#OC: Jacob Parker
countrymusiclover · 11 months
26 - Blasts From The Past
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Part 27
Family is More than Blood
@secretdreamlandmentality @icefrye19
Salvatore School - current timeline
"I can't believe mom did this to us. Does she not believe we are strong enough to handle this?" Alina snapped, laying back on the couch in front of the fireplace.
Missy was standing by the fireplace. "She had a valid point with you being pregnant."
"Since when has being pregnant in this family ever stopped mom from kicking ass!" She snapped to her twin.
Hope huffed. "Enough both of you. We can be angry with our parents after we rescue them and the Saltzman’s from the prison world."
"How are we even supposed to get there though? Mom took the Ascendant with her, didn't she?" Missy shrugged her shoulders with a questionable look.
The oldest Mikaelson daughter spoke up again. "I took the one that Alyssa created so we’ll just use that one.”
Footsteps came into the room quickly to show the three Mikaelson that it was Andrea. “Hey, Henrik keeps asking what is going on and my parents just saw me checking on Rapunzel and Charming.” She said pointing over her shoulder with her thumb.
“We can’t keep a secret from them I guess. But they’ll have to have us help if they want to know what has happened.” Hope crossed her arms over her chest not backing down.
Suddenly they heard the wind blow into the room and Jaocb and Hayley were standing beside their daughter now. Hayley put a hand on her hip eyeing the future Tribrid. “Oh we believe you, Hope. Now what exactly happened to your Heretic mother and Hybrid father.”
“You don’t know what Kai was like, Hayley. Rae showed me what he did at Jo and Alaric’s wedding. He didn’t care that he stabbed his sister with a knife. He just wanted to be the leader no matter the consequences to others. He’s ruthless.” Our Uncle J explained to his wife.
Missy walked over to the three. “Okay, so let’s do the prison world spell and rescue them.” The front door of the school opened and everyone turned their heads not expecting to have anybody else coming into the room at that moment. Dorian came inside and had someone wearing a light gray suit and tie following behind him.
"Fam, meet - Joshua. Old friend of Ric's. And drumroll, please. He's also an expert on prison worlds. I told him about our problem." Dorian explained with the three Mikaelson’s trying not to give him a concerned face.
The man that had dark almost black hair stepped to Hope who was holding the Ascendant asking and she reluctantly gave it over. "Do you mind if I? Thank you so much. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. It is in pieces. Oh, my…"
He gasped hearing a faint sound from inside. "There's a linking spell on this. It produces a, a faint hum, like a, like a melody, if you, if you know what to listen for."
Andrea leaned in to listen but was confused when he snatched it away from her ear. "You clearly don't. When the Saltzmans performed their spell on-on this ascendant, they were being tied to another. Hold this." But he tossed it towards her chest.
Alina grunted, raising herself from the couch. "So what exactly does that mean we need to do, Mr. Joshua?"
"That witch of yours didn't send them to, you know, a new, empty prison world. She sent them somewhere, somewhere far older and much more dangerous. And you're going to need my help to get them out." Kai turns his head towards the pregnant werewitch clasping his hands together.
Hayley could feel the unspoken tension in the room so she looped her arm through Kai's and began leading him away with Dorian. "Dorian, why don't you show Ric's old friend around a bit while we gather what we need, yeah."
"Sounds good." The clearly compelled human said leading the pair away from the group.
Jacob waited until they weren't in ear shot whispering to his three nieces. "How the hell did he get out but they didn't. We have to tell your mother somehow before things get out of hand here."
"It's not good if he's here." Andrea added on shoving her hands inside the pockets of her jacket. "Do you think he knows that we know?"
Missy gulped nervously. "I hope not. Otherwise we're screwed."
"Look we all know Kai is here and that he's a threat to the school sp this is what we are going to do. Uncle Jacob, you and Hayley make sure he doesn’t do anything to destroy the school. Andrea, we're gonna need your help with the Ascendant and that leaves the rest of us to break the spell and bring everyone home." Hope declared to the group who were all in agreement.
An innocent voice met their ears. "What about me?" Henrik was peeking his head around the corner.
"You little brother have the most important job of all…staying out of trouble and watching your baby brother and sister for us." Alina moved in between her sisters picking up her brother in her arms even though her belly was making it more of a challenge now. "Can you do that for us, Hen?"
He nodded with a smile. "Yeah."
"To bringing the family back." Jacob stuck his hand out and everyone placed their hands on top of his declaring back to him.
"To bringing the family back!"
Raelyn’s pov - prison world
Klaus and I had headed back to the Salvatore house and Josie had gone off to find her father. Kicking opened the front door I stomped through the house not caring if we were being loud. Throwing my hands up in the air I grumbled. "I can't believe I let him get away with the Ascendant. Stupid, stupid, Raelyn. I let my gut down just a wee bit and he double crossed us again!"
"Rae, there's nothing we can do about it now. But I agree that he will get what he deserves when we get out of here." Klaus told me lifting his chin up hearing something in the distance. "Someone else is here."
Whipping my head around I throw some of my hair in my view seeing someone run around the corner revealing Alaric and Josie. Yet Josie was dressed in all black clothing and her eyes were darker than normal. Rushing over to the pair I noticed the familiar dark veins growing on her forehead and her body. "Josie, what the hell happened to you!"
"Someone told me the only way to get us out of here without the Ascendant was to take the black magic." She responded dryly.
"Kai Parker you son of a bitch!" I cursed under my breath until I noticed who was missing. "Wait Where's Lizzie?"
Alaric dropped his shoulders. "We found her on the side of the road in a crashed police car with Sebastian. I patched her wounds but she's resting now."
"Sebastian?" Klaus raised a brow at the former vampire hunter.
Turning my head slightly to my husband I answered. "Has dark hair like Damon but an accent like yours and-"
"And he's a bad boy." Alaric interrupted me.
Klaus nodded. "Ah I see now."
"Someone's here." Josie informed us before I spun around on my feet and saw my eldest daughters standing in front of us.
My daughter asked. "What happened to you?"
Josie told her. "I broke the Sandclock."
She gasped in regret. "Oh, my God, I'm so sorry."
Alaric and Klaus both shared the same confused look seeing us talking to a wall. "Honey, who are you talking to?"
Josie replied. "Hope she's astral-projecting."
Alaric warned her. "Listen, you have to warn her about Kai."
Hope knitted her brows. "Why? What happened?"
"Kai went into the Malivore pit, and we think he's trying to get to the real world." Josie explains.
My daughter bites her lip admitting my worst fear. "Actually, I think he's already here, pretending to be someone else. Kai's at the school….and just to point out mom this wouldn’t have happened if you let us help in the first place."
"Hope Andrea Mikaelson we're not talking about that right now and I stand by the decision I made-"
Alaric cut me off. "Hope? Listen to me, Kai's incredibly dangerous. You have to get him away from the school now."
Josie waved her hand, sending her off, turning back to our group. "Good luck, Hope. We need to do whatever it takes to get out of here."
"Josie, let me take the black magic from you and do the spell." I take her hands in mine eyeing the black veins that were visible, remembering all the trauma that was created when I had the same thing happen to me.
Klaus raised his voice at the mention. "Absolutely not, Raelyn. It could kill you!"
"And it will kill her if I let her do this. I'm not the weak siphon I used to be anymore." Flashing my fangs to my husband I focused my attention back to the girl. "Josie, please. I don't what I would do if I did nothing when I have lived through this myself."
She squeezed my hands walking away to get the things for the spell. "I'm stronger than you think Aunt Raelyn."
"We do the spell." Alaric nodded following after his daughter to check on Lizzie. "And I'll stay behind."
Nik placed a hand on my lower back sensing that I didn’t like the way the plan was going. Slumping my shoulders I ran my fingers through my hair feeling my stomach twisting in knots. “Rae, she’s young and like Josette. She will be able to do this.”
“I know, Nik. I still don’t have to like the idea.” I mumbled reaching down for his hand and he looped his fingers through mine. He squeezed my fingers before we vamped off to find the others and get out of this prison world once and for all.
Missy’s pov - Mystic Falls current timeline
Hope, Alina and I had met back up with Kai leading him into somewhere he believes there was a magical device we needed at. But it was just to keep him away from everyone else. Hope stared at him when he questionably looked around the storage area. “This doesn't seem like much of a spot for a powerful magical artifact.”
I snapped remembering the story of what Bonnie did to him when we were kids. “Neither does a stuffed teddy bear.”
“That's very good.” He chuckled.
Hope explains going over to a crate in search. “Dr. Saltzman hid what we need in one of these crates, so Look for the Salvatore logo.”
“It's a good thing there's not, like, 400 crates in here. Eeny, meeny, miny, crate. When you say Salvatore logo, you mean, like, that thing with the "S" and the squiggle?” Kai chuckles, turning his back to the three of us. Hope raised her hand using her magic, launching a piece of wood toward his back but he stopped it. “And so it begins.”
“Ascendo.” I raised a hand throwing a crate at him but he raised his hand smashing it with magic.
He got to his feet running towards me. “Nice try.” I vamped him against the wall where he grunted until he kicked me in the stomach harshly.
Alina growled, running head toward him and throwing punches at him. He blocked a few of them until she grabbed his wrist chanting a spell to block his powers even though he was a heretic like me. “Phasmatos tribum, exum sue, redem su pas quo-“
“I thought your mother would have taught you better and remember I don’t fight fair.” He grabs her wrist siphoning from her where she lowered herself onto her knees and he pushed her down onto the floor.
Hope snapped her fingers and managed to break one of his knees for a second. “Errox femus.” She then took the chance and kicked his other leg out.
Kai swiped her leg out from under her through. She fell on her knees and kicked his leg again but it was clear that he could have moved away from her advance. “You could have blocked that.” Hope pointed out when he sat upright from the wooden ground.
The psychopath dryly laughed at us. “Yeah, you're right. I-I just wanted you to think you were doing a good job.”
Hope stepped a few steps away from him. “You're not trying to beat me.”
Kai grunted getting to his feet, smirking at the triplets proudly. “Oh, no. No, not for a a few more minutes. Because right now, Alyssa Chang is performing a spell that will sever my connection to the prison world.”
“She can’t do that. She’s not strong enough on her own.” I attempted to remain calm.
He tilted his head to the side. “Yeah you make a good point. Unless I brought over an extra source of magic that would make her have the power of a thousand year old witch.”
“The Hollow….we sent the stake into his prison world, not a new one.” Alina smacked her forehead in regret and I could hear Hope’s heartbeat increasing in fear just the same.
Raising my hand I choked Kai where he grabs his neck even though I couldn’t kill him. “You really are a psychopath if you’re willing to let our mother die. And for what just because you find enjoyment in it. You already took away Josie and Lizzie’s mom.”
“Nobody’s been on my team my whole life, Meli. So forgive me if I don’t see the whole desire to feel bad for what I’ve done.” He clasped his hands together pushing through the pain that I was causing him. “But you should be more concerned with the fate of your mommy since that place was created for me, once she's done…”
“The world will disappear. Along with everyone inside of it.” Hope put the pieces together through a sharp gasp and her heart skipped a beat.
“Oops.” Kai just simply smiled.
Alina waved her hands and shoved him against one of the wooden posts trapping him there with large metal chains. “Remember this Kai Parker. If my mother doesn’t kill you for what you did to our family then mark my word I certainly will!” She stomps up to him grabbing his chin in her freehand flashing her werewolf eyes sounding just like our father.
The three of us quickly rushed back to the school as fast as possible, finding Alyssa sitting in the center of a candle circle and a spell book at the end of her knees. Hope ran forward but she smacked into a barrier spell. “You really are a basic witch.”
I begged the witch not wanting to see our family die because of Kai Parker. “Alyssa, please.”
“I don't want them back. Not now, not ever.” She scoffed.
Alina snapped at her. “If you finish that spell, you'll kill them all. Are you that stupid to believe that nobody would get hurt!”
She mumbled looking away from us. “He didn't say anything about that.”
“Well, think about it. If you sever the connection, the prison world collapses. Everyone in it will die.” Hope lowers herself on a knee trying to talk her out of this idea. “Look, I know that you're angry, and I know that you want to hurt them.But you're not a murder. Trust me, you don't want to be responsible for someone's death. It stays with you. You carry it forever.”
Alyssa stepped away from the Ascendent until the pieces started turning without her doing anything. I gasped seeing a bright flash covering my eyes before I saw Lizzie and Alaric sitting on the floor. “Oh my god. You guys are alright.” Bolting forward I tackled the pair in a bear hug each.
Another flash occurred and we saw our father come back next. He got to his feet rushing to Alina who hugged him tightly. “I’m here, Lina.” He whispered hearing another flash of magic and we saw our mother snap upright with a gasp crying happy tears when she saw we were all there.
“Mom!” Hope flung her arms around her crying for a moment hearing a final flash noticing that it was Josie. The Saltzman girl rose to her feet smiling at our group until all of us embraced each other in a family hug.
Raelyn’s pov
Sliding on one of Nik’s sweatshirt over my head I was so tired from the day we had. Tying my hair up in a messy bun walking through the old storage facility where Alina had informed us they had trapped Kai Parker. “Are you ready to do this, Alaric?”
“It’s time to put an end to our suffering. He took too much from the both of us.” He responded by showing me a metal tall pickaxe in his right hand. He let the end of the blade slide across the ground creating sparks until we reached where Kai was chained up.
Kai sent me a puppy face. “Awe Rae Rae, great I was hoping to see you.”
“You tried to get one of our students to kill us all, you psychopath.” I got in his face harshly grabbing his shoulders and he winced when I used his blood boiling spell against him one final time. “Phasmatos navaro pulsus sanguinox….any last words, cousin?”
Kai gasped when I removed my hands, sighing in relief. “We could have been a good team, you and I…And you won’t be safe after I’m gone.”
“Ric, get it over with.” I stepped backwards, shoving my hands in the loops of my jeans glaring at my cousin. “You are finally getting what you deserve!”
Kai chuckled at Alaric. “Given all we've been through, this feels a little anticlimactic. Don't you think?”
“Not to me. This is for Jo.” Alairc raised the blade behind his head and he swung it, cutting his head off.
Laying on the bed alone in our bedroom I was just resting with my eyes closed. Klaus was downstairs reading to Rapenzal and Charming like he had done with all of our kids when they were babies. Someone knocked on the door and then I opened my eyes seeing it was Alyssa and she closed the door secretly locking it behind her. “Hi Mrs. Mikaelson, I just thought I’d come by and apologize for what I almost did tonight.”
“Uh thanks Alyssa. But it’s really not necessary. It was Kai just being his usual self. Thankfully we won’t have to deal with him anymore.” Sliding to the edge of the bed with my legs hanging over the side.
She crossed the room holding something behind her back until she was standing so close I could almost fall back onto the mattress. “Speaking of Kai he asked me to give you a message with this…” She revealed the white oak stake from behind her back pushing me down onto the bed.
“Urgh Alyssa!” I groaned holding the tip of the stake with my hands while she tightly held the top end just to the side of my heart. “What are you doing?”
The young witch pushed the tip of the stake into my chest where I grunted in some pain. She gripped her nails into the stake and I gasped for air seeing her eyes turn bright blue reminding me of the Hollow. “The Hollow wants you to suffer. Louvre, louvre animo. Pemet you accesses…Dedisco.”
I kicked the witch in the gut and she fell onto the floor giving me the chance to grab the stake in my hands. Standing above her I gasped feeling my wound healing slowly still in shock. “What the hell was that for, Alyssa!”
“It doesn’t matter. I just want you to answer one question.” She scrambled to her feet standing away from me and her eyes returned to their normal color. “Who is Klaus Mikaelson?”
Knitting my brows I started to answer her but paused thinking really hard about that name. Yet nothing was coming back to my memory so I had no choice but to reply with the response. “I’ve never heard that name before in my life. I don’t remember anyone named Klaus Mikaelson.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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shellibisshe · 10 months
i wanna send smth for the alternate love interest thing but my brain is EMPTY so my quastion is. what would be the most terrible, no chemistry, hate each other ship with any of your ocs 👁️👁️
again consulted with the council (the entire mk server) and came up with a list of
- corinne and astarion. they don’t hate each other but they aren’t friends either. generally they rlly don’t vibe well together
- marian and micah. or marian and dutch. number one look at them. number two she wants both those men dead (derogatory) and canonically did kill micah in my mind so. that ship sunk and she made sure of that. and dutch is dutch
- venera and. like anyone that is not bi-han or kuai liang. gf is difficult basically that’s all i got on that LMAO. there’s like only a few people she genuinely hates in either mk1 or mk11 but those two are so like. Ingrained with her in my head I cannot see her with anyone else
- elle and joseph. or elle and jacob believe or not she has a type and neither of them are it. doomsday cult aside even
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feeling--pink · 1 year
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Hi 🥺 what if they- 👉👈 what if they got mawwied???? 💕💕💕
Okay hi I’ve been working on these on and off all month (mostly off I got really busy whoops) and I have A LOT of thoughts about a Legbone wedding (ft. the drawtectives cause they really are my blorbos) 
Anyways here’s a list of headcannons that I didn’t get to draw:
So right off the bat let’s talk OUTFITS
To me Legzi and Ryjinah had gone looking for dresses but Legzi wasn’t really pumped about any of them 
So maybe they went on a road trip (because ladies bookclub road trips my beloved) to either go look in a different boutique or to do other wedding related shenanigans 
And on the side of the road Legzi spots this rag 
And of course it’s a torn up wedding dress and suddenly she has a Vision^TM
Just Legzi being more excited about fixing up this dress than anything she could have just bought up to that point 
Because to me Legzi is someone who loves to feel like a part of the process and having all her random skills she picked up from Darkmouth 
Then design wise I wanted something puffy so I could hide how much taller I made her 
Because personally I think her using the leg stilts on her wedding day is not only very Legzi^TM but I also made myself laugh with the concept :) 
And florals because those are fun, green, and easy to make by hand (as someone who’s made a lot of ribbon flowers)!! The vines were places where the dress was really torn and needed more structural stitching 
Ryjinahs dress on the other hand I wanted to take some inspiration from her season 1 design (even though I haven’t seen it) 
Also I love a chance to draw some boob 
so anyways York’s invitation
I’ve said it before but “artists draw fan art of each other’s art” where Karina drew Ryjinah, York, Rowan, and Jacob horse all hanging out is CANON TO ME
Which is why all of those characters were invited!! :)
Anyways I imagine all the invitations had your standard stuff- names, dates, rsvp section
But where it would’ve said +1 I think Ryjinah scribbled that out and hand wrote “+2 ;)” 
Which of course Grandma would be slightly flustered by meanwhile York is like “AWESOME you guys can come!!!” 
I believe in drawtectives polycule supremacy and also York is aroace
Which also lead to my miniature leg wrestling joke :)
Oh but the second York and Rah’ōxah lock eyes they’re going to leg wrestle (Pokémon rules) 
Then they can become friends too and we can make Julia’s drawing in “pro artists redraw their old OCs” canon!!! 
Rah’ōxah is both Legzi and Ryjinahs maid of honor :) 
She’s awesome of course she can do both!!!!!!
I wish I had drawn this but to me Parker the cat officiated :)
Maybe while standing on top of Parker the horse 
Ryjinah was not pleased with this but also couldn’t say no to the combined force of Legzi and Rah’ōxah’s puppy dog eyes 
Plus Parker the cat is the only person (cat) they know who’s ordained
Oh last thing I wanted to but didn’t draw was a Rosé & Rowan interaction 
Or not even so much of an interaction but they catch each other’s gaze from across the room and freeze 
Oh more headcannons but they’re siblings to me 
I mean dyed hair? Knives? Mysterious pasts? Color schemes?? Attracted to himbos??? 
Anyways they both have moved on from their family in different directions 
So to suddenly meet again even from across the room 
Then York or Gramdma calls for Rosé and she looks away and they’re gone
But I digress 
Tbh for everyone’s outfits I kinda just went “you know what would be cute???” 
So floral dress for grandma (obviously) 
Jumpsuit + long gloves for Rosé because vibes 
Unbuttoned shirt and double breasted vest for York so he doesn’t have sleeves 
Similar thought process for Rah’ōxah because they give off similar vibes BUT I made Rah’ōxah’s the same colors as Ryjinah and Legzi so she could match both :)
Then a demon Johnny button on her outer vest kinda like the pin/broach she has in Julia’s drawing in pro artists redraw old OCs 
Rowan I just wanted to look swanky and what’s more swanky than a tailcoat? 
And for everyone but Rah’ōxah I tried to keep to their normal color schemes!! :) 
Are all these outfits practical for what I made a beach wedding on a whim? Absolutely not 
I gave pretty much all of them some sort of heels even if they are technically wedges which is better but STILL 
Beaches are fun and easy ish to draw and I never do backgrounds anyways give me a break lol 
But anyways I think that’s all my thoughts!!!
So Legzi & Ryjinah ride into the sunset on their noble steed Jacob Horse :)
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Here’s the cast of characters for my Parkner fic
Tom Holland as Peter Parker (duh)
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Ty Simpkins as Harley Keener (obviously)
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Zendaya and Jacob Batalon as MJ and Ned
Benjamin Wadsworth as Harry Osborn
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Jack Mulhern (MY LOVE) as Danny Rantz (OC)
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AND THERE IS MORE TO COME 👍🏻 Proof That Harley Keener Has A Heart by booknerds_unite on AO3
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Best Character Named X Poll
I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day. New polls scheduled for 1:30PM BST everyday.
If your favourite character is not included in the poll very sorry i have either never heard of them or actively chose not to include them as theres only 6 characters per poll. Characters will only count of that is their first name, surnames do not count. Official characters in canon only, please do not submit OCs.
Round 323: Tim
Round 324: Daisy
Round 325: Quentin
Round 326: Flora
Round 327: Fox
Round 328: Rosemary
Round 329: Ralph
Past Polls
Poll Ideas under the cut
Names that I have a complete list for*
Rebecca, Steve, Victoria, Katherine, George, Diana, Andy, Nora, Angel, Judy, Jo, Miranda, Pearl, Malcolm, Jamie, Tam, Klaus, Luna, Delilah, Claudia, Juliet, Jonas, Celia, Katya, Cynthia, Corey, Minerva, Ebony, Miriam, Percy, Bianca, Amara, Cleo, Cecil, Mabel, May, August, Francis, Matilda, Deborah, Jared, Kendra, Ophelia, Liesel, Fitz, Aurora, Ramona, Orion, Kala, Madeline, Anastasia, Kit, Marian, Lena, Polly, Cora, Leah, Jules, Irene, Laurie, Laurel, Hilda, Valentine, Joe, Monty, Skye, Walter, Marissa, Hope, Oberon, Lorna, Ace, Calvin, Bridget, Ulrich, Roger, Stella, Lenore, Wanda, Winona, Hannibal, Newt, Aiden, Oscar, Dorian, Dorothy, Una, Marnie, Mirabel, Dora, Olympia, Toby, Chip, Fearne, Axel, Gil, Bo, Rue, Leslie, Isabelle, Agnes, Luther, Sally, Delia, Richter, Scarlet, Bernard, Ray, Nigel, Selina, Harley, Blue, Missy, Perry, Paige, Duke, Tao, Gemma, Cornelius, Wendy, Apollo, Celeste, Clyde, Summer, Esther, Cole, Kieran, Melody, Vivian, Haley, Prudence, Azrael, Lauren, Molly, Pauline, Athena, Darcy, Stan, Dana, Lee, Red, Stuart, Cliff, Gabriel, Octavia, Tsukasa, Anita, Esme, Ella, Heather, Riley, Pyrrha, Rupert, Ada, Orlando, Blair, Parker, Ike, Yukari, Tanya, Briar, Amber, Akira, Irma, Marlene, Trixie, Harriet, Letitia, Koichi, Katrina, Echo, Annette, Nami, Dale, Rod, Nina, Carina, Wade, Alucard, Lance, Yuki, Elena, Donatello, Puck, Callie, Moe, Hunter, Poppy, Titania, Melinda, Terry, Jackson, Melanie, Sunny, Dee, Clive, Freya, Randall, Caeser, Marina, Sasha, Dawn, Zain, Ron, Edith, Candy, Carlos, Raiden, Tara
Names I have an incomplete list for (welcome to send character suggestions)
Richter, Yasmin, Chase, Tina, Rudolf, Melvin, Melissa, Adele, Adeline, Jem, Dolores, Jude, Ginger, Bellamy, Jacob, Reese, Nemo, Addison, Adelaide, Candace, Abraham, Ragnar, Destiny, Hero, Drew, Raphael, Wallace, Jean (feminine), Cheryl, Shane, Tegan, Matthias, Liam, Ellis, Dennis, Josie, Mike, Bailey, Eden, Giselle, Suki, Keith, Wilfred, Blaine, Pam, Brianna, Sabine, Roman, Kalina, Mindy, Monet, Zara, Marcus, Elias, Mira, Glen, Farah, Faith, Enid, Ross, Antoinette, Elodie, Mallory, Kay, Renee, Willow, Albert, Howard, Oswald, Clem, Jace, Howell, Rowan, José, Christian, Ravi, Dev, Valerie, Norma, Tristan, Jolene, Yumi, Sakura, Carol, Carrie, Casper, Septimus, Rosalind, Rosamund, Rosie, Rosa, Gerald, Geraldine, Gerard, Ariel, Ariadne, Anya, Ida, Rocky, Mal, Solomon, Sol, Vera, Vincent, Nolan, Sage, Jojo, Calliope, Roxy, Roxanne, Silver, Noel, Noelle, Stacy, Lloyd, Alba, Virginia, Eva, Amos, Petra, Marla, Dante, Gretchen, Rhydian, Russ, Tate, Tatum, Morris, Ambrose, Doug, Grant, Graham, Aaron, Ivan, Paris, Doris, Rain, Sora, Wayne, Helga, Garth, Constantine, Sonny, Courtney, Jamal, Niall
Feel free to send more suggestions
*subject to change, you can still submit a character if there is no strikethrough if you think theres a character that its an absolute crime i dont add. Please don't suggest anything for the names with a strikethrough as they are polls that are already in my queue waiting to be published.
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acknowledge-reigns · 1 year
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Hi, Everyone. I'm Luna. 24. She/They. MDNI. I've been a wrestling fan since the early 00s and a Roman Reigns stan since the second he debuted with the shield. He was/is my first, current and forever wrestling crush 💕 I'm here to post fan art, fan fiction, edits and occasionally shitpost 💖
If you do not agree with any of the following statements, unfollow me expeditiously:
Protect trans kids (and all lgbtqia2s youth) 💙💗🤍💗💙
Love is love 🏳‍🌈
Land back 🌿
Fuck the patriarchy 👸🏾
Free Congo 🇨🇩
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Free Sudan 🇸🇩
Destigmatize mental health 🧠
No abelism ❌
No one has to believe in or abide by standards set forth by your sky daddy 🙃
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Roman Reigns (Obviously my #1 always and forever)
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
Solo Sikoa
The Samoan Dynasty as a whole (Zilla, Jacob, Journey, Lance, Thamiko, Ava Raine, The Rock, Tamina, Naomi, Nia, Rikishi, Umaga, Yokozuna, Samoan Storm/Manu, Black Pearl, Samu, Tonga Kid, Tama Tonga and more. I love that whole family.)
Seth Rollins
Jon Moxley
Damian Priest
Carmelo Hayes
Trick Williams
Bianca Belair
Jade Cargill
Lash Legend
Kelani Jordan
Jaida Parker
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Black Women in wrestling - @blkgirlwrestling
Damien Priest - @allriseforpriest
Carmelo Hayes/Trick Williams/Kelani Jordan- @mrs-melodontmiss
Backup account - @tribalchiefsprincess
Non wrestling accounts:
Lokean devotional account - @lokirescuedme
Random shitposting / Megan Thee Stallion - @lunadoesshitposting
Bridgerton: @to-ms-eloise-with-love
Criminal Minds - @babygirl-187
TVD - @sired-to-damon
Hamilton - @daveeds-wife
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🌶 = Smut 💙 = Fluff 💔 = Angst
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"Jealous" Universe -
Jealous - Roman Reigns x OC 🌶
34+35 - Roman Reigns x OC 🌶
There Goes My Baby - Roman Reigns x OC 🌶
Nonsense - Roman Reigns x OC 🌶 💙
Worst To Me - Roman Reigns x OC 🌶 💙💔
Welcome Back, OTC. (I'll make love to you) - Roman Reigns x OC 🌶 💙
Nice & Slow (7 O'clock on the dot) - Roman Reigns x OC 🌶 💙
"No Yeet" Universe -
No Yeet - Roman Reigns x OC 🌶 💙
Apologies - Roman Reigns x OC 💙💔
Random -
Good For You - Roman Reigns x reader (first person pov) 🌶
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A Gorgeous Necklace - Solo Sikoa x OC 🌶
Water - Solo Sikoa x OC 🌶
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Sugar - Jey Uso x Reader (first person pov) 🌶 💙💔
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Point Of View - Jimmy Uso x Naomi x OC 🌶 💙
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24kvlaks · 2 years
Things I do and don’t.
Things I do write for
Student X teacher- Just because it’s a weird fantasy and only high school 18 X teacher I’ve gotten a request many times and I refuse to do any 16 year old students or 17 only the age above legal law.
Fictional Serial killer X reader- Only fictional serial killers I will not be writing a fan fiction of Ted bunch, jeffery Dhamer, John Wayne Gacy, Richard Ramirez, or anything’s real serial killer wise.
Any type of fandoms!
Undertale fandom, WWE fandom, Horror fandom, supernatural fandom, Dc fandom, Marvel fandom, Game fandom, Movie fandom, Peoples oc’s X a certain character. Just anything! Anime fandom, Cartoon fandom, Greek gods, ANYTHING! <3 red dead redemption, Cod , YouTubers only ones who allow, TWD, TVD, GTA, Fast food, fnaf , Disney , the avatar,
Things I don’t and won’t do.
Abusive relationships with a character that’s the love interest.
Warnings I do
Fandoms I won’t write for.
Harry Potter- It’s mostly just a bunch of weird adults crushing on teenagers
YouTubers who’ve stated they don’t want smut written about them, only ones that don’t care. But if it’s fluff it’s fine
Scooby doo- Only when it’s the live action it’s okay but when there supposedly teens nah. unless it’s fluff.
Going angst someone’s religion or adding satanism in a story.- only because it goes against some characters I write like Jacob Goodnight
Specific characters I do.
Michael myers
Jason voorhees
Jacob goodnight
Patrick Bateman
Hannibal Lecter
Leather face
Candy man
Jennifer Tilly
Freddy Krueger
Pyramid head
Art the clown
Harry warden
Gabriel may
Norman Bates
Billy Lenz
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Sally face
Sally face
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikealson
Klaus Mikealson
Mason Lockwood
Kai Parker
Simon Riley
Captain America
Dick Grayson
The flash
Beast boy
Spider noir
Roman reigns
Dolph Zigger
Randy Orton
Razor Ramon
Drew McIntyre
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose
Shawn Michaels 
Triple H
Naruto uzumaki
Kakashi Hatake
Asuma sensei
Erwin smith
Reiner Braun
Connie springer
Coach Ukai
Asahi- Haikyu
Sniper mask
The hand- Wednesday
Freaky Fred
Ronald mc Donald
Burger King
Jack in the box
Fast food
Spring trap
Freddy faze bear
Michael afton
Prince neaven
Any Disney prince fr <3
Anything on my list, or in the fandoms I write for I forgot I couple if there’s any you think I might like hit me up! <3
Tags I do
Daddy issues
Older men
Sugar daddy
Sugar mommy
Age gap
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rp-partnerfinder · 2 months
Hello! I’m a 23 year old female looking for others 18+ for some different fandom roleplays! I double, and I’m happy to do so, though I definitely preference 1x1. Still, don’t be hesitant to ask for doubles!
For Stranger Things, I’m looking for someone to play Eddie Munson against my female OC! She’s like a female counterpart to him. In return, I can play any of the older characters (Steve, Nancy, Robin, Hopper, etc) against another CC or an OC!
For Euphoria, I’m looking for someone to play Nate Jacobs OR Jules Vaughn for me. If you play Nate Jacobs, I’m looking to play Cassie Howard. If you play Jules Vaughn, I’m looking to play Rue Bennett. In return I’ll play anyone against a CC or OC. :)
For The Hunger Games, I’m looking for someone to play Finnick Odair or Peeta Mellark for me. If you play Finnick Odair, I’m looking to play Annie Cresta or an OC! If you play Peeta Mellark, I’m looking to play Katniss. Again, in return I’ll play anyone against a CC or OC.
For the MCU, I’m looking for someone to play Peter Parker against my Michelle Jones. In return, I’ll play any of the original Avengers as I know them most against your CC or OC.
I also do nonfandom plots as well! For nonfandom, I have a number of ideas ranging from slice of life to Victorian era supernatural plots but my character will be a female OC. I pair her with male OR female OC’s! :)
I only roleplay on discord, please and thank you! If you’re interested, please like this post and I’ll reach out asap!
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rhyliethecaterfly · 4 months
Voice actors and actress that will be voicing my OCs if My fanmade comedy central show of mine Rhylie The Caterfly Princess
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Princess Rhylie Caterfly (My Main OC Which Is Also Main Protagonist) will be voiced by Tara strong, Rhylie is going to sound like Unikitty from Unikitty Show.
Andrew Roberts (Oc Is Belongs To Andrewfunart On Deviantart) will be voice by Trey Parker, He’s going to sound like Stan Marsh From South Park.
Roberta Bot-3000 will be voice by Janice Kawaye, She’s going to sound like Jenny Wakeman from My Life As A Teenage Robot.
Berri Hare-ington will be voiced by Liliana Mumy, She are going to sound like Leni Loud from The Loud House.
Lizzie Jacobs (Oc Is Belongs To Lizzieq6061thegamer On DA And Lizzietherwbychibifan On Here) will be voiced by April Stewart, she will sound like Wendy Testaburger From South Park.
Pami Bunterfly (@pamithebunterfly2007's OC Which Is Going To Be A Main Former Antagonist If This Series) will be voiced by Mindy Kaling, Pami Is Going To Sound Like Velma Dinkley From 2023's Max Show Velma
Nurse Anastasia Bearybug Will Be Voiced By Tress Macneille, Anastasia Is Going To Sound Like Daisy Duck.
Randy Alipuppycorn Will Be Voiced By Yuri Lowenthal, Randy Is Going To Sound Like Teenage Ben Tennyson.
Zoe Drabungon Will Be Voiced By Rachel MacFarlane, Zoe Is Going To Sound Like Mindy From The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy.
Gold Tabbyton (OC belongs to captaincakecookie on DA Which Is Deactivate As Well Will Be My Oc's Ex-Boyfriend) Will Be Voiced By James Monroe Iglehart, Gold Will Sound Like Vortex From Helluva Boss.
Aleah The Wishing Cat (Oc Belongs To Sakionoi On Deviantart) Will Be Voiced By Carolyn Lawrence, Aleah Is Going To Sound Like Sandy Cheeks From SpongeBob SquarePants.
Mackenzie "Deema" Pegacoon (Oc Belongs To DatOnePegacoonGirl Also On Deviantart) Will Be Voiced By Cree Summer, Mackenzie Will Sound Like Susie Carmicheal From Rugrats.
Sakura Kittymono (Oc Belongs To Sakurasno345 On Deviantart) Will Be Voiced By Britt McKilip, Sakura Will Sound Like Princess Cadance From My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic.
Snowdrop Polar Rabbit (Oc By Sakurasno345 On Deviantart) Will Be Voiced By Sugar Lynn Beard, Snowdrop Is Going To Sound Like Wish Bear From Care Bears Big Wish Movie.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
71 - Mikaelson’s before Gemini
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Part 72
Gemini Runaway
Tag list ask to be added @icefrye19 @secretdreamlandmentality
One year ago
“Alina, get down from there!” I scolded my five year old daughter who was sitting on one of the beams holding up the apartment ceiling.
She giggled down at me. “I’m on top of the world!”
“How did you even get up there?” Putting my hands on my hips I sent her a glare.
I heard someone sneeze behind me after they ran into Jo’s dresser where she kept the ascendent. “Ow!”
“Hope!” I grumbled when she became visible with Missy at her side. “Did you help your sister with a levitation spell?”
Missy nodded. “We thought it would be fun.”
“Okay family meeting…..everyone on the ground floor now.” I declare seeing my second child jump down landing on her feet beside me. The three girls sat down on the bed waiting for me to say something. “We need to go over some rules. One - don’t do magic unless I am in the room. Two - always stay with each other, it's not safe to be alone even here.”
Missy raised her hand. “Mom, what is the toy with all the bells and gears in Jo’s cabinet?”
“Hmm…you mean this. It’s called the Ascentdent.” Rummaging around in her top dresser drawer pulling out the weird rounded object.
Alina tilted her head. “What is it for?”
“It’s a key to a prison world that my uncle Joshua Parker created. But you will never meet him. Keeping a very powerful psycho away from others.” Rolling it back up into his Jo had it hidden I closed the drawer. “And it’s not a toy. Do you understand that?”
They all nodded in agreement to me. “It’s not a toy.”
Walking through the park of the college my phone rang and it was an unknown number but I answered it regardless. “Did you think that I wouldn’t find out where you were at, little niece?”
“Uncle Joshua, are we really still having this over the phone? I told you I will release Kai without hesitation!” I snapped at him clutching my freehand closed tightly.
Spinning around on my feet throwing my hair around I gasped stumbling backwards a little seeing him actually standing behind me. “Sometimes you’re clever and other times you don’t impress me, Raelyn. Now let’s talk this out.”
“I don’t think so.” Putting my phone back in my pocket I glared at him. “You do realize I won’t let you anywhere near my kids.”
Joshua walked forward with his hand together pleading with me. “Raelyn, please understand this. Now that you are a vampire the line needs to be reversed back to me. Your children are far too young and you bore three kids.”
“But you don’t know any spell to reverse it. Otherwise you would have done it yourself!” I fought against his words.
My uncle threw his hands away from his sides. “Because I don’t have the leadership power anymore. It’s running through your veins not mine. Meaning we have to work together to shift the ability back to me.”
“So you can trick me and force my daughters into merging like you did me and my twin brother!” I shouted getting in his face when I vamped forward. “Because get this through your skull I will never help you to hurt anyone else in our bloodline. Whoever created this tradition is a psycho just like you say Kai is!”
He huffed his shoulders before I heard giggling coming from behind us. Whipping my head around I noticed my three girls running through the grass. "Mommy!"
"Girls, hey we need to go now." I rushed forward to push them away from my uncle.
Yet Missy bless her sweet soul. "Who are you, I'm Missy Mikaelson." She moved around my legs, sticking her hand out for him to shake.
"I'm Joshua - ah!" He stuck his hand downward until he grabbed his head.
He shifted his gaze up watching me holding up my right hand. "Back away from her now!"
"Is he a bad guy?" Alina asked, raising her hand and moving closer to me to siphon me if I told her too.
Hope peaked around my leg. "He's the guy who put Kai away."
"Yeah he is. But we are leaving now. So good day." Grabbing their hands I snapped at Missy. "Melissa let's go."
She dropped her gaze to her shoes. "Oh okay."
Uncle Joshua raised his hand up chanting a spell freezing us all in our place. "Immobilis. Now I have tried to be nice. But this must stop. You aren’t thinking of the Coven. You are just thinking of yourself and the children you have."
"It's called being a parent. Maybe you should try it sometime. Oh, wait, you failed your children." I scoffed at him Grunting against his spell.
He slowly walked around us until he was meeting my eyes. "I was the Coven leader first. My children have been trained for this. Yet you aren't living up to your potential. Give my power back and I'll leave you alone."
"No you won’t. The only way you'll leave me and my family alone is if my children become vampires too."
Joshua shoved his hands in his pockets. "Let’s make a deal, Raelyn. You give me the leader power and I leave you and your hybrid family alone. Because once I become the leader the line will revert back to my line."
"Fine. Let us out of here." I agree to his terms.
He waved his hand upward. "Regelo. Now let’s go somewhere more private."
"Where your house?" I questioned him, feeling the spell disappeared.
Joshua got closer, taking my hands in his. My daughters hugged my legs before he shut his eyes. When I looked around I saw we were in the middle of the woods. "You brought me where I had to kill my brother!" I growled recognizing the area since it was near the border into Mystic Falls.
"For the spell to work we needed to go where your power was the strongest. This is where you gained my magic. So the transfer must be done here." My uncle explained drawing a knife out of his pocket.
Holding my hand up I spun on my heels beckoning my girls closer where I could whisper in their ears. "Come closer. I need you guys to start chanting this one we cut our palms and hold hands…” They all nodded watching me get to my feet heading back over to him.
“Ladies first, little niece.” He offered me the blade where I sighed, drawing the blade down my hand quickly handing it back to him. He cut his palm too before we intertwined hands.
Squeezing his hands in mine he winced when I began siphoning off him for a brief moment chanting along with him. “Sanguinem desimilus, Sanguinem generis flantes. Sanguinem desimilus, Sanguinem generis flantes…Tillate ulaz tillate ulaz tillate ulaz. Tillate ulaz tillate ulaz tillate ulaz.”
Joshua had his eyes closed when I peaked an eye open seeing the trees getting thrashed around because of the magic. Slowly turning my head I nodded towards my daughter’s giving them the silent signal. “Venez sanguis, venez sanguis. Venez sanguis la force de la bete a moi.” The blood dripped from our hands hitting the dirt until our girls lowered their hands on the ground. Alina and Missy’s hands turned red siphoning the magic towards them.
“Thank you, Raelyn. But there is something you should know….” Once the spell was done we broke hands separating from one another.
Knitting my brows at him, it didn’t sound good where he was going with this. “What the heck have you done, uncle Joshua?”
“You did give me the power but -“ He grabbed me by my throat where I gasped and was taken by surprise. “The line still falls on your children. And since you gave me the strength you had running through your veins. You can’t unlink them without my blood as an anker.”
He launched me where I slide into a tree with my daughters running towards me. “Ugh! You bastard. You broke our deal!”
“I'm sorry Rae. But I couldn’t let you have the opportunity to unleash my son. Now I don’t have to worry. Here’s some advice, the coven comes before blood.” Joshua responded by waving his hands and disappearing within seconds.
Stumbling to my feet I grabbed my daughter’s hands until we magically transported ourselves into Jo’s apartment. Jaocb sat upright from his bed in our room seeing that I was swaying on my feet rather tired. “Rae, oh my god. What happened?”
“Uncle Joshua tricked me. He said he would leave my daughters alone if I gave him back the leadership magic he handed over to me.” I clutched my hands into fists falling onto my knees struggling to not rip everything apart. “But he betrayed me. He…he has the power back and he will come for Alina and Missy later in life.”
Jacob glanced at the girls who were standing there with some blood on their hands. “Then why did he hurt them?”
“He didn’t, J. He may have tricked me into giving him the power but…agh.” I moaned getting to my feet and waved them over. “Girls come here. Help mommy. I need that blood you gathered.”
Alina sent me a brow. “What was it for, mom?”
Opening my palms out for them I kept explaining to my brother who hadn’t caught on yet. “He only thinks that he won. But the girls did a spell to gather my blood and his together. So now I have the link of our entire coven in their palms.”
“Meaning what?” He took a step forward seeing the blood from their palms drip onto the floor at our feet.
“Draw a circle of salt around us and I can unlink us.” Alina, Missy and Hope all grasped onto my hands. Jaocb came back and did as I said , drawing a circle where we were standing with the blood inside the circle our feet were making. “Phasmatos tribum, nas ex veras, uenes fes matos et somnos. Ex totum ex um maleo matos.”
Closing my eyes I sucked in a breath hearing my daughter’s following after the chant I started. “Phasmatos tribum, nas ex veras, uenes fes matos et somnos. Ex totum ex um maleo matos.” The blood on the floor slowly separates from each other and then bursts into flames.
“Oh.” Missy broke away gasping. Hope stumbled into the bed and Alina bent her knees trying to catch her breath.
Jaocb came over to me putting a hand on my back, eyeing the burnt blood on the carpet. “Are you positive it worked?”
“Yes ... .now the rest of Gemini coven isn’t our problem anymore.” I sighed in relief running my fingers through my hair smiling that my plan actually worked. “We don’t have to be Gemini Runaway’s anymore.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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jackiequick · 5 months
Joshua Nolan - As sweet as honey but forgetful as a wish 🍯
= Note: He is also considered an Disney/OUAT OC
-> Christoper Robin — Joshua C. Nolan
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-> How lucky I am to have something, that makes saying goodbye so hard
Full name: Joshua Christopher Nolan-Morozov
Character titles: Christopher Robin, Daring Charming, The Knight, Lost Boy
Nicknames: Josh, Col, Colten, Robin, Charming Jr, Monkey, Silly Ol’ Bear, Sweet Boy
Age: 16-22
Height: 5’9
Birthplace: The Enchanted Forest
Job: Peacekeeper, Knight, Prince
Parents: Snow White & Prince Charming — Amelia Parker & Nikolai Morozov
Uncles: Alexander Morozov (The Dark Prince), Cole Lensherr (Rumple), Captain Hook (Jeremy)
Aunts: Cinderella (Rochelle Romanoff) , Michelle Danvers (Charming) , Mal (Liane Felton)
Best Friends: Belladonna St. James — Golden Believer, Author, Black Swan
Sexuality: Into guy, girl or both?
Face claims: Jacob Tremblay (young), Alexander Calvert (older)
— Personality 🧩
He teenager with a heart of gold, yet his journey through life has been marked by shadows of loneliness and uncertainty. Despite his innate kindness and compassion, Joshua often finds himself navigating the world with a sense of hesitancy and clumsiness.
He tends to be shy in unfamiliar situations, his steps cautious and his words often tinged with a hint of passive-aggressiveness as a shield against his own insecurities. Joshua's tendency to act before he thinks often leads to moments of forgetfulness and clumsiness, with questions arising either too late or too early in conversations.
Despite these challenges, Joshua possesses an unwavering determination to put his best foot forward, even if it means following someone else's lead. However, this inclination to defer to others sometimes lands him in trouble, as he struggles to assert himself in moments of uncertainty. Nevertheless, Joshua perseveres, his resolve unshaken as he strives to overcome obstacles and find his place in a world that often feels overwhelming and unfamiliar.
In addition, he is an invitation of light with a mere sense of darkness within due to be alone for so long and fear of being shut down for being an orphan. But he has an ability you can say, he can see people’s heart sometime’s before their action.
Marksmanship (with guns)
Archery (Bow & Arrow)
Quick Thinking
Light Magic?
Favorite Things:
Reading & Writing (he has a knack for taking down notes and references to his latest research)
Movies (comedic and acclaimed action movies)
His silly old bear
His blanket with a monkey imprint
Blueberry pie
Honey with a dash of salt (or any other favorite snacks)
—Playlist 🎶
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—Yellow - Coldplay, ‘For you, I’d bleed myself dry’
—Somewhere Only We Know - Keane, ‘And if you have a minute, why don’t we go talk about it somewhere only we know’
—Slipping Through My Fingers - ABBA, ‘What happened to the wonderful adventures, the places I had planned for us to go?’
—It’s Time - Imagine Dragons, ‘Now, don’t you understand that I’m never changing who I am?’
—You Are My Sunshine - Johnny Cash, ‘You'll never know, dear. How much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away.’
—Dear Theodosia - HAMILTON, ‘Pride is not the word I'm looking for. There is so much more inside me now.’
—Lost Boy - Ruth B, ‘There was a time when I was alone. Nowhere to go and no place to call home’
—Fight Song - Rachel Platten, ‘Take back my life song. Prove I'm alright song.’
—Stand By You - Rachel Platten, 'Cause I'm gonna stand by you. Even if we're breaking down. We can find a way to break through’
—Background 🎞️
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Growing up in the real world, he just a newborn when he came. The only thing he has of his bio parents are a blanket with his name 'Joshua C.' that had a tiny little monkey imprinted next to his name. He kept it over the years and never let it go hoping to find his parents one day and understand what happened. Growing up, he was put in the system being raised by families here and there, he found people who cared for him and others who didn't.
He was close to be adopted once by it didn't go how he might've wanted due to a few legal mix-ups that happened. He was fine with it. He stayed with a couple of good friends who's parents were more than happy to have him live with them.
There he would read comic books like marvel & dc, watch a a lot of movies like Peter Pan, Tangled, Real Steel, The Dark Knight, Avengers, Star Wars. He would grow up mixing himself with ways to escape reality by watching shows, hanging out with friends and always trying to be a good person by the end of the day. Despite it being hard, he sometimes stole from stores to survive which caused him to be treated badly for his crimes.
He wasn't the best at Math or Science to a certain extent, but he was rather good with English and History for some reason. He did trouble reading for a while, a teacher told him it’s problem with ADHD that he would have to work on later in life.
He liked art too, always doodling in his notebook. Over the years he did trying searching for his parents and wondered about his name but never got a clear answer. His last name was given by the first ever family that took him called 'Nolan' and it kinda stick with him. He liked it but he always went with the flow of it all, feeling a little numb by the world around him watching everyone pass by as he stayed in the same spot wondering what’s wrong with him.
Did he screw up somehow?
—Despite the goodness he has gotten, being lucky with things. He did have his harsh moments like shaped him into keeping a guard up every once in a while. Poor kid has had his ass handed to him more than once.
Some families that took him one just wanted the money, he tend to get bullied at school for not knowing he was, he was shy so he didn't always stick up for himself so he ended up a little bruised growing up, but he had a mouth on him for sure. He was a kid, so he may act like a baby when he's hurt or something.
Joshua may be shy, kind, a little bitter like a lemon and like to maintain a positive outlook on life but he is strong willing, doesn't like to listen at times and destroy orders if allowed to survive, he will talk back in his own way and have his mind tinkering with other ideas. He has a small drive within him to go with the flow but keep his head up and make sure to things turn out alright.
He was a trooper!
—Little flashbacks 🌌
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In the enchanted forest, when the land found out about Amelia’s pregnancy, people were overjoyed and curious. Gifts were brought by friends, polls were made on names, some of their friends went overboard with designs on the nursery and so much more.
The parents were most excited of all. With the plenty of things that happened in their world, they thought children were out of the question but fate stepped in to say otherwise. Plenty of names were made in the polls, adding middle names for good measure.
When it came to gifts, a certain women in purple couldn’t help the urge but to go shopping in the very markets for stuffed animals and clothes of all kind.
Prince Nikolai Charming walks into the nursery one afternoon as his jaw dropped finding stuffed animals of different kinds all wrapped with a bow. A bear, a tiger, a small pig, a rabbit, and plenty of others. For a moment he thought his wife went overboard when a sweet cloud of purple smoke came popping in beside him as the women inside it grinned.
“You love it?” She said picking up one of the stuffed creatures playing with it’s jaw and said, “This one is Eeyore! Isn’t he cute?”
“You spoiling my child, they haven’t even arrived yet.” He replied with a chuckle reaching for a silly ol’ yellow bear, “Aww.”
“But aren’t they darling?”
“They are. Very are more than welcome to stay in this castle.”
“Wonderful! I also have a stuffed owl being brought up soon.”
The lady of the home walked in to see her husband and friend playing with the toys as if they are were children. She smiled asking, “Did you buy the whole market?”
“Hey! When you marry a prince, you understand the life of shopping for glory items.” Said Mal with a grin, “You love it?”
“I do. Cole will have a say about this, thinking you’re doing this to have your name on the poll.”
“Oh please, we would never..I like Liana as a name.”
“I knew it.” Responded her husband with a cheeky grin, looking over at the blanket laying over the crib the the stuffed bear in hand having an idea for later. He smirked to himself.
Charming moved behind his wife, using the paws of the bear to play the drums softly of her belly hoping it would get a kick out of their son or daughter. And to their surprise, a small kick came in return that startled his wife but got a laugh out of him. Liane laughed too.
Charming laughed, “Our kid seems to like the bear. Hmm, how about Winnie..?”
“..Pooh bear..” She added running her fingers across the stuff toy.
That same night as the two parents were crawling into bed, Charming hasn’t let go of that bear since, using it to tap over his wife’s belly as she laughed telling him to stop.
But he didn’t listen as he said, “Shh we are having father and baby playtime.”
“You’re a menace to society.” She repiled in between giggles.
“I know. I was thinking, for names..Joshua?”
“Joshua? I like it—no, I love it. Our little Josh and for a girl..Nadia?”
“Oooh Nadia..how about Robin? Nadia Robin”
“Pretty works for both!”
The two of them thought name list for a moment as their child kicked their mother again. Charming laugh finding it silly how his baby thinks it funny to frighten their mother as she glared at him not finding it so funny.
She spoke up this time holding up the list as she said, “Joshua..Christopher or Colton, as a middle name?”
He thought about it and snort pretending for a moment a scenario, “Joshua Christopher go to your room, young man..yeah I like it.”
“And Colton?”
“Hmm..Colton Robin, come downstairs for dinner we’re serving chicken!”
“Oooh Robin this time?”
As the parents talked issuing out names and combinations, their son or daughter kicked every once in a while. He was like their little monkey inside their mother’s belly.
It was a late night, Amara Snow sat in the rocking chair of the nursery sewing together fabric to craft the blanket for their newly announced son.
She hummed a little tune instead of sleeping being careful with the needle saying, “You are gonna love it out here, bubba. You can jump around, learn how to read and write, have picnics outside theses walls, go to balls where you can dance past your bedtime..oh and you can hear your father sing.”
As if on cue, the man of the house walked in carrying designs he had for the blanket hearing the last part of her words.
He joked, “I don’t sing, my son.”
“Yes you do.” She replied noticing the papers in his hand, “What’s that?”
“Drawings I made for the blanket to put right next to his name.”
“Oh let me see.”
He reaches down to sit beside her, holding out the drawings to be made into patches for the blanket. One of a monkey, the other of a bear, a bird, a leaf, a crescent moon and a lovely sun.
The two of them choose the monkey to fit their little man best, deciding to place the right next to Joshua’s name in a sweet stylish handwriting. Cole wanted a settle for a stylish font for the name which was a darling choice.
“Our little monkey.” Nikolai joked resting a hand on her belly as a little punch was given in return causing him to gasp, “I thought you were asleep. Go to sleep!”
It was as if their son refuse to listen and kicked his father’s hand again. It was Snow’s turn to laugh at his reaction hearing that their son would be ground til he’s 2, if he doesn’t go to sleep. Her husband sent her a playful glare asking if she found it funny as she nodded.
“Then again, we aren’t much sleepers either hon.” Amelia added mid laugh.
“Not helping.” He respond trying to hide his smirk but failed.
They had their good times and they’re bad with little Joshua despite not being born yet. Times Amelia would feel tired, other moments across during her pregnancy having gotten into some delicate cravings and or not fitting into her old dresses.
It kinda actually kinda cute sometimes, with their friends laughing. Cole would walk into her craving salted caramel cookies in the kitchen stealing one out of her hand taking a large bite as she pouts and glares at him. Charming would admit his one of his favorite moments were the fact that she had theses cravings, which meant he can buy as many treats as he liked. She would sometimes find his stuffing his face with leftovers in the middle of the night instead of resting and he would just give her a witty comeback in return.
Rochelle sometimes find her trying to sew a dress that would actually fit as she giggled wondering, if she’s alright and needed any help as the brunette would only nod.
“Your son is killing me.”
“Don’t talk about my child that way.”
“Joshua is trying to use my body as a punching bag resulting in my sore back and the other times, I’m carving something like pie or pasta.”
“Atta’ boy, he’s going to grow up and have an amazing taste in food like his father.”
Nik would hold back a laugh at his wife’s glare knowing she means well, just tired. Other days she was rather relaxed and chilling like nothing happened, enjoying her time. Other time he would get a glare from her that was rather hilarious to him.
“Are you serious?” She added with a half smile.
He cup her face and smile, “I’m kidding, love. I know you tired but think of this as his way of entertaining you while I’m gone.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry..I’m being a whiny wife to you.”
“It’s not your fault, love. You have every right to be this way.”
“But, I sound like a little bitch..I love our son, I’m just tired..”
“It’s okay. You need to rest.”
“So do you! You have been riding your horse, watching over our friends and practicing you’re fighting with Marlene for weeks now.”
“I’m fine.”
“Nicholas. You need to sleep, I’m worried about you.”
He smiled at how his wife was able to create life and worry about him all the same time despite her tiredness amazed him sometimes. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and then one to her belly promising to draw himself a bath then get some rest later that night after dinner.
The day Joshua was born was an unexpected one. Within their friend group—found family—nothing is ever normal. Despite the circumstances of his birth and having only a few mere moments with him, a promise stayed true. Their son is a trooper no matter what and even if he felt alone in life, he never was due to his parents being there in spirt even if he didn’t know it.
Heck his dad was fighting knights with him in the hallways, holding a sword in one hand and his son perfectly safe in the other. He wiggled a bit didn’t cry, only whimpered softly at the sudden movements. Nik grinned to himself as his gaze fell to his boy.
It also helped that before closing the door to protect their son from danger, Nik reaches for his stuffed bear gently placing it right next to him, as he kissed his forehead. He smiled softly at his son sweet little face, remembering the framed photos of himself as a child at his old home when he just born.
His beautiful boy.
— Christopher Robin Era 🧸
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The years when Joshua grew into his teenage-hood, he became more angsty and spiteful than ever before. Yes he was kind, humble enough and honest to everyone he spoke to. But he never felt truly valued or part of his pack. Despite being told time and time again by his father and mother, he was loved. He couldn’t fully comprehend the fact that he was meant to be home, safe and secure with them.
Especially with having an uncle so villainous as Alexander, and his adventures to different parts of the universe.
He decided to have faith in the possibility that he would get there someday and become worthy of the title, a part of the family. Because behind the awkward charm, clumsy tendencies, witty humor and gentle sarcasm held a lost boy from Neverland who was searching for comfort. And he found that comfort in old stuffed bear, Winnie The Pooh, who was there with him since day one of coming into this world as he never let go of him. He will forever be grateful for his father, Nikolai, for placing Pooh in the wardrobe that day, as that bear stayed with since birth.
-> He named Pooh bear, Winnie The Pooh, after the first kind person who treated him fair when he was only five. His kindergarten teacher Winnifred Robinson, as she was known to be a sweetheart towards him and his small set of classmates.
She could see a lot in someone by just the slightest hint of affection in her eyes. It instantly made Joshua smile and want to see the world instead of staying silent, allowing himself to explore creative ideas such as drawing and writing.
Due to spending so much time in her classroom, he would ask him about her thoughts on life and she would respond by saying whatever was on her mind in the most profound positive voice. Her voice was like honey.
Pooh brought support, reassurance and encouragement for him. Sometimes he would cuddle up with Pooh, looking up at the ceiling and just staring down at his chocolate brown buttons as the bear listened to him. It was like Pooh understood him in more ways than one.
Growing up, Pooh became his friend, as the two were going everywhere together. Hell, Joshua would eat his honey salted caramel cookies and play pretend that Pooh’s favorite treat was honey. When he was younger, he lost his silly old bear a couple of time in foster homes, as kids would throw the bear around and try to keep him away in the backyard to be dug up later. Which resulted in him having to wash the stuffed bear later on carefully and then put him on his bed for safety reasons.
-> When he was 14, Pooh ended up with a small cut on his chest and despite all of Joshua’s efforts, his sewing skills weren’t the best. He knew Pooh deserved a chance to look good and dapper in the eyes of his peers. So he found some cherry red fabric from the store across the street and kindly asked a friend, his caregiver at the time, to help him sew a shirt for the stuffed animals.
A few days later, Pooh was given a gift for his efforts, being a little cherry red shirt that covered his chest but left his belly open in the cutest way possible.
Joshua would muttered with a smile, “..silly old bear.”
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As Joshua grew older, he became a bit colder than he expected to be but underneath that toughness, he was just as kind and loving as he used to be.
It just takes time for someone to see it, to listen and appreciate him for who he is. However to make sure he didn’t have his feelings hurt, he kept his guard up and watch his surroundings as much as possible. Which resulted in creating personas and short term alias with people he came across.
Some of alias came and went, but others stayed.
It’s how he met his first crush, Ginny Sullivan and her friends. Joshua was unsure of the girl and her two friends, so he decided to make himself an uneasy target and lie about himself.
He remembered he was rushing out of a store after stealing a small toy train, when he bumped into Ginny as she asked, “Woah, watch where you’re going, dummy.”
“So-sorry.” He said picking up his phone that fell on the ground.
“It’s cool. You’re in a rush?”
“More or less..”
“Where you headed?”
He left her on the streets alone until she crossed paths with the blonde girl again at the same spot. The second time, she stopped him, wanting to invite him out for a quick slice of pizza. He was 14 years old, he has nowhere else to be, no harm done right?
After that afternoon with Ginny, he grew to have a small crush on her. He never admitted it because he wasn’t interested in any relationship or anything, but he did regardless. She realized mid conversation she never asked him about his name, as Joshua blinked and said his name was Tim Robins.
And she surprisingly brought it.
Little did he know, Ginny was just using him to get something from the store across the street from the pizzeria. She wanted a pretty little bracelet from the back of the store. Because two weeks later of seeing each other, after a small date at McDonald’s, Ginny wanted to go to the store to buy some extra lipstick and Joshua shrugged deciding it would be a quick trip. He knew he wanted to sneak into that park on the other side of town later on, and she agreed to his request. Ginny grabbed her lipstick, an extra pair of sunglasses, a keychain and that cute little bracelet.
They were out of the store within a few minutes flat, sometime later the two of them were sitting lazily on the swings at the park, chatting and laughing. The two shared a small connection, with his parents always being busy and not having time for them (again, another lie on Joshua’s part), how they wished they could stop time and get a moment to breathe. Ginny smiled holding up the bracelet with a small chain of a flower on it, talking about how everyone is a flower and they just needed time to bloom.
Joshua felt that piece to his core and leaned in to kiss her cheek, taking Ginny by surprise as she pressed a small kiss to his cheek back.
However the moment was cut short, as two police officers found them, taking both teens to jail to be held overnight. Ginny lied saying it wasn’t her fault, that her “boyfriend wanted to treat her nice” as Joshua scoffed telling the officer the truth about what happened. That he had no idea that she stole the bracelet…
Let’s just say the next morning, Ginny didn’t talk to Joshua again and left the guy alone to take the blame. Once he got back to his foster parents, Joshua got a stern talking to and slapped for his actions, grounding him for a long period of time. Thankfully they didn’t press charges on the boy per say.
He climbed into his bed that day, laying down holding up Pooh and said, “Winnie, never fall for some dumb girl..she will just play you.”
He sighed to himself muttered, “..what am I doing? I barely go to school, don’t even bother to have friends..hell, I talk to my old stuff bear, no offense intended Pooh, I’m pathetic..”
“What does pathetic mean?” Said a tiny voice, who open the door to his bedroom with mousy brown hair, green eyes and wearing a blue dress.
His foster sister Darby, only 7 years old, who entered the room, allowing herself to sit on the bed without his permission to do so. Joshua just sighed and rolled his eyes at her explaining what the word meant as she nodded. She asked if he was in trouble and he just nodded.
“How long?” She asked pushing her bangs out of her face.
“No idea..” He answered with a sigh.
“..wh-so what are you gonna do now?”
“I don’t know. I’m screwed here..and I lied a lot about who I am..”
“Maybe you can find someone to tell you who you are?”
He scoffed, “Yeah right. The papers aren’t easy to find, Darb, I tried.”
“Well um…how about you make up a story?” She asked again digging her fingers into Pooh’s belly, “..like the drawings..”
“Like my drawings? Darb, I can’t just do that.”
“Yes you can! Like when you created those characters in your story like..um..Piglet, Tigger..and-and..”
“And Roo? The ones with Pooh I tell you about?”
She beamed and nodded, “Yes! Yes! Like the one where Pooh has a tea party with his friends and you invite me!”
He chuckled at that remebering that story, “I remember that. Pooh got his head stuck in a hole and his friends had to pull him out afterwards.”
“Yeah! You can do that!”
“..okay. Okay, I’ll bite, what would my name be?”
“I don’t know..”
Eventually he did figure it out. It took him a while, especially after his time with Darby’s parents were up, but he did. Joshua would spend time with his friends and the foster care workers, crafting little details of stories to tell one day in his book. He would sent the little drawings to the girl as she would write back in letter in appreciation for his stories.
He even wrote himself into the story as Carter Robins.
Of course, over the years after turning 15 and meeting his family, being his parents, aunts and uncles. Essentially spending some time Belladonna, finding his faith in people and understanding the truth to his history, he grew into changing the name.
He learned small details about his past experiences and hidden memories he had no idea about. Such as his full name, his skill set, his role in the world as peacekeeper among his friends and challenging his own thoughts on who he was meant to be.
It was nice yet difficult as his thoughts, opinions and feelings ate him away in confusion. He was always comparing himself to everyone else and wondered if he did belong there.
And he did. Because like anytime in Joshua’s life, it took time and patience to get to that point of acceptance in order to appreciate that account in his existence. As during an accidental encounter with Belladonna’s discoveries, two of them were sent back in time to the Enchanted Forest, before they were ever even considered ideas in their parent’s minds.
In order to get back and restore the small damage they done, the pair of friends had to go undercover as royals themselves. Thanks to Cole! Bella was not up for the challenge of disguising herself in some snarky little outfit in the beginning but as time passed she began to accept the plan.
Joshua took the lead during beginning of their trip, entering a Royal Ball (Princess Michelle’s party to where she would meet Rochelle for the first time) with Belladonna using fake names.
He announced them as Princess Leia Swan and used his middle name to refer to himself as Prince Christoper Robin.
— The Eye Are Windows To The Soul 💫
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Joshua's ability to perceive discern the intentions of others through his eyes is indeed a remarkable skill, one that sets him apart and adds depth to his character. His eyes serve as a mirror to the souls of those around him, reflecting their true nature and motivations with uncanny accuracy. Despite this extraordinary ability, Joshua remains humble and compassionate, using his gift for the greater good rather than personal gain.
His keen insight into human nature allows him to navigate complex social dynamics with ease, as he can see beyond surface appearances to uncover the underlying truths. Whether it's detecting deception or sensing genuine sincerity, Joshua's eyes serve as a guide in his interactions with others, offering him a unique perspective on the world.
One look into his eyes and you might as well served yourself a chance at being his friend or foe. It’s a pool of curiosity his eyes carry, that might even make the other wish they looked the opposite direction.
This skill not only enhances Joshua's ability to connect with people on a deeper level but also underscores his innate sense of empathy and understanding. By recognizing the complexities of human behavior, he is able to offer genuine compassion and support to those in need, making him a trusted confidant and ally to many.
In a world where words can often be misleading, Joshua's eyes stand as a beacon of honesty and authenticity, shining light on the darkness and illuminating the path towards truth and understanding.
— Overall Tale 📖
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Joshua never thought himself as wanted, valued or respected enough to be cared for. As his journey from childhood to adolescence is marked by a profound sense of longing and displacement, coupled with moments of resilience and self-discovery.
Despite growing up in various foster homes and experiencing the transient nature of relationships, he finds solace in the companionship of his cherished stuffed bear, Winnie the Pooh. Pooh becomes more than just a toy; he is a constant source of comfort and a silent confidant in Joshua's tumultuous world.
Throughout his teenage years, Joshua grapples with a sense of identity and belonging, often feeling like an outsider looking in. He struggles to reconcile his desire for connection with his fear of rejection, leading him to adopt personas and aliases as a form of self-preservation. Despite his attempts to shield himself from hurt, he remains inherently kind-hearted and compassionate, traits that define his character amidst the chaos of adolescence.
Joshua's journey is also marked by pivotal encounters and moments of self-reflection. His brief but meaningful connection with Ginny Sullivan offers a glimpse of vulnerability and yearning beneath his guarded exterior. However, it also serves as a reminder of the complexities of human relationships and the importance of trust and authenticity.
As he navigates the challenges of adolescence, Joshua discovers the power of storytelling and creativity as a means of self-expression and healing. His alter ego, Christopher Robin, becomes a conduit for his imagination and a way to explore his own identity in a safe and nurturing environment.
Yes it will take time, however he is willing to take a step forward and make himself known to the people around him that he’s here to stay.
Ahh wow that was a lot! Sorry if it was long (i might add more stuff later you knows?)
Anyways please let me know what you think in the comments bellow, let’s chat!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @haleripley @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs and etc
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shellibisshe · 1 year
–oc tag game
tagged by @corvosattano @jackiesarch @marivenah @nuclearstorms @leviiackrman @nightbloodbix @chuckhansen and @queennymeria thank you all!
i think this has made it's rounds but tagging @loriane-elmuerto @jendoe @florbelles​ @unholymilf @denerims @risingsh0t @indorilnerevarine @lizzywizzy @ladysanjo @teamhawkeye @benwishaw @ghostfvcker and anyone else!
buckle up yall im going to get sappy. also super ungodly long post under the cut IM SAPPY
– favorite oc.
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spencer clarke [the quarry]
i say it a lot but. she is me i am her. like actually, spencer has only been an oc for like a week and she has taken such a tight hold on my brain. I pour a lot of myself into my ocs, but i think spencer is the oc that has really gotten the most. she is the closest to a self insert i think out of all of them, she shares a lot of my behaviors and such. but she is just so fun for me to talk about (im sorry to lori and aj) and figuring her out has been such a blast.
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amara owens [infamous: second son]
MISS AMARA CELESTE OWENS. I've had her for as long as i've had the fc5 clowns, or maybe even longer. Amara is an oc that makes me really happy. for a while, i never knew where i wanted to put her; i tried making her a multifandom oc but it just didn't feel right. then i played infamous: second son and it felt like everything just clicked with her. she's one of my most important ocs, no one else have i played the same game 6 times for.
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marian ramos de-león [red dead redemption 2]
ms marian is also one of my oldest ocs, she's a little younger than the fc5 clowns, but she's also one of my favorites. she's another really fun character for me to think about. it was so fun to play the game and know exactly where she would be and what she would say. while i haven't done much with her canon or sadie au, making this new, spooky au for her was some of the most fun i've ever had with an oc. using concepts that i've always been a fan of but never really used has been so fun and it all clicks so well with marian
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sylvie green [call of duty: modern warfare 2019]
my child whom i share custody of with lori. she has been one of my favorites for almost a year now, another one that has helped me figure out some stuff about myself, and like spencer she truly did grab onto my brain and has not let go. i never thought i'd make an oc for cod, let alone like,,,22 including side characters. half the fun has been getting to bounce ideas off of lori, and sylvie is absolutely one of those ideas. most things about her-- her name, her face, her backstory, even her ship-- are all lori's amazing ideas and i am so happy to have both of them in my life.
honorable mentions: elenore parker, hanan shepard, iseul jeong, corinne sorrell
– newest oc.
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spencer clarke [the quarry]
like i said! i've only had spencer for like,,,4 days i think atp. but i love her a lot. with it being summer time here, i started thinking about the quarry again and jacob those that have been here u know i see a himbo i have to make a partner for them and decided it might be fun to make an oc for a horror game for a change! and i'm really happy i did.
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jackie castillo [marvel]
more of lori's influence, seeing them talk about Asra and the rest of their marvel ocs made me want to make my own. Jackie is still a bit of a wip, but i love her all the same and i really do need to do some development on her.
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blake liu [marvel]
my other marvel girlie. even more of lori's influence. Riri's roommate turned fellow kidnappee turned girlfriend. Asra's adopted daughter. Blake is so many things but everything clicks so well for her. another one i need to develop more, but i am so happy to have her as well.
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thalia [assassin's creed: odyssey/origins]
thalia's some kind of phoenix-rising-from-the-ashes deal, but in a like, i scrapped one oc and made her. when i was overhauling Amara, i decided her assassin's creed au didn't really work, but i wanted an oc for odyssey so bad; so enter Thalia. she's one of my more stick in the mud characters but i still love her a lot.
honorable mentions: daphne palmer, silas kane, noah callaghan, andy kwan, rhea dawn
– oldest oc. (also; the favorites pt.2)
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elenore parker [far cry 5]
you all knew she'd be here. the blueprint. the very first clown. the batshit insane queen herself. the reason i made this blog. Elle has been through a lot. and i've been through a lot at the same time. she's been there for me as a creative outlet through a lot of bullshit and i am so thankful for her. making her let me deal with some of my own trauma in a way. she's one of the only ocs that i shove into different ships and aus, and every one just works so well for her. she's gotten a bit of an overhaul recently and i'm even more happy with her now.
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emily parker [far cry 5]
i can't talk about Elle without Emily. Emily is also a very self inserty character but she's also someone i wish i could be somehow. I don't lean on her as much as i lean on Elle, but i enjoy messing with her every time i do. she's an older oc, but there's still things that are up in the air about her namely if i will ever commit to shipping her with Wheaty.
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margo seed [far cry 5]
Margaret Elizabeth Seed, the only oc i have argued with someone about. she was the very first ship kid, such a commanding presence; ever since making her it almost felt like she made herself if that made sense? another one that things just really clicked with; she's also my first aroace oc, and that has become very important to me. she stands on her own, she's another one that i want to be like when i grow up.
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daniel seed [far cry 5]
the second ship kid. Daniel almost didn't exist, but i decided Margo could benefit from a narrative foil of sorts. he was a bit of a hassle, he was my first male oc and as such i couldn't land on a face claim for the longest time which was really frustrating for me. he and Margo are both such fun characters to write for, i love how i've managed to make them so similar and so different at the same time.
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warren armstrong [far cry 5]
Warren was made at the same time, or close to the same time, as Daniel. he's the first oc that I have actually come up with a family for though, and that has become somewhat of a trend because of him. Warren took a second to really figure out, but he fits in so well with the twins and their shenanigans once i did. I don't talk about him nearly as much as i should, but he is also one of my favorites.
honorable mentions: fern solace, ashlee burrell, katherine boyer, judith burch, kennedy ryder, amara owens
– meanest oc.
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ines cousland [dragon age origins]
I have a lot of violent or manipulative ocs (i think, at least), but none of them are on the level that Ines is. Ines walks around with a sort of chip on her shoulder about the world she lives in. she's composed and calculating and power hungry. she makes a lot of cruel and sort of impulsive decisions as a warden, but she is always one step ahead of those that challenge her. she knows she has enemies and she will stop at nothing to ruin their lives just for the fun of it. she's also incredibly ambitious as well; she wanted to be one of, if not the most, powerful people in Thedas, and she would stop at nothing to get herself there.
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rhea dawn [fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood]
Rhea is not nearly as malicious as Ines is but she has her moments. she's not technically a villain, but she's also not really going out of her way to help the heroes either. she's never really had any second thoughts about her actions, she will take her own side before anyone else's. she knows she's one of the most powerful alchemists in the world, and if that inspires some fear then so be it.
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levi choi [call of duty: modern warfare 2019]
he has to be here, but he's not really that mean compared to the two above. Levi's that friend that is always brutally honest, the one that you just want to fight sometimes because of it. he's not afraid to say what he thinks, he never writes a check that his ass can't cash, and you will hear about it if you piss him or his friends off.
honorable mentions: raina hawke, scott ryder, morgan brooks, noah callaghan, althea elowen, minerva siobhan, katherine boyer, shannon turner
– softest oc.
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melanie vargas [the last of us]
Mel is another oc that got somewhat of an overhaul. when hbo tlou came out, i decided i didn't like the direction i went with her, so i scrapped it and started over. she turned out a lot softer this time, being reworked to be one of the friendliest faces of Jackson now. she is a bit more of a background character now because of her role in the universe, but i think that works out better for her.
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amara owens [infamous: second son]
my favorite daughter here once again. Amara is one of the softer characters in the main cast of second son but that's not to say she's a pushover either. she would do anything for her friends, she would give anything to help a stranger. she's just one of those ocs that radiates a lot of positive energy and light.
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kennedy ryder [mass effect: andromeda]
another one that's soft but is not a pushover. Kennedy would do anything to help anyone in need, but she will not let her kindness be taken advantage of by anyone. she's seen a lot, she's been through a lot, but she doesn't let it get to her. she's also the resident optimist of the gang, which can be a blessing and a curse.
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nettie hayes [red dead redemption 2]
nettie, however, is too soft for her own good. maybe. she's the most optimistic oc of mine, always has her rose colored glasses on. in her mind, her world is a lot more idyllic than it is. she is a bit of a pushover as well; she can recognize when she's being screwed over but she won't do anything about it. she wears her heart on her sleeve and is probably the most sensitive of my ocs
honorable mentions: veris lavellan, bea morgan, daphne palmer, taylor ross, daniel seed
– most aloof/standofish oc.
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arden [potion permit]
she's quiet, she keeps to herself, she doesn't say much. Arden's not like this because of something that's happened to her, i think you could say; moreso, it's her line of work that made her like this. Arden tries to not get attached because she knows most people she deals with will only be in her life a short period of time. most people, not all of them.
honorable mentions: rhea dawn, spencer clarke, thalia, katherine boyer, ines cousland, nadine hayek
– dumbest (affectionate) oc.
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veris lavellan [dragon age: inquisition]
Veris Rila, my first inquisitor, one of the dimmest lightbulbs in my chandler but she still shines. she is the very definition of 'just trying her best.' she's smart in her own way, one that does not make sense to anyone but herself. she's also impulsive, almost out of spite at this point.
honorable mentions: daniel seed, margo seed, blythe trevelyan, silas kane
– smartest oc.
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gwen khoury [uncharted]
Dr. Gwendolyn Mila Khoury, Ph.D. Gwen learns shit just for the fun of it honestly, and she will spout off if given the chance. she is incredibly, and sometimes annoyingly, curious. Gwen will pick up a new language or skill just to learn something new.
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hanan shepard [mass effect]
another knowledge sponge, Hanan loves to learn about anything she can get her hands on. ship engineering, biotics, alien languages-- Hanan will find something new to learn whenever she can. and she will not hesitate to info dump on the nearest person.
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andy kwan [tomb raider]
Andy! another incredibly bright mind. she's working on her masters in ecosystems ecology for much of the tomb raider shenanigans, and she uses these trips for her own personal research. she's not quite on the 'learning something new just for shits and gigs,' but that does not stop her from constantly taking in some knowledge somehow
honorable mentions: amara owens, ethan moreno, taylor ross, spencer clarke, emily parker, iseul jeong, daphne palmer, nadine hayek, alicia rossi, jules rossi, blake liu, arden
– oc you'd be friends with irl.
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spencer clarke [the quarry]
we're ending where we started. i put spence in this category because i really do mean it when i said she is me. her behavior and personality is so similar to my own. she's another oc that is really someone i wish i could be like.
honorable mentions: daniel seed, taylor ross, ethan moreno, veris lavellan, blythe trevelyan, amara owens, blake liu, kennedy ryder, bea morgan
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flickynightdarkness · 2 months
List of all my DC OCs (with info about them)
Benjamin Williams
Night Edwards
Taylor Heather
Tootsie Jingles
Jamie Quinzel
Blossom Isley
Ray Nygma
Trace Dent
Talon Cobblepot
Kraig Jones
Hallow Crane
Meredith Miranda
Shade Miranda
Lucian Dorrance
Kaleb Langstrom
Fangs Langstrom
Kraig Jones
Katelyn Kyle-Angela
Katherine Kyle-Angela
Yang Blossoms
Josh Blossoms
Shade Miranda
Myers Miranda
Parker Miranda
Clover Miranda
Oliver and Misty Miranda
Coona Walker
Torch Lynns
Ember Lynns
Eye Lord
Laurent Crane
Lauren Crane
Frederick Miranda
Harriet Miranda
Nathaniel Miranda
Norman Miranda
Iris Miranda
Scotch Tetch
Bowie Tetch
Bonita White
Sage Merkel
Coal Kyle
Feather Cobblepot
Topher Blackfire
Swirl Valentino
Toffee Karlo
Blade Quinzel
Vince Isley
Berg Fries
Snow Fries
North Fries
Evelyn Wesker and Stitcher
Leader Scorch
Harrison, Carrie and Misty
Betty the Blob Caretaker
Bullet Slade
Dray Miranda
Michael Miranda
Colton Snart
Lynn and Len Bolton
Marcus Todd
Craven Crane
Lunar Crane
Michele and Michelle Wesker
Rose and Jacob
Jane Bell
Kristopher Charisma
Joel Adams
Maya Williams
Soul Winthrop
Haunt Crane
Sunshine and Raindrop
Marv Tetch
Rosa Hearts
Stephen Crane
Jade Nygma
Joshua Nygma
Flint Cobblepot
Covey Cobblepot
Danny Cobblepot
Spice Crane and Smoke Crane
Diamond Quinzel
Victor Crane
Fester, Mary and Clarice
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slayersindie · 7 months
hi! i'm buffy, a brand new indie roleplayer that focuses on writing as canon characters from my favourite fandoms! while my blog is no where near finished yet, i thought i would make a starter/plot call for when i'm ready! while i only write as canon characters, i will happily write against ocs and i'm crossover friendly (within reason). i've never done indie before and so please bare with me as i get to grips with it and learn the ropes.
i'm still setting up my muse directory, but i thought i would compile a list of the muses i write as under the read more.
if you're interested, please like this post and i'll come say hi in your dms!
addams family
gomez addams
morticia addams
buffy the vampire slayer
anya jenkins
buffy summers
cordelia chase
faith lehane
tara maclay
willow rosenberg
chris halliwell
cole turner
daryl morris
leo wyatt
paige matthews
phoebe halliwell
piper halliwell
prue halliwell
wyatt halliwell
gen v
andre anderson
cate dunlap
emma meyer
jordan li
marie moreau
god of war (2018/ragnarok)
grey’s anatomy (only up to season 11)
addison montgomery
alex karev
amelia shepherd
april kepner
arizona robbins
callie torres
cristina yang
derek shepherd
izzie stevens
jackson avery
jo wilson
lexie grey
maggie pierce
mark sloan
meredith grey
miranda bailey
owen hunt
stephanie edwards
teddy altman
marvel (mcu)
bruce banner
bucky barnes
carol denvers
clint barton
eddie brock
jane foster
kate bishop
may parker
natasha romanoff
pepper potts
peter quill
sam wilson
steve rogers
tony stark
wanda maximoff
yelena belova
pirates of the caribbean
elizabeth swann
jack sparrow
will turner
snowpiercer (netflix)
andre layton
melanie cavill
stranger things
jim hopper
joyce byers
edward cullen
emmett cullen
jacob black
rosalie hale
van helsing (netflix)
axel miller
jack van helsing
vanessa helsing
violet van helsing
the boys
annie january
billy butcher
hughie campbell
kevin moskowitz
kimiko miyashiro
margaret shaw
mother's milk
the mask of zorro/the legend of zorro
alejandro de la vega
elena de la vega
the mummy
ardeth bay
evelyn o'connell
rick o'connell
the witcher (netflix)
geralt of rivera
triss merigold
yennefer of vengerberg
michael corvin
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mistytwooo · 10 months
Personal posts
Kink shaming
Rip sub Edward Cullen
Cunty stiles
Petty writers who want to make us suffer
Minor police
Ppl weird obsession w/ making things submissive and child like (avatar
Eren being bulky
Sub Billy Hargrove x fem reader is so hard to find
Fems being submissive to the most submissive women in the franchise (wlw)
Rip Neteyam lil nigga died too soon
My filtered tags
Enough with the stepcist smut, get help
Petition for black ocs in the twilight fandom
Tag your shit sub reader so I can scroll pass that hoe
Avatar is dying, yall are fake fans
Ageing up Neteyam
Funk booty ships I don’t like
Dear fanfic writers, make a masterlist I’m tired of suffering
Literally all of Robert Patterson characters are submissive twinks with anger and self image issues
Petition to stop making y/n a bitch
Bella and Jacob’s age gap
Aggressive sub apocalypse
We need sub Edward Cullen
Ppl who write abt real life perverts
Are avatars/navi packing or nah???
Edward being Mormon
Ship shaming Peter Parker and Tony stark 🤢
The real enemy’s to lovers (Jacob and Edward.)
Tag your shit reblog page is finally up and running
Reblog stuff on your dump page (like this one.) unless it’s about freeing Congo and Palestine 
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lilghostiequinni · 5 months
What & Who I Write For
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Request Here & Guidelines
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these are the fandoms and characters I will write for, please read the note at the end if you do not see the fandom you want.
Neteyam Lo'ak Jake Sully Neytiri Tsu'tey Tonowari Ao'nung OC Characters
Hunger Games Trilogy/TBOSAS
Peeta Mellark Cato Hadley Finnick Odair Haymitch Abernathy Coriolanus Snow Sejanus Plinth
The Vampire Diaries Universe
Stefan Salvatore Damon Salvatore Silas Jeremy Gilbert Kol Mikaelson Niklaus Mikaelson Elijah Mikaelson Finn Mikaelson OC Mikaelsons Kai Parker
Outer Banks
JJ Maybank Rafe Cameron John B Routledge Pope Heyward
Alec Lightwood Jace Wayland/Herondale Johnathan Morgenstern Julian Blackthorn Mark Blackthorn Will Herondale Magnus Bane Simon Lewis
Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier Steve Rodgers/Captain America Tony Stark/Iron Man Thor Odinson Loki Laufeyson Bruce Banner/Hulk Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver T'Challa/Black Panther Namor Peter Parker/Spiderman(MCU-TH) Peter Parker/Spiderman(TASM-AG) Peter Parker/Spiderman(SP-TM) Miles Morales Miguel O'Hara Johnny Storm/Human Torch
Harry Potter
Harry Potter Draco Malfoy Theodore Nott Matteo Riddle Eos Lestrange Fred Weasley George Weasley Charlie Weasley Bill Weasley James Potter Sirius Black Remus Lupin Severus Snape Lucius Malfoy Regulus Black Evan Rosier Rabastan Lestrange Roldophus Lestrange Thomas Riddle Abraxas Malfoy Orion Black
Real Life
Tom Blyth Austin Butler Tom Holland Roman Reigns Cody Rhodes
Formula One
General Lando Norris Carlos Sainz Oscar Piastri Charles Leclerc Max Verstappen George Russell Logan Sargent Alex Albon Lewis Hamilton
Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen Paul Atreides
Mako Mermaids
Zak Blakely
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson Luke Castellan Will Solace Nico di Angelo Jason Grace Leo Valdez
Jasper Cullen Edward Cullen Emmett Cullen Carlisle Cullen Jacob Black Sam Uley Paul Lahote Charlie Swan
DC Comics
Clark Kent/Superman Bruce Wayne/Batman Arthur Curry/Aquaman Barry Allen/Flash
Lance Sweets Jared Booth
Arthur Pendragon Merlin Emrys
Anthony Dinozzo
Grey's Anatomy
Derek Shepherd Mark Sloan
Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
Adrien Agreste
Four/Tobias Eaton Eric
Jim Lake Jr.
If you don't see someone, or a fandom, that isn't up here, you can still request that, just know it'll take longer so I can watch or read it.
I am pretty lineant on who or on a fandom, I will most likely add it, if it's requested.
I am willing to write for female characters just know that I am not the greatest at it.
I am willing to write for Eurphoria, Saltburn, GOT/House of the Dragon characters, I just have yet to watch those that I haven't figured any sort of people yet.
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this is what I am willing and not willing to write, this is very basic because I only just started it will get more detailed as I write more
I will write for these
Fluff Smut Angst Dark Combinations of those
I currently don't have really anything I won't write for because of plans I have for a story that involves SA, but I won't write detailed SA scenes, just mentions.
But please be mindful of your requests.
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