#My occasional fanfiction hobby
mrs-kodzuken · 8 months
Fated Beginnings ♡
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Pairing: Kenma Kozume x fem!reader
WC: 4.1k
Genre: fluff
CW: fem!reader, teeth rotting fluff, date set up by Kuroo, slight introverted!reader, slight cursing
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"Kuroo, I don't feel comfortable doing this," I mumbled looking back down at the current book I was reading.
"Come on, (Y/n). It'll be fun!"
I sighed placed my bookmark on page 146, and closed it. I didn't have the time or guts to do this.
"Kuroo, you said that last time and last time I got clumsy and fell, multiple times if I may add." I coldly told him, looking up.
We were in the library at school, he knows this is how I spend my lunch. And yet still continues to bother me endlessly.
"I promise this one will be different, I know Kenma better than the other dude." He pleaded at me. He has been trying to set me up with people for God knows what reason.
I sighed once again and lightly put a lock of my hair behind my ear knowing I've picked the habit up from reading too much.
"Fine Kuroo, but if this one goes wrong, I will not speak to you for a week and you cannot set me up with another person," I spoke firmly at him, making my point known.
His eyes lit up at me and squashed me into a bone-crushing hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He shouted, very loudly, after letting me go.
"Calm down or else you're going to get us kicked out of here."
Kuroo and I have been friends since day one, literally. Well, not literally maybe about a year apart. However, I didn't exactly like how much of an extrovert he can be.
We grew up together and in most situations I'd stay inside, much to his dismay. So, I've never been a fan of being outdoors especially when it's a sunny day. I'd even go to the length and say I hate sunny days.
"Why are you like this.." I grumble quietly and pick my bag up from the library's carpet floor.
"Alright, so I've been planning this for a while. Hence, why I chose Saturday for the date because it's going to rain. You and Kenma are going to be staying at your place. I've been waiting for my best friends to meet for so long." The excitement but mischief in his voice concerns me just a bit.
I rolled my eyes and headed out of the library, seeing as I had to get back to class.
Even if Kuroo is a 3rd year, we still hang out together. Correction, he still pesters me to hang out with him.
I could have used all that time for catching up on books and sometimes on special occasions, diving into some fanfiction.
"I'll see you later (Y/n)." He sent me a sly wink and headed the other way.
Heading to class I took my seat, which was far from the front. I was glad about the seating arrangement, it could allow me to read while the teacher couldn't see me.
My desk mate, whose name I'm not even sure about, came and did his routine.
He also took advantage of being in the back but he used it on video games. I'm not sure why, but I guess we have different hobbies.
To be honest, I didn't even know his name. He was so quiet, two toned hair covering his eyes and gave about half of the time.
However, then again so am I.
Occasionally, I'd look up at the board to see if there was anything I needed to write down or listen to. As always, it was pure nothingness.
When the last bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. As I walked through the halls I continued my book because no bell is going to keep me from figuring out the murder mystery in this book.
I haven't ever stayed after school to watch Kuroo practice volleyball. I didn't see a point in it, I mean, I know he's good at it. He leads his team to nationals.
I passed and heard the squeaking sounds of their shoes and some harsh noises of balls being spiked.
"Kenma! Set me another one!" I heard a familiar voice speak up loud.
However, it wasn't the voice that attracted my attention, it was the name.
"No, that's your fifth one." I heard an annoyed voice speak from the gym.
I had the urge to go take a peek but then stopped myself.
Why should I? I have better things to be doing, like tidying up my room a bit and catching up on my weekend book.
Switching books occasionally wasn't a problem because my parents would always buy me more. I could even use my library card to go get more if needed be.
This meant that I had a huge bookcase filled with my favorite books in my room.
After securing my book mark, I glared up at the sunny sky. It pissed me off. I don't understand how someone could like sunny days over rainy ones.
After getting my house key from my pocket I unlocked my door. My parents did business work at the same office but would always get off late at night.
With that being said, I set my school bag down and grabbed my pink cleaning apron to start the process. I did a bit more than what I usually do, mopping the floors and dusting high places isn't a good match with someone like me.
When I got finished, I headed downstairs after tying my (h/c) hair up into a low bun and tied my cooking apron on me.
Just because my parents are gone doesn't mean that I can order pizza every night. And quite frankly, it gets boring.
I got started on an easy dinner, seeing as I wanted to get it over with. I felt like baked spaghetti was the easiest it was going to get considering I wanted a fulfilling meal.
After eating, a thought snuck into my head. I have to waste a perfectly rainy day on someone who probably wants to go out or something.
Why not just stay in the comfort of your bed and slob around in snacks and books? This is exactly why if there was a male version of me, I'd marry him immediately.
After cleaning the dishes I headed upstairs and started on my night routine. I grabbed an oversized grey shirt which said 'Do I care?' and some black shorts.
Knowing myself, that'd also be the outfit I'd wear when this 'Kenma' comes over tomorrow. I wasn't actively looking for a boyfriend so there's no reason to impress him.
Now that I thought about it, there wasn't anything weird I heard about Kenma from anyone.
I mean, I guess he got some love confessions from girls but he didn't waste his time on it.
I couldn't blame him, why waste your time on falling in love, which only ends in heartbreak by the way, when you can fall in love with fictional characters who'd never break your heart?
With those thoughts running through my mind, I set my book on my nightstand and turned off my lamp.
Now it's time for fanfiction, a small but devilish smile made its way onto my face as I opened Wattpad.
I'd always loved reading these, especially when they were about my favorite fictional character. I die inside a bit every day when I remember they aren't real.
Little did I know, I had stayed up a tad bit too late and before I knew it, it was 7:03 am.
I mentally cursed myself for doing this yet again. My eye lids were heavy and needed sleep however it was like some kind of drug to read fanfics.
I furrowed my brows and sat up hastily, shouldn't my parents have come in?
Pushing back my white covers with small pink roses on them, I grabbed a large red hoodie to go over my sweatshirt and some fuzzy socks. I headed to their room, surprisingly, it was empty.
I started getting worried and wondered if they had gotten in a crash or decided not to deal with me anymore. My parents weren't neglectful or anything but the anxiety didn't stop.
Those thoughts were the usual ones I'd always get whenever they did not come home.
I rushed to my phone and checked my messages, I didn't like getting notifications so I always turned on my reading focus mode.
Messages from my mom and dad came up on my notification screen. They stated that they had an emergency business trip to take.
I texted them back and sighed, they always do this.
I'm never mad or anything, I just wish we could have quality family time. But at the same time, I'm glad all the 'what-if's' were gone from my head.
I headed downstairs to put the kettle on, I wanted to make a cup of vanilla tea, my favorite. I smiled and peeked outside to see the rain coming down a bit harshly.
One of the reasons I love having a tin roof is that you can hear the sounds clearer. It was the most beautiful sound I loved hearing.
Just when I was just about to sip my tea, the doorbell rang.
Confusion rang across my face. I don't think I was expecting anyone this early.
Racking my brain for an answer, I opened it expecting Kuroo because he's just always there.
Running a hand through my hair, "Kuroo, it's Saturday, go home." I looked up to see not Kuroo, but my deskmate.
I stiffened, embarrassed. I immediately looked at my fuzzy socks and quietly spoke, "Oh, uh, you must be K-Kenma." I stumbled, my eyes widened a bit. I never stumble over my words.
He nodded and looked all over my flushed cheeks and lazy outfit.
Like the dumbass I am, I finally realized that it was still raining and he was bound to get soaked by the gutters if I didn't let him in.
I motioned for him to come and he mumbled a quiet, "Thank you."
I watched him like a hawk as he took off his shoes, setting them neatly beside one another. I awkwardly headed back to the kitchen for my tea then went up the stairs with him following me. I mean where else is he gonna go?
Wait, would he think I'd want something from him by immediately inviting him into my room? I shoved the weird thought from my mind and focused on where he was.
I sat on my unmade bed and grabbed my book from my nightstand. I clicked on the lamp, which was a beautiful, white flower lily.
"Uh, make yourself a home?" I questionably said, I never have been in a situation like this before.
I crossed my legs and opened my book as he sat on the edge of my bed which was weird. I had a white Ikea desk with a swirly chair, a reading nook in the corner, and a window seat. And yet, he sat on the edge of my bed.
After reading for a few minutes, I couldn't focus into my book. I mean, there's a strange sitting across from me. I looked up and he was playing on a switch.
That went on for hours.
Kenma had moved onto my bed more, sitting against the wall. His legs were crisscrossed and he was still playing his game.
I had leaned off the edge of my bed where half of my body was dangling off of it. I was hanging upside down and reading my book.
Kenma and I had settled into a comfortable silence and acknowledgment of each other. We hadn't touched but occasionally our eyes would meet when he lost a round or I discovered something juicy from my book.
The rain hadn't stopped which I was grateful for. I could feel the hunger rumbling in my stomach and I telling by his facial expression, Kenma was getting hungry too.
I sat up, earning the look of Kenma's curious eyes on me. I walked out of my room with the feeling of something that can only be described as nervousness in my belly.
I grabbed snacks from the kitchen, I wasn't sure how he felt about 'healthier' type snacks but it was all I had due to my distaste for 'junk' food. I returned  with the snacks and two bottles of water and two bottles of sugar free snapple.
Setting it all down on my bed, I took a few swings of my water while eating alongside him.
We resumed what we were doing after about fifteen minutes of silent eating
I guess Kenma had gotten comfortable with me because after eating he had set my legs in his lap. Well of course, asked me with his eyes, which honestly surprised me. He still had his eyes glued to the screen of his Nintendo switch.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang which made me jump. I had just gotten over the feeling of surprise from my legs in his lap and got to a good reading spot.
I sluggishly got up irritated at who would be at my door for the second time today. When opening it, I was faced with a bed-headed cat and his usual cheeky smirk. 
"What do you want Kuroo?" I asked quietly, afraid he would disturb my peace and quiet like he usually does. He waltzed right in, ignoring my question.
"Oya, so how are you two love birds doing? Hitting it off well?" He loudly spoke, which made me wince.
Kuroo headed up to my room with me, of course, trailing along. We found Kenma sitting how I left him, he was there snacking on my veggie chips.
"We're not lovebirds Kuroo." Kenma spoke up as my ears perked up from hearing his voice.
"What are you doing here?" I repeated my question and got myself comfortable with Kenma again.
He stared at us, his eyes following back and forth before trailing at my legs on Kenma's lap.
"Definitely lovebirds. Friends don't just lay the way you two are." His mischievous grin was irritating.
I gave him a 'you're a dumbass' look and glanced at Kenma.
"No kuroo, we aren't dating. Even if we were, I don't think we'd tell you," I said calmly picking my book up. I wasn't going to waste my precious time on a dumbass like him.
I saw Kenma nod, out the corner of my eye, he agreed with me.
"And what exactly have you and Kenma been doing?" One eye brown perched up on his ridiculous face, funny enough, the only eye brow we could see from his haircut.
"We've been lying here," Kenma answered for me and this time it was my turn to nod.
"So you're telling me, I set you two up and all you've been doing is playing games and reading.." Kuroo stood there dumbfounded.
"No, not exactly, we did eat some." I gestured over to the pile of half eaten snacks set in the middle of my bed.
"You two are hopeless...and made for each other." His voice trailed off as he left my room.
I perked an ear, trying to listen and see if he was gonna leave my house, and he did.
I snickered, returning to my book, I admit that my eyes needed new attention and that Kenma with his two toned hair was thinking the same thing.
"What do you want to do?" I hesitantly asked Kenma as he set his game down and me with my book.
"Can we make something?"
"Uh sure, I think my mom bought some ingredients for cupcakes last week. Is that alright?" I asked getting up and marking my book while setting it on my nightstand.
He nodded and we headed downstairs with Kenma in front of me now. I never really noticed it since we've mostly been sitting down but he's taller than me.
A strange thought came to mind as I was thinking of our conversation.
'A child.'
My eyes widened and my heart rate sped up. I cursed at myself for ever thinking that. What the hell? I've just known the guy for a couple of hours and I'm already thinking of a child? I've been reading too much lately.
I breathed out a sigh and tied my apron back once we were in the kitchen. I held out an extra apron for Kenma and he gladly took it.
"Three eggs please," I said reading the instructions from the cupcake box I grabbed from the cabinet. I decided to reach up and grab the flour from there while I was at it.
Once he found the eggs in the fridge, he broke the eggs into a glass bowl, making sure not to get any eggshells in the mixture.
'He can break my back.'
What the fuck (y/n)? Where are all these thoughts coming from?
Probably from the lack of sleep your dumbass got.
That's great. Now I'm talking to myself and responding.
I suddenly got nervous while pouring some flour in and accidentally got it on Kenma's chest. I fucking need sleep, how in the hell?
"Oh god, I'm so sorry." I nervously spoke trying to get it off. He raised a brow, took some flower and plopped it on my head.
I paused, just staring at him with my jaw dropped.
Holding eye contact, I grabbed up a handful of flour and threw it on his hair too. I cracked a smile as he shook his head and the flour flew out like snow.
Soon, we were throwing tons of flour on each other, the kitchen had become a war zone. Mind and his laughs were bouncing off the walls in the kitchen.
I squealed as he shoved some down the back of my hoodie.
"Kenma!" I threw my head back in laughter as I chased him around my kitchen, I wanted to put some down his pants.
"You're never going to get me!" He smiled at me. I felt my heart almost stop, he looked.. cute. Which was completely new for me.
I could feel my cheeks start to flush until an idea sparked in my head. I grabbed an egg from the carton and threw it at him.
This time it was his turn to stare at me with his jaw dropped. Just like the flour war, next came the eggs, then cocoa, and cupcake mixture.
At this point, we were the cupcakes just unbaked.
"Payback, (y/n)." Kenma whispered in my ear, making me shiver, or maybe it was the cold water that was just dumped on my head.
I gasped loudly, flailing my arms every which way. Kenma stood by me laughing, with his arms holding his stomach. What a lovely sound, it was pure happiness.
I smirked and shook my long hair next to him, the ingredients getting on him. Finally, it came to an end when we got tired of throwing ingredients at each other.
I went to the pantry to grab two hand towels that I didn't care to use to clean us up.
"What in the hell.." I looked up after cleaning my face with a towel. I saw Kuroo standing in the doorway, confusion drawn on his face like no other.
"What the hell did you two do?" He asked astonished at us and the messed up kitchen. I mean, it was a sight to see. I haven't had this much engaging fun in forever.
I started giggling at the mess and Kenma looked at me and started laughing alongside me.
"I leave and you two are sitting on your bed, all quiet and calm. But when I come back you two are making the biggest mess in all of history," He exclaims his eyes bolting around the room and his movements a little frantic.
"Kenma, can you help me clean up please?" I asked nicely and headed over to get the dishwater started.
"Yes ma'am," he said and smirked, bringing his hand up and sprinkling sugar above my head.
I sniffed by accident then sneezed when there was a molecule of sugar in my nose. I looked up at him afterwards and what looked like blush was coating his cheeks.
Smiling innocently, I took the dish hose and sprayed him lightly.
I earned a gasp and high-pitched but slightly drawn out, "(Y/n)." from him.
Before he could say anything else Kuroo's loud voice came over us.
"So you two are dating? Hitting it off well, oya?" He asked with a smirk that only seemed to hint at other things.
I glanced up at Kenma and he looked down at me.
It seemed as if they both silently agreed to ignore him. In our midst of cleaning, a grumbling Kuroo finally decided to help. The only things in the kitchen un cleaned were Kenma and I.
"Do you want to stay over and shower or..?" I waited for an answer while taking off my large hoodie, revealing my larger shirt underneath.
My hair was filled with gross food, well, technically cupcake ingredients.
"I guess I could stay over. I'll text my mo-"
"I'm staying over too." Kuroo announced without even asking.
I looked back at Kuroo to see if he has lost his damn mind.
"The hell? Just do whatever you want I guess." I rolled my eyes at him.
I was honestly surprised by my acts today, I'm not usually an outgoing person and yet I liked how today went. But I can also tell that Kenma isn't either.
"I'll go to my parents' shower, you two take a shower together or separately, I don't care." I smiled and gathered my things after giving Kenma my brother's clothes. He was in college so I doubt that he'd mind.
After I was done, I seriously thought that they had taken a shower together but it turns out they just took short ones. Who knows? I was in the shower trying to get egg out of my hair. I couldn't have had hot water either, it would've cooked them.
Instead of making an actual dinner meal like yesterday, I decided to order pizza just so Kuroo could shut up about it.
"You know Kuroo, I'm picking up actions that Bokuto would use. Not a good sign," I said and turned on a movie in my room.
"Hey! That's mean- oh." He realized, I guess he must've been spending much more time with him. Not a problem in my book though.
I was eager to sleep since I hadn't got any last night. Kenma and Kuroo slept on the air mattress we had blown up in the middle of my floor.
I dived underneath my covers, not even having time to adjust before I fell into a deep slumber.
I woke up from a gentle poke to my shoulder. I peeked up one eye and saw Kenma hovering over me. Groaning, I sat up and rubbed my eyes for better sight.
"Kenma? What's wrong?" I eyed my clock, it was one in the morning.
"Kuroo took over the air mattress. I'm gonna sleep with you." He softly spoke and lightly scooted me over to the wall.
"Uh, okay I guess?" I whispered, not sounding so sure but was too full of sleep to really think about it.
I closed my eyes and waited for Kenma to stop moving so I could sleep.
"(Y/n)? About what Kuroo said, if we were to date we wouldn't tell him right?" His voice talked into the darkness.
This meant that I couldn't really see his face, I could only guess what he was hinting at.
"Oh..yeah.." I answered, sobering up from sleep.
"Well, can we do the-uh, dating e-eachother." He stumbled over his words which made me smile a bit.
My face was burning underneath the covers that he could easily steal away from me.
"I think I'd like that very much, Kenma." I smiled, not stumbling over my words.
I felt an arm pull me closer to his chest and kiss my cheek. My heart beat like a drum inside my chest as I tried to find my slumber again. The weight of his arm around my waist. The kiss on my cheek. The warmth of-
"Goodnight, (Y/n)." Kenma's voice rang out, soothing my thoughts.
I smiled softly and closed my eyes. I guess this kind of love wasn't a waste of time after all.
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a/n: this is from my “Haikyuu x Reader Oneshots” on Wattpad! I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you want more!
the header is from lena!! on Pinterest
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greenerteacups · 5 months
Vague Statement of Authorial Preferences on "Constructive Criticism"
I've written this carefully to try to avoid sounding ungrateful or oversensitive. I get wonderful engagement on Lionheart, and 99% of it is positive, heartwarming, flattering, humbling. I'm grateful for that every day, and I never take it for granted. Whatever the 1% consists of, I acknowledge it's a vanishing fraction of the response. The last thing I want to be is a sour grape.
That being said, I think the fic must've been recced on a non-D/H forum, because there's been a few... slightly more critical comments lately. Not a ton, but they're there. Which is fine. I acknowledge I'm a little sensitive to criticism on fanfic, mostly because it's supposed to be my fun, no-pressure, no-bad-vibes hobby, and I've had the occasional self-critical spirals that stop me from writing. But that's no one's problem but mine. Also, it's the Internet. People will say what they think. That's the bug, and that's the feature. I've been around long enough to acquire a decently thick skin. I just don't really want to use it in this particular forum, for this particular thing.
(For the record: pointing out typos, wrong word choices, wrong use of "it's/its," that's fine. And cracking jokes about the fic is a fun way to engage! I'm really not harsh about this, I don't think. But if your only comment is a major structural criticism of how I conceive and do plots: that's the kind of feedback I'm talking about here.)
I want to stress a lack of ill will towards critics; some of them have been respectful. In fact, a lot of them word their comments like they're editors on a project they like — which is what I believe they think they're doing. I don't see any malice in it; it's just a problem of different Internet circles with different Internet etiquette bumping into each other. So I thought I should clarify! Here's my standing declaration of etiquette preference: there is a difference in the standard of expected criticism between published work that you pay for and amateur work you get for free. I have a job. I get critique in my job, I work with it, I learn from it, I grow from it. Fanfiction is my hobby. The places I seek critical feedback on my skills are not, respectfully, the AO3 comments section.
And if you've spent hours of your time reading 600,000 words of free fiction and all you could think to say about it was something critical, you and I are very different kinds of participant in fandom, and that's probably a sufficient reason for us not to interact.
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bucktommy positivity week fanfiction roundup! - part 2
we're so excited to be officially sharing the roundup of all the amazing fic shared during bucktommy positivity week! we had well over a hundred submissions, and we really hope everyone will go comment positively on all these amazing works! this post contains the fics from days 4-7.
post with days 1-3
note: we also had a few amazing submissions of things like art, gifs and headcanons! this masterlist is solely for fic but you can find the other creations at these tag links: art | posts | gifs | other
(if we've missed your submission, it is absolutely not intentional so please send a message and we will rectify it immediately 🧡)
day four - hobbies and dates
you’re simply the best by judymarch15
Tommy is easygoing and naturally good at everything. Buck adores this about his boyfriend, but he is also determined to find something Tommy’s not great at. So Buck plans a series of dates to figure it out. AKA 5 times Tommy was good at things + 1 time he wasn’t.
Free Fall by Amtinla12
Tommy does a great deal of introspection out loud as he is forced to carry an unconscious Evan to safety after a hiking date gone wrong.
The Perfect Ingredients (That's Amore) by 30somethingAutisticTeacher - also for day 5
She just can't take her eyes off the two handsome strangers in her Italian Cooking class.
Starter by talktonytome
“Oh my god,” Chim finally throws his hands up, in exasperation. “When did you get a kid?? We didn’t even know you and Tommy were there yet—Oh no, does Maddie know? You know I can’t keep secrets! He cries. “Wait… you didn’t like, steal a kid did you?”
Wrong Kind of Bear by LadyEyre
“You’ll never guess what happened to Tommy and me this weekend,” said Buck, slamming a mid-sized cardboard box down on the kitchen counter in the fire station’s loft. “What’s in the box?” Ravi asked, reaching for it. Buck swatted his hand away. “Wait ‘til I’ve finished the story!” Hen gave him an unimpressed look over the rim of her glasses and okay, Buck kind of deserved that. Probably not the most adult-like behaviour to be exhibiting at work, but if he opened the box now that would give the story away. “Okay, I’ll bite,” said Chimney after taking a sip of coffee. “What happened over the weekend?” or Buck tells the 118 about his date with Tommy
Handsome Little Bookworm by emquin
In which Buck discovers how avid of a reader Tommy is.
A Chocolatey Getaway (Head canons) by RacerChix21
Head canons for Buck and Tommy going to San Francisco for the Ghirardelli Chocolate Experience
Mermaid Pendant by waitingtobelit
Tommy doesn’t consider himself much of a video game person, outside of the occasional (and very competitive) rounds of Mario Kart or Super Smash Brothers with some of the Harbor crew. (He sweeps at Mario Kart, actually. Lucy still owes him twenty bucks from the last time he kicked the entire shift’s ass at Rainbow Road.) Evan, however, very much is a video game person, and it’s becoming one of Tommy’s many favorite things about him. Evan is always enthusiastic about who and what he cares about, as Tommy can happily attest to from personal experience. Tommy can’t help but find himself charmed by how much Evan enjoys video games. -- Tommy gets to know Evan better through his love of video games and falls even more in love with him in the process.
Space and Color by mannafromtevan
“I should have known right away you were the artist. Because how your painting made me feel just now is exactly how I felt the moment I met you. And knowing that there are all these other parts of you? All these layers? You’re…you’re beautiful, Tommy. You really are.”
Bucktommy and their hobbies by TillyReads
5 public BuckTommy hobbies and a quiet date night
I didn't know you were a writer by vamphigherqueen
It's no secret that Tommy loves to watch movies. But what IS a secret is the fact that he will write fan fiction any time he finds an ending unsatisfying. What happens when Buck learns about Tommy's secret hobby?
Fight Club by tetehburjo
Buck flashed a winning grin. “Let’s go home.” “Okay, let me just call—” “No, they can get an Uber or something. Let’s just go—me, you,” he tapped Tommy’s chest, “just us, doing things we’re both into.” Or Tommy took Buck to a Fight Club, Buck didn't really enjoyed it.
Vegas! by kneazle_slytuff
Buck finally has someone he can do double dates with. Only, one time it doesn't go as planned.
cryptid by foxaquatica
Tommy learns Buck has a particular interest in certain mythologies, and plans a trip for their one year anniversary.
Green Eyed Monster by Sagasimon
Buck did warn Tommy he can get pretty jealous, right?
day five - outsider perspective
The Birthday Cake by girlwonder (annewritesstuff)
The third time Evan visits Harbor Station, Olivia gives him a little insight on Tommy and hints at a time he wasn't the confident man Evan's fallen for.
Andrew, They're Husbands! by writerdot
“So, what you’re saying is-” Evan Buckley, says, resting an arm on the shoulder of another guy, tall handsome, with brown hair, and taking a bite out of a giant blueberry muffin. “-that you think you could beat me in an arm wrestling contest.” He hadn’t been here in the loft area when this guy arrived, but Andrew doesn’t think he’s part of the 118. Or at least, not part of the A-shift. He’s not uniform, but he can’t get much more of a handle on him than that. Or: Probie Andrew Olson can't figure out what's up with the handsome guy Evan Buckley seems to be standing awfully close to.
sweet dreams turn into coffee in the morning by judymarch15
Sarah, the barista at Tommy’s favorite coffee shop observes her favorite customer
It's A Love Story by emquin
You saw all kinds of things working at a restaurant. First dates. Failed dates. Proposals. Arguments. Break ups. The passing of secrets. Or, the waitress at the restaurant Tommy and Buck go to for their first date likes to people watch.
I Watched It Begin Again by RacerChix21
Sitting in the middle of her favorite coffee shop, Ali hears a familiar laugh and looks up to see Buck on a date with Tommy. She can’t help but think that maybe in a different life that person making him laugh would be her.
From the outside looking in by TillyReads
Buck and Tommy becoming Buck&Tommy becoming BuckTommy as told by 5 outsiders and one that's a little closer
coffee by foxaquatica
The barista at Bean There, the coffee shop Buck and Tommy have frequented since the beginning of their relationship, watches them grow.
love in a coffee shop by kneazle_slytuff
Tamara works at a coffee shop near the 118 and Buck is her favorite customer.
Tell Me More, Tell Me More by Sagasimon
Lucy is nosey, okay? So when Tommy shows up at work with a dopey smile on his face she’s ON IT!
Let Me See You Dance by DarkAliceLilith
“They’ve both come a long way from the men they were when we first met them.”
I Want You To Be Happier by words_in_starless_skies
Three times Maddie looks at Buck.
Slightly Exasperated But Most Assuredly Fond by LadyEyre
Gina took another sip of sherry and double-checked that everything was ready for her guests’ arrival: the pot roast was perfection if she said so herself and the potatoes were as rich and creamy as her dear Siobhan had taught her. She’d tried something new with the vegetables: oven roasting them rather than boiling them as she’d been raised to do and the Brussel sprouts were surprisingly flavourful, especially mixed with cheese and crispy bacon bits. She’d have to try the recipe again sometime maybe when it was her turn to host book club. Gina nodded to herself and took another sip of sherry. Yes, that sounded like a splendid idea. As Gina was straightening the table settings for the umpteenth time, her doorbell rang. or After attending Tommy's Nonna's funeral, Tommy and Buck are invited to Tommy's Aunt Gina's for dinner. Regrets are expressed, apologies made, and family secrets revealed.
at the coffee shop by hardly-an-escape
day six - kids and pets
two of a kind, workin’ on a full house by judymarch15
Buck and Tommy talk about the future.
I can't let you go, your handprint's on my soul by actually_allie
“Thomas Kinard,” Buck says, squinting at him playfully. “Are you telling me that you, big boy and firefighter pilot, are feeling nervous about babysitting my niece and Mara? Damn, you're so cute.” Tommy flushes, biting his bottom lip. “I'm not good with kids. Sometimes we host groups of kids and their teachers at Harbor for school events but that's easy, they have lots of questions about choppers.” Buck’s face softens, and he reaches a hand out to cup Tommy's face. “Everything's going to be fine, babe. And you're so much more than the cool guy who flies helicopters.” Or, the one where Buck and Tommy babysit Jee and Mara, and then have a very important conversation.
Purr-haps It Was Meant to Be by Cinderstrato
At first Tommy thought the kennel was empty, at least until he spotted the lump crouching behind the litter pan in the corner. His first impression of the cat was ‘greasy’. The tufts of long black fur didn’t look matted, exactly, but they shone like oil slicks, and dozens of limp dark hairs littered the blanket at the bottom of the kennel. “Is she sleeping?” Evan whispered. Tommy could see the cat was practically faceplanted on the blanket. “Is she alive?” The cat’s ears twitched, as if in reproach.
Traditions by 30somethingAutisticTeacher
Buck and Tommy want to create family traditions for their son after Buck realizes he didn't have any growing up.
Becoming Pawrents by emquin
Out on a call, the 118 finds a box of abandoned puppies.
I Wouldn’t Trade Us In For Anything by RacerChix21
Buck regales Bobby and Eddie with a story of his and Tommy’s kids and the misadventures of their garden. Then Tommy and the kids show up to surprise him
"You guys have a beautiful family" by TillyReads
Buck and Tommy spend a day at the beach with Jee-Yun
adoption by foxaquatica
After talking about their non-negotiables in their relationship, Buck and Tommy head to the animal shelter
Lucky by LadyEyre
“Okay, so please don’t be mad,” Evan says almost before Tommy has the chance to shut the door behind him. Tommy’s still carrying his work duffle and has only managed to kick one shoe off and his working on the other and Evan is standing at the entry to their kitchen almost like he’s hiding from Tommy, or he wants to. He’s ringing his hands in a way Tommy finds particularly adorable and Tommy has to kiss him about it, quickly dropping his duffle to the entryway floor and traversing the length of the hall with one shoe still on. He sweeps Evan up into a hug and gives him a quick peck on the cheek, holding Evan against himself, he asks, “And what am I not being mad about?” or Tommy comes home from a shift to find Buck's adopted a dog without telling him
Giddy-Up by Sagasimon
Buck finds out about Tommy’s pets.
Cold Shoulder From Soft Paw by words_in_starless_skies
Buck is trying to apologize. Tommy just wants to eat dinner already.
feline family by kneazle_slytuff
Buck meets Tommy's cats for the first time and gets a surprise.
walking a wire by remindmeofthe
“Tommy! Tommyyyy, Tommy!” Tommy turns sharply at the sound of his name in a small, familiar voice. Tommy is minding his own business, out washing his car on an unseasonably hot day, when he suddenly has a much more important situation to address.
day seven - soumates/string of fate
Searching For Scarlet Heartstrings by Glaciaswings (Flamie)
They say the Thread of Fate that wrapped around your pinky connects you to your one true soulmate, platonic or romantic. It may tangle, it may stretch. But it will never break. Evan grew up dreaming of such stories. Staring at the single thread tied on his right finger, wondering if his soulmate was out there, waiting for him. or The three times Evan 'Buck' Buckley sees his red string but not the one on the other end of the string and the one time Tommy Kinard sees who was at the end of his red string.
all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls brought me here by judymarch15
Buck and Tommy talk about what it would have been like to meet each other at different points in their lives
Two Halves of the Same Idiot (Baby We Were Meant To Be) by RacerChix21
Soulmate Headcanons for BuckTommy including Tommy’s first day at Harbor
And then some days you wake up and everything's perfect by actually_allie
“So, do you believe in those things? Soulmates, the red string of fate and all?” “You always call me a romantic and I could recite by heart at least ten romance movies, of course I believe in all that,” Tommy replies, pressing a kiss to Buck's head. He feels so safe, here in the quiet of his living room, with Evan pressed against him, so he decides to elaborate a bit more. “For a long time, I thought I was the exception, you know? I thought I was– broken, not meant for love, not meant to find my person.” Or, the one where Buck and Tommy watch a movie that prompts them to talk about soulmates, the red string of fate and their love.
There’s Something About Us by DarkAliceLilith
But fate had other plans and Evan called him for a tour. He agreed. He had wanted to see him again and not just because he wanted to see if their flowers would bloom.
And Every String Led Me To You by emquin
It happened when Buck woke up from the coma. At first, he was absolutely sure that he was dreaming because there was no way his hospital room could be so full of string. or, Buck can suddenly see the strings of fate, including the one that connects him right to Tommy.
I want to wear his initial (I already did) by tetehburjo
No, seriously,” he said, fully facing Evan now. “Where exactly did you get this?” Evan’s brows furrowed, confused. “In my locker… Why? Is something wrong?” Tommy didn’t answer right away. He just stared at Evan as things started to click inside his mind. “Baby… this is my shirt.” Or Buck discovered that he and Tommy had been connected long before they realized.
Hallowed Be Thy Name by Sagasimon
Some people have a tattoo of their soulmate’s name inked into their skin but there are some people who are born with a distinctive birthmark instead.
a touch by kneazle_slytuff
Buck longed to find his soulmate all his life, things change when his hand touches Tommy's for the first time when they shake hands.
Another Night. Another Storm. by LadyEyre
Each year of Tommy’s life, the walls around his heart grew taller, stronger, caging in the spirit he’d been born with: all the love he had to give. The first bricks were laid by his father shouting, “make him stop crying!” while his mother cried and rocked him and screamed that she was trying. And the heart spirit learned to conceal Tommy’s pain, to never seek comfort from beyond himself, to hold everything in, push everything down. Be strong. Be a man. Never let them see you cry. or The spirit of love in Tommy's heart struggles to deconstruct the walls he had to build to protect himself in order to find his soulmate
You left a mark on me by TillyReads
In a world where there are three different types of soulmarks Evan "Buck" Buckley bears one of each kind and is on a path to discovery Excerpt: Most people are born with a maximum of three soulmarks. A green one, for their platonic partner or soul friend. A blue one, for their closest family member, known as soul family. A red one, for their greatest love, also known as true soulmate.
meant to be by hardly-an-escape
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sapchat · 1 year
I'll Share Azriel x Rhysand's sister!Reader
Summary: After being Azriel's mate for so many years, you've both learned what you're comfortable with.
This is my first ever time ever actually writing fanfiction so... that's not anxiety inducing.
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Life after Hybern was... easy. At least easy in the sense that instead of war planning during the days you now spend it babysitting, trying to learn a new hobby even though it gets dropped barley three days later, or just sitting around with the inner circle and learning about the others. Granted the last part mainly pertained to the newest members: the Archeron sisters and Lucien, with the occasional Varian.
It had been another night of casual drinking, for everyone but Cassian who was at least two extra glasses ahead of everyone else. The Illyrian general was the one to convince everyone else to join though.
You had been sat between Feyre and Azriel with Nesta, who had taken Rhys' spot, beside her. Elain had chosen to sit to the left of Azriel and the two had been conversing for the last little bit as you learned more about your High Lady and her oldest sister.
Feyre had been glancing over at you as she took another sip of her wine before finally deciding to say what she had thought.
"I've got to ask. Most females... would have already gotten upset by the closeness of another by their mate." She finished her statement by glancing around you and looking at how close Elain had gotten to Azriel.
His hand was still rubbing small circles into your thigh as he conversed with the middle Archeron, his other hand occupied by dragging a finger around the rim of his glass.
Persing your lips you glanced back at Feyre and sighed, "Me and Azriel have been together for almost as long as we've been alive truly. We've known about the bond since the death of mine and Rhys' mother and sister and accepted the bond a few years after I had healed from the accident." You took a glance at Azriel and turned you head back to Feyre where Nesta had also decided to fully tune into the conversation.
"We have had our ups and downs like all relationships, especially after I lost my wings and then came to terms with that. However, we have also found ways to... keep our relationship going. That includes with occasionally trying new things... or new people." You ended the sentence slowly as if you were going to say something else but decided this was the better way of saying it.
"So, what every couple decades or so you both just fuck other people?" Nesta asked glancing at you then Azriel and her sister.
You chuckled and breathed in to say, "Not... not like that. We just... sometimes invite someone new to join us. It's something we started a century or so ago. With rules of course! We both have to agree to the other person, and we all set guidelines to follow when we do it."
"So in a way it's just spicing it all up." Feyre stated even if it sounded more like the High Lady wanted to question it even more.
You turned your entire body towards them, so your back was against Azriel's side, his hand moving to the right side of your hip to hold as he continued whatever he was talking to Elain about.
"Listen. After about two and a half centuries, when you both have lots of outside stressors or new experiences in life you want to start trying new things. And sometimes that includes inviting someone to join you and your mate or sleeping partner." You explained. The two Archeron sisters nodded along, Feyre looking towards Rhys, pursed her lips and then back at you.
"So..." Nesta dragged out, "With this situation?" She nodded her head towards Elain and Azriel.
You turned your head backwards at the two in question and back to answer the conversation.
"The invitations go both ways. If he wants to invite someone, we talk about it and the same goes for if I want to invite someone. That being said, if Azriel wants to invite Elain into our bed, I'm okay with sharing." You stated with a smirk and took a sip as the two sisters looked at the middle Archeron and back to you and Azriel who at that moment leaned into you, kissed the side of your neck then winked at his High Lady and the oldest Archeron before going back to his conversation with the middle Archeron sister.
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angstandchaoscreator · 2 months
> Writeblr Introduction <
What’s up, writeblr? I go by Percy and I’ve been lurking on tumblr for quite some time, and I’ve finally said, “fuck it,” which leads us to the here and now. I’ll be posting original excerpts as well as fanfiction because I’m a huge nerd and I can’t just have one hobby. That would make my life even more boring than it already is(for legal reasons, this sentence is a joke. Just a funny hahaha…)
Ideally, I’d like to be a full time novelist/author, but alas, I am a broke student with two part time jobs and a love for writing angst. Just pure angst(with the occasional appearance of crack and fluff, but I’m depressed so it comes few and far between. I’m also sleep deprived).
I hope you stick around for all my mad ideas(even if they’re silly).
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whumpsday · 3 months
Whumpmas in July #1
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(Re)Introduce yourself
hi! i'm mill, and i write oc whump! i also run the WIJ archive blog, @whumpmasinjuly-archive: if you use the official tags or @ that blog, i'll make sure your post gets reblogged to the archive!
my masterlist is here, where you can find all of my writing.
my favorite whump things to write are vampire whump, nonhuman whump in general, role reversal (whumper turned whumpee, etc), immortal whumpees, whumpees and caretakers who are enemies, and begging. i like to go heavy on both the hurt and the comfort, and enjoy both gore that goes beyond the limits of what a normal human could survive and the most tender, caring recovery arcs imaginable.
my main series is Kane & Jim, a whumper-turned-whumpee vampire whump story with 50+ chapters and a whole slew of AUs and crossovers. it's what most of my writing is!
i've recently-ish started a new series called Catharsis, a robot whump story. it's slow-going, but i'm making an effort to... not mostly-abandon this one like i have every other time i've tried to start a series.
i have a bunch of oneshots i've written, and once in a blue moon i will write a fanfiction. i'm by far an oc guy though. i also RP on discord sometimes! mostly using my characters from Kane & Jim.
for WIJ this year, i plan to post 2 Kane & Jim chapters, 1 Catharsis chapter, 1 crossover between K&J and Catharsis, 1 fanfiction, and 5 oneshots. plus one other thing for day 28 depending on what i get inspired by on day 4! (i'm hoping to write something for one of my two series for that day as well.)
WIJ is my favorite seasonal whump event and i'm so excited to participate again this year :)
❤️ Name: mill
💚 Pronouns: he/they (my dad called me his son for the first time yesterday :D)
🤍 Favorite season: autumn <3
❤️ Average amount of sleep: LOL
💚 Dream Job: teaching assistant in a public school!! hoping to start this upcoming september!
🤍 Blog established date: february 2022
❤️ Username/blog meaning: takeoff on the friday's slogan (in here, it's always whumpsday)
💚 Hobbies: writing, watching seasonal anime, the occasional video game, reading, tabletop rpgs (not like d&d and stuff, the boxed kind, awaken realms etc! if anyone wants a used copy of vampire the masquerade: chapters for only the cost of shipping, hmu)
🤍 What you love about whump: EVERYTHING
❤️ Anything else to add: see above cuz i put my paragraphs at the top <3
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cesperanza · 1 year
Okay, here's my dilemma: I love writing fanfic. I've been at it for many years and (likely due to all that passionate *practice*), people seem to consider me "talented." This has filled me with immense shame, because now I feel I should probably attempt to write "real" fiction. But I don't wannaaaa.
Are we obligated to develop every skill to its highest potential? Am I wasting my life just writing about superheroes? My brain knows the answers to these questions but my heart doesn't. Please help, Dear Abby, SOS, etc.
Te absolvo, anon! OMG, you are allowed to have fun!
Also--fanfic IS "real fiction." Ask your readers! :D
Also also more people will likely read your fanfiction than will read your "real" fiction, if by "real" fiction you mean anything like "literary" fiction. Look up the publication numbers on literary fiction lol. (Hint: There's a reason that many literary writers teach creative writing at universities.)
Also you will have more artistic control and ability to "develop your skills to the highest potential" writing fanfiction than you will writing commercial fiction because commercial fiction has requirements that aren't, per se, artistic. (Genre constraints, editorial requirements, differentiation from competition, multi-book universe to capitalize on branding, etc.)
Which is why writing for money is work.
All that said, if you 're looking for more work, and you're talented with words, yes, you should absolutely consider writing as a job. But don't kid yourself: you're looking for a job. If you already have a job, consider whether or not you want two jobs / more work in your life. If you don't have a job, ask yourself if this is the sort of job you want (which--imo writing fiction is quite nerve-wracking, because unsteady/unreliable financially unless you're a real machine of a writer. If you have other sources of income/health insurance etc., this becomes a much easier proposition; you don't have to worry about losing the house, not making rent etc.)
I occasionally do write things that people pay me for, but it's a sideline from my job because I have a job that I like that is already quite engaging/exhausting and that pays my health insurance/ contributes to my retirement and so on and so forth etc. This both enables me to occasionally take on other kinds of writing as work (because yay I have health insurance!), but also limits me from doing so, because--it's work and I already have quite a lot of work in my life. *looks around at desk, cough, did I just open tumblr? yes i did*
Writing fanfic, on the other hand, is FUN. :D I have been in fandom for decades, and e.g. I deliberately for years chose to do 4 min win at a time when I HAVE a lot of work because it is NOT WORK, it is something very other than work, something that contributes to my sense of my own humanity and creativity and connects me to my friends and is about joy and making art etc. If I did not write fanfic I would have to find some other kind of hobby/pleasure/etc. Perhaps like Sherlock Holmes I would take up the violin (and not at all become a professional violinist, which I think is--yes, rather a lot of work.)
---Why I am not a violinist, by Ces, age mumblety-mumble
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power-handmaiden · 8 months
what I want to (re?)gain from reading all these tinglers.
Long ass personal ramble below because this is my blog where I ramble about things now
I used to draw all the time and even longer ago I used to write and at some point I just stopped because I got hung up on whether I was "good" at these things things or whether it was a waste of my time creating such "trivial" things rather than art with "meaning" or maybe of I should be spending my time on more "useful" skills. Why write if you're just going to write gay fanfiction? But when I tried more "serious" things to "develop my skills" and also do things like proofread and edit, it just wasn't fun anymore and the hobby was dropped. Drawing lasted longer and I never dropped it so completely but I think smartphones put a damper on it. Once we all got little Google machines in our pockets I was never just out somewhere doodling freely, there was always the option to look up a reference, to draw the thing Correctly, and then time would pass where I was trying to find a picture of a ram's horns at just the right angle, and my number at the DMV would be called or whatever else I was waiting for would demand my attention and I would never even set my pencil to paper in these moments when I used to doodle.
I also felt like I could never express sexual ideas as much as I wanted to because of the "quality" of my work. Making "bad" art was one thing, everyone in the learning process does that, but sharing "bad" sexual art? Well, everyone on the internet forums I frequented was *justified* in reposting their art to mock them and linking to their online galleries for passersby to point and laugh personally, I thought at the time. How dare they be horny and express it in an appropriate adults-only space without mastering their craft first!
There's a lot holding me back. I deeply miss drawing and writing. I miss how freely I used to be able to just do them without the mental block telling me I need to run certain steps for Quality when I never did intend to do these creative things as a profession or anything?
Why is it so easy to sit down and "waste time" playing a video game or scrolling the internet, but so hard to spend the same amount of time drawing something for fun?
here's where Chuck Tingle comes in. He is someone who just DOES IT. This is the writing of someone who is not overthinking the process like I am when I become too paralyzed to create. And, I cannot stress this enough. IT'S SO GOOD. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. So much fun, joyful art has come from a process that I had convinced myself was something to be reined in and feared. The free act of creation that I'd convinced myself was nothing if I didn't learn to refine it into something "respectable". Ideas that would definitely not have passed a committee vote but make the process of reading all these stories one after another so exciting.
Even when I hit the occasional one like today that doesn't hit well anymore, it's evidence of someone who was creating from the heart, in the moment. Weirdly, they make me feel that yearning even stronger, with the knowledge that I know I'll love future stories.
I still haven't gotten there yet but I hope the love I find in these stories eventually breaks down the mental walls I've built and makes me feel free again to DRAW SOME GODDAMN LESBIAN FURRIES.
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thenovelartist · 18 days
For Shits and Giggles - Honkai: Star Rail fanfiction
After playing March's sword training sidequest, I couldn't stop thinking about Jiaoqiu's ending. Hence, this plot bunny came about.
Jiaoqiu couldn’t say he cared about the ongoings of many people. He cared about what happened to his master, both as her servant and companion, and he cared about things that happened to Moze, both as his acquaintance and co-worker. Otherwise, people could go on and live their lives as they pleased, allowing Jiaoqiu to sit back and watch with detached amusement, interest, or boredom. Life had become much easier—and less painful—after he’d adopted this mentality.
Yet, he couldn’t remain detached all the time. Occasionally, he’d get drawn into a battle that wasn’t his. Such as when a little pink-haired girl came up to him with requests for medicine to enhance her sword training. Teasing her and her gray-haired companion had been an entertaining way to pass the time, so he thought it fair to give them a little assistance in return. At the end of the day, he was a healer, a helper of people.
In most cases, his assistance would have ended there. On the contrary, this did not happen to be most cases.
Skott of the IPC. Oh, he’d heard the name, and much to his misfortune, he’d even seen the face, heard the voice, and suffered the attitude. In one particularly vivid memory involving a certain incident on the Yaoqing, one that had taken days for Feixiao to personally resolve, that man had been front and center.
Anyone who caused trouble for Jiaoqiu could be ignored and swept under the rug. Anyone who caused trouble for Moze would be on Jiaoqiu’s watch list, as long as Moze didn’t get to them first. Anyone who dared cause trouble for General Feixiao was not forgotten.
“Moze,” Jiaoqiu began, waving his fan leisurely at their accommodations as he looked out the window over the city. “Are you busy?”
The man in question looked up from inspecting one of his blades. The other blade rested on the table in front of him, along with a whet stone, a bowl of water, and a few rags. Despite their numerous differences, one hobby they shared was the intense care of their knives.
Jiaoqiu lowered his fan as he turned towards his companion. “Does an IPC representative by the name of Skott ring a bell?”
Moze’s grip on his knife tightened, the only visible sign of his disturbance. “The one who insulted Feixiao behind her back?”
“Ah, so you do remember him.”
A dark chuckle escaped Jiaoqiu. “He’s back in town, causing trouble. Now—”
“I’ll stop him.”
“I haven’t even said a thing.”
Moze stood, swinging his knife around. “The general is here for rest and medicine. As her retainers, you are responsible for researching the latter, while I am responsible for the removal of any hinderances preventing the former.”
Jiaoqiu’s smile felt a little less forced at that. “Let me handle it, Moze.”
The man quirked a brow at Jiaoqiu’s direction. “You?”
“Why not?”
“You don’t get involved unless something personal is at stake.”
“As a healer, I am also responsible for ensuring the rest of my patient.” His red eyes opened, sparkling with danger. “By any means necessary.”
For a moment, Moze held Jiaoqiu’s sly gaze before he plopped back onto his seat. “You getting involved promises to be worse than anything I can do to him.”
Jiaoqiu’s grin widened. “You think so lowly of me.”
“My judgement of you is right where it should be.”
I know. Jiaoqiu held the same opinion of Moze.
“Do you require assistance?” Moze asked.
“Join me for lunch tomorrow.”
“Just don’t make it spicy.”
“I’m counting on you to ensure it’s not.”
The pot of soup Jiaoqiu had spent the morning working on was just about done. Across from him, a certain man in purple was hunched over the empty counter space that wasn’t littered with ingredients, his chin propped up on his crossed arms as he watched the foxian removed a bundle of herbs from the pot.
Taking a small, flat dish that fit quite nicely in his hand, Jiaoqiu poured a bit of broth into it before handing it to Moze. “Taste; don’t eat.”
Moze took the offered cup from him. “Must you ruin perfectly good soup?”
“Ruin?” Jiaoqiu grinned. “My friend, it has been perfected.”
Raising the small dish to his lips, Moze sipped the broth but didn’t swallow. He swished it in his mouth for a couple seconds  before spitting it back out into the dish. “Bitter.”
“How bitter?”
“Kicks in after a second.”
“Aftertaste, huh?” Looking over his arsenal of ingredients, Jiaoqiu took a pinch of this, a sprinkle of that, topped it with some herbs, and let it simmer again.
“Do I get lunch?” Moze questioned, lazily watching Jiaoqiu work. “Or was your invitation suggesting we go out for it?”
“Since when have I ever invited you out to lunch?”
Moze shrugged.
Again, Jiaoqiu filled another dish, extending it to Moze.
And again, Moze took the cup, emptied it, swishing it in his mouth before spitting it out. He paused, assessing the taste.
“Aftertaste gone?”
“Is that all you have to say about it?”
Moze’s eyes narrowed as he took the two used tasting dishes to the sink. “If you wanted more eloquent descriptions, you should have asked the general.”
“Oh, but she’s so busy. How could I possibly bother her?”
Moze washed his mouth with a sip of water, spitting it into the sink. “So, it finished?”
“One last thing.” Jiaoqiu reached for the chili oil.
Only to be stopped by Moze, who slapped his hand over the top of the jar.
With a relenting huff, Jiaoqiu reached for the green garnishes instead. “Fine.” He added a few flourishes on top of the soup before putting a lid on it. “Will you do me a favor and deliver this for me?”
Only after moving the chili oil out of Jiaoqiu’s reach did Moze reach for the pot. “Were you planning to make us lunch at all?”
“Will you be patient for your reward?”
Jiaoqiu sighed, mostly for show. “I should have expected nothing less from you. I’ll make it up to you later.”
“Lunch and a show?”
“I suppose that’s one way to put it.”
With two wrapped and warm lunches, Jiaoqiu sat at their predetermined rooftop, prepared for a picnic. He’d already left the famed Nameless duo and the other two of their party members. His duty was finished. All that was left was the watch the results of his labor.
He heard the soft footsteps of his companion approach from behind. “Do I get lunch now?” Moze dryly muttered.
Jiaoqiu handed him the box wrapped in a purple towel.
Taking the food, Moze plopped down on the bench next to him. In return, he handed Jiaoqiu a small pair of binoculars. He then put down a receiver in between the two of them, mucking with it for three seconds before the clear sound of Skott’s grating voice came in.
“This better not be spicy,” Moze muttered.
“The food or the show?”
“You should never be left alone with chili oil.”
“I don’t over-spice your rewards.”
“Exactly: once.”
Moze sighed, throwing a dumpling in his mouth before raising a second pair of binoculars to his own eyes. Through the transmitter, they could hear everything that was being spoken, although it was a bit loud at times with all the clinking machinery.
“Is it too spicy?” Jiaoqiu asked idly as IPC members began falling one after the next, their legs crossed and clutching their stomachs.
Jiaoqiu rolled his eyes. “Are you just saying that?”
By the way Moze stuck the next dumpling into his mouth without hesitation, Jiaoqiu would assume so. “I’ve been forced to adapt to it.”
“See? Not over-spiced.”
“Just because you don’t have taste doesn’t mean I want you to destroy mine.”
Jiaoqiu scoffed. “Please, you didn’t have taste to begin with.”
Moze lowered his binoculars to shoot a glare at his companion.
Jiaoqiu suppressed his urge to snicker.
With a grunt, Moze lifted the binoculars to his eyes again. “I thought you’d have just killed them with spice instead.”
“They actually had to ingest it, Moze.”
“So you’re cognizant of heat when feeding it to others, but not to me or the general?”
“Really, what are you whining about? Spice is a medicine in and of itself.”
“Are you saying you spice our food because you care?”
“Do you buy it?”
“Not a damn second.”
“You wound me, Moze.”
Finally, having watched the rest of the IPC lackeys either run or collapse while their loud mecha exploded due to March’s minimal efforts, Jiaoqiu lowered his binoculars, a mischievous sense of pride filling him. Another job well done.
Moze did the same. He popped the last dumpling into his mouth as he eyed the receiver, where March’s lackluster gloating rang through clear.
Skott, on the other hand, sounded rather pathetic.
Well deserved, Jiaoqiu thought, his grin widening.
“What are they whining about now?” Moze muttered. “It’s their fault for eating food without knowing the origin.”
“They took it that easily?”
Moze nodded.
“I expected them to give you a harder time.”
“You give them too much cre—”
Skott’s last whine came through the receiver, causing both men to freeze. Temptation pulling them in, both raised their binoculars just in time to see the horrified reactions to Skott’s… rather unfortunate admission.
“Yes, Moze.”
“… Just how strong did you make that medicine.”
“Why, I’d only serve the IPC the finest quality medications. Nothing below the strongest, most effective I can give.”
Moze’s sharp eyes turned on him. “And you had me taste it?”
“I told you not to eat. Don’t worry, you shouldn’t have any issue. If you haven’t yet had to do the walk of shame that man will have to do, then you’ll be just fine.” Jiaoqiu stood from his seat, lowering the binoculars as he shot Moze a tight smile. “Although, I think that if we want to avoid issues, we should take our leave.”
“I feel bad for the workers who have to clean up after that.”
“They get paid well, I’m sure.”
“Do they really get paid that well?”
“… Probably not.”
Later that evening, Jiaoqiu was placing the finishing touches on the day’s dinner when Feixiao decided to strut through the door.
Yes, strut. With purpose, with intention, with a façade of a smile covering her true emotions.
His gut twisting into a knot, Jiaoqiu spared a glance to Moze, who spared a glance at him. Only because Jiaoqiu knew Moze so well did he catch the waver of worry hidden in his stoic expression.
The general paused, her hands on her hips as she looked between the two men. “I heard through the rumor mill that there was quite the commotion in Aurum Alley today.”
“Was there?” Jiaoqiu spoke, gathering plates and chopsticks to set around the dinner table.
“Apparently, a certain IPC member had made his appearance very loudly known a couple weeks ago, only to have been causing trouble on the Luofu ever since.”
“A certain IPC member?” Moze drawled, playing oblivious. “Like we’re supposed to know who that is?”
“I would assume so.”
Jiaoqiu finished setting the table. “And pray tell, why’s that?”
Feixiao’s eyes twinkled with mirth as she tried to temper a grin. “Because, there would be no reason that a random IPC member would suddenly receive a pot of medicinal soup unless it was a certain IPC member.”
“Medicinal soup? Just what are you implying?”
In mock offence, he placed a hand over his chest, his ears falling in an attempt to look pitiful. “Do you think I’d poison them, general? The IPC have caused you so much trouble in the past that I can’t fathom doing anything to get on their bad side. The last thing we need is to be on bad terms with them.”
Feixiao quirked a brow at him. “Unless we were, hypothetically, already on bad terms.”
“Are we on bad terms with someone?” Moze asked. “I thought everything was resolved.”
At that, her amusement flatlined.
“I don’t know, Moze. I doubt you’d forget this one with the… colorful language you’ve used to describe him ever since.”
Moze suddenly glanced away. There was only so much hiding from Feixiao. The woman was not the general of the Yaoqing for nothing.
Yet, Jiaoqiu and Moze were not the retainers of the Merlin Claw for nothing, either. “General, just what rumors did you hear?” Jiaoqiu asked, hoping, likely in vain, to salvage this situation. “You’re going to have to spell it out for us.”
With a hand on her cocked hip, Feixiao looked to Jiaoqiu.
He’d been in enough contests like this one to hold his own just fine.
“Alright,” Feixiao stepped up to Jiaoqiu, slowly, smugly, and maybe a slight bit sultry. His smile grew strained for a whole new reason. “Allow me to spell it nice and clear, my dear healer.” She leaned in close, her eyes twinkling with mischief and smile wide in satisfaction.
Dammit. He needed his heart to calm down.
“Next time you leave me out of enjoying a literal shit show, you’re fired.”
A snort, one equal amounts amused and embarrassed, escaped him.
“Goes for you, too, Moze,” Feixiao tacked on, pulling away from Jiaoqiu. He breathed a sigh of relief.
“Yes, General.” The assassin bowed. “Our apologies.”
With an amused hum, Feixiao meandered into the kitchen. “You better hope I don’t get dragged into assisting the cloud knights’ investigation into a sudden case of severe food poisoning of an IPC envoy.”
“Surely not,” Jiaoqiu tried to reason, reaching for the chili oil to put the final touches on the night’s dinner.
Only for Feixiao to take the jar and walk away.
“Et tu?” Jiaoqiu muttered.
Feixiao shot him a cheeky winner’s grin. “I’d like to taste my food, thank you. Which I’m always excited to do as long as you didn’t add any special medicinal herbs to that stew, that is.”
“What healer would I be if I didn’t?” Jiaoqiu rationalized, his gaze softening as he turned towards his master. “But what I added to this pot will not turn you into the next Skott.”
“Much obliged.” As a sign of trust, she placed the chili oil back on the counter. “Now, since I wasn’t invited to watch, why don’t you tell me exactly what happened and what lead up to it. I won’t rat you boys out; I’d just like to know.”
“Absolutely, General.” Jiaoqiu garnished the food he’d so carefully crafted for his companions with herbs instead of oil. “It’s only fair you get dinner and a story, too.”
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riacte · 21 days
Re: Dearly Beloved in-universe fandom, it struck me that I have somehow never mentioned in-universe superhero/villain/whatever fanart despite fanart being such a core (and more importantly visible) component of fandom. (While mentioning fanfiction, subreddits, touching on fancams and ASMR roleplays etc etc) And I guess it makes sense because this is text, I don't really know they look like, and it's hard to describe visuals given the format I've constrained myself to. But I also feel like this blind spot has to do with other fandom-related meta lol. (Self indulgent and long rambling)
1. Superheroes/villains are classified as "real people". In real life fandoms, while there's fanart of famous real people (actors in movies, singers, Kpop groups, athletes, F1 drivers, etc), there's less fanart compared to fanart of characters (anime, video games, books, etc). I assume this is because you need to have a certain level of skill to capture a real person's likeliness nicely. And real people may feel offended upon seeing "bad" fanart of themselves, whereas fictional people can't feel offended.
But superheroes/villains are masked and often wear helmets for safety. So you don't need the skill to draw their real life faces. Their suits are probably visually distinctive which makes it fun to draw (and cosplay!).
2. Superheroes/villains aren't just famous real people. There's a political connotation, in which it could be dangerous to support villains and people may not like heroes because they're like fantasy cops with powers. Especially in this context in which the government controls the heroes, there's whole system to raise heroes from children, there's censorship and conspiracies. Bringing to the third point:
3. Fanart is a very visual. (No shit, Sherlock.) Okay, in the sense people outside of the fandom are more likely to encounter fanart. It's also a publicly liked form of fandom, in comparison to fanfiction. I guess edits and cosplay are also liked and respected, but probably less common than fanart. (Insert something about my positionality as a fan of MCYT who writes fanfic, something about MCYT loving fanart and including it in their videos, commissioning artists, whereas fanfic (rightfully and thankfully imo) stays underground) So people who write hero RPF are already seen as "weirdos" and "the corner of the Internet you shouldn't see". It's not taken seriously. But if someone posted hero fanart on Twitter, normies would see this as liking / endorsement of said hero, whereas fanfiction would not get this kind of visibility. (And is shunned upon probably no matter what you write because fanfiction is generalised is "weird thing Wattpad teenage girls do when they want to bang a famous person".)
3.1. Back to the MCYT fandom thing. Heroes/villains can be compared to MCYT since they look different on and off camera (with and without their suits, like Minecraft skins and designs), they use different names for their different identities, and they put on a public persona. Similarly, I can imagine heroes finding fanart of their hero persona flattering and occasionally engaging with it on Twitter. (Whereas fanfiction stays underground.)
3.2. So I loveeee parodying the "cringe" Wattpad fics, not because I want to make fun of them, but because it's enjoyable to write without restraint. (And it's funny.) I think the general style is so unapologetically fun (and nostalgic). I have a lot of things to say about Wattpad (in defence of its users!), but it mostly boils down to young people being excited and earnest. I know a lot of people hate Wattpad, especially its RPF. I find it fascinating. Because someone (often tweens) had to be motivated to write that, someone had to have the passion to do it, and they'll do it badly (knowingly or not), because writing as a hobby is supposed to be fun! It's the essence of it! And it's the "bad" kind of fanfiction that I want to pay respect to. The kind that people look upon with disdain. The kind YouTubers make fun of. Because more often than not it's a thirteen year old being silly/stupid and it's mean to make fun of kids earnestly trying to make something.
Anyways in the universe, fanfiction sites become a place to store government censored conspiracies/theories because they fly under the radar compared to Reddit and Youtube.
4. I always felt I wanted to write the story instead of Tweetgen-ing it. Maybe it felt more "serious". And mimicing social media with text/HTML is easier than graphics. Now I feel like the utter lack of visuals in a social media fic (when social media is extremely visual, almost obnoxiously so) makes me focus on text itself— dialogue, transcripts, usernames, Tumblr tagging, YouTube comments, notices about subreddits being taken down, to-do lists, "confirm to delete" text boxes. In-universe fanfiction (both the Wattpad and Ao3 type) is taken seriously in the sense it helps with storytelling— it shows differing attitudes to events and public figures. It shows what type of perception is popular.
Anyways. I'm not sure this is interesting and I'm probably rambling inside my head. I guess I do love fanfiction as an art form. And I do admire and respect the earnest writers and readers on Wattpad. I still occasionally wake up to like 30 comments on a Wattpad fic from 4 years ago. I'm glad people still read it lmao.
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creamedh0ney · 7 days
☀️Hey Sunshine ☀️
I thought I'd introduce myself! I wasn't sure how to make a nice looking introduction but I figure I'll just go for it and add if I need to!
First of all, you can call me Andy. My name changes sometimes in real life but Andy is a pretty safe, gender neutral one to use for me.
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🌻Basics About Me🌻
Big Age: 17, but 18 in November!
Little Age: 1-6
Gender Identity: Genderfluid
Pronouns I use: she/he/they/it/xe (depends on the time, but use what you'd like)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Other Stuff: I am autistic, I have c-ptsd and chronic pain - Please be patient with me!
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Drawing (with sidewalk chalk, chalk pastels, pencil, marker, crayon, anything really!)
Gardening (though I'm not good at it yet)
Volleyball (just for fun though, I'd rather not do anything competitively)
Writing (poetry, fantasy or romance stories, essays)
Reading (fantasy, romance, classics, poetry, fanfiction, science nonfiction)
Watching anime/animated TV shows
Listening to music
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🧸Interests/Things I Like🧸
Shows(some of these are not agere or sfw necessarily!): Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Banana Fish, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Sesame Street, Owl House, Ouran High-school Host Club, Gravity Falls, Haikyu, Strawberry Shortcake, Wild Kratts, X-Men, Amazing Spiderman
Movies/Studios: Disney (specifically Tangled and other princess movies), Studio Ghibli, Tim Burton movies (specifically Coraline and Edward Scissorhands)
Toys/Toy Type Things: Dolls (porcelain or rag- not creepy ones or anything, just normal), Stuffed Animals, Calico Critters, Barbies, Littlest Pet Shops, Animal Figures (specifically schleich), Play Food, Play Dough, Lego
Games: Stardew Valley, Slime Rancher, Minecraft, Genshin Impact, Sims, Roblox (I like Fashion Famous and Royale High specifically), Animal Jam, Fall Guys, Star Stable, Pokémon (though I've only played it on other people's consoles)
Animals (of all kinds!! I adore any and all, but if you reallyyy wanna know specifics, I can yap for AGES!)
Clowns! I have been for a very long time, I adore them!
Anything pink or yellow! Those are my favorite colors ever!
Nostalgia is a very big theme in my interests, there's something so very special about it!
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🎀BYF/Things You Should Know🎀
- I'm gonna be posting randomly, there's not really a set time. I may post a TON in a day, or I may not post for weeks. Please be patient and respectful of my time!
- I prefer cursing to a veryy very small amount. The occasional d-word or s-word is okay. I curse a lot outside of regression - which I'm working on - so I don't kind, but this is a safe space for me and many others. Please be respectful of that in your language choices.
- If I post something which is triggering to you and don't post a trigger warning, it is completely okay to let me know! Tell me to post a warning! Please! It doesn't harm me at all to edit and add a tw.
- Adding onto the one above, I may post something and come across as too blunt or may not word things correctly. Let. Me. Know. I want to know if I come across as rude or if my intention isn't clear. That's important to me.
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Basic DNI (homophobes, racists, misogynists, etc.)
Accounts featuring g0re, S/H, e/d, and the like
Anti agere (obviously)/ Anti Furry / Anti Neopronouns (idk if there are terms for that, please let me know if there are, but you know what I mean for now!)
Basically, don't be a jerk! I want to be as friendly and welcoming as possible, but that means keeping this space safe, respectful and kind. This is my blog and that means upholding my rules. Thank you so much for understanding!!
( @kodaswrld made my dividers and icon!! Love it sm!!)
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ellaenchanting · 11 months
Hypnovember 2023 Day 2: Brain Drain
I have committed Our Flag Means Death fanfiction! I am so sorry. Stede/Ed, Ed/Izzy, somehow happy poly and happy metamours making a lovely vee. Takes place in some AU season 2 where the last arc of the season never happened. Izzy is living his best happy masochist life.
Author knows fuck all about ships.
Izzy had gotten much more comfortable spending time with his shipmates since the Calypso's birthday incident.
There was nothing like a round of torture to bring a crew together, he thought.
Tonight the whole group had gathered in the galley under the ship, laughing and chatting long past when they usually went into their quarters for the evening. The sea had been calm that day and the mood was social. Everyone seemed quite relaxed.
Only two members were missing.
Oluwande looked up from his cuddle pile with Jim and Archie. He seemed to have read Izzy's mind. "Hey," he called out to the gathered group, "Has anyone seen the captains this evening?"
"No!" a few people responded.
"Thank God," snarked Black Pete. "Blackbeard...well Ed has been freaking me out. Yelled at me earlier about trimming the sails and you KNOW I keep them the trimmest, babe," he said to his partner Lucius.
"Yeah, he snarled at me when I told him 'hello' earlier," said Archie. "Like this!" She contorted her face into a frankly over-the-top grimace. "Made me nearly jump out of my skin. I may have heard him yell at some seagulls too? Or dolphins?"
Roach looked worried. "Neither captain has come down for dinner, yet," he said.
"Perhaps they are...occupied in the captain's quarters," speculated Izzy.
"Oh? Feeling left out, are you?" joked Frenchie, the little shit. Izzy tactfully ignored him.
Roach replied, still concerned. "Captain Stede will usually come down and request provisions in advance if they're having a long night alone," said Roach. "Thinks he's being sneaky, says they need extra energy 'for planning raids.'"
"My room is below theirs. Trust me, they've not been buggering today," piped up Wee John. "Unless they've learned to be much more quiet about it."
"Maybe they've gotten into a spat and someone's gotten pushed off the ship," spat Lucius. "That'll happen with him, you know."
"OK, that's enough," said Izzy, trying to regain control over the situation as everyone began to talk at once. "You're like gossipy fishwives, all of you. I'll go check on the captains. Make sure Bonnet's not running the ship into a cliff or something."
Izzy climbed up the stairs and started to look around the ship. Ed and Stede weren't in the captain's quarters (being quiet for once). There was no sign of them on the deck. He even craned his neck up to the bird's nest and checked. No captains there.
He finally spotted them at the back of the ship- on a little bit of the stern mostly hidden from view. They were both sitting facing out at the ocean. From a distance, Izzy could see Stede's arm was bent around Ed's shoulder, his hand occasionally reaching up to rock Ed's drooped head into slow, almost imperceptible little circles. Aside from the rocking, Ed's body was remarkably still. It was a huge change from the tense, coiled menace that Ed's frame had carried earlier in the day. Now, he looked almost like a puppet with his strings cut, only responding to Stede's guidance. His arms rested gently besides his legs, lax and pliant.
Izzy could hear Bonnett speaking in a low, soothing voice near Ed's ear but he was too far to make out any words.
Ed had mentioned mesmerism to Izzy before. It was one of the many upperclass daliances that Bonnet had introduced him to- one of those many trifling hobbies that Izzy would never begin to understand the appeal of. Izzy even knew that Bonnet had used his skills on Ed previously. His captain confided that Bonnett's fancy mesmerism routine had helped him find quiet during his not-infrequent emotional storms, that it evened out his seemingly uncontrollable highs and lows. In Izzy's mind, he had pictured the whole thing looking quite comical- Bonnett with wiggly fingers staring daggers into Ed's eyes (maybe with rays), Edward swooning and fainting away in response like a lady whose corset was too tight.
This was quieter than what he had pictured. Gentle. Intimate, even. As he looked over at the scene, he had the sudden feeling that perhaps he shouldn't intrude.
He began to walk away when Stede turned his head and look directly at him. Izzy froze for a moment, unsure what to do. Stede quietly waved him over to where the couple was sitting.
As Izzy approached, he began to get a closer look at Ed's face. His eyes were closed and his face relaxed. His chest slowly rose and fell with each breath. As he come closer, he noticed Ed's eyes were making little flickers underneath his eyelids like he was dreaming.
Izzy wondered what dreams were happening below those lids.
Ed's brows furrowed a bit as Izzy came closer, picking up the noise.
Stede stroked a reassuring hand through his hair. He spoke in his ear, this time loud enough so Izzy could hear: "Shhhhhhh sweetness. It's OK. Relax. You're not in charge right now, remember? Just rest."
Ed's expression immediately cleared. He let held breath with a sigh.
"Izzy's here," Stede continued. "He and I are going to have a chat for a bit. But you don't have to pay attention to that right now, ok? Just drift. Why don't you see how deep you can count yourself down for me while we talk? I'll be right here. I'll touch your leg when it's time for you to listen to me again, ok?"
Ed gave a slight, dreamy nod. His lips barely moved as he began to count silently.
Seemingly satisfied, Stede gestured for Izzy to sit and moved over closer to him.
Izzy sat down, still staring at Ed's lax face. Somehow that by itself was just fascinating. Ed seemed so vulnerable and bare right now. Izzy wasn't sure if he should feel honored or spooked.
"He had a bad day," Stede said gently, nodding over to their entranced boyfriend. "You know how he gets. He needed out of his head for a bit."
Izzy DID understand how Ed got- probably more than his dandyish captain ever would. Hopefully more that Stede ever would, he corrected himself. Ed had certainly told his other boyfriend at least a bit about the hurricane that had been his and Izzy's relationship in the past. When times were bad, they had only known how to take their energy out on each other. They bit and snarled and scratched at one another just to drown out all the noise inside. Izzy had always assumed Ed had NEEDED all of that- needed to hurt and make Izzy suffer the same way that Izzy needed to hurt and suffer for him. That's how they worked. That's who they were together.
Since arriving on the Revenge, though, Izzy had seen more and more of the hidden soft side of Blackbeard. The side that enjoyed fancy clothes and fine foods. The side that kissed Stede's cheek sweetly when he didn't think anyone else was looking. The side that, even now, sat loose and drifting and unguarded while his two boyfriends stayed by him and had a chat.
"Can he hear us?" Izzy asked Stede, curiously.
Stede smiled. "He can hear us, he's just..focused elsewhere right now. Mesmerism's not a magic spell, it's more like- a nice version of where Ed's brain goes when he's navigating. Or how he is when he's trying to sniff out a storm."
Izzy was familiar with his captain's tendency to tune everything out while trying to read the sea. He pictured the absolute, unshakeable concentration of his focused gaze. "Only with nice, clear skies?"
Stede nodded. "Only with nice clear skies." He looked fondly at Ed's dreaming face. "No rain. Nothing to worry about right now." He had dropped into a lighter, dreamy tone- and for a moment, Izzy wasn't sure if he was still speaking to Ed or Izzy or even somehow mesmerizing himself.
Izzy had seen many things in his travels. He once heard a street charlatan talk about mesmerism- saying mesmerism somehow balanced out a person's magnetic forces (y'know- whatever magnetic forces were). He wasn't one for all of Stede's little tricks but- he did understand about needing balance.
Izzy had initially misunderstood Ed's relationship to Stede. He worried that the gentleman pirate would make Ed weak. That he would seduce him away. That he would try to turn the great Blackbeard into one of Stede's fancy little gentleman friends. Izzy had been terrified there would be nothing left of the Ed that he loved after Stede was through.
But Ed was still Izzy's Ed, even now. He could still fight and outwit and outmaneuver anyone else on the sea. He would still protect his crew with all the fierceness of his notorious reputation. He and Izzy could still lose themselves in each other- in their old married couple bickering, in their fighting and fucking, in their indulgences of Ed's sadism and Izzy's corresponding masochism. It just- felt more controlled now. Izzy no longer wondered if Ed actually hated him or if he was just looking for someone convenient to break. He no longer worried that Blackbeard would maim him so badly that he couldn't look after the crew. Even when Ed hurt him now- and he WOULD still hurt him, Stede didn't magic that part away- Izzy was always rewarded with a kiss and some praise afterwards. "That's so good, Izzy. You did so well for me," he would say. Edward seemed so much stronger in these moments now- able to control his own fierceness and use it as a weapon- but also to hold Izzy as he fell apart for him.
Izzy looked over at Ed's quiet countenance- so different than before. It was otherworldy seeing him this serene and distant. He had a sudden desire to protect this version of Ed- Stede's gentle Ed. To keep him safe. A mad, possessive impulse made it to Izzy's mouth before he could stop it.
"Can I touch him?" he asked. "Like this?"
Stede looked surprised. "By touch, do you mean....?"
"His face, Bonnet" Izzy replied, snarkily. "Or his hand or something. His hair. Not going to wank him off on the deck, now am I?"
Stede bit back a laugh. He leaned over to gently touch Ed's leg.
Ed reacted with an almost imperceptible startle before gently settling- serene like the moon going back behind a cloud.
"Shhh- that's OK, love, you can stay relaxed. Good," Stede soothed. "Izzy was wondering if he could touch you while you're in trance. Would that be OK?"
Ed took a moment to respond, as though the words were reaching him from a great distance. Then he nodded his assent.
Stede smiled back at Izzy, reassuringly. Izzy took a breath- then reached over to slowly stroke Ed's hair.
His fearsome Blackbeard smiled in return to the gesture- giving a happy little murmur. He slightly leaned his head in. Just like an affectionate kitten, Izzy thought.
"Good," soothed Bonnet at Ed. "I bet that feels nice."
Izzy grinned too, feeling oddly proud to be trusted with this quiet moment. He and Ed had never been conventional. Maybe it was OK that Ed and Stede weren't either. Maybe it was ok that their relationships were so different- that they saw such different aspects of the same person.
Maybe it was all ok.
Maybe it all balanced.
They sat quietly for a long moment on the deck, letting the peace of the atmosphere soothe them.
Gradually Stede stirred. "Izzy- I forgot to ask: Did the men send you? Were they looking for us?"
"There's no emergency, they were just curious where you were," replied Izzy.
Stede nodded. "We should probably get back, then. Or at least get off deck. Love," he said, moving his voice back into that hypnotic tone. He touched Ed's leg to refocus him. "Are you ready to come up out of trance for me?"
Ed took a deep breath and nodded.
"Good, I'll count to 5 then. It's just to guide you- I know you know how to come up at your own pace. Bring back any of this peace and calm that you want with you, ok?"
Stede started counting- his voice slowly gaining energy as he reminded Ed to connect back with his body and helped him reorient to the ship. It all didn't seem particularly magical to Izzy- but then again he rarely tried to understand Bonnet's ways anyway. Ed finally blinked his eyes open when Stede reached 5.
He blinked a few more times, adjusting. Then, his gaze lost it's bleariness as he looked adoringly up at Stede.
"Hi, there," said Stede, smiling gently. "Back with us, love?"
"Mmmmph mostly," said Ed, scritching his beard and stretching to rouse himself. He looked over at Izzy as though reminding himself he was there and smiled. "Heya, Izz!" Ed leaned up to kiss him.
Izzy grinned into their kiss. "Heya, Captain. Didn't want to interrupt your little daydream session. Crew was just looking for you."
"Ah, we missed dinner!" exclaimed Stede. "I should have asked Roach for..."
"Provisions for planning raids, I heard," smirked Izzy. "Yes, we're all very snowed by your clever euphemisms."
"Fuck provisions, I could eat a horse," said Ed. He practically bounced up and put an arm around both of his boyfriends. "C'mon, let's get some grub!"
Helpless to his whims as always, both of his partners joyfully followed him to dinner.
Fanfic is new to me so would love some thoughts! Also this is unbeta'd so will love you forever if you would point out spelling/grammar mistakes or if there's unclear writing. I'm considering posting this to AO3 but- don't want to embarrass myself in front of the REAL fanfic writers, you know? Feedback welcomed!
Tagging @mentat101posts and @thekinkycocktailclub .If you want to be tagged in these, just lmk!
Tagging @darthkyra @linnybeenaughty @pearlqueensposts @thiskenisftm @deeperforme because they wanted OFMD hypnokink and I blame/thank you for the inspiration to actually get this down!
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the-one-who-lambs · 2 years
About me!!
I'm Hannah (she/they). This is my Cult of the Lamb side blog; my main is @onethirdofimpossible and I also go by that username on AO3. I'm in my mid twenties and I'm from the US. If you're here, it's probably because you've read my fics, but I've written many fanfics for Cult of the Lamb. My works are typically focused on narilamb or the Bishop family, but I go all over the place: whether you like to read multichaps or oneshots, rated G or E, shippy or not, angst or fluff... there's probably something I've written that you'll enjoy! I'm best known as the author of The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God (the old version that I wrote back in 2022, and the new-and-improved "director's cut" version that is my current wip!) and The Care and Keeping of Baby Eldritch Gods.
A few other hobbies I have besides writing are cooking/baking, making plushies, digital art, and playing flute!
Despite being able to write pretty consistently, I'm a Ph.D. student in environmental science. If I haven't posted a fic update in a while, I'm probably preparing for a conference or getting into a fistfight with hydrostatic equilibrium or something.
All my written works on AO3
Twitch, a recent endeavor of mine where I stream games and occasional art/writing!!
Fic playlist for The Risen Lamb and the Fallen God, with all songs in chronological order of what they refer to in the fic c:
I have a ko-fi but paypal is giving me shit so if you REALLY wanna b nice I have a Throne. I don't expect anything ever but if u get me something I'd die for you. and write more stuff while happier.
FAQ below the cut!
How long have you been writing?
I've been writing fanfiction since I was in sixth grade! I wrote what was basically a self-insert pokemon soulsilver fanfic, entirely by hand. It took up four full composition notebooks and then some. However, I've only been posting my writing publicly since 2016. Even after that, I had a nasty habit of making a sideblog for any fandoms I got really into, then deleting my blog and sometimes orphaning my works when I lost interest. I've since learned my lesson, though!
How long have you been drawing?
Ha, uh. I got a digital drawing tablet in May 2023, and started really drawing as a hobby for about... three months, and then the school year started again. Between then and June 2024 I drew like one or two things. So I've actually been practicing for only a few months. Constructive criticism on my art is welcome, especially as I learn!
May I send a fic/art request?
If my bio says they're open, you may, I think they're really fun! Depending on what does or doesn't inspire me, I won't take every single request, but I love requests because they give me excuses to try new things.
Do you write smut?
I've written a couple E-rated fics! My alternate pseud for fics of that caliber is remainderofreality. I don't write it very often, though.
What made you decide to start writing? What makes you decide to keep writing?
1. I had a creative bug I couldn't not itch. 2. Having creative hobbies and sticking to them has dramatically improved my life. I'm happier, I have so many friends it's connected me with, I get to see other people be inspired by things I make (?!), it keeps my mind active and playful, etc etc.
Do you have any suggestions for people looking to start writing?
Before you start worrying about the quality of your writing, the most important advice I can give you is to keep writing and have fun with it. Don't be afraid of being "cringe" or not getting the engagement numbers you're hoping for (in fact, it's better to not have any expectations about that at all!). Not everything you write is going to cater to everyone, and that's okay! But writing (especially fanfiction) is first and foremost for fun and even though it's difficult and you will struggle, it should be rewarding and fun. I've answered a few asks about writing advice and I can't find them all but here are the ones I can: 1 2 3 4
When do you expect to update your fic next?
Lmao god if I know but I'm working on my wips nearly every single day so I promise I haven't forgotten it. I'm a busy person! I'm a PhD student, teaching assistant, research assistant, and executive dysfunction haver.
Do you take commissions?
I don't, and I have no plans to as of now. I'm actually personally against writing fanfic for pay (copyright and ethical reasons), but for art I'm simply not experienced enough yet to be comfortable with that. However, I have TONS of friends who do take commissions so if you're looking for someone I can give you recs
May I draw fanart for you based on your fics?
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME I EXPLODE WITH JOY if you do please share it with me please please please. I will also likely ask for your permission to print it out and frame it (not a hyperbole, btw).
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little-blurry-stars5 · 10 months
So I realized I never made an intro lmao so here it is :3
!! be careful !! at the end of this post, there are moving images, flashing lights, ect. be careful if any of these would effect you in any way !!
U can call me blurry or jett (jett preferred) and I go by they/them/ theirs pronouns, + pretty much any neo pronouns (please do ask b4 using which ones tho :3) !!
I am a minor, don't be weird
My fandoms are bungo stray dogs, Percy Jackson, ramshackle, good omens, my hero academia, helluva boss, gravity falls (!!!!), toh, hunger games, jjk, seraph of the end, fnaf, the magisterium, Harry Potter (fuck jkr), wings of fire, kotlc, legendborn, miraculous ladybug, Loki, heartstopper, skyborn, nimona, ATSV, shera, voltron and more
my intrests/hobbies/likes are drawing, painting, creating stuff, running, reading, writing, going places, alternative clothes/style, listening to music, my headphones, the rain, the dark, drawing on shoes, dragons, fanfiction, sowing, cosplays, hanging out with friends, my boots, taxidermy, and more :33
I usually post abt these things n the occasional shitpost
I'm mostly involved in BSD, however there are a buncha other stuff I reblog from daily (also please note the fandoms listed are ones I'm in in general, some of them I'm not active in)
I also do a lot of art !!! i post it sometimes so check it out if ud like, my art tag is "jett scribbles" !! I also take requests, so don't be afraid to stop by my askbox !!!
DNI if u support misogyny, sexism, racism, islamphobia, homophobia, transphobia, terfs, and anything that doesn't treat all humans equal
My dms and askbox are always open to anyone who wants to say hi !! I love meeting new ppl and making new friends, so don't be afraid to say hello ‼️‼️ :3
my personalized tag is "jett posts" for posts made by me
My most amazing wonderful awesome people to ever grace this earth mutuals r @taluvi-does-stupid-things (ty sm for taking care of me, ur the best!!) @castledmequeen (i love or phycological convos, ur so fun 2 talk to) @nervoustoastthing (my second ever moot, love u <333) and @returnofthecabbageman (ilysm evie ur blog is so comforting <333) and more !!!!!!!!
Sorry it's so messy 😔 but yeah I think that's it. Welcome to my blog! <3
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strawb3rryshake · 3 months
Well, it’s about time I introduce myself!
Who am I?
- Call me Strawberry, Kamryn, or Kam! (I swear I’m not gender swap Richard Cameron😭😭)
- INFP, 9w1, Sag Sun, Leo Moon, Sag Rising
- Slytherin, Firebender, Riverclan, Seawing, Night Court/Autumn Court, etc etc
- Pinterest obsessed, Spotify obsessed, Tumblr obsessed, you know how it is
- Dark Academia, Cryptidcore, Spacecore, Goblincore
- Likes books (fantasy/academia mostly), cartoons, 80s movies, music, anime, musicals, Webtoons/web comics, astronomy, cryptids, Greek Mythology, RPGs, reality shifting, psychology… lots of things
- Reader, author, occasional artist, theatre kid, playlist maker, kandi bracelet maker
What do I post/repost?
- Dead Poets Society!!!
- Dark Academia, romanticising life, headcanons, random thoughts, silly things
- I write my own headcanons and I used to write a lot of fanfiction as well, a hobby I’d love to get back into once I find the right inspiration/motivation
- btw I tend to post a LOT sometimes because this page is my personal little hyperfixation rant space and I don’t touch grass (/hj). You have been warned.
- i also post things to the wrong blog too much so i apologise to anyone i confuse😭😭
Important information:
- DMs closed
- Ask box OPEN please ask me questions or make requests or say whatever!!
- I will not tolerate hate towards communities or minorities (AKA, no homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, furryphobia, therianphobia, so on and so forth)
- Do not try to talk politics with me unless I specifically bring it up first.
- This is a safe space for myself and others to share things we love, connect, debate, etc.
- I do things for the aesthetic, if I come off as pretentious it was probably me trying to sound cool and mysterious and poetic
- I tend to be very empathetic, friendly, and open, but this does not make me your therapist. In the end, we’re all just strangers on the internet.
Other Blogs:
- @perpetuallyburntout (for just about everything besides dps)
- @rul3rzr3achf4n (my toh hunter roleplay blog)
- @pumpkinspiceinmyveins (autumn/halloween-focused blog)
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syd-djarin · 8 months
Get to know me - tag game!
Thanks for the tag @janaispunk <3
1. Were you named after anyone?
Nope! But my siblings’ middle names are after aunts/uncles but not mine.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Thursday lol
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Basketball and softball - but I preferred basketball and was on a travel team. I stopped playing when I got cut from the middle school team. Talk about long lasting damage to the self-esteem!
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Not often, not really my vibe/personality but I appreciate good use of it
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
How they are interacting with the others around them. Up close or if someone is alone - facial details like wrinkles, little subtleties. I also look for/notice a ring on the left hand haha
7. What is your eye color?
Mostly brown with a ring of green so I usually just say hazel lol
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I love horror movies and I also love when movies have a happy ending… like if it doesn’t have a good conclusion I’m not watching LOL
9. Any talents?
A remarkable ability to overanalyze every aspect of my life and all my interactions
10. Where were you born?
Western North Carolina born and raised (you can take the girl out of Appalachia but you can’t take Appalachia out of the girl…)
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading and writing fanfiction and the occasional novel. Avid movie goer. Podcast and music girly. Also letting it linger
12. Pets?
My cat, Scully (named after Dana Scully). She has a bobtail and she’s the keeper of my heart. Attaching photos at the bottom :)
13. How tall are you?
My driver’s license says 5 foot 6.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Science and history (fuckin’ nerd)
15. Dream job?
Once upon a time my dream job was to do makeup for movies/tv, especially SFX. Now, probably research/conduct studies of some kind.
No presh tags (sry if u have already done this!): @katiexpunk @javipispunk @mrsmando @sp00kymulderr @softiedingo @ilovepedro @studioghibelli @djarins-cyare @joelsranchbaby @joelsgreenflannel @mermaidgirl30 @nerdieforpedro @joelswritingmistress @joelslegalwhre @beefrobeefcal @electriclasso @joelscowgirl @survivingandenduring @yorksgirl @halfbloodliz @archangelooo @joelalorian @pleiadianwitch @burntheedges @papipascaaaal
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