angelanimedesaray · 5 months
Okay, New Posting Plan!!!
I discovered the other day it's been 2 months since I started writing and I only have two chapters completely done for one story and another chapter with sporadic writing of different scenes and another that was almost finished I've been postponing cause there were heavy emotions I wanted to take some time before having to tackle.
In my defense, one of those 2 chapters had, like, 5 rewrites lol.
Given that at this pace it'll be over a year or two before I ever post anything with what my original plan was, and I realized there was no way I was going to be able to keep up with 3 updates a week, IM CHANGING MY UPDATE PLANS lol
At least for the first one. After that it'll be touch and go, we'll see where things land.
But for the first update, I'm either gonna finish my current WITD sprint, and schedule regular WITD updates while I work on ADP and TTLG and post those sporadically around the WITD scheduled updates and we'll see what kind of rhythm I find in the chaos, haha.
OR I continue to torment you all with suspense and wait till I finish my current writing sprint, write at least two chapters of the other two or more if I hit another writing sprint stride, post the next chapters for all three simultaneously for the first post and figure out a schedule for the other chapters I have saved up based on how long it took me to write a couple chapters each (I promise WITD will not be on a monthly rotation it'll be sooner than that, like I said I got hung up on rewrites 5 times as I got back in the swing of writing characters).
Either way you'll get it sooner than if I was stubborn and tried to stick with my original plan, we'll just see where this WITD sprint takes me and how long it's been when i finish it and it'll probably go one of those two ways. 🤷‍♀️
I'll probably do the, post finished WITD chapters from the sprint while I write and post ADP and TTLG as i finish them inbetween the WITD posts until I run out of WITD saved up chapters and we'll see how my writing pace is for all three and figure out something of a schedule from there 🙃👍
That's enough thinking for today, my brain hurts, I'm getting a pizza 🥴😮‍💨
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doomednarrative · 2 years
i love the Jigsquad au so much!!! can you tell us what fics you have planned for it?
Well thank you! But again credit where credit's due, @tibby came up with the au first and then invited me into the chaos~
As far as fics I have planned (and bear with me itll be. Awhile til all of these are written, I'm a slow writer) so far we've got:
- Hoffstrahm fic about the way Hoffman's bear trap test goes in this au (currently writing this one, this'll most likely be the first one finished too)
- Adam waking up in the lair post being saved and how that whole situation goes down
- I'd like to do a little mini series of drabbles and out of context moments possibly just for smaller moments in the series that don't belong anywhere else
- This one would be harder to figure out logistically, but I'd like to write how the events of iii/iv go down in this au because that whole night shifts the narritive drastically and if I could pull it off itd be fun to write it out
- Something with Adam confronting John before the nerve house and how he feels about putting Amanda directly back in harms way
Theres some other ideas floating around too, but I don't want to reveal them quite yet. Some details are best left for surprises after all~
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fanfictionlive · 3 years
Feeling a disconnect with the main character of my longfic
Hi r/FanFiction. I hope I used the right flair for this post-- I'm in desperate need of advice, haha. But I also just need to vent, too. Apologies if this is disorganized-- it's really early where I am.
I've dabbled in writing fanfic for a long time, but it was only last year that I actually attempted to write a longfic for one of my oldest fandoms. I really, really, really wanted to complete this fic, because I've never completed one before and I wanted to get this story out of my head. Also, I had started to lose genuine interest in the fandom, so this story was supposed to be a last hurrah, a sort of thank you for every wonderful thing the fandom has given me.
But thing is... writing this fic has never been truly fun for me. I've always struggled with coming up with dialogue and all of the smaller, in-between moments that make great stories so poignant and real. For a long time, I thought that I simply lacked discipline. But after a bad mental health patch led me to take a break from this project, I realized... I'm just not connected with my main character.
To be more specific: the main character of my fic is my favorite character in the series. However, while I love reading fic about him, I'm quickly realizing that I don't enjoy writing him. I've always struggled to grasp his voice and characterization, since he's a rather esoteric and eccentric guy. Every time I write, I worry about if he's OOC, if his voice is distinct, if I'm deviating too much from canon... and actually, I think part of the problem is that I do deviate from canon when I write him. The idea for this fic came to me during a very dark period of my life, which led me to project a lot of my mental health issues onto the main character. So now, writing this fic is strange because while he's essentially an entirely different character. His major character arc is based around one of the traits I projected onto him-- something he would never have an issue with in canon (or at least, not to the extent that I've made him struggle).
But it's mainly my inability to grasp his voice that has made writing this fic a chore. It's made me dread writing. It comes across in my prose, too. The writing is so stiff and bland... Reading my rough draft, you can really sense how disconnected I am from the narrator. It's genuinely degraded my writing quality a bit, too, because I've only been focused on getting any old crap down on the page so I can get out of his headspace quicker. While writing him, there have been many times where I've questioned if I even enjoy writing at all. I just feel such a terrible sense of restraint while trying to write for this character who I don't fully understand.
I'm incredibly conflicted here. At this point, I'm debating restarting the story with an entirely original cast of characters. But the thing is, I'm fine with the rest of the cast-- it's only the main who completely eludes me. And I've imagined this story with these particular characters for so long that it's hard to imagine any other cast taking their place. I'd feel disappointed in myself, too, because I'd be giving up halfway, and also because... if I don't finish it, I'd feel like I would never get closure for this fandom. I wouldn't be able to leave it properly.
There's also this strange thought, too... of these characters floating in limbo. I wish I could like writing the main so I could tell this story properly. I've tried everything to get into the groove of writing him--rereading the source material, small drabbles to practice writing in his voice, listening to music that reminds me of him--stuff like that. But writing him just doesn't make me happy. I don't feel connected to him. I wish I did, but I don't, and it's completely baffling.
Though I'm wondering... do I really dislike writing this particular character? Or do I just hate the version that I created, the one who deviates so much from canon? I'm not sure at all, honestly. I'm also wondering... is this all because I'm losing interest in this particular character, or is it because I'm losing interest in the fandom as a whole???
If you've read all of this, thank you so much. It's really early where I am, so this post might be a bit of a mess lol. I'm not sure how to handle this scenario so any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by /u/lostoceanwaves [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/3AG87Yr
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