feelingunfulfilled · 1 year
Me: oh wow look at me go I’m doing such a great job managing my stress I haven’t plucked my eyelashes in forever-
*plucks two eyelashes during test*
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evieonic · 3 years
I love your blog!! I was wondering if you would write about platonic Yuuji getting tickled by Gojo & Megumi? Tysm!
Hi Anon! I'm so sorry it took so long to get this posted, I had a tough time coming up with ideas and then I got sick but it's all good now! Thank you for your patience. This is what I came up with, I hope you enjoy it. This fic can also read on ao3 if you'd prefer to read it there.
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Remedy For A Broken Heart (Published:  08/15/2021)
Pairing: Platonic only, characters: Gojo, Yuuji, and Megumi
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Trigger Warning: None, though technically contains a break-up and non-consensual tickling though it's all in good fun.
Length: 1595 Words, 1 Chapter. Completed.
Summary: Yuuji's heart got broken by some chick at school and absolutely refuses to go to class. Megumi takes it into his own hands to get the strawberry blond happy again by calling Gojo-sensei who has some... talented tickling fingers.
------------------------------------ Megumi sighed as he stared down at the miserable sight below him. Yuuji was curled up in his bed with the covers over himself, completely ignoring the world. There were tissues littering the bed with tubs of empty ice cream on the nightstand. There was only one explanation for a sight like this.
Yuuji… got his heart broken.
“Yuuji,” Megumi sighed once more, pulling off the covers, “I know your heart is broken and the world seems to be ending, but you still have classes.”
“No!” Yuuji grumbled, pulling the covers back over his head with a yank, “tell them I'm sick or something.”
Megumi rolled his eyes, “Yuuji, it’ll be a good distraction.”
Yuuji only curled further into his bed, completely ignoring the boy. Megumi had never seen Yuuji this depressed before. It honestly concerned him. He placed his chin in his hand, his other on his hip as he took a moment to come up with an idea. What could possibly cheer up Yuuji? Talking about girls wouldn’t help, it’d only remind him of his loss. Maybe ice cream? No, the poor boy has had enough. A movie? No, he wouldn’t focus.
His mind raced with ideas until bingo, he had it. He smirked slightly as he folded his arms over his chest, “alright. Suit yourself.” He took his phone out of his pocket, dialing his emergency cheer up number. He knew it was going to work because Yuuji had done the exact same thing when Megumi was feeling down.
He grinned slightly as the familiar voice answered, “hello?”
“Gojo-sensei, I apologize for bothering you so close to class…,” Megumi began. He always felt a little bad for calling Gojo for anything that seemed minor.
“Hey, don’t worry about it, I'm here to help! What can I do for you?”
“Well, Yuuji got his heart broken so he refuses to go to class, so I was wondering if you could-” Megumi hadn’t gotten most of the words out when Gojo suddenly hung up. “H-Hello? Gojo?”
Megumi lowered his phone, looking at the ID in confusion, about to redial Gojo’s number when suddenly, their dorm room door was blown off of it’s hitches, hitting the wall with a hard impact.
“AYO I HEARD SOMEONE WAS SAD IN HERE,” A voice yelled and Megumi immediately realized what happened. Gojo had kicked down the door.
“Gojo-'' Megumi started, anger evident in his voice, but he was interrupted by Yuuji suddenly perking up, frightened by the sound of their door crumbling down.
He blinked. He glanced at Megumi, then glanced at Gojo.
And then he realized exactly what they had planned.
Megumi couldn’t help but smirk as he saw Yuuji suddenly remember that the last time Megumi was sad, he had called Gojo over and the two of them practically tickled him to death, making his sadness go away. Megumi had sworn revenge ever since that day. Today was a perfect opportunity.
“W-Wait,” Yuuji began, sinking back underneath his covers as Gojo’s eyes narrowed at him, “w-wait, there’s been a mistake, I’m-”
Gojo was making a beeline to him now.
“W-WAIT, I’m fine! Gojo, I’m- eheh !” Giggles were already catching in his throat, bringing a smile to Megumi’s face.
“Nurse, hold him down!” Gojo ordered. Megumi immediately obeyed, though cringed at being called a nurse. He held Yuuji down by his arms while Gojo yanked his covers away.
“N-N-NO! I’m fine, Gojo, I’m good!” Yuuji stammered, panicking before turning his gaze to Megumi, giving him his finest death glare, “why did you call him, you traitor?!”
“Revenge,” Megumi said.
“How?! You needed that and you know you did!”
“Well, you also need this so…,” Megumi shrugged, “point denied.”
Gojo hummed in thought as he straddled Yuuji, looking at him and thought, “hmm, I see, I see. I can see the sadness is located here,” he poked at Yuuji’s chest, right where his heart was, “we will need to prepare for an emergency tickle session.”
“Yes doctor,” Megumi nodded, falling into the scene Gojo was creating.
Yuuji only looked at them both as if they were idiots, “the fuck is wrong with you two? Can you please let me just be sad in peace, it’s okay to be sad every now and then- it’s healthy!”
“See, now that’s a symptom of extreme sadness, which means you’re too far gone,” Gojo said seriously, shaking his head. “He’s worse than I thought. Are you ready, nurse?”
“Yes doctor.”
“Can you two at least not be weird about this?!” Yuuji complained once more but Gojo ignored him, rubbing his hands together as if he was about to use a defibrillator on him.
“Clear!” He shouted before placing his hands on Yuuji’s sides and wiggling his fingers about.
The effect was immediate. Yuuji squirmed and thrashed about, forcing Megumi to hold on tighter, keeping him pressed on the bed as laughter filtered out of his mouth. “GAHAHA-! Nohohohohoho!! Staaahap! Staahp!” He giggled, trying with all his might to buck Gojo off, but the teacher was unfortunately too heavy.
“Seems like the medicine is working, nurse,” Gojo said, a hint of a smile on his lips as he continued his attack, “perhaps we should administer it to all locations of depression.”
“I agree, doctor,” Megumi smiled, nodding as he watched Yuuji smile with glee, despite the fact that his happiness was somewhat forced right now.
“I think I can see this being a huge problem area,” Gojo said, digging his fingers into Yuuji’s ribs, making him cackle with laughter, “oh yes, this whole area is pretty bad.”
“P-Pleehehehese,” Yuuji wheezed out, gasping for air as Gojo continued his treatment, “I cahahan’t breeeeathe!”
“Oof,” was all Gojo responded with.
“Well are you not sad yet?” He asked, halting his fingers for just a moment.
“I’m more pissed off than anything,” Yuuji grumbled, panting and glaring at his teacher.
His teacher only raised an eyebrow before thrusting his hands underneath Yuuji’s shirt, his fingers scribbling against Yuuji’s sensitive skin, making him howl with laughter. “NOOOAHAHA! Y-YOU BASTARD!”
“Nurse, he’s becoming critical!” Gojo grinned. “I need a hand stat!”
Megumi smirked, immediately catching on to what Gojo meant, “yes doctor!”
Yuuji caught the look in his eyes, squirming more vigorously in attempt to get away, “oh no, no you don’t, no you fucking don’t, don’t you da- PFFFAAHAHAHA!!” he erupted with laughter, the sound turning into a wheeze as Megumi, wiggling his fingers around his armpits, stimulating the sensitive nerves there. He had his knees pressed down on Yuuji’s hands, preventing him from moving his arms and keeping him vulnerable.
“T-T-T-This is t-t-torture, ahaha!” Yuuji wheezed, the words barely audible.
“It’s called medicine, actually,” Gojo said, “thought I guess depending on the medicine, it is torture.”
“Y-Y-You’re - ahahaha! - b-both - heh - s-stupid,” Yuuji giggled, his words distorted. Gojo and Megumi both only smiled down at him.
“Sorry, what was that?” Gojo smirked
“Are you going to stop being sad?” Megumi asked, digging his fingers into Yuuji’s sensitive nerves, gently moving them to his neck, scribbling underneath his chin. “Are you going to get out of bed, make yourself happy and go to class?”
“Y-You cahahahan’t just autaha-automaahatically make sohohomeone hahappy!” He whimpered, trying with all his might to yeet them off but having no luck. He simply just had to lay there, as their fingers sparked up giggle after giggle. It was so unfair.
But finally, after a while, Megumi and Gojo both slowed to a stop. Yuuji made a breathless giggle, his eyes wet with happy tears as he blinked a few times before glancing at them both, confused, “Y-You… finally stopped?”
“Depends. Did we cure the sadness?” Gojo asked with a smile.
“If I say yes, will you guys sto- AHAHA!! WHA- HEY?!” Yuuji glared at the sudden tickling done by Megumi. He only smirked, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.
“Just making sure you know we can keep going with this treatment all night long,” Megumi said.
“Yes,” Gojo nods, “I am the top rated doctor in the nation, I don’t let my patients leave when I know they need more treatment.”
“I hate you both.”
Megumi chuckled and rolled his eyes, “come on, Yuuji. I know it’s rough, but you can’t stay like this.”
Yuuji sighed, finally letting himself lose the sad attitude. He was sad that he got dumped but to be honest, he didn’t really like the girl anyway. It just hurt his ego more than anything. He slowly nodded, “okay, I’m fine.”
“Is that the honest truth?” Megumi asked, moving his fingers slowly in a silent threat.
“Yes!” Yuuji said, “It is, I swear.”
Gojo and Megumi exchanged a look of doubt before finally nodding. “Okay,” Gojo shrugged, “we believe you. Now we can go get you ice cream.”
“Eh? Ice cream?” Yuuji said, instantly perking up from that.
“You know how doctors give their patients lollipops at the end of their treatment? I don’t have any lollipops so… ice cream,” Gojo said, getting up off of the poor young boy, Megumi quickly following him.
“You know if you just gave me ice cream first, I would’ve been easily healed,” Yuuji said, rolling his eyes as he sat up.
“You’ve been eating ice cream all day with that same sulky look in your eyes, ice cream wouldn’t have the same effect as it will now,” Megumi said, smiling softly as Gojo nodded, completely agreeing with him while Yuuji glared.
“Again, I hate you both,” he pouted.
“Yes we know. Now, where do you want your ice cream?”
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insanelycooljk · 4 years
You mentioned ⚡⚡⚡was the worst for angst so now I Have To Ask
send me the title of one of my deh wips and I’ll share an excerpt/tell you a bit about it  
Ok I definitely only mentioned that because I was hoping someone might ask about it lmao. I’d argue that this is more like... hurt than angst, but it’s gonna be hurt/comfort, so hopefully the sweet moments make up for it. You can expect a lot of soft kleinsen lol.
This one it was like 3am and there was a huge storm outside. I was sitting by my window watching the lightning, I’d just finished reading Trying Through the Trauma and a particular scene was on my mind (if you’ve read it you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about, and if you haven’t I highly reccomend it because that fic is wonderful, the world-building is INSANE).
So given all of that, plus my apparent desire to just hurt all the characters I love, my brain was like “hey... what if Jared got struck by lightning?”
Which I KNOW sounds absolutely ridiculous and like some kind of crack fic, but just bare with me here ok.
For maximum angst, the fic begins with Jared storming out of Evan’s house after a fight.
I haven’t worked out all of the details of the fight yet, but basically there was an attempt at an apology/discussion of Evan’s letter that didn’t go so well and things got a bit heated.
Jared’s hurt and angry, so he runs away because that’s what he does.
It’s absolutely pissing down, it’s at least a 15/20 minute walk back to his house, but Jared’s a stubborn bastard and he just needs to get out of there.
Evan’s stuck in his head trying to process how the hell that went so badly, because he’s hurt and angry too, but then a particulary loud clap of thunder snaps him out of his thoughts. He’s not sure why the hell Jared walked here instead of drove (it was because he wanted the extra time to try and plan what he was going to say to Evan), but Heidi will kill him if she finds out he just let Jared walk all the way home in this weather.
So he runs outside after Jared to tell him to stop being an idiot and at least just wait until it stops raining so much
And of course Evan catches up with Jared just in time to see him get struck
Evan is just frozen in absolute horror because what the fuck. What the fuck. Who the hell gets struck by lightning!? That just doesn’t happen in real life. What the fuck.
His brain finally catches up to him and he rushes over to Jared who’s just convulsing on the ground.
Evan’s hands are shaking but he manages to call 911. Once the ambulance is on their way he’s just staring helplessly at Jared still seizing on the ground, and all he can think is Jared is going to die and the last thing they did was fight.
Another minute or so passes and Jared’s seizure suddenly ends. Evan’s just holding his breath because he has no idea what he should do. Being a nurse and all, Heidi’s taught him how to do basic CPR incase of emergencies, but Evan’s in such a state of panic that he can’t do anything
And then Jared opens his eyes. It takes a second for the pain to catch up to him, the ringing in his ears is loud and oh fuck everything hurts his whole body is on fire
Evan is freaking the fuck out now that Jared is awake and crying, and he’s desperately trying to comfort him and is begging the ambulance to hurry the fuck up. And god this is so much worse now that Jared’s conscious, because Jared just doesn’t break down. The last time Evan probably saw him cry was when he stacked it on his bike when they were kids (unless you count the unshed tears shining in his eyes during their gfy fight and most recent fight, which Evan is pointedly NOT counting lmao, he can’t deal with that right now)
Anyway, the paramedics finally arrive and give Jared some serious painkillers and take him to the hospital because honestly they’re not really sure what to do either. It’s not like there’s a special “lightning strike survivor” class in the paramedicine curriculum lol. Jared didn’t go into cardiac arrest or anything so that’s a good sign, but he’s obviously in pain and he’s got some really nasty burns that need looking at so he’s clearly not fine.
And of course, for more maximum angst, they take him to the hospital Heidi works at. Because of course they do. Heidi’s had a fairly quiet night at work, or at least as as quiet as it can be working at a hospital. But then she overhears something about a kid who got struck by lightning!? And Heidi is like damn… well that doesn’t happen every day. She’s currently on her break but she’s understandably pretty curious, so she decides she’ll just go see what’s going on.
Which of course leads to her finding an extremely distraught looking Evan who is absolutely drenched, and any other thoughts are gone from her mind instantly.
Evan all but collapses into her arms. She’s holding him tightly as he just sobs and sobs and he’s shivering and so cold and why is he so wet? And obviously Heidi just wants to be there for him but the she’s starting to panic and she needs to know what’s wrong. She pulls away, still holding his shoulders tightly, to look him in the face.
“Evan, honey talk to me. What happened?” And he just manages to choke out “It’s Jared, it’s…. he,” but he can’t get the words out because he keeps being interrupted by his own sobs. And now Heidi is really worried because what happened with Jared? Is he ok? “He…” Evan can’t continue because he just lets out this choked cry and breaks into even harder sobs. Which causes Heidi to promptly pull him close again.
Evan is just, exhausted. Like, he was so tense and upset after the fight with Jared, and then THAT happened, and he’s been doing his best to not completely fall apart so he could explain what happened to the paramedics, but it’s just all so much, and all he wants his mum to hold him and tell him everything’s going to be ok.
“He’s hurt,” Evan says finally once his breathing is bit more under control and he can finally speak again. “He…. there was lightning and, and-”
And Heidi’s heart just stops because she suddenly remembers the boy that supposedly got struck by lightning and she does not like where this is going.
Jared’s mostly ok physically. He’s got some really nasty burns and he’s in a lot of pain, plus the strike was super loud so he’s got some bad tinnitus, but nothing that really needs monitoring. So he’s only in the hospital for a couple of days.
However, the thing with lightning strikes is it can do a lot of weird neurological damage that scientists and doctors don’t really understand yet. So a lot of survivors suffer from things like personality changes, mood swings, memory loss and chronic pain.
So in terms of symptoms for Jared he struggles with chronic pain. It’s not like a low-level constant pain, it’s more episodes where he’s in extreme pain for a short period of time and then it fades away again. He got struck on his shoulder, so the pain flares up on his shoulder and down his arm on that side of his body.
His burns take a while to heal, and whilst his tinnitus gets much better it’s always there to an extent. He’s also got some issues with fatigue, it’s not terrible but he definitely gets tired more easily than he used to.
Jared doesn’t really have any issues with like, personality changes or anything, but the whole experience was pretty tramautic, so his mental health definitely isn’t great right now.
Obviously, Jared’s pretty fucking terrified of thunderstorms now. He pretty much just refuses to leave his house if there’s a storm.
One time he’s driving himself and Evan home from school and it starts raining and he just – refuses to leave the car. There’s not even thunder but the sky is dark and it’s raining pretty heavily and Evan’s all like “It’s ok, come on. It’s two metres. Just take my hand and we’ll run inside together ok?” And poor Jared is having a panic attack, just gasping for air, and he’s shaking his head and saying “I can’t.”
And Evan kinda tries a couple more suggestions to coax him inside, because like they literally just have to walk from the driveway to Evan’s front door. There is a 0% chance that anything would happen in the 5 seconds it would take to get inside, and there isn’t even any thunder, it’s just raining heavily.
Eventually he gives up and they just sit in the car together waiting for the storm to pass. Evan can’t help but think how ironic it is that he’s the one who has to help Jared through his own panic attacks now.
But the main complications Jared struggles with are the cognititve issues. Jared’s always been pretty smart and has done well in school, so he finds it really hard to deal with.
He REALLY struggles with his memory at first. Mainly short-term memory. He’ll do things like make lunch multiple times because he forgot he ate already. He struggles with reading and writing and keeps tripping over his sentences. It all improves a lot over time, but it never quite gets 100% better.
But yeah, that’s kind of the hardest part for Jared because it’s just frustrating and confusing. It causes him a lot of distress because it makes him feel so stupid.
One time when he’s really struggling with it, maybe whilst trying to do work for school, Jared just breaks down about it because he just feels so frustrated. He ends up crying into Evan’s shoulder and going “I just want to be better”
Evan says nothing, because he’s been doing an obsessive amount of research and the truth is Jared might not ever be “better” again, and he doesn’t want to lie to Jared. Well, he certainly wants to, we all know about Evan’s lying issues lmao. He desperately wants to tell Jared comforting lies like “it’s ok” and “there’s nothing wrong with you” and “of course you’ll get better” but he holds his tongue because he knows he can’t lie to Jared, not about this.
ANYWAY ahahaha, I got a little carried away with this one but I’ve got a LOT of feelings about it. It will end up with kleinsen because I couldn’t resist, so on that note I do have just one last point I HAVE to share 🥺
So a lot of people who get struck by lightning end up with these really kind of beautiful looking scars called Lichtenberg figures. They normally only last a day or two (although I did read about one guy where they lasted like a month) but uhh.... I will be taking some artisitic liberities there lmao because imaging Evan gently tracing over Jared’s scars when they finally get together? Good shit.
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mikami · 5 years
Death Note Audio Drama 12
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Disc 12: Apex Predator - a summary / partial translation
Prior translations / an explanation as to what the fuck this is.
If you read any of these translations, make it this one. 
I can’t even begin to describe what is happening here. You just need to let it happen to you. Major CW for suicide though, Misa’s death is elaborated upon greatly and not in the most sensitive way.
Gevanni confirms there is no shinigami attached to Mikami’s notebook. 
MATSUDA: Misa, come down. Don’t be ridiculous, please.
MISA: I’m serious. I’m going to jump.
MATSUDA: You don’t want to do this.
MISA: Do I look like I don’t want to do it? I’m standing on the railing.
MATSUDA: Yes, everyone is seeing it.
MISA: It’s a long way down, Matsuda. What’s with all these lights?
MATSUDA: Police cars holding back the crowd. Ambulances.
MISA:  Ambulances? As if I’ll survive this if I fall.
MATSUDA: Probably not, no.
MISA: Probably? I thought this was at least half-way guaranteed!!
MATSUDA: Get off the railing, Misa. I’m going to tell you a few really scare stories. It makes sense that there’s more than one ambulance waiting down there. Sometimes the mere sight is enough to traumatize some people in the crowd.
MISA: They’re standing there in order to be shocked! Huh?! Hey... is this a TV car?
MATSUDA: Uh... yes.Looks like Sakura TV sent a team.
MISA: I guess it’s going to be prime time for me once more. 
MATSUDA: Jeeze, Misa, you can’t want it to end this way.
MISA: Don’t tell me what I want! 
MATSUDA: How long have we known each other? Five years? You shouldn’t treat your brand this way. This is hardly a fitting death for a pop idol. Are you trying to imitate Marilyn?
MISA: I think it’s gonna be pretty spectacular.
MATSUDA: No, it’s going to be shown on dirty snuff porn pages somewhere in the dark net. You won’t be anything more than a sick joke on social media. The worst example on every teen party. “Let’s watch Misa Amane kick the bucket again,” they’ll say. Do you understand?
MISA: People are already laughing at me anyway. I’m just the little girl who can’t sing nor dance. 
MATSUDA: That’s not who you are! 
MISA: I can’t act and my perfume is rose water with detergent. [laughing shakily] I’m a bad joke!
MATSUDA: Misa, please. Let’s talk about this indoors, alright?
MISA: At least this way I’ll get a bit of an obituary! At least I’ll be a real star for one very last time.
MATSUDA: What are you talking about? You’ll be filed under #realsad and only maybe for a day! After that, people will forget about you.
MISA: Haven’t they already forgotten me? I’ve flunked my whole life! Maybe I’ll at least do a good job at dying, huh?! 
MATSUDA: No! Misa. You have your whole life still ahead of you. Death is the end.
MISA: Ahahaha, is it really?
LIGHT: Misa? I’m home. How did it go? Misa? Misa? Listen, we need to talk. Are you in...?
Phone rings.
LIGHT: Hello? 
MOGI: Light. Come to Aoyama immediately.
LIGHT: Mogi, I need sleep. It’s been a long day.
MOGI: Misa is standing on the 32nd floor. She says she’ll jump.
LIGHT: Wait, what?!
Aizawa and Near meeting at the bar again. Aizawa tells Near about Misa’s and Takada’s fight. Near is pissed they didn’t record the fight. He’ll really strangle Aizawa one of these days, that’s the impression the voice acting gives.
Near shows Aizawa images of the notebook to show that at least HE is making progress.
RYUK: I should have brought popcorn. This is better than TV.
L: This isn’t funny. 
RYUK: Yeah, but... popcorn.
L: Matsuda isn’t trained for this task.
RYUK: Of course he is. He knows what small talk is, or whatever they call it.
L: She hasn’t jumped yet. There’s still hope.
RYUK: Not here, buddy. She’s gonna fly like she’s jumping off the 10 meter board at the olympics. 
L: A real police psychologist could likely get her off the railing. That’s the first thing you learn in that line of work. If they hesitate, you can stop them, even if they don’t want to believe it yet.
RYUK: Yes... or maybe not.
L: What?
RYUK: You really don’t pay attention, do you? Why do you think she’s standing up there in the first place?
L: Nobody wants to die and nobody forced her to do it.. Uh-oh. Someone wrote her name into a Death Note.
RYUK: Bingo. 
L: But why didn’t she jump yet?
RYUK: Think, think hard.
L: It’s a script. She’s following a script. Whoever made sure she’s up there wants her to do something before she jumps.
RYUK: You really are pretty clever, L. 
L: She’s waiting for something. For someone.
Light fights through the police lines to get to Misa, who’s been up there for 90 minutes now.
Shower noises. Mikami humming passionately. 
MELLO: Teru Mikami?
MIKAMI: U-uh? Where are you? In the changing rooms?
MELLO: Teru Mikami? I’m here for my reward. 
MIKAMI: I’m not in the mood. Whoever you may be.
MELLO: You may call me Mello. You’re famous from TV, Teru. You must be approached by people all the time. 
MIKAMI: Not necessarily when I’m nude at the gym. Please, sir. A little bit of privacy would be nice.
MELLO: That’s been violated for a while now. 
MIKAMI: Excuse me?
MELLO: The SPK is on your heels. 
MIKAMI: I don’t know what you’re talking about. 
MELLO: I’ve been following the wrong suspect. I’ve been wondering... who watches the watchmen? And then I thought, hey! Maybe I should be doing that.
MIKAMI: You’ve got the wrong man, buddy.
MELLO: Oh, I haven’t been following you. I’ve been following Steve [sic!] from the SPK. He’s been looking through your stuff while you’ve been training.
MIKAMI: Leave me alone, Michael.
MELLO: Ah. You know my real name.
MIKAMI: Leave while you still can.
MELLO: You forgot to ask what I am. Even though you know my real name by merely looking at me. 
MIKAMI: Listen. Whatever you want to talk about. I’ve got a notebook in my locker. I’ll just get it real quick and we can arrange a meeting.
MELLO: A notebook in your locker? What does that sound like? I bet you want to write my name into it.
MIKAMI: I am warning you. 
MELLO: It’s too late for that.
MELLO: You’re coming with me.
MIKAMI: A taser? That’s hardly necessary. 
MELLO: I beg to disagree.
Noises of Mikami getting tased.
LIGHT: Matsuda, get back in. Let me talk to her.
MATSUDA: Look here, Misa. Light came.
MISA: He’s the last person I want to see!
LIGHT: Don’t say that, Misa!
Matsuda goes inside.
MISA: I really mean it!! Stay away!!
LIGHT: Misa. I don’t know what she told you, but it’s not true. 
MISA: Then how do you know it’s not true?
LIGHT: Because else you wouldn’t be standing on the railing. Misa, please!
MISA: I don’t remember h-how I got here. 
LIGHT: You’re scared. You were mislead.
MISA: N-n-no, I mean, I can’t remember anything at all... I don’t know when or where we first met, I don’t remember being with you, it feels as if I just woke up! As a loser! 
LIGHT: You’ve never been a loser, Misa. 
MISA: I’ve been a ridiculous little housewife... who waited for you to come home every single day... 
LIGHT: But that’s what you wanted!
MISA: I wanted you to come home! Not for you to hang out with her!
LIGHT: It’s an investigation, Misa! We’re looking for hints! Ask Matsuda.
MISA: He couldn’t even look me in the eyes. He knows it!
LIGHT: Please come down and we can talk about it. I can explain.
MISA: You can’t. Only he can. 
MISA: I could have done it. I should have been his spokesperson. 
LIGHT: Alright Misa, look over, here. This used to be my grandmother’s ring. I saved it. For you.
MISA: For me?! 
LIGHT: I told you we’d be together. I meant that!
MISA: I-is this a proposal?
LIGHT: I’m on one knee. Misa. Please take this ring. Say you’ll be mine forever. 
MISA: It’s too late. He’s making me do this!
LIGHT: Nobody is making you do this. Stay with me, forever!
MISA: Well. Forever isn’t quite right, is it?
LIGHT: Well...
MISA: Until death does us part?
LIGHT: I didn’t say--
MISA: No time....
Light: NO! MISA!
Sounds of Misa’s clothes in the wind.
MISA: Loves me... loves me ... loves me... 
And a crack on the pavement.
RYUK: And splash. Popstar one moment, pavement pizza in the next.
L: You’re unbelievable.
RYUK: It’s in the name. It’s not a love note, note a sickness note, not a funny penguin note... People die. It’s ugly and tragic. Why are you even here?
L: I shouldn’t have had to watch this.
RYUK: And yet you stayed here. Like all the other onlookers.
L: What will happen to her now?
RYUK: Huh...? What happens? No idea. A shovel? And a high-pressure cleaner?
L: No. What will happen to her?
RYUK: Even if she lost her memory, she’s still a former Death Note owner. That has its price.
L: So she can go to neither heaven nor hell. 
RYUK: Yeah. You know the rules. 
L: Only that there are neither heaven nor hell. 
RYUK: Hmmm, it’s complicated.
L: You said people go to nothingness. But I ended up in some kind of office, in which a demon was looking over my files. He spoke of future options.
RYUK: It’s not my job to explain everything to you.
L: It’d be helpful though.
RYUK: Now don’t tell me you caved and chose option B.
L: And that would have been what...?
RYUK: Not everything is as complicated as you think, L. Of course you can get a bit of payback. Have a bit of fun. It will keep you busy for a few years. But you’ve got eternity in front of you, my boy. You’ve got forever to watch your body mutate in grotesque and disgusting ways. Eventually you’ll start avoiding mirrors, because there are parts poking our or coming off. 
L: Yeah, of course. I bet you were a beauty before... all of the teeth.
RYUK: I’m trying to help you, okay? I’m just telling you this job is boring. Every life you take elongates your own. And you won’t stop extending it because you own a Death Note. And that means you’ll neither go to heaven nor hell. 
L: So what happens when a shinigami dies?
RYUK: No idea. What if everything just gets worse? What if this is the best its gonna get?
L laughs.
RYUK: What’s so funny?
L: You’re scared. You don’t know what comes after the afterlife. And you’re no less scared of it than an ordinary human. 
Near sees a report about Misa’s suicide on the bar TV. Matsuda tells the TV that someone forced her into suicide. And then he instantly regrets saying that much. The media now suspect Misa is a Kira-victim.
Gevanni has Mikami’s notebook, so they know Mikami can’t be the killer.
Takada is in the wardrobe as Light calls her.
LIGHT: Do you want to explain to me what just happened?
TAKADA: Little present for you. Spring cleaning, so to say.
LIGHT: You wrote her name!
TAKADA: You left the empty pages to me for a reason, right? I put them to good use.
LIGHT: That would be my choice!
TAKADA: She was a weak point and you know it.
LIGHT: You killed her!
TAKADA: Oh darling... Think about it. In all your playboy-ness you didn’t even notice she was only in the way anymore. You didn’t notice it was time to let go.
LIGHT: Let go? That means to toss her off a skyscraper?!
TAKADA: Comes down to the same thing.
LIGHT: Not to me. And especially not to her.
TAKADA: Her amnesia nearly drove her crazy. She knew there were holes in her memories. She was starting to piece things together.... or at least a dangerously large part of them. 
LIGHT: That isn’t your decision. 
TAKADA: I just did decide it.
LIGHT: That’s not how it was supposed to go.
TAKADA: I’m changing the rules. 
LIGHT: Goodbye, Kiyomi.
He hangs up.
TAKADA: Light? Light?? This guy! I think he just broke up!
Lidner informs Near of this call. She guesses it was Light on the other end. From the call they confirm they were talking about Misa and her former Kira II status.
Takada shows up at a gas station in her pajamas. She’s looking to buy gasoline. 
Near and the SPK agree on Mikami being X-Kira, and Light being Kira. They want to catch Mikami first.
MELLO: You’re finally awake.
MIKAMI: Where the hell---
MELLO: Don’t panic. This isn’t a real hell. The good thing about this type of hotel is that they’re discreet and don’t ask questions when two men get here past midnight.
MIKAMI: You didn’t need to tie me up.
MELLO: I’d rather prefer you not being able to do anything with your hands. So I have to tie them up or cut them off. Your choice.
MIKAMI: You have nothing to fear from me. Hey, leave my suitcase alone.
MELLO: Where is the Death Note? Where is it?
MIKAMI: It was in there! But why isn’t it...?
MELLO: Damn it. So Gevanni took it.
MELLO: The SPK got your little book. Let’s not waste any time, Teru. I know what you do and who you work for. And you know my real name, so I can conclude you’ve got the eyes. 
MIKAMI: I understand. 
MELLO: Yeah, you do, don’t you?
MIKAMI: Excuse me?
MELLO: You’ve got the eyes. So you can tell me Near’s real name. 
MIKAMI: If I see him, yes...
MELLO: Hm. I want the book. Near wants you. Light wants me, and you, and the book. 
MIKAMI: Sounds complicated.
MELLO: Looks like it’s time for a meet-up. 
MIKAMI: What are you looking for?
MELLO: I hoped that somewhere around here... Ah, there. Look at that! This is going to be very professional.
MIKAMI: You don’t have to gag me.
MELLO: Oh but I do, Teru. Because I have to leave you alone for a few hours, while I arrange a few things.  
MIKAMI: There really is no reason--!!
MELLO: Hold still!
Takada humming. Liquid pouring noises. A phone rings.
MANAGER: Where were you, Kiyomi? You know the producer hates sausage parties.
TAKADA: Sorry.... It won’t happen again....
MANAGER: Are you sure?
TAKADA: Because I will be dead in around three minutes....
MANAGER: What?? Are you messing with me??
TAKADA: I wish that was the case, but I already poured gasoline over my whole apartment and I am about to set it on fire.
MANAGER: That’s a joke.
TAKADA: Not really, no. I don’t actually want to do this, you see? I would actually love it if you sent someone here to stop me.
MANAGER: I don’t get this. Why don’t you just stop on your own?
TAKADA: I’m really scared, I’m actually panicking, but I’m doing this as if I was just watching myself...
MANAGER: Kiyomi? Kiyomi!
TAKADA: I get how they all must have felt, now. All those faced with their own death. Many must have guessed it, had the epiphany that those where the last moments of their life... and that they were following a script they can’t change anymore... Oh. Sounds like the bucket is empty. I’m quite sad. And I feel guilty because of the people living in the apartment above mine. Farewell. I wish this wasn’t happening right now. He’s forcing me....
Fire noises. Screams.
MATSUDA: Thank you for coming, Sayu.
SAYU: No problem, Matsuda. I know how much it hurts you.
MATSUDA: How is your mother?
SAYU: Not very well. How about you?
MATSUDA: I thought I had her. I thought I had talked Misa into coming back down. 
SAYU: If it really was Kira, you know she’d have jumped no matter what once Light appeared. There was nothing you could have done. 
MATSUDA: She didn’t do anything to anyone... She wasn’t a threat to anyone.
SAYU: Except for the woman Light was seeing behind her back. 
MATSUDA: He asked her to marry him. He had his grandmother’s ring on him and he proposed to her with it.
SAYU: Jesus!
SAYU: He may be my big brother, but he can be such an asshole! 
MATSUDA: I don’t follow...?
SAYU: This is grandma’s ring, Matsuda! I’m wearing it as a necklace until the day someone asks me that question. 
MATSUDA: But he had a....
SAYU: ... plain? White gold? A bit bulky? 
MATSUDA: Yeah...
SAYU: That was father’s, Matsuda. It was given to Light via the will. 
MATSUDA: Oh. That means... he... 
SAYU: Yeah. He lied to her, played an act for her... Same boy who’s always driven everyone crazy! 
MATSUDA: I always thought they were the perfect couple. The thing with Kiyomi really surprised me. 
SAYU: He always kept that woman a secret. I remember him meeting Misa for the first time. 
MATSUDA: What happened then?
SAYU: Well, it was somehow like... like she was his stalker. She just showed up at our house one night. He told us not to tell dad. Under no circumstances was dad allowed to know. 
MATSUDA: Why should he have kept a girlfriend secret from the chief inspector?
SAYU: Uhh... ‘cause she... was famous, yes! The public was supposed to believe she’s still single. You know, for her image. 
MATSUDA: So what? What does that have to do with the head of police?
SAYU: Okaaay... if you put it this way, it is weird.
Funeral music. 
L: I doubt this is how Misa pictured her funeral. 
RYUK: L. Could you stop following me around?
L: What are you gonna do about it? Kill me?
RYUK: Yeah, right.
L: Are we really the only ones?
RYUK: I’m sure there’s still someone coming.
L: Because I don’t think the priest will make his sermon in front of an empty chapel. He won’t be able to see us.
RYUK: Misa didn’t exactly have many friends. She was an only child. Her parents are dead.
L: Right, but what about her fans?
RYUK: Five years ago maybe. Memory is short. Also Kiyomi Takada is getting buried at the other end of town, right now. 
L: Oh, that gotta hurt.
LIGHT: Who are you talking to Ryuk?
RYUK: Oh, nobody. Nothing. I was starting to wonder if you’d come.
LIGHT: I thought I should at least say goodbye. 
RYUK: Guess that’s correct.
LIGHT: Are we really the only ones?
RYUK: Yep.
LIGHT: I remember that almost nobody came to my grandma’s funeral as well. I thought that was sad, but she simply outlived all of her friends. 
RYUK: Still sad.
LIGHT: The present is the bane of the dead.
RYUK: How pretty. Is that Nietzsche?
LIGHT: Hertzfeldt.
PRIEST: You’re here for the burial at 3pm? Misa Wateri?
LIGHT: Misa Amane.
PRIEST: I’m sorry, the name was hard to read. Is it really only you, sir? I thought I heard you talking to somebody.
RYUK: Just him and his invisible friends.
LIGHT: Yes, only me.
PRIEST: Normally, son, I’d ask someone to say a few words to the mourning guests... but... you are the mourning guests.
LIGHT: It’s fine. I already said goodbye.
PRIEST: Then, shall we start?
LIGHT: Please.
MELLO: A playground, Near. Are you here to play on the swings a little?
NEAR: Mello. I was just about to leave.
MELLO: No, you weren’t. Sit down. I am assuming you’ve got a bug on you and that your lackeys are somewhere around here with sniper guns. 
NEAR: You should be correct there.
MELLO: But the police doesn’t know. 
NEAR: I could have called them. You’re wanted for kidnapping and being an accessory to murder. The execution of Light’s father.
MELLO: But you didn’t do it, because you need me. I’ve got Teru Mikami.
NEAR: Alright. Good work. I need you, Mello. You’ve got the trump cards.
MELLO: Just admit it, Near. I am faster than you. I am better. I didn’t have all the data and I didn’t have backup, and yet I’ve got Kira.
NEAR: You’re right. 
MELLO: You’re acting as if you were the great hunter. But I am the apex predator here.
NEAR: I already said you’re right, okay? You’re L’s worthy successor.
MELLO: Just about time.
NEAR: Only, you didn’t catch Kira. You caught his lackey. The real Kira, the original, is still out there. And neither of us will catch him - not without the cooperation of those working for him.
MELLO: Their numbers are dwindling, it seems. I saw Kiyomi Takada went up in flames.
NEAR: That wasn’t Mikami. Whoever wrote her name, they didn’t write it in Mikami’s book.
MELLO: And you know that... how?
NEAR: Because I’ve got his Death Note.
MELLO: You’ve got a Death Note. Obviously there is still another one around. And I suspect Light Yagami has it.
NEAR: A Death Note. Or a page from one. Or a hidden snippet. I don’t know. But he can still kill people.
MELLO: So why not us? We both opposed him face to face.
NEAR: He doesn’t know our names. He doesn’t have that special bonus, the eye thing.
MELLO: Mikami got it. 
NEAR: So all Yagami needs is Mikami and us in one room. Then he can kill us all.
MELLO: So we need to make sure that doesn’t happen.
NEAR: No, we need to make sure exactly that happens. The perfect trap.
The priest is reading an awkward sermon for Misa. Still Christian........ Ryuk keeps interrupting and Light is annoyed. This sequence is like. really long. It includes a full fucking psalm reading.
Near presents his evidence to Aizawa. Aizawa is not happy about the unlawful way of obtaining the evidence. Near suggests a meeting with Light, Mello and him.
Mello calls Matsuda. He proposes an exchange.
RYUK: So here is where it will end.
L: I like the symmetry. This university campus is where Light and I first met.
RYUK: On the children’s playground?
L: No, in the--
RYUK: I’m just kidding, L. I was there. You really got to him. 
L: Tonight it doesn’t look like it.
RYUK: No, tonight is the night. Whoever leaves this campus alive has won.
L: Do you bet, Ryuk?
RYUK: In a certain way, I can’t lose with any variation. 
L: I’ll believe that, yes. This is Light’s chance to get rid of pretty much everyone who is still a danger to him.
RYUK: And Mello’s chance to finally leave Near in the dust.
L: And Near’s chance to prove he’s my rightful successor. Three ways lead here, three directions, three outcomes.
RYUK: I like it. The cherry trees provide a lot of cover. Nobody will be able to sneak in. And really, who goes to a playground at night?
L: The roof over there is within sniper range. 
RYUK: Yes, and I think everyone is aware of that fact.
AIZAWA: Aizawa, Tokyo police.
LIDNER: Halle Lidner, SPK.
MOGI: My name is Mogi.
AIZAWA: What’s this supposed to be, a marksman’s festival? 
LIDNER: I’m just here to protect my employer’s interest.
AIZAWA: Really? I’m here because everyone could only choose one man as company and Matsuda volunteered first. As always.
MOGI: Do you have a license for this rifle, Miss Lidner?
LIDNER: No, arrest me.
MOGI: Let’s get comfortable and get our scope on the target. Without shooting anyone.
LIDNER: Hah. Good advice.
AIZAWA: I’ve got Mikami in my scope, in case he is planning something.
MOGI: Understood. I’ll take Mello. And... Miss Lidner, who will you target?
LIDNER: None of your business.
Light and Matsuda approach the meeting spot first, Near and Gevanni follow soon after. Aizawa informs Light about this. Lidner informs Near. And then....
LIDNER: Can you confirm that Mello is pulling Mikami by a dog’s leash? And that he’s gagged and tied up?
NEAR: Yeah. Still waters run deep, isn’t that how the saying goes?
MELLO: Just don’t pay attention to him. I’m here for the book.
NEAR: What book? Oh, you mean this one.
MELLO: Give it to me. Then I’ll give you Mikami.
NEAR: Steve, do you have a lighter?
Lighter flicking. Mikami making gagged noises of protest.
MELLO: What are you doing?! NO! 
NEAR: Hands off the weapons or my backup is going to fire.
LIGHT: You’re going to kill us all, you can’t burn the book!
NEAR: Of course I can. Look here.
MATSUDA: No! If you destroy the book all previous owners will die!
NEAR: Well, looks like that isn’t quite right. Surprised, detective Matsuda?
Book burning noises.
MATSUDA: Yeah, a bit...
NEAR: Do you wanna know what else is a lie? The 13 day rule!
LIGHT: You can’t say that with certainty.
NEAR: Oh, I’m pretty sure. If you lock up Mikami here for 13 days, he’ll hardly die. I know what you’re thinking Matsuda. If those two rules are fake, then... boom, your boss doesn’t have an alibi anymore.
LIGHT: Don’t listen to him, Matsuda.
MATSUDA: I... don’t know what to say...
NEAR: Light Yagami was declared innocent five years ago based on two rules that you can’t find in any other Death Note.
LIGHT: You’re grasping at straws. And you can’t prove it, now that you burned the Death Note.
MELLO: I’m out.
NEAR: What?
MELLO: I only came here for the book, which you just burned. Alright, Teru Mikami, you’re free. I suggest you try getting to the trees over there.
Chains unlocking.
NEAR: Don’t unchain him!
MELLO: Too late. Run, Teru! See you!
MOGI: Mikami’s running. What should we do?
AIZAWA: Mello’s running too.
LIGHT: Shoot him, don’t let him get away.
AIZAWA: Shoot? Shoot who?!
LIGHT: Mello! 
NEAR: Shoot Mikami! Don’t let him take out the gag. I repeat, don’t let him remove the gag!
LIDNER: He’s by the trees, I don’t have the shot.
LIGHT: Aizawa, Mogi, disarm the sniper. She can’t shoot Mikami!
And they... follow his orders.....
Meanwhile running into the forest, Mikami does get out the gag. He starts shouting.
MIKAMI: Nathaniel Rivers! Near’s name is Nathaniel Rivers! Nathaniel Rivers!!
AIZAWA: What the hell? Why is he calling out Near’s name?
LIDNER: Because Kira is on campus, idiot! Kira is here!
AIZAWA: But we’ve got infrared vision! We know of everyone who’s here!
LIDNER: And one of them is Kira! And now get off me.
MOGI: Shit....
LIGHT: So... Mr Rivers, I assume.
NEAR: Steve, focus your weapon on Light Yagami.
GEVANNI: Already on it.
MATSUDA: No, you won’t.
Weapon sound.
NEAR: Put that away, Matsuda! 
MIKAMI (screaming from the background): HIS NAME ISN’T STEVE. HE’S CALLED STEFANO.
GEVANNI: He’s shouting out my name! Do you hear that? That’s meant for Kira!
NEAR: Kira is here on campus! Kira is one of us!
MIKAMI: Michael Keehl! Mello’s name is Michael Keehl!
LIGHT: Keep them on their toes, Matsuda. I’ll go get Mikami.
MATSUDA: Don’t go alone, Light.
LIGHT: I’ve got this.
MIKAMI: Touta Matsuda! Touta Matsuda!!
NEAR: Do you hear this, Matsuda? Mikami is yelling the name of everyone who is here, so Kira can kill us all. 
MATSUDA: You burned the Death Note.
NEAR: Kira still has a page! He’ll write all the names. You have to stop him. And do you hear this? It seems like a name is missing.
MATSUDA: Light isn’t among them... 
NEAR: And why...?
MATSUDA: Oh my god. Oh... no... no... I was so stupid...
NEAR: Halle, please come in, Light Yagami is definitely Kira. Knock him out. Halle, can you hear m---
Heartbeat sound.
NEAR: He got me-- kill him... kill him...
MATSUDA: Aizawa. Mogi. Light is the target! I repeat, Light is Kira!
AIZAWA: What? Light?
MOGI: It’s dark. We can’t see him.
MATSUDA: Use infrared!
MOGI: Everyone is just a red blob. You can’t tell who’s who.
LIDNER: It’s too late. Kira is gone and got the real names. We won’t make it down there in time...
GEVANNI: Near is dead. I repeat, Near had a... ugh...
LIDNER: Steve! Come in!
AIZAWA: He also got Gevanni.
MOGI: Now there’s only...
AIZAWA: ...Mello and Matsuda.
LIDNER: And... MIkami.
Mikami still shouting names. Gun clicking.
MELLO: Oh, please shut up.
MIKAMI: You... you shot me...
MELLO: You told Kira my name. 
MIKAMI: It... it hurts...
MELLO: Of course it does. Of course it’s nothing compared to the pain I am feeling. I almost won. I was so close.
MIKAMI: I’m... dying...
MELLO: We’re all gonna die, Teru.
LIGHT: Some of us sooner than others.
MELLO: Light!
LIGHT: It’s over. I had to write really small but I thought it was a nice little idea. I’ve got a little opening in my watch in which I am carrying a small piece of the Death Note. Large enough for maybe half a dozen names.
MELLO: Ugh... ugh... Light....
LIGHT: And that’s the typical heart attack. After all, you weren’t the super-brilliant gangster you thought you were. But hey. At least you lived a minute longer than Near.
MELLO: I’m gonna...
LIGHT: What? Throw your weapon at me? 
MELLO: I’m gonna...
LIGHT: Ow. Actually, that was a joke. It’s a special pleasure to kill you, Mello, after you killed my father... And yet, farewell. I’m sorry I didn’t have the time to choose a more creative death.
AIZAWA: Matsuda! I’ve got two infrared signals now. That should be you and Light. 
MOGI: Matsuda!! Please answer!! Give us a signal so we know which one you are!! 
AIZAWA: Matsuda. Matsuda, put your hands up above your head!!
LIDNER: Shit. I don’t think he’s wearing his earbuds anymore.
MATSUDA: Not a move.
LIGHT: Matsuda. I found Mello, he’s dead.
MATSUDA: And you are the one who killed him!
LIGHT: No, I’m not.
MATSUDA: You killed them all! Put the pen down!
LIGHT: This? That isn’t...
MATSUDA: Drop it!
LIGHT: Okay, okay.
MATSUDA: You killed them all. You killed Ukita, too! You killed Misa... and your father!
LIGHT: Wait a second, I didn’t kill any of them. That was the others.
MATSUDA: The others...?
LIGHT: Matsuda... after all we’ve been through together... after all we’ve seen... Don’t just repeat what people tell you. My innocence has been proven. Don’t you remember?
MATSUDA: Yes... The rules were fake. I sacrificed the best years of my life to you. And you’ve been mocking me internally the whole time!!
LIGHT: Nobody is mocking anybody, Matsuda. I made a better world. I did it for justice. Can’t you see it? Evil disappeared from the world.
MATSUDA: But what what cost?!
LIGHT: Matsuda. Put your weapon down. You made it. You caught me. Well done. Look, I am putting up my hands. Up above my head. And I’m waving---
LIGHT: What the??
AIZAWA: Did you get him?
MOGI: I got somebody.
LIGHT: I’m sorry Matsuda, you were just shot by your own colleagues. That’s actually kind of funny. Now I’ll take this small piece of paper and look for a quiet spot to write their names as well. And then....
Ten seconds of gunshot noises.
LIGHT: Matsuda...??
MATSUDA, speaking laboredly: I said... I said... I said... don’t move.
RYUK: Sorry, pal. Mogi is just trained too well. He only shot the suspect to injure, not kill. 
LIGHT: Matsuda shot me!
RYUK: Yes. And when he wakes up... guess he’ll get a medal for it.
LIGHT: I’m dying, Ryuk... I’m dying...
RYUK: Happens to all of us sometime, buddy. I think you’re already going to be cold when they get here. What should I say...? It’s been real.
LIGHT: I was so close... Almost...
RYUK: I sadly don’t have anything to do a toast with. Can I borrow the pen for a second? Thank you. The shinigami has to do his job.
LIGHT: You’re... writing my name?
RYUK: Exactly what I’m doing.
LIGHT: But we’re friends... allies... You can help me... Just give me a bit of lifetime....
RYUK: Light Yagami, already done. Cause of death will be your heart stopping. But technically that’s true for everyone. There he goes.
LIGHT: I can see someone. I feel that someone is here.... with you...
RYUK: Oh really? You can see him? You really see him?
LIGHT: Someone’s here.... a man...
RYUK: Ah, there’s a term for this. When everything goes clear at the end... what was that called again?
L: Mental clarity before imminent death.
Ambulance noises. Police is also here now to secure the area.
L: After...? I don’t think there is such a thing as an after.
RYUK: I know. Sad to see him go. 
L: I don’t think you can feel anything but selfishness.
RYUK: Oh, come on. We were friends.
L: You killed him.
RYUK: I wrote his name in the book. It’s what I do.
L: You killed him the very second you gave him the Death Note. 
RYUK: The Death Note doesn’t kill people. People kill people.
L: You’re responsible for the death of thousands.
RYUK: Did I stutter? It’s what I do.
L: Shinigami makes reports, keep files. Light could have been a good person. You pushed him past the line. You turned him into a mass murderer.
RYUK: He freed the town of criminals. They should make a statue of him.
L: That won’t happen.
RYUK: No good deed goes without punishment.  Wow. This was quite the rollercoaster ride, wasn’t it?
L: Any last words? 
RYUK: What? What’s that?
L: Excuse me?
RYUK: What is that white book?
L: Did you never see one before, Ryuk? It’s a Death Note.
RYUK: Death Notes are black.
L: This one isn’t.
RYUK: I thought you were studying to be a shinigami.
L: That’s what you assumed, yes.
RYUK: What’s that white book for?
L: Even shinigami die, Ryuk. Who do you think writes their names?
RYUK: No, wait, L. I already told you. I just do what I have to do.
L: Stealing the Death Note of somebody else and giving it to a self-absorbed self-righteous young man who then becomes judge and executioner in one. Sending him on a murder spree. That has never been your job.
RYUK: Let’s not rush anything, okay?
L: Nobody is rushing anything. I had years to wrack my brain about this. Your superiors are really pissed, Ryuk. Completely unrelated to any moral questions, do you know how much paperwork you caused? The office is practically bursting. They even had to pull in shinigami from other divisions.
RYUK: You need my real name. You can’t kill me without my real name.
L: Ryukichi Nishiyama.
RYUK: How do you know?
L: I can see it floating above your ugly head.
RYUK: That’s not possible. Shinigami names are invisible.
L: For other shinigami, yes. But as I said... I am no shinigami.
RYUK: What are you?
L: Your superiors didn’t have to ask me for long. They were quite eager to finish the mess you caused. And I think it suits them to thin the herd a little, too.
RYUK: They wouldn’t do that.
L: Oh, but they did. Too many shinigami only hanging around, playing cards and getting drunk... for centuries. The devil finds work for idle hands. 
RYUK: U-uh, let’s talk about this, L! No, don’t write my name! Don’t!
L: There. You’re in the book. My first.
RYUK: I don’t want to die!
L: You’re already dead, buddy. Can I keep the pen?
RYUK: I don’t know what comes after this! 
L: Who even knows that? Just pretend its an adventure. Farewell, Ryuk. Who’s the apex predator now?
RYUK: It’s not fair... This wasn’t the plan... 
L: No? But be honest. Don’t you like it?
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shadowtarot · 5 years
Hidden Pain: A Persona 4 Drabble
Read this for context. 
Junes Food Court, mid-day, Sunday. The Investigation Team had called for a day of training before the next possible event could happen. But so far only Kanji, Yosuke, Teddie and Yu were at their normal meeting spot.
Yosuke drapes his arms onto the table as he sinks his face into them slowly. “What’s taking the girls so long? We only have a few hours until that huge sale hits, and when it does it’ll be near impossible for us to slip into the TV...”
“They’re getting medical supplies, man. Yu-senpai mentioned we were low.” Kanji closes his phone as he stashes it away in his pocket before glancing at his leader who’s using this downtime to fold a few origami cranes.
“I said I was going to grab them on my way here, but I had to help Nanako with something and ran out of time...” Yu states, not even glancing up from his work as he sets the crane down on the table.
“Well I know you can’t refuse anything when it comes to Nanako-chan, so I get it.” Yosuke nods. “Also how many of those do you plan to make?!”
“Sensei’s got some real skill with that!” Teddie states, his bright blue eyes watching closely as Yu begins another one.
“That just made wonder something, hey Kanji are you able to do origami as well?” Yosuke glances over at the younger teen.
“Why wouldn’t I? It’s easy enough once you figure it all out, but it’s not really my niche if you catch my drift.” Kanji shrugs. “It’s right up his alley though.”
“It’s relaxing...” Yu smiles a bit.
But as he’s beginning the first few folds, Yu suddenly jolts, enough for the paper in his hands to tear. 
“Yu?! Everything alright?” Yosuke gets up from his seat and walks to his best friend’s side.
Yu is wincing slightly, setting down the paper before looking up at his three friends. “Yeah, I think an old injury from the TV just popped up suddenly is all.”
“Really? Lemme know where it is when we get into the TV and I’ll heal it up for you. Could have sworn Yukiko took care of all the major ones last week....” Yosuke mutters.
“If Yosuke’s heals don’t do that much, I’ll help!” Teddie beats his chest once, smiling.
Yu chuckles, nodding. “Thanks you guys, but I think I’ll be fine. If it gets too bad, I’ll just heal myself.”
Yosuke focuses his gaze slightly before letting out a sigh. “If you say so...but don’t get too shocked if the girls start freaking out and try to heal you themselves.”
“heeeey! Sorry we’re late!” Chie calls out, waving her arm as she and the other girls walk up.
“Apolgies, but there was an issue with the cash register at the store where we normally get our medicine from.” Naoto explains, placing a hand in her pocket. “I hope we didn’t keep you four waiting too long.”
Rise starts counting the cranes Yu made before shrugging. “Seems he made twelve before we showed up. So they weren’t waiting that long.”
“Pffft, you can tell how bored they were by the amount of cranes? What if...we told time that way? ahahaha!” And there goes Yukiko on one of her laughing fits again.
“Geez, well if everyone’s ready we better hurry up and get in. Two more hours until the electronics sale starts. Plan to be in there for a few hours guys, we have to wait out the traffic.” Yosuke looks to everyone in the group.
“Let’s get going.” Yu puts all of his cranes away in a cloth bag before patting his hidden Katana with a small smirk.
Slipping through the currently average sized crowds, the group makes it to the TV they always use. Everyone puts their glasses on and slips into the TV World undetected.
Teddie slips into his bear suit, which he had left right at the hub area before looking at everyone present. “Alright! So who’s dungeon are gonna train in today Sensei?” 
“Well, I was actually thinking we might want to try tackling that Reaper you mentioned before. So it really doesn’t matter what area we go into right?”
“Are you serious Senpai?!” Rise stomps on her right foot hard on the ground. “You guys almost got killed by a Reaper back in Mitsuo’s! I’m not going to sit back and watch you guys actively hunt something that strong!”
“....it was a joke.” Yu rubs the back of his neck.
“Dude...your sense of humor needs some serious work.” Yosuke shakes his head. “Well if I could offer something, you guys know those Treasure Hands we keep running into? What if we went after those?”
“Oooh! We can make it a competition!” Chie raises her hand and bounces a bit as she speaks. “First one to kill ten of them gets...uhh...”
“First ten gets to have the others cook for them!” Yukiko smiles.
Yosuke and Yu wince. “H-How’s about first to ten gets to request something from the losers...that isn’t cooked.”
Yosuke nods. “What Yu said.”
Rise nods, writing that down. “If you all are each hunting ten then that’s going to be a lot of gold hands to hunt for.”
“They’re good money makers though, so no matter who wins we’ll all benefit in the end right?” Kanji crosses his arms. “Why don’t we do it in Yukiko-sempai’s Castle? It’s a small enough place that we won’t loose each other.”
“Sounds good, let’s move out guys!” Yu leads the way to the castle.
“Treasure hands spotted! Wow...for rare shadows there sure are a lot of them right now!”
“Let’s do this! I’m not passing up a chance for a request!” Yosuke smirks, dashing at a treasure hand.
“...for our sakes let’s hope Yu at least wins...” Chie sighs as she goes after one as well.
Everyone begins fighting the hand hoard, but Yu keeps switching Persona as he fights.
“Black Frost!” Ice shatters and destroys a treasure hand with retaliative ease. 
“That’s one for Senpai!”
“Perhaps we should bump the number up to twenty?” Naoto suggests. “Yu-senpai is having far too easy of a time right now.”
“Yeah, because he’s got more of an arsenal of Persona compared to us.” Kanji launches a treasure hand with a hard strike from his chair. “Just means we gotta work harder to keep up, yeah?”
“I’m with Kanji! No way I’m gonna lose to Sensei! KENTOKI-DOJI!”
Yosuke laughs. “Hell no, I’m not letting you take that one Ted! Jiryaya!” 
Both Persona charge at the one Treasure hand, closing in before...
The hand bursts into flames as Yukiko cockily fans herself. “Oh I’m sorry, did you boys want that one?”
“One point for Yukiko-senpai!”
“ARGH! I’m not coming in last place here!” Yosuke goes after another one with increasecd speed, not wanting to be one upped again.
“If you’re getting serious then maybe I should too...Partner.” Yu adjusts his glasses. “IZANAGI!”
Yu runs right up beside Yosuke, using his Persona’s lightning to keep pace. The two smirk at eachother.
“This one’s mine, no doubt.” Yu gives Yosuke a small laugh as they rush at the shadow.
“Not if I have anything to say about it!” Yosuke has Jiryaya attack the shadow, and Izanagi does the exact same...but then...
Yu falls to the ground on one knee, coughing badly as Izanagi vanishes back into it’s tarot card. Everyone stops what they’re doing to look at their leader. 
“Yu?” Yosuke kneels down beside him. “Dude, you don’t look so hot...”
“I’m fine...really.” Yu starts to get up, but Kanji places a hand on his shoulder.
“Like hell you are. You had that sharp ass pain before the girl’s showed up and now you’re coughing this badly? Stop trying to act cool with this kinda shit going on, man!”
Rise does a scan on Yu, focusing intensely. Yu starts coughing again, this time blood coming up as he does so. 
“I can’t see any sort of spell on him...” Rise sighs, shaking her head.
“And my nose can’t sniff out anything abnormal either...” Teddie looks worried.
“Guys really, I’m okay...” Yu pushes Kanji’s hand away from his shoulder. “Let’s just go back to-”
“I’m sorry Senpai but I have to respectfully refuse.” Naoto states, arms folded. “It’s quite clear you’re not in the right condition to fight, despite your claims. Coughing up blood like you just did is not a sign of a healthy individual.”
“Yu...if something is going on, you know you can tell us right?” Chie pouts a bit as she speaks. “We’re your friends after all.”
“...I’d tell you...if I fully understood it myself...” Yu mutters a bit. “I’m going to hang around here a bit longer before heading back. That sale is still going on, so leaving now wouldn’t be wise anyway.”
Yosuke sighs, nodding. “Yu has a point. Well...we’ll all hang out around the hub. Ted’ll get you once the coast is clear.” 
The others walk off, giving Yu some space. He holds his chest tight, as blue static seems to shock him before subsiding. 
“It’s gotten worse...as he’s gotten stronger. I don’t know...how much longer I can hold out like this...but if I try to do what they did...will they even..NGH!” The static starts up again, but Yu sinks his katana into the ground as he closes his eyes...and the surge comes to a halt. “No...I refuse to lose the one thing tying me with them...not now...not ever.”
Yosuke watches from a safe distance away, seeing just how much pain his best friend is in. He may not fully understand what’s going on but...
“Maybe he’s just as scared of accepting a part of himself....like me.” Yosuke shakes his head. “I’ll stay by your side as long as I can. And maybe one day...we can all help you face yourself...like you have for us.”
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chaoscheebs · 5 years
Celdic Crew Chat Log the 3rd
Please enjoy Rean interrupting Jusis and Machias’s date with his own personal crisis.  Some Cold Steel II spoilers apply.
(Part 1) - (Part 2)
Today had been a surprisingly good day, Machias thought, gazing at Jusis’s sleeping form next to him.  The surprise day out Jusis had planned had been admittedly fun, barring Millium yelling for them to enjoy their “hot date” in the middle of Heimdallr Station and all the butler dodging they did at Jusis’s insistence.
No, strike that, those were both pretty fun too, if only for Jusis’s reactions to them, he thought with a smirk.  He was damned cute when something managed to fluster him and wipe that stupid beautiful poker face off his… well, face.
His satisfied sleeping face was plenty cute too, though.  Machias gently brushed blond hair out of the way to better see it, drawing a soft sound out of his sleeping lover…
… then the chirping of a new message on his ARCUS spoiled the quiet moment.  He turned away to grab the device off the nightstand, sat up,  and squinted at the screen, wondering what was so important that it couldn’t wait until morning.
REAN: Hey, Machias? REAN: Um, I know it’s late but REAN: Can I ask REAN: Um REAN: I REAN: Um never mind it can wait REAN: I just REAN: Never mind
Sighing, Machias grabbed his glasses, put them on, and started typing out a response.
It took more than a moment for Rean to reply, which was kinda concerning.  What had the man acting so hesitant?
REAN: Oh REAN: OK, good. REAN: I just REAN: I’ve been… thinking about something lately.  A lot. REAN: And I think you might be able to help me figure it out? REAN: Because, um REAN: Well…
Oh boy, Rean’s spamming again.  Better nudge him towards his point, Machias though.
Another long pause, long enough that Machias thought Rean had just given up trying to put his thoughts into words.  He was about to put the ARCUS back on the nightstand when it chimed again.
REAN: Machias how did you *know* REAN: That you REAN: That you were interested in guys
Oh.  So that was it.  He sure did drop a difficult question with a complicated answer in his lap, huh?  After a moment of thought, he replied.
This time, Rean’s reply came at him fast.
REAN: NO!!!!! REAN: I mean REAN: I can’t REAN: I can’t talk to him about this
“I knew it!” Machias said out loud.  Honestly, probably a little too loud.  “I told you, Elliot, and you still wouldn’t believe me!”
“Knew what?” mumbled a sleepy voice next to him
Machias let out an awkward laugh and stroked Jusis’s hair.  “Ahahaha, it’s nothing that can’t wait until morning; go back to sleep.”
Jusis opened one eye slightly, frowned, then closed his eye again.  “… you better tell me in the morning,” he mumbled again, “and don’t stay up too late.”
“Right, right,” Machias said, then returned his attention to messages.
REAN: Thanks.  I know this is kind of personal, but REAN: Well REAN: I don’t really know what to do here. REAN: And you’ve REAN: Been there, you know?
Machias looked over to Jusis’s dozing form.  “Curveball” didn’t even cover how radically his life changed after meeting him.  There had been so much to learn, so much to get over, and so many new things to navigate through once they finally got their heads out of their asses about how they both felt.  But, Jusis was worth it, not that Machias was going to be that sappy to his face about it.
And then speaking of things he wasn’t about to tell Jusis…
REAN: Heheh, yeah, you two were really at each other’s throats for a while.
REAN: ??? REAN: OK, sure, I promise.
Machias took another look at Jusis to make sure he had gone back to sleep, took a deep breath, and began to type.
REAN: Aww, so you must really love him, then!  :D
Machias could feel color burning his cheeks.  Did Rean have to put it that bluntly?!  Even if it was true…
“It is intensely sappy,” Jusis said, causing Machias to nearly fling the ARCUS across the room in surprise.  At some point during the typing, he had sat up and was now peering at Machias’s orbment.
“What the…?!  Go back to sleep!” Machias exclaimed, trying to hold the ARCUS out of Jusis’s view.  Alas, all that did was make Jusis reach across him for the device, trying to grab it or his hand so he could continue reading.  “Hey, stop!”
“Now, now, I think I’m within my rights to see what you’re saying about me, dear,” Jusis teased, still trying to grasp the now-moving target.
Trying to push Jusis away with his free hand, Machias retorted, “The hell you do!  And what about Rean’s privacy?  This is a very delicate topic we’re discussing!”
This didn’t deter Jusis in the least.  “And what topic is that?”
“I think he’s realized he has a thing for Elliot!”
That, however, did.  Jusis lowered his hand and let out a quiet chuckle.  “Well, it’s about damned time.  Gaius will be thrilled with the news.”
Machias blinked.  “Huh?  Why?”
His question was met with Jusis rolling his eyes. “Because he’s had to watch everyone on our floor be absolute idiots when it came to romance and was unable to get any of us to stop being foolish.  You never noticed?”
“Um…” Machias began, but he was saved by the chiming of incoming message spam. He brought the device close again, half-heartedly still trying to keep Jusis from reading over his shoulder with his free hand.
REAN: Heheh, no, I don’t think it’s sappy; it’s really sweet! REAN: And…  I think it might’ve helped a little? REAN: So, thanks? REAN: Um, Machias? REAN: Are you still there? REAN: Heh, you probably fell asleep. REAN: I’ll let you go, then.
Typing one-handed, Machias quickly fired out a new message.
REAN: !!!!!! REAN: I’m not interrupting anything, am I?!
REAN: Oh, OK. REAN: Still, I don’t want to intrude on your, um REAN: Private time together REAN: So I’ll just be going now. REAN: Thanks, though.  I feel a little more sure now.
“Tell him we support him,” Jusis said, having won the fight to read the messages too.
“I’m getting to that!” Machias replied, typing out another message.
REAN: Yes?
Jusis sighed.  “Subtle as a brick as always, aren’t you?”
“Look, I’d be a pretty terrible friend if I didn’t try to be a good wingman here,” Machias said, frowning.
Jusis chuckled, then replied, “Fair enough, I suppose.”
REAN: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REAN: Um REAN: I’ll REAN: I’ll keep that in mind????? REAN: Anyway good night, tell Jusis I said hi REAN: Bye
[REAN has left the room]
Machias set the ARCUS on the nightstand with a sigh.  “Well, ball’s in his court now.  I’m sure Fie and I will be the first to hear if he actually makes a move.”
“Quite,” Jusis said.  He paused, and just as Machias began to settle back into bed, he added slyly, “… so…  I’m the only man you’ve ever been interested in?”
Machias shot back upright, suddenly red as a beet.  “DAMN IT, I TOLD YOU NOT TO READ OVER MY SHOULDER!”
… needless to say, they did not get back to sleep right away.
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luisaaronopez · 6 years
Tumblr media
Warning: This chapter contains dark content. Please read with caution. Oh my head....what did Mel do to me? As I slowly wake up, the first thing I see really sent chills down my spine. I see a bunch of hooded creeps with skull masks and are chanting something. Its incomprehensible and its terrifying. Then they move sideways and Mel is walking down straight at me. As she got to me, she starts licking her lips and puts her hand on my cheek. I tried to run away but my hands are chained onto a rock I'm leaning on. "Mel! Will you stop it and let me go? I need to find Rosie!" Mel's face got closer to mine. I closed my eyes, so I don't fall for her charm. Then Melantha does something caught me off guard. She starts dancing, not in a cute way....in a suggestive way. For some reason....my eyes start to open by themselves and I just kept looking at her dancing. Mel starts swinging her hips and showing off her beautiful legs... NO! I can't fall for the enemy... I have to admit, she is such a good dancer. After she's done, Mel summons her spear and walks toward me with it dragging in the ground. She's making a line in the ground with the sharp part of her spear. I start panicking. I suddenly shout "Mel! If you let me go...I'll....go on another date with you!!" Mel stops and tilts her head. "I'll take you anywhere you like!" I told her. Mel starts thinking about it fir a second. Eventually she lets me go. "Aaaaand.. can you tell your employees to leave so we can hang out alone?" I said to her in a sheepish tone. Mel snaps her fingers without looking at her employees. The hooded mooks bow to her and leave. Now that Mel and I are alone, I wanna ask her something. "Mel...there's something I've been curious to ask you!" Mel tilts her head in an adorable way. "Why did you join the Chaotic Army?" Mel just looked at me with a blank expression. "A friend of mine told me...the Chaotic Army is actually an evil cult that sacrifices people, animals and even plants and turn them into monsters. You aren't like them are you?" For once, Mel starts to look at me with a sad expression. "Mel, you have to convince the head priestess that all of this chaos is wrong and its endangering the world." I can see tears in Mel's eyes. "I'm not mad at you, I'm surprised such a cute and talented girl like you would ally with these.... murderous pyschopaths." This caused Mel to grab her spear and point it at me. "W-was it something I said?" Now Mel is staring at me with anger. "If only you could talk, it would make it easier for me to understand you!" Mel charged at me a little as I backed up. "Mel please! If you can at least say something maybe we can help you." Mel starts swinging her spear as tears are still flowing from her eyes. "MEL! STOP!" I start to run away from her as she chases after me. As I seemingly escape Mel, I see that cowboy man and he has Rosie next to some kind of cobra. "Look you're making this very difficult! Just kiss the snake and this will be all over!" the man threatened her. "No...you're the one being difficult. You're only hurting yourself because you can't face facts. So there." Rosie said to the man. This infuriated the man. He shouts at his snake "KILL HER!" The cobra bites Rosie's arm. She screams in agony as she falls on the ground. "ROSIE NOOO!!" I pulled out my sword, rushed over to her. The cobra snapped at me, luckily it missed. I swung my sword and killed it. "MY COBRA!" The man cries out. Mel arrived. She looks at me and Rosie, then she turns to the man. "What are you waiting for? Don't just stand there! Kill porcupine haired boy for what he did to my pet!" The man screamed at Mel. Mel glared at me. She's still mad of what I said. She pulled out her spear and charged at me. I quickly dodged and Mel ran into one of the deadly traps. She touched the injection neurobion. Mel had a horrified look on her face as she fell to the ground motionless. "MEL!" The man shouts. I run over to Rosie and kneeled beside her. "The venom working. Its hitting every nerve in her body." The man chuckled. I start pulling up Rosie's head, she's uttering small moans in pain and she slowly puts her hand on my arm. I turn around and yell at the man "How can you do this to her? You bastard!!" I ran up to the man. He pulled out his gun and shot my arm. I screamed in pain as I dropped my sword. "I disarmed you my boy!" The man said with another chuckle. Then he shoots my leg, causing me to fall down. The man walks toward me. He puts his gun on my head and says "Don't worry, you'll see your friend again.....IN HEAVEN!! Ahahaha! I love my job!! Ahahaha!" I start crying. Its my fault for putting Rosie in danger. My family won't miss me. The only ones who will care are my mother and friends. I accepted defeat and was more than ready to hear the guy pull the trigger... Until....some magical blast hit the man, knocking the gun from his hand. "What the...?" He gasped. Rosie is standing before him. "You're....alive.....my cobras venom should've killed you!" He growled. "I'm a white mage remember? I can heal myself from ANY status effects, even venom!" Rosie said with confidence. Rosie slowly touched my arm and leg. They both healed. I felt great joy in my heart. I'm glad Rosie is alright. Now that I have my confidence back, I picked up my sword and is ready to fight alongside Rosie. The man was cornered. As he stepped back, he stepped on his bear traps. He screams in agony as he tries to get the trap off him. He only made it worse by causing it to close more. It caused his foot to bleed. The man starts yelling and pointing at Rosie and me. "I hate you! I HATE BOTH OF YOU! I'm not gonna hear the end of it from Mistress Nebula. We'll be back! With far more deadlier traps! So deadly that they make us Eliminators BUTCH compared to petty serial killers. Ahahahaha! Ow...my foot...my fu..." Suddenly the purple void disappears, the man, traps and Mel... I look at her motionless body with guilt as she fades away too. I wanna save Mel. I need to take her away from all of this. Rosie looks at me and asks "What's wrong?" I start crying again and apologized. "I'm-I'm sorry Rosie..its my fault for putting you in danger. It was selfish of me to bring you on a dangerous quest...I didn't know Mel joined this cult and I thought I can reason with her. You probably are disappointed in me. All these nightmares I had these past nights and Mel trapped me with the same beast from my nightmare and I'm so stressed right now. You could've been killed by the snakes venom. I wish....I WISH THAT MAN WOULD KILL ME TOO!!" I fell to the ground crying my eyes out. Rosie kneels down, hugs me and speaks to me softly. "Don't say that hun. None of this was your fault. IGoing on this quest was my choice. I wanted to help you bring these 'purple making fanatics' to justice. You hanging out with Mel must be the reason why you had these nightmares. You should be happy, at least we're now out of the void and both criminals are crippled by their own traps." Rosie wipes a tear from my eye and continues to speak softly "Let's cheer up, its dawn. Its time to relax and enjoy the sunrise." I can't help but smile. Rosie really knows how to make me happy. We slowly lay on the grass and stare at the sun. We both stared at each other. Then we both laugh, because we're now free. To Be Continued.
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krat395 · 6 years
Tickle... or Be Tickled!! (Chapter 4)
Now that Frisk is tickling Asriel, it's time for "Tori the Tickler" to make her dramatic entrance and join in on the fun! ;)  Undertale(c) Toby Fox.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
****************************************** TICKLE... OR BE TICKLED!!
Chapter 4: In This Family, It’s Tickle… or Be Tickled!!
 Upon hearing what might just be the most adorable laughter in existence, Toriel made her way over to the basement door. And then not too long afterwards, she crept slowly down the stairs and all the way through the hallway of the basement itself to get ready to initiate a surprise tickle attack on her primary target. And to Toriel’s delight, the closer she crept towards both Asriel and Frisk, the louder Asriel’s adorable laughter became. And quite frankly, it was music to her long droopy ears as Frisk continued wiggling and squiggling her fingers all over his fluffy torso and blowing consistent raspberries over his naval. :)
 Toriel: Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! *laughed Toriel “evilly” as she made her “dramatic entrance” into the basement living room*
 Frisk: Aaaaaaaaaah! Oh my god! *shouted Frisk a bit nervously as she stopped ticking Asriel for the time being*
 Asriel: BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! *bleated Asriel a bit nervously as his laughter gradually died down* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *SNORT* AHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! *SNORT* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *SNORT* Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaha!!! *snort* Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Ahahahaha!! Ahaha!! Haha!! Ha! Ha! Ha.
 Due to not expecting Toriel to enter the room laughing so “evilly”, both Frisk and Asriel were rendered a bit frightened. But as soon as they figured out that it was their mother however, their frowns immediately turned upside down and then they both asked her at the same time in perfect sync,
 Frisk and Asriel: Mom, what the heck was that all about?!
 Toriel: Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, Mom? Who’s this “Mom” you speak of, you precious children?
 Frisk: Why, we’re talking about you of course! You’re “Mom!” *replied Frisk, playing along with Toriel*
 Toriel: Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! No, I’m not, little girl! I’m “Tori the Tickler,” a “wicked old witch” that feeds on the laughter of children! Especially adorable ones! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
 Frisk: Oh, really? *asked Frisk, playing along with Toriel once again* Well, you’re in luck then. Because it just so happens that I’ve got one right here. *said Frisk all singsongy as she poked Asriel’s tummy and bellybutton a couple of times* Heeheeheeheeheehee!!!
 Toriel: Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Fantastic, little girl! Now, be a dear and step aside for a while, would you? *asked Toriel as she proceeded to hold Asriel’s arms down* I’d like to tickle this handsome young man myself for a little while before the two of us start working together.
 Frisk: Sure thing, “Tori the Tickler.” Heeheeheeheeheehee!!! *giggled Frisk as she got up off of Asriel*
 Asriel: WAIT, WHAT?!! *asked Asriel very nervously all the while his mother kneeled directly over him*
 Frisk: You heard her, Azzy! Right after she’s done with you, the two of us are going to tickle you together! And we’re gonna tickle you until you can’t feel a thing too! Mwahahahahahaha! *teased Frisk “evilly” as she sat down on the floor in a cross-legged position at least two feet to the right of Toriel and Asriel’s current location*
 Asriel: Um… a… well… um, good luck with that! Because as of right now… I’m not ticklish! *lied Asriel and not fooling anyone with his lie* So, um, I probably wouldn’t try tickling me if I were you! Just saying!
 Frisk: Pffffffffffffffffft!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! You?! Not ticklish?! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Azzy, that’s like saying your fur isn’t white and fluffy! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
 Toriel: Hee hee hee! I know, right? And don’t forget that that’s also like saying he’s not super adorable… and squishy! *said Toriel while squishing Asriel’s cheeks together a few times*
 Asriel: *muffled speech*
 Toriel: Oh, hee hee hee, I’m sorry. What was that, sweetie? *asked Toriel after she stopped squishing Asriel’s cheeks together*
 Asriel: I’m being serious! As of right now, I’m not ticklish! *lied Asriel once again* So, um, because you won’t get a single reaction out of me, like, at all, um, could you, could you let me go? Please, Mom? Pretty please, with a cherry on top?
 Toriel: Um… no, I will not let you go, my child! *exclaimed Toriel without any intention of offending her son* Because I know very well that you’re lying to me about not being ticklish (and you not wanting me to tickle you)! And lying to your own mother is something that should not go unpunished!
 Frisk: Oh, you are so gonna get it now, Azzy! Mwahahahahahahaha!
 Toriel: Hee hee hee! You’re so right, Frisk. Mwahahahahahahahaha! Now, before I start, is there one last thing you’d like to say, Asriel?
 Asriel: Please don’t tickle the precious goat child, Mom. He’s very sorry he lied to you. *said Asriel worriedly*
 Toriel: Oh, sweetie, it’s too late for apologies… because my mind is already made up. …You’re going to be tickled by me whether you like it or not. But before I officially start, how about a little teasing first?
 Asriel: *gasp* No, no teasing, please? That will only make things worse!
 Frisk: Hahaha! Well, all the more reason to do it then! Am I right?
 Toriel: Hee hee hee! You most certainly are, little girl! And I bet you know how effective it is against him too!
 Frisk: I do! I totally do! No doubt about that! So, uh, care to demonstrate?
 Toriel: Hee hee hee! Certainly! Hold his arms down, please!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheehee!! No problem!
 A few seconds later, Frisk held down Asriel’s arms and then Toriel let go of Asriel’s arms and officially began teasing him by wiggling her fingers right in front of his face, by wiggling her fingers as closely as possible to his fluffy torso without touching it, and by telling him what she’s going to do him shortly in a singsongy voice that sounded like that of a typical loving mother.
 Toriel: I’m gonna tickle you everywhere, little boy. Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! …I’m gonna put a big smile on the cute little face of yours. …I’m gonna make you squirm in my clutches. …I’m gonna make you laugh until you lose your voice. …I’m gonna tickle you until you can’t feel a thing… But most importantly, I’m gonna bottle up all of your precious laughs so I can listen to them any time I want! Because that’s what “Tori the Tickler” does! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Now… feel the almighty power of “Tori the Tickler!”
 With all of that said; Toriel finally initiated her “deadly” tickle attack… on the armpits of… FRISK?!!! :O
 Asriel: (Holy crap, I’m so speechless right now!!!) *thought Asriel to himself in a state of complete shock as his mother got up off of him so she could pin Frisk down against the floor on her back to continue tickling her instead of him*
 TORIEL LIED!!! :O That entire plan she came up with to tickle Asriel together with Frisk; that was all made up in order to set Frisk up for another tickle attack from her herself! And since Frisk didn’t suspect a thing and is currently a laughing loon, that means Toriel succeeded! :) But Toriel doesn’t want to tickle Frisk by herself, however. She wants some help. And lucky for her, there just so happens to be an adorable fluffy shirtless boy that can put his fluffy and tickly fur to good use in close proximity. ;)
 Toriel: Why, I’m tickling you of course, my child… as more fun and playful revenge for what you and Toby did to me last night, something of which I’m sure you told Asriel about! Right, Asriel? Did Frisk tell you what she and Toby did to me last night?
 Asriel: …Y-yes, Mom, t-the whole thing! *answered Asriel, who was still in shock after witnessing his mother tickle Frisk instead of him*
 Toriel: I know, not so fun being on the receiving end of it, is it, my child? Now you know how I feel whenever you kids lie to me! Hee hee hee! …Say, Asriel, do you happen to know what time it is? *asked Toriel with a massive smile on her face as she continued tickling Frisk*
 Asriel: Um… maybe. *responded Asriel a bit hesitantly*
 Toriel: Hee hee hee! Come on now, don’t be shy, sweetie. I know you know the answer to this question. *winks at Asriel several times*
 Asriel: Um, princess tickle time? *guessed Asriel as he stood up off of the floor*
 Toriel: Hee hee hee! Yes, you’re right! IT’S PRINCESS TICKLE TIME! *said Toriel all singsongy*
 Asriel: *excited gasp* Really?! …Oh my god, we haven’t done that in, like… forever!
 Toriel: Hee hee hee! Well, in that case, care to join me?
 Asriel: Yes! Definitely! Absolutely! *shouted Asriel excitedly as he kneeled to the left of Frisk (Frisk’s right) and began tickling her belly while Toriel continued tickling her armpits*
 Moments later, Toriel and Asriel stopped tickling Frisk. But only long enough to tell her exactly what “Princess Tickle Time” is, however.
 Toriel: But if Asriel doesn’t help me, my child; then that defeats the entire purpose of doing “Princess Tickle Time” in the first place!
 Asriel: Yeah, it totally does! And we can’t have that happening because it’s been like… forever since Mom and I last did this little family tradition of ours!
 Frisk: Um, no it hasn’t! *said Frisk confusedly under the assumption that “Princess Tickle Time” is when Toriel and Asriel work together to tickle either her or Chara* Because if I’m not mistaken, didn’t you two already do something like this to Chara last Saturday morning when I was at one of those political meetings with Dad?
 Toriel: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Frisk; what Asriel and I did to Chara was regular tickle time! In order for it to be “Princess Tickle Time,” HE has to join us! *claimed Toriel as she pointed her right index finger towards the dark basement hallway to signal a third tickler, a tickler that she, Asriel, and Frisk know all too well*
 Upon receiving Toriel’s signal, a massive figure emerged from the darkness of the basement hallway. …KING ASGORE DREEMURR aka THE TICKLE MONSTER!!! :D
 Asgore: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!! You’ve awoken the TICKLE MONSTER, little girl!! And he is STARVING for your laughter! ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!! *exclaimed Asgore playfully as he stomped slowly towards Frisk*
 “Princess Tickle Time” is the cherished pastime of Asgore, Toriel, and Asriel teaming up and tickling Chara to precious pieces. And in a few moments, they are about to relive this cherished pastime with Frisk in Chara’s place. X33
 Frisk: *gasp of pure delight* Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Mom, Dad, Azzy, I love you guys so much right now! *exclaimed Frisk excitedly while tearing up* Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
 Toriel: Oh, you are most welcome, my child. You’re such a wonderful addition to our family, how could we not? Hee hee hee!
 Since Frisk has been a Dreemurr for seven months now and since she, Asriel, and Chara all have such a huge fondness of tickling and being tickled, and with the newfound knowledge of Frisk referring to Asgore as her father, Toriel decided to put aside her differences with Asgore long enough to team up with both him and Asriel and give Frisk the tickling experience all three of them used to give Chara on many occasions when both she and Asriel were little. And that happens to be one of the things she discussed upstairs with Asgore in addition to Frisk and Toby tickle torturing her last night. And after being informed of Toriel’s plan of having Frisk experience “Princess Tickle Time,” Asgore made absolutely no hesitation to be a part of it. :) It was Toriel’s plan all along to tickle Frisk with help from Asgore. But she didn’t want Frisk knowing that, however. So, because she didn’t want Frisk knowing what her true plan was, she lied to Frisk by telling her that she wasn’t ready to tickle one of their children with Asgore yet when in reality, she actually was. :)
 Asgore: Hohoho! Asriel and I couldn’t agree more, Toriel. Hohoho! Right, Asriel?
 Asriel: …
 Asgore: Asriel?
 Asriel: …Oh, um, yes. Yes, you’re right, Dad; but…
 Toriel: But what, sweetie?
 Asriel: Don’t you think Chara should be here with us to help tickle Frisk? Or, tickle both her and Frisk at the same time maybe? …Don’t get me wrong, what we’re about to do to Frisk is going to be great and all but… *sniffles* I feel kind of bad that Chara isn’t here to relive one of our most cherished memories with us, you guys. *sniffles*
 Toriel: …Oh, Asriel, your father and I had a feeling you would be concerned about that. …Don’t worry; everything will be ok. We’ll make sure of it.
 Asriel: *sniffles* You, you promise?
 Toriel: Of course, sweetie.
 Asgore: Yes, my son.
 Asriel feels kind of bad that Chara is unable to participate in “Princess Tickle Time” with him, Asgore, Toriel, and Frisk today. (Chara is absent today because she’s currently at Alphys’s house spending some quality time with Alphys herself and MK, her two favorite lizard monsters. :)) So, because he feels this way, Toriel, Asgore, and Frisk all felt that they should shed some light on the current situation for the next couple of minutes. And so they did. They told Asriel that it was a spur of the moment decision due to Frisk’s suggestion to Toriel from earlier this morning (the suggestion of having both Toriel and Asgore tickle her in order to REALLY make her learn her lesson after tickle torturing Toriel last night); it will make Frisk, Chara, and Asriel even since Frisk didn’t participate in family tickle time with Asriel, Chara, and Toriel last Sunday and since Asriel didn’t participate in the tickle war Frisk and Chara had with MK, Blooky, and Mettaton last Wednesday when Toriel wasn’t home (the latter of which surprised Toriel since Frisk, Chara, MK, Blooky, or Mettaton didn’t say a single word about it to her until today); Chara’s absence makes Frisk able to experience it the same way Chara did for the first time (1 human girl getting tickled by 3 monsters rather than 2 human girls getting tickled by 3 monsters or 1 human girl getting tickled by 3 monsters and another human girl); it’s additional (playful) punishment for tickle torturing Toriel last night with help from Toby; etc. etc.
 A few minutes later…
 Asriel: Ok, that all makes me feel so much better. Thanks, you guys!
 Toriel and Asgore: You’re very welcome, sweetie/my son. *said Toriel and Asgore in perfect sync before looking at each other confusedly*
 Frisk: Yes, Azzy, you’re welcome. (Wait, did Mom and Dad just… Nah, don’t worry about it, Frisk. It’s probably nothing.)
 After a brief moment of silence, Frisk, who was incredibly eager to experience “Princess Tickle Time” for the first time ever, proceeded to ask Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel all curiously and excitedly,
 Frisk: …So, um, are you guys ready to start now?
Toriel and Asgore: Oh yes, very much so, my child! *answered Toriel and Asgore in perfect sync before looking at each other confusedly once again*
 Frisk and Asriel: (Woah, what the? Huh, that was weird, but at the same time, really cool!) *thought Frisk and Asriel confusedly and happily to themselves*
 Toriel and Asgore: *stammers* Um, we mean, it’s “Princess Tickle Time!” *said Toriel and Asgore all singsongy and nervously at the same time*
 At that moment, Toriel resumed her ticklish assault on Frisk’s armpits and Asgore began wiggling his fluffy fingers and scratchy nails against every inch of Frisk’s thighs, knees, calves, and ankles, sending the young human girl into absolute hysterics despite the fact that neither one of them is touching her bare skin... yet. ;) Frisk is extremely ticklish. Not quite as ticklish as Asriel but ticklish enough to laugh, squeal, shriek, and snort from some of the very lightest touches to her sensitive body depending on the location (primarily her belly).
 Asgore: (Golly! She’s more ticklish than Chara! Way more ticklish!) *thought Asgore excitedly to himself*
 Toriel: Hee hee hee! You’re very welcome, my child! Hee hee hee! Tickle, tickle! *replied Toriel before increasing her tickling speed on Frisk’s armpits* Kitchie kitchie koo!
 Asgore: Hohoho! Yes! More laughter! Hohoho! But, not quite enough for the Tickle Monster! ROOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!! *shouted Asgore before increasing his tickling speed on Frisk’s legs*
 As Toriel and Asgore tickled Frisk, Asriel, who was still kneeling to the left of Frisk (Frisk’s right) but wasn’t tickling her at all, watched both of them in complete silence with a massive smile on his face. This was partly due to listening to some of the most angelic laughter he’s ever heard and seeing some of the most priceless expressions he’s ever seen but mostly because of how exciting it was for him to see both of his parents tickling someone together for the first time in years! :D
 Toriel and Asgore: Wait, Asriel? Asriel, why aren’t you tickling Frisk with us, sweetie/my son? Is there something wrong? *asked Toriel and Asgore in perfect sync as they both stopped tickling Frisk for the time being* (*gasp* Oh my goodness! Again?! What is with both of us today?)
 Asriel: …
 Toriel and Asgore: Asriel?
 Asriel: …
 Toriel and Asgore: ASRIEL?!
 Asriel: Huh? …Oh, n-no, not at all, you guys! …S-sorry, it’s just, it’s just so incredible watching both of you work together, that’s all. *replied Asriel with a massive smile on his face*
 Frisk: (I agree with you 100%, Azzy! X3)
 Toriel and Asgore: Because it reminds you of all those times we worked together to tickle both you and Chara back then, doesn’t it, Asriel? (And there we go again! Seriously, what is with both of us today?! :/)
 Asriel: Yes! Exactly, exactly! *replied Asriel excitedly while tearing up a little*
 Toriel: *sniffles* (Oh my goodness, try not to cry, Toriel!) W-well, don’t feel the need to not include yourself in this for that reason, sweetie. *said Toriel while trying hard to hold back tears*
 Asgore:*sniffles* (Oh my goodness, try not to cry, Asgore!) She, she’s right, you know. *said Asgore while trying hard to hold back his tears* “Princess Tickle Time” isn’t the same without you, my son. So please…
 Toriel and Asgore: Feel free to jump in at any time!
 Asriel really struck a nerve there with both of his parents! Because for the first time in years, Toriel and Asgore worked together to tickle someone, something they didn’t even realize they were doing until Asriel pointed it out! And at the same time, the two parents began realizing that they share the same thinking after all these years too, which might possibly explain why both of them keep talking in such perfect sync! This created one hell of an awkward and surprisingly emotional situation for both Toriel and Asgore, causing the two boss monsters to actually consider ending “Princess Tickle Time” entirely! …But, rest assured, that is NOT going to happen! Because they’re doing this for Frisk! And that reason alone is enough for them to see this through. But, in an attempt to help ease the current situation, Asriel may want to consider joining them real soon. And that’s not going to be a problem… because he’s ready! :)
 Asriel: Well, how about right now then?!
 At that moment, Asriel began wiggling his furry fingers teasingly against Frisk’s extremely sensitive belly. And despite the fact that Frisk’s shirt is still covering up her belly at the moment, Asriel’s fingers still tickle like hell, which Frisk doesn’t mind one bit, actually! ;)
 Toriel and Asgore: Hee hee hee/Hohoho! Thanks, Asriel! And good job! (*gasp* Really?! We’re talking at the same time again?! My goodness, this is getting too out of hand!) *stammers* I mean, it’s “Princess Tickle Time!” *said Toriel and Asgore all singsongy and nervously at the same time yet again* Again! Hee hee hee/Hohoho!
 Then, just then, Toriel resumed her ticklish assault on Frisk’s armpits and Asgore resumed his ticklish assault on Frisk’s legs. And they continued doing so for 2 minutes. All while Asriel focused on her extremely sensitive belly.
 2 minutes later, all three boss monsters stopped tickling Frisk. But only long enough for them to get ready for phase 2 of their assault. And to get ready for phase 2, Frisk’s shoes need to be removed. ;)
 Frisk: Hey, wait, what the… Dad; Dad, what are you doing?! Don’t, don’t take my shoe off! *pleaded Frisk nervously as Asgore slowly removed her right shoe but not her right sock… yet* Dad, please don’t take my shoe off!
 Frisk doesn’t actually mind that Asgore’s currently taking off her shoes. She’s just pretending she doesn’t want him to take them off in order to fuel his desire to tickle her even more, that’s all. ;)
 Asriel: Don’t listen to her, Dad! *shouted Asriel despite knowing very well that Asgore will listen to him*
 Asgore: Hohoho! Worry not, my son, I don’t intend to. *assured Asgore with a ginormous smile on his face* Hohohohoho!
 Moments later… after Frisk’s right shoe was removed…
 Frisk: Dad! Dad, you put that back on right now! You hear me? You put that shoe back on right now!
 Asgore: Dum dee dum. *hummed Asgore as he ignored Frisk’s continuous pleads* Hohohohoho!
 Frisk: Hey! No! Don’t take the other one off too! Please don’t take the other one off too, Dad! *pleaded Frisk nervously as Asgore slowly removed her left shoe but not her left sock… yet* Please don’t! Seriously, Dad, please don’t!
 Moments later… after Frisk’s left shoe was removed…
 Frisk: Dad?! Dad, come on, this isn’t funny! You put back both of my shoes back on right now! Please! I don’t wanna get my feet tickled, gosh darn it! *lied Frisk*
 Toriel: Oh, you poor little girl. *teased Toriel as she crawled over right next to Frisk’s feet where Asgore is currently sitting* That’s too bad. …Because when it comes to tickling, we Dreemurrs have one mandatory rule. And that rule is:
 Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel: THE FEET MUST ALWAYS BE TICKLED!!!
 Frisk: *nervous gasp* You wouldn’t dare!
 Toriel and Asgore: Oh yes, we would! Hee hee hee/Hohoho!
 While Toriel and Asgore were talking just now, Toriel lifted Frisk’s right leg off of the floor and then proceeded to wrap her left arm around her right ankle, trapping her right foot in the process. And at the same time, Asgore lifted Frisk’s left leg off of the floor and wrapped his right arm around her left ankle, trapping her left foot in the process.
 Asriel: Oh, you are so gonna get it now, Frisk! Heeheeheeheeheehee!!
 Frisk: No, no, please! Goat Mom, Goat Dad, please don’t tickle my feet! Please don’t! *Frisk pleaded very nervously*
 Toriel and Asgore: Too late, our minds are already made up, Frisk. These little feet of yours are going to be tickled… whether you like it or not! Hee hee hee/Hohoho!
 Frisk: A-Azzy, Goat Bro, p-p-please do something! Anything! Oh, I know! How, how about you turn against them! Y-yeah, let’s work together, you and me, brother and sister side by side! Come on, what do you say? Parents vs. children! It’ll be fun!
 Asriel: NO! *replied Asriel with absolutely no hesitation* Sorry, Frisk, I can’t. …Because… in this family, it’s TICKLE… OR BE TICKLED!! *shouted Asriel as he began digging his fluffy fingers into Frisk’s ribs and as Toriel and Asgore began tickling Frisk's socked feet with their free hands* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!!
 Toriel and Asgore: No can do, Frisk! Like Asriel said, in this family, it’s TICKLE… OR BE TICKLED!! Hee hee hee/Hohoho! *shouted both Toriel and Asgore in perfect sync yet again as they sped up tickling Frisk’s socked feet*
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shoushatohaisha · 6 years
report: haikyuu!! summer week day 5 part 2 (hajimari no kyojin)
(sorry for the delay! i moved home from japan to the states the day after… technically the day of posting the last report so obviously it's been. Busy. last one tho!! ♥)
previously: day 1 (shoen) day 2 (itadaki no keshiki) day 3 (karasuno, fukkatsu!!) day 4 (shousha to haisha) day 5 part 1 (shinka no natsu)
guests: kenta, keita, funaki masahide, yanagihara rin
Hoo Boy this was by the most outright emotional of all the screenings so far. like, shousha to haisha was intense, but the content was intimately familiar by now. the impact of this was fresh -- and we all knew it was the end, you know? the end of our happy little week, obviously, but also the beginning of the end for karasuno. over the week all those showings had built up this tidal wave of Feelings it then unleashed here, aha. so that the cheering was right on the edge of desperate, like there were real results on the line. self extremely included. this was our last chance, in all kinds of ways.
(i, aware that i would be leaving the country in two days, was perhaps a little more desperate! but it sure as hell wasn't just me. cheering along at the top of our lungs to the opening/closing karasuno jog i described here… it was. a lot.)
of course the reaction to certain parts were as you'd expect. there was dead silence for ennoshita's big scene(s). the cheers for his receives were like nothing else. when ennoshita tells yamaguchi "let's fight together" kenta reeled backward like he'd taken a physical hit. (my son, i love you.) and of course kenta and kt were emoting all over the place for that whole storyline – kt was wiping his eyes after daichi had to leave the court, and then they both teared up over "thank you for coming back" and "captain ni tsunagenakya!"
and of course when it came to rin and funaki they had their own moments – rin obviously got misty-eyed when all of wakutani started losing their shit, lol, and funaki surprised me by wiping his eyes after misaki's goodbye to johzenji. (my guess from daisenshuuraku was right, btw, momo was crying irl during that scene. awww.)
once again kt was tricked into dashing out before everyone else. XD kt: um this is not how rehearsal went. kenta: what are you talking about? :( funaki: this is just like we practiced. rin: (nods furiously) kenta: isn't it? kt: ………yes. fine.
so they accidentally grabbed the afternoon's MC script, whoops. which i'm sure kenta noticed as soon as he glanced at it, but didn't turn a hair until it was time for their self-introductions. "playing kageyama tobio, i'm kageyama tatsuya—" kt: playing nishinoya yuu i'm fuchino yuuto ^_^ funaki: hahahaha PLAYING KUROO TETSUROU IM KONDOU SHOURI audience: (CHEERS) rin: (squints at script) playing konoha akinori im… (mutters) ….azuma… takumi…? kenta: ….you were IN A PLAY WITH HIM rin: is that wrong kenta: what have you been calling him all this time rin: …………azuma…..kun………. kenta: and what did he say to that rin: …"yes?" funaki: well he does seem like he'd just roll with that kenta: IT'S HIGASHI HIS NAME IS HIGASHI
kenta: i was the MC for the shoen screening, but earlier this week, rather than do it twice himself, ryoutarou turned it over to yamagiwa kaito-kun-- audience: (bursts into giggles) kenta: …yeah so i thought maybe tonight i'd give someone else a cha-- funaki: ME I WANT TO kenta: --ok here you go funaki: wait what kenta: you looked like you really wanted to so funaki: I SUPER DO :D funaki: so uh (flips pages) next uh -- kenta: r u srs
i was SOOO fond of funaki omg what a friendly bro ahhh. so cheery and good-natured. :D (can u tell i like em dumb and smiley, apparently.) whereas rin-kun was… endearingly ditzy. XD (is he an ex-johnny's? he kind of had that air. it was like looking at ueda tatsuya circa 2005. in no small part because of the wakunan towel tucked into his waistband, which draped to the floor.)
funaki: don't forget to call the player's names during the starting order, like "terushima!" or "terushii!" or "yuuji!"
funaki: so next we'll practice cheers! i, the MC – yeah yeah yeah (rapper pose) -- kenta: masakki! kt: masakki! (like. funaki + masahide = masakki? apparently? i was unfamiliar with this nickname.) funaki: ok now yanagihara-kun's gonna lead the cheer practice rin: nice to meet you i'm MC rin ^_^ rin: where were we again? kenta: rin: wait right. this is. a cheer screening. so we want you to cheer! kenta: they know that. rin: kenta: rin: wait ok i remembered!! audience: GANBARE rin: :D;;
it took SEVERAL MORE FALSE STARTS before we actually got to the cheer practice. poor rin-kun. XD but he wasn't like, shy or embarrassed like takumi-kun he just. was kind of a ditz. "NO WAIT :D lemme try again :D wait where are we? :D"
kt: ARE YOU FIRED UP audience: WHOO funaki: ARE YOU READY TO GO audience: WHOOOO kenta: WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE FOOD audience: tamago kake gohan!!
the screening: abovementioned emotions aside, plenty of dancing and choreo as you would espect, especially from funaki. rin apparently was young terushima in the flashbacks! so he and funaki did all the double terushima scenes together. and rin did all of his white coat dance choreo as well.
during the opening, kenta joined rin so he wouldn’t have to do the wakunan choreo alone. XD and funaki and rin played kiyoko-san and yachi ahahaha. then when hinata and ushiwaka begin to turn on the revolving stage, kenta started scuttling around stage trying to "revolve" himself with limited success.
yamaguchi: (snubs shimada's high five) kenta: don't mind!!
despite kenta's gleeful delight in audience comebacks, there were understandably few of them from either him or us because it was everyone's first time watching the show since daisenshuuraku! the demon elementary school children did get this massive cheer that made kenta almost fall out of his chair laughing. ditto akaashi's "michi wo tsukurimasu no de" – that was one of the most full-throated mass "KYAA"s i've ever heard (again… self… included…) and kenta thought it was HILARIOUS.
i myself was reminded all over again what a great show this was, ugh. blah blah I Love Kawahara Kazuma digression aside, please take it as read, IN ADDITION i know i briefly talked about the, like, emotional sensitivity kouhei brought to playing tanaka but fjkdlajfd the close ups on his face made it so much worse, ffffffff. GOD. dude's emotions were A Lot. just. please. gimme the dvd already.
i was also so caught up in nekoma vs fukurodani the first time i watched that i didn't notice how well kuroo and kenma's final scenes onstage functioned as a goodbye for takato and shouri. when you've been in four consecutive shows, you deserve to go out on a meaningful note. (yes ofc we don't know what the future holds etc etc but.) shouri's delivery of "you're our brain, and our spine, and our heartbeat." fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff murder me.
ahem ok. the aftertalk:
funaki said that he was used to watching videos of himself on stage to review and practice with, but it was the first time watching from a normal spectator's perspective. "oh, THAT'S how that came across." and that the effect made him cry.
rin had a really nice thing to say about how watching really impressed on him how haikyuu stage in particular is a work that is dependent on everyone's contributions combined – i.e. it's not just the lead characters, it's the combined effect of the characters in the spotlight and the characters in the background and the white coat ensemble and the technical staff that make haikyuu stage the unique production it is. (this was hard for rin to express in japanese, tbh, so idk how well i'm getting it across in english but his point was that when he says "it's a show we all create together" he's not referring to ideas or feelings but quite literally saying that everyone's contributions on stage are necessary to make haikyuu stage what it is.)
and kenta talked about how (attending every single screening as he did, lol) it was great preparation for saikyou no team to have had the chance to look back on each different production -- especially to look back on the schools and characters that appeared in just one show and carry their feelings forward to the next play.
…then they discussed how quickly rin's hair had grown back since daisenshuuraku. XD rin: tbh… i was emotionally moved when i first looked in the mirror and saw myself with hair.
then as soon as keita prompted them for backstage stories kenta was like GOKU. DEFINITELY GOKU. apparently at daisenshuuraku he started crying before wakunan even huddled up for their pre-show cheer. "I CAN'T HANDLE IT, IT'S TOO MUCH." kenta: i was watching this like R U KIDDING ME WE HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED YET rin: ahaha during the show as well, idk if this is good or bad, but he was always crying, like – there's a bit where hanayama calls "takeru!" as he makes a toss rin: and goku was always like "(sobs) TAKERU!!" kenta: ONE TIME HE CRIED SO MUCH HE SHORTED OUT HIS MIC audience: EHHHHH? kenta: how did that many tears even GET there funaki: probably the sweat plus the crying rin: incredible. kenta: that's haikyuu stage. so much sweat and tears we destroy our mics.
rin also told us about the wakunan red bull rule. they did a lot of team practice on their own, and people were chronically "just barely" late – i.e., never more than a few minutes, but it was enough to throw off practice. so they instituted a rule that whoever was "just barely" late had to buy the rest of the team red bulls. to this day, as they're preparing for their august 25 event… whoever's late has to buy everyone else red bulls. rin: we also took a lot of purikura together kenta: yeah they had such a reputation that whenever they were late karasuno would be like YOU WERE TAKING PURIKURA AGAIN WEREN'T YOU
then for johzenji funaki told the story of "The Take Two Incident", in which during johzenji's ad libs he fucked up his lines two shows in a row – and the second time was so bad he thought "what would terushima do???", straight up yelled "TAKE TWO" and started over. after which kenta collared him backstage like "did you seriously fuckin do that???" funaki: i reflected deeply on my actions.
johzenji also had iizaka, who's a pretty reticent and quiet character. but he had to do something on stage when johzenji was… being johzenji. so karasuno came up with a quirk for him: every time johzenji successfully scored or blocked he would pump his fists and happily yell "MAAA." (5 foot nothing suga kenta reenacting this was delightful, fyi.) kenta: he played the nakashima household's father too. nakashima masayoshi. nakashima… MAA… sayoshi…
THEN, UGH, keita talked about how he gave the post-curtain call greeting for maeraku (i.e. the second-to-last show, the one before senshuuraku). and of course in the greeting he talked about leaving and coming back – and as he did, suga kenta appeared on stage behind him with exactly the same staging/lighting/sound that daichi does during the play, and said daichi's line, "tanaka keita, thank you for coming back." at which point (in the greeting) keita broke down in tears. he somehow managed to relate this story to us without more than a suspiciously husky voice, haha.
final messages:
rin started off by talking about what a warm atmosphere haikyuu stage has – not only is the production itself good, the people involved in the production are good. this is particularly notable because of the number of people involved. productions with this many people are usually difficult in all kinds of ways – and in his opinion this production is as welcoming and smoothly run as it is thanks to suga kenta. rin: i mean, we're the same age, so as a goal -- well he's not my goal but— kenta: excuse u?? rin: WAIT NO kenta: U COMPLIMENTED ME AND THEN rin: no that's not what i meant!! kenta: WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME HUH (mock flounces off stage) rin: PLEASE LET ME DO IT ONE MORE TIME
(takeru's line, "mou ikkai yarasete kure yo" XD)
he then nicely cleaned it up into what he meant to say about how much he respects kenta and how grateful he was to be part of haikyuu stage.
funaki: WELP JOHZENJI LOST so. that's. my first and last appearance in haikyuu stage. but. tbh. watching this. i really. want to be in it again. i want. to go back. BUT I CAN'T. but all of us in johzenji will do our best in our different venues so maybe we'll meet again. thanks for loving our play so much.
keita: (deep breath) lone audience member: okaeri <3 keita: tadaima :) keita managed to get through his without tearing up… i think. (i love him!!!!) he talked about how of course during a normal show one gets energized and encouraged by the audience's applause, but the energy from these screenings were different and even more direct. "it was like we were all a team." ;___;
and kenta talked about how enjoyable it was to share the emotions of a match directly with everyone, and that looking back on all the productions so far, he was reminded of all the friends and companions that got them this far, including of course the audience. :)
and that's a wrap for the summer week screenings! as i said before, i'll write up a little report about the haikyuu day event – they did an aftertalk after the livestream ended just for the theater – but it should be relatively short compared to these monsters. thanks for tuning in, everyone! ♥♥♥
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sae-you-sae-me · 7 years
Yay, you're open again! Can i request RFA boys, maybe saeran too, wanting some alone time with MC but everytime there's just something or someone that comes up. Finally at the end of the day, they get that moment and ya know, spicy/fluffy things happen:) Hope this makes sense!
Awww, so cute! Hope you like it! 
He had a new show
The rehearsals had been gruesome and long, and you two barely saw each other except for a “Good morning” and “good night”
Finally, he finished the last show and was looking forward to seeing you
Unfortunately, he had to stay behind a bit so he sent you home while he finished business
Once that was done, his co-stars invited him out for some drinks and food
He declined, saying that he had someone waiting at home
Anway, he finally gets home and as soon as you open door, he picks you up and spins you around in a hug
When he sets you down, he leans forwards for a long-awaited kiss and just as your lips brush together…
You two weren’t sure who would be visiting that time of night, so you open hoping its not an emergency
It wasn’t
Apparently, his co-stars felt bad and decided to “bring the party to him”
Zen was disgruntled but had no choice as his co-stars really brought the party inside
He tried to have fun anyway
But it was hard when the most he could do was hold your hand or stare longingly across the room when you talked to someone else
As the hours ticked on, he was getting more and more antsy for a few precious moments with you
Finally, he managed to scurry the remaining drunk co-stars out
And when he shut the door and turned around…you were asleep on the couch
His heart sunk, but he supposed there was nothing he could do
Gently, he lifts you from the couch and carries you to bed
He hovers over you, just smiling at how lucky he is
He doesn’t expect you to grab his shirt and yank him down for a kiss
At first, he wants to scold you for fake sleeping
But he finally got his kiss…and he wants another few;)
He’s been working overtime
Late nights and early mornings
And he missed you so, so much–it was an understatement really
Finally, the last day of his late night shifts ends
He wants to be really smooth and romantic that evening
When he walks in the house, he sees you in the kitchen
He still has his doctor coat and stethoscope on 
He comes behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and getting close to your ear
“I think it’s for the doctor to check your…”
His words trail off as from the corner of his eye, he sees…his mother?
You jump since he was still by your ear “WHY ARE YOU YELLING.”
His innocent mother just smiles at you, “Oh, is your health okay?”
You kind of laugh nervously and give a vague answer while glaring at Yoosung  
Yoosung is beet red even though he didn’t say anything or do anything
Why did his mother have to do an impromptu visit tonight of all nights?
After an hour of his mother talking over dinner, he’s getting really impatient to see you
He tries to be smooth about it
“Uhh, MC, can you help me fill up the water pitcher in the kitchen?”
He winks hoping you’ll get the hint
You do…and you’re about to get up
But then his mother interrupts, “Why can’t you get the pitcher yourself? Let her rest!”
The night goes on
The poutier Yoosung gets
Eventually, his mother does get tired and decides to go home
Not even a second after the door closes, Yoosung grabs you by the waist and yanks you into him for a deep kiss
All those lonely nights are forgotten now
He was on a business trip
But he ended up getting off two whole days early
He didn’t tell you, hoping to surprise you
On the elevator up to the penthouse, he couldn’t stop thinking about you and he just couldn’t wait to have you to himself all alone
You open the door, and you’re certainly surprised
You almost tackle him in a hug, and he’s half lifting you off the ground
He’s just about to give you a kiss when you gently push him away and glance sideways
He follows your gaze and sees the room full of your coworkers
Staring with weird grins
He clears his throat and lets you go, forcing a smile even though he’s screaming inside
Apparently, because you thought Jumin was still going to be away, you had scheduled a get-together for your work at the penthouse
Of course, Jumin didn’t mind, but you didn’t know that
You knew the difference between his professional smile and his real smile
He seemed really stiff and his smile seemed so forced
You thought you made things uncomfortable for him
Meanwhile, Jumin is trying not to professionally kick everybody out
It makes it worse when one lady comments,
“Oh you just got back from a business trip? You must have really missed MC all this time! I bet you just want to kick us all out!” 
“Ahahaha….” *casually sips wine*
He never denied it
Finally, the guests started shuffling out and you see the last of the guests out
You’re just about to apologize when he grabs you and throws you on the couch
He gives you one of his cute Jumin smirks
He starts crawling on top of you, and you think you know where this is going
But he just collapses and snuggles into the crook of your neck
He places light kisses on your cheek and jawline
“I’ve missed you,” he says quietly before finally leaning down to give that anticipated kiss on the lips
Between work and Saeran, you two hadn’t seen each other in weeks
But finally things were settling down and he wanted to surprise
Luckily, he had the key to your apartment to do that
So he sneaks in and finds you sitting alone the couch reading
He basically tackles you and starts smothering you with tiny kisses
At least for a second before something grabs his ear and drags him to the ground
A child stares at down at him before yelling, “MC’S BEING ASSAULTED.”
It takes a moment to calm him down before your neighbors actually got involved
Apparently, you were babysitting that day…which meant no alone time until the kid was picked up by his mom
Still, Seven was determined
He tries the nice approach first, and gets the kid set up with some video games
While the kid is distracted, he drags you into the kitchen and pulls you close
Just as he’s about to get that kiss, the kid pops in, “Do you have some juice?”
He doesn’t think much of it except for the fact that it happens every single time he gets you alone 
“Don’t you need to take a nap or something?” he snaps
“I’m like…ten.”
It gets worse as the day goes on
The kid basically clings to you
He hugs you, and snuggles against you, and even sneaks some kisses on your cheek
All while sending a cheeky glance towards Seven
Mr. Steal Yo Girl
After hours of this, the mother comes to pick up the kid
Seven is so excited…he finally has you alone and to himself
He turns around…and you are wiped out and asleep on the couch
He deflates a little but he slides himself next to you and wraps his arms around you
As long as he can hold you, right?
He actually ends up falling asleep too
That kid was tiring
You were the one away on the trip
He was alone in the house for days
So he called Yoosung over to keep him company 
They were supposed to play some games, eat some junk food, have a bro night
Half way through,he hears the doorbell ring
He leaves Yoosung for a moment to go answer it
He gets quite the shock to see you home a whole day early
He doesn’t think it’s real until you wrap your arms around his neck and give him a quick kiss
He’s speechless, but he’s so happy
He pulls you in for another longer kiss
Yoosung unwittingly walks in, “Hey Saeran–AHHH I’M SORRY.”
Saeran’s girl is home
But….his homeboi is also home
He awkwardly pulls away from you and explains the situation
You wave him off and tell him it’s fine and just spend the night with Yoosung
Poor guy tries
But he keeps blanking out and looking towards you everytime you passed
Yoosung isn’t stupid…he notices
Being super nice, he makes up some assignment that he has to do and hurries out
The door shuts, and Saeran comes looking for you like a lost puppy
He finds you laying down on the couch
He immediately becomes soft™
Crawls next to you and gives you gently kisses all over your face
You smile up at him, “Did you miss me?”
“What do you think?” he replies, though you swear he turned a little red and held you just a little tighter
Also, he waits until you fall asleep to text Yoosung, “Reschedule?”
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zombies-apocalypse · 6 years
Gargoyles - Awakening
Gonna do all four, five parts in this one post. 
I know, I know. I’ve been doing the read more thing lately. It’s not my usual fare, but hey, it’s November. I’m NaNoing so... Yeah, you know the drill.
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Part 1
Ahh, this animation style. It’s just straight up nostalgia - ELISA MAZA. My girl! <3 Man, I’ve missed her! 
Clawmarks in solid stone. GASP. I wonder what that could have been caused by!
Back to the past!
Why doesn’t that guy’s mustache match his hair?
Sun’s looking real low there, boys. 
Ahh, Goliath. How I have missed you, big guy! And that voice. A+ voice.
So, kid' show. Remember. I don’t even know how many of these people are dead now. At least a few have fallen to their deaths. In the first episode.  Cause in Gargoyles, shit like this happens. 
Royal bitch lady and even the soldiers griping about the Gargoyles. Bitch, please. Ya’ll owe them so much. Beasts? Beasts in the dining hall? Jeez, don’t be an ass. Ugggh. Those assholes.
I’m sitting here on Demona’s side. And not anymore. Not down with the bowing. Goliath being reasonable. Good guy Goliath. Such a sweetie, such a good guy. I’m so, so sorry for what he’ll have to go through soon.
Seriously. Goliath’s voice. Goddamn. Goddamn!
Okay, that mom was rude but you don’t need to be making matters worse by scaring the bitch-ass peasants.
Ugh. Okay, so I don’t like that it’s Vikings coming to attack (cause I like Vikings) but this is just all a human problem. This cowardace, betrayal... Uggggh. And the poor innocents who have to pay. The children and the Gargoyles. And so many defenseless Gargoyles murdered.
I remind you, this is a kid’s show.
Part 2
Ahhh, I’ve gotten how much I loved the opening music for this. Such an epic theme! Hyping me up for the upcoming adventure!
I don’t blame them for wanting revenge. I’d want revenge too.
Of course they’d follow for revenge, you dumbass! You didn’t kill all of them. 
Ugggh. The Magus blaming the Gargoyles for the princess being killed. Even though they didn’t do it. Oh man, this curse. It’s not their fault, you assfart. And the princess still lives!
Mad props to Goliath for saving the Princess who was a bitch. Also mad props to the princess for realising the Gargoyles were not the beasts she thought. Ahhh. My heart though. Goliath choosing to be spelled rather than be alone. (Although honestly, he could’ve just waited until the eggs in the rookery hatched and then he wouldn’t be alone cause he could raise them.
Bitch just legit ran all the way inside and up the stairs. So excited to see Goliath. Makes it clear from the start that Xanatos is extra AF.
“Pay a man enough and he’ll walk barefoot into hell.”
Seriously, how much money does this motherfucker have? Cause he’s paying to buy a castle and paying everything to take at least some chunks of it and affix it on top of his skyscraper.
And the curse is broken! Woo! Their reaction to the city though. A+. 
Xanatos, you extra mother fucker.
Oh, the eggs are gone. RIP. Although it has been 1000 years...
I’m just shaking my head at this entire fight. 
LOL. “These weapons. We must be fighting sorcerers!” 
Oh, and now we’re seeing what lead to the beginning of the first episode. Hello Elisa. 
No, Goliath. Don’t trust Xanatos. Oh no, wait, trust humans. Just not that one. 
Part Thre?e
Seriously though, how were girls supposed to watch this show without getting a crush on Goliath? Just saying. 
And hell, Elisa. Elisa’s a babe too. Can we talk about her? How she’s smart, brave, and awesome. A badass babe who’s a damn good detective with a lovely heart. And she’s a POC! And a main character!  Legit, she’s  African/Native American. She was always  meant to be a POC. Originally they had her as Hispanic, but when they cast her voice actress they changed Elisa to match. And this in a show that came out in 94!
So Elisa just met Goliath during all the time that I was babbling about Elisa.
Dude, I don’t do heights so I can’t blame her one bit for clinging.
Ahh, these two. “A good detective trusts no one.” “That much we have in common.” You say that, you both say that. But nahhh, you’re cinnamon rolls underneath all that distrust.
Floppy! That’s a floppy! AHH. VHS!
Hi Demona. Think I didn’t recognise you in those shadows there? 
This show is sometimes really pretty.
“Stay outta sight.” Solid advice that will quickly be forgotten.
AHH. Just scooped her up! And that smile. AHH. Bridal style. Ahhhh.
Gods, this music. XD
Meanwhile, back at the castle. The newly named Hudson is walking around with their pouty pupper. And getting startled by rock’n’roll.
Jesus lady. A car with a carphone in 94? 40 grand... You’re talking like he brought it from some junkyard.
Meanwhile, the other three are blowing up some guy’s motorbike.
Oh, well. Who knew a single tranq dart would be enough to take down a Gargoyle. Or did they get him a few more times after that. I don’t know. 
Part 4
Dunnnn, dun dun dun dun dunnnnnn! 
There’s my girl, kicking some ass! They underestimated her. Also they don’t know how to aim.
Oh god, don’t try calling a taxi. That won’t end well. Yup, there he goes. 
Yup, just a single tranq dart. Just one. Just now taken off. And a tracker. 
Elisa the beast whisperer. Taming wild dogs long enough to put the tracker on him. Smart girl.
Hudson and puppers are getting used to the idea of television. Oh, I saw The Lion King for a second there. I see what you did there Disney. 
And Elisa now knows he turns to stone during the day. Brave girl, catching their eye and leading them away. You know she’s gotta be exhausted. It’s been a long night for her and yet she’s still being a champion. Gods, I love her.
Again, their aim is rubbish while hers is on point. Go Elisa! <3
That lighting though, when the blond baddie stepped over the crack. Ahhhh.
Also what part of New York city is this that has a dock and a waterfall? 
This guy is an idiot. Again, underestimating my girl. 
Moment of awe and respect for Elisa. Leading those jackasses away, risking her life, and then returning to guard Goliath! <3 
Brooklyn! Broadway! Lexington! Ahhh, my precious boys! And let’s not forget our adorable Bronx! <3 
And NOW. NOW he reveals that Demona’s there. Insert gasp of shock from Goliath. And sinister look from Demona, a character who was never very good. And full of bullshit. Yeah, sure. He acquired her for his private collection, but she implied she asked to be cursed by the magus to be with them. AHH Goliath, you’re still in wuv with the bitch. 
Ugggh, Goliath, sweetie. She’s no good. 
Of course the Elevator is different. You’re looking at the mechanics that pull it up and down, not the one people ride in. Such a good detail there.
Part 5
I feel bad for all the frightened scientists in that building. Jeez, imagine their nightmares after that.
Talk of monsters, you say? As if your people haven’t fought them before, eh? It almost smacks of a miscommunication. Of course, the defenders dressing differently from the attackers don’t seem to register to the Gargoyles. Then again, they have yet to see a reason not to trust Demona and Xanatos. Poor darlings. 
Second floppy acquired.
And now for Goliath and Demon to complete their mission... Success, but of course Demona fucks up their poor ship because she gives no shits about the well-being of humans. Splash. At least they had a softish landing in the water. Some of them should’ve survived. Most probably died.
Again, this is a kid’s show.
Ahhh, that hate. Hating all the humans for the sins of a few who are long gone. 
Ahhh, the truth comes out! The attackers are from Xanatos’ company. No one had stolen anything from him. He sent them after disks that didn’t belong to him! Gasp! He used them from the beginning! Colour me shocked! (Which I’m not, of course.) And of course Demona’s in on it. 
Dudeee, the Goliath bots. I forget what they’re called. But goddamn are they cool.
That isn’t a very sturdy bot, Xanatos. Should’ve made them more impact resistant. 
I’d ask why he bothered with waking up Goliath and his friends to begin with, but it’s more cost effective to have a self-healing attack dog than a robotic one. Obviously he was hoping he’d get the actual Gargoyles on his side, expecting them to play nice - which he did very well except with Goliath himself.
Ah, Demona with a rocket launcher. 
Ahhh, the reveal. Demona had betrayed them along with the captain. Tsk tsk. And now everyone hears it. 
Elisa to the rescue! Woo! 
Oh no, they both fell! And Demona’s wings got hit! And Goliath caught Elisa, but not Demona who fell out of view. Bye bitch. See ya later.
And Xanatos has been arrested. I don’t recall how long that lasts.
“Good, maybe we’ll catch a Giants game.” “Giants?” Ahahaha, he has no idea what she’s talking about and it’s precious.
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Tumblr sucks and are my ask so! Did you know that after Ignis goes blind, if you press attack near him, he stumbles and then Prompto and Gladio yell at Noct? It makes me feel guilty whenever it happens but then Noct goes on to try and say it was an accident and? How do you accidentally swing a sword and hit a blind person? Poor Ignis has nothing to say in his own defense though :(
BAD, BAD Tumblr that eats asks! >:( Thanks for sending it in again!!
Ah, my. Yes, I had noticed, but even despite that, reading it is like a reminder and it’s like adding salt to the wound that I forgot I had, hahahah :’D IT BURNS.
I declare myself guilty for trying to swing a sword nearby blind Ignis in Cartanica on purpose, just to see what happened or if Gladio got mad. I wasn’t expecting him to really get mad, though. :’(
Also Prompto! It surprised me from him, to be honest. I knew Gladio was angry and so while I wasn’t expecting him to really get angry, it was not a surprise as it is. But when Prompto joined him and started complaining and nagging him, that really took me off-guard, and it sort of made me feel incredibly guilty.
Maybe it’s because Prompto had always been the sunshine boy all across the journey and never got in troubles with anyone; Prompto, the smiling boy, the weakest of the group so far, the happy-go-lucky cheerful sweetheart, nagging you. Getting upset at you. Angrily asking “what has Ignis ever done to you?” It was Prompto and his nagging what really got to me. I didn’t feel sad, but it made me feel very, very, very guilty… I felt suddenly so little in comparison and like I had done the worst thing ever, and that I would never be able to get out of their memories the once that I swung my sword at a blind Ignis and that they would forever remember about it, and even if they forgave me, just the fact that they would remember was enough to make me feel microscopic and like guilt ate me from the inside aklsjdflksgdjlskdjf
You know what the worst part is? Well, now that I’m writing it, thing is, I play with JPN audio, so I don’t know if it fits too. But the way I play, Prompto doesn’t sound…necessarily angry. He just sounds upset and like Noctis is behaving like a child. More than angry, Prompto sounds very mature. Which honestly just makes it worse; was it anger, you’d think he’ll cool down at some point, or that he just wants an excuse to yell at you. But no; Prompto has he head and mind cool, he’s not nagging you because he’s angry, he’s nagging you because you’re an immature and uncaring selfish little shit that doesn’t look twice. Hngnh… see, that’s why it got to make me feel so guilty. Because suddenly the guy that I saw as the puppy and the kid of the group suddenly sounds so mature, and that the child-like one of the group makes YOU feel like a child, that really weighs, ahahaha, ah…
I think the dialogues are really meant for when it happens on accident; when you switch weapons and Iggy happened to be walking right behind you, or when you’re finishing battle and you miss hitting attack after it’s over, and Iggy happened to be nearby, etc. I guess it COULD be an accident, mostly if Ignis is behind and nearby; Noct could swing a sword and not notice him there, or in battle, when it’s all frantic and there’s like, almost no time to be like “Oh, yes, excuse me, I need to stand here so if you could move two steps to the left, that would be fantastic”. So I guess it can really be an accident,…which really just makes it even WORSE ahahaha :’D
Because Noct really didn’t mean it…but the bros are making it feel like he could have avoided it and didn’t. Hnghng, Prompto and Gladio really make a good team when it comes to make me/Noct feel guilty to the point of wanting to run away and do it all on my own while they wait sat there, but they also get angry if I get too far from them ahahah :’D
I mean, Noct still doesn’t know about that sacrifice he has to make, but he didn’t need that; by that point I’m amazed none of the guys, mostly Gladdy, Ignis, or Noct, had a nerve and emotional breakdown and stopped functioning. It was too much stress! :’(
You know what I hadn’t noticed until I read your ask, though?
That Ignis says nothing…
I hadn’t noticed that. You know why I think it’s the saddest thing?
Because Ignis is conscious enough that those comments will make Noctis feel guilty, and he doesn’t want to add to that.
And even more. Ignis is probably too hurt by this sensation of being a burden to ask Noctis to be careful; saying that is admitting that Noct did hit him or was about to, and admitting that is admitting Ignis didn’t see it. Admitting that, then, would be admitting that he’s but an obstacle now, useless, that he can’t even avoid or stop friendly fire/accidental hits.
But knowing Ignis, it’s probably a more selfless thing, and I think it’s because he doesn’t want Noctis to feel guilty.
By this point, Ignis does know what Noctis’ fate is. Ignis has never tried to make Noctis stress out, but Ignis is often trying for Noct to not be lazy. Ignis pressures him not into stress, he just pushes him enough to motivate him to work harder. And yes, Noct can be annoyed and even angry at Ignis’ constant “do this”, “don’t do that”, “try doing this”, “remember to”, “did you already”, “have you yet”, “Noct, I must remind you”, etc. Ignis does it just because he wants Noct to become better, but he understands that it can annoy Noctis.
So now that Ignis knows what awaits for him, and after all Noctis has already been through… Ignis doesn’t have the heart to continue pressing him.
This is the point where Ignis stops telling him what and how to do it, and it’s honestly heartbreaking. In the past, Ignis did it so that Noctis would become better and do a good job as the Chosen. But now that Ignis understand what being the Chosen means… part of him doesn’t have the heart to put more pressure on Noctis…and, maybe, part of him doesn’t want to press him into being better, because maybe if he’s not better tomorrow, he won’t die the day after it.
Gods, maybe I’m looking too much into it, but the idea is heart-wrenching. I’m mostly rolling, though, with the idea that Ignis just doesn’t want Noctis to have even more on his shoulders; Noctis has more, way beyond more than enough just with Lunafreya’s death and seeing Ignis in that state. Prompto and Gladio nagging him really just pushes him past the limits that are beyond the limits, that are beyond the first limits, of stress and guilt. Noctis must be to the very top of his head, his glass must be so full, at half-half a drop of spilling…the very last that Noctis needs is for Ignis to add anything.
So he doesn’t; Ignis stays quiet. Noct may have hit him on accident, or almost, and he does need to be more careful, he does need to look behind and around him before doing his moves, he does need to remember Ignis is not in conditions, Noctis does need to this or that.. But Ignis keeps quiet. He knows Noctis is feeling guilty to the point he can’t even look at the ring without having a breakdown. Ignis doesn’t have the heart to press him more, not even a tiny bit. Noct is suffering, and as much as Ignis may have something to say, he doesn’t. He can’t. It’s too much for him, Noctis’ own suffering…
In some way, Ignis is not complaining about being hit by accident, because he would very much rather be hit with a sword, than put Noctis into more stress and pain.
Oh, Ignis, that selfless creature… :(
So yeah. I hadn’t noticed that Ignis stays quiet. I mean, it’s one of those things you notice but you only really notice for real, as in the weight of it, until someone else words it. And it’s amazingly heart-breaking.
Whether it’s for fearing to admit to himself that he couldn’t see the hit coming, for not having the heart to nag Noctis because he knows Noct is already stressed and guilty past his limits, or because Ignis can’t dare push Noct to become better because Ignis now knows he’s really just pushing him to his grave…
That last bit, though. The possibility that Ignis knows what Noct has to face in his future, and Ignis doesn’t have the heart to advise him as he used to do in the past because now he knows where all of Noctis’ hard work is leading him…
That’s maybe the most heartbreaking of possibilities, because Ignis isn’t even thinking about the fact that HE’s getting hit, he’s just- thinking about Noctis. As always. But in the worst of ways this time; knowing he’s to die sometime soon… :’(
Aahkjsadksajfdkfjslkgs… seriously, this is so sad ;A;
I hadn’t noticed it this way, aah :’(
But anyway, yes!! Those are my thoughts. C:
Thanks a lot for dropping this ask in. It really put me to think and it made my perception of the Cartanica dungeon even wider and more vast, and makes it even sadder. Ignis and Noctis truly are very tragic characters and they touch very fragile heartstrings within me.. :’(
Thanks as well for checking the Did Coon Get My Ask list! And thank you even more for sending your ask back in. I want everyone to know it’s fine to send it again if it’s missing, and it really is a huge relief to me that you do send it again. I’m not ignoring anyone. :)
Thank you LOTS for this amazing ask that will definitely make my next gameplay, whenever it may be, absolutely better and sadder (in a good way of experiencing it) because now I have a wider way to look at it.
Thanks a LOT for choosing this raccoonie to share your thoughts with, too! It’s an honor and a pleasure to me. ( ˙꒳​˙ )
Thank you, dear anon!!
I hope you’re having a MOST FANTASTIC day or night!!  (ノ´ヮ`)ノ
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ohoshi · 4 years
i watched the dont lie svt mafia game (the first two links u sent) and it was so fun!!! i love how you dont know who the mafia is until the end so it’s like youre playing along too :) also seungkwan was so smart!!! gradually building everyones trust and gathering allies around him!! i was so sad when he was killed off tho, he literally was abt to catch the mafia 😭 and hoshi REVEALING HIMSELF AS THE MAFIA was the funniest thing ever but also really smart like he turned everyone against mingyu (who honestly i thought was the mafia too), and in the last round hoshi was just openly like “who should we kill today” IM DEAD 😂 also can i just say that jeonghan looked so GOOD in that game...he’s such a sexy mafia 😏 i cant wait to watch their second dont lie mafia game!
u already know for 127 jaehyun was my first bias and now mark is my ult <3 and for dreamies if u dont count mark (since i knew him from 127 first so kinda unfair) i think jaemin was prob also my first and current bias?? he was my first bias and i just never stopped 😂 for wayv i think my bias is yangyang hehe :) im trying to think abt what similarities in my biases are - it might just be the smiley happy funny ones with the best laughs as we talked about before (this is weird but i think when i first meet someone i notice their laugh?? like i love ppl who have laughs that you can tell are just truly from their heart if that makes sense) i might also have a slight bias for rap lines but i think that is not as concrete as the smiley/funny thing!
omg thats so cool that you know so many languages!! youre so cool hehe :) i always have so much respect for ppl who learned languages (idk i dont count me knowing canto as learning a language bc i kinda passively learned it thanks to my parents hahaha) i took french and spanish for a bit in school but i didnt continue and have thus forgotten most of it D: (which i kinda regret, i want to try learning french again someday) also i totally get that about chinese and japanese being intimidating...ive always thought it'd be so cool to learn another asian language (and one that is more widely used than canto) but they are quite hard, esp for chinese/japanese where the writing system is a lot harder to learn!! i learned korean hangul so i can sound out words veryyyy slowly but i dont know what they mean 99% of the time 😂 i havent seriously applied myself to actively learning a third language but i've always wanted to! i can understand basic korean phrases tho since i watch so much korean content ahahaha
hmm as for weird phobias, i really hate cockroaches?? or bugs in general...and i also hate when circles are bunched together rly closely lol (i think it’s called tryptophobia but i wouldnt recommend googling that cuz it grosses me out so much omg 😰😰)
ok now to close this out on a happier note lol i THINK i can name all the svt members now??? like with maybe 85% accuracy 😂 and i think my first biases are joshua, jeonghan, & kinda dino and vernon :)) but i feel myself slowly falling for all of them i love how chaotic they are and ive laughed so much watching their videos already 😊😊
AAAH i'm so glad you loved it 🥺 ikr it was so good??? i especially loved the part when hoshi just blamed mingyu!!!!! and manipulated everyone into thinking that he was one of the mafia!!! what a smart move but also fun? hoshi the god of variety shows!! tbh i kinda knew minghao was the mafia since the beginning... he was just too quiet... i mean he is a quiet person yk but he was more suspicious than usual 👀 and i guess bc in the beginning they gave us the preview of their reactions and he laughed and knowing he's a scorpio i only assumed... so i didn't 100% buy hoshi's lie bc i was still sure that hao was one of the mafia 🤷🏻‍♀️ still tho it was legendary!!!! but i guess mingyu played it stupid and he was sus to begin with so 🤷🏻‍♀️ yeah.... YOU CAN SAY THAT JEONGHAN LOOKS GOOD BC damn right he does 😍 he is a beautiful man what can i say 🤷🏻‍♀️ he is also very confident in himself (the other day i watched one gose ep from 2019 it's called debate night i think and basically they're having a debate about the stupidest, most pointless things in the world (like is it better to live AS a pigeon or live WITH a pigeon for a year, or is it better to have 3 eyes or 3 arms 😅) and jeonghan always had a counter argument, ALWAYS, but he would say it so confidently looking handsome as hell he could make me believe that grass was blue..) btw gose always has dumb content like this but still i think it's the best idol content out there only bc svt are crazy funny and chaotic and those 13 boys share a total of 2 braincells shared by wonwoo and jun each; like there is one ep i think it's called the8 and the 12 shadows ans basically they all move in a row and all 12 of them have to repeat what the first member is doing, it might sound smart when i explain it but if you'd watch it you'd see that it's so dumb and pointless but it's funny and 1hour long and carats watch it bc 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways what i'm trying to do is show you what you're getting yourself into😌
ohhhh i think jaehyun, mark, nana and yangyang all have beautiful smiles and they’re all very smiley and bright people 🥺 so that's definitely the one thing your biases have in common 🥺 that's so cute 🥺 oh you think you're attracted more to the rap line? 🤔 all of your nct biases are indeed rappers (jaehyun is a i can do it all i'm 97 line he is excluded) so maybe??? but yeah you biasing bright idols is 🥺 adorable!!!
ahh thank you 🥺 i try!! yeah most people forget languages if they don't use them regularly </3 kinda scared i'll forget french bc i never use it nowadays, i used to know a woman who only spoke french and i would have to translate to her what my family tells her and vice versa, it was a great french exercise 💪 but i don't see her anymore so </3 the fact that you speak canto and chinese(mandarin i guess?) intimidates you really adds fuel to the fire<3 it's great that you know how to read hangul!!! me too!! you'll get better at reading with practise! but compared to chinese characters i don't think it's that hard, i mean, how do chinese people even memorize all the characters?? or WORSE how do foreigners memorize them??! writing in chinese must be so hard do you have to pay attention to all the tiny lines?? that's a lot of work 😨 i am terrified 😨 do you also know basic japanese phrases from anime?? bc personally i do but i know a lot more korean than japanese i mean thank god, i'm learning korean religiously tho 😂 still tho can't watch idol content without titles</3 (except with chinese wayv members who struggle OMG MAYBE I LOVE CHINA LINE BC THEY MAKE KOREAN A BIT EASIER? anyways i completely relate to them bc korean grammar is so hard, so strange and so different from grammar i'm used to in 'western' languages)
cockroaches? 😨 i too hate insects of every kind<3 so i understand <3 oh i know about tryptophobia(?)!!! one of my friends is scared of the same thing too, have to admit it does look disgusting 😬 i'm also afraid of heights and water!!! (but like the sea and the ocean sjsgsjaha i can't swim!! and i never want to!!!) 😨😅
AHHHH I'M SO PROUD OF YOU 🤧 what a bias combo thooooo 👀 jeonghan? i approve! he is so fun!!! so beautiful!! sexc 👀 jeonghan is so interesting i love him and also joshua is so pretty too?? i mean obvs they're both visuals sjgssj but it's different with shua bc i can look at him all day it's soooo calming to just look at him?? ahh angelic! it's kinda interesting to me bc you bias jeonghan and joshua and jihan (their ship name) is kind of a big deal™ did you know that????? i assume it was unintetional and you had no idea about it jsgsja i also approve of vernon and dino as well but i mean i would approve of anyone and everyone at this point 🤷🏻‍♀️ have you seen pics of jeonghan with long hair??? i feel lowkey bad for saying this but he is so beautiful i deadass thought he was a woman 😧
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ol-razzle-dazazzle · 7 years
The Bridges We Cannot Cross- Chapter 7: Self Made Glimmers and an On and Off Switch
More shippy stuff wow, I had some improvements to the previous chapter because I don’t make who’s talking clear enough, which I’m going back and editing- but I hope I did a better job of that in this chapter! (Credit to @anime-is-ruining-my-life for letting me know! As well as supporting this au in general and letting me ramble on about it ahahaha~)
If you guys wanna have an idea of the constellation they were talking about I recommend looking up a ‘byakko’, I think you’ll find it a little…eye-opening ;^)
Anyway, they’ve been happy for too long so savour this chapter because shit boi, it’s gonna get worse. ——————-
“Are you feeling better?” Dazai peered at Atsushi’s wound, causing the other to pull his shirt down with a flush.
“Yes, I’m fine! That’s the fourth time you asked me this past hour!” Atsushi mumbled, as if Dazai hadn’t patched him up.
“Okay, because for a second I thought those other wounds were collateral-”
“No, it’s fine.” Atsushi glanced to the side, earning a shrug from Dazai.
“Well it doesn’t make you any less…” “Oh my god don’t say that…” “Say what? Lovely?”
Atsushi gave him a bewildered look. “I was expecting 'responsible’.”
“How so?”
Atsushi recalled winces upon feeling a cold chill breeze a wound when he was a child, earning only further wounds. He recalled doors being slammed on fingers upon seeking some further donation from the prison he was in, the life that was not his.
“It’s nothing.” He found his fingers lacing Dazai’s own, surprised that they were warm. Warmer than the memories, at least. Soothing.
“Wait…what are the candles for?” Atsushi glanced at the little orbs of light they provided, bubbles in the sky’s ocean of black, with only the further glimmer of stars to light the night.
“Well, I can’t exactly use them for curses, now can I?” Dazai snickers, “It’s a plus, you get candles whenever you want, for free.”
“That’s a strangely specific benefit…”
“I didn’t get 'blessed’ enough to control water or possess people’s envy.”
“Blessed?” Atsushi raises an eyebrow, “I mean the water thing sounds cool but I could live without it.”
“The usual way it goes is that you either perform a seven day curse where you stick needles into a doll, or you wear a trivet and stand under a bridge for three weeks. That’s what the ones in the legends did.”
“I would never be able to sit still or get up at the same hour everyday for that long…that’s just unrealistic.” Atsushi frowned.
“That’s why you’re the human.” Dazai laughed, poking his arm.
“…either way, I’d say you got the best deal.” Atsushi mumbles.
“Absolutely. It’s the laziest way, I get candle-kinesis and you to keep me company.” A laugh that makes the embers flicker and curl.
“The best deal indeed.” Atsushi smiles.
“I’m not sure if it’s because you’re here with me, but the crab soup tastes nicer.” Dazai smirks at the obvious attempt to fluster him.
“We got seasonings, remember?” Atsushi rolled his eyes.
“Yes, but we need to get seaweed next time.” Dazai hums in thought.
“We literally live five millimetres from water.” Atsushi deadpans.
“Yeah, but it’s too wet- you have to get it dried.” Dazai complains, collapsing 'gracefully’ on the floor.
“It’s in the water, of course it’s going to be wet!” Atsushi sighs, as he feels a crawl on his arm. “Dazai, please. It’s concrete, if you pull…”
“Atsushi as if I’d be so careless!” A slow ebbing tug, “Besides, everyone knows the real joy is watching the despair of waiting…”
He’s being pulled, further, “until all you hear or feel…”
Further… “is the end.” He’s lying on the ground.
“Fate is inevitable, Atsushi.” Now with Atsushi’s hand in his grasp he presses a soft kiss onto it.
“You think so?” Atsushi stares at him, his face warming just a little more.
“Why not? People used to think that they could tell fate with stars and what have you.” Dazai spread his arms out, as if the expanse of stars would wrap around his fingers.
“That just sounds like a scam.”
“But it sounds like a nice idea. Drawing little constellations on the universe and completely overanalysing their meaning.” Dazai makes a vague gesture with his hands. “I just drew a tiger, what do you think it means?”
“You’re terrible at drawing tigers…?” A mix of realism and confusion, a common thing Atsushi started to feel the more he continued his life.
“Don’t insult the thousand year old people that thought this stuff up!” Dazai gasps, “That was one, you know.”
“A tiger. In the sky. Defying the laws of gravity?” Atsushi questioned.
“Why would they put him all the way in space without a spacesuit?!” The most important question.
“They didn’t have them in those days…” Dazai mumbles, “The past is cruel.”
“It sure is…” Atsushi stares up, retracing the tiger, squinting at the starlight. “…You know how you were talking about the curses?”
Dazai nods, “Yes?”
“Do you think it’s possible…this sounds kinda stupid, but do you think there’s a blessing?” Atsushi glances at him. “Like, the opposite of a curse?”
“I thought we weren’t going to 'turn me back’, apart from…trying to make this,” he gestures to himself, “better.”
“I didn’t mean it like that, but…I don’t know, you always hear stories of how demons and such are made, but you never hear any about gods or divine spirits or just…nice things like that.” Atsushi frowns, “Did people have that little assurance in humanity?”
“Who knows…” Dazai wraps his arms around Atsushi. “Maybe if you look into it enough in the stars or whatever you’ll find it…”
Atsushi presses a soft kiss to Dazai’s lips. “Maybe I will…” He smiles, “I’m just thinking of ways to lengthen the time…”
“Don’t go on about the whole 'oh no forbidden love and eternity’ on me…” Dazai frowns, tightening the hug. “You’ll never escape my clutches.”
“That’s because I’m clutching myself, Dazai.” Atsushi stifles a laughter.
“That’s so sweet…” Dazai croons, peppering kisses on Atsushi’s cheek. “I love you.”
He was taken by surprise upon finding Atsushi’s lips on his own, deepening something in his still heart, a haze like drowning.
Atsushi pulled away, still staying by his side. “That was the first time you ever said that to me.” And those eyes glimmer in their duality- one reflecting the embers of strayed candles in the corner of Dazai’s vision, the other reflecting the blue-black speckled tone of the sky.
“I love you too.” Atsushi mumbled, and in its own way, it was a blessing- as the thoughts that turned Dazai into what he was today quelled, if slightly.
For Ango, life was like a torch. It was bright, some were brilliant, some were burning. But a torch all the same because of one fact.
It had an On and Off switch.
Despite his work cherishing values and watts of a human life, and his morals cherishing how the particles danced upon the shine, it could not be helped that people died around him. Death was merely an absence. An 'Off switch’, that could never be turned back on again.
For most people, it was simply a dimming, the light from their eyes fading, or, if it was a bullet to the head, a swift fade.
For Odasaku, it was the most literal version of an 'off switch’. He was in a state of suspension, living only by name and soft 'beeps’.
The beeps stopped. The switch was off.
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cupcakeshakesnake · 8 years
Watching The Zygon Inversion for the first time
(I’m getting closer and closer to the season finale and extremely worried.)
(And yes, I decided to use screenshots for DW reactions as well.)
-Oh boy
-Hoo boy
-Whoa wait... Clara’s okay? But why are the clock numbers flipped? Is she on the other side of a mirror or something? Is she locked in her consciousness?
-I like how the slanted camera angles make everything dizzy and look so much more... wrong.
-Wow what a great, totally-not terrifying start to an episode
-PHEW he lives
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Videogaming, the hard way.
-Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit... OH SHIT
-What why are they cleaning up electric ash
-Who’s that
-Oh shit
-Oh shit
-Oh shit oshit oshit o shit
-Is he like a good Zygon or a regular guy that got turned into a Zygon?
-Yeah I’m going for the latter, if he already was a Zygon he wouldn’t be calling for help in plain sight
-Oh ok they’re alive then
-I like those three chairs standing there like ‘yeah we’re fine nevermind’
-Nice British flag parachute you’ve got the-- wait isn’t that considered blaspheme of the national flag or something?
-what why what’s in his browser history I’m suddenly very worried
-”This is us being blown up with a big bazooka”
-Did Clara seriously memorize the locations of the letters on her smartphone keypad?
-That’s a hell of an ominous font for text messages, Doctor.
-WHOa the mirror
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-But what does the Osgood Box exactly DO?
-You’ve got some anger issues there, Bonnie.
-”Doctor John Disco”  Why did you ditch the Smith?
-Doctor you’re creepy
-You’re all creepy
-”Don’t call me Zyjello”
-*gasp* THE WINK
-Bonnie you youtube jerk
-Holy shit
-Yeah but if you’re REALLY good at lying through your teeth without blinking an eye heartbeats aren’t gonna help
-But barbeques don’t stink...
-Oh indeed.
-I rest my case.
-But why can’t I feel MY pulse when I press my fingers against my wrist
-Is there something wrong with me or is the skin on my fingers too thick
-My heart’s beating alright but what the fuck happened to my pulse
-he can turn back now?
-I take back my earlier argument, looks like he WAS a Zygon from the start.
-Follow the guy who tased you. Good choice.
-”I want to live... This is my home...”
-Why is he so distressed? If he’s a Zygon, why does transforming hurt him? Can;t he change at will?
-I like how she brought the whole pod along just so she could gloat to Clara and because she’s too lazy to go back to her later
-Bug shaped comm, nice.
-You take the blue one, the story ends. You take the red one, you-- oh wait wrong franchise.
-Turns out it’s the real Kate after all
-”Why does peacekeeping always involve killing?”
-Because not everyone wants to be peaceful and some of them will go against peace until they die?
-Serious talk aside, the boxes are pretty.
-Red button 1: Kills all Zygons  Red button 2: Kills everyone in London  Blue button 1: Unmasks all Zygons  Blue button 2: Cancels Zygon ability to change form
-Well if that’s true the Zygons went through a whole lot of shit for some goal they don’t even know exactly about.
-That’s some really true words there
-Doctor what kind of drugs did you take
-And were they labelled “Late evening TV show host”
-Eh he’s serious again
-”I fought in a bigger war than you will ever know, I did worse things than you could ever imagine, and when I close my eyes, I hear more screams than anyone could ever be able to count!”
-I think I saw that speech quoted somewhere in a YouTube comment section one. I had no context back then, but now I do and... oh.
-nonoNONON-- oh wait she’s just closing the lid. that’s good. good kate.
-If she suddenly changes her mind back and slaps the button I will fucking scream
-Thank you for sparing my vocal chords.  That being said...
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I was reminded of this
-Finally, a happy ending I can get behind.
-”Totally And Radically Driving In Space”
-Did Clara whisper something in her ear
-”ZYJELLA” dammit doctor
-”Are you a boy or girl?”  “Human.”  “But what’s your gender?”  “I’m a kid.”  “What’s in your pants?”  “Determination.”
-Thanks fucking goodness that actually ended well, I was so nervous
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thegeminisage · 8 years
today’s zeldablogging which is full of spoilers:
the sight of my new sword sends a thrill into my heart tbh
if i ever replay this game, which tbh idk if i will, it's so Big, SS was only a third or a quarter of this size and i've only beaten it twice, im going to get it as soon as possible next time
anyway im back at the tower i suppose i'll crawl down and check out the enemies properly
i dont like gliding to towers i've discovered bc it feels like i've been plopped down into the middle of nowhere with no context
vs if i walk to them i know "where" i came from/am, if that makes any sense
(it doesn't)
i can see that flying thing closer than ever from here and it's DEFINITELY a divine beast no doubts left
yk tho. i dont WANNA check out the enemies. i wanna find that weird blanked out place at the top of my map!
haha i can feel it already
i'm so anxious to get to the end of the game and uncover the plot im gonna be like "FUCK EXPLORING" for the rest of it and only go to the places i need, now that i've got this map
i can always do more thorough exploration after, i've been spoiled that there's postgame content, but even if there's not like any other zelda game it'd put me right back before the final battle
god im having to go ALL THE WAY AROUND the lost woods i can't even glide over the nearby river to make the path shorter i bet there's an easier way to do this from the other side but i havent been there yet
ah, another forest covered in fog. black fog. how inviting.
ohhh, it's a shrine trial. wonderful. in the pitch blackness!
this is already worse than eventide
luckily i have the weird glowy skeleton suit i bought from the boy gerudo clothes store
i forgot to mention it bc i had no IDEA what it was for, but here we are
like. this has to be lmao
i keep dying in my first six steps what am i doing wrong??
oh, maybe bc i'm gliding in, i see a bridge on the map
ohhh god i hear a hinox...why, lord
haha im like.following the ways the statues point and. they're pointing at the hinox! wow!
lol when i realized the stone birds had torches on top i started over so i could light them all
oh god this glowy armor has no defense!!
i'll just leave the helm on, then
oh thank fuck i used an atk+ elixir and it waasnt so bad
see, like, i COULD explore that upper ridge but thanks to the map i already know it's full of silver lynels. no thanks.
oh my god the yiga clan is RELENTLESS right here i guess bc i'm going around the back of (shudder) hyrule castle
oh!! a stable, thank goodness, i was starting to get wigged out
i guess all those people on the road had to have meant something
this isn't even on the map!!
oh wait lol yes it is
aww, i don't see beedle here...i was sure he'd be at everyone, i don't think i've encountered one where he isn't yet...
i'll be honest, i've grown kind of bored of combat
and know i'm biased but i genuinely i don't think it's me, i think it's the game's difficulty/"difficulty"
i used to see monster camps and think STRATEGY, is there a beehive, barrels to blow up, a place i can glide down from, this is so fun!
which gradually morphed into "okay this is gonna be a bit of a long haul but there'll be Treasure and sniping from afar is still fun"
idk if the black bokoblins/moblins/etc show up after you've done more things or bc of the area you're in but i'm noticing more enemies with more health, higher defense, and higher attack, and the barrels/metal boxes/beehives/etc becoming rarer, and when they do appear, being almost pointless to use because you're more likely to blow yourself up than do any real damage to the mobs
and like i love this game. it absolutely deserves every bit of its raid reviews, and this feeling COULD just be because i've been marathoning it for 12 straight days and i'm anxious to see the end and get back to my life
but to me, attacking a flat area full of black moblins and bokoblins isn't fun even with the stealth/snipe element bc you can't take them out in 1-3 shots, you have to stop and slash at them, and that alerts EVERYONE else, and it's just pointless
(lol i found some flat ruins by the stable which triggered this rant)
like, even the yiga clan hideout - my instinct was to snipe the enemies as i went, which would have made it a bit more fun imo, even though the stealth bit wasn't bad and i enjoyed that section quite a lot
i just don't like the—idk a better term for it unfortunately—"fake difficulty" thing where you just have to slog your way thru 1000s of random battles, i don't like it in rpgs either
kind of like almost wherever i explored at first i would run into minibosses rarely and then almost constantly
which, yeah, most of them aren't as hard now, But Still, it's the point of the thing
maybe i'm a bit defensive about "real gamer" bullshit and "women can't game" stereotypes while being super bad at games my whole life while my brother was fantastic at them
but like i just don't find that fun?? sure a good challenge once in awhile like eventide isle would be fine (even tho that was hellish and i'll never do it again) but that should be. every once in awhile, not. EVERYWHERE
frankly @ this point i'm REALY tempted to speed thru it before my surgery
bc i would hate to be laid up in bed and still have to worry about mobile browsing bc botw spoilers and tumblr's interface being awful
anyway i can;'t travel further in this direction without getting over near rito/hyrule field territory
and not only are those towers further away than i'd like but i wanted to do gerudo highlands first so back to the desert i go i guess rip
oh my god the wastelands tower goes down into NOTHINGNESS you're SUPPOSED to apporach from above
also i heard kass!! kass, buddy, where are you ;_;
oh i LOVE these cliffside structures i've been looking forward to them for so long
but i can't find kass ;_;
ALL tower shenanigans must CEASE until he is located!!
wait, he's...i see him! he's at the top of the tower! oh my god!
awww he wants to play the song for the hero who fell 100 years ago! he doesn't know it's me! ;__;
oh gross level two cold here and i didn't bring much cold food...just my warm doublet
i have food AND the jacket and im STILL cold? this is level THREE? wtf wtf wtf
good thing i also have the ruby circlet but jeeeesus
i still have no food so i can't stay long
oh shit i found some guardians
still ones thank god
dude i found a HUGE cool mural for one shrine!!
yeah, this game is definitely still as full of fun secrets and as deslightful as when i first began playing it
and it came at a good time bc i just lost angela and it helped me feel Real Joy again
most displeasure i find with it now is because "AAAH ZELDA AT SOME POINT I NEED TO GET BACK TO MY FUCKING LIFE"
i'm so worried about spoilers and being behind now that some of the fun is draining away
i think after a bit of time has passed i'll either go back and finish exploring properly or straight up start a new file
and do it Thoroughly
when i can relax and go at my own pace instead of feeling like i'm racing the internet, my dashboard, my friends, my brother, etc
this region is soooo cold and i am so certain i'll get better cold gear in the rito area that im just activating the shrines and not even going inside to use my little food as efficiently as possible
im lit not even going inside
oh it's dropped to level 2 cold...thank god
THERE i got them all now to rush to ritoland
wait...i thought i read the 10k fairy wrong but i see ANOTHER on the map!
i bet SHE wants 10k and i have four thousand fucking rupees UGH
i thought there were only 4 and the horse fairy counted.......
ohh my god the divine beast is much closer from where i'm gliding...it's so big
oh i've been typing it wrong all this time. dinRaal.
ohhh this region is so pretty so far...unlike the highlands which is miserable, i HATE snow in this game, i actually do wanna explore around here, i wish i didn't feel so hurried
oh god that divine beast is just So. it is So Big
god i passed the fairy on my way to the tower...10k! and i haven't been watching my cash bc i thought i misread something
all this time i've had 12 and 13 thousand rupees and i was blowing them on dumb shit
SILVER bokoblins...? come ON
good loot, tho
got the tower!
ohhh man. tat divine beast. oh boy. oh dude. big. so big. jesus fuck
oh hey i see rito village!! just where i wanted to go first
they better have good cold gear here :|
oh my god it's SO BIG im SO SCARED jesus FUCK
i wonder if kass will be here
oh god it's BEAUTIFUL
aw omg the goddess statue here has a flower crown!
all right, fifteen heart containers...the rest will be stamina 5ever
no wait fuck i should have gotten stamina this time!! i'll get a heart from the beast
well i know you can trade them, somewhere out here i think
this beautiful too tbh this is all nice and orchestrated Damn
geez the armor will set me back even more money! not TOO much but when you're saving up for 10k...
well, against my brother's advice, i'm selling monster parts...i know i'll regret it later if i need them to upgrade armor, but i'm trying to stick to the common ones i have like 100+ of, so
aaand 10! woohoo
awww all the little baby rito in the hammocks :')
OMG the biggest rito looks like an owl! kaepora reference
oooh here comes a memory
revali and link were rivals. ok. im down with that for sure
and his specisal ability! an updraft!! PERFECT tbh
aww teba's husband doesn't want her son to be a warrior
tho i like the idea that ritos are hotheads hahahaha
zoras and gorons are both kinda collected we needed some assholes
HA i look forward to when revali gives me his special ability
i'm crying teba is such an asshole i LOVE him
wow i guess it's time to fight the beast already...? that was so FAST
omg i get to ride him!!!! yessss
oh my gosh we're up so HIGH oh man oh man the world is so tiny but i know it's really so huge oh god the divine beast is so BIG
lol i probs should have upgraded this rito armor.......
oh well too late now lmao
ohhh i love it when they talk to me
nintendo would never kill him but omg im so worried about him
ohhh he's a DICK i LOVE HIM
ooh the master sword DOES glow when it's near the malice blight stuff
lowkey tempted to go back and upgrade this armor lol but i don't wanna leave and who even knows if i have the mats...
i'll just brave it thru like this and it'll be something to brag about later since apparently i suck at everything else
like doing eventide with five hearts on the blood moon
LMAO REVALI IS SO SMUG "you'll need to activate all the terminals, think you're up to it?" he's a DICK and i LOVE HIM i LOVE THE RITO
the music in this one is SO COOL?
i feel more like i'm fighting for my life/against something larger here, rather than just trying to creep through gently without disturbing anything and solve a puzzle for the others
and it's 100% bc of the music jesus christ
i LOVE how much gliding is involved this is EASILY my favorite divine beast so far
lol revali's tone of surprise in "there are two terminals remaining" i love him so much
"just one terminal remaining hmph what do you know" pls
all five down now the true test is can i beat the boss LMAO
the last 3 weren't nearly as bad as i expected, tho the lightning one's teleporting thing was almost too fast for me with my one-handed weapons
so maybe hopefully with good food this will be OK too
ok, i got level 2 cold food so i can get by with just wearing the pants :U not as much defense as i'd like but better than nothin
"it only defeated me bc i was winging this"
"can't believe i'm saying this but avenge me link!!"
ohhh there's accordian in this version of the fight song 
KASS ;_;
i wonder if kass's teacher WAS revali, or knew him
LMAO revali trash talks me when i get hit
KEEP YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME i didnt even watch that movie and im laughing at the meme
lmao "broke" the master sword with the last bow
wouldn't even look at link as he left "your job is far from finished you know zelda has been waiting an awfully long time"
haha "i'll be plucked" as well thanks nintendo
"we've been ARTFULLY patient these last 100 years you won't suffer a feather over a few more moments"
geez i love him so much
that was definitely the best divine beast
tho the zora one is a close second
i gotta go make sure teba is ok
soon i promise ok
time to go see the great fairy :U man i really thought my armor had been improved all it could be...
and 10k down the drain...
omg she's pink :3
im ALSO warping back to akkala to see if i can get any guardian armor yet i've collected a fair amt of parts!
ohhhh i see a new storm over hyrule field...DNW
lol maybe i SHOULD have explored it before now...too late now
holy shit i almost ran straight into a flying guardian going after this soul piece
ok, i need a plan...if i wanna beat the game before friday i gotta be Smart
i still need to finish exploring all the provinces, at least at the sursory level i gave to the highlands, but hopefully maybe a little better
i need to go back and do shrines and sidequests
and obviously i need to actually finish
counting today i have three days left so i guress i'll assign one task to each day, the last task obviously being on thursday
less than two hours left for playtime today, but i guess today i should explore, tomorrow i should shrine/sidequest, and i can do a LITTLE of that thursday if needed, and thursday i'll storm hyrule castle. ok
aaaah the ruins music makes me so sad ):
pffft cute i got a memory where zelda was like STOP FOLLOWING ME I DONT NEED A BODYGUARD at link how adorable
i wanted to get all the memories before i beat the game but they're like ALL in/around hyrule field/castle and i'm afraid if i go there now that i've gotten all the beasts freed i'll trigger endgame events that i can't stop
so i guess i fucked myself over
i think i'll go ahead and get all the towers tho
so i can move around freely
i have time for like one MAYBE two before stream starts
aw this tower in the cold place is so cute and short
looked it up & apparently the heart/stamina swap is in hateno so im gonna go find it!
oh i came at night but that monster store guy is here!!
omg DUDE he sells DARK LINK gear?!?!
and apparently your movement speed goes up at night
the mask and bridles are pretty cool but i HAVE to have this
lmao and i just sold all my parts for that 10k...!
man he doesn't give you a lot tho...like, it has its own currency...i could never sell enough to get even one :/
ok, i can buy the tunic or the legs...but not the face. hmm
i guess the legs alone would look pretty dumb, but i have black pants and a hood that can kinda go with the tunic, so
this is kinda outta nowhere but i wish there was a recipe book for everything we've unlocked or read about, i just can't keep it all in my head
LOL omg that was freaky
okay but now i gotta quit
i didn't get all that i wanted to done, but maybe more later tonight but def tomorrow!!
playing a bit more bc bad choices
oh hmm it looks like i was mistaken and that storm isn't over the castle afterall! thank goodness
oh my god there's SO many shrines in the hebra peak range?? why???
LMFAO im thawing blocks of ice to get to this shrine and one has a moblin in it
me: stops thawing
and i missed snapping a picture because of enemies!!! im so mad
too bad SO sad i am going back to those fires that started and waiting for night again i WILL get a picture
ugh and now it's snowing
i guess i could unlock this nearby shrine in the meantime
ooh, is that a cabin
;___; old man
end of the game and i still miss you
O: shield surfing
oh man i didnt actually wanna DO it now but
i actually dont know how to do the thing lol
lord, i had to google it. no one said a thing about pressing A
that was fun!! also i was worried i'd get lost so maybe i'll just. not do this for now
ooh god there's a silver lynel down there
i know i've been bitching over and over about fights but i lowkey wanna fight it to see if i can
i won't though bc my cold armor isn't very upgraded and my defense would be shot probably even with def+ food
as an aside im glad rivali's ability recharges so quickly i was afraid they'dmake me wait ages like the others
ohhh my god there's SO MANY silver lynel around here WHY
they have such a long detection range and such a scary roar )))):
thank god for rivali's gale i can fly right over him...otherwise i'd have to Run
there's another maze shrine here and im highkey like Ugh
idk if i'll quit when i get to the entrance or after i solve the maze...
i guess i'll give it a quick try and if it's horrible i'll stop until later
naturally i'm wondering if i can solve it on my map first and/or get to the top
if i could before with as little stamina as i had then: sure i'd be able to
probably there are guardians and the answer isnt THAT easy but
the entire maze seems to be one path which is absolutely useless to me like it doesn't look like a maze you solve on paper so i obviously have to find a door or go above or below all that somehow
there are no guardians up here at ALL
in fact i think i even see a hole down to the shrine...
ok, what's the catch, what gives
ah no the hole only goes down a couple of feet and has a chest with a diamond in it
the devs saying "nice try but no" lol
i did find the entrance pretty quick from the top tho! and now i can warp back anytime
or no wait this WAS the challenge i can just go get my orb and ches
ok i gotta figure out the shrine the chest is in and get it i NEED it this armor plus a def+ elixir? i'd be unstoppable, no more dodging fights for me!
well, less dodging fights
ok, so i looked it up and the chest is in a gerudo maze which i didn't even know existed bc i either missed it on the interactive map or it wasn't ther
but it looks Difficult so im gonna save it for tmrw
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