#Obey Me Shall We Date Headcanons
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This took me a bit but this is my MC with her pact marks each one labled!
I created Diavolo's, Barbs and Meso's marks.
Yes I understand those three are very unlikely to make a pact with an MC but I thought it'd be cool to have their own designs just like the brothers do!
The colors are what show/glow whenever the sin(for the brothers) or power(for others) are used. They glow their own specific color so it doesn't get confusing! I can make a better close up to the other 3's marks if anyone wants.☺️
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OM Headcanons that have absolutely nothing to back them but I still believe
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Simeon, after being demoted after the Celestial War, was treated as an errand boy by his once subordinates. As a result, he often found himself being tasked to look after the younger angels, not old enough to be without a guardian, but not so young that they were unaffected by the 'all-demons-are-evil' propaganda. During this, he met Luke. Maybe it was Luke's stubbornness being similar to Lucifer's, or maybe just an inkling that this little one would grow up to be someone great, but Simeon decided to try to become his primary guardian, and somehow he made it happen.
For my Percy Jackson fans, remember how Aphrodite doesn't have a fixed appearance, how she changes based on what a person considers most beautiful? What if that's how humans used to see Asmo in the Human Realm unless he wants them to see how he really looks? Like, everyone saw different things, based on their personal preferences.
Asmo used to sing the twins and Lilith to sleep back in the Celestial Realm. All of his brothers love his singing voice, so he's the one who's visited the most if any of them have bad dreams. That's why he never locks his door, unless he's partaking in some, um *special* activities.
I remembered that Satan tells MC that when Mammon favors a person, they find fortune and wealth and when he stops liking them, its all gone. I guess that explains why Levi and the rest have enough money to blow on whatever they want, but Mammon himself is in debt.
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animeniac-writings · 2 years
Calling Beel "Beelzebabe" and motioning for him to lean down. you pull him into a slow and lengthy kiss to pull back once you're satisfied and his eyes are half-lidded.
after you leave and Beel stands back up does he realize you slipped the piece of candy you were sucking on into his mouth and his smile comes back renewed and giddy happy with the treat.
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diavolosbaby · 1 year
Hi! So, I saw your Teen!MC being comforted by Simeon post, and I really loved that. I've gone through abuse Luke that from my family my entire life, and quite frankly that post made me cry bc it was very well written🥹So, I was wondering if you could write something similar for more characters? If this makes you uncomfortable feel free to delete this btw😅
Sure :)
I'll do Luke, Barbatos, Satan, and Leviathan :)
Abuse Comfort
Characters: Luke, Barbatos, Satan, Leviathan
Genre: Angst,comfort
Format: headcanons, mini fic
Pronouns if used: they/them
- When you tell him, he doesn't believe it. He would have never guessed someone as bright as you went through something so dark.
- actually starts to tear up, he's sad that you went through something so sad
- hugs your waist and nuzzles his head in your stomach, whining about how he's sorry
- actually says some things about your family, not so nice things but still very appropriate (he's still luke)
- he's mad and sad at your family, but the way you're comforting him and not the other way around makes him even more mad and sad at himself
"Waaaaaaaah! How could humans be so mean! Mean to someone like you too! Its not fair you didn't deserve that...sniff.... Theyre more demon-like than anything I've seen in the Devildom... Must be if they treat you so bad...im sorry MC...sniff"
- listens very closely, making eye contact with you or looking directly at you if you avoid his gaze
- very minimal touches while you explain, its meant to be a soft gesture of comfort. He hopes you get that
- when you're done he slides his gloved hand over your head smoothing down your hair
- he plants a kiss to your forehead and then leans his own against it, taking a breath before speaking with closed lids
- You can't tell whether he's angry or sad for you, he tries to hide it very well but you still saw his slightly furrowed brows and slight frown
"My dear MC, how anyone could treat you like that is beyond me. Please leave those memories behind you. Here in the Devildom, here with me... It will be better. I will be better. You will never receive such treatment again. Please believe me."
- he had his hand over yours before you even started, sensing the tension
- he squeezed your hand a bit, not enough to hurt you but enough for you to notice
- he was mad, angry, furious, that ANYONE could treat you like that, could be so heartless
- but he knew tight now you didn't need someone to protect you. What was done was done. Right now you needed comfort, and you trusted him with that -he gently wrapped his hands around your head and led you towards his chest, you didn't put up a fight
- played with your hair while he whispered sweet nothings to you, except these sweet nothings were sweet somethings, because they did mean something to the both of you
"That... Is terrible. So terrible. I don't... Understand how humans could do that to their own children. And we're the demons...i apologize MC. I'm... Sorry. You didn't deserve that, you were only a child... Their child and they treat you so horrid... It's despicable, truly.."
- paused his game when he saw you were serious
- gave you his full attention, his mouth slightly agape and eyes widened as his brows furrowed in worry as he listened
- took him a moment to take it all in but when he did all he felt at that moment was sorry for you.
- asks if he can hug you and when you say yes he hugs really tight, its awkward but you can feel his worry and determination to make you feel better
- not the best at comforting but will you for your sake
"What... Are you... For real...? Uh... C-can I hug you... MC...? Ok, alright. Uh.. Sorry. I just don't get it. Humans are so supposed to be, well, humane. Thats like the total opposite... Totally unfair to you MC I'm sorry...um..well, I hope my brothers and I can be a better family to you MC...i mean it, alright?"
Again sorry this took so long and hope you liked it :)
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scorchingbread · 1 year
Ear piercings I think OMSWD brothers would wear
Disclaimer! I don't own any of these images, I'm just using them as a reference for what products/style the characters would go for
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In all honesty, despite that they would look great on him, I don't think he'd go for anything other than plain studs. Like I don't think he'd see the point in different styles other than maybe a small hoop at most.
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I could see Mammon going for literally any pair of gold earrings, whether or not he'd even wear them because of "investing"
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Another brother who I think honestly wouldn't stray too far into more decorative earrings, but if he did it would either be ruri-chan merch or snake earrings to match his pet
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Literally any cat earrings he can find because he thinks they're all adorable, plus he loves the fact a cat would always be in him even if it's not as good as a real one.
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Literally anything cute, pink, or heart related! He thinks they all make him look pretty, and he's indeed correct about that.
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While I really wanted to say he'd wear food related earrings.... we know the truth is the second he starts to feel hungry those suckers are getting eaten. So for his safety he's not allowed near food ones.
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I think he'd have multiple ear piercings and they'd all probably be studs, but the main lobe piercing would be some sort of star or moon.
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barbatos-muse · 1 year
Pretty sure this has been mentioned. But what to call (categorize) what were "The Undateables" when doing scenarios, head canons, etc. We know "The Brothers" obvs, so no mention below.
I'm just tired of seeing Undateables used when that's not applicable anymore. And hasn't been for a long time. 😂
The Royals
Purgatory Hall
The Extras
Mephistopheles (No confirmation where he resides, or much information at all)
Thirteen (She refused Dia's invite to the House of Lamentation)
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adcmans · 8 months
Obey Me! X Record Of Ragnarok Crossover
ROR! Characters that are added
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Diavolo would make a contest to see who is the best Lucifer (mostly to see what’s the difference.)
Solomon and ROR! Beelzebub would make experiments together
Asmo, Mammon, would drag ROR! Lucifer to the club
Beel and Belphie would Add ROR! Beelzebub as triplets
Beel and Azazel would both be talking and eating food together
Satan and Samael would both randomly talk about Random Fun facts
Levi and ROR! Lucifer will play video games with each other
Luke would probably be shock to see how ROR! Lucifer and ROR! Beelzebub Are the opposite of Lucifer and Beelzebub
ROR! Lucifer will annoy Lucifer out
Luke would make Food for Azazel for him to try
Sorry if this is bad I’m still getting back into writing
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zephyrchama · 3 months
Can't stop thinking about the brothers calling MC "master" since that new teaser trailer came out. The game is called "One Master to Rule Them All." It's always been called that. This massive potential has been right in front of our eyes the whole time.
Lucifer, who only uses it in private when he's feeling particularly devilish. He wraps his arms around you, looks you right in the eye, and asks, "how does my master feel today, hmm?"
Mammon, who has an empty wallet and the urge to gamble: "Maaaster! Can I borrow some cash? I can, right? I'm your first, after all. I'll just take it from your wallet."
Leviathan, who wants to go to an anime collab cafe but is too anxious to go alone, so he begs you: "Please! Master! It's only open this week and I just have to collect all 24 limited edition cafe coasters! It'll be easier if we go together!"
Satan, who catches you when you stumble and jokingly asks, "are you okay, master?" He likes seeing the little sparks of wrath in your eyes that mirror his own.
Asmodeus, who thinks the word is hot and enjoys your reaction when he comes to steal you away from other people by saying "hey! I need to speak with my master. I'll be borrowing them for a while. I'm sure you don't mind."
Beelzebub, who hungrily stares at the food in the fridge with your name on it. He knows he needs to butter you up to have any chance of success: "Hey master, are you gonna eat that?"
Belphegor, who uses it at the most unexpected times. He texts the group chat, "does anyone know where our master is? I can't find them." It sets off a long chain of messages. "Master's not in their bedroom?" "Master? Haven't seen 'em." "Did you try yelling 'master!' and seeing if they respond?" "I saw master getting something to drink about an hour ago." "Master, are you reading our messages? I know you are." "I can't believe master is ignoring us." Several crying emoji are sent in quick succession.
Solomon and Barbatos, who witness the brothers doing this on occasion. Solomon turns to the latter and says, "You never call me your master. Want to give it a try?"
Barbatos looks at him with barely repressed revulsion. "I only have one master, and that is the Young Master. If you ever make such a joke again I will have you tried in court for lese-majeste."
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obae-me · 5 months
I like to imagine an MC with ~Trauma~ (because same) that is just completely oblivious to how much all the other characters will back-flip and change entire habits for them. Like, I'm envisioning:
MC is just casually hanging out like usual when some of the brothers break out fighting in the house...like usual, and the shouting and sounds of things breaking causes them to tear up and panic a bit. Although they don't really notice that for the next month, none of them get into fights and when they start to do so, they end up taking it outside.
Or maybe MC avoiding the angels for a good while and no one can figure out why till they mention that they're not used to people treating them like that and it's very unnatural. "At least being around demons feels more normal." And none of the characters take this well. Even Diavolo has to sit down and stare at a wall for a while and reevaluate his whole outlook on things. Simeon tries sounding a bit more "rough" for a while and it flops terribly.
Or even:
MC: Oh, there you guys are, I was wondering where some of you went.
*A few of the brothers lift their head as the human enters the living room.*
MC: Is there something going on? Why are you all here?
Mammon: Sittin' here watchin' the races.
Satan: Reading.
Lucifer: Taking the time to catch up on old Devildom infrastructure.
Levi: Playing the newest Hell Souls!
MC: *A bit confused.* So you're all doing your own thing...in the living room?
Satan: That's typically what the living room is for.
MC: But...doesn't that make you uncomfortable?
*All of them realize they've never really seen MC come out of their room unless invited otherwise.*
Lucifer: *Physically vibrating in his seat trying to hold back the "Take Them Under Your Wing" urge he's started to experience at least once a week now.*
I just...listen I know they're demons but they comfort they would bring...
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rowdysketches · 3 months
Levi shower card edit
Sorry Solmare, I like my Leviathans a lil’ different…~✋😘✨
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squeakyducky · 2 months
If MC wants someone to do a favour for them, all they have to do is go hug the character's arm, catch them off guard. Muster up the sweetest expression they can make and bat their pretty eyelashes at his questioning gaze and whisper out their wishes to him. And they're putty in your arms despite how smug they look. It works against even the difficult ones like Barbatos, Lucifer or Belphie. They WILL give into it. I guarantee it 100%. The easiest ones are, you guessed it Mammon, Levi and Beelzebub.
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More of my art! This is what my beel looks like. He has lower fangs and not upper ones kinda like a orc. I also think he would have freckles! His skin tone is also different being more tan because I'm sure this boy is out in the sun often.
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smoft-demons · 8 months
Mammon deserves to have someone who misses him when he’s away.
Imagine: Mammon’s not home for the week. He’s away, doing photoshoots or dealing with witches or whatever it is he does. His brothers are just chilling as usual. This is nothing to even blink at, much less be upset about.
But MC? Nope! He’s their Mammon, and they love him so much!
Imagine MC turning to the side where Mammon usually is, automatically going to whisper some dumb comment to him, and then deflating when they find no Mammon there. Imagine MC absentmindedly reaching their hand out to that side, going to hold his hand out of habitual impulse—and being confused for a moment to find empty air… then hiding their sadness. Imagine them distracting themself by hanging out with all the others, who they DO love a lot, but… Mammon’s not there, and the house feels incomplete. They’ve spent lots of time with the others without Mammon before, but he’s never been away so long before, and everything feels wrong.
Imagine Mammon’s reaction to his brothers (probably Asmo, to tease him, or Beel, out of sympathy for the human) texting him to tell him that the human’s moping without him. Imagine them catching MC doing one of those things on camera, because Mammon has to see it to really believe that someone misses him so much.
Imagine Mammon coming home, and the human regaining their energy just at the sound of his voice announcing that he’s back. Imagine them running to the door, pouncing on him for hugs with such excitement that he TOTALLY would have been knocked to the floor if he weren’t supernaturally strong—you know, being a demon.
“You’re home!!!!” MC shouts, not bothering to contain their excitement because they love him, they’re so happy to be reunited, they missed him so much, and he deserves to see that. It’s good for him.
Imagine how happy he’d be to get a reaction like that!
Imagine Mammon and MC inevitably ending up in MC’s room, as they always do, and Mammon seeing that MC has stolen the blanket off his bed. It’s in a messy pile on top of their own blanket, it looks like MC had been curled up under it just before he returned. Because it smells like him, and it’s warm and soft and big, so it’s the closest thing to a hug from him that they could have gotten while he was away.
Imagine how his heart would melt. Imagine how loved he would feel.
Idk, I think he’d cry
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animeniac-writings · 2 years
Obey Me - Dogs, Cats, and More!
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Otome: Obey Me Shall We Date
I do have a bit of a bias from having chronic rescue cats. Also I like to think there's demon 'pets', but for the sake of this we'll stick to human-realm known creatures.
Lucifer: He's a bit torn between cats and dogs, he loves Cerberus and the excited loyalty of dogs, but quite likes cats, quiet companionship and often independent. That said, he's a tired dad that will put up with (almost) any animal someone brings home.
Mammon: Your man IS a puppy. For you. His favorite animal/pet/familiar is his crows, he says because they're little pickpockets that bring him shiny things, but he loves them so much and coddles them when no one's looking.
Leviathan: Any aquatic life! Fish, eels, octopi, he finds them a lot easier to relate to and likes going on deep swims to look at them. Has given favor to a few throughout time and in turn extended their lifespan. You once told him he should get a pet lobster, since he will live forever, and with help so can they. Also went to a cat cafe with Satan once and really likes the gentle cat he met.
Satan: Cats. 100% Cat person, one who will buy the toe bean socks and take photos of them with their head in a slice of bread. Buys lots of cat themed items. Taking you (or any of his willing brothers if you're busy) on cat cafe dates are his favorite past time.
Asmodeus: Bunnies and chinchillas. Both for the fact they're fluffy, fat, and so cute! He once had a huge white bunny and adored her, even if she did chew on his makeup brushes sometimes. Would gossip and cry into it's fur, has never had a pet since but still loves holding and petting them (and taking so many pictures).
Beelzebub: Dog person for another puppy like demon boy :) Loves big dogs and little dogs, the dogs that will jump up and lick his face when he comes home, taking Cerberus on runs together. He will have a dog and they will do Everything together, workouts, snack time (with it's own pile to chomp on), matching shirts, will carry it around whether it's a mastiff on one arm or a little shaking thing in a purse he carefully holds.
Belphagor: Cats but he is still fond of dogs. Despite his name and their laziness, it's not sloths. Dogs because they remind him of Beel, but unless it's an old or lazy dog, he will prefer it to stay with Beel too. It can always come nap with him though. Has fallen asleep at many a cat cafe with Satan and woke up to multiple cats on him, they know how to find a good sunspot and he can respect that.
Diavolo: He has always wanted a pet, he would be happy with any pet, loves animals, creatures, doesn't have a favorite but he's heartbroken that most are scared of him. Even Cerberus is weary feeling his power.
Barbatos: Dragons, wyrms, and cats. As a being from millennia long ago before the creation of many animals, and having similarities in his demon form self, he greatly respects beasts of old. And cats are both nice companions, cat be low maintenance, and best of all, will hunt mice and rats. Coincidentally, so will small dragons and the like.
Simeon: Cats and quokkas, he's fond of all animals and will says cats if you ask if he's a "cat person or dog person" but nothing quite matches a smiling quokka in his eyes. If you have any pets they will love him immediately and he gets flustered when you pout complaining he 'stole them from you'
Solomon: Possums. He started feeding a possums once, not even knowing what it was, and ended up taking it with him out of curiosity. Unlike the others who will hold off on getting another pet for missing them with short lifespans, Solomon will always have a few around somewhere. He loves feeding them, handing them each piece of fruit into those little hands.
Luke: He says he loves all animals! He would visit them all in heaven often (it was secretly his favorite place to go), his very favorites were the baby seals and turtles though. Seals with those big wet eyes staring up at him, and turtles because they're so slow and he liked to watch them, and always help the ones that got stuck or flipped over.
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diavolosbaby · 2 years
Is Suicide Truly a Sin? Pt. 2
You stared at your buzzing phone. It was another one of Simeon’s texts. You had ignored him ever since your disagreement. Considering the topic of the argument, Simeon was extremely worried and once you didn’t answer his several calls he hurried to the house of Lamentation. You had already told (insert favored brother here) that you two were in an argument of sorts and to not Simeon in the home or at least not see you. He obliged and you were happy enough, as happy as you could be atleast. Actually, you didn’t feel anything. You were an empty shell of what you had been before your only hope had been taken away from you. Simeon, the angel who thought people like you were selfish and overdramatic. You had trusted and looked up to Simeon more than anybody you had ever before. He must be right about suicide, about you, you thought. 
You needed to feel something. You wanted to prove him wrong so badly. You collected your strength to get up and walk out the door. (favored brother) had noticed you holed up in your room because of Simeon and were just glad to see you out and active. You made your way to the kitchen to make yourself a smoothie. You opened the fridge and actually cracked a smile when you saw a note from Beelzebub attached to a fruit mix. He had eaten yours and like he said he would, he replaced it. You took it out and placed some in the blender, along with milk, yogurt, and honey. You hummed and actually felt at peace. Once all the ingredients were in, you put it in a fancy enough cup to make you feel even better about the smoothie and yourself.
You plopped a straw in and lifted the glass up as you made your way to the bathroom. You ran yourself a warm bath and climbed inside. Demons are commonly bigger than humans so the tub was deep and wide. You liked that, it calmed you. Made you feel safe. You sat down and let your head rest against the back of the tub. You took a few sips of your smoothie before feeling completely at ease. You were at peace. 
A few bubbles rose to the surface as the water as your muscles started to relax and the water covered your nose. “It’s all a bit selfish, isn’t it?” those words kept playing in your head over and over again. You thought about what Simeon had said and if it had really affected you that much, if you really cared. You laughed to yourself, laughed in your head. Of course you did. If you didn’t care, why are you in this bathtub right now? Why are you drifting in and out of consciousness while the tub overflows? Why couldn't you breathe? Why were your lungs filling up with water? 
Why had you put tranquilizers in the smoothie?
At your funeral, everyone had already put the blame on Simeon. The only one’s on his side were Luke and Solomon. 
Simeon had cried for you more than every day, and more than twice a day. He dropped out of the exchange program and strived to repent for his sin. His sin for killing you.
He didn’t think you were selfish. He thinks he was.
AN: yes, this was the bad ending. But as the OG asker requested, good ending is below!
Erasing those thoughts from your mind, you sighed and drifted off to sleep. When you awoke, you couldn’t help but cringe at the commotion going on downstairs. 
“Let me see them!” You heard a familiar voice yell. “I just want to see if they’re ok! Let me see MC!” 
You weren’t dumb, you knew what was going on. But would you open the door?
It doesn’t matter what you would do, because Simeon had already wrangled through the brother’s barricade and made it to your room. You were puzzled but shook it off. 
You heard running footsteps but they immediately ceased when you yelled that it was ok. 
You stood there, staring at him emotionless. 
He immediately went in. He grabbed your shoulders and looked into your eyes. 
“You can’t do that. You worried me and you knew it, MC!” he didn’t sound mad, he sounded so…tired. So defeated. You guess you weren’t the only one going through it during all this. 
He went in for a hug and grasped you tight, like he might lose you if he would let go. You didn’t want to admit it but it felt good to feel his warmth, his worry, his love. 
“Yeah. That was pretty selfish of me wasn’t it?” you stated more than asked. 
“Oh, MC..no. it wasn’t. Please can you let me apologize…and explain?” he asked.
The both of you walked to your bed and he began.
“MC, at the time I will admit, my thoughts on suicide were set in stone and i did believe the act was selfish and a sin.”
You cringed at that. 
“But realizing you had gone through all of that pain that I called “feeling down”...have felt that way that I called “dramatic”...had…”
He choked on his own words. 
“Had attempted before. It really opened my eyes MC.”
“Actually knowing someone who went and is going through things that horrible..it made me realize how they are people to and more than what I had thought. I thought they were made weak…but you…you’re anything but weak, MC.”
“You are the strongest and bravest person I know. You are the person I fell in love with…I can’t imagine life without you now that you are in mine.”
“MC I’m not asking you to forgive me, I’m asking you to seek help from somebody, even if that somebody isn’t me. I don’t want to lose you. Please, MC.”
You stared at him and thought, if you didn’t forgive him, he would understand and give you your space, minimum interaction between you two. If you do forgive him:
He placed his hands on your head and waited for you to give him the ok. When you do, he gently pulls your head to his chest and kisses the top of your head. “Sorry…I’m so sorry MC…M’ so sorry…” he whispers while stroking your hair.
@robin-the-enby and @yellowremedy14 !!
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temis-de-leon · 2 months
Who's their emergency contact
Lucifer: Mammon, his favourite brother and the one he turns to when things get serious. For the sake of his peace and sanity, there are things he'd rather keep secret from Diavolo and just for this reason he can't trust Barbatos either; telling something to the butler would only result in the prince knowing.
Mammon: you, whether you like it or not. Depending on the situation, Lucifer may leave him longer than necessary in the hospital (or wherever he's retained) and his younger brothers tend to make fun of him most of the time. If he has to face someone's wrath, please let it be yours.
Levi: Lucifer, the default option. As much as he loves and trusts you, he needs to be realistic: there are some things you cannot handle. Besides that, of course, his eldest brother is responsible when making decisions, especially if his family is involved.
Satan: Lucifer and he hates it. It used to be Asmo until he had an accident with a spell and ended up in serious trouble. When Asmo arrived he cried so hard out of worry that they had to call Lucifer, so he reluctantly changed it to save some time in the future.
Asmo: you. If something happens to him, the first person he wants to see when he wakes up is you and, if it were really serious anyway, you wouldn't go alone to get him. Plus, he'd also die of happiness under your care since he'd be receiving all your attention!
Beel: Lucifer, who he trusts the most in stressful situations. He loves Belphie with all his heart, yes, but he can't trust his twin to be awake at random times; emergencies can happen at any hour, after all.
Belphie: Beel. Does he have to explain? Besides you, there's no one in the family he trusts more than him, so it just makes sense.
You: Lucifer. Mammon tried to negotiate. He tried.
Main Masterlist
This is so damn stupid. I promise I'm writing my normal posts, but I was watching Grey's Anatomy and it just happened. If it looks wonky, it's because I'm sleepy
Taglist: @ilovecandys2010  @ollieoven @kingofspadesdelusion
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