#Oddly enough when I went to give it a go it did neither of these...
stardestroyer81 · 6 months
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Glitch Man, fully equipped with Hard Knuckle, is raring to perform one of his favorite game-breaking bugs in Mega Man II... but Magnet Man isn't having it.
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cevansbrat0007 · 10 months
Off the Market
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Summary: Ari learns that you're not the sharing type. Which is fine by him, because neither is he.
Warnings: Mature Themes, Ari Being A Menace, Jealous/Possessive Reader, Oral Sex (mentioned), Discussions of Public Sex, Mentions of Disordered Eating, Polite Fat Shaming, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: This story is part of my Sweet Renegades Series. Be sure to check out the follow-up fic, A Man Starved. Not beta'd. Not beta'd. All mistakes my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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“So?” You ask before taking another sip of your milkshake. The thick and creamy treat goes down easy, which makes the amount of time it took to get to you well worth it. “What’s the verdict?”
“Not bad.” Your companion mumbles as he eagerly gulps down his own shake. “Not bad at all. But just so we’re clear, drinkin’ one of these isn’t gonna get you out of our deal.” He stirs the drink with his straw before plucking out the cherry and popping it in his mouth. “Remember you swore on it.” He holds up his pinky finger as a reminder.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sugar.” You tell him as a smile flits its way across your lips. Without thinking, you go to feed him your own cherry. You find yourself giggling at the way he playfully nips at your fingers, his tongue lapping at the traces of whipped cream. 
There went your big Beast of a man proudly living up to his nickname, as per usual. Thank goodness you were the only couple dining outside today.
“Hey. How come yours tastes better?” Ari pouts suddenly, sending you into another fit of giggles.
“We got the exact same thing, honey.” You roll your eyes at him before returning your attention to the menu in your hand.
“Bird?” His growl comes out soft and silky. And it immediately has you on high alert. Because you recognized that tone. 
It meant you were in trouble.
“Um, yes?” You try ducking your head behind the oversized, laminated piece of paper. Maybe if he couldn’t see you anymore, he’d just let it ride.
“Did you just do what I think you just did?” 
“Well, I suppose that depends on what you think I just did.” You sneak another sip of your chocolate shake, doing your best to forget about all the extra unnecessary calories you’re putting into your body right then. After all, you and your man had a deal. And you aimed to see it through. 
“I think you just rolled your eyes at me.” Ari rests his elbows on the table, leaning forward on his arms in an attempt to get your attention. “Now, just because I gave you a pass back the boutique–”
You blow out an annoyed breath. “That wasn’t my fault! You kept making me model the most ridiculous pieces for you, even when I knew they wouldn’t fit.” You peek out from behind your menu long enough to scan the area for Stella, your waitress. Of course she’s nowhere to be found. 
Which, oddly enough, was fine by you. There was just something about the woman that seemed to ruffle your feathers a bit. Although you couldn’t quite put your finger on the reason why. 
“Except they did fit.” Your bounty hunter surprises you by yanking the menu from your grasp. He then tosses both yours and his onto a nearby empty table. “And maybe if you would’ve allowed me into the fitting room with you earlier, we could’ve scored you another bathing suit. I still think we should go back for that sweet little black and white number. That ass was made for it.”
“It was too small. Just like the other ones.” You counter, feeling your cheeks heat at the intimate praise. The burn only intensifies when you recall the way he’d simply let himself into the fitting room after you’d vetoed your third bathing suit. It had been his pick, which meant he felt that he was well within his rights to, as he put it, “see for himself”.  
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One Hour Earlier
“Baby.” He said, chuckling softly. “If a woman expects a man to wait outside and do it patiently, then perhaps she ought to give him a little show.” When you balked he’d simply shrugged and picked up an ice blue monokini before handing it over to you, silently demanding that you try it on. With him right there in the flippin’ fitting room. 
And he hadn’t felt the least bit compelled to help preserve your modesty by looking away as you’d changed. Instead, he’d had the gall to take a seat in a chair that was tucked away in a corner.
“This is completely inappropriate!” You hissed, clutching the forgotten suit to your chest. “Wh–what if someone comes by?” 
“Then I expect you’ll have to be quiet then, won’t you?” He held a finger to his lips, playfully shushing you. “That way it stays our little secret. Now, how about you model the pink one for me?”
“I’ll model whatever you want once we get back to your place.” You tried, your entire body had been practically vibrating with embarrassment. 
“Nah. I’m afraid that ain’t gonna work for me.” Ari had leaned back in his chair then, leisurely crossing his long legs over his ankles. “See, this Beast of yours is itchin’ for some instant gratification.” He’d locked his fingers together before resting them on his firm stomach. “And I ain’t leavin’ until I get it.”
“Guess we’ll be in here for a long time then, huh?” You’d responded rather snippily. “Because I’m not about to–”  
“You know, sweetheart, now that I’m thinking about it, I just realized you haven’t fed me yet today.” 
“I thought we were gonna grab a bite after..?” The knowing look that passed between you two had been enough to make you feel weak in the knees. “Umm...”
“You know how I get when you make me go too long without a taste.” His piercing blue eyes had dropped to your (thankfully) still panty clad pussy. “I’m gonna need a fix, baby. And soon.” You’d watched him cup his impressive cock through the fabric of his jeans. “Otherwise I might start gettin’ antsy.” The silky purr of his voice alone had been enough to have your thighs clenching.
“Don’t – ooh! Behave yourself, damn you!” You’d done your best to ignore the way your core had spasmed with need. “There will be no funny business in this fitting room. You are not getting us kicked out of this store, Beast!”  
“But I’m hungry now. Starving actually.” He’d pressed, a wolfish grin spreading across his features. “And all I can think about is sinking to my knees and burying my face in that gorgeous pussy. Right here. Right now.” 
You'd watched as he rose from his seat, his big body crowding your smaller one. “Wanna taste all that sweet, wild honey of yours when you cum on my tongue like a good girl.” You’d also squealed none-too-quietly when he pinned you against the wall. 
And although the man had seen fit to warn you of his plan, you still hadn’t been prepared for his boldness. Even less so when he dropped to his knees in front of you, his nimble fingers tugging at the edges of your panties.
“Ari…” You'd breathed, rising on your toes to graze your lips along his bearded jaw. “We can’t. Not here. Patience, sugar.”
“Like I told you, I’m about out.” He’d responded on the heels of a groan. “But I might be able to find some more. Maybe. But only if…”
“If what?”
“If you stay the night once we get back to Bell’s Creek. I wanna spend the rest of the evening getting all tangled up in you. Especially after I managed to work up such a sweet tooth.” Ari had brushed mouth over your covered mound, loving the way your nipples pebbled at his words - his touch.        
“I accept your terms.” You’d told him with a soft giggle as heat suffused your cheeks. “Now let me go so I can model these last few for you. It’s about time we get a move-on to our next stop -- no more kisses. Oh God, Ari! Be patient!”
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“I’m not trying on another thing after I stuff my face, honey.” You mumble as you take another sip of your drink. “We’ll just have to come back another time. Plus, you’ve already spent more than enough on me.” 
“You’re worth it.” 
“You should’ve at least let me pay for half.” You start to protest, feeling uncomfortable with being doted on in such a way.
“Already said no. And you ain’t payin’ for lunch either, so you’d best not get that pretty mouth all twisted up to ask.” 
“How about we–” You find your conversation interrupted by the arrival of your waitress, Stella. 
“Hey, ya’ll!” She chirps as she comes around the corner, her blonde ponytail bouncing behind her as she finally makes her way to your table. “Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. How are those shakes treating you, hm? Pretty good?”
“They’re great.” You and Ari respond at the same time. 
“I just knew you’d love ‘em!” She responds rather animatedly, her freshly manicured fingers lightly brushing over Ari’s shoulder. He doesn’t seem to notice. But you do. Because it’s not the first time it’s happened. “Looks like you’re doin’ alright over there, handsome. Can I get you another one?”  
“No, thank you.” Your Bounty Hunter hums, his gaze locked on the menu as he works to make a final decision. “But I do think we’re ready to order.” 
“Yep.” You readily agree, even as your eye twitches. “We sure are.” 
Stella makes an innocent show of turning away from you, her gaze focused on Ari. “I bet a big, strapping fella like you would be interested in one of our steaks. Our beef is grass-fed and sourced locally. Which means it’s always fresh, never frozen.”
“Actually, I think we’re both gonna have–” You attempt to interject, only to be shut down without so much as a glance in your direction. 
“Did you happen to see our line of Skinny Gal Salads, buttercup? They come with all the flavor, but only half the calories. They’re listed on page two if you wanna take a gander while I walk your lovely friend here through tonight’s specials featuring our signature porterhouse.” 
Your waitress’ audacity hits you so hard you almost feel a headache coming on as an unexpected fury burns in your belly. A belly that could probably stand to benefit from one of those so-called Skinny Gal salads, but then again that would go against the deal you’d made last night.
Which involved you and your man enjoying a couple of worry-free milkshakes and bacon cheeseburgers. You’d promised that you would try to relax and not get so caught up in all of that internal calorie counting like you usually did.
So, like it or not, a deal was a deal and you aimed to see it through. Regardless of what your waitress had to say about it. And if the woman was smart, she’d take her hand off your man’s arm before something happened to it.
“Now handsome, did I hear you say you were visiting from Bell’s Creek?” Your waitress cocks her hip against the table while she ignores you in favor of cozying up to your Beast. “Because it just so happens that I have a friend there that I like to visit from time to time. Do you happen to know–” 
“Actually, I’ve heard amazing things about your barnyard cheeseburgers. So I think we’re gonna have two of those with bacon. Extra bacon. Please.” You tack on the last word, which is spoken through gritted teeth. 
Finally, Stella turns to you and offers a patronizing smile. “Can I interest you in a side salad with that, buttercup? It comes with a spritz of our homemade red wine vinaigrette.”
Ari sits back in silence, apparently content to watch whatever the fuck was transpiring between you and this bottle blonde heifer with a notepad. Which was fine. You were a big girl who knew how to take-up for herself when the situation called for it.    
“I want fries, sugarplum. But who knows, my friend might want one of those skinny ass salads to go with his meal. Does that sound good to you, baby?” While your eyes never leave hers, you manage to catch a glimpse of a smile from your companion. 
“I, uh, would also like fries.” He coughs. You can tell he’s trying not to laugh, which only serves to piss you off even more. “But thank you.”
“That’ll be all, honey.” You politely growl, snatching Ari’s menu from him before your waitress could use it as an excuse to touch him again. “We’ll let you know if you need anything else.”
“But you haven’t heard the specials.” Stella turns back to Ari, a soft pout gracing her plump lips. “It just might change your mind. You might find yourself wanting something…better.”
Oh, no the fuck she did not. Your man was fine with his choice. You. The burger. All of it. Be gone, bitch!  
“We’re good.” You snap, seething inwardly. “You couldn’t possibly have anything more special than what he’s already got goin’ on in front of him, right here. Right now.”
Your waitress stares you down, but you refuse to be the one to blink first. If your eyes gave up and fell out, you had faith Ari would collect them for you before safely guiding you home. Your man was a gentleman like that.
“I guess I’ll go ahead and get these orders in. Two burgers, heavy bacon, coming right up.” The smile she gives you now is much more brittle and it doesn’t meet her eyes. But you also can’t bring yourself to give a fuck.
This woman needed to remember to stay in her lane before you ran her off the road.         
And then she’s gone. You find your glaring at her retreating form. You’re actually in the middle of fantasizing about what would happen if you took a pair of scissors to her annoying ass ponytail when you hear your name being called.
“What?” You snarl as Ari comes back into focus. And what the hell was he grinning about? Didn’t he realize that that pretty face of his was in slapping distance?
“You’re really something, baby.” He murmurs, his gorgeous blue eyes dancing with mischief. “You know that?”
“Meaning?” At the moment, you were in no mood for anyone else’s bullshit.
Ari leans forward in his chair as one of his big hands comes to rest atop yours. “I just meant…I’ve never seen you jealous before. It just surprised me a little is all.” He finishes with a shrug. “I didn’t expect for you to…to…”
“Didn’t expect for me to do what, Beast?” Your tone softens as you watch his head dip, his bearded cheeks tinged with red. He perks up when you give his hand an affectionate squeeze, flipping your positions slightly so you can lace your fingers through his. 
“Claim me.” 
Those two simple words are enough to send you reeling. Is that really what you had just done?
“It’s no secret that I like you, Bird. A lot.” His voice drops an octave as he works to explain himself. “Every time I see you, it’s like there’s something in me deep down inside me that screams mine. I guess I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way about me. Until now.” 
Was he being serious? Of course he was! This man had never struck you as the type to joke about any of this.
“I like you too, Ari. But what I didn’t like was watching our waitress flirt with you like I wasn’t even here. I almost fucked her up with my spoon for touching what’s mine.” Ari’s perfect teeth sink into his plush bottom lip, his nostril’s flaring as his mind works to process your admission.
“Say that again.” The command rumbles out from somewhere deep in his chest, compelling you to obey. “Louder”
“You’re mine, Ari Levinson. For today. Tomorrow. For however long this magical thing between us lasts – you belong to me.” You breathe, butterflies filling your belly. “You’re officially off the market, you got that?”
“I hear you, Bird. Loud and fucking clear.” The grin on his face soon proves to be infectious. “And you have no idea just how happy I am to hear you say that.” Ari opens his arms to you then, beckoning you forward.
The next thing you know, you’re up and moving before you’ve even registered what’s happening. All you knew was that your man needed you. Which meant you needed to go to him. Now.
“I always want you, Ari. Even when I shouldn’t.” You tell him as you gracefully slide into his lap, looping your arms around his neck as you do. 
“I know the feeling.” Ari murmurs, brushing his mouth over yours. “Which is why I want to do something special once we get back to Bell’s Creek. Before I have to leave again.” The startled look on your face has your Bounty Hunter rushing to finish his thoughts before you can verbalize your confusion.
“What do you–?”
“I’m only gonna be gone a few days, baby. Three, maybe four, tops.” One of his large, slightly calloused palms presses against the back of your neck, drawing you in closer to him so that he can take your lips again.   
“Oh.” Comes your lame reply.
“I’m coming back to you, Bird.” Ari rests his forehead against yours as you try to calm your racing heart. “You have my word. But I still wanna do something special for you – for us – before I go. Will you let me do that without a fight?”
“Okay.” Feeling content, Ari leans in to capture your mouth with his own once again. After behaving himself all day, it was time for his reward.
“Wait.” You place your hand on his chest, halting his advances. “You’re still mine wherever you go. I don’t care if it’s fucking Siberia.” You grab a fistful of his shirt, hauling him forward. “You’ll still be mine there too. You with me?”
“Fuck yeah I am.” Ari growls, using both of hands to cradle your face as he slants his lips over yours once again. The kiss is as passionate as it is raw. Your tongues dance together, both fighting for dominance. But this time your Beast lets you win.
Desire burns in your belly as you savor the sensual victory. You bury your fingers in his hair, tugging at the chestnut strands. Meanwhile, one of Ari’s hands goes to grip your hip, making you moan when he gently molds and kneads your curves. 
Jesus Christ! You suddenly felt as if you were wearing too many clothes. 
His lips skim along the column of your throat as you pant. You were always so fucking needy for him all the time. It made it almost impossible for you to resist him during moments like these.
You’re so lost in each other that you don’t even bother to look up when you hear footsteps approaching. “Will these be separate checks or…oh.” You hear your waitress stammer as she tries to collect herself. “I’ll, um - I'll just bring the one.”
Ari briefly pulls away, eliciting a soft whine from you. “Thanks. And while you're at it, we’ll be taking our food to-go.” 
“Bye, Stella.” You giggle as you give a little wave before playfully nipping at his jaw, not even bothering to glance over at the other woman’s face. You knew it was petty, but staking your claim on this man in front of your so-called rival felt so damn good. Especially after a day like today.
Frankly, the only way it could get any better was if you could make yourself utter those three magic words – the same ones you’d been practicing in the mirror last night. But right now they simply wouldn't come. They kept getting stuck in your throat.
Oh well. Guess you’d just have to try again tomorrow.
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axelsagewrites · 5 months
Hi I was just wondering if you were gonna write more tormund real man or if it was a one time thing it's really good
Tormund*Use Your Words
Pairing: Tormund x f!northerner!reader
Word count: 1537
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Warnings: f!recieving oral, m!recieving oral, p in v sex, unprotected sex, pull out method, teasing, praise, dirty talk, a lot of swearing, smut 18+
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Part two to real man (here) or read as a stand alone
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Being the lone woman of the wall had its challenges but with the threat of winter and the night king someone had to be here to stitch up the wounded and most of these men simply did not have your expertise. All of the men were grateful to have you stitch up their wounds and receive even just a smile however they knew they’d not survive long if they did anything else.
When lord commander snow agreed to your stay, he also agreed to give a swift punishment to any man who tried take it too far. Something neither of you had accounted for was when you would have to take care of the wildlings.
Well one specifically. Tormund teased you every time you entered his room, well prison really. His taunts made you blush and squirm under his gaze but never in a way that made you feel threatened. Instead, you would get a strange warm feeling spreading through your stomach when he’d make comments to you.
They got bolder with time. at first, he would make vague suggestions of things a pretty girl could better spend her time doing. Now when you entered, he didn’t even try to hide the way his eyes tore over your body. “One day you’ll grow sick of those boys,” he said as you applied the ointment to his now almost healed wound, “When you do, you’ll know where to find me,” he winked at you as you turned to stash the lotion back in your bag.
You rolled your eyes and turned back to him, catching him obviously staring at your ass, “Subtle,” you hummed, turning your attention to your bag once more as you tried to stall for more time. you had grown oddly found of the Firey red head.
“Never been accused of subtly,” he said, laying back down on his bed, his eyes scanning your frame still, “If you don’t ask you don’t get,”
“Oh yeah?”
He hummed with a smile, nodding his head, “Oh yes little bird. You’d be surprised how much you can get when you just use your words. You should try it sometimes,”
“And what is it I would ask of you?” you laughed, turning round with hands on your hips.
Tormund grinned, pushing himself up on his elbows, “For a proper fuck from a real man not some pretty boy like Snow,”
You couldn’t help the flush that stained your cheeks, but you could turn away from him, “Me and Jon are just friends,”
Tormund barked out a laugh, “Please. that boy would give his left arm for a chance with you,” he said as he went to stood up, “now you gonna stop pretending to be busy and look at me?”
“Who said I was pretending?” you said as you closed up your bag and turned to face him, trying to keep the tough look on your face. “I should go now,” you went to walk away but his hand shot out to grab your wrist.
It was gently enough that you could have pulled away but instead you only turned back to face him, “But you don’t want to go, do you? you want me, just as much as I want you,” he said, stepping closer till your chest was pressed against his as his other hand moved to the small of your back, “All you need to do is admit it little one,” he leaned down, his breath fanning your ear, “All you have to do is ask,”
You weren’t sure what happened but something in you snapped and suddenly his lips were on yours and your hands were in his hair. Tormund groaned into the kiss, moving back till he was sat on the bed, pulling you down to straddle his lap.
His hands moved to your hips, tugging at them to make you grind down onto his clothed hard member. you moaned into the kiss, allowing his tongue entry. Your dress had soon bunched up around your waist allowing Tormund’s hands to move down to squeeze your thighs, all while your hips continued to buck against him.
Just as you seemed to sink into a rhythm you were shocked once more by him flipping you onto your back while his lips began kissing down your neck. He squeezed your tit over your dress while he began to grind his hard on into your leg. “We shouldn’t,” you murmured, your eyes flickering close.
“Oh, but we should,” he grinned against your skin, “Tell me you don’t want to and ill stop,” he said as his hand moved to run up your thigh. You gasped when you felt his fingers run soft circles over your clit, “But your pretty little sounds make me think otherwise,”
You moaned when you felt his fingers slip into your hole, stretching you out perfectly, “So wet already,” he teased, nipping at your skin with his teeth.
Your eyes shot open when you felt him moving down, “What are you doing?” you asked as you felt his breath fan your wet cunt.
“Trust me little one. Let yourself enjoy it,” he said.
You’d been raised your whole live to distrust the wildlings but when you felt his lips wrap around your clit all while his fingers curled inside you, all that went out the window. He moved your thighs over his shoulders while his tongue worked wonders on your bundle of nerves.
You felt your thighs begin to clamp around his head and you were about to try pull them away encase you hurt him when you felt the vibrations of his moan shoot up your clit, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. “Tormund,” you couldn’t help but moan his name.
Times like this you were thankful Tormund lived in a room so far from everyone else since you didn’t have to hide your moans. You felt a knot in your stomach tighten and it didn’t take long till you felt yourself come to your peak on his face, but he didn’t stop. Instead, he kept going till you felt yourself sink into the sheets like melted snow and kept going till a second orgasm raged through your body.
When he came up for air his face was slick with your juices and there was a large grin on his face as you gasped for air, “Fuck you really are sweet,” he said, his lips crashing onto yours again.
“Please,” you moaned against his lips.
“Please what?”
“Fuck me,” you practically whined against his lips that soon curled into a smirk.
Tormund wasted no time in unlacing his trousers, “I’ve dreamt of you asking me that,” he said, pulling his hard cock out and running the tip up and down your slit, “Kept me up all night thinking of you,” he said, pushing the tip in,  “how you’d look under me,” he said, his eyes screwing shut as he pushed further in, “how good you’d look falling apart around my cock,” he said, pushing the rest in with one final push.
He waited a moment for you to adjust but when he felt your hips begin to buck, he wasted no time in grabbing your hips. His pace was ruthless but after being stretched with his fingers and fucked by his tongue it was exactly what you craved.
Your legs went to wrap around his waist and Tormund groaned when he felt himself sink in deeper. “Fuck you take me so well,” he groaned, his head falling into the crook of your neck as his hand slipped between your bodies to rub harsh circles on your swollen clit.
You couldn’t help the moans falling from your lips especially when you felt your third peak fast approaching, “Don’t stop,” you begged him, over and over as your legs tightened around his waist.
This only seemed to drive him more insane as his hips began to snap at an almost inhuman pace as he fucked you into the bed so hard the headboard banged against the wall with each thrust, but the noises didn’t matter right now. “Cmon,” he murmured against your skin, “Cum around my cock like a good little southerner,”
You wanted to tell him he was wrong, that you were a northerner through and through, but you couldn’t even speak as your third orgasm hit you. Tormund felt your cunt squeeze around his cock and knew he couldn’t take it any longer.
He pulled out, moving quickly to sit beside you and before you could question him you felt his hand tugging at your hair. You knew what he meant and quickly wrapped your lips around his cock. He moaned loudly as you took him into your mouth, and it only took a couple seconds before you felt hot cum shoot into your mouth. You swallowed it quickly before pulling off to sit up beside him.
Tormund was panting as he tried to come down from his high as he turned to you with a fucked-out expression. “I’m a fucking northerner by the way,” you said, cutting him off when he went to speak.
A smile curved onto his lips as he laughed, “You’re fucking something alright,”
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nothomegal · 5 months
“The little owl family” (Part 6)
(RZ!Michael Myers x GNReader)
Summary: your and your little sister’s life had an 180° turn when your parents got into a severe car crash, dying on the spot. You, being already past 18 had to figure out how to keep things afloat and give yourself, specially your sister, a good future. And you did! It was hard but you did it and became the absolute hero in the little girl’s eyes. People would often involuntary smile at the dynamic of your two, so wholesome and supportive, the perfect family bond.Bond that a certain Boogeyman noticed as well…
Warnings: a very light reference to suicidal thoughts at the beginning.
Word Count: 4k
Additional info: Gender Neutral reader. (S/N) = sister’s name.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5)
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It's been a day or two after that late meeting between (S/N) and Michael. And... Things went oddly well from then! The little girl became more relaxed in his presence, and would often send him small waves when (Y/N) wasn't looking, and Michael would often answer with the same little wave. It became a little secret game of theirs, it was simple yet fun. The numerous close calls of getting caught or suspected by the older sibling would always awake the childish mischief inside of the man, the possibility to fool around a bit made him feel oddly comfortable and at ease, like momentarily experiencing the childhood he never had.
He also noticed that (Y/N) themselves began to act more on ease around him. There weren't as many death glares sent at his direction, mostly just some cassual glances as if to check what he's up to or where he is. He won't lie, he kinda missed the attention he used to recieve, but this calmer and passive (Y/N) wasn't too bad neither, it kinda made him feel more normal and welcomed actually.
But soon he began to notice that maybe this sudden passivity didn't start out of nowhere, and the reason would be uncovered pretty soon...
. . .
A light groan escaped through (Y/N)'s lips as they make their way towards the kitchen after putting their little sister to sleep. While walking, they've been holding their bandaged hand close to their chest, an instinctive attempt to soothe the throbbing pain that only increased over the days. They're pretty sure their awful sleeping also played a huge part of why the pain is so unbearable. The countless nights they've spent guarding the door of (S/N)'s room and staying on high alert durning most of the day over the past week really drained them, both phisically and mentally. Leaving just enough energy to breathe and maintain a positive actitude around their sister.
They let a sight of relief once they stopped in front of a counter that had all the medicines in. The older sibling reaches for the container of painkillers only for it to be suddenly snatched away right under their nose.
Already knowing who did that, they slowly turn towards the responsible of it, tiredly glaring at that stupid emotionless masked face they hated with burning passion.
The two of them remained still, observing each other in silence. Michael didn't even tilt his head, meaning that he wasn't wondering or asking, no... He wanted to know what they're doing and he wanted to know it now.
—"...What?"— you eventually blurt out.
No answer or movement.
—"I'm not going to kill myself, I just need some medicine because my wrist hurts..."— you elaborate tiredly. —"Can you give in back, please?"—
Still nothing.
The container was actually at a reachable distance. If (Y/N) really wanted they could probably snatch it back. But of course they're not stupid to attempt that, Michael is a very deceiving specimen and things are never as simple as they look when it comes to him and his shenanigans, (Y/N) learned that the hard way.
—"Look. I'm. In. Pain. I need this because I no longer can handle it. Please, give me back the container."—
They grit their teeth out of anger and frustration. Is this bastard mocking them now? Silently enjoying their suffering? Or he's genuinely oblivious of their clearly not okay state?
—"You did this to me, remember?"— you snap as you lift your bandaged hand to show it. —"You broke my wrist, it's been hurting for days and right now it's freaking unbearable. So please, just give me the painki-"—
Their heart nearly stopped when their injured wrist was suddenly grabbed by the masked man. All (Y/N) could do now is stay frozen and helplessly stare at the black eye sockets of the rubber mask, which were staring right back at their shocked expression. They didn't even notice their hands became shaky, anxiety slowly flooding their mind as they suddenly remember who is the man in front of them.
Michael Myers, the man who escaped Smith's Grove by killing with his bare hands anyone who stayed on his way, the man who scarred his own little sister for life by kidnapping her and killing everyone dear to her just because, the man that somehow escaped death and kept his reign of terror for an entire year without anyone being able to do anything... This man, this monster did horrible things, things that he can do to them whever he wants, and he may do it right now as punishment for their boldness and lack of self preservation.
(Y/N) doesn't even know what face they're making, their emotions are too unstable. The stress, frustration and exhaustion are way too much to handle right now. They can't even use the energy to mantain a stone face, not when they're trying to keep themselves from breaking down on the floor and scream out of the frustration.
They just want it to stop. They want him to go away and leave them and their sister alone. They want to stop feeling worry every second of their existence, to stop these anxiety spikes whenever the blade of his knife runs through their body as he teases them, to stop feeling fear whenever his dark gaze moves away from them and is casted on their little sister, to stop feeling guilt that creeps through them whenever they see sadness appear on the little girl's face when she catches them being upset, they wish they could make her smile again, please, make her real smile return...
They... They just want to stop feeling in danger... Feeling hopeless... Feeling like they failed...
Please... Make it all stop.
Whatever look they had, it was enough to make Michael suddenly let go of their arm. However, instead of walking away or stand still, he steps forward and closer to them, body langage unreadable as always.
(Y/N) doesn't move, they don't even look at him at this point. They simply let their arms fall limply on their sides and lower their gaze, not even noticing the hot tears sliding down their face.
They're so tired, they're done.
Their breath hitched when their body made contact with Michael's larger and warmer one, following comes the sensation of something equally solid and warm wrapping around their form in a firm grip.
The embrace was tight, maybe even tighter that the one from the night he broke in. It was hard to breathe, though (Y/N) is unsure if it's due Michael's strength or their own choked sobs they could no longer hold back. This gesture, though simple, broke them completely...
The more they quietly cried, the tighter the embrace got, as if the man was really trying to force them to spit all the angst out, and maybe he was. It's no secret that Michael has no knowlege about comfort, it's something he lacked most of his life after all. But now, right after seeing their gaze change, everything inside of him is yelling to grab (Y/N) and never let go. Their gaze... Oh, he knows that look.
That look on their eyes... It wasn't fear, it wasn't anger, it wasn't even hate. It was something dull, dull and lifeless, almost pleading for him to...
He presses his masked face against them. The only thought of having their blood on him makes him feel weird. Seeing (Y/N), who's usually composed, strong willed and straight up wild when it comes to the safety of their sister, so weak and broken in his arms, made the man feel very odd, a nasty and unpleasant type of odd.
They grumble through gritted teeth as they press their forhead against his shoulder, as if really trying to hide their face.
—"I hate you..."—
He can feel (Y/N)'s fist collide with his back. Though the impact wasn't weak at all, it wasn't enough to make Michael let go, all the opposite, he only brought them closer.
—"I hate you."—
They repeat a bit lounder, tone cold yet broken.
—"Why do you still tormenting me? Why?... Why don't you just... J-Just..."—
Their voice breaks at the end of the sentence and is replaced by more cries. The punches soon ceased too, their hand slowly sliding off Michael's back. Soon their sobs began to quiet down and turn into ragged uneven breaths. They are mad, at themselves, at this man, at the world, at fucking everything!... But what pisses them off the most is that this bastard, the main responsible of their mysery, the devil everyone knows for the atrocities he commited, he's... He's somehow comforting them... Genuinely comforting them...
—"Why are you doing this?..."—
—"Why are you making it look like you care?..."—
Because he does.
—"Why?... Why?"—
They kept repeating the same question over and over despite knowing that they will never get an answer. And to be fair, even if Michael could answer, he wouldn't. He doesn't know himself what he's doing or where this attachment came from or leads to, all he knows is that he desires to have (Y/N) close, hold into them like a predator into it's pray and never ever let go. But even with this unholy obsession, he can't deny the strange sense of comfort and completion (Y/N) brings him just by being around. Ever since (S/N) questioned him about his intentions and the strange attachment with the older sibling, he couldn't unsee or deny the way they make him feel. And even when they say they hate him, glare at him, try to hurt him... Even after all these unwelcoming actions, he just can't stop himself from wanting them around, from wanting them...
The two remain like this for a long time, even after (Y/N) stopped talking and crying they didn't move.
(Y/N) was a mess, both emotionally and mentally, yet they couldn't deny the fact of feeling a tiny bit better after letting it all out. Michael's grip on them remained tight, strong like steel, impossible to escape. It was like a cage... But a very needed cage.
No matter how much they try to deny it, deep down (Y/N) knows that they needed this, they needed someone to hold them tight as they spit all their concerns, pain and frustrations out. But that means nothing, that doesn't change the way they view Michael. Though his gesture is laudable, how do they know it's genuine? How do they know he's not taking advantage of them? Could this be his attempt to deceive them? Make them emotionaly dependent? And for what?... For what?!
What does he want from them for fuck's sake?!
They take one last deep breath, shuting down the swarm of thoughts and questions and finally calming down enough to speak properly.
—"Alright... I'm better, a bit better."—
But Michael made no movements, his grip remained strong.
They sigh again, a bit more annoyed.
—"Michael, really. I'm okay now. I-"—
They tried to lift their hands up to push themselves away, but a sudden yelp came out when they moved their injured wrist too harshly, making them recoil and Michael to finally let go.
—"Okay-... I'm not okay."— you grumble as you hold your bandaged wrist closely, trying to soothe the throbing pain.
When the ache somehow stabilized and (Y/N) looked up at Michael again, they were surprised to see him holding their car keys right in front of their face. They stare at the item a bit dumbfounded, questioning where the hell he wants them to go, until it eventually clicks.
They know what he wants them to do, and this is a golden oportunity to recieve propper help to their injury. But the anxiety and guilt of leaving their little sister alone, again, at night and with this man, is already eating them alive.
A couple of seconds of inactivity pass, and though (Y/N) was taking quite some time to decide, Michael remained stoic as a statue, patiently waiting for them to decide.
—"I..."— you sigh again, but with more determination. —"Nevermind. You're right, I need to go."—
They dry off the remaining tears on their face with a single rough wipe with their forearm. They have to quit crying, they embarassed themselves enough by having a meltdown in front of this bastart, which apparently was so bad and pity that he had to comfort them. Beside, they must stay strong, not just for their own sake but also for (S/N).
They reach for the key, but don't take it right away.
—"The terms are the same i suppose. I stay quiet about you and you don't disturb my sister, yes?"—
There is no movements from the man. Despite not seeing his eyes, (Y/N) had a gut feeling that he understood and accepted the deal. They mutter a quiet 'okay' before eventually taking the keys, without any issue suprisingly. Once all was settled, the older sibling steps aside but doesn't go towards the front door right away, instead they walk towards the stairs.
—"I'll make a quick check on (S/N) before I go, okay?"— you quickly explain before going up, not bothering to see if he did anything in response or not.
Suprisingly, Michael doesn't follow them, not this time. He remained at the bottom with his head turned towards the staircase.
To some the attention and worry (Y/N) shows for their little sister may seem overwhelming, but for Michael it is something to admire. They always place the little one in front of their own needs and safety, always checking on her and making sure she's safe and happy. Even after he came into their life, he saw the ammount of effort (Y/N) had always put into mantaining (S/N) away from him, to keep her hopes strong and always mantain that happy smile despite knowing it will dissappear as soon as he comes near...
(Y/N) is a good sibling, a very good and caring sibling. Is that how Judith could've been with him if given a chance? Would she ever made the same effort to treat him the way (Y/N) treats their little one? Would he be able to be as good to Angel? Was it too much to ask for her to remember him, to know who he is, to know her big brother was back home and be together as family ones again? Was it really so much to ask?...
"I wanna help you..."
"...But I don't know how..."
"...I wanna help you... But I don't know how..."
"...I wanna help you, but I don't..."
Something inside of his chest squeezed uncomfortably, painfuly almost. He still remember these words and the way 'boo' screamed at him and the hate in her voice. It hurts, it hurts so much every time he remembers... He doesn't like the pain, it upsets him. Just why couldn't she recognize him?... What should he have done for that night to turn out different?...
The sound of footsteps softly going down the stair broke his train of thoughts.
—"Good news, (S/N) is still asleep. Doubt she will wake up until sunrise but I wouldn't go upstairs anyways, that girl sure wakes up from the randomest noises."— you comment quite casually.
However, they suddenly stop in their tracks when they reached the bottom and noticed that Michael wasn't following them with his gaze. A tiny detail that threw them off quite a lot.
—"...Are you alright?"—
The question made the tall man pause and realize that his hands were tightly clutched into fists. He slowly relaxes them, though an unpleasant aftertaste in his mouth and the general tension in his body remained.
Despite not having a clear answer, (Y/N) gives him a somehow knowledgeable look.
—"Remembered something bad?"—
He stays unresponsive for a moment, until he moves his head, giving a slow and barely noticible nod.
(Y/N) of course got a tag surprised, since it's the very first time Michael actually does something to answer them instead of staring blankly and let them figure out the message on their own. They don't focus on the sudden gesture though, instead they let out a small hum as they nod as well.
—"It happens... I too remember things I don't want to, a pretty nasty feeling gotta say."—
No answer.
(Y/N) seemed like they wanted to say more things, they decided against it and instead resumed their walk towards the front door. They stop to put some shoes and jacket, not minding too much the fact of them wearing pijamas. But before exiting, they look back at Michael's tall figure staring at them from the darkness, his pale masked face being the only visible feature.
—"I'll do my best to return before dawn, but no promisses."—
No reaction from the man, as expected.
They turn around and open the front door and pause again.
—"...Thank you, Michael."—
And after these words, they finaly step outside and softly close the door.
The masked man only tilted his head at this last sentence. Though these were three very simple words, he couldn't ignore how they affected him.
And the tension and ache from his memories were now completely gone, as if these bad feelings never came in the first place...
. . .
After a long wait and a ton of scolding from the doctors for neglecting their sleep and health, (Y/N) was finally driving back home. Luckly their wrist is healing fine, the sourse of the pain were the bad placement of the bandages and the overuse of their injured hand. Though they don't remember all the details, it seems like they'll be okay.
It was already dawn and the sun was slowly raising. However, they weren't too concerned, it was still early and there is no way (S/N) is awake, that girl sure enjoys lazy mornings after all.
And even after arriving home everything seemed in order, no weird vibes coming out the building and no funny feelings in their gut.
But the second they enter and close the front door...
A happy joyful voice exclaimed their name before something small launched at them into a hug with enough force to knock out some oxygen out of them. Nevertheless, the older sibling miraculously manages to mantain the footing and catch the little girl in a hug.
—"(S/N)?! How long you've been awake?!"— you ask in surprise and concern.
—"Oh... Uh..."— she thinks while poking her cheek with her finger. —"I think the little arrow on the clock was pointing at the number 5."— she innocently replies.
—"You've been awake since 5 of the morning?!"—you almost exclaim as you kneel down and take her hands. —"Are you okay? Were you scared? Did you know I was at the hospital? Did Michael do anything to you?"—
As an answer to their waterfall of question, the little girl childishly giggles.
—"It was all okay! But... I did get a tiny bit scared when I woke up and you weren't in the house, I though my nightmate of you dissappearing became true!... But then I saw Michael, and he explained that you went to see a doctor!"—
—"Michael... Explained?"— you arch your brow.
As soon as that question left their mouth, the tall man appeared at the entrance of the living room with a small toy ambulance in his hand.
—"Oh..."— you blink as you stare at the small item. —"I... I guess that makes sense how he did it."— you momentarily relax, but suddenly tense up again as you redirect your gaze to your sister. —"But seriously are you okay? Were you out your room this whole time?"—
The little girl shrinks in her place a bit flustered and embarrassed.
—"Well... I know you said last time not to exit my room when I had to stay with Michael, I swear I tried to follow your request! But..."— she bites her lip as she shrinks more. —"Please don't be mad, but I was just too scared to stay up there. You never left at night before! And... And when mom and dad left it was night too and-... And-..."— she starts hiccuping a bit by the end.
The little girl is interrupted when her sibling suddenly hugs her, holding her in a tight, secure and loving embrace.
—"Oh songbird, no... I'm so sorry if I came harsh on you, there is no way I can be mad at you for feeling scared for me."— you say as you place your head over hers. —"The first time I left, I was scared too... I was scared that when I come back you wouldn't be here..."—
A small gasp escaped the little girl and she quickly leans back to face her sibling.
—"You have nightmares of me disappearing too?!"— she asks quite surprised.
—"Yeah, I do."— you reply softly. —"Ever since I managed to convince the old ugly people to let me keep you, I sometimes have nightmares where they take you away."—
(S/N) frowns a bit, her childish mind not expecting that her usually super brave and calm sibling had such fears and concerns.
—"So please, don't feel bad, okay? Let's just be happy and celebrate that I made it home safely and you didn't disappear, yes?"—
—"Yeah... Yeah you're right!"— she exclaims, her happy-go-lucky tone returning. —"And Michael actually wasn't that bad! Though I wasn't in my room we still did our own things! Like, I presented him my toy dinosaurs while he stayed in thaaaaat corner over there and listened."—
—"Uh-huh..."— you mutter quietly as you glance at the tall man, who only tilted his head.
Man, if what the little girl is saying is true, then (Y/N) definetely owes Myers a medal for handling their sister's speech. Don't get them wrong, they love (S/N) to death and absolutely adore when she shares her interests and stories she invented about her toys or for their 'owl siblings' series! But sometimes she may get a bit too engaged with it.
Wait... Could that mean that Michael is being genuine with-.
—"And so... (Y/N)."—
(S/N) voice calling them snapped the older sibling back to reality.
—"About the 'celebrate' thingy..."— she says, suddenly shy.
—"You want me to make a cake, aren't you?"— you throw her an unimpressed look.
—"Yes!"— she giggles as she plays with her fingers. —"The cherry one, pretty please?"—
(Y/N) only rolls their eyes with a smile as they stand up and start taking off their jacket and shoes.
—"I guess I could make us a cake, remember the ingredients we need?"—
The little girl practically ignites in joy.
—"Yes! Yes I remember! Let me see if we have the all!"— she hurriedly says the last part before running into the kitchen.
The older sibling only chuckled as they finish undressing. They start going towards the kitchen but stopped right at the entrance, eyes already placed on the tall man.
—"Have you ever tried a cherry chip cake?"— you suddenly ask after a short pause.
The man slowly tilts his head to the other side.
—"I'll take it as a no. I'll make enough for you to have some too."— you pause. —"Don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean I trust you or enjoy having you around, but... I definetely owe it to you, for keeping an eye on (S/N) and such, and... And for what you did tonight."— you throw him a tiny smile before walking into the kitchen.
Michael didn't follow, not yet. His mind kept repeating that last image of (Y/N) over and over, from their suprisingly calm voice to the soft look in their eyes. But what would make his breath shake was the smile. It wasn't fake, it wasn't nervous, it wasn't out of politeness... It was a genuine, small yet sencere, dedicated to him and him only smile.
He lowers his gaze and places his hand on his chest, gripping the fabric of his coverals tightly.
It's hard to describe what exactly this set of emotions is, it all feels new. All he knows is that he suddenly feels warmth, a very soft and pleasant type of warmth...
It feels very familiar... Yet so distant and forgoten... As if he haven't experience these emotions for a long, long time...
He feels happy.
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not-5-rats · 6 days
"Do you think we're together in every universe?" (Yuurivoice boys)
((these are long af, I didn't mean for them to be so long 😭)) ((Contains: Alphonse, Charlie, Auron & Faust))
They were in the shop, Al was stacking shelves as Boo sat on the counter. They had been out that day, had a little special day together. Chill morning in the house, went out for lunch, went on a long walk past the park and deep into the forest (they got quite lost) but ever since lunch Boo had been oddly quiet...like something was on their mind. Al however knew better than to question their silence, they did this sometimes and would tell him what was to when they needed to
Their voice was projected so that he could hear them (they were at opposite ends of the room) but it was still hushed, they were distracted
"Hm? You good over there Boo?"
"Yeah, just, do you think we'd be together in every universe?"
He looked over at them and smiled softly, putting down the boxes in his hands he made his way over to the counter and gently held their hand, giving them a soft kiss on their forehead
"Course we are Boo, you ain't escaping me in any universe"
Casper was sat on the couch with Charlie on the floor between their legs as they gently braided his hair, a film playing in the background (though neither of them were paying any attention) and an empty pizza box balancing on the arm of the couch. It had been...a long day, to put it simply, for both of them and they just wanted to rest for a few days so here they were. Neither of them were saying much, but every now and then one of them would blurt out some random shit before falling back into silence, until Cas remembered something they'd pocketed earlier
"Charlie, I've got a question"
They stopped braiding and moved their hands under his chin, tilting his face up so that their eyes met. Charlie made a noise to say that he was listening
"D'you think we're together in every universe?"
"Cas...if there's a universe where we ain't together then I feel bad for me...em..him? Charlie- of that world?"
Cas giggled and so did he, they ducked down and planted a kiss between his eyes before going back to braiding his hair
"I know what you mean my love, I know what you mean"
Rook had been working late...like super late. They had only left when Auron dragged them out (almost literally dragged), he had taken them back home and was gonna make them some dinner to make sure they ate. He was cooking and they were sat on a counter at the other end of the kitchen, half-awake as they yawned and rubbed their eyes.
To try and keep them awake Auron had been asking Rook about their day, what their morning had been like, what work they'd got done, etc anything really. Rook was exhausted, their mind tried to focus on whatever they were talking about but they were struggling and their mind began to wander. That's when they asked
"Auron...do you think we're together in every universe?"
He glances back at them before putting down the knife he was using, rinsing his hands and walking over to them. He cupped their face gently as he spoke
"Well Rookie that goes against the idea of infinite universes, so no not all of them"
He paused, they couldn't lie, they were kind of disappointed with his answer but he had more to say. He gripped their hands with his own free one before continuing
"But that just makes me appreciate you so much more, because I could have been born into any of the countless universes yet I was fortunate enough to be born into one where I found you and we do get to be together"
He kissed their hands then went back to cooking
They hadn't seen each other in person for such a long timeeee (it was like two weeks) Star had been sick and didn't want to risk infecting Faust, then they had to go visit family so they hadn't been able to see each other. It sucked, Star loved seeing Faust and yeah talking over face time and streaming together is fun but it's not the same. They missed him and had been thinking alot about him, how much he meant to them when an idea popped into their head.
They were finally in a room together, they were at Stars house in their room. Faust was sat on the edge of Stars bed with Star moving from their chair, to beside him, to behind him with their legs wrapped around him, repeat (hc that Star is a very fidgety/movey person). They were rambling about anything they could think of, asking Faust a bunch of questions (just cause they wanted to hear his voice lol), and just making sound cause of how happy they were. Faust complained about it but honestly he was just happy to see them about again and knew this was them showing that they were happy to see him.
"Sooooo do you think we're together in every universe?"
He rolled his eyes, crossed his arms and looked over at them
"What kind of question is that? You a philosopher now or something?"
They sat down beside him, gave him a pout and prodded his arm
"Shut up, just answer the question...please :3"
He sighed and leaned his head onto their shoulder, trying to hide the smile that was forming
"I don't know why I would choose to be with you in any universe...yet here I am...so sure I guess we might be"
((I'll do more if people want :3))
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Hii, I'm here to drop a request~
Okay so, i have a thing for self-distrustive characters. Here's the idea: give me a self-harming hero who is too weak to act on it alone and willingly surrenders themselves to villain assuming (hoping maybe) they would torture them for information. Villain tho reluctant, doesn't hesitate to hurt the hero not too seriously tho. But for our self distrustive hero whatever the villain is doing is not enough to make them feel the relief they're seeking so~ let it slip out. Let them thoughtlessly cry out for more. And then give me a shocked villain. A concerned, regretful and lastly caring enough to treat their wounds villain. Give me an unresponsive to the villain's treatment hero. If you'd like to ass anything feel free <3
Much love to you friend, stay hydrated, we love you ~<33
It wasn’t like it didn’t hurt. 
It just didn’t hurt enough. That’s why the hoarse please had slipped from their tongue. And it was why the weak more followed. Judging from their actions, the villain hadn’t heard it right away but when the hero cried harder, the villain’s hands came to a stop. 
They’d broken three fingers, not to mention the shattered ankle. What had happened to their ankle had felt just but once the villain had moved on to their fingers, the hero had secretly begging them to break harder bones, like their collarbone or maybe even their ulna. It was sick, they knew it in their heart. It was maniacal and disturbing to feel like this.
Heroes were supposed to save people, even if their own well-being came in last. Saving themselves counted too.
The villain let go of their hand, eyes darting between the hero’s.
“What did you just say to me?” The villain’s hands went through the hero’s hair, getting a full grip of them, pulling them up.
The hero thought about their broken ankle. About how they wouldn’t be able to walk for weeks, maybe even a few months…? They always concentrated on the pain, rather than the period it took place in. By the time old pain faded, the hero always managed to get themselves into new trouble.
Letting injuries heal had never been an option. The villain let go of them.
It was hard. It was hard to lie there and accept their defeat, the fact that the villain had found out about their secret and more importantly, that they had stopped bruising the hero.
“Please,” the hero sobbed. “I can’t do this anymore.”
Their nose was running and their tears gathered together, falling down their cheeks like raindrops from the sky. Breathing was hard, their lungs felt frail from these past months and the world came crashing down around them.
When their sobs echoed from the walls, they felt truly defeated, humiliated, and the pain wasn’t enough to forget that. 
For a moment, nothing happened. Neither of them said anything. All that was left in the room were the villain’s questions and the quiet sobs the hero made. Feeling overwhelmed by the horribleness of it all, the hero rolled themselves into a little ball, crying into their torn sleeve. They were ready for everything. Ready to die, ready to be bled, to be beaten, anything.
“Hey, easy there.” Once again, the villain combed their fingers through the hero’s hair but this time it was much more gentle and softer, leaving the hero with the taste of bile on their tongue. They braced themselves for new pain, impatiently waiting for the lashing out and the violent actions but nothing of that sort came. Quite the opposite: the villain scratched their scalp softly. 
“Darling, what happened to you?” Their nails scraped across the hero’s skin, taking their time. It was oddly comfortable. Even though their muscles ached, they looked up at the villain crouching above them. 
“Please,” the hero begged again. “Please hurt me.”
The villain was silent, biting their inner cheek as if they were considering it. But when they answered with a tender “no,” all hopes the hero had were crushed. 
“You’re a mess. Hurting you seems to be what you want. I don’t want to give you what you want,” they explained. They wiped away a tear.  “Don’t mistake this for compassion. This is me controlling your desires. This is me taunting you.” 
They pulled the hero who had exhausted themselves and was completely defenceless into their arms. 
“And this is me wanting information. Why did you say that?” They held them close and embarrassingly enough, it dawned on the hero how touch-starved they were.
“I am so alone,” they whispered. They mumbled the words, not even believing their own mouth for saying it. No one was supposed to hear this.  “I am so alone.”
They started sobbing again. It was hopeless. The villain was the only comfort they had — even now that they weren’t hurting them.
“You will never be alone with me,” the villain said carefully. “I’ll make sure of that. Now, come on. Let’s treat your wounds.”
In all honesty, the hero had never done that. They weren’t sure if there were rules to it.
“If this is you taunting me,” the hero said, “then why do you want to treat my wounds?”
The villain gave them a grim look that didn’t leave room for protest.
“I’m asking the questions, not you.”
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 months
Holy crap I’m loving your writing! Im especially obsessed with Ken and the ranch owner
I’m wondering if you’d be willing to do an fem human reader x Ken where the reader gets a bit sick, nothing too serious but Ken absolutely freaks out and thinks the reader is dying or sum (he learned about death from Stero Barbie. Also spiders. He’s terrified of both) and the reader thinks it’s a bit funny so she’s like “yeah I’m dying” but then he gives her the most terrified and sad kicked puppy look and she has to explain that it’s just a cold lol
Awh thank you!! Im glad that ppl still love my barbie movie stuff even though barbie summer has come and gone 💔
There were only two things that Ken feared after beginning his new life in the Real World:
One is the mortality of humans, as Barbie told him all about how fragile their lives were and the two paths they were given: either growing old and dying peacefully in their beds, or some terrible occurrence cutting it short long before their time on this earth was up.
The second was spiders.
He especially hated the spiders.
You only recently discovered he had that fear after finding one of those 8-legged critters in your house--or more specifically in his room, where he came barreling out from as though he accidentally set something on fire.
At first, you thought he really did start a fire until he dragged you back into there, begging you to get rid of the "strange beast".
You had no clue what he could possibly be referring to....and then he pointed to the corner, where a little cellar spider sat completely unbothered, weaving its web.
In that moment, you realized you may have turned him arachnophobic, considering you did show him one insect-themed horror movie this past Halloween. He kept freaking out over it potentially growing horse-sized or injecting venom into his bloodstream when he was asleep.
But despite you assuring him neither of those things could happen (and insisting that the spider was more afraid of him), Ken refused to go into the room until it was gone.
You find it hard to fathom that this same doll who led an entire revolt, came to terms with his own identity crisis, and bravely made the transition to humanity....was totally inconsolable in the presence of a tiny bug.
Then again, maybe showing him that movie--and allowing Barbie to explain why arachnophobia was among the top fears humans had--was a huge mistake.
Regardless, you made it your mission to get rid of the critter.
Oddly enough Ken insisted that you didn't actually kill it, but you found you it sweet that he valued its life despite it scaring the shit out of him. So you contained it in a cup, putting a napkin underneath it before releasing it outside.
After that, you mentioned how most people usually killed spiders and other pests that invaded their home.
He looked wildly uncomfortable at that fact, before he began talking about some rather... concerning things: like if the spider knew how short its lifespan was, how easily it could have been crushed, if it feared death or if it was even aware of it at all-
Before he could derail and start rambling about death itself too much, you stopped him, asking if he was feeling alright.
And he went quiet for a moment, before smiling and giving you a kiss, reassuring you he felt better.
Yet even as he left the room, he still appeared awful tense.
It was that day where you worried that it's more than just spiders he feared..
"Babe, what's wrong? Are you sick??"
"...unfortunately, but it's nothing serious. Just a stupid cold I caught at work." Sighing tiredly, you sat up in bed, seeing Ken walk into the room.
He looked nothing short of horrified at how drained and exhausted you sounded this morning. "A-Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I don't want you to catch anything, so I'm sorry...but no kisses today."
"Then..what about tomorrow?"
You just rolled your eyes, drinking some tea you made for yourself. "Maybe, but we'll see if I wake up."
Although it was meant to be a little joke, your foggy brain forgot how seriously the blond often took jokes, and he rushed to your bedside, kneeling down.
His eyes were wide as he took your hand. "If you wake up??? Are you dying??"
Putting down your mug, you sighed once more, trying to figure out a way to remedy this situation before you upset him too much. "No....I mean I just feel like I'm dying, but.." You paused, noticing the tears coming to his eyes. "Ken?"
Now that he was a lot closer, you could see the utterly terrified look on his face--as though you kicked a puppy right in front of him.
Yep, it was already much too late. He was upset.
"I-I know tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone, but you have to get through this, [y/n]! Please..I can't lose you, too...not when you've done so much to help me." He was extremely close to crying, his lips trembling.
Your heart sunk as you placed a hand ober his own. "Oh honey, I was only kidding around when I say-"
"Why do humans joke about death so much? Don't they know y-you...you can't come back? That they have such short lives?? O-Or sure, some believe you can be reincarnated but that doesn't make it any-"
At this point, he was just blubbering nonsense, so you took him into your arms. And for a moment he fell silent, before burying his face into your chest, trying to calm himself down. "I-I'm sorry.."
"No, no..I'm sorry. You're right..I shouldn't be joking about death around you." Frowning slightly, you stroked his hair. "I promise I'm not dying. Not today, or tomorrow..not for a long, long time. This cold will pass and I'll feel better soon enough."
".....a-are these the irrepressible thoughts of death Barbie had?"
It finally hit you.
He was going through the same thing she once did.
"Ken.." You had him sit up so you could see his face. Aside from it being a little red and his eyes puffy and watery, there were tear marks trailing down to the stubble that had formed along his jaw and chin. "Why didn't you tell me you were having those thoughts?"
Sniffling, he just shrugged. "I don't know. And... I don't know why I'm thinking them. Barbie could blame it on somebody who was playing with her, but...I can't. Because I'm not a doll anymore, I'm human....a-and...those were my thoughts alone." He shuddered, terrified at that realization. "I guess I just..didn't wanna scare you, b-but obviously it's too late for that..."
A small chuckle came from him, although it dissolved into a small sob as he wiped his eyes. "S-Sorry, I....I want these thoughts to just pass already."
"And they will." You nodded, squeezing his free hand reassuringly. "It looks like you're just experiencing them for the first time, and that's okay. They won't be all you think about. And you don't have to apologize for how you're feeling, as long as you're honest with me."
"Th-Thank you.." He sniffled. "I should be taking care of you, not the other way around. Do you need you anything? More tea? Meds? Anything at all?"
You smiled fondly, leaning forward to kiss him on the forehead. "You're all I need right now, sweetheart."
That response seemed to bring Ken's giddy old self back, as he smiled bashfully in return. He melted back into your arms when you wrapped them around him, and he listened to your heartbeat: the only assurance he needed that you were still living.
Eventually...those thoughts of death did pass him by, and he felt okay again.
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cozzzynook · 1 month
I know you did something similar with Bumblebee. What if Optimus is Hot Rods sire. How would Optimus react to Hot Rods potential partners?
Hot rod keeps most of his partners a secret because majority are on and off or one time frag flings.
He’s a mech with needs that he doesn’t want his sire or any bot really, to know. He actually is private believe it or not.
But there are a few times it was a frag fling that could’ve been more that he just couldn’t hide well enough.
His once mysterious on and off with Soundwave was almost discovered but thankfully them springing into action and fighting at just the right time kept their secret from being discovered. They decided to end it there but remained good friends oddly enough. His conjunx find out on accident that he used to see the master spy.
There was a time Hot rod was secretly meeting up with Ultra Magnus before he became Rodimus and a period when he was Rodimus. Optimus had his suspicions the two liked each other and neither were ever going to tell Optimus or let it be known it went a lot further than just liking each other. Hot rod was so happy he was small enough to pass as a pillow in Magnus berth under his sheets when his sire came to deliver paperwork to Magnus that one night.
A bot that he never dated but his sire wanted him to date was Thunderclash. He outright refused, in front of the war hero at that, and his sire still wanted him to give the mech a chance. Hot rod finally agreed after almost a year of his sire bothering him about it. When the two were alone Hot rod apologized but said he really wasn’t interested and apologized for getting Thunderclash’s hopes up like that. He did meet the mech at his hab so he wouldn’t waste anymore of the mechs time than he already had but he still felt guilty.
Hot rod outright made a large rejection to dating someone on his team when his sire suggested it. That would always end badly and his sire did agree and came from a good place asking its just Hot rod didn’t want him finding out he’d slept with Blurr and Springer on multiple occasions. It was always with no strings attached, they were friends blowing off steam, but he knew his sire would not take it well so he kept that hidden too.
He’s had a string of decepticon frags he never intends to tell his sire about and the time he both individually and collectively fragged Megatron and Starscream because they were all charged and drunk off high grade on a neutral planet was something none of them were ever going to tell a single spark so long as they were online.
After that Hot rod chilled out considerably and by the time he was on the lost light he may or may not have fragged Megatron again, but this time he was a new Megatron and not a warlord now so he’ll say it doesn’t count. Nor does his threesome with the former warlord and his old fling Magnus now Minimus count either…or the multiple times they fragged or had private marathon sessions.
He didn’t have to worry about his sire finding out so he felt a lot more relaxed but he wasn’t interested in sleeping with his crew. He knew he was a horrible captain but not that horrible.
There was that one time he’d gotten really drunk at Swerves when they landed on a certain planet and he had a quick frag with Dreadwing and Skyquake. He wasn’t worried about his sire finding out but he sure was annoyed with all the teasing Megs gave him when he had to come get him because he was too fragged out to walk or transform…he gave the twin seekers his personal comm after that meeting.
What can he say he’s a spike slut he knows it.
He just didn’t want Drift or Ratchet to know.
He should’ve definitely remembered not to get up with ease after taking the pounding of a life time and giving them the ride and transfluid suck, in all aspects, of a processor crasher, at least in their opinion. Yeah it definitely one of the best frags he’s ever had and the fact he actually liked, was in love, with the two made it even better….its just he’s had rougher, longer, bigger and crazier frags than this one.
He didn’t dare say that though, he just blamed it on not being able to sit still which they didn’t buy at all.
Thankfully Ratchet accidentally exposing their relationship of sorts to Optimus via face plate cam where the two were catching up and Drift was in the back wearing a towel all wet and Rodimus had brought Ratchet a mug of hot energon kissing his helm fin wearing one of their blankets, the cyber kitty was out of the bag.
His sire was extremely happy and jumped to conclusions right away as Rodimus tried to back away from the camera thinking he could avoid being seen. His sire took that and his immediate denial for shyness about finally finding someone to date and conjunx. Rodimus literally told Optimus “they are conjunx to each other I am not seeing them,” only for it to be ignored.
To Rodimus, Optimus saying he was glad his bitlet finally stopped being too difficult to handle and date was a good thing. That he shouldn’t scare bots off with his impulsive and childish behavior and that it was good he finally had his life together and seeing two bots that were good for him and would help keep him on track was perfect. Rodimus didn’t bat an optic when Optimus said its a good thing he picked right on his first actual try and was being a gentlemech instead of bouncing from relationship to relationship like he feared whenever Rodimus eventually did start dating.
Rodimus was rolling his optics when Optimus said he was glad his own bitlet didn’t turn out to be shareware like some bots were rumoring him to be and thats when Rodimus immediately faked a smile, said love you creator bye and hung up the call.
He let out a deep vent and opened his optics to see Drift and Ratchet giving him a funny look and he played off a laugh shrugging his shoulders before walking away with, “my sire is so embarrassing.”
Yeah he’s aware of how Optimus actually views him. Sure he loves him but he doesn’t think very highly of him and he gets it. His sire is right to think that way but his sire doesn’t actually know he has a right to feel that way. Sure he knows his major frag ups but not just how wild he actually was.
He fears the day his sire learns what a complete failure of a prime, bitlet and autobot he truly is.
He figures theres no reason to really put thought into drift and ratchet seeing his convo with his sire. He just tells the two as he’s leaving that he’ll tell Optimus it was a mistake and make sure he doesn’t bug them about this. He’s not giving them a single chance to say a word back because he’s out the door and speeding off to his hab to personally call optimus and tell him they are not dating and to leave his non existent love life alone.
Of course after he finally gets his sire to drop it here comes Drift and Ratchet telling him they are interested in dating him and they thought they made that clear. That and he wasn’t getting off the hook for the conversation between himself and his sire or how he could just be so unfazed by long and brutal fragging.
He..tries to leave this conversation because he very much does not almost pass out nor did he burst out crying when they made things vulnerable.
He absolutely does none of those things.
He completely denies all of this and when his sire asked while looking smug when they return to cybertron for their wedding, “i thought you three weren’t dating?”
Rodimus almost ignites his tribal gown. If it weren’t for the two he literally just married he would have.
Its not till after the wedding and all the spark felt speeches did Drift and Ratchet corner him because they figured out some of the mechs he fragged and wow it explains why he’s so casually confident and can easily do all type of things in the berth.
“Really kid?! Dreadwing and Skyquake at the same time?! Starscream and Megatron when they were our enemies?! Literally magnus before that spark forsaken adventure! Who else was there?!”
“You would not believe me and I don’t think i should tell.”
He does tell.
Drift has a really mean jealous streak and so does Ratchet.
Rodimus tries to defend himself by saying ratchet used to be the party ambulance but Ratchet says that was in med school and he didn’t commit treason.
Rodimus shrugs it off or tries to.
They find a way to leave Rodimus in tears that night on their wedding by giving him the one thing none of his partners ever have.
They make love to him. Slow passionate spark bonding love…that leaves him both a sobbing wreck for two days and sparked by the time they get back.
Rodimus is not at all happy or amused at being made completely vulnerable and having to rely on them to take care of him for their entire wedding night or honeymoon and the fact that they sparked him. He’d rather it was them sparked, not himself.
They had other plans though.
Idk if this is what you were looking for but this was the best i could do.
To me they roddy and optimus love each other but they have so much undiscussed angst between each other its obvious. At least to Drift and Ratchet. Rodimus knows and he’s sure his sire knows too. Its just Optimus thinks he’s good at hiding how disappointed he is at how Rodimus turned out.
Rodimus will be the first to agree his sire is right when Drift and Ratchet bring up their relationship and they hate it. But Rodimus has honestly learned to expect disappointment and to always be a failure both in reality and in his sires optics and they both hate how serious and casual he is about it.
I’m sorry i just had to make it angsty.
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newbie-whovian · 5 months
Hi! Can I request a fic/drabble/headcanon list, whatever you're most comfortable with, about being a Time Lord who has long been friends with 13, and her discovering you're in a relationship with the Master? Thank you very much! 🤗
(yessssssssssssss this is such a cool idea, thanks so much for the ask! So sorry for the wait!)
Rating: T
Pairing(s): The Master x Time Lord!Reader, 13th Doctor & Time Lord!Reader
Tags/TW: reader is a Time Lord, 13 is a lil gerblin, the Master is... Himself, suggestive talk if you squint
You'd left the Doctor alone for five minutes, and when you returned, you were greeted by complete and utter pandemonium.
You weren't surprised, not really. This trip was supposed to be a breath of fresh air, a chance to cool down, but then again, trips never went the way they were supposed to. As soon as you went back to the TARDIS, you knew she'd turn a corner and find herself waist deep in trouble. This time, the trouble happened to be Cybermen, a whole mess of them.
The ship you'd landed in wasn't the resort cruiser she'd promised, it was a Cyber-ship. It had been in stasis, only activating once the Doctor began nosing around. Oddly enough, you couldn't get too angry. Growing up on Gallifrey, like the Doctor had, you'd gotten restless, and one of the things you found that you had in common with them was the fact that neither of you were too inclined to let sleeping dogs lie. In this case, however, it might have been best to turn tail and never return.
You snuck through the hallways, dodging patrols of Cybermen. A panel in the wall burst open near you, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin, and the Doctor emerged, face smeared with Rassilon-knows-what and grabbing your hand to tug you after her.
She led you into the air ducts, explaining some scheme that hardly made sense to you as the two of you made your way further into the ship.
All of a sudden, something made you halt behind her. The Doctor turned to face you, ready to tug you along before she froze, and you knew she felt it too. A taunting call in the back of your mind, a familiar voice.
The two of you pressed forward, silence hanging between you.
Once you reached the end of your path, the Doctor made quick work of the grate covering the exit and shoved it out of the way. She scurried out of the duct and offered you a hand out, her eyes darting nervously around the room.
A loud voice rang out, jovial but threatening, and while you let out a sigh and covered your face, the Doctor stood on guard.
"My my my, my two favorite Time Lords, both in one place."
The Doctor stepped forward, and while you knew she was about to speak up, you interrupted.
"I can't leave either of you alone for five seconds, can I? At least when I leave the Doc here to her own devices, she isn't trying to launch an invasion," you said out loud to the entire room.
And just as you expected, the Master stepped out of the shadows. "C'mon now, an invasion? You wound me, dearest. I wouldn't plan anything nearly as simple as that," he said, wearing a grin that tempted you to smack it straight off of his face.
"I don't care WHAT you have planned," you said, striding across the room to stab a stern finger in the center of his chest. "This was supposed to be a vacation, you know, MY vacation-"
The Doctor interrupted, "Excuse me, erm, what's going on?" She tucked her sonic away in her pocket, giving the Master a glare before saying, "And why did he call you 'dearest'?"
You let out a sigh.
"Wait wait wait, hold on a minute, you haven't told her yet?" the Master said with a chortle. "This is too good."
"Told me what?" the Doctor said, eyeing the two of you.
The Master began to speak before you cut him off with a quick look.
"Surely I've told you, Doctor, we've been... Well, seeing each other for a while now," you said.
"Done a little more than seeing each other," the Master managed to say before you gave him another look.
The Doctor looked between the two of you for a moment, before something flashed across her face. She began to laugh, crossing her arms before clutching at her sides, nearly doubling over. "You can never call me ridiculous again!" she said in between chuckles, "Because that is truly the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!"
You stood there with a blank expression on your face, before saying, "What."
"I never thought you had much of a sense of humor, but lord, this is a great joke!"
You looked to the Master, who met you with a shrug.
"It's... Not a joke," you said slowly, but the Doctor waved her hand at you.
"Aw c'mon, you can drop it now," she said, turning to the Master and pointing her finger in his face. "I'm dismantling your command module. This was supposed to be a vacation, y'know."
He gave her a slick smile and said, "I'd gathered that."
She stormed off towards a panel in the wall and began ripping out wires with a vengeance. You watched her leave and looked down at the floor, scratching the back of your neck.
The Master gave you another shrug, and you rolled your eyes.
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camusscigarette · 6 months
Violets for Roses
Chapter III: Sinful berries mixed with the bitterness of one's ‘cum-scientia’
Tumblr media
(Smut. 'Cause I was noticed by my Tumblr crush but not concerning the story ,rather the fanart of it. But it's okay, improvements.)
(I can not write smut it seems. Anyways)
TW: Torture in a flash back.
Soon enough, their dance came to a halt when the music stopped. They still remained in each other's arms, their bodies had moved closer to one another as they stared silently into each other's eyes. Everything at that very moment was intimate between them. Oddly enough, and to Bedelia's own surprise she was comfortable in that very moment.
"I've noticed that you have The Original Copy of the Kamu Satra in your library" He said with a small smirk as he dipped her to a nonexistent symphony playing in his head.
She had to give it to him and his watchful eye. But it truly seems like men only think from their stomachs and their penises, or else, why would he have felt the need to point it out now? A small smirk grew on her lips as he pulled her back up and began to sway with her once again as another soft symphony began to play in the background.
"I do, yes" She said simply, her eyes narrowing slightly as she stared into his eyes for a moment before she chose to go with a risky question and ask "Why? Intrigued?" And bingo. There it was. The sudden desire ignites in his eyes like Fireworks on New Year's Eve.
"I find ut fascinating that a woman as reclusive and very rarely sexually driven as yourself would own such a book" He said simply with a small chuckle. "No judgement intended, Doctor. I am simply intrigued, as you said."
"Well..I find such books to be rather vulgaire at times, but I do consider sex to be an art. Like painting, writing and so on. Sex is an art. Not everyone is good at it. And one can easily get creative with their positions, non?" She asked him ever so innocently, her eyes holding a certain spark in them that told him quite a lot of things, but at the same time, none.
"You are quite the confusing woman" He said as he twirled her and pulled her closer to him with one swift movement, their chests pressed to one another.
"Mhm" She only gave him a slight hum as her eyes stared into one eye, his lips, and then right back to the other eye they went. She wanted fun tonight.
"Have you ever practiced any of the positions in that book?" He asked her curiously with an expressionless face.
"I have. Quite the few actually in my younger days"
"And why not now?"
"Self pleasure is much more fun when you're well equipped" She said with a smile that threw him off guard.
He knew that Bedelia enjoyed herself at times, who didn't after all? But to see her say it so bluntly stirred something inside of him, something such as arousal.
"How so?" He asked her ever so quietly.
"Technology evolved rather well, don't you think?" She said with a raised brow as a small chuckle escaped her lips.
His eyes widened slightly and the image of her pleasuring herself made his pants feel a bit more tight than usual, giving her a small nod as he processed her words. "Mhm, yes"
"But I find myself getting lonely at times" She whispered in a husky tone, her hand that was on his shoulder sliding to his chest. "Don't you as well?" He knew better than to fall for that. And he didn't. But damn it did he ache to feel her withering beneath him.
"Mhm" He hummed again, leaning in to whisper in her ear "I can fix that" And with that he pulled back and twirled her one last time before he pulled her roughly into him, his hands gripping her hips and pressing them into his. It was a hunger he couldn't tame. Neither with human flesh nor with meaningless sex. He ached to taste her on his tongue, and his mouth. Ached for a saltiness mixed with natural musk. Famished and lust driven.
She wrapped her arms around him and lead in ever so slowly to the couch behind her, forcing him to take a seat as she sat in his lap, stranding him in the process. "Something like that?" She asked him in a sultry whisper, her sharp nails grazing his Adams apple.
"Yes" He couldn't help but groan, feeling her weight on his lap, his erection growing and his pants becoming more than simply uncomfortable.
She let her hands trail all over his chest, watching him carefully as his pupils dilated and his hips jerked almost unnoticeably beneath her own.
And like a hungry beast, having had finally captured it's prey, Hannibal's lips attacked Bedelia's own. A battle of tongues and teeth. Nipping on each other's flesh. Tasting not only their saliva but also their blood. The sound of suckles and moans filling the room. Hands exploring one another's bodies until eventually he had her pinned to the couch despite a sound of protests.
But he did not care.
He wanted her.
He had to have a taste.
With his lips leaving hers and moving onto her neck, he latched onto her skin almost immediately. Her head tilted backwards to allow him the space he needed to explore her flesh.
His teeth sunk into her skin and her mouth opened in a silent scream though a moan escaped her lips. With her fingers tangling into his hair a slight gasp came from her as his hands began to hike her skirt up to her waist, and his kisses grew sloppier and wetter as he moved down her chest.
"Hannibal—" She gasped, feeling how hard he was, his erection pressed into her panties, their clothes rubbing uncomfortably around one another.
He did a swift job of getting her blouse undone while she worked on his, ripping it off rather roughly while he worked delicately. His chest was exposed and Bedelia could see the beads of sweat forming at the hairs there, while his chest heaved with each breath. She on the other hand was half naked as his hand sneaked behind her back to unclasp her bra. But his mouth found her clothed breast and bit into it, a small whine escaping Bedelia's lips as she tightened her legs around him.
"Our mouths were always meant to taste the human body" He whispered against her skin, moving away the bra and throwing it over his shoulder as he finally exposed her breasts to him. Taking it the sigh like the greatest treasure known to man kind, his hand already squeezing and teasing one of her ample mounds while his tongue latched onto her other.
"Dieu Christ.." She breathed out, her hand not leaving his hair as she pulled at them.
His warm tongue circled her nipple before he pulled his mouth away and gently blew onto it, watching it harden and noticing how her body shivered in anticipation. And with that, he bit it , earning him a yelp and a teasing hand rubbing him through his pants.
"From lips to necks .." Bedelia whispered, watching him trail his kisses down her stomach, his tongue sticking itself into her belly button. "Nipples and breasts" She continued, growing wetter with each second as his face buried itself in-between her legs and he lapped at her through her panties.
After a few more licks and suckles, it was safe to say that her scent was making it impossible for him to now devour her almost immediately.
"Vulvas and genitals" She said again, her voice growing more and more breathless as he but her inner thigh and it took everything in her not to squeeze his face with her thighs. He trailed up kisses to her knee before he went back onto his usual trail, licking down her inner thigh, his nose burying itself into the lace panties again as he felt her slightly push her hips into his face. He felt her growing impatient.
Her scent was intoxicating. But he had to take this slow, moving his lips to her other inner thigh, biting and sucking onto the flesh with a full intent if marking her there. He wanted her sore. He wanted her sore and in bed with him till the next day, so his lips may soothe her soreness. Tasting her on his lips once again after tonight.
"Hannibal" A needy whine escaped her lips as she ground her hips against him once again. His thumb hooked the hem of her panties and eventually removed them ever so slowly, tying them around his wrist as he settled both of her legs onto his shoulders.
His fingers spreading her, his mouth settling onto her clitoris as he sucked some of her arousal, before his tongue licked down her vulva and began to feast on what he desired the most, letting his primal instincts take over him, his erection painfully hard as he rubbed himself against the couch.
A symphony of whines and whimpers filled his ears, and the more he lapped and suckled onto her vulva, the more his tongue was filled with more of her juices, and the more he got a taste of her, the more he sought out her climax. Till eventually, her thighs squeezed his face, her hands pulling at his hair and a loud cry erupted from her chest as she came. And she came hard with all the build up he made her feel and he didn't stop.
He wanted more.
And more he got as two of his fingers penetrated her, rutting roughly into her as her gasps were almost breathless. And it only took a few more minutes before she came for a second time. Her cum dripping down his chin as he pulled his fingers out, licked them clean and cleaned her up as well.
"Hannibal" She mumbled, already in a high daze as he removed her skirt, yet his eyes fell onto a scar on her hip bone, shaped like an hourglass with some writing beneath it.
It was in Russian.
Черная вдова
"Hannibal" She said in a whisper once again, pulling him by the hem of his pants as she grabbed him by the chin and kissed his lips once again.
"We are all Cannibals, meant to devour each other"
Hours later and he lays besides her in bed, her back pressed into his chest, his arms wrapped around her sleeping form as he placed soft kisses onto her cheek and forehead.
But the scar didn't leave his mind so easily. Not at all in fact as his fingers traced down to her hip bone, where the scar was located. His finger traced it as he tried to remember where he had seen this symbol before. And why was it engraved onto Bedelia's skin ? What was she hiding?
The signs are all Infront of him yet he is incapable of connecting the dots, leaving him nothing. A trail which leads to a dead end.
Or was it truly a dead end?
"You mustn't underestimate my power, Dalia" Said the man as he circled her from where she was hanging upside down, stripped naked.
"You left me no choice" She stuttered out, the cold biting her skin and the chains were making it impossible to breath in.
"I did. You simply chose the wrong one. This isn't a democratic country for you to assume that you are allowed to choose the choice that facilitates the task for you. What is this? America?" His question bitter and mocking as she bit back her tongue to keep herself from whimpering.
"I'm tired. I simply wanted something easier than usual" She tried to explain. But it was useless as he pressed a button and she was sunk back into the freezing water with a loud yelp. A minute later he pulled her back out and she was drenched once again, her body trembling like a leaf and her lips turning blue.
"Look at you. Like a wet cat. Shivering and whimpering. What else? Will you meow in protest Everytime I dunk you in?" A cold chuckle followed his words as he dunk her back in before she could say a thing.
Thirty seconds later he pulled her back out as she gasped for air.
"I'd like to hear you meow" He stated, a cruel smile playing on his lips as she glared at him, breathing heavily still.
"Come on kitty, kitty. Meow for me" He said, but she knew it was an order. An order she refuses to give into.
"Meow, or back to the water you go kitten" He threatened but still nothing.
And so, he dunk her back in. Leaving her for almost two minutes, until, he began to see more bubbles form on the surface of the water, and out of pity ,he pulled her out.
"Will you meow now? I'm sure Natalya and Yelena would be saddened to know that their mother is dead. With no one to protect them. Only their father around" He was a cruel man. A cruel, nasty old man that exploited their children to get her to bend the knee.
"Mhm—M—" She was shivering far too much and her teeth were clanking together, unable to say a thing.
"Mhn? What was that, kitty cat?" He asked with a raised brow.
"Mhm—Me—" A whimper escaped her lips as she fell silent.
And so he dunk her again. And again. And Again. Until bruises began to form on her body. Frost bites. And she seemed close to passing out.
His finger went to the button but before he could press it—
"Meow! Meow meow meow!" She said almost immediately, her eyes filling with tears as she shook her head. "Meow. Meow, meow, meow" The meows sounded more like whimpers but it was something.
His smile widened.
"How easy it is to dehumanize you" He said with a bitter chuckle, signaling two of his men to untie her. And as she came down, thrown to her knees before him, it was obvious that small frostbites were beginning to develop onto her skin due to the discoloration and the slight bruising, but he could care less.
"I have the perfect way to keep you warm, Lisichka." He said mockingly, snapping his fingers as one of his men yanked her by the hair and she yelled in protest.
"Rutting into you might bring back some of the circulation in your body" He said with a laugh.
And with that..
She awoke with a startled gasp. Her hand had already reached for her hidden gun underneath her pillow, aiming it at the door. The last image in her mind was that of— oh him ontop of her.
"Bedelia?" Came Hannibal's alarmed voice. She still did not lower her gun, her eyes staring blankly far ahead, breathing heavy as her chest heaved with desperate wheezes of air, her hand firm as it gripped the gun and her finger on the trigger.
"Bedelia" Hannibal said again, sitting up in bed, his hand ever so carefully settling onto her elbow as it lowered her arm ever so gently and carefully. "Easy there" He whispered softly, his other arm wrapped itself around her as he pulled her to his chest, and to his surprise and her own, she let him. "You're okay. It was a bad dream. A bad dream" He spoke softly into her ear, pulling the gun out of her grasp and setting it onto the bedside.
A bad dream.
It wasn't a bad dream. It was a reality lived decades ago. But still, a reality that remains freshly present in her brain.
"Deep breaths" He instructed her, his hand tangling into her hair, caressing it gently as he tried to soothe her clearly distressed state.
"Deep breaths" He repeated, his lips finding her temple as he gave her a soft kiss.
And so, her eyes closed again, and she let him wrap her tightly in his embrace.
It's over..
Or was it?
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I demand justice for the morally grey baby girl/silly goose.
This is a Rafal appreciation post because God knows we don't have enough of them.
So here is a list of reasons why Rafal is my favourite morally grey baby girl and he should be yours too(or at least your favourite silly goose):
1. Despite his sassiness and almost in-sync physical behaviour, like his brother's (both of them got up at the same time to jump at each other's throat. No warning no nothing literally just sprung to their feet while eating sandwiches and tea how does that work?) Rafal very much loves his dumbass brother. Rafal remembered everything with fondness regarding his brother. Sure it's not very wholesome to scare the ever-living hell out of your twin brother making him cry but the fact that he remembered, even after CENTURIES of being 17/immortal kept by the Storian, that Rhian would call him Fala. (For me the moment was oddly wholesome despite the cruelty implications from Rafal's side. I guess the most intensive moments of life are those where you feel more than just one emotion strongly because one gives sparkle to the other and so on.)
2. Rafal has a high sense of responsibility, higher than Rhian's. Now I don't mean to say he is a good schoolmaster. That is FAR from it. Bro mentally tormented his students and said it was their fault for making them miserable and further propaganda that villains have to live miserably and go through extreme pains to become proper villains. Rhian ain't too far away since all he did from what we saw was a parade in the School for Good and ignored all the students that so politely greeted him like he was their life idol excuse me they showed their respects. I know you were trying to hit on Midas because you always gotta hit on the guy your brother hit first(previous example: Hook) but a nod would have suffice? Instead bro just deliberately ignores them while threatening Midas... ??? At least Rafal knew what he was doing and what he had to do to keep the pact/oath to the Storian. Rhian was just oblivious and arrogant to it.
3. Rafal made a redemption arc. Sure maybe not in the true meaning of it but he tried. He got into the lines of his students and tried to see it from their perspective. He gained their trust and loyalty for who he was. He got to hear everything they thought about him, how horrible he was because he was the pain of a schoolmaster. But he also got to see his students admire him and grow fond of him. Even proving that the wicked and evil can be good in their own twisted way. After all, the heroes of a story are the villains of another. Always.
He inspired others outside of himself while he did his growth and that's beyond great from my perspective.
4. As twisted as he was you can not deny that he was rational. Whenever he made up his mind he went with it even if he had his doubts or moments of hesitation, eventually, he carried on with what he had to do because it was what he needed to do. In the process, he indeed has hurt many but he also self-sacrificed himself. Whatever pain we saw him inflict on his victims we can see that it's a direct reflection of his mirrored pain in them. We can go on about how this is accurate or not, the actual extent of it, interpretations, and symbolism, but to me it's pretty clear once you read a book that engages your mind, heart and soul. He torments himself and torments others because it is the only treatment he knows. The love he gives is suffering and torture. The kindness he shows is an eternal curse. The ever-fleeing moments of bravery are a misery to many. He is a walking omen neither good nor bad, with an internalised balance with the outside world through a mirror.
5. I just love him(as a character/platonic). He had his wrongs maybe more than his rights but in the end, he was determined and hard-working. He did whatever he could, he did what he thought was best even if it wasn't the best. He did whatever was in the power of his hands even when the one meant to have his back stabbed him right in the heart. He stood right by his role and side even if it was the wrong one from the beginning. Even if he was fooled to become the perfect incarnation of what others told him he was. Even if he was torn between who he was once or what he must have been and what he became or what he is in 'truth'. He knew he had a role and he did whatever he could to carry it out you could say it's from selfish desires because he would have died indeed so would have his brother. Bit by bit we show that despite the struggle and betrayal Rafal still tries to learn to love his brother, or better said remind himself that he does.
Bless our silly goose. Love him with all of my heart
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(I did not make this, I literally walked into this room and saw this. I was re-reading the first book at that time and saw this. It made me immediately think of SGE/Rafal. I call this fate.)
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undercooked-spaghetti · 4 months
I actually wish they had done the whole Saeko/Ichiban subplot better. When they had Ichiban have "the look" when Saeko casually says that he's cool, part of me was like "oh no" because him being into her just... felt like it came out of nowhere. And yeah, they've been friends for years now and it HAPPENS, but RGG just generally does not do a good job in the romance aspect in my opinion. It always feels like there's never good build-up and it HAPPENS.
But their date was cute. Ichiban asked out Saeko and her walking off because she got nervous was done well. BUT THEN ICHIBAN WAS LIKE A CHILD OVER IT? Nanba and Adachi giving Ichiban points and shit to impress Saeko felt so off because... well, yeah, Ichiban had never dated, but it felt so awkward since they've known each other for a while and you'd think Ichiban would just be chill and go with the flow since... he knows Saeko. He felt oddly childish in some ways in Infinite Wealth, and it felt more like they tried to play it up for the plot's sake, rather than because it was true to Ichiban's character. It was less endearing, more annoying, at least to me.
And then he proposed and was stupid about it? Which yeah, Ichiban is dumb about shit, but also, again, it felt out of nowhere that it went from they're good friends to he's SUPER into her. Yeah, she was an option to be a "girlfriend" in 7, but it also didn't seem canon.
And then it comes up constantly in the main plot when it has nothing to do with anything, just so we don't forget he likes her. And yeah, she just ignored him for a year, but even that felt out of character. Okay, she was upset he wasn't thinking of her at all when he proposed, fine, but it just felt like it was that drastic so they could have Ichiban pine and be upset over it. I know that RGG had to get the ball rolling for everything in the game to happen, but I kind of wish there had been some lead up to it.
Hell, during Tomi's drink links, Ichiban mentions proposing to a girl and she never gave him an answer. Except she did. She felt like she'd always be there for Ichiban, but it didn't feel like she felt the same way and wanted to be friends because she liked their dynamic. And I guess even in Saeko's drink link, she didn't even mind the thought of dating Ichiban, but it even ends with implying that neither he nor the CEO that she dated had her heart racing. Her whole thing was that she was happy with where she was and didn't want to get married (Kiryu could've asked if she was afraid of love, but I didn't go for it because... it just felt like Saeko had more important shit going on in her life than wanting to marry).
I don't know, the after credits scene of Saeko/Ichiban was okay. It just kind of feels like Ichiban needs to have it spelled out to him by others rather than he comes to his feelings on his own. And maybe if it hadn't ended with a big fucking joke and Ichiban having that stupid T-shirt, I would've appreciated how it concluded more. Ichiban is over the top, but it felt too over the top and by the end of it, it kind of felt like the subplot barely amounted to anything. It felt like everyone had to talk about Ichiban's proposal and Nanba tried too hard to be like wink wink, Ichiban is a good guy, right, Saeko? and it felt like the game tried too hard to smack us over the head with it. And any time a romance is that shoehorned in, it just comes off as trying too hard. Even before Nanba leaves with Kiryu, he mentions Chitose having Ichiban wrapped around her finger and asking if Saeko is old news... except Nanba was barely there for too long, and I don't think he would've noticed that kind of thing for the short time he was around? I don't think Chitose and Ichiban interacted enough around Nanba for him to be mentioning it.
I don't know, I just thought it was handled poorly. I think if there was some more time or little things to indicate better chemistry I would've been more into it, because as I said, I thought their date was very cute. But then it went off the deep end and killed it for me. I just felt like both characters seemed very off in terms of handling regarding the pairing, and it more or less felt like it amounted to nothing in the end.
RGG needs to stop trying so hard with romance because it just feels like it rarely pans out. For the kind of game Infinite Wealth was and what was happening, it just didn't need a romantic subplot and it never even felt rewarding once it finally did get somewhere.
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licensedqueerio · 2 years
Can i ask for gareth! Just like general dating headcanons. (they/them) pronouns please!
So I have written dating headcanons for Gareth in this post, but I have a few more :)
Also, oddly enough I'm kinda shit at writing headcanons but y'know what, it's fine. I hope you enjoy anyways :)
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So we've established he likes physical contact
if you two are in the same classes he always sits next to you
and you two have been separated on multiple occasions for talking
and then he'll chuck balled up pieces of paper at you behind the teachers back
and when you uncrumple the paper, it says 'hi' or smth
so you write back and chuck the paper back at him when the teacher turns around again
and you'll go back and forth until you get caught
you two almost went a whole class period without getting caught
until Gareth, who was laughing when he threw the paper, miscalculated and ended up hitting the teacher in the back of the head
you of course, laughed
and the two of you ended up with detention
(but its totally worth it)
but when you two do sit together in class
or just at lunch
he's either holding your hand under the table, or tapping his fingers against your thigh
and when you kiss, his hands slip under your top and just rest against your skin
it drives you crazy and the little shit knows it
that's why he does it
he drives the both of you to and from school, even before you start dating
he likes to bunk off first period and grab cherry slushies with you
his first period is math, which he despises
which is kind of weird considering he loves chem
anyways yeah
so your attendance is kind of all over the place bc of him
(but if you ever complained or anything he'd turn into a model student real quick)
outside of school you hang out a lot
and on days when neither of you are busy, you go on cute little dates
they don't have to be anything fancy
in fact they could be super simple and spontaneous and you'll both love it
he gives you his stuff randomly. Literally anything he owns he can and will give you
he gave you his favorite ring
you wear it on a chain so you don't lose it
but he doesn't just give you jewelry or clothes or whatever
he gives you books he's read and doesn't want anymore
(he 100% writes in books. It's like the movie thing, he needs his commentary and thoughts to be known)
he's given you posters for your room, that you definitely hung up
oh and don't forget the rocks
some of them are painted
some have dates on them
he once tried to be cute when asking you on a date
he came over late and threw a rock at your window like they do in the movies
except he underestimated his own strength and totally broke your window
luckily your parents weren't home so you didn't get murdered
but that weekend you and him learned how to replace a window before your parents got home
but anyways, you kept the rock he threw as a keepsake
and to tease him with
it's in the 'most prized possession' part of your growing rock collection
but once again. Moving on from the rocks
if you show any sort of interest in the drums, there he is
he teaches you how to play and how spin the sticks in a super cool way
he loves that you love something he'd passionate about
same thing with Hellfire
if you show interest in wanting to join, or learn more about dnd he's there, eagerly teaching you
if you were to ever join a campaign he would be SO HAPPY
like bouncing-in-his-seat-can't-sit-still sort of happy
he just loves when you show interest in his interests
he's not a quiet lover
he wants everyone to know about your relationship, wants people to know that he has the best parter
and he doesn't go out of his way to like, mention it
but if he's asked, he'll go on a whole rant about how much he loves you and how great you are
it's really precious
he once did it without knowing you were in the room and got so embarrassed he didn't talk to you for the rest of the night
hes big on cuddling when you share a bed
only problem with that is he's a blanket hog
which would be usually fine since you're cuddling, right?
he's as chaotic asleep as when he's awake
he moves so much it's ridiculous
and he hogs the blanket!
and when you mention it in the morning?
he denies it
he tells you you were just dreaming and then he'll kiss you so you forget about it
he's an ass like that
you still love him though
he flirts with you incessantly
even tho you're already dating
he uses silly pick up lines on you
or just flirts as though he's only just met you
he's so cute
since he's in Hellfire and friends with Eddie, he's definitely labeled a freak
so you're either one, or you become one once you start dating him
but he will defend you're honor to the end, he doesn't let anyone insult you
he'll punch them in the mouth without hesitation
you find it entertaining, especially when you end up running for your lives afterwards
but that's the cost of dating Gareth Emerson
It's totally worth it
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Tam and Keefe blossoming friendship headcanons? They are precious
They are precious, you're right! Perhaps this will help me figure out what the hell I'm doing with this one kam fic (spoiler: I don't actually know where I went with this, but it was fun! hopefully it fits with your request)
Neither of them chose to start becoming friends; in fact, it was against both of their wills
Due to some necessity, they kept finding themselves teamed up and working together, more often than not just the two of them
This may or may not be because no one else wanted to deal with them and put up with the tension
Keefe complains about being stuck with Bangs Boy and all his angst, but every time he gets laughter in response
"It's not funny! He keeps on--"
"Keeps on what, Keefe? He's not doing anything. It's all in your head!"
Keefe is incredibly grumpy when he realizes he doesn't have a good response to that. Just because he can't give concrete examples of Tam's fuckery doesn't mean it isn't there. It just means he's good at hiding it
What it, you may ask? Well, Keefe isn't certain either, but he knows it is there, so he's going to prove it. Their time together is now a chance for him to prove he's not making this all up and is justified
It does not go according to plan
He starts being nicer to try and get to the bottom of all this, and Tam just...starts being nicer back? Cautiously, but he's been dealing with Keefe for a while now, so he's mostly tuned him out
Keefe's grasping at shadows (pun not intended, but acknowledged), frustrated and confused out of his mind. Instead of being grumpy about the missions they're on together, he does them without complaint (his focus is elsewhere) and things are getting done faster.
Once, Keefe ruins his clothes (soaking wet, mud, torn, whatever) and Tam pauses for a moment, then wordlessly offers him his cape to cover it up
Keefe pauses for a moment, then takes it and admits defeat
Whatever he was looking for, he can't find it. Tam isn't doing anything wrong, he's just doing his thing
And Keefe finds he doesn't mind it, oddly.
He offers a small smile, and Tam returns it
"You're horrible at subtly" he tells him.
"It was obvious what you were trying to do. I knew the whole time."
Keefe frowns, but without malice, asking why he didn't say or do anything if he knew
"I was curious. I wanted to see what you'd do."
Tam's smile widens a little when Keefe grumbles about how all he did was make a fool of himself
They don't say anything more, not yet, but the tension eases, and the missions are easier now not because Keefe's distracted, but because neither of them are fighting it
Because Keefe asks about Tam's day when he sees him sometimes, and Tam nods approvingly of the shirt Keefe got to replace the old one
Because they're both tired, and they're both angry, and now they both know they're not enemies. That their energy is better directed at the people who've hurt them both, not each other
They've got a ways to go, but there's a truce turning into something more, and that's enough for now :)
This is influenced by how I understand their relationship as it is now (which is that the tension originates from and is perpetuated by Keefe, and Tam's basically just responding in turn with justification for his understanding of Keefe, which Keefe doesn't have for him), but hopefully this fits with what you were asking about!
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littlegodzilla · 1 year
Strangers. Part 2.
Norman Reedus x Reader.
Part 2.
Warnings: Fluff. Awkward situations. Protective Norman. Slow burn.
Words: 3100.
Summary: Norman has to apologized and you try to believe him, but sometimes is hard.
Part 1
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"Let me get this right... you've gone straight for her..." Asks the gray-haired man with a wrinkled look.
"I didn't... I didn't want to scare her, but I saw her there, like you told me and..." He sighs rubbing his hair, sinking his head between his shoulders. "How did you do it?"
"When I knew her my ancestor had been dead for years, it's rare that we met, that means our time is coming to an end."
"I don't like the sound of that..." Norman growls looking at the other man.
"It's the law of life, son, but take it from me, you have to be patient, and apologize."
"And if she doesn't let me get close? I think I scared her enough..."
"She'll let you explain yourself, that connection that exists between us won't be broken just because you went in for her like a bull in a ring, she'll be curious, but you have to be careful."
"Okay... I know I jumped the gun." He sighs now stirring the coffee in his cup, the older man squeezes his arm affectionately.
"Norman..." A soft, shaky voice causes both men to raise their heads. "It's getting late, I want to go dancing."
"Of course you do, darling, we'll be going now."
Norman watches the elderly couple prepare to leave. The hall where they used to go dancing no longer exists, but the man manages every day to enjoy a nice evening with his mistress. He escorts them out of the house, after all, he is just a visitor, before leaving, the woman asks her husband who he is, but neither says anything, Norman gives her a loving kiss on the cheek as a farewell and starts walking towards his motorcycle.
The night has cooled down in New York City, despite how bustling it is, he can hardly see people on the streets, it's a little late and the low temperatures do not help to feel like leaving home. Norman adjusts his leather jacket against his body before getting on the bike, putting on his gloves. The conversation still rattling around in his head, he knows he's lucky to be able to listen to the advice of his elders, but at the same time he feels anxious and impatient.
He has been dreaming about you for many years. He never really took it seriously, just dreams of a young and horny mind imagining a young woman who didn't have to exist, but it was curious as some images kept repeating themselves, as if he was living a distant memory. His father told him what was happening to him when he dared to talk about his dreams and ask.
For him it was also a shock at first, all that information suddenly made his brain collapse and he needed a second to think about it. Then curiosity won out over surprise and he started to dig into everything related, finding more cases than he would consider possible. Some were just lies, others coincidences, but there were some cases that presented very similar stories to what he was experiencing with his dreams. Then he found that elderly couple, who oddly enough he was a distant member of the Reedus family, although they didn't share a last name and they were talking for hours about it.
There were so many questions: Does she never know who we are? Are we always going to meet? Where can I find her? How long will it take? To all of them the old man asked for patience, but he did explain that it wasn't just something in his family, that you, in your previous lives, had also known who he was, sometimes it was you who went for him, sometimes it was something immediate when you saw each other, it all depended on the connection between you.
"You have dreamed of her, I'm sure she has had some dreams of you too, some of our ancestors had to travel away from home to find her. We have been lucky."
Norman keeps every word and advice of that man in his mind like a treasure. He starts the bike and sets off, before going home he must make a stop, he must apologize for scaring you and he knows where to find you.
"Oh no, that lunatic again." Your partner Mandy comes out of the kitchen as soon as Norman walks through the cafeteria door, the warmth of the place relaxing her stiff muscles from riding a motorcycle. "What didn't you understand the last time you took off?" She threatens him with the iron shovel.
"I don't mean to intrude, I just want to get something to eat, this place is on my way home." He tries to sound reasonable, but the woman isn't willing to negotiate.
"That's not my problem, man, you scared my partner the other day, I'm not going to let you near her again."
"Mandy, it's okay." Norman hears your voice on the other side of the bar and has to make a sovereign effort not to turn quickly and smile. "Ross is in the office, if he finds out you've kicked a customer out, he'll kill us."
"That nasty bastard..." She roars and storms back into the kitchen. You sigh and walk over to him.
"What can I do for you, you're going to want a table?"
"Please." He nods letting you guide him to one, it's not crowded so the atmosphere is nice and calm. "I just want a coffee and a sandwich" He asks you and you write it down in your notebook.
"I want to make it clear that if you do or say anything crazy, Mandy will be happy to kick you out of here with a kick in the balls."
"Understood." He nods again and smiles somewhat nervously, he has to accept that your friend is a woman of guns.
You sigh and walk away from the table to leave him alone again. At the bar, you pass the note to your companion and pick up the coffee carafe to go back and fill his cup.
"Milk?" When he hums you pour him some and watch him take a sip by wrapping his hands around the hot mug. "Not the best day to ride a motorcycle..." You comment without being aware and see him looking at you curiously.
"I know, but for my job it allows me to get around town much faster."
"Work?" you frown Why the hell are you making conversation with him?
"Yes, I'm a photographer for a magazine, it's just starting, we're still getting known, but it's interesting, if you want to take a look at it..." He proposes with a shrug.
You watch as Norman pulls out his wallet searching through his pockets to hand you a card with the name of said magazine on it. You take it curiously and return to the bar, where other customers are waiting to be served. You put the card in your apron pocket, knowing you'll take a look at it later, and continue working. The night is long, people are going out and coming in to work, it's the good time for business and your coordination with Mandy is impeccable, many years working together on that same schedule has made you know each other's times well and the customers who are almost regulars.
"The weirdo's sandwich." Mandy says, setting it down on the table.
"Don't call him that, and it's ten minutes late." You look at her reproachfully.
"He's lucky I didn't spit in it." She assures you and you roll your eyes leaving for Norman's table.
"Sorry for the delay."
"No, it's okay, I guess I deserve it... Any special ingredients I shouldn't know about?" he asks looking at you with asided grin and a snicker escapes your nose.
"No, this time the chef's specialty has been reserved for you, maybe an upcoming one."
"Okay, I'll keep that in mind." He jokes with you and you laugh again before leaving his table once more.
From the bar, with his back to you, you dare to study him curiously. You are no fool, he is an attractive man, of that there is no doubt, perhaps on another occasion you would have even been flattered by his presence and even tried to flirt with him. There is something about him that intrigues and attracts you almost as strongly, a mysterious and intense aura that causes you to want to know more about him, but it really confuses you.
"It's you." "I've finally found you."
His words still echo in your head giving you goosebumps.
What was that all about? You didn't know him at all, you'd never seen him around, sure he had something that looked familiar, but two days ago was the first time he'd shown up at the coffee shop. At least as far as you could remember and judging by his explanations, he thought he had known you long before.
You shake your head again, next to you you see Mandy looking at you questioningly, you know your co-worker and friend is very serious about kicking Norman out of there if necessary, you appreciate her efforts and that she cares about you like that, but you're also serious in that your boss is there and it could be a problem to confront a customer just because he's a little weird.
"You have to admit he's cute..." You slip out brewing another pot of coffee. Mandy next to you raises her head. "What?"
"No, come on, that guy is creepy, you can't possibly think he's cute."
"Don't be like that, I know he was really weird the other day, but maybe he got the wrong person..."
"Look at me and tell me those blue eyes aren't going to brainwash you." She asks you and you smile.
"Don't worry, okay? I'm a big girl now."
"Don't make me hit you too." She threatens you.
You laugh low nodding your head and walk out of the kitchen again, you attend to all the new customers that have just arrived again. You glance sideways at Norman who is still at his table, slightly leaning over his desk, focused on his phone, curiosity returns to you, you put down the last note passing it to your coworker and pick up the coffee pot heading towards his table once again.
"More coffee?"
"Thank you." He nods handing you the cup. You dare to look seeing that he is flipping through some photographs, possibly about his work.
"Working?" you blurt out and he nods.
"Editing the first touch-ups before transferring them to my computer. It's going to be a long night."
"You're going to pull an all-nighter on that?" You look at him in surprise.
"Yeah, I need to have it ready for tomorrow." He shrugs and looks a little embarrassed.
"Leaving things to the last minute, huh?" you joke and he laughs holding up his hands in a peace sign.
"I'm guilty, I admit it." He jokes again, you're ready to leave, but he grabs your arm. "Hey." He stops you, you look up at him raising your eyebrows, his gaze riveted on the hand on your limb, he notices and releases you. "Sorry, I didn't mean to..." He clears his throat and out of the corner of his eye spots Mandy at the kitchen door. She's like a hound dog. "I wanted to apologize to you, about the other day. I didn't mean to scare you."
His voice sounds nervous, shaky, it's clear he's sorry for the way he acted several days ago, that his apology is sincere, you smile and shake your head.
"It's okay, don't worry." You smile accepting his apology. "I got a little scared, but it's forgotten now." You assure him.
"Great... Can you tell your partner? I'm really afraid she'll end up throwing something at my head if I keep talking to you."
"Don't worry, you wouldn't be her first target." You laugh and leave him alone at the table.
Norman is thoughtful at your words, since he's arrived, it's the first time he's dared to turn around in his seat to follow in your footsteps. He feels good because he has apologized, you have forgiven him and now it could be said that you are starting from scratch, you could get to know each other better, maybe this is what his eldest was talking about when he said he should be patient. However, he feels his skin crawls when he sees a customer talking to you, leaning on the bar, waving his hands as he talks, he smiles kindly and you both laugh at something he is telling you. He doesn't like it, he's never considered himself a jealous or possessive man, he's had other relationships, you wouldn't be his first girlfriend, if things were going well, he's not hypocritical he knows you have every right too to do with your life what you feel like, but knowing the connection you share, that this man is daring to talk to you, to try to touch you. It puts him on alert.
And not only that.
His brow furrows as he realizes that your gesture is tense and uncomfortable, perhaps the conversation is dragging on too long for your liking, but you don't know how to dodge it. He puts his phone in his pocket and walks over to you, with a very slight gesture you detect him.
"Excuse me, can you charge me?" he asks and you nod, finally dodging the conversation to prepare Norman's bill. The other man's eyes follow you and he has to make an effort not to hit him.
"She's pretty, isn't she?" The man says to Norman. "The food's not bad, but certainly the service is the best." He says loud enough so you can hear it too.
"Yeah, you're right." Norman comments and hands you the money on his tab. "See you at home, honey." He says looking at you with intensity, you feel your cheeks burn.
"S-sure, babe, I'll call you to come get me later."
"Of course." He nods and his gaze then bores into the man who has suddenly lost the color in his face, but Norman doesn't say anything, just gives him a gentle slap on the back and walks out of there to go straight to his bike.
You have to admit that after Norman intervened, that customer has never spoken to you again, only to order some more coffee and to pay his bill. That's all. You don't need him to defend you, you've been working there for many years, you know how to deal with this kind of situations, but you have to admit that his intervention has been a relief and you didn't have to be too rough with the customer, so you appreciate it.
The night shift is coming to an end, it's almost six in the morning and your partner is parking the car in front of the restaurant so you let out a groan of relief feeling that your body is completely stiff from all the work time. The shift is over, but in addition, you are now going to have several days off, Ross is not happy, but you have been working non-stop for weeks due to the intense work and now it is your turn to rest.
And that's what you plan to do.
"Mandy, we're leaving!" you warn your partner entering the kitchen, taking off your apron. "Zack and Lee are coming."
"Finally, the nights before rest days take forever for me, dammit!" She protests.
"You're telling me." You nod rubbing the back of your neck feeling the tension in your shoulders. "I'm going to sleep until it hurts."
"Oh yeah, but if you ever want to get out of the house and look like a normal person..."
"Don't worry, I'll call you." You joke and smile as your companions enter the kitchen. "Good morning, guys."
"Come on, leave now, you're free at last, until next week." Zack jokes fondly and you give each other a warm hug. "Any warnings?"
"Nothing out of the ordinary."
"Some guy's been coming around bothering her these days." Mandy says and you look at her widening your eyes. "Maybe he'll keep showing up these days, you'll find out." She informs them, Zack frowns at that.
"Some guy stalks you?"
"It's nothing like that, it was just a misunderstanding." You quickly shake your head and try to defuse the situation. You and Zack had your history years ago, you're good friends now and you can even feel him as supportive, but sometimes he's still too overprotective and jealous and you don't like that.
You say goodbye to them once again leaving the kitchen, you say goodbye to Ross too who has finally deigned to leave his office, only to remind you that you have a week off, that the following Monday he wants to see you there first thing in the morning, without fail. You ignore his words leaving the restaurant, really your whole body screams for sleep at once, it will cost you horrors to recover the hours of sleep, the habit of sleeping at night and working during the day, but it's worth it. You say goodbye to Mandy with another hug and promising that you won't stay cooped up at home all week and you adjust your bag, taking the street that leads to your house. You're reaching the end of the street when you see him leaning on his bike.
Okay, fine, that's not funny anymore.
"I just defended you in front of my coworkers because they think you're a pervert. You're making it very difficult for me, Norman." You bark, crossing your arms.
"I know, I'm sorry." He quickly apologizes, trying to ignore how good his name sounds in your mouth. He has an excuse for being there, a good one. He really does. "I have to go to work, remember? The pictures from last night." He explains. "Plus I wanted to see that you were okay, that guy over there wasn't bothering you." He adds, your brow furrows even more.
"You've been here all night, spying on me?"
"No! No! God, yes, that sounded terrible, no. I just got here." He promises you. "I stayed here because I didn't want to inconvenience you, I didn't know you'd come this way." He admits truthfully, scratching the back of his neck, looking for some way to control the nerves that are creeping up on him. He had promised himself to go slowly, to be patient, but still there he is, making you uncomfortable again.
"I appreciate you helping me with that guy yesterday, but I'm an adult, you know, I can defend myself, I carry pepper spray if things get too rough, too, so I don't need you hanging around, watching every step I take. It's creepy."
"Sorry..." he repeats once more, a defeated sigh escapes his mouth and you feel a little bad, maybe you've been too harsh. "I'm not normally like this, I'm not the most talkative guy in the world either, but I'm not a stalker either..."
"It's okay, just stop doing it." You ask shaking your shoulders. "If you're really trying to impress someone, find something else, that's all you're doing is scaring..." You tell him sincerely. "And if you don't mind, I need to go home now, I'm exhausted."
"Sure... Do you want a ride? It's too cold to walk..."
"No offense, Norman, but I'm not going to show you where I live." You look at him intensely and he averts his gaze again.
"Of course, you're absolutely right..." He clears his throat, but tries again. "Maybe tonight I'll stop by for a coffee and a sandwich... work a little... if that's okay with you." He fumbles the situation, waiting for your response, you shrug.
"Sure, no problem. Good night." You say goodbye and walk away.
That you won't be there that night is a detail he doesn't need to know.
To be Continued...
I started this story time ago, like two moth or so, but I didn't continued it because the story didn't tell me nothing new... I'll keep writing it when the ideas come up to my mind like this time.
Hope you liked it!!
See you in the next stories!!
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Axis and allies with a puppeteer s/o who does shows for kids ♥️ please and thank you
Allies + Axis with a puppeteer S/O
(I think this was asked prior to one of my limited character rules, but please keep in mind to skim over the rules before asking uwu thank you)
He thinks it's wicked creepy.
Even if it's for kids
Swears the puppets are slowly stealing the life of the kids
S/O might as well have fun with it
That back fires a little. Once he was the tiny puppet version if himself becomes... involves.
His puppet now must be the hero in the show as well.
Congrats! Now puppets are only 56% creepy...
He actually thinks it's sweet.
He use to play puppets with America at one point.
That was until one of them mysteriously crawled in bed with America as a little kid. That snowballed into a lot of tears and screaming that night....
He's glad to see most of the kids enjoying the show.
His S/O can witness England giving his attention to the kids who did find the puppets scary.
Magic tricks and song a longs is his thing, so his S/O can be at rest at events from now on.
He's neither here or there.
Thinks the kids reaction is adorable though.
It also doesn't take long for him to sit in the middle of the children as a very involved audience member.
There will be one or two kids sitting in his lap, hiding their face in his cape at the 'Scary dragon' parts.
He may have 'lost' his cape at a couple events because he didn't have the heart to take it from the little sprouts when they thought it was a heros cape.
And yes he gasps dramatically and eggs on the children as well during the show. May have also pretended to cry at some parts.
He's no stranger to stage plays and puppets.
He introduces his S/O to shadow puppets, and is wicked impressive with them as well.
Offers to help with the shows, even if it's with string or hand puppets.
He starts to make shadow boxes and puppets for the more scared kids to play with, making Goofy voices for them.
Oddly enough any recording or photos of him doing so vanish completely...
Insert happy Russia noises.
Of COURSE he collects puppets, especially from his country.
Some of which seemed cursed but those are the ones he holds the dearest to his heart, seeming them as misunderstood like him.
He has zero problem helping out, but the stage maaay need to be made a little bigger.
Kind of loves being the villian in the stories.
His S/O has since then edited the stories so the villians have a happy ending as well.
The kids flock to him when he gives his stage bow.
Scarf has now become a swing, and Russia a jungle gym.
He will not want to leave so good luck.
Tis hand puppet time!
He has kept a puppet that a small girl gave him during his... less that joyful Era.
He let's his S/O hold it ONLY if they are wearing gloves and all lose hair and clothing is tucked away!
He doesn't mind watching the show. It makes him feel nostalgic and childish.
Don't tell anyone he mouths the words after learning the scripts
Doesn't know what to do with the kids who are creeper out by the puppets.
He guesses he's a guardian now?
Once tossed a piece of popcorn at one of the evil villians, and the kids went wild with laughter.
7/10 would like to join events more often.
Yall thought he'd be scared?
He is a child om the inside and enjoys it more then literally anyone his S/O met.
Loves to help make tiny clothes for the puppets and even makes cute props for the kids.
Has some cute story ideas.
Occasionally joins in or watches over the scared children, distracting them or letting them hide and cling to him.
Sweet baby boy, is sweet.
He will make a very successful attempt at making him and his S/O as puppets.
They hold hands now. And will never let go.
An immediate spewing fountain of puppet history. How their made, the diffeent cultures between countries
S/O has a whole library of ideas and inspiration at their hands
He LOVES watching it with the children, even letting them gasp and hide their faces into his arms.
His S/O has to refrain from breaking character due to the stern and focused look he has during the show.
Make him as a puppet, PLEASE
It will be the guardian of his anime figurines from then on out.
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