#OG Lestrange
As the Sun Sets // Misunderstanding // Part Nine
TW: Name calling?
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Theos POV:
The Great Hall was buzzing with excitement. Banners hang from the ceiling in green and silver and in blue and bronze. The first quidditch game of the school year, and the last. Dumbledor has called for a half day due to the excitement of today, though I am feeling anything but. 
I have been trying my hardest to avoid Scarlet. Watching her run to Adrian that day, after the horrid things he has done to her. Hearing him tell her it was him or me, cemented the fear in my brain that I will never be enough for her. 
The mere thought that she has chosen him over me sent me spiraling into a sea of disappear. My fathers voice rings loudly in my head. My deepest fears of never being enough, losing my best friend have come true. That night I vowed I would leave her be, and let her be happy. Even if it was with that bloody git and not with me. She deserves the world. She deserves to be happy.
Blaise and I had one more practice early this morning, causing us to be late to breakfast. We make our way to our spot at the end of the long table, I hear her laugh first. That angelic sound that sends heat pooling throughout my body. Her laughter fills my body with happiness and anguish all at the same time.
Pansy and Scarlet are wearing their Slytherin house pride gear. Their outfits consisted of green and silver dots placed strategically around their eyes. Pansy is wearing Blaise's spare jersey, while Scarlet is wearing Draco's jersey from last year. Her hair is pulled half up and tied with a silk green bow, as her curls loosely cascade down her back. She looks absolutely beautiful. 
I ignore the pang of sadness in my chest as the sight of her as I swallow my feelings and walk over to the group with a plastered look of indifference. 
“There you boys are. I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up.” Pansy states, picking at her eggs. “Are you two big manly men ready to kick some Ravenclaw arse?” 
“This is stupid.” I take a seat next to Pansy, so I don't have to look at Scarlet. “We have bigger things to worry about then some bloody Quidditch match.” I grumble under my breath, pouring myself some tea to keep my hands from fidgeting.
Pansy smacks my shoulder as I take a sip of my tea, spilling it on the table below me. “What the hell Pans?” I shout, as I clean the mess she caused me to make. 
“She's right. We need to act normal. Which means going to the game. Act excited, like we always are.” I hear the silky voice of Scarlet from next to our raven haired friend. Even though I can't see her, I can just imagine the sorrowful face she is making. She has been making it alot lately. 
Pansy hums in agreement. “So, that means me and Scarlet will be in the stands as always. Though, this time Draco will be with us.” 
“Whatever.” I mumble under my breath getting up from my seat. Ignoring the scoffs and attitude from the group. They can all sit around and pretend like nothing is happening but I can't. The anxiety I feel for my two best friends -- two people who I care the most about in the world are going to be in danger and I am told I can't do anything to help. The feeling of uselessness is suffocating.
I look around and spot Padma, walking over to her, I tap her shoulder. “Hello, Padma. Beautiful day for a walk isnt it?” This has been our code word over the last two years. If we ever need a distraction, we will ask the other about taking a walk. Whether it be tired of studying, parents on our arse, or just plain horny.
Padma turns around with a smile on her face. “It is Theodore. Shall we?” I extend my hand out for her as she grasps it, excused herself from her friends and we walk side by side to my dorm. Since everyone is out at breakfast the room should be empty. 
As we make our way out my eyes wander around the room and meet with Scarlet's green ones, though they are foggy with occlusion. Sadness envelops me as I force myself to look away. 
 “So, what is with the doom and gloom Theodore? It's the first game of the year, you should be bubbling with excitement.” Padmas voice drags me away from my thoughts of Scarlet. I don't know what to tell her. How to explain the storm that is raging on within my head and my heart, So I tell her the truth. 
“Adrian gave her an ultimatum. Him or me.” I cough to cover the cracking within my voice, giving away the sadness that I truly feel. 
“I see.’ Is all she responds with, as we continue to walk in silence to my dorm. 
Padma takes a seat on my bed, sitting against the headboard. I drag my legs to move me to the edge of the bed. Staring off into space in front of me, losing the interest of the distraction beside me. 
After a couple of minutes of silence, I feel her move closer to me. Placing a gentle hand on my back. There is no sexual intention in this act. It's friendly. Sympathetic.
Padma speaks up. “Theodore--” Her voice low in a soothing tone. “Dont.” I interrupt. “Do not give me some bloody speech about how I should tell her how I feel. I've gotten that enough from the rest of them.” 
She huffs but doesn't remove her hand. No, she's now rubbing my back, slowly. “Fine. I won't. “ Moments of silence. I should be getting ready for the game, but this heavy feeling in my chest just won't go away. Padma stands up, and I suspect that she is taking her leave but she turns to face me. 
Her tone has shifted from sympathetic to one of annoyance. “What are you so scared of, Theodore? That she doesn't feel the same? Or that she does?”
I clenched my fists so hard I feel as if I will start bleeding. “Both.”
“She’s your best friend Theodore, you love her.” Padma said softly, sensing my anger from the conversation. “You’re in love with her.”
Of course I love her. How could I not. 
“Your silence speaks volumes.” She states, with her arms crossed. I still don't respond. I just keep my head down. Ignoring the cowardice that I feel. 
“Theodore,” Padma whispered as she stalked closer, once again placing a hand upon my shoulder. “You can’t keep avoiding her forever. You’re not only hurting yourself, but you're hurting her as well.”
I turn away, tensing my shoulders. “I know. But what if she doesn’t feel the same way? What if it ruins our friendship?”
“What if she does?” Padma countered with a small smile. “What if she’s waiting for you to take that leap? I don’t know Scarlet very well, but you do. Could you think of any reason she would have not to put herself out there?”
My eyes met hers, vulnerability shining through. Of course. Scarlet has always hidden her feelings. She always puts others before herself.  In her head, making sure everyone else is happy is what's most important. “I can’t lose her, Padma. I need her in my life.” 
I heave a heavy sigh, feeling the weight of my words on my chest. “Maybe this is just all we will ever be.” 
“Love is a risk, Theodore.” Padma said. “But so is regret.”
She stepped back from me, turning towards the door. “Tell her, Theodore. Tell her how you feel. Life is too short for unspoken words. You never know what may happen.” With that, she leaves me alone with my thoughts. Thoughts of what a life with Scarlet being more than just my friend could mean. 
Fuck, what I would give to be more than friends with her.
I talk the long route to the quidditch pitch. Padmas' words rung in my head on a loop. “What if she does?” “Love is a risk, but so is regret.” Is it possible that the girl I have been in love with for years feels the same way? Scarlet Johnson. 
The girl who I have spent everyday for 5 years admiring? The girl who learned how to brew Blood-Replenishing potion, Murtlap Essence and Essence of Dittany in order to heal me after trips home to see my father. Who will stay up late with me to discuss the magical theory of potions, or will help dissect the ingredients of a potion piece by piece to figure out where I went wrong. The girl who will put everyone's needs in front of her own, if it means they will be happy and safe.
Could she possibly love me too?
I sure as fuck hope so. 
“Nott, I want you to keep an eye on Cho.” The git's voice brings me out of my thoughts as I look in his direction. He still has bruises around his left eye and along his jaw. A sense of pride surges through me knowing that I am the one causing the bloody arse pain. 
“Cho? You want me to follow the seeker around all match?” I know he is just doing this as a way to get back at me for beating the piss out of him. 
“Yes, Nott. Do you have a problem with that?” He flashes me a cocky smile. Whoever voted for this git to be captain must have been drunk off Ogdens. “Whatever.” I grumble, as he gives the rest of the team a play by play. 
I am the lone survivor in the locker room, when suddenly Adrian crashes into me, a malicious smirk on his face. "Enjoying my sloppy seconds, Nott?" he sneers, "She loves it rough, especially when you yank her hair. She's always been a masochistic slut." 
My blood boils as I hear him speak, but before I can react, Blaise restrains me with a firm grip. "He's not worth it," he says in a pleading tone. I shake off Blaise's hold and seethe with anger. "I can't keep watching him treat her like utter garbage. She deserves so much better."
Blaise looks at me with a mix of confusion and concern. "Yes, she does deserve better, but resorting to violence won't solve anything."
I roll my eyes, knowing that Blaise will do anything to prevent Draco and I from getting into another brawl. "It's not just about her anymore. They're not even together." My shock is palpable. "W-what? What do you mean?"
In that moment Blaise drops a bombshell on me; "She chose you, mate," Blaise declares with a hint of admiration in his voice. “How'd you not know? He hasn't been around since that day. Scar has been an utter mess--” He pauses looking at me with a sense of pity. “You haven't been around much now that I think of it…”  
Scarlet and Adrian broke up. She chose me. Scarlet Johnson chose me and I have been ignoring her. My body is fighting with itself. To be overjoyed or to feel regret and disdain for myself for being a bloody wanker for the past week. 
“I have to find her.” I shoot out quickly. I must apologize. I need to see her. 
“We have a game mate. Find her after. You know where she'll be.” Blaise gives me a sly smile and pats me on the back pushing me towards the door that leads to the pitch. 
“I'm going to tell her. I'm going to tell Scarlet Johnson that I love her.”
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ATSS Tag List: @helendeath
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cruxxio · 7 months
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𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 - 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 - 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐭 - 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲
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spooky-albi-bumblebee · 2 months
I think that pre-Hogwarts Sirius used to “friends” with Evan and Rabastan, or at the very least he found them the most tolerable of the playmates his parents approved
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marylily-my-beloved · 5 months
(forgive me I have only watched the english dub on netflix, ik im part of the annoying people)
A glitter force au, for the marauder era girls (idk their name thingy, sorry.)
Like I can just imagine it, Pandora as Glitter Lucky/Emily 100%, they have the same vibes, and the same whimsical energy, and also while Glitter Lucky is rlly clumsy, she's smart and would proabbly die bc of a failed something she tried to do don't even lie.
Marlene as Glitter Sunny/Kelesy because they're both sporty, and they're both really energetic, and also orange is so her colour (fight me on this /j).
Glitter Peace would sooo be Mary, bc they give off those ~vibes~ and the fact that Mary didn't rlly wanna fight bc it might hurt her friends, and then decided not to?? Like so Glitter Peace. Also Mary is yellow. That is my ted talk yuh
Glitter Spring, is … hear me out y’all … I feel like she is such a Dorcas, cause she's so strong willed, and they both give off green? (in a good way ofc), i also feel like this bc the way April/Glitter Spring acts in the series it shows how powerful she is, and how like she would do a lot for her friends.
Last Glitter person is... Glitter Breeze!! Glitter Breeze is calm and collected and does a lot of stuff, and has a personality rlly rlly rlly close to Lily. The way she is when we see her in school kind of matches up with Lily a lot. I also feel like Lily would rlly like blue, and also lily would so be kind of a leader and helps people + also does everything herself (am i projecting? maybe...)
NOW ONTO THE VILLIANS YIPPIE !!! (am I too happy for this? yes. do i care? no)
Ok so that witch girl? BROOHA BROOHA, I LOVE HER OMG. She gives off Alice vibes?? (plz bear with me) My reasoning for this is that like Brooha (help it autocorrected brooha to Brookhaven? I’ve never wrote that…) isn’t really that evil (am I lying maybe…) and also she works rlly hard and also also, she’s rlly good at messing with ppl? And also I just rlly wanted to add Alice in + they both give me hardworking vibes Wolf guy Ulric feels like he could easily be (pls don't kill me yall) Narcissa, because he thinks a lot, and also (personally) is like the good middle between Brooha and Brute. I also feel like this bc Narcissa would go banger in his outfit ngl. And also not only the vibes, but the way he talks? If that makes sense? And also I know this is in no accurate sorry abt that
Brute is (and again hear me out guyssssss) Bellatrix even though Bellatrix is acc rlly smart, and this is because Brute is always jumping into action like Bellatrix, and also I rlly feel like the way he acts and how he really doesn’t give half a shit about the Glitter Force living or dying unlike the others is really how Bellatrix would be/how she is
thank you for coming to my super long ramble abt AUs
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deathnguts · 1 month
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So you’re telling me this isn’t our queen Pandora Lovegood???
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lupuslikethewolf · 2 years
Pandora: you ever just lay in bed at night and think about the inevitable death of the universe and how one day your mortality will catch up with you and drag you kicking and screaming to your chosen afterlife?
Barty, who just wanted coffee: . . .
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slitheringghost · 2 months
JKR: My truthful answer to you… I always thought of Dumbledore as gay. [ovation.] … Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald, and that that added to his horror when Grindelwald showed himself to be what he was. To an extent, do we say it excused Dumbledore a little more because falling in love can blind us to an extent? But, he met someone as brilliant as he was, and rather like Bellatrix he was very drawn to this brilliant person, and horribly, terribly let down by him. Yeah, that’s how i always saw Dumbledore
i had no idea the OG “dumbledore is gay” quote had this bit about bellamort omg?? jkr has always been overwhelming negative about bellatrix so this quote in contrast is interesting! and the closest jkr gets to acknowledging bella’s victimization by voldemort in extracanon
also 1) bella as voldemort’s intellectual equal thank youuuu 2) bella and tom are not straight #confirmed 3) fitting that bellamort is compared to the canon gay couple rather than any of the straight ships ‘cause they are truly the only good canon het ship in hp
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sevsimp77 · 6 days
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I felt like proper homage needed to be paid to the OG Death Eater Queen since I did some Death Eater drawings. Helena Bonham Carter is a fabulous actress and she did such an amazing job in the role of Bellatrix Lestrange! It was fun sketching up her character.
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mirotilo · 1 month
"If Lorenzo, Mattheo and Tom are all Bellatrixe's sons, why aren't they portrayed as brothers, not just Tom and Mattheo? And isn't Draco their cousin too?"
This is a topic i've seen a bunch of people questioning the fandom about, and i've been thinking over it a bunch now so deal with my ramblings, please!
okay, in the slytherin boys fandom, it's an established fact that Tom R. (the third) and Mattheo R. are brothers - both the sons of Voldemort and Bellatrix. But, it's also headcannoned (is that a word?) that Lorenzo B. is also the son of Bellatrix with Charles Berkshire - so why aren't they at least called step siblings by the fandom?? the fact that mattheo and tom are the sons of voldemort and bellatrix comes from "The Cursed Child", where they have a kid (who's name and gender i forgot, my bad). Personally, i dislike the book/ screenplay, and don't consider it canon, the same way hogwarts legacy isn't exactly canon too.
a bunch of people also like to headcannon tom and mattheo (mostly mattheo) as having hispanic/ latino roots, and Tom (voldemort) i'd say isn't exactly any of those, and neither is bellatrix. So we come to my first conclusion, which is that Bellatrix is in fact, not the mother. Tom (before becoming voldemort) had been described as having explored some islands (not sure if they say where, but follow me, i swear i'm going somewhere), and while in one of those places, he 100% could've got two different - or the same - women pregnant, and we can assume that they are hispanic/ latina.
so that solves the Riddle brothers, but what about Lorenzo? well, in my head, it does make sense that bellatrix would've been his mother, and his dad being Charles (no clue where the name came from, but i dig it) Berkshire, they got married, had a kid, and then she just left, went even crazier and got her lil parasocial/non existent relationship with voldemort - without having any kids with him (or if you really like The Cursed Child, they could have the kid after that). Now it's a smaller part that does still bother me though, where does the Lestrange lastname come from? Lorenzo's dad could've been Berkshire-Lestrange (or Lestrange-Berkshire), and that's how. But i want to complicate it further, just to explain his relationship with the Blacks/ Malfoy's.
I like to think that Bellartix got married to Rodolphus Lestrange, either divorced or cheated on him, had the kid with Charles, which caused her son to get frowned upon by the Black family, but still be close to Malfoy, as i imagine that Narcissa wouldn't care that Lorenzo was born 'out of wedlock', and always wanted him and draco to be friends - which also makes sense if you read the og Lorenzo Berkshire fanfic, where they're cousins...
ANYWAYS, that's my rambling for the day. let me know your thoughts on this family tree!!
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metalomagnetic · 2 years
Original Voldemort meets fan fiction Voldemorts.
***A while back I got an ask that wondered about all of Voldemort’s lovers from my fics meeting each other. So I wrote a fun little ‘story’ (here it is) and I promised a sequel where OG Voldemort returns these strange people to their respective universes. ***
“Here,” he snarls at a younger version of himself, pushing Abraxas towards him. “You lost this.”
Voldemort worked tirelessly to escape that room, with all those crazy people. But now he has to return them to their respective universes.
“Oh, thank Merlin,” Abraxas says, rushing towards an eighteen-year-old Tom Riddle. One that looks at Voldemort with curiosity.
“What happened to your face?” he asks, regarding Voldemort closely.
Voldemort is not in the mood for answering questions.
Abraxas whispers how horrible it all was, clinging to Tom like a baby.
Yet less revolving than other future meetings. That’s why Voldemort started with this universe. He found it the easiest to stomach.
He moves on to the next, popping in to snatch Black out of the room before opening another portal.
He finds a middle-aged version of himself pacing in Lestrange Manor.
“Oh, gods be good, there’s two of you now!” Black says, horrified.
“Sirius,” his other self says, sounding oddly relieved to have this boy back.
He moves in front of him, as if to protect Black from Voldemort’s gaze.
He’s hostile.
“I hope no harm came to him whilst in your care,” he says, caressing his wand slowly, in a threatening manner.  
“I could wipe the floor with you,” Voldemort announces.
For a second, he’s tempted. This one looks like a competent man. Yet how competent can he be if he has a thing for Sirius bloody Black?
“Yes! Fight! Wait, let me get a drink, first!” Black says, excited.
“I can’t. I’m on a tight schedule,” Voldemort drawls.
“How convenient,” his other self says, still eyeing him carefully. “No more drinks for you, Sirius. You’ve had quite enough. I wouldn’t want you to end up in yet another universe.”
He somehow sounds impressed with Black.
Voldemort makes a face and leaves them to it.
Bella is next. And her Voldemort is very similar to him. They are virtually the same, from what Bella said, except this one has apparently agreed to have a child.
And there’s the child.
“I expected better from you,” Voldemort says, when he sees his twin, snake face and all, standing by a crib.
Bella hurries over, takes her beloved daughter in her arms. “Did you miss mummy?”
The other Voldemort looks exhausted.
Was he the one to take care of the baby in her absence? Surely not. He couldn’t have lowered himself to that.
“As if you don’t know persistent Bellatrix is,” the other hisses in parseltongue. “It might be in your future, too.”
“I assure you, there will be no children.”
“If you say so.” The other shrugs, doubt in every word.
Voldemort leaves, even if something inside him is morbidly curious to catch a glimpse of this child. How does it look like-
He squashes the ridiculous impulse and returns for the next traveler.
“Thank you for your assistance,” Grindelwald says, as soon as they Apparate in a…well…place. It’s very colourful. Looks like a fairytale cabin.
Oh, this is the dead one, right. There he is, coming out of the cabin. He looks as young as the first version, but only looks it. In his eyes, Voldemort can glimpse horrors that even he hadn’t yet faced.
“Liebling!” Gellert says, cheery. “Look who I found!”
But his other self doesn’t look at Voldemort. He grabs Grindelwald roughly, possessively, and drags him towards the cabin.
He’s dead, and he has no magic. No wonder he doesn’t want to face me.
Voldemort feels a stab of pity for him. That’s a horrible fate, really.
But at least he seems to get on well with Grindelwald.
“Trust me, my love. We are not missing anything. Being in the living world is so overrated,” Grindelwald is saying.
“Shut up and keep walking.”
Voldemort watches them advancing towards the cabin, past a row of strawberry bushes.
This one was the last easy one. Now come the hard ones.
He pops out of the Not Heaven but Not Hell place, and goes on with his burdens.
“I am disgusted,” Voldemort says, letting go of Dumbledore as soon as they reach Hogwarts. “Revolted. You should be ashamed of yourself.”
His other self already has the wand up and moving. Before Voldemort has the time to take out his own, Dumbledore falls unconscious.
“Now I’ll have to erase his memory,” the other one says, miffed.
“Dumbledore! Dumbledore! How could you? Traitor!”
“Oh, spare me.” He’s bent over Dumbledore, gently running his fingers through a mess of red curls.
“I demand an explanation!”
Abraxas- fine. He can understand. Bella, he certainly understands. Even Grindelwald- well, he looked handsome, and he was a fierce dark lord.
But Dumbledore…
“Demand?” the other one looks up at him. “You know very well what happens to people that demand things of me.”
Voldemort swallows. This one looks truly dangerous. Even if he has silly drawings glued to the wall behind him- really, what brave child drew him a skull with hearts instead of eyes- there’s something about him that would raise the hairs on Voldemort’s neck, if he had any hair left.
He looks odd, too. Almost like Tom Riddle, but not quite.
He looks done. With everything. He’s strangely calm, but Voldemort is weary of this new found patience. It’s more terrifying than one of his anger fits.
He backs away, slowly.
When he returns to the room, he’s faced with two boys, tied up in a sturdy body bind curse.
If he hadn’t done it, Tom would have murdered Potter.
And Voldemort wouldn’t mind, usually, but he has to return all the travelers alive.
He won’t admit he also tied Tom up so he would stop hitting on Voldemort.
“Come along,” he says to Potter. “It’s your turn.”
“Finally,” the boy slurs. Black got him really drunk. “Did Professor Dumbledore make it back alright? How was his Voldemort?”
“He’s fine,” Voldemort snarls, opening the portal.
“How do you get yourself in these situations?” the newest Voldemort asks Potter. He sounds amused.
This one is the most handsome of the lot. He’s siting on a couch in what seems to be Grimmauld place. Voldemort looks around curiously. He always wanted to see Grimmauld.
Potter stumbles forward, throwing himself on the couch, burying his head in the latest version of Voldemort. “Make him go away,” he asks. “I don’t want to look at him. I forgot how bad it used to be.”
“Close your eyes, then,” new Voldemort suggests. He looks at Voldemort with envy. He looks at Voldemort as if he misses the red eyes, and the snakelike features.
“You married Potter,” Voldemort hisses. “You’re supposed to kill him, not fuck him!”
“What did you want me to do?” the other asks. “I tried killing him, as you know. He just refuses to die.” He shrugs. “I conquered him, nonetheless. That’s more than you ever did.”
“You work for the Ministry! That’s even worse than being a teacher!”
“If you can’t beat them, join them.” A smirk. “Worry not, though. I have a plan.”
“What plan?” Potter whispers, dread in every word.
“Shhh, Harry. Go to sleep.”
“Harry! Is Harry back?” a childish voice comes from afar, and then a door opens and-
Voldemort draws in a breath. For a second, he thinks it’s a very young Bellatrix, but no-
The eyes. His eyes.
This is the daughter.
She stops in her tracks, those brown eyes wide with surprise as they take Voldemort in.
“Oh, wow,” she whispers, breathless.
Voldemort looks at her just as fascinated as she seems to be.
“Delphi!” Potter might be blackout drunk, but he somehow escapes the other Voldemort’s attempts to restrain him, and is standing between Voldemort and the girl in the blink of an eye.
There he is- that’s more like Voldemort’s Potter. The real one.
The tame, traumatised look in those green eyes is replaced by a fiery determination.
“Don’t even look at her!” he hisses, pulling out his holly wand, his body covering the child completely.
The Voldemort from the couch laughs. “There’s the brave little hero. I knew you still had it in you, Harry.”
The girls peeks around Potter, still watching Voldemort mesmerised.
“Hello, father. I’m Delphini.”
Father. He shivers. That word is far more frightening than Potter’s wand aimed at him.
Voldemort gets out of there fast.
And now- now the hardest of them all.
Tom is still under a potent silencing spell, but his eyes- eyes he just saw on Delphini- are very expressive. Full of desire.
His Voldemort sounds like the sickest of them all. Voldemort needs a minute to breathe and still himself before meeting that one.
Really, who fucks their own self? After they raised their own self? What kind of deviant would do something like that?
"No sense in delaying,” he mutters, waving his hand and realising Tom from the spells.
The boy stands, elegantly. He brushes his robe.
“Perhaps I should find a way to go on my own. Marvolo might kill you. He’s very murderous,” Tom says, lovingly.
“I have to take you,” Voldemort says. “No other way.”
Tom is right there in his face. Just as tall as Voldemort.
“What are you doing?” Voldemort snarls, pushing him off when Tom tries to hug him.
“I know how lonely you are. You don’t have anyone. You don’t have me. Let me hold you for a moment.”
“You incestuous little-” Voldemort stutters. “That’s it! We’re going!”
He opens the last portal.
Marvolo. That’s so stupid. Worse than any other alias the previous versions used.
But Voldemort doesn’t dare point that out. He doesn’t even ask ‘how could you fuck yourself, you disturbed bastard?’.
This Marvolo really isn’t someone Voldemort wants to mess with.
What’s most surprising is that he is just as attached to Tom as Tom is to him.
More restrained, but his eyes spark when they fall on the boy.
“Are you alright?” he asks. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine,” Tom says, though he doesn’t leave Voldemort’s side. “He took good care of me.”
Only then those red eyes turn to Voldemort.
Why can’t I be like this one? Voldemort thinks with envy. This, this is what he always wanted to become.
Marvolo looks regal, in his expensive robes. He looks powerful, a real force of nature.
From what he heard from Tom, Marvolo subdued everyone. He’s the Master of Death, he is highly feared but also respected by the people.
He’ll get to enslave all muggles.
It’s just not fair. Voldemort should be like that.
“Come here,” Marvolo says, and even his voice holds tremendous power. Voldemort almost moves before he realises Marvolo meant Tom.
“I-” Tom hesitates. “Can’t we keep him? He’s awfully alone in that universe of his.”
For a second, Voldemort wants to stay. For a second, he looks at Marvolo and wants. More than to stay. He just wants. Longs for something.
Oh, God! What is happening to me? Is incest contagious in this universe?
But no, it’s not that. When Tom goes to Marvolo, and Marvolo puts a hand on his shoulder-
It’s family. They are a family. Even if Voldemort ignores the sex part- and he does his best to ignore it- these two have each other.
There’s a bond between them, a strong bond, almost visible. Voldemort never yearned for that, but now-
You did yearn. When you were very young. You wanted a father.
It’s terrible to be reminded of that time in his life.
Is this how Marvolo became so strong? Because he had to raise Tom and relieve all that? Find a way to deal with it?
Voldemort goes back through the Portal, because he can’t bear to look at them any longer.
It’s almost…painful.
Original timeline
He sits at the table in the blessedly quiet room that had been so full before.
He lays his head on the table and exhales. It’s done with. He solved it.
The door opens. Potter walks through it-
“Not again,” Voldemort snarls. “Where the fuck did you come from?”
“Ah,” Potter stumbles, sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. “From the Burrow. I sneaked out.”
“The Burrow? The Weasley home?”
He frowns. “You’re not from an alternate universe?”
“No,” Potter says, hanging by the door, wand in hand. “I was asleep, and I saw everything you’ve been through. I thought it was a strange, ridiculous dream, but… it wasn’t, was it? I had that happen before- seeing things you see.”
Right. Well, fuck. “So you’re a Horcrux in this universe, too,” Voldemort says.
“I-I guess.”
And Voldemort laughed at the others because they turned Potter into a Horcrux without knowing.
He sighs. “This is terrible.”
“Yeah,” Potter agrees. “I was actually about to go and hunt down the other Horcruxes. Was waiting for the wedding to be over-”
“What wedding? Who holds a wedding in the middle of a war?”
“I know, right?” Potter asks. “Bill and Fleur.”
Voldemort blinks at him, having no clue who those people are.
“Nevermind,” Potter goes on. “I just- those universes, huh? Wow! Crazy!”
“Tell me about it,” Voldemort mutters, trying to think. But he’s so exhausted after solving the unexpected traveler problem.
If Potter is a Horcrux- then I really can’t kill him. It might go the exact same way it went in the other universe where he tried to kill Potter one more time. Voldemort could die.
“Especially the one where we-” Potter blushes, looks mortified. “What were they thinking? What’s wrong with those two? Married? Disgusting!”
"Revolting,” Voldemort agrees. “You’re a child!”
“You killed my parents. How can that other Harry -” he shudders.
“He looked depressed,” Voldemort says. “Probably all those deaths at the end of the war? He mentioned them when he was drinking with Black. Many dead kids, apparently. He just lost his fire and will to live after that.”
“Yeah.” Potter looks aghast. “I really don’t want to have to go through that, you know? All those people dying- and God forbid then maybe we end up like- like- the other Harry and Voldemort- I can’t even say it, but what if it happens like that?”
It could happen like that. Or Voldemort could die and go to Hallow Hell. Or to the past, where he will raise and fuck himself.
Or to Dumbledore-
“I won’t let that happen,” he says, determined.
“Yeah, me either.”
“Did you know about the Deathly Hallows?” Voldemort enquires.
“No. I am still not sure what that means? Just caught snippets in my dream.” He looks angry for a second. “I didn’t even know I was a Horcrux until those people mentioned it. Dumbledore never told me.”
“He was never very forthcoming,” Voldemort allows. “Have a seat, Potter.”
“Well, can’t very well kill you, can I?”
Potter comes closer, grasping his wand. He sits. “So, what do we do now?”
“Everything in our power to avoid turning into those people.”
Potter nods, just as determined. “Oh,” he adds. “I do think there was an ok part about all that.”
“Delphini. She looked very cute.”
“Don’t even dare mention it! I will avoid that, too.”
Potter looks away. “Might be too late,” he mutters.
“When I snuck in, I walked past Bellatrix. She was sick. In fact, that’s why I could sneak in past her and her husband. Lestrange was asking her if she’s pregnant.”
Voldemort really is cursed.
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therectoress · 8 months
A Crown So Heavy and Dark by airotsa, Chapter 38.
Rating: Mature.
Relationships: Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Hermione Granger & Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Bellatrix Black Lestrange & Narcissa Black Malfoy & Andromeda Black Tonks.
Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Time Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Battle of the Department of Mysteries, The OG timeline will NOT stay the same, The power of love and gay! - Albus Dumbledore, Bellatrix was actually insane all along but she doesn't crack easily, Hermione has no idea how to help nor wants to until she does, This is about the lesbians y'all (and baby Narcissa)
Summary: The torture was done and over with before Hermione knew it. The only thing she remembered clearly was the pain, the carving of skin and Bellatrix screaming to the heavens before the world disappeared like sand running through her fingers. By some cruel twist of fate, she was now stuck in 1968 where she only had her memories and books to keep her company... and perhaps a broken girl who was cruelly taught obsession is love and was just as quickly bewitched by the brunette as the first time.
Bellatrix went outside into the nice, crisp April air and sat next to Hermione, who promptly shoved a large gift box into her arms. She put her bookbag on the ground and inspected it. “What is this?” Bellatrix asked, putting it next to her ear and shaking it. “Open it and you’ll see,” she replied. So Bellatrix did. She took out two strange shoes that had wheels attached to the soles. “They’re roller skates,” Hermione explained. “I thought you’d like them. Thought I’d teach you to roller skate like you taught me to dance.” “I thought we were going to go Hogsmeade?” Bellatrix queried in response, cocking her head to the side and looking at her. “What can we do in Hogsmeade that we haven’t already done a thousand times before?” she countered. Good point.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 1 year
When I was making the request form, I was strictly thinking about OG Harry Potter characters and I wasn't even thinking about Fantastic Beasts, but Newt is one of my ult favourite characters and I would love to write fanfiction for him even though I haven't before - and I might also add Leta Lestrange and Queenie
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Nobleflower/Alicissa and Modromeda because it’s kinda funny that one of Bellatrix’s sisters dated the woman she tortured into insanity, and the other dated the one who would kill her💀
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greenerteacups · 1 year
From what I've seen online, the major consensus amongst HP fans is that Cursed Child is NOT canon ( and many simply pretend it doesn't exist). I remember when it first came out and was being promoted, both the stage show and the published script, and everyone was really excited for new HP material... until we realised that it just... wasn't canon... at all. Yeah, the idea of Voldemort as presented in the HP novels having any sort of romantic relationship with Bellatrix and having a child is simply ridiculous and certainly just exists as a way for him to have a secret child for reasons of the wacky plot... it's very tween fanfic and also very Disney channel sequel (like the og villains all having kids we never heard about is totally a real Disney channel thing).
I remember it being very clear at the time that it came out that any "pointers" or "ideas" JKR provided to the actual writer of CC must've been the very barest of bones, the tiniest of shards perhaps, because it simply read like a sort of AU fanfiction written by the most casual of fans... which, as I understand, it really was. At the time when it came out, it was pretty clear that she had very little to do with actually writing it, though I suppose more was made later of her 'involvement' to legitimise it. I heard since that someone asked her if it should be considered canon, and she said yes? Not sure how this interaction actually went down as I don't particularly care to look into it (since nothing will change my mind that the AU of CC makes no sense within the context of HP canon and lore and it was probably some kind of marketing tactic in support of the stage play) but as she clearly didn't actually write CC herself and it contradicts many things from the books she did write, I'm pretty happy to continue ignoring its existence.
What do you think of Fantastic Beasts in comparison? Personally, I put Fantastic Beasts in a separate category where I can kind of accept aspects of it as canon expansions of the lore and worldbuilding... I can see JKR's style clearly and the inconsistencies with timelines and certain characters being in places and times they shouldn't be don't bother me as much as the straight up character assassination we see in CC. To put it another way, I think CC feels like it belongs to a totally different IP and was written by a different author (because it was) while FB definitely still exists in Rowling's wizarding world, it's just the timeline is kinda off.
this is interesting context. I think she kind of has to say yes to that question in context, because like... who's going to shill out £150 to see some random dude's AU fanfiction play (if it isn't even good)? of course, JKR's stamp isn't nothing, but even she can't weld extra content into the canon by declaring it so. i see TCC like church ephemera: i'm sure SOMEONE finds it interesting or relevant to what we're doing here, but that doesn't mean it's part of the Bible.
i feel the same way about fantastic beasts, but to a lesser extent. i actually enjoyed the first fantastic beasts movie, i thought it was playful and charming and (with the exception of the dumb polyjuice plot) the perfect way to revive harry potter as a storytelling vehicle. like, yeah, it fucked up by trying to go too big too soon, but if you can remove one (1) subplot or narrative thread and have a solid movie, then as a writer, you've still done okay.
Fantastic Beasts also annoys me because it does feel like harry potter, in terms of tone and mouthfeel. it's got the sauce. it just heinously drops the ball in later installations. in particular, it starts getting nervous about holding the audience's attention and throws stuff in that just wouldn't make it in a natural, organic script — most of the shit from the original series is contrived and ill-suited to the dramatic tenor set by Movie About Funny Man Collecting Magical Animals. (e.g. going back to hogwarts? leta lestrange's secret white father revengeplot triple-rugpull? human nagini?? secret undead dumbledore brother raised by american evangelicals???). i like the idea of it very much. i'm honestly drawn to it as a creative space, because unlike TCC, there is potential there. it's just badly abused.
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
Only answer if it wasn't a big spoiler. Who was the OG planned shag buddy for Sirius?
I’ve sat on this question for awhile debating if I should answer or not. Honestly, I don’t think it matters.
It was going to be Rosamond Lestrange.
Of course, it wasn’t going to be as deep or as connected as Sirius and Tegan are. There would have been no will they or won’t they. Sirius was going to use her as much as she was going to use him.
But Sirigan slapped me in the face. Their chemistry was way better and it made sense that Sirius would chose someone like her over Rosamond.
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deafblindshorty · 1 year
Hogwarts Years For Various Characters
So, I'm getting a lot of mixed opinions on who went to Hogwarts when. Like all (and I do mean all) the adult characters going to Hogwarts with the Marauders, etc. So, I decided to do some extensive investigative work based on where the characters are in the books and what JKR said about them and their ages. If there's no information, I just looked up the actors who played them, and their ages at the time the movie was released (and when the movie is set). And yes, I will be including Hogwarts Mystery characters. Deal with it.
A few more notes, I find it extremely unlikely that half the OG Order of the Phoenix was made up of newly graduated Hogwarts students. Frank and Alice Longbottom have already made names for themselves as famous aurors by 1981, and it takes 3 years of training to become an auror. Same with Dorcas Meadows (I don't think she was an auror, but she was badass enough to be killed by Voldy personally).
As for Marlene McKinnon, Emmeline Vance, Amelia Bones, Hestia Jones, and Dedulus Diggle...
If Marlene was Lily's best friend and Sirius' lover (or even ex-lover), wouldn't Lily be more emotional about her death and say something like "I'm so sorry about Marlene. I know how much she meant to you."? And wouldn't she have mentioned her by name? "Marlene and her family" instead of "the McKinnons"?
If Emmeline Vance, Hestia Jones, and Dedulus Diggle were friends with Lily and James, wouldn't they (or Remus or Sirius) mention that to Harry? You would think that with all these "friends" of Harry's parents, going to Grimmauld Place would be like "coming home" to him.
Amelia Bones is described as having "grey hair" in OOTP, and the actress who portrayed her was 57 when Deathly Hallows part 1 was released, so she's almost 20 years older than the Marauders.
Here we go:
Cornelius Fudge (1934-1941)
Augusta Longbottom (1935-1942)
Walburga, Lucrieta, and Alphard Black and Abraxas Malfoy (1936-1943)
Tom Riddle (1938-1945)
(NOTE: Slughorn had been teaching since at least Riddle's 6th or 7th year)
Myrtle "Moaning Myrtle" Warren (1940-1943) (died)
Rubeus Hagrid (1940-1943) (Expelled)
Poppy Pomfrey and Orion Black (1940-1947)
Eileen Prince (1941-1948)
Ignatius Prewett, Arimentia Black, and Druella Rosier (DOBs unknown, but they're in the same generation as Sirius' parents)
Pomona Sprout (1943-1950)
Alastor Moody and Barty Crouch Sr. (1945-1952)
Minerva McGonagall (1946-1953)
Rufus Scrimgeor (1947-1954)
Cygnus Black (1949-1956)
(NOTE: McGonagall had been teaching since 1956)
Irma Black, Septima Vector, and Mr. Crabbes (XD I'm sorry...) (1950-1957)
(The Goyles, probably the same years)
Perengrine (Hogwarts Mystery) (1954-1961)
Dolores Umbridge (1955-1962)
Xeno and Pandora Lovegood (1956-1963)
Corban Yaxley (1957-1964)
Amelia Bones (1959-1966)
(NOTE: Dumbledore became Headmaster, and the curse of the yearly DADA teacher started in 1964)
Molly Prewett, Amos Diggory, Mrs. Diggory, Frank Longbottom, Alice Longbottom, Charity Burbage, and Dedulas Diggle (1961-1968)
Arthur Weasley and Mundungus Fletcher (1962-1969)
Bellatrix Black, Edward Tonks, Marlene and Mr. McKinnon, Irma Pince, and Madame Rosemerta (1963-1970)
Rudolphus and Rebastian Lestrange, probably the same years as Bellatrix
Andromeda Black and Filius Flitwick (1965-1972)
Patricia Rakepick and Ludo Bagman (1966-1973)
Lucius Malfoy, Dawlish, Sybill Trelawny, and Narcissa Black (1967-1974)
(NOTE: Flitwick had been teaching since at least 1975, and Filch became caretaker in 1973)
Reginald Cattermole, Mulciber, Avery, and Macnair (1970-1977)
Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter, Lily Evans, Augustus Rookwood, Mary McDonald, and Severus Snape (1971-1978)
Jacob, Duncan Ashe, Olivia Green, and Annelena Murk (Hogwarts Mystery) (1974-1981)
Regulus Black (1972-1979)
Barty Crouch Jr. (1973-1980)
Kingsley Shacklebolt and Gilderoy Lockhart (1975-1982)
Emmeline Vance and Quirius Quirrel (1976-1983)
Chester Davies (1979-1986)
(NOTE: Both Snape and Trelawny began teaching at Hogwarts in 1981)
Bill Weasley (1982-1989)
Stan Shunpike (1983-1990)
Percy Weasley, Oliver Wood, Marcus Flint, and Penelope Clearwater (1987-1994)
Hogwarts Mystery MC, Charlie Weasley, Penny Haywood, Nymphadora Tonks, Merula Snyde, Ismelda Murk, Barnaby Lee, Corey Hayden, Alanza Alves, Murphy McNully, Badea Ali, Liz Tuttle, Tulip Karasu, Skye Parkin, Erika Rath, Diego Caplan, Andre Egwu, Talbott Winger, Levi Kidd, Jae Kim, Ben Copper, and Chiara Lobasca (1984-1991)
Beatrice Haywood (1988-1995)
Fred and George Weasley, Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson, Roger Davies, and Cedric Diggory (1989-1996)
(NOTE: Fudge became Minister of Magic in 1990)
Katie Bell and Cho Chang (1990-1997)
Harry Potter and everyone else in his year (1991-1998)
Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Cormac McClaggin, and Romilda Vane (1992-1999)
Dennis Creevey (1994-2001)
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