antiromanticbaby · 11 months
Paintings - Lord Diavolo
Lord Diavolo x GN!artist!reader
[✧] ー Set in Nightbringer. MC has been trying their best to find a way of communication with the future, hoping that they are actually in the right timeline (which I doubt. Anyways-). It seems like they have finally found a way.
[✧] ー Ok v v random but some parts of the NB game have given me some good 'Dark' flashbacks Like, the SWD cast are asking just where are we and then they change the question to When which was straight out a scene from Dark haha.
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When Diavolo first heard of your disappearance, he was torn. The one he loved and adored, the one he was about to court and propose to was now... gone. Just like that, without a trace between the whole three worlds, and even Solomon and Barbatos were no help.
First his mother, then his father, and now you.
No matter what way he put it, you were gone. His little darling was gone. He was the demon prince, he would be the king one day, and yet he felt like he had lost a big part of himself just with your disappearance.
Just where have you gone, MC?
Soft classic music had filled his dimly lit office, and Barbatos had brought his favorite treat. He was going to be king, he couldn't lose his composure just like that. And yet, hearing the classical music, his mind and heart was filled with thoughts of you, of your smile and laughs, of the way you twirled in his arms, or stepped on his feet when he tried to teach you a simple waltz. A smile graced his lip, but it went away soon when he heard the knock on the door.
'Not today...' He thought to himself. Perhaps this was Lucifer, telling him to compose himself and be a good role model for Devildom. But Diavolo knew it, he knew how Lucifer himself was breaking. He had seen how the fallen star flew around the Devildom, sneaked around and tried to find one small trace of you.
Or maybe it was one of his brothers, here to demand answers, to where you were. In this case, as Barbatos has put it, 'when' you were.
And maybe it was Barbatos, bringing good news. Only if 'good news' hadn't turned into 'miracles' that never occurred.
"Come in." He spoke firmly, trying to sound confident. But if it was someone close to him, they would know that he wasn't, that his strong aura was nothing but a mere facade. Still, his kingdom came first. He must look strong, no matter what, even if Lucifer and Barbatos see through the act.
"Young master, I have brought some news." It was Barbatos, always neat and polite. Diavolo, in a way, envied how unphased Barbatos seemed, but he knew that Barbatos was too perfect. And that was exactly why he was imperfect. Diavolo motioned for his steward to continue. Barbatos continued, an amused smile on his face. "A Little D has found some... interesting paintings in the basement. According to what they said, these paintings have been transferred to the castle from Cocytus Hall."
"Interesting? And would you please elaborate on what you are... hinting at?"
"I believe you must see them for yourself." Barbatos spoke politely, motioning Diavolo to follow.
And Diavolo did. Perhaps this would be a good distraction from the haunting thoughts of his darling and just where they were, when they were, and if they were alive or not.
Upon seeing the paintings decorating all over the basement of his castle, Diavolo's heart skipped a beat. He was... so happy, filled with a sense of euphoria that he didn't know existed, not before finding out. Lord Diavolo could recognize your painting style from miles away, and all of these were yours.
But what were you doing in Cocytus Hall? And why haven't any of them heard of you?
He quickly turned the self portrait around, noticing the scribbles on the inside.
'First painting since coming here. It is now one year after the Celestial War. I truly hope this reaches you'
There was no point in asking whether these were truly yours or not, because he recognized the handwriting. His grip on the canvas tightened and a smile formed on Diavolo's lips. "Barbatos, please move all of these to my room."
He felt in a rush, to decorate his room with whatever he could find from you. Now, he knew you were alive. He knew you were safe, and as much as the thought of you, his lover, living in the Cocytus Hall back in the past and with Solomon bothered him, he was just glad that you were safe. That his MC was safe and alive. "Oh, and please call the brothers over for dinner. We must share the news."
"Should we tell them about the paintings?" Barbatos asked, even though he already knew the answer.
"...No, not yet. Just tell them we found notes of MC."
It wouldn't hurt to be selfish, only for a little while.
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kuromahiruma · 11 months
Or boyfriend like our devildom crown prince 🥹🥹🥹
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
Screaming weeping rolling on the floor @ Nightbringer lesson 16.. that was such a stark (and welcomed!!) contrast from the original OM’s lesson 16, I really hope we get more heartwarming and chill lessons like this in the future 🥺😭😭😭
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diatiddiess · 1 year
Everyone was absolutely adorable!! 😭💖💖
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cnl0400 · 6 months
Ok this may be nitpicking but my problem with the whole "Father's love" Is that your father Is the reason your sister is death, the whole reason y'all went to war... They casted you away because you didn't want Lilith to die...
The thing Is that Father's love Is not unconditional, If you didn't started the war, your sister would have died anyways, for the crime of loving a human too much, he practially made you choose between your loyalty to him or your love for your sister. Thats why Lucifer whole speech of "All Father did was love me, but I couldn't see It" feels shallow, because It undermines the tragedy of falling from the CR in the first place. Like If Seraph Lucifer had fallen in love with a human, he would probably had the same fate as Lilith. Simeon Is stripped of His own angelhood in S3/S4 for stealing the ring of light to save MC, so it's not like the CR Is better in the future or anything
I think Its unrealistic to expect OBM to put Father/God as this 100% Bad guy (with the whole uniting the three realms and all that) but also I feel like Lucifer should have more complicated feeling about this. I don't doubt Father loved him, but I don't think the conclusion of Lucifer arc should be that "All my Father did was love me but I was too prideful to see it"
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flappingdragon · 2 months
Could I request the brothers + side characters reaction when mc turns into a goose? I was thinking something like mc turned into a goose due to Solomon messing up again, and they act like the goose from Untitled Goose Game, but cuddlier. Like they are still a little menace, but also want to be pet and cuddled.
If you don’t want to do this request I completely understand as it is a bit odd. I hope you have a great day/night!
A/N: Sorry that I’m so late!! I was just caught up in a lot of things and forgot this was in my drafts oof. I also changed a few things up just to be a little silly (and also bc I didn’t want to write the personality of duck MC here). Anyway, I decided to divide this into two parts; one for the brothers and the other for the side characters. Enjoy!
The Brother’s Reactions to Duck!MC
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Rating: SFW, fluff
Warnings: GN!MC, no pronouns used for MC, no gender specified for MC, interactions based on the brothers (not MC), personality not specified for MC
Tags: Fluff, the brothers love duck!MC, cuddling, preening, etc.
Part I (This Is Where You Currently Are), Part II (Coming Soon!)
How the hell did this happen?
“Will you stop taking my things, please? You’re making my life even more difficult than it is already.”
At first, he’d have fun with it, teasing you by picking you up randomly when in private
Even going so far as to sit in his lap while he pets you
But then he’d look for a way to fix it
And eventually he does, much to everyone’s protests
He’ll miss the times when he sets you in his lap and feeds you your favourites, but if you can be more helpful to him in your human form, he’d prefer that
He’d like to see your face instead of that of a duck
Oh lord
Is he ever about to get in trouble
He’s no doubt teaming up with you to steal money
I mean
A duck?
In the Devildom?
Now THAT is about to attract a lot of money
He’d probably set up an attraction where lots of demons and demon-kin alike get to meet and pet a real goose
I feel like at the end of it all, even if Mammon did get a lot of money, you’d be exhausted
Because you already know you were out there for hours getting pet by so many
You need to recharge a bit
And that includes a lot of pets from Mammon
And a lot of cuddles
You know he’s going to be so happy to oblige
Unlike Mammon, he’s not going outside of the house
So you don’t have to worry about that
He’ll set you in his lap while he’s playing video games and he’ll let you time to time between bosses
Hell, he’ll even give you a controller to play with him if he’s feeling extra bored
And it baffles him how you win every time
Because a duck? Beating him? That’s impossible!
But he loves it
He’d lose to you again and again if it meant holding you in his lap like this
Team Prank Lucifer: Duck Addition
No but seriously, he’s getting into mischievous trouble with you in tow
He’d probably start by making cursed illusions of you but they all have different personalities
For instance, one could be kind and gentle while another could blow up the house
But while your illusions are causing havoc, the real you is resting in his lap as he reads a good book
He’s running his fingers through your goose feathers, practically preening you
He finds it relaxing how he can just pet you and sit back
If he’s honest, he hasn’t been reading his book for the past half an hour
He’s too busy adoring the way you shake your feathers in response to his pets
He finds you irresistibly adorable
You already know he’s going to put you in cute little outfits
Doesn’t matter how much you hiss at him, he’ll find a way to put some sort of sweater on you
Once he does, he squeals and gets out his phone, taking a selfie with your very-not-amused-goose-face
This is not the first outfit he’s putting you in though, he’s putting you in sparkling pink and blue dresses and cute little tuxedos
He’s also putting some big, fluff coats on you
You’re not getting out of his sight no matter how hard you try
You just have to hope he gets bored
But let’s be honest here
That’s not happening
Beel is pretty chill when he sees you all snuggled up beside his pillow, minding your own business
At first, he didn’t know it was you so he just kinda left you alone, thinking that you were another one of his brother’s crazy pets
Only when you had followed him out to the kitchen did he start to catch on
And once he does know it’s you, he’s carrying you everywhere with him
To the kitchen, the common room, the gym, RAD, or even the Demon Lord’s Castle
It doesn’t matter
As long as you’re in his arms, he’s happy
And if you want, he’d give you a few snacks as well
He doesn’t mind
And honestly? He’d get a bit sad when you return to normal
He got used to carrying you around :(
You can get he’s not moving unless he has to
So you’re his napping buddy until he’s forced to get up
He’d hold you in his arms and cuddling you as he sleep talks
Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you can escape his grasp and sit on either his back or his stomach
When he wakes up, he’s so confused bc his sleepy brain is thinking-
“Why is there a duck on me?”
And then he remembers that it’s you and he bundles you up in his arms again
He looks away when your duck wings flap in his face but he starts petting you when you settle
He’ll stay awake to pet you despite the pull of his sin that makes his eyes flutter closed every now and then
But he enjoys it
And when you return to normal, he’s in your arms fast asleep
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windywriter · 9 months
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A commission I got done of my Obey me MC's demon disguise by @gach-artblog !!!! Thank you so much for working with me on this! I love it so so much!
Their name is Mara and they're the world's most beloved abomination against God 💖
More details under the read more:
-The outfit was given to them by Barbatos after they were assigned to be the brother's caretaker/assistant. The shoes were something they bought together with Solomon.
- Originally the horns weren't apart of the habit but Mara sewed them on in order to seem more convincing.
- This is what they sound like when squeaked
- Whenever they're asked if they have a tail or wings they always change the answer.
- The earrings were given to Mara as a gift when they first began training under him. It can be used as a magic communicator between them and Solomon. Though they usually just use their D.D.D
- Mara makes the mana potions every morning. Since their pacts have been severed, they've been trying to conserve mana. Plus the shenanigans of the brothers run them ragged every day.
- The placement of the symbols is meant to sort of match where each of the brother's demon marks are but for asmo's I just thought it was funnier where it is now
-If you notice the pact symbol at the bottom of the skirt is missing the names of the sins. This is to show how Mara no longer has their pacts with the brothers.
-The skirt is cursed so if anyone but Mara tries to move it/touch it they'll get electrocuted.
- Before it was revealed that Mara was human/from the future they went by the name "Kama".
- Currently Mara is studying how to create powerful barriers/wards in an attempt to keep Solomon out of the kitchen.
-They currently have a 40-45% success rate.
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randomcomicsyer · 1 year
Whispered words concealed beneath cynical appearances.
P.s. a little sprinkle of Nightbringer Satan in here but not too much for a spoiler xd
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"How do you feel about your birth?" you asked Satan, finding him in a moment of tranquility within his room.
Your words echoed through the silent room, drawing Satan's attention from the book he was engrossed in. The sound of a page flipping faded as he turned his gaze towards you. His peaceful emerald eyes met yours, conveying a sense of calm. With his book held loosely in his hand, he began to speak, his voice serene and measured.
"I came into being without choice, born from the searing blaze of someone else's anger. The intensity of that fury coursed through my veins, leaving an indelible mark on my very essence." A silence enveloped the room, allowing his words to resonate and find their place. It was clear that discussing this topic openly was a privilege he reserved for your ears alone. "It feels like an unseen burden that weighs me down. Every breath I take is tinged with the smouldering heat of resentment. The weight of it presses upon my chest, a constant reminder of my origin."
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rdm00n · 8 months
Happy birthday tannie!!:3
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I don't think i can draw more things fast for his bday💔
Andd no emojis ver under the cut!
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adcmans · 5 months
Is there any Obey Me artist willing to take Nintendo, Google Play, Apple, card? I am willing to pay for the price you do?
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antiromanticbaby · 9 months
♡ 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 - 𝐂𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 ♡
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♡ .❝ 𝐈𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫, ❞
𝗘𝗡𝗩𝗬 /ˈɛnvi/ ♡ ┊ a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck. ♡ ┊ desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable thing belonging to (someone else).
♡ .❝ 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬. ❞
Yandere Leviathan; who didn't seem half as dangerous as his brothers, but oh goodness he knew his way around words. Lucifer was the manipulator, and Leviathan is the best at gaslighting.
Yandere Leviathan; who is a sucker for attention, all while hating it. But if that attention is from you, how can he resist? Levi is like a snake, he can be very cunning and manipulative at times. Acting innocent? Granted. Sneaking around? Yes. No one disturbs him in his room, no one knows what goes on with him, and most of all, many just see him as a Ruri-chan obsessed freak. This gives him enough space to plant his plans.
Yandere Leviathan; who can't express his affection with tender touches and sugar coated words. Though... he can do it by isolating you and spending time with you all the time. Doesn't it sound fun? You'll probably end up with online classes and TSL marathons instead of actually studying! It must sound like a dream come true, no matter what.
Yandere Leviathan; who is always jealous, no matter what. He's the avatar of envy for a reason. Even if he doesn't know or acknowledge it, everyone have noticed him glaring at the poor demons daring to talk to you or breath in your way.
Yandere Leviathan; who allows you to go as far as befriending Lotan and taking care of Henry. You're his Henry too, on a whole another level and scale. Of course he would want his only companions seeing his beeloved.
Yandere Leviathan; who takes pictures of you without you even noticing. And even if you do, he's quick to make excuses. You would believe him, wouldn't you? Because there's no reason to get suspicious over his stuttering.
Yandere Leviathan; who easily hacks through all of your devices and goes unnoticed by Lord Diavolo. Lucifer might find out, but he would never question Levi. No one would ever disturb him, because they fear him more than they let on.
Yandere Leviathan; who will call you a 'normie' and shut you out of his room, because anytime he sees you, his fantasies get even wilder than other times. He does think of you when you're not around, 24/7, all the time, but when you are near, those thoughts go skyrocket. And as much as he wants you, he doesn't want to hurt you or make you sad.
Yandere Leviathan; who doesn't want to hurt you (as stated above) but will hurt anyone who look your way, who dare look at you and breath in your scent. And sometimes, if you annoy him a lot and make him too jealous, he'll go feral. And in that moment, he wouldn't mind hurting you, showing you that you're only his, and then justifying his actions in a way that you'll crave him more and more.
Yandere Leviathan; who is quick to clean up. The third born hates messes, or just getting dirty. So before you know it, your friends will disappear from your sight. Before you know it, you're left alone. And before you know it, the only option left is him.
♡ .❝ 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐦, 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐦. ❞
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Obey Me Yandere headcanons: [Lucifer] [Mammon] [Leviathan (You're here)][Asmodeus] [wip] Shameless self promo: Find out who your yandere lover from Obey Me is in this quiz <3
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kuromahiruma · 11 months
Everyone needs boyfriend like simeon🥹🥹🥹
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yeehawbvby · 11 months
Live footage of me opening Nightbringer for the first time since the end of the season and being bombarded with UR+ ads/the event preview/Nightmare notifications/etc
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diatiddiess · 1 year
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cnl0400 · 1 month
Something similar happens in the OBM subreddit but it's even funnier because it's normally like "I'm stuck in S2 OG since 2021 and I hate every single storyline ever since, I don't play the events and I also hate Nightbringer" and not to have the high horse since this Is my "vent"/complaining™ blog and have a lot of problems with the current direction of the story but I can't see how anyone can be around the franchise this long If you at least don't enjoy one (1) character in game
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flappingdragon · 4 months
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I may have introduced my MC via writing, but I don’t think I’ve ever introduced him via drawing before
So here he is!
I’d also like to thank @pseudonymphomania for drawing the outline of this hot mess of a man. I only tweaked and coloured it, so I can’t take all the credit!
Here’s Pseudo’s version(under the cut):
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Thanks for inspiring me to colour him!! ☺️
Now here’s a few interesting facts about him:
• Half human-half demon (halfling)
• Poly and Pan
• Fancy’s Lucifer and Diavolo (but Luci doesn’t know)
• A switch but leaning Dom
• Has a demon form and a human form
• He takes care of the brothers as if they were his own
• His parents are a human father and a succubi mother of a different succubi species
• Prefers more revealing clothing but will occasionally wear something presentable to parties and gatherings and meetings
• Likes to style his hair in ponytails or braids
• Hates buns. With a passion.
• ⚠️ NSFW HC: His cock gets bigger the more aroused he is in his demon form (I don’t know the max limit yet)
• ⚠️ NSFW HC: Wants to fuck both Diavolo and Lucifer at the same time
• ⚠️ NSFW HC: Lucifer doesn’t know Hai Sang likes Diavolo and he doesn’t know that Hai Sang has a picture of Diavolo in quite the suggestive pose (Hai jerks off to it often when Lucifer isn’t home)
• ⚠️ NSFW HC: Loves to overstimulate his partners and care for them afterwards
• ⚠️ NSFW HC: He also likes to be overstimulated, just only when his partner brutally rides him with the help of a few aphrodisiacs to up his sensitivity
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