#Non Fuel Retail
rahulp3 · 3 months
What Are The Major Factors Driving Retinal Biologics Market Growth?
The Retinal Biologics Market is experiencing a surge in demand, fueled by advancements in eye disease treatments and a growing emphasis on vision health. According to a recent analysis by Future Market Insights (FMI), a leading market research firm, the market is currently valued at an impressive US$22.25 billion in 2022. Looking ahead, the market is projected to witness a remarkable Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.1% over the next six years. This translates to a staggering market valuation of US$41.92 billion by 2028, highlighting the significant potential of retinal biologics in revolutionizing eye care.The remarkable expansion of the Global Retinal Biologics sector is fueled by advancements in technology, innovative research, and a growing demand for cutting-edge treatments. As the industry continues to evolve, it presents unprecedented opportunities for stakeholders, investors, and healthcare professionals alike.Key Retinal Biologics Market Insights:
Rising Prevalence of Diabetes-related Eye Disorders and Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) The prevalence of diabetes-related eye disorders and age-related macular degeneration is on the rise, underscoring the growing need for innovative solutions within the Retinal Biologics Industry.Substantial Investment in R&D for Biologics in Retinal Disorders The industry is witnessing a significant influx of research and development resources, aimed at advancing biologics for both infectious and non-infectious retinal disorders. This investment underscores the commitment to addressing unmet medical needs.
Emergence of Specific Biologic Molecules as Therapeutic Targets Specific biologic molecules are gaining prominence as highly promising therapeutic targets, offering new hope for patients with retinal conditions.Gene Therapy as a Solution for Monogenic Retinal Illnesses With a growing number of monogenic retinal illnesses, gene therapy is emerging as a pivotal component of the Retinal Biologics Market, presenting innovative solutions for these challenging conditions.
Request a Sample Copy of This Report Now.https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-8663
#The Retinal Biologics Market is experiencing a surge in demand#fueled by advancements in eye disease treatments and a growing emphasis on vision health. According to a recent analysis by Future Market I#a leading market research firm#the market is currently valued at an impressive US$22.25 billion in 2022. Looking ahead#the market is projected to witness a remarkable Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.1% over the next six years. This translates to a s#highlighting the significant potential of retinal biologics in revolutionizing eye care.The remarkable expansion of the Global Retinal Biol#innovative research#and a growing demand for cutting-edge treatments. As the industry continues to evolve#it presents unprecedented opportunities for stakeholders#investors#and healthcare professionals alike.Key Retinal Biologics Market Insights:Rising Prevalence of Diabetes-related Eye Disorders and Age-relate#underscoring the growing need for innovative solutions within the Retinal Biologics Industry.Substantial Investment in R&D for Biologics in#aimed at advancing biologics for both infectious and non-infectious retinal disorders. This investment underscores the commitment to addres#offering new hope for patients with retinal conditions.Gene Therapy as a Solution for Monogenic Retinal Illnesses With a growing number of#gene therapy is emerging as a pivotal component of the Retinal Biologics Market#presenting innovative solutions for these challenging conditions.Request a Sample Copy of This Report Now.https://www.futuremarketinsights.#institutional sales in the Retinal Biologics Industry#where Retinal Biologics are supplied in speciality clinics and hospitals#will generate higher revenues. In 2018#hospital sales accounted for more than 35% of market revenue.According to the report#retail sales of Retinal Biologics will generate comparable revenues to hospital sales and will expand at an 11.9% annual rate in 2019. Reta#with retail pharmacies generating more money than their counterparts in the future years.Penetration in North America Higher#APEJ’s Attractiveness to IncreaseNorth America continues to be the market leader in Retinal Biologics revenue. According to FMI estimates#North America accounted for more than 46% of global Retinal Biologics Industry revenues in 2018. Revenues in North America are predicted to#continuous growth in the healthcare infrastructure#and a favourable reimbursement scenario.Europe accounted for about one-fourth of the Retinal Biologics market#with Western European countries such as Germany#the United Kingdom#France#Italy
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gingerofsuburbia · 8 months
BDS Consumer Boycott Targets
Everything here is copied over from the BDS website.
Hewlett Packard Inc (HP Inc)
HP Inc (US) provides services to the offices of genocide leaders, Israeli PM Netanyahu and Financial Minister Smotrich. HPE, which shares the same brand, provides technology for Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority, a pillar of its apartheid regime.
Chevron (including Caltex and Texaco)
US fossil fuel multinational Chevron is the main corporation extracting gas claimed by apartheid Israel in the East Mediterranean. Chevron generates billions in revenues, strengthening Israel’s war chest and apartheid system, exacerbating the climate crisis and Gaza siege, and is complicit in depriving the Palestinian people of their right to sovereignty over their natural resources. Chevron has thousands of retail gas stations around the world under the Chevron, Caltex, and Texaco brand names.
Siemens (Germany) is the main contractor for the Euro-Asia Interconnector, an Israel-EU submarine electricity cable that is planned to connect Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory to Europe. Siemens-branded electrical appliances are sold globally.
Since 2018, we have called for a boycott of PUMA (Germany) due to its sponsorship of the Israel Football Association (IFA), which governs teams in Israel’s illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land. In a major BDS win in December 2023, PUMA leaked news to the media that it will not be renewing its IFA contract when it expires in December 2024. Until then, it is still complicit, so we continue to #BoycottPUMA until it finally ends its complicity in apartheid.
Carrefour (France) is a genocide enabler. Carrefour-Israel has supported Israeli soldiers partaking in the unfolding genocide of Palestinians in Gaza with gifts of personal packages. In 2022, it entered a partnership with the Israeli company Electra Consumer Products and its subsidiary Yenot Bitan, both of which are involved in grave violations against the Palestinian people.
Insurance giant AXA (France) invests in Israeli banks financing war crimes and the theft of Palestinian land and natural resources. When Russia invaded Ukraine, AXA took targeted measures against it. Yet, Axa has taken no action against Israel, a 75-year-old regime of settler-colonialism and apartheid, despite its ongoing genocidal war on Gaza.
SodaStream is an Israeli company that is actively complicit in Israel's policy of displacing the indigenous Bedouin-Palestinian citizens of present-day Israel in the Naqab (Negev) and has a long history of racial discrimination against Palestinian workers.
Ahava cosmetics is an Israeli company that has its production site, visitor center, and main store in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied Palestinian territory.
RE/MAX (US) markets and sells property in illegal Israeli settlements built on stolen Palestinian land, thus enabling Israel’s colonization of the occupied West Bank.
Israeli produce in your supermarkets
Boycott produce from Israel in your supermarket and demand their removal from shelves. Beyond being part of a trade that fuels Israel’s apartheid economy, Israeli fruits, vegetables, and wines misleadingly labeled as “Product of Israel” often include products of illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian land. Israeli companies do not distinguish between the two, and neither should consumers.
Non-BDS Grassroots Boycotts:
McDonald’s (US), Burger King (US), Papa John’s (US), Pizza Hut (US), WIX (Israel), etc. are now being targeted in some countries by grassroots organic boycott campaigns, not initiated by the BDS movement. BDS supports these boycott campaigns because these companies, or their branches or franchisees in Israel, have openly supported apartheid Israel and/or provided generous in-kind donations to the Israeli military amid the current genocide. If these grassroots campaigns are not already organically active in your area, we suggest focusing your energies on our strategic campaigns above. 
Recently, McDonald’s franchisee in Malaysia has filed a SLAPP lawsuit against solidarity activists, claiming defamation. Instead of holding the Israel franchisee to account for supporting genocide, we are now witnessing corporate bullying against activists. For both these reasons, we are calling to escalate the boycott of McDonald’s until the parent company takes action and ends the complicity of the brand.
Remember, all Israeli banks and virtually all Israeli companies are complicit to some degree in Israel’s system of occupation and apartheid, and hundreds of international corporations and banks are also deeply complicit. We focus our boycotts on a small number of companies and products for maximum impact.
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robertreich · 1 year
This One Thing Would Increase Wages By $300 Billion 
There's a dirty trick many employers use to keep workers from getting a better job.
Some 30 million Americans are trapped by contracts that say if they leave their current job, they can't work for a rival company or start a new business of their own.
These are called non-compete agreements.
They block workers from seeing higher wages or better working conditions. And they enlarge corporate monopoly power by stifling competition.
But a sweeping new rule from the Federal Trade Commission would put a stop to these non-compete agreements.
The FTC estimates that banning them could increase wages by nearly $300 billion a year overall by allowing workers to pursue better job opportunities.
But non-competes aren’t just bad for workers. They also harm the economy as a whole by depriving growing businesses of the talent and experience they need to build and expand.
Experts argue California’s ban on non-competes was a major reason for Silicon Valley’s boom.
For several decades, non-compete agreements have been cropping up all over the economy — not just in high-paying fields like banking and tech but as standard boilerplate for employment contracts in many lower-wage sectors such as construction, hospitality, and retail.
A recent survey found that non-competes are used for workers in more than a quarter of jobs where the typical employee only has a high school diploma. Another found that they disproportionately impact women and people of color.
Employers say they need noncompete agreements to protect trade secrets and investments they put into growing their businesses, like training workers.
Rubbish. Employers in states that already ban these agreements (such as California) show no sign of being more reluctant to invest in their businesses or train workers.
The real purpose of noncompetes is to make it harder (or impossible) for workers to bargain with rival employers for better pay or working conditions. Workers in states that have banned non-compete agreements have seen larger wage increases and more job mobility than workers in states where they are still legal.
As we learn again and again, the economy needs guardrails — and workers deserve protection. Otherwise, unfettered greed will lead to monopolies that charge high prices and suppress wages.
America once understood the importance of fighting monopolies. Woodrow Wilson created the Federal Trade Commission in 1914 to protect the public against the powerful corporate monopolies that fueled unprecedented inequality and political corruption.
In 1976, when I ran the policy planning staff at the FTC, it began cracking down on corporations under its then assertive chairman, Michael Pertschuk.
Corporate lobbyists and their allies in Congress were so unhappy they tried to choke off the agency’s funding, briefly closing it down. Pertschuk didn’t relent, but eventually he (and I) were replaced by Ronald Reagan’s appointees, who promptly defanged the agency.
Now, under its new Biden-appointed chair, Lina Khan, the FTC is back. Its ban on non-compete agreements nationwide marks the first time since Pertschuk that the agency has flexed its muscle to issue a rule prohibiting an unfair method of competition.
The rule is hardly a sure thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if the radical-right Republicans, now in control of the House, tried to pull off a stunt similar to what the House tried in the late 70s. And corporations are sure to appeal the rule all the way up to the Supreme Court.
In the meantime, kudos to Lina Khan and the FTC for protecting American workers from the unfettered greed of corporate America.
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dearansur · 19 days
i don't have a therapist and i'm not gonna get one in the foreseeable future so instead i'll just talk to myself on my blog like a weirdo but anyways, stream of consciousness joyce style ahead
my fear of drawing (like. outright fear that grips me and makes me unable to do anything!) is probably (99% sure) connected with my own self and how close the identity of an 'artist' is tied to my identity as a person. i'm not scared of making Bad art because i'm well aware that i'm mid at best, i don't have much going for me and i'm already grateful for the people who are nice enough to be kind to me about it. but what scares me every time is that i see Nothing. that whatever i make is empty and boring and it says Nothing, and it brings nothing, means nothing. it's the same stale ugly thing that is okay but is never good and will never be good enough for me to be comfortable in my skin and proud of it enough to say 'yeah, i draw'. and with each year passing it becomes even more embarrassing to identify myself with anything artistic because clearly, i'm not. in those 10+ years of drawing i have reached nothing and god i have known people who have started the same time as me or later and who are thriving while i continued to stagnate after reaching my peak back in 2020. that was the last time i made anything that at least felt good.
surprisingly, i even miss the early days when i kept feeling like shit because i was dependent on my friends praising me but still could just make stuff that was fun and cringe back in 2013-2014. i was unhappy a lot of times but at least i let myself fail and be free and just do little stuff without the care in the world.
and then i had to rely on art to survive because i dropped out of university (being suicidal and depression is kinda tough when your family hates your guts for it and doesn't want to accommodate or help). i would later find an irl non-art job that would last me some months and then go back to live on commissions, and that was enough to live just above poverty line but at least i wasn't chained ot an office life or in retail. and now working this Normal Job for 7+ months i resigned from art once again completely, because well! i have no time! i'm not an artist anymore, it's over!
i still don't know how i got work in that project and still feel like they asked me to work with them because i didn't ask much in terms of pay and frankly, i do feel embarrassed of how badly i did that job, even if i tried really hard. but when i look at what i make, i feel like charging any money for it is absolutely obscene and i'm a fraud.
considering it's the only job i have ever done professionally art wise and never worked on any other projects, i'm more than sure that it was a lucky coincidence that shouldn't have happened to me but did nonetheless.
i keep making stupid ugly mistakes that a professional or at least a person with 10+ years of experience shouldn't be making and it infuriates me so much because it only fuels my belief that it's not for me, that i'm forcing it, that i should simply let it go and stop embarrassing myself at my big age by pretending to play an artist online. i have nothing to offer and it's pathetic to watch, especially 'competing' with teens who are simply having fun while i'm tearing my hair over not being good enough and not making anything worthwhile or that i can show to someone without regret or shame
it's simply. so fucking scary to look at what you built of yourself for years and what you relied on to prove that you have a place in this world and that you're not a waste of space who doesn't deserve to live, only to see that you have built absolutely nothing, and all that effort to prove you have worth means nothing too. i can't do anything well, even the things that i do best.
it all circles back to the people who are my complete opposite and who chewed me and spit me out with disgust and who are living their best lives while i'm struggling to not lose my mind, and it only makes me feel like they were in the right and they should have treated me worse and be even meaner and rub their superiority in my face harder so i would never dare to imagine we could be close or that i could be seen as a person to them. truth to be told, i should have just offed myself instead of whining so much but i have known i'm a coward for years so i will just pity myself and wallow in my missed opportunities and my inherent vices.
i used to want to be seen and understood and praised and validated for what i am and how i feel, but in the last years i simply don't care to be seen, i want to be gone and closed off and for no one to touch me or talk to me because i have Nothing to talk about, nothing to share, and i want no one to see or be close to me because it doesn't matter anymore. i don't believe it's possible for me to connect to anyone in a real way and i'm content with superficial surface level contacts with people (until i'm hit with a nasty realization that i'm no one's closest friend and no one considers me their first option and it should be fine because i put zero effort in being anyone's friend and yet it stings).
god i truly lost the thread of what i was rambling about. but what i can clearly see is that i'm losing whatever scraps i called 'self' and that with each passing day i become less a 'person' and more of a ghost i always thought i was and that i can't handle even people i like so i escaped from all online spaces that aren't tumblr (bc i don't talk to anyone here) and telegram (which i use to communicate at work and with my 3 irl friends). i'm ignoring people's messages and feel like shit and all i can say in my defense is that i'm scared and it sounds so stupid and pathetic. i fear getting older and still being nothing and meaning nothing and regretting not offing myself when i was depressed enough because now i have cats i take care of and i can't just leave them. for fuck's sake.
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alexissara · 9 months
THE Comics Of The Year 2023
I'm Alexis Sara, and if you don't know me then you should know I am an Eisner [among several other award] winning comics writer and I eventually kinda left behind comics because of a massive feeling of burn out and a lack of hope for the industry. However, I utterly adore the medium and I do enjoy comics still even if mostly in indie form or Manga. Manga of the year is a separate post since I just read more Manga and I wanted to talk about more comics overall so this section is all non manga stuff from Webcomics to graphic novels to single issue type deals, everything I read is up for consideration.
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Extreme Venomverse #4 Necroko story 
This story makes me even more mad than I am every day about the state of the public domain. Stan Lee is dead, he doesn't need Spider-man money but Marvel will for many many many more years hoard the amazing ideas made by so many other people that relate to spider-man and even when Spider-man enters the public domain Disney will sue people for using any part of spider-man that doesn't come from the debut time and is still with in their copyright. So an amazing character like Nercroko is stuck at the whims of some editor to see if the creators can bring her back, for how long they can bring her back, they get to decide how gay she is allowed to be, how violent, if the story fits their brand image and if a random event has her erased from the timeline or something to fuel a mans pain or something. Which is to say fuck Marvel comics, don't buy their stuff but I read this story and it's really fucking good, 12/10 it's not really worth buying Extreme Venomverse cuz the other stories are mid but as fuck but this little short story if you could find it at retail value for a single issue of Venomverse #4 pick it up for sure. It's a venom magical girl who is gay, just great, perfect, brilliant, inspirational.
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IDW Sonic 
You expect to see the sapphics from me and there here, for real, but I really enjoy this series in general. Whisper and Tangle are my main draw but I did enjoy Sonic video games a lot when I was younger so the characters, designs, etc are always something I just like seeing. The IDW comics bring a great consistent art style that makes the world of sonic feel very alive, stylish an cool. The new characters are all people I want to show up as playable in new sonic games and the story lines all feel like they would be exciting to see in a video game. These comics are really well done and while it could be more explicit in allowing it's original characters to be queer [I understand main game characters not being able to have romance to give the game devs space] it's still a good time.
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I love when the lesbians are on an adventure, when they are poly, when they are silly, and we got it all here. Ladykillers is a silly D&D inspired webcomic that has these cute little dumbasses go on quests and get into trouble. It starts pretty one shotty and eventually gets into a continuous narrative. If you loved Bauldr's Gate but wished it was just about like three homoerotic girls getting into silly trouble, this one is for you.
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My Dragon Girlfriend
My Dragon Girlfriend every year is a top series for me. The release format of release makes each update a very small dose of a larger narrative but these little romances are all compelling and sweet and fun filled with silly little sapphics. While the newest couple added in is the one I am least compelled by I still enjoyed them. The art is really cute and sweet, the way emotion is portrayed is handled really well, Country really knows how to capture emotion within the medium and masters making good use out of all the little details.
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Grand Slam Romance
I don't like sports but if lesbian magical girls played soft ball I would have to convert to being the number ones sports girly. The messy lesbian drama here is so good and the jokes are really great, when I grabbed this I kinda worried it be YA toned which typically doesn't sit well with me but luckily this is in fact adult fiction for adults that just has a strong sense of whimsy. It's a really great read and I hope a lot more people check it out because it's super good and even has a follow up book coming out.
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These lesbians have issues and I am so fucking here for it. We got a trio of queer witches casting spells, fighting monsters, etc who are all also teachers for a school of other witches. One of the party turns into a demon if her seal is broken which causes her to get all violent and feral, one has a magical artifact tied to a bigger play happening across the universes of the world and the final is holding secrets she doesn't want to share. From there their issues run into each other, they deal with new problems they cause, their love lives get complicated and we find out the truth of all the messy lesbian fun that is unleashed between them. The translation is sometimes a little wonky but if you can forgive a self published self translation to English for sometimes saying words a little wrong but still understandably then damn there just isn't really a story like SpellAstra I've read.
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Mage & Demon Queen 
After following this series for so many years it finally finished. This action comedy yuri series is fucking amazing from start to finish a fun time with some of the best jokes across all of comics for nerdy little sapphics like me. I do think near the end of the series we spend too much time with the men of the cast who simply were not the draw for me at all but they got a lot of panel time but outside of that small preference so much of this series is so perfect it's hard to even fault the parts that are a little less great.
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Pink Sugar 
What a fucking book, what a queer gift that this exists, that we live in a world where this is being released on webtoon [and a ton of other places] gives me hope for queer art and art in general. This story is lesbian in the deepest ways, with the diversity of lesbians that I want to see. Masc Non Binary Lesbians, bigger fem lesbians, trans lesbians, all falling in love with each other in these gloriously sweet ways. This series is truly queer in the most real sense. The presentation of the afterlife is innovative and fun. the comedy is great, the chemistry between all four of this polycule is great, the romantic moments are super sweet, the art's fantastic, the pacing is great and all of that lends to some really fucking heart breaking moments to as we get into the deep feelings of these dead women. This is one of the best stories being told right now and maybe ever. I love Pink Sugar, I beg of you to check it out. It's currently kickstarting a physical version if your reading this near release of this post then you should go back it. You can read it for free, if you like it, back it.
If you want to help me enjoy more art then consider checking out my Patreon or Ko-fi and giving me a little bit of cash so I can do more of this kind of writing but also like make lots of my own art, art is hard to make and costs money and like maintain my chronically ill and trans body also takes money so anything helps, thank you. If you want more details on any of these I do have reviews for many of the pieces of art above but you can also let me know you want more and maybe I'll write more.
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nixoxia · 1 year
Please help me be able to buy food
I'm almost 22, autistic and really need some help. I had to leave my retail job just over a month ago due to severe depression because of my grandparents threatening me on top of struggling in retail because of my autism. I've been looking for a non retail job but I live in the middle of nowhere so it's been very hard.
I live with my partner who is paying all the bills and rent, plus for his car and fuel so he can still work. When I left my job we started to use our savings for a house to help pay for food, which is what I would pay for.
I received a letter today from my previous employer telling me I owe them £984 as they had overpaid me. They didn't explain any further than that but we know it's a mistake on their end. We've emailed payroll but chances are I'm still going to have to pay them in full.
Things were tight anyway, we cut back where we could and were doing okay on the savings, but losing this nearly £1000 means we're going to have maybe £15 a week to feed the two of us, which at the minute with how expensive everything is just isn't possible.
I'm offering a digital drawing of a cat for anyone that donates, please message me if you do with a reference of a cat you'd like me to draw in my style and I'll get that done for you as a sign of appreciation (example below)
Anything you can donate really helps, and even if you can't donate please signal boost this
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These are some of my examples of cat drawings I can make you for donating, with a reference or you just just give me a colour cat and let me draw whatever
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stereax · 1 year
🔀 Timo and his Tumblr assigned bf Nate Bastian (I'm pretty sure that was the combo. If it isn't, ignore me jsjsjs)
You got the combo :) You also get a Polish song! The beat for this AU is Symetryczno-liryczna by Enej. I'll give you a few of the lyrics and translate them for your convenience.
Zapraszam ciebie na to spotkanie
I wtedy wrócisz tu do domu po dziesiątej
Ale nic ci się nie stanie
Czy ty się zgodzisz, ja tego nie wiem
To nienormalne i nachalne z mojej strony
Ale będzie nam jak w niebie
I gdy poczujesz nowy smak
To będę ja
I niecodziennie taki sam
Dobre zaklęcie w moich dłoniach mam
I'm inviting you to this meeting
And you'll come back home after ten
But nothing's going to happen to you
Will you agree, I don't know
This isn't normal and a little pushy from my side
But we'll be just like in heaven
And when you taste this new flavor
It'll be me
And every day will be something different
I've got a good spell in between my palms
Poznam cię z miłością naturalną
Niedotykalną i nieprzewidywalną
Poznam cię z miłością symetryczno-liryczną
I niekoniecznie czystą
I'll meet you with natural love
Untouchable and unforeseeable
I'll meet you with symmetrical-lyrical love
And not exactly clean
Okay, so this is definitely a faster-paced and more dynamic AU. This song would also work well in the non-AU hockey setting, but since we're doing AUs, let's make Nater a college student at Rutgers stuck in a dead-end retail job, which he's working to help pay for his school where he's studying something boring like accounting. Basically, our man's resigned to a life of absolute NPCdom, right?
Well, all that changes when, just before finals week, he stops by an interesting ice cream shop in the middle of New Jersey that is in no way, shape, or form inspired by an ice cream shop close to my house. I'm almost doxxing myself right now but look at this place. Just LOOK AT IT.
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There, Nate meets ice cream connoisseur Timo Meier. Well, no, actually he meets Siegs first in the front but the second Timo steps out from the back where he's churning up a new flavor it's game over. Way too many free samples later (despite it being policy to only give two), Nate ends up getting not only a scoop for himself but like, four quarts to share with his friends back at college for fuel to get through finals week. At the bottom of one of those quarts is a business card for some Polish contractor, which is weird, but when Nate flips it over it's got a hastily-scribbled shark on it and a phone number. So Nate does what anyone in that specific situation would do and shoots a text to that number, kickstarting a whirlwind summer romance story full of travels, partying, and Timo going through the entire Atlas Obscura guide to New Jersey trying to haul in the biggest catch of the season.
Yes, the Swisses work at the ice cream shop. Yes, they give Timo so much shit about this. It's great.
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that-stone-butch · 2 years
Good evening – do you have any recommendations for a good brand of cordless power drill?
hey riva!! of course! keep in mind that my advice is going to be informed by my experience in the trade of electrical work rather than dedicated carpentry or framing or anything of that somewhat more relevant wheelhouse.
the first thing to take into account is what you plan to do with your power drill. are you going into a trade? are you just working on home improvement, or DIY projects? this will inform the kind of power you need in a tool. trying to go for max torque and RPM might be overkill if you're, say, building shelves. but likewise a mere 12v system might not match up to the task of like, drilling out several layers of studs or thick metal.
another thing to consider is whether you're looking for a straight up drill, or an impact driver. an impact driver is similar to a drill in that it is a handheld tool that uses a motor to spin a bit. but an impact driver has an internal anvil system that detects resistance and applies torque to countersink the driven device (typically a screw). so while you may use a drill with a drill bit to bore out a hole in wood, if you're putting screws in wood you're likely better off with an impact driver that can properly seat the screw with its superior driving capabilities. because they have complimentary uses, many retailers sell impact drivers and drills together in a set. i highly recommend this if you can swing it, it will set you up to be able to complete most any DIY or professional project vis-a-vis drilling and screwing.
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a hammer drill with various settings is shown on the left, whereas the impact driver is shown on the right. note the invariable chuck at the front of the impact driver. it will use driving bits only, and only those intended for the anvil effect of the tool. image borrowed from google.
i don't have particularly much brand loyalty, but i will say that i own a milwaukee m12 fuel impact/drill set, and for the most part it has held up. the m12 series (as in 12v set) is plenty strong for a hobbyist, however in my professional setting the drill has been lacking.
see, the m12 impact driver is capable of some decent torque and RPMs, nearly on par with its larger m18 counterpart. i have yet to find a task that my m12 impact lacked the torque to accomplish. however, the m12 drill hasn't held up to more demanding tasks. while it drills out electrical boxes and other small tasks just great, i doubt i could spend all day drilling out studs without breaking the damn thing. in this manner, a larger voltage drill would be essential for professional work. the only sheer advantage m12 has over m18 is their more compact frames allow them to be used in tighter environments with ease, such as in attics. this is, however, a more professional concern and may not factor into DIY needs.
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milwaukee m12 drill/impact set shown above, their slightly beefier m18 counterparts shown below. image borrowed from reddit.
milwaukee tools are, however, pricey. (sales notwithstanding) the m12 set sits at $150-200, whereas the m18 set can be up to $400.
dewalt's 20v impact/drill set can currently be found at ~$150, and while i haven't personally owned the set, every dewalt hand drill that i've borrowed from a coworker has handled everything i've thrown at it.
either brand has a decent reputation for a reason, and their large selection of other cordless tools makes battery interchangeability a long-term non issue should you, say, want to invest in a cordless sawzall, circ saw, or even portaband down the line. nice and simple!
bottom line, if you can get a stronger/higher voltage set on sale (now is the time of year for that!), absolutely go for it. but the m12 or other voltage-comparable sets will do just fine for hobbyists/around-the-house work.
if you're just looking for a drill, no impact whatsoever, you can find any of the drills in these sets on their own. however, i strongly recommend the use of an impact driver to anyone considering projects that need screws, whether that's building cabinets or anchoring a shelf to a concrete garage wall. you'll save money in the long run by getting the impact driver now instead of going back for it and having bought each separately.
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slowmissiles · 2 years
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Back in a former life, I had an addiction that I loved beyond sanity. Here’s the story of it. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 pt1 2009 pt2 2009 Redux
This is the final spec list for my glorious, insane Brutal Truth.
Nissan Skyline BCNR33 GT-R (Type 2) manufactured in April 1996. JDM non V-Spec vehicle retailed through Osaka Nissan Prince in May/June 1996. Imported to the UK in June 1997. Remained in original JDM spec without speedometer conversion until August 2002. Only the steering wheel & white dial sets were fitted in Japan.
Nismo RB26N1 bare engine: [N1 water pump (improved flow & less cavitation)/Reinforced cylinder block head bolt boss/Increased sump capacity (6L 20w60)/1.2mm oil restrictor]
N1 head with 0.5mm overbore (2598cc)
Cryogenically hardened N1 crankshaft
Wossner forged & cryogenically hardened pistons
Abbey Motorsport reinforced & cryogenically hardened con-rods
ACL Race Series conrod & crankshaft bearings
Tomei sump baffle kit
Tomei high flow (larger drive gears) oil pump
HKS 1.2mm metal head gasket
Tomei Procam Spec 2 cam kit (270 degree inlet & outlet with 10.25mm lift)
HKS V-Cam System Step 1 Type B (variable 248-278 degree inlet; replaces Procam inlet camshaft)
HKS vernier cam pulleys
HKS kevlar reinforced timing belt
Trust metal intake & throttle gaskets
HKS front pipe & decat gaskets
GReddy Iridium 08 Racing sparkplugs
Mocal 19-row oil cooler & Abbey Motorsport remote oil filter assembly
Abbey Motorsport catch tank & washer reservoir with SFS breather hoses
Abbey Motorsport Pro Alloy large radiator
Tomei fuel pump, fuel regulator & 600cc injectors
A’PEXi Power Intake induction kit
A’PEXi GT Spec intercooler (237x610x136mm) & hard pipe kit
HKS GT-SS turbos
HKS twin AFM delete kit
Tomei turbo elbows
HKS downpipes
HKS Silent Hi-Power exhaust
Abbey Motorsport 80mm decat pipe
Mine’s VX-ROM
HKS F-Con V Pro
HKS EVC 6 boost controller (1.6 bar)
AEM wideband lambda sensor
Splitfire DI Super Direct Ignition System
HKS Circle Earth kit
HKS GD Max twin-plate clutch (with lightened flywheel)
Abbey Motorsport rebuilt transfer box
Abbey Motorsport rebuilt gearbox with cryogenically hardened gear set, modified Nissan synchromesh upgrade and OS Giken strengthening plate
Abbey Motorsport rebuilt rear diff
Nismo gearbox mounts
Nismo Solid Shift gear stick (10% short shift)
Omex Shift Light Sequential
Sunsei SE-135 solar panel trickle charger mounted on a custom aluminium riser between the rear parcel shelf speaker enclosures.
Team Dynamics Equinox alloys 19x9.5, ET+15 in silver with polished stainless steel rim.
Falken FK452 265/30/19 Y-rated tyres
Cusco brake master cylinder brace
Cusco rear steering delete kit
Cusco front & rear upper suspension links
AST Sport Line 1 full suspension kit with UK spring setup
Nismo stainless steel braided brake hoses
StopTech 355mm rotor 4 pot caliper front brake kit
StopTech 355mm rotor 2 pot caliper rear brake kit with Abbey Motorsport modified pad retainers
Ferodo DS2500 brake pads front & rear
Bomex AD-390 front splitter
Nismo R34 smoked front indicators in custom aluminium mounting plates finished in crackle black
Nissan Xenon headlamp units
Border Racing Aero Fenders (vented front wings) with silver GT emblems from a R32 Skyline
Nismo smoked side repeaters
Top Mix one-off FRP twin blade rear spoiler on custom aluminium mounting plates
Entire exterior resprayed in BMW black (code 086) base and lacquer
Nissan Motorsport International carbon fibre B-pillar plates
PIAA carbon effect silicon wipers, front pair with spoilers, rear without
Nismo white face dial sets (dashboard & centre console) in carbon fibre panels
AEM AFR gauge mount replaces the lighter socket
HKS EVC display mounted on custom carbon fibre plate replacing the ashtray
Lighter socket relocated to the fog light switch panel
Nissan Momo steering wheel (with airbag)
Dressycar Nismo harness pads
Redline Automotive leather gearstick & handbrake gaiters
Abbey Motorsport carbon fibre door sill trims
Carbon fibre boot sill trim
Inlet plenum and sundry induction pipework finished in powder grey
Trust clear cam pulley cover
HKS Kansai Service carbon fibre spark plug cover
Right hand cam cover finished in crackle black
Nismo radiator & washer reservoir caps
HKS Kansai Service front strut brace finished in high gloss black
GReddy aluminium slam panel finished in crackle black
Tein bonnet dampers with black sleeves
Custom made one-off Cobra Misano Lux front seats: [Alcantara (colour code 9189) outers/Alcantara (colour code 9182) centre panels/One-piece carbon fibre backs/Sidewinder bases on custom subframes adapted by Abbey Motorsport/Cobra logo in silver thread on the headpads/GT-R logo beneath the grommets on seat backs]
JVC KD-AVX2 multi-media DVD/CD receiver with built-in 3.5” widescreen monitor
2x JL Audio Evolution VR600-CXi 6” speakers (front)
2x JL Audio Evolution TR650-CXi 6.5” speakers (rear)
Multiple and interlaced Thatcham rated security systems.
500 bhp. 520 ft/lb.
Ludicrously, hilariously, unbelievably fast.
Hope you enjoyed this little trip down memory lane with me. Cheers! JM.
(Photo by N. Liassides.)
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raiyanraisha · 1 year
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How to Get instant $300 ! Just click here
Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your search for information about Chevron gift cards!
Chevron gift cards are prepaid cards that can be used to purchase fuel, snacks, and other items at Chevron and Texaco gas stations. These gift cards are convenient for personal use or as gifts for friends and family who frequently drive or use Chevron gas stations.
Here are some key points about Chevron gift cards:
Availability: Chevron gift cards can usually be purchased online through the official Chevron or Texaco websites, as well as at physical Chevron and Texaco gas station locations. They might also be available at certain retail stores or third-party gift card websites.
Denominations: Chevron gift cards are typically available in various denominations, allowing you to choose the amount you'd like to load onto the card. Common denominations include 25,25,50, $100, and so on.
Use: The gift cards can be used to pay for fuel, convenience store items, car washes, and other services at participating Chevron and Texaco gas stations across the United States. Some gift cards might also have restrictions on their use, so it's a good idea to review the terms and conditions before making a purchase.
Reloadable vs. Non-reloadable: Some Chevron gift cards are reloadable, which means you can add more funds to the card after the initial amount is used. Non-reloadable gift cards can only be used until the balance is depleted.
Expiration: Most Chevron gift cards do not have expiration dates, but it's important to check the specific terms and conditions of the card you're purchasing.
Get instant $300 ! Just click her
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battleangel · 11 months
80 Degree Halloween
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It was never 79 degrees on my birthday, October 28th.
Almost 80 degrees right before Halloween and November?
Absolutely never.
But everyone just stays consistently distracted now with all the social media scrolling, messenger apps, non stop notifications, endless shows to stream, multiple screens, videogames, anime, comic book movies & tv shows, star wars, halloween, amazon prime 1 day sale, thanksgiving, black friday, cyber monday, christmas, new years, presidential election --
Noone says, at a mass scale, "Hey, it was never almost 80 degrees Halloween weekend."
The humidity is one thing.
48 degrees & 90% humidity is a result of the bomb testing they did over the summer with resulting smoke falsely blamed on "canadian wildfires" when many in NYC reported seeing a mushroom cloud right before the smoke filled the skies on the east coast.
Humidity & air quality have not returned to normal since that day.
This is different where the temperatures have been steadily rising due to climate change, the polar ice caps are gradually melting, the ozone layer is becoming depleted, we have overextracted the worlds resources.
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Capitalism means never having to say when.
Too many landfills, too many cars, too many flights to nowhwere, too many greenhouse emissions, too much drilling for oil, drill baby drill!, too much fracking, too many oceanic oil spills, too many nuclear power plants, too many humans, too much overpopulation, too much deforestation, too much factory farming, too much ethane gas emitted from cows fecal matter, too many millions of gallons of water needed every year for factory farming, too many cities, too many skyscrapers, too much pollution, too many factories, not enough clean drinking water
Too many bombs, too many cars clogging the highways, too much construction, too much machinery, too many houses with air conditioning set at 70 degrees, too many SUVs, too much industrial waste, too much industrial pollution, too many landfills, too much non-biodegradable waste, too much trash that wont break down in a landfill for thousands of years, too much smog, too many fossil fuels being burned, too many fires, too much smoke
Too many fast food chains, too many Mcdonalds burgers served, too many KFC wings, too many factories, too much carbon dioxide, not enough trees planted, too many species now extinct, not enough wildlife preservation, too many cruise ships polluting the oceans, too much recycling using more energy than it saves, too much plastic, too many experiments, too many chemicals, too many synthetic ingredients, too many labs, too much radiation, too much trash, too many chains
Too many amazon warehouses, too many big box retail stores, too many starbucks, too many plastic straws, too much overconsumption, too much greed, too much exploitation, too much raping mother earth, not enough abortions, too much overpopulation, too many people not enough resources, finite planet infinite greed, finite planet infinite capitalism, finite planet elon will just take us to mars, too many private jets, too much capitalism, not enough socialism, too much capitalsm, not enough solidarity, too much individualism, not enough communalism
Too many opioids, too many benzos, too many anti depressants, too much alcohol, too much electricity not enough solar power, too many luxury cars, not enough electric vehicles, too many cars, not enough bikes, too many highways, not enough bike lanes, too many lanes, not enough walkways, too many oil rig explosions, not enough clean up, too much money, not enough love, too much competition, not enough togetherness, too much dog eat dog, not enough lets not keep fighting over scraps, too many rich CEOs, not enough workers unions
Too many toxins, not enough herbs and plants, too many lobbyists, too many manufacturers, too many industry titans, too many leviathans, too many convenient scapegoats, too many targets of hate, too many layoffs, too much waste disposal, too many garbage pickups, too much trash per US citizen, too much smoke, too many pollutants, too much toxic waste dumped into water into poor and inner cities
Too many prisons, too many overcrowded jails, too much elder abuse in nursing homes, too much corruption, too many payoffs, too many grifters, too many wheelers and dealers, too many wall street executives, too many bernie madoffs, too much abusive porn, too much violence, too much cheap dirtiness
Too many walmarts, too many deals, too many dollar menus, too many dollaritas at applebees, too many people living paycheck to paycheck, too many individual 401k accounts, too many millionaires and billionaires, too many 1%ers
Too many false american dreams, too much meritocracy, too much keep up the good work, too many trips to the moon, too many rocket launches, too many lunchables, too many chicken mcnuggets, too many billions served, too many whoppers with cheese, too many water bottles, too many coke cans
Too much fast fashion, too many SHEINs, too many fashion novas, too much collagen, too many ccs, too much lip filler, too many bbls, too many augmentations, too many brow lifts, too many cheek fillers, too many facelifts, too many surgeries
Too much chemo, too much radiation, too much slashing and burning, too much fear of death, too much desperation to stay alive at any cost, too many people waiting to retire, too many people working to live, too many golden handcuffs, too many executives, too many VPs, too many Silicon Valleys, too many startups, too many uncanny valleys, too much virtual reality
Too many trash cans, too many plastic trash bags, too many paper towels, too much disposability, too much one use only, too many throwaways, too much extension of life at all costs, too many vacations, too many trips, too many homes, too many cars
Too much materialism, too much shallowness, too much superficiality, too many prison sentences, too much criminalization of normal behavior, too much medicalization, too many soldiers, too many products, too many costcos, too many gas stations, too many grocery stores
Too much excess, too much blind worship of success, too many genocides, too much jealousy, too much envy, too much child trafficking, too many rape parties, too many child soldiers, too many child prostitutes
Too many private swimming pools, too many gated communities, too many suburbs, too much middle class, too much low wage exploitation, too much stock market, too much dow jones index, too many returns on investment
Too many fur jackets, too many chinchillas dragging on the floor, too much theraflu, too much robitussin, too many covid vaccinations, too many vaccines, too much childhood autism, too many boys on ritalin, too many boys with adhd
Too much pathologizing of normal behavior, too many roofies, too many rape drugs, too many rohypnols, too many dollar trees, too many creature comforts, too much luxury, too many five star hotels, too many deliveries, too many amazon drivers, too many five belows, too many worker bees, too many garbage trucks, too many lobbyists
Too many zionists, too many western powers, too much modernization, too much technology, too much frictionlessness, too many diversionary tactics, too much repression, too much protestant work ethic, too much hubris, too much ego, too much money, too many elons, too many monarchs, too many queens of england, too many kings without a crown, too many rulers of the world, too many fake elections
Too much reality tv, too much double anal, too many hits to the head, too many hits under the chin, too many concussions, too many blue tents on the sideline, too many prison sentences, too many mass graves, too much ethnic cleansing
Too many taxpayer funded genocides, too many people afraid of being called an antisemite for telling the truth about US Israel zionism, too many kidnappings, too many abductions, too many shootings, too many stabbings, too many beatings, too many killings, too much spousal abuse, too much spousal rape, too many false agendas
Too many microwaves, too many cell phones, too many air conditioners, too many heat waves, too much climate change, too many drivethrus, too many distractions, too much doordash, too many surgeries, too many prescriptions, too much prescription abuse, too much alcoholism, too many suicides, too many rehab stints, too many revolving doors
Too many santa clauses, too much commercialization, too much commodification, too much consumption, too many rockefellers, too many rothschilds, too many bidens, too many mein kampfs, too many cultural revolutions, too many shibboleths, too many highways to hell, too many bridges to nowhere, too many dont ask dont tells, too much homophobia, too much transphobia, too much fear, too much hate, too much regret in hospices, too many lives wasted at a 9 to 5, too many too late realizations on deathbeds, too many trees cut down for paper...
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sukimas · 2 years
i don't think i've ever posted about my car (the fuckmobile 9000) here, but it's the car of all time, so you get to be subjected to my experiences with vehicles.
so, for context: i own a car from 1996 (because I don't make any money). however- and this is important- i do not own a beater car. i own a car that was, at the time, a fairly high-end vehicle.
the car i have, specifically, is a top of the line '96 nissan maxima. bought early in the january of that year. the color as stated in the owner's manual is "gold" but the department of motor vehicles has ruled it as "beige". the paint on the roof is peeling off; the cover for a small piece of one of the headlights has gone missing somewhere. the hubcaps are beginning to rust, and the paint on the windshield wiper holders has been rubbed clean away, making them clean steel that reflects the sun directly into my eyes whenever i'm driving home at sunset.
the first indication one might gain that this car was worth far more than three thousand bucks back in the day is when, before starting it up, one opens the gas tank. on the internal cover, there is a warning saying to only use premium fuel (93 octane or better) for necessary engine performance.
(it gets 87 octane because that is what i can afford and it likes it. however, as protest, the gas tank refuses to indicate the proper fuel level until i hit half empty. such is life.)
despite the car insurance being 24 dollars a month, once you actually start the vehicle it roars to life as if it's fresh off the lot. completely overkill for a consumer vehicle, it's outfitted with a v6 engine that makes the thing shake so much that it needs a special doohickey called a harmonic balancer on the crankshaft to make it stop doing that.
i discovered, incidentally, that it requires a harmonic balancer when the rubber on the original manufacturer one wore out and the car threw 6 belts before the mechanics figured out what the hell the problem was. essentially all the rubber and plastic on the vehicle has worn out from age. this is, in fact, the only engine problem i have ever had.
one interesting piece of plastic in many vehicles is a little bolt-shaped thing that indicates when the brake light should turn off; a brake light is actually a dead man's switch, in that the switch is always on when it is not receiving electronic signal, as opposed to always off. anyway, the brake light's plastic bit broke in half last summer and my car battery died repeatedly until i figured out i needed a replacement for it, which cost $3 plus $18 shipping from missouri. the dashboard odometer mechanism is also plastic-based, so it is a 1/3 chance that it increments on any trip (but the internal odometer works; strangely, despite this discrepancy, there's only a 3,000 mile mileage difference between them.)
the radio/media system fuse burnt out in 2019; interestingly, unlike in more recent cars, this is not connected to the clock, so I can still tell the time. i do miss my cassette player, though, even if i mortifyingly found out recently that half of my old cassettes are from joe biden's favorite band.
either way, you're not here to hear about my car trouble (summing in total to just under half of the vehicle's current retail price). you're here to hear about its performance. well, i'm happy to tell you that even with 87 octane, it gladly goes from zero to sixty in about 6.7 seconds, nearly the same timespan as the 2022 maxima (5.7). how do i know this? i live in a town where the lovely non-permanent residents significantly enjoy showing off the power of their cars' motors. it's similarly excellent at maintaining high speeds, keeping 80 even running up steep grades in the appalachian mountains.
now, as for miles per gallon, it's not great. it's a car from 1996, and i'm feeding it low-octane fuel so it's doing even worse than it should be, but it can still run from the WV/SWVA border to DC on 2/3 of a tank. (it takes 3/4 to get back, because of the uphill/downhill differences, but it's still easily manageable on one tank.)
now you're definitely saying "whoa, hold on man, think about the emissions on that thing!"
luckily, my car's registered back in fucking lockheed martinville, so it's gotta go through emissions checks every two years. it's passed every single one with flying colors- by better margins than my next door neighbor's brand new audi. fuck that guy for doing donuts outside at three in the morning, by the way. of course, CO2 is an issue, but electric cars cost forty grand and as previously mentioned i live in appalachia. so this guy's staying around until it turns 30 or i leave the united states, whichever comes first.
in conclusion: the fuckmobile 9000 will never die. also don't tailgate me for your own safety, this thing's got a steel body and you've got crumple zones. if you rear end me at a traffic light, you're the one who's getting totaled, not me.
(as for me you can rest assured i'm not rear-ending you, i don't want a door through the head)
anyway if you have no money and want an alternative vehicle before getting enough to go electric, consider an ancient and immortal creature from the 1990s. and maybe try downloading some mp3s on your phone to listen to on trips; you never know when your radio will spontaneously fail, after all.
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jointhekings · 2 years
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There are many factors and forces behind the movement of currencies in the FX market. Given the unique and complex nature of each and every economy around the globe, it is almost an impossible task to identify all the forces that drive currency prices.
Forex market reacts to all the supply and demand factors such as interest rates, gross domestic product (GDP), inflation, government policy, economic health, and many other factors. People read these facts and each interprets them differently and takes positions based on their interpretation of the fact.
Of course, opinions and interpretations differ from one person to another and they all draw different conclusions from the facts they see. Therefore, this causes prices to go in a different direction to where generally majority of the traders think they will.
There are generally fundamental factors that move the currency market.
Below are the four most important economic releases that move the forex market.
1) Interest rates
Interest rate movements are among the most powerful fundamental factors that move the forex market. They are set by central banks.
Generally, higher interest rates increase the value of a country’s currency. Higher interest rates tend to attract foreign investment, increasing the demand for and value of the home country’s currency.
Conversely, lower interest rates tend to be unattractive for foreign investment and decrease the currency’s relative value.
One of the most anticipated interest rate decisions is released by the federal reserve followed by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting that releases a statement to inform the general public of its monetary policy decision, regardless of whether or not rates have been changed. It is scheduled 8 times a year and it is released at 2:00 pm ET.
This specific economic release has a high impact on the Forex market and has a direct impact on the US dollar currency pairs (Major Pairs).
Federal Reserve interest rate decisions can move the market substantially in a very short period of time usually seconds after its release. Thus traders have to take extra caution when such important economic news is about to be released.
2) Non-Farm payroll
Another very important economic news is Non-farm payroll. Non-farm payroll figures refer to any job in the economy with the exception of farm work and other situations such as those employed within the military and intelligence agencies.
This release holds such influence because it provides a gauge for investors to determine whether corporations are hiring. If the report comes strong and improving, it can suggest that companies are expanding and hiring new labours and the new labours have money to spend, which will, in turn, fuel broad economic growth.
Growing workforces and a strong economy will often lead to a strengthening currency.
It is released by the Bureau of labour statistics and it is released monthly, usually on the first Friday after the month ends at 8:30 am ET.
It usually comes out at the same time as the Canadian unemployment rate, thus it can move the market substantially. The currency pair affected directly by both of these releases is the US dollar versus the Canadian dollar (USD/CAD).
3) Retail Sales
Retail sales is another high-impact economic release, it is the primary gauge of consumer spending, which accounts for the majority of overall economic activity. Retail sales are important economic indicators because they measure consumer spending, which drives the economy and signals its health.
Retail sales data is compiled differently according to each country and their bureau of statistics.
For the United States, the data is divided into US Retail Sales and US Core Retail Sales, which excludes autos and gasoline.
4) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
GDP is considered the broadest measure of a country’s economy, and it represents the total market value of all goods and services produced in a country during a given year. GDP is one of the most-watched economic indicators in the forex market because it signals whether an economy is expanding or contracting and how much it is changing relative to the opinion of analysts.
However, one has to consider that GDP is known to be a lagging economic indicator.
5) Consumer Price Index (CPI)
The consumer price index (CPI) measures inflation. Inflation is important to currency valuation because rising prices lead the central bank to raise interest rates out of respect for their inflation containment mandate.
When inflation is too low, a central bank like the Federal Reserve may cut interest rates to spur economic activity.
When inflation is too high, interest rates may be raised to stabilize prices.
Higher interest rates tend to be attractive for foreign investment and increase the value of a country’s currency.
Conversely, lower interest rates tend to be unattractive for foreign investment and decrease the currency’s relative value.
Besides the above-mentioned indicators, other major indicators that traders should watch closely include the purchasing managers index (PMI), durable goods report, industrial production, employment cost index (ECI), and producer price index.
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tamanna31 · 4 days
Nutritional Supplements Market Segmentation and Major key Players Analysis 2030
Nutritional Supplements Industry Overview
The global nutritional supplements market size was estimated at USD 381.47 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.3% from 2023 to 2030.
Growing attention to health has significantly helped the market thrive. Moreover, the rising prevalence of non-communicable diseases has resulted in the faster adoption of nutritional supplements to enrich overall well-being. According to the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD), approximately 71% of deaths globally occur due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Thus, these alarming statistics have shifted the focus on well-being and health, which is expected to increase the demand for nutritional supplements.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of theNutritional Supplements Market
Moreover, sports nutrition has also been trending due to a shift in emphasis toward fitness and wellness among the adult population. Through social media platforms and endorsements, fitness professionals, athletes, and enthusiasts encourage people to stay healthy and fit. For instance, in December 2022, Amway India, a key player in the market, launched the campaign “Passion Ko Do Poshan” with Mirabai Chanu, an Indian weightlifter, to market its product line Nutrilite. The campaign was advertised via digital platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. In addition, as the worldwide population suffering from conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disorders, is growing day by day, individuals are encouraged to embrace a healthy lifestyle that lowers the risk of getting such disorders.
Furthermore, awareness about maintaining a nutritious diet to complete nutritional necessities has been gaining momentum. Governments, globally, particularly in developing countries where malnutrition is highly prevalent, continuously introduce initiatives to enhance the health condition of individuals. For instance, in June 2022, the "Supplement Your Knowledge" initiative was launched by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to inform, educate, and enhance knowledge of dietary supplements in educators, customers, and healthcare professionals. Nutritional supplementation has been pivotal in enhancing the status of malnutrition in some countries.
Access to dietary supplementation has been made more convenient through online and retail channels. The ease of availability has been a significant aspect propelling the market. E-commerce platforms are also driving the demand of the market owing to the enhanced visibility of products and wider reach across all age groups and socio-economic strata. E-commerce platforms have gained traction in developing countries such as India, China, and Mexico. Moreover, many market participants are launching their offerings on e-commerce platforms to reinforce their business avenues. For instance, in March 2022, Cymbiotika, a nutritional supplement company, established its e-commerce platform in the UK for natural supplements. The increased adoption of e-commerce platforms due to the pandemic has further fueled market growth.
Browse through Grand View Research's Pharmaceuticals Industry Research Reports.
The global immune health supplements market size was estimated at USD 26.60 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.72% from 2024 to 2030.
The global sports nutrition market size was valued at USD 45.24 billion in 2023 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.5% from 2024 to 2030.
Regional Insights
In terms of region, Asia Pacific dominated the nutritional supplements market in 2022 with a revenue share of 39.4%. Factors such as the low price of raw materials, availability of functional foods, and high cognition regarding the health advantages of nutritional supplements have driven regional growth. Nations like Japan and China have been leaders in enriched foods with high nutritional value. Multiple products are particularly produced in the region and shipped to other parts of the globe, contributing positively to the growth of the market. In addition, companies in the industry are entering the region. For instance, in May 2023, USANA Health Sciences, Inc. announced its plan to enter the market in India in the latter half of 2023.
The market for Latin America is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR of 8.0% from 2023 to 2030. The notable demand for health products across the region is driving the regional growth of the market. The increasing awareness about well-being and health and the rising popularity of nutrient-rich food propel the market. The rise in the disposable income of the people has led to extra spending on fitness and health products, thus fueling the growth of the market.
Key Nutritional Supplements Company Insights
The key participants in the nutritional supplements industry are launching various strategic initiatives to retain their market presence. In addition, different strategic initiatives help market participants to strengthen their industry position. For instance, in May 2023, Launch Hydrate, a key player in the sports nutrition industry, partnered with Perfect Game, a softball and baseball organization. This collaboration aimed to offer various sports drinks to the Perfect Game participants. For instance, in April 2023, Hemperella launched hemp-based protein powder, hemp muesli, and protein bars, among others.
Key Companies profiled:
Glanbia PLC
Nestlé Health Science
Herbalife International of America, Inc
Amway Corp.
Clif Bar & Company
Science in Sport plc
Order a free sample PDF of the Nutritional Supplements Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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market-insider · 5 days
Caffeine Gummies Products: Understanding Market Dynamics, Size, Share, Growth Trajectories
The global caffeine gummies market size is expected to reach USD 285.8 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 13.4% from 2024 to 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The rising awareness of health and wellness has led consumers to prefer food products enriched with vitamins, proteins, and minerals. Campaigns promoting healthy eating, initiated by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and companies globally, have played a significant role in educating consumers about the nutritional benefits of dietary supplements. This increased awareness is anticipated to drive the growth of the caffeine gummies market in the coming years.
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Caffeine gummies, part of the nutraceutical sector, are becoming increasingly popular due to their preventive and performance-enhancing benefits. These gummies are poised to complement or even replace traditional caffeine sources by improving energy levels, cognitive function, and overall alertness. Their convenience and controlled dosage make them an attractive alternative for consumers seeking a quick and efficient energy boost.
The popularity of caffeine gummies is rising faster than other gummy supplements due to their unique value proposition and alignment with current consumer trends. In an increasingly fast-paced world, consumers are looking for convenient, effective, and enjoyable ways to maintain energy levels and mental alertness.
Caffeine gummies meet this need by providing a quick and controlled dose of caffeine, making them an appealing alternative to traditional sources like coffee and energy drinks. Their portability and ease of consumption appeal to busy professionals, students, and fitness enthusiasts who require a reliable energy boost without the hassle of preparation or potential digestive discomfort associated with other caffeine products.
The pleasant taste and chewable format of caffeine gummies enhance user experience, promoting adherence and repeated use. As demand for functional and on-the-go nutritional products grows, caffeine gummies are well-positioned to capitalize on this trend, driving rapid market expansion and outpacing other gummy supplement categories.
The consumption of dietary supplements has increased due to the rising prevalence of heart diseases, cancer, and diabetes. These supplements enhance overall health, prevent chronic conditions, increase life expectancy, support bodily functions, and delay aging. Busy lifestyles have encouraged on-the-go eating habits, driving the trend of replacing meals with smaller nutritional snacks and increasing the consumption of functional foods and dietary supplements. This shift towards alternative forms of nutrients is expected to fuel demand for caffeine gummies.
For More Details or Sample Copy please visit link @: Caffeine Gummies Market Report
Caffeine Gummies Market Report Highlights
Caffeine gummies, a convenient and effective alternative to traditional caffeine sources, are benefiting from this trend. The growing number of fitness centers, health clubs, and gymnasiums, along with increased awareness of wellbeing among young people, is expected to boost the market.
Caffeine gummies specifically for energy boost that target individuals seeking a quick, convenient, and effective energy boost throughout their busy days. Students, professionals, and travelers particularly appreciate the portability and rapid effect of these gummies, making them a popular choice for maintaining alertness and productivity.
Pharmacies serve as a trusted retail channel for caffeine gummies, attracting health-conscious consumers who seek reliable and safe supplementation. The presence of knowledgeable pharmacists who can provide guidance and recommendations further boosts the credibility and sales of caffeine gummies in this segment.
In the U.S., gummy supplements, including caffeine gummies, are gaining significant traction. This trend is contributing to increased sales and indicates a growing preference for functional and convenient supplement formats.
For Customized reports or Special Pricing please visit @: Caffeine Gummies Market Report
We have segmented the global caffeine gummies market based on the application, distribution channel, and region.
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reviewnearme00 · 8 days
From High-End To Thrift Finds With Top Fashion Avenue Near Me
Fashion is a dynamic and ever-evolving industry, and has always been a reflection of society's values, aspirations, and cultural zeitgeist. From the opulent gowns of the aristocracy to the casual streetwear of today, fashion has traversed a vast spectrum of styles and sensibilities. Their names are synonymous with quality, craftsmanship, and exclusivity. Yet, beneath the glittering facade lies a world of hidden treasures – the realm of thrift stores.
In this article we delve into the intriguing dichotomy between high-end fashion and thrift finds, exploring the factors that drive consumer choices, the cultural significance of both realms, and the growing trend of sustainable top fashion avenue near me. Into the fascinating contrast between high-end fashion and thrift finds, exploring the allure of both and the art of finding unique pieces in unexpected places.
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High-End Fashion Avenue Near Me
High-end fashion, often synonymous with luxury brands, designer labels, and exorbitant price tags, continues to captivate the imagination of many. 
The appeal of high-end fashion lies in several key factors-
Quality and Craftsmanship: Luxury brands are renowned for their commitment to quality materials, impeccable craftsmanship, and attention to detail. Each piece is often a labor of love, created by skilled artisans using traditional techniques.  
Exclusivity and Prestige: High-end fashion is often associated with exclusivity and prestige. Owning a designer item can confer a sense of status and social standing. Limited editions and seasonal collections further enhance the allure of these pieces.  
Design Innovation and Trendsetting: Luxury brands play a pivotal role in shaping fashion trends. Their creative directors and designers push boundaries, experimenting with new silhouettes, fabrics, and techniques.  
Investment Potential: In some cases, high-end fashion items can appreciate in value over time, particularly if they are rare, limited edition, or signed by the designer.  
Despite the allure of high-end fashion, many consumers are increasingly seeking alternatives that offer style, quality, and value without the hefty price tag. This has led to a resurgence of interest in thrift shopping and second-hand fashion.  
The Thrifting Revolution
Thrifting, the practice of shopping at secondhand stores, has gained significant popularity in recent years. 
Several factors have contributed to this trend- 
Affordability: Thrift stores offer a wide range of clothing and accessories at significantly lower prices compared to retail stores. This makes them an attractive option for budget-conscious shoppers.  
Sustainability: Thrifting is a sustainable way to shop, as it reduces waste and extends the lifespan of garments. By buying secondhand, consumers help to reduce the environmental impact of the fashion industry.  
Unique Finds: Thrift stores often offer unique and one-of-a-kind pieces that cannot be found in mainstream retail stores. This makes thrifting an exciting and adventurous experience.  
Vintage and Retro Styles: Thrift stores are treasure troves of vintage and retro clothing, offering a nostalgic and timeless appeal.  
Community and Social Impact: Many thrift stores are operated by non-profit organizations, supporting various social causes. By shopping at these stores, consumers can contribute to a good cause.  
The Intersection of High-End and Thrift
While high-end fashion and thrifting may seem like opposites, there is an increasing overlap between the two. Many luxury brands are now offering resale platforms and consignment services, allowing customers to buy and sell pre-owned items. This trend has been fueled by a growing awareness of sustainability and a desire for circular fashion.  
Thrift stores are becoming more sophisticated, with curated collections, vintage experts, and even online marketplaces. This has made it easier for consumers to find high-quality and desirable pieces at affordable prices.
Cultural Significance of Fashion
Both high-end fashion and thrifting have significant cultural implications. High-end fashion often reflects the aspirations and values of the elite, while thrifting can be seen as a form of rebellion against consumerism and a celebration of individuality.
In 2024, there has been a growing movement towards sustainable fashion, which encompasses both high-end and thrifting. Sustainable fashion emphasizes ethical production practices, fair labor conditions, and the use of eco-friendly materials. Many luxury brands are now incorporating sustainable practices into their business models, while thrifting remains a popular choice for environmentally conscious consumers.  
Bridging the Gap: High-End Thrift Finds With Fashion Avenue Near Me
While high-end fashion and thrift finds may seem like opposites, there is a growing trend of combining the two. Many people are turning to thrift stores in search of designer brands, vintage classics, or unique pieces that can be styled with their high-end wardrobe. This approach allows for a more personalized and sustainable style.
Designer Finds at Thrift Prices: Thrift stores can be a goldmine for designer labels. Keep your eyes peeled for luxury brands that may have been donated or consigned.
Vintage Classics: Vintage clothing offers timeless style and unique character. Look for classic pieces that can be paired with modern elements to create a sophisticated look.  
Unique Accessories: Thrift stores are excellent places to find one-of-a-kind accessories, such as vintage handbags, jewelry, or hats. These can add a touch of personality and individuality to any outfit.
Tips for Successful Thrift Shopping
To maximize your thrift shopping experience, consider the following tips-
Know Your Style: Before you start shopping, think about your personal style and what kind of pieces you're looking for. This will help you stay focused and avoid impulse purchases.
Be Patient and Persistent: Thrift stores can be overwhelming, so take your time and be patient. Keep searching, and you'll eventually find the perfect pieces.
Check the Labels: Pay attention to the labels to ensure that the items are in good condition and the right size.
Don't Be Afraid to Negotiate: Many thrift stores are open to negotiation, especially for larger purchases or items that have been sitting on the shelves for a while.
Have Fun. Thrift shopping should be a fun and enjoyable experience. Don't take it too seriously and just enjoy the adventure of discovering unique pieces.
ImplyCart: Your One-Stop Shop for High-End and Thrift Finds
ImplyCart can be a valuable tool in your quest for unique fashion finds. With its comprehensive database of boutiques and brands, you can easily discover hidden gems in your area. When you're looking for high-end luxury or affordable thrift finds, they can help you find the perfect pieces to express your style.
Now that you've explored the world of high-end fashion and thrift finds, it's time to introduce, your one-stop shop for all things fashion. A revolutionary online platform that brings together a curated collection of high-end brands, vintage finds, and unique pieces from independent designers.
Wide Range of Options: From designer handbags to vintage clothing, they have something for everyone. Whether you're looking for a statement piece or a casual outfit, you'll find it here.
Quality Assurance: Carefully curates its inventory to ensure that all items are authentic and in good condition.
Convenient Online Shopping: Shop from the comfort of your own home and have your purchases delivered right to your doorstep.
Personalized Recommendations: The algorithm uses your shopping preferences to suggest items that you might like. This makes it easy to discover new brands and styles.
Why choose Them?
Diverse Selection: They offer a wide range of styles, from classic to contemporary, ensuring that there's something for everyone.
Quality Assurance: Every item on them is carefully selected to meet the highest standards of quality and authenticity.
Convenience and Accessibility: You can shop from the comfort of your own home, 24/7.
Personalized Recommendations: The algorithm uses artificial intelligence to suggest products based on your preferences and browsing history.
Secure Shopping: They prioritize your privacy and security, using advanced encryption technology to protect your personal information.
How to find the best fashion avenue near me?
Use the search bar: Simply enter your location or the name of your city to find fashion avenues near you.
Explore curated collections: They offer curated collections based on different styles, trends, and occasions.
Follow your favorite brands and designers: Stay updated on the latest arrivals and promotions from your favorite brands and designers.
Read reviews and ratings: Check out customer reviews and ratings to get a sense of the quality and value of the products.
When you're a dedicated thrift shopper or a luxury fashion enthusiast, there's something to be said for both worlds. High-end fashion offers elegance, exclusivity, and craftsmanship, while thrift finds provide unique, sustainable, and affordable options. Combining the two, you can create a personalized and stylish wardrobe that reflects your individuality and values. So, the next time you're looking to update your wardrobe, don't be afraid to explore the world of thrift stores. You might just discover your next favorite piece.
New trends and innovations are emerging all the time. While high-end fashion continues to hold its allure, thrifting has gained significant popularity as a sustainable and affordable alternative. The intersection of these two realms has created a more diverse and inclusive fashion industry, offering something for everyone. Whether you prefer the luxury of designer labels or the thrill of thrifting, there is no denying the cultural significance and enduring appeal of fashion.  
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