#OC Drabble
Lady of Tales
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“And you remained here... all this time?” The Lord of Dreams slowly approached the guest in his realm.
“As soon as I heard and found the state of the place” The Lady of Tales responded.
“Why? This realm is not your own.”
“I am well aware of that Lord. I do not have a realm at all. I am no queen or ruler of any type. However, I will remind you, sir, that your realm is where many tales either begin or find their home. I refused to sit idly by and not lend a hand where I could.”
Dream of the Endless glanced around Lucienne’s library. While most of the Dreaming was in ruin when he returned, the library was nearly perfectly preserved. Aside from the occasional cobweb, cracked window and broken tile, not a story was out of place.
The wandering woman grazed a hand along the shelf closest to her. “Lucienne knew more of this realm than I did. She knew best how to keep things throughout the realm while I saw to her beloved library.”
“I am certain that your fondness for it helped matters” Morpheus said, remembering the being across from him’s favorite place from her many visits prior to his imprisonment.
She chuckled, a light and free type of sound that the King of Dreams and Nightmares vaguely remembered with the smallest hidden beginnings of a smile. It was nice to know that not all things changed in the course of a century. 
“It is a relief to know that the king has returned to his kingdom. There is much work to be done, I know. But the worst the Dreaming has seen is hopefully behind it. I do not wish there to be any more trouble here.”
“That journey starts with the reclaiming of my tools... If I am to fix things here, I will need them.”
“You could always take me with you” she suggested.
The Master of Stories however had already opened one of the books from her centuries old backpack, one she had made for herself since the beginning of humanity. A place to keep her things as she traveled, collecting and preserving the stories of humans. 
The journal was old, not nearly as old as any of the tools Morpheus needed to seek out, but it was an impressive old thing. The pages that held words, featured the names of various places in beautiful calligraphy, the ink shimmering slightly. The woman procured a pen from one of the old holsters on the side of her bag. She quickly wrote a word and smiled at the King of Dreams.
“And when has an utterance of that word ever stopped me?” She did not wait for the Endless to answer, instead sending him a smile and wink. “Give Lucienne my goodbyes and my best. I’ll being seeing you soon.”
The journal closed and she was gone in the blink of an eye.
Morpheus sighed, what would come would. He’d see her again on his journey, that was certain. There were other matters to attend to at the moment.
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robotcorsair · 2 months
By its cover - part 1
"Shouldn't you be more whimsical? You look like a lawyer." 
The fairy squinted, crow's feet spreading around his eyes. "Shouldn't you be less whimsical? You look like you sell candles at the farmer's market."
The vampire laughed brightly. "How'd ya guess?"
"Wait, really?"
"Nah, can't be in the sun, would make it difficult." The vampire winked. "I teach midnight yoga classes."
The fairy pinched the bridge of his nose, dislodging his glasses. "Are you fucking with me right now?"
The vampire smiled. "No, sir! Shall we get on with this meeting? By the way, what's your name?"
The fairy sighed.
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witchy-shortcake · 1 month
That one Jade drabble i promised i would write.
TW⚠️: This story contains mentions of drinking and substance abuse, if you find those themes triggering i advice you to Skip this.
I really hope you all enjoy my first attempt at a semi-decent whump drabble.
Jade came stumbling into the apartment. She didn't even bother to take off her boots, which were leaving muddy footprints everywhere.
Slumping against the wall, she managed to reach the couch and crah face first into the cushioned surface, letting out a small muffled sound.
She sat Up as best as she could, wincing in pain, and started undressing, tossing her blood-stained clothes aside, leaving on only her bra and panties. There's were still a couple hours before she had to pick up Sunny from school so she could clean It all Up later.
She examined the bullet wounds on her leg and forearm, she was sure she could dig the bullets out of there herself, she wasn't a newbie anymore, but, still, she would need a little... Numbing if she wanted It to work.
She crawled towards one of the drawers she always kept locked so her sister wouldn't try to play with it's contents, leaving a bloody trail on the floor, and took out some pills, gauze and a bottle of cheap liquor. Those would probably do the trick.
She stumbled back to the couch with the little strenght she had left and downed the pills in one go, followed by a big gulp of absolutely disgusting alcohol that tasted like rusty nails. She then closed her eyes and waited for the pain to subside, taking another hit from the alcohol bottle every time she felt the burning pain of her wounds, which were seemingly already starting to get infected.
Jade finaly started feeling the effects of the drugs coursing through her system. She bit into the shirt she had casted aside before to try and avoid screaming and started digging her fingers into one of the wounds. The pain made her see black spots but the alcohol and The pills were numbing the sensations down to some degree, and she sure was thankful for that.
She managged to dig out both of the bullets and poorly wrap both the open wounds in gauze. She got Up from the couch, skinny legs trembling with the effort to walk to the bathroom to clean herself without putting too much weight in the injured leg. When she got there she turned the water on to draw herself a cold bath and disposed of her underwear. She took the rest of the pills out of their bag and swallowed them before going into the bathtub.
She slipped into the bathtub, letting out a sigh of relief as the freezing water made Contact with her sweat-soaked skin, her wounds stung like hell but It wouldn't last long, the drugs were already starting to take effect and She could feel It, she only had to wait a couple of minutes more.
Before she knew It, Jade was barely conscious, her head kept above water but not for long. She felt hot and nauseous and her head felt like It was stuffed with cotton. She could no longer tell when or where she was anymore.
If she could have looked at herself from outside of her body, Jade would have though It was ironic, She looked almost like he did, when she found him in his apartment almost three months ago, feverish, high out of his mind and injured beyond repair, marinating in a mixture of old bathwater and his own blood for god knows how long, but, somehow, still Alive and kicking. But, if she didn't manage to get Up before the bathtub overflowed and her head ended Up under water Jade would not have the same luck.
She woke Up again almost an hour later. The water had thankfully stopped running, and The one that she was bathing in was a brownish red, from her Blood and all the dirt that she had come home covered in. She crawled out of the tub, leaving behind the drenched and bloody bandages and managed to take a few steps before she fell to her knees, overcome by pain and overwhelming nausea. She held back her hair as best as she could, even though It was damp and plastered to her face, and started spewing out all the contents of her stomach into the toilet bowl. She had barely eaten anything for the past few days, but still, she felt like her body was purging out all her sins, along with what seemed like an endless flow of watery vomit.
When her stomach finaly stopped convulsing she fell to the ground, too exhausted to even cry in pain when her head hit the cold floor, falling into a far from blissful sleep.
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novemberhope · 2 months
Guess I'm in my revolutionary era again... well, sue me. The story was originally supposed to feature Elliara and Sabo as well, but it's too long already, so we only have Ginny and Dragon.
Here we go:
Surprised by the soft knock on the door, Dragon looked up from the papers he'd been looking at. This was usually not the hour people came to see him. "Come in," he said. To his surprise, it was Ginny who walked in. She seemed unsure of herself and after the events of the last few days, she looked like she hadn't slept in months. Her arm was covered in bandages, she was limping and her face looked like someone had used it as a punching ball. "Gin," he greeted her. This was usually not the person who came to see him either. "How can I help you?" She had never come to him before and he wondered what that was all about. For once, she did not seem angry, which for her, was a first. "About yesterday..." Ah yes, yesterday. They were all lucky to be still alive. Many other people hadn't been that lucky. It was a big setback and they would need some time to recover from that. "I'm sorry," she said. "I tried really hard to ... I'm still to weak ... I should have..." "Ginny," he quickly interrupted her. "You did good. Really really good. There was nothing more you could have done." "Then why do I feel so miserable?" she asked.
"Because sometimes what we do sucks," he bluntly told her. "In the end, it will be worth it. But in between, it's going to be hard. We won't always win." "But like this..." She closed her eyes. "We almost didn't make it out of there... and then it would have been... all over... again..." She barely held back her tears which was unusual for her, too. He'd seen her angry many times, but never this close to tears. But knowing her backstory, he understood where she was coming from. Twice she had lost her crew - once because she had left, which had been a big mistake on her part because she had trusted the wrong person - and once due to them being captured and nearly everyone having been killed. Coming this close to a third time had clearly shaken her up.
"But we're alive," he firmly reminded her. "We're a little worse for the wear, but we've made it." "Not thanks to me." "It doesn't have to be thanks to you, Ginny. It's a team effort and we are all trained for situations like this, not just you. It was a harsh blow and we will need time to recover from this, but it's not the end of the world." It had felt like the end of the world for him too. But he had pulled himself together and forced himself to focus on the future. He was their leader, he could not allow himself to dwell on thoughts of what might have been. He had to focus on getting them ahead again.
Ginny slowly nodded. He looked at her and remembered the angry and broken young woman Sabo had brought back one day. It's taken some time, but she had started to change. She wasn't quite where he hoped she would be one day, but she was getting there. "When you came here, your one goal was to learn to fight, to get strong and then get the hell out of here," he reminded her. "Guess I didn't get the hell out of here," she muttered, slowly lifting her head. "You think I should have?" "I'm glad you didn't," he told her. "As long as you want to stay, you are part of this crew." He could see her face lighting up, although she was trying not to let it show too much. "Get some rest, Gin," he told her. "Knowing you, you'll be waking up Koala at the break of dawn and demand another training sesson." He paused, since she was looking more like she needed a trip to the infirmary. "I guess telling you to get some rest will be ignored anyway?" She grinned. "Probably... I feel fine... the pains helps me to push through it." She paused. "Unless it's an order?" That was something that had taken some time to get into that stubborn head of hers - that orders needed to be followed. "I'm not wasting my breath with this," he replied. "You are old enough to know your limits." Also, he trusted Koala to put a stop to it when it got out of hand because Ginny had yet to learn the meaning of "getting some rest" and "letting it go". "Okay then..." She turned towards the door but turned back around to face him. "Thanks, Dragon..." "You're welcome," he told her. He watched her go and then turned back to the papers on his desk with a sigh. He might have helped Ginny to move past it a little bit, but while he knew he needed to move forward, it would still take time until he could let it go as well.
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feybeasts · 1 year
One vague idea I've had- I don't know if I'd make it a story or just keep rotating it in my head- is the notion of... as part of finding her voice, her sense of self and pride, Kamila discovers a tome in the Library that is just... the story of a doomed world of some kind, and in reading it, is given the chance to change it, to avert catastrophe.
The idea of this punk with this very low opinion of herself being able to... I don't know, build her notion that she DOES have agency, that she CAN get better that way, it's speaking to me...
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nkinaazu · 8 months
reminders of his best friend
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a/n some self indulgence :> (i have no idea if i tagged this right; i have never written oc x reader before)
cw: oc x reader, comparison to his (oc’s) best friend, unrequited(?) love, slight oc lore
-151 words-
“eh?” lian lets out a small squeak of surprise as you pet his soft green-brown hair.
he continues to lay on the grass burying his face in his black jacket that’s bundled up to be a small pillow. just as you continue to pet him before pulling away, now smiling down at him.
he looks up at you, now looking in your eyes, this feels familiar, he thinks. he wonders, what it is, but soon gives up now looking at you with cute, pleading eyes, wanting more affection.
then he remembers and lets out a small “oh.” he remembers, you remind him of her, his dear best friend. he remembers how she used to do the same: gently petting him as he lays on the floor, comparing him to a cat. he dearly misses her, and he wishes she would come back; he wants — no — needs her to come back soon.
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necromancer-4-hire · 11 months
Mortal Kombat OC banter
(The statue of Lord Shinnok in the main hall has been destroyed under mysterious circumstances.)
Or not so mysterious... Shinnok is pacing back and forth rubbing his face while his wife, Rashid is standing far enough that he can't reach her but not too far to see the red glint in Shinnok's eye.
" I am at a loss for words."
She gulps and hesitantly looks at him. "Does this mean I'm punished for all eternity?"
He breathes out, "It could be but that wouldn't solve anything."
"Just say whatever is on your mind Lord Shinnok..."
He walks closer to her and balls his fists tightly.
"Of all the damned things you destroy IT HAD TO BE THIS!?"
Rashid shivers at Shinnok's anger.
" By the Gods, woman, I'd drive a stake through your heart, but I don't think anything could kill you!"
It's silent in the main hall for several minutes until Shinnok breathes in and sighs.
"Alright, this can be fixed. In the meantime stay out of this room and away from me for at least another hour."
Rashid swallows a sob and bows, "I'm sorry..."
The dark lord shuts his eyes and nods, "You are forgiven; just... go keep yourself busy."
Rashid rises and scurries out of the destroyed room meanwhile Shinnok turns his attention to Quan Chi.
"See to it that this is all repaired, my statue replaced, and... that no one breathes a word about what happened today."
The necromancer smirks at the humorous turn of events. Well humorous to him anyway.
"How do you think this happened?"
Shinnok pulls out a chair and slumps looking at the destruction his wife made.
"I have no idea."
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faewritesshit · 5 months
Another NPC drabble. This one is more fun less angst
It was cold, the wind sharp as it bit at Micah’s cheeks, despite this, his hands felt sweaty shoved in his pockets. Austin’s grocery was right around the corner, and Micah could feel his heart in his throat. He shouldn’t be this nervous, and yet he found his breath shuddering as the flickering “Open” sign came into view. The straps of his backpack were digging into his shoulders, a bead of sweat sent a shiver down his spine, it felt like there was a stone stuck in the toe of his shoe, and the bell above the door seemed entirely too loud as he pushed it open. The buffeting wall of warm air was effective in shocking his system back into regular functions again, and he took in the room around him. The teenager behind the counter barely glanced up from whatever she was doing at the noise of the door, letting out a barely detectable sigh as she tugged a headphone out of one ear and let it dangle. He hadn’t seen her here before. That was fine. He was fine. He turned, a bit too abruptly, to head down the aisle closest to him. He wasn’t looking for anything in particular, in fact he hadn’t even planned to buy anything here at all, but he needed time to regroup.
Leslie wasn’t here, so he has no reason to be here either. He could just buy the granola bar that had made its way to his hand, and a drink once he stopped staring blankly at the wall of soda, and then leave. And never come back- no.
Leslie wasn’t here, and he was out of time. He was headed up to the register, items in hand, and cleared his throat. The clerk shoved a notebook under the counter as she finally acknowledged him.
Leslie wasn’t here, but clearly this kid has to know them. He could just buy his things, a Dr. Pepper and a snickers had made their way into his hands now, leave a message for them, and then leave. And go into hiding immediately- also no.
“Hey, anything else?” She was small, definitely young with light blonde hair and sharp blue eyes. A sticker name tag on her shirt read “Olive”.
“No.” He answered on autopilot. It was too late to back out now, Micah would never come back if he stopped here. “Well-”
She had already finished scanning and bagging, and her hand paused over a button on the screen. A raised eyebrow was the only form of question asked.
“Is Leslie here?” He hoped the question didn’t sound as shaky as it felt.
Given the suspicious narrowing of her eyes, it did. “Why?” The question was drawn out as she leaned back away from the counter, arms folding over her chest.
“I just-” The words caught in his throat. “We uh- Well I just thought I’d stop by to say hi,” that’s a normal thing to do, right? “but they’re not here, so. Another time.” Something about those blue eyes were too sharp for his stress levels currently, instead he chose to keep his eyes locked on the pin pad, it was stuck on a rotating processing screen.
“Who are you?” The question startled him enough to break his stare.
“Micah?” It came out as a question more than an answer.
The narrowed eyes widened a bit in recognition. Not a good sign. “I can get them if you want.” Finally, the processing screen ended and the pin pad chimed urgently for him to remove his card.
“No, that’s alright.” Play it cool. This was fine, Micah wasn’t panicking at all. “I’ll catch them some other time.” He tried giving her a smile.
“Sure…” He didn’t like the tone of her voice as she pushed the bag towards him and held out the receipt. “See ya, then.”
“Yeah.” He was thankful to have something to hold again. “See you around.” It was a small town so it probably was true either way.
The chime of the bell was jarring again as he rushed to leave the store. He wasn’t looking where he was going, too focused on his feet and what to do next that he didn’t process that there was a person in front of him until they had fully collided. Micah was bounced backwards, and would've surely ended up on his ass were it not for the hands on his shoulders, holding him upright.
“Fuck, I am so so sorry.” The apologies were rolling off his tongue before he had even looked up. The rest of whatever he had planned to say was purged from his head when he found himself face to, well, chest, with Leslie.
“Chill,” They brushed the creases out of the fabric of his sweater and gave him a half smile. “No harm no foul.” The smell of sandalwood and something sweet invaded Micah’s senses, artificial cherry clung to their breath. “You got somewhere to be?”
“No, not really.” Micah tried to take a deep breath as he took a step back, out of their space. “I just stopped by to say hi, I thought you weren’t here today.”
“I’m always here, Micah,” They said it with an eye roll. “but I’m glad I caught you, it looked like you were in a hurry.” With a hand on his shoulder, Leslie turned Micah around before throwing an arm over his shoulder, pulling them both back into the store, out of the biting wind.
“Oh good.” Olive was back to being focused on her notebook as they re-entered the store. “Your friend found you.” Micah didn’t have the brain power to decipher her tone, being pulled so close to Leslie’s side.
Physical touch was something that Micah had never been used to. Always overwhelming and forceful on his nervous system, usually sending it into a spiral. Leslie didn’t seem to have that problem, always ruffling hair or putting an arm on your shoulder or a pat on the back. They were touchy, and Micah hadn’t yet gotten used to it.
“Micah,” Leslie finally released him, but kept a hand on his shoulder, holding him at arms length, using their other hand to gesture at him, and then to Olive, “this is Olive. Olive, Micah. She works here on occasion.”
”Leslie violates child labor laws.” She didn’t look up from the notebook, continuing to detail the eye that Micah could now see.
“I don’t.” Leslie chuckled as they gave Olive’s hair a rough tousle, which she ignored. “She hangs around enough, figured I might as well put her to work.”
”Careful,” Olive finally looked up at Micah, “They’ll get you too. I think they’re starting to form a habit of it.”
”So what’s up?” Leslie seemed content to ignore the warning as they reattached their name tag. “You free for the day?”
”Y-yeah, my last class got out a bit ago.” He was starting to relax into the environment, the bickering reminded him of his siblings. “Figured I’d get some snacks before getting into my readings.”
”We’re kinda out of the way aren’t we?”
”And I wanted to say hi?” Again it came out as more of a question than he wanted it to.
Leslie took a moment to study him, eyes searching and laced with worry. The anxious itchy feeling was coming back, he could practically feel the pressure of their eyes on him, and the quiet in the room wasn’t helping. Carly Rae Jepsen was playing softly over the speakers. Apparently Leslie had found what they were looking for because they finally broke the silence.
”Wanna hang here? We won’t bother you if you need to focus.” Neither of them had noticed Olive studying the exchange.
”Sure,” Micah hadn’t expected the wave of relief that washed over him at the offer. “Yeah, that sounds nice.”
”Cool.” It was the only response Leslie gave before working to pull a small folding table and accompanying chair closer to the counter for him.
Before he knew it, Micah was settled at the table, heavy anthropology textbook open before him, with notebooks and highlighters spread around it. Leslie and Olive were on opposite sides of the counter, Leslie in the process of teaching her how to play poker. It took Micah three games to realize that Olive was hustling them. It took Leslie five. Eventually, Micah was roped into the game, his reading left half-done and pushed to one side of the table to make room. Their pot consisted of a handful of snack sized candies and raunchy stickers, and they were all playing to win. Customers filtered in and out, but all of them seemed accustomed to the shenanigans of the store. One joined in for a round after making their purchase, but almost all of them at least inquired as to who was winning. Olive proudly told them about her initial con. It was amusing to watch her puff out her chest, and see Leslie try to defend themself by guilting her. It wasn’t effective.
Soon enough, the sky was darkening and the street lights were turning on. As full dark began to set in, Olive received a very worried call from her foster parent, which Leslie had to take over. Ten minutes, and plenty of complaining, later, a car pulled up to take her home, and it was just the two of them left in the store.
“Thanks for letting me hang around today.” Micah was slowly packing up his supplies, keeping his hands busy.
”You’re welcome anytime.” Leslie was partway across the room, starting the actual work that had been avoided throughout the evening. “I know it can be hard.”
Their honesty never failed to take him by surprise, and a stillness hung in the air. For some reason, he felt like he should apologize. “It was a lot of fun, if I’m honest. Olive is… a character.”
”Better get used to her.” Leslie chuckled. “I can’t seem to get rid of her.”
The zipper of his backpack drew Leslie’s attention away from their sweeping.”I guess I should probably be heading back.” Neither of them moved.
”Where’s your roommate?”
He didn’t understand how they always seemed to know what was happening before he said anything. “Left for home yesterday night. Early weekend.” It felt like an admission of guilt.
There was another pause, they just stood, each watching the other. “I can at least give you a ride home.” They crossed the room in a few slow strides, leaning the broom against the counter as they started to go for their keys. Micah watched as they hesitated, turning halfway to look at him. “Or you could stay, if you want?”
“I’ll stay.”
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toastthewolfie · 6 months
Sole Survivor [ A Drabble about Whisper ]
We started this together.
I remember it like it was yesterday, how we laughed, how almost all of you had fallen asleep before the sun fell below the horizon.
How me and Zachary were the last ones up, staring at the stars. How we had an actual conversation for the first time in months.
I remember how quickly it was taken away from us.
How Azure bled out.
How Hazel was rushed when she was about to recover.
How Echo was forcefully ascended into godhood, only to fall in the battle of the heavens.
How Ezra sacrificed themself for a risky experiment that, if it succeeded, would give humanity the ability to fight back.
How Zachary was killed in an attempt to save Ezra from their twisted reality.
How none of it mattered in the end.
How in the end, all of your sacrifices meant nothing, that the end of the war was brought by a two person team unrelated to us.
We started this together but…
Why am I the only one left?
“Because it is you who never truly existed in the first place.”
Note: the last two sentences are what inspired this Drabble, feel free to use the idea if you want?
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oc-heaven · 10 months
“You want to go after a unicorn that has killed multiple hunters?” Arlo squeaked as he looked at Adonis searching for any sign of a joke.
“Yes. This isn’t the first time I’ve done something like this.” Adonis grunted.
“W-what! You’re joking… right?” Adonis didn’t answer or look up. “...Oh, he’s not joking..." Arlo’s jaw dropped. “How the hell did you get into a situation where you had to kill a unicorn?”
“It doesn’t matter,” Ashir said as she sat next to Adonis. It probably had to do with his past. One that she herself wished to know, but Ashri knew it was a sensitive subject.
“I’ll kill it tomorrow, but I’m going to bed now.” He said standing to go into the inn.
“Night, daddy!” Mila said as she played a card game with the twins and for the briefest moment Adonis smiled. Something both Ashri and Aisley caught.
“Yeah, night kid," Adonis murmured as he picked up his sword and left.
“You’re a lucky kid,” Aisley said as they watched the flames of the fire. “That guy doesn’t care about people, but he would throw his life away for you.”
“I know he would,” Mila said as she took a card from Allen. “And daddy does like people. He just got hurt by someone he loved…” The young werewolf knew the most about Adonis considering she was his adopted daughter, but she never spoke about what she knew.
“Yeah, can’t you tell he has a kind heart?” Ashri asked the witch. Aisley just grunted as they got up and said goodnight. Leaving Ashri, Mila, the twins, and Arlo around the fire
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dread0narrival · 6 months
And answering Vesper is cheating :P
I hope you have a wonderful 2024 ❤
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Well I haven’t introduced em yet since they’re a fairly recent creation but I have basic info to share! That’s my luchador OC Furiosa and exciting profession lol when she’s in the ring her persona “Furiosa” is a pompous fighter that bullies and goats her opponents when she’s not show boating. She’s a seasoned wrestler and has been in the lucha libre scene for years. She puts on a good show I like to think the fans see her as an antagonist and they cheer for the “good guys” team to win LOL but outside of the ring she’s laid back and friendly. Completely opposite to the role she plays in the ring.
I sketched up a quick ref of her luchador outfit the other day but it’s only a first pass so it’s still a bit rough lol (ugly censors bec I know how trigger happy tumblr gets with the shadowbans)
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robotcorsair · 2 months
By its cover - part 2
(part 1)
“Since we’re supposed to be showing goodwill, you can call me Dandelion-,” he stopped when he saw the look on the vampire’s face.
“Really? Now you’re the one who’s fucking with me, dude!” The vampire could barely hide his mirth.
Dandelion pushed his glasses up with a finger. “Flower names are actually common in my culture. I’m named after my great-grand-uncle, who-“
“Cool, my man, but I will not be calling you Dandelion in front of the humans!” The vampire was outright laughing now.
Dandelion held back from erasing him from existence.
“Anyway, I’m calling you Dan!”
Dandelion blinked. “What?”
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Northern Navigators
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To say that Lyra was excited for the Gyptian’s arrival in Trollesund would be the understatement of the century. They were getting closer and closer to the north with each passing day! And also getting closer to finding Rodger! Lyra was overjoyed! The town beyond Maggie’s boat held any number of surprises and she and Pan were bursting to find it out.
“You’ve already looked at it from that direction.” the daemon said, attempting to move the paper in his human’s hands a different direction.
“Alright! Hey!” the woman said, moving the large piece out of the way.
The two of them made a strange pair, sort of. The woman had a large backpack strapped to her back, seemingly loaded down with all manners of previsions. She might as well have worn a sign that said, ‘I am not from here.’ That, and the fact that her daemon was probably one of the largest most of the people in Trollesund were used to seeing. A reindeer, regardless of proximity to the north, was going to stand out. Neither of them really seemed to mind though, focused more on the map in the woman’s hands. 
“I’m not deliberately taking a long time, you know that right?” the woman asked, “I’m trying to get my bearings here.”
“And you’ve been doing that for about ten minutes.”
“It would be a lot easier if the map was labeled.”
“Sure” the reindeer chuckled.
“Hush you” the woman chuckled back. Then she went back to cross referencing.
It was then, that a little girl walked near them. “What are you doing?” she asked.
The woman with curly brown hair pulled the map down away from her face. She had a brown coat wrapped around her waist, no doubt to be worn when it got colder (not that it was really warm at all now). She had sensible brown trousers and sturdy looking boots along with an evergreen button shirt with the sleeves rolled up past her elbows and a pair of brown suspenders. She looked every inch an adventurer. 
“Well,” the woman said, answer the short haired blonde girl, “I’m supposed to be reading this map.”
The reindeer beside her made a snorting sound, she looked over and smirked at him momentarily.
“But,” she said back to the girl, “It doesn’t have any words on it.”
“That’s silly” the girl responded.
“A little, but it just takes a bit of time. You just have to know what you’re looking for.”
The reindeer daemon nudged her shoulder with his snout, carefully avoiding her with his antlers. Fine, the gesture said, I’ll concede, you win. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, darling. What are you doing all the way out here by yourself?” the woman asked.
“I’m not alone,” she said, pointing to two men talking quietly to themselves beyond her, “I’m traveling with some Gyptians. We’re searching for their missing children.”
“Well,” the woman said, frowning, “I sure hope you find them... what’s your name?”
“Lyra, and this is Pan.” Lyra gestured down to wear a small white ermine wiggling his nose at her. 
“Pleasure to meet you Lyra. Pan.”
“What’s your name?” Lyra asked.
“Libby. Libby Lancaster. And this is Elliot.”
The reindeer smiled as best as he could, bowing his head to Lyra and Pan. 
“He’s the biggest daemon I’ve ever seen. I didn’t know they settled as animals that big” Lyra said.
“He always liked animals about this size growing up,” Libby mused, “I suppose that says something about me, doesn’t it?”
Libby folded up the map and crouched a little, getting eye level with Lyra. “You know,” she whispered, “My mum always told me that it was because I have a bigger personality. I’ve come to believe that’s true. If Pan settles like Elliot here did, Lyra, people are going to have some things to say about you. I’m telling you, don’t listen to word any of them say. You should never feel ashamed for you who you are. If they want you to be less, that’s their problem.”
The two ladies shared a smile before Lyra’s name was called. The men she was with motioned for her to join them and Lyra nodded, quickly turning to Libby.
“Good luck with your map, maybe we’ll see you on our journey!” she said.
“Maybe! Good luck finding your friends, hopefully we do see you around. You could introduce us.”
With that, Lyra ran off to join her adults, leaving Libby and Elliot smiling after her. Libby leaned back, resting herself on Elliot as she looked up at his face.
“What a nice little girl” she said.
“I hope we do see her again, she seems like fun” Elliot agreed. Libby smiled with a laugh, before unfolding the map again.
“Now where were we?”
Little did the two navigators know, they would be seeing Lyra again very soon. 
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quinttyz · 2 years
i think it is very hot and very sexy of jinx to renounce her moniker ‘’jinx’’ after saving the dyrwood’s ass...when diplomats arrived at caed nua asking for her using the old moniker, the servants there would be like ‘’who the fu- OH you mean Lady Withers!’’
it’s so symbolic it’s driving me nuts. It’s like the name jinx is the ‘’sword’’ and tempest withers ‘’the pen’’. AND YOU KNOW THE SAYING RIGHT?? ‘’a wise man knows when to put away his sword and use the pen’’
Jinx is the proactive one. She fights using force, her willpower, and her weapons. The sword.
Tempest Withers fought behind the shadows. Planning out heists, writing rumors, spreading news through messengers. The pen.
So after the events of POE1, Jinx felt it no longer necessary to keep using her moniker. It was time to put away the sword, to be the pen, to be Tempest Withers again. To finally face her past and end it once and for all. 
And so she did. She reclaimed her name back.
So when Deadfire starts, she’s at a dilemma. Does she revert back to her Jinx mask, or fight with her true name, her true persona? Jinx was a personality she created to escape the overwhelming trauma that chased her but now that no wolf is hounding her....what does she do? Can Tempest Withers reach the lengths Jinx established in order to save everyone again?
‘‘A wise man knows when to put away his sword and use the pen...but he also isn’t afraid to stop writing and start fighting again.’‘
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I want Lucius, Severus, and Ellis to go hogsmeade AND HAVE A GOOD TIME
I’ve actually had a cute ideas regarding them spending time together at hogsmeade so this ask was perfect!
I hope this can make up for the angst I made you read 🤪
Also, it’s a bit longer than expected…sorry 😅
Dream on
Summary: After a tiring week of tests and studying, Ellis agrees to join Lucius and Severus on a trip to hogsmeade, and ends up having more fun than he thought
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“Stop dragging your feet, the both of you!” Lucius said, lightly smacking Ellis in the arm.
Both Ellis and Severus groaned. “Sorry, I’d rather be working on my painting, Lucius,” Ellis replied sarcastically, “and besides, me and Sev are supposed to be studying for McGonagal’s next quiz.”
Lucius huffed as he stepped in front of his brother, stopping him in his tracks, “I’m just trying to get you two to live a little, Treasure! It’s not healthy to be cooped up all the time, all you guys do is study,” he took his previous spot on side of Ellis and they continued walking, “and I want to spend time with my little brother, is that too much to ask?”
Ellis smiled to himself as they continued walking. It was kinda nice being out and spending time with Lucius and Severus. After all, he knew once summer came around it was back to hell for all three of them, it wouldn’t hurt to ‘live a little’ with his brother and boyfriend….boyfriend….He stopped walking, “Uuummmm…where’s Severus?”
Lucius stood still and threw his head back…This is why they can’t do nice things. He turned around and spotted Severus looking in the window of a new pub that recently opened up, “He’s window shopping.”
Ellis turned around to find Severus letting his curiosity get the best of him and chuckled, he’s so cute, “PRINCE,” he called and watched as his boyfriend got startled by the sudden call of his nickname, “WHATCHA DOIN’!?”
Severus smiled and waved them both over. He was more anti-go-places than his boyfriend but once he found something that caught his eye, it was over for everyone. As the brothers walked up, Severus pointed at the pub, “We should see what the new place is all about! I heard they do karaoke!” He said, giving Ellis a rather sneaky side eye. Lucius quickly caught on and joined in.
“AH yes! I heard a lot of talent has presented itself here! If only we knew someone who had that secret talent…” he winked at his little brother and Severus held back a chuckle.
Ellis looked back and forth at both of them and knew exactly what they were hinting at. He gave them a fake laugh, “You guys are funny! Such comedians…the answer is no!”
“Aw cmon, El!” Severus pleaded. Ever since Lucius told him about the time he heard Ellis singing in the shower, he’s been begging to hear it.
Ellis watched as Severus gave him puppy eyes and giggled, then he looked over at Lucius and saw he was giving him an expecting look. It was easy to say no to his brother but Sevs puppy eyes were too much to handle so he finally caved, “FINE, I’ll do it…but if anyone we know from school is in here, the both of you are roadkill!”
As they entered the pub, they were immediately hit with the smell of butter beer and teenage rebellion, which made sense considering not many adults want to hear loud music and horrible singing while trying to enjoy their downtime. It was warm from the crackling fire on one end and the atmosphere was quite cozy. As they walked up to the counter, the bartender gave them a nice smile, “Hello! How may I help you gentlemen?”
Lucius put a hand on Ellis’s shoulder, “My brother here was wondering if he could sign up for the karaoke.”
The bartender looked at Ellis and smiled, “Well you’ve made it just in time, there’s no wait list at the moment, you can go right up and pick a song!”
Lucius gave Ellis a cheerful look and Severus subtly pumped his fist in the air. Ellis rolled his eyes and laughed as he walked over to the stage. The DJ greeted him and asked him what song he would like to sing. Ellis thought for a minute and decided to settle on one of Sevs favorite songs, which also happened to be a song Lucius doubted he could sing. “Dream on by Aerosmith please!”
The DJ nodded as he handed a microphone to Ellis and went to put on the song. As the intro started playing Ellis, scanned the room to find Lucius and Severus in a booth, one of which looked excited and the other was covering his face and sliding down in his seat.
Ellis smiled and prepared himself as the song started.
Every time that I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face getting clearer
The past is gone
Oh, it went by like dusk to dawn
Isn't that the way?
Everybody's got their dues in life to pay.
I know nobody knows
Where it comes and where it goes
I know it's everybody's sin
You got to lose to know how to win
As he sung, he heard lots of small cheers and words of encouragement from people sitting in the audience, but what he was really focused on was the look of infatuation on his boyfriends face, and the proud look on his older brothers face; the two people who meant the world to him.
As he got close to the end of the song, he reached the part Lucius doubted him on…but little did he know, it was Ellis’ favorite part to sing: The high note
Lucius and Severus both watched in awe as the audience erupted in cheer upon hearing Ellis hit the note higher than the actual singer, and soon joined in and clapped while he finished up the song and took a small bow.
Ellis laughed and raised an eyebrow at Lucius as he walked up with a very shocked Severus behind him, “So what was that about ‘you can’t hit that note?’” Ellis asked, putting a finger to his ear.
Lucius smiled and quickly replaced it with a sarcastic face and a shrug. “The pressure of being in front of a crowd pushed you to your full potential, nothing more.”
Ellis playfully pushed Lucius as he looked over at Severus, who was still looking at him in shock.
“Holy shit! YOU WERE AMAZING! You’re the most talented person I know.” Ellis blushed at his words and hugged him. He always had the nicest things to say…about people he cared about at least.
When they pulled away Lucius offered to buy them all butter beer to celebrate and they stayed and talked for an hour before heading back to Hogwarts.
“You should put on a performance in the common room,” Severus suggested, “I think everyone would love it.”
Lucius laughed as he looked at Ellis’ face, which tensed up at the offer, “Dream on, Sev.”
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
If Heart Ache was in The Duke of Vermeer Caper
[Author’s Note: A silly little thing I wanted to write for my Carmen Sandiego oc Amelia/ Heart Ache, enjoy!]
     “Does this means anything to ya?” The red head glided his pointer finger across his neck while looking Dash Haber in the eyes. 
Dash might have been passive, maybe even meek, but Heart Ache wasn’t and she didn’t appreciate the gesture that was aimed at her lover. “Excuse me?” The smart watch on her right wrist only showed numbers, a moment ago it was at zero but it was quickly rising to a hundred. An invention created by Dr. Bellum to track the emotions of more…unpredictable operatives. 
“Honey bunches please…It’s not worth it. We aren’t allowed to hurt the client, remember?” Heart Ache took a few steps closer towards the poor “duke” as the number continued to go up. “Don’t ‘honey bunches’ me right now. He just threatened you! You’re gonna let that slide!?” She crackled her knuckles, getting a kick out of the fear in Zach’s eyes. This wasn’t ideal but both Carmen and Ivy were ready to bust out of their hiding spots if it was needed. “I think I’m gonna show him how we do things Jersey.” 
Zach put his hands up to his chest. This 6’1 girl in pink with the thickest accent he ever heard was threatening to beat him up. Of course he was terrified!
“So you don’t want to go to the crepe place?” Heart Ache looked over at her lover speaking. “The place with outside seating in a rose garden, it closes in two hours.” The bait was set and she took it. “Hmph!” She grabbed Dash’s hand and glared at the other male, despite that the number on her watch went down significantly. From eighty-seven to forty-five. Some what of an improvement. 
“Bye, bye duke! See you around!” A devious chuckle left glossy lips as she strutted down the hallway. 
The door was shut by Carmen and Zach let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. Ivy looked at the door with a frame. “And who was that psycho!? She almost pounded my brother into bits!” 
Carmen twisted the lock on the door to make sure the door would stay shut. “Heart Ache. I’m surprised I didn’t see her sooner. If she’s going to be there with a vendetta against Zach we need to make sure he’s acting like a proper duke by tonight.” 
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