#Not mod sophie
build-a-stim · 4 months
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hot fudge sundae bear (2010) for @saliosis!
X | X | X || X | X | X || X | X | X
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thewanderingace · 2 years
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Eliot: (ง︡'-'︠)ง
Harry: (❤o❤)
Bonus Sophie: (ง ͠ ᵒ̌ Дᵒ̌)¤=[]:::::>
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southconfessionpark · 14 days
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Am I the only one who thinks there's a lack of nice boy-girl interaction on the show? Despite sharing a school most of the time it seems like the boys ignore the girls' existence and vice versa, most of the time the only interactions are between romantic couples or some sort of fight or rivalry. It would be great to see more healthy interactions, the healthiest boy-girl bond that comes to mind is Kenny and his little sister, and I think the closest thing that comes to mind as a potential nice boy-girl friendship in recent seasons are probably Scott and Sophie and sort of Kyle and Heidi pre-Cartwoman, but even those two had romantic overtones so I don't think they really count as regular friendships. Actually if I also take into account the romantic couples, the gay couple at school is the healthiest one among the ones that get screen time, while the straight couples are mostly portrayed to show relationship issues that aren't properly resolved or are just background relationships. Come on Matt and Trey, there are so many possible dynamics with potential. Nichole and Stan being friends because of their fondness for board games? Craig and Heidi being friends after Heidi indirectly helped him understand Tweek better? Wendy and Kyle sharing so many similarities in attitude and dynamics like being the closest people to Stan and enemies of Cartman? How the hell are those two not close friends?
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"Love triangle plot should’ve never happened they should just all date each other" - Anonymous
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kotlc-headcanons · 4 months
Sophie’s dyslexic fr fr but like en elven dyslexic you know?
i feel like it ties in really well with her rune reading issues due to the code runes.
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baeshijima · 5 months
modern au where u and the stellaron hunters play games like lethal company and blade somehow ends up being ur saviour from the spiders (wacks the shit out of them with the shovel no balls man of steel fr fr), will act as bait just so u can escape even if it means sacrificing himself his character (one time when u and him were leaving the site, kafka and sw already on their way to the ship, two mannequins popped out from nowhere and, like the absolute man he is, he told u to leave first while he keeps them in place; he managed to get out alive and u almost cried), if he finds out you died then he will go back in like a champ to get ur body even if the power generator has been taken out and its like 8pm, and if he ends up being the last person alive and is on the ship then ur body will be the first he tries to find and teleport back (kafka teases u in the dead chat while sw grumbles abt favouritism and how she definitely would have survived if it wasnt for the flashlight running out of battery)
idk man gamer blade 😔
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myrandomsuaus · 1 year
I got bored earlier and decided I wanted to draw a fusion so I decided to make a redesign of WD!Steven from @ask-whitepearl-and-steven and Sophie's fusion that I did three years ago (literally made the original drawing, not featured here, in 2020). I will admit that I haven't kept up with the au Chekhov has made, but that's okay because I know their au is amazing as it's been since I originally followed years ago. Anyways, here's Stevie (as I'm calling all Sophie and Steven fusions) in their new form.
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So I did use Chekhov's rose design that was used on the Crystal Gems back when I still really kept up with the au (not quite sure if it's still apart of the CGs designs, but just roll with it lol), but that's because I just really like the simplification of a rose they made and I felt it fit Sophie since she's sort of a CG in my au but not officially. Honestly the outfit as a whole is based of the reference I used for the pose while also incorporating the original design of the fusion into the redesign. I call it a redesign because Sophie is/has been redesigned herself. Which is why the hair and eyes are different. Idk exactly why I gave them three eyes, but I just thought it felt right, but then again I do just enjoy mashing two different characters into one to create something entirely new lol.
I'd say that this version is probably more stable than the og version because it's just two dorks that form a giant sassy dork (all Stevens are dorks no matter the au to me lol). Plus the pose kinda gives the vibe of "older sibling that looks like an ass, but actually cares deeply about younger sibling" to me so they'd seem all cool and collected but really just a dork that is a bit sassy. (They're sorta like Garnet, but that wasn't intentional)
Uh... yeah. Hope you like them and just know this was all done purely for fun and just exists because of my love for drawing fusions. Also I wanted to redo their fusion anyways and decided that I'd do it while in the mood. So remember to have a good day and stay creative!
(Just a lil note: sorry if the quality looks bad, I had to save the pic from discord onto my laptop and it brought the quality down since I drew the on my ipad and I don't really use tumblr on my ipad)
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nadiajustbe · 4 months
I also found it pretty interesting how Howl is seemingly more less adapted to the world of Ingary compared to Suliman. Not because he doesn't have an ability to do so, but because he doesn't want to.
When Suliman made a decision to go through the portal to Ingary and never come back, it also looks like he's made a decision to blend with people there, to understand their culture and their life, to become a part of it. He doesn't have any noticeable accents, Sophie doesn't describe his clothes or overall look as something unusual and he's fully used to funny situations like being in a half of a dog's body for a while. You wouldn't even tell he's not from Ingary If mrs. P didn't tell Sophie about about it or the whole situation with ms. Angorian never occurred.
Howl, on the other hand, does really stands out. When he made a decision to go through portal to Ingary he has just... decided to live his best life. He doesn't care about all of this new culture stuff and seems to adopt it only when it suits him or he founds it cool, like Ingarian fashion choice or magical practice as a whole. But he feels absolutely no problem when using all of the comfortable things 20th century has given him and absolutely refuses to relearn almost anything. He's not going to write with a quill because it's uncomfortable and old-fashioned, he's gonna bring a ballpoint pen! He's not going to use all of this hard beauty spells which takes incredibly long to make, he's gonna bring some cosmetics through the door and only the use some spells to make them work faster! Because it's easier! Because WHO CARES about medieval times norms?? And it stands out so much everyone around him immediately notice that, even his overall vibe feels incredibly different because he still acts like a modern man when he can. He's not running away from his culture and origins, he's not giving them up! He's even proud of it and is not scared to show that he comes from some far mysterious land!
And I found this difference fascinating.
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would sophie from the school for good and evil become an avatar of the corruption?
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 month
Mod Quill with some feelings tonight as I scroll the syscourse tags in the usual pits of despair with a bag of popcorn and too little free time. As always, that show I sometimes stumble upon and leave running in the background while I do laundry is on, 24/7 it seems like. The TV station really loves running that particular producer’s re-runs.
I watch for a little bit, but the main character is just… painful to watch. She constantly pushes people away in some sort of way to get her goals each episode — but the series has never ended. It just is the same exact plot line each episode. It gets spicy sometimes when there’s a recurring plot line, or a story arc. They’re all a little… circular sometimes though. She gets sassy too, but that’s few and far between nowadays.
This latest arc, she’s clearly blue.
Okay so now that I’ve rambled enough on this metaphor about Sophie-
Her latest bait for trying to hurt a clearly traumatized person is just as painful to see as it always is. Just... god forbid she do something to actually further plural acceptance. I find it so ironic how she peddles that goal to her followers — The Future is Plural, right? — while consistently and actively working against it. She consistently tries to bait people who are against her in an attempt to prop herself up higher, never realizing that all the outside world is seeing is her stomping on others. 
Blue-Bubonic is very clearly fragile, at least in my eyes. I haven’t forgotten their (pronouns unsure, but please feel free to correct me) first foray into syscourse. And yet she sees it as more acceptable to continue needling them -- and taunting that fact and touting it as a badge of honor -- in order to... do what? She's said she's painting herself as a villain, she's being the Bad Guy, but genuinely, how is that helping plurals? How is this helping further her goals?
She is quite literally attacking her own with this and further aggravating an already clearly traumatized individual. And she constantly does this. From my perspective, it must almost be fun for her, and if I remember correctly, she's admitted it's fun. She revels in it. I can't condone people who sit and just... soak in other people's misery. I have literally been working on overcoming some doubts of mine today due to harassment I received, simply because I said I thought people deserved better than literal death threats. And here she is, just... spreading negativity for negativity's sake. How is that helping anything? Isn't it just putting more negative into the world?
The worst part is, I agree with her on so many things. I have to restrain myself from reblogging her posts to my real blogs (you’re welcome, SAS, this blog isn’t real anymore, you’re free) simply so I can avoid syscourse there as much as possible. I’m also scared too. I’m scared of her. I’m scared to reblog something, both because her eyes might be on me if I do, and because the entire system community on tumblr that touches tulpamancy with a 5 foot pole is watching too. Every single action I do is not only scrutinized by her; it’s scrutinized by the community.
I just… wish there was a better way to spread positivity. I wish there were more The Plurality Of… posts, ones that aren’t written with the direct correlation of “let’s stick it to those anti-endos!” I would love more plural headcanons with the goal, “let’s uplift all plurals!” I try to do this as much as possible, but I’m one man.
I see her with her 😈 rightful anger (and I do believe she is justified in that anger, please don’t think I am saying she shouldn’t be angry, she has gotten so much shit that was undeserved, something I regret deeply playing any part of in the past, and something I want to apologize for now again)… I see her with that anger, and I just wish there were a way to help. I wish there were a way to turn that negativity away. I’ve managed it! I’ve managed to escape it in little ways. What am I doing that’s so different? It’s not because I’m a DID system and she’s not — lord knows I’ve had my fair share of harassment for my existence. It’s not because we’re different syscourse stances — I’m as pro-endo as they come in everything but label. Hell, shocker of all shockers, I’ve come to accept I have willed-to-life alters, so I can even relate to her way of existence, at least to some degree.
And yet, I feel so different from her. And it’s sad to see someone you agree with, someone who you know is just doing their best, causing so much harm for the things you also believe in.
So I turn off the TV. And I try not to watch. But in my head, my stupid writer brain gets the monkeys and the typewriters out. And it goes to town.
In my head, I’ve written a story where I sit down with her. Sometimes it’s discord, sometimes it’s via tumblr asks back and forth, and too often to count it’s some nebulous cafe somewhere where I’m drinking hot chocolate and she’s drinking some sort of white chocolate coffee. Not sure why that’s what I imagine, but it makes sense to me.
And I just… talk to her. Like a person. We set aside syscourse entirely and have a proper sysconversation. We talk about plurality and our feelings about it; we talk about how my disorder impacts me in similar and different ways to her tulpamancy; we even discuss how this very fanfiction-like-dream is, in a way, plural in of itself, because i don’t control what she says, not willingly. I guess she got her dream, an anti-endo (in a way) with a Sophie introject (in a way).
And I laugh, and she laughs, and it’s good.
And then I go online and see the latest callout post about why Sophie is a bad person. And I sigh, because I know they never work, and I personally know how traumatizing it is to have a callout post detailing everything you’ve ever done wrong.
And then I write up this, feeling like a hypocrite. But I want her to know, I’m not trying to paint her as evil. I don’t think she is. I think she’s just… a person, trying her best, and this is me publicly saying I disagree with her methods.
I hope the show reaches a final season soon. Maybe a spinoff series will get made. Crossover episode when? I vote for Sophie Through The Looking Glass as a sequel series name.
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thewanderingace · 1 year
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Outlander 7x04
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u6uuut6rfyjblog · 1 year
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useless but favorite headcanon
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jzargo · 2 months
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kotlc-headcanons · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤTW eating and sleeping disorders ⛔ ㅤI don't know if the fandom has already agreed on this and I'm just late to the party, but I feel like it has to be said, especially since we have a separate headcanon blog now. In the process of reading the second book I started to get a feeling like Sophie has some sort of eating and sleeping disorders, most definitely based on stress, and the further I got into the series, the more my suspicions were confirmed. ㅤ1. Eating disorder: I'd guess Sophie has some digestive issues because of the constant stress she's been experiencing. Every book has one too many sentences that start like "Sophie's stomach churned at the thought of..." or "Sophie was glad she skipped breakfast that day as she..." for me to feel comfortable about Sophie's health. And she does like food, she can enjoy eating, but she'd also often pass up on eating in favor of solving yet another conspiracy theory (unless someone forces her to eat first), and that can't be healthy... ㅤ2. Sleeping disorder: I don't think I even have to say anything, we've all seen it. Sophie sometimes does research instead of sleeping like it's a normal thing to pull all-nighters for a middle-schooler, and when she does try to sleep it's several hours of tossing and turning and horrible nightmares for the rest. The only three things that I've seen to help her get to sleep (as of the ending of Lodestar) are sedatives (but she hates those), Silveny's transmissions and reveriebells. Otherwise it's nightmares, nightmares, nightmares. Not surprising for the girl that witnesses The Horrors every week. And sure, maybe the physical effects could be healed with a bottle of Youth or something, but you can't tell me that this doesn't affect her mental health!! Elves really need to get into psychology and find some therapists, or everyone will go crazy by the end of the series
ㅤAnyway, in my mind Sophie is an insomniac with huge eyebags and a weak stomach. The price of being ✨The Legendary Moonlark✨ (among many other sacrifices she makes)
yeah this girl cannot sleep…
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aceofwhump · 1 year
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Outlander 7x02
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baeshijima · 5 months
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