#OC: Girl/Nova
mirasmirages · 1 year
Making Friends
For the @julybreakbingo squares "Collection" and "Engage"
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Arwa was bored. 
She had finished her pancakes and sat swinging her legs while Mom and Auntie Amara talked about all sorts of boring stuff, like the news and politics and the wallpaper Uncle Nadir had chosen for his new apartment. Arwa couldn't understand why they cared about any of that. 
Since they weren't paying attention to her at all, Arwa decided to find something better to do. She slipped off her chair and went to the most interesting thing in the diner: a little girl sitting in a booth near the counter, with a coloring book and crayons all over the table. 
"Hi!" Arwa said. "My name is Arwa, what's yours?" 
The girl looked up, but didn't say anything. She just stared at Arwa like she was waiting for something.
"What are you drawing?" Arwa asked. The coloring book was open to a page with a horse which had as much color outside the lines as within them. 
The girl didn't answer, just kept looking at her.
"It looks pretty," Arwa said. "I like this purple color. Can I sit with you?"
The girl was very shy, so Arwa took her silence as a yes and climbed up next to her on the bench, sitting on her knees now that Mom wasn't watching and making her sit properly.
"Do you wanna see my marbles?" 
Arwa took out her velvet pouch of marbles and carefully poured them out on the table, making a barrier with some of the girl's crayons so they wouldn't roll off the edge. 
"I have even more at home, but these are my favorites." She picked up the marbles one by one and explained what made them special. "I like this one because it sparkles, and I won that one from a girl in my class at recess, and my uncle gave me the big orange one that looks like Jupiter. Did you know Jupiter is the biggest planet? I wanna get marbles that look like the rest of the planets too, but my brother said that's stupid because Saturn has rings and marbles don't have rings, so I told him he's stupid and I can make the rings myself. And this one is the most special of all of them." She held up a small, blank marble. "It looks boring, but it isn't because I got it from a soda bottle! It's this special kind of soda from Japan that uses a marble instead of a lid, and you have to push the marble into the soda to open it! And after I finished the soda I wanted to take the marble out but I couldn't, so I asked my brother to try, and he couldn't either, so we looked it up online and figured out you have to set the bottle on fire, so we did that and my uncle got really mad because we coulda burned the house down, but we didn't so it's okay, and now I have the marble! You can hold it if you want!"
Arwa held the marble out to the girl before she noticed that one of the waitresses was standing by their table watching them. 
"Hi," the waitress said with a big friendly smile on her face. "Nova, did you make a friend?"
The girl didn't say anything, and suddenly Arwa got a bad feeling in her belly. Maybe the girl wasn't just shy. Maybe she didn't like Arwa or the marbles and just wanted her to go away and Arwa hadn't noticed because she never noticed when people wanted her to go away, even her teacher said so, and her brother and her classmates all called her annoying and now the girl thought so too! 
She was just about to swipe her marbles back into the pouch and leave when the girl nodded. 
"You did? I'm so happy for you!" said the waitress, and turned to Arwa. "What's your name?"
"What a beautiful name! My name is Delia, and this is Nova. Nova doesn't speak much, but it is so nice of you to play with her! Is that your mom over there?" 
When Ms. Delia went to talk to Mom, and Arwa turned back to Nova. 
"Your name is Nova? That's pretty," she said. "Did you know it means star? My name means goat, but no one knows that unless I tell them. My mom says my name fits me because I climb on everything, and my brother says it fits me because I'm as stubborn as a goat. Did you know that when a star explodes it becomes a supernova? And then it becomes a black hole!"
Nova didn't say anything for their whole conversation, but that was okay, because Arwa could speak enough for both of them. She talked about space and names and her family and animals and ranked Nova's crayons by how much she liked the colors. Ms. Delia gave them a big cookie to share and Arwa told Nova how lucky she was to have a mom who let her eat sweets on a normal day, but then Mom said Arwa was allowed to eat her half of the cookie and she felt pretty lucky herself. 
When it was time to leave, Arwa sorted through her marbles and picked a purple one with glitter in it. 
"You can have this one." She held the marble out to Nova. "It sparkles like stars, like your name, see?"
Nova hesitated, but held her hand out, and Arwa dropped the marble into it. 
"This means we're friends," she said. "That means you can come to my house if you want and I can teach you how to play marbles." 
She would have waited for Nova to reply, but Mom was getting impatient and Nova hadn't said a word all day, so after a moment of hesitation, Arwa gave Nova a hug before running out after Mom. 
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illusidy · 1 month
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From left to right:
Daphne @hanihive, Aerie (me), Nova @sugarwyns, and Kornada @playandchill !
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shadovvheart · 1 year
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sooo drew my mc for @infamous-if, Roxie <3
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floredaqueen · 12 days
Shit now I'm doing it--
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spookyhollow1308art · 1 month
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Art from skoo 2day+ special editions from fren
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alairroux · 4 days
So uh, yes. I don't have anything for my defence, this chapter strays as far away from comfort as possible, also unexpected guest. Yippie?
Chapter VI
Hurts. Hurts. Hurts. Hurts. Hurts. Was going over and over in Alice’s mind. The pain was pushing through the tsunami of thoughts and voices that attacked her brain. The last two days were terrible, but today it was reaching a whole nother level. She was just sitting in the chair, curled up and looking at one spot with completely unfocused eyes. Hurts. Hurts. Hurts so bad. Hurts. It was hurting to even breathe. The pain of her mind spreading through her whole body, making every breath and her ribs expanding feel like they were breaking. Every time her hands trembled she felt like someone was cutting her joints open and tying her tendons together. Why was it like that? She used to have quite bad flare ups due to her mind being overwhelmed but it was never this bad. Almost like her body decided to die on her while her mind was still forced to live. She closed her eyes, her eyelids feeling like they were on fire just from that simple movement. Even swallowing her saliva felt like someone just poured liquid fire down her throat. She needed comfort somewhere far away from here. Somewhere away from this universe, but lately she couldn’t even fall asleep at all which deprived her from being able to enter the other reality. As much as she hated it at first, now it was all that she wanted. Her mind was so calm there, completely silent. Well, not counting those few moments in which the mysterious female voice spoke. 
Need comfort. Need away. Now. Silence. Shh. Shut up. Comfort, need comfort now, need silence. Hurts, hurts, hurts. Away. Need away. 
She opened her eyes hearing someone walk into the living room, but still couldn’t really catch who that could be. Everything was blurred, like hidden behind the thick fog. Every sound was distorted to the point she couldn’t recognize a thing, and everything was hurting so bad. All that she wanted was to sink, deep, away from this all to a place where her mind is silent. Where it doesn’t hurt at every possible step. She slowly leaned her head slightly back, sharp pain traveling through her whole spine like someone just threaded a bullet through it, aiming for her mind where the pain remained in the end. Someone speaking something to her, looking at her, directly in front of her yet she couldn’t catch a single word. That someone grabbed her face, turning it in a different direction. Alice could almost swear that her neck snapped a few times along this and somehow she didn’t die. Her skin was burning in places where there were someone's fingers just a second ago. Who? Why? What about? Nothing. Just a weird hum and the screams inside her head. That’s all that she was able to hear, nothing more and nothing less. Who was that? Logan? Wade? Laura? Cass– No. No, no, no. Maybe it’s all just a nightmare? 
Alice couldn't even pinpoint a moment when she entered that someone's mind. It was cold here and way darker than in the living room. She slowly got up from the chair. There was less pain, she could move without feeling like her body was about to fall apart or explode. Slowly she made her way ahead towards the faint sparks of light that were there. It felt familiar. Warm. Almost fuzzy. Slowly, the darkness started to fill with light and various furniture, with frames with photos she couldn’t yet see, blurred colors, but something was there. Could it be someone's memory storage? Possibly. She hadn't visited one before, so it was something completely new. Up until now, she was only roaming in her own memory storage, which looked like a never ending wall with memories put into folders, but maybe that  wasn’t the case for everyone? Maybe every person has their own way of storing their memories? That was fascinating.  
She turned when she heard some whispers behind herself, but it disappeared as soon as it showed up, only like a ghost of another person disappearing into thin air. The memories were alive there? Interesting. She walked ahead, strangely drawn into one specific direction. To the doors, right corridor, third door on the left with an ever changing number on them. Yes, there. She had to get in there. Her steps echoed through the halls that were empty, but also strangely filled with distant laughter and fragments of conversations. What do they call you? "Wheels"?  She chuckled at that, not sure why. It came from somewhere away but sounded so damn funny even without context. Whoever was the object of that joke, for sure wasn’t happy about being called like that. Or maybe they were? Hard to say. 
Finally she reached the door, but stopped with her hand on the handle. So that’s why it was familiar. It’s the mansion that she heard so many stories about from Logan. The X-Men legacy of some sort. And to think for him it’s still an anchor to his memories, that’s impressive. She looked at the corridor for a while more, watching the passing ghosts of other x-men, young mutants and so on, pass there, mid conversation, mid fight, filled with strong feelings. She could feel all that. It was overwhelming to some degree, but also calming. She could’ve lived here if she wasn't born at the wrong time… 
Shaking her head, to get away from some more unpleasant thoughts, she pushed on the handle and entered yet another room. It looked like a library, with sections and different colored books, seemingly never ending bookcases on each side, each one of them with a tablet that read the name of someone. Scott Summers, Jean Grey, Wade Wilson, Alice Solace… Oh. She earned herself her own shelf here as well? That was heartwarming for sure. There were of course many more shelves, many more names, nicknames, some slightly blurred. Time is taking a toll on everyone after all, not even the mighty Wolverine can be safe from it. She walked ahead, looking around, trying to remember all of the names that she just saw, until she reached one of the shelves that had a completely broken tablet. Falling to pieces and already overgrown with moss, but the writing still looked clear and fresh. He didn’t forget, but he wanted to. Was there ue in trying to read it then? Maybe. Instead she walked ahead, touching one of the books, the cover was rough, slightly torn, stained with what looked like blood or red wine. She slowly took it off of the shelf and held it in her hands. Open or leave it? What will happen if she opens it? Will it help? Being here helped so this… This might help as well, right?
 Slowly she opened the book, and shifted through the pages, her mind filling with so many memories. The forest, a kid, woman, concentration camp, everything was passing so fast in front of her eyes. Anger, grief, happiness, sadness, rage, pure unbridled rage, love, purest form of hatred. It all filled her mind so fast, she felt like she was about to suffocate. Alice didn’t even notice when she closed her eyes, almost like she wanted to protect herself from it. 
Slowly she opened her eyes, the familiar light rough on her pupils. Cold breeze dancing in the air, distant buzz of bees, and familiar feeling of cold earth under her feet. She was back, but this time she wasn’t alone. Quickly turning around, towards the strong presence she could feel without a doubt. Now she stood face to face with him. Erik Lehnsherr. Magneto. So that… That’s the person that Logan wanted to forget. Which was weird but not really that surprising considering the fact that their shared past didn’t look very friendly. He didn’t either honestly. For the first time, after appearing on the never ending meadow she felt threatened and it was only because she was getting stared down by someone. She cleared her throat, straightening up while looking at the other mutant, trying to understand his motives and also why the fuck he was here in the first place. 
“I take that you have no idea how I ended up here either.”  
Well, that cleared up a lot. So he wasn’t here because he wanted to be here. Something had to drag him there. Maybe it was her? By reading that book? Wasn’t he supposed to be dead by the way? This thing made less and less sense. 
“Yeah. Very much actually. I mean, I’m not sure how I ended up here, let alone you. I’m pretty sure that your variant in my world is either way older than you right now or already dead. I’m not sure.” 
Nothing like speaking her mind to its fullest. Seeing his confused expression she just waved her hand. 
“That’s a long story and a very complicated one. Nevermind it.” She took another deep breath, mulling over her options. “So… I probably saw your memories? I guess.”
Weird way to start a conversation for sure, but what else was there to speak about? Maybe she just should've remained quiet and not talk at all? It seemed that every option had more lows than actual highs. 
“So you’re like him, huh?” Him? Oh… She could feel who he meant. “Now you’re going to try and convince me that the world changed for a better place for mutants or something?”
He said that with almost scoff. She was looking at him. It wasn’t real Magneto for sure. Yes, the memories were there, but what was presented was just bits glued up to create a character that was but a mere weak variant of Magneto. What was her purpose in all that? Maybe to soothe those parts of this broken soul, so they would come back to their whole? 
“I’m not like him. I mean, yes I am a telepath, but that’s probably that in means of similarities. The world also isn’t better for mutants, probably never will be. I mean, humans struggle with accepting different sexual orientation, let alone someone being able to read their minds or bend metal. I doubt they’ll ever comprehend that.” 
She looked around and motioned for him to follow her to sit down by a pond that appeared there. He looked angry and in pain. Once more she went over the memories she was shown not long ago. Right now they were filled with voices as well. With cries and screams that found their solitude in her mind right now, adding to the never ending chaos that was in there. No wonder he carried so much anger. 
“Getting rid of them would-”
“It wouldn’t fix a thing.” She cut his words short, looking down at the calm waters. “Killing humans is not going to change anything. Mutants would murder one another then. There’s no such thing as a bright future of understanding each other, because we don’t even understand ourselves.”
She looked at him, her eyes remained soft, just like they always were when talking to someone else. It was something natural for her at this point. Something she always did without thinking about it. Maybe years of collecting feelings and memories of others changed her into all that? Maybe. 
“I would like to say I understand where your anger is coming from, but I can’t. My family fled their country years ago, before I was even born. They fled Poland in fear of facing the things you did face first hand. I learned the history from them, the nightmares they still saw. And on top of what happened there… All of that.”  Her voice started to shake a bit. “Your anger is understandable, but it won’t fix a thing. It’ll only destroy you, while humans don’t even bat an eye. They will always see mutants as heartless and mindless monsters. While in fact they’re the cruel ones. But it’ll catch up to them, one day, one day it’ll all end on their own wish.”
His presence started to waver. Like it was about to disappear. Was it all that he needed? Not a speech about eternal peace, not a promise of a better life, not someone trying to force some idyllic view on him, but some sort of understanding? If so, she was happy to provide it. 
“It was unfair, what you faced. And you have every right for the hate you’re carrying. You do.” She spoke softly. “But you should rest, you know? You can’t battle restless…” 
Those words just slipped off of her tongue, as she watched him fade away. It wasn’t much, a weird encounter. But if it made her soothe a soul, then it was worth it. She turned back to the water, suddenly her mind filling once again with screams and cries. She frowned, squeezing her eyes tight. Oh god, it hurted badly. She almost felt the world around crack, fall into pieces and that weird dark liquid to seep into it once again. She pushed both of her hands against her temples, trying to contain it all, to silence it enough to breathe. Alice felt like she was drowning right now, and she couldn't even scream for help. 
Then, an unfamiliar coolness spread through her mind…
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theartsanityshoppe · 16 days
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Didn't yah hear? Sonic OC's are cool B)
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duskianfae · 10 months
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A quick and rough animation sketch of Alice
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magimahouobs · 3 months
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✨A Pride Parade!✨
✨Yknow, I was gonna do all my comic characters with their own lil Parade art, but that was a lot of work✨
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⭐️Nova - They/She , Nonbinary, BiAce
☀️Haru - He/Him , Demi Sexual/Romantic
🐶Kira - She/Her , Pansexual
💜Kanna - She/Her , Lesbian
💧Ao - They/He/She , Agender, AroAce
🌈Happy Pride Y’all!!🌈
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mirasmirages · 1 year
Find Something
For the @julybreakbingo squares "Fairy Tale AU" and "Location: Flea Market"
Spencer belongs to @starliight-whump
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There weren't a lot of people at the yard sale. Just Spencer, Nova, Delia, two other people casually looking through boxes, and the people selling. 
"You can pick anything you want," Delia told Nova. "But just one thing, okay?" 
She would have loved to let Nova have as many things as she liked, and to get them new from a store, but that wasn't really an option for them right now. The new apartment had nearly doubled her rent, and even with Spencer's income added to hers, it was hard to make ends meet. Still, it was worth it, because the bigger apartment had been on the list of demands to make them a suitable foster home for Nova. 
Nova took a bit of encouragement, but soon she was looking through the boxes of toys on the ground. 
Delia turned to Spencer, who was watching Nova with a soft smile on his lips. "That goes for you, too. Find something you want." 
"I don't need anything," Spencer said. 
It had been nearly a year now since they first moved in together, but Delia knew he was still struggling with his freedom, with the idea of being a person with his own preferences and desires. He was happy to let Delia make decisions for him, and she often did, but she didn't think it was good for them to go on like that forever. 
"You don't have to need something to want it," she said. "Come on. One thing. I believe in you." 
Just like Nova, Spencer needed some help to get going, with Delia choosing the most ridiculous items she could find and suggesting them to him. 
"How about this," she said, holding up a lumpy hat with crochet flowers, which she knew would be too eye-catching for Spencer's liking. "Or maybe... a coffee maker with a cracked pot? Just what we need!" 
Spencer laughed in that quiet way of his, like he thought she was being ridiculous but not complaining about it, and turned to the box closest to him. 
"I'll look," he said. 
"Good," said Delia. "We won't leave until you find something." 
With Spencer and Nova busy, Delia began to look for something for herself. She considered a pair of oversized earrings and a dress that looked like it would fit, but they didn't call out to her the way they might have in the past, so she decided against them.  
She moved from the clothes to the kitchen items to the toys, and found Nova sitting by a box, digging through a plastic bag with little clacking noises. 
"Did you find something nice?" Delia asked.
After a bit more digging, Nova took her hands out, holding a small, orange marble.
"Oh, that's very pretty! Do you want it so you can play with Arwa?" 
Nova nodded. 
One marble wasn't enough to play with marbles, but by the sound of it there were more in the bag, and they couldn't be that expensive. Besides, if this was the way to help Nova make friends, she could have all the marbles they could afford and then some. 
"How much for the marbles?" Delia asked the woman holding the yard sale. 
"A dollar for the bag."
"You hear that, Nova? You can have the whole bag!" 
Nova leaned against her and whispered in her ear. 
"I know I said just one thing," Delia said. "But the marbles together count as one. It's okay, I promise. Do you want them?" 
They bought the marbles and Delia chose a board game that they could play together as her item, then they went to find Spencer. He was standing by a table holding a book. 
"Find anything?" Delia asked. 
"I think I had this before," Spencer said, frowning at the book. "It looks familiar." 
The book was an illustrated fairy tale, with a picture of a man standing outside a castle covered in white roses and sharp thorns on the cover. 
"'The Unloveable Princess'," Delia read. "That sounds sad." 
"I don't remember the story." 
"Do you want to buy it? We can read it together," Delia suggested. 
Spencer nodded. "I would like that."  
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starrysharks · 1 year
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the one and only nova starbridge!
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tikasplat · 4 months
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I realize I never posted this Nova drawing! it's pretty much a final draft of her design so
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tinysupervicki · 8 months
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Meet Nova! He’s a dream guardian assigned to [redacted] for the rest of her life to keep her well being safe by eating her nightmares. Nova’s age is unknown and he’s 15 feet tall.
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startheskelaton · 1 year
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Meet the unofficial “midwest avengers”
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vickycreator1 · 1 year
Made my magical group as Winx club fairies! super proud of this one!
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spookyhollow1308art · 3 months
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Summer heat smh (I hate it here I refuse to go outside in the summer unless it has cooled down or it is raining)
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