#No fucking wonder no one will send their kids to live with them!!! literally it is a cesspool of abuse and corruption!!!
rjalker · 2 years
if you're writing a book series, make sure you re-read your entire first novel before you start writing the second book. And then when you're done writing the second book re-read the first novel again. And make sure the second novel still makes sense of the world the first novel shows you.
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evilminji · 2 months
I just Literally Galaxy Brained :D???
Oh? My? God?
So here I am, on a Star Wars kick, when I Ponder my beloved Danny Phantom. As ya do! Who? I wonder? Could I mix into the star wars universe?
You know who LOVES kids? Just... will Burn Down Planets for this kid they literally JUST met? Mandolorians. Know where you can find a SHIT ton of those, genetically? The GAR!
Those are CLONES, baby! WE got a Clone! She's feisty and adorable! Smol! Bites! Got them big ol tooka eyes and itty bitty hands! Likes to fly, explore, and fight! She's BASICALLY born for this!
Tell me they would collectively look at this tiny feral child, with her poofy lil hair and chubby cheeks, fangy lil grin and biting tendcy, and go "is BABY!" Come on, tell me. I'll call you a liar.
And you KNOW the Force and Ectoplasm are probably messy EXs. Dani could TOTALLY use they "why should you allow me in? .....because they're not the boss of you" argument to GREAT effect.
Here, Skywalker. Kenobi. Watch this mysterious child... foooooor.... uh, Reasons! Yes. I, the Force, definitely have valid reasons for doing this! I am NOT just being a petty bitch! #SoundsLegit
But? Gasp! The child is a Cadet?! A BABY Clone! Of WHO? A legendary warrior king, from what context they can gather. Made by his enemy. Sent to kill him. Forgiven then adopted. Ooooh, lots of life lessons there. Clone rights and forgiveness and such.
But more IMPORTANTLY, to the GAR?
We are ALL Buir now! All of us. Biggest family in the galaxy. Dani is cool with it, congrats New Fenton's! On the Be-Fenton-ing! Tremble in FEAR, scrubs! It's OUR HOUSE NOW!! Mwahahahaha! *cackles from her perch on top of a table*
But... wait... what is that glowing stuff that you're getting low on?
Oh? This? New beloved Highly Unhinged Jedi Friends and Clone Dads? Oh it's just my LIFE SAVING MEDICINE that I NEED TO LIVE that I never told you about! :D
*horrified silence*
It's okay. It's OKAY! Everybody STOP SCREAMING! W-well just reverse engineer... *machine makes the equivalent of a Dunno noise* FUCK! Okay! New plan! Dani, sweetie, lil warrior, what do you remember about your medicine? What does it DO, exactly?
Unstable clone.
Okay! Okay, that's a start! THEY are stable clones. Right? Right!
.........r-right? Are... are they SURE? Cause, I mean, it's ONE thing when it's just THEIR health on the line... but when it's their YOUNGLING? Their lil tooka Dani? Their ade? Are they SURE? How sure. Bet HER life on it sure?
....no. No they are not. They don't trust the long necks NEARLY that much. Time do do a DEEP deep scan. Best they can find. They got to make SURE. Boba might be the only STABLE clone... assuming the sleemo even told the truth about that.
And? They LEARN some stuff.
Like about the chip in their head's. Supposedly an "inhibitor chip". Sends Skywalker into a karking rage, cause that looks a whole lot like a slave chip to HIM. Dani says they can CHECK. Then doesn't wait for an answer as she sticks her HAND into someone's head to just... pluck it out. Hand it over to be sliced.
Dani, sweetie, c-can you do that for the rest of us? Sure!
But! The race is ON. To either figure out how to contact the original, stabilize Dani, or synthesize Ectoplasm in a universe that DOES NOT HAVE IT. All while unknowingly? Absolutely Fenton CURB STOMPING Ancient Sith Plans into oblivion.
As is the Fenton Way.
This IS The Way~☆
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @the-witchhunter @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation @legitimatesatanspawn @lolottes @spidori
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threepandas · 28 days
Bad End: Royal Red
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Have you ever seen blood BURN like the sun?
I'm not even sure "burn" is the right word for it. Writhe? Scream? HATE? Like a standing on a cliff, staring down at a valley consumed in flames. Old forests full of life... burning. Dying. Wrong.
The sky choked with thick black smoke. Tar-like and staining. The ROAR of it. Moisture ripped so utterly from the air, it hurts to breathe. Heat so absolute as it rises... you can not imagine there was ever, EVER life here.
But there was.
And it was once beautiful.
Ancient and green, bird song and morning mist. Moss beneath bare feet and the gentle quiet that is no quiet at all. A thing ALIVE. Breathing. Whole. Now gone beneath the flame. The carnage and hunger. As animals flee for their lives and your men die, desperate to hold back the all consuming spread.
Nothing but FIRE remains.
But have you seen BLOOD burn? The weeping wounds of a soul? The... WRONGNESS inside a man, catch light? A shade of ever overlapping crimson. Drying blood somehow just as fluid as the fresh. Old wounds and new. Somewhere, the depth of scars...
I have.
I do.
I wish I did not.
There is something... WRONG with his Highness. Now, the Crown Prince. He... He HAD brothers. Some were awful, others indifferent. But all of them? All of them are gone. Terrible accidents, allegedly. One after another. And they were NOT the only one's. Consorts, lovers, mistresses and supporters. Allies and anyone unfortunate enough to be in his Highness' way.
But of course, I can prove nothing. And to SUGGEST such a thing? That would be Treason. Defamation of a Royal. That it is TRUE? Holds no bearing. Is utterly irrelevant. Even if I HAD had the proper training, even I'd my Gifts WERE formally recognized, ultimately? Politics is King.
It's not supposed to be. But when has life ever been so kind? When has "supposed to" EVER won the day? No. Such talk gets men killed. And dying once? Was quite enough for me.
Though I HAD to wonder...
How does a Protagonist fuck up SO BADLY, that they somehow send their Hidden Route target, into an empire conquering, murder spiral? That's not "a few bad choices" levels of making a mistake. THAT'S? Damn near deliberate sabotage and I just wanna talk. Violently.
I WOULD too, if I wasn't pretty certain they were either on the run or in exile.
All I had wanted? ALL I HAD EVER WANTED?? Was to just be set dressing. Soldier A, the unimportant background gaurd. A nice, faceless, grunt. Maybe chat with my equals of plot significance, a potted plant and yonder chair. Then? I could take my pay, go home, and live quietly.
But NO!
I get stationed following the Seventh prince. Mr. Hidden Route himself. Which? Okay, fine. Was HOPING for gate duty, cause NOTHING happens on gate duty, but FINE. But THEN? Half my co-workers are ASSHOLES. Like... child abusing assholes! The FUCK?!
So? Oops. Accident on the stairs! Whoops! Lemme help you there, man. Oh? Did I ACCIDENTALLY crush the hand you used to hit that kid? Golly! Gee, I sure hope the healers can fix that for you! (I fucking know they both can't and wouldn't if they could. You can't afford SHIT.) Lemme HELP you there, AGAIN, BUUUUUDDY~☆!
Threatening you? Why I would NEVER! That's illegal!
You know... like hitting kids.
And OTHER shit they try to pull. Never DID get around to updating my Gaurd Forms. Whoops. Turns out being able to literally SEE the malicious intent on a fucker? Makes it pretty easy to know who to watch. DID get jumped a lot though. Stabbed a few times.
I just? Wanted to watch my favorite Otome game play out, you know? Get payed while doing it. Sunk cost fallacy kicked in. I've been here since I was a PRE-TEEN. Signed up for training, a ten year contract, and everything! I can LEAVE now... but like? Go WHERE? And honestly... I'm not actually sure I CAN.
Things are... Tense.
Or maybe they're just tense for me? 'Cause... Cause something isn't right. It's that burning blood color. The way it fills a room. Reaches, covetous, like staining hands. Writhes and drags itself against everything. Something unholy, between a lustful grind and the dragging of the wounded. It's not even demonic. No... somehow? It's WORSE for being utterly human.
There is something deeply wrong with the man I am sworn to obey, and I do not know how to escape him.
Because I definitely SHOULD.
I'm not stupid. He's been... been keeping me, SPECIFICALLY, close at hand, since becoming Crown Prince. The SECOND he was able to assign his OWN gaurds? I am suddenly honor gaurd. Yet not. I have basically no job but to stab just behind and to the side of him and look pretty. (For the given quality of THAT.) And...? Even the other gaurds are looking nervous.
It's NEVER a good thing when powerful people suddenly pay attention to an individual gaurd, servant, or maid. They tend to end up... hurt. Dead. Worse. And given recent behavior? Well... I've been getting offers to quietly arrange an "accident" for me.
Not so sure it won't get everyone involved killed.
He wasn't always LIKE this. Yeah, he was... different, but it wasn't BAD. Just... off. A bit weird. A color I hadn't seen before and couldn't for the life of me figure out. It had been... well, nothing. Not even grey. I KNOW grey, it's apathy or depression. Emotional flatness.
But his Highness? Like mist. The lite distortion of water droplets. Colorless and near weightless, drifting gently along. It was as though he DIDNT have emotional responses to anything. Not even flat. Just... non-existant. Which? If so? That's okay! Really. Takes all types. Something to NOTE, yeah, maybe accommodate? But fine.
It's not like there were psychiatric meds or doctors we could get for him. If he was different, so be it. We just had to work around that. Plan accordingly. Worst case scenario, maybe keep him away from small breakable things. But? He seemed benign. I shrugged and moved on. Accepted him as he was.
Maybe went out of my way to explain things with logic more then feelings. Even when I WAS explaining feelings. Ethics. Pretty much anything else he asked. Which... wait a second...
A nameless gaurd SHOULD NOT know that much about psychology or politics. Economics on the macro or micro scale. Oh god DAMN it Wikipedia! You betray me a lifetime away?! Et Tu random research binges!?
Okay. Okay! So maaaaybe? THATS why he's keeping me close? Cause yeah, I'm pretty stacked these days. No internet kinda leaves nothing BUT time to train and read... and books are kinda hard to get, at my level. So like? Maybe a second set of eyes?
....doesn't feel right though. Close but missing the obvious mark-ish.
I try to think of my interactions with the prince. BEFORE murder-spiral kick-off. He sought me out a lot. I interfered so many times when his Tutors crossed lines, they got me kicked out of the main building. He started skipping lessons to self-study. I got put on patrol? He learned my patrol schedule. Would invade the gaurd mess.
Got punished for that, I think. Vicious cycle. I get punished, he gets upset, wants to make sure I'm okay, I get punished for his basic empathy and being a kid. They kept reassigning me. I got stabbed that first time. Sent too...
I try to pull up what I know of the Game in my brain. The Hidden Route and the other Routes. We are.... WAY off script. Not off GENRE... just...?
Mentally I set the Game aside. Shifting in my guarding position at the Crown Prince's side. He continues to work. The soft rustle of papers and the scratching of his pen, filling the silence along side the clink and shift of my armor. We are in the sun room, surrounded by flowers, supposedly for the better light.
To be honest, I hadn't ever BEEN in this room until I was basicly expected to tail the Crown Prince like a glorified, armor wearing, pet. And too be honest? Given that the REST of his honor gaurd were ACTUAL KNIGHTS? It was well beyond ridiculous at this point.
I was a club bouncer surrounded by elite special forces, in fancy little armor, that I could in NO way, have ever afforded on my own. Oh, and I wasn't really allowed to talk to them. So... WHY? Why, EXACTLY, was I here? There was no realistic way anything could get PASSED all those knights. I certainly wasn't PROTECTING the Crown Prince from SHIT.
And... and he hadn't attacked me, thank God. No touchy hands "service to the crown" shtick. Demanding things I couldn't refuse him. So THAT wasn't it...
My brain insisted it wasn't. That I should keep going over the list of possible reasons. Consider This or That. But... Something in my gut? Rang like a struck bell. Some non-physical part of me. That peice that twined, like gentle golden ivy, up through my body, too wrap around my eyes from the inside. Not enough, maybe, to get me into some high and mighty school or apprenticeship... but ENOUGH.
Because Magic was, is, and always has been? Divine. For all that HUMANS fail while using it. For every MORTAL error in it's implementing or understanding. It's a drop of the Divine. And? You can not LIE to the Gods. Hide, perhaps, but not LIE. Even then, you'd have to know what you're hiding FROM.
Kinda hard to hide from "using past life knowledge to deduce motivation" when that's not exactly a thing people can easily guess I HAVE. I get away with shit. Know things I really shouldn't.
Am.... am desperately trying to convince myself that the twinge I just felt? DOESN'T mean what I think it means. Even as a cold sweat breaks out over my skin. As I desperately keep my expression placid and my stare straight into the middle distance. Ha ha.... oh god. No no no, oh god, no...!
Okay. OKAY! Lying to yourself will NOT keep you safe! We can do this! Nothing is happening. We just... just have to play it cool. NOT. PANIC.
He DID want us for sexual reasons.
But... more? More, maybe. I poke at the feeling. Try to frame my thoughts as absolute statement as see if I get a twinge again. To get a feel for the edges of whatever is happening. I can not protect myself, if I do not KNOW from what I protect AGAINST. Just sex? No. Was I a convenience choice? Also No. Revenge for something? A sudden certainty that I'd be DEAD if it was.
Oh, THATS not concerning at ALL!
Okay, keep prodding. Uuuuh... He has a thing for big muscle-y dudes with scars? Strong yes. Okay! Getting somewhere! Kinda thought he liked the petite, girly girl-ish typ-? Weirdly hollow No? Strong. Okay, what the FUCK. See THIS? THIS is why I wanted to be a fucking GAURD. No weird Protagonist of any adventures bullshit! Just a 9-5 with a paycheck at the end!
Uuuugh. Okay, soooo... likes? Strong dudes.... and I was the closest? No. Okay! Getting somewhere! Other strong dude... isn't available? Yes, but I am looking at it wrong. Great. At least I know what that feeling MEANS. Still wish it would just follow up with a "and btw, here's the answer~☆" but, fuck no! Why would life make anything EASY for a guy?
Fuck it! Random shit at the wall time. He's definitely in love with the Protagonist? No. Wait, really? Then why...? No. Stay on track. He's in definitely in love with ME? I wait, utterly expectant, for the twinge that will mark a negative. Half cursing myself for not checking with the Divine sooner. There had been no excuse. Distractions, yes, but no excuse.
It feels like getting sucker punched in the gut. HARD.
Takes everything in me, not to wheeze and double over. That... that wasn't a "yes". That was so FAR beyond "yes" I'm not sure there are spoken, written, or even conceptual WORDS for it. As absolute a CONCEPT of Yes as I have ever felt or probably ever will.
It... It did NOT feel good.
That was a WARNING.
Like the Gods them selves had taken me by the back of the neck, stepped close, to whisper in my ear as they drove their fist into my gut. "Pay Attention To This. RUN. You Need To RUN. There Are Monsters Here."
My eyes feel like they are burning. Like I haven't blinked in too long. Colors a bit too bright, details too sharp. The edges of reality cutting like splintering, glittering, glass. Everything has a GLOW to it. It's never done that before. Is... is this panic? Fight or Flight forcing me to draw deeper then I ever have before?
Or are the Gods paying attention? Displeased by what they see?
The room around us is... is so quiet. Beautiful. Rare flowers, teeming with life. Decorative and pampered little song birds, flitting from roost to roost. The rich scent of rare tea and expensive cologne, mixing with armor polish and the scent of green, living things. Sunlight makes his Highness' hair glow like it was made of it. Pale gold and filled with light.
If I could not SEE... his Highness would be beautiful.
But I can, and instead? He's terrifying.
I think I'm shaking. I don't understand. The room around me picturesque. Peaceful. Golden and filled with gently beautiful things. Light. It feels mocking. Paper thin. Like some cruel trap laid out over a pit of tar. As though, like in the cartoons of my old childhood, the INSTANT I become aware... acknowledge the reality of my ACTUAL surroundings?
The paper thin veneer will rip, no longer able to hold my weight, and I will be plunged into the horrors just beneath the lie.
How.... HOW did-?! I... I CAN'T-!
I put everything I am, into letting nothing show. E-Everything is FINE. Do not turn around. Please. Please, Gods, do not notice me or turn around! I breathe. Breathe. Can't do nothing now, but breathe. Panic is the mind killer. I remind myself of that. People do stupid things, when they act in panic. Think. THINK! Plan. THEN act! Breathe.
How? HOW did this happen? Trace it back. Find the source and we can... can maybe unhook the noose. Fix this? Escape? Run and keep running. Find the edge of the map and keep going. Where did it...? My brain, maybe my magic, finally takes pity. Connects the wires that have long been JUST missing each other. My mental list of Genre Troupes. My history with the Prince.
The blood drains from my face.
Oh fuck. Shit! Oh fuck, oh SHIT. Yandere. He was a YANDERE hidden route character! Wasn't he!? It's the only thing that makes sense with the-! No, no, he should still-! But, wait. No. No, no, NO. Oh god! I pulled a combo attack. "Childhood best friend" even though we WEREN'T. I was basically the closest in age to him! AND the only non-asshole! So that's "Different From The Others"!
Oh mother FUCKER, I pulled a "Only One Who Cares About Me" while SERVING him! His fucked up little squirrel brain would have taken that as "belonged to him" only to have me "taken away" when I was assigned elsewhere! Every time I kept someone from ABUSING him, I was making it WORSE. Every time they reassigned me, somebody was "trying to take me away"!
Oh sweet merciful FUCK, I got STABBED!
No WONDER he lost his absolute shit! He was unhinged to begin with! But instead of latching on to Protagonist and being HER problem, he latched on to ME! Why did no one warn me he was-!? Actually, I have no idea. Non-Just-Straight?! That! One of the THAT! Like FUCK I'm asking! He'd think it was an invitation, probably!
Because he NUCKING FUTS! Squirrels in the brain! Def Con OH SHIT!!
Yandere! Shit! I'm gonna di-!
"Something's upset you." The crown prince's surprisingly deep voice says, breaking the silence. I flinch. "I can feel your magic moving. An attack, perhaps? Or is someone saying something they should not."
He... oh, great, amazing! He can FEEL my magic. The magic INSIDE me body. That magic. Yeah, I don't feel stripped naked and on display AT ALL. Thanks! Definitely not invasive, your Highness! Still, I have to answer. Carefully. Very, VERY carefully.
He hums, disbelieving, as I reply. Lifting his pen and setting it aside. A graceful hand lifts. The mere flick of his fingers. "Move" it means. "Come where I can see you". Imperious and royal. Casual in it's assumed control of me. Why would he believe anything else, after all? He IS a prince. The CROWN Prince. Future KING.
He DOES own me.
I keep my breathing even. Keep my hands from visually shaking by tightening my grip on my spear. Even, professional, steps. Forward. Turn. Face your ruler. Your BETTER. No eye contact. Even breathing and eyes to the horizon. You are a statue. Just... just be a statue. No thoughts. You can do this.
It doesnt help. I can FEEL those pale, pale eyes. Striking and blue. Rare flower petals or glacier ice, they have been called. Compared to all sorts of haunting things. The Crown Prince is a beautiful man. That dangerous sort of pale beauty, that make for excellent portraits, of bright and holy things. That fools the eyes into thinking surely, SURELY the soul before your is Good. Trustworthy.
How could anything so beautiful be DANGEROUS?
Be corrupted and insane? A killer. A madman.
I stand at attention. Where he can observe me. His little toy soilder. Kept like a PET, I know realize, and try not to feel like I am being picked apart. Like a mouse in some tigers cage. The far wall sure is fascinating. Mmmmhmm. Very... very wall-like. Glass and artfully arranged flowering vines. Very pretty. What a wall! Ten stars for wall-ness.
The near silent shift of fine fabrics. A tap. Nail on high grade armor alloy. Just the smallest of sounds that nonetheless seems deafening. I barely stop myself from jerking back in alarm. Can't prevent my gaze from snapping downwards. To the arm outstretched, the elegant hand curled, the well manicured finger nail on the single outstretched finger... that has placed itself right over my heart. I freeze, utterly.
"You're getting nervous, aren't you? Growing uncertain. I've been so busy planning ahead, I've forgotten the here and now, haven't I?" He muses. That finger I should not be able to feel, that somehow feels like a knife trailed along my skin, glides slowly down. A meandering path down towards my belt. "I've neglected you."
The finger hooks into my belt. I am dragged forward a few stumbling steps with a deceptively strong tug. There is significant muscle, hidden by the almost waifish cut of his Highness daily wear. The eyes watching for my reaction are predatory. Intent. It was as though there should be fangs, in that pleasant, politician's grin...
"My steadfast knight, warrior of my heart, you've been so patient for me... so LOYAL." He rolled the word across his tongue as he said it, eyes locked on me with the sort of interest hunter keep, more a sigh then a word. Somehow.. Somehow the concept became OBSCENE, once in his hands. "So good for me. Even after all this time. Soon, Dearest. Soon we won't have to hide. I promise."
I had NEVER been a knight. Not even CLOSE to qualified for the training. Not even a single branch, magical or otherwise. Worse? I knew for a FACT? We had never, not ONCE, been lovers. No stolen glances. No fumbling youthful hands. No "hey, let's explore this closet!". Nothing. I? Had been studiously professional, if a decent human being.
This was ALL him.
What narrative had he painted in his head?
My heart pounds. My brain somehow both gibbering hysteria and unnatural calm. I... I think I may be disassociating. But all I can think, all I KNOW, is that I can NOT, Under ANY Circumstances, break the illusion. Do NOT argue. Why YES, deeply insane FUTURE KING, I DO love you so VERY much! Hey, don't mind me, just left the phone running. Gonna go for a walk. Buy some milk.
I watch, pleasant service industry smile feeling plastic on my face, as he leans forward. Rests his head against my armored chest, as though we were lovers. Just stealing a quite little moment alone. His hand slides along my belt, fingers hooked into it, the brush of his knuckles feeling far filthier then any groping hand. I can HEAR him breathing me in.
Obscene. How is he making such chaste contact so deeply obscene? He let's out a pleased hum and I want a shower.
"Kneel for me?" So soft I almost don't catch it, it takes a moment to register the words. This time, I can not stop myself from tensing. I know he feels it, but can not bring myself to care. "Shhhh shh shh, none of this, my Darling. To your knees before your King. Sweetheart, my dearest. You're going to be serving me there for the rest of our lives. It's okay. Your King won't rush you. He knows how shy you are. How nervous."
W-Well THAT wasn't treason! At ALL! Ha ha...! Oh god.
Hands at my waist. When did the other one-?! I'm shaking. Smile. D-dont set him off. This is fine. I... I shouldn't be ABLE to feel their heat, through my armor. Somehow I do. I want to back up. If I got to do this? At least let me-!
But, no. Pressure. Hands on my hips dragging me down, watching eyes expectant. In stops and starts... like a seizing automaton, my knees bend. Down I go... I guess.
Almost instantly, there are hands unbuckling my helmet. Sliding it off. Stealing it away. Fingers slide through my hair. Cup my cheek. A thumb running itself across my mouth. The prince seemed to loom. Hungry as he stared down at me.
"Beautiful. My loyal knight is so, SO beautiful. I am going to give us the world. Take what is ours. No one will EVER hurt us again, Dearest. I will keep you forever. Dress you in armor and roses. Mine and mine alone."
There was madness in his eyes. Obsession. Is...is that what that color meant? That burning, terrible blood? It's too late. Oh god, it's too late for that to help me. I smile. Do not argue. Fear and fear and fear. I have to get out. On my knees, it is a terrible view of what's to come, should I fail. The Games's utterly fucked. I no longer care.
I have to get out.
The King, after all, has gotten sick lately.
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kitkats-and-kittens · 7 months
Spoilers for Pjo.
You know I feel like people should acknowledge how fucked up camp halfblood is more often.
Like everyone always makes fun of New Rome for being uptight and sticklers for the rules, but low-key living at camp halfblood sucks.
The barrier wasn’t even up for a decade before it was broken and before that literal children were sent out to fight monsters despite being promised safety (Ik Talias protection made it slightly better, but still) and during sea of monsters they are once again required to fight as literal kids!
Unlike New Rome there’s no university for the Demigods to go to. Year rounders get tutored by Chiron (presumably) and then what? They have no actual credentials or any records of them graduating from school. Since no one knows about Camp they technically don’t have an address either which sucks if your parents are dead or don’t want you.
We see hardly any adult demigods around camp and I don’t know if they choose to leave or not, but either way they are set up for failure. Chiron tells Percy about the success stories, the people who go on to be Olympic athletes or celebrities due to their half godly nature, but it’s more than likely those are far outweighed by the failures.
Those who died hungry on the streets with no way to get a job and no home to return to. Those who were torn down by monsters without the protection of the camp. Even those who made it constant live with the terror that one day they’ll be found and killed. And what if those people have family’s? Will the monsters hunt them too? And what happens when they get too old to fight?
That’s not even mentioning the trauma they’ll be stuck with their entire lives.
No wonder so many end up joining the Emperors in ToA.
And you know what. Chiron need to take some damn accountability for being a shit mentor. He fucked off for most of the books but even when he talks to Percy about how much he cares he does quite literally nothing about Luke. How did a child manage to manipulate an immortal centaur for years without anyone catching on?
And he doesn’t improve after the war either. Will is made Head of Apollo Cabin at 13. He has two younger siblings and is essentially expected to act as their parent despite still being a child himself. Not to mention he’s the camps head doctor. He’s performed surgery! Which is exhausting and long and something no child should be dealing with. Especially since we know Chiron must have some healing abilities since he literally raised Asclepius.
Will is not paid either. None of them are. He doesn’t get a salary, so free child labour (cough cough exploitation) and after he leaves camp he’ll have no way to prove his medical training to anyone and no way to pay for medical school or even to get in without the appropriate documents.
I don’t like to rant about books but Rick Riordan did not go dark enough with this series and I will say this about his books until the day I die. The light comedic writing style means fucked up shit like this simply slips through the cracks.
There’s still so much I haven’t touched on.
What about the Hephaestus cabin and their curse. How did Chiron just stand by and watch as these kids continually blew themselves up?
Fighting in two wars?
The Romans are a little more fucked up there because we know there are adults who can fight and are simply choosing to send children in their place.
Octavian being quite literally brainwashed into dying for his land.
Jason’s entire backstory.
The fact that most demigod children probably die before ever reaching camp is very much not touched on and it should be.
The fact that camp halfblood is hidden with the mist means that no one knows where the year rounders are. Which is weird when you think a lot of the reason people become year rounders is too many monster attacks or horrible home lives which further implies out in the real world there are genuine missing posters for these kids. Some might even be considered legally dead so what happens when they rock up in their early 20’s attempting to rejoin society?
In conclusion Camp Halfblood is fucked and Chiron is not some innocent fun loving centaur dude. His lack of action had a very big and very real impact on these kids.
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antisocialties · 2 years
Twitch <3
Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Summary: in which matt streams you, chris, nic, and himself playing fortnite.
Warnings : Profanity is used, that’s literally it.
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It was late at night and Matt had recently started streaming on twitch regularly again.
You, Matt, Chris, and Nic were all getting ready to play squads on Fortnite and Matt decided to stream it.
They played on their desktops in their rooms, while you played on your Nintendo Switch behind Matt on his bed.
You shifted on Matt’s bed sitting up on the corner so you’d be visible to the camera on his side.
“Yeah it’s on. Alright it started, let’s see how many people we get in here.” Matt said slightly smiling as he watched the viewers begin to join.
“I wonder if the fans can like hear us well?” Chris questioned over his mic.
“Can y’all- can one of y’all go to my twitch and tell me if it’s like- if the audio and everything sounds good?”
“Hey Matt.” Nic responded.
“Yeah it sounds good, bro.” Chris assured him.
“Does it? Okay word.”
“And like you and Nic too?”
“I can’t tell cause i’m like hearing everything twice, the fans will tell you.” Nic stated after trying to check himself.
You stood up and walked up behind his chair bending to peer over him, resting your chin on his shoulder and watching as a number of comments already began to roll in and spam the chat very fast.
He slightly turned to the side to lock eyes with you and grinned before returning his focus to the screen in front of him and cracking his neck.
“Hello everyoneee. Hey.” He greeted the fans as even more began to join the stream.
“Hi guyyys.” You waved at the camera, sending it an awkward beam before walking back to the corner of the bed you’d previously been sitting on.
“How many people do we think are here?” Matt curiously asked.
“Yeah this is good bro” Chris spoke again, referring to the sound quality and level of the stream.
“Oh my god.”
“Oh wow, slow the chat down.” Nic advised Matt.
“It’s in slow mode max, so I can’t even.”
Your mouth dropped open watching the viewer count go up in a haste manor.
“Someone said bro it’s 1 am- girl it’s 12:30.” Nic corrected in his sarcastic tone.
“We’re just getting started.” Matt declared with a soft smile.
“I don’t round up.”
“I hate rounding up.” Chris added
“Matt explain…explain our-“
“The only roundin’ up I like is on my farm when I round up them horses!” Chris quickly interrupted Nic
“What Nic? Alright.”
“I said explain the um- our usernames.”
“I will but they can’t even see it yet.”
“Can’t- aren’t you watching the stream? You can see what they can see, you goof.”
“Kid why would I watch the stream when i’m experiencing it live?”
They began to test if the chat could hear everyone and successfully concurred that they could hear everyone at a sufficient and clear volume.
You laughed as Matt failed to blurt out the correct number when Nic forced them to try the test again for his own satisfaction.
Nic started to sing into his mic after the chat claimed that Nic and Chris were too quiet for them, and Matt had began to playfully banter with Nic after Nic responded to him telling the chat that it was now a rule not to tell Nic when he was being quiet.
“Okay hold on, I want to show them this.”
Matt slid his chair back and stood up walking passed you to the back of the room to show off the large canvas of him in Vermont that he’d gotten to display on the wall in his room.
“Damn you look thick as fuck!” Chris obnoxiously exclaimed with a chuckle directly after he had turned around and showed the decor to the screen.
You couldn’t hold in your snickers at Chris’s tone and Matt’s reaction to the comment he had just made while live in front of tons of people.
Matt let out a laugh after, calling Chris out; explaining to chat what they were looking at.
You stared up at him admiring the way his face had stretched into the beautiful smile you had gotten to know all too well.
“Look it chat, it’s a giant canvas of me in Vermont that i got for my room.” He explained to the viewers so they’d have context of what they were looking at.
“And now i’m not turning around. Chris is gonna say some weird shit.”
“No. Come on.”
“Can y’all hear me good?” Nic once again asked everyone.
Matt began to walk back to his seat but not before he backed up once again right beside you and began to imitate a Fortnite emote.
You began to giggle, watching as he danced facing the camera with an enthused look on his face.
“Hit the best emote you can Matt!” Chris encouraged, you could practically hear him grinning over the mic.
Matt walked passed you to his nightstand picking up the small singing plush snowman he had gotten, he walked up to the mic pressing the button on it and it obnoxiously began to recite a Christmas carol.
Chris was instantly irritated and ordered Matt to take it away from the microphone and turn it off. Matt complied after only a few seconds before returning it to its original place and going back to his seat.
“Alright that’s all I got, let’s start the stream everyone. Let’s start the stream. Jesus.”
Chris once again brought it to Matt’s attention that some people in the chat had said he was quiet.
“They’re not!”
“Alright whatever, let’s just run it. I don’t give a shit.”
“Alright let me put me-.”
“They said noise complaints coming your way, with an exclamation point. That is so funny.” Nic interrupted Matt mid sentence.
“Yesss.” Chris added.
“Alright let me put me there. Let’s put us on the screen here.” Matt voiced as he made the launched Fortnite application visible to all of the viewers and resized the box that showed the both of you, making it smaller and putting it off to the side so the game would be visible.
“I hope not, I can’t handle it.” Nic admitted to the chat.
Your dimples popped as you acknowledged Nic’s comment, imagining angry neighbors and a petrified Nic answering the front door.
Matt began to explain all of your guys’ usernames to the chat so they’d have some sort of context and would be able to tell everyone apart from each other whilst you played.
You adjusted, rolling over to lie on your stomach and face the camera at the edge of the bed behind Matt with your Switch in your hands as you waited for the match to start.
Chris had made a comment on how late it was in Brazil and Matt got excited.
You guys started to load into the game as the chat asked more little questions.
You guys all had jumped out of the bus and began to land in the same general vicinity of each other while looting the area. Matt still talking to his brothers and interacting with the chat.
Matt was being targeted by a group of players and you and Chris tried coming to his rescue before he was killed and let out a little squeal.
You attempted to hold back a snort at his reaction and sound effects to dying so quickly into the game.
Matt got up to grab a root beer from the kitchen nearby while he was spectating Chris still playing.
“You want anything?” He asked you from the doorway with sincere eyes.
“Yeah i’ll take a (y/f/d) if you wouldn’t mind, thank you babe.” You responded with a genuinely delighted expression before returning your focus to the game as you followed behind Chris.
He returned relatively quickly, handing you your drink before confessing an irrational fear of his about how he was worried whenever he left his room something weird would happen on camera.
Nic made a joke sort of feeding into his concerns but in a tasteful way, ultimately amusing Matt and yourself.
Matt opened up his can of soda, causing Chris to turn his attention to the sound and asking Matt if he would go retrieve him a Pepsi and bring it downstairs to him since he was still only spectating you guys.
Matt of course denied his request baffled he’d even ask since he was literally upstairs and would most likely be brought back into the game within the next few seconds since Chris was getting ready to revive him and you were covering him.
Matt quickly joined back into the group flow of tag teaming your opponents, the group of you acting as a team unit and functioning best that way.
This time you and Nic had died and Matt and Chris were left to bring you back. While you waited to return to the game you got up and crouched beside his chair to watch him firsthand, while spectating Chris on your console so you could see both accounts of the game.
You kissed his cheek softly but quickly before watching a slight flush rise to his cheeks. You couldn’t help but feel so lucky knowing this was your day to day life and you got to spend it all with him, the boy of your dreams who you’d fallen so in love with.
You guys spent pretty much the entirety of every single day together, and when it wasn’t just the two of you, it was spent with his brothers as well, seeing as Chris and Nic were your best friends.
You had a great relationship with his brothers and the rest of his family and he couldn’t have been more happy that all of the important people in his life were genuinely caring toward each other and shared a mutual love and respect for one and other.
You guys streamed for over 2 and a half hours, eventually saying your goodbyes around 3 am.
You and Matt’s first instinct after shutting off your console and his PC was to simultaneously get up and raid the kitchen. You both had decided on takis and drinks, before walking into the living room and sitting right next to each other on the couch.
Matt’s blanket was already right beside the spot in which he decided to sit, so he quickly grabbed it and spread the soft fabric over the two of you.
You ripped open your bag of takis, setting them down in between the two of you so you could reach over and grab your drink from the coffee table and open it.
He had already grabbed the remote and switched the TV on looking for something for the both of you to watch by the time you had sat it down and laid back onto the couch.
Your feet curled up beside you on the couch as you stretched out a bit, leaning on him and resting your head on his shoulder.
His immediate response was to turn his attention in your direction and kiss the top of your head as he wrapped his left arm around you.
There was a silent but meaningful interaction between you anytime he’d done that. You couldn’t help but feel warm on the inside as you felt butterflies fly throughout every vein in your body every. single. time.
He ended up deciding on watching a Disney movie, since he knew those were something you were normally able to relax and fall asleep to.
You looked up giving him a soft smile and he returned, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips. You hummed in response, melting into his shoulder and neck. At this point you were practically on him, both of you cuddling and reaching for your snacks as your movie started.
About halfway through you had already finished eating and were laying on each other, starting to dose of.
He weighed the pros and cons of getting up from your guys’ current spot and decided that cuddling and falling asleep to the movie was obviously the better choice since you were already so warm and comfy.
He brushed your hair back out of your face, kissing your cheek and ultimately shifting you guys to comfortable sleeping positions.
“I love you.” He spoke as you adjusted yourself.
“I love you too.” You responded, your tired voice just above a whisper.
You laid your head upon his chest, listening to his soft breathing while his arm was underneath of you. It wasn’t hard to close your eyes after taking a deep breath of him in through your nose and relaxing all of your muscles.
There was nothing but pure bliss radiating between the two of you as you peacefully drifted into a state of sleep.
i am accepting requests! feel free to send anything into my asks for matt or chris, just no NSFW! <3
tag list: @im-a-matt-girl @sturniolomads @hii-multifandom-toomany @stxrniqlo @mettsturniolo
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I need Lambert/Milena in a Shrek AU.
Just imagine with me:
Duke de Roggeven insults a powerful wizard (we all know he would - he'd be lucky if it was only ONE) who then curses his daughters. All three of them.
(ETA: he pissed off Yennefer. Probably insulted her mixed elven heritage and/or her inability to have kids, so she went "alright. Let's see how you feel when YOUR daughters are inhuman and infertile monsters.")
By night, each of them transforms into a different non-human humanoid: Marta is a succubus (all her lust for power and a crown turned into a different kind of lust - and we'll pretend that succubi *can* live without sex, but they feel sick and hungry the whole time), Marika is an elf (still elegant and pretty, but inhuman enough to shock everyone - Marika didn't piss off Yennefer), and Milena is a witcher (Yennefer saw her strength and kindness and went "this suits you.")
Marta, of course, spends the entire time being FURIOUS at being some "sex obsessed half goat! I am the daughter of a DUKE! The ELDEST DAUGHTER! How dare she!" Marika isn't happy, per se, but she privately goes "it could be a LOT worse. I'll take it." Milena actually enjoys her new abilities - she's so strong! Her senses are much sharper! - and the eyes are rather pretty.
After being COMPLETELY HORRIFIED that his daughters (well, mostly Marta) are cursed to become non-humans by night, Duke de Roggeven locks them in a castle guarded by a dragon and then pretends that he's sent them abroad to stay with distant relatives.
Meanwhile, Marta is getting on EVERYONE'S last nerve with her constant bitching, Marika is trying to keep their lifestyle as pleasant as possible, and Milena...
Milena befriends the dragon. She thinks Villentretenmerth is fascinating, and when she learns that the three ladies who showed up to help the sisters are also dragons, she wants to learn as much as they can teach her.
(Marta refuses to acknowledge any of them. "I will not consort with beasts," she sniffs hautily, and locks herself in a private bedroom every night before sunset.)
So! Back in Redania, Duke de Roggeven has convinced everyone that Yennefer's line about "whoever breaks the curse will gain a treasure greater than gold or gems" means that they can gain literal treasure (and/or magical treasure) by rescuing and marrying his daughters, and not - to take an example COMPLETELY at random - their true love as a bride.
(Yes, true love is the cure. Of course it is.)
So the asshole king of Kaedwen hears about the supposed princess and holds a huge tournament - and Lambert shows up because "that fucker dumped a bunch of refugees in our mountains, the fucking bastard. Who does that?!"
Jaskier, being one of the refugees - and also a bard who can sense the potential for a good story - insists on coming with him. They 100% do the "Donkey won't stop singing until Shrek snaps at him to shut up - and then he hums" scene.
About five times.
(Geralt and Eskel either stayed home to help Vesemir manage the refugees or hang around the Kaedweni court to remind the king of his promise - and make sure he doesn't get any even WORSE ideas.)
(Lambert REFUSED to stay in Kaer Morhen when Vesemir was being bossy - "I get enough of him riding my damn ass during fucking winter, NO GODSDAMNED WAY." And his brothers very sensibly refused to let him stay in court longer than absolutely necessary because, uh, they've MET Lambert and they know exactly how badly it would go. So he gets rescue duty by default. At least the princess will be happy to get to Ard Carraigh and away from him. They send Jaskier with him to try to temper some of his, uh, Lambert-ness.)
Anyway! Lambert and Jaskier arrive at the tumbledown castle guarded by a dragon, and Jaskier is immediately like "oh how wonderful! How majestic! Look at that wingspan!" And Lambert is like "...remember how we're here to fight the bastard? We have to GET PAST HIM to rescue whatever noble bint got stuck out here."
Jaskier pouts.
Villentretenmerth finds all this terribly amusing, especially since he recognizes a witcher when he sees one. So he sticks his nose in their camp and asks (rumbles) "what makes you think that even a witcher can defeat the greatest and oldest of dragonkind?"
So Jaskier introduces them - as dramatically and fancily as possible - and states that they are here to rescue the princess.
Milena creeps out from Villentretenmerth's wing. "We are the daughters of the Duke de Roggeven, and there are three of us. I hope you will still take us home?"
Villentretenmerth sighs. This girl. Always getting underfoot. "I will let you take the ladies with you - but you must convince them to leave freely. If they refuse - now or later - I will take them back."
"He sent THREE girls to some remote fucking castle? Fucker. Yeah, I'll take you all. Jask, let's find 'em and get out of here."
So Milena leads them up to the tallest tower where her sisters spend their day. I can't decide if I want Marta to do the whole "sleeping beauty waiting for a kiss" thing (assuming that JASKIER is her princely rescuer and Lambert is just there as a guard.) If she does, she'll get a rude surprise when Lambert shakes her awake and tells her to pack anything she's taking with her, they're LEAVING.
So the guys get the ladies and lead them out - pretending to ignore the hissing and squabbling that said ladies are doing behind the men's backs - and are unhappily surprised AGAIN because not only are their rescuer(s) NOT a prince and his retinue, they don't even have HORSES.
The dragons, of course, are watching this with amusement...and no little relief at getting rid of Miss Complainer the Eldest.
I'm gonna say it takes less than two days for Marta and Lambert to have a truly nasty fight. She wants a horse. A private carriage, really, but she'll SETTLE for a horse. Purebred, obviously. And fashionable new dresses, and BATHS, and food cooked in an actual KITCHEN, and a private bedroom from sundown to sunrise, and...
Lambert is just like "look lady, I don't get any reward until I deliver you, I don't have the coin for any of that, and I wouldn't waste on stupid fucking luxuries if I did."
This does not go over well. At all. There are very angry words shouted about his lack of preparation, decorum, breeding, proper dress...the list is endless.
Lambert gives exactly zero shits.
Milena is watching the fight with interest - she finds him FASCINATING - and Marika is mostly trying to stay out of it. She agrees with Marta on most of the points - their tower-castle was reasonably comfortable, certainly more so than this long hike back to civilization - but also, freedom.
If only they were returning home instead of to a strange country...
Which is about when Villentretenmerth - as the human Borsch - walks into their camp, accompanied by the three dragon woman who have been tending to the sisters. "Marchionesses. Wolf. Bard. I warned you I would take the ladies back if they wished to leave your company."
"The TOWER is better than staying with this BARBARIAN," Marta sniffs. "And Father arranged for marriages for Marika and I already!"
(She knows she gets the crown prince - and she knows that Kaedwen's king is a murderous asshole. Being queen doesn't count if she's not alive to enjoy it...and she won't have allies there to help her plot regicide. She's ambitious, not stupid.)
Somehow, it works out that Borsch and his friends take Marta and Marika back while Lambert and Jaskier continue to Kaedwen with Milena. There is ABSOLUTELY a scene where Lambert is out hunting when bandits try to attack the supposedly unguarded noblewoman and bard, and Milena thoroughly kicks their ass.
Lambert runs back just in time to be HELLA aroused impressed at Milena. Jaskier is already composing an ode to her.
They arrive at Ard Carraigh. Stuck up knights send for the king, who pretends he's a decent person long enough to carry Milena off on a fancy horse. Half an hour later, just as Lambert is moping about losing his new friend, his brothers arrive and go "quick, where's the lady? We have to get out her out of here!"
A very confusing but short explanation-argument later, Eskel and Geralt are chasing after Lambert as he storms the royal palace BY HIMSELF, because like hell will he leave Milena to that monster!
The confrontation is absolutely the most dramatic thing Ard Carraigh has seen in decades, with the witchers storming in just after Milena is crowned but before she can kiss her new husband...
...whom Lambert immediately punches in the face. "HOW MANY WOMEN HAVE YOU KILLED?!? HOW MANY, ASSHOLE? Did you even bother to COUNT THEM?"
Everyone gasps. Eskel and Geralt keep the guards back with drawn swords.
"NO MORE! I *WILL NOT* let you murder Milena for your sick fucking games!"
The king tries to splutter something, but Lambert takes his head off before he can get it out.
And then the sun sets.
And Milena...changes.
Scars from her training with the dragons, greater muscles than any noblewoman should have, and her eyes...
She shrieks - not at the king's death or the witchers' violence, but at her own secret coming out. She's hidden it for so long, and so carefully...she'll never survive this. The Kaedweni court will turn her out, if they don't execute her with her (very briefly) husband -
And then Lambert takes her hand.
"Milena? Are you...okay? Did they hurt you? What happened?"
"I'm CURSED! My sisters and I are cursed - for years now!"
He looks at her. "Y'look fine to me. It suits you."
"I wouldn't lie to you. Never have, never will. And I think you look - good. Really good. The dress is kinda silly - "
Milena giggles. She thought the same thing, when her maids were lacing and buttoning her into the massive thing.
"But YOU are gorgeous. Always have been."
"You still like me? Even..."
"As mutated and scarred up as I am? I'd have to be a fool not to. You're the bravest, strongest, most amazing woman I've ever met."
And she kisses him. She has to, can't hold it back.
(Cue the curse breaking - and leaving her as a witcher.)
Obviously there's cleanup, but Milena IS the queen, and is suddenly betrothed to the man who killed the murderous previous king - so it works out.
And then Villentretenmerth comes back.
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discoveredreality · 8 months
intro post <3
don't mind me editing this like every single day lol
my dm's and askbox is always open if u want to talk <3
anons are welcome too <3
also if u want to make new friends i am right here pls say hi im fucking lonely😭
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BELOVED MOOTS <33333 (everyone is tagging them and this is fun)
this in no particular order just whoever pops up on my dash or smth idk. not every moots just the ones i actually know lol. ok so
@im-just-here4853 my vent buddy omg we just vent to each other i love her so much idk what i would do without her <33
@the-gay-skeleton-in-ur-closet THEY'RE THE BEST OMGGGGG and they're nice and cool and shit <333333 i'm quoting myself it's fine AND LIKE SO NICE AND GOOFY AND EVERYTHING OMG
@cubemagnet somene i met on a random post and now we occasionally team up to correct grammar lol 🤓🤓🤓 anyways she's amazing :D and everything she says is so iconic like isjflsrijglruhglsuglijrsg
@book-girl4eva SHE'S AMAZINGGGGG. IT'S SO EASY TO GOOF AROUND W HER I LOVE IT. SHE ALWAYS SLAYS SO HARD. EVERYTHING ABOUT HER SLAYS. idk if you'll see this but this is for u pookie <3
@mil-pinterest-sss-here-i-am ??? questioning why we're moots. but he's literally so nice. literally will be my therapist and help me w maths because that shit is impossible 😭
@dandelionflowery omg literally so kind and everything all the time. so fun fun reading their fics and doing shit together omg
idk brain isnt braining ill add ppl as i go along
moodboards made by my lovely lovely moots <3
so far i only have one here cause i forgot to link the previous ones whoops 😭😭😭
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about me
i'm ari. she/her. nicknames welcome. go wild. dude/bro/girl/literally anything is also fine. i use 'lol' and '<3' too much. minor. literally the biggest procrastinator and so disorganised i dare u to find someone worse than me. i'm indian but i live in australia. bengali/north indian idk. band kid :D my pinterest is here. PLEASE DM ME IF U WANT TO. I NEED FRIENDS. IM AWKWARD AND BAD AT MAKING CONVERSATION BUT STILL PLS 😭😭😭
personality/star sign or whatever
according to the mbti test here i am an istp-t. i am also a cancer. i found out my sun, moon and rising signs and the marauders version and i wrote it down and lost it so then i redid it and i lost it again so i can't bother at this point someone help me :(
time zone
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my music taste
i love taylor swift, conan gray, olivia rodrigo, sabrina carpenter and honestly a lot of other stuff lol. also love bollywood music.
favourite books and authors
i love reading and i'm usually a really fast reader lol. i love harry potter (fuck jkr tho), kotlc, chetan bhagat books, the inheritance games, agggtm, literally all of karen m. mcmanus's books, the divergent series, pjo and hoo, lorien legacies, the selection, powerless, soc, girl in pieces, dictionary of lost words and bookbinder of jericho, all the books by amish, and a bunch of other books.
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idk the usual?? if u think ppl arent valid or you're literally an asshole. honestly you all can go get stuffed. idgaf
tag games and shit
yes you can absolutely tag me. i love tag games and chain asks. sometimes i may not get to doing it but i usually will and it makes me so happy when i'm tagged lol
i don't post that much stuff so i don't really have mulitple tags for my posts. anything or any shitposting or thoughts will be tagged #ari's shit. for asks it's #ari gets an ask?
i'm literally obsessed with drarry but i'm mostly part of the marauders fandom. i'm starting to make my way through all of the marauders fics. i love love love hermitcraft. i'm an ethogirl literally who doesn't love etho?? also really into trafficblr. i literally love six of crows so much like omg. desperately trying to get through the magnus archives im only 8 years late haha i also love kotlc sm. (team foster-keefe forever!) i'm low-key in love with keefe sencen cause omg. aaaand also a bunch of other shit but those are the main ones idk bro
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i'm bored and this is too long already might as well add more so here are a bunch of userboxes :D
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and that's all not because i have self control but because there is a limit to images per post 😭😭😭 i literally had to delete some of my aesthetic images for this soooo
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all the above photos are not mine, i got them off of pintrest.
my profile pic is obviously from the makowka picrew here
the beautiful dividers are linked here. these are by @saradika-graphics she is a literal star these dividers are so good
81 notes · View notes
starry-bi-sky · 9 months
ive been hesitating to ask this bc youve been on a roll with the clone^2au (which i am frothing over) but could i poke you for some childhood friend au? bc GOD i wanna see how danny reacts to reuniting w jason or how the rest of the batfam react to learning jason never told danny of his resurrection or wondering if dannys gonna put jokers dead body on a display/offering to jasons grave. i havent been normal about this since i first read it and was wondering. thank you for your writing.
RAAAAHHHH DON'T BE HESITANT I AM JUST AS FERAL OVER MY CHILDHOOD FRIENDS AU AS I AM WITH CLONE^2 I AM DELIGHTED BY THIS. Like.,,,, i literally love them,,, so much. I can't listen to The Crane Wives without thinking of them.
(which is my fault - the ao3 fic of them has literally only crane wives lyrics for each chapter title and summary (posted AND the ones not written) so of course im gonna associate with them.)
(if you wanna listen to some of their songs while thinking of cfau here are my recommendations: "Once & for All", "Here I Am", "Hollow Moon" is a Danny AND Jason song to me, this would be my go-to song for an animatic of CFAU if i had the skills for it. "Tongues and Teeth", "Curses" and "take me to war" is a heavy cfau danny song to me, and of course, "the moon will sing")
Like they're BEST friends dude, they're two sides of the same coin and when they were kids they would do this thing where their 'fingers crossed'/'double-crossed' was them hooking their index fingers in the fingers crossed gesture.
and i'm actually currently rewriting my original post into a more fic-like format, and when I'm done I'll post it on here under the cfau tag - with the original post still in tact. But its,,, gonna be so long dude,,,, the original behemoth was just over 9000 words,,, and I've written 3k words already of the new one and we haven't even reached Jason and Danny reuniting at the gala yet,,, i need to get back to that,,,
and then to answer your questions!! god im almost hesitant to answer because i dont wanna spoil the little fic i had planned for it but also like,, its not like im gonna spoil everything, right? and answering the questions isnt the same as writing the scene down so!!
i love danny and jason's reuniting, like i've thought about it SO much and I've thought about it happening after Danny kills the Joker. I know the reveal could have been before that, and it could have been equally just as dramatic but like??? Thematically, doing it after danny kills the joker is SO good. To me at least.
Because like?? Jason's been in somewhat denial about danny's plan to kill the joker for months. ever since danny told him that he wanted to at the gala. And from Jason's pov its not even technically a plan. He sees his best friend for the first time after five years and his best friend still isn't over his death. He hasn't stepped foot in Gotham since his funeral and now suddenly he's here.
And he's still so full of grief over his death that he tells a masked vigilante that he's going to kill the guy that did it, who lives in said masked vigilante's city. And danny's got that look in his eyes that Jason knows so well that means he's being serious. And yet he still doesn't know if he should believe him or not.
And then he does. Danny kills him. And Jason can't fucking believe it. And when he goes and sees Danny, Danny's hands are still covered in blood. And that reunion? God like a fucking firework show. Danny's so fucking angry, and pissed, and hurt, and so goddamn overjoyed that he's alive and here that he sends them both to the ground, and if he doesn't calm down he's gonna take out the power in a five block radius.
there's just so, so much yelling on Danny's end. And then so much crying, first from Danny and then them both. because god, you're alive. you're here. i've missed you so much. i'm never letting you out of my sights again.
and Joker's death! God I don't want to actually say too much about that, but the way I have it set up thematically makes me actually not want danny to take any part of the joker with him as an offering. and he may actually forego that particular ghost etiquette and offer something else as an offering to Jason in substitute to not bringing him the Joker's heart/head/ritualistic body part.
Because you know what the last thing a man whose been spending the last two decades of his life building himself up to be larger than life would want? A death that's unremarkable. :) and that's all i'll put on the matter for now.
and the batfam!! they technically already know that jason hasn't told danny he was resurrected, and plenty of them have mixed feelings on them. largely bruce and dick i think, considering they saw firsthand how close jason and danny were when they were kids.
Dick was honestly surprised at first when he found out that Jason hadn't told Danny he was alive - and on one hand he understands the reasoning for it, and on the other hand he isn't sure if it was such a good idea. Especially after he sees Danny again after he arrives back in Gotham and sees just how badly Jason's death was still affecting him. But it's not like he's going to try and convince Jason to tell him - he can make his own choices, even if Dick has questions about them.
Bruce has much the same thoughts as Dick, so there's not really much to add here other than he might bring it up once or twice to Jason like, vaguely. And then immediately drops it when Jason shuts him down. He might actually somewhat...?? prefer that Jason hasn't told Danny because that raises a lot of questions and could jeopardize their identities. However, again, Jason can make his own choices and there's not much Bruce can do about it other than disapprove from afar.
Tim who knew of Danny from stalking the Wayne family shares similars sentiments of being surprised that Jason didn't tell Danny, but again, yeah, understands the thought process to some extent. Doesn't bring it up ever.
Everyone else who hadn't seen firsthand how close Danny and Jason are don't really have much opinion on it -- Jason didn't tell his best friend he was alive, great, he also didn't tell them either so it's not like its that much of a surprise. It would've been more of a surprise to them if Jason had told Danny before he told Bruce and co. Damian may make a comment or two about Jason not telling Danny, but its not about how he can't believe he didn't tell him or anything like it.
#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp x dc crossover#danny fenton is not the ghost king#cfau#childhood friends au#danny and jason are such best friends i love them so much#BUT YEAH ASK ME MORE QUESTIONS ABOUT CFAU I'LL SCREAM#AND THEN TRY AND ANSWER THEM TO MY BEST ABILITY#like i could go on RANTS almost SPECIFICALLY about rath (dan) and then about jason and danny#and their friendship like i've thought about this au with a combined soulmate au and immediately hated the idea because no!#no! i can't call them soulmates. i can't it doesnt fit. their bond goes DEEPER than that. its *better* than that#this wasn't written in the stars it was forged in the back alley streets of gotham with all the broken glass under their feet#and the smell of nicotine weaving itself into the fabrics of their shirts. their souls aren't intertwined because the universe said so#they're two balls of yarn tangled together because they batted it at each other and decided to play cats cradle. and then never bothered#to untangle the string from one another. you'll never know where one ends and the other begins#i actually have a cfau miscellaneous facts post in my drafts that i need to finish too and i might do that today because of this ask <33#the fastest way to starry's heart is through her ask box#asking me questions about my aus is the fastest way to make me make more content about them ajshld#see: clone^2 (i've been coasting off the fanart i got from them for the last two days) and now this#i need to stop more before i start waxing more poetic about jason and danny's bond with one another.#also also jason is equally as feral about danny as danny is about him (see: him plotting joker's demise since he was 14) its just not#showing as much since a lot of this is from danny's pov. like dw this isn't one-sided obsession its mutual.#see: jason seeing danny's scars and immediately wanting to find out who caused it and getting murderously angry about it#its not a starry post unless its long#idk maybe im just obsessed with the idea that relationships are chosen and forged with time and that the bonds we have arent because they#were predetermined but because we made them to be. Like how clone^2 said 'i choose to be brothers' and how danny and jason said#'i choose you. i will always choose you. you're my other half. the one who watches my back. i choose you.'
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 8 months
Beneath Miles of Stone - Part eleven - John Wick x Plus Size Fem Reader
Summary: John has been in prison for nine months. He’s content to stay if it means appeasing the high table and keeping peace between the owners of each continental. However, he meets someone who erases that willingness. Peace be dammed.
TW; this is just really gross fluff. Like I didn’t even think I was capable of this mushy stuff but this chapter was HONESTLY my favorite that I’ve written so far. Enjoy some soft John Wick ❤️ And thank you for reading.
Work is literal hell. Not just for her, but the patient’s, too.
To replicate the infirmary, the prison has attempted to create a pop up hospital on the main level.
Literal curtains attached to metal poles separate the sick inmates from the main, drafty entrance. Blankets upon blankets is not enough to keep these people warm. The upper and lower levels have been partially closed off, and to get anywhere you have to navigate yellow tape and maintenance and construction workers and use the stairs instead of the busted elevator. That would be okay if everything she needed for her patient’s was right at hand instead of four floors down locked in a dark storage room.
She’s thankful to have her job back, but after a night arguing with managers about the safety of the inmates, and running up and down stairs with supplies including oxygen tanks and water jugs, she’s exhausted, scared for these grown men’s lives, angry, and wondering whether or not she should call whoever owns the place and tell them it needs shut down and the prisoners need relocated.
Even the guards seem scrambled, fried, like they don’t know what to do in the midst of all the damage and chaos.
She’s been looking for Mike all night, and finally she sees him as he’s walking down the hall and picking up pieces of fallen plaster.
She’s so glad that he’s alive she almost hugs him.
“Hey darling,” he smiles, letting the broom and dustpan dangle at his side. He’s pale and sweaty and his overalls look loose, like he’s lost a lot of weight.
“Are you alright?” She asks.
He shakes his head. “Just getting over whatever the hell decided to mess my lungs up. Are you alright? I was asking around, trying to see if you were here that night and if you were okay, but no one could tell me a damn thing.”
“I was here,” she nods, “but I got out fine.”
“I knew there was a reason I was praying for God to send his best guardian angel to you,” Mike tells her, wiping sweat off his forehead. “You’re blessed. A lot of people died that night.” He looks away, down the hall behind her, sadness crinkling his sunken face.
She cringes, looks at the floor, remembering. No angels have ever been in this prison, and no God exists in this fucked up world.
Instead of saying any of that, she thanks him for the prayers and asks if there’s anything she can do to help him feel better.
“Just keep yourself grounded, kid. I was in Vietnam for a long time, and I know what seeing this kind of thing does to a younger person.” He motions at the blood stains on the concrete walls. “It either makes you hard, or makes you crazy.”
They both try sad smiles for the other’s benefit before parting ways.
She looks for Benny all night, too, almost hopeful that John bluffed. But the big man is not here, and no one says anything to indicate whether he’s alive or dead, so she assumes that she signed his death certificate herself.
When she makes it home, aching and yearning for a shower and a soft pillow, John is outside her apartment.
In any other circumstance, he would see her immediately, but right now he’s helping two elderly women that live on her level load something big into their trunk.
She watches the scene unfold, sees the way they thank him and hug him and kiss his cheek like he’s just saved children in an orphanage collapse, and realizes something about John Wick: Mike’s prayers for God to send her an angel were granted. Here he is, catching her eyes and smiling, her deadly guardian angel. She couldn’t see it before while her vision was clouded by spilled blood and instinctual fear, but he’s saved her life twice, subdued everyone he’s met into loving him, threw their trash away at the bar instead of just leaving it on the table for the waitress, and, if given the opportunity, she knows, without a doubt, he’d save a kitten from a tree and carry people out of a burning building and then go back in for more.
The cold, white sunlight illuminates his tawny eyes into a pit that she’s falling into and never climbing back out of and she can’t believe him hoisting something into a helpless senior citizen’s trunk was the final push.
She reaches where he stands leaning against his car, and he kisses her cheekbone in greeting, the fever of his skin instantly warming her freezing flesh. “Let me take you for breakfast?”
This sickly sweet exchange has her all messed up inside. She feels like her heart is a sleeping dragon hoarding her emotions in a pile and someone is tickling its nose with a feather and waking the beast up.
“I’m dirty,” she tells him, as if somehow that’s going to change his plans.
He cocks his head. “I can wait while you take a shower?”
Going to breakfast with a beautiful angel sounds lovely, but she doesn’t want him to smell her sweat and run the other way. “Sorry, I’m just gross right now.”
“I love dirt,” he teases. “Just come. They run out of the blueberry pancakes fast.”
She sighs, “fine, but if you smell me it’s not my fault.”
He eases her worries by pulling her into his nostrils and inhaling the skin of her neck.
She squeals with laughter, pushing to get his stubble off her ticklish skin as he nuzzles and sniffs.
“Hm.” He pulls away, thinking. “Smells wonderful so far. Maybe I should try again-“
“No!” She flails in his grip. “No john. don’t. Stop!”
He’s in the crook of her neck again, terrorizing poor nerves.
She hits on his chest, presses her neck down over his face to buck him off, giggles obscenely for everyone in the street to hear.
Her laughter is infectious, and she is beautiful.
“Apple shampoo?” He guesses, grinning down at her after ceasing cruel ministrations.
“Apple conditioner,” she corrects, glowering.
He leads her, by the waist, to his passenger door.
While he holds the door open for her, she rolls her eyes and curtsies. “Thank you, Mr. Wick.”
He growls, playful, reaching for her as she falls into his cab.
She’s giggling and then screeching, shocked as he chases her in and folds her against the driver’s door.
It’s cold in here, but the heater that he calls a body can’t be fully enjoyed without some chill involved anyway.
And she can’t find the audacity to be cold when he’s tickle attacking her.
Facial hair in the crease of her neck and fingers on her belly and ribs is a deadly combination when he combines it with his huge, agile, speedy hands.
“Oh-o-k-Kay I’m sss-sorr-y!”
He digs into her armpits and she screams, bucking her body so hard that she actually lifts him up a little bit. He’s impressed.
“Please.” “No.” “Fuck.” “Shit.” All broken, yelping words from her feral mouth until he stops without warning.
He kisses her gasping lips, and grins. Zero percent disheveled or tired from fighting her while she pants and squirms. “Such language.”
“What about blueberry pancakes?” She flexes away from his lethal fingers.
“You gonna stop being a heathen?” He asks, hoping the answer is no.
“I’ll try,” she promises, grimacing while she waits for impact.
He slides off of her, and they climb over one another - mostly just John moving both of them to their respectful places since she’s so wobbly - to trade places in the seat.
“Pancakes saved your ass,” he tells her, starting the car.
“Good ol’ pancakes,” she grins, “always there in my time of need.”
The restaraunt is a tiny diner on the corner of 3rd and Cross. It’s retro, metal and faded gold red upholstery, with flowers in glass vases adorning each booth.
She wastes no time in smelling the poinsettias when they take seats across from one another.
“Wow,” she says, “these are beautiful.”
“They’ve always had fresh flowers since I was young,” John explains, leaning close and taking a whiff. “You’ve never been?”
“I just moved here a little bit ago. City of opportunity. I think I’ve been to four restaurants and they’re all pizza places.”
“When did you move?” He asks.
She tells him, then adds: “When did you move from Russia?”
“I can’t exactly remember,” he says, “young, though.”
“What was your favorite place to go?”
“Internationally?” John clarifies.
She nods, toying with the edge of her napkin.
“New York. It’s my home.”
She’s jealous of that word. Such a foreign thing for her to think about, a home. But she’s happy that he has some place he loves.
It’s strange and sad, to meet someone more lost than he’s ever been. Even when he was young, he can’t remember a time when he didn’t have a place to sleep even if it was a cold wooden floor on a burlap sack, and he still has family here.
He grabs her hand, startling her with warm touch on her freezing fingers.
Neither one is used to it, even though they crave the foreign feeling of intimacy.
He rubs her palm with his thick thumb, pressure heavy and soothing.
White snow turns blue, pink, and orange sherbet as clouds curtain back to reveal a painted, fluffed candy sky.
They stare at each other, oblivious to the rainbow of color framing their embrace in front of the big window.
John hasn’t been scared in a long time, but he’s horrified by what his chest is doing while he looks at her face.
Vulnerability hangs in the flower scented air between them, and each one is afraid to cross its’ path.
Like a near extinct species meeting another one of its kind for the first time in a jungle filled with chaos, and, yet, still extraordinarily lonely.
The waitress sets menus on their table, pulling them from uncharted sea back into familiar rocking ocean.
“John,” Cindy greets, leaning down to embrace him.
“Cindy,” he replies, smiling, patting her shoulder and squeezing her back.
The older, plump woman chokes laughter and pulls out from his arm, dusting off imaginary lint from his jacket. She cracks her back and neck and rubs her shoulder. “See you haven’t lost your heavy hands?” She asks playfully. “Gotta be careful with us older people, though. We’re breakable.”
The faintest tint of pink colors his cheeks as he chuckles apologetically. “Sorry.”
“And who’s this?” Cindy asks, grinning down at her.
John introduces them, and Cindy pulls her into a warm hug. “Hi honey.”
Cindy turns her delighted smile on John. “Delo?”
Cindy claps her hands together, laughing in joy. “I’m going to get Bill. Hold on.” She starts to scurry away, but then turns around. “Oh, what do you want to drink?”
“Black coffee,” John says.
“Orange juice?” She says.
Cindy’s gone again.
He’s reminded by the side conversation she didn’t understand that there’s something on his mind he needs to ask her, because as much as he appreciates it, it’s starting to make him paranoid. “You haven’t asked a lot about what I..” he struggles to find the right words. “Do for work.”
“Do you want me to?” Her face is forgiving, non judgmental, although a little timid.
“No.” He hopes he doesn’t upset her with the blunt answer.
“I figured.” She’s a little disappointed, but only because she wants to know if he’s safe while on the job. And also because people that don’t reveal a lot about themselves tend to just disappear without explanation.
“I’m sorry,” he says.
She waves his apology away. “You don’t really know what I do for work either.”
“Hmm.” He leans back, man spreading and dwarfing the booth. His knees knock hers and she laughs nervously, shying away. “Nurses. Hurt people to make them feel better.”
She cringes. “I never thought of it that way.”
“You give people shots, dress wounds-“ he refers to himself “-fix plumbing, cover for maintenance, open packages, argue with stupid doctors, make older ladies adore you, hold people’s hands. This list goes on. Am I close?”
She laughs. “You’re forgetting one huge part.”
He motions for her to tell him about it.
“We wipe a lot of ass.”
His head falls into his hands, and he shakes with heavy laughter. “Jesus,” he says.
“What?” She teases. “Tough guy embarrassed by ass wiping? But not ass whipping? It’s two letters.”
His laugh gets harder, now with added groaning at her embarrassing admission in the nearly empty but still occupied diner. Full of surprises. He peaks at her through his hands. “Just how you say it.”
She shrugs. “Nature of the beast.”
He puts his chin in his hand. “What’s your dream job? Surely not that?”
She tells him, then asks the same question.
“Librarian,” John replies.
She actually does laugh at him this time because she thinks he’s joking. He joins her laughter.
“Yeah?” She asks.
He opens his arms wide as if to embrace the career choice. “Yeah.”
Why is it so strangely hot to imagine him as a strict librarian working late nights at her local book dealer? There’s more to that fantasy, and it involves her getting lost in the maze of massive shelves right before the library closes and then sexy suited librarian finding her and deciding to punish her for her carelessness - but getting horny in a restaurant is not convenient.
And Cindy’s back with Bill, who also gives them both big hugs.
“Jesus John,” he says, “you swallow more iron every day?”
“That’s what I told him!” Cindy cries, elbowing her husband.
“Bill,” John nods.
Cindy sets their drinks down in front of them. “I was just asking about you the other day,” she tells John. “You haven’t been on one of your long trips for a while.”
John sips his scalding coffee and listens to Cindy talk, occasionally nodding and agreeing with the banter between her and Bill.
She drinks her orange juice and listens to the conversation about Cindy almost getting mugged on 23rd.
“And I said, if John was here those punks would have been sorry.” Cindy puts her hands on her hips and shakes her head, then looks at her.
“He’s always been my little - “ Cindy looks back at John “ - big guard dog. Anybody comes in her looking for trouble, he’s got us covered.”
She smirks over at John, who’s trying to act like he’s not blushing again. He narrows his eyebrows at her cheeky expression in a challenging warning at that says ‘comment on these pink cheeks, and you’re fucked.’
Her eyes shy away from his own as she drinks more tangy juice.
“Oh my god, Bill, he’s laying the charm on this poor girl,” Cindy whispers in her husband’s ear.
Bill glares at Cindy. “They can hear you,” he says.
Cindy pats John’s upper arm, quelling his elevated embarrassment.
“You take it easy on her, Johnny,” Cindy says. “She’s a sweet girl.”
She peaks up at John over the rim of her glass and he is adorable enough that it makes her forget some of her own shyness.
“Remember when you chased that drunk guy down the street with a coffee cup?” Bill asks, changing the subject. “Guy was so scared he pissed his pants before you threw it and gave him a concussion.”
Cindy laughs, addressing her again. “He did it because the guy grabbed me up for us being out of pie. I mean, how can I help it if we’re out?”
“You make the pie,” Bill tells Cindy, deadpan.
“That’s besides the point,” Cindy scoffs. “Tall, Lanky, growing John steps right in and grabs this guy’s shirt collar and drags him off me. Guy gets up, tries to grab a coffee mug for nefarious reasons, but John grabs it first, looks at it, looks back at the guy, and just goes right for him.”
Bill and John chuckle.
“And after he’s done knocking this guy out with a coffee cup, he comes back in and asks Cindy if she’s alright and she fell in love with the little demon,” Bill says. “Called him her adopted son.”
“And gave him free pancakes for life,” Cindy added.  “How many do you want, by the way?” She winks at John. “Fresh blueberries.”
They place their orders, and Cindy and Bill leave them to cook and check on other customers.
“They’re so sweet,” she tells John.
John orders a literal stack of pancakes and eats them all like he’s been starving for weeks. He also eats half her big plate of bacon, eggs, and cheesy hashbrowns when she gets full.
She wonders if the wild wolves in Russia taught him how to eat every calorie you can in one sitting and then go days without, because she’s honestly never seen him eat this much or at all. She’s jealous of him, again, for being able to stay lean and bulky even after meals like this. She contemplates asking him to switch metabolisms, watching while he drinks down a cold glass of water and looks at her from the rim of his glass.
“You work tonight?” He asks.
“Twelve hours,” she groans.
“Let me give you a ride in the morning?” He asks. “I’ll pick you up in the alley across the street.”
“Well, that’s not shady,” she jokes.
“Not at all,” he agrees.
Before they leave, he tucks a casual one hundred dollar bill under their neatly stacked dishes and then hugs part of his chosen family goodbye.
“Easy, easy,” Bill laughs, being dramatic while John squeezes him. “Jesus.”
Bill and Cindy pull her in for a hug, too, and Cindy kisses her cheek. “You come back,” the sugar-smelling woman tells her, holding her shoulders. Her heart swells as she tries really hard not to cry in front of them. This whole time in New York and she thought everyone was a soulless robot, but John’s people are just the opposite of that, and she’s grateful to meet them.
She only has time to say thanks before John is escorting her out into the bearable flurry of snowflakes.
When they get into the car, she raises her eyebrows at him and smiles like he’s the most precious thing she’s ever seen. He glances away, avoiding her adoration. “Thought you got free pancakes for life?” She ribs.
He shrugs. “It was a tip.”
She’s extremely reluctant to let Mr. Wonderful himself go about his day as they pull out front of her apartment.
They stare at each other for a minute, before John talks. “Can I pick you up tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” she says, the word partially muffled by his mouth while he plucks at her top lip.
He takes his kiss back and she whines involuntarily, eyes still closed and mouth open expectantly.
He opens her door, walks her to the entrance of her complex, and lays a chaste kiss to her forehead. “Go to sleep,” he says. “See you in the morning.”
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Hi! Just wanted to say that I love you writing, and love how you write angst !!
Asking this anonymously because, I found out I need a third open heart surgery.
I was wondering if you still take request how would Joel feel about his significant other having a third heart surgery and finding him not being able Toby e kids because of it.
As much angst as you want.
Btw, I’ll be fine, it’s the third time they are doing it, im schedule for 5 surgeries! It’s all good, cardiomyopathy is chill when the doctors know what they are doing! 😅
OMG Hi Bestie!
I am so honored that you'd reach out about such an intimate ask. I hope your surgery goes/went well and that you're doing great!
Hopefully, this is something like what you're looking for!
Joel looks out for you as you're treated for cardiomyopathy.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader with Cardiomyopathy
Warnings: Medical stuff! Light smut. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only
Length: 2.5k
If there was one thing Joel hated, it was not having control. 
He’d never really been happy at a job site until he was a manager, the one running SOMETHING. That way, he knew it was done right. 
It had made life with Sarah’s mom difficult, back when she was at all in the picture, because when she actually took charge of anything, it ended up being a mess Joel had to clean up. 
Hell, even just letting Tommy man the grill at family cookouts grated on him. He seemed to love to turn steaks too frequently, never giving them the time they needed on any one side. Joel had to grit his teeth and tried not to watch Tommy fuck up perfectly good cuts of meat. 
But at least then you would slip your hand into his, lacing your fingers through his own, and kiss his shoulder, whispering “You know it’ll be fine, Babe” under your breath. You tried not to giggle when you said it, Joel could hear it in your voice. 
You couldn’t do that now. Not when you were under anesthesia and he was stuck, sitting in a waiting room, waiting to hear that you were OK. 
No, this kind of out of control, Joel had learned, he was especially bad at. 
It started a few years earlier, not all that long after meeting you, really. 
Joel had first bumped into you - literally - at a park. Sarah was playing, showing off some variation of a cartwheel she’d invented, when Joel saw a dog - a big dog - running right for her. He didn’t think about how to react, he just did, racing to put himself between his daughter and the unknown animal, only watching her and the dog when you ran smack into is side, sending you both sprawling to the ground. 
“Ow, shit,” you groaned, sitting up and clutching your head. Joel turned only to see Sarah, flopped on the ground as the dog licked all over her face, tail wagging. Joel sighed in relief, going back to figuring out how to untangle his legs from yours. 
“I’m so sorry, he’s usually better behaved than this but he’s all keyed up because we were at the vet earlier,” you said, tugging your leg back into yourself and looking at your knee. “I didn’t have as good a hold on his lead as I should have, he saw a rabbit and took off…” 
“S’fine,” Joel said quickly, noticing you properly for the first time. You were in a little dress that showed off your legs, your eyes still bright and beautiful as you watched your dog play with his daughter. You were pretty. Really, really fucking pretty. He cleared his throat awkwardly. “No harm done.” 
“Yeah, he’s a gentle giant,” you smiled, getting up. “He looks scary but, since I live alone, definitely more of a feature than a bug. He’s really just a big teddy bear.” 
You called the dog over and looped the end of his leash around your wrist before you introduced yourself and Joel did the same, not able to take his eyes off you and your warm smile. 
“Hey Dad!” Sarah ran over, some of her curls pulled free from her springy pigtails and wild around her face. “Dad, did you see? Did you see me with the dog?” 
“Yeah, Baby Girl,” he laughed a little. “I saw.” 
Your dog licked her hand, wagging happily. 
“He likes you,” you smiled, squatting down to be on Sarah’s level as you gave the dog a scratch. “His name is Pluto!” 
Sarah’s eyes got big. 
“You mean like the dog from the cartoons?” 
“Exactly,” you smiled. “He’s my best friend and he’s got very good taste, so if he likes you that means you must be pretty great.” 
“Dad!” Sarah turned to Joel, her eyes still big. “Can Pluto come over to play?” 
“Kiddo…” he sighed. 
“Please?” She pouted. “You never let me get a dog, I want to play with a dog and he likes me and…” 
You caught Joel’s attention over his daughter’s shoulder as you mouthed “it’s OK with me” at him. He smiled a little at that, you giving him an out so he wouldn’t have to be the bad guy with his daughter if he said no. 
And he knew he probably should say no. The reason he said no dogs was because he worked too much and he didn’t want to leave a dog, alone and neglected, at home all day. Giving his six-year-old daughter ideas about a pet probably wasn’t the best idea. 
And then there was you. 
You were so pretty and so obviously good with Sarah you were practically temptation on legs. Invite you over and he’d be asking for trouble. 
But Sarah loved your dog. 
And Joel sure as hell wanted to see more of you.
“Want to come over for dinner?” Joel asked. “I’m just makin’ burgers but…” 
You smiled, wide and bright and beautiful. 
“Yeah,” you said. “Yeah, I’d love that.” 
You came over that night and, in a way, you never really left. He watched you play with his daughter and your dog and put potato chips on your burger and find new music to add to his playlist once you heard what he liked to listen to, taking Sarah’s hands and dancing with her on the grass. It was the most fun Joel had had in years. 
It was a year and a half later, when you fainted at work. 
Joel was frantic when he got the call from your boss. You’d moved in just a few months earlier and Joel was almost waiting for something to go wrong. He’d never had anything go so right for so long in his entire life. Something going wrong was inevitable. 
It didn’t seem right that it should go wrong for you. 
“Joel,” you said, a wan smile on your face as you sat up in your hospital bed when he ran in. You looked so small and pale and he all but ran to you, sitting on the edge of your bed and taking your hand. “I’m fine, I’m OK, it’s OK.” 
“Shouldn’t I be comfortin’ you?” He asked, smiling just a little even though he was having a hard time focusing on anything but the monitors that were attached to you. 
“You look more upset than me right now,” you said, giving his hand a squeeze. “Really, babe, I’m fine. I just didn’t have enough to eat today and I got up too fast, that’s all.” 
That’s not all it was. 
It took them some time to figure out - and Joel pointing out that you seemed tired and lightheaded and your pulse felt strange below his fingers sometimes - but you had cardiomyopathy. 
He was with you when the doctor handed down the diagnosis and you frowned, your eyebrows knitting together. 
“What does that mean?” You asked. “It sounds serious….” 
“It is,” the doctor nodded. “It’s a disease of the heart muscle, it makes it harder for the blood to pump through the body. It can even lead to heart failure. The good news is, we have treatment options…” 
You sat there, eyes wide, clutching your purse on your lap. Joel took your hand and tried to take in every word the doctor said. He was going to do this with you. In you he’d found the one person he wanted to do everything with, the only person besides Sarah he wanted to see every day for the rest of his life. He might not understand what was wrong with you but he was going to figure it out. 
When the two of you got home that afternoon, you were still in a state of shock. Joel walked with you to the kitchen table and got you a glass of water, sliding it in front of you. You just stared at it, your eyes a little wide. 
“Honey,” Joel said, his voice calm. “It’s OK…” 
You shook your head a little and drank the water before you set the glass back down, putting your hands in your lap and meeting his gaze from across the table. 
“I understand that this was a lot more than you bargained for,” you said, your voice steady. “I don’t expect you to take care of me through all this, I can call my mom, I’m sure she would let me move in…” 
“Why are you talkin’ about movin’?” He frowned, cutting you off. 
“I mean, you heard the doctor,” you said. “There are surgeries and…” 
“Joel,” you shook your head and smiled a little. “You have a daughter and a demanding job and…” 
“And I love you,” he said. “Not gonna let you do this without me.” 
It was rough at the start. He went to all your appointments with you. The doctors decided surgery was the best route and Joel spent hours researching everything he could. It felt like he’d be able to do it himself by the time you went under the knife the first time. 
He didn’t think that made him any less anxious about it, though. 
It was at a follow up appointment that the two of you got more bad news. 
“Wait,” you said, cutting your doctor off. “I’m sorry, I just… You’re making it sound like I won’t be able to have children. Is… is that true?” 
“Unfortunately,” the doctor sighed heavily. “Yes, that’s true. There was just too much damage to the tissue and even with the work we’re doing, it wouldn’t be safe to put your body under the strain that pregnancy demands…” 
You held it together until the two of you were in the truck, the floodgates breaking the second the door was closed. Joel tugged you against him, stroking your hair, kissing your forehead. 
The two of you had talked about children, of course, but you were both undecided. You were both still young, you thought you had time to figure that out later. 
“I’m so sorry, Joel,” your voice was wet. “I know we didn’t know what we wanted yet but… I thought I’d still get to choose and not have something else choose for me. I understand if this changes…” 
“Marry me,” he said. 
You sat up from him and sniffed, wiping your eyes. 
“Marry me.” 
You just looked at him, frozen and blinking for a moment. 
“No,” you shook your head. “No, you don’t mean…” 
“Yes, I do,” he said. “Marry me.” 
“Only way I want more kids is if they’re your kids, Baby,” he said. “Whether they’re ones we made or ones we adopted, I wouldn’t care, as long as it’s with you. You not being able to have kids doesn’t make a damn difference to me, I love you. Marry me.” 
You smiled a little through your tears and leaned over to kiss him gently. 
“Let’s talk about that when we’re a little less emotional,” you said. 
He brought it up again that night. 
The two of you had gone to bed and Joel had fully intended to keep his hands to himself. You, however, had other ideas. 
You kissed him and moaned against his lips and he gave into you, pulling your nightie over your head and slipping your panties down your legs before slipping inside of your tight, wet heat with a satisfied groan. 
He worked your body, knowing you so well after almost two years together, pressing deep as you tightened around him, sucking your nipple into his mouth, stroking your clit as you got closer and closer to coming around him. 
“Let go for me,” he sucked at the vulnerable skin of your throat, pressing so deep inside you as he did. “Come for me, come all over me, give it all to me…” 
You obeyed, coming hard around him, your hand flying to his back to clutch him close as he worked you through your orgasm, too. 
After, he pulled you on top of him as he lay flat on his back, your soft body spread over his and you sighed contentedly. 
“Marry me,” he said again, brushing your hair back. 
You laughed and shook your head. 
“You really don’t have to…”
“I know,” he cut you off, reaching blindly into the top drawer of his bedside table. He fumbled blindly through it until he found the small, velvet box at the back. He pulled it out and pried the lid open with his nose before turning the box so you could see it. Your eyes went wide, a single diamond almost watching you from its place in the box. “Not just sayin’ it, Baby. Had this for a few weeks. Planned to take you somewhere special to ask once we had the chance but… seemed like this might be the right time.” 
“Joel,” you breathed, taking the box, your hand trembling. “This is… I…” 
“Marry me,” he said again. “Love you, more than anything. I want to do everything in life with you, the good stuff, the bad stuff, doesn’t matter. It all means more with you. Marry me.” 
“Yes,” you said quickly, looking from the box to his eyes, smiling broadly. “Yes yes yes yes yes!” 
Joel smiled. 
“Oh, is that a yes?” He teased a little. “Just wanted to make sure…” 
You rolled your eyes and laughed, burying your face in his chest. He just held you close as you looked back at him, stretching up his body to kiss him. 
“That’s a yes,” you whispered. 
“Good,” he said, taking the ring from the box and sliding it on your finger. “Because I love you. Love you so damn much.” 
“I love you, too,” you smiled against his lips as you kissed him. 
You got married just a few months later. 
“Mr. Miller?” The doctor came out from the operating room and he all but jumped up to meet him, his stomach in knots. It felt like he’d been sitting there for days, stuck in a state of limbo where he had no control. 
“That’s me,” Joel said quickly. “How’s she doin’? How’d it go?” 
“Everything went great, Mr. Miller,” the doctor smiled broadly and Joel relaxed a bit. “Your wife is doing very well, you can head back and see her in just a minute…” 
Joel nodded along as the doctor filled him in on everything and he did his best to pay attention. But it was hard. All he really cared about was getting back to see you. Everything else seemed like it could wait. 
After what felt like a small eternity - but could only have been a few minutes - Joel was led back to your room, where you were just coming out of the anesthesia, still groggy but you smiled at him all the same.
“Hey babe,” you smiled, reaching for him. 
He smiled back, taking your hand before leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. 
“Hey Baby,” he took your face in his hand. “How’s that heart of yours?” 
“All yours, Joel,” you smiled a little, settling back into your pillow. “All yours.”
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kakubun · 1 year
noooo! don't turn me into a marketable plushie!!
about: trigun guys with a reader who likes to make plushies
a/n: tiny vash (this is also short cause i was impatient to post this limau (lmao) )
pairings: vash x reader, wolfwood x reader
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best believe he does a little squel when he sees your works
he ADORES all of the little animal, fruit, veggie, whatever you make plushies you make and squeezes the living hell out of it in excitement
if you like gift giving, he will gladly show it off, keeping them on his bags as keychains, putting it on his table, hell even on his ears if he wants to feel silly
he's also the type to send those good morning messages with the small plush that you made sitting right next to his plate of eggs and bacon
and when you make a tiny version of him, he thinks he died and went to heaven (not literally though i haven't read the manga bro isn't dead right)
it is the most cutest fcking thing he has ever seen in his life, you even got down to the shade of his hair and coat!
for funsies, you would defitenely make his gun and he would scream if you added something that could make tiny him hold it
he would hug you and the plushie at the same time to thank you
he will cherish this gift forever
just know if anybody ever sees it and mskes fun of it, he'll just say that they don't have a wonderful, most coolest person to make plushies for them and fake cries to make fun of them and run off to giggle
gives it silly nicknames like vashie or vash the junior
would grip the ever living shit out of your plushies as if they'll respond
he thinks it's a cute hobby (and that you're cute too
i see him as a guy who just fucks with it, you do you
would buy you materials if you ever run out and you would panic every single time if you think you're running out but a new fresh batch (the exact same colour too!) would pop up in your sewing basket!
he doesn't admit this though, he thinks he's slick
he keeps some in his pockets and gives them to children if they're in need of a small companion/ cheer them up
very much suprising you when kids come at your doorstep to thank you for the plushies and they would grin in thanks
but his favourite one is the tiny version of him, how adorable
he places it into his pocket like it was his kid and brings it everywhere, so if he ever wants to pull out a cigeratte to smoke, he would always have to push away tiny him deeper into his pocket to get at his box of cigerattes
calls it little guy
he doesn't have a need of plushies, it clogs up his space, he finds it useless
second chill guy? he doesn't care at all of what you do and he doesn't bother with your gifts, keeping it into a basket at first
until you made effort in creating a tiny version of himself to which he scoffs in amusement
and hey!! there's detachable blade coils, isn't that fun???!?!?
you have to look at him closely for a reaction, just a tense constipated look of focus on what you've done, intricate details of his suit means he kinda likes it (he doesn't want to admit he finds this action cute whether friend or spouse, it was nice to receive something that was really worked hard on especially when it was him, literally)
there was also a slight twitch of his lips, a quick lift at the end like he wanted to smile but he didn't want to give you the pleasure
(he find your methaphorical droppy ears on your head funny, what a meanie)
he keeps it on his piano, although he finds it bothersome when it falls face flat because of the piano's vibrations or his tiny him blade coils making it heavy on the back, he still likes keeping it close
he goes through that same basket of what you sewed for him and gradually the plushies you thought he threw/dump it elsewhere were now popping up in every corner of the house as decoration (atleast there was some use..? right?)
vash calls it little nai (knives doesn't do nicknames)
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survivalist-anon · 5 months
Log 2: Living Under a Rock
It's been a week since my drop-off at the hospital....no surprise I've been having trouble sleeping, I got some work leave from my boss at the nature reserve.....god damn I'm fucking tired.
Local folks both new to the town and old friends have been pandering for questions.
Some of the local middle schoolers kept fallowing me to my work place asking me about the metal guy. I simply told them I shot him in the eye, than he exploded.....I wasn't expecting those annoying brats to tell other kids about it. Obviously the local pastor (Mark) has been sending his goons to come to my cabin to convince me to come to church for the sake of saving my soul and all that "lovely" jazz. I told them I literally may have met the devil, shot him in the eye, exploded , and now he's dead and thus to leave me alone.
Some folks are a little more respectful and just ask me about more personal things. Got recommended a therapist who just moved to town named Miss Jenny Oakley, nice lady, smiles all the time and has an impressive 3 PhDs in psychology and mental health medication. She's been helping me get through the whole thing and believes I'll be able to make a speedy recovery. She trusts my resolve and that's good in my book.
....now "Newly appointed Deputy" Jeff (my ex-boyfriend) apparently thinks he can just give me the presidential treatment. He keeps following my car EVERYWHERE. I feel like nuisance now this has happened, people keep staring at me when Jeff just follows me at this point. You'd think after our falling out he'd have the self respect to be a little less...creepy about it. He's stopped by my cabin to keep checking up on me....I wonder if he thinks it's going to be like in the movies where estranged lovers get back together if something happens....jokes on him... I do not need a guy who has tried to convince me to move to Ohio and insult my family's cultural background to boot. Asshole.
Anyways, I've been hanging out at this new coffee shop that's just opened up...it's cozy, sells actual homemade pastries and the coffee is pretty good. Finally, a nice third place. I've noticed more people around my age go there too .... however I've noticed one group constantly eyeing me from across the shop every time I go...they call themselves the "Marine Spotters"...I have no fucking idea what that intels, one of them came up to my table, had the audacity to sit down in front of me like he knew me.....
"So..........you saw one?", the unshaven neck beard asked.
".......you know you could have asked to sit down and I would have said yes but fine go off Gabe Newell.", I'm not usually this hostile but things have gotten tense for while....I wouldn't blame anyone for being upset at me for it either.
"heheh very funny, anyway, my name is Benedict Grabowski. I'm the local expert in these "big metal men "....I see based on your description you've seen a "Black Legion" marine. A level 3 on the danger scale and are quite rare in these parts.", he adjusts his glasses. "The fact you even survived a harrowing encounter with one is without a doubt a life achievement and a free ticket admission to our organization!", handing me a business card with some edgy cartoon spaceman, it had his phone number, email address and an actual address...it was the abandoned mineral mine not too far from the animal reserve I work at....
"I hope your membership will prove to be of great use to us.", concluding with a smug look on his jolly face.
I sat there ready to throw this guy from window I was seated next to....but I'm certain the shop owners wouldn't be too pleased.
".....why the .org?"
He acted confused, "I beg your pardon?".
"...the .org....on your email address....you don't work for the Tillamook station do you? I told them I don't know shit.", took a frustrated sip of my coffee.
He laid back, "well...I...what one would call....a "white hat hacker"....my services in online server hacking, government surveillance and hehe...not to brag...a national code cracking champion of the Tokyo Code Breaker competition. I actually am...not a huge fan of our corporate federal overlords and I only desire for their inevitable downfall through me tanking their stocks."...
I literally was sitting across to a felon....
"so ..with your epic survival skills, my tech mastery and my collaborators", he points to his original table of collected individuals; a heavyset goth girl, the kid of one of the local beef farmers and one creepy guy I remember being the weird kid in highschool.
"Hi Steven.", I wave to him.
"Hi Lorey!", he waves and gives his creepy grin that in through literally means nothing to me. He does it for a cheap bit that I'm certain Jeff already knows and is dieing to catch him for something.
By this point Benedict was actually shocked I knew Steven. "What?! I thought you just moved here!"
I chuckled a little, "I use to live here, I know the area rather well but it's changed a bit since I was last here back in 2003. Also....what the shit is this all about?". I point to the business card.
His shocked expression transforms back into that stupid 'big shot cool guy' look. "Well, we spot those big metal men. Turns out....these anomalous entities are actually appearing throughout the whole planet. All of them of variety and....motives....". He looks around, takes out a folder of the ever lovable 'blurry photographic evidence' one would expect looking for cryptids. "Behold. Humanoids who walk amongst us!".
Im staring at the photos, one struck me to my core ....the big black and bronze one I saw being blown to chunks...the one that killed Grandpa.
"ah...I see...so it was that one.", leaning towards me closer....I can smell the fucking butter from his croissant he ate at his table. "If you need us...call us....", he decided to leave a second card....ok....."anyway, surprised?"
I was a lot more than surprised....I must have been living under a rock...."yeah....I am."
After that I decided to go home. On the ride back, I couldn't help but wonder if Benedict was telling the truth... about them being everywhere...that's a scary thought in all honesty.
I get out my car and took one long glance at my Grandpa's cabin. His only inheritance to my mom. When I said the funeral was a mess, it was an absolute garbage fire because on the same day we had his will reading. His most valuable possession in his will was this cabin, and boy was my aunt pissed she didn't get the property. At least Mom had the last laugh, anyway....as I was remembering that day....I noticed something that sent shivers up and down my spine.
A blood trail....it looked like it came from the forest behind the property, up the steps and on to my doormat. I get out of the car, cautiously, for I all know whom ever left this bloody mess is close by.
It was a huge leather sack, sealed tight with...a red wax in the opening. It was leaking a lot, I was hesitant to open it, but the blood smelt familiar. "....it can't be....", I tore off the hard wax, the gamey stink of deer was permeating throughout the porch. Opening the sack, I saw what could be weeks worth of meat. I was stunned! All nicely cut and cleaned ...I tried lifting the sack without getting some blood on me...failed...and brought it to the cellar freezer. As I placed the meat in the freezer, I saw there was a note on the bag I hadn't noticed....it was a handwritten note for certain....but I had no idea what was written on it. Again, Nordic ruins were present...but it was mixed with another language...I took medieval history a short while back and had the privilege of almost learning how to read medieval texts....it was close to it...and yet... completely unreadable for me.
I set the note on a table and save it for later.
Everything has been so strange lately.
The hours pass, and I finally decided to do some digging....this has to be some...real life ARG or something....it's either a dedicated group of cosplayers....or... something is really out there...it's so uncanny....
End of log 2
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meow-town · 2 years
Hello~ I just found your blog and I was wondering if you could write a headcanon about dee having a twin sister, and what the rest of the family's intentions would be with her, this one wouldn't be as feminine but more than Vicky, at least thanks to glam .
(sorry if my grammar is a bit weird, english is not my first language)
Of course! Ty for requesting! (Ps, my device completely died on me the second I finished writing this, and I hadn’t saved since I started, and I lost everything :) yayyyyyyyyyy, remember to save each post regularly, kids!)
wrote this as a self insert!
-You we’re born a mere 4 seconds after Dee, and he’s still insists he’s the older sibling. Which is technically true, but he abuses that power so much!
-saying that he should be in charge whenever the parents leave the house because he’s older, or insisting that he’s the more responsible and mature.
-You have more musical talent than him though, so he can suck it.
-He gets so pissy over it, too. You could mumble a song that’s been stuck in your head recently and he’ll ‘tsk’ each time.
-Very good twin brother, however. He’ll help with homework and always put in effort in group projects (I mean, he doesn’t need to put in effort, he’s Dee, but yknow). Teachers nearly always pair you two up together. He’ll also tutor you in his free time if you ask him :)
-If anyone picks on you, Dee will stalk them on the internet for weeks just to ruin their lives. He’s not letting that shit slide.
-Glam and Victoria always tried their very best to be good parents. They never got physically punishing (except for the occasional playful punch from Vicky as a warning) and would parent as gently as they could, at least, from Glam. He’s had bad experiences in the past and doesn’t want you to go through that things he went through.
-Glam will flash his creepy stare sometimes as a way to intimidate you, but he doesn’t dare go any further than that to scare you. Victoria may seem super tough but to me she seems like she is a super protective mama bear who will tug you into her arms if you arrive home 5 minutes late. God forbid you don’t respond to one of her calls, or you’ll have thousands of other calls and texts. Your phone will absolutely blow up with texts like these.
‘Are you okay??’
‘Where are you??.?.+’
‘Come home’
-The first time Hevay came home in his little baby basket, Dee was staring absolute daggers into him. Looking at the guy like he wanted to strangle him. Heavy just grabbed at anything he could, wrapped in Victoria’s old bandana.
-Dee would snatch his toys away from Heavy, so you had to offer him yours constantly.
-Heavy was a rowdy baby, not the type to cry constantly, but he wasn’t ever quiet and still. He’d be jumping up and down or head banging (Victoria taught him how to) almost constantly. -Heavy will send you cat videos every literal four seconds and if you don’t respond to each of them he’ll get mad.
-He is the chaos child in the family, but he’s highkey the nicest so
-Teasing Dee about Lif is literally so funny 😭
-He’ll go all red and completely ignore you for hours on end if you keep it up-
-Ches was completely clueless while babysitting. He would frantically look through the pantry thinking ‘what the fuck do babies eat? Carrots? Granola bars? Can I feed them beer?’
-He’ll also accidentally swear on front of you a ton, and pretend like he’s not at fault when one of you yells ‘FUCK’ at the very top of your lungs.
-You, Dee and Heavy all developed your swearing thanks to Vicky and Ches-
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dyke-pollinator · 1 year
Im in the mood for a story
Im a little drunk and im in the mood to share a story with yall of when I was out living in Nevada. This was back in 2017 or so.
This story requires some backstory so please indulge me.
I was a crew leader, managing a group of 4-9 people ranging from 18-23 ( I was 24 at the time). Part of that meant helping them integrate into the new location they moved to (Reno, Nevada) despite living out of my car at this time.
One of my crew members, who I will call Shawn, was...... Interesting to say the least. He was a pretty interesting person, but was definitely way too interested in falling in love while on this job.
So while he was out with some other members on their off week, he confessed his feelings for another crew member who turned him down. He proceeded to seriously harm himself. So now, on my crew, I had to manage that shit and make sure he wasn’t a risk to himself. Because of course this motherfucker was on my crew and technically my responsibility.
Everything was basically fine. Shawn and the other member barely interacted and we were learning a lot about how to cut down trees safely.
During one of our hitches (time in the field) where we were building cattle fences on the border of Utah, this bitch decided he wanted to go for a walk. So idk if you know what the middle of no where Utah looks like but its basically the same as this for 100 miles in every directions 
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Barely any geographic features. Insanely easy to get lost. 
We had a rule where if you were gonna split off from the group,  you had to let the crew lead (me) know, and you had to explicitly say where you were gonna go. He decided he wanted cell phone signal one night, and told no one where he was going.
He got lost. In the middle of the desert. I need you to understand how horrifying that is. There’s nothing out there. You can walk for 200+ miles (350km) in any direction and find literally nothing. Especially on the Nevada / Utah border. 
By 8pm we were all wondering where he was till a random person was like “Oh he went that was looking for signal”. Like wtf? Excuse me? We searched in the direction he went for like 4 hours before we called emergency services & our organization that was gonna send out reinforcements to help us look.
We parked our giant truck on the top on the highest hill around us, with our high beems on, and blared on the horn all night, hoping that he was going to find his way back to us. He never did.
We spent 38 hours looking for this person, and since we all knew his history, we legitimately thought he was dead.\
The next day we had the whole BLM (Bureau of Land Management) looking for him. They were about to call in the fucking helicopters.
Now, this next part is gonna sound like some bullshit I just made up but I stg it is true. My dumbass forgot to restock the first aid kit. My co-lead got stung by a bee / wasp while we were doing a grid search, and for the first time in his life, he had a major allergic reaction that none of the leftover meds we had would take down.
So we had to take him into town (an approximately 15 mile drive on back roads) and I did it since I was one of the few that was allowed to drive our trucks.
This motherfucker, Shawn, literally stumbled across the road while I was driving my co-lead into to town. Idk how the fuck he found this road. Idk how the fuck his timing was absolutely perfect. But we found him. After 56 hours when all of us thought he was already dead.
We would have NEVER found him if not for this random happenstance. Some divine power wanted this kid alive I swear. Its some of the most insane shit I have ever experienced.
The moral is never trust Non-profit organizations. They dont give a fuck about you. 
And if yall wanna head this story from Shawn’s perspective just lmk I am happy to share it.
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nekomacheercaptain · 2 years
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Can’t get this out of my mind, so here’s a quick and small list of headcanons with the boys’ reaction to a free boxing session you got at your university / job. Set in a modern au!
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Reader: gender neutral
Characters: Eustass Kid | Killer | Luffy
Content warning: Kid's part is kind of suggestive
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Eustass Kid
He’d rush you to that class right away
- “It’s not until next week” “if we don’t go right now I won’t live to see next week”
- He’d go fucking feral, he would shamelessly pop a boner just seeing you in your gym clothes 
- And stain his pants once you put on boxing gloves
- Honestly he has a lot of fighting experience, just not from any gym or classes, so he’d pull out moves that definitely would send him to prison if he ever exercised them on somebody…. and got caught
- bruh the GRUNTS he’d let out, no wonder Oda made him a bull if he was an animal, this man is LOUD
- He’d traumatize everyone in that room, it would honestly be embarrassing (also hot, but PLEASE he needs to control his volume around people)
- anyway it would be fun, he would just be completely  merciless and punch hard against your mitts no matter the level of your strength
- and would fall so much harder for you when you did the same to him
- as well as get aroused, he won’t even bother to hide it
- anyway, he signs you up to classes multiple nights a week, you’d be the toughest couple around
- (also he’d wear a headband and tank top, and would look so good, I need to to see him work out in it)
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- ..he’d be the one leading the class tbh
- personal trainer Killer 🫶🫶🫶 (I would ruin my economy just to have him all to myself a few hours every week)
- “Babe I got a coupon for your class!” “yeah, only your University / workplace got it, take the hint”
- it would be a really good bonding experience because he gets to share his passion while you get to be really badass, so win-win
- extra win for you though because you would get see everyone else drool over Killer with a braid and beefy muscles sculpted by the gods knowing it’s all yours
- is he ripped? No. That man is HUGE because he is thick as fuck, no visible abs, just raw and pure strength; a healthy layer of fat covering his muscles. He is DELICIOUS, a literal teddy bear that could carry anyone without issue
- he is a good trainer and wouldn’t prioritize you (too much) over the other attendees, and would make sure you left that session sore - like you’re not used to that with him?
- you’d unlock something in him by attending his classes tbh especially when you put on the gloves - he’d be proud and horny
- but it would be a really fun lesson, especially for him, being able to share such a huge part of him with you
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- he’d be ecstatic!!
- I’m a personal believer of Luffy persuading MMA in a modern au, it just fits him so well
- and he’d obviously be world class, having sponsors and contacts all across the globe
- SO when he was at home with you for the short time he has (wants) vacations, and you get a coupon for a free class he’d be insufferable until you finally got there
- he would immediately talk over the instructor and take over the class but it would be so much fun!
- …until he wanted to spar with everyone even though most people had barely gotten the footwork down
- the entire class would lay down and gasp for air after 10 minutes because no one can keep up with his moves
-it would be a lot of fun though, just be prepared to be utterly exhausted
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If anybody knows about any good boxer au fanart or fics about one piece men (or women oh my GOD 🧎‍♀️, please let me know). Anyways thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed it!
Tags: @hawkix @unsuretater-simp @mxhitos @owlight
If you want to join my taglist, you can find it here!
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
Hi friend :) rewatching Father Of the bob and it made me wonder about the kids' and Big Bob's relationship. Do you got any headcanons and the like about that? (Sorry if you've already talked about it)
I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT BIG BOB AND HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE KIDS i have peppered them throughout my posts and fanfics but i will expand on them a bit here >:)
i don't think bob ever went fully no contact with big bob but there was definitely a decade or two where they didn't live together and almost Never spoke except for big bob occasionally calling him to say happy birthday or whatever. when tina was born I think bob realized that he did want his dad to be in his kids lives in some way (yes they had linda's parents as their other set of grandparents but even back then i think bob KNEW they were shitty people and would be bad gransparents) he wanted them to have a good grandpa so he kinda introduced him into the kids lives
big bob was definitely nervous about being around these small and easily influenced humans even if he didn't outwardly express that. tina was the sweetest little baby so getting along w/ her was easy but gene and louise were definitely more stressful. and bcuz big bob was still busy with work he barely ever saw them anyway. but he did TRY to be a good grandpa by sending them birthday & christmas presents and giving them money every time they visited. trying to be a grandpa in the only way he knew how :(
could explore in another post how al and gloria are the WORST grandparents and how it's strongly implied that tina gene and louise don't actually like them (if you compare how they interact with linda's parents vs big bob its clear that they are tolerating al and gloria at most while they genuinely look forward to spending time with big bob and WANT to see him. can't even say it's because of bob influencing them to dislike linda's parents bcuz he openly hates his dad too lmao) but in comparison to them big bob really does correct so many of the mistakes he made w/ bob when it comes to his grandkids (to quote alice talking about gertie "she's a better grandmother than a mother you gotta trust me")
he's physically affectionate with them and he spoils them!!! he actually pays attention to their individual interests (watching gene's music performance and looking at louise's display of burobu cards, and seemingly getting her gifts specifically related to her interest in them for her birthday and christmas) and talks to them. compare that with al and gloria who literally got the kids a regifted book about staying active in retirement for christmas one year (with a whole chapter about sex with Actual pictures and examples which is fucked up) they're literally the worst ugh
and big bob's efforts with the kids seem to pay off bcuz they look forward to spending time with him :) they're always excited and I genuinely think it isn't only because he gives them money when they see him. they just like spending time with him!! "He's a good grandpa" and he bakes them cookies and worries about them and their futures <3 THEY'RE THE REASON HE BELIEVES THAT THE WORLD WILL BE OKAY. HE THINKS THEY'LL BE ABLE TO FIX THINGS?????
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anyway some specific headcanons about his dynamics with each of the kids:
he definitely gets along the most easily with tina. they're similar people in the way that bob and tina are similar (except that tina is more positive than either of them lol) and they enjoy doing more lowkey activities together compared to louise or gene. they might enjoy baking cookies or doing puzzles together :) definitely a good thing that she was his first grandchild bcuz she was always kind and quiet and easy to get along with and it made him more confident in his abilities. Whenever he sees a horse themed item at a thrift store or whatever he buys it and gives it to tina the next time she visits!! that's how she got quite a few of her porcelain horses when she was younger (even if maybe decorative porcelain horses were not the best idea ever for a seven year old tina took very good care of them u_u gene and louise not so much. rip)
gene is probably the grandchild that he finds it the hardest to relate to just because they're such DIFFERENT people. gene is so effeminate and unashamed of himself and his emotions which is pretty much the opposite of how big bob was taught to be as a kid and how he raised bob. he never had daughters so its easier for him to relate to tina and louise bcuz they're almost like a blank slate?? he sees so much of what he did wrong with parenting bob when it comes to gene :( But they eventually find some common ground with gene's love of music and performing. big bob will tell gene about his favorite songs and records from when he was younger & he'll listen to all of gene's performances when he visits
louise is the most.... complicated for big bob? she reminds him SO MUCH of lily in everything from her personality to her pink hat. it definitely took him a few years to get over that and begin to see louise as her own person and stop projecting that trauma onto her (not intentionally but its just hard when you lose someone and then suddenly they're There again and they're your grandaughter) luckily louise is easy to love and her bold personality makes herself VERY known. he could not ignore her. he loves how spunky she is and how unashamed she is of herself (all his grandkids really) and he definitely thinks she's gonna grow up to do something great in the world. they don't have that much to bond over tbh he just let's louise take the lead and he does whatever she wants him to do. he just likes spending time with his granddaughter <3
definitely think that the kids have started seeing big bob more since his relationship with bob has been repaired a bit so i can imagine that connection will only grow stronger!!!!
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