#Need to make more art of him how can my favorite character get overshadowed by a con man. Disappointing myself
eudikot · 1 year
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sokkagatekeeper · 3 years
what do you mean when you say that zuko is a pessimistic idealist and sokka is a pessimistic realist? i love your analyses and i’d love to hear more of your thoughts on that!!! (also love how you say sokka and zuko are perfect for each other because they’re both grumps lol)
i do not remember saying that however it does sound like something i would say lmao. i think what i (would) mean with the statement “zuko is a pessimistic idealist” is that he grew up... idk if unappreciated is the exact word, but in the militaristic hypermasculine society that valued traits that he did not have in comparison to azula, zuko was always at a disadvantage and he had to run for it, sometimes make rash decisions as they were the better/only decisions he could make at all in order to be appreciated and most times it did not pay off which resulted in the entire mess that is zuko’s personality. for all of this, zuko has a tendency to see the worst part of the situation he’s in (coming to mind atm ‘it blew up in my face — like everything always does!’ ‘this city is a prison’ more or less?), so in other words he’s grumpy and kinda sour as hell, all the time.
but at the same time, zuko has a certain... idea of the world, a kind and caring heart, a strong sense of justice, an overall vision for a world that’s good. when zuko comes to understand the fire nation is actually actively pushing back this vision, and he practically immediately turns away from its ideals and pursues a philosophy and a group that actually fit his ideas of what’s better for the world. zuko spent three years at sea looking for a myth, in hopes that finding it would finally put an end to his suffering, making him and katara the only people in the world who truly believed the avatar was still out there. zuko is always expecting everything to blow up in his face like it often did throughout his childhood, and he sees the worst part of the situation before anything else but he always pushes back to make it better, or to what he believes would be making it better.
my favorite example of this is during the blue spirit after zuko finds out zhao got the avatar before him, and he gives iroh a speech about how all hope is lost for him and he will never ever have love honor or happiness ever again, and about five hours later he’s behind a theatre mask with two swords against the world rescuing the avatar just so he can capture this avatar himself in the future, while also letting him go afterwards because it’s not honorable to take him in the easy manner he could take him at that precise moment(???) and that was just nuts. therefore pessimistic idealist.
on the other hand there’s sokka.
sokka is a pessimist through and through, a serial complainer, a paranoid neurotic strategist. sokka grew up in disadvantage to the rest of the world and overshadowed by a his little sister — not because katara was a bender and sokka was not, but because katara was the last bender they had left. i’ve talked about this before but basically it’s no wonder katara is a solid optimistic idealist with all the hope and faith and determination in the world while sokka is a pessimistic realist and pragmatic depressed cynical bastard. presumably his village but also sokka put himself at disadvantage. it is safe to assume sokka sacrificed his own uhh. hope? naivetè? innocence? for katara to keep hers and in order to protect her better — after all katara is the last southern waterbender, their collective hero, and you can’t have a hero with no hope, you can’t have a dead hero. and also sokka is an eldest sibling, it’s instinctual.
now don’t get me wrong, sokka has a huge heart full of love and devotion and wonder. he is an inventor, an artist, a scientist. sokka is filled with ideas, but he is always waiting for the lowest blow, he is always waiting for a disaster to happen (and with a good reason!). sokka believes optimists are liars, he thinks destiny and fate is more or less bullshit, he has a pragmatic and careful approach to almost every situation he’s presented with and even though he has a clear sense of morality, he is willing to make certain sacrifices as are the demands of war – where zuko is willing to save zhao without hesitation, who tried to kill him multiple times and whom he had been fighting not one minute ago, for example.
sokka wants the world to be a better place, and at the same time he has little trouble turning away from people who aren’t in any immediate danger even if they are suffering because he has more pressing matters at hand (the painted lady), he obviously would want the avatar to come back and save them, but aang being a complete stranger signaling to a fire nation ship is most definitely a valid justification for sokka to banish him (the boy in the iceberg/the avatar returns i don't remember lol). among many many many other situations in which sokka is technically right, even if it doesn’t fit other characters’ idealistic views or it doesn’t make for a good story, sokka is the realist they all need in order to survive.
also i admit ‘perfect for each other’ can be kind of a stretch and i believe that it being because they’re both grumpy is kinda reductive since that can also be the basis of mai and zuko’s relationship and we all know what i think of those two aksjaks (this is NOT mai slander. # mai deserves better 2k21). however i do think sokka and zuko fit together because they have different types of emotional constipation and they actively push each other to be more balanced in order to reach to the other. sokka wants to believe deep down, and the fact that he is in a story even if he doesn’t really believe it plays its cards sometimes which translates into the universe’s obsession with sokka, and zuko is destiny fan #1 so he can give sokka an overemotional speech once in a while that sokka will ruthlessly dismiss and dismantle verbally but that at the same time will warm his heart and help him loosen up on his scheduled cerebral to a default existence on the long-run; zuko needs grounding once in a while which he usually got from iroh or at the very least iroh made an attempt to get through him, and sokka is intellectually crude enough to give zuko a reality check while making himself understood and because of their shared wavelength he can do this without crushing all of zuko’s hopes and dreams in the process.
they are also two eldest siblings one with depression the other filled with rage and they are the only real ‘pessimists’ in the gaang, so while yes, zuko will take action to solve problems he will also complain about it forever more and he can do that with sokka. together they can yell at god, complain about jocks, complain about prescriptivists, bond over their very niche taste in art that nobody ever understands, and absolutely tear apart everything that doesn’t fit their competence standard (it’s a very high fucking standard, those are two grumpy neurodivergent people) among many other grump-activities that seem to make them miserable but that actually serve both of them to validate their annoyed kind of love for the world and it makes both of them really happy :)
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d-a-bad · 4 years
StanSwitch: Lucifer Week
So I switched demons with a moot on Twitter for a week so that I could practice drawing other characters other than my true love, my best boy, Leviathan. I guess you could say it was like being swingers in 2D. XD And what better way to do that challenge, than by switching husbands with a Luciperv. Since, he is my least favorite demon.
Day 1 - Lucifer with a Nasty Evil Face This is literally how I see him. 
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Day 2 - Annoyed Lucifer When Lord Diavolo approves of you brother’s ridiculous ideas and you have no choice but to cooperate
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Day 3 - An Old Man and His Quill I wrote an unfisnished fanfiction, TLDR 
An Old Man and His Quill
Lucifer is in his office, sitting on his chair, exhausted, from all the work he still needs to get done. His lids were half-open and you can tell from the dark circles under his eyes, that he was doing his best to keep them from closing. He thought that playing the TSL soundtrack backwards on his gramophone could keep him awake, but to no avail, his ears were held captive by the soothing demonic lullaby. "Sigh..." he breathes heavily as stacks of paper patiently waiting atop of his desk watched the stress and pressure overshadow his domineering physique.
He decides to pick up one of his black raven quills, slowly rolling it back and forth in between the gentle touch of his thumb and index finger, playing with it, while he stares intently at it for whole good minute. 
"Are you ready for what's coming?" he whispered to the raven as if it was alive. Filled with tiredness, he pushed his head back lying his neck on top of the cushions on his chair. He closed his eyes then lightly ran the barbs of the feather from his forehead, down to the bridge of his nose, caressing himself wishing that a slight tickle could hopefully wake him up. He opened his eyes, gazing at the ceiling, falling into small trance. He paused for second, and took a deep breath before closing his eyes again as the quill trailed down to his cupid's bow, onto his upper lip, and finally, situated on top of his mouth giving him a faint kiss. He then motioned the barbs, circling slowly around his lips. The barbs kept brushing, tempting, and feeling the softness of the first born's lips. Lucifer couldn't help feeling succumbed to the sensation the feather was giving him, so he just let it have its way with him. This went on for a good while until Lucifer felt a slight tingle on his mouth making him bite his lower lip and getting him to sit-up straight. He striked the quill on his desk, feeling slightly irritated as he came to his senses. "I'm not here to fool around." he grudgingly tells the quill as he pulls a piece of paper
at the center of his office table. "I'm gonna have fun finishing you tonight, you don't know what I'm capable of." He grabs the quill, dips it inside the ink bottle, pulls it up, and dips it right back in with each new dip getting more pressure than the last. He does this about three times, until he pulled the quill back up again and closely watched it drip with droplets of black.
Day 4 - A Loving Father and his Rebellious Son I already posted this previously, but I just wanted to capture that moment. 
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I don't personally encourage this ship because of how manipulative it is... but it truly is and will always be BEST OG LuciShip.
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Day 6 - Luci and Mammon meet Prototype Luci NGL, I like the first draft of Luci, he looks SO <3 . I think Mammon does too.
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For Day 7, I still haven’t finished drawing it, but I think I will save that for another post. Stanswitching was really fun! II had a lot of pencil practice and it did teach me to like and appreciate Luci in a whole new different way now. Yes, I don’t hate him anymore. I do understand now, why majoriy of the MC’s playing this game, love him so much. He is a loving Older brother. hahaha Totally competetion for my otaku third born, but it’s time I return to my one true love.  I am currently on stanswitch with a Mammoron now, but for some reason I got artblocked the whole week and I lagged behind on the art, but I will finish it so tune in for that one.  Anyway, hope you enjoyed! :)
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AIGHT Y’ALL I wasn’t tagged but I’m doing this anyways because f u c k  i t
It's the year 2021 and you're obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?
Deadasss weird as fuck, my dude. Like...out of all the things I could’ve predicted happening in our lord’s year 2021, it definitely was NOT getting hyperfixated on a hammy gay ship with a punk and a nerd from a goddamn karate soap opera. And yet...here we are??? I will never understand hyperfixations, my guy. But I’ve met a lot of really cool people in this fandom, so I can’t really complain.
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?
I have never seen a single Karate Kid movie in my entire life. When I was a kid, it looked kinda dumb so I never got into it XD But then I saw my roommate watching Cobra Kai on Youtube Red one day (he has every streaming service known to man) and I was hooked. And...here I am!
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character:  
Literally EVERYONE except for Kreese, Yasmine, Kyler, and Tory, sorry stans
Okay but if we gotta pick, Johnny Lawrence is my Problematic Fave. Also I love my boy Daniel, he’s trying his best!!! And Amanda LaRusso, we stan a queen!!!
Among the kids, definitely Miguel, with Demetri as a close second. I also love Sam, Aisha, Moon, and Hawk (pre- and post-Bastardization Arc, anyways XD)!
Favorite ship:  
Take a look at my username and take a WILD FUCKING GUESS lmao Yes it’s Eli/Demetri because DUH, every interaction they have is so fucking gay and Eli fucking saved him!!! And came back to him!!! And betrayed the world’s most terrifying dojo with a WAR CRIMINAL SENSEI all for Demetri!!! And how Demetri was willing to forgive him for everything at the drop of a hat because he always had faith there was still good in his best friend??? That’s TRUE LOVE motherfuckers. Please let them kiss in Season 4. I will sell you all of my limbs. Sam/Miguel is a close second because they’re cute as shit and it’s just so lovely to see two people so unapologetically smitten with each other. They are in LOVE, and I will RIOT if they break up again!!! Keep Sam and Miguel together 2k21!!!
Underrated character:
SAMANTHA LARUSSO!!! The amount of hate my girl gets for acting like a normal teenager and fucking up occasionally JUST like the rest of the cast makes me want to start punching things. She cares SO MUCH about her friends!!! And she loves the shit out of Miguel!!! She hasn’t always been the best friend but you know what??? Neither has Hawk, and we still forgave his ass!!! Also LET HER BE FEMININE but also kick utter ass, my god!!! Femininity should not be synonymous with being weak, y’all! ALSO DEMETRI, like yes, he likes to complain and occasionally run his mouth, but guess what else he likes to do??? Never give up on the love of his life his best friend Eli Moskowitz and refuse to lose faith in him no matter how much of a little shit he’s become, and I for one think that’s very badass of him. Also the way he takes care of Eli pre-Cobra Kai in his own snarky bastard way makes me absolutely Weak and needs more appreciation. Like the dude has charisma and COULD have probably made other friends and left Eli behind if he wanted, but did he??? No, he wants the weepy loser with the lip scar in the polo shirts and dorky sweaters and will protect him as much as his wimpy ass is able!!!
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol):  
Among the adults, Daniel/Amanda!!! Like maybe I just don’t watch that much tv, but it seems kinda rare to me to see a happily married hetero couple, and it’s just nice to see a married couple who genuinely love each other and where there’s not like...lingering resentment or some shit. I feel like this ship gets overshadowed by Lawrusso a lot (which like--okay, fair!!! Daniel and Johnny do have a ridiculous amount of chemistry, and the gay undertones are undeniable, so I get it), and it makes me kinda sad. I do love Lawrusso, but I don’t like when Amanda has to get her heart broke for it to happen, you feel? Among the kids, honestly YasMoon. Like I really love the idea of Yasmine trying to better herself because of Moon’s influence on her and because Moon like...inspires her to be a better person, I guess? With their pretty strong friendship, it just makes more sense to me for Yasmine to get a redemption arc through Moon than through Demetri. ALSO girls DO often pull the whole “mean girl” shtick to cover up being closeted lesbians, and Moon IS canonically bi, so it could work!!! I just think this one could be a really interesting Friends to Lovers take, and could make a really nice coming-out arc for Yas. And MoonPiper too, honestly!!! Like they only got 5 seconds of screentime so I understand WHY it’s underrated, but I still love what we DID get and loved that there was a canon gay ship (even if only for 1 scene lmao). I’m really excited to potentially see more of them in Season 4!!! Please, I’m begging!!!
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?
Sweep the Leg because it will always be deeply hilarious to me how Demetri took note of the first move Eli ever used on him and spent presumably weeks perfecting it OUT OF SPITE just to get him back with it at the soccer game MONTHS later. Just goes to show how OBSESSED Demetri is with Eli and their little karate rivalry which is just NOT straight, I’m sorry
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?
There’s something so funny about this pretentious little fuck walking around in fancy suits once he becomes a #SuccessfulBusinessman, and still occasionally trying to do karate in a full-ass suit (take THAT, Tom Cole’s boba!!!) I’m also a big fan of how he looks in his gi with his little headband. Still killing that look as a 40-50-something!!!
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver:
Tbh I have still never seen a single Karate Kid movie (they took them off of Netflix, RIP), so...I don’t really care if they bring anyone else back??? I’m invested in the characters we already have in the show, I don’t need some rando from the movies to make a cameo to have a good time XD The only character I really wanted them to bring back was Ali, and they already did, so like...I’m good??? That’s all I really needed, I can die in peace now XD
Scene that lives in your head rent-free:
Basically any fluffy Elimetri scene, but 5 in particular: ~Miguel first meeting Eli and Demetri at the lunch table, and Eli looking at Demetri like he hung every goddamn star in the sky ~Demetri going off at a terrifying, “unhinged” karate sensei on the first day of Cobra Kai because he made fun of Eli’s lip and Demetri is not about that shit ~ELI STEALING DEMETRI’S NACHO AND SMIRKING AT HIM, LIKE EXCUSE ME SIR PLEASE BE A LITTLE LESS HOMOSEXUAL IN FRONT OF YOUR GIRLFRIEND ~Eli yanking Demetri onstage during Valley Fest to hold a board, and Demetri being visibly like...extremely turned on when Eli breaks said board ~ELI SAVING DEMETRI DURING THE CHRISTMAS FIGHT, ELI APOLOGIZING, DEMETRI AND ELI KICKING COBRA ASS TOGETHER AKSBDCUWYVCBU
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?
I hope not! He’s kind of a funny meme character to pop up now and again but I don’t think he deserves a serious plotline when there are so many more interesting characters to follow.
You live in The Valley and are forced into the karate gang war. Which dojo do you join?
Miyagi-Do because Cobra Kai would eat me alive. Also I’d probably straight up get stuck and die in that cement mixer, if I even made it that far XD Besides, being salty that your friend who you have a crush on likes martial arts better than you and starting martial arts to impress them but also being too lazy to join anything TOO intense is a Big Mood and I am certainly not speaking from personal experience here, no sirree
What’s your training montage song?
"Shut Up and Drive” by Rihanna for a weight-training and bicep-flexing montage, “Whatever It Takes” by Imagine Dragons for a more intense punching-and-kicking-shit montage. I don’t know why this is, I just feel it in my heart.
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?
*Briefly panics because I don’t actually watch that much TV and most of the stuff I do watch is fantasy/sci fi shit that absolutely would not work for a CK crossover*
Hmmmm okay but ACTUALLY
You know what would be fucking funny as hell would be an It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia crossover. Allow me to elaborate: ~The Gang goes to LA on vacation during the height of the Karate Dojo Wars. They literally can get barely anything done without all these goddamn karate-fighting teenagers getting in the way. ~They are all very annoyed by this. Even the most obscure of tourist attractions is eventually intercepted by karate fights. ~Mac tries to join Cobra Kai because he sees all this karate fighting on, and wants to unquestionably prove both his badassery and masculinity. Both Johnny and Kreese are like “Wtf are you doing here? Aren’t you like 30?” ~Mac gets a planet-sized crush on Johnny after all of 5 minutes and endlessly gushes to the gang about him. The gang mercilessly roast him about this and about how much of a pathetic loser with his life together in no way whatsoever Johnny sounds like. They proceed to have exactly 0 self awareness about this. ~The Waitress is in town visiting family or something, and Charlie is stalking her, as per usual. However, every time he’s about to go up and talk to her, a pack of battling Miyagi-Dos and Cobra Kais throwing punches and kicks everywhere blocks his path. One times, Mac is among one of these packs and Charlie is like “???? He didn’t get kicked out of that teen karate dojo yet???” ~Seeing how much the Kids These Days seem to like fighting, Charlie drops by a local high school to try and sell Fight Milk to the kids doing karate. Only Kyler and Brucks buy into it, and subsequently get the entire West Valley High wrestling team sick. Charlie is inevitably arrested, as Counselor Blatt thinks he’s selling the kids drugs. ~Dennis makes a plan to have sex with every hot chick he can in Los Angeles. He meets Ali on a dating app post-divorce, and inevitably tries to bang her. It doesn’t work. ~Frank crashes the rental car, and inevitably the gang ends up at one of Daniel’s dealerships. Dee quickly takes a liking to Daniel and is like “Watch, assholes--Imma homewreck this guy’s marriage.” She starts frequenting the dealerships to attempt to flirt with Daniel, until one day she walks in on him having sex with Johnny in a back room and she’s like “Is that the guy from Mac’s goddamn dojo?!?!” ~Dennis, of course, tries to sleep with Amanda. Amanda is not having it, and rebukes him in the most snarky, Amanda-esque way possible. Dennis is just like “Oh not AGAIN--the women in this goddamn diva city have too high of standards!” ~Later on, the gang is at the beach and Dennis spots the blonde lady he went out on an ill-fate date with, and decides to give it another shot--that is, until he sees her go up and kiss another woman and he’s like “IS THAT THE LADY FROM THE CAR DEALERSHIP??? STUPID-KARATE-KICK-COMMERCIAL’S WIFE?!? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.” ~Dee complains to Dennis about her lack of luck getting laid, and Dennis is just like “Oh come ON, is everyone in Los Angeles gay???” Smash cut to Hawk and Demetri having sex, Moon and Piper making out, Bert and Nate holding hands, Chris and Mitch doing oral, and Amanda, Ali, and Carmen having a threesome. ~Frank tries to scam Kreese into buying cheaply-made karate equipment for his dojo. The gang ends up having to leave LA because Kreese is quite literally plotting all of their murders.
For tagging, uuuuhhhhhh @jackonthelongwalk @soe-leo @max-eagle-fang @cc-tinslebee @backawayfromthegay @asphodel-storm do the thing, if y’all haven’t yet!
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floralovebot · 3 years
I read your timmy/riven/helia headcanons and I LOST IT hahahaha I love it! I just got curious about that sad headcanon you mentioned about helia (I think about his past?)? Like you have said, like other people I project into him a lot so he's my favorite and wanted to know about that hc cuz now I can't stop thinking about it 🙊
okay so,, i'd like to preface this with a couple things. 1. it's based off of a rewrite that i've had in my head since i was like, 10 and i'm never actually gonna write/post it kldhglahdgl. 2. i want to explain why i came up with this backstory and headcanon! cause ik anyone who isn't a helia stan or at least really likes him, probably won't understand (not in a gatekeepy way but in a "this character is so underdeveloped that if you haven't paid attention to every little thing about them you probably won't immediately catch on to the thought process behind this" kind of way).
So,,,, oh dear okay first no one is allowed to judge me. if you judge i'm gonna cry >:(
When I was trying to come up with Helia's backstory, a lot of different ideas went through my mind. Naturally being a Helia stan, I first went with the "he grew up at red fountain" route! But then I realized I wanted something with a little more umph, and as I realized certain things about him, growing up at RF (red fountain) didn't immediately make sense? At least,, not completely... You see, Helia is a major perfectionist (we've covered this in past lessons) and a major escapist. Something that stands out about him though, is that everyone we've seen that knew him for a long time (ie family members or childhood friends) are extremely supportive of him and understanding of mistakes (even bigger ones).
Helia's escapism has a direct connection to his perfectionism, ie if he makes a mistake, no matter how small or inconsequential, he freaks out and leaves. Something that makes him slightly different from other, similar characters though, is that his perfectionism only has to do with himself (usually). He doesn't worry about what other people think of him, only about the guidelines he's set for himself. So, if he makes a mistake that crosses those guidelines or rules, that's when he gets upset and leaves. (I honestly think him leaving RF for art school the first time could've been a product of this, though that's heavily just thinking and not canon).
While anyone can be a perfectionist and escapist without any big reason, I really wanted to explain why Helia is like that. His issues in particular seem more based on fear and invisible rules than just feeling inadequate (like some of the other escapists in the group... ahem bloom ahem). One thing that really stood out to me, was the arc in the comics where he left the school for a third time because he made a mistake on a mission that almost cost Brandon and Codatorta their lives. He let emotions and personal life get in the way of what he was doing and that allowed someone to mess with their ship, causing a malfunction that almost killed them. Helia, instead of trying to figure out what happened, immediately resigned from the school because "a good specialist wouldn't have done that". He places these almost impossible standards on his entire life, both personal and work-related. And again, while that can happen to anyone, the level he does this at is so much higher than the other characters (even the royals who are notorious for doing this).
I want to preface this next bit with I'm a dumb bitch who's obsessed with apocalyptic media. So like,, the backstory I came up with is that his planet basically got overrun with monsters born from wild/dark magic and that most people died in the chaos. This happens when he's very young and he only survives because he had adults taking care of him. Eventually, he would get separated from his family and come across another group of survivors are willing to bring him along. He ends up bonding with a young woman who he essentially uses to replace his mom (cause yknow,, kids need parents and all). At some point, they're looking for food or medical supplies and he makes a mistake (likely making a loud noise or something) that draws monsters to them. The young woman saves him and in the process sacrifices herself. Cue survivor's guilt that transforms into extreme perfectionism. After this, he would run away and eventually Codatorta finds him because specialists were sent to find survivors. Cue him growing up at RF where he can get the proper training but he's too young to go on missions. This sparks the perfectionism and starts the escapism. (Not even gonna pretend that this backstory isn't heavily inspired by tlou and twdg.)
I also wanted a reason for why he's so heavily protective of Saladin, a very strong wizard who's been in countless wars and by all means, doesn't need protection. Like,, obviously they're family so duh. But idk,, his protectiveness of Saladin tends to overshadow his own life (for instance in the comics I mentioned earlier, Helia only comes back to RF because he had to help save Saladin and in the process gives up his job as an artist). I wanted to explain why Helia is such a good specialist but is also constantly trying to get away from that life (ie he grew up there and doesn't want to live in war constantly). I also wanted to explain why Helia seems so unphased when things happen! Like he just,, he shows emotions, but they're so subdued compared to everyone else.
OKAY ANYWAY,, jeez this is long already (and I condensed it... I have an entire google doc that explains all of this in a much more eloquent way). The trivelia headcanon was about Helia feeling comfortable sharing these things with them. He would bond with Riven specifically over not knowing/having family. Over the years, Helia would share just the tiniest little tidbits here and there about what happened (this apocalypse coincided with the Domino war and as such no one helped them. the Magix news centers kept pushing this issue aside to the point where a lot of people don't even know it happened) and how he feels about it. Like I've said before, Helia has a hard time talking about his life and especially his emotions. So Riven and Timmy (and Flora :) ) would really be the only ones who get to hear these tidbits. Eventually, Helia would have to go back because there are rumors that the monsters are trying to spread to other planets. Timmy would be his main source of communication when he's there as the others wouldn't be allowed to go (since they aren't native to the planet and could be in danger with the wild magic around [.. things happened to the first specialists that got sent... not good things]). (Also not gonna lie that the monsters are heavily inspired by the aliens in a quiet place.. In the google doc, I have an entire section dedicated to the monsters alone alkgdldajg).
.... this is so long.........
#also he has an older sister a twin sister and a younger brother cause why not#they also have sections in the doc...#his big sister is a big reason why he isn't fond of self-sacrificing.. but that's a whole other part of the backstory#i didnt even get into his family.. what happened the day it started.... his parents.... his little brother......#mmm.....#answered#zeldanny#winx helia#but also thank you!!!! i love talking about trivelia im glad people liked that post :)#like. this post is too long and i didn't even get into a lot of it#like. the perfectionism and escapism? i didnt explain that too well#in this rewrite a lot of helia's personal skills have to do with this#like. the things he's especially good at from rf? yknow the string wrangling and stuff? the holding big monsters back? yeah..#i had another backstory for him (completely different) that im still really attached to..#again never gonna write this but if i did i would be stuck between this one and the other one#its about a magic school.. and not a good one...#has a ray that turns favorite character's backstories into a sob fest#oughh.... i have a doc for this one too............ actually that reminds me i need to edit it#its still in the rough draft stages ladhglajdg#this one i thought about a lot so the doc is more organized! but also very long. multiple pages of bullshit#i think other helia stans would like it. non helia stans would look at it and go what the fuck is your problem#would love to hear your thoughts if you read this though ajldghladg (no pressure ik its long)#id like to hear from other helia stans since we all have the same brain#posting this and running away#although i doubt anyone will actually read it so i probably have nothing to worry about lkahgedjhagljh
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duhragonball · 3 years
What are your favorite fights from each anime iteration of Dragon Ball? (DB/Z/GT/Super etc. Yknow lol) I’m curious!
This is a good ask, anon. Just wanted to point it out.
I'm not sure how long a list I want to make for this, because if I really go nuts with this I'll probably end up covering like 75% of the fights in the franchise. But I don't want to just pick one favorite fight from each series, because that feels too short. Tell you what, let's just play it by ear and see how this goes. I won't bother ranking these, because I'm not sure I can.
OG Dragon Ball
1) Goku vs. Jackie Chun, 21st World Tournament final
2) Goku vs. Tien Shinhan, 22nd World Tournament final
3) Goku vs. Piccolo Junior, 23rd World Tournament final.
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We'll start with these, because they're tentpole moments for the series, and they define Goku's character arc so well. The Jackie Chun fight was pretty short, but it was really the first big fight in the franchise, and it set the tone for all the later battles to follow. What makes it work is how Chun is determined to keep Goku from winning, not for his own sake, but because he thinks Goku will lose interest in martial arts if he wins a big tournament on his first try. Chun entered as a ringer, but he finds Goku a lot harder to stop than he expected, and the match very nearly ends in a draw.
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So you'd think Goku would be a shoo-in at the next tournament, but he has to get through Tien for that, and Tien turns out to be extremely tough and he wants to murder Goku to avenge his master's brother. It's an awesome fight, made more awesome by the way Tien's character arc begins to overtake the action itself. He starts out wanting Goku dead, then decides he'd rather fight fair because he enjoys the competition too much.
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So by the time we get to the 23rd tournament, the contest itself feels like an afterthought. This is just the venue for the more important showdown between Goku and Piccolo. Except Goku still wants that World title. It means a lot to him, and no one else seems to get that. Through this whole arc, everyone is scared shitless of Piccolo, worrying that Goku might not be able to beat him. But Goku has a game plan, and he sticks to it and powers on through to victory. And yet it's still this insanely close match. I dare say this is the most even battle in the franchise, but Goku seems like an underdog to start out, and by the end of it, you see that he had things under control the whole time.
4) Goku vs. Red Ribbon Army HQ
5) Goku vs. King Piccolo
6) Goku vs. Grandpa Gohan
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I guess you can call these #reference fights, because when I rewatched these episodes in 2019, I noticed how much they resembled battles I've written in to my big-ass OC fanfic. Goku just charging headlong into an army base is sort of the prototype for Saiyan mayhem, and when I started writing Luffa I quickly realized that this would have to be the sort of combat she'd be used to. There's no Vegeta or Perfect Cell to tackle a thousand years ago. She's got no rival, so her best bet is to fight large armies single-handedly, as Goku does here.
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Likewise, I ended up inventing a lot of villains who think themselves invincible, only to get knocked on their ass when they find out how vincible they really are. King Piccolo's meltdown during this battle is a sight to behold, because once he starts losing, all he knows how to do is talk about his fearsome reputation, except it's completely hollow when the other guy is feeding you a can of whoop-ass. He just doesn't know how to process this beating, and that's always left an impression with me.
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Let's just say, hypothetically speaking, that you had this character who has some relation to another character, and gosh, wouldn't it be nice if they could meet and fight each other, and one of them could leap forward beyond their natural lifespan to make that happen? I dunno, maybe it'd be kind of emotional? I haven't actually written anything like that so far, but if I ever do, it'll probably resemble Goku vs. Grandpa Gohan quite a bit.
Dragon Ball Z
1) Goku vs. Vegeta
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I mean, what else can you say here? This one's a classic.
2) Anybody vs. Cell, pretty much.
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Obviously, the Goku and Gohan fights from the Cell Games are the best of the best, but Cell's entire run in DBZ is awesome, including the fights he has with Vegeta, Trunks, Android 16, Piccolo... you just can't lose. I could go on, but I don't want to get too far down this one category.
3) Pikkon vs. Goku.
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This one gets dunked on a lot because it's filler, but it's excellent. Just a friendly competition where everyone's dead and there's nothing at stake but bragging rights and fighting spirit. Pikkon's a brilliant opponent and Goku has to find a way to beat him, and that's really all the story you need, sometimes.
4) Goku-Vegeta II
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This one's a bit wonky because there's no clear-cut winner and the Buu crisis overshadows it, and it doesn't quite hold up compared to the original Goku/Vegeta fight, but it's still awesome, because of the buildup and also a lot of the intensity. It kind of functions as a coda to the Androids/Cell Saga, where both guys were Super Saiyans but they never got a chance to duke it out. As it turns out, they're so evenly matched that it kind of works against the fight. One of them does a big move, and the other one just shrugs it off like nothing happened. In a way it's kind of the opposite of the Goku/Piccolo fight. When it's a couple of Super Saiyan 2's, there's just no way for anybody to pull ahead, and ultimately their battle takes on a very tragic tone, which is awesome.
5) Majin Buu vs. Everybody in Season 9.
Okay, apparently Tumblr won't let me post any more images, but that's cool, you all know what Buu looks like. I remember flipping through an issue of Beckett DBZ Collector at the grocery in 2003 or 2004, and it did this top ten fights article, with this as #1. I just liked the sheer gall of counting the entire Fusion and Kid Buu Sagas as one big fight. But let's face it, it works. From the moment Evil Buu shows up to the Spirit Bomb finale, it's basically nonstop action for Majin Buu, as he takes on one opponent after another in a zany gauntlet. And sure, I'd probably say Vegito and SSJ3 Goku were my favorite portions of that larger battle, but it's tough to isolate any one section.
Dragon Ball GT: There were no good fights in GT.
Dragon Ball Super
1) The Tournament of Power.
I suppose this also counts as one big battle, although my absolute favorite part is when Caulifla and Kale battle Goku and he ends up using Ultra Instinct to beat them.
There's also a lot to be said for Vegeta vs. God of Destruction Toppo, and the whole endgame with Jiren against Goku, 17, and Frieza. Oh, and the part where Universe 9 gets wiped out in one episode.
For my money, Dragon Ball Super doesn't really get off the blocks until the Tournament of Power begins, which has always frustrated me about DBS. It's basically one really good run of episodes at the tail end of an otherwise lackluster series. The U6 tournament was pretty weak and the Zamasu/Goku Black saga was downright pathetic.
Movie-wise... let me see here. Mystical Adventure had some good action, Dead Zone, Cooler 1, Super Android 13, Broly 1, Fusion Reborn and Wrath of the Dragon were classics, and Battle of Gods and Super Broly had some excellent fights too.
And yeah, I think that about covers it.
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lakemojave · 4 years
Supergiant Games: Same Bones, Different Skeletons
I just finished a retrospective of all 4 games by Supergiant on my twitch channel, and I have a few thoughts I wanna connect and questions I wanna explore. My love for these games is real strong and i could write a whole essay just gushing about them, but I wanna give some thought to what makes them so compelling: not just to me, but to damn near everyone I’ve talked to on their discord who feels the same. I myself rank Bastion among my favorite games ever, and Hades is climbing that list at a clip. And even though I could take or leave Transistor or Pyre, they keep pulling me back.
But I could talk a whole lot about each game’s appeal and waste a lot of time. I’ve gushed enough to my friends about how Bastion and Pyre’s rugged, apocalyptic atmospheres draw me in with their incredible vibrance to contrast. I could talk about how Ashley Barrett’s vocal tracks carry Transistor on their shoulders, or what makes Hades so much goddamn fun that the game doesn’t really need to be much else. But I realize that if the Supergiant library is so universally appealing to me, there must be some sort of connective tissue between them--some sort of fundamental similarity that makes them work. After thinking about it for more than five minutes, it turns out there are many; some are pretty obvious, and some less so. This brings me to the conclusion that the Supergiant library, with its four wildly distinct and different games, still follow a noticeable formula--one that is flexible enough to allow such completely different games.
Game Design
The Supergiant library are all essentially top down action rpgs, Transistor having the most elements of the genre. This is still a pretty weak connection, given how different they all play from each other. The only two that have much overlap in the most basic sense are Bastion and Hades, with the same general fast paced, real time combat. On closer examination, the two games have enough differences in the variety of mechanics at play, (Bastion with its multiple weapon slots and a shield, Hades with its sheer number of commands) that even they are hard to compare.
There are, however, several mechanics that the library loves to use. The first that comes to mind are the difficulty conditions: idols in Bastion, limiters in Transistor, titan stars in Pyre, and the pact of punishment--and arguably Chaos boons as well--in Hades. Their function is simple: increase your challenge for a little extra reward. Bastion and Pyre go the extra mile by fixing in world building elements to this mechanic; Bastion’s idols inform about the game’s pantheon, while Pyre informs about its, well, evil pantheon. The use of these conditions is indicative of Supergiant’s game design philosophy as a whole--you, the player, can make the game as hard or easy as it takes for you to have fun. The inclusion of infinite lives in Bastion or god mode or hell mode in Hades further builds on this point. This library is designed for all sorts of audiences, whether they want to be challenged by their games or simply immersed in the story.
Another repeating mechanic in these games are the use of challenge rooms, which started in Bastion as the training grounds and, to a lesser extent, Who Knows Where. In Transistor they are the sandbox test rooms, and in Pyre they are the beyonder crystal’s scribe trials. They appear in Hades a little more ambiguously; the infernal troves or Erebus rooms are not quite the same, but they serve a similar function. This function is a momentary break from the gameplay loop for a little extra reward, much like the previously discussed conditions. Transistor and Hades’ challenge rooms offer relatively negligible rewards; the sandbox rooms simply offer xp and unlock tracks for the jukebox, while the Erebus tiles offer double the reward for any normal tile. Bastion and Pyre go the extra mile by giving specific, long term rewards for their challenges. In Bastion’s training grounds, the Kid earns weapon specific abilities that are among the game’s most powerful; in Pyre’s scribe trials, exiles can earn character specific talismans that feed their specialization. For the most part, these rooms give the player a low stakes opportunity to practice, hone their preferred playstyle, and reward the effort, all while being completely optional.
Akin to these breaks in the game loop are designated resting areas/hub worlds. The Bastion, the Sandbox, the Blackwagon, and the House of Hades each offer a moment to interact with characters and lore, goof around with the environment, buy permanent upgrades, or just take a break. Transistor utilizes this function the least of the library, since it never once requires the player to enter the space. Pyre utilizes it the most since it has the most breaks in both frequency and number. In a way, this decision is both a game design and storytelling choice. Between all four games, perhaps excluding Transistor, this is where the majority of story beats take place. It is where the player can read up on some fresh lore or meet the ever growing cast of characters, and eventually grow to cherish them (as I often do playing this library). Without little breaks like these, the climactic or world/story shaking events that take place out in the actual playable space have no impact or narrative weight. The fact that all these sort of interactions are completely voluntary also rewards the player in the storytelling sense; by choosing to engage with the figures of the story rather than having that choice decided for them, the player feels as though they themselves have agency in the story unfolding.
Perhaps the most distinct part of the Supergiant library, (and perhaps what I personally love most about it) is its aesthetics. There are few games that look, feel, and sound the way these games do. Yet, the four of them hardly resemble each other. Bastion is a rugged, frontier-esque sci fi apocalypse, Transistor is a sleek, cyberpunk apocalypse, Pyre is a high fantasy purgatory space, and Hades is simply stylized Greek mythology. It is a shock to remember, then, that these four games are all designed by the same artistic team.
I confess I don’t know much about art, so I don’t have anything too profound to say about Jen Zee’s art style, besides that I like it a lot. It is also worth noting that despite her spearheading art and character design for the whole library, each game still looks visually distinct, and not just in their overall aesthetics. Take the character design of the library, for instance. Bastion’s human figures tend to be short, stocky, with exaggerated facial features. Their colors are highly saturated, with a soft, almost blurry quality that gives a level of warmth to the fatalistic atmosphere. Transistor’s characters, barring Red, tend to be based around palettes centered around a single color, such as the Camerata red and the spectrum of the function character profiles. Pyre is the first of the library to use talking portraits, which contrast robed figures with stark color palettes and simple designs with unrobed figures with much noisier details. Hades is easily the most distinct of all four, using simple colors and thick outlines on all its characters. The most consistent feature of all their designs, as usual, is how wildly different they are. For Hades, Zee makes sure that characters only look alike in any way if they have some relation to each other, such as the Furies, Achilles and Patroclus, or Zagreus and his parents. On the whole, the versatility and variety in the character design is impeccable.
What I most enjoy about these games is Darren Korb’s soundtracks, which continue to vary wildly. From the closet-recorded Bastion soundtrack to the whole two and a half Hades score, Korb’s scoring keeps improving and changing in the 10 years Supergiant has operated. His music, which adds and changes motifs as each game progresses, contributes to the atmosphere just as much as the visuals do. Whenever he teams up with Ashley Barret to add vocal tracks to certain parts of the game, they always manage to place them at critical narrative or emotional beats, turning them into the games’ most memorable moments. The team goes one step further every game by incorporating a musician or source of music into each game, giving the music just as much character as the one performing it. It also sneaks its way into the aforementioned hub worlds by providing the player a means to play their favorite tracks whenever they want (except in Hades, where they have to pay in game for that privilege). In essence, Korb makes sure to give each game a distinct feel through its music, but familiar enough to connect the library in the player’s mind.
Just as Supergiant gets so much mileage from Korb and Zee alike, they also manage time and time again to make use of Logan Cunningham’s top notch voice over work. Originally the sole voice actor at Supergiant Games, Cunningham continued on from famously narrating Bastion as Rucks to remaining a ubiquitous voice throughout the library. His role as the Transistor in the game proper drives the emotional core of that game, and his role as the Voice/Archjustice proves to be a solidly effective, yet distant antagonist. In Hades, his roles are somewhat overshadowed by Korb’s performance as Zagreus, (which I’m still blown away he still had time to do) but his performance as Lord Hades is still excellent. Supergiant also uses Cunningham in Hades to sort of satirize how often he narrates for them by casting him as the narrating Old Man, then allowing Zagreus to break the fourth wall and acknowledge him. It is as if the team at Supergiant knows how much they use the same stylistic team, then mocking that same choice.
To other studios: learn from Supergiant
I’m running out of things to say and my ball of yarn that connects all these newspapers and polaroids on my wall is running thin. I would talk more about Supergiant really knows how to end a game and frequently does so in similar ways, or that their library is a masterclass in character-driven stories, but this little essay is long enough.
Instead, I wanna talk about how Supergiant does something right which so many AAA developers and publishers don’t seem to understand. To contrast with the Supergiant library, consider Assassin’s Creed, another franchise I have spent an embarrassing amount of time playing. This franchise releases a game almost every year, and in my experience, when a company does this, you tend to get the same pig with a different paint. From the original Assassin’s Creed to their most recent release, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, the differences seem to be night and day. Combat and free running are far more complex than they once were, rpg elements to story and gameplay have been introduced, composers, writers, voice actors, and cast members have changed with each release, and the sheer size of the game has become staggering. Yet, in the 13 years and 11 main releases in the game’s history, (plus spinoffs) any change has not only felt incremental over time, but fundamentally insignificant to the skeleton of the game. Assassin’s Creed 1 and 2 play and feel differently, but the differences are subtle. The bones are different, but every year they assemble to form a vaguely Assassin’s Creed shaped thing. People who play games tend to hate this and frequently berate companies for this practice; Bethesda and GameFreak receive the same criticism that their games are so formulaic that their new releases might as well be carbon copies of the ones before it.
Yet, Supergiant Games, with its four games over ten years, has used essentially the same team and building blocks to make games that can hardly be considered interchangeable. Whether its the passion of this humble little indie studio or the sheer talent of this team, Supergiant takes the same pile of bones and assembles them in a different shape each time with care and attention. They are proof that a formula doesn’t need to be tweaked or altered or given a different coat of paint in order to be accepted; instead the formula needs versatility, the means to produce a fresh result each time. It also works best when we adore the result every time.
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fictionalrambles · 4 years
Shadowhunters Fandom Story - Part Twelve
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Submitted by notquiteascrazy
Five Favourite Stories
 The Stars Aligned series by @lecrit​
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  The only thing I knew for certain coming into this “picking faves process” was that there had to be something by Lecrit on this list. The way Lu writes Magnus & Alec enraptures me every single damn time and to narrow it down to just one was so hard. So I cheated & picked a series ;) It was one of the first Malec fics I read and just the whole AU is perfect.
I re-read it when Oscar Nominations are announced and on the day of the ceremony (I don’t even care about the Oscars). And probably 5 or 6 times throughout the year on top of that. The mutual pining is so strong to begin with, there’s some very light angst with some classic “bad guy” action by Camille and when they finally get their shit together, well, it’s just beautiful. Jace being an idiot, Izzy being the most supportive ever, nerd Simon… It’s got the works. If you haven’t already read it, why the hell not? Go. Now.
FAVORITE QUOTE: “I know we usually don’t thank our agents in these things,” he says, still scanning the room, “but my agent is also my PA and one of my best friends, and I just won an Oscar so I think I can do whatever I want tonight and he won’t hold it against me.” The audience laughs, as much in amusement as it is in surprise but Magnus doesn’t really notice, finally giving up. “Okay,” he exclaims in the mic, “I can’t find him. Has anyone seen Alec? Tall, dark, handsome and probably glued to his phone right now?” [Trying to cut this entire speech down into the best bit? Impossible but I decided to go with the start]
 2C by Oumy
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  I love the antagonism between Alec & Magnus to begin with and while the source of this is revealed in an additional fic later on, while reading 2C you can entirely predict what started it all. And within the main work itself, it doesn’t need saying because the way the characters are written subtly folds in all these personality traits that we know & love. Even before they finally get it together, they’re pushing each other & challenging each other to be the best versions of themselves. The way it builds from rivalry to romance is just *chefs kiss*
Plus, the mental image of Alec & Magnus as incredibly skilled musicians is Hot. We’ll ignore the slight “Magnus can’t play the charango and it’s awful every time he tries going near an instrument” thing… In this universe, they’re musical maestros!
FAVORITE QUOTE: Alec moved from the door, his long legs already eating up the distance to the entrance, and the competitive side of Magnus, the one that reluctantly thrived on their rivalry, refused to let him have the last word, so he blurted out at the retreating figure “Bite me, Lightwood” Alec turned around, walking backwards and spread his free hand, that perpetual half smile still etched on his face “Only if you ask nicely”
 Between the Lines by @msalexiscriss​
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  The plot is fantastic. The entire concept that Magnus is a criminal didn’t necessarily sit well with me at first but then as the story progresses and you realise why, it all starts to come together. And so much of their characteristics & traits are woven into it in a really fun way, e.g. Magnus’ love of glitter. From the very beginning the chemistry between them is so well written considering they’ve barely interacted in person. The way Magnus taunts Alec, the way they play this cat & mouse game. About halfway through I had this sudden fear that I would not enjoy the ending. I just couldn’t see a satisfying conclusion where no-one’s morals were compromised and they still got their happy ending but it really came together and did all the characters justice!
FAVORITE SCENE: The entire “first date” on the rooftop. The way Alec ends up there, the way Magnus has it all planned out. The conversation & the teasing from Magnus. The prying for information from Alec. The way they both dance around each other while enjoying the company & getting to know one another. 
 Deeper Than the Truth by insieme
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  Can you really compile a list of favourite fics without including at least one coffee shop AU?! And this one is so much more than just a coffee shop AU. I love how Magnus’ unbridled passion & enthusiasm jumpstarts Alec. I love the slow burn that builds up between them & how their relationship develops. I love the quiet moments of their relationship that are interwoven with the bigger moments. I love the balance between Alec hating the lies he’s telling and knowing that he could hurt Magnus and the inner turmoil he goes through. I love that the reveal is realistically handled and not just swept under a rug but they actually talk about the communication issues. I just love it all.
FAVORITE QUOTE: “Well Alexander, I would love to continue this conversation at the present except I have a whole room of ladies with sharp sewing needles who are not going to be too pleased with me if I keep them waiting any longer. Perhaps if you’re here tomorrow, around the same time, we could bump into each other again, and you could tell me your ridiculous dislike for Mr. Archer over a cup of coffee?” Magnus looked at Alec confidently, like he had no reservations whatsoever that Alec wouldn’t accept his offer. He was right. “Tomorrow. Yeah, okay. I’ll be here.” Alec said, unable to stop the smile that crept onto his face. Magnus was already on his way out the store when Alec realized what Magnus had said. He called out after him, “My name is Alec!” Magnus just waved over his shoulder, calling out “See you tomorrow, Alexander!” He was so screwed. [What I have learnt about myself going through this exercise is the early moment of relationships in fics are my favourites. They set the tone of what’s to come & build the chemistry from there!]
 Choose your weapon by @steakandvodka​
WHY I LOVE THIS FIC:  Clalec BROTP ftw. Honestly, this is just cute and shows such lovely character growth & their relationship develops so beautifully. Alec is shown as supportive & a good leader and very typically Alec in response to Clary. But it also shows a softer side & how him & Fray become friends.
Meanwhile, we see a struggle from Clary that isn’t shown in the show about how not being brought up in the shadow world means working harder to get up to scratch & her insecurities around it.
FAVORITE QUOTE: “Look, I know better than anyone how much pressure it can be to be perfect all the time. Especially when you have people doubting you — the drive to prove them wrong can overshadow every other responsibility in your life. But hard work isn’t always a good thing, not if you don’t go about it in a healthy way. It can set you back, and more importantly, you can get hurt” [Alec Lightwood finally embracing healthy work-life balance <3]
 Author Story
At first I felt a little bit like a fraud trying to write this. I’d hardly consider myself an author - I’ve barely really written anything (politely ignoring my terrible contributions to the HP fandom well over a decade ago)
I’d never really considered myself particularly creative, much happier to just absorb the fruits of other people’s creativity and be glad that there are so many talented people in the world writing stories and making art. Shadowhunters changed that for me. The characters have resonated with me and I found myself inspired on a couple of occasions to actually put pen to paper (Well, fingers to keyboard)
I still consider myself very creatively challenged but I’m enjoying exploring the little bursts of inspiration, even if I find myself wishing I’d paid more attention in English class! Reading has always been my escape from reality, writing is now giving me that opportunity to create my own escapes. So if there’s anyone else who’s new to this and nervous about trying to write/sharing their writing, I feel you! But if you have a story you want to tell - go for it! You might surprise yourself :)
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snsfanfictions · 5 years
Are there any more multi chapter sns fics you’d recommend?
We Three by  Cannibal Inc
   He is a black stain to their perfection. He is on the inside, but on the outskirts of it. Because two is a unit. And three? Three is extra. All he wants is to disappear. Let them forget a Spring that is already dead.
(Romance/Angst  10/10  73,288)
Bandmates by  Rasengan22
   Two years after their group debut, J-pop band members Naruto and Sasuke experience a change in their once frosty relationship. But what, Naruto wonders, is it changing into exactly? BTS-inspired. Drabble series. SNS.
( Friendship/Romance 9/9  31,439)
(I recommend every story of Rasengan22! Especially It Started Over Coffee series!)
keep your heart around by  sanguinedawns
   A testament to time; eight years spent stitching together hearts; the thread needling over and over to tighten the hold is what makes them. A family different from his family, but a family all the same. The one he’s chosen and that’s chosen him. Sasuke must be luckier than the luckiest. He gets to have both at the palm of his hand and hold it next to his chest, beating and breathing
 Or; Sasuke comes home.
(Friendship/Romance 9/9  90723)
(sanguinedawns writes lots of amazing one shots!)
you got me trippin', stumblin' by sanguinedawns
   Sasuke lets out a full-on belly-laugh, clutching his stomach and wheezing and Naruto thinks he must be really fucking shitfaced because that’s the best sound his ears have ever heard. After the moment of hysteria passes, the boy turns to him and asks, “What exactly about me says I’m all those things or I’ve engaged in all those things?”
   Or; Naruto hates Uchiha Sasuke until he doesn't.
(Enemies to Friends to Lovers/Romance  4/4  31401)
Frozen by  YanaEffect
   After living a life with his foster parents, Sasuke Uchiha learns at the age of 23 that he has a brother living in a small town called Stillwater in Minnesota. He decides to move in with his brother, and Itachi's blond neighbor/friend Naruto Uzumaki turns out to be someone who he enjoys spending time with. But with the two of them hurt in different ways, it's not easy to let each other in.
(Friendship/Romance  15/15  111471)
The Spaces Between Us by stripeypirate
   The year is 1985. Sakura Haruno waitresses at a local diner and wonders if dropping out of nursing school means she'll be stuck in sleepy, small-town Bedford Falls for the rest of her life, forever in her best friend's shadow.
    Sasuke Uchiha's a man on the run, thrust into a world deeper and darker than he ever anticipated.The chilly Northwestern wind brings change as lives collide, and hearts are bared (as well as broken). The Double R Diner sits at the center of it all- but its foundation will need to be strong enough to weather the storm
(Falling in love with your best friend can be just as bad as falling in love with your worst enemy).
(Angst/Romance/Friendship and Sakuino!   27/27  71171)
Sharp Little Pinpricks by  TheWonderYears
   Love is sweet and brutal. Naruto licks the blood from the torn flesh of his lips and braces for the jabs that come one right after the other, from all directions, like little needles piercing his skin.
(my heart aches when i think about this story. It’s one of my favorites.)
(Angst. So Much Angst. Some cheating?  8/8  75988)
Send My Love by 
   Ending up with the attention of the millionaire heartthrob playboy doesn’t mean the rules change for you.
(Romance/Angst   7/7  30405)
Unravel by  Dae | Disentangle by Dae (Sequel)
  One way to induce temporary to permanent impotence would be to see your boyfriend and best friend fucking after coming home from visiting your dying mother in the hospital.
  That was the case for Naruto until he met an attractive, wealthy, arrogant bastard of a man named Sasuke, who turned his world upside down.
(Angst/Romance  14/14  94063)
Long Lost by  CanineKitten
      Sasuke wanted Naruto to catch the drift for once and leave him alone, but instead he leaned closer. Maybe Sasuke should have caught on when he saw the determination in Naruto's eyes. Maybe he should have realized that Naruto was about to do something stupid. But he didn’t. So when Naruto kissed him, he was too shocked to even be indignant.
   In which Naruto and Sasuke skirt around their feelings for each other until they run out of excuses
(Romance/Angst 26/26  90003)
(you should read their other stories too!)
Red Ring by  Nomme_dePlume
   He turned the tap off and reached for a towel, wiping it over his face. He rubbed lightly at his eyes first, then brought the towel lower, opening his eyes to see his reflection as the towel wiped over his nose and mouth. A slight discoloration on his finger caught his attention, so he dropped the towel and brought his left hand up for closer inspection – only to find a thin, red ring around his left ring finger. Eyes wide, Naruto stared at his hand and opened his mouth, words failing him momentarily until he found what he was looking for. “Sakura!”
(Soulmates/Romance  14/14  60970)
Something Good by  KinomiAkai
   Some people are assholes. Some people are kind. It's when those are the same person that things get real confusing.
   Minor character death. A fic about grief, healing, and hope
(Friends to Lovers/Romance  29/29  93992)
Enter Naruto by KinomiAkai
   Sasuke's a writer whose been writing the same words for years. He's tired, he's annoyed, and his money situation is...pretty messed up, even by student standards.
Enter Naruto.
Modern AU (College/University), Sasunaru/Narusasu.
(Friends to Lovers/Romance  35/35  112231)
(i highly recommend all of @kinomiakai‘s works. They are amazing!)
Corporate Secrets by  KizuKatana
   Everyone knew that Uzumaki Naruto was a businessman you didn't mess with. He was charismatic and able to win deals that left others wondering how they'd been talked into what they'd just signed. He was held up as an example of everything an alpha should be: strong, charismatic, and commanding. What they could never have expected was that Naruto was not, in fact, an alpha. In a society run by alphas, it was a secret that he kept closely guarded. As long as he never encountered his True Mate, he could keep his identity concealed behind scent blockers and suppressants. And with billions of people in the world, he didn't really have to worry about finding his True Mate. Right? Even if he did, Naruto was sure he would just kick the guy's ass and move on. He'd never met an alpha he was attracted to, or one that could match him. 
   He wasn't worried at all.
(Omegaverse (but with human biology)/Romance  14/14  97786)
When Love Fades by KizuKatana
   Sometimes the pressures of life and small annoyances can overshadow the reason people fell in love in the first place. Sasuke slowly realizes that he might have let something irreplaceable slip away without a fight. 
   Not a cheating fic! main pairing: SasuNaruSasu, some SasuNeji, some GaaNaruGaa
(Make-up/Break-up/Romance   27/27  187654)
(I recommend all of their stories too!)
syzygy by  beastofthesky
   In which Sasuke comes home, an errand needs to be run, several people tell him things, and he realizes just what home really is, for him.
(Canon Divergence/Romance  6/6  31407)
And there is some one-shots but with +10k words!
dépaysement by  moonwatcher
   dépaysement – the feeling of being in another country, the weird feeling you get from things being different from what you’re used to.
(Arranged marriage/Romance  43131)
pink + white by moonwatcher
   sasuke has mastered the art of stealthy observation—he can take notes with his eyes closed in calculus if he needed—half his attention on the board, half on Naruto who is usually not taking the notes that he should be...
(High School/Friends to Lovers  14016)
radar by  moonwatcher
“Dude . . . Have you ever watched any movie ever? Friends with benefits don’t end well.”
“We’re not friends and I’m not a stupid teenager. I know what I’m doing. And besides I don’t have shit in common with that prick.”
“Uh huh . . .”
(Friends With Benefits/Romance  24470)
(Seriously i think im in love with moonwatcher)
I’m very busy these days so i can’t read that much:( if you guys have recommendations don’t hesitate to send them!
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rfield87 · 4 years
Writing Advice from Best-Selling Authors: Stephen King
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This week’s re-blog is one that was written by Lauren Passell, and is titled: Stephen King’s Top 20 Rules for Writers. It was published on March 22, 2013. If you would like to read the blog on the Barnes & Noble website where I found it, I will leave the link below. 
(When I was re-writing this blog I found some typo errors and corrected them as I went along. It must be the editor in me.)
                         Stephen King’s Top 20 Rules for Writers
Stephen King’s books have sold over 350 million copies. Like them or loathe them, you have to admit that’s impressive. King’s manual On Writing reveals that he’s relentlessly dedicated to his craft. He admits that not even The King himself always sticks to his rules - but trying to follow them is a good start. Here are our favorite pieces of advice for aspiring writers:
1. First write for yourself, and then worry about the audience. “When you write a story, you’re telling yourself the story. When you rewrite, your main job is taking out the things that are not the story. Your stuff starts out being just for you, but then it goes out.
2. Don’t use passive voice. “Timid writers like passive verbs for the same reason that timid lovers like passive partners. The passive voice is safe. The timid fellow writes “The meeting will be held at seven o’clock” because that somehow says to him, ‘Put it this way and people will believe you really know.’ Purge this quisling thought! Don’t be a muggle! Throw back your shoulders, stick out your chin, and put that meeting in charge! Write ‘The meeting’s at seven.’ There, by God! Don’t you feel better?”
3. Avoid adverbs. “The adverbs is not your friend. Consider the sentence “He closed the door firmly.” It’s by no means a terrible sentence, but ask yourself if ‘firmly’ really has to be there. What about context? What about the enlightening (not to say emotionally moving) prose which came before ‘He closed the door firmly’? Shouldn’t this tell us how he closed the door? And if the foregoing prose does tell us, then isn’t ‘firmly’ an extra word? Isn’t it redundant?”
4, Avoid adverbs, especially after “he said” and “she said.” “While to write adverbs is human, to write ‘he said’ or ‘she said’ is divine.”
5. But don’t obsess over perfect grammar. “Language does not always have to wear a tie and lace-up shoes. The object of fiction isn’t grammatical correctness but to make the reader welcome and then tell a story...to make him/her forget, whenever possible, that he/she is reading a story at all.”
6. The magic is in you. “I’m convinced that fear is at the root of most bad writing. Dumbo got airborne with the help of a magic feather; you may feel the urge to grasp a passive verb or one of those nasty adverbs for the same reason. Just remember before you do that Dumbo didn’t need the feather; the magic was in him.”
7. Read, read, read. “You have tor read widely, constantly refining (and redefining) your own work as you do so. If you don’t have the time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write.”
8. Don’t worry about making other people happy. “Reading at meals is considered rude in polite society, but if you expect to succeed as a writer, rudeness should be the second to least of your concerns. The least of all should be polite society and what it expects. If you intend to write as truthfully as you can, your days as a member of polite society are numbered, anyway.”
9. Turn off the TV. “Most exercise facilities are now equipped with TVs, but TV - while working out or anywhere else - really is about the last thing an aspiring writer needs. If you feel you must have the news analyst blowhard on CNN while you exercise, or the stock market blowhards of MSNBC, or the sports blowhards of ESPN, it’s time for you to question how serious you really are about becoming a writer. You must be prepared to do some serious turning inward toward the life of the imagination, and that means, I’m afraid, the Geraldo, Keigh Oberman, and Jay Leno must go. Reading takes time, and the glass teat takes too much of it.”
10. You have three months. “The first draft of a book - even a long one - should take no more than three months, the length of a season.”
11. There are two secrets to success. “When asked for the ‘secret of my success’ (an absurd idea, that, but impossible to get away from), I sometimes say there are two: I stayed physically healthy, and I stayed married. It’s a good answer because it makes the question go away, and because there is an element of truth in it. The combination of a healthy body and a stable relationship with a self-reliant woman who takes zero shit from me or anyone else has made the continuity of my working life possible. And I believe the converse is also true: that my writing and the pleasure I take in it has contributed to the stability of my health and my home life.”
12. Write one word at a time. “A radio talk-show host asked me how I wrote. My reply - ‘One word at a time’ - seemingly left him without a reply. I think he was trying to decide whether or not I was joking. I wasn’t. In the end, it’s always that simple. Whether it’s vignette of a single page or an epic trilogy like ‘The Lord of the Rings,” the work is always accomplished one word at a time.”
13. Eliminate distraction. “There should be no telephone in your writing room, certainly no TV or videogames for you to fool around with. If there’s a window, draw the curtains or pull down the shades unless it looks out at a blank wall.”
14. Stick to your own style. “One cannot imitate a writer’s approach to a particular genre, no matter how simple what the writer is doing may seem. You can’t aim a book like a cruise missile, in other words. People who decide to make a fortune writing like John Grisham or Tom Clancy produce nothing but pale imitations, by and large, because vocabulary is not the same thing as feeling and plot is light years from the truth as it is understood by the mind and the heart.”
15. Dig. “When, during the course of an interview for The New Yorker, I told the interviewer (Mark Singer) that I believed stories are found things, like fossils in the ground, he said that he didn’t believe me. I replied that was fine, as long as he believed that I believed it. And I do. Stories aren’t souvenir tee-shirts or Game Boys. Stories are relics, part of an undiscovered pre-existing world. The writer’s job is to use the tools in his or her toolbox to get as much of each one out of the ground intact as possible. Sometimes the fossil you uncover is small; a seashell. Sometimes it’s enormous, a Tyrannosaurus Rex with all the gigantic ribs and grinning teeth. Either way, short story or thousand page whopper of a novel, the techniques of excavation remain basically the same.”
16. Take a break. “If you’ve never done it before, you’ll find reading your book over after a six-week layoff to be a strange, often exhilarating experience. It’s yours, you’ll recognize it as yours, even be able to remember what tune was on the stereo when you wrote certain lines, and yet it will also be like reading the work of someone else, a soul-twin, perhaps. This is the way it should be, the reason you waited. It’s always easier to kill someone else’s darlings than it is to kill your own.”
17. Leave out the boring parts and kill your darlings. “Mostly when I think of pacing, I go back to Elmore Leonard, who explained it so perfectly by saying he just left out the boring parts. This suggests cutting to speed the pace, and that’s what most of us end up having to do (kill your darlings, kill your darlings, even when it breaks your egocentric little scribbler’s heart, kill your darlings).”
18. The research shouldn’t overshadow the story. “If you do need to do research because parts of your story deal with things about which you know little or nothing, remember the word back. That’s where research belongs; as far in the background and the back story as you can get it. You may be entranced with what you’re learning about the flesh-eating bacteria, the sewer system of New York, or the I.Q. potential of collie pups, but your readers are probably going to care a lot more about your characters and your story.”
19. You become a better writer simply by reading and writing. “You don’t need writing classes or seminars any more than you need this or any other book on writing. Faulkner learned his trade while working in the Oxford, Mississippi post office. Other writers have learned the basics while serving in the Navy, working in steel mills or doing time in America’s finer crossbar hotels. I learned the most valuable (and commercial) part of my life’s work while washing motel sheets and restaurant tablecloths at the New Franklin Laundry in Bangor. You learn best by reading a lot and writing a lot, and the most valuable lessons of all are the ones you teach yourself.”
20. Writing is about getting happy. “Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end, it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well. It’s about getting up, getting well, and getting over. Getting happy, okay? Writing is magic, as much the water of life as any other creative art. The water is free. So, drink.”  
Which of these rules do you like best?
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back-to-jusenkyo · 4 years
Ranma 1/2 Episode 1: The Strange Stranger from China
Director: Tomomi Mochizuki
Animation Director: Atsuko Nakajima
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Hmm... where shall I begin?
I love this episode so much. I really wasn’t expecting to like this series so much when I first sat down to watch Ranma 1/2. But it was love at first watch! I think this episode is a masterclass in how to begin a story. It does so much right! It introduces our main character, explains the gimmick of the show, and sets the perfect tone for the series going forward.
Let’s start with a brief summary: Soun Tendo explains to his daughters that he has formed an arrangement with his old friend, Genma Saotome, in order to preserve his dojo. The suitor’s name is Ranma Saotome... but then who is this girl that shows up bearing that name? And what’s with the panda? Turns out, both Saotome martial artists were cursed in the Chinese springs of Jusenkyo, with Genma becoming a panda and Ranma turning into a young girl. Due to a misunderstanding, Akane and Ranma saw each other in the nude and are justifiably flustered with each other. The flames of anger are only stoked when it’s decided that she will be Ranma’s fiancée. Their relationship gets off to a rocky start to say the least... but we still have a whole series to go!
I love that the episode begins in media res, or in the middle of things. It establishes our main cast pretty well; Ranma and Genma fight a lot, Soun is concerned about his future, Kasumi is the housekeeper, Nabiki lounges (and is boy crazy?), and Akane hates boys but loves martial arts. By the time all these characters come together, we have a base knowledge of who they are and don’t need further elaboration for hijinks to ensue.
It’s cute how Akane is the one who reaches out to the girl-Ranma when the rest of the family is shocked and disappointed. Their budding friendship is overshadowed by the mystery of what happened to boy-Ranma and Genma. Ranma hints at it but the first-time viewer is left curious. And of course it’s revealed in the worst way possible for our protagonists! The tension of mystery, and the building awkwardness of Ranma’s curse comes to a head when Akane walks in on male Ranma stepping out of the tub! You can’t help but cringe at how poorly this gender-reveal is going!
The cringe is made the more sour by how things were shaping up so well for our main pair before the bathroom incident. While the two are already tense, they get engaged! And then Ranma has to go and rub his female figure in Akane’s face.. oof. While Ranma is inexcusably rude, this IS how teenagers can act. Sometimes you go too far and hormones are always flaring, with-or-without a gender-bending curse. But you know that there’s nuance to this relationship. Ranma dwells on how Akane tried to befriend him in the midst of his pouting. This is definitely a relationship you want to see play out.
I’ve gone on and on... someday I want to make a deeper analysis of this episode. I haven’t even gone over art and sound design, humor, or the opening and ending numbers. I think those songs will get dedicated posts in the future. As for the art, I love Nakajima’s work here. The designs have a nostalgic ‘90s anime look to them (yes I know the series began in ‘89 tho) and the movement is fun, especially during fighting.
The jokes are there, more situational and not forced. You have a guy who turns into a girl, it’s not like you have to reach to find awkward situations. The adaptation of Takahashi’s writing is a breath of fresh air in the present era of animation. No lousy jokes, low-brow humor aimed at children. The characters do make silly faces, but it’s not exaggerated to the extremes of Cartoon Network and the like. I like how Soun and Genma weep often, it makes them tender-hearted dads and is a pretty good joke. Akane shows us her super-human strength, but this is not even the tip of the slapstick iceberg.
All in all, a great beginning to the series and one of my favorite episodes.
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gremlinkween · 5 years
Bad Moon Rising
Part 2: Mermen, Vampires, and Werewovles, Oh My! 
Summary: The reader finds and rescues a hurt merman who tells her that his name is Jim. She helps him without a second thought, but his presence might attract the attention of other supernatural creatures she never knew existed. This will eventually be a foursome (Jim Mason x Michael Langdon x Duncan Shepard x Reader) mythology/supernatural au.
A/N: I'm not dead! Instead of just saying that I was gonna do something, I figured my welcome back post would be the next revised chapter of BMR as an apology. I had some repressed memories come up and they were repressed for a reason so that rocked my boat real hard, but hi everyone! I'll get to the asks sitting in the inbox hopefully tonight, but it might have to be tomorrow. So for the new readers, the last one of the foursome is introduced, but we’ll get to actually see more of Michael and Duncan in the next part. There is an oc in here, Rory, that we’ll see more later. I’ve had him for awhile and he’s actually one of my fave characters ever. You can totally imagine Cillian Murphy for him. Again, if you want to be on the tag list, just hit me up and let me know what you think!
Warnings: No smut yet, sorry. There is blood, injury, mentions of mental illness, depression, crying, concern about having a total break from reality.
Word Count: 2.3k
Tagging List: @langdonsinferno, and @moonagecordelia and remember, my tag list is all sorts of messed up so please lmk if you want to be on it! either for this story or all my work! 
Previous Parts: Part 1
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“I thought that vampires fed off of humans? Why did he go for you instead of me?”
“Well, yeah, vampires feed off of humans, but that’s not their only food source. Faerie blood is actually more nutritious and flavorful for vampires, just humans are more readily available and easier to hunt. He probably smelt my blood and sought me out.”
“… Wow, I mean makes sense, I guess?” It really didn’t, nothing made sense to her, but also Jim could tell her that the sky was actually purple and the ocean was orange, and she’d believe him at this point.
“You should probably take care of him.”
“Yeah, probably. Do I need something stronger than rope.”
He scoffed, “Yes, probably something more like a stake through the heart.”
She looked to the darkly angelic figure passed out on the floor. He looked helpless now, and she could see that the wounds that were on the cat adorned and tarnished his skin. He was hurt, and probably just looking for a way to heal himself. She felt bad, but on the other hand, Jim was in danger. So was she. This was fucked up. “No.”
Jim gave her a look like she might be insane.
“I said no. He’s just trying to survive like you. I’ll get like, chains or something. That should hold him?”
Jim looked at her with such bewilderment, she felt like she was the weird one in the room. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’s probably going to end badly.”
She was still looking at the vampire. Probably, she was thinking, but that’s not what she said. “I think it’s going to be fine.”
“…. Okay, if you say so.” Jim was still so unsure of this. “Just move him please.”
“Yeah, no problem.”
Moving the vampire that was nearly double her size wasn’t an easy feat, but she did it. Thank god for the hauls of fish she’s been lugging around her whole life or this might actually be impossible. She had him propped up against the support beam in the living room. That was the sturdiest place in her house she could think of, but you knew you needed to move fast. There was no telling how much time you had before he woke up, and she couldn’t imagine he’d be happy when he did. Now, the next problem was finding chains and a lock that was probably heavy duty enough. She figured the boatyard, but she’d really have to move her ass.
She grabbed the keys to her dad’s old beat up pick up truck and a jacket and hurried out the door. She was humming to herself in a tense song, a habit she did out of nervousness, and fumbled with the keys.
“Hi there, Y/N, a little la-” a familiar voice called, but with the night’s events, she was already under so much pressure, and she yelped and nearly threw the keys. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Hi, Rory. Sorry, it’s been a night.” Oh Rory, the older Irish gentleman that ran the dock’s favorite bar to go to in the evening, and her next door neighbor. She had known him her whole life, a steady constant in this crazy shit show her life had been these past couple of months. She really wasn't alarmed with him being out so late. With his business, he always had been a night owl.
“I can see that,” his thick accent rang out with a chuckle, and she blanched for a second. “Dragging in buckets of sea water?”
“It’s an art project,” She answered maybe a little too fast and he cocked an eyebrow. “You know, for processing trauma. I read about it.”
“Okay then, Y/N,” he was unsure, but he was going to drop it. He knew grief made people do some strange things sometimes. 
“I’m going out for more things.” She didn’t know when to stop talking apparently.
“Well, good luck with that at 3 am. Just be careful,” he wished her well, “It’s a full moon, all the crazies are out tonight.”
She just chuckled uneasily, if she could only tell him. “Will do, you get some rest.”
“You too, dear.”
She was finally able to get the truck open and started, and she sped off to the boatyard.
The yard was desolate and particularly eerily this night. Mist from the water was creeping over the place and gave it an all too fitting gothic appearance. She really wished that the world would stop being so poetic for a change. She found herself pulling her jacket tighter as she walked in between the older and busted up boats, something making the hair on the back of her neck stand up on end. A presence was following her, but she was all too tired of the night's weirdness to give into the thought. Surely, tonight couldn't get weirder. 
She had to kick the door down to the supply shed, but she doubted anyone would really care. This was the forgotten side of town anyway. She found heavy duty chains and a padlock fairly quickly, a feeling of satisfaction filled her that was quickly overshadowed by something else. Her head whipped up to the door and then to the window. She saw nothing, but she swore she felt eyes on her. Very intent eyes. God damn it. At this point, she was just hoping for another human.
The best thing to do was just get the hell out of there regardless, she decided, and without actually breaking into a run, she moved as fast as she could.
Outside, she swore she hear footsteps of something. It was much too big to be a person, but she didn’t know what it could be. Could be anything. She didn't know, and she was getting tired of this one night getting so fucking weird. There was an idea trying to creep into her mind, one that she was trying to violently shut out. She actually might just give up if she was right.
There was a movement and then a soft growl. She blanched again, but sighed. Of course. No, of course this would be the night that even more insane shit has to happen. She turned to the boat she saw the movement coming from and her eyes widened, yet she was somehow not surprised. A giant wolf monster sat perched up on the cabin and she nodded. “Sure. Yep. This might as well happen. Let’s just get this over with.”
It glowered at her as it crept down and off the boat, but in the bright moonlight, she saw the deep wounds ruining the lay of the coat. It growled again and began to stand on this back legs, standing at it’s full eight foot height, but she held dropped the chains and held up her hands. “Don’t even think about it, buddy,” she said firmly and the wolf’s ears pitched forward, clearly curious about the lack of fear.
“I’ve got a hurt merman and a vampire I need to restrain soon or he’s going to try to eat the merman at home. I see that you’re hurt. I can take care of you, but I need you to stop being a dick.”
It looked like it was debating something it’s head before settling down on all fours and cautiously moved towards her before gently nuzzling into her neck, smelling and licking her, she figured that this was some kind of greeting that werewolves had, but he was being friendly, but she just rolled with it. It was that kind of night that was already weird enough. She scratched behind it’s ears and it practically mewled and she had to smile, that was pretty cute.
“Come on, let’s go. I have to get back before the vampire wakes up.”
He limped along with her, and she had to help the poor thing up into the bed of the truck, but he was behaving quite well. She covered him up, with one of the tarps she used for the fish, and hopped in. Hopefully, she wasn’t too late, and she felt worry pit itself in her stomach.
She had to make sure the lights on in Rory’s house were off before she uncovered the newest friend and boy from her truck and hurried him into the house.
The first thing she did was check to make sure that the vampire was still out and passed out where she left him. Thankfully, he was, and she was able to breathe a sigh of relief. She went back to the kitchen as the werewolf began sniffing around. “Go upstairs, it’s the room with the lights on.”
The wolf looked at her uneasily, but he relented and sulked up the stairs on all fours, looking over its’ shoulders at her.
She grabbed the chains and quickly secured the vampire to the post. There was a moment that nearly had her passing out, his nose flared a couple of times when she got closer, but luckily that was his only response to her.
She didn’t waste anymore time though, grabbed the medical box for the third time tonight, and she was running up the stairs. Once she reached the top of the stairs, she saw the large furry head pop out of the doorway. It was odd to have such a large creature in her house, but she didn’t think about that just yet. She sat the box down on the desk and she heard it growl softly.
“Come on, I know this is going to hurt a little bit, but,” the wolf cut her off with another, more aggressive growl.
“Uhhh, Y/N,” Jim called from the bathroom. “What was that?”
She turned around and went to the door. “I might have made another new friend tonight.” The wolf’s head popped into sight from the door to look at where the other voice came from out of curiosity, and Jim went white.
“That’s an alpha werewolf.”
She grunted as he pushed his way into the bathroom and began smelling and licking at Jim’s neck like he had done with her, and Jim couldn’t help the giggles that escaped his mouth and it only encouraged the wolf to tickle him more, but he eventually pushed him off gently.
Jim smiled shyly at the wolf before looking to her again. “Why was he growling at you?”
“I was just getting ready to stitch up his wounds.”
The monstrous animal’s ears pinned back at the word and Jim swatted his muzzle, startling the wolf.
“Be nice. She doesn’t know anything and you can’t talk in that form,” Jim chided with a small smile.
“You don’t need to rub it in!” She was almost defensive, but Jim was laughing.
“Werewolves don’t need stitches, particularly alphas. He’ll be fine by tomorrow night, you won’t even know that he was hurt.”
She nodded, but then stopped. “Why did he come with me then? If he didn’t need help.”
Jim’s eyes were practically shining with mischief. “He probably thinks you’re cute.”
She was bright red now and she looked at the clear amusement both of them had.
“Or he had other reasons, I’m just,” He had to think about it. He wasn’t sure about the human word for this. “Having my fun?” He had a little shy smile, and while she was scowling, her heart melted a bit at the expression.
“I didn’t realize I was opening my door to such jokesters,” but even she had to laugh.
She let out a yawn, and she realized how tired she was out. It hit like a freight train now that she didn't have a murderous vampire on the loose and she no longer had to play doctor. “Well, I think I’m going to be retiring for the night. Jim would you like a pillow or something?”
He cocked he eyebrow. Right, that makes sense that they wouldn’t have them in the ocean.
“I’ll go get one for you away.”
The wolf followed her out of the bathroom and crawled up on the bed for no regard to his weight as he circled like any dog would before settling down on the bed. She grabbed one of the extra pillows and returned to stuff it in the corner between the wall and the bathtub and Jim hesitantly rested his head against it before his eyes lit up.
“This is very comfortable. What did you call this?”
She chuckled, “A pillow. Goodnight, Jim.”
He smiled, “Goodnight, Y/N. Thank you. again.”
“It’s no problem.” With that, she left again for the bedroom.
She looked at the wolf, seemingly asleep, and she decided what the hell. She took her bra off and her pants, leaving herself in just a shirt and underwear. She crawled into bed under the blankets and tried to get comfortable, but sleep wasn’t coming to her at all. She was just replaying the events of the night.
So, at the beginning of the night, it was crippling loneliness and a solid crying session, then late night sailing on the boat …. Then she saved a merman …. Then they got attacked by a vampire ….. and then she picked up a werewolf ….. and now there’s a merman in  her bathtub, a vampire chained up in the living room, and a werewolf in bed with her. She sighed. This was…. weird. This was a weird night. This couldn’t have happened, could it? This stuff was made up. Oh god, she was having a mental breakdown. She was breaking and this wasn’t real. None of this was real.
She was starting to hyperventilate, panic gripping her, but then she felt a warm head, a very warm, very large, and very fluffy head nuzzle into her chest. A strong, furry arm ending in a hand with extremely long and sturdy claws wrapped around her abdomen and pulled her tight. An animal’s tongue licked her cheek and she had to laugh at how much it tickled. She heard the wolf make a noise deep within its throat in approval and she relaxed. This was real. It was very very real and she had the feeling that this wolf wouldn’t let anything happen to her.
Sleep soon took over, and for the first time in what felt like years, there was a smile on her face.
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notribs · 5 years
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hello hello ! it is may again and i... am still 20, using she/her, and in the eastern standard timezone. i can’t say that’s changed in the amount of time between intros. anyway, i do want to say that i like this gif because i feel like it.............. is an accurate representation of ribs at........... almost all times.
‹ TREVANTE RHODES, HE/HIM, CIS MAN, BISEXUAL. › DAVID “RIBS” SHAFFER is the TWENTY-EIGHT year old from EMERYVILLE, CA. when a friend asked them what they thought of the manor they said, ❝ IT LOOKS LIKE SOMEWHERE JAMIE LEE WOULD BE LURED INTO. ❞ they claim ANY HORROR MOVIE WITH JAMIE LEE CURTIS IN IT is their favorite scary movie, and if they were to die in a horror film they would EXPLAIN TO THE KILLER THAT THERE WAS NO WAY HE MET THE CRITERIA FOR THE ‘FINAL GIRL’… JUST TO BE KILLED IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS SPEECH. their fears include HALLUCINATING, PARALYZATION and FIREWORKS, and they don’t know we know, but… HE MADE MONEY AS A DEALER WHILE HE WAS STILL WAITING FOR THE BAND TO TAKE OFF. hope they enjoy their stay. ‹ MUSE B from STRESSED OUT. ›
full name: david “ribs” isaiah shaffer
date of birth: december 1, 1992
*does not perfectly reflect the below Big Three zodiac chart because that’s so much math
zodiac big three: sagittarius sun, capricorn moon, pisces rising
gender & pronouns: cis man & he/him
sexual orientation: bisexual
occupation: drummer + backup songwriter + history of drug dealing
the song i listen to on repeat while i write the intro: “make or break” - bugzy malone
triggers: violence, mentions of drug dealing, very very very brief mention of self-harm (not the product of a mental illness which is why i forgot to include this until i looked at it again this morning - the product of wanting to keep a lie), very very brief mention of guns and fire in the ‘fears’ section
born to a very loving family bc i need a sunnier background hasfkljwas 
david was never EVER academically inclined. he’ll tell you it’s because he just wasn’t interested and was too involved in music and boxing, both of which will be gone over soon, but that wasn’t entirely true. he was also very busy working odd jobs days and nights as a kid and days and nights at successful businesses when he was 16+ (see: papa john’s)
his parents did own a music shop! they were clearly doing their part! but, in the digital era and the era of guitar center, they were only getting so much traction. they were also much too calm about it, at least outwardly, so david felt as though he needed to help.
but it is true that he spent a lot of time practicing music and boxing! as just mentioned, his parents owned a music store and were both very musically inclined. they taught him how to be, at the very least, INTERMEDIATE at as many instruments as possible. he can now confidently say that, if the band ever needed it, he could play the guitar, piano, bass, or saxophone. 
that being said, his instrument of choice was the drums. he began using jazz drummers, as well as various hip-hop beats, as his inspiration. his original inspirations were buddy rich, gene krupa, chico hamilton, art blakey, and the beats of grime and 90s rap.
it shows.
when he ventured into other genres, however, he began taking inspiration from nick mason, john bonham, neil peart, keith moon, ginger baker, karen carpenter, and ringo starr 
(i have a music theory + history lesson for you if you think ringo is a bad drummer ok - he was a “songwriter’s drummer,” which is much more important to being a drummer in a band than being technically skilled or being able to show off with complex patterns and, thus, overshadowing the song. that’s why the beatles continued asking ringo to play the drums on their songs, even after they broke up. john lennon never said “he’s not even the best drummer in the beatles” - a radio dj made that joke and people started taking it literally. love that.)
(also the same goes for nick mason but his drumming is rly only brought up when he’s brought up since pink floyd isn’t as talked about as the beatles)
ALSO!!! i have decided to be passionate about karen carpenter because girl won a 1975 poll that pit her against john bonham for best drummer and he got so mad and said she couldn’t last ten minutes with led zeppelin. the following is just alleged, but oh my god i hope it’s true: then she proceeded to compliment his drumming, say that she thinks it’s all very subjective, then got behind her set and played “babe i’m gonna leave you” while singing and not missing a single note. we have decided to stan forever.
he also took up boxing. as a kid, he was just practicing and taking any excess frustration out. when he turned 14, however, he found an opportunity in an underground circuit. he started fighting against other people, for real, and would be paid if he won the fight.
so: school from 8a-3p, drum practice from 3:30p-7:30p (i know), family from 8p-10p, boxing from 11p-2a.
his parents knew he boxed, but didn’t know it was as dangerous as it was. they assumed there were more safeguards in place..... but boy was bringing in a LOT of money for there to be a lot of safeguards in place. because of this, david NEVER let them see his matches.
when he was 16, he’d broken his ribs during one of the fights and refused to see a doctor over it. what did he say happened when his parents could TELL something was wrong? he said that he’d been mugged and beaten up. to support this theory, before he ‘showed’ it to them, he dug into himself with a knife to make it look like the muggers had a switchblade.
from there on out, he made everyone call him “ribs”
did his parents ever wonder where his excess income was coming from? DEFINITELY. he told them that, yes, his MINIATURE matches did bring in some money, but the rest of the money came from tips!! because people are clearly that generous!!
he also never showed them the full amount. he’d only give what was necessary, not out of selfishness, rather to keep his secret and save them from worrying about him. he put it in a savings account.
it should also be addressed that, during this time, he became friends with who would become the guitarist in his future band, joakim. he witnessed joakim fight a homophobic teenager and desperately wanted to join in... but his ribs were broken ahflskd
he continued boxing, even after being introduced to joakim’s college friend, gabe - the future singer of their band. that being said, they began jamming with each other and played in a few local circuits.
his parents were very encouraging of this and told him that he should go for this as a career opportunity. 
can you tell they were idealists?
he wanted to... but it was very impractical. by now, however, he was out of school (and he never went to college). his parents let him continue living with them since they were under the belief they were short on cash and it’d be difficult for him to find an affordable apartment under the papa john’s salary.
he decided to take his parents up on this... but, while he was waiting for his band to find success, their music store was closed down. as they both began looking desperately for new jobs, he realized that papa john’s and the fighting payment wasn’t quite enough anymore... so he started selling drugs.
he doesn’t keep his fighting a secret anymore, but he does keep his drug dealing a secret. he fears that it’ll perpetuate stereotypes.
during one of his band’s gigs, he and the others met their future bassist - the missing piece - rory. she was marginally younger than they were, but she was an extremely talented bassist and songwriter, so the lineup was finally complete and devil’s wine was formed.
when they began skyrocketing, he quit drug dealing. he also stopped the dangerous boxing, although he continues to... box safely. he began sending money back home after they really started succeeding. his mother got a teacher licensure in music and his father got the opportunity to own..... a guitar center.
if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.
VERY IMPORTANT: uses a pearl custom kit, istanbul cymbals, aquarian heads, and vic firth sticks.
that was very important.
literally obsessed with jamie lee curtis. watching her movies has also made him very genre-savvy. 
would genuinely die for her.
is the epitome of bob belcher’s “oh my god.” in his band. they get off topic during practice/recording just ONCE?? queue “oh my god.” and the gif above.
isn’t necessarily ashamed of his past dealings (literally) - like, joakim knows - but is genuinely afraid of perpetuating the stereotype of the dirty black boy. he’s open about the rest of his life, but he’s convinced that if people learn he used to sell drugs, he would be setting people back. having a black drummer in a rock band that’s on the radio? he needs to keep up appearances!!
never wears shirts during concerts. has to show off his ribs and also drumming, with a bunch of lights directly on him, is an extreme exercise and guaranteed sweat machine. dresses like bugzy malone otherwise.
ahflskjd again,,, like adrian,,, look @ his chart ig alhkfjd
hallucinating: he hates not only the idea of losing his mind, but also the idea of having a skewed view of reality after he really... saw reality, you know? his uncle had schizophrenia and, while he rarely saw him, the thought of going through what his uncle had/has to go through terrifies him.
paralyzation: this was a constant worry of his during his boxing matches - he was terrified someone would wind up taking out a firearm and would shoot him into a state of paralysis. not to mention, all limbs are required for both drumming and boxing.... so.
fireworks: less deep than the others. the house next door to his was set on fire due to a firework display being too close. while no one died and most of the house was salvaged, the idea of losing anything he has is terrifying to him. also the sounds they make remind him of guns so?
ok,,, so unlike adrian,,, he lived in california,,, a state many other characters lived in. while some cities in california can be like,,,, seven hours away,,, IT’S STILL AN IMPROVEMENT, so i’ll list a few past connection ideas too!
people who hate his music
people who’ve seen one of his matches
old friends
someone who was constantly in his parents’ music store
???? im bad at connections!!!!!! but im down for brainstorming and/or working off of urs!!!!!!
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erasethedarkness · 5 years
Hey, want a weird request? What about a MHA Characters x Reader, where the Reader straight up tells them that they are not real and are characters from a show, brought to life by her imgantion because she was lonely and ended up falling for either All Might and Aizawa?
Woo! I feel like it’s been a really, really long time since I’ve done a request. Thank you so much for this one, and I’m sorry it took suuuuch a long time. I really appreciate the patience for it! 
I hope you enjoy this! I had a lot of fun writing it, and it was easy to get into, and hopefully means I’ll be getting to some other requests as well as continuing HDILT. :) This one got very lightly political, but I feel like I should give a little heads up about it. Again, very lightly. But it happened.
Summary: With another heat wave going on, most people stayed inside, clinging to air conditioned spaces for dear life. This was the perfect opportunity for you to get some painting done- after all, you were born and raised in the midwest. This wasn’t new to you and you were certain you’d be fine.
Theme Song: I Knew I Loved You - Savage Garden
Reader: Female
Words: 1708
Pairing: All Might x Reader
I knew I loved you before I met you…
It was the middle of summer, 2019. Advisories to stay indoors and bring pets inside were everywhere- on TV and the radio, sent out in work newsletters and emails. Everywhere you looked, there was some sort of notification warning you to do whatever you could to avoid the sweltering heat and humidity of the midwest. There was even a post going around on Facebook where a police station officially cancelled all criminal activity due to the extreme heat, asking aspiring criminals, seasoned veterans, and those who were just bored to simply please stay inside.
Fortunately for you, this wasn’t all that new. Having grown up with this fickle weather and being around it your whole life, a little bit of wet air and heat was nothing. Did you like it? No. But you could handle it, so you weren’t going to let it confine you to home.
As you set up your easel by the lakefront under the cool shade of the trees that hid your little sanctuary from the view of others, you sighed deeply. What an inconvenient time for a headache to develop. With a small roll of your eyes, you sat down in front of the canvas, looking just past it at the bridge overgrown with golden bougainvillea flowers. A small smile pressed onto your lips at the view- this was easily your favorite landscape to paint. In the past, you were only able to capture its full majesty in late summer, but thanks to global warming, summer started so much sooner- to the point where the flowers were in full bloom by late July.
Inspired once again, you put in your headphones and ignored your headache until you couldn’t notice it any longer. The more you stared into the mass of yellow, the more you lost yourself, completely entranced in your brush strokes. Your gaze constantly fixated on the bridge and your canvas, switching back and forth between blinks. Everything else blurred together in your peripheral, and soon, you were so tunnel-visioned with your painting that even parts of the canvas and scene that weren’t being worked on started to blend together.
“Huh?” Your brows furrowed as you made the quizzical little sound. You’d been staring so intently and letting your hand work mindlessly that you just now noticed a handsome, broad smile beaming at you. Placing your brush and palette down on the tray beside you, you dropped your head to the side with the most confused expression. “Uhhh… All Might?”
“YES!” He declared, jumping from the bridge to you in an unreal leap. “I am here!”
You gawked at him for a moment, taking out your headphones and slumping back into your seat. What in the world was happening? The man was straight out of an anime about aspiring teenage heroes- there was no way he could be standing in front of you.
Yet he was all you could see right now. His muscle form blocked out the sun and hid the lake, bridge, and flowers from you. The yellow of his suit replaced the bougainvillea you were painting, and his smile looked just like what you imagined it would if he was real. In fact, he looked exactly like what you daydreamed he would. This was too good to be true- you were certain of it.
“You’re… not real,” you stated with empty conviction. “You can’t be real.”
“Oh? Why not?” he asked, placing his knuckles on his hips and bending over to bring his face close to yours. How could he maintain that smile?
“Because you’re an anime character. You’re just a figment of my imagination that I-…” You trailed off, lowering your eyes as your confusion sunk into a sadness you were all too familiar with.
Seeing this, All Might crouched down, squatting with his arms resting on his thighs, hands hanging between his legs. He tilted his head to try to look into your face, that smile softer but ever present. It was like he never stopped smiling in his muscle form, and you admired that. You loved it.
“What’s wrong?” he pressed gently.
“…You. You don’t belong here. I just…”
“You just made me up?”
Silence fell as you let the words sink in from a man you knew wasn’t there. How could he be? This was impossible in every sense of the word. Slowly, you nodded, lifting your eyes to look at what could only be a mirage.
“Yeah… I just made you up,” you sighed with a deeper huff. “It’s just… things have been really lonely lately. And you…” you paused for a moment, “when I first saw you, I thought you’d just be a stereotypical hero, kinda like Superman, y’know?” You forced a smile on your lips, watching as he moved to sit down beside you, head practically level at yours despite the fact that he was on the ground and you in a chair.
“That’s an odd compliment,” he chuckled. You scoffed and giggled lightly, the smile on your lips softening.
“Well, that part isn’t the compliment. You’re not the cliche I thought you’d be. And honestly, I fell in love with that. All your flaws that were overshadowed by your big dreams and the weight of carrying One For All- the lone path you took, and the way you hid the real you from everyone so they could keep believing in heroes- I couldn’t stop myself from falling for you. People aren’t selfless like that in the real world.”
“Hmm…” All Might brought one of his hands to his chin, rubbing it with his thumb and index finger in thought. “That isn’t such a bad thing though. If people were selfless like that, they’d practically be martyrs. A hero’s purpose is to protect the people, (Y/N). Maybe it’s a good thing your reality doesn’t have heroes like me.”
“How can you say that? If we had heroes like you, All Might, I feel like the world would be so much better. It’d be so much safer for women, people of color, and everyone in the LGBTQIA+ community. Children wouldn’t be torn from their parents, immigrants wouldn’t be detained or deported, and global warming wouldn’t destroy the earth in 50 years,” you argued in earnest, as if you could plead him into reality- and part of you- part of you really wished you could. “And I- … I wouldn’t be as lonely.”
“Even with heroes like me, evil would still exist. These problems wouldn’t miracuously disappear, despite how much my existence might deter them. It’s a theme in the show, isn’t it? One For All has passed down from one host to another because this fight is more than just power against power.
And… if I were real, (Y/N), I would only break your heart. I’m a hero first, and you could consider that a tragic flaw of mine. But even if you could love it, it’s still a flaw, and you’d still be lonely.”
A quietness settled between you two as you both looked away from each other. How dare he rain on your daydreams- why couldn’t he just say he’d be with you if that was a possible reality? Wasn’t he supposed to be the perfect All Might for you? He was in your head, after all.
“Besides, I’m such an old man,” he added with a lighter tone and a bit of laughter, looking back to you with his unwavering smile. “The world needs more of you than it does me.”
Your brows furrowed as you returned the gaze and tilted your head. “More of me? But I’m not a hero or anything special. I’m just a girl who watches anime, reads fanfiction, and reblogs fan art.”
All Might’s smile softened as he looked from you to the flower laden bridge. “You undersell yourself with words like “just,” (Y/N). You watch anime, read fanfiction, and reblog fan art. Do you really think it “just” stops there? You’re supporting creators. Fan artists and authors have it rough, and your support means everything to them. It keeps them going and reminds them what they’re doing isn’t worthless- that their dreams are valid.”
“How is that going to make the world any better though?”
“… It already has for someone.” He turned his face back to you, smiling with great encouragement. “I think it’s time for you to wake up, (Y/N).”
“What?” you asked, confused by what he meant. Before he could answer, that headache from before returned in more than full swing. The pressure in your head felt like your brain wanted to break past your skull, and honestly, if that was going to help, you weren’t all that opposed to it right now. Dark blue and black spots began to speckle your vision until you couldn’t make out All Might’s smile, and then everything went black.
A soft and steady beep began to bring you back, the sound like a little ECG. Coldness gave you goosebumps- you hadn’t noticed the heat before when you were talking with All Might, but suddenly you were aware of how cool and almost chilly it felt. With half a breath, you opened your eyes as more white noise began to differentiate itself. Footsteps, phones ringing, and voices… so many voices.
It clicked almost immediately that you were in a hospital bed. The pain that you blacked out to remained, but much duller and right behind your eyes and ears. You turned your head and looked for the ‘Call Nurse’ symbol, pressing the glowing red button when you found it. Within a minute, a nurse strode in.
“Hello, Miss (Y/LN). How are you feeling? I paged the doctor and she’ll be in shortly. Is there anything I can get you? Water?”
“Uh… yeah, sure. But, first, how did I get here?” you asked, your body catching up with how much you were processing.
“Oh, a gentleman brought you in. Said he found you slumped over at an easel. It must have been a pretty sight to draw you out in such extreme weather.” She smiled at you, taking the empty, plastic cup and disappearing for a short moment to fill it. “Here you go. Drink slowly. The doctor will be in soon.”
…I think I dreamed you into life.
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katiesclassicbooks · 5 years
Review: Watchmen by Alan Moore Illustrated by Dave Gibbons
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Watchmen is a graphic novel that was written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Dave Gibbons. It was published in 1987. In the midst of the threat of nuclear warfare, the world is reimagined as if super-heroes really exist in this graphic novel. The group of super-heroes also known as the watchmen, presented in this story are all psychologically complex. We get glimpses into their pasts and their different viewpoints. They all have different viewpoints on how to save the world. Also, complicated and imperfect morality. 
I was hooked and astounded by this multi-layered story. There really was so much packed in here. This shows a world that is overshadowed by potential destruction and Armageddon. A world plagued by the threat of nuclear warfare. Yet, in this world super-heroes are real and what are super-heroes for except to save the world? It’s so much more complex than that though. These super-heroes are flawed. They are just as human as everyone else (well most of them) and have been shaped by their pasts. They all have different viewpoints about the world, saving it and fighting crime. All of which are interesting, all seem morally complicated and none seem like exactly the right answer. Also, the question is asked ‘who watches the watchmen?’ What is behind it all? Does anyone really have the right to make decisions on behalf of humanity or other people? If superheroes existed would they have that right? Do policemen and the law have that right? Do political leaders have that right? Does anyone have that right? I’ve read that Alan Moore is an anarchist and within that theme of ‘who watches the watchmen?’ I can see his anarchy seeping through. This story was so engrossing, thought provoking and wonderfully executed both through the storytelling of Alan Moore and the artistic talent of Dave Gibbons. 
Watchmen is set in a slightly altered 1980’s where some of the history has changed a bit because of the existence of superheroes. The setting was great and since this is a graphic novel was shown through art rather than described with words. I really did love the art style in this graphic novel. I mean, this is the first graphic novel/comic series I have ever read so I don’t have anything to compare it too, but I really did love it. My favorite color palette and setting was when Dr. Manhattan was on Mars. I loved the blue and the pink. All those images when he was there were so cool. Perhaps the scenes on earth were so busy, that the simplicity, space and yet beauty of the drawings of Dr. Manhattan being away from it all just kind of did it for me. 
The characters and the concepts they explore are what really made this book. Through their exploration all the themes of the novel emerge. First of all there is Rorshach. He is ultra pessimistic and you could say even potentially a nihilist. His focus is smaller and he sees the worst of humanity. It seems like he thinks it’s hopeless, but yet relentlessly fights evil. He doesn’t seem to look as much at the big picture as the others though. While I liked Rorshach in a way and he was an interesting character, he was not a favorite. Then there’s The Comedian. He also sees the worst in the world. He sees the world as a big joke. Therefore he decides to cash in on the joke and reflect humanity’s worst qualities. Sure he’s a superhero, but he also works for the government. He was not likable to me for obvious reasons. Ozymandias was a favorite character of mine, although I didn’t completely agree with or admire him. In fact, what is so great about these characters is that you don’t agree with or admire any of them completely. They and their ideologies are all flawed. Ozymandias has a utopian, optimistic vision for the future. He wants to bring a resurgence of all that is great about humanity such as knowledge and art etc. His idol is Alexander the Great. He says that people in the 20th century either were taking a pessimistic or optimistic approach. Seeing the potential for enlightenment or seeing it all as hopeless and almost wishing the world would end. (Don’t think much has changed in the 21st century either). He obviously sees the potential for humanity. He is known as the world’s smartest man and he sees that everyone taking sides and fighting wars just constantly leads to division and can now lead to mutually assured destruction. He decides that humanity needs a threat from outside in order to unite them. I really liked that concept and his vision for a utopian future. The problem is, that plan leads to the sacrifice of the few for the many. Which, morally doesn’t seem right and most definitely not a perfect plan. While he has good intentions for the long term of humanity, he is still very egotistical and seems like he wants to conquer the world. He is the one that really brings up the question ‘who watches the watchmen?’ because he is the one that changes that fate of the world. Did he have the right to do that though? I thought it was interesting that within this story there was a guy reading a comic book about pirates and it paralleled the main story. It was juxtaposed really well and this one image stuck out to me in it. This one man is trying to make it back to his hometown to save everyone from a ship that will take everyone to hell. He has been shipwrecked and is left on an island with a bunch of corpses. He sails to his hometown on a raft that floats on the corpses. The image of him going to save everyone from hell, yet being propelled there by the corpses of others really tied into the rest of the story and what I feel Ozymandias does. It was a good image for what people do in war regardless. Jon or Dr. Manhattan was perhaps my favorite character. I loved his sections. He is the result of an experiment gone wrong where he was completely disintegrated, but he reassembled himself and now has super powers. Timelines got messed up with him and he experiences all time at once. I found him utterly fascinating and the section where it talked about how he experiences all time at once really got me thinking about the nature of time. I put the book down for awhile after that part because I got so caught up in my own musings on time. He also questions whether anything even made the world. He says its a clock without a clockmaker. He says nothing ends. You could say that his views are similar to the meaninglessness that Rorshach sees. I think Rorshach is so much more nihilistic though and I almost feel like Jon shows infinity and infinite potential perhaps. Jon becomes separate from humanity. He doesn’t see how in the grand scheme of things humanity serves any great purpose. He wants to detach from it all. He starts to do that, but then another character named Laurie reminds him of the miracle of life, so he returns for a bit only to become disgusted and leave again. He seems to want to detach from humanity and feeling. Sometimes though it seems he misses and might long for human connection. While he represents disconnection and wanting to disconnect from humanity, Laurie and Nite owl aka Dan seem to cling more tightly at the end to human connection. As the world has gotten more divided people have become more divided. Laurie sees death around them, she’s been confused by her past and she’s been disappointed in trying to be in a relationship with someone as disconnected as Jon. Nite Owl has fallen into boring middle aged retirement and feels a sense of impotence. All these factors bring them together to both try and fight crime and to connect with each other. Laurie I feel is more driven to connection. Nite Owl gets a thrill and feels important when he is fighting crime. These are the complex characters of Watchmen and I understood all of them and yet didn’t quite agree with any of them at the same time. They show different reactions to the world and humanity. Pessimism vs. optimism. Connection vs. disconnection. 
Did I Like It?:
I absolutely loved Watchmen! I wasn’t sure what I would think of the graphic novel medium or this story and it absorbed me, it made me think a tremendous amount and I just think it is a masterpiece that’s very powerful!  It impacted me and I will be thinking about it for a long time to come. My love gave this to me to read as it is his favorite book and he thought that I would get it and appreciate it. I am so glad he did! He was right and I can’t wait to discuss it more with him. Noting how much I have loved his recommendation, I think I’ll be keeping him around for awhile haha. He also recommends V for Vendetta, which I want to read soon now as well. 
Do I Recommend It?:
Yes! So highly. To most people. Doesn’t matter if you think you won’t like a graphic novel or superheros. This book demands to be read. It contains so much and is just a fabulous thought provoking creation. 
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Bad Moon Rising
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Part 2: Mermen, Vampires, and Werewovles, Oh My! 
Summary: The reader finds and rescues a hurt merman who tells her that his name is Jim. She helps him without a second thought, but his presence might attract the attention of other supernatural creatures she never knew existed. This will eventually be a foursome (Jim Mason x Michael Langdon x Duncan Shepard x Reader) mythology/supernatural au.
A/N: So, the last one of the foursome is introduced, but we’ll get to actually see more of Michael and Duncan in the next part. There is an oc in here, Rory, that we’ll see more later. I’ve had him for awhile and he’s actually one of my fave characters ever. You can totally imagine Cillian Murphy for him. Again, if you want to be on the tag list, just hit me up and let me know what you think! 
Warnings: No smut yet, sorry. There is blood, injury, mentions of mental illness, depression, crying, concern about having a total break from reality. 
Word Count: 2.3k
Tagging List: @langdonsinferno, @ccodyfern, @michael-langdon-appreciation, @lovelykhaleesiii, and @moonagecordelia
"I thought that vampires fed off of humans? Why did he go for you instead of me?"
"Well, yeah, vampires feed off of humans, but that's not their only food source. Faerie blood is actually more nutritious and flavorful for vampires, just humans are more readily available and easier to hunt. He probably smelt my blood and sought me out."
"... Wow, I mean makes sense, I guess?" No, it really didn't, nothing made sense to her, but also Jim could tell her that the sky was actually purple and the ocean was orange, and she'd believe him.
"You should probably take care of him."
"Yeah, probably. Do I need something stronger than rope."
He scoffed, "Yes, probably something more like a stake through the heart."
She looked to the darkly angelic figure passed out on the floor. He looked helpless now, and she could see that the wounds that were on the cat adorned and tarnished his skin. He was hurt, and probably just looking for a way to heal himself. She felt bad, but on the other hand, Jim was in danger. This was fucked up. "No."
Jim gave her a look like she might be insane.
"I said no. He's just trying to survive like you. I'll get like, chains or something. That should hold him?"
Jim's cheeks heated to a slight pink, she was right, but it was just difficult when you were the pray. "I don't think that's a good idea. It's probably going to end badly."
She was still looking at the vampire. Probably, she was thinking, but that's not what she said. "I think it's going to be fine."
".... Okay, if you say so." Jim was still so unsure of this. "Just move him please."
"Yeah, no problem."
Moving the vampire that was nearly double her size wasn't an easy feat, but you did it. Thank god for the hauls of fish she's been lugging around her whole life or this might actually be impossible. She had him propped up against the support beam in the living room. That was the sturdiest place in her house she could think of, but you knew you needed to move fast. There was no telling how much time you had before he woke up, and she couldn't imagine he'd be happy when he did. Now, the next problem was finding chains and a lock that was probably heavy duty enough. She figured the boatyard, but she'd really have to move her ass.
She grabbed the keys to her dad's old beat up pick up truck and a jacket and hurried out the door. She was humming to herself in a tense song, a habit she did out of nervousness, and fumbled with the keys.
"Hi there, Y/N, a little la-" a familiar voice called, but with the night's events, she was already under so much pressure, and she yelped and nearly threw the keys. "Didn't mean to startle you."
"Hi, Rory. Sorry, it's been a night." Oh Rory, the older Irish gentleman that ran the dock's favorite bar to go to in the evening, and her next door neighbor. She had known him her whole life, a steady constant in this crazy shit show her life had been these past couple of months. You really weren't alarmed with him being out so late. With his business, he just always had been a night owl.
"I could see that," his thick accent rang out with a chuckle, and she blanched for a second. "Dragging in buckets of sea water?"
"It's an art project," She answered maybe a little too fast and he cocked an eyebrow. "You know, for processing trauma. I read about it."
"Okay then, Y/N," he was unsure, but he was going to drop it.
"I'm going out for more things." She didn't know when to stop talking apparently.
"Well, good luck with that at 3 am. Just be careful," he wished her well, "It's a full moon, all the crazies are out tonight."
She just chuckled uneasily, if she could only tell him. "Will do, you get some rest."
"You too, dear."
She was finally able to get the truck open and started, and she sped off to the boatyard.
The yard was desolate and particularly eerily this night. Mist from the water was creeping over the place and gave it an all too fitting gothic appearance. She really wished that the world would stop being so poetic for a change. It wasn't hard to get it, but she found herself pulling her jacket tighter as she walked in between the older and busted up boats.
She had to kick the door down to the supply shed, but she doubted anyone would really care. This was the forgotten side of town anyway. She found heavy duty chains and a padlock fairly quickly, a feeling of satisfaction filled her that was quickly overshadowed by something else. Her head whipped up to the door and then to the window. She saw nothing, but she swore she felt eyes on her. Very intent eyes.
The best thing to do was just get the hell out of there, she decided, and without actually breaking into a run, she moved as fast as she could.
Outside, she swore she hear footsteps of something. It was much too big to be a person, but she didn't know what it could be. There was an idea trying to creep into her mind, one that she was trying to violently shut out. She actually might just give up if she was right.
There was a movement and then a soft growl. She blanched again, but sighed. Of course. No, of course this would be the night that even more insane shit has to happen. She turned to the boat she saw the movement coming from and her eyes widened, yet she was somehow not surprised. A giant wolf monster sat perched up on the cabin and she nodded. "Sure. Yep. This might as well happen. Let's just get this over with."
It glowered at her as it crept down and off the boat, but in the bright moonlight, she saw the deep wounds biting in much passed down the fur. It growled again and began to stand on this back legs, standing at it's full eight foot height, but she held dropped the chains and held up her hands. "Don't even think about it, buddy," she said firmly and the wolf's ears pitched forward, clearly curious about the lack of fear.
"I've got a hurt merman and a vampire I need to restrain soon or he's going to try to eat the merman at home. I see that you're hurt. I can take care of you, but I need you to stop being a dick."
It looked like it was debating something it's head before settling down on all fours and cautiously moved towards her before gently nuzzling into her neck, smelling and licking her, she figured that this was some kind of greeting that werewolves had, but he was being friendly, but she just rolled with it. It was that kind of night that was already weird enough. She scratched behind it's ears and it practically mewled and she had to smile, that was pretty cute.
"Come on, let's go. I have to get back before the vampire wakes up."
He limped along with you, and she had to help the poor thing up into the bed of the truck, but he was behaving quite well. She covered him up, and hopped in. Hopefully, she wasn't too late, and she felt worry pit itself in her stomach.
She had to make sure the lights on in Rory's house were off before she uncovered the newest friend and boy from her truck and hurried him into the house.
The first thing she did was check to make sure that the vampire was still out and passed out against the beam. Thankfully, he was, and she was able to breathe a sigh of relief. She went back to the kitchen as the werewolf began sniffing around. "Go upstairs, it's the room with the lights on."
The wolf looked at you uneasily, but he relented and sulked up the stairs on all fours, looking over its' shoulders at her.
She grabbed the chains and quickly secured the vampire to the post. There was a moment that nearly had her passing out, his nose flared a couple of times when she got closer, but luckily that was his only response to her.
She didn't waste anymore time though, grabbed the medical box for the third time tonight, and she was running up the stairs. Once she reached the top of the stairs, she saw the large furry head pop of the doorway. It was odd to have such a large creature in her house, but she didn't think about that just yet. She sat the box down on the desk and she heard it growl softly.
"Come on, I know this is going to hurt a little bit, but," the wolf cut her off with another, more aggressive growl.
"Uhhh, Y/N," Jim called from the bathroom. "What was that?"
She turned around and went to the door. "I might have made another new friend tonight." The wolf's head popped into sight from the door to look at where the other voice came from out of curiosity, and Jim went white.
"That's an alpha werewolf."
She grunted as he pushed his way into the bathroom and began smelling and licking at Jim's neck like he had done with her, and Jim couldn't help the giggles that escaped his mouth and it only encouraged the wolf to tickle him more, but he eventually pushed him off gently.
Jim smiled shyly at the wolf before looking to her again. "Why was he growling at you?"
"I was just getting ready to stitch up his wounds."
The monstrous animal's ears pinned back at the word and Jim swatted his muzzle, startling the wolf.
"Be nice. She doesn't know anything and you can't talk in that form," Jim chided with a small smile.
"You don't need to rub it in!" She was almost defensive, but Jim was laughing.
"Werewolves don't need stitches, particularly alphas. He'll be fine by tomorrow night, you won't even know that he was hurt."
She nodded, but then stopped. "Why did he come with me then? If he didn't need help."
Jim's eyes were practically shining with mischief. "He probably thinks you're cute."
She was bright red now and she looked at the clear amusement both of them had.
"Or he had other reasons, I'm just," He had to think about it. He wasn't sure about the human word for this. "Having my fun?" He had a little shy smile, and while she was scowling, her heart melted a bit at the expression.
"I didn't realize I was opening my door to such jokesters," but even she had to laugh.
She let out a yawn, and she realized how tired she was out, "Well, I think I'm going to be retiring for the night. Jim would you like a pillow or something?"
He cocked he eyebrow. Right, that makes sense that they wouldn't have them in the ocean.
"I'll go get one for you away."
The wolf followed her out of the bathroom and crawled up on the bed for no regard to his weight as he circled like any dog would before settling down on the bed. She grabbed one of the extra pillows and returned to stuff it in the corner between the wall and the bathtub and Jim hesitantly rested his head against it before his eyes lit up.
"This is very comfortable. What did you call this?"
She chuckled, "A pillow. Goodnight, Jim."
He smiled, "Goodnight, Y/N. Thank you. again."
"It's no problem." With that, she left again for the bedroom.
She looked at the wolf, seemingly asleep, and she decided what the hell. She took her bra off and her pants, leaving herself in just a shirt and underwear. She crawled into bed under the blankets and tried to get comfortable, but sleep wasn't coming to her at all. She was just replaying the events of the night.
So, at the beginning of the night, it was crippling loneliness and a solid crying session, then late night sailing on the boat .... Then she saved a merman .... Then they got attacked by a vampire ..... and then she picked up a werewolf ..... and now there's a merman in  her bathtub, a vampire chained up in the living room, and a werewolf in bed with her. She sighed. This was.... weird. This was a weird night. This couldn't have happened, could it? This stuff was made up. Oh god, she was having a mental breakdown. She was breaking and this wasn't real. None of this was real.
She was starting to hyperventilate, panic gripping her, but then she felt a warm head, a very warm, very large, and very fluffy head nuzzle into her chest. A strong, furry arm ending in a hand with extremely long and sturdy claws wrapped around her abdomen and pulled her tight. An animal's tongue licked her cheek and she had to laugh at how much it tickled. She heard the wolf in approval and she relaxed. This was real. It was very very real and she had the feeling that this wolf wouldn't let anything happen to her.
Sleep soon took over, and for the first time in what felt like years, there was a smile on her face.
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