#Nooo they have to marry now👀
ourfatherwhoartinhell · 2 months
My 67 year old mother watched RHRN for the first time last night. I thought I would share some gems that came outta that:
Her: "He doesn't actually... that's not how he actually talks is it?" Me: "No no. Just imagine a Swedish dude, speaking English, pretending to be Italian." Her: "Oh, so that's why he sounds annoying. Ok!"
Her: "....is he gay?" Me: "No, he's married and has kids." Her: "Do his kids know what he does for a living? Can you imagine at school: 'My dads a firefighter, my dad's a doctor, my dad's a paramedic.. my dad's a satanic cult leader!' "
More below the cut!
*After If You Have Ghosts* Her: "Ok, that song was reaaaaalllyy pretty. I really liked that. He did a really good job." Me: "You hated it when I played it before." Her: "Yeah well... I don't actually like Ghost, so."
Her: "I know that one is Mountain, and there's a Swiss, and a Rain... cause every time I open the fridge to make a sandwich, or it's raining outside I'm reminded." Me: "I'm so proud. You're only missing the two guitarists." (She only likes the ghouls... don't come for me) Her: *Very confidently* "Alpha and Omega!" Me: "Um..." Her, laughing: "...no? Wrong era?" Me: "Phan–" Her: "PHANTOM! And the angry one I can never remember."
*Copia standing next to Dew* Her: Wow, he's really small isn't he? Me: Who? Dew or Copia cause either one would be an accurate observation.
Her: "Is he wearing contacts?" Me: "Yeah just the one, the white one." Her: "I just noticed." Me: "........... you JUST noticed?!" Her: "Only cause it's up close!" Me: "I hate to blow your mind.... but ALL the Papa's have a white eye. Even Nihil (her fav)" Her: "Really 👀 ?!"
Her: "Huh..." Me: "What?" Her: "I just noticed they have horns."
Her: "I think his pants are my favourite part about him." Me: "You just like the crotch corset." Her: "Nooo.... He has a nice ass too." *moments later* Her: "Why can't the ghouls have tight pants?!"
Her: "Don't their helmets ever fall off? Y'know when they start gettin into it, do they ever just 'whoops!' "
Her: *Sitting on the couch, humming, dancing and tapping her foot to Spillways* Me: I thought you didn't like Ghost?? Her: *Immediately stops* Well... y'know *starts dancing again and singing the correct lyrics*
Her: "Thats the end? They're not going to do right here, right now?" Me: "You mean Square Hammer?" Her: "Yeah the right here, right now song. Whatever it's actually called." Me: "When have you ever heard of a band not doing an encore?" Her: "Oh good. I was about to get upset. I love that song!"
*after the post credits scene* Her: "Wait, so thats it? Do we know who the new Papa is?" Me: "No! Thats the worst part about it!" Her: "Maybe it'll be a Mama instead" Me: *dies of laughter*
--- Anyways, Ghesties please protect my mum. She's trying lol If I can think of more moments from last night, I will add them!
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poorlittleyaoyao · 1 year
Top 4 Jiang Yanli Survival Scenarios That Still Allow the Plot to Happen
HOT TAKE: JYL didn't actually need to die and the story would still be plenty crunchy if she hadn't. (Also, it is geographically implausible for her to somehow get all the way from Koi Tower to Nightless City unless she was faking her low cultivation this whole time and secretly mastered teleportation talismans, but that's not what this is about.) Below are 4 ways JYL could live that would still allow the major post-timeskip plot beats to unfold.
SCENARIO 1: JYL remains a widow and stays in Lanling as a member of the Jin household.
SCENARIO 2: JYL is married off to JGY after JZX's death (+ a spicier, alternate version of this)
SCENARIO 3: JYL ends up married off to NMJ after JZX's death.
SCENARIO 4: JYL remains a widow and returns to Lotus Pier.
With descriptions under the cut!
SCENARIO 1: JYL remains a widow and stays in Lanling as a member of the Jin household.
THE POTENTIAL: JYL in this scenario occupies a fraught position at Koi Tower; she has some sway as Jin Ling's mother, but it's unclear where Jin Ling stands in the line of succession. (She's also now trapped in JGS's household without a male guardian so. You know. That's great. 😬) JGY would strive to foster a positive relationship with her, I think; she doesn't pose a threat to him, and even if he has no personal affection for her, showing kindness to his sister-in-law is good optics and maintains the alliance with Lotus Pier. What are the ramifications of that? Maybe she becomes close with QS and help advocate for her marriage? (Maybe she then becomes close-close with QS later on, given that they'd both be terribly starved for physical intimacy.) Maybe she stumbles upon some of the secrets of the Jinlintai Murder Basement and becomes one of NHS's informants. Maybe she has no idea about the Murder Basement and is as shocked and appalled as everyone else when she learns about JGY's crimes and wonders how the hell she didn't realize any of this was happening. Good stuff!
SCENARIO 2A: JYL is married off to JGY after JZX's death.
THE POTENTIAL: Much the same as above, except now JYL has sealed her position as THEE Jin-furen once JGY ascends to Sect Leader and Chief Cultivator. She and JGY are connected with and presumably have developed some degree of fondness for each other, which makes the reveal of JGY's actions that much more dramatic! She's going to feel as betrayed and conflicted as LXC does, and is going to struggle when both her brothers end up in opposition to her husband. Does JGY persuade her to go with him to Dongying, or does he take her hostage as he does LXC? To what degree does proximity to JGY make her potential collateral damage for NHS? This is all very stressful for JYL, but it averts the terrible, horrible, no-good very bad accidental incest marriage with QS, so... winning!
SCENARIO 2B (CQL only): JYL and JGY marry after JZX's death, but had a whole affair going on prior to that.
THE POTENTIAL: There's this one chaotic group interview with a bunch of the CQL actors where they're like "HMMM IT'S PRETTY SUS THAT JIN LING LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE HIS UNCLE!! SHIJIE HAS SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!!" and while poor Zhu Zanjin was sitting there going "nooo stop it's not like that! it's a coincidence! ☹️" it had me like 👀because I love mess. My fave interpretation of Claudius and Gertrude in Hamlet is that they were always in love with each other and Claudius killed King Hamlet 1.0 so he could be with her (obligatory plug for Haider, my fave Hamlet adaptation, which has this precise dynamic and it's *chef's kiss*), and like... what if THAT'S going on. JYL can have an extramarital affair with far-reaching consequences, as a treat. Sorry, Jin Ling, but the revelations from Guanyin Temple just got THAT much more complicated for you to process.
SCENARIO 3: JYL ends up married off to NMJ after JZX's death.
THE POTENTIAL: Ohohohoho, this one might be my favorite one. The Jin clan (possibly at JGY's suggestion) marry JYL off to NMJ in an attempt to repair Lanling's relationship with Qinghe and get NMJ to stop wilding. NMJ and JYL hit it off (shared experiences include: being parentified at a young age, violently losing a parent to the Wen clan, a strong sense of duty, and chronic illness)... but NMJ does not, in fact, stop wilding, so JGY begins playing Turmoil. NMJ's increasingly volatile behavior would be even more terrifying for JYL than it is for NHS--she's not only worried about her own safety, but if the Jin clan deem the Unclean Realm unsafe for little JL, then JYL's not going to get to see her son. Once NMJ succumbs to qi deviation, JYL is widowed once again, and she's starting to wonder if she's cursed... until her brother-in-law comes to her with his suspicions about JGY. (She might even be the one to ignite the suspicions in CQL canon, since she's present for LWJ playing Cleansing for WWX and thus knows what it's supposed to sound like.) Now JYL is pissed, and even more worried about JL's safety. She keeps Qinghe afloat while NHS goes into his scheming flop era, and perhaps even suggests to him that WWX is the person to call if he wants his brother back. As NHS's plan endangers people JYL cares about--including her son! repeatedly!--JYL starts to question his methods and regrets not confiding in JC instead, but the die is cast at this point.
SCENARIO 4: JYL remains a widow and returns to Lotus Pier.
THE POTENTIAL: This isn't bringing the spicy melodrama the way the other scenarios are, but I do like the quieter change it means for her, JC, and JL. JC doesn't have nearly as much unresolved grief to work through with his sister still alive, and would be a better-adjusted person. He might, in fact, be even better-adjusted than JYL herself, who grieves for and loves WWX but cannot forgive him for killing her husband. WWX upon his resurrection would have to face the consequences of shijie's anger, and now they're the ones having a tearful heart-to-heart in a public space while JC frets. (And then they ALL get to deal with the golden core transplant fallout! Woo!) Plus, an unattached JYL would have the freedom to accompany JL to Lanling, so she's going to be closer with JGY and QS and be present for whatever the hell happened with MXY, so she is going to have some REACTIONS to certain revelations, let me tell you!
I would love to write any one of these, but I am the world's slowest writer, so if it's up to me, they will never actually happen. So fly forth, ideas! Be free! If you write one of these, hmu, because I'd love to read it!
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br1ghtestlight · 11 months
"hello burger lady!! tiny people. BOB."
aww linda put a smiley face on the check thats so cute. "nooo i enjoyed it :)"
A BROTHERHOOD?? BLOOD OATH? love how louise hears this and immediately stands up she's like hello. hello im interested. PLEASE let me into your blood oath club mr fischoder
babalon like the ancient uhh. thing.
ooooh :0
(also my dad used to call my mom babalon among MANY other creative insults when they were married and this immediately brought that memory back to me. but he said it like babble-on like she was babbling. sorry idk why i wanted to share that)
"and the other members already picked all of the best chefs in town soo im asking you" i literally dont believe fischoeder lmao he definitely just wanted bob to come along as his personal chef and couldn't come up w/ a better excuse like. come on
"a billion dollars" "nope." "a million dollars" "no...." "a billion dollars :D" "she just said that"
i know bob is holding onto fischoeder's back bcuz he cant see but also its like. kinda intimate?? like?
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also love bob's new jacket. these are the kinda things you only notice when you've watched WAAYY too many bob's burgers episodes but its a nice jacket :) the blue color suits him. and it has a hood
personally i would be a little more concerned that mr fischoeder only has one eye and it is NOT looking in the direction of the dangerous sharp cliff theyre walking beside. i know he's driven bob in his boat before but he's SOO BLIND WHY ARE YOU WILLINGLY GETTING IN A BOAT WITH HIM <- saying this as someone who doesn't really have vision in one eye or depth perception. i wouldnt give in a boat with myself driving either
"it was actually kinda fun to come up with!! i-i hope you like it :)" bob is so sweet im gonna cry. he's so excited about cooking SOMEONE LET HIM RANT ABOUT HIS SPECIAL INTEREST RIGHT NOW. he's in autism heaven
recognize some of these guys from the gingerbread house episode which was another horrible experience for bob lmao
"can i keep hiiim? 🥺" what is his PROBLEM
also this 100% confirms to me that fischoeder has had sex with every old ass man on this camping trip bcuz NO WAY he's getting rich old woman pussy im sorry. i do think he's bisexual but his sex parties are male-exclusive. he fucked those old men
not looking forward to whatever is going to happen to bob in this episode.
I ALWAYS FORGET FISCHOEDER IS LIKE A HARDCORE DRUG ADDICT remember that time he did mushrooms in s13 That would explain some things. that weren't already explained by the alcoholism
bob is surprisingly chill considering the circumstances and the fact that he's getting less than a thousand dollars of restaurant equipment out of this. i know he trusts fischoeder (for some reason i dont entirely understand) but being blindfolded and taken to a secret island with a bunch of rich old men and having NO CELL SIGNAL and everybody is drugged as hell.... he doesn't even know where he is..... GIRL RUN‼️‼️
also there's only one bed in fischoeder's tent which means there's either a seperate camping section for the chefs (unlikely) he expects bob to sleep outside in the storm (very likely) or bob and fischoeder are going to have to share a bed 👀👀 i know its probably not going to be addressed but i need somebody to write And There Was Only One Bed bob x fischoeder fanfic about this episode immediately. like that needs to happen
bob realizing that the chances of him dying on this camping trip are quickly reaching eighty or ninety percent ooh he's COOKED
"Don't wear brown and black. Never look into someone's eyes..." "Bring your own fork. And briefcase." "Of course. Everyone knows that." "And leave one of your shoes as a gift." "But you have to hide it..." gene and louise are SOO silly i love them so much. they play off each other so well its like a constant improv class
this subplot is Trying To Teach Tina Social Skills meanwhile gene and louise don't have them either they just dont give a fuck about learning them. well louise knows them she just disregards them. gene doesn't know ANYTHING
HAHAHA BOB REALIZING THEYRE LEAVING HIM THERE TO DIE. ITS NEVER BEEN MORE OVER love him not even acknowledging their crazy fire drug-induced dancing he's so used to this bullshit. bob should get a week off after this MINIMUM but we all know he loves cooking too much for that
mfw im the only sober person at a crazy drug party full of rich people on an island during a deadly storm and its only Tuesday. 😐
aww its kinda cute he's making sure that fischoeder is taken care of too and packing up all their things. dad instincts
at a certain point u kinda have to call him calvin dude. like you're WELL past "mr fischoeder" territory in this situation <- is also calling him mr fischoeder in this review
"shh he's hunting us" is probably NOT what bob wanted to hear
there's something about this that is sooo.....
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in defense of bob he has almost died or been killed with fischoeder SEVERAL times before this episode including in the movie. its like a male bonding thing for them at this point
"and i invented a new way to tie a tie" I KNEW I WASNT CRAZY FOR THINKING THAT LOUISES TIE WAS TIED WRONG IN THAT SCREENSHOT i love that i picked up on that and felt the need to point it out. having never worn a tie before in my life (not to my knowledge at least)
this is literally what it feels like when ur autistic and trying to understand neurotypical social conventions. tina is trying SO HARD she's such a sweet girl :( its okay baby girl i understand i get it
am i allowed to say that bob with wet hair is kinda 👀👀🔥
why'd he kiss him like that ??
he's suuuch a sweetie in his oversized jacket <3
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"No, no. Plants don't like sweet drinks!" "Just hard liquor?"
"dad is missing a WILD night" *hard cut to bob tied up and being used as a human sacrifice for cannibalism*
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he probably also feels guilty that this is like the sixth time he's gotten bob into a near death situation. like at a certain point it starts to feel personal yknow
*howling* "god. i hate when he does that"
straight up on the verge of a meltdown. i dont even blame him tbh
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bob isnt WRONG but also we are talking about a crazy drugged up cannibal who thinks he's a wild animal so maybe we could leave saving him until tomorrow morning? like idk i feel like he wouldnt exactly fit on their dingy. and even if he did what if he bites
"and you do have to come for ice cream!! it wont be any fun without you" okay thats kinda cute. this episode definitely kept up to pace with the insane homoerotic relationship between bob and fischoeder and im happy about that. almost gave us the tiniest hint into what fischoeder really feels/thinks about bob which. yeah
VERY UNHINGED EPISODE BUT REALLY FUN AND CUTE?? everything between bob and fischoeder was so. soo. yknow. and the subplot was funny and cute too :) very sweet little episode i always love when they go off on adventures like w/ teddy in sea me now. and of course their (many many) near death experiences together thats truly what its all about baby!!! really enjoyed this episode it was exactly the right amount of unhinged and funny
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Laws of Attraction กฏแห่งรักดึงดูด Ep 7
My keysmash count for notes this episode was at nine, which is impressive considering I only had about 30 lines of notes -- that's nearly one keysmash per 3 notes. Deserved.
Ooof of course it was Thatthep who killed Tongkhao, but making his kid take the fall??? Dude is even worse a person than I thought.
OH that escalated quickly? Good for them
Shshshsh oh no Thaen and Matee are SO death flagged, oh nooo
Chaan, upload that recording somewhere safe NOW, ffs
Ahshshs Tinn barrelling in no holds barred to hug his man right in front of the kid's salad
This Macmansion is an abomination
Aahahajaja this dude coming out with bloody brass knuckles
Dhdhdhhhd SPELLING ERROR I cannot (ญาน // Yaan instead of ฌาน // Chaan)
Communication? In this economy?? (also 👀 Tinn uses the same word, งี่เง่า /ŋîː ŋâw/, here that Pat keeps using in BBS when the subtitles say 'silly')
I love Rose so much
Suicide missions are never a good idea, FFS Chaan
These two is2g, do they have to be so cute???
Omg confession? Also does he though. Does he. Is he capable? Tinn, I believe, but Chaan … Jury is out
This is a pattern of behaviour that I find deeply concerning, Chaan. Just so you know.
FFS Thaen you are on the run WHY WOULD YOU STREAM THAT, make it make sense. Thee, at least you I thought were smarter than that.
OOOF I hope they at least realise they need Thee alive if they want to use him to make Thaen listen
Oh like I didn't hate Thatthep enough already.
Tinn, I wanted you to be smarter than that
Chaan having a change of heart?
Chaan … "Money and power isn't everything" is very easy to say when you have both of those things. Just saying.
Aahahshs of course Tinn broke the bed to get free. Of course he did.
Pretty sure that's not the while truth but Chaan
Damnit Chaan can you not be cruel for once??
Oh man what an ep 11
Oh this is going to go so badly
Oh, did he just marry him?
I'm torn between "I can't wait for the next episode" and "no no no it'll be over after next episode!" I hope One31 keeps blessing us with shows like this one, it has been a WILD ride and addictive as all get out. The DRAMA!
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I chose the OP option (because I can't decide which stats I wanna focus on 😭) and I developed a little head canon to explain why my character is good at everything. In his former life he was less than OP. He was one of those people who have potential, but never applied himself, out of a mixture of laziness, procrastination, and a crippling fear of failure! When he died he was extremely disappointed in himself. He always figured that he'd pull himself together in the future, but now he's dead and he never achieved anything he wanted, other than gathering some useless facts (like maybe ancient technology such as the treadwheel crane perhaps 👀). When he got his second chance he decided he was gonna make full use of it. The instant he was able to comprehend the language of the world and was able to read, he'd sneak books and accelerate his education through reading things someone as young as him shouldn't understand. He also would go through physical training, again in secret, and watch the guards train in swordsmanship in hopes of picking something up. Since for years he had little to no responsibilities, and the mind of an adult, he has been able to devote almost all his time to developing his mind and body
TL;DR: my MC went from a procrastinator to a try hard and it payed off
Nice headcanon!
i think alot of people would be similar if they had their old memories and would give themselves a strong head start
Its really interesting to think about how you'd really act in a similar situation to the MC as you yourself.
The MC is canon to be "good" from the start, and its up to the player to choose how the MC progresses over time...honestly the best reincarnation works ive seen out there arent the traditional Isekai protag animes, its actually works that deal with a woman being reincarnated or isekai'd. Either a reincarnated villainess trope, or general isekai trope work, the ones with female leads are generally better in my opinion since it usually aint a power fantasy
Eh idk where i went with all this but it was fun to think about haha, so thanks!
Oh, some of my favorite anime that deal in reincarnation and isekai with female leads or kingdom simulators in general that do it well with male or female leads are these:
Fuuuuuck youre making me break out my old bookmarks and im seeing my mangas are now updated with new chapters...dozens of new chapters!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I WANNA STOP WRITING AND READ INSTEAD
This one has adorable art that I feel in love with as the MC starts as a baby lol, and the MC is competent, which is really nice
The MC is alright, she tries doing stuff to get out of shitty circumstances but the real highlight of the story are the titular Monster Duchess and her husband. Nooo idea how it is now but theres literally double the chapters now from where i left of and im so tempted to read lolololol
OMFGGGGG I FORGOT ABOUT THIS!! This is a fav of mine since it deals with the cinderella story! The MC is a reincarnated chick who plays as the evil stepmother in cinderella's story, but omfg its such a good twist on the trope and it really does alot of things well, and THERES SO MANY NEW CHAPTERSSSSSS
YOOOOOOOOOO I forgot this one too lmaoooo ima bad fan haha
Anyways, this is another great subversion of the reincarnating trope since the MC is on her THIRD reincarnated life, and she actually conquered EVERYTHING in her second life. But she got betrayed and killed by people and she said mannnnnn fuck this, ima get hitched with the dude who was nice to me in my old life and never asked for shit! And so begins a funny as romance story lol, GOD DAMN AND THEYRE ON THE SECOND SEASON NOOOOOOW
Someone either here or on Discord recommended this to me, and whoever did so, I love you! This is a weirdly realistic take on the historical figures of the Sengoku period having to deal with this weird girl who appears to have come out of nowhere but knows a bit of practical modern knowledge that helps Oda Nobunaga win some victories. Honestly, i really appreciate how grounded it is for a manga! The truth of the matter is, we really wouldnt be able to do that much if we were in her shoes either lol!
Bruhhhh when i tell you i squealed when i saw how many chapters this has now! Without a doubt, this is my favorite! The MC is hyper competent, she uses her femineity to her advantage and doesnt fight against it like other works do when they wanna show their female lead "isnt like other girls", and shes honestly such a joy to watch running circles around other people that screwed her over in her past life. Read this one for sure!!!!
Another competent female lead how got reincarnated and has to survive death flags by marrying one of the romance options, but the world system keeps screwing her over and its funny to see how she has to navigate trying to romance obviously shitty romance options who sound really hot (like the enemies to lovers trope would NOT be easy in real life lmao) or (the crazy mfer who makes you scared but horni)
Read this and then decide if you'd survive lol
AHGHGHGHHHH This is so good!!! Basically a girl has to become the stepmother to children how are close in age to her. She tries to do things her own way at first, but she dies. So she gets reincarnated and tries to do better the second time around. If you wanna read a good female lead doing introspection and learning from her past mistakes, read this. Its really good!
Alrighty. This is honestly a guilty pleasure, and should really be read after reading alot of villainess or female lead reincarnation manga to basically cleanse your palate with this funny ass story lol. Instead of playing by the rules of society like the previous stories, the main character does "not like other girls" very well and its enjoyable to watch lol! Use it once you get tired of the previously mentioned ones!
Annnnnnd that's it! Thank you for making me out myself lmaooooo
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jennyandvastraflint · 9 months
Xena Reactions S2Ep5!
Aaaand Callisto comes back...
Prison guards... Not great.
Oh is Callisto in the cell
Uh yeah... She's VERY trapped...
Callisto insulting men. Nice
She's gonna break out. Yup
Oh those foot and leg shots are... Something. Meh
I love how strong she is
"Here, piggy piggy piggy piggy" oop
uh oh...... She'll strap Xena into that chair won't she...
Perticus? Who? Should I know him? Oh is that her "fiancé"?
The way she looks to Xena, her wife:
She doesn't waaant to marry him
Oh ffs Joxer... 🙄
"I'm sooo disappointed😔"
"Good boy" 👀
"Seeing you happy would make me happy" T_T
"I've missed you, Xena" "You never wrote"
"First I'm going to kill your soul" Oh no Gabrielle
"See you soon my sweet" djfjs d homoeroticism
Xena helpsss!
Please you're in the middle of a fight. Pick up a non-lethal weapon and defend yourself.
I... Don't understand this quick change of heart. But it's just the thin veil of deniable heterosexuality. (Is this the "Gabrielle spends more time with Xena on her wedding day than with her husband" episode)
They're so CLOSE
Oh Xena looks heartbroken :(((
Shdhdhsh Gabrielle immediately wants to name her daughter Xena
"I've never been with a man before. Have you......... been with women?" sjfhsh I thought she was asking only for men
"I was a soldier" yeah well. Soldiers gay.
This entire conversation is very queer
Xena just cuts off his bloodflow
"When I told her you were travelling without Gabrielle she said Perfect and left" Nooooooo, I called it. She's gonna attack them
Is she gonna stab him
"I long to see you wail over the body of your friennnd"
Oh and the husband is dead sjdhshsh Shit happens
She's hitting a tree again
They're going together
"If she dies with me, that's fine" "Not with me, it won't"
AAAAAH. Xena doesn't want her to swordy stab
"XENA. Teach me!" she's poking her
NOOOO T_T "The little innocent Gabrielle is dead"
"Teach me how to kill her" 😭😭😭
Aro Callisto is real to me 😌
They're so CLOSE.
XENA PRAYING "Don't let that light that shines in her face go out. I couldn't stand the darkness that would follow." I'm not going insane about that at all
Uh oh... Gabrielle is gonna sneak in alone... She'll try to fight Callisto on her own
What is Joxer doing hereeee...
Is she using the torture chair as a throne
And it's Gabrielle. YUP
NOT THE FLASHBACK TO THE "Promise me you will not become a monster" line
She'll use Gabrielle to torture Xena...
Oh of course. Xena in the chair, Gabrielle tied up
Joxer... I mean, at least something. Xena used the distraction
I love how Callisto just watches like OuO
She's so extra omfg XD She prepared those specifically for her little fight. Kinda like Missy from DW
Oh she's trying to drive her further into the sea?
Am slightly questioning this, but I guess she'll throw Callisto out the carriage?
Both went for a tumble aaand into quicksand
"We can spend the rest of eternity in tartarus together :D"
HER SOFT VOICE "You can't just let me die. Help me?"
Is she gonna save her? I mean, Callisto will come back anyway. She's like a cockroach (lovingly)
Please Joxer actually leave...
Xena and Gabrielle staring off in the sunset together 🌇❤️
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beanswrites · 2 years
I didn’t lie when I said I was gonna fill your request box 👁👅👁
I have another one involving Everyone’s favorite (or Unfavorite? ) Goat man, Count Lucio!
It’s kinda during the first arch of the story while Lucio is still kinda bound to his goat ghost form 🧍
They loved each other before their memories got whipped kinda thing ya know 👀 but MC has already fallen in love with someone else due to time and ya know … MEMORIES
So MC kinda wanders Lucio wing of the castle as they’re looking for more clues or honestly anything they can find to try and figure out what happened to said Count, and Lucio kinda follows after them. Just watching them from around corners kinda stuff ya know just eyeballin ‘em.
Ghost stuff 🧍
So as they’re wandering around they stumble upon a hole within the wall, as they peek through they find a candle still glowing brightly within the room. MC being curious and somewhat really confused as to how and WHY there is a random room within the walls of Lucio’s wing and how there’s a lit candle settled within the dusty room.
They kinda check around and start pulling the loose bricks from the wall, turns out
It’s a room for someone
So Lucio begins to kinda follow in after them and BOOM
He kinda gets flashes of his time with MC before, his heart sinks within his “goatly” chest watching them stumble around mesmerized at all the untouched items within. Gold and jewels litter the floor and a single note lay upon the hastily made bed settled against the wall.
(It was a note from Lucio right before the plaque really hit… real real sad hours for my goat man)
MC hears running outside of the room, they grab the note and run out to try and get an idea of who’s now suddenly running through Lucio’s wing.
It’s Julian.
He harshly whispers to the MC about “Don’t run off like that here..” and things along those lines and as Lucio’s form slowly creeps around the corner he catches The tall Doctor laying a kiss upon MC’s head.
The sudden rage filled within Lucio is absolutely radiating off of him so much that both MC and Julian feel it as well. They both glance around and as they whisper to each other and begin to back away from the room, the halls begin to shake as Lucio calls out the MC, the absolute heart wrenching call is bouncing off of the walls making both of the living people before him shudder and cover their ears.
As they run away he feels nothing but hatred and remorse.
He must find a way back. He HAS to find a way back to them.
okay so listen I’m not big on the LORE rn I’m digging into it though so if this breaks canon I’m so sorry but listen
I’m stupid
Hope this isn’t too much for ya T-T
Love you!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hiii again anon!!
ANGST????? hit me with it
okay so everyone who ever asked me about it knows that if theres a character from the arcana that i hate don't like, it's Lucio
and yeah?? that'd be bomb to write??? honestly, i prefer mc with julian since lucio is, ehm, you know, toxic? but like this particular storyline is really good, and i think it would be a pretty great way to show how lucio has changed and felt horrible for the things he's done
no, you're actually pretty good on the cannon part! except the fact that lucio and mc couldn't have been together before the plague since he was married to nadia... although i really don't wanna write an AU where nadia doesn't exist (c'mon, it's nadi!), i can still work with this!
thanks for the idea!! you are always welcome in my inbox🫶🏻
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
Dark Angel Reaction: Pollo Loco
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
The pre-episode conversation:
Wench: Here it is.  You ready?  ARE YOU READY??? 
Jezebel: YUSSSSS
Wench: Okay.  OKAY.  Here.  We.  Go.
Wench: YESSS
Jezebel: 3!  2!  3!  4!  5!
Wench: alsdkfjladskjf Gooooo
Jezebel: 4!  3!  2!  1!  GOOOOO
– – – 
It’s Ben  [Ben ded]  Oh?  [That's what they just said; they found a dead body with a barcode, and it's Ben]  Well now I’m confused
Bby Ben  [He was a storyteller :(]  😭😭😭
Wot?  [Was this about the Nomlies?]  I think yeah lol  [Nomlies are, essentially, Manticore rejects.  Flawed genetics, personalities, etc, to the point that they've been moved to the basement for reprogramming or permanent retirement]
…. Wait.  Wait.  🤔🤔🤔🤔  WAIT.  Isn’t that how she… Is this 🤔🤔🤔  [SPEAK]  Is this the future and the episode is leading up to the death?  [*whistles*]
[Nope.  I just lied to you]  You.  My friend.  Are a *redacted OFMD!Izzy cursing*
[Ma'am didn't say the nickname :(]  LINTLICKERRR  [There we go]  🙂
Bruh  [Ma'am didn't even wait for a response]  WHY NOT TELL HIM  [Max is being Max again, what can I say]  *sigh*
[I'm actually starting to recognize the kids this go-round]  
Holy hell deep voice
[I don't know if that kid's dealing with the tryptophan thing btw]
When he said the blue lady was he referring to the Virgin Mary?  [Yup.  Ben storytelling again]
BUDDY WHATCHA DOING 👀👀👀  [Being homicidal.  As one does.]  
Well damn
[Okay, look.  I know we know that she was lying.  But to be fair.  It's kinda ridiculous that they act like the kids would all be recognizable.  It's been.  11.  Years.]  Yeah that’s fair… But I mean I think I look like me from 11 years ago ☠️  [You didn't go through puberty in that time tho.  I think they were like.  9]
["Closest thing to a brother"  Bitch, ZACH IS SUPPOSED TO FILL THAT SPOT]  Excuse you Zach doesn’t need to be filling no spots 👀😮‍💨🤢  [MA'AM WATCH THE SHOW]
‘Cause I’m an angsty bitchhhhhhh  *sigh*
[Church]  Time to repent.  Then kill the priest.  Then repent again.  ["There's things, there's…people… feelings that I want to experience differently than I have before"]  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Awww man… Teef.  That’s brutal.  Blech  [“Summer teef.  Sum 're teef, sum 'ren't”]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
☠️☠️☠️☠️ Noooo
Priest is like… ma’am you gud  [No, she ain't]
I had stuff to say but Ackles has reappeared instead (like an Angel)
Oooh jumpscare
The smileee
The smile is gone  🙁
Uhhh no… I don’t
Speed run  ["Blurring," in the in-universe speak]
☠️☠️☠️ I swear he comes in so randomly WITH GROCERIES  like
– – – 
Wench: What were you saying when Ackles showed up? alskdjf
Jezebel: 😮‍💨😮‍💨  It was a joke and I don’t fully remember it enough to retype ☠️  Ackles just rewired my brain and it erased.  Irrelevant.  Non existent.
Wench: :))) Fair
Jezebel: But noooo the smile at Max 😮‍💨😮‍💨 I-  I swoo— I’m married sir how dare you
Wench: Nooo
Jezebel:  I- I have forgotten how to midpoint! All I wanna do is fangirl rn ☠️ and he’s only been in two scenes
Wench: I almost spilled my cereal at that one alksdjflaksdjf  But I understand completely
Jezebel: Will be a better endpoint
Wench: Aight… on we go?
Jezebel: YESSSS
– – – 
The priest is gonna get ded
“Faith in the lady”  That’s… ok  🤣🤣🤣
Priest is like… shit.  Time to find another line of work
[The eagerness with which he seized on the soldier explanation 😭]  😭😭😭
“The lady”  I’m dying
Oh noooo
I fucking jumped
["I'm not a liar"... murder = okay, lying = not.  This says something]
Ok I see what he’s doing I think
I’d be ded.  “Slide the wot IN WHERE!?!  Pretty boy help!”
“Click”?  Oh, or maybe it was loaded after all
Poor priest
A lot, lady.  A lot
[Poor Ben having a crisis of faith :(]  💔💔💔 Damn.  It be like that kid
Oooop  [He invaded her perch]  He gonna start talking in circles now  [He already did... Devour-coded]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
[THIS IS THE "SHE"!  (The one I said to be concerned about)]  Ohhhh… That wants the kids killed?  [Yup]
[X5-493 = Ben, btw]  494 Alec?  [Yup.  And X5-452 = Max, iirc]
Ohhhhh military Karen  [She calls him Deck]  Milataren… Lintlicker and Militaren.
[Oop- Ben is back.  Important scene!]
Bruh he looked back like oh shit  [She annoys me here too btw.  Like.  bro, your brother is clearly losing himself.  And you're more interested in being bitchy about it than being caring.  “Bet he’d love to figure out what the hell went wrong with you.” Whyyyy did that need to be said?]
Lintlicker is like a fucking dog fighter with his little gaggle of pit bulls
Oh shit, crazy kids  [Azazel-coded]  Ooooof, trueee  [I heard it in his voice alksdj]  
[he wears fine blood well]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Sorry, kinda had to]
Logan whatchu doin  [He sneak]
Lintlicker whatchu doin  [He protecc his kid]
Oooop- Logan you been had
["You think because she's so pretty, she isn't as dangerous?"  Bruh, there was a whole unit designed to use attraction as a weapon asldkfj  *cough cough* Alec]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
[I'd be concerned about Ben too, tbh]
Ooooop  [“Do you hate yourself that much?”  Yes  He does.  Have you not been watching?]
[This woman sees her brother losing himself and is like.  Aight.  I got this.  Let me make it worse!]  ☠️☠️☠️
OMG HIS HEIGHTTT.  It’s visible here
YOU COULDN’T HAVE DONE THAT THE WHOLE TIME???  [Her physical acting there was so weird]
Oh.  The forest.  THE forest.  Ack.  ACKKKK.  [:)]
[This man playing the actual original comic book villain: "It seems his faith wasn't strong enough."]  RIGHT
Oh.  Oh that’s broken.  Ack
AAAAAAACK  ["Ben, I can't carry you; we'll both get caught"  Bitch, tell that to your pilot-episode self]
Why couldn’t you just do it
We don’t need a story
Ack  [Coherency has gone bye-bye]
Welp… Ack
Mood, Max
Also tho.  The thing back then isn’t entirely fair they were kids
The priest is gonna be like…. Nope
[Priest survived, but he also has a weirdo barcode tattooed on his neck, and that's gonna make his life hella tricky in s2]  Ohhhh, he comes back?  [Nope.  They forget about it.  But everyone learns about the Manticore barcodes.  And that's the main way of IDing transgenics.  So like… Buddy boutta get slammed.]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️ Fair
– – – 
Jezebel: So, like, endpoint….  What even is an endpoint?
Wench: "Ack,” perhaps?
Jezebel: What even is life?  I’m not ok
Wench: I broke you alskdjf
Jezebel: … Ack.  Which is like ack…les. So even more ack.  I hope you and the minions are satisfied.  Evil.  Evillllll!  ACKKKK!!!!!  I AINT EVEN GET ANY JAM PONY TO MAKE IT BETTER
Wench: Okay, but s2 is better!  Alec is only three episodes away!
Jezebel: I got two seconds of OC- THAT’S A WHOLE THREE HOURS AWAY!  😭 180 minutes
Wench: Do you see what I mean about it being the best episode of season 1 though?
Jezebel: Yes!  It very much so was!
Wench: HAH!
Jezebel: Also noooooo the titleeee makessss sense nowwwwww!!!  Ackkkkkkkkk  What am I doing with this pain????  It’s like a reverse gift
Wench: You just kinda acked your way through the emotional scenes; I sent the script so you can compose your thoughts :)
Jezebel: Ohhhh.  Well… That was a lot of 😦 Like, I get him going crazy.  Also, I think I missed a part of Logan saying he had been doing this for a while (How long is the part I missed)
Wench: I don't think they said how long it was.  But, regardless, Lydecker's been covering for Ben.  Shutting down the investigations and all.
Jezebel: And, about that… On one hand I could go the anti Lintlicker route and say he’s only covering his ass because the woman wants to put them down and he doesn’t want to. And it’s nothing about him caring about them or anything.  But I could also go the pro Lydecker route and say he was trying to cover it up to get to him so they could in his eyes fix the problem and he would have another “kid” home.
Wench: I think it's probably a mix of both, tbh. He does care about them, but, like we've discussed, in a twisted kinda way?  So it might have been a "bring him home if we can" kinda thing.  And… thoughts on Max?
Jezebel: She was meh at best this episode but the end, with the story, I really felt for her.
Wench: Yeah, I get that.  I don't fully agree --- I think her handling of the Ben situation was pretty atrocious, tbh, even if it did end up working for a bit --- but otherwise... yeah, not bad.  And the end was kinda hard to fully hold against her.  (Also, talk about a picturesque death scene alsdkfj)
Jezebel: Right?! Like, oh, let’s have this lovely scenery, and plop a dead kid in his sister’s arms… oh, and sister is the murderer… Like… Wot?  Ack
Wench: Also, the childishness of the way he was speaking tho 😭
Jezebel: I KNOWWW  😭😭😭😭  Budddyyyyy
Wench: Honestly, the character as a whole has that quality.  He's so... beseeching.  Legitimately, all he wants is someone to understand 😭  He tries to get that with the priest in the confessional --- "I'm a soldier"--- and with Max at the tower --- "Don’t tell me you don’t wake up with the sound of your heart pounding in your ears." --- and then again with Max at the end.  Even the goading-Max-into-hitting-him bit.  He wanted her to understand the violence and she didn't even give him that 😭
Jezebel: 🥺🥺🥺 I just 😭😭😭😭 He’s such a good actorrrrr  😭😭😭
Wench: Agreed... *sigh*  But there ya go!  Ben episode!
Jezebel: *sigh* indeed!
Wench: Final thoughts?
Jezebel: … ACK
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wikiangela · 2 years
time for Lone star 4x01!
spoilers under the cut!
(some episode thoughts that got too long lmao)
aww I missed them so much
I agree with Paul, olives do ruin everything (like, fr, every single time there are olives I try one as if suddenly they tasted better, and every single time I wanna throw up lmao)
they're looking for wedding venues aaa I can't wait haha
not to be that bitch, but... oh my god Rob Lowe looks so good, the hair looks fantastic (like oh my god his hair 😍), and on a motorcycle?? wow, Owen has never been so hot 🥵
loving Carlos hanging out with his mama, and tbh this season all I want is to learn more about Carlos and his life outside of TK and the 126 (like, I've been wondering since at least s2 - does he have any friends outside of the 126, or Michelle in s1? like, does he hang out with his work colleagues, anyone else? what did he do before everyone moved there, aside from hanging with Michelle?? 😂 give me something 😂)
and here's Carlos!! the man I've been dying to see a whole 6 minutes since the episode started lol they could give him every single second of screen time and I'd be loving it tbh
tell TK what?? I'm so nervous lol but it can't be that bad if Andrea knows and isn't freaking out right? 😂
GRACE!!!! 😍 😍 😍 I got so excited when I saw her I heard and saw her I had to pause lmao - I missed her so much 😍
raining frogs... what the fuck is happening 😂
what in the apocalypse is this episode 😂
Carlos being married to Iris... I guess it might be an interesting storyline? not sure I like it though, and it doesn't make much sense in the context of s1, at least as far as I can remember 😂 (it kinda feels like they wanted drama for the sake of drama but weren't sure what to do with tarlos bc they can't break them up again, so they were like, fuck it, it doesn't have to make any sense) but whatever, let's look past this 😂
the frog in the throat is making me so uncomfortable I can't 😩🤢
well, I guess I'm happy that TK isn't mad or anything 😂 still, this came out of nowhere and it kinda doesn't fit to what we know - then again, we don't know much about Carlos🤷🏻‍♀️
that dude in the porta potty had some serious bad luck lmao on top of everything to land squarely in the tank of water lol
pls tell me that this season continues s3's Owen being just hilarious 😂 because I really enjoyed him last season, and I can't stop laughing at him now 😂 (also, he just looks so good? I'm sure it's the hair, something's changed idk 😂)
Carlos in that shirt with the necklace hanging out - oh my good he looks hot 🥵 that color looks so good on him fr 🥵🥵🔥
am i sensing something brewing between Tommy and Amenadiel from Lucifer? 👀😂 does that mean he's gonna stay? I kinda figured he wouldn't be a one off character when I recognized him tbh 😂
Iris looks so familiar and I'm not sure if I've seen this actress before or if she just looks similar to someone
not sure how I feel about her character yet, imma need more time to get to know her
what the fuck has Owen gotten himself into 😂 jfc that was..... lmao
so Catherine's gone? 😭 nooo, I love Amy Acker, I hoped she'd be back 😭
FBI?? now that's interesting - and where do I know this chick from??
sooooo, was that 1 tarlos scene supposed to be the "new fan favorite" like Ronen said? I'm kinda underwhelmed ngl😂
It was a great first episode, the calls really were something, and the personal drama is delicious though also confusing, I'm still not sure if I like the whole Iris storyline (not bc of tarlos, obvi, just in general it doesn't seem.... good? idk, maybe they hyped up the secret too much or smth but it's kinda meh - I've been waiting for more Carlos and his backstory since s1 so I'm kinda disappointed rn) can't wait for the wedding tho!
I hope Tommy will actually find love and happiness, and I wonder how this whole pastor thing will unfold
the most intriguing thing is probably Owen's thing right now and so far I'm not even mad 😂
well, those are my thoughts as I was watching, can't wait for the next one!
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andvys · 9 months
that's good! i did some shopping yesterday but woah there were so many people in the mall! OMG what cookies did you make? were they good? 🥹
im good, thank you! i loved the new chapters so much 😭 i can't wait to read the latest one but your stories are so addictive omg
“So, what do you want to eat?” He asks, looking around the crowded mall. 
you ♡
You’re sitting across from her, playing with the fries on your plate that you have only eaten half of. There’s a troubled look in your eyes, you are chewing on your bottom lip, blinking as you stare down at your lap. 
Before she can even finish the sentence, you jump up from your seat out of sheer panic, slamming your drink on the table before you rush out of the restaurant, leaving Robin to  sit by herself. 
“You’re a coward.”
“Yeah, well, she needs to figure out her feelings and who she wants.” 
robin is me because i cannot deal with my friends having a crush on another pathetic man
“It’s a pink mojito,” Robin mumbles, rolling her eyes at the smirk on your face. At least you look a little more relaxed than you did earlier. 
i've never had it but that sounds so good actually
“You’re in love with her? Like, you’re in love with her! Like, she is ‘the one’, the one?!” You say in a hushed whisper. 
i would too chrissy 😭❤️
“You’re really pretty.” 
“And so sweet, you’re always so good to me.” 
“I wish I met you first, Eddie.” 
“What’s with that long face?” Dmitri asks, his voice thick with the russian accent that everyone keeps teasing him for. With a slap on Eddie’s shoulder, he snaps him out of his thoughts, “pass me the screwdriver, boy.”
“I used to be married.” 
“I’m telling you, y/n, the Star Wars movie collection would be the best decision ever!” 
no bc i love star wars so much its my roman empire
“You’re like the older sister I never wanted.” 
the way you write the kids is so perfect 😭 i've always loved your max and lucas and now dustin is so cute 😭
“The babysitter who is secretly dating both the mom and the dad,” he says with a smirk. 
As you stare at the restaurant, realization floods through you like a cold wave that would make you gasp and shudder. 
HELP IM STILL AT THE RESTAURANT--- evermore is one of taylor's top 3 albums for me 🤭
Though, while he sounds hopeful, you sound uncertain. 
oh my god the malls are always soooo crowded during this time of year, especially the last few days before the holidays!
and yes the cookies are sooo good! I made a few different ones! I made two different kinds with a jam filling and then vanilla powdered cookies & sugar cookies with chocolate and sprinkles on top!
& thank you omg 🩷 I'm so happy you liked the new chapters! who are you rooting for?👀
I love adding the kids to my stories, especially these three! Dustin, Lucas and Max are my faves🥺
AND YES EVERMORE IS SUCH A GOOD ALBUM! what's your top 3 evermore songs though? I know Champagne problems is probably your #1 right?
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hellaephemeral · 1 year
fuck marry kill: sanji. tomura. narumi :))
i- so you woke up and chose violence today???? 🥲💔
i can't believe this. i am speechless. i am shocked. i am heartbroken. i am dramatically sliding down the wall sobbing screaming punching the ground gasping for air.
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^^^^me rn fr
i'll need to kill narumi...i have to?? this is violence against bbgs this is illegal. i'll go to jail for this one.
and now....loml 1 and loml 2....this is insane. there is a natural order here and it's getting disrupted. because look look look.
shiggy is my favourite, i will forever be loyal to him. him and me are soulmates frfrfr. it's us against the world. buuuut is he marriage material? nooo. he is bf material for sure and he's- 👀😳🧎 but shiggy wouldn't want to marry me. he doesn't believe in marriage 🙏 and i love him sooo much so i need to respect that. 😔 and sanji is just??? such a malewife?? he is made for marriage. he already IS my husband. we're already married 😭 i would marry him FOR HIM because he wants to be married so bad i just know it.
fuck shigaraki, marry sanji, kill...narumi (bbg slaughter is illegal actually)
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l0mljeonjungkook · 2 years
Heyy!! Ngl your writing is no less than an official author and I'm definitely looking forward to see you grow faster than marigolds!!
I had a request and wanted you to write a fic over it (only if it's possible and if not no need to stress).
So I want it to be Taehyung×Reader where both of them are CEOs of big companies. They're married under a contract and it's been around an year when feelings started blossoming between them. But,,, both of them are really, Like REALLY, bad at expressing themselves, so like they kind of understand each other through an argument.
I would wholeheartedly appreciate if you write something over this but it's all on you and your schedule.
Love, Your anonymous fan <3
First off, you ain't my fan, you my bestie bub <3 you have no idea how this message made my day.
Official author 🥺 nooo, I don't deserve that, you so sweet🥺 still have to learn plenty, thank you so much. Speaking of your request that sounds pretty yum bestie, but as of now I'm writing something like that my recent work - Odd One Out, not same though but has that same CEO vibe, will update the chapters soon.
I appreciate you popping this message on here, and your request, hope will catch up to that soon. I'm so glad you liked my writing. I hope you stick around for what's coming up👀. Hope you have a great day ahead, love❤️.
0 notes
Ooope :'(( 😬 ohhh noo
Girl :'((( not blaming you here but aahhh you shouldn't have said anything 😭😭💔❤️
Wait but is she filming like through the back window?
Hm anyway I don't think that's proof yet 😬😬
Not him lol
Didn't realize she was inside lol!!
Go off Marjan :D
LOL yeah it did come in handy XDD
Awww and the police are listening now :')))
Thsts great <333
There he goesss >:)) heck yeah go to prison 👍👍
Awww :'))
Yeah they're listening :'D
I'm so happy for her <333
She got out :'))
Aww y'all 😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️
But also XDDD
Marjan's like "SIGHH I already DID THAT" XDDD
Lol <333
But yeah, you saved her :'))
Just think about it :'D
:DD Tarlos loft?
YAYY yess :))
Ooope Owen!
Ah is Carlos on a shift or something?
When TK said like coincidentally or whatever I was like waaait lol XDD
XDD Olive oil? Like instead of wine lol??
OHHH an olive branch XDD okay lol
XDD his salad dressing lol
But yeah fair xD
SLDKGJKHDS the magazine xDD
Not the point lol
Tell us the reasonnnn Owennn 👀👀
Awwww :'))) :'DDDD
His last thing he's doing for him 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️
(TK's like: dad :)) that time was 9 years ago-" jk XDD)
But yeah because he's getting married it's a (like yk not quite a trope) parent passing to spouse thing :'))
That sounds weird but ykwim XDD
But I mean yeah 🥰🥰 Carlos is capable and like in a modern partnership way, able to take care of TK :')) :'DD
But also like 🥰🥰🥰❤️ yes he is <333
Awwww Owen :')))
Yeah TK will always need you <333
Okay best friend is a little weird /hj but XDD I mean it's fine lol but I find it a bit funny
AWWW 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️ y'all :')))
I love them so much :'DDD 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️
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rinadragomir · 2 years
3 episode reaction
Episode 1, episode 2 reactions
"tell them to fuck more" "MARINA!" Hehehehehehehehehehe
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No wait are they gonna talk about fucking in the... Church? STOP TURNING FUNERAL INTO SITCOM HELLO👀👀👀👀
Cool that Lissa and Christian decided to find out about each other after... after they put their tongues in each other's mouths?... Cool relationship development, screenwriters, good job 👏👏👏
Please don't kiss, we're at the fucking funeral I'm —
LISSA'S POWERS YAY but now I have a problem with sth🤔
If everyone can see that "magical shining eyes" effect then... It's gonna be pretty obvious when Lissa uses her magic... right?🤔 No? why some effects are visible for the characters and others - not?👁️👄👁️
Hello Janine✨
I see what you screenwriters are trying to do. They really put all 3 books in 1 season, didn't they?
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I wonder who's that girl Dimitri is trying to calm down?😑 It might be his sister, but he called her Eloise... We'll find out! I loved Rose's reaction btw, she was like
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Wait now... Moroi men can force dhampir women to have sex with them?... I'm so confused man
Yay book book details! Janine smashing Rose's face🤌🏻 I'm just so glad they added mommy issues. VA books were my first experience of reading about them. It was the first time I felt such a special connection with a fictional character, first time I felt I wasn't the only one who had to go through it
Romitri🌝🤤🥵just them breathing next to each other, doing their married couple shit, my parents owe this show btw
CGI dogs... If you have a 15 dollar budget why do you even try?
I'm confused, they changed the queen's name to Marina, but there's a girl named Tatiana, who's she?
I love how they're trying to show that Lissa's becoming a powerful political figure, changing traditional society. But in fact she just said "parties for only cool kids are in past💅🏻 all moroi (not dhampirs ofc) should have a right to smoke together ✊"
Rose/Christian interactions 🙏🏻
Alberta and Mikhael are such great characters, actors did such a good job with them, I smile every time I see them on the screen ✨🌟⭐
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Okay is that Tatiana girl... Some tv show version of Tasha? And why they changed queen's name to Marina? I'm so confused ugh👁️👄👁️ if it's Tasha then where's her scar? I hardly see such representation... Anywhere... where's the scar
Hello LGBTQ community 😏✨
"You really are a unicorn but unicorns are rare" can someone just erase all their scenes from my mind, I suffer here
Nooo what do you mean they can't be together?!🥺 they talked 4 times and know nothing about each other except Christian parents are strigoi😭how they'll survive such traumatic breakup?!
Oh so there IS a chance we'll see Jill, okay okay. I'm glad, I love this girl💞
I'm glad they added Dimitri/Ivan friendship story. (I'll keep calling him Ivan yep)
Honestly so many things happened in just 1 episode it's insane
This one was better than both 1 and 2 episodes. But still 7/10 and only because I'm in the mood
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
(chapter 12 - new readers pls avoid this ask/spoiler!)
jeno who sat on the edge of the bed as well, clinging like a leech.
oOOOHHh he's down bad for areum?? 😍😍😍 seeing a mafia boss being so clingy is unusual 😏😏 hE even made her SOUP?? 😭🙌❤️❤️❤️
 “be grateful, i am a busy man.”
😭😭 he wanna be nice to her but still says stuff like this 😭😭
AND THEM FLIRTING IN FRONT OF KUN?? they're like a married couple who isn't afraid of pda 😭😭😭 quick, when's their wedding?! 👫
“if I could, I would make you mine, that’s how cute you are, areum.”
omg is this a confession?? 🥺🥺🥺❤️
i LOVE that jeno witnessed all of that 😚😚😚 who asked him to be mean to both of them previously 😤
alsoo 👀 i wonder if areum has been in love before bc she said no one ever said those words to her ㅠㅠ
Also nooo, areum really hasn’t been IN love because, she didn’t have the timeeeee. Ever since her parents passed away so suddenly she had to take multiple part time jobs to take care of little jisung, so she probably NEVER really had time to think about loving someone or having someone LOVE her. PLUS SHE REALLY WANTED TO BE A JOURNALIST SO SHE WORKED HER ASS FOR IT TO GET THEM GRADESSS
Now the real question is: WHO WILL BE AREUM’S FIRST LOVE? JAEMIN OR JENO?? 🫣
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If Gyu dies then it’s a happy ending for a lot of people, but in terms of the story itself I think it would make sense if Tae kills Gyu. OC will never truely be happy, some might think Tae will be happy but he will have to live with OC seeing him as a person who killed her soulmate and I’m pretty sure things won’t be pretty between the two, especially because Tae isn’t like Gyu who would still be convinced OC love him even tho she shows him she doesn’t.
Or…. Maybe she started realising how much she actually love Tae after going back to Gyu, but Tae got killed and now shes stuck with Gyu and the guilt she has for leaving Tae.
I can’t imagine OC dying, because I feel like Gyu will follow her soon after. Then that means Tae will be alone by himself, how depressing…… maybe both boys dying??? OMGGGG NOOO!!!!! Maybe all three of them dying together…😭 I have a feeling Tae will live but he doesn’t, that’s tragic. Not only for his character but for a lot of reader, including me and I’m not even Team Tae.
If non of them dies, I am curious how you will make the ending. Will they all be separated? How? (Because she’s literally married to Tae and Gyu will not give up) or will she choose between the two.
Yeah exactly like the people think gyu dying is happy are discounting the effect it would have on oc especially if tyun is the one who kills him. She may come to see it as the right thing but it won't stop her from looking at taehyun differently for killing her soulmate, especially if he does it in a brutal taehyun way :'D and taehyun being emotionally constipated as he is will blame oc for acting this way instead of helping her work through her grief and absorbing her anger
gyu killing tyun would also be a very sad ending as she'll blame herself for it because she ended up with gyu in the end and just got tyun killed. She might also never trust gyu again.
Yeah if oc dies gyu will most likely follow her.
Keeping all of them alive will be very tricky, especially with the events of the coming chapters but it is possible. She is married to tyun but there are ways around that 👀
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