#No Solo November
therealun-kamen-t · 2 years
😷 UnKamenThought #1: Start of Something New, Yet Familiar? 👾
So many thoughts I wanna just spill out onto something/somewhere. From how I've been feeling lately about my idea(s), future plans, what I feel like I messed up on, what I think I did great on (glitch brain go brr so this is vague and doesn't really dictate the order of how the subjects are brought up... BUT I will separate each topic somehow... NGL just been a lurker of Tumblr, never really and active participant, but we gon learn as we go)
See, UnKamenThoughts started off on my Twitter where I just have random thought I wanted to share to stir a conversation with mutuals and/or just people in the same/similar space of vtubing. Thought it was a clever idea for my name to be included with a hashtag I felt would be used a lot. And I certainly did use it a lot. But thing is about twitter is that it's limited and cuz of how limited it is, I felt like I was kinda annoying people with multiple tweets in a thread by myself.
<Segway into thoughts on social media> 👀
Kinda glad that twitter was shaken up cuz it forced a lot of us to look for alternatives... Some alternatives are buggy (maybe shut down rn... Miss you Hive), some are confusing to use currently (Mastodon when?), Some are finally getting some dust blown off it... (And then we saw all our old cringe and decided to just make a whole new account. Hello again tumblr and Instagram) and some are established things but I don't think is for everyone to have since it's kind of just paywalled off content without the implications of it being strictly 🔞 explicit content (that might be for another day) Other than that I've already talked about what I want to do with my other socials cuz I've been a big believer in making sure you have other means of getting reach to new eyes and such... Yet I'm a hypocrite and definitely just on twitter and twitch 😅 (but we growing slowly outta it... This and the couple IG posts I made are the first steps) and don't get me wrong I feel like I did a decent amount of growing... BUT being on just 2 places and inconsistent AF with a lot of what I do (more on that later) yeah the growth is a bit stagnant. Besides that bit... The rumblings of it helped kick my @$$ into gear to complete the Discord Server... It still needs some work but I'm proud of it and can't wait to house a lot of fun things there. Though I feel like I accomplished a decent amount... I'm not happy with how I carried out or flaked out on plans... Execution of a lot of things... Unsatisfactory.
<#NoSoloNovemeber/Rivalry Series/Streams>
I had this fun (basic) idea of every stream I do in November would be a collab. Now building off that to make it a little more impactful and interesting I'd Collab with someone new almost every stream. And then to finish it off towards the end I'd do a big Collab with anyone/everyone that came on before and some who weren't available at the time to join me for a final hoorah if No Solo November. At the either final stream or at the end of every stream for No Solo I'd give thanks to everyone who hung out with me and why I'm so thankful for them (cuz Thanksgiving and such). Now it's December 5th (started writing this like end of Nov 30th), and I did the base idea with the other bits in mind yet I did not plan a damn thing (besides one thing) so it kinda flopped on it's face... I failed to plan, so I planned to fail. I didn't manage my time properly to slot people in for specific days and specific games. I was really kinda sad that I didn't even just grab a bunch of people who were free for a big thing at the end... The biggest part I'm upset about was I didn't give thanks to those who deserved it most regardless if we streamed... Main point was to have fun and let my friends and inspirations know how appreciative I am of them existing and wanting to hang around me. *Sigh* it's fine... This is year 0 problems, next year will be a better year. Besides this is all reflection on what I can do better next time... Now onto the one thing I did plan:
🦊Kitsune V Kamen😷: Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
So Rivalry Series is just ya usual VS series between two people of course as they play a game together or adjacent to each other. Now it will always be ___ V Kamen cuz I do plan on having various people as my main rival for whatever game. Kitsune - @heyjanaebers is (currently in my plans) a reoccurring main rival of mine so it only made sense that I start it off with her. That being said we were going to have battles with wagers at certain points of the game... Somewhere in the start (after 1st gym?), Somewhere in the middle ("50%" of the game) and finally at the end (beaten main story and give prep time for the battle). Now again I failed to plan (further) so I planned to fail when it was time... We did not, in fact battle after the 1st gym... We rescheduled due to Reality things goin on for both of us... And cuz I got really into the game and without battle gyms I kinda leveled up a lot... So she had to catch up (my fault) and I had to kinda dawdle around while she catches up. Which gave me more pokemon to use so I still technically had a leg up... Anyways we battled well past the middle point... So next battle is the last battle (for the time being) so I'm definitely giving prep time for both of us... Granted, currently she is ahead of me. I know where I messed up with this, besides not thinking the idea fully through and mapping it out or just having some backup plans to level out the playing field for "scheduled" battles I think the mistake(s) lie in it being a new game and sometimes... You want to experience the game as much as possible and you don't wanna wait for anyone when you are in the thick of it... SO that being said I think should've had some failsafes for either of us getting ahead... Should've stuck to the script of doing these battles when they were supposed to happen... Or do what I thought of and kinda make poke-updates on my journey... Would be just smart to make fuggin content/videos... Record everything and trim down to the good stuff...
Anyways year 0 problems... Fixing it for the next year and next game(s) for Rivalry series...
<Wrapping this up>
Overall, I know these are great ideas... I know these could be amazing things for fun content. But I have to learn from these things; plan things out fully, prepare properly and make sure to execute things right if I wanna be satisfied with the result... NGL I want #NoSoloNovember to be something I'm known for and a lot of others do as well... that as well as other ideas whether I tried them or have yet to put into action. Besides that... I just need to manage things better overall, I think something's have suffered due to lack of proper management. Starting off December weird due to irregular stream times but I made this post which I want to be a regular thing here... Both things mentioned will be better. I will be better.
<L8r GL!7ch3s>
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on-this-day-mcr · 7 months
On this day, November 16
In 2018: Gerard Way released the single "Getting Down the Germs", written with Ray Toro. (🖤)
Stream "Getting Down the Germs" here!
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thedeviousdevilxx · 2 years
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The only moments I cared about in this music video! lol
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ilsilenteloquaceblog · 7 months
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“Per ogni
Cappuccetto rosso,
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un Solo Lupo…
IL suo!!!”
Il Silente Loquace ©
— @ilsilenteloquaceblog
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basment-bunni · 8 months
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akkivee · 2 months
i hope kr does the craziest thing and end every single drama track on those solos albums in an anxiety inducing cliffhanger, i need to feel as much dread as i felt listening to helter skelter for the first time hitting up that bb track and having that fear amplify with every subsequent monthly release LOL
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sunshineandlyrics · 7 months
Ry Rogers/@hellhabits, Team Louis' tattoo artist posted Michael doing his 505 guitar solo on his IG story.
FITFWT Birmingham, 18 November 2023
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larrylimericks · 2 years
The Greatest Edition Lou put out an album that’s stunning Resulting in his Number One-ing! He was always the boss (Sorry, Bruce, for your loss)— The world never does see us coming!
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your-mom666 · 1 year
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November rain, slash solo art
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on-this-day-mcr · 7 months
On this day, November 26
In 2001: Frank Iero released "Heartbreak in Stereo", the first and only studio album released by the band "Pencey Prep" (🖤)
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Stream "Heartbreak in Stereo" here!
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polyshipweek · 2 years
Happy September, polyshipping pals! Based on our survey results, we've got TWO events coming up!
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💙❤️🖤 SEPTEMBER 24 🖤❤️💙
International Solo Polyamory Day!
Collection is open NOW for your solo polyam creations! Works will be revealed on the 24th. Need some inspiration? Mix and match from our suggested prompts below:
housemates who aren't datemates
road trip
making life decisions
the relief of realizing a new partner doesn't want on the relationship escalator
a space of one's own: the joy of living alone
the way relationships evolve when life changes
butterflies (literal or metaphorical!)
Find the collection, rules, and FAQ on ao3!
💙❤️🖤 NOVEMBER 23 🖤❤️💙
Polyamory Day Ficlet Fest!
A prompt meme for short fics about polyships! Leave a prompt for your polycule, claim a prompt, write a short fic or two, celebrate all our excellent polyamorous ships!
open-invite, multifandom, OC prompts welcome, suggested wordcount for fills is 100-1000 words
Prompting Dates: September 15–October 31
Collection Open: October 1–November 22
Fics Revealed: November 23
Find the prompt meme & guidelines on ao3!
Both events are intended as low-stakes mini events — creations need not be super lengthy or polished, just have fun!
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wiiildflowerrr · 8 months
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He's already conquered the world as part of 5SOS, but now Ashton Irwin is going it alone - in a more honest and open way than ever before...'
Published by Dork, 23 October 2020
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vespertine-legacy · 7 months
almost solo’d the new world boss, but my companion stood in too much stupid and died around 50%, and I wasn’t using dcds well enough (I thought I was avoiding his attacks enough) so I died around 30%
but I got Princess and Suff to come join me and we wiped him out real quick and easy
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thelostboys87 · 4 months
looking myself in the mirror like am I really about to completely reshuffle the lover boy timeline just so i can get the single release of i want your sex in there and write beau’s live reaction
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