kaypeace21 · 3 years
The theme with “time” this season makes me think of the phrase, “wanting to turn back the clock.” And I then think of Will never wanting to grow up and wanting to go back to the old days of playing dnd in Mike’s basement.
And then I think of Will’s (speculated) reality altering bending powers. So could there be a possibility that Will may use those powers to “turn back the clock”?? Maybe rewrite how things happened? Maybe it would be after Mike’s “death” like you speculated earlier. Since he thinks Mike is “dead” he wants to go back, and that’s what he does accidentally.
ALSO, Hopper tells joyce that he was trying to runaway from his "past" trauma with sara- before he says that line in the letter about wanting to turn back the clock and then saying it's not possible to do so . (And that life life hurts you but eventually you get out of that cave and life goes on ). Similar to Will he wants to turn back the clock to better times, but a part of him isn't ready to accept his entire past/ the tra*uma that comes with that- in order to move on and heal for the future .
Like robin said about back to the future "he's stuck in the past .But he needs to get back to his time which is the future!"
I’ve mentioned  my time-theory many many many times- in relation to my DID theory.  even if my did theory is completely wrong (aka Will has powers so his alters/split personalities/innerworlds come to life)- 
We also see how memories are explored in a supernatural way in st - it’s not literal timetravel just El using her powers to explore tra*matic memories of others (Terry/Billy so far). Like NO TIME TRAVEL PLEASE-THAT’S JUMPING THE SHARK. I really don’t want it lol. XD I think hopper and Robin's lines allude to the theme that will be addressed: confronting the past/times that harmed you but overcoming it for the future because time goes on 'whether you like it or not '.
In reference to my time-did theory. Look at the st s4 movie inspirations. In ‘what dreams may come”  a guy explores a heaven like world influenced by a painter’s emotions/created via immagination.We also have the movie ‘inside out’ -which involves “memory islands” (distinct worlds based on a child’s memories) which are influenced negatively by the kid being depressed she moved to California. The characters traveling to these memory islands are constructs of  kid’s mind -and 1 of them also has a guide helping them explore the ‘memory islands’.  Welcome to marwen- has an artist (attacked for being perceived as gay) imagining an abstract world based off his art- where the characters he made experience their own adventures (loosely based off the artist’s trauma). ‘The cell ‘ has characters explore the mind of a guy whose father ab*sed him- and the different alternative fantasy-worlds they explore are based off his memories. The cop exploring these memory-worlds, was also implied to be se*ually ab*sed by his dad . Also,in  Inception a guy says he’s a construct of a guy’s mind ( the guy who created the dream worlds that are like alternate dimensions/levels- also hates his dad). And leo’s character says he needs to help him escape the many different levels of the dream world of the mind. Movies like inception, total recall, the cell, enter the void, wizard of oz, Peter Pan, hellraiser 2, dream warriors, bill & ted’s bogus journey, the labyrinth,and welcome to marwen, all allude to this: because they involve entering simulated abstract worlds usually created/based on happy& traumatic memories/fears. While truman show/matrix are more about realizing your reality isn’t real. While in bladerunner 2044/total recall it has the theme of false implanted memories… probably relating to hopper/el realizing they’re alters of Will’s-and their memories were technically created by him.
Something some DiD suffers have are “innerworlds” .When someone has DID there can be multiple “innerworlds” that are separate from one another (and look very different from one another) .And are usually very abstract worlds that are based on the child’s memories (good &bad) . These worlds are usually created at different times and almost act like alternate dimensions (and the inhabitants -npcs/alters of those worlds usually don’t interact with one another) . So they can almost resemble alternate dimensions like how Scott Clarke mentions “Hugh Everett’s many worlds interpretation.” Russia where Hopper is- is probably one of those innerworlds.
tw:ab*se/r*pe. In s2 Nancy asks Steve how his “grandpa’s time in the war is a metaphor for your life?” And steve compares the mf to the germans in the war. Dr owens mentions Will has ptsd like “ (vietnam) soldiers’, Hopper saying he had buddies like Will . “In the 70s there was a study that compared the post-traumatic stress symptoms in Vietnam veterans and adult survivors of childhood s**ual ab*se. The study revealed that childhood s**ual ab*se is traumatizing and can result in symptoms comparable to symptoms from war-related trauma.” Hopper isn’t actually in Russia -but in one of the innerworlds (after he jumped through the rift of the machine- into Will’s mind). We’ll see flashbacks but also present circumstances of his imprisonment echo Will’s past with Lonnie (if the movies indicate anything)- being starved, guards getting payed in order to let other prisoners  r*pe a gay prisoner (than claim incorrectly because of his sexuality he wanted it) , as well as a gang of sadist men who r**e others and a warden using that as a threat to be compliant , being thrown in a dark room of solitary confinement and starved when they didn’t obey the warden, the warden being religious, etc. And the American soldiers (in Vietnam) in the movies aren’t much better and do similarly horrific acts to civilians like r**e and bragging/ happily k*lling women, children, and the elderly. The drill sergant in vietnam calling them homophobic slurs & women, and chocking one of the soldiers with one hand (like the mf/russian), slapping one for not believing in christianity. Tying up a soldier in a bed , gagging him, beating him and saying “remember it’s just a dream.” Only praising them when good in fire arms.(movies : fullmetal jacket, papillon, shawshank redemption, platoon, welcome to marwen, etc ) . My assumption is flashbacks of his life-  hints about him being an alter -the boxes in the basement are “vietnam” ,“dad”, and “ny” (and these are the memories of his we’ll see).or after escaping the prison he’s stuck in diff innerworlds of memories. And some of the bad characters in said stories will also parallel Lonnie . Like how in  the s4 film ‘peterpan’- the young girl Wendy imagines netherland and the villain -captain hook- is based off her father ( in the movie they have the same voice actors/while in all stage productions the 2 characters are always played by the same actor). Similar to the other s4 film- ‘wizard of oz’ where the wicked witch of the west from the mythical land of Oz (is played by Dorothy’s real life mean neighbor in the real world/kansas).Or in ‘the cell’- all the alternate dimensions of the dream world that were created by a guy with a ab*sive h*mophobic dad -had the same actor play the villain in each very different dream dimension. ”Not sure if they’d use Ross Patridge (actor of Lonnie) in this way . But it would be very interesting if (In makeup) Ross played many negative people in Hopper’s life.  
Also, in  s2, Jonathan mentions Indiana writer Vonnegut- In his book ‘slaughterhouse 5′- Vonnegut begins the story of Billy (William) Pilgrim, a man who has “come unstuck in time”. (time ref of Hopper saying he wants to ‘turn back the clock.’ or’ runaway from his memories.‘It accounts of Billy Pilgrim’s capture and incarceration by the Germans during the last years of World War II (Hopper captured by the russians), and scattered throughout the narrative are episodes from Billy’s life with his dad, and his own wife and kids.Billy is forced to be part of the war and similar things against his free will. The moments start from his childhood when his father throws him in the water to teach him how to swim. He was unwillingly drafted into the war. Later, he is kidnapped by Tralfamadorians  (aliens that are implied to be caused by his mental health issues/trauma) against his will. Therefore, he realizes that this concept is just an illusion.in bladerunner 2044/total recall it has the theme of false implanted memories… probably relating to hopper realizing he’s an alter and his memories are technically ‘created’ . Like in total recall- the bad ass spy is told all his memories: his wife/ years of marriage,  his name, are just implanted memories. And she says “you’re life is a dream.” We also have ‘Arrival’ -the parent’s daughter died young cause of terminal cancer- and the mother later realizes time is also just a abstract construct (a thing she can experience differently than others), but she still finds meaning/happiness in those memories/times.
I also talked about how sarah as an alter could come back and the 2 would explore the “innerworlds” of Will’s mind together (you can read the details there). 
El and Will theory 
I’m thinking of the s4 movies and 1 matrix scene comes to mind that could be an obvious hint to Did (and Will’s importance). Mr smith (the suited calm villain/ who is a literal computer program of the matrix world -cough alter/npc of Will’s) kidnaps/ ties up Morpheus to a chair (like Will in s2), injects him with drugs in the neck ( like s3 steve/ will’s arm in s2).  Then Mr smith says as everyone leaves the room “I’m going to be honest with you. I hate this place, this prison, this reality or what you call it.” (grabs Morpheus’ head and glares) “ I need to get out of here! I need to be free! And this mind is the key.”(referring to morpheus).morpheus also translates to ‘god of dreams’. Also Morpheus was wearing head gear similar to El in s1/Will in s2 . or in 12 monkeys the guy sent to psych ward -starts believing he’s just “crazy” and says “i created a world with those people in it.” “It’s not real .I’m just mentally ill, like you said ” when you know- it is all real,cause of the supernatural angle involved. in 12 monkeys a patient even tells him the fictional world he created would dissappear once his mental health was in order.
Then there’s the El stuff.  Hellraiser 2- has a normal psych hospital, but the basement floor has an evil psychiatrist experimenting on teens to open a portal to another reality. assasains creed/dream warriors -  has the psychiatric facility be similar to the s1 lab with sensory deprivation tanks, cameras, solitary confinement in dark rooms.The doctor experiments on them- and forces a character to go into the memories of another individual (we know El has memory powers).The dr reveals how the character’s reality/whole life isn’t what they think it is (and that the memories they saw with their powers-was their past life and they are that person’s reincarnation) . Aka Will is the host- and El is an alter (alters can see memories of other alters/the host irl-aka billy/terry were also alters ).
In assasain’s creed there’s 2 psychiatrists- one bad / one who is good (but influenced by the bad dr). One dr annoyed at the lack of progress, says about the patient “he doesn’t want to remember his father.” While one dr doesn’t want to rush the therapy/ the other dr wants the patient to go back into his memories regardless of how it affects him. (which could be Brenner & maybe Owens referring to Will’s dissociative-amnesia and not remembering all the ab*se Lonnie did. And Owens not wanting to rush it/hurt el by making her go into said memories …but Brenner not caring.
also other hints : Cough s4 using the movie wizard of oz refs “we’re not in Hawkins (kansas) anymore”-hint at russia. David on instagram posting st stuff and captioning it with and quotes, pretending to be dorothy from the film. Hopper in s1 saying hawkins lab was “emerald city” (referencing El- it’s also why they reference El entering our world in ep 1 and the alice in wonderland song plays) . Murray says about the supernatural “no one wants to see behind the curtain” (what was behind the curtain in wizard of oz-was a wizard aka Will). Or you know right before Will sees the mf for the first time -a clock turns rapidly/ he  has goosbumps at the back of his neck. Which he later grabs/states  are from “memories” he can’t remember that are like a “dream”. 
If i’m right-not sure how much of this may happen in s4 vs s5, though. But I think something like this is possible.  For all we know-Will/El being trapped with Brenner while Hopper escapes ‘russia’ could be how the season ends? The timeline i’m a bit iffy about-tbh.
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dragonnan · 4 years
Get to know me: fic edition
Thank you so much for the tag, @hanuko :)
Current: Sherlock and MCU (either Avengers team, Tony Stark, or Doctor Strange). Recent past: Psych Ones I plan to start writing soon: Prodigal Son, Lucifer Ones I want to write someday: Doctor Who (primarily 10 and 11), Good Omens
Where do you post your fic?
Psychfic (previously), and AO3
By kudos, most popular one-shot:
Just Another Day in New York (Doctor Strange and Peter Parker misadventure story with a dash of Tony Stark)
By kudos, most popular multi-chap:
All Nighter (Psych - Henry watches over Shawn at the station after an attack nearly kills both him and Gus.  And the night isn’t over...)
Personal favourite (fic):
HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!! As others always point out - easily one of the most impossible questions to answer.  I can more easily say fics I’ve written that I didn’t like lol.  Soooo... Hm.  Trouble is I’m multi-fandom so that just makes is exponentially harder.  So I guess I’ll go by genre...
MCU: so even though it’s a WIP I already KNOW Sed Diabolus is my favorite.  I’ve never done that much world building before and that’s in large part thanks to @kitcat992 and her amazing brain storming.
Psych: Paint it Black - I had wanted to write a disability structured story for years but my biggest concern was not being sensitive to people with vision loss or blindness.  The story finally started to develop when an online friend suffered a pretty severe stroke which, in addition to causing significant brain damage, also caused near blindness.  I wanted to explore both the blindness as well as how the character would cope with it in his own manner - which often involves lots of humor and masking what he really feels.  In the end I was really happy with how it all came together.
Sherlock: I don’t have as many to choose from as I’ve only written a handful of stories so far but my first, The Tiger and the Shark, still remains one of my favorites.  I have explored faucets of non-con in most of the fandoms I’ve spent a long time in - the big difference being that was the FIRST story I wrote for Sherlock.  My goal with this type of story, always, is to show the courage of people who experience this sort of assault.  The journey through healing is what I crave most in stories.  Nobody handles it the same way which is why I find myself returning to this topic. 
MISC: Just for fun I’m grab something from the mixed bag of one-off fics I’ve written.  That would be Imperfect Perfection which is my first Lucifer fic and a sequel to chapter 3 of @disappearinginq‘s awesome story collection,  Imperfect.  This story, also, deals with non-con though it is set years after it occurred and there’s nothing graphic.  I love the original short story and I really wanted to see what took place afterward (going back to what I’d said earlier about wanting to see the journey of healing).  I really just loved writing these characters and getting into that different mental space to “hear” them in my brain.  It was also a fantastic experiment to see if I even COULD write these characters and I was very pleased with how it all came out.           
Method for titling fics:
It varies.  I’ve used song lyrics, poem, book, and chapter titles, or taken something existing and changed it up to do a play on words (my favorite).  A few of my favorite (no shock all of them are Psych) titles are:
Forever Is Hollow When Dreams Lie Did You Make it to the Milky Way to See the Lights all Faded Three Little Piggies and the Creature from the Black Lagoon Hell's Kitchenaid Oompa Loompa Doom-Pa-Dee-Die A Bigger Boat Would Be Nice- But a Gun and an Oxygen Tank Would Be Better The Wizard Was the Wicked Witch and the Scarecrow Lost His Courage
Work I am nervous about posting:
Not any specific one but anytime I post a non-con fic I half expect someone to scream at me for writing that kinda story.  I also feel anxious when posting to a new fandom just because my interpretation may not fit with whatever the established fanon might be.
Do you outline your work or just wing it?
Both.  MOSTLY I’ve winged it but after starting that mega MCU fic I’ve found tremendous aid in creating a loose outline.
AO3 Stats (some info can be found on your Dashboard):
Works: 112 (includes fanart)
User Subscriptions: 70
Kudos: 6,178
Comment Threads: 568
Bookmarks: 1,074
Subscriptions: 332
Word Count: 741,702
Hits: 113,270
Tagging: @sgam76 @ariaadagio @aelaer @ceruleanmindpalace @mizjoely @kitcat992 @disappearinginq
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tothedarkdarkseas · 5 years
What do you think is the REAL difference between Stu and Murdoc? Is it upbringing, age, personality, or cocktail of things?
I’ve gotta tell you, of all the kind asks you sent (and what a nice thing that was of you to do, thank you, they were fun to ponder!) this is the one I’m like… jittery to answer because there’s just so much to be said. Put under a cut because it ended up kinda stupid-long.
I mean, what has to be determined first is– are Murdoc and Stu that different? I tend to think they’re not, not as much as they are alike. That’s actually what I like best about them and something I usually play to when I can, how much they both resemble a certain stereotype but with their own twist. Many of their differences are a little superficial, like Stu being a bit more geezery with his football and all, and Murdoc being less uptight with his hobbies (be it involving cheeky GTA or a gimp mask.) I joked the other day that the biggest difference between the two is just that Murdoc does uppers and Stu does downers, and that’s pretty much it. I do think on a “deeper” level, like a more innate behavioral level, they’re a lot more similar than they actually realize.
But with all that being said, of course they’re not identical, and there’s a lot that contributes to where exactly they differ. I think that everything you said is absolutely relevant to that!
Let’s start with age and upbringing. The age difference between Murdoc and Stu is actually fairly stark when you just look at the years, but it never feels quite that bad to me because Murdoc and Stu are both so emotionally stunted and immature. There’s a line in Bojack Horseman than I think is incredibly on-point here, about how “the age you are when you get famous is the age you stop growing.” I think for Stu, it absolutely damned him to become famous at around 20, it locked him mentally into an age where he should’ve been learning everything wouldn’t be given to him, and instead it was just… given to him. In excess. If you follow that reasoning Murdoc’s sort of odd though, in that he never actually achieved fame on any major scale until he was in his 30′s. It seems more like Murdoc’s exaggerated sense of self-importance (probably a response to knowing, very much knowing, that he was not in fact something towering and impressive at all, and there’s like… something absurdist in really choosing to think he is. That’s almost the ultimate form of his Humor As A Shield– what could be a bigger joke than not hating himself?! Ha! It’s funny because it’s sad!) set in way before he actually became famous. It’s more like his maturity is stalled at the time he started trying to be famous. Stu didn’t actually try to pursue music at all before, while Murdoc spent a decade absolutely convinced that it had to work and doggedly not accepting when it wasn’t. It feels like these two approaches enabled (or damaged) them in different ways, but both end up with the result of men who don’t act their age for many years and have hedonistic, stereotypically rockstarish ways of living far beyond that of their bandmates. Stu can barely claim he knows better though and is perhaps more… people are gonna yell at me for being so hard on him haha, but more spoiled and therefore more ignorant because he never actually lived a responsible adult life. (Does that mean Stu hasn’t had difficulty in that life? Absolutely not. The man has at least three counts of massive head trauma and was in a coma for an undetermined period of time, he has a permanent physical impairment that likely impacts his vision, I think he’s earned a few perks.) Murdoc on the other hand is very aware of what it was like to be a failure, to be conventionally unemployable, and to have so little to lose that he’d make incredibly stupid decisions that could’ve ended his free life. His indulgence now is frankly more extreme, but Murdoc has an even greater sense of believing he earned that and he owes nothing (whether that’s completely true or not.) 
And that’s just touching on the ends of their “upbringing,” not the actual 18+ years that went into it. It goes without saying that Stu and Murdoc had very different home lives– Rachel and David Pot are suggested to be rather precious with Stu out of some probable guilt for his first head trauma, in complete contrast to Sebastian’s humiliation and neglect– but on top of that, what seems to be glossed over at times is how they grew up in very different regions at very different time periods. I’m far from an authority on this or on anything (as always I really suggest asking @elapsed-spiral if you want better information, don’t let the hiatus thing fool you, Danni’ll still talk about British Shit Innit) but I’m told the British school system Murdoc would’ve endured in the 60s and 70s was unremittingly bleak and damaging to a child’s development. Despite his immaturity and my feelings that their age difference isn’t really so pronounced, Murdoc is older than Stu and unfortunately he experienced a much colder and rougher school environment, and it’s tough to argue that didn’t have an effect. (Though on the flipside, Stu was in school during Section 28, a thing I’m also not an authority on. Go figure a working class and very closeted bisexual man in the 80s might internalize some homophobia! The go-go 80s aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.) It’s not exactly surprising that Murdoc, who grew up on the lowest end of working class, in council housing, in an unglamorous Northern town like Stoke with a neo-fascist brother and a neglectfully-abusive alcoholic father, would come away an emotionally repressed and embittered person. It’s almost a bit bold that Murdoc is as “flamboyant” as he is (even if it comes with a hefty side of toxic masculinity)– he could’ve become hateful in a more stony way, but instead he’s like a giddy-cruel showman out of spite. You can argue that Murdoc’s lack of support system results in him feeling much more unfettered. He has no one to thank for getting him out of that and no one he credits for getting him where is. He very much has the mentality of “I take what I can and do what I want, because the world owes me everything.” And in a way, I can see where that’d come from.
He’s wrong though. Because Stu’s there. And Stu owes Murdoc nothing.
I know I’m really running on here, and I think you probably already have a picture of what I see Stu’s upbringing and childhood as. Rachel Pot is the unsung best character in Gorillaz, Stu was quite coddled by his parents, and Stu admits to being largely unmotivated and rudderless. It’s notable that Stu is in fact also working class but he’s presented like he’s not, I think just as a result of looking a lot better in comparison to Murdoc and us Americans not fully knowing the details of the British class system as compared to ours. (I don’t want to condescend to you anon, you may be British and know all this a lot better than I do. But because I am American, what would be more American than assuming everyone’s American?) I would say Stu’s family places on the higher end of that though (again, council housing for Murdoc, Stu had a garden with what must’ve been a decently big tree for him to fall out of) and isn’t portrayed as struggling in the same way. His job at Norm’s seems more like something he does because he’s not allowed to sit in the house all day, and he likes messing with the keyboards and he likes having spending money because he’s too old for allowance, and girls he’s fooled around with occasionally pop in to his work and bring him a pastry from the Tesco Express she works at and they make out in her car. Stu comes away from Crawley with quite a few “tethers” that disallow him from feeling as “loose” as Murdoc– he has a good relationship with his parents, a handful of mates, probably a handful of girls he wasn’t on bad terms with, at least one who’d end up becoming his girlfriend. So why does he have some of the same “cruel showman” qualities as Murdoc? Why does his entitlement end up looking much the same? That’s all personal interpretation of course, but I’d say it’s because Murdoc drove a car into his face and stole an unspecified amount of time from his life. I’d say because he’s out of his parent’s house for the first time in his life, and he’s going full throttle into being this person now. I’d say that in one night, and many unconscious nights following it, Murdoc smashed that same embittered attitude into the front of Stu’s skull. To be clear, that isn’t writing off Stu’s faults on Murdoc; it isn’t to say Murdoc made him egotistical or promiscuous or immature. But the attitude that you are fucking owed something is really only an attitude they share because Murdoc gave Stu someone to spite where he didn’t have that before.
(I recognize this whole dynamic isn’t for everyone and I do get it, and for what it’s worth I think it’s totally correct to say Murdoc gave Stu all the best things in his life. He just also gave him the worst bits too. The reality is neither would be here without each other, for all the good and bad that implies. It’s true that Stu’s famous because of Murdoc, but it’s also true that Murdoc’s famous because of Stu. What a tangled web!)
I’m sorry, I’m so off the question now, I just love this stuff. So, personality! That’s unquestionably a factor, the answer to the nature vs nurture debate will always be a little bit of both. I think if you tallied up all of Stu and Murdoc’s traits, desires, and behaviors after they’ve been living together a few years, you’d find a longer list in the similarities column than the differences. The environmental influence doesn’t just stop at where you’re raised, I think the environment you live in and the people who inhabit it continue to have an impact on you pretty much throughout life; even if moving to a richer city doesn’t “change” you, it changes the way you look at things, understand things, respond to things. It just inherently does. Still, I recognize that’s my own characterization of them and if you just look at the characters in canon, you’d be hard pressed to say they seem like the same guy. There are things about them that are just innately different, some of it learned through their upbringing and some of it dictated by… the way they’re wired.
Which is a point I’m really hesitant to comment on too much, but– mental health. It probably doesn’t look the same between Stu and Murdoc. There are other blogs who will discuss in more depth their neurodivergent headcanons and I see nothing wrong with that, I don’t really think there is any case that can’t be made, but I’m not especially confident making those cases myself. What I’ll say is that I don’t necessarily read Stu as having any specific learning disorder, because I fear it’s a little… iffy to have so many jokes in canon about him being thick or being slow. I think it really is just that, even prior to the injuries I reckon Stu was “a bit thick.” Head trauma doesn’t help that, though. Lifelong migraines and impaired motor function came about from the brain damage, absolutely, and I do imagine he must’ve suffered some neural response slowing, but his “lower intelligence” I feel a little less comfortable casually ascribing to anything and more to just Stu being Stu. Murdoc is also a case to be careful with, but within phase 3 it seems fair to say Murdoc suffers a psychotic break and is dealing with some delusions. Dangerously, I kind of lean into thinking this isn’t something that “just happened” because of the events of El Mañana and Plastic Beach, and that Murdoc had perhaps needed to be on an anti-psychotic like lithium well before that point. Again, I don’t want to insensitively represent this so I try not to really put such a fine point on things, but… I’m a little inclined to think Murdoc went undiagnosed in his young life and still may be demonstrating some effects of that. So, y’know, make what you will of it, but there’s that.
Sorry I nattered on about this, I do really enjoy examining both characters. Jokes about the drugs and stuff aside, I’ve always felt that the biggest difference between Murdoc and Stu is that Murdoc is adaptable, and Stu is malleable. Where that stems from is probably a combination of all these things. Murdoc knows what he wants and has no loyalties, he’s been without a future, he does what he can to succeed because he’s already done what he can to survive; Stu doesn’t know what he wants and he does have “loyalties,” but he has no sense of purpose, and he’s easily nudged in the direction you need him to go. While he can be stubborn, just like Murdoc, he’s also more sincerely shaped by his experiences even later in life into multiple, sometimes disparate versions of himself– I might even wager that’s why Stu becomes such a contradictory character without any of the contradictions feeling inauthentic. The two of them “being what they need to be” is part of the reason they accomplished as much as they did. But it’s also hard to say that they really “held on” to each other through the years, or if they just melded together in parts.
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multifandombitxh · 5 years
Title: Handle With Care
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Genre: Fluff? I think? It’s open to interpretation
Warnings: strong language, blood, makie-outie, sass of the highest caliber from both parties involved
Request: “Touch starved Bucky” for anon
A/N: This ended up being a lot longer than it was supposed to be oof
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“Would it kill you to be a little more careful out there?”
“This was what happened when I was careful.”
You huffed and tightened your grip around Bucky’s waist, helping him up the stairs as he grunted and groaned and dripped blood all over. The mission he was on had gone south, and luckily he was able to get out mostly unscathed, but not completely. He was injured pretty badly- by your standards, at least. By his standards, he had the equivalent of a paper cut.
You often wondered how the hell he was still alive.
After finally reaching the compound’s kitchen, you leaned him against the counter to grab the first-aid kit on top of the fridge. It was closer than the infirmary, and you figured you could at least stop the bleeding before he passed out.
Bucky lowered himself into a chair, letting out a loud grunt as he went down. He was cradling his arm when you approached him, thick streams of blood running down his arm like rivers, pooling at his fingertips and dripping onto the floor. You pinpointed the source at the back of his shoulder, and asked him to remove his shirt so you could get a better look at the damage.
“Aren’t you gonna take me to dinner first?” He asked, laughter lacing his tone.
“I’m getting the feeling you want to bleed to death,” You said, glaring at him out of the corner of your eye.
“You know me so well.”
“Just take your shirt off, asshole.”
“Whatever you say,” He replied, carefully lifting his shirt over his head. You rolled your eyes and helped, tossing the bloodied shirt to the side. As you began cleaning up his arm, you finally saw where it was all coming from; a large cut trailing from his shoulder blade to the base of his neck. Now that it was free from the confines of Bucky’s shirt, the blood was basically gushing down his back and his forearm. You had to stop yourself from gagging.
“Jesus, it’s like you got in a fight with a pair of scissors,” You muttered to yourself.
“Did I win?”
“Come on, it can’t be that bad.”
“It is that bad,” You sighed, “You might need stitches. How the hell have you lived this long?”
“Nazi’s kept me in a fridge for 70 years.”
Your relationship with Bucky hadn’t always been jokes and sarcasm. In fact, he was actually pretty closed off when you began working together, but you understood. He didn’t seem like the social type, so you did your best to remain polite and patient with him. It didn’t take long for the two of you to start picking on each other and spending time together outside of work. By now, you were basically inseparable.
Of course, you didn’t mind in the slightest. Having Bucky as your best friend was one of the best things you could have ever asked for.
After a very long and tedious fifteen minutes, his wound was cleaned and dressed, and the bleeding had finally stopped. Thankfully, he hadn’t needed stitches after all. As you were placing the bandage over the cut, you took notice of the many scars on his back- all varying in size and shape. There were so many that you couldn’t count them on both hands. Curiosity overtook you and you reached out, gliding your fingertips over a few of the scars gently.
“You’ve sure got a lot of these, tough guy,” You mumbled.
Bucky scoffed. “You of all people should know how much I love to pick fights with scissors.”
“You’re a sarcastic ass, that’s what I know.”
“Quit sweet talkin’ me, you’re makin’ me blush.”
You sighed, closing up the medkit and striding back over to the fridge. As you rubbed at a sore spot on the back of your neck, you glanced at the clock on the oven, groaning when you realized just how late it was. Apparently, playing makeshift nurse had taken a lot longer than you thought. Yawning, you made your way to the sink and washed all of the drying blood off of your hands.
“Thank you, Y/N,” Bucky said, “Really.”
“I wasn’t just going to let you bleed to death, Buck.”
You dried off your hands with a stray hand towel on the counter, then stretched your arms above your head. Sleepiness was creeping up on you every second and it was becoming more and more of a problem.
“You gonna be okay?” You asked through a yawn.
“Yeah, I should be fine.”
You gave Bucky two thumbs up, then shuffled toward the exit. Your bed was practically calling your name, and you weren’t about to leave it waiting.
“Hey, actually, I think I might’ve hit my head earlier, can you check if there’s a bruise?” Bucky asked, standing from his chair and limping over to the nearby sofa. He made tiny, strained grunting noises as he slowly lowered himself into the cushions.
“Worried you might’ve damaged your pretty face?” You joked, flashing Bucky a mock-pout over your shoulder.
“This face hasn’t been ‘pretty’ since the 40’s,” He shot back, “Would you just check for me?”
“Alright, alright,” You said, reluctantly dragging yourself to the couch. “Where?”
“Somewhere on my forehead, I think. It might be under my hair.”
You gasped dramatically. “Not the hair!”
“Now who’s being the sarcastic ass?”
You laughed a little, sat beside him on the couch, then gently brushed his hair out of his face and tucked it behind his ears. “Tell me if this hurts.”
With feather-light touch, you searched his forehead for signs of a bruise, even checking his hair-line for traces of purple or blue. Bucky was calm as could be, not flinching or protesting at all, which was a good sign.
“I’m not seeing anything,” You said, “You’ll probably be fine.”
He didn’t respond. When you looked back at his face, his eyes were closed, almost like he was asleep.
“Still alive in there?” You asked quietly, letting your hand fall into your lap.
Bucky’s eyes drifted open, fatigue keeping them lidded. Ever so slowly, he grabbed your hand and pressed your palm into his cheek. His hand lingered over yours, almost as if he was afraid you would retreat if he let go. You watched, confused but not opposed, and tried not to focus too much on how soft and warm his skin was. When his eye fluttered closed again and he sighed through his nose, you made the brave decision to place your free hand on the other side of his face. He welcomed the gesture by leaning into your touch.
You watched his expression as you ran your thumbs over his cheekbones, smiling softly when the tense wrinkles on his forehead became more defined. His brows had drawn together and his mouth was turned down in a frown, almost like he was concentrating on something. The hand that had been guiding your own had slipped down to your wrist, his grip relaxed and loose. The further your fingers traveled, the more obvious his breathing became.
Carefully, you let one hand wander into his messy hair, coming to rest at the base of his hairline on his neck. He trembled abruptly, taking in a sharp breath and sitting up straight. His hand gripped your wrist a little more tightly and you halted all movement.
“Shit, did I touch your cut? I totally forgot it-”
“No, it’s not that,” Bucky cut you off, “It’s not that. Really.”
“Are you... okay?”
“I’m fine,” He said quickly, “Just... don’t stop. Please. It’s really nice.”
An electric shiver ran marathons up and down your spine. Did he really just say that?
With that, you resumed exploring his hair, then let one hand wander back to his face. You memorized the texture of his skin, his hair, and took note of just how long and unfairly beautiful his eyelashes were. Every time you explored somewhere new, his eyebrows would knit together and his jaw would flex.
His free hand had initially been at his side, but as you continued to caress his bare skin, it had wandered to your knee. Absentmindedly, Bucky covered the space just above your kneecap with his palm, fingers spread out and his thumb gently stroking the area. The action was small but effective, and left you breaking out in goosebumps.
In truth, you’d wanted this for a long time. It wasn’t something you’d ever admit, but it definitely kept you up at night. You swore that you wouldn’t develop feelings for anyone you worked with, no exceptions. It complicates things too much, and you wanted to avoid complications at all costs. Yet, there you were; hands roaming every curve of Bucky’s face, jaw, and neck, and savoring every second of it.
You cautiously slid your hand down the side of his neck, grazing his ear along the way. He reacted by humming softly. With a delicate touch, you brushed your fingertips along his collarbone, to his clavicle, coming to a stop on his sternum. You weren’t sure exactly what noise he made, but it was deep in his chest, and sounded like he was struggling not to moan. The implications made your stomach do somersaults.
Bucky led your hand slowly along his cheek, to the corner of his mouth, then halted at his lips. He gently kissed the pad of your thumb, sending your heart into hysterics. It was in that moment that you knew you were a goner. Every ounce of reluctance was abandoned. A warm sensation spread from your head to your toes as Bucky opened his eyes to meet your gaze.
You thought you were about to pass out.
“Why are you kissing my thumb?” You blurted.
“Your lips were a little far away,” Bucky replied with a small laugh. His mouth was curled up in that classic smirk of his and you started feeling dizzy.
“Oh,” You said simply.
“You’re bad at this, aren’t you?”
“Bad at what?”
It took you a moment to realize that as you were speaking, Bucky had been leaning in close- close enough to clearly make out his darkened pupils and blue irises. Your breath caught in your throat, and you were praying your nervousness wasn’t showing on your face.
“It’s okay, Y/N, I’m a little rusty, too.”
In one swift movement, Bucky’s lips met yours in a single, almost teasing kiss; like he was testing the waters. It was painfully short and left you wanting more, so you did what anyone would do; you cupped the sides of his face, drew him in, and kissed him so hard he’d be seeing stars.
As if pleased with himself, Bucky smiled into the kiss. He welcomed the gesture, wrapping his arms around your middle to pull you in closer. You couldn’t help letting a hand get lost in his hair, making itself at home. The slight shiver that shook his body gave you the confidence you needed to deepen the kiss. Soft smacking noises filled the room every time your lips parted.
The arms around your waist tightened, then lifted you with ease into Bucky’s lap. Without missing a beat, you followed his lead, resting your legs on either side of his body. The hand that wasn’t lost in his hair was trailing down his front, pausing over one of his exposed pecs to gauge his reaction.
He responded by breaking the kiss to hiss through his teeth.
“I guess your not as bad at this as I thought,” Bucky said. His voice was slightly shaky, like he was just as nervous as you were, despite his initial confidence.
“Hey,” You said, leaning back. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Bucky asked, breathless and raising an eyebrow.
“You just seem kind of... sensitive.”
“Sensitive how?”
To prove your point, you placed your palm over the middle of his rib cage just above his stomach, which was unexplored territory thus far. He instantly squeezed his eyes shut and let out a quiet yet sharp “ah”.
“See? Sensitive,” You said.
“Okay, yeah, I get it,” He breathed.
“What’s going on?” You asked, dropping your hands and relaxing further into Bucky’s lap.
He seemed embarrassed; looking everywhere but at you, running his hands through his hair, sighing, and cursing under his breath. You watched on, slowly growing more and more concerned the longer he sat and angrily cursed at himself quietly. All it took to bring him back to reality was your fingers lacing with his.
After one last sigh, Bucky met your eyes. “For the last 80 years, any time someone put their hands on me, it was either to hurt me, or kill me. Almost all physical contact I get is someone trying to strangle me or break my arm. Being touched in a way that isn’t hostile is just... foreign to me, I guess.”
“If it makes you uncomfortable, why didn’t you stop me?”
“I didn’t want you to stop. I wanted all of it. My body just isn’t used to it.”
You shook your head and smiled at him sadly. “You can’t dive head first into things like that. It takes some getting used to.”
“So, you’re sayin’ you’ll help me get used to it?” Bucky asked, his smirk bleeding into his words.
“Slow down there, tough guy,” You chuckled, “don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“Y/N, you’re sitting in my lap. If anyone’s getting ahead of their self, it’s you.”
“I didn’t hear you complaining about it.”
“Just shut up and kiss me again.”
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leglesstv · 4 years
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The Dream Run: Greg Holzman’s Island Life
Part 2.
If you were born before the last twenty years of the 20th century you’re able to grasp how much new technology and cheap air travel have changed the world and the way we live in it: profound changes that have touched every aspect of our lives. Surfing has always required commitment to the pursuit of good waves, but the nature and depth of that commitment has morphed and grown. Greg joked with us about one of the photos he sent us - him perfectly framed in the spiralling mouth of a smooth and luminous barrel - saying it was “nothing money can’t buy”. He’s right of course, but money’s only part of it – to experience the kind of nirvana we glimpse in shots like that requires planning, preparation of equipment, logistics, lots of water-time and perhaps more than anything, fitness. Add to this the fact that as a self-employed fisherman, when Greg’s not working, he’s not earning. Sponsors? Well, he gets a few boards from Buddy McCray. His logistical team is a loose network of local contacts he’s developed to facilitate the various resources and services inevitably required at short notice in out of the way places. Greg’s strike missions are conceived, organised, funded and executed autonomously: it’s all his own experience, knowledge, time and money. There are few among us able to shut up shop and disappear, possibly for months at a time, living self-sufficiently on the road, chasing the chance of finding a particular spot firing for a limited time. You may plan for a road trip or a boat trip, but Greg’s is commitment on a whole other level. Access to technology is one thing, knowing how to put it to best use is a skill acquired over time. Greg’s background in fishing has been a huge help in interpreting long-range weather forecasts, weather maps, charts of out of the way places: all key factors in his ability to score quality waves. Help and advice from fellow travellers, including a smattering of kneeboard surfers spread around the globe. Behind all this though, remain two things. One is what started it all going more than half a lifetime ago in San Diego: an irrepressible drive to ride big, challenging, high quality waves. The other is what drove Greg to leave Oahu for the outer islands in the late 70’s: the drive to explore the outermost limits of his ability on his own, away from the crowd. While there are plenty of pro and semi-pro freesurfing footboarders criss-crossing the globe at any given time, each with a Youtube channel and an Instagram account, it’s kind of nice to know that kneeboard surfing has Greg Holzman out there pushing the limits of what’s been done and pushing the rest of us to step up our game and look beyond our comfort zone.
Greg views his big wave pursuits as “strike missions”. Track a swell, find a spot, check wind and tide permutations, airlines, local travel, accommodation, be ready to go at the drop of a hat, and be prepared to surf at 100% when you get there. He’s been doing this for about 40 years, perhaps with increasing sophistication and expertise, but that’s the only change. We received an email just after Christmas.
 “So for fear of more words I’ll give you the story of my first solo big wave venture. It was at Pipeline. 1978. It was a giant West swell. Surf reports weren’t accurate back then but looking out I could see it was nice East winds in Kailua and I knew a big West swell was pumping. I was all about Pipeline at the end of my Oahu period so I felt very comfortable out there.  
I surfed with the heavies of the day, so I was pushing my limits. Driving up Kam Highway, the hour it took really got the heart pumping, especially when I hit Indicators reef and saw how big it was. More often than not, the swell was huge instead of too small, but in the 70’s no-one knew how big till you got there. When I got to Ehukai Beach Park I saw no-one out, perfect offshores and third reef sets at 20ft Hawaiian. Some amazing waves but I wasn’t sure I was ready for that!
Jack Lindholm was headed out on his bodyboard. I watched him catch a few incredible rides that got me stoked. The Second reef was capping hard and seemed like easy take-offs, but that was Jack on a bodyboard and he could take off later than anyone at the time.
I remember he didn’t make it out of a tube on one and came up the beach with his board almost torn in half.  I didn’t know him but commented on his board. He said he was going to change boards and go back out so I told him I would get ready and meet him out there. As I walked down to the beach I saw Sam Hawk paddle out, headed to the peaks at outside Log Cabins. I never saw Sammy again. Obviously, he lived, but that was all I saw of him as it was soon after this that I moved to Kauai.  
Anyway, I paddled out. It wasn’t that hard; in fact it was really easy with the channel and a big West swell. Everyone was at Waimea Bay - for good reason. When I got out, I remember seeing the sets on the outer reefs break a minute or two before they hit us. What I remember most was how hard it was to catch those monsters on my 5’2” twin fin fish. The waves had a deep-water slope to them, and you had to take off as the wave was breaking. Jack had it down and before too long he was gone. I never saw Jack again either.  So here I am and all I’m seeing is giant lines - just like the movies - and I’m getting further and further from shore. I’m thinking that I may need to get rescued and wondering if anyone’s watching in the lifeguard tower. I thought how embarrassing that would be and decided I needed to move inside and catch one underneath or I was not going to get in. Paddling in was a death sentence and it was obviously on the rise, so in between sets I paddled inside.  When a set approached EVERYTHING in me said “move outside NOW”, but I waited. I thought if I didn’t catch that first one I was getting to that beach dead or alive.  Luckily, I made the right call and that first wave was deep and inside and an easy take-off.  In fact, I commented to myself on how easy it was, really.  Once it hit that first reef I just sat there in this big easy barrel - no fear anymore - and the wave was just as perfect and easy a wave as I could get. It spit and I glided out onto the shoulder. I looked out thinking “I can do that again” when … the whole channel was closing out. I immediately turned for shore, just in time to see it turn to close-out sets.  When I got there I heard the hoots and claps of tourists cheering. I had survived my first solo big wave event. It scared me but I never felt more alive and I never forgot it. Just like many firsts, they are worth remembering.”
 So, fast forward to 2016, with Greg’s island life undergoing change, and another dream run about to start. While in Kandui in May that year, Greg picked up a Facebook friend request from Paul Macklin, an Aussie traveller who for years had sent him photos of his surf travels. Paul was then living in Bali. Greg decided he needed to return to G-land, so in July he left for Bobby’s Camp.
 Paul met me in the camp. Bobby Radiasa remembered me - it was like I had never left. All the same guys. Many had gone back every year I was gone. Having that family vibe in camp is a very addictive feeling and Facebook has kept us all back in contact. So, 2018 became the thirty-year reunion for me and G-land. I had three trips in 2018 looking for the gold standard G-land of June - July 2016 that was still the three swells of recent memory.  I got amazing waves, but that massive perfect Speed Reef (which rarely happens) eluded me. After seeing the photos of those days I swore I was investing in this as a goal: to get it at its best. I didn’t care how many trips it would take.
 After G-land in July 2017, I was off to South Africa: from Bali to J-bay.  I worried about the cold, coming straight from the tropics, and I did freeze, but I learned a few tricks there as well on staying warm - including a 1mm wetsuit top under my clothes - that let no cold air in on those freezing surf checks!  That’s where I met Gigs and Stevo. I stayed with Mike Ruthnum, who I’m indebted to for introducing me to great people, fellow KB riders, and secret surf spots that I will always remember. J-bay was an eye-opener. Much had changed there. Crowds were always a factor, but the town had a great vibe. The South Africans have all the forecasting at their fingertips now, so they come from around the country for the bigger swells, which I found different than the 80’s. But with that came KB riders. I found a very cool group of fellow riders who were happy, very much a club feeling, and with a wide range of boards ... it was an impressive group. I came home knowing that I would return next season. A month is not enough time in Africa. But as soon as I got home, I saw $500 tickets return to Bali. I knew Gigs was going and Simon Farrer - who I hadn’t seen since he was 18 on my island with Buddy - was meeting Gigs at G-land. Simon was already a phenomenon at 18. Seeing his movies made me want to spend time with these two world champs. So back I went for more.
 That took me right into the 2018-19 season with a passion for strike missions. I managed to strike a few Pacific spots early 2019 during Hawaii’s stormy moments. Each time selling more plants and looking: as soon as it was a good moment and I had cash I was going - sometimes with less than 8 hours to pack and be at the airport. I was on call for G-land when I saw a series of swells and good winds lining up. I told myself I wasn’t going to plan in advance for Indo anymore. My goal was one which wouldn’t end till I caught that 2016 Gold standard swell. Lucky for me it came on a day that looked like it wasn’t going to happen. The surf was huge and the direction was good with a high tide, but the wind was light onshore. I was pretty bummed when I saw the rain at 9 am, (not usually a good sign) but it passed quickly. All the guys went in. I knew the winds were changing with that sound the bamboo makes and quickly suited up. I got down to the beach and Donny the photographer said to hop on his bike. Blacky and he were headed out on the boat to take photos. I knew it was good and a heavy paddle out, so off we went. As soon as we neared it, we saw this was no normal day. When you see the photographer and boat driver pounding the boat and cheering like they were you know it’s not a normal day. Two guys were out, but they wanted nothing to do with those sets. My heart was pounding hard. I knew this was going to be a test - of all I had learned to stay safe, and the test of my equipment I so badly wanted.
What made it even better was my photographer was right on it with me to document.  I paddled out to an empty lineup and two guys who just paddled over the sets. It was destiny, fate, or just plain perseverance.
I learned a lot: about my boards, my goals and how hard it is to drive through those shock waves deep in barrels when it’s like that. I could see that what I needed was a board with the fins further back for stability as one bottom turn is all you get and then you’re behind and flying. Some I made, some I should have made, and others were just plain heavy. The crowd eventually showed up and the tide went out. One of the biggest problems with this kind of swell is it’s only good at high tide for a maximum of 4 hours. Usually only about 2 to 3 hours at its best.  That’s a lot of investment for such a short window. For me it was worth it. It taught me I could still do it and what my boards needed next mission to maximize my tube time. 
 It’s obvious that there’s a lot more to surf exploration at this level than meets the eye. A lifetime of preparation and expense may seem a high price to pay for memories - a few photos and stories representing the sole concrete evidence of mere minutes spent riding perfect surf - but to Greg, as for anyone else doing what he does, it’s not about money.
 I’ve done 12 trips in three years and surfed Hawaii winters every swell I can in between. I’ve gone to 5 destinations and gone back to each - if I can - till I am satisfied I’ve caught it at its best. I feel I have only really achieved that this year (2019) at G land, which is lucky because next year isn’t going to be the year - with the WSL going off there in the middle of the season.
 In Hawaii we take surfing very seriously. It has changed from when I started, Then, it was much more about the soul surfer and not publicizing where you went and not photographing your sessions. It wasn’t for money either. Now, everyone thinks they can get a free something if they’re good. It’s competitive and I try to remain in a collaborative mind-space. I have found it’s probably a help that I am a KB rider because we’re always trying to prove we belong in the lineup. At this point I rarely feel I can’t deal with things in a lineup, but often I know the fight isn’t worth the effort. I’ll voluntarily move out of the space as I don’t like catching scraps. If I have no chance for the sets, I’ll remove myself from the situation to save myself from certain mental crisis. Or a yelling match. This happened a few times at Jeffreys this year and in September 2018 at G-land with 80 guys in the water. Everyone - even your friends - are on a different level and chances are you’re not going to like what you see, so I’m out at that point.
Knowing how much effort went into getting himself into the line-up for those sessions, that’s a pretty big statement, one that we might all be wise to keep in mind every time we paddle out.  
Words - Rob Harwood - Legless.tv
Photos: Donny Lopez, John Barber & Courtesy of Greg Holzman
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agentnico · 5 years
Joker (2019) Review
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A dark origin story of a comic-book character. Why so serious?
Plot: Joker centres around an origin of the iconic arch nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. Todd Phillips' exploration of Arthur Fleck, a man disregarded by society, is not only a gritty character study, but also a broader cautionary tale.
So the guy that is mainly known for showing us Ken Jeong’s dong has brought us one of the strongest contenders of this awards season (the big winner at the Venice Film Festival no less) that might end up winning top prize when the Oscars come around. In a world saturated by superhero films (boy, are the many!) director Todd Phillips decides to make a film that is not really that much of a superhero film. In fact, with only loose connections to the DC comics (though there are definitely some significant references), Joker is very much a character study of a man that is pushed to his breaking point by his own insecurities and madness, as well as due to the way the entire world treats him. The result is a fascinating yet at times difficult watch, with, as you may have heard due to the controversy surrounding this film, there are many very violent scenes with some that may be interpreted as glorifying brutality and murder.
In regards to said controversy I must say that whilst watching the film, I very much felt sorry for the character of Arthur Fleck, however never did my empathy go as far as to support his violent turns. I very much just looked at it as a character descending into madness and in his own personal way accepting this. Which is why this film will not work for everyone, as there definitely is a very thin line between what can and cannot be accepted in our society. Violence should never be glorified, however simply look at other examples in cinema like any of Quentin Tarantino’s movies or even within the superhero genre we have the Deadpool films that not only have an abundance of violence, but does it in a very comedic way that one may interpret as “oh look, violence is fun!”. If a person decides to take violent actions due to being inspired by a movie, that is not the movie’s fault, it’s the person itself. If a human is capable of violence, he’ll eventually get to that point with or without a film’s motivation. Thus I personally disagree with the Joker violence controversy, however I can understand that this movie is definitely not for everyone, as there is a lot of violence, and it is presented in grounded realism which may put some people off. For me, it was shocking, yes, but also, not going to lie, I kind of dug this movie.
When I say this movie is a character study, it very much is so as even though Todd Phillips’ directing is good, the entire movie is held on the shoulders of Joaquin Phoenix, as he bleeds, sweats and cries his every drop into this magnificently nuanced and dedicated character performance of Arthur Fleck and his psyche. Every single twitch and expression he gives has an underlining purpose, and it is truly incredible to witness. Also, there is a very interesting take on the trademark Joker-laugh, with here Arthur having a medical condition where he would have bursts of uncontrollable laughter at random moments not by his choice, and thus Phoenix even manages to make this part fascinating, with having his laughter show so much pain and unpleasantness through the various breaths and cackles. Many have hailed this to be Phoenix’s best performance of his entire career, and though I do agree that it may be so, I’d like to remind people of his other incredible roles in films such as The Master, You Were Never Really Here and Her. That being said, I’d be very surprised with Joaquin Phoenix doesn’t at least get a nomination when the Oscars come around.
Joker is basically a showcase of Joaquin Phoenix’s acting range, however there is a lot more here to enjoy. Todd Phillips alongside cinematographer Lawrence Sher do a fantastic job at visualising how a 70′s Gotham City would look like - a nightmarishly dark and gritty atmosphere with no joy nor happiness. The colour palette is on point, Hildur Guðnadóttir’s music score a key supportive player, and Phillips’ screenplay, though overall quite predictable (at times to a fault), does offer some neat story twists that even I did not see coming. Also an overall game supporting cast helps to seal the deal, with Robert De Niro especially worth mentioning as talk-show host Murray Franklin, as for starters it is De Niro and it’s always great to see him, but also I must say he’d make a great late night host. He does it all, the winces and the eye turns, pointing to the band and doing little dances...he’s got it all. C’mon, lets make Late Night with De Niro happen! Zazie Beetz though, as pretty as she may be, is heavily under-used. 
The film takes a lot of inspiration from movies like Taxi Driver, American Psycho, The King of Comedy and A Beautiful Mind just to name a few, and it was nice to see all the references (a nice nod to Chaplin’s Modern Times was particularly welcome), however there were points where inspiration turned into straight up copying, which did end up being a bit of a distraction. Also, as mentioned previously, the movie is quite predictable, and there are a few scenes that drag, but overall Joker is a very brutal, honest and original take on a signature character that may pave way for superhero films to enter proper awards conversation.
Overall score: 8/10
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sargenthouse · 5 years
Earth Premiere "The Mandrake's Hymn" & Interview / Guitar.com
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via guitar.com
Earth’s trajectory is not so much of an orbit as it is a deviation. For the past three decades, the only constant for the band headed by Dylan Carlson has been change – which is ironic for a group whose music relies heavily upon repetition.
Earth started out with ground-shaking seismic drone metal on 1993’s Earth 2, then took a left turn in 2005 into the arid West with the Morricone-inspired Hex; Or Printing In The Infernal Method. Almost a decade later, they ventured into meditative rock with Primitive And Deadly.
Now, the band have purged themselves of any embellishments, stripping instrumentation down to Carlson on guitar and bass and Adrienne Davies on drums and percussion. The upcoming record, Full Upon Her Burning Lips, is a lesson in austerity, and spotlights the duo’s sonic symbiosis.
Ahead of the release, we speak with Carlson about the record, his fascination with Telecaster pickups and his favourite collaborations thus far.
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Dylan Carlson (left) and Adrienne Davies of Earth
The new album sees Earth stripped down to the core duo of you and Adrienne Davies. Can you shed more light on this decision?
Well, I’ve been playing with Adrienne for almost 20 years now, and on previous albums, I’ve been fortunate enough to play with a lot of amazing players, but I really wanted this album to focus on the two main members at this point. Just because we really haven’t done that since, probably, Hex; Or Printing In The Infernal Method.
I also felt like live drums have always been a big part of what Earth does, but that has never come across as fully on record. You know, because when you’re recording a bunch of different instruments, you need to leave room for stuff, and I always felt like the drums didn’t show the full potential that Adrienne’s capable of.
And then also, I’ve always sort of been the guy that holds everything down with my guitar and let a lot of other instruments carry the melodic work – whether it’s cello or keys or stuff like that. So I sort of wanted it to just be the two of us showing off the best of our abilities.
The previous records, they’ve all been very lush sounding and I wanted this one to be very present and dry, and upfront. Using the 70s style, you know, where I was running two amps for the basics and hard panning guitars left and right – the kind of stuff that you just don’t really hear any more on record.
Can you tell us a little more about the title Full Upon Her Burning Lips?
I’m always trying to find titles that I feel are numinous and open to multiple interpretations. Many of them, I don’t necessarily see and people tell me about them later. Like someone recently asked if [the title] was about the moon because of the “full upon” bit – which I hadn’t thought of.
I feel like music is a sensual and sensuous experience, so I wanted a title that could evoke that. Originally, the cover idea I had for Primitive And Deadly was going to be much sexier than it turned out. I was sort of on a Scorpions jag at the time [laughs]. I think a lot of music now is missing that element. There’s so much music that’s hyper-male. To me, Metallica is a perfect example – nothing in their music or lyrics reflect the idea that there’s a feminine principle to the universe. So, I guess that’s where it came from.
You mentioned in a statement that you like the “limiting of materials to force oneself to employ even more creatively”. How did that reflect in terms of guitar tone for this album?
For this one I basically used a limited number of effects. I used my live rig, which was like a compressor, an overdrive, a Uni-Vibe and a delay. I mean I used one other overdrive for some cleaner textures and an auto wah on one track, but I pretty much tried to limit it to just the pedals that I use live.
I tried to get the most out of them. For example, I’ve used the Uni-Vibe for a long time, but I’ve always just used the vibrato setting. I never thought the chorus was very useful, and then on this album, I figured out a bunch of really cool sounds with that setting. So that was fun to use in a different way than I normally do.
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Image: Sean Stout
A lot of artists tend to compose instrumental music around tension and release. Is that an approach that you take as well?
I guess so, but I don’t know if it’s a conscious one. I feel like all songs should have some kind of arc – I call it a “narrative arc”. Although [with instrumental music] it’s very loose, as there’s obviously not any lyrics telling you what the story is. I sort of – in this very abstract sense – feel like songs and albums should still have a narrative arc. And I hope we convey that in the way that I put stuff together.
Again, it’s a sort of an abstract notion of a narrative, but you know, a song should start somewhere and then go somewhere, in some sort of rudimentary sense. I think that’s why, with instrumental music, the song titles become important. It’s the only way of conveying some kind of narrative with language.
I feel like music is a language in and of itself, and [communicates] in a different way. Music is simultaneously more immediate and more abstract in its meaning. With instrumental music, the audience is also participating in the creation of the meaning or the narrative or the imagery.
It’s not like songs with lyrics where it’s like “Oh my baby left me” or whatever. With instrumental music, it’s more challenging.
This album has a lot of minimalism and repetition. How do you make repetitions sound like progression to the listener?
With repetitive music especially, be it like the riff or the melody or whatever, it should be something that you want to hear again. So I think crafting really memorable riffs is key. They should be something that you want to hear again, and the riffs themselves should have some kind of arc to them as well – so that you’re getting mini arcs that build up to a bigger arc.
That’s one thing I’m constantly trying to do. When I come up with a riff it’s like “Oh, is this something like worth repeating?” There’s that thing that great riffs have where they make you want to hear them again. Whether they’re catchy or whatever, I feel like they should be strong enough – and interesting enough – that they bear repetition.
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Image: Holly Carlson
Folklore is a major theme of this album, as it is with much of your work. What draws you to it?
To me, with the music I make, I want it to be timeless and feel like it’s always been there. Folklore has stories and knowledge that have been around forever, transcending cultures. I also feel like, especially with rock music – for lack of a better term – and American music, are all originally from folk sources. You know, blues, jazz, country, rock ’n’ roll – the music is not “high culture”. It’s not like classical music in that it wasn’t created by rich people for other rich people.
It’s popular music from the people, embedded in the salt of the earth, and it’s the same with folklore. It’s interesting and it’s numinous. It’s got a quality of timelessness, like something that’s always been there and that goes along with what I try to do hopefully musically.
Has your gear changed much over the years?
Yeah, I would say so. When I first came back to guitar playing, I hadn’t had a guitar for at least four years. So when I came back to guitar in 2001 or 2002, I was really into gear and was always buying petals. I guess you could call it GAS. But along the way, I realised that it didn’t really matter what I played, it was going to be me like regardless. And so I got a lot less gear-obsessed.
I like gear obviously – I mean, I love guitar – and I’ve found things that allow me to translate what’s in my head better, but I don’t feel like they’re necessary. I’m going to sound like me regardless of what I’m given. I think a lot of people are always looking for that “magic box” or this amp or that amp. At the end of the day, it’s you, you know?
The gear I do get now, I get it because I like how it sounds – which is the most important thing – and then whether it’s functional and helps me with touring. Number one is the sound and number two is functionality and whether it makes my life easier. Those are sort of two of my guiding principles.
Right now I play my live rig which I’m very happy with because I discovered these Trace Elliot Elfs, 200-watt heads that weigh like a pound – I’ve got two of those. And then one has a 1×12 Dietz cab, which I love. The Jesus Lizard guys use them, and Buzz [Osborne] has one. I didn’t know about them before, I was just in Austin and I needed a cab. Yeah, it weighs a shit-tonne, but that’s the only downside to it. It’s got wheels, but it’s a little monster. Then for the other one, I have a 1×12 Mesa cab that’s semi-open.
And then I recorded the album with and did my solo tour with a Burman – it’s a British amp from the early 70s. They were a company out of Newcastle and they basically built these 100-watt power amps called the “Slaves” which ran for either KT66s or EL34s – mine’s got EL34s – and then they did various preamp modules. So they were kind of ahead of the curve, in a certain way.
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Image: Sean Stout
You’ve obviously played a lot of guitars over the years. Do you have any favourites?
Yeah, my favourite guitar is the one my wife Holly bought. It has an alder Strat body, and then we had our friend, this artist Jason Borders, carve and stain it. It has no finish. It’s got a Fender neck, the classic player one, with a 12-inch radius pau ferro fretboard, and then I’ve got a brass tremolo. I love brass, I’ve had brass on pretty much all of my guitars that I can. This guitar’s also got a brass bridge and a brass nut.
And then I’ve been running a DiMarzio Fast Track Tele bridge pickup, DiMarzio Cruiser in the middle position, and a DiMarzio Air Classic in the neck. I’m a big DiMarzio fanboy, as you can tell [laughs].
Oh, and this guitar has a little thing called the StratoBlaster which was made by Alembic. It’s a little boost switch – I have mine set for about plus 7- or 8dB, but you can go all the way to 14dB. That’s nice if you want a little bit of oomph.
I have a Tele, it was one of the Roadworn ones which I guess came out in the mid-2000s. That’s got a DiMarzio Tone Zone Tele bridge and a Seymour Duncan Little ‘59 in the neck.
In Europe, I have two guitars that live in a warehouse. I have an Epiphone SG. That one’s got a DiMarzio Tone Zone Tele bridge pickup and a Super Distortion in the neck. I was in a big Jerry Garcia phase then so I got a OBEL (or On-Board Effects Loop) on it, although I very rarely used it [laughs]. And the other’s an Epiphone Explorer that has a DiMarzio Super Distortion Tele bridge pickup. I basically put Tele Bridge pickups in all my guitars.
Some of my guitars have names. Like my favourite one – the Strat or Hollycaster – I call “The Fox”. Tele is “The Cat” and the SG is “The Goddess” because it has a big sticker of Tara Guanyin on it.
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Image: Sean Stout
Do you achieve noise through the amps?
I use a lot of gain. Well, maybe not a lot of gain but I push the amps with the compressor and overdrive. With the 200-watt headroom, you’re not going to make it break up, so the tone is really a combination of pickups, overdrive and my hands. It’s not the amp. Same with the Burman – it’s a 100-watt – so the headroom’s massive.
If I’m playing a smaller tube amp, like when I had a 50-watt Plexi for a while, I didn’t use overdrive. I just hit the front end hard with the compressor. That was still like, loud as fuck. Over the years, I’ve come to understand headroom and the fact that no one really needs anything more than 50 watts. Even that is overkill, really, for most venues. Back in Earth 2 days, when I didn’t know any better, and I was young and could lug a shit-tonne of gear, it was like, “Oh yeah, let’s have, all this ridiculous amount of equipment!”. Back then most soundmen didn’t even bother mic-ing us, you know? Now I understand to let the PA do the heavy lifting.
I understand we all grew up on the cool pictures of [Jimi] Hendrix in front of a wall of Marshalls. But there were no PAs and they were playing outdoors half the time. Of course, you need like 25 Marshalls or whatever! It was a different time, with a 100-watt head now you’re never going to get to that sweet spot at a volume that’s not going to kill people.
Let’s talk about collaborations for just a second. What would you say has been your best experience so far?
Well, I love working with Kevin [Martin, aka The Bug]. It’s a whole different world than the one I am used to inhabiting. So it’s very fun for me in that way because I just get to be the guitar player and be creative.
I also love Emma [Ruth Rundle]. I think she’s an amazing musician and a wonderful human being, so that was enjoyable. And with Maddy Prior, that was super because obviously I was really into English folk. Yeah, so getting to meet an OG [laughs] and she was a lovely, lovely woman and really easy to work with. She had written a song and asked me to play guitar on it and I got to just come in and do it.
They’re all incredibly talented and really lovely people, so they’ve all been a real pleasure to work with.
What was recording Concrete Desert like? Would you do something like that again?
Yeah, I’ve been talking to Kevin about it! [Concrete Desert] was our very first collaboration, and he basically sent me the tracks and I played guitar and sent them back. So we actually hadn’t even met in person at that point. I actually just ran into him in on the street in Krakow because we were both playing the same festival.
Then Ninja Tune wanted us to play this anniversary party in LA together, and he had this material and was like, “Hey, why don’t we do this again?” and we were actually in the studio together for a couple days. I mean, he’d already generated much of the material but then after I put my guitar on, he went back and changed it a bunch. He told me he got new ideas from the guitar parts and kinda tweaked it.
But yeah, hopefully the next time we work together we can do it with both of us in the studio, building stuff from the ground up. I don’t know when that’ll happen, but we definitely want to do something together again.
Are there any other guitarists you feel are pushing the instrument to the bleeding edge?
I think Oren Ambarchi is pretty amazing. There’s probably some guys I’m not aware of, but I know Oren and think he’s a pretty good dude. I’m a rock dude and like the fact that he still manages to inject rock into [his music] in some weird way, like with that album he did with the Ace Frehley cover, for example. I think he’s got a lot of swagger to it that others don’t have.
The Rig
Main Guitar: The Fox aka Hollycaster (see above for details)
Amp: Live – 2 x Trace Elliot ‘Elf’ heads (200w solid state) each with 1×12 cab (a Dietz and a Mesa). Recording – Early 70s Burman (100w power amp w/ EL-34s) and a pre-amp module and a DV Mark Micro 50 (50w solid state)
Effects: MXR Custom Comp, MXR Shin-juku Drive, Dunlop Uni-Vibe chorus/vibrato, Dunlop Echoplex Delay, Korg Pitchblack tuner (1st version)
Strings/Accessories: Dunlop Performance Plus Nickel .09-.42, Dunlop Primetone 3mm picks and various other Dunlop picks all around 2mm
Full Upon Her Burning Lips is out 24 May. More information at thronesanddominions.com.
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reflektormag · 6 years
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Our top 10 albums of the year so far
Brian Rhatigan
Here at Reflektor, we listen to a lot of music, I mean a lot. So, we decided to compile a list of our favorite albums from the year thus far. Please take your time and listen to each of these albums, they are our favorites for a reason!
Note: The ranking of these albums are in no particular order.
God’s Favorite Customer - Father John Misty
God’s Favorite Customer, Josh Tillman’s fourth studio album under the name ‘Father John Misty’ is arguably the most emotional album by Tillman. FJM’s other albums have been received with great praise, and so has God’s Favorite Customer.
“God’s Favorite Customer is Father John Misty’s 4th studio album. As with all of his previous releases, it’s his lyrics that always stand out to me. This time around Tillman’s lyrics are more vulnerable and sincere than they’ve ever been although he never seems to loose his wit and humor. Aside from the lyrics the album just sounds really good, there’s some nice soft rock/70s vibes. God’s Favorite Customer is a record about heartbreak, and is a comedown from his previous 2 records.”  - Carla Huysmans
Tell Me How You Really Feel - Courtney Barnett
Aussie rocker Courtney Barnett comes in swinging with her second full length studio album. ‘Tell me how you Really Feel’ is filled to the brim with emotional and meaningful lyrics like in “Nameless, Faceless”, when Barnett sings about the troubles she has had with internet trolls.
“She really manages to fully cement her style, both musically and through her lyrics, which I find very vulnerable, but also uniquely original, with always an expected twist. I also recently went to a concert of hers and she is one of those rare artists who sounds better live, on a musical level.” - Leila Ricca
Lush - Snail Mail
Maryland native Lindsey Jordan started writing her first EP ‘Habit’ when she was 15. After graduating high school, Jordan released her debut LP “Lush” on Matador records. Songs like “Pristine” and “Heatwave” stand out because of the simplicity in the chords and the meaning in the lyrics.
“Lush is easily my favorite album of the year. Each song brings something lyrically new to the table that anyone can connect with. And Lindsey Jordan is just so damn gorgeous.” - Brian Rhatigan
KOD - J Cole
KOD is North Carolina rapper J Cole’s fifth studio album. The 12 song album is a beautiful blend of soul, jazz, rap, and rock. There are three different interpretations behind KOD; Kids on Drugs, Kids Overdosed, or Kill our Demons, all fitting labels for the atmosphere of the album.
“It was the best album of the year where all the songs fit together as one piece of work, rather than individual songs put together. It also told a meaningful story, had great lyricism, and combined different genres of music.” - Bryce Murphy
Blank Panther, The Album - Various Artists
“Black Panther: The Album is a perfect contender for this list. It showcases each TDE member’s talent, and blends the themes of the film with African culture seamlessly. The transitions are flawless, the lyrics are thoughtful, and the fact that it was made while some artists were on the road is incredible. It provides a modern soundtrack to a movie that blends tradition with the future of what will hopefully be a Hollywood that is more diverse and groundbreaking than ever before.” - Sarah Beckford
Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino - Arctic Monkeys
“After five years of silence, the Arctic Monkeys make their much-awaited return with surprising and hypnotic ‘Tranquillity Base Hotel and Casino’. Perfectly managing to avoid self-parody or stylistic repetitions, this new album appears as a startling reinvention, a meandering and puzzling journey beyond known territories. Just like mankind first set foot on the moon on the ‘Tranquillity base’ site, the Arctic Monkeys disembark in an unknown universe in which they reveal a new, unexpected aspect of themselves.” - Freda Looker
Little Dark Age - MGMT
“This new album draws heavily from 80’s synth pop/brit pop, and yet still holds true to that psychedelic charm that has peppered their career. They kick things off with ‘She Works Out Too Much,’ a spoof on exercise music. The driving beat, and pounding bass line keep the listener mentally jogging in place for four minutes and 38 seconds (the instructor voice-overs really sell it). Title track, ‘Little Dark Age’ is a darker turn into goth pop, previously unexplored by the duo until now. That’s not to say it’s not catchy, as it does bare a similar song structure and groove to one of their “big three,” ‘Electric Feel.’ It has, undoubtedly, the crispest production on the album; sharp vocals, a tight snare, and a most notable synth bass that doesn’t let up. The third track and second single, ‘When You Die,’ is gloomy and aggressive. The stringy acoustic guitar is perfectly present, weaving in and out of a frustrated Vanwyngarden, who isn’t hesitant in telling the audience, “Go fuck yourself”. ‘Me and Michael’ is a straight trip to the 80s: cheesy lyrics; copious synth; dozens of “woahs;” and some guy named Michael. It’s familiar, charming, and it’s a foot down on the grounds that they can still write a hook. ‘Tslamp’ (Time Spent Looking at my Phone) is what the tape machine spit out after being fed an utter disregard for the technology that we have literally become addicted to. ‘James’ is another ode to the 80s and a “Goonies” type camaraderie. ‘One Thing Left to Try’ is in the same vein as ‘She Works Out Too Much,’ in its annoying, overdrawn out glory. An unnecessary, synth pop battle cry.” - Kendall Wright
Freedoms Goblin - Ty Segall
“This 19 song album is one hell of an adventure, composed of ballads and fuzz ridden tunes guaranteed to leave the listener asking for more. But if 19 songs are not enough for you, don’t worry. Segall averages one album each year, just like fellow Bay Area rocker John Dwyer of Thee Oh Sees, who happened to help produce Segall’s debut album. “Freedom’s Goblin” consists of hard rocking songs like “Fanny Dog”, and straight covers like “Every 1’s a Winner”. Regardless, Segall continues to push out hard rocking tunes that even the faintest rock fans can enjoy.” - Joe Terry
Isolation - Kali Uchis
“The album opens on the Bossa Nova masterpiece ‘Body Language.’ During a Reddit Q&A, when asked what the overarching theme of the album was, she replied ‘finishing your dry martini, enjoying views of the water as a beautiful woman dives in,’ and this track invokes exactly that image with the first beat drop. After that, the album flutters between genres through the hard-and-fast R&B track ‘Miami,’ the beat-driven collaboration with Steve Lacy ‘Just A Stranger,’ and the dreamy ballad ‘Flight 22.’ She flows through each medium with ease, rejuvenating it and making it her own as she goes. Pop hits like ‘Tyrant’ brush shoulders with the funk triumph ‘After the Storm’ and the Winehouse-esque closers ‘feel like a fool’ and ‘killer.’ There’s something for everyone on this album, yet at the end of it all, no matter your tastes in music, there will be only one name on your lips; ‘Kali Uchis.’” - Thomas Nell
Virtue - The Voidz (Formerly Julian Casablancas + The Voidz)
“Arriving three and a half years later, Virtue, the sophomore effort of the group (now just wearing the moniker The Voidz, as if to dismiss claims that it is a ‘side project’ in the traditional sense) is the anti-Tyranny. All that unbridled experimentation and exploration has been distilled into something that is much more recognizable and palatable. Although artistically, it’s coming from the same place fundamentally, Casablancas and his new group, have purposefully tamed the unwieldy beast of creativity, presenting the results of their exploration in a much more neatly presented package so that their audience can enjoy what they discovered as much as they did.”  - Dylan Harkin
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leonbloder · 4 years
An Example of Grace or Grace-lessness?
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I grew up in the fundamentalist Christian world, enveloped in a tradition that was grounded in white Christian nationalism, not-so-subtle racism, an unhealthy adherence to biblical literalism, super misogynistic traditions, and really, really bad 70's hair-dos.
Seriously, I grew up thinking that bee-hive hair for women and combed over pompadours on preachers were not at all that odd.  
But in spite of everything (including the hair-dos), I do have some fond memories of my upbringing within those flawed faith communities.  And let's be honest... what faith community isn't flawed, am I right?  
Along those lines... I  got to thinking about my high school basketball coach and youth pastor the other day.
He was one of the many good-hearted, kind folks I encountered in my youth---people who didn't let the structures and strictures of the fundamentalist world turn them into angry, judgmental Christians.  
I remember him taking time with me, letting me tag along when he ran errands, talking basketball with me, and even helping me get my first job.  
With his recommendation, I  was hired at age fifteen by my Christian school and church to be the main landscaper for the church and school grounds.  I made $3.50 an hour cutting grass and edging the sidewalks, and thought I was rolling in dough.
But mostly, I just remember him being kind and grace-filled to me.  I am certain that his theological leanings were definitely in the fundy camp, but I don't remember it that way, which is saying something.
After I graduated from high school, I learned that he was unceremoniously fired from his position by the church leadership.  The reason they let him go was that his wife had an affair and left him.  You read that right.  They fired him because his wife left.
Sadly, their reasoning for cutting him loose came down to a wrong-headed,  literalistic interpretation of an out of context verse from the New Testament book of 1 Timothy chapter 3.  
In that chapter, the author delineates the qualifications of an "overseer" or pastor and then poses this loaded question:
If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God’s church?
I'm not going to spend a ton of time analyzing that text, but suffice to say there's way more to it than the fundy's believed... way more.
So on top of dealing with the shock of his wife running off with another guy, he was abandoned and shamed by the very community he'd given his life to support and serve.  
I wouldn't say that was the last straw for me when it came to rejecting the church, faith, God, and most definitely religion... but it was most certainly one of the last few.  
I would go on to spend the next five years or so completely embracing agnosticism, firmly believing that if being a Christian meant adhering to a grace-less, hard-hearted kind of faith, I wanted none of it.
I didn't realize it at the time, but I had kept the memories of good people like my coach tucked away, and it was those memories that kept the door to my heart cracked open just enough for faith to find its way back in again years later.  
I haven't always been the best at showing grace to others.  None of us is amazing at it, truth be told.  But if we are going to be the kind of people who are compelling witnesses to what it means to be a Jesus-follower, we need to get better at it.
Christians have an unbelievably bad favorability rating in our current culture, and for good reason.  Far too many of us have traded our allegiance to Jesus for allegiance to anything or anyone but Jesus, and the dominant version of the Christian faith that has emerged as a result doesn't resemble Jesus at all.  
And people who are outside the Christian bubble are watching the ways that so many Christians seem to have lost the plot when it comes to showing grace, or even the slightest bit of kindness, humility, and love.
I don't know about you, but I'd much rather be an example of grace than grace-lessness.  I also know that regardless of what your particular lane in the Christian movement happens to be, your first priority is living toward Jesus' example, and stumbling after Him the very best you can.  
May it be so for you today and every day forward.  And may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen.  
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ezrajteboul · 5 years
Sonic Bodies (Henriques, 2011)
I wrote this summary of Julian Henriques’ 2011 Sonic Bodies for a reading group I’m in. I thought it might be helpful for other people dealing with this dense but instructive project.
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"Sonic Bodies" is Julian Henriques' (currently prof. at Goldsmiths in London) in depth study of Jamaican soundsystem culture. Through extensive observation from both the margins and within this loose set of cultural practices, Henriques develops a theory of knowledge through sound and the bodies that produce and consume it, grounded in carribean culture but with clear relevance to anyone thinking through sound.
Henriques bases his discussion around observations made in Kingston, although these soundsystems are almost by definition touring assemblages of humans and machines. The electrical counterpart for and in some ways powering Reggae's cultural and sonic heritage, soundsystems consist - as outlined over 300 dense pages by Henriques which alternate interviews, descriptions and interpretation - of technicians, managers, entrepreneurs, DJs ("selectors"), MCs, their audiences and the equipment and history that links them across time and space - often, these roles overlap, with even the distinction between machine and human shifting.
The general objective of the book is hinted to in the introduction by Henriques, who writes ominously:  
Starting the journey of Sonic Bodies by thinking through sound, as distinct from thinking about sound as an idea or an object, the next step is to consider talking through sound. This involves an appreciation of the idiomatic vocabulary and nomenclature of those that work with sound in Jamaican popular culture, namely the sound system crew. This leads to a methodology, or a doing through sound, that informs the investigation. Not surprisingly listening to sound is central to this methodology, followed by describing exactly what was heard of the processes and practices of sounding. This leads to a theorising through sound itself, that is, completing the account of the practice and performance techniques of sonic bodies with a theory of a sonic logos. (xxxii)
The cultural premise here is that of Reggae / Jamaica / Soundsystem's culture of bass. The attachment to low-end both requires and shapes the powerful technological apparatus of the soundsystem. Rather than give you an exhaustive catalog of the terms and corresponding examples developped by Henriques over the course of this long book, I want to focus on a couple that I think are interesting to me and central to the argument. Quoting Dennis Howard's review in Dancecult:
[Henrique suggests that] all sonic bodies are configured in these vibrations of bass culture. He proposes that these vibrations can be categorised into three distinctive wavebands. Firstly, they are material, a by-product of the sound system itself and the equipment and its phonography; secondly, there is the corporeal waveband encompassing the crew’s performance and the crowd response; and the final waveband relates to the sociocultural—the interaction, behaviour, traditions, style and cultural practices within the dancehall environ.  (122)
These are summarized in this triangular diagram - one of many such diagrams in the book:
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This "waveband" and its multiple forms really interested me because although they are elaborated out of the specificities of dancehall culture (a synonym for the Reggae/soundsystem scene), they map out to my experience of sound and my thinking about / of / through sound productively.  As Henriques writes:
a complex apparatus such as a sound system cannot be reduced to the set of equipment alone, as the material waveband of sounding, or even the crew’s performance as the corporeal vibrations of sounding, or even a phenomenon of the Dancehall scene as its sociocultural vibrations. In short, sounding is expressed in all three frequency bands at the same time, as a triangulation (Figure 1.11).  [27]
What follows is an extremely detailed assessment of those three aspects of a sonic culture. There are fascinating details: I found myself really excited to read about how WW2 and british telecommunications training for the colonial military members brought back a number of role models for younger, technically inclined Jamaicans which learned how to build amplifiers from figures like Headley Jones (also independent inventor of the electric guitar and guitar amplifiers). Henriques traces a genealogy of sonic knowledge, tacit and explicit, through six generations of technician / owners / tuners of dancehall systems since Jones and other foundational figures. This genealogy bears the marks of the colonial / capitalist / non-western context in which it developed and continues to develop: almost everything is DIY, adapted, tuned and modified. Because these systems were developed for the outdoors, they tend to build up power (by accumulating amplifier units) much faster than club PA systems in western sound culture (which tends to be an indoor activity). Prior to the 70's, tuning a sound system require soldering different components in the filters and amplifiers, on the spot, because mechanisms for tuning hadn't been standardized in the assemblage of these soundsystems. Shifting to the practice of the "session" - the party, the event - Henriques details the unique position of the "selector," the dancehall DJ, linking Jamaican practices to those of hip-hop with the use of turntables (as discussed by Mark Katz, whose work is something of an american counterpart to Henriques Carribean perspective). It's impossible to do justice to the diverse yet unequal voices Henriques collects, all fragmented yet all caring for a similar project and assembled artificially in the book: the book is worth reading if only for those.
The travelling nature of these technical systems brought to mind the "large technical systems" of Thomas Hughes and other historians of technology who are enamored with the power grid, the postal service, etc. Henriques' soundsystem occupies a space between the national and international infrastructure of power or transportation, but certainly larger than any one person would ever want to engage with by themselves. Both in terms of artifacts and in terms of sound produced, the Jamaican soundsystem is a powerful, heavy, collective effort leveraged as a form of community building and maintenance.
Where I found myself more lost (drowned in the wavebands) is the encyclopedic catalog of philosophical, social, and cultural references leveraged by Henriques to turn a situated case-study (an extensive, fascinating one) into a theory of sound as experience. Under the auspices of his Sonic Logos Henriques proposes a way of thinking that is even more all-encompassing than Cox's "Sonic flux," since:
the Sonic Logos claims that thinking through sound encourages the kind of sensibility that might prove useful for understanding the ways of knowing to be found in other situations and settings – with nothing to do with a Dancehall session or indeed with sound as such (...)  With a sonic logos, mind and body, viewer and viewed, subject and object, internal and external worlds mingle and merge to render rationality in terms of ratio rather than just representation.  (xxxv-vi)
As I read it Henriques proposes a way of knowing grounded in the insight from his time within and around Kingston's dancehall / soundsystem practitioners, but extending to the history and philosophy of knowledge as a whole.
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In her review of the book (Body Cultures 21(1), 2015) Beatrice Ferrara resumes the last section of the book:
The concluding section, ‘The Sonic Logos’, uses the model of wave mechanics to discuss theoretical questions of sympathy and attunement, in order to contend that knowledge is something that is common and particular, situated and embodied, recursive and innovative. Analogue variation and periodic motion – the kind of movements peculiar to the process of resonation – are proposed as the dynamic pattern of this sonic logos: according to the author, these ways of knowing unfold on the mind–body continuum as they emerge from the triangulation of proprioceptive movement (self-impression), kinetic movement (expression) and haptic movement (impression). (122)
It's fair, but there's a lot going on here. Henriques outlines three things:
1)  The ratios of the sonic logos are recognised through pattern and rhythm, rather than schema and discourse. (256) 2)  the sonic logos can also importantly be characterised as analogy (263) 3)  The third and final aspect of the reason of the sonic logos is expressed in the relationship of triangulation that has been so much in evidence throughout Sonic Bodies. (265)
This idea of triangulation is, I think, clearer to me than Ferrara's summary of the conclusion. Henriques writes:
Auditory propagation can be used to model a set of triadic relationships, as with melody, harmony and rhythm, for example, in the way its visual counterpart favours binaries, as with viewer and viewed, for instance. The importance of the relationship of triangulation has emerged throughout the investigation, as with the frequency, amplitude and timbre of sound, or indeed the three wavebands of sounding.   (265)
I tried writing a clever thing to say about this a few times, without any real success - I guess this is where discussion helps? All I can do is relate Henriques preference for triangles over dualisms to my own interest in the co-construction not simply of music and humans; music and technology; and technology and humans, but of all three at the same time. It seems essential to study all at the same time, because all mediate various agencies on each other and themselves. Henriques' study of dancehall culture is certainly a success in doing that, and a template for future work - perhaps that's all one can ask for?
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futuresandpasts · 7 years
Futures & Pasts | MRR #408
I’ve been doing this monthly column in MRR for over two years now; life is wild. Still not punk enough for the punks, yours truly, Grass Widow & Y Pants-listening “cool” librarian. This one’s from Maximum Rocknroll #408 (May 2017).
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Last year’s Subnormal Girls LP compilation was one of the best archival punk collections in recent memory, and Waiting Room Records are back with a second volume of international femme-punk obscurities from 1979 to 1984. There’s a handful of selections this time around that have been included in some other really great (and for the most part, still in-print) reissue efforts over the last few years, but if you’ve slept on picking up, say, the Life It’s A Joke/We Live In A System anthology LP that Softspot Music did for spiky synth-wielding Belgian anarcho-punks KEBAB, or Danger Records’ 7” re-release of the three songs that Austria’s PLASTIX had originally contributed to the Die Tödliche Dosis compilation in 1981, this might be the motivation that you need to finally remedy that. A few other highlights from the compilation’s “previously rescued from the dustbin of history” faction: “Herpes Simplex” by hallucinatory minimalist French No Wave duo ROSA YEMEN, whose amazing 1979 EP was included in the expanded 2015 reissue of vocalist/guitarist LIZZY MERCIER DESCLOUX’s solo Press Color LP; “Double Acting” from moody Danish art-punks TEE VEE POP (track down their criminally overlooked Only Years anthology LP from 2013!);  and a stuttering DIY detournement of the riff from KRAFTWERK’s “The Model” called “Creeps” by Iceland’s Q4U, presented in a slightly later version from the one on Dark Entries’ Q1 1980-1983 LP spanning the band’s progression from rudimentary punks to stark coldwavers.
 That being said, the truly deep cuts on Subnormal Girls are what really warrant your attention, not to mention the high cost of postage if you don’t live near Germany. The lone single from mysterious Welsh post-punks VAIN AIMS has been one of my holy grails for awhile, one of those records that is so elusive and rare that I’m not entirely sure it actually exists - feel free to send me a copy to prove me wrong, though! The B-side of that 7” (“Count”) is included here, and it’s an absolutely perfect slice of rough-around-the-edges femme-punk, with a wildly zigzagging bassline, some scratchy guitar and the deadpan recitation of lines as brilliant as “he was the man of my dreams / I think I had a nightmare.” I’ve extolled the virtues of UK DIY one-single wonders OCCULT CHEMISTRY in this column before, and there’s a reason why their song “Fire” is basically a permanent part of my arsenal alongside my MO-DETTES and DELTA 5 records when I DJ out at bars. Other personal faves on this volume include Québécoise punkers TÉRAPI’s jagged new wave ripper “Camisole,” with urgently snapped vocals en français and warbling, ‘60s garage-trash-style organ, and “Lost In Madagascar” by Australia’s ANNE CESSNA & ESSENDON AIRPORT, a totally warped minimal wave classic based around giddy sing-song lyrics nearly obscured by kaleidoscopic buzzes, whirrs and beeps of synth. Yet another essential compilation in this series (with hopefully many more to come), and it’s limited to a mere 300 copies - buy now or cry later! (Waiting Room, waitingroomrecords.bandcamp.com)
 Sharp-cornered post-punk with skronky saxophone seems to be enjoying somewhat of a underground renaissance these days (a development that I thoroughly back), although BLANK SQUARE’s sax squeals deviate from the two prevailing influences of most of their peers - namely, the fiery dub/punk synthesis of Rough Trade’s late ‘70s/early ‘80s UK brigade or CONTORTIONS-worshipping No Wave dancefloor deconstruction. Rather, their debut LP Animal I has all of the clenched-jaw intensity of the more art-damaged bands operating on the early ‘80s Southern California/SST Records hardcore axis (okay, maybe just SACCHARINE TRUST), with a tightly-knotted rhythm section pummeling away behind raw-throated shouts and saxophone blurting. But alongside the moments of violent punk whiplash like the breathless 48 seconds of “Put A Lid On It,” there’s also a more foreboding and slow-burning side to BLANK SQUARE (see: “I Was High” and “Empty Head”) that has invited some pretty dead-on comparisons to the FLESH EATERS’ psychedelic hellfire rave-ups that I won’t argue with. Don’t let this one get lost amidst the endless procession of THEE OH SEES records flooding the Castle Face roster. (Castle Face, blanksquared.bandcamp.com)
 French quartet SIDA have just released their first LP after a handful of cassette and singles going back to 2010, and whenever I hear people casually dropping names like NERVOUS GENDER or the SCREAMERS in reference to modern synth-punk outfits, this is the sort of terrifyingly unhinged, born-in-flames noise that I always hope for and very rarely actually find. If anything, the synth plays a supporting role here to the seething, snarled delivery of vocalist Maïssa (the brains behind one-woman minimal wave project THÉORÈME), adding a blown-out and appropriately harrowing electronic texture to her spitting and howling. The bleak, serrated sheet-metal noise of “Commercial” and “Le Crève” immediately brings to mind the more punishing and confrontational No Wave faction that included THEORETICAL GIRLS or pretty much anything that LYDIA LUNCH was involved with (particularly TEENAGE JESUS AND THE JERKS/8 EYED SPY), filtered through the distinctly 21st century techno-dystopian nightmare lens of like-minded contemporary French post-punk groups like LE CHEMIN DE LA HONTE and DELACAVE (SIDA shares their drummer with the latter). It’s not all quick flicks of the switchblade here, though - “Enterrement de Vie” grinds on a drone of spin-cycle drumming, synth static and distorted bad trip vocals for a sprawling nine minutes that makes “Death Valley ‘69” sound like the fucking MONKEES. C'est chouette! (Population/Le Turc Mecanique, population-label.bandcamp.com/album/sida)
 From the vault of underrated and neglected early ‘80s US post-punk: the VERGE started out around 1980 or 1981 in Albany, New York, which is one of those perfectly nondescript places that I’ve often heard described as being a ideal stand-in for generic city settings in TV and film productions, but otherwise stuck in the overwhelming cultural shadow of New York City. The group’s only release was 1983’s four-song Habitual EP, which completely ignores the frenetic disco-not-disco dance leanings and mangled No Wave freakouts that dominated the NYC underground at the dawn of the ‘80s, aligning itself more closely with the desperate and dissonant post-punk approach of bands like MISSION OF BURMA, NATIVE TONGUE, or even the PROLETARIAT further east down I-90 in Boston - slightly off-kilter rhythms, razor-sharp bass hooks, trebly slashes of guitar, and dual (and sometimes dueling) matter-of-fact vocals. But the VERGE were also obviously affected by the reverberations from UK post-punk’s initial waves, as evidenced by the hyper-angular choppiness and lyrical agitprop of “Tradition” that could pass for an American interpretation of GANG OF FOUR (or is that a proto-FUGAZI?). It kind of blows my mind that none of these songs have found their way onto Hyped to Death’s extensive Homework compilation series chronicling the late ‘70s/early ‘80s US DIY weirdo-punk scene, but picking up those loose threads is essentially why this column exists, right?
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orthodoxydaily · 4 years
Saints&Reading: Sun., May 24, 2020
Venerable Simeon the Stylite ( the younger)
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Saint Simeon the Stylite was born in the year 521 in Antioch, Syria of pious parents John and Martha. From her youth Saint Martha (July 4) prepared herself for a life of virginity and longed for monasticism, but her parents insisted that she marry John. After ardent prayer in a church dedicated to Saint John the Forerunner, the future nun was directed in a vision to submit to the will of her parents and enter into marriage.
As a married woman, Saint Martha strove to please God and her husband in everything. She often prayed for a baby and promised to dedicate him to the service of God. Saint John the Forerunner revealed to Martha that she would have a son who would serve God. When the infant was born, he was named Simeon and baptized at two years of age.
When Simeon was six years old, an earthquake occurred in the city of Antioch, in which his father perished. Simeon was in church at the time of the earthquake. Leaving the church, he became lost and spent seven days sheltered by a pious woman. Saint John the Baptist again appeared to Saint Martha, and indicated where to find the lost boy. The saint’s mother found her lost son, and moved to the outskirts of Antioch after the earthquake. Already during his childhood the Lord Jesus Christ appeared several times to Saint Simeon, foretelling his future exploits and the reward for them.
The six-year-old child Simeon went into the wilderness, where he lived in complete isolation. During this time a light-bearing angel guarded and fed him. Finally, he arrived at a monastery, headed by the igumen Abba John, who lived in asceticism upon a pillar. He accepted the boy with love...keep reading OCA
St Vincent de Lérins
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Personal life
Vincent of Lérins was born in Toulouse, Gaul[4] to a noble family, and is believed to be the brother of Lupus of Troyes.[3] In his early life he engaged in secular pursuits; it is unclear whether these were civil or military, though the term he uses, "secularis militia", may imply the latter. He entered Lérins Abbey on Île Saint-Honorat, where under the pseudonym Peregrinus he wrote the Commonitorium, c. 434, about three years after the Council of Ephesus.[5] Vincent defended calling Mary, mother of Jesus, Theotokos(God-bearer). This opposed the teachings of Patriarch Nestorius of Constantinople which were condemned by the Council of Ephesus.[4]Eucherius of Lyon called him a "conspicuously eloquent and knowledgeable" holy man.[6]
Gennadius of Massilia wrote that Vincent died during the reign of Roman Emperor Theodosius II in the East and Valentinian III in the West. Therefore, his death must have occurred in or before the year 450. His relics are preserved at Lérins.[7]. Caesar Baronius included his name in the Roman Martyrology but Louis-Sébastien Le Nain de Tillemont doubted whether there was sufficient reason. He is commemorated on 24 May.
Vincent wrote his Commonitory to provide himself with a general rule to distinguish Catholic truth from heresy, committing it to writing as a reference. It is known for Vincent's famous maxim: "Moreover, in the Catholic Church itself, all possible care must be taken, that we hold that faith which has been believed everywhere, always, by all."[8](p132)[9](p10) The currently accepted idea that Vincent was a semipelagian is attributed to a 17th-century Protestant theologian, Gerardus Vossius, and developed in the 17th century by Cardinal Henry Noris.[9](xxii) Evidence of Vincent's semipelagianism, according to Reginald Moxon, is Vincent's, "great vehemence against" the doctrines of Augustine of Hippo in Commonitory.[9](xxvii)
Semipelagianism was a doctrine of grace advocated by monks in and around Marseilles in Southern Gaul after 428. It aimed at a compromise between the two extremes of Pelagianism and Augustinism, and was condemned of heresy at the Second Council of Orange in 529 AD after more than a century of disputes.[10]
Augustine wrote of prevenient grace, and expanded to a discussion of predestination. A number of monastic communities took exception to the latter because it seemed to nullify the value of asceticism practiced under their rules. John Cassian felt that Augustine's stress on predestination ruled out any need for human cooperation or consent.
Vincent was suspected of Semipelagianism but whether he actually held that doctrine is not clear as it is not found in the Commonitorium. But it is probable that his sympathies were with those who held it. Considering that the monks of the Lérins Islands – like the general body of clergy of Southern Gaul – were Semipelagians, it is not surprising that Vincent was suspected of Semipelagianism. It is also possible that Vincent held to a position closer to the Eastern Orthodox position of today, which they claim to have been virtually universal until the time of Augustine, and which may have been interpreted as Semipelagian by Augustine's followers.
Vincent upheld tradition and seemed to have objected to much of Augustine's work as "new" theology. He shared Cassian's reservations about Augustine's views on the role of grace. In the Commonitorium he listed theologians and teachers who, in his view, had made significant contributions to the defense and spreading of the Gospel; he omitted Augustine from that list. Some commentators have viewed Cassian and Vincent as "Semiaugustinian" rather than Semipelagian.
It is a matter of academic debate whether Vincent is the author of the Objectiones Vincentianae, a collection of sixteen inferences allegedly deduced from Augustine's writings, which is lost and only known through Prosper of Aquitaine's rejoinder, Responsiones ad capitula objectionum Vincentianarum. It is dated close to the time of the Commonitorium and its animus is very similar to the Commonitorium sections 70 and 86, making it possible that both were written by the same author.[5]
Source Wikipedia
Saint Vincent died peacefully in 456 AD. His relics are preserved at Lérins.
Acts 16:16-34 NKJV
Paul and Silas Imprisoned
16 Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. 17 This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.” 18 And this she did for many days.
But Paul, greatly [a]annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And he came out that very hour. 19 But when her masters saw that their hope of profit was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to the authorities.
20 And they brought them to the magistrates, and said, “These men, being Jews, exceedingly trouble our city; 21 and they teach customs which are not lawful for us, being Romans, to receive or observe.” 22 Then the multitude rose up together against them; and the magistrates tore off their clothes and commanded them to be beaten with rods. 23 And when they had laid many stripes on them, they threw them into prison, commanding the jailer to keep them securely. 24 Having received such a charge, he put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks.
The Philippian Jailer Saved
25 But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. 26 Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed. 27 And the keeper of the prison, awaking from sleep and seeing the prison doors open, supposing the prisoners had fled, drew his sword and was about to kill himself. 28 But Paul called with a loud voice, saying, “Do yourself no harm, for we are all here.”
29 Then he called for a light, ran in, and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. 30 And he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
31 So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” 32 Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house. 33 And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes. And immediately he and all his family were baptized. 34 Now when he had brought them into his house, he set food before them; and he rejoiced, having believed in God with all his household.
Acts 16:18 distressed
John 9:1-38 NKJV
A Man Born Blind Receives Sight
9 Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. 2 And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
3 Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him. 4 I[a] must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. 5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
6 When He had said these things, He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva; and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay. 7 And He said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (which is translated, Sent). So he went and washed, and came back seeing.
8 Therefore the neighbors and those who previously had seen that he was [b]blind said, “Is not this he who sat and begged?”
9 Some said, “This is he.” Others said, [c]“He is like him.”
He said, “I am he.”
10 Therefore they said to him, “How were your eyes opened?”
11 He answered and said, “A Man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me, ‘Go to [d]the pool of Siloam and wash.’ So I went and washed, and I received sight.”
12 Then they said to him, “Where is He?”
He said, “I do not know.”
The Pharisees Excommunicate the Healed Man
13 They brought him who formerly was blind to the Pharisees. 14 Now it was a Sabbath when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes. 15 Then the Pharisees also asked him again how he had received his sight. He said to them, “He put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and I see.”
16 Therefore some of the Pharisees said, “This Man is not from God, because He does not [e]keep the Sabbath.”
Others said, “How can a man who is a sinner do such signs?” And there was a division among them.
17 They said to the blind man again, “What do you say about Him because He opened your eyes?”
He said, “He is a prophet.”
18 But the Jews did not believe concerning him, that he had been blind and received his sight, until they called the parents of him who had received his sight. 19 And they asked them, saying, “Is this your son, who you say was born blind? How then does he now see?”
20 His parents answered them and said, “We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind; 21 but by what means he now sees we do not know, or who opened his eyes we do not know. He is of age; ask him. He will speak for himself.” 22 His parents said these thingsbecause they feared the Jews, for the Jews had agreed already that if anyone confessed that He was Christ, he would be put out of the synagogue. 23 Therefore his parents said, “He is of age; ask him.”
24 So they again called the man who was blind, and said to him, “Give God the glory! We know that this Man is a sinner.”
25 He answered and said, “Whether He is a sinner or not I do not know. One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.”
26 Then they said to him again, “What did He do to you? How did He open your eyes?”
27 He answered them, “I told you already, and you did not listen. Why do you want to hear itagain? Do you also want to become His disciples?”
28 Then they reviled him and said, “You are His disciple, but we are Moses’ disciples. 29 We know that God spoke to Moses; as for this fellow, we do not know where He is from.”
30 The man answered and said to them, “Why, this is a marvelous thing, that you do not know where He is from; yet He has opened my eyes! 31 Now we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does His will, He hears him. 32 Since the world began it has been unheard of that anyone opened the eyes of one who was born blind. 33 If this Man were not from God, He could do nothing.”
34 They answered and said to him, “You were completely born in sins, and are you teaching us?” And they [f]cast him out.
True Vision and True Blindness
35 Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when He had found him, He said to him, “Do you believe in the Son of [g]God?”
36 He answered and said, “Who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?”
37 And Jesus said to him, “You have both seen Him and it is He who is talking with you.”
38 Then he said, “Lord, I believe!” And he worshiped Him.
John 9:4 NU We
John 9:8 NU a beggar
John 9:9 NU “No, but he is like him.”
John 9:11 NU omits the pool of
John 9:16 observe
John 9:34 Excommunicated him
John 9:35 NU Man
New King James Version (NKJV) Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved.
Source Biblegateway
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection - 18
115: Nov 14
MM ANON …… MAD-ISON AV. Re-Sunshine Sucks…… a tabloid too far…… LA thanksgiving? …… homeless shelter thanksgiving?……Royal Family thanksgiving?…… professional lie juggler …… $h!t scared of loosing tax millions …… HMTQ drops in 🤣🤣🤣🤣…… MM drops out…… “ it’s not rocket science Harry dear boy, she’s a s****!!…… “ but I love her” … “Really!!, sit down and watch this” …… “ now!! convinced!!”…… “ ones judgment is sometimes compromised Harry” …… “ But, But ,But …… “No ifs, no Butts. … just act royal
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜 l hope you’re well🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
November 14/2019 0855 hrs CST, Riddle #115
MAD-ISON AV. Re-Sunshine Sucks
Madison Avenue in NYC is Ad-is on Avenue🤣🤣😂. Every advertising firm, PR Firm etc etc has offices along that avenue . On madam weekend trip to see SW lose to our young Canadian sensation Bianca Andreescu !! Was that not beyond the pale exciting!! Madam’s PR Firm, one of them is SS Sunshine Sachs. Well everything they have done since they came on board, so to speak, seems to backfire, contradict previous information madam has shared in interviews or other PR or news reporting from royal reporters or her “besties” or OS. They basically ‘suck’ at their job. Suck, pardon the horrible pun🤣😂, is really a slang term meaning they are doing a lousy, terrible, job.
MAD-ISON, interesting upper caps and hyphenated. Obviously madam must be mad as in angry 😤 but has she gone mad, as in psychologically?? ISON, last four letters of Archie’s second name Harrison. I do frequently wonder, given the alleged extremely severe narcissistic personality disorder she exhibits, it’s Axis II in the DSM multi axial system of diagnosing mental illness, the actual book is the Diagnostic Statistical Manual. I think the U.K. must have something very similar.It’s the standard by which mental illnesses are diagnosed, it lists the criteria for making a diagnosis. Axis l is the primary mental illness ie depression, Axis ll are the personality disorders, there are more several more levels but that’s all l need to tell you now. Getting to my point, l think at some point she allegedly has diagnoses along some of Axis l and Axis lll, depression, substance abuse, eating disorder. I hope l am not confusing you too much. I worked as a mental health clinician for 20+ years. This leads me to the uppercase MAD, mad is a word often use by laymen, regular not professional mental health workers, to refer to someone with mental illness. Phew, l hope l didn’t confuse you, but you see, l eventually get to my point, but l always think explanation and background information is so important to enable me to put things in context for you all.
a tabloid too far
The tabloids and papers have been following closely yesterday the back and forth one upsmanship, of the PR put out and then BP woukd respond affirming it and than madam didn’t want it she was playing games via SS PR articles. Which one is going to LIFTOFF first. They will release too much information?? More than is meant to? Or is madams PR going to release too much private information.?
LA thanksgiving? …… homeless shelter thanksgiving?……Royal Family thanksgiving?
The Thanksgiving holiday takes place in October in Canada, but in America, it’s very near Christmas, at the end of November. I always wondered why they put two big holidays so close together. It’s a big dinner turkey usually, with dressing, pumpkin pie and a whole table full of options!
So the PR yesterday was back and forth, are the Sussexes spending the holiday in L.A. , then BP PR said yes, Well for some reason which l will get into later, madam does not really want to go to America. So her PR put out the plan that she would spend part of the day, wait for it, deep breaths now🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂, being a fauxmanitarian by helping serve turkey and pumpkin pie at a homeless shelter near Frogmore Cottage. Are there homeless shelters for millionaires and royals? Turkey and pumpkin pie, on a holiday that doesn’t exist in her new home country that she soooo longed to live in. I have to digress, l have friends in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿, one year, one came for a visit over thanksgiving week. My godmother made a huge dinner with my friends here and so my visiting friend could meet them and experience a Canadian Thanksgiving. She had NEVER EVER EVEN HEARD OF PUMPKIN pie or pumpkin muffins, l clearly remember sending her off at the airport with her suitcase loaded with cans of pumpkin purée 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. So l am not certain about England but l do know one of my other friends was from South London , living in Scotland working offshore, he had never had pumpkin pie either. Anyhow, serving unfamiliar food to the homeless, they need comfort food they are familiar with. MADAM IS WORKING HARD TO AMERICANIZE THE ROYAL FAMILY !!! No disrespect to our American friends, but just imagine the other way around? So so disrespectful of The Monarchy!
professional lie juggler
Madam, and l believe as do many, that her ‘family’ are working in tandem, in this plot allegedly. There is by now such a convoluted web of conflicting information about EVERYTHING about her. Every little detail, missing years, age, relationships, how they met etc etc etc. She is juggling all these stories and using different PR firms who don’t know what story has been printed or told elsewhere or previously it’s just a big mash-up of conflicting information, some call an alleged pattern of lies. The metaphor of a juggler is perfect. A juggler is someone who throws things up in the air and catches them, usually multiple items like balls, or plates etc. Well, picture madam standing astride, as royal ladies do, NOT🤣🤣🤣😂, juggling all her ‘stories’ in the air, ever increasing number of them conflicted, well eventually she started dropping them, it’s too much to juggle and people have been calling out the inconsistencies, some call lies.
$h!t scared of loosing tax millions
Here is where l told you earlier in my interpretation that l would explain. America is one of, l think two countries, maybe a few more, that when it’s citizens live and work out of country, they still have to file American tax forms and pay taxes to the IRS, Internal Revenue Service, the tax part of America’s government. One also would have to pay taxes on any bits received, income of the spouse and their assets come into play as well but we are just dealing with madam here..
Now just think of the $$$£££££€€€€€ she has made merching, wedding gifts, paid appearances and goodness know how else she has earned money. I have postulated this repeatedly in previous riddles. I think she does not want to go back to America because she has not done allegedly any tax forms since she has been in the U.K. and owes millions of back taxes!! Just think, her wedding dress allegedly cost @£250,000!! What would be the tax on that. And on and on. Put all the alleged stories/lies/feauxmegnancy aside, she is allegedly in a world of hurt facing when it comes to the taxes she owes her own country’s government. The country she is trying to turn the royals into, she /her PR call it ‘ modernizing the monarchy’. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! Our Monarchy has existed over a thousand years and consistently evolves to adapt!
HMTQ drops in 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I read this AGAIN this mornings paper, HMTQ DOESN’T DROP IN REPEATEDLY OR AT ALL, YOU GO TO HER IF INVITED! END OF! FULL STOP!!! HMTQ spends the week at BP, unless attending appearances elsewhere. On weekends, she goes to Windsor Castle, nearer to PP at his ‘farm’. She likes to relax on weekends, just Monday we saw her riding this massive horse, was marvellous to see! So madam ALLEGEDLY has been living at FC with H!!M🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. So after her busy week NIT AT WC BUT AT BP, HMTQ”pops in regularly” on her weekends??? This is outrageous, 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬absolutely outrageous!!! She is the reigning MONARCH, PEOPLE GO TO HER!!
MM drops out
Well the idea has been floated around about madam running fir political office in America. Several articles l have read list the criteria to be able to do that and she does not meet the criteria, l cannot recall the minutiae of it. But sud no more such stories. Her PR is engaged in a game of chess with BP, when her PR cannot play checkers! I know l have said that BRF it it’s so true!!
She also dropped out, according to her PR yesterday but it’s like weather, wait a minute, it could change🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Suddenly she dropped out of the idea of going to L.A. for the holidays, now it’s at “an undisclosed location “ oooo everything is soooo secret.
“ it’s not rocket science Harry dear boy, she’s a s****!!…… “ but I love her” … “Really!!, sit down and watch this” …… “ now!! convinced!!”…
When madam first came on the scene to Harry, she allegedly knew everything about him and she played him like a fiddle, manipulated him seven ways from Sunday. Her backers had been allegedly working on this plan for years! He had blinders on, anyone who has had an experience like this, you’re being manipulated but you think it’s love, l know l had a relationship like that, l was in too deep when l realized. So, DM has a dossier, the Royal reports also. I am certain, why HMTQ called LG to help. They gathered information on madam.
I see this going like this, in very early days, Harry released the statement after madam told him she was frightened etc. The information was gathered and shared with HMTQ, PP,PC
and PW. They had Harry come to a sitting room equipped with a large HD screen. Harry was besotted and they were desperately trying to get him to see through the alleged lies and manipulations but he was besotted.
I do believe the first line here is PP bluntly telling Harry about madams morals or alleged lack thereof.Fire is crackling, remember what time of year this was, Harry staring straight into the fire 🔥, the other most desperately trying to bring him to reality of what had happened. He was unconvinced. They had to shock him back to reality . They played the tape, in HD on a 70 inch screen, madam allegedly performing acts so vile that most of us had never heard of them or the urban dictionary and it’s terms that are now in our brains. Imagine, just imagine, what went through Harry’s mind and emotions, utter and complete shock, devastation feeling filthy for having been with her intimately and feeling incredibly angry at being not only used by her allegedly, but used as an in to attack the a Monarchy. IMAGINE HIS RAGE!! So that was the moment, he vowed to do anything and everything necessary to seek justice for HMTQ, his grandmother. I picture him weeping, his head on her lap, him on the floor in front of her, so broken and used. He was convinced!
“ ones judgment is sometimes compromised Harry”
Reassurances were quick, his family loves and adores him, and wanted to protect him, yet an invasion took place. None of them saw it coming or knew who or what sort of individual they were dealing with and alleged backers who allegedly planned this assault. It’s true, we all have times when our heart rules when our head should, we make mistakes. But it’s different when you are a Prince, grandson if the ruling Monarch and the target point to invasion, allegedly. Oh dear Harry, how l have ached for your pain, and prayed for you. Yes, l believe in you and the role you are playing and continuing to play to seek justice ⚖️ and truth!
“ But, But ,But …… “No ifs, no Butts. … just act royal
Instructions for a reluctant madam! Surely this is not the NATO banquet! Being told to act royal despite her protests and uncertainty. BUTTS, is this a reference to video, photos, or the way madam dresses, keep her butt coverage. Or is it cigarette butts?
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦1035 hrs CST
PHEW that was a tough long riddle MM ANON and now l hear you sent another, keep me on my toes
Thank you so much dear PG….interesting that we are getting the happenings from the beginning……again confirming Harry being trapped….great job!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
116: Nov 14
MM ANON ………… surreptitiously, “lift off”. …… who dares,bins…… 🎄it’s a wonderful strife🎄…… failure is not a-doption……Interstellar McCartney………me invito tactiost…… an act of con-passion…… “ therapy, the humanitarian solution Harry”. …… “serious emotional and mental disorders” …… it’s not her fault, she seems to have been born that way” ……… “ yes!! Section 8. … “ it’s your call!! “.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
Things must be pretty serious with two riddles and the content. I am so thankful for my 20+ years working in adult mental health services!
November 14/2019 1035 hrs CST
Riddle #116 Riddle #2 today
surreptitiously, “lift off”
In a riddle previously, today was meant to be LIFTOFF day, the media was meant to have freedom to publish any and all information not yet published or respectfully of HMTQ,to not publish alleged information of a damning vulgar nature allegedly regarding madam. Something changed, to use your words MM ANON, there is a spanner in the mix!
What does surreptitiously mean and what’s it doing here. It simply means doing something in a manner or way that attempts to avoid notice or attention, or done secretively.
So some information may come out, but it will not be splashed on headlines. It will quietly appear. So kids we need to check twitters, instagrams, every social media place, newspapers online etc etc etc. Because there are now serious holes in the boat, and it is taking on water rapidly, so to speak and information will start to ‘leak’!
who dares,bins…
It’s like who blinks first in a no blink contest. Which media dares to first LIFTOFF or publish, bins, goes in the garbage. Or is it meaning to publish garbage. Sorry kinds my brain has been working rapid fire going on four hours here!!! So the editors are now at a crossroads, they had been told today was LIFTOFF! But then delayed, are some going to ignore the delay and publish or after waiting almost two years are they just going to dump the files in the bin, aka the trash can?
🎄it’s a wonderful strife🎄
One of my three favourite Christmas films! Jimmy Stewart, It’s a Wonderful Life! The others being Christmas in Connecticut and White Christmas!! Here we have strife and Christmas trees. Strife is defined as, an angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues or conflict So we are then to anticipate a lot of strife, or rather difficulty, tension, over where do they spend Christmas, with which family, or where. Everyone struggles with that, most people alternate Christmases, one year with one side, the next year the other side of the family. Madam only has her mum, which doesn’t appear particularly close at all. Oh HMTQ, l feel your pain Ma’am🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
failure is not a-doption
The usual phrase is failure is not an option, here we have a-doption, a for Archie. This must be AMW, the discussion if he should be adopted by the alleged surrogate or other parents. Certainly madam does not appear capable or stable enough to parent an infant or any child really. I am looking at the sentence structure. Failure is NOT adopting, so success would be adoption, am l reading that correctly? I hope you all understand, the first riddle was so long and such a bear and now another, phew! I am reading, rather interpreting this as, the best successful thing, the best life for AMW , is to be adopted formally by the surrogate mother or other parents, allegedly. He is not Harry’s son, and madam is not capable, plus she may, allegedly, have some serious legal issues and allegedly some vey serious mental health issues as l struggled so hard to explain in layman’s terms in riddle #115, riddle#1 of today.
Interstellar McCartney
Yes poor Stella, NOT! Stella McCartney, Paul’s daughter, is a fashion designer, although millions would disagree and don’t like her designs. She has dug herself a right hole so she has. Instagramweeting that madam was wearing her designs on RS on the Siberian balcony. The outcry of rage from the public on social media has been stellar!! PUN INTENDED🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Madam we know merches , all the time. People are outraged at SM talking about fashion and £££££€€€€$$$ when the focus SHOULD have been on the fallen, the veterans , those with injuries etc etc . Talk about being tone deaf!!
me invito tactiost
One is encouraged to take things gently, with tact and a calm manner. I marvel at this, after all they have been attacked with, the chaos and turmoil of the last few years, the absolute compassion they have for madam has moved me to tears. Herein lies the difference between good and evil. HMTQ is chosen and anointed by Holy water from the river Jordan upon Coronation and is the head of the a church if England. The Christian compassion they appear to be taking towards dealing with madam is truly God’s Hands at work. Taking a gentle, encouraging, tactful way to move forward.
an act of con-passion
Normally it’s an act of compassion, here MM ANON has written con-passion. We have discussed the whole origin of the word con, confidence game. You gain someone’s trust and then your fleece them for everything they have, money etc. This is madams fauxmanitarian PR about her serving turkey and pumpkin pie, that’s what it said in the newspaper, that was the menu. Serving it at a homeless shelter near FC. Spending part of Thanksgiving day there. As in riddle one, it’s not a holiday in England etc etc, please read riddle #115 #1 of today’s two, l hope there’s not more than two🤣🤣😫😫😫😫 my hands are killing me! Her PR putting this out is just more fluff and drivel, alleged con, lies etc.allegedly.
“ therapy, the humanitarian solution Harry”. “serious emotional and mental disorders” …… it’s not her fault, she seems to have been born that way” ……… “ yes!! Section 8. … “ it’s your call!! “.
In Canada each province has a Mental Health Act, which outlines in great detail protocols on psychiatric hospitalization and treatment. The most common is involuntary status, or a 72 hour hold. A GP can form someone, which means they fill out a specific form for GP’s to mandate the individual be examined by a psychiatrist, or a family member can go to the magistrate and get the paperwork. It’s a lot to make sure the correct assessment, treatment etc is provided.
In the U.K., Section 8 defines the authority of the guardian, as empowered under Section 7 of the Act. These are: being able to require the patient to live at a specified place. being able to require the patient to attend places for treatment, occupation, training or education.
Here we have an intense conversation with all the same individuals l described in the earlier riddle when Harry was shown the video. They are discussing madams mental health issues very very compassionately. Saying she was born this way , needs help, therapy. They are just trying to sort out what’s best to help her. As her husband, under the Act, he is her husband/guardian and has authority to compel certain things regarding her mental health status. This is sounding extreme serious hospitalization. However, l can tell you this, people with PD, personality disorders , don’t do well with long term hospitalization. They learn about the staff and manipulated them, it’s called staff splitting or simply splitting. They can cause an unbelievable amount of chaos and they enjoy that. Best is hospitalization for crisis only and then long term therapy. I am talking years of therapy and THATS ONLY IF THEY HAVE INSIGHT AND AGREE TO IT! Otherwise it’s just a game and someone else they can mess with.
Very serious discussion indeed, and at the end if the day, it’s Harry’s decision, or your call,as stated in the riddle. I wonder too if this conversation also included legal attendance and a psychiatrist as well. Folks this is no laughing matter. This is a seriously disturbed individual who should never have been able to get in. Evil wow that’s very scary.
Might l say, the Christian, compassionate approach towards helping madam get help and treatment is a marvel. But it’s not really, because this is exactly who HMTQ is! A strong, loving, intelligent, compassionate woman of faith. God bless you Ma’am, l am so deeply moved.
November 14/2019 1150 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG..two riddles back to back and you kept going! We so appreciate this, and your loyalty to HM to get this out there! Thank you so very much! We definitely want her to be mentally stabilized…..legal case pending, we want justice to treat her “fairly”…….🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
117: Nov 17
MM anon .......... “wash spin repeat”......... no hole barred🤣🤣🤣......... reflect,deflect,infect...... DM is armed and dangerous...... court jester 🎭......... the light is Fading...... nice hypocrisy you’re wearing...... hunger-Ian...... GCHQ on the QT......... I’m not a row boat...... “they will unleash the dossier from hell”...... complete disclosure......... in case of emergency, pull handle. ...... sorry you’re out of time......... 🎼 …”rescue me”…🎼.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
November 15/2019, 1620 hrs CST, Riddle #117
“wash spin repeat”
The shampoo cycle, they print that on the bottle so you use more and subsequently have to repurchase it more often, it’s a OR instructional ploy! Well we have seen that in spades this week. Madams PR puts out something BP confirms it, she panics and than her PR changes and BP PR responds in kind. It’s absolutely continued BRILLIANT strategy by the BRF and LG!
no hole barred🤣🤣🤣
Well it’s usually no HOLDS barred. For madam, I am thinking yachting, videos etc, any and all holes were on offer for the right price. I am sorry this is so offensive, but it will become far more descriptive and disgusting in court!
Yep PR tactics, deny, deny, deny. When that fails you reflect it to something else like PA, deflect, deny, blame someone else and the results are complete infection. It has become known as the Markle effect or you have been Markled ! She wanted fame, well she now has her name in everyday vernacular!!
DM is armed and dangerous
Armed and dangerous, that usually is some criminal on the loose that police are looking for. Here we have DM a and d. Again to repeat myself, they have sat on this massive dossier on madam for two years give or take. She had the chutzpah to sue them, she has unleashed the hounds not on them but ON HERSELF!! Every bit of that dossier will be at play in court and the media likely. Oh this is getting really interesting now. She is bloody corned now, in 12by 6 protective custody. She is still playing PR games. William met with a main backer. She should be afraid, not spending time on PR!!!
court jester 🎭
Madam has fancied herself a serious actress. The entire theatre world gasped when madam was made patron of the British theatre, having never acted on stage professionally. Another master stroke by HMTQ/LG. She is certainly no actress, she is laughed at. When she appears in court she will be laughed at by the public for causing her own undoing for one, the public have many other reasons . Historically a court jester is someone whose clever jokes and stories has had the role of entertaining the Monarch at court, not legal court, but the court that was held when the monarch and all the courtiers gathered daily to spend time.
the light is Fading
Lighthouses help ships navigate coastlines in the dark. Nightlights help little ones and some adults either get to sleep or help find their way at night.The light is oft referred to in spiritual terms. Well it can be hope, the saying it’s always darkest before the dawn, meaning there is hope in the light of day. Her light is fading, Fading so fast that MM ANON uppercase the F.she truly is fighting a very losing battle, she really is cornered and it’s all by her own doing/life choices.
nice hypocrisy you’re wearing hunger-Ian
There has been continued fall- out regarding the Stella M coat madam wired on RS to merch. SM was pounded by the public on social media for posting the merching when the day was ,want to be fir the fallen. Today some investigating report the coat made in Hungary at extremely low wages and by people desperately trying to eke out a living. Not exact funds but £15 wages, £50 material coat price around £1500. Quite the markup. This is going to have major repercussions for SM brand! Another person feeling the MArkle effect!
GCHQ on the QT
Prince William, we know awhile back spent a week with MI5. It sounds like these visits have continued and he is directly involved with how all things are progressing. This must have been an extraordinary meeting between HRS and himself. No holds barred. I am extremely confident that he told her he knew EXACTLY what she and the other backers were up to, they have proof and very likely they have quite the information on BC related to JE in building a defence for PA! Oh l wish l could have been a fly on the wall! I know l say that every day but it’s true every day!
I’m not a row boat
Rowboats, often l think of the Titanic or other historical ships that have had horrific events happen, the people that get in the life boat/row boats basically, are the ones that survive. Is madam wanting Harry to be her rowboat/lifeboat? Who is saying this to her while her ship is rapidly sinking and she needs a row boat to rescue her. Perhaps it’s MA or a backer. But l don’t think anything an undo the things that she has chosen to do. Not can anything be done to undo the havoc she has wrought!
“they will unleash the dossier from hell”complete disclosure
Madam signed her own end so to speak, by filing suit against the DM. In court process there is discovery, where evidence is shared. They, the DM, have been sitting on this million £ dossier since before the wedding. All of it, every single bit of filth, coercion, lies, financial issues etc will be revealed in complete disclosure. She had no idea what she was going to unleash when she filed her lawsuit against MOS/DM! I can hardly wait! I hope they air PA interview on the CBC!
in case of emergency, pull handle
You see this on fire alarms 🚨 in various places. Well ,Adam is in the emergency if all emergencies, does she have handy handles left to pull? This diary, shows alleged coercion against the BRF, but what else is in there regarding her backers???
sorry you’re out of time
Madam perhaps has limited phone calls or visitors? As in custodial situations. I am guessing she was on the phone with MA, seeking rescue, or a backer? The custodial agent telling her, phones/visitor time limit is up, she must end the call.
🎼 …”rescue me”…🎼
Great song, rescue me, take me in your arms and rescue me! I am certain madam is pleading for rescue from MA! Or anybody by now. Given her 12 by 6 containment, she has little to do but think. And hope her backers will help her and rescue her🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂. She means nothing, a pawn. This supposed diary might be a worry to backers. Look at what happened with JE, Hence why madam is likely in protective custody for her own safety!
November 15/2019, 1720 hrs CST
Fascinating! Thank you dear PG, I know you have a pounding headache and because of your loyalty you came through for us and did two! Thank you, we so appreciate it!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜
118: Nov 15
MM ANON ……Ventura Highway …… “ yes, let’s go!!”…… GCHQ, on the QT…… W knows EVERYTHING!!…… PR pops in”🤣🤣……… “ one pops in , Philip”…… archificial pops out, when?……… “ bit of a soft interview “…… tighten security, NOW!!…… “ this ones out the bag , old thing”…… “ I’m looking forward to it Philip, all the little ones”…… “yes , one is a tad hurt”…… A good appointment.…… “ right up Her street”. …… 🎼give yourself a very🎄merry Christmas🎼…… “ Little ones?the service is too long,Philip”.
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
November 15/2019 1725 hrs CST
Riddle#118 and #2 today
MM ANON is this two riddles a day thing permanent? It’s taking me hours, just putting that out there! Guys you have no idea how much l put into this and l am having a bad headache today! I will continue my best efforts out if loyalty to HMTQ
Ventura Highway
Ventura Freeway is a major highway in San Francisco, or runs through it California, America. Also. Ventura Boulevard. No Ventura highway other than a song by America, coincidence? Anyhow the lyrics are all about sunshine, drinking at night, change your name, make up a new self etc. Sounds a bit like madam. Nobody knows much for certain even age, where Doria was etc etc etc.
Ventura Boulevard is like the Malecon. All sorts of shops, people rollerblading, every type of person great for people watching in the sunshine. Also a place where you can get anything and everything!
“ yes, let’s go!!”
Madam wanting to go to California?! I am not certain who is speaking this. Wanting to escape back home but the IRS awaits.
Or is William telling Catherine about California and she would like to go there.
GCHQ, on the QT…… W knows EVERYTHING!!
This was partly in the first riddle, as l proposed here it’s in the second part of clue clue. Of course William knows everything. We have seen the clue leave it to William several times . We know he spent a week at MI5 some time ago and now again at GCHQ but on the QT meaning quiet hush hush definitely not appear on the CC. He was well equipped to meet and deal with HRC!! WHAT A KING HE WILL MAKE!!
PR pops in”🤣🤣……… “ one pops in , Philip” archificial pops out, when?
HMTQ and PP, once again by the fireside, sharing their precious time together, talking over life’s issues. HMTQ, nice cocktail 🍸 in hand, adjusts the volume on the 📺. They are talking about madams OR stating HMTQ “pops in regularly” at FC to see madam and archificual🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. They are having a laugh. PR pops in?🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂They don’t live at FC , never have, the opulent is enjoying the fire and giggling! Oh how l can see it, years of hours together, talking every possible thing, memories of life experiences, they finish one another’s sentences, a long life together well lived and well loved! Joking about the pop sound when madam was fauxmegnant. Joking about just when does archficial pop out when a HRC/EDG or any of her PR claim visits madam and amw. Just , cannot make this stuff up! OH YES YOU CSN SBD MADAM DIES, HER OR DOES,😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
tighten security, NOW!!
After William met with HRC, he immediately gave this order. Not only General security around the family but around madam who is contained for her own safety, that’s my interpretation! Whatever took place in that conversation alarmed William so, that this order was given!
“ this ones out the bag , old thing”…… “ I’m looking forward to it Philip, all the little ones”…… “yes , one is a tad hurt”
We are back at the fireplace, with HMTQ and PP. They have switch to the music now, soft in the background, refreshed their cocktails. PP is saying something was secret is out if the bag. The phrase letting the cat out of the bag means something fierce that was contained is now out there. Is this regarding PA interview set to air Saturday night?
HMTQ brings the conversation back to Sandringham, Christmas, lamenting the children that will not be there. This year, l believe William and Catherine will be with the Middletons, they alternate years. Is sounding official that Harry, madam and archficial will not be there either. PR can change in a second . HMTQ sharing her feelings are quite hurt. Oh how l would love to just give her a cuddle, respectfully of course!!! She has feelings just like any other woman, mother, wife, great and great granny!
A good appointment.
William, in charge of liaison with MI5 and direct day to day management. The “leave it to a William” that has appeared in riddles several time was indeed a good appointment!
Might this refer to an actual appointment, as in meeting. Then l think this refers to William’s meeting with HRC! All cards laid on the table!
“ right up Her street”.
The phrase right up someone’s alley means that whatever is being done or needing done, this person is well equipped to do it. So here, MM ANON has given us right up Her street” who is Her? Might this refer to legal team they have? Or madam? The information they have is something she is well versed at doing?
🎼give yourself a very🎄merry Christmas🎼
The song is actually have yourself a merry little Christmas. This sounds like madam will be alone except for protection officers and will have to give terse her own Christmas.
“ Little ones?the service is too long,Philip”.
Oohhh we are back with HMTQ and OO. Attending Christmas services and talking if the children could come. HMTQ replies just too long service for them to sit still. Just a few more year Ma’am and Sir!
November 15/2019, 1815 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG! 😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
119: Nov 18
MM ANON ……”too many eyes, it has to be privejet “…… SS , travel agent ……” NO more interviews “ ……” I’ll, give her away!!” …… 🎼”they had style,and well read,MM gave good head,vogue “🎼……… Aotearoa…… DM litigate big guns…… Subpoena demeanour ……… “ocean view,or the hills princess?”…… “ ones posterior is sore” …… “ I warned you old thing”…… “ Bugger them, tomorrow’s chip paper!!”……… “ I want a monkeeeeey!!🦄🐒
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
Riddle #120
November 18/2019 1400 hrs CST
“too many eyes, it has to be privejet “
There was a rumour or report, yesterday, that allegedly madam had been observed flying out of a small airport in Oxfordshire, near the SoHo farmhouse. I tend not to believe that because up until now, MM ANON has given us the clue 12 X 6 , which l interpreted to be a containment of a sort, either ‘cell’ or a psychiatric facility. However, we have had few days with no riddle, so very possible, in this ever changing world, that circumstances have changed.
Notice she types prive jet NOT private jet! Is that a typo or have a meaning? We know for certain by now, everything means something! Prive , French for private. So has someone gone to 🇫🇷 France??? There is a company with this name also, several actually.
These days, after our massive CSIS security breach, when l read 👀 eyes, in these contexts, it immediately makes me think of Five Eyes . For those who don’t know, the Five Eyes are the U.K. , Canada, New Zealand, Australia and America. It’s a security intelligence alliance. There is plenty online should you wish to educate yourselves further. France is not in the Alliance, this very curious to me.
SS , travel agent
SS, we all know by now but lest you don’t, is SUNSHINE SACHS is a ruthless ‘dark arts’ PR firm, who works for madam, not satisfactorily, but also for almost everyone in her orbit, all these odd famous people that have come out of the woodwork offering support. They are also responsible for the dozens of headlines spreading lies. So was SS her travel agent, booking her private trip to France??
” NO more interviews “
After the disastrous interview although Sunday PA, in the daily mail, said he had told HMTQ it had gone quite well.There has been a ton, or several tons of horrible fallout and commentary led by photos of a sweaty man partying away in the papers on Sunday morning. In the interview he denied ever really partying and said due to PTSD of some sort from the Falklands war he was left unable to perspire, until recently when he had found “ methods to us” and he is now able to. WTH?? HMTQ, PA GET HERE NOW, ROYAL EDICT NO MORE INTERVIEWS, SO LET IT BE WRITTEN, SO LET IT BE OBEYED(sorry l borrowed a scene from the film The Ten Commandments there).
” I’ll, give her away!!”
Usually when a woman is given away, it’s at her wedding. Is this PA talking about Princess Beatrice’s upcoming wedding? There are two ways one could read this sentence, however with the comma, they are discussing this and who should do it maybe Fergie? He speaks, notice I’LL , give her away, with double exclamation marks, emphasis on him or I’ll. PA is asserting his fatherly role despite this horrendous scandal. It’s more than a scandal, it’s potentially legal at best, worst case scenario, you know what that is!
”they had style,and well read,MM gave good head,vogue “🎼………
It was Rita Hayworth gave good face, double entendre. Rita Hayworth, in Gilda is a MUST SEE!! She is so amazingly beautiful, takes ones breath away. She went on and married the Aga Khan, later died of Alzheimer’s l believe. Lots of old Hollywood mentioned in that song. Here we have a reference to madams skills🤣🤣🤣😂😂. Vogue is THE magazine! FRENCH VOGUE WOW!!! Has SS managed to get madam on the front cover of a French a vogue! Hence the prive jet???! Wow wow wow!
Currently Prince Charles and Camilla, she joined him once he completed his time in a India and her chest cold healed. They visited Australia and once again smoothed things over with the High Commissioner’s wife and staff after madams foul language, verbal abuse and overall rude disrespectful treatment whilst they were there.
Charles and Camilla are now in Aotearoa, the Maori, Indigenous dwellers Maori for New Zealand. They will visit the site of the mosque massacre and complete other engagements on their visit.
DM litigate big guns
When they big out the big guns, it’s not always war, big guns are someone who is really excelled at their job ie Beckham/football. So either side of madam lawsuit against the DM will have attorneys. However madam or her backers are funding her, the DM has deep pockets plus the dossier and a lot of information, much of which we have no idea of. This is going to be very interesting to see if this makes it to court because the DM WILL NOT SETTLE!!! They want this information, all of it out there, she made the worst de by filing this suit!
Subpoena demeanour
A subpoena is an official notice, in paper, that one needs to appear in court. Demeanour is a manner if conducting oneself. So is someone behaving as if a subpoena were imminent or should they be? There are a whole number of individuals this could refer to. I cannot speculate further.
“ocean view,or the hills princess?”
Ha ha ha😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂, l can hear a jail guard or a very cruel psych staff workers jokingly asking her which room/cell she would like and calling her orincess😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣!
“ ones posterior is sore” …… “ I warned you old thing”… “ Bugger them, tomorrow’s chip paper!!”
Here yet again, let’s relax, return to my favourite place, it’s so cozy and warm, TV 📺 is on with , Keeping up Appearances, always good for a laugh and distraction watching Hyacinth henpeck poor Richard🤣🤣😂😂. Cocktails 🍸 arrive, nothing else desired. Fire is stoked, they are left alone. HMTQ and PP again that precious time, HMTQ is complaining, oh no never explain never complain🤣🤣😂😂. She is rather sharing with PP her posterior ie bottom is sore, likely from riding that massive black horse we see her riding so often at Windsor. Gorgeous great beast, l would love to know the name. PP seemingly has little sympathy because he did warn her😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂. Tv switch, the news is on, about the horrific comments on PA interview and it being in all the papers. PP then makes the comment. Chip paper, in the U.K., real fish and chips, doesn’t come in a fancy plate, it comes in a conical wrapped newspapers to absorb the grease. In America the next day paper would line the bird cage.
“ I want a monkeeeeey!!🦄🐒
We are fast approaching the biggest day in a child’s year, other than their birthday! CHRISTMAS, Oh how they squirm, search, leave notes, and very subtle, rather NOT SO subtle🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 hints of the litany of things they want from Santa Claus. Here is little Lottie, rather GRH Princess Charlotte , if you please, still clinging onto her unicorn whilst wailing loudly that she now wants to add to her menagerie A MONKEY ,!🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣 Oh bless!!
November 18/2019 1510 hrs CST
120: Nov 19
MM ANON ………GM consults Chobanian…… Sharon,concerns about Forth Bridge. …… Charitable uncoupling ……… a worried sausage …… LG ‘quite confidence …… cogs oiled and ready …… Dark clouds over ninety mile beach …… “it’s a runaway train old boy”…… “PRUNING , autumn or Spring?”……” I’m only the messenger!!”……… W&K ,royalty personified …… “weathering the shower, it’s not a storm old boy”
💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
Riddle #121 looks exceedingly difficult
November 19/2019
1920 hrs CST
GM consults Chobanian
Ghislaine Maxwelll was at JE side for years, she knows EVERYTHING and has been a part of EVERYTHING! She has now disappeared with sightings reported all over the world. Rumours are rampant that she has had plastic surgery to change her face and even her fingerprints. Dr Susan Chobanian is one the premiere plastic surgeons in Los Angeles. I shall say no more, l don’t want legal trouble!
Sharon,concerns about Forth Bridge.
This is one beautiful bridge in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 a cantilever bridge over the Firth of Forth. I have a gorgeous photo l took of the Firth of Forth hanging on my living room wall, along with one l took from a Edinburgh Castle looking out over the guns. I have been over it many times from Glenrothes into Edinburgh but it’s a bear in morning and afternoon traffic!!! It is a UNESCO world heritage site. Who is Sharon? Ariel Sharon was the Prime Minister of Israel from March 2001 until April 2006. That is the first name that popped into my head other than a Sharon Osbourne, and that name was not relevant. Sharon has held innumerable positions in his lifetime. Sharon, passed away in 2014. I am just starting with basic information.
Just as there is a plan in place for precisely what will happen upon the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II (Operation London Bridge), Operation Forth Bridge dictates what will happen when the Queen’s husband, Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, passes. The Duke has been closely involved with the details of the Operation Forth Bridge, just as the Queen has been with Operation London Bridge.
I just do not know how Sharon fits, unless his funeral arrangements were similar. I think l just have to admit Sharon stumps me.
Charitable uncoupling
This is a cute play on words from the phrase conscious uncoupling that a Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow used in the PR statement of separation. This is charitable uncoupling, so a charity is separating? We know the Sussexes have left the Royal Foundation. However last l saw on the Royal family website, in the title it says both of the Sussexes have left, but in the actual,article a Prince Harry’s name remains without hers! Or a couple is separating charitably meaning one gets $$$$$
If that is the case it can be only one couple madam and ‘H’.
a worried sausage
HMTQ is very worried about PP health. This has been his nickname for her. The toll this is taking on both of them has been extremely concerning for quite some time!
LG ‘quite confidence , cogs oiled and ready
In a mechanical deceive the cogs are circular metal devices with grooves, when turning produce motion of the device. However friction creates heat and it can burn out, like the transmission of your car, it needs oil. Sounds like LG has everything greased and confident things are ready to go regarding madam. Pre NATO banquet or Post?? The NATO banquet is December 4/2019. As much as l think HMTQ would not want anymore public scandal before then, l can HARDLY see madam at that banquet! However rumours are madam has left the country , yet fromMM ANON last clue l know is 12 X 6.
Or, God forbid, does the reference Forth Bridge!?!
Dark clouds over ninety mile beach
This absolutely gorgeous world famous for some of the best surfing worldwide is this beautiful piece of a Gods creation is in New Zealand. Currently Prince Charles and Camilla are touring.
Has something occurred there that is bad news. Has Camilla’s chest cold returned? Is it pollution and erosion of this sacred place for surfers and tourism? It’s so hard sometimes in the riddle clues to know what relates to whom.
Have hey received news of PO’s ailing health??🥺🥺🥺🥺
“it’s a runaway train old boy”
PP talking to PA l believe. That hellishly creepy interview where he laughed when JE death was raised, the usage of the word honourable in odd places. Guilty or not, we need facts, etc but the interview did endless damage to him and via osmosis to HMTQ and the Monarchy! So things have sped up and the papers and other media are at it now, more than before because they have his own words on video. The metaphor of a runaway train, similar to the horses loose from the stable, things are moving faster and faster and there is absolutely no controlling of this or any narrative now!!
“PRUNING , autumn or Spring?”
Plants and trees vary, some are best pruned in springtime others are best pruned in autumn. This is all to optimize the health of the plant and maximize its blooms , foliage or fruit production. This is uppercase meaning it’s extremely important pruning. This is a metaphor, for ridding or pruning or a person from a group or famIly even. So this is telling me that they are, despite cogs being ready, madam may be still in play until spring. The Royal family is in a very precarious situation now since the interview, believe it or not, more precarious than before. Madam knows things from her previous years, PA knows things from his previous years of friendship with GM and his association with JE! Some of their knowledge may intersect. The extrication of madam now could blow the bottom of the Monarchy! The word pizza, that PA specifically mentioned in his interview, has a very dark meaning in pedophelia , HRC had pizzagate scandal. I am not explaining, don’t go looking there, trust me, you don’t want this knowledge!!! BUT I FIRMLY BELIEVE PA USED PIZZA AS A MESSAGE TO THISE BACKERS AND THAT GROUP FOR A REASON!!! So l just think they are unsure of the best time to prune, either way, the fallout will be explosive!! Remember HRC via social media was overtly saying she wanted to see madam and hug her. What she got instead was a face to face with Prince William, l am 110% every card needed was laid clear on the table, l am also 110% William still held back some aces!!!
I’m only the messenger!!”
There is a phrase don’t shoot the messenger, it’s when a person brings out bad or negative information and the receiver treats them poorly displacing their anger over the information onto the person who brought it. Someone has brought information which has really upset someone.
W&K ,royalty personified
OH I LOST MY BREATH!!! I do not know how our Catherine does it but each time l see her she looks more gorgeous! At the RVP, Royal Variety Performance, in McQueen, that black lace gown, oh🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 she looked so outstandingly Royal! William handsome as ever. He was born Royal, she married and became royal, but naturally possessed all of the the qualities necessary and beauty beyond compare. Oh how Diana would love her!!!! WE ARE SOOOOOO BLESSED TO HAVE THRM AND THEIR BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!💜💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜
“weathering the shower, it’s not a storm old boy”
Conversation, PP. and maybe LG or a friend in conversation. Ever the strong soldier, he is weathering meaning bearing/coping, feelings generally not talked about by those of his generation and aristocratic life. But putting into perspective this interview and it’s fallout are a shower, little bit of rain, not a storm at all. Imagine all he has seen and experienced at his age! Those individuals are called The Greatest Generation! Tom Brokaw wrote with that as the title. The style of the book is easy to jump from section to section. I HIGHLY recommend it.
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦2035 hrs CST
////not pg Nov 21
MM ANON …… Hey’ RF!! I’m still not OK…… Daughters dilemma …… FBI delivers legal documents …… canary’s calling …… wittiness projection …… Max-well-on-Her-way-farer…… southern district documents verified …… Kuwaiti waity …… Lottie lustre camera caper…… DOC photo exhibition imminent …… “ I have a request”…… request denied !!…… USA demands archificial …… Northern flights.
Dear Skippy! Here is an MM Anon interpretation, including a lot of explanations to help people but I’m not as good at being concise with these as PG! My best thoughts to her and thanks to MM Anon. There are lots of neat clues where I agree with other anon comments, much credit to them all :) All speculation only.
…… Hey’ RF!! I’m still not OK…… This is MM talking. One story today is that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry feel “isolated” as “no-one from the Royal Family is texting them”. Note that the headline starts with MM, indicating that the story comes from MM PR. It continues to show weak work in my opinion, another sad attempt to stay relevant and play the pity card. But I guess there needs to be a gazillion stories pumped out to keep MM in the public eye during her ‘break’ and for SS to ‘earn’ their pay check. Another wonderful example of irrelevant and idiotic stories is one I saw today that she has a necklace with both PH’s and Darrens star sign symbols… why, just why, oh that’s right, to merch. I note that ‘both pieces are still available online’ according to Harpers Bazar. Good to know.
Daughters dilemma …… FBI delivers legal documents …… Poor PB and PE, they are in a dilemma not of their own making, but of their Dad’s. I wish them very well as they navigate this next chapter. There is talk of PA needing to answer a subpoena to give formal evidence under oath to to US investigation into Epstein. MM Anon has talked about a subpoena as long ago as August so interesting to see it potentially coming into play.
canary’s calling …… I think of ‘sing like a canary’ with this clue. If someone sings like a canary, they tell everything they know about a crime or wrongdoing to the police or authorities. Often this is done to ‘save yourself’, face lesser or no charges in exchange for your information on others. Something tells me that it refers to Ghislane Maxwell but it could be so many if connected to Epstein. MM Anon has referenced a canary singing in the past. At the time I thought it MM related, but in hindsight and rereading the context points more to the Epstein situation. I personally think and hope it is too big of a case for a major player to actually ‘get off’ charges.
wittiness projection …… On first read ‘witness protection’. Some believe JE is in witness protection and is not dead, others that GM is in the witness protection programme. As MM Anon has written it, Wit or Wittiness is is a form of intelligent humour. To have wit is also to be quick thinking, be intelligent. Projection has lots of meanings, the one I choose to go with is the way you project or present yourself, your image to others. Someone is smart and canny about how they are presenting themselves, is this GM quietly cooperating with enquiries, to get protection, to stay in hiding?
Max-well-on-Her-way-farer…… A wayfarer is a person travelling on foot. This clue again talks about GM. I take this as, she is ‘well on her way’, she is gone, undercover and away from the public. She is on foot, not literally, more that she is alone and not travelling in the highlife way she used to.
southern district documents verified …… The Epstein case continues in a way in the Southern District with GM being accused of recruitment for him. Currently there are a huge number of documents, naming 1000’s of people, that she is trying to block from being made public, the next court date to address the unsealing is 5th Dec. Is this saying that whatever/whoever is in these documents is true? As we know assuming truth in any story is a dangerous and damaging game, let’s just hope that justice can be served in an ethical and correct manner.
Kuwaiti waity …… The DOC was called ‘Waity Katy’ before becoming engaged to PW, a little play on this (not very nice) nickname relevant now is that PW has an upcoming solo visit to Kuwait and the DOC will be at home waiting for him with the kids.
Lottie lustre camera caper…… DOC photo exhibition imminent …… The DOC is a keen photographer, has Charlotte inherited this talent, or will we have the treat of more Cambridge kids pictures taken by Catherine? Christmas cards will not be far away now! I think it likely the clue relates to the DOC being set to launch a photography competition, called the Earthshot Prize via the Royal Foundation. It sounds a neat and relevant initiative for the DOC.
“ I have a request”…… request denied !!…… Sorry, not sorry. I don’t care what the request was, it clearly is MM asking for something and not getting it which is entertaining to think of.
USA demands archificial …… I don’t see any stories that the US public are scrambling to see Darren doll, as much as MM would not doubt love this to be the case. The only way MM could drum up some serious publicity in the US would be to play the Darren doll card and appear with him. But would she dare ???? The outcry from the UK when she showed him off in Africa, when they cry for privacy in the country that funds them was huge and just raised more questions about his birth, christening etc. I would be a spectacular second ‘own goal’ to repeat this mistake. My mind happily wanders in the direction of ‘USA demands archifical DNA’ with this clue, wouldn’t it be an interesting turn if a requirement to enter/stay/live/pay tax uncovered the truth about Darren doll. I don’t know enough on the subject to even speculate, just an interesting scenario to consider.
Northern flights. Flashback… In 2017 “Prince Harry ‘has taken girlfriend Meghan Markle to Norway to see the Northern Lights”. Hehe, yeah right Meggy just like you ‘had a date at the museum’, wait wasn’t that an episode of Friends? Anyway after that entertaining trip down memory lane, MM is probably heading off on a flight north sometime, Canada to see MA perhaps? A last hopeful note is that an aurora (northern lights) is a natural light display in the Earth’s sky at night. Maybe we should keep looking for the light in the darkness.
Wonderful. Thank you so much. PG will be so happy, as she stresses so about doing the riddles. 😊❤️❤️❤️ /// —————-
—-Dear skippy, whoever interpreted the riddle was spot on ……… amazing.
Thank you….felt Anon deserved to see this! 😊❤️❤️
121: Nov 22
MM ANON …a cuppa and a trot…… “ no damage darling”…… “W&K will pick up the slack”…… “ let’s go visit the old bugger”…… A Christmas PR push…… “ she has to show archificial “……… Harry and Sandringham??……… “ for goodness sake,nanny had the night off” ……… “it’s a wonderful Christmas card darling”………… will boss baby go viral??………Mmm , Little punk Prince!
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜THANK YOU DEAR MM ANON💜💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
It is sooo good to be back, thank you all for your love, kindness and prayers!💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
Riddle #121 ( l missed two but it’s #121 for me)
November 22/2019 1530 hrs CST
a cuppa and a trot
Today’s papers are full of all sorts of controversy yet again regarding PA. He was to fly to Bahrain this weekend but that was cancelled when the palace got wind if it.oh how l ache for HMTQ 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. She left BP yesterday for Windsor, seems a day early. Today she was riding her great fell steed in the rain with PA and two others. Spending time together, a mother who loves her son, it has been said for year that he is her favourite. I don’t care about that, just the pain she is going through, on top of PP illness, and everything madam…the last few years have not been kind to one who has so loyally and stoically served! A cup of tea can solve anything, so the saying goes, but l am afraid Ma’am not this.
“ no damage darling”
I can just hear Fergie, Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York saying this to PA. She was seen being driven into BP waving at the cameras with this stupid big smile on her face. It’s said she was the driving force along with Amanda Thirsk, PA now no longer secretary but at the top not of Pitch at Palace program. Fergie looked crazy, smiling as if things were glorious. She just doesn’t get how serious this is! When the slashed budget comes, probably soon, she might just get it.
“W&K will pick up the slack”
How to reschedule PA patronage’s and schedule. He was patron of l believe 65 charities/organizations. Sounding like Prince William and Duchess Catherine will have more heaped onto the plate. There goes my plan for baby number four, if it was in their plans, but just my dreams!
“ let’s go visit the old bugger”
PA saying this to HMTQ about visiting ailing PP at his ‘farm’ at Sandringham. I think PA will get a Royal, pardon the pun, scolding from his father. He may be 98 and unwell but l am certain he still can turn a phrase and deliver a stinging opinion and dress down!
A Christmas PR push…… “ she has to show archificial “
Today in the paper quoting an anonymous friend People magazine spoke of the friction between Harry and William, how LG used to be a good influence but according to this anonymous ‘source’ aka madam, he was no longer there. NOT TRUE, MORE OF HER PR LIES!! LG is very much there, HMTQ called him back into service and he is the Chief Lord. The papers are also saying the Sussexes are now spending the holidays in England. Back and forth, it’s like Serena at the tennis!🤣🤣😂😂 If she goes to America or the holidays in the U.K. she has to produce Archficial. How can she travel to America for Christmas without him and how can she show him when she doesn’t have him? Oh dilemmas dilemmas. Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive madam, yes Rachel, l am talking to you!
Harry and Sandringham??………
Is that the future plan? Is he staying there during his six weeks off? Is he spending that time with PP? It certainly doesn’t mention madam. So is Harry by himself attending Christmas at Sandringham. Oh the morning walk to church, madams first year, not yet married she stuck out her tongue. My sister and l were aghast and were sure it would be news. We looked and there was nothing. If Harry does that walk to church Christmas morning with him family and without madam, THAT WILL MAKE FRONT PAGE CENTRE!!
“ for goodness sake,nanny had the night off” . . There was a big too doo made in the papers the other night when Catherine cancelled the fancy dress night out, William went alone, looking smashing. Is it bad of me if l still want to know what her gown was like?🤣🤣🤣😂😂 The reason given was childcare, they had no one to look after the children. I have a hunch that one or more wasn’t feeling well. It was just the nanny’s night off, and being the mother she is, Catherine stayed with the children. Remember when William had a head injury and had surgery, Diana wouldn’t leave his side, Charles didn’t stay be he had the opera and was angry with her for not going with him. A mother is a true mother. Catherine, you made Diana proud, yet again!! ……… “it’s a wonderful Christmas card darling”………… will boss baby go viral?….Mmm , Little punk Prince! . The family photo at Christmas time has become such a tradition for so many, and of our our royals as well. It sounds like photos have been taken, boss baby wee Prince Louis will steal the show and go viral,, worldwide. Everyone loves the faces that he makes! Everyone loves all three of the Cambridge children, and of course their parents. By the punk comment, l am guess Prince Louis is up to his facial expressions. I can hardly wait to see! GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
0 notes
New Order of Barbarians - transcript of tapes I-III Note: This is a transcript of three tapes on the "New Order of Barbarians", referred to on the tapes simply as the "new world system." Tapes one and two were recorded in 1988 and are the recollections of Dr. Lawrence Dunegan regarding a lecture he attended on March 20, 1969 at a meeting of the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society. The lecturer at that gathering of pediatricians (identified in tape three recorded in 1991) was a Dr. Richard Day (who died in 1989). At the time Dr. Day was Professor of Pediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York. Previously he had served as Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Dr. Dunegan was formerly a student of Dr. Day at the University of Pittsburgh and was well acquainted with him, though not intimately. He describes Dr. Day as an insider of the "Order" and although Dr. Dunegan's memory was somewhat dimmed by the intervening years, he is able to provide enough details of the lecture to enable any enlightened person to discern the real purposes behind the trends of our time. This is a transcript of a a loose, conversational monologue that makes for better listening than reading. The third and final tape of the "New Order of Barbarians" is an interview by Randy Engel, Director of the U.S. Coalition for Life, with Dr. Larry Dunegan was taped on Oct. 10, 1991 in Pittsburgh, Penn.  Tape I IS THERE A POWER, A FORCE OR A GROUP OF MEN ORGANIZING AND REDIRECTING CHANGE?     There has been much written, and much said, by some people who have looked at all the changes that have occurred in American society in the past 20 years or so, and who have looked retrospectively to earlier history of the United States, and indeed, of the world, and come to the conclusion that there is a conspiracy of sorts which influences, indeed controls. major historical events, not only in the United States, but around the world. This conspiratorial interpretation of history is based on people making observations from the outside, gathering evidence and coming to the conclusion that from the outside they see a conspiracy. Their evidence and conclusions are based on evidence gathered in retrospect. Period. I want to now describe what I heard from a speaker in 1969 which in several weeks will now be 20 years ago. The speaker did not speak in terms of retrospect, but rather predicting changes that would be brought about in the future. The speaker was not looking from the outside in, thinking that he saw conspiracy, rather, he was on the inside, admitting that, indeed, there was an organized power, force, group of men, who wielded enough influence to determine major events involving countries around the world. And he predicted, or rather expounded on, changes that were planned for the remainder of this century. As you listen, if you can recall the situation, at least in the United States in 1969 and the few years there after, and then recall the kinds of changes which have occurred between then and now, almost 20 years later, I believe you will be impressed with the degree to which the things that were planned to be brought about have already been accomplished. Some of the things that were discussed were not intended to be accomplished yet by 1988. [Note: the year of this recording] but are intended to be accomplished before the end of this century. There is a timetable; and it was during this session that some of the elements of the timetable were brought out. Anyone who recalls early in the days of the Kennedy Presidency .. the Kennedy campaign .. when he spoke of .. progress in the decade of the 60's": that was kind of a cliché in those days - "the decade of the 60's." Well, by 1969 our speaker was talking about the decade of the 70's, the decade of the 80's, and the decade of the 90's. So that .. I think that terminology that we are looking at .. looking at things and expressing things, probably all comes from the same source. Prior to that time I don't remember anybody saying "the decade of the 40's and the decade of the 50's. So I think this overall plan and timetable had taken important shape with more predictability to those who control it, sometime in the late 50's. That's speculation on my part. In any event, the speaker said that his purpose was to tell us about changes which would be brought about in the next 30 years or so...so that an entirely new world-wide system would be in operation before the turn of the century. As he put it, "We plan to enter the 21st Century with a running start." [emphasis supplied] "EVERYTHING IS IN PLACE AND NOBODY CAN STOP US NOW..."     He said, as we listened to what he was about to present, he said, "Some of you will think I'm talking about Communism. Well, what I'm talking about is much bigger than Communism!" At that time he indicated that there is much more cooperation between East and West than most people realize. In his introductory remarks he commented that he was free to speak at this time. He would not have been able to say what he was about to say, even a few years earlier. But he was free to speak at this time because now, and I'm quoting here, "everything is in place and nobody can stop us now." That's the end of that quotation. He went on to say that most people don't understand how governments operate and even people in high positions in governments, including our own, don't really understand how and where decisions are made. He went on to say that .. he went on to say that people who really influence decisions are names that for the most part would be familiar to most of us, but he would not use individuals' names or names of any specific organization. But. That, if he did, most of the people would be names that were recognized by most of his audience. He went on to say that they were not primarily people in public office, but people of prominence who were primarily known in their private occupations or private positions. The speaker was a doctor of medicine, a former professor at a large Eastern university, and he was addressing a group of doctors of medicine, about 80 in number. His name would not be widely recognized by anybody likely to hear this, and so there is no point in giving his name. The only purpose in recording this is that it may give a perspective to those who hear it regarding the changes which have already been accomplished in the past 20 years or so, and a bit of a preview to what at least some people are planning for the remainder of this century ... so that we, or they, would enter the 21st Century with a flying start. Some of us may not enter that Century. His purpose in telling our group about these changes that were to be brought about was to make it easier for us to adapt to these changes. Indeed, as he quite accurately said, "they would be changes that would be very surprising, and in some ways difficult for people to accept," and he hoped that we, as sort of his friends, would make the adaptation more easily if we knew somewhat beforehand what to expect. "PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO GET USED TO CHANGE..."     Somewhere in the introductory remarks he insisted that nobody have a tape recorder and that nobody take notes, which for a professor was a very remarkable kind of thing to expect from an audience. Something in his remarks suggested that there could be negative repercussions against him if his .. if it became widely known what he was about to say to .. to our group .. if it became widely known that indeed he had spilled the beans, so to speak. When I heard first that, I thought maybe that was sort of an ego trip, somebody enhancing his own importance. But as the revelations unfolded, I began to understand why he might have had some concern about not having it widely known what was said, although this .. although this was a fairly public forum where he was speaking, (where the) remarks were delivered. But, nonetheless, he asked that no notes be taken .. no tape recording be used: suggesting there might be some personal danger to himself if these revelations were widely publicized. Again, as the remarks began to unfold, and saw the rather outrageous things that were said .. at that time they certainly seemed outrageous .. I made it a point to try to remember as much of what he said as I could, and during the subsequent weeks and months, and years, to connect my recollections to simple events around me .. both to aid my memory for the future, in case I wanted to do what I'm doing now - record this. And also, to try to maintain a perspective on what would be developing, if indeed, it followed the predicted pattern - which it has! At this point, so that I don't forget to include it later, I'll just include some statements that were made from time to time throughout the presentation. .. just having a general bearing on the whole presentation. One of the statements was having to do with change. People get used .. the statement was, "People will have to get used to the idea of change, so used to change, that they'll be expecting change. Nothing will be permanent." This often came out in the context of a society of .. where people seemed to have no roots or moorings, but would be passively willing to accept change simply because it was all they had ever known. This was sort of in contrast to generations of people up until this time where certain things you expected to be, and remain in place as reference points for your life. So change was to be brought about, change was to be anticipated and expected, and accepted, no questions asked. Another comment that was made .. from time to time during the presentation .. was. "People are too trusting, people don't ask the right questions." Sometimes, being too trusting was equated with being too dumb. But sometimes when .. when he would say that and say, "People don't ask the right questions," it was almost with a sense of regret ... as if he were uneasy with what he was part of, and wished that people would challenge it and maybe not be so trusting. THE REAL AND THE STATED GOALS     Another comment that was repeated from time to time, .. this particularly in relation to changing laws and customs, .. and specific changes, .. he said, "Everything has two purposes. One is the ostensible purpose which will make it acceptable to people and second is the real purpose which would further the goals of establishing the new system and having it," Frequently he would say, "There is just no other way, There's just no other way!" This seemed to come as a sort of an apology, particularly when .. at the conclusion of describing some particularly offensive changes. For example, the promotion of drug addiction which we'll get into shortly. POPULATION CONTROL     He was very active with population control groups, the population control movement, and population control was really the entry point into specifics following the introduction. He said the population is growing too fast. Numbers of people living at any one time on the planet must be limited or we will run out of space to live. We will outgrow our food supply and we will over-populate the world with our waste. PERMISSION TO HAVE BABIES     People won't be allowed to have babies just because they want to or because they are careless. Most families would be limited to two. Some people would be allowed only one, and the outstanding person or persons might be selected and allowed to have three. But most people would [be] allowed to have only two babies. That's because the zero population growth rate] is 2.1 children per completed family. So something like every 10th family might be allowed the privilege of the third baby. To me, up to this point, the word "population control primarily connoted limiting the number of babies to be born. But this remark about what people would be "allowed" and then what followed, made it quite clear that when you hear "population control" that means more than just controlling births. It means control of every endeavor of an entire .. of the entire world population; a much broader meaning to that term than I had ever attached to it before hearing this. As you listen and reflect back on some of the things you hear, you will begin to recognize how one aspect dovetails with other aspects in terms of controlling human endeavors. REDIRECTING THE PURPOSE OF SEX - SEX WITHOUT REPRODUCTION AND REPRODUCTION WITHOUT SEX     Well, from population control, the natural next step then was sex. He said sex must be separated from reproduction. Sex is too pleasurable, and the urges are too strong, to expect people to give it up. Chemicals in food and in the water supply to reduce the sex drive are not practical. The strategy then would be not to diminish sex activity, but to increase sex activity, but in such a way that people won't be having babies. CONTRACEPTION UNIVERSALLY AVAILABLE TO ALL     And the first consideration then here was contraception. Contraception would be very strongly encouraged, and it would be connected so closely in people's minds with sex, that they would automatically think contraception when they were thinking or preparing for sex. And contraception would be made universally available. Nobody wanting contraception would be .. find that they were unavailable. Contraceptives would be displayed much more prominently in drug stores, right up with the cigarettes and chewing gum. Out in the open rather than hidden under the counter where people would have to ask for them and maybe be embarrassed. This kind of openness was a way of suggesting that contraceptions .. that contraceptives are just as much a part of life as any other items sold in the store. And, contraceptives would be advertised. And contraceptives would be dispensed in the schools in association with sex education! SEX EDUCATION AS A TOOL OF WORLD GOVERNMENT     The sex education was to get kids interested early, making the connection between sex and the need for contraception early in their lives, even before they became very active. At this point I was recalling some of my teachers, particularly in high school and found it totally unbelievable to think of them agreeing, much less participating in, distributing of contraceptives to students. But, that only reflected my lack of understanding of how these people operate. That was before the school-based clinic programs got started. Many, many cities in the United States by this time have already set up school-based clinics which are primarily contraception, birth control, population control clinics. The idea then is that the connection between sex and contraception introduced and reinforced in school would carry over into marriage. Indeed, if young people when they matured decided to get married, marriage itself would be diminished in importance. He indicated some recognition that most people probably would want to be married. .. but that this certainly would not be any longer considered to be necessary for sexual activity. TAX FUNDED ABORTION AS POPULATION CONTROL     No surprise then, that the next item was abortion. And this, now back in 1969, four years before Roe vs. Wade. He said, "Abortion will no longer be a crime." Abortion will be accepted as normal, and would be paid for by taxes for people who could not pay for their own abortions. Contraceptives would be made available by tax money so that nobody would have to do without contraceptives. If school sex programs would lead to more pregnancies in children, that was really seen as no problem. Parents who think they are opposed to abortion on moral or religious grounds will change their minds when it is their own child who is pregnant. So this will help overcome opposition to abortion. Before long, only a few die-hards will still refuse to see abortion as acceptable, and they won't matter anymore. ENCOURAGING HOMOSEXUALITY ... ANYTHING GOES HOMOSEXUALITY ALSO WAS TO BE ENCOURAGED.     "People will be given permission to be homosexual," that's the way it was stated. They won't have to hide it. And elderly people will be encouraged to continue to have active sex lives into the very old ages, just as long as they can. Everyone will be given permission to have sex, to enjoy however they want. Anything goes. This is the way it was put. And, I remember thinking, "how arrogant for this individual, or whoever he represents, to feel that they can give or withhold permission for people to do things!" But that was the terminology that was used. In this regard, clothing was mentioned. Clothing styles would be made more stimulating and provocative. Recall back in 1969 was the time of the mini skirt, when those mini-skirts were very, very high and very revealing. He said, "It is not just the amount of skin that is expressed ... exposed that makes clothing sexually seductive, but other, more subtle things are often suggestive.".. things like movement, and the cut of clothing, and the kind of fabric, the positioning of accessories on the clothing. "If a woman has an attractive body, why should she not show it?" was one of the statements. There was not detail on what was meant by "provocative clothing," but since that time if you watched the change in clothing styles, blue jeans are cut in a way that they're more tight-fitting in the crotch. They form wrinkles. Wrinkles are essentially arrows. Lines which direct one's vision to certain anatomic areas. And, this was around the time of the "burn your bra" activity. He indicated that a lot of women should not go without a bra. They need a bra to be attractive, so instead of banning bras and burning them, bras would come back. But they would be thinner and softer allowing more natural movement. It was not specifically stated, but certainly a very thin bra is much more revealing of the nipple and what else is underneath, than the heavier bras that were in style up to that time. TECHNOLOGY     Earlier he said .. sex and reproduction would be separated. You would have sex without reproduction and then technology was reproduction without sex. This would be done in the laboratory. He indicated that already much, much research was underway about making babies in the laboratory. There was some elaboration on that, but I don't remember the details. How much of that technology has come to my attention since that time, I don't remember .. I don't remember in a way that I can distinguish what was said from what I subsequently have learned as general medical information. FAMILIES TO DIMINISH IN IMPORTANCE     Families would be limited in size. We already alluded to not being allowed more than two children. Divorce would be made easier and more prevalent. Most people who marry will marry more than once. More people will not marry. Unmarried people would stay in hotels and even live together. That would be very common - nobody would even ask questions about it. It would be widely accepted as no different from married people being together. More women will work outside the home. More men will be transferred to other cities and in their jobs, more men would travel. Therefore, it would be harder for families to stay together. This would tend to make the marriage relationship less stable and, therefore, tend to make people less willing to have babies. And, the extended families would be smaller, and more remote. Travel would be easier, less expensive, for a while, so that people who did have to travel would feel they could get back to their families, not that they were abruptly being made remote from their families. But one of the net effects of easier divorce laws combined with the promotion of travel, and transferring families from one city to another, was to create instability in the families. If both husband and wife are working and one partner gets transferred the other one may not be easily transferred. Soon, either gives up his or her job and stays behind while the other leaves, or else gives up the job and risks not finding employment in the new location. Rather a diabolical approach to this whole thing! EUTHANASIA AND THE "DEMISE PILL"     Everybody has a right to live only so long. The old are no longer useful. They become a burden. You should be ready to accept death. Most people are. An arbitrary age limit could be established. After all, you have a right to only so many steak dinners, so many orgasms, and so many good pleasures in life. And after you have had enough of them and you're no longer productive, working, and contributing, then you should be ready to step aside for the next generation. Some things that would help people realize that they had lived long enough, he mentioned several of these - I don't remember them all - here are a few - use of very pale printing ink on forms that people .. are necessary to fill out, so that older people wouldn't be able to read the pale ink as easily and would need to go to younger people for help. Automobile traffic patterns - there would be more high-speed traffic lanes .. traffic patterns that would .. that older people with their slower reflexes would have trouble dealing with and thus, lose some of their independence. LIMITING ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE MEDICAL CARE MAKES ELIMINATING ELDERLY EASIER     A big item .. was elaborated at some length was the cost of medical care would be made burdensomely high. Medical care would be connected very closely with one's work but also would be made very, very high in cost so that it would simply be unavailable to people beyond a certain time. And unless they had a remarkably rich, supporting family, they would just have to do without care. And the idea was that if everybody says, "Enough! What a burden it is on the young to try to maintain the old people," then the young would become agreeable to helping Mom and Dad along the way, provided this was done humanely and with dignity. And then the example was - there could be like a nice, farewell party, a real celebration. Mom and Dad had done a good job. And then after the party's over they take the "demise pill." PLANNING THE CONTROL OVER MEDICINE     The next topic is Medicine. There would be profound changes in the practice of medicine. Overall, medicine would be much more tightly controlled. The observation was made, "Congress is not going to go along with national health insurance. That (in 1969)," he said, "is now, abundantly evident. But it's not necessary. We have other ways to control health care." These would come about more gradually, but all health care delivery would come under tight control. Medical care would be closely connected to work. If you don't work or can't work, you won't have access to medical care. The days of hospitals giving away free care would gradually wind down, to where it was virtually nonexistent. Costs would be forced up so that people won't be able to afford to go without insurance. People pay.. you pay for it, you're entitled to it. It was only subsequently that I began to realize the extent to which you would not be paying for it. Your medical care would be paid for by others. And therefore you would gratefully accept, on bended knee, what was offered to you as a privilege. Your role being responsible for your own care would be diminished. As an aside here, this is not something that was developed at that time .. I didn't understand it at the time as an aside, the way this works, everybody's made dependent on insurance. And if you don't have insurance then you pay directly; the cost of your care is enormous. The insurance company, however, paying for your care, does not pay that same amount. If you are charged, say, $600 for the use of an operating room, the insurance company does not pay $600 on your part. They pay $300 or $400. And that differential in billing has the desired effect: It enables the insurance company to pay for that which you could never pay for. They get a discount that's unavailable to you. When you see your bill you're grateful that the insurance company could do that. And in this way you are dependent, and virtually required to have insurance. The whole billing is fraudulent. Anyhow, continuing on now, .. access to hospitals would be tightly controlled. Identification would be needed to get into the building. The security in and around hospitals would be established and gradually increased so that nobody without identification could get in or move around inside the building. Theft of hospital equipment, things like typewriters and microscopes and so forth would be "allowed" and exaggerated; reports of it would be exaggerated so that this would be the excuse needed to establish the need for strict security, until people got used to it. And anybody moving about the hospital would be required to wear an identification badge with photograph and.. telling why he was there .. employee or lab technician or visitor or whatever. This is to be brought in gradually, getting everybody used to the idea of identifying themselves - until it was just accepted. This need for ID to move about would start in small ways: hospitals, some businesses, but gradually expand to include everybody in all places! It was observed that hospitals can be used to confine people .. for the treatment of criminals. This did not mean, necessarily, medical treatment. At that .. at that time I did not know the word "Psycho-Prison" - is in the Soviet Union, but, without trying to recall all the details, basically, he was describing the use of hospitals both for treating the sick, and for confinement of criminals for reasons other than the medical well-being of the criminal. The definition of criminal was not given. ELIMINATION OF PRIVATE DOCTORS     The image of the doctor would change. No longer would the .. he be seen as an individual professional in service to individual patients. But the doctor would be gradually recognized as a highly skilled technician - and his job would change. The job is to include things like executions by lethal injection. The image of the doctor being a powerful, independent person would have to be changed. And he went on to say, "Doctors are making entirely too much money. They should advertise like any other product." Lawyers would be advertising too. Keep in mind, this was an audience of doctors; being addressed by a doctor. And it was interesting that he would make some rather insulting statements to his audience without fear of antagonizing us. The solo practitioner would become a thing of the past. A few die-hards might try to hold out, but most doctors would be employed by an institution of one kind or another. Group practice would be encouraged, corporations would be encouraged, and then once the corporate image of medical care .. as this gradually became more and more acceptable, doctors would more and more become employees rather than independent contractors. And along with that, of course, unstated but necessary, is the employee serves his employer, not his patient. So that's .. we've already seen quite a lot of that in the last 20 years. And apparently more on the horizon. The term HMO was not used at that time, but as you look at HMOs you see this is the way that medical care is being taken over since the National Health Insurance approach did not get through the Congress. A few die-hard doctors may try to make a go of it, remaining in solo practice, remaining independent, which, parenthetically, is me. But they would suffer a great loss of income. They'd be able to scrape by, maybe, but never really live comfortably as would those who were willing to become employees of the system. Ultimately, there would be no room at all for the solo practitioner after the system is entrenched. NEW DIFFICULT TO DIAGNOSE AND UNTREATABLE DISEASES     Next heading to talk about is Health and Disease. He said there would be new diseases to appear which had not ever been seen before. Would be very difficult to diagnose and be untreatable - at least for along time. No elaboration was made on this, but I remember, not long after hearing this presentation, when I had a puzzling diagnosis to make, I would be wondering, "is this was what he was talking about? Is this a case of what he was talking about?" Some years later, as AIDS ultimately developed, I think AIDS was at least one example of what he was talking about. I now think that AIDS probably was a manufactured disease. SUPPRESSING CANCER CURES AS A MEANS OF POPULATION CONTROL     Cancer. He said. "We can cure almost every cancer right now. Information is on file in the Rockefeller Institute, if it's ever decided that it should be released. But consider - if people stop dying of cancer, how rapidly we would become overpopulated. You may as well die of cancer as something else." Efforts at cancer treatment would be geared more toward comfort than toward cure. There was some statement that ultimately the cancer cures which were being hidden in the Rockefeller Institute would come to light because independent researchers might bring them out, despite these efforts to suppress them. But at least for the time being, letting people die of cancer was a good thing to do because it would slow down the problem of overpopulation. INDUCING HEART ATTACKS AS A FORM OF ASSASSINATION     Another very interesting thing was heart attacks. He said, "There is now a way to simulate a real heart attack. It can be used as a means of assassination." Only a very skilled pathologist who knew exactly what to look for at an autopsy, could distinguish this from the real thing. I thought that was a very surprising and shocking thing to hear from this particular man at that particular time. This, and the business of the cancer cure, really still stand out sharply in my memory, because they were so shocking and, at that time, seemed to me out of character. He then went on to talk about nutrition and exercise sort of in the same framework. People would not have to .. people would have to eat right and exercise right to live as long as before. Most won't. This in the connection of nutrition, there was no specific statement that I can recall as to particular nutrients that would be either inadequate or in excess. In retrospect, I tend to think he meant high salt diets and high fat diets would predispose toward high blood pressure and premature arteriosclerotic heart disease. And that if people who were too dumb or too lazy to exercise as they should then their dietary .. their circulating fats go up and predispose to disease. And he said something about diet information - about proper diet - would be widely available, but most people, particularly stupid people, who had no right to continue living anyway, they would ignore the advice and just go on and eat what was convenient and tasted good. There were some other unpleasant things said about food. I just can't recall what they were. But I do remember of .. having reflections about wanting to plant a garden in the backyard to get around whatever these contaminated foods would be. I regret I don't remember the details .. the rest of this .. about nutrition and hazardous nutrition. With regard to Exercise. He went on to say that more people would be exercising more, especially running, because everybody can run. You don't need any special equipment or place. You can run wherever you are. As he put it. "people will be running all over the place." And in this vein, he pointed out how supply produces demand. And this was in reference to athletic clothing and equipment. As this would be made more widely available and glamorized, particularly as regards running shoes, this would stimulate people to develop an interest in running and .. as part of a whole sort of public propaganda campaign. People would be encouraged then to buy the attractive sports equipment and to get into exercise. Again .. well in connection with nutrition he also mentioned that public eating places would rapidly increase. That .. this had a connection with the family too. As more and more people eat out, eating at home would become less important. People would be less dependent on their kitchens at home. And then this also connected to convenience foods being made widely available - things like you could pop into the microwave. Whole meals would be available pre-fixed. And of course. we've now seen this ... and some pretty good ones. But this whole different approach to eating out and to .. previously prepared meals being eaten in the home was predicted at that time to be brought about - convenience foods. The convenience foods would be part of the hazards. Anybody who was lazy enough to want the convenience foods rather than fixing his own also had better be energetic enough to exercise. Because if he was too lazy to exercise and too lazy to fix his own food, then he didn't deserve to live very long. This was all presented as sort of a moral judgement about people and what they should do with their energies. People who are smart, who would learn about nutrition, and who are disciplined enough to eat right and exercise right are better people - and the kind you want to live longer. EDUCATION AS A TOOL FOR ACCELERATING THE ONSET OF PUBERTY AND EVOLUTION     Somewhere along in here there was also something about accelerating the onset of puberty. And this was said in connection with health, and later in connection with education, and connecting to accelerating the process of evolutionary change. There was a statement that "we think that we can push evolution faster and in the direction we want it to go." I remember this only as a general statement. I don't recall if any details were given beyond that. BLENDING ALL RELIGIONS...THE OLD RELIGIONS WILL HAVE TO GO     Another area of discussion was Religion. This is an avowed atheist speaking. And he said, "Religion is not necessarily bad. A lot of people seem to need religion, with it's mysteries and rituals - so they will have religion. But the major religions of today have to be changed because they are not compatible with the changes to come. The old religions will have to go. Especially Christianity. Once the Roman Catholic Church is brought down, the rest of Christianity will follow easily. Then a new religion can be accepted for use all over the world. It will incorporate something from all of the old ones to make it more easy for people to accept it, and feel at home in it. Most people won't be too concerned with religion. They will realize that they don't need it. CHANGING THE BIBLE THROUGH REVISIONS OF KEY WORDS     In order to do this, the Bible will be changed. It will be rewritten to fit the new religion. Gradually, key words will be replaced with new words having various shades of meaning. Then the meaning attached to the new word can be close to the old word - and as time goes on, other shades of meaning of that word can be emphasized. and then gradually that word replaced with another word." I don't know if I'm making that clear. But the idea is that everything in Scripture need not be rewritten, just key words replaced by other words. And the variability in meaning attached to any word can be used as a tool to change the entire meaning of Scripture, and therefore make it acceptable to this new religion. Most people won't know the difference; and this was another one of the times where he said, "the few who do notice the difference won't be enough to matter." "THE CHURCHES WILL HELP US!"     Then followed one of the most surprising statements of the whole presentation: He said, "Some of you probably think the Churches won't stand for this," and he went on to say, "the churches will help us!" There was no elaboration on this, it was unclear just what he had in mind when he said, "the churches will help us!" In retrospect I think some of us now can understand what he might have meant at that time. I recall then only of thinking, "no they won't!" and remembering our Lord's words where he said to Peter, "Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church, and gates of Hell will not prevail against it." So .. yes, some people in the Churches might help. And in the subsequent 20 years we've seen how some people in Churches have helped. But we also know that our Lord's Words will stand, and the gates of Hell will not prevail. RESTRUCTURING EDUCATION AS A TOOL OF INDOCTRINATION     Another area of discussion was Education. And one of the things; in connection with education that remember connecting with what he said about religion was in addition to changing the Bible he said that the classics in Literature would be changed. I seem to recall Mark Twain's writings was given as one example. But he said, the casual reader reading a revised version of a classic would never even suspect that there was any change. And, somebody would have to go through word by word to even recognize that any change was made in these classics, the changes would be so subtle. But the changes would be such as to promote the acceptability of the new system. MORE TIME IN SCHOOLS, BUT THEY "WOULDN'T LEARN ANYTHING."     As regards education, he indicated that kids would spend more time in schools, but in many schools they wouldn't learn anything. They'll learn some things, but not as much as formerly. Better schools in better areas with better people - their kids will learn more. In the better schools Iearning would be accelerated. And this is another time where he said, "We think we can push evolution." By pushing kids to learn more he seemed to be suggesting that their brains would evolve, that their offspring would evolve .. sort of pushing evolution .. where kids would learn and be more intelligent at a younger age. As if this pushing would alter their physiology. Overall, schooling would be prolonged. This meant prolonged through the school year. I'm not sure what he said about a long school day, I do remember he said that school was planned to go all summer, that the summer school vacation would become a thing of the past. Not only for schools, but for other reasons. People would begin to think of vacation times year round, not just in the summer. For most people it would take longer to complete their education. To get what originally had been in a bachelor's program would now require advanced degrees and more schooling. So that a lot of school time would be just wasted time. Good schools would become more competitive. I inferred when he said that, that he was including all schools - elementary up through college - but I don't recall whether he said that. Students would have to decide at a younger age what they would want to study and get onto their track early, if they would qualify. It would be harder to change to another field of study once you get started. Studies would be concentrated in much greater depth, but narrowed. You wouldn't have access to material in other fields, outside your own area of study, without approval. This seem to be more .. where he talked about limited access to other fields .. I seem to recall that as being more at the college level. high school and college level, perhaps. People would be very specialized in their own area of expertise. But they won't be able to get a broad education and won't be able to understand what is going on overall. CONTROLLING WHO HAS ACCESS TO INFORMATION     He was already talking about computers in education, and at that time he said anybody who wanted computer access, or access to books that were not directly related to their field of study would have to have a very good reason for so doing. Otherwise, access would be denied. SCHOOLS AS THE HUB OF THE COMMUNITY     Another angle was that the schools would become more important in people's overall life. Kids in addition to their academics would have to get into school activities unless they wanted to feel completely out of it. But spontaneous activities among kids.. the thing that came to my mind when I heard this was - sand lot football and sand lot baseball teams that we worked up as kids growing up. I said the kids wanting any activities outside of school would be almost forced to get them through the school. There would be few opportunities outside. Now the pressures of the accelerated academic program, the accelerated demands. where kids would feel they had to be part of something - one or another athletic club or some school activity - these pressures he recognized would cause some students to burn out. He said. "the smartest ones will learn how to cope with pressures and to survive. There will be some help available to students in handling stress, but the unfit won't be able to make it. They will then move on to other things." In this connection and later on in the connection with drug abuse and alcohol abuse he indicated that psychiatric services to help would be increased dramatically. In all the pushing for achievement, it was recognized that many people would need help, and the people worth keeping around would be able to accept and benefit from that help, and still be super achievers. Those who could not would fall by the wayside and therefore were sort of dispensable - "expendable" I guess is the word I want. Education would be lifelong. Adults would be going to school. There'll always be new information that adults must have to keep up. When you can't keep up anymore, you're too old. This was another way of letting older people know that the time had come for them to move on and take the demise pill. If you got too tired to keep up with your education, or you got too old to learn new information, then this was a signal - you begin to prepare to get ready to step aside. "SOME BOOKS WOULD JUST DISAPPEAR FROM THE LIBRARIES..."     In addition to revising the classics, which I alluded to awhile ago .. with revising the Bible, he said, "some books would just disappear from the libraries." This was in the vein that some books contain information or contain ideas that should not be kept around. And therefore, those books would disappear. I don't remember exactly if he said how this was to be accomplished. But I seem to recall carrying away this idea that this would include thefts. That certain people would be designated to go to certain libraries and pick up certain books and just get rid of them. Not necessarily as a matter of policy - just simply steal it. Further down the line, not everybody will be allowed to own books. And some books nobody will be allowed to own. CHANGING LAWS     Another area of discussion was laws that would be changed. At that time a lot of States had blue laws about Sunday sales, certain Sunday activities. He said the blue laws [Sunday laws] would all be repealed. Gambling laws would be repeated or relaxed, so that gambling would be increased. He indicated then that governments would get into gambling. We've had a lot of state lotteries pop up around the country since then. And, at the time, we were already being told that would be the case. "Why should all that gambling money be kept in private hands when the State would benefit from it?" was the rational behind it. But people should be able to gamble if they want to. So it would become a civil activity, rather than a private, or illegal activity. Bankruptcy laws would be changed. I don't remember the details, but just that they would be. And I know subsequent to that time they have been. Antitrust laws would be changed, or be interpreted differently, or both. In connection with the changing anti-trust laws, there was some statement that in a sense. competition would be increased. But this would be increased competition within otherwise controlled circumstances. So it's not a free competition. I recall of having the impression that it was like competition but within members of a club. There would be nobody outside the club would be able to compete. Sort of like teams competing within a professional sports league .. if you're the NFL or the American or National Baseball Leagues - you compete within the league but the league is all in agreement on what the rules of competition are - not a really free competition. THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF DRUG ABUSE TO CREATE A JUNGLE ATMOSPHERE     Drug use would he increased. Alcohol use would be increased. Law enforcement efforts against drugs would be increased. On first hearing that it sounded like a contradiction. Why increase drug abuse and simultaneously increase law enforcement against drug abuse? But the idea is that, in part, the increased availability of drugs would provide a sort of law of the jungle whereby the weak and the unfit would be selected out. There was a statement made at the time: "Before the earth was overpopulated, there was a law of the jungle where only the fittest survived. You had to be able to protect yourself against the elements and wild animals and disease. And if you were fit you survived. But now we've become so civilized - we're over civilized - and the unfit are enabled to survive only at the expense of those who are more fit." And the abusive drugs then, would restore, in a certain sense, the law of the jungle, and selection of the fittest for survival. News about drug abuse and law enforcement efforts would tend to keep drugs in the public consciousness. And would also tend to reduce this unwarranted American complacency that the world is a safe place, and a nice place. ALCOHOL ABUSE     The same thing would happen with alcohol. Alcohol abuse would be both promoted and demoted at the same time. The vulnerable and the weak would respond to the promotions and therefore use and abuse more alcohol. Drunk driving would become more of a problem; and stricter rules about driving under the influence would be established so that more and more people would lose their privilege to drive. RESTRICTIONS ON TRAVEL     This also had connection with something we'll get to later about overall restrictions on travel. Not everybody should be free to travel the way they do now in the United States. People don't have a need to travel that way. It's a privilege! It was kind of the high-handed the way it was put. Again, much more in the way of psychological services would be made available to help those who got hooked on drugs and alcohol. The idea being, that in order to promote this - drug and alcohol abuse to screen out some of the unfit - people who are otherwise are pretty good also would also be subject to getting hooked. And if they were really worth their salt they would have enough sense to seek psychological counseling and to benefit from it. So this was presented as sort of a redeeming value on the part of the planners. It was as if he were saying, "you think we're bad in promoting these evil things - but look how nice we are - we're also providing a way out!" THE NEED FOR MORE JAILS, AND USING HOSPITALS AS JAILS     More jails would be needed. Hospitals could serve as jails. Some new hospital construction would be designed so as to make them adaptable to jail-like use. End of Tape I Tape II NO MORE SECURITY     Nothing is permanent. Streets would be rerouted, renamed. Areas you had not seen in a while would become unfamiliar. Among other things, this would contribute to older people feeling that it was time to move on, they feel they couldn't even keep up with the changes in areas that were once familiar. Buildings would be allowed to stand empty and deteriorate, and streets would be allowed to deteriorate in certain localities. The purpose of this was to provide the jungle, the depressed atmosphere for the unfit. Somewhere in this same connection he mentioned that buildings and bridges would be made so that they would collapse after a while, there would be more accidents involving airplanes and railroads and automobiles. All of this to contribute to the feeling of insecurity, that nothing was safe. Not too long after this presentation, and I think one or two even before in the area where I live, we had some newly constructed bridge to break; another newly constructed bridge defect discovered before it broke, and I remember reading just scattered incidents around the country where shopping malls would fall in right where they were filled with shoppers, and I remember that one of the shopping malls in our area, the first building I'd ever been in where you could feel this vibration throughout the entire building when there were a lot of people in there, and I remember wondering at that time whether this shopping mall was one of the buildings he was talking about. Talking to construction people and architects about it they would say ' "Oh no, that's good when the building vibrates like that, that means it's flexible not rigid." Well, maybe so, we'll wait and see. Other areas there would be well maintained. Not every part of the city would be slums. CRIME USED TO MANAGE SOCIETY     There would be the created slums and other areas well maintained. Those people able to leave the slums for better areas then would learn to better appreciate the importance of human accomplishment. This meant that if they left the jungle and came to civilization, so to speak, they could be proud of their own accomplishments that they made it. There was no related sympathy for those who were left behind in the jungle of drugs and deteriorating neighborhoods. Then a statement that was kind of surprising: We think we can effectively limit crime to the slum areas, so it won't be spread heavily into better areas. I should maybe point out here that these are obviously not word for word quotations after 20 years, but where I say that I am quoting, I am giving the general drift of what was said close to word for word, perhaps not precisely so. But anyhow I remember wondering, how can he be so confident that the criminal element is going to stay where he wants it to stay? But he went on to say that increased security would be needed in the better areas. That would mean more police, better coordinated police efforts. He did not say so, but I wondered at that time about the moves that were afoot to consolidate all the police departments of suburbs around the major cities. I think the John Birch Society was one that was saying "Support your local police, don't let them be consolidated." and I remember wondering if that was one of the things he had in mind about security. It was not explicitly stated. But anyhow he went on to say there would be a whole new industry of residential security systems to develop with alarms and locks and alarms going into the police department so that people could protect their wealth and their well being. Because some of the criminal activity would spill out of the slums into better, more affluent looking areas that looked like they would be worth burglarizing. And again it was stated like it was a redeeming quality: See we're generating all this more crime but look how good we are - we're also generating the means for you to protect yourself against the crime. A sort of repeated thing throughout this presentation was the recognized evil and then the self forgiveness thing, well, see we've given you a way out. CURTAILMENT OF AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL PRE-EMINENCE     American industry came under discussion - it was the first that I'd heard the term global interdependence or that notion. The stated plan was that different parts of the world would be assigned different roles of industry and commerce in a unified global system. The continued pre-eminence of the United States and the relative independence and self-sufficiency of the United States would have to be changed. This was one of the several times that he said in order to create a new structure, you first have to tear down the old, and American industry was one example of that. Our system would have to be curtailed in order to give other countries a chance to build their industries, because otherwise they would not be able to compete against the United States. And this was especially true of our heavy industries that would be cut back while the same industries were being developed in other countries, notably Japan. And at this point there was some discussion of steel and particularly automobiles - I remember saying that automobiles would be imported from Japan on an equal footing with our own domestically produced automobiles, but the Japanese product would be better. Things would be made so they would break and fall apart, that is in the United States. so that people would tend to prefer the imported variety and this would give a bit of a boost to foreign competitors. One example was Japanese. In 1969 Japanese automobiles, if they were sold here at all I don't remember, but they certainly weren't very popular. But the idea was you could get a little bit disgusted with your Ford, GM or Chrysler product or whatever because little things like window handles would fall off more and plastic parts would break which had they been made of metal would hold up. Your patriotism about buying American would soon give way to practicality that if you bought Japanese, German or imported that it would last longer and you would be better off. Patriotism would go down the drain then. It was mentioned elsewhere things being made to fall apart too. I don't remember specific items or if they were even stated other than automobiles, but I do recall of having the impression, sort of in my imagination, of a surgeon having something fall apart in his hands in the operating room at a critical time. Was he including this sort of thing in his discussion? But somewhere in this discussion about things being made deliberately defective and unreliable not only was to tear down patriotism but to be just a little source of irritation to people who would use such things. Again the idea that you not feel terribly secure, promoting the notion that the world isn't a terribly reliable place. The United States was to be kept strong in information, communications, high technology, education and agriculture. The United States was seen as continuing to be sort of the keystone of this global system. But heavy industry would be transported out. One of the comments made about heavy industry was that we had had enough environmental damage from smoke stacks and industrial waste and some of the other people could put up with that for a while. This again was supposed to be a redeeming quality for Americans to accept. You took away our industry but you saved our environment. So we really didn't lose on it. SHIFTING POPULATIONS AND ECONOMIES -- TEARING THE SOCIAL ROOTS     And along this line there were talks about people losing their jobs as a result of industry and opportunities for retraining, and particularly population shifts would be brought about. This is sort of an aside. I think I'll explore the aside before I forget it -population shifts were to be brought about so that people would be tending to move into the Sun Belt. They would be sort of people without roots in their new locations, and traditions are easier to change in a place where there are a lot of transplanted people, as compared to trying to change traditions in a place where people grew up and had an extended family, where they had roots. Things like new medical care systems, if you pick up from a Northeast industrial city and you transplant yourself to the South Sunbelt or Southwest, you'll be more accepting of whatever kind of, for example, controlled medical care you find there than you would accept a change in the medical care system where you had roots and the support of your family. Also in this vein it was mentioned (he used the plural personal pronoun we) we take control first of the port cities - New York, San Francisco, Seattle - the idea being that this is a piece of strategy, the idea being that if you control the port cities with your philosophy and your way of life, the heartland in between has to yield. I can't elaborate more on that but it is interesting. If you look around the most liberal areas of the country and progressively so are the sea coast cities. The heartland, the Midwest, does seem to have maintained its conservatism. But as you take away industry and jobs and relocate people then this is a strategy to break down conservatism. When you take away industry and people are unemployed and poor they will accept whatever change seems, to offer them survival, and their morals and their commitment to things will all give way to survival. That's not my philosophy, that's the speaker's philosophy. Anyhow, going back to industry, some heavy industry would remain, just enough to maintain a sort of a seed bed of industrial skills which could be expanded if the plan didn't work out as it was intended. So the country would not be devoid of assets and skills. But this was just sort of a contingency plan. It was hoped and expected that the worldwide specialization would be carried on. But, perhaps repeating myself, one of the upshots of all of this is that with this global interdependence the national identities would tend to be de-emphasized. Each area depended on every other area for one or another elements of its life. We would all become citizens of the world rather than citizens of any one country. SPORTS AS A TOOL OF SOCIAL CHANGE     And along these lines then we can talk about sports. Sports in the United States was to be changed, in part as a way of de-emphasizing nationalism. Soccer, a world-wide sport, was to be emphasized and pushed in the United States. This was of interest because in this area the game of soccer was virtually unknown at that time. I had a few friends who attended an elementary school other than the one I attended where they played soccer at their school, and they were a real novelty. This was back in the 50's. So to hear this man speak of soccer in this area was kind of surprising. Anyhow, soccer is seen as an international sport and would be promoted and the traditional sport of American baseball would be de-emphasized and possibly eliminated because it might be seen as too American. And he discussed eliminating this. one's first reaction would be - well, they pay the players poorly and they don't want to play for poor pay so they give up baseball and go into some other sport or some other activity. But he said that's really not how it works. Actually, the way to break down baseball would be to make the salaries go very high. The idea behind this was that as the salaries got ridiculously high there would be a certain amount of discontent and antagonism as people resented the athletes being paid so much, and the athletes would begin more and more to resent among themselves what other players were paid and would tend to abandon the sport. And these high salaries also could break the owners and alienate the fans. And then the fans would support soccer and the baseball fields could be used as soccer fields. It wasn't said definitely this would have to happen, but if the international flavor didn't come around rapidly enough this could be done. There was some comment along the same lines about football, although I seem to recall he said football would be harder to dismantle because it was so widely played in colleges as well as in the professional leagues and would be harder to tear down. There was something else also about the violence in football that met a psychological need that was perceived, and people have a need for this vicarious violence. So football, for that reason, might be left around to meet that vicarious need. The same thing is true of hockey. Hockey had more of an international flavor and would be emphasized. There was some foreseeable international competition about hockey and particularly soccer. At that time hockey was international between the United States and Canada. I was kind of surprised because I thought the speaker just never impressed me as being a hockey fan, and I am. And it turns out he was not. He just knew about the game and what it would do to this changing sports program. But in any event soccer was to be the keystone of athletics because it is already a world wide sport in South America, Europe, and parts of Asia and the United States should get on the bandwagon. All this would foster international competition so that we would all become citizens of the world to a greater extent than citizens of our own narrow nations. There was some discussion about hunting, not surprisingly. Hunting requires guns and gun control is a big element in these plans. I don't remember the details much, but the idea is that gun ownership is a privilege and not everybody should have guns. Hunting was an inadequate excuse for owning guns and everybody should be restricted in gun ownership. The few privileged people who should be allowed to hunt could maybe rent or borrow a gun from official quarters rather than own their own. After all, everybody doesn't have a need for a gun, is the way it was put. Very important in sports was sports for girls. Athletics would be pushed for girls. This was intended to replace dolls. Baby dolls would still be around, a few of them, but you would not see the number and variety of dolls. Dolls would not be pushed because girls should not be thinking about babies and reproduction. Girls should be out on the athletic field just as the boys are. Girls and boys really don't need to be all that different. Tea sets were to go the way of dolls, and all these things that traditionally were thought of as feminine would be de-emphasized as girls got into more masculine pursuits. Just one other things I recall was that the sports pages would be full of the scores of girls teams just right along- there with the boys teams. And that's recently begun to appear after 20 years in our local papers. The girls sports scores are right along with the boys sports scores. So all of this is to change the role model of what young girls should look to be. While she's growing up she should look to be an athlete rather than to look forward to being a mother. SEX AND VIOLENCE INCULCATED THROUGH ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment. Movies would gradually be made more explicit as regards sex and language. After all, sex and rough language are real and why pretend that they are not? There would be pornographic movies in the theaters and on television. VCR's were not around at that time, but he had indicated that these cassettes would be available, and video cassette players would be available for use in the home and pornographic movies would be available for use on these as well as in the neighborhood theater and on your television. He said something like: "you'll see people in the movies doing everything you can think of." He went on to say that all of this is intended to bring sex out in the open. That was another comment that was made several times- the term "sex out in the open." Violence would be made more graphic. This was intended to desensitize people to violence. There might need to be a time when people would witness real violence and be a part of it. Later on it will become clear where this is headed. So there would be more realistic violence in entertainment which would make it easier for people to adjust. People's attitudes toward death would change. People would not be so fearful of it but more accepting of it, and they would not be so aghast at the sight of dead people or injured people. We don't need to have a genteel population paralyzed by what they might see. People would just learn to say, well I don't want that to happen to me. This was the first statement suggesting that the plan includes numerous human casualties which the survivors would see. This particular aspect of the presentation came back in my memory very sharply a few years later when a movie about the Lone Ranger came out and I took my very young son to see it and early in the movie were some very violent scenes. One of the victims was shot in the forehead and there was sort of a splat where the bullet entered his forehead and blood and I remember regretting that I took my son and feeling anger toward the doctor who spoke. Not that he made the movie, but he agreed to be part of this movement, and I was repelled by the movie and it brought back this aspect of his presentation very sharply in my memory. As regards music, he made a rather straightforward statement like: Music will get worse. In 1969 Rock music was getting more and more unpleasant. It was interesting just his words-the way he expressed it " it would get worse" acknowledging that it was already bad. Lyrics would become more openly sexual. No new sugary romantic music would be publicized like that which had been written before that time. All of the old music would be brought back on certain radio stations and records for older people to hear, and older folks would have sort of their own radio stations to hear and for younger people, their music as it got worse and worse would be on their stations. He seemed to indicate that one group would not hear the other group's music. Older folks would just refuse to hear the junk that was offered to young people, and the young people would accept the junk because it identified them as their generation and helped them feel distinct from the older generation. I remember at the time thinking that would not last very long because even young kids wouldn't like the junk when they got a chance to hear the older music that was prettier they would gravitate toward it. Unfortunately I was wrong about that, when the kids get through their teens and into their 20's some of them improve their taste in music, but unfortunately he was right. They get used to this junk and that's all they want. A lot of them can't stand really pretty music. He went on to say that the music would carry a message to the young and nobody would even know the message was there they would just think it was loud music. At the time I didn't understand quite what he meant by that, but in retrospect I think we know now what the messages are in the music for the young. And again he was right. This aspect was sort of summarized with the notion that entertainment would be a tool to influence young people. It won't change the older people, they are already set in their ways, but the changes would all be aimed at the young who are in their formative years and the older generation would be passing. Not only could you not change them but they are relatively unimportant anyhow. Once they live out their lives and are gone the younger generation being formed are the ones that would be important for the future in the 21st century. He also indicated all the old movies would be brought back again and I remember on hearing that through my mind ran quickly the memory of a number of old movies. I wondered if they would be included, the ones that I thought I would like to see again. Along with bringing back old music and movies for older people there were other privileges that would also be accorded older folks: free transportation, breaks on purchases, discounts, tax discounts, - a number of privileges just because they were older. This was stated to be sort of a reward for the generation which had grown up through the depression and had survived the rigors of World War II [53]. They had deserved it and they were going to be rewarded with all these goodies, and the bringing back of the good old music and the good old movies was going to help ease them through their final years in comfort. Then the presentation began to get rather grim, because once that generation passed, and that would be in the late 80's and early 90's where we are now, most of that group would be gone and then gradually things would tighten up and the tightening up would be accelerated. The old movies and old songs would be withdrawn, the gentler entertainment would be withdrawn. TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS AND IMPLANTED I.D.     Travel, instead of being easy for old folks, travel then would become very restricted. People would need permission to travel and they would need a good reason to travel. If you didn't have a good reason for your travel you would not be allowed to travel, and everyone would need ID. This would at first be an ID card you would carry on your person and you must show when you are asked for it. It was already planned that later on some sort of device would be developed to be implanted under the skin that would be coded specifically to identify the individual. This would eliminate the possibility of false ID and also eliminate the possibility of people saying "Well, I lost my ID." The difficulty about these skin implant that ID was stated to be getting material that would stay in or under the skin without causing foreign body reaction whereby the body would reject it or cause infection, and that this would have to be material on which information could be recorded and retrieved by some sort of scanner while it was not rejected by the body. Silicon was mentioned. Silicon at that time was thought to be well tolerated. It was used to augment breasts. Women who felt their breasts were too small would get silicon implants, and I guess that still goes on. At any rate silicon was seen at that time as the promising material to do both: to be retained in the body without rejection and to be able to retain information retrievable by electronic means. FOOD CONTROL     Food supplies would come under tight control. If population growth didn't slow down, food shortages could be created in a hurry and people would realize the dangers of overpopulation. Ultimately, whether the population slows down or not the food supply is to be brought under centralized control so that people would have enough to be well-nourished but they would not have enough to support any fugitive from the new system. In other words, if you had a friend or relative who didn't sign on, and growing ones own food would be outlawed. This would be done under some sort of pretext. In the beginning I mentioned there were two purposes for everything - one the ostensible purpose and one the real purpose, and the ostensible purpose here would be that growing your own vegetables was unsafe, it would spread disease or something like that. So the acceptable idea was to protect the consumer but the real idea was to limit the food supply and growing your own food would be illegal. And if you persist in illegal activities like growing your own food, then you're a criminal. WEATHER CONTROL     There was a mention then of weather. This was another really striking statement. He said, "We can or soon will be able to control the weather." He said, "I'm not merely referring to dropping iodide crystals into the clouds to precipitate rain that's already there, but REAL control." And weather was seen as a weapon of war, a weapon of influencing public policy. It could make rain or withhold rain in order to influence certain areas and bring them under your control. There were two sides to this that were rather striking. He said, "On the one hand you can make drought during the growing season so that nothing will grow, and on the other hand you can make for very heavy rains during harvest season so the fields are too muddy to bring in the harvest, and indeed one might be able to do both." There was no statement how this would be done. It was stated that either it was already possible or very very close to being possible.     Politics. He said that very few people really know how government works. Something to the effect that elected officials are influenced in ways that they don't even realize and they carry out plans that have been made for them and they think that they are authors of the plans. But actually they are manipulated in ways they don't understand. KNOW HOW PEOPLE RESPOND - MAKING THEM DO WHAT YOU WANT     Somewhere in the presentation he made two statements that I want to insert at this time. I don't remember just where they were made, but they're valid in terms of the general overall view. One statement: "People can carry in their minds and act upon two contradictory ideas at one time, provided that these two contradictory ideas are kept far enough apart." And the other statement is, "You can know pretty well how rational people are going to respond to certain circumstances or to certain information that they encounter. So, to determine the response you want you need only control the kind of data or information that they're presented or the kinds of circumstance that they're in; and being rational people they'll do what you want them to do. They may not fully understand what they're doing or why." FALSIFIED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH     Somewhere in this connection, then, was the statement admitting that some scientific research data could be - and indeed has been - falsified in order to bring about desired results. And here was said, "People don't ask the right questions. Some people are too trusting." Now this was an interesting statement because the speaker and the audience all being doctors of medicine and supposedly very objectively, dispassionately scientific and science being the be all and end-all ... well to falsify scientific research data in that setting is like blasphemy in the church ... you just don't do that. Anyhow, out of all of this was to come the New International Governing Body, probably to come through the U.N [54] . and with a World Court, but not necessarily through those structures. It could be brought about in other ways. Acceptance of the U.N [54] . at that time was seen as not being as wide as was hoped. Efforts would continue to give the United Nations increasing importance. People would be more and more used to the idea of relinquishing some national sovereignty. Economic interdependence would foster this goal from a peaceful standpoint. Avoidance of war would foster it from the standpoint of worrying about hostilities. It was recognized that doing it peaceably was better than doing it by war. It was stated at this point that war was "obsolete." I thought that was an interesting phrase because obsolete means something that once was seen as useful is no longer useful. But war is obsolete ... this being because of the nuclear bombs war is no longer controllable. Formerly wars could be controlled, but if nuclear weapons would fall into the wrong hands there could be an unintended nuclear disaster. It was not stated who the "wrong hands" are. We were free to infer that maybe this meant terrorists, but in more recent years I'm wondering whether the wrong hands might also include people that we've assumed that they've had nuclear weapons all along ... maybe they don't have them. Just as it was stated that industry would be preserved in the United States - a little bit just in case the world wide plans didn't work out; just in case some country or some other powerful person decided to bolt from the pack and go his own way, one wonders whether this might also be true with nuclear weapons. When you hear that ... he said they might fall into the wrong hands, there was some statement that the possession of nuclear weapons had been tightly controlled, sort of implying that anybody who had nuclear weapons was intended to have them. That would necessarily have included the Soviet Union, if indeed they have them. But I recall wondering at the time, "Are you telling us, or are you implying that this country willingly gave weapons to the Soviets?." At that time that seemed like a terribly unthinkable thing to do, much less to admit. The leaders of the Soviet Union seem to be so dependent on the West though, one wonders whether there may have been some fear that they would try to assert independence if they indeed had these weapons. So, I don't know. It's something to speculate about perhaps ... Who did he mean when he said, "If these weapons fall into the wrong hands"? Maybe just terrorists. Anyhow, the new system would be brought in, if not by peaceful cooperation - everybody willingly yielding national sovereignty - then by bringing the nation to the brink of nuclear war. And everybody would be so fearful as hysteria is created by the possibility of nuclear war that there would be a strong public outcry to negotiate a public peace and people would willingly give up national sovereignty in order to achieve peace, and thereby this would bring in the New International Political System. This was stated and very impressive thing to hear then ... "If there were too many people in the right places who resisted this, there might be a need to use one or two - possibly more - nuclear weapons. As it was put this would be possibly needed to convince people that "We mean business." That was followed by the statement that, "By the time one or two of those went off then everybody - even the most reluctant - would yield." He said something about "this negotiated peace would be very convincing", as kind of in a framework or in a context that the whole thing was rehearsed but nobody would know it. People hearing about it would be convinced that it was a genuine negotiation between hostile enemies who finally had come to the realization that peace was better than war. In this context discussing war, and war is obsolete, a statement was made that there were some good things about war ... one, you're going to die anyway, and people sometimes in war get a chance to display great courage and heroism and if they die they've died well and if they survive they get recognition. So that in any case, the hardships of war on soldiers are worth it because that's the reward they get out of their warring. Another justification expressed for war was, if you think of the many millions of casualties in WWI [55] and WWII [53], well.. suppose all those people had not died but had continued to live, then continued to have babies. There would be millions upon millions and we would already be overpopulated, so those two great wars served a benign purpose in delaying over-population. But now there are technological means for the individual and governments to control over-population so in this regard war is obsolete. It's no longer needed. And then again it's obsolete because nuclear weapons could destroy the whole universe. War, which once was controllable, could get out of control and so for these two reasons it's now obsolete. TERRORISM     There was a discussion of terrorism. Terrorism would be used widely in Europe and in other parts of the world. Terrorism at that time was thought would not be necessary in the United States. It could become necessary in the United States if the United States did not move rapidly enough into accepting the system. But at least in the foreseeable future it was not planned. And very benignly on their part. Maybe terrorism would not be required here, but the implication being that it would be indeed used if it was necessary. Along with this came a bit of a scolding that Americans had had it too good anyway and just a little bit of terrorism would help convince Americans that the world is indeed a dangerous place ... or can be if we don't relinquish control to the proper authorities. FINANCIAL CONTROL     There was discussion of money and banking. One statement was, "Inflation is infinite. You can put an infinite number of zeros after any number and put the decimals points wherever you want", as an indication that inflation is a tool of the controllers. Money would become predominately credit. It was already ... money is primarily a credit thing but exchange of money would be not cash or palpable things but electronic credit signal. People would carry money only in very small amounts for things like chewing gum and candy bars. Just pocket sorts of things. Any purchase of any significant amount would be done electronically. Earnings would be electronically entered into your account. It would be a single banking system. May have the appearance of being more than one but ultimately and basically it would be one single banking system, so that when you got paid your pay would be entered for you into your account balance and then when you purchased anything at the point of purchase it would be deducted from your account balance and you would actually carry nothing with you. Also computer records can be kept on whatever it was you purchased so that if you were purchasing too much of any particular item and some official wanted to know what you were doing with your money they could go back and review your purchases and determine what you were buying. There was a statement that any purchase of significant size like an automobile, bicycle, a refrigerator, a radio or television or whatever might have some sort of identification on it so it could be traced, so that very quickly anything which was either given away or stolen - whatever - authorities would be able to establish who purchased it and when. Computers would allow this to happen. The ability to save would be greatly curtailed. People would just not be able to save any considerable degree of wealth. There was some statement of recognition that wealth represents power and wealth in the hands of a lot of people is not good for the people in charge so if you save too much you might be taxed. The more you save the higher rate of tax on your savings so your savings really could never get very far. And also if you began to show a pattern of saving too much you might have your pay cut. We would say, "Well, your saving instead of spending. You really don't need all that money." That basically the idea being to prevent people from accumulating any wealth which might have long range disruptive influence on the system. People would be encouraged to use credit to borrow and then also be encouraged to renege on their debt so they would destroy their own credit. The idea here is that, again, if you're too stupid to handle credit wisely, this gives the authorities the opportunity to come down hard on you once you've shot your credit. Electronic payments initially would all be based on different kinds of credit cards ... these were already in use in 1969 to some extent. Not as much as now. But people would have credit cards with the electronic strip on it and once they got used to that then it would be pointed out the advantage of having all of that combined into a single credit card, serving a single monetary system and then they won't have to carry around all that plastic. SURVEILLANCE, IMPLANTS, AND TELEVISIONS THAT WATCH YOU     So the next step would be the single card and then the next step would be to replace the single card with a skin implant. The single card could be lost or stolen, give rise to problems; could be exchanged with somebody else to confuse identify. The skin implant on the other hand would be not losable or counterfeitable or transferrable to another person so you and your accounts would be identified without any possibility of error. And the skin implants would have to be put some place that would be convenient to the skin; for example your right hand or your forehead. At that time when I heard this I was unfamiliar with the statements in the Book of Revelation. The speaker went on to say, "Now some of you people who read the Bible will attach significance to this to the Bible," but he went on to disclaim any Biblical significance at all. This is just common sense of how the system could work and should work and there's no need to read any superstitious Biblical principals into it. As I say, at the time I was not very familiar with the words of Revelations. Shortly after I became familiar with it and the significance of what he said really was striking. I'll never forget it. There was some mention, also, of implants that would lend themselves to surveillance by providing radio signals. This could be under the skin or a dental implant ... put in like a filling so that either fugitives or possibly other citizens could be identified by a certain frequency from his personal transmitter and could be located at any time or any place by any authority who wanted to find him. This would be particularly useful for somebody who broke out of prison. There was more discussion of personal surveillance. One more thing was said, "You'll be watching television and somebody will be watching you at the same time at a central monitoring station." Television sets would have a device to enable this. The T.V. set would not have to be on in order for this to be operative. Also, the television set can be used to monitor what you are watching. People can tell what you're watching on TV and how you're reacting to what you're watching. And you would not know that you were being watched while you were watching your television. How would we get people to accept these things into their homes? Well, people would buy them when they buy their own television. They won't know that they're on there at first. This was described by being what we now know as Cable TV to replace the antenna TV. When you buy a TV set this monitor would just be part of the set and most people would not have enough knowledge to know it was there in the beginning. And then the cable would be the means of carrying the surveillance message to the monitor. By the time people found out that this monitoring was going on, they would also be very dependent upon television for a number of things. Just the way people are dependent upon the telephone today. One thing the television would be used for would be purchases. You wouldn't have to leave your home to purchase. You just turn on your TV and there would be a way of interacting with your television channel to the store that you wanted to purchase. And you could flip the switch from place to place to choose a refrigerator or clothing. This would be both convenient, but it would also make you dependent on your television so the built-in monitor would be something you could not do without. There was some discussion of audio monitors, too, just in case the authorities wanted to hear what was going on in rooms other than where the television monitor was, and in regard to this the statement was made, "Any wire that went into your house, for example your telephone wire, could be used this way. I remember this in particular because it was fairly near the end of the presentation and as we were leaving the meeting place I said something to one of my colleagues about going home and pulling all of the wires out of my house.. except I knew I couldn't get by without the telephone. And the colleague I spoke to just seemed numb. To this day I don't think he even remembers what we talked about or what we hear that time, cause I've asked him. But at that time he seemed stunned. Before all these changes would take place with electronic monitoring, it was mentioned that there would be service trucks all over the place, working on the wires and putting in new cables. This is how people who were on the inside would know how things were progressing. HOME OWNERSHIP A THING OF THE PAST     Privately owned housing would become a thing of the past. The cost of housing and financing housing would gradually be made so high that most people couldn't afford it. People who already owned their houses would be allowed to keep them but as years go by it would be more and more difficult for young people to buy a house. Young people would more and more become renters, particularly in apartments or condominiums. More and more unsold houses would stand vacant. People just couldn't buy them. But the cost of housing would not come down. You'd right away think, well the vacant house, the price would come down, the people would buy it. But there was some statement to the effect that the price would be held high even though there were many available so that free market places would not operate. People would not be able to buy these and gradually more and more of the population would be forced into small apartments. Small apartments which would not accommodate very many children. Then as the number of real home-owners diminished they would become a minority. There would be no sympathy for them from the majority who dwelled in the apartments and then these homes could be taken by increased taxes or other regulations that would be detrimental to home ownership and would be acceptable to the majority. Ultimately, people would be assigned where they would live and it would be common to have non-family members living with you. This by way of your not knowing just how far you could trust anybody. This would all be under the control of a central housing authority. Have this in mind in 1990 when they ask, "How many bedrooms in your house? How many bathrooms in your house? Do you have a finished game room?." This information is personal and is of no national interest to government under our existing Constitution. But you'll be asked those questions and decide how you want to respond to them. THE ARRIVAL OF THE TOTALITARIAN GLOBAL SYSTEM     When the new system takes over people will be expected to sign allegiance to it, indicating that they don't have any reservations or holding back to the old system. "There just won't be any room", he said, "for people who won't go along. We can't have such people cluttering up the place so such people would be taken to special places", and here I don't remember the exact words, but the inference I drew was that at these special places where they were taken, then they would not live very long. He may have said something like, "disposed of humanely", but I don't remember very precisely ... just the impression the system was not going to support them when they would not go along with the system. That would leave death as the only alternative. Somewhere in this vein he said there would not be any martyrs. When I first heard this I thought it meant the people would not be killed, but as the presentation developed what he meant was they would not be killed in such a way or disposed of in such a way that they could serve as inspiration to other people the way martyrs do. Rather he said something like this. "People will just disappear." Just a few additional items sort of thrown in here in the end which I failed to include where they belong more perfectly. One: The bringing in of the new system he said probably would occur on a weekend in the winter. Everything would shut down on Friday evening and Monday morning when everybody wakened there would be an announcement that the New System was in place. During the process in getting the United States ready for these changes everybody would be busier with less leisure time and less opportunity to really look about and see what was going on around them. Also, there would be more changes and more difficulty in keeping up as far as one's investments. Investment instruments would be changing. Interest rates would be changing so that it would be a difficult job with keeping up with what you had already earned. Interesting about automobiles; it would look as though there were many varieties of automobiles, but when you look very closely there would be great duplication. They would be made to look different with chrome and wheel covers and this sort of thing, but looking closely one would see that the same automobile was made by more than one manufacturer. This recently was brought down to me when I was in a parking lot and saw a small Ford - I forget the model - and a small Japanese automobile which were identical except for a number of things like the number of holes in the wheel cover and the chrome around the plate and the shape of the grill. But if you looked at the basic parts of the automobile, they were identical. They just happened to be parked side-by-side where I was struck with this and I was again reminded of what had been said many years ago. I'm hurrying here because I'm just about to the end of the tape. Let me just summarize her by saying, all of these things said by one individual at one time in one place relating to so many different human endeavors and then to look and see how many of these actually came about ... that is changes accomplished between then and now [1969 - 1988] and the things which are planned for the future, I think there is no denying that this is controlled and there is indeed a conspiracy. The question then becomes what to do. I think first off, we must put our faith in God and pray and ask for his guidance. And secondly do what we can to inform other individuals as much as possible, as much as they may be interested. Some people just don't care, because they're preoccupied with getting along in their own personal endeavors. But as much as possible I think we should try to inform other people who may be interested, and again ... put our faith and trust in God and pray constantly for his guidance and for the courage to accept what we may be facing in the near future. Rather than accept peace and justice which we hear so much now ... it's a cliché. Let's insist on liberty and justice for all. End of Tape II Tape III Randy Engel (R.E.): Why don't we open up with a little bit about the man who you are talking about on these tapes. Just a little profile and a little bit about his education and particularly his relationship with the population control establishment. I think that probably was his entree into much of this information. Dr. Lawrence Dunegan (DLD): Yeah. Dr. Day was the Chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh from about 1959 thru '64, about that period of time, and then he left the University of Pittsburgh and went to fill the position of Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. R.E: And that was what… about 1965 to '68, about that period? D.L.D: About '64 or '65 'til about '68 or '69, and then he left there... I don't know specifically why, I did not know him intimately. We were, you know, more than acquainted... I was a student and he would see me at lectures and, so he knew my name as a student, probably corrected some of my test scores and that sort of thing. Of course, I knew him as lecturer - would stand in front of the auditorium and listen as he talked about diseases... and take notes. R.E: What's interesting is that this man is not as well known, I think to our listeners as names like Mary Calderone and Allen Gootmacher(sp). They were medical directors at one time or another for Planned Parenthood, but Dr. Day was not well known. And as a matter of fact when I went back into the SIECUS archives there was very little information that had his actual name on it. So he was not one of the better known of the medical directors, but I'd say he probably had the scoop of what was going on as well - if not better - than any of the others before or after he came. Can you describe the scene of this particular lecture, the approximate date, and what was the occasion - and then a little bit about the audience? D.L.D: This was the… the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society holds about four meetings each year where we have some speaker come in and talk about a medical topic related to pediatrics and this was our spring meeting. It's always late February or early part of March. This was in March, 1969 and it was held at a restaurant called the Lamont which is well known in Pittsburgh. Beautiful place. In attendance, I would say somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 people. Mostly physicians, if not exclusively physicians. Predominantly pediatricians, particularly pediatric surgeons and pediatric radiologists - other people who were involved in medical care of children, even though they might not be pediatricians as such. R.E: And the speech was given after the meal, I presume? D.L.D: A very nice meal and everyone was settled down, quite comfortable and quite filled and really an ideal state to absorb what was coming. R.E: But when you listen to the tape, he says some of the most... well not only outrageous things, but things you would think a pediatrician would kind of almost jump out of his seat at... for example when he mentions the cancer cures. There were probably doctors in the audience who were perhaps treating a child or knowing of a child who was in need of a particular cancer cure. And to hear that some of these prescriptions for or treatments for cancer were sitting over at the Rockefeller Institute, and yet, as far as I got from the tape everyone just kind of sat there... didn't say very much. I mean he was talking about falsifying scientific data and everyone just kind of yawns and... How long did this speech go on? D.L.D: Two hours. He spoke for over two hours which was longer than most of our speakers go and one of the interesting things... he hasn't finished, it was getting late and he said, "there's much much more, but we could be here all night but it's time to stop". And I think that's significant, that there was much more that we never heard. In the beginning of the presentation, I don't know whether I mentioned this at the introduction of the first tape or not, but somewhere in the beginning of this he said, "You will forget most or much of what I'm going to tell you tonight." And at the time I thought, well, sure, that's true. We tend to forget. You know, somebody talks for hours you forget a lot of what they say. But, there is such a thing as the power of suggestion and I can't say for sure but I do wonder if this may not have been a suggestion when we were all full of a nice dinner and relaxed and listening - we took that suggestion and forgot, because I know a number of my colleagues who were there when I would - some years later - say, "Do you remember when Dr. Day said this, or he said that or said the other?" They'd say, "Well, yeah, I kind of... is that what he said? You know I kind of remember that". But most were not very impressed, which to me was surprising because... well use the example of cancer cures. But he said a number of things that… R.E: Like doctors making too much money...? D.L.D: Yeah, changing the image of the doctor. You're just going to be a high-paid technician rather than a professional who exercises independent judgment on behalf of his independent patient. A number of things that I thought should have been offensive and elicited a reaction from physicians because they were physicians. I was surprised at how little reaction there was to it. And then other things that I would have expected people to react to just because they were human beings and I think most of the people at the meeting subscribed more or less to the Judeo-Christian ethic and codes of behavior, and that was violated right and left. And particularly one of my friends I thought would be as disturbed as I was about this just sort of smiled... wasn't disturbed at a ll. I thought, gee, this is surprising. R.E: Was part of it also because of his prominence? I mean he was… D.L.D: The authority... Authority figure? Yeah, I think there might be something there. This is the authority. We sort of owe some deference here. R.E: And he couldn't possibly mean what he's saying or there couldn't possibly be any... I mean, he's such a good guy. D.L.D: I've often heard that phrase, "He's such a good guy. I can't believe he'd actually mean the things"... I can only speculate about this. But I do think at the time there was an element of disbelief about all of this. Thinking, well this is somebody's fairy tale plan but it will never really happen because it's too outlandish. Of course we know step by step it is indeed happening right under our feet. R.E: Before talking about the specific areas, I think there's a lot of benefits from this tape. One of them is when we have a good idea of what the opposition is about and the techniques he's using - then you can turn around and begin your resistance to all the types of manipulations and so forth. So I think that the… seeing that there were four or five "theme songs" - he kept repeating them over and over again. For example this business which I think is so important… that people fail to distinguish between the ostensible reason and the real reason. In other words, if you want someone to do something and you know that initially he'll be balky at doing that because it's against his morals or against his religious beliefs, you have to substitute another reason that will be acceptable. And then, after he accepts it and it's a fait accompli then there's just no turning back. D.L.D: Right. It was in that connection that he said, "People don't ask the right questions." Too trusting. And this was directed, as I recall, mostly at Americans. I had the feelings he thought Europeans maybe were more skeptical and more sophisticated. That Americans are too trusting and don't ask the right questions. R.E: With regard to this lack of... almost a lack of discernment. I guess that's basically what he was saying. They were easily tricked or too trusting. The thing that flashed through my mind rather quickly, for example in schools... how quickly so-called AIDS education was introduced. It did amaze me because if a group stated publicly that they wanted to introduce the concept of sodomy or initiate sex earlier and earlier in children and that was the reason given, most parents I presume wouldn't go for that. So you have to come up with another reason and of course the reason for this so-called AIDS education was to protect children from this disease. But actually, as it turns out, it's really been a great boon for the homosexual network, because through various things like Project Ten they now have access to our children from the youngest years. These programs are going on from K-12 and I imagine well into college and beyond, so that they are reaching a tremendous segment. Speaking of children, I gather that this speaker... he kept on making the point about, well, old people, they're going to go by the wayside, so I presume that the emphasis for these controllers for this New World Order is really an emphasis on youth. D.L.D: Absolutely. Yes. Emphasis on youth. This was stated explicitly. People beyond a certain age... they're set in their ways and you're not going to change them. They have values and they're going to stick to them. But you get to the youth when they're young, they're pliable. You mold them in the direction you want them to go. This is correct. They're targeting the young. They figure, "you old fogies that don't see it our way, you're going to be dying off or when the time comes we're going to get rid of you. But it's the youngsters we have to mold in the impression we want." Now something on homosexuality [56] I want to expand on, I don't think this came out on the original tape, but there was, first of all, "We're going to promote homosexuality [56]." And secondly "We recognize that it's bizarre abnormal behavior. But, this is another element in the law of the jungle, because people who are stupid enough to go along with this are not fit to inhabit the planet and they'll go by the wayside". I'm not stating this precisely the way he said it, but it wasn't too far from there where there was some mention of diseases being created. And when I remember the one statement and remember the other statement, I believe AIDS is a disease which has been created in the laboratory and I think that one purpose it serves is to get rid of people who are so stupid as to go along with our homosexual program. Let them wipe themselves out. Now it's hard for me make clear how much of it is I'm remembering with great confidence and how much is pure speculation. But as I synthesize this - this is I think what happens... "If you're dumb enough to be convinced by our promotion of homosexuality [56] you don't deserve a place and you're going to fall by the wayside sooner or later. We'll be rid of you. We'll select out... the people who will survive are those who are also smart enough not to be deluded by our propaganda". Does that make sense? R.E: Well, it certainly makes sense for them. And I think also this early sex initiation has the over all purpose which I think we'll get to in depth a little later. But of the sexualization of the population... when he said on the tape, basically, "Anything goes", I think that is what we're seeing. It's not so much that, let's say, someone may not adopt the homosexual style for himself, but as a result of the propaganda he certainly will be a lot more tolerant of that type of behavior too. So it's a desensitization, even for the individual who doesn't go over and accept it for himself. D.L.D: With the power of propaganda you dare not be against homosexuals [56], otherwise you get labeled homophobe. You dare not be against any of our programs for women, otherwise you're a male chauvinist pig. It's like anti-Semitism. If this label gets enough currency in the culture that people get shockingly stuck with it. It's easier to keep quiet. R.E: Another theme was this business about "CHANGE". And I want to get to change in relation to religion and family, but during the period of hearing this tape, I remember going to a MASS and they happened to have at that point DANCING GIRLS FROM THE ALTER. So when I was sitting and getting a chance to listen to the tape I thought, as a Catholic that has been... if you talk about effective change, that has been probably the most difficult and the hardest thing has been to watch our traditional Mass, those things which Catholics have practiced and believed for so long and... at about that time this speech was given which was about late 1969, everything had begun to turn over on its head, so much so that I think many people feel now when they go into a church where there is the Novus Ordo (sp), I think you're almost in a state of constant anxiety because you're not quite sure... What am I going to encounter now? You look at the little song book; of course that's changed radically and you see, instead of brethren, you see people; or you might see something odd happening up at the alter which is now the "table". The notion of God as eternal and the teachings of Jesus Christ as eternal, and therefore the teachings of the church as eternal depends on the authority of God, and God brings about change in God's way. What this boils down to me is these people say, "No, we take the place of God; we establish what will change and what will not change, so if we say that homosexuality [56] or anything is moral today... wasn't yesterday, but it is today. We have said so, and therefore it's moral. We can change tomorrow. We can make it immoral again tomorrow". And this is the usurpation of the role of God to define what the peon, the ordinary person's supposed to believe. D.L.D: So, the idea is, that if everybody is used to change most people aren't going to ask, "Well who has decided what should be changed and how it should be changed"? Most people just go along with it, like hemlines, and shoe styles and that sort of thing. So it IS a usurpation of the Rule of God, and if you read the Humanist Manifesto, and somewhere early in the introductory part of it, they say, "human intellect is the highest good". Well, to any human being, what you call the highest good, that's your god. So to these people human intellect being the highest good is god. And where does human intellect reside? Well, in the brain of one or more human beings. So these people, in effect... I don't know think they'd be so candid as to say so, but whether they know it or not what they're saying is, "I am god. WE are gods, because we decide what is moral what is moral tomorrow, what is going to be moral next year. WE determine change." R.E: That's right. And of course, in a nutshell, you've just explained the human potential, the New Age, all the new esoteric movements that we've seen. But with regard to change, he seemed to acknowledge that there were a couple of entities which traditionally blocked this change and therefore made people resistant to constant manipulation. And of course one of those is the family, and that would include grandmothers, grandfathers, our ethnic background and so forth and I guess I was impressed by everything he seemed to mention whether it was economics, music... had the overall effect of diminishing the family and enhancing the power of the state. That was a constant theme, and therefore when we're evaluating things I think one of the things we should generally say to ourselves is, "What effect does that have on family life, and the family and I think if every congressman or senator asked that question we probably wouldn't have much action up on Capitol Hill, because almost everything coming down the pike has an effect of disavowing, hurting the family life and enhancing and expanding the power of government. D.L.D: It has an ostensible purpose, and then it has a REAL purpose. R.E: Yes, and as a so-called helping professional your ability to say that is very interesting. The other factor is this whole factor of religion, and he was talking basically about a religion without dogma, a religion that would have a little bit from all the other traditional religions so no one would really feel uncomfortable, and he said, rather condescendingly, some people need this and if they need it we'll manufacture something that they need. But of course it can't be anything that would declare anything that were moral absolutes or the natural law. Which means that the main target of this group of controllers of course, was and is the Roman Catholic Church and he mentioned the Roman Catholic Church specifically. D.L.D: Religion's important because it is eternal and we... people who would follow the church will not buy our rules about change. But if we make our own religion, if we define what is religion then we can change it as it suits us. Yes, the Roman Catholic Church... I was kind of flattered sitting here as a catholic, hearing it pointed out that the church is the one obstacle that, he said, "We have to change that. And once the Roman Catholic Church falls, the rest of Christianity will fall easily". R.E: I notice that, as the conversation went on, he said, "Now you may think Churches will stand in the way, but I want to tell you that they will HELP us", and he didn't say they will help us, all except the Roman Catholic Church... he said, "They will help us", and unfortunately... D.L.D: He was right. RE: He didn't say this explicitly, but again it was one of those themes that came through... he apparently thought the use of words was real important because he mentioned this with regard to a number of things, like the Bible. The very same as the psychiatrist, Miralu(sp?) mentioned that "if you want to control the people, you control the language first". Words are weapons. He apparently knew that very well and I think the controllers as a whole know this very well. Of course, it's part of their campaign. But that little statement about words, that "words will be changed". When I heard that I thought... "Instead of saying 'alter' you say 'table'. Instead of saying 'sacrifice' you say 'meal' with regard to the Mass", and people say, "That's not important". Of course, you know that's VERY important, otherwise, why would they bother to change it? Otherwise, why go through all this rigmarole if it isn't important? It's obviously important for them because they know WITH THE CHANGING OF WORDS YOU CHANGE IDEAS. D.L.D: They're exerting a lot of effort and time to change it and they're not exerting effort on things that are NOT important, so yes, you're absolutely right. The priest no longer has the role... in some cases he no longer has the role the priest formerly had. Because words carry meaning. There's the dictionary definition, but I think we all know that certain words carry meaning that is a little bit hard to put into words... but they carry meaning. So yes, controlling the language... you THINK in your language. You think to yourself in English or Spanish or whatever language you're familiar with, but when you think, you talk to yourself and you talk to yourself in words, just the way you talk to other people. And if you can control the language with which one person speaks to himself or one person speaks to another you've gone a long way towards controlling what that person is ABLE - what he is CAPABLE of thinking, and that has both an inclusionary and an exclusionary component to it. You set the tone.... R.E: Take the word GAY, for example. I have some old tapes by Franz Layhar(sp?) and he talks about the GAY Hussars, you know... the happy soldiers... and now you couldn't quite use that same word, could you? But you know, the word homosexual, sodomite has been replaced with the term "gay", represents an ideology not only a word and when you use it, it's tacit to saying, "Yes, I accept what your interpretation of this is". D.L.D: They probably had a committee working for months to pick which word they were going to use for this. The word "gay" carries a connotation, first of all, which is inaccurate. Most homosexuals [56] are not at all gay. They tend to be pretty unhappy people. Despite all the publicity that tells them they can and should feel comfortable with what they're doing, most of them deep down inside don't... (both talking at the same time here). R.E: I suppose they're going to come up with a sadophobia for those who have a hang-up about sadomasochism and a pedophobia for those who have difficulties with pedophilia, so we can just look forward to this I think. I guess we can look forward to it to the extent we permit ourselves... that we permit the opposition to have access to the brain. D.L.D: And to dictate the truth WE use. Sex education is NOT education. It's conditioning, and we should never use the term "sex education". It's a misnomer. If they control the vocabulary, then they can control the way we can think and the way we can express ideas among ourselves and to anybody. But "sex conditioning", "sex initiation" is much more accurate and we should insist on that. We should never use terms "homophobia" and "gay". Homosexual is homosexual. It's not at all gay. R.E: That's right. In fact we're probably going to have to do some homework on... probably of all the popular movements in the U.S. Probably the pro-life movement is the most sensitive to words. Talking about media events and access to the brain, I remember the first speech Bush gave in which he talked about the New World Order... I remember jumping halfway off my seat. That term. Here he is, the president, saying New World Order as if it was something everyone knew about. And someone looking across the room said, "I heard that. What did he say"? And I said, "He said, 'New World Order'!" And they said, "What does that mean? Why is that extraordinary?" So, I think one of the weapons we have against the controllers is that if we can cut off his access to our mind then we have a shot at escaping the manipulation, if not totally - at least escape a portion of the manipulations. Remember, one of the books on Chinese POWs pointed out that some of their survivors in order NOT to be brainwashed broke their eardrums. And in that way - not being able to hear - the enemy could not have access to their brain and therefore they were able to survive where others did not. And in our popular culture we have a number of things... TV [57] and radio probably primarily, that are the constant means by which the opposition has access to our brain and to our children's brains. So I think the logical conclusion, and one of the common-sense conclusions is that if you don't want the enemy to have access you have to cut off the lines of access... which would be in homes to simply either eliminate altogether, or control by other forms.... D.L.D: Take the networks at there word. They say, "if you don't like our programming, turn it off". And we should. We should say, "Yeah. You're right." And we should turn it off. And let the advertisers spend their money on an audience that isn't there. As a pediatrician I'm always interested in how kids do things and how kids are like adults, and whether you're talking about International politics where one nation goes to war with another or kids on the playground, there are certain things that are common. It's just that kids on the playgrounds do it on a smaller scale. But you mention cutting off access to your brain... somebody says, I don't want to hear it. And I remember hearing kids on a playground... somebody says..."ya-na-na na naa-na", and they're teasing the kid... What's he do? He puts his hands over his ears. Says I'm not going to listen. And the kid who's trying to torment him will try to pull his hands away and be sure that he listens. And it's the same.... R.E: Words. Words entering. And the child knows. Words have meaning. They're hurting him. D.L.D: Goebels knew it. Lenin knew it. CBS knows it. It's interesting; the principle stands - across the board. It just gets more complicated as you get older. More sophisticated. But watch kids on a playground and you'll learn a whole lot about adults. R.E: Yes. We're all nodding our heads at that one. This Dr. Day was very much into the whole population control establishment, and he was of course in favor of abortion. But as he started talking about the aged and euthanasia I recall one of the population- control books saying that birth control without death control was meaningless. And one of the advantages in terms… if one was favorable toward the killing of the aged… one of the favorable things is in fact abortion for the simple reason that — universally speaking — abortion has the result of bringing about a rather inordinate chopping off of population at the front end. That is, at the birth end. And the inevitable effect is that you will have a population that is top heavy with a rapidly aging population which is the current state in the United States. So, inevitably, if you are going to go about killing the young, especially at the pace we seem to have adapted ourselves to in this country, then invariably you're going to have to do something about all those aging populations. Because, the few children who are born, after all, they cannot be expected to carry this tremendous burden of all these people. So you're cutting one end and therefore, inevitably, as you pointed out on the tape, he was saying, "Well, these few young people who are permitted to be born will feel this inevitable burden on them and so they'll be more desensitized." They'll be more warmed up to the idea of grandma and grandpa having this little party and then shuffle them off to wherever they shuffle off to. And whether it's taking the "demise" pill or going to a death camp, or.... D.L.D: There was a movie out sometime back called "Soilant Green". Remember that movie? I didn't see the whole movie, but Edward G. Robinson liked to sit in the theatre and listen to Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony as he was to take his demise pill. R.E: That's right. He also made the point that the food the people were eating were each other. But as he said, as long as it's done with dignity and humanely... like putting away your horse. D.L.D: That's a little bit like pornography. Years back kids would come across pornography. It was always poor photography and cheap paper. Then Playboy came out with the glossy pages and really good photography, so then pornography is no longer cheap. It's respectable. We went to a movie at the Pittsburgh Playhouse. I took my son along. It was the Manchurian Candidate. During the previews of the things that are going to come there was a title I don't remember but it was (inaudible) in technicolor with classical music in the background. And it was a pornographic movie. And I said, well, if you have a guitar then it's pornography; but if you have classical movie then it converts it into art. It was pornography. It's an example of what you were saying. As long as it's done with dignity, that's what counts. If you kill someone with dignity, it's ok. If you have pornography with classical music it's art. That was the point I was trying to make. R.E: Again, talking about the family. Currently I know there are an awful lot of people who are out of jobs and he [Dr. Day] had quite a lot of things to say about, for example, heavy industry. I guess the shock was that this man... I wasn't surprised that he knew a lot about population control, abortion, and at the other end — euthanasia. But what DID surprise me was that he was an individual who was talking about religion, law, education, sports, entertainment, food... how could one individual have that much input? Now one could say, "well, it didn't pan out". But we know listening to these recollections twenty years later... except perhaps for some minor things, everything that he has said has come to pass and almost beyond imagination. How COULD one individual talk with such authoritative, non-questioning... that this was the way THIS was going to happen and THIS was going to happen in "fashion" and THIS was going to happen on TV and there were going to be video recorders before I ever heard of the word. D.L.D: I think what happens... certainly one individual hears this, but the plans are by no means made by one or a small number of individuals. Just as industrial corporations which have a board of directors, with people from all sorts of activities who sit on the board of this corporation, and they say, "Now if we do this to our product, or if we expand in this area what will that do to banking? What will that do to clothing? What will that do... what impact, ripple effect will that have on other things?" And I'm sure that whoever makes these plans they have representatives from every area you can think of. So they'll have educators, they'll have clothing manufacturers - designers; architects... across the board. I'm sure they get together and have meetings and plan and everybody puts in his input, just the way a military operation goes. What will the Navy do? Will they bombard the shore? What will the Air Force do? Will they come in with air cover? What will the infantry do? It's the same thing. These people, when they plan, they don't miss a trick. They have experts in every field and they say, "Well, if we do this, that and the other.. John, what will that do to your operation?" And John will be in position to feed back, "Well this is what I think will happen." So it certainly covers a broad range of people. And for one individual to be able to say all of this in the two hours that he spoke to us, really tells us that he was privy to a lot of information. R.E: That's right. He must have been sitting in on one of those boardrooms at least at some point. And I think not at the highest level from his position, but enough, because anyone in the population control would be associated with names of foundations... powerful foundations, powerful organizations... D.L.D: And I'm sure there was a lot in the plans that he never heard. He wasn't a four-star general in this outfit. He wouldn't be in on the whole story. R.E: Well, too bad he couldn't have talked for six hours instead of two, and we might have had a lot more information. There was another aspect that I found fascinating in listening to this. This whole aspect of privacy... he mentioned that as the private homes went by we would have individuals, non-family members perhaps sharing our apartments. As I understand that is becoming more popular out in California. Could California and New York being the coast states, did he say... That's right... PORT cities that bring in things so that they can eventually work their way to middle America. But this is about privacy. When he was talking, for example, about the area of sex, he made some interesting remarks. One of them that hit me like a ton of bricks was this business about; "We must be open about sex". As if there can't be any fear of the person that does not hesitate to open up to the public. Now, if you look at these so-called sex initiation programs in the schools where the children are forced either through writing or through verbal expression to talk about all aspects of the sexual sphere… [end of side one ends abruptly - side two follows] D.L.D: .... of our right to investigate even your sex life. Your money will be easy. We'll have it all on computer. We'll know more about it than you do. But we have to form a generation where the most intimate activity which two people can have is public, or can be public. Therefore, it's harder to have any private thoughts and you can't buck the system if everything you think and do is public knowledge. But the planners won't be that open about their own lives. They'll reserve their privacy. It's for the rest of us. R.E: Yes. Just like their listening to concerts and operas, but for the mass media they're pumping in hard rock. That was another fascinating thing. For example, the... and I know this has come to pass because I deal with a lot of young people... the young people have their own radio stations for their music and adults have their own and never the twain shall meet. And when they do there's usually a clash. And I think the same is probably true with a lot of the classical movies. I can remember when I was growing up and my dad had the radio on, I think it was a kind of general music. I didn't say, "Dad, I don't like that music; turn to another station". Whereas now there is a fabricated generational gap which puts the family at the disadvantage. D.L.D: And it creates conflict within the family, which is one of the spin-off benefits to them. If you're constantly fussing at your kids, you don't like the music they're playing, and they're constantly fussing at you because they don't like what you're playing... that does bad things to the bonds of affection that you would like to be nurtured in the family. R.E: It would appear, that any resistance movement against the population controllers would probably be based on families strengthening themselves in a number of ways. One of them being to make sure that children know about grandma and grandpa and where did they come from and developing a whole... getting out the family albums and making sure that children know they have roots, first of all. And secondly, that their family is stable. One father, one mother, with children, with grandfathers. Those of us who have them should hold on to them. Toward the end of the tape there was a reference - at the time everything would be coming together - how this New World Order would be introduced to a population which, at this point I think they would assume would be acceptable to it.... how was this put? We're just going to wake up one morning and changes would just be there? What did he say about that? D.L.D: It was presented in what must be an over-simplified fashion, so with some qualifications, here's the recollections I have... That in the winter, and there was importance to the winter - on a weekend, like on a Friday an announcement would be made that this was or about to be in place... That the New World Order was now the System for the World and we all owe this New World Order our allegiance. And the reason for winter is that - and this was stated - people are less prone to travel in the winter, particularly if they live in an area where there's ice and snow. In summer it's easier to get up and go. And the reason for the weekend is, people who have questions about this, Saturday and Sunday everything's closed and they would not have an opportunity to raise questions, file a protest and say no. And just that period over the weekend would allow a desensitizing period so that when Monday came and people had an opportunity maybe to express some reservations about it, or even oppose it... there would have been 48 hours to absorb the idea and get used to it. R.E: What about those who decided they didn't want to go along? D.L.D: Somewhere in there it was that… because this is a "New Authority" and it represents a change, then, from where your allegiance was presumed to be, people would be called on to publicly acknowledge their allegiance to the new authority. This would mean to sign an agreement or in some public way acknowledge that you accepted this... authority. You accepted its legitimacy and there were two impressions I carried away. If you didn't... and I'm not sure whether the two impressions are necessarily mutually exclusive because this wasn't explored in great detail... one of them was that you would simply have nowhere to go. If you don't sign up then you can't get any electric impulses in your banking account and you won't have any electric impulses with which to pay your electric, or your mortgage or your food, and when your electric impulses are gone, then you have no means of livelihood. R.E: Could you get these things from other people, or would that be... in other words, let's say if you had a sympathetic family... D.L.D: No you could not because the housing authority would keep close tabs on who is inhabiting any domicile. So the housing authority would be sure that everybody living there was authorized to live there. R.E: Could I get some food? D.L.D: Your expenditures, through electronic surveillance would be pretty tightly watched so if you were spending too much money at the super market, somebody would pick this up and say, "How come? What are you doing with all that food? You don't look that fat. You don't have that many people. We know you're not entertaining. What are you doing with all that food?" And these things then would alert the... R.E: I have seven people in my basement who object to the New World Order and I'm feeding them and then they said, well, one has to go. D.L.D: They don't belong there and you can't feed them and since you're sympathetic to them, maybe your allegiance isn't very trustworthy either. R.E: Yes. We see this... I think the Chinese experience tells us a great deal about certain things. For example, when they wanted to enforce the "One child family"... they cut off all education for the second child. Your food rations were cut so you couldn't get the right amount of food, and if they found ways around that, they instituted compulsory abortions and compulsory plugging in of the IUD's. Somewhere in the tape this business about "People can carry two conflicting ideas around - or even espouse two conflicting ideas as long as they don't get two close together". And what immediately came to mind is… here we have an organization like Planned Parenthood... "freedom to choose", yet they support population control programs which is of course NOT the freedom to choose. And then when they're called into account and someone says, "Now wait a minute here. You're, 'freedom to choose - freedom to choose' here, but you're supporting the Chinese program which is compulsory. I remember a statement from the late Allen Gootmacher, one of the medical directors of Planned Parenthood and he said, "Well, if people limit their families and do what we say, fine. But if we need compulsory population control, we're going to have it." What would happen with people who wouldn't go along, and particularly that point about, "There wouldn't be any martyrs"? That was significant, because I recall having watched some movies about the Third Reich that many times they would come late in the evening and people would be taken from their home, but neighbors would never ask, "Where did they go?" They knew where they went! D.L.D: Solzhenitsyn mentions that in the Gulag Archipelago. R.E: I think this is very similar to what we would see. People would just disappear and you would not ask because it might endanger yourself or your family. But you would know where they went. If you ask questions, you draw attention to yourself and then you might follow them to where they went. So you mind your own business and step over the starving man on the street who didn't go along. D.L.D: He didn't go into detail about precisely how this would come about but it's not too hard to imagine. Yes. In the past, the Nazi's came, the Communists came in the middle of the night, people just disappeared and one simple way to do this is that if you're cut off from all economic support and you have no place to live and nothing to eat... we already see a lot of homeless now. I just had a man in the office this morning talking about he and his child seeing people living in boxes in downtown Pittsburgh today. When the New World Order is here and you're living in a box, we can't have people littering the place, so you come around in the wagon and you pick them up. If your frame of mind as you're growing up and formed is that, "Human value resides in being productive; you have to have a prestigious position or at least perform something useful - make a contribution", and the truck comes by to pick up some guy living in a box and he's not making any contribution, who's going to get excited about it? You know… he's sub-human; he's a fetus; he's a zygote; he's a derelict, and fetuses and zygotes and derelicts are all the same animal. So what do you do with them? You dispose of them. Who gets excited about it? R.E: I recall that when the Chinese Communists came into power one of the first things that they taught in schools was not any thoughts about specific political ideology, but about evolution and that man was just an animal and if man was just an animal then we won't mind being herded and having masters who keep tabs on the animals and we're one big ant colony and we've got someone to direct traffic and... Speaking of traffic. We talked about the aged and again - people hearing this tape, it's phenomenal how many times these things on this tape will hit you. I just came back from New Jersey which has a lot of retirement-type villages and I've been there over a period of years and there's a structure around a retirement home which has been uncompleted for at least two or three years. Now they've recently completed it. It's kind of a roadway, but I think it would be easier to get out of a complex at a play-land it is so complicated. And yet the whole area has elderly people driving. And we are a fairly middle-aged couple and for the life of me we couldn't figure out how we were going to get out, what we were going to do and so I asked some of the residents... "Doesn't it bother you that they haven't fixed this road for years and now you can't just go across the street which would have been the logical thing?" You have to go down and they have a jug-handle and you have to go over and under, so it takes you so long, and the woman replied to me, "Well you know, we just don't go out. We just don't go out". So here we have this little retirement village where they've made it very difficult for a population, maybe several hundred homes in this plat with only one exit and the exit involves such a great deal of bother, they say they just cut down on the number of times they have to go out shopping. D.L.D: Right away it makes me wonder... if it's difficult to get out, it's also difficult to get in probably for visitors. R.E: These retirement homes sort of remind me of an elephant burial ground. The one thing you notice is that there are no children. There's not the laughter of children in these homes. D.L.D: My experience has been, these people in the retirement homes, when they see a child they just blossom. They're really delighted to see a child. Sure they're happy to have their sons and daughters come and other adults, but when they see a child - and it doesn't have to be their own - it has a very beneficial effect on their mood. And if these older people aren't seeing children, the other side of that coin is, the children aren't seeing older people either. So if you don't get used to seeing older people, they don't exist. R.E: And that's why, with the family, making sure your children see their grandparents very often, no matter how much that entails, the trouble with the logistics, etc... it's certainly worth while because, again if you never see someone and you don't learn to love them and you never have any contact with them, when someone says, "Well it's time for your grandpa to check out", it's like, "Who's that?" Who's going to defend and fight for someone they never even saw before? Oh, I remember one of the phrases. So many of these things... you only have to hear them once and they stick in your mind. It's so jarring. We've already discussed "sex without reproduction", then you also said the technology would be there for "reproduction without sex" and this is a whole other area because it's contradictory. If a land is so overpopulated, then you would want to diminish sexual activity, get rid of pornography, get rid of everything that was sexually stimulating. But, no. It's a contrary. You want to Increase sexual activity but only insofar as it doesn't lead to reproduction. That was the message, right? D.L.D: Yes, and this is my own extension. He didn't say this, but that leads to slavery because if you become enslaved to your gratification, whether it's sex, food or whatever, then you're more easily controlled, which is one of the reasons the celibate priesthood is so important. And so many priests don't even understand that. But if you're addicted to sex... if sex is divorced from reproduction, something you do for gratification only - I won't try to parallel that with food because you can't go without food - then you can be more easily controlled by the availability or the removal of the availability of sex. So that can become an enslaving feature. Now, reproduction without sex... what you would get then would have all the desirable attributes of a human being without any claim to human rights. The way we do it now, we say, you're human because you have a father and mother... you have a family and so you're a human being with human rights. But if your father was a petrie dish and you mother was a test tube, how can you lay claim to human rights? You owe your existence to the laboratory which conveys to you no human rights. And there is no God, so you can't go for any God-given human rights, so you're an ideal slave. You have all the attributes of a human being but you don't have any claim on rights. R.E: In PDF Document"Brave New World" [58] they had the caste system, the alphas, the omegas, etc. The way they brought about the different caste systems was that in the decanting, or birthing rooms, the individual who was to do menial or slave labor... work in the mines... received just a little bit of oxygen to the brain so they learned to love their slavery and they were very happy. They didn't know any better. They didn't have the wherewithal to do things, but the higher in the caste you got, the more oxygen you got to your brain. So we actually had a group of sub-human beings who loved their slavery. In the past slaves probably didn't love their slavery very much, but in this case, we have this technology which will make people love their slavery, and each caste loved being what they were in "Brave New World [58]". And any of our listeners who hasn't read that recently... D.L.D: You may remember the slogan that was above the Nazi concentration camps... something about, "Work is Peace and Work is Happiness". I don't remember if it was Bucchenwald (sp) or Auschwitz. My recollection of words isn't precise, but the idea is what counts. And here's Huxley, writing Brave New World [58], saying basically the same thing before Hitler was even in power, so Huxley knew something. R.E: He came from a family that probably contributed at least in part to this New World Order. A number of the English authors... H.G. Wells [59]... from that period and from those associations who highlighted the concepts of what was coming down the path. I can remember reading Brave New World [58] in high school, and thought, "Boy, is this fantasy land". Thirty years later and I said, "This is scary". There seems to be kind of a similarity between his writings and the talk given by Dr. Day, because you get kind of a mixed message in Brave New World [58], that these things are not really good. It would be better if man still had a sense of humor, a sense of privacy, if the family still existed.. but, it's inevitable. They're going to go. Too bad. I feel a little sorry about that. A little sentiment, but the New Order has to come in and we have to make room for it. And I got that same impression from the things that were said about this Day tape. He wasn't real happy about some of the things, but they're going to occur anyway, so make it easier on yourself. The more you accept it the easier it's going to be when it comes around, and I'm kind of doing you a favor - you physicians out there this evening - I'm going to make it easier for you by telling you in advance what's coming and you can make your own adjustments. D.L.D: Somewhere in Scripture… I think it was after the flood, God said, "I will write my law on man's hearts", and I feel the same parallel that you do between Dr. Day's reaction to what he was exposed to and mine... seeming not totally accepting of this. Huxley seeming not totally accepting of what he wrote about but both saying, "Well, there's a certain inevitability to all of this, so let's try to talk about the best parts of it. It's going to be good for people. Technology will be better, quality of life will be better... so you live a few years shorter." But they both do seem to send out messages not buying the whole package... R.E: And maybe wishing some people would ask more questions. Looking back over history there are many individuals who had an idea of what a New World Order should be, certainly Hitler and Stalin did, but what was lacking during these periods is that they lacked the technology to carry many a many of the things out... surveillance, constant monitoring... but in this so-called New World Order it's going to be very difficult to escape because technology will provide those means which had been lacking those totalitarian individuals from years ago. D.L.D: I can't remember on the original tapes, did I mention the phrase where he said, "This time we're going to do it right!" ? R.E: No. You didn't. D.L.D: There were so many details to remember. But when he mentioned bringing in the New World Order, he said, "This time we're going to do it right". And right away, I'm wondering, "what do you mean, 'this time'?". There was no explicit explanation of that, but I think it's fairly easy to infer that previous efforts had to do with the Third Reich... Your point about the technology is critical with computers and all means of exchange being controlled by electronic impulse. Nobody has any wealth. You own nothing of value except access to electronic impulses which are beyond your control. A cashless society. So when your reward for working is [nothing more than] impulses on the computer and the only claim you have is these impulses and the people who run the system can give or take them as they choose. Up until this time there was no way the statement in the Book of Revelation that said, "No man can buy or sell unless he has the mark of the beast"... there's no way that could have been enforced. People could say I'll trade you a bushel of tomatoes for a bushel of wheat. If you'll drive my kids to school I'll give you six ears of corn. Bartering. And even not going necessarily that primitive, there was always gold and silver and other forms of money that were even better than bartering. But with this cashless society, I believe this is the first time in the history of the human race where the entire population of the world can be controlled economically so that somebody can say, "I pushed the right buttons and I know how much credit you have electronically; I know where you spend your money electronically; and you cannot buy, you cannot sell unless you get on my computer." Right now you have a half a dozen credit cards in your pocket, but pretty soon it will be narrowed to one credit card and then when we... you know the ostensible reason is that when people loose their credit cards and we have to get rid of that and put the implant in... where it has to be accessible to the scanner... in your right hand or in your forehead. R.E: Speaking of scanner. When we had the TV War..... the Gulf War? It was the first war where you just sit there and 24 hours a day just like being on the battlefield there. There were several points made about the advances in technology and how they could spot just one little individual down in... they used the constant reference to pinpoint... "pinpoint". I imagine with the different technologies they can also pinpoint a couple of renegades in the New World Order. The technology which was applicable to a so- called 'enemy' can also be applicable to this controlling the order. D.R.D: Exactly. It's infra-red stuff that's... I'm sort of amateurish about this, but any heat source like a deer, a human being, a renegade... can be picked up by an infra-red scanner and you get sort of an outline of whether it's a deer or sheep or whatever. My first hearing about them was in the Vietnam War where our troops used them to detect the enemy. That's twenty-some years ago, so they're probably even more sophisticated now than they were then; but with this kind of surveillance it would be pretty hard for anybody to escape and say, "Well, I'm just going to go out into the mountains and be a hermit and escape the New World Order. I can shoot deer and eat berries and survive and I've got a wife who's pretty sturdy and she'll be able to survive and we'll do what the Indians did before Columbus got here and we'll all survive". The New World Order will say, "No you won't because we're gonna find you". R.E: Even in Brave New World [58] they had a group of people who still lived as a family and the women breast-fed and they were called savages. But we won't have any savages. We're cultured, we'll be thin and our teeth will be straight. D.L.D: Something also that was mentioned; forests could — and if necessary would — be leveled or burned. Now this comes out of this movement... goddess mother earth, and how we have to protect the environment... but if we want to get someone who's trying to get away we'll burn down the whole forest. We'll find them. That was stated. Deforestation could be and would be brought about to make sure that nobody gets outside the control of the system. R.E: We're drawing to a close here. How did you feel after... well, it's been about 22 years now since that original lecture and there probably isn't a day that goes by - at least since I've heard the tape - that I don't think about the things that this Dr. Day said. D.L.D: You get constant reminders. Not a day goes by something doesn't say, "That reminds me of…" such and such, whether it's surveillance or security... R.E: ... or clothing. I opened up a toy catalogue the other day and noticed there didn't happen to be any baby dolls in this toy catalogue... of course going back to the idea that we don't want little girls to by thinking about babies. They only had one little doll and it was kind of an adult doll. And nothing that would raise anyone's maternal instincts. Well, Doc, what's the prognosis? D.L.D: Left to man alone I think the technology is already here and with technological progress, I think it is inevitable -- if man is left to his own devices -- that some men will be able to assert total control over other men... other people. Man left to his own devices... the tendency is -- in groups like this, then -- is for internal dissention to arise where the leaders would be at each other's throats too... each saying, "No, I'm more powerful than you. I deserve more than you". R.E: Who will control the controllers? D.L.D: Yeah. They would stab themselves. I think so. They would create their own seeds of destruction while they're creating the system. But the other thing I wonder if indeed this may be time for our Lord to come back and say, "Enough's enough. Because you're going to destroy my planet earth. I am in charge of the planet. I'm in charge of mankind. Mankind will be destroyed if I say. I will not allow my creatures to assume and exert this degree of control where you're going to destroy the whole thing. R.E: What I was just thinking as you were just saying that is that in the past, dictators could kill people, they could torture them, but essentially they could not change what it meant to be a human being. They could not change human nature. Now we are going to have with this new Genome Project, a multi-billion dollar project where they're going to be getting a tab on everyone's genes. No one shall escape. Everyone shall have their genetic codes and with this opens the door to manipulation to change the very meaning of what it MEANS to be human. And if one has an entity then that no longer has free will, you just have to wonder if that point out Lord says, "Enough". D.L.D: Just as Lucifer set himself up as God in the beginning, some people now would set themselves up as God and say, "I control the computers, I control the genomes, I control everything, I am God..." and at that point He would have to say, "No, you are not! I have to demonstrate to you... you're NOT. I'm still God. You're just a creature" [human+Being] RE: And as you said on the original tape, we believe in what our Lord has said, in that He will not leave us orphans. He will be with us 'til the end of time. D.L.D: This right away now begs the questions, when they come around and say, "It's your turn to sign the allegiance form"... what are you going to do? When Henry the eighth came around and said, either sign here and join... and while he was saying it they were throwing the noose over the limb of the oak tree, and slipping the noose around your neck and saying, "you want to sign this or do we slap the horse out from under you?" and a lot of people said I won't sign it and they were martyred. Despite his having said there will be no martyrs, certainly there will be martyrs. The implication of his statements were that they would not be recognized as martyrs, but there will be martyrs and they will be RECOGNIZED as martyrs. Maybe not the same way as in the past but I think this is something people should sort of prepare themselves for. When I'm nose to nose with this choice, "ether sign this allegiance or we're going to put you in a boxcar and you're going out to Arizona, to the desert..." I think we have to be prepared to make a decision. R.E: I think it would be an understatement to say that this tape has great meaning and it's like a forewarning and it gives us ideas of things we should do and things we shouldn't do and I think everybody listening to the tapes will come up with things he can do on a small scale. I think that's the beauty of this thing. As he was talking... it wasn't real earth shattering things he was talking about. He was talking about little things. Television. Things that we do every day. Things that are under our control. The books we read. And I think some of these changes if they are going to occur will occur with the individual person within that family, with him getting the word out and then doing the little things. I think they matter over the long haul, the most. D.L.D: Just as with the prisoners who survived the brainwashing, I think people who are Spiritually oriented, who are thinking about God, thinking about their relationship WITH God, are the ones who will then be better prepared or equipped to survive this world and the next. Whereas, those who are just focused on meeting their needs right now, strictly the material needs of the day, they're more easily controlled. Under the threat of losing your comforts or losing your food or loosing your head or whatever, certainly some people are going to yield, and those who I think will survive and I really mean both in this life and the next - they're going to have to be the ones who are prepared because it's my belief when the time comes to make the decision… "Are you going to sign on or not?"... it's too late to begin preparation and start saying, "Well, let me think about this." You won't have time to think about it. You're either going to say yes or no. I hope a lot of us make the right decision. R.E: I do so too, and I think the tape will change as many lives and have hopefully as good an effect as it had on mine and on yours and so let me thank you very much. For further information please contact the U.S. Coalition for Life; Box 315, Export, Penn 15632. Your comments and criticism and any other information which you might have regarding this tape will be most welcome. https://thedevilman666.blogspot.com/https://www.facebook.com/groups/qanonreports https://twitter.com/CIACLOWN1 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ciaclown16661/
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dljohnsonmusic-blog · 5 years
Six Shots – Juke Joint Revival New EP Interview
On July 8th, 2019, I jumped in my truck and took the drive from my Southern Indiana home over to Justin Scott Spicer’s house on the Southern side of Louisville, Kentucky. Justin is the lead guitarist and provides background vocals for Juke Joint Revival (JJR). Arriving at a little before I was supposed to be there, 6:30 pm, I pull up to Justin’s house, with him sitting on his porch, awaiting for his bandmates and I to arrive. I was the first one there, and after a small chat on the porch, we proceeded into his the living room and to hang out until everyone arrives. He and I sat on the couch, proceeded to catch up, as I’ve known Justin for about seven years.  While we chatted about music, I asked him what was in the case sitting next to me here by the couch and he told me I could open it and take it out. It is a classic Hondo, Z style guitar in a near perfect natural finished top. So, while we chatted and waited, I picked at the strings.
He, Kevin Cox (Lead singer and rhythm guitarist for Juke Joint Revival) and I played a small gig together about seven year ago, which was the first time that I had met him.  Kevin played rhythm guitar and provided vocals that evening while Justin played lead and rhythm guitar and I played drums. It was mostly a long jam session, but it was a great time!
The reason I am here at Justin’s this evening, is a direct result of a conversion that I had with Kevin Cox (Lead singer and rhythm guitarist for Juke Joint Revival), which he asked me if I would do a review of their new EP that is due to be released on July 19th, 2019. I graciously said I would be honored to do it. In our discussion, we talked about it being a little bit more than just a EP review of their music, but a short interview session.  As I said, it’s an honor, as I have known Kevin for over 8 years, even playing with him for some time.  He is a great singer and songwriter, that has a knack for developing lyrics and hearing the musical that needs to accompany it.
It’s also because, well these types of articles are rarer now days than they were when I was growing up, as he had to hustle to get our hands on a Rock magazine to keep up with what was going on outside of what we could get from the radio personalities.  Now everything is scattered throughout the internet, interviews are posted on Youtube and it’s a little harder for the local bands to get their names out in front of people.  Word of mouth and social media are the norms now.
So as Justin and myself sat and enjoyed a cold one, Freddy was the next to arrive, hauled in his bass and pedal board, took it down to the basement, where they conduct their practice sessions.  I have known Freddy for about four or five years through watching the band over this period. He is one of the best bassist in the Louisville area and I believe to be really underrated.
Eric was the next to arrive, brought in his snare and just needed to the rest of his kit that was in the back of Kevin’s vehicle and he would be set. This is the only the second time that I have met Eric, the first being several weeks ago at JJR’s show at a small music festival here in Louisville, Ky.  The cat can surely hold is own with any drummer that I know.
The four of us, sat around and talked music and shooting the bull, until Kevin arrives. We all chip in and help load in the drum kit.  Eric gets setup and they are ready to go.  A fine tuning and right into playing through their new songs.
If you have not heard of Juke Joint Revival (http://facebook.com/kyjukejointrevival), they are a Louisville, Kentucky based band specializing in Rock ‘N Roll blues music with their own bit of favor, they call Stank.
The group consists of course from the previously mentioned member: Kevin Cox on lead vocals and rhythm guitar, Justin Scott Spicer on lead guitar and background vocals, Freddy Griesbaum on bass and background vocals and Eric Vaughn Schneeberger on drums.
After their practice session, he had a chance to sit down and me be able to field them some question's in regards to this new EP.  I was also fortunate enough to be provided a copy of the new EP to listen to before I conducted the interview.
The first question that I asked them was in regards to the title of their new EP, which even though I had listened to the songs that are included on it, the name was yet to be known to me.  They informed me it was called “Six Shots” and I asked why they decided on this title.  Justin was the first to answer with, “It’s six shots to the listener’s ears!” We all chimed in with laughter and then Kevin added, “6 songs = 6 bullets = Six Shots!”
The EP itself was recorded and produced by James Wood in the sticks of Tennessee as Kevin put it. Referring to James Wood studio in Nashville, TN named, “Another Voice Without a Sound Studio’s” (www.anothervoicewithoutasound.com). Eric had made joke earlier in practice that they recorded this EP in a day and a half, which Justin confirmed saying, “Eric wasn’t joking….6 songs in a day and a half.” Which even in today’s world of recording, is a feat, but if you are prepared such as they were and have some recordings ahead of time and have put the work into getting the songs right before going in the recording studio, this can happen.
I asked the members, what they thought their fans could expect from this new material.  “They can expect a pure rock ‘n roll album with the “Stank on it!” as Justin put it.  “Good old fashioned rock ‘n roll with some of that juke joint stank!” is how Kevin put it.  This stank that they refer, sort of hard to put into words, it’s more of a feel, something like mixing the rock blues with a bit of funk thrown in there, but let me say, it makes them distinct in this regards compared to other rock blues bands.
This is the first time that James Wood and the band have worked together and first time that the band had made the almost two hour drive down to the Nashville, TN from Louisville, Ky as Kevin informed me.  Justin reflected this by saying,  “We had a great time. First evening we got there and just hung out and partied and got acquainted. He (James Wood) had been working on our setup a couple of weeks before we got there. So he was ready, he had heard the songs before we got there. We got up early had some breakfast then went to work. We recorded everything live, then over dubbed (the) lyrics, then my solos last.” Justin also informed me that James Wood also provided some of his musical proneness, just just his recording, production and mastery, he also plays the cello on one of the songs on the EP.
We discussed what the fans might expect from this new EP, but let’s take a second to talk about what your style of music is like, for those that have not had the opportunity to experience JJR. Justin described it, “It has that old school 70’s throwback classic rock/heavy blues thing going on. Great stripper music, we like to say!” Now, in reality you can never have enough stripper music, supply and demand will not go away anytime soon, and as we joked, AC/DC has made millions with their songs.
Our attention then moved to discussing the songs that make up this EP, with the first one entitled, “Above the Law.” It’s “...a fictional song that entails breaking free from prison and going on a crime spree with this lady friend,” as Kevin put it.  Now that is truly a good old fashioned rock ‘n roll blues journey.  As Justin put it, “That’s what makes good rock ‘n roll. And all these tunes have that element.”
Your next song is named “I am”, you start off with a special intro, that I won’t give away, but the lyrics, “I’ll be your light, when you have none.” Some power stuff in this one?
“It will be hard for me to answer many questions about these songs because, I don’t think we ever discuss as a whole much where these songs come from in Kevin.
Which I’m (in) a way cool (with) because it leads us to our own interpretations. When I play this song, I think of all “I am” to people who need me. I feel like I can be those things sometimes and sometimes I’m not those things. Both emotions give me that chance to deliver them emotionally.  This song is a personal proclamation for me and I didn’t even even write (it). I feel like Kevin is great at bringing us all into his words this way, time and time again,” added Eric.
“I feel the same. Not so much about these six tunes. But a lot of our other tunes, I can swear he wrote them about me at times!” as Justin proclaimed.
The next song that we discussed, has what I think is straight outta rock ‘n roll stripper music, as far as the music goes, it’s named “Say Your Prayers.” As Kevin put it, “Say Your Prayers” is a fictional song that represents, for him, how he often sees a toxic relationship. “Basically a guy telling a girl he doesn’t care for her.”
Kevin took a moment to respond to Justin and Eric’s comments on his song writing saying, “You guys are way to kind. 90% of what I write now is inspired by my bandmates. I feel an energy when we play that I don’t feel any where else. It is a wonderful feeling for a songwriter.”
Eric then added that for “Say Your Prayers”, “I’ve also been able to loose myself in these words, as I’m playing. It’s a chance where Kevin has spoken for a feeling we have all had at one point or another. A girl who is attracted to many, but not good for most.
That whole thing of “I don’t love you, I don’t care” gives me those chills of that I do care and I do love you but, I know this is no good.”
The next song that we discussed from the CD is entitled “Get Us Out of Here,” and I must admit, it made me speechless when I first heard it. “This song to me is about being reminded to be humble. How you can have everything you ever wanted and still not be fulfilled and that we all know there is a place for us to grab a piece of that peace that we all seek. Quoting Kevin, “We were down to nothing,” that starts me already in a place where I have to be humble and I try to reflect that in the beat itself. Sparse, simple, held back, humble,” as Eric put it.
Kevin said that it’s, “Definitely a personal song to me. It’s the struggle of being poor...finding success...then being rich and miss the simple times of being poor.  Basically promising his women he will get them out of any situation she wants.”
“Drinking Song” is the next one of the EP, in my opinion is the perfect gig song, since most of us play in bars and this is about drinking. “Drinking Song is a song about who I used to be back when I drank.  I liked to drink, fight and have sex,” as Kevin put it. Justin concurred as he really relates from the days that he was out of control, it was him, all the way.  He also added, “That’s why I say it’s like he’s (Kevin) writing about me. And he (Kevin) always says I’m the way he used to be.”
We have now arrived at the final song that you guys included on the EP, named “NBR 13?” “Number 13 was written right after a big fight between a girlfriend and I. Her favorite number is 13, which is considered an unlucky number.” as Kevin informed me. However, Eric stated that what she doesn’t realize is that he is her rare, lucky ball and that this song makes him feel, “Above the Law” like I’m some undiscovered luck or unlucky gem.”  Justin added, “I love the was we jam this song! It might be 4 minutes...it might be 14 minutes!”
Eric also added talking about the band: “We all come from different backgrounds, projects and we all line up like stars to give these words a life of their own. And no one is rocking it quite as straight forward as us!”
There you have it, Juke Joint Revival talking about their new EP, due out July 19th, 2019, along with some details of the recording and production and some insight on their rocking blues with some stank songs.
They have a CD release party on the same day as the release, at Tim Faulkner’s Gallery (www.timfaulknergalleryart.com), located at 991 Logan Street, Louisville, Ky 40203. This includes a star studded lineup supporting them on this night.
Opening the show around 7pm will be solo performances by Louisville’s own recording artist’s Country Cat Hugh Hill, Matt Jaggers and Chad Kaiser.
Then at 9 pm, another of Louisville’s own recording artist, the Tunesmith’s will be taking the stage working the crowd to a frenzy,
About 10 pm, Juke Joint Revival taking the stage and if they were playing under a roof, they would probably blow it off, but I’m sure that neighborhood association will have a thing or two to say to the owner of Faulkners.
As Justin stated, “Be ready to rock your asses off. Because to this band, this a big deal putting out our hearts and souls. So we’re going to bring the fire and Stank!”
Come out and support Juke Joint Revival and the other the local artist performing on this special night and make sure get your hands on one of these “Six Shots” EPs.  This first batch are not going to last long! I can guarantee it!
Check out Juke Joint Revivals Facebook page here for more details and other details in regards to getting your hand on copy of this EP if you can’t make it out: http://facebook.com/kyjukejointrevival
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her-culture · 5 years
Let’s Talk About It: The Rise, The Fall, and Rise Again of Astrology
Astrology has taken the internet by storm as of recent, and to some it really does feel like it came out of nowhere. While astrology itself is not a concept that’s new, its massive surge in popularity is certainly something we haven’t seen in a while. This undoubtedly leaves us with a few questions:
When were the golden years of modern astrology, and what made it suddenly vanish out of the public’s favor?
Why has it returned now, out of any other time?
In the beginning of the 1970’s, where everyone was really into individuality and fighting back against the status quo, astrology was really at its peak. The flower children of the ‘70s were all over the idea of having something cloaked in mysticality that spoke directly to them without needing a middle man to interpret anything. That all changed when news of Ted Bundy broke loose in 1974.
Newspapers had gotten wind that a murderer (later revealed to be Bundy) had allegedly lured a few of his victims to go with him by using his charm and starting conversations by asking what their astrological sign was. While this was never directly confirmed, it was sure to spark hysteria in small communities for quite a while, and the correlation between those articles and the decline in astrological talk during the mid-late 1970’s and extended to the 80’s is too strong to ignore.
The counterculture of the 90’s (grunge, alt. rock, living as rebellious underworlders, and full of self-expression) both hindered and helped astrology over the span of that decade. Everyone was tired of the old and everything related to it, and wanted something new and fresh. Astrology was kind of given an edge because of how quickly it was dropped; it wasn’t talked about for quite some time which gave it a very strong appeal to those of the underground scene. Slowly, conversations about astrology were coming back into relevancy as the turn of the century came around, but it still had a ways to go.
When I was younger, as a little baby Millennial who wasn’t aware of my label just yet, I distinctly remember logging onto my mom’s MSN homepage and looking at a small pinned section called “Horoscopes”; it had her sign and my dad’s sign displayed with advice and fortunes for each of them. Curious, I conducted my own research by cautiously typing in “november horoscopes” into the Bing (yes, I know) search engine and discovered my identity as a Scorpio. I was enthralled for a solid 10 minutes before losing interest, as all the information clearly applied to adults and as an 11 year old kid, that kind of stuff easily bored me. It wasn’t until college that I rekindled my fascination and admiration for astrology, this time with a much more mature mindset and more resilient curiosity. But what drew me to rekindle this passion?
That’s right, memes. I was on the Instagram explore page and saw a post with the caption “the signs and how they deal with rejection: please also check your moon and venus signs”. I was so confused: what the hell was a moon sign? And a venus sign? I had absolutely no idea what those were. So, much like my 11 year old self, I took to searching (this time using Google because I’m not an internet rookie anymore) and found myself falling into a rabbit hole of information. There were thousands upon thousands of articles on everything under the umbrella term “astrology”, from drawing natal charts to understanding retrogrades, learning about moon/venus compatibility in relationships and what your rising sign meant, and so much more. Compared to what I remembered reading back at the ripe age of 11, all of this stuff was extremely more in-depth and way more accessible. If you look up natal charts now, you’ll find over 20 different websites offering to calculate yours for free. But where did all this info come from? Has it really been around all this time?
The answer? Yes. Kind of. Depends on how you look at it.
As previously mentioned, astrology is no new concept. All of this information has been around for a very long time. But the popularity and circulation of it is something that it hasn’t seen before in the modern era. And with the age of the internet constantly blooming and expanding, astrology as found its perfect niche in it all. It has an easy entry point with all the articles available, and with online message boards and communities, people can easily talk with other more experienced astrologers and get information at rapid rates. This sudden boom of information definitely felt new to many people, and with the amazing ability that Millennials have of turning massive amounts of info into easily digestible formats (aka: memes) is the perfect context for astrology to thrive in. Combined with the stress of our heavily politicized society and constant awareness of all the bad things that occur on the daily, astrology is the perfect reassurance for people who need some kind of reminder of where they stand as an individual in our tumultuous world. It’s less serious than an organized religion, but can still provide a similar sense of solace that one might get otherwise.
In a time where everything seems uncertain, introspection and looking in on one’s place in the world can provide a sense of peace. Astrology can fill that gap that so many people seek to fill, and doing so is harmless as well. There’s no heavy commitment, there’s no immense sense of seriousness; it’s something fun people can indulge in to help them better understand themselves. Plus, it helps satisfy the mini narcissist inside us all: who doesn’t like being talked about?
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