#Natalie merriweather
tafadhali · 7 months
Femslash February Rec Set
Love to do a rec set for Femslash February, and I haven't done a general grab bag of one since 2018. So here is some of my favorite stuff I've read and watched since then!
This Hell by januarium (Do Revenge, Eleanor/Drea)
Heart Shaped Box by sisabet (Killing Eve, Eve/Villanelle) ★
Black Tie by such_heights (A League of Their Own, queer community) ★
Now I Can Fly by walkthegale (A League of Their Own, Jo DeLuca-centric)
Melodrama by mithborien (MCU, Gamora/Nebula) ★
I'm a Man by snarkwithasmile (Revolutionary Girl Utena, Utena-centric) ★
Lost on You by periru3 (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Adora/Catra)
If U Seek Amy by elipie (A Simple Favor, Emily/Stephanie)
Bad Guy by AudreyV (Star Trek: Discovery, Burnham/Georgiou)
Become You by ultraviolet_catastrophe (Xena, Xena/various)
Whatever You Like by periru3 (multifandom, be gay do crime) ★
Wherever Is Your Heart by cosmic_llin (multifandom, older wlw)
Eyes Always Seeking by igrockspock (Away, Mei/Lu, 1k)
you can be who you are any day of the week by Sonni89 (Baby-Sitters Club, Mary Anne/Stacey, every member of the BSC comes out to Mary Anne, 8k)
Farm-to-Table, Non-GMO, Responsibly Sourced by impertinence (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Amy/Rosa, undercover as a couple, 6k)
Let It Bleed by elviswhataguy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Faith/Willow, post-canon, 94k)
and you're on the gossip team by palms (DC comics, Babs/Dinah, 6k)
don't tip the boat over (love and devotion) by merriweather (Derry Girls, Clare/Michelle, 15k) ★
i have crawled over town with your hair in my mouth by Princex_N (Dimension 20, Sam & Zelda, background Sam/Penelope, 4k)
i'm an expert, i'm the one by irisnebula (Dimension 20, Fig/Ayda, college AU, 21k)
let the heavens falter by allapplesfall (Dimension 20, Tracker-centric, background Tracker/Kristen, 28k) ★
Starlight by pigflight (Dimension 20, Fig/Ayda, Tangled AU, 15k) ★
the sound of your heart in your head by pigflight (Dimension 20, Adaine & Ayda, Fig/Ayda, 2k)
The Yunk and the Restless by Nomad (Discworld, Polly/Maladict, 3k)
don't know what a slide rule is for by heart_nouveau (Ghostbusters, Patty/Holtzmann, 3k)
The Other Big One by yeahitshowed (Gilmore Girls, Paris/Rory, canon divergence, 3k)
I Think I Just Blacked Out by Telanu (Grace & Frankie, Grace/Frankie, Brianna POV, 7k)
More Than I Have by chainofclovers (Grace & Frankie, Grace/Frankie, 4k) ★
to know even in the deepest sleep that it is you by millerpertuis (Grace & Frankie, Grace/Frankie, 3k) ★
Signature Color by scioscribe (Legally Blonde, Elle/Vivian, Star Trek AU, 5k)
Comes Out Wrong by Sineala (Marvel comics, Jess/Carol, Secret Invasion-era, 2k)
the only place worth being by overnights (Marvel comics, Kate/America, 17k)
the journey is a work of art by GotTheSilver (My So-Called Life, Angela/Rayanne, future!fic, 4k)
An Officer and a Gentleman by cedarboots (Persuasion, Anne/Frederick, trans, 47k) ★
Return Flight by cedarboots (Pride & Prejudice, Eliza/Darcy, trans, 10k)
they say love is a virtue (don't they?) by yasaman (Scholomance, El/Liesl, 3k) ★
I Made Phone Calls with Foreign Coins by out_there (Sports Night, Dana/Natalie, 1k)
Hey Hey You You I Don't Like Your Girlfriend by impertinence (Spy, Raina/Susan, 9k) ★
don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo by firstaudrina (Stranger Things, El/Max, post-S3, 1k)
Girlfriends by thingswithwings (Ted Lasso, Keeley/Rebecca, 1k)
I'll Wear the Red Dress Tonight by leiascully (Ted Lasso, Keeley/Rebecca, 4k)
When It Comes to Nightlife by Muccamukk (Ted Lasso, Keeley/Rebecca, 6k)
Inside the Noise by scioscribe (Thoroughbreds, Amanda/Lily, post-canon, 7k) ★
Five Earth Gifts That Dorothy Brought Home by ErinPtah (Wizard of Oz, Dorothy/Ozma, 5 things, 2k)
the skin you're in by stifledlaughter (Wizard of Oz, Dorothy/Ozma, 6k) ★
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epoxyconfetti · 3 years
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pattysfics · 7 years
I Got Your Six
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Word Count: 2.3kish
A/N: This is a fanfic of a fanfic… I’m not sorry about that either…The story it is based on is: You Should Know Better by @fuck-yeah-lets-do-negan-ff …All characters (except my boy Dusty) are taken from her story and this was approved by her…This story is in no relation to what will happen in her story. (Gifs are not mine) Also, a BIG thank you to @jeffreydeanneganstrash for proofreading this trash and making it better!! I cried while writing this so be prepared. 
Characters: Joe Merriweather, Natalie Jankoski, Dusty Merriweather, Dustin Ayers, 
Warnings: sadness. MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH..
Joe leaned against his headboard lazily doing a crossword puzzle when he heard the pitter patter of little feet coming towards his bedroom. In a flash, a small body crossed the room and slammed into him. “Buddy,” Joe laughed. “What have I told you about doing that? huh?” he asked as he put down his puzzle and started to tickle his little man.
“Daddy! Daddy stop! Stop,” squealed the child waving his arms trying to pry his father’s hands off of him. 
Joe chuckled when he pulled away and slipped out of the bed. His little man was growing up. If Joe could turn back time, back before the diagnosis, he would. He would go back and spend as much time as possible with his buddy. He won’t be so obsessed with work. It pained him to have to put a facade in front of his child. “Dusty, isn’t it past your bedtime?” Joe asked, clearing his throat, suppressing his thoughts and emotions.
“Why can’t I just sleep right here?” asked Dusty already closing his brown eyes attempting to sleep in his parents’ bed.
“Oh what is this?” asked Joe’s second wife and mother of this precious little human. “Seems like someone is trying to take over mommy and daddy’s bed.”
“Seems that way, Nat. Should we let him sleep here?” Joe mused as he crept slowly back towards the bed. “Or take him back to his room so he can be a big boy,” Joe cracked as he quickly scooped up Dusty in his arms, lifting him out of the bed.
“Daddy! Please,” pleaded the boy.
“Sorry buddy,” Joe said readjusting Dusty in his arms so the boy could wrap his arms around his father’s neck.
Across the room, Natalie was starting to turn down the bed spread for them to sleep. “You got him?” she questioned watching father and son interact.
“Ya. I got him,” Joe said as he brought his hand up and started to rub his sleepy son’s back before turning to head out the room and down the hallway.
Joe pushed the door open. A tiny thump was heard when it connected with the wall. Gently Joe laid Dusty down on his blue and white bed spread. Dusty groaned when he was removed from his father’s body and placed on the cold sheets.
Joe took a breath looking around the superhero themed room. It looked like a typical seven year old’s room. The thing that made Joe’s heart weak was a single picture of him in uniform hanging on the wall under the words “A True Hero Doesn’t Always Have Superpowers”. Joe blinked back the tears as he looked down at Dusty laying in the bed staring at his dad with sleep brown eyes.
“I gotta tell you something Dusty,” Joe sighed sitting down on the edge of the full sized bed.
“Okay daddy.”
“Um,” Joe paused. “If anything ever happens to me, I want you to become the man of the house. Take care of your momma for me. Help out around the house, try not to back talk a lot, just…just be my big man. Okay?”
Dusty furrowed his brows together in confusion. Why was his daddy telling him to take over if anything was to happen? He was supposed to be around forever. “Okay daddy.”
Joe leaned over and placed a quick kiss on Dusty’s head. It broke Joe’s heart that he had to tell his son that. Dads weren’t supposed to make their little boys grow up before their supposed to, but sometimes it has to be done and this...this was just another piece of the puzzle. “Good night buddy,” Joe whispered getting up from the bed and walking towards the door.
“Night daddy,” Dusty yawned slipping under his covers
Taking a quick look back Joe whispered, “Make me proud buddy. I’ll always have your six,” before quietly shutting the door and heading back to his bedroom. ———————————————-
The next morning, Joe was dressed in his black uniform when he walked into the kitchen. Dusty was already up and at the table eating his breakfast. He stopped abruptly when he saw Joe. “Daddy, why do you have your uniform on? You said no work today?”
“I know buddy, but I’m sorry. Coleman got some stomach bug over night and the chief asked me to cover for the day,” Joe explained to his son already seeing the disappointment fill his eyes.
“But daddy you said today was our day,” whined the child.
Joe sighed as he walked over to the table and bent down beside his son. “I know what I said buddy, but duty calls. I can’t just say no.”
“Say no. Please don’t go daddy. Please.”
“I have to Dusty.”
“No you don’t! Please daddy. Please stay home. Please,” Dusty continued to beg.
Joe turned his head and looked at Natalie. She too had some disappointment in her eyes. Joe was about to say something when Nat raised her hand slightly stopping him before he could. Joe nodded his head.
Slowly he rose to his feet and placed a kiss on the top of Dusty’s head. Next, he walked over to Natalie and gave her a kiss on the lips before heading to the door. “I’ll see ya later buddy. Okay? I love you,” Joe told Dusty standing just inside the door. The only response he got was Dusty sliding out of his chair and running down the hallway. The sound of a door being slammed echoed through the house.
Joe was about to head back to his room when Natalie stopped him. “He has a reason,” she defended her son. “I love you. Please come home safe,” she told him as he walked over to her and pulled her into a quick hug.
“I love you too. Tell him I’m sorry. I’ll be home later,” Joe told her as he headed out the door wanting so bad to turn around and go hug his little boy. ———————-
“Dispatch, this is unit 278 we got a 10-38 here on East Lincoln Street. Standby,” Joe said into the radio looking over at his partner Dustin. Dustin had been Joe’s partner since he came out of the academy. He’d been with him through a lot. His divorce from that bitch named Claire. The birth of his boy who was properly named after his best friend and partner.
“I’m going to check this shit out. You hang back near the front of the car. You get a freaky feeling, you shut that shit down. Ya got me?” Joe told his younger partner.
“Yes sir and freaky really?”
“I have a seven year old at home. I do what I can,” Joe said as he climbed out of the cruiser. A few moments later Dustin exited the vehicle and stood where he was told at the front of the cruiser watching Joe interact with the driver.
Joe had a smile on his face when he turned away from the car with the drivers information in his hand. Joe made it about five feet from the car when he heard someone call him back. He heard it before he felt it. His back met the hard pavement in an instant.
He heard the squeal of tires as the car spun it’s tires and peeled back onto the roadway. “10-00 OFFICER DOWN! OFFICER DOWN. 10-71 on East Lincoln. Suspected heading due East,” he heard Dustin yell before his face entered Joe’s hazy view. “278 in need of 10-78. Repeat officer down in need of medical. Copy.”
Joe heard the the crackle of the radio as he started to close his eyes. “Nah ah Merriweather. You don’t get to die on me,” Dustin leaned over him, applying pressure to his wound on the right side of his chest. “Come on Merriweather stay with me. This is 278 where the fuck is my ambulance!” Dustin yelled the last part into his radio. Joe lay there motionless. He was feeling and hearing everything, he just couldn’t move.
“278 an ambulance has been dispatched to your location copy.”
The distant sound of sirens were soon quickly approaching the partners. When they arrived the medics quickly pulled Dustin off Joe and started to work on the fallen officer. “You’re going to be fine Merriweather. Just hang on,” one of the medics told him as they placed him on a stretcher, loaded him up into the ambulance and started the drive to the hospital. Finally Joe allowed his eyes to close. ———————————–
When Joe opened his eyes the next time, he saw the white ceiling of the hospital room. An oxygen mask was placed over his nose and mouth. Even with this mask it was hard for Joe to breathe. The cancer was going to win before Joe wanted it to. He would never watch his little man grow up and see the man he becomes. He won’t be around to meet his future grand kids because of a horrible disease.
Joe heard the sound of light feet running down the hallway, much like last night, but much much different. Dusty comes running into the room, stopping at the door. Joe’s red brimmed eyes found Dusty’s watery ones.
Slowly Joe reaches up and lifts the mask off. “Hey buddy,” he croaks out before having to put the mask back on. He lifts his weak hand and motions for Dusty to come closer. Dusty makes small step towards the bed before he’s right beside his father.
“Daddy,” he cries staring at his weak father. Slowly he climbs on the bed careful not to harm him anymore and lays down with Joe. In mere seconds, Dusty’s sobs are heard through the room.
Joe tries to rub his son’s back trying to calm him down. This was going to happen and instead of killing one, it was going to kill three. Natalie slips silently into the room, silent tears rolling down her cheeks too. The couple shared a look before Joe gave her a nod. This was the end and both of them knew it.
Once again, Joe lifted the mask from his face trying to sooth his son. “Shhh,” he whispered, swallowing hard to wet his dry throat. “Buddy..it’s okay..shhh..breath,” Joe told him as it was getting harder for him to do so. He quickly replaced the mask drawing in a quick breath before pulling it off again. “I love you buddy,” he told him one last time. He looked over to Nat and mouthed an ‘I love you too’ to her before replacing his mask.
“I..I…love you…you..too,” Dusty pushed out between heavy sobs.
Joe laid there. His arms wrapped protectively wrapped around his boy and holding the hand of his wife when he drew his last breath. When it was time to go, Natalie had to pry Dusty off his father’s body. With tears streaming down both their faces, Natalie carried Dusty out of the hospital that night and into their now incomplete home. ——————————————————
16 long, hard, years later, Dusty was standing in line outside the room in city hall. He’d worked hard to get where he was today. Some tried to pity him for losing his father at such a young age, but Dusty was quick to stop that. His dad would be proud.
The signal was given that the line of about thirty-five marched into the room one by one. Today, Dusty was going to do just what his father did. Dusty was joining the police force to serve and protect even if it meant giving his life.
“Dusty Micheal Merriweather,” the sheriff called. Dusty stepped in front of the crowd that gathered and walked towards the sheriff. Quickly he shook his hand and received his certificate and badge before turning and posing for a quick photo.
After the speeches were given and everyone was inducted, the graduates were finally able to mingle with their family and friends.
Dusty made a bee-line for his mother. He was quickly pulled into her arms. Her head fit snugly into the crook of his neck. “He would be so proud of you Dusty,” she told him before kissing him on the cheek.
“I know he would be,” Dusty said proudly. He was scanning the crowd when a familiar face caught his attention. Making their way towards the pair with a big smile on his face was no other than Dustin.
“Hey kid congrats,” he said, bringing Dusty into a quick hug before releasing him and holding him out with his hands on his shoulders. “You’ve grown so much since I’ve last seen ya kid,” he joked.
“I saw you like two days ago.”
“Listen here Merriweather...huh, this is funny it seems like yesterday these roles were reversed,” he trailed of as he started to reminiscence the fond memories. “But anyhow. I’ll see ya at what seven in the morning? That sound good to you? Okay. See ya,” he said as he started to turn around
Dusty looked at him confused. “I don’t understand. I’m getting my training officer tomorrow.”
“Did I forget to tell ya? Damn kid. Meet your new training officer,” he said walking away with a smile when he stopped suddenly. “Oh yeah kid. Check your badge.”
Dusty’s gaze quickly flickered down to the cold piece of metal in his hands. Natalie stood beside him silent, she too knew what was on the back. Dusty turned the badge over. A simple message written in black sharpie handwriting that looked all to familiar.
“You’re the man in the charge now. Make daddy proud. I’m always watching you. Don’t worry I got your six.”
Thank you for reading!! If you want to be added/removed from the tag list please let me know!!
Tag list: @starbabysparkle  @thedeadwalks   @jasoncrouse   @its-bri19@ryangoslingstanktop @aalexandra2712  @namelesslosers  @elinyaes  @zoesmama2024 @kylorenlover15  @miiraal   @toxic-ink @mwesterfeld1985   @myladytitania  @sweetsweetpeach @memphisgirl1977   @kellyn1604  @negan-is-god  @ali-pennell@koisandbois  @mac5323 @jeffrcy @themadhattersqueen @nicetryjackass @yellatthetopofyourlungs  @mrsjosierainbow @maui137  @magellan-88  @jdms-network
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highhopeshq · 5 years
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Achávamos que Natalie Portman estava morando no primeiro andar do Smith’s, mas era apenas Alice Cooper, a vizinha mãezona. Logo vamos conhecê-la melhor, pois Rey já entregou as chaves do 105 a ela.
Achávamos que Millie Bobby Brown estava morando no primeiro andar do Smith’s, mas era apenas Sophie Cooper-Finnick, a vizinha bailarina. Logo vamos conhecê-la melhor, pois Rey já entregou as chaves do 105 a ela.
Achávamos que Anne Hathaway estava morando no sexto andar do Lux, mas era apenas Andromeda Merriweather, a vizinha dona de uma revista. Logo vamos conhecê-la melhor, pois Rey já entregou as chaves do F6 a ela. 
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boston-gossip · 7 years
Valentines day is coming, who do you want cupid to match up?
Yeah yeah, I knew this was coming. Here’s Cupid’s aka GG’s random ass Valentine’s Pairings!
Riley Bennett & Liz Morgan
Lara Graham & Gwen McGuinness
Benny Vasquez & Taylor Johnson
Connor Shapiro & Jeremy King
Dimitri Forbes & Anton Stavros
Zoe Andrews & Liam Stanton Jr.
Shea Cortese & Peter Vendall
Spencer Brady & Eli Greyson
Emily Price & Mason Parker
Cassidy Michealis & Leonie Myers
Andrew Millfield & Jack Hennigan
Wendy Robbins & Frankie Lopes
Andrea Ortiz & Anders Larsson
Robin Whitaker & Cathal O’Malley
Alezandra Bates & Sienna Roosevelt
Derek Hughes & Elena Acosta
Julianna O'Callahan & Will Cavendish
Kajal Malhorta & Natalie Greyson
Alexandra Chang & Dodger Locke
Logan Mills & Sarah Levine
Safiya Maslow & Nina Murray
Brody Cohen & Scott Callahan
Vicente Felipe & Ethan Vásquez
Evelyn Mills & Tristan Merriweather
Patrick Austen & Jordani Cole
Caleb Wilder & Marshall Walsh
Emilia Reed & Luke Rivers
Alice Kingsley & Maggie Fowler
Lila Johnson & Isaac Winston
Daniel Hunter & Annika Johnsson
Lalita Maragh & Aliza Venegas
Cora Seung & Leni Melnyk
Pippa Walker & Rory Williams
Deborah Gray & Mara Richardson
Nora Mulligan & Owen Burke
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themusicenthusiast · 5 years
Sheryl Crow, Patty Griffin, Lucius and Many More Will Help Brandi Carlile Celebrate Her 2nd Annual Girls Just Wanna Weekend Festival in Riviera Maya, Mexico in Early 2020
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Brandi Carlile’s Girls Just Wanna Weekend—a destination concert vacation produced by Cloud 9 Adventures in partnership with The Bowery Presents—will take place at the all-inclusive Hard Rock Hotel in Riviera Maya, Mexico from January 29-Febraury 2, 2020 and once again feature an all female-fronted lineup. In addition to multiple sets from Carlile, the festival will include performances by Sheryl Crow, Lake Street Dive, Patty Griffin, Lucius, Wanda Sykes (comedy set), KT Tunstall, Jade Bird, Amanda Shires and Yola as well as special guests Ruby Amanfu, Natalie Hemby and Katie Herzig. Girls Just Wanna Weekend will be held at the Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya, a luxurious all-inclusive resort located just sixty minutes south of the Cancun International Airport. Guests can choose from a variety of well-appointed room categories at the resort, including Concert Courtyard rooms, Stagefront suites and lush tropical views spread throughout the property. Following the wildly successful inaugural event last year, a limited ticket pre-sale opened to returning guests several weeks ago. The remaining rooms will go on-sale this Friday, May 10 at 12:00pm ET.
The festival continues a landmark year for the three-time GRAMMY Award-winner following the release of her acclaimed new album, By The Way, I Forgive You. Produced by Dave Cobb and Shooter Jennings and recorded at Nashville’s historic RCA Studio A, the album includes ten new songs written by Carlile and longtime collaborators and bandmates Tim and Phil Hanseroth, including “The Joke. In celebration of the release, Carlile will continue her extensive tour through 2019 including a special debut headline performance at New York City’s Madison Square Garden on September 14. Additional stops include Chicago’s Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island, St. Paul’s Minnesota State Fair, Philadelphia’s The Mann and Berkeley’s The Greek Theatre at UC Berkeley among others. Over the course of their acclaimed career, Carlile and her band have released six albums, including 2015’s The Firewatcher’s Daughter, which garnered a GRAMMY nomination for Best Americana Album. Additionally, in 2017, they released Cover Stories: Brandi Carlile Celebrates 10 Years of the Story (An Album to Benefit War Child), which features 14 artists covering the songs on their breakthrough album The Story with all proceeds benefiting War Child. Artists included on the acclaimed project, which Rolling Stone calls, “tender and powerful,” include Dolly Parton, Adele, Pearl Jam, Kris Kristofferson, The Avett Brothers, Margo Price and Jim James as well as a forward written by President Obama. Current Tour Dates: 2019 May 24 & 25—Shelburne, VT— Ben & Jerry’s Concerts on the Green at Shelburne Museum 26—Boston, MA—Boston Calling June 1—Quincy, WA—The Gorge Amphitheater 14—Columbia, MD—Merriweather Post Pavilion 16—Manchester, TN—Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival 23—Telluride, CO—Telluride Bluegrass Festival 27—Lansing, MI—Common Ground Music Festival 29—Chicago, IL—Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island* July 17—Costa Mesa, CA—The Pacific Amphitheatre 25—Floyd, VA—FloydFest August 2—Bonner Springs, KS—Providence Medical Center Amphitheater‡ 3—Peoria, IL—Peoria Civic Center 4—St. Charles, IA—Hinterland Music Festival 10—Lexington, KY—Railbird Festival 11—St. Louis, MO—The Fabulous Fox 19—Alpharetta, GA—Ameris Bank Amphitheatre† 20—Birmingham, AL—Oak Mountain Amphitheatre† 23—Troutdale, OR—Edgefield Concerts Amphitheater (SOLD OUT) 24—Troutdale, OR—Edgefield Concerts Amphitheater (SOLD OUT) 25—Troutdale, OR—Edgefield Concerts Amphitheater 29—Bayfield, WI—Big Top Chautauqua 30—Bayfield, WI—Big Top Chautauqua 31—St. Paul, MN—Minnesota State Fair September 6—Philadelphia, PA—The Mann# 7-8—Chattanooga, TN—Moon River Music Festival 14—New York, NY—Madison Square Garden 21—Berkeley, CA—The Greek Theatre at UC Berkeley (SOLD OUT) 22—Berkeley, CA—The Greek Theatre at UC Berkeley 27—Denver, CO—The Mission Ballroom 28—Denver, CO—The Mission Ballroom 29—Denver, CO—The Mission Ballroom October 14—Los Angeles, CA—Walt Disney Concert Hall November 2—Groningen, Netherlands—Take Root Festival 2020 January 29-February 2, 2020—Riviera Maya, Mexico—Girls Just Wanna Weekend *with special guest Lucius ‡co-headline with Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit †Heart: Love Alive Tour #with special guest Mavis Staples
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@fruitsgood replied to your post: rank the songs on merriweather post pavilion
daily routine is my second favorite and summertime clothes is my favorite
Hney....natalie.....youre my favourite
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negans-network · 8 years
You Should Know Better Pt.1
Summary: *Throws Professor Joe Merriweather at you* Here, enjoy this precious human being conversing with one of his students. This is also a little something for the Red Velvet prompt as well.  Request Summary / Song:  Guys My Age - Hey Violet  - @xdaddy-neganx(Okay, since this is just part one, more lyrics of the song will be included throughout the fic.)  POV: Natalie Characters: Joe Merriweather, Natalie Word Count: 1732 Author’s Note: Okay, well even if you guys don’t like it, I enjoy writing it and Joe is such a sweet, low-key asshole to write out. Give me some ideas on how you want the next part to come out. Joe leaning against anything is my sexual orientation now. To be honest, some of the conversation pieces and stories I’m going to say in this fic are real stories from my professors and some might be sad or some might be disturbing, but this stuff is real either way - to an extent. I think for every new chapter, I’m going to have a new gif.  Parts: 1/– Quote:  “You should know better than to lie to someone such as myself who has extensive experience in reading people.”
“So, remember guys, there are people who are going to hate you for what you do, but do not take it personally. It’s simply the uniform that you wear and it’s nothing against you as a person. Some people simply don’t like the uniform and can’t get past that.” There was a moment of silence as Joe leaned up against the podium and simply smiled. “Trust me, guys…” A small line of scoffs escaped his mouth as he shook his head and glanced down to his hands. “It’s a fine profession, but shit like that happens, it’s inevitable.”
  Covered by a line of computers, Natalie absentmindedly glanced around the classroom.  It was nearing six in the afternoon and with the day consisting of semi-boring classes and little to no food, her attention span and energy was practically nonexistent.
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hundredwattstudio · 7 years
July Entertainment Guide 2017
WTOP’s Jason Fraley previews July entertainment
Jason Fraley
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July Entertainment Guide
July 1: Phazefest in 9:30 Club July 1: Beanie Sigel in Howard Theatre July 1-2: “Hedwig & The Angry Inch” in the Kennedy Center July 1-2: “How I Learned What I Learned” at Round House Theatre July 1-2: “Finding Neverland” in The Hippodrome July 1-2: “1776: The Musical” in The Weinberg Center July 1-3: Washington D.C. Choral Festival in Kennedy Center July 1-6: David Lynch Series in AFI Silver Theatre July 1-9: “Jesus Christ Superstar” in Signature Theatre July 1-9: Smithsonian Folklife Festival July 1-9: “The School for Lies” in Shakespeare Theatre Company July 1-16: “The Sound of Music” in the Kennedy Center July 1-23: “My Fair Lady” in Olney Theatre Center July 1-Aug. 27: “Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” in Toby’s Dinner Theatre July 2: “Mary Poppins” outdoors at National Harbor July 2: Prince Tribute in Bethesda Blues & Jazz July 2-3: Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” in Wolf Trap July 3: John Mellencamp in Wolf Trap July 4: National Independence Day Parade July 4: “An American Celebration” in Mount Vernon July 4: John Stamos hosts “A Capitol Fourth” Concert July 4-10: “Celebrate America” in DAR Constitution Hall July 5: “Do the Correct Thing” in Lincoln Theatre July 5: Tedeschi Trucks Band in Wolf Trap July 6: Natalie Merchant in Wolf Trap July 6: Jesse Royal in Hamilton Live July 6-23: Capital Fringe Festival July 7: “Spider-Man: Homecoming” hits movie theaters July 7: NSO salutes ‘Harry Potter’ in Wolf Trap July 7: “Coming to America” in Union Market Drive-In July 7: Ruben Studdard in Howard Theatre July 7: Dispatch in Merriweather Post Pavilion July 7-30: “The Originalist” contributes to Arena Stage July 7-Sept. 7: Diane Keaton Series in AFI Silver Theatre July 8: Art Garfunkel in the Kennedy Center July 8: David Blaine reside in The Hippodrome July 8: “Alien” in AFI Silver Theatre July 9: Idina Menzel in MGM National Harbor July 9: Violent Femmes in 9:30 Club July 11: “Cabaret” in the Kennedy Center July 11: Kyle Mooney in 9:30 Club July 12: Incubus & Jimmy Eat World in Jiffy Lube Live July 12: Karen Jonas in Strathmore July 12: “Mad Max: Fury Road” in Lincoln Theatre July 14: My Morning Jacket at Meriweather Post Pavilion July 14: “War to the Planet of the Apes” hits movie theaters July 15: Merriweather 50th anniversary with all Jackson Browne & Willie Nelson July 15: Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes in The Birchmere July 15: The Isley Brothers in the Kennedy Center July 16: “Game of Thrones” returns to HBO July 16: Zac Brown Band in Jiffy Lube Live July 16: Vans Warped Tour in Merriweather Post Pavilion July 17: The Gorillaz in Merriweather Post Pavilion July 17: The Zombies in The Birchmere July 18: The Who in MGM National Harbor July 18-19: Tim and Eric in Lincoln Theatre July 18-19: July 18-Aug. 6: “An Octoroon” in Woolly Mammoth Theatre July 18-Aug. 20: “The King & I” in the Kennedy Center July 19: “The Mark of Cain” at Synetic Theater July 19: Rod Stewart & Cyndi Lauper at Jiffy Lube Live July 19: “Field of Dreams” outdoors in Bethesda July 20: The Moody Blues plays Wolf Trap July 20: Jane Krakowski & Tituss Burgess at Kennedy Center July 20: Exotic Storm in AMP by Strathmore July 21: “Dunkirk” hits movie theaters July 21: Kendrick Lamar at Verizon Center July 21: Sister Hazel hits 9:30 Club July 21: “Daily Show Correspondents Tour” in the Kennedy Center July 21: One Republic with Fitz & The Tantrums at Jiffy Lube Live July 21: Hans Zimmer conducts at Merriweather Post Pavilion July 21: “Big” outdoors at Farragut Park July 21: The Chi-Lites at Bethesda Blues & Jazz July 22: Chris Stapleton at Jiffy Lube Live July 22: Louie Anderson at the Kennedy Center July 22: Wyatt Cenac at the Kennedy Center July 22: NSO salutes “Legend of Zelda” at Wolf Trap July 23: Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers at Royal Farms Arena July 23: Pure Prairie League at The Birchmere July 23: Marvin Gaye Tribute at Bethesda Blues & Jazz July 24: WWE “Monday Night Raw” at Verizon Center July 24-25: 311 at The Fillmore July 25: John Legend at Merriweather Post Pavilion July 25: Diana Ross at Wolf Trap July 25: Foreigner & Cheap Trick at Jiffy Lube Live July 26: Alt-J at Merriweather Post Pavilion July 26: Regina Spektor & Ben Folds at Wolf Trap July 26: Toad the Wet Sprocket at The Birchmere July 27: John Hammond at AMP By Strathmore July 27: “Arrival” outdoors at Capitol Riverfront July 28: Anthony Brown at Warner Theatre July 28: Chuck Berry Tribute at AMP by Strathmore July 28: Allman Brothers Tribute at Hamilton Live July 28: “The Wizard of Oz” outdoors in Rosslyn July 28-30: The Bacon Brothers at The Birchmere July 29: Fleet Foxes at Merriweather Post Pavilion July 29: Aretha Franklin in Wolf Trap July 29: Chicago & The Doobie Brothers in Jiffy Lube Live July 30: Boston & Joan Jett in Jiffy Lube Live July 30: George Thorogood & .38 Special at Wolf Trap July 30: BJ that the Chicago Kid at The Fillmore July 30: July 31: Queen & Adam Lambert in Verizon Center
WTOP’s Jason Fraley previews July entertainment
Jason Fraley
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The article July Entertainment Guide 2017 appeared first on WTOP.
from hundred watt studio http://www.hundredwattstudio.com/july-entertainment-guide-2017/
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pattysfics · 7 years
Recommend any fics or fic writers?
Yes I can anon! 
1) I can recommend is @fuck-yeah-lets-do-negan-ff !!! Her story You Should Know Better features Professor Joe Merriweather and an OC character named Natalie. Here is the link to that story’s master list. Make sure you check out her other works too!!
2.) I can recommend @sweetsweetpeach!!! Here is her master list!! Make sure you read her works!!
3) Next is @crowleysplaythings !!! Their story Runaway is so good!! Also, the sequel to Runaway, Happily Ever After is also really good!! I’m sure if you search through their blog, you’ll find something you like!!
4) Another one is @negan--is--god!! Check out her story Your Savior 
These are just a few that I could think of off the top of my head!! If you fel like it...check out my stories too!! 
Hope you enjoy anon!!!
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aliyahsmusiccorner · 7 years
Get to Know Me!
Thanks for following me ( if you did...I guess). I will be posting my reviews of concerts, albums, music videos, and much more on here. To get a feel for who I am and my concert experience, here is a list of concert related questions! 
How many concerts have you been to? 19
Have you been to any festivals?  Warped Tour
Which artist/band have you seen the most live? It’s a tie between Waterparks and Sleeping with Sirens. I’ve seen both twice
First concert you went to? Technically, Greg & Steve ( I was about 3 and they’re the smaller version of The Wiggles)
Last concert you went to? Waterparks
What is your next concert? All Time Low
Which artists/bands would you love to see live? Pierce the Veil, Bring Me the Horizon,Green Day, Panic! At the Disco ,Alessia Cara , As it Is, Twenty One Pilots, All Time Low, Steve Aoki, The Story So Far, Coldplay, OkGo, HippoCampus,  and Knuckle Puck
The farthest you’ve traveled to go to a concert? 2 hours
Best opening act you’ve seen? State Champs
Worst opening act you’ve seen? Haven’t seen a bad one yet
Have you met any bands/artists at a concert? Sleeping with Sirens, Waterparks, Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! , We the Kings, Too Close To Touch, Chapel, Natalie Stovall, Calum Hood from 5 Seconds of Summer, We Are Leo
What’s one thing you have to bring to a concert? Backup Charger
What’s the most you’ve paid for a ticket? $280 (One Direction)
Best concert you’ve been to? Sleeping With Sirens (the 2nd time I saw them)
Worst concert you’ve been to? Waterparks (I LOVE them but some “fans” made the night sucky...long story)
Have you been in a social media post an artist posted after a show? Yes! There’s a picture of Ryan Scott Graham and I that State Champs posted 
Funniest concert memory? When Calum Hood slipped on stage before his solo
Do you buy your tickets as soon as they go on sale, after, or the day of? As soon as they go on sale 
Have you ever been noticed by an artist at a concert? Yes. Multiple times :)
Have you met any internet friends at a concert? Yes
Which concert that you’ve been to has had the best stage setup/production? One Direction 
Have you ever caught a guitar pick, drumstick, got a setlist, etc.? I got handed a setlist from Derek DiScanio from State Champs, handed a drumstick from Gabe Barham, caught a pick from Nick Martin, caught a pick from Josh Turner’s guitar tech, caught a pick and setlist from Miguel Cancino, and handed a pick from Thomas Kidd
Favorite concert venue? Baltimore Soundstage
Least favorite concert venue? Metro Gallery
Which do you prefer: indoor or outdoor concerts?  Indoor
Which do you prefer: clubs, theaters, arenas, or stadiums? Clubs
Have you ever missed school or work to go to a concert? No 
Have you ever been surprised with tickets from someone? No
Who do you enjoy going to concerts with? My best friend, Kasey
General admission or seated concerts? Gen Ad
Have you been to multiple dates for one tour? No
Have you been to concerts 2 or more days in a row? No
Have you ever received free tickets from a contest or an artist’s crew? No
Have you been front row and/or back row for a concert?  Front row
Have you ever gotten sick, bruised, or broken a bone after a concert? Sick, I shared a water bottle with like 4 strangers
Have you ever had surprise guests at a concert you attended? Awsten Knight’s girlfriend, Ciara, was there but I didn’t see her
Did you start listening to an opening act after you saw them in concert? Yes 
What’s the latest you’ve got home from a concert? 3 am
When is the earliest you’ve arrived to a venue for a concert? 10:30 am
Have you seen your favorite artist in concert? Yes (Sleeping with Sirens)
Longest you’ve waited in line for a concert? 8 hours
Have you ever attended a concert alone? No
What’s the best part of a concert in your opinion? When the artist or one of the band members is out before the show and they check on everyone. 
Have you ever heard/seen an artist soundcheck before their show? Yes. Waterparks
What’s the biggest venue you’ve been to a concert at?  Nationals Park for One Direction
What’s the smallest venue you’ve been to a concert at? Metro Gallery 
Have you ever had side stage seats? No
Which venue have you been to the most concerts at? Parade Field
Do you post a lot about a concert you’ve attended on social media or very little? Very little
Has a concert or tour you were planning on going to got cancelled? No *knock on wood*
Have you seen a band in concert before a member left the band / they broke up? One Direction, the tour before Zayn left
Favorite song you’ve heard live? there’s too many ugh
Have you ever seen an artist/band play an album in full? no :(
Which artist would you refuse to see in concert? Black Veil Brides 
What’s the craziest thing a fan has done at a concert you’ve been to? Jump on stage, grab the mic from the singer and sing the rest of the song 
Which venue(s) would you love to go to for a concert? Baltimore Soundstage , Merriweather Post Pavilion
Have you ever been to a concert at a venue that no longer exists? no
Have you ever lost something/got something stolen at a concert? no *knock on wood*
Have people made fun of you or laughed because of how you were acting at a concert?  yeah, my best friend bc my inner 11 year old self was fangirling about 17 year old me meeting Sleeping with Sirens
Have you ever been kicked out of a concert? no
Has an artist thrown or spit water on you? Derek DiScanio by accident
Have you ever seen a security guard dance to a song at a concert? no but I’ve seen a few smile and headband a bit
Have you seen any acts you don’t like at a concert? no
Have you ever passed out or thrown up at a concert? I almost passed out at Warped ‘16 (drink tons of water kids!)
Have you seen any artists in concerts that you don’t like anymore? One Direction and Pentatonix (not my music type anymore but they’re okay)
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a-tired-bitch · 7 years
You Should Know Better Pt.16
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23 Parts:  I  -  II  -  III  -  IV  -  V  -  VI  -  VII  - VIII  -  IX  -  X  -  XI  -  XII  -  XIII -  XIV  -  XV  -  XVI  -  XVII  -   XVIII  -  XIX  -  XX  -   XXI  -  XXII  -  XXIII
Summary: Shooting the shit and talking about his wife, Joe and Dustin get a call to a familiar residence.
POV: Joe
Characters: Joe Merriweather, Dustin Ayers (Italics) Vicky (Indented Italics), Doug (Indented Normal)
Word Count: 2700ish
Author’s Note: Thanks to @meanandshallow for the proofing. It’s been exactly a month since I’ve updated, so enjoy Joe and Dustin teasing each other. Ending the decade with YSKB and bringing in the new decade with a Negan AU oneshot, whoop whoop. 
Warnings: Even though the call is a domestic, there’s no domestic violence happening. There’s swearing as usual
Quote: "Look, I don’t need all that, I need the cliff note version.“
”…But seriously, you look just as shitty as you did yesterday.“ Dustin muttered with a mouthful of food. “I bet beneath those aviators,” he pointed his fork at Joe, “those pretty brown eyes are cozying up with some black bags.” Scoffing at his own joke, the man turned away, tossing his utensil into a Tupperware before placing it beside him.
With a deep sigh, a slightly hungover Joe brought a hand up to his face, his fingertips disappearing beneath the frames to rub his tired eyes. “Are you flirting with me?” He questioned, dropping his hand onto the door side. “Because if you are, I’m all for a workplace romance, just don’t tell Claire.” Turning slowly, he faced his partner, a playful grin gracing his lips.
“Shit, man, you down for a quickie then? Take this thing to another level?” Dustin leaned out of his window, “We can go behind a building and get frisky in your truck bed. Hell, we can even call Claire and let her watch, but two,” he raised two fingers, “options come from that. Number one:,” he retracted a finger, “having her watch would really rustle her jimmies and then there’s number two:,” he raised his middle finger again, “she’ll love the show so much that she’d want to join, but you see, once we start, I can’t share.”
The two men attempted to keep a hint of seriousness to the conversation, but seconds later, laughter erupted from both vehicles. Joe, on one hand, cocked his head back and slapped his hand again his thigh. Dustin, on the other hand, covered his face and shook his head.
After a few moments of cheerful laughter, Dustin wiped an invisible tear from his cheek as the chuckles turned into scoffs. “On a serious note, how are you? You okay? I know you took Wednesday off from teaching, but have you taken a day off from drinking? My man, have you set the bottle down after the barroom bombshell?”
Speaking of frisky business in a truck bed, the impending threat Joe’s own previous experience with Natalie loomed over him. Quickly shaking his head, he stared back at Dustin whose cheeks were red from laughter. “A mans gotta eat, sleep, shit, and shower, right?”
“He’s gotta rub one out every now and then or get some workplace romance, but yeah, I guess you’re kind of right?” Dustin answered, slightly confused.
With a quick ‘hm’, Joe scoffed before speaking. “I’m doing fine. The whole situation is pretty fucking shitty, but it’s not the end of the world.” Pulling his aviators from his face, Joe tossed them into the adjacent seat. “As for the whole drinking thing. I mean, yeah, I drank that night and the following morning - you left pretty early, so, I drank whatever I had stored away before laying in a puddle of my own pity for the rest of the day.”
Shifting in his seat, Joe wrung out his hands. “But don’t worry, I can control my drinking.” The tone of the older man was sincere and almost apologetic as both men slowly stared at each other, locking eyes, and exchanging a single nod - both well aware of the sensitivity of the topic.
Looking away, Joe turned in his seat, opening the center console and retrieving a crossword puzzle. “Plus, even if I wanted to drink from sunrise to sunset for the last three days, I couldn’t since I’m stuck with your ass for half the day.”
Listening intently to the man, Dustin watched as people walked around the shopping plaza. “Hey, now,” Dustin exclaimed, snapping back to look at Joe. “If you want my ass for the other half of the day, you can have it. Hell, maybe even take shifts, whatever floats your boat and whatever makes you happy.”
Rolling his eyes as far back as he could, an exasperated sigh fell from Joe’s lips as he shook his head.
“Okay, okay, tell me, if drinking and the bombshell aren’t the issues, then what is it?” Dustin asked, picking up on the man’s slight annoyance.
“You’re right, drinking isn’t the issue, but the bombshell is.” Placing the puzzle on his lap, Joe pulled his black-rimmed glasses from the dashboard cubby. “You see, I was able to deal with the stresses of teaching, policing, and Claire leaving, but since she’s back in the picture, like, I know it’s only been a few days, but damn…,” Joe shook his head as if he was punched square in the face, “it’s like everything just fell onto me at once.” Pausing, he placed his glasses on. “Either that or I’m just now realizing my stress.”
Watching the older man brought the puzzle to rest on the steering wheel, Dustin bit down on his lower lip. “Well,” he began, releasing his lip, “the best thing to do is cut out that stress. You see, Claire is the cause to this effect and we both know that’s the best starting point - cut the bitch out and pry those papers from her hands, that’s if she was serious about that thing.” Dustin stared intently at his partner, searching for any sign of emotion. “And if you want, take some time off from teaching the younglings.”
“You just want me to stick around, now don’t you?” Joe teased, his sights never breaking from the paper.
“You caught me there!” Dustin defensively raised his hands before dropping them. “I already lost my wife to a much more civil and clean divorce, but losing you?” Dustin sucked his teeth and squinted his eyes. “Couldn’t do it. Can’t lose my other lover,” he jested.
With his eyes locked onto the puzzle, Joe pointed the pen at the blond-haired man, “I knew it,” he shook his head, “keeping me around for your own selfish needs.” He shook his head as if he was disappointed before switching back to the real topic. “But yeah, I’ll be doing that - the whole cutting, prying, and taking a break thing.”
“Speaking about doing it, how are you and the mom? I’m assuming she knows about the whole divorce slash marriage thing, but does she know about the recent stuff? If not, do you plan on telling her?”
Slowly tearing his gaze from the puzzle, Joe absentmindedly watched the cars on the road before slowly transitioning his sights onto Dustin. Fingers began to mindlessly tap against the paper as the scenario of telling Natalie played in his mind.
With his mouth slightly agape, he returned to his puzzle. “No,” he answered firmly, “I don’t plan on telling her because it’s not her fight to fight and there’s absolutely no need to involve another party into an already messy situation.”  He paused for a moment, running a hand along his cheek. “Plus, I’m not romantically involved with her. Like, I’m involved because we’ve had sex and all that shit, but romantically?” Joe scoffed a single time. “No, not at all. At least, for the time being.”
Just as his younger counterpart was about to answer, the crackling of the radio broke through.
Grateful for the interruption, Joe finished writing an answer before returning the puzzle to its rightful resting place.
Listening to the radio and reading the print that popped up on the computer, the information of the call was revealed - it was a domestic situation at a residence Joe was very familiar with.
“Speaking of stress, looks like my favorite lovebirds are at it again.” Joe jested as he brought the truck to life.  "I need you to tag along because Doug isn’t a fan of me.“ He ordered before driving off. 
The once silent wooded area came to life with the sound of tires rolling over gravel and the engine inching closer to the residence.
Scanning the area, brown eyes hopped from parked cars to a puppy chained near a dog house and eventually up to the trailer where a woman was smoking a cigarette.
With the truck coming to a stop, Joe removed the keys from the ignition and hopped out, clasping the keys onto his belt and slamming the door shut.
Adjusting his duty belt, he made his way over to Dustin. “Every time I come here, I have three issues. Issue one: Doug is usually intoxicated. Issue two: Doug usually goes to jail. And issue three: that poor dog is always chained there. I’m telling you, next time I come out here, I’m taking the fucking thing home with me.  
              “Any day is a good day when I see Sargent Merriweather.” The woman yelled from the porch, watching as the two men approached the dwelling.
Saluting Vicky with a cordial smile, Joe detoured and walked towards the dog. Upon reaching the pooch, he knelt and welcome the friendly kisses. “I think she means bad day, but who knows,” Joe whispered to the dog.  
              “Listen, hun, I called you to take Doug to jail, not to play with my dog.“ The woman took a drag from her cigarette. "It’s the same old situation, so, take him and go.”
Taking to his feet, Joe left the dog’s side and made his way up the stairs. “'Same old situation’, huh?” Resting on the last step, he continued. “You guys aren’t even married, so, go to court, evict him, get a restraining order, and press charges. Boom…,” Joe clapped his hands once, the sound echoing throughout the area, “Problem solved. No more ‘same old situation’.”
           “I also didn’t call for you to give me advice, I called —.”
“You called us to handle your issue and arrest whoever. Yes, we get it, but we can’t just waltz in and take him. You gotta explain what happened; give us a reason. You know, establish the elements and if anything even happened.” Dustin interrupted, annoyance running high in his tone.
Taken back by Dustin’s comment, Joe exchanged a glance with the man. “Kid’s got a point.” He admitted, shifting on the wooden steps. “Now why don’t you tell us what happened,” Joe said sternly, retrieving a pen and notepad from his pocket.
With raised brows, the woman glared at Dustin, the two of them engaging in a battle of eye contact. “Look, I’d love to have this contest, but to be quite honest, we’ve got better things to do, like figuring out what happened.”
           “I’m not a fan of you, Officer…,“ she leaned in, reading the name on his tag. "D. Ayers.”
“It’s okay, ma'am, I don’t get paid to be liked nor to have fans. I get paid to enforce the law and handle issues.”
Stepping onto the porch, Joe situated himself between the two bodies. “Stop it.” He ordered, glancing over his shoulder. “Both of you.” He cautioned his partner before turning back to Vicky. “Tell me what happened.”
                Faking a laugh, Vicky discarded her cigarette. “I come home from work and this lousy sack of shit is sprawled out on the couch, surrounded by a mess of cigarette butts, beer cans, and TV dinners…,” taking to her feet, she approached the duo, “anyways, I start bitchin’ at him to get a job, he starts bitchin’, and even the dog starts bitchin’. It’s not even that —”
Looking up from his paper, Joe rolled his head, cracking his neck. “Look, I don’t need all that, I need the cliff note version.”  Peering through the screen door, Joe noticed Doug getting up. “Tell me, did anything physical happen between the two of you? Did you hit him or did he hit you? If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, explain to me why verbal turned into physical.”
Casting a glance over his shoulder, Joe motioned towards the door, resulting in Dustin approaching it and Joe staring back at Vicky.
        “No and no, but he’s drunk and I want him —.”
Joe raised his hand to stop her. “Listen, you have experience with this type of situation after my last visit. If Doug is just drinking and laying on the couch, doing nothing, well, he isn’t committing a crime. You didn’t hit him. He didn’t hit you. Just leave the drunk alone. Now, if it’s a physical altercation, then call us, we’ll be happy to handle it, but right now, our hands are tied.”
The opening of the front door forced Joe to look at the incoming party member. “Surprise, we’re back for the second time this month.” Joe deadpanned, watching as the man stood in the doorway.
                  “Sorry, popo, can’t come in. Don’t wanna catch swine flu, not after last time.” Doug insulted, ignoring the greeting and poking Joe in the chest twice.
Taking a step back, Joe glanced at Dustin before clasping his hands over his crotch. “Doug, I’ve been nice and have always worked with you, but right now, I’m going to strongly advise you to not poke me because the cordial attitude I have is going to go out the window and you’re going to get an attitude you don’t like.”
Eyeing the man, Joe watched as he dug his hands into his jean shorts. “Going to have to advise you keep your hands out of your pockets, too.”
                 “What are you going to do? Shoot me?” The man asked with a scoff as he took his hands out and lifted them.
Annoyed, Joe dropped his head, his eyes lingering on the wooden panels for a moment. “Yeah, because that’s what we do. We shoot people. We cause harm to people. We make peoples lives turn into horrible messes. ”
Coming into the situation, annoyance and lack of patience was running high for the officer - partly due to his slightly hungover state and the stress that was constantly running through his mind - but with that comment, tension in the air slowly began to rise.
“Am I feeling threatened right now? Am I grabbing for my gun? Do you see it out? Do you plan on doing something that forces me to retrieve either my gun or taser?” Joe questioned, snapping up to look at the disgruntled man who answered him with a slurred 'no’.
“Then calm down, pal. Everything was going smoothly until you came out. Hell, we weren’t even going to take you away, but keep it up and I might have a change of heart - I’d hate to drag you out and scuffle with you like last time.”
                 “You ain’t nothing but a badge and a couple of pussies.”
Pressing his lips together only for him to bare his teeth a second later, Joe rested his hands his belt while glancing up to the darkening sky. “You know what? Go ahead and put your hands behind your back. You’re under arrest for breach of peace.”
With the man obeying his commands and letting a string of derogatory insults and curses fall from his drunken lips, Joe cuffed him, searching his body just a seconds later.
       “Watch, I’ll be out tonight or tomorrow. Just wait and see.”
Pushing the man forward, the three men made their way down the steps and towards Dustin’s SUV. “Yeah, you very well may be.”
       “Yeah?,” the man asked, whipping his head around to look at the officer, “Well, you very well might lose your life.”
“You’re absolutely correct but what’s that mean?” Pulling the man back, forcing him to stop, Joe watched as he stumbled over his feet, nearly falling onto the gravel. “Threatening the life of a police officer, nice job on tacking on another charge.”
Approaching the door to his cruiser, Dustin reached out to open the door, only for a mouthful of spit to land on the handle.
       “Whoops, I meant to spit on the ground.” Doug sassed, a grin on his face.
In an instant, flesh met steel as Joe pressed his body up against the drunk, squishing him against steel and flesh. “Double D - Difficult Doug, that’s your new name. Every time you’re in cuffs, you’ve gotta bust my balls. If you could just cooperate, things would be easy peasy.”
Pulling away, Joe dragged the man backwards, careful with his steps, he made his way over to the adjacent side of the car.
              “I’ll be seeing you again, trust me. What’s your name?” Doug asked as he was pushed into the backseat.
“Too drunk to even remember my name.” Joe scolded, “Don’t worry, it will be on the warrant and report.”
                “Be on your tombstone, too.”
Ignoring the threat, Joe slammed the door closed. “See, I told you he wasn’t a fan of me.” Joe chuckled, walking over to Dustin, patting the man on the back. “The perks of having no cage - I don’t have to listen to assholes on the way to the station.”
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a-tired-bitch · 7 years
You Should Know Better Pt. 12
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23 Parts:  I  -  II  -  III  -  IV  -  V  -  VI  -  VII  - VIII  -  IX  -  X  -  XI  -  XII  -  XIII -  XIV  -  XV  -  XVI  -  XVII  -   XVIII  -  XIX  -  XX  -   XXI  -  XXII  -  XXIII
Summary: Waking up in a bed that isn’t hers, Natalie quickly figures out where she is. 
POV: Natalie
Characters: Natalie Jankoski, Joe Merriweather (Italics
Word Count: 2500ish
Author’s Note: xXx
Quote:  “Go wash that dirty mouth of yours and we’ll talk afterward,”
The soothing, yet repetitive pitter-pattering of the Saturday morning showers brought Natalie further away from her not-so-restful slumber and closer to her awakening.
Rolling over from her side and onto her stomach, a long and tiresome groan escaped from her half-sleep lips as she settled back down, attempting to fall back into her slumber. Snaking a weary hand across the cotton sheets, her hand rested at what she thought was the end of her bed.
Clutching and twisting the sheet in her hand, Natalie arched her back, stretching out the muscles before following it up by tensing her whole body. As this resulting in a pleasure moan breaking the silence of the room.
Annoyed by the low rumbling of the thunder and the repetitive hits of rain hitting the window, she pushed herself down, her head resting on the soft mattress as her hand returned to her body, resting beneath her head.
Pulling the covers over her head in an attempt to drown out the noise, her senses began to awaken with every passing second and every move of her body. With the covers draped over her, it was then, that the strong, yet refreshing scent of a man's cologne began to fill her nostrils and the space around.
Fiddling with the cover until she gripped it between her fingers, she brought the comforter to her nose, pressing her face into the soft material. Lowering her head back onto the mattress, she inhaled deeply into covers, lingering in the familiar scent.
As the familiar scent began to register in her brain, her eyes flashed open at the crackle of lightning nearby.
With her body fully awake, she released the covers and propped herself up on her forearms, letting the covers fall around her body as whatever light the rainy day offered began to filter in through the opening before her.
With the scent flowing out of the space, but still lingering in the sheets, it began to dawn on her who the smell belonged to.
Staring at the bed frame and then down at the sheets beneath her, it dawned on her that neither of these things belonged to her.
Rolling her head from side to side, she felt her stomach dropped as she finally figured out where she was and who was with her.
Shaking the covers from her head, the surroundings of the room were finally revealed and they definitely weren’t ones she was familiar with.
Knowing that she was alone since the spot next to her was cold and there was nobody weighing the mattress down, Natalie plopped back down onto the bed as a waterfall of muffled curse words came from her mouth.
Sitting back up, she scanned the dimly lit room, her eyes bouncing from pictures to dressers to bottle silhouettes and whatever else the clutter-less room offered.
Letting her eyes rest on a picture frame that was on the nightstand, she stared at the glass, the only thing visible was her own reflection, offering her a chance to reflect on the actions of last night.
Natalie remembered most of the party - walking a few blocks to Ryan’s house and showing up later in the night, drinking with the masses of people, playing beer-pong and losing most of the rounds of that dreaded chandelier game, taking those shots, mixing a few red Solo cups, and then of course, hearing that single siren and seeing those flashing lights from the backyard. She remembered all that and most of the night, but what she couldn’t remember fully was how she ended up here.
Crawling to the edge of the bed, she sat on its edge while her hands rubbed her tired eyes and her toes skimmed across the carpet.
Finally standing up, Natalie looked down at herself, realizing that she was still in the same clothes as last night - a good thing in her mind. Another crackle of lightning came, illuminating the room just slightly since the blinds were drawn.
Running a hand through her hair, she began to cautiously walk along the bed until she reached a wall and flicked on a light - the lights finally gracing the room with its presence.
The lights served as her own personal flash of lightning - her vision blinded by the bright fanlight. Rubbing her eyes for a moment, she let her hand drop back to her side as she finally turned to look around the bedroom.
Deep down, she wanted to snoop around the bedroom and see all the things it offered, but she knew that at any moment, her curiosity could get her in trouble and Joe would come barging through the room. So, instead of being the creep she so badly wanted to be, she gripped the door and slowly pulled it open. Plus, on the not-so-bright side, she wanted to figure out where Joe was.
Giving the room one last glance, Natalie flicked the lights off before slowly shutting the door and entering the short hallway.
Clearing her throat, she listened intently to see if she could hear anyone walking around the house, but the only audible thing was the sound of the rain and the occasional rumble of thunder. Searching her body for her phone, it was apparent that after a moment, she was phone-less.
Grumbling, she began to slowly walk down the small hallway, stopping before a set of hung pictures. In the pictures was Joe, mainly in his younger years, with some showing him with different women, but the majority was him and his accomplishments.
One picture showed a uniformed Joe hugging an older woman, presumably his mother. Another showed two uniformed men shaking hands while holding a certificate. Another one showed Joe sitting behind the wheel of a boat with his arms wrapped around a blonde woman who was sitting on his lap - the two of them clearly happy and enjoying each other by the big smiles on their faces.
In addition, were pictures of Joe and family, Joe with colleagues, and Joe with a large dog, but the one that caught his eye was the biggest framed picture.
Staring at the fairytale type wedding picture, Natalie stared at a very nicely groomed and suited up Joe who had his forehead against a very pretty blonde whose white wedding dress flowed around them, the tail of her veil trailing behind her. The two of them were staring into each other’s eyes, her hands wrapped under his elbows, his hands gently gripping her neck while the suns rays broke through the trees, making the two of them almost glow.
The loud rumble of thunder made Natalie step away from the picture and continue walking down the hallway. It only took a handful of steps until she reached the living room where a man’s feet draped over the edge of the couch. The sound of light snoring from Joe accompanied the light pitter-pattering of the rain. With light and calculated steps, Natalie silently walked around the couch until she stood in front of the TV and behind a coffee table. She stared at a sleeping Joe, watching as his chest rose and fell with every breath under the cover. It was almost weird to see a man who was usually always serious, finally calm and at peace.
Her eyes then rested on the lump under the covers. Tilting her head as if that would help with seeing through the cover, she watched as the lump rose and fell as well.
All of a sudden, a snout popped out from under the covers, the rest of the dogs head following in line as well. A string of growls broke the silence, making Natalie take a step back and making Joe shift under the blanket, his eyes flashing open as he was startled awake.
“Duke, no.” A very rugged and deep voice warned. “Cut it out. No growl.” Joe commanded before pulling the dog by its collar and snuggling back into the fur of the German Shepard.
A moment of silence passed as Joe just stared at Natalie from behind the fur of Duke. “And you need to cut it out too.” He deadpanned, stretching out his legs, cracking his ankles before sitting up and letting the covers slide down his bare torso. “How are you feeling? It’s nice to see you not throwing up.” He cleared his throat, running his hand along his chest and shoulder before placing it back down on the soft fur of his companion.
It was the first time Natalie had seen her professor shirtless and it was honestly a sight to see, but at the same time, it was a bit amusing considering they had already done the dirty and Joe had already seen her in the nude. Instead of scanning over his body or the countless newly discovered tattoos that claimed his upper arms, left breast, and right shoulder, her eyes bounced from scar to scar.
Bringing her eyes back to stare at his, Natalie answered. “No hangover, but I’m thirsty, that’s for sure.” She looked back at the dog that was jumping down from the couch, stretching and yawning afterward. “What happened last night? Why am I here and not home?” She questioned, shifting on her feet before carefully walking to a recliner all the while the piercing eyes of Duke stared up at her.
Nodding, Joe swung his legs over the side of the couch, adjusting the thin blanket that rested on his lap. “I bet you are thirsty.” He muttered, rubbing his tired eyes. “You know, because of the throwing up and alcohol.” He added, throwing his arms out and cracking his elbows. “What happened?” Joe repeated her words, laughing at them. “Do you not remember?” He questioned, leaning over and running his hand through Duke’s thick fur.
“If I remembered, I wouldn’t be asking.”
Defensively throwing up his hands, Joe let out a strained chuckle. “Well, where to start.” He thought to himself as he lowered his hands and leaning into the couch. “I assume that you still remember most of what happened at that little party you were at, so, I’m just going to bypass that. Anyways, after escorting your drunken self out of the house, I loaded you into my truck, and we were on our way back to your house, but we had to make a little pit stop because when I looked over at you, you were about two seconds away from throwing up all over my dashboard - you were too quiet and just staring out the windshield, I’m all too familiar with that look when it comes to a drunk. So, I pulled over and quickly opened your door, and just as I expected, the floodgates of throw up opened and you nearly caught me with that mess, but I think my trucks sidestep wasn’t as lucky.” Joe chuckled, shaking his head, his eyes staring at his reflection in the blackened TV. “After that whole thing happened, we reached your house, but from the looks of it, no one was home and that’s when I decided to bring you here instead. Why? Well, that’s simple. You were throwing up and I wasn’t going to let you sleep in a house where no one was able to check up on you throughout the night.” Rubbing his hands together, he continued. “So, I brought you back here and by the time we arrived, you were passed out, so, I carried you inside, placed you in my bed, gave you some water, wiped your face clean, and watched you for a few minutes while I changed and did my own thing.”
Leaning back in the chair, Natalie stared up at the ceiling as a wave of embarrassment washed over her. “Please tell me I didn’t make a bigger fool of myself throughout the night.” She nearly begged, hoping that nothing more happened.
“It was actually the morning, so, in a way, you’re right?” Joe answered, confused by his answer. “But you get what I mean.” He waved his hand, shooing away his last response. “Back to the story - you threw up a few times here, the barfing session stopping at six or so when you finally threw up bile and returned to my bed. I helped you to the bathroom and held your hair back while this all happened because I am such a nice man.” Joe boasted, a smile claiming his lips. “I wanted to change you and get you into something more comfortable, but I don’t have any spare women’s clothing around and I didn’t wanna bother you.” He finally looked away from the TV and rested his sights on her. “You see, when you’re in my position, you become accountable for someone else besides yourself - I was just doing my service and making sure you made it through the night. I may have broken a handful of policies and moral standings, but I did what I had to do.” His tone was heavy, yet light and sincere. “I would say ‘don’t be embarrassed’, but it’s obvious my words won’t do much.”
A long groan came from Natalie as she listened to Joe finish up. “Don’t be embarrassed.” She repeated, scoffing at the ridiculous advice. “Yeah, because throwing up and having my damn professor right by my side, witnessing it all, and looking after me isn’t something to be embarrassed about. Like, come on, Joe, that’s like the number one reason to be embarrassed on the list of reasons to be embarrassed.” Natalie sighed, shaking her head.
“Hey, my partner thinks I’m banging your mom, so, that’s worth a laugh or two.” He jested, taking to his feet. “He doesn’t suspect a thing.” Joe grabbed the shirt that was draped over the armrest.
“Wow,” Natalie said with false shock. “Glad no one knows I got banged by my professor. That’s something I don’t have to be embarrassed about.” She praised with nothing more than sarcasm as she watched him dress.
“Whoa now, that’s nothing to be embarrassed about. In my opinion, that’s a check off my bucket list - you know, if I was in your shoes.” Muffled Joe as his head finally popped out of the shirt, a smile on his face as she walked over to her. “I have a spare toothbrush in the bathroom, go wash that dirty mouth of yours and we’ll talk afterward,” Joe ordered, his hand coming up and resting under her chin, tilting it up so she was staring at him. “Like I said, don’t be embarrassed, what you did, that’s nothing, I’ve seen way worse things and I’ve dealt with far nastier and embarrassing things.” Offering her some sort of comfort with his words, Joe smiled as his thumb traced along her jawline. “Now go clean up and I’ll take you home after we eat.”
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a-tired-bitch · 7 years
You Should Know Better Pt.11
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23 Parts:  I  -  II  -  III  -  IV  -  V  -  VI  -  VII  - VIII  -  IX  -  X  -  XI  -  XII  -  XIII -  XIV  -  XV  -  XVI  -  XVII  -   XVIII  -  XIX  -  XX  -   XXI  -  XXII  -  XXIII
Summary: After discussing his failing marriage, Joe and Dustin get dispatched to a house party for the second time. 
POV: Joe
Characters: Joe Merriweather, Dustin Ayers (Italics), Ryan (Indented Italics), Natalie Jankoski (Indented Normal)
Word Count: 3800ish
Author’s Note: xXx
Quote: “After all, they do say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else and I, for one, can attest to that."
“I don’t know how you do it, Merriweather, I really don’t.” Dustin blurted through the silence. The man who was speaking was Dustin Ayers, a long-time friend, and colleague of Joe’s. “Doesn’t it burn you out? Don’t you get sick and tired of it?” Dustin questioned as his sights traveled up from the coffee cup and over to his partner who was resting against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest and his attention focusing on the only two parked vehicles outside the gas station.
For a moment, silence filled in as an answer to the question as Joe continued to stay in his reverie – his thoughts elsewhere while exhaustion quickly began to seep in. It may have been nine days since Joe took a break from teaching, but that didn't mean he wasn't still continuing to fulfill his obligations to his students.
With a lack of an answer, Dustin snapped his fingers in Joe’s face in an effort to grab his attention. “You there, partner, or are you really starting to burn out on me right here and now?” He joked, returning to his coffee, and pouring in more creamer than he probably needed to.
Shaking out the cobwebs, Joe absently pushed himself away from the counter, finally pouring coffee into his silver thermos. “You’re going to have to explain what ‘it’ is because I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He muttered, uninterested in where the conversation as fatigue began to set in.
“You can be a real smartass, I hope you know that, Merriweather...I hope you know that.” He jested before finally taking a small sip from his cup. “But you know, the whole teaching and policing thing, doesn’t get a bit overwhelming at times? I mean, shit, if I was in your shoes with what’s going on in your personal life right now, I would be down for the count.”  
Discarding the trash, Dustin took his turn leaning against the counter while bringing the cup back up to his lips. “The whole two professions thing. I mean, you have two jobs that deal with what may be the most dangerous species on this planet – the human species – and having to deal with that issue that involves, probably the most apex predator out of that species – which is women.” There was a small pause as he took another sip and laughed to himself. “You are just something else, my man, dealing with all this bullshit, that bullshit, and your own bullshit.”
With a line of strained, yet somewhat genuine chuckles falling from his lips, Joe shook his head as he glanced over to Dustin. “It’s safe to say that I’m a smartass that is capable of dealing with mass amounts of bullshit, I guess.” He deadpanned, which only added to his scathing sarcasm.
Motioning for Dustin to follow, Joe began walking towards the front of the store. “No, but on a semi-serious note, it does get overwhelming at times, but I don’t know which takes the gold for being most overwhelming. Yeah, we’re out here protecting and serving the community while risking our lives for people we don’t even know and who may, in fact, not even like us, but let me tell you this: teaching those who might one day replace the both of us, that’s something else.” Giving the cashier a friendly nod and tipping his thermos from brow level as a sort of homage, Joe opened the door and stepped outside.
“Aye, Jimmy, thanks for the complimentary coffee.” Dustin cheerfully called out, as he neared the exit. “We’ll be back tomorrow night, so, make sure you brew up another pot.” Stepping up his pace and catching up to Joe, Dustin joined his partner outside and resumed the conversation. “What about Claire?”
“What about her?”Joe snapped, annoyance flashing in his eyes. 
“Well, how are you two doing or not doing?” Dustin questioned, stepping up beside his cruiser and sitting against the hood. "I see you aren’t wearing that wedding band anymore. About time, if you ask me."
Joe was glad he was in front of Dustin still, his back not showing the pained wince on his face as his failed marriage was brought up. It wasn’t that the topic was hard to speak about, well, it was, but it was the fact that Joe couldn’t disclose everything without having more questions arise and his ego cut down. 
With a sigh escaping his lips, Joe placed his thermos on the hood of his truck and turned around, leaning against it and letting his hands rest on his duty belt.
He winced again, running a hand across his cheek as he looked at his surroundings, Joe finally responded. “You’re right, I took it off because things have officially come to an end for Claire and me. Don’t get me wrong, I kept it on for as long as I possibly could, hoping that she would come back, but it never happened, and she wants nothing to do with me. When we get the time, the papers are being finalized sometime this month.” Letting his hand drop, Joe glanced at his ringless finger. “Last time Claire and I had a solid conversation was a few months back when she was packing up her things and last I heard from friends and family is that she’s living with someone in the next town over. I don’t know who and I don’t really want to at this point. The only thing I can do is speculate.” Joe paused, gliding his tongue across his bottom lip before tearing away a piece of skin. Shifting uncomfortably, Joe took a second to himself. “And that right there, tears at my heart, more than I would like it to.” He shook his head, disappointed in himself and the actions of his soon-to-be ex-wife. “But yeah, I can only assume that she’s doing fine. I mean, come on, she has to be, right?” Joe asked, directing the question to himself. “She has to be.” He whispered, zoning out.
Humming as a response, Dustin sipped from his cup yet again, attempting to give himself some time to think about the situation and what else he should say.
"Been there, done that, so, I know it isn't an easy thing to do, but tell me, Joe, how are you really doing? How are you really handling this? And don't lie because I'm going to know." Dustin offered a weak scoff at the end in an effort to lighten up the situation.
"We got together when I was thirty and then married when I was thirty-four, so, our marriage lasted sixteen or so years. I'm not going to lie and say it's great when it's not, but I'm actually doing fine. In all honesty, this whole thing was bound to happen since we were having too many issues. Not to place the blame on her or anything since most of it is my fault, but I think one of the bigger issues she and I were having was the fact that she ---."
Interrupted by the sound of the radio crackling to life, Joe returned to reality. Warily, Joe looked at Dustin, seeing the fleeting sadness and pity in his eyes.
It was the noise disturbance call that had come over the radio, and Joe threw his head back, letting out an annoyed sigh, as he realized that it was the same house they visited earlier for the same exact reason.
“Well, this was a nice little therapy session before heading back to work." Walking around his car, Dustin began to ramble. "You know, I understand it’s Spring Break and all, but come on, it’s one in the morning and these kids are still partying. Like really? Come on. We warned them just, what…” Dustin glanced down at his watch. “Two, maybe three hours ago to keep quiet and they are still going. Not to mention that you know the host of this party." Dustin shook his head and 'tsked'. "I mean, shit, if I was that Ryan kid and I saw my professor come knocking on my door, I would sober up right away, no matter how old I was. That's like double the embarrassment right there. Don’t get me wrong, you can be one of the nicest people around, but when you have to be, you can also be one of the sternest and scariest.” Opening the driver side door, Dustin looked over at Joe who was already sitting in his truck. "One last thing before our session expires - best advice I can give you is to buck up and go fuck someone else. After all, they do say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else and I, for one, can attest to that."
"Buck up and fuck?" Joe asked, smirking.
"Buck up and fuck," Dustin repeated, laughing as he finally sat down in his cruiser.  
The party was still going strong when the officers returned to the offending house.
Flashing the blue lights once and bringing the siren to life, the revelers who were lounging around the front yard scattered like mice, either running back into the dwelling or into the cover of darkness.
Parking and stepping out of his truck, Joe strolled up to Dustin's cruiser and lingered beside it, waiting for his partner to exit the vehicle.
"You know, back in my day, when the cops showed up to a party we tried our best not to cause any more disturbances because for one, even though we were immature little shits that loved to get piss drunk, we were still somewhat courteous of the old people around us. In the town I lived in, the copper stoppers weren't the ones who dished out the punishments. You know what they would do? They'd drag your ass back home and let your parents deal out the punishments.” Dustin chuckled, shifting on his feet. “Let me tell you, after the second or third 'punishment’, I learned my lesson." Reliving a part of his teenage years, he stepped up next to Joe, following his line of sight and staring at the house.
"'Back in my day.' You talk like you're some old man when you're only thirty-nine. If anyone should be talking like an old man, it's me." Joe scoffed, side-eyeing his younger counterpart before walking away.
Feeling the vibrating thump of the bass and hearing the occasional burst of raucous laughter filter out of the house, Joe and Dustin walked in sync up to the door, exchanging a quick glance. 
"Hell, the kids aren't going to answer the damn door - musics too loud and they're probably too drunk," Dustin complained, slamming the side of his balled-up fist against the door, pounding out a knock. "And it's not like we can look inside, damn windows are covered up." He said, his tone nothing but annoyance and aggravation. "Damn drunken degenerates." He muttered, slamming his fist against the door again.
Pacing along the front porch, Joe couldn't help but laugh at Dustin's displeasure. "You were once a 'damn drunken degenerate' ." Joe chuckled, grabbing his flashlight and tapping the glass of the window with it. "If they don't answer the front door, you just go through the back door. I know their back there, I smell the alcohol and weed from all the way up here, and, you know, I can hear them as well;."
After a moment of pacing and unanswered knocks that resulted in tensions rising, the door finally opened and a male attempted to stagger out before Dustin lifted his arm, blocking his path.
"Whoa, partner, did you just take a bath in a keg or is that just your natural scent?” Not waiting for an answer, Dustin continued. “Tell me, pal, where you heading off to?" He glanced over to Joe then back to the drunk. "Whoa, you're Ryan, right?" He pointed with his other hand, leaning back a bit. "Well, if you don't remember from when we came here earlier for the same exact issue, I'm Deputy Ayers and that right there is your professor and a very ticked off Sergeant Merriweather." Cocking his head in Joe's direction, Dustin lowered his arm and stood in front of Ryan, continuing to block his path.
Turning on his heel, Joe began to saunter back towards his partner, taking his sweet time. "Yeah, Ryan, where exactly are you headed off to?" Joe repeated, tucking his flashlight back into its holster. "A better question is: why are we back here? What didn't you understand about that last go-around?" Leaning against the railing, Joe crossed his arms and shook his head in disappointment. "The hardest part about communication is listening and apparently you have issues with that, whether that be in or out of class."
          It was almost as if everything passed through one ear and out the other since the only reply was a wide-eyed Ryan who leaned against the doorframe. His drunken trance came to a quick end at the sound of the deputy's hearty laugh and his slow approach."Hey, Joe!" Ryan exclaimed, shaking his head out and standing straight - or at least attempting to do so, but it was clear he failed as he began to lean to the right.
"It's not a time to be buddy-buddy, son," Joe warned, resting his hands on his belt.
            "You all...You all are here for the, ugh, the music, right?" Ryan glanced inside, telling someone to lower the music. "Problem solved, right?" Staggering a little, he held himself up against the door, and Ryan looked at Dustin, tilting his head back as his eyes tried to focus.
Approaching the duo, Joe scanned the inside of the house, his eyes landing on former and current students. "No, the problem isn't solved." He rested his sights on Ryan yet again. "Like he said, where you off to? It would be stupid for me to assume that you were going to drive somewhere, right?"
              Digging his hands into his pockets, Ryan focused on the ground, his sights resting on the polished black boots on his officers. "It wouldn't."
"Would or wouldn't? You may be too drunk to know the difference."  Dustin chided before pushing past Ryan and entering the building, resulting in the place becoming almost dead quiet and most of the occupants retreating to various rooms, couches, and some moving quickly into the backyard.
           Turning on his heels, Ryan spoke up. "Hey, you can't come in without a warrant."
Taking a step forward, Joe placed a hand on Ryan's shoulder and pulled him back to face him. "He can. He's got probable cause." His face was as stern as his voice, his eyes boring into Ryan. "Not only is this the second noise complaint, but the smell radiating from your house resembles something of a grow house.” Glancing inside, Joe eyed a woman who he knew for certain was under the legal drinking age. “And I know for a damn fact you have some underage kiddos in here too."
Before stepping inside, Joe whispered, "would have known that if you listened in class." He smiled, standing next to Dustin and looking around the alcohol infested area. "Now, listen, both of you," Joe made eye contact with both Dustin and Ryan. "I know I said I don't give special privileges, but since Ayers and I are on the last stretch of our shift and really don't feel like processing anyone this late at night, I'm going to let this slide."
"Wait, what?" Dustin questioned, faking his shock by what Joe had just said. "Second time coming out here and we're not gonna bust nuts and take names?" He joked, walking off and picking up a ping-pong ball before tossing it into a cup, which resulted in an array of laughter erupting from the kids on the couch next to the table. "Looking at a champ." Dustin joked, striking a pose before walking off and opening up a pizza box.
Scoffing, Joe walked away, glancing into the kitchen area and then down the hall. "What we're gonna do is break up this knock off version of Beertober fest. See, typically, everyone gets a ticket, the cars that are parked out front get impounded, folks go to the drunk tank and since the property is a rental, the landlord gets a notice from the city, but as I said, end of shift means I want to get out and go home."  Joe explained, stepping back in front of Ryan and shutting the door.
         Vigorously nodding his head as if that helped with sobering himself up, Ryan was relieved by what Joe proposed to him - well, it wasn't a proposition, it was more or less a command. "Thank you, Merriweather. Seriously, thank you." Ryan said genuinely as he reached his hand out, offering the man a handshake which was granted. "You know Chris and Nat are here, you see them yet?" Ryan asked out of context.
"Oh?" Joe tilted his head at the surprise discovery. "Are they now? That's nice I guess. Hope they aren't causing as much trouble as you are." Running a hand along the nape of his neck, he turned and scanned the area yet again in search of the two students. "This is what we're going to do..." Joe began, walking away, glancing into the kitchen again. "You're going to round everyone up." He walked towards the sliding glass door, peering through the blinds. "And we're just going to take the keys of everyone who can’t drive home. Those who are sober can drive and hopefully be willing to chauffeur their friends and acquaintances home. As for the stragglers, they are stuck here for the night."
Eyeing Chris who was in the backyard, Joe searched for Natalie who had to be somewhere in the back. "And if I get bored enough tomorrow morning, I'll be back, waiting to charge your friends with a DUI if they leave and are still drunk."
Tossing his head back as he laughed, Dustin pointed at Ryan. "Trust me, there is no 'if I get bored'. He will be back." He smirked before, chomping down on a chip. "I'll round up the cattle." He stepped over to the people sitting on the couch. "You heard the boss man, give 'em up." He motioned for their keys, snapping his fingers impatiently.
Spotting Natalie, Joe clenched his jaw as his eyes tracked her as she drunkenly wobbled around the backyard.
Uttering a noise of displeasure, he turned around and walked over to the speakers, ripping the cord out from the outlet. "This stays off for the rest of the night too."  After a moment of making sure his words registered with the inebriated host, he went back to the door and slid it open. Stepping out, he addressed the crowd, “Everyone needs to get inside right now and if you decide to be rude or not listen, the hangover won’t be your biggest regret in the morning. Now, come on, move it.” 
              Natalie froze, cringing at the voice that broke through the noise as if it was aided by a bullhorn. Despite being nine sheets to the wind, that voice almost sobered her up. Not having the courage to turn around, she walked forward, attempting to blend in with a group of girls.
"That means you, too, Jankoski. Don't try to hide from me because I already saw you." Joe said, calling her out as his eyes bore into the back of her.
Classifying the drunks from the sobers and taking the keys from the intoxicated, Joe let those who were keyless inside as the small line filtered down which ended with Natalie.
"Good evening, ma'am. Or should I say good morning since it's two in the fucking morning now." Joe muttered, his annoyance rising. "Keys. Where are they?" He said, motioning for her to give them up. "You're not driving that's for damn sure." He waited for her to hand them over, but the only thing he received was a shrug.
Joe rolled his neck, groaning. "So you were smart enough to get a ride?” Relief washing over him as she nodded. "At least you listen." He muttered, jiggling the keys and lanyards that were in his hand. "Well, I don't trust a bunch of drunk guys so, you’re going to come with me.”
Letting her stumble into the house, Joe slide the door closed, his hand gently around her upper arm, ensuring she wouldn’t topple over or anything.
After a moment, he found Dustin who was examining all the keys in his hands.
"Yeah, there's no way they are going to figure out which keys go to what person in the state they are in." He whispered, looking around at the kids again. "A few of them are sober and are good to go, but it looks like Ryan is going to be having a sleepover tonight." He grinned, facing Ryan again. "Hand them over, Mr. Hey-you-can't-come -in-without-a-search-warrant." He said sternly, before walking away into the kitchen with all the keys in his hand.
Chuckling, Joe gently pushed Natalie towards the door. "I'm calling a unit to stay in the area. So I strongly advise you to follow the rules we laid out...If you remember them, that is.” As he exited, he patted Ryan on the shoulder and winked.
Dustin caught up to Joe on the porch. "What's up with her?" He pulled up on his belt and looked at the girl. "She sick or something? You know her or something?" He pulled out his flashlight and shined it on her face. "Oh yeah, she's definitely going to be sick," Dustin muttered, clicking the flashlight off, not wanting to be in the splash zone of any potential throwup. 
"I know most of those kids in there." Joe chuckled, guiding Natalie to his truck, his hand still around her arm. “I know her, yeah, and she may very well be sick." He walked around to the passenger side of his truck. "You know how you said ---."  
"Ahh, Merriweather ’s banging the mom. Gotcha. Gotcha. Don't even have to explain it all to me." Dustin joked, unaware of the connection. "Taking her back home to mommy so you look like the knight in shining armor. Classic. Against protocol, but I gotcha. Smart thinking." Patting the back of his partner, Dustin aided with helping the girl into the passenger side of the truck.
Joe left it as that. No verbal response. No explanation. No story. Nothing. If Dustin was going to assume that this was some daughter of a hook-up then so be it.
"You're not coming back here tomorrow, right?"
"Nah." Joe chuckled, shutting the truck door and walking around the front. "I'm off tomorrow." He chuckled again, returning to the driver side door.
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a-tired-bitch · 7 years
You Should Know Better Pt. 10
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23 Parts:  I  -  II  -  III  -  IV  -  V  -  VI  -  VII  - VIII  -  IX  -  X  -  XI  -  XII  -  XIII -  XIV  -  XV  -  XVI  -  XVII  -   XVIII  -  XIX  -  XX  -   XXI  -  XXII  -  XXIII
Summary: Last class before Spring Break and someone decides to get handsy.
POV: Joe
Characters: Joe Merriweather, Natalie Jankoski *(Italics), Ryan (Indented Italics)
Word Count: 2200ish
Author’s Note: xXx
Quote: “Maybe that’s the point of my so-called ‘shitty punishments’ – make you want more.” 
Soaking in the silence of the room, Joe focused his attention on the whiteboard before him as he cleared away the incomprehensible black scribbles that resembled some sort of word and the poorly drawn diagrams that were all produced mid-lecture as a way to keep his own thoughts and talking points flowing.
The tranquility was disrupted just minutes later as the sound of someone forcefully gripping the door handle pulled Joe from his thoughts.  Glancing over his shoulder and looking through his black-rimmed glasses, he watched as the door creaked open and she entered.
Scoffing lightly, Joe returned his attention to the board and resumed his cleaning. “Unusual for you to be this early. Didn’t feel like stumbling in here just before class was set to start?” He croaked, listening as she walked to the last set of tables, placing her belongings down on the wooden surface.
Leaning against the table, Natalie eyed the man dressed in black as he jokingly attempted to strike up a conversation. “Since no one shows up to class the day before Spring Break, my last class got out earlier than expected and now I’m here with my favorite professor.” A laugh accompanied her sarcastic remark.
“Obviously, some people show up since you’re here and so am I, along with most professors and responsible students.” Joe pointed out, tossing the rag onto the first row of tables. “Aww, that’s really sweet of you to say. I’m really your favorite professor?” Joe asked in a cheerful tone as he turned to face her, placing a hand over his heart before making his way back to his desk, his hand falling back to his side. “See, that’s something I would say if you weren’t being a sarcastic little shit right now.” He deadpanned.
“How dare you accuse me of being a ‘little shit’.” Digging into her bag, she looked from Joe to her bag and then back to Joe who was now unbuttoning his suit jacket before settling down into his chair. “How can you not be my favorite professor?” She questioned, taking a paper from her bag and snaking her way through the chairs until she stood on his side of the desk. “Mr. Jack-of-all-trades, you help me in and out of class, whether that be in a professional manner or not.” She quipped, holding out the assignment to him as a grin claimed her features. 
Peeling his glasses away from his face, Joe rubbed his eyes until streaks of green and orange claimed his vision. Lecturing from early in the morning until now made Joe extremely tired and if it wasn’t apparent in his raspier than normal voice, it was surely apparent in his tired face.
“Well, when you put it that way, I guess you have a very valid point.” He admitted, dropping his hand onto his lap and taking a moment to himself before opening his eyes. “What’s this?” Joe asked, swiveling around to face her, placing his glasses back on.
“Age catching up with you today?” Natalie jested, glancing at him and smirking. “It’s that paper you wanted due before the break.” She flipped through the stapled pieces of paper before motioning for him to take them. “You forget about it or something? Don’t tell me your memory is fading too.”
Peering up at her, Joe gave her a stern look before adjusting his glasses. “Check your attitude, Natalie,” Joe warned, his attention focused on the door after hearing the handle rattle. “You going to do the same thing you did three days ago?” He wondered, turning his attention back to her after a moment. “You know, keep that firm grip and then straddle me?”
With a cheeky grin and a raised eyebrow, Natalie shook her head as Joe reached out and gripped the paper. “Grumpy, too.” She muttered, tossing a glance over her shoulder before taking a step forward and standing almost directly between his opened legs. “I would say I like to keep things professional in this type of setting, but if I did, that would be a straight up lie since we both know what happened in your office just a few weeks ago.”
Leaning back in his seat to add space between them, he easily pulled the paper from her hands. “You’re playing a dangerous game and this isn’t the place to play it.” Joe cautioned, his sights switching between her and the door.
“You should learn to take your own advice, Joe.” She asserted, lingering between his outstretched legs before taking a step back.
With a sudden change in his demeanor, Joe scoffed while sliding back in the seat of his chair to sit properly. “Is that so?” He questioned, sarcasm claiming his tone as he swiveled away and pulled himself to his desk. “You might be right, I should take my own advice and so should you.” He added, looking through the stapled papers, skimming through the words. “I should know better considering I’m far older and far wiser than you. Take my advice and listen to your elders, little one.” Joe whispered, speaking more to himself than to her. 
“Then you should be wise enough to quit with that ‘punishment’ bullshit.” Natalie sat on the edge of his desk, arms crossing over her chest. “Doesn’t work. Doesn’t scare me either. Must be too naive.” She explained, staring at him while his eyes scanned the paper. “I don’t understand how you’re ‘punishment’ is a punishment. I mean, shouldn’t punishing someone act as a deterrence to make them not do that certain thing again?
Pushing herself off the desk, Natalie turned around, leaning down slightly, and pretending to read along with Joe. “If so, your shitty punishments do the complete opposite.”
Removing his glasses, Joe bit down on one of the tips before lowering the paper. Tilting his head to look up at her, he maintained eye contact as a moment of silence was shared. “Maybe that’s the point of my ‘shitty punishments’ – make you suffer and make you want more.”
Slightly shocked by his response, Natalie raised her brows. “Well, if that’s the case, I hope you know that two can play that game.” Turning her attention back to the paper, Natalie rested her hand on the edge of the desk. “You might want to pretend you’re reading over that paper just in case anyone walks in. Wouldn’t want them to suspect anything.” Smirking, she watched as he placed his black-rimmed glasses back on and continued to skim over the paper, a grin pulling at the corner of his mouth.
With her hand falling from the desk and landing on his knee, she slowly began to move her hand up his thigh. “Stay quiet,” Natalie warned, laughing to herself since this was once a warning Joe gave to her.
Her hand continued to slowly trail up his thigh until it reached his belt. Feeling as Joe raised his hips just slightly, Natalie glanced over to him, her eyes focusing on his face as her hand moved across the front of his slacks. Impressed by his lack of emotion, she studied his features for a second before turning her attention to his belt. Instead of going for her belt, her fingers latched onto the zipper of his pants. “How are you enjoying that paper, professor?” She asked, her question nothing more than an innuendo. 
Flipping the page, Joe furrowed his brow. “This paper? It gets the point across, but it’s nothing special at all.” Joe answered, his comment nothing more than an innuendo.
“Aw, well isn’t that just a damn shame.” She teased, slowly pulling the zipper down until it reached the end of its tracks.
Moments later, a figure appeared on opposite side of the door, forcing Joe to look away from the paper. “Stop,” he warned, but his warning came too late.
Suddenly, Natalie froze as the door swung open and a student entered. A rush of adrenaline coursed through her veins at the thrill of almost being caught. Relaxing moments later, she began to toy with the opening, her fingers grazing across the fabric underneath as she glanced up to the student, greeting him with a nod and a friendly smile. “You do the paper?” She questioned, slipping her hand into the opening and looking over to Joe who was still concentrating on the paper clenched in his hands.
       “Shit. That was due this week? The day before Spring Break?” Ryan worried, oblivious to what was happening between the professor and student just a handful of feet away.
Entering the conversation just as Natalie was entering through his boxers, Joe shifted forward in his seat – any and all skin coming in contact now. 
Waving the paper in the air, Joe stared at Ryan who was settling his things on the desk. “It sure is,” Joe answered, a groan concealed as a cough escaping his lips afterwards as the warmth of her hand wrapped around him. “But don’t worry about it. I have a strong feeling not everyone will be coming.” Joe rested his sights on Natalie, his eyes widening as some sort of non-verbal warning.
Slipping his hand beneath the desk, he unwrapped her hand from his growing erection and pulled her out from his slacks, quickly adjusting himself and zipping back up, shifting in his seat. “Don’t sweat it, Ryan. You can bring it in after the break, pal.”
Natalie tsked in annoyance. “So I did all this work and you’re just now telling us that it doesn’t have to be completed until after Spring Break?” Natalie asked, standing tall and backing away from Joe. “I should at least get a few points extra credit for that then.” She said as a joke as she began to walk out from behind the desk.
Taking a few deep breaths to calm himself, Joe eyed Natalie, his eyes following her until she sat down in the back row of tables. “Don’t worry, missy,” Joe began, standing up and removing his jacket – painstakingly slow, the way he always did it when around her. “The paper, it was pretty good. Like I said, nothing really special, but you got the point across and did a good job. From what I was able to read, I enjoyed it so far.” 
As expected, most of the students failed to attend class, resulting in Joe cutting the lecture short and going on a tangent of random stories, viewings of funny dashcam videos, and pointless class discussions.
Leaning against the podium, Joe spotted Natalie messing around with her phone – the desktops offering no protection despite her thinking otherwise.
“Before I decide to dismiss class early – and yes, I said early - so you all can go on your week binge of sinning, drinking, and whatever else you all do during the break, I have a story that serves as a stern warning.” Joe began to roll up his sleeves, walking around the podium. “Miss Jankoski, your attention would be much appreciated for this story, since you might be unaware of what happened to your friend over the weekend.” He shot her a stern glare, before pacing away, dipping his head as he smiled to himself.
“So, over the weekend, our beloved friend, Landon, decided to make the shitty decision to drink and drive. Obviously, that didn’t work out in his favor because low and behold, I was the officer who pulled him over. So, when pulling him over, I did the usual things you all see on TV: leave my fingerprints on the tail light, approach him, strike up a conversation, ask for all the stuff I need, peer into the truck – nice truck by the way – to see if anyone else was in it, which there was – a female –, you know, all that good stuff. Anyways, skipping over all that boring stuff and getting to the good stuff, Landon decided to get a bit belligerent when I was frisking his friend and apparently that liquid courage he had stored up decided to make a grand appearance.” Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Joe paced before the class. “Initially, I sat him down on the curb with no cuffs since I know the kid and assumed that he wouldn’t try anything stupid, but we all know the first three letters of ‘assumed’ and what they spell out – a.s.s.” He scoffed to himself before continuing. “Mid-frisk and with my back towards him, Landon stood up from the curb and in a threatening manner, approached me and the female passenger.” Joe reached the podium and leaned his side against it. “I strongly suggest you guys never ever do what Landon did because you will get the same result, something like a deployed taser and your body laying flat on the ground. I really didn’t want to do it, but he left me no other choice.”
The room erupted in gasps, scoffs, and snickers – Joe remained silent as he maintained eye contact with an embarrassed and disappointed Natalie.
Quieting the class down, Joe finished. “Landon is now in the jail for the next couple of weeks and managed to create a whole new portfolio – a criminal record. In conclusion, there are two points to this story. One is that just because you are my student, you do not get special privileges when it comes to breaking the law and disobeying what I, or any other officer, says. The second is that you are all enrolled in criminal justice and should know better, so, if you hang out with anyone like Landon, I suggest you find some better friends.”
Drumming his hands on the podium, Joe returned to his desk. “With that being said, if you do happen to get into any trouble, make sure you tell us your story when we come back. Now be safe and enjoy your Spring break.”
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a-tired-bitch · 7 years
You Should Know Better Pt. 9
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23 Parts:  I  -  II  -  III  -  IV  -  V  -  VI  -  VII  - VIII  -  IX  -  X  -  XI  -  XII  -  XIII -  XIV  -  XV  -  XVI  -  XVII  -   XVIII  -  XIX  -  XX  -   XXI  -  XXII  -  XXIII
Summary: While driving her home, Joe reveals a few things as to why Natalie makes him nervous. In addition, after arriving at her house, Joe turns into Natalie’s personal handyman. 
POV: Joe
Characters: Joe Merriweather, Natalie Jankoski (Italics)
Word Count: 3500ish
Author’s Note: xXx 
Quote: “Like I said, I’m three steps ahead of you in thirty different directions, Naïve little Natalie.” 
The drive from the breakfast joint back to the college ward was quite peaceful. Joe and Natalie occupied the Jeep enjoying each other’s presence, even if it was a silent one. The weight that rested on Joe’s shoulders for the last 24-hours was lifted just slightly after the heart-filled apology just some time ago.  
Looking out the window, Natalie bounced her sights from house to house, tree to tree, and car to car. The atmosphere in the Jeep was warm and welcoming, yet awkward and strained. It wasn’t that Joe was causing the situation to be awkward and strained, in fact, he was the only reason as to why it was welcoming and warm – the welcoming smiles, the conversations that were nothing more than small talk, the hesitation of his hand when he placed his on hers for a moment before changing the radio. Instead, she was the culprit of the awkwardness, after all, there were only so many questions she could ask without getting too deep into his personal life – something she wanted to dive straight into. This man who sat just feet from her, he was interesting, friendly, older, and was damn attractive, but he was still a complete mystery to her.
The soft sound of music filtered throughout the car – the radio was nothing more than a filler for the silence that engulfed the two. Turning her attention away from the familiar surroundings, Natalie watched at the man who sat beside her focused on the road ahead – one hand resting on the steering wheel, the other resting along the center counsel, his hand grazing his pants while his teeth picked at the skin on his bottom lip. Following in his actions, Natalie absentmindedly bit down on the skin of her lip, her eyes trailing his features yet again, returning to the small gap between his eyes and black aviators. For a moment, she watched as his eyelashes flickered beneath the glass before turning back to face the road.
From his peripheral vision, it was quite obvious that his younger counterpart was gawking over him – well, maybe not gawking, but examining him as if he was some sort of specimen under a microscope.  Adjusting his sights just slightly so he could get a better look at her without turning his head too much, Joe watched as she looked away and out towards the road.
Chuckling just slightly, Joe spoke. “You know, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so, instead of being the little creeper you’re being right now, why don’t you just take a picture instead?” Joe teased, waggling his eyebrows beneath his glasses as he turned his head fully to take in the sight of his student sitting next to him.
Reluctantly looking away and towards the road again, Joe shook his head slightly. “Scratch that, don’t do that.” He addressed, acknowledging the situation he was in. “Yeah, don’t do that.” He repeated in a whisper, a hand coming up and running along his cheek. “It could get the both of us in some sort of trouble, well, not really, but you know what I mean.”
Turning into her subdivision, Joe bared his teeth for a second as he thought for a moment. “Actually, let me just say this now.” Joe removed his glasses. “Look at me.” He coaxed before continuing.
Running her tongue along her teeth, Natalie took a moment before turning to face him. “Okay, I’m looking.” She stated, her body shifting in the seat.  Yet again, another sliver of silence accompanied the two as they just stared at each other for a moment – their eyes locking as usual and that famous close-lipped smile claiming his lips, those deep dimples making yet another appearance. Failing to conceal her smile any longer, a scoff escaped her lips as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Whatcha gotta tell me, officer?”
With his grin turning into a smile, Joe slowly ran his tongue along his bottom lip before speaking. “Being a smartass, aren’t we?” Joe questioned, his hand slipping down from the center console, making its way towards her almost bare thigh. “Well, I have to tell you this.” Snaking his warm hand along her cold thigh, Joe broke eye contact and quickly glanced to the road before shifting back. Joe watched as her eyes widened and her lips parted just slightly while a wave of goosebumps spread out across her skin.
Stopping, his hand rested on her inner thigh, his fingers connecting with the smooth surface of her phone. “If you’re with me, no matter where we are at, I don’t care if it’s in this car, in the classroom, in my office, or at each other’s houses – well, I don’t plan on showing up at your house unless it is empty. I want you to know that you’re…” In a quick motion, Joe grabbed her phone out from between her thighs and quickly pulled away.
Naturally, Natalie reached out, grabbing Joe’s wrist to stop him from pulling away, but in a quick motion, he pulled away from her, bringing her phone to his body. “Really, Joe?” She sneered, reaching out yet again, trying to retrieve her possession. “Give me it back right now.”
With both hands off the wheel, Joe clutched her phone in one while pushing away her hands with the other. “First off, my Jeep, my rules, so, sit your pretty little ass in that seat and listen to what I have to say before I stop this car.” With that, Natalie reluctantly sat back in her seat, her arms crossing over her chest and a scowl claiming her features. “Perfect.” Joe jested, placing a hand back on the steering wheel. “Now, listen to me. I want you to know that while you’re with me, these.” He shook the phone in the air. “These aren’t allowed.” Shifting a little, he tucked the phone into his right pocket before continuing. “I mean, they are, but I don’t want you sneaking any pictures to show your little friends or texting something stupid. I know you’re smarter than that and I know you wouldn’t do anything stupid but it’s just a little precaution that I’ll more than likely forget by the end of the week.”
Pressing her lips together and rolling her eyes, Natalie knew that deep down whatever Joe was saying, had some sort of point to it. Despite the so-called ‘virgin territory’ not being so virgin anymore, there were still aspects that needed to be addressed – in this case, the phone being one of them. It took a moment before Natalie addressed him, but oh she addressed him all right. “I scare you, don’t I?” She asked yet another thing that needed to be addressed. “You think I’m stupid enough to tell and apparently show people that I’m with my professor who happened to,” shrugging, she fished for the right words, “I don’t know, fuck me in the back of his truck while on duty and after arresting my ex-boyfriend.” Natalie uncrossed her arms, realizing that it was now her time to toy with him. ��You think I’m that stupid, don’t you?” She questioned, adjusting herself so she was now closer to him and slightly leaning on the center console. “It’s a shame, now isn’t it? Come on, Joe, you should know better.” She shook her head with false disappointment. “You should know better.” She repeated, watching as he came alive with a stern reaction – his jaw settled, his eyebrows furrowed, and his hand gripping the steering wheel as he continued to stare down the road.
Tapping her tongue against the roof of her mouth, a line of ‘tisks’ scolded him. “You see, you wouldn’t have to be scared if you thought with your actual head instead of the one between your legs, but you made your bed, now lie in it.”  She teased, expecting some sort of reaction out of him at the leas
Exhaling deeply, Joe snapped his head in her direction. “Same goes for you, young lady. Don’t you dare forget that you were the one who came onto me the first time around. Yes, I admit that I was unprofessional, but look at where we are now.” Looking away, Joe set his jaw once more as a hand ran through his hair. “If you’re going to act immature and throw that in my face, you’re more than welcomed to cut this off...” Pointing from himself to Natalie and then back to himself, Joe continued. “And return to our platonic and strictly professional relationship.”
An unwarranted smile that was accompanied by an unwarranted laugh filled the cab of the Jeep. “Tell me this, Joe.” Quickly, Natalie leaned forward, her lips just mere inches from Joe’s ear. “Tell me, do I make you nervous? Knowing how much power I possess over you in a situation like this? Not just the situation right now, but the situation as a whole.”
Refusing to pull away at the intimidate space the two of them were now sharing, Joe swallowed hard and nodded. “Do you want the professional answer or the personal answer?” Joe nearly hissed as he turned the car onto her street.
“Both.” She whispered.
“Either way the answer to your question falls within the same category,” Joe advised before continuing, “the answer to your question is: yes, I’m slightly nervous and I’m not afraid to admit that. I’m aware of this so-called ‘power’ you possess but remember this, I also have a say as to what will happen and that should make you just as nervous as it makes me.”
With her eyes on the prize – the prize being her phone that was tucked away in his pocket -, Natalie placed her hand on his forearm, patting it twice before whispering again. “Why?” She asked, her fingers toying with his as he gently latched onto one of her own.
Going quiet for a minute, Joe pondered his thoughts and the answer to her question. “Well, why wouldn’t I be nervous?” Joe put to question but continued without offering her sufficient time to answer. “You’re probably not going to like what I have to say, but ask a question and you shall receive an answer. Anyways, with the type of job I have, it’s a requirement to look at all the factors of a situation. I’m always, I don’t know, three steps ahead of you in about thirty different directions, basically overthinking the situation and its outcomes. So, trust me, I’ve thought about most of the outcomes and surprise, surprise, the negatives outweigh the positives. That right there, that’s one reason why I’m nervous, but you want to know the other ones?” Joe shifted away slightly, realizing that her hand had snaked its way towards his waist, resting just above his belt. “If you haven’t noticed, you’re my student and I’ve never done anything more than teach a student, so, all this is very dangerous since it’s a possibility that you can tell someone about this little escapade and with that, my reputation will go down the drain even though we are both adults. In addition to that, the whole, you know, age thing is a big thing to consider. A 44-year-old man with a, what…” Joe looked over her for a moment. “A woman who is no older than twenty-four or twenty-five.”
Fiddling with his button up, Natalie pulled away once Joe started speaking. Despite pulling away, she was still leaning over the center console, her brow furrowing as he explained himself.
“Understandable.” Was the only thing she managed to say before sinking her hand lower into his lap. “But you have to understand, Joe, this 24-year-old isn’t going to go out and blab.” The once smooth terrain was replaced by the slight roughness of the leather pieces that rested on his right hip before slipping back onto the smoothness of his slacks. “I assure you that.” Her hand resting on his upper thigh where her phone was resting just below her palm.
Completely ignoring the wandering hand, Joe glanced between the unoccupied house and over to Natalie. “One last thing,” Joe stated, a smile pulling at his lips as he looked at her, knowing she was unaware of what was to come. Suddenly, Joe slammed on the brakes, forcing the slow-moving car to come to a complete stop in the middle of the street and forcing Natalie’s body to go flying forward – the seatbelt catching her before any damage could occur. “You’re also a big liability to me,” Joe informed, abruptly pulling the Jeep into her driveway, parking, taking his keys out, and then abruptly getting out.
Walking around the front of the car and opening the passenger side door, Joe leaned against the door. “Like I said, I’m three steps ahead of you in thirty different directions, Naïve little Natalie,” Joe said, nearly disparaging her. “Plus, you should know better than to try and distract a driver while they are driving.” Shaking a finger in her direction, Joe stepped forward, helping the annoyed and aggravated woman out of the Jeep.
“Fucking asshole,” Natalie muttered to herself as she rubbed the back of her neck. Pushing his hands away, she immediately headed for the door.
“Being rough and talking dirty to me? Keep it up, Natalie because I happen to love that shit.” Joe teasingly whispered, shutting the door, and following her up to the house.
Stuffing his hands into his pockets, Joe ran his finger along the smooth surface of her phone yet again. “Oh, come on,” Joe pleaded in annoyance, “You really thought I was going to fall for that little baiting?” He questioned. “You know, I spoke to an academy once and told them you have to watch the hands of the person because the moment you lose track of their hands, you can lose your life. So, if you think I’m not tracking your hands, you’re not thinking right.”
Fiddling with her keys until the door was unlocked, Natalie glanced over her shoulder before walking inside. “I was hoping you would, but my hopes were too high.” She said in annoyance as she disappeared into the house just like she had done just a few hours ago. “If you promise not to be an asshole or snoop around, you can come in.”
Pulling her phone out of his pocket after feeling the vibration, Joe stared at the notification before looking at the time – 1:00 P.M.
“Look, I get paid to be nosey at my job. You telling me not to be nosey is like me telling a robber not to rob when he’s mid-robbery. It just doesn’t work like that.” Joe responded, tucking the phone back into his pocket as he took his first official and warranted step into the house.
“You know, Joe, you can be a real smart ass when the time is right. I would have never guessed Mr. Merriweather was a certified smart ass. That right there, that never crossed my mind.” Natalie called out from somewhere within the house, presumably her room or the bathroom.
Slowly shutting the door behind him and locking it, Joe ventured further into the house, investigating the contents within.  “I’m a jack-of-all-trades, I suppose.” He retorted, reaching out, and picking up a piece of paper from the countertop. It didn’t take long before he realized that it was the assignment he handed out a few days prior. “Hey, make sure you do this.” Joe waved the paper in the air despite Natalie still being out of sight. “Just because I give you special privileges out of the classroom doesn’t mean I’ll give you special privileges within it,” Joe warned, tossing the paper back onto the counter, and looking down the hallway where she disappeared down.
“No special privileges in class?” Natalie called out, appearing out from a room, laughing along the way. “Really, Joe? What was up with that pat-down in class? No privileges, my ass.” She rolled her eyes before disappearing yet again.
Instead of responding, Joe made his way to the open door where Natalie was peeking in and out of. “What are you even doing in here?” Joe asked, pulling his glasses out from his pocket and placing them on as he glanced into the cluttered room that had tools and parts to an unconstructed desk laying all around the room.
“Well, you see, Landon was supposed to come over and build this desk for my stupid roommate, but since he’s not here because of a certain someone, I’m stuck trying to construct the damn thing myself until she gets back, which is supposed to be at I don’t know o’clock since you still have my phone and she was supposed to call me beforehand. Since I have nothing better to do besides that exciting little assignment you assigned, I was working on this before you came here and even with my whiplashed concussion you just gave me, I want to finish it, so, it’s probably best if you left anyways.”
Looking over the objects before settling his sights on Natalie, Joe chuckled. “Next time sit in your seat properly and keep your hands to yourself and you won’t have to worry about getting whiplash.” Pushing himself away from the threshold of the door, Joe stood next to her, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he looked over the pieces yet again. “Being the jack-of-all-trades, I’m sure I could build this thing in twenty minutes, tops. It’s an easy build. Just have to put some things in some other things and screw some things together and you’re set.”
Gazing up at him, Natalie was taken back by his indirect offer. “Well…” She stepped away, her hands up in the air. “Get to work Mr. Handyman.” She jokingly ordered, patting his back twice.
As expected, the build was quite easy to construct. Tossing a rag onto the newly constructed desk, Joe leaned back in the office chair, running a hand over the surface of the desk. “Easy peasy lemon squeezy.” He whispered to himself, digging his hand into his pocket and retrieving her phone yet again.  
Glancing at the time before tossing it onto the desk, Joe swiveled around in his seat, realizing that Natalie was propped up against the door frame, a bottle of water in her hand.
“Done?” Natalie asked, looking past him, and examining the desk. “Thanks, Joe. I appreciate it.” She pushed herself away from the door and approached him, offering him the bottle.”
“Told you I’m a jack-of-all-trades.” Joe teased, reaching forward, and grabbing the bottle.
“You really are. Certified handyman in my book and that’s in more than one way.” Natalie laughed, looking back at him, and keeping a firm grip on the bottle. “No one’s called, I assume,” Natalie asked, referring to her phone that was now on the table.
Hesitating, Joe exchanged a few glances with her before resting his sights on the water bottle. Humming a ‘mm hmm’ as a reply, Joe fastened his grip on the bottle and tugged it forward, the body on the of Natalie following behind. “Texts, but no calls.”
With the tension between the two of them still high, the intense session of eye contact and silence only heightened the uneasiness. Knowing that Joe wouldn’t be the one to initiate anything due to his regretful nature, and with her thirst for him, Natalie, in a quick motion, closed the gap between the two of them. Placing her free hand on his shoulder, Natalie swung a leg around Joe – his hand guiding her until her body straddled his lap.
Almost simultaneously, the grips they had on the bottle loosened until Joe tossed the bottle onto the bed. Getting to work on the buttons of his shirt, Natalie quickly released three buttons from their restraints before Joe tilted her head up so she could look at him. Smiles claimed both of their faces as their bodies remained pressed together.
Natalie arched slightly as a trail of warmth spread up her back to her neck where Joe’s idle hand rested – his fingers entangling themselves with her hair.
Watching as he ran his tongue along his bottom tip, Natalie snaked her hand down his chest while the other wrapped around his neck, fiddling with the ends of his hair. With this, a throaty groan came from Joe as he leaned forward, his lips coming close to hers, but stopping just inches away.
In a split second, Joe’s free hand slipped beneath her and he lifted both their bodies from the chair. Taking a step towards the bed, he gently placed her body down, hovering over her. His hand slipping out from under her and removing her hands from around his neck. Regardless if Joe wanted to reenact the scenario from last night, he couldn’t.
Slowly pulling away, Joe straightened up and smoothed out his shirt. “My shift starts in an hour, I can’t.” He explained, picking up the water bottle from the bed and taking a few steps away from the visibly distraught Natalie. “While I’m gone, get that assignment, I would hate to punish you again.”
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