#Obey me X reader
fandoms-x-reader · 2 days
Sensitive! MC
Requested By: @fairwish
Summary: The brothers' reaction to an MC who is sensitive and gets upset about not having anyone who cares about them in the Devildom. The Demon Brothers x Reader Word Count: 3,064
This doesn't have Belphie because of the lesson it's based on! Sorry <3
Based on Lesson 6-15
You had been torn away from your life and taken to an unfamiliar place full of creatures that humans portrayed as scary and evil.
You didn’t know anyone in the Devildom. You didn’t have anyone who cared about you or that you could talk to about the trouble you were experiencing.
You were all alone, terrified, trying to figure out how exactly you ended up here.
And to top it all off, none of your new acquaintances seemed to care.
They all carried on without a worry in the world - as if it was the most normal thing in the world for a human to be in Devildom.
They didn’t do anything to try and soothe your pain of missing home or calm your fears of being surrounded by demons.
In fact, some one of them - Mammon - spurred them on by threatening to eat you if you didn’t listen to them or do as they asked.
You did your best to put on a brave face, to pretend as though their words and actions didn’t affect you as much as they did.
But it was hard to keep your composure when it was clear that not a single one of them cared about you.
You made your way to the Assembly Hall, your heartbeat still pounding in your chest.
You had just left the music room where you had a very intense one-on-one conversation with Lucifer after your near-death experience where you tried to save Beel and Luke.
“Hey, how about that Y/N, you’re alive!” Mammon stated as you entered the large room, a smile on his face that you weren’t sure was one-hundred percent genuine.
“Let’s see…yep, you’ve still got both arms and both legs. Your eyes are still in their sockets, and your ears are still attached. Guess you’re okay,” Beel added.
“I want to know what Lucifer did. You’ve got to give me the deets L-8-R, yo!” Levi said, a bit too excitedly. 
“Whaaat, you’re still alive? Well, that’s boring,¨ Asmo replied, a small frown on his face, as if he was disappointed
You want to scoff at their reponses. How could they be so nonchalant with everything that just happened. How could they not care at all that you almost died trying to protect their brother.
“Of course. Unless he went crazy again like last night, Lucifer wouldn’t hurt Y/N,” Satan stated, the mention of your name bringing you out of your thoughts.
“And do you know why that is, Y/N?” Satan asked you, a small smirk resting on his lips as he asked the question.
You wished it was because Lucifer liked you. Or at the very least because you were a human. But you the knew the answer.
“Because I’m an exchange student,” you replied, softly, casting your gaze away from the demons standing in front of you.
That’s all you were to them - a business transaction. A pawn that was being used to ensure Lord Diavolo’s vision came to light.
“Exactly. I see you have a good grasp of what’s going on here,” Satan replied, and you felt tears begin to sting your eyes.
“If anything were to happen to one of our exchange students, it would make Lord Diavolo look bad,” Satan continued to explain and you took a deep breath in an attempt to steady your emotions.
“Lucifer would never do anything to harm Lord Diavolo’s reputation,” Satan added and you felt the ties that had been previously holding you back snap.
“You know, I actually forgot about that. For a moment, I was starting to think that Lucifer might actually care about me. Thanks for me reminding, Satan,” you replied sharply, your angry eyes locking with his surprised ones before you left the Assembly Hall.
Satan hadn’t expect such sarcasm to come out of you - such wrath. None of them did. 
You had passed Lucifer and Lord Diavolo on your way out of the Assembly Hall and they could feel your irritation radiating off of you.
They didn't follow after you though, instead turning their attention to the five other demons inside the Assmebly Hall, silently demanding an explanation as to why you were so upset.
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Lucifer thought that he had patched things over with you after your conversation in the music room.
He wasn’t the best at apologizing but he was sure that he had gotten his point across about how regretful he was over his actions.
He thought that you had accepted his apology and that things were okay, but after seeing you storm out of the Assembly Hall, we was no longer sure that was true.
After his brothers told Lucifer what happened before his arrival, he thought it would be best if he went and checked on you himself.
He found you in the courtyard, remnants of the tears you had previously shed streaking down your cheeks.
Lucifer wasn’t sure how to start the conversation. Mostly, because he wasn’t exactly sure why you were so upset.
It took a little bit of time, but when you finally opened up and told Lucifer about your troubles, he was surprised. 
He was surprisingly sympathetic to what you were going through, but he didn’t exactly let that side of himself show.
He had already apologized to you for his part in causing you discomfort in the Devildom and he was the Avatar of Pride, after all, so getting a second apology was a tall order, and an unlikely one.
But, you did notice Lucifer doing small things around RAD and the House of Lamentation.
It could be simple things that provided more comfort for your life in the Devildom or moments of appreciation that Lucifer treated as trivial but ended up meaning more to you than you thought it would.
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After that conversation with Lucifer, one thing was clear - he and his brothers weren’t treating you right and they needed to make amends for that and correct their course of action.
Mammon could arguably be the most sensitive among his brothers when it came to certain things.
He had his fair share of moments where he felt like he didn’t matter to his brothers and times where he felt like there wasn’t a single person in the Devildom that cared about him.
So, he knew just how devastating those thoughts could be.
When you first arrived to the Devildom, Mammon’s concern was making sure that he made himself out to be intimidating and indifferent towards you so that he could have the power in the friendship.
He wanted to dictate when and where the two of you would go and how things were done. After all, if he was going to be your babysitter, he wanted full control of the situation.
But that didn’t really work out for him, and it didn’t take long for him to not only have to bend his knee to your will - but he wanted to.
The truth was he had fun with you and you always found a way to make him smile. Though, he refused to say anything like that. Hell, he refused to even think anything like that when he was around others.
But, when you had your outburst in the Assmebly Hall, Mammon had seen the pained look on your face. The same pained look that he had seen on himself in the mirror.
He followed after you almost immediately, not letting you get too far before he caught up and pulled you into an empty classroom.
He stood in front of you, silence filling the air as you did your best but failed to hold back your tears.
Mammon dared himself to reach up and use his thumb to brush away the tears that were rolling down your cheek.
“I’m sorry, it’s just hard to keep it together when no one around you cares about you,” you stated, barely above a whisper as you kept your gaze on the ground.
Mammon felt his heart shatter as you spoke those words. He knew that he was at fault just as much as his brothers.
He wanted to tell you that he cared about you, but every time he opened his mouth to speak those words, they got lost.
So, instead he pulled you into his arms, hoping that his gesture would be enough to prove you wrong.
Hoping that you would see that even though he had a tendency to act aloof, on the inside he was screaming for you to show him attention and to care about him the same way he cared about you.
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Levi isn’t the type of person who knows how to handle this kind of situation.
He wasn’t even planning on going in to school today. He was perfectly content with doing his studies from the comfort of his bedroom.
But, ever since he made a pact with you, he had to admit he felt some sort of desire - a very SECRET desire - to spend more time with you.
The idea that his brothers would be hanging out with you at school while he was sitting at the House of Lamentation, missing out, was enough to spark the sin that he tried so hard to control.
And now after seeing everything that had just happened, he was heavily regretting his decision to leave his room.
Because now he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.
On one hand, he wanted to disappear back to his otaku haven and pretend like he never saw your outburst
On the other hand…he couldn’t. He felt like he had to do something to help, and the feeling only grew when he didn’t see any of his other brothers moving to go talk to you.
His social anxiety was skyrocketing, but he couldn’t leave a fellow TSL fan in their time of need. That was the reason the told himself when questioning why he was doing this.
When he finally did find you, he once again froze in place as he tried to figure out his next move. He didn’t expect to find you crying.
He found some nearby tissues and slowly approached you with them, relaxing slightly when you gently took them from him and began wiping away your tears.
Levi managed to ask you why you were crying and when you explained it to him, everything made sense as to why you snapped at them.
Levi was almost always self-depracating. Sometimes it was easier to tell yourself that no one loved you then get your hopes up and get hurt. 
But he didn’t want you to go down that rabbit hole - because it wasn’t true.
He wasn’t sure how he was going to do it, but he was going to find a way to show you how much you meant to him and his brothers.
He was going to prove how just in your small time there, you had already changed at least three of them for the better. And it wouldn't be long until the others followed suit.
Levi might not have the perfect words to say or the perfect way to cheer you up, but what he did have was a true friend.
And you may have to wait a while until he’s comfortable enough for him to tell you that. But, in the meantime, he’ll do what he could to show you that at least one person cared about you.
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Satan had been the one you snapped at, so he was by far the most surprised.
For one, he wasn’t exactly sure what about his statements made you so angry.
He wasn’t trying to be rude or offensive, he was simply stating the facts about Lucifer.
For two, he didn’t think you had such rage inside. 
In a somewhat twisted sense, he dared to admit seeing you portray his sin gave him a small sense of gratification.
But, that thought was at the back of his mind. At the front, was trying to talk to you about what happened.
He took some time to properly analyze the situation. He tried to come up with every possible reason that could have caused you to lash out.
He wanted to have a response to any situation so that when he did talk to you, he wasn’t floundering for words.
He found you in the library at the House of Lamentation a little while later and he was grateful you were in a quiet and private place that he just so happened to be comfortable in.
You looked up from your book for a moment to see who had entered before returning to your fictional world. 
Satan came to sit down next to you and paused for a moment before saying, “I’m sorry for what I said earlier. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
It was a much more sincere apology than you would expect from the Avatar of Wrath and it was enough to pull your attention away from your book.
“It’s not what you said. It’s what it reminded me of,” you replied with a small sigh.
“What did it remind you of?” Satan questioned, his eyes holding no malice but a hint of curiosity
“That I’m alone down here. That I don’t have anyone to turn to or talk to. That I don’t have anyone who cares,” you replied softly, your eyes looking away from Satan’s intense ones.
Satan had thought about this being one of the reasons, but he was stuck in a mental debate.
He was so used to being apathetic but something about the way you opened up to him melted his heart and he suddenly felt an innate desire to protect you.
“The library is a great place to go if you’re feeling lonely,” Satan stated.
It was always his comfort place, so he saw no reason why it couldn’t be yours.
Not to mention the fact, that he was typically in the library and maybe a small part of him was hoping that he could also be something you sought out when you were feeling lonely.
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Asmo didn’t really understand the weight that his words carried until you were angrily walking out of the Assembly Hall.
As soon as you disappeared from sight he began questioning himself. Did he really say it was boring that you weren’t dead?
He had meant it as a joke when he first said it. It was a joke that most demons would find funny and he was so good at trying to be a people pleaser.
He was used to making those kinds of jokes because it would boost the way he looked in front of other demons and we all know how important his reputation was to him.
But your outburst made him realize how it must have sounded to you - a human who had been torn from their world and thrown into one that was vastly different. 
And a twinge of guilt poked at his heart, gradually growing in intensity until he felt like he could no longer stave off the need to apologize.
He found you in your bedroom and was thankful that the two of you would have a moment to be alone.
His apology would be so much more genuine if it was in privacy where he could drop the mask he constantly wore in public.
When you opened the door Asmo suppressed a gasp as he saw tears rolling down your cheek and the guilt only continued to eat away at him.
He had always thought that crying was such an ugly thing. But when you did it, it had a certain elegance.
You had a way of making anything you did beautiful. It was a trait that Asmo was actually quite envious of.
“I didn’t mean what I said,” Asmo said, the words spilling from his lips before he had even fully registered what he said. 
You were confused by his sudden confession and as you tried to find the right words to reply with, he continued.
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“I'm glad you're okay. And I'm sorry I made you cry," he added.
Asmo grabbed a nearby tissue and gently brought it to your cheek, dabbing away your tears.
You knew that what he said was probably a joke, but it didn't make it hurt any less.
You opened up to Asmo and explained why it hurt so much to hear everyone say those things and it was like a lightbulb went off in Asmo's head.
He completely understood where you were coming from and he hated that none of them even thought about how hard it would be for a human to adjust to life in the Devildom.
In an attempt to show you he cared about you, Asmo will turn up his charm 100% on you.
More compliments, more hugs, really anything he could do.
And if that wasn't enough he would take you out with him and introduce you to some of his friends.
Being lonely was one of the worst feelings and Asmo never wanted you to feel that way.
Beel felt the most guilty after seeing you so upset.
He was the one you were protecting when Lucifer tried to attack you.
You had stepped in front of him and shielded him.
He had been so thankful that Diavolo managed to reach Lucifer in time and stop him from hurting you.
And he made sure to tell you as much when you were resting up in his bedroom after the attack.
Yet, when that conversation was happening in the Assembly Hall, he said and did nothing to help you.
He could see you growing more and more upset as his brothers talked, but he continued to just stand by and listen.
As soon as you left the Assembly Hall in tears though, Beel knew he had messed up.
He immediately followed after you, genuinely worried about you.
When he finally caught up to you, Beel immediately wrapped you into his arms, pulling you closely into him.
Panic was filling every inch of his body as he tried to come up with the right words.
In the end, he told you, “My brothers were just kidding.”
You let out a small chuckle, gently pulling away from Beel and wiping the tears from your eyes.
“I know that what they were saying wasn’t completely true, but Satan was right. I don’t have anyone down here that cares about me,” you replied, and Beel’s lip turned into a frown.
He looked so sad and lost at your words that you almost felt like you needed to comfort him.
“When I asked you why you protected me and Luke, you told me it was because we were your friends and we were important to you,” Beel began, and your eyes locked with his indigo ones. 
“You’re my friend too, and you’re important to me,” Beel added with a small smile that portrayed how sincere he was being you.
His expression was enough to bring a small smile to your face and you allowed yourself to open up to Beel.
You knew that the whole experience brought the two of you closer, and you knew that Beel was someone who would always be there for you and someone you could always turn to.
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zephyrchama · 11 hours
Spotting Beelzebub alone on a couch is a very dangerous trap that must be avoided at all costs.
He may appear to be minding his own business, sitting there innocently, scrolling his DDD. Maybe chewing on a mint. But make no mistake, this is a trap.
Should you choose to sit next to him, your fate is sealed. Beelzebub may put a hand around your shoulder or pull you towards his lap. He may just remain still. Yet every single time, Belphegor will appear. Very swiftly, very silently.
Belphegor will sit so close to you that he's practically on top of you and will proceed to squish you into his twin. He throws a leg over your knee, over Beelzebub's too, and lets his body go slack. Gravity takes care of the rest as he topples into you like a domino. He's heavy. Arms cover your head as you disappear from view.
Shout as you might, Beelzebub allows this to happen. With his hands on either side, there is no escape. You sink down and your cheek winds up pressed against his naval while Belphegor cozies in close, his breath flooding your nose. You can flail your lower legs until someone gets tired of the squirming and holds them down. The twins will cuddle you until they feel satisfied.
The Attic Club Sandwich shows no mercy.
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inlovewithl3vi · 2 days
Beel was usually the person you could go to for anything. I mean, he would always try his best no matter what it was. And of course he was just naturally good at quite a few things, especially if it involved needing strength.
But sometimes he needs you instead. He’ll always be there for anyone, it’s just how he is. He’s more caring than most demons, usually when it comes to his family. But sometimes he needs you, and so in the middle of the night he comes to you.
He crawls into your bed, being careful not to wake you. Feeling of guilt and fear replaced his hunger that night, and he just couldn’t get them to go away. It’s not often he feels like this, but occasionally his sister will show up in his dreams sending waves of guilt and fear through him.
Until he’s lying next to you, holding you close. Those thoughts immediately disappear from his mind when he hears the sound of your breathing. He knows your there, that your safe. He holds you close, almost as if he’s afraid of losing you to.
It’s not often Beel needs help from others. He’s usually perfectly capable of doing things himself. But when he does need someone, he always comes to you. You are the person who can help with his pain from everything that happened to him.
When you wake up in the morning neither of you say anything, you both know that you need each other and that’s what matters.
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squeakyducky · 2 days
It's honestly disappointing how nobody even knew MC disappeared in the OG timeline. It was such a good opportunity to have a tearful reunion, all the drama, all the angst, how everyone is going crazy because MC just disappeared out of nowhere. bUt nOoOOo, no one even knows MC even disappeared at all 😮‍💨 like bro solmare you serious?
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lovebelphie · 2 days
content warning: fingering, fem reader, barbatos is wearing his gloves, clit stimulation, barbatos is a tease, slight edging.
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barbatos typically was composed. he never let anything get under his skin. which was why he surprised himself when he couldn’t seem to get enough of you.
it was just like an addiction. you were his addiction. your moans, your cries just everything. he adored it and couldn’t get his fill. which was why he had you on his lap, playing with that cute weeping pussy of yours.
“do you like that?” he asked softly, his voice breathy while his fingers carefully rubbed your clit. it always seemed to make you jump any time he played with your clit. he was well aware just how sensitive to his touch you were. especially when he was wearing gloves still.
the fabric of his gloves felt different against your clit. it seemed to turn you on more. “barbatos…” your moans quiet and hesitant, knowing anyone could hear you two if you got too loud. “yes, my love?”
he smiled at the way you withered in his lap. it was so cute seeing how much you liked the way he touched you so well.
he almost groaned as he slipped two fingers inside you clenching hole. your pussy sucking him in as he slowly thrusted his fingers in and out of you. you whined and shook in his lap which he thought was just adorable.
“you’re just sucking my fingers in.” he taunted sweetly into your ear, playfully nipping at it. “it feels g-good.” you whimper, thinking it was extra lewd having him finger you with his gloves still on.
barbatos hummed in amusement. “such a dirty girl.” he chuckled, his thumb rubbing your clit as he fingered you. “mm, do wanna cum on my fingers or maybe my tongue?” he asked teasingly, however he could make both happen at the same time.
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© lovebelphie 2024 all rights reserved. do not repost, translate or share on other platforms.
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irishmammonagenda · 2 days
Obey Me SMAU😋
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except its horribly ooc bc how do i write texts in character🤣🤣🫵
“She’s Busy.” demon brothers (you are here), other chars
everyone thank @losairr for asking me for this. also please help me come up with a name to use for myself on this blog tee why🙏🙏
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temis-de-leon · 1 day
Male!MC as the future king of the Devildom
Characters: Diavolo x male!MC (established relationship) with stellar cameos from Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, Asmo and Barbatos
Main Masterlist
@beawesome04: Hello! I was wondering if I could request a one-shot of Diavolo reacting to being in another world where he meets the Male! Reader as the Future King of Devildom! Only that instead of the reader being the kind-hearted transfer student (Basically how MC acts in game), this Reader is a lot more serious and isolated. Hope this is good!
A/N: cannot believe that the roulette worked
It wasn’t the first time his eagerness had gotten the best of him, but to be fair, what else was he supposed to do when the circumstances of his life forced him to be so lonely and bored? With Barbatos and Lucifer always reminding him to do his work every hour of the day, who was he to ignore such tempting opportunities?
Plus, it wasn’t like he went searching for the mirror.
He had been merely strolling around the castle, hiding from his butler, when an old wooden door closed with a thud and left him trapped in a dusty room. Everything there had aged badly in abandonment except the mirror. It was a heavily magically charged object and its golden frame shined in the dark, engraved with creatures and symbols from the three realms that merged at the top. One of the corners showed a dragon curled around a lamb, both resting in a peaceful embrace, and he couldn’t help but think about you.
Sadly, sneaking around and having secret dates left you with an obscene amount of schoolwork, just like him, and although you always said you were aware of the consequences, he knew he should be more responsible. His burdens were too heavy to share and the last thing he wanted to do was selfishly take the time you could use for leisure.
Something changed in front of him and he finally realised that the mirror hadn’t shown any reflection until then, but it wasn’t entirely accurate; his eyes weren’t golden anymore, instead a light shade of brown, and he was wearing the generic RAD uniform. However, when he looked down, it was still red.
Diavolo hummed, too intrigued to turn around and continue his little escapade. In the blink of an eye, he switched to his demon form and although the mirror followed his movements, it didn’t change his appearance.
He turned back and stared again.
He looked human.
And just like that, as if his revelation triggered the powers of the mirror, a wave softly covered the surface of the glass and turned his reflection into a blur. A light showed in the middle while the room remained in the dark. Diavolo could only look, mouth agape and eyes open wide, as the brightness in front of him grew and slowly disintegrated the glass, shards turning to ashes before falling to the ground.
Then, in the span of just a second, the light engulfed him and he disappeared.
Powerful magic sucked him out of the room, pulling him through a suffocating white tunnel until he fell backwards on something soft, which, judging by the duvet and the pillows, was a bed.
Your bed, if he remembered correctly. How would he be wrong, anyway? It was the most recognisable room he’d ever seen. The bedding was pink and there was a tree above him; it was unmistakable.
The change of scenery brought a wide smile to his face and he wasted no time in getting up to search for you, but he was soon met with disappointment.
While it was true that you were the one who did most of the visits and he only went to the House of Lamentation on celebrations or for meetings with Lucifer, he had seen your room enough to know this wasn’t your room.
Just like his brand-new brown eyes or his black uniform, there was something familiar about his surroundings that slightly unnerved him, like the pictures on the walls. His face was plastered on all of them, mainly with the brothers, but there were some with the angels, Solomon, Barbatos and you as well. Not as many as he’d like, though, and while you looked happy in the pictures, your smile wasn’t as big as usual.
And your eyes had also changed, hadn’t they? Were your canine teeth sharper, too?
“Dia!” sang a voice from the other side of the door, making him jerk in surprise. “Are you coming out, hon’? You’re supposed to be at the castle in twenty minutes; let me see what you’re wearing!”
He stood there, unable to say anything coherent while frantically looking around for clues. There were clothes his size scattered around the room and his DDD, if that was even still its name, was charging on the table.
“You’re awake, aren’t you?” Asmo talked again.
“Me? Y- Yes, I am!”
“Then come out, silly, I want to see you”
“Yeah, I figured” he whispered to himself.
He was wearing the black uniform, but it was wrinkled and the shirt had partially come out of his pants. “The other him” had probably been napping before changing places. Was he in that dusty old room in the castle, then? Was he about to get lectured by Barbatos once he was caught sneaking around? His trusted butler would probably guess the unusualness of the situation, however.
Though Barbatos would probably lose his mind once he realised the prince was lost in an unknown location.
Diavolo was sure everything would be okay.
Smiling in uncontained excitement, he hurried to the table, looked at the screen and let his heart hammer against his chest as he read the messages; Lord MC was asking him whether he wanted to stay for dinner or not and he’d be crazy if he ever rejected that offer, especially in the strange circumstances he was living.
“Hey, Diavolo! Check this out!”
The cheery demon opened the door with a slam, entering without any care in the world while flaunting a shiny black card. Asmo trailed after him with a frown on his face, but his brother wasn’t paying him or his protests any attention.
“I got Goldie back, so you better get ready to leave the house and go to the casino. I didn’t work hard to earn this money for nothing!”
Diavolo smiled back at his grin but didn’t say anything and watched instead as Asmo laughed in incredulity and mockery. Soon the room was filled with jabs and well-thought insults while both brothers went at each other’s throats, and before anyone could do anything too drastic, Satan appeared at the door and rolled his eyes at the spectacle.
“You want us to believe that you earned this money legally and honestly?”
“Why would you say it like that? You make me look like a thief!”
“That’s what you are, you useless scumbag!”
The argument didn’t show signs of dying any time soon so, suddenly remembering that he was supposed to be at the Demon Lord’s castle in just a few minutes, Diavolo silently grabbed his phone and tip-toed towards Satan, who was waiting for him with a hopeless expression.
“So many years have passed and they still manage to embarrass me…” he lamented with a frown before swiftly closing the door and inviting Diavolo to walk beside him. “I thought you had plans with MC, aren’t you running a bit late?”
A wave of excitement flooded his veins at the mention of your name, but he forced himself to calm down. It wasn’t you who he had plans with, after all; it was another version of you that had every right to sit on his throne and bear what was otherwise his title. Did you have a demon form too? Were your duties as demanding as his? Were you as eager to run away from work as him? There was only one way to find out.
“I fell asleep” he ended up answering with no intention to continue. If Satan had expected a longer explanation he said nothing, but his silence was telling enough.
The Avatar of Wrath had stayed quiet because he wasn’t surprised. This Diavolo, the human version who was so similar yet different to the demon prince, overslept and wore a wrinkly uniform. He lived with the brothers and had no responsibilities other than being a good human world representative and surviving every adversity that was thrown his way.
How exciting!
They were at the main entrance before he could realise it and if he thought his day couldn’t get any better, he was very wildly wrong.
“Diavolo!” called a voice from the top of the stairs. “Where in Lord MC’s name is Mammon? Have you seen him?”
“Of course!” he answered with uncontained glee and Satan stared at him with raised eyebrows.
Although not as exhausted as his other version, Lucifer looked the same. He was even grumpy and everything! A deep frown on his face as he gracefully walked down the stairs, all the while mumbling insults and curses against the second born.
“So? Where is he? And don’t bother hiding and defending him; you know there will be consequences for you as well if you help him”
Diavolo had to bite down a giggle. There he was, his best friend, looking at him with darkness in his eyes, a mean smile and arms crossed over his chest. His words undoubtedly carried a real threat, but Diavolo was so thrilled about his adventure that he simply could not take him seriously.
“You will find him in no time, I’m sure” he laughed, leaving the eldest brother unimpressed and the younger amused. “I’m in a hurry, though. Lord MC is waiting for me”
That seemed to do the trick. Lucifer’s eyes opened wide in shock and one of his hands clutched his chest while the other hastily pushed Diavolo towards the door.
“Well, don’t keep him waiting then” he said in a scolding tone. However, once they were finally out of the house, his voice turned lower and softer. “See if you can distract him a little bit. Barbatos has been trying to get him out of his office, but you know how he is; if our friendship was closer, I would’ve tried myself, but I think that’s a job for you”
He tried not to stare in confusion, but the words had left him speechless. So far, the alternate universe shown by the mirror had proven to be one where Diavolo was in your place and you in his, so Lucifer’s plead was nonsensical in his head.
He would never barricade himself in his office for more than necessary, let alone turn down Barbatos’s advice to rest, so why did you? It didn’t make sense to see you, a human so cheerful and kind, as someone so closed and isolated; but seeing you doing so in a universe where you were supposed to fill his shoes was way, way more perplexing.
“Is everything alright, Diavolo?”
“Are you feeling okay?” asked Satan leaning over his brother’s shoulder.
They were both looking at him with worry and, thankfully, no suspicion. However, if he didn’t try to act more casually, someone would eventually figure out that he wasn’t the Diavolo they loved.
He knew very well how his version of the brothers, and everyone else for that matter, would act in a scenario where your safety was in question. He was in no hurry to discover if these alternate versions would react the same way.
“I’m fine” he said quickly, trying to downplay his behaviour. “I just didn’t sleep very well, that’s all”
That appeared to be enough for the moment.
Satan smiled and waved goodbye, wishing him a nice evening before entering the house. Lucifer crossed his arms again before bidding farewell.
“Please, do have a good time”
Then his eyes went back to the darkness.
“Rest assured, however, if I don’t find Mammon, there will be a proper punishment waiting for you upon your return”
And that time, he did feel chills up his spine.
His excitement had run down by the time he finally arrived at the castle.
While the city’s skeleton remained the same, the ambience reflected a side of the Devildom that he had never known. His kingdom was alive, full of colours even in eternal night and perpetually changing alongside those who populated it. This land, however, was muter; more elegant than casual. Every demon wore their true forms and spoke in mellow, cautious voices, blending in the dark and the breeze and moving as fast as he blinked.
It wasn’t dark or gloomy, as he saw various open stores and restaurants at full capacity, but it was certainly tamer… Conservative was the word.
Just like his Devildom showed the way he ruled as the future king, its alternate version was an obvious example of your leadership.
An uncomfortable feeling settled in his stomach. Just how different were you?
He took out his phone, fingers just a tad uncoordinated due to nerves, and sighed when he saw no messages from you. You must have been used to his human version’s tardiness. There were, however, at least a dozen messages from Asmo; a mix of crying stickers and pleads that didn’t help ease his mind. He decided to read only the most recent ones.
Did you seriously leave the house wearing your wrinkly uniform?? I could’ve helped you choose something better! At least you’re already dating and you don’t have to impress him… But next time I’m making you even more beautiful! Also, insist on the foam party!! Lucifer will kill us if we do it at the HOL, but we need MC’s permission to use The Fall! And you know how he is.
And then more crying stickers.
Did he know how you were, though?
His mind went blank when the castle’s door appeared in his line of sight. There was no time to back down and he didn’t want to do it either, but would he be able to if he ever wanted to return?
Closing his eyes as he raised his hand to knock on the door, Diavolo searched for that deep root in his chest that connected every piece of his body and soul. It felt crimson and black, like coagulated blood, but also white and golden; hope for his future and his crown. While settled at the deepest end of his heart, its energy moved with tendrils; you would compare them to axons whenever he tried to explain it to you.
He searched and searched and bile went up his throat when he found nothing. His breath quickened and cold sweat covered his skin the moment he couldn’t transform into his demon form; the fear hitting him so forcefully that he felt himself grow lightheaded, falling forward against the door with his whole body.
It opened almost instantly and someone extremely familiar wasted no time in helping him stand.
“Diavolo! Are you okay?”
“I feel awful…”
The words left him before he even thought about them, but he guessed that was Barbatos’s effect on him, no matter the universe.
Gloved hands immediately straightened him, gently pushing him inside before closing the door and taking him to the kitchen, where he was seated and promptly served a warm cup of tea.
He looked up with a raised brow, showing his amazement like an open book, and received a soft laugh in return. The butler was worried about him, but Diavolo could tell he was trying to remain as calm as possible, probably not to freak him out even further.
“We thought you’d arrive sooner, so I prepared it a little while ago, but don’t worry, Lucifer warned me you were distracted by the brothers back at the House of Lamentation. And also that you were feeling a bit under the weather. Is that true? Is there anything I can do to help?”
Diavolo realised in that instant that acting casual would be an impossible feat. If looking at Barbatos was unnerving enough, then spending time with you would likely make his brain stop functioning. You were, based on what he had seen and heard so far, a solemn prince of a lonely nature, which was already too different from what he knew.
Being a magicless human with no definitive allies, he hoped the other version of you would be as wise and understanding as the boyfriend he was happily dating, but chances of survival based on speculation and trust were very slim.
Thankfully, he had the advantage of dating you in both universes. The thought alone warmed his entire body and he had to cover his mouth with a hand to hide his lovesick grin.
“I’m honoured, Barbatos” he said, trying to justify his abrupt giddiness. “Don’t worry about me, please, I’m just tired… And impatient to see MC as well”
There was a beat of silence before the demon chuckled with understanding, seemingly convinced by his answer, but Diavolo knew enough about fake smiles and his butler’s mannerisms to notice the way his green eyes had quickly scanned him from head to toe during that short second. The mixture of the blissfulness that dating you in both universes brought and the fear of being studied by a strange version of his friend was making his heart go crazy.
He asked himself, with unfamiliar horror, if the irregular flutter of his heart was audible beyond the confinements of his chest.
Suddenly, the kitchen door opened and a flow of fresh air entered the space.
“Diavolo, you’re finally here”
“My Lord”
Barbatos bowed immediately, an arm over his chest and another behind his back. You tilted your head in acknowledgement before observing your surroundings with contained curiosity, surely searching for what was taking so long. Finally, after finding nothing, you turned around and gave Diavolo a small smile.
He could barely return the gesture in time.
“I was about to go search for you, my Lord” said the butler with a polite expression, briefly looking at Diavolo before centring all of his attention on you. “It seems you were faster; I apologize”
“You were hosting my guest of honour, no need to apologize”
“Allow me to do so, sir”
“Very well, then”
The reflection of a mirror was not oneself. It was an image in reverse, only similar to reality on the surface.
You were there, but it wasn’t you.
There was no shine on your eyes, nor smile wrinkles on your cheeks. The red uniform looked unnatural on your body, more like a costume than a formal attire, and the way you stood in the middle of the room made him frown in discomfort. You looked regal and imposing, but not like the man he loved.
“Are you okay, Dia?”
Barbatos hummed in amusement before he could answer and you looked at him with a questioning glance.
“That seems to be the question of the day, isn’t it?”
“What do you mean…?”
“I slept awfully” he hurried an answer, but that proved to be worse.
The knowing glint in Barbatos’s stare felt like a sentence, which caught your attention and raised your suspicion. There was an unspoken conversation between you and your butler and before Diavolo had time to say anything else, you looked at him with both arms behind your back and spoke in a non-committal tone.
“Would you please wait outside? It will only take a moment”
He nodded and forced himself to get up from his seat. His body felt like an unoiled engine, joints cracking uncomfortably and making him cringe, but that wasn’t what was making him wince. It was the sensation of having no magic and no support in case anything went bad, of the idea of being perceived as an impostor whose intentions were still unknown.
The silence followed him as he left the kitchen and the last thing he saw before closing the door was the cup of tea he hadn’t touched, still full and no longer warm.
Could he find the dusty room where the mirror was located? He’d probably be able to retrace his steps from his office, but he wasn’t sure if he’d even be able to reach the office without being caught first. One of the servants would eventually see him and report to Barbatos and then it would only be a matter of time before his fate was sealed.
But what other option did he have? Convince you that he meant no harm and that his other version was safe? He didn’t even know if he was safe! For all he knew, the human Diavolo could be experimenting with his new powers and driving Barbatos and Lucifer mad! The other six brothers were probably having a field day, which just made everything worse.
He supposed the best he could do was lay low and get on your good graces, although that might be difficult if he was impersonating your boyfriend.
Quite the adventure, indeed.
Finally, after what felt like hours, he heard the hinges again and saw you emerge from the kitchen. Your calm demeanour did nothing to ease his nerves, but he still placed himself beside you when you started to walk away.  
He tried to ignore Barbatos’s presence following far behind them.
Of course, he had no such luck.
Somehow, being alone with you didn’t make him as apprehensive as the others had eventually made him feel. Sure, the silence between you was uncomfortable and tense as a string, but at least he could distract himself by observing the flowers in the path and the nocturnal birds flying over your heads.
Just like the structure of the city, the flora and fauna of the Devildom remained the same in both universes, so being surrounded by the familiarity of something so simple was probably what was helping him stay grounded and keeping him from spiralling.
You took him for a stroll through the gardens, distractedly caressing the leaves and the petals as you passed and scratching the surface of the water when you went around the fountains. Not a single word was said, yet your tranquillity didn’t quiver. Perhaps, as non-social as you were as a prince, the silence was your source of comfort.
A long half an hour passed until you finally decided it was time to sit down and have a talk, although it might have been shorter; not once did Diavolo dare to grab his phone and check the time.
The wooden bench was wide enough to sit comfortably without being glued to each other, but he still leaned against the armrest and tried his hardest to ignore the way the ornate iron dug into his skin. You seemed to pay no mind, quietly admiring the horizon while the moon lighted your face and the breeze moved your hair. Diavolo couldn’t help but stare in wonder, wishing his beloved boyfriend was there instead. His fantasy was shattered, however, when you turned to look at him with a hardened gaze.
“Who are you?”
The straightforwardness of the question caught him off guard. He expected you to dance around the topic, maybe even toy with him a little bit, but it looked like you didn’t want to waste any time on the subject.
He didn’t either, not anymore. He longed for the comfort of your presence and the warmth of his magic; everything that was part of him had been ripped away and while it had been entertaining at the beginning, his impatience was running very thin.
Diavolo sat straight, vulnerable and at a disadvantage, but still the future Demon King.
“I am Lord Diavolo, Prince of the Devildom” he said with a secure tone. Your expression changed almost imperceptibly, turning to stupefaction before going back to emotionless. “I’ve been transported to this world on accident and I’ve lost my powers. I mean no harm”
“Incapability to make harm and unwillingness to do so are not equal”
“I don’t want any trouble”
“Why would I believe you?”
“It’s in your best interest”
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s a warning”
He stared at you without blinking, trying to get his point across without showing any aggressiveness; hopefully, his human-like appearance would help his case.
“You are quite bold” you said with poorly contained ire and indignation. Your lips formed a thin line and there was a deep frown on your face; it almost looked painful.
“I am telling the truth. I’m not sure, but I believe your Diavolo is in my world. If you help me return, he may come back to you”
“And if he doesn’t?”
What a great question.
Nothing certain was on the table, only mere speculation. If he was a human living with the brothers while you were the demon prince living in the castle, it was logical to assume the alternate Diavolo was living in a world where he was the prince and you were the human. Where else could he be otherwise?
“I don’t know” he finally said, swallowing hard. “But I’ll be out of your way”
You stayed in silence for a couple of seconds before getting up and pacing for a few minutes. The grass flattened under your feet and the birds resting on the branches flew away. Your frustration would be noticeable even to the most obtuse demon.
“You were transported; how?”
“There’s a room in the east wing of the castle, not far from the office, with a mirror inside. I was running away from Barbatos when I found it. The reflection it showed wasn’t mine and I got curious, then there was a light and it brought me here”
There was a moment of silence where you both stared at each other. Thankfully, your anger had mostly gone away, having been replaced by intrigue and disbelief. It could be his imagination, but Diavolo was pretty sure there was a tiny smirk on your lips.
“You were running away from Barbatos”
“I was”
“For what reason?”
He closed his eyes with slight embarrassment, knowing perfectly well that the lecturing would follow him no matter the universe.
“He was making me work”
“I beg your pardon?”
There it was, the chuckle of incredulity. You raised your eyebrows and tilted your head as if that would help you hear better. The moonlight was crowning you, leaving your face in the shadows and making Diavolo feel incredibly exposed, but he still answered.
“I’ve been working for days on end and I was tired, but I had more paperwork, so I asked for more tea and took the chance to run away when he left me alone”
“You, as the heir to the throne,” you added with scepticism, “didn’t want to do your job?”
“I wanted to spend time with my boyfriend”
“And who that may be?”
“You” he barked, finally gaining the feeling of having the upper ground.
Diavolo watched with satisfaction as you blinked in surprise, petrified on your spot. There was a shift in your eyes, something that softened the accusation in them, and then, slowly, you walked towards him and sat down again, this time closer but still not touching.
“We are dating in your world?” your voice had subdued as well, slightly leaning towards contentment.
“Yes” he nodded, allowing himself to smile a little. “For a few months now”
“Just like us, then”
His heart did a flip at the statement even when he was already aware of the fact, cheeks growing warm and making him grin like an idiot. You didn’t notice, as you were too occupied admiring the moon in amazement.
“What perfection” you said with a voice hoarse from emotion. “To find each other in more than one reality”
Diavolo forced himself to swallow and push down that painful spine in his throat. Meeting you had probably been one of the warmest moments of his life, being surpassed only by the day you shared your first kiss, and he kept both memories in his heart with extreme caution and care.
Knowing that those occasions had happened to other versions of him was just another memory waiting to be stored in his brain.
“Perfection, indeed” he answered with wet eyes and no amount of sadness in them. “One of my finest accomplishments”
You chuckled, what was probably the happiest he had seen you so far, before getting up one more time and offering him a hand to help him do the same.
“Come on, let’s get you home. We can search for the mirror and, if that doesn't work, luckily for us, I have a very talented demon who is an expert on portals to other realities”
Diavolo smiled at your teasing, sniffing and swallowing a couple of more times to fully erase the sudden raw emotion that you had both shared just then. Still, there was a bit of uncertainty left in his mind.
“What if your Diavolo doesn’t come back?”
You stopped in your tracks when you heard the question, but didn’t turn around. It seemed he had already seen too much of your emotions in just one night.
“I thought we made it clear” you muttered while continuing to walk the path. “We will always find each other”
Taglist: @ilovecandys2010  @ollieoven @kingofspadesdelusion @whimsybloom @sammywo
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valsdelulucorner · 3 days
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fandoms-x-reader · 23 hours
Requested By: @yeosanityyyy
Summary: Mammon's greed gets the better of him and he steals a necklace while the two of you are on a date. It ends up backfiring on him when you find out the necklace is cursed. Mammon x GN!Reader Word Count: 1,931
Mammon was always getting in trouble - especially when he was with you.
It didn’t matter how much he promised you he would be on his best behavior. Or how many times he told you he wouldn’t do anything wrong.
In the end - most of the time because of his sin - he ended up doing something that would force the two of you to go on the run from whoever Mammon decided to make angry.
Which is exactly what was happening right now.
You and Mammon had a special connection from the moment you came to the Devildom. 
Maybe it was because he was the one who was chosen to protect you - or maybe it was something else.
Whatever he was doing, he wanted you with him. It could be an exciting scheme to earn Grimm or something as simple as going to his favorite restaurant. He always wanted you there.
Either way, whatever it was brought you and Mammon closer together.
You were each other’s best friend and more.
And it went both ways. Whenever there was something you thought would be entertaining or special, you always made sure to invite him first. Things were just more fun when the two of you were together.
Which is why when you saw an artifact exhibit that was opening in the human world, you decided to ask along your favorite demon.
It wasn’t a very large exhibit but it was going to have a bunch of ancient artifacts on display and you were curious to see if there was something from the Devildom that had made its way up there.
It would be a great way to further connect your world to Mammon’s; but, you knew you wouldn’t be able to determine if anything was from the Devildom for sure on your own.
Luckily for you, Mammon was pretty excited about going. And while you were sure it was because he was up to something, he promised you that he wouldn’t cause any trouble.
And in his defense, he really meant it. He figured it would be a small venue and that there would be a minimal amount of security. So sneaking something to sell out of there should be easy peasy, right?
It wasn’t until an alarm started going off that you realized Mammon was no longer standing next to you.
And while others panicked about the situation, you were mentally face-palming as you saw the white-haired demon running towards you.
“Mammon - you didn’t,” you said with a small frown as he finally reached you.
“No time to talk!” Mammon replied, grabbing your hand in his and pulling you along behind him. 
You ran along with him, knowing that they now considered you his accomplice and would arrest you just as quickly as they would arrest him.
As the security guards began getting closer, the two of you ran even faster. 
Your heart was pumping harder than it ever had and your legs were aching with pain. But the adrenaline coursing through your veins was enough to distract you.
That was the thing about Mammon - he always made you feel alive.
The two of you managed to run far enough ahead that when you turned the corner you could hide without the officers finding you.
Mammon pulled you down a small alleyway, and then another, before pulling you into a small opening.
Your bodies were pressed together and you did your best to catch your breath as quietly as you could as you began hearing footsteps approach.
The contact made you look into his eyes and he tried to give you a look of reassurance. He had done this trick a hundred times and it always worked.
Adrenaline turned into fear as the footsteps got closer and closer.
Feeling how nervous you were, Mammon interlaced his fingers with yours.
You squeezed his hand gently as the footsteps were now right on you and you closed your eyes in anticipation, waiting to be caught.
But, then, the footsteps started retreating, getting further and further away.
They ran right past you.
A small smirk formed on Mammon’s lips as he watched the officers disappear from sight and when he turned back to face you, he was wearing a large smile. 
His eyes were glowing with excitement and you could see the joy of escaping written all over his features.
And while his attractiveness made you want to swoon on spot, you weren’t going to let him get away with ending your date at the exhibit early.
You stepped out from the small space, putting a bit of distance between you and Mammon before crossing your arms over your chest and giving Mammon a pointed look.
Mammon’s smile immediately fell as he gave you a sheepish look, a blush rising to his cheeks.
“I’m sorry. I just thought I could sell it for a decent amount and be able to get ya' a nice present with it!” Mammon told you, his eyebrows knitting together in slight confusion.
You knew that Mammon typically got you something with the money he received from selling stolen items. But, he wasn’t usually so forthcoming with his intentions.
You tried to keep your stern expression, but hearing him tell you he only wanted to get you a gift made you falter.
Your entire speech that you had prepared, intending to scold him, left your mind and you struggled to find your next words.
“Will you at least show me what you took?” you asked him after another moment. 
Mammon let out a small sigh, before taking a beautiful necklace out of his pocket and holding it out towards you so that you could see it.
“I figured even if it didn’t sell for much, it would still be a good gift. It would look beautiful on ya’,” he admitted, his blush continuing to deepen.
“And then my brothers would know you’re mine,” Mammon continued to say and his eyes widened as the words left his lips. He didn’t mean to say that!
A small smirk tugged at the corners of your lips as you looked at the necklace. It was one you recognized. Satan had shown it to you once in one of his books.
It was made by the same person who made the truth bangle that he and Mammon had tried to curse Lucifer with. And it did the same job - whoever had it, was forced to tell the truth.
This was how you were going to avenge your ruined date.
“What did you mean by that?” you asked him, slightly raising an eyebrow as you took a step closer.
“Nothin’!” Mammon replied, doing his best to keep himself from continuing to talk, but it was only a matter of time before he gave in and said, “It would just be nice if everyone else wasn’t hangin’ around you all of the time.”
“Are you jealous?” you asked him, tilting your head slightly and Mammon felt his heart skip a beat.
“Yes,” he replied and he quickly tore his eyes away from you. “Can you stop lookin’ at me like that? I can’t focus when you’re looking so adorable,” he added, barely above a whisper.
“Mammon, there’s no need to be jealous,” you replied with a small smile. 
“When I’m the only one who should be like that with you. Because-,” he stopped once again, and you could see him really struggling to try and bite back the words.
“Ya' don’t get it. It’s hard to see everyone bein’ all clingy with you when-,” Mammon stopped himself from continuing but you encouraged him
"When?" you asked with a small smile.
“Because?” you asked softly, the game long forgotten and replaced with the need for Mammon to express his feelings for you.
Part of you felt bad seeing him so upset about the situation, but now you were hooked.
His words had drawn you in and now you were on a cliff-hanger, praying that he would say the words you had been longing for him to say.
“Because…ya’ know…I love you,” he finished and his cheeks had never burned brighter. “Dammit…why am I saying all of this?” he asked, more to himself than anything else.
“It’s the necklace. It makes you tell the truth,” you replied. Mammon looked at you in shock before looking down at the jewelry he still had in his hand.
He silently cursed himself and his sin while hoping that a hole would open up in the ground and swallow him.
He was so embarrassed. He knew there was no way you would feel the same way about him when you had so many others pursuing you. 
You could have the future King of the Devildom if you wanted. How was he supposed to compete with that?
But, what Mammon didn’t realize was that you didn’t want the future King of the Devildom.
He felt panic beginning to build in his chest at the thought of ruining things with you by confessing.
He loved his relationship with you and he was terrified that he just changed it.
You wanted the demon who always brought a smile to your face. You wanted the demon that made you feel excited about the small things. The one who would love you unconditionally and the one would always make sure you felt loved.
You wanted the one who was your best friend. 
You wanted Mammon.
You could see the panic in his eyes so you carefully stepped forward and took his hand in yours. “I love you too, Mammon.”
He refused to look up from the ground as he replied, “You’re just saying that to be nice.”
You knew that Mammon was deeply overthinking things and that he wasn’t going to take you for your word right now.
Suddenly, an idea popped into your mind. 
You took the necklace from Mammon, finally capturing his attention and you held it up so that he could see it.
“Mammon, I’m in love with you,” you stated once again, your own cheeks dusting pink as you finally confessed the feelings you had been holding inside for so long.
Mammon searched your eyes for any sign of deception or joking. But he couldn’t find any. You were telling the truth. You really did love him.
Mammon dared himself to move forward, wrapping one arm around your waist and cupping your cheek with his other hand as he passionately brought his lips to yours.
It was something he had been craving to do since the first time you smiled at him. It was a moment he had been dreaming of.
And the reality was even more perfect than his fantasy. 
He pulled away after another moment and looked into your eyes again. 
You smiled softly as the feeling of his lips made yours tingle and you already missed them.
It was in that intimate moment that Mammon knew there was no one else for him.
He could kiss you a million times and it would always feel like the first time. He could say I love you a million times and it would never lose meaning.
You were the one he would love forever - and he would make sure to find a way to expand your forever beyond a normal human’s.
Because after falling so hard for you, he was certain that he would never be able to live without you.
In the end, the two of you ended up returning the necklace. Mammon wanted to get you a gift the clean way.
Besides, he didn’t need the necklace. All he needed was you.
And thanks to his sin - he finally had you.
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kitsuga · 1 day
Accidents Happen. {Mammon x Reader/MC}
A fic in which Mammon sucks MC into another attempt to make money and have to run from Lucifer; accidental confessions are involved
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Tags: fluff, accidental confessions, mammon and his money making schemes again..., reader is mc in this one!, wrote this based on base game mammon not nightbringer, not beta'd, not edited, gender neutral reader, mammon x reader/mc, obey me! x reader/mc, obey me!/obm/om, mammon
Word Count: 1,212
A/N: Written on: June 26, 2021 
Hes so CUTE I had to write this, there was no stopping my hand 
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“Calm down, calm down—we have enough photos for everybody!”  
“Mammon, we’ve got another one asking if we have any of ‘Lucifer sneezing’. Why are they so specific?” 
“It’s funny, and he’s vulnerable; the perfect photo!” 
“Do you... have one?” 
“Nope! Tell ‘em to think bigger!” 
Mammon lost MC in the crowd again as succubus and demon both surrounded him, looking to get their hands on exclusive photos of his brothers. He was all smiles, laying his charm on thick to get as much money as he could out of all the suckers—30,000 grimm for a photo of Satan asleep on a garden bench? 500,000 grimm for a photo of Asmo in a face mask? These people were fools and he was ready for the bountiful gold harvest. 
Luckily, MC agreed to help him. They said they were only in it so long as they got a cut of the profits, but Mammon knew better; they were always the person he turned to for shenanigans because they were the only one willing to jump head-first into anything with him. He scanned the crowd for them again, his smile growing even wider when he caught sight of them smiling with another demon, a devilish glint in their eyes as they exchanged a photo for cash.  
All was going well—they were almost out of photos and they had made an absolute killing; Mammon even had a card reader for his D.D.D. where that direct deposit tasted so sweet. Even better—not a brother of his in sight! No Lucifer, not even a Diavolo! He looked over at MC who gave him a knowing smirk and a thumbs up. Mammon felt as though he were surrounded by the sun, the comfort of finally winning wrapping around him like a blanket—it didn’t last long. 
With a crowd this big, it was sure to draw attention sometime; despite its size and the large amount of people pushing and shoving to get to the center, Mammon could still pick out the ever-authoritative Lucifer among them all. His fever dream snapped and started crumbling within seconds; he called out to MC. 
“Shops closed! Thanks fer comin’! Time to book it, MC!” 
Hopping off of his makeshift pedestal, MC met up with him; he grabbed their wrist and started to hightail it out of the crowd, pushing, shoving, squeezing through people as he told them off when they complained. He could hear people behind the two of them complain more about being shoved and others squealing over the appearance of Lucifer. For a split second, Mammon considered staying within the confines of the crowd, just running in circles between people to keep the distance between the two of them and the ball of fury that was on his way—it was a short-lived plan as he realized Lucifer was starting to disperse the crowd; what was he supposed to do? What was he going to do? He nervously called out to MC. 
“Hey uh, got any ideas?” 
They clicked their tongue and flipped the script, grabbing onto his wrist and pulling him along instead. 
“Follow me and keep your head down!”  
They lead him in a zig-zag motion through the people before bursting out of the crowd straight into an alleyway where they ran as fast as they could. They made their way through various streets, alleys, anywhere they thought they could get away from Lucifer; whenever they thought they were far enough, they ducked into one last alleyway and hid behind some stray boxes and trash cans. They both collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily and lounging as though they were about to fall over completely and pass out at any moment. Once they both caught most of their breath, they finally looked at one another and started in a fit of giggles, steadily growing to a stomach-aching laughter. MC started to settle down first, wiping away a few stray tears while Mammon worked on slowing down back to giggles. 
“You know,” MC started, pausing to take a few breaths, “Lucifer’s going to make us give all that money back.” 
“Yeah,” Mammon could hardly get out through his laughter. 
“We’ll probably be punished severely.” 
“I’ll just blame it on you.” 
“Hey!” Mammon pointed an accusatory finger in their direction. “You were in on it too! Don’t leave me hangin’ like that!” 
“Every person for themselves,” they stuck their tongue out and bit it, a smirk on their lips. 
Mammon glared at them, though it wouldn’t be for long since their smile turned to a shit-eating grin and he couldn’t help but reciprocate. They moved closer to him, tapping his chest with a fire in their eyes. 
“Besides, he won’t know about the money on Goldie if we don’t tell him!” 
Mammon’s smile grew from ear to ear, a warmth growing in his chest like a ripple with each tap of their finger. He didn’t realize they had moved so close, but he felt so warm and comfortable, he couldn’t help but look at them with a soft, loving look in his eyes. He spoke before he could think. 
“See? This is why I fell in love with ya, MC.” 
Their widened eyes staring back at him snapped him out of his love drunk gaze. He could feel his face heat up along with his chest this time, his eyebrows drawing together in false anger in an attempt to backtrack what he had said. His eyes darted around, looking everywhere except into MC’s, biting his tongue a lot as he tried to stammer through a few words, a few excuses, none of which were successful. He kept trying to turn his face away from them, but they simply followed his gaze, an evil smirk following his eyes around. 
“Quit it, will ya?” He closed his eyes and turned his face away again, “Forget it.” 
“Oh, come on Mammon, tell me what you said.” 
“I said nothin’!” 
“Something about falling in love with me?” 
Mammon stopped his back and forth arguing with them after they put a hand over his, leaning in dangerously close to his face. MC pushed his sunglasses up, taking a good look at him; he swallowed hard and found it almost impossible to look into their eyes, but pushed himself to do so anyways, even when they leaned all the way in and gave his lips a gentle kiss. 
Starstruck, lovestruck, whatever kind of struck he was, he couldn’t move. He couldn’t close his eyes, he couldn’t kiss back, he just sat there with wide eyes and his face as dark as it could go. MC didn’t stay long, pulling away with an innocent smile this time, reaching up to grab his chin gently and shake his face back and forth. 
“Well, you’ll have to love me later. Right now, I think we gotta get going.” 
They stood quickly and pulled him to his feet, taking off without him, laughing at him whenever he called out for them to wait. He sighed, both exasperated and in longing, and watched them as they went; maybe he’d take this money of his and take them out to a nice dinner for once. 
“Mammon...” A booming voice came from right behind him. 
Or... maybe not. 
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*slides in* aha! I shall request…for Obey Me headcanons! How would Mammon, Beelzebub and Lucifer be with an S/0 who is very forgiving? She would even forgive the likes of Belphegor faster than excepted. With that, this S/O of theirs can be naive and overly trusting and optimistic due to her thinking that everyone share the same good intentions as she does. (Which is probably why she help Belphie out of the attic that day). But aside from all these, she’s very loving.
Beelzebub comes tomorrow :3
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Yeah, at first your life is going to be really hard with this man.
Mammon thought he had found an endless money generator.
He would definitely try to use your kindness at first.
He realizes that you assume good things about everyone, even if it's not true.
Especially not in Devildom XD
Luckily you're not stupid though and this wouldn't work.
Lucifer is not happy to hear about this.
Mammon certainly wouldn't be so subtle with this one.
He would make fun of how gullible you are and tell you that you need to be tougher.
Mammon might already have a crush on you at this point but his tsundere ass won't admit it.
However, over time, Mammon becomes much more protective.
Since you are HIS person, no one else could take advantage of you.
HIS human would deserve protection.
You should be thankful that HE protects you from everything.
Why not show your gratitude and give him hugs?
If you do that, be careful because no amount would be enough in the end~
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Oh, you're causing Lucifer so many gray hairs.
Of course you don't do it on purpose and he wouldn't balame you of it.
You mentioned something like this in your application.
Lucifer would try to protect you from the start.
It seems like every week he would hear that Mammon had done something bad.
Lucifer regrets putting Mammon in charge of you.
At first he did it to protect this project and Diavolo's reputation.
However, over time, he started to have the some feelings for you.
He feels proud whenever you come to him for help or protection.
Lucifer enjoys your innocence in a certain way.
This would be something new in Devildom.
If you have any problems, Lucifer will take care of them.
Your relationship would be something special
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koolades-world · 1 day
hi :D i recently started following you and i loved your indian!mc post today (i'm indian too !) and i was hoping if i could request indian!mc who got mehendi on their hands and is asking the characters (demon brothers + barbatos + simeon)(you can leave belphegor out if you want and asmo if necessary) to find their name in it and if they disagree to that at first mc refuses to talk to the them. thank you !
(i am so totally normal about this concept i am so totally normal about this concept i̶ a̶m̶ s̶o̶ t̶o̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ n̶o̶r̶m̶a̶l̶ a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ t̶h̶i̶s̶ c̶o̶n̶c̶e̶p̶t̶ )
hi! omg of course!
i love that people are enjoying the indian mc stuff! it makes me happy that people are able to relate and enjoy them!
this idea is so fun btw
enjoy <3
Indian Mc gets mehndi and makes the brothers, Barbatos, and Simeon find their name in it
at first he’s only half listening and agrees
it’s after that he realized what he signed up for
but he’s not one to go back on his promises! anything for you <3
babe he’s at your beck and call
anything you ask him to do, he will. he’s whipped, what can I say?
might even suggest next time you get matching mehndi!
at first he’s inclined to say no
you’re so gorgeous it makes him nervous!
but he’ll summon his courage just for you
if you don’t mind he’s about to ask a million questions
he could study it for hours and is mesmerized
it’ll either take him twenty minutes or two hours, no in between
he's flattered that his name written on your body!
it might be temporary, but he's going to shower you in lots of kisses
he's finding his name if it's the last thing he does
he just can’t take his eyes off you!
you might have to repeat yourself a couple times because he’s so busy looking at you
he’s apologized a millions time already but he’ll try his best!
he seems like the type to jokingly say no
but take it back as soon as you get upset about it
he’ll search for his name, and kiss it better <3
from the moment you tell him to go, he’s already searching
he finds it pretty quickly, but he’s not going to tell you that
he’ll take any excuse to spend time with you
the first thing he does is tell you how stunning you look
he just want to make sure you know and will tell you several more times before the conversation ends
he’s not sure how long finding his name might take, but he’ll find it if it’s the last thing he does
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inlovewithl3vi · 2 days
if i’m not wrong levi was originally supposed to be the yandere right? but now it’s officially belphie who’s the yandere i think it’s better this way high key, since it’s not really good to connect envy with the idea of yandere-ism(?)
You’re right that it’s better for Belphie to be the “official” Yandere. But personally I think that even though it’s better for the game, I still love the idea of Yandere Levi- especially with his sin being envy.
Like yes, having a Yandere who is particularly envious of mostly everything it’s by the best. But that’s the fun part!
Levi is naturally envious of a lot of things. And if you start spending more time with his brothers he will get jealous.
The first few times he notices you spending more time with others he immediately thinks something’s wrong with him. (In typical Levi fashion) until you’re away from him constantly. It seems like you have no time for him! (This isn’t even true, you had been spending a normal amount of time with him. He just likes to jump to conclusions.)
So obviously he’s jealous of the others, you can tell by the way he’s more annoyed with them than usual. And of course his totally logical solution is to keep you in his room 24/7!
Having Levi as a Yandere definitely wouldn’t be fun (but that’s why I like the idea personally) he would keep you in his room and manipulate you into staying. Usually he would just start talking about how much he hates himself and you give in.
With Levi’s envy he’s different than some of the other brothers as a Yandere. He will use multiple ways to keep you isolated from others. He’s not afraid to go to extreme lengths to keep you all to himself. You can’t even play online games, he’s afraid you’ll talk to another person.
Anyway, those are just my thoughts about a Yan Levi. Though I do really like the fact that Belphie is technically the official Yandere of the game. I’ll have to remember to write something with him.
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irishmammonagenda · 2 days
Obey Me SMAU😋
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except its still horribly ooc bc how do i write texts in character🤣🤣🫵
“She’s Busy.” other chars (you are here) demon brothers ,
everyone thank @losairr for asking me for this again.
also im not writing simeon bc i dont think bro knows how to use technology😔✊
funfact most of the typos in the caps sections where unintentional i just type very fast
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maopll · 6 months
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"Dearest...I think that's enough"
"No its not"
And there goes another few rounds where you smother your boyfriends face with tons of kisses. He brought you many lipsticks and lip gloss, so it is only right you try to see the shade that matches, right? the shade, which makes his face feel even more ethereal. The only correct way to let people know that you're his and he's yours.
"Hmm... I think this shade suits your face better!" You moved the ones which made his face look more delightful. Shades of pink, red, coral, and all.
He did say that the number of kisses you gave him till then were enough, but deep down, he craved more. The way your soft lips felt against his skin left him breathless. The way areas where your lips left left a tingling and burning sensation, which, rather than being unpleasant, was more exciting
What was even more addicting was the way you would gently cup his face with your hands and attack his face ferverently. This was best for both of you. You get to have the ego boost after smothering or rather painting his face with your kisses, and he gets access to your unlimited display of affection.
"There! Now that's more like it you look like my lover now" putting emphasis on the word, you were grinning from ear to ear while admiring your masterpiece. When you tried to get up from his lap though...
"Now now dearest I think it is my turn to get what I have been seeking"
— WRIOTHESLEY, lyney, NEUVILLETTE, ZHONGLI, diluc, CHILDE, AYATO, kaeya, alhaitham, VIL, MALLEUS, azul, leona, DAN HENG, blade, JING YUAN, luocha, dr ratio, GEPARD, DIAVOLO, MAMMON, lucifer, satan, BEELZEBUB
wanna join the taglist ? feel free !
© 2024 maopll. do not copy, repost or modify my work in any form
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lovetei · 2 months
TW: Smut
The moment they found out that you want them, they were beyond pleased, but when they found out that you think a mere toy can compare to the real thing? They just have to prove you wrong.
Lucifer who made you sit on his cock while he's working, slowly trusting up on you, making sure you feel each vein on his dick while he whispers "Hmm, yes... So much better than that toy..." and kisses your neck.
Mammon who pounded you so rough, trying to prove that no toy can compare to him, no toy can make you feel as good as he can, "Ha, yeah? So much better right? So much better right? Bet your little toy can't pound you this hard, no?"
Leviathan who didn't notice how overstimulated you are and still kept on using both of his dick and tail to pleasure you, "Mhm, I know MC would feel better than those fleshlights... Cum on my cock again, hmm?"
Satan who wants to know how you fuck that toy and made you demonstrate it to him, sitting prettily with his shirt up and his pants on his knees while you went crazy over his dick, "Yeah, like that? You ride 'my cock' that hard, hmm?"
Asmodeus who is insulted and started to use that toy to abuse your hole while telling you how he will fuck you with the real cock, "Like this, too fast for you to handle? Well, I don't care. As soon as my cock enters this pretty little hole, you're done."
Beelzebub who shamelessly compares his cock to your toy, insulting it's existence then fucking you with it at the same time "You feel that? You feel how your toy can't even compare to my tip?"
Belphegor who hates it, why need this trash when you can have the real deal? The one that pounds you so rough you can't think "Wow, so pa.the.tic! You think this toy is me? Haha! It's too.fucking.small. to even compare!"
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