#Nova's Ocs
novastarlyght · 1 month
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The most loyal friend and (2nd?) worst war criminal in the multiverse, meet @pinesquest2d ‘s main antagonist, Nemm Lustre!
Nemm is, obviously, based on me and my mascot/persona/avatar, to the point where they were actually originally just named Nova. However I wanted to give them more of their own identity, especially since while they are a character based on me, it’s similar to say, how Dipper is based on Alex Hirsch.
This hexagram is a fun-loving free spirit who loves to create, with a particular fondness for making riddles, puzzles and games. Having despised their rigid noble upbringing, it’s no wonder they found a kindred spirit in a commoner triangle who spoke of liberation through chaos…
Bill and Nemm have a lot in common, which contributed to them being such close companions, but Nemm balances Bill out in a way that he desperately needs by way of being the one to reassure him it’s alright to be flawed. While they both made mistakes and paid for them in the blood of their home world, Nemm understands the only way to move now is forward, as difficult and daunting as that can be. That’s why they don’t want to do it alone, and don’t want Bill to have to either.
Unfortunately for the Pines family and friends, none of this means they see “simpler lifeforms” like humans as anything but useful pawns at best or irritating pests at worst. Why not uproot them from their dimension and place them as pieces on what is, to Nemm, a far more important chessboard?
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starcloud-nova · 4 months
((kaito thoughts?))
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@catlady5001 finally! an answer!
In my mind, Sachi and Kazuki and Daiken did their best to shield him from more of the physical punishments/abuse that came from their father and were more or less successful most of the time, but a few things not in that field stuck with him and traumatized him anyway.
Their father would sometimes take Kaito’s stuff and break it if he was mad or as a punishment. Not necessarily his most important/expensive/whatever stuff but just things that he had or things in the way. Little trinkets and what have you, but also gifts from school and from his siblings.
Sometimes Daiken would get the heads up from someone else that it was going to be too dangerous to stay in their apartment, so he would pack up some essentials and take his siblings somewhere else/somewhere safe for a few days. Sachi and Kazuki, even though they were young themselves, understood that they couldn’t take a lot of personal items with them and just made peace with that, but little 3, 4, 5, 6 year old Kai had a harder time with it. Daiken had a rule for him that he could take however many toys as he was years old (that he could hold onto easily) so it made him even more protective over his stuff.
All of this coupled with the growing up in kind of-poverty and only having so many possessions in the first place made it so that Kai is super attached to the few things he has, and Kaito now has big problems with people other than his siblings being in his personal space (which is kind of funny considering he also had the separation anxiety). In the current timeline they have a 2 bedroom apartment and the twins share one room and 21-year-old Daiken shares a room with 11-year-old Kaito (ikr) and Daiken knows not to really bring anyone by because he knows Kai is unreceptive to strangers being in his business. I also think his stuff getting broken/someone breaking his things and losing stuff are MASSIVE triggers for him and all of his siblings know that lol.
[holds Kaito in my hands] I just think he’s neat.
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"You're my angel. Always remember that."
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novusscarlet · 2 years
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Resubbing to XIV means obligatory impromptu gposes of my s/o and I’s WoLs
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novadreamer648 · 2 years
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Don't forget to stay hydrated!
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acousticmalta · 1 year
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Friday night with my cultist wife 🖤
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The Ultimate Forager. (And Perry!)
This is Makeria Emdride, the Asmodeus Bloodline Tiefling Rogue (Thief)/Bloodhunter (Order of the Mutant), otherwise known as the Ultimate Forager!
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nova-radiance · 1 year
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✨️exciting things coming soon!✨️
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Ovratl'Theolus (left), Elias (center), and Theo Arengela (right).
"Why do you still accept me, Eli?" Theo asked me as he tucked his hair behind his ear, tears rolling down his eyes. "You've seen what my parasite could do, so why are you still here? Why do you still want me?"
"I care about you, Theo."
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notdysfunk · 3 months
Fancy pants >:( Artfight attack of Nova/Sol for @venomous-qwille !!
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iingezo · 15 days
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Nova for @ambrosiafaery !
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dimorphodon-x · 7 months
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Little guys
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starcloud-nova · 9 months
daiken dies AU?? 👀👀👀
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Daiken dies!AU is the AU of all time. It’s an AU I love to use for the purpose of character study and also to completely shake up all my existing character dynamics. Obviously, I have an uncountable number of fantasies and scenarios thought up with this AU, so I will go over my main reason that I am drawn to it, the overarching details, and then any variants at the end.
Daiken dies!AU is such a fun one for me because it completely ruins canon lol. In canon, Daiken (eldest sibling by 5 and 10 years) essentially acts as the ‘heir’ to his father’s crime lord-y ness and is taken on ‘missions’ with him from the ripe ol’ age of 11 all the way up to 18 when his father finally gets arrested. He acts as the protector to Sachi+Kazuki (both 5 years younger), and Kaito (10 years younger). When their father gets arrested, he gets full custody of them.
But if he dies, none of this can happen.
The original purpose of this AU was for me to come up for a what-if scenario for Daiken (14) dying instead of Jamie (13). The whole point of Jamie’s character is that he dies so I didn’t have a ton planned out for him, but if Daiken died…ooh boy a lot would change.
I think if Daiken did die on a mission, it would be very sudden and the siblings would have no warning or time to grief. He would simply leave on a mission, as he usually did (“I’ll see you soon, Sachi. I love you.”), and then never return, with no explanation. This would leave Sachi, Kazuki, and Kaito in a perpetual state of grief for years as they never even attend a funeral or can bury a body. They never get any time to process his death. And they knew their father was awful but they never thought he would let one of them die. All of them, but Sachi especially, view him as essentially being the one to pull the trigger on Daiken; he as good as killed him, in their eyes, and that changes them. 
(An aside: I think their father did actually feel bad about Daiken’s death, bad enough that he hates the idea that he was the one that killed him, but that doesn’t make him any better of a person so!)
With the ‘heir’ gone, a new one would be in need. Kazuki, as the secondborn and next eldest son, would take over this role, but it’s very different from his older brother’s tenure. In canon, when Jamie dies, Daiken finds out weeks later when snooping around for something unrelated, and then goes apeshit about it a few weeks later in front of his father and all his friends. This same thing happens with Jamie, although he doesn’t lose his shit, but their father still decides that his kids are better off not interacting with the other guys’ kids. So Sachi, Kazuki, and Kaito are without a support system that was Daiken’s literal rock and they fall out of contact. On top of that, Kazuki is pushed harder than Daiken ever was, going on missions for days, weeks, and even months at a time, doing more dangerous things than anything Daiken did. Kazuki also has knowledge weighing on him that Daiken didn’t: their father let one of them die. He could let that happen again. 
This changes Kazuki. He goes from a curious, brilliant, quick-minded, loyal kid to a suspicious one who ribs his father a lot more and defies a lot more orders than Daiken did. He still loves knowledge and learning but it’s so insanely hard to keep on top of AP classes when you miss weeks at a time and don’t have reliable time to study. 
Daiken being dead and Kazuki being gone leaves Sachi to mostly fend for herself and take care of Kaito on her own. If she was close to him before, she’s way closer to him now. Flipping canon, Sachi has a job while Kazuki doesn’t because she needs money to keep the lights on and he can’t hold down a job being so absent. Kazuki and Sachi also become a lot more reliant on each other and fight less because they need to be in harmony for everything to work. There’s no older brother they can trust will guide them out of it. It’s just them. They’re insanely interdependent with each other, and coordinate everything, from work schedules to meal planning to taking care of Kaito. They always make sure someone’s there to pick up Kai and be with him whenever possible.
I also like to think that a lot of times, Kazuki gets pulled out of school randomly and without warning to go on missions. Like, he calls or texts Sachi mere hours before he has to leave like “hey, I just got informed I have to go. I don’t know when I’ll be back. I’m sorry”, and they just have to roll with it. It’s definitely an unstable environment to be in.
On the end of the other Sixes/the other criminals’ kids, Daiken’s death acts as a turning point and Jamie slowly bides his time to get out of the hellscape without kicking up a fuss like Daiken. When he finally gets to choose his own name, he goes with “Howling”. I have a very vivid image in my head of Sachi seeing him for the first time in years and just whispering “Howling.” as they lock eyes. 
That’s basically all of the sweeping details. There’s infinite scenarios imagined in my head of different versions of this story playing out but this is the starting point I tend to jump off of. Some of the variants include:
BNHA variant. I dont even gaf about bnha anymore but I like this variant because it puts Sachi and Kazuki in the same school. Sachi is in 1-A and Kazuki is in the support course, and shocker shocker, Azz Adams is also in the support course as a second year. It’s the first time they’ve seen him in years, and he plays a background/non-existent part in the story until something happens on their father’s side that forces them to team up with or confront him with something. When it comes time for UA to go into dorms, Aizawa thankfully shows up when their father isn’t home, so they have the meeting without him, and Sachi and Kazuki refuse because it means being apart from Kaito, who would def. die or something if they weren’t around all the time. Their dead older brother is somewhat of a secret because it’s trauma that they don’t like going around sharing so I like to navigate that. Also I like the idea of there being some LOV attack and Sachi’s like 🤨they’re attacking in That area? That’s Yazuka territory baby.
PJO variant. My PJO au with them is so many shades of a mess because I insist on having them all still be bio siblings but they also must be demigods so I concocted some crazy stuff to keep them all together (namely, all of their parents [Azz, LS, Jacob, Jamie, Perria, Kicks, etc.] purposefully attracted gods so that they could have powerful children. Daiken, Sachi+Kazuki, and Kaito all have different godly parents, buuuuuut they’re all still related so score!). In this AU i just enjoy the idea that they pop into camp, do weird stuff, and then leave because they can’t afford to be sticking around. There’s also a time where they’re unsure if Kaito is a demigod and therefore if he can be let into camp so that’s a big issue until they confirm that yes, he is. Hooray!
Kaito also dies variant. This one could honestly warrant its own post but whatever. I came up with this one while watching Ginny and Georgia (mid show) so I guess you could consider this to be an AU of that but it really doesn’t correlate at all. In the same dramatic fashion as (spoilers for GG) Gil getting shot and Georgia getting shoved around, Kaito accidentally gets shot, straight through the chest, and murdered. By his dad. I think that he accidentally got in the way or something, the details aren’t important. But he dies, extremeeeeeeeely publically, like in the middle of town square if those things were real, and Sachi and Kazuki are both there. And Sachi sees her little brother on the ground, definitely dead, and she. goes. apeshit. She screams at her father “how many of my brothers are you going to kill?” and then beats the shit out of him, kicking, punching, etc. Kazuki helps! And then eventually someone pulls her off of him and she gets one final spit in his face. He lives because of course he does 🙄 but that’s not the point! The point of this AU is that Sachi gets to go apeshit. That’s it.
So yeah. That’s the rundown of Daiken dies!AU. This took me over a month to answer and then I sat down and typed 1.5k in basically one sitting so that explains why it took me so long. I hope you, too, dear reader, can come to appreciate the parentified older brother figure dying tragically at 14 just as much as I do 🥰
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pink-pone · 1 year
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majestic 💫
art by the lovely @colorful-horses
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acousticmalta · 1 year
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Drunk camp talk
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deceptiveshadow · 4 days
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More Nova.
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