#OH and for some improvement i am trying to eat more things even though it is hard with work being when i eat on weekends
iexistfor1post · 5 months
Oh and idk if this is feeding my anxiety or helping but I bought another phone charger
Cause it is for my old phone
Just the old phone
Not my new one that uses the same cord
Nope for the old one
I think it didn't help but who knows
Not this mess of a 18 to 20 something
Also because I brought up cord in relation to my old iPad and Ipod somewhere in my room hidden for out of sight out of mind ♡
Except when brain does a thinking
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sophiamcdougall · 1 year
I am never going to complain about Greek Duolingo again
I mean, I am. But still.
So, as some of you know, my family has been coming to this tiny Greek seaside village for several years. Just over a week ago I came out here with my mum, under the impression that early September, after the height of the summer heat, would be a good time to have a holiday. ANYWAY Storm Daniel had other ideas about that. Locally things are improving (I'm actually really pissed off about the disaster-porn tone of most English-language media coverage, but that's another post). The power is back on, there's running water most of the time, and though the latter is not drinkable, a truck from the government came and handled out free bottled water yesterday. But we are currently kind of stuck. Can't do tourist things. Can't go home. There aren't any local flights out until Saturday and the road to Thessaloniki is still closed.
So this evening, feeling kind of aimless and depressed, I go down to the nearest beach with a couple of binbags and start cleaning up in an effort to at least do something positive. I always try to do this at least once out here and obviously, after the storm, there's a lot more plastic and rubbish than usual.
At some point I find this large, round bit of metal - some kind of machinery part, I think -- that's too big for the bag, so I take it to the bins on its own, leaving the rubbish bag on the beach. And when I come back for it, something among the stones beside it moves.
Specifically, it pulls its head sharply inside its shell
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So, meanwhile I've been trying to learn some Greek with the help of Duolingo.
I currently have a 33-day streak and... I have questions. Shouldn't I be able to use the past or future tenses by now? Shouldn't I be able to say "x is like y"? I can't do those things. But one thing I absolutely can say all day long is έχω μια χελώνα : I have a turtle.
This is far from the limit of Duolingo Greek's turtle-related content. "An obsession with turtles" is my mother's characterisation. I can inform you that the turtle is not a bird, and, improbably, that the turtle is drinking milk. I can introduce you to a turtle in company with a horse and an elephant. As far as Duolingo is concerned, it really is turtles all the way down.
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Now this, you may be able to see, is not a turtle. It has claws rather than flippers. It is a tortoise. I know there are wild tortoises in Greece: my aunt once rescued a pair of them shagging in the middle of the road -- but that was up in the mountains. I've even seen one myself, but it was also on a road and very dead.
I am 95% certain they don't belong on beaches. There's nothing for it to eat, except, unfortunately, a lot of plastic. Even if it gets off the beach it will immediately find itself on a road where it could get hit by a car. I'm pretty sure it must have been washed down by the floodwater and has been just sitting there, dazed, ever since.
Now obviously the first thing I want to do on encountering this unusual animal is to go and tell my mummy, so I do. The tortoise immediately brightens her day. She agrees that the tortoise is not happy on the beach and needs to be taken somewhere safe. it gets surprisingly wriggly when picked up so we put it in a carrier bag with some grapes and cucumber and go looking for somewhere to rehome it.
We find a path leading up between the houses towards a likely-looking field, but before we get very far a dog in a yard goes berserk and a man's head pops over a fence and demands to know what we're doing. He does this in English, as evidently we're just that obviously tourists.
"I found a tortoise on the beach!" I explain. "We want to find somewhere to put it."
"A what," he asks.
"It's like a, you know," I begin and then to my astonishment I find myself saying... "μια χελώνα"
"Oh! A turtle!" he says.
"But from the land. δεν είναι χελώνα", [it is not a turtle,] I say, as I am worried he will tell me to put it back near the sea where I found it. As it turns out it actually IS a χελώνα, Greek does not distinguish between turtles and tortoises, but I don't know that; I can't even name the days of the week or identify any colours other than pink yet, give me a break.
The man's entire demeanour changes and thaws. He does not worry about my turtle-that-is-not-a-turtle conundrum. He knows where οι χελώνες come from and where η χελώνα μας belongs. He leads us through a gate into a courtyard area.
"[somethingsomething] μια χελώνα," he explains to the assembled onlookers, of whom there are, suddenly, a surprising number.
"ΜΙΑ ΧΕΛΩΝΑ!!!" crows the throng of delighted small children, who are, suddenly, everywhere.
"μια χελώνα!" I agree, accepting that at least for current purposes, that is what it is.
"Μπορούμε να δούμε τη χελώνα σας; [can we see your turtle?]" asks an adorable little girl, shyly, and I understand??
The children fucking love looking at the χελώνα and showing it to them is kind of magical?
I finally put the tortoise down on the grass of this wild area off to the side of the courtyard, and marvel aloud that it is weird that I barely know any Greek except how to say μια χελώνα.
"I think she will soon run off," a kind lady called Aspasia assures me, seeing I remain slightly anxious about its fate. "I don't know why I'm saying 'she'. I suppose because χελώνα is feminine in Greek."
"Yes! I know that!" I exclaim, thrilled.
"Well done!" she says. And also she asks if we are OK for drinking water after the storm and if we need any help with anything and is just generally incredibly lovely and now we know more of the neighbours!
So "μια χελώνα" has just become, by a long way, my most-used and most understood and all-around most conversationally successful phrase in Greek. So I guess I have to admit I was wrong to doubt Duolingo's wisdom: it is correct to be obsessed with turtles. And I concede that prior to learning how to count to ten or to distinguish right from left, the simple ability to yell the word TURTLE over and over again is, it turns out, a crucial element of the responsible traveller's social skills.
(I am pretty fluent in Italian and turtles haven't come up in conversation even once?)
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honeygrahambitch · 4 months
"One day you will have to tell me how your adversity towards lamb meat has commenced." Hannibal said as he watched Will washing the dishes. He grabbed a towel to dry them.
"We had this lamb." The response came unexpectedly. Hannibal believed Will would just make a snarky remark and change the subject, just like he always did when it came to things that were actually deeply rooted. "When I was a kid, I mean. I named him Popcorn."
Hannibal realized the story wouldn't have a happy ending. "Because of what he looked like or did he actually have a preference for popcorn?"
"Both." Will said and even though Hannibal could not see his expression, he could tell there was a bittersweet smile on his lips. "His mother died soon after he was born. And we became very attached to each other. My mom was very much alive but it's not like it made a difference."
Hannibal felt a note of resentment in Will's tone.
"So you and Popcorn were both lonely. You had that in common."
"Indeed. I learnt to sneak him into my bedroom. He even learnt to be quiet when we were inside. He was quite smart now that I think about it." Will took a break for a few seconds and Hannibal noticed the way his fingers tightened their grip on the dish he was holding, his knuckles turning white. "My dad would often get drunk. I learned that hiding into the barn through the sheep was my only escape."
Hannibal frowned at the image of a young Will have to run away from a drunk violent father. He put down the dish he was drying and opened one of the kitchen cabinets. He grabbed a whiskey bottle and two glasses.
"Your mother was distant and your dad was violent."
"My relationship with my dad improved after my mother left one day. He was more sober. Anyway, doctor, this is not about my relationship with my parents, as much as you would love to hear that." Will said and imagined the way Hannibal was smiling, guilty in charge behind him.
"I love to listen to everything you say, Will. I am not only hearing." Hannibal said. "And then?"
"And then what? Ah, right." Will said and cleared his throat. "Popcorn grew at some point so sneaking him indoors became impossible. His horns were showing and he learnt that he could try them on me. Got a lot of bruises cause I never saw him coming."
"Sounds like you ruined a lot of trousers."
"Oh, trust me, I did. I got into a lot of trouble because of that." Will replied and remembered how many times he had tried to make up excuses about why his pants were so messed up. They were poor, but for as kid it didn't make sense why his parents would get so angry.
"One day I came from school and I wanted to go see Popcorn, just like I usually did. It was raining so my dad insisted that I get inside and see Popcorn after dinner."
Hannibal listened in silence as he felt like the story was approaching its end. "We had dinner and then I sneaked out to go look for Popcorn. And I couldn't find him anywhere. So I asked my dad."
"No." Hannibal heard himself whisper.
Will let out a deep sigh.
"He wasn't sober. He laughed and told me that Popcorn was in my stomach by now."
"Oh, dearest."
"So to answer your question, that is why I don't eat lamb. And to answer your unasked question, yes, I would like a glass of whiskey."
When Hannibal said nothing, Will turned to face him. He hadn't moved an inch since Will had finished his story.
"Are you okay?"
"I imagined this would be the way it would end." Hannibal said. "I am sorry you had to go through all of that. Can I ask you something."
"Why did you decide to tell me now about it? You always brush it off."
"I just felt like sharing it. And I knew you wouldn't find it stupid."
"Darling, of course not." Hannibal said as he welcomed Will into his arms. "And it also answers my other curiosity."
"Which is that?" Will said as he buried himself into Hannibal's shoulder.
"I now understand why you don't eat popcorn either."
"Did you make a list of everything I don't eat?"
"Mentally, yes. I pay lots of attention to your preferences."
"I am not even surprised."
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goodluckclove · 4 months
tw for drugs and sex mentions
yo clove not writing related but do you think it's normal to have not tried recreational drugs by 15 and not particularly want to find them? I've seen people making fun of people for it, along with not having sex which is also concerning to me as a sex-repulsed aroace person (caedosexual and demialterous/aroflux). I'm really anxious about stuff like this so I'd love ur opinion if you're comfortable answering stuff like this, I trust you a lot and you seem like a smart and knowledgeable adult so if you say it's fine I'll probably stop worrying
Hey man if you want to get real let's get real. I won't get too descriptive, but I do agree some people may need the tw so I'll put this under a Read More. Generally my answer is that younger people have a warped view of what warrants maturity and adulthood and a lot of the stuff that they think represents being a Cool Grown Up is actually not meant to be that profoundly world-changing in my opinion. This is especially true for all the stuff that is designed to spike your dopamine, unless in cases where it's being used medicinally (and even then it's case-by-case on if it's really medicinal).
Let's get into it!
So first off let me say the three big things that make me kind of biased to talk about stuff like this.
I am an alloromantic, sex-repulsed asexual
I am an addict
I am a child of addicts
I'll tackle sex first just to get it out of the way, and because I think it'll be easier to answer. Teenagers are one of the most brutal species on the goddamned planet (second only to middle schoolers and that sludge in Chernobyl that kills you immediately if you look at it), and I know for a fact they'll find a way to make fun of you for anything. I didn't know I was asexual in high school. I was an out lesbian at the time - I actually came out on our school broadcast for a GSA ad that ended up playing at least twice a month all year. People were more...too into it, which is also bad.
Mean Teens might say some dumb shit. That sucks, but you'll live. There will be way more Mean Teens that have an opinion on your sex life than there will be Asshole Adults. Like way more. I am open about being an asexual marriage and the worst I get is like "what if you want kids" which - you know - you can shut that down quick.
What matters is what you think about yourself, and the cool truth is that if you go through your whole life never wanting to have sex your life will be very close to unchanged in the grand scheme of things. I'll probably never want to eat a whole olive, and Riley thinks that's crazy because they love olives. But we will both see the same amount of sunsets and cool birds, and we were both eat roughly the amount of yummy snacks and have the same amount of adventures.
I've had sex. Ladies. No, seriously though - it's fine. It's okay. I remember yearning for it for years (I was actually wanting intimacy oops), and when it finally happened I was like oh. that's it? okay. There was a point when my girlfriend at the time actually entered me and I was immediately confused because I had no idea what she was trying to do. I remember I furrowed my brow like I was trying to understand Improv Jazz.
I laughed. i did laugh. That is not great for two people having sex for the first time.
Anyways, I had a few sexual partners and just kind of assumed they were all bad at sex or I was doing something wrong for some reason. Then I met Riley and they were openly ace, and something just clicked in me. I'm still aesthetically and sensually attracted to them (I use sensually in terms that aren't sexual), but there's really no pressure there and we aren't worried about it. And it's awesome.
If someone makes you feel weird about not having sex or a romantic attraction to people then you should feel a little bad for them, because that seems like a thing that a person would only do if they had very little else going on in their lives. That's some bland-ass khaki shit.
Onto intoxicants! So before I moved to Portland I lived in San Jose, California, and shortly after weed was legalized my parents had me start smoking with them - I was 18 - and I ended up being heavily addicted for about three years. This is a divisive thing to say because I know there's some argument about whether or not weed can even be addictive. Let me just say right now, I'm not about to have that argument. I detoxed for about three weeks and I genuinely thought I was dying. Like, I said my "last words" to my mother when she came to check on me. It was rough.
I am not anti-weed. I know it can be an amazing tool for people with certain medical conditions. And if you don't have a history of addiction, it's probably fine to smoke a bowl or a joint every so often and just have that be the end of it. I mean, it's so easy to find now.
Weed is fun, though. That's kind of the reason why it developed it's own culture and persona. The same can be said with alcohol. People definitely have opinions on IPAs. But if someone is so invested in what is essentially little more than an economic industry, that they feel the need to judge you for - spending your money on other stuff? That's piss wizard shit.
Weed is fun, yes, but it is expensive. If someone says they have cheap weed it's probably shit and you need to smoke a lot, or they got it through means that aren't great. And going out to bars also gets costly quick. I still go sometimes, but I limit myself to one fun cocktail.
You can also still go to bars if you want - when you're older, I mean. They can be a good place to meet people and see shows. A lot of them have cool non-alcoholic options - I like when there's a kombucha on tap - or they even have mocktails that are still cool mixed drinks with no alcohol. But they all have Coke or whatever.
There's literally a bar by my house that I go to and I only order the French fries and a Coke. Nobody cares. Getting drunk can be fun if you're in the right situation, but I don't consider it worth the hangover. Getting high can also be fun in the right situation, but edibles taste like trash and if you smoke you're essentially a smoker and that's it's own stigma. What's the alternative - vaping?
Oh my god, vaping? Come on. I have friends that vape and you know how many of them only do it because they're addicted? All of them. Shit sucks. I don't judge them, but I can see them cringe every time they have to hit it.
Also don't let people talk to you about that Delta-8/9 shit. Yeah, it's stronger. Yeah, it's unregulated. But like - it's unregulated and we have no goddamned clue what it'll do in the long run.
Getting high is fun because you don't have to exist in the world for a while and that's great, but it ultimately doesn't solve anything. When I'd smoke a bunch of weed and sativa alone in my bedroom (Hey don't do that! Bad idea! Really bad! My parents knew I was doing this and they allowed it because they are bad people!), I'd giggle and fuck around and eat a lot of snacks, but the next morning all the shit I was trying to escape was still there. Only difference was that now I had to go out and drop another 60 bucks on an eighth to get me through the next two weeks.
A lot of people want to have sex and get drunk or high so they can think of something else other than their current situation for like fifteen minutes to six hours. if you don't want to do either of that, and you're not going absolutely insane, that seems pretty cool. I can cite all the studies that say that a lot of that kind of stuff can actually stunt your development if you get into it too early (Or at all, really), but you don't need me to do that. You know that's the case. I knew that and I still OD'd on weed twice before the age of 21.
You're good, man. It's not a culture when you do that this young, it's a coping skill. And if you found a different one that's going to be way better for you in the long run. You can still have fun and make friends, you can even still have a partner in life if you find that's something you want. Your life is might seem limited in a few ways - but it's actually far more open in many, many other ones.
I don't mind questions like these all, by the way. Thanks for trusting me!
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jellyleggz · 8 months
1:47 AM | han jisung
genre: crush au, very 18+ suggestive, crush! han jisung x fem! reader
warning(s): very very suggestive! smut adjacent, reader is shy yet horny, allusion to cunninglingus and fingering, pet names (princess, baby)
word count: 622
It’s the way that he pushes you on his bed that throbs your core. It’s the way that his lips tenderly kissing your hair and slowly inching their way to your neck. It’s the way that you forbid yourself from getting a taste of Han Jisung yet his charms have some power over you like voodoo magic.
Denial is such a beautiful thing. Every girl on campus has this massive La La Land crush on him. By every girl that also includes you. But no one has to know. You’ve reiterated many times to people how Jisung is not your cup of tea and how you have a different type. Lying could only get you so far and unfortunately, the young man can see through your bullshit.
Now, he’s on top of you. You don’t even remember how you ended up in his place. Blurry in-between details you can’t recall were buried somewhere random in your brain. All you can recall now is the way his hands feel on your skin… and his lips. How you desperately want to feel them on yours.
“Is there something in your mind princess? Would you like to stop?” He stops his kisses to look at you with his pretty eyes. Fuck. You can feel yourself get wetter by the second. He’s such a gentleman. Discreetly, you squeeze your thighs together, hoping to get some friction. Though you try to be subtle with your neediness, Jisung is able to see through you. He looks down on your lap and smirks to himself. Augh goddamnit.
“I-I- Ji- I really want to kiss you,”
His eyes widen and his smirk was replaced with a smile you could melt into. “Why didn’t you say so in the first place baby?”
You stumble upon your words again. “I was-was shy… I don’t. I just didn’t know how to say it.” Now you were really embarrassed. You tilt your head down while looking away from his handsome face. Way to go! He probably thinks you’re a loser now.
Once again he kisses the strands of your hair before tilting up your chin to face him. “Y/N. You can tell me anything that you would like to do,” he whispers, “anything you don’t want to do. Anything princess. You can trust me.”
Such a sweet guy. His words brought butterflies to your stomach. You sit on his lap and you bring your lips close to his. “I really want to kiss you.” You say such words with such assertiveness that he didn’t even hesitate to fulfill your request.
He started out slow and gentle. His soft lips were heaven sent. Yet as heavenly as they were, those devious lips hunger for more. Passion simmers the yearning you have for both of each other, leading for tongues to fight for dominance. You moan as he bit your bottom lip. He tastes like intoxicating wine and you tasted like candy that he will always want to savor.
Both of you pulled away from each other to catch air. By now you know your panties are soaked to the brim. Jisung smiles at you and you marvel at his swollen lips with some red lipstick.
“Wow. You’re amazing,” he says as he kisses your knuckles.
You give him a chase kiss on the cheeks. “No you’re amazing Ji.”
Now it was his turn to be flustered. “Oh hush you.” Red was spreading throughout his cheeks.
You giggle at his reaction before asking, “You know what would be more amazing?”
“You eating out my pussy you made so wet.”
His smirk returns once again. “That does sound amazing,” he sighs as his deft fingers make their way under your skirt and between your thighs.
A/N: WOAH!!! This is the first time I’ve written anything relatively spicy and so I hope you enjoy! Please don’t hesitate to leave any comments on how I can improve my writing!
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dailyhelldorm · 6 months
[TL] Rabbit of the New Year [! story]
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Scenario Writer: Yuuki Yoshino Character: Hajime, Ritsu, Eichi Season: Winter
The story is a part of Zodiac 2 Scout.
Location: Garden Space
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Hajime: Everyone~ The tea is ready ♪
Even though today is warm, you can still get cold easily when being outdoors.
I’ve already poured the tea into the thermos, so please drink it as you please ♪
Eichi: You are as gracious as ever. Thank you for always making such delicious tea, Hajime-kun ♪
Ah, such a sweet and refreshing smell... The high-temperature weather is also favorable too.
If there is snowfall today, we won’t get to enjoy Hajime-kun’s tea like this.
Cough... cough...
Ah, it is because Hajime-kun’s tea was so good, I accidentally choked when I drank it all in one gulp, you see.
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Ritsu: Nope, you were really coughing just now, weren't you~
Well, no need to worry, not like I’m telling you to call off the tea party or something.
Being overprotected is not a good thing. Until you say ‘Let’s call it a day’ then Ecchan can rest assured that we will carry on with our tea party.
Haa-kun, it is essential to have some nice snacks to serve with nice tea. Please go take the apple pie from inside our tea club’s fridge.
But let me have a word first, I made the pie normal-looking this time. I make my desserts in that manner for aesthetic reasons...
Yet I can see that no one in this world has the same appreciating view.
Eichi: That is because Ritsu’s sense is unparalleled after all. Anyway, the apple pie is the perfect treat for today’s tea leaves. Good job, Ritsu-kun ♪
Ritsu: Hey now, don’t you think of petting my head... Anyway, please go grab it, Haa-kun.
Hajime: Okay. I will be going now ♪
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Eichi: Good grief, don’t just make Hajime-kun do everything like that, sometimes you should do it yourself as well.
Didn’t we leave all the tea preparation for Hajime-kun these days too?
Ritsu: I’ve already prepared the tea snacks so I’m good.
Rather Ecchan, you always say things like Haa-kun’s tea is good, but you haven’t made the tea yourself lately, right?
Eichi: Of course not, since Hajime-kun’s skill in brewing tea has improved.
His tea sometimes even tastes better than my or Ritsu’s tea.
More than everything, when your adorable junior says ‘The tea is ready ♪’, doesn’t it make you feel euphoric?
Ritsu: That’s true, still you appraise my tea?
Eichi: By all means, Ritsu-kun’s tea is also delicious.
However, your ‘this is such a pain’ thought is hidden in the plain brewing way. I can even taste it in the tea too.
You should learn from Hajime-kun who is pouring his ‘President-san, like you, like you ♪’ feelings in his tea-making ♪
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Ritsu: No way, no one thinks about gross things like that, now do they?
Hajime: U-uhm? I’m sorry for interrupting your conversation. I have brought the apple pie over and will set up the plates now.
Eichi: Thank you, Hajime-kun.
...Oh my? Ritsu-kun, other than the apple pie, did you also make the dango too? I’m delighted, but don’t you think the dango won’t go well with black tea?
Ritsu: Nope, didn’t make them~ I only made the apple pie.
Hajime: Ah, I was the one who prepared them.
The dangos are bite-sized pieces, and I thought they would be easy to eat... So they don’t go well with black tea.
Eichi: If it is the treat Hajime-kun prepared, for certain I will savor them delightfully.
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Hajime: President-san... Uh-ugh, I am so sorry!
Eichi: Hajime-kun? Why are you apologizing? You haven’t done anything wrong yet. If there is any cause behind then you should try to converse about it.
Hajime: Actually those dangos were from a coworker I often work with at my on-campus part-time job, and they said ‘It’s a delicacy from my hometown~♪’ while giving them to me.
Eichi: It is not the typical combination, but it might unexpectedly be tasty.
Fufu. Hajime-kun, do you know the nursery hymn ‘Hometown’? The one starts with ‘I follow a runnin’ bunny on the mountain~’
Hajime: Ah, I know that! It is quite a famous children's song. But what's about it?
Eichi: Oh dear, don’t you know? A ‘runny bunny’ is a ‘yummy bunny'(1) ♪
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Ritsu: Uwah, again with Ecchan’s bad pun…
Eichi: No, I don’t think it is that bad.
There are lots of people who misremember the lyrics be ‘yummy bunny’. However, if I am being sensible, rabbits don’t taste good when you consume them.
Ah, it isn’t like I have actually eaten them before, you know?
I hear that despite their cute look, rabbits’ muscles are tough so their meat isn’t succulent.
Hajime: Hie!? That’s no good, you absolutely shouldn’t eat them at all!?
Eichi: Oh dear, did I frighten you? My apology, of course I wouldn’t do things like eating a rabbit so you can rest assured.
Speaking of muscles, lately Hajime-kun also gained some, right?
When you first joined the club, you struggled to hold the heavy porcelain teapot, but now you can do it with ease.
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Hajime: Ah, it is due to the heavy lifting from my school part-time job. Recently I’ve been getting more manual labor work too...
U-ugh, if I get too muscular then I probably won’t look cute anymore.
Eichi: Not at all, no matter how Hajime-kun turns out to be, I think you are adorable.
Gaining some muscles isn’t something pessimistic. Hajime-kun's loveliness will always continue refining beyond that.
Now then, how about we enjoy our tea before it gets cold? Today is such a luxury to have apple pie and dango as our teatime snacks ♪
The song 'Hometown' (故郷 Furusato)'s first verse starts with the line 兎追いし 'usagi oishi' means 'I chase after the rabbit'. Eichi's pun delivers the homonymous word 兎美味し 'usagi oishi' but with the meaning 'rabbits are delicious'.
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the12thnightproject · 8 months
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Chapter 40: Alternate View: When it comes to time travel, it’s good to have a moderately awesome ninja in your corner.
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
All Chapters Archived on Ao3 
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
As it turns out, it is not possible to grow penicillin in the kitchens of a feudal Japanese castle. Granted… I had no idea what I was doing, and as easily as things had molded over in my fridge in modern Japan, it is not as simple as leaving food in a warm place and hoping for the best.
“What are you trying to do, Kats… er, Kaya?” Yuki peered at the bowl of yuzu peel that … hadn’t developed any mold in the three days it had been sitting out.
“Ummm, hopefully something medicinal.” At Yuki’s expression of complete skepticism, I added, “It’s better than doing nothing.” By this point, Aki had been delirious for over a day, and prior to that had had little energy for much talking. The evening he and I had arrived, Katsuko had managed to claim his attention for one, long private meeting. As much as I knew she deserved her time to be with him, to rebuild whatever it was that made things awkward between them, I didn’t miss out on what might be his final days. I was the one who pulled him off that battlefield. I was his daughter too.
“I don’t know. When Shingen was still sick, some of the medicines he tried made him sicker.” He poked at the hardened peels. “Seems like a waste.”
“It’s not like anyone eats this part of them anyway.” Probably they just would have been tossed into the baths to make them smell pretty. “And don’t touch them. I’m trying to grow penicillin, not boy germs.”
“Peni… um, boy what?” He made a face. “You’re weird. You look like Katsu, but you don’t really act much like her.”
Well, we hadn’t been the same person for seven years. Or eleven, depending on which date we were using, and… “This whole situation is weird.”
He scraped his hands through his hair. “I’ll say. But you’re still weird.”
“Did you come in here just to poke at me, or was there an actual reason?” Although at least he was willing to talk to me, even if he was kind of rude. The way most people here at Tsutsujigasaki castle avoided me, I was beginning to feel like the Yokoi that my sort-of nephew had accused me of being. Even the servants, who thought I was Katsuko’s younger sister, did their best not to look at me.
“Oh. Yeah. I was right. Sasuke got here already.” And then, because I was already halfway across the kitchen, he yelled after me, “Does this mean I can throw these out?”
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By the time I caught up with Sasuke, he was just about to enter Aki’s room. “Greetings and salutations, Alternate-Katsuko.” His face was as impassive as the Sasuke from my timeline, but I was just happy to connect with someone who didn’t treat me like I was a demi-demon. “Katsuko-prime and Shingen have filled me in on the situation.”
“Um, hi, Alternate-Sasuke… um… do you have any idea how to make penicillin?” If anyone could, it would be Sasuke. Well, or Toshiie, but he wasn’t due back from China apparently for several weeks. Aki could not wait that long.
“Er… no, it’s not something I’ve thought to attempt. I have considered making a battery out of a potato, but it’s going to be another fifteen years before potatoes are cultivated here… so… hashtag time travel goals.” He glanced through the doorway where Aki was fitfully sleeping. “On a more serious note, I am happy to meet another Katsuko, even though it’s not under the greatest of circumstances. Has there been any improvement?”
I shook my head. Two days before, Shingen had fetched another healer – one who hadn’t fainted at the sight of Aki’s shoulder. She had packed the wound with some sort of poultice, which stabilized him somewhat, and the other-me had proven skilled at getting him to swallow willow bark tea, explaining that she had had a great deal of practice with that.
But now, even the effects of the poultice were gone, and no matter how much tea we forced down his throat, Aki’s fever still raged. “It feels like we’re running out of options… here.”
“I can hear you.” Apparently having one of his moments of lucidity, Aki signaled us to enter. “Hello Mister Mikumo.”
Sasuke greeted Aki formally, which was all the conversation that my father had energy for. Immediately he dropped off into sleep again.
“Ah. I see the need for antibiotics.” The smell of Aki’s wound permeated the room. "Although I am a theoretical physicist, not a doctor." The joke was stated with just a slight quirk at the side of his mouth to indicate the humor. "Have I made that joke to you before – your timeline’s alternate version of me?"
"No." I was not in the mood for humor. "What about modern medicine? I mean, I’m not a doctor either, but doctors in our time can cure infections, right? You can help me get him home, can’t you?”
After all that had happened, I refused to let Aki die.
"I've already checked." Sasuke pulled out what looked like a hand sewn notebook and flipped through it. It was full of numbers and calculations. "Honno-ji won’t open until the winter solstice – Togakushi a month later." He didn’t mention that Aki couldn’t wait that long, but the unspoken words hung in the air.
"So Shingen and Katsu didn’t tell you about the device?" A device, that during Aki’s lucid moments, he explained was a prototype. Maybe they’d forgotten (unlikely) or decided to leave that story up to me. “It… I’m not sure how, but it opened the wormhole that dumped me onto that battlefield.”
"Device?” He slapped his forehead. “I didn’t even think to question how you ended up here. But of course, if there had been wormhole activity, I would have known.”
“There was a wormhole, but before that, it wasn’t.” Once again I explained how I had ended up in 1586, this time to an audience who had scientific questions that were far beyond my patchwork high school attendance. After my third ‘I don’t know,’ I gave up and turned the device over to him.
“Fascinating.” Sasuke pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. He cautiously flipped the thing over in his hands, but it still just looked like a somewhat advanced version of a cell phone. He glanced at Aki. “He said it’s a prototype? That suggests that it’s still a beta. Do you have any objections to me studying it?”
“As long as you don’t zap us all into prehistoric Japan. I don’t think my heart could take the Jurassic period.” I paused, waiting for Aki to interject whether or not he had problem with Sasuke taking control of the device, but if he did, he wasn't saying. “This” I waved my hand to indicate my alternate’s home, “is already unsettling enough.”
"You mean the rare experience of meeting another version of yourself?" Sasuke seemed almost envious. "Have you noticed any unusual physical phenomena? Do you find yourself fading, or do you feel like you are losing parts of your memory?"
"No. In fact it feels like I'm instead gaining memories I've never had." I wasn't sure how to explain it further, although it had been a relief to confirm my theory that those odd moments of deja-vu-esque images were not my memories, but some kind of multiverse effect.
"Yes." Katsuko entered the room carrying another pot of tea. "Me too. Like the memory of a spider crawling down the front of a pink kimono - and I don’t even own one."
"I've not had that one, and I do have a pink kimono." Well, I did have one. I'd left it behind with Mitsuhide. "But a spider never crawled down the front of it." Just a kitsune. "Aki yelling at me for jumping out of a tree."
That one had been pretty vivid. Katsuko tapped her chest. "Actually happened. And then he abandoned me there." She sent Aki a look that was half anger, half exasperation. "It turned out to have been a con, but of course he didn’t warn me first."
"How very Mitsuhide of him." That dang kitsune. We’d been apart for over a week (not counting that one hour at Genba), but he was still hacking my brain.
The ninth thing I hate about Mitsuhide, even when I’m four years and an unknown number of timelines away, I can’t stop thinking about him.
She looked at me. "I have questions about that but-" She sighed. "It feels so surreal to talk to you."
Ah. That's why it had been so easy to avoid her. She'd been avoiding me, too. "I know. We're not twins, or clones. I've been trying to think of you as an older sister." Since this Katsu would have to be four years older than I am. Or maybe just three? Yuki had told me she'd been stuck in the wormhole (or a wormhole) and missed a year.
"Could you guys not talk over me?" Aki muttered, in another moment of lucidity. "I haven't departed this Earth yet." His eyes flicked over to Sasuke and greeted him as if he had not done so just twenty minutes before. "Hello Mister Mikumo. Still climbing things?"
Ok, not as lucid as all that then.
Sasuke bowed to him again, as if he had not done so before. "Professor."
“Katsu. I told you. Don’t bother me unless the world is ending. Don’t bother me then either.” He closed his eyes again.
"Not yet old man," Katsuko set the teapot down with a clonk, and poured a cup of willow bark tea. "Time for your medication." With Sasuke's help, she propped him into a sitting position and got him to swallow the tea, before he slumped back on the bed with a moan.
Again, I swallowed that feeling of envy that she, my other-self, had managed to get Aki to obey her. It wasn’t important. The important thing that was he had drunk it. That everyone was doing whatever we could to keep him alive until Sasuke could figure out how to get the device to open the wormhole.
Stand back! He’s trying science.
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“I wondered where you were hiding.” I looked up from my failed experiment (Yuki had not thrown out the yuzu peel as threatened), to see my other self, my older self, who had returned to the kitchen with the empty teapot.
“Well, I figured it would just be easier if I stayed out of everyone’s way.” I sat back and watched her bustling about with some kind of wooden contraption, before I realized that it was a pulley system that retrieved fresh snow from outside without anyone needing to trek out into the weather to get it themselves. “That’s pretty cool.” I’d never seen anything like it before.
She smiled. “Shingen built it. He’s really good with his hands. Er… in an engineering kind of way.” The blush on her face suggested he was good with his hands in all kinds of ways.
“Of course he is.” Oh shit. I said that out loud. My sarcasm turned our moment into something seriously awkward.
“I’m jealous of you too,” Katsuko eventually said.
“Me? Why?” This version of myself seemed to have it all figured out.
“Because Aki told you he was our father. He didn’t leave you on the side of the road, feeling like everyone had abandoned her.” She slammed the now full of snow kettle on the brazier. “I mean, I know he did it to fool Shingen into taking me. I learned pretty soon after that he didn’t mean it. But it was cruel, and … he’s said a lot of hurtful things to me that he apparently never said to you.”
“Oh.” I reached in my kimono and pulled out Aki’s letter. It was the one thing I had on me when Iekane pulled us into the wormhole. “He didn’t tell me. He disappeared, left me holed up in an Inn for weeks and when I finally went in search of him, I found this letter at Francisco’s. I imagine, that if you were to go to Sakai, you might have this same letter waiting.”
I sat back on my heels, and watched her read the letter, noticing when she smiled – she must have hit the ‘cloud city moment’ line. Finally she folded it up and gave it back to me. “Thanks. I don’t know why it helps… but it does.”
“Well, good. I’d hate it if I hated me. Er, well… you know.” Yup. Still surreal.
“Yeah. I do.” She paused…. Then. “Um I sort of don’t want to know, but I also do want to know. What is up with Mitsuhide and you?”
Ugh, I can’t even pass the Bechdel test with myself! “It’s a long story that probably doesn’t even matter, because he’s in love with Mai. Unrequitedly, but it’s still not something I want to hang around to watch.”
She nodded. “Yeah. I kind of thought he was in this timeline too. But, I only met him for like two hours, during which he threatened to kill me, beat me at shogi, then turned around and gave me some really good advice.”
Well…. That’s on brand at least.
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It was another day before Sasuke emerged from the room where he was mad-sciencing it all.
Once again, we were gathered in Shingen’s private office, and again drinking tea that Yukimura had prepared and Katsuko had helped to distribute. Shingen also produced another basket of pastry that he claimed was from his private stash. Given that he always seemed to be able to produce a basket of pastry from somewhere, I suspected his ‘private stash’ was actually a sweatshop full of bakers kept prisoner somewhere on the castle grounds.
“First of all, some background on our wormholes. It isn't merely that the atmospheric conditions need to be correct, for the wormhole to actually form, there needs to be enough charged ions to, in layman's terms, shock it open." Sasuke took a moment to to gulp down some tea, and rubbed the corner of his eyes. "That’s what Iekane's device does, it concentrates a jolt that opens up a corridor to the closest wormhole."
It kind of sounded like something out of Back to the Future…
"A mini flux capacitor?" There went Katsuko, voicing aloud what was in my own brain. Aki aside, I needed to get out of this timeline for my sanity.
"Flock's capacity? You want to bring birds into this?" Yuki bypassed the pastry and glared a bit at the double serving on Shingen's tray. "What will that do?"
The others ignored him beyond giving him a fond smile.
Katsuko nodded to Sasuke. "Makes sense. Thunder-snow. Yuki, do you remember there was thunder and snow when we encountered Iekane at Togakushi? But our timeline’s Iekane didn’t have a device – or I suppose he didn’t need it. We were already expecting that wormhole to manifest."
"And unfortunately, we don’t have time to wait for the solstice. Therefore, I believe our best course of action would be to try to use the device to send Kaya and Aki to the future. Her timeline." Sasuke pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Theoretically, this timeline’s Iekane does not have the prototype, or one would think he would be using it often.”
Shingen looked at Sasuke and nodded. “I trust your best guess. That said, we don’t know where ended up after he and Katsu went into the wormhole, so my spies will keep searching for Iekane."
"As will mine." Katsuko grabbed a scroll and brush and jotted down a note.
“You have your own spies?" Not only does this timeline's Katsu have what appears to be a perfect partner, she gets her OWN spies?
"Birthday present," she murmured. Ok. That might blow Mitsuhide's gift of a lock pick set out of the water.
He also got you that pretty robe, and he played the flute for you when you were unconscious…
My inner voice was apparently feeling especially snarky today.
Sasuke brought out the device. "I've managed, theoretically, to override the device’s initial coding." Sasuke proceeded to go in to a technical explanation that was at its basis, a pretty sophisticated form of hacking. "So, Kaya, all that I need is your thumbprint and you can use it to take Aki into the future."
That’s all?
I was a bit nervous to have control over the device. "You don't want that honor for yourself?" After hearing about Katsuko’s terrifying experience, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be the pilot on this adventure.
"While I would, in fact be otherwise thrilled to do so," Sasuke exchanged glances with Katsu and Shingen. "I’m afraid I could set it off course."
Oh right. If Sasuke had control over it, we'd just end up going to his future - which would be fine for Aki, but would keep me in the wrong timeline. Although at least if that happened I would never have to run into the version of Mitsuhide who was in love with Mai (although apparently he loves her here too, so… I was kind of SOL no matter where I went).
The thought was brief, and somewhat selfish. Who knew what kind of chaos would come about if I continued to stay in the wrong timeline? And, I still needed to return to my timeline’s Sakai and follow up Aki's information on Toshiie.
“For a similar reason, I have come to the conclusion that I will be unable to accompany you on a journey to your own timeline.” With a slight attitude of reluctance, he set the device down on Shingen’s desk. "I would relish the opportunity to have a long discussion with another version of myself."
Was I imagining that everyone else seemed a bit scared of that idea?
He looked down at his paperwork. "However such a conversation could present a danger to the balance of the multiverse, and with no guarantee of returning to this particular timeline-" He gave a sideeye to Shingen, "although I am relatively certain between myself and I, I could figure it out- I have decided not to make the attempt."
Subtext: he had been planning to go anyway, and Shingen talked him out of it.
With Aki’s condition worsening by the hour, we decided not to waste any more time waiting. Shingen and Yuki helped carry Aki to a deserted area behind Tsutsujigasaki Castle. In the distance were some archery targets, so I figured that was what it was normally used for. Good plan to leave from here – the castle inhabitants would avoid this area when Katsuko was out here, to avoid getting hit by stray arrows.
Although, since she was me, there wouldn’t be any stray arrows. We’d both learned accuracy one stable wall repair at a time.
Sasuke handed me a packet containing his contact information and a letter I was to give to his other self. "I hope, that at some point, he will be able to figure out how to communicate with me – or however many versions of me there are."
Unlike me, Sasuke seemed not at all weirded out by the prospect of a multiplicity of selves.
While Katsuko took a private moment to say whatever she needed to say to our father, I gave my goodbyes and thanks to Lord Shingen and Yukimura. "It must have been strange for you two, thank you for putting up with me."
"Surrounded by another vision of my devil? Not strange at all." By now, I knew Shingen well enough to know that the flirting was second nature, as was a dry sense of humor, so I simply bowed to him again.
Yuki just grinned at me and punched me in the arm. "You’re not so bad, dummy." High praise from that one.
Katsuko left Aki’s side and I found myself in a long hug with my alternate… no this isn't weird at all. "Good luck. With everything." That was all she said. But maybe she figured I would know what she meant by 'everything,’ since she was me.
Then, per Sasuke's instructions, I put my arms around Aki, activated the device, and once again, hoped there wouldn’t be any dinosaurs.
There was that sharp buzzing noise, and the world dissolved into grey once again.
All sounds muffled, then faded out.
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@lorei-writes @bestbryn @lyds323 @tele86 @akitsuneswife
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Making an introduction because I made some on my other accounts, so why not do it here?
Hi! My name is Lance, Yorak or Desmond. I am a writer who is working his way into psychology and science, and I do animation and art in my free time. I’m bisexual, and go by he/him.
I am DIAGNOSED with adhd, and I am researching about autism. I am still trying to get diagnosed, so understand that. I am not saying I have it. I’m researching before even trying to get a diagnosis.
I like to write fictional stories, specifically about my characters or Voltron. I’m a big fan of alternative universes and headcanons, I love hearing about them! Feel free to send them in my ask box or DMS, I love sharing fanfics too. I also sometimes post stuff about character design!
As you can tell by my page, I am a giant fan of Voltron! My favorite character is Lance, but I also love almost any character from voltron, lmao. Besides Allura. I’ve disliked her since the beginning, I’ll continue to dislike her now :,) (But I love the fanart of her, you guys make her looks seriously pretty. Big fan of her design. I don’t hate-hate her, just don’t like her)
I love writing, punctuation and grammar being my favorite things to do! Although I get called formal, or people say I write like a robot, I enjoy it a lot. I am blunt, I love talking about things!
Political stuff is not aloud on my page, due to it making me uncomfortable, so please don’t interact if your whole thing is politics. Same with object show fans with their whole account dedicated to it, please don’t interact. Makes me uncomfortable. Still, free Gaza/Palestine/any other countries experiencing genocide. 🇵🇸
My writing sometimes deals with heavy topics, such as eating disorders and mental stuff because it’s what I experience. Some of my writing dwells into psychological horror, and I barely posts cute stuff that isn’t my art. But feel free to message me writing prompts in my ask box or messages! I would love to write short stuff about it. And if I like it enough, I’ll make it a full story. Wink wink.
Beneath the cut is most of my Alternative universes about Voltron and my DNI/BYI list, so I’d appreciate reading it! (Can you tell I love writing essays..)
That’s all for my basic information, thanks for reading!
Basic DNI list, Zoophiles, Pedophiles, Radqueers, Proshippers, Anything that has to do with Child/Adult ships, Incest enjoyers, Noncon stuff (Consent matters, babe), people who’s page is full of BFDI/Object show stuff (It’s a triggering topic to me, sorry.)
Although I’m perfectly fine with all ships, I am personally uncomfortable with sheith. I see them more like brothers?
I love talking to someone about different disabilities for fun, while also learning to help improve my writing about a certain thing. The more research about anything, the better! :)
Like I said before, some of my fanfics might have triggering topics, such as: Eating disorders, mental disorders, psychological body harm and horror, and many mental stuff. My writing will have the trigger and CW’s at the top and a “keep reading” button, just to help.
They/them is something I don’t like to be called, so please refrain from calling me it! I am an LGBTQ+ supporter, Pro-Blm, Pro-disabilities and supporter of the alterhuman community. Xenogenders and Age/Pet-reg (though I wouldn’t recommend reading my stories with littles, as it might upset them.) are allowed here, too.
Alternative universes
AU!Angel Keith - Keith is a seraphim with a human like form (but with ram legs/eyes on his body and a long white mullet/white eyelashes) who his crazy interested in humans, talking about them for hours and getting judged by other angels. (He also sees lance from earth and gets all embarrassed by seeing him, that’s the main reason he goes down to earth in his “human form”)
AU!80’s Keith and 2000’s lance - Keith is from the 80’s (AND HAS A MORE FLUFFY MULLET OH MY GOD) and Lance is from the 2000’s (he’s a big fan of Beyoncé too), but accidentally get teleported to the 90’s together and meet, they’re judging each other hardcore for what music they listen to + their outfits (Walkman VS iPod..)
AU!Sweeney Todd - Keith is Sweeney Todd, while lance is Ms Lovett, Pidge is Tobias/toby!! Big fan of this one because I’ve had it since I’ve watched the broadway version and the movie, love the soundtrack too.
AU!RENT - Keith is Roger, Lance is Mimi, Lotor is Benjamin, Hunk and pidge is Angel and Tom (and sadly they’re shipped together erm), Romelle and allura are Joanne and Maureen, Shiro is Roger (Keith’s) ex (but in this au; he’s his brother, not his girlfriend like in the musical) and one of my galra ocs is Mark!! Technically, mark would’ve been lance cause he dated allura, but then again.. klance..
AU!Sun ‘N moon god klance - Lance was a Sun god (that’s just an orange glowing body with yellow eyes/mouth/stars in others on his body but you can tell its him because of his hair and flirtatious self) named “Theósílios”, while Keith is the moon god (purple/blue body with blue eyes/mouth/stars, but you can tell its him by his long blue (mullet) and a lighter version of blue scar across his face), named “Selínitheós”. (more info on this alternative universe is on this)
AU!Horror au - Originally named Skinwalker au, but then realized it might be disrespectful to cultures, but this was specifically an AU for Keith; but I can’t write it all out because it would take days. I’ll write the info of it all later.
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noforkingclue · 7 months
The Slow Horses on vacation or some kinda team building??? That's lots of room for chaos to ensue haha
I started drafting a brief thing during my lunch break which, well, turned into this! I had way too much fun writing it and please, feel free to send in more Slow Horses stuff :D
Title: Team Building
“Are we being fucking punished?” You asked as you looked down at the memo
“We’re at Slough House y/n,” said Louisa, “of course we’re being punished.”
You grimaced and poked the paper with your pen, almost of though you were afraid that it would go off. Knowing how much The Park hated you, you wouldn't have been too surprised if it did. You were certain this was some kinda of sick practical joke.
“The important question is,” said River, “who’s going to tell Lamb.”
An uncomfortable silence fell over the group. You were rereading the memo when you realised everyone was looking at you. When it dawned on you what they were expecting you shook your head.
“No.” You said firmly, “absolutely not.”
“He likes you the most.” Said River
“He fucking hates me. Standish, can’t you do it?”
“I think it’s best that you do this.” Said Standish with an amused smile
“What the fuck am I going to say?" you picked up the paper and waved it about, "Morning sir, The Park sent us a fucking note telling us we need to improve our team building skills. Shall I tell them to stick it up their arse?”
“Yeah, that’ll fucking do it.”
Lamb’s voice cut through the room and he stomped over to you. He snatched the note out of your hands and glared at you before he read through it. Once he’d finished he snorted in amusement and shoved it back to you.
“Sort this shit out,” he said as he walked towards his office, “I don't want to spend any more time you you cunts than necessary.”
“Well l/n,” said Roddy with a smirk, “looks like it’s all up to you.”
“Me? Why the fuck should it be me?”
“Because you’re the least useless one,” shouted Lamb, “not that that’s saying much.”
“Looks like you’re on your own with this.” Said Shirley with a smirk
“Oh no. This is meant to be about team building,” you snapped, "we’re not doing a lot of team building if your ditching it all on me.”
“We could go down the pub,” said Marcus
“We can’t do team building down the pub,” said Standish, “that defeats the whole purpose of this. Besides, how would that even work?”
“No wait,” you sat down on the table, “Marcus might have a point. When I was back in accounts-“
“Like a fucking nerd.” Interrupted Roddy, earning him a smack from Shirley
“We had a budget for this sort of thing, not that anyone really used it of course. I saw the expenses for team building bullshit. Dealing with drugged up team members and how people would cope dealing with the situation by themselves.”
“How-“ stated Louisa
“Basically the team got pissed and one person was the DD,” you said with a smirk, “and these things got through the system somehow. Now then, why don’t I do a bit of research…”
You smirked as you did a quick Google search trying to find the perfect place.
“Good Woods Corporate retreat,” said River who was reading over your shoulder, “can you fucking imagine Lamb in a place like that?”
“Nope,” You said, "But look it has a spa and a pool!"
“It’s a fucking grand a night,” said Shirley who was on your other side, "How the fuck can we afford that.”
“We’re not going to be paying for it.” You said with a smirk, “and I’m sure Ho can dig up some dirt on the CEO so we can actually get out of doing all the corporate team building shit. Once The Park gets our bill I doubt we'll be forced to do this ever again!”
“Already fucking on it. Anything to see you in a bikini y/n.”
“Five days of us eating good food, getting drunk and sitting by a pool all paid for by the Park. I think that sounds like pretty good team building don’t you?”
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pukanavis · 7 months
Plum Blossoms and Snowflakes | Prologue 1
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Mayoi: Aah, I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.
I’m sorry for being alive, Chief—
Urgh, I slipped on the snow and fell to the ground.
(Sigh…I don’t have the will in me to move right now.)
(I’m sorry, Chief. I didn’t consider how you’d feel and wound up making the wrong choice.)
(You should detest the person I am now. I’m nothing but a worm that isn’t worth keeping alive…!)
(Aah, it’s so cold. If I fall unconscious, engulfed by this snow, would my disgusting self be purified in the slightest?)
???: —Uhm, are you alright?
Mayoi: Huh? The sound of a sweet voice? I must be hallucinating.
Fufufu…maybe an angel has come to take me away.
???: An angel? No, I’m—
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Time: FlashbackーAfter school, a few days earlier Location: Yumenosaki Academy's garden terrace
Hajime: ♪~♪~♪
Ritsu: Looks like someone’s in a good mood.
Hajime: Ehehe, we’re doing a tea club activity for the first time in a while, so I can't help myself. I even ended up baking cookies in my excitement ♪
Ritsu: You really made this ordinary day feel luxurious. Can I have a cookie?
Hajime: Of course, have as many as you like~♪
An ordinary day, you say? That reminds me of the time last year that we role-played Alice in Wonderland here.
Ritsu: Oh, yeah. Ecchan asked us to play along and do some improv acting with him.
I played the Cheshire Cat but really, I’m more suited to be the Dormouse.
Oh, to do nothing but eat and sleep. Zzz, zzz…♪
Hajime: Fufu. I think I’m more like the March Hare.
We may not have a Hatter, but let’s enjoy this Mad Tea Party of ours.
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Arashi: …Oh my? If it isn’t Ritsu-chan and Hajime-chan. Are you two doing club activities?
Ritsu: Nacchan, Mayomayo. What’re you doing here?
Arashi: We’re just out on a walk. We’ve been wandering around, making idle chatter and enjoying the day.
We won’t be able to do things like this once we graduate so we’ll have to make lots of memories to avoid leaving with any regrets. Right, Mayoi-chan ♪ 
Mayoi: Y-Yes. Though, I’m not very competent at communicating, so I end up as the listener much of the time…
However, Narukami-san keeps it at a pace I can follow so I’m able to enjoy myself too.
Ristu: Hmm, so you’re making memories, huh…?
Why don’t you join us then?
Mayoi: Join…you? In your tea party?
Ristu: Yeah. We’ve been enjoying an ordinary day of our own too. You’re fine with it, aren’t you, Haa~kun?
Hajime: You’re more than welcome to join us. Ehehe, this is feeling a lot more like Alice in Wonderland now.
Please have a seat. Alice, White Rabbit, I’ll have a cup ready for you in just a moment ♪
Arashi: Oh, it’s wonderful to be compared to Alice ♪
You don’t mind if I be Alice, do you, Mayoi-chan?
She’s simply adorable, and her name gives off a similar feeling to 'Arashi' ♪  I’ve always wanted to try being her at least once.
Mayoi: Of course, go ahead. Although…
It would be terribly arrogant for somebody the likes of me to be the White Rabbit. I’m more deserving of the role of the Caterpillar.
I’ll go and feed on the grass over there like a bug should.
Hajime: Grass? Ayase-senpai, you eat grass too?
Mayoi: “Too”...? Shino-san, you’ve eaten grass before?
Hajime: Yes, I come from a poor family, so it was a common source of food when I was a child.
Mayoi: O-Oh, I see. I apologise, it seems I made you touch on a difficult subject…
Hajime: Oh, there’s no need to apologise~. I’m the one that brought it up.
Besides, they’re memories that I look back fondly on.
It was exciting gathering wild plants with my family—like we were going on a treasure hunt. I also found interest in learning which plants were and weren’t edible.
But rather than grass, I have cookies for us to enjoy today.
I baked a large batch, so please help yourself ♪
Mayoi: Thank you. You’re very kind, Shino-san.
Ritsu: Look at you seducing your seniors again. Haa~kun, you really are a naughty boy, aren’t you? 
Hajime: I’m not trying to seduce anyone? Gosh…
Narukami-senpai, thank you for your patience. Here’s a cup of ‘Nacchan Tea’ for you.
Arashi: Thank you, Hajime-chan.
Mayoi: What is ‘Nacchan Tea’ ?
Hajime: It’s a herbal tea blended to Narukami-senpai’s tastes. Its floral flavour and the refreshing hit of mint are its stand-out qualities.
Would you like to try it, Ayase-senpai? Or would you rather a regular cup of tea?
Mayoi: No, I’d like to try ‘Nacchan Tea’...
Arashi: Nice going, Mayoi-chan.
Let’s take advantage of the beautification properties in ‘Nacchan Tea’ and become gorgeous together ♪
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punks-never-die205 · 1 year
afab!reader x Killer
CW: canon-typical violence, smooches, sexy times, second go at life try again style story, 18+ only
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Chapter 3: Volunteer Work
Eating was more tense than you had expected. Most everyone else was already done, and it was just Killer and you in the galley. He wouldn't let you help him, but he didn't take long either. He spruced up and reheated some leftovers, so it wasn't like he had made you something from scratch.
Still, it tasted good, and you wondered vaguely if Killer's cooking was improving, or if you were just enjoying it more. It felt like you were enjoying him more, as though his presence alone was making things better. It didn't bother you when he was interacting with other members of the crew, but the idea of him making a meal for some other singular person made you feel oddly uncomfortable.
You poked listlessly at your food as your mind wandered into the terrible territory of Killer having a girlfriend, or even just a wench. It wasn't like you would stop him, but at the same time the idea left you feeling twisted inside.
"Is it bad?" Killer asked, legitimately concerned.
You snapped out of your own thoughts, "Oh, no. No, it's good."
"Worried about what Kid wants to talk about?"
Not even a little bit. "It's not the first time he's called me in." You took a bite to buy yourself some time. "I don't know, maybe I'm more worn out from earlier than I thought." Your ears went hot, you didn't like lying to Killer, but you didn't know how to verbalize what was really on your mind.
On top of it, it felt like Killer was boring holes into your soul with how he was staring. Mask or not, it wasn't hard to tell with him. Both him and Kid had a tendency to radiate what they were thinking or feeling, and once you learned how to read that it made reading them easier.
"If there's something on your mind, brat," Killer's voice was a little lower than usual, and there was a seriousness to it that made your heart thump again, "but you don't want to talk about it, you're allowed to just say that."
You swallowed. "Sorry." Apologizing quietly, you kept your eyes on the food in front of you for a few more minutes as you finished.
"S'alright." Killer moved to shuffle your hair but stopped. Your heart didn't thump that time, but it felt like something was trying to twist it.
You both made your way to Kid in silence. Really, terribly, awkward silence. All you could think was that you wanted to talk about how you didn't like not talking about the silence, but by the time you thought you were going to burst you'd reached Kid's workshop.
Kid spent more time in his workshop than he did anywhere else on the ship. The only place he seemed to enjoy being more than the workshop was in the middle of a brawl. You liked the workshop generally, it smelled of oil and metal and effort and there was something comforting about it. Today though, it felt like you were being dragged in front of an inquisition, but that wasn't Kid's fault.
When you got inside Kid, Wire and Heat were already there.
"The brat of the hour," Wire said with a kind smile. All the tension inside you snapped and you felt your own body relax.
"Am you getting some sort of group assessment on how I did today or something?" You questioned, stepping in and plopping down in an available seat.
"What? If you had done poorly I'da just tossed you overboard." Kid snapped. "You're here cause we got a lead on something, and if you're up for it, we have a subtle way of dealing with it."
"Subtle?" You weren't sure this crew knew the meaning of the word.
Heat, Kid, and Wire talked you through the whole situation. Your nerves grew as you realized Killer wasn't adding anything to the discussion, but just sitting quietly. Normally his company was comforting even when he was quiet, but there was something coming from his silence this time that felt wrong.
The basic idea came down to needing marine codes. With the codes we could pass a marine controlled gate and get to an island via a route not usually taken by pirates. That would give the crew an advantage in raiding the supply depot on the island. All Marine Captains have a copy of the codes, and one easy mark of a Captain known as Nezumi was in charge of the island we was headed to. The crew had been on the island before, so a lot of the marines stationed there knew of Kid and the crew.
But none of them knew about you.
Nezumi was a real slime-ball, and you didn't even need Kid to tell you that much. Just from the pictures they had of him the guy leaned into the whole rat motif more than you would've recommended. Apparently, he took credit for freeing some island in East Blue from the Arlong pirates. You didn't buy that for a second, the Arlong pirates had broke-off from the Sun Pirates, and while you didn't know the Super Rookies well, you knew about all pirates that had been around that long.
"So, what? Am I supposed to steal the codes from him?" You questioned.
All four men exchanged glances. "The issue is, no one can know the codes are compromised," Wire started.
"If we steal them, or get caught copying them, then the whole plan's a bust." Heat finished.
"But if you lift the codes from him, keep him distracted and get things back to him after someone else has copied the codes, then no one's the wiser." Kid explained.
"Keep him distracted how?" You narrowed your eyes, this conversation was going in a direction you didn't like.
Kid shrugged. "Giggle at him, tell him he's handsome, I don't care Short stack. He likes to gamble, if you can keep him in the casino for a few hours, after handing off the codes, then that should be enough."
You crinkled your nose. "You want me to be a casino bunny for a rat?"
"I can't say it's something I'm not willing to do," you admitted with a sigh. "But I hate heels and dresses, and more than that I hate rats. Is there an alternative?"
"Alternatively, we hit the supply depot without the codes, and come into a stronger fight than we'd have otherwise. We can make it work, but I'd need you front and center with the four of us." Kid explained. "The only way to ensure the crew's safety would be to overwhelm the gates. I can't control enough metal to make it work on my own."
"Is there anything at this supply depot aside from just supplies?"
"Well, supplies keep us alive Short stack," Kid said, but he was smiling. "There's also gold to replenish funds for everything else we need, and most importantly, there's a cache of eternal log poses for the new Marine ships that come through."
You whistled. "That'd be a hell of an upper hand in navigating the Grandline."
You take in a deep breath and let it back out. "So. Option 1 is that I flirt," you shuddered the word involuntary, "with a rat, so we can go into a stockpile of goodies the easy way. Option 2 – or backup plan B if option 1 is botched – is that we go in through the front door for the stockpile and I show off your ability in front of a Marine based filled with CP9 birds?"
"Yup." Kid answered. "Take your time chewing on it, brat. The Rat doesn't even reach the island for another week, and we'll be laying groundwork once we get there ourselves in the next couple of days before we do anything."
You tilted your head to the side, "How do you know he's gonna be there in a week?"
Wire handed over a copy of the Gull Paper, already turned to the page expounding on the Captain's "achievements", and how he would be starting his new position on the island on X date. Your mouth fell open, you knew the World Government was open about Marine achievements, but this seemed information that should stay classified.
"Do they put stuff like this in the paper a lot?" you questioned.
"Yeah. You never read the world rag?" Kid's face showed that he found that hard to believe.
"Never." You admitted. "Before I was 6 I couldn't read, after that I didn't have the privilege to choose what I read, and after that I was on the run from CP9. I saw wanted posters and public notices, but I'd never risk having a gull give away my location."
You saw Heat, Wire and Kid looking confused, and so you told them the story of you that you had told Killer earlier. When you finished, you looked over at Kid to try and gauge his mood.
"I wasn't trying to keep it secret," you admitted, fidgeting with your hair again and feeling really small all of the sudden. "I've just spent the last seven years not talking about it. I don't even like saying my name out loud because every time I say it, it seems like someone is right behind me." Your ears went red and you looked down at the floor while a bunch of metal heads looked at you. "Victoria just feels safe."
You swear you heard Heat and Wire coo, before the two of them hugged you. It was like being comforted by a couple of sentient squishy mountains.
Kid was making a face you couldn't sort out, and Killer was still stone silent. After a moment Kid sighed.
"Really chew on this, brat." He said finally. "Like I said, we have time. I don't want you to do something yer not comfortable with, but we can't afford to scrap hitting that depot."
"Aye, aye, Captain." You manage from between the snuggle pile that was Heat and Wire. You looked around the room and manage to look at Killer for the first time since your talk at the stern. There was something about his posture that felt best left untouched, at least around everyone else. There was obvious tension between him and Kid.
Maybe the idea of you flirting with someone else, genuine or not, bothered him as much as it would've bothered you if your positions were reversed. Captain's order were the make or break of a ship's crew, so there wasn't much either of you could do.
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random111sposts · 1 month
OK, so I finished watching Mutant Mayhem WAY BEFORE and my favorite character is of course Leo
And I was like "Hey Casey Jones isn't in the movie" so I made an OC named Casey
And Casey would be this character that really loves sports especially hockey and stuff like that
And the thing is Casey actually just showed up because they were hospitalized for a long time (Their teacher keeps nagging about how they should rest) because even though they love sports they are physically weak
They’ve been trying to improve on their physical state by exercising more and eating more
But because of something that has to do with their genetics, they get hospitalized a lot so they have to stop pushing themselves and they have to be careful
Casey is also best friends with a girl named Karai (The class president)
(And yes, this Karai is also secretly the daughter of the Shredder and is trying to infiltrate the school to defeat the turtles thus her getting President role, but she ends up getting really attached to Casey because she has never had a friend before, and obviously Casey knows nothing about the Shredder)
Casey and Karai are best friends in a sense where they are kind of dependent on each other, especially Karai who gets so dependent on Casey to the point where she gets jealous and really insecure and even lashes out on Casey when she sees Casey interacting or having other friends
And Casey knows that this is an unhealthy friendship, but Casey still with her because they don't really have any other friends
They only have one other friend who is a guy (no name yet but he's the leader of the hockey team) but he's the person that would tell Casey “Hey Casey, you are being mistreated by Karai. This is not healthy like bro she shouldn't be jealous constantly like come on this is not OK”
Casey would go on and say “yeah, I know, but I don't really have anyone else”
And then when Casey meets up with Leo and the other turtle brothers - when they officially enroll in the school
Casey initially meets them thanks to April
April doesn’t know Casey that much aside from the fact that their BFF is Karai and that Casey is in the hockey team and gets hospitalized a lot
And of course Casey is a fucking geek and would get along with the turtles
Donnie cuz anime
Mikey cuz comedy and improv
Raph cuz trolling
But the person that Casey ends up being interested in the most is Leo, mostly because despite the fact that Casey has a personality like a jock, not an asshole but more like “I'm gonna have fun and all that stuff”
Casey actually really admires people that try their best to help people and try their best to treat the situation seriously, kind of like a leader. Leader doesn't have to be like super strict and stuff as long as they are reliable
Casey seeing Leo trying his best to be reliable and help others despite his shortcomings inspires Casey
As the story progressive some more and more Casey will be curious about Leo and of course Casey would know that Leo has a crush in April
So Casey is like “All right, I'll help you. I'll help you with April. I'll help you ask her out in dates I'll help you with your confidence and blah blah blah”
And this is because Casey genuinely wants to help Leo like they genuinely genuinely want to have Leo succeed and have Leo be happy
But then later on, Casey ends up developing feelings for Leo so it ends up going from “Hey bro” to “Oh shit, I am actually in love with you”
So Casey ends up confessing to Leo SPECIFICALLY so Leo could REJECT Casey
Basically this
“Hey I have a crush on you but I know you like April so I just want you to know that you are amazing and I have a crush on you and I wanna help you because I want you to be happy and you could rely on me. You don't have to like me back. I know you don't like me back, but I wanna help you as much as I can”
And Leo doesn’t know how to react properly, but he still tries to help as much as he can
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Organization, Self-discipline, Distractability, and a Rant
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A friend of mine re-posted this tweet. I am quite certain that because of this friend’s (VERY REAL) struggles there was a feeling of being seen and validated. And that’s a valid point of view. If something comforts you in your struggles, that’s valid, no kidding. And this article might annoy you. Scroll on by. I’m not wanting to dump on what keeps you going. Times are rough enough. Seriously…
My initial reaction before logic kicked in was nearly incandescent rage. Which led to this rabbit hole as I tried to deal with it.
Why did a little meme make me so mad?
So, remember how it took me thirty years to vacuum a closet? I could have as easily said it took me thirty years to pay my bills or cook a meal or several other things.
Oh sure, I’m organized now. I’m talking “color-coded boxes when it is time to move” level of organization, ‘kay? But even though other people don’t see it, I still remember being shamed in fourth grade because of the desk cubby crammed full of books and papers, and being asked, “You’re so smart, how come you can’t–” about So. Many. Things.
I didn’t become organized by ignoring reality
I am not naturally organized. I am not naturally industrious, and I am not naturally all that productive. I’d call myself lazy, but that invites a lecture from anyone who loves me about being too hard on myself.
I did, at some point, need to accept certain realities. Not paying bills can land one in court. Disorganization can be a big problem in one’s professional life. In my own case, I also have a big problem with depression, so I cannot count day to day being on the ball and thinking clearly. (I mean, really, this rant was because of an initial reaction of NOT thinking clearly)
So, shooting for some damn Platonic Form of “Organized and Disciplined” in my case is a recipe for failure. I’m going to bet it is for you, too.
If your plan has no way to account for delays and failure points, it’s a wish, not a plan. There used to be a fashion in self-development on YouTube to have The Perfect Morning Routine. You know, get up, do twenty minutes of yoga, make yourself the perfect nutritionally-balanced breakfast, read some Improving Literature, and bike to work… that kind of thing. To tell on myself, yeah, I’m trying to get in more stretching and yeah, I use a yoga app for that. My general idea is that I’ll get up and do twenty minutes of yoga (stop laughing at me) and then do my day. I did not, in fact, get right up and do that. It’s almost ten in the morning, I’ve been up since six, and I’m here writing this incredibly detailed rant and not getting in that stretching. So I’m failing, right? Wrong.
“Imperfectly Perfect” has a lot going for it My goal for the month is to get in ten minutes of yoga a day as an average measured over a month. I’ll throw in a few minutes today at some point. Probably after I write this. While an organized person looks like they’re doing things in a strict way and in a specific order, that may not be entirely the case. Sure, you have to show up at the dentist at a specific time, or take your meds before you eat or something. But what time you do your writing or wash your dishes has a lot more wiggle room. Let it have that wiggle room and let goals that don’t need to be exact be inexact.
“Good Enough” and “Perfect” are two different things. Good enough is better than Perfect. Bed making… I’ve heard people say that bed-making is too much trouble. When I hear that, I almost always presume another choke point — bed against the wall makes making it a pain in the ass, depression makes it hard to get OUT of bed, never mind making it, things like that. But… If the only time you make your bed is when you have the energy to make it neatly enough you won’t be yelled at on Parris Island, you have absolutely confused “Perfect” and “Good Enough.”
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I took that picture thirty seconds before I wrote this. I did no adjustments on the bed. It’s just how I made it this morning. I woke up this morning cranky and wanting to punch Humanity in the mouth. So, not motivated. This meets my personal definition for good enough. It’s made. I’m dressed and doing my day.
Good. Enough.
Defining Good Enough will help you. What is “Good Enough” in your life?Ignoring real issues of executive function will set you up for failure.
Are you distractable? I am. In fact, this article is a prime example of distractability for me. I haven’t written what I plan to do for the day in my Bullet Journal and haven’t done most of my Wednesday morning chores. I got ranty and just had to sit down and write this. That yoga I was going to do? That planning out the day I (usually) do? Obviously not happening right now as I ranty, ranty, rant.
But my life is set up to account for things like this. I accept and plan for the fact that stuff like this happens! I have a means to track what needs to be done that won’t let the genuinely important and urgent things fall through the cracks. Even though I am currently caught up in the glorious dopamine hit of ranting, those things that need to be done are quietly sitting in their places, waiting for my attention.
Thing is, it’s more than just a to-do list. It’s setting up your life to account for how your brain works.
That might mean storing your extra sheets under your mattress so you will immediately re-make the bed when you wash your sheets, or hanging a mask on the back of your door so you don’t forget to put then thing on before you leave your apartment. (Yeah, I know, that looked oddly specific, didn’t it?)Being organized and disciplined is a skill. Mastering skills take time.
Think of anything you know how to do — playing an instrument, cooking a meal, writing fiction, driving, whatever.You might have wanted to master it overnight. But if you actually developed the skill instead of stopping the activity, you probably put in a lot of time and effort. You probably had failures that made you wince at yourself.
Learning the skill of organization is no different.
I know that saying it took me thirty years of solid work to get organized seems like hyperbole. It’s not. It was really that difficult for me.
Which is, I know, why images like the above set me off a little. I know the intention is to make people feel better about a mutual struggle.
But it also makes me feel like in the common cultural mind, my life’s work was mostly a waste of time.
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thatbeaniesecretary · 3 months
student who doesn't put up with any of Bakugos BS.
it always frustrated me whenever I read fics and its was always like "oh that's just how Bakugo is" and always making an excuse for his behavior so I decided to write this cause like why would you put up with someone just being so blatantly disrespectful to you and people around you.
interpret how you want but this isn't intended to be an x reader. but if you to read it as such, go ahead :)
life at UA had been going as well as it could for being a kid in class 1-A. you got along with a lot of the people in your class, especially since they made you all dorm together. you actually became with some people who weren't friends with before. it was really nice. except the fact that one of your classmates decided to be a prick for no god dammed reason and you seemed to be the only one who wouldn't tolerate it. It stared not even before school started first day. you were walking to UA when out of nowhere a blonde-haired bitch shoulder tapped you saying, "out of my way loser". You passed it off cause whatever it'll be fine you'll probably never see that person again. Turns out you're going to have to sit next to this person for the entirety of this school year.
you've never gotten in more trouble in your life.
Now you've had issues when you were younger about fighting your classmates, though you would call it defending them. But irregardless. you've worked on yourself to not let anger control you and make impulsive decisions. So, you try your best to ignore Bakugo. but god dammed this son of a bitch does not know when to stop. you've lost count with the number of times a fight went a little too hard or you just started fighting in the middle of class. You have mostly verbal fights because people always break it up before it becomes physical. and it got even worse when you were put in the dorms. you just want peace and quiet after a long day and he doesn't shut up. he will barge into your room, randomly yell at you, and he loves to pick fights with you.
After some point you were pulled aside by Aizawa and told to just ignore him, they know you're doing it out of defense since he typically starts it. And you do. Or try. it really comes to a head one night in the dorms during dinner.
you had mostly just been making rebuttals and snide remarks when fighting Bakugo. but you had just had enough of him.
you got dinner that someone had graciously cooked and sat down with Sero at a table. Just making conversation talking about the test that happened that day when Bakugo comes over seemingly looking for a fight.
"Oi! loser, what did you get on the test? you failed it didn't you? the way you looked completely oblivious during the test showed that much! probably didn't even study"
just ignore him just ignore him just ignore him
you go back to eating just ignoring Bakugo.
"What? not going to say anything? lost your motivation to talk? like you do every night? what's up with that anyway? almost like your completely two faced, so nice during the day but as soon as we come back here you're a cold hearted nobody who apparently doesn't study and is failing."
fuck this.
you stand up and get really close to his face
"What is wrong with you."
"Like mentally. what is wrong with you mentally that you think its ok to speak to someone this way. To blatantly disregard that they are another living human being who has feelings. or is your head so far up your ass that you can't see anything but your own insecurities."
"He-" before he continues you put a finger up
"Shut the fuck up, you don't get to blatantly disregard me and state things about me that I don't want people to know. you don't get to use something I've worked, and I am working my ass off to improve to make me feel smaller than you. the fact that you even have to go that low and insult someone else to make yourself feel better instead of just proving it in more intelligent and mature ways is ridiculous. if you think you can become a hero with this attitude, you're delusional. I honestly hope your wax wings burn soon so you can wake up." You turn and leave because honestly, you've lost your appetite. Before the elevator can close Sero gets in with you. Not saying anything just being there.
it surprises you Bakugo kinda doesn't talk for a couple days. keeps to himself, no matter how much Kirishima tries to talk to him. you're just in your room on your laptop doing whatever when you hear a knock on your door.
"Come in!" your friends like to hang out in your room randomly, so you don't even look at the door as the person comes in. it isn't until they clear their throat that you realize its Bakugo. still a bit angry at him from the other day you don't look at him.
"What?" continuing to do what you're doing
he waits a couple seconds before going. "Are you going to look at me?"
"Because-!" he takes a breath before speaking again, "I want to talk to you"
"well, I don't want to so you can leave." you don't know what he expected out of this interaction
"Listen I just want to talk. I-" he sighs "I need to apologize"
There better be someone waiting outside that door if Bakugo is joking because you will beat him to death. You pause, slide away from your computer, and stand up facing him. Indicating for him to go on.
"I thought about what you said, and I'm sorry. no one talked to me the way you did, and I saw it as you challenging me. So, I had to prove that I am better. I see now that doing that to prove I'm better is actually weak. I'm sorry"
"Ok, if that's all then bye"
"Wait you're not gonna-"
"Accept your apology no. I appreciate you doing this, but a verbal apology means nothing without action to prove you actually mean what you say. So, until you actually start respecting me and not using your words to try and make me like you then bye."
he just stands there a little dumbfounded by your words
"Are you gonna leave or do I have to make you"
he scoffs and leaves sulking, slouching his body and slamming your door as he leaves.
what a prick.
though it turns out he's not quite as much of a prick as you thought. he actually took your words to heart and started to act better-ish. as better as he can within a short time period. while it did mean he became quieter it wasn't a bad quiet. it was more like he was at peace instead of jumping at the opportunity for a fight. calmer.
after a while you actually started willingly hanging around Bakugo, instead of having to be promised things in exchange for hanging out with Kirishima and other people just because Bakugo was there. it was nice, you two had a sort of banter. once he wasn't insulting you, you both were able to make jabs at each other knowing it wasn't malicious. it was fun having that competitiveness with each other again but different. it's almost like you were friends, almost. he still had a whole half year of insults to make up for. and you did too, it's not like you didn't jab at his character and call him out in front of other people as well. But you were getting there.
you were getting there.
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zoroara · 11 months
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OCtober challenge Day 17 - Bet
Nas was starting to feel the effects of staying up for all hours like they have been for this mission. He feels even more agitated than usual. Caffeine wasn't helping an ounce in removing the exhausting in the slightest. She felt like she needed something just a touch stronger. Maybe something else would do it.
Interrupted by Mammon sitting down beside him he glared at the Arcobaleno. What could they possibly want? "I can tell you're using illusions to hide the bags under your eyes..."
Oh? Was it concern? "Either way, your lucky streak is in our bets are about to come to an end. I'm going next you know."
Ah of course to come gloat. That makes much more sense. "You're gonna be eating those words by the end of it. I bet you'll have to back out of there, and I am sticking with it."
"An Illusionist like you wouldn't know real quality if it hit you in the face."
"What a thing to say to your own damn student, ever consider it may be your shitty training that I supposedly not improved any?"
"Myuu, supposedly? You haven't succeeded in making that mimic you want."
"Maybe not with Crettatura...." In a single move she flips upward a knife suddenly. That was Bel's, she could tell Mammon was a little surprised, but believed she was bluffing. Even if Mammon could illusion it away, he continued on, shifting his form stance, so on until....
"Ushi-shi-shi-shi~ But the prince is the best anyway~ Hey mammon, I want to play a game." As Bel, they then brandished more knives within their hand. Whether or not this worked once the smaller illusionist remembered they could dispell it didn't matter. He had just proven them so... very wrong.
Nas works best when she's fucking pissed off, and trying to prove someone wrong out of spite. Mammon accidentally gave him a LOT of motivation. Though Nas had enough material from the storm battle to figure out how Bel operates, with a similar cocky attitude among some other shared traits, it made it easy for her to slip into the persona.
Just don't point that out because at least right now, they utterly hate Bel, who probably doesn't even know she fucking exists. Which is... Exceptionally funny.
It should also be noted at some point after rainbow arc she's seen enough of how bel treats mist users to decide that she needs to stay way the fuck away from him. So it's even funnier that he was her first successful mimic when they absolutely want nothing to do with him for a good portion of their life.
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bosskie · 1 year
WIP spam and octopus men
Hey! All o' ya! Commere, gonna show ya some stuff:
Yes, a Gluk-tastic start, just had to do it for fun. Haven't posted anything for two months and probably won't do it much either for now since I'm too busy to do my own stuff and gotta try to relax too, have some other stuff than work to do; I mean, doing artworks is work for me too. This makes me wonder if Molluck can forget his work... I bet that he still can, somehow at least. But yes, even if I'm busy, I still keep Molluck on my mind since I do still love that Gluk so much...
But as the title suggests, recently, I have also gotten a new interest, thanks to my dear friend. You might have heard about the game Baldur's Gate 3 but I only got into it because of the mind flayers, more specifically because of the Emperor... It still took me a few weeks to get into it after seeing it but now, I just love mind flayers too! Yes, octopuses are my favourite creatures in our world, so it's quite logical that I love Gluks and mind flayers, though Gluks got me into octopuses... Um, I love Glukkon-like creatures then!
But the reason why I'm telling you this is that I have planned to draw some stuff about Molluck and the Emperor (but this game has also taken my time significantly...). This blog will still be focused on Molluck, so 'no worries'. I have done some WIPs, saved or not, but it's not an easy task to draw them together. Here's a WIP I'm willing to share:
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It's quite rough still and I'm not sure if this is worth of finishing but I'll see. I got other ideas too but it's much easier to draw them inside my head... I'm also not totally sure of their height difference but both are quite tall... And yes, I said 'willing' on purpose since, like I have told you earlier, I'm not into posting NSFW stuff online, just cropped mild stuff, though mere nudity is just natural. And this is one rare case I feel like doing so since I do really like how Molluck succeeded here, still a WIP though:
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The only context I give you is that I call these two as 'octopus men'; I do not ship these two but can do some stuff about them together for fun. These two are interestingly similar but different too. One thing is that they both do not have genitalia but frankly, I don't mind, they already got the stuff, though I'm still not really into the Emperor in that way; he is more like just cuddly! But yes, I have found another character into my life but Molluck is still my precious Gluk and cannot be replaced. But this is my taste for 'men'! Bright eyes, big brains, sharp nails, dangerous looks, octopus-like... Yeah, this feels like the stuff I have been looking for years! Oh, and Molluck doesn't scare me and I feel like he won't do anything bad to me but he is just so big and he could eat my whole head with one bite if he wanted... But it only fascinates me! Oh, why I got an idea of that Molluck could eat 'Mudokon Pops' just straight away... I mean, they look like Abe's head... Maybe it's his plan with Abe but who knows but Molluck himself!
Molluck is still the 'perfection' for me, so let's keep going with Molluck stuff! You might still remember those two Molluck WIPs I showed you about two months ago. I didn't wanna show you the full WIPs back then but now, I feel like I could since I have no idea when I'm gonna get these done or am I getting these finished but I truly hope so! Just been too busy with my stuff... But let's start with this one:
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Yes, this is the context for that angry Molluck. A pretty rough WIP but the colours, it's rare that I use them like this, so I feel like I have improved with my art! But yes, this is like the Soulstorm Molluck version of Molluck being pissed off while seeing the camera footage of Abe's deeds. But the Sun does shine to Molluck too:
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This one is quite close to be finished but still needs a lot polishing... Yeah, Molluck and his Slig chauffeur are having some beach fun at the Yaymans!
Oh, and here's some sketches/WIPs from the beginning of this year:
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But yes, I wanted to share these with you if I ever finish these but also let you know what you can expect. Molluck is still 'my baby' but you might see me drawing him with the Emperor. And yes, sometimes I do call Molluck 'my baby'... He is just so adorable and I love him so much... So no, nothing has changed with Molluck. I have never had two characters like this at the same time... But it must mean that I have finally found out what I do like the most: 'octopus men'! But I'm still not into every kind of octopus-like creatures and it's rare that I truly get into anything... It wasn't love at the first sight with Molluck either but then, after I saw myself in him, I just fell in love with him...
But yeah, I guess that it's enough rambling for now! Just spreading some Molluck love again!
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