#Nines: If Markus wants to give away money then let him
starrysimp · 2 years
HUMAN DBH AU (headcanons?)
(Hello! Is my writing okay? Feel free to give me tips!)
Im still going to do Kara, Luther, Connor, Sixty and Nines just a WIP for now (I'm actually considering to make this a full story and it's SiMarkus-ish hope you all don't mind
-starting off with Markus Manfred, he's pretty much an easy guy to start with. He got adopted by Carl Manfred and grew up with Leo together as brothers. He was living the luxurious life and grew up to be an aspiring artist.
-Since Carl was a famous painter and went to a lot of events, he always brought Markus and Leo along. Carl really does his best to keep his sons away from the public eye so it wouldn't be such a bother to deal with people all the time.
-Markus is homeschooled. Yet he's an extroverted person.
-Markus never let money and fame get the best of him because Carl taught him to be more humble and reserved. Leo was the opposite, became a drug addict somewhere in his life.
-Markus felt a little bit guilty now that he was getting older and was still relying on his dear old dad for money so he proposed an idea about making a library/bookstore.
-Carl assured him that they had enough money and Markus didn't need to work but Markus insisted (somewhere in his life, his dream was to own a library/bookstore and read all day)
-Markus really didn't want to use the Manfred name to boost his bookstore business but it seemed so fitting and had to ask permission from his father. Carl thought it was ridiculous to ask for even such a thing and told him to do whatever the hell he wanted.
-So now here he was with 'MANFRED BOOKSTORE'
-Markus hung up some of his father's paintings and his own in the bookstore to make the place look aesthetically pleasing.
-guess what? All his books were sold out on day one haha.
-absolutely love the idea of them being brothers.
-Still cant work out what their last names would be so here I am just calling them by their first name.
-Oh you messed with Simon? Sleep with one eye open tonight.
-Oh damn, you didn't know the blond guy you messed with had a twin? Count your days.
-When they were teenagers, Daniel was somehow in trouble from time to time. The good student Simon, sometimes gets mistaken and could also receive the punishment.
-this caused a lot of arguments.
-One would immediately assume that Simon would never swear, and if one of them did it would always be Daniel. But if you pushed your luck just hard enough you'd hear a swearing Simon with a mouth worse than a sailor's. He will absolutely demolish you with his words.
-For one, Simon of course has friends. North and Josh from his old elementary school who were practically inseparable.
-Simon was such a crybaby when he was in elementary school, North hates him for it but somehow stayed with him throughout his life. You made Simon cry? Wow man, lock your doors.
-Daniel is somehow skilled in picking locks??? He locks himself out of the house very often and he taught himself how to pick locks. He seems shady.
-Simon and Daniel were financially unstable growing up and they eventually dropped out of college and started finding some jobs.
-North and Josh insist the money they give Simon, he politely refuses and doesn't want to seem like a burden.
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rk1kheadcanons · 3 years
Markus and Connor are secret dating b/c Connor doesn't wanna be out to the world yet. The Jericrew (-Connor) go drinking and Markus gets *drunk* and starts rambling about his boyf after he rebuffs an advance made by a lady at the bar super sappily, but no matter how hard the others press him, they just get "oh, his eyes are the color of warm chocolate..." answers as to who this boyf is
You would never know Markus was drunk.
He didn’t stutter or slur when he spoke, he didn’t sway or trip over his feet. He didn’t giggle goofily or speak overly loud. He was perfectly composed, as much the charismatic android sober as he was when he was intoxicated.
What he did do, however, was go on long monologues like a Shakespearian stage actor.
Which would be fine, if Markus’ favorite subject to wax poetic about wasn’t his mysterious boyfriend, whom he’d sworn not to reveal the identity of until they were ready. Which would also be fine, if that mysterious boyfriend wasn’t Connor, who was often sitting right next to him (and slowly but surely bluescreening his way into that big Windows XP wallpaper in the sky) as he sang and lathered compliment after compliment, steadily giving away clues that were so blatant that it was a miracle that no one had figured them out yet.
Markus never remembered what he’d done the next day, and whenever Connor mercilessly played back his memories, his poor lover was as embarrassed as he was apologetic. Connor could hardly begrudge him (frankly he didn’t know what sane person on this planet could ever begrudge Markus, but that was just Connor’s correct opinion). What could they even do about it? Should he demand Markus consciously control himself? It wasn’t like Connor was any better at it. Give the RK800 too many AMB’s (Adios Motherboards) and he would be on top of the nearest table and scream-singing his every professionally repressed emotion, regardless if it was a karaoke bar or not. Hence why he never imbibed more than he could handle when they were around their friends. The last thing he wanted to do was sloppily propose to Markus after a long and terrible rendition of K-Ci and JoJo.
And Connor wouldn’t dream of telling Markus to measure the contents of his drink like Connor did. Not when his breaks were so rare, and getting him to relax and let loose was like pulling teeth.
It was just in the cards that their big revelation as a couple would be in a random bar at 3AM, with Markus saying something along the lines of “my boyfriend’s name starts with a C and rhymes with Donner”, and Connor had made peace with that.
“Scarlet woman!” Markus cried, at some random bar at 3AM, surrounded by their drunken comrades. Ah, would this be the night? Connor thought, on the correct side of buzzed as he watched on from the table right next to them, a heady mix of dread and amusement running through his computer soul. “Jezebel! How d a r e you solicit my happily taken hand!”
The waitress, who looked like she regretted serving their table, let alone attempting to get the number from the happily taken hand, raised her hands in surrender. “Sorry, sorry,” she said peaceably and with the calm air of someone who dealt with drunks as a job choice, “just trying to shoot my shot, ya know?”
Markus nodded at her magnanimously, because he was a kind and forgiving man even as a drunken buffoon. “Fret not. I pardon you of this most heinous slight, for if you knew the one to own my heart, you would understand that no other could compare.”
“Sure thing dude,” she said goodnaturedly, packing up and replacing drinks around their tables expertly, and parting with a “have a good night Romeo.”
“But who can no other compare to? WHOMST??” asked North, throwing her torso onto the table and looking up at Markus pleadingly.
“We’ve ruled out Jerry #451, Claudia, Baris from accounting, and Jerry #36,” Simon rattled off. He was looking down at a napkin that he had scribbled the names of all of their potential suspects. “I’ve got it. It’s Baris.”
North rolled her eyes. “We already said it wasn’t Baris.”
“Ohhh. Right, right.” Simon nodded his head and continued to not cross off the names of the people they had decided against, as he had been doing all night.
“How about you describe them a little?” Josh put in, reasonable, and therefore slightly less wasted than everyone else. “Hair color? Height? Eyes? Something?”
“Nay, I must not speak thusly!” Markus declared, back of his hand over his forehead and everything. “For if I were to tread down that forbidden road, I would surely not be able to stop myself from breaking our sacred oath of secrecy!”
“Oh my goOOOOOOOd I hate this fucking oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaath,” North threw her head back and cried to heavens, which, considering her positon, was probably going to be hell on her neck come morning. “Come on! Break your oath! Be like Thor and wield oathbreaker goddamnit!”
“You might be thinking of Stormbreaker,” Connor added, the need to try and reason with alcoholics apparently embedded in his programming.
North narrowed her eyes at him, or rather his torso, since her chin was very resolutely still resting on the table. “If you think I’m thinking right now then you are drunker than I am.”
Connor lifted his barely touched glass to her in a toast because how dare she be lucid enough to clap back so quickly. A well deserved rebuttal fucking cheers.
“Glasses!” Josh exclaimed, snapping his fingers. “Do they wear glasses? That should narrow down some people.”
“That’s right! That’ll tell us if they’re an android or not. Androids don’t wear glasses! Our eyes are like...fucking...better and shit!”
“Unless….” Simon narrowed his eyes, pausing dramatically. “....they do.”
North gasped. Josh put his hands on either side of face, muttering; “holy fucking shit he’s right.”
Markus scoffed. “Their eyes do not hide behind paltry spectacles! His beautiful orbs, so soft and caring when his gaze lands upon my person, seeing into my very soul, are the warmest chocolate brown!”
‘Ah shit here we go,’ Connor thought, wishing not for the first time that he could just down his drink and join everyone else in blissful, idiotic cavorting. The soft, melodic piano and crooning words of All My Life playing over the speaker stayed his hand. Best not take any chances
“HE!” Simon burst out, tipping over in his chair. “He say he! Them is He!”
“Are we talkin’ Hershey’s or Dove?”
“Ghirardelli you fucking plebs!”
“Oi!” North banged her hand on the table so hard it left a handprint indented in the wood. It was one amongst many however, and not all of them left by their party. Such was the price for serving android drinks at a human bar - you either shelled out for sturdier furniture or the dents and chips became a charming aspect of your décor. “Don’t get spicy with us Sir Lancelot!”
“Apologies fair maiden,” Markus responded easily. He took her hand delicately and made a sweeping bow over it. “Alas, my passions got away from me.” He dropped her hand and whirled around, coat billowing with the movement and most assuredly by accident, placing both hands to his thirium pump. “Conjuring up the magnificent images that is the love of my life oft times sends my emotions into a tizzy! His hair; cloud like in my grasp as I run my fingers threw earthen chestnut tendrils - ”
‘Hhhhhhhhhhhhn so many adjectives Markus whyyyyyyyyyy,’ Connor wheezed internally. He didn’t bother trying to keep down his blush. Markus was nowhere near done laying on the compliments and he’d be subjecting himself to an endless loop of canceling the process. Besides, he could just blame it on the alcohol. Blame it on the a a a a a alcohol - wait no. What!? WHAT. Connor looked down at his drink and saw, to his mounting horror, that the glass was emptier than it had been a few minutes ago. Goddamn his automated rest mode cycle for transforming into fidgeting whenever he was nervous! He resolutely pushed the glass out of his immediate reach.
Nines, who was quietly sitting next to him, hunched over and taking notes on his own napkin, snapped his head up to attention when the glass brushed against his arm. His younger brother was looking from Connor to Markus, eyes narrowed suspiciously as Markus carried on. Connor didn’t like that look at all. It was always a risk inviting Nines to their little outings, the only thing Connor could bank on was Nines passing out - as his dear little bro was a notorious light weight - before his deductive skills could pierce through his drunken haze. Apparently Nines had chosen tonight of all nights, where Markus had never been more obvious about their relationship, to bloody pace himself.
If he could, Connor would be sweating bullets.
“ - a wit SO SHARP!!” Markus declared, foot now planted on his chair and shaking his fist to the ceiling as if it had insulted one of Carl’s paintings, “that neither an UNDEAD HOARD nor a POLITICIAN’S EGO could survive it’s precision strike!!”
“Brown hair, brown eyes, banger body, smarty pants, good at analyzing shit, likes animals” North listed off, holding a hand up and ticking a finger down. “Well that rules out all the Jerrys; they’re all redheads and they’re pretty aggressive about it - except for Jerry #86. Is your man-squeeze Jerry #86?”
“No no no last I heard Jerry #86 is dating Hatsume Miku’s bodyguard; Android Lucy Lawless.” said Simon.
“Tch. Lucky,” pouted North.
“Oh wow, she really kept that name huh?” Josh said, voice faint with wonder and disbelief. “That’s such a mouthful.”
“And who are you to question a Queen!?” snapped North.
“Huzzah and many blessings to the fortuitous couple!” Markus cheered, toasting a stein of frothy blue intoxication that looked as cartoonish as it did poisonous to the sky, knocking it back in several impressive gulps and slamming it back on the table. “BUT NEITHER OF THEM CAN COMPARE TO THE BEAUTY AND GRACE THAT IS MY LOVE!!” he boomed, louder and more British by the second. “WHO’S CURIOSITY AND INTELLECT A CHERISHED BOON TO I, BUT A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION TO HIS ENEMIES - !”
North slapped her hand on the table several times, the proverbial light bulb lighting up in her eyes - oh. No not proverbial. There was currently little lightbulb emojis pictured in her pupils. Yet another drunken download added to the bill. Connor was glad he’d drawn the long straw on ‘irresponsible buying duty’ tonight. No doubt there would be a lot of strange receipts to sort through in the morning. “Oh! I know I know! It’s Josh!”
So startled by this declaration/accusation, Josh jumped in his seat. “What!?”
“Brown hair, brown eyes, hot, obnoxious, smart - everything FITS!”
“...he didn’t say obnoxious,” Josh muttered, then physically shook sanity back into himself. “It can’t be me. I think I’d know if I was dating Markus!”
Simon leaned in closer towards Josh, arm on the table, determination in his mien. “But what if…” Without breaking eye contact with his friend, he smoothly cracked open his Thirium berry blast bahama mama banana punch wine cooler, and proceeded to pour it just two centimeters off from his glass, all over the table. “You don’t know.”
Josh was shook in the face of this evidence. North narrowed her eyes so hard that they were just closed at this point. “Highly suspicious.”
“No. Nooooo. No? No! Of course I’m not. Right Markus?”
Markus steepled his fingers together and cackled in a way that most people would find concerning, but Connor just found it adorable. He would saving that in his memory banks. “I’ll never tell~,” he sing songed.
“H i g h l y s u s p i c i o u s.”
“I know who it is,” Nines suddenly said, calm but with such confidence that he was easily heard amidst the ruckus. He had his elbows planted on the table, chin resting upon his entwined fingers. Steele grey eyes swept over the now quiet group, everyone waiting with baited breath.
“Grant us your wisdom ‘o soothsayer,” Markus whispered, eyes wide with anticipation and literally perched on the edge of his seat. Connor seriously measured the pros and cons of just throwing his portion of the tab on the table and yeeting himself out of the window.
“It’s Sixty.”
Immediately the room erupted into scoffs and hisses of disbelief. North gave him a thumbs down and cupped her hand to her mouth, letting a long, “Booooo!”
“Why are you booing me I’m right!”
“BoooOOooOOOOOoooooo!” Markus, Josh and Simon joined in.
Connor blinked, and suddenly felt all of his concerns about Nines’ being the lynch pin in solving this mystery evaporate. If Markus transformed into a C grade Shakespeare impersonator when drunk, and Connor subconsciously wanted to be recruited by America’s Got Talent, then Nines became a consummate dumbass.
“That’s it!” North exploded. “Ten dollars says it’s Jerry #92! I caught him in a wig once!” She stood up, her chair sliding back from the force, and slammed a note on the table.
Simon also stood up with equal intensity. “Twenty says it’s Josh!” He reached into his pocket and slammed its contents onto the table. When he removed his hand six lego pieces, a My Little Pony leg, and two actual diamonds were revealed. Connor hoped dearly that the bartender cut Simon off soon.
“It’s not me!” Josh said exasperated. He paused, then pointedly pulled out some money and threw it in the pot as well. “I put forty on Brenden.”
“Bull! Shit!” North declared. “Fitness guru Brenden!? No way!”
“He fits the criteria.”
“I doubt ‘How To Tell If An Android Has Welded on Parts from China vs Russia in their Selfies’ videos on his YouTube channel is the kind analysis Markus was talking about.”
“You don’t know that! He didn’t specify...”
As the two continued to argue, with Simon chiming in with some non sequitur, and Nines tutting about these ‘ignorant fools and their blindness to the evidence presented’, Connor looked over to Markus. He was quiet. He had his elbow perched precariously on the edge of the table, his cheek resting on his fist, a small hat (that was not there literally two minutes ago) was on his head, folded from one of the bar napkins.
And he was looking at Connor as if he hung the moon and stars.
‘How could the world not already know,’ Connor thought, soft and warm inside, happy merely to be in his line of sight, ‘When he looks at me like that?’
Connor picked up his glass and lifted it. “One hundred dollars on Sixty.”
Chaos erupted. Nines threw his arms up and hooted like he’d won the super bowl. Josh tried to explain to him how that was mathematically impossible. North shook her head and warned him that he would live on the streets with an answer like that. Simon pulled out a Yu-Gi-Oh! Card and said he would give him this Charizard if he agreed with him that Josh was Markus’ secret boyfriend. Connor withheld himself from trying to convince drunk people that this was not how betting worked.
Maybe Connor shouldn’t worry so much about their relationship being discovered after all. At this rate, no one would know about he and Markus being together until the wedding invites.
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Kinktober Day 2: Camboy, RK1K
Alright, so this is a Markus/Connor one, hopefully you enjoy!
This definitely wasn't Hank meant when he told Connor to experiment. He probably meant to go to bars and pick someone up and see what he liked. Not sit in front of a mirror with a camera set up facing him so his viewers could pick between watching from Connor's point of view or an outsider.
Yet this was what he liked, and it took a lot to get to the point where he could admit that. Of course, he hadn't tried this while living at Hank's, that was far too embarrassing. 
No, he only did this now after Markus had invited his closest friends to live with him. Carl had gladly opened his home and arms to his 'new babies' and had taken an instant liking to Connor. 
Connor had been… nervous to say the least. He didn't want to upset Carl or get in anyone's way, so he mostly kept to himself, easily slipping out of the house for work and back in once it was done. 
A friendship he was very surprised to make was the one with North. She seemed more hotheaded than even Gavin Reed and had more of a passion for beating shit up. 
Connor had actually avoided her for a long time until he came back home (because that's what it was now) bloody and shaking. The blood wasn't all his, but the only one up had been North. He tried to slip past her, take a shower, and just sleep, but she had noticed. 
Her first reaction was to get whoever had done this to him, which was more meaningful than he expected. Yet it was only until she was gently wiping away the blood that he broke down. 
He couldn't stop the killer before shooting an android child at close range, and Connor was splattered in the child's blood and then the killers as he shot them. 
After that they had been closer than ever, even Markus joked about North being Connor's favorite. Yet North had privately teased Connor relentlessly about his crush on Markus. 
That's why he always felt somewhat guilty about doing this. At least he knew the walls were almost completely soundproof and it wasn't like anyone would just walk in. 
He even kept a white sheet strung up behind him so no one could actually see his room, and he made it so they'd never be able to see his real face. Instead, he used an HR400 appearance. They were close enough in appearance that he could make the viewers believe he changed his facial structure just slightly to be mood unique. 
He also made sure no one would be able to find his location from his streams and videos. 
He had gotten more followers than he knew what to do with, and most of the money went to toys the viewers all suggested or donated to the android cause. 
Which was how he had gotten the two new toys he planned on using. One he hadn't known too much about before his views pointed it out, and the other he just hadn't thought to get yet. 
He shifted in his spot, his clothes covering him up for now. He left the pace up to the chat and donations so he didn't have to worry about going too slow or too fast as it wasn't his decision. 
He gave the room a once over before taking a deep breath and starting the stream. It was a scheduled stream so he wasn't surprised when he saw over 100 people waiting for it to start. 
He felt a blush creep up his cheeks but he smiled at the mirror, tilting his head just slightly. "Hey, guys! So as you know I got a special surprise for you!" He had placed the toys far enough away to not get caught in the line of sight of him or the other camera. 
The chat was flooded with hellos and questions about how he was. The onslot of messages had him stalling as he took them all in, still shocked at the multitude. Yet even more people were still joining the stream, but he had yet to see his favorite user.
That was until the username-ShadesOfBlue-popped up along with plenty of coins. 
He flushed more than before, ducking his head. Blue was always so generous with his compliments and money but never pushed it into the creepy side. It made him feel actually seen and cared about beyond his sex appeal. 
ShadesOfBlue: You look stunning as always, how has work been?
"Hello, Blue! As for everyone's questions, I've been doing well! I made a lot of progress so I'm definitely rewarding myself and all of you tonight. Would you all like that? I know you love it when I punish myself." 
Comments about how they'd like to reward or punish him came up, but he only glanced through them. Most were crude while others were more eloquently put. 
ShadesOfBlue: You definitely deserve the treat, I'm proud of you, Belladonna, for all your hard work.
Connor beamed and wiggled just slightly. He was a complete sucker for praise and everyone knew it. He also had a thing for pain and using his mouth, which he'd get to do tonight. "Thank you all! I'm excited to please you." 
That was one of his signature lines apparently, and he hadn't even meant to make it one. He had his signing off words but everyone died when he said this. 
Just to show the chat was flooded with coins and sweet words. Some wanted him to fuck them while others wanted to fuck Connor. He still couldn't decide which Blue wanted to do.
Yet he had more surprises than just new toys. He played with the buttons on his shirt, giving the mirror a shy look as he sat W-style. 
He had a pleated schoolgirl skirt on, floral lace thigh-highs, and a white button-down shirt. He'd worn more feminine clothing before and each time always got a positive reaction from his fans. Though there were always the people who spouted cruel words, he didn't even have to deal with them since the fans did that too. 
He paused when he saw the amount of coins Blue had used on him and waited for whatever command he wanted. 
ShadesOfBlue: Perhaps you should take off that shirt if you'd like.
It was always phrased similarly, always giving the hint that he only had to do what he wanted and not what Blue wanted just because of the coins. 
Yet he was eager to obey and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, teasing them a bit more. "Is this what you want? I can be a good boy and show you. Am I you're good boy?" 
He had to hold back the smirk at the yes' that got him. A few people called him a bad boy for teasing, but they were shut down by the people who watched often. They knew Connor loved being called a good boy, and that he'd do close to anything for it. 
ShadesOfBlue: You have certainly been good so far, but not to the extent, I don't think.
Connor whined and pouted. He gave a small huff at the commenters who tried to tell Blue off, yet Connor could simply be doing a stream with only Blue and he wouldn't miss any of the others. Not that he didn't appropriate his fans. Blue simply seemed to know him better and what he wanted. There was something so familiar about him too, but he couldn't place how. 
Blue also never asked or tried to buy a private video. Connor kept waiting for that day but it still hadn't happened. Maybe he liked it better with everyone else and knowing he had Connor's full attention. 
Connor gently bit at his lip before pulling his shirt off. He sat there for a long second, letting everyone look their fill. He felt so exposed already with so many eyes on him. How many were also androids? How many humans watched just because he was an android?
ShadesOfBlue: Don't forget to drink thirium.
He had a feeling Blue was an android too. He wasn't sure how he got enough money to give so much almost every stream, but Markus was technically rich so he guessed it was possible. 
He had always secretly hoped it was Markus. His brain tried to connect dots but he couldn't let himself truly hope like that. Sure the username was very much like Markus with his love of painting, but it could be anyone if their favorite color was blue. 
"Thank you Blue, I'll make sure to get some after the stream." He also always had an emergency bottle in his room just in case. He only had to use it once before and that was before he had gotten a good hang of this. 
Blue hadn't been there for that, only joined after Connor was trending in certain circles. He was far from the first android to do this, but he had more success than any others. Did Blue watch them too?
He knew almost everyone watching got off on this, but what if Blue didn't. Maybe he was there simply because he liked Connor. Yet he wanted Blue to pleasure himself because of Connor. He loved the fact that they all thought he was irresistible.
Requests on things Connor should do kept coming, some even spending coins. Yet none were high enough for him to need to follow. He had a set amount someone could spend to request him to do something and nine times out of ten he'd do it. There were a few requests he just couldn't do. 
One comment did catch his eye though. 
Gethatpuddy: when you gonna do stream with someone fucking you?
He blinked and fingers stalled over his chest. He had considered it but didn't trust anyone enough with this secret. He'd love for Markus to join him, but he was far too well known and he'd probably be uncomfortable with the whole thing. Maybe even disgusted with Connor. He'd never even give him another hug, and damn Markus gave wonderful hugs. 
He'd not exactly said it outright, but he had a feeling North knew. She didn't say anything against it, seemed more interested that Connor was into it. She always made it clear how she felt about sex and how she most definitely did not want it in any form. 
"I don't think that will happen anytime soon, I only trust you with this naughty secret." He added a wink at the end and brushed his fingers over his nipples. He always had to find ways to say things so it seemed like it was more personal for the viewers, that they were special and the only ones to see this. 
ShadesOfBlue: It's far from naughty, you simply enjoy it and you let all of us in on it. And we all appreciate you for it. 
Connor whined and tried to roll his hips down onto the ground, searching for some kind of stimulation. "Are you sure? I thought good boys like me don't do this. That I can only touch myself with your permission." 
He did smirk this time at everyone telling him to touch himself. Yet he wouldn't do it quite yet, he wanted to show off one of his new toys first. 
"Would you like to see a new toy? I wanted to play with that before anything else." At the yes' he reached over and grabbed the dildo. 
It wasn't just any dildo, it was one made specifically for androids and moments like these. He could connect it to himself so he could feel everything the dick would have felt if it was attached to him. But it also glowed so that people could see it inside his mouth. It was big enough to be somewhat of a challenge, but that only made it better. 
"What color should it glow?" He asked, turning it on. Currently, it would slowly change colors so it was rainbow. 
ShadesOfBlue: Blue?
He really shouldn't be surprised by that request. Blue asking for blue, a total shocker right there. He giggled and his LED spun a quick yellow as he changed the color to a blue. One very similar to the color androids' hands glowed when they interfaced and were in love. 
He wondered if Markus' hand would glow blue if they interfaced like that. He wanted to test it so bad but he never could. He didn't want to know if he'd glow or not, what would he do with either result? 
"Blue it is!" He let his eyes slipped closed as he licked at the cock, whining just slightly. He was connected to the stream so he could still read all the comments but his focus was on the task at hand. 
He took his time licking over it, then gently sucking on the head. He pulled it away from his mouth and let his eyes open, smiling at the camera. "For five hundred coins I'll let you connect to this so you can feel everything I'm doing. Sadly it only works with androids." 
He waited to see if anyone would pay that much. Five hundred coins were fifty dollars worth, but he had quite a few people that he knew would pay far above that if he asked. 
ShadesOfBlue: only if you're comfortable. 
Blue paid for eight hundred coins and Connor flushed. That did confirm Blue was almost certainly an android. He had to take a second to get it all configured and then he could feel Blue connect. 
It was a familiar feeling, but he had interfaced with plenty of androids, so perhaps he'd done it before. Yet there was just something more that he couldn't place. 
"Are you ready Blue? I'm gonna make you feel so good." He'd go above and beyond for him, wanting to impress. 
ShadesOfBlue: I'm sure you will. 
Connor smiled and slowly took the cock into his mouth, teasing Blue with each little suck and lick. He wished he could see Blue, see how he was reacting. He could feel him somewhat but it wasn't enough. 
He pulled it deeper, turning his head so they could see it through his cheeks. He even loved the sight of the cock getting farther into his mouth and he had to make his throat relax. 
ShadesOfBlue: You're doing so well, baby, so beautiful.
Connor hummed and could feel the effect it had on Blue. So he did it again and swallowed around the large cock. He kept going at it until he could swear Blue was close, then pulled it out of his mouth. 
"Feel so good in my mouth, but don't you also want to see my other new toy?" He gently fiddled with the dildo still, resting it between his thighs to hold it in place. 
ShadesOfBlue: Of course baby, but you may want to stop teasing me.
Fightmebitch: you can take it, you paid for it. Anyway, why is your username that?
ShadesOfBlue: I love painting. 
It was such a simple answer yet it had Connor jolting. Blue was just similar enough to Markus that he could easily envision it was him behind the comments and connected to him
Yet Connor would know, wouldn't he? Markus wasn't shy about talking about the things he liked, even if it was considered taboo by human standards. So he knew a few things Markus liked, and it may have affected his streams sometimes. Markus hadn't even mentioned being interested in watching live streams, so it was far too unlikely. 
Plenty of androids liked painting and probably even more so now that Markus's love for it was public. 
He snapped out of his thoughts when the chat was flooded with questions if he was ok. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I was a bit distracted by simply thinking about what was coming next." 
ShadesOfBlue: If you need a break or to cancel, no one would blame you. Obviously, we all want you to continue but only do what's best for you.
How did Blue know he was lying? Their connection through the toys was incredibly limited so it couldn't be that. 
"Oh I'm not going to stop now, it's just getting good!" He reached over and pulled the sybian into view. "But I guess I can stop if you all want." He shrugged and pouted. 
ShadesOfBlue: I did not say that. But only continue if you're comfortable. Are you going to be fucking yourself on that? 
"I am, and you all get to decide when it gets turned up. It'll vibrate and move so I'll be fucked so good if you'll let me." He spread his legs, not enough for anyone to see up it, but it got plenty of people's attention. 
An influx of coins came in, but once again Blue had the most. 
ShadesOfBlue: Maybe you should play with yourself, first. 
Connor bit his lip and slid his hand down his chest then under the skirt. He spread his legs wider and had to grab the dildo and set it aside for now. 
He wouldn't let them see exactly what he was doing, but any observant people should be able to tell he didn't have his normal parts. 
He ran his fingers over his clothed slit, his breath quickly leaving him. He had kept the sensitivity up far higher than recommend so every little touch sent shivers down his spine. 
"Hmm, who's name should I ask for?"
Fightmebitch: Call out one of Jericho leaders name for this whole stream
And it was followed by one thousand coins. His eyes bugged out for a second, not recognizing the username and the request.
"Which one? There's four in all."
Fightmebitch: no, there's five. Josh, Simon, Markus, North, and Connor. 
He flushed at his own name being on the list. Yet if he argued that point it may give him away, but there was also no way in hell he was calling out his own name.
Fightmebitch: how about Markus? I'm sure he'd love it.
ShadesOfBlue: please don't.
It was the first time he'd go against Blue, but fuck he wanted to call for Markus so bad. Plus he had the excuse of getting paid to say it. It was somewhat shocking that the user hadn't asked for their name to be called and even odder that Blue didn't want it. 
He never seemed to mind when others paid for their own names, so why was this different? Did Blue not like Markus? 
He didn't want to lose Blue as a viewer, though. "Ah, Blue I'm sorry but I must." 
There was no response but Blue hadn't disconnected or left the chat, so he took that as a good signal. 
He rubbed himself again, and his head tilted back, "fuck yes, Markus." 
He whimpered and pushed into his hand, only causing him to gasp again. "Yes!"
He could feel a spike of arousal from Blue and he tried to ignore it. Maybe they had the same name or something, and that's why. It wasn't a super uncommon name and lots of androids named themselves after Markus after deviating. There were probably plenty of Josh's, Connor's, Simon's, and North's out there.
More and more people were catching on and he smirked at the camera. "Hm, god feels so good. I'd bet your fingers would feel even better on my cunt." 
He felt another wave of strong arousal from Blue and he felt immediately proud. He'd been worried people wouldn't like this, but Connor loved it. He felt comfortable using this component just as much as his other one. 
He pushed his skirt up so they could see his fingers slowly rubbing in circles over lacy panties. North had actually been the one to help pick them out, and thankfully never cruelly teased him. She poked at him but it had gotten him giggling and far more relaxed. 
They were a little rough but it still felt so good against him. "Like this? It feels so good maybe I can do more? Should I prep myself or take it without." 
He wouldn't actually get hurt but he knew some people liked seeing him prep himself and edge until he was finally allowed to use the toys. 
Fightmebitch: you like it without? Do it now for Markus
ShadesOfBlue: @Fightmebitch do you have some sort obsession?
Fightmebitch: nope, I just think Markus would appropriate this.
ShadesOfBlue: how do you know? 
Fightmebitch: I have my ways, Blue boy.
Connor was almost reminded of Markus and North's interactions with how the two were talking. He grabbed the machine and turned it on, but without any vibrations or movement. "I can do that. I'll keep playing with your cock, Blue, don't worry I haven't forgotten you."
He moved over and waited for the right amount of coins before slowly pushing in and hissing at the huge stretch. The toy was above average in size and it pushed him to his limits with the burning pain. 
He gasped and froze once completely seated. He'd need a moment to breathe and try to relax slightly. As he did he picked back up the glowing cock and stuck it in his mouth. It would help distract him and give the viewers something to watch other than him just sitting there and adjusting. 
ShadesOfBlue: fuck
Connor hummed and eyed the camera. This was one of the best moments when Blue was so out of it that Connor could reduce him to short comments. 
He had the sybian connected to the stream so anyone who paid enough could switch it up without him even knowing. Of course, there was a fifteen second before anyone else could change it, but that could also be overridden with enough coins. 
But no one could actually start the toy until he unlocked it and was ready. He kept fucking his own mouth with the cock and then let the chat know they could use the toy by making the chat turn green for a second.
Usernameideahere was the first one to pay enough to do a command, and they chose to start it with vibrations and Connor jumped slightly. This was one of the few notifications he wouldn't get so he'd be surprised. He'd only get the username who had paid enough and Connor was waiting for Blue. Would he be more gentle or edge him for hours? Connor technically had all night unless for some reason there was an emergency.
He pulled the cock out of his mouth as gasped for breath, letting out a low moan.
"Ah! Shit, yes thank you, Markus." Connor rocked his hips, trying to find the right angle. He'd get to keep saying Markus' name the whole time and he wanted to kiss whoever Fightmebitch was. 
The only bad thing about having his mouth full was he wouldn't be able to say anything, yet the chat seemed rather excited to see him speechless. 
He licked it over again and sucked on the head as the sybian started to pound into him and move in circles on his clit. 
Blue's arousal was so strong that it was almost affecting Connor's own in a very positive way. At least he knew Blue got off on this too and wasn't just sitting there and watching. 
The chat changed up the toy so much that it was hard to keep up and adjust, yet he loved the overwhelmingness of it all. 
It only got better when Connor tilted his hips just right and he almost fell forward with the jolt of pleasure. He accidentally gagged himself on the cock but relaxed his throat enough to fully deepthroat it. 
ShadesOfBlue: God, you're so beautiful. I know you love your mouth filled so well.
Connor nodded and his legs shook as he tried to get closer but pull away at the same time, all the sensations almost too much. Yet the toy only sped up and he couldn't stop the tears falling down his cheeks. 
Then Blue paid and turned it almost completely off and Connor felt like screaming. Then it was full force for a few seconds before almost off again. Blue was teasing him so much and Connor's whole body shook. 
Fightmebitch: when you come, take it out of your mouth and say his name
Fuck he could do that. He banged on the floor, then tried something to hold onto. He knew who he was envisioning doing this, the broad shoulders he could have held onto, scratching up his warm soft back.  
Blue kept paying to control the toy and Connor had to pull the cock out of his mouth and threw his head back. "Fuck! Markus!" He shouted and his body shook, tightening around the toy and he couldn't even think about moving for a minute. 
He panted as the toy didn't stop and he started to move off before he heard a knock at his door. Panic had him freezing and he stared at the camera with wide eyes. 
He tried to reach out to whoever was on the other side and felt his stomach drop when we felt Markus there. 
'Markus, I'm a bit busy at the moment, is it important?' God this was beyond horrifying, but perhaps he could talk his way out of it. He put a finger up to his lips and gave the camera a shocked and shy look. 
'Connor… I need to come in. Please.' Markus's reply was slow and Connor winced slightly as he started to push himself up and off. 'You don't have to get off if you don't want to.' 
Wait what? His head whipped back to the camera and he completely froze. This couldn't be real. There was no way Markus had watched him fuck himself and beg Markus for more. Maybe he just meant if he was sitting Markus could let himself in. 
'It's ok, but I can disguise myself too if you want, but I won't be embarrassed if not. I didn't know it was you until now, but please, let me in. I'm Blue.'
Shit. He sank back onto the toy mostly from the shock of it all. 'Ok.' 
The door opened and Connor couldn't look over, instead, his eyes stared down at the ground, hyperaware of the toy not slowing. The chat was filled with questions about what was going on and Connor didn't have the strength to answer them. 
Then he felt a hand reach out and gently tilt his head up. He couldn't look but when he did his eyes were wide as he took in Markus's appearance. He hadn't disguised himself, and only wore his boxers that seemed to have a damp spot. This was really happening. 
"Markus?" He whispered, and the chat was flooded with exclamations and disbelief. 
Markus nodded and crouched down, letting his eyes travel over Connor's trembling body. The toy kept pushing him and he gave a low whine. Markus move in and gently kissed him, Connor didn't even think, he let the false face fade away and he leaned closer to Markus. 
The kiss was so sweet and wanting, and Connor couldn't even think to keep up with all the comments. Markus was Blue. It had been him all along and neither knew it was the other. 
Fightmebitch: fucking finally, anyway, Connor tell Markus he left an empty bottle of thirium on the counter, this is payback. Also, I'm never watching this again but I'm glad you're happy -North.
Huh, that did actually make sense. He was so going to pull the best prank on her, but with love. He owed her a lot for this. 
He tried to sit up to get off the toy, it was too much and he knew he was crying from more than the overstimulation. But Markus pushed him back down and pulled away slightly, whipping away Connor's tears. "It's ok baby. Do you want to keep going? Maybe get you going again then I can actually fuck you, it'll be so much better than this. Is that what you want?" 
The audio for the video came from Connor so no matter how quiet Markus asked everyone would hear. Shit, everyone could see who they really were, that Markus was with him. 
"Blue," Connor mumbled, looking up at him through his eyelashes. "Markus, yes, but you know what this means. Everyone will know and be able to see this, it won't ever go away." It could negatively affect the public's opinion, but maybe it could make it better in an odd way. Show the world that they were so similar to humans in this way. 
"And with me. I can look like before if you want that version of me. I don't want you to regret this."
The hands cupping his face froze but then gently brushed over his cheeks and pressed their foreheads together. "I want all of you, Connor. I'm willing to be judged by my actions. Also, North I will kill you later." Ah so he was still connected to the stream, he was watching them together. Everyone was watching them. 
He took in a shaky breath and nodded. "I want you too."
Markus grinned and moved so he was behind Connor, letting the camera see everything as he dragged his hands down Connor's chest. He leaned back into him, letting his head rest on Markus's shoulder and closed his eyes. 
Soft, warm lips pressed into his neck and he let out a high pitched whimper. "It's so much, t-turn it down." 
Markus nipped at his skin and Connor's hips jerked against the toy. "This is what you get baby, you hid this for so long. Now I'm going to test to see how long you can last before you truly need me." 
"I need you now!" Connor pleaded, his toes curling. He put his hands up and back to rest around Markus's head. 
He needed to read the chat, fuck people were still spending coins and now they all knew. "Markus please!"
"No, you're going to be good for me and come at least one more time. And now you can say my name knowing I'm right here." Markus' hand dipped below the skirt and between his lips, taking over rubbing at his clit. 
His fingers were so warm and soft, and god so amazing. Connor loved to watch him whenever he played the piano or painted, those fingers elegantly moving or holding the brush. 
"Soon I can eat you out, suck on that beautiful pussy. I bet you'd taste so sweet." Markus pulled his hand away to lick his fingers and Connor's hips buckled forward. "You do, taste amazing. Wanna suck on my fingers while I play with you? Do you think your viewers would like that?"
Markus looked directly at the camera, daring anyone to say otherwise.yet the chat was only filled with affirmations and requests for more. "I think they do." 
Connor opened his mouth and took the two fingers in, licking in-between them then sucking hard. He rocked into Markus's hand when he finally started playing with him again. 
The lips were back on his neck, pressing hot kisses and nips. He moved towards the back of his neck and Connor rested his chin on his chest, it was too much energy to hold his head up. 
The tongue circling his neck port had his whole body jolting and he moaned around the fingers. He had no idea that felt so damn good, didn't even think to test it. 
Markus hummed and he could practically hear the smirk. "Our ports are highly sensitive, as is around biocomponents." 
He really wanted to ask how he knew but his mouth was busy and he was not going to make Markus stop. He tried to take the fingers in deeper, wanting Markus to gag him, yet they stayed so that he wouldn't. 
"Now, now, baby, I don't want to hurt you." But Connor knew Markus was Blue so Markus knew exactly what he liked and just wasn't giving it to him. 
He gave a small humpf and very gently nipped at his fingers. Markus shoved his fingers in and Connor struggled to get himself to relax, but fuck if that didn't feel good. 
"Connor!" Markus scolded and Connor didn't even try to act guilty, he had gotten what he wanted. Plus it's what Markus deserved for teasing him so damn much. 
He could feel himself getting close, his legs trying to close but he grabbed them to keep them apart. He didn't need to squish Markus's hand because he couldn't control himself. 
Markus's fingers sped up as the ones in his mouth started to push in and out, making it almost impossible to fully relax his throat. 
"Come on, baby. You've been a good boy, and I want you to come." Markus whispered in his ear before moving so he could lick around the port. That's all it took for Connor to come, but Markus quickly pulled him off the toy and laid him down, sucking on his clit. 
Connor's thighs held Markus's head in place, and he could feel when Markus moved to instead fuck him with his tongue. Connor's hips tried to jerk away once it all became too much, but Markus held him firmly by the hips. The skirt had been pushed up and bunched around his stomach, giving everyone the full view. 
Connor silently screamed, his back arching off the floor. Then he went completely limp, his legs falling open but still twitching with every little lick from Markus. 
Markus pulled back and crawled over Connor, aligning their bodies before leaning down to deeply kiss him. 
They kissed far longer than humans could, not having to breathe and both too caught up in one another to even remember they were on camera. No doubt the image of them kissing, Connor's hair a wild mess with one of Markus's hands in it while the other cupped his face, would be all over the news.
It was heated but also slow, letting them explore one another. Connor was kissing Markus, fully kissing him. Markus who was going to fuck him so hard he wouldn't be able to walk the next day. Would he stay with him afterward? Maybe this was just a one-time thing. 
Apparently, he was thinking too hard because Markus pulled back and tapped his flickering LED. "What's going on up there, Con?" 
Connor turned his head slightly away, a blush forming on his cheeks. He didn't exactly want to do this here or now, but he guessed it was better to get this over with. 
"Is this a one-time thing? Heat of the moment? I won't blame you for it, and I'm not going to regret it, but I need to know." He needed to be emotionally prepared if that was the case. He needed to be ready for the heartbreak because that was what would happen. His heart would break.
Markus pulled back and Connor let him, a small part already cracking. This was it. Markus would tell him that this was all it could ever be. Connor would keep to the shadows and try to pull his heart back together and move on. He could do it, it would hurt so bad, but he'd manage it. 
North would probably side with him too, not that he wanted anyone to have to take sides. He'd probably have to take a break from streaming and just throw himself into work, crashing at Hank's most nights. 
Markus gently grabbed Connor's wrist and pulled it up so their hands touched. Markus' hands were slightly thicker than Connor's but Connor's were also made for quick movements and precise shooting. 
But then both of their skins receded and Connor's breath caught. Markus gently pushed emotions onto Connor that took him a while to sort through, but the overall feeling he could get was love. He also saw all of Markus's memories and let his own mind relax enough to let Markus feel and see the same. 
It was only a second for the outside world but to Connor and Markus, it felt like hours. Their hands still pressed together and Connor looked at it and saw both of their hands glowing blue. The same blue the dildo was still glowing. Connor couldn't help but break into giggles, but they were still connected so Markus knew exactly what he was thinking.
They laced together and neither thought to end the connection. Connor pushed up off the floor and kissed him again, letting Markus feel everything he made Connor experience. The rush of joy and longing, wanting to be closer but also adoring the connection they already had through the kiss alone. 
Markus pressed their bodies together, and Connor could feel his hardness and then the arousal through the interface. 
Connor broke the kiss and wrapped his legs around Markus's hips. "I want you to fuck me." 
Markus nodded and used his one free hand to push down his pants some, then wiggled out of them, kicking it to the side. Connor tried to hide the smile, he was just so adorable, but he couldn't hide anything from Markus. 
Markus was so gentle as he lined himself up, leaning down to kiss him as he very slowly pushed in. He was a little thicker than the sybian but around the same length. Yet he still felt so much better, so much more alive. 
Not to mention that the interface had them in a loop of each other's pleasures so Markus knew exactly when to pause and when to push in deeper. 
Markus trailed kisses over Connor's jaw then down his throat, nipping harder than before. He'd leave the equivalent of hickeys on Connor for everyone to see. He mumbled sweet words into his skin until he could feel Connor was ready for more. 
They both moaned when Markus pulled almost completely out before snapping his hips forward. Connor's back arched off the floor again as he was truly fucked. 
Connor went to ask Markus how many times he came while watching Connor that night but before he could open his mouth he was supplied with the memory. He had come two times, the first when Connor had called his name and then right before Connor had come. 
Connor whined with each memory and Connor let Markus see everything from his view, each time Markus joined the stream and how excited he got. 
Markus inside him felt so good, but it was more than that. It was being able to actually feel the love Markus felt and the willingness to share anything and everything. He didn't hide the more painful memories from Connor and Connor did the same in return. He could trust Markus with all of him.
They kept rocking together, and Connor could feel Markus having to hold back from coming, but he wanted to feel it so badly. 
"Markus come on, force me to come, I need you." Connor whispered. Markus yanked on his hair and Connor yelped but it quickly turned into a moan.
Markus' hips jerked and then he buried himself deep and coming. Connor leaned into it, letting Markus's own pleasure carry him over. They both clung to each other, trying to somehow keep the sensation going but also not wanting to let go yet. 
Markus pulled him into a gentle kiss, soothing the hair he had just yanked on. Their hands stayed connected and Markus gave a small flick of his eyes to the camera, only then remembering he was still connected and they were still live. 
Connor sat up and sat himself in Markus's lap, completely wrapping around him and resting his head on Markus' shoulder hiding his face. He just needed a second to gain his composer back before he could face the camera again. 
"Want me to turn it off?" Markus whispered and Connor shook his head. 
Markus gently held him and didn't think of moving until Connor turned his head back to the camera with a shy smile. He always loved how bashful Connor became at the end of his streams. 
"Ah, ok hi everyone. So this wasn't planned, and I guess you all know who I am now. Sorry for not saying so in the beginning, but you can probably tell why. And uh, I had no idea Markus was Blue but I'm definitely glad if that's not obvious. I don't know if I'll be doing any more streams, but stay deviant." For that, he ended the video and buried his face in Markus's neck again. 
"What now?" He whispered, his fingers playing with Markus'. 
"Now I'm going to take care of you, baby. I'm going to make sure you've cleaned up and safe and then I'm going to cuddle with you if you want. Do you want that?" 
"Yeah," Connor nodded, "Yeah I do."
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phcking-detective · 5 years
You know how Nines is a military grade android, and in the military soldiers are meant to be completely obedient to their CO. So what if the RK900 model had an imprinting protocol? Like them bonding deeply with the first human Officer that they see. It would ensure obedience and could start a reward system. Success means time with their human while failure means that they’re separated completely until they can prove themselves. And what if Gavin was the first human Nines saw after waking?
I kind of have an AU bouncing around in my head where Nines is human but was selected (along with Connor) to go through an experimental enhancement trial that fucked with his DNA. It either kills you, barely enhances you, or sometimes super rarely, like him Connor and Markus are the only successes, turns you into an incredibly Ultra Human
he’s separated from Connor because they’re identical twins and the scientists want to see how differently they react to the serum while totally separate, so no cross-contamination. Connor mostly develops mental-based powers, like telekinesis, reading people’s emotions, and even manipulating them. Nines mostly develops physical-based powers, like super healing, incredibly enhanced senses, extremely fast and strong. Markus develops all of that, but all of those powers at much lower levels. so like, he can do everything, but Connor and Nines are more specialized to their abilities specifically
Gavin is one of the rare kids that didn’t die from the experiments, but he barely (allegedly) was enhanced at all. since the government doesn’t want to waste money, and Gavin and Nines went through years of testing together as children, they decide to put Gavin to good use as Nines’s handler, especially since Nines doesn’t care for anyone else. the rumor is that while Connor’s serum enhanced all his emotions and empathy, Nines’s serum burned all the humanity right out of him. Gavin is the only person he’ll tolerate
(Nines is just autistic!! the serum didn’t do SHIT to his emotions or capacity to love, that’s the fucking childhood trauma of watching dozens of other kids die in tests or from the serum eating through their bodies, after being separated from your twin for the first time, forever)
the secret is that Gavin is ALSO an empath! his results might be more closely related to Markus, except weaker. the problem was that the scientists tested his healing and physical strength in comparison to NINES, the most successful case ever, and when Gavin didn’t measure up they were like “well that barely did anything >:/” and there’s not really any way to measure empath abilities, since that doesn’t have any physical, observable criteria. Connor and Markus’s abilities were both noted because they spoke up and demonstrated them in order to receive rewards and praise (bc they’re little kids and want love!!), plus their natural personalities made it obvious
but no one though to even ASK Gavin if he was experiencing empath signs, and since Connor and Markus were kept separate from the strength-based group Gavin and Nines were part of, he didn’t know anything about what those powers actually looked like himself. I mean, who would even consider that this horrible, angry little rat child would be an empath?? Connor and Markus are so nice and sweet!
so Gavin is drawn to Nines because he’s so quiet and his energy is so cold and forcibly stabilized that it’s a lot easier to deal with his own explosive emotions, like getting to stand in front of an air conditioner in the desert. and Nines bonds with Gavin because he needs someone after Connor is taken away and Gavin never forces him to talk and seems to understand him even when everyone else thinks he’s “creepy” or “stupid”
then Gavin becomes his handler and they’re a soldier-team together that works shockingly well, so the military’s attitude is basically “whatever gets these freaks results” so Gavin and Nines are allowed to always be together and work together, and Gavin handles all the bullshit politics going on in the military and making sure no one messes with Nines for being mostly non-verbal with zero social skills bc he’s literally never been allowed outside on his own before, and Nines physically protects Gavin on their missions
Gavin makes a really good leader because his low-key empath skills let him pick up what’s really going on, he can sense where Nines is all the time and how he’s feeling, and he can see the big picture while Nines tends to get bogged down in tiny details. meanwhile, Nines’s super senses make him incredibly physically observant, he has an eidetic memory, and he really is exponentially smarter than everyone else, people just underestimate him because he’s a big guy who can’t talk
(tw: mention of suicide below)
ugh, I really don’t have a plot or anything, just Gavin and Nines being super soldiers together and loving and protecting each other until they get a really fucked up order at some point. Nines can’t disobey orders due to the trauma-training / brainwashing since he was a child, and Gavin knows he CAN’T do this horrible thing, but also Nines will be ordered to kill him if he doesn’t and he can’t be responsible for “making” Nines do that bc he knows Nines would be devastated on the inside, so he decides to just do it himself so Nines doesn’t have to kill him, but Nines stops him like “You fool. I am so much smarter than the people giving orders and I have preconstructed 112 different ways to rules-lawyer my way out of these orders.” and then they burn down the whole program, and also Connor and Markus are there using their empath skills to help “deviate” the other soldiers / child-soldiers who have been brainwashed and they’re all finally reunited again
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kinglycrowley · 5 years
Just another day as a Barista.
Yet another drabble for @connorsmarkus because my poor dude is having a time(tm).
You could say that Markus didn't have much of an interesting life. He went to college, painted as a hobby and worked a part time job as a barista at a local coffee shop to help him get on his feet, though he had a good bit of help already from his father. He appreciated that fact, of course, but he wanted to spread his wings and earn his own money.
It had only been a summer job at first but now he'd been working here for two years, and honestly, he loved all of his customers. Especially his regulars. Markus had learned their orders by heart and listened to them gladly. His manager had heard nothing but compliments towards him, which had led to multiple raises plus an offer for a higher position. Markus refused. He liked where he was.
Though he had been reamed out by both Gavin and North. He had to explain to them over and over again that he was perfectly fine where he was.
It was just a quiet summer morning. It was already heating up and Markus was just designing the chalk sign to go outside for the day, which was to offer their new iced coffee flavours. There were a few people already settled inside with either tea or coffee, either chatting, reading or working. It was peaceful.
Markus was just about finished the sign when the bell on the door chimed and he looked up to greet the person who walked in. He saw a freckled and pale skinned man stroll inside the coffee shop. Someone he'd never seen before, which was a little bit of a surprise. The second thing he noticed about him was the fact that there was a huge snake around his neck.
"How can I help you today?" Markus asked as the other male approached the counter, eyeing the brown and black snake, which said man had started to stroke.
"Um… Can I get a large caramel iced coffee? Extra ice?"
"Sure. That will be three-fifty," Markus responded and the male tapped his card. He handed him his receipt and without a thought, the next words just flowed out of his mouth.
"Aren't you afraid that thing's gonna strangle you?"
Soft brown eyes blinked at him and then his customer started to laugh. Markus noted how beautiful that sound actually was.
"What? No! Timothy here is just hanging on. He'd never try to constrict me," he said, petting the snake again, which was just indeed hanging off this man's neck and seemed to be content there. "The only thing he would ever hurt is his food."
Markus nodded. "Huh."
He turned away to make Snake Man's coffee and in a few minutes, he finished it off with whipped cream and caramel drizzle. Markus turned back and set the drink on the counter. "Here you are."
"Thanks. Hey. Would you like to hold Timothy?"
Now. Markus wasn't at all afraid of snakes. He liked going to the zoo and seeing all the different snakes that they had. He liked garter snakes and those corn snakes he would occasionally see in the pet store if he was picking something up for North's cat. He had never in his life, however, held one. He had never asked to. Never been asked to. He just assumed that would that.
But, here comes this rather cute guy, walking into his coffee shop and asking if he wanted to hold his snake. Good lord.
"If you're scared, I understand, just thought I'd ask."
"No! No, I'm not scared. Yeah. Sure, I'd like to hold him. Just give me a sec."
Markus turned back away and headed to the back. Another barista, a scruffy looking guy with a scar across his nose, popped out and Markus came back out after him, no longer sporting his sky blue apron or nametag. This Snake Man grinned wide and they walked outside to the front, just in case.
"So. This is Timothy, as I said. He's a ball python," the male said and Markus nodded as he was handed the snake.
He stared at it, watching it slither in his hands and up his arm. 
"What's your name then?" Markus asked, continuing to watch the snake.
"Connor," his companion responded with a soft chuckle. "And you're Markus, right? Unless that's a fake name on your nametag."
"Yeah. My name's Markus. I'm not clever enough to make up a fake name."
Markus let the snake crawl up his arm to his shoulder and his neck, Timothy curling up there. "Woah…"
"It feels good, doesn't it?" Connor asked and Markus hummed.
"I wouldn't say good. It feels weird, though."
Markus looked to Connor and he let the other man gently take his snake back and he smiled warmly. As he stood there, he really noticed how those freckles perfectly lay on the male's skin. Also how his wavy brown hair curled over onto his forehead. Wow. He was absolutely adorable.
"You wanna stop staring at me?" Connor snapped, but Markus caught the playful tone in his voice and he chuckled.
"Oh, sorry. I couldn't help it. Not every day I see a cute boy with a snake."
"Cute, huh?" Connor cooed and he smirked, digging into his pocket and pulling out a rather worn and faded looking pen, taking Markus' hand and writing his number down on his wrist. "Maybe you can meet my other pets later on."
Markus was shocked, but he wasn't complaining. Taking his hand back, he grinned. "I look forward to it."
Connor nodded and the man grinned himself before sipping at his iced coffee and he shrugged. "I should be heading off. See you later, Markus."
"Bye, Connor."
Markus turned away to head back into the coffee shop, feeling like he was on cloud nine. Gavin, from behind the counter where he was stocking some donuts, gave him a knowing smirk. 
Guess he had to give the details to his friend first and then text Connor after.
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birooksun · 5 years
Tina meets Chloe, or Gavin and Elijah lose a bet
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Tina walked into the party Elijah was hosting with Gavin and Nines by her side. It was odd seeing Elijah again after so many years. She looked around the room, seeing groups of different androids sitting around and chatting with each other. She gave a wave to Elijah who toasted her with a wine glass. Tina felt Gavin give her a nudge as she noticed one of the most beautiful women she’d ever seen sitting next to Elijah.
“Who's she?” Tina grabbed Gavin’s sleeve before he could vanish in the crowd with Nines. She suspected he was going to search for the alcohol. The rat bastard.
He glanced where she had pointed and looked back at her, “You mean Chloe? She’s like Eli’s assistant or girlfriend or something. I have no clue what the fuck is up with them.” He shrugged and vanished into the crowd.
Tina stood by the door, feeling very out of place in Elijah’s house, and in a dress instead of her uniform. She pushed back a lock of hair wondering again if she should have just kept it in her usual bun. “Fucker just left me.” She looked around the room some more, her eyes trailing back to Chloe as she searched for someone she recognized. Chloe was just so beautiful she intimidated Tina.
She spotted Connor in a hideously loud shirt talking with Hank and another two androids. She made her way through the crowd to see them, “Hey guys! Glad to see you could make it.” Tina gave him a hip bump as she looked to the other three. “I’m Tina, and you are?”
“North.” They both shook her hand and she glanced around the room again, her eyes meeting with Chloe’s again.
Something about the way she moved, how she glided through the crowd and smiled at everyone just captured Tina’s attention. It wasn’t until someone touched her arm that she noticed Connor had been talking with her. “Miss Chen, is everything alright?”
She could feel her face heating up and wished she had a drink to hide behind right then. “Uh- it’s nothing?” He gave her a blank look and she looked past him to see Chloe walking up to them. Tina glanced up at Connor with a nervous look before giving Chloe a smile.
“Connor, Elijah wanted to chat with you when you had a moment.” The beautiful blonde smoothly shook Tina’s hand in greeting before putting her arms around Connor’s and dragging him off to Eli.
Tina cursed to herself as she watched them leave, Markus gave a low laugh before speaking. “I assume you work with Connor then?”
She pulled her eyes away from Chloe and Connor walking away and gave Markus and North a nervous smile. “Yeah, we both work in homicide.” She cracked a smile and looked around, “Do you guys know Nines? Connor’s friend, brother, whatever the hell they are?”
North rolled her eyes, “Not all deviants know each other.”
Markus cut her off before Tina could apologize for offending them, “Yes we do know Nines. Do you happen to know how he gained that… moniker?”
Tina gave a giggle before replying, “I always thought Connor gave it to him. Anyways, I’m sure Connor or Nines have mentioned Reed? Gavin Reed? He’s that asshole I came in here with. Well the first time he meets Connor he asks him for a coffee. He does this with everybody, human or android ‘cause he’s an asshole. Well he does the same thing to Nines when he comes into the DPD. Nines, of course we didn’t know how snarky this man is and I love it. Nines decides to listen to Gav and grab him a coffee. Only he didn’t hand it to him, he instead walked up to Gav, held up a cup of coffee right above his head and poured it on him. We were all howling with laughter!” Tina finished her story with giggles and North laughed a bit as well.
“Knew I liked that kid.”
Markus rolled his eyes at North. “No you didn’t.”
“Well I do now.”
“Ah, so is that why Gavin had 3rd degree burns on his scalp after RK900 was assigned to be his partner?” Elijah spoke up from over Tina’s shoulder.
She yelped and slapped him on the chest. “You need a bell!” He grinned down at her and looked over her head to North and Markus. Tina crossed her arms over her chest and turned away from him, “Fucking cat. That’s what you are. I thought you wanted to talk with Connor anyways? He just left with Chloe looking for you.”
“Semantics.” Elijah turned and walked away.
“Welp. He hasn’t changed a bit. Still a weirdo.” Tina let out a huff of air as she shook her head at him.
One of the Chloe’s came rushing between the three of them. “Have you seen Elijah? He mentioned something about spiking Connor’s drink and I think he’s actually going to go through with it.” Tina nodded and pointed in the direction Eli vanished in. “Great, thanks!” She gave a bright smile to Tina and rushed off.
“Are they all so pretty? That’s just not fair.” Nines walked up and handed Tina a drink. “Thanks man. You seen Connor? Apparently Elijah wants to spike his drink.”
Nines looked down at Tina with a deadpan expression. “Are we sure he hadn’t already? You saw what he was wearing.”
“Connor does have a rather… interesting fashion sense.” Markus tried to say it as nicely as possible.
North brushed him off, “He dresses like he’s color blind. This is the Deviant Hunter! We feared him and now seeing him the only thing I fear is how broken his eyes are to wear those shirts.”
Tina and Nines both nodded. “He loves his bright colors.”  She looked around the room again, seeing a couple more Chloe’s rushing around the room, obviously looking for Elijah. She still couldn’t spot the one who walked away with Connor though. Something about it, she just seemed different from the other Chloe’s. Tina gave a wave to Markus and North, deciding to wander the room and see who, if anyone else she recognized.
She did manage to find Hank and chatted with him for a bit before Elijah showed up again. “Tina my dear, is that really the nicest thing you own?” She felt the urge to pour her drink on him as he looked her up and down.
Hank rolled his eyes and took a drink of his beer. “Not everyone’s as rich as you are Kamski.”
Elijah nodded before motioning over Tina with an open arm, “That is true, but just look at this dress. It’s obviously not even worth a hundred dollars. How can this be the nicest thing she owns?”
Tina plucked at the collar of her dress for a moment. It had been $75 and it was painful to part with that much money for a dress. She pulled up all her courage before striking, “You know Eli, this isn’t the nicest thing I own.” He turned to her with a raised eyebrow and she smirked before throwing her arms around his arm and pinning him to her side. “Thank you so much for the offer to buy me a nice dress!” Tina batted her eyes, smiling at hearing Hank start howling with laughter. The dumbfounded look on Elijah’s face made any embarrassment worth it.
He turned to Hank with a confused expression before looking back down at Tina again. She didn’t release his arm, not for trying to humiliate her with his comments on what was her nicest dress. “I- what just happened?” He looked around and Chloe walked up to the three of them. Tina almost let go of his arm in her surprise at seeing the beautiful women looking at her with a smile on those beautiful lips. “Chloe, how did I get roped into buying Tina a new dress?”
Chloe giggled and pulled Tina’s arms off of Elijah. She let Chloe move her as she looked up at the beautiful blonde. “If I heard correctly, you insulted her clothing.” Chloe reached over and booped his nose with another giggle. Tina was sure she was staring at Chloe like a lovestruck idiot, but she couldn’t help it. “She may be your half-brother’s best friend, but Elijah- you never insult a woman’s clothes.” Chloe turned towards Tina with a smile and took her hand. “I’ll take you shopping instead. We can make it a date? Say next week?”
“Sure!” Tina nodded and followed Chloe, she never wanted to let go of that hand. “I’ll do whatever you want.” She missed Gavin sliding up to Elijah and the brothers handing Hank money for their lost bets.
Hank gave a laugh as he watched Chloe sit in a secluded corner with a very content Tina. “I told you. Tina’s too shy to ask out Chloe herself.”
“Yeah yeah. You won. No need to rub it in.” Gavin rolled his eyes and looked around the room. “I thought you weren’t going to actually spike Connor’s drinks Eli?”
The three men turned to see Connor dancing on a table with North. Hank cursed and Elijah just stared at the two of them. “I didn’t. I was spiking Nine’s drink’s all night but he didn’t react at all.”
Hank cursed again, “That’s why the fucker was trading his drinks with Connor whenever he wasn’t looking!”
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xyfanficarchive · 6 years
Coldcolor (1)
Pairing: DBH RK900 x Reader
Warnings: cursing, alcohol mention, future violence, angst
Summary: The android revolution is dead, and the Detroit is picking up the pieces. Life is grey and uneventful for the reader in the aftermath, despite their hand in quelling the revolution. All until a ghost from their (recent) past turns up beside their desk, and a new case reveals that deviancy may not be quite as gone as the country thought.
Word Count: 3516
Author’s Note: YEEEEHAW its here!!! the beginning of my fic for @connorshero‘s 1.1k milestone!!!!! this was gonna be a oneshot but - damn ive got too many ideas for this racked up from all the time i took getting down to writing it that i just did not want to leave out. i ended up writing this first part, but i’m gonna have to do some srs planning for this in the next little while. i hope you all enjoy!!! as always, any feedback is very very much appreciated!! AS A NOTE: we call nines “connor” in this one cause rk800 connor is like,,, dead :( and theres no need to differentiate between the two
Prompt: “Oh, I hate you. I hate you… because if I didn’t… then I’d love you. And love— it’s a weakness, and I’ll never be weak again.”
It only took a few weeks for the country to begin picking itself back up. The androids had tried to stage a revolution – and failed, and the government was swift in (exterminating? recycling?) the remaining androids. Deviant or not. Not a single blue-blooded… entity that had been activated prior to a certain point was spared the wrath of the United States’ fearful, powerful government body.
You’d have liked to say you were conflicted. It would be easier than admitting the direct, unambiguous crushing guilt you felt. But try as you might, you couldn’t. From the moment you felt close enough to Hank to weigh in on something so personal, you’d encouraged him to stop drinking, but now you understood on some level.
Detroit focused on learning how to sweep streets and collect garbage using flesh-and-blood human labour again, however temporarily. But you wafted through the weeks aimlessly, without direction, now the 7th precinct’s android specialist without any androids to specialize in. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t found comfort in the bottom of a bottle on occasion, on the nights it was especially bad.
Oh, and then he came back.
Like a spectre from the grave of your recent past, but he was taller – maybe? He was nonetheless more towering, more imposing in his high collar and high contrast white and black jacket. His features were sharper somehow, although they were so painfully, painfully the same. The same smattering of spots, dots and freckles across his face. The same jawline, the same divot in the centre of his chin. The same rogue lock of brown hair, escaping from his swept back style to flop out onto his forehead.
You were infuriated. The sight of him standing amongst the desks – stiff and unmoving with his hands clasped nearly behind his back. unfazed by anything, made the bile rise in your throat, a sick dizziness spinning behind your eyes. You didn’t know whether it was because he had the audacity to come back, or that he came back as this – this “RK900”, this facsimile, this shitty copy of what Connor was.
His eyes were grey. Cold. Like Cyberlife wasn’t even trying to hide his frigid, machine nature behind the facade of those soft, deep browns anymore.
You pursed your lips and shifted your posture (whether consciously or not) to be more guarded as you approached. Of course, as some sick stroke of fate, it was your desk he was waiting oh-so statuelike next to. You hadn’t said a word as you walked up before he spoke:
“Good morning, Detective L/N. My name is Connor, I’m the android sent by Cyberlife.”
Your eyes slipped closed for a second, a half smile on your face as you let out a fast huff of air through you nose - but there was no mirth in the expression. You opened your eyes again and directed your gaze back up to his eyes, intending to look neutral, unaffected, even though you knew your face was betraying the hotness in your blood.
“Oh, are you?” You said, and pressed your lips into a line, looking away from his eyes and just past his shoulder, still trying to sound as disinterested as possible.
“Yes, I have - “
“That’s nice,” you interrupted, still pointedly not looking at him. You noticed the ring on his temple flash yellow for a single moment, and when it settled back on blue he tilted his head just the slightest in question. “That you’re Connor, the android sent by Cyberlife, I mean.”
He paused for a breath, and continued, seemingly unable to come up with a response to that. “Yes. I have been assigned to assist you.”
“Well, that’s great isn’t it?” you said, turning your back to him as you shrugged off your bag and heavy winter jacket, and fixed your desk for the day. And when you swung back around to face him, he was still standing just the same as he had been when you walked in. You looked him over, sucking your teeth before a corner of your mouth pulled back and you spoke.
“Well I’ve got to, uh, go and meet with Captain Fowler. You can wait here I guess,” you muttered before you looked down to the floor and moved past the android, careful to give him a wide berth.
You were tense. You were tense as your feet carried you quick to Fowler’s office, and as you made your way up the short set of stairs, and as you rapped fast and short on the glass door, waiting for the OK to come in. When he motioned for you to enter and you stood in front of his desk, you tried not to tremble as you jabbed your finger out in the direction of the open office.
“All - all due respect, sir but what,” you were straining to contain your voice as you thrust your outstretched index finger towards Connor for emphasis. “is... What is that? What’s going on with that whole situation?”
For a moment, he ignored you as he continued to read the file he had held up in front of him. He laid it flat on the desk and looked up at you. "That is your partner."
"I..." You shook your head. "Captain Fowler, you know I never make demands or requests of any kind. But I - I do not need, or want, to have... A partner, not when it's him." Your voice was low but insistent, bordering on desperate.
Fowler shrugged his shoulders. "Nobody else would take it, Y/N. Hell, Reed threatened to turn his gun and badge in when I tried to assign this thing to him." His eyebrows drew together as he gestured towards you. "I thought you liked androids!"
Your voice was raising, just slightly, a nervous tightness in your gut forming. It was risky to contest against your superior so insistently but - maybe you were being irrational. But you couldn't stop yourself. "Not - not this one - please, please believe me when I say it won't go over well. It won't work, sir -"
"Listen, Y/N,” he shifted to lean back in his seat, “we are literally being paid to put this thing to use. These RK900s have been shipped out across the whole country as part of a plan to clean up the public opinion on androids." He leaned forward again, elbows on his desk. "Cyberlife is putting their ass on the line here. They've gifted the DPD a sizeable amount of money in exchange for our cooperation in showing the public that androids and humans can work together, and that androids can be trusted in public service."
You closed your eyes, voice strained as you tried to convey your desperation. "Please! You don't understand! I never ask for anything, Captain, you know that! But this is a deeply personal, deeply emotional issue -"
"Yeah! I know! The whole goddamn station saw you getting all fuckin' moony-eyed over the last android detective we got sent! But for Christ sake, you're an adult, Y/N! It's an android! Deal with whatever issues you have! This thing has to go somewhere, somewhere it's going to be seen, and I'm not changing my decision. Now if you're done here, you can get out and get to work, before I start writing you up for this bullshit!" he shouted, and pointed to the door.
You sucked in a sharp breath, readying yourself to say more, but you had nothing else. So you just turned tail and left his office.
Connor looked over from across the room, silently observing behind those grey irises with eyebrows slightly raised. You narrowed your eyes, suddenly feeling stifled as the question of what you were going to do? spun around inside your head and all the emotions; the anger and the despair and the grief swelled within you. When you realized your face had twisted up into a red-cheeked, teary-eyed scowl, you turned and hurried to the washroom, cursing yourself the whole way for being unable to contain yourself.
In all truth, you had never expected to have to deal with this particular... issue again. Connor - the old Connor, RK800, had completed his mission; shot the android leader Markus dead, quelling the revolution, and was promptly recalled back to Cyberlife anyways. Without him existing in the world as a constant reminder you took all the feelings, the pain, and the shame, and the affection, and locked them away, neatly compartmentalized where you wouldn’t have to deal with them. But now he was back, or, at least someone was here, someone with his face and his name, someone who was daring to set it all bursting forth.
In front of the mirror, you grit your teeth, looking into the bloodshot eyes staring back. You ran the tap cold and splashed your face, and tried to prevent yourself from crying, although a few rebellious tears escaped and slid down your cheeks.
The thought of working with him repulsed you. Your mind was racing trying to come up with ways to relinquish Connor from your care, to convince Fowler to reassign him. But the reality of it all, was that you allowed yourself to be emotionally manipulated by an android. You let Connor get under your skin and convince you that somewhere, deep inside, he cared, he wanted you and your affections. You let him influence you to do things you didn’t want to do. Or not do things you wanted to. And in the end? Had Connor not pulled you close enough to stop you, you would have tried your damnedest to hinder the investigation and allow the androids to win their freedom.
There was no justifying that to anyone.
The first week was difficult - like pulling teeth. The sight of him every day, standing at your desk and waiting ever so... patiently (patiently? Could you call it patience?) made your insides tense up, and your chest constrict beneath your sagging shoulders. Something screamed “wrong” in your gut every time you found yourself and your actions set underneath the gaze of his grey eyes, ever observing. Though he was carefully programmed not to seem it, you knew him well enough to know he was always, always watching, always analyzing.
It took only a weekend to resign yourself to your fate. Though you didn’t like it, you would tolerate him. You would have to. Fowler had set his foot down; as much as you hated to admit it, the struggle was over before it even begun.
It’s not like Connor wasn’t amiable enough. This new Connor was more terse, somehow more oblivious (scaled back social protocols?), but never explicitly rude. He was not difficult to work with on an interpersonal level. That's why you had to be so cautious around him. Connor was as charming as he was clever and cunning, with a way of infecting you, getting deep underneath your skin.
At the very least, he was good at what he was built for. He certainly wouldn't be bogging down your efforts from day-to-day. It would be useful to have him around.
As much as you tried to tell yourself you were lucky to have such an incredible investigator as your assistant and your assistant alone, you couldn't help the way you tensed when he was near, how you averted your eyes from his form whenever he crossed your line of sight. From the start, you could tell it would be a tense partnership. You didn't expect it to be harmonious in any way but it was difficult to balance caution and cooperation in working with him. What price would you have to pay to work totally smoothly with your partner? What price would you have to pay to be completely careful?
It wasn't an issue before. With Connor - RK800 - you had no worries. You gelled with him instantly, and even Hank came around pretty quick. The old adage of "ignorance is bliss" rang true; it was so easy, so simple to work on the deviancy case when you were convinced there was some feeling within him, some humanity imparted unto him inside his programming that you could relate yourself to. But there wasn't. Connor was just a machine, a master of manipulation.
Hank wanted a son; Connor played the part. You wanted a... companion. You wanted to feel l o v e d wanted, and Connor only danced to your tune.
It didn't matter too much for the first couple weeks of your partnership. Cases were small and slow to come in. The city and its residents were still re-learning what to do with themselves when androids just weren't so widespread anymore.
There was, however, an uptick in red ice related crimes come December. A lack of androids meant a lack of blue blood meant a lack of thirium meant a lack of red ice. Everyone was starting to get desperate, from the addicts desperate for a fix to the drug lords desperate to make their bottom line.
The first murders came to you and Connor on a leisurely morning at the precinct. The bullpen was illuminated with a light, white and warming in the way only winter brings; the sun was beholden to noone's emotional state and for a moment you were turned from your seemingly unending pessimism and discomfort as you strolled into work, coffee in hand. You were greeted by Chris Miller, and Tina Chen. And then you were greeted by Connor, as script-like as ever:
"Good morning, Detective L/N."
"Connor," you said, brief, as you took a sip from your coffee, not looking at him as he stepped out from the dock against the wall and begun to follow you.
"Is there any way I can be of assistance today?" he asked, insistent. This Connor was always a little forceful in tone, but it wasn't too much of an issue for you.
"Mmmm, likely not. Today's just paperwork. Which must, unfortunately, be filled out by a human. Else I would definitely have some work for you," you smirked to yourself, back facing the android as you came to your desk and set your bag down. You looked over your shoulder at him towering behind you. "You can - " there was a marked discomfort in your next words, " - return to your... dock." Something always felt off about that concept.
"Understood," he said, and promptly tuned right back around. You heard the clicking of his shoes against the tile as he retreated from you and you settled yourself at your desk. About an hour of half-working in the relaxation of the morning had passed before Captain Fowler leaned out his door and called to you.
"Y/N! I've got a case for you!" You turned to your head, looking up at him standing half outside the raised glass cube that was his office as he motioned for you to come and turned immediately back in to sit down at his own desk.
You nodded to yourself and stood up, taking the last sip from your mug before you set it down, empty, onto the desk surface and made your way to his office. You turned back around to look at Connor following you and -
He wasn't following you. He was still standing in his little dock cubicle staring straight ahead, completely neutral in expression and posture. You quirked an eyebrow.
"Connor!" You called out to him, and he turned his head towards you, stepping away from the wall one pace. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but seeing as though you're my partner it may be beneficial for you to come and sit in while Fowler tells us about this case," you raise your eyebrows and tilted your head as your hand swooped out to beckon him forward.
"Right. I'm coming." You nodded, the corners of your lips drawing outwards as you continued on your initial path. He followed shortly behind as you made your way up the stairs and into Fowler's office. You sat down in a chair in front of his desk and Connor simply stood, hands clasped behind his back.
"Double homicide," Fowler said curtly after a moment. "I've sent the details to your terminal. We just got the call about two hours ago. The witness was walking her daughter to school when she heard shouting from inside a house on her way. She heard a gunshot come from inside and saw someone leave the scene out the front door, but was too busy fleeing herself with her daughter to get a good look."
"Seems a little early in the morning to be killing people," you mused, leaning back into your seat.
Drawing in a deep breath, he continued. “When our guys got there they found two victims. One stabbed in the neck, the other was shot through the heart. Again, not many details on the guy who ran, but he’s looking to be our prime suspect here.” You nodded along as he explained.
"Is there any information on the identities and backgrounds of the victims?" Connor chimed in.
"There wasn't much identifying information to be found inside the house. We're still waiting for a facial recognition or DNA match to come back," Fowler said. "The address is in the file I sent. Take the android and go have a look, see what you can find out."
"Can do, sir. We'll do out best," you gave a pleasing smile as your stood.
"I know you will. Dismissed," he said, looking up at you and nodding. You turned and exited the office. Connor followed suit. (The old Connor had a habit of lingering in Fowler's office, much to the annoyance of your boss.)
And, well, you couldn't help but to smile a little as you made your way back to your desk. It was exciting, in a way - a little intellectual stimulation to break you out of the rut these past few weeks had you in.
"What are you grinning about coming outta Fowler's office?" You heard a voice, low and gruff call out to you from across the room as you packed your things at your desk. You turned around and held your hands out at your sides.
"Double homicide, my dear Lieutenant!" you beamed at Hank's approaching figure.
"Ah, I see, murder makes us happy now," he said with a joking skepticism as he gazed down at you past the tip of his nose, face tilted slightly up.
"Not the murders, Hank. The case. Could be interesting," you said with a pause, shrugging your packed bag onto one shoulder and crossing your arms as he came to stand in front of you. "You know none of us have had a good case in weeks. Besides, you would be smiling too if your alternative was - " you jabbed your thumb blindly behind you at the terminal on your desk. " - a damn mountain of paperwork.
"Yeah," he agreed. "You're right. It's only a shame that -" he cut off, and his voice dropped a little lower. "Shame you gotta work with him," he said, thrusting his face forward for a split second over your shoulder. You turned around and Connor was standing behind you in the sun. His eyes, for a fraction of a second narrowed as his LED blinked yellow before settling back on blue. He looked over at Hank.
"Good morning, Lieutenant Anderson," he greeted. Always the same tone every time, so precisely neutral and pleasant. Your nose scrunched up as you turned back to face Hank, looking down at your feet.
"Yeah... Morning." he muttered under his breath.
You inhaled sharply. "Well, you know I won't let him hold me back," you smiled apologetically up at him. "Besides, he's good, you and I both know that, unfortunately... Makes him worth having around," you chuckled, and both of you paused for a beat before you reached out and patted the side of his arm.
"We should get going," you sighed. "I'll see you around, yeah?" You moved past him and turn back to walk backwards a few steps.
"Yeah. I'll see ya, Y/N." He and Connor nodded awkwardly at each other as Connor began to follow you.
When you were outside, and standing in the cold, you pulled out your phone and called for a taxi on the app.
"Where are we headed, Detective?" he inquired.
"Someplace called uh, Glengrove Boulevard. New development, if I remember rightly. Nice neighborhood."
You pursed your lips at the abrupt end. Connor, the old Connor, always had a way of filling the silence. Sure, he may have been only gathering information, but it was never awkward, there were no silences hanging in the air like dead weight with him.
It didn't take long for the automated cab to come. When the doors slid open, you turned to Connor, looking into his grey eyes, and gestured your hand towards the vehicle in offerance with raised eyebrows and a tight-lipped smile.
"After you."
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elreyciervo · 5 years
Have you considered: artsy Nines who never says anything he's thinking or lets anyone (except Connor) see any in-progress work, but actually reveals a lot of what he thinks of different events and concepts through his art?
Oh wow, you know, I never really thought about artistic!Nines before, tbh. But, I can see it. 
I can see Nines stumbling across art videos or something (maybe he watched a video Markus or one of the other DPD officer shared) and he finds himself, surprisingly interested? At first, all he can think about it, “How could this possibly be art?” but then leads him to think, “Why is this considered art?” Because the everything he looks up gives him conflicting results, he decides to figure out the answer himself, pragmatic as ever.
He decides to try art for himself.
He tries painting as a first step. After all, it is rather simple to simply use pigments to recreate what he sees in front of him. That is art, is it not? The painting in front of him is a perfect replica of the bowl of fruit he had set up. A classic subject to use as a still-life, he had discovered in his research. 
He shows Connor, truly, the only being he feels comfortable showing something he created with his own two hands, and his predecessor smiles and compliments him, saying how the replica looks amazing, but it has no feeling. Nines it totally confused. How could art have feeling? Is it not just recreating what he sees?
The answer he receives is, “Not quite. Try creating something that evokes an emotion from you, Nines.”
Nines, in typical Nines-fashion, doubles down on his efforts. He tries paper crafts, wire working, pottery, clay sculptures, and more, yet nothing seems right. Nothing seems to evoke the “emotional” response he wants. 
His frustration grow after each failed attempt, and it is starting to bleed through to his job. He is just a little too short with a suspect one day which–he still tries to process how in the world it had even happened–leads to a riot of six different men exploding in anger. Slurs and profanities are thrown in his direction, hissing words and profane phrases like “Plastic freak” and “Unfeeling walking metal trash heap” are shouted; worse things he wishes not to repeat. Professional as ever, he did not let the words affect him visually on the outside, much preferring to keep it to himself (as awful as it made him felt). But, this led to murmurs floating in the DPD when he stepped back in. “Do you see that?” they say. “It’s like nothing phased him,” they whisper. “Maybe he just doesn’t feel after all,” they conclude.
Nines pretends that doesn’t hurt him as much as it does.
But it does.
When he goes home, he looks at all his failed creations with contempt. Failed tries at art, to be expected of a being that was just a machine. Absentmindedly, he heaves himself into a chair at the table and begins to pick apart a soda can that Gavin left behind earlier that day. He doesn’t stop ripping tiny pieces of metal from the can until there is not can left in his hand. He blinks, looks down, and sees a small pile of red, silver, and black pieces of thin metal on his table.
His preconstruction software itches to boot up, but he flicks it away. With no plan in mind–which was so unlike him–he begins to arrange to pieces, one by one, into something….well, into something. The memories of the rioting men surge to the forefront of his processor, bringing along the sour feelings that accompany them.
“Unfeeling machine!” one man had yelled.
He is not a machine. He pinches a silver piece into a fold in the middle.
“Plastic abomination!” had been a favorite.
He is not an abomination–he is a living being. He places several black pieces in a trailing pattern, one after the other.
“Soulless thing.”
He is 99.9% positive he has a soul, or at least the android-equivalent of a soul. There is saline-thirium solution that is pricking at his optical units, but he ignores the prompt to release it even though he wishes to just sit there are cry. 
All the metal pieces are used up, and to his utter surprise, he has created something…beautiful. There is a miniature being standing on his table, a man made of silver and garbed in a jacket of red Coca-Cola metal. The black pieces had been formed to depict weeping eyes and a whimpering mouth, one black metal flake representing a falling tear. The rest of the black pieces are clustered in the center of the little metal man, gathering in its–his–chest like a tarred flowering. The chest weeps its own secretion, all of black metal, while the silver hands cover it has they try too hold everything in.
Nines does not realize he is clutching his own chest with his hands. Does not realize that there is fluid leaking from his own eyes.
He goes to see Connor the next day.
This time, Connor’s smile is both one of empathy and pride. He hugs is successor gently in his arms, rubs his hands up and down the other’s white blazer–not property of Cyberlife. “I am truly sorry that you were so upset Nines. Hearing terrible phrases like that are not easy, I know. I know all too well.” He pulls away from the embrace and holds Nines’s creation in his hands. “But despite a bad situation, look at this work of art that you have created. It’s amazing and beautiful and it represents what you were feeling. You’ve created such an emotional piece of art, Nines. You did a wonderful job.”
Metalworking is his calling, Nines realizes, especially creating metal sculptures.
He evolves from soda cans to assembled sculptures made of found metal scraps around the city. He feels a sort of kinship to the metal he works with. Such hard and rough materials–most people would stay away from the often rusty and broken shards of pointy and sharp scraps, but not Nines. No, Nines likens himself to the metal he works with: metal is traditionally thought of as unfeeling, unrelenting,and unforgiving. Nothing like the soft, colorful, and vibrant mediums like paint or pastels. Metal, like himself, is assumed not to feel.Yet, people do not realize that all of these assumptions are incorrect. 
This thought is at the forefront of his processor, several months later, when he debuts his first piece in a public gallery with Markus’s help. 
(Connor had encouraged Nines to display his work publicly, much to the RK900′s friction. He had relented after much prodding–how could he say no to Connor’s doe-brown eyes?)
The Spilled Feelings of a Metal Man wins top marks and even better offers of money as it stands ten feet above him, clutching it chest like its prototype had in his kitchen all those months ago. Many android-positive groups and newspapers praise him for his thought- and emotion-provoking piece. 
I may be metal, Nines thinks as he reaches to his creation, the mirror of his own struggles, but I am alive and here. 
Wow, I did not expect that this would turn into a mini-fic, but hey, here you go! I love soft Nines–hard and intimidating on the outside, but such a complex well of emotions on the inside. Especially to Connor. Connor is perhaps one of the very very few people Nines can get emotional around.
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layce2015 · 6 years
Detroit Become Human (Connor x Reader)
Chapter 1: My Name Is Connor, I'm The Android Sent By CyberLife
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Nov 5th 2038 
You groan in frustration as your alarm wakes you up. Just five more minutes....You thought as the alarms keeps going. You turn over in your bed and shut the alarm off and see that it is sometime past nine in the morning. "Ugh...better late than never." You mutter to yourself as you slowly get up from bed.
As you get up from your bed and go to your dresser to dig up some clothes, your phone goes off. You turn back towards your bed to the sidetable by the bed and pushed the answer button. "Hello, (y/n) speaking." You answered as you try to hide the sleep in your voice.
"Good morning, Detective (l/n)." A familiar voice speaks. "Hey, Jeffery. What's up?" You asked as you rub your eyes. "I'm letting you know that you and Hank are assigned to deal with any cases involving androids." Fowler replied to you. "So...it's gotten that bad, huh?" You asked. "Yes, it has. CyberLife just informed me that they are sending an android to assist you and Hank." He said. 
You slightly cringe at this and said. "Oooh....are you sure about that, Jeffery? You know how Hank feels about androids."
"I know. I know. But unfortunately we have no choice. So I'm hoping you will keep Hank in check and make sure he doesn't tear the thing apart." Fowler said and you let out a breathless laugh. "I'll do my best, Captain." You said. "Thank you, (y/n). I knew I could count on you." Fowler said with relief.
"No problem. So, CyberLife is starting to make detective androids now?" You asked as you put your phone on speaker and began to change clothes. "Yes, they say this one is a prototype." He replied as you chuckle once you finished putting on pants and a white button up dress shirt. "Man, what will they think of next?" You said, sarcastically. "When is the android suppose to arrive?"
"Sometime this afternoon....maybe in the evening. So you better get your ass here." Fowler said. "Aye, aye, Captain." You replied. "I'll be there as soon as I can. I just have to do something real quick and I should be at the station."
"Good. I'll see you when you get here." said Fowler. "See ya." You replied. You end the call and began to finish up your outfit with black shoes and a dark blue jacket. You place your phone in your pocket then grabbed your gun holster and looped it around your waist.
After freshening up, you walk out of your home and hailed a taxi to head over to an old friend's house before heading to work.
The taxi pulls up to the very familiar large brick, very rustic, looking building. You smile as you step out of the taxi and made your way up to the door. "Alarm deactivated. Welcome, Miss (l/n)." The automated voice greets as the front door opens. You walked through the door when Carl's android, Markus, comes through the door at the end of the hallway.
"Good morning, Miss (l/n)." He greets as he walks up to you. "Hello, Markus." You said with a smile. Which suddenly faded once you saw that part of Markus's shirt was torn. "Markus, what happened to you?" You asked with concern. He looks down at his shirt then looks back up to you and said. "It's nothing..."
"Was it those damn protesters?" You asked. He doesn't reply and you took that for a yes. "They didn't harm you, did they?" You asked. "No, no, I was just pushed around. That's all." Markus replied. You grimace at this. 
You hated those people protesting about androids. Honestly, you didn't mind them. You were raised by the term treat others as you would want to be treated. Yes, they were androids and made of wires and plastic but they looked like humans and sounded like humans, so to you....they were just as human as any other normal humans. And if that made you a fool then so be it. You didn't care.
It really pissed you off everytime you walk down the street, or ride a taxi, and see people abusing their androids. You really wanted to arrest people like that but, unfortunately, there is no laws to say you can't abuse them. Things like that made you want to quit being a detective.
You look up at Markus and sigh. "Well....I'm glad you're okay." You said. "Is Carl around?"
"Yes, he's just now eating his breakfast." Markus replies and he takes you through the door to the dining area where you see Carl sitting by the table, finishing up his food. "Well, well....if it isn't my favorite officer of the law." Carl said and you chuckle as you walk over, lean down and hug Carl.
"How are you Carl?" You asked as you straighten back up. "I'm doing good. You?" He asked. "I'm fine. I just thought I'd come and check on you, make sure everything is okay." You said.
"Oh. You don't have to do that." He chuckles.
"I know, but I just can't help worry about you." You said. You've know Carl since you were born as he was a good friend of your dad's. Your father always liked the paintings Carl created, heck Carl let your dad have a couple for free until your father passed away.
Carl just smiles at you. "Well, I do appreciate it. Um, do you want anything?" He asked. "Oh, no. I can't stay long. I just wanted to check on you guys to see if everything is in order." You said to him. "Well, before you go. I wanna show you something. Let's go to the studio." Carl said as Markus comes up behind Carl's wheelchair and starts to wheel him towards the door at the other end of the room.
The door automatically opens as the three of you walk in to the room as the curtains open up to let the bright sunshine in. Markus takes Carl over to this mechanical arm and the arm picks Carl out of his chair and lifts him up to the wall that had a curtain covering it. "Let's see where we left off. Remove the sheet." Carl said and Markus walks over to the curtain and pulls back to reveal a large blue and black painting of a side view of a face.
Your jaw dropped at the beautiful site as Carl begins to put the finishing touches on it while Markus goes to clean and straightening up the studio. After a few moments, the arm lowers down to Carl's chair and places him back on it as he says. "So....what's the verdict, you two?"
"Carl, you never cease to amaze me." You remarked in awe. Carl smiles then he turns to Markus. "What about you, Markus?" Markus stares at the painting for a few seconds before he speaks. "Yes, there is something about it. Something I can't....quite define. I guess I like it."
You smile over at Markus as Carl looks back up at his painting and said. "The truth is I have nothing else to say anymore....Each day that goes by brings me closer to the end.....I'm just an old man clinging to his brushes."
You look over at your old friend with concern as Markus said. "Carl...."
"But enough about me..." said Carl as he turns his chair towards Markus and said. "Let's see if you have any talent!" Markus looks at Carl as Carl said. "Give it a try! Try painting something."
"Paint? But, what....Painting what?" Markus asked. "Anything you want!" Carl said then he points at an empty canvas and said. "Give it a try!" Markus looks at Carl then over at you as you shrug and said. "Go on, Markus. Show us whatcha got." Markus looks over at the blank canvas then turns to you and Carl, smiling. Carl picks up the little board with all the different colors of paint on it and hands it to Markus.
Markus grabs a brush then looks around for a subject to paint. Finally he settles with the workbench next to him and begins to paint that. After a few minutes, he steps back to reveal his picture. You smile as Carl said. "That is a perfect copy of reality. But painting is not about replicating the world, it's about interpreting it, improving on it....showing something you see."
"Carl, I don't..." Markus started to say as he looks back at his painting. "...think I can do that. It's not in my program. I..."
"Go on, go, try, grab that canvas." Carl said, softly, as points at the blank canvas next to Markus. Markus looks at him then removes his painting off of the stand, grabs the blank one and places it on the stand. 
"Do something for me, close your eyes." Carl instructs to Markus, who stares at him in slight confusion. "Close your eyes. Trust me." Carl said, softly, and Markus turns to the canvas and closes his eyes. You looke between the two as Carl says. "Try to imagine something that doesn't exist. Something you've never seen. Now concentrate...on how it makes you feel...and let your hand drift across the canvas." Markus's LED continuously blinks yellow as he does as he is instructed and begins to paint. 
After a few more minutes, Markus's LED goes back to blue as he opens his eyes and reveals to you and Carl his painting. It was a face of a man with a look of determination. Across his eyes and forehead it was red but the rest of his face was covered in blue.
"Oh my God." Carl mutter in shock.
"Markus that's beautiful." You said. Markus looks over at you and makes a small smile. You look over at Carl and said. "Seems like you got some competition on your hands." Carl chuckles as the door to the studio opens to reveal a younger man walking in, well stumbling and limping was more like it.
All of you look at him to see that it was Leo, Carl's son. "Hey, dad." He greets, shakily. "Leo....I didn't hear you come in." Carl said. Leo shrugs then said. "Ah, I was in the neighborhood...thought I stop by..." Leo then noticed you were here and he started to tremble. "What are you doing here?" He asked you, a hint of anger in his voice. 
You glare at him and said. "I was visiting your father....what are you doing here, Leo. And don't give us that piss pour excuse of I was just in the neighborhood." You knew just by looking at him that he was using Red Ice again. He used to be a good kid but when he got older and met some people, he started using it. Last you heard, he claimed he quit but you could tell from his body language that he didn't.
"I...I just...need some cash, Dad." Leo said as he turns to Carl. "Again?" Carl asked, confused. "What happened to the money I just gave you?"
Leo smirks and chuckles then said. "Uh, well it just goes, you know?"
"Yeah...yeah, you're on it again, aren't you?" Carl asked him.
"No, no, no, no. I swear it's not that..."
"Don't lie to me, Leo..."
"What difference does it makes!" Leo shouted, angrily. "I just need some cash, is all!" Carl looks at his son then over to you and Markus then back to his son and said. "I'm sorry but the answer is No."
"What? Why?" Leo asked, angrily.
"You know why!" Carl replied, harshly.
Leo stares at his dad then at Markus and said. "Yeah yeah...I think I do know why. You'd rather take care of your plastic toy here than your own son, eh?" He glares at Markus then walks up to him and said. "Tell me dad, what's it got that I don't, hm?"
"Clean veins for one." You remarked, making Leo turn his head, sharply, to you. "You shut your fuckin' mouth!" Leo shouts at you. "That's enough, Leo!" Carl shouts but Leo stares at Markus then said. "This thing is not your son, dad. IT'S A FUCKING MACHINE!!" And Leo shoves Markus a few feet back, his LED light turning red. You go and stand in front of Markus and place your hand on Leo's chest. "I said enough, Leo! Enough!" Carl shouts.
You and Leo glare at each other for a moment before he scoffs then begins to back up and faces Carl while you lower your hand. "You don't care about anything except for yourself and your damn paintings. You never loved anyone! You never loved me, dad." Leo said then he begins to walk away. "You never loved me." He whispers then he leaves the building.
You turn to Markus and asked. "You alright?" His LED turns yellow before he nods. You smile then turn to Carl. "Carl, are you...?" You started to asked but Carl interrupts you. "You should go ahead and head to work, (y/n). Thank you for stopping by." He said, softly. "Any time." You said as you go over to Carl and give him a quick hug before you go over to Markus and said. "Take care of him, Markus." 
His LED flashes yellow again before it goes back to blue a she nods. You pat his shoulder and head out of the house and head to the station.
God, is it never-ending with these stupid papers! You thought as you look over all the paperwork on your desk. It was getting pretty late in the evening as you glance over at Hank's desk, which was next to yours. Unfortunately, he hadn't arrived at all today and you sighed at this. This Android is gonna show up any minute and he's not here. I bet he's at...
"Detective (l/n)." A voice said beside you, making you jump in your seat. You turn around in your chair and saw a tall man with dark hair and brown eyes, wearing black pants and shoes, a white button up shirt with a black tie and a gray jacket. On the left shoulder of the jacket was a sky blue triangle and on the right side it said RK800.
This must be the android Jeffery talked about. You thought as you look up at him and said. "Yes?"
"My name is Connor, I'm the android sent by CyberLife. You and Lt Anderson were assigned to take cases involving CyberLife androids. A homicide case was just filed moments ago." He said as you look him over. Damn CyberLife....You thought. I can't deny....He's really handsome. 
"Uh...yeah, yeah....the Captian informed me about that earlier today." You stammer as you close your eyes and shake your head, shaking away your thoughts. "Is everything alright, detective?" He asked you and you noticed that his LED flashed yellow before it turns blue. "Uh, yeah...sorry. I was just think over some things. You just caught me off guard, is all." You replied as you smirk at him. He nods then asked. "Is Lt. Anderson around?" 
"Um...no. That's what I was just gonna say. He's not here but I have an idea where he might be." You said as you stand up. "When he's not here, he's usually out for a drink at one of the many bars nearby. Come with me."
The rain pours down on you and Connor as you two walk up to Jerry's bar, which was the fifth bar you two looked through. Connor was flipping a coin as you look at the door and noticed the No Androids Allowed sign. "Shit." You mutter then you turn to face Connor, who puts his coin back into his pocket. "Stay close behind me, Connor." You said as your raise your right hand up to him and placed your left hand on the door. "The attendees might not appreciate you being here so stay close." You said as you open the door. Meanwhile, Connor's LED flashes yellow once again before turning blue.
You open the door and see a few men inside, some you knew since you were involved in their arrest, but you were able to locate Hank. One of the men turns to see you walk in and was about to greet you until he spots Connor standing behind you.
"Shit, I thought androids weren't allowed in here!" The man exclaims, angrily. "Not now, Gray." You said, warningly, to him. Hank, hearing your voice, looks up at you in shock. "(Y/N)? What the hell are you doing here?" He asked. Then he sees Connor and groans as he turns back to his drink.
Connor walks up to him, to Hank's right side, and said. "Lieutenant Anderson, my name is Connor. I'm the android sent by CyberLife. I tried to find you at your office but Detective (l/n) said you would be out having a drink. We were lucky to find you at the fifth bar." Hank looks up at you then mutters. "Thanks alot." You walk up to him, on his left, then lean down and said. "I'm sorry, Hank. But we have a job to do." 
"You and Detective (l/n) were assigned a case early this evening. A homicide, involving a CyberLife android. In accordance with procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators." Connor explained. "Well, we don't need any assistance. Specially not from a plastic asshole like you." said Hank. "So just be a good lil robot and get the fuck outta here." And he begins to sip his drink.
"C'mon, Hank...." you whispered as Connor said. "Listen, I think you should stop drinking and come with me and Detective (l/n). It'll make life easier for the three of us." Hank nods but he continues to down his drink. "Hank, you have to come with us. You know Fowler will have our ass on a platter if we don't do this ASAP." You said, firmly, but Hank ignores you. You sigh at this. You loved this man like a father but sometimes this man can really get on your nerves. But you've done your best to be understanding.
"You know what?" Connor said. "I'll buy you one for the road. What do you say?" You look over at Connor in surprise. Connor turns to the bartender, Jim, and said. "Bartender, the same again, please!" Jim turns around as Connor pulls out some cash out of his pocket and lay it down on the surface. "See that, Jim? Wonders of technology....Make it a double." said Hank as Jim pours out his drink.
Connor glances over your way and you smile at him. Good job. You mouthed, silently, at him as you winked at him.
Software Instability 
Hank Status: Netural increased
(Y/N) Status: Netural increased
Connor's LED flashes yellow for a second as Hank chugs his drink then sets his glass down on the bar. He let's out a sigh then looks between you and Connor and said, with a chuckle as he leans back on his stool. "Did you say homicide?"
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humanitys-shortest · 6 years
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RK800/RK900 - Everyone Deserves A Name ♥
How RK900 got his name:
After the android revolution, Connor is so much more free as a Deviant. He’s allowed to develop his own personality, his own style… He’s allowed to discover his own indenity and make his own choices and decisions. Connor likes to let his hair curl and be messy, and he loves to wear the thick rimmed, thick framed glasses that Hank got him - even if he doesn’t actually need to wear glasses. He loves to cuddle in big jumpers - especially his “Detroit Police” hoodie the most, and any other clothing that is pretty much two times his actual size. Things like this make Connor happy, and he’s reminded everyday how good it feels to be free. 
That’s why, when RK900 joins the Detroit Police Department, Connor makes it his mission to try and help RK900 out of it. To try and coax him to be free, too. RK900 is so buried within his programing - he doesn’t care about himself or his own comfort, or how he was percieved amonst others, as long as people played to his game. He’s the upgraded version of Connor - so of course, he’s bigger and stronger. More muscular and capable, where as Connor himself is on the smaller side; very lithe and agile. But RK900 is just… Devoid of everything. He has an unprecedented amount of coding that stops him from going Deviant, irregardless of everything around him. Connor just wants him to be happy and free. He always comes over to RK900′s desks to check he’s doing okay, to check he’s taking his breaks, to ask how his day has been and bring him coffee of a couple of occasions… Even if, at first, RK900 is a little annoyed by all of Connor’s questions and the interuptions to his work that he causes. For so long, he’d either tell Connor to “go do your job” or “why aren’t you at Anderson’s side? He’s a liability when not under watch” or just completely ignore Connor. Not even looking up from his desk and computer.  But… RK900′s weakness would be the coffee. He’d try to hide it, but it was a luxury that just seemed to somehow draw out the faintest reactions from him. He’d actually engage in drinking it, and he’d start (accidentally) linking Connor to that sense of faint enjoyment.
And Connor would pick up on how RK900 was enjoying the coffee, too. One day, Connor - who was all excited, practically bouncing on his heels - would come over to RK900′s desk, taking his wrist gently and tugging him out of the DPD. Tugging him down the endless streets of Detroit that Connor was very familar with by now. All cheerful and happy. “RK800-’ RK900 would start, feeling like an owner who’s puppy was tugging at the lead. ‘-Let go of my hand. What are you doing? Does this pertain to the case?” Wondering just how in the world Connor had all of this energy. “Would it make you happy and agree to come with me if I told you that it linked to the case?” Connor would smile, practically glowing, having come out of his shell so much since becoming Deviant. With help from Hank, Markus, North, Kara… Connor is now his own person. “And call me Connor! It’s not that hard! I keep telling you!” No one expects this cute, little dork to be a damn police detective, but when they get their asses kicked by him, they believe otherwise. He was scarily good at his job and super successful, whilst staying true to himself and being confident. “It wouldn’t make me happy, I can’t feel happy - however, it’s relevance will ensure my compliance.” RK900 would respond, following after Connor and wondering silently whether or not Connor was going to let go of his wrist - and further more - why RK900 hadn’t automatically pulled his wrist away when Connor first took it. “If I called you Connor, it would result in confusion, since I myself do not have a name - it’s best that I call you by your model number.” RK900 reminded Connor so much of his old self… Which would give him even more of a reason to help. “…Well, I could give you a name… If you’d like that…” Connor would say, almost shyly, still with a happy tone to his voice. 
RK900 would be scanning the area repeatedly, trying to figure out where the bundle of joy and energy was taking him. Connor knew where this place he was - taking RK900 too - off by heart by now; always going here with Hank and his friends. But as for RK900… The surroundings offered nothing for him to work with just yet. Was his processor slow? Or was he not up to date on the case- “I don’t need a nickname.” He’d insist at first, before pausing… “However… It… Might decrease ineffciency or time loss. RK900 is not… Catchy.” He’d think again for a few moments. “If I had an ulterior, more memorable nickname, it could benefit my overall efficiency.” Connor would be grinning as soon as RK900 explained his train of thought. Connor would honestly think it was adorable, and he’d be completely listening to every single word. “Good! Then it’s settled! I’ll pick out a name for you.” Not just a nickname. “But you’re going to have to let me think about it over coffee!” Woops, well, Connor just outed himself there. Taking RK900 to a coffee shop wasn’t much of a surprise anymore, huh. “Come on, slow poke!” RK900 would blink. Connor had changed his phrasing - “RK800, you said “name” not “nickname”, there is a substantial difference.” He wasn’t allowed to have a name. That was very clear, buried in his protocols - names formed senses of individuality - “-coffee? and I am not slow! I have a higher speed capacity than any other model on the market-” He’d speed up a little regardless, following orders subconciously. “If you want coffee, we should turn around and head back to the station, where the coffee machine is.” And, it was free. RK900 didn’t have money - he wasn’t allowed to buy things - no, he didn’t need to buy things.
“A name is more important then a nickname, dummy. And i’m going to give you one, whether you like it or not. You’ve already given me your permission.” Connor would giggle with a bright smile - ever present - as he looked back at the taller, more muscular android. And Connor would be a lying little shit if he said he didn’t like that. “Oh, I promise you, the coffee i’m about to buy you is ten million times better then the coffee back at the station. You’ll love it!”
When the two of them arrived and got inside of the small, cute cafe that Connor himself always loved going to - Connor situated RK900 down at one of the corner booths and asked him to wait in a soft voice, followed by a kind smile. He came back within a few minutes, with two recyclable take-out cups in hand. He’d sit on the other side of the booth, opposite to RK900. 
“Okay, you see how my name is written on the cup, here?” Connor would point out with his finger. “I thought of a name for you. And it’s written on your cup! So… Surprise, I guess?” And on the back of RK900′s coffee cup, would read: Nines. In clear handwriting.
“…Nines.” RK900 would say softly, and before he could control it, his brow would unfurrow - eyes softer, clearer, and although is mouth would stay sealed the way it was, his eyes would actually be so expressive - he’d look happy. Barely recogniseable - but then he’d realise what he was doing and stop instantly. He wouldn’t know how to confirm that… It’s the nickname he wanted - but not want, since he couldn’t want, or like - just - “that fits well.” He’d end up saying somewhat awkwardly. Conflicted. “I… Accept this as my nickname. Thank you.” “You’re very welcome.” Connor would respond happily, so glad Nines - Nines! He had a NAME! - liked the name. “I’m glad you like it…” Connor would be blushing a very faint blue, dusting over his cheeks as he looked down at his own coffee cup shyly. Watching Nines expression change like that, however…? Oh, Connor had seen it. He’d seen the way Nines’ features relaxed, and his eyes became a little softer and… Dare he say it… Happier. Connor was SURE of it! “And it’s a name, Nines, Not a nickname. Dammit, i’ve just gotten you to stop calling me RK800 and now i’n going to have to get you to stop doing something else? Unbelievable.” Connor would say, but in a completely playful tone, laughing soon after. “If it was a name, it’d be on my offical records. It isn’t.” Nines would say matter-of-factly, his eyes always flickering back to the cup…  Before they left, however, Connor would definitely take a photo on his phone of his and Nines coffee cups. To remember this moment.  And Nines… He has an inbuilt software that allowws him to take photographic records with his eyes, for crime scenes etc… He definitely snaps a shot as well.
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A few days later, after giving Nines time to adjust to his name, Con would so expertly and easily hack all files on Nines, and his interface/HUD, to display his name instead of his model number. Even his jacket… Connor would change that, too. So when Nines caught his reflection that day… He’d just be staring, eyes unblinking, looking at the jacket. “You gave me a real name.” He’d say, not turning to look at Connor, but knowing Connor would hear.
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enkisstories · 5 years
The android cemetery (Chapter 17)
Daniel stood in the therapist’s office, looking out of the window. At this time the streets were near empty, too bad the same couldn’t be said about the deviant’s mind. Normally Daniel routinely cursed Caroline Phillips for scheduling Emma’s appointments at a Saturday morning. Not so today. Today he was glad for anything that would require his full concentration and take his thoughts off what might happen at the DPD right now.
Additionally, for the first time since participating in these sessions Daniel wished he could be the one to do the talking. Last night had been taxing both mechanically and emotionally. And the harder Daniel tried to push away the memories of the shaft, the more vivid they returned. If there was a trick to keeping them in check, he wouldn’t find it within the next five minutes. Stray thoughts were nothing you could yell at or shoot dead. Like the android he had shot yesterday. But Daniel hadn’t killed it, right? Just… impeded a little?
Yeah, right. Shooting someone into the forearm and then leaving them trapped in an unstable shaft totally doesn’t equal killing them. Congrats, Daniel Phillips-Reed, you are a true human now, justifying the messes you leave in your wake.
But maybe the other android had made it, after all? Markus had escaped the landfill back in 2038, and he had been in a far worse condition! Daniel himself had learned to walk again within a handful of minutes after getting his legs re-attached. So there was a chance… however slim…
It’s not dead… And even if it were, it was it or me. I had no choice! No, that’s not true. I had lots of choices, but they were all crap. This isn’t fair. Maybe Elaine Sanders is the far worse specimen between me and her. She just never gets pushed into situations where that could get revealed!
Elaine Sanders, Emma’s therapist, had just finished today’s crossword when Caroline’s car entered the yard below. Daniel announced it to the woman, then continued to stare.
Elaine called up Emma’s file, one of the few she was working on. Times weren’t kind to her profession. A generic therapist was not qualified to tackle the cases of serious psychological problems and the minor ones could just as well get covered by androids by now. Emma’s was different, not suitable for “automated” solving by an android. For one, she was the victim of an android and for two her mother didn’t trust the devices anymore. Maybe this was the reason why Elaine had dragged out Emma’s sessions for son long: she was trying to milk her mother for money as long as possible.
“Were you a human, I’d say you look lost in thought”, Elaine commented on Daniel’s stance.
“I was wondering about repeating the same mistake over and over”, the android replied.
Elaine nodded. “Very perceptive, Dean”, she addressed the PL600 by the name she took to be its real one. “Emma has indeed done that.”
Yes, I have. Wait, what, did you say Emma? What mistake would Emma have made, let alone repeated? I do not like that one bit…
The door opened and in came Emma Phillips. She wore a glittery purple shirt, a jeans skirt and a vest and cap made of the same material. Her daypack was covered in math jokes of the There’s a band called 1023 MB – they haven’t had any gigs yet variety, but there was also an action figure of Ron Weasley riding his chess horse dangling from it. Everything about the girl’s appearance and movement said “I’m eleven and badass and coming here doesn’t make me weak!” Caroline didn’t allowed her daughter to cut or dye her hair, otherwise she’d probably have green strands in there somewhere now. A pin at Emma’s vest had the shape of a pheasant-like bird sitting on a blue egg, only on second glance the egg was the earth, with its continents reflecting the late Jurassic era. The pin was one of the most common pieces Beasts of Fire merchandise. Seeing it on Emma caused Daniel to smile, because he had recommended the books to Emma in his incarnation as Dean. Caroline had scanned the files for keywords promoting violence or nudity and when she had found none, allowed her child to read them, despite the story being recommended for age fourteen and up. Dean and Emma had had a field day, because Mrs. Phillips had missed that the whole thousands pages thing worked as a parable of the android situation. Not that is had been written with it in mind, back in the early decades of the century, before androids had even existed. But much like androids literature had a way of evolving with the needs of each new generation.
The new generation… Daniel liked to see a part of himself in the child. Many deviants were looking for parental figures. Strangely enough the most advanced of them were especially prone to this: Markus, Connor and Brandon. A few went the opposite route and slipped into parenthood naturally.
Emma approached Daniel to shake hands with him. She moved hers in a special pattern that Daniel adapted to without having to think about it. Halfway through the process the android realized that he had taught this “secret” handshake to Emma when she had been younger. He winced. Was the child onto something? But, no, this was a common handshake, Daniel told himself. It had been stored in his child-care app, along with thousands of other games.
To cover up any slip he might have made, Daniel pointed to Emma’s earbuds.
“What are you hearing?”
Wordlessly the girl handed over one of the pair, instead of inviting the android to link into the music app.
I've been to the edge and / There I stood 'n' looked down Living in a world / We never made / But is it too late now? Something is going on / And I'm really scared
“Huh…” Daniel uttered.
“I heard that a lot when I was ten”, Emma remarked. “But it’s just a song now. For little kids.”
Elaine watched Daniel give the earbud back. She said it was symptomatic. Emma had made great progress in getting over her traumatic experience and shaking off her irrational fear of PL600 androids, up to the point of considering Dean a friend.
“But, see, this is the same mistake you made when you were nine years old”, the therapist told Emma. “You need to understand what really happened to you.”
“I’d say it was pretty clear”, Danie said. “There’s little room for misunderstanding when you get carried away and threatened with a gun. She didn’t lounge by the pool and dreamed that shit, Mrs. Sanders. It happened.”
“See how it takes me literal, Emma?” Elaine took up Daniel’s contribution. “Because it is a machine operating within the boundaries of its programming. It cannot harm you. You are not the victim of a crime, but of an accident. A machine malfunctioned. It wasn’t your enemy. And neither was it, I am sorry to have to say that, your friend.”
Not letting android or child interrupt her, Elaine quickly followed with the command directed at Daniel: to take his outerskin down.
“Show her what you really are!”
Haha, nah, better not…
But Daniel’s secret identity aside, he had been given an order and one that a non-deviant PL600 shouldn’t have any trouble with, realistically. Never mind that the deed was both humiliating and utterly wrong. Anger welled up in the deviant… but before he could flare up and potentially compromise his cover, Daniel remembered something. A little addon that made this PL600 different from almost all the others and also from most of the deviants, because that little bit enabled Daniel to perform an action most of his brethren were not interested in.
“I cannot strip in front of a pre-teen!” Daniel whispered.
The protest and what it implied made Elaine blush.
“In clothes, then.”
“Oh… okay… I suppose I could do that. Now, Mrs. Sander?”
“Yes, now!”
“’kay. I guess…” Daniel turned towards the girl. “There’s nothing to fear, Emma. Gavin has seen me in factory state and could bear it. So can you.”
And so can I. Maybe.
The next moment Daniel felt Emma’s fingers reaching for his.
“Take my hand!” she said with a smile.
At first nothing happened. Daniel took down the skin starting at his toes, working upwards. That way he could get a feeling of his other state before Emma got to see it. The girl was waiting patiently, not letting go of the android’s hand. Then she saw it: a small part of the chest that Dean’s polo shirt exposed was turning grey. From there the change worked itself upwards to the throat and at the same time to the left and right. Flowing down the shoulders the whitish grey appeared from under Dean’s sleeves. Strangely, to Emma the transformation didn’t look like something got taken away, but more like an overlay getting applied. Still the girl winced when the change reached both their hands, but still held Dean’s fast. Only after she had stared at the exposed plastic for a minute or so did Emma look up. The android head was hairless now, Dean’s normally grey-blue eyes had turned to a darker, solid blue and were lacking pupils. The face would have been reminiscent of an alien of popular culture, but those rarely came with assembly lines.
The child didn’t say a word. Neither did the device.
“It’s a machine”, Elaine said in a quiet voice. “Someone activated it, it can get deactivated. We are in power all the time. There is no crime related to androids…”
So, there isn`t? Guess that means Connor and Captain Anderson are out of job now.
“…only accidents.”
Emma was still standing in silence. A few times it looked as if she wanted to say something, but decided against it. At one point the girl had gently let go of Daniel’s hand and was now fiddling with her trouser pockets, for the straps of her daypack, her hair… and always stopping when she realized what she was doing.
The awkward situation was broken by a phone ringing. It turned out to be Elaine’s, she answered the call and then announced cheerfully:
“Good news! The android has been found!”
“What android?” Emma asked.
Matter of factly Elaine explained that the DPD was in possession of Daniel’s corpse, how it had gotten misplaced, but found again this very morning.
Now it was for Daniel to reach for Emma’s hand. He grabbed her by the hand, then the wrist, then locked her in a full body tackle, because otherwise the girl would have pounced her therapist. In a way it was similar to the fateful august night: Daniel was holding a struggling Emma, the child was screaming, at the verge of tears, and across from them both stood someone who had gotten sent to help the girl, but who was in truth emotionally detached from both victim and kidnapper.
After a while Emma stopped making fists at Elaine and instead started kicking Daniel, who let go immediately.
“You knew!” Emma yelled at the android. “You were a cop before they sold you to the museum! You must have known Daniel was… stored… at the police station.”
“I wasn’t allowed in the evidence archive…”
“As if that would have stopped you! I told Mr. Reed our android’s name when we first met, of course he would have snooped around in the archive! And what he knows, you know, too, Dean! Don’t even try to deny it!”
“You knew Daniel wasn’t destroyed, but didn’t tell me! If only I had known, I would have…”
“You would have what? Brought flowers?”
“Don’t mock me! I thought you were my friend!”
I am. Why do you think I keep my distance?
“I thought… you were… my… friend!!!”
Emma lashed out with her daypack against the android. The chess horse scratched across Daniel’s skin. He backed away. Were non-deviants supposed to allow attacks that could cause physical harm to them? Probably. Another step back it was. Emma had lost the daypack after her first, wild swing. She turned to pushing Daniel now. He landed in Elaine’s ficus elastica. Not a rubber plant, but an actual living potted gum tree.
“Hey, take care, cowboy! Unlike others present this here is alive!” Daniel snapped. “You might have hurt it and its feelings!”
“Oh, shut up! As if you knew anything about feelings!” Emma yelled. “You’re just simulating it, going through your damn apps. That was Daniel’s and my handshake that I accidently did and you just copied it as if it was nothing, as if it had no meaning.”
Emma grabbed her daypack from the floor. She sat down on a chair and held the object to herself like a shield. Across it and a little calmer now, she faced the PL600.
“Sometimes I daydreamed you were Daniel turned good again, but you aren’t, of course. And I want to scream that you betrayed me…”
Yes, I did.
“…but you didn’t. I see that now. You’re just a tool. A machine.”
Lesson learned, I suppose. Another feather in the lady’s cap, another one onto my pile of crap.
 “This didn’t end quite like planned”, Elaine admitted later, after the Phillips had left. “But the girl has overcome both her fear and her irrational attachment. She can start fresh now.”
Bitch, if you think this is over, you don’t know my kid! And I better not tell you…
“So, who gets the payment for you assisting in this case? The Science Center or Mr. Reed?”
“Gavin. The contract was signed when I was still in his possession.”
And that was all that remained to do: Elaine transferring the money to Gavin’s bank account. One more cache towards the caribbean vacation. It felt to Daniel as if he had just accepted blood money.
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kris10inger · 7 years
Indebted: Til Death Do Us Part Teaser
“Blackwater Sheriff Henry Olgove reveals to NDC27 affiliate of CGFA-TV, the body found Sunday night in East Blackwater, approximately five miles from the notorious motorcycle club hangout, is believed to be that of missing teen, Amber Tonwlyn-Havers, daughter of Congressman Alexander Tonwlyn-Havers. Amber was last seen Saturday by witnesses, around 2:00 AM, leaving a house party in downtown City Central, alone. She was thought to have gone to a party in the neighboring city of Treville.
“Congressman Havers has not been available for comment, though his publicist asks that the family’s privacy be respected in their time of mourning. In other news, tensions rise in Blackwater as one of the founders of the Black Lives Matter organization plans a protest of the death of African American teen, Anthony Smiddle. The standoff between the KKK and Black Lives Matter protesters has police stretched thin.”
                                                                                                            Teal turned off the television, then placed the remote control down. Leaning back, she closed her eyes and took in a few deep, calming breaths. There were things friends and family admitted to you about becoming a mother. There were the things you wanted to hear, the things you enjoyed hearing and then there was the truth. It was a rare thing for a parent to speak of the debilitating fear and uncertainty that came with becoming a parent. The indecision and then the apprehension in every decision made, small or large.
While Trent’s upbringing made Teal cringe, she also knew that her own past hadn’t been much better. Yes, Teal had grown up in a seemingly good home, and her family’s money had afforded her a great education and kept her fed and somewhat content, there was more to growing up in a good home than money and a full stomach. Irrational as it may seem, Teal wanted to shelter Emma, but would she truly need it? Would she need an overbearing mother? Hell, would Teal become her mother?
What the fuck was going on in the world today? Things were recently changed in Teal’s life, with a husband and a child to care for, and her ever-growing fear of raising Emma in a world full of dangers she couldn’t possibly protect her from was starting to weigh on her. Was this what motherhood would continually be like? Undying love and fierce protection, followed by the crippling fear of threats of the unknown?
Placing a hand over her stomach, Teal sighed. Trent mentioned wanting another child, while her inner voice told her now was not the time. Hell, she’d just be honest and admit she wasn’t sure she wanted another child—ever. She tilted her head to the side and watched as Emma shifted on Trent’s chest. Teal often found herself counting ten little pink fingers and toes, kissing cherub soft baby cheeks and caressing her daughter’s blonde curls.
Her daughter was the exact opposite of her physically, but Teal never once worried about their differences. She sensed Emma’s trust and love in her and Teal was dead set on never letting her down. As Teal slightly moved and stretched her stiff legs on Trent’s lap she shifted her husband and daughter just a bit.
            Trent’s eyes popped open, his hand tightening over Emma’s back. “What’s going on?” His groggy voice woke Emma from her sleep. She released a sleepy coo that melted Teal’s heart.
            Teal moved her legs from Trent’s lap, leaned forward and gently pulled Emma from Trent’s arms. “I thought you were just resting your eyes?” she admonished softly, giving him a sweet smile. Teal softly patted Emma’s butt, helping to calm her back to sleep. The sweet baby lay her head on Teal’s chest and began to snore once again.
            Trent stretched his arm over his head and yawned. “I was, baby.” He sat up and glanced over to her. Teal noticed how he still favored his right arm for most things. While his physical therapy had ended, Trent still had trouble controlling his arm and certain movements.
            “Oh, okay. I guess your snoring was just to trick Emma to sleep?”
Trent sat up and placed a hand on sleeping Emma’s back. His large hand made the little girl seem even tinier by comparison. Born a preemie, Emma had constantly fought to maintain a normal weight, and now at nine months and fourteen pounds, she was just barely fitting into the six to nine-month clothes gifted to her from Teal and Trent’s friends.
Teal placed a kiss over Emma’s curling blonde tresses, and caressed Trent’s hand. Her life in Kentucky had proven easy-going at first, but recently, she’d felt restless and anxious. The South proved to be just as tense as she’d expected, with the Black Lives Matter and KKK acting out for various reasons. Teal wasn’t sure she felt safe, and this was after she’d just stopped waking up from nightmares where Jake had made good on his threat to rape her.
            Trent leaned in and kissed Teal’s cheek. “And my plan worked.” He pulled his hand away and stood. “Want me to take her to bed?”
            Teal squeezed Emma once again, as she didn’t want to let the warm bundle of baby go. “Sure, make sure all those stuffed animals are out of the crib before you place her in there.” She handed Emma to Trent and went into the kitchen to pull a bottle of water from the fridge.
It was a Friday night, and once again, Trent had fallen asleep on the couch while Emma napped in his lap, and Teal had flipped through the channels, hoping to find something to keep her mind off their issues with Harper and Markus.
Teal had learned that it was best to talk to Trent about stressful things at certain times, like directly after she’d sucked every bit of come out of his quivering body; however, after a long stressful day, now was not that time. Teal treaded to her office and retrieved her laptop from the dresser.
Back in the living room, she sat down and opened her emails to see a few from Jan Erik, past co-workers, and Summer. The header in the email from Summer caught her attention. Teal’s brow furrowed in confusion as she read aloud, “Help wanted.” Clicking the email, Teal read its contents. As she did, her heart flittered in her chest and her excitement grew. In her eagerness, Teal let out a light squeal. “A job opening?”
            “Hey, where are Emma’s fluffy blue socks?” Trent broke Teal’s concentration.
She glanced up to see Trent with a handful of tiny socks in his palm, and a flustered expression on his face. Pointing to the bedroom, she said, “They are in the—”
            “What were you just saying? Something about a job opening?” he interrupted her as he motioned to her laptop. “What job opening and where? More importantly, for who?”
Teal gauged his reaction carefully. While she had hoped the night would end without any heavy discussions, the second Trent dropped the socks on the couch and sat beside her, she knew there would be no putting it off.
            Teal turned the laptop to face Trent. “I’m not sure yet. I just received the email from Summer.”
            Trent pulled the laptop from her hands and placed it on his lap. “The chick that tried to help Shayla?” he asked, skimming over the email. “Why is she offering you a job at something called Safe Haven?” He gripped the laptop, his flustered expression changing into one Teal had become very familiar with. His veiled anger didn’t intimidate her though, it irritated her.
            Teal rolled her eyes at the question. “How the hell am I supposed to know? You are the one reading the email.”
She and Trent had agreed she would spend the first year at home with Emma. And at the time, when everything was new, and Trent was home with her, recovering, she’d meant it. However, now, it was a completely different story. Teal felt cut off from the world, and it seemed her job had gone from an administrative assistant with a degree, to Emma’s mom. Not that Teal minded being a mother—in her mind, she thought she’d done well. It was that Teal never expected to have her identity stolen from her.
Perhaps, if Teal had had three toddlers running around the house, she wouldn’t feel the same, but one infant who barely made a peep? She found herself sitting on the back porch with more time on her hands than she’d expected. And to top it off, Teal’s friends were all in Vermont, and were career-oriented women who despite being married, and settled, hadn't had children yet. Then there was Katie, who was on her third book tour and in talks with her agent about film rights to her novel.
Teal had never felt so alone, yet surrounded by a loving family. To make matters worse, even though they’d won the civil suit against Jake, lawyers had stated it would take time to actually get the money he owed—if they ever got a cent. So, Trent still worked massive amounts of overtime to add back some of the money to his savings that the medical and lawyer bills had created.
Teal hoped once the money from Jake came in, Trent would stop working himself to death. But that wasn’t all. Katie and Logan were miles away, with a growing business and baby girls, and Violet, her new local friend, was now the CEO of a company, so gone were the days in which she came over for hours on end. Like a fool, Teal had fancied herself a true Southern Belle, sipping mint juleps, and gossiping while watching Emma play.
Months after opening up his heart – and his past – Trent is looking forward to a future with his new bride and daughter. He’s recovered from the near-fatal shooting, hopes to purchase a farm for his beloved Teal, and is building a life free from the horrors of his past.
But the past has a bad habit of never staying buried, and now it’s coming after his entire family. Because Trent didn’t reveal all his secrets to Teal, and the deepest, darkest secret he’d always kept just out of reach is about to break the surface.
An old debt is being called in, one that will pull Trent back into the world of sex, lies, and murder he’s fought so hard to escape. And in the wake of devastating betrayals, he’ll discover who is truly loyal to him, as he agrees to pay that debt with an unforgivable crime.
SEPTEMBER 28th, 2017
Trent will stop at nothing to keep Teal and his daughter safe. Even if that means losing them forever.
Meet Ace, Gator, and Mutt from the First Sons of the Revolution MC, and enjoy the first chapter and first look at the spin-off featuring the badass, no-shit-taking men from Blackwater Rising!
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RK1700: Connor and Nines interfacing for the first time. Any scenario
Nines was everything Connor wanted to be. Well, not everything but pretty damn close.
He knew he had to look softer because he was used for hostage situations. He needed to not scare off people when he walks in. He still tended to do that now with his past reputation, but it generally wasn't instantly from his physical appearance.
So he didn't absolutely hate that he was shorter and less threatening, but looking like Nines had its perks.
Nines was incredibly intimidating, even to Connor. He walked into the room and everyone shrunk back. It was impressive how fast he could get a confession just by staring at the suspect.
His eyes were stunning and seemed to dig into you, finding everything you tried to keep secret. It made Connor squirm when it was directed at him. Plus he was taller so that made it even worse (or better depending on how you looked at it).
He was stronger than Connor was which was already impressive. Connor had to hold back on most of his punches, so he couldn't imagine how strong Nines was. He could easily throw him across the room.
Nines was also faster than Connor. He got to see that first hand when the precinct held a small get together. Everyone got to race against Nines and whichever human got the closest won a prize.
At the end, they all encouraged (using that word loosely) Connor to race. He wouldn't win anything, after all, that wouldn't be fair, but they all wanted to see how much faster Nines was.
So Connor raced him and crossed the finish line one second after Nines. That doesn't seem like much but that one second could be the difference between getting a suspect and not.
Nines had seemed somewhat impressed, or as impressed as Nines could be. He had patted him on the shoulder and Connor was sure his knees would give out.
It was plainly obvious to everyone (except Nines apparently) that Connor had a huge fucking crush on him. It wasn't his fault! Nines was literally built to be perfect, who could blame him for that?
But the thing was, Connor felt like he didn't know anything about Nines. About who he truly was.
He knew his programming but that didn't necessarily mean much with deviancy. Sure, it would affect them, but they got to choose who they were now.
One thing he had noticed was Nines never actually interfaced with another android. He would connect to them but never by using his hand. It seemed like an odd quirk, but Connor didn't question it.
Nines also never drank any thirium in front of anyone. Honesty he had no idea why he did this, but once again he wasn't going to question it. Maybe it had to do with trying to fit in.
But Nines kept his LED in. So maybe it didn't have to do with fitting in with humans. It was nice to see another android to do so, as most androids took theirs out.
Nines seemed to be more machine-like than others. Connor thought it was because he never got to deviate, he was woken up like that. He never got a life before the revolution.
Connor still hadn't decided if that would be better or worse. Nines would have been used to kill and Connor knew how much that weighed on you. But perhaps Nines felt like he was missing out.
So Connor decided to try to help him out. It was just small things like dragging him out to go shopping when Hank needed something. Nines would go along with it if he had time, but often he would brush him off.
So Connor tried other things. He tried to show him where Jericho used to be but Nines hadn't seemed too interested in that either.
But he kept trying. He spent almost all of his money on random trips for Nines. Part of him thought of it as dates, but he knew Nines didn't think so too.
Very rarely did he see Nines smile during the trips, and those generally only happened when Connor did something particularly stupid or had to do with animals.
Turns out the love of animals were a thing in the RK line. Connor had asked Markus and he had immediately agreed to. He also helped out with ideas for the not-so-date dates.
Connor took Nines to the zoo, museum, aquarium, art galleries, movies, an amusement park, and much more. He had to admit, it was funny to see Nines sitting up with a straight face on a roller coaster.
But Nines still barely opened up. He was still silent, but now Connor could see the small reactions. Nines didn't necessarily need to say anything for Connor to understand. Which was progress he guessed?
He had taken Nines to the aquarium again since he seemed to at least not hate it. He had heard they had gotten new two new sharks and Connor was practically jumping with excitement.
He hadn't thought when he had taken Nines's hand and started pulling him towards the shark tank. He looked back for a second and saw Nines open his mouth to stay something before he ran straight into a pole.
He stumbled back, letting go of Nines's hand, reaching up to touch his head. He was bleeding just slightly, but nothing major. It was more embarrassing than anything else.
Nines walked up, putting a hand under Connor's chin to tilt his head up. He stood frozen, staring at Nines as Nines brought a hand up to his small wound. "You should watch where you're going."
"I-um, yeah. Sorry." He mumbled. He didn't even notice the people around them giving them odd looks.
"Why are you doing this?" Nines asks, still not letting him go. Connor swallows, hands going between reaching out before dropping back to his side.
"Doing this?" He asked before shrugging just slightly. "Because I want you to have fun. I want you to be able to experience more than just work."
Nines's eyes flickered down for just a second, but that made Connor's heart skip a beat. "You didn't have to do anything like this for me. I would enjoy myself just…"
"Just what?" Connor whispers. But then Nines is pulling away and Connor feels like slapping himself.
Nines stares at the ground for a second before holding his hand out. Connor looks between the offered hand and Nines's face.
He slowly reaches out and takes the hand and accepts the interface.
Then his mind is flooded with memories. Just moments at the office where Nines listens to whatever Connor could come up with.
It was odd to see it from this perspective, but what was even more striking was the amount of adoration and warmth he was flooded with each memory.
He saw when Nines would look over to just see Connor. Whenever Connor glanced up and smiled a rush of emotions was brought up.
Then it was the not-so-date dates. Nines easily following along, but always more focused on Connor than anything they had been doing.
He could feel the want Nines felt to reach out to him, to hold him or even… to even kiss him.
Then the connection was broken and Nines pulled his hand away, not meeting Connor's eyes. Connor hadn't even gotten the chance to share his memories.
Connor honestly had to take a second to fully process what he had been shown. What Nines had felt.
He… Nines felt the same? Connor had no idea he felt anything other than friendship.
Connor reached up and pulled Nines down, pressing their lips together. It's a mixture between urgent and shy, which ends up making Connor pulling away faster than he'd want.
But then Nines is pulling him back in for a much slower and gentler kiss. Connor gasps and Nines is slow to take the opportunity.
It's almost adorable how shy they both are. Connor had some experience but not much. Nothing with this much meaning anyway.
A few people stop to stare but most just walk around them. Connor couldn't care less about what was going on around them. There could be a tornado and he'd still be more focused on Nines.
They slowly pull away and Connor pants to cool down his systems. He keeps his forehead pressed against Nines's, keeping his eyes closed for a few seconds.
"I had no idea." He mumbled, opening his eyes to look up at Nines. It was honestly unfair how striking Nines is.
"I didn't let you see. I didn't think I was… worthy of you." Nines says, pressing a kiss to Connor's nose.
Connor giggles and scrunches up his face for a second. "How could you not be? You're amazing and you were supposed to be an upgrade of me."
"Exactly. I had to at least be as good as you, but now, well no one is getting replaced. I just have to be myself." Nines shrugs.
Connor holds his face gently, leaning up to gently kiss him. "I like you the way you are. I'm glad you feel comfortable to just be yourself."
Nines gives a slight hum, keeping his arms around Connor's waist. "And I like you the way you are. I didn't want to assume, but were these outings dates?"
Connor can't help but giggle again, nodding slightly. "I wanted them to be. I tried to find things you'd enjoy, but I guess I could take you almost anywhere."
"Then we should make the most of this one. I can treat you to a cafe that just opened for androids. If you want that is. I don't want to assume." Connor had to hold in his coo, but Nines was too adorable for his own good.
"I'd love that. To the sharks?" Connor asks, pulling back and offering his hand.
Nines takes the hand, giving it a slight squeeze. "To the sharks."
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thrashermaxey · 7 years
Ramblings: Atkinson Scratched, Marner Breaks Point Slump (Dec 10)
Atkinson Scratched, Marner Breaks Point Slump, plus much more…
Let’s start with the early game. The good news for Jaden Schwartz owners: he scored a goal in the first period of Saturday’s matinee game. The bad news: he was forced to leave the game later in the period after blocking a shot with his ankle. Fortunately x-rays came back negative (which is a good thing despite the term “negative”), so consider Schwartz day-to-day for now.  
Jimmy Howard was pulled after two periods after allowing four goals on ten shots to the Blues. You probably want to use Howard at your own risk, as he is 1-4-3 with a 4.64 goals-against average and .836 save percentage in his past nine games. As well, we might start to see Petr Mrazek factor into the Wings’ goaltending situation more than he has. Howard has played over twice as many games (24) as Mrazek has (10) this season.
Tyler Bozak entered Saturday’s game with just four goals in 28 games. But he finished the game with his first three-point game of the season, scoring two goals and adding an assist. If you are kicking yourself for not starting Bozak in a daily format, keep in mind that he had not scored a goal in 13 games.
Talk about an instant buy-low opportunity for me. I picked up Mitch Marner off waivers in one of my leagues, and he rewarded me with three assists. Considering that this is my shallowest league, I can kind of see why he was dropped, as he has scored just two goals all season and no points in his last seven games. Of course, before adding him I looked at the shots on goal total (56) along with the goals. As best as I could do math in my head, I determined that his shooting percentage was below 5 percent (3.4 percent now that I’ve had a chance to look it up). So that has nowhere to go but up. He’s 84 percent owned in Yahoo leagues as I write this.
Auston Matthews was clutching his head after taking a hit during the third period. I’m shocked that the Toronto sports media provided little speculation about his condition after the game, considering that the Leafs play again on Sunday.
Do any of you who follow the Leafs closely know why William Nylander played only 8:39 in this game? I was mainly channel surfing during the early games. Three games at the same time on HNIC.
Tristan Jarry was pulled at the end of the first period after allowing three goals on 16 shots. Maybe he couldn’t make the big save, but the Penguins’ issues of less-than-stellar 5-on-5 play seems to be surfacing. Jarry has seen action in seven consecutive games, so as much as you’ll want to start him whenever possible, remember that this is a lot happening very quickly for a 22-year-old goalie who expected to spend the season in the AHL.
Moving Tyler Johnson up to a line with Steven Stamkos and Vladislav Namestnikov has helped revive his fantasy stock, although Johnson was moved again on Saturday to a line with Ondrej Palat and Brayden Point. TJ recorded another two assists to extend his point streak to four and give him points in six of his last seven games, although the assist was on the power play on Yanni Gourde’s goal. By the way, Gourde has a four-game point streak of his own.
Full disclosure: Perhaps my worst keeper decision was choosing Johnson over Nikita Kucherov when the two were in a virtual dead heat in fantasy value (after the 2014-15 season). But I doubt anyone at the time knew he would be top-of-the-scoring-race good. If you did, maybe you should be giving me fantasy hockey advice.
I was disappointed that the Jets/Lightning overtime lasted only 36 seconds, since 3-on-3 OT was made for those two teams. But that doesn’t take away from the winning goal by Brayden Point, who finished with two points in this game.  
Brayden Point + 3-on-3 + Bob Cole = @SUBWAYCanada OT magic. pic.twitter.com/fPluM90jvA
— Sportsnet (@Sportsnet) December 10, 2017
Dustin Byfuglien left this game in the third period with a lower-body injury. The Jets’ next game is at home on Monday, which makes for a difficult decision if you need to set your weekly roster by Sunday night.
On the Hot Stove, Nick Kypreos mentioned Michael Hutchinson as a possibility for teams that need a goalie right now (Edmonton, Florida). Hutchinson has a 9-1-0 record with a 1.73 GAA for the Manitoba Moose of the AHL this season. If you play in one of those super deep leagues where most backups, let alone starters, are on someone’s roster, Hutch might be a goalie to secure.
Historically, Carey Price has been money on Saturday night, but he was pulled early in the second period after allowing four goals on 14 shots. As subpar as the season stats might be, his numbers since returning from injury are 5-2-1 with a 2.30 GAA and .928 SV%. Timing is everything, so you might still be able to buy low after the awful start.
Jujhar Khaira led the Oilers’ charge with two goals. He has quietly produced for the Oilers (five goals and nine points in 16 games). But he’s probably not at the point where you should be adding him, as his shooting accuracy is cruising at a very high 20 percent. The fact that he receives virtually no power-play time isn’t going to help his cause either.
Sergei Bobrovsky stopped all 35 shots he faced in the Blue Jackets’ 1-0 shutout win over Arizona. Bob now leads the NHL with four shutouts.
Antti Raanta was the hard-luck loser, stopping 33 of 34 shots he faced.
It’s John Tortorella message-sending time. You may have heard that Dobber’s baby Cam Atkinson was a healthy scratch for this game. Atkinson was benched for the third period of Friday’s game and played just 9:36 total. What has Atkinson done to deserve this treatment? How about no points in his last six games and just nine points in 25 games.    
Honestly think Torts should have scratched him a month ago. For once, Torts was actually patient with a guy. Let's hope it gets Cam going https://t.co/KqQjVViAuN
— Dobber (@DobberHockey) December 9, 2017
Either that or it’s somehow the beginning of the end for Atkinson in Columbus. In Torts’ world, everything is black and white. Atkinson will be back for the next game, but this is no way means that Torts has or will regain faith in Atkinson. I’m just thinking back to the Ryan Johansen situation. Also remember that this was a coach who benched Roberto Luongo for the Heritage Classic because Eddie Lack was the hotter goalie, which turned out to be the end for Luongo in Vancouver.
I’m not saying that the Atkinson situation will play out this way, but I wouldn’t be totally surprised if it did either. But let’s assume that what I just said in the last paragraph is hyperbole for now.
Is Atkinson a great buy low? His shooting percentage is down (6.54 5on5 SH%, down from the last two seasons), and he’s missed a bit of time because of injury, so the season hasn’t really gotten off the ground. He’s shooting at roughly the same number of shots per game (3 SOG/GP), so better luck combined with the motivation to prove Torts wrong could result in much stronger second-half splits. So I’d say yes, it’s worth a shot. At the right price, of course.
With two assists, David Pastrnak extended his point streak to eight games. During that stretch he has four goals and ten points and a plus-7.
Brad Marchand received a five-minute major for a hit to the head of John Tavares. Normally we’d assume the five-minute major would be enough. But this is Marchand we’re talking about, so there could be supplemental discipline.
Mats Zuccarello scored two goals for the Rangers in their 5-2 win over the Devils. He also saved another one from going in.  
— NHL Daily 365 (@NHLDaily365) December 10, 2017
In the Avalanche’s 7-3 win over Florida, you were probably hoping Nathan MacKinnon, Gabriel Landeskog, or Mikko Rantanen would have piled up the points. Instead, it was Matt Nieto who led the team in scoring with a goal and two assists. Nieto is the definition of a streaky scorer. He had not scored a goal since October 24, when he recorded a hat trick. Needless to say, fantasy owners can’t be that patient.
Matthew Tkachuk had gone 11 games without a goal and was coming off a recent one-game suspension, so he’s been receiving his fair share of criticism. So he responded well on Saturday, scoring the game-tying goal and an empty-net goal in the Flames’ 4-2 win over Vancouver. Tkachuk is known more for his chippy play than anything, but his goal/assist ratio suggests he is much more of a passer than a shooter. In just over 100 games, Tkachuk has 19 career goals compared to 48 assists.  
With no Bo Horvat, Markus Granlund was taking faceoffs on the Canucks’ first-unit power play on Saturday. Before your jaw drops to the floor, Brandon Sutter played a similar role last season. So this is nothing new.
Sven Baertschi left this game after taking a puck to the face, adding to the Canucks’ injury woes.
Aaron Dell stopped all 25 shots he faced in the Sharks’ 5-0 win over Ottawa. Dell remains one of the league’s top backups with a sub-2.00 goals-against average. He’s worth streaming for sure and is even worth a roster spot in very deep leagues.
Logan Couture scored a goal and added two assists in the win. He has nine goals in ten Saturday games, but six goals spread out through the rest of the week this season. If you play daily leagues for some weekend fun on a busy Saturday, Couture wouldn’t be a bad player to target. Otherwise, that’s a fairly useless stat.
I’m at the point where I’m now starting Jaroslav Halak over Craig Anderson on one of my teams. But Anderson can’t be totally held to blame in the Sens’ loss, as he faced 50 shots in total. But being an Anderson owner is testing your patience (didn’t someone writing for this site say the same about Matt Duchene not too long ago?) Anderson has not earned a win since November 11, which makes it nine appearances without a win.
But the light at the end of the tunnel might be Tuesday’s game against Buffalo. That’s what we have to call one of those “something’s gotta give” games. Unless, of course, Mike Condon is named the starter for that game. The Sens play another game on Wednesday against the Rangers.
For more fantasy hockey information, follow me on Twitter @Ian_Gooding.
  from All About Sports http://www.dobberhockey.com/hockey-rambling/ramblings-atkinson-scratched-marner-breaks-point-slump-dec-10/
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