toxikku · 2 years
Would you mind drawing some kid Gladstone and kid Magica meeting?
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Time travel go brrr.
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writebackatya · 1 year
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Oh man, these bisexuals. (I’m bisexual so therefore they are too because I say so)
If they were together, I’d still want Drake to never find out that Fenton was Gizmoduck. Why? It’d be funny. That’s why
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Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! ♡♡♡
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Thankie Nina! I think you're wonderful too! 💖
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violetganache42 · 1 year
The Last Crash Of The Sunchaser is heartbroken as it is. Can you imagine if it had the animation quality that we have for season 3 and, let's say- Gosalyn destroying the portal scene?
Ohhh, mannn. The animation for Last Crash is one reasons why that episode, especially its third act, was so powerful. If it had the same level of quality as season 3, that would really make those moments even more intense and heartbreaking! 😭 IMAGINE if certain moments from the episode were animated by Khion!
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donaldtheduckdad · 2 years
I love your new pfp! Matilda entering the holidays' mood XD
I'm glad you like it! Matilda's here to spread the Christmas cheer 🎄
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fantastic-nonsense · 1 year
stop saying "Kaz would be jealous and possessive over Inej if he thought she and Tolya liked each other" no he wouldn't! Kaz isn't like that! He defends Inej's freedom, autonomy, and desires at every single turn in the books. He spends the entire duology pining over her and yet gives her every single chance he possibly can to walk out of his life forever if she wants. It's the foundational cornerstone of their entire relationship! It's why they work in the first place!
literally the only Crow who does petty jealousy is Wylan and that's that on that, folks
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3am-brainrot · 11 months
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i rewatched good omens with some people over discord, this is what came of it
based on this scene:
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extraaa-30 · 3 months
i see you "Aziracrow are the cryptid guardians of the gays/ soho angels/ patron saints of queers throughout history" fic writers
Allow me to propose an addition:
what happens when modern gays discover, through some offhand remark, that they were literally the original inspiration for elements of queer culture
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midnights-dragon · 10 months
Aziraphale: That’s ridiculous! Crowley doesn’t have a crush on me!
Nina: Yes he does
Maggie: Yes he does
Crowley: Yes I do
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bloody-spider77 · 7 months
I did a redraw of my fav meme about the new Scott Pilgrim anime<3
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OG under read more
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hhheyyy buddies on the internet *hyperventilates*
uh. okay. sooo i might want to ask Maggie to. uh. attend a baking lesson with me together yeah you catch the drift
how do I pop the question?? is it too forward if I just go 'hey Maggie dyou wanna come bake with me?' god fucking damn it
what if I pull a leaf out of Mr. Crowley's book and appear at Maggie's doorstep uninvited with a choice selection of desserts and my best coffee? that seemed to work for him.
ugh fuckk why is proper courting so Hard?? so complicated??
please buddies on the internet help me. oh gays of the tumblr give me your counsel
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saotome-michi · 9 months
I saw your post abt Yamato and Carrot and that made me think, would you say Vivi didn't check the three boxes you mentioned either?
She definitely checks 2 and 3, but I don't know about box 1.
I'm just asking bc she didn't stay with them after Alabasta either, so I'm curious abt your opinion.
Ooooh good question!!
Before I answer that, I just want to quickly go over why I think it's important that all the strawhats are introduced as outcasts in some fashion.
Firstly, pirates are criminals. Their very existence is seen as an affront to the current order of the world, the laws of the World Government. And Luffy in particular lives by a free-spirited moral code. Hence, each of the strawhats being introduced as social outcasts or socially unconventional shows their affinity to Luffy and to living as a pirate.
Secondly, pirates, or specifically the strawhats, are dreamers. And for many of the Strawhats, their ambitious dream is a part of the reason why they're not fit for their hometown, why they have to leave and sail for the horizon (I actually think a great example of this is when the Cocoyashi Villagers are preparing to fight Arlong and Nojiko tells Nami to leave the island "because she has a dream").
Vivi, in my opinion, does not tick Box 1 and that is why she doesn't join after Alabasta. She is of course exceptionally brave in ways that set her apart from other Princesses, but she is not perceived as a social outcast or even socially unconventional in Alabasta at all. The people love her and in all her flashbacks we never see any signs of her feeling the desire to leave Alabasta or to not be the Princess of Alabasta. Her dream is for Alabasta to flourish, to see her people prosper. And that's why she doesn't leave. Because, as she says, "there's no denying how much I love this country".
Vivi is also the first of what I personally call "Luffy's Royal Fan Club" i.e. the Princesses and Princes who befriend Luffy as he helps save their country. When you look at Shirahoshi, Rebecca, and Momonosuke, they also tick one or two boxes, but, like Vivi, they're all too attached to their home countries to leave.
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chaotictoon · 1 year
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Cute and Small
Cartoon girls + Episodes where they Shrink down
Owl House: really small problems S01EP14
Gravity Falls: Little dipper S01EP11
Ever After High: Thumb-believable! S04EP01
Winx: A journey to lynphea S03EP12
Sofia The First: The Littlest Princess S02EP24
Totally Spies: Shrinking S01EP013
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ruins-and-rewritez · 1 year
It's them 🤭
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accidentarisen · 6 months
Girls I would become heterosexual for: A list
Kim Pine
Nina the Killer
Natalie Oullette
Your mother
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xbuggyxboyx · 10 months
Aziracrow fluffy au headcannon thing (before 2x10)
Crowley doesnt actually put plants into the food processer, they just moves them to a different pot and gives them to Aziraphale, and Crowley comes over almost daily to make sure the plants are doing well.
One day, Maggie notices that Crowley has been going over to Aziraphales more often then in the past, and stops them before they can enter the bookshop. She asks why they've been around more, and Crowley is internally blushing but making it look like theyre all cool and goth and all that while answering that its just to make sure the plants are doing well.
This is not the first time it's happened, though. So often, customers of AZ Fell and Co's ask if they're dating or married or whatever. And every time, they just brush it off as people seeing 6000 years of friendship as something more. But this time, it feels different. Maybe it's because it's coming from someone who knows them.
But they keep thinking about it later and perhaps leave the bookshop a lot sooner than usual, much to Aziraphale's dispair.
The next week (after many mental breakdowns), Crowley brings some bleeding hearts (a kind of plant) and wine that they've been saving since the early 1900's. After a few glasses, Crowley finally starts talking about why they really came over. They start talking about how much they treasure Aziraphale's friendship and how they don't want to ruin that friendship but they also want something more. How they've been wanting something more for so long now, but only figured out what it was they wanted just recently.
And Aziraphale is confused, because he doesnt quite get what Crowley's doing. Eventually, Crowley gives up trying to explain it without explicitly saying it, and does what they do in the show and just get up and kiss him. But this time, instead of Aziraphale having to leave, he kisses back and they kiss for a good few minutes, before pulling away so they can each do a whole confession mini-speech that i dont want to write.
However, all of this happened right in front of the window, where Maggie had been watching since she saw Crowley's signature Bentley pull up and Crowley themself stepped out with a new plant for Mr. Fell.
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