#OK I GOTTA GO i got a party i said i'd stop by
dragonzfanfics11 · 8 days
HEYYYYYY!!!!! :3 if your still taking requests then would you be up for writing a SBG main six with like a drop dead gorgeous S/O that tends to get a lot of attention from people. Example: gets approached and flirted with a bunch?
-⭐️ anon
P.S: im literally listening to party rock anthem/party rockers right now😆
hiii!!! Thank for the request and these reminders always end up putting a smile on my face thank you 😭 also party rockers is such a good song lol-
Warnings- jealous sbg gang, astablished relationship, some posable swearing, a mix up of guys and girls flirting/talking to reader, most likely spelling errors
So you ashlen and the gang where walking down the school halls to your next class, you where just talking to ashlen and aiden when this guy walked up to you
"Hey there gorgeous"
"Oh uh hey"
I stand there with a slight awkward smile as this guy talks to you and ashlen is giving this guy a glare that if it could kill he'd be dead already
"Uhh ash you ok..?"
Aiden said noticing her glare getting a little nerves from it himself, ashlen dosent respond as she continues glaring g daggers at this guy who hasn't even noticed
"I was wondering maybe we can hang out some time? Get to know each other?"
The guy said with a flirty smile leaning closer
"Oh uhm sorry im-"
"Their taken"
Ashlen butted in and the guy finally noticed her instantly getting nerves under her glare as she stood next to you
"Shit- sorry sorry!"
The guy quickly ran off and ashlen just rolled her eyes continuing the walk to class you and the rest of the group shocked but followed behind her
The rest of the day she stayed pretty close to you and any time she saw that guy he was getting death glares
You aiden and the rest of the groupwhere at the arcade (not the same day as when barron was there) everyone was kinda scattered doing there own thing and playing games, you went to go to the bathroom when some guy stopped you
"hey there"
"Oh hi"
The guy smiled at you as he introduced himself and you not wanting to be rude introduced yourself to
Aiden on the other hand noticed quickly that you where talking to a guy, he watched for a moment and once this guy got just a little to close to you he walked over
"Anyways, maybe you wanna hang out sometime? Get to know each other?"
"Oh uh-"
"Who you talking to?"
Aiden said with his usual smile as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder as he looked at the guy
"Oh hey aiden what'cha doing?"
"Oh uhm is this your-?"
"Im their boyfriend, and you where taking a while I thought I'd come check on you"
He said as he gave the guy a small glare which quickly made him leave ou alone, then looked at you as if nothing happened
"Hey wanna play air hockey with me?"
You guys where at school, yall where just chilling in one of the halls before heading back to your houses when this girl walked up to you
"Hii omg your soo pretty!"
"Oh thank you"
The girl smiles at you and you smile back just introducing each other
Ben on the other hand is trying to stay out of it for now after all your just talking to this girl, right?
Wrong, some how she ending up flirting with you and you where completely oblivious at thus point
"Wow I really love your hair! Maybe we should hang out sometime and do each other's hair or something"
Before you could say anything ben wrapped his arms around you from behind giving the girl a annoyed look
"Oh! Ben do you need somthing?"
"O-h uhm who's this big guy..?"
"He's my boyfriend ben"
You say with a soft smile as ben just gives the girl a small glare to which she quickly leave
"O-oh look at he time I've gotta go!"
Ben tightens his hold on you slightly before grabbing his phone and typing on it for a sec before showing you
"We should go to, before we miss the bus"
"Oh i didn't even notice the time let's go"
You where at one of his baseball practices to support him when one of his teammates approached you
"Oh hey there! Enjoying the practice so far?"
the guy said with a smile as he sat next to you
"Ya it's been a good practice today"
This interaction didn't take long for tyler to notice as he quickly made his way over
"Ay, why aren't you practicing?"
He said to his teammate with a glare which is returned with a smile
"Calm down dude I'm just talking to this pretty person!"
"Well that 'pretty persen' is taken jackass!"
Yeaa you quickly had to pull tyler away to make sure he didn't start a fight with this guy, and when he got back to the practice once you calmed him down he wouldn't stop glaring at that guy and keeping a close eye on him making sure he wouldn't flirt with you again
You guys where at school, you just left your guy's class when thus girl walked up to you
"hey there!"
"Oh, Hi"
You smile at the girl who smiled back at you, Taylor's standing a little off to the side watching the interaction
"Your soooo cute!"
"Oh uhm thank you"
"Maybe we should hang out some time to get t know each other Maybe"
Taylor noticed as she started to flirt with you instantly steping in and grabbing your hand
"Actually their taken!"
"Oh uhm sorry but-"
She wouldn't let the girl finish her sentence as she pulled you away holding your hand tightly
You guys where out on a walk just hanging out and talking when this guy walked up to you
"Hey there pretty thing"
"Oh um hi"
The guy continued to introduce himself to you as you stand there awkwardly not wanting to be rude and Logan stands there looking at the guy waiting to see if he gets the hint your not interested
"Anyways maybe we should hang out some time, idk get to know each other?"
"Sorry I'm actually taken"
"Ya they have a boyfriend thats right here"
He gave the guy a small glare as he grabs your hand pulling you away from the dude maybe even mumbling about about him not getting the hint as you two walk
Second request done!!! :D I hope you liked it!! The third request will wither be out later today or tomorrow
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ask-vinyl-scratch · 14 years
WOW have I got a lot of bull to put down on paper. the voices in my journal seemed to have stopped too, just like Twi said they would, so Im feelin real good right about now!!!
so yeah its been like 5 days or something. (the dates on the top of the pages kept track of time, which, WTB??? gotta ask Twi about that—actually. maybe not, not after all the juicy gossip that I learned and gotta write down. AWWW BUCK IVE GOT SO MUCH I HAFTA WRITE ABOUT)
ive got so much to write about, but i really wanna write about what happened today... today...♡
ok ok so ill breeze through the other three days or whatever between the 19th and 25th
20th: First of all, Tavi hadda go to frickin' Manehattan by the express and wouldnt have come back until 10 so bleh. My day was going badly and i was a grumpypants, but Pinkie showed up and got me a whole-ass Chocolate cake so I was pretty good. I insisted upon saving 7/8 of it for Octavia's sake once she got back, much to Pinkie Pie's chagrin, but I simply had to, for there is no more romantic gift than Chocolate.
Otherwise, Pinkie took me to see her friends like she Pinkie Promised. eh. lemme give you the run down on em.
~Pinkie~ yeah she introduced me to herself and I buckin love her for it to no end!!
~Twi~ back to the weird-ass treehouse library thing and the purple unicorn who tried to take my journal from me. I swear that mare... she was in the middle of a very delicate experiment or something when we galloped in (literally) but that's not really important because she really DOES have a dragon for a little brother, and his name is
\_~SPIKE~_/ cool bro, y'know, just a chill wyrm. yeah, I'm kinda freinds with a dragon, but it's not like it's a big deal or anything. Pinkie wanted me to give him one of my bottles of Berry's Super-Squeezy Pan-Galactic Fizzling Champagne and I wholeheartedly agreed, but Sparkle said Spike's just a baby dragon and can't have alcohol. (but shouldn't dragons be able to drink way more than ponies...?) Spike protested and threatened to give me juicy gossip on Twi if she didnt let him have the bottle, and she didn't, and he did. HOLY BUCK. no i am not writing it here because that... euhg.
but yeah I would definitely invite him to my raves or to play at the arcade if only Sparkle did't say that Spike's too young to be out that late or to spend his bits on something so silly as an arcade game. i gotta find a way to get him a party of his own, at least, since he really is chill. only thing I can fault him on is that he has fingers and he talks about Rarity Belle a bit too much but at least he wasn't trying to scold me for 'corrupting a baby' like a certain somepony i know. I swear she's almost like a mother to that dragon, it's weird.
~Rarity~ Rarity Belle. Menace.
~Rainbow Dash!~ i did not get to bucking see rainbow dash. damn you, Pinkie! Damn you and your adorableness that makes me forget all about being angry at you and notn being able to find the rainbow mare... awwwwwww. I'd kiss you, but I'm 100% committed to Tavi. (especially AFTER WHAT HAPPENED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
~Applejack~ I get the feeling she didn't like me very much. Still gave me a free apple fritter that Pinkie forced me not to save for Tavi and had me eat right in front of Applejack, deliberately. kinda sus...
~Fluttershy~ Classic blushing wallflower. I bet Pinkie 10 bits she's a fillyfooler and that is 10 bits i intend to collect after I set Shy up with a nice mare. Maybe Tree Hugger? Well, by any means, Fluttershy sure is shy. Don't know what I expected, but it wasn't awkward manic conversation completely predicated on Pinkie Pie's motormouth. I loved it, as usual, as it meant I didnt have to talk a lot, and I think Shy loved it too, which was basically a prerequisite to being friends with Pinkie. Strangely enough, Shy knew I was a fillyfooler even before Pinkie brought it up...
I think she's the most sensitive mare I have ever met. She also rocks the emo hair-over-the-eye thing like a boss! I invited her to come hang with me and Octy since we weren't doing anything but she got real nervous and shaky like a puppy and made an excuse to not come, something about her animals. Which, fair. But I'm pretty sure her cheeks were blushing with the force of Celestia's sun under her pink hair, which is another Point in favor of the fellow fillyfooler fheory... She knew that me and Tavi've been fillyfoolers, so surely
Pinkie Pie really looked like she was 2 seconds away from hatching a harebrained scheme about herself looking after Shy's animals so Shy could come have a night with us but I made her back down. It's actually really easy, you know; all it takes is a hoof to her chest, closing your eyes, and shaking your head mutely. So we went from the cabin, Pinkie with unbridled joy in her heart and I, I with an evil plan to get my ten bits from Pinkie by getting knowledge of Shy's preferences through a straight conversation, a chat between girls, if you will >:)
Pinkie asked me what we were going to do that night, and I told her that we would be doing the same thing we do every night: trying to take over the world. By which I mean going back to my and Tavi's apartment and between us three, and a bottle of that Fizzling Champagne, making a party we can all enjoy. and yes, she did indeed bucking love the Chocolate cake i saved for her. (the parts Pinkie didn't eat, anyway :/)
21th: so i mean, well, when we were drunk on the 20th Pinkie Pie made me Pinkie Promise to 'spin my magic mare, make the music fly and we can have streamers and wubbalishious (sounds good to me) cakes flying around and we can give out kazoos (blashpemy) so ponies can humalong to the songs (even worse, but don't worry, l put a stop to it. too bad she just gave out free mini accordians to everyone...)' on this day.
this Pinkie Promise, though, was really a crazy idea, or whatever the right metaphor is. (i dont care, im tired as fuck and i wanna get to today AAAAAAA I CANT WAIT UNTIL I GET TO WRIITING WHAT I DID TODAY). anyway, A Pinkie Promise to have me hang out with a buncha ponies I dont know a thing about with totally incompatible tastes of music AND accordians???? in not just a rave, but a PINKIE-STYLE rave??????? BONKERS.
so I was setting up for the Pinkie-style rave and it suddenly like dawns on me that this is the perfect opportunity to finally convert the dishwasher so that it cleans dishes with wubs! heh lol. so I did.
aaawwww, whom i kiddin. it was a disaster. think of whatever disaster you're thinking of: technical malfunctions? angry drunks fighting? police intervention? raids against Lunar cultists? earthquakes? tornadoes? the CMC?
yes. multiply it by 10 and you get the party on the 21st
oh faust Tavi's askin me if I wanna go for round 2 rn. to whom it may concern, I think this is where I die. ill write about the other days tomorrowbutigottago
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joaquinwhorres · 3 years
gazes (joaquín torres x reader)
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SUMMARY ››››› It's become increasingly apparent to Sam and Bucky that you and Joaquin cannot take your eyes off each other. Unfortunately for them, you two have decided to be Professionals and that means keeping your eyes, hands, and lips to yourselves. No matter how difficult it is.
WORD COUNT ››››› 3,716
WARNINGS ››››› sexy times implied
A/N ››››› Ok so these headcanons y'all have been sending me are incredible. I read these two back to back and I just had to write something connecting them.
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The kid had no tact.
Sam wasn't exactly sure why he expected more from the guy who'd led into his theory that Steve was on the moon by referencing vague internet rumors, but even despite that, he'd assumed Joaquin possessed some sense of subtlety.
Instead he was over at the leg press trying and failing not to stare at Y/N as she bent over at the middle to help Bucky push deeper into the stretch.
"You know she could hit you with a harassment claim for staring at her like that."
Joaquin jumped, the weights dropping suddenly with a loud clang. Across the gym, Bucky laughed as Y/N whipped around to face the two men. "Everything ok?" Her voice sounded genuinely concerned, and Sam couldn't help but smirk as Joaquin turned towards her, giving a little wave.
"Foot slipped," he answered, and she nodded, turning back to Bucky quickly.
"Foot slipped," Sam mocked.
"Dude, you scared the shit out of me."
"If you paid half the amount of attention you give to Y/N to your surroundings, you'd have known I'd been standing here for three minutes."
Joaquin gave a defensive scoff. "I wasn't staring at her--I was just--" he stopped, searching for an excuse, and Sam raised his eyebrows.
When it was clear Joaquin couldn't find a convincing enough lie to end the sentence, Sam shook his head. "You know, if you talk to her, she might actually let you take her out."
"I talk to her," Joaquin protested.
Sam shook his head, uncrossing his arms. "No, I mean talk to her. Chat her up. You've gotta have some game, right?"
"I've got game..." His sentence trailed off as he turned to look in her direction, finding her standing over Bucky's feet with her hands on her hips. "But like, we're co-workers, you know? I don't want to make things awkward around the gym or the compound or anything."
"Joaquin," Sam said, laying a hand on his shoulder. "You're already making things awkward."
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"He's staring at your ass again."
"And you're trying to get out of stretching again," you quipped, moving Bucky's leg closer to his chest. The super soldier tilted his head as if to acknowledge the legitimacy of your accusation.
"Doesn't change the fact that I think you're about to give him a heart attack."
"I highly doubt he's worried in the slightest about my ass. He's probably zoned out."
"He's definitely focused in...on--"
"On my ass," you finished, shaking your head. You might have given Bucky's claim a little more credence if it weren't for the fact that Joaquin Torres had been anything but the consummate professional towards you. He was friendly and upbeat and welcoming, and one of the few genuinely good guys you'd ever had the pleasure of working with.
You'd never caught him staring once, and it's not like the boy was exactly known for subtlety. Last time Bucky had asked him to cover for him so you couldn't come down and teach him the right way to train his body, he'd told you that Bucky had left the compound to get you a thank you gift for all of your hard work. All while staring at the gym door.
The heavy sound of weights falling against each other echoed throughout the gym, and you spun around to face the sound. Sam hovered over Joaquin's shoulder, the latter no longer working the leg press but instead looking as if he'd just received the scare of his life.
Bucky broke into laughter, and you smacked at his leg.
"Everything ok?" you called out, and Joaquin smiled, giving a sheepish little wave at you. "Foot slipped."
"It's a good thing he wasn't at the bench press. You might have killed him."
Your head snapped back to Bucky who was giving you a shit eating grin.
"You're an asshole."
"I'm right."
"Do you think if I ask nicely Wakanda will take you back?"
"So you know I'm right."
You chanced a glance back at Joaquin who was still talking to Sam before turning back around and placing your hands on your hips. "I'm calling Ayo."
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You were running early.
Not to any event in particular, but just for the general course of your day. It was rare for you to wake up to your first alarm so completely refreshed, and with a fully awake brain, you found it much easier to navigate the morning. You were able to get dressed without crawling back in bed for a few more minutes, and didn't have to battle with sleepy indecision when choosing what you wanted to eat for breakfast.
One thing after another just continued to roll your way, leading you to the gym much earlier than usual.
And that's where the luck stopped.
Or maybe it didn't stop. But it definitely took a turn. Because while you fully expected someone else to be in the gym already, you hadn't expected just one person to be in the gym. And even if you had, you wouldn't have guessed that that one person would be Joaquin. And if, for some reason, you'd had the foresight to sense that, you definitely never would have pictured him to be running on the treadmill shirtless.
You stopped in your tracks, eyes falling to the bouncing dog tags on his chest and then lower to the well defined abs you'd somehow never seen before.
It felt like you'd seen just about every man in this compound shirtless. At some point, they all seemed to strip in the gym or during one of your group training classes you ran for those who weren't field agents. Bucky was shirtless half the time you worked together. It was so normal, you hardly even blinked an eye anymore. Seeing Sam without a shirt was more rare and quite the sight, but it'd never caught your breath quite like seeing Joaquin. Joaquin, who had never so much as worn a tank top in the gym, Joaquin.
And now here he was, chest bare and heaving, feet pounding rhythmically against the treadmill, hair still messy from his pillow and sweat. Your brain couldn't seem to function correctly, offering you images of the sight before you, only closer. Much closer. Hovering inches over your stretched out body as the headboard behind you rammed into the wall with the force of each thrust--
"Hey," Joaquin greeted, noticing you standing off to the side. You blinked, heat rushing to your face as he turned the treadmill down to a more leisurely pace. "Something wrong with my form?"
It was tempting to lie and offer to "help him fix it." Or to be completely honest and tell him you'd never seen a human form as perfect as his.
But neither of those responses were professional or even appropriate, and you needed this job.
You swallowed, shaking your head. "No, I was just wondering why you were wearing those," you said, gesturing to his dog tags, and allowing your eyes to fall to his chest once more. You followed a bead of sweat as it rolled down his body, heading to the waistband of his shorts. Joaquin reached to touch his tags, causing them to jingle together once more and pull your attention up to him.
"It's hard to let them go," he smiled, ruefully, hitting the button so the belt slowed even more. "I'd say it's a habit, putting them on, but at this point they're just like a part of me."
You nodded, wishing you'd taken this conversation anywhere but to the idea of dog tags and what they stood for. It wasn't so much a mood killer but a guilt inducer because instead of you feeling embarrassed and somber, all you wanted to do was grab them and pull him closer to you.
He must have read the conflict on your face because he gave a crooked smile. "Yeah, sorry, it's kinda morbid."
"No," you shook your head, clearing it of the daydream induced fog. "I probably shouldn't have asked."
"No, nah, it's cool," his smile grew into grin, as the belt came to a stop. He leaned his forearms against the console, staring at you as if waiting for you to continue the conversation. Which you were not equipped to do with a smiling and shirtless and sweaty Joaquin Torres right before you.
"Well, thanks for being cool about it," you said with a nod.
My God, something was wrong with you. They were just abs. And sure, maybe the abs belonged to the man who not only found the time to moonlight as a superhero but star in your increasingly dirty dreams of late, but it was just a body party that you'd seen a million times.
But never on Joaquin.
You blamed everything your brain was doing to you on Bucky and all of his stupid comments about Joaquin's supposed fixation on your ass. You wondered what he would say if he could see you now. "And I thought I was half machine. I could practically see your brain short circuiting." or "If that's what you're like when you see him half-naked, how are you ever going to--"
"Yeah, of course," Joaquin said, still smiling, his eyes lifting up over your shoulder as the other door to the gym opened and Sam came in. "Hey," he greeted with a jerk of his chin.
"Hey," Sam said, drawing closer, his eyes on you. You forced a smile on to your own face, and lifted a hand, not trusting anything that was coming out of your mouth.
"You're here early," the other man said, stepping onto the treadmill next to Joaquin's, and putting his water bottle down next to the machine.
Both of them were looking at you now, and it's not like you could handle staying in this gym any longer. "I came down looking for my water bottle. I think I left it here yesterday."
Sam raised his eyebrows glancing around the gym, and Joaquin stepped down off of the machine. "Do you want help looking for it?" he asked, and your whole body seemed to tense up at the idea, your brain transporting you to a future scenario where the two of you wandered around the room, Joaquin next to you or behind you, so close you could feel the heat radiating off of him, all the while searching for a water bottle that was sitting on your dresser.
"No." Your voice came out too high, but you tried to play it off, shaking your head. "I've already interrupted your workout enough. It's either by the weights or not in here."
"Alright," he nodded. "If you need any help looking around the compound though, let me know."
"Thanks," you said. And then you gave another stupid wave and beelined it for the weight racks because you had to get out of here.
You made a show of looking next to each section of weights, even bending over to check underneath of them as if it could have been knocked under somewhere. After you felt an appropriate amount of time had passed to be convincing, you straightened up, empty handed. You turned back to Joaquin and Sam, both watching you rather than continuing their workouts as you might have hoped.
"Not here," you called back with a shrug and then left the gym and headed straight up to your shower.
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He was nothing if not predictable.
The minute Y/N bent over to check behind the weight rack, his eyes were glued to her. Or perhaps more accurately, the bright teal spandex shorts she wore. As she pulled herself back up from searching for her water bottle and turned to them, Joaquin quickly looked to Sam as if the two had been talking the whole time and then "casually" returned to her.
"Not here!" she said, shrugging and then walking out of the gym, her footsteps quick and purposeful as she left through the door Sam had just entered by.
"So, what'd I interrupt?"
Joaquin looked up at Sam as if remembering he was there. "What?"
"You know, when the two of you were sitting by this machine making eyes at each other? Did you actually say anything to her or….?"
Joaquin shook his head. "No, she just came in and, uh, we chatted for a second, and then…" he trailed off, as if not fully remembering any of the past ten, twenty, however many minutes.
"You just chatted," Sam repeated, the disbelief on his face edging into his voice.
"Yeah," Joaquin nodded.
"Anywhere in this chat you finally ask her out?"
"Nah, it didn't feel right."
"It didn't--she was practically taking off the other half of your clothes with her eyes," Sam sputtered, gesturing to Joaquin's shorts.
The kid laughed and shook his head as if Sam didn't know what he was talking about. Joaquin moved to exit the gym as well. "I'll see you later, man," he said, leaving a very exasperated Sam behind.
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Bucky Barnes was a motherfucking liar.
"Let's grab a drink on Friday," he said.
"Consider it me making it up to you for being such a pain in your ass," he said.
"I'll buy," he said.
This wasn't just you and your favorite co-worker getting a drink. This was a goddamn set up. Because one hour and three mojitos into the night, Sam and Joaquin walked in the front door.
"I fucking hate you," you said, glaring up at his stupid smug face.
"Well, what a surprise, he grinned, as you shook a finger up at him.
"I told you in confidence I'm a flirty drunk."
He snorted, giving you a look out the side of his eyes. "You told me you were a flirty drunk after you sent me several highly inappropriate drunk text messages about what you wanted to do to a certain Lieutenant, who," the self-satisfied smile was back on Bucky's face. "Is making his way over to us right now."
"When I get home, I swear to God, I'm buying you a ticket to Wakanda."
Bucky quirked an eyebrow. "You're not going to do it now?"
"I didn't bring my credit card because you said you were paying," you huffed.
Before Bucky could respond, Sam and Joaquin were next to the two of you, greeting Bucky with hand slaps and one armed hugs. Sam came around and wrapped an arm around you first before sliding into the seat next to Bucky, and Joaquin came forward, giving you a quick hug.
Which was a first.
More than the feeling of his back underneath your palm, or the way he seemed to emanate warmth, you were done in by how absolutely incredible he smelled. But before you could fully identify whether it was his shampoo, a cologne, or just him, he pulled away and took the only other available seat near the group--the one next to you.
"I see you started without us," Sam said, raising his eyebrows at the assortment of glasses that sat before you. Most of them were Bucky's as he downed beers faster than should have been humanly possible.
"Hard drinker, huh Y/N," Joaquin teased, shooting you a smile.
"Pfft," you dismissed. "Only three are mine."
"Three?" Sam asked, leaning forward to better look at you. "How long have you been here?"
"An hour," you said, completely unnecessarily leaning forward too.
Bucky shrugged. "I got the time wrong."
"Guess we better catch up then," Joaquin said, and you sank back into your chair, narrowing your eyes at him in challenge.
"If you can."
They did.
You were outpaced fairly quickly against the two soldiers and one super soldier. The rum-induced fuzziness around the edges of your brain was compounded by having Joaquin so close to you. At some point he'd pulled his chair a bit closer to yours so that he could better hear the conversation, and you don't remember when it happened, but his arm had also slid around the back of your chair. To your relief neither Bucky nor Sam seemed to acknowledge this. In fact, Bucky was positively quiet and normal all things considered. Everything was going better than you could have expected.
Until the music kicked up.
Sam was the first to be dragged onto the dance floor. He was Captain America. Of course he'd been targeted by the stunning girl in the red dress who'd only had to come up and ask "Does Captain America dance?" to succeed in pulling him off to the dance floor.
Bucky was next. Although he wasn't tugged onto the dance floor by his hand the way Sam was. It was the sight of the person in the tight black number that did him in, luring him away to the dance as if drawn by a magnet.
And then it was you and Joaquin, sitting at the bar. Alone. Together.
You looked up from your drink, pushing the straw down into the ice to stir up the clinking sounds, and he took a swig of his beer before putting the bottle back down on the bar.
"Alright, let's dance," he said, nodding with his head towards the crowd, and you let out a disbelieving snort.
"I don't know how to dance. I mean, I can dance," you attempted to clarify, although you had a feeling words were failing you at the moment. "But that's real dancing, and I can't do that."
"I guess you're lucky you have a really good teacher asking you to dance then," Joaquin grinned, holding out a hand. You looked down at his open palm, hesitating only for a second before you slid your hand into his and jumped down from your chair.
He led you out through the moving bodies expertly, dodging couples who were clearly more into the dancing than each other and couples where the complete opposite was true. The small bit of space he found you was closer to the center of the dance floor than you'd usually feel comfortable with, but when he turned towards you with that look on his face, any of your residual anxiety had vanished.
"Ok, come close," he said, and you took a small step closer to him, causing him to laugh. "Closer." He gestured, and you moved forward some more, Joaquin's hands finding their way to your hips and pulling you even closer. His hands rose, one finding its way to your mid-back, pushing your elbow up to rest on his, as the other took your hand and placed it over shoulder.
"This ok?" he asked, eyebrows raised, and you nodded, trying to keep your attention on him, his instructions and his words, and not the way that you could feel just about every part of him from the way he was angled against you. His right side was flush against your left, and his knee pushed between yours.
"Just follow me," he said, his head bent close to yours. Before you could even respond, he started to move, pulling you along with him through the dance. It was smooth and rolling and you'd never seen a guy able to roll his hips like Joaquin. He seemed to know exactly how to guide you, moving his body to push and pull yours along whenever you hesitated or felt lost, coaxing waves and movements out of you that you didn't know you could do. Each success was met with a small word of praise and a brilliant smile, as his hands shifted to hold you closer, and you wrapped your own hand around his neck to better feel and predict his movements.
It felt as if a fog had rolled in over the dancefloor, obstructing all else from view so it was just you and Joaquin, eyes locked to each other as you moved together, occupying the same space.
The song faded into the next one, and Joaquin stopped. You went to move backwards, to give him space and have him move on as many other of the more skilled dancing couples seemed to do, switching partners amongst each other. But he kept you close to him, hand sliding down to your waist.
"Now you can really dance," he teased, his eyes shining as they stared into yours.
"Only with you." It was supposed to be a self-deprecating joke, but it came out too quiet and earnest. Joaquin licked his lips, and your eyes followed the gesture, flickering between his mouth and his eyes.
You don't remember making the decision. You only remember, moving even further into his arms, and pushing yourself up to reach his lips with your own. He bent down to meet you, pulling you even closer and pressing his hard body into yours. His lips moved as slowly and sensually as his hips had, drawing you in and guiding you through a careful rhythm that promised much, much more.
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Sam sat with Bucky at the bar. Joaquin and Y/N had disappeared somewhere amongst the dance floor, hidden amongst the crowd.
"You think it worked?" Bucky asked, raising an eyebrow at Sam.
"If it didn't we're screwed," Sam shook his head, taking a swig from his drink.
As if on cue, the two emerged from the swaying bodies, hand in hand, sweaty and much happier than they had been when Sam had left them at the bar.
"We're gonna head back to the compound," Joaquin said with practiced casualness.
"Yeah?" Bucky asked, and Sam swore there was mischief literally glinting in his eyes.
"Yeah," Joaquin nodded too fast and too many times. "Yeah, Y/N forgot about something there…"
"What'd you forget?" Bucky asked, turning to Y/N with a wolfish smile.
"Nothing. We're going to have sex," Y/N said, flatly, causing Sam to nearly spit out his drink. "And if you say one more word, I know a pilot who will fly you to Wakanda himself. No ticket needed."
Bucky mimicked zippering his lips into a smug look, and she rolled her eyes before tugging Joaquin out of the bar by his hand. And he followed. Eyes glued to her ass.
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legionofpotatoes · 3 years
I love your art, it is very detailed in a neat way. Was wondering how you got started making it as a source of income? How did you get your first paid work, I'd love some advice on how to get started, if that's ok
Thank you. Of course it's okay, although I doubt I have enough work experience in art to really delve into this. I only went full freelance this year, and had been juggling art as a side hobby until then. If you're still interested in my somewhat narrow perspective, and are okay with my long-winded rambles, I'll give it a shot:
So to answer your question fully, I'll describe how I started and move into personal advice and learnings later on. As a disclaimer, I am a white cishet dude in my late twenties with a moderate cocktail of mental illnesses, but overall I can pass for a functioning adult so a lot I have to say may come laced with privilege I cannot fully identify.
So uhh I began drawing in around 2012? I think? Maybe halfway through 2011? And I mostly made fanart for things I enjoyed and tried to branch out in communities that felt nourishing to my style and interests (I caught a bug for alt posters and enjoyed mainstream movies so I spent a long time on posterspy early on). There were a handful of opportunities that came from there but I could only accept a couple because of primary workplace commitments. Still, it showed that networking in a focused community was definitely a good place to start; I myself have huge trouble committing to social networks and really staying socially active, but I knew it was an essential ingredient in succeeding so I tried to make myself be involved in challenges and art support trains etc. as much as I could.
In parallel to all that I also ran a few third party online stores (redbubble, teepublic) for disposable income and would sometimes, if rarely, hit around $100-150 a month from those sources combined. It is a sort of thing that requires helper accounts on other social media sites to promote it on, because the stores themselves have a huge volume of content that translates into low organic discoverability. Obviously it was never gonna be the way towards financial independence through art, and with community projects being few and far between, I opened private commissions in around uhhh 2017 I think, focusing on offering a few styles I knew I could do well, and sometimes operating in individual fandoms (it was mostly a bioware thing to be frank). But I had to close them back down after a year or so, again because of work-life conflict and how badly it was burning me out. The reason I kept trying to monetize this hobby is because I honestly hated what I did for my main job and wanted to see a way out in some shape or form in the future.
And then in 2020 I had to quit my main job altogether because of *gestures at pandemic* and deal with a mental breakdown from all the wonderful things it did to us and me specifically. I took a short break and decided to give art a shot full-time, and that was around May this year. I was planning on opening up commissions again (and I still am), but a few sudden opportunities that fell in my lap moved that timetable down and now I'm grateful to even be doing something I am getting adequately paid for.
So, with that somewhat limited perspective, here's what I've learned that I'd tell myself if I was just starting out:
1. Being a fan of something can be a shortcut towards effective networking kickoffs. Which are important evidently. If you love something and enjoy making content for it, join communities, settle into a combination of social media websites that feel right for those interests + your body of work + your inner rhythm, and try to play to content discovery as much as your mental health allows you to. Like I said, I know that I myself am incredibly bad at self-motivating to talk to people, so I found that synergizing common interests into fanart - which I enjoyed making anyway - could be a way to give myself a gentle nudge forward and build those bridges leading to community activities, which then net experience and coverage. Sometimes even freelance projects from official avenues. Again; picking the right spaces for what you're after is key. Companies roam twitter, concept art recruiters scour artstation or linkedin etc, instagram can land you private commissions and collab opportunities, so on and so forth. Find your niche and try to kick up dust. However...
2. I do not believe that any social profile can replace a good portfolio. The thing that made an immediate difference to me this year was building a coherent, simple website with my best work front and center and a contact form on top. Every single opportunity I got came from that form (maybe via twitter or instagram initially, but always sealing the decision after going through the website), so I firmly believe that showcasing your skills and portfolio in a visually arresting and user-friendly way is a big priority. I had some reservations about tackling that task but fortunately I had help from a savvy life partner and we slapped it together via wordpress in less than a day. Twitter/whatever social media is prevalent in your target groups is definitely important to get the right eyes on your shit, yes, but those eyes will then look for a second stop where your work and rates are more clear and concise. Simplicity is key imo, I cannot overstate this. So make a cute, simple portfolio!
3. Your skills and rates will grow and change as you do. Let them. Over the years I built several lasting professional relationships from my obsession over mass effect and kept getting opportunities both from bioware and their partner companies, some small and some a bit bigger. A one-off job earlier this year opened an unexpected door to another much larger commitment, and then the work I did there brought some attention from small businesses looking for commercial commissions. These were all incredibly different projects in terms of scope and budget, and I've been tackling them all on a case-by-case basis and slowly coming into my own irt my needs, rates, and SOW thresholds. It is still a work in progress (and a LOT of literal work as well), and very much a thing I struggle with in publicly marketing, which is why I felt a tad underqualified to answer your question in the first place (obviously I did not let that stop me). But what it means for me now is that I am rapidly developing into whatever my "version" of a functioning freelance artist is, and when the conditions for that guy are met, I need to be able to confidently plant myself and operate from that space despite past precedents. Do not let anyone bully you into downpricing what you yourself perceive as legitimate products of personal growth and development. Speaking of which...
4. The shitty challenge of turning envy into inspiration, and paddling outside your comfort zones in full riot gear. it is hard, but realizing that being a miserable, self-hating artist in my early days got me nothing but more misery back was the first real step I took and what truly blew the hinges off. I was just not pleasant to be around, I would badmouth my work all the time, and it all somehow made sense in my broken mind because the validation I sought was purely external and the way I sought it was through eliciting sympathy via self-victimization (even when I made something objectively nice). It all led fucking nowhere. Except perhaps to my own narcissism that I one day managed to identify and start managing. So I started looking at things that made me seethe with envy and calmly deconstruct and figure out their inner workings instead, do studies, and find nuggets of inspiration or discover new ways to approach rendering or building up specific elements. It was an application of analytical diligence to what I wanted to be a purely emotional, esoteric workflow, but that I deep down knew wasn't. Art is a discipline and a skill, and maybe it isn't a straight line, but you gotta find some line to thread nevertheless. Being self-hating was almost an identity I had to break out of, and despite it still being like, 4-5% there? I realize its cause and effect on me, my work, and those around me, so it is with a conscious choice that I gently set it aside when I work and especially when I learn. It won't always stay quiet, but the effort is the difference. Your doors towards accepting true growth and venturing into uncharted territories, art styles, and networking will really open from there. But there's a huge caveat...
5. Toolsets, accessibility, privilege, and all the good things that enable artistic expression and profitability are not given equal to all. you might do all the mental work I mentioned to be ready to rock and roll and learn and draw your way out of anything, but digital art is a fucking money pit that asks almost too much at times. I don't got a good case study here but identifying and ensuring accessibility to the tools you need to do your best work is, like, super important. The ergonomics can improve as you make money and settle into the job, but the basics have to be made available to you. And some of that might not even be under your direct control. That can be anything from pen tablets to software subscriptions to opportunities in hiring sullied by sexism or what have you. You gotta navigate all that through careful networking and money/time management. I don't do a good job of devoting specific slices of time to work/study, and my primary clutch is iPad software which went from a good deal to a nightmare scenario over the years. So all I can say here is do what I didn't; network, invest in a PC/tablet, and pick a software you'll learn that won't burn a hole in your pocket.
6. Be nice to work with? This one is hard to articulate and has landed my own ass in hot water in my early years because of how socially inept I am, but nothing is more worthwhile than being.. like. a good person to work with. That can be anything like meeting deadlines, or sometimes missing them but eloquently articulating why, being generous in early stages, being communicable and not too wordy in your emails, having a good grasp on abstract artistic concepts and how to describe them in simple terms, having a clear, laid out framework of your working rates in commercial and non-commercial projects and sticking to those guns with grace, understanding when you need to say no and saying it well, the works. Just being nice. Sometimes that might mean going headstrong with something you believe in, or simmering down and sucking up to the big man, all relative and adaptive. Part and parcel of the service provision dance that we all have to do in order to make bank. Know your lines here, obviously, and don't like. work for nazis. or uh.. *shudders* exposure. but be nice and empathetic and communicable and word will travel eventually. Skill may be in abundance these days, but good people are most certainly not, and capitalism has a way of bubbling up scarcity. Grim, but uh, them's the breaks.
I know I'm ultimately telling you to like. Have a body of work, make a portfolio, grow, and network. But that's really how I see it for now. And being nice can be a cherry on top that sets you apart, along with the inherent irreplaceable voice of your artwork. I think I rambled on enough, but if there is something specific you need my help with, even if you want to come off anon and talk in private, please feel free.
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 10 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.7K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (09)
Next part (11)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Monsters Lurking In The Dark
Yesterday's happenings are making a lot of people talk to you today. They ask if you're alright, if you had to go to the hospital, why Billy ran like a lightning bolt to reach you... Some of them are actually being kind. Others, not so much. It feels like they're trying to get you to say something else, scavenging for a secret. Jason is the only one to actually get into a long conversation, making sure you're alright and giving you tips to avoid heat exhaustion again. But the others, mostly the girls, make awkward questions. You get that Billy's behavior is changing. Monica is often telling you about how some girls ask her if she knows what's going on between you and Billy. She never answers though, saying this isn't their business.
As you pace around the pool, a bottle of water on your hand since Billy is literally forcing you to drink water by the hour, you spot him chatting with some of his friends. Tommy and Carol are the only ones you can name, and you never got why you only hang out with your friends and not his. Billy has his eyes on the pools and the whistle between his lips. Tommy goes on about something, and suddenly, Billy lets the whistle fall, giving Tommy a weird stare. You giggle a little at his expression, crossing your arms.
“Look who's staring now,” Monica says in a provoking tone, stopping by your side. “But I totally get it. I'd be shamelessly staring too if I didn't have my sweetheart.”
“How's Christopher by the way?” She told you he had an accident in the garden, which got him a nasty cut on the leg.
“Complaining. But I'm enjoying taking care of him.” She smiles, and her eyes shine. Every passing day you're more convinced they're in love with each other. That you'll be attempting to their wedding one day. “What about you? You gotta be careful with the sun.”
“I am.” Raising your hand, you show her the bottle. “Billy is driving me insane. I swear I can't drink any more water today.”
“Can you blame him? I thought he'd have a heart attack yesterday.” He tilts her head to where he is, across the pools. His eyes meet yours and he winks. “Poor guy, he has it bad for you.”
Giggling, you look down because you're surely blushing. “Oh, tell me something. Some people came to talk to me, you know. Asking if I was alright. But some of them made some very awkward questions.”
“Yeah, that's because they think you're pregnant.”
Your eyes go wide, and you gasp, feeling your whole body numb for a moment. “What the hell,” you exclaim, a little too loud. Looking around, you notice some eyes on you. “Holy shit, Monica. Tell me you're joking.”
“Small town, (Y/N), people talk.” She puts a hand on your shoulder. “Trust me, half the women here went through something like that. They'll let go in a few weeks.”
“Do you think Billy knows?” You lift your eyes to look for him, but you only find his friends.
“Probably. But look, don't worry about it. You're the new girl who managed to hook Billy Hargrove, the town's bad boy. People will talk, but don't let it ruin what you have with him.”
“No, of course not.” As much as it bugs you, it doesn't change anything. “You know I'm falling for him, right?” You burst out, feeling the sudden need to let it out your chest. “Completely.”
“I'm noticing. You–”
She's cut short when you're pulled into something. Someone. You roll your eyes because you know who it is. Billy pulls you against his chest, his lips on your ear. “Do you know what they're saying about yesterday's episode?” He whispers, a hand coming to caress your belly.
Great. Now this will certainly make people forget this story. “Yeah. They think I'm carrying a tiny Billy.” You mutter, waving at Monica as she walks away with a smirk on her lips. “Was that what Tommy told you? You made a funny face.”
“Yes, but he said it in a way that almost had me breaking his ugly nose.” He keeps you close, despite the public. And honestly, you don't mind. A few days ago you'd push him away, but now... They'll speak anyway, so it doesn't matter.
“Hey, why don't we never hang out with your friends?” You take the chance to ask. “You don't want them to see you with me?” It's impossible not to follow this train of thought, and it does sound stupid judging by the way he's holding you right now, for everyone to see.
“Of course not. It just that I know the kind of assholes they are and I'm sure you won't like them.”
“But it's weird. I don't want you to think I'm forcing you to only hang out with my party.”
He takes a deep breath, and you feel his chest moving. That reminds you he's shirtless... “I'll introduce you to them... In the funfair tomorrow.”
“Oh my God, the funfair!” You exclaim. People have been talking about it for a few days, but you totally forgot. “I've never been to anything like that.”
“You're gonna love it.”
“You two. Back to your chairs.” The manager shouts from somewhere behind you, and you both roll your eyes at the same time.
“Talk to you later,” you tell him, tiptoeing to kiss his cheek.
“Remember to–”
“Yeah, yeah. Water, stay in the shadow. If I feel dizzy I'll shout for my knight in shining armor.” Walking backwards, you smirk at him. “Eyes on the pool, Hargrove,” you warn him, turning around and making your way back to the chair.
You're glad you're feeling good, no sign of anything you felt yesterday. And it isn't as hot as it was, so that's a bonus. You're peacefully watching the kids, yelling at some, threatening some teenagers to ban them for life, just the normal stuff. Through the corner of your eye, you notice Billy gesturing. When you look at him, he shows you his bottle.
Shaking your head no, you try to ignore him. But you are a little thirsty, so you sigh before jumping to the ground. On your way to the cafeteria, you stop by his chair. “Want some?”
“Nah, I'm good.”
“Don't act like you can't be beaten by heat exhaustion too, Hargrove. I'm bringing you some cold water.” Punching his leg playfully, you go to the cafeteria.
You're a little startled to find James in there, seated on the table next to the wall, both hands on his head. As you silently open the fridge, you wonder if you should just leave him alone. You never really spoke, and since he switched his schedule with Billy, you have seen less of him. Today should be his day off if you're not mistaken.
“Hey, James,” you say in a soft voice, standing by the fridge as you take one of the bottles Billy has for you. “You ok?”
“Huh?” He looks up abruptly, suddenly aware he's not alone. “Hey.”
You were going to leave, but he seems scared... Red eyes as if he didn't get any sleep. “Is something wrong?” You sit before him, placing the bottle on the table. “You look... sad.”
“Oh, it's just... Nothing, really. It's stupid.” He's mumbling under his breath, a line of sweat on his forehead.
“Whatever it is it's not stupid. Who told you it was?”
“My parents, my brother.” He breathes out, his eyes suddenly meeting yours. “You're new here, right? Did you move from a big city?”
“New York. Why?”
“I'm from Washinton. Have you ever crossed paths with something in the woods? Some... Some kind of animal? And when you told someone they just said it was because you're some big city kid who's not used to live so near the forest and because of that you're easily impressed by anything weird you see?” James speaks fast, so fast it's hard to keep up.
“Actually yes.” You nod, keeping your voice low and soft in an attempt to calm him down. You never saw anyone so scared. “A few weeks ago I saw something, but I didn't get a good look at it. Don't know what it was.”
“I don't know what species of-of... Things they have here, but what I saw... I couldn't sleep. I thought about telling the chief of police but everyone keeps saying I'm crazy.”
“What did you see, James?”
He puts his hands on his head again, looking at the table. “It... It was the size of a dog. And I thought it was a stray dog so I stopped the car and followed it.” His voice cracks, so you get up, moving to sit on the chair beside him, touching his arm. “It was so damn dark and I had no flashlight. It was near a tree, eating something. I started calling it, trying to show it I was just trying to help but then... It-It turned at me and... Shit, the damn thing had no face. It was blank. Sticky... no fur, no eyes, nothing.” He moves suddenly, holding both your shoulders roughly. You gasp at the sudden change, looking at him, tears threatening to roll down from his eyes. “I ran like hell. I told my parents the moment I got home but they said it was something in the woods playing tricks on me but I know what I saw. The damn thing had no face, I swear–”
“Let go of her right now.” Billy's thunder voice makes James jump up, making his chair fall backwards. “What the hell do you think you're doing?”
“Billy, it's alright.” Quickly, you stand up and walk over him.
“I'm sorry, I just...” James tries to speak, hands raised in defeat. It looks like he didn't know what he was doing. “Sorry, (Y/N).”
He walks around the table, eyes on the floor. Billy gives a step towards him, but you hold him back, both hands on his chest. “Billy, no. Listen...” You whisper to him, your eyes meeting his when James finally leaves the cafeteria. “He wasn't trying to hurt me or anything, he was just scared.”
“Scared of what?” He looks down at you, his hands softly rubbing the skin of your shoulders. “It'll leave bruises. What the hell did he think he was doing?”
As much as you melt a little to feel his touch after the sting from James' grip, you have this feeling in your stomach. You can't seem to shake it away, and the more you think, the worse it gets. “Billy... Remember when I told you I saw something in the woods?” He nods, confused. “James saw it too... Same description. He... He said it had no face, and I... I think that's exactly what I saw.”
His expression changes, and you can't read his face. Taking a deep breath, he sits on the table, pulling you to sit beside him. “James came here a few months ago. From a big city too, so it's normal to be scared when–”
“He was desperate because that's exactly what people are telling him.” You cut him off, running a hand through your hair. “Billy, he wasn't scared. He was terrified.” Your voice gets lower, as your mind floats back to what you saw. Naked skin, as if it was green, covered in some disgusting thing... “I know it sounds crazy, but I swear to God his description matched what I saw that day.” It suddenly comes to your mind... There was a lab here. A lab and a bunch of weird stories about it. “Hawkins National Lab!” You exclaim, jumping to your feet. “What if they made an experiment with some kind of animal and now it's free in the woods?”
“Hawkins Lab was closed years ago.”
“I know but–” Billy takes your hand, pulling you close. He holds you by the hips, raising his head to meet your eyes from his seated position.
“Princess, listen. It's true there was a lab, and it's also true that the darkness and these woods play tricks on people who aren't used to them.” He speaks slow, eyes never leaving yours. “It may be something but it could also be a big misunderstanding. If it happens again, if you or anyone else sees anything like that, we'll tell the cops and let them deal with it.”
Taking a deep breath, you decide to let his calming tone relax you. “Alright...” Nodding, you take a look at your shoulders, spotting the purple marks of where James fingers dig into your skin. “The guy was really out of his mind,” you mutter.
“Yeah...” Billy stands up, placing a kiss on both your shoulders before straighten up, his index finger on your chin. “Let's go back there before Anthony notices we're gone again.”
Nodding, you follow him back outside.
• • •
You wish you knew how to draw. If you did, you'd make a scratch of the animal you saw, and another one of what James described, just to see if they would really match.
You're staring at the ceiling, on your unusually empty bed. Having Billy here was amazing. Beyond amazing. Having his strong arms around you, and waking up next to him on the morning was pure bliss. You never thought such a feeling existed. It felt like home, like life was nothing but a long road leading you to that very moment. To his embrace, so warm and calming.
You chose to think about that instead of the unclassified animal. That brings a shiver down your spine, different from the shivers Billy causes. The last ones are made of nervousness, excitement... All those silly things. Tossing around, you sit up, your feet on the cold floor. Your eyes fall on the necklace, that you always keep on the nightstand. Billy kept his promise, and he wears his piece every day. You have to tell him he doesn't have to, not anymore. He already made his point, and you know he has other earrings to use.
Smiling to yourself, you pick the necklace up, fingers caressing the metal. You need to tell Billy what you feel. Openly. You do have something going on, but it's still unnamed. And there's no reason to remain that way. If he wants you, if he truly wants to keep you... He has to know you want him too. That you want to be with him, and screw the rest of the world. Screw the past, the gossip, whatever people of Hawkins think. This is about both of you, nobody else. It's useless to keep pretending Billy Hargrove doesn't own your heart. This torture can't continue, there's no reason to.
Your train of thought is interrupted by the phone's loud ring. You're about to answer when you hear your aunt's footsteps downstairs. It's probably Robert, she was saying something about him calling her today. As she picks up, you put the necklace down and walk over the window, feeling the fresh summer breeze tickling your skin.
“(Y/N)!” Diane shouts, and her urgent tone startles you. “(Y/N)! Pick up the phone!” Her rapid footsteps bring her to your bedroom, a worried expression on her face. “Pick up now. It's Max, she's crying. I don't know–”
The mention of Billy's sister has you moving, picking up the light pink phone you have on the nightstand. “Max?” You breathe out, eyes focused on Diane as she breathes fast.
“(Y/N)..!” Her voice is weak, like a low scream. You hear voices behind her, and you immediately recognize Billy's. But there's someone else, a man's voice. “(Y/N), please, you need to–” She's cut short by something breaking. “It's Neil. He's here, please–”
“Hang up the damn–” Then it's over.
For a moment, a second, you just stand there, frozen, looking at Diane. But on the next one, you're moving, your heart threatening to beat its way out of your chest.
“Honey, what is it?” Diane follows as you rush downstairs, grabbing nothing but the car keys.
“Billy's father. I gotta go.” It's everything you manage to say before storming outside.
A/N: Things are about to get chaotic...
@chloe-skywalker @dpaccione @tilesandtokens @dreamin-of-dacre @funeral-7 @uncookspaget @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @dontxfearxthereaper
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majesticbrownjawn · 4 years
This is a throwback and may be the first Erik-ish fic I wrote more than two years ago. 
Reader (like me), isn’t a fan of Halloween, her boyfriend tries to change her outlook. 
NSFW, boo.
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I hate Halloween; you thought to yourself angrily as you woke up on the morning of October 31. 
You had a bad experience when you were younger and had been scarred ever since. Your boyfriend Jason loved it, though, especially after Black folks decided we'd make Halloween all about the culture. He was excited about his costume but refused to share what it was. He said it was a surprise and would make you have a heart change about Halloween. You doubt that highly. One of his best friends threw a big party every year, so you were headed there tonight. 
Thankfully it was Saturday, and you didn't have to rush to get yourself together after work. You wanted to have lunch with Jason because you knew even though you'd be at the party together tonight, he'd be too excited to pay you much attention.
"Hey babe, you wanna grab some lunch with me?"
"Aww, I'd love to, but I have to put some final touches on my costume."
"Really?! I haven't seen you all week Jason," you whined. 
"I know, baby, but I gotta finish this. I promise I'll make it up to you tonight."
"Ok, fine," you said, disappointed, and hung up. 
You waited until the last minute to decide what to be for Halloween because you and your boyfriend usually coordinated what you'd wear, but because he was being so extra this year and didn't want you to know who he was going as, you had to figure things out on your own. By the time you made it to the Halloween store, the only thing left in your size was the cliche slutty French maid costume. You bought it without trying it on and went on with your day. You were out later than anticipated, so you had to get home and get ready quickly. As you were putting on makeup, you heard your phone buzz. It was a text from Jason. 
Hey baby, I'm running behind, so I won't be able to pick you up. I'm sorry. Text me when you're ready to leave, and I'll have an Uber pick you up and bring you. 
He was really annoying you today. 
You arrived to the party about an hour later and was surprised to see the mansion was already packed with people. You picked up your phone to call Jason but saw that you didn't have service. You walked around for a while, observing the detail in the partygoers’ costumes. A blue Avatar and headless horseman caught your eye and impressed you. After looking for Jason for much longer than anticipated, you decided to stop at one of the bars to get a drink. As you stood in the line, a rough tug at your hips and warm breath on the back of your neck startled you. 
"What the fuck are you wearing?!" A deep voice said. 
The slutty French maid costume lived up to its name. Your full breasts were spilling out of the top and the dress barely covered your ass. You added fishnet stockings to cover your deliciously thick thighs and to add to the overall hoe factor. You rarely wore heels, but tonight you decided on a  pair of clear, stacked, 5” sandals. You knew Jason wouldn't like your body on display at the party, but he would just have to get over it tonight. He was lucky you’d even showed up. 
The voice in your ear sounded familiar. You jerked away and looked at the man from the ground up. He wore combat boots, a pair of camo pants that hugged him in all the right places, a vest with metal breastplates, and a thin shirt that hugged his muscular arms perfectly. His hair was cut low all over, except for in the middle, where he had short dreads that sprung up and away from his head wildly. Two of his lower teeth were dipped in gold. The look in his eyes was one of pent up anger and rage. 
Jason had transformed himself into your own personal Erik “Killmonger” Stevens. 
"Jason?" You were surprised at how much he actually looked like Killmonger. He knew you had a not-so-secret thing for him, which is probably why he was so confident you'd love his costume this year. People frequently stopped Jason to tell him he resembled the fine ass actor who played your fictitious, homicidal movie boyfriend, but you never saw it--until tonight. He'd been growing his hair out since the summer, and you hated it so much that you barely let him touch you. You told him he could get some cut when he cut his hair, but he refused to, so you’d been finding other ways to get what you needed the last few months. 
"Answer my question. Who gave you permission to come out dressed like a slut tonight?" 
"OK, Jason, this is cute, but you not gon' talk to me like that."
You turned to walk away, but he grabbed your wrist so tight that your body involuntarily stepped back towards him to ease the pressure on your arm. 
"Where do you think you're going?"
You realized at that moment he wanted you to play along, so for the sake of your wrist and his fun, you went along with it. 
"Nowhere Killmonger. I'm all yours," you smirked at him. 
He grinned devilishly and replied, "You better be. And you can call me Erik."
He grabbed a bottle from behind the bar and instructed you to follow him until you reached a pair of plush couches in the atrium of the mansion. People were all around, dressed in costumes, seemingly entranced by the music and the free-flowing alcohol. 
"Drink," he demanded. 
He started to pour liquor in your mouth before you could respond. 
"Wait!" Alcohol was all over your lips and chin and quickly trailing down your to your breasts. 
He quickly sucked it off your neck and licked the top of your tits in plain sight. 
"What are you doing, Jason?" You were angry and turned on at the same time. 
"You got one more time to call me by another nigga's name. You understand me?"
You nodded your head and squirmed a little, realizing how wet you were. 
"Now drink up. I want you loose tonight."
Erik wanted to dance, so you joined the crowd on the floor. His camo pants were thick, but you could feel how excited he was to be grinding behind you. In character or not, he hadn't touched you like this in months. As your bodies moved together to the music, one of his hands crept up your waist and palmed your breast. You loved the way his hands felt on you. He turned you around to face him and gave you the nastiest, sexiest kiss you’d ever experienced. He was really in character and you loved it. 
After grinding on each other a while longer, he whispered in your ear, "I'm ready to fuck you."
Your eyes bulged out from your head and the tingling in your pussy that had been happening since you laid eyes on him tonight intensified. You were ready to fuck too. 
"Go upstairs into the second door and take off everything. NOW." He dismissed you, confident you’d obey his order. 
You trailed up the stairs and waited for him. 
"The fuck you still got clothes on for?!" Your boyfriend was always firm, knowing how to lovingly put you in your place when I needed to be checked. But the tone he used tonight was different. It almost made you afraid of him.
"I'm going to teach you how to listen today. Bend over." You looked at him with questioning eyes to see if he was serious. 
"Bend the fuck over," he repeated. You leaned onto the bed in front of you, ass straight up, listening like a good girl. He ran his hand down your ass before giving it a firm smack. 
"When I tell you to do something, I mean that shit." You could hear the lust-filled anger in his voice. 
You flinched in pain, but your mouth let out a needy moan, encouraging him to continue. He hit your jiggling backside again just before you heard the sound of your fishnet stockings ripping, leaving your ass fully exposed, save the thong you wore. You felt the string being pulled away from your center and onto your ass cheek. 
His fingers circled your clit from behind, making you arch your back, pushing your pussy deep onto his fingers. You wanted them inside. You were so wet, and they’d slipped in a few times already. 
"Not yet, baby," he growled. He replaced his fingers with his mouth. 
He gave you a good tongue lashing from behind and licked up your slit towards your ass. He slowed down as he made his way upwards, and you tensed up, knowing where he was headed. Your boyfriend loved your body and gave all of himself to you when you had sex. He was attentive and genuinely desired to pleasure every part of your body, but you were never comfortable with him pleasing that part of you. It was still so taboo. Would it even feel good? With him thinking he was Killmonger tonight if he tried, would you be able to stop him? Would you want to stop him? 
As his tongue reached that small region of flesh between your pussy and your other hole, your reflexes caused you to reach one of your hands back, trying to swat him away. 
"Wait, Jas-Erik, whoever the fuck you are." 
That was the worst thing you could have done. He grabbed the arm that tried to push him away and held it on top of your back with his hand, leaving you to balance all of your weight onto the single arm below you. His other hand firmly gripped your upper thigh and pulled you closer to his face. 
"Ahhhhh, Erik." You were gone at the first stoke of his tongue in your no longer forbidden area.
He ate you mercilessly, giving you a pleasure you'd never experienced before. Your arm gave out on you, and you finally just planted your face into the bed. Your ass never moved, though; you were enjoying his tongue too much. He released your arm. The noises you were making was assurance you wouldn't try and stop him again. Your eyes rolled back in slow motion when he opened your pussy with his fingers pushing them deep into you and twisting them as he moved in and out of you, mouth still teasing your ass. 
"Oh my gosh, Jason. Fuck!"
"What you just call me?" His words vibrated against your hole, sending a shiver up your spine. He smacked your ass hard. "What's my name?" 
Your body shuddered, but you didn't answer. 
"Hmm?" He struck you again and laughed. 
"Erik," I whispered. His fingers moved to your clit, sending shockwaves through your body, making your pussy jump from the inside. 
"Louder," he demanded. 
"MmmmErik!" Unintelligible sounds left your mouth as he stroked your clit and ate you from behind. Your climax overtook you, pushing the balls of your feet deep into the soft carpet and making your toes point back up towards the bed. Your body went stiff before going completely limp. You flopped stomach-first onto the bed below you. 
He leaned over you on the bed and whispered, "We ain't done yet, turn over." 
You lazily rolled over on your back as he carefully took off his costume. You watched his beautiful body in awe when he removed his shirt and revealed dozens of scars across his chest and abdomen. He was committed to this costume. 
You were on autopilot and didn't realize you were pleasuring yourself until he growled, "That's a good girl, keep that kitty wet for me." 
Your fingers continued massaging your pussy as he stood over you, stroking his dick and chewing his bottom lip. "You look so good, baby, rubbing your clit like that, but I thought I told you to take your clothes off." He reached down and snatched the top of your dress open, making your breasts spill out and sending buttons flying across the room. 
"Yeah, that's better. Now play with them juicy ass titties." You stuck your fingers in your mouth, trying to get them as wet as possible before moving them in circles around your deep brown nipples. His dick slid up and down your slit as you continued giving special attention to your sensitive breasts. 
Finally, he entered you with a loud grunt, spreading your walls with his healthy girth. You inched up the bed a little trying to adjust to him; it had been a little while. 
"Uhun, where you going? Ain't no escaping this dick tonight." He cupped his hands under your thighs and lifted your ass off the bed, pushing himself further inside, using your legs to pull you up and down his juicy dick. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Erik." 
"Feels better now?" 
"Yes, baby, yes," you whimpered. He twisted in and out of you, pausing every few strokes to stop and lick your clit before entering you again. His pace sped up as he looked down on you with dark eyes. 
"Ahhhh got damn, girl. This pussy so fucking wet." He inhaled deeply like it was going to keep his nut from coming too soon. 
"Of course it is, daddy. You keep tapping my spot," you moaned. He shifted his hips a little, hitting it straight on. 
"Where is it?"
"It's right there. Don't stop, right there, please!" Your fingers gripped the sheets below you as you came hard around him. He rubbed your clit midway through your orgasm, intensifying and extending your high. He came inside you heavy before falling to your side, breathing deeply as you traced your fingers along the raised scars on his chest. 
"So, you like my costume?" Your boyfriend was back. 
"It was aight." He raised an eyebrow at you. 
"I can give you another spanking if my performance wasn't convincing enough." 
"No baby, my ass hurts. But I have a question. You think Killmonger cuddles after sex?"
"Fuck no!" He yelled. "I do, though."
He wrapped his arms around you, placing kisses in the crook of your neck. 
You couldn’t stop grinning as you laid there in his arms. The experience with him tonight was overwhelming. It felt like you fucked someone else. 
You fucked Killmonger. 
My list is jacked, if you don’t want to be tagged, inbox me. If you’d liked to be tagged in the future, just comment and let me know. Thanks for reading!
@harleycativy @queenflaws @theogbadbitch @goddessofthundathighs @syndrlla97 @soufcakmistress @mbakusprincess @supersizemeplz @therealmrsrhodes @toniilaney @raysunshine78 @19jammmy @killmonger-fics @just-peachee @trinityaneise @wawakanda-btch  @killmonger-fics @just-peachee @ladymac82​ @suburbanblackhoe
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sunflowerim · 3 years
I LOVE YOU 3000!
-PART 35
the next day
"So, let's recall everything we learnt today," Louis mumbled with mouthful of crisps. Zayn stifled a laughter and elbowed Liam in the ribs to stop him from laughing.
They were hanging out in Louis' apartment, waiting for Harry and Niall's arrival.
"Yes, Lou," Zayn replied, keeping his face as straight as possible. "We are not to tell Harry anything embarrassing about you, and if possible not tell him anything at all."
"Not question him too much," Liam continued. "And what's the other one--"
"To remember that you two aren't dating," Zayn supplied. "It's-"
"--totally platonic," they said in unison, making Louis choke on the crisps.
"Please I'm begging you," Louis said after gulping down some water, "don't embarrass me."
Louis would have probably liked to continue on the subject but the bell rang cutting him off. With a last look at Zayn and Liam on the kitchen counter, he made his way towards the door.
Louis' jaw visibly dropped after opening the door. Harry was smiling down at him, dimples popping out. He wore a floral shirt with half the buttons undone, revealing the bird tattoos in his chest and a fedora atop his head, his soft curls hanging loosely under it and Louis had the sudden urge to run his hands through the curls.
Even Harry's eyes widened when he saw Louis, who was wearing a grey t-shirt underneath a denim jacket and had rolled up his sleeves in a way that made Harry's stomach flutter. It was Louis' hair that made Harry smile. He'd given it a ruffled appearance that made it look like he just got out of bed but still looked so damn gorgeous.
They must have been staring at each other for quite some time, because Niall coughed really loudly, breaking the staring contest.
"If you two are finished, can we proceed?"
"Hey, Niall, come in," Louis said, opening the door wider to let them in.
Niall smiled and entered the apartment, crossed Louis and suddenly came back and hugged Louis. Louis, startled at the gesture, awkwardly patted Niall's back.
"Thanks Lou, thanks for doing this. This is so much better than what I'd imagined."
"Nothing," said Niall letting go of Louis and winking at Harry.
Niall walked over to Zayn and Liam, Louis and Harry following behind. After a set of introductions, which involved Niall laughing too much at Harry's expense and Zayn accidentally spilling water on the counter. Liam just did a facepalm and helped Zayn clear up the mess, knowing better than to join the laughter in front of Louis right now.
After what felt like an eternity, they finally left the apartment.
Harry was driving and Niall, Zayn and Liam quickly got into the backseat, leaving the passenger seat empty for Louis. If they were expecting to create some Tension between Louis and Harry with this, then they were mistaken. They didn't know how close Louis and Harry had gotten over the weeks and how comfortable they were with each other. Harry drove swiftly, while Louis blasted music on the speakers and in an hour a very chaotic party arrived at the club.
They made their way amidst the crowd and were led towards the booth Niall had booked for them. Niall slid in first around the circular table, Liam and Zayn joining him on his left, once again, leaving the right side for Louis and Harry. Harry slid in beside Niall, Louis following him.
Thanks to the dim light not many could see the group and they could create as much chaos as they wanted to.
The drinks kept coming in and after 5 rounds, everyone was really drunk, except for Harry, who had to drive everyone home.
Soon enough, Niall spotted a lit up photo booth at one end of the club and dragged all of them aside for pictures.
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Suddenly the DJ started playing Beyonce and all of them almost jumped to the floor, taking up the space under the disco light and dancing their hearts out.
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Louis and Harry were so lost in each other that they didn't realise when they had moved from the rest of them Harry slowly pulling Louis towards the edge of the dance floor.
Harry found drunk Louis very adorable, the otherwise composed Louis kept leaning towards him all the while attempting some bizarre dance moves.
The track changed and a slow song reached their ears. Harry held Louis by the waist and began to sway them softly while Louis wrapped his hands around Harry's neck and giggled.
"Yes?" Harry asked softly.
"Do you like men?"
Harry laughed at the question, wondering how many times Louis had resisted the urge to ask this when he was sober.
"As a matter of fact I do. Thanks to you."
"Me? What did I do?"
"For making me realise I like men. I had never looked at anyone like that before you know. Was always set up with women. Didn't feel a thing for them either."
Louis moved a bit closer and rested his head on Harry's chest. "Does that mean you like me?"
Harry wondered how much of this conversation Louis would remember once he's sober and after a brief pause said, "I do, Lou."
"Well that's good because I do too."
Louis looked up at Harry, and balancing himself on his tippy toes, leaned up for a kiss. Harry smiled and ducked his face, resulting in Louis' lips ending up on Harry's head.
Louis' eyes were glassy and he looked confusedly at Harry who just replied, "you're drunk Lou, I don't want you to do something you'll regret when you wake up sober."
Harry wasn't sure how much of it went through Louis' head, and Louis simply rested his face on Harry's chest again hugging him tighter.
Harry didn't know how long they stood like that, moving in harmony with the music, oblivious to everything around them, when Louis leaned heavily on him, his legs giving away. Harry held Louis tightly and noticed that Louis was on the verge of passing out. He slung one of Louis' arms around his shoulder and held him by his waist, leading him to their table where Zayn was in deep conversation with Niall. From what Harry could make out, Niall kept talking about golf and Zayn about ufc and the two of them were too drunk to realise they were talking about complete different things, but still seemed to understand each other. Harry dropped Louis on the seat and looked around for Liam. It was about time they left. His searching eyes soon found Liam sitting on a stool at the bar talking to someone else. He didn't have Liam's number so he turned and asked Zayn to call him. Liam picked up the call but in the loud noise neither of them could hear a thing.
Luckily, Liam turned around to look at their booth and Harry frantically waved his hands gesturing him to come over.
As Liam made his way over with great difficulty, Harry asked, "ok how drunk are you?"
"Not much I guess."
"Ok I need help. Niall and Zayn are drunk but I guess they can stand on their feet, and Louis needs a bit of support. So I'll guide Louis to the car and you bring the two of them. I'll drop all of you off."
"Sure. By the way, Zayn and I were planning on staying with Louis anyway, so you don't have to go multiple places."
"Ok perfect. Let's go now."
With some difficulty and some help Harry and Liam managed to get everyone in the car. Zayn had volunteered to carry Louis to the car which ended up in both of them falling head first into the ground.
Soon, Harry was pulling up the car in front of Louis' apartment. He half carried, half dragged Louis up the stairs, wishing Louis lived in the ground floor. Once in a while loud thuds could be heard behind him followed by burst of laughter and he assumed Zayn or Niall must have slipped and fallen.
Harry reached Louis' door and retrieved the key from the hidden spot and went inside. He helped Louis to the bathroom and turned, "You freshen up, I'll get some water." Harry went up to Louis' bedside drawers and pulled out a t-shirt and a sweatpants and handed them to Louis. Louis still seemed to be in some sort of daze but he nodded and went in.
Harry came outside and saw Niall asleep on the couch and Zayn talking animatedly to Niall's dropping head. Liam had settled himself on the bed beside Louis' bookshelf and seemed to be gradually dozing off.
He grabbed three bottles from the fridge, dropping one beside Liam and another at the coffee table. He slowly nudged Niall. "Ni, don't fall asleep, we gotta go."
"Hmphhh, goodnight."
"No Niall, not here."
Harry tried to pull him off the couch but it was of no avail.
Deciding to get back to Niall later, he made his way to the bedroom with the last bottle.
Louis was nowhere to be seen and the bathroom door lay ajar.
"Lou are you done?"
No response.
Harry careful crossed over to the bathroom and found Louis sitting under the shower, fully dressed, playing with two rubber ducks, presumably of the twins'.
Harry smiled to himself and went over, and carefully sat on the edge of the bathtub. "Planning on sleeping here are we?"
The water seemed to have made Louis a tiny bit more stable. He nodded and said, "too tired to stand."
"Here, let me help you."
Harry grabbed a towel and turned off the shower and gently dried Louis' hair and then helped him stand up
"We need to get you changed."
Louis stretched out his hand beckoning Harry to do it for him. Harry thanked the fact that Louis was too pissed to notice that Harry had gone red in the face. Harry helped Louis out of the wet t-shirt and in the fresh one. Louis looked down at his drenched jeans and up again at Harry, as if waiting for instructions.
"Uh yeah, about that, I'll just-- I'll just turn and you change into these fresh sweats and if you feel like you're falling, just, i don't know, grab my hand okay?"
Louis giggled again and Harry turned around, taking deep breaths and trying to calm his racing heart. His heart contracted in his chest as he heard Louis change out of his jeans and throw it in the bathtub.
After a few seconds, Louis poked Harry in his arm and Harry turned around to see Louis smiling with a dreamy look in his eyes and still swaying on his feet. He held out his hand for Louis, who gladly obliged and led him towards the bed.
Harry made Louis sit on the bed and drink some of the water he'd brought and then pushed him backwards on the bed, pulling the blanket over him. Harry turned around to leave and noticed that Louis hadn't left his hand at all. He looked from their joined hands to Louis face and Louis slightly tugged him closer. Louis could barely keep his eyes open but still looked into Harry's eyes, smile playing on his lips, as if wordlessly telling Harry, that he wanted him to stay and Harry was just too whipped to refuse Louis anything. Harry didn't bother to change but slowly slipped inside the blanket with Louis, caressing his face. Louis shifted a bit closer and put his head on Harry's chest, hugging him around the stomach and fell asleep in a second. Harry was getting tired too. He hugged Louis tight, kissed the chocolate brown mop of hair under his chin and drifted off to sleep.
Louis woke up with a start and almost screamed when he realised he was sleeping in Harry's arms. He looked down and was relieved to find that both of them were clothed. The events of the night were slowly coming back to him and he felt a wave of embarrassment when he thought about his own behaviour, but at the same time his heart felt warm as he remembered Harry taking care of him through it all. He remembered Harry helping him change into fresh clothes and mentally decided that he'd never be able to face Harry again.
With as much stealth as he could manage, he slid off Harry, hoping not to wake him up; but too late. Harry was already stirring in his sleep and was rubbing one of eyes slowly. He slowly blinked his eyes open to find a panic stricken Louis next to him and heaved out a small laugh.
"Good morning Lou. Don't stress, nothing happened last night."
"I mean you tried to kiss me--"
"-but I didn't let it happen, don't worry."
"Oh ok."
"You sound disappointed," Harry chuckled.
"Uh no absolutely not. It would have been weird," Louis replied as nonchalantly as he could.
"Would it really be that bad?" Harry asked, his emerald eyes boring into Louis' ocean blue ones.
Louis could feel the tension thicken in the air and his throat suddenly felt groggy.
"I- I need water."
Harry chuckled again and grabbed the bottle from the bedside table.
"Chill Lou, I'm messing with you. I'll just freshen up and then go check on Niall okay."
Harry re-emerged after 5 minutes and moved towards the door, gesturing Louis to freshen up as well.
Outside, Zayn and Niall were sleeping on the couch just like he'd left them last night but Liam was nowhere to be seen.
Harry slowly woke them up and sat on the couch with them.
Niall complained about Harry's voice being too loud and Zayn covered his eyes quickly because the room was too bright for him.
Zayn walked over to the kitchen and started making tea, making a lot of noise in the process as he accidentally kept dropping stuff. Louis came out of his room and went to help Zayn, his head pounding.
"Zayn what the fuck happened last night?" Louis whispered so that Harry or Niall couldn't hear them.
"I don't know mate, the drinks were too strong I guess. My head hurts."
"Mine too. Harry says, I tried kissing him last night."
"Shh, keep it low. Yeah, and he didn't let it happen because I was too drunk."
"Bloody gentleman that one. Got all of us home safely. I'm telling you Lou, marry him."
"Piss off."
Together they carried a tray of tea cups and sugar to the coffee table and over a hot cup of coffee, Harry recounted all the stuff the others had been up to. The stories earned loud laughs from Niall who seemed to have gotten over his hangover easily. Louis still felt a bit flustered about it all.
"Where's Liam?" Harry asked after a while.
"Ah, he's never hungover. I'll not be surprised if he went to the studio first thing in the morning," Zayn replied.
"Harry, I think we should leave now," Niall chimed in.
"Yeah, Lou, I'd better be off too," Zayn added.
"Hmm, and I need to collect Cliffy from the dog sitter too. He must be missing me."
And in a few minutes, all of them set out for different destinations, promising to make plans again.
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sisterwifeudaku · 3 years
Street Life
TW: Vulgar Language, Weapons, Violence
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"Keep this shit on you at all times. You never know who or where you gotta lay a muthafucka out" Tical handed him the gun carefully.
"Thanks man" he said.
"With you being one of my best runners. Im surprised you ain't already have a piece "he responded taking a pull of his weed.
His previous conversation with his cousin made him think. He really needed to make sure he got home overnight because if he didn't who would take care of his family if he wasn't there.
He sat on his bed looking at the gun as he thought. The door slammed open and in came Fresh and his homeboy, Mike.
"Yo Stretch, we-" Fresh stated before he saw the gun
"What's up Mike?" Stretch changed the subject.
"Sup man. You coming through that party tonight?"
"Yeah man! This shit is supposed to be off the hook" he said just as the door opened again.
"Damn. Nobody knocks?" he asked as Romeo walked into the room.
"Yeah whatever man. Here goes the mail" he said tossing it on Stretch's bed.
"No problem. What's up Mike"
"L.K, what's up."
"Shit hopefully some trouble tonight if you know what I mean" he said with a sinister grin making the boys in the room laugh.
"All the flyest ladies are suppose to be there tonight" Mike spoke taking a seat in the chair by the desk.
" I'm leaving with one of them tonight." Romeo stated. Nobody denied it because they knew how charming he could be. Girls knew he reputation and still decided to lay down with him with no remorse.
"Stretchy my guy. Can I hold your leather jacket tonight?"
"Yeah man. Go ahead and wear it."
"You the best man!"
"Romeo bring my shit back in one piece!!" He yelled.
"I gotcha, Christopher!" He yelled from the hall.
"You good, Fresh?" Stretch asked.
"Are you good?" He asked his older cousin.
"Always."Stretch knew he was referring to the gun that nobody else seemed to see him slide under his pillow.
"Are y'all both ok? Y'all niggas are acting weird." Mike said glancing at the two as they glared at one another.
"Mike lets go practice for tonight."
"Be easy Stretch." Mike dapped him up.
"Yo this party is fly!" Romeo said as the group walked in.
"Oh yeah we're gonna go crazy tonight" Fresh rubbed his hands together as a girl walked past and gave him the eye.
"Baby your feet must be tired 'cause you been running through my mind all day!!" He said as he quickly wrapped his arm around her and chucked up a peace sign to his crew.
"He's coming for your spot!" Mike joked patting Romeo on his back.
"I'll see y'all brothers later." Stretch laughed making his was to the kitchen.
Nodding his head to the music he grabbed a bottle of water. He wasn't much of a drinker. Not to mention he was the designated driver for everyone else.
"You came." He heard over the loud music. Turning towards the person invading his personal space, there was Cheryl standing there with a small smile.
"And miss the opportunity to see your pretty face? I'd never." He spoke into her ear and wrapped his long arm around her.
"I see you're feeling bold tonight."
"No. I just know a pretty lady when I see one." He smiled. She laughed moving his arm from around her.
"You leaving?"
"Just heading over to my girls."
"Ok. You need someone to walk you over?" Cheryl nodded and he gave her another smile and grabbed her hand.
She pulled him into a room where there wasn't so much smoke and the music was slightly muffled.
"Hey ladies" he spoke and shook their hands.
"So I'm saying, baby. Why you keep trying to break my heart?!" Fresh asked.
She smiled at him and shook her head. He was leaning in to whisper in her ear. The girl giggled, turning to face him she planted a kiss on his lips.
"Mmh. That's what I'm talking about!" He leaned into her again but was interrupted hearing Mike start their set.
"Keep it warm for me, beautiful" he stood up and made his way to the makeshift stage.
The party seemed to enjoy the performance. Bodies danced around, some were high off of the energy while others had indulged in some party favors.
Some time went by before a slow song pulsed through the speakers. Everyone grabbed the person next to them and held them close as Silk’s "Freak Me" toned down the party.
Stretch finally had an excuse to pull Cheryl close to him as they danced. His finger tips gently ran up and down her clothed spine as he felt her hand run across the back of his head.
The moment was interrupted by a commotion behind them. He turned his head to see his cousin, Fresh arguing with another man. Watching from his spot he saw the men shove each other.
The woman Fresh danced with stood there trying to stop what Stretch knew was going to happen. Although his younger cousin was silly, once he was angry it was best to stay out of his way and leave him alone.
Making his way over to the growing circle he pushed his way into the middle just in time to hear Fresh say, "I don't give a fuck who you are. Big niggas fall hard on they asses too."
"Awe shit!" Stretch quickly grabbed his cousin.
"We not doing this here! Fresh have some respect for these people's house. Aight? That nigga ain't worth it." he pushed him as he charged for the man.
"Better listen to ya homie, lil nigga. Wasn't gonna do shit any way." He laughed.
"Listen to him and follow right behind him like a bitch" and with that Fresh moved his older cousin out of the way and punched him in his nose. He stomped his boot into the man's face and body as Stretch struggled to pull him away.
Romeo as Mike finally made their way over and helped him drag the angry kid out of the house.
"Nigga, where the hell did you go?! Mike Tyson over here was not playing games." Stretch said laughing.
"You stomped the shit out of his head, kid. He gone be mad when he look in the mirror tomorrow." Mike said lightly shoving Fresh making him laugh a little.
"Let's get home. I'm tired and I know Muhammad Ali probably worn out." Romeo stated. All the boys looked at him.
"That's because you was sexing someone's daughter half the party." Fresh spoke making everyone laugh some more.
"Aye man. Shorty said that Jodeci got her ready. Slip the DJ a few bucks and she was ready to “Come and talk to me, y’know?" He spoke dusting off his shoulders.
"Y'all are crazy. Let's get out of here before ol' dude gets out here and it's a part two." Stretch said as they walked towards the subway.
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
First time reader click here
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TWs/Summary: We stan ✨women in science✨. Bruce uwu. Twitter social media AU nobody asked for. Stephen and Tony are dicks and I'm not talking about their anatomy. Setting up mood for Bruce smut, ngl. PTSD makes things spicy. I'm depressed so please be kind ✌🏻💀🙃
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"I really do wonder how can you two fit those egos of yours in your pants," I kept my tone forcefully casual, cheerful even. "Why don't you just fuck already?"
I was met with stunned silence. Suddenly, the room seemed far too large and the people in much too quiet, staring at me with various expressions of horror obvious in their faces. As the strange friendship began developing between me and the team, my "outbursts" - how Steve liked to call them - lessened considerably. I had no need to provoke them into giving me attention, just striking up a casual chat was enough. The Avengers were great conversationalists, to my surprise.
Tony and Stephen, when paired, were the exception. I could count on one hand the amount of times they successfully came to a conclusion without fighting like cats and dogs. It was like each man had made it a personal mission to verbally top the other, more often than not resulting in a thirty-minute shitshow ending with one storming off in a dramatic flourish. It was mind-boggling how two supremely intelligent men could not find a way to communicate efficiently without infuriating the rest of the team.
Plus me. One way or another, I was almost always around. In the beginning, it was hilarious to see the free circus but it got old really quickly when they couldn't decide on dinner or a movie, leaving the rest of us starving and bored. Or the great Cloak debate - that one lasted days and the fussy thing was so upset, it point blank refused to part from Peter for a substantial amount of time. It's pretty fucking creepy that a semi-sentient, ancient piece of outerwear watches you when you sleep - just sayin'. I personally interjected with my own snark and sass whenever Tony and Stephen got too heated, successfully drawing the attention to myself. The fight broke up and I had amazing sex with Tony later, it was a win-win scenario.
Yet, Tony and Stephen didn't stop. To me, their way of "talking" (and I use that term loosely) looked a lot like unresolved sexual tension. Stephen frequently used his greater height to tower over Tony in a childish attempt to establish dominance; the engineer was no rookie and responded with extravagant peacocking such as "subtly" tapping the bracelet that hosted his nanotech suit or parading at dinner in a $30,000 custom made designer outfit. Because Tony could.
I was pleasantly surprised when Natasha started laughing at my remark. Full-blown, belly laugh. Those were rare, coming from the Widow, her usual mirth was quiet, sophisticated, just like her. Deadly (adorable). Bucky followed suit, snorting together with Clint and Loki.
Steve looked none too pleased with me. But then again, was he ever? "Doll, don't be rude."
"Brat," Bruce said at the same time, palming his face.
"People always call me a brat. And guess what, Steve?" I popped my hip, twirling a cotton candy pink coloured Dum-Dum between my fingers. "What can you do about it? Nothing," I shrugged, leaning my head against Bruce's shoulder affectionately.
Steve just shook his head in disappointment. "Can we get back on topic? Please?"
"Captain, I think that Stark..." Strange began talking with Tony dramatically groaning in the background and I instantly tuned out the useless babble. Steve should've been smarter and revoked speaking rights from Tony and Stephen. Or asked Loki to magically render them both mute for ten minutes.
"You're not wrong," Bruce quietly whispered next to my ear. "Ten bucks says Wanda meddles and those two finally work out their frustrations," The scientist hid a grin against my head. I felt the amused, giddy energy radiating off him like a plasma beam.
"I don't even have to bet," I rolled my eyes. "If she doesn't do it, I will."
Both Tony and Stephen were throwing me equally infuriated glances. One promised me a good, hard fucking and the other saw me a short, poisonous lecture on appropriate behaviour in the nearest future - you can guess which is which. If I had it my way, I'd skip the lecture and go straight to a hot, filthy threesome with two men twice my age. I wasn't blind, Strange was hot as hell and could be decent and even nice once in a blue moon.
He could, but he wouldn't be. I wanted that raw, unadulterated lust, tension so concentrated it walked the razor's edge between violent craving and repulsion. Ever since the incident with Clint, I had this ugly mess inside of me, like a live wire about to snap. My brain was constantly racing, darting between how utterly useless I am in a group of supers and embracing my normal-ness, amplifying it by hosting game nights and spending time trying to convince people to start a dungeons and dragons campaign. Or something.
My sleep was like Swiss cheese, riddled with holes where I stayed awake for one or two hours at a time in the middle of the night after waking up sweaty, with my heart hammering out of my chest. Sometimes I dreamt of Clint's lifeless, sickly white body, sometimes the whole room flooded with blood and I couldn't stop it no matter what, there was so much of it, I drowned in it, I startled up with the taste of it in my mouth. Rarely, the worst of it came - the one where Clint was alive as millions of millions of little fluorescent, poisonous jellyfish burst out of him and he screamed and screamed and screamed...
I had PTSD. Yay, me. As if my uselessness wasn't enough of a burden, my brain decided for me that it wasn't good enough that I saved Clint and now it was punishing me for being close to a group of people who routinely saved the WORLD.
I contemplated my usual habits - going to a party, getting trashed and dancing until my legs were numb. I just wanted to shut my brain off for a moment, give it a hard reset so-to-say, but with Tony on my back like a jet-pack, I didn't doubt he'd show up to the place and drag me out of there even if I was kicking and screaming. And he was a Stark, a billionaire, so visiting my dad in Cali wouldn't be possible on my own. Tony would gas up the jet and the rest of the team would find and excuse to tag along, too. As much as I loved being the baby menace who could get away with anything, I hated the way they all herded me, like I was an actual child. I couldn't get away from myself, not even for a moment.
I had the backup-backup plan and I was going to have to execute it. Desperate times, desperate measures. "I don't doubt y'all enjoy listening to Tony and Steph flirt," The nickname escaped unmoderated from my lips before I could catch myself. "But what are we doing for Halloween? I need to know if I gotta get a costume," Bruce chuckled next to me and wrapped an arm around me, happy for the distraction. Unlike me, the scientist was obligated to listen and participate in the avengers-themed discussion. Which was difficult because the engineer and the sorcerer constantly bickered, inadvertently taking over the talk.
"Halloween?" Steve groaned.
"We should do something," Bucky side-eyed his boyfriend. "For the children." Something told me he wasn't thinking of the children, at all. The man was positively leering, probably thinking about what kind of a tight suit he could convince Steve to squeeze into.
"A party!" Tony immediately exclaimed, interrupting Stephen mid-setence.
"Tony, no," Steve stated firmly.
"Tony, YES!" Clint perked up. "A snack bar. A bar-bar."
"I will not be helping you all if you get alcohol poisoning," Stephen crossed his arms.
"So it's a party," I stated firmly, throwing a contemplating look at Wanda and Pietro. The twins looked unsure but excited. I knew I could count on fellow young people to support my decision to have fun, dance a little, drink a little. Let loose. To nail my point, I turned to Bruce with a mischievous smirk. "Fifty bucks says Stephen is too stuck up to show up in costume."
"Beg pardon?!" The sorcerer exclaimed. His eyebrows threatened to meet his hairline.
"I think you give him too little credit, Princess," Bruce winked at me and we solemnly shook hands. It was great having a fellow partner in mischief. Loki's approving smirk just sealed the deal for me.
"It's not my fault you sometimes act like you have a stick up your butt," I gave in the way of explanation, shrugging my shoulders innocently in Stephen's direction. "I'm just pointing out the obvious."
"I don't dare to imagine what's been up yours," The sorcerer retorted dryly, in an uncharacteristically childish fashion, arms still crossed. It almost looked like he was pouting.
"Tony," I simply said, leering salaciously at the man.
"Ooh, kinky," Clint reached over and we promptly high-fived each other in the wake of multiple embarrassed groans emanating around the room. "Strange, you're a boring old man, get over it."
"And you regularly end up in dumpsters, Barton," Strange retorted quickly. "Not my idea of fun."
"You wouldn't know fun if it hit you in the face!" Tony grinned triumphantly, confident in his superiority over Strange. Look at that, the team was doing the work for me and I didn't even have to try.
"I'll show you fun," Stephen retorted darkly. It was obvious the man was planning something.
"Ok, boomer," I raised my eyebrows in muted satisfaction before turning around and grabbing Bruce to drag along with me. "I'm confiscating your best scientist to amuse myself. I am bored. We will go and do actual science whilst y'all argue. Bye."
My patience had run out. We were examining the parasites we found in the murder-anthropods-from-space, codename MAFS, courtesy of yours truly, and their amazing properties to penetrate cell membranes and feed on metals in organic life forms. Without Bruce's help I understood maybe half of it but he had the patience of a saint and dutifully and understandably explained to me the finer points of studying aliens. Signing half a dozen NDAs was never more worth it.
Steve's sigh consisted of 99% suffering and 2% disappointment. Natasha face-palmed silently in the corner, clutching a mug of coffee, a poster child for existential dread.
"Wait for me," Tony whined, going for the door and promptly being stopped by Steve pointing out the team needing his input on one mission or another. The engineer sighed. "Baby girl, don't let the green mean to start any experiments without me." Tony instructed, pointing an accusatory finger in our direction.
I clutched at Bruce dramatically, feigning hurt feelings and was rewarded with a swift motion of his arms. I shrieked delightfully at being thrown over the scientist's shoulder as he hastened his pace towards the elevator, hightailing it out of there. "I'd never snitch on science daddy," I wiggled my eyebrows in Tony's direction, sticking a hand down the back pocket of Bruce's pants, dangling over his shoulder like a happy sack of potatoes.
The lab smelled strongly of alcohol and bitter chemicals, the solution that Bruce developed to ensure the optimal state of the alien pathogens. The man's genius never ceased to amaze me: Bruce came up with the needed formula in the span of a few hours while running low on sleep, post a Hulk-out session.
We put on our protective gear - "science onesies" I called them - along with a respirator and goggles and set to the segregated part of the lab where the specimens were kept under a blue light. The glass wall between Bruce's and Tony's lab was dimmed; I reflected in it, looking positively futuristic in my double-stacked white platformed boots and white hazmat suit.
"Wait," I motioned to Bruce to come over.
"Oh, right, our music," He was already half-way to being in total Science Mode. "Friday, please put on the "Get Schwifty" playlist, 60% volume."
The playlist that me and Bruce came up with for our lab sessions. The man was such an adorable dork. Thirty percent my music, thirty percent of his indie rock shit and forty percent 00's bops. In other words, utter perfection.
I finally managed to fish out my phone from my pants. "No, let's take a selfie," I struck an impressive pose and pointed the camera as Avril Lavigne sung the first verse to Sk8r Boi.
Bruce laughed but abided by the request, giving me bunny ears in the photo, tapping the fingers of his other hand on my waist to the rhythm of the song.
"He was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy!" I sang along, switching my Instagram to stories and posting the short clip of us just vibing with the caption #sciencetime, Bruce laughing openly behind his respirator. I looked cute and silly in my outfit.
"Send the video to me, I'll post it on my Twitter," Bruce requested. I indulged him then put my phone away, ready to conquer the world of microbiology. Or die trying. Science was calling...
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @cutenessloading @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie
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jumukus · 3 years
A3! Event: Trump the Phantom Thief Episode 8 Translation
Play time! A heads up on the characters' names:
Muku: King Yuki: Q Kazunari: Ace Juza: Jack Banri: Fox Sakyo: Club
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Saionji: Muku-kun, how are you doing? Are you getting seasick?
Muku: I'm doing alright, thank you. Oh, and the room is so beautiful.
Saionji: I am glad it is to your liking. We purposely built the suite rooms in a place where you can't feel the ship's motion.
I am planning to take every possible measure for the theater venue as well, though do not hesitate to let me know if you are unsatisfied with anything.
Muku: I will. Thank you.
Kazunari: Dude, not only the suite rooms are superbs, but to think we also get a whole staff to ourselves…! We can even get the beverages here as many times we like!
Yuki: True. The service is just so good it surprised me.
Sakyo: Don't get too engrossed in these service or you'll be havin' a hard time once we return to Mankai Company.
Izumi: You have a point…
Banri: I don't wanna go back.
Juza: ...I'm thirsty.
Muku: Wanna get some beverages in our rooms?
Juza: No, it's fine. Our rooms are far from here.
Azami: There's a lot of vending machines there. I think they have your favorite strawberry milk.
Juza: I'll go get it.
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Muku: …
Izumi: (Today is finally our opening show. I knew it. They all seem pretty nervous because we're going to perform in a different venue.)
Juza: …
Izumi: (Juza-kun looks stiff.)
Kazunari: OK, guys! We've gotta form a circle in times like this!
Banri: Be more specific. What d'you mean by "in times like this"?
Yuki: Bet you already thought of what kind of circle you wanna do.
Kazunari: Righty right! Since our play is about phantom thieves, we all should strike a phantom thief pose!
Sakyo: The heck is that?
Kazunari: No complaining! Just follow me!
Yuki: Fine. Fine.
Juza: ...Muku, do the chant.
Muku: First things first, I'm sorry for causing you guys troubles when I was at a loss of what to do.
I don't want to give up on all the things I want to do. I've decided to do everything I can in all of them.
I'll run through until the end. Follow me, guys!
Juza: Yeah!
Kazunari: Okie!
Banri: Yea.
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Q: "It's as musty as always."
Ace: "Clean it up."
Q: "How about you do it?"
Ace: "No way. Geez. This place used to be clean, wonder what happened to it."
Q: "That's because we had a clean-freak before."
Ace: "Okay. Leader, you do the cleaning."
King: "I think it's pretty clean, though."
Q: "Seriously?"
Ace: "Should've known a messy room owner like Leader would say something like that."
Q: "Anyway. Since this is the first time we gathered here after a year, that means you've already set our next target, right? Let's cut to the chase already."
King: "Our next target will be "Mermaid's Tears", a 12-carat diamond."
"It's going to be sold during an auction held at the Royal Star cruise. It's one of the event's highlights and expected to sell for 6 billion."
Ace: "Woo-hoo."
Q: "Heh. Interesting."
King: "Royal Star is currently hiring staff. Q."
Q: "Got it. That means I have to sneak in as one of their staff members, right?"
King: "Ace, get close to the ship's captain and collect information."
Ace: "Roger."
Izumi: (I expect no less from Summer Troupe. They have great teamwork. I can totally feel it.)
(Not to mention Muku-kun's King is able to unite them as a leader.)
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Q: "I'm in charge of the rooms in Block A… Laundry and… Ugh. What a hassle."
"This isn't my job in the first place, after all. If that person were here--."
Crew Member: "Are you new here? You seem lost."
Q: "Yes. I don't think I can get out of this place if I lose the map."
Crew Member: "You can ask anyone if there's anything you don't understand."
Q: "Thank you."
Crew Member: "What's wrong?"
Q: "I think I saw someone over there--."
Crew Member: "But there's only a garbage can over there. Is it a ghost or something?"
Q: "Hey. Stop. I don't like it."
"Hm? A letter?"
"Could this be--I have to report to King."
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King: "I'll take the Mermaid's Tears--Jack."
Ace: "Can't believe he's aiming for the same thing."
Q: "Him and King sure are compatible in a strange way."
Ace: "Even though their personalities are the exact opposite of each other."
Q: "What are we going to do now?"
Ace: "Guess we're gonna have a change of pla--."
King: "We'll continue the operation."
Q: "Come again!?"
Ace: "So you mean we're gonna compete with Jack?"
King: "I will not send out this notice. Let's call it a direct confrontation between Trump and Jack."
Q: "Whaaaat!?"
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Jack: "Weird. The cops aren't on the move."
"Hm? Where's my noti--."
"It's been a while. How about a reunion? At The Mermaid's Tears' chamber. Trump."
"King, huh… It's just so like him to do something like this. Fine. Let's have a showdown."
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Fox: "Here. I got what you wanted, the Royal Star's blueprint."
King: "It is indeed the blueprint."
Fox: "I got you some addition as well. This one is a lil bit pricey."
King: "Figured as much."
Fox: "What are you going to do with this information, though?"
King: "It's prohibited to poke your nose into your client's private life."
Fox: "Oops. My bad. I was curious since you rarely asked for something like this. Oh, yeah. Your master said he wanted to see you."
King: "Club? I wonder why. I'll try contacting him."
Club: "I'm comin' in."
Fox: "Speak of the devil."
King: "Long time no see."
Club: "Perfect timing. Are you free now?"
Club: "I'm goin' to retire soon. Take whatever you need."
King: "Retire? Are you serious?"
Club: "My body is startin' to fall apart. It's an age thing. Tell this to Ja--Oh, right. I heard you two broke up."
King: "You made it sound like we're dating. Please don't do that. He just decided to quit my group on his own."
Club: "Y'all never change. Here I thought you'd keep workin' together. That's what you call youth, I guess."
King: "To be honest with you, I'd also never thought he would betray me."
Club: "Looking at that guy, I think he's in his rebellious phase rather than betrayal."
King: "Rebellious phase?"
Club: "He's got some strong sense of rivalry, y'know? Add that with the fact that he's never won against you."
"He must be jealous of you. You're a genius, while he can only do things in a crude way."
King: "Really? I like his way of doing things, though."
Club: "That's exactly why you're hated. Oh, well. You better make up before I die."
King: "Please tell that to him too. You're going to meet him after this anyway, right?"
Club: "You're right. Guess I'm also gonna tell him directly. Both of you are my most excellent apprentices, after all."
King: "Please take this as my present for your retirement. This one is 40 years old."
Club: "You sure are well prepared."
King: "I was actually planning to use it for the celebration party, though."
"--Oh, right. If you're going to retire, please give me that. You know, the 'Venus Ring'."
Club: "I refuse."
Fox: "Welcome. Man, I guess we've got a lot of 'speak of the devil' moment today."
Jack: "What are you saying?"
Fox: "Nope. Forget it. Anyway, this is your requested uniform and safe."
Jack: "Thanks."
Fox: "Oh, yea. Your master said he wanted to see you. Why don't you give him a call?"
Jack: "Long time no see."
Club: "Hey. Is it just me or did you lose some weight?"
Jack: "What do you want to talk about?"
Club: "I'm gonna retire soon. Take whatever you need."
Jack: "Whatever you need, huh. By the way, the 'Venus Ring'..."
Club: "Y'all really have the same taste. I ain't gonna give it out. I sent it to the right place."
Jack: "By y'all… Do you mean King?"
Club: "You should just go back and regroup with him."
Jack: "I'll never go back until I win against him."
Club: "What a pig-headed kid. So? You see any chance to accomplish that?"
Jack: "I have a feeling we're finally going to settle this soon."
Club: "Heh. You seem confident."
Jack: "Because I've made arrangements ahead of time."
Club: "That's so you. You still look as gloomy as ever, though. Why don't you go soaking up the sun in some warm places in the south once in a while?"
Jack: "No--But you have a point. Maybe I'll do that once this is over."
Club: "Do that. And make up with King."
Jack: "...It depends on him."
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Guard A: "Wait there."
Guard B: "This place is restricted to authorized personnel."
Q: "'Mermaid's Tears' has been carried away."
King: "Got it. Looks like they put it at the expected place."
Q: "How about the security? Can you unlock it?"
King: "I've already made preparation for that. We just need to see how things will turn out."
Ace: "Hey, wait a sec. Please, King."
King: "Find out the schedule for the guards' lookout."
Q: "Ugh. What a pain. Why do I have to do this…"
Q: "The guard will change at 1 P.M. The key will only be handed over when a substitute comes."
King: "So we need that key and the password that the captain has to unlock the door."
Q: "Ace, gain some time for us."
Ace: "Roger. Leave it to me."
Q: "Don't screw up."
Ace: "Hey, good work."
Guard A: "You're here sooner than I thought."
Ace: "Boss said my shift would start 30 minutes earlier since I'm always late, you see. Today I got here on time, though."
"Oh. Don't tell me you're gonna get scolded if you end your shift early? Wanna have some chat for thirty minutes then? Man, being a guard sure is easy."
"I actually want to increase my shift more, you know. But I don't reall--."
Guard A: "No, it's fine. I'll end my shift now. Bye."
Ace: "Oh. Okay, then. Bye."
Ace: "Mission complete. It's your turn now, King."
King: "Let's see, now. This is unexpectedy such a hassle~."
Ace: "I'm glad you seem to be having fun but please hurry up."
Q: "It's almost been thirty minutes."
King: "Just a little bit more…"
Q: "The guard is coming."
King: "I'm counting on you, Ace."
Ace: "Hey.."
Guard B: "Hm?"
Ace: "Ouch ouch ouch…"
Guard B: "What's wrong?"
Ace: "Oh, are you the substitute? Thank God. I'm starting to panic since my stomach is killing me. Good bye!"
Guard B: "Hey, wait, the key--."
Ace: "Key? Oh, right. I've gotta hand it ove--ouch ouch ouch."
Guard B: "Hey, you okay?"
Ace: "Wait a minute. Just until I calm down. Ouch ouch ouch…"
Guard B: "F-For now, just go to the toilet first."
Ace: "Don't think that's possible. I feel like it's gonna come out once I move."
Guard B: "Whaaat!?"
Ace: "Do you have some medicine or anything?"
Guard B: "No, sorry…"
Ace: "Can you bring me one from the infirmary? I'm on the edge here."
Guard B: "O-Okay! Wait a little bit!"
Ace: "King, you better open it now."
King: "...Weird. We may not make it."
Ace: "Come again!?"
King: "Oh, I got it. This one."
"...Nice. It opens!"
"Q, carry it out. Let's retreat."
Q: "Got it."
Guard B: "Hey, I have the medicine!"
Ace: "Very thanks, man. Here, your key! I'll leave the rest to you."
Guard B: "Yeah. Hope you recover soon."
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King: "...This is weird. Jack didn't come in the end."
Q: "Maybe he realized it's impossible to go against phantom thieves."
King: "No. That guy…"
Police: "Freeze! We're police!"
King: "--."
Q: "!?"
Ace: "Since when!?"
King: "We're being set up. Q, throw the 'Mermaid's Tears' to the sea."
Q: "Huh!? Do you hear yourself now!?"
King: "Do it now. We'll escape the moment the police look away."
Ace: "You're lying, right!?"
King: "Quick."
Q: "You're the one who told me to do it, alright!"
Police: "H-Hey! The jewel! Pick it up, quick!"
King: "Let's go!"
Police: "Wait!"
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Q: "What do we do now!? All of our hardship went to waste!"
Ace: "Our 6 billion…"
King: "That was a fake jewel Jack had prepared."
Q: "What?"
King: "Jack had stolen 'Mermaid's Tears' in advance and replaced it with a fake one."
"He was the one who snitched on us."
Narration: "The day before…"
Guard A: "Hey, what's wrong?"
Jack: "No, it's just… the engine…"
Guard A: "Hold on, hold on. If there's any trouble, you better do something about it or else it'll get worse later on. If we're liable for the damages…"
Jack: "There's smoke coming out!"
Guard A: "Say what!?"
Jack: "Stay away from the car!"
Guard B: "Whoa!"
Guard A: "C-Call the fire station! Wait, we gotta get the safe first!"
Guard B: "Hey, is it okay?"
Jack: "Yeah. The smoke disappeared. I found no issues with the machine too."
Guard A: "That means the safe is alright, yeah? God. Give me a break. We almost carry it away ahead of time."
Q: "So that's why Jack didn't show up…"
Ace: "He really got us! I already thought it was weird for the police to appear at times like that!"
Q: "Ugh. Even if the police didn't appear, Jack still won since he already got the 'Mermaid's Tears' before us."
King: "I wonder about that."
King: "He hasn't made any changes in his base. Well, isn't he a little careless…"
"Even his security system is so weak."
"Hm? A card?"
"'Out of respect of Master's retirement, I will hand over the victory.'"
"Don't be satisfied with second place. You could have taken measures if you know there's a chance it'll get stolen. Oh, well. I'll accept your kind offer…"
Jack: "..."
"He really came…"
King: "Hey."
Jack: "--ugh. Why are you still here, King?"
King: "It's been a long time, I want to renew our friendship. I even brought alcohol with me."
Jack: "This is why you're hated."
King: "But you don't hate me, do you?"
Jack: "How did you find out?"
King: "I got some information about you from Fox. It helped me understand your strategy to some extent."
Jack: "In that case, why did you fall into the trap?"
King: "Because, otherwise, you won't move forward as planned. I'll be troubled if you're on your guard."
"I could narrow down your base thanks to the location device I planned on the alcohol I gave to Club. The rest is my intuition."
Jack: "I can never bring myself to like you in the end."
King: "Now, now. Let's have a toast for the 'Mermaid's Tears'. Q and Ace are waiting."
Izumi: (This is the only scene where Jack and King talk face to face. Even so, you can tell how close they are just by watching this scene alone.)
(Maybe because they are cousins, they can create a unique relationship between rivals who understand each other the most.)
Muku: Thank you so much!
Juza: Thank you.
Sakyo: Thank you.
Yuki: Thank you.
Kazunari: Thankies thankies~!
Banri: Thank you.
Sakyo: The audience's reaction on our first show is great.
Juza: King was so cool.
Muku: Jack was even cooler! The fact that he's active behind the scenes is just so Juchan!
Juza: I can also feel the gap between King, a sharp person with a gentle look, and you, Muku.
Muku: I-Is that so? Ehehe. But your Jack…
Azami: They're going to be like that forever at this rate.
Yuki: When are you going to stop?
Banri: But well, it was good overall. Right?
Kazunari: Totally! Their chemistry was just perfect on the stage, even the audience was pleased!
Izumi: Let's keep this energy until the closing show!
Muku: Yes!
< Episode 7 | Masterlist | Episode 9 >
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Made a Grumpus OC
They're just one of few of them..not sure if I'll draw any of them, I drew them because..I'm bored
I have a grumpsona in mind..but I'm not finish with it's design
I guess I'll explain them
Amly Ductforce(I'm bad at names) came to Snaktooth island because they were bored and needed a vacation from their "job"
He's gender-fluid and doesn't mind people getting his pronouns wrong when he doesn't feel that gender, but some just call him a "They" and that's fine by him
One thing that she's really good at, is lying and stealing. When she came to Snaktooth Island, she started her hobby right away and stole some things from Wambus which got him pretty upset
He gives everyone nicknames despite not liking anyone besides Cromdo
She likes order yet enjoys chaos, sometimes, she would plant random objects that belong to the residents in each other's huts to start up something
When the town split, he went to the Boiling Bay due to the nice warm yet cold feel to it and because she wanted to steal stuff from Floofty
They're probably in their late 40s early 50s
Her and Cromdo get along for the most part as long as she doesn't steal anything from him
In their hut, they have a lot of stolen objects, most from Wambus
Their hut is beside Liz and Egg's hut but is to the right of the beach
If he was in the game, then you'd meet them the same time you meet Floofty
She doesn't like Lizbert because she always calls her out on the stuff she steals, same for Beffica
Due to his hatred to Lizbert, he shares the same hatred towards Eggabell but doesn't go out his way to steal from her, seeing her as too fragile
He's scared of Chandlo(because he would snap her like a twig), Shelda(because she acts like a cult leader), and Gramble(because he's too nice)
If they get caught stealing, they lie about it and theres a 90% chance it'll work due to their confident sounding voice and being a bit manipulative
Dialogue in game:
What everyone thinks of them
"Oh..them? They're..ok, as long as they don't cause any trouble.."
"She's just a thief, no wonder her and Cromdo work so well together, they're nothing but squeebs."
"I never spoke to him before..but..I don't think he likes me very much.."
"She stole my banjo and said she wanted to play a song, but then she threw it off a cliff! I'm so glad I have fast reflexives."
"All they do is steal stuff! Then lie about stealing that stuff! I haven't gotten my inventions back in 3 months!"
"Ah..that grump is something all right..greatest business partner ever, she and I are gonna rule the money world!"
"Oh..Amly? I don't come in contact with her often but Wamby doesn't like her."
"After they stole my balls AND Snorpy's inventions, I promised to never speak to them for the rest of my life bro!"
"I don't appreciate them stealing my leg or my notes. If given the chance, I would experiment on them."
"Do not speak of thy name who gladly would turn his back on us if given the chance!"
"Nope. I don't like her at all..she's not that attractive..and she hangs with Cromdo."
"I really don't like it when she tries to remove my arm..it hurts my feelings.."
Being asked about Floofty:
"I like stealing their stuff but if I offered to help them, I think they'll kill me."
Meeting them:
"Woah..a new face! I haven't seen anyone new around here in..grumping forever!"
"Who are ya and why are you talking to me?"
"Oh! You're that amateur journalist Lizzie was talking about! I thought you were never coming, isn't this grand? New faces! New people! New stuff to..borrow!"
"I'm Amly Dustforce, the ruler of Snaktooth island!"
Will you come back to town?
"Wait..town? No way..if Cromy's not there, then I'm not going!"
"Also, I'm a little parched, can ya get me a Sqaquiri? I'd drink those things, everyday of the week, maybe we can..cut a deal, how's that sound doll?"
*Caught Sqaquiri*
"Now THAT was a refreshing beveridge, thanks doll!"
"So, ya want me to come back to town? Well, I might need some convincing, I want ya to find out what that Filbo kid does when nobody's lookin, I could use it for..things."
*You find out what Filbo does*
"HA! Are you serious?! Oh jezz, and I thought he couldn't be more of a squeeb! HAHA! Goodness..that's a laugh I needed..ha!"
"Good to know theres some things to see in town, but I'm more interested in WHAT is in town."
"For ya final task, I want ya to steal Beffica's diary..then rip out some pages that are interesting, and give them to me. Easy."
*You grab the pages*
"Sweet! Good job my messenger grump!"
"*sigh*, I think I'm ready to go to town..but..first I want you to get Cromy in town."
But you said that was the final task
"I lied."
"Get Cromy in town and I'll follow right behind, deal?"
*Cromdo is in town*
"Wow! That was..slow but it'll do!"
"Thanks doll, looking forward to chatting with ya! Farewell!"
Have time for an interview?
"Interview? That sounds fun! I'm in."
Who are you?
"Amly Ductforce, it's pronounced Aim-ly. Strange. I know."
Why come to Snaktooth Island?
"I heard of Lizzie's stupid conspiracy on TV, I was about to change the channel when I heard there was an island involved, and I just so happened to be looking for a place to host my vacation. So I packed up and lied about being interested in her expedition."
Vacation from what?
"My life. My job. My family. Everything basically."
Thoughts on Bugsnax?
"I guess they're ok, the names could be better..but some taste pretty good. Note, keep away from the Aggroll."
"Because those things will break some bones and the flavor isn't even worth it! Also because it's named after someone I'm not found of."
Why did you leave town?
"I could handle the drama between Wamby and Gram, but once Cromy left, I had no reason to stay. I wanted to follow him, but I decided to live near the beach instead, so yeah."
What do you think about Cromdo?
"Me and him have a pretty decent relationship, I give him what he wants and he takes the fall for me. Simple business."
Are you planning on betraying him?
"No way, he's cool, I don't consider him a friend, but he's still great to work with."
Any info on Lizbert?
"Liz..I grumping hate her! She keeps saying I stole stuff from her, I would never do such a thing! If she didn't have that little obstacle beside her, I would burn her hut down!"
Woah, calm down. Who's this obstacle?
"I am calm..just speaking out my mind. And I'm talking about Eggabell. The doctor? Lizzie's girlfriend? Eggy bell? Yeah. She and her are like..two papers in a file. Theres nothing you can do to separate those two."
What happened to Lizbert?
"If we're being honest, I'm not sure."
Are you lying?
"Heh. For once in my life, no. I really don't know what happened to Lizzie, she went up that mountain and didn't come back."
How do you know she went up the mountain?
"I saw her."
Why didn't you tell anyone?
"I did. Nobody besides Cromy believed me, guess that's the price being the best liar in the world."
That'll be it. Thank you
"No problem doll, that was pretty fun! Here, have this!"
*stolen piece of journal paper*
"Found it while cleaning Lizzie's hurt, it might help ya in someway. Any who, I gotta run, farewell!"
Side Quests:
"Heya doll, you won't believe what I discovered! It'll help ya find Liz!"
"First..get me a Poptick..it's very important."
"Trust me! It's super super SUPER important!
Sure, I guess
"Caramel please."
*Got the Poptick*
"Perfect..now..I need a Snaquiri.."
Are you going to tell me why?
"Nope. Make it quick! I have a feeling my brain's about to forget everyone!"
*Got the Snaquiri*
"Good..now..I need a Cheery, that'll be all to finish this!"
I have a feeling you're lying
"I'm hurt."
"Hurry up! I'm losing my life force!"
*Got the Cheery*
"That's it. I was just hungry."
Why did you say it was important
"There was no way you'd do it if I asked, so I just..slightly lied."
"Calm down doll! Everything fine! Nobody got hurt.."
You have a lying problem
"I know..but I can't do anything about it, it's the only thing I got."
"When you're a liar, nobody wants to be around you, nobody likes you..and nobody will trust you."
"Ever since birth, I lied, stole, and broke so many things, nobody wants anything to do with me. I had no friend and my family kept saying I was a bad person..so I don't talk to them anymore."
"Lying is all I got left doll and if I stop, I got nothing. So I'm not stopping anytime soon, so deal with it."
"Thanks for the food..farewell."
Welcome back message:
"Heya Wamby, didn't know you'd be back either! How sweet! The gangs coming back!"
"Amly, if you go near my farm-"
"What? Me? Go near your farm? No way! I would never!"
"Don't think that everyone things you're a saint! Only Cromdo thinks that!"
"I don't think I am one, but it's nice knowing you think so!"
"Just stay away from my farm."
"Deal. Happy catching up with you!"
Major Celebration Dialogue:
"You know, Cromby..maybe we should take a break from our business, we're making a few people upset by it."
"Agreed. What should we do to be occupied til then?"
"Hm..maybe we could sell Bugsnax? I could..borrow that trap the journalist uses."
"Yeah..yeah I like that idea!"
"It's settled! Cromy and Amly's marketing lives on!"
"We need a better name."
*approaching him*
"Heya doll, how's the party?"
*asked to dance*
"Sorry, but I'm working. Maybe when we sell out."
*sold out*
"Wow! That was quick, how's about a dance Cromy?"
"You bet! Meet you on the dance floor!"
Reaction to partner(I guess..he paired with Cromdo and Beff):
Cromdo: "Grumping..NO!"
Beffica: "Wait..no..what..what's going on?!"
Dying message:
"I'm nothing but a liar..a cold..worthless liar. I hurt so many people..no wonder I have no friends..at least I got bugsnax.."
Final message(Good ending):
"What the ever grump was all that?! Why..did...oh zonk who cares?We're alive! Ha ha! Amly lives to see a new day!
You know..after all of this..I think I'll finally turn over that new leaf..I'll quit my job..and start fresh in the country. I should also apologize to everyone I hurt, so..sorry doll, I stole your pen...
Geez that took a lot out of me! Ah! This'll be hard!
But..it feels..kinda nice..guess I shouldn't wait around..farewell, til we cross paths again, doll."
Final message(Bad ending)
"What..the grump? Cromdo..he's..gone. This..makes me..realize..our lives are so..fragile, I..shouldn't waste it..
Oh Cromdo..if I known that..I would have put myself in your place
At least..maybe we could be together..again
Business partners forever...ha.."
I over complicate everything
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Eight Day of Twelve - A Sweet Surprising Treat
A/N - these may be getting worse.. bit I'm glad everyone is enjoying them >.< When I first started I thought I'd have a bit more time to write but work is killing me with extra hours. So I'm doing my best lol.
As always click below for previous drabble
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"Jimmy, no." You glared at him from across the table as best you could. For some reason you couldn't pull off the Gibbs glare when it came to Palmer.
"Come on. I've seen the way she-"
"Oh sure, you can't see what's going on between Bishop and Nick but you somehow notice the sparkle in Sloane's eye when it comes to y/n?" Kasie all sass, taking another bite of her bacon. "When do you get out of your cave to spy on them anyway?"
"Oh please, that was all a bit of fun to see Nick's reaction." He waved off. "Plus I see everything." He wriggled his eyebrows and it seemed to take the creepiness out of his statement. Very Jimmy.
"Since when do you play with people like that?" You raised a brow, you were slightly impressed. Trying your best to ignore the stalker intent he mentioned. You'd circle back to his spying ways another time.
"Everyone seems to come to me with their secrets and problems or does it just happen because people confess more when there's a dead body around?" He questioned the universe, genuinely asking if that was the case.
You laughed, taking the last bite of your pancakes and washing it down with some coffee. This was your second cup in under half an hour. Last night had been a long one, Jack hadn't let you go to sleep until midnight. You shook your head at your own thoughts. Jack didn't let you do anything, you just didn't want to be the one to end the texting first. You paid the price with the lack of sleep and early morning rise for breakfast with friends.
"What you shaking your head at and don't say Jimmy." Kasie leant back in the booth beside you.
"How do you know it wasn't at Jimmy. I shake me head all the time at some of the things he spots out." That made Kasie laugh, mainly at Jimmy's reaction of shock humour.
"I shake my head at myself too but mainly I'm just running away because Gibbs always-" He looked over his shoulder and you both laughed at him.
It was good catching up with them outside of work. It had been a hectic month or so which meant everyone was busy sleeping if they weren't at work. The office Christmas party was only a week or two away and you and Jimmy seemed to be the only two excited. Probably because he wanted to show off his new ugly Christmas sweater he'd been raving about for weeks.
Breakfast was over too soon which Kasie being called into work to follow up with another teams case and evidence being brought in.
"Please. Let me."
"Why is everyone buying things for me lately." You huffed.
"Oh boo hoo. Poor me, I have a secret admirer who buys me gifts." Kasie fake wiped her eyes and rolled her eyes.
"You know in our line of business it could be classed as creepy."
"Thanks for putting that one in her head Jimbo." Kasie patted his back. " Mr always positive is lacking today."
"Gotta keep it real, kids." He cracked his knuckles as you pushed the door open and let them exit first.
"Never say that again. Please." You both laughed at Jimmy's pouted lip but agreeing nod.
"See you at work tomorrow." Kasie waved, hopping into her car.
"Enjoy your freedom." Jimmy grinned, walking a bit further to his car.
You made it to just after lunch when you got the call. It's not like you weren't expecting it and at least you got 24 hours rest before heading back in. First you needed to make a pit stop before who knows how long you'd be up til tonight. You needed the extra caffeine because the diner coffee was starting to wear off.
You got ready in a rush with the priority being coffee from your local around the corner. It technically being your Sunday you didn't put much effort into your attire and raced out the door.
You pulled your car into a spot just up from your coffee shop and slipped your gloves on before stepping out of the car. It was cool days like today where you wished you had a nice thick scarf to stop the icey breeze from hitting the back of your neck. You jacket collar just wasn't cutting it these days.
The coffee shop was warm and a nice breath of hot cocoa hit your nose when you opened the door.
"Ah there you are. I was wondering when you'd come in. No work this morning?" Sharon, the owner, came out from behind the counter with a cloth, wiping down the table beside you.
"Technically my Sunday but we got called in anyway." Your shoulders slumped and you added a little pout to make yourself seem even more whiney. "Need a pick me up, don't know how long it's going to be."
Sharon smiled, wiping down another table in two quick swipes before scooting around the counter to start your order. "One extra large coffee with two sugars and cream annnnd..." She turned around from the computer and picked up a box resting next to the coffee machine.
"What's this?" She placed the cardboard takeaway box in front of you.
"Open it silly." She beamed, finishing off your order in the computer and tapping her finger on the credit card machine.
You tapped your card before opening the box. It was six of your favourite cookies. "What?" You were even more confused.
"I got a call this morning. Don't bother asking who was it, I swore on my life O wouldn't give anything away." She held up her hand just as you were about to but in. "Nah! No questions. You get free cookies and no answers." She beamed as you rolled your eyes and grumbled a little. "Shush, I'll make your coffee and you go save the world."
You laughed, she had quickly become one of your favourite people in the neighbourhood. Always making conversation with the regular customers and making you feel cared about. She was very concerned one day when you hadn't shown up for a week ( you were on a stakeout) almost said she called the cops but then she remembered you were one and that you were most likely on important business. She was sweet and kind, giving you extra shots when it looked like you needed it and she'd tell you too.
Now she was in on this rouse and there was no way of getting information out of her. Not even Gibbs could crack this woman. I don't think he'd dare try.
You happily accepted the coffee, which had three shots in it not two like everyone got. With the box of cookies tucked under your arm and the caffeine already flowing through your veins again you headed to the crime scene with only one question on your mind. Who the hell was this secret gift giver?
. . . .
Hope this is ok, hardly edited >.< Enjoy while I work almost 9 hours when it was meant to be my day off. Ah Christmas in retail. Hate it.
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fullyellowsun · 3 years
Park Village | 8
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I do not own the gif, credit to the owner.
Constructive criticisms are welcome! This is in Korean so for those of you who can read Korean and English, go ahead! I will post a full English version link to the Wattpad story in the masterlist! (Juyeon/주연 could be you.)
I miss EXO so much…
Pairing: ok, ok, i'll tell you, it's baekhyun x juyeon/you
Genre: kpop idol’s relative!AU
Word Count: 1830 words
Description: Juyeon is invited to a sleepover with EXO and it gets a little heated.
I go to the store to pick up a sleeping bag and a few other things and I buy snacks because I don't want to come empty-handed. I pack a backpack with clothes and my toiletries. I just continue to watch videos while waiting for Chanyeol.
"Juyeon, you ready?"
"Oh, 오빠, you're here? Let's go!" I grab my stuff and run to the car. He just follows. "You don't need to pack?"
"No, I live there, remember." He laughs. We get there and enter in the dorm because Chanyeol had the key. We head upstairs where the boys were just talking and playing video games.
"Hi Juyeon! I heard yesterday was quite a party." Sehun says knowingly. I glare at Baekhyun and he just shrugs. Chanyeol just gives me a "I-told-you-so" look.
"Yes... it was." I say in a sassy tone. Sleeping bags were already laid out on the floor and snacks were everywhere. I throw over my bag of snacks to the people sitting on the couch.
"고마워!" They say as they open up the bag. I lay out my sleeping bag and just watch them play games.
"Awww... can we do something else other than watch you guys play games?" Kai whines.
"What should we do then?" Chanyeol asks.
"I don't know, you find a game."
"How about we play a game where we each write a punishment, we put it in a bowl and we each have to choose one and do it. Oh, and we'll include king and servant." He says. The boys playing games turn off the TV and bring out a paper, pencils, and a bowl.
"What''s king and servant?" I ask.
"The king gets to tell the servant what to do." I nod and start writing a punishment. I think. Hmm... it would be fun to see someone do a girl group. I write that down and put it in the bowl. The others do too. "주연아, you choose first." Chanyeol said. I take a paper and pass the bowl around. We were sitting in a circle. After everyone chose their papers, I open mine and laugh.
"Who wrote this?" The others looked at me confused.
"What is it?" I show the paper to everyone. 'Do a sexy dance on Juyeon' is what it said.
"Aww... I was hoping I would get that one." Kai said. I give him a weird look.
"You wrote it?" He nods. "Sooo... what am I supposed to do?" I laugh. "I can't really dance on myself."
"Then dance on one of us." Kai says obviously wanting me to dance on him.
"Uh, yeah, no thanks."
"Awww... you're no fun." Baekhyun says.
"You too?" He nods.
"Just like, dance on the chair or table or something." Chanyeol says. I get up to get on the table and Chanyeol just averts his eyes. "I can't watch..." I shrug and begin. There was no music so it was kind of awkward but I just did my best to make it as 'sexy' as possible. I do what most people would consider sexy. I flipped my hair and moved my butt. Chanyeol closed his eyes the whole time but  the others were in awe. After I finished, they clapped.
"Thanks but I don't think I'm that good." They give a thumbs up.
"You were the best. You should definitely do more dancing." Sehun says.
"Okay, let's move on." I laugh at Chanyeol who couldn't look at me. "Oh, it's me." He looks at his paper and looks around. "Who wrote this?! I am NOT doing this."
"But you made the game!"
"What is it?" I ask. I peak over to see what it says. I laugh again. "Hah! Yes, you totally have to do it. Come at me."
"What is it?" Suho asks.
"I know what it is... how come Chanyeol gets it?" Baekhyun says giggling.
"You wrote it? Wh- I- Ho- I'm speechless." Chanyeol says.
"I wanted it... 깹송(kkaepsong)." Baekhyun says sadly.
"Ahhhh... what is it!" Kai whines.
"주연에게 콜하게 고백하세요." I read off. The others look at Chanyeol jealously.
"Do I have to do this?!"
"Yasss... you have to do this! I want to see it!" I say. Chanyeol glares at me. He gets up and grabs me to get up. He grabs his guitar and starts singing.
"I think you're cute, you may think I'm not, my feelings for you couldn't stay mute, I like you. I wanna ask you out on a date, but will you say okay? Meet me at Starbucks next Thursday, I'll wait." He sings trying not to cringe. I clap.
"와... I would totally go out with you if you weren't my cousin." I say.
"I totally could've done better." Baekhyun rolls his eyes and mumbles. He opens his paper and immediately smiles and giggles like his usual self.
"What does it say?" I ask. Chanyeol looks over and rolls his eyes.
"Who keeps on writing these? This is my cousin!"
"What does it say?" I ask again.
"주연에게 섹시하게 고백하세요." Baekhyun reads out excitedly.
"Again? Who keeps on writing these?" I say. Baekhyun gets up and pulls me up with him. He pins me to the wall.
"Hi Juyeon, remember me? Baekhyun?" He says in a raspy voice.
"Uh... yes?" I say feeling helpless.
"Oh, you do? That's good. I hope you remember this too." He gets close to my ear and I could feel his breath. "Beach. You. Me. Next Thursday. 3PM. Got it?" I just nod. "Good." He moves his face from my ear to face me again. He then leans in about to kiss me.
"Cut!" Chanyeol says before he gets too close. I turn away blushing and the others look at Baekhyun jealously.
"So, how'd I do?" Baekhyun asks me.
"Uhh... I think you accomplished the dare but if that's how you ask out a girl... I don't think you'll the most positive responses from me specifically." The others laugh at him.
"Do you remember me?" I mock him. He looks down embarrassed. "I'm definitely going to remember that. Suho 오빠, just open your paper." He opens it and shows it to everyone.
"King? Oooo, you're lucky, you don't have to do a dare." I say jealously. "종인오빠, open yours!"
"Girl group dance... which one? Who wrote this?" I raise my hand.
"역시 the main dancer of the group gets the girl group dance dare." I clap. "Do 살짝 설렜어." I laugh. He gets up sighing and I turn on the music. I probably should've let him learn it first because he danced the feel of the dance but not the actual dance. I sigh getting up and start dancing. He watches me and dances more confidently, copying my moves. I continue to dance and didn't notice Kai stop and watch me. When I finished, I noticed everyone staring at me. "Uhh... how come I'm the one doing your dare?" I look at Kai staring at me. I wave my hand in front of his face. "Hello? You there? 종대 오빠... just open yours." He nods. He whines.
"Servant." He says sadly. 준면오빠 cheers. 경수 opens his paper and laughs.
"A pickup line contest for Juyeon."
"I'll give you a chance to think." I say without giving them a chance to protest.
"Do I have to!" Chanyeol asks.
"Yes! I need to see this!"
"Okay, I'm going first."
"좋아!" I say excitedly.
"I'm no mathematician but I've been told I'm good with numbers. Wanna give me yours to prove it?" He says embarrassed. I clap.
"Totally would NOT give you my number but nice try."
"It's fine... I don't care, I don't want to win this competition...  this is the only competition I don't want to win. It's disgusting."
"I wanna go next!" Sehun raises his hand and puts it down embarrassed after everyone stares at them.
"Sure." I say. "I can't wait to see what our maknae has to say."
"Okay... I'll go." He starts to walk towards me slowly and I move back until I hit the table. He puts his hand next to my body so I couldn't move. "Baby, I'll treat you like my homework. I'll slam you on the table and do you all night." He says staring at me intensely. I try not to laugh and look at hike seriously in the eye. He gets up embarrassed and gives me space. "Did it not work?" I laugh.
"Our maknae has grown up!" I say laughing. "Also, if that's the only thing you can say in confidence, might as well just do your real homework. You gotta be confident!" I grab his wrist and get in the same position as we were when he said the pickup line. "Okay, now what's your next move?" He stays there frozen, blushing.
"주연아, don't make me do this!"
"Come on! Just follow your instructions. Slam me down..." I maneuver myself to be flat on the table and I move him on top of me so he's pinning me to the table. "And do me all night. But not me... someone else." He blushes. I stay there waiting for him to get off but he stays there. "Are you not tired? Why don't you like get off so other people have a chance and I don't end up sleeping on the table."
"Oh, sorry." He gets up. I point at him and look at him with stern eyes.
"Confidence. Who's next?" Chen, D.O., Xiumin, Kai, and Suho all try to win me with common and simple pickup lines. Baekhyun walks up to me after they finished.
"My biology teacher told me that the lips are the most sensitive part of the. Wanna try it out?" He gets close again like the last time and I assumed he would stop him but he just kept getting closer until his lips touched mine. I stand there frozen, unsure of what to do. I push him away.
"What are you doing?! (뭐하는거야!)" I say. I look over. No one say it. Chanyeol 오빠 was in rhe bathroom and the others were talking and not paying attention. Arghh...
"I asked if you wanted to try it out!" He said still pinning me to the wall.
"I didn't respond! That was my first kiss! I'd rather have it with someone I actually like. "
"You don't like me?"
"Well yeah but not like that!" He steps back a little but hurt.
"Ouch... but that's okay... it's not like I like you like that either. It was for the dare. I'm trying to win here."
"Oh..." The rest of the boys do their dares but the only thing I could think about was his 'pickup line'. I couldn't go to sleep because of it. I also avoided him for the next few weeks too. Why am I doing this? It was just for the game... nothing else, right?
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deniigi · 5 years
I had a really bad day (I wont say why because I wouldnt want you to feel like I'm guilting you into anything) and I was wondering if maybe you had a dfv/lfv or inimitable verse drabble you havent put up or one on here you really like you could point me to (navigation is hard on mobile) or even just some like hcs. If not its totally ok! You dont owe me anything. But I thought I'd ask and see if that's ok.
Oh no!
Sorry that you had a rough day my dear. I don’t have much in the works for those verses right now (I’ve been hammering my head against a wall, trying to write out a piece exploring Gwen and Murderdock’s relationship–it’s not working tho, so I’m stopping). Of course any of the Clint-based pieces are fun in those verses if you need a pick me up, but I am equally fond of Chapter 13 of Sidebars.
But! If you don’t mind a little piece from Lying by Omission/The Sprawl I’ve got cute little bit of Jack and Ben going out to dinner with Matt and Peter?
I’ll put it under the cut if you’re down
“Dad, let’s go out to eat.”
Jack didn’t trust that. Jack had been scarred by the durian. Permanently scarred. He was never coming back from the durian. He was etching a durian with a big ‘X’ through it into the top of his next coffin for future archaeologists to find and have absolutely no questions about.
Matt, sensing that he was presently not receiving the amount of attention that he could be receiving, oozed out of the kitchen and draped himself over the back of the couch, right behind Jack’s shoulders. Jack glanced to the side and noted that he was wearing shoes.
He wasn’t chancing it.
“No shoes on the couch,” he said.
“It’s my couch,” Matt hummed, already migrating over to the couch’s arm, no doubt to burrow his way under Jack’s own arm.
“It’s a couch.”
“My couch,” Matt hummed, plucking Jack’s phone out of his hand and tossing it callously to the other side of said couch. He then executed the burrow and wriggled himself over so that he was the sole occupant of Jack’s lap. He waited, as sweet as could be, until he had Jack’s more or less undivided attention.
The kid was heavy. Jack couldn’t tell if he knew just how heavy he was.
He suspected that he was more than aware of it.
Matt beamed at him. He did not pull his shoed feet over the couch’s arm.
A sign of obedience. Or perhaps a buttering-up technique.
Tricky, tricky.
“Why do we need to go out to eat? What’s wrong with what’s in the fridge?” Jack asked Matt’s untrustworthy grin.
It faded a little because there was a pout which needed doing.
“I’m tired of eating potatoes,” Matt huffed.
“Take it back,” Jack scolded him. “I won’t hear any raggin’ on tatties in this household.”
“I want rice.”
“I’ll make you rice, Matty.”
“I don’t want your rice.”
Picky little shit. Just like his mother. She’d been the type to refuse a peanut butter and jelly sandwich if the slop wasn’t equally distributed.
Jack’s rice was perfectly fine. It even had bits of onion in it. If he was feeling real fancy, he might even cook it in broth or something.
“Fine, so make rice yourself,” he said. Matt squirmed up and wrapped arms around Jack’s neck. He put his cheek against it and immediately made the skin there it itch.
“You need a shave,” Jack huffed, reaching back for his phone. Vanessa was doing battle with her replacement: Bella the cat. She was giving their zombie group the play by play of the her and the cat’s opposing campaigns to win Wade’s favor. Thus far, Bella had broken a plate and gotten scratchies and kisses for it. Vanessa was outraged.
It was an outrage to behold.
Not this again. This was no reason to bring out the big guns.
“Get your shoes,” Matt whined.
“Baby, you can go out. I’m not stopping you from going out. No one is stopping you from going out, god help us,” Jack told him.
Matt abandoned his neck, stretched out, quick as a whip, and snatched the phone on the other cushion. He crammed it into his shirt and then replaced himself and his face-broom against Jack’s pulse point.
Yeah, Jack didn’t know what he’d expected to happen here.
“Matt,” he warned.
“The last time we went to dinner, you broke my heart, soul, and trust.”
“I won’t do it again.”
“Uh-huh. Yeah, right. ”
“I won’t,” Matt promised, pulling back to add puppy eyes to the mix.
That was unfair. Uncalled for. Totally underhanded.
“Why don’t you go out with Foggy?” Jack tried as a last-ditch effort.
“Because I want to go out with you,” Matt emphasized. “My pops. My old man. We gotta bond. It’ll make me more well-adjusted. The internet says so.”
Jack was confiscating the internet. The internet was a know-it-all snitch.
“Fine, for fuck’s sake, boy. Get off, you’re drowning me here.”
  Jack would go out to dinner on one condition.
Two conditions actually.
1)      There was to be no durian. Anywhere. At all.
2)      He got to bring moral support.
Matt was more than cool with that because it meant that he could replace the durian with another creative element which would equally torture Jack.
So Jack asked Ben Parker to come along. Parker was sharp as a tack. Compared to Jack, he was a man of the world. A reasonable and sensitive body with respect for his fellow humans. He promised to help Jack identify potential threats to his person flung his way by his uncaring and mischievous son.
Unfortunately, to that end, Matt insisted that they take Ben’s nephew, Peter, out with them too.
Jack knew from the start that this was Matt inserting his chaos element into what might otherwise be a perfectly tolerable and uneventful night out. But he also held out hope that Peter would be the sweet, kind-hearted boy he appeared to be.
It really was too much to ask for.
Peter latched his whole body onto Matt within seconds of their two parties meeting up and the two of them immediately set to whispering which bode poorly for everyone else involved.
“I believe we may have made a mistake,” Ben observed, rubbing thoughtfully at his chin.
  Matt wanted rice and Peter wanted something sour enough to leave ulcers in his mouth, so the two of them decided that Thai food would achieve both of these effects. Jack was suspicious. Ben told him that Thai food was very tasty and he had little reason to fear, except.
“Peter hates durian, it’s fine, he won’t be setting up any conspiracies around it,” Ben promised him.
They’d see about that.
Foggy had said something similar when he and Matt had dragged Jack out for Filipino food.
  Jack was pretty sure that Peter just wanted a lime. He was 90% sure that all Peter’s cravings could be satisfied with a lime right now.
Matt, however, in an unlikely turn of events, convinced him that he should get food-substances to accompany his burning desire for limes. Peter grumbled at this and deferred to his uncle for support in the face of this logic.
Chaos element, located.
“Pick a carb,” Ben directed.
“Sugar is a carb,” Peter argued.
“Pick a carb in a less refined form,” Ben countered easily.
“If it’s raw sugar, it—”
“Veg, noodles, or rice,” Ben offered him.
Peter scowled.
“You said a carb,” he pouted. “I want sugar.”
“I have good news for you, sweet child of mine,” Ben said fondly. “There is sugar in everything served in the United States of America. You will have your sugar. Pick its structure: veg, noodles, or rice.”
Ben made Jack feel like a shit dad sometimes. Although, to be fair, Jack hadn’t been a dad as long as Ben had.
Peter, outwitted and bitter about it, agitated Matt to help him.
Matt saw no need for that.
“You’re gonna be hungry in an hour and then you’re gonna whine about it,” he declared.
Peter scowled at him and then turned his lethal puppy eyes onto Jack. Jack set up a menu between the two of them because he was not strong enough to cope with that.
Peter whined behind it.
  Things were going too smoothly for too long. Jack did not trust the decent behavior happening at this table. Ben got a kick out of his paranoia, which was great because someone needed to.
“What are you hiding?” Jack asked Matt. Matt scoffed.
“Chill, old man,” he said. “We’re literally just having dinner. Maybe try to have a good time, huh?”
Something evil was afoot.
Peter snickered. Matt swatted at him; he easily dodged the hand.
  Dinner was eaten and paid for and Jack eventually gave up and settled down. Begrudgingly, he had to admit that Matt was right. Thai food was nice. No incidents had occurred. There was no durian. Ben and Peter made for good conversation, even if everything led back to Peter’s obsession with sci-fi films.
Ben told him that if he kept mentioning them, the aliens would hear him and his name would start to move up higher up on their list of potential captures.
The kid was horrified.
Matt helpfully started counting off the number of times Peter had mentioned aliens in the last week and Peter had briefly looked like he was going to cry.
“Is your wife not going to hear of this?” Jack asked Ben as they walked after the trouble duo who had determined that they were finding dessert at a different location. They seemed to know what they were after, so Jack and Ben left them to it.
“Oh, she will,” Ben said.
“And you don’t mind?”
“She encourages it. She’s convinced him that if you leave a tv on static, aliens can pick up on your watch history.”
Interesting parenting techniques going on here.
Ben laughed.
“Well, I guess we just figure that if you’ve got a weird kid, it’s easier on everyone if you just lean into it. My brother probably wouldn’t be so down with it, but he’s not here, so whatever.”
Ah, right.
“Peter’s your brother’s son, then,” Jack noted.
Ben hummed.
“I…guess,” he said uneasily. “I—it’s hard to explain. I mean, biologically, yeah he’s Rich’s son. But, you know, me and May’ve raised him for longer than Rich and Mary were ever in his life, so, I dunno. Is it fucked up that I kind of think of him as my son?”
No. Not at all.
“My eldest brother pretty much raised me,” Jack told him. “My mama couldn’t be assed to do anything more than scream at the drop of a hat and my daddy was busy drinking himself to death, so Bill was the one who got me up and dressed and off to school in the morning. I always thought of him as a mix between a brother and a mom.”
“No shit?” Ben said. “Where is he? He still around?”
“We haven’t talked for a long time,” Jack said.
“Oh? Well, now’s your chance you know.”
Jack tried not to wince too sharply. Ben caught it anyways.
“Or not,” he said. “You don’t have to if its painful or something.”
Oh, buddy.
“We’ll see,” Jack decided. “I’ll need to think about it.”
He didn’t know how Matt would react. Hell, he didn’t know how he would react to seeing Bill again.
  Matt and Peter presented Jack with a drink that had evil hiding in the bottom of it.
He should have known better to think he’d escape that night uninjured.
I hope this cheers you up my dear and that things get easier for you soon!
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alltimecalvinhood · 4 years
Ryland Storms Love Story [Part 9]
Talia's POV
After returning to the party, I went to the kitchen to grab another drink. When I got into the kitchen I ran into Jaden, I smiled at him,
"Heyy Jay, how's it going?" He smiled back at me and raised the drink he had in his hand,
"Fantastic, Mads is here." He said, sounding enthusiastically sarcastic. I shook my head at him, and asked if he wanted to go smoke somewhere. He agreed and he took me to the basement, a place I'd never been to in the hype house. There was already a bong down there, and Jaden offered to use his weed and began packing the bong.
"Ryland pulled me into some room earlier just to look at the stars, he says he's not tryna make a move on me at all." I say, picking at my fingernails. Jaden continues to pack the bong, and offers me the first hit. I accept it.
"I'll believe it when I see it.." Jaden grumbles, quite angrily it seems. I take my bong rip and hand the bong back to him. Why does Jaden seem so mad? I thought him and Ryland were supposed to be best friends. In the middle of Jaden's bong rip, Mads stumbles over.
"Jaden! Why're you hiding from meeee" She plops down onto the couch next to him. He takes the bong away from his mouth, blowing out smoke and hacking up a lung. Mads puts her hands on his thigh. "Jaden come on, why can't we get back together?" She tries to kiss him on the cheek. He pushes her away,
"Mads, I already told you that we don't work anymore, ok? I'm done here." He says sternly. She looks at him with a shocked, and hurt expression. She gets up and storms off. Jaden passes me the bong and puts his head in his hands.
"I thought...I thought Mads was the one that didn't want you back?" I question, waiting for his answer before I take a bong rip. He takes his head out of his hands.
"You were right, it's time for me to move on." He smiles. I smile back at him and take my bong rip. After a few more rounds of bong rips, Jaden and I are high as kites. We'd both gotten off the couches we were sitting on and were laying on the floor on our backs next to each other in the next room over. I was eating goldfish we had found in there. "Hey, give me a couple!" Jaden whines. I sit up,
"You gotta catch them in your mouth!" I set myself up for a shot, and Jaden opens his mouth wide. I throw it, and it lands in. I collapse on top of him in a fit of laughter. "Goal!" I say through my uncontrollable laughter. Jaden was laughing with me, but then he stopped. He tucked my hair, that was dangling above him, behind my ear, and cupped my cheek. I stopped laughing and looked at him. I felt myself leaning in, slowly. Until our mouths met. This kiss, unlike our first kiss, wasn't lust filled and rushed. It was slow, our mouths danced together perfectly. I felt lighter than a feather.
Then, the door to the room opened and I pulled away from Jaden, looking to see who had broken up our kiss. I made eye contact with Ryland. His face displayed no emotion, and without saying anything he shut the door and left.
~Next day~
Griffin barged into my room, while I was sat on my phone scrolling through social media. And Jaden was still asleep on his bed. He looked angry. He went over to Jaden's bed and grabbed him by the ankles, yanking him off the mattress.
"Wake up you piece of shit!" Griffin shouted as he did so.
"Griffin what the fuck!?" I stood up and went over to him. He lightly shoved me aside. Jaden was fully awake now, and looked up at Griffin confused. Griffin grabbed him and pulled him onto his feet.
"Have you been getting with my sister. Yes or no?" He shoved Jaden. My stomach fell, how does Griffin know? Jaden looked at me for help. I could see that he was panicking.
"No Talia, I want to hear it from him." Griffin grabbed Jaden's collar. By this time, the other sway boys had heard the commotion and had come into the room to see what Griffin was doing. Bryce came over and held Griffin back. "Bryce let go of me, I'm not gonna hurt him. I just want to hear him say what he did." Jaden unexpectedly met Griffin's attitude with rage,
"Fine Griffin! You want to know? Yes I fucked your sister! But you need to chill the fuck out!" He yelled at Griffin. Griffin only got angrier, but instead of saying anything else, he stormed out of the room. I ran over to Jaden,
"I'm so sorry, I don't know how he knows." I said. Jaden looks at me with a look of disgust, not for me, but for what he said next,
"It was that son of a bitch Ryland." He said and he too left the room. Fuck, I forgot that Ryland walked in on us last night.
Me: Ryland, where are you? I need to see you
Ryland: My room at the hype house lol, where else?
I felt rage build up inside me and I called an uber and went to the hype house. Once I got there, I shoved open the door to Ryland's room. He was laying shirtless in his bed, but I didn't take a second look. He smiled at me but then I opened my mouth,
"Ryland who the fuck do you think you are telling my brother about Jaden and I? What's wrong with you, I thought you and Jaden were friends! I thought you and I were friends!" I shout at him. He looks at me confused and starts shouting back to defend himself,
"I don't know what you're talking about! I didn't tell Griffin shit. I don't get involved with drama." I furrow my eyebrows at him and sit on the edge of his bed.
"How do I know that?" I look him in the eyes and search them for any signs he is lying.
"Because I told you. I want to be friends, and I wouldn't lie to a friend. You just have to take my word for it." Something inside of me believes him and I sigh.
"Then who was it?" I ask. He shrugs his shoulders.
"You guys really haven't been all that careful, anyone could've seen you." Ryland says. I start to lose myself in my thoughts, who told Griffin? "But hey, since you drove all the way over here, we might as well hang out." He playfully punches my shoulder and I roll my eyes and smile at him.
"Fine. But only for a few hours, okay?" He nods and gets out of bed to put on a shirt.
Ryland and I were both starving after hanging around at the hype house for an hour, so he decided to take Calvin's car to go to Five guys. And I, of course, went with him. I hadn't really gotten out much to see LA, I've just been shuttling back and forth between the sway house and the hype house, so I was practically glued to the window the whole drive to five guys.
"What're you doing you goof?" Ryland laughs and takes his eyes off the road briefly to glance at me. I stare out at the big houses passing by and the tall palm trees lining the streets, my head pressed to the car window and my palms resting on the glass.
"I didn't know palm trees could be so tall! I always pictured them as little stubby trees." I say in amazement. I try to see if there are any coconuts nestled between the leaves of the palm trees.
"You've never seen a palm tree before!" Ryland exclaims, seeming extremely surprised. I nod my head, still maintaining its position on the window. "That's nuts. I've grown up around them my entire life." We pull into the five guys parking lot, and Ryland parks the car. Not very well I might add.
"You need a parking lesson." I scoff and Ryland flips me the middle finger. I stick my tongue out at him and we make our way into five guys. We walk up to the counter and Ryland orders himself a burger, a chocolate shake, and fries.
"What do you want?" He turns around to look at me, patiently waiting in line behind him.
"I can pay, don't worry about me." I try to tell him, but he waves me off,
You can just venmo me, it's easier if we pay together." I nod and tell him my order. I receive my drink cup and go to fill it up while Ryland goes and sits down. I fill it up and sit down at a table across from him. "Is that Dr. Pepper? Bro that's my favorite drink, let me get a sip." Ryland says, pleading with me.
"Only if I get a sip of your shake." I bargain with him, gesturing at the chocolate shake in his hands. He slides it across the table, and I hand him my drink, taking a sip of his shake. "You better not have corona." I joke. He finishes his sip and puts his hands up in defense,
"Oh I've got rona, it's your own fault for sharing a drink with me." I roll my eyes at him. Our number is called and we grab the food. We head back out to the car, deciding not to eat there. "I've got a spot we can eat." Ryland says getting into the passenger seat and driving to the undisclosed location.
After driving for a few minutes, Ryland pulls over to the side of the road on a bridge. I look at him puzzled. "C'mon, we can eat on the bridge." He says, and I follow him out of the car deciding to trust him. We sit on the bridge, hanging our legs over the edge.
"What made you think of this? Got an appetite for danger?" I ask, getting my burger out of the five guys bag. He takes a sip of his shake and speaks,
"I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie yeah." I nod, taking in the information. That's pretty cool. I wouldn't consider myself an adrenaline junkie. I never go out of my way to get a thrill, but there isn't much that scares me.
"Craziest thing you've ever done?" I question him, curious as to what being an adrenaline junkie looks like. He stays quiet for a second, pondering on what to say.
"Probably skydiving." He shrugs, eating a few of his french fries. I nod,
"I'd like to try skydiving, I've never been."
"You gotta change that." He states. We continue eating until Ryland speaks up again, "So what's up with you and Jaden? Didn't he just get out of a serious relationship?" He stops eating and looks at me intently. I stop eating myself and think about how to answer that question. Finally, I speak up.
"We're not really anything right now. We've just hooked up a few times." I shrug. Ryland doesn't react, he just goes back to eating. I go back to eating too and we continue to chat about random things until we finish our food.
"Watch this." Ryland says, standing up on the edge. My eyes widened at him.
"Ryland, what are you doing?" I ask concerned. He takes a second to look down at me and smirks before doing a front flip off the bridge. I watch as he falls into the water below and my heart beats out of my chest. I quickly hop off the bridge and run down to where the water meets the land as fast as I could. When I finally got there, Ryland was just swimming to shore. I ran up to him and enveloped his soaking wet body in a hug. "You scared the fuck out of me! You couldn't have given me a warning!" I yell at him, still feeling shaken up. He wraps one soaking wet arm around me,
"Sorry, I just wanted to show off." He says jokingly cocky. I pulled back from him and hit him in his chest.
"You asshole!" I yell. But I couldn't shake the feeling that it was kind of sexy how daring he was. We're just friends I tell myself. Suddenly he gets a text on his phone, and the expression on his face immediately changes. "We should get back now." He says. I give him a questioning look, but he doesn't give me any details. What's going on?
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Californian Dream (Pt. 06 of 11)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.9 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
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Next part (07)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
In the last few days, you have been accompanying Billy on his job. Nobody made any questions yet, so you're good so far. You're trying not to think about the beach incident too much, and since your days are now occupied with something else than the news channel, you're succeeding. But today, there's this party Billy told you about. He briefly mentioned it, and since the subject never came up again, you concluded that he doesn't want you to go. But you won't let it go that easily.
So you've been trying to convince Billy to take you to this harmless party for the last two hours, and he just surrendered after you reminded him that he said he'd take you to one of his parties one day. And the day came, even though the circumstances aren't the ideal.
But it doesn't matter now, because you're already in his car, nodding your head at the beat of the song playing, breathing in the night air. You shiver a little since the thin straps shirt you decided to wear doesn't provide any protection against the cold wind.
“Should've taken a jacket,” Billy says, glancing at you.
“I'll warm up when I start dancing.”
“So you'll dance.” He chuckles, his free hand half covering his mouth. “That's something I'd like to see.”
“Well, if someone takes me out to dance, I might.” Shrugging your shoulders, you look away from him, secretly hoping he'll do exactly that.
It takes another ten minutes until he stops, the music already banging. Billy guides you around a small house until the back yard, which is crowded already. People are dancing, eating pizza, and playing cards, all laughing and shouting. It's so different from anything you've ever been to. Those formal meetings were always silent and dull, with everything following a schedule. But this... This is just people having fun, doing whatever they want.
“So? What do you think?” Billy asks, coming closer so he can make himself heard above the music.
“It's loud!” Your answer. “I love it.”
“Come. I'll introduce you to some friends.” He makes his way through the people to a plastic table on the back of the yard. All the five people in it smile to see him, happily waving. “What's up, guys? This is...” His voice fades and he stares at you. It hits you suddenly that you can't just say your name. It would be dangerous, but it only got to you now.
“Lily!” You think fast, reaching out your hand shaking theirs. “I'm Lily.”
“Hi, Lily.” They mutter, shouting above the music. The only one who didn't seem very interested, seated further away, keeps staring at you, but you pretend not to notice.
“Is she your girl?” The guy asks, and you immediately shake your head no.
“No.” Billy says at the same time you do, and you both exchange a glance, your cheeks burning.
“I'm Chad.” The guy finally speaks, standing up from his seat and walking over to you. “A pleasure to meet you.”
You're not that innocent. It's obvious he's interested, and now that he knows you're not ‘Billy's girl’, he thinks he can make a move. “Yeah. It's nice to meet you too.” Stepping away, you glance at Billy, who has a weird expression on his face. He engages in a conversation with the others, and you try to keep up. Chad stands by your side, moving closer as if you weren't noticing.
Then, Beat It starts playing, and a smile immediately comes to your lips, and you can't help but move your shoulders and head to the beat. “I love this song.” You exclaim, and some of the guys nod.
“Come dance with me then.” Chad invites, already taking your hand and pulling you.
“No, thanks.” You tell him, standing your ground. But Chad doesn't let go of your hand, his grip tightening to the point you have no choice but to move forward.
“Alright. Let go of her.” Billy violently pushes Chad away, so suddenly it startles you. “Isn't it clear she doesn't want to go with you? Are you deaf or something?”
“What? If she's not your girl I can have my chance.” Chad raises his hands in defeat, tilting his head towards you.
“Fine. Then she is my girl.” Billy's storm voice is easily heard above the music, and when you give a glance at the table, everybody is up, looking very... Surprised. Your friends said Billy can get violent sometimes, so why do they look so... Perplexed?
“Alright. Just give me her phone when you're done running her pretty little–”
You don't even have time to react to his disgusting tone, because Billy is shoving him back, making him swallow his words and placing a hard punch on his jaw, and when he's stumbling back, Billy pulls him by the collar of his shirt, bringing his knee to his stomach. Chad jerks forward, a groan escaping his lips, before falling to the ground. Some people around are staring, the dancing long forgotten.
“If you'll get anywhere near her, I'll break your damn nose.” A kick on Chad's side, making him turn around, starting to crawl away. Billy finds you again, coming closer. “Are you alright?”
Why did he do that? You can defend yourself, even though you've never been in a situation like that. But... It makes you feel funny. Your whole body is hot, and you're trying to catch your breath. “Yeah.” Pushing the words out, you lock eyes with Billy. “...Thanks.”
“Don't bother.” He gives Chad one last look, but he's already far, limping away.
“No, I... That was really nice of you, Billy.” He always does that, as if the things he does aren't important. But this was very, very important to you. “Thank you.”
“Alright.” He nods, a hand on the small of your back, guiding you away from the table. “So, now that your my girl for the night, wanna dance?”
“Well, I do love this song.” Following Billy to the middle of the yard, you stop among the others, already dancing. But when you see how the others are moving, you notice it way too far from what you're used to. “Uhm... I don't think I can do that.” You tell him, tiptoeing to get closer to him an ear.
“I thought you knew how.”
“I can slow dance. I took classes but this... I've never been to any parties where people move like that.” Everyone is way too close to their dancing partner and you're very happy you didn't even consider trying to dance with Chad.
“Just feel the music.” He moves closer, a hand around your waist. “Is this ok?”
“Yeah.” Of course, it is. Billy pulls your closer and starts to move, and you soon follow. It doesn't take long until you're singing along too.
And when it really starts kicking in, you start moving by yourself. And it means you get closer and closer to Billy, spinning around, having his arms around you all the time. You never felt so wild, carelessly moving around, your body colliding with his way too many times, but he doesn't seem to care. And neither do you. You like it, and there's nobody else you'd like to dance with.
When Billy Jean starts banging, you turn to face him, arms around his neck as you follow the beat. Billy's grip on your hips is strong, keeping you there, close to his body. “I'll teach you how to slow dance.” You tell him when you're close to his ear. Billy makes a funny face, turning you around and pushing your back against his chest.
“I don't think that's really my thing.” He says, and you shiver to feel his hot breath on your neck.
Elbowing him lightly, you spin around, holding on to the collar of his jacket. “This was not my thing either but look at me now. I'm... Trying.” Shrugging your shoulders, you bump into Billy when a couple passes by, hitting your back. “Sorry.”
“You're not trying, you're great.” He smiles, and the proximity sends ideas through your mind. If you kissed him here... It would make sense. It'd feel right. Your eyes fall to his lips, and you want to know how they feel like so bad... Maybe it would turn you into another of his girls... But you want to try it... Maybe it's the music, or how you've been dancing together, or how amazing this crazy party is... Everything is pushing you to him, and you don't wanna fight it.
“Thank you.” You mutter, and you feel his hand on your face, fingers softly caressing your cheek. Billy never did that. Maybe he's intoxicated by the moment too. And moments pass. Soon enough they're in the past, and you don't want this to the just a moment. So you step down, putting some distance.
“What?” He asks, using his index finger to raise your face to meet his eyes again. “Everything alright?”
“Yes.” You smile, and for the first time, you notice you wish this could be a thing. Something real, solid... “I'm alright.”
“We should go home. Gotta work tomorrow.”
Billy says goodbye to his friends, and you silently make your way to the car. The ride home is also quiet, as you watch the night lights. There's this feeling, this sensation in your heart. Something you never felt before. Being around Billy has become one of your favorite things, and today, you realized just how close you wanna be. But still, you can't let this feeling grow. You're living together, and this will mess things up. Billy wouldn't fall for you, some rich kid, spoiled, stupid... The best thing to do is let it go, and hope it'll disappear with time.
“It's your turn on the bed.” He says when you're home already, in pajamas, the air-conditioning making you a little cold as you pour yourself some water.
“I know.”
“Did I do something wrong?” He asks, standing up from the couch. “You've been unusually quiet since we left the party. If I did anything you weren't comfortable with I–”
“No!” You exclaim, putting the empty glass in the sink. “That's not it. Today was amazing, I really enjoyed it.” Smiling, you look down at your feet. You never wanted him to feel bad about anything. “It was way better than the formal events I had to attempt... Maybe... Maybe you could take me to some parties, you know... When you're not with a girl.”
“I'm not seeing anyone, so... Guess you'll be my date for parties for a while.”
Biting your lip, you try to suppress the smile, but it escapes anyway. You're tired, eyes heavy, and you know how dangerous it is, how sleep pushes the words out. But right now, you don't care. You feel comfortable around Billy, even to admit the things you don't like talking about. “That's nice. Uhm... About that Chad guy. Thanks, again. Nobody ever did that for me and... I've already had to deal with guys flirting like that but nobody cared enough to stand up for me.”
“None of your boyfriends ever stood up for you?” Billy comes to the table, leaning against the it, right before you. “A pretty girl like you probably had many.”
A giggle escapes your lips, but a yawn covers it up. “Well... No. You know the options I have, so...” Shrugging your shoulders, you look into his ocean blue eyes, the kitchen light illuminating his handsome features. “I'll tell you something, but you have to promise not to laugh.”
“You know I can't promise that.” He chuckles, and you smile.
“Yeah, I know...”
“But go ahead.”
“I...” Putting a strand of hair away from your face, you lean against the countertop. “I never really kissed anyone. Well, there was this guy in my Freshman year in High School, but it was just a peck on the lips, not a real thing...” Squinting your eyes, you expect him to laugh, but a small, kind smile is everything you see.
“Why?” It doesn't sound like he's mocking you, but like he actually wanna know.
“I always thought that a kiss is something very... Intimate. I know it's silly and you probably think I'm some kind of prude.” Nervously, you pace around the kitchen, wondering why exactly you're telling him this. You never spoke of this to anyone, not even Amelia. “But to me it's something special, to be shared with someone special, and in my life, I never wanted to do that with anyone... Until now.” The last part just rolls out your tongue, and you immediately freeze, a hand running through your hair. “A-and you know, the guys I'm surrounded by are just jerks and the very thought of kissing any of them is disgusting.” You can feel his eyes on your back, as you pretend to fix the dishcloth, just to have something to do. “I'd rather die alone.”
“Until now?” Billy inquires, his voice a little darker now, stronger, deeper, echoing through your mind.
“Yeah, I just mean–”
“No.” Billy comes closer, touching your arm and taking the dishcloth from your hand, placing it on the table, away from your reach. “Tell me what you really mean. Don't dissimulate.”
Taking a deep breath, you step back, trying to put some distance between you and him, but your back hits the wall. “I just...” Avoiding his gaze, you run a hand through your hair. “From all the guys I ever met, you're the only one I ever... I ever considered kissing or... Maybe even dating, but that's just–that's just...” Shit. It took five seconds for you to admit everything you've been trying to keep hidden. How does Billy do that? How does he open your heart so easily? “I–I'm sorry. I gotta go.” You move, trying to reach the hall, eager for the comfort of the bedroom, where you will be alone with your thoughts for a while.
But you don't go far. Billy holds your arm, like Chad did, yet so differently. It's gentle, and you don't even try to resist it. You just stop, your eyes meeting his. “Don't go, just...”
“Forget I said anything. I told you, I get a little too brave when I'm sleepy and–”
You don't have the chance to finish, because his lips come crashing down on yours, so suddenly, yet so soft. One of his hands caresses your cheek, and the other finds its way around your waist, but instead of pulling you close, as he did while you were dancing, this time it just rests there, delicately. And you, who never kissed anyone, knows exactly what to do. Following his pace, slow and sweet, you move closer, your arms wrapping around his neck. When he puts some more pressure, deepening the kiss, you allow him in, your chest collapsing against his.
But the damn phone rings, so damn loud it makes you jump, stepping away from Billy, a hand on your lips.
He looks down at you for a while before rolling his eyes and moving to answer the phone. “Who's this?” He sounds annoyed, a little angry even. “Alright.” He turns at you. “Your father.”
“Oh.” Snapping out of the stupor, you go to the phone, giving Billy a small smile. “Hey, dad.”
The conversation goes on the same way it always does. How you're doing. If Billy is taking care of you, that the investigators are doing their best so you'll be able to go back home soon. But you're not sure if you wanna go back, to the huge bedroom you turned into a small apartment so you'd had a place to hide for days if needed. You're way better here, even though you don't know how things will be now.
When you hang up, you know how it'll be. Billy is used to kissing many, many girls, and that was just a kiss. At least your first real kiss was with someone you enjoy being with, and not one of those idiots. “I'll get some sleep.” You tell him, blushed cheeks as you give a little wave before closing yourself in the bedroom.
The night is restless, and every time you close your eyes you're kissing him again, over and over, until you can't think about else than his taste. And when you wake up, you know the day won't be any better. Billy went to Gisele's house today, and you couldn't go since everyone there knows you very well. And you didn't want to, because the memories you have there are many. So the day goes by pretty much the same way it always does, but this time you made yourself something for lunch.
When the evening is coming, you're just checking the news, to see if something else was found, or if the police are any closer, before starting off dinner.
You jump from your seat when the woman announces they released Alice, two days after the payment of five million dollars was made. She was found in an alley, across the state, unconscious... But that's not what shocks you, what makes you fall back into the couch, tears rolling down furiously and your whole body shaking. It's not the bruises on her face, the tiny cuts and scratches... What makes terror overcome you is that Alice wasn't set free in one piece.
You're frozen, eyes on the TV, but not really listening, the images just an indistinguishable blur. But when you hear the door opening, you set in motion, going straight into Billy's arms, sobbing, hiding your head on his chest.
“Hey.” He says, but you barely hear him above your cry. “(Y/N), what happened? You're scaring me.”
“They cut off her fingers.” You push out, trying not to stutter through the words. “They let Alice go but they cut off her fingers.”
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @clockworkballerina @infinitelycharmed23
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