endiness · 1 year
on a “roman is gay/ace truther” level, i find the idea of roman going after kerry to be so baffling because, like. every time he's expressed 'attraction' to women his father finds attractive and approves of, it’s always seemed so desperately performative to me, like roman trying to convince the world (his father) that he's sexually attracted to women when he isn't. and, like, by the end of the s3 he can't even manage the charade anymore? like, when logan asks him if he thinks kerry's attractive, he just answers in a very tired, practically monotone, unconvincing voice "yeah, yep."
(plus i feel like with where roman's been at so far this season it doesn't make any sense, either? because if he did pursue kerry, at least to me, it would come off as incredibly performative. and i feel like that’s something roman’s had a problem with all season? like, he could've easily made a joke about his father's sex life in the last episode like everyone expected him to but he didn't. he didn't want to. he didn't want to slip into that role because that’s what it is for him: a role he’s been playing. and he's tired of it.)
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outlawssweetheart · 11 months
I swear, Ethan Bailkirschdry could look this Hellfandom dead in the eye, knife to their throats, happy as a camper to kill them, then tell them sincerely and with his whole chest: “I love and miss my brother; I want to avenge him, and I’m more than happy to kill you!” And these bitches would start foaming at the mouth, like: “No you don’t, Angel Baby Pie, it’s all your father!!” 🙄
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viulus · 1 year
Games that I like and how they handle racism
Virgin Great Ace Attorney Chronicles vs CHAD Disco Elysium
#vu's posts#tgaa#disco elysium#i've been thinking about this for a while lol#my fixation before de was tgaa so. i'm bound to make comparisons#it helps that they're both VNs/point and clicks where you solve murders and such. it's hard not to compare em really#no but yeah i adore tgaa but WOW is the handling of the racism just. terrible#it's literally a shallow 'oh we're all people at the end of the day' thing. it's literally so insulting tbh#it's more frustrating since the writing is otherwise incredible imo!#also frustrating since it plagues my favorite character grrrrr#(and yes i mean van zieks <3)#he's so well written and it's just this one aspect of his character that's just so terribly done!#they could've just made him racist because of his time period or w/e. but as is his racism is tied to his trauma??#plus he NEVER faces consequences for his racism. hell KAZUMA never even calls him out on it and he HATES bvz like?#also doesn't help that ryuu (the victim of most of the racism) kinda just... lets it slide for the most part#esp once he finds out why van zieks is racist he's just like 'oh that's understandable actually. ur racism is justified here' like no!#meanwhile disco handles the topic with the nuance that it needs to be given yknow?#also it very clearly frames the constant racism that kim puts up with as something that Affects Him#and plus he doesn't just take it! he's a super composed guy but you can clearly tell how uncomfortable he is-#when ppl around him are throwing around racist bs#and plus despite being a very composed person he DOES snap at someone at least once in canon over it#(e.g. the ''don't you welcome to revachol' me' bit... which btw i will never be normal about <3)#(honorable mention to his 'i feel less bad for breaking in here now' bit when you go into the cryptofascist guy's apartment-#after he sees the racist mugs. he was so right for that fr)#ALSO back to my earlier point about it clearly affecting him. i feel like he does have some like. idk internalized racism?#like his whole thing with being proud to be a native to revachol and being proud that he never met his seolite grandparents#like MAYBE you could read that as him just really caring about his home city. but it also reads like internalized racism to me#ANYWAYS there's more i could say here but you get the point#tgaa racism themes are badly written while de racism themes are well written#va4 rambles in the tags
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denimchicken · 7 months
such a perfect day 🥰🥰🥰
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jmagnabo92 · 5 months
So I saw a post on Instagram, and it said:
‘Isn't it funny how James Potter decided to bully and harass a malnourished little boy from an abusive family just for existing, and years later, James' son became a malnourished little boy from an abusive family that bullies him just for existing’ 
And all the comments were agreeing and saying things like, ‘Karma’, ‘Glad I’m a James Potter hater’, ‘Don’t understand how he has even one fan’
And I was like… what??? Was so tempted to write a whole thing about it but decided the hate I’d get wasn’t worth it. What are your opinions about this? 
That's my initial reaction.
Don't these people know that the sins of the father shall not be visited upon the son?
It's not karma for Harry to suffer for James' mistakes. It's bullshit and I hope that no one that believes that has ever done anything wrong in their lives or their kids shall suffer. AND THERE"S NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT THIS BS.
Now, let's point out how else they're wrong.
First of all, I had to re-read the Prince's Tale - and mind you, I did skim it so I could've missed things, but there is NO WHERE that says he was 'malnourished' as a boy. Not a single description said anything was physically wrong with Snape like malnourishment. It talks about his mismatched clothes, and his parents arguing. There's a line about James having an 'air of well-cared for - ness that Snape lacked' but there's NOTHING that he states he was malnourished or even abused.
So that's utter BS. I won't argue about the abuse, but there was no evidence that he was malnourished.
As for the about "just for existing" - I think a lot of people forget that SWM canonically happens *after* James saves Snape's life from Werewolf Remus. The reason that it's easy to figure that out is there is a scene with Snape/Lily arguing about the MM thing and she literally mentions James saving him the other night.
The next scene is SWM.
Now, before get into that importance - I want to point out that in the scene about MM & the saving of Snape, Lily asks, "Why are you so obsessed with them?" and if it was a relentlessly unfair bullying situation there's two obvious answers:
A) he's been bullying me for years
B) I have to obsess so I can get one over on them.
He doesn't say either of those things - you know what he *does* say - he says "Potter fancies you"... and more about 'how great he thinks he is'.... isn't that rather suspicious?
You know what's also suspicious? If Snape's being relentlessly bullied than WHY DOESN"T HIS BEST FRIEND KNOW THE OBVIOUS? Maybe because it wasn't a situation of bully/victim - maybe it was a rivalry like Dumbledore suggested in the first book.
Now, back to the timeline:
So James saves his life and yet says "it's the fact that he exists" - which sounds terrible, right?
Of course it does, but here's the thing - Snape had literally as recently possibly two weeks previously (we don't know *exactly* when but sometime between Nov of 5th year and OWLs) had attempted to (at best) OUT Remus (at worst) KILL Remus - who is ONE of James' BFFs. Now - on top of that - we know that Snape has been obsessed with a theory for ages about Remus. We see this in the MM & Saving conversation - Lily says "I know your theory" with the air of someone that has heard his theories before. Given that he only found out *for sure* within a few days of that conversation that suggests that he has been going after Remus for a while.
So, here we have Snape's attempt to get Remus out or killed and James has every reason to hate him - he's a loyal guy. He believes in his friendships so much it cost his life and literally learned something that could put him behind bars *just to help his friend*. Whatever happened, however it happened, that doesn't matter to James.
What *does* matter is that Snape tried to detrimentally hurt his friend. So he has a reason, but in SWM, he literally *can't* say that. He would be outing Remus and he's not going to do that.
Which means he NEVER did anything *just because he exists* - he had a reason, he just couldn't say it.
Now, why does James have fans?
Because he's a good man. This is the man that did stupid shit when he was a teen, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad, but nothing he did was ever on par with the things that Snape was doing - I've got a while post on that.
After he grows up, he joins the Order - to do good for people that he doesn't have to care about, yet does. He does so much good, he becomes a target. In that, he then goes on to give his life for wife and son. And they think this man doesn't deserve fans? What Bullshit is this??
ANYWAY, my longass point here is that: They're idiots, and I kind of wish that some people had more thought into the situation. James deserves better.
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ponett · 11 months
with the fallout of bandai namco's idiotic "it's up to interpretation" bs, do you think that it's possible to enjoy queer media made in a corporate environment in addition to independent works? is it even worthwhile to attempt making queer media in a corporate environment? i find it special how well the g-witch production team managed to tell the story they wanted even with the challenges and pressures they faced, but i have to admit that independent works like slarpg are always going to more completely tell queer stories. as someone who has resonated with both slarpg and g-witch, i was curious to know your perspective.
i'm probably less cynical about this than a lot of my peers are - not that i can blame anyone for feeling cynical about queer rep from corporate-owned media. (we've been through so many First Ever Gay Disney Characters at this point, and lord knows blizzard loves to tease that another overwatch character might be gay every year or so as a PR move.) unfortunately it's just extremely hard to get something like a full season of an animated series funded and produced independently, so the artists looking to enter these fields and pour their hearts and souls into meaningful queer stories as a full-time job don't have many options
going indie gives you theoretically endless creative freedom to tell your stories without corporate censorship, but it's also a massive gamble. only an extreme minority of indie creatives in any medium are actually able to make a living. the fact that i came out the other side of slarpg's development with enough money that i can keep being a full-time indie instead of being in massive debt makes me one of the lucky ones. and even with my modest success, i sure as hell don't have the money to hire a whole team, which limits the scope of what i can make. so i can't turn my nose up at the queer people writing disney channel cartoons where they can't say the word "gay" out loud. they have health insurance, i don't. for most people, what i do is simply not an option
with the corporate-produced Queer Stories i enjoy, i'm often able to squint and see what the creatives were trying to do, wishing that they could have done more while understanding that they probably had to fight tooth and nail for what's there
in the realm of children's animation in particular, i'm thankful that the people working at these studios ARE fighting for more, because it means that kids today have so many more positive queer stories to relate with. i didn't have a single gay character i felt i could relate to until i read scott pilgrim at age 16 and saw wallace wells. before that, i felt so alone in the world. i denied who i was for years because it felt like there would be no place for me. i didn't know anyone openly gay in real life, growing up in the south, and in fiction gay people either existed as the butt of a joke or not at all. the fact that queer kids are now able to see people like themselves in so many shows means something, even if we still have a long way to go and the big studios continue to be a major obstacle
on the subject of g-witch, i'm honestly unfazed by the statement from bandai-namco. i guess i wish they could've let suletta and miorine kiss, but like... the text of the show is extremely blunt about them being a couple by the end. it's not up for debate. and it's not like a gundam series having a meaningful story in spite of the wishes of the toy-producing overlords is anything new, this is just our latest example
all that being said, i do think people should branch out more and explore more weird indie shit if they want more wholeheartedly, openly queer stories. people gotta suck it up and embrace more outsider art instead of only valuing things with studio-level production values. start looking at ren'py visual novels, rpg maker games, obscure webcomics, zines drawn in sharpie, artists on bandcamp who aren't signed to a label, all that jazz. maybe part of the reason why i'm not more fazed by the state of affairs with corporate-funded fiction is that i'm constantly surrounded by furry artists who are telling their own little gay stories
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Something about Izuku I keep thinking about is how much he's a downright hypocrite and the only reason he isn't called out on it is because he's one for himself and not for others and at the core of it all it boils down to his pending childhood issues and the *vaguely gestures* "relationship" he and Katsuki have- I mean, just out of the top of my head:
Wants to be a strong and dependable hero but is at his weakest when he's alone.
Says to Himiko he would never hurt someone he loves but was the reason Katsuki was forced to dance with death until his own sacrifice. Hell, I'm expecting him to actually accidentally hurt Katsuki (Physically? Emotionally? You decide) next time they talk.
Wants to save people with a smile but barely cracked genuine ones during his battle with Tenko- I can think of two(?), and even then those felt more like a resignation (379 and 412 iirc) than actual smiles.
Being aware Kacchan's a jackass, fine, but the entire "Imitate the people you love/admire" themes, having an attitude when heated or absolutely Done with anyone's BS (makes sense for someone who grew up besides a kid in the Inferiority-Superiority Complex but still) and "This is a battle between All For One and One For All, you can't keep up" is still very much pot calling the kettle black (it's because his "arrogance" is rooted in selflessness and desire to be useful but that's for another day)
Deadass called All For One out for being a lonely man pretending to be a "Demon Lord" yet will not admit he himself thinks a he's just a lonely kid pretending to be a hero; and by the time he seemed to be growing out of it: Paranormal Liberation Front.
"IT'S YOUR POWER, ISN'T IT?!" Cool, nice of him to comfort Shoto and try the same with Touya, now if only he could do the same in regards to himself and OFA-
Wasn't able to connect with Tenko at all and that's why he failed but it's wild to me he'd still the one who even at surface level could relate to):
Spinner, because they're nerds who were ostracized based on Quirks/lack thereof looking for a purpose and were unable to help him because of AFO's interference;
Himiko, because they want to be like others (because they hate themselves at least a little bit) but also show love in a way others wouldn't accept and;
Touya, because they wanted to prove they could be useful to others and be heroes to the point of actively harmed themselves while using their own Quirk.
Hell, when you think about it he related to the crying child but he could've used Literally Anything from his relationship with Katsuki to try and reach Tenko, but of course he didn't, that means he'd have to think about his own issues and yet he saw Tenko's issues no wonder he didn't get the job done-
Also can we talk about him saying he relates to Ochako confronting Himiko but she actually succeeded- Or even Shoto wanting to forgive Endeavor; I keep recalling both Ch. 322 him saying he won't forgive Tenko for anything he did (understandable but still) and Tenko going "And I won't forgive anyone". Connecting these three instances are huge stretches, I know, but really, he hasn't addressed the apology he got- combined narrative punishments for empty platitudes.
Kept saying he needed to improve in his control with OFA: had to get beaten up during his internship and in the Summer Camp for that lesson to stick... Then he heard the words "Control Your Heart" and decided to Not Address It At All.
Supposed to surpass but he's really All Might's successor in every way that counts: Smile so nobody will worry, keep fighting even though you are destroying yourself, be so selfless you'll make your friends desperate enough to make you stop for your own good, hide every single thing you can about yourself, the only difference is in the bed they made: Toshinori lies in omission most of the time, and Izuku thinks he lies in white when almost every other character's in the dark, but as long as there's a dream of bright smiles in the future, who cares they're now forcefully entangled in this nightmare, right?
And these are just the examples I can think of the top of my head, there might be more, but. No wonder we've been "panicking" (let's be real his therapist already scheduled him for Ground Beta atp-) Shoto and Ochako brushed him off by accident in Chapter 425, it's the consequences of his hypocritical ass coming back to bite him-
(I am not hating on him, by the way, it's just something about him I wanted to point out. I like that aspect of his. Makes him more human. But jeez can someone call him out and make him practice what he preaches? XD)
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verdart · 2 months
I made the unfortunate decision to comment on a tiktok saying
"Blitz has every right to doubt Stolas' intentions and I will di on this hill defending Blitz"
Which made me actually realize in the context of Stolitz how much the fandom vilifies Blitz.
Upon rewatch I realized that he is actually kinda innocent lmao. So here comes the rant hop on in Verda rants at 4am again train.
The thing is first of all we need to work our media literacy muscles. So Stolas stans who think he is a uwu babygirl that dod nothing wrong repeat after me. "Blitz didn't watch "just look my way", "owl in a cage" or any other Stolas longing scene that we cried over"
Now that thats setteled I don't want to hear any "he is trying" bs because as of now (pre full moon s2e8) he hasn't actually done anything that Blitz is aware.
Lets start from the top my initial comment was about how Stolas treated him for so long before actually catching the feelings and how Blitz has a right to think he is not genuine.
Up top lest start with the condescending pet names and I won't be hearing Blitz cant be mad at that Stolas does it bc he thinks he likes it... jesus okay s2e1 when stolas starts the imp dirty talk what does blitz do a) encourage him b) get naked and dtf bc that was hot, c) shuts him up
Ding ding ding C. Stolas can still take this as bedtime play sure but we have a case for Blitz not liking it from day one. Other than that we all know he views Stolas' (perhaps in his mind endearing) pet names as condescention.
Secondly even if we ignore the power imbalance Stolas is the one to suggest the transactional fucking... s1e1 even tho in the forst time it was Blitz's doing, sorta. So don't at me saying well Blitz just uses him for the grimoire, like girly duh that was the premise. But Stolas also uses Blitz. Imo lending a book vs fucking in payment is a bot excessive but for Blitz's case beggars cant be chosers.
Now to the elephant in the room... Ozzie's. Does Blitz invite him (Stolas) purely out of selfish intentions that has nothing to do with him? Yes. Is he a dick? Yes. But Does Stolas hide his fucking face when he has a reality check? Yes. But then y'all be mad bc Blitz pulled his hand back.
That night Stolas was read once, Blitz was like at least 2 times... if we don't count the stuff for Stolas by proxy. He was having a hard night bro. And after Stolas invites him he is like no and Stolas respects that. Which if the show didn't add s2e2 in between it wouldve been a perfect stepping stool to get the Stolitz on healthy communication territory but that didn't happen.
I cannot for the life of me pin point when Stolas genuinely falls for Blitz. If its from day one damn it took him long enough to understand what he was doing was wrong.
Anyways we as fans can't be mad at Stolas because we know he is starting to understand the absolute power imbalance he created and the position he left Blitz in. He has realized that the thing is lets remember and repeat "Blitz is not watching the show with us". Blitz doesn't know of this sudden change of heart.
Now to adress a few meaningful interactions we have after ozzies. The fucking pixelated phone texts from s2 western energy.
Stolas apologizes but in that way that I look down upon. "Sorry if" like girl own it up anyways Blitz brushes it off and Stolas instead just goes hehe I didnt care either. Yall need relationship therapy my god. Important thing is Stolas was trying to reach out. But instead of going anything I said that made you upset etc he could've actually apologize properly for getting ashamed. Tho Blitz should also apologize for inviting him on a date for his own gain but thats another bag of worms I won't open tonight.
Other than that he has put off seeing him and doing the transactional fucking for a while. During those times. And as we know from all the phones Blitz breaks after talking to Stolas and hearing hus dirty talk he isn't too excited about. We don't exactly know if he comes or not on those nights. But he is also showm to be quite comfortable in s2e2 with the "my dick is good but its not that good" comment so maybe they do continue the arrangement... idk. Either way we know they haven't really talked.
All I am saying is that both parties of this ship are guilty af of hurting eachother and taking advantage of eachother. But as the power house of this power imbalance, Stolas needs to be held accountable. And he is doing that now!! Or will, in s2e8 and I can't wait to see how that goes. Overall, I can see totally why Blitz shuts down any signs that Stolas might actually be into him. He has a good bunch of reasons too. And as far as we've seen from the trailer we will get to hear him say it out loud as he should.
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stormblessed95 · 6 months
I don't think I can think of Jikook as special anymore when JK literally acts same with everyone especially JM and Tae. I saw jikookers overjoyed when some restaurant aunt said JK looked older blowing Jimin his hot food but we didn't knew on other side another aunt said even nicer things about tkk... we didn't even saw it while JK treating Tae at a restaurant footage is literally out. There are few exclusive things to Jikook I agree but who knows whether JK did the same things with others which wasn't caught on cam ? He might have bitten their ears too. Someone else has bit his neck and it made a bruise too. I'm glad I checked why tkk was trending only to see Tae and JK stuck with each other in whole LA and LV concerts.. even in beach while JM was alone by himself. Now what they used to say make sense because HYBE successfully hidden all these clips in memories but included in documentary. I understood whatever jikookers i follow was giving a vague idea of whatever happening.. always explaining away what others does as just friendship while what jkk does is some fairytale love story shit when it's really not. How can one be love story while other moment which is same as jkk is just friendship? If jkk are real then so is Tkk and jinkook or whatever and if all those are just friendships then so is Jkk. Simple. Now jkkrs will highlight and overhype JK cooking for JM in Jimin's apartment as if JK havent done the same for Tae and Jin especially Tae who said many times already that JK cooks for him while JM said he haven't cooked ramen for him yet.. but jkkrs ignore that and call JK 'Jimin's personal cook' yeah cook who cooks for all his hyungs including Jimin 😑. There's a reason why jkkrs always complain how Fandom ignores jkk... well what's special to highlight with them ? JK treating Jimin just like how he treat everyone else ? He speaks very highly of RM everytime thus even they are highlighted more than Jkk. Now I'm inclined to believe he definitely have a gf because all those 'if I was JK's gf and see Jkk....' is just BS because why she should be even mad ? That her bf treats his hyungs all the same and with love especially JM and Tae whom he grew up with ? Sorry but I don't think Jikook is real.. as in Romantic relationship, it's absurd to think it that way anymore.
How new are you to watching BTS content? Lmao how new are you to my blog? JK feeding Tae is what put you over the edge? When they've been doing that for years? All of them? I guess then you REALLY should have followed me much sooner. I had a whole series of BTS feeding each other I posted.... I could've helped you come to your new conclusions MUCH sooner! Saved you a ton of time and saved me the effort of trying to read your exit speech no one asked for. You can stop shipping at ANY point freely, I even encourage it. But I really don't need or care to know about it. Thanks anyway!
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class1akids · 10 days
In what ways do you think bakugo's final endgame could've been done better? I really like your theory of bakugo being a team leader using what he learned in the remedial class.
Disclaimer: this is my personal view and I’m not interested in having arguments about it and please don’t attack me if you liked his endgame. You are valid.
I also realize that some issues could still be addressed in the epilogue.
But here is a list of stuff I didn’t care for / would have liked to see go down differently.
1. No fake out death
It was unnecessary, didn’t really further the narrative beyond escalating Shigaraki (which given he wasn’t saved didn’t get a good pay-off).
2. Better team narrative (this is my main gripe)
One of the biggest issues I had with it was the extremely flimsy team-narrative that story-wise treated the entire UA Float team as dispensable extras as there to ensure Bakugou's survival only to be forgotten immediately.
Bakugou's and Izuku's original friendship was set-up around this idea that Bakugou even before he had a quirk was a charismatic leader type who inspired confidence in the neighborhood kids and Izuku admired his spirit and confidence and that's why he followed him.
In the final war, Bakugou was surrounded with a team he barely had any connection or history with (except Best Jeanist).
Edgeshot’s sacrifice (which got walked back anyways) didn’t feel like an emotional pay-off but as plot convenience and was barely acknowledged. The No3-5 heroes and the UA big 3 got obliterated to save Bakugou, and then immediately have been treated as extras who do not matter at all.
When everyone did the big last push together, who were the only people who didn't show up? That's right. Bakugou's "team" - even though Mirio wasn't even injured, only so that Bakugou could get another totally unnecessary and frankly BS "feat" of "we have no idea how he travelled several km-s because it doesn't make any sense". And when he woke up in the hospital, he only worried about Deku and All Might, but not the people who saved him. In fact, even at the Big 3 graduation, the story doesn't bother to recall that these guys almost died for Bakugou.
Rather than self-exploding sweat, I vastly would have preferred his heart being started with Kaminari and Momo making a defibrillator for him. They were right there and have history together. I think whoever kept the Twice clones away from his body would have deserved a panel, etc.
This is in great contrast to Deku who has all the people he helped and inspired come to his aid. Even Shoto gets a pay-off for saving and inspiring Iida in the Stain arc. But Bakugou? Nothing. The supposed Twin star of Class A gets no circle of influence.
His win against AFO was also the same flimsy team narrative, where he's basically getting the kill-shot on the back of the effort of people he didn't inspire or hype or help in any way. He also benefitted from a random resemblance to Kudou. The vestiges happened to abandon AFO just at the right time. Just the perfect circumstances.
I personally would have loved to see Bakugou work together with others, figure out combos, give them courage, and get pay-off of his built up relationships with other characters, not just Deku and All Might, rather than treating everyone who came in contact with him as disposable extras only to further his glory and win.
3. The character whose ego led to his downfall sure got an ego trip to lift him up
Bakugou is one of my favourite characters, but I felt like his endgame didn't really focus on all the aspects I loved about him. And I feel a strong dissonance between his supposed enlightened state of mind and the narrative framing. Like accepting that he's not the strongest, only for the narrative to give him another immediate power-up, while giving Izuku a nerf for me takes away from the power of the “win over his ego” when he doesn't have to live even 10 minutes with the power gap.
4. Child born out of love triumphs over child born to an abandoned prostitute
I found some of the AFO vs Bakugou foiling pretty distasteful personally. Like it felt like Hori was moralising there a bit telling us that children born and raised with love win in life while kids born to a prostitute and who are abandoned to be eaten by rats have worse life outlooks. Which is true - but unlike in the case of Ochako vs Toga, it was not framed with the same empathy.
I'm curious where the epilogue is going, but I'd love to have back the Bakugou we saw in the Dark Hero arc, who was working with others, was engaging with them as equals and not being constantly lifted above the entire narrative getting special treatment.
And a lot of that rubs me the wrong way. Unless it goes towards a deconstruction. Because with the MC treatment Bakugou got, it almost feels like Hori is building him up as the next Symbol - and maybe it will be up to Bakugou to reject being propped up as an invincible figure and advocate for a different way forward where flashy quirks don’t get idolized, where he acknowledges the help he got and where he can point at a quirkless kid and say that “he is my hero”.
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sorcerous-caress · 6 months
Back on my Counselor Minthara bs again.
I’m just imagining the moment she’s finds out you actually slept with one of your professors.
The white hot rage that sears through her, first on a professional level because that’s a line that professors and students shouldn’t cross, then on a personal level because that is a line she’s wanted to cross since you came in her office with your tail between your legs for the first time.
But now that you’ve done it, all bets are off and she finally propositions you. If you’re going to be a whore, you’re going to be hers.
The entire time she fucks you she just wants to hear about how much better she is than your professor.
Yes ma’am, your dick is so much bigger than his. No ma’am it’ll never happen again, I promise.
You confess he didn’t even make you cum right before she sends you crashing over the edge for the third time.
She gets off work every day at five. You know where to find her if you ever find yourself getting tempted again.
Him. Are you hinting at what I think you're hinting anon? Gale?? Halsin? Karniss? Nere?? Omfg Wyll?? Wyll would be like the college dean's son no doubt.
Imagine how much self-restraint it took of her to stay on these lines, bordering what's appropriate and not for the two of you to do. Anyone lesser than her would've expected you between their legs during the second fancy dinner they paid for you.
But not Minthara, never her. She spoiled you rotten, let you get away with so many things and dress code violations. Just because this is a campus doesn't mean you get to walk around on some days dressed like a stripper and yet Minthara herself wrote you that permission slip.
And she was willing to play the long game, keep this up until you graduate so then she can finally get you working under her with a salary your colleagues could only dream of. Personally write that letter of recommendations about you to the dean.
But being a whore runs in your blood apparently. She should've kept the leash tighter around your neck and had lower expectations of you it seems, why else would you go seeking those pigs who drool at the sight of your exposed skin without hearing a word coming out of your mouth?
But maybe she should thank that useless cuck you decided to spread your legs to, wasn't it for him, she would've still waited all those years when she could've had you warming her sheets way earlier.
If you're so desperate to be known as the campus slut who bends to older men, then Minthara is sure to fuck some manners into you as your counselor.
You can't complain about the way she's pressing you into a mating press first thing in the morning just before classes, you asked for this after all. She knows if it's not her strap cock stuffing your loose hole than you wouldn't know how to behave yourself, would you?
She should get you expelled for this, for being so easy. Rage still fills her whenever that one professor walks past her on campus, imagining his filthy hands on you.
Normally she let's go of pets who don't know their place, if a bitch in heat wants to stray then Minthara will make sure to lock the door after them so they may never return.
But something about you made her give someone a second chance for the first time in her vindictive life. Be grateful and do not mess this up.
All your time in between lectures is spent in her office from now on. Under her desk, sucking on her swollen clit and lapping up her wetness as she works on her laptop. One hand on your head to force your head deeper down and keep you in place.
Her heels dig between your legs, letting you grind your heat against it as you play with yourself. She tells you to hurry up and cum already or else she's not unlocking her office door and you'll end up late again for you lecture.
And oh, this time around, she is never writing you pardoning permission slips again. You had it too easy before, now you have to work and earn everything she might ever give you.
Greet her with a kiss, cling to her, and show her your true devotion. Ask to accompany her home, and she might take you to dinner before tying you to her bed with a vibrator set on max all night long.
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ellie-the-oracle · 2 months
Star Wars: The Bad Batch - Series Finale Discussion and Thoughts
So now that the series finale is right around the corner, any thoughts, comments, feelings etc. about this final season and the show as a whole? Let's discuss! I'd love to hear your opinions.
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Here are mine! Please remember that these are just my opinions and experiences with the show :) Potential spoilers below if you're not caught up!
For me, I have loved this show and have dedicated far too much time to it. Perhaps my faith in it was too high because it was in that Clone Wars style animation and I prefer animated series over live action. But to be honest, with it ending, I'm not going to lie, there is much I'm disappointed about. I honestly don't know how they're going to wrap this all up in one episode because there is far too many plot lines that are still open and unresolved. Here are just a few of my questions:
- What happened to Cid? - What will happen to Pabu? - Where is Cody? - What will go down with Wolffe? (we know he survives as we see him in Rebels, but are we going to fill in that gap) - What does the batch even want/what is their goal? - What's Omega's purpose? - What is project necromancer? (we can probably assume it has to do with the sequels...) And about Tech. I'm still very upset with what they did to him. It was a cheap death that only served to elicit a reaction from fans, and it was all in vein because they didn't find Crosshair and Omega got captured anyways. I truly thought he would come back due to the overwelminng foreshadow and his generally unfinished story, but with one episode left, I think he's truly gone; unless they pull some super tragic bs. Also, I feel like this was the worst season. Sure, I really appreciated and loved seeing Crosshair coming back, dealing with his trauma and bonding with Omega. But the story was all over the place and they had even less of a goal than they did in the first two seasons, which was a very unclear goal to begin with. The second half of this season was especially messy. They have wasted so much time on pointless stuff that could've been done in one episode. Anyways, I'd love to hear what others think and feel. And again, these are just my thoughts and opinions :D At the end of it all, I'm glad to have experienced this series, even with its flaws. I'm glad to be a part of this community. And I'm glad to have gotten the chance to love a character as much as I did and still do like Tech. Even though he is gone, he'll forever be such a special, important and impactful character to me.
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bangtanjjks · 3 months
there isn't a day in my life after I read acowar where I am not mad about the stupid death bargain between feysand (at least when the universe decided to remind me that it exists, like today. after I read about it again in a fic. it gave me flashbacks. bad ones)
BUT IT'S ALSO SO FUCKING STUPID IT HURTS ME TO THE CORE OF MY SOUL. like. like. Fey I could understand. she's 20. TWENTY. tf does she knows about leading a whole court of another species? she barely lives as a fae for one year. I won't be fooled into thinking she knows enough on how to basically run a country (hell, nesta probably knows more about running something since she's the first born daughter, mama Archeron probably taught her how to run the household, that's more than what fey would know.)
fey is 20 something, she just saw her mate dies in front of her, that's traumatizing. I get it. she wouldn't want to go through that again. emotions are thick so common sense would take a back seat in that situation. BUT RHYSAND???? 500+ YEARS OLD? who's probably been a high lord for more than half of it?? YOU'RE A LEADER BRO. YOU DON'T THINK TYING YOUR LIFE TO SOMEONE ELSE COULD BE CATASTROPHIC???? like.... did he not think of his court, of his people, the very same ones he wanted to protect so bad he'd become amarantha's whore, when making that bargain? what if one day both the high lord and high lady dies. THEN WHAT??? so baffling.
why is that bargain even written in the first place, what is its purpose for the plot progression? Sarah could've just write a hot and steamy feysand post-we-died-but-not-really-war sex and be done with it without the stupid bargain.
almost ruined the ship for me... and then SJM pulled the pregnancy bs. and that was that. that severed any love i had for canon feysand. I love Feyre. I love Rhys. but them together*? no thanks🙏🏼
and that is all. I just... I read a fic with this death bargain mentioned. and now I'm having flashbacks of being 19, stressed out of my mind for finals, and thinking I could find joy and relax when I finally had time to read acowar. only to find out about the bargain. and then acosf happened and..... I haven't touch any books SJM released ever since lmao. I was that betrayed😭
*in canon. I would still eat up any fanon feysand works like it's nobody's business. that's MY high lord and high lady!!!!
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moongothic · 5 months
Hi! Just found your blog and I'm having a blast reading through your Croc theories and analysis, they're great! I wanted to ask you what you make of Croc's last manga appearance (I think), where Buggy announces he wants to be Pirate King. Just before that Croc mentions they need power and influence to form their utopia. It bugs me. Operation Utopia was your typical bad guy plot, but now he's still going on about that? What's that about? What idea of utopia could Mihawk and Croc possibly share??
I mean the OG Operation Utopia was simply about creating a military nation powerful enough to oppose the World Government, Crocodile explained it during the Alabasta arc explicitly. And the reason he targetted Alabasta specifically was because he believed Pluton would be there which would make his military nation unstopable.
So it's not entirely shocking Crocodile still wants to create that military force, even if he's given up on the Ancient Weapon part.
What bothers me is:
Why did Crocodile wait two whole years until he made his first move at restarting his Utopia Plans?
Why does he want that military force to begin with?
Like the easy answer for 1) would be that Crocodile had to wait for his turn to become plot-relevant again and was simplying enjoying his vacation in the meantime. Like considdering the shit happening during Dressrosa, Whole Cake and Wano, having Crocodile start his BS early would've been a distraction storywise frankly and Oda had enough balls to juggle at once with those sagas. But also, it is odd Crocodile hasn't done ANYTHING ahead of time to start rebuilding a new military force, like. He had two whole years, what the fuck was he doing then? Why wait that long just to start??
And I can only assume... he was waiting? For something?
Let's think about what has changed in the world of OP between Dressrosa and now, like the big, key events that impact the whole world:
Luffy has not just returned to the pirating scene after two years but has caused a fuck ton of world-shaking chaos in the New World (becoming an Emperor being simply the latest big thing)
Reverie happened
The Revolutionaries attacked Marijoa for the first time
The Shichibukai System was demolished
And there's two things we can kind of take-away from these.
If Crocodad Real, Crocodile watching his son take the spotlight could've inspired the man to move; the WG would want to target his baby boy and thus becoming an intentional distraction could be his goal here. Alternatively, hearing that his ex Finally Did Something could've made Crocodile be like "fuck I'm not losing to Dragon" and inspired him to actually make a move himself.
OR. Perhaps the end of the Shichibukai System is what got Crocodile to actually make a move? Because there's two things; One, he was able to make a very powerful ally very fast when Mihawk became a target for the WG. It's possible Crocodile might've been waiting for an opportunity like that, to recruit someone reasonable, reliable and extremely capable to make his own future endevours easier. Two. Because Crocodile gave all his money to fucking Buggy, it's possible Croc could've been broke these past two years. But knowing Buggy's now lost his Shichibukai Rights, THAT may have been why Crocodile decided to go get his money back when he did. Because if/when Buggy decided to skedaddle and disappear into the wind, there'd be no way for him to get his money back anymore, right.
OR. It could be all of these things together. The planets aligned and Crocodile saw now was the time to make his move. Maybe. IDK.
And then we get to 2, Why Does He Want To Create That Military Nation To Begin With
And I have no idea
I mean there's the whole Romancing SaGa 2 thing, but while that would work as proof of Crocodile's motivations, it doesn't explain particularly why he wants to destroy the WG. Like not that you need a personal motivation considdering what the WG is like, but without the motivation it's hard to tell if it's for World Domination or something else.
Though if Crocodad Real then it'd sound very reasonable if he was very intentionally trying to fuck with the World Government to protect his son by
trying to put a target on his own back and act as a distraction
take down as many Marines as possible to dwindle down the enemy forces (making it harder for the WG to make moves on anyone)
lowkey assisting Dragon if he wanted to mayhaps attack Marijoa again if he's actually up to doing something now
just prepare for a war against the WG
Or any combo of the above.
Like. I dunno man Crocodad really would just explain so much
But it all remains to be seen
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nonsensical-pixels · 2 years
Today, it's finally here, and with proper grammar and punctuation (hopefully!), as my 200th post. The proof that only @lindasims2 could've destroyed her own content.
As a bloody April Fool's joke.
And we've all been blind to it for years and years and years.
With the help of @fireflowersims, @bstu, my buddies Yolkema and Zeta_Reticuli on the Simscord, @honeymoonseason, and many other lovely folks who are also tired of Linda and her followers' BS, we finally got proof that only LINDA, ONLY LINDA, could've destroyed those files we got.
Keep reading, it's a long one, but I promise it's worth it.
Firstly, I returned to my roots: the March 2021 set. I wanted to see what else I’d missed. Now, when I loaded up a specific pair of leggings Linda made, I finally understood why the polycount is so high.
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If you zoom in closely, you can clearly see that each subset is duplicated multiple times. At first I thought that was normal, until I realised that it's all identical. And uh, that's not normal!
Now, what did Linda herself say? That she has experience in… clothing?
Yeah, I’m pretty sure you'd be able to do this, Linda. With your eyes closed.
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For awhile I wondered why this particular image was thrown in so randomly into not just this file, but almost every file in the March 2021 dump. But thanks to Linda’s providing that lovely VK link on her callout post against NoMoreSims2Patreon, I finally know the only person in this that had any ‘sentimentality’ regarding Mr Junior over here. (Yes, it’s not actually McQueen, which makes it all the more specific! I love it!)
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This was posted just 1 day after that lovely March 2021 dump finally released, on 1st April. No coincidence, I bet, that this Junior is being sent by the lovely lindasims2 herself! Photo provided by @honeymoonseason and also shared to me by multiple others :]
Yeah, Linda, what do you have to say to this…? Your favourite fake Lightning McQueen has finally exposed who actually placed him in this file, and only because you were kind enough to link us to your VK group <3
So, after this pretty incriminating discovery, I decided to backtrack and take a look at what Linda claimed in her callout post to NoMoreSims2Patreon:
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These files were apparently last edited on March 28, many days after Linda made a post announcing them. Which points to the leaker being the one to edit them, right?
Well…Linda, did you forget how you operate or something?
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Linda uploaded these files on April 1st 2021, having ‘forgotten’ to upload them on March 31st. Credits go to @caramelsmiles12 and @honeymoonseason for the pics <3 Yeah, Linda, thanks for admitting your own guilt?
It’s impossible for any leaker to be able to edit files before they’re even released. To my understanding, Linda purposefully added those corrupt characters and NSFW defaults to her CC, as a sick April Fool’s prank on the people who download her leaked CC.
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All of the files you see above, have had the hidden sim, PT 19 (also renamed some very bad slurs by Linda) slipped in. (Though #332 has been accidentally saved by me, lol). The top-only teen-elder male folder also contains the weird gigantoborkodoggo default. And they were all last edited a day before Linda even released the files to her subscribers.
@fireflowersims was kind enough to do some experiments with the corrupted files, to see what else we could find, as well as to dig deeper in them. I won’t state all of them here, but here are a few that stood out to me:
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I can already hear Linda’s hardcore defendersand subscribers in my askbox (like @alicestrife and @sims2x10 <3) claiming that the pics have been edited, that somehow I have changed the story, etc. I have done nothing except look at the facts I have dug up or been shown. If you want proof, look at this post, it contains some stuff that may interest you and was found over a year ago. As well as the original files :]
I can already see that not being enough for some of you, so here’s the logic even if you don’t take the incriminating Junior (yeah, the fake Lightning McQueen) JPG, or the fact that the files were edited pre-release, into account.
Let’s look at the pros and cons to corrupting these files, for both Linda and her leakers.
PROS FOR LINDA: Gets to ‘expose’ the leaker that has been a thorn in her side all this time. Gets to prank the clueless people who download from her for April Fool’s. Gets more subscribers since people are desperate for ‘good’ content from her.
CONS FOR LINDA: Some people may accuse her, but of course, she always points them to her leakers. Because who else gets direct content from her? Only her hardcore patrons, who won’t turn against her.
PROS FOR LEAKERS: Uhh… maybe gets a kick out of seeing people get mad at Linda?
CONS FOR LEAKERS: People no longer trust them. They won’t download their content, which is how pirates survive in this community. Attitudes towards pirates have always been terrible in this community, especially from the paywallers themselves. Also, people will probably accuse them since they are the people who reupload CC.
Who do you think would have corrupted these files, even without the evidence shown above?
Stolen meshes, illegally paywalled content, etc. was never enough for Lindasims2, clearly. No, she had one thorn in her side that she wanted to get rid of: NoMoreSims2Patreon, who continually shared her files FOR FREE to the public and meant she made much, much less money.
So, for one final April Fool’s joke of leaked content, she slipped in a very large, very corrupted surprise for anyone who downloaded from her leaker–and sat back and waited. A year later, @dystopianam stumbled across that hidden surprise and on spiraled this saga of discoveries by myself and many others.
However, Linda made a couple of mistakes. She assumed people would look at her response post and think, oh, surely it’s the leaker! Linda’s dates match up!
But thanks to Dale Earnhardt Jr. himself, a bunch of Simscorders and many others decided to research further. And found her lie. Thanks for having such love for a minor Cars 1 character, Linda!
I urge everyone to do their best to report Linda’s Tumblr account, Boosty, Patreon, etc. What she has done ON PURPOSE to destroy people’s games and frame others is NO JOKE. I am not sure if we can take legal action against this sort of ‘malware’ that she produced many years ago, but I know one thing.
A minimum of 2278 simmers have downloaded the reuploaded archive containing Linda’s special April Fool’s 2021 joke. 2278, not counting anyone who might’ve been shared these files through other links, downloaded them from friends, etc. 
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surielbonecarver · 2 years
Did it annoy anyone else the way Nesta was treated in SF?
Trauma is not an excuse to treat people like shit. I don't excuse the way Nesta treated everyone around her, but tbh they weren't treating her much better either.
The only 2 characters that made me feel they really cared about Nesta was Feyre and Cassian.
Feyre and Cassian make it clear that they don't condone her actions, but they also show over and over how much they truly care about her.
- Rhys: When they had their intervention with Nesta he spent the entire time trying to threaten and intimidate her. What got on my nerves was how both Feyre and Cassian call him out on this, but nothing really comes of it even when he's described as feeling "guilty" for doing so. Another thing that got on my nerves was how it seemed like Feyre was going to put her foot down because he kept crossing a boundary she put in place regarding how he treated Nesta only for the narrative to turn around and say "nope, they're actually jus gonna have sex" (when Rhys dismisses the servants after the intervention and Cassian asks if he dismissed them so they wouldn't have to hear Feyre scolding him for how he acted).
One of the few times we see Feyre actually talk to Rhys about how he treats Nesta, he says that "Elain is Elain" bs. I get that Nesta isn't a Saint and she was definitely in the wrong for how treated everyone, but tbh it really made it feel like the only reason he didn't like her was because she has a disagreeable personality as opposed to Elain who's easier to get along with. Which... to each their own, but if someone said some bs like that to me about my siblings, I'd be pretty pissed tbh.
When it comes to Rhys, it reminds me of when Feyre asked him "how do you know when to be High Lord and when to be family?" Rhys constantly approached Nesta as a High Lord when she really needed family, and apparently seemed to not understand why she kept figuratively slamming the door in his face because of it.
Amren: In the beginning, it did feel like Amren cared for and was concerned about Nesta. But it was the constant slut shaming for me. Definitely could've went without that. It was also how to felt like Amren weaponized her trauma and insecurities against her. Amren used that as an excuse to not tell Nesta something she had every right to know about herself. And then was upset with Nesta when it ultimately ended up blowing up in their faces (Nesta telling Feyre the truth). Even though Nesta didn't do it for the right reasons, it still left a sour taste in my mouth that they got mad at her even though they were the ones that lied to Feyre.
Mor: Mor has literally been Nesta Hater from the beginning, because the bond between Nesta and Cassian has been obvious from day 1 and that threatened the dynamic she had with Cassian and Azriel. Let's be honest and admit that that's why she doesn't like Nesta. All things considered, Nesta has never done anything to Mor personally. Especially nothing to warrant Mor comparing her to the people of the Hewn City aka the people that literally tortured her. When Mor said that, there were question marks floating around my head. Because yes, Nesta can be a bitch sometimes, but comparing her to the people that dumped her outside of the Autumn Court and left her to die? Uh... no. Bffr.
Elain: It was the slut shaming for me. I did the math... after Nesta was put in the House of Wind, and Elain visits her... it had only been 2 weeks since Nesta started rehabilitating. 2 weeks in the HoW, and when Elain comes to Nesta saying stuff that ofc upsets her she wants to say "Nesta isn't getting any better". Babe... it's been 2 weeks. Idk... sibling dynamics are complicated, so I kind of give Elain a little bit of a pass compared to everyone else because of it but the slut shaming really really got me. The way Elain made it seem like she was better than Nesta because "at least she wasn't fucking strangers".
Which was super ironic to me, because it ignores the fact that 95% of the inner circle has said numerous times they they have 1) drowned their problems with alcohol and/or 2) had sex with strangers on numerous occasions. The alcohol and sex was never the problem. The problem was why she was doing it. So it was annoying whenever Amren or Elain made it out like that was the problem, when it wasn't (off the top of my head, they were the only two that actually slut shamed Nesta).
Azriel: He mostly keeps to himself in SF, and there aren't a lot of interactions between him and Nesta, but what gave me the inkling that he at least cared about her was how much care and thought he put into getting a gift for her. Which shows that he took a lot of consideration into her likes and interests.
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