ball, this is basically guaranteed, so you carefully do your mission.
“Okay, I’m almost there,” you say frantically pushing buttons and Yena sways side to side, grinding herself more and more on your manhood.
“Yes, you can do it!” she shouts and for some reason starts to give quick taps to your cheek. Her smell can only be described as pink with a tiny hint of sweat coming from her pits and hands. During all the time you’ve spent with her you have never noticed this, but now it’s starting to mess with your mind. You don’t even really notice the last couple of inputs and the pop-up on the screen saying—
“You got it! The Master Ball, ya-hoo!”
Yena turns around and lunges at you. In your distracted state even her light, small frame can tackle you onto the mattress. Yena giggles gleefully at your shocked expression and reaches for the console. She saves the progress, then puts away the device just to lay her head onto your heaving chest. 
You feel your breath quicken and the pace of your heart reach a new height. Doesn’t help that her tummy presses right onto your dick and that you can't keep your lustful thoughts from spiraling further out of control.
"Thank you for the help," Yena coos and traces her finger along the side of your body, it tickles a little. "You truly are the Pokemon Master."
"N-no problem," you answer her with an awkward laugh, watching her finger drift further down until she lands right at a forbidden spot.
"Maybe I could help you with something too~?"
Wordlessly, Yena drags down your pajama pants along with your boxers. You feel your heart tighten in your chest and quickly hide your private parts behind timid hands, but shy words of rejection don't come past your lips.
Something about Yena's expression has you stunned, unable to think or move. She looks so happy, a bit giddy but still in control. With trembling, needy eyes she looks up to your face, down to your crotch, up to your face like she is watching an agonizingly slow ping-pong match. 
"I could feel it, you know? Let me help you with it."
She puckers her lips and moves them down to where she just sat. It's now up to you to remove your hands and let her have it or to call it off, tell her she is crazy for just suggesting something like this. You are friends, the type to play games to ignore all the responsibilities of life, from paying taxes and rent to political and family issues. No need to create more issues.
"You don't need to be embarrassed," Yena says with a small smile. "Just returning a favor. I promise it will feel good."
"I-I don't know."
"Trust me."
She puckers her lips. Shouting, singing—sucking, perhaps? Can you really be this bold, let her try it and maybe ruin something this important to you? She never had a boyfriend, so how would she know how to please someone?
"Trust me, okay?"
Yena repeats her words and you are tired of letting the doubts in your head repeat thrmselves. She is already this close to them, you might as well let her have it, and so you remove your hands from your cock and instead hide your flushed head.
"Hm, it looks a little different," Yena whispers as her face turns the same color as yours. "You are not really hard, but still… it looks big."
Somehow, your mouth feels dry. It isn't, you're not thirsty or anything, but for some reason it feels sticky. You barely get a whimper out when Yena sticks out her tongue to touch the tip of your semi-hard cock.
"Can I touch it?" Yena asks, her eyes big in excitement. You nod.
Carefully, Yena grabs the base of your cock and puts it upright. The soft touch of her fingers feels incredible, totally different from your own touch. The foreign hand, it's nice but you soon realize why it's also scary. She has no idea what it feels like to have a penis, so when she pulls up and rubs her hand too roughly over your cockhead, you yelp.
"Ye-Yena, ouch, ca-careful."
"So-sorry. I—oh my~"
Yena's jaw drops when she eyes your balls. Her puckered lips dive onto them and kiss them without hesitation and your knees flail in shock. That's what a mouth feels like on them, oh God.
"Master's Balls."
"You know, like the it—"
"I get it, i-it's just so stupid."
The two of you chuckle. You feel tension vibrate out of your body, as if this isn't embarrassing, just a dumb little game you're playing. What could go wrong, really? 
"Sorry," Yena cackles and attacks your sack a bit bolder this time, trying to put it into her mouth whole. You watch her and groan at her tongue licking and grazing and spreading spit over them.
"How could you sa—ah!"
Your question ends in a moan when Yena starts to stroke up and down your shaft, getting it harder in the process.
"How could I what? Get you this hard~?" Yena teases and this time opts for only one of your balls, which easily fits into her eager mouth.
"S-s-say the, that Ma—fuck, Yena!"
Now she is pumping at a speed faster than you usually start with while watching porn. Come to think of it, a lot of the girls you watch porn of look similar to Yena. The cute type, with shapely lips and a bubbly personality. In all honesty, during some of the blowjob scenes, you thought of Yena doing it; but when you now open your eyes, which is hard with the mind-boggling pleasure on your sensitive balls, she is right there, doing it.
It’s better than the fake Yena of your imagination, world’s above than just your hand. The way she goes up and down your joystick, adds saliva to her hand and grips it with perfect tightness again, while suckling gleefully on your left ball, your right one—shit, she can call them whatever she wants, you’d even let her poke your balls. 
“Yena, y-you’re the best,” you moan and pat her head with shaky hands, watching her eyes peek behind your throbbing erection. 
“Hihi, thank you, Pokemon Master,” she giggles and licks up from your balls to your red tip. She guides out droplets of clear precum which has you accidentally trap her body with your knees when you tense up. Yena can take the hit without getting hurt, but the attitude in her scintillating eyes changes from one of playful joy to blissful desire.
“Wh-where did you l-learn this?”
“I was watching certain videos,” Yena lewdly giggles.
A pop and your balls are free. Boy, you can feel how they want to release the cum you didn’t know you had pent up. Yena notices it herself, which she emphasizes by cupping your balls and stopping her strokes but keeping a tight grip on your base.
“You are so full. Don’t get me wrong: I want you to explode in my hands, but first you have to admit it.
“Did you ever think about me doing this?”
Fuck, how does she—
“I—I would n—
“Yes, I did. Yena, I fantasized about your lips qu-quite often.”
“That’s good,” she coos and puts the slightest bit of pressure on your sack, making you hiss and slowly tear up. “Then why didn’t you tell me? We could have had fun for longer.”
“S-sorry, I didn’t know.”
“Be honest with me. Always.”
Yena rubs your cock on her cheek. She is so soft, such an adorable girl, but here she also is, going down on you. Past her ducky lips, into her warm mouth, your tip disappears. If she only learned this through watching porn, it’s impressive that she has you this close to an orgasm already. Then again, it’s Yena. Yena, who you notice is much more than just a gaming buddy.
“Th-that feels so good,” you groan. “I-I’m getting close.”
“I knew you’d like my mouth,” Yena says with a smile and suddenly starts to jerk you off rapidly. “But now cum from just my hand. Cum, like you’re watching a video, imagining me, like I’m not even here.”
“B-but, y-you are—fuck, Yena, I want you!”
Yena can’t hear you. She is too enamored with the taste and texture of your balls
which can’t hold their white stuff anymore. A final suck on each one of them and you violently release—Yena violently forces her cum out of you. She does not stop even as the ropes fly into the air and rain down on her head and your pajamas. 
With a harsh thud you crash back on the bed, your cock still wrung out by an eager Yena. It’s like a new kind of firework for her or the first snowfall of winter. Why else would she put out her tongue to catch some of it and get a taste? Wrinkles form on her forehead when she swallows it.
“Hm, pretty salty and… weird.”
“S-sorry,” you barely squeeze out, head spinning, legs twitching.
“Nah it’s fine.”
Yena climbs up to your sweat covered face. She has this huge grin on her face.
“I’ll have a lot of time to get used to the taste, right, Pokemon Master?”
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flightfoot · 7 months
Best Lovesquare-centric Fics And Series That Completed In 2023
So the majority of fics I read include the Lovesquare in some capacity, but I figured people might appreciate a list of great fics that really center around them, particularly romantically.
As with the other lists like this, these fics all come from my previous reclists for ML fics I really liked that finished during 2023. So if you like these, you might want to look through the collection I set up for all these fics.
home is where the fight is by @rosie-b
Nadja Chamack’s voice greeted Adrien as he sat up straight, wiping his clammy hands on his pants and ignoring the black kwami floating by his shoulder. “—shocked to see our heroine fall in battle today, taking a direct hit from the akuma just as she detransformed. Parisians are torn between blaming Hawk Moth and Cat Walker for their roles in this tragedy, which ultimately revealed the civilian identity of Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Adrien turned off the TV and lowered his head as his vision blurred. Written for Ladrien June Day 7: Injured
I adore this fic! Which shouldn’t be a a surprise, it’s no secret that I love Sentiadrien Enemies AU. Adrien’s so worried about Marinette getting hurt, and wishes that he could help keep her safer, could tell her what’s really going on or get rid of the ring or something, but he can’t. Still, he IS able to find clever ways around some of his father’s more problematic orders. Loopholes for the win!
Patrolling with a friend for Christmas by @seasofsilver
Adrien just wanted to gift his Lady some time off and hang out more with Marinette during the festive season - it didn’t exactly go to plan, but somehow ended up… better?
This was adorable! Chat Noir tries to give Ladybug a break by recruiting Multimouse to replace her on patrols for a bit, and Ladybug returns the favor by recruiting Aspik to replace Chat. Yep, it’s Snekmouse!
Under the Umbrella by @fruitdragon1a
Almost everyone has a soulmate. What are Adrien and Marinette supposed to do when they meet theirs? ML Secret Santa gift for Mei! Merry Christmas! Thank you to Now Loading and Rewan Demontay for beta reading this fic!
So this is a version of soulmarks I haven’t seen before. Around age six, soulmates get a soulmark that shows what their soulmate is thinking when they first meet them. Though I guess it doesn’t register while transformed, since it only counts for this one when Adrien and Marinette meet as civilians, and not when they first meet as superheroes.
you don’t even know me at all (but I was made for loving you) by @ladyofthenoodle
They didn’t remember each other. The hospital told them there’d been an accident—brain damage—but Alya had told them the truth, later. Who’d they’d been to each other. What they’d given up, and why. But even with their memories of each other gone, Adrien and Marinette are still inextricably tied together—by law, by their social circles, and by their hearts. And in the apartment they share, there’s only one bed.
Yep, it’s the “there was only one bed” trope XD! I especially love how it was used here, how Adrien and Marinette are strangers now but they had a whole life together, and they pine for each other even without remembering, and how Marinette just can’t believe how in love with her Adrien is even though he doesn’t remember her. I loved the emotional turmoil the two of them went through together in the fic, and the resolution, it’s great!
Until I Found You by @linnieluna
Working their way up to a settled adulthood, Marinette and Adrien, now 23, gain a reason to believe that they are expecting—way earlier than they ever planned. Still unwed, it evokes a revelation on Adrien’s behalf. Was it time to take the next step forward?
I loved the emotions here, how Adrien and Marinette reacted to the results of the pregnancy test, how complicated their feelings about it were - and how it prompted Adrien to take action. It’s a really sweet fic!
From school bells to wedding bells by @linnieluna
When the superhero duo takes on another exhausting fight against an akuma, Chat Noir does what he never hesitates to do and takes a hit for his partner. The problem being: neither of them knew what power the akuma possessed. That is… until he is transported into the future. More specifically, to his friend Marinette’s wedding.
Ah I love time travel fics! Older!Marinette’s surprised, Younger!Adrien’s bewildered, and Older!Adrien is off knowing exactly what happened and giving his younger self some subtle heads-up. 
It gives Adrien something to look forward to, to cling onto, through bad days in the future at least!
u + me = love by @xiueryn
Marinette has a massive crush on Adrien. He has a crush on the superhero, Ladybug. When he says the only person he’ll invite as his plus one to an event is Ladybug, Marinette takes her chance to romance him for the night. AU. (a fanboy and fangirl start to date.)
This is just a fun Ladrien story. Ladybug is happy to oblige in Adrien’s fantasies, and no one else believes that he’s actually dating Ladybug.
Miracoffee by @pauliestorylover
Ever since the last Mr Pigeon attack over nine months ago, Hawkmoth has fallen off the face of the earth, seemingly for good. There’s never been a better chance for an identity reveal—but after keeping her identity a secret for so many years, Marinette feels incredibly nervous about one. When Chat Noir accidentally finds Ladybug working at a café, Alya comes up with a brilliant idea. If Ladybug and Chat Noir interact regularly in a civilian setting, surely they’ll move towards an identity reveal without outside interference?
Adrien Never Goes To Public School Coffee Shop AU here! It’s funny how he clocks Marinette as being Ladybug IMMEDIATELY. And then after discussing it for awhile, decide to make a bit of a game of the identity reveal, having Chat come in on pre-determined days and seeing whether Ladybug can figure out who she is, all while they get to know each other, even if in passing. 
Love the other Miraculous heroes making cameos as well, Marinette seems annoyed that Nino cosplaying as Carapace actually doesn’t tip anyone off XD.
For the Sake of a Ring by @rosie-b
An akuma that transfers people’s consciousnesses into other universes hits Ladybug, sending her into a world where everything is the same… but instead of earrings, she’s wearing a ring on one hand! She’s only just arrived in this universe, but already Plagg seems to have gone missing. It’s up to Marinette to figure out what happened before she’s sent back home! This fic takes place in the future, after Season 5, but it does not contain any leaks or major spoilers. Please keep the comment section spoiler-free, too!
This is really cute, Marinette gets transported into a world where she’s married to Adrien and is really confused as to why and how they got married at sixteen. Adrien’s just an adorable puppy who thinks his wife is the most amazing person in the world! 
His Princess and Her Knight by @seas-of-silver
Adrien, Marinette, Nino and Alya have a group assignment about how the past has shaped them into the people they are today, but they’ll make a discovery that’ll send them searching for answers.
This fic is adorable, Adrien, Marinette, and Nino uncover that they all went to the same preschool together, with Adrien and Marinette immediately latching onto each other, Adrien being the knight to Marinette’s princess, and also making friends with Nino. Sadly he was pulled after two weeks, but it made quite an impression on him.
A Friendship Not Abandoned (Just Delayed) by @nomolosk
Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste first met as tiny little kids, but then Adrien had to move away. When they finally meet again, will they even remember each other, much less become friends again?
Poor Adrien keeps on saying or doing just the wrong thing to give Marinette the impression that he’s a bully like Chloe when he’s not, and he keeps desperately trying to fix it. So a bit of an enemies au in that way, since Marinette doesn’t like him much. He does gradually manage to convince her that he’s a good person though.
The Mer-Human Race by @rosie-b
Bringing her hand closer to his lips, Adrien tried to plant a kiss on it, but Marinette pulled away before his lips could touch her. “Save it for your girlfriend,” she said teasingly. “Or do you still not have one yet?” Adrien smirked and crossed his arms. “It’s a girl,” he said. “And I know her in real life. That’s all you get. Now, let’s get back to planning, shall we? We have a mermaid to beat.”
Lovely world-building here! Merfolk and humans have had a treaty for a long time, so there’s a tradition where merfolk can challenge humans to a race, and whoever wins gets to ask for a reasonable sort of reward (in Marinette’s case, she wants to be allowed to captain a ship at a younger age than is usually allowed). Alya, Nino, and Adrien are naturally very encouraging towards Marinette, and luckily for her, a nice merman going by the name of Chat Noir shows up and challenges her to a race…
Yeah you can see where this is going XD. It’s fun, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
A Mousey guest by charliepoet13
Adrien Agreste has finally managed to break away from his father and make his way out into the world. One faithful night, after settling down in his new home, he spots a strange guest.
Adrien X Multimouse fic here! So this is inspired by the Borrowers, with little people the size of mice living amongst ordinary-sized humans, and Marinette got a little careless here XD. But soon finds that Adrien’s friendly and not a threat. It’s adorable and reminds me of the The Littles book series that I read when I was a kid!
Caught In A Multimouse Trap by @a-flaming-idiot
Adrien was having a rather slow morning. That was until he discovered a tiny superhero trapped in his home and decides to be a bit of a hero even out of his suit.
This was adorable! Adrien does his best to care for the little miniature superhero caught in a mousetrap, bandaging her up as best as he can (thankfully only her tail got caught so it’s more of a phantom pain than an actual injury) and just… it’s really cute.
do you think I have forgotten about you? by @roseinaugust
Based on the song ‘About You’ by The 1975. Memory Loss. Told in alternating time lines, one leading up to and one dealing with the aftermath of Marinette relinquishing the Miracle Box and the guardianship. Marinette struggles with her life after losing her memory, though there is a persistent voice that calls to her that always seems just out of reach in her memory.
Beautiful memory loss fic here, with seeing Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s relationship before she gave up the Miracle box, juxtaposed with the present day, when Adrien is only a stranger to her. I could really feel how Marinette was struggling with navigating these new circumstances, with her friends seeming to expect her to remember, to be who she was to them, to Adrien especially, before, and her just… not knowing whether she can do that. It’s got a happy ending though, for those who are concerned about that.
How Marinette Learned to Stop Worrying And Love The Ball by @rosie-b
Hidden from the crowds thronging around the busy fairy portal in Paris’s town square, a fae gate sits at the edge of the forest, locked, rusty, and full of ancient magic. Marinette thinks that this abandoned gate must not work anymore… but one day, a fairy disguised as a black cat steps through it.
Ah, Fantasy Soulmate AUs, my beloved XD. This ain’t the only one of this fic type I’m gonna be recommending. This is just a cute fluff fic without much strife. I love Marinette and Chat Noir being able to be childhood friends via his visits, even if he has to pretend to be her cat whenever he comes over, and I ESPECIALLY adore Alya being his chaperone and quickly becoming friends with Marinette in her own right. It ain’t a complicated plot, but it is a nice and warm fic.
Stay Weird, Ladybug by @diadraws
Ladybug receives an invitation at the end of a patrol! Contains some of my own headcanons, most notably: MIRACULOUS HOLDERS ARE CREATURES!!! They get actual animal traits when transformed instead of just a costume. My tumblr is diadraws where I elaborate some more on my headcanons which may add some additional context to this fic if you are interested! CONTENT WARNINGS: *major* depictions of panic attacks, discussion of child neglect/abuse, and a minor emetophobia (vomiting) warning towards the end.
I’ve loved the comics and fanart I’ve seen dia create for this AU, with Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s more animalistic designs, so reading a fic set in that AU was a real treat! It’s mostly just a Ladrien sleepover at Adrien’s house, but it’s very nice and cozy, with some good character development of Adrien helping Ladybug with panic attacks she keeps having.
Our Tales Are Endless (That’s Why I Tell Them) by @joonapeach
Marinette lives a simple life - one surrounded by pretty dresses, fresh macaroons, and the calming view of Paris. It’s a life she thinks she has always fit in. And yet sometimes, when a certain boy comes by her shop with a flower and a new adventurous story, she can’t help but wonder if there’s something else she’s missing.
This was a truly gorgeous story. It’s the classic “Marinette gives up the Miracle Box and loses her memories” storyline, exploring her life two years later. Even though she’s had time to heal and recover, she still feels like she’s missing something, something big. At least Adrien’s stopping by regularly to tell her stories about Ladybug and Chat Noir, even if she doesn’t understand why they resonate with her so well.
a winter so warm by @rosekasa
winters were hard for even the best of vampires, but at least adrien had marinette to keep him warm with her cuddles. december was going to suck without her. so it was only to be expected to get extra cuddles in before she left, right? (well, not really, considering those heating supplements he was taking, but she didn’t need to know about that).
This one’s mostly just cute cuddly adorableness! It’s basically like all those “Marinette gets the Ladybug trait of needing to cuddle up to someone for warmth”, but with Adrien instead. And of course featuring Marinette being a very talented witch who just wants to help Adrien stay warm when she isn’t there XD.
The Power of Love by @nedjsmlfavs
In which Ladybug announces that she’s pregnant via her long term boyfriend and Chat Noir is a supportive partner. After all, he can hardly be upset when he’s been dating his Princess for years!
A different take on the show’s tagline (“The Power of Love Always so Strong”) written for Valentine’s day 2023.
This is just a sweet, fluffy fic about Ladybug and Chat Noir finding out they’re having a baby, revealing to each other, getting married, and becoming parents. Gabriel actually tries to do better here, as he does actually care about getting to know his grandchild, and realizes that he can’t undo this timeline without undoing his granddaughter’s existence as well. 
Villainous Matchmaking by @nedjsmlfavs
When Chat Noir is tragically unable to attend an event with Ladybug, the mayor calls in a favor from a designer ‘friend’. Now she’s attending in style, on the arm of the hottest male model in Paris. Which would be fine if it weren’t for one, tiny issue: Paris’ favorite domestic terrorist now knows how Ladybug feels about his son. This leads him to his greatest plan yet, using Ladybug’s extremely obvious crush on Adrien Agreste to akumatize Chat Noir.
A Ladrien/“platonic” Ladynoir fic
This is adorable and hilarious. Gabriel keeps on “accidentally” releasing things which makes it looks like Adrien and Ladybug are a couple in an effort to make Chat Noir jealous, while Adrien and Ladybug ae just over-the-moon about getting to spend time together and finding out that the other person loves them XD.
Fate, Destiny... A Hamster by @mostmagical
After finally moving into his very first apartment per Ladybug’s suggestion, Adrien discovers something no movie or TV show could have ever prepared him for: someone else's hamster.
Marinette was so excited to have her first pet. If only it would stop escaping!
At least now there’s an excuse to talk to the new neighbor.
(Adrienette Never Met AU)
Funnily enough, this is based on a true story. Specifically, the author’s own experience of having her hamster run out and be found by a neighbor.
Anyway, this is adorable! Marinette and Adrien become smitten with each other extremely quickly, with Marinette’s hamster keeping giving them reasons to talk. Very effective wing-hamster, that one XD. 
Through the Looking Glass by @jheqiawrites
Adrien is a lonely child, cut off from the outside world by his parent's strict rules. But when he discovers a window in his closet and sees a young girl looking back at him like his reflection, maybe he has hope for friendship after all.
Poor Adrien here, he makes a long-time friend (who everyone thinks is an imaginary friend), and has several great years interacting with her as his parents grow more concerned with him not growing out of it... and then Emilie dies, Gabriel orders the window destroyed, Adrien’s put on medication to suppress his “hallucinations” (which also makes him forget Marinette) and he’s just kind of left like that for the next several years, until he’s an adult.
Luckily, while Adrien forgot Marinette, Marinette never forgot him, and he’s not too difficult to track down...
This is some really cute Adrienette, if you want a “forgotten childhood friends-to lovers” Adrienette story, you should check this out!
Miraculous Conception series by @ladynoirfanao3
Summary of the first story, The Power Of Creation:
Everyone knows that Ladybug's cure fixes everything after the destruction wrought by Shadow Moth's akumatized villains. After an akuma with an unfortunate power leaves Ladybug and Adrien in an awkward position, Marinette has never been happier to simply forget. However, she soon discovers that her miraculous ladybugs have a limitation on their curing ability, a limitation that puts her in a situation she never expected to be in.
So basically, Ladybug and Adrien run into each other just as an akuma makes everyone in the vicinity extremely horny, and when they both start remembering things again, they’re in a pretty... compromising position. But it’s just an akuma so they put it out of their heads, until Marinette discovers she’s pregnant and has to decide what to do about it, whether to keep the pregnancy, tell Adrien she’s Ladybug and is having his baby, what to do with the earrings when she’s too pregnant to be Ladybug, etc.
I really enjoyed it! Just watching Ladybug and Adrien try and navigate the situation, especially with secret identities thrown into the mix.
The main fics in the series are basically the same story, it’s just that the first one is from Marinette’s perspective, while the second one is from Adrien’s. The Power of Creation is rated M while the Power of Destruction is rated E, but for both fics it’s just rated that for a single sex scene that occurs in the fic (with it being the same sex scene in both fics, just told from two different perspectives).
you made me a hero - reverse crush short stories series by @non-fantasy
This series is just plain fun! Like the title says, it’s a reverse crush AU, so Adrien’s head-over-heels for Marinette, while Ladybug’s smitten with Chat Noir. Which means that Adrien’s constantly trying to woo Marinette while Ladybug’s attempting to have normal conversations with Chat Noir (and failing), and both of them are oblivious to each other’s feelings. 
I love the way non-fantasy executes it, with Alya literally carrying around a spray bottle because of how eager Adrien is, and Ladybug being VERY SCARY if you ever lay a finger on Chat Noir (seriously akumas will literally beg for their akumatized object to be broken just to escape her wrath). 
Oh, also, Ladybug regularly stops by Adrien’s room so they can both lament how difficult of a time they’re having wooing their crushes, and just have fun together.
There’s a lot of entries in this series - 29 of them in fact - but most of them are pretty short, making it great if you want to devour some quick, cute, hilarious romcom action! 
Some stuff does actually change over the course of the series, it’s not just slice-of-life. Like identity reveals, dating, and even Hawkmoth’s defeat, so there’s clear progression and changes in circumstances as well.
Dreams of You by @chocoluckchipz
Dreams had long been his only escape. Dreams of Ladybug, the girl who had always been there for him.
If only in his dreams. And only while she was also sleeping.
Because with the first rays of sunshine gliding over her skin, with the first fluttering of her eyelashes, from the moment she opened her eyes in the morning, memories of Adrien would vanish from her mind.
She would go on living her life.
He would always be the only one who remembered.
At least until they meet in the real world and fall in love all over again, something that would’ve been easier to do if Adrien wasn't a prisoner in his own home.
Chocoluckchipz has some of the most beautifully executed lovesquare fics I’ve read, and this is no exception. Most of the fic is dedicated to Adrien wooing Marinette, spending time with her, with her own dream self acting as his wingman, giving her tips on how to get her to fall for him, all the while frustrated that she can’t share memories with her waking self, and that she and Adrien can’t share as much information as they’d like while asleep, due to limitations of the “curse” that allows Adrien to share dreams with his soulmate. 
It’s not all cute Adrienette fluff though. There’s a threat in the background waiting to erupt, as the weirdness of Gabriel’s ultimatum to Adrien about finding Ladybug or else being forced to marry Lila keeps on gnawing at him - and with good reason. This is a world with magic and kwamis still, and that fact makes itself very relevant in the last third of the story. 
It’s a well-written tale and very much worth a read!
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lace4forest · 4 months
The Legend of Zelda Forgotten Songs
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We've recently been drawing on Stream, so we ended up making a Legend of Zelda AU. (I'll post the stream vods on my channel later)
Basically Din and Farore decide to mess with Nayru, and shuffled the Triforce pieces.
Anyway! Zelda, the Hero of Songs, needs to search for the Forgotten Songs lost to Hyrule, to bring light back to the Kingdom. She teams up with Link the bard and the two travel together. The Scholar King Ganondorf of the Gorudo is trying to take over the Kingdom of Hyrule and bring silence and darkness to keep the Kingdom under his control.
The Nicknames Zelda - Song (Songs) Link - Lute Ganondorf - Cacophony
Rabbit hole time!
Zelda is the Hero of Songs. She has the Hero's Spirit, and was given the Triforce of Courage!
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Zelda is a menace to society. Yes. She fights in this dress, and she is GOOD AT IT. Her "Roll" is a little jump and spin. She also is a very physical character, she doesn't use a lot of magic Items, and don't let her looking frail fool you, she is very strong. (Yes Zelda has the Master Sword)
Link has been nicknamed Lute. He isn't fully Hylian, he is only half! The other half is Siren! He is a Bard. He also has the Triforce of Power! (Think of Zelda 2 btw) So the Northern Palace? Everyone remember that place? Yeah, Link's house is on the beach north of there, he has a cute little beach house, and also has an under water one (Because Siren/mer fun stuff)
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Now Link here is a little Uncanny, right? Well, literally EVERYONE in town think's that. That's why he lives out by himself on the beach. He does go into town and play music for money, and he's really good! (Because Siren) and people ALWAYS PAY HIM- (Because SIREN) He doesn't do anything bad tbh. Lastly, Link uses the magic Items here, he is also holding onto the Interments and sheet music they get from the Dungeons! (Looking for the Forgotten Songs of old to save Hyrule)
Now, Link and Zelda are besties, Zelda was traveling past his house, and she just wanted to see who lived there, met Link, liked his weird vibes (Literally all her guards were like NOOOOO SIREN BOY- But Zelda doesn't know) Also, Zelda gave Link Anxiety. (Zelda "No Fear" Hero of Songs traveling with the Siren Bard Link the Lute player)
OH! One last thing, Zelda doesn't know Link is half Siren. She just knows he has funky vibes and she likes the funky vibes. Someone (Villager) will be like "That is a Monster" and Zelda will be like "THAT IS MY BEST FRIEND" (Holds Link's face) "NOW SAY SORRY TO HIM" Villager - "....sorry" Zelda doesn't care.
(another link thing, sorry, that hair? that short hair? Yeah, No. That's an under cut, he has long hair, its just brained and stuffed into the hat)
LASTLY we have Ganondorf! He is cousins with Zelda, and he holds the Triforce of Wisdom! Ganondorf want's to take Hyrule, and he knows he is right behind Zelda for the throne, so all he needs to do is Kill Zelda! (He tried to just hire a guy to shoot her with a cross bow, the guy shot, Zelda cause the arrow, AND THREW IT BACK- NO BOW- and Killed that man.) Ganondorf had to think a little outside the box. His list of Priorities goes 1) Kill Zelda, 2) Kill Link and 3) Take over Hyrule.
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Now, Ganondorf here is SMART. (Nicknamed Cacophony) Ganondorf and Zelda are Cousins, and they are pretty close. Their relationship is VERY complicated. Like - Someone talking crap about Zelda in front of Ganondorf "HOW DARE YOU SAY THOSE THINGS!" Person - "That is your Mortal Enemy!" Ganon - "THAT IS MY COUSIN!" (Zelda does the same thing)
Link and Ganondorf also have a complex relationship, they have an emotional support group for talking about the crazy things Zelda did and the two just need a moment to reassure they are normal and it's just Zelda being weird.
Also Ganondorf is a magic user in this AU. He tries to outsmart his opponents when need be. And in this game he is fighting Zelda and Link, who share a single braincell. (I love those two so much oh my gosh XD)
The Dungeon's in the game would be actually kinda hard, relying on your ability to remember things and a LOT of Puzzles. The beginning you can just switch between Link and Zelda to figure stuff out, one being in another room and yelling the answers to the other type of thing. But as the game goes on (After Dungeon 3) Link will become unable to get into the Dungeon without Zelda finding the Interment inside and summoning him inside. (There will also be a Dungeon where you do mainly play as Link in, it's the water temple.)
Now, Dungeon's 1 through 6 you can get Link inside to help, but less and less. By Dungeon 7 Link is unable to be summoned inside. Again, you would need the Dungeon Item to summon Link, BUT Ganondorf is SMART. He figured this out, and went and TOOK THE ITEMS OUT- They are now in other Dungeons (You may find 2 Items inside one dungeon) You might need to return to a Dungeon for a Door you were unable to unlock with a new Item/song/sheet music.
But During Dungeon 7, when Zelda leaves she can tell a fight happened, the area is destroyed, and Link is nowhere to be seen. Ganondorf and his men ambushed Link, and Kidnapped him. (Along with all your stuff.) Zelda heads to Dungeon 8, learning that Link is somewhere inside.
(Our reasoning on why Link get's Kidnapped- "WELL ZELDA GETS KIDNAPPED ALL THE TIME! IT'S LINK'S TURN!")
Now Dungeon 8. Ganondorf is Smart. Zelda and Link Share a SINGLE Braincell. Each room is one of three things. 1) A previous Mini Boss (Link Dungeon 8(?) in Link's Awakening) 2) A Puzzle to get a key or something (Normal Dungeon stuff) OR 3) A Puzzle from a previous Dungeon, but the hint isn't in the Dungeon and Link isn't here to yell the answers for you.
So you will have to do one of three things for those rooms, Look up a guide online, Have a good memory and know what to do, Or go back to the Dungeon it was in, and write it down.
But if you leave you'll have to restart/run through the Dungeon again! AND THIS ONE DOESN'T HAVE A MAP- HAHAHA-
We wanted to create the hardest/funnest Dungeon. (Ganondorf is SMART, HE WANT'S ZELDA DEAD.)
Also, Ganondorf convinces the King to send Gaurds after Zelda and Link. (Kinda like Lttp, but instead of "YOU KIDNAPPED THE PRINCESS" It's more like "Zelda Please, You Need To Come Home!" and Zelda is like "GANONDORF IS EVIL" "No HE ISN'T!" "HIS VIBES ARE RANK!")
I might draw some short comics of them later tbh! (I think it's fun to make stories with everyone on stream, it was good, 10/10 will draw on stream again XD)
If you have any questions, just ask.
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genmaichafan · 6 months
Hello hello bestie, I heard you wanted some writing requests so here's one! <3
Vampire Donna/fem!reader but it's professor Donna >:) Maybe this particular student needs tutoring but oopsie, they're failing because they're so distracted by Donna or something XD Something short, have fun with it <3
I KINDA ENDED UP FORGETTING YOUR PROMPT… ANYWAYS small thang under the cut. 030 its short and sfw
You always considered yourself a decent student. Turning up early. Asking and answering questions. Doing the homework, as well as your part in group work. Paying attention.
On the contrary this particular professor of yours has you acting strange.
You do turn up early and you most certainly do pay attention, albeit not on the work, but the rest has flown out the window.
today: donnas was wearing a tee-shirt and cardigan with the long sleeves rolled up her toned arms.
this ascended you into dreamland for the rest of the class, where you just seemed to doze off into donnas brown hues, which would occasionally gaze back at you softly, even if for a brief moment.
Class was a cinch, but leaving felt like a 100 mile walk between your seat and the door.
“Please” you thought to yourself. “Don’t let this end just yet.”
something must’ve heard you because:
”[y/n]?” Donna called to you, her raspy voice called out from the crowd.
perking up you stammered out your answer.
“Yes professor?”
Hearing her say your name made you feel fuzzy inside.
“Can you please stay after class? Alone.”
”yeah of course.” You answered nonchalantly trying to keep cool.
‘Everyone cleared out pretty quickly today.’
Normally there would be people who asked her many questions, but she made quick work of them today. Simply waving them off with a sentence and a flick of her hand. It would make you think she truly had a way with words.
Donna was a kind soul but there was a suaveness to her that [y/n] couldn’t place.
You just chocked it up to her being an older woman.
“[y/n]” donna called out to you once everyone had left. Her cold hands absentmindedly touching your arm, guiding you to a chair next to hers. For the first time you truly processed the emotion on her face that she looked at you with today.
you awkwardly laughed as you felt you knew the question that she was going to ask.
”are you okay? Am i doing something wrong?”
The first half maybe you expected, the second half hit you like a meteor. Gawking a bit You hastily answered in haze.
she blinked. Then blinked again. Cheeks tinging with purplish red before she broke out into a giggle causing you to do the same.
You probably couldn’t be more obvious about your affections, but donna didnt seem to mind. Her eyes pushed up from the lower lids as her cheeks raised into a small smile.
”ah. It seems I have misjudged the situation.” Seemingly relieved.
”your grades were slipping but only in my class. I thought I had been doing something wrong but I guess I was mistaken.” Donna leaned back into her office chair, Lounging back at a debonair angle. Arm propping her head up from her desk. Legs crossed. Shirt starting the ride up her stomach.
[y/n] eyes couldn’t help but catch the skin on her stomach which made your face flush. You were pretty much caught red handed but you had no idea what to say.
your brain practically disconnected from its source.
donna on the other hand was eating your reaction up. Her eyes became lazy and her smile toned down into a smirk.
before she broke the silence.
”would you like to come over to my place tonight la Mia preda?”
The use of Italian was not uncommon for her.
nonetheless you couldn’t help but get this sinking feeling about saying yes.
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trollsauseedsofthepast · 10 months
A "little" review!
Here is my own opinion on Trolls Band Together, enjoy :D :
I really don't like the French translation that my fellow Canadians uses for movies... and I certainly HATED the voices they gave to Poppy and Branch and all of the characters tbh... every time, the characters are completely devoid of emotions and are just talking because they need to with an exaggerated European French accent that we Canadians don't have... and I hate it... BUT me and my big Sister still couldn't keep ourselves from watching the movie and here is my review...
Ignoring the REALLY bad voices and bad translation, the first few minutes were really fun and I understand even more why Branch ended up loosing his colors and becoming the Branch we've seen in the first movie. Loosing his Bros was a bad enough situation, but loosing the last Troll he had was the last straw. Also, on Grandma's card that I've seen on the net, her fun fact now makes so much sense xD
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I was wondering why it said Babies in plural when I thought Branch was the only baby she had to take care of, but now it makes sense xD I also wanna know why she didn't stop the Bros from leaving though...
The next scene I though was so cute, Gristle and Bridget getting married was amazing, especially when she got to "roll" to him in her call back dress from the first movie! It was adorable! John Dory immediately recognizing branch for me was really touching, although I do think Branch had a point when he tried to confront his Bro. I know what it feels like to be left behind and it's hard to forgive this gesture. It's also hard to forgive someone who tried to control you everyday of your life, then abandoning you the moment they loose their control...
But I do think John might not have realized it at the time! Or at least I hope so?
Anyway, Velvet and Veneer were so funny and they make me wonder what kind of other Creatures lives in the Trolls Universe, it's also nice to see that technology exists there too! I wonder how they got Floyd into that diamond prison? If only the perfect family harmony can shatter diamond, why not unscrew the top of the bottle? xD Jk
My sister laughed when she saw Spruce/Bruce, because he used to be the most muscular now he's big(It does make sense though as to why he would be, he's cute nonetheless) xD But we both loved his new look as well as Brandi and their kids, they were really cute! I also like their species, they looked like puppets, they were really adorable! Also, I'm wondering the exact same thing as John, How are they making this work? I'm genuinely curious xD
Crimp surprised me, tbh. What is she, though? It's not really important. Anyway, she's one of my favorite, hands down! Velvet looked like she was gradually growing mad with power, a little cliche, but still entertaining! Veneer did look like he didn't like what was going on as well as loving his fame and riches, very conflicted. And I love how Floyd was so sarcastic to him like Branch was with Poppy in the first movie xD
The too much hussle part made my brain melt, it almost felt like an acid trip like the Jazz hypno from World Tour. So, I don't have anything else to say about that. It was funny though!
I LOVE VIVA!! She's just like Poppy but hard on caffeine and I love it xD
Also, I called it: Clay is my all time favorite taking Trollex's place as #1!!! I could talk about him for hours, but I'll spare you by only saying that I think he's the cutest and funniest(Even if he doesn't want to be funny anymore)! xD
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Also, I gotta say that Tiny wasn't annoying(surprisingly) in this movie. I don't like Tiny and I don't like that DreamWorks are trying to add him everywhere, but he was just fine in this movie and he even made me laugh when they were climbing up the walls with their gummy gloves xD
The car chase was fun, the songs were amazing and the message was great as well, I like how John realized his mistakes and puts Branch in charge at the end. Also....
Anyway, this was my review, I'll definitely buy the movie when it comes out on DVD and watch it until my Boyfriend gets sick of it and tells me to stop xD If you want to see it, please do, I thought it was way better that the first two by a landslide! Though I still love the first two xD
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d34dlysinner · 1 year
Said iI'd make another, couldn't resist after listening to Amen. I need some Angstsy ahh shi to live, but with good ending lmao, kings + Lucifer, our lovely butcher devil, sitri, and Zagan. (and anyone else if you feel someone wld work for this lmao) With a mc who was highly religious and devoted to our lord and savior Jesus h Christ, stemming from past loss of a lover. Y'know how people sometimes after loss turn to religion to help get through it. idk brain not braining typing this whole typing am essay for my Paleobiology class lmao. And well, y'know when they meet the reality of heaven and hell it's like.
'Aw shi-' cue internal mental crisis as they find out their faith was a lie, God is dead. And angels want their soul but not for the good reason.
So it's like, the grief starts all over again n'they're just sitting in the corner vibrating ready to claw the next angel they see in 'WHERE TF IS [insert dead partner]' and probably tried to out of sheer gremlin energy. It's like, they're going through the emotions again n'feel like an idiot for believing such things. Y'know musing over the loss all over again, yadda yadda In the end they come to terms n'shi and move on for real for real.
Ik this is a lot but it's a thought I had how things would go on an mc who was really religious and experiences well, that the religion was a lie xD. Bonus Angst points if the religious belief started to help quell the person after a loved ones death. Lol
Ok enough rambling, I need to finish this essay before I get thrown out a window again.
(Hope I interpreted this well- thanks for the ask!! XD keep on brainrotting)
There you were shivering in the corner of a small room as your mind started to race. Pictures of angels and your dead lover flickering through your mind as you started to doubt what reality and truth was. Your eyes pricked as continuous tears poured out. You seemed too deep in your thoughts. Almost to the point where you cancelled everything and everyone around you.
Satan could feel your rage and happily fed of from it. But at the same time he felt useless as he saw how shattered you seemed from learning the truth.
"I know that humans learned from the angels lies, but I promise you some sense of relief during this battle when we cam finally put an end on them...", he said as he wasn't the best to console someone who was as broken as you were right now. He didn't understand how you felt tho.
Beelzebub understood your anger. He wouldn't show it himself, but he was angry too. Of course he wants peace and to relax. This can't happen when there are angels literally hunting him and other demons. He would sit with you and allow you to cry it out before trying to convince you to join him. He promises to aid you to fight the angels. Even when you can't see him.
Mammon stared down at your saddened frame as he stood in front of you in silence. He took some time before trying to speak to you. "If you're sad about them taking away what's yours. Then demand it back from them. Or make them pay.", was all he said. He wanted you to feel determined to take back what was yours. But he had to he honest that it saddened him to see you so greedy for a past lover and not him.
Leviathan looked down at your form. He didn't know why you cried. But he felt as of he should be jealous. Where you crying for another? Or was it for him? It didn't matter at that moment as he said: "I don't know why your crying. But let's stop using time on crying when you could possibly avenge what your crying for by fighting angels." He isn't the best at consoling others. He is someone who likes to do things efficiently.
Lucifer did enjoy the tears that streamed down your face. What he loved even more was knowing that these tears came to be because of the betrayal and anger you felt towards the angels. Yes, he was an ex angel, but he just as any other demon wants and needs to put an end to the torment that the angels put on the demons. "Join us and fight. It's better to seek for some sense of peace than to do nothing in a tiny room. You could help us and put a stop to those who lied.", he says as he referred to the angels.
Andrealphus could only smell revenge. He knew how you felt and tried to convince you to fight with him. He wishes for you to join and help and hoped that it would give you some sense of peace as you go against the thing that ruined your life even more.
Zagan wasn't a man of many words, but that didn't mean that he would wait out with you and listen to you vent. When you were done he would only nod, stand up and reach a hand out to you. "If you hate them so much... please fight against them with us. We're stronger with you at our side...", was all he said as he waited for you to accept his hand.
Sitri heard your sniffles over your heartbeat. It saddened him as he sat next to you and tried to embrace you. He waited it out and was set on protecting you while you vented incase anyone tried to hurt you during this time. Only when you were somewhat calmed down did he dare to speak. "Solomon...", he started referring to your ancestor again. It somewhat made you feel inferior, but for now it didn't matter as you understood that the demons like you also lost someone dear to them because of the angels.
"I hope you're willing to fight at our side. I understand that this might be a huge change for you since you like other humans were misled by the angels. Please, understand that we also need you.", he said as he stood back up, reaching down to you.
Whether they could console you or not. You appreciated that they tried as you yet again see how wrong those lies of the angels were. You understood that like you, those demons also lost things they thought were precious. You accepted their request as you want to atleast have answers and see if you can atleast find some peace with your lost.
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dracofeathers · 8 months
Calling Fic Writers! Story Idea? -Angst-
If this is already something someone has made, ya'll need to link me ASAP cause its been rotting in my brain all week (if not longer) and I very highly doubt I'd ever be able to write it properly LOL. Art? Maybe...
Please excuse my scatterbrained explanation. I'll probably be adding to this as my little angst-loving brain thinks of more details.
So, after x amount of time, Aziraphale returns/escapes to the bookshop from Heaven and being Supreme Archangel....just completely defeated, dazed, exhausted and just about broken/verge of breakdown. I've pictured the scene with or without his wings. Crowley and Muriel are there (or at least Crowley) and are understandably surprised/confused.
He just collapses in a sobbing heap muttering and crying "I'm sorry" "Please" "You/we can't do this" "Why" "I don't want to fall" among other unintelligible words, but doesn't seem to quite be with it enough to attempt to explain whats going on. Maybe he'd gain very slight, brief clarity upon seeing Crowley (who has also been a mess), keeps apologizing, begging for forgiveness (from him? Her? Both? Maybe) until finally passing out.
Of course Crowley steps up and tries to take care of him, and figure out whats going on. Because no matter how mad he might get at Aziraphale, how hurt he was by the end of S2, he'll always return and help his angel, because he loves him. Also I'm positive Crowley already knows Aziraphale didn't make that choice easily, that he hurt the angel as well. Bountiful soft, care-taking Crowley here because I live for it.
Eventually when Azi is a bit more stable, (as he would often rotate between quiet desolate/defeated shell shock, and near hysterical crying in fear and grief) Crowley gets bits and pieces of what happened out of him.
The "Supreme Archangel" position was merely a sort of placeholder/fake title, not an actual promotion. Because why would they want to actually give Aziraphale that kind of power to potentially use against them and their plans? He was dangerous enough
The Metatron (and other angels) lied/manipulated Aziraphale the whole time to get him to do what he/heaven wanted. And to of course separate him and Crowley. Possible eventual threats towards Crowley and others to keep Azi "in line". Book of life?
Plans of course include the second coming as it was mentioned, but I'm sure there are others mixed in. More apocalypse starting schemes etc. Never really give the full details and kept the real plans secret. Jesus only mentioned, never seen (very suspicious). Azi tries to investigate but keeps getting interrupted or thwarted. Kept a very close eye on.
Much gaslighting/mental and emotional abuse and manipulation, slowly wearing Aziraphale down in order to break and better control him. No erasing/changing of memories cause its over done to me.
God is still MIA and no one knows whats going on with Her. The Metatron says he speaks with Her, but lets face it he can't be trusted. Definitely scheming on his own with others, maybe Hell as well?
Aziraphale never falls of course, I couldn't do that to our precious angel. He'd be traumatized enough anyway.
Aziraphale tries to be a good angel so bad it hurts, wants to believe in Heaven and "The Great Plan" but is only ever hurt and betrayed for all his efforts up there.
I just really love hurt/comfort, angst and them taking loving tender care of each other. They would have a happy ending of course. This is how I cope until season 3, don't judge me xD
Also, what I was listening to during this ramble:
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osarina · 3 months
I didn't want to comment my reply again on the civilian dazai fic but OMG FYO IT WAS REALLY GOOD
I will say it deffo felt much light hearted and had a friday fellthan waterloo and even wykyk but I think that's cause the ✨️drama✨️ btwn them hadn't started yet and also the fact that I know they aren't doomed by the narrative (you) this time 💀
But I am liking the way it is going it already has me hooked and I am so very excited 😊 and God damn I LOVE love the reader so much. She's much more badass and ahhhh dazai is so cute and pathetic I lub him <3
Also fun fact after my 3 hour exam and after 2 sleepless nights, I did the exam well and came rushing home and held myself to read this awesomeness before sleeping for like 8 hours straight. When I woke up I read it again not in a sleepy haze to get the full experience XD that's how much I love your quality top notch fics
I think the reader's ability is a great and beautiful choice. It's not overpowering to change the plot or invite plot holes but powerful enough to impact everyday life. It really keeps me asking if the reader is using her ability on a certain situation or not and I really love that feature.
Anyways hope your life is going well 😊 and dont forget to eat healthily
P.s. : Do you have a fixed schedule to upload wasteland like waterloo or is it not fixed? And sorry for making the asks so long 😅
AHHHHHH I'M SO GLAD U ENJOYED IT ive had soooooo much fun writing civzai and pmreader. IT'S DEFINITELY MUCH MORE LIGHTHEARTED THAN ANY OF THE OTHER SERIES SO FAR but don't worry the drama starts in the next chapter LOLLLL and it doesn't slow down from there. THEY DON'T DIE THO i feel like i have to say this every time LOLLLLL
YESSSSS PM READER IS SO FUN TO WRITE like she's alwaysssss fun to write but it's particularly fun being able to write her from the viewpoint of dazai as a civilian who isn't like used to seeing her already. like she's very similar in the original universe but dazai has known her for so long there that he's become used to her yk, meanwhile this dazai sees her in a very fresh light if u get what i mean. it's the change in perspective that's so fun to write here
AND OMG IM GLAD - i was so conflicted about how to phrase/what to make her ability because i didn't want to make it too op but at the same time .. she's a port mafia executive, she needs to have a pretty notable ability, and then i was like wait ... her whole thing is politics and negotiations, so obviously it has to be something along the lines of fucking with ppl's minds/brains, but i needed to obviously whittle that down because mind control is just too ridiculous, so i got the idea of her being able to like induce emotions + states onto people BUT they're able to draw themselves out of it if they have the strength for it.
some things are easier to brush off, but other things aren't. like she can put people to sleep with her ability and they can't really drag themselves out of that because now they're sleeping, and inducing fear in particular is pretty hard for people to draw themselves out of because it spirals quickly. but for negotiations and stuff, when she's making them feel as if she's more trustworthy/more susceptible to taking bad terms, she has to be SO careful & calculated with her every word because any small thing could make them double take and jar them out of the induced state.
actually, in civzai universe, it's going to be really interesting because without dazai there to stop chuuya from using corruption, reader and chuuya had to figure out a way to knock him out of it themselves - which they DID and it involves her ability but it's SOOOO dangerous for her so they end up not really using corruption often. this actually comes up in the next chapter
i dont have a set schedule! i'm going to shoot for every other friday max though!
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zybynarx · 6 days
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Although Cas had seen Dean looking hurt in every possible way over the years, his expression would have broken his heart if it wasn’t already in pieces. “Cas, I don’t understand,” he said. “I know you don’t,” Castiel answered. “That is the main problem, isn’t it?”
This is only a small snippet of the beautiful story that @sitruunavohveli created for this year's @dcbtv event! Do yourself a favor and go check out the beautifully heart-wrenching (but with a happy ending) story HERE!
If you happened to click the "keep reading" link, welcome to the artist comments section!
Man... I feel a little bad for Cas because I decided to draw the scene where he's driven away but had to pull over to start crying. There are so many beautiful scenes in this story, yet for some reason this was the scene that jumped out to me the most! I told Tossukka about it, and this is what she had to say about it:
" I tried to capture in my opinion one of the most tragic things about their whole friendship/relationship which is Dean having fear of rejection, and wanting Cas to stay without him having to ask it, and Cas feeling he is not important to anyone unless he's useful so he always leaves, either to do something useful or sacrificing himself to protect others. The crying in the car is because I think Cas hates leaving just as much as Dean hates being left behind. 🥺 "
My heart got sucker punched in the feels after reading this response and I was HELLA determined to do my best to reflect that response as well as the hurt in the song with my drawing!
For the banner... I think some people may be a little confused by it so let me explain! As I was reading the story, the thought occurred to me of how lonely Cas was feeling throughout. And so my brain, being the angst monster it likes to be at times, thought, "Cas is lonely within their home just like he would have been lonely in the Empty." So that's why it looks like the empty is coming for him! It's not really... it's just symbolic. XD
I want to give my author a super huge shout-out and lots of kudos! She did such a fantastic job with this story with how she wrote the characters and how she takes you on this emotional roller coaster with these two! My heart ached and soared at so many different points while reading and I can't stop recommend it enough!
I'd also like to give a big thanks to the mods who run the DeanCas Bang (Taylor's Version) every year! This is one of the bangs I always look forward to participating in! Thanks for all of your hard work, and thank you especially for the small check-in extension when shiz hit the fan IRL for me.
Thanks for reading this far if you have!
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thank you @callivich for sharing the idea of making fic dvd commentaries! I thought I'd give it a go 🥰 @shamelessdvdcommentary
Broken things
summary: When Lip brings home an advanced android in order to test it for the company he works for, Ian doesn't know what to make of him. MIK-940810, or Mickey, seems virtually indistinguishable from a human being, throwing Ian for a loop as he feels an undeniable connection to the android. Their relationship deepens when Ian finds out about something that Mickey has been keeping from Lip and the people who built him.
There’s a faint blue light shining from the place where Lip’s thumb rests for about two seconds. Ian’s expecting some kind of whirring noise, like when you turn a computer on, but there’s just silence.
And then suddenly the blue eyes come alive.
some stats: I started writing this about a year ago, as part of the latest shameless big bang and finished it around january this year. it's a multichapter of about 28k words divided into 8 chapters
What was the initial inspiration for your story?
probably something I was watching at the time. I love sci-fi! I think I would've had the initial idea in the spring of 2023 and then let it marinate for a while, until the big bang came a-knocking lol. I'm pretty sure it was always gonna be android!Mickey and human Ian, and when I remembered Lip's canon interest in robotics it all started slotting into place for me
If the story is written from a character’s POV, why did you choose this character?
like I said it was always gonna be android!Mickey and I really wanted to explore Ian trying to figure out what made him tick and questioning what makes us human in the first place
What was your favourite scene to write?
probably their initial conversation when Ian asks all sorts of questions that make his brain explode more and more, while Mickey sort of watches him spiral and just seems to have an obvious answer for everything lol. that and the scene where Mickey heavily flirts with an increasingly flustered Ian, that was a lot of fun
How did you come up with the title?
one of the main themes of the fic is the coming together of these two individuals who meet at a time when they both needed it because they were feeling broken, for different reasons. there's a parallel especially between Ian's relationship with his bipolar disorder and Mickey's feeling that he's malfuctioning as an android and that he'll be seen as a broken toy. in both cases it's because of heightened emotions compared to what's considered 'normal', but they heal each other throughout the fic and overcome that sense of brokenness together
Are there any little moments or references you hope readers will notice?
hopefully all the little references and parallels to canon! (things like Mickey's serial number for instance) I had a lot of fun with those, it was like winking at my fellow fans like 'get it? it's like in the show!' lol
Was there anything you struggled to write? If so, how did you overcome this?
I struggled a bit with the resolution of the main conflict/angst, especially explaining how Lip suddenly decides to help them in the end, after being a dick for most of the story lmao. hopefully it doesn't feel that sudden or rushed, but yeah. I still think about it at times lol
Favourite line in the story?
“Well, ask away, doc. You studyin’ human anatomy all day, right? Bet you’re curious as fuck to know all the ways they replicated that shit in this hot little android body o’ mine.” - like I said, I really enjoyed Mickey shamelessly flirting xD
Did the storyline change in any way as you wrote the story?
I just checked my original (handwritten) outline, and I think I had meant to make Ian catch on more to the fact that Mickey is a different type of android, even with Lip's reassurances, but I think in that version he ended up being suspicious in a way that didn't gel with his blossoming feelings for Mickey, and maybe as a result I made Ian a little bit more unsure of himself, which goes back to him feeling broken because he feels like he can't trust his brain too much. also when I was still gathering my ideas for the story I initially thought Mickey might turn out to have memories of a human Mickey Milkovich who had died, but I scrapped that because I wanted this Mickey to be the real Mickey, android or no
If you are writing a particular trope or genre, was it your first time writing this?
I'd definitely never written sci-fi or an android fic before! I might delve more into science fiction in the future though, who knows 😌
What are you most proud about in the story? (plot, characterisation, dialogue, twist/cliffhanger, etc)
overall plot and dialogue, probably. I'm really proud of how I developed my original idea, and some of the lines still make me laugh (or cry)
Are there any deleted scenes that didn’t make it to the final story?
going back to my original outline, I apparently had a whole chapter that never came to be? here's what I'd written down: "Lip's boss shows up at the house. Mickey needs to pretend to be a regular android despite his anger. Ian defends Mickey. The police gets called. They have to make a run for it." maybe this would have helped the resolution feel less rushed/anti-climactic but it also seemed to complicate things a bit too much for my taste, so it got scrapped
Would you ever write a sequel to this story?
I think the epilogue leaves things in a good enough place!
Were you nervous or excited to post this story?
both!! but more excited overall, I think. it's probably my favourite story I've written
Ask your followers to pick a snippet (no more than 500 words) and share your thoughts about it.
please!!!! I will love you forever <3
this was great, I highly recommend it to all writers 🥰
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chubs-deuce · 5 months
Hi, fellow writer/artist here! This is about your recent post about struggling with your writing, and I found that I had a lot to say and I didn’t want to clog up the comment section, I hope it’s alright that I sent it this way, and if its too long or not helpful, my apologies XD
My number one tip: there are no rules! Writing is fun time! It’s kids finger painting with words! Its emotions! It’s characters we love, and stories our hearts or brains or some other parts of us wanna tell! Always lean into what sounds the most fun when you’re stuck! Even if you never use it! <3
In my experience, some writing is better than no writing when you feel like it's not good. Sometimes to get out of being stuck I find it best to just keep typing, even if it stops making sense, or i hit enter twice and start rattling off a new scene or a different story entirely! Sometimes I will literally just type ‘why does writing feel so hard. This feeelsss dumb blah blah blahblahblah fuuuuuck fuuuuuuuuuuuck why do I feel so stuck -’ And so on until eventually my brain thinks of something else haha – literally just a brain dump. Type any random word that comes to mind. Sometimes I just open a clean document and go at it with this, you can always copy paste anything remotely relevant that may come out of it somewhere else later.
The rewrite loop is a hard one, I find that when I'm stuck in that space, sometimes taking a step back and just literally making a bullet point list of the scenes and/or what I want to accomplish really helps! Recently I also started going through and highlighting certain passages or concepts in the document that are poignant to the themes or vibes of the story/ that I wanna circle back around to in some way. Its been helping me keep things a bit more consistent in terms of emotion, and has helped a lot with ‘scene-block’. Bc instead of being like ‘uhhhh okay what now?’ I can always look back through the highlights and see what needs to be carried through more – or it can spark a new idea from thinking over how to get to that specific point you want to reach!
Sometimes when writing feels too daunting to me I’ll literally just tell myself “that’s okay. You don’t have to write. You can do literally anything else.” And sometimes just that, the verbal removal of the pressure, can loosen things up – especially if I do want to be writing. But sometimes, you really just do need a break from it. Picking up another hobby to fill writing time when I’m burnt out really helps me out!
I’ve taken months away from all sorts of writing projects before (both fan work and personal) bc there was just a block. And it sucks. I’m really sorry you’ve been dealing with this, it’s such a frustrating experience.
Honestly, sometimes writing can help you work through something IRL, but other times I find that sometimes the writing has to wait until I’ve hit a certain milestone personally. There’s a project of mine I pick up maybe once a year. Maybe. Because it just can’t have what I need it to until I sort some of those personal things out in my own life.
I’ve also noticed how much your Charlastor Fankid AU has taken off (Love Dawn btw), and you expressed recently how you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by the amount of asks/etc with the executive dysfunction of it all (same btw) (I’m also the person from the comment on that - hi lol). I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those pressure-feelings you’ve expressed have bled over into your other WIPs, pls be kind to yourself <3
Think how long people waited for Hazbin content from Viv, or any other number of indie-origin fandoms. When people love an idea or a style or any other number of things, the people it resonates with are happy to give the person or people behind it time. You can tell when someone enjoys making things. When something is made with that passionate spark. I want you to know that your posts really do have that. I can tell how much love you have to give through your work. People who like your stuff aren’t going to disappear if you need to take a minute to breathe, you know? I know the world we live in, and the faux-perfection of the internet can make us creatives feel like we need to be machines, but it’s not true. We’re people. And other decent folks will be happy to respect that!
Creativity and how we express it is very personal, and everyone’s process is different, so I can only really speak from my own perspective here, but you’re doing great. Your work is amazing, and I hope your writer’s block clears up soon!
I hope this message doesn’t come off weird in any way, with this massive message out of ‘nowhere’, my heart just really went out to you on this from one writer and artist to another. I also sent this as an ask bc for some reason sending a DM this long felt weird given that we haven't really spoken before.
Good luck with everything! Always here if you need another creative person to complain to or chat with LOL
- Lizzie
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sobbing, this actually made me so (positively) emotional man-
Thank you so so so much for taking the time to type all this out and reach out like this, it honestly means the world from me, especially since your ask here really is oozing with empathy and care in ways that surprisingly hit me in the feels pretty good???
I'm sorry I didn't respond to this sooner but I kind of couldn't muster the energy to give it the kind of response it deserves that wasn't just senseless keysmashing sdkjhsdkjfh
what's wack about my particular kind of writer's block is that I'm more than happy to ramble on and on about Dawn and my ideas for her story in asks etc, but to make a coherent story of it feels like an undoable feat somehow?
I've always had a knack for piecing together a plot out of thin air or based on next to nothing to go off of, but it's actually putting it into a consumable format that I always, ALWAYS get hung up on, and it bothers me to no end :'3
Your reassuring words genuinely really help a lot in soothing my fears of, well, I guess irrelevancy?
I do ultimately write for myself, but I can't help but feel like there's a ticking clock in the back of my brain that tells me I need to make something consumable before the "fad" around Dawn especially passes and most people that would've cared about a fic about her have already moved on, if that makes sense?
It's a stupid amount of pressure to put on myself and maybe even sounds kind of arrogant, but I do thrive off of seeing people react to and think out loud about things I'm passionate about - it's a connection, a communication of sorts, something I'll never not desperately crave.
I've been having so much fun with Dawn and the story surrounding her and I couldn't be happier that people are so engaging with what I put out in turn! So much so that a part of me dreads seeing when that will come to an end ^^"
I'll keep trying though, and keep doing what I love <3
Again, thank you so much for taking the time to reach out like this, a lot of this is something I definitely needed to hear and words can't express how much I sincerely appreciate it ;w;
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kekstala · 4 months
hopping on the ask train 😻
I really adore your art style and I’m looking to improve because I’m not too fond of mine currently. How long have you been drawing and what are some tips you have to improve?
(Also how do you do your line art?? It’s always so scrumptious)
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First of all, thank you so much! <3 It makes me really happy to hear that my art brings you so much joy!
I’ll continue to shower you guys with my stuff, because comments like yours make me walk the extra mile <3
Now to your questions!
„How long have you been drawing?“
Funnily enough, my whole life lol
Sure, that sounds pretty farfetch’d considering I’m a lv. 29 duck, but eh, I mean it.
One day I just took a pencil and started drawing, and that‘s about it.
You could say I've been improving my art since ever - I started drawing stuff that I saw on TV or in magazines as a kid - Pokemon and Digimon being two of the very first things that I used as a base to draw.
Back then, I only used to draw creatures or animals, since I practically sucked at drawing humans.
Only after I met one of my real life friends, I also started to draw humans - It‘s been approximately 13 years since then, so the process of mastering something‘s indeed quite slow.
My best advice on that topic: never give up.
Sure, there will be days where you think you may never improve, but this isn‘t the case - you just need some patience and determination to keep going.
With every picture you draw, you learn more, until you arrive at an actual point of understanding.
When you reach this certain point, drawing turns from a difficult chore to a fun ride full of wonder, where you only see the fun parts instead of the bad ones :)
Also fun fact: when I started drawing humans, I preferred females over males - since women are much more curvy and „easier“ to draw for beginners.
Now it‘s the exact opposite - It‘s a walk in a park for me to draw men…woman instead… oh boi
I always sweat when I draw Carmine or Juliana LOL
Kieran and Drayton on the other hand - easy xD
„What are some tips you have to improve?“
1. Like I said before: never give up.
Drawing‘s like mastering a skill - you need time to improve.
I‘m the perfect example since it took me over 25 years before I reached a point that I‘m satisfied with. And even now, I’m still improving - it‘s an endless road without a certain goal, and you have to decide for yourself whenever you want to run or walk.
2. Take breaks
No seriously, I mean it, your body AND your mind need some, since they can influence your perspective and decisions.
When you draw and get more and more frustated with yourself and the picutre, it's, in most cases, time for a break.
Staring at one picture for hours can narrow your perspective. Perhaps you‘re even tired because of a lack of sleep, maybe even hungry - all these factors can influence you negatively, because your body‘s at war with your mind - its quite a psychological topic, but it plays a big role when you draw.
Drawing steals a lot of time and concentration - and with this concentration being interputed by needs like hunger or sleep, your body and mind won‘t focus anymore on one thing but instead on a lot of (in that case) obstacles.
Result -> your concentration weakens, and you get frustated because you did that one pencil stroke like a dozen times already and are still looking like crap! The WHOLE picture looks like crap! You really SUCK at drawing!
In this case, just take a break.
Eat something, do other stuff, or just go to get some sleep. After a few hours away from the picture, you will be surprised that all these negative emotions and thoughts you had before are in fact gone, and the picture doesn‘t look that hideous anymore.
3. Repeat what you draw
This one sounds simple but makes quite the impression later on.
By repeating the same thing over and over, your brain starts to save certain important parts, and it becomes much easier later on.
My example‘s Kieran - I’ve drawn this dude like a dozen times already - at first I had to use a character sheet as a base  because my mind hadn‘t saved some certain points yet, so I had to look it up.
By looking something up, you get interrupted in your concentration and fall out of the „flow of drawing“.
It‘s the same when drawing something new. You’re not used to it yet - hence, it's, in most cases, more difficult than something you've already had some experience with.
Since I‘m already used to drawing Kieran, I don‘t need to look stuff up anymore, I just draw him and move on. (this sounds so mean, I‘m sorry Kiki D: )
4. Look for references
I usually do this when I take a break from drawing. Just open Twitter (or X) or Tumblr and watch other artists do their stuff.
Of course, this‘s like a double-edged sword, since it COULD influence you negatively, especially when you are just down from not finishing an art piece.
But it can also help you improve where you’ve struggled before.
Like before, the best example’s Kieran lol
Since the release of the DLC people have drawn him A LOT - which is great because there’s like a dozen references you can use for your own benefit.
And don’t assume that people just drew him in one go perfectly - they had to master the process I already described before by repeating it over and over.
How fast they have mastered the way to draw him depends on the person themselves; some people choose to run the road while others choose to walk instead.
The artwork you see may be the result of 100 pictures before that had to build the base for it to truly shine.
You only see the result but not the way there, so don’t feel dishearted and think you may never arrive at their level - everyone had to start from scratch after all. :)
5. Draw stuff you enjoy
It’s the most important advice I can give - the four before depend on the person themselves, whether to follow them or not.
Every person works differently and does stuff differently - but almost everyone has one thing in common when they draw - they draw because they love what they do.
And thats the most important part: draw stuff you truly enjoy - it makes you happy, and that's what counts in the end :)
“How do you do your line art?”
To be honest, I’m far from satisfied with my way to draw linearts, but I’m happy that you guys seem to like them that much by showing interest :D
Applin’s here to help you understand the process a bit better <3
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1. The rough sketch
Every artwork begins with a sketch - the sketch doesn’t need to look good or anything, just a quick reminder of what I wanted to draw in the first place.
2. The rough first lining
It’s the first step in the direction I want to go with the picture.
Like the sketch, it still looks very rough, but it already shapes the object or person I want to picture here.
3. The second lining
This one works as a bridge between “the rough first lining” and “the final lining”.
It looks like the end goal, but it needs some fine tuning or minor changes to be perfect.
4. The final lining
Like the title says, it's the finished linearts that show the object or person I wanted to picture in the first place.
To be honest, between Parts 3 and 4, a lot of stuff can happen, depending on whether I need to redo some part of the artwork or need some extra steps in between (like a third or fourth lining part)
5. Some extras
Because the lining itself looks so bland, I usually add some little details as well.
It’s more or less optional, but it makes the artwork look more lively. ( at least from my perspective, lol )
And that’s about it :D
I hope I can help you a little bit with my advice and wild rambling (I’m known for it after all kekeke)
Thank you so much for your ask, and have a wonderful day <3
And hopefully a lot of fun while drawing ;9
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