#OH also sorry if theres like flashing lights or anything in some of the music videos. this was originally a spotify playlist
nihiltism · 3 months
best metal recommendations for beginners (me)
wagging the tail I don't have at this ask!!! ok so I'll note that Most of the bands I listen to use a good amount of gutturals so that's a warning but I do have some that dont. anyway!
my personal best recommendation is trivium, they're just Solid I Think. they're not Too hard overall. or some of their songs are but some aren't, rather. my favorite album of theirs is sin and the sentence personally but in the court of the dragon, shogun and ascendancy have some good tunes too!
uhhh some other slightly lower key (ears wise anyway) ones... dark tranquillity's newer albums are pretty good! moment and atoma rule!! (I personally like the gallery but that ones older and so kind of A Lot). in flames is always solid too though I don't have any Album recs from them (only for the weak is like iconic though as a song 👍)
oh wait hold on I completely forgot about the more like. orchestral metal. orchestral metal isn't really my taste but I do appreciate it for the spectacle. kamelot and epica are both in that regard! also if you want some more gutturals in with your violins may I recommend fleshgod apocalypse (by far the best name here). oh or ne obliviscaris if you like songs that last 12 minutes. their instrumentals are gorgeous though.
as for: (probably not good bands to listen to as somebody new to it but it's how I got hooked so hey) arch enemy is Really Good, especially wages of sin and later in my opinion. if you have my music taste. i have a 50 song long playlist (its on spotify though i didnt have time to move it to youtube) of my arch enemy favorites if you're interested that's my favorite band.
uhhhh also these next two aren't actually bands I'm a Huge fan of perse but yknow how some people listen to hyperpop because their brain itches. yeah parasite inc and allegaeon are the metal equivalent of that to me. I'm really pick and choose with their songs but most of time tears down from parasite inc is good for Brain Static and I enjoyed most of damnum from allegaeon! (though warning for that one at least one of the songs (coming home) has a very graphic depiction of suicide). allegaeon also just has really good instrumentals in general like jeez.
oh! also obligatorily mentioning the metal: hellsinger ost. it has vocalists from a lot of the bands I just mentioned. it's good.
alternatively if you want you can check out my playlist of what songs I personally like (most of the bands I listed are on here and some i didnt) and if any strike a chord with you you can look into those bands from there!
though uhhhhh. skip the ambersun songs. those are songs for a hatoful boyfriend-based metal album (that I to this day wonder what the target audience was apart from Me) and thus spoilers.
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raysletters · 9 months
Fanfic Friday!
Rules: share a fic you wrote (or fan art or gif) that you are proud of! Moodboard optional!
Oh would you look at that? nobody actually tagged me, but im really proud of this fic and will forever be my precious baby and my first non canon compliant or canon adjacent fic.
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peace by raysletters
"give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you"
4 times Henry gives himself away, and the 1 time Alex shows him how much there is of him.
lightly inspired in it's nice to have a friend and peace by taylor swift
(alternatively called: the superhero au)
this was written thanks to a prompt from @inexplicablymine for @thebrownstone anniversary exchange and ive never had so much fun writing something ever. it was in the middle of a writers block and i spent SO long thinking about it (mainly bc i cant stand the movie or a certain actress on it) before i remembered my aforementioned hyperfixations on both the bright sessions and the flash (at some point i hope somebody makes a tbs x rwrb fic before i end up caving in and do it myself, even though it would be very similar to this fic, now that i think about it).
(break where i give little information about this bc the research was long and incredibly fun)
after all of that, it was so long that i spent on a google rabbit hole of researching superpowers and thinking how would it fit each person (i KNEW before anything else that i was going to give bea music powers, and after that the rest followed) so it is funny how all of their powers correlate between family and stuff and i need everyone to know about this bc i really spent so long thinking of it.
you have the mountchristen line, that has the "mind powers", starting with mary (psyren) that has the powers to manipulate minds, but it is more like suggestions, so that's why alex and bea could shrug it off and how henry would be able to after fighting his usual response of like going along whatever mary said; then you have catherine (vis) that has telekinesis, aka manipulation of objects through her mind (dont ask me about the name this one was very much just thrown out there when i looked it up suggestions on google). thats where arthur (foxglove) comes in with his ecokinesis (this is more like controlling plants but not really with his mind but like hes in TUNE with the planet and nature ala poison ivy kinda thing(?) (also yes ofc i found out there is a PLANT called FOX-GLOVE and gave it as a name for arthur. that is something he 100% would do and i dont receive criticism for it) and starts the fox-mountchristen line with philip (no i didnt think of his superhero name bc even though he is a bit redeemed here, he doesnt deserve it) and his MANIPULATION OF THE LIGHT WITH HIS MIND. and yes its cool and all, but i just want to emphasize that i wanted them to be able to MANIPULATE PARTS OF NATURE WITH THEIR MINDS BC ITS A MIX OF BOTH CATH AND ARTHUR (sjfnakdjfkahdmfhansbfmahdm im sorry i thought of it while still blocked and thought it was absolutely genius 💀💀). then there comes beautiful gorgeous bea who doesnt have a pseudonym bc she's actually part of the agency trying to control that superheroes dont do crazy stuff (yes bc of mary) and shes a badass agent and also has a band on the side bc she CAN MANIPULATE SOUND AHFNSJHSSJDJABHSNSHAJS. and lastly theres henry with his empathy and this is something not implied but more like a nod to tbs bc henry's actual powers are the manipulation of emotions which MEANS HENRY IS BASICALLY INCREDIBLY FUCKING POWERFUL but since he really doesnt like all that superhero shit, he doesnt care about it. at some point in time, he might discover hes even able to push emotions into other people, but again, since that was a nod to tbs, thats just something for them to discover in the future and thats it.
on the other hand, you have the claremont-díaz line that is messy as fuck, because in this universe, ellen enlisted in the army like her father and she ended up becoming a super soldier, along the lines of captain america, and was called "lometa longshot" bc yes ofc i had to. so you see how she doesnt have actual powers but instead she just has everything ENHANCED????; then you have oscar, who has the ability to fly, (which, fun fact, was actually the last power i thought of bc the idea of it is that oscar had some power of MOVEMENT), and bc you have impossible movement and enhancement, you get beautiful june with her powers of teletransportation that allow her to be a badass reporter and always get exclusives bc of how fast she can get somewhere; and you get alex with his undiagnosed adhd and the fire under his ass for no good reason and then there was absolutely no other choice but to give him super speed (and has nothing to do with the fact that he, like barry allen, is a very intelligent but very chaotic bisexual with undiagnosed adhd).
nora is there vibing, being a tecnopath and having actual numbers on her brain while also planning to conquer the world and also become kind of an iron-woman(? in that she makes gadgets for superheroes and for herself. pez is also vibing and being so cool they even have two powers, being able to shapeshift AND mimic the powers of ppl near them. hes the actual threat in that if they wanted, they could absolutely conquer the world.
ANOTHER FUN FACT: this is fairly obvious but in the us the school is called sky high and in uk the school is called wonder school bc i couldnt think of anything else and my reference for names of schools in the uk is that wizardry school from that horrible book so like,,,,, yeah.
LAST FUN FACT I SWEAR: theres a list of classes and their kind of equivalents that showed up after i decided alex would absolutely never stand this hero/sidekick bullshit shsksjsksjsksjsksjsksjs it was fun even though im yet to grasp the concept of american education(????? (listen im dumb so like if you were expecting too much from me, thats on you)
Math → Strategy
Language Arts → Heroism (morality and stuff)
Science → Mad Science
Social Studies → World History
Foreign Language → Technology (Hacking and entering 💀)
Physical Education → Combat
Electives → Save the citizen, Enhancement (like practice your own powers and stuff), Origins (of superheroes and superpowers), Teamwork (something both Alex and Henry definitely didn't take 💀), Alter-ego Management
(im not kidding when i say i pasted it verbatim to what i had in my docs, bc theres nothing more chaotic than my outlines and ramblings on any of my gdocs)
im not tagging anyone bc i just noticed it is decidedly not friday anymore but i got too excited talking about this fic akdbdksjsksjAbssjakajsncjbsksdhdjsj anyway, go and read it if you havent shkssjkssjsksjsksjs
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skizmin · 6 years
haunted house!au with lee minho
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prompt: minho falls in love with the actor that jump scared him inside the haunted house at a carnival
genre: fluff???? would it be anything else???? in my happy angst-makes-me-cry household???? pfft.
for: im sorry this one is lightly gender specific for females!! but the only female not made is about dressing as wendy for a costume party which some of my male readers might be uncomfortable with!! (i didnt even think abt it when writing it bc me and one of my guy friends have respectively gone as peter and wendy to costume parties)
warnings: gore mention stuff but its haunted house costumes, swearing ofc but nothing extreme (no slurs).
yo anyway so minhos one of my three ults wowzas Can He Not?
alright lets get to it
You Are Broke.
your major subject at uni really does cost a lot of money. money you have to provide. it sucks basically
whenever you think abt money you have to hold back tears bc You Have None.
sorry anyway
one of your housemates is also broke and loves scouring the internet for quick and easy ways to get money, no matter how crazy they are
one night she comes back with an idea that peaks your interest, probably purely bc your card just got declined ordering a coffee at mcdonalds
“y/n you HAVE to do this one!!!!!”
you sigh like “if its selling my sub topic notes online again, im not doing it. i didnt even know someone could be so harsh about highlighter use???”
your housemate is all pfft im not putting you thru that again
“no!! basically, you get $80 to show up for 2 and 1/2 hours at the haunted house place at that carnival nearby!! dude we gotta, its just to scare the fuck outta people and we can like!! cover ourselves in blood!! n stuff!!”
at first your mind was like lmfao 2&1/2 hours at a haunted house?? no fuckin way
but then you remembered your job only paid you $14.78 an hour so you were doubling your pay in half the amount of time
“20 minutes, get out a creepy white dress or something that looks creepy that you can get dirty.”
you fricken ran to your room
you ended up getting a cheap nightgown that you bought to dress up as wendy from peter pan to a costume party, it cost like $2 you really werent sad to see it go
“y/n!! hurry up!! they have makeup there!!”
you bolted out the front door in your nightgown, runners and a big coat with nothing but your wallet phone and keys in your pocket
you were really broke and desperate, youd already accepted it
when you got to the carnival you were in awe, it had been a fair few years since your last one and the colours and lights and pounding music and laughter just
wow, carnivals are so pretty
the guy running the haunted house came in and let you guys in so you didnt pay admission and quickly sat you down at some tables and told you you could do the makeup yourself or got someone else to
you, feeling daring and thinking fuck it, im gonna make the haunted house goers shit their pants, decided to do your own makeup
to pair with your blue nightgown you simply gave yourself extremely dark and sullen eyes with the power of purple eyeshadow, you paled out your lips and gave yourself a lil nosebleed, and on top of that you painted a random creepy looking symbol on your forehead in blood, blackening it our a little with an eyeliner pen to make it seem like it was cut open.
you were lowkey proud of your work
okay now it was show time, you were briefed on where in the house you could stay and you were told how to act and basic rules (no touching, get help if theyre freaking out too much, etc)
so now, you were in the dimly lit narrow hallways of this makeshift house when you heard the tell tale screams of your housemate meaning theres a group coming and theyd just attempted to jump scare them
you hid behind a black sheet, disguised as a wall, before your victims came up through your hallway
you heard some talk of “felix you know its fake, calm down.” before you saw some shadows pass by
the group was big, maybe 10 people? you werent sure, but you went forward with your plan anyway
just after theyd passed your hiding place, you stepped out from behind them and stood idly and innocently in the centre of the corridor before you put your head down and started whistling a nursery rhyme
you heard a few gasps and a few squeaks before you looked up with an unreadable expression
you saw them looking at you and some of the guys ushered some of the others away though one guy stood there looking at you strangely
you just tilted your head at him before taking your OPERATION: SCARE mission a step farther
bringing your hands up to your ears you let out a ear piercing scream and squeezed your eyes shut before running through the group and turning the corner at the end of the small corridor
you heard a soft what the fuck was that and a less soft language! before you turned and waited for them to turn the corner
as they were walking up the corridor however (theyd resolved to moving with just shuffles of their feet) you heard a new voice speak up. it was somewhat playful and honeydew like, especially with the phrase “not gonna lie, they were really fucking pretty.” which was followed by a chorus of “miNHO”’s and “thIs iS NoT The TiME bUddY” and “i think felix is crying”
you were taken aback
did he mean that? was that the one looking at you earlier? what the frick?
you were still blanking out, completely flabbergasted even when the group turned the corner
of course, you were unprepared, you planned to scream a loud “GET OUT!” to them but all that left your mouth was a squeak as you met eyes with the stranger again, red flushing up your neck
you ran away quickly, ducking into one of the rooms dressed up to look like a metal asylum holding centre
“hyung wtf theyre the scariest one yet”
“you guys go ahead, ill be there in a second”
“let go jisungie, hyunjins looking at you like you disgust him right now”
a chorus of laughs echoed through the hall
why was honeydew voice not going ahead?
your cheeks were still kinda red as you waited, listening for the male to go away
you slowly inched towards the doorway of the small room you were in, the flashing light behind you somewhat hindering your senses as you peeked through the shredded and knotted white sheet hanging from the top of the doorway but you couldnt see anyo-
“BOO!” “HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK” you scReAmed and jumped backwards, only to hear some cakcling from behind the sheet where the boy from earlier had appeared
“heck knuckles?”
“hmm? really?” you looked up to see the boy smirking playfully at you. 
he looks like a cat
“aH yeAh??? you just scared the crap out of me!!!1!1!!!” you huffed, amused by him behaviour. you heartbeat still hadnt calmed down
“oh? you sure it wasnt just from looking at me?” he leaned in slightly, making the question seem innocent
“mmhm, youre that ugly that i flew halfway across a room.” though the comment was monotonous and you had a bored look in your eyes, it was purely for bantering
“nice try pumpkin, nice try. anyway, when do you finish with the whole im an ugly ghost coming to kill you thing? youre terrible at it by the way.”
your breath hitched and a blush came up your neck
“o-okay listen here, uh, boy! 1, i am Not a Pumpkin. 2, i dont know you. 3, im fucking amazing at this ask your friends and 4, i dont know you” you awkwardly coughed at the end
he furrowed his eyebrows at you “its minho, and the whole point is i want to get to know you.” he beamed at you after this
you felt lightheaded honestly, it was all happening very quickly under weird circumstances
but still, you muttered back to him a soft “i get off at 10:30″
he smiled wider, triumphantly, “10:30?”
you nodded and he took a couple of steps back, out of the room
“see you then i guess!” at this, he winked, before he jogged off to find his friends
you fell back against a wal
lwhat the frick frack paddy whack just happened?
you sighed, hearing the screeching and slam of a metal door, knowing you had to get back to scaring others
like,,, @ 10:33
you had all your stuff and you were walking out from behind the haunted house set up, waiting for your housemate
you honestly didnt think youd see minho. no guy is that persistent, right?
“h-hey!!! demon child person!!!” you looked up at this
who the fuck just called me demon child person 
you saw him and holy shit
the haunted house was dark with red lighting in some places and flashing blinding white lights in others, you saw minho and you saw what he looked like, but wow, he was so much clearer now
he was absolutely gorgeous
the carnival lights against his tan skin, his dark hair, his skinny black jeans and big parka coat? you were absolutely mesmerised
suddenly you realised you were staring and he was standing right in front of you
“o-oh, uh, hi?” you could already feel the red on your cheeks
“mm, hey, wanna hang out for a bit?” he smiled at you, you saw a tinge of red on his nose from the cold
“oh, actually i uh, i came with my housemate and-”
suddenly your housemate was next to you, throwing an arm over your shoulder and telling you to get home safely and asking you to not be too loud before shes nudging you closer to the attractive minho boy and speed walking off
“i gotta say, i like your housemate” minho looked to you with a wide smile. “should we get you some food first?”
you offered him a meek smile and shyly nodded. which he laughed at
“alright then, lets go!” he gripped you lightly by the elbow and led you through the crowd, passing some speedy and tall and colourful rides. you decided to speak up.
“sooo... after you get food, whatd you wanna do?” minho made a contemplating sound before simply saying “i dont mind, i just want to get to know you.”
“uh, okay then, well uh, what do you wanna know?” “to be honest, a name would be great.” minho laughed goodheartedly, you saw the apples of his cheeks rise up and his nose scrunching slightly
“oH! riGht! im uh, im y/n”
this time he turned to you “y/n?” you nodded. “thats a pretty name, it matches you.”
you turned away mumbling a thanks before you realised he’d called you pretty
“woAh wait whAt??? do you?? have no shame??”
this time he giggled
oh my god your heart practically stopped especially when he steered you to a table for the both of you to sit down
“y/n, i dont know if you noticed but i basically sorta asked you out like 2 hours ago while you were trying to scare me dressed as a demonic creepy child, a really fucking cute one at that, you need to teach me how to do that im in awe. but yeah and then now we’re here on a spontaneous first date which i have no clue what im doing for and i really dont know you at all apart from you act in a haunted house which is pretty interesting but you were just that pretty that i stayed behind in a haunted house to talk to you. now ask yourself again, does minho ever feel ashamed of his blatantly obvious attempts at flirting? the answer however is: when it comes to you? no, never.”
he was smiling proudly at his little monologue whilst you were catching flies in your open mouth
“you...are actually the cheesiest person ive ever fucking met.”
minho laughs once again.
“honestly, ill give you all the compliments in the world if it means youll give me your number or something, even the ones that arent true”
you leaned over the table and slapped his arm lightly, grumbling under your breath about fliritng getting you nowhere in life
he simply rested his elbow on the table and his cheek in his hand, gazing at you and asking you what food you wanted
you ended up being so strung in by his his gorgeous eyes and soft looking cheeks that he had to call your name 3 times and repeat the question
after eating some gross junk food and watching the midnight fireworks, minho bought you both fairyfloss and insisted on walking you home saying “its what anyone in their right mind would do” 
you walked along, him explaining his fear of heights and you explaining your situation of brokeness where you take almost any opportunity available
along the way he slinked his fingers through yours and placed them in the pocket of his big parka coat, smiling at you as you ducked your head to look at the ground, where youd started kicking your feet out extra to distract yourself from the affectionate gesture and calm the burning of your cheeks
when you arrived at your house, you fought over who should eat the leftover fairy floss.
you viciously shoved it into his hand, 
“you paid for it and you walked me home even though its late and cold, you keep it.”
minho looked like he was going to fight back for a minute before his eyes lit up
“ill take it on one condition, i get to feed a piece to you.” he beamed at you and you looked at him confused and skeptic
“uhhh, okay i guess?”
he picked a piece off of the stick and held it in front of you, you opened your mouth for it and he placed it in
before it could melt and you could smile at him however, you felt his hand on your cheek and a hand on your lower back tugging you forward to rest his lips on yours, moving his lips against them a total of three times before pulling back
“i know i shouldve asked, but id buy you fairy floss every day if i got to do that once.”
you were a stuttering mess, your mind was fuzzy, you missed the feeling of him so close to you already
“uh-i, i um. wow uh yeah. uhhh, yeah no its fine i um,,,, i didnt mind it actually. wait no, i uh, i really liked it?”
biggest smile of the century goes to lee minho, born in 1998
youre so red it isnt funny and he just moves the hand that was on your cheek to loosely grab at your fingers
“mm, okay then y/n, maybe if you wash the fake blood off of your face and text me ill kiss you again, for as long as you want.”
if your face was red before
oh god
oh god
you squeaked and nodded as he chuckled, lightly kissing your cheek before backing away
“get some sleep y/n, and message me tomorrow.” with that, he was walking away, leaving you to enter your house and be greeted by a squealing housemate who had witnessed the whole thing
(you took minho up on that offer, and he did kiss you, and it was longer, and it was great until his friend chris walked into minhos living room and saw you both and started screaming about keeping it PG because there were (17 yr old) kids around.)
finish! hope you like it!!
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mommydragon-of-all · 6 years
OC Interview Meme
This looks fun. Also some answers drastically differ depending on around what time this "interview” takes place. So i got thinking and since I was tagged by@sakurabunnie who’s getting to know my pre-inquisition Soren, i choose to time this before Inquisition. Then i was tagged by dear @hadiden-lavellan too, but by then i was halfway through his post, and hey why not, some looking back :) Thank you both!!!! :3333
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For Soren (Lavellan):
1. What is your name?
“A lot of people have called me by a lot of names. You can call me Soren.”
2. What is your real name?
“It is actually Soren. Yep, just Soren. I lost my original belonging and i didnt take any of my families surnames. Not permanently nor in any way official.”
3. Do you know why you were called that?
“Oh well, my parents wanted a pair of short and strong names that ring together, even if they had to get a bit creative. Also, as i learned, a pair of names that can be lilted and growled equally well haha “
4. Are you single or taken?
“i am free like a bird. Does your nest have some extra space on a cold night by the way?”
5. Have any abilities or powers?
“Im a highly trained assassin, among … other things. If you ever get in trouble… *slides over a strange little object* flash this around the shady parts of any city. They will take care of the rest. But for your lives sake, do not try to lie”
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“ I dont think i ever used that alias… “
7. What’s your eye color?
“Oohhh you are welcome to gaze into them closer, yes ;) no low light excuses, they have their own, so just lean over… “
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8. How about your hair color?
“ Oh yes that is harder to tell in different lights. Its dark red, like good wine or blood from the liver .”
9. Have you any family members?
“ I have tons. If you meant blood relation… other than my twin sister i have some distant family. Literally distant even, like few and far between, out in the world. Some of us exchange awesome birthday gifts some years though, regardless of the exact date. Who has time to time that. “
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(Scattered by the wind, but firmly standing like the trees)
10. Oh? What about pets?
“ Sadly animals are deadly afraid of me. It takes just a sniff to run for dear life… Even predators… it takes a special blend of proud and crazy to befriend me it seems. I would kill for such treasures. Like that Hart i once fought for an apple in that deep forest and lately rode to far destinations… i think it starts to get even attached!!! If he sticks around im gonna call him Captain. But remember, Dont go close to him! For your dear life, please dont. He is easy to recognize. Big as a mountain and looks like “Oh, Shit”. “
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(’Where to, Captain?’)
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
“ Those things are about to change. Or drop in numbers significantly in the world. Just wait. …as truly as i want to mean that, unfortunately some things never change. Like the darkness in people, festering hearts. There will always be things like betrayal, prejudice, hatred, discrimination, envy, greed, cruelty,... i could go on. People who mostly keep themselves above those shades of their nature are all worth to be protected.“
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
“ Oh there are so many awesome things in the world and so many exciting things to do! I cant even count them. Like there’s hunting dragons for one! Speaking of hunting, there is also treasure hunt and demon hunt and manhunt and wyvernhunt and countless others, the bigger and meaner the better! But then theres also MAGIC! Do you have any idea how awesome that is? Everything magic and everything it touched. Putting together and using magic objects for so many things! And spells??? Potions, lotions, weapons... And there are also PEOPLE! The most magical thing is the warm light in ones heart. And they are so various and unique! There are different languages and codes and symbols and oh the stories! And dance and music and pleasures and laughing and caring and helping and…. oh … haha… im sorry, are you awake? Please ask away. “
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(’Ah, what a beautiful day!’)
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
“ I think you snoozed off and forgot about my profession already. :)  “
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
“ Hahaha oh these sharp and pointy things and stuff arent for chopping and cooking vegetables either.”
15. What kind of animal are you?
“Pfffft i am my own species! Hehe! A unique hybrid i guess! But definitely a big animal, yes. Sis’ won that argument long ago, so there you have the answer. “
16. Name your worst habits.
“Hmm? What?” (*Muffs out with one of the interviewers -already leafed through-notebooks between his sharp teeth, booth on table...*) Hey! That is… how did you… *sigh*... nevermind  
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(exhibit 99: ‘”I’ll go straight there!”)
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“My sister, definitely. She is the best. She is indestructible in every way i swear! Gotta be the strongest person alive. She is also really cool. But hot. I mean explosive! Not that shes not hot, technically... she is my female version after all haha. And caring for me with great big sister love (*mumble*:even if i am like 5 minutes older), but dont spread that ;) Might harm her notoriety.  I also look up to several of my tutors and many other people for many different reasons. People can be so many kinds of amazing.”
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
“You can not expect me to label my interests in a world full of so many differently beautiful people with warm hearts.”
19. Do you go to school?
“Yes. Life. 24/7. Got less intense since i learned how to survive and sustain myself, and grew a strong body to back up my needs and will, but there are always new things to learn and lessons you never asked for too. I had some actual teachers along the way too, but lately mostly i just teach myself what i dont just encounter by diving into new things. Which is not only fun by the way, you are bound to learn a few things. Then there are books, theories, researching, digging, honing instincts and reflexes, combining and refining techniques or theories, trial and error... Life is a bottomless school “
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20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“Wow, wow, you mean like.. babies? Sweet Fade, i wouldnt dare breathe their way, they are so fragile... little young PEOPLE, persons who arrived so recently and understand so little and cant even tell whats up just cry and i cant understand them, i understand every language but i can not understand babies for my life and ... and... thats terrifying! And do you have any idea how EASY it is to kill someone? And then there is that small bundle of vulnerability, my proximity could be lethal to it! And .... *sigh*... sorry just... It all would depend on that special person i might find who would want to keep me for life, for better or worse, and if they wanted kids... even if babies, i would be on board. I would do anything for that special someone. Even learn baby care... Bigger kids, well, i already have :D . In good care. If any of them were to be taken under my constant and indirect care, would depend on a lot of things. Right now they are much safer otherwise.”
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
“Most certainly ;D.But none of them know much about me, of course. With that comes a transformation of those feelings”
22. What are you most afraid of?
‘Im not afraid of ANYTHING!” *eyes instantly betraying* “Fine, fine, gotta be loss. Ironic, isnt it, for i have but what is on my person. Replaceable come and goes. Im mostly afraid of losses that arent even really “mine”, but others. Loved ones or even barely known ones loosing their lives or their light. Loosing my sister, myself, my heart... that is all i am. The only thing i cannot live without is my heart, i AM my heart, and loosing pieces of it or have it broken or freezing through a hole... I hate how selfish that is. But yeah. There you go. I still tend to leave pieces of it everywhere, and it only grows with that, funny how that works, but it also tends to get wounded on every turn. I fear the numbing cold. I fear the day when i cant hold it together and go on anymore.”
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(from “When you are away”)
23. What do you usually wear?
“What you see is my whole wardrobe, hahah. But i shift and change to blend in from the dirt of Orzammar’s dust town to the shining halls of Orlesian palaces. Its fun.  What i like to wear mostly are well covering clothes, that allow a great scale of mobility, but not baggy to catch on things. Made of high quality materials only. My clothes MUST be of great quality materials, more for comfort than durability. Heightened overall senses arent always fun. Oh and for outer wear i like leather, especially dragonskin stuff for light armor, and long boots are the only footwear i acknowledge, some with high heels, and a matching pair of long gloves from soft fine leather are necessary too. Long coats from mostly leather and all the necessary leather straps and harnesses and pouches and belt too of course. If it counts, all my current favorite necklaces with magical pendants and bracelets are a constant wear too. It also doesnt hurt if my clothes look great. But fine materials tailored to my body and my needs usually bring that effect without further touches.”
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(*his gear gotta let his smooth ass move*)
24. Do you love someone?
“I love all good people. ...and some others”
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
"Bahahahhahaa now thats some blunt question! It deserves to be answered truthfully. I wish i could say when i was a baby, but truth is i think it happened a few times during the wilder rides of intense poison training with blood magic assistance, but im not really sure, i was barely conscious through those parts from pain and all kinds of nasty sensations, i came to my senses naked and tucked in after them. I never do extreme limit pushing training alone. There were also times when i was subject to some blood spells and experiments unwilling too. I have some suspicious blurry memories that i have made all sorts of messes. Egh. Lets move on to more fun questions”
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
“I live outside of such systems. But i took part in every class during my life, thanks to current families or goals.”
28. How many friends do you have?
“Plenty, but one cant have too many. Helping each other goes a long way. I tend to make some friends everywhere i go, but i have few close friends. The closest one is my sis’. She knows me more than i know myself, and she is always there for me, at any cost.”
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Pie? One of the most fun cakes. It was invented for throwing i swear!”
30. Favourite drink?
“Hmmmm... old, red wine, hot and seasoned, spiced with a nice kick of that special antivan poison blend. I dont recommend you trying it, but you dont know what you’re missing out.”
31. What’s your favourite place?
“Wherever i am welcome.”
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(*one favorite place example. It is not Where, it is Who*)
32. Are you interested in someone?
“I am interested in everyone. Are you fishing for some special interest?”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
“Hahahha oh you never disappoint! Well, it was a long time ago when i last i wore a bra, back when i could still pull off the young girl appearance, to get in paces and so on. I always made sure to have a proportional but quite evident bosom. Oh it was such fun, my long hair helped too, and i dished out that act spot on! Like that time in Val Royeaux, when the heads i turned waltzing in as part of a rich antivan court were spinning all around in frantic search in the chaos, while i walked right out as a male servant. Oh sorry, i got distracted. You also asked about my “willy” if i recall correctly. If you would like to measure it so badly we can discuss that later ;) “
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“Hmmm.... whichever promises more sunk treasures and secrets. Some lakes hide quite the surprises let me tell you.”
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(’Looks like a perfect place for some diving..’)
35. What’s your type?
“My type of what, exactly, dear? ;)”
36. Any fetishes?
“I am very flexible in many ways, let me tell you, in case you are planning to bend me to your will. And if id have some suggestions, well, let it remain a little mystery for now ;p”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
“Depends. What would you like me to be?”
38. Camping or indoors?
“Nothing beats a warm bed and a well secured resting place. Especially with my... condition, and experiences”
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
“Are you kidding me? You have such awkward, uncomfortable questions... Let me get a new round of drinks for us and lets do this till morning!” “What do you mean new round... when did this cup of hot wine get here? It has my name on it??? What the... I better go i think.”
40. Now it’s over!
“What? Oh come on, we just got to some really “embarrassing” parts! Talking about “embarrassing”, would you like to hear the story of my encounter with this qounari dreadnought captain and ended up on board to Ostwick? Maybe you can tell me some stories yourself too in exchange..” *puppy eyes+shining grin combo* “Well, im not exactly in a hurry...” “Excellent!” *shifts closer and pours more wine*
I tag @quizzikemen @pelle-lavellan @hadiden-lavellan @sakurabunnie @elalavella @nipuni and everyone who wants to do it! For those who already did this consider this a tag for another OC! Gotta love them all :D (if you feel like doing it. I always feel like reading it)
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tomhollandertrash · 6 years
It’s our little secret- Peter Parker x Male!Reader
(A/N); THIS IS A REALLY IMPORTANT AUTHOR’S NOTE! Basically this is a preview to a series I’m gonna start called “It’s our little secret” and that will hopefully go well, but for the next couple of weeks I’m going to be packed with a lot of work and I’m only gonna take request for mood boards and not stories, for all those who have requested something I have not forgotten you, I just need you to be patient and I will eventually write your story, ANYWAY, this is very rushed but I hope you like the story! and again do not reblog it without my permission
Summary; Flash holds his big end of year party, just like every other year. Pretty much anyone is invited; including Peter Parker and his group of friends. The party is like any other stereotypical high school gathering; alcohol, loud music, light drugs, spin the bottle, all of that, but when Peter becomes a little too overwhelmed at the party and looses his friends who does he turn to? Who knows, it might even be Flash’s side buddy; school’s bad boy rebel, the edgy loner who doesn’t talk much, but has been friends with Flash since they were kids, (Y/N) (L/N). But no one really knows (Y/N), maybe Peter will be the first to see him for himself.
Warnings; Kissing, alcohol, all that party stuff, mentions of bullying, also theres this one part where a girl is trying to get a gay guy to like her ( I won’t spoil anything but she is persistent and this might trigger some people so I need to put this in)
“Common Peter you have to go, everyone is going to be there, we’d be considered even weirder if we didn't go” Ned argued, pacing around Peter’s bedroom “That’s exactly why we shouldn’t go, everyone will be there, everyone who's ever made fun of us will be in the same house” Ned, still not having it, turned to Mj who was in the corner on the floor reading a book “Help me out here Mj” Ned pleaded, Mj sighed and looked up from her book, fixing her glasses “I mean I agree with Peter but what’s life without a little risk, besides anyone of us might meet someone for a change if you know what I mean” Mj said with a wink to them both; Peter going bright red and Ned completely ignoring the comment. “So it’s settled we’re going to this party tomorrow!” Ned jumped up and down, excited that he had won. Peter who had given up at this point, seeing as he had been arguing for a hour about the topic. “Fine, but I’m not drinking and I’m only gonna stay an hour or so” Mj stood up after Peter said this “Have some fun Peter, nothing bad is gonna happen, anyway I’m off losers, see you tomorrow.” Ned realising the time and it being quite late he decided to head home too; saying goodbye and doing there signature handshake, both Ned and Mj walk out the door. Peter was freaking out, he wasn’t too worried about bullies but he knew (Y/N) would be there, he’s had a crush on the taller boy for a while, he’s noticed his kind gestures and he feels safer being in a room with him, even if Flash is there as well. (Y/N) has always been kind towards him and he enjoyed the small conversations they had before class or in the halls, which puzzled him at first but he soon grew to enjoy it and then soon grew to get nervous around him. He spoke to Mj about it and she was the one who confirmed it too be a crush, hence why she made the comment before. Nerves getting the better of him Peter decided he’d sleep on it and deal with things tomorrow, it was just a party no harm right?
Friday afternoon, or the next day came around quicker than Peter would have liked it too, and before he knew it he was standing at the drive way of Flash’s house with Ned and Mj; music was blasting out so loud it could be heard miles away, and people already flooding it. Peter looked down at his outfit; a checkered shirt with a blue sweatshirt and another overcoat on top, along with some plain jeans and vans, flattening it out for the last time before being dragged into the party by his friends. As soon as Peter walked in through the doors the atmosphere suddenly became much more heated and nausea hit him like a train, Peter instantly began to grow nervous, his anxiety building up as his hands begin to shake; they couldn’t for too long before his hands were filled with a red cup full of alcohol that Ned had so kindly shoved into his hands “It’s the weekend and we’re all gonna have some fun, All of us, now drink up.” It turns out this red cup seemed to have an endless bottom, and three drinks and a lot of dancing Peter, had had enough and went looking for Ned and/or Mj. After checking the house, twice and calling both their cell phones and getting nothing in return, Peter decided he would just head home.
*a few hours ago*
You were already at Flash’s house before the party started, you had your black converse on with your black jeans and your signature black leather jacket on over a plain white shirt. You were not really in a party type of mood tonight or ever for that matter; you’d much rather be at home with a book or writing music alone, but you and Flash have been friends since forever so you drag yourself along every party and any other time Flash needs you as a friend.
“Man tonights gonna be sick, there’s gonna be so many girls there and it’s always the best because it’s my party, I’m the star of the show, but you being my best buddy (Y/N), you’ll have girls all over you” Flash yelled and made a fist pump in the air. Simply replying with a light hum to his statement, not really taking interest, because truly you didn’t really take interest in girls or anyone for that matter; well there was this one boy you’ve seen around, he’s this little nerd who has these adorable brown eyes and the most gorgeous hair you’ve ever seen, his name was Peter Parker, he was in your classes a fair bit but he mainly stayed clear of you, it was probably because you were with Flash most of the day but there is the off occasion where you’re alone and you send him a small smile and he blushes and looks away. You hated the way he was scared of you because of Flash, in fact on many occasions you’d have to listen to Flash make fun of Peter, but ever since you knew of the smaller boy you felt the need to protect him, even if from afar and nothing was to show for it; you’d always get Flash to move on or to stop talking and you’d always step in if he’d threaten to hurt Peter. The world was too good for Peter, he’s been through enough already, you had heard about his parents and you knew about his other struggles; people like Flash should not get in the way of that. Slowly overtime you’ve seen Peter a lot happier now that Flash isn’t constantly on his back and this; as creepy as it sounds has warmed your heart.
Being brought out of your thoughts by music suddenly playing as the sun went down and people began to swarm in and begin getting drinks and dancing. Shaking your head, just wanting this to be over you went to the fridge to grab a beer and not one of the red party cups, not looking to get wasted tonight. The whole night you kinda stood off to the side sipping away a few beers and just enjoying not being the centre of attention. You were brought out of your thoughts when a girl in a very revealing shirt and a plaid skirt, fishnets and red heels came up to you. She had black hair that was put in two pony tails and red lipstick with some winged eyeliner “Do you want to dance?” She asked a little too confidently putting your hands up to say no when you heard Flash yell from the other side of the room over loud music “Hell yeah (Y/N) go get em!” rolling your eyes and returning to the girl to continue apologising “Look I’m really sorry but I don’t want to dance with you and in fact I don’t really want to do anything with you, don’t take this the wrong way but I don’t know you at all.” This just made her frustrated more “Oh please I know what every guy wants I’m not stupid” “Well I’m not every guy now am I?” You said back starting to get angry yourself and deciding to throw one last thing in there, here goes nothing “In fact, I don’t even like girls” you said leaning down a little and looking her dead in the eye. The girl was shocked and gasped as if she had just heard the most terrible news in the world; you chuckled a little feeling your usually confident self again which in return earned you a slap to the face, which didn't hurt at all considering she was pretty drunk. She stormed off after that and you were glad that the little scene had ended and you went to go get another beer, just wanting something to get your mind off things.
However, you didn't get to do this as, as you were walking through the house a smaller frame crashed right into yours and fell into your arms. Looking down to see who you had caught; it was Peter, immediately holding him steady around his waste you noticed he was looking quite confused at his surroundings “You okay Peter? you look lost” nodding his head he held you onto you tighter feeling his legs start to get weaker “I-I lost my friends and I f-feel really s-sick” You could see Peter looking as if he was going to vomit, so you quickly picked him up and took him to the spare room up stairs which was practically yours, seeing as you pretty much live with the Thompson’s. Closing the door and locking it and putting Peter down where he ran for the ensuite bathroom and threw up. Crouching down beside him and rubbing his back as he continued to empty the remains of his stomach, during this you whispered comforting words “shhh, it’s okay, just let it all out, it’ll be okay soon” After Peter finished he leaned against the bath tube and looked at you wiping the side of his mouth with his sleeve. “I-I’m sorry you had too see that, I never planned for you too see me like this.” “ No, it’s okay, I’ve seen worse trust me-“ Before you could finish your sentence Peter was back over the toilet bowl vomiting again and you were by his side again, his hair flying in his face in the process, when he looked up again he has a little out of breath and had tears in hi eyes, you grabbed a towel and wet it with water and you began to wipe his face, realising what you were doing you apologised “I’m sorry you could do this, I just sorta didn't think about it and I don’t know I just always feel the need to help you and protect you because I really like you and I realised I’m rambling and I’ve just ruined everything now” Peter blushed and looked down, he had no idea you liked him back and maybe it was the alcohol talking; which was pretty much gone, but was a good excuse for the time being “It’s okay, if I’m being honest I really like you too” Peter’s cheeks grew red as you continued to clean him up and then stood up holding your hand out for him to take. The two of you walked out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom where you stood there staring at each other holding hands “thank you for looking after me (Y/N)” Peter said as he gripped your hand tighter and leaned forward; yawning and placing his head on you chest “I’ll always looks after you Peter, you seem tired, do you want to lay down? I can call your aunt or someone or you can sleep here.” Peter half asleep replied “Can I lay down?” Smiling and walking him to the bed and taking his shoes off and over coat leaving everything else on you tucked him in, about to get up and go back to the party Peter grabbed your arm sleepily “Please don’t go” he whispered; taking off your jacket and shoes, climbing into bed with him and snuggling close, you couldn’t be more content all you’ve wanted to do was hold Peter and now you finally could, kissing his forehead the two of you fell asleep in each others arms.
The next day Peter woke up lying on your chest, everything from last night came running back and he smiled getting comfy again, before gasping and shaking you awake. “ (Y/N), (Y/N) wake up!” You groggily opened your eyes and saw Peter looking worried “What’s wrong Peter, you okay?” “I can’t be here, what if Flash sees us.” Now fully awake, you realised Peter was scared of Flash “Hey, he can’t hurt you while I’m here okay? besides he’s a lightweight, he’ll be out for hours before he wakes up.” This seemed to calmed Peter a little more and you kissed him on the cheek for a last bit of reassurance. Peter blushed and hugged you, it took you by surprised but you hugged him back just as tight “ Peter, I know this might not work considering the circumstances but I really like you and was wondering if you’d go out with me?” Nodding his head furiously Peter felt over joyed, but the moment was ruined when his phone went off and he saw it was another text from May asking where he is. “Oh god that’s my aunt I have to go, but I’m free next week sometime so we can go on our date then” Peter said as he grabbed his things and texted May back saying he’ll be home in a second. You chuckled and stood up, stretching and walked over too him embracing him once more, when you pulled away you offered to walk him to the door which he gladly took. Once there you kissed his cheek and gave him your number in his phone “Text me when you get home, okay?” Nodding and smiling you kissed his cheek.
You closed the door and smiled, before seeing all the mess from the party before and seeing Flash passed out on the couch in the living room, “What am I going to do with you?”
The whole way home Peter couldn’t stop thinking about thanking Ned for dragging him to that party
                                            ~to be continued~
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harryscuddles · 7 years
Hi sorry if this is weird I’m so very very unable to socialise.. I finished rereading y&b yesterday bc you reblogged something about it. I was wondering if you had any other favourites you would mind sharing? If it’s too much of a bother please just delete this,, (I’m so sorry for being annoying alfkfk)
hiiiiii!! noo youre not weird or annoying at all!! i’m glad you asked tbh i mean most of these are the classics but theres some other really really good ones that are really worth reading!
so as requested, here’s a list of some more of my all time favourites: 
Love Is A Rebellious Bird
AU in which the boys still make music. Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who “has made Mozart cool again” according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best. Zayn and Liam are around too.Don’t hum Bolero.
It’s Louis’ senior year, and he’s dead set on doing it right. However, along with his pair of cleats, a healthy dose of sarcasm and his ridiculous best friend, he’s also got a complicated family, a terrifyingly uncertain future, and a mortal enemy making his life just that much worse. Mortal enemies “with benefits” was not exactly the plan.
Or: The one where Louis and Harry definitely aren’t friends, and football is everything.
Here In The Afterglow
“If you hadn’t noticed, I don’t have many friends,” Louis whispers, the blossom of insecurity in his stomach unfurling and clawing its way into his throat.
Harry is silent for a long time, and then he speaks; a soft, slow uncurl that makes Louis’ stomach shake. “I’ll be your friend.”
1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.
Wild and Unruly
Harry is a cowboy sitting on the biggest oil reservoir in Wyoming, and Louis is the paralegal assigned to pressure him into selling his land.
Love’s Truest Language
The first part was meant as a joke. He didn’t really expect Harry to buy anything. It was just Louis’ way of softening the ‘get the fuck out’ blow.
“Where’s your order forms, then?”
“I don’t want your flowers.” Louis chided before directing all of his attention to the arrangement in front of him.
Harry laughed under his breath as he stood to his full height, “Who said anything about them being for you, love?”
your love is as bright as ever (baby love me lights out)
Harry’s got a late night talk show, Louis’ got a couple of Grammys, they’re best friends who like to kiss.
We’ve Got Nothing To Lose
“Oops!” A deep and slow voice fills Louis’ ears as an arm reaches around his waist, to keep Louis from rebounding into another white-outfitted body – this time a short young girl who could only be gymnast.“Hi,” Louis replies as he turns to smile up at the person and thank him for preventing Louis’ life from dissolving into a real-life game of Pong, but the words dry up in his throat when he sees.
The person is a boy, tall and lanky with curly brown hair pushed away from his face messily and held back by a gaudy Union Jack scarf, green eyes sparkling from all the camera flashes and impossibly pink lips curled in a wide smile that nearly encompasses his whole face.
And Louis recognizes him instantly. And he thinks that maybe if walking into the Olympic Stadium during the opening ceremony wasn’t enough, having Harry Styles’ arm around him might be the killing blow.Also known as an Olympics AU where Harry is a pro tennis player, and Louis is a pro footballer. They meet at the opening ceremony and fall in love, obviously.
Oh Glory
Tomlinson looks Liam over, tilting his head. “Are you a swimmer as well?”
“Yeah,” Liam says, a little cautiously. Harry wonders if it’s Tomlinson’s fame or the unimpressed eyebrow that’s making Liam wary. “Distance, I’m doing the 1500m. Harry here’s a sprinter.”
“Ah,” says Tomlinson, turning his glinting eyes back to Harry. “So you’re not an endurance man.” A beat passes, and his grin grows, wide and filthy. “Shame.”
Harry Styles is Team Great Britain’s newest swimmer, and has spent his whole life training for this moment, a chance at the gold medal in the Rio 2016 Olympics. All his training, hard work, and dedication to no distractions is tested when he’s assigned to the same Rio apartment as Louis Tomlinson, British gymnast and Harry’s childhood crush.
These Inconvenient Fireworks
Future AU in which nobody tries out for X Factor but the boys end up finding one other eventually anyway. Louis is a jaded bastard who owns a cat named Duchess and teaches drama to teenagers, Harry is an idealistic aspiring photographer/part-time footy coach, Zayn teaches English lit and wears leather jackets, Liam saves people from burning buildings, and Niall is Niall.
Pull Me Under
AU. As the first British footballer to come out at the prime of his career, it helps that Louis Tomlinson is in a long-term, committed relationship. Even if that relationship is fake. (Featuring Niall as Louis’ favourite teammate, Liam as Louis’ agent, and Zayn as Liam’s boyfriend, who just happens to be good friends with one Harry Styles.)
In Vogue
‘Is that why David Beckham has been featured multiple times on the pages of your life’s work? Does your criteria seriously consist of one thing – a man’s ass?’‘Well the ass is a man’s best asset,’ Harry smirks, holding the Martini glass high up his face. ‘And don’t call the magazine my life’s work. There are far more important things in life, Louis Tomlinson, than what’s printed on the pages of a magazine.’
Fashion AU. Louis is the editor in chief of Vogue magazine, and Harry’s running British GQ. Featuring Zayn as the crazy creative director and Louis’ confidant, Liam as the sports writer that gets to sit front row at fashion week and DJ Neil as the only sane person in the whole story. (There are no skinny jeans in this fic)
In the grand scheme of things, finding a date for a wedding should be no problem for Louis Tomlinson. He’s rich. He’s handsome. He’s reasonably well behaved. But when the wedding is for his lifelong best friend (and former boyfriend), and is happening in under a month, finding a date for the ceremony and accompanying festivities becomes more of an adventure than he ever could have planned for.
The Dead Of July
Being an Avenger means continuing to be Captain America and smiling and being honorable for the public and Harry does his best. But it doesn’t give him time to figure out who he is supposed to be once he takes off his uniform and puts the shield to the side. Just being Harry had always involved Louis, and Harry fears he doesn’t know how to exist without him.
or: Harry is Captain America, and Louis’ been dead for 70 years.
California Sold
Notoriously closeted boyband member Harry Styles is famous on a global scale, meanwhile Louis, as his best friend, is back home in Manchester, living the typical life of a 24 year old. When Harry needs Louis with him in LA, a publicity stunt gone wrong changes their friendship forever.
A fake-relationship AU between two lifelong best friends.
Relief Next To Me
AU. What happens when a baker and a graphic designer meet via a very specific Craigslist post? Fate, friendship, food, and maybe more.
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justherekinda · 7 years
Soulmates? Eh.
Do you believe in soulmates? No, not the stupid oh my god I can’t leave this person ever in my whole life. The actual soulmates, where life isn’t complete until you two are together. Usually that’s what all girls believe in. But not me, I’m Annabell, Anna for short. I don’t believe in that whole soulmate idea. I have been stuck seeing black and white for 19 years due to that soulmate idea. Oh yeah, didn’t I mention you can’t see color until you and your soulmate have touched? And guess who still can’t see color? Yep, me;  Anna Walker, a 19 year old who is going to be a freshman in college. Let’s just hope that I don’t have to take Art in college.
All my friends have been able to see color for a while now. I’ve sort of given up the idea of seeing color for a while now, I am just trying to make life the best it can be before I’m strapped down with a ‘soulmate’. So, that’s how I ended up here. I’m standing in front of an arena a few hours before a concert. I’ve been waiting my whole life to see, 5 Seconds of Summer, they’ve been around since I was a sophomore in High School. Lets hope these front row tickets can make my summer a bit more vividr; even in black and white.
I could feel my adrenaline build up as I stood in the front row, my heart racing and my hands getting shaky. I highly doubted anybody would get here for a while, I just wanted to make sure I didn’t get trampled on the way in. I shook my head, feeling the stupidity of arriving to a hot arena many hours before the actual show. My mind began to drift off; did all bandmates already see color? Am I honestly still the only person who can’t? I kicked the front of the barricade that cut the fans off from their idols. It was mostly out of frustration, and I guess someone splashing water on me was what I needed to snap me out of my frustration. I wiped off the splatter of water that hit my nose, looking up with a pure look of confusion on my face. I was met with a slanted smile with a half full water bottle in his hand. I stood with my mouth gaping open as I saw who he actually was.
“Sorry love, you looked kinda heated.”
Gaining my composure, I shook the water off my hand and said, with a smirk taking over my face, “If you wanted to get me wet, theres many other options than this.”
He laughed, one singular laugh before sharing the same kind of smirk I had on my face.
“Oh love, like you can tell me I haven’t made you wet plenty of times.”
I could feel the heat rush to my face, my stomach was turning at his words. I shook my head before replying, “Wow, not only can he write lyrics he can make dirty comebacks as well!”
I heard him crack his knuckles, acting as if he were cocky before saying, “I’m a man with many talents, or  so I’m told.”
“By who? Your groupies?”
He gasped, dramatically, falling down onto his knees so his eyes could lock with mine.
“Me? Groupies? Nah, I don’t roll that way. But ya know, the guitarist on the other hand…” He drifted off
I rolled my eyes before falling back into my seat, glancing down at my nails; trying to show how I’m totally not freaking out.
“Ah, am I boring you already love?”
This made me look up at him, the smirk growing back on my lips. “Don’t you need to rehearse or something?”
“Hmm, as long as you agree to letting me see you after the show?” The smirk disappeared from his lips, replaced by a soft smile. A smile that made me feel like I could possibly trust him? I felt myself nod, slowly agreeing to let him see me after. What else do I have to do on a Friday night? A grin took over his face, pushing himself up to a stand. He turned on his heel to walk backstage before I heard him call back to me over his shoulder. “Oh! I never got your name?” I laughed, shaking my head before calling back. “Annabell but most people call me Anna.” That smirk grew upon his face again, yelling back to me as his body disappeared. “Guess I’m calling you Annabell then.”
You could say the show was…..eventful. Luke wouldn’t stop staring at me the whole time he was performing. Of course the girls beside me thought he was winking at them but they also flashed him so maybe he was. Every time he’d wink at me, I being the oh so loving girl I am and would flip him off each time.
All he’d do in reply is smirk and mouth, “You wish.” Which usually resulted in an eye roll from me. He’s something else, I’ll give him that.
I waited as everyone cleared out, my eyes observing the many bras scattered across the stage. I still don’t understand how girls could do that? I mean those bras are so fucking expensive. I shook my head as I reached down to grab the water that I kept under my seat through the whole show. Okay yeah I was too busy gazing at Luke to think of my own thirst. Sue me. I gulped down the water as Luke finally decided to make his appearance again. I finished the bottle as I threw it at him, him catching it with ease.
“You throw like a girl,” He commented, tossing the empty bottle into the trash can. “Now that’s how you throw something.” I shook my head, my eyes narrowing with a raised brow.
“Come on lets go back to my dressing room, your feet are probably aching.” I nodded as he motioned to the stairs to get the stage. I finally got a good look at him up close, his jawline was a lot sharper in person than when it was plastered on covers of huge
Security and the rest of the bandmates were also staring at me! I adverted my eyes to the floor as Luke led me into his room he got dressed in I suppose. My eyes finally raised oncemore we entered the room and I heard Luke click the door shut. The room was a mess, clothes scattered everywhere along with pizza boxes? Weren’t celebrities supposed to eat healthy so they could you know, have energy? I chuckled under my breath at the thoughts that ate at my mind, finally meeting the eyes of Luke  who showed a pure sign of amusement.
“Come sit. I don’t bite….hard,” He said as he bit his lip ring, it glimmering in the light.
I let a small smile creep onto my lips as I sat down beside him. Still not quite touching him; I didn’t want to be pushy. I laid back on the arm of the couch, his eyes observing my every move. I couldn’t really say anything though, seeing as I was doing the exact thing to him. My only wish was that I could see him in color.
I snapped out of my own thoughts once I saw his lips moving; realizing he was actually talking.
“Oh, uh sorry what’d you say?” Letting out a chuckle, feeling the heat creep onto my cheeks.
His laugh echoed through the room, a grin falling onto his face as he repeated, “Where are you from? I can tell that you’re obviously not from around here, Ms. American accent.”
I shook my head, looking over at him, “Okay, I’m from the states but also on vacation here due to you know, your show.”
He nodded, our eyes still examining eachother.
“What made you get into music?” I felt myself ask before I could stop myself.
I watched as he sighed, a slight aura falling upon him that seemed to sadden his discomposure? I felt my bottom lip go between my teeth as I watched him think over an answer in his mind. Before he could answer, I spoke up again, “You don’t have to tell me if it’s too personal, I know how it is to have some things you just want to keep to yourself.”
“No, no, it’s okay. For some reason, I feel like I can actually tell you this..” He smiled at my honesty before shaking his head.
“Have you ever been told you have a trusting feel about you? Anyways, I started music because my girlfriend at the time loved my music and she sorta inspired me. So I posted a few videos of just me on YouTube and eventually formed a band in my hometown. We posted covers and then got asked about two years later about going on as an opening act. As I was about to go on that tour my girlfriend…”
I watched as I heard him take in a slight breath, feeling my heart sort of ache. He paused for a moment and begins again.
“My girlfriend, she killed herself. Yeah, she wasn’t my soulmate but damn I loved her. I went into a deep depression and ended up not going on that tour. I stopped music at the time till I found a letter from her. I’ll skip you the sappy details but she mostly said she wanted me to continue my dream and write about her. So I called up the band who we were supposed to open for, convinced them to take us back and now here we are. A band of 24-27 year olds living life to the fullest.”
To say I was shocked was an understatement, I was blown away. I begin to imagine how he felt, the words not forming. He just sat and looked amused at my reaction. He didn’t seem sad anymore, he seemed more alive than he had been in most photographs.
“How’d you get through it..?” I murmured, not being able to make my voice go above a whisper.
He smiled that makes multiple girls swoon daily and shrugged. “I put the passion and hurt into my music.”
I nodded, feeling his eyes still on me as I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow; smiling playfully. “What?”
“You’re just so beautiful, but I’m sure you get that a lot.” As he leaned towards me, our faces not yet touching but extremely close. I felt my cheeks begin to grow warm as I swallowed, feeling my pulse race in my ears
He tilted his head, looking completely confused as his eyes never left mine. “Can you see color, Annabell?” I felt my head shake no, keeping my eyes on his as he nodded. I bit my lip as he glanced down to them.
His voice got extremely soft along with his eyes as he spoke to me, “I don’t usually do this, please believe that, but I want to try something..” I felt his body shift closer to mine, not fully touching. I could feel the ache in my bones for him to touch me, to feel his calloused fingers brush across my face.
He moved close, where I could feel his breath on the tip of my lips. “Don’t move,” he muttered lowly to me. Before I could even think, his lips were on mine and I felt something burst inside of me; I had never felt like this before. My eyes closed as soon as his lips met mine, feeling his hands gently caress my face. Our lips moved in sync, as if our bodies have met one another before.We broke apart and gasped as though we hadn’t had air in ages. My eyes opened and I felt myself gasp. The room; it was no longer black and white. It was a light blue with a grey carpet that was obviously stained and it was truly one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. That was until I looked in front of me. Standing before me was someone who I could finally see clearly for the first time. His hair, laid in slight curls with a deep blonde color. His skin, laced with a beautiful pink hue that danced across his cheeks. His eyes were the one thing I couldn’t bare to look away from. They were the type of bright blue that were so light it was like you could look into them forever and never find the end. They held a softness in them that I couldn’t see before.
“Can you seem them too?” he murmured softly, making me break the trance I felt under him. I nodded my head and not being able to form words once again. His beautiful soft lips met mine, his large hands running through my hair as he held me close to him. It was as if time slipped away. He pulled away.    
“I never knew colors would be so….bright”
He chuckled softly, holding my face between his
calloused hands; they felt just as I imagined they would.
“Annabell.. my soulmate.” he said softly, his words dancing through my ears.
I quietly giggled, leaning up to brush our lips together again gently. “Anna.. it’s just Anna.”
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imunsavy · 7 years
It’s like Hannah Montana but better.
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Genre: Fluff
Request: Omg i just had this thought. So reader always wears baggy clothes, nothing that showed off her curves or anything. And then theres a party and she wears this beautiful tight dress, it was still slightly modest, but it hugs her curves, and no one realized that it was her at first. (Also, reader is best friends with bts, but has feelings for one of them and then they get together?) Thank ya!!!!!!
(Credit to Original owner of gif)
You don’t really recall the exact that you became friends with all of Bts but you don’t regret it for a single momen- “Y/N! Is eating your food again! He’s straying from the diet and will blame you!” You heard the all to familiar voice of Jin yell down the corridor to you.
You sighed and finished pulling your jumper over your shoulders and hurried to the kitchen to see Jungkook with a mouth full of crisps and the most guilty look on his face “Aish! Stop eating my food you pig!” You yelled and grabbed the now empty can of Pringle’s from the boy.
You shoved three boys out of your kitchen and found another one in your pantry so you pulled him out as well and you all moved into the living room, you all sat and watched a movie and noticed all the boys were side eyeing you and each other and you knew straight away you had been stuck in the middle of either a prank or some dumb competition that they always did. An arm draping around your shoulder disrupted your thoughts as Taehyung nonchalantly glanced at you then back at the TV “What do you want?” You asked suspiciously.
“Oh nothing, there’s just this part-” “Y/N come I need water!” Jungkook yelled suddenly interrupting the other boy from speaking.
You looked at Jungkook and used the opportunity to move away from Taehyung, as much as you loved their hugs you knew something sinister was going on. “Go get it yourself, you know how a tap works.” You teased and moved away from Tae to a different couch.
The boys chuckled and all went back to normal but for like five minutes before your phone pinged and you were going to grab it but upon seeing the sly look on Yoongi’s face you ignored it. “Ugh this is killing me, Y/N We want to invite you to a party, nothing to fancy, the boys were making a game out of it to see who could get you to be their date.” Namjoon finally said being the first to crack.
Seven loud groans echoed around the room and they all began telling off Namjoon for spoiling their game. “Sure I’ll go, I didn’t know it was a competition though, Kookie asked me yesterday and I said yes.” You said and then laughed as all the yelling was suddenly turned on the youngest.
Once all the chatter died down you all went and ate some dinner and enjoyed a movie. You had slyly stolen Yoongi’s jumper and added your final addition to your baggy jumper collection as now you had one from every boy. It made you proud and you didn’t feel any guilt, they always took your stuff and ate your food. It’s probably why they never complain about their missing clothes. You fell asleep with them in the living room and your head was resting quite comfortably on Jungkook’s shoulder.
You woke up in the morning to an almost empty living room, the boys were up and about gathering all their stuff and getting ready to go to work with the exception of Jungkook who was still quite comfortably asleep and you still had your head on his shoulder. You moved away and shook the boy awake, to which he groaned as he had the most pleasant dream about you. His eyes shout open and realized how close you were and jumped away, you laughed at his odd behavior as he went about his morning before all the boys bid you goodbye and Jungkook told you what time he would pick you up.
After they had left you went upstairs to go see what nice clothes you did have and found one dress tucked away at the back, you weren’t one for going all out and making yourself up but if it was something to do with work for the group you wanted to make sure you looked your absolute best. The dress was simple, that reached just above your knees and hugged your waist before becoming like skater skirt. It was long sleeved and had slightly wider than normal neckline and you knew it was the dress to wear. You picked out a pair of nice small heels and set your outfit to the side and tried to contain your excitement.
When the time came you began getting ready and dolled yourself up and even did your hair before putting on your outfit for the night and stared at yourself in your full length mirror. Admiring how the dress and shoes made your legs appear longer and how the dress accentuated your curves without being to sexy. You walked down the stairs expecting to see Jungkook but only saw a driver and you couldn’t deny how upset you were, to be arriving on your own. 
The driver informed you that the group would meet you there as they ran behind schedule. You didn’t mind in all real honesty, you knew their work was important and would usually take up a little time, so you were thankful enough for the moments you did get with them.
You showed up the party and told yourself to beat up Namjoon for lying, there was paparazzi everywhere and their presence made this party seem a lot bigger than expected, the driver handed you an invitation on a small piece of paper and you exited the car and you were immediately blinded by the flashes of cameras. You did your best to smile as people loudly chatted about who you were.
You entered the party and skimmed the area and spotted the boys and made a beeline for them and jumped up next to Jimin who stared at you in surprise “Hello there,” He purred “My name is Jimin and you?” He asked surprise turning to something more flirty.
You let out a laugh and leaned close “Jimin its me! Y/N! You’re kidding right? I’m not that hard to notice.” You laughed in his ear over the music.
You pulled away to see shock settled back on his face and ignored him and went around greeting the boys and saved Jungkook for last “Kookie!” You yelled to catch his attention.
He turned quickly, knowing your voice from anywhere but when he saw you, he felt everything around him slow down. He loved it when you wore his clothes, He loved it when you wore anything really but this was the first time you had ever worn something like this in the time you had known him and he couldn’t stop the literal shock to spread across his features. “Yoohoo earth To Kook!” You called, rapping your fist against his head.
He dragged you away after snapping out of it. He pulled you onto the balcony and away from the thumping music “So some small, non-fancy party huh?” You joked looking back into the room to see Yoongi a thumbs up but he wasn’t looking at you.
You followed his gaze to Jungkook and saw the boy staring at the floor blushing madly. “Jungkook, are you okay?” You asked placing a hand on his shoulder.
He looked up and met your gaze. His mouth opened and shut a few times “You look beautiful tonight!” He blurted out finally, reverting away from his fishlike state.
You were about to thank him when you noticed him take a deep breath and step forward and wrapped an arm around your waist and the other rested on your chin as he brought his lips close to yours. “In fact you are the most beautiful person at this entire party.” He breathed.
You let your eyes flutter shut as your best friend kissed you. You wrapped your arms around him and got completely lost in the moment but eventually you had to pull away “So Kookie finally stopped being my blushy boy and became my manly man.” You teased.
It brought a grin to his face as you kept teasing him but all he did was just watch your face light up as you animatedly joked about him before getting distracted by your lips and kissing you again right in the middle of your insult and silencing you. 
Probably could have come up with a better ending I’m sorry!! This was actually really fun to write as I relate 100%. I hope you enjoyed it!!
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