#Neil Perry x y/n
Neil helps his best friend's sister with Latin. The problem is - he has a crush on her, but knows they could never be together. After all, he couldn't date Charlie's family, it's against the rules. And secondly - Neil is sure Y/n wouldn't have ever talked to him if it wasn't for the tutoring.
Pairing: Neil Perry x dalton!fem!reader
Words count: 1.5k
Warnings: none
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"Thank you for helping me, Neil." Y/n said as she closed the door of her room. She stopped for a moment and then added, "I didn't ask if you wanted something to drink. Shall I bring tea? Coffee? Juice?"
"Water would be perfect," Neil sent the girl a smile.
As Y/n walked to the kitchen for two glasses of water, Neil unpacked his bag. He had some notes that could be helpful for whatever Y/n could need help with. He was a year ahead, so the things she was learning now, he knew cold.
At least tutoring let him spend some time with Y/n. Charlie wouldn't have a problem with his best friend and his sister having a thing, but that wasn't the problem. The Daltons were rich and that was the problem. If it wasn't for the tutoring, Y/n probably wouldn't even have talked to Neil. Neil's family wasn't poor, they had enough money to send him to Welton, but his father worked hard for this.
"Okay, I'm back!" Y/n announced, setting the cups with water on her nightstand, far away from the books.
"Great, so, what do you have a problem with?" Neil asked, taking a seat by Y/n's desk.
The girl sat down on a chair next to him, smiling. "Oh, you know... Latin." She giggled awkwardly, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear.
Oh, how beautiful she looked in that moment. A bit blushed, smiling awkwardly. Neil was mesmerized and almost forgot what he came here for.
"Yes, but what in particular?" He tried masking his infatuation. And he was good at it so far.
"You know what, the desk feels uncomfortable for two people, doesn't it?" Y/n grabbed the book and tossed it onto the bed. "Let's sit there, shall we?"
And so they did. In front of each other, with their legs crossed. Neil forgot about his glasses, but he quickly reached into his bag to search for them.
Now Y/n seemed to be a little mesmerized. She hadn't seen him wearing glasses before and that was a very flattering model for him. Neil looked so attractive.
"Glasses suit you," the girl complimented, "do you ever wear them, you know, outside of studying?"
"No," he chuckled, "I don't need to." Right after this he said it, he scolded himself, in his head of course, for saying it. To make it less awkward he added, "Although thank you."
"No problem." Was it Neil's brain playing tricks on him, or did Y/n sound disappointed by his reply? "Okay, so let's start."
"What shall we start with? Do you wanna start from the beginning, or...?"
"No, no, not from the beginnings. I understand the basics, but it's get pretty difficult later on..."
"Yeah, languages have that thing where they get harder the more advanced they get."
The joke made Y/n smile. She pushed Neil playfully and he theatrically pretended it hurt him.
"Maybe we should start with ACI?"
"Accusativus cum infinitivo," Neil smiled at the memory of Charlie laughing at the word 'cum' every time, but to Y/n it just seemed like a kind smile sent to her. "Alright, let's start."
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"I don't get it, Neil, I just don't!" Y/n whined pathetically. She felt truly hopeless if even Neil couldn't help her.
"No, Y/n, calm down, please, and listen to me." He ordered in a lower, but still kind voice.
Y/n looked at him with worry in her eyes. Worry and fear, but she wasn't scared of him. She was scared of not passing the class, failing her whole education.
Her eyes are so beautiful, Neil thought, she looks like a lost, little doe.
"I know what your problem is," he continued, "you don't know the declensions."
"Well, have you seen how many of those are there?"
"Yes, there are five. But why can't you remember them? From what I've seen today, you don't have a problem with conjugations."
"There's only four of those. And they just make more sense, you know? They feel natural to me. Meanwhile how am I supposed to remember it's puella, puellae, another puellae, puellam, puella with the funny line above the a and vocativus is the same as nominativus?"
"Not to brag, but I must be a really good teacher because you've just recited the first declension in singularis."
"I did?" Y/n beamed at the realization. "Neil, you're amazing!" She threw herself onto Neil, closing him in a very tight hug.
They were laying down on the bed. Neil was on his back and Y/n was on top of him. This moment lasted a bit longer than it was appropriate.
Y/n raised herself up, she went back to sit in the spot she was. She realized how inappropriate it was. She thought Neil must've felt so awkward right now. So she began apologizing and explaining.
"I'm sorry." She said. "I made it awkward, didn't I? I don't know what got into me. I guess I just- I don't- okay, there's no explanation," she knew she might take the explaining too far, but she didn't know how to stop this stream of words. "There is an explanation, actually. I like you, yes you've heard it right, I like you. More than a friend, I've had a crush from you since I met you."
Neil sat back in the cross-legged position. He was astonished by this confession. Not because he didn't feel the same. The thing was he did feel the same, but had no idea Y/n would, so he never prepared himself for this moment. He didn't know what to say, because it seemed so impossible to him. It was never supposed to happen.
"Oh no," a whine came from Y/n's mouth, "I knew I shouldn't have said that. I'm so sorry, again. The way we looked at each other today, I thought the feelings were mutual."
"Y/n, calm down." Neil tried to keep his voice relaxed. He didn't want to make himself seem too excited, that could creep the girl out. "I do feel the same."
"You do?"
"I do, I just didn't know you would. That's why I've tried to keep it to myself."
His confession gave Y/n a bit of confidence. "You weren't so good at keeping this a secret today, the way you looked at me was... giving me signals, let's say."
When this problem was solved, there arised another. What were they going to do with it?
"So... what happens now?" Y/n asked.
"I'm asking myself the same question."
"Should we tell Charlie?" Tell him what though, Y/n? Y/n asked herself, This confession didn't change anything, you're not suddenly dating.
"No," Neil laughed, "I don't think he's ready. I don't think he's mature enough."
Y/n nodded with a smile on her face, but didn't say anything. So Neil continued.
"Would you like to start going on dates?"
"Sure, I would love that. What's your first date idea?" Y/n gave Neil a cheeky smile.
Neil's hand suddenly happened to be on Y/n's, intertwined by the fingers. "I will take you to my rehearsal. Afterwards, we can go eat something or have ice cream. What do you say?"
Without an answer, the girl scooted closer to him. Eventually, she gave Neil a reply. "I say, it is a nice idea. You must look so good on the stage, doing what you love to do."
In that moment, Neil blushed, but what made him blush even more, was Y/n's next action. She put her hand on his jawline and pulled him in for a kiss.
He didn't hesitate to kiss her back, but decided to let Y/n stay in control of the pace and everything else. It was a slow, very romantic kiss. It wasn't awkward, it felt as if they kissed so many times before, their lips co-worked just perfectly.
Soon, Neil's hands found their way to Y/n's waist to pull her closer. A moment later, the lovers were laying down on the bed again. But it wasn't going to go anywhere further than this kiss. Neither of them were ready, besides they've just confessed their feelings, it would be too quick.
After a while, Y/n pulled away, letting Neil and herself catch a breath. She laid down next to the boy, taking his hand in hers. She felt him rub her hand with his thumb. It felt so reassuring. Whatever happens later, we'll get through it.
If Charlie finds out, then he finds out and there's nothing he can do about it. If he doesn't like it, it's his problem, he should be mature enough to understand it.
If the parents find out, either Y/n's or Neil's (it didn't matter, because whoever found out, they would tell one another), then that would be a problem. But Neil was sure he would do something about it, he would make up a solution. It wouldn't be the first time he went against his parents' will.
In the worst case, Y/n and Neil would have to wait until they finish high school. After that, they would be adults, free to do whatever they wanted to. Whatever was going to happen, everything would work out in their favour.
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masivechaos · 21 days
truth or dare!
── ☆ neil perry x gn! reader
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Request: yes / no
Synopsis: neil asks you to go to a dead poets society meeting with him but a game reveals secrets...
Warning/content: little mention of drinking, my english
a.n.: 1k words-
masterlist / dead poets society masterlist / navigation / taglist
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When Neil asked you to join his friends for the night, you didn’t think of this. You had met him during a theatre rehearsal and quickly got along. And tonight you were finally meeting his friends.
You thought of a party or something, not a… meeting in a cave?
You weren’t complaining though, his friends were sweet and the mood was light and fun. The boys read poems and Neil insisted that you had to read one, too. So you grabbed the copy in his hands and browsed through the pages before finally picking one.
“So… I just read it?” you asked, not really knowing if anything else was needed to do.
Neil offered you an encouraging smile, “Yeah,” he said “Just go for it.”
You cleared your throat “Shapes and Signs,” you announced, eyes darting in the room to watch everyone’s reaction.
“I see black dragons mount the sky,
I see earth yawn beneath my feet —
I feel within the asp, the worm
That will not sleep and cannot die,
Fair though may show the winding-sheet!”
You finished reading the poem and the boys clapped and cheered “See? Wasn’t so bad” Neil grinned.
“Neil’s new friend’s a real poet,” Charlie teased and you rolled your eyes.
You watched, amused, as the whole group started to talk and tease each other. This went on for a little while until Charlie got up. The bottle of alcohol you had brought (which was already open because you stole it from your parents) was empty and in his hands.
“Now… We’re going to do something a little different…”
You all looked at him, intrigued “What?” Knox asked.
Charlie placed the bottle in the centre of the circle the whole group formed, “Truth or dare,” he grinned. You could hear some of the boys groaning in annoyance or whining but Neil chuckled by your side.
Charlie spun the bottle, it landed on Todd. “Truth or dare?” Charlie asked with a smirk
“Uhm… truth,” Todd mumbled.
“Have you had your first kiss yet?” Todd’s cheek turned red, and he shook his head “Alright, alright,” Charlie chuckled. Todd spun the bottle and the game kept going.
After a few rounds and weird imitations, the bottle landed on you. It had landed on Charlie the turn before so he was the one asking “Truth or dare?” he asked mischievously.
You thought about it for a moment, most had chosen truth and you wanted to play “Dare”
Charlie smirked and his eyes flickered quickly to Neil before finding you again “I dare you… to kiss the hottest person in the room.”
You stared at him without saying anything, your lips slightly parted and your cheeks warm. You heard the boys whispering and a ‘oooh’ from Meeks. “Uhm… alright,” you said.
You took a deep breath and turned to your left so you could face Neil. You slowly leaned in and pressed your mouth to his. The cave was now filled with cheers and ‘wooh ooh” from the boys. It was nice kissing him, his lips were soft and smooth and you didn’t really want to stop.
 Neil’s cheeks were red when you pulled away– a second too late to pretend you didn’t like it. You looked away, breath heavy, you were still flustered and so was he.
After a minute, the noise calmed down and they went back to playing. But you couldn’t look at Neil anymore, too shy now. Eventually, it got late. The cave wasn’t really far from Welton but you still had to bike home after reaching their school. “I might have to go now,” you announced.
Everyone said goodbye and you put a foot outside, turning your torchlight on. As you started to walk you felt a hand on your shoulder “Wait-”
It was Neil, with his soft smile you wished you could kiss again “I can walk you back so you don’t get lost,” he said as he walked by your side.
“O-oh,” you smiled “Okay.”
You both were silent the entire time, both of your mind preoccupied by the kiss. It was supposed to be a simple, meaningless kiss. But no, you wanted more.
When you reached Welton, your bike waiting against a wall, you turned around “Well… I guess that’s where we split up,” you said.
“I guess, yeah,” he smiled. He watched you as you got on your bike. He had to say something before you left. “Hey I just…”
You glanced at him, head tilted, you waited for him to say more. Even in the faint light from the torchlight you could still see the crimson shade of his cheeks.
He let out a long exhale “For earlier. I mean… the kiss. You… You really thought I was the hottest guy in the cave?”
You chuckled, not expecting this “Well yeah of course, Neil”
Neil’s smile widened “Okay, good.” You could see he was a little nervous “Maybe I’m reading things wrong but… I… I think to me the kiss meant more than just a truth or dare. I mean… I like you and yeah…”
Your heart was about to explode. No way. “I… really?”
“Yes,” he smiled “really.”
You grinned “Well… I like you, too,” you said “And I guess… I kinda want to kiss you again.”
Neil stepped closer “You do?”
“Mmh hmm,” you smiled, you leaned in and your lips brushed his.
You kissed again, but this time it was just the two of you, no cheers for anyone, no boys to watch you amused. You rested your hand on his cheek as you slowly deepened the kiss. His hand got tangled in your hair.
“I could definitely get used to this. Yeah we should do it again,” he said when he pulled away
Your lips tugged into a smirk “Is that a truth or a dare?”
“Both,” he said before kissing you again.
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⋆ ★ neil perry taglist: @cauliflowertree @moonlitmeeks @toindeedbeag0d @meredarling @juneberrie @mystic-writings @natashxromanovf @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @spookydarkwitch @duxpuella @imshiningjustforyou @vancitycharlie @venussflytraps @diorgirl444 @dori-and-gray @maddipoof @starlit-epiphany
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dovesdreaming · 24 days
Whispers of forever
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Summary: shy reader and Neil Perry meet when they’re partnered up for a poetry assignment. They’re love blossoms throughout it.
Warnings: none
The school bell echoed through the hallway, signaling the end of another tedious English class. Neil Perry gathered his books, ready to bolt out of the classroom, when the teacher's voice halted him. "Everyone a moment please”. You froze in your seat as Mr. Keating gestured for people in pairs to go to the front of his desk. When it was your turn he called Neil Perry up along with you, you’d always admired Neil from afar, his confidence, his smile that lit up any room, and the way he seemed to carry a lightness that made him stand out among your classmates. The idea of being paired with him for anything made your heart race.
"You two will be working together on the upcoming poetry project” Mr. Keating said with a knowing smile. "I think you’ll make a fine team”. Neil grinned, clearly unfazed. "Sounds great, Mr. Keating”. You nodded, unable to muster up anything more than that. Your voice had a tendency to get caught in your throat when you were nervous, and right now, it felt like you were trying to swallow a whole apple. "Alright, I'll let you both get to it”. Mr. Keating said, turning back to his desk as the last few students filed out. "Remember, make it extraordinary!".
Once outside the classroom, Neil turned to you, his bright smile warming the chilly hallway. "So, Y/N, do you have any ideas?.Your mind blanked for a moment before you managed to stammer out, "M-Maybe we could, um, meet in the library after school? We can start brainstorming." Neil's smile widened. "Perfect. I’ll see you there at 4?". You nodded again, the butterflies in your stomach doing cartwheels. You watched him walk away, wondering how you were going to survive working on a project with someone like Neil Perry without making a complete fool of yourself.
At just before 4pm you arrived at the library, your nerves bubbling up again. You’d chosen a table tucked away in a quiet corner, hoping the isolation might help calm you down. You pulled out your notebook, pretending to review your notes, though your thoughts were completely scattered.
"Hey, Y/N!" Neil’s voice cut through your nervous thoughts. He slid into the seat across from you, his smile just as bright as it had been earlier. "I hope you didn’t have to wait too long”. “N- Not at all” you replied, trying to meet his gaze. His eyes were warm, and there was something about the way he looked at you, like he actually wanted to be there with you, that made your nerves settle, just a little. “So” Neil began, pulling out his own notebook. "I was thinking we could start by choosing a theme. Something that resonates with both of us. Any ideas?". You bit your lip, your mind racing. "Um... what about... the idea of freedom? Like... breaking away from expectations?". Neil’s eyes lit up. "I love that. It's something that feels really personal to me, too”. He paused, a hint of seriousness in his tone. "Sometimes, it feels like everyone’s watching, waiting for you to be something… you’re not”. You nodded, surprised by the vulnerability in his words. "I know what you mean”. He looked at you for a moment, his expression softening. "I’m glad we’re doing this together, Y/N. I think we can make something really meaningful”. You felt your cheeks heat up under his gaze. "Me too”.
As you started to bounce ideas off each other, the initial awkwardness began to fade. Neil was patient, encouraging you to share your thoughts and making you feel like every idea you had was valuable. His passion for the project was contagious, and soon you found yourself getting more comfortable, more excited. Days passed, and every meeting brought you closer. You started to see sides of Neil that surprised you. His thoughtfulness, his insecurities, the depth of his emotions. And he, in turn, seemed to notice the little things about you, like how your eyes sparkled when you talked about a topic you were passionate about, or how you would absentmindedly twirl a strand of hair when you were talking and even how you bit your lip when concentrating.
It was after one particularly late study session that something shifted. The library was nearly empty, the sun setting outside, casting a warm glow through the windows. You were both laughing over a joke Neil had made when the laughter died down, leaving a comfortable silence in its wake. “Y/N” Neil said softly, his gaze locking with yours. "I… I really enjoy spending time with you”. Your heart skipped a beat. "I enjoy it too, Neil”.
He reached out, gently covering your hand with his. "I’ve never met anyone like you before. You’re… you’re different in a good way and I can’t get enough of it”. You stared at his hand on yours, warmth spreading from where his skin touched yours. “I’m just… me”. And that’s enough," Neil whispered. "More than enough”.
The moment hung in the air, thick with unspoken words. You looked up at him, and for the first time, you saw a hint of nervousness in his eyes, mirroring your own. Slowly, as if testing the waters, Neil leaned forward, giving you plenty of time to pull away. But you didn’t. Instead, you met him halfway, your eyes fluttering closed as his lips brushed against yours in the gentlest of kisses. It was brief, sweet, but it held a promise of more, of something real and tangible that had grown between you over the weeks. When you pulled back, Neil’s smile was softer, more tender. “Let’s make this project something unforgettable” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. You nodded, a smile tugging at your lips. "Together”.
And as you sat there, hand in hand, you couldn’t help but feel that this was just the beginning of something extraordinary.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The autumn leaves had turned shades of amber and gold, crunching beneath your feet as you and Neil walked side by side through the woods behind Welton Academy. The crisp air was filled with the earthy scent of fallen leaves, and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace whenever you were out here with him. The poetry project had long since been completed, earning you both top marks, but more importantly, it had been the start of something far more meaningful.
Now, a few months into your relationship, things felt as natural as the changing seasons. Neil’s hand was warm in yours, his thumb tracing lazy circles on the back of your hand as you wandered deeper into the woods, the sounds of the school fading into the background. He had suggested the walk earlier that day, claiming he needed a break from studying, and you had been more than happy to oblige. Any excuse to spend time with him was a good one.
Neil slowed his pace, eventually stopping altogether in a small clearing. The ground was blanketed with leaves, and the trees overhead created a canopy that filtered the afternoon sunlight into soft, golden beams. He turned to face you, his expression soft, his eyes full of something that made your breath catch. “You know” he said, his voice low and warm, "when we first started working together, I never imagined we’d end up here. But now… I can’t imagine my life without you in it”. His words made your heart race, and you felt a familiar shyness creep up, though it was tinged with the warmth of knowing he felt the same way. "I feel the same, Neil. You’ve made everything so much… brighter”. Neil’s smile was tender as he gently tugged you closer, wrapping his arms around you in a loose embrace. You leaned into him, resting your head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Being in his arms felt like the safest place in the world, a sanctuary from all the pressures and expectations that weighed on both of you.
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Y/N” he murmured into your hair. "I just wanted you to know that." You closed your eyes, letting the moment sink in. "You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me too, Neil”.
For a while, you simply stood there together, wrapped up in each other and the quiet of the woods. The world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in this perfect little bubble. Eventually, Neil pulled back slightly, just enough to tilt your chin up so he could look into your eyes. “You’re beautiful, you know that?" he said, his voice full of sincerity. You felt your cheeks heat up, but you didn’t look away this time. Instead, you smiled, reaching up to brush a stray lock of hair away from his forehead. "You’re not so bad yourself, Perry”. He chuckled softly before leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead, then your nose, and finally, your lips. The kiss was soft, unhurried, full of the unspoken emotions that had been building between you. When he pulled back, he rested his forehead against yours, his breath mingling with yours in the cool air. “Let’s stay like this forever” he whispered. You nodded, your heart full to bursting. "Forever”.
And in that moment, with the golden leaves falling gently around you, it felt like maybe, just maybe, forever was within reach.
Thank you for reading! Please request more dps
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dreamsofjanuary · 2 years
Hii! Can i request some Dating Headcanons with Neil Perry? Maybe some that reader is latina? If you don’t how to do it, it’s fine! Thank youuu🫶🏼🫶🏼 hope you are having a great day!
dating neil perry
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warnings: none!
note: i didn’t make the reader explicitly latina, purely because as a white person i don’t think i’d be able to capture writing from another race’s pov accurately, and it would feel wrong to impersonate another race like that. i’m sure there are plenty of other latina writers that would love to do your request justice, though! also this is kind of all over the place, i’m sorry 😭
- okay we all know that neil is fairly confident, but when it comes to you??
- he gets so shy
- like. blushing and awkward laughing around you level shy.
- he stays up at night trying to figure out how to ask you out
- the poets have tried multiple times to help him out, but he’s hopeless - which none of them really expected in truth
- they all seem to turn into kids again, physically pushing him towards you whenever they see you, or teasing you just enough so that your interest is piqued, but not enough so that you know that neil has a crush on you
- even mr keating had noticed that neil was distracted, and accurately put it down to teenage romance
- when he finally does ask you out, it’s only because he talked it out so much with charlie
- of course, he’s a gentleman, but he also doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it in case he gets rejected
- so, at a dinner party one evening, he manages to get you alone, and asks if you’d let him take you to a restaurant that weekend
- of course you say yes
- because why wouldn’t you
- since then, going to restaurants has been a bi-weekly thing for the both of you
- despite your best efforts, he ALWAYS pays
- he loves to see you all dressed up
- and the vision of him in a suit isn’t exactly something you complain about either
- after dating for a few weeks, you finally pluck up the courage to attend one of the society’s meetings
- you were nervous at first, worried that you weren’t as well read as the boys were
- neil reassured you that you were definitely intelligent enough to be there - “not that intelligence matters all that much, we’ve got charlie”
- you often write poetry for each other, and you keep all of the ones you’d been given in a drawer in your bedroom
- he has to be a little more discreet, so keeps all of the ones you’d given him in an envelope in his wardrobe
- he reads at least one every night
- todd is beyond tired of hearing about you
- this poor boy had to listen to neil ramble about you for months before he even had the courage to ask you out
- but now that you’re officially dating? neil never shuts up about you
- neil’s love language is quality time, so he’s always trying to find excuses to be with you
- definitely clingy - when one of you has to leave the other, he gets genuinely sad
- even if you’re going to see each other the next day
- also LOVES to see you in his clothes
- especially his jumpers
- he loves how they fit you, and how it’s a subtle signal that you’re his
- he doesn’t get jealous super easily, but he absolutely hates people staring at you
- even if you don’t mind, he’ll always wrap an arm around you or hold your hand to show them that you’re very much not single
- there have been occasions where he’s interrupted conversations being slightly more affectionate than usual - a clear sign that he’s jealous or insecure and will need reassuring later
- which ofc, you’re more than happy to do
- he always makes it look casual tho - he’s never dramatic or passive-aggressive about it
- neil is actually very insecure and needs a lot of reassurance - something that surprised you at first due to his joyful personality
- he’s also an amazing listener
- he’ll always let you vent to him, no matter what it’s about
- he’s sympathetic about everything you tell him, but especially if you don’t get along with your parents
- he knows how badly it can hurt, and he hates that you have to go through that
- on the other hand tho, he never loves you more than when you’re rambling on about something you’re interested in
- he loves how excited you get, how your eyes seem to light up
- even if he has no interest in the topic, he adores listening to you talk about it
- to conclude, neil is the best boyfriend ever and i love him so much xoxoxo
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kay101kim · 1 year
dating neil perry <3 (latine version)
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warning(s): none:)
pair: neil perry x gn!reader
one shot or hc: hc
note: i got the idea from this post, so thank you so much!! im mexican so it might seem like i mention mexican culture more like music and food (its what i know!), but i do try my best to be inclusive since latin america has such rich history. this is me trying to write within the time period of the 50s/60s <3. let me know if you wish a more modern version, enjoy!
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-neil is a love at first sight kind of guy, he literally saw you laughing all giggly and couldn't stop smiling himself
-your friends teased you by singing piel canela by los panchos, "me importas tú, y tú, y tú, y solamente tú~"
-and as you kept laughing, all red, neil finally got the courage from his friends even though his heart was all smushed by your angelic smile
-when he was finally determined to ask you on a date, that man was calm, cool, and collected which made you even more nervous as he approached your friends and you
-he'd give you those puppy dog eyes and you'd immediately melt before a word is even said
-once neil asks you out, it seems a crowd cheers somewhere beyond and neil can only chuckle sheepishly at his friends' reactions
-you guys begin dating and neil finds your culture fascinating! (in a good way lol)
-he'd want to know all the holidays, celebrate with you, to hell with his dad and his rules (he loves you too much <3)
-when he experienced latin music for the first time he would never go back
-he'd buy so many vinyls from different genres and constantly ask you to slow dance in the living room like the love birds you two are
-neil is the type to slowly get into the groove of things to dance cumbia, bachata, salsa
-oh but he will learn and surprise your whole family! it makes you kinda jealous when your primos are there watching him
-but he reminds them of you by giving you a kiss
-you'd hum some songs and be very surprised when he comes along singing the lyrics (maybe not perfect, but it’s so cute)
-it made you realize just how much he is trying to understand you who are, your language, which is so important to you
-you call him 'mi amor' (my love) and he would always ask what that means but you didn't want to say
-it basically means you love him and that was scary
-but imagine him singing cien años by pedro infante? it'd be the first time you'd say 'i love you'
-he alternatively says i love you and te amo because he loves you sooooo! much
-you'd giggle and say "yo tambien te amo, mi amor"
-he would always have cute nicknames like 'my darling' or 'my angel' but then he started using 'cariño'
-only when you two were alone because he was afraid his pronunciation wasn't too well
-you have no idea who he learned it from, but it made you tear up the first time you heard it from him
-his favorite part about being with you is the food, like at one point he'd just be like 'fuck it!' and make tamales with all the women
-his favorite desert is arroz con leche because i said so!
-he can’t handle spicy food, im sorry yall but i have to be accurate, the white genes </3
-curse words/phrases in spanish? he would know them all because your primos would tell him to say [x] and he'd do it without question lmaoo
-obviously you would not stop it because its kinda hilarious, but you would eventually inform him on what the words/phrases mean
-overall he'd get along with your family like they might call him 'guerrito' but he wouldn't mind
-neil would be surprised by the amount of spanish covers from english songs and vice versa, but it really opened his eyes to a new world
-he loves you, your culture, language, food, music, and everything else that comes with it
-sure, sometimes he doesn't understand what you're saying but he makes sure to study real hard and eventually become fluent in spanish
-his favorite part is when you sing to him (or listening to a song), something soft like cielito lindo :( and you watch him fall asleep as you stroke his hair
-neil perry is the best boyfriend fr <3
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dead3ve · 4 months
Neil Perry x fem!shy!reader
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Summary: When Welton's sister school burns down, the female students end up residing at Welton as well. Neil Perry, one of Welton's finest, begins to take a liking to one of the quieter ladies.
Warnings: This is a first post :) reader referred to as female, lady, girl. gender neutral (they/them) pronouns used. No use of y/n. shy reader insert
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Neil Perry was waiting outside of the ladies' quarters. The refurbished section of Welton now dedicated to the housing of the new female teachers and students was so affectionately named the 'ladies' quarters' thanks to one Charlie Dalton. The same Dalton that had forced Neil to wait for a certain lady to exit her room. With a book in hand, Neil contemplated whether or not the girl would like his attempts of flirting.
Neil had taken a liking to this girl. They were quiet, but knowledgeable. He knew this because Neil sat next to them for his beloved English class with Mr Keating, where whenever a question was asked a whispered and correct answer comes from the desk to his left. Once, Neil caught their eye when they were whispering the correct answer. They blushed and turned to look straight down at their desk for the rest of the lesson. Neil did not wish to offend them, just to simply admire them and their mind. So, after class he caught them by the elbow, and asked "Why don't you speak in class? Your answers are always right." Neil was left holding onto the elbow of the girl whilst they looked up at him with eyes so full of longing, and a mouth sealed shut by the restraints of fear.
They responded with a meek "I'm not always right."
Neil watched the girl pull away from his hold and hurry along after their friends, each of the ladies' heavy, uniformed skirts grazing the others' as they walked to their next class.
Neil looked down at the book he had bought for the girl in his hands. A special edition of one of their favorites, according to their friends, who all giggled at Neil's shy appreciation of the girl.
Down the hall, the thick clunk of school shoes approached Neil. He looked up after being in a romantic daze. He saw them. In their regular school skirt and button up shirt. They wore a cardigan though. Autumn had entered the hallways of the school. Neil stepped into the middle of the quiet hallway.
"Hi." Neil said. The girl faltered in her walking. Slowing her approach, seeming like they were questioning that Neil was actually there to see them.
"Hi." The girl began to speed up again, once they realized he was here to speak to them.
They stopped in front of him and smiled. Big and shy and bright all at the same time. The book in Neil's hands caught the girl's attention. The colors were so clearly representing a certain franchise and the picture on the front seemed to depict a familiar character. Neil noticed their eyes wandering and smiled at their silent curiosity. He held the book out to her.
"It's for you." Neil said with a smile on his lips as the girl went to take it cautiously with a small grin. Not because they were scared of Neil, but because they did not know if they were overstepping. They were very interested in the boy, after all.
Neil, realizing that they might not understand the display of affection being attempted, decided to pull the book back to himself before they could take it.
"It's yours, I promise. But I am giving it to you because I like you, and maybe we could go get a coffee sometime?" By the end of the sentence, Neil was losing confidence. His voice grew higher, making a slight crack in the middle of the word "sometime".
Unbeknownst to Neil, who was looking down at the cover of the book held in his hands, they were beginning to smile wider as he grew more nervous. Eventually the girl took the book from Neil and began to walk away from him. Neil stopped thinking. Stopped moving. Did they not like him? Was the book the only valuable thing presented? Did Neil get the wrong idea?
"You said it would be mine. I'd like to read it so I can tell you about it on our coffee date." They spoke loud enough for Neil to hear. He was stood maybe 2 meters away, back turned from the girl. They spoke loud enough so Neil had to have heard them.
Neil turned and took a breath when he saw them looking at him already with a bashful grin and pink cheeks. The book clutched against her chest. Neil took two paces towards the girl. He pushed some fallen hair behind her ear, making her pink cheeks turn red. Neil asked:
"Sit next to me in study hall?"
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sorencd · 1 year
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pairing: neil perry x shy!reader
word count: 1k
a/n: here it is! i finally got around with finishing it :) anyways NEILNEILENEILENEMWA
the piece of paper you erratically scribbled your poem onto crumpled as you clutched it harder in your clasp, your palms sweaty and jittery. no matter how hard you tried convincing yourself that the other students in your class are all mature, sensible, and rational people, it never ceases the perpetual fickle thumps of your heart.
it annoyed you to no end. how easily it was for situations like this to put you in a wave of emotions. you took a deep breath for the upteempth time before standing up on weakened legs. it always annoyed you, how you’re this impossibly nervous to speak in front of a crowd of people. numerous times has people told you to just ‘tough it out’, but it was never that easy.
you slowly walked to the front on shaky legs and a laser focus on the board, trying to ignore the few stares the others had on you. it felt like a million people had their attention on your every single movement, and amongst the handful of observant stares, lies a worried and concerned one. neil knew how shy you were and it takes a bit of coaxing for you to peek out of your shell. he could already tell that you were having a hard time from the moment he saw you clutch your piece of paper.
you were standing close to the board with your back against it, now everyone was surely looking at you. you couldn’t help but tilt your head downwards and you tried muttering a word out, any word at all. but nothing came out.
“(y/l/n)? is everything alright?”
the invisible weight that rested upon your shoulders made its presence known as you heard your name being called, depriving you of the ability to properly function. the air was acting as if it was non-existent and the atmosphere was suffocating. it made you feel trapped, you hated it. it was hard putting this much pressure on yourself, but you didn't know how to avoid it. no matter how many words of encouragement you mumble out of your lips, it all never seemed to help. tears were starting to prick your eyes as you tried rubbing your hand against your clothes to maybe relieve the stress that had you on a chokehold. it came to the point where you couldn’t take it anymore, and made a beeline for the door to exit the room, ignoring their calls and not hearing the footsteps that came after yours.
standing outside the hall was refreshing. it was empty during these times due to class hours and you were so grateful that no one would see you crying because you were so shaken up by merely presenting to an audience. you slid down and crouched against the wall and held your face, your feeble attempts of wiping the tears away proved useless and you rested a hand atop your chest to atleast give you some purchase from your heaved exhaling.
you quickly lifted your head up at the voice above you, shock filling your veins. it was neil. he must've been so worried because of your sudden departure.
"are you okay?" neil asked in a soft tone, his voice waking you up from the daze you didn’t know you were in, you didn’t notice how tight your chest was. you couldn’t fully focus on the words that came out of his lips and you couldn’t fully process what was going on. you looked so small, keeping your knees close to your chest and beads of sweat continued running down your forehead. he knelt down beside you and sat down on the ground, not wanting to intimidate you if he were to stand up and talk down on you. he wanted you to feel comfortable with him no matter the circumstance.
“i’m-i’m sorry..” you hid your hands, no longer being able to hold back the tears that your eyes desperately wanted to release. you know yourself that it’s no good trying to bottle up your feelings, but you weren’t exactly good at doing that and you had a difficult time expressing your thoughts. what an amazing combo bestowed upon you. “i shouldn’t have made a scene.. i was being overly dramatic.”
neil patiently waited for you to pour everything that was flooding your mind out, not wanting you to get overwhelmed by immediately telling you how to handle things. he didn't want you to pushing down and invalidating your feelings. he gently rubbed your back in circles, his warm touch steadying your ragged breathe and pulling you back from the headspace you threw yourself in.
"they're probably laughing at me right now. i'm not going back in there."
he saw your lips quiver at the thought of possibly returning inside and resuming where you left off. you bet class was paused because of your sudden outburst, you felt ashamed. another batch of fresh tears and a soft sob resounded into the quiet hallway. just the mere scene of you being so vulnerable and your cheeks painted with tears shattered neil's heart into a thousand fragments─ it felt like a knife jagged itself into his heart,
"they're not. you don’t have to talk in front of all of them. i could talk to mr. keating, i'll ask if you can just present in private. just you and him. how does that sound?"
your heart squeezed at each syllable that entered your ears. neil knew just what you needed to hear, you don't know what you'd do without him. he saw you give a weak nod and your nose scrunched up while you wept a little bit more.
"you're doing great, (y/n). you can always try again! don't push yourself too much, my love. if they heard the poem you wrote, i know they'll love it as much as i did! i'm proud of you."
now you were full on sobbing. neil pulled you into his arms and stroked the back of your head and tenderly kissing the spot behind your ear. a gesture that you've grown to love everytime he did it─ he always knew what to do.
"we'll go back in whenever you're ready, sweetheart."
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© sorencd . 2023 ─ do not copy, repost, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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prettyyoungandbored · 3 months
See You Again - Charlie Dalton
Pairing: Adult!Charlie Dalton x Fem!Pregnant!Reader
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“What do you want for dinner tonight?” Charlie asked, rubbing his wife’s back.
“Everything that is terrible for me,” she replied with a tired sigh, putting one hand on her belly. “Probably a bad idea bringing me into the grocery store.”
“We’re almost done with the list,” he told her. “Besides, we’ll be here for a week. We can always come back if you need other stuff.”
They decided to spend the week at his parent’s vacation home in Vermont. Y/N had been itching to get away from the city but considering she was four months pregnant, Charlie didn’t feel like going too far.
“How about we do some roast chicken thighs tonight?” she suggested. “It’s easy enough.“
“Perfect.” He kissed her cheek.
“Ok, so for that we’ll need some chicken thighs, rosemary-.”
Charlie looked away from Y/N, his smile falling. His blood ran cold at the figure standing in front of him.
Mr. Perry.
The last he saw Neil’s father was at Neil’s funeral. That was a little over 10 years ago, yet the man hadn’t aged all that much.
In all the times Charlie’s returned to Vermont since being kicked out of Welton, he managed to avoid seeing the Perry’s. There was the scare when his mother invited them to his and Y/N’s wedding, but they never responded nor showed up.
Y/N’s shifted from Charlie and the old man, wondering if she should stay behind Charlie and protect their baby.
“Mr. Perry,” Charlie spoke up, trying to swallow the lump in the throat.
Y/N’s eyes widened in realization and she wondered if she should step in for Charlie’s sake.
Meanwhile, Charlie saw Mr. Perry’s eyes fall to Y/N’s stomach. Charlie tightened his jaw, fists clenched.
“Congratulations…son,” the old man said with a nod.
Once the old man turned away, Y/N sighed in relief. “Let’s just pay and go, ok?”
Charlie wasn’t going to argue.
Following by a silent car ride home, Y/N spoke up the moment they walked inside the vacation home.
“I know you don’t want to talk about it, but we’re going to,” she said.
“Non-negotiable, Charlie.”
His jaw tightened. “Fine. Alright. He has no right to show his face to me. Not after what he did. And the way he looked at your stomach…like…who am I to be a father, right? Like he…he…”
“Neil should be here, dammit! He should be here and the fact his asshole of father is still walking around after what he did! After what he caused!”
Tears streamed violently down his face. Y/N reached out to him, but he stepped back. He turned around and walked outside, slamming the door.
Y/N exhaled softly, guilty tears filling her eyes. She just wanted to talk with him about it, but she knew she should have known better.
As she sat down on the couch, she pretended to ignore the sound of the car driving off.
Charlie closed the car door and made his way up the hill, hands buried in his jacket pocket. He walked across the cemetery, glancing at the names until he saw the one he needed to see.
And then he spotted it, his heart dropping to his stomach.
NOVEMBER 10, 1943 - DECEMBER 15, 1959.
He’d avoided coming here long enough. He’d sworn after the funeral he wouldn’t go here, already traumatized by the fact his best friend was in a casket.
Hot tears strolled down his face, as he lowered his head.
“I’m sorry I haven’t come out here,” he spoke up. “I would say it’s not for a lack of trying, but…”
He shook his head. “You know, I never forgave myself for not stopping your dad. I thought if maybe I intervened or actually did something, I could’ve…you know. I promised myself that next time I’d see him, I’d give him a piece of mind. Tell him what I should’ve told him at the funeral. Yet the second I see the son of a bitch in the grocery store, I choke.”
He lowered his head, a tear rolling down his cheek and hitting the headstone.
“I’m gonna be a dad, Neil,” he continued. “How can I protect my kid when I couldn’t protect you?”
The silence that fell was a reminder that Neil could not respond. He couldn’t tell Charlie what he needed to hear. He couldn’t tell him that things would be ok.
And he never would.
Charlie wiped his tears and sniffled. “I miss you, Neil.”
When Charlie returned to the house, he hung his jacket and slid off his shoes. Figuring Y/N was probably asleep, he quietly made his way up the stairs into the master bedroom.
There, he found Y/N lying awake in bed, the soft glow from the television reflecting on her.
She propped herself up when she saw him walk in. “Charlie, I’m sorry I-.”
“No, no don’t apologize,” he said, crawling into bed beside her. “I’m sorry I screamed and ran off like that.”
“Oh, sweetheart, it’s ok. You were shaken up and I-.”
“No, Y/N, it’s not ok. There’s no justification for it.” He grabbed her hand, kissing her open palm. “I’m sorry and I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Y/N went to turn off the TV when Charlie asked, “Can we keep it on a bit longer?”
“Of course.”
She snuggled into him, as he threw an arm around her shoulders.
Not a moment passed by when Y/N broke the silence and returned to the subject. “Where did you go?”
Charlie sighed, wishing to avoid it but knowing he needed to face it one way or another.
“I went to Neil’s grave,” he answered.
She straightened up her posture, mouth hung open slightly. “You actually went?”
“I didn’t really know where else to go. Plus, I figured it was time.”
He wanted to end the conversation there, but she had that look he knew all too well. It was the kind of look that begged him to keep talking about it.
“It was strange,” he continued. “The idea of talking at a headstone, knowing that’s the only way I can talk to him.”
His eyes fell to her stomach. “You know what kills me the most? The way Mr. Perry looked at me after he saw your stomach, like I had the audacity to become a father.”
“He knows you’ll be better than he was and that’s what kills him,” she said.
He glanced back up at her. “You think so?”
“The fact you’re opening up about it means you care enough not to repeat the mistakes you’ve seen others make,” she said. “I know you’ll be a better father than Mr. Perry and your dad ever was.”
His hand met her stomach. She placed a hand over his.
“I promise I’m gonna do my best,” he said.
He used his other hand to take a strand of Y/N’s hair, tucking it behind her ears. “I’m sorry I yelled and walked out on you. You never deserved that.”
“I’m sorry I pushed you to talk about it. I should’ve let you had a moment to process it.”
“You were trying to help.”
“I could’ve gone about it better though.”
“How about we leave it at we’re both sorry and we focus on enjoying each other’s company during the trip?” he suggested gently.
She smiled in agreement. “Works for me.”
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chasedbyunclewalt · 5 months
Hey everyone! So I finally wrote a thing!! I’m pretty sure is absolute garbage but 🥰 I’m here! Attempting to replenish the lack of DPS fan fiction!! So here it is (also I forgot how to add a Keep Reading bar on mobile help)
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Summary: you’re new at Welton and your cousin Charlie’s friends take you in! Neil Perry x female reader x Platonic! Charlie Dalton
“She’s off limits, thanks.” A blunt voice sounds from behind me. It’s my cousin Charlie only naturally. I’ve just transferred to Welton Academy, now that they’ve begun accepting girls. The only downside of this is that my over protective older cousin Charlie won’t give it a rest. Of course there were ups and downs to the whole thing. Charlie had introduced me to his friends initially so I knew someone in most classes, but they were mostly boys, who flirt a lot, or act like they’ve never seen a woman before.
“I’ll decide if I’m limited!” I angrily turned to whisper yell at him, after giving a polite smile to Pitts who I was just speaking to. This obscure comment makes Charlie roll his eyes.
“Are you coming to the meeting tonight?” He asks casually as we all stand on the campus outside.
“Uh yeah If I still can.” I respond hoping the so-called “Dead Poets Society” meeting was still open to me. “Yeah you can!” Neil cuts in from looking at his book. He stands up from the brick wall he was leaning on.
For some reason this assurance makes me grin. I suppose if Neil says I can… I then turn back to Charlie. “I’ll come get you at.. let’s say 9?” He says in a hushed tone and walks away pointing to his watch.
I will admit. I’m appreciative to have a somewhat big brother on campus. Charlie and I spent most of our childhood when he wasn’t here, together anyway, so we really are family, cousins, and friends.
At 9 I’m waiting in my dorm. I’m in some comfortable slacks and a large coat when I hear a tap on my window. I open it expecting the boyish grin from my cousins. I open the drapes revealing a Neil Perry. I open the window curiously. “Hey- it’s you?” I ask. “Yeah! Charlie’s down there but Cameron forgot something so they went back they’ll meet us- hi..” he says with his typical smile and laid back demeanor whining with excitement. His brown hair is a mess from the hostile weather outside.
Later I sit in the cave. A mere observer for now since I wouldn’t have anything to share my first time here. I smile and shake my head as Charlie continues this Nawanda act. Neil who stands in the middle of us all looks toward me with a smile “I forgot to ask- Y/N would you like to share anything?” He asks with a warm inviting expression. Like he truly would love for me to get up there. I smile appreciatively and shake my head. “Not this time Neil thank you..!”
After the meeting we sneak back. To ensure I got back safely Charlie offers to be the one to sneak to the girls dorms with me.
“I’ll come too..?” Neil suggests softly. Charlie nods and quietly ushers us in.
“Goodnight guys!” I wave a bit as I quietly try to enter into my dorm which is extremely difficult with decades old door hinges.
As Charlie and Neil walk back, they enter a quiet hallway where Charlie mumbles grinning to Neil. “So you like her..?”
“What?” Neil asks with fake confusion. He figured he could pull it off because he’s never been much of a lady chaser.
“What?” Charlie mocks. “You like her! Y/N!”
Neil blushes knowing only Charlie knows him like that. They stop in the hallway by their dorm rooms.
“She’s a very lovely girl-“ Neil starts, attempting to be indirect. Charlie just chuckles and says. “Alright I know… it’s fine” he waves off “although…you should ask her about theater or whatever.. she’s into that..” Charlie says playfully but also with thought. It’s a bit funny Neil is the only person Charlie would even consider trusting in such a situation. They both say good nights and enter their dorms on opposite sides.
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multifandom-imgns · 1 year
to give me a character + a trope
Neil Perry x Reader
Opposites attract.
(I hope this is the right way to request if it then i apologize in advance)
ps: nooo it's the right way, thank uuu <3
i hope you enjoy!!
my requests are always open for give me a character + a trope.
Neil Perry + opposites attract: gender neutral!!
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you met neil because of steven.
you were sneaking to welton in the night cause you had something that your parents give you for steven.
there's no need to lie, you hated welton with all your heart. the students here have always had to be perfect. that was something you appreciated. yes, you were getting good grades, and that was enough for you to pass the classes.
even you hate the school's system there were one person you always look up to, neil perry. he was your opposite, he was everything you want to be. unlike you he can talk to his parents about his future, but you were just following your parents' dreams.
i guess that was the reason you fell in love with him.
"steven?" you whispered and looked around. where was he?
"steven has to deal with something, with gerard." you heard neil. "i can help if you want."
"well, i just have to give these to steven."
neil smiled at you and walked towards you. you knew there was nothing special going on, you knew he only loved people like him.
you gave him the books and smiled.
"so, how was your school?"
"nothing but classic welton."
"yeah." and that's how the conversation ended. he didn't say anything and the silence began to be uncomfortable. "i have to go, good night then."
"wait, not right now." he grabbed your wrist and walked to his room really fast. you assumed that this was a 'sleep' time control.
he rushed you into his room, almost pushed you.
"y/n, is there a problem?" you heard todd's voice. he was your best friend after steven. "why did you dragged you secret crush in your room?" he said while laughing.
"i didn't."
"thank you todd, you just ruined my love confession."
you looked at them in surprise. "what? can somebody tell me what's going on?"
"well," neil said as he put the books on the table. "i was gonna confess but thanks to your best friend, it ruined."
"you like me?" you still don't understand, or simply you don't want to believe.
"i didn't like you at first, but over time you changed my mind. taking care of you or spending time with you was my favourite thing. i love helping you in trigonometry. "
you smiled. "trigonometry?"
"yeah," he laughed. "don't you like me?"
"i do neil, but i'm just shocked. it was unexpected."
"then, so that you won't be surprised, I'm telling you that I'm going to kiss you." he said while walking towards you.
"hey! i don't want to see my two friends kissing." todd closed his eyes. "please find another room."
"then please turn your behind todd." neil said as he came close to kissing you.
you stopped him by grabbing him by the shoulders. "i wanna kiss you to neil but i don't think it's a right time." you smiled and kissed his cheek. "see you tomorrow then?"
"yeah, see you tomorrow." you left the room smiling.
when you closed the door, you heard neil tell todd that he ruined your first kiss moment. you laughed silently and walked away with a big smile.
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redsummermoon · 1 month
Wild Side
Charlie Dalton x reader
CW: female reader, quiet reader, use of Y/N, classic pig prank, and Mr. Nolan
First published thing on tumblr.. I’m nervous [1.4k words]
Y/N arrived at Welton as one of the few girls in the entire school, a result of its recent decision to go co-ed. She quickly learned that, as one of the first females, she was both an outsider and an anomaly. Sharp-witted and observant, Y/N realized that to gain the respect of the boys and teachers, she had to be more than just smart—she needed to be quiet, watchful, and strategic. She kept to herself, sitting in the back of classrooms and taking meticulous notes. Y/N spoke only when necessary, blending into the wood-paneled walls of Welton’s corridors like a fly on the wall.
But while she played the part of the diligent, invisible student, inside she felt like she was suffocating. The school’s rigid rules, the condescending looks from some of the boys, and the constant pressure to perform weighed heavily on her. And yet, through it all, she noticed one boy who carried himself differently. And that was Charlie Dalton.
Charlie was everything Y/N wasn’t: loud, rebellious, and carefree. She had heard whispers about him and his friends, their love for breaking rules, and their knack for mischief. Yet, she had never interacted with any of them. Charlie was always surrounded by his friends, laughing, joking, and getting into trouble. He was everything Y/N wasn’t allowed to be, and for that, she envied him.
Even so, Y/N chose to remain in the shadows, keeping her head down and making no friends. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t planning something.
It was lunchtime in the cafeteria, and the Dead Poets were seated at their usual table, enjoying their meal.
“This place has gotten a little boring, don’t you think, fellas?” Charlie said, pushing his lunch around on his tray.
“Dalton, I swear if you get us in trouble again, I’m going to kill you,” Neil replied, though his tone was light-hearted.
Charlie grinned mischievously, his eyes scanning the room as if he were already planning his next scheme. “Relax, Perry. I’m just saying this place could use a little excitement.”
At that moment, the cafeteria erupted into chaos. A loud squeal echoed through the room, and all heads turned to see a pig trotting through the center of the cafeteria. The pig had the number “1” painted on its back in bold black ink. The students burst into laughter, and even the most uptight teachers looked momentarily baffled.
“Is that…” Knox started, but was cut off by another squeal.
“Charlie, what did you do?” Meeks cried.
A second pig appeared, this one with the number “2” on its back, followed by a third pig, marked with the number “4.” The pigs darted between tables, students jumping out of their way, and soon the entire cafeteria was in pandemonium. The teachers, led by Headmaster Nolan, were frantically trying to catch the pigs while also searching for the missing pig number “3.”
“This is amazing,” Charlie muttered, his grin widening. “Where’s the third pig?”
“Where’s number three?” a student shouted, his voice tinged with glee. The question spread like wildfire. Everyone started speculating about the missing pig. Was it still on the loose? How had it escaped?
Charlie’s grin slowly faded in awe. “I don’t think there is a third pig.”
The teachers were losing their minds, and Headmaster Nolan himself was stomping through the hallways, barking orders and demanding answers.
But Y/N was laughing. Not just smiling, not just chuckling, but truly, laughing. It was the first time she had felt joy since arriving at Welton. She laughed so hard that tears came to her eyes, and she had to sit down to keep herself from falling over.
She was practically in stitches, and for the first time, Charlie noticed just how beautiful she was when she wasn’t trying to blend into the background.
“Hey, I’ll be right back,” Charlie said to the group, getting up from his seat before anyone could stop him. He crossed the room with his usual swagger, dodging a teacher who was trying to corner one of the pigs, and made his way over to Y/N’s table.
Y/N wiped away a tear from her eye as Charlie slid into the seat across from her. She looked up, still smiling, but with a hint of confusion as Charlie sat down.
“What’s so funny?” Charlie asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.
Y/N’s smile grew wider as she leaned in a little closer, lowering her voice. “Can you keep a secret?” She whispered as Charlie leaned in impossibly closer, nodding. “This is my prank.”
Charlie’s eyes widened in surprise, but his grin didn’t falter. “You’re kidding.”
“Not at all,” Y/N replied, a hint of pride in her voice. “I thought it’d be fun to throw the teachers off. There’s no third pig. They’ll be looking for it all day.”
Charlie let out a low whistle, clearly impressed. “That’s genius.”
“I’m glad someone appreciates it,” Y/N said, her tone teasing, though she was genuinely pleased by his reaction.
“Are you kidding? This is the best prank I’ve seen all year. You’ve got Nolan running around like a headless chicken.” Charlie leaned back in his chair, studying her with renewed interest. “So, how does someone like you, no offense, pull off something like this?”
Y/N shrugged, still grinning. “Well, for starters, I grew up on a farm. My brother graduated from Welton a few years ago and hated it just as much as I do. He helped me get the pigs here as a parting gift for this place.”
Charlie couldn’t help but laugh. “I think I’m in love.”
Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress the warmth that spread across her cheeks. “Please, you don’t even know me.”
“I know enough,” Charlie said, his tone suddenly more serious, though the playful glint in his eyes remained. “You’re the first person here who’s managed to pull off a prank like this without getting caught. That’s something.”
“Thanks,” Y/N said, surprised by how much she enjoyed talking to Charlie. He was different from the other boys at Welton. He was bold, confident, and a little reckless, but in a way that made her feel like maybe this place wasn’t so bad after all.
“If you ever need a group to hang out with, we’ve got a club where we meet up, read poetry, talk about life, and basically just try to remember that there’s more to the world than this school.”
Y/N’s interest was piqued. “Sounds intriguing.”
“It is,” Charlie said, his eyes locking onto hers. “And we could use someone like you. Someone who knows how to shake things up.”
Y/N felt a warmth in her chest at his words. For the first time since she’d arrived at Welton, she felt like she might actually belong somewhere. “Maybe I’ll check it out,” she said, trying to sound casual, though her heart was racing.
Charlie grinned. “Good. I’d like to take you out some night as well.”
“And how would you manage to sneak both of us out Dalton?” Y/N asked.
“I have my ways, beautiful,” Charlie winks. 
Before Y/N could respond, one of the teachers finally managed to catch the first pig, eliciting a cheer from the students. But the excitement was short-lived as the search for the elusive third pig continued.
“Well, it looks like your prank is going to keep them busy for a while,” Charlie said, standing up. “Nice work, L/N.”
Y/N smiled up at him. “Thanks, Dalton.”
As Charlie walked back to his table, Y/N watched him go, a smile still lingering on her lips. For the first time since arriving at Welton, she felt a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, this place wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Back at the Dead Poets’ table, the boys were still talking about the pigs. Charlie slid back into his seat, a satisfied smirk on his face.
“What are you so happy about?” Knox asked, glancing at Charlie suspiciously.
“Oh, nothing,” Charlie said, his eyes flicking back to where Y/N was sitting. “Just met someone who might be even crazier than me.”
“You mean to tell us these pigs have nothing to do with you?” asked Neil.
“Nope,” Charlie replied, popping the “p” as he tilted his head in Y/N’s direction.
Neil raised an eyebrow. “L/N? The quiet girl?”
Charlie nodded, still grinning. “Turns out she’s got a wild side.”
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masivechaos · 1 year
neil perry x fem! reader
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Request: yes / no
see the request here!
Synopsis: spending the afternoon at the beach with your boyfriend
Warning/content: nothing i can think of, shitty writing, my english
a.n.: 0.6k words- i think this was supposed to be a 0.5k celly blurb but er
masterlist / dead poets society masterlist / navigation / taglist
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
Your smile brightened when you felt the ocean breeze caressing your face. “Neil!” you said enthusiastically as you pointed at the white sand displayed in front of you.
Behind you, Neil let out a chuckle before walking to your level, holding the picnic basket. “Shall we?” he smirked, taking your hand in his. You nodded eagerly, excited to spend the afternoon at the beach with your boyfriend.
You found a spot where you weren’t surrounded by people before settling everything down. When you were done you laid down on your beach towel and sighed contently. Neil joined you quickly, both of you admiring the lightly clouded sky.
When the weather started to get brighter, you felt Neil shifting next to you “What are you doing?”
“Sunscreen,” he said, pulling out the tube from the bag. You whined a bit, you hated the feeling of the cream on your epiderm. “You need it, love. Don’t want your skin to burn.” Unwillingly, you took off your shirt, finding yourself in your bathing suit only. You showed your back to Neil and let him apply the sunscreen. He was gentle with you, taking his time to cover each parcel of your body. He finished by pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder.
“Thank you,” you said, “Do you need help?” Neil nodded and you did the same as he did with you. Just as gently and just as softly.
Neil got up and held out his hand for you to take. You stood up and both of you started to run towards the sea, letting it engulf you. The salty water carried you slowly and you held each other hands. Your laughs melted with the sound of the waves hitting the shore as you messed around.
You looked at Neil, with his wet hair falling before his eyes and his smile capable of lightening an entire room, you found him more beautiful than ever. With a laugh, he tilted his head down before kissing the corner of your lips. “You’re so pretty, love,” he said as if his own words mirrored your thoughts.
“You’re more.”
“You think I’m pretty?”
“Mmh,” you hummed. You let a wave carry you closer to your boyfriend and you snaked your arms around his neck, your lips brushing his “Very pretty…,” you said before leaning in and kissing him tenderly.
Amused but seduced, he kissed you back with a laugh. At some point, you finally pulled away only to find the sky above you had turned grey “No…” you whined, hiding your face in the crook of his shoulder.
“Let’s get back there.” You both swam to the froth and headed to your towels. With a sigh, you laid down. You curled up by Neil’s side, resting your head on his chest “I’m so happy to be with you, my love,” he said as he kissed your temple.
You smiled into his chest “Me too,” you whispered. You relax in his arms, appreciating the feeling of his hands tangled in your hair. Without even trying to stop yourself, you fell asleep in Neil’s arms, lulled by the sound of his heartbeat and the waves.
Neil watched you with a smile on his lips. You were so perfect even when sleeping. Each day he felt more and more in love with you, you didn’t even need to do anything, your presence was enough for him to melt.
“You’re so pretty, my love.”
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
⋆ ★ neil perry taglist: @cauliflowertree @moonlitmeeks @toindeedbeag0d @meredarling @juneberrie @mystic-writings @natashxromanovf @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @spookydarkwitch @duxpuella @imshiningjustforyou @vancitycharlie @venussflytraps @diorgirl444 @dori-and-gray @maddipoof @starlit-epiphany
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dovesdreaming · 1 month
Fics coming within the next week:
Close to you: Hazel Callahan
Silver mist daughter reader x Harry hook
Princess of hearts reader x Harry hook
Neil Perry x shy reader
Harry hook x mad hatters kid
Chad charming x reader brushing off his moves
Cassandra nova being whipped for reader
Cassandra nova looking at readers memories of Charles
Deadpool and readers first fight
Wolverine being smitten for reader (his colleague)
Rory keaner x vampire reader
Possibility: Charlie dalton x opposite reader
Don’t know which ones I will get motivation to edit first but at least one of these will be posted each day! Including today! Thank you for your patience some of these have been in my requests for a while ❤️🫶
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star-dust-stuf · 1 year
Neil Perry x period!reader
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title: girl you’re sweet like
warnings: mentions of blood, pain
a/n: you know me, I had to do this! I hope you like it, not proofread, as always enjoy.
Neil was studying in the dining hall, and to be honest I didn’t even want to study I just wanted to cry in my damn pillow. I went just for Neil though, maybe it would make me feel better. When I arrived and sat next to him he greeted me with a smile, “hey! I thought you had a girls soccer club to practice for?” He watched as I sat down.
I shook my head, “I quit before I even started.”
“Oh…” he put his head down to his paper.
“I-.” I cut off, my heart in my throat and a feeling I’ve felt before sat under me, I crossed my legs, he saw my worried expression.
“What?” He gave a small chuckle.
I shrugged, “mmh?”
He saw I was playing dumb so I got up, not thinking anything of it, when I made it out the door I felt him close behind me. “Neil-!” I turned and saw his brown eyes gaze at me.
“I think you-.”
“You forgot your books-,” I said, interrupting him.
“No- wait, y/n!” He tried to catch up with me when I walked off again. “I think you-.”
“Neil, my stomach is killing me.” I walked up the stairs, he followed.
“Y/n, you started your p- p-…” he stopped in his tracks, making me come to a complete stop.
“I… what?”
“You- you got your p- period.” He saw my face turn pink, I felt the back of my skirt, I was damp, “it’s ok- hey!”
He ran after me when I ran into the girls bathroom and shut myself in a stall. I didn’t expect him to follow me in there, but he was consistent. “It happens sometimes. Let me help you… please?”
I saw him outside the stall, i felt tears go down my chin. “I- I cant Neil,” I breathed as the pain intensified.
“Let me take you to your room…”
I took a moment, my heart going in its place when I opened the stall, his sweet face met mine, “I- I…”
“You’re in pain, let me help you!” He said softly holding out a hand for me to hold, I took it. He led me to my room.
He got me clean clothes, “put these on,” he smiled at me, he turned his face to the wall and waited, when I was done he got me tugged into my bed, he lied beside me, practically cradled my stomach.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Why not?”
When I lied there with him I felt his body rest against mine, he relaxed more. He took my pain away, his soft eyes over me like misty clouds in a pink sky, his smell was familiar and felt like home.
I jumped at the sudden knocking at the door, Neil got up and got to the door, opening it a crack He saw Keating. “Mr Keating!” He was surprised. “W- what are you doing here?”
“What am i, what are you in her bedroom?!” He laughed.
“Oh umm…”
“She’s late for class, and so are you!”
“She’s feeling a little- under the weather,” Neil replied.
“Is she ok?” Keating asked.
Neil nodded, “yeah, you know.” His voice squeaked.
I hid myself under the covers. “Will you be joining me?” Keating asked.
Neil looked to his feet, “well- she’s…” Keating listened carefully. “She needs someone right now so I thought I’d-.”
“That’s alright, Neil. Tomorrow then.”
“Yeah, tomorrow!” Neil smiled.
When Keating backed away, he the saw me in my bed, he gave a wink and walked away. When Neil shut the door he gave a sigh if relief, “ok.”
“Ok? What’s he gonna think when we go into class tomorrow!”
“He doesn’t think we’re- you know - i mean, Im sure he knows what I meant when I said ‘under the weather’.”
I looked down, “really?”
“Don’t be embarrassed, y/n, it’s a period it’s not that big of a deal- well, it is a big deal but not like that!” He got snuggled with me again.
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mauvefayette6 · 1 year
Hello !! First I hope you’re doing okay and you’re having a wonderful day ! I wanted know if it’s possible to request a oneshot with Neil Perry ! Like their first big argument and good old angst about him forgetting a date to go hang out with his friends or whatever you want 🤭!! but with happy ending because I love him way too much !! Thank youuu and have a wonderful day again !
Promises [ Neil Perry x fem!Reader ]
You waited, dressed and ready to go. Neil promised, he said he would be there by 9 pm so that you could make it to your reservation. It’s 10:30pm now with no sight of him. You decided to call his number again to see if he would answer.
The person you’re trying to reach isn’t available, to leave a voicemail wait for the beep. Beep…
“Hey Neil, it’s (Y/n) again. Just wondering when you’ll be back? Return my calls when you’re able to…” You whispered the last part before hanging up. You turned your phone off, your heart sinking as tears began to form in your eyes.
Neil wasn’t the type to just forget about you or a date or a commitment just in general. What if he was kidnapped? Mugged? Robbed? Shot? So many thoughts ran through your mind. You began to hyperventilate, you got up and began to pace around your apartments kitchen.
“Please answer,” you mumbled looking at your phone.
12am rolled around and you decided to call again. Maybe he was caught up at work and his boss was being an ass.
“Hello?” Finally, Neil answered.
“Hey, where have you been?” You mumbled. You felt your body relax at the sound of his voice.
“I’m hanging with Charlie. He thought it would be a great idea to come to the bar for a couple of drinks. Why?” He asked. The feeling of worry vanished and was replaced with disappointment and anger.
“Goodnight.” Was all you mustered up. You hung up and walked to your bedroom.
A bar? Drinks? Charlie Dalton? You weren’t mad about the date. It could have always been rescheduled. You weren’t the kind to stop Neil from hanging with his friends. But, to miss all your calls? To ignore you to drink with his friends? All he had to do was call you and ask to change the date! You didn’t care!
You undressed yourself and put on your nightgown. You took your make up off and did your face routine. You did it all with furry. Your heart was racing and your hands were shaking. Tears in your eyes you laid in bed. You checked your phone to see no new messages. You scoffed and fell asleep.
The next morning rolled around as you began to get ready for work. For a brief moment you forgot about it. That’s until you received a phone call from him. You decided to ignore him. You didn’t want to start the day off on the wrong foot. You opened up your door and began walking to work.
The busy streets of Chicago gave you a peaceful vibe. People hated the noise of the city but you loved it. You were from a small town in Virginia and Chicago was such a different vibe from there. You clocked in and turned your phone off. You wanted no distractions, no messages, nothing.
You walked out of work and to your apartment. Walking from the elevator you saw Neil Perry holding a bouquet of roses. You scoffed and walked towards him.
“You weren’t picking up my calls so I decided to see you…” He said but you ignored him. You unlocked the door and slammed it in his face. He knocked on your door but you ignored it.
“Is everything okay?!” He shouted knocking on the door. You grumpily walked to the door and opened it. “I’m going to take that as a no…”
“Yeah Neil, I’m not very happy with you right now,” you scoffed not allowing him inside the apartment.
“What did I do?” He asked and you rolled your eyes.
“Not only did you have me worried but you also ditched me to hang out with your friends,” you explained and the realization dawned on him.
“I thought I was missing something, I swear I’ll make it up to you,” he begged but you shook your head.
“It wasn’t about the date Neil, I don’t care about it. I care that I was here, crying and worried! I thought you were injured, I thought someone had mugged you and left you to die! Do you ever understand how scared I was? I left you hundreds of messages! A ‘I’m fine’ or a ‘I’m out with my friends’ would have been great! But no you decided to not answer me!” You shouted with tears in your eyes. Your voice was shaky, “I wouldn’t have forgiven myself if you had died Neil, but you didn’t have a care in the world!”
He stood there, his heart aching.
“I didn’t know… Charlie took my phone and I was out with my friends. You know I haven’t seen them in years.” He said attempting to defend himself.
“This is pointless Neil. I just, I just don’t want to see you right now. I’m angry and disappointed. Your lack of empathy is sickening right now. I want to be alone,” you said slamming the door in his face. You leaned on your door and began to sob. The feelings coming all at once like a wrecking ball. It was like he didn’t understand how it felt to be up all night waiting for someone to answer you.
You woke up the next morning. Luckily for you it was your day off. You laid in bed with your favorite candy and confort show on. Your phone was on your nightstand charging. You sobbed every few seconds. You hated arguing with Neil, growing up your parents were verbally abusive towards each other. Arguing and yelling was the thing you always tried to not do.
You heard a knock on the door. Maybe you could pretend not to be home.
“I know your home,” you heard from the other side. Neil. You sighed and got up. You walked to the door and opened it.
“Before you start talking hear me out, please.” He said and you sighed. “I realize how big of an asshole move that was. I didn’t want to worry you or ditch you or cause you any harm. I had a rough day at work and well I need to blow out some steam and Charlie offered to take me to a bar and grab some drinks while the guys were in town. I forgot about our plans and while I was going to check my phone Charlie took it out of my hands. I didn’t purposely ignore you and the second I got it back I answered you. It wasn’t my intention to ignore you and I will be having a chat with Charlie about not taking my phone. Please forgive me…” He stopped and looked at you. Tears were falling from your eyes as you brought him in for a hug.
“I don’t like arguing with you Neil. I was just so worried yesterday. My mind doesn’t work like everyone else’s. My mind doesn’t go to ‘he is probably still at work’ I instantly think you’re being murdered or something…” You cried, your face nuzzled on his neck as he hugged you tightly.
“I promise it will never ever happen again, I swear it.” He whispered not daring to let you go.
A/n: Hey!! I’m going to start doing all requests now just so I can get some stuff out! Requests are temporarily CLOSED!!
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dead3ve · 4 months
Neil Perry x fem!shy!reader
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Summary: The Dead Poets are all attending one of Neil's plays. However, Neil's friends don't realize they aren't the special member of the audience.
Warnings: Established relationship. No use of y/n. Charlie flirts before Neil does. Reader reffered to as girl
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You were clapping and smiling at your boyfriend who was bowing on stage. He was having the time of his life and by proxy so were you.
The applause grew louder as a group and formally dressed boys stood and began animatedly cheering, all of them whooping and hollering for your boyfriend, Neil Perry.
The curtain closed and the lights went up. People began filtering out of the auditorium. Talking began and the noise made you wait for silence to sound before you entered the even louder foyer.
As you sat in your seat patiently, holding the flowers you brought for Neil, pink roses, in your lap, a boy approached you. He had hair similar to Neil's in both color and style, but he walked with more swagger than Neil did.
"Did you enjoy the play?" He leant his side into the chair in front of you. He asked with a flirty tone. It made you blush, look away and scrunch your eyebrows. You wanted nothing to do with his flirting. You wanted to give Neil his roses and tell him how great he was.
This thought made you get up and leave the auditorium quickly, entering the loud and warm foyer. You would have usually found the nearest bathroom to hide out in, until it would be quieter, but Neil was right there, talking with some rich looking lady. The flowers you were holding were brought closer to your chest as you locked eyes with Neil over the shoulder of the woman he was talking to. You watched him excuse himself with his polite, charming smile and begin to approach you. Once he was stood in front of you, the flowers pushed out from your chest and into Neil's. He looked down at them and smiled as you rushed into Neil's chest as well, wanting to hug him and tell him how incredible he was. Neil's arm went over your shoulders and his lips pressed into your head.
"Thank you. I didn't need these." He spoke softly, with a smile gracing his lips. Neil couldn't keep his eyes on one thing. They went between the flowers and your beaming face. He was in awe of his partner, who was so generous and caring.
You were looking up at Neil from his chest, telling him how incredible he was. Every line was delivered perfectly. He knew when to and how to respond to other characters. Your rambling halted when suddenly there was a loud and exaggerated applause. The same young boys and the older man that were cheering for Neil in the auditorium were doing it now. You turned to see the commotion; Neil kept his hand on the small of your back as the boys circled around Neil, telling him how amazing he was as well.
It was then when you realized, these were his school friends. The one flirting with you must have been Charlie. You'd heard Neil refer to him as the 'womanizer' of the group once. You looked up at Neil and saw him smiling at all of his friends. "He must be grateful for all of this." you thought.
Who he called 'Captain' offered his hand to Neil. Neil took it and smiled wider at the man. The man must've been Neil's beloved Mr Keating.
"Congratulations, Mr Perry. A great show." Mr Keating spoke with joy and a subtle tone of authority. "This must be the girl we were talking about." The teacher turned to me.
You blushed at this. You knew Neil talked to Mr Keating often, but not about you. Neil introduced you to everyone. You ended up giving a small wave as you tried to press yourself into Neil's side. Other names were thrown into the circle, and you tried to remember them.
Knox, another boy who had similar hair to Neil spoke up. "You know Neil, if they didn't come find you sooner, you might've lost the girl." Neil looked confused at Knox, and then he looked with frowny eyebrows at me. The group began to laugh at that. Knox explained himself, stating "Charlie tried talking to them in the auditorium, when the play finished."
Charlie smacked Knox in the chest after that. Neil laughed at the exchange. You put your arms around Neil's waist and squeezed. Neil said softly to you, "You ran didn't you." Neil was giggling softly. He turned to the boys, "They did the same this with me when I first talked to them." The boys all laughed and looked at the two. They hadn't seen Neil so peaceful before. The boys all liked it. They liked them together.
"We're going to get some dinner at the restaurant down the street. You're welcome to join us, lovebirds." Mr Keating had spoken. He winked cheekily at us. You turned to Neil laughing at his favorite teacher with him.
Neil took your hand and lead you out of the foyer and into the cold night, pulling you further into his side to keep you close and warm.
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