mikka-minns · 9 months
I hate every implication that main antagonists in invasions are from the previus timeline
And if thats not the case, the WHY IS THE PLOT HOLE SO BIG?!
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okay, just had a thought but like
nothing Kuai Liang has ever done has actually been his choice prior to like, maybe, the second half of MKX.
I mean, think about it, he's kidnapped by assassins as a child and tortured and brainwashed into becoming a weapon. He's told that he can't leave or he'll be killed and even if he could he has no one to turn to in the outside world bc they killed everyone else and his knowledge of it is limited by the fact that he's not been in it since he was a child and is only allowed out for missions. If he doesn't do what he's told, they will kill either him or his brother, that is the very definition of Under Duress.
And then he's cyberized and Literally has his autonomy taken away, along with his body which is Horrifying, and when he gets his autonomy back, he's in the middle of a war and has no real choice but to fight for his life no matter what he wants.
Then he dies, and becomes a revenant and while its unclear exactly how much control Quan Chi had over them, it's pretty heavily implied that it was a lot, kinda like a semi-autonomous puppet situation, and is again made to fight and kill for someone else.
Then he's resurrected, and almost immediately possessed by Havik who canonically took full control of Kuai Liang and made him kill a bunch more people.
Even once he's freed, going after the cyber initiative might count as his first choice, but they are also hunting him and constantly trying to kill him so idk if that counts and then he's just sitting in his temple, minding his own business, when Raiden sends him a bunch of people to train and we have no indication that Kuai Liang intended to reform his clan at all until this happened, Raiden made that choice for him.
the man has never had any true freedom to choose in his life.
Everything Hanzo has ever done has been fully his decision.
We know that Quan Chi lied to him about who killed his family, and I will give him a pass bc nobody would be thinking rationally in that situation, but also, why on Earth would you trust the fucking necromancer? why would you not try to ask literally anyone else if he's telling the truth EVERYONE KNOWS THAT QUAN CHI IS A LIAR. but hey, maybe Hanzo doesn't know that, so we'll give him a pass.
But then, he still choses to serve Quan Chi rather than seek Bi-Han out on his own, he still kills Bi-Han even when he has a Massive incentive (the elder gods bringing his family and clan back) to leave him alive, and he chooses to keep serving Quan Chi after getting his revenge.
He even admits in the MKX comics that he was never controlled, though we know he was manipulated and he's probs not taking that into account, so at the very least the majority of the blame for his choices is on his own shoulders.
He also chooses to try and kill Kuai Liang in those same comics even as the cryomancer is kinda begging for his life and pleading his innocence. And he kills Quan Chi even knowing that it will damn the rest of the revenants to staying in hell forever.
Like, I'm not saying Hanzo is evil, I find all of his choices Very easy to understand even if they're the wrong ones, its clear why he does what he does, but he still makes a lot of bad choices that hurt the people around him.
And it's just like, do you think they ever talk about that? Does that affect the way they see and understand each other? Do they bring it up in fights and then regret it immediately?
Idk, I just think it's a really interesting parallel between their two characters.
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mrstsung · 3 months
Look mk shipping discourse ahead
So warning ya before you kontinue. These are just my opinions. Plz dont take them so to heart ok?
Cw: vent,discourse
If yall gonna actually do subscorp.....
Bi-han and hanzo have more sexual tension than kaui ever fucking did but y'all aint ready for that conversation. ☕ *sips coffee*
Kuai and hanzo had misunderstandings and genuine friendship. Could it be something more. Sure but it doesn't need to be to be interesting or even wholesome.
Meanwhile bi-han og subzero and hanzo had this love hatefuck in their eyes. Good fucking god like y'all be shipping the wrong subzero brother.
But y'all just only like kaui cuz he's the quote unquote "nicer" brother. Meanwhile what actually happened could male for better and classic AND REAL ENEMIES TO LOVERS TROPE. i mean it's right fucking there. Kuai and hanzo were never enemies. Let alone friends till waaaaaaaaay later. And even then....they had better things to do than each other. Sorry not sorry. Kaui and hanzo were just damn to platonic to me. Meanwhile bi-han and hanzo be like "bitch" "bitch" and then internally probably all like "💖🔥🔪"
And hanzo and kaui couldn't work because of that tension hanzo has with bi-han. Mostly on bi-hans half than hanzo. Cuz y'all conveniently forget. Hanzo killed bi-han over a misunderstanding,yeah a mofo dont just forget that. You'd be pissed too if you were wrongfully killed over something you didn't do by a ninja from a rival clan. Like bruh.
You can't have this ship without complications and problems.
Hanzo hasashi has not shown in canon anything to kuai than just mutual respect.
Kuai maybe but i dunno. I feel people reach so much with this ship it's like do we even play the same game?
Meanwhile the fucking "bitch fest" bi-han and hanzo have is on another lvl. Granted all this hate is still misplaced and quan chi is the real problem. But ya know.
If you're gonna ship a subzero with hanzo. Bi-han subzero makes more sense.
Tho i personally don't ship hanzo with any subzero ever. (I either self ship or have him just be dad ninja)
And i ship kuai liang subzero with tomas and bi-han with sareena (and self ship with either on occasion)
Either way the point is. Y'all be going about these characters and their dynamics so wrong. And i feel people just want different characters than what is actually happening. Like go make an oc at that point. It's different when they dont have certain dynamics shown and aspects. (Most mk villains dont because they are treated majority of the time as guys to beat up. So they aren't like sub and scorp. Which is shown.....everywhere,all the time,and takes up a majority of the plot. So we know all there is about yellow n blue ninja clans. Even then it doesn't go into that much detail but still we get more insight with them than any other character. Even liu kang and kung lao don't have as much as the two posterboys of mk. Which sucks)
Shipping aside. It sucks that both subzeros(kuai and bi-han) and scorpion(hanzo) get so grossly misinterpreted by fans. And think that everything is hunky dory peaches and roses. When it really isn't. While neither clan after a certain point is warring or fighting each other. There still is tension. Simply because of years,decades even of the mess left behind. Hanzo has to rebuild from the ground up. And kuai has to repair and restore the lin kuei to what it used to be but better and more equal. And less....robotic. lol. There was still a lot of work. Not to mention if noob became bi-han subzero again,somehow. That would add even more awkward tension(good storytelling tho) because bi-han while maybe he could forgive hanzo,he could never be friends truly. And if you guys ship kuai and hanzo. I dont think kuai would feel comfortable with having his only damn brother he's worked so hard to bring back and rekindle his family with just so he cpuld get some dick. Im sorry,relationships dont work that way. Hanzo and kaui are family oriented,and if one or more of parties involved are not on equal playing field or cares for the other. It's a no go.
What im trying to say is the dynamic is not healthy,long lasting,or even worth it. There is not any good chemistry.
Until bi-han and hanzo in canon make amends. Only then could you MAYBE. JUST MAYBE. Make that work.
But again shipping aside.
Tomas/smoke and kuai liang subzero. Works better. Because they not only like i said are from the same clan,grew up together. Bi-han more likely than not. Would understand tomas and actually be pretty cool with him.
Like I'm just saying people.
If you want kuai liang to be with a pyromancer fire dude so damn bad.
But Thank you for koming to my ted talk.
Maybe this is just me tho.
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Hanzo Hisashi X Innocent! Reader
Thank you EzraPFoxglove01for requesting this adorable thing! I sorta changed a lot you asked for by making it go into depth, and it ended up being the longest story I've ever written lol. So I'm definitely gonna add a shorter, more cutesy version of this story soon.
Change her outfit all you wish; it doesn't have a big part in the story at all. Though due to where she lives, it sorta makes sense for traditional Japanese wear to be her attire. And this is the kimono I have in mind, but change whatever :D To be honest, it makes sense to change the look to be more suitable for fighting while still maintaining an innocent, feminine character.
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Word Count: 6733
"Hay....ya!" A feminine voice yelled out as she kicked a large hole into a tree. She didn't really have an specific training area so she often kicked and punched holes into tough looking trees, which proven to be as affective as training dummies and whatnot. She pulled away from the tree with a large smile on her innocent features.
She held her arms up to her chest with clinched fists. "Alright! Just 113 more to go," she reminded herself as she prepared for another kick. Yet just before she kicked the tree, she heard rustling in the bushes surrounding her.
She paused and looked around her everywhere. The wind began to blow which made it hard to hear whoever or whatever move again as the wind blew the all the bushes. She made a pouty face and walked over to where she heard the noise the first time. She had a bag that wrapped around her colorful kimono that contained kunai knives, and she pulled one out just in case. To be honest, with her small, airhead, and pouty form, she was the least intimidating person most people could ever see. And her small, F/C kimono with cherry trees on it added onto it.
The wind slowed down for a second and in that time, rustling in the bushes was heard again, where it did last time. "Huh?" She hummed as she slowly and cautiously opened up the bushes. "W-Who's there!" She yelled nervously as she parted the bushes completely. "Ahhh!" She screamed as she stepped back, tripping on whatever she stepped on. A baby bunny jumped on top of her from the bushes, it's guinea pig looking face staring boldly at her. Fuck it was frightening for a bunny to withhold so much toughness and boldness.
She whined as she pulled the bunny of her, causing it to run away quickly. She stumbled to her feet, barely managing to maintain her own balance for a moment. She watched the bunny hop away into the forest as she calmed her nerves. Once it disappeared, she sighed and opened her bag to put away her knife. Yet the sound of a voice behind her caused her to throw it towards the voice with perfect aim and fast speed. Yet as she turned around, she saw her kunai knife had been frozen but it wasn't frozen quick enough to prevent the one and only Kuai Liang from behind cut a little.
"Good aim," the Sub Zero complimented in his deep and husky voice, a smirk on his face. He pulled the kunai from the ice prison it was it and tossed it towards Y/N. Y/N's innocent E/C eyes widened as she gasped.
"Liang!" She ran towards him to hug him– but no, we can't have that without her tripping halfway. "Oof!" She hit the ground hard and whined as she slowly stood back up. She had cut her face on a rock but that wasn't good enough for her to not want to hug him just as hard. So once she stood up, she lunged at him and hugged him so incredibly hard. "I missed you! How are you!"
Kuai chuckled as he softly wrapped his arms around her. "I see you haven't changed one bit, dear friend." It's true that the two of them are close friends; although they don't have any fundamental qualities in common, they managed to meet one day and their opposite personalities captured each other's interest. And so here they are, together after departed months back. Right after Sub Zero and others were free from Quan Chi, the two got close again and only had a couple weeks to get close again before Kuai had to leave. Finally, months later, they're together again!
"I've been just fine, L/N. How about yourself?" He asked as he pulled his arms down. As expected, Y/N didn't let go and continued to sway back and forth.
"Oh, I've been good! Sorta lonely, yeah but I met this one guy! He leads an entire clan that let me in!" Y/N sweet voice called out in reply, her eyes twinkling. "I don't see him often but we've been talking a lot more recently. He's really nice...like a big, strong, teddy bear, hehe," she giggled as her legs went limp. Kuai chuckled at her dramatic description and pat her head; pushing the person she's talking about to the back of his mind. She got back on her feet again and pulled away from him. "Sooooo...do you have any combat stories to share? An adventure?"
Kuai shook his head. "Unfortunately nothing to tell now, but soon," he spoke as he looked up at the bright blue sky. It was maybe 8 in the morning  at the time. Y/N held her arms in front of her as she swayed back and forth as her head tilted in confusion.
"Okay...Oh! There's flowers growing around here and I want you to see it. They're so pretty- and pink," She emphasized as she took Kuai's hand and pulled him to a nearby pond. The trees surrounding the pond were waves with red and pink flowers ground from them. It's hard to tell, but in the distant was a village. And jn that village was, drum roll please, Hanzo Hizashi himself. As the two friends spoke about the scenery, Hanzo had just gotten ready for a day of training.
As he stepped outside, he took a deep breath and examined the place surrounding him. The birds were singing, the soft winds brushing past the trees and plants, the warm sun and clear skies. The sound of children playing can be heard from the background. It was pure bliss really. Yet even so, he had an uneasy feeling wash over him. The feeling that there could possibly be an unwanted visitor.
Hanzo walked closed the door behind him and walked out. He took his time going from his home to a place a little outside of the village; a more personalized dojo. It contained dummies and targets designed for his spear and fire. The little dojo was little ways across a pond near the village so that's where he was headed.
"And that's why that's my favorite color," Y/N said as she finished her story. Kuai Liang, to be honest, wasn't paying attention to her at all and simply nodded. She smiled at his politeness to at least pretend to acknowledge what she's saying; Y/N knows she can get really immature sometimes and right now really isn't her best moment. "Eheh, so what do you want to do?"
Kuai looked over at her with a soft smile on his features. He really was such a peaceful man at heart. "I believe I saw a few rare ducks fly into the pond. Would you like to go see them?"
"You're not going anywhere."
Y/N sharply turned her head towards the pissed looking man walking towards the duo and gasped. She stood up, saying, "Kuai, this is the man that let me into his village! Hey Hanzo, this is Kuai‐"
"He already knows who I am," Kuai cut her off coldly and stood up. "Hanzo, I mean you no harm; had I known this was your territory, I would not have come." Hanzo pulled a sword from his back and held it up in a firey fists once he got close to them. Y/N stared idlely at them with growing anxiety. The two picked up on that quickly, making Kuai speak up again before Hanzo could. "The girl does not know of our rivalry. Don't punish her for my mistake, Hanzo‐"
"Do no speak to me like that. Leave at once!" Hanzo may be alive, but that doesn't mean he can't revert his voice back to his hellish Scorpion one. Kuai took a few steps back before turning around and disappearing. Hanzo and Y/N watched the whole way through in complete silence. Once Kuai was gone, they silence broke.
"And you," Hanzo walked up to her and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. "Exactly what made you think bringing a guest without permission was anywhere near exceptable? You endanger every one of us at this village that way." Y/N could feel his fire-hot breath against her as he spoke. A shiver fell down her spine as looked him right in the eye. She didn't respond, but rather bow her head. Hanzo scoffed, flames igniting from his fist that began to burn her clothes, making her whimper beneath him. She felt the flames heating up her neck, which made her whimper more as the pain wasn't something she was exposed to often. "Part of me wants to kill you right now. You are very lucky to have caught me in a better light."
Hanzo let go of her, stepping away. Y/N bowed her full body lowly, hands to her knees. "I'm deeply sorry sir, I really am. I promise I will never bring another guest again. I knew not of Kuai and your's relationship and if I had known when I met him in the woods a little bit ago, I would have got him to leave. It was foolish of me to have not stayed in the village and possibly risks a bloody situation. For that, I am sorry." As Y/N finished, she heard nothing but the sound of a sword being put away.
"As long as this never happens again, L/N," he spoke coldly. "I forgive you. You may continue what you were doing before he arrived here."
"Thank you so much, sir!" Y/N called out happily as she stood up straight with a smile on her face. "I promise you won't regret it!" Hanzo remained quiet and simply glanced down instead. A more calm and positive feeling took over his previous anger quickly, leaving behind a little bit of confusion. Y/N took a few steps back over to where that tree she was kicking earlier was before Hanzo spoke up again.
"I apologize for being so harsh, as well. You said you met you here; was this planned?" He asked her as he his fists were undone. Y/N shook her head when she turned back towards him. Hanzo examined her face for a moment before sighing, then a smile grew on his face. "Very well. I appreciate your honesty. Actually, would you care to join me for tea later? As leader of this clan, it feels right for me to know all my people, whether they are a weary traveler or blood."
"Of course I would," she said softly. "What time?"
"Tomorrow at dawn."
"So be it." And with that, Hanzo began to walk towards his dojo and Y/N walked towards her special tree. The two of them had that tea on their minds as they practiced whatever it is they were practicing. How would it turn out? Would Y/N innocent immaturity get her in trouble? Would Hanzo appear too serious? Will they make up and gain trust? Maybe something else? We'll see in the next paragraph.
Time flies by quickly when you're having a good time, and for Hanzo, he was quite happy about the thought of getting to know Y/N more. And also to learn more of her relations with Kuai. As for Y/N, she was nervous as all hell since she knows she can be a handful sometimes. To be honest, a simple deep breath was able to calm her down and bring the adult side out of her. So here she was now, looking at herself in the mirror of her guest cabin and taking deep breaths to calm her nerves.
"You got this Y/N," she told herself as she took her final deep breath. The kimono she was wearing was different as it was longer and above the wrists, meaning she was unmarried. It still had a pretty design on it, with the colors overall being F/C, pink, yellow, and blue. The had her H/C hair up in a bun with two strands falling over her shoulders. She had a pin that kept her hair up with a beautiful flower attached to it. To contribute to her Japanese asthetic, she had a folded fan that was black with red cherry trees designs in it in her hand.
She smiled at herself in the mirror one more time before she turned to face the door. She slid open the door to the guest home and put on her shoes before walking outside. She closed the door and prepared to head off the selected location. On the other hand, Hanzo was sure to be formal as well.
He wore a montsuki, which is a formal black kimono worn over a white under-kimono and hakama, which are traditional Japanese trousers. It was common for samurais to wear this underneath their armor, so it suited him well. After all, he was both ninja and samurai; he kept his hair in a man manbun as well. He was very good at maintaining a formal way of speaking and acting, yet he knew Y/N isn't all that. Someone as free spirited and naive really isn't all that capable of it, in his mind.
He was sitting down in a chabudai; one of those short legged tables that have cushions to sit on your knees on rather than to sit on chairs. At the moment, in another room of his lonely home, was a kettle that was boiling water. Authoress is not a Japanese fanatic who knows Japanese and is basing these designs of real Samurai and Wife dolls by their bed, I swear. It was perhaps halfway done by the time he heard a voice call from the outside of the front door; "Hello, it's Y/N. May I come in?"
Hanzo smiled softly to himself as he stood up and walked over to the door, sliding it open. To say he was shocked to see the free spirited girl in such a good-mannered attire was an understatement. "You look lovely tonight," he stated as he looked Y/N head to toe. On Y/N's side, she noticeably blushed and gave him a sweet look.
"You look lovely as well, truly."
Hanzo raised a brow and stepped aside for Y/N to step inside. And rather than her normal fast walk with swaying arms side to side, she slowly walked in with her hands held together in front of her. "I haven't yet seen this side of you, Miss L/N. I am a proper kind of person so don't think I won't hold it against you if you act unmannerly," he teased as Y/N giggled to herself and took her shoes off at the front door.
"I thought that maybe I should act a bit more, I guess, fancy in order to match you. As long as you don't believe in the whole women are beneath us bigger men and shouldn't talk unless spoken to thing, then this shouldn't be too hard, hehehe," Y/N said as she was lead to the chabudai by Hanzo. She sat down on her knees on side and he on the other.
"Of course I would not act on such a thing. We are all human with equal rights," Hanzo replied as he sat his hands in his lap. His looked down at Y/N'a hands, which were on the table, before shooting her a look that told her that she was doing something wrong. Y/N hummed in confusion before gasping lightly. She put her hands in her lap and smiled innocently, creating a chuckle from Hanzo.
Come to think of it, the hone hasn't yet been described. It's easy to imagine the paper and wood that made up the walls and doors, and the warm light that shun over the two people. The carvings on the wood above them and around them, the large pot with a bonsai in it in the corner of the room. The little wooden seats with drawers distilled in them built into the walls of the home. The wooden tables with traditional statues and little plants in pots across the home. The sword holder near the front door, the mats across the floor to give the unique taste. In the kitchen had built in furnaces where people would burn a fire in the wholes on the bottom and put cooking appliances and kyūsus on top of it. If you don't want to imagine that, here's something help.
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"Have you ever studied Japanese arts? Surely you must have had some experience in a place like this, or perhaps a friend to lecture you on what to do," Hanzo explained his thought process as he looked interestingly at the smaller girl.
"Actually, I had Kuai teach me a lot about Chinese culture. But when I met a swordsman named Kenshi, I learned more of Japanese tradition. I may not be the best, but I tried to use my knowledge of both cultures to act as good as possible! Um, I mean," she paused as her face lit up red. "To act as good as possible." She but the inside of her lip nervously as she grew more and more embarrassed of her voice level as she spoke. Hanzo chuckled.
"I'm glad I invited you here. You are very knowledgeable it seems. Plus quite entertaining," he complimented. The kyūsu began to steam loudly, meaning it was finished. Hanzo glanced over to the kitchen.
"Heh, I wouldn't say knowledgeable," Y/N replied, "but thank you." Hanzo stood up, nodding his head towards her as he walked put of the room.
"I apologize but the tea must be attended to. I will be back in a few moments," Hanzo explained before he disappeared behind a wall. Y/N nodded in understandment and began to fight with her hair, kimono ends, fingers, and whatever else she could once he walked out. When Hanzo walked into the kitchen, he felt heat rise to his face. He leaned onto a little table with his hand on it to keep his steady and his other hand over his chest. Oh kami, he thought, she gets cuter each time I see her. Whether she's trying to be like me but failing miserably or being her bubbly self does not matter; she is perfect.
He did his best to calm his nerves before grabbing the kettle from the furnace and grabbing a kyūsu, an appliance for making tea, and slowly pouring hot water into it. He made a kind of sweet green tea, one that many foreigners don't know about, called Sencha. It has to be made with the coolest kind of hot water, basically, otherwise it will turn bitter. He made sure the watch it carefully for about half a minute before grabbing two cups and pouring the tea. He then picked up the two cups and headed back to the chabudai. Yet before he got to the room, he paused.
A feminine voice sung a soft song as she waited for Hanzo to return. Hanzo felt his cheeks heat up again and his chest felt warm. He could recall this feeling but from where he first felt it is unknown to him. The ready may be able to assume that he was thinking of his first love, his wife, and how he felt when he fell in love with her. But that idea hadn't even crossed his mind as he felt there was no way he could ever feel such an extreme emotion towards anyone else. And marriage isn't even a question since she isn't from the clan. He took a deep breath before walking back into the room.
Y/N stopped singing and she smiled widely as she saw him. "Hey Hanzo! Or, um, sorry, haha. The tea smells very nice," she complimented as she gripped the sides of the cup with her little fingers. Yeah, there was definitely a way he could feel such an extreme emotions towards anyone else. Hanzo sat down on his knees on the other side of her, mumbling a quick thank you to Y/N and a thank you to the Gods' gift of tonight. And in his mind, a thank you for what to him felt like a gift from the Gods' to end his grief from his early wife.
"Mm! This is really good!" Y/N gasped after tasting it. "This is the best tea I've ever had!" Her eyes were wide in awe and her expression showing her impressment. Hanzo chuckled at her adorable reaction as he took a sip of his wom drink. It's been maybe 8 minutes since Y/N got there and she already forgot to remain all traditional and civil. It was adorable to him; she was so precious really.
And throughout the night, the two of them talked and laughed and jokes and got close. They remained at the chabudai most of the night, aside from when Y/N asked for a tour. She adored the bonsais, scenery that can be seen from outside the window, paintings around the home, and everything. She was so naive but to Hanzo, that wasn't particularly a bad thing. It made her all the more fun to be around. And because of how great of a night they were having, they even agreed to meet up the next day.
"Excuse me, Miss Y/N," Hanzo said as he stood up from the chabudai. "I will be back in one moment. Please help yourself to more tea if you'd like."
"I will," Y/N responded sweetly. Oh, on a side note, Y/N completely forgot about the traditional thing completely so don't expect her to stay put in the few minutes Hanzo was gone. Actually, by the time Hanzo came back, Y/N had her head in her arms on the table her body slowly rising and falling with the rhythm of her breaths. Hanzo couldn't help but find himself smiling down at her. He got that warm feeling in his chest again though it was different this time. It wasn't as unfamiliar as before. He knew what it was; it was love slowly blossoming.
He sighed softly before picking up the sleeping girl's tired form and carrying her against his chest. She shifted a little bit in his grasp and ended up being hudled against him more, making that warn feeling in Hanzo's chest grow more. Such a sweet, innocent creature. He slid open his door and brought her back to her guest home, where he laid her in bed and brought her hair down from its updo in order for it to not be as bad of a mess tomorrow. He kissed her forehead and then left to sleep in his own bed until the next morning.
The next day was the same as the previous. And then the day after that, and the day after that day, and so forth. But one day was a particularly cold day and a cold blanket of snow began to cover the land. Y/N was at Hanzo's place, watching the snow fall through an open window with her E/C eyes wide in amazement at the beauty. Hanzo was standing behind her with two cups of tea in his hand.
"Would you care for a drink?" He asked, making Y/N turn around.
"Thank you, Hanzo!" She said as she took the drink from him and took a big sip. It tasted sweet, as it was the tea she had when she came over for the first time. "Say, I sorta wish we could have gone outside today. I noticed that you like to fight in that place by the pond a lot; which is really great to watch! You're so strong, hehe. But you've never actually seen me fight before," she explained right before she took a sip of tea. "Y'know, I'm painfully aware that people view me as an immature, innocent, naive girl who isn't the most aware of her surroundings. But I think you'll be impressed to see what I can do," she said confidently as she hummed.
Hanzo took a sip from his tea and nodded. "Perhaps. When it gets warmer out, I'd love to watch what you can do," he replied with an extra caring tone with his voice. He caught onto his tone quickly and blushed a little bit. "But there is something we can do outside," he started.
"What is it?" Y/N asked, standing up.
"Well, there's a hotspring nearby. We can swim in there if you'd like. However be sure to dress in something not too revealing if you would like to."
"There is? I'd love to!" She exclaimed as she bounced up and down. "I'll dmgi get dressed now," she eagered on as she put her shoes back on before leaving. Hanzo grabbed her up of tea and brought it to the kitchen. It's a shape it would go to waste, but he can always make more. He returned to his bedroom to grab something to put on while swimming but please, just imagine what he'd wear to swim. Traditional swimwear is too nasty to be used in this book, but swimming trunks are too modern. As for Y/N, considering she never had a particular home or culture, it made sense for her to just wear a full body suit she could have gotten from anywhere in Earthrealm.
Of course, the both of them were sure to bathe before hopping into the hot spring. Well, Hanzo slowly got in whereas Y/N jumped in without any care. It was warm, shocker there.
"Ahh...Thank the Elder Gods for getting me here before I froze to death," Y/N shuddered as chills ran up her spine. Though those chills were disappearing as the warmth of the hot spring washer over her soon enough. Hanzo rested his body against the large rocks around the hot spring and found a seat-like area. Y/N swam around happily and sung to herself.
Oh, one thing worth mentioning for the sake of the next paragraph is that Y/N had a necklace around her neck. Hanzo had never noticed it before as it was always under her kimono or shirt. However that necklace had a great significance go it; she was told that with that necklace, she would be able to find her parents who seemed to have lost her at birth. That necklace was the only thing that remained of them and hopefully destiny was kind enough to help her find her parents.
"Kyaa–" shrieked as a splashing sound was heard. Hanzo stopped daydreaming and looked over at Y/N, who's hair covered he face and arm frantically tried to keep her body floating. She quickly pushed her hair out of her face and whined over and over again worried. Hanzo instinctively swam over there as fast as possible, grabbing ahold of her gently yet sturdy. "Where is it!" She cried out, feeling her body and looking around the waters.
"Where is what?" Hanzo asked in his husky voice that was now in a confused tone.
"My necklace! I can't find my necklace!" She replied worriedly, tears swelling in her eyes. Hanzo looked at the tears forming and felt his whole body shiver woman's his heart drop. "I can't see it anywhere!" Hanzo began to swim towards the rock formation he was against earlier, making Y/N cry out, "wait!"
"Y/N," Hanzo sternly spoke. "I will find your necklace and return it. Worry not, please, dear friend," he reassured, taking her hand in his. She shook nervously and wiped her tears. Slowly, she nodded which told Hanzo he could swim away now. And so he did; he headed towards the stop where she cried out and with one deep breath, he went underwater. He had to hold his nose for warm waters were very dangerous to go under as dangerous fungi grow in hot waters. Yet even so, he swam to the bottom of the hot spring using one hand to stir around to look for the necklace.
Y/N waited on the rocks, sniffing and whimpering. She hasn't told Hanzo the origin of the necklace, but he could tell it was important to her. When she was little, she was handed the necklace and was told it would help her find her missing mother as long as she stayed pure. What that means is that Y/N had to remain free from murder, theft, and other ways of sin. Not only that, but she could not ever preform certain adult actions as then she would never find her parents (I say that because Y/N never had a parent figure to teach her what nono stuff is), which is her number one goal in life. She grew up going from city to city, state to state, country to country, and even had been in Outworld before. She grew up with so many cultures and had never found someone that was like her in any way. It felt like she didn't have an identity as she had nothing to trace her orgins to.
Splash! Hanzo took a deep breath of air as he finally reached the surface again, with a silver necklace with a S/F/C gem inside it that's carved to show an unknown design. "Is this your necklace?" He asked as he held it up. Y/N gasped, lunging back into the water and swimming towards Hanzo. Once she got up to him, she wrapped her arms around his muscular figure and cried.
"You found it! Thank you so much!" She cried out happily, pressing her body against him. Hanzo blushed at the sudden affection and slipped the necklace back onto her. He adjusted the back of of it so it wouldn't fall off her so easily again. "I love Hanzo... You're the best friend I've ever had... I really mean it," she whimpered out. Hanzo began to swim towards the rock formation again and once he did, Y/N let go of him.
"I appreciate it, Y/N. I love you as well, you're the closest friend I've ever had," he said back to her with a warm smile on his features. Y/N smiled back at him before examining her unharmed necklace.
"Hmm... Ever since I could remember, I would move from every country in the world to another. I've been to Paris, Beijing, New York, London, Los Angeles, a few different places in Mexico and Colombia, Holland, Tokyo, Osaka, and many more. I was carried from place to place by various of adoptive mothers, and each of them left a bit of their culture and identity with me by the time I left.
"But I had one that was a fortune teller and psychic. She was incapable kf having kids and didn't want to go through the trouble of raising one, so she took me, an 11 year old girl. She gasped when she saw me and took me in immediately. Before I left her, she gave me this necklace. "Y/N," she said, "you have the potential to see your real parents again. Train, grow stronger, read, grow smarter, listen, grow wiser. Stray away from the evil in the world and remain pure from your soul to your body. This is how you'll find your mother.""
Y/N paused and looked up at the larger male. He seemed intrigued with her story and made sure to listen carefully to her every word. So she continued, "as I grew older and began to travel on my own, I thought of her words every single hour of every day. I had no reason to live as I ever did was travel and meet new people, only to leave and never see them again. Just knowing who I really was became my only reason for existing. To this day, I bet the relief of meeting my real mom will feel like being deaf and hearing music, or being blind and seeing color, or being able to walk again after being paralyzed. But now," she paused.
Y/N smiled and looked up at Hanzo. "It's strange to feel so in place, so correct. I-I know I never felt this way about any place before! But I really think that as long as you're around, my chances of meeting my mom are good! Just being with you gives me hope for the next day, truly. It's like being with you is my reason to exist."
Hanzo closed his eyes and smiled back at her. He wrapped his arms around and embraced her warmly, his head being filled with nothing but pure bliss. Y/N hugged back tightly, feeling just as happy as he is right now.
And just as soon as it came, the day was over and the two had to return home and sleep. But this particular night, their dreams were better than usual. And two days later, the snow had cleared up and the ground was dry! That meant Y/N could go train today! Unfortunately, with her absent-mindedness, she forgot she wanted Hanzo to watch her so she remained in private as she kicked thicc ass trees down in two strong kicks and crushed stones into bits by simply punching it once.
"Hai...ya!" She called out as she forcefully brought her first to a stone celler that was abandoned randomly in the woods. But hey, no one was using it, so who's gonna cry about it being broken? The impact of her punch brought a giant circular impact onto the wall, and bits and pieces of it fell down. "Hehehe! 22 more to go!" She thought out loud as she pulled her fist back again. She wasn't alone in these woods, no, as there was a particular ninja/samurai person thing, idk, watching from the nearby bush. Not to be creepy of course! He was on his way to his dojo but heard noises, and discovered it was her after checking it out.
And d a m n. If Y/N saw his shocked face the first time he saw her punch the wall with that much force and endurance, she would laugh and tease him about it for a long time. He didn't expect her to be so quick in her movements and to cause such force. Like, a short little bebe in a pink, cutesy kimono with cherry blossoms being able to cause a fucking massacre to the wall? How could you blame him?
"Hmm... that reminds me!" Y/N exclaimed as she spun around to look at Hanzo. "I told you that you should watch me train! Is that what you were doing?"
Hanzo blushed heavily and was unfortunately incapable of hiding it in the direct daylight. "Indeed, Y/N. This is truly a wonderful sight to see," he replied as he looked away for a moment. Y/N gasped and ran towards him. He took a few steps back when he noticed how close she gotten, which caused him to get a little bit more flustered.
"You're sick? You're face is all red, Y/N whined as she pulled Hanzo closer. "You should be inside, mister, getting better! Not out here watching me fight when it's colder out here! Let's go bring you inside," he said as she grabbed his muscular arm and held it close. She turned towards the village of the Shirai Ryu and began walking towards it, pulling Hanzo along. How bold.
Hanzo but his bottom lightly and remained as flustered as before. "There really is no need, Y/N," he replied back.
"You're being quite irresponsible for a ninja, y'know," Y/N replied as she continued to walk him home. Hanzo sighed and just let her pull him along. He knew she would question him if he told her he wasn't sick so he choose into except it.
"Thank you for your concern," he replied lowly. Y/N giggled proudly and nodded.
"The best for you!" They arrived to the pathways of the village and began their walk. There was a few pedestrians walking by, including a dad and daughter and a separate woman. "I'll make you some tea and you can go to bed, okay?" Hanzo nodded, smirking to himself about how funny the situation really is.
"How caring," Hanzo spoke as they arrived at his home. The got inside and took their shoes off at the front door.
"Of course," she replied before heading towards the kitchen to make tea. Hanzo wasn't sick but he's been tired lately and what's wrong with sleeping in for one day? When he got the tea, it no doubt tasted way too bitter as Y/N doesn't really know what she's doing to be honest. But hey, it's the thought that counts.
Hanzo lied in bed, with an empty cup by his side and an small girl on the other. She sat on the bed, talking to him quietly about a bunch of random things until she said something strange. "To be honest, I know this is weird, but it almost feels like we're married sometimes. I mean, we're together all the time and have a very close friendship. You let me drag you in here and give you bitter tea even though you didn't want to. That's really nice, hehe," she giggled as she looked over at Hanzo. Her eyes shun something different from simply joy this time. Instead, it showed rather care. And potentially something more.
Hanzo felt a shiver go down his spine as he looked deep into Y/N's eyes. Emhe had to examine them to ensure that he wasn't just crazy or actually sick, but no, it looked like she really did care about him more than a friend. After all these months, it was officially, wasn't it? It was mutual. Hanzo smiled as he sat up on the bed. Y/N's cheeks lit up a little bit as he stared down at her with that look.
"Sometimes it really does feel like that, does it not? I can see as a good pair to be truthful. What about you?" Hanzo asked softly. Y/N cheeks flushed pink and her expression softened.
"I agree, definitely. I mean, how can I not, heh heh. You've been there from the very beginning and I've always seen you as this big, strong teddy bear of sorta. So sweet, so nice, so caring," she replied. Hanzo leaned in, making Y/N want to lean in too. And slowly, the pair came together and finally...they kissed. It was soft, tender, and it felt like it was meant to happen. Y/N's face turned red and Hanzo's tense emotions he felt disappeared immediately.
Heh, you know what? To be honest, they lady next door was known to be crazy about losing her baby girl a very long time ago. They had matching necklaces that were bought from a village far away from their's years ago when the Shirai Ryu was attacked by Quan Chi's forces. She escaped and went into hiding, and then found a man to marry to. Her child was named Y/N L/N, and whether she's not fully Japanese or fully related into the Japanese clan, she is blood and therefore she is capable of being the love of Hanzo Hisashi. Maybe the two of them will meet some day, huh?
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cienie-isengardu · 3 years
There is one thing that you mention a lot and it is Bi-Han's lack of social skills and well I do not agree at all, that is, Bi-Han as with Sektor is quite introverted but I do believe that the Lin kuei taught them social skills to be able to infiltrate them among the people during missions. Bi-Han I think he has manners and social skills but he doesn't hide when he doesn't like someone. He was sarcastic with Quan chi but at no time did he insult him or refuse to do his job
I do not have any doubt that Bi-Han’s speech patterns depend on whom he is interacting (x) but as much as honesty and straightforwardness are in itself valuable traits, frankness is not always an acceptable choice to rely on. Having social skills helps to navigate how to behave and talk to different people to not overstep or break generally accepted norms and in result, to build a healthy relationship, or in case of living in a strict warrior society, to not get in trouble. Bi-Han for me lacks in this department, especially in mentioned interaction with Quan Chi, because he was not on equal ground with the sorcerer yet had this borderline challenging attitude. And most likely yes, some of the rudeness came from not liking nor respecting the suspicious guy that already proved to be some insidious bastard for hiring another man for the same job. But the thing is, he wasn’t there to question a lucrative customer that was personally approved by the Grandmaster and he should keep his accusations and rude remarks to himself, not throw it into the sorcerer's face just like that.
I mean, as much as dark and evil Lin Kuei are, customer service is a vital part of the earning money process. Bi-Han wasn’t there as equal to Grandmaster (the superior whom he swore to obey) nor Quan Chi (approved client). Between these three characters, Sub-Zero was just a tool to finish an already made transaction, no one was interested in what he thought or felt at that moment. As much as the accusation to some degree may be forgiven, since Quan Chi openly antagonized Sub-Zero by calling Lin Kuei the ninja (an intended insult) and admitted to hiring Shiray Ryu (the enemy of Lin Kuei), he shouldn’t be so aggressive nor so open. It toned down once Grandmaster stopped their argument. Even then, Bi-Han could - should - ask about the mission in a more polite or at least neutral way, instead of “If it's so precious, why don't you get it yourself?”, since his superior made it clear Sub-Zero is gonna do another job for the client (“Now you will use the map on your next mission. Quan Chi has once again retained your services”).
The whole situation feel to me like Grandmaster promised Quan Chi the best man for the job but said man had this “fuck you” attitude from the start. Sub-Zero represented Lin Kuei but instead of the professional and obedient subordinate of Grandmaster there was an abrasive warrior who called Quan Chi on his lies and backed down only because his boss had enough of his attitude and the pointless argument. Not the best social awareness if you ask me.
Bi-Han wasn’t any more polite to Raiden (“That's it? Not even a thank you?”) and either deliberately provoked Scorpion during the Tournament or he was simply brutally honest about not caring about Shirai Ryu’s fate. Which, considering what he knew about the massacre, Scorpion’s obsession about him and just heard Hanzo’s promise to not kill him, he was stubbornly arrogant or really lacked empathy or good understanding of emotional impact his words may have on his sworn enemy. Considering how Bi-Han is described as “the most cunning” above all, we know he is pretty intelligent. But his harsh, abrasive, often confrontational behaviour makes me think he is good with cold logic, not exactly with empathy and because of that, he is not always reading the situation well and may “forget his place” when dealing with people he does not respect or care about or outright provoke them in the worst way. The whole argument with Quan Chi in the first place shouldn’t even happen because really, it wouldn’t be the first time an outsider (client) didn't care about the assassin's life and saw him as just a tool. Grandmaster himself wasn’t bothered nor surprised by Quan Chi’s deal with Shirai Ryu and so Bi-Han’s outburst is even more out of place in my opinion.
How much of this is Bi-Han’s intention to be a rude bastard and how much came from limited social skills (and maybe from introverted nature?) is of course up to debate. But to be fair, all cryomancers have this cheeky and passive-aggressive attitude in common (Frost for example seems like being constantly angry at everyone and doesn’t hold her sharp tongue, younger Kuai Liang literally disturbed Mortal Kombat last Tournament and told Shao Kahn to give him murderer of brother, Conquest!Sub-Zero was no less stubborn and asocial). I do see cryomancers in general as the asocial, aromantic & asexual (maybe even autistic to some degree?) people whose natural coldness may have handicapped sense of social norms and the fact that they are trained killers (thus have empathy dulled even more) don’t help at all.
At the same time, I strongly believe that not every warrior was constantly or even often working undercover and Lin Kuei used its members adequately to their skills. Some are better at spying (thus are better at interacting with people to get the needed information), some are better killers (whose interaction with people doesn't matter as long as the job is finished). There is not enough source material to say for sure what was Bi-Han’s specialization but Mythologies: Sub-Zero strongly suggest is was actually assassination and theft, as we were told by Grandmaster (“Once again, our most cunning assassin and thief is successful.”). The known jobs he did involved breaking into heavily guarded places (Shaolin Temple, Temple of Elements) to steal artifacts and killing people on the way. There was no need for Bi-Han to have any social skills nor during the Mortal Kombat Tournament, when he was hired exactly to eliminate (kill) Earthrealm’s Champions. Of course, this is barely the tip of the iceberg, more or less the last year of Bi-Han’s life, but if he truly was one of the clan's best, sending him on long-term undercover missions could be a waste of an opportunity for profitable earnings. I mean, stealing and killing are usually short-termed jobs, the “go in and get out” as fast as possible to not leave any trace behind. Those jobs of course also take time for proper preparation but because of its specific nature, a warrior can be sent from one place to another almost immediately, especially if the lucrative customer (like Shang Tsung or Quan Chi) needs to solve an urgent problems quickly. The game and movies are separated sources, but Mortal Kombat (2021) seems too put Bi-Han mainly on the assassination jobs or staying at Shang Tsung’s side than anything truly involding good understanding of social ettiquete; beside the sorcerer, Bi-Han did not interact much with other people, even with his own allies. Then there is the possibility that Bi-Han could work ultimately more in lawless, wild Outworld than modern Earthrealm which also would affect his behaviour and sense of social norms.
I believe Bi-Han took some undercover missions, but I see him more like operating in the city to do some quick dirty jobs and moving to another target than staying in one place for months while playing “normal” human being. That way he was more useful to clan by earning good money in short period of time and maybe correcting faults of other warriors (supervising them) or killing Shirai Ruy / enemy’s agents along the way. He probably could fit into society for a specified period of time if that was absolutely necessary but I don’t think it happened often. And even then, he most likely kept to himself because Bi-Han is introverted by nature.
At the end of day, the coldness and social detachment was a useful trait for a killer and murdering was most likely Sub-Zero’s expertise so forcing him to spend months on anything else seems to me like wasting both his potential and good job offers. So the Grandmaster (Lin Kuei) could tolerate Sub-Zero’s natural frankness because his social skills weren’t ever the priority.
Bi-Han’s abrasive ways to communicate with others, lack of empathy, the visible isolating himself leads me to think he lacks social skills (and maybe even could fit somewhere on autistic spectrum). At this point of time, I think cryomancers in general are dense when it comes to social norms and interacting with people and I don’t mean it as they are stupid or unable to learn. They just have different (mental?) mindset about such things than other people, even other Lin Kuei warriors. Of course, it is just my take on the matter so anyone can disagree : )
(Ironically, I have the impression that Sektor would do better in long-term undercover work than Bi-Han but he is hardly better at pretending to be a normal human being. The difference is that he is the quiet type easy to overlook while anyone not familiar with Bi-Han's specific behaviour will see him as the rude bastard.)
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First Kiss
Day 1 (day 2) (day 3) (day 4) (day 5)
So I've decided to participate in @subscorp-week YAY
Thermodynamic equilibrium obviously--ft smoke and Cyrax too WOO
Broken timeline
The snow fell heavily, straight down from the leaden sky, on the approach to the gates of the Lin Kuei compound. Scorpion’s horse held up well between his thighs, its breath rising like his own in steaming puffs. It was a sturdy little thing, his horse, blue-gray with gentle eyes, native to the area and bred for just this purpose. He held the reigns in one hand, the other resting on one leg, finger drumming with minute impatience. For the last three miles, there had been eyes on him, which he had expected—the Lin Kuei were not known for their warmth in any aspect, save the grandmaster himself, who was quite accommodating—but it still set off his internal alarms, especially because he was alone.
The obsidian-colored, forged iron of the gates were solid, made by ancient means. The knowledge of how to replicate this process was lost to the ages, but Grandmaster Hasashi was aware that his Lin Kuei counterpart had set about unearthing Lin Kuei relics, scrolls, and general history, dedicating an entire unit of his clan to doing this. It was admirable, fighting for a more noble past, especially since the most recent one was so bathed in dishonor and blood—his and the blood of his clan. The though still made his heart ache and his soul blaze with hellfire. He controlled himself, not wanting to scorch the beast who had so faithfully carried him.
Tossing a leg over her neck, he dismounted and patted her shoulder affectionately. She nickered and pushed at him, seeking treats. Digging about on his person and ever-mindful of the eyes still upon him, Grandmaster Hanzo Hasashi of the Shirai-Ryu assassin clan produced a bag and from it, into his palm, he poured a pile of sugar. Offering it to the horse, he stowed the bag and scratched her forehead. It was at this point the gate guards chose to materialize, both cyberized Lin Kuei, one yellow and one gray.
“Grandmaster Hasashi,” they said as one. The grandmaster turned, the little mare’s lead in hand, eyes snapping first to one, then the other.
“Smoke,” he said, inclining his head, “and Cyrax.”
They both seemed pleased—as pleased as a couple of expressionless robotic shells could be—that he remembered them. Then again, how could he not? They were Sub-Zero’s favorites, after all. They were the most loyal to him out of the clan and, while not always Grandmaster Hasashi’s escorts, glad to be so when the opportunity arose. They, like Kuai Liang, believed an alliance between their clans was what would ultimately prove best for Earthrealm. Handing the lead to Cyrax, he spoke again:
“Be sure she is not ill-treated. Good work should be rewarded. She is a good beast.”
Both Lin Kuei nodded, appreciating his care for the creature. The great gates yawned open then and, walking three abreast with the horse following closely behind Cyrax, they entered. Within, the complex was quiet, as usual, the massive, fluffy snowflakes continuing to fall here, where their beauty seemed incongruous alongside the austerity of the Lin Kuei. Cyrax peeled off to one side, toward what Grandmaster Hasashi took to be stables and he was left with Tomas Vrabada, the cyberized ninja sometimes called Smoke.
“Please, allow me,” said Tomas, gesturing that he would walk with the grandmaster through the Lin Kuei complex. Hanzo held up a hand and shook his head.
“I know the way well, Tomas,” he said, “thank you.”
“I know the way.”
His tone brooked no argument and then the Shirai-Ryu grandmaster began his journey toward Sub-Zero’s receiving hall. There were still eyes upon him, wary ones, but none were curious, he sensed. He had been here often enough to speak with the Lin Kuei leader over tea of the potential alliance between their clans. He knew Smoke had only been concerned for his safety, but he was Grandmaster of an assassin order; a simple walk would have to be very difficult indeed to break his stride, much less kill him.
As predicted, the walk was without incident, the bright yellow of his gi and the flashing silver and gold of his armor standing in stark contrast, even under the cloudy sky, against the colorless backdrop of dark buildings and virgin snow. He stretched out a hand to catch a flake and watched it disintegrate in his palm as the Lin Kuei’s grandmaster stepped out onto the porch of his receiving hall and called out:
“Grandmaster Hasashi, it is wonderful to see you again. Thank you for answering my missive. Please.” He gestured to the place where they always took their tea. Hanzo noted two Lin Kuei, these still flesh and blood, and very young, setting out the dishes silently. One stood back with a cloak of fine furs over an arm and no expression whatsoever on their face—none save a momentary flash of awe at the Shirai-Ryu warrior’s approach. It is as if they have never seen such color in all their cold, dark existence, Hanzo thought unkindly. He chided himself for this and made for his Lin Kuei counterpart first, clasping arms in a friendly greeting and then affecting a deep bow, which Kuai Liang returned.
“Where is Tomas?” Sub-Zero inquired, his scarred brow rising. Scorpion smiled wryly and gestured.
“I dismissed him,” he said simply. “I have arrived alone, leaving my soldiers at the village in the foothills and I will continue my journey to your doorstep in that same fashion, as a gesture of good faith.”
“Or as a display of your power,” Kuai Liang suggested mischievously, gesturing that Hanzo should sit. The grandmaster did, and suddenly the fur cloak was placed about his shoulders. He stiffened and shot a flinty look at Kuai Liang, who was settling across from them.
“What is this?” Hanzo’s voice was perhaps a little sharper than he had intended, but he held firm. “I do not require this, Grandmaster.”
“It is less about requirement and more about courtesy. Call it… My own gesture of goodwill,” said the Lin Kuei grandmaster, gesturing to the fine workmanship. “I would be honored if you would see fit to keep it.”
Grandmaster Hasashi’s shoulders sagged and he sighed. “Very well.”
Kuai Liang seemed delighted by this and began the arduous, traditional ceremony of grinding tea leaves, mixing them into the steaming water, and pouring them. All this was done in contemplative silence. Kuai Liang, it turned out, was a traditionalist—but using traditions established much further back than even the former Lin Kuei grandmaster’s lifespan, millennia ago, from their Edenian heritage. He did this for many reasons, for honor, for the restoration of his clan, and to display the unity between Shirai-Ryu and Lin Kuei, who shared common ancestry.
“We were cast from Outworld once,” he had told Scorpion years ago, when their meetings had first begun, “and so we must now stand united against that same power.”
There was no question in it. Kuai Liang had stated cold, hard fact, as was the way of the Lin Kuei. Hanzo admired him for this and for many other things. He noted, as the kryomancer finished the ceremony, Hanzo realized he had been studying him the entire time while his mind walked the echoing corridors of the past. Kuai Liang wore an understated, but ornate set of light armor. The gi was blue and black and made no pretense—nor did the armor—of covering much more than needed, which was only some of the man’s broad chest, none of his arms and nothing at all of his neck. Foolish and showy, Scorpion spat internally, at war with himself, as both an assassin and as a man who had long been without the gentle touch of another living being. His heart thumped hard in his chest and he calmed himself, hands placed demurely in his lap.
“Please,” Kuai Liang invited, gesturing to Hanzo’s cup and, only when the Shirai-Ryu warrior had picked it up, grasping his own and lifting it.
“To a unity so strong, Outworld fears the tread of our boots,” rumbled Scorpion.
“May they fear our name, whispered on the wind,” echoed Sub-Zero.
They drank deep of the tea—it was chamomile, Hanzo’s favorite—and watched each other for several long moments. Both men opened their mouths to speak, then both closed their lips and gestured for the other to begin. They had been doing this so long, it seemed as if everything had been touched upon, every detail hammered out. So what was the purpose of this meeting? Scorpion, ever the pragmatist, had wondered that on the entire journey, yet still he had come.
“I would set our alliance in stone, Hanzo,” said Kuai Liang quietly, using the man’s first name, an intimate gesture to be sure. But had he not earned this? Had they not been at least acquainted over thirty years and then some? They had even served Quan-Chi together, pitiful and uncomfortable as that memory was. They had seen facets of each other that no one else in the world ever had or ever would, if they had their way. “It should be more than your oath to be my protector.”
“I failed at that, if you recall, a-Liang.” Hanzo’s address was even more intimate, shortening Sub-Zero’s name in the traditional way of Sub-Zero’s people and adding not a little endearment, though is voice was still harsh. “You were made a machine, and then a revenant and I—”
“And you were powerless to stop it,” said Sub-Zero, standing and gesturing that his Shirai-Ryu counterpart should follow. “We cannot always take the weight of the world onto our shoulders, old friend; we crowd out the real concerns by doing so. Come, walk with me.”
Hanzo stood and, after a moment’s thought, kept the furs around his shoulders. They were soft and warm and, he had to admit, expertly made. Had Kuai Liang done this? While the kryomancer was not looking, he drew it close to his nose and breathed deep a scent he recognized on a primal level, though could not consciously identify. Sub-Zero, for his part, walked quietly beside Hanzo Hasashi, listening to the sound of his muffled footsteps on the stone beneath their feet. The path, Hanzo noted, had clearly been recently swept, perhaps while they were sharing tea, and led around behind the grandmaster’s receiving hall. He had never been back here, only to a few select buildings, the barracks, the training halls, and the mess—of course the stables as well—and so this tree-lined path, marked here and there with old, worn, stone statues was utterly new.
“I have begun researching the original form of these statues,” said Kuai Liang. A few, here and there, were possessed of an interior glow that was not a candle, but not electricity either. “The magic in them is Edenian, and quite old… some of them seem simply to have faded.” His voice was sad and Hanzo felt his heart squeeze a little at this sound of it. “Some were cruelly broken and if I knew the ones who had done it, I would have their heads.”
The truce with Kotal Kahn’s court and Outworld as a whole was so precarious, that asking for the assistance of an Edenian survivor such as Jade was almost completely out of the question. They had to focus, both men knew, on their own alliance first. Once they were united and strong, they could move to other connections, make other allies, strong ones. Special Forces leapt immediately to mind, and of course the Shaolin of the Temple of Light. Both men were uneasy with Lord Raiden, but they had to admit that he, being the god of thunder, would be a powerful ally indeed—and a truly terrifying foe. That being said, Scorpion, at least, longed to meet that particular deity in kombat. Perhaps one day.
They were coming upon a break in the tree-lined path which led to an open area and another set of gates. These were somewhat less imposing, though still of a dark material—if Hanzo had to guess, it was ebony. From behind it, great clouds of steam rose and lights played off the steam, low and gentle, clearly from braziers or torches of some kind. He halted and looked to his companion. “What is this?”
With a flourish, Kuai Liang stepped before his companion and gestured to the ebony gates, which swung open at the hands of two more silent students of the Lin Kuei, these just as young as those who had seated and served them. Beyond was a vista Hanzo had not expected so deep in the mountains and he found himself blinking and gape-mouthed—his sense of propriety halted this rather quickly, but Sub-Zero had already seen it—at what lay within. Kuai Liang offered his arm. Normally, Scorpion would bristle at such a gesture—it was too familiar by half—but his stupor overcame his better judgment and he took it, feeling he no longer needed the fur cloak as soon as they passed the threshold.
“The Lin Kuei’s best-kept secret,” said Sub-Zero proudly, “and one of my restoration projects. It is hardly finished, but we have already begun landscaping.”
All around them was a plethora of greenery, strange plants that were not of Earthrealm origin—tropical flowers and wide-leaved trees and bushes. The place was warm, too, like a sauna and, at the far end of what had clearly once been merely a stony grotto, lay the spring itself, steaming and smelling of rich, restorative minerals.
“Your complex is… powered by thermal vents?” It was an easy leap from natural hotsprings to such technology and Hanzo was pleased when Kuai Liang nodded. “Amazing. This is… What you have done here is beyond any dream your predecessors could have had.” Hanzo turned to face Kuai Liang. “It is astounding,” he added. “You are astounding.”
Sub-Zero’s grip switched to grasp the hand that had been wrapped about his arm and they stood quietly for several moments, eyes locked, breath strangely quick—surely it was the heat—and hearts pounding. Hanzo wondered if Kuai Liang could hear his thundering pulse. He did not realize the converse was true.
“Hanzo,” said the Lin Kuei grandmaster, voice low and somehow filled with reverence.
“Liang?” The response came swiftly, but tripping out between Scorpion’s lips, flushed cheeks and half-dazed expression making him look years younger.
“Will you forgive me?” The question was odd, seemingly without source and Hanzo grunted his bafflement. “I have been remiss,” Kuai Liang clarified, “in keeping this secret from you for so long… this and… other things.”
Still baffled, Hanzo shook his head. “No—that is… I cannot forgive that which has not harmed me.” All the while, their eyes stayed locked, Hanzo’s hand in one of Kuai Liang’s, the torches and braziers burning brightly all around them, the perfume of Edenian flowers and potent minerals creating a heady aroma of deep, warm sensuality. Kuai Liang leaned forward, gently, slowly but with no secret as to what he wanted. Their lips were inches apart and he paused.
“May I kiss you?”
Hot breath mingling with strange cold, Hanzo nodded, voicing no response save to press his mouth forward and meet the Lin Kuei grandmaster somewhere in the middle, one hand wrapping about behind Sub-Zero’s shoulders, crushing their bodies together. The kiss was long, fiery, heated, desiring more, so much more from the other man. It did not want to break. They fit together like pieces of an ancient puzzle and suddenly both were wondering why their clans ever fought in the first place. They parted long enough to regard each other—both fearing he had overstepped—only to plunge back in, redoubling their efforts and this time plying their strength against and with the other.
Their world shrank to the two of them and for several blissful minutes, nothing existed but they.
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summerwritesfics · 3 years
🎧Song Inspired Shorts - Teeth
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang Length: 2444 Words Rating: Mature Warnings: Canon Divergence, Black Dragon Kuai Liang AU, Death match, Sexual tension, Flirting, Love/Hate relationship, Murder, Graphic description of death, Kano has 0 sense of personal space, Implied sex, Kuai is angry and horny and it’s a bad combo for him, He’s been through some shit Song: Teeth - 5 Seconds Of Summer
Song Inspired Shorts Masterlist
Fight so dirty, but your love's so sweet, Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth, Late night devil, put your hands on me, And never, never, never ever let go, Fight so dirty, but your love's so sweet, Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth, Late night devil, put your hands on me, And never, never, never ever let go
Hanzo slipped through the crowd that was eagerly surrounding the cage. He had no interest in joining them. Not that he wasn't partially here to watch the action, but he had the luxury to not mingle with the majority. That said, the man he would be primarily dealing wasn't really any better, but at least Hanzo could keep his distance.
He made it to the stairs to the VIP area, the two Black Dragon goons guarding it barely glanced at him before they parted. He was a regular enough figure that they knew who he was without needing confirmation. He nodded slightly in acknowledgement before quickly making his way up the stairs. The VIP area was empty, save for a single man he recognised leaning against the railing.
"Ah, Hasashi, you're here," Kabal greeted, waving Hanzo over and picking out a beer from a cooler.
"Quan Chi sends his regards," Hanzo replied, holding his hands out to catch the beer as Kabal threw it to him. "Where's Kano?"
"Eh, he's having a talk with someone before the fights start," Kabal explained, as Hanzo took a sip of his beer. "Since you were last here we've had a new guy. Kano's taken a shine to him. He'll be fighting in the ring tonight."
Hanzo hummed, he cared little for Black Dragon politics, he was just here to give Kano a laundry list of jobs from Quan Chi. The fights were a little bonus Hanzo got to watch sometimes.
The crowd started cheering as he watched someone being dragged out to fight in the ring. Clearly they were someone who pissed Kano off, which meant the aim was to have him killed. He watched as the man was locked in the cage, looking around at the jeering crowd in terror. He's not going to last five minutes.
"Ay, Hanzo you made it!" Hanzo almost jumped at the voice behind him, turning around just in time to see Kano approaching. The Black Dragon's leader slapped his back, and Hanzo had to bite back his disapproval at being touched. "Take it Quan Chi's got more bullshit for me to do, huh?"
"He will pay you well," Hanzo claimed, causing Kano to laugh.
"Yeah, yeah, he always does." Kano shrugged, "it's no bother anyway, our new little spitfire is a marvel, he'll have no problems taking care of shit. Most efficient fucking flunky I've had in years."
"Shouldn't that be spitice?" Kabal commented despite looking like he wasn't paying attention to the conversation.
"What do you mean?" Hanzo questioned, it was a strange thing to say. Kano just smirked and pointed towards the ring.
As Hanzo turned to back to the action, he saw the second fighter being brought into the ring. Unlike the other guy, he looked like he meant business. From this vantage point, Hanzo could make out his short black hair, a large scar over his one eye, and was wearing very form fitting workout gear. His eyes were solely on the man in front of him, like a predator staring down his prey.
As soon as the announcer called for the match to begin, the fighter launched forward, a flash of blue from his hand that made Hanzo stop breathing. Ice. This strange man was using ice. Sub Zero? But he quickly eliminated that thought. First, Sub Zero was long dead by Hanzo's own hand. Second, this Cryomancer had a different fighting style, less refined, his use of his ice was more defensive than offensive and in generally he just felt more feral than Sub Zero ever was.
"Where the hell did you find this guy?" Hanzo asked as he watched in awe as the Cryomancer seemed to take great pleasure in the hits he was making. He could have ended the fight as soon as it begun, but it seemed he was intent on playing with his victim and putting on a show.
"Fantastic, ain't he?" Kano beamed, clearly very proud of this man. "Name's Kuai Liang. He's former Lin Kuei." Hanzo tried to be as quiet with the breath he took as he could. He wasn't Sub Zero, his name had been Bi-Han, but it was likely that there was some connection between them. "I dunno, something went down, Lin Kuei didn't want him anymore so I took him off their hands."
Hanzo wasn't sure what that meant but decided he likely didn't want to know. It seemed Kuai Liang had finally grown bored of messing with his opponent, incasing the mans lower half in ice, while creating an axe. Even Hanzo flinched away as it was brought down on the mans head.
The crowd cheered at the display in front of them, as two Black Dragon goons walked in to pull the corpse from the ring. Soon another fighter was pushed in to replace the last, and Kuai Liang attacked with the same ferocity. It was mesmerising, in a fucked up way, watching this man tear through each opponent put before him.
"Whatcha' think of him?" Kano asked after about the 5th round, seemingly the final one too seeing as Kuai Liang left the ring after he'd completely gutted his opposition.
"He's... something," Hanzo said, really unsure what word he could really use to describe what he just witnessed. Even for a former Lin Kuei, his actions were brutal. Hell, Sub Zero somewhat paled in comparison. At least Sub Zero was more interested in finishing the job quickly rather than prolonging his opponents suffering.
As a new fight began in the ring, Hanzo heard someone coming up the steps. Standing at the top step was Kuai Liang, having not even bothered to clean himself of the blood and visceral that covered him. He eyed Hanzo wearily, before making his way over to Kano.
"There's my wolf in sheep's clothing," Kano announced with a grin, wrapping an arm around Kuai's shoulders and then grabbing his chin and squeezing with his other hand. "I mean look at this face! Can you believe such a cute thing could be so vicious?"
It was clear close up that Kuai was actually fairly young. Mid-twenties if Hanzo had to guess. He looked extremely uncomfortable with Kano having his hands on him. Hanzo couldn't blame him.
"Kano, leave the poor guy alone," Kabal ordered, and Kano finally released the disgruntled Cryomancer. "Kuai, meet Hanzo Hasashi," Kabal introduced, and Hanzo saw Kuai's posture stiffen immediately. He knows who I am. Of course the ex-Lin Kuei would know who he was. "Hanzo, this is Kuai Liang."
"A pleasure," Hanzo replied, voice silky smooth and masking any nerves he felt about the way Kuai was staring him down.
"Likewise," Kuai grumbled, finally loosening up, but crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"Boss," a voice called from over by the stairs, one of Kano's goons stood there, "we got a problem."
Kano grumbled before gesturing at Kabal "We'd better go check this out." He turned to Kuai, "think you can entertain our guest for a while?" Kuai gave a blank look before nodding. "Good boy." Kano ruffled Kuai's hair, causing the shorter man to huff. He turned his attention to Hanzo before adding "this shouldn't take long."
"I understand," Hanzo acknowledged, watching as the two Black Dragon bosses left.
Silence stretched between Hanzo and Kuai. Kuai's stare was blank, almost like he was looking completely through Hanzo rather than at him.
Hanzo cleared his throat as he asked, "you know who I am?"
"I do," Kuai confirmed, flexing his hands slightly. "Do you know me?"
"I know you're ex-Lin Kuei," he confirmed, not wanting to voice his suspicions about Kuai being related in some way to Sub Zero just yet.
Kuai hummed, tearing his gaze away from Hanzo to instead inspect his nails. "Well, my loyalties no longer lie with them." Kuai barely even acknowledged the blood all over his hands, "I am Black Dragon now."
"Very well," Hanzo muttered, unsure what else he could say. He just had to hope his new found respect for the Black Dragon outweighed years of ingrained hatred for the Shirai Ryu.
"And I suppose," Kuai slowly started as he went to lean against the railing and looking Hanzo up and down. "For a Shirai Ryu wretch, you're quite handsome."
Hanzo's brain went into overdrive as it tried to compute what had just been said to him. The dark smirk on Kuai's face told him that was exactly the reaction he'd been hoping for.
"Been a while since someone told you that, hm?" Kuai purred, slowly approaching Hanzo, and reaching his hand forward. The blood had started to dry, and Hanzo hated to admit it wasn't as much of a turn off as it should have been. He grabbed Hanzo's shirt in his hands before pulling Hanzo close and whispering in his ear, "so handsome I might just overlook the fact you killed my brother."
Oh. Fuck.
Hanzo tried to jump back but Kuai's grip on him was iron. He felt something cold press against his neck, realising too late it was a knife formed of ice.
"Sub Zero was your brother," Hanzo stated. I'm going to die, he is going to kill me.
"His name was Bi-Han," Kuai hissed, releasing his grip on Hanzo's shirt and reaching back for his pony tail instead. Hanzo yelped as the cryomancer gave a hard yank on his hair. "You are lucky Kano needs you alive." Kuai made a snarling sound, tracing the knife along Hanzo's jugular. "And I suppose your handsome face is no use to me if you're dead."
"Really struggling to grasp if you want to kill or fuck me," Hanzo commented, shuddering at the coldness of the knife. "I'd prefer the latter, personally."
To his relief, Kuai actually laughed at that, finally releasing his grip and pulling the knife away. "Yes, I think I'd prefer that too." He turned away twirling the knife between his fingers. "Killing really isn't all that enjoyable."
That statement and Kuai's actions didn't seem to align. "Could have fooled me, the way you took down your opponents in the ring."
Kuai chuckled again, this time however it was far more bitter. "The one thing I learnt from the Lin Kuei. How to pretend to enjoy heinous shit."
It didn't sound like a lie, but Hanzo was still hesitant to believe it. Because on one hand if he was pretending to enjoy it, he was very convincing. And on the other hand? Well, he'd just admitted to being proficient at lying. Who knew what Kuai Liang really thought? Hanzo supposed as long as right now he didn't want to kill him, that was something.
Kuai pushed himself against Hanzo, an action that took Hanzo off guard. He hadn't noticed Kuai approach him again, either he hadn't paid enough attention or Kuai was alarmingly good at sneaking up on people. Still Kuai's hands were at his biceps, feeling at the muscle there, clearly enamoured by them. Hanzo risked reaching a hand forward, placing it of Kuai's hip. When the cryomancer didn't react badly, Hanzo decided to get a bit bolder, reaching around to grope at his ass instead. Kuai grunted, but otherwise did not object.
"We interrupin' something?"
Kano's booming voice caused Hanzo to jump, but it was nothing compared to Kuai's reaction. The cryomancer pushed Hanzo away from him with such force Hanzo found himself stumbling. Seconds later, he landed on the floor with a thud, tangled in his own limbs. He managed to untangle himself enough to push himself up. Kuai was standing with a sour look on his face, arms tightly crossed in front of him. His cheeks were bright red.
Kano's booming laugh filled his ears as he approached them, Kabal beside him looking equally as amused.
"Sorry to barge in on you lovebirds," Kano boomed sarcastically, slapping Kuai on the back, "but I have a job for little Tundra here and it can't wait."
Kuai's eye twitched, but he didn't voice whatever it was that upset him. He turned as if to follow Kano but paused. He spared Hanzo a long glance, before clearing his throat.
"My room is the forth from the main corridor. 1am. Be there." Hanzo's eyes widened at the demand as Kuai once looked away. His hand clenched slightly, before he added in a mutter "Bring condoms."
Before Hanzo could react or even reply, Kuai was storming off with Kano to do whatever it was that needed to be done. His mind was still suffering from whiplash of the entire event. A hand came into his vision, Kabal holding it out for him to take. He took the offered hand, Kabal all but hauling him to his feet.
"Thanks," Hanzo said, brushing down his outfit. He was unharmed, if a little embarrassed. He thought back to what had just been said, "just to make sure I didn't imagine that, he did just invite me to his room to fuck him right?"
"That's what it sounded like to me," Kabal confirmed with a chuckle. "Lucky, apparently he's a hell of a lay."
"Hm, not sure lucky is the word I'd use, given I suspect he's seconds away from killing me at any given moment." Kabal gave him a puzzled look. "His brother was a Lin Kuei called Sub Zero... Who I killed."
"Ah. Shit." Kabal rubbed the back of his head. "He does look pretty, but his heart definitely has teeth."
Yeah, no shit. He thought about the anger in Kuai's voice, the knife against his throat... Kuai stating he didn't actually like killing. The way he admired Hanzo's muscles. Kuai was equal parts danger and sweetness, and Hanzo couldn't deny there was something alluring about that.
"Well, at least if he pulls a preying mantis on me, I get to die having sex," Hanzo commented with a shurg, trying to play it all off.
"Man, you're as fucked up as he is," Kabal muttered. He pursed his lips and nodded slightly, "kinda perfect for each other really."
We kind of are. Hanzo had no idea was awaiting him in that room. But he looked forward to finding out.
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sasorikigai · 3 years
✖ : for kuai modern verse .
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Get a letter from my muse! || @frozenbreath || accepting
✖ : For a angsty letter.
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My beloved Liang,
Occam’s Razor suggests that the simplest explanation is the most plausible one, which means, to put it simply, I love you. But how do I contain the multitude of all that I feel within so complex and elusive? How do I tell you, I see the stars in you; all my heartstrings unfurl from here on until my last breath will be about you. “I love you,” doesn’t do justice to the fact that I swear I was a fucking Universe unlike any other, but I found you in the throes of my maddened frenzy, of bloodcurdling wrath and vengeance. But I found you and we were always whole; as you gradually filled me with warmth that flies through my stomach. Our lips clashed and our tongues danced, as the vibration of your voice spoke literally and metaphorically into me. I have imprinted every inch of you and beyond, and yet - my fury had been toxic and warm, and rolling unbothered when it boiled to the maximum. 
I used to believe in the fact that we could change the inevitability of the abyss; for I once believed that we could continue to grow through the pruning of our faith. We keep strong, still learning to love each other better. The future may hold more battles for us, but I live with a broken heart sentenced by myself. There are dilapidated homes built with nightmares and life made out of warfares. And there is an ongoing battle in my mind; a disease slowly killing me inside. Poisonous words control my every move, reducing me to ridicule my own trauma and heartbreak and despair; for words tell me my unworth, forcing to seek violent comfort. The world around me only enables this disease, with their selfish evil beliefs. I have wrongfully believed if I had a bed to lay in, and someone to nurse my insecurities and to remind me that the world isn’t so lonesome if we share it with hearts who lay on similar pillows of madness could magically cure whatever the fuck is wrong with me. 
I cannot escape my melancholia, a deep irrevocable sadness that continue to plunge me towards the destination and the journey of death, where I am hated beyond retrieve, damaged beyond repair. For too long, had I sought the act of removing life, word by word, when every word equated to a sharpened blade that is used to pummel the life of another into non-existence. My accountability is a collective duty and responsibility I, Hanzo Hasashi, a law-abiding Commander and a vigilante must hold, such as the deceased holding the weight of my barely coherent world. Like Atlas, doomed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, and unlike Atlas, I am fragile and mortal. Every life snuffed out like a flame in a fucking glass jar is a sadness that could never be taken back.
Even as I hide in the shadows of ephemeral contentment and bliss with you, 私の心, our vivid evocation of togetherness comes with a stifling burden and remorse indebted to you - you are a bright burning galaxy and I am not the person who is worthy of your light. The fault is entirely my own, Kuai Liang, for the annihilatory pleasure and pain of simply existing seems to be too much. If you ever find me, I would like to burn in the crematorium and get the taste of hellfire myself. And please, PLEASE do not shackle my restless and disquietude being under a tomb. I would want to be a floating stardust over the city I was born in. 
Your eyes always held such strong light; for you choose to talk, and not to fight. I want you to live, Kuai Liang - I know you will even without me beseeching you to do so. You always have been the more resilient one; keeping strong, keeping patience on hand, maintaining your armor on, but it is not indestructible. You are flexible and formidable in your own right. What you have rooted into the charred depths of my black heart will never go unnoticed and unreciprocated. Perhaps if the world is kinder than I have anticipated, may we meet in the afterlife or beyond. 
さようなら、そしてあなたがあなたの心と魂に具現化する無限の優雅さと美しさを求めるために、多くの輝かしい光の仲間になりましょう。[ Farewell, and be the companion to many, a glorious light to seek infinite grace and beauty which you embody in your heart and soul. ] 
Hanzo Hasashi. 
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sundimus · 4 years
what's a ship you like that most people don't / what's a ship you hate that most people like / what's your favorite headcanon of grollow / what songs remind you of grollow / what kind of dates do you think grollow would go on
Gonna put most of these under a readmore in case it gets too long! <3 - What’s a ship you like that most people don’t - Honestly... Hm... for HK I’d say Grollow fits cause it’s honestly one of the few ships I’ve seen where people said they don’t ship it at all. I guess another one would be Bretta/Myla or Bretta/Cloth. Not cause I’m aware people don’t like those ships, but cause they’re so rare that I feel like most people don’t think about them at all. I don’t think I’ve actually seen content at all for either of those now that I think about it 🤔 In general though, a big one would be the Bihanzo (Bi-Han/Hanzo) ship from Mortal Kombat. Like I get why people don’t like it - they both canonically despise each other and also Bi-Han is kinda undead and extremely evil right now but that’s cause Hanzo legit murdered him plus Subscorp is way more popular, but like... Idk normally I don’t at all like ships where two people canonically hate each other but this ship is my exception to that.
- What’s a ship you hate that most people like - GOD. Okay honestly, Hollow Knight related it’s PK/Grimm. I legit only like that ship if it’s specifically PK/NKG, if he’s being shipped with Troupe Master Grimm then I’m not into it at all. I headcanon NKG to be a separate “parent” like entity from Grimm, which is the only way I can ever ship a PK/Grimm ship. I don’t know if it’s cause I’m way too attached to Grollow and thus shipping Grimm with Hollow’s father throws me off or what, but I don’t vibe with PK/Grimm at all. PK/NKG however is Choice and you love to see it. Another one is Grimm/Brumm, but I don’t feel as much animosity towards it as I do PK/Grimm, so I’m not sure if that really counts. I don’t feel too much negative emotions to it in general, it’s just a “I am Looking Away” ship to me. Also gonna throw in Herrah/Grimm and Hollow/Quirrel even though not a lot of people actively ship those from what I’ve seen but I honestly legit hate these ships. Like I mostly just strongly dislike Hollow/Quirrel, but I literally actually hate Herrah/Grimm a lot. I don’t hate people who ship it of course, I just hate the ship itself. It has so much negative appeal to me it’s wild. Going back to my Mortal Kombat example, I genuinely hate Subscorp as well even though it’s literally the most popular ship in the series. Like I know Kuai Liang and Hanzo both had an “enemies to friends” arc, and I love that, but I honestly just... can not get into a ship where someone gets romantically involved with the man that killed his brother. I know NRS’ shitty writing says that Kuai hates his undead evil brother now, but we all know that that isn’t true. There is no logical way that he would ever get into a romantic relationship with the man he hated for literal decades because he murdered the only family Kuai has ever had. Not only do I feel like that would that go against his character, but it would also be a massive disservice to Bi-Han himself. Like imagine dying (twice) and coming back to see that not only has your younger brother taken your title, but he’s also dating the person who wrongfully killed you. That’s so fucking shitty, it doesn’t even matter if Kuai and Hanzo had become friends and Kuai had forgiven him. I feel like most people ship them just cause they’ve been rivals since the very beginning and don’t see just how “eh” the ship actually is. Like Bi-Han and Hanzo both canonically killed each other and yet I still like their ship so much more than Kuai Liang and Hanzo’s JKJSDJKSD. (Wow this section got long kljsdjkdssd I don’t even know if any MK fans follow me at all) - What’s your favorite headcanon of [pairing]? - HMMMM OH GOD MY BRAIN WENT BLANK LKJDSKJLSD. I really like the thought of Grimm teaching Hollow how to dance. It started off as building up Hollow’s strength and stamina as they recover, but then it turned into a cute and fun bonding activity between the two of them. Speaking of that, I really like the headcanon of Grimm helping them recover after the events of Hollow Knight. It starts off as him putting forth a wholesome helpful hand to the family of the little vessel that helped him, and then slowly,,, slowly,,, they fall in lov,,,, - What song(s) remind you of [pairing]? - OOO I actually have an entire Grollow playlist on Spotify LKJSDKJLSD. My top 3 songs for them are: Everything I Wanted - Billie Eilish Papermoon (English cover) - Caleb Hyles Pink In The Night - Mitski - What kind of dates do you think [pairing] would go on? - DREAM DATES. Grimm can control nightmares, and so sometimes he’ll enter Hollow’s sleeby noggin and he’ll chance the scene into something else entirely. He can’t physically take them far away (I mean he could, but Hollow wouldn’t want to leave Hallownest or stay away from their family for too long) so he’ll go in their dreams and take them on a cute date in a kingdom that he’s visited before. He can conjure up literally anything he can imagine, so a lot of the dates are very unique and fun for them. And completely safe! Since it is in a dream. Whenever he and his troupe have to leave for a bit, the best way for both of them to stay in contact is love letters and Grimm visiting their dreams! send me some ship asks!
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milly-plays-litg · 5 years
Hi! For the ask ship meme uwu: 001: mortal kombat, 002: kuaitana and 003: my dear princess kitana. bye :)
Sure, dear anon. Thank you for sending this ask. Someone seems to know me, so, let’s go then.
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Kitana, hands down. She was my main since MKII, and I kinda related to her. 
Least Favorite character: Kronika. She sucks as a boss. She is boring, plain and cheap, Shinnok is ten times a better villain than Kronika will ever be.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 
Taleena (Tanya x Mileena), Kuaitana (Kuai Liang x Kitana), JadeLao (Jade x Kung Lao), CageBlade (Johnny x Sonya), Bireena (Bi-Han x Sareena).
Character I find most attractive: As for women, MKX!Tanya is hottest girl I have ever seen in Mortal Kombat. As for men, MK11!Kuai Liang is the most attractive man ever.
Character I would marry: Johnny Cage. He may be a jerk sometimes but I see why Sonya married him and I can’t blame her. 
Character I would be best friends with: Kung Lao. It would be a real fun to have a wit battles with.
a random thought: I don’t care what everyone says, but alongside with Nintendo, Pokemon and the WWF (back in the day during the end of the nineties), Mortal Kombat was my childhood. Later I liked other fighting franchises as Street Fighter or Killer Instinct, but never with the same intensity which I loved Mortal Kombat. Maybe is for that reason that certain retcons saddens me.
An unpopular opinion: I don’t know how much of umpopular opinion is this, but I don’t find that the guest characters are a good idea, even if I understand the financial gain behind it. I look at both Joker and Terminator slots and kinda saddens me the fact that Havik, Mileena or Reptile could have been in MK11 roster instead of them.
My Canon OTP: Taleena. Even if it’s safe to assume that is nothing but a fling and that there is more sexual attraction than real feelings between them, I will forever ship Mileena and Tanya in a romantically way.
My Non-canon OTP: Kuaitana. No, I don’t ship Kitana with Kuai because they wear blue and are assassins. I ship them because they have a lot in common:
Both were literally raised to be assassins and became honorable warriors for good causes, like saving Earthrealm and aiding to defeat Shao Kahn. 
In their transitions, both rebelled for freedom. In the old timeline, Kuai rebelled hinself from the Lin Kuei, so they wouldn’t turn him to a robot like Smoke. Kitana rebelled herself from Shao Kahn after she discovered her real origins and Kahn’s deception regarding Mileena’s existence.
It was literally confirmed that for being a Cryomancer, Kuai has edenian ancestry even if he was born and raised in Earthrealm.
Both have to deal with a brother/sister who went or is still nuts (Noob and Mileena).
Most Badass Character: Kitana, Kitana and Kitana. ¿Who dares to ditch Shao Kahn and lives to tell it?. None than the Princess of Edenia.
Most Epic Villain: The most obvious answer in terms of popularity would be Shao Kahn. But in my eyes, my choice is Shang Tsung. While Onaga and Shao Kahn are kind of brutes, Shang has the same means that also made other characters like Palpatine or Voldemort to be formidable villains: a scheming brain and cold blood.
Pairing I am not a fan of: 
Kotal x Jade. I despise it, because Kotal is a total piece of shit in my eyes and I headcanon him as possessive, jealous and liar type of man (one of his intros with D’Vorah kinda hints the last when she implies that she bedded him). Jade can do waaaaaaay better than him. She does not deserve a supremacist git whose idea of a “uNiTeD oUtWoRlD” means the slavery of Edenia.
Liu x Kitana: is not that I don’t like them, but I was never fond of them together. Is the same feeling I also get from Baraka x Mileena.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Sindel and Mileena. The first was supposed to be a caring mother who tries to deal with her dark past as Kahn’s consort and not the golddigger that NRS gave us. The second was supposed to be Kitana’s evil twin who grew up with her and later hated her by irrational motives, thanks to NRS now, Mileena is a childlike experiment from Shang Tsung’s laboratory Flesh Pits.
Favourite Friendship: Kitana/Jade, Liu/Kung and Smoke/Kuai. Personally, I like when positive and healthy friendships are portrayed in media and despite of being known by being gory and violent, Mortal Kombat has plenty of healthy friendships.
Character I most identify with: Jade.
Character I wish I could be: Kitana.
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: Long ago, when I discovered that I didn’t liked Liutana at all. I respect all ships, but Liutana is not my thing so I started to ship Kuai and Kitana since the days of MK9, later I found fanfictions/fanarts of them together which fueled my ship. 
My thoughts: I love them and canon or not, I will ship them forever. As I explained earlier, they have a lot in common and I don’t ship them just because they wear blue.
What makes me happy about them: The fact they have a lot of things in common so I can ship them freely.
What makes me sad about them: Nothing at all. 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: When Kitana is depicted as a Mary Sue or a lady-in-distress. If there’s a thing that I love from her, is the fact that she has a lot of shortcomings and is not a perfect human being.
Things I look for in fanfic: A lot of fluffy. This may be cheesy, but I love Kuaitana fluffy fics. Neither am bothered by NSFW (or lemons if you want) fics as long as they are well written.
My wishlist: Not going to lie, but I don’t have one at all.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: While I know that my ship is not canon, I’m not totally repulsed to Liutana, Liu is a cool guy who cares about Kitana after all. Just merely not my cup of tea. And if Kuai ends with Hanzo in canon, I will be okay.
My happily ever after for them: With Kitana ruling a free Edenia as Queen alongside Kuai as a Prince Consort while he reconnects with his edenian roots.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: About Kitana, she is not only my main since MKII and my favorite character of this fandom, she was the first female hero that I truly liked. Words cannot describe how much I love her. Her story is one of the most epic in the Mortal Kombat universe. After she discovers Kahn’s betrayal she stands up against him by doing what she thinks is the correct thing to do. 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: I have shipped her with Jade at some point in the past and Kuai Liang. But Kuaitana will be always my very first ship regarding Kitana.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Her friendship with Jade. I love when positive female friendships are depicted in media. My favorite moment of them will be when Jade in MK9 literally defects from Shao Kahn after she witnesses Kitana being arrested after she discovers Mileena’s existence and the deception related from Kahn’s part.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Even if I like the idea of Kitana defeating Shao Kahn (after the hell she endured for his cause, he had it coming. He deserved to be humlliated by Kitana), I’m not fond of the idea of NRS of ditching her Edenian identity and making her Kahnum of Outworld. I will be forever positive to the idea of a free Edenia from Outworld ruled firstly by Sindel and later by Kitana after she inherits the throne from Sindel at some point.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That her edenian identity were acknowledged by freeing Edenia when she killed Shao Kahn during MK11, and helping Sindel to rule her realm as a warrior princess with Jade or Ermac’s aid.
Favorite friendship for this character: Like I said before, Jade will be always Kitana’s best friend.
My crossover ship: I don’t have an oficial crossover ship for Kitana. But for some weird reason, I’m kind of open to ship her with Cammy or Rose from Street Fighter.
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I was wondering what's your take on the kombat krew having to deal with s/o being held for ransom, fighter or non-fighter is up to you!
Hey, anon! For this one, I may say their fighting ability wouldn’t matter much, but for now, let’s assume they’re non-fighters. This is really interesting and I haven’t written an hc like this before…so get ready!
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Scorpion/Hanzo: *inhales* How do I say this gently? This kombatant would teleport to wherever his significant other is, slicing and dicing anyone in his way with his katana and would be like “GET OVER HERE!” when he sees his love. At least that what we’d wager Scorpion would do…hehe…*scratches head*.We could tell you more about how Hanzo would handle this predicament. It would be an extremely emotional experience as well as a triggering one. I don’t care how hardened Scorpion looks with his mask and his rope spear. When it comes to affection seldom does he let people into seeing that side, so love is a rarity. And someone is threatening to take all of that away from him? Taking away your presence is enough but the knowledge of the possibility that he wouldn’t see your smile again breaks him. That is before it infuriates him. He is in a mode where you come first. Himself and his clan are the last things on his mind as Hanzo knows loss, and he damn sure isn’t letting something like that happen again.
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Sub-Zero/Kuai Liang: He’s shaken up the situation and almost has a lack of reaction. He distances himself from his emotions because Kuai knows himself well…he’s a worrier (dude would have an iPhone case for his iPhone case). He worries so much despite appearing as calm, cool and collected and practicing meditation regularly. He’s just used to hiding his vulnerability like that and it can easily be confused with insensitivity, but he tries to handle the situation as rationally as possible. He’ll start with a reasonable bargain or two, risking his most prized possessions and secrets in exchange for you in attempt to pay the ransom. But if push comes to shove, he will be willing to get down and dirty if it means having you back at the temple safe and sound.
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Kabal: You wouldn’t have to tell him twice to save you. Pre burns, he would be especially furious making sure to make who’d ever dare hurt you suffer. In this stage in his life, he is mighty reckless, so like Hanzo, his own safety has been thrown out and obliterated. Again he is reckless, so he’s in a point in his life where he doesn’t understand the value of the little things, your presence included. After the experience, he bonds to you like glue. Post burns his approach is more different. He isn’t just pissed. He wouldn’t know what he would do if you got hurt…or worse. He would fight for you in a heartbeat but knows there is safety in numbers. Though the black dragon go by a certain code or lack thereof, he’d pay off and pawn anyone he’d have to before paying the jerk who stole you (only if he knew it’d grant him assistance). After the experience post burns Kabal is also more affectionate, but this time he knows that if he has you, he’s definitely a man with something to lose.
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Brokeback Mountai – Err I mean McCree – No! Erron Black: Someone had the goddamn audacity to not only steal you, but put you in harms way in the means of money??! Let me tell you something…they have fuckarood with the wrong cowboy as anyone who crosses Erron black should be “as jumpy as spit on a hot skillet” (the cowboy’s words not mine). Little known fact, Erron can be quite the hothead, like almost scorpion level hothead. If you have his love, expect it to be real and intense, but if it’s the opposite of that…hoo buddy is he a force to be reckoned with. In his long life, he has never met someone like you, someone who has slowly taught him that the world isn’t just black and white. Though you’re not as old as him, you’ve exposed him to so many colors, flavors, and textures that life isn’t the same without you. You are his light. And he’ll be damned if he didn’t fight for that.
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Kung Lao: The snarkiness has evaporated. The fun and games are just his surface, as he has learned to smile through the painful moments in his life and when things seem the most dire, find something to boost morale. He always loved making you smile. Though you weren’t some defenseless princess, he would remember a running joke between the two of you when he’d tell you that he’d be the Mario to your Princess Peach (regardless of gender). But it is no doubt that he’d rescue you from that castle from Bowser. When the situation calls for it Kung Lao knows when it’s time to grow up and swallow his pride as he’s already fairly disciplined from being a monk. Going off that, he doesn’t particularly enjoy hurting people even if they’re bad. Should there be any physical altercations in the way of collecting you, he will knock out or wound, but killing would be the last resort. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t afraid. For himself and for his beloved.
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Jade: Jade is someone who is loyal and kind to the end and that means she will be extra protective, but not to the point where it’s suffocating. When she learns you are being held for ransom, she tries her best to keep cool like Sub-Zero. She has so much love for you that if she let her emotions get in the way of what she has to do, she’d be a wreck. She was an assassin after all and very professional and knows exactly how to handle the matter at hand. She’s also extremely smart, so she may not even need to get her hands dirty. But if she did, you would be more than worth it, as you’re irreplaceable to Jade.
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Mileena: Much like Erron, whether Mileena loves or hates you, expect the relationship to be intense. She is probably the most possessive out of the bunch. Because of her femininity, (particularly with her mask on) Mileena is not perceived as much of a threat, but this Tarkatan queen would start a massacre over you. The people holding you for ransom knew what they were getting into for taking the lover of Mileena (and if they don’t she will definitely show them) and will get you back by any means necessary and then some. But fret not, as they will get exactly what they deserve as she firmly holds, the eye for an eye belief (and so what if the world goes blind? Kenshi exists and he’s just fine). After the experience, she’s much more protective and will treat you like absolute royalty.
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outworldgay · 5 years
You remember how Kratos was in MK 9? Well, how do you think the Mortal Kombat Kast would interact with his son, Atreus? (Don’t worry about it if you haven’t played the game, or just not a GOW fan)
I know little about GOW but I think I know enough to work with. I’m going to steer clear of character who frankly imo, have no business being around children (Mileena, Reptile, Ermac, Kano etc.) bc I don’t feel like writing people being means to kids. Also I’m sticking to those who actually were in the MK9 roster.
Jade adores children and Atreus is no exception. She gladly spars with him, sharing ancient Edenian techniques with him. She doesn’t hold back however, and playfully banters Atreus during training.
“Surely the son of a god would be more challenging?” At first Kratos is wary of how rough she plays with Atreus, but he sees his son’s positive response to it and turns around. He enjoys seeing his son be challenged and thinks it good for him. Atreus loves spending time with Jade, as she makes him feel like an adult with how she doesn’t talk down to or go easy on him like most other adults.
Jax Briggs:
Jax would be proud to see Kratos come back from the trauma of what he’s been through, something he’s still struggling to do. Atreus would be fascinated by his arms, and while Jax isn’t exactly a fan of people oogling his prosthetic, he’d give him a pass since he’s a kid. Atreus, being a kid with no filter, would ask what happened to Jax much to his father’s disapproval.
“Boy, we do not ask those kinds of questions” Jax would be a bit put off, but he understands how kids are. He would calmly but vaguely explained what happened.
“I got into a fight with a really bad guy, and he really hurt me.” Of course that wouldn’t satisfy Atreus, so it would be up to Kratos to end that conversation, in fear of Jax growing too uncomfortable.
Johnny Cage:
While a young Johnny would once upon a time be rather blunt or insensitive about Kratos’s new life.
“You managed to bone again? With all that baggage?” Our present day Johnny would be happy to meet Atreus, going into his “celebrity meeting a kid” mode, ie crouching low to meet his eye line, hand on the shoulder while engaging in whatever Atreus is enthusiastically talking about, occasionally interjecting with a funny quip to make the boy laugh. Hell, he’d probably manage charm the boy into asking his father to buy a few Johnny Cage movies to watch.
Kabal would be rather shy around Atreus and for good reason. Atreus has a million questions about Kabal’s burns. He tries to change the subject or simply tell him he doesn’t want to talk about it, but that doesn’t deter this kid. It makes Kabal extremely uncomfortable, until Atreus says something in particular.
“You must be so strong to have survived! I wish to be as strong as you one day.” Kratos catches a small smile form on the corner of Kabal’s mouth, much to his relief.
Kitana is a bit of a hard-ass. She makes sure Atreus is extra careful in her domain, not wanting this child destroying any precious artifacts. Atreus makes a game out of getting the ever so serious Kahn of Outworld to crack a smile; a game Kitana will never admit she actually enjoys. Every now and then however, her true softness comes through, whether it be a smile forming at Atreus’s growing interest of Edenian culture, or immediately running to the child’s side after he get’s hurt. Kitana does indeed show compassion towards both Kratos and Atreus.
Kung Lao
Both Liu Kang and Kung Lao are great with children, having to interact with many young Shaolin monks in training. Kung Lao takes a much more energetic approach to children, doing everything in his power to match the energy that’s being thrown at him. He answers every question Atreus has, never once showing any signs or boredom or frustration. He’ll also show Atreus around the temple, but he’ll try to sneak him into restricted areas in an attempt to show Atreus a good time and one-up Liu Kang. Liu Kang will try to stop it, but will turn a blind eye once he sees how much fun Atreus is having. Kung Lao would of course try to out do Liu Kang and try extra hard to entertain Atreus, showing him various hat tricks. Atreus would come home to his father with many exciting stories that day.
Liu Kang
 Liu Kang very much fits naturally in the “big brother" role when talking to kids, being sure to lend lots of positive affirmations Atreus’s way. Liu Kang will give him a tour of the temple, explaining in great detail what exactly goes on behinds these walls, to a wide eyed and curious Atreus. He’d invite Atreus and Kratos to meditate with him at the end of their visit as a sort of book end to their day together. He’ll laugh off how fidgety Atreus is, assuring an embarrassed Kratos that he really is no bother, nor is he being disrespectful.
Raiden can be a bit intimidating of a figure, especially considering Kratos’s track record with other gods. Raiden does everything in his power to comfort and assure them he means no harm. Albeit his stiff demeanor, Raiden does manage to entertain Atreus, making the lighting dance across his fingers with the lightest of touches so that it slightly tingles Atreus, much to his enjoyment. Raiden is a patient man so he would entertain any question Atreus has, unfortunately for him however, Raiden’s choices of subject matter seem rather boring to him.
I think Hanzo, knowing what Kratos has been through and what he’s done, would be very honored to me Atreus and see how much having a child has changed Kratos for the better. However, a man like Kratos being given a second chance at a family, would deeply hurt him inside. He’d long for his own family again but would put his feelings aside to offer training to the boy, should Kratos allow it. Every now and then during training though, Hanzo would see Atreus, his young enthusiasm for learning new skills, and would be reminded of his own late son. Over all he would be very protective of Atreus, almost as a way to live vicariously through the man that was given a second chance at a family, something Hanzo has never gotten.
Sonya Blade:
Sonya was never exactly great with kids, and that unfortunately never changed when she had Cassie. She’d be a little too formal, shaking Atreus’s hand or even saluting him. She’d compliment how tough he is “Just like his ol’ man“ followed buy an awkward punch to his shoulder in an attempt to be casual and friendly.
Of course he knows how to talk to kids, but he tends to come off a bit condescending, treating Atreus like any child in a classroom he’s visiting, talking really slow and with wide expression. Kratos doesn’t exactly love this, but he know he means well. Atreus sees right through “friendly classroom cop” shtick and starts purposely asking awkward questions.
“Have you ever shot anyone? How many people have you killed? Can I hold your gun?” Stryker is left a bit speechless, not quite knowing how to handle the situation.
Kuai Liang would have many questions for Kratos and Atreus, wanting to know of his journey that led him here. He’d be very welcoming to Atreus, playfully showing off his cryomancy for him. Atreus would be fasinated, and would beg his father to allow him to train under the Lin Kuei. Despite his calm demeanor, he’d be very careful with how he talks to Atreus, not trusting himself as any kind of mentor figure after what became of Frost.
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Heyyy it’s me with the Bodygaurd!Kuai Liang Au with some incorrect quotes
Hanzo and Reptile bonding:
Hanzo: How do I tell Kuai Liang that I want them to yell at me like they're Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined a crème brûlée?
Reptile: Wha
Reptile and Kuai Liang meeting the newly cloned Mileena:
Reptile: You wanna beer?
Shang Tsung: Did we forgot one tiny, microscopic detail, hmm
*Violently grabbing Kuai Liang’s jaw to look at him*
Shang Tsung:… I OWN YOU
*Right as Kuai Liang is going to fight Shang Tsung*
Kuai Liang: I possess… a question
Shang Tsung: Go ahead
Kuai Liang: You stick us
Kuai Liang: Best Us
Kuai Liang: Tear at our flesh
Kuai Liang: Do you feel nothing at all, Shang Tsung?
Bi-Han: Please brother.. do not hide in the shadows please… I just want to see you again, it’s been years
Kuai Liang: Do you truly want to see what I have become, brother, the monster I was made under Shang Tsung’s hand? I doubt you would look at me with the same love you hold now.
eeeeeeeee i've missed this au
Poor reptile has to deal with both of these idiots
Kuai Liang: How do I tell Hanzo that I want him in such a blasphemous way, that the devil himself would turn his face and hide
Raptile: What the fu-
Hanzo, walking in after Kuai Liang has killed Shang Tsung: What's that?
Kuai Liang, staring at the mangled corpse: Garbage
(Continuation of the last one)
Bi-Han: You're my brother, nothing is ever going to change that.
Kuai Liang: I am a monster
Bi-Han: So am I. Just bc my face doesn't match my soul does not mean I have any right to judge you
Kuai Liang steps out of the shadows, revealing the changes Shang Tsung made. Bi-Han's only reaction is to smile and pull his brother into a hug
Bi-Han: Welcome home, Kuai Liang
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spilledginger · 5 years
Melting for a cryomancer (Subscorp: now with added bi panic)
Maintaining an alliance with your ex-rival was already hard and awkward enough as it was, but no one mentioned how much more awkward it would get when you start to catch feelings for them.
It all started when Hanzo was recovering at the SF base. The pyromancer was convinced that he was fine and could return to the Shirai Ryu as if nothing happened. But because of the combination of doctors orders and a whole lot of guilt tripping for killing Quan Chi, he was forced to stay. Which has now lead to Hanzo laying on his back to stare at the ceiling, drowning in his thoughts. At least, until the sound of the door opening made him lose his focus. He heard someone sighing in relief and sat upright to see who just disturbed his train of thought.
‘’What are you doing here, Sub-Zero?’’
The cryomancer flinched and turned around to face the older man.
‘’My apologies, Master Hasashi. I did not know that this room was occupied’’
‘’You did not answer my question’’
‘’I’m… kind of trying to avoid some people. Ever since I got here, I’ve been getting surrounded by people trying to get my attention. It’s quite tiring’’
Hanzo thought for a minute about the other man’s situation and nodded.
‘’Then… I suppose you can stay here for a bit. But don’t bother me’’
‘’Bothering is the last thing I want to do to you, Master Hasashi’’
The pyromancer nodded and went back to staring at the ceiling, while Kuai just sat down in silence. After about ten minutes, the younger man spoke up.
‘’Don’t you have anything better to do than to stare at the ceiling because you can’t go back to your clan right now?’’
‘’What did I just say?’’
‘’Listen, I know that you’re angry about it, but at least try to do anything else than to drown yourself in self-loathing. You’ve done that enough already’’
Hanzo was quiet for a moment and sighed before speaking quietly.
‘’…I’ve ruined the chances of everyone getting restored. And I caused Shinnok to-‘’
‘’Shinnok has already been taken care of by Cassandra Cage. He’s not a threat to us anymore’’
‘’That still doesn’t fix the revenant issue’’
‘’Blaming yourself for everything won’t fix it either’’
The pyromancer huffed. The other man did have a point. He sat up and leaned against the wall.
‘’I hate it when you’re right’’ Hanzo glared at his former rival.
Kuai chuckled, which made Hanzo’s heart skip a beat. No Hanzo, you’re not going to fall for your former enemy. Keeping up an alliance with him is already hard enough. Speaking of alliance…
‘’When was our next appointment to talk about our clans’ alliance again?’’
‘’In exactly a week. Why? Did you forget?’’
‘’No I… just wanted to make sure’’
  A week wasn’t enough to calm Hanzo down. The thought of being in love with his former archnemesis made him feel wrong, as if he was betraying his clan. He was just done with worrying about the whole enemies to friends to lovers thing when two of his students came to him with the news that the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei had arrived. He turned around and saw the cryomancer standing behind the students. The older man nodded and dismissed his students so he could talk to the Grandmaster in private. The two men sat down in the garden, with a tree giving off enough shade for the both of them.
‘’So, about our alliance’’ the Lin Kuei began. ‘’How have your students been handling it?’’
‘’Same as any other alliance. Some were hesitant at first, but now it feels like there are no issues at all’’ Aside from the issue that I’m starting to question my feelings about him.
‘’Is that it?’’
‘’Well, Master Hasashi. I must tell the truth about why I intended to come here. I was getting quite worried about you’’
‘’You… what?’’ Hanzo looked up in confusion.
‘’I was getting worried. After noticing how you felt about the news about Quan Chi… After seeing you sulking in that room alone… I must say that even though we used to be enemies, I still consider you as just as important as my other allies’’
Hanzo fell silent. He did not know how to respond to the concern that the cryomancer was showing. It made him feel weird… in what he guessed a good way. No Hanzo, bad way! No time for butterflies about your rival.
‘’Uhm… Master Hasashi? The grass around you is starting to set on fire’’ Kuai broke him out of his bi panic thoughts.
The pyromancer noticed and got even more embarrassed, which caused his hands to set on fire as well. Kuai had to think quick before Hanzo could do more damage and quickly grabbed the other man’s hands to try and cool him off. Their hands made a quiet hissing sound from the highly different temperatures of the two men. Hanzo was too startled by the other man’s action to notice that the fire around him had been dying out.
‘’There we go…’’ The Lin Kuei said. ‘’Are you okay?’’
‘’I’m fine… are you?’’
The two sat there for a while, not noticing that they were basically holding hands for fun by now. Hanzo looked at the ground around him.
‘’My apologies for startling you. I… sometimes lose control over my powers’’
‘’It’s alright. Luckily I was here to make sure that you couldn’t do any more damage’’
That’s when Hanzo remembered that they were holding hands. He quickly pulled his hands away and placed them behind his back, earning a chuckle from Kuai. The same type of chuckle that made him question his feelings at first.
‘’Scared of holding my hands, Master Hasashi?’’ Kuai joked.
‘’Any more comments like that and you’re not allowed to come here again’’
‘’That’s fair’’
  A few months have passed now, which gave Hanzo enough time to sort his feelings out. From talks with Takeda, Kenshi and even Johnny, to the monthly appointments with Kuai Liang, all to figure out what his feelings were and how to accept them. Takeda and Kenshi gave pretty good advice, while Johnny’s solution was being extremely straight-forward and banging Kuai on his icy throne. While that solution didn’t sound like an extremely bad thing to do, Hanzo would prefer to keep his clothes on in at least the first few months of the potential relationship. So here he was, during his monthly talk with his ally, wondering when he should make a move. Or rather, hoping that the other man would feel the same way and make the first move. He was thinking of the endless possibilities when the cryomancer suddenly broke his train of thought by speaking up.
‘’Would you like to continue this talk somewhere else?’’
‘’Why would we?’’
‘’It’s getting late. I don’t want you to be too cold’’
‘’But I thought that I wasn’t allowed to stay after it started to get dark’’
‘’Those are the old rules, Master Hasashi. Don’t forget who’s the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei now. Now, let’s continue this talk in my room’’
Hanzo blushed at what Kuai said and the snow under his feet turned into slush. Quickly regaining his composure, he nodded and followed the younger man to his room. His thoughts started racing about the endless possibilities again. What if he wants to get me in his bed? No Hanzo, he’s not like that… Most likely not at least.
‘’Here we are’’ Kuai stated and opened the door to his room. ‘’After you’’
The pyromancer walked into the room and didn’t know where to stand and what to expect. The cryomancer walked past him, towards the window, where a seat was built in. He sat down in the window seat and motioned for Hanzo to sit next to him. The Shirai Ryu nodded and complied. So there they were, sitting next to each other in a window seat. A situation that most people would call romantic, but Hanzo called an absolute hell. His mind was racing and he was trying his best to not set anything on fire again.
‘’Hanzo… Do you ever think about how far we have come?’’ Kuai began.
The pyromancer looked at him, raising an eyebrow.
‘’What do you mean?’’
‘’Well… We went from trying to kill each other, to allies, to… I guess friends?’’
‘’What are you trying to say, K-Kuai?’’ Hanzo asked, stumbling over the other mans name.
‘’I wondered… What if we took it another step further?’’ Kuai asked, turning towards Hanzo, who widened his eyes and looked like he was ready to start another fire.
Kuai gave Hanzo a soft smile and softly grabbed one of his hands, which turned the older man into an awkward, blushing mess. He chuckled at the irony of a pyromancer melting at the touch of a cryomancer and slowly leaned in.
‘’May I?’’ Kuai asked, not wanting to make the other man too uncomfortable.
Hanzo slowly nodded, which made Kuai close the gap in between them, the temperature difference causing a soft hissing sound to be heard. He placed one hand on Hanzo’s face, cupping his cheek. His other hand moved towards Hanzo’s back, holding him close. The pyromancer placed his hands on the younger man’s chest, not knowing what else to do with them. They kissed for a little while, before breaking it to catch their breath. Kuai was the first one to break the silence.
‘’Would you… like to stay here for the night?’’
Hanzo nodded, eyes still closed. Then he opened his eyes slightly to pull the cryomancer back into another kiss, sighing at the regained contact. This kiss was more passionate, with Kuai’s hands running through Hanzo’s hair and Hanzo’s hands massaging Kuai’s shoulders. The kiss lasted longer than the last one, but was eventually broken to give both men time to regain their breath.
‘’I must admit that I didn’t see that coming’’ Kuai chuckled.
‘’Hm… I guess that I should do that more often then’’
‘’Maybe you should’’ Kuai responded with a wink
Hanzo blushed and looked away. This man will be the death of him someday, and not in the way he thought when they first met. The two men got up to get themselves ready for bed, still dazed by the kisses they have shared. Kuai had already crawled into bed, waiting for Hanzo. The pyromancer laid down as well, with his back facing the other man. This made Kuai put one arm around him, pulling him close. Hanzo smiled and responded with a pleased hum. The two stayed like this and eventually fell asleep, dreaming of what might happen next in their relationship.
Hope you enjoyed that little thing i made to try and get back into fanfic writing! It was my first published fic in a while so go easy on me ;P
I also posted this on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18320141
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Yes please talk more about That scene; Because there are LAYERS to some of their expressions and Kuai radiating 'please, let me take care of you' energy while Hanzo (at times) looks half-starved for any sort of gentleness (and also possibly Kuai's torso in that shirt XD) is a peak subscorp moment.
Oh thank god
So, for one thing, after Kuai Liang bows and Hanzo is watching him walk away, Hanzo’s facial expression is so complex like, for one thing he looks like he wants to eat Kuai Liang and for another, he looks at him so softly, like he’s realizing that Kuai Liang is not the monster he’s convinced himself that the cryomancer is and he’s at peace and feels safe which is incredible given that the last time they saw each other was in the mkx comics after Hanzo stabbed him and left him to die a slow and painful death.
And then Hanzo’s expression shifts into something more guarded and angry the moment Kuai Liang is able to see him again, like Hanzo is hiding and reminding himself of what they actually are to each other (which I think means that something happened when they were in the netherrealm together, like idk what but their relationship was defo complicated there)
Then, Hanzo tries to start a fight by demanding that Kuai Liang admit the Lin Kuei killed his fam and clan only to be so caught off guard when Kuai Liang actually does, like he was so hostile as he said it (understandably) and he’s just met with genuine remorse and softness that he cannot comprehend
And he’s so guarded as Kuai Liang talks and pours the tea, but he’s also clearly listening the whole time, like he wants to know what’s going on and he wants to understand but he can’t fully let go of the idea that Kuai Liang is his enemy. It’s like he can’t fathom the idea that Kuai Liang wouldn’t want to retaliate against him for the encounter in the comics, like he can only understand the world in the context of violence and vengeance, which Kuai Liang just refuses to engage with now
And Kuai Liang is going Out Of His Way to make this as easy and painless for Hanzo as possible. He knows how much this information is going to hurt and he’s trying to mitigate that and he’s handling Hanzo So Gently, he’s being so deliberately kind
And the thing is, no one would expect that of him. Hanzo did kill Bi-Han unjustly, Kuai Liang can prove that, no one would have blamed the cryomancer for sending Hanzo that information and having that be the end of it, or even just trying to kill Hanzo immediately. He would have been fully within his rights to do so, but he chooses not to bc he Knows what this is like, to be manipulated into killing someone by the cause of your misery (he did grow up in the Lin Kuei after all
If Frost hadn’t intervened, I do wonder what that interaction would have looked like, and I think it would have ended up changing their relationship a fair bit (in that they would have taken a Lot longer to trust each other)
But Frost did, and the moment that she did, Hanzo just clung to that bc it meant Kuai Liang was seeking revenge and that’s something he could understand, something that was comfortable with
And then Kuai Liang freezes Frost to defend Hanzo and you can see in Hanzo’s expression as Kuai Liang keeps talking it’s just pure confusion, he cannot fathom how this has played out but he Wants to, like he’s so tempted by the softness he’s being offered even if he can’t put a name to it, he wants to let himself have it
And then Hanzo learns the truth and he’s Immediately wracked with guilt for what he’s done and he’s probs expecting to be met with some demand for penance but all Kuai Liang gives him is understanding and the promise of support in his pursuit of vengeance (why else offer an alliance in that exact moment that Hanzo decides that Quan Chi must pay?)
Hanzo and Kuai Liang are alike in that they are unused to gentleness and softness but Hanzo did know it once and Kuai Liang can’t remember ever experiencing it. And yet, Kuai Liang is relentless in offering it to Hanzo who can’t figure out how to accept it
I wish we got to see more of their early alliance days bc there’s so much potential there
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saw a post on twitter about how in mkx kuai liang bowed to hanzo the japanese way and prepared tea in the japanese way as well as the utmost sign of respect what are your thoughts 🎤‼️
oooooooo my god do I have thoughts
Basically, that scene is my roman empire, and it lives in my brain Rent Free.
I think that Kuai Liang was just going out of his way to make Hanzo as comfortable as possible. Like he knows where they are, he knows how hard being here must be for Hanzo given what the Lin Kuei did so he's doing literally anything he can think of to say "I am not a threat, please hear me out"
I think he's also trying to soften the blow as much as possible, like there's no way to make telling Hanzo about the truth of what Quan Chi did not hurt, but Kuai Liang is trying so hard not to be cruel about it.
So he tries to show Hanzo by bowing the japanese way and preparing the tea in the japanese way that he wants this to be a chance to communicate, that he respects the pyromancer and his clan enough to learn at least part of their customs so that Hanzo feels a little bit less like he's just walked into a trap.
And the thing is, it works! You can see that even tho Hanzo is doubtful and suspicious of wtf is going on (and honestly that is a very fair reaction to the situation), he's listening to Kuai Liang. He's trying to hear the guy out!
It's also pretty clear that Kuai Liang is comfortable with the motions of preparing the tea, like there's no hesitation or fumbling (which might just be bc the game designers didn't want to deal with animating that but I choose to read into it anyways) so its obvious that he practiced this. He wanted to get it right!
And I just can't help but wonder what else Kuai Liang had in place to try and ease communication between them, to try and make Hanzo more comfortable. Like, did he find any Shirai Ryu items that had been taken as trophies and intend to return them (bc lbr, the Lin Kuei def took trophies)? Was he going to offer to let Hanzo stay the night? Like what was the rest of his plan had Frost not intervened?
Like Kuai Liang went so far out of his way to show Hanzo "I mean you no harm, I just want to talk" in the most polite and respectful way he could and Hanzo sees that! It's why he's so confused during the whole interaction bc to him it doesn't make sense. Kuai Liang should, rightfully, hate him.
And, just a side note, I don't think Hanzo ever blamed Kuai Liang for trying to kill him that one time. Like, Hanzo wasn't gonna let him, but he knows that he killed Kuai Liang's brother, so I think he understands why Kuai Liang hates him so much. It's why (as I read into it, this isn't confirmed) he doesn't kill the cryomancer in the mkx blood ties comics, and instead just leaves him there to bleed to death (dick move tho) bc he doesn't want to kill him. He just wants their feud to stop, bc he doesn't have any quarrel with Kuai Liang.
He might not like the Lin Kuei, but the ones responsible for what happened to him are dead, and by now I think he'd have figured out that Kuai Liang wasn't involved. So he's not trying to be the guy's best friend, but part of him doesn't want to be his enemy any more (I have so many thoughts about that whole interaction too, like that is my second Roman Empire)
But, back to the topic at hand:
The thing is, no one would have expected Kuai Liang to do all that. No one would have ever expected him to try so hard or be so kind about it. He now has proof that Hanzo did the very thing he's been accused of for years, he killed Bi-Han unjustly. Kuai Liang would have been well within his rights to simply send Hanzo that information some other way, without ever facing him.
Hell, he'd be pretty justified in just killing Hanzo over it bc all of these characters seem to agree that vengeance and justice are about the same thing (I mean, canon is slightly more nuanced than that, but that's the general gist of it).
And i think Hanzo knows that, and a part of him almost wants Kuai Liang to do it after he finds out.
but he doesn't
Instead, Kuai Liang offers him an alliance and an apology for what the Lin Kuei did (which, btw, I know we see real regret from Hanzo in that same scene but he does owe Kuai Liang an actual apology with actual words) and lets their feud end. Kuai Liang takes informatoon that would drive anyone else mad with rage and grief (*cough* Hanzo *cough*) and instead chooses to be kind.
I really wonder what that scene would have looked like if Frost hadn't interrupted, if she had trusted Kuai Liang to make the right choice and just let it happen.
How would that change their relationship and its development?
How would Kuai Liang have broken the news?
What else had he planned to say and would Hanzo have listened?
Roman empire guys, roman empire
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