#NFT Marketing Team
whalemediaboost · 2 years
What is NFT Marketing and How to Promote NFTs?
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NFT advancing is pretty much as same as trade an exceptional item. In addition, on the off chance that a non-public must send off or elevate their NFT to an exceptional crowd on a computerized NFT Marketing Agency where it will be recorded. Also, NFT advancement grants makers extra as organizations to plug their NFT resources really as far as acquiring a genuine sort of customers and financial backers to their organization.
A few Important Measurements for Promoting NFTs
Channels: it's exceptionally useful in the event that a non-public needs to foster a commercial center for partner degree outsized change of things.
Retail facade: A front ought to be fogbound in NFT mercantilism that helps the guardians or the crowd in giving data, similar to offers, householders extra because of the central matters of the rating to the clients.
Looking For Items: This element licenses individuals to show up for collectibles.
Make Listings: This component helps the guardians in making a rundown of the things and submitting it to the client.
Token Search: With the assistance of this element, the crowd will get ideal data connecting with the things at whatever point they need with minor exertion.
How Could NFT Marketing Offers Ease To The People?
The NFT advancing can give or give facilitate extra as a help to the guardians because of it incorporates a few benefits. These benefits square measure as follows:
Bother free.
High return on venture.
Draw consideration.
 Develop partner degree crowd.
Gotten savvy Contracts
Adaptable Listing.
Simple difficult and Sorting procedure.
Multi-Wallet Support.
Promoting Channels
A portion of the advancing channels that work with a non-public inside the strategy of advancement square measure as follows:
Web-based Entertainment
These days, people square measure dynamically following up on the net. Thus, this is in many cases the least complex advancing channel.
Press release
A gift might be a less complex strategy to stand out.
Force to be reckoned with mercantilism
Each item draws in with powerhouses as far as making the product extra distinctive.
Email mercantilism
In this day and age, email advancement is one more stylish method of taking advantage of consideration.
Methodologies Of NFT mercantilism
There square measure changed systems of NFT mercantilism. assortment of them are the accompanying:
Pick a Custom NFT Niche
Having a custom specialty will work with individuals or the crowd to have total information connecting with the administrations that are being given.
Planning Of NFT
An individual must have a genuine programming bundle along these lines on make one variable remarkable.
Usage Of Social Media
Virtual Entertainment mercantilism is one of the appropriate strategies to become present day among individuals. Additionally, craftsmen post their NFT grouping on each of their web-based entertainment records and gift everyone. Besides, different the well known stages to address the NFT collection square measure Twitter, Instagram, and so forth.
Dynamic In NFT gatherings
NFT showcases square measure the premier compelling methodology to connect Associate Nursing people's NFTs. besides, posting NFT Marketing Team will give the individual further value extra as believability. Also, the extraordinary component with respect to being dynamic in NFT bunches is that
Make plug
Making Associate in Nursing NFT isn't sufficient, a non-public mutually must turn out plug subsequently on market their product and NFT Marketing Services.
Why Is NFT Marketing Assortment Important?
The advancement of the NFT grouping is very essential because of the two understanding reasons:
By advancing craftsmanship, a non-public can draw in the consideration of additional individuals. moreover, on the off chance that a non-public needs to type cash, the advancement of their NFT grouping is urgent.
Energy and a genuine should turn into a perceived maker continually pay off. Besides, the advancement is gainful for Associate in Nursing people's benefit extra as a non-public complete.
Ventures for buying NFTs
An individual ought to follow specific strides as far as purchasing or looking for NFT Art Marketing Agency.Furthermore, the means square measure as follows :
Stage 1:
First and foremost, each of the an individual must do is open partner degree account.
Stage 2:
In the subsequent step, an individual must store the assets.
Stage 3:
Then, at that point, all through this step, an individual has tests for NFT.
Stage 4:
What's more, finally, an individual buys the NFT token.
Five Steps To Sell Associate in Nursing NFT
The five stages of trade Associate in Nursing NFT square measure recorded underneath:
1. Favor A Platform.
2. Construct A Crypto wallet.
 3. Rating NFT.
4. Formation of posting.
5. acknowledge an idea.
The quality, extra inferable from the value of NFTs, is improving step by step as they are involved the numerous particular and intriguing traits. additionally, the nature of the NFT mercantilism is printed with the assistance of its partaking ascribes. Besides, NFT is the market toward the day's end extra as a business of capacity and ability. In any case, NFT mercantilism grants makers extra as organizations to plug their NFT resources actually as far as acquiring a fair sort of customers and financial backers to their organization.
Reference URL: https://medium.com/@whalemediaboostt/what-is-nft-marketing-and-how-to-promote-nfts-2aaf3933c983
0 notes
The AI hype bubble is the new crypto hype bubble
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Back in 2017 Long Island Ice Tea — known for its undistinguished, barely drinkable sugar-water — changed its name to “Long Blockchain Corp.” Its shares surged to a peak of 400% over their pre-announcement price. The company announced no specific integrations with any kind of blockchain, nor has it made any such integrations since.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
LBCC was subsequently delisted from NASDAQ after settling with the SEC over fraudulent investor statements. Today, the company trades over the counter and its market cap is $36m, down from $138m.
The most remarkable thing about this incredibly stupid story is that LBCC wasn’t the peak of the blockchain bubble — rather, it was the start of blockchain’s final pump-and-dump. By the standards of 2022’s blockchain grifters, LBCC was small potatoes, a mere $138m sugar-water grift.
They didn’t have any NFTs, no wash trades, no ICO. They didn’t have a Superbowl ad. They didn’t steal billions from mom-and-pop investors while proclaiming themselves to be “Effective Altruists.” They didn’t channel hundreds of millions to election campaigns through straw donations and other forms of campaing finance frauds. They didn’t even open a crypto-themed hamburger restaurant where you couldn’t buy hamburgers with crypto:
They were amateurs. Their attempt to “make fetch happen” only succeeded for a brief instant. By contrast, the superpredators of the crypto bubble were able to make fetch happen over an improbably long timescale, deploying the most powerful reality distortion fields since Pets.com.
Anything that can’t go on forever will eventually stop. We’re told that trillions of dollars’ worth of crypto has been wiped out over the past year, but these losses are nowhere to be seen in the real economy — because the “wealth” that was wiped out by the crypto bubble’s bursting never existed in the first place.
Like any Ponzi scheme, crypto was a way to separate normies from their savings through the pretense that they were “investing” in a vast enterprise — but the only real money (“fiat” in cryptospeak) in the system was the hardscrabble retirement savings of working people, which the bubble’s energetic inflaters swapped for illiquid, worthless shitcoins.
We’ve stopped believing in the illusory billions. Sam Bankman-Fried is under house arrest. But the people who gave him money — and the nimbler Ponzi artists who evaded arrest — are looking for new scams to separate the marks from their money.
Take Morganstanley, who spent 2021 and 2022 hyping cryptocurrency as a massive growth opportunity:
Today, Morganstanley wants you to know that AI is a $6 trillion opportunity.
They’re not alone. The CEOs of Endeavor, Buzzfeed, Microsoft, Spotify, Youtube, Snap, Sports Illustrated, and CAA are all out there, pumping up the AI bubble with every hour that god sends, declaring that the future is AI.
Google and Bing are locked in an arms-race to see whose search engine can attain the speediest, most profound enshittification via chatbot, replacing links to web-pages with florid paragraphs composed by fully automated, supremely confident liars:
Blockchain was a solution in search of a problem. So is AI. Yes, Buzzfeed will be able to reduce its wage-bill by automating its personality quiz vertical, and Spotify’s “AI DJ” will produce slightly less terrible playlists (at least, to the extent that Spotify doesn’t put its thumb on the scales by inserting tracks into the playlists whose only fitness factor is that someone paid to boost them).
But even if you add all of this up, double it, square it, and add a billion dollar confidence interval, it still doesn’t add up to what Bank Of America analysts called “a defining moment — like the internet in the ’90s.” For one thing, the most exciting part of the “internet in the ‘90s” was that it had incredibly low barriers to entry and wasn’t dominated by large companies — indeed, it had them running scared.
The AI bubble, by contrast, is being inflated by massive incumbents, whose excitement boils down to “This will let the biggest companies get much, much bigger and the rest of you can go fuck yourselves.” Some revolution.
AI has all the hallmarks of a classic pump-and-dump, starting with terminology. AI isn’t “artificial” and it’s not “intelligent.” “Machine learning” doesn’t learn. On this week’s Trashfuture podcast, they made an excellent (and profane and hilarious) case that ChatGPT is best understood as a sophisticated form of autocomplete — not our new robot overlord.
We all know that autocomplete is a decidedly mixed blessing. Like all statistical inference tools, autocomplete is profoundly conservative — it wants you to do the same thing tomorrow as you did yesterday (that’s why “sophisticated” ad retargeting ads show you ads for shoes in response to your search for shoes). If the word you type after “hey” is usually “hon” then the next time you type “hey,” autocomplete will be ready to fill in your typical following word — even if this time you want to type “hey stop texting me you freak”:
And when autocomplete encounters a new input — when you try to type something you’ve never typed before — it tries to get you to finish your sentence with the statistically median thing that everyone would type next, on average. Usually that produces something utterly bland, but sometimes the results can be hilarious. Back in 2018, I started to text our babysitter with “hey are you free to sit” only to have Android finish the sentence with “on my face” (not something I’d ever typed!):
Modern autocomplete can produce long passages of text in response to prompts, but it is every bit as unreliable as 2018 Android SMS autocomplete, as Alexander Hanff discovered when ChatGPT informed him that he was dead, even generating a plausible URL for a link to a nonexistent obit in The Guardian:
Of course, the carnival barkers of the AI pump-and-dump insist that this is all a feature, not a bug. If autocomplete says stupid, wrong things with total confidence, that’s because “AI” is becoming more human, because humans also say stupid, wrong things with total confidence.
Exhibit A is the billionaire AI grifter Sam Altman, CEO if OpenAI — a company whose products are not open, nor are they artificial, nor are they intelligent. Altman celebrated the release of ChatGPT by tweeting “i am a stochastic parrot, and so r u.”
This was a dig at the “stochastic parrots” paper, a comprehensive, measured roundup of criticisms of AI that led Google to fire Timnit Gebru, a respected AI researcher, for having the audacity to point out the Emperor’s New Clothes:
Gebru’s co-author on the Parrots paper was Emily M Bender, a computational linguistics specialist at UW, who is one of the best-informed and most damning critics of AI hype. You can get a good sense of her position from Elizabeth Weil’s New York Magazine profile:
Bender has made many important scholarly contributions to her field, but she is also famous for her rules of thumb, which caution her fellow scientists not to get high on their own supply:
Please do not conflate word form and meaning
Mind your own credulity
As Bender says, we’ve made “machines that can mindlessly generate text, but we haven’t learned how to stop imagining the mind behind it.” One potential tonic against this fallacy is to follow an Italian MP’s suggestion and replace “AI” with “SALAMI” (“Systematic Approaches to Learning Algorithms and Machine Inferences”). It’s a lot easier to keep a clear head when someone asks you, “Is this SALAMI intelligent? Can this SALAMI write a novel? Does this SALAMI deserve human rights?”
Bender’s most famous contribution is the “stochastic parrot,” a construct that “just probabilistically spits out words.” AI bros like Altman love the stochastic parrot, and are hellbent on reducing human beings to stochastic parrots, which will allow them to declare that their chatbots have feature-parity with human beings.
At the same time, Altman and Co are strangely afraid of their creations. It’s possible that this is just a shuck: “I have made something so powerful that it could destroy humanity! Luckily, I am a wise steward of this thing, so it’s fine. But boy, it sure is powerful!”
They’ve been playing this game for a long time. People like Elon Musk (an investor in OpenAI, who is hoping to convince the EU Commission and FTC that he can fire all of Twitter’s human moderators and replace them with chatbots without violating EU law or the FTC’s consent decree) keep warning us that AI will destroy us unless we tame it.
There’s a lot of credulous repetition of these claims, and not just by AI’s boosters. AI critics are also prone to engaging in what Lee Vinsel calls criti-hype: criticizing something by repeating its boosters’ claims without interrogating them to see if they’re true:
There are better ways to respond to Elon Musk warning us that AIs will emulsify the planet and use human beings for food than to shout, “Look at how irresponsible this wizard is being! He made a Frankenstein’s Monster that will kill us all!” Like, we could point out that of all the things Elon Musk is profoundly wrong about, he is most wrong about the philosophical meaning of Wachowksi movies:
But even if we take the bros at their word when they proclaim themselves to be terrified of “existential risk” from AI, we can find better explanations by seeking out other phenomena that might be triggering their dread. As Charlie Stross points out, corporations are Slow AIs, autonomous artificial lifeforms that consistently do the wrong thing even when the people who nominally run them try to steer them in better directions:
Imagine the existential horror of a ultra-rich manbaby who nominally leads a company, but can’t get it to follow: “everyone thinks I’m in charge, but I’m actually being driven by the Slow AI, serving as its sock puppet on some days, its golem on others.”
Ted Chiang nailed this back in 2017 (the same year of the Long Island Blockchain Company):
There’s a saying, popularized by Fredric Jameson, that it’s easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism. It’s no surprise that Silicon Valley capitalists don’t want to think about capitalism ending. What’s unexpected is that the way they envision the world ending is through a form of unchecked capitalism, disguised as a superintelligent AI. They have unconsciously created a devil in their own image, a boogeyman whose excesses are precisely their own.
Chiang is still writing some of the best critical work on “AI.” His February article in the New Yorker, “ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web,” was an instant classic:
[AI] hallucinations are compression artifacts, but — like the incorrect labels generated by the Xerox photocopier — they are plausible enough that identifying them requires comparing them against the originals, which in this case means either the Web or our own knowledge of the world.
“AI” is practically purpose-built for inflating another hype-bubble, excelling as it does at producing party-tricks — plausible essays, weird images, voice impersonations. But as Princeton’s Matthew Salganik writes, there’s a world of difference between “cool” and “tool”:
Nature can claim “conversational AI is a game-changer for science” but “there is a huge gap between writing funny instructions for removing food from home electronics and doing scientific research.” Salganik tried to get ChatGPT to help him with the most banal of scholarly tasks — aiding him in peer reviewing a colleague’s paper. The result? “ChatGPT didn’t help me do peer review at all; not one little bit.”
The criti-hype isn’t limited to ChatGPT, of course — there’s plenty of (justifiable) concern about image and voice generators and their impact on creative labor markets, but that concern is often expressed in ways that amplify the self-serving claims of the companies hoping to inflate the hype machine.
One of the best critical responses to the question of image- and voice-generators comes from Kirby Ferguson, whose final Everything Is a Remix video is a superb, visually stunning, brilliantly argued critique of these systems:
One area where Ferguson shines is in thinking through the copyright question — is there any right to decide who can study the art you make? Except in some edge cases, these systems don’t store copies of the images they analyze, nor do they reproduce them:
For creators, the important material question raised by these systems is economic, not creative: will our bosses use them to erode our wages? That is a very important question, and as far as our bosses are concerned, the answer is a resounding yes.
Markets value automation primarily because automation allows capitalists to pay workers less. The textile factory owners who purchased automatic looms weren’t interested in giving their workers raises and shorting working days. ‘ They wanted to fire their skilled workers and replace them with small children kidnapped out of orphanages and indentured for a decade, starved and beaten and forced to work, even after they were mangled by the machines. Fun fact: Oliver Twist was based on the bestselling memoir of Robert Blincoe, a child who survived his decade of forced labor:
Today, voice actors sitting down to record for games companies are forced to begin each session with “My name is ______ and I hereby grant irrevocable permission to train an AI with my voice and use it any way you see fit.”
Let’s be clear here: there is — at present — no firmly established copyright over voiceprints. The “right” that voice actors are signing away as a non-negotiable condition of doing their jobs for giant, powerful monopolists doesn’t even exist. When a corporation makes a worker surrender this right, they are betting that this right will be created later in the name of “artists’ rights” — and that they will then be able to harvest this right and use it to fire the artists who fought so hard for it.
There are other approaches to this. We could support the US Copyright Office’s position that machine-generated works are not works of human creative authorship and are thus not eligible for copyright — so if corporations wanted to control their products, they’d have to hire humans to make them:
Or we could create collective rights that belong to all artists and can’t be signed away to a corporation. That’s how the right to record other musicians’ songs work — and it’s why Taylor Swift was able to re-record the masters that were sold out from under her by evil private-equity bros::
Whatever we do as creative workers and as humans entitled to a decent life, we can’t afford drink the Blockchain Iced Tea. That means that we have to be technically competent, to understand how the stochastic parrot works, and to make sure our criticism doesn’t just repeat the marketing copy of the latest pump-and-dump.
Today (Mar 9), you can catch me in person in Austin at the UT School of Design and Creative Technologies, and remotely at U Manitoba’s Ethics of Emerging Tech Lecture.
Tomorrow (Mar 10), Rebecca Giblin and I kick off the SXSW reading series.
Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
[Image ID: A graph depicting the Gartner hype cycle. A pair of HAL 9000's glowing red eyes are chasing each other down the slope from the Peak of Inflated Expectations to join another one that is at rest in the Trough of Disillusionment. It, in turn, sits atop a vast cairn of HAL 9000 eyes that are piled in a rough pyramid that extends below the graph to a distance of several times its height.]
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doubleddenden · 5 months
The topic of Palworld is pretty charged, but often times I see people be shamed for liking it because the CEO tweeted stuff about NFTs and the company using AI art in a separate game. Acting as if that's the most damning thing ever for a gaming company in an industry filled with similar people.
Make no mistake, I dislike both AI art and nfts, but do you realize how many gaming companies have involvement with that?
To begin with, Pokémon used AI art in a promotional piece for Pokémon Go in September, and nobody gave a shit because uwu Pikachu. The Pokémon Company also put a job listing some months back seeking an expert in NFTs. That's not quite damning evidence, but if I were a betting man, no "NFT expert" will willingly say "yeah nfts suck are bad for the environment, man, I'll take my paycheck and fuck off now." There's also a strong argument to be made that Pokémon has stolen ideas from fakemon artists (Finizen and Palafin, Scovillain, Dipplin, etc) and other franchises (kaiju movies, Dragon Quest, Megaman, final fantasy, western cartoons and food mascots, etc), a dubious legal statement that claims they own all fan art from the remixes and fakemon made on youtube to the pikachu your kid drew at breakfast; they have yet to apologize for the state of Scarlet and Violet while charging full price to millions of paying customers for a clearly unfinished and barely functioning game (which i did enjoy, but you can't tell me it was finished baking when it struggles not to shit itself just to run), and a bunch of other things people shit on Palworld for, but A. It's Pokémon so people don't care and think it's fine, and B. That's not the point of this post.
You know who else does NFTs and AI art? (Yes I heard Muscle Man from Regular Show in my head just now, too, moving along)
Square Enix sold several of their IPs for NFTs and claims to have used AI art "a minimum amount" in Foam Stars, yet I see nobody yelling for boycotts of Final Fantasy 14, 16, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Life is Strange, etc etc etc.
Sony has invested in both, they want to implement AI into gaming, and has a patent for nfts to be used in games and consoles, yet there's no movement to throw out your playstations.
Bandai Namco- you know, that company with a hand in pretty much most anime games on the market and popular games such as the Dark Souls games? They have a game called RYU that's essentially a virtual pet game that uses the blockchain, and its AI driven, among other projects. Yet there's no outcry to stop playing the many, MANY games they brand with. This also includes quite a few Nintendo games (btw they just partnered together to form a special studio quite recently) like Smash Wii U/3ds and New Pokémon Snap. Nobody gives a shit though.
Android, Microsoft, Google, Apple- I don't even need to explain those, they have whole teams dedicated to both. Even popular VPN companies accept crypto.
I'm just saying an awful lot of you guys that scream and shit bloody murder about Palworld's company being involved with that shit are either the biggest "It's okay when my favs do it" type of hypocrites, or you're sorely ignorant to just how evil and greedy most corporations are. You'll be hard pressed to find a game company with popular AND fun games that DOESN'T have some interest in either, let alone movie and show studios. That's the awful reality we live in.
You have 2 options
1. You basically stop doing anything involving most modern tech, including throwing out your pc and smart phone. You could probably live a comfortable life with tech circa 2010, but you have to be aware that any thing you buy may go towards a cause you don't like.
2. You accept that people can enjoy a product while not necessarily agreeing with the CEO of said product. Most CEOs tend to be jackasses anyway, that's kind of the shared trait they all have. You can also discourage companies from using them while understanding it is everywhere.
Palworld at the end of the day is just a toy, that's it. From the looks of it, it's not even actually hurting anyone, and it seems like the company at least treats their employees pretty decently- at least according to a few things I've seen here and there that seems rather progressive for a Japanese studio (with room for doubt obviously, it's a company after all and as we've established, they're all evil). At the least its not like when people supported Hogwarts Legacy and directly put money into JKR's wallet so she can openly hurt more Trans women. In fact, the only people seemingly hurt in all of this Palworld drama are obsessed Pokémon stans that can't accept a parody, or the Pokémon Company themselves, who rightly deserve some punching up tbh.
You can just say you dislike the game, that's fine, I totally get that. Even though I personally think The Pokémon Company deserves a few nut shots after the way they've treated fans these last few years with the state of their games (and you know, stealing ideas from fans without credit), I can see why someone would be turned away from a parody that's literally meant to be Pokémon with guns. I can totally understand all of that, personally I'd prefer if the game was MORE like Pokémon with turn based combat.
But if you're going to defend Pokémon because you think its perfectly innocent because of Wooloo or something like that, just be sure you're aware you're defending the World's Richest Franchise and their own attempts at AI and NFTs while calling out an indie company (a real one thats learning as they go, not the fake "We're totally indie" franchise that hasn't been indie since gen 3) for having a ceo that also seems interested in the same stuff. And remember, you don't become number 1 without hurting people somehow (we could dig up receipts about certain partners Pokémon has teamed up with, such as Tencent with Unite, but I'd rather not right now.)
Just saying. I don't think you're an irredeemable person for still liking Pikachu, cuz I do too believe it or not. I've been a life long fan and still have fun with the games despite the clear scummy business practices towards their paying customers. Just maybe extend that courtesy to the millions of players just trying to have fun in this awful, putrid, shithole planet that just keeps getting worse and worse with each passing day.
Plus... you know, think about it. Do you think Pokémon would ever get around to making a gunless Palworld? Probably not. Do you think Palworld would exist if The Pokémon Company and Nintendo were the slightest bit chill about Pokémon fan projects like SEGA is with Sonic? Also probably not. From what I've read, the devs just wanted to make a fun game that happens to mostly be ARK with Pokémon adjacent monsters. That's not really a bad thing, all things considered, and it seems like the worst they've done is reference official Pokémon when making their own models.
Palworld being successful is actually beneficial to Pokémon fans, as well. It'll never really truly compete, but it has outsold Legends Arceus in terms of units sold (not as much financially because Palworld was only $30 plus a sale recently, but still impressive), and it is enough that Game Freak is aware of its existence. Let Palworld light a fire under their ass, and maybe GF will actually finish their next game before releasing it for full price (and no, we're not bringing up the tired imaginary ball and chain game devs, game freak owns 1/3rd lf the franchise and can easily take methods to get more dev time, they just haven't because money). Just saying, at least the Paldevs were honest enough to sell it in early access for half the price.
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shigure · 2 years
we've gone a decade without any major technological revolutions. we've had big changes, lots of refinement, fancier cartridges, newer programs. but the most impactful changes have been big companies deciding to switch to subscription service, with all of us powerless to stop them.
in the meantime, every day is the newest tech revolution. someone's started a new a.i. program. someone's designed an app to communicate with your team called teekup. it doesn't work. samsung has released a new phone, apple has released a new statement that they will be further taking away user privacy protections. we're oversaturated with ideas. not thinking ideas, just desperate vying for marketability. and the sick part is, even though all these people being interviewed about their new revolutionary product may as well have been built in a lab, they probably will starve if it doesn't go viral. they don't even have the creative freedom to give up on their idea. their best bet is delusion that they're offering a public service.
it's really not a surprise that nfts have taken off on the more corporate side of social media. techies need a new messiah. crypto saps need to believe some new shiny thing will somehow resuscitate their wallets. facebook's marketing team can't help but pray that they'll be able to sell something with the equivalent pull of bitmojis but for people under 40. and it's so easy to make them. you can just make a bunch of them. maybe one of them will sell, maybe not, but then you can give them away for free and lie to your boss that this counts as engagement. after the past few decades of the tech sector loudly trying to find a way to euthanize artists on the whole, this could be their big break.
everyone knows art doesn't pay. did you know law doesn't either? it used to be that companies would just hire hundreds of lawyers just in case, and you wouldn't have to do much of anything to get a fat paycheck. after the 2008 crash, these companies started downsizing, and asked if they really needed all these lawyers. so they fired them. haha! sucks to be them, these corporate lawyers leeching, now without a job and nobody is hiring. serves them right for hating art. for looking down on everyone else. if you were in law school in 2008, going in because your parents wanted you to make something of yourself, you left with no prospects. you worked at the apple store for a year, with a law degree. maybe someone came in that said all lawyers are liars, and maybe he's right, and maybe you would have looked down on him if you'd graduated five years earlier. but right now you're replacing his charging cable.
the crash didn't un-crash. nothing fixed itself. moderately well off people found new ways of not working, poor people got sick and died. uber started up, telling everyone they could be trendy and make money. airbnb started up, and the demand for housing just increased - not to live in, just to sell again and make money off of. we're still in the pit, and companies are starting to ask if they really need that many programmers. you went into tech because it would make money, and your parents wanted you to make something of yourself, and you're grappling with the despair of being a perfectly normal person in a world where only sterile talent seems to matter. of course you need ai art. of course you need nfts. tech was your path to literally just living comfortably. in 8 months you're going to be out of a job.
the apple store is still hiring.
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howtofightwrite · 1 year
Do heist stories still work in the modern world, especially the developed world? More and more wealth these days seems to be intangible and electronic, and more and more of the physical stuff that's still valuable is marked and traceable so that even if you take, it's hard to spend or unload it anywhere. What are macguffins that a thief in today's world could still physically steal today and realistically hope to profit from (without the profiting getting him caught)?
Heists still happen in the modern world. Hell, the entire NFT “economy” crashed last year as a result of a multiple heists. The Axie Infinity hack last year saw over $600 million worth of crypto tokens stolen. There have been many, many, famous heists, and there is no sign of them slowing down anytime soon.
So, in the vague sense of, “is it realistic?” It happens today, in the real world.
What gets stolen? Anything of sufficient value is a potential target. Art is one of the classic examples, and it remains a tempting target. Any liquid asset is tempting, and no matter how good the tracking is, chances are, someone will find a way to defeat it. In theory, crypto tokens are impossible to scrub, as the entire history of that token will be publicly logged on the block chain... so, thieves were using places like Tornado Cash to launder their cryptocurrency. (Incidentally, the US Treasury has sanctioned Tornado Cash, as of August last year.)
How realistic is it to get away with a heist? There are a lot of unsolved heists. Both, of physical items, and also with a lot of crypto thefts in the last few years. Some of the latter are believed to have been the product of state actors (read: Hacker groups believed to be working for authoritarian states with few extradition treaties.)
Art theft is alive and well. Now, I'm not an expert on laundering stolen paintings, however, from the ones that have been found, a lot find their way into private collections. Art collectors, and brokers who aren't particularly bothered with the legality of a given piece will move stolen art. It's not going to command the prices it would on the open market. (If someone estimates a stolen painting as worth four million dollars, expect that the thieves will get considerably less than that when they fence it, and while the fence will make enough to justify their risk, they're probably not going to be raking in millions either. Once it's made its way to a new owner, it will likely go up on a wall in a private gallery, or get carefully stored in a vault, and never seen again by the outside world for decades (or longer.)
Of course art theft can also be sculptures, books, or really anything else.
When it comes to other things, any liquid asset is a potential target for a heist. Cash, precious metals, and gem stones, are probably the most obvious examples, though, certainly not the only options.
The heist is, generally, a fairly consistent (if modular) structure.
It starts with identifying a vulnerable asset. The reason for the vulnerability may be important for the story, but not for the genre itself. This may be as simple as, “the asset exists,” and the PoV character learns of it, or it could be a situation where an exploitable flaw in the electronic tracking for the item is identified.
Once that's happened, then the ringleader starts assembling a team of specialists (and, amusingly, it is almost always specialists), to fill necessary roles in the heist. Usually this is a mix of technical specialists, social specialists, and at least some muscle.
So, assembling the team is something very specific to the formula, and not reflected in reality. A lot of real world heists simply need bodies, and prefer to have as few people as possible involved. The reasons are twofold. First, the less people involved, the less ways the resulting cash has to be split. Second, the fewer people involved, the fewer people that can lose their nerve and screw up, or rat their partners out to the police.
Once the team has assembled and they have a plan (this is usually hammered out along with the recruitment phase of the story, though that doesn't make a lot of sense when you step back and think about it), then they identify the preceding steps that need to be completed before executing the heist. This involves prepwork, sometimes smaller thefts to obtain the resources they need, and other necessary activities. (Again, this is more of a formula consideration, than a strictly realistic one. Especially the perpetration of earlier crimes. Those crimes can easily result in errors that would lead law enforcement to identify the heist before it occurred, and also help with identifying the thieves. To be fair, this is sometimes handled intelligently while staying within the formula to build tension. As the police close in on the team before they've even gotten started.)
After this, the team goes to execute the heist. Expect several things to fail simultaneously, with members of the team scrambling to salvage the heist. So, I don't want to harp on this too much, but this is another one of those places where the formula structure is extremely unrealistic. When looking at real heists, these kinds of fumbles will usually either botch the heist on the spot or provide the police with the threads they need to find the perpetrators. From a narrative perspective, it makes sense, it help build tension moving into the climax. So, while it's not realistic, that's not the point.
Once the team has the item, then they need to extract with it. Sometimes you'll see this skimmed over, but, getting the thing you're stealing away from the people trying to arrest the thieves is a somewhat important consideration. Generally speaking, yeah, a loud extraction with gunfights and car chases is going to end with the police response scaling to the point where escape is impossible. Also, generally speaking, most writers have a difficult time keeping stealth sequences tense, especially when their instinct is to transition into action.
Once they're out, lot heist stories end. The thieves, “won,” and the climax has played out. From a writing perspective, this makes sense. They won, and everything from here is going to be downhill. The team will break up. The actual process of fencing the stolen goods are going to be fairly dry, and, alternately, the process of laundering any cash they may have stolen isn't going to be that interesting either. There might be some lingering character threads to resolve, but the story is over, at least until you start another.
The main purpose for dragging a story beyond the heist is if you're setting up a tragedy. Probably with the police hunting them down for whatever errors they made along the way. I know I've cited it before, but Michael Mann's Heat (1995) is an excellent example of how the heist structure can be turned into a tragedy. (It's also a rare case that reworks a lot of the formula into something more realistic.)
On the whole, I'd say the heist genre is as relevant today as it's ever been. The specific stumbling blocks your characters will encounter are different. That always changes, and your ability to tune your story to your setting is always important. From a strictly mechanical perspective, there's no difference from your character accidentally leaving his driver's license behind at the scene of the heist, and failing to identify a tracker concealed in the stolen object. Both of them create a direct line from the crime back to that character. In a very real sense, a lot of the particulars for how this plays out is simply flavor. If you want your heist to be a techno-thriller, then you can absolutely do that, though you will probably have to spend quite a bit of time studying modern security methods and technology, but you can do that.
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delyth-thomas-art · 3 months
Tired Webcomic Creator Noises
Gags … ah yes lets make art into mindless content spat out by Ai cos we've been literally killing creators with inhumane workloads to spit out as many episodes as possible for mindless consumption.
I make my comics with passion and love of the craft! I have a degree in Comics, I spent years...years learning, practising, experimenting, adapting. I recall the days where you may get a page a week, or a few at the start of the month back in the 2000s era of self hosted webcomics and smackjeeves. (Rant below)
I've had to learn how the whole scrolling format worked to adapt to where all the readers had gone to, having been taught the traditional print page formats. And now cos its suddenly a massive money maker for these few hosts and they've pushed creators to the brink with the sheer volume they want pumped out that of course they want to use AI.
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But it will speed up colouring! I have multiple tools available by the software I use and made by the wonderful people who love creating that colouring isn't that much of a chore, Its my fav part honestly. And its also a job sector within comics, colourists are skilled artists and this is another way to trim the fat, to pocket more money and keep churning out the 5th millionth villainess story.
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Yes I am in most views a tiny creator, I haven't even broken their 1000 sub goal to even try applying for ad rev in the near 5 ish years on webtoon. But what I make I love, I spend hours researching folklore, scripting, drafting the whole kabudle like many other creators. And other than the kind supporters on my Patreon and Ko-fi I don't make much from the hours, days, weeks I pour into what I make. But at least I know its made with my own hands. That its made with love as corny as that sounds.
Ai is creeping its tentacles into everything, now ethically trained ai tools to help smaller creators would be fine. Most creators already rely on 3d tools to speed up things like backgrounds for webcomics. But when we don't know what its trained on, and is marketed wholesale as something anyone can use to make "content" is where it gets insidious. I am all for anyone with the desire to create and tell a story to go out there and do so, whether a beginner or a master. Part of the joy of a long running webcomic is seeing the artist grow both artistically and literary. But with ai it will be all one homogenous style, a copy of what ever is the hot thing. We already have amazon stuffed to the teeth with ai generated books, videos, merch and more all to be sold in some get rich quick manner. (need I point at the Willy's Wonderland incident). Youtube videos being spat out by faceless accounts stealing and regurgitating content at the speed no human video making team can easily match without cutting out quality or fact checking.
It is tiring. Creatives as a whole are treated poorly for decades, and now with the rapid late stage capitalism, website /social media enshitification and the blind headlong rush into the next big money making thing (watches the nft crash). I can't deny Covid sped this up, as everyone was locked inside and turned to what we creators made for comfort. But that content eating boom, lead to more demand, faster output and tighter budgets. We are seeing journalists being cut, game designers in their thousands and recently Dreamworks cutting a bunch and pushing to make their Robot film come out sooner due to public demands.
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Skilled creatives are being treated like disposable fast food restaurant employees. Used til they burn out, get injured and even die! And then are simply replaced.
I've never been a creator with huge ambitions to work at places like DC, Marvel or Top Cow. I simply wished to create and share stories with the world, to bring smiles, to create art that evokes emotions, inspires others to look around themselves and create too.
Art is for everyone. You just need to take that scary jump, there is a whole array of welcoming communities willing to teach and share. I wouldn't have improved so much without the kindness of the webcomic groups I've discovered and learnt from. Everyone is always learning, and there no shame in not knowing how to do a thing. Even I started with the cheesy how to draw books as a kid and made my own pokemon and digimon.
Don't let the world treat your art as content. It is "ART" as much as what's kept in the louvre is seen as art, so is that little stick man doodle on a postit.
So Try something new, try a new material, a new style.
And support the artists you enjoy, tip their Ko-Fi, pledge to their Patreon, buy a sticker or print. Share their posts and tell them what you love about what they make.
Don't let machines steal away the art in HEART.
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spockandawe · 9 months
You know what, I'm not happy about this either :T
Unless I'm t-boned by another reblog from someone huge, this likely won't reach as wide of an audience. And I regret that! Because either I presented myself badly or people are taking the wrong thing away from my words.
So, I strongly, STRONGLY believe in supporting writers. I also strongly believe in archival work and preservation of online media. I mentioned my own binding of the raksura patreon short stories earlier this year, hoping to manifest an official printing to buy, which.... folks, the implicit logical endpoint is that I went and expanded them all and saved them locally too.
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It wasn't scraping, since I've seen that description being tossed around in the notes. My copy was manual copy and paste, because I don't respect my own time, and so was the other recent version. If you're going to rail against that, I guess you've successfully transported nft rage about right click + save as to a new medium.
Frankly, the patreon interface is a pain for this. Infinite scroll is part of the enshittification of the internet, this is a lot of text and posts, patreon isn't a powerful archival site, and it started choking horribly by the time I was halfway through. Now that I know people can still sign up (which i didn't, for years, that closed label is misleading), I still emphatically encourage them to do so and fight through the lag to read the stories.
I also quoted the thing where I said I owned all the books in three formats - physical, ebook, audiobook. Guess what copy I use for most rereads - that's right, none of them, because I was a dumb youth who didn't understand how awful kindle drm is and I can't word search in a paper book, so the secret fourth format is pirated ebooks, which I know amazon will never be able to yoink out of my grip. If I ever git gud at illumination and make a hand-illustrated compendium of the series, that's going to be my starting base, because there arent digital rights to lock me down to owning ACCESS to a copy of the book and not the copy of the book itself.
Now, the existence of pirated ebooks isn't all sunshine and roses. I've seen the talks about how new books IMMEDIATELY get pirated and shared and start cutting into an author's livelihood and future publishing prospects. I think it's incredibly important to support authors directly and in ways corporate marketing teams are able to observe. But especially in light of the Hollywood strikes, I'm sure many of us have seen posts about corporate entities playing shitty games with what they'll make available and withhold, and what they'll CHARGE versus what the customer has PURCHASED.
The only thing in the original post I take issue with is the reposting of something that was still available directly through the author. That has already been addressed. The originator is remorseful. I still understand if the patreon vanishes, to be clear. But i quietly made my own copy years ago BECAUSE i understand how easy it is for something like that to vanish, for much more arbitrary reasons. It could have been vanished because of site policy, patreon abruptly archiving all posts more than X years old. Online media is dangerously ephemeral.
I bind a lot of cnovel fan translations. So many amazing stories are getting licensed for translation - great! But it's also a massive extinction event for all the backbreaking translation work other fans have been sharing for years for free. And from that perspective it's a fucking TRAGEDY. I have... a Lot of files that I'm not sharing publicly. My goal is never to preempt or undermine the translators who did the actual work. But that hoard of files is still precious to me, because it takes about five seconds to delete a gdoc of translation, and there's not always warning to save a copy first.
Again, emphasis, my only issue here was the reposting. I'm not happy that it happened. I'm glad the files were quickly taken down, whether or not the patreon itself goes away. I'm glad op is remorseful for overstepping, and I can... mostly see how they didn't realize the problem, and mainly wanted to help more people experience a story they loved.
So it's also worth saying that I'm also not too stoked about the direction tags on that post were starting to go. 'Piracy is inexcusable, piracy is the death of--' STOP. I recognize that begging for nuance while tossing thoughts out onto social media is a losing game. But actually, I'm out of patience for black and white thinking happening on my post. Piracy is a valuable tool for archivists and a hazard to creators, which is why it should be practiced quietly and with deliberate care. It should be practiced in a way that attempts not to damage the creator's livelihood or take away control of their creations. That's where the misstep was here. OP understood they had misstepped and they were expressing remorse even before I got on my high horse, and it sure doesn't seem like the notes care about that, so! I'm done letting the outrage machine feed on it.
That's probably enough. I'm not saying anything I haven't said on here before. If you've ever grieved for a beloved fic missing from your ao3 bookmarks because it was deleted, you understand the basic archival urge. If you lost access to a favorite artist's extensive archives because the images were flagged in the 2018 boob ban, you should be able to understand. I manually saved 36,000 pictures in that brief grace period before I completely burned out. The fundamental impulse shouldn't be that hard to grasp. The rest is just responsible practices, and people fuck up sometimes. It sucks, but sometimes you don't recognize a boundary is there before you blunder right over it with the best of intentions. I think a lot of us have been there too.
Anyways, this is too much text, how boring to look at. Here's my remaining pictures of my own little anthology copy. Still manifesting an official release someday, or any books of the raksura material at all. Money will literally fly from my pocket to purchase it in every available format.
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salted-caramel-tea · 10 months
ok lets get into the creator league stuff (local essay andy is back)
I mean first and foremost what Is the creator league
its an esports tournament ran by eFuse and presented by Mr Beast. its designed as this kind of interactive league allowing fans to play with and for their favourite creators. their trailers on instagram claim that theres gonna be a full years worth of content, however Mr Beasts recent video claims the event will happen across a 10 month time frame.
so the ting that makes this event 'special' is that the creators are not listed as players in the event but as 'team managers'- which is where the creator pass comes in. Each creator has a 'pass' that allows you as a fan and viewer to join their team and participate in the league events. Each pass costs around $20 and from what ive read I believe you can only sign up to participate on behalf of one player.
obviously for reasons of fairness, not everyone who buys a pass will be able to officially compete- there is a limited number of spaces on each team and the places are won via an open qualifier Fortnite tournament where they will also be competing for a $50 k prize- although im yet to find any comment from creator league or any articles on how this money is split. But don't worry even if you don't qualify youre still entitled to a free box of mr beasts chocolate should you buy a pass before September 9th. yey.
so what's the problem with this.
I mean first of all. creators arent even required to play. they can fully just let their team do all the work in every event which might work for people like Vinnie Hacker I guess. This might be a way to try and 'even the playing field' by not giving creators with gaming backgrounds any advantage, however it makes the marketing of 'playing with your favourite creator' a little meh. also as a viewer, id be more interested in watching an event that my creator was an active participant in than just watching my streamer watch other people play on their behalf.
the other huge thing that everyone is really waiting to hear about in this post is the nft situation. so recently the narrator of the creator league announcement video, brycent, conformed that the passes are nfts to be minted on the blockchain operating system Near Protocol. so obviously people are extremely concerned about this discovered involvement in NFTs and crypto currency.
so I went to investigate the website to see what its looks like when you purchase a creator pass and unsurprisingly there is no mention on nfts anywhere. The passes are sold on mynt.gg , which according to their faqs is a 'first of its kind marketplace looking to evaluate esports through community' just have a look actually
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so no mention of the passes actually being nft purchase here's . if we go to the check out as well this is what we see for the descriptors
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so . people who are purchasing this have no way of actually knowing they are purchasing an nft. you also need an account to add a pass to your basket and im not willing to make an account so im unaware if at any time during the payment process people are made aware of what they are purchasing. its listed and discussed more like a membership than anything, and in a way it is there are benefits to it, however with no information as to what people are actually buying its extremely sketchy and a literally misleading purchase perhaps a scam even . since the fact that they've just purchased an not isn't listed anywhere on mynt.gg prior to purchase. and after going through a few more articles .
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so theyre definitely trying to hide it from you. as mentioned you need an account to purchase anything. and you only get to know what youre purchasing if you go through the TOC, which most people don't read lets be real.
it's worth noting as well creator league is the only collection available on mynt.gg at the minute, it seems like this entire business was started FOR creator league.
after reading through the faqs again I want to correct myself and say that yes you can buy more than one pass, but only for one creator. so this seems to me like a pay to win scheme.
im not going to go super in depth into this bit bc its a topic that has already been discussed in detail but obviously a lot of people are not happy with the inclusion of nfts because of their environmental impact, the secrecy and dedication to hiding this fact that the company is involving crypto in the event itself is a little weird if u ask me. oh yeah theres been reports on twitter too that they have been blocking and deleting replies to their posts that accuse them on using crypto.
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so theyre lying to you as the viewer about what they are and what youre purchasing. but it seems like theyre lying to the creators too.
again. crypto and nfts is not mentioned anywhere at all. not in the trailer, not on the website not in any announcements . only discovered when people were paying for passes bc they wanted to support their fave creators.
recently one of the listed creators Connor CDawgVA released a twitter statement conforming that he was completely blindsided by the fact that there was cryptocurrency involved in the event- if u haven't seen his tweet here
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so this raises the question were creators told about their involvement with Near, or was it written using jargon that people unfamiliar with crypto would not pick up on.
CEO of TAMU Esports Dylan Liu also weighed in on the creator league misleading their creators as well here's his statements too
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this isn't everything Dylan has had to say hes done a lot of discussions with people on blockchains and of the event itself as someone who has known about the event for a while, id recommend checking out his twitter if you have time he goes into depth about how much funding theyre getting from near and way more issues with creator league than I have time to explore rn .
but it really does seem that the Creator League and eFuse have gone out of their way to try and hide the fact that they are using cryptocurrency from everyone possible. This is a marketing scheme to try and trick people into buying into their market- and if you google Near Protocol right now you see that they are declining so they actively need more people to buy into their schemes.
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investors are leaving Near right now. Theyre tricking people into buying into their organisation. At least thats my understanding of it im not hugely knowledgeable about crypto.
I have a headache lets just wrap this up
this is super sketchy . as of right now CDawgVA is the only creator to have withdrawn from the event, but I hope a lot of creators follow suit. its unknown to us the details of their contracts but from what we know of the event they have done everything to hide the genuine content of creator pass purchases from the viewers- making a lot of people rightfully angry that the event is trying to pull the wool over fans eyes. hiding tweets and refusing to acknowledge their involvement in crypto programmes to the point where its unclear if people like Mr Beast and any of the participating creators are aware of it is super suspicious activity. Especially with how vague their promotions have been on the event, very little information has been available on their instagram and I think it was yesterday that we actually got some kind of timeline of the event. its supposed to start like next week and so many people are still so unsure of what is actually happening in the event or what prizes theyre actually getting if they participate. there has been no redeeming quality in the way that this event has been conceived and executed and I really do hope to see that the event is cancelled or that creators start to speak out against the way that the event is being run and support the fans who feel cheated and blindsided by the organisers . I will say I do not believe any of the creators willingly involved themselves in a cryptocurrency scheme, it's all just too sketchy . and no I did not proofread this nor can I be bothered to .
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whalemediaboost · 2 years
What is the Best NFT Marketing Strategy?
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The NFT Marketing Team Strategy recommends working with the makers to comprehend and connect with a huge crowd consequently keeping up with positive connections because of the development of income. In addition, when it includes trade courses in {which} all through which, it's all in regards to engaging in extremely world renowned stages and expanding patterns.
NFT Marketplace or trade licenses makers to examine organizations to revive their NFT resources effectively to comprehend and relate huge types of financial backers in their organization. to boot to the present, somebody can involve five distinct sorts of NFT trade for their work. These are:
Content business
It helps the connecting of the client and thusly the organization. Besides, it gives each business further specialized information on partner person's work subsequently it indicates the specialized system.
Online Entertainment business
It assists the NFT makers among the trade of the tokens through the assistance of virtual entertainment goliaths with loving Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and so on, thus, extends partner person's entire quickly.
Force to be reckoned with trade
It is a smart technique among virtual entertainment powerhouses to push the NFT to their fans and supporters.
Standard business
Organizations use standards to furrow on differed NFT sites. Besides, the worth of the pennant relies on the range of the area.
Top 7 NFT Marketing Strategy or Ways
Here is the rundown of prime ten best NFT mercantilism techniques:
NFT Listings
This technique is the underlying and the preeminent compelling system that somebody needs to grow hence to contact a partner enormous crowd. Likewise for advancing your NFTs, you can employ a decent NFT Marketing Agency that will assist you with producing income. Be that as it may, posting and thinking up is a shrewd procedure, regardless.
Force to be reckoned with business
Forces to be reckoned with's unit of estimation those therewith the business can procure traffic.
Paid Advertisements
Paid notices unit of estimation horrendously supportive they will work with in connecting with the partner enormous crowd and what is further as a brimming with life on-line presence.
Strife and wire business
With the assistance of this procedure, somebody can start with their posts or can assemble their local area and numerous things. thus, gain an extra solid reach.
Email trade
This trade system helps by permitting to remain in-tuned with potential; clients or clients much of the time. What's extra, causing public statements which is further as entire totally various information assists with making trust and upgrades entire quality.
Extend Audience Reach
Working together with partner NFT commercial center upgrades the crowd reach. Additionally, numerous NFTs units of estimation are produced, and many arrive at the whole will.
Fabricate Community
Building a local area would demonstrate an ideal reach as buyers or clients would incline toward alone the whole which could move.
How Is NFT Marketplace Completely Different From Cryptocurrencies?
NFT comprises computerized resources that unit of estimation further substantial things that will be digitized. Besides, it's a mode thus it joins makers, and networks what is further as brands with the assistance of fluctuated NFT encounters. Far beyond this, NFT comes in fluctuated structures like film, records, video cuts, workmanship assortments, and numerous others.
How does the NFT Mercantilism procedure work with a task?
The NFT market is drawing in numerous players. to boot to the present, a non-public can draw in customers on the off chance that they market they are giving demise. For advancement, the NFT mercantilism technique of a non-public can have changed parts. Notwithstanding, one can embrace different components to their timetable, similar to virtual entertainment, PR, activity with a mercantilism organization, and others.
Why Is NFT Demandable By The People?
NFT offers edges to the oldsters with the assistance of certain recipients include:
NFT makes positive that the purchaser's unit of estimation is protected from the worries of imagining NFTs. On the part of this, NFTs can alter the standard standards of help anyway as dealing with the ownership of resources.
The recipients of NFT lie in the distinction of the tokens.
It is exceptionally simple to exchange NFTs easily explicitly in business sectors.
Content makers experience the worries of various stages. Accordingly, the maker economy would represent considerable authority in serving content makers to remain standoffish from the requirement for moving belonging to stages used by them for uncovering their foundation.
NFT trade manners by which all through which are extremely esteemed as they permit us to comprehend and relate an enormous crowd subsequently keeping up with positive connections which region unit further because of the development of income.
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
Harbinger Halloween headcanons bc I want to and you can’t stop me
He doesn’t dress up bc he’s old and boring. The other harbingers try to trick him into it, but he’s too clever. Dottore resorts to dumping a creation of his (bright pink hair dye) on his head. This year he decided to wear a polar bear fur cape and call it a day.
His clones dress up as various things, but sometimes they all dress as the other harbingers bc they find it funny. They sometimes resort to stealing clothes and shoes.
Signora did not find it funny.
They also leave fun ‘surprises’ around the palace. For legal reasons, they are fake and no one was harmed in the creation of the decorations.
Biblically accurate angel. She’s more interested in dressing up everyone else than wearing a costume, so she usually teams up with Sandrone and Pantalone to torment Tartaglia
Usually some sort of fantasy creature. He takes suggestions from Childe’s siblings when he brings them candy for Halloween. When Childe was younger, they used to both dress up so you couldn’t see their faces and Pulcinella would make Childe go trick-or-treating so he could “feel like a normal kid”
In more recent years, it’s been to entertain Childe’s siblings since he’s usually out of the country.
Refused to dress up until he saw Pierro‘s new hairstyle. He claimed he “refuse[d] to look like that pink fox bitch”
After that, he started dressing like people he didn’t like as a type of threat. Dottore has been the victim most years.
She has a very cute gothic style. She enjoys dressing up, but is usually more interested in dressing up her puppets. She, along with Columbina and Pantalone, always tries to trick Tartaglia into whatever outfit they’ve planned.
Years of her trying to gauge his measurements has led Childe to believe that she hates him and is always glaring at him.
She would always commission high fashion masks and jewelry. She claimed she didn’t care for Halloween, but she always wanted to be the spectacle.
She and Pantalone would compete for who had the most extravagant costumes.
Like Signora, he always felt the need to go all out. He throws a ball every year for those of high stature across the seven nations.
Allegedly, a noble from Mondstadt was once banned from Snezhnaya after accidentally getting drunk and lighting Pantalone’s expensive cloak on fire with his vision.
He usually makes a dramatic show of flaunting his wealth and making sure rumors of his grandeur spread to Liyuen merchants. He claims it’s coincidental, but the invitation to a Halloween ball slid under the door of Yansheng Teahouse was not.
He works with Sandrone and Columbina on a ‘project’ every year around this time. What the project is is classified, but the “”NFTs”” he sells on the Snezhnayan black market are more than enough to fund his parties.
Columbina is responsible for getting her to dress up most of the time. If you asked Arlecchino was her outfit was, usually she wouldn’t be able to tell you.
Her costumes tend to be sexy-died versions of ancient beings, but that’s for only Columbina to know.
For years he claimed he only dressed up to amuse his siblings, but his first Halloween outside of Snezhnaya he was forced to admit that he just enjoyed doing it
Some part of him enjoys feeling like a kid again, since he lost his childhood so quickly, though he would never admit it.
His costume last year was a werewolf courtesy of Liyue’s number one ghost expert.
The past few years, he could’ve sworn Pantalone was following him around with a kamera, but he can’t prove it.
He also sometimes gets costume suggestions taped to the inside of his door, much to the chagrin of Pulcinella.
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autisticlio · 1 month
So, regarding the NFT controversy... Rayman fans are more upset that the Captain Laserhawk team isn't investing into any Rayman merch. Well, fuck. Instead of continuing to bootlick these horrible people, how about they start seeing them for their true nature? They don't give a damn about Rayman! He's just their marketing stunt! Fans should stop expecting a Ramon or Fakeman bodypillow anytime soon!
I think people are more upset it’s NFTs than the fact it’s not Rayman content bud. Cause you know. NFTs are bad for the environment and are big scams. Also no offense, but the body pillow comment is kinda weird ngl.
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rhythm-of-space · 1 year
Teeny tiny rant because why not
Most of my criticism is and should be pointed at their management and team as I know the band is deep in the music industry and not always fan-serving. But, they are four men who always talk about integrity in the art they produce.
In my opinion, I think the promotional material has taken a hit with this new album on the way. It almost feels like they don't care as much as they used to. The merch, the nfts, the multiple preorders - it all just feels lacking in production and forethought. While I'm sure they don't have a lot of say in some things, they can still have a voice. If this is what they used their voice for, that's a little disappointing.
Sure, I'm a little petty that the signed insert wasn't a part of the original preorder, but that just makes the most sense in my brain. The vinyl sold out in minutes, so if there's a cap, why wouldn't they put a cap on the other ones? Why wouldn't they be available internationally? Why is it the same variant? I'm just confused.
To me, and maybe it just my marketing degree side jumping out, it feels like they aren't as invested in that side of things. Last tour they had a unique poster for every dig show, you can see the time and love put into those. What a cool concept it was. I just hope there's more to come in the near future.
I don't mean to sound ungrateful and ultimately the music is the most important thing and I'm so stoked for starcatcher , but as much as I want to work in the music industry it's still a business and sometimes that's very noticeable.
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st4rdust-ch0rds · 1 year
so this is what i've gathered so far-- and feel free to correct me if im wrong-- this is just to get my thoughts in a row over all of this tomb shit..
its not crypto... i think. what they have as this "token" is like an NFT but is not attached to a currency like a real nft. the token is like a little coupon to redeem for access to future tour shit. hence why it is "exclusive." which... i thought that was the whole purpose of the peaceful army mailing list was to have first access to content. but whatever...
they only released the tokens to 50 people so far and it appears to be based on how often people interact. idk through what platform they calculated this information. i was not one of those 50 people so i dont get a token. cool. anyway.
one part that seemed sketchy to me was when creating an account for the electric tomb, it gave you the option to sign in with your wallet. so with that, maybe my first point is completely incorrect and it is a real crypto nft.
simply, i think the tomb is a shit idea and they need a new marketing team to gather better info on how to pertain to their fans because this is not correct at all. idk how we got lost in translation to get to cryptocurrency.
for a group that preaches to unplug from the source and not want to be up on fads bc they are so beyond that and want to parts of it, this is a very bad move. plus there are plenty of other things to add to their approach on fan engagement before crypto should have even been considered.
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knickglobalgaming · 4 months
Unlocking the Future: NFT Game Development Services
In the rapidly evolving gaming and blockchain technology landscape, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a revolutionary concept, offering new possibilities for ownership, monetization, and in-game assets. At our NFT game development services, we harness the power of blockchain technology to create immersive and innovative gaming experiences that leverage the unique properties of NFTs.
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NFTs are digital assets that are unique, indivisible, and easily verifiable on a blockchain network. Unlike traditional in-game assets, which are often owned and controlled by game developers, NFTs empower players to own their virtual belongings, allowing them to buy, sell, and trade assets within and outside the game environment. Our NFT game development services encompass various tasks and technologies, from smart contract development and blockchain integration to game design and development. By leveraging blockchain technology, we create secure, transparent, decentralized gaming experiences that empower players and foster a sense of ownership and engagement.
One of the key advantages of NFT game development is the ability to create truly unique and rare digital assets that hold real-world value. From rare weapons and items to exclusive skins and collectibles, NFTs allow developers to create scarcity and demand within their games, driving engagement and monetization opportunities.
At our NFT game development services, we work closely with game developers, publishers, and brands to conceptualize, design, and develop NFT-powered games that push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Whether you're looking to create a blockchain-based trading card game, a virtual real estate simulator, or a decentralized virtual world, our team has the expertise and experience to bring your vision to life.
Our NFT game development process begins with a deep dive into your concept and goals, where we explore the potential applications of NFTs within your game and identify opportunities for innovation and engagement. From there, we collaborate with you to design the game mechanics, user experience, and monetization strategies that will drive success in the competitive gaming market.
One of the most exciting aspects of NFT game development is the potential for player-driven economies and ecosystems. By leveraging blockchain technology, we empower players to create, own, and trade assets within the game environment, fostering a vibrant and dynamic community of players and collectors.
Furthermore, NFT game development opens up new opportunities for collaboration and partnership between game developers, brands, and intellectual property owners. With NFTs, developers can create unique branded content and experiences that resonate with players and fans. In contrast, brands can leverage the popularity of gaming to reach new audiences and engage with their communities innovatively.
In conclusion, NFT game development services offer a glimpse into the future of gaming, where ownership, creativity, and engagement converge on the blockchain. With our expertise and experience, we are ready to help you unlock the full potential of NFTs and create immersive and innovative gaming experiences that captivate players and drive success in the ever-evolving gaming and blockchain technology world.
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proispedia · 7 months
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Introducing the Ultimate Pixel Art NFT Collection Creation Service
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of pixel art NFTs with our comprehensive creation service. We'll transform your vision into a collection of unique and engaging pixelated masterpieces, ready to take the NFT market by storm.
Why Choose Our Pixel Art NFT Collection Creation Service?
Unleash Your Creativity: We'll work closely with you to bring your creative ideas to life, ensuring that your NFT collection reflects your unique style and vision.
Expert Pixel Art Mastery: Our team of experienced pixel artists possesses an unmatched understanding of the art form, ensuring that your NFTs are crafted with precision and detail.
Comprehensive Services: We'll handle every aspect of the creation process, from concept development to final delivery, leaving you with a complete NFT collection ready for launch.
Our Pixel Art NFT Creation Process:
Concept Development: We'll collaborate with you to refine your ideas, defining the characters, themes, and overall aesthetic of your NFT collection.
Pixel Art Design: Our pixel artists will meticulously transform your concepts into high-quality pixelated artwork, ensuring consistency and adherence to your desired style.
Metadata Generation: We'll generate the necessary metadata for each NFT, including attributes, properties, and descriptions.
Smart Contract Development: We'll work with you to develop a secure and efficient smart contract that governs the minting and distribution of your NFTs.
NFT Collection Launch: We'll assist in launching your NFT collection on a suitable blockchain platform, ensuring a smooth and successful debut.
Benefits of Owning a Pixel Art NFT Collection:
Collectible Value: Pixel art NFTs have gained significant traction in the NFT market, with some collections fetching impressive prices.
Community Engagement: Pixel art NFTs foster a strong sense of community among collectors and enthusiasts, creating a vibrant and engaged audience.
Creative Expression: Pixel art provides a unique and expressive medium to showcase your creativity and connect with fellow art lovers.
Invest in Your Pixel Art NFT Vision Today
Don't let your pixel art NFT dreams remain just a vision. Contact us today and let our team of experts transform your ideas into a captivating and valuable NFT collection.
Embrace the Power of Pixel Art NFTs
Pixel art NFTs offer a captivating blend of nostalgia, creativity, and collectible value. With our comprehensive creation service, you can embark on a journey to create a unique and engaging NFT collection that stands out in the ever-evolving world of digital art.
Contact us now and let's bring your pixel art NFT vision to life.
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ailtrahq · 9 months
The price fluctuations in the Shiba Inu shocked the Cryptocurrency market on Wednesday, September 27. The news was related to the vanishing of the Shiba Inu coin overnight which directly hiked the burn rate up to 1000%.  What is Actually Happening?  Shiba Inu (SHIB), one of the most popular meme coins introduced in August 2020 by Ryoshi, an anonymous founder. With time, the coin grasped much more popularity, ranking second in the list of meme tokens. Recently, the coin has become a highlight.  The coin vanished overnight, resulting in an increased burn rate. On Wednesday, a sudden hike was experienced in the burn rate of Shiba Inu, hitting 1000% in the past 24 hours. The action of permanent removal of some of the Shiba Inu toke from circulation is considered to be one of the main reasons behind the same. Based on the report of Benzinga, the hike came just after a staggering 164 Million SHIB tokens were indelibly removed from circulation. The prediction is made based on the data from Shibu Inc. burn tracker Shibburn. Considering the data of Etherescan, two dormant crypto wallets, including “0x6ab” and “0xA75”, received substantial withdrawals of SHIB tokens from exchanges such as MEXC and Binance. The withdrawal amount was around 16 Billion SHIB.  The current situation shows the emergence of new Shiba Inu whales in the market, holding around $500,000 in SHIB.        According to Shytoshi Kusama, the lead developer of Shiba Inu, the platform is planning to offer something unique to Crypto enthusiasts.  Shibarium, ShibaSwap’s gas token, the development team has revealed that the minting process for the remaining BONE supply is all set to be accomplished. Following the statement, rewards associated with the BONE over the ShibaSwap platform will be offered to the users soon. The rewards are expected to take the users to a new token named “TREAT”.   Current Stats of Shiba Inu  Shiba Inu gained much popularity in very little time, ranking second in the list of meme tokens only after Bitcoin (BTC). The passion of the SHIB community and the selling of NFT collections better represent the rising appeal of Shiba Inu in the crypto space.  Focusing on the current performance of Shibh Inu, the SHIB coin’s current price is $0.000007244, a hike of 0.39% in the past 24 hours. With a market cap of $4 Billion and a 24-hour volume of $78 Million, the coin is all set to rock the crypto stage.  The circulating supply of Shiba Inu is 589,346,914,631,298 SHIB and the total supply is 589,589,040,239,380 SHIB. The coin is available at cryptocurrency exchanges including Binance, Bybit, Cointr Pro, OKX, and DigiFinex.     Conclusion Shiba Inu, one of the main tokens in the cryptocurrency world experiencing high burn rates, vanishes millions of tokens overnight. The active involvement of the community with the coin buying and selling represents the bright future of Shiba Inu.      
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