#NSR Fanfiction
literarybard · 1 month
Cassiopeia Collab
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I've finally found the time to post this little drabble from a bit ago. My hope is to eventually share more, but hopefully this can find its way to some NSR fans!
The excerpt is just a scene from the concept of DJSS and 1010 finally collaborating on a song.
There was no question that the current array of people in the room was an unorthodox combination. At the very least, someone would've thought that a few months ago, yet now the only thing spinning in the room is the repeated pausing and playing of an out-of-this-world beat. 
"Right so! How's about something here with the line ending in? Aberration?" There came the tone and head tilt that easily cued Rin's next words. "No offense, but what does that even mean?" 
On the other hand, the opposing figure of the DJ found herself breathing in; the tenseness of having to explain words that seemed so simple was getting to them, and yet when it came to this one. To say she physically felt the thought poof out of existence was an understatement; whatever cog needed to turn had finally checked out, and he could only exhale in what seemed like a simple annoyance.
"Why do you even care about what all these things mean?" There were tons of reasons as to why Rin and the rest should care, but their actual work time was shrinking with each instance. 
It was Haym who spoke up this time: "Sir made it very known that we should be careful as to—" the sentence seemed to seamlessly pass onto Eloni now, "avoid forum—" the final pair of words, now sung by four members with a melody that, despite being perfect, felt foreboding. "cancel culture!"
Well, okay.
"Let's just change—" He'd only gotten a mere three words out before a sudden counter made its way into the air. "What!? Just tell me, you've done it with every other word!" 
They stifled a reaction, instead turning away in her seat before continuing, "It is not entirely my problem that your knowledge is so... finite." Another moment passed past that sentence before an almost brooding white robot spoke again. "Are you calling me stupid?" 
"...just ignorant." It was upon the administration of the last word that she jumped, a chorus of gasps now coming from both Rin and every other member of 1010. Her gaze locked onto the only other person in the room without distinct eyes, but one who instead held a distinct smile on his face.
It was obvious Purl-Hew knew what the word meant and felt self-assured by that, and he knew that Supernova knew. An unspoken conversation between them was all that was needed to affirm that, and yet that didn't mean the blue robot wouldn't still join in with his brothers antics. The grin now plastered on his face pushed that idea further.
It was Rin who broke the chorus with a scoff and a snap. "Oh yea? Well-" He turned to his fellow 1010 members, flipping his hair, before turning back to DJ Subatomic and sliding away. Whatever that was appeared to be a cue that led the five to line up before them, posing oddly familiarly just as she once had before speaking into song, a line that chased her down.
"Don't you know who we are?" A previously suppressed grumble finally escaped them as they slunk further into her seat. A moment later that'd be ammended, with 1010 shifting towards their patented salute while he could've sworn his posture realigned into another reality along with the yelp that came when a hand settled on her shoulder.
"Busy at work, I see. Tell me, is the collab faring well, Nova?" Neon J's voice rang out along with the slight cybernetic undertone of a man trying not to chuckle at the scene before him. A silent stare linked the two of them for a few moments before her voice hushed, "Yeah. Some boys you have here, J."
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drfirefly08 · 6 months
uh uh what the fuck
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help i forgot about this post that was sitting in my drafts
HAVE THIS IG, this was supposed to be published 10 days ago :sob:
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doveriathegoddess · 1 year
Hello hello everyone I got started on another fanfic but this time it’s based on my NSR ocs being a part of the NSR Gem AU made by @vinylroadsjunction (Go check them out btw) Disclaimer: This fanfic is not canon to the actual AU itself, this is mainly just for the purpose of fun and me exploring a whole bunch of concepts.
Anyway I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter, which is the prologue for this fanfic :3
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: No Straight Roads (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Maxie/Buttercup, Kliff/Artemis, Tatiana Qwartz | Kul Fyra/Original Character(s) Characters: Tatiana Qwartz | Kul Fyra, Kliff (No Straight Roads), Artemis (OC), Olive (NSR Sona), Garden of Thorns (OCs), NSR Megastars (No Straight Roads), Bunk Bed Junction (No Straight Roads) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Everyone is shook because it turns out that there was another Diamond that existed, And no one knew about her Summary:
In the Andromeda Galaxy towards the center, a planet similar to Earth containing all sorts of unique life becomes home to a new Gem civilization after a small group of noble and rebel gems fled together after the War on Earth concluded. This planet eventually becomes named Rosetta and the kingdom begins to thrive under the rule of Queen Buttercup, a Titan being that has taken the responsibility of protecting her gem subjects. The Queen then falls in love with a gem who was once a powerful noble and warrior back on Homeworld, but their love comes at the price of her death, which in turn brings forth the birth of their daughter who becomes a Titan being with a rose-gold Moissanite Diamond gem embedded on her chest...
3200 years later, a grown up Moissanite Diamond and her court embark on a journey to Earth after hearing rumors of gems living freely and the young diamond Queen of Rosetta wishes to explore the planet. What she discovers on Earth along with her friends becomes a lot more than what she was expecting...
 This fan fiction was inspired by the NSR Gem AU created by vinylroadsjunction over on Tumblr so be sure to check them out!
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secretarysong · 3 months
read a really good nsr fanfic the other day and ive sort of been thinking bout aunty ever since
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dreamingpichu · 6 months
Bro...what if I-
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aestophobia · 11 months
to everyone who convinced me to read pray for us icarus: what the fuck. i'm sobbing.
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aishutoon · 1 year
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Fanart for the fanfic “Mono and 1010” by Rosedragon529 on Ao3!
This is a kind of story that I’m a sucker for every time: a character that’s been through so much is given love and care. In this case, Mono from Little Nightmares 2 is adopted by Neon J and 1010. It’s such a cute story, and I definitely recommend it! In this fanart, he’s enjoying the box-bed in his brand new room.
Here’s the fic if you want to read it:
Also, shout-out to @heyo-im-n, they made a comic of the first three chapters of this fic, and it’s amazing!
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flamewisher · 1 year
Hi-Fi Rush down No Straight Roads: Fanfic Drabble: Guitar Lessons
So I really like the idea of the crossover of NSR and HFR (As seen from my last post). I wanted to post a quick little fanfic idea for it! So here it is!
Summary: Chai (Post Game) looks up guitar lessons online, so he could be able to practice more professionally. Every lesson he goes to though, each instructor cannot stand listening to his awful tuning and talkative attitude. Feeling hopeless, Chai feels like he’s never going to learn to play. That is, until Peppermint tells him that someone she knows might be able to keep up with his chaos.
“That’s it, that was the 5th one.” 
Chai throws himself onto the couch next to 808, who immediately jumps on his chest and lays down purring. Peppermint, whose in the middle of modifying her leg, looks up at him from her desk.
“Another one bailed on you?”
“Geeh, what gave it away this time?”
“You proclaiming ‘that was the 5th one’ to the world and looking like you got hit by a wave of criticism and ridicule. I dunno, I’m just guessing.”
Chai sat up and pouted at her.
“You don’t understand Pep, I’ve now been through five different instructors at this point and all of them say the same thing, it’s-”
“It’s not you, but I feel like we’re on different musical levels here, and I feel like it’d be best for you to find a new instructor.”
She made direct eye contact with him and sighed
“Am I right, or am I right?”
He groaned in frustration and slummed back down into the couch. 808 had to readjust herself once again to be able to lay down properly.
“It’s the same thing over and over, it’s either I’m tone deaf, my tuning isn’t right, I played the wrong note seven times in a row, I’m not shutting up, or I’m not feeling the music correctly. Which, how is that even possible when I literally have a music player in my freaking chest!?”
He groaned again, but then sighed sadly
“Maybe I should give up trying to learn how to play professionally, if this is all I’m gonna hear...”
Peppermint shot him a confused glace
“You? Chai? Giving up?”
“At this point, yeah. What else am I going to do?”
Peppermint got up and made her way over to Chai and grabbed him by the scarf.
“Hey, what are you- WAHH-”
She pulled him up from the couch, causing 808 to fly off him and jump back down on the floor.
“You literally took down a corporate overlord and his goonies from using a mind control program on the public just a few months ago. And now I’m hearing you give up because some music instructors said some mean things to you?”
He looked at her nervously
“I-I umm, not...exactly...M-Maybe I shouldn’t have worded it like that. I’m just being dramatic.”
He awkwardly chuckled, trying to brush off her comment. She looked at him for a second but then quickly let go of his scarf and made her way back to her desk and turned on her computer and quickly starts typing away.
“Umm...what are you doing?”
“I’m gonna help you with this myself. The Chai I know never gives up on something as miniscule as this. Plus, you moping around the hideout for the past 2 weeks is starting to get on my nerves.”
“Y-Yeah? What are you doing exactly? And....why are you pulling up your messages?”
She continued typing
“I’ll tell you in a second. I gotta see if she responds first.”
“Who are you messaging-”
“I said I’ll tell you in a second, hold on.”
Chai sighs and crosses his arms impatiently.
A few minutes later, Peppermint is getting a video call on her computer and she quickly turns on her webcam as she accepts the call. The caller from the other side hasn’t turned on their camera yet, but quickly says
“Oh! Give me a minute to turn on my camera Pep Pep!”
Chai, looking over from the side was very confused
“Pep Pep?”
He then snorts a little and whispers to Peppermint
“You let them call you Pep Pep?”
“I’m about two seconds away from ripping off your arm, then I’ll give you something to cry about.”
The person then turns on their camera, and Chai is met face to face with a girl with blonde hair, tied up in three separate ponytails, two braids on the sides of her head, vibrant purple and violet eyes, and orangish skin.
“Pep Pep!! It’s been so long since we’ve last talked! How’s everything been? How’s your mom doing? How’s the company doing?”
Peppermint laughed a little
“Everything’s fine Mayday. Mom’s doing good too. I’m sorry it took so long to reach back out to you, been working on a bunch of different projects.”
Mayday laughed
“You were always one to throw yourself into your projects, Pep Pep.”
“Same can be said about your music, May. Speaking of which, how’s that going for you?”
“Still decent, me and Zuke just did a gig a few nights back and it went pretty well!”
Mayday then directed her attention to Chai
“By the way, whose that? He’s just kinda standing there.”
Peppermint sighed
“Oh, sorry. This is my friend, Chai. He’s a idiot who can’t introduce himself properly.”
Chai whipped his head towards her
“Rude much!!”
Mayday giggled
“He seems fun! A little awkward, but fun!”
Peppermint sighed
“Yeah, he’s actually the reason why I wanted to call you in the first place.”
“Yeah? Why?”
Mayday then quickly gasped
“Is he your boyfriend, Pep Pep!?!”
Peppermint and Chai gagged and yelled
“NO! HE’S NOT!!”
Mayday laughed
“I’m kidding! He’s not your type anyways, so if you said he was I would’ve been surprised!”
Peppermint laughed awkwardly
“Yeah, if I ever dated someone like him, I must’ve been desperate.”
Mayday then leaned back in her chair
“So, what’s this all gotta do with him?”
Peppermint sighed and looked back up at her
“I need you to teach him to play guitar May.”
Mayday and Chai both looked up at her
There u go, idk if I’ll do this again but this is what I got. Hope you all enjoyed!
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foxyfire101 · 2 months
Moment when— when—
You write something you’re super proud of but there’s ONE little thing that’s a big part of the story that makes you not want to share it with anyone—
But also I’m me so I share it with close ppl anyways bc I have no shame
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repeatedecho · 1 year
Help me find an No straight Roads reader x 1010 fanfictiom, radio host edition
ok so basically there was this one fanfic that I really like where y/n was like a radio host or something and she was doing an interview with 1010. There was some flirting I think. Sorry I don't have any more details on it. I found it on tumblr I think.
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If you - a fanfic author - don't go back and read your own works published or not, you are a coward.
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the-nsr-family · 1 year
mmmmm maybe I will come back for real this time.
I lowkey want to like. write a fanfic. issue is I’m already running one for SU and I’d never forgive myself if I abandoned my readers in the middle of such an intense moment.
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mom and i got a fucking stomach bug last night 😭 feeling like pure shit rn u got no ideaaaaaaa
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doveriathegoddess · 1 year
Hello hello everyone I have finally gotten started on making the official story of my NSR AU One Future Ahead and I’m happy to announce that the prologue is out for you guys to read! I’ve been developing this au of mine and it’s story for a while now, and now that the story is finally becoming told makes me so happy at how far I’ve come. I hope you all enjoy the story of One Future Ahead just as much as I’ve enjoyed creating it. 
Chapters: 1/11 Fandom: No Straight Roads (Video Game) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Orion/Sonya Fyra, Mason/Danny, Coraline/Astral/Sol, Titanium Qwartz/AVA, Rosie/Azul, Eve | Nadia/Mayday (No Straight Roads), Mayday/Zuke (No Straight Roads), Kliff/Artemis, Tatiana Qwartz/Olive, Neon J./DJ Subatomic Supernova Characters: NSR Megastars (No Straight Roads), OFA Rockstars, fanchildren - Character Additional Tags: This is part one of this, Mainly focuses on the new generation of Vinyl City, Takes place 25 years after the game itself- Summary:
This AU takes place 25 years after the events of the Music Revolution that changed Vinyl City. The former NSR Artists including Tatiana have all retired, allowing for the new generation of artists to take over. Titanium Qwartz, the eldest daughter of Tatiana now rules Vinyl City with her own sense of order that has implemented policies that in turn have eliminated all blackouts in the 5 years she has ruled so far.
To celebrate her accomplishments, Titanium decides to hold a Music Festival and the entirety of Vinyl City is excited to see their favorite musicians perform. However with her artists all having different ideas and the OFA Rockstars causing a few incidents of havoc (mainly Burning Constellation being the ones doing it-), Titanium has no choice but to make everyone take this Music Festival seriously before her own head explodes into an inferno of flames.
Meanwhile technicians are concerned by the Grand Qwasa's sudden behavior that has recently started becoming a bit of an issue, but it's nothing that can't be fixed right?
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blackicek1lls · 4 months
"I killed him y'know," he says, downtrodden and distant. He says it with such conviction that Zimelu nearly believes his brother. "When I woke up, I had killed him dead, swamped in code and broken up like a shattered screen. I… think I ruined him." --- Zimelu wished he wasn't so curious about his brother and everything surrounding that.
phew! had this in my drafts for a couple months but I finally posted it!
just a quick warning! this fic discusses death, self hatred, and generally being unhappy. this fic does not end happy. have fun reading!
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dreamingpichu · 6 months
Trolls and NSR Crossover Headcanons
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Unlike humans in our own world, the Humans of Troll Kingdom come in more bright and vibrant colors, matching all other incredibly colorful species.
Humans have a highly advanced society, living in large cities. Like Trolls and Mount Rageons, music has a massive place in Human society to a political degree. Humans have managed to turn music into energy by creating the Qwasa.
Humans have a low concentration of magic and few special abilities compared to Trolls and Mount Rageons. On average, Humans are shorter than Mount Rageons and the taller Bergens, but are still giant compared to Trolls.
Mount Rageons
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Mount Rageon society is made up mostly by teenagers, who are much more independent than Human teens.
Teen Mount Rageons thrive on party life and glamour, while the adults tend to work. However, some teens do hold jobs outside of the entertainment industry.
Due to Mount Rageous's height, Mount Rageons are built for much higher altitudes and can be prone to low altitude sickness. Their diet is considerably more artificial than Humans, Trolls, and Bergens, as animals and plants don't do well on the mountain.
Adults live and raise children much lower down the mountain, in more suburban areas compared to the city at the peak.
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Being artificial, Robots completely lack magical abilities of any kind. However, they make up for it with technological mimicry.
Robots do not have a society of their own (yet) and rather exist within preexisting societies.
Despite being artificial creations, Robots have autonomy, emotions, and independence from their creators, which they tend to see as family.
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Currently known as the most magical species. They're capable of producing energy through music without the need for machines like the Qwasa.
Despite their high concentration of magic, they're still incredibly vulnerable. Their small size making them prime targets of abuse by larger species.
Trolls have only just recently started receiving more fair treatment, now being seen as equals in Bergen, Human, and Mount Rageon society.
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