#Nathan Merwin x reader
For the winter/christmas ask.
1 with merwin cause I think he doesnt have enough patience to untangle the christmas lights
14 with Jason cause itd be so funny
22 with joey cause the idea is ADORABLE!!!
A/N: hope you don't mind me writing everything all in here since they're gonna be quick, drabbles....I’m also sorry this took me forever ><
getting out/putting up decorations- Merwin.
ice skating.- Jason Kolchek.
making s’mores.- Joey
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It was the frustrated growl that drew you to the room, scratching your cheek you made your way to the living room to find your husband fiddling with a box of what looks like Christmas Lights. “Nathan?”
Titling your head to the side you knelt down beside the man who was now making the lights even worse. “Need help.” You think for someone who was a Technician in the Marines would be a bit smarter about untangling lights.
Dropping the mess into a box the man cleared out his throat plastering a smile on his face. “I got it babe, why don’t you go and relax...maybe.” he reached into the box again.Smile vanishing as he tried to untangle the mess of lights, you were worried the man might rip the damn things. “Maybe make yourself some hot chocolate and” gritting his teeth he stood up then kicked the box. 
“We’ll see how good you’ll do in the trash.!”
Rolling your eyes you grabbed your husbands hands, weaving your fingers through it. “Come on.”
“Where we going.”
“To by more lights, would hate for you to have a heart attack.”
Letting out a huff, Merwin gave a glare to the box one last time then let his arms weave around your waist. “I could’a done it you know.”
“I know Nathan....I know”
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Biting back your laughter you skated over to the man, it seemed that he was having more trouble than you were. You’d honestly had lost count the number of times the marine had fallen on his ass. Clasping your hands behind your back you did your best to give him an innocent look. “You okay?”
Scowling, Jason placed his hands on the Ice. When he’d suggested this he thought it would be romantic, cute. He did not think that it would turn out to be a disaster. Though it wasn’t his fault, he never learned how to ice skate. Why would he?! Finally managing to get to his feet, he nearly fell forward again only for you to steady him.
Since when did you get so good at this? It was infuriating. 
Smiling you pinched his cheek, the skin already red from the cold. “I’d used to go Ice skating all the time Jason...”
“Of course ya did.” He knew he shouldn’t be surprised after how long you both have been together but you’ve never done this before. Wrinkling his nose, he let his gloved fingers reach for your own. 
Humming you gave Jason another smile. “Just hold on okay, we’ll move together...slowly.” You wouldn’t wanted to see the man you love end up breaking his nose on the ice.
“Darlin....I’m a Marine...I can handle it.”
“Oh...you can handle it...Okay then you don’t mind if I let g-.”
“Don’t let go~”
Sighing, you playfully rolled your eyes as the man clung to your arm tightly, at least he was cute.
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“It’s nice to relax for once.” Joey muttered, leaning more into your embrace. You were both visiting his parents and rest of his family and while everyone was now asleep you to opted to head outside to make some s’mores.  Turning to face your boyfriend you gave him a smile placing a small kiss on his cheek, the man needing to adjust his glasses.
“True....and we’re making s’mores which are one of the best things ever.” You beamed as you held your marshmallow over the fire. 
Chuckling, Joey wove his arm around your waist as he cooked his own marshmallow. A smile on his lips, you noticed how relaxed he looked. Ever since his honorable discharge it seemed like he was completely different. 
“Something wrong y/n?” 
“Oh? no....I just noticed how relaxed you look.”
Joey shrugged his shoulders taking out his marshmallow, blowing on it he started to assemble the s’more.  Once it was to his satisfaction he held it to your lips encouraging you to take a bite.
“Try it.”
Tilting your head to the side you opened your mother taking a bite of the sweet, licking your lips you let out a small groan though Joey rubbed the back of his neck as he let out a small laugh. “It’s just a s’more y/n.”
Shaking your head you gave him a smile as you removed your marshmallow from the fire. Your teeth sinking into your own treat, doing your best to not talk with your mouth full you quickly swallowed the treat licking your lips. “That’s not true Joey, it’s better because you made it.”
Blinking a few times, the man felt his cheeks burn though leaning in he then captured your lips in for a kiss. “Hmm you are right y/n...it does taste good when someone you love makes it.”
Blushing you adverted your gaze quickly eating your s’more as Joey’s laugh rang throughout the night.
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raeymond · 3 years
dating them. nathan merwin&joey gomez/reader
warnings. some suggestive on merwin’s part (separate hc’s)
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nathan merwin.
— if you’re in a relationship with merwin, you’ve got to be ready for suggestive&sexual comments to be thrown your way — he just can’t help himself! the first thing he says to you everyday is how hot you are and how much he’d love for another night like the last to happen (..which he takes back the second you start glaring at him).
— that isn’t to say he’s just a sexual boyfriend! he’s plenty romantic too (in his own way), always going to great lengths to make you feel loved and appreciated — though if you are to point it out, he just says you’re imagining things and brushes it off (though he’s happy you noticed deep down). and he’s plenty happy to just laze around with you, it’s honestly his favorite way to spend time together, a nice and relaxing day with his s/o is such a dream to him.
— his love language is physical touch (if you could guess). not necessarily in a sexual way, despite how he may act, but in a ‘my s/o is perfect and i just can’t keep my hands off of them’ kinda way. he loves being able to have you next to him, usually keeping his arm around your waist or having his hand intertwined with his — it’s his priority to be able to feel his love next to him! but, he’s also big on gifts&quality time. he’ll show up randomly with something he ‘happened to have picked up’, but it’s just cause he doesn’t wanna tell you that he put loads of thought into the small trinket. and, as i said earlier, his favorite way to spend time with you is just sitting and lazing around together. holding each other close while something plays in the background — it isn’t long until you two move onto something more ‘physical’.
joey gomez.
— i imagine him as a somewhat shy lover, he gets a little embarrassed of affectionate gestures&such in front of others even though he really wants to show you off! he’s always got you on his mind, and started wearing a heart locket of you right next to his cross just so he can always get some motivation whenever he’s in stressful situations — even though he does get teased, he ignores it because he knows that he’s gotten you waiting for him back home! he can’t have these guys messing with his head.
— but, even with that said, he’s incredibly sweet&romantic when it’s just the two of you — either alone at your house or out together on a date, he’s making the cheesiest pick-up lines that have him smiling because you’re laughing. he’s always such a gentleman too, opening doors for you, pulling out your chair, etc, etc. even when he’s got to run before you reach one of the two, he’ll go out of his way to do anything you ask!
— i think that his love language would be words of affirmation — he’s all about encouragement and making you feel safe, so what better way than to cheer/talk you up whenever he can? not just that, he’ll send you letters when he’s away just talking about how much he loves and misses waking up to you every day. and he’s always there to listen, helping to solve your problems and help to make things better even though he’s not sure he’s too good at it. which, always ties into his other love languages, which i think are acts of service&gifts. he’s all about making your days easier as long as he’s by your side (and even if he’s not, he hopes that he can still help you out somehow!) and he can’t help but give you all the gifts you could dream of. if you even so much bring up the fact that you’ve been thinking about something you want/are going to buy — you’ll wake up to it right next to you!
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buttermykolchek · 2 years
Scouts honor. Part 1
[J. Kolchek x Fem! Reader]
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This is my first try writing a fic, let me know what you think!
Italics means thoughts/flashbacks
Tw: blood, violence, swearing, cringe (probably)
Tags: @kassiekolchek22
Iraq, 2003.
Camp slayer 0800 hours.
Your tan combat boots hit the floor in a rhythm as you made your way to Rachel’s office. You had just received word that Colonel Eric King was assigned to lead the team. Rachel’s team. You’d known about their previous relationship and you knew it was extremely complicated. As Rachel’s best friend, you’d gotten caught in the crossfire several times. What I fucking headache. She’s going to loose her shit ice she hears about this. You took a deep breath before knocking firmly on her office door, clutching the paperwork in your left hand. You were standing with your hands behind your back. Your long (y/h/c) locks were pulled into a tight bun, you had on a dark green tshirt, which was tucked into your uniform pants, which were tucked into your combat boots. the typical uncomfortable marine uniform crap.
You heard a bit of shuffling around and giggling before rachel answered the door, stepping aside so nick could leave the room. her hair was messy, and nicks hat was clearly crooked. What the hell? Your jaw nearly hit the floor when you saw a fresh hickey on his neck. Nick nodded at you and kept on down the hall, and Rachel sighed at the look on your face. “It’s not what it looks like, y/l/n.” She almost whispered as you stepped inside, You waited until she closed the door to have a mini freak out. “Not what it looks like?! Rach! Are you serious right now? He’s your subordinate!” You we’re whisper yelling. Praying nobody like merwin or Joey were walking by, they’d definitely make a big stink out of this.
She sighed and leaned on her desk, biting her thumb nail. “I know..” she mumbled, looking at the floor. “I just, I don’t know.. With all the bullshit with Eric I think I just wanted to feel something else, you know?” You looked at her with raised eyebrows, your hands on your hips. “No Rachel, I don’t ‘know’.” You said, using your fingers as quotation marks. “Please, enlighten me. Tell me. How do you think Eric is going to react when he gets here?!”
Your breath caught in your throat as Rachel’s head snapped to your direction. “Excuse me?” She stood, raising her voice a little. You ran a hand down your face in stress. “He’s going to be here within the hour. Christ, rach.” You groaned, pacing around the room. She was already fixing her hair in a hurry. “Straighten up, don’t say a fucking word about any of this, I mean it. We’ve got enough bullshit floating around this camp. The last thing anybody needs is your and nicks affair getting out and about.” You pointed a finger at her, before turning and leaving the room. Slamming the door shut. She may have been your superior, but she knew you were right. You had every reason to be mad. Nicks your best friend, you don’t want his heart getting broken, nor do you want either of them to be reprimanded if word got out.
You walked very hurriedly to your shared bunk room with nick and Jason. The tips of your ears were red with anger. You threw the door open, quickly slamming it shut behind you the second you were through. The first person you saw was nick. Perfect. “Hey scout” nick flashed a soft smile, he was lacing up his boots, sitting on the edge of his bunk bed. “Just the guy I wanted to see” you said through gritted teeth. Smacking him on the back of his head. “Ow! What the hell y/n!” He shouted. Rubbing his head “what the hell were you thinking? Nick, her husband is going to be our new CO. If he finds out, your ass is grass.” You sighed. “And I’ve heard he’s a real dickbag. So, lucky you.” By now You we’re pacing again. Chewing on your bottom lip, not looking at nick. “I’m sorry, y/n. You gotta understand, after the checkpoint-“ he shook his head. Looking at the floor.
You looked over at him, softening your eyes and moving to sit next to him. You, nick and Jason had just been involved in a shooting a few weeks back. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying not to think about the blood. “I get it.. I’m sorry.” You mumbled. Rubbing his back. Before you could say anything else, the door had swung open. It was Jason, he looked almost.. scared? “Guys, pull your shit together and get out here. Our new CO just landed” he panted, before running off down the hall. You giggled a little at how discombobulated he seemed. Jason always had his shit together, but apparently not today. You and nick shared a soft smile before standing up, heading out the door and towards the briefing room.
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Briefing room, 0830 hours.
You were leaning against a desk, listening to colonel king give his presentation. Nick and Jason were on either side of you, listening close. Your eyes were trained on the floor tiles, arms crossed, not really paying attention too much. You were nervous about this mission, maybe even more nervous that Jason’s arm kept brushing against yours. ‘Stop it, he’s your boss, idiot’ you thought to yourself. Jason’s always been your best friend alongside Nick, but lately you’ve been getting mixed signals from him. One day he’d treat you like one of the guys, punching your arm and talking about guy stuff. Then the next day you’d catch him stealing glances at you from across the room, defending you from merwin and his gross jokes, and making sure you were taking care of yourself.
You mentally kicked yourself for thinking about him in such a way. He’s your friend, y/n. He doesn’t see you like that. He’s just a nice guy. You repeated that to yourself until you heard Jason speak up. “Boys are just eager to catch a break, sir. No harm meant.” ‘Did I miss something?’ You thought. Looking up at him and nudging his arm a little. A confused look on your face. Jason tilted his head down, leaning his head to the side and whispering “fill you in later.”. You nodded. Still listening, but keeping to yourself.
After Eric was finished with his presentation, you made your way over to Joey. He was talking to Eric with a concerned look on his face. As you approached, you cued in on their conversation. “Bet the farm on this. I have a good feeling we're gonna clear up." Said Eric. “I wish I shared your optimism, Colonel." Joey spoke, the colonel turned his heels and made his way over to Rachel, as you leaned on the table next to joey. “Hey, you okay?” You looked at him with a soft expression. Joey was always like a big brother to you, ever since you joined the team he and you would always get into trouble together. He sighed. “I’m okay, just a little worried is all” Joey shrugged
“Hey, don’t be. Nothings gonna happen to any of us, not if I can help it.” You smiled a little, tilting your head. “What if you can’t help it, scout? What if I can’t help you or, or merwin or-“ “hey” you interrupted “will you stop that. We’re gonna be okay. Promise” you stuck out your pinky, which made him smile a little, before wrapping his pinky around yours. “See? Everything is going to be A-O-K” you stood up straight. Knocking on his helmet playfully before walking off, on your way to get ready for the mission.
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Tunnels, 1100 hours, 63ft
“Y/n! Get down!” You heard Joey scream, it sounded almost like an echo. What the fuck? “Joey?” You groaned. Everything hurt. You felt like shit. You tried to sit up, only to gasp at the sharp pain in your shoulder. Your eyes snapped open, only to see it was dark all around you, besides the circle of light around you, which came from the giant hole in the ceiling above.
“Oh, what the fuck?” You winced, rolling onto your side. Your vision was blurry for a second, before everything came clear. The pain in your shoulder was burning like a white flame. You clutched it, only to find that it felt wet. “Ah, shit” you hissed. Pulling your hand back into the sunlight. Your hand was covered in blood. “Fan-fucking-tastic” you whispered, looking around to observe your surroundings as you stood up. You couldn’t really tell where you were exactly, other than it was a tunnel of some sort. “Joey? Jason?” You whisper/called. Careful incase there were enemies nearby. “What the fuck” you whispered, again and again. It’s the only thought you really had, as you looked for your weapons. other than finding your team and patching up your shoulder, of course. You assumed it was a bullet hole, giving the fact you were just in combat. ‘Oh, shit.’ You thought. The memories flooding back.
You stood up straight, checking your clip. Thank god it was full. You took a couple steps towards the dark tunnel, raising your weapon. Turning your headlight on. You could barely see, the path was so narrow. You clicked the intercom button on your earpiece “Scout to mailman 3, Nicky? Where are you?” You spoke just above a whisper. Your new call sign made you smile a little. Jason had given it to you a few days ago, saying something about how you’re like a girl scout.
As you approached you realized the three figures were Nick, Jason and clarice. Nick and Jason were saying something about needing to find you, and You heard merwin groan in pain. “found her” he managed to get out, making them all turn around “fancy meeting you here” you joked lightheartedly, grabbing your knife and starting to cut the wires. “How did you- what? Where did you come from?” Jason said in disbelief. “I honestly don’t know, jase” you said softly. Glancing at him for just a second, before continuing to Concentrate on not injuring you or merwin any more. Finally, you cut the right wire that sent merwin to the ground.
As you all surrounded him, he started screaming again. “oh fuck he’s so fucked” you heard Jason say breathlessly. “You don’t think I can- hear you” merwin gasped between breaths. He really was fucked. Blood and guts never really bothered you, but this was just awful. His skin was torn to shreds, pieces of barbed wire still mauling his flesh. You had to do something to get it out. “Hey, hey, look at me” you said softly. Putting a hand on merwins helmet. You were trying to comfort him. He may have been a dick, but that didn’t mean you needed to be one. “It’s gonna be okay, I’m gonna patch you up best I can, and then we’ll get out of here. Everything is going to be just fine.” “There’s morphine in my pack! Get it!” You heard Nick yell, “Jesus, who the hell loaded these packs” Jason grumbled. as you turned your head to look at them, clarice was yanked into the darkness.
“What the fuck?” You whispered in disbelief. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears. Jason stepped towards where clarice had disappeared. “Clarice?” Jason called softly, only to be answered by a menacing shrieking. Jason and Nick jumped back, meanwhile you had already grabbed merwins pack straps, ready to start moving him. “The fuck was that?” Merwin winced. Jason and Nick each grabbed one of merwins arms. “Move! Now!” He shouted, dragging the man behind the 3 of you. The trail of blood following.
“Nick he’s bleeding out, we have to take care of this” you insisted, dragging him into a corner. Hoping whatever was out there wouldn’t find you. You kept pressure on merwins wounds while Jason scoped out the area. “How is it?” Merwin winced. “You want the good version or the bad version?” You couldn’t look at him, knowing he was fucked either way. “Just give it to me straight.” He groaned. Nick shook his head, “I’m not gonna lie man, it’s pretty fuckin’ bad”. The shrieking was getting louder as you moved to start patching him up, he was bleeding out too quickly. “Whatever’s out there, he’s drawing them down on us!” Jason said in a panicked tone. You’ve never seen him this scared. “He won’t hold still jase, you need to get the morphine in him.” You turned your head. He was like a deer in headlights. “Now kolchek!” You demanded, he was a good soldier, they called him the best of the best. You knew he’d follow an order rather than a plea.
In a second Jason was digging the morphine out, as Nick kept his hand over merwins mouth to keep him quiet. you kept bandaging up several of merwins wounds, Joey had been giving you medicine training but it wasn’t enough.. wait, where’s Joey?you thought. Nick started to say something, but couldn’t hear what He was saying over the intense shrieking coming from down the hall. By the time you and Jason looked up, it was too late. “Nick, you’re choking him!” You slapped his hand away. Jason moved to check his pulse.
“Can’t find a pulse, I can’t find a fucking pulse” he said in a panicky tone. You looked over at Nick. “It can’t be! I- I didn’t mean to-“ he stuttered “he’s gone Nick, merwin is dead” Jason spoke just above a whisper. Your heart sank. You fell back into your heels, looking down at your blood soaked hands. Nick looked at you both in sheer regret. “I’m sorry- I- I didn’t mean, fuck” he nearly shrieked. Standing up with his hands on his head “Nick it’s okay” you sighed. “It was an accident ” You stood up, ignoring the pain in your left shoulder and side. Jason stood beside you. Your heart jumped when you saw him out of the corner of your eye. Fuck. Why did he have to stand so damn close? Normally you’d be annoyed that someone’s up your ass, but Jason being close made you feel.. safe? Not the kind of safe Nicky made you feel. Nick always said he had to protected you, but you wanted jason to protect you, to hold you. Jesus, this ain’t the time.
“We gotta move guys, they’re coming.” You turned, and jason grabbed your left arm “hey we need to-“ You let out a yelp, Jason immediately released his hold. He had grabbed your bad arm. As the adrenaline wore off, you remembered that you were shot. “Fuck” you seethed as you clutched it. Him twisting your arm made it start to bleed again. “Y/n? What the fuck happened to you?” Jason moved closer. Grabbing your shoulder to examine you. “Ow, ow jason, be careful would you?” You whimpered, The shrieking from whatever was chasing you seemed to have subsided. “Christ, you got hit” he sighed, applying pressure. “Good news is, the bullet went clean through” he spoke softly as he started to put bandages on each side. “Bad news?” You seethed, Clenching his shirt tightly. “We’re out of morphine” he chuckled. Making you smile a little “awesome” you turned your head to look at him.
He seemed so focused. his eyes were narrow on your wound, cursing as he fumbled with the last bandage. You never noticed how attractive he really was until now. His face and arms were covered in dirt, he had a cuts and scrapes all over him. He brought his eyes to meet yours and you immediately felt your face heat up, looking away and at nick. He was looking at the floor, clearly upset. “Nick-“ “Let’s move” Nick said sorrowfully, breezing past you and Jason, and down the cave corridor. You looked up at Jason, who was already looking at you. “Do you think he’ll be okay?” You whispered as you both started to walk, careful not to let Nick hear. “He’s a big boy, he’ll be fine” Jason spoke as if he was trying to convince himself, rather than you.
Suddenly, you hear some sort of clicking noise behind you. You turn, shining your headlight towards the noise. Your heart stopped. There was some sort of.. creature crawling towards you. It was winged,and massive. “Oh my god” you gasped. Jumping back. The creature shrieked, standing on two legs and bellowing an inhuman scream. “Fuck, fuck! We gotta move!” You heard Jason yell, in an instant your tiny group was racing down the corridor, being chased by whatever the hell that was. You rounded a corner, seeing collapsed debris over a small staircase, and a clear bath right next to it. “We gotta go through it!” Nick shouted. “The other ways safer, she can’t make it through-“ You cut Jason off irritably. “I don’t need my damn shoulder to jump.” You hissed, immediately hurdling over the collapsed pieces of structure. You didn’t mean to sound like a bitch, but now was not the time to be careful.
The boys followed close behind as you ran into a semi open area. Before you could even look around, something smashed into your side, knocking you to the ground. “Y/n!” You heard Nick shout as your back hit the floor. The winged creature was ontop of you, clawing at your face. You shielded yourself and tried to kick it off as best you could but to no avail, you pulled out your knife and started stabbing it in the chest. “Get it off!” You shrieked as Nick and Jason started shooting at it. the thing ran off, giving you time to scramble to your feet. You clutched your side in agony. “God I hate this place” you groaned, continuing to run down the tunnel. You ran as fast as you could, praying to whatever god was listening that there weren’t more ahead of you. You came to a corner. Stopping and pointing your weapon behind you down the hall.
“What the hell is going on?!” Nick shouted. “I don’t know man, it was not supposed to play out like this” Jason spoke shakily. “How the hell are we going to get out of-“ you were cut off by a voice over your earpiece. “Any call signs this is king, contact contact! Taking fire! Does anyone cope over!” You turned to look at Jason. “That’s Rachel!” Nick cried. “King, this is mailman 2-1 actual say again, over.” Jason said, holding his earpiece. No response. “king this is mailman 2-1 actual. How copy, over?!” Nothing. “Damn it!” He hissed, turning around and leading down the tunnel.
A little bit of time had passed, and all three of you had been walking for a while, in silence. Nick was the first to speak up. “I killed him” he choked out, “I fucking killed merwin” he let out a shaken breath. “It was an accident.” You and Jason said nearly in unisons. “Just like the woman at the checkpoint” he shook his head. “Don’t make shit weirder than it already is, clear your fucking mind!” Jason hollered. Making you jump a little.
“We need to find someplace to chill out for a second. Figure out a plan” you grumbled, turning a corner and seeing Eric, sobbing near a cliff. You felt so dizzy that you really didn’t care about Eric’s state of being. “Go see what’s up with him, I’ll keep watch” you said to Jason, who nodded and approached the colonel with Nick. You could hear Eric crying, but couldn’t make out any of the words. Everything hurt, your head was pounding, your shoulder felt like it was on fire, and your side was in excruciating pain. The creature that took you down must have broken a rib, or at the very least bruised one. You were still worried about Joey, hoping he was topside and safe.
“Rachel!” You jumped and ran towards your teammates at the sound of Nick yelling. “What the hell happened?” You said, looking between the three men. All of them were staring over the cliff. “No..” you stepped back. Shaking your head in disbelief, tears brimming your eyes. How could she be gone? You felt sick. “We gotta move, colonel we’re sitting ducks! We need to fall back, now.” Jason hollered. “Over there” Nick pointed towards what seemed to be a separate room, with huge doors. “Let’s go” you sighed, following Jason & nick. Eric was behind you.
“Scout, you’re bleeding” Eric exclaimed. Rushing to your side. “I’m fine, really, kolchek patched me up” you gave him a weak smile. “No, I mean you’re bleeding through the bandages.” “What?” You looked down, your shirt drenched in fresh blood. “Son of a bitch” you hissed, applying pressure. “Scout you don’t look so good..” Nick said warningly, walking closer to you with Jason beside him. “Gee, thanks sergeant, you really know how to make a girl feel special” you joked, trying to lighten the mood. You knew you’d eventually loose enough blood to weaken you, but you didn’t think it’d happen this quickly.
“Y/n seriously. Look at me.” Jason spoke up, and you did. “Jesus Christ” he breathed. Instantly putting your good arm over his shoulders. You tried to resist, but you were too tired. “Jason I’m fine, I can keep going.” You pleaded. You didn’t want to be dead weight. “Bullshit.” He grumbled. Picking you up and carrying you through the door. Everything faded to black.
“Scout, hey! Um, hello? Earth to y/n?” You heard, picking your head up from your sketch pad to see Jason. “Oh hey kolchek. What’s up?” You were sitting on your bunk, relaxing after a long day of paperwork. “I said, Whatcha drawing there?” He chuckled. Sitting across from you. “I- um- nothing.” You said hurriedly, attempting to close your sketchbook, but he snatched it up to take a peek. “Jason!” You whined, trying to get it back. “No no! Let me see!” He laughed. Standing up and backing away so he could take a better look. “Well, we’ll miss y/l/n, something you need to tell me?” He teased. Holding it up and pointing at the half finished drawing of himself. He was standing in the briefing room, infront of a beautiful arched doorway. “I- no. What? No. I draw all of you I just- fuck this is awkward” you groaned. Covering your face with your hands. “Well?” He teased, raising his eyebrows with a grin on his face. “Jesus, Jason, I-“ you sighed. “I just like to draw you guys, that’s all” you looked up at him, praying he wouldn’t flip a page and see the one of him shirtless on the previous page. “I’m just teasin’, I think it’s pretty cool” he smiled, handing the sketch pad back. “Thanks” you smiled, taking the pad and setting it on your cot. “Next time though, you should draw one of us” he gulped, realizing what he just said. “You know, all of us” he said a little too quickly, causing you to raise an eyebrow. “Well well, mr kolchek, something you wanna tell me?” You teased, mocking him. You stood up, walking closer to him. The tension was growing thicker every second. “I-“ he was cut off by Joey coming into the room “guys, Merwin and Nick are gonna- woah. Am I interrupting something?” He said in shock, seeing you and Jason nearly chest-to-chest “nope, not at all, Cmon lieutenant” you hummed, following Joey out of your room. Jason just stood there, flustered and confused.
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spiritedgoat · 2 years
The Ashes in Us
(Part 2)
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/spiritedgoat/692649443700391936?source=share
(Bold and/italics are what’s going through our dear reader’s mind)
Tell me if you guys like these:)
Bon apple teeth my dudes
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The wind from the blades blew strands of hair loose from your braid, whipping at your features, squinting your eyes at the helo that just landed in front of you. A man stepped out followed by a woman carrying equipment.
You and Jason saluted the newcomer walking toward you. "Colonel, good trip?"
"Not particularly." the man spoke up glancing at you and Jason through his sunglasses. "Welcome to Camp Slayer" Jason greeted offering a hand.
"My apologies for being early, things are moving fast" he apologized shaking Jason's hand.
"And this is my assistant, Clarice Stokes" Eric added ,turning to the woman.
"No worries sir ,good to have you on board. The techs are ready for your presentation, hello ma'am" Jason greeted ,the woman trailing behind Eric. "Stokes, Dr. Clarice Stokes" the woman said smiling at Jason, "Kolchek , First Lieutenant Kolchek" he said with his southern drawl, "And this is Corporal Y/N Jackowski " he added motioning to you with a quick nod of his head.
"Pleasure to meet you" you greeted politely.
Clarice let out a tight lipped smile and pushed passed you following Eric. This is going to be just 'lovely' you thought to yourself. Yep you're pretty sure she already doesn't like you.
Considering you were one of only two women on base, already not getting along too well with Rachel being the other, you sighed in defeat. You definitely found it easier to get along with the rest of the marines.
Maybe it was just the way you were raised , you weren't some pretty princess that needed saving, you could look after yourself and hold your own if push comes to shove. Or at least that's what your father taught...more like beat into you since you were a kid. Your father always wanted a son after all...and all your mother could give him was a daughter. So he raised you into what he wanted instead of what you were.
"You coming back there, Jack?" you heard Jason's voice call out
You shook the thoughts from your head and pushed yourself forward following after the group of people.
Even a few feet away from the group you could hear the blaring noise from Merwin's radio. He was busy with his daily workout and physically working on your nerves even before opening his mouth. You came to a halt next to Jason.
"I see you old man, keep busting out those reps" Jason said smiling slightly at Merwin sitting upright to look at the group of people in front of him.
"Come join me, maybe I'll teach you a thing or two" Merwin answered, his eyes scanning the faces before landing on you.
"Later. We have company" Jason spoke gesturing to Eric.
"Maybe missy would like to watch me get a sweat on, huh?" Merwin smiled and you raised your eyebrows visibly cringing at his offer.
Merwin loved poking fun at you or it was just to grind Jason's gears from time to time since he could see Jason's jaw clench at the comment.
You were used to Merwin being well...Merwin at this point but he always seemed to have the knack for rubbing you the wrong way.
"You wanna spot me little lady?" he smiled, a glint of amusement present in his eyes.
"Nah, I got eyes. I can see you quite fine from here thanks" you let out as nicely as possible
Merwin shifted his attention to his newest victim, sending Clarice a wink.
"Ignore Corporal Merwin, he lacks social skills" Jason stated turning to Eric. He glanced at you sending you a soft nod before continuing his walk along the hall.
"God have mercy on whatever demented creature married him" You sighed softly. Not soft enough though as Jason let out a soft snort. "Amen to that" he chuckled.
"What was that?" Merwin called out, you turned sending him a wink.
"Well I guess every unit has it's resident jackass" Eric stated, following closely behind.
The walk to the briefing room was not too eventful, running into Nick on the way.
"This is Sergeant Kay" Jason introduced giving Nick a pat on the shoulder. Nick scanned the group, looking at Eric but blatantly ignoring him when he spoke to him, "Yeah gotta get in there and get prepped" he mumbled, walking off. You frowned in question. The fuck was up with Nick? Since he seemed pretty chirpy on his way to see Rachel earlier.
"So what's his malfunction?" Eric asked watching as sergeant Kay walked away.
Jason sighed, "Nick ain't been himself lately. Civilian ate a bullet. Nick took it hard"
"Is he combat ready?" Eric asked frowning ,looking between you and Kolchek.
"He's a big boy sir, he's ready" You answered simply standing your ground.
Entering the briefing room, Jason led the group though the doorway. "So this must be the one and only satellite guy" Joey commented from his desk watching intently as the man stood in front of him. You looked down at Joey a smile creeping onto your lips, shaking your head slowly, knowing Joey's about to eat shit.
"Colonel Eric King...the satellite guy" Eric said seemingly a little amused by the marine's mistake. You could see Joey's soul leave his body for a moment as he stumbled up to his feet saluting the new commanding officer. "Lance Corporal Comez, sir!" he introduced, Jason biting back his own smile.
"Give the Colonel full site access" He stated pointing at Joey
"Well I'm telling ya, when the Queen Bitch finds out about this, she's gonna flip" Jason said holding up the letter.
"Yeah, me and Rachel know each other, she'll understand" Eric stated, your eyebrows lifting at his comment.
"Sir?" Jason had visible confusion on his face
Clarice cleared her throat and spoke up "The Queen Bitch you're referring to, is his wife". You swear you could see Jason's eyes grow twice it's size.
You bite down on your lip to suppress the smile that was forcing it's way on your face. You've never heard silence louder than what befell the room at that moment.
Eric made his way past Jason looking through the rest the room's got to offer.
You stepped over to Jason who dropped his head squeezing his eyes shut. A low "fuck" escaped his lips.
God it was funny
He saw the amusement written all over your face even though you tried your best to hide it, sucking your lips in to form a thin line.
"Don't.You.Fucking.Dare" he pressed out in a threatening low voice his accent heavily present. You couldn't help but crack more at the empty threat as a soft half chuckle escaped your lips, you gave him a pat on the shoulder
You smiled to yourself knowing you're gonna tease the shit out of him later for that one.
"Nice work, hotshot" you winked walking into the room, Jason following suit.
"Sir, I am so sorry. Rachel never mentioned that she was married" you heard Jason apologize as you walked over to Joey.
Still amused "How you doing Joey? How you like the new commander" you asked, a shit eating grin plastered on your face as you made yourself comfortable sitting on the edge of the desk. Joey gave you a glare and if looks could kill, you'd be six feet beneath catering for some maggots by now. Eventually he broke a smile at the memory. You tapped him on the back of the helmet reassuringly ,"Happens to the best of us, bud".
"What even is this place? Looks like a ballroom" Clarice asked, a voice as sweet as honey
"That's exactly what it is, ma'am. Saddam was dancing it out here" Jason answered looking around at the building.
"Maybe I'll even let you take me for a spin" She said seductively, smiling at Jason.
You turned your head in Clarice's direction and narrowed your eyes at her. You weren't the jealous type, you knew better than that.
It's not like you had any right to be jealous either, you had no claim on Jason whatsoever. Still her words spewed so sweetly to Lieutenant Kolchek made heat rise from somewhere deep in your chest spreading through your whole body, you just hoped it didn't resonate on your face. Your face definitely spoke louder than your words sometimes.
"Jack....Jackowski, Y/N? Earth to Jack" Joey said snapping his fingers next to your face. Finally drawing your attention.
"Mhm?" You turned looking at Joey staring at you with an raised eyebrow. "Looked like you wanted to murder either Kolchek or the girl" he said a mischievous smile forming on his lips.
"What? No, sorry my head was somewhere else" you forced a smile, Joey not buying it.
"Uh huh yeah, like mentally murdering the girl?" he said ,humor trailed in his voice
"Yeah. What? No jesus Joey. Just thinking about some things I guess" you stated.
Not entirely sure if you were trying to convince Joey or yourself with that
The briefing felt like it took forever, especially with the added awkwardness between Rachel and Eric that was as clear as day.
Overall the tension was high in the room, irritable and the heat didn't help.
Eric went over the details of the mission, pretty straight forward.
Go in, take control, find the silo, confiscate the WMD's and leave with as little casualties as possible.
Well easier said than done.
You scanned over the room, your arms crossed over your chest as you watched the marines' annoyed faces as Eric and Merwin argued about some bullshit, yet again. Probably just another pissing competition between them.
"You act like this in all your briefings, Corporal?" Eric threatened
"Sorry sir, the boys are just ready to catch a break. No harm meant" Jason apologized on Merwin's behalf
His eyes glanced over ,meeting yours. You offered him a small smile as you shifted your body on the table, turning your attention back to Eric's speech.
"Sir, we just got urgent weather reports of a sandstorm moving in over the Zagros Mountains" Clarice notified, Eric slammed his fist down on the table cursing. The mission was set to take action the next hour but the sandstorm made it impossible to fly out.
"Finish your preps, we move out tomorrow at daybreak" Eric commanded leaving the room.
To your surprise you felt relief by the postponement of the mission, something about it didn't sit quite right with you. Usually when missions came you got your head in the game and did as told but you survived off your own instincts. That gut feeling hasn't let you down yet.
The team finished the last of the preparations for the next morning's mission.
All you wanted to do tonight was relax and take it easy maybe catch up on some reading, since you had no guard duty, you were free for the night.
You were just on your way out when a hand caught your arm, your head snapped to the culprit.
Jason smiled at you, dimples making themselves known. "You have plans tonight, Jack?" he asked.
You looked at him weighing your options mentally before speaking, "Mhm yeah, I don't have too much going on. Why?"
You figured, it might be your last night alive tonight so why the hell not, there's always the chance of getting shot tomorrow.
He smiled at your answer, "Good , then join me and some of the boys tonight for some not so cold, cold ones" He suggest a smile on his face, think he also felt some relief.
You nodded your head "Fine but only a few, you know I don't do well with alcohol" You laughed at the memories flooding your brain of the last time you got tipsy and ended up punching Merwin out cold because of some dispute.
Jason let out a chuckle laughing at the fact he knew exactly what you were referring to.
"It honestly wouldn't be such a bad thing if it happened again" Jason snickered a crooked smile on his face.
You shook your head embarrassed of your own behaviour, you were normally calm and collected but damn you were a lightweight, "No I'd rather not take my chances, maybe I'll get reported to the lieutenant".
Jason raised an eyebrow, smiling at your words. "You just might" He whispered barely audible.
You smiled playfully at the words he probably didn't mean to say out loud "Then I'll see you later." you answered waving a hand as a goodbye to the few guys left in the room.
You took your leave to your quarters that you shared with 3 other marines including Joey.
So privacy was...interesting. At least the men respected your needs, especially when it came to washing up. You were allowed to use to closed off shower in the Sergeants' shared bathroom. The bathroom used by the higher ranking marines, it was fancier than what you guys had, more intact and working.
You entered the room making sure to knock first.
"Hey, you're back early. You ain't got guard duty tonight?" Joey greeted, laying sprawled out on his bed reading some magazine, dear god you hoped it was a normal magazine. After the last incident of walking in on Joey at an...undesired time both of you made the unspoken agreement of always knocking VERY loudly before entering the room.
"Nah, I'm free tonight Joe. Ricky and Theo are on guard so we get the room for ourselves, but said I'd go out and have some drinks with Jason...." Joey turned immediately looking at you raising his eyebrows "...and some of the other boys"
You frowned at his sudden change of expression, "What? Did I say something?" you asked, honestly confused Joey looked at you as if you just sacrificed his first born son.
"Spit it out Gomez" you challenged
"Nah Nah nothin's wrong...So you and Kolchek? Anything going on there, perhaps??" he asked stepping closer.
"What? Our Lieutenant Kolchek? Are you crazy? He's my superior no fucking way man" You tried to sound convincing
Joey assessed your words, watching you intensely before narrowing his eyes at you
"I'm not buying it" he said plainly
"What do you mean?"
"You got very nervous when I mentioned Kolchek where as you're usually calm AND you did that weird knuckle rubbing thing you always do when you lie."
You stared quietly at Joey trying to come up with an excuse but your brain had 12 tabs open and half were frozen. You were screwed utterly screwed. Joey was going to torture you with his newly learned knowledge.
Even if you denied it, it would be no use. Joey knew you better than that, he'd see right through you.
"Considering you're not denying my brilliance...I'm gonna poke the bear and say I'm right?" Joey stated, a shit eating grin on his face.
You sighed your defeat, looking up at him
"Oh shit, I knew it!" he said maybe a little too loudly considering the paper thin walls.
"What do you mean, 'you knew it' ? " you cornered him
"Pfft, you don't think I see the blatant flirting you two do? The way you'd follow him into hell or take a bullet for him at any given chance?."
You bit your lip rolling his words through your head, "Okay firstly that's kind of part of the job description and secondly I don't think he sees me like that"
Joey shrugged at your response "Uh huh say what you want."
You narrowed your eyes at the man flicking his glasses so they sit crooked on his face.
"I'm gonna go wash up, I'm still sweaty from this morning's PE"
Joey swatted your hand away and resumed his place reading the magazine.
You gathered your change of clothes paired with a scratchy beige towel and made your way to the bathroom.
The warm water hitting your skin after today felt amazing, your bones ached and your muscles were tired. You washed your hair and scrubbed at the dust sticking to your arms.
You didn't want to leave the comfort of the warm shower but you had to eventually, you reached a hand out of the shower searching for the clothes you dumped.
Underwear, grey sweatpants, sports bra, shirt. Shirt? Fuck where's the shirt. You put the close on leaving the shower cubicle trying to find the shirt. Fuck I probably dropped it on the way here.
A creak sounded as the door to the bathrooms opened, your heart skipped a beat.
Covering what you could, using the towel you covered your stomach, shoulders and breasts.
The door opened and Jason looked more shocked than you after stepping inside, you stared at him blankly for a moment
"What's the chances of meeting you here?" you said awkwardly
Jason blinked a few times before opening his mouth and closing it again
"Y-you know the normal, showering and what not " he let out his brows furrowed.
You shook your head in agreement trying to make the situation less awkward. Was it working? No
"Uh, you alright there Kyra?" Jason finally spoke the question he had been thinking.
"Mhm yeah...yeah no, I-I forgot my shirt" you admitted with a thin lipped smile.
"That makes more sense" he chuckled stepping closer. Your eyes widening a bit
"Here, take mine" he proposed, slipping his blue shirt off and handing it to you.
"Thank you, it'll be less weird than using the towel to go back" you admitted ,taking the shirt from his hand.
It was still warm from his body heat, your eyes involuntarily flicked over to his chest and immediately you realized what you did.
Jason smiled to himself at the fact you just checked him out. He stepped back and put a hand over his eyes allowing you to drop the towel.
You quickly slipped the shirt over your head, it was a bit big and it smelled like him. It was a deep woody smell mixed with a bit of dust.
"Thank you, I really appreciate it. You can drop your hand, I'm done"
Jason smiled looking at the sight of you in his shirt, "Blue suits you" He commented
You didn't know how to respond, a smile creeped on your face "Thanks, I should probably get going"
You pushed your wet hair back so it hanged loose for the trip to your room.
"Then I'll see you a little later" Jason spoke, a soft smile on his face as he flipped his towel over the shower door.
You nodded making your leave, walking briskly back to your barrack ignoring the questioning looks you received from the passing soldiers.
You knocked, entering your shared room making a bee line for where the grey tank top still layed untouched on your bed.
"Goddammit, you idiot Kyra" you mumbled to yourself, throwing the shirt over the bed's frame.
"You took your time, nice shirt. Wait nice shirt?" Joey retraced his steps to stop behind you crossing his arms.
"Thanks" you absentmindedly answered, packing away your toiletries.
"Who's shirt is that?" He asked
"Mine, why?" You played it off
A moment of silence passed and you turned to face the man who was burning holes through the back of your skull.
"Woman, I know you only own 6shirts, 3 green army uniform shirts, a black tshirt, that tank top and a grey sweatshirt. Plus by the looks of it, that shirt is at least a size too big for you so my question validly stands" Joey claimed with a smirk on his face.
You blinked at the man a few times, struggling to actually find the words to say, as borderline creepy as the fact was he was right. It's one thing you had to give to Joey, he was damn observant. "Okay that's low key scary but fine, it's not my shirt. I forgot mine when I took a shower and had to borrow one." You admitted
Joey weighed your answer searching for something
"Ha. So who's is it?"
You shut your eyes, knowing the answer will just set him off more.
"It's...Jason's. He came into the bathroom when I was about to leave"
Joey smiled, happy with your answer
"Knew I recognized that shirt from somewhere."
"Oh shut up, Gomez" you shooed the man away.
The sun was almost entirely gone when you looked out the window at the stray palm trees in the distance. Only their silhouettes really visible.
Flopping down on your bed you silently stared at the crumbling tile ceiling.
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cherrypop-xoxo · 2 years
HOA - Nails
(Ignore how I named it wrong, and reposts are greatly appreciated :)) )
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raeymond · 3 years
(n)sfw hc’s. nathan merwin&joey gomez/reader
warnings. explicit content! (separate hc’s)
— for anon <3 minors pls dni!
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nathan merwin.
— with such a perverted boyfriend like merwin, you’re never safe from any sort of suggestive comments — even in the most inappropriate moments for those kind of comments. he just can’t help himself but talk about how sexy he thinks you are, he just wants to ramble on and on about how much he wants you. not to mentions how much he grabs as well, you’re just so perfect that merwin can’t help himself!
— he loves any kinds of reactions he can get from you, whether it’s from his hands that he just can’t seem to keep to himself or the dirty words he likes to whisper to you in front of others. sometimes you wonder where and how he learned to be able to so easily make you give him exactly the kinds of reactions he’s looking for, but all you know is that he’s good at doing it — just never ask him, he won’t ever shut up about how you think he’s good.
— but, he is a gentleman when you two are actually getting down to ‘business’. he won’t ever tell nor admit it to anybody, but he’s always sure to be careful with you — you’re just so precious in his eyes that he can’t help but talk about how lovely and perfect you are, and to plant kisses all over your body until your pushing his face away and telling him to get on with it already. he loves the way your face heats up along with the way you try to hide yourself from him, he’ll end up tying your hands back so he can get a good look at you. you’re perfect to him, all he wants to do is show you that.
joey gomez.
— the absolute sweetest (but semi-perverted), he lives to please you whenever he gets the chance and he’ll always prioritize your pleasure over his. he’s always so happy to receive praise from you whenever he’s going down on you, and the noises you make only egg him on more and more — especially if you scratch up his back & mark his body. he’ll ‘subtlety’ show them off to the others! (especially merwin)
— he’s definitely not super confident in his skills, you’ll have to reassure him a lot that he is making you feel good and that you’re enjoying what he’s doing to you. it’s what gives him motivation, as well as your praising — hearing you tell him how great he is and how good you feel really makes him want more and more of this experience, even when he hasn’t gotten an ounce of attention to his own needs, he doesn’t care. you’re making him feel an unbelievable amount of pleasure just from your words alone.
— joey isn’t hard to please at all, though. he’s able to get off on you getting off, so you can only imagine the kinds of things you’d need to do to have him cumming. sometimes all you have to do is talk and he’d have came in his pants — it somewhat embarrasses him, especially if you point it out, but he’s also a bit glad that he doesn’t have to trouble you too much with his needs.
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spiritedgoat · 2 years
The Ashes in us
(Part 1)
Part2: https://spiritedgoat.tumblr.com/post/692747625824468992/the-ashes-in-us-part-2-part
Reader/Jason Kolchek
But there is descriptions of some things (ex. Tattoo,ect)
Will get mature so be warned lol
graphic depictions of violence and swearing
Let me know if you all enjoy and want more!
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Never have you felt heat like this before even growing up in South Carolina for most of your life. The sun's rays hitting every inch of your exposed skin. Your army green shirt tucked into your fatigues, sweaty and uncomfortable. ''The Iraqi sun really shows no mercy'' you sighed to yourself picking up the canteen from your pack. Physical exercise really was hell in the middle of the day especially since summer was in full swing, yet you still considered it to be better than stuck inside behind a desk.
"Fuck, they're really seeing if they can kill us before the Iraqis do, huh" one of the men panted, standing a few feet away desperately trying to cool himself off. You smiled softly ,shaking your head. Yeah it fucking sucked and it felt like your were playing pushups on Satan's grill but overall it did help with the acclamation process ,helping plenty on the missions in the middle of absolute nowhere ,looking for weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Even though most of those missions ended in coming back empty handed.
"You done, Jack?" Nick asked leaning against the structure looking down at you in your crouched position. The voice grabbed you back from your thoughts at the sound of your nickname. You looked up at the man squinting at the sharp sunlight. "LT is looking for you, thought I'd come get ya since I'm on my way to Rachel"
You sighed, grabbing your things to follow the man into the building. Nick and Jason were probably some of the closest friends you've made including Joey, they truly became like family to you even if you might or might not have eyes for the lieutenant though you'd never act on it.
"How gentlemanly of you" you joked swinging the backpack over your shoulder. "Have you ever known me to be anything else?" Nick followed the act even fake bowing, laughing at your sarcasm. It was definitely a second language you were very much fluent in. "What's it about anyway?" you asked , casually watching Nick as you walked together through the corridor.
"I think it might be regarding the new C.O landing today" Nick shrugged. "Ah fuck" you sighed
"Judging by the reaction, guessing you forgot? The Iraq sun already fry your brain? " Nick teased, You shot him a glare, playfully slapping his shoulder with the back of your hand. "I didn't forget....okay maybe I did, shut up"
"Thank you Nicky! for saving my ass from Jason giving me an earful" he dramatically proclaimed, laughing at the scowl on your face. "Say hi to your boyfriend for me" Nick teased with a wink, knowing exactly what he was doing. He was probably one of the only ones who knew your dirty little secret. Though you'd never admit it to him, you couldn't lie either when he started connecting the dots that you liked Jason.
"Yeah yeah, whatever" You laughed shooing Nick away at the door where you part ways .You watched a moment longer as Nick continued up the hall towards the Quee...I mean Rachel's office. You had your suspicions about whatever the hell was going on there. If Nick was really fooling around with the Queen Bitch ,as she was fondly know as, was way past you. You didn't really care too much but you'd lie if you said it didn't prick your curiosity a little.
Upon entering the room you were met by a pair of eyes sitting behind a desk, "Ah Joey, they got you doing paperwork now?" you laughed walking closer to inspect the documents he was working on.
"Just say if I need to make a few calls there, buddy" a familiar voice sounded, entering the room. The man in question walked over to you, a smirk hanging on his lips.
"Nah, as far as I know, you catch less bullets from behind a desk" Joey said looking up smiling at his lieutenant. You just shook your head and smiled turning to Jason.
"Miss Jackowski, I want you to finish your reports and meet me outside at the east hall in two hours." Jason spoke, his southern accent thick. Something that made you a little tingly inside. "Yes sir" You answered, gathering the needed paperwork. "When is the new C.O coming in?" you asked turning to look at Jason who was leaned against a desk. "He's supposed to be in, in 3hours but said he might be running a bit early" Jason answered glancing at you.
Finishing the last report you packed everything up, slipping out of the room with 15 minutes to spare before having to meet up with Jason. You stepped outside dodging marines entering the tight halls and leaned yourself against the outer wall to the side of the building, a little place you frequented on your breaks. It was a welcome bit of fresh air. Pulling out your pack of cigarettes you stuck one in your mouth. Lighting the end you pulled in a slow breath.
"You know that will kill you" a voice said to the side of you making you jump from your spot.
"Fucking hell" you mumbled under your breath ,looking up at Jason who was watching you with a cocked brown brow, a small smile on his face.
You only smoked on occasion, especially if stress was high. A not necessarily good habit you picked up even before your deployment days. It helped you wind down sometimes, to just take a break.
"Now I won't lie but I think there's worse things that'll kill me out here, sir" you smiled looking at Jason's amused face. He just nodded, dimples just creeping into sight before slumping against the wall next to you.
You looked over to your side exhaling the smoke away from him.
He held out his hand to you expectantly, you raised an eyebrow and slowly pulled the cigarette from your lips, handing it to him.
He took the cigarette and put it to his own lips taking a deep puff before slowly exhaling. You just watched him quietly in the comfortable silence.
It was weird, the first time you've seen Jason smoke but it clearly wasn't his first by the looks of it. You turned back, quietly staring into the distance. You know there must be a lot on his mind, especially after the checkpoint incident that happened. You knew Jason took it a lot harder than he'd ever admit maybe even harder than Nick since it was on his call. He was a hard and intolerant man but you knew he had a soft and caring heart under the whole 'macho' confident front he always tried to put up.
You knew that feeling well since you'd be a hypocrite if you said you didn't. The feeling of...not feeling to protect yourself from being hurt. You yourself were good at putting up that ruse using humor or sarcasm but inside you always had your walls up, guarded and secured since your childhood.
You were practically bred into the military. Your father, a good colonel to his men but a damn bad father. Especially after your mother passed away, the bottle took a tight grip on him and made him mean...
"We should go in five" Jason finally spoke breaking the silence that befell you, looking over to you taking a last drag of the cigarette.
He longingly glanced at you, the calm but unreadable expression on your face as you stared ahead, he could see the cogs turning in your head only wondering what was going through your mind.
For some reason he was always drawn to you like a cowboy to a horse. Maybe it was that he found some misplaced sense of comfort and peace from you or the way you always seemed to make him smile, those stupid jokes you tell or the way your body's curves complimented each other, the way he didn't have to act around you. But one thing he knew for sure was that you were a damn good marine, best of the best if he had to say it. He wouldn't have anyone else to guard his back.
At first he underestimated you since you weren't too mouthy about your skills and kept to yourself, till he saw you in combat, saving his ass from an IED. Since then his respect for you only grew more and maybe his feelings for you too.
A piece of your tattoo peeking out from your shirt at the base of your neck caught his eye. He always wondered what the tattoo was, never getting to see the full piece since it was hidden away on your back.
You met his eyes briefly and nodded your head in understanding at his words, relaxing back against the wall enjoying the soft breeze against your skin.
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buttermykolchek · 2 years
Kinda want to crochet mini characters of HOA. Especially Jason
Step 1: commit to learning how to crochet 🤙🏼
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More House of Ashes Incorrect Quotes { Simpsons Edition }
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I’m curious, do you have any headcanons for if Merwin was married?
Like how he would be with his wife, how would he propose? Who SHE propose and throw him for a loop? Etc
A/n: ahhh yes!
❌: Would 100% catch him off guard when he first meets his s/o all she did was flash a smile and say some flirty remark and he’s already smitten.
❌: If you worked out side the base he’d constantly see you when he had some time off.
❌: Holds back on a lot of his comments, he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable nor does he want to drive you away.
❌: Is Surprised how much you are like him and how good you are at giving it back to him. Really loves it when you stand up for him and yourself.
❌: Loves showing you off, it gets better when you two become engaged and married.
❌: Would propose in one of your favorite date spots, 1000% cheese but you think it’s cute.
❌: Beautiful ring, he really takes in what you were looking for in passing comments and talking with your friends.
❌: You both share equal work in planing the wedding { he will fall asleep half the time }
❌: Beautiful wedding, though he will never admit it he does cry when he sees you walking down the isle, you look so beautiful in your dress.
❌: Brags to everyone that he married a indestructible goddess.
❌: Keeps a picture of you in a locket of you n your wedding dress, something that’s easy for him to look that, something that he’s fighting for.
❌: is fully into that PDA! This man has no filter or self control. He loves holding you, wrapping his arms around your waist, holding your hand, kissing you, anything
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