#Nene College
nqbuddy · 1 year
University of Northampton Avenue Campus demolition - the end of the start of the School of Art
#Northampton Avenue Campus demolition - some #University memories...
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stevescoles · 1 year
University of Northampton Avenue Campus demolition - the end of the start of the School of Art
#Northampton Avenue Campus demolition - some #University memories...
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schneidersumbrella · 3 months
Nightmare blunt rotation
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Vs dream blunt rotation
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Who wins in a fight
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possesseddog · 1 year
my most tightly held headcanon is that emu is friends with the squirrels at PxL, which are feral.
Those squirrels fear no man nor god. They are the pedestrians and demand the right of way. Each item of food produced in PxL will become theirs. From dust to dust? From dust to squirrel.
Once Tsukasa was throwing something away and a squirrel jumped out of the trashcan at him. They are demons in his eyes. He warns Saki of them.
Emu is sitting somewhere, the squirrels will line up to see if she will feed or hold them. The wonder stage is the only stage that doesn't have to deal with squirrels running around ruining shit.
(Rui is neutral towards the squirrels, he's just glad they don't mess with his stuff. Nene is incredibly wary, Emu has sent her some weird pictures)
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gh0str3c0rd3r · 7 months
if emu doesnt get usahana for the sanrio crossover..
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jedi-bird · 8 months
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I finally got the print I bought back in 2015 framed. I bought it at the visitor's center at the Haleakala National Park after we went to see the sunrise. Though I took a ton of photos myself, I saw this and needed to bring it home. I don't know how to explain how being up there, above the clouds, made me feel. I'm terrified of heights but truly felt nothing but peace and acceptance up there and didn't want to leave. I still use one of my photos as my phone's background. And though I'm the only one in our family who wants to, I really want to go back.
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tearwolfe · 3 months
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the angel and demon on nene's shoulder!! tsukasa and rui guide nene through the perils of college; navigating a difficult social life and assisting her in speaking with her cute, energetic neighbor.
tsukasa and rui are only visible to nene when in "shoulder form". they're only a few inches tall but can be very annoying. they can manifest into a larger, human-sized form (below) in which they will be visible to other people. they really only do this when they're alone with nene or want to enjoy human things (games, food, etc).
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although tsukasa is a devil, he struggles with tempting nene into doing misdeeds. rui is much more mischevious than the average angel. because of this, they can be very troubling to deal with.
the two of them officially made their debut to nene near the start of her first college year, when she was fighting against social anxiety and loneliness. despite how much the two pester her, they have helped improve her mental state.
rui is actually quite familiar with nene; she does not particularly remember it, but when she was little he would act as her imaginary friend. he has not told her this yet.
nene's roommate is an!
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streetroachpics · 2 years
College Hill ray j and dream doll too dumb to get good grades 
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xxaraaq · 4 days
𝙎𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙨
Synopsis | Nanami finds out what he's been missing for the better part of his adult life
wc | 0.5k
cw | Infidelity, age gap, porn with a little plot
Nanami x black! Reader
A/N | Nothing really, hope you enjoy!
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No one can blame him for the choices he’s made. He’s only a man, and a man has his limits.
He’s done everything he can in his life to make sure he can say he’s done what was expected of him. He has a stable nine to five, white collar job that he loathes but still performs great at, he takes care of his stay at home wife, and everything else that he’s supposed to do.
But it’s not enough.
There was something missing. He couldn’t pinpoint it, but day by day he dragged himself around until the day was done. He thought he was depressed at first, almost booking a therapy appointment, but he realized that he was lacking an essential part of life; something that every human being needs to stay sane.
The realization hit him like a truck, his life was so boring because he had none – nothing to look forward to when he went home, nothing to look forward to when he woke up. Nothing. Even having sex with his wife was mediocre at best. His days were dull at best and straight up dreadful at worst, simply because he was the lacking excitement needed in one’s life.
Until he met you.
A pretty, young college student who recently started working in the cafe he frequented. All sunshine and rainbows, you never failed to greet him with a smile and a wave. He started to look forward to seeing your beaming grin every morning, even occasionally returning a smile. You were the cutest thing he’s ever seen, and he had to have you.
It was late when he came, to your surprise. He told you that he was working late in the office,
and decided to come by for a short break. You made him his usual black coffee, which you thought was weird, and the two of you talked – well, mostly you – about everything and nothing.
He was getting drunk off you, your voice lulling him into something he couldn’t describe. He didn’t know what came over him, but he leaned in and kissed you, catching the both of you off guard. 
“I- I apologize, I don’t know what came over me.” He backs up, but you pull him in by the collar, crashing your lips onto his once more. His hands grab your waist, pulling you flush against him. He knows it’s wrong, that the right thing to do is stop and pretend it never happened, but he wont; he can't. He needs this, he deserves it, and he’s not going to let a little bit of remorse stop him from fucking you until you can’t take anymore.
It’s sinful really, the way he picks you up and fucks you against the wall. He would expect this from someone like Gojo, but the thought soon leaves his mind once he hears those beautiful moans he’s dreamt so often about. 
You scratch at his back, begging him to slow down, but that only stirs to go faster. He fucks into you with a fervor he doesn’t think he’s felt before. 
He pulls out and cums on your sweaty torso, panting as he slowly lets you back on the ground. The two of you clean up without a word and he heads home after placing a kiss on your temple. For the first time in years, he walks home with something to look forward to in the morning.
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fruity-fruition · 4 months
College Wondershow would send each other snack baskets/straight up buy each other delivery meals during exam season.
They're all accompanied by little notes.
Tsukasa's always ends with a star ☆ and some encouragement like "You can do this!!" Or reminders to take care of themselves like "make sure you've drank at least 3 glass of water by now!
Emu's notes are doodles alongside all caps handwriting. Similar to Tsukasa's, she sends words of encouragement but less... comprehensible. To outside eyes. Wondershow understands her perfectly
Rui has no words. It's literally just "nya" or :3 with no explanation. They fear he'd send them a pipe bomb one day (they know he won't. The anxiety is still there)
Nene would send lowercase lmao or rip bozo followed by a ♡. Occasionally, she would bluntly show concern and ask them if they've taken breaks.
(Ruikasa lives in the same dorms bc i think they're cute so usually these notes are for when their classes clash and they don't get to see each other for a whole day)
The entirety of Wondershow have a slight problems of taking care of themselves but they're never not concerned for each other. So sometimes, Tsukasa would have a passing thought of "I wonder if the others had eaten lunch yet" immediately followed by "FUCK WAIT I HAVEN'T EATEN LUNCH YET"
it's like. 4pm already.
Ruikasa can't stand being in their room after spending hours studying there so they cuddle on the couch.
Nene would prefer to live alone I think. She seems independent like that but she would be roommates with Emu for the time being because she's still a student, she has no money yet.
(Emu offered to help pay but Nene shot that down quickly)
Also, they have a schedule where they buy each other groceries and pass it through the SEKAI. So sometimes, at like, 2am, one of them would get a "hey I ran out of eggs btw" text and get reminded that oh yeah, it's their turn to grocery shop.
Anyways, domestic Wondershow.
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project-sekai-facts · 5 months
WxS event teaser commentary
I no longer despise WxS teasers for being unclear thank you Rui4 teaser. If I see one more person say this is definitely a Nene event I will start asking people to explain their reasoning without using the words Cyber Sniper.
Sorry for not doing one of these last month, college is not fun. Anyway, we're back now and there's barely anything to get out of this teaser but we'll try.
It's definitely a Rui event. There's so much purple there's no way it's not him. Also like, he's the only one left in WxS for their 4th event, and I doubt clpl is gonna pull a stunt like they did with the double Saki and Ichika banners back in the earlier years of the game. It's definitely a different vibe for him, what with the Showtime Ruler teaser having the nostalgic storybook, and Donketsu having a very melancholic feel, but nonetheless all his songs have a pretty unique style, obviously tying to his character arc of being "different".
It reminds me a lot of Kimagure Mercy actually. If this was going to be a 3DMV I would assume it would look something like that, but unfortunately this is 2DMV only. Maybe the sort of cyber/futuristic theming will tie into the cards? At the very least the song jacket will be taken from this teaser, as always.
It's impossible to tell what this event could actually be about, the teaser gives us nothing. Well, actually there is one thing, but it's a bit of a stretch. While looking through reactions to the teaser I found some tweets pointing out that there's coordinates at the start of the video that land you exactly in the real-life location of Scramble Crossing, so I double checked this and it's legit.
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I was talking about this with some other people and one of them brought up that Scramble Crossing is where Rui used to do some of his guerrilla gigs before he joined WxS, so we were wondering if this event might cover some of his backstory (specifically his first year of high school spent at some sort of private/grammar school that was brought up one time and never again). However, it is a bit of a reach, the coordinates are probably just a nod to the location the game is set in. That said, I don't think we're going to rush into the plot introduced at the end of Tsukasa's event, we don't want this current arc ending within 2 or 3 events lol. The WxS disbandment arc, the mystery surrounding Nagi arc, and Mafuyu's arc all went on for literal years so there is always room for a more character-focused Rui event before we get more into the overarching plot I guess.
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nian-7 · 11 months
Hallo :>>> can I request for pjsk boys x gn!reader headcannons when character x reader met in college. If you dont mind, please add whether their respective group/s disbanded or not :') that's all for me and ty in advance <333
hello! sure, please enjoy!!
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Tsukasa, Rui, Akito, Toya x gn!reader
✧meeting in college
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-Wonderlands x Showtime has become more of a side thing for them. Emu does it the most often though, followed by Tsukasa.
-Tsukasa probably went to college for something in the drama or theatrical department. An actor of sorts, whether it be a stage actor, movie actor, or a voice actor.
-He likely met you through a group project where he needed a partner and you just happened to be sitting next to him that day so why not ask to be partners? No harm in it!
-He'd get along with you fairly easily. As long as you don't push him away, he'll be your friend even without ever verbally asking to be friends.
-Probably asks if you need help and vise versa. You're his friend now and he'd like for you to be able to get through college and pursue your dream as well!
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-Again, Wonderlands x Showtime has become more of a side thing for its members. Rui is the least active in it because of college work but, he does occasionally show up for shows.
-He probably had gone to college for some sort of engineering degree. It probably wasn't unlikely that he met you in a class that you struggled in and asked him for help.
-Rui helped you but it wasn't much after that. You both would chat occasionally when you found yourselves sitting next to each other in class or in the halls.
-Probably would accept your offers to come by your dorm or house to work on an assignment together. As long as he has nothing going on, he really doesn't mind.
-Honestly, he likely has invited you to come to Phoenix Wonderland and help work backstage on the automations like Robo-Nene. It was honestly quite a shock to the other Wonderlands x Showtime members when they see Rui there along with a new friend.
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-Vivid Bad Squad has probably gone on some sort of hiatus. Both Vivids and Bad Dogs operate still just at a lesser rate. They can't find the time to all get together with their busier schedules.
-Akito likely went to community college. Whether it be because he wasn't sure what he wanted to go to college for or if he just wanted to continue Rad Weekend.
-He honestly probably met you through Rad Weekend. Having you randomly come up to him after Toya and him got off stage and telling him he did a good job! Somehow the conversation spiraled from there into him getting your number by the end of it.
-After that, he'd always text you when he'd be performing at Rad Weekend and you'd always show up. He appreciated it even though it wasn't often that he got to see you.
-With the two of you being in college, study sessions aren't uncommon. He'd randomly bring it up one day and it'd start becoming a near weekly thing for the two of you.
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-Again, Vivid Bad Squad would be on a hiatus while Bad Dogs and Vivids operated independently. Toya is a bit bummed about it but, he still is able to go up occasionally.
-Toya likely went to a college on his fathers accord. He likely came to a sort of compromise (if it was even possible) with him about where he'd like to study.
-Most likely, he met you on a walk one day when he was going out for lunch. Whether you were an employee or just another customer, it was a simple and nice chat.
-You both would see each other at the same place every week, whether it be on purpose or not, he's still baffled by how he had gotten your number in such a short amount of time.
-He likes to text you about random things and will always respond to anything you send him. Sometimes you feel like he's waiting for you to text him with how fast he'll respond, even when he's in class sometimes...
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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shizucookies · 4 months
Wonderland x Showtime!!
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Sooo to me, they met in this situation:
when a circus from abroad came to the village of Wonderland, famous for their performances that come from all over the reign of Sekai. The circus seemed normal at first, but, as the show went on, the performers started to act weird, until their eyes started to glow bright purple and they started to attack the public. So, as a reflex, Tsukasa Tenma,an elf with the dream of being the best bard in all Sekai, Emu Otori, a really optimistic druid that has the dream to bring smiles upon people's faces , Nene Kusanagi, a sharp-tongued Tiefling rougue with the dream of acting, and Rui Kamishiro, a creative and eccentric Tiefling warlock which has a big talent for creating, enter the battle and fight fiercely through the villains, striking victory in the end.
After the battle, they notice that they have something alike: they wanted to perform to the world and show what they love to the public. So, in conclusion, the group assembles as a party and travels through the reign of Sekai, performing, singing, acting and fighting monsters along the way.
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mari-lair · 1 year
Akane is the only character to have ever been explicitly shown to both enjoy being alive and value life as a whole.
Ghosts envy the living, they crave life, but despite hanging out with ghosts all the time and feeling their envy, many human characters don’t seem to appreciate life. 
Nene and Kou are optimists, genuinely kind people, but they can be insensitive in their naivety. They recognize Hanako killing someone is “a bad thing” but that seems to be the most they allow themselves to process. If possible, they will push the knowledge Hanako is a killer far away.
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When his kill is brought up, they try to justify his actions, jumping at the opportunity to forgive him. They don’t consider the act of taking someone’s life away a deal breaker, like Hanako does, because the act is not as heavy when you don’t fully treasure life.
Kou has been able to see spirits since young so the idea of death is muddier for him. Still, he lost his mom, was deeply troubled by Nene’s lifespan, and had Mitsuba vent in tears about how envious he is of Kou for being alive, and yet, Kou still tries to jump off a building, he is constantly too blinded by his own insecurity complex to grasp how valuable his life is, unaware his death would deeply hurt his loved ones. 
He gets better at seeing the value of life after visiting Sousuke’s mom, and venting in the red house to Tsukasa about how much it hurts to lose a family member but I wouldn’t say he is happy to be alive. 
He still dismisses his own well being, and shows a lack of self-awareness when people are worried about him, because he thinks his life isn’t valuable, his skills or lack of are what have value.
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“I’ll clean up when I get back” is his first response not “I’m safe, don’t worry”.
It's obvious Teru was worried about his safety here, not the dirty dishes, but the thought never crosses Kou’s mind.
Unlike Kou, Nene loves being alive and has plenty of desires, hopes, plans for the future, and dreams.
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If asked, I’m sure she would say life is a beautiful thing, she wants to enjoy her life even if short, but she doesn’t understand the comcept of life and death very well, and that makes her unable to grasp how fragil life is.
Enjoying your life and treasuring life as a whole are very different things.
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Unless the person is truly gone, Nene is quick to forgive and forget. Danger is danger, and once it passes, it passes. She just takes life for granted.
When she decided to stay on the far shore with Hanako without telling anyone, and undermined the value of her own life, she was incredibly naive. 
If her plan had worked, and she had died, she would have put Aoi in the same position she had been in: saved at the cost of her friend’s life ‘for her own good’, while also roping Kou into a plan he didn’t know about (you can’t convince me Kou would have helped Nene if he was aware she planned to kill herself.)
She doesn’t want to think about these things, she likes to be optimistic! But since she doesn’t allow herself to really process death, she doesn’t understand life.
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She chalks dying as “I’ll be like Hanako and stay in a boundary with him”, she tries her best to reassure herself that she is fine with losing everything: her home, and a future with weddings,  college plans, and jobs, all for the sake of love. She treats her decision as one would a very long trip, a runaway romance.
She had to be told exactly what will happen, how much of herself, which she loves, she would lose if she tried to stay. The idea of loss, of death, is something that she tries not to think about, so it greatly distraught her.
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Even Teru, whose job is to protect the living and put their safety above it all had admitted this idea is not something that comes easy to him. 
Yes, he value life, and he understands how precious it is, but his view on it is not that simple: This value was taught from a young age by the same clan that has a history of human sacrifices. 
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Teru has a detachment to the concept of death, since he was born able to see spirits and he travels to the far shore, which takes some weight from the idea that “death is the end” while being personally affected by it, since his mom died without regrets, without leaving a spirit behind.
Teru can understand loss, he can process that death is a terrible thing. He is genuine in his kindness to people, but it doesn’t feel personal. He values life but he doesn’t treasure it, he treasures his family and close friends only. 
Saving people is intricately intertwined with responsibilities for Teru, and he is a very arrogant and proud person, he takes his responsibility serious. His professional view on life is simple, almost heroic, but his personal view on life is skewed: There is contradiction to his values.
Dedicating his time to save others makes it so he can’t enjoy his own life to the fullest.
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And there are moments when he feels tired of being a protector, almost resenting it.
He would never kill a person, but he jokes too much about destroying humanity to not betray the feeling that maybe, if there was no life to protect, he could finally live his own life.
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Akane on the other hand sees life as something beautiful and worth protecting: Something to treasure.
He wasn’t taught to do so. His feelings on it are not complicated, he simply enjoys being alive, and that appreciation skyrocketed once he nearly lost Aoi to the clock keepers.
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He doesn’t dislike supernaturals because of a job or a duty, he wasn’t even aware they existed before his contract with the clock keepers. This hate he feels for them is personal, born out of his own beliefs. 
He understands death is the end. He understands how fragile a human life is. And he hates how careless supernatural are, not hesitating to play with it
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He has no respect for someone that is willing to murder someone, and he feels strange when people are too easy to forguive them.
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Similarly, his respect visibly raises when he notices a person falls into his beliefs. Once he realized Teru’s job isn’t just supernatural extermination, and that he will go out of his way to save lives, his view changes drastically.
Teru was perceived as an asshole, a tyrannical demon in Akane’s life.
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And Teru may still be an asshole in Akane’s eyes, but no one that goes out of their way to save people can be a demon.
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Even when Akane dragged Aoi into the far shore, his goal was to keep her away from No.6, who he knew wanted to kill her, and to not be separated.
He isn’t happy when they fall, he fights to get back, he’ll march on with a hole in his chest and keep struggling, bleeding out, instead of resting, because he needs to get back.
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There is no “Now that we have each other, I can rest”, there is no "Let’s die and be together forever.”
He doesn’t want only to be together, he wants her to live. He wants them both to live. 
Because life is precious to him.
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erimelodii · 7 months
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Twisted Wonderland MC / OC — Nene Damseletta
🎀 A first year student at Night Raven College with seemingly no magical prowess. She is soft-spoken and cautious, a bit of a perfectionist at heart, and would usually not bother to speak up in class unless she is completely sure of her answers.
🎀 Headmage Dire Crowley assigned Heartslabyul dorm leader Riddle Rosehearts to be Miss Damseletta’s temporary personal bodyguard, to allow her comfort in adjusting to the new environment.
[Template by @pearlwhitecats]
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mikunology · 6 months
Locations in Sapporo
things in my personal life has calmed down somewhat for the time being so I figured I'd write up an easy lore post that I completely forgot I could make so here we are
I wanted to list some common locations found in Sapporo as featured in Vocal Android! I haven't actually talked about the setting too much and while I'm kinda bad at designing locations, I figured I could at least talk about them a little
But, yeah, I'll do my best to explain, so some lore under the cut?
Crypton Laboratories HQ/Crypton Towers: The place where the CVs live and where Meiko and Kaito work. A huge white, gray, and cyan building shaped like a C if you look at it from above, it's home to Crypton's various research labs. The building has floors entirely dedicated to be Miku, the twins and Luka's living spaces, and they each have their own color-coded rooms and living areas. There's a recording and dance studio in the building for the CVs to do their idol work and music playing, as well as a virtual reality training room. There's also the CVs' very own superhero base of sorts, which Gumi helped design, and allows the crew to oversee the city in case danger makes itself known (it's also a convenient place to hang out and take a nap). There's also a sizeable garage below the building, where Rin keeps the road roller.
Kenmochi Academy High School: Miku, Rin and Len's school. A large, clean campus made of three V-shaped buildings with their points pointing towards each other and hexagon-shaped windows. A pretty high-bar school with a lot of recent technology, it's one of the more popular and well-known high schools in town (and thus, an excellent candidate for Meiko's goal of having the CVs interact with humans their age). It is headed by Principal Sasaki. (Current Student List: Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin and Len, Kobayashi Matcha, Masaoka Azuki, Yumemi Nemu, Hibiki Lui, Akira Kano/Arsloid, Otomachi Una, Sato Sasara, Suzuki Tsudumi, Kokone Aime, Kizuna Akari, Futaba Minato, Hoshino Ichika, Tenma Saki, Hinomori Shiho, Mochizuki Honami, Koharu Rikka (formerly), Suzune Ring)
Ichikawa Academy High School: Gumi's school, a high school on the eastern side of the city. It's a more "normal" high school, less flashy than Kenmochi and looking more typical, but still has a few good programs to its name, including its science program (which Gumi tries to participate in). (Current Student List: Megumi "Gumi" Nakashima, Kotonoha Akane and Aoi, Tohoku Zunko, Gahata Meiji, Kamishiro Rui, Kusanagi Nene, Tenma Tsukasa, AiSuu, Tsuina-chan)
Utahako Elementary School: The local elementary school a block or two away from Kenmochi. It's a modest little elementary school, having been newly refurbished from an older building. Many of the students that go there end up graduating to Kenmochi later. Kiyoteru teaches here. (Current Student List: Kaai Yuki, Oliver Twitchell, Rana, Macne Petit, Tohoku Kiritan, Otomachi Unagi, Ryuuto Nakashima)
The Macne Cafe: A fresh-looking little internet cafe that sits in the town plaza and is the CVs' favorite hangout spot. Established by the Macne Family, it's become slowly but surely known around town for its delicious green apple cheesecake and desserts. Nana has been trying various ways to spread their customer base further.
The V5: A swanky nightclub and bar that is also in the plaza, run by four friends: Amy, Chris, Kaori and Ken. Many of the adult characters come there to drink and chat a bit.
UTAU Studios: A record label company and radio studio stationed in the industry hub of town, notable for its large staff and loooong list of talents. The studio runs a daily radio broadcast that's fairly popular, and their top talent is Namine Ritsu (or it was, anyway).
Sapporo University: The local college. A bit of an older building since it's been there basically forever compared to a lot of the rest of futuristic city. Has a small, colorful dormitory community next to it where students stay. (Current Student List: Galaco, Po-uta, Tsurumaki Maki, Shirosaki Yuudai; Utatane Piko isn't a student but he lives there)
Kamukura Shrine: A humble shrine that's only a little ways away from the beach, and is where most of the cast goes for holiday celebrations (such as New Years). It's headed by Kigashima Sourin and his protégés, Kurono Takehiro, Wakamatsu Akashi, Aoyama Ryuusei and Shirakami Koutarou, who are training to be proper priests. They also have their shrine maiden, a fussy teenage girl named Lumi who claims to be a jellyfish kami from the sea. Her antics tend to bring a lot of visitors.
SEKAI Auditorium: A venue a few blocks away from Crypton HQ and the main place where Miku and friends perform locally. Very spacious and known to host tons of acts, including smaller ones like local bands, singers and theater shows. Also functions as a sort of convention center at times. However, it's tendency to get raided by supervillains (mostly in pursuit of Miku and co.) has given it a bit of a weird reputation.
The Nebula: A recently-established nightclub in the plaza run by American DJ CYBER DIVA (and her partner CYBER SONGMAN), who is also the headlining act of the place. Used to have a bit of a rivalry with Miku, but they're both over it. Gets a lot of younger customers than the ones at the V5.
Dr. Momone's House: A modern house in a quiet neighborhood next to the industrial part of town where Dr. Momone, Momo and Defoko live. Their neighbors consist of Yufu (who lives down the lane), Eru (who lives at the far end of the lane), Tsukishiro Hakupo and his servant bot Kunishiki (who live next door) and Sensei.
Gumi's Apartment: Gumi, Gakupo and Ryuuto's small apartment in a building not too far from Crypton HQ. Not the nicest apartment that ever was, but it's homey.
Gin no Hana: A old-fashioned restaurant that has reasonable business and is popular due to the comfy atmosphere. Managed by Ginsaki and his wife, Koharu.
The Old Soul Theater: An old theater in town that's mainly still in the city for the sake of preservation, but still has small plays and acts now and again. Has been turned into an acting school of sorts by Miriam Stocks, a theater connoisseur.
Ruko's candy shop: A hole-in-the-wall shop in an alleyway managed by Yokune Ruko, where they sell candy, snacks and cheap cups of drip coffee. Totally not shady in the slightest. Is almost constantly out of coffee-flavored hard candy because Ruko keeps eating it.
Meiko's apartment: Meiko's home, a simple apartment in a simple complex where she crashes after a long day at the lab. The CVs have never been to it.
There's probably more than this but yeah :>
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