#OC Dovahkin
marsinthecorner · 2 years
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I've gotten back into playing Skyrim and made me a sexy, buff orc lady: Nazgul. And yes, I'm shipping with Cicero lmao. He needs an orc woman who'll throw him at enemies.😈😍
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ehrmantrautpup · 2 years
Bouncing Telgis boobas
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psychicduelistrbd · 1 year
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I actually did a Mermay drawing  couldn’t resist drawing Athena as a mermaid, her long her is just perfect,
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my-sleepy-head · 2 years
Been meaning to draw a photo of my dragonborn’s entire family for a while. In order to include their father however Sam is 10 years old or so.
(Feel free to ignore the doodling all around the lineart, it’s not the clean copy yet.)
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From left to right we have: Sam “The Shadow” Septim, Dovahkin, lost the use of their left eye at that time. Was very close to their siblings at that age.
Their mother, a quiet woman but a good mother and thief.
Abigail Septim, Sam’s elder by 6 years and already rather high ranking in the thieves guild.
Their father, a nord born in Cyrodil. He was a good thief. Unfortunately left the entire family behind when Sam was 12, ran to hammerfell to try and get a fresh start.
Geralt Septim(placeholder name). A student of the college of winterhold since he was 12 years old, the family had taken a special trip to see him for this picture.
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saph-y · 4 months
What inspired you to do the wonderful nomads story and what helped shaped the setting and ideas around it and the characters?
Oh yeah a NOMADS RELATED QUESTION ! *vibrating* (sorry. I'm sure a lot of you know what it is to talk about personnal projects xD)
I think first I'll never repeat enough that this universe isn't mine but @selkys'. She came up with the post-apo setting and the vast majority of its concepts and characters, I merely poke around it. ...Ok, I do it a LOT. But still.
But the core ideas have been around for way longer than my involvement in it ! Long story short, I started when Selkys invited some of her friends (same french team who was very into swtor ocs a few years ago, I'm sure most of you are here from this time period !) to roleplay in this universe, where she had previously done tabletop and written rp, as well as planned a novel in it. That is how I created Siv.
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(For fun : here's an art comparison I made on patreon a while back !)
Several campaigns with several players started and eventually died out - life reasons, mainly... But around the time of the second french lockdown (I think ?) Selkys proposed me to pick up our story again, and both of us got reaaaally involved and naturally started to expand with more characters, more plots, more concepts ! It became less of a rp with a game master and a player, but more of a big ass four hands novel and worldbuilding... if that makes sense ?
It's been our main creative sandbox for a while now, where we just throw whatever we feel like, and I know we're both so happy with being able to have this collab going on♥ I doubt Selkys will read that because she's no longer on tumblr but I'm so so lucky and grateful for it 🥺
...And now I realize this wasn't exactly the question xD What shapes the setting or characters these days is generally just our fancy and what fits right in the story, I couldn't be more specific unless given a specific character or element to talk about !
But for a few examples for fun ?
- moving the action to a desert region was definitely influenced by Dune. We did wanted to go there because it was already in the worldbuilding and we had plot ideas for it, but seeing the recent film (the first one) was definitely a "hell yeah lets do desert survival !" moment xD
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(we're not subtle about it, or anything, because we just do that for fun) - Jasper exists because one day I showed and old art from my skyrim dragonborn to Selkys and she found him pretty so we transposed him in Nomades (yep. Jasper was my Skyrim dovahkin xD even tho he had another name/not quite the same look ofcouse.) He's a mix of a nordic, HZD Aloy, Prince of Persia and a shit ton of other things...
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(this is his design sheet ! The black makeup is totally stolen from Skyrim - and classic viking representation of course. The bow is Aloy's. His core story "banned for exploring secrets of the past" is too !) - Siv was inspired by ...nothing in particular, I just wanted a character that "didn't fit" in her hometown so that she could leave it. - Archibald gained the longest legs in the world, his flirty side and much of his looks when Selkys got into Lupin the Third.
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 2 years
Hey guys! I've recently have fallen back into love with the God of War series (mostly the Norse series Mimir and Sindri are my faves} and I thought it would be awesome to write something with one of my mainly used OCs from a story I'm making
Her name is Flash (they're normally gender fluid but it's the female version in this case) and she's what I call a Draken (a dragon like person and no she's not like a DND dragonborn or a dovahkin). She's pretty small being around between 5'-5'2" sometimes so she's pretty tall by dwarven standards.
I hope you guys like my story and if you wanna see more content or a self insert request or maybe more OCs I'm up for it! I'd love to make new friends on this game! Please don't be mad at my writing skills I try my best!
A Dragon's Loyalty
{An OC × Sindri Fanfic}
{Flash x Sindri}
Warnings: {possible}, "censored cursing", insecurities, OCD/Germaphobia, skinny body, etc.
Rating: Fluffy Cotton candy with a side of sassy dragon {you have been warned}
{Flash's pov}
It was like any other morning now...cold, wet, and hungry. I've been mostly on my own since I've left Kratos and Atreus since they were being hunted down by Freya...myself somewhat included. I started camping out in the mountains where she can't track me half the time, nor would she want to where her main target was down in the staved forest below. Gods I wish I could go down there and have a nice warm meal.
My mind begins to wonder, looking to the sky for a sign, I soon found my answer in the form of a familiar voice. It sounded like screaming. HIS screaming. As I ran around the corner of a few ledges I find him pinned in a crack of the canyon. Trying to dig him out was a large dragon, possibly new in town, and wanted a snack for the road.
"Sindri!" I called out.
"Falishia?! Help me!!" He called out, "This dragon is gonna eat me!!!"
I twinged in pain when I tried to leap forward. Stupid stomach wanted to make me look like a wimp. I fought through it and leaped up to catch the dragon by the horns. It noticed my grasp and tried to scrape me off like I was a bird turd or an annoying wasp stinging them. If only Brok could hear my thoughts now....
"The name's Flash!" I leaped into the weight of it's swings and shakes of it's head and knocked it into a cliff facing nearby.
As that new fellow of a dragon kept trying to snap at me I knew I had to end this quickly or I'll be it's skinny snack for the road and Sindri as an appetizer. I reached for my daggers but I remembered that I damaged them to a troll last month in a fight to keep my hunt. They were basically broken and dull letter openers. I tossed them aside back towards Sindri and chose to fight with my bare hands.
"Alright worm with wings....let's dance..." I growled then roared loudly as I leapt into the air as it came up to strike.
My strikes were weakened but precise. My claws were all I needed to take it down. My easy victory turned difficult with each second as it flew around the canyon. My grip began to slip as it soon pinned me against the rock. It's eyes focused on mine. Both spark with the fires of survival and battle. When it started to open it's jaws I heard two whistles of metal fly past me and lodge themselves into the stone next to me. It was my daggers all fixed up.
"Use them! They're fixed!!" Sindri yelled out in his cowardly cry. That caught the attention of the dragon again. It let me go and dropped me. I quickly grabbed onto my daggers as Sindri scampered away to his hidey hole.
I spared no extra seconds and launched myself from my perch and stabbed the daggers into the skull of the dragon. It's cries and roars echoed through the canyon as it fell dead upon the cold damp cliffside it used to call home. I dislodged my daggers and put them away. I hopped off the beast as Sindri peeked out.
"it's...gone...." I huffed out.
"Thank....Thank the gods that's over...." He breathed out shakenly before continuing some paused work. As he turned around to ask me something, I was on the ground. My energy spend was taxing on my frail body. All I could remember was his voice screaming my name.
I soon woke up.
I woke up in a strange place.
The ceilings and floors were fine crafted. The bed and pillows were nice compared to fur and your own tail for warmth and comfort. I sat up to see I was in a spare room of some kind. I looked down at the sheets. All pristine and uniform with the area. No doubt Sindri's work....
I put a hand on my side. It was all bandaged up from the scratches and what not I sustained in that battle. My ribs and stomach definitely showed with thinly stretched skin.
Stupid Fimblwintr...
Even my own tail looked horribly matted and skinny...
A knock at my door took me out of my trance. Soon a sliding door opened to show Sindri with a bowl of some kind. The aroma hit my nose and my stomach immediately churned.
"Seems like I had Brok whip up something on time then" He quipped.
"better now than never...nearly starving me" I snatched the bowl and chowed down on everything. I didn't care for the mess.
"now that you have food... I'd like to ask you something" he said with a shy undertone.
"like what? Got some feelings in a bunch of am I just dense?"
"N-No...well....how did you get so far gone?" He shuffled into a nearby seat.
"not much of a cook, ate my kills raw or smoked what I could..."
He did a small gag at the 'raw' part before taking the now empty bowl.
"Is it also bc of what happened? About a year or so ago?" He looked concerned.
"....Yes....but also my own troubles..." I sighed.
"to be honest....my body just...doesn't listen sometimes but today it did..." I turned to him.
"H-How come today?" He chuckled nervously.
"Because I wasn't going to let that ember nosed rummaging scaly lipped lizard get one of my prizes treasures!" I growled.
Sindri coughed as his ears dusted a light pink.
"A-And might I ask what was the treasure? Did you hide something vial on me?! Ugh!" He patted around his pockets and armor until I stood up and grabbed his collar.
"You do have something that not many have in a life time....a dragon's loyalty" my eyes glowed a soft red hue from my blue hues. My dark short hair grazing his face, "and no way in Helheim is that coming off anytime soon"
His gazed was focused but scattered. I could feel his breath hitch at my distance between him. Amazing that he didn't pull away. Maybe he thought of sucking it up for once in his life.
"Well...ummmm...thank you for the gift and for...saving me..."
"The same for you...now I must leave..." I turned to go to the door of the lavish house.
"Wait!" Sindri called out.
I stopped, "What's this? Now you want a dirty dragon?"
"You seemed...cold and alone out there...maybe I can return the favor and" he sighed, "and let you stay"
"does it come with meals and a warm bed?"
"of course! I'm not a savage!"
"like me?"
"You're not a savage... you're my friend" he gently reached out and touched a finger to my chest.
I grabbed his hand and his waist. I dipped him into a gentle scoop and grazed his beard. I rubbed my cheek into his glove and licked his cheek as I gave him my signature smirk.
"Maybe a bit more?" I purred
Sindri stood cold for a second before wriggling out of my grasp. He tried to wipe off his glove and cheek.
"YOUR TONGUE IS LIKE SAND PAPER!!! AUGH!!! GROSS!!!" he ran off to go wash himself off. I swore I heard a loud bellowing laugh from Brok downstairs.
As I watched him race out of the room, I felt a little warm knowing I belonged somewhere again. I know I tease him a lot during my years of knowing him but now....
I know where heart resides...
I hope he feels the same...before it's too late...
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serpent-radio · 1 year
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I used “The art of Invocation” version of Dovahkin and I used the cannon version for Butters, Thomas (Le Petit Tourette” , and Bradley (Cartman suck) and the other 3 are my Ocs.
In total this drawing took 7 hours and 49 minutes! Almost one of my longer drawing! I’m almost done just need to do Bradley (Cartman suck) and Thomas (Le Petit Tourette), I really wanted to add another oc/character but I feel like this is enough people.
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
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🤍  《  Healing an aching heart  》  Vilkas ∘  Raven ∘  Farkas 
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randomfandomasks · 3 years
Wait! You're telling me that there are people out there who play video games and do not have random headcanons/scenarios about their Characters? They do not even have an OC? Each time when I play Video games (especially RPG) I always have my own headcanons and I always create my own OC. I basically play the game while imagining a completely random scenario/ or dialogue that either will or already did happen between my OC and an NPC.
For example when I play Stardew Valley. I often Imagine my Farmer hanging out with Sam, Seb and Abi. The four of them are often play D&D together and hang out at the Saloon.
Or when I play Skyrim I have a bunch of Dialogues happening between my Dovahkin and her Companion (and lover) Lydia.
So, when my Character dies in Skyrim I imagine Lydia crying over the dead body (or injured) body of my Dragonborn, which is why I try not to die as often (doesn't really work though).
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blueberry-ghost · 4 years
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Actually I decided  to post this old sketch, ‘cuz why not, it’s @itsmuffin-top‘s elf OC on the right and my orc OC on the left. They’re best friends!!
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skipppppy · 5 years
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this is Skippy she’s a dark/sea elf halfling and she’s a sweetheart to everyone but him
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secretsigil · 5 years
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I wasn't able to add all the smaller details, but I had the sudden urge to make a good old fashion RPG Maker sprite of my Skyrim character Noir just like I once did for a friend of mine! It's fully tested and works just fine in RPG Maker VX ACE. And it might look like this was easy to make but one of the old character creation website I used to use to set up the base doesn't exist anymore so I had to hunt down a few other sprites I made before for the hair, cat ears, and tail. Anyways, hope you like her!
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artisticsasquatch · 7 years
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chrisemrysfics · 4 years
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I will probably have this on the fic, whenever I post it (as while self indulgent, I’ll likely share at one point), but until then, here is Mika, my elf from Thedas and Herald/Inquisitor.
He pretty much has a base background that then branches in a few different story. In short, his birth clan was slayed when he was a child, and it is from there I can branch off.
I never explored the idea of him being on his own, what I have thought of is the “original” canon story where he’s found by Clan Lavellan and raised there, up until he goes to the Conclave and ends up the Herald/Inquisitor. In theory, that story is also part of a crossover with Skyrim, where at some point the Dovahkin (and an OC) join him, but his canon story can exist on its own, and there’s some canon divergence to it.
But through rps, I explored a little idea that turned out as something I really, really love. And quite honestly, it feels like my “main” story for Mika, now. But yes, in short, when his clan was slayed, he’s send to the DGM world and is raised there. Years later, as he’s a young adult, he comes back to Thedas because he wants to pay tribute to his birth clan, but as he also travels for a bit with Clan Lavellan, he ends up curious about the Conclave and goes.
And then he wakes up not recalling what happened and can’t contact anymore his family, and he’s lowkey afraid and highkey determined to close the Breach for good, so that he can properly contact his family again. Considering he was raised in a whole other world, his way of fighting isn’t really much of a typical mage anymore, except that he can’t take risks so he’ll try his best to only really use Thedas spells and stuff that can make sense, his saving grace being that some little uncommon stuff can be passed as not having had a “regular” training in a circle and didn’t spend long enough with his birth clan to have the Dalish ways.
Also: I need to add the earring to what I have written already omg, but yeah, the necklace and earring actually have a meaning (earring: communicator, feathers on pendant: gift of his brother, protective charm).
On a final note: you can bet there are DGM characters that’ll show up eventually. His brother totally is going to show up, and the way I started, I feel like I’ll have fun never giving away his name, or anyone name, but the way Mika speak of him is going to clue people in, if they know DGM.
Under the cut are other little avater models done for fun, but honestly, I’ll forever love the one up there!
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
in skyrim, I play Tamitayo as a super polymath who fights, smiths, hunts, and uses magic but this is not entirely realistic, given the depth of the discipliens involved, and I’m considering splitting off those aptitudes into additional Elder Scrolls OCs, based on my general playstyles and some previous attempts at playthroughs
Tamitayo would focus on being a combat witch; powerful destruction magic mixed with alteration spells for defense and practical matters, sometimes wears lightweight armor, uses wrestling moves in personal combat and just..... breaks enemies in half. blows u up or beats you into pieces. is a hybrid vampire/werewolf because of her Dovahkin nature, vampire lord form looks kinda like a draconic succubus, while werewolf form is more of a wereDRAGON form. she’s weird like that. is a necromancer and doesnt understand the ethical complaints about reusing the dead. “Is good for enviornment,” she says.
Restoration magic, alchemy skills and the use of poisons, as well as archery, go to an Argonian lady based on my earliest playthroughs; a wisecracking and good natured lady who loves weaponizing her aquatic abilities and constantly complains about how damn cold it is in skyrim. tends to be a bit more diplomatic (Speech skill!) and hepful. Really big butt, her tail smacks it a lot on purpose. For fights she uses bows and crossbows, poisoning her weapons, and her great skill at alchemy gives her a wide variety of potions for every situation! summons atronachs in a pinch.
the blacksmithing specialties go to a big, thick orc girl. She has mood cycles of boisterousness and extroversion that eventually peter out into calmness and introspection; has a Thing about self-control in all things. Likes to intimidate Nords by being huger than them. wears heavy armor, wields massive two-hand weapons (probably of the ‘Buster Sword/Monster Hunter sword’ school of unrealistically huge) in one hand with a big shield in the other, and she is an expert at both crafting things and enchanting them; her magical understanding is mostly in theory and Enchanting, but she knows a fair amount about Illusion magic, She’s a warrior with magical abilities and is happy to be a tank.
as a group, Tamitayo is the blaster, leader, and ocassional living seige engine. Argonian archer/alchemist keeps them healed and provides support, and orc gal keeps them defended and provides zone control!
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
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A few Skyrim doodles i’ve been doodling with my favorite Wolf Twins and Dovahkin Raven while recovering back at home ;_;) Its still a tad hard to draw in my condition, most especially humans since its been so long but I needed to doodle at least some of the shenanigans that didnt leave my head so  h e r e  //laughsob
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