#Nana and Ren's Child
mioxeno · 4 months
Personally Nana is a manga i feel you need an understanding of sapphic women's struggles to be able to read through the context and intention of the characters and their issues. Primarily the two Nana's.
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Nana Osaki has a discomfort around the idea of traditional feminine roles and what's 'expected' from her as a woman. The main reason she feels her relationship with Ren doesn't and won't work long term is he's fixated on wanting to have children with her.
However for Nana this'd get in the way of her desired career as a singer and also her future. She deems becoming a housewife and having to provide only for a man as 'the worst fate imaginable'. This is the main reason for conflict with her relationship with Ren.
While Ren isn't abusive in the same way as Takumi he does force Nana into doing things she doesn't feel comfortable with nor want to do. It's because of this that her relationship with Ren is so toxic for the both of them.
On Hachi's side, most of her issues seem to revolve around a clear case of comphet and struggling with her feelings for the women in her life. Hachi desires what Nana least desires (becoming married, having kids etc.) however romance with men is painful and isolating for her.
Hachi's first relationship being with Asano, where she was groomed while she was still a minor ruined her perception of how relationships should be. She only started dating Shouji after he guilt trips her into a relationship (and sex).
Hachi constantly states wanting a friendship with Shouji and how much it means to her however she starts dating because everyone around her acts like she's leading him on. So she dates him, then Shouji gets mad she doesn't act how HE wants her to act.
Shouji literally cheats on Hachi with Sachiko because she wouldn't just sleep with him all the time whenever he wanted. Hachi wasn't 'submissive' enough, Sachiko was.
Then on Hachi's part her 'liking' of Takumi was only in a way of how girls idolise a celebrity. There's no genuineness behind this because there's a fictional distance between you and them. Once Hachi actually meets Takumi she notices there's something wrong.
Hachi only got with Takumi because she was feeling abandoned and left behind by Nana who started focusing more on her career. Her entire relationship with Takumi is a cycle of abuse on making her think she needs him while he's aware she doesn't actually love him.
Takumi doesn't love Hachi, he only loves the amount of control he has over her. He literally treats her like his dog and both Nana and Hachi are aware of this. However it's not easy to break out of an abusive relationship just because you're aware.
Especially since with Takumi Hachi is able to have a child, which is something she's wanted since she was young. Obviously she doesn't love Takumi but on her mind, someone who never had a clear idea or desire for the future. It's the only thing she can do.
Especially since from her pov 'Nana doesn't need me anymore'. I'm not saying everyone needs to read the characters in a sapphic pov but none of the relationships they end up in are healthy for either of them, they both have men forcing their desires onto them.
Nana and Hachi's love for one another is the focus of the series and if it ever continued they'd definitely develop their relationship further. There's a sense of freedom in their love for one another that they can't get with men.
To conclude, Hachi has clear symptoms of comphet and she is likely a lesbian but struggles with seeing her feelings as valid. Where on Nana's side she can't achieve what she wants to achieve in life if she's dating a man because they'll always have different life desires.
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green-apple-juice · 4 months
So, I finished rereading "Nana"
We don't know its ending yet and probably never will, but based on the latest chapters, we know that Nana ran away many years ago because she wanted to die near the sea, most likely due to being too depressed after Ren's death. It's unclear exactly when she did it, but I think it happened right after Hachi gave birth to her son (or shortly before, so she couldn't have spent much time with Nana anymore). Maybe it was an impulsive decision, or something else happened to her that hasn't been revealed to the readers. She also decided to go back to Tokyo when we last saw her in England.
Hachi now has two kids with Takumi, but she doesn't live with him anymore, refusing to move to England because she still believes there's a chance that Nana will come back to her. That's very interesting, because in the past Nana was suffering from the thought that Hachi always prioritized Takumi over her, but now Hachi says she's ready to wait all her life just for a small chance to see Nana again. She doesn't need to live with Takumi anymore or play happy family with him. She also isn't in a relationship with Nobu, even though it seems he broke up with Asami. So either in the past, she decided that Takumi is still a better choice for her, or Nobu himself wasn't ready to accept her with a child who most likely isn't his. Personally, I think it was Hachi's decision, but knowing Nobu, he might also be repeating his earlier actions—saying he wants to do anything for Hachi's happiness but then changing his mind shortly after.
In summary, it seems like nothing could prevent two Nanas from finally understanding and accepting their true feelings for each other, or at least, an open ending with them reunited, where they might move in together as friends, with the possibility that their relationship could evolve into something more later.
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May I please request headcanons for Nana O, Ren, Yasu, and Nobu reacting to their female S/O singing and putting on a performance for her child who's dying from cystic fibrosis?
Oh I remember this episode 🥹
Nana O
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She knew you had a child awhile after the two of you met and were getting to know each other but she didn't know that you had a very sick and chronically ill child that needed so much care
After taking things slow she soon meets your daughter who despite being sick was always carefree and happy and soon the two were inseparable and adopted your daughter before she went shopping for an engagement ring with her friend who is also called Nana and her friend Yasu
She helped you care for your daughter going with you to every appointment for treatments and checkups,holding you when you cried about how much you were afraid of losing your baby girl,and whenever you were tired or out she would jump in tending to and helping your daughter with whatever was needed
She and her friends along with your family planned to have a singing event in honor of her after the two of you found out her condition was rapidly going downhill and as a way to bring some comfort to her you would sing a song you wrote for her
She sat with your daughter while you singed and after you hugged her tightly while she smiled at both of you with tears in your eyes as she told you she was proud of you
You didn't know how much longer the two of you would have her but you both were going to enjoy every single moment you had left
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He never thought he would find love after all that happened with Nana but when he met you boy how wrong he was
After a couple of weeks of slow dating you told him you had a child and you were surprised that he not only seemed happy about it but that he still wanted to keep seeing you and met your son
You had an 11 year old son who was your light in the darkest of tunnels and that you always cared for rarely ever leaving him unless it was with your best friend who was his godmother or your brother who was a great uncle and always had a hand out ready to help you whenever you were overwhelmed and needed a quiet moment to think or whenever you had to work
He knew he wanted kids in his future at the time he met you and soon after awhile you had him and your son meet and soon the two weren't seen without the other
He still loved your son despite him being sick and needing to have constant care and he jumped into learning how to care for him from dosing his medicine and having his machine ready to doing his treatments with him and always treating him no different despite it
As his condition went down hill you would sing to him whenever he was upset and to help him fall asleep so the two of you and his friends planned an event for him
You had been writing a song for him for a couple of years and you decided that even though you hadn't released it you wanted to sing it for your son
You singed with every emotion you felt keeping your emotions in and smiling seeing ren and your son watching you and waving
As soon as your son fell asleep and you sat down in her room beside ren you just sobbed while he held you wishing he could take away all pain not just for you but for your son as well
The two of you married on your grandmother's farm not only because you had been planning to get married for awhile even though there wasn't any proposal but also it was his final wish that he wanted to see
Not too long after he was in the hospital and you spent his last moment as a family until he took his final breath leaving you empty but ren knew as long as he was there with you you would slowly grieve and move on but still think of him everyday
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He always had a natural charm with kids that he always just had no matter what he could always calm a child down and make them laugh
He had met your daughter when she got hurt while you were preoccupied taking care of your son and didn't know she was gone until you noticed she wasn't beside you making your heart stop
You quickly look to see a blonde man smiling and talking to your daughter putting a bandaid on her and giving her chocolate after tickling her making her laugh loudly
"There you are" he looks at you immediately not believing the woman in front of him who looked more like an angel than a real human
The two of you run into each other again and within the next few months the two of you are dating and after another 3 months both your kids are calling him dad and it makes him the happiest person alive
As a surprise on your two year anniversary of being together he proposed to you and 5 months later you are married and he adopted both of your kids always taking care of them both especially your son who has been sick for 3 years now
The two of you plan a concert for him for his birthday and you sing a song you had written when you found out you were pregnant with him and sung it while he and his band and friends played with you
Both kids were watching with your sister right in front of both of you and ran into the both of your and his arms as your eyes filled with tears and started crying
You were always going to be terrified of the day that you would lose your son but no matter what you were not going to let it ruin the rest of the time the two of you had left with him
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He helped take care of his young cousins and his friends kids a bit so he had a way with children but never thought or knew whether he would have any of his own
He met you through nana considering that you were a childhood friend of hers and the closest thing to a sister she had and knew the two of you would be a great pair
You both fell immediately in love with each other but waited until after slowly dating and being together for 2 months to officially have him and your daughters meet each other
He knew about your 10 and 7 year old daughters but never met them so he didn't know what to think but when he saw them the trio immediately became attached at the hip with each other
He immediately helps and takes care of your eldest daughter who has been sick for a month now but also shows the same amount of care and love for your other daughter as well
After dating for 12 months the two of you got married and the next month he adopted both your daughters living the life either of you didn't think you each would have
Soon your eldest who is now 13 has slowly gotten sicker and in honor of her you and Yasu along with his friends performed a song you wrote for her and performed it on her birthday making her day
The two of you were going to hold the time you had left with her dear and still love your 10 year old and your future child that was on the way
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placebogirl7 · 7 months
Is Reira with Takumi when he moves to England? are they together? i just finished watching the anime and wanted to start reading the manga but i want some spoilers
Dear anon,
yes, when Takumi moved to England Reira went with him. They don't live together (apparently) but it's shown that Reira has a strong bond with little Ren (Takumi's child), who seems to love Reira more than Hachi (who is his mother). Takumi and Hachi are still married but the fact that Junko, talking with Hachi, suggests her to divorce because it doesn't make sense to bring on a relationship in that way (Hachi lives in Tokyo with Satsuki and Takumi lives in England with Ren and they don't see each other often) means that the marriage is not that happy. Despite this, there is no sign that Takumi and Reira have a romantic relationship. I think it's more Takumi taking care of Reira who is mentally unstable after Ren's dead and she never recovered herself completely. Since Takumi feel guilty about a lot of things, I think he tried to make amends searching for Nana in England and taking care of Reira. If you want other spoilers feel free to ask ;)
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c-h-e-r-r-i-e-s · 3 months
The most insane part of Nana isn’t Takumi or Ren or trap nest or blast or Hatchi.
It’s Nana being the most selfish, unbridled, needy, emotionally closed off, child. And I for one relate so hard. “I don’t want Nobu to think of anyone other than Hachi, that way I can keep her”
Bitch you can’t even keep a damn cell phone. Please re think this and like call her? (I too have avoided my best friend for months bc they hurt me)
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falleri-salvatore · 1 year
Headcannon: Old RWBYJNPR
So yeah, once again I have too much free time now on my forced work vacation and I constantly get lost on my mind. One of the thing I have been dwelling on is what kind of personality RWBYJNR plus Oscar would have as people in their 60s. This is what I came up with (feel free to reblog with your own takes. By all means, I encourage it.) Ruby Rose: Sweet-Type Grandma who always bakes cookies for any visiting children (be they family or not), but is also surprisingly strict when disciplining misbehaving children. Weiss “Nana” Schnee: Sweet-Type Grandma who would always spoil her grandchildren rotten and is always willing to lend them an ear and a shoulder to lean on whenever they wish, but would also not hesitate to backsass any sassy brat even harder to the point of them instantly shutting up and calming down (basically the stereotypical latinoamerican Abuela). Blake Belladona: Quiet-Type Grandma who is normally engrossed on her hobbies and activities while still paying attention to her surroundings. She’s the type to actually get a good chuckle at a rowdy child’s hijinks more than she would scold them. Yang Xiao-Long: Cool-Type Grandma who is prone to go on adventures and live her golden years full of activity. She’s also the type who is both very nurturing with children (be they family or not) but also just as strict when they misbehave. Beware of puns, however. Jaune Arc: Serious-Type Grandpa who is normally stoic and focused on any frontier-guard/medical-assistance job he is currently doing. While stern and stoic at first glance, he is actually very nurturing; he is the type of grandpa you can always count on to listen to you vent without the fear of judgment, he is the type of grandpa who would memorize your favorite food and always makes sure to cook it whenever you visit, he is the type of grandpa you can surprise visit at 3am and be sure he would let you in and give you a cup of warm chocolate as you cry on him. In short, he is the type of grandpa that boys wish to grow up to be and girls compare their love interests with (looking at you Weiss -_-). Unsurprisingly, considering their vast similarities and long-shared history, Jaune, Ren and Oscar still remain as close as brothers even to this day. Nora Valkyrie: Cool-Type Grandma who is prone to go on adventures and live her golden years full of activity. She’s the type to actually get a good chuckle at a rowdy child’s hijinks more than she would scold them. Is also a firm believer that children should be allowed to make their own mistakes in order for them to grow. Is constantly seen trying to pull Jaune and Weiss into joining her adventures (to low success), with Yang (along with Blake and Ruby by extension) joining in from time to time. Lie Ren: Quiet-Type Grandpa who is normally engrossed on his hobbies and activities while still paying attention to his surroundings. While stoic and aloof at first glance, he is actually very nurturing; he is the type of grandpa you can always count on to listen to you vent without the fear of judgment, he is the type of grandpa who would memorize your favorite food and always makes sure to cook it whenever you visit, he is the type of grandpa you can surprise visit at 3am and be sure he would let you in and give you a cup of warm chocolate as you cry on him. In short, he is the type of grandpa that boys wish to grow up to be and girls compare her love interests with. Unsurprisingly, considering their vast similarities and long-shared history, Jaune, Ren and Oscar still remain as close as brothers even to this day. Oscar Pine: Sweet-Type Grandpa who always bakes cookies and prepares a cup of hot chocolate for any visiting children (be they family or not). He’s also the type to actually get a good chuckle at a rowdy child’s hijinks more than he would scold them. Also the type of grandpa you can always count on to listen to you vent without the fear of judgment, he is the type of grandpa who would memorize your favorite food and always makes sure to cook it whenever you visit, he is the type of grandpa you can surprise visit at 3am and be sure he would let you in and give you a cup of warm chocolate as you cry on him. In short, he is the type of grandpa that boys wish to grow up to be and girls compare her love interests with. Unsurprisingly, considering their vast similarities and long-shared history, Jaune, Ren and Oscar still remain as close as brothers even to this day.
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Facts about Nana.
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Nana O was kicked out of school after being accused of prostitution. Though false, she never disputed it.
Nana K has two kids with Takumi. Their names are Satsuki Ichinose and Ren Ichinose.
When Ren saw Nana at Trapnest's show, he didn't visibly react but it's noted that he messed up a few times likely from the surprise of seeing her.
Nana K and Satsuki live in Japan while Takumi and Ren Ichinose live in London. It's implied that they secretly got a divorce and Takumi got remarried. (citation needed)
Ren died on Nana's 21st birthday after crashing into the first apartment they lived in together.
Nana O was born March 5, 1981 which means today she would be 41.
Nana K was born November 30, 1980 which would make her 42.
Reira is half American.
The anime ends with Nana and Ren together, however in the manga he was already deceased at that period. Whether this is an error or not is unclear.
Ren and Shin would often kiss in front of Nana Osaki because it annoyed her.
After the anime, Shin spent time in jail for marijuana possession.
Yasu studied to be a paralegal but gave it up to persue music.
Nobuo is was the only non-smoking member of BLAST.
Shin saw himself as unlovable which is why he saw his career as a prostitute fitting.
Ren and Yasu met in the adoption system and became close friends even after Yasu was adopted.
Nana K knew she was pregnant with Takumi's baby because Nobu only had sex with her while wearing a condom.
Nana O admitted that she wanted Nobu and Hachi to end up together for a selfish reason. It was because she was afraid of her leaving.
Both Shin and Nobu come from wealthy families.
Before his death, Ren tried to quit doing drugs cold turkey which would have prevented it.
Reira's name is actually Layla. She's named after a famous Eric Clapton song.
Takumi has rejected Reira/Layla several times but ultimately ends up giving in and cheating on Hachi with her.
Nobuo was the only person in high school who tried to befriend Nana.
When Nana was 4, she was abandoned by her mother to be raised by her grandmother. Her grandmother was extremely strict and wouldn't allow her to wear black so she wouldn't "tempt men and become like her mother".
In August of 2022 Ai Yawaza says that she plans on eventually finishing Nana. She took a hiatus after being hospitalized for an undisclosed illness.
It's hinted that Hachi and Shoji may have lingering feelings for each other when they meet at the Jackson hole.
Satsuki (Hachi's daughter) wishes her family lived together.
After Ren's death, Nana suffered severe panic attacks. One in particular was bad enough that Hachi had to give her mouth to mouth.
Yasu had to carry Nana to Ren's funeral as she was near catatonic.
The members of BLAST encouraged Nobu to inherent the family business but he declined because he wanted to make music.
Ren and Yasu were formerly in a band called Brute.
Yasu's baldness is OPTIONAL. He opts to shave his head.
Nana didn't want her relationship with Ren to be public originally because she didn't want people to think she was riding off his success.
Shin's stepdad raised him as a second son after his mother committed suicide but never felt any warm feelings towards him.
Nana was often shown being jealous of Hachi having other friends and could be possessive over her at times.
Shin met his pimp, an airline stewardess named Ryoko Kawashigi, after he moved to Japan.
The members of Trapnest didn't want Shin and Reira's relationship to be public due to him being underage.
A trapnest, according to the band, is a mother's love that turns into a trap where she refuses to let go of her child no matter what.
Takumi's controlling behavior stems from his childhood which was unstable at best.
The strawberry glasses were the first things Nana and Hachi bought together.
Shin once stated he would never be connected to anyone by love.
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marunalu · 1 year
Hey, idk if you talked about this, but I’ve been thinking something about the Inko Shimura theory. So far in the series, Izuku’s dad has been kept a secret for suspense purposes, right (cough cough DFO)?? Well, we also never never get to see Nana’s husband either which I found weird cause it is implied that her husband’s is the reason why she gave up Kotaro. I feel like Horikoshi could have totally drawn a panel where Nana finds her dead husband’s corpse. He draws Nana and Kotaro together but never her husband. Since Nana is the one working, her husband would have enough time to hang out with his family but it’s never shown. Could the reason because he has way too many of Inko’s features and Horikoshi doesn’t want the fans to connect the dots?? Sorry it got long
I mentioned nanas husband a few times in the past but never really put to much focus on him in my dfo or inko shimura metas, mostly because we know almost nothing about him (similar how we almost know nothing about hisashi).
While I dont talk much about him, I have my own theorys and just like you said I also think the reason why hori hasnt shown us what he looked like is because he will have some physical resemblance to inko and would readers give the chance to connect the dots way to soon.
If we look at kotaro for example we can see he comes a lot after his mother appearance wise. He pretty much looks like a male version of his mother. An interesting thing in mha is that usually all the characters look a lot like their mothers and only have some few traits of their fathers.
While I DO LIKE the inko shimura theory and believe in it, I have to say I dont think inko and nana have many similaritys even when inko was younger. The only thing they seem to have in common is a similar hair style and all might mentioning that for some reason inko reminds him of nana but cant really explain why (he says maybe its because of the hair but he is unsure). But like you said its still very possible that inko simply comes more after her father the same kotaro comes a lot after his mother.
I have the headcanon if izuku really didnt inherited his freckles from his father (when afo was younger), then he got them from his grandfather from his mothers side. Inkos hair is dark green in the anime (in the manga her hair color is not confirmed but I guess its the same) and her eyes are big and round, her face is round as well so all of that could come from her father. Since we know almost nothing about him its fun to speculate about what he looked like.
We dont know if nanas husband was a hero, stay at home dad or if he had an other job, we only know he was murdered. And while we dont have any confirmation yet, I think its not far fetched to say that he was most likely killed by afo. My personal headcanon is, he made afo believe that he is the current ofa owner to protect his family and to give nana time to flee with kotaro (and inko she was pregnant with at that time) and as soon as afo realized he was tricked he killed nanas husband, also as a warning towards her that the same thing could happen to her child(ren) if she doesnt give him ofa. Thats why she gave kotaro in foster care and why I think she left inko in an orphanage or the hospital (with her scarf, because inko wears an identical looking scarf like nanas at one point) after her birth.
All in all like you said its strange that hori still hasnt shown us nanas husband in at least a tiny flashback moment, despite that his death had apparently such a huge impact on her that she would stop to smile and only startet to do so again when a young all might became a part of her life. So yes I do feel like hori is deffinitetly trying to hide something about nanas husband, the same how he is hiding hisashis identity (which at this point is so damn obvious afo its mind blowing how some people can still deny it!)
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sfaghetti · 10 months
what is your opinion on the theory that satsuki is ren and nana’s kid and the reason that nana left is that she couldn’t handle being a mom sort of being a parallel to her own mother leaving her when she was 4. this would have to tie in to the theory that little ren is hachi’s first born instead of satsuki.
tbh I don't think she's their daughter. I think Ren is their firstborn and that Satsuki came later. Satsuki def looks a lot like Takumi so I don't really see her as Ren and Nana's child 😭 I think that Nana running away was bc of the pressure of her whole band thing, Ren dying, and Hachi's children. while I don't think that Nana had biological kids, she DID want to take care of Hachi's kids with her despite the fact that she didn't want to have kids and that she couldn't handle it. she kept trying to push herself to fill the parental role for Hachi's kids to be alongside her, at the same time that she talks about wanting to be there for Hachi and her children, she also says she doesn't want her to give birth, doesn't want to hear about the kids, and the scene where Ren says that she wishes that Hachi would have a miscarriage. so I suppose in a way that does parallel her mom leaving her (and at the same time, parallels the man who convinced her mom to abandon Nana because he didn't want to raise kids but wanted to be with her mom), but I don't think she had any bio kids of her own tbh. another thing is that she also mentions later on in the timeskip that she doesn't go back because she feels like she'll depend too much on the others, and the last panel of the pre timeskip is Asami telling her that she doesn't need Hachi anymore. I think the pressure of feeling like she relies on them too much pulled some weight on her too
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nana-and-ren707 · 1 year
As the years go by, it’s getting more and more unlikely that Yazawa will retake NANA and finish it... so here is the ending I’ve made up for me [/!\ possible spoilers!] :
A few weeks after Ren’s passing , Nana finds out that she is pregnant. She is devastated, torn, because she wants to be a singer at all cost and at the same time, she knows that it will be the last remaining of Ren on earth. She finally decides to keep the baby. She gives birth to a girl, named Satsuki (do you remember that Ren himself has chosen the name?!) but after giving birth, she sneaks out at night leaving a message to Hachi, asking her to take care of the little girl. Convinced that’s she’s too weak at the moment to raise a child, that she has no maternal instinct, she decides to leave. Does she already have an idea of where she’ll end up ? Does she leave while knowing she once will come back ? It’s up to your imagination............... 
At the same time, Hachi gives birth to a boy, contrary to what she thought, and she obviously names him “Ren” ...
From this moment, Yasu, Nobu, Myu, Shin, everyone provides some help to raise the kids, especially Satsuki. 
7 years after Nana’s flee, they find out that she is living in England, dyed her hair blond and keeps singing. They go there and at first, Nana doesn’t want to follow them. She feel guilty for leaving everyone without saying goodbye, for leaving her daughter... But after seeing pictures of the little girl, she finally accepts to follow her friends back to Japan. 
Hachi finally realises that Takumi is an asshole and leave him, so she moves to the appartment 707 with Nana and Satsuki, and they live here until they get very old, regularly visited by their friends Nobu, Yasu, Shin etc... 
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mareposie · 2 years
i watched nana again
I fell in love with the anime and I became obsessed with it. But the manga upsets me so much, I finally got the books and finished in a night and I was so mad at Takumi, I was literally defending him because he genuinely wanted to be a father to the child without knowing if he was really the father.
This man is evil, he is exactly like his toxic father and I don’t care about his excuses. He is the Evil Lord Hachi was talking about. Fuck him, and fuck Reira.
Also mad at Nana for being so possessive and stubborn, Yasu for being such a coward, Ren being a crackhead and Hachi being Hachi. I gave up on Junko when she blamed Hachi for being cheated on, like hell no. Misato is joining this roast party as well.
Also Reira being a dumb bitch, a home wrecker and a groomer, she cried because haters are badmouthing her but girly, they are 100% right, you’re nasty and a comedian. I felt so bad for judging her from her appearance in the beginning, turns out it was foreshadowing I was right.
Naoki is the only person with common sense in this mess, maybe Kyosuke too. I can accept Shin’s bs because he is 16. But the rest is why I don’t talk to people. I can understand the author, I need a break too, I cried so hard.
This manga upsets me so much because it’s realistic, everyone is actually this stupid in real life. Also the songs ? Absolute banger. On loop.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Day Twooo: what is one of the stupidest things they ever did in their life. (Nothing super drastic like curring your fucking limbs off, more like accidentally microwaved metal and blew up the kitchen) I will let you deciee the fandom!
Okay, just because this ask was super interesting and because you gave me some fandom freedom, of course I had to find ways to work in each of my fandoms, so take this jumble of headcanons and hopefully you’ll enjoy them!
Tsuna, when he was a really young child, no more than four or five, ate a piece of the pink, fluffy insultation because he thought it was cotton candy. Nana almost had a heart attack when she figured out what was in his mouth and rushed him pretty quickly to a doctor.
Ren Gotou, as a child, really wanted to see if the whole ‘electrical appliance in the bathtub’ thing really worked the same way it did on television. So, he ran a bath, stuck a few of his action figures in there along with his second-favourite stuffed animal, plugged in a hair dryer, and tossed it into that bathtub, expecting to see bright flashes of electricity and smoking toys in the water. It was really anticlimactic though, thanks to the GFI switch attached to the hairdryer.
Uno says her name was Catherine…getting caught and arrested so many times is a close second though.
It’s not incredibly stupid like some of the other things, but Momonoki can get really absorbed in her thoughts and has a really bad habit of running into doors, far more often than she should…it’s kind of made a little worse by the fact that she instinctually apologizes for running into them every single time before she figures out that it was just a door.
Kenji tried to ride a pig once. There was another farmer in the village who was bragging about how big his prize hog had gotten and Kenji heard him say that it was almost as big as a horse. So, of course, Kenji figured that meant that the pig was rideable. Turns out, they are most definitely not and Kenji ended up with a lot of scrapes, a bad bite on his arm, and a broken leg.
Tsubaki has bought a snack from the convenience store and because he always takes the receipt but never actually has any use for them, he’s gone to throw out the receipt on the way past the front doors, where the garbage cans normally are, only to throw out his snack and keep the receipt in hand. It’s happened more than once is the really sad part.
Goku has tried to put out a candle by smothering it…with a tissue. Sanzo yelled at him for hours about how he was trying to burn the whole building down and kill them all and Goku isn’t allowed to light candles without supervision, even though that was a long time ago, in his defense.
Jumin, when he was younger and a little more vengeful about his father’s girlfriends, ended up cutting up some of his father’s new girlfriend’s clothes…and blaming it on a pet. A pet they did not have. A pet that could not have gotten into their penthouse without being caught. He’s always been a very, very bad liar, guys.
Fenrir’s parents have a pond in the back of their property. By their pond rests a little boathouse, low enough that, with the help of the tree nearby, it’s pretty easy to get on top of. It’s pretty easy to see where this is going. He and Ray climbed up to the top of the boathouse one day when they were barely teenagers and they seriously misjudged both the depth and distance into the water. There were some pretty serious injuries and both of them have interesting scars to prove just how stupid they used to be.
Unsui and Agon always tried to pull the twin switch when they were really, really young, probably until about second or third grade and always on Agon’s insistence. It would have worked well, except that Unsui always forgot that he was supposed to answer to Agon and would end up only answering to his own name, which got them busted pretty easily every time.
Darry and Soda, back before Pony was even born, used to have a lot of fun playing on a small hill a little way away from the house. They played all the usual games, and it became their spot. Anyway, they decided to highjack some junked tires one day so that they could try rolling down the hill in them, like they’d seen some other kids do. Anyway, long story short, the hill ended at the road and when Darry rolled down in the tire, it ended on the road. Wouldn’t have been so bad…if a car hadn’t been coming…and if Darry hadn’t ended up getting stuck in the tire so badly that he couldn’t wiggle out. If it wasn’t for Soda running and screaming into the road and the driver’s quick reflexes, the situation could have ended very badly. As it was, Soda struggled to get Darry and the tire off the road and had to end up running home to get his mother to come and get Darry out of the tire.
Kento once ate fake fruit thinking it was real. The worst thing – he finished it and just chalked the weird taste up to it being underripe.
Makio, as a kid, on a bet, stuck his hand into a fresh-of-the-stove bowl of soup just to prove that he could. He got a cool scar and ten dollars out of it…almost made the second degree burns worth it.
Ginji once not only blew the breaker in the Honky Tonk (the cost for a new one was added to their tab) but caused a blackout in the entire neighbourhood trying to convince Paul that he could generate enough power to cut drastically back on Paul’s electric bill – drastically enough that Paul should really cut their tab in half. Instead, it increased by about half.
Someone once asked Dmitri for the time. He was holding a hot cup of coffee. When he turned his wrist to check his watch (a watch he was not wearing because he doesn’t actually own a watch since he relies on his cell phone to tell him the time), he ended up dumping the hot coffee on the person who had stopped him.
Atlanta once, when she was about eight or nine, tried to bungee jump from a tree by tying one end of a bungee cord around a tree branch and one end around her ankles. She made sure to tie them really tight, of course, just to be safe. It just didn’t quite work out like she figured it would…that one hurt a lot.
Norman had a friend that Harry didn’t much like, but who would come to stay every couple weekends. She’d pinch Harry’s cheeks and make stupid comments and little Harry really, really didn’t want her over. So, one night, when she had taken her hearing aid out to clean it and then had to use the washroom, he seized his chance. He not only stole this poor woman’s hearing aid but stuck it in the toaster and turned the toaster on. Not only was the hearing aid destroyed, but the toaster ended up on fire. Needless to say, Norman was really, really angry with Harry and he found himself very grounded.
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klonoadreams · 7 months
Between having rare twins and the only child with a deadly sneeze, I say, and triplets?? or Irish twins?? I don't think they ever talked about triplets, imagining it makes me laugh, the first registered triplets are from this pair, JA
Naoya, and the other clans, must be so upset, and scared, not only is someone without a clan the "other", but here is this child(ren) who changes everything in jujutsu society.
just woke up since I passed out as soon as I got home from work and vhjrekhvejkfbvfeb
TRIPLETS CAN HAVE MULTIPLE DADS. And the case with them, is you sometimes get a pair of twins and a singlet. also hi, yes, I looked this shit up ages ago cuz I was curious vhefjkhbefkjf
anyways it would be so fucking funny if it went to triplets too like I"M DYING.
but also "NANA WHAT THE FUCK." "EXCUSE ME, IT TAKES MORE THAN ONE TO TANGO!!!" as she slaps the shit out of the dads.
Naoya and the others are so fucking pissed its so funny.
Like, the most insulting thing you can do now is try to ask if Nana can surrogate like "HELL NO, I DON'T TRUST YOU."
but also she won't surrogate for powerful babies, she's not a dog. These are her flesh and blood that she'll love like her other kids who aren't her flesh and blood. Kid Mahito can and will kill on sight if anyone tries to hurt her or the babies.
Jujutsu Kaisen society is in shambles. Absolutely at the whims of a traumatized girl who lost her family and has since rebuilt it by surrounding herself with people who care about her and who she cares about them back. :V
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I'm thinking wayyy too far ahead, but Jay and Frankie as grandparents 🥹 what do you think they'd be like?
Thank you for the ask! That is far ahead, I've barely thought about them as parents to kids older than ten, haha! But I don't mind.
I actually think that Alma grows up not really caring for kids that much, and she only has children when she meets a partner who has children from before. (I actually think the partner is a woman because Alma is bisexual.) And Jay and Frankie obviously embrace the child(ren) as their own. Bianca probably has children of her own, I don't know how many, but she does.
Jay and Frankie are on the older side when they become parents (by that I mean closer to/over 40 rather than 20) but they keep themselves in shape, so they become very physical grandparents. They still live in their big house in the country with lots of space for visiting family (they bought and restored it with the drug lord money they went back for, but that's another story), and they are always happy to have children and grandchildren (as well as siblings and their kids and grandkids) over. They take the grandkids out in the garden, show them how to sow seeds, care for and harvest crops. They play with them, build treehouses, teach them practical stuff (Jay has a complete gym in the barn so she shows them how to work out, boxing, self defense). They're definitely the fun grandparents, the hands-on ones, but they also take care not to meddle in how their girls want to raise their kids.
Summer holidays at Nana Jay and Papa Frankie's farm become a beloved memory for their grandkids; one of those things that you remember for the rest of your life. Happy times, simpler times, filled with love and laughter, nana and papa giving you little responsibilities (like watering the carrots), and good food, and that feeling of summer days lasting forever.
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Info About My Baby, The Spreadsheet
The Characters on the Sheet
Aamanee Amari
Minha Amari
Tahiyat Amari
Wildan Amari
Darius Andeo
Rebecca Andrews
Hobbs Atene
Alana Batalla
Micheal Bianchi
Nancy Bianchi
Clayton Calloway
Ruby Calloway
Irene Crawly
James Crystal
Porsha Crystal
Bartholomew Frost
Logan Fuller
Norman Harrison
Gunter Järvinen
Klaus Kickenclobber
Suki Lane
Buster Moon
Charley Moon
David Noodleman
Edward Noodleman
Kiara Noodleman
Nana Noodleman
Harrold Ochieng
Noemie Peart
Caspar Pèrez - Harrison
Gail Pèrez - Harrison
Hannah Pèrez - Harrison
Nelson Pèrez - Harrison
Rory Pèrez - Harrison
Rosita Pèrez - Harrison
Tess Pèrez - Harrison
Stanley Phillips
Herman Robbins
Alfonso Romano - Hassan
Mizuki Satō
Jerald Swell
Johnathan Taylor
Marcus Taylor
Ryan Willis
Garry Wishmann
Columns on the Sheet (I do use this primarily for my Human AU btw)
Legal Last Name
Legal First Name
Legal Middle Name
Common Name
Age in Sing 1
Age in Sing 2
Gender Identity
Hair Color
Eye Color
Skin Tone
Height (Inches)
Languages Spoken
Food Restrictions
Romantic Interest(s)
Base Animal
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eternalpassions · 2 years
I love how the characters of Nana are so complex. That being said, I have complex feelings about dark haired Nana. I adore her friendship with Hachi. I think they are happiest together and I think Hachi brought out the best in Nana.
However, Nana as a character isn’t in my top faves. Sure, when you meet her you are enamored with her just like how Hachi is. But when you get the full story, you can’t help but see her in a less romantic way (or at least for me) Besides being a cool tough girl I don’t think she has much depth especially considering she is supposed to be the other protagonist. She loves Hachi dearly but even then she wasn’t capable of supporting her in the way a good friend should when Hachi needed her the most. At least she’s aware of it tho. Yes, I get her trauma made her emotionally stunted but still, it made her unable to support Hachi in the way she needed and deserved from a friend.
She has shown to be egotistical and overly prideful and toxic shown in her most important relationships with: Hachi, Ren and even Yasu. With Hachi, she used Nobu so she could have her within reach and even told Nobu she was happy for them being a couple because now “Hachi is in her garden”. She uses Nobu to try to get responsibility of the baby doing the very same thing she accused Takumi of doing. Using that baby to keep Hachi by her side. She blew up on Nobu when he was incapable of taking action yet refused to do anything herself which he calls her out on “you wouldn’t want to be the father cuz you would never love that child knowing it was Takumi’s” Which I don’t blame her for but this showcases her manipulative and hypocritical nature.
Next, her relationship with Ren. What a hot mess. I am probably in the minority but I don’t really ship them. It’s not cuz I hate the ship, I just don’t see the hype. Despite the story claiming they have this great connection, I don’t see it. I think here lust is often confused with love. I’m sure they loved each other at one point and maybe they still do but it’s not in a way that really helped them develop as people or characters. She is way too prideful and selfish in her relationship with Ren and that never changed. He’s really almost a background character who I had no interest in until the end of the manga where it’s at right now. He used to be almost like this entity I saw as having no purpose than to make nana a heterosexual woman and I thought she deserved better. And maybe give her a reason to move to Tokyo. I only started warming up to him when it was near his death 😂He is never really emotionally or physically there for her when she needs it which is why I often doubted why she was still with him. Who is doing all the work and was capable of being there for her? Yasu. I am not saying she should be with Yasu cuz frankly I think he deserves better than her which is why I’m glad he finally “moved on” from her in the end. But anyway, she too was incapable of supporting and even loving Ren the way he needed. How could you never be aware your bf has a drug problem? How could you let pride get in the way of supporting him when he’s so depressed he turned to drug addiction to cope? She’s so self absorbed it’s crazy. How could she let one little argument where he blew her pride get in the way of contacting him. Many characters told her he needed her and she’d lose him but again, her being too prideful or egotistical to care just did not listen. And so look where all of that led to. I just don’t really think she has the capability to be a gf and that’s fine, but she really needs to do self reflection in her relationships in general before the same thing happens. Unless she finds someone okay with her style of loving
I made this post too long but obviously she always takes from Yasu and doesn’t really think about his feelings. I’m glad he cut off her dependency because she was just using him for the things her boyfriend was incapable of doing for her. She never considers if it’s hard on Yasu always being her emotional crutch, how draining it must be for the man. At least she tried to do a little something for him later which shows she’s somewhat aware of how she leeches off him. I don’t know how she’s coping now that Ren is dead and Yasu has a gf he loves. I hope she learned to be more emotionally independent and stable. I hope she learned to be less prideful and learned that a relationship is equal give and take. I don’t think she’s a bad person, she just needs some development and I hope she gets that if the author continues.
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