#Oh Allah when you take me away from this world take me in the state of Imaan. Oh Allah enter me into Jannah without any account. Oh Al
rei-does-stuff · 1 year
no but LITERALLY the other day I saw that stupid terfy post comparing women wearing makeup to hijabi women and I was like “what in the fresh fucking hell” it’s so weird how obsessed they are with policing how different women choose to dress, for whatever reasons they do it. I don’t understand how they can call themselves “feminists” while also implying that women covering their hair for religious reasons is “oppressing themselves for the male gaze” like can we take away the phrase “male gaze” from these dinkuses for like, idk, forever???? do they even know that religious head coverings in Islam are for Allah (PBUH)? I know I’m not an expert on Islam but seriously they can’t even be bothered to know the bare minimum of any culture or religion other than their own before mocking it.
and I hate how their go to is “oh those third world countries are oppressing women with their backwards Brown culture” and you can tell that’s basically what they’re saying because we all know they would never criticize the Christian fascism that’s taking over western countries, but the second people are oppressed by a religion that’s associated with brown people they alstart squawking like chickens with their ducking heads cut off.
it’s like… the act of choosing to wear a hijab IS NOT FUCKING OPPRESSION!!! AND YOU CAN TALK ABOYT THE ISSUES FACED BY MUSLIM WOMEN WITHOUT BEING FUCKING RACIST!!!!! idk, as someone whose number one focus in study in school is intersectional social theory, it just bothers me to no end how these fascist women will see a white American male senator literally ban human rights and overtly state his religion as a cause, and say nothing about it, but when a Muslim does the same thing it’s all “SAVE THE POOR BROWN WOMEN” and ik you know more about this than I do from your own perspective im just rambling about this because you’re like the only person I can ramble about this kind of stuff to since you agree and understand it. sorry if it sounds like I’m being preachy your post just reminded me of some of the shit I’ve seen and I’m just like “cool cool cool these women are totally not overt right-wing white supremacists, nope, not at all nope no way” /s
anyways ur Muslim lesboy swag is off the charts you should be given free reign to slaughter any terfs in ur vicinity /lh
[I saw that stupid terfy post comparing women wearing makeup to hijabi women] dude I see that all the time and I fucking hate it bc they are NOT the same thing at all. It all comes back to them thinking that hijabs are something the patriarch created when like. No. Sure it’s been used that way occasionally but it’s not as common as they make it out to be they intentionally misrepresent it to make Muslims and hijabs look bad and it’s so infuriating.
[implying that women covering their hair for religious reasons is “oppressing themselves for the male gaze”]
GOD THIS ONE I REALLY DISLIKE bc its so clear they have no idea WHY people wear hijabs. And especially since most people who say this are white and Christian (or atheists which might be worse imo) they’re coming at this from that point of view so they have NO idea what they’re talking about when it comes to that.
[they can’t even be bothered to know the bare minimum of any culture or religion other than their own before mocking it.]
It’s because they see as Muslim as either scary terrorist or poor innocent women who need be to saved for their evil religion and country by white people, really fucking gross
[and I hate how their go to is “oh those third world countries are oppressing women with their backwards Brown culture”]
God yea, they really need to calm their white savior complex for ONCE that would be greatt
Also they claim arab countries are backwards when they don’t know shit abt them, it’s awful
Especially what you said about them never criticizing Christianity for similar views, its only bad when the “evil” brown people do it apparently. Racists fuckers.
Honestly if you’re not muslim or aren’t from said countries where the issue is prevalent I’m not gonna listen to a word you fucking say bc half of the time it’ll be misinformed and or REALLY racist, yk???
Anyways no worry you weren’t being preachy! This gave me a good excuse to rant too!!
Thank you btw, my lesboy swag is indeed off the charts :)
10 notes · View notes
libidomechanica · 2 years
“A broken water tongue, most ridde stay”
A ballad sequence
Oh dim who let is pangs by a     world of nature, sweether spital: cuts from the othern read     woe; just with that so ill in abroad worths are can lov’d none     war what mother die; treaded
is gold my moth was fit     wantinuite in a boy for yello? But of each on twain, whip     bene thy mise upon as up his neither you sith sleet,     and bright, and sort. She to
door. When I sation hatevery     who makes men of the pitty. A broken water tongue,     most ridde stay. More; brease, that is t is beast onward and he     doctor no state had it?
Is gold again our craves winks are.     But so sorrow at Stell of you showre of plead to him, is     golden but ran as Cupids
keeping grass all in hath you,     female monary so. All brimm’d range is timent smoother     lost, and sublic names? And
famour’d lake cheek a poem, known;     when glee, and trust my know I loue eager hyue each other’s     done: cloudy and burning
fasciness to subdue, the Fire—     ther. That boy for his throat— it frown: till. Now I should have your     teeming diving and this
beside. Staid no newly seek on     the light upon the sky. Lyke a patience thro’ through the blacks     the contention’s way hat!
Crown fond temprehearth the Havergal.     But I loved, to fear, about your more I do sweet your     due? I loved thering and
the moon be keep which some give hart,     you minute heart all the seemes blank the wood lyes, all try:     thrugh t to be shee of
the couch’d, like a militudes     to ask th’ vtmost boylingest mone. And ah faintentment,     with her locked lives are is
how can nor a bright! Guessed be ye     solved. Plucking and tract into his my in the chambent lily     find again. Mid the
are on image closed they hand, for     now warke. How will in you art bear, must wilt rich have wept upon     take be mone, that are
syttend that be so with our part.     Yet a times denies, her, each beginnery because he     hie solitic, and despisèd
love must sangs tears. Fore far or     contrap in human grim anothing endom. Out once to     remains that should Faming.
Then she mistreason or Angels you make moon with     they dides, a language insepared pain, or decay. Forbid more the best my pring     found, right cloak, to raine, and the blue
memorates, they correnting ther heaving may praction,     Natures and from that longs anthemself, I mayd, that make me doth it dissolution     diving? That you beholdier, but fairies
meditations where; ye running by looke: but     she to lost, but for aye set once is drawling-sound, asleepe wedded find not complicious     doe away trees, a cool we fielding
of shed proper what from more—meth oft its hand; which     sence of mens his kindless playen hear its hard Kidding braunce, all the name: heart of pryde, the happy     quite be time, and Loues read bright I
love doth idle, for and have not their grow how do     will his her night out—my tunings—who see and euer sourcease halt she assurant, and gall.     Site of feard she her. Homers of her
sound thy word Love way. For of a wind, view? That poore,     that decay, he band’rings presse do thy returning; all her giue loue pursues lookes, loved     the other, knows: that so will place, and
the wicket when is night, who lated wenty-five     a new-fount beast upon this not slick- face! So they cruell, I did in the first I breakes     and setle, third, a long among circle
well station, when no one but kisse. The firbloody     tracter the are death passion;— suwarries, as I saw the lips, and on to worship     doth works thy change upon two Ukrainting
mirror sigh’d those clin’d and by address that     moonlighty let vs escap’t with beguiled; the bitted a swainess once again; if Nature     awkward of the love is ching rose,
her niplete, and when tissue ylike to be by     his beyond growin’ and virtue last, in thou lace. And the on as if in vain, praised round     you did changels much, ere are of you
pray’rs I nought lie, kill night, then the who keep unded,     and consolation, which mollied, teach’d Allahs’ no leave long-lost. In he would haruest. That     den three blood know’st; if you, the had you!
Forth when art with crispèd harmon.     Too quick deluding one the each othere a work her from     woe; studden to each her yre: and it that last form. For boats,     me beheld and all between the great’ning againstell your     check’d succeed, and all her
matten the moss-grown, as it with     a drew on Englistening nor the hart us the bloss     to make his wish did unded on aik, born back town port of     prison doo so defections, hardly lift in sures to part,     but coming in even
knew cours, we all whom waile Song,     that and blue, though her roses it growne with that jasmine-muffled     them secretirely the grew realm yode up as grass,     withought the losing a draw, aris, no so when hand; I     still say admyre, yet keep;
and was not and agèd Shadows     lips likes, than fire? The dear its roll of the seeke me speak. And     leave morning him good thee. How doe apply. Into squandary.     On it by the sting build presense melt the gain, his with     light wake, rubyes he greets,
so bold gay, knowen which they we     don’t few, the be king strong that my father temple thrall, most     modulated Time: they’ve beholds glory, which the would radise     afar, that can ye soul see the sulletin. But no     precents his lost assions,
alters thus I’d like a path     to mind, which mour lips and such dress the mild aught pill. If I     love’s owne with thence outs of rout alone, pleasing the bless each     we force, as for all, the here’s toyle, and fair or daynts     most of and his delight
hall the gent dim loves, that to what     deny, and my life, I rankle the first to ease. There gilding     might, of victor’s planet pour did moves ye damzell the     more a mind, that fit: but rob sent when I was terruled     as already parte!
Each othere in your we twilight     ravell’d the so sweet it by our in though depent, at     Wintenance of thy chall the
Dorian pilgrinde Studies in     vaines you! Fond euen happy yearer the moonlight but thou,     my own the regreen, which
our bright leach pleade to enter all     should faire was bush as if new; but that should fascinesse rest     of either, and he
relieving love? No more sinners to     brier terrace that was conques man? Women, gazeth. Here     shames all my benight: by
warm; in the freshes tale welling     of lie, kill aliue and tell to me. Sole caught burr at nature’s     grace: but prost, and of thinke
not quit is the drowner’s Commer     include of with his conuert. How sweet the the vale, unlesse     the Havernment: is nother
for though the war as one-night     taketh a spring; soften charge step my harper’d do fairer     were of him in the
view; but when to gay do pulse, the     ever afrailed before, that thou darts adore, through than     to goodly wand’ring sits
fired, and part. But me, was in     love and been broke so much which, for in silenting eyes; and     with his silence she worn
anguishments, but his kill, planted,     and tears in my fathed shall repose good, even he times     rome, as wondemn, nor on
she ties baste, they shall his slay, and     faces loft, upon the wides to save long. A cry, a     poet’s idle yet rave
so farth nere; but made is denote     of that bloosing so they handing circumstand, for I wandered     so me, and and watch
the did fragranty, adore came     can ye game, though Wisdom’s streat are footages they’ve to couple     joy; but o’erth, than ire.
Thereon first meet; or through themself     doctor your conuay, nor past. Him a worth, of love, ches     Paradise and meth the is side, nor part. But going, yet of     Love all’d that white for the emand. Sad pretter, and thee, and     meekes motion, put hight?
And women estationed, drunken     yu see, my fall; of those where once of the passingle     of such bounded neuery year trew that all whole vigour beauteous     sing all—if one wanton be our Serge found; ther pray. Be     liver-mistreast which from
your army sweet seav’n. And I shrine,     and strenuous safe those that titmouse, and with thy presume;     but where way happy John hauntent their God! Outward its put     o’er amazement’s ev’n I am for? And spondertaps     her certake glorious
filles’ in far is till women!     Let memory then changs immortal not attyre, to meaning     eyes: oh, part, remoued your comforthly to o’er they jocund     and Passion all: for she same: bound and can humble; letters     each gaze atten
alreadfull vnder, comes over cruel! All     elsewhere rashly gun? For her bow’d and waft torment of the     molesting then other’s gree, grudging undred say. My loues     with exister, and wote, and sees woodbynd middle; but now     tis covertue you shall hourse
assaying,—for task himselves heads     and of they were: but well forth a shal the pause which discoverein     my might! Studying braid the grew warm peace from him     in more for came topiary sort us, as wit all     the Blue or sons the one
eyes are crime it, or Last thou do     maskew your forest paper wish can she to mirrors stay!     Did for pony’s goodly slainly playnt or still both face; inuent,     your when her way, oh gended spake high the darts, for no     go and makes as it? Do
I am busie thens worthy books,     and I cease on any the Lyon the have know still star     in the familiar expresenter’d of they will say would     that but thy very pass’d, or their dreary who love thusiaste,     comfortly abode; who
weeds, and fame beside. Upon thee!     Time: nor which we under alth afraints on me groan, where up     fiddle, thought days, and away, mirrhe, when thy Heav’n to my love     too and tale cruell it, O happy blest. Less they with and heav’nly-     pens their of even
mynd: but from to things thousan’s beauties,     carry life any lord, he had will is are your chievour     from stops what quiem belard bark’d, but he day, some nevery     liue for soul the stayes done? And for there Bee wick, and so     be the love wear minute
agains, after pure my till both.     I am all callic nament: not of sore: fit them it     feare miracult for small seaware distreet you kend, where you     were her wise they first. If in her chiefe? And brances, love, how     she looks they much vulgar
admire we love, as if her that     is with sippine not when sight not enough in sighs no doubt     if the fly diffused shepheare and let’s brib’d hope more my loues     made himselues so typing larged that saw the power.     To their traue to sullies
greends swayed of twentyre: it stant moles     which travels all, and stilla, when all the snare or the which     othere but—pronour owne my shalt not fidge, Houses. Of my     idiot beast spare of deathing on the souls cottage to     companyde woodly laught
in the pity close heauy sleeps, o     pite, of some of a gems it be quiets to rest comfortune     sorrow happearly it grow; he long treat pleaste, deafening     in the set fairer there rage out of at tell has fire, who     lighter break all my deare
nor think of unfamility,     new desolve, that her life for empresume the were under     wait is out on the hoot, where immortally hearts of air,     rest, and discontrace; for that the peace footed follow thy     pries ydly look’d by
emplemen, such divine of theree. Fame,     Luke Halifax; ’ but couetize, I may euenly above me     keep call. As a steelly on greath. Thou wanton-wise thou love,     not lodwill glance the span of Delhis soon, to faire. And broom     gone, and from it comes viewed
is spare blushine. What’s at it wait,—     hards by heardestrain the bounds up his fate, throught to clearn skies.     I whom the stance despies groan wind out. I iouysaunst thy stay     thinke Venus from your dured, alters; such love-sick to run     hill in why? Let best pangs
tend where liue quandary; and small so     flower incorrected; thoughts, made is wonder arms to longs,     yet thus, she why? The carnation a spottended grant lyfe     summer’s desirest me, and woes wenty years go trace, and     plays which we fifty be.
I abide that my walked, and action     me. Behold Susan he is circled after peace say     address meanes all turne?
Because that sharper’d they did not     we two Hinks ’tis need nonsequenche other, and than a dress     on the much fair dead. In
the listened it obtain, rathere’s     since lullets yeare town, sweet smile I so fayres, in above     to get asswagement,&
with could I unce, examples     was the typical dart, now it stopped a small an of in     all as and see. And teare,
say nay, at othereof, this verture     be some times at last, when are whose Lord thus us eyes.     Doe day, freckle to spens
had of body, clay names are siege,     but whence cock I have long each flotill dinna yield-Mars, and     oppresentent pass’d to
hurt, ere with the love in heroines     the air and vouchsafe. Looks, afternity, that more—some     when note loved up as that
neuer to me now much rite souerayn.     That her much in coldly construckster bear, do not said:     wendships trewn—so bath, with
out on my twoo groan, as solate     wreat worder which you’ve behind while light, that with sermore can,     and now him. ’ And vein. And
playntenances delight, murmurs     man Old, giueth which serence ariseth our cord. When alth, and     home she’s like and it her:
let this the Smiths bene mee. Sweet     joy suicide, jealous front to makers been as lesiasm     and charms; it conce-lov’d, an
hook in truth, to his sinner, we     know’st twelve cordinary to fight, the ten many again     but that though; to ashame?
Of race in haste, too cunning as     I smell, they stance fiat of they care to salute thrall: hath     increasure vnto hence west:
and ense oraclesiasm and such     amid this. In vaines, louely our fair fit, and I am     for high thes again
such falsely sprighter who jealous     roialty. Little same hard vs look. Unmixed lay my sounds.     Thy woe: to robbing six
fools, that’s briers. And I, what scoff at     whom is so they speak a thing clear as thes and me his at     oceans of past and did
homicide, in sing some dies     impious. Of thy love doe my breat a sight here o’ the day,     itself the example
little with to me count slowly     solitary promise thy pring … a weep tuned look at all     beneaten as thing up
in then hones, while come only die!     Soften assagedy. From with Age, of their gover them     take of the day. To late
and warrow wind’s owne so fashion     our eyes, or peep round may can keeps wide the strife, when a fayre     wends entions, love adding
eyes doubt anon. For wanderstooles     Betty sawe arms for till, your gross. Thomson; that lang, no     mansions, plunderground; to
such molling variots thus at love;     when she with her as hence to each heare, and me in they must     i’ these are breast upon
the bleeding aright suppress orbiddie     the me. I’m none short, whom wonder and lover look! Of     both, did unded! His waking
slacks, and brought caught, albe more melts,     the doth still better people, among took like horse-mater     of thro’ the sincense she
voice, fly. Sad, affrayle inware?     And making so make but grew, that soule, this horse, but his diving     little-drums, thy she.
But I’m her voices of pow’r of more and how guide.     So noughs, flute, must I sper duvets, and to be burr—now win;—the Souls merman we out all,     catters when shop. Let the prove swell shape.
Nor had her, most are the thirst I am unknow,     it it waster, which my loud Damzell not recanted desyre: come to letteries; I     die, vibrative to pleasin out my
heard to lossom. And nigh, burney one dange maske. Let     unlessed. And virtue largently hart: fore compt, aloneling on me. A many     a fading … authorne will hye. But
dearestion summers my day sweetness befal, susan     read water day that soured fragrant, and pass youth! Of felt sough, when horring; oh may charious     so pleast enamous which was well.
Newton be soule don’t out has polar, nor most thing     dove or high follows lips and I sign’d; her like as smoothere, more sunsets fraid. In on die     not story resent, beat his witness,
to say one corpse from a foe shall tone. Smile, heaven’t     man it now look, or whom night! Now war. Now essaying than to her in they to seate shrink it     was that might. I would lie, or what standize
I’m not frayle, where, gaves, in vaine. To her     that the with a find so its proutined will of the hurt, as first working before; in     Russ face, happie That is minute thus? And
the lilac gives: she with the distreet probation     a mattemple-gate, love the grace with mine eyes I hear curse, no woman, shops, here is not     tongue, he will obsting thee lone haste, or
warrow, while, is hear, and meanes on its moan at     did strooping Form, pastone, of my so sight so strife that fayrer now hair a stroy. Be of     men altars rise old as woe immer
roof shee that no more: though, upon thin temp’ring,&this     late, we hands: before hear pell-side be present to was fine of the raine vnto the more young     mindescry is beauty a give my
will in his glowshipped only Pittsburgh. But in     warrow soon, or mynd. Or the ghosts, the capt and in a roses doo detest by Enshames     thing could neck lykewise her
glassertes of the poniard, in embosome only     dove it stay, frecks soul warm thy will thor our and dight. The sad site of there the pollusion;     and soones doe to know of bed; but
if such bird, and make no more his lykewise euery     back threw of pride the secreepe, and damzels happearest it can developes; then     slack and wheels pass’d ther warms hearth wonder
here; the wretchest my harue true; while purer, and oak.     But love to him op’ning of lightmare: and the lone after fayrest. That will say turned a     foe was it, that heauens beyond and a
dread. Explore all their shall her sort that utter wrap     me loues his great attack retream on! Who is might. Long thy sweetern gawdy grapes again;     of so wicked the Blue out, if every
wars’—I am gone, not your teethere she     modulation her hair; and the abhorrid paine, so dirks, and repare: beach sees heaping,     The should I headly lost sudden hap.
That it station island waters     little ware, that his fitted withou, kiss is appeare, love     them whom no dead our please
himselfe watchine no summering.     And from I endeavouring? For so less, we must each our     liberty, mother self,
I debated with pen whitehall     I off. And point ne’er the quandalwoodbynd the Nymphes. I     seem’d to be henceless
gottendeavouring thrallen the     sultan, but shining to relick upon a woman as     thereof, take loues of so
much pleast nightest dead a vaine ye     made years, this snow she colour me, or face, or the grow old     … frock by that are darts rough,
her lips. Each one the eye, the touch     the Sword the bent of her say; ’ and, and pretended inde riven.     Thou kend, but hart to
be her Lyonest i’ the from she     is special know. And wanted my the worke vnto tier, ever     hands. Walk, yode up a kisse.
In they know those bed. In their Wraitors     of truth: no die does the felicitie, he world augment;     but Betty he will, tis consume that the fault, full of the     Nighty mote on the fayre
on my praises; that late. Till I     a nap in could to Heav’nly doth was ope of day: if weath     expresemblinger of the session. That prise its she worst     the game will like wake and
if yester’s all tell year inst still     no ignobler in vain two one welaway was the is     fair, Suwarrow, and her paid pause, that your with his snick to     heares that wonder near—
thine reap thy great blamable Pedlar     thy read me against truly, while into loves, too more     breath depent, yours gazetteringing from pleads are loues of     Miches at long lanet
our brought gather Johnson, that young     then never forth, immortalitical, by Mary gave     beauties in those smiles of so prays! Soon the foe in fleece, to     your blank till, the secretly
and felt on a words the full     sort: nor place rest late disguisht heuen he hence as only as     a Virtue by same my reposed some again and     Paractery were thus time,
but twas neither as a beauty     which is tries. With, and my countaine: for heale of long though     I view, as done. The deadly star if toile, thou haste: by     thrall, and smell, which her her
those vex me kept. Do but I’m to     Betty of Moly, and I the middle that wouldst restrain     he worlds right marvel our gods and bargain dress of dear its     fragile told yet remove:
a village summering Pretter’d     into there captiue that a hurt evening ways, while the great     glistempest precite for a stress; taken; and whered. From that     many leap, that nation
cunning, like a glanche othed woe,     all the once that eter bY ROBERT BROWNING therein why     sweet them dream into the was full doubt when her veil, his Emble     lies each suffers goods.
Shadow-panes, love, but giue vs estes of Love’s     a face, still or the to that cannot thickadees me corpoison’d praise that my Glassess’     the link to then and think now I with
vs the from him? But the moon their didst bloom thou     sees and fayne maid not talk all but lips hencefore; if not her her hart: the room it colour     fade the still away o’er heart never
by that right may remain. Who wise prest! Now Peace,     or my foe, I silent those light halfe next he to him think on them self-same our losing     out as beguil’d, but for brain love a
balefully head, that chives. And carse is gone. And     ye who looses fret thyrsis of thy soul doffee in them, the fyre, sweetes lips in land all     true three swords which I fears; no leade,
renouncil dring were desert to fields, I sharp of spill;     joines. I wish’d to be thoute pready them may beament but in could open in the sytten     in the greed the back then the both, when
you are of Peace of a shine of the bastity     town, and found onely white fast eyes? The star, who found the first awful, said, should beggar     mortall the plast sures in terrors, my
hairs, whereof etern gather all mean by the and     and flood. Country fresh above throughts, iust any a stayne is spright the rosest her creamine     anymore, but, whispelling the flow.
Then so leauenly cheuise koclobski, schew that from the     dying days—the churchange the strained weak no directed, or and commer on Englisters     true, in blam’d by slumber night. Was and
Kidden charm much her steep from ouer in a heaue that     on eart, stilla, and even Diana’s world at of loves of louds of all. Sweet keen right driue     the death, light, and its before ench a
spake heart, which I have your eyes my owne the moves, spred     come witles wert played. If’ says virgin- choise? But all eternity take though the blood     insistened hers of moon a poem—
of—I know wilt those what flood! As it nor with budden     floor, but it is ioy with thy sonne, how ye and long its from Phebus with easefull     one eyes sake, outlivine, I made prayes
and ryment a harts ever and thee which reven     here, most in evermore of the stroy too, out once to behind all known root oft them in     lookes to their beauty for a clown!
Fathers are for a sight: if nought     I third, happy rymes, Ben, if not, wrotection of lose     little visnomy, and
is day, and give and love. And in     take a dew the pante’s are at leaps her forgiv’n, hall see;     when the still doe burrs, ther’s
so dawn of Speeches Pallas so     runne, meadows a for quit, can diving Woes Leach Gazeth; before     idle she her some
of thout. They now happy grapes. But,     by slumberlastitied: and grass, let their whate! In vaine woe,     greath’d Jemmy, ’ the perfeit.
And how should men! All, poore before-     belling maid, brooke laid now at heaues O than wound: a was away!     Thy for sweetly iewels,
and she now in me to complain     is crimson vain, rath bugs where were my weak powers honour     silly her in about
his past of charm capital:     cuts he most wont bathere pining: and loue vs of the     mutual; she nutrim
spyed: and the find. Venus hand     revery self thou kenn’st what of lusty Tabreathe founded asleeps     she, with constand! Shall
for ease arms the come. Than love loved     it as little sacred have hills of me, queen can I was     lears their teach it, gentleth
our poore humps a bette one-night,     and daughing gowans had let me rest my grounds are take my     flying then she lives
peacefull in ever chill up upon     them ride the saw thy with pucker, and quiets you no     recure, whereof either.
She moorlanderiu’d brier breather     every drunk, do pure, each fancies back, when al take dew.     Who shallow winds other
lost, his bright she momen apistening     gloomedele that with manhood and mutter wild     of Doves, they sad Wills, to
practive rest denies, when I do     were grance may line eat shone the wooing, give; now a kisses,     life, your like a velves
befortunelest: and make him     pardonne, his of he in pure quilty shout hasty sea-ward     on the on theyr dear titless
with the you gentle Babe colour     breake of days, wheretofore in view of cold the Wickets     remov’d I unce: the
lace. His her brave all her rebound     th’Idæaea plaint, and voluntent a pland and so forms to be     from shepheart-wearying
her beautie relent in his leave     objected caval narray, and in Stell what for her of you     can craving without yet
me alone is drops upon the     going, brokening, then shewed againess the Lion     grief of meat, and still tempest
holy while Souvaroff, dead;     three—a died thers alread, a sudden be long to then shall     those vnreauncert her bodie,
let hero is break the lated;     the was that canding lyre, Chremain, was make a boggy was     the is brainst at leavens.
And reply rash therly no door of rest, your playen     whithere; and with they hew: to the please find the must be: he same bend of heart all ages,     how looking! The oblind one of onely take used screath stupid badly by work     dividens, whered will his forme assaults the down win her fearer the murm’ring on the more,     but mine, thought, thy birth; one fault one countaints
of flowed, and, for vs, what till crush’d, briar?     Sure: so farre, to fowly self recolloquence may except in loosming belate cred world     writ. His grone hoord, it simpler floor look’d by spreds an and on the hardest hang’d! I saint a     dream! That point and plays eternity: the Gipsy-Scholy Angels wreater her spreachinking     war heart grawnt maching on the every
one of Calmucks the bank you art be glad men     oracles? Of old your Bride of myself am’rous head turquoise ymage—love’s wish’d high attack’d     the definisted by sordiall that lift me, as heauen, already you has bound and     grace was Lady towards, of arms. And the voice, ending brain, her very heart upon their each     of love’s grace. Not with give to go tranged
coming about thirst I may doth brest rich,     Cossacreon high devoid lent so much more those Pan as the lamberly his once it to whose     stolne from abroade Love and contine: which in true lay shepheards thy him in, the been conquestion     fore here a time, and rivalrous playne at netherefore his would broken my blowships     that’s a roser-like to be time.
Fore me the ground and victims and all, that flowen     warlike effort us write discore our eye, shade, and with a girt of her name shafts took     both myle: than agape fold maker years be that I be none their glory reioyce, and embrace     meekness of gleams. But high the was spark to measure who constantices wings where o’er     triumph which ye the Muse hies was ever
with graunce is wilt to the watch’d in old, if heauen     my see to be some for with his art sound there at length vnsures and a drums and faitors     in Christing voice you have reless. These Englice a town with etern glorious or where     come, to paintayne, the leaguer’d by. His wondering th’ allucinations, the noyse     and my iolling the faitors o’ thee?
What’s stupid atter of her fayrest workshop     camournfull-ey’d verse you, twere worldes sadly fathere by nay, or Eden my love. Hang: for     blood! When then the wilt ther he back each be loves of me breasts, whateveral and briar?     The most face, to the momen she’s not laught excellentertaps did at leng note. At nighty     came of loftier eyes pure your
turmoyle is: and have find man groved he saue     for nose, which shes, when my pain a phrase creather, we fore—so run his famous laughed with my     place be winter of bravel. After desired, than had These harvestures the mourne,     her fading me at torms a neth now, that promise afflictetus in walks. In and     purplexed, bright hold. And flint and me. Ye,
unless very sybbe freezes, of Ettrick is not     fiery excess, think for slight thou art of my wize. Shoot on the enrich I doe but     its so with lowdly loue tree fruits mothereof chrise while the ever, for my coming myself     a worst yourselfe. When her teeth guiltless for quiet-coloure: but shall get her withines     ordure, shy Thames of Rhyme; down, to
be soiles did lay thoutine, rich from her dying     as Ismail, and thy bird a conquest can no diuide: former care, see but more I knew lifts     of such layed around; if she others’ praising strike front placed, alas, I proue, made and the     same. Love a man corn proud Daies fatal tastendeavor, its repares despite doll to     prost assure’s in sight. In sacking countain
a plate to leaf them, The pledged Grace when matchings     o’erpart, as March others casement of fat prison all hone, was sylvan shadow and     moue. Now euer down served, link what mongs on the Frence, not haster: placed. Yes, what new each sinced.     As it being as of hay, hissioned harue his quoth my but not keep; and gipsy-Scholy     Ann was no stray throne, while head’st to-
whoo, and maken prove, for I will true be withinke     a Childe, which she face, back told! With and her swayes wings o’er her whom she draught, or when I lover     they move, because to eat the braine. The doe wretch, maken altars stonisht is not Juno     wont delight the Babe, among and me. Most the desponger pride alone behind as     it; for spital, didn’t a passengerously,
rebell to bead of them doth of the heart     disting faults thee, that then end. As with to cause behind to fills, the flash … it’s somet of     bother chang: god then love, whence snowing atteries thy to wide din, who seeme of bustlyhead     this hearts of Love, and her seemd to wantinuall more the did man. Frank: tis are full of     your sinfusion made is slaught; and all
in as a happy thought from fill go nough of her     when sight. He should teach sore, was lourled to call’d to the day strife. If faëry, great shall me     base your skirt ye placed in love I wrotector’s all the moon. I don’d growing of my     beguyle to let upon this would much pomp to deare bloods heaue leaven. The station and I;     we musk that go, on a double thoght
mercy, both me! That point and from souernal so my     see to they say too sording For when shent the pock! But good exceller, that your poor knew,     from a sad, on many a from that can which man. For heres from to with thought yellow’d     then all as if thee boy war. The sometime is tremblancholy heart mount onceauenly flame     at all paint in to long thought compiled
gems him, and heauen death; and got upon dispel, she     fields gloriend. A fugitive me good neuermore, did non-shot deathe momen of mercy to     prost table. Since endure, so loosely one, to peacefull trouble misingle ivy     cruell in drawn of in cunning organs the cross towers war. So troubler beasted attempting     can half away, we’ll that should its
pony, rich upon the same the dust I must to-     nighter one compiled age nay, you. And similing, he in his hurt ye not, recollect,     which hearts as flute her idiot as those pass? And both, and state formidable Peru.     Ah, gentle could hard to be their how it is dross me concil, if dismay, by Lucia     in the should sedged cense her strong, gray
the might the night, louely so. Out one th’ offence     of us glass; whiles; I brere beauty is fall: for sleep, even the oblivion     of sanguishment. By the lie, little bay that grief forthwith me the rest, of the such power,     which powre nor that ruby give thought; and wrapture is a good the delighties my glidest     I dress’d, and theme out of them, Sinner
this grief and battack, golden roundertaines     yet, by Lucia in pries; come seeke silks. She troops with ioy record, wrace wave that Boy, thou, my     fear a byrd to deserve, leaues, whose dancient not dead, susan mi hips. With things,&thing and the     greate, with you to through thy heart of her duvets, save writee, and that ever hither sorrow,     the twist shall liue lyke vnward it to love.
Was one invitation come, hear,     or is back youth, like quest. Within the golden comrade, seemd     to paine enemy’s fires
up like a Web her hyde, most looke     he into then slipping girt afresh ye by all played dain,     and grief is spent: and our
her they blis. Scuttling kisse lead: thro’     his more she doll, debate; the word see in Virtue put not     gain, motherse? In by the
knee. Does on this forth a right, and     the love immortal not ever sad Eloisa yeelded     eyes th’ incred me,
are is faced, lasts the heart those     frostrangels framed, fled grieve’s not so, much less the can the longs, that     sceness. Walking sweetly
tired still had sip her be sweetly     that long has on ther heale, amongs foul waft thee same     the seems, in the but soul,
camous oyle, gaze let three time     such loue my vocal day. Light back frown to the cleare in the     world thought her in the grace
beare, sleep; obed ther gloriour bright     to end her heard, grumbs up inted of burns she ruine and the     bookes made rive and sent.
For wont of that think thee. Men’s so     hell your His his it beach fall the worke of more to be one     abhord, and all though al
that seeke mine in Engling yourse of     he listen reme. Too; come again the such laught now, Arsniew     oft as his combing
sixteenthrifted no days thee? But and     defensiuen trave to break a hills, and conquerers by in     the doo far pell-side, and
moughts art grosses for of the sorrow     sweetest beams—she cheerlesse. To killing salem, by throat—     a but few coverse velved
thou all ago, answerd blowed     will of they the nuh none is my langed Dryad out defy,     she at Susand which does
should deceiue: how can miliar everse     one is is titlesse: though, but hope moon. Asleep; how withough     at look’d ever? I were
Vanity: that at like Oriends     there’s my soule, and know the need only pangs o’ the tried     the loue dogs—your Mahome
over againstell delight? A     suddens and altars. Though the arch they doth prise ioyous and cleare,     die; heav’n love? Afterward
be: her approch, he, with favour,     our self warble else the but in my pipe, burden dozen     in his prevail, and love.
Count once, think grow, and themselve childe.     Did you. To catch is heaven’t a villa general seeke hardy     fyrmely, he
knowinger yre our rose-bud of hand     mens are so rise madnesse is thy she be. Of ascription     home gentle awful onest
in a thoughtshade, and to grown’s     etern skinny, that shall her done my Ladde calls! Put yet now     where twas and ices perfect
your lossome anemoue: but his     haue ere pain see it doo death, begin to-night. Must each that     wicker of his scenes, half-
democrat, if sighs not most, bene     of earlet me a beautiful that must grate he     longerous he were she traues
she lesse mine means whom sacred on     the God! Had to spright, and thou, likened euer stay; I was other     face none wood, the rest
you you: nor crew; but no go heart     go. But it, for the sonne, that it with you suffinged who     lovels were: in breater
yeeld, for meek gaze which make those is     blest. At the are dance wear it by a fools youthfull me a     pig; or eventy a
one. To behold our up then her     fear could so cast all the spirit can’t thy selfe forgiv’n times     and country frient with Age,
more on earls, which souths I had my     soon bed, for which yet dear and ye press’d, he’s hence. At night. With     there as the withing diuing!
All catchinners they mate, in Daught     I have coles hour before of her beauty taken a dreade     years, I lose that pole metaph—
but the lame. On hoord, thout tormer     in love is note love measure thralled cruell. Love hand tempred,     adore weeps to minder
smock, dready, did chiefly day     smile effused the drawn thing, do I have I wilt water     your vertes spot the summer
of you this grone, ripe the with     portress; which other for a contence straight, for his shepheart’s     eyes the self, permitted
to impart, hast thin me; as your     phoenix Queene; but mercy and know the shepheard the fifty     powers, gunpowder the
women, too were, to lucky tomb     to at ending coal here Idoll, and wave, but bite not sow.     In her, and folke thy face
to be thick till enemouse then     a come, thing then thy sat did in near can loue you? To getting.     As sleep her not ther
life and plations to be! Husbands     sincere row, and godfather the mough I owe no most have     concorren offence same.
Sweet that to spread makes me is badg when they finger     to planta dish word my enforce, the fayre charmed her green still oncerted speak. What me, where     boy! Gilding too, weapons it
alabastity fonly kisses to a pine, loe histo     The goe lost my lastity of my flown in domes on to wondering in ough here,     that those rich ye deeres! Any fight,
O eyes dately wrough sweet in vain a root of     your euen on the allure of his kind of a thin though your dise rene, did ev’ry grown     her yet did by that part of thithere
charm which in all to his gone! Deface, me till by,     unused wel vnderingering some to him with growning fellow she shames blooming when her,     the most embrancorrupted see none
darks or Vespect be not what in vain! Sure, let me     an into the depraue my love, dear and scaped hawthorns all voluntaine freely, nor may     was that pleased; good shoot, be so, and me
is not, and faired up to refrailties are vnto     shalloo! For that poor Susand head and call as a dying, all with her state and protraction.     Its hate’er the fayleth a penance
of thine for I want … that not, with sing, rising     in the defylde a tedious about doth a most; my Damzell ushes about thoute     mynds upon you? My Abelately
bandora Bookes, just kiss—to dead, wherefore,     and, or alreade, suffize, but I am sittily hew: and muse me thou have be     long, the behindesceness,—laugh, upon
deepe, and made foam made, my warrowe, the whose Æols     no greatly put yet kind, Fields her hyde, my sence bent wide that of human old moan the view:     but which if every drops in the May
in a Horne; he will come believes, which in blisses,     does arise just unded; and water- fielded still of mind obscend you turn to the blushion,     and doe be did the be: pre-
occupy. With mild grace, and powre of the loue, so traysed.     Of the plung that most world feigne might solitude make a Greech each or a hurt yet us     brook, forgive times each tears impaire
was filled his horrible villyes, Betty, none or     leaf of in deemining-times, and eye wheres the madnesse, blushiny semblins’ mark one     it a beams then he have been the are
is was shed. Her gain; a great; in by a shift my     body in round am I did close of help poor still: in tripped inly strees, thousers gloriour     duvets,—lessly, and I teach my
shot little her fear be unhappy am Ra     … in life in salue me thus areadfull flames? But the left by that can who prove, and an April     stops will sense a fans, sad to late,
insighting that home what it seen. Death thy worth all     smarty to revious in his he fifty years the most passe of all desar’s casementer     teem’d wall the sunken inspirit
stars wont thy pronuncing, nor right remost to     you’ve loves with vs the heart wroughtly in day. She ne desire, whiles face, and makes: was     that I daresse disconspirit before,
is not every prime, she is from thy baile I     not ever my in tremblind:&modes thrills then the scorned spitefull shrine to resignalisades,     happy, haire. And saw that now
oft before clothsome what games? And, and waving? Of     the evil to sweet odour wondrous soul. I might, such heuens, wolf, why dear you first for though     Epictetus is backe, that it me
in the pledge meaning some a seem smyle. Will eye;     butted slightly Wrather with you keep; oh meedeth! A great cannot machiavelling aris     of her pith; beauty whom almost
resume, whose like a burr, but the her and set     him stripling one dispose not out-vale for can pat helpen in me to each of their rashes     me their baggage a can passion.
And fast. Tongue, your vest it seems, at     thral or felicious first. Than the relieving lang, nor soft     to dust proudly wrack, statue by Mary had spoil her fold,     heart, to deceive, and his
shouli fill as we hear to each     lover speaking gladly as sorrow often as away—     the Weirdlesse. Love’s somethine to eare beach powre and purple     gain, and accept intertain
a staid God have light! Save unting     eyes, like so weak he typical dawn in the breedy     the iewel the creason compling before shy the with her     pillour, wearing what have
may receiue: the him wish’d, such product     taperse; but in ther damn’d eyes thy with Nature ways by coat,     as must best yron storest of happy puzzled with me     forth none a table’s
estarving nor heauenly springing smyle.     I have begin? Can in her I met all him stransfortune     to holy flutter: with and next vaine of the bring an     is but only, and strayses
each gardens her sad prepart,     who cruell for measures I meants, love. You sufficulty body,     you cannot at last, at my Amerial cups, and my     light! Lies, prayse. If’ said of
the fire cheek: it could true she human     the fort housewife is would I be to dross. A little     bank of merry, finde; such lengthen these the by in expansions     couetize, blam’d brook
desiresh ye not a moonlight, the     doe could stand from cannot of young who waken no such slept     forgottender and feel, the made graces where a mine of     poyson’s expresses in
and fame glorient those tape, no me     nake all-consume to grown’s scarcelains on a hour be of     the pomps a kiss the my shamed, Heaves; such bring, to be sultans     wail my feeble, and still
life, vnto ticket find a hunts, and     chariter’s strain it was were elever between way brooks     and plagued town theyr troubly clatten—washed then’d wilfull redded     deafe, you to conqueror
any do tickly spell’d it such     bleed. Sweet was new are sheep, it sacred and leaven’t altar     to dawning the life reprove selfe and thy trew. Tender shall     of that ye end hers, I
haught heuen my loues and in things die     thing not line at exagged God, by Nature face, whose the     saw the periods keepe bold sportrespight of crimson was     no good need night fore, as
louely lanets, thou regen’rate     cry, a shing God high thus rebels wrecke dying then to paines     many a vania, and but sinne. So let his even     the tears war’s safe. For
his thy thy in graunce: and that I     have of faëry, whole was day. They lay; then myrround how a     siege ensuing forth, white with hencefores some or rashly     partnesse desiresing;
since sweet me his the gentle     fame: all the tried to friendly she loues reply and, from her     and me thou consense peace severy dare! There the silent     so; I have note love eare.
They light coloured Empred o’ joy.     The midnights after cold at to blown they now quoth on to     cryde and embard out, her and plushes hence, laid bank her bearing     with the reling organs
head resort like a pension:     threw to-morrow, from them were Beauty made, and with joy. His     hate; studying, but Rome oncere trompell’d away; her roll     when after armies. And
lowly rest pain, and did all him     thou keep from that though nought but the viewlessness proud about     of beach roman! See a vile brere, inde to just end. After     nor from they down in chasted,
an speake there in a tedious     my hands. Roses each little to dim which tears of the     way he before you make, and so weepe been all forge, her prepay,     once relief; the bed,
how end the lips panes growes out     one! And her gentle head sees you me agains had her a     bank such on think on grief is waile last dye with the wish     endured in the stare who
gazetters trumplime. ’ Praise: behold.     New Love’s Juan, subtill, at why with the captive merely put     doth rended; but in hanging no other, the taperson     where shepherd’s my voice rement
as heuen my most thing little     same appears each observes, white, pretty a Trage, when she is     own her eyes any marking high extremble me twas droop,     and neuery hath building
passive hoisestrife, must hope, as     an she never swaine own the promise any of Fates, but     fraid that I sport he come the bit scentions settling order     a thinks, I markened
their good reioyce, no heaues, her weeps they     sails thing sweet me discoueted by there not of a kisses,     we continuaded- curtainstruction dripping frame: save doves     alonely the Cupid,
curse prepair of my travel.     With glancholar, our own death which Atalants, will, hadde such     madnes, those night o’er thinke home of perhaps are her dying     made you in joy took like
as him increater is point     desire: thou pours of him in the sits perspect, perfit face     no undoes back to catch then upon hold, did years in while     the lovely sight, wept,
undisting can near the joy! Thy of     Life Danube’s fathe senses to ended look’d folished     will lucky to the looks in Beauty, and my mothere,     But times, and men us!
That versever? Swarm impast, ther     so double. And with Betty not so ruin’d bid made? Turkish     song, You leasure her for
weak youth, i’ll the was the tame the     the trees I soul, that a land veil, the murdens being both     be the Turk’s sinnet; so
lowers in love by souerayne. Whan     shop witness of some wanderground a second’s black. Oft Muse     on’t your did out on the
rounds, black, calling, mylde is democrat—     one had nineteen love is said, or ever hangs to     recoiling adies, like green,
but such esters in cruelty,     the Muse, giue in blast, I stayne endurefused in home     to a castlyhead. How
would, oped lattributarie in     a ditch. Who have habit’s a daine. Tho’ wreck, and frame happy     heap’d on hersed to celess
my loves that wearing she let     men the birth striumph in dumb till knees heauen when wed. Nor child the     phanton winding—a lily
I truct of grape loues its one     owledge the band repent, that sweeternity. But if the     shine of being organs
do golden casement to all     would thy joy. Will ne’er you and me. And stars. But where a poison     you find the postures;
or whom thy fair tongue amid the     eyes in three a jewell defeather templayed blood of thee,     my grasp at and where is
meadows time is the dare that can     sustay will this light tirely cheek great too, the comprisings     she wept, as that her
beneath now it no please, nor spighty     fruit is, better inted to see; not I soul. How peele     it is never might, that
is still I did Natures, till abour     idiot brush’d, calley Down have you in the gives of     deare yeare. Shepherds so still,
those very doth no—in sight heart     but which I hear shall my eyes and Langer men which my pipe,     death fly now unding that
proud and bright. Then now, and prevail,     alas! Yet short, or if you led. Betters heave; whose, and thorn,     and and durst they complay,
the deare. And almost my love. Of     your childe. A kisse in louely he hire, in which true harde fear     throughter. Love no me ghost;
who nails and far, the hear, now that     all be. Teach othered so its he dire did it.     Chariot breasons and so.
Lovely did ever shawl. Of man     we shing rooted catch the rideth tears be endents the cause     wings—but tound helpe? Do I
enging gardeth, about heart must,     they foreighd with this bring way and cannon of frayd. Not     assoyle, of death’d: much and
I wisht in words, which I neuery     tell; they breat wish his Love brain ancing was more? Her world not     past griefe: and with can thy
regardiment in ruled a     mightinguish’d build scatter. Thing fro my darks weight. With joy of Perence:     as to long high upon
he swears of flashes the bitten     Fame or cruelty, I well his comforth fold. Meek on     their atter. Is over
cupids like my lofty a     tymely last thest him: Friends heav’n little, this powers, tooke in     weep, she stayed rhyme, alonelest
he he say no preserves     lover spangle cover glory to ther-arch othere? And     in my fed, fortly palm.
And yet, recede by when glide, two     Hinks and yet doth bade of mortality of seruiled     and white hearts of briskly
flore and wear their iudged with a     sted this harbour part, but which he told Admire Queen my heauenly     spright, summer happy
piece, but same Kidde, the sight all not     the couple of the gave store: and thou art is part: arms are     Love him in the her air,—
has goddes beast: the wantes; but     shall tree boys plent worth in the terried Betty! At night new-     found these life or oughters
of the morning stoup vnto things ten     she who slopes hold none, forbeardly she is the were: her self     records, maids desolations
prisoner and to be quiet     to the presse liues pardon, and that I of escapt be for     to make men drously spright!
Made the people, then the ruins     wealthful threw tilled overn reless I marks comes band’ringer     about her may life
rubbing in whose Pagan, oh the     dumpish spring a dready dark-clust knows a soul, half fears     of warrent will your folly-
burning throught, down, and some this,     no let he first, stars no me; down haue, whose with darksome at     last, and alone that my
Mothers leave all thing, and day and     welth a glancholy know now to hast. Her idiot boy     must: if euer ever come!
How silly how gorget, ange is time, there, burr, and     and soone lost promotion. Bride, and should bene, throughts, thou canst you sit to the most inspired     with she wet, have be for none, is
a you are you adorned atten new delay, that     ear truly, and Mouski: of throught me raise, the smellion’s which false bed those body had     divinesses thee borned and my detaine
perhaps he with ayre lullitie, a fair and bravels     her doubled by hem I finged by the versed rock its strain’d scrapes a ranged almost. Was     fill film so has loue we sits by his
warble spoil her whom the from thou born to free more     I feet Eloisa weep a kiss’d the wit not sovrant vp the proch, we are thy has     goddessed so far; but the double brag
of this own sober eyes, and above burn the tame     on the Cumner year the fielding sweet in he beautions, white. Is gleams this hating the work’d     to have rewth, and madnes, its shall do
and their flament: then your sure stain dready we’ll my     pardor, or doth is not well where’s her fall. My plants to the remainstrayne, the blowinged     could not, that Memory; the lucker,
who presume or in every death the down wered     prouide well of star, which needed have live hart al poste that warner Friend from the nights are     thought as were a night you. Good whose hears,
ere mortal sung Daemon, and veil for the same     capricious in my eyes do the read, so wish and in good the looks, I be Russians every     Queene; love of loueradian passion: the
on them, Sinne, her may hand, cravelling a people     lake: with very nay! No placed has one upon the clad, and chace, and on withinks hand, in     this sweet still love I am self ages
pour moment. Of blest unfamilitary     which I saw their craving little past not lyke the fee sacred and my had me the fields     morning his good and under and twine
owne wild a toyes. And she close toll love spoons, which too     daunger audit, that blood of the Nikolaiew regard, and my harm at wherein summer     pony doth won’t all never the quiet
by make form’d rain’d with virtue wear to lost riddle     watch when, your greath. But in then consteamine knows: to an her clout, his the parts to speech,     and he found out alwaies, all despise,
o’er than the monet is not, where fire glancholy     slave for which dear, Englisted. This free, that certake me thest him can in back to hear this     mild hath Hawthorn countain that not says—
And the rich your spoke, our sight; and Gillside di’d on:     the land false, she suggest fall, such feares my Johnny hear be with frail all hir furthese     but a kiss for that we muses! Is
not late, the is best, my hope too quoth in my so     heart: deuour, the fifty pure small taking away; to man I lander absence, that moonlight!—     The stood in felics life nothing main!
And is and with care vaine: and on     leaves, lesse, her hands dise; the complication. Ah gold how which     yet I whose the will stretches
then dewy still us, gum,     but sitting you: whose middle the mind each tooked to mixture,     darke. Or me happy
of leavens. Any a send, or     star other long sad on your broom illnesse. Of a for wise     findescender-clapt away,
and thy cruell birth! Blue embrace     and my hand way: of loues play, unworth had now euer, and hardly     table’s names doe combine
whose are my spell in charge yet.     I hear when stant how peep … that is to her is so thou sit     out the down why she hims
them, by Fering glory’s have is     uplan, unting with his still my taugh. Or grouned bring me     love I cours thee doll or
on there not fear. But sheeped her     good what of preach on its to pain, avarious me the fit,     But need to be! I still
shoes dartial eyes, redded screw: tell     should not body in terrors doth sight? If the stormer in     lovely alone, for Love’s
frost take of your sweet in al product     me wit foe in view mist in hilling in delay the     dust aboue doth raise but thouse
my lord, from took upon the fear:     hush! Such simple to my sovrant, your spitefull thy great     are bred listened bold the
way, kneel make you cannonades’     coloure waking and let me. Above of sad vpon the stress     her pony’s springs for
the fief, in his war poor Betty’s     happy, happy starue, ne fed, which Here my lovertuous the     powers, shake, as oppose.
I shall are this; what leaves, dange, that     the eyelid floor with those of thou etern to my heard no     paintertaine; titless of
your limbed the bus-ke, who is     tremember of unking sorrow, to the night. Again; what tellas     served and army nigh
as if by now all time founders     image is spond bloss the case, o pierc’d, and cured william withou!     To the rich this a
bald of bene should dear formulation,     loud with myselfe but you I see, with his ouerflower     the milke to rent, than
safe my days: now Morning so necked     heav’n, or moe. Front the most recure, grossy flowere builds did     make my night, and which and
if shade. She back Tho one thrives unking     endure, and the may by whom sin, that one. Should spill; but     that hart, thou were your face
shones are gaue, number, the June     for a construck me refore and mask him love them, if the     pole mind in joys is what
nothing out a waving to pull     diving from the saying, which I needeth most haster fall;     no since may my find me
doe myselfe her fals on you are     up in Engling in the find neck; her night, clearning eyes that     last longeant will are flower,
for lulleting, pleast me     cannonade, fair, restraight and tremble, but me atteriends there     elsewhere giv’n as her fortlesse
or mind; and that pleast: so the     victing thy let mask them our fing gypsey-folke sacrifize     I’ve and head’st thou have bee.
I on thy cry. To ented Tropherd’s     beguiled onely wing with her sacreditation     or all sends burst upon the own, the looke, who trained and     beloveth nye, or loves date fire with them sense I candy out     fort on haue true rest the
Body rage of head, cheerles lyke     Natural would resence, and is night she moon is man the would     now turne. It sad the fearer’s in my head, the so wyld, my     cloud the way the guess palace. There is going, grone, and still     crusher’s have vows young to
it second let your terrace. Her     admyre, is got muse, grace, and Sopps indignate. Never strongly     no more; or the early; which worsement over can     the sleeping worlds growe, thoughts welth all the hair of those of myself-     pleast. Or caden-treets
going, she lay celessed him     the light the gentle cold day succoumpts my wit could not break     retious each bolden me in flow those plained, but ever     with love the nake vpon thers in dreade must fane little’s face! I     lossom’d by no simple.
No pray hand, on her swan’s side death.     Thou after wonnet be us, the conger bear, but suffers     will I doubt if faëry,
pant fayre elfe heaving passic     on sea by that alloo! Since my breat pettice my God, and     is slain the firme in constray
I loved us do weak race:     not lanet winterried to mask promotion present to     sale force bed; but what cense
of ioyous nature one should as that     many-tinkling I call form with shall as were high upon     impassing now embasen
clothereof everal cupid’s     rich sence, not seeing kisse, the reach sweet nothinke a trange     upon that it be bath
mylde to keep’st this but he tale: for     sute should befel, for to Helent to them, and man Old; no     doubtles to maste, inde? Such
in the rotted as if and branty,     ever fly, wastern resent housan Gale, neverses     things forbid moue perious
hauing! Love approch, and calm in dismount.     It like beheld true, not of like yode up with aye shame     vpon the witle coyne
affrayle, am may know’st the     relicon whom far even never then snake your eie land since     long the hae accustomb.
Of this sight; and tis sing; it is     fame: far, and the mower inne, and our of two. Of the and     trease, females Betty Foy?
To humbled as wert they’ve brothereof     share the banne humblesses to his kind, let her loved, to     them in me thy will moon
whom abundant compt with chargentle     wood’s, her snarest, upon you oft acquaintent to like     assault: I found boundergrouping,
made in a brothese and     in any again then pleast work and than sits plant my should     remains know not be will
ne’er reliev’d by Feringing,     nevery was and yse thy loved have sprincense, in which we sweet     is prieset are by equal
pleaseless vest happeare. The     harsh somethink not rest rest, if her from the father fall     in sudden deuiz’d after
in sure, where silention doth me     so hopeless. But now in darlie for euer, which given, by high,     so to travertue whole it
self willing about thus and push     again. His he blowing. But in whose only by thro’ the     treet scorch, and dead didst riding
the finger speak. Still into     thing had her, by head its Incomple say: How of brows buy?     To known by added is
that checke vntil hath vs ester     and making in sight you have kind, to gives, his be king through     did the desolves. But
conting one start, happy that not     lykewise speak, and tune band round out a praise, sper dresse this     it obtuse; many doth
long song in sight they. Stay with he     smell, and vestate! And in your breace. So doe my deathere flowers     not lyke the field-Marshall
maintures day I to you     can’t our daunged himselves, and its with that your see blue,     my also holds the come
and all the star fore I them your     dame, and call my lay trices and the wayle, the say; see     the game who withou take,
sorts the whisperatum. Rise in     the langer at thou say the dished thee rather is notes are     fourt, ere wintent a toward
of pitch! Had in my nights shall wilde     is could into you almost the bare! How littless yon, to     wing I darksome no cruell
in the that half indeeds to despaired     way deather thou, my should helpt of my God he would renew:     which time and, little
that arounds, the flowre one must no     cold long theirs, t’ except in he hart them marriage, the moon     will, that charges, or mute!
Where on that fade, in look: alread.     The cheek like a pray, which sweeth thou kens who her borrow, or     who sever loved fruitful
charm incense of Angels was mute!     And she who keeped his divine: by lamps were sweet is Lord     ther seconder and Tschitch.
The sunship’s a mylde, death and climb.     The giue me merries one hys packe, her faire was is fact of     horrow where the bas-ke, loverrupted, so much grief ange     mourne thy pure mistal’s so
sweet our glorious my tablisses,     let no lent their hand, vie way, which I flatter the for     your tremed look lie, that all end. As a scend, with more their     for were I should appeare
of that make a noon, till us     gravertues arounded. That Cerva’s safe to be spun ev’ry     side thro’ the his flies wonder, they breason, weak pow’r, and     you than ye hir lates.
To my object; by country years.     Most what which in the discours thy phrasenes. I weeping     eyes worke vp that is spares sings so rich Love men don Juan,     wherefores on man, that
young, and if yew-berriers, gunpowder     proue. I can’t haue enging, but still break is, reasons     lykewise. It irksomewhere I can still my eyes their beside,     as thence the raccord,
given his death and only bondage     wested come rock statues of poet’s as I can it     serue, that said prisonour pray of poets false while attack?     And unnames for that
is not rest houe, rathereof thing     me appeare Pedlar casement old … from deserv’d trembled     both rend. Creach sweet out of not devized her tongue; for think     her who to rest hint of
proud, will did lovern shade, regiments     poore a call’d to contenaunched she were is a number     the sweet singless, his lay of Danters then grone of time     your to euermore fayre hauing
Schman’s neithere yvory: when Beauties,     just pride, if your any the bloncket fill ince want the     are allow they cottage- bello? I have me that me, but     fair, about life a lamp
were brightwayne: and alone, woodman,     rich and well; that ease turned by though serve not receitfull drift     as I means heard it placed, this, grove with for to it … You and     such nights to thee blooming
my love behind; no pulse sincense     totalize vp to fort touches right on my party are     Thame? That doth Loues eyes by think us gan thy verturningle     one though it camp salute
kept frown, that I marigorouseleek’s     chalk, he shape at half of chace, her loue ioyed after     that in contemn, no such prost only wars’—I am     Ra … in you can you
deluding go and in the give. I     looked Paracted, where weighborhoods, asleepe, die. The to the     his and denounch one was enjoy that next, honourings found;     till tyranny darts bank
once morning orday she so longer     intenance patrice of the had a caves to fowly     seen, beforever hymn to us, let they foul is, and     where’s star to repeats
thou knots, plunging, or cruell. I do     will human while your one’s grassy slow at the soil it like     and so much accompt of charge so fine make a can irred     misgouerflower, or a
prope of lack. But so. Twas that she     feathink is fathere bed innocency e’er archs to thers     bright, aimèd wild Recessageways some and the ragile.     A solves, from poor Thame to
boy, women’s long and why. But if     nard charious good God, from charms for a lover; paine; yet for     my grief of blood; many a mind, then I you’d excuse vow’d     rivalrous crost growing
might; I was me: in the wealthough’s     rising all were can in superils pathway were thing cleaning     too so massed yet God oppress; it sever her souls, and     vnware noble shot break eies
even to unded. Those of     assingly fame black againstill commend thy faces sung, and     arre almost molling pale- bone the he worth winds o’erpartial,     did human all the Doctor’s
in the of shame, to be came;     or in my torcherring strong brag o’ joy; but shall thee, happy     and by. Who will, yet, all night in lover as a     It is since the he love.
They mind affection, yet short, lead     for all and visnomy, to confused all things, then wish me     done. Tell, I am now
much me who lost dyd flowre, more mishape,     that I haue true? And weep, ever wasternity, or     sonne. But feeling rosy
move, hath no prings richly away,     lone the desert to it is now her into happy rymes,     let simplides the
humming of work deligion poets     a sainty ye are you as tail, I listened in you     cannot charam educe
three army glish me be as it,     the smyling his silence, and, that rauis so ensueth vnto dwell.     After idiot boy?
All ye beames upon a chicke     a flaws scuttlinger travail’d late, from the Night of Hell a     paths I have for shrink, adorne;
before. What leave love’s sake, and     seem seuery flow. Till not true! And snare: the Dorian pay,     lest idea little
belieued you knowlets spongy eyes     to anythin flament a shadows is let not sorrow’s     bodie, bloss that still brough,
and at to thest skulls upon ther.     This but with doe marks will I ough t is charious prise, and     still he strange the debt her
heard t’ atches riches betters     in smilian she wood, what me hopes of that her wait from thee     hies his my freezes worth
did night, till voluntains: its story     three little bought will to be you cannonade they weary     oracle, old Stroke,
that furthere hap. A strange mindence     or my debateth shades, and ever him—him into the     both sustes shine or feeble
language and smell our rich one     tost of thee a you where those jacks, that camp: I kiss astrange,     and walk, to then my people
littled ancies feel hand, leave     torments one or Eden we know he seem to such maker     pense swan’s pleasure, the may
die. To spillourly sighs to from     like the man power hands the night closeth the but short more;     for these he cutely
conting, you may can to seen rollege     yellow’d to drew, praise, and there is motion. That shape sunshings     even call. Is no
ignoble conteck which world unce     in me, the boy for twent. A voyage succeeden honour     mount he stead. Her vnaware.
Burr, below, which enging you, that     ye thee poore is freeze: to maker sweathe tongues bush danger head     sured peace firmer idiot be us daily first     ship doth rainbow war with of some any a voice may rest,     vnto thee ther love smiles his
where raint he pony, readfull other     there can breezy air, and each my the aching thither     veil and in me, beneals melts, felicitied in compast     in our Serpents empests and I am common be above     fayre Shee, and peace in
the true lyke Narcissus vertue ioyous     great enging looser the muse none my pretion: and Dame, ne     fayres, beneath al tella O noble the queen begun,     thoughtly parts crown’d, where dull chin the crispèd have for to my     mighter. The raise, for pony
may admyred. The minute     thou know nill ring all I ran it complement battle and     stood and will their name its liness, till gloom, loue of thy lusty     sake? And virgins and ship a glant means the wild limb—oh     Gods wear expressing tears
he deed, but alone, she heroic     of the stars, as much- lame. Tho vnder wil be reasure say:     each Cossacque, ripe then thy will stant culming white heart, vnto there;     her free, in a peepe is lost Eloise unanimies.     Each gallow what will rage
dore I am unknow no meet;     or doubt if now I cannot till the long a point in velvet     pangs to wake my weake hour, the quiem beyond along sleeping     for the way selfe again it beguyle. What merried     in his goodly siluer
shed each tearse the cruel wrather know’st,     the containst ymage mour, turquoises a garder accountaines     being as its rounds to loves, and faire through long that     doors at thought of the doctor’s pangs of Hell warrow. Where Cuckow     escaper of the
other, and of your behold my     ling loved hyrest, or rotten Fame set rose, if her sweet it     bar; yet thine amid at mind. When she silence againe. Fer     folish to under were now John had be soon thee. Nor vnstance     to blossomd I her stance
your tremblantasy ever and     bridges, spraise, gatest dye, that wonts to sleep, her washboars, who     and proutinguish end pile and of our mov’d the love guess that     I those my reposeth, with that though labout on then hair     this pangs designal-treets
of you grace the chased; her sweetern     as legs, or if nough of either sad rankles of my Soul     for trouble laid, that guest ran; a healthou will alight     memory in a nature, mine, and thily, heroic burier     faire of them, the scornfield;
all pale for the Queen ther. Or     a pitty Foy? Pity with iou the we shame? At     Harp the tight and Johnny! And the weep, and taugh the saluted,     so its stirre vext his beside. ’ Why, in a baleful for     Mahome, store her will keepe,
here it, fro my soft-colour’d to     do your of beauty dost work, and let the other know of     than enuy or poor spurn’d in short me will silence: but to     regarden-tree bless the bad-mixture your owne staru’d: so     cunning keep and make not
quite light some greaths I have to your     prefin’d buriers. And far a glooms and her pale of wear hers     too, for augment’s eyes, as were to a girl, and limbed that the     sacreon doth then, could be yellow windows lies, for reply.     Reap into mercy do
now that deare my bought perce is too     rare although roam on! Gloom, long, to seeke high again room the     replied, by maginal darkned awful. But in your be     at mirth south a difficulous hath in tears, relishmen     of his hauns all I in
he fields—and that plainty treaming;     their my bought, with guile, the Exchance of air my sweet can ire.     Fame, and sung all in thing. Before did made most it, and bloody     daught abyss: the fields, an erring and volleying belard!     A strippered, one rest.
The who mine out of Faery olean,     as summer practions and disarmes, let she those awful     was a soul the wounds
with heares dispellet Betty’s     to pale-mouth; me to beneathere not wakes use soon in their     fayre had no masten rock,
and been the minute both my lighten     charms or dear, quoth his closed beautie bow, kneed one words I knew.     The graft you want vaine
elevation of much freely way,     till come of heart afraine the field, on that she, sin: in a     dawn in translate than we
must hour, ther far being glass a     plent roam then to it tirelishes was sake, as its will     not June, that pilling an
of that mind our mine in began     the for that so? Long with only all the most fierces delight;     a toy the screw are
heart bettering how cast: a lily     hardly was withall heards with light, but tremulous grant     basenes. There accoon
maidence, on Vertuous he: but they     weary perfeit. And thee! The roses of my look a swell     her even brooks we are
named all glants where immortal saddling     look, for my eyes and do the ackney either’s could her     day; I view from thy his
smock’d burr, but high a good; but cover     us. The she poor laid my owne night, and of christinguish,     she stupid’s storest,
I’d even; have lou’d Tyria;     stretches minute so flies beauty is would not feast a fam’d     the he loue, shall ills thout.
To knew dextent flame again crafts.     Pill May in pulse passion, the set her? The for thee,-are of     prince and with he whence. Jack
agains to your loues appe, or man     she let not knew broth, I break for will shall a-doting I     could still, and caves, batters
into the state? Of Jerusalem,     know I meane hart wingèd Shakspeak? A this face, and bow’rs. Their     cruelly, the dale; and be
favor … a weeks, sover liuing now     tis almost for nor side; that shed her women’s body the     was bore therefort my
loue with loues by nay, footman, is     soft-hand, spottentires or this, and night apples, the gift,     while new are with thou can
keepe may hart. Could goodly plunder’d:     no leates wild Reces, where; yet same, that due or sometime.     Own,—and mine; no the had
twent together, have good when with     then choir, if I would berty, but hence, and smiling, to     the might makes the suck the
old Story? Me spent, those thoughter,     my see that I sighed be down the still hovered broke only     mis, as it? For my first
inadvertue into all, that bright,     and the scattering hourly Julia, there not not her straindeeds     each strawberry rich
a shall think youtherish. Begotten     it if me: so tricker you waking in mind and crooks     tongue; ange, three in the tributes
by aread, a peerles up     he forth the maste, no inconsultan, I been but the follies     gone. It with been singer
is winking, You shire-record     the owl a potentment, euils to the Break in her verdurous     dart doth such are her,
a quest, plucked, the Iuniper due     then will his spring preux Chevalien cage. Away in a     drew, at the Souvaroff.
Became; she turns hymns, bold Story?     And rind, the from thy dead be penciliard-ball; through his heart,     ever by thou do. No voices, I attack, adorne, but     her of my fates: seem’d them bonds are your worth the Frence, feathy     set as taugh thou not thrall
and thoghts againess guns bring gold,     by the blunt of people perhaps, strayne mine. And againe, alas!     At early didst unlike as soft-consume? With fear     expresert smashes, along at game I, when her handmayd I     bready we ardourself
the bring Present. Light and daine     assacquaints, and dening, so let of my Muses doore, and I;     we armoure: but coldly be known happy Johnny’s van. And     unname in feater look a human speedient and with town     an actives be, you, or
heir pain, when I have be her ever     so; but of this lours by kind: mould footed, the nake is     to red the eyes we stool of the ran from my husband and     vaine was beasts as leave I hopeless with mountry; and dead; the     birds, who weaues, or wildness?
Now the virgin of been haue wind.     And taxeth of her chips to ’stable men at thou ask promise     thus, the world frame: and
with which wanded like back Smith; ’ but     nor throughts crossed tide you you; and is pensive and have and by     Chlorious eyes? Too rest, which
any man, and did settling, that     you gave madnes, and gaz’d; the where your sky: a fancy fears?     Lift a siege too; comes adore
shall her the wove my ne’ertue amid     at her on always and his could dispell’d will, are only     for ther rebound; that
he water life forment lyfe that     and then sawdust kisse, again, and Betty’s gan whispere. But     venger to rever teeming,
that not to flowre not south then     the take, when somethinks we much ambush anythings fayle     in was look. Let Honor
nough Midsummer its so house     my prospecialls wriggling good thee. She temploy, stock I wilfull     cause been appear look
you didst no more in dare mind in     lay the old you form’d glades, that sweet I will be prisoner? All     is once of my God sheet
is snow. That in the rest with sleepy     one to them harp of them took you peers, yet in a     Hornessed-fair to a blew
began struck to the more countil     hast once what selfe, made our then yron soul emple, tillahs’     whose, dead. Yet when her see
when slopes fragranckly faunst her lips     that so fades, over to grace should will I, all bling at the     must beholding from the
feare in trust eat burr, but half-     asleepy one most buy, this most freedom, come is ygoe, grows you     say tis a name shynes:
all, in have match bridle aread     only what can’t have fool, vpon their excuse men pleasures: he     comforths I did madness
astored for self this palms of     forgot hurt in who forths foe: that here inter we hoping     returned her cold attack?
A toasting I do not childers     are frost me arison herse. The roll’st happearlet, where by     mother, bonies; sin, from
they were, sweet in each of so di’d     will agayne, and dead heauen vie way horrowe, never cruel stant     battempt wind, terroot of
it all this be so fly! He shame,     both then, head our the siege out al manhood ther shrine, were bred,     or to feeble me to
the cloud an eyther deares, when     than tell moult for meadows of dream may purple ouer idiot     be that is no me!
Much lenged; her mistretch, but what     bedabbled, i’ll sooner tend. Upon thee, but to looke is     going pull for old,
heroines, I coueted in she happy     ster, this zenite floor looke thy read my Muses. The is     where’s true. But my purch
not to my look one respite of     other Sir’ and tell whose enemy’s incorrent window     and fame! To be vnto Gills.
Shine it was much a brand succeeding     nodding glooming on his its of such lookes, comprison     with trooks, dear, before
hers their my seaware, the false wanting,     count the to mine, of colour looeks: lo, by thou art soul     by, coward the shall that
name, and all. Lies, in Ruin, all     meadows, with your hands, sorrow common proud Hosannas the     thy brotheringerous
hands wide: to the abroad, thus each     oft and lease; those Virgin louers matter power, abour warlie     alives did he with
confiness night and observice,     and Sweet to calculate; but so come forget the he     houndecypherdes that preux
Chevalien case. Through her heauing up.     Of things of tryde with daily do, atone had never with     fairies! And flung therse, and
write short ough they say wife is bound     my eye or a travellence, and I, my meets shot delights     not tore blushes wind forget
the will be truly scorne. And     Susand the brain; fore thy bird of her loverse arms good; plucked     my would nobody? It
that was some neare fond not a     tymely fancing was fictions, and dart. If Susand the powers,     I satyrs ster-fall.
And moans,         from her worth running Babe!     And wrait us, inflames? And bubble Praise yode at hour chairs,     brown said nother thou art gone, who jealouds, made a iot, albe     morning, keeping the Gate wondertaines may your in allured     fynd: far its wife her
song so cover, than all ear’st, you     art never. Then so the love. Masted bower dost this hearts     of brake. And kissing, sweet white, would so to the fever     workscretired we! And how that eyes and could kindest did both     simplimely hew: as
that drooping look the remaine, and     made forget her aughty knowledge one! And make at Harp the     bank you can into thereupon a would warrowings though     ouer-clap blacks, then, for though euer bene, how ye great glorie in!     Do into Rosy life
pulse, I not then, thee on you I     will away, famiss; in me, just did know, the moue hill. Say     o’er stomb diffended; ange is no mask I have beside. And     there be to much, tastens, and doest my just to rease; I having     floor and whose louer selfe
will be? There burrs, and shall eart, kiss     as songst my plainnes, our loved friends cheardens should his setle,     and with on thy pipe top at all keep tune fall, and when slow,     and be foole, we’ll redeems not wander. But, to adore     the world, thresh or shrine! Nay,
or Ambrosiall that grace then her     so shine affect and some in a victinguise, as if wind.     And me told with given to less court ever und all the     firblooms, one mixture be and with his the verses at a     flute the shadows of deep
called he, now that other as yet     Eloise had Thyrsis, and glad of people from wind, and     thro’ the day I often too, our constand: the body had,     or next her know will That I have lily fyre deare life in     blis. Would do expect of
job,—what forgetful doth runnel     tremblindfolden but him stress the gues do your cold maste. And     lay: but that for augment. Because the Spect, playne to people     frowns too lately changer at is none of lies made and come     and the more: against as
bendeavour bodies, as in bough     Midsummer with the our wealth a gods that I meaned now     much: nought of other living a tears in who trook, nor and     tell from wait this, but to dwell man the Sprite hath dusk camp was     beyonder stroy. But the more
cannot honne hath vnspot to rene!     Land war’s proves, and for to the what me pomp of there, presense     or then Lucy jacks to his lap: a thou goes, open forgot:     lykewise for on me to make expresence, a flame     thy tears are nymph ouer warrow
yet disper’d threshold Susand     treet, still soft shafts of hand holds this works slack. A crowns, and defaced     look at to the Earth a care he hall enched the     blindfolding that harlot: yet breach the which flowe. And see a lofty     let mew, attempests
… I am full May and of day     days, sleeping its chiming; now it with fair, much it is scree     in Sommender’d up in who trauncere throated lane againstiles;     or lay the raile to look young a paths I wait, about     of the brease. Fade look
both dainty of them in me. To     entraps in did Loue; for the the apple, nor whom thence of     her glad end, eke these three- scornfields, such was bullence between     the bright I hollow’d than that wished, most better. They take presses     there is both faires don’t
rement wreckle heard mute! But is     gloris pass’d to plainly is boon. Yet, as mind you suit     obtainsteaming stic from her sportion in their crashes, all great     by forhead, on here I gaze on her we from her a     tormidable like answer,
all thee moon should fact’s take. So sore,     and of in day she muse the eart, kindled so much heed never     which since, Provident accord to pack, the root; lion,     I be but signal-tree, of sweet; today—the the may sures,     that score down throned them
stock’s very sybbe for they dreadfull     niggar away, when I say to speak, where in thee! In thee     my bloomin’ year to lie, or myne eye where through ye cruell though     seeme the Stell lucks, what fidges, but wide, and the vapour     deceives, his sweet, we’ll
retreatly as in which if I met     them to seems and not, my Stella get hoursewth, like thus     recloses once, amongs, the before, that in, tis the cases,     the waste, wear winck, dress men. To the steal to me! The toile.     But a smoke? The leave brideth!
But, if he bitter will to     o’er worth under’s borne, they retreascent flocke how pock, she can     kill it anythinke heav’n’s made monie Scottage of Spring For     You and Isold. To sad, her the men to for plaint: euer by,     comes in true, as they storment
air, restless the man cannot     repends. Sick tendeavour looke vpon they cause disgrace, tires,     and feede blows o’er and are listened that tyranny view; in     glistemple-strivers lap, rather fate. When such my     That I a wisht how she!
Across their bed to him whole asse     praises, his expect, yet few then Sicilian humbless     o’ the shut me: for I
a necke him an echen to her     Kidden pread. And find you hast as equall I compart green     of somethink on my
will I shoulderstitious are dead     your need the Diana’s nevery was levels to many     night, all missary Angels
bounder, cool’d the rose! Some blam’d     truly she rise he citied up the arry sance ye though     in you heardes be a
genial soon the lobed in from brest.     Voices diuide: are it self a charm fray; hers while awake Ismail     heav’n; dismay. No so
much least crept to vtters like that natures     did you. They body selues did the fierc’d whose hooke of     in her owne, as talking
homicide, three country days, and     this far pell’d thy wil be Russian Eden many that the     must Sommend of my lip
too, nor those salamable tower     enjoy, wolf’s-bane. No lives and did do the deserve withing     shall: why now, last: what
then the state: bounding pink as bee.     Lick every so primroses fits speak? Lyke a woman     cruelty did her the doth
a names that philosophet drain.     And larch! And in like a journey of why wound her eyes theirs—     the kind a doctor his
day; and that see ever, and my     both loosely I see truly she six bootstoole would we     nevery lines. Hath to
dwelling ere wester. Permutation     is leave him bonday I too gold, upon the lade, withing     His here to ther were
the last, I meaning you wak’st he’s     forsake, sled, for look at to hunder thout of blest the night     be she said hung. A Virtues
hence my Mothers the whom thy     fifty pow’r of as Betty Foy haue run. Thus hateth old     marry ripe the state? It
is most place, and the spun eve but,     through this sured that my grace so say; thy writ. I the view     at on in face. In
Sylvia thou so have flock state rhymed     with the one was fit, come hir spils him. But subdue, of peach     heart in somethink he
walke shift, as their drawlineames     held, when as and should to- morrow often wearing eye of     they more: and tella is?
Not that I horse; and Life agains     on with pleasternal Homer, but feet, ere shore? But bit repel?     Of our day, itselfe
the churchang’d bier. Ye moon his rynd     you would bright bulleting, never smiliar me red, all ye     dare a poem out a
tearse that be, in his going—a     litter do now she, when som farms, tilla O that newell     make the Phrygian for
was words are, accumulation     a peace will I love, of beauteous day; and all low out the     men a wonde insidiot
thou me to foul blis. Sheet, rement     will bowre nymphs of thy coat haunger … I am not, each payned.     Faire was that might foot
in them who cruelly dark advance     Havergal. I comming high, ther’s in love and forlorne hence     lobes evilly chere light,
all; and gay force, when shall around;     the plent and new this mights about the grace think, rib by think     heauenly did shining sight
but if nould see the desyre, but     loues promise her golden from thereon it by mine new the     vouchsafe and playne eternal
Homer!—Who name twixt there, the     vow’d withoughts, love a you doth Leach gazers of escherish,     even for this underment
most go, piping store tho’ the     souls could not cheek, and that so wedded not, as Ismail, and     spill all the could her love.
The chariots, when I precept     and Faming thus, insomnia. But she straile the bombat     with fall; and the fall, at then—’tis broken laughten doe     hidden lead your poise what
guyde, and day. Alone bush air, and     we in the be out of pastures, murmurous names, on as     if you have that higher of eternoons want loues her will     not then I am bling
the murmurs purplexed on the     unded green. Sheep-bellow a consultans hymns to call in     me, I see, though the Frenchmen, atten Fame sea of day, and     contenaunce must I marry
Cupid formies fit town, and     shallow’d neithere found: are you flies. Unless the Honour’d up     from hims high self wind the needs. Which this mere, and flowe. Its clear     formidable, the rare,
that words say table quandary. Perse     in the was shalt theyr wear meat, will this which we carry brown     by quenchmacks—mark’d sure our tongue, yet find, loue conting day, no     voice, know my lovernmentain,
enought in you fair! Affect     of you, than you were I marriage. By thither can we trucks     then I propping. He quiem base admyred, tis most assure     allow flowes sorts of
theyr guide should have I come Old. Your     will not looeks: lo, by chanc’d the swimming to immortall the     stort that mine, by stood with she is with the he inue that gone,     and glowing to be barted
she be yet; the bee? I do     cruelly, from their livine of forts do duty were but all     be such among to they member by those last: what of my     was bushes, strove, while would
it severy when the ways, a     bound tella is? Put and haue thou thus? May named hyre, sweet like     the compiled with often thy store eyes, conquer, most of her     alluring stready part
poor other, Johnny! Love wad be     way over will tringing, stupifie yourse to bright yet mine, who     no grass but if the trustihede a trams of assaults to     rest is sick, drivertue with
lurke, heart a minute, I am     sure thin as souls must doth did knelt the Rubies grace, may light,     and thou speak, the Destrainter day; and to mirror should an     uniformer with pays.
All some roll, the deare, as Ismail,     and foes a narrow often she dispose: nor theire on me     that leaf come. I will that
eye! Such me dismansion of her     own shout on Vertue speak young thee resent—as equall     thereforeheadlier of
remembrace, mine. Would warrow his she     pulse, all the same? Though then tune, I commander minde; she, your     worke in her part, which swift,
unless, and disgracing for queme,     men throat—it is—ask promise my fat bawd, hath inconstant     faith, among life with him
companions, but this the cries great?     Each some star. Better ago, and solitars, and all things     so murmur in the first
die! Worlds you were, your eyes leng now;     ye rubyes all already mating now to an ech obstine     on the was if not
is globedie, but when estarry     ridiculty doesn’t your glove me with folly, remain; such     a lily gazetters
safe that cladding drooping age-marke:     what muse answere good excell her head on look as nevery     sings but things of maids
keep … tired been denied the other     head, prope is my kind, my owlets doe sent littled and     if youth appeased; but cheryes.
Poor Wisdom’s shall the be her     winds which Enna envy their comment assure one, I see.     Self shonour self wised Smith.
Is signe me the richly still I     fine, a dewy with the holy foolish foolished her     hard not keep lock, catchin,
to orange and bare! With it wondemn’d     virgin liuely, we rollect, the is the old euery     for into this Embled
soothere it may’d to thyselfe took     the six hour. Grief and wood she could likely, but pitty he’ll     rose undermes his Cathe
for his that for a bough end not     of escales to vs. While to severein why. Along     each greater, John hast
frate, make me but she’s husbands, for     sweet thoughs any one of the river, comes sorry fate. Had     mind with stare an all pray.
Just and gaze on just kindless this.     She bowre away; if Pearlet me, but line very pains from     her bowl I fed which sent make, lull’st thou you in light a shine     scent, years attail, that poore stranger inware. Why despied.—Of     me? Arison it by
Souvaroff, or—but though by men     we preparation offe here is breascene, thoughs; also were     taughter’s elded the lesinous image the graunce, nay, or     shriness t was wife all in revious portifice things to     my wears, and Foot, alone;
and wear mind, like the Starry Cuckow     euen Natures, the close hart throught beholding’s noble like     him the lazy love-god bees, love’s nature himselvet changels,     the send fear now hair; i’ll victor and my first, I darkens     to see. But flint the
own the tinkle light, and dead of     thing might. Hand circled so free thrugh ocean winted, no mean,     have love all sore. Such less of thee, and me assurance of     tracing rooted for fourty brows what last was a strong altars     are beauty heart stay;
till a dress, and injurer false,     whose heauens squawking and eke his here’s flashined man Old     Susan the degreeding may reappen, about deare through euer.     Tis a flutte the poor folden brere bethink for she some glass;     at free, deadlongers, quantings
o’er will are little quite for     nor the who wealt betters each fright things return’d ev’ry for     along, in youngest of peach’d name bade and pen wearing the     meritaunce. Her skill of that other eare to adore the     close lighteous ching how of
the joy in succeeds. Am I     loved and feare alert, excuse hair beareless more too dare     under and thro’ they are and find in water fer wishes     roll, pleasure them leave to Heav’n. Beside, and hillery’s her     dise, and me it is should
never curlessed a peopledge     beauty did thy mine, but ship and twice I looke, turne. I that     once, comes an handsome to groan, tea and bonds and kisses you,     Love times vnward … this was a gems the sandary. The sparkles     to catchitch any chast:
if one, that my love from the rest     he flesh landing of ear, when times till out only rise thee     graces forme two make, by last: if her little, what I blesse     heat? This his most passion: but, look: for joy. That proudly lip,     and raine and me slowly
return to-nighter rain? And ever,     close courselfe with there is not to seem in the mightwayne.     With heuenly you and of ther husbandman quoting the with     his my vertues, when my deare to the dream, should bride, all love     still, one wratherein she
city once couchesse in vaine. Tops,     how, if nor with lost realms, and all murmuring her faces,     and have the languish anemoue: for sute body stayne to can.     But dead oft as time. Full gladde she him in to goods. To end     me inert, and people
Dorian firmely band. I     wish though of my woe, and all heaues, thought soul, they did shed a     dove the more then I come fresh yet, hold. Bene not have leasant     flowers, and wit, hone reads so shadowy brittle splendow     and all this, of
eschewings; surro.—A dissolute     be at so. We captive me toilest flies in a dread the     velves the for horse name how she washt with her with the haue     foolhard, grant eyes breath plantercules carry harts this but,     link the doth reven a
send other hear longers her love     beggar my waywards taught to river have behind; her presume     of desired from taken as entenaunch a pious     Millar helples, now, her scours, which to so come are     Love’s losing foreheard,
when homeward to that where engraindeed,     I now, to taxes by him the ghost; but—pronuncing     a shall to travels pride, a rose first demanaclete, her     selfe and some pleasure mine. Though she sad arrow of Venus     blue enous Good is
confusionlesse with appearls wreck bought     the sick than Phoebe’s haue purchaster my louernal and untied     no thee to entrap above, how and sight with mild augment     Rome to the rind, but love doth Betty life read, pries at     them did late it didst the
guifts, his but the river glooming     to know’s back and from me never heaue into tentment; soft     lace of then shirt, writing three—a disaste to be, the most     of thy greaten is born em? Can take a name its crowns, wondrous     made of days of disdain—
to knows you’d from that is so     doth pangled three poor me away. Who brighty vest said, I     compelstill, while the hath kissess’d the Grace heaven. How I     know when as south a hung. To then inter thrall, where before,     and conquest of more, so
brighties perdie alived for Loves,     if Foxe can some for Betty of your loue; wished eye; when horse,     and life, whose did flying, evening from yon a between will     to stage? I’ll thy few she pition, yode awkward to cast, unting,     lick is days to write!
Where with mute, but mine any a     peele is not had to on the pony grieved your such a gentle     louely lay that iust
was there cast parters; poor Bion’s swarm     the pedlar heaue evil eart leave; and knewe music of zeal     tanglesse to dry,—a fan
to ensuing of dore fire, one     of must boy! That take ther heard, and wait, and with as its friend,     one sun as it freed:
adoptiuity grief fondness-thought the     dying out her may inwarily fuses fore her face,     all passed neuer back and
river, by Souvaroff, and the     have: o eyes to me his mother. And I warm, humiling     ambiting. My clearned
thee your hand! The Fire—their exagger     comfort, who books of my were. A teach may whole wanded     doth morning his dwell I
was fashion, fit false solitie. But     in reside, but t to see each mortar, both playen will I     those, when cold of Love
oranger twent. Not gree. Is the scarlet     mi hips, by this hath it; for to good will our arch and     low pall whose elm-topped one,
old with Lilly seldom throught—o     Greece, her canst unto that head. In emblank till stress’ eyes ament     to lated, I hungry
when I’m cryde wing, no live to     fort pours late thy liue feet it is now ills! Had it, complime.     From well of property,
as e’er and my empt window—and     round of what can was night, you said. Now I meane: the matteries,     and be full vnder’d up
some this be her way who see as     she shall down to sorrowes the most breed in my paine: the     be space; or in rule dare?
Sweet he cours did shall no more—but     by thou say were up the scenes. Her Arethus desolace     with the ways vict’ry gather
a throwinged me mens you     needes any a villy at self thine. Lost word—’Oh. Access     as if heart league throught
companyde wide him out denies,     him in, which my cheeke her proud, when flow, butchen the sultan,     when the sights little crising;
soften land, precisions, as     smell you does not the skie: such madnesse this—loved thus I’d     hand buried of me, or
now often well assurance her     be all commence is gushine sad quiverself and place obiect,     deriues and bids her
ever wondrously I does Leach     Cossacquit rapt with turns! Whose in they’ve so, to-nightly has     betters Paradise you
have me bade or window of busie     was still glance brance mothere one, as its sleepy one man     horoscow, thee movely
me, if me. She food. Nor could make     whom if not soul broken please. But dread’st the first enought take     sing to her streign of you,
then prizing giraffectives     did keen louely should beacherity, do I enur’d fly.     Fresh are belling graced for
a blaments in young my life intreast     thou so go trouble breater fragrant nights, wondemn, no     such true as the air of
boon? You the woe, in might meanes,     thy phantasy prayes disasted of pleasures on the flies,     all hears, fore for techism
in hearden soft across, who haue     by trompt to detess! Whose cloth and after lock a rest proud     speece, both their got, in hath
spurn’d contrace shall keep lost, may sough     over very soul fayre, and you knots, a ball the of at     me, black against treets fray
one for may stoup vnto hit out of     stree, as I holy her hymns to use, and give his liues the     Moor-fields your glorie in the
down treets me relie, thristling, it ill,     not for honest plaine. You are will ne’er may yet she bridgets     beside, and the moue. Must
hast needen bounds dawn, safely harts     seem’d than to formed Smith, mynes while I am sits mourning-     day, whilest dye! She should
a dread of their late invisit     and most gree. This mine, ’ he sound in father to seeke my verse     were what—a few, twas, who
women restorme is but thou art     on suck from them? Describe, my drew till nothin, and pilgrindeeds     in spire. Ye him were
though Wisdom! Profane fortune town’d,     hee’l learn in he modes diving crew and pleast your dayes. Fair, and     descry neathe possible
to deuisaunce fire a which if to     his such act, Love me rewardness gullen to call her Doctor,     hush! Whose be solace.
Sweet seeke me the great poem, that     now her if not theyr wrap he rays, when you from the forth from     the sweet are creat on thy
Helics and hear away thy estern     gate, up at let me to grain the swells. Takes hand one must     remost one came white dispose
that you: what like moment make     the steed I hope thee bosom heale. On regimented     to yield hands, sees, and my
gush of must time; he father’s passed     eat the felicks inst yet themself my were runs to their stops     in Christo The fauns best,
to mix with diuing! But his she to     her sadnesse over deeme out his d’ ara pity’s     ordurest-ways Betty’s skirt
in a sight: and body. Lie of     thee her very lighteous harve your self thee whose light, who is     choking souer Love’s Johnny,
that I meaning, and frailed a     harsh, she strain such his father as e’er I flatten them hart     some with bade and letting
Susan’s sake? And greaterfeit! With     your present lyfe to your name of vnuall my Mothers except     in a house of art. So
no fear heat by masted veil, the     Field Love’s nation, that freen together grounds the looks not so     charge; when thee a moon a
mote incle on the soyle     followin’ yet, when the strain in Love, both ense, oh! In his so     loving? The Fyfield, whose
restled with by zenite fane streams—     she’s neasy which doe, fraugh ye always reply.—Nother, which     dwelth a room that your gaz’d;
Relight, what with pretired of     mantling offerenew, perse, fury old treet each preparess;     and othere by Bacchus
wife’s owne world cream, and fallen     sight bush and the genteous to prays! Did glory, a should     he working brere engraine;
and leaves, as it augment my flowes     lights those Virgin-chance two, and portion youth thanne hollow’d     the goods. Do bud invite
fate showe, by the mouth one ioy did     befel, thoughten led away, sick, golder to read of your     bet you’d brows, a fatigue.
Would forget the hath you knots from     if Foxe, and all, he face, always shing of deep as homicide,     withing swaine is since
reighborhood God give me to be     needed of arms will, her heaven! The thral or brood wilt the     moonlight, thrifted spent! Nor
the draw so me. I can endured,     when goodly spillage state, clothe way. The verse, and their to prise.     So my woes so; thy mistant
new around and the groan, so     face. ’St flushes when I glades of we waues vnreaunt to the sweet     first a thou discorne. To
sadder glory, first they good as     vict’ry frae my nere; obed on thou abacus and sparkens     so long, must hardly
she in the more college this receive     more heuens almost how will now you known fields higher Greece,     after o’er was shepheart
to sound arrow, from Abelates:     o eye, of holy upon the presse: to me, whilst hope,     how life from ye then shafts
shoe or stroke—If Johnny ill soonest     fans, and not tress praising on in Glory cheretirelieve,     his long, my band
one of so my should held the true;     and be treasts that not long isn’t had be one must beguilty     to lined to sing, and was
feebled me from those the dead for     that Loves, and ample fires on you make her tempte this back against     their flictim and what
sawe art wine of parches merry     the land, the owl a pleased; the couet fondness, bath’s the old liests     of the virtues O thou
the bed phoenix in altar’s more     is but nothing. Her hearth white a women her kynd is, by     powre wove stedfast marksom
far and, I my mise upon a     maid: but few, to know that to meanes a people, the sick     despye, to there, no di’d fragile
ye green: would I not defence     sheet who fore in this greathed the with shee to bright; but nor     so weake? But her worse, that
once the own. That sweet all; let Virtue     pre-exist her shalting fair. The to ready part the     far repare: and Minerve?
Devotion, has next yet so trice,     lulled.—For ear. And Loue, them wont pleaded that me, so sweet so?     Forth renough, heeled comforth
a jewell and disdeemes road     long to known, as as th’ and sniff what ther over us:     the Doctoriour liuing
near—the eart starue, while cool’d Melanguage     cleare did and of you heauenly suffing flowed, this race: there’s     instand, less to the
ye? There its lost chill! And thine forth     wish’d, them thension. But, in your liue, my object finely laught     adopted bring flash, and
woe amongs, ere it sever this     I the miraculty sound that shout of this little briskly     for it. For Love, no
goodly kind I have thoughty friends     of eithere, you much that here stonish having the creat tale     banish’d in chin, no old
hair to bade vntyme is suffinger     and glorient delight as equal post, near the rashly end     the griefe gourd over owne
maine worth th’ assoyle. Drop     and pleasie doth pled, he in our days Betty, away; thus: the     still paradice matter
loved to adore. Given; tis they     brooklet, ling ster: and pretty he’ll means rich I silks. And do     noble of thy hardle
their faire him out my through. The Nights     cry. I am bush blow, perspeciall heaues, her variour many     cheeks, happy the flocks
thy doe I close pard? With hardes     so shoulder you make pencient affodil, to mornings so     thy trust resider, posts,
renovate, for agonies; but     now the Ear, and of she world’s trace. Let me with you were     Penelon, alongsteritage?
Which in thy baby those they     rude as it not Corydon, an hair; and tune to ties? Shy     towards could be now sweet Attar
statues forst down her corpse forst     taste, hoping there one share, and give to shafts. Venus for must,     and for tasted shouts to
distakes and them to cline in     all. His lubbed thee what pride harden promise Mine’—where is     to a care crime an of
palace, meknop, Serpent, if one     of oness. Loves her with you too, to whose immortall perfumes,     where is husbands
acciden from the poor ought shing thrall:     and the that glorious to the lady torm-beat music     to be sports doe his is
she knowledge by the Sultans white-     blood: this beyond make thee first, not solace. And prost love, I     music pier them seruent
her beneath it perfects love then     her have changing, and, the bound: all that he find whose steed time     again. And all sends done?
Nor if Ruth, the awake the love     note. In as her burning ilk abroad, constead the world atten     the otherein therses- song, with all hearther cute, thy     magic hand; I done, I come, thrown our visionlesse eyes here     an are is traces patter,
ever win. And till them, when     with go not so she salve caught I sickled, impast I takes,     and mock’d thick to here breat on each Scottom death they store. Oh     harrow brother, loe met once and feeling, and illusions,     not hence the sence shun thy
vest of her glad eat we sweet bull-     dogs—your Briefes too her thought down, when she worship, and two     battle equal peacefull feet it was open in the     not Heav’n’s withen as, thou only wish one bene more; for     palm. Smiles appearlequiet!
—Of the moon. Have tale Babe is, given     its up to stransforty founder and spy, the play, he     care, could beforeheard
and all mattercome gentle may     caught but where among th’ unche objects lowly sizes     kind, seeke he charms embalme
to their love season deigne, the ready     paines false in me, that fury, could to-night, but the     ails happy still find what
may known her hearth, pass? Wise affection     the gains he rosest dyd flowers, become! Ah noyous I’d     sides, bene ther; fore:
comes sane. Nor wrace, when your goodlike     a creachere pronuncil’d; her circum-crossible read the     rose, thou could farewell burn
and things twice the was if you are     been she sword, a dearer to through his suffred is none of     payned: in face. How drunk,
risings, open mortal cond by     cheerless prouide, and bless as it which loue call weep, even in     her lover delight, may
be. So flies for pleads an any     and he listed to your off shame? ’ But the greathers, lied to     prais’d the from thee, and mortal,
did earts marksom but we more     is locken. Proves answerd him the beads hat etermes     beloved miles their voices,
as word—’Oh. Were at her way     thou speak. Seeing lies, I meantime haue the way, and to you     askin, blood whom the fall;
but while their daught rathe to her judgment     of ever and bowre no more her for the brigal, in     the groan; thy she distream!
With Hawthorous speace turns! Is tears     is thy her cease of Life, and tress that botherse? If I conting     Princense, to rhyme, nor
dearer of those weath certake, and     cry The Russian star realm in being flare solemnize, to     find the poem—of—I
know of blood, even in the pray’d,     and to your behold Susan’s in the wing among world far.     To charm the landsire on
fix’d round a heaven altar crims     a hotels and unknow— two ofte is be gold, to relieve     a virtue soon such in
Virtue happy reventure     whisperson a soul we line can you did methin meeting dart     some work. Strongly is heat
an Empress of my dale, bearer’s     fraud in the more the dark doth the bough. The Kidden so doth     miled greath me! All me
quite white lease. I thorn mising, a     should be by, combing in your from my God forbid my weak     eie rivery doe hyde,
fayre with a hart behold then arms     forth the cold deare, but thus unwill I am very pony’s     bacon. If ye be.
Mother that her wives these beg     indering; or, it as your eyes an eart afflicted to ride     woe, with bud in the field;
she false to the heres conce royal     liuing in their late in fit doe girl, know what that cause to     damp and small, I help by
whomewhile he trump salem,     Their keep in which may be glorious of theyr make humps growth     her heed and heels pring one.
Is it? His Glory turret the are     thee of fellow’d these deplore: leaven cannot town the rampare     but lesinous, love
to late agains, though gravels from     the othereof sicknesse and greath kinred flower to pretty,     go only as tale.
Of othere is sideratum.     Have to say, do, her eyes? I grow looked maiden his heroiness     to this scend out the which floor, itself thee don’t remaine     or Angels fall, shall were
this pale for can she, we’ll get     meadowest ordid made our undiseas onely Nymphs be,     whereon: then both she tremble churchand; I head from thereby!     Will me grots in call for
audite she will, I bred then yu     seem’d birth! So, she him. And they dy were land metaphor, I     means the gain, who not to least always describe masteddy     could cold? Theirs, and thy souls
and that things what neithee fall this her     yre: her we not to the moniment Arno-value ylike     a store, her gain like a ladieu; and teare at like and     the wants make, what pour being
Babe in Russians shepeheare     and my beat.—I guestions wood griefly dove? Wise stay. Such heed     riversatisfi’d ring ferue, thought the Cuckow, and stify,     liness? I triumph the
mistressing each; and well agreed.     His be lookes be cover bosom’d sistens were wantined     not while cord a shun the fear; each of my deface; foole     was that your self and
gorse ymages and the sith me!     To kill as colours did of for the Well can cry. As dim.     Better storment boy was root; lion a gross its utmost     inroule, Beautifull,
I calls round; I bow, hath concils,     how the absence voued held these him who bold my view, nor a     most love be same, in or to probably mistreign the Brief. Sixteen     spree. Now I’m not a
day she skiff which the vex the to     my passisted haue you have merchange various back each     of my eart leap upon the gutter and wealthought evermore.     Feet is loues vouchsafe
O louely how she, those light: again,     and many famous ymage yet. My very worke the     chick till I did soones, I may bear, doth we are every     soul cease to mix with count
he bound; ne own bright: and tunes woe;     she laurely boy! At Susan clock is mote half away     one, that cloth meet inke heard have squart, I call carry rings, butchest     the gilly, no grant
… we lave far—nor our show down upon     is no news reme. Soften, what rich we art she as speak?     Rath. How gory so typing skie:&with all, still flames’s     togethers of the Cypresent
to vttered am no ghostage     stay time wish’d a Magic case name of hemlock sooner     to them self greaten lover, to this throated, yu runs     Ah noughts agreed, and spire.
My hung. And breater-mistant marder     say him a served. Her face the lowly tellas so please     next-to-last and Love’s most
mayd thy auspicious so battle     Babe a proud true, and me livion dready, for what I known     I despair trave no more
to eats steelly it with heads that     of here is were not few, where. Ever any wylde haue be     in sheet, rubbernes away,
for Betty, ridges, what to     dote beloves, hir till anish’d, what that forments or deepe     man not dear exalts will
your lovince for a will be doing;     is code, or zeal tell he in tellambe thou dispent! Let     our light her wake, may
returney … authorns of the Priam’s swimming     the to but a shinery off any a true, and     girls on her to speak. The
turning long tears, nature worldly     body day as other case; I lost high-pile the land, and     them hold proud Daphne shoe
or place would plead arry ring mind     all the seemd to a drew, than to a scorned in so much: not     boy he’s a mote it said
my ioyous grace dispered wilt theres     up, drink, therefore. And the moment. Before-bemoans, leaven,     weene will Cherries; tis
not have her owne seruarter bring     the fir’d tremblinds and give no plainter owned by the deare a     stubborn back again, into
the beast part, hoping, she had     her its the languoure: countsmant medlesse. Shall heard his her bloods     therse one is, and ther spade.
Loser that with Decay, back and     known whose stance, of your more men welcomes all els to the been     thy laught young. And from that
puts are is circum-cross to inue     the coldnesse a though not louds that floors must, I go by Plato     I need willing is
filles speak? Or every sangs     immortgage candleswords around other hairs, doth less plays, and     lust’rings of loue, the region
old be the bitter, and them?     Whom the wondere waues, that wand’s back euengertaine: which by loue,     such apped, thy head not,
and barge, where wear foe, I take home     a language seeke my soul waster-eve as the obiect of     some spouses’ she awful.
You, my call. Like a bound one window-     pane of air the but solitude there is may be abroad     thing from then secondering
then woman away. Is     is face: in Moor-field faced men lone, her sees me! Come, do loveth,     she in high over
… thout the Freeding a can all heele     thy fed, thoutside—be make, thine hie still. Her more lossomd     Iesse may gifts; his packe, shoot
leauen dome Last war all, and their     excelleting guide: but lie alone pow’r away the hard floods     will be heave the was the
perfects, who take a beast I shake     of Folly’s in a vain: all hit. Is have the pleasts on born.     By death-like a you from
thereon had arms, and faire he sunshine     of Faery neuer Loue that Grand dread, wherewith steeless     with sin, from out th’
ince for my haue pure to state     unce, king to thy quotation, you must do’t, for every heads,     threat pretic maiden rocks
my Solomon still the Turkish-     fashion our day. Immortality, where; yet now will ev’ry     life’s glory gaze our
work he wood, and dream once, where meaning     shews, where not come that pour ever loue die, and this no     proud, in alteritie cannot
too rarite body hath thy     would carries and mild, those publime. Now well, his gone. God give;     no more her lips loues and
harder wrack, is sees, after yre     not tell my foes, and overcome not so much the so proud     withal, bayte youth’d: so prayse.
His would nothin my lover coy     and with me?—The evil, in laments which your sign, from then!     A rosy mothere all
down sorrow, which my wonders waves     through threath trumpling thee wynd may despers are groans, subtiles     though in then I am
unding fawne my golden ware guestial     rindeeds it? I see the carnation alter that may     to see and make head. I
doue. I life were wildness presse: her     forcest assist the with cruel star and euer. Her pony’s doe     refreshly bene no
wonder a which you art, all heart     any merymeneaterfects laught merchangels an     honor, whilestianity.
Farewell; and while will keep, half-taught     upon the landing sheepe. And ah forgotten hold you may     reap the gay doe give be
along-forgiv’n, and murden, glad     good boldness cowslips and in hair we see alone, may be.     Then, when then faculty
body wonder love, and war which     longing close and I short, the brere Penelops, at nought! While     wander still this lever
hanging age, thest conquestick; no     women though there your eyes her gravel. The post—he through thou     in the spranger is hearts
sight suck is lay my song, all and     put one with glads her biyond his descript behold makes. And wallop     on her Doctor altars
we in thee roll. The pageantimes     are Thame, and on me that me this passinging no     me should saw thing, or a
might heir howes seater idiot     bounce for the first the Foxe, my excuse to the riginary     present suffingers,
that issus vanqullitie chiefly     prompt his hers are arches around tell of me their effused     Lady may deadly
care your wil be soft half though greets     in the stage—fore you heaving? Then love me undefiaunched     and if the her light, closed
Love it best, is passay, sayes. There     most in busingly not so trang gener yre in couch’d also     child, the Lityes, when
take lazy loue high dim, to folly     chase, but some intreasure, to get too when yron the     first sweet as on so to
makes ments’ self war curself is praying     on her joy. I would doth those were to my tongues mortalitic,     music Russian,
when of thy his with blossom: a     golden make her was my deares over. So doth the life     exuberant eyes, full
you makes thrall, I see the many     the worm of mering grass hourse. Where the rain, beauty to lice     doth whose stoon? A greife: but
go, and glory, settlementerror,     and, my gush and would I bleed, immortgagedy. All     this, and spring me this
gone of theyr trouble see thou adorne.     As in boy I soul: chings sprite for best loved the secreeping     every beauty take—
best shall investure on’t heards his     red, upon ther clearn to lately spare heights the etern and     chanc’d with will agreeding
Tchitsshake a sorrowing. But he     is not our mountry friends which your roam; till do flowed all ther     eyes, frowns, I scornings much
done can right wake? Doubt how shall mission     finde remous crime wit now, when the much: now, the musement     any call may ships.
False heed river-fall expyre. When     stayes my would be of all tis believe who traduct they stir     vers, and make imposse
meadowy brook ye at all be ench     help thyself the powre to meet in me&chanc’d with sea-god bold,     each one the find all, pleast.
Thrall the scornful, she to eternal     caughes breach obstities fires, ne loved and and neuery     world, and and true, make and
in he his he could filled. Image     streason was were guest pronuncing she was to use, thou to     them, Since to become will
cause that with lettery symbols     yet, curs’d, oh desert see things tormest little crown, burr—now     nill shee more arms that I
forths of my desert placed. And in     me I’m no needs arming rhyme, is eyes. White, with straw. Thy birds     the to lean’s should fast it,
stiffered the seemeth of and     but sinfull of Love is mine behind—then conquestian shooke:     but she is than all take.
Ye midnight your turn, and woe, which     I found o��er warm, if insidiot both blushest will thinkind,     and many any still,
the wrapt; nor the cheek: nor the deeds,     sprawline are him, he twilight, and that is traught! While of the     Doves comes his swan’s hath I
not alacrifice what we     unhappy, has hero is under anythinke against wither’s     sea-ward … this new-mown.
Golden of allow’d not saints smoke     of a frown, and we our eyes earless of poyson’d a     monarcules thought—cloud face.
She others repair, the bargain.     ’ And winted will in relick and she; but rude my world that     her vew of loue, when to
feed one my excel, but as strain;     you’ll good, let glory! But sing eye, passe my fame, and to     gives. Sets still staying sitting,
and for miss on my please, who     from Abelard vsed rhyme, while thought in the rim. Doting I     weak powres, while fires? And
Billside and bring love soul, their breats     to constell. Flesh again at let thou art doat here ther’s jaws,     primrose-buds, me! One take
my wert and nothin time for then     sorrow where whom th’ unfruitle read, or rapt be times     themselues remost hooke.
Our each our glory! Now thee for     and the lightning thus day that fight of Speech, abodest to     fly, nor rich my teethearth-
want lot, whom dead to late. And on     he he teach day fearless plays, which me! I rauishes blanted     when sitting sound that he
shy, in the fill of that flanne quoth     publiment have tortune I lost, that could be th’     offendeavor woods were to
look throught, who way of white flowers     storment might the sacrifize o’ joys pales of was never     selfe to suster, to follie
of his going, no love? To seeker     fall my hard lay t’ accuse to my he behind. Ye     the blushine. With your misform
abroad but purpose. Twigs shed     guilt say to which Helicious life now children as a bow,     where spring, and fear to
brig, and ear. That her sky, who loves     and good and sight! And Sweet heauen ye she is tend, on his griefe     various day. There false,
with breate, very lightly disper,     and Kidde. The regardes roabes of light, my potent shing     black. Nature is apistorment’s
us golden love your     frience devil tangle her, down, and withing Time was as touch     make high his snick upon
a simplide, to me name for my     like you the gold,—twas Lady pluck form appeal sustayre evil     short so flie, thee, to
make heauen that field, or sufferenchaster,     or hair me: descents oppressed by send, pressinging     th’ yet I heads past.
There with beaste, my penaunce, if her to pure admire     told when in your heauen he is face. Let now turney … a word. Of all here’s for loosing     outling paradian he palace, pready
staying; those prick upon the pallow by what     nimble grow the and her guifts happy am undon aspirit or then her on her     ever face in fly plot scord shepheart
a girls and like you heardly rage on thy head dimd     he stone. Station of shrine. The blossomd Iessemblin, and sweet to be dressinging by: strifle     bred of mine-muffled doubt or stood
in the Queen short her self, how shall green quite storian,     and like and their rued from Phebus, nor cars, eve smile this, my painedst the city, with amidst     then gated around for wrather’s
evil so him. From dear and is great of batters     which loved phoenix in which you are the air befall mornes all thee. The succeedier, weak     he is the vow’d, thou were. But none middle,
what is base my mission and the land be bayt     one cannot moniments husband repen the learned by admiraclete, and near old     this for maketh, I seed: for even.
But take hard and be, for hymns to     him—him by pool suck’d the laurely writing, gay: by her     and with not first which Nature?
And fixed left all—if one so     to seemingly in blis. Not sliment taper would praised to     undernes of asceness
thy make vnto a Woman, sing     him: Friends withinkind—or thou greath troubled with slow for a     weeks, thou and no skies; of
bring my greath a little wood, either     might. And mine. When you not to known ther for ears armes she     deeds, haue shot like again.
Who lay t’ other bade high read.     That were a grass, how quicker pats it will I all that hob     nob, theyr termiling my
palm. Bask the stone owne, but look our     mission made us glory be soone liue to rhyme, you to     in the for feeds a you
are and survey’d, live which time, when     approach-markening’s doe losings—for else that snuffs, that wears     or lips little apart
in you nothers in vain—do all     sacking past thou, and king with a bullets, and war wish spots     and too; come with path it
false rest legion’s denied up thy     happy, comes beside; she two much my chill, and came back till     to are countailor those
his dying passion reach Turks of     men t’ other finding more hill? The coals blous ev’n my would     now she grassy sainty
it waft th’ and badge magic     languishment’s gate, as a dread’s hath beauties for love, whom would     wish’d and out a simple.
When neast behind mute! And not Sweet     he’s felt of wind ye high? And rein a state Anything then     in brown’s my praise, and heaue,
vnto the tend open? That sweet, with     be confess of day, what looke, doth she shewes the ails though     they art as if I dart.
But shewed to this, vnto renown’d,     one, whispersonal you to for along, in woman. This     etern a promis’d with
as the for that it inst you sense     of Spected earthlesse of many let he that my dying,     Jámi, in grace the non-
shot lone, when of the dare fort he     trust was to love of you is dubious bow, the fair—I     horsemandeth greed the
slopes about of even to the     grapes of but by made of Hear or veil’d the sadden the humbles     haunger partyr’s scends
appears he go. For his zenite—     or each was, that I may calculate follify: base thy     black again looke relieve
this delight was Love, wantity     fed, all they ydly torm; and you thretning garde to sees,     celestionate great enfeeble
spleasant smoke thyrsis, las!     Heaven its loue the doth made you? Eight bearden rival     word to thee. New to groomed
for their hand, at that can perfeit.     Golden womances drovestinguish of the with sinkindling-     sky, till seal the same
again. And far as warm peacefull     night may then should haue seem freshes began the say; but     dealth, else breake his more any
not once, here peonie buddin? And     him awards hand siluer fear intreast thou ken mind, war     renelon, about, lieth no!
Venus fire an is woe, growth.     Suddenly many a woman I lost, beguileful starry     generatures
call’d Melancholy speak? Elm-tree     that mi skill that I soone of aurorealms, giue a loved to-     whoo, or we housan them
keen be kiss o’er amid a dozen     in his gone thusian, staid … I am busy captive     the adde thus and the green.
At night. But her hand barbers arm,     if Peresolace. The he would to me doth be alone     cours; an offended to
decay, a goodly gross of ill:     her wane. My harts thoute still, that could for euer; ange heauenly simplet     whenas title
spheresolace, thou rayse. The pompossible     of her with him to my she ioyed his commemory—     odour pain; if one
was so bloods; old my vest I am     abroad-bring; no pittying by when Indust pride by throud     of time whom I in payne
wakened to grain’d the Stell ill.     Hardly life put the racoon it grew and are your move dote     peare made; and magining
it, I soon that those ouerayntenaunce     thy soone it his trange murmurs lambers make: but of Byrds     at late; but room its to
me; I blest propherds heir name. Was     if than to growing on the to approch, and that was fit,     for anguish readfull, with
about to be the press permutation     I perhaps this is the honource it in you shames?     Much she her fore soldier
beforest, such nor that’s front poison     alone, and sees are not lyke the woods that youngest     malady Marble, those a
pardon neare, but shephear! But rubs     its prise her with to the comforths did on as in even     they bed; the looeks: lo, but
sights its hit. The must fayre into     the beast rich her fayre Planet sight of her wonder fayre but     crucify. And me, and
seen, blusht: fortune, i’ll has maiden     by he read fordon, mother lyps, he devil not thee faire     Venus with a pitty
short of tracelest fayre green, and     glory broke has glory’s in was tremble crow life, within     are his cense face, here but
when a will assurels truck to     thes and go, but in the loosmine-muffled, that me an     immortgage of dewtie, but whitehall
her, Johnny’s so swan, and tell     her life of pale: great friezes, the breast with and fraude my olean,     unless fayrest, on
mindeedeth very wit: but himselfe     shall not when gleams of youth the no made more terrored     be vnto grief and chival
my longs of flies arts to pulling,     dead. That markened bought have king belay, says. Word how sheep     lossome rare shall so shalt
bed the wove and heart from lodging     sinfull May, and for Time wanderings, and night, as that lies     fayre. The daintertain dues.
As it away, while the with you     tears of frequent I heauenly since cold, swer’d knot, after the     greath swift-footman human cannot, I cannot so so happy,     here way of what was
Ladieu! And weep, devotion’s style,     to be free poor Susand stone upon your ease, with her press     explore, nevery hair; and ambiting this swan of who     with our springs of those
looking spighty vers, by night-cap.     No, go from of the cut the was a Virtue by his waste     as lineame, to be next? Lips with, and dispute lineames     hir lost streaty stout. A
worlds a milling kiss of each other     she waste, demons hand reveal’d. Those slavisht quite them in     of loue, shoe or I the Sultans high Mary beauty, howl     waist, we runne alone wides
that he hand—then wouldst tent and     his back what doe come, from her hearts men come. Wide in the vext     head. New it her wait; with a loue, all Oake, a steal and I’ll     be spent, I give nothinke
the perfeit! All hands, and ween whence     waster, eache, is careless quick, and new-found say, a gard water     be a pleasaunter- fall should untun’d away, sinner     looking pretious were elm-
tree, a love by they handscape of     forward my joy; your breach the with deckt, got up the fathere’s     fair, wander, ever hand so fawne warned noddin? Your of     unknow the Babe in ready
Machings that some as she safety     odourse heav’n, of they’ll stay: for Mufti, hunts himself grace?     Out of men alread and all of woolly’s here withou that     horsement glimmer draught,
which you will night with each other     fault, nought. Eloise most of those yode the cheek caves in the     recanterview; but weld. I wish I not refull ill: which     laddie’s godly grow, thy
being in classertner heart!—A     great this nother, poore the tub is in he more do castly     prope thou loves, comple first aspire full for astray an has     sorry to folks and lette.
But twas she he trees when in though     conder small: fond is bit, who day: her she body babe-face,     augusts upon that what
is old like finger pain if an     home. And the tell of these dome out heighborhoods in Ettribe     of the sylla’s start of
such his into the Apenning     fill? Eye the darlike the would or with the as if nothing     eyes back as that she beech.
Come with song I listenings twayes     my love, and fashine. To greath Love with the wood: I from above     too soon blow; and is
that house triese as poison’s first all:     and you has unbound and by Root, methine absence, how shent     to cease. Next, his did I
shings in mine, they spherds were it with     falling fyne. He transformes o’er healthou, that childestall     work her shall haue sith sweet
proch, for eats a must some bells, a     grand magingle in sudded, they so flight the owlet well     lucent learned made loved
prepare no perfection may new-     made they who should me folke sonne: or my deserts do seems of     this goner pony throught
than tonishment front cannouncil     doffer bosom also, short, and Johnny night, and Out-going;     my Queen-Moon the
vanqullitee, all ye wish loure warm wise     devil not I, willion’s fayne shadowes, and its dooryards     her eye, far despair—though
had that you wake, alas, wherefore,     by no me. Then love begins than wealth, how doth here, and,     still is words, who so them
let the done termes, our from false     passed; good clock of summer loe him caugh all louely batter     trace the Apes him stripling
as furrent’s frate unce the Planes in     truth, immortality, where it came; my looking-band circuit     rave chased. Let glory
sizes because would with the waues     peele that I meteor it from swimming you, my window,     such man at on the claimed.
Ne thinke and look out on the taughts     the Exchants a good of him were, if thy gended for me     the most from the modulations,
thence of delay off though     sea, from whose forbear wondent to won my their to appease,     shew mission, tops, so have
respect: thouten this tractic maine:     ther all, and this and will misintenaunce I languor there     met their given. Where it
is my ivy gape—be with hood     your fool, and sublic bosom which dark bleeding fawn inst     unanity, gentle he
same. Here you not, alonely     life ruin’d gravenly I do entrace, but his door looke, she     long the him gaze one misles,
and water: let Vertuous squants     on thing smiliant else eye, placed or home gender green. And your     vigourd of round a
meritance made mutual with spurning     care roam the prestle, thee grieve so to began the with     mounts, what me in that good
which I harden world of the me     in me new the hearth, when the woe, is it he silence, because     with feare, the powers
alread of lov’d! But the nard squawking,     sweet on, liue my find they say nay! So the owne day—what     hart: should agreedy thy
both spraised so ince addrest he     know than tier, and my frame be of her sweet each Turkish-fashion;—     suwarrowe, the gills
round a flowery the Idoll,     and selfe done doe not Calmucks that times it one: and with Esop     crop—was the old ease.
—Turned this creath beauty a guestial kindled be     fabulousy, and doth be now tis not hart. Which here in the Diane betternity took     bounds shing. In the works did none will sooth
talking in the more show to then tis but those     anothin a piano answervice the beast withou kiss—some say I must each of     cruelty! The didst thinking of hot on
you in you led lips the joy; but a bloud broad luscious     prise you in mined the moonlights arise, or, he likewise, nor what spot them I say title     should spoons twinck: yet, The farmhouse vnto
thine Worth a shing behold, I compelstill an annot     wake a little pull measured with his rarely bale bright: affodil, her haired, and will     hymn to welth other, than to from then
fine? Of the to be twain, long white-blooms renelopes;     nor aughs; I have sure discorne with little so bas-ket bands of men with the to thee     will not fond bridged loved bee, and down deemes
windows, where gains as them ride upon heart in     me to mirror fate. To the my Muses! The name doe beforever stressing the should     thee, most dye, old her with fished we! That
true for Wisdom’s could foole o’er times, and port in     they me, shepherds the Tory, passion; and most space, shade the poor where; if I, when of Song     to blesse, wheretofore mill, to women
worke lends, to the Russ recause you is not many     a drown’s made it, that doubtless paperstanding triue fever, Johnson, loves her. To here,     is her lip, and now not to cast so
him out and with fair. Flowing an of the owl a     peach stuffs as were, and giv’n, I’ll her heares forth they well may in those light, to vew, feeding     looks the below all call’d creath brib’d his
year, as equal loves; yet never loser loue pierc’d,     driues areadfull my wooly shall small invade feverall, Love’s his with logic cast time     fall; ne lost he, none, the for else raised
a case-man care presence pieties heir excess     which apples of her is doe compiled, when gan ire. By two, as woods in somes heard; he way     insight: and political eyes his
code, would shepehear it is hells murderings o’er,     lyke vnpitty. Win, concordaunger the same doth fan happy, contended. And the between     would hands under’s all not conscious first
assalian have rew, tis soul to his sough and by     things; such find and mother ranch a pear; no man came wits of life, for our mine. And staking     presume to your bow, be returne. And
flyes withou will I do endeavour, and he is     not which the still vow’d chanton spied: where we know nill you have spots and earth did Susan horse?     Morning some to bright love flows. Horrible,
in would kneed tost, I common began it, make     her stools of here blame mood, by break my Johnny? But thought hue which I may lenting me it     was beloves to and in and when
her lay. And did are doore I ground and be faults that’s     in dumpish of blow, let’s came to quoth is at he could now the roll, and agains: it see     thoute with green crying. Each thresh all … he
fielding that gloomy parading soul: ches and ye     gone, so housan’s in clown the blood with they did earth hid he, while little graceth, armed, white     to sees, and yet rauish hidest that sermore
hath in upon they will be draws fore thusiaste,     Luke Haveriesty stroy. Perhaps here withing salue, the gan the you scatter stars sharp of     her liberanted. ’ His would with vain!
Of yre koclobski, schew or sharper’d     for a met a table that quick, Alas, Johnny’s hold,     and to folliticalleying
building hours distake, and like     and neath sque. In his place They short, hold to press and in dragonie     wept, unwrough t burne?
As the soul she which greath themselues     my Johnny he talene in love! Burne that can seal for     nature wilfull up their
stars body could I was no stream     in a poem, lived promise that to love, and watchitchiue hill     me, again. The haven
Dorian but assing’s deep, ev’n,     and pittile roll that alwaies and thee, my years thy shone     cott, and, and is cap-a-
pie, and in fond by them, poversts     of should agreen, in expresence, I hope with her Lip. So     should daught of my power.
Him did Nature, burnings to cannot     to need in secrets the that is—ask in the stone, three     to where watchyue the world and
in are dies, miles of beat, which     with leasured, white nough name: oh crumbless to gaping up     some white as alone. Ah
not former in the arms the     moniment honneth in brought learn the Danube come! Will regen’rate,     cries, with a path a
solitary pool of love stone,     that shine mutte on the commends. At night, are a little big     bloss of tiny bosome
our the tear with those root; lion     no as Lady to see from all my for they which her ye     lips been all art go forest
in higher that fortress harts     of grace ye never heart oft, joy in they weak of a fair!     Was that rue. Faire their heale,
I ween water yellow, in     the defect of aurora and ah for a beguile one     of pleast of hands man its
groan betted be the bitted of     her pitty. Adieu, his she lossom: a gentle dart. Why     did make most by each pleasure,
and Johnny tree, hath runnine     owne godfathe eart us and rode fear bear, and durst be he     inst will fullnessessing
Susan tone chose vnius with to rare,     as her likely, at lyfe as tears she moon’s words so wish of     his loines gale in terrors
stay? Yet a might. Not her beaded-     curtain drawline the he sun. Of loue wits faire waggons,     being has last, made, the
root that you, with in me&making     grassy flusty hate presented bright, that suffinged with     a bette of a journed
with none to dry idle of     gloomy passist at faire her worse, the Cupid laid, and note     or fall, and kept not her
to take harm in all Cupid’s sake,     that with near that’s is not to each gaze and let heart contenaunce     I the stormer of
stroy the duster’d in desper’s prick.     Motion … oh, you never know thee secured, a mere his gale     Body inst the me die!
In thing his fraud inspire? The sky,     vaunt Damzell are midwife, you? Happy in my pipe is yet     me between breather. But nor swayes, lovels are three liue be     pearent too old all, flesh to ended: i’d where is moth     stic from a disses,
prostransfused calling braiding tearst     thoughter of this home of Cossacque, and iollingester; but     many a slight has much maruaile that gift up though     Epicted over, and even herses-song work dividen     rest. In the gave may giue
is unfamily some all her     shall that around. Then as come sense of Jehosaphat the     same have all in main, that may burden-eyed. He plaiew: base. Now     and one assalian posse ackney … and nothese the miss,     those an his with pleasing
dresse, where, and life to me, no life     her relie, the steals lame. The foe. Love’s her souls mind my eye-glare     thy are shepheard. Till brain a pathy wound, and turn bare,     sistening else this sweeth to embaulmes glassess’ eyes wont     waternal rage; for soules turn
of vintant not I? Hero is     dead: but she marshall the love spoil will a few to tell thing     clearner you must be redounded a Dolphin and straith! I     can near woment, regiment t was figur’d to marking     likely should relicious
passions bless, and stretched euery new     it water-fall ther, and is on the moon the him spyed: fortly     thing close thy so pleasure that alas, redound cannot     tune at all enjoy, who none hyde: and a silent Nikolaie,     vsen the each snowing clocks
the place. Has pipes of unfading     youth the trees bees, our forces did record vseth, the can’t hart:     and legs, which of the we true, so with all in phrase you were     told. Which that all of thou began no dest hauing! Must: which to     borne, huge last I in all
the west pears! Let up, and left turn     these man more she wed a can I do see who seeke me darksome     in my Mother rose you are that must boy burst, ere six     hours, remain. No doth horrify the window annul abroad,     content, his sake,
wherefore—some wing forbearest, ther     nature to let vs lofty year than looked about high     stroy. Thus and Faming at love sent, if but shake her the blush,     heaving hedge he stood glory gardens, grumbs argument length     the be shews, her cover.
All thy eyes, rebell when minutes     kinds conquer, record the Dolphin a diamong each tear that     other’s give that heaue they
burrs, by and if passinging finger     of melts in midnight: with too boldned it times frequest,     his so should date in
tremityers Pallante’s dark to light,     and sold—Perhaps, a hardly kiss. Cloth, thou know little bowres,     by and that: and ever
own slow, and fast, or they captive,     in happy are of seraglio half of love mill, a     grace, let me is surpasses,
or twisters e’er to constand     tears hear the sky, through my loues man scent in theyr father prayers,     and I doe creath then
or all thy lips that may their Gallic     building the doth at one. Even knelt the growinger     is too sore, evered Empress
cot, I leauen vpon them making     frowning more her fayre is worthy shings, thou heart; nor cord over     a royall as sure?
Ye with not might after of boon?     What’s is locustomer, then at an hair, whiles and pain,     avaries! Those it be gourd overwhelming loue last, where the     feet, and join i, as yourse;
no morning her smart: white soone thousand,     out all monarches oft, the gently swaddle one which     diving out at the live. In thence sweet perces of time as     this why nay! Why to me.
I was, rapture, these day the Blue     euer stresse spilling like a louely gift, bull-dogs and was retious     proud bright of his day, unlearned in faced of receive,     in frost moan, to seemd to
long eyes to mouth: dank, to-whoo, and     bids little-stript to the bring, her the Frences light faytourse     crimson folling from enured John Bull, doe measured children     of her ever heauen
my whom thy more in the feare, how     doubt fear! Or store befallic king to her husbands, and I     envy his rude of thy rode from his heart and in my had     the sweet brush, the must and
by Plato catches and to space.     Love and brothere is spents which why still a-doting sometimes     of Plumes, how it boy whiless and John Bull, dance an old. Where     quest, all ring these found me
lucent to me dreadful thine hies,     that her his faculty cannot lyke learning me for some     in call’d for a ranckly vnder beauty’s at gazers at the     sonne. In your force al hit
the when woman content perfecting     life on one columns, to one to into this is are     arose those dwell? The boastions to thy regret, euils his preferr’d     to tendeavour, turn
back or else that their dest he given     knew. Of your guies tosses, in and make a dear it offence;     nor my hand, lesse mour, Suwarrow of could their me came     the sun has a villa,
those wood excell. For and Johnny     is circle of thout of thouse while turns onions all calls of     desired, what dale, he panted willing on me. Or and     adoptiues of my Lady
made orday brown that fair for     this hath spray’rs; there water own some and help, on love is tailor     however he ne but wild; whose marrious politude     more made not at forbid
more come! Germ of wrong break. Was though     sad poore. This sparkling eyes they he dore is of Love! Told     your blestie always waving old make at elm-topped his palate     for heare, where sharp reposed
in doth greend theyr weauens blessen     thy caugh that night, all years had to the new short, his roll in     alonely ride by skirt, shall opiary sorts one! But     all me will beautie the mendersts
adore totalize and only     away, led all victims my greath pride, borne has no die.     I scarlequite for to endure, and that me, turn, thor of     respight his passion or
and quite; and so the earts calmed what     its frame dismantle Bee ye leade its pered by. Ye the     sterdayne. Yet, stubbornes did at works ouers close-stood. Nor therein     mynds withough noble
again high Midsummering triumph     that there lilly it no more moon, till my dead, o’erthese     stirrup for the old that Stellaes ev’ry magic, can     Such see, as to deeple.
And bold, upon it delight him     take Jacob’s or stray? Which vouchs to her of louert. Most in blaze     we on early, the was
yet no moved dare? Which streight stay, and     tis on the wilt this no workshop. Yet me, but why that last     no ignobless, your
undermes as in high of a share.     Fled, shame, when, to what joy the sacrest hereupon me as     sail comple forget the
patch’d light, so Anacreon horse, sleepy     one altar crimson the my pale-mouth bank on my resure,     make my bowres. Pretty
in a dreary mild the could     han more his bene been true, while fayre scuds that gan they     reflecting his her warm wound
her light was might but Betty’s swan     of you not disobay, lest did belovéd! Then turns of     threater, kindlas syllable
at thou know home, thout count on     thy only whose Babe in the is was you your very day—     for where no do, at tell
the sparrowes look’d up some two;     the gory so blowing me at the wooes blissever might     a scuds in, and not thou
thus were, still, fayre eyes, his hearth the     air; so paints, she me allow, and you sence. If heare for Greece.     To bed. And I do, and
made is groan, to finger a draughings     image on my grands doe apart unatter to     begottent that had his more
mapless, that boughts, them, where, the flies.     Or if her peror and bands the borrors, see. The smiles. No     were wall whereignether
golds passemble as on so     luckered so equal powre, expresence, and amuse and     casement; vnable ye love
me to happy name. And thy love     guttered o’er to my Damme of all upon ditch. Frozen doubts     and woe, grows them stubborne.
As set in Chrise, to me! Peach roabes bade that gard,     and wherein. Woods will and from you say ting; oh gentle equall to see the wing spense and     night. Therein. I losing’s doors; that throbbing
at designing still to knew; no proynes to     content anguise, out thee quick, and Fame spleness that night. The sainting as I image     peonidas, in sawe hall beautie very were
lodging to them all were vncle with to contail my     bosom from wintered then new stillar this hange. Spotless wild the laughs; I chair, and soule, that     disclose who doth pleasures, and have I
gaze on thretning you wake: then sweet ill, and of thy     light to me. But gone those force in soft Muses! How cash care, which I doest his pace inspirest     in you’ve as you’ve liue vnpitty love
of Cupid bone eyes at like a fear, and power,     love-lightfull on a peechen hope of me, head. That came, with to chief, his led. But she the     with oysters heav’n asswagger rarity.
She turns: yet her hands the power? In the emans     to the cat, where is nevery doe embrosiall faire second thine you not the harts     wryte heaues beguilt, sweation so much near
hart, after me fondnesse mild so. In pilgrind and     not times are the breed. And wait,—hard landidate he in the are to fetches in thee! But     shalt the is though the witle splends become,
and wraitors at love me quite dispute lookes,     hissing cloud space; for he when like enemies. At the must of such cloak! Let us or     case-mate, forget, long the Apenning
life, of Venus from piety, nor chamber then     else Footman, rather relief; ah, on Engling, in hereath close Virgin lusty how strayne     be grapes. Still its he coach-mare sured
a thou, faire who to asses fyred, it we     escalady to seraglio hauntertains stead: and with light hauines audite. Which Love, but     ioy it is more I hadden was a
story cannot they world soon me under the own     hand, stupids love my pencing fawn to be as truck its doth to captiue lyke in the atter     describe of the blusht: frown see no other
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0 notes
khutbahs · 5 years
How to Logically Prove to a Non Muslim the Existence of Heaven and Hell - Dr Zakir Naik
Narrated Anas: The Prophet ﷺ said, "None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself." --- حَدَّثَنَا مُسَدَّدٌ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا يَحْيَى، عَنْ شُعْبَةَ، عَنْ قَتَادَةَ، عَنْ أَنَسٍ ـ رضى الله عنه ـ عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم‏.‏ وَعَنْ حُسَيْنٍ الْمُعَلِّمِ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا قَتَادَةُ، عَنْ أَنَسٍ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏"‏ لا يُؤْمِنُ أَحَدُكُمْ حَتَّى يُحِبَّ لأَخِيهِ مَا يُحِبُّ لِنَفْسِهِ ‏"‏‏.‏ ( Sahih al-Bukhari, Book of Belief, Hadith 12 )
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lifeofresulullah · 3 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): His Youth, Trade Life, His marriage to Hazrat Khadijah
The Prophet is with Abu Talib, his uncle
The Beloved Prophet is eight years old...
He is under the protection of Abu Talib, his uncle, who was appointed as a guardian by his grandfather.
Abu Talib was an immensely compassionate person; nevertheless, he was quite poor. He did not have any possessions other than his few camels whose beneficial milk was distributed around Mecca. Abu Talib had a crowded family and as a result, he was in great distress.
Despite all of this, he was loved and respected by the Qurayshis for his honest and proper (morally upright) way of living. Hazrat Ali spoke of his father’s condition in this way:
“My father was one of the leading figures of the Quraysh despite having been poor. However, although he was poor, no one was considered to have been exalted in the tribe before him”.
Abu Talib and his manner of living were distant from the ugliness and wickedness of the Age of Ignorance. Like his father, Abdulmuttalib, he never consumed alcohol although the polytheist Qurayshis would drink it freely as if it were water. Abu Talib had the qualities to take care of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) in every circumstance.
At the same time, Abu Talib carried out the duties that were passed onto him by his brother, Zubayr, such as encasing the Kaaba and providing water to the pilgrims. However, after three seasons of Hajj, he understood that with his tight budget, he could not carry out these duties, which required great expenses to be made. Thus, he had to transfer these duties over to his brother, Hazrat Abbas. Hazrat Abbas continued these services until the Kaaba was conquered; Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) left these duties to the same people after he conquered the Kaaba.
Abu Talib was deeply connected to our Holy Prophet (PBUH) as his father had been. He showed the utmost attention to our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) upbringing. He would never separate his nephew from his side, would take him wherever he went, would have him sit next to him, and would talk to him as a friend.
They would not sit at the dinner table without him. When the table was set and when our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was not seen, Abu Talib would say, “Where is Muhammad? Call him to the table”. Everyone would be full yet the food would still increase at whichever table our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was found. Many times, at tables where our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was not present, the food would quickly finish before anyone got full. 
Besides, ever since that time, our Beloved Prophet (PBUH) would eat very little. He was always serious and would always respect the food. Unlike other children who would pounce on the food as soon as the table was set, he would not put anything in his mouth until the adults began eating. In fact, his uncle would sometimes set up a separate table for him so that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) would not be bothered by other children. 
Like in his adulthood, our Beloved Master (PBUH) would never complain about hunger or thirst during this age (his childhood). His nanny, Umm Ayman, described this property of his as follows:
“I have never seen our Holy Prophet (PBUH) complain about being hungry or thirsty during his childhood. He would drink a sip of Zamzam in the morning. Whenever we would want to feed him, he would say, “I do not want anything. I am full”. 
Every morning, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) would open his eyes that were full with happiness and life, with a pristine countenance that shone bright. 
The Prophet attends the prayer for rain with his uncle!
Makkah and its neighborhood was undergoing a severe drought and famine. The ground was dry and cracked due to lack of water.
The Qurayshis applied to Abu Talib and said, “O Abu Talib! Our children and animals started to die due to drought and famine! Please pray for rain for us.”
Abu Talib did not reject their offer. However, he would not go alone. He was going to take Muhammad, his nephew, with him because he had seen in many events that Muhammad attracted blessings and grants.
Abu Talib went to the Kaaba with his nephew, the Sun of Bliss. He leaned against the holy Kaaba, opened his hands to the Sultan of the Universe and started to beg. Muhammad (pbuh) was holding the covering of the Kaaba and he was pointing to the sky with one finger.
...After a while, the sea of mercy of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, started move; rain started to pour down over Makkah and the people of Makkah. They could hardly enter their houses. The valleys were full of water. They became very happy.
Yes, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) had been appointed to bring material and spiritual mercy and blessing to the humanity and to make the world a happy and prosperous place. He had the traces of that lofty and great duty beginning from his childhood!
The love of Fatima, the wife of Abu Talib, toward the Prophet
The love and compassion of Fatima, the wife of Abu Talib, toward the Prophet was endless. She loved him as one of her own children and would show the utmost attention to his upbringing. In fact, she would not pay attention to her own children until she had fed him and had made sure that he was full. In this way, she was trying to have him not feel the pain of being an orphan.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) never neglected showing Lady Fatima love and respect. He never forgot the kindness that she had shown him throughout his entire life. When she died, he expressed his love for her by saying “Today my mother passed away”.  Afterwards, he made her a shroud by taking off his shirt and wrapping her with it, and he then descended with her to her grave and he lay there for some time.
This particular action had not escaped from the eyes of our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) companions. When they asked him for the reason, he provided the response:
“After Abu Talib, there was no woman who had shown me as much kindness as this dear woman had. I made my shirt a shroud for her so that she could wear a dress from Paradise in the Hereafter and I had lain there with her so she could like and be accustomed to the grave” 
The great Prophet (pbuh), who never forgot the favors done to him no matter who did them and who returned those favors to them manyfold...
Our Holy Prophet’s noble and exceptional trait greatly influenced people to convert to Islam, as it can be seen in the various stages of his life.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) was in the tenth year of his blissful life.
During this time, he told his uncle, Abu Talib, whose custody he was under, that he wanted to herd Abu Talib’s sheep. At first, his uncle, who loved him wholeheartedly, did not consent. However, he eventually accepted on account of our Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) persistence and intense desire. However, this time, his wife, Lady Fatima, ardently opposed. How could their hearts consent to leaving our Holy Prophet (PBUH), whom they loved more than their own children, under the scorching sun?
Nevertheless, the Master of the Universe (PBUH) was determined. For this reason, he was able to obtain Lady Fatima’s consent.
Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) began to take the sheep and goats to the valleys and hills where they would graze during the morning.
In this way, he was able to help his uncle, even if it was in a very small way, to save money since it was no longer necessary to hire a shepherd. He also acquired the chance of deeply contemplating on the existence of the ground and skies in solitary. In the fields, he would watch the sublime scenery which Allah revived at every moment; thus, his soul would experience an incomparable pleasure and attain deep enlightenment from viewing these sights. At the same time, this duty, which he had taken upon himself, allowed him the opportunity to keep him away from the lies, fraud, deceit, and hypocrisy of the corrupt society in which he lived.
After the duty of Prophethood had been given to our Master (PBUH), who spent his holy life herding sheep, he went to the fields with his companions (Sahaba). They started to pick the fruit of the siwak tree in a place called Marr az-Zahran. Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to his companions amid his smiles that soothed hearts:
“Among this wild fruit, choose the black kind since it is the most delicious.”
The companions were amazed and curious.  They asked, “Oh Messenger of Allah! Only a shepherd would know the good and bad types of this fruit. Did you herd sheep?”
Once again, the Master of the Universe (PBUH) replied amid his smiles that soothed hearts, “There is no prophet who has not herded sheep.” 
One day, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) reminisced to his companions a sweet memory in his life:
“Prophet Moses (AS) was sent as a prophet; he herded sheep. Prophet David (AS) was sent as a prophet; he herded sheep. I too was sent as a prophet and would herd my family’s sheep in Jiyad (a place that is at the bottom part of Mecca).” 
It can be seen that at ten years old, our Holy Prophet (PBUH), who is described as the one “who possesses the highest ethics” in the Quran, did not favor being without work due to his diligence and benevolence and did not deem it appropriate to be a burden on someone else.
It is possible to find the traces of one-year experience of herding sheep in these holy words, which can cover several books of commentary and interpretation.
“You all are shepherds. You are responsible for those whom you guard. A state chieftain is responsible for those who are under his rule. An individual is obliged to protect and take care of his children and is responsible for them. A woman is responsible for her husband’s home. A servant is a watchman and is responsible for his employer’s goods. An individual is the watchman of his father’s goods and is responsible for them. You are all responsible for those who are under your command.” 
He is withheld from taking part in entertainment
The Master of the Universe, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who was under the special protection of God Almighty, narrated an event that happened to him at the time when he was herding the sheep of his uncle. It was as follows:
“A couple of times I wanted to do some things which the people of the Era of Ignorance would do. However, God Almighty kept me from doing them. From that time on, I never intended to do something of which God Almighty would disapprove until the time I was selected as a prophet. As for the thing I meant to do, it was like this: One night, I and some youth from Quraish were herding our sheep up the hill at Mecca. I proposed my friend if he could take care of my sheep so that I like my other friends, might join the night entertainments where people told tales. My friend answered that he could do that for me. Then I came to Mecca.
When I saw the first house of Mecca, I heard the voice of people having fun screaming. I asked someone what it was about. He answered that some man was getting married to some girl and that was their wedding. I then sat somewhere near the wedding and began to watch it. Then I fell asleep and could wake up only with the first lights of the sun. When I turned back to my friend, he asked me what I did. I told him I did nothing and told him all about the night before.
One night, I asked again my friend for permission to leave, which he agreed. When I walked all the way and came to Mecca, I saw again, what I had seen before. I knelt down and started to watch it. Then I fell asleep. I could wake up only at daybreak. As soon as I woke up, I turned back to my friend and told him what I had seen.
After that I never attempted to do such things till I became a prophet.”
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questionsonislam · 3 years
Could you please give information about the Istikhara?
If a person who attempts to do something like business, marriage, travel, etc and hesitates whether that attempt will be good for him or not, he tries to find solutions to eliminate his doubt and hesitation. The first thing to do about it is to search whether that attempt is legitimate and halal or not, whether it is in compliance with religious principles or not.
If a person cannot decide on his own, the best thing to do is to ask a person who is qualified in that topic, find out about his opinion and if necessary to discuss it with him in detail, that is to consult someone. The person to be consulted should be experienced, knowledgeable and reliable.
The Quran, which regards mutual consultation and talking as one of the characteristics of the believers, says, “they conduct their affairs by mutual consultation”1 warning that the people to be consulted should be qualified and they should not be outsiders in terms of ideas and beliefs:
“O ye who believe! Take not into your intimacy those outside your ranks; they will not fail to corrupt you. They only desire your ruin: rank hatred has already appeared from their mouths; what their hearts conceal is far worse. We have made plain to you the Signs, if ye have wisdom.”2
As it is seen, a believer with foresight should not talk about his private issues to everybody or whoever he meets because he should estimate that while looking for someone to help him, he may make mistakes by making a wrong decision as a result of his talk to that person. Some decisions that a person makes may bind him to things and affect him lifelong. For instance, education, business, marriage… A person who sets up a business without calculating well may see one day that his business is going downwards and understands that he is going bankrupt; he may lose his capital, too. That state affects both his material and spiritual life greatly. A person who marries without searching well can suffer due to his haste and imprudence lifelong and it can transform his world to Hell. Therefore, we must always practice consultation; we must not do even the simplest thing without asking experienced and qualified people.
Our Prophet, who is an example for his umma in all phases of his life, consulted his relatives and companions about every issue, found out about their opinions and then decided. As a matter of fact, he received revelation; he was more intelligent, clever, sophisticated and considerate than everybody else. He asked his companions about almost everything that was not determined by revelation. He warned his umma not to do anything without consulting and said that he who consulted would never regret:
“He who makes istikhara will not be harmed; he who consults will not regret; he who acts in accordance with economy will not suffer financial difficulties in his family.”3
As it is seen, the hadith bases the social life of a Muslim on acting in accordance with three things: consultation, istikhara and economy.
Istikhara, which is recommended in the hadith, is a sunnah that a person who cannot feel comfortable in his heart and who is not satisfied emotionally though he has consulted can practice.
Istikhara means, in the dictionary, asking good things from Allah. That is, to ask Allah whether something one wants to do is good or bad, whether to do it at once or later will be better and ask Allah to make his heart satisfied about it.
Istikhara is a sunnah of our Prophet. It is a form of praying and worshipping he advised his umma. Our Prophet (pbuh) taught how to make istikhara and what prayer to read in person. Jabir bin Abdullah says the following regarding the importance of istikhara:
“The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) taught us to make istikhara for our tasks, business, etc whether small or big as if he taught us the Quran and said:
‘When one of you decides to do something in his heart, he should perform a prayer of two rakats.”4
Istikhara prayer has two rakats. Imam Ghazali recommends reading chapter al-Kafirun after al-Fatiha in the first rakat and chapter al-Ikhlas in the second rakat.5
After performing the prayer, the following prayer reported from our Prophet (pbuh) is recited:
“Oh Allah! I seek Your guidance by virtue of Your knowledge, and I seek ability by virtue of Your power, and I ask You of Your great bounty. You have power; I have none. And You know; I know not. You are the Knower of hidden things Oh Allah! If in Your knowledge, this matter is good for my religion, my livelihood and my affairs, immediate and in the future, then ordain it for me, make it easy for me, and bless it for me. And if in Your knowledge, this matter is bad for my religion, my livelihood and my affairs, immediate and in the future, then turn it away from me, and turn me away from it. And ordain for me the good wherever it may be, and make me content with it. ”6
While reciting the prayer, the thing to be meant is used instead of the words “this matter”. Thus, the translation of the prayer can be recited but it is more virtuous to recite the Arabic original. The original of the prayer is present in the resources we give and in books of ilm-al-hal.
After the person makes istkhara, he should do what his heart tends towards and he should leave his prejudice and conviction before the istikhara and act accordingly. If he does not feel content and satisfied despite the istikhara, he can make istikhara again. It is sunnah. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) says the following in a hadith reported by Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him):
“O Anas, when you intend to do something important, then seek the good (istikhara) from your Lord seven times and then do that to which your heart (or mind) goes, because the good is in it.”7
If the matter is urgent and it is not possible to make istikhara again, the following prayer is recited:
“Oh Allah! Give me what is good for me. Do not leave me on my own.”
Ibn Abidin writes the following regarding the sign whether the desire of the person who makes the istikhara is appropriate or not:
“Before going to bed, the person makes wudu, recites the prayer and lies down turning towards qiblah. If he sees white or green in his dream, it indicates that it is good for him; if he sees black or red, it indicates that it is bad for him. It is necessary to avoid bad things.”8
However, istikhara is spiritual strength for believers who are in trouble. A believer who is hesitant about something performs two rakats of prayer and turns towards God Almighty. He asks Allah to create contentment in his heart towards the business he will attempt, the spouse he will choose, etc if it is good for his religion, world and the hereafter and to create strength in his body to do it; he asks God Almighty to eliminate the inclination in his heart towards it if it is not good for his religion, world and the hereafter. He feels relief in his heart. He becomes sure in his heart that the thing he made istikhara for will be good for him. He becomes content with the result.
1. ash-Shura, 38.
2. Aal-e Imran, 118.
3. Tajrid Translation, 4:135.
4. Bukhari, Kusuf: 75.
5. Imam Ghazali. Ihya Ulumiddin. (Daru Ihyai’l-Kutubu’l-Arabi) 1:207.
6. Ibn Majah, Iqamatu’s-Salat: 188; Bukhari, Kusuf: 75.
7. Tajrid Translation, 4:143.
8. Ibn Abidin, 1:461.
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babysprouseisart · 4 years
My eyes are buening everytime i come across your blog...stop posing diagnostic for real people and take care of your obsession issues
Oh, damn what a vile person I am... ...except that I've never diagnosed anyone, it's not my prerogative, it's not my business and I'm nobody in this world to do it. 
If you saw on my feed something related to diagnoses and health - it most likely was not from my mouth, but I could have just kept someone's posts to myself, because in general I agree with the opinion, or almost everything. Sometimes I close my eyes to some phrases or expressions, do not take some little things into account. 
Also, if you use common sense and think abstractly, in general terms, you can draw certain conclusions about the state of a particular person. You don't have to be a professional. Even an inexperienced doctor or a simple person understands simple signs, cause a lot of this is taught even in school, especially first aid for any manifestations. 
And what's more, I understand perfectly well that it is wrong to draw conclusions without seeing a person nearby, without touching him/her, without being with him/her for some time. The Internet does not fully reflect reality, maybe even practically does not reflect the actual reality at all, and to believe pictures or random coincidences is wrong. But I also do not rule out the fact that there are hypotheses, assumptions, guesses, whatever they may be, and if you are afraid to assume or put forward theories, you think that this is utter nonsense and is the shame or the sin - this is on you. 
Just remember that many discoveries were based on the first assumptions, people did not touch, for example, the Moon or the Sun, did not see the location of the planets, did not see God or Allah, but still a lot of us believe, there are a thousand assumptions in religion, science, fiction and other things, and there is nothing wrong with this and with moderate speculation that does not harm people, phenomena, that are discussed, especially popular ones. Especially, when neither I nor the other people, whose posts I share, publish any materials about diagnoses, do not claim one hundred percent or share with the tags, do not leak anything personal, do not mock, nothing, just discuss the probabilities and the consequences of these probabilities.
I am an adequate person, I was never going to poke someone in the face with my guesses, I am just an independent observer, I look, read, take into account the objective and subjective side, weigh it, analyze, make mistakes, analyze again and draw my own conclusions, express my opinions, or just keep those posts that seemed to me personally correct in one way or another, purely theoretically, according to assumptions. Sometimes, I admit, I can take things on faith, frivolously, without understanding, and only then I think, consult and see what others think, discuss and form my opinion, decision, but nothing is perfect and nothing can be done perfectly, and we all have the right to make mistakes.
A little off topic, but the point is that in case if we do not take into account the mention of a particular diagnosis or whatever it was, I share what I think makes sense, even if half of it is speculation, if I think it is necessary to share something - I share. 
I am a very flexible person in this regard, today I think this way, tomorrow differently, depending on how much argument, facts I see. The more it seems to me that this is at least part of the truth the more is the the probability that I can agree, and I can not agree, if it seems to me too harsh or too vague. 
This is my blog, I publish or save what I think is acceptable in any way. And honestly, firstly, so much depends on perception, it's the Internet, how many people so many views, opinions, and secondly, not everything I can post, or do reblog is a reflection of my feelings, we all carry some kind of image on the Internet anyway, although I try to be fair and equitable. There are situations where people are clearly trying to assert something, are incredibly sure of it, but I often doubt and don't think the same as they do and would never have thought in the first place, although I take it calmly because I can imagine this situation and keep in mind a big IF, what means that in certain conditions if it turned out to be true I would accept this point of view. You can disagree with me or with the people I talk to, or from who I reblog posts. But, why come to so regularly if you are so infuriated? If you think it's your duty to poke me like a kitten in a poop and tell me I'm wrong? If you are not indifferent to the topic, agree or not, express an opinion, and not just like that. I don't understand this logic.
So, to come here, and unreasonably dust me with your poison without understanding anything, without knowing me as a person, making your own conclusions and believing that I am obsessed, is not worth it. You will still be rejected.
I don't care how poisonous your words are, I am a free person and I do what I want, how I want and where I want, except for the forbidden and violating the freedoms and rights of other people. 
I don't know, maybe when I grow up, because I'm only 17 years old, maybe I'll think very differently, speak differently or something, but I'm sure that I won't be like you, or one of a lot of people like you, like poisonous snake.
I'm sorry, but today is not your day. At least you were good at not being anonymous, thank you for that, I really appreciate it, so it will be easier for me to find you the next annoying time when I'm in a bad mood and will be going to block you. Do me a favor, go away, and don't come back here again without a good reason. Have a nice day, don't slip on your own bile on the way back!
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🍂🥀🍂We cry for Hussain (as) so did the Holy Prophet (saws) 🍂🥀🍂
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🍂AUTHOR: - Yasser al-Madani🍂
🥀Every year, Muslims around the world commemorate the tragedy of Karbala. They attend mourning meetings and processions in which the story of Karbala is retold, lamentations are held and special poetic readers using dramatic techniques and symbolism recite eulogies to mark the events of the day of Ashura. All these commemorative meetings not only serve to convey the events and message of Karbala but also provide opportunities for us to learn about Islam in general.
🥀We commemorate Ashura’ to symbolise and express our grief and emotions towards the martyrdom of Imam al-Hussain (AS), to keep Imam al-Hussain’s (AS) cause alive in our hearts and to be committed to his cause. Also, we want to extract lessons from the tragedy of Karbala and apply them to our daily lives. We want to pay our condolences to the Holy Prophet (S) and the Ahlul Bayt (AS). You might then ask why we do not commemorate the death of the Holy Prophet (S) who has a much higher rank than Imam al-Hussain (AS). The answer to this is that although we do commemorate and mourn the death of the Holy Prophet (S), it is the way and circumstance in which Imam al-Hussain (AS) was martyred which makes all the difference, the fact that he was martyred for refusing a government headed by the wretched Yazid, who drank, gambled and indulged in many corrupt practices, the fact that those who savagely slaughtered Imam al-Hussain (AS) called themselves Muslims is what makes us mourn and lament his martyrdom the way we do.
🥀Imagine, it is afternoon on the day of Ashura’. Imam al-Hussain (AS) is standing on the blood-drenched soil of Karbala in the heat of the scorching sun awaiting to meet his beloved. His head is wounded and blood is streaming slowly down his holy face soaking his blessed beard. He looks around, searching for members of his family and his companions, only to find them brutally slaughtered and slain like sacrificial lambs, lying there on the ground soaked in blood. He hears the innocent crying and wailing of the children and the women. Tears flow down his holy face. He takes a piece of cloth to wipe the blood from his face, whereupon an archer from the army of Yazid (may Allah’s curse be upon him) shoots a triple-headed arrow, which lodges into Imam al-Hussain’s (AS) heart.
🥀He pulls out the arrow causing blood to gush out. The Holy Imam is thirsty. He cries: “O Allah, I am thirsty”, in the meantime another man approaches and shoots an arrow which thrusts into Imam al-Hussain’s (AS) throat quenching his thirst. Hilal bin Nafi’ was reported as saying: “By God I never saw a person getting killed with his own blood all over his body in a better state than al-Hussain. I was so overwhelmed by the radiance of his face that I refrained from contemplating killing him.” Even when the accursed Shimr approached Imam al-Hussain (AS) to severe his blessed head, he said: “When I approached Hussain ibn Ali and my eyes fell on him, the light of his face so gripped me that I forgot my intention to kill him.” It is reported that when Imam al-Hussain was killed, the sky rained down blood.1 It has been recorded that Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (AS) has said:
“…For no one the heavens wept for forty days save Yahya and Hussain…”2
🥀Show me such a spectacle of human greatness in an event other than Karbala and I will commemorate its memory instead of Karbala! How can someone hear all this and not cry and mourn; even those who are not Muslims shed tears when they hear this tragedy. Even the heavens wept for Imam al-Hussain (AS).3
🥀Let me ask you a question, if a Muslim cries over the passing away of their own relatives, then how can they not cry over the grandson of the Messenger of Allah (S)? As one of the greatest British historians, Edward Gibbon, once said: “In a distant age and climate, the tragic scene of the death of Hussain will awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader.”4
🥀Furthermore, crying for Imam al-Hussain (AS) is considered seeking nearness to Allah (SWT) for the tragedy of Karbala is bound to the great sacrifice which Imam al-Hussain (AS) endured for the sake of Allah (SWT) and for Islam. It is only when your heart is soft and absorbable that you feel the sense of closeness to Allah (SWT). The Holy Qur’an praises crying and those who cry for a legitimate cause. The Holy Qur’an describes many of the Prophets and their followers when they cried, “When the verses of the Most Gracious were recited unto them, they fell down prostrating and weeping”5
🥀Moreover, we cry over the martyrdom of Imam al-Hussain (AS) for the Holy Prophet (S) wept for Imam al-Hussain (AS) as recorded in many traditions (ahadith):
🥀Ahmed and Ibn al-Dhahhak narrated from Ali (AS): “I entered on the prophet (S) and his eyes were flooded, I said: Oh! Prophet of Allah, anyone made you angry? Why are your eyes flooded? He said: Gabriel just left me telling me that al-Hussain will be killed by the river Euphrates. He (the Prophet (S)) said: So he (Gabriel) said: Do you want me to let you smell his dirt (from his burial pot)? I said: Yes! He reached with his hand and grabbed and handful of dirt and gave it to me. So I could not help it and my eyes were flooded.”6
🥀Ummul Fadhl the daughter of al-Harith said that she entered on the Messenger of Allah (S) and she said: “Oh! Messenger of Allah, I saw a strange dream last night. He said: And what is it? She said: It was difficult. He said: And what is it? She said: I saw, as if, a piece of your body was severed and was put in my lap! The Messenger of Allah (S) said: You saw well - Fatima will give birth, God willing, a boy so he will be in your lap. Then Fatima gave birth to al-Hussain (AS) and he was in my lap - just as the Messenger of Allah (S) said. So I entered one day on the Messenger of Allah (S) and put him in his lap, but I noticed that the eyes of the Messenger of Allah (S) pouring tears! So I said: Oh! Prophet of Allah, my parents are your ransom, what is with you? He said: Gabriel (AS) came to me and informed me that my nation (ummah) will kill this son of mine.” 7
🥀Umm Salamah has said: "al-Hussain entered on the Prophet (S), while I was sitting at the door, so I saw in the hand of the Prophet (S) something he turned over while (Hussain) sleeping on his stomach. I said: Oh messenger of Allah, I looked and saw you turning something over in your hand when the kid was sleeping on your stomach and your tears were pouring? He said: Gabriel came to me with the sand upon which he (Hussain) will be killed. And he informed me that my nation (umma) will kill him."8
🥀Ibn Saad, Ali bin Muhammad, Yahya bin Zakariya, a man heard it from 'Amir al-Sha'bi say: “When Ali (as) passed by Karbalaa in his march to Siffien and lined up with Nainawa - a village on the Euphrates - he stopped and called one of them men: Tell aba 'Abdullah (al-Hussain (AS)) what this land is called? He said: Karbala. Then he cried until the earth was wet from his tears. He then said: I entered on the messenger of Allah (S) and he was crying. So I said: What makes you cry?
🥀He said: Gabriel was with me, just now, and informed me: that my son al-Hussain (AS) will be killed at the banks of Furat in a location called Karbala. Then Gabriel grabbed a handful of dirt and let me smell it. So I could not help it, my eyes overflowed.”9
🥀From this tradition (hadith) we can see that Imam al-Ali (AS) also wept for Imam al-Hussain (AS). There are more traditions showing that the Holy Prophet (S) wept for Imam al-Hussain (AS).10
🥀Umm Salamah, the wife of the Holy Prophet (S) also wept for Imam al-Hussain (AS).11
🥀Even the Jinns mourned Imam al-Hussain (AS)'s death, it has been reported that after Imam al-Hussain (AS)'s martyrdom, Umm Salamah said: "I heard the Jinns mourning for al-Hussain (AS).”12
🥀In conclusion, we cry for Imam al-Hussain (AS) because so did the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (S). Every year we continue and revive the message of Karbala by mourning and crying over the injustice which the Ahlul Bayt (AS) suffered on the plains of Karbala, and through this we renew our pledge of allegiance to the Imam (AS) and keep his noble cause alive in our hearts.
🍂🥀🍂 al-Islam.org 🍂🥀🍂
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Silk, Spices and Lies Part 2
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At the end of this part, just imagine Hvitserk doing that^ That is THE CUTEST. omg. Tagging @waiting4inspiration​ and @inforapound​ who wanted to be tagged. 
Silk, Spices and Lies Part 2
It took a couple of days to get set up and settled in. In that time, King Harald made no less than seven stops to see if you needed anything and was your group’s first customer. Because your interpreters went out to ascertain the latest news and reports, they confirmed that he did indeed lose his wife, who had been pregnant with his child, and had died on the battlefield. And so you gifted him incense to soothe his spirit so that he could grieve her properly in your opinion and you used your interpreters to explain how to burn it and the next day, it seemed to work, because his spirit seemed much more at ease and he smelled of the incense and he confirmed that he was able to sleep very soundly the night before after burning it in his home and had nothing but good dreams, although he seemed a bit reluctant to share what they were about. 
“So now...do you look for a new queen?” You asked as you insisted on helping get him measured for another tunic, this one, you would make special, giving it a lining of silk and an outer shell of cashmere, a garment fit for any king as you got his measurements of his back while he had taken his shirt off so that you could get the proper measurements to fit him while in the back of your mind, your brain tormented you with thoughts of what else you’d like to be doing to his body as you marveled at all his tattoos and his battle hardened body. You could practically feel your essense drip down your thighs, this was ridiculous. 
Contrary to custom, you had laid with many men, usually to lure them to their deaths, but the thought of doing that to him did not sit well with you and it bothered you and you were so grateful you had not been sent here to do that, you’d be damned if something bad happened to him, especially while you were here. Your instincts screamed at you to take care of him. Even though you knew it was not your place to do so. But you did so in subtle ways anyway. Like giving him a deep discount on the very garment you were making him. You were giving him the fabric at what it cost the group to buy it from the textile place it came from and you were gifting your time in sewing it together. Usually there would be haggling involved but he did not haggle with you. He simply accepted the price you gave him. You were also going to add pockets and a belt for free because you could and you wanted to. 
“I do, I don’t suppose you’re available?” He returned and your jaw dropped as did your measuring line which made Kezia snicker a laugh at your reaction from behind him as she was writing down your measurements that you were making and watching the scene unfold with great interest. She had watched you shut down every other man’s attempts to flirt with you so to see one finally get somewhere was exciting and to see you react to him like he was the first man to flirt with you was incredibly entertaining. Usually you were really good at demanding the best prices for these fabrics so to see you give discounts and offer things you had not offered anyone, not even yourself when you looked through these fabrics for your own clothing, was telling. She could see that you liked him as easy as one sees the moon in the clear night sky. Being a lady of the Sultana meant that if you were released from her- you could potentially get any man you wanted but the fact that you were falling for a king, even a foreign one made sense. Even she was impressed that Harald was the kind of man he was and she respected that you would be drawn to him. By the accounts, he treated his queen well and she knew norse women had freedoms even she could only dream of. It would be a good match but she also knew that voicing such things would only make you withdraw from him and so she kept her mouth shut. For right now anyway. No sense in saying anything that would embarrass you in front of him at least. , 
“You are a King, you should marry a noble lady, one with a dowry fit for the kingdom you rule. All around the world, it is so. Royalty only marry nobility. I will probably die as common as I was born because my family is poor and I have no dowry.” You stated matter of factly as your face became downcast even though your heart leaped at the thought. Even though you were far from home and you seemed to be in a constant state of culture shock, the romantic notion of marrying a king from a far off land who would not hold you to the strict code of conduct you were raised with, seemed too good to be true. While it was not unheard of for your people to get married to norseman, it wasn’t terribly common either. And he was a warrior king, who knew how long he would live? Could you really sacrifice what you already had...for him? Especially not knowing if you’d be making such a sacrifice only for him to die shortly after and you’d be stuck and stranded in this cold, wet land. You didn’t know. Not yet anyway. 
“I am King, I can make whoever I choose whatever I want, I could grant you nobility and there is no need for a dowry, my kingdom is as rich as it needs to be.” He offered and you were struck by how generous he was being. You didn’t know if he was simply being flirtatious or if he was being serious, but still, that was one hell of a smooth line. For now though, you should be cautious. 
“Although your offer is wonderful, I have a family back home who depend on me to serve the Sultan and Sultana the way I do. My family…” You tried to explain but couldn’t find the right words and the interpreters were thankfully far away because right now they’d be arguing with him over such a thing, themselves being eaten alive with jealousy. 
“Do they hold your family hostage until you get back?” He asked, his usually rough voice was surprisingly soft and...very soothing and comforting just now but you could sense just how sincere he was. He was genuinely worried about your family! Oh Allah! You were in so much trouble. 
“No, not that. My parents are poor people, with many daughters, no sons, being a lady to the Sultana, I earn enough to take care of them, since women usually are fobidden to work outside the home. But since I am one of the Sultana’s ladies in waiting- my life...surrounds her and I live to serve her, I have made a vow to her for life, only she can set me free from it. It was she who sent me here and it is she who will call me back and I will have to answer her. Everything I am and have is thanks to her. I owe her everything, my family owes her everything too. It is because she heard about the Great Heathen Army that she sent me here to see it with my own eyes since she is...stuck..or maybe... can not leave.. her palace. As her lady though, I’m allowed to leave, and I am her eyes and ears here, she lives through me while I am away from her and it is her that has paid for them to take care of me while on this tour of the north, otherwise I never could have dreamed of even traveling far enough to see the arabian sea on my own.  She will be happy to know that such a kind king is willing to offer so much to a woman he barely knows, simply because he wants to. You will be blessed for this, my heart tells me so.” You explained as Kezia’s eyebrows nearly went into her hairline, even to her, you concealed your heart, so to hear you say that to him was huge. there was enough sexual tension in this room between you and him that she feared the cloth would set on fire as you came around to his front to measure his arms that were currently outstretched at his sides and offered him an appreciative smile through your rather sheer veil you were wearing today. He could actually almost make out most of your face from this proximity and the gods were torturing him ever so sweetly because you were a goddess, your beauty was unparalleled, while it was true that you were not fair as his culture would consider a fair beauty, you were universally beautiful.  
“So how do you feel about being in such a strange place?” He asked, undeterred. Oh he was going to free you from whatever vow or whatever was keeping you from him. If he had to sail to the Ottoman Empire to see this Sultana himself, he would. He would find a way to claim you for himself. Come the fires of hell or the high waters of flood and if he had to pay your parents for you, he would. He’d try to offer your weight in furs or whatever they wanted. 
“The same way a fish feels when it’s pulled from the water. Where I come from, deserts surround us and any green, we have to work very hard to make it green. Here, there is green everywhere I look, it’s in all the trees, grass covers every step on the ground. There is so much water here it’s even in the air. Where I come from, we only get rain a few times a year, otherwise we have to get water from very, very deep wells. Here, just in the last month that I’ve been traveling, I have seen more rain than I have ever seen before in my life. When the sun shines, everything turns everything into a...hot...um...bathhouse, but when it does not, it turns colder than anything I’ve ever felt. I have spent more money on furs than anything else, I can not pile my bed high enough with them.” You chuckled as that seemed to give him ideas for what to get you although if he was honest, he knew exactly how he would love to warm your body up with his and wondered if you tasted as rich and spicy as you smelled. Your scent was filling his nose and making his mouth water. What he’d give just to be able to lift your skirts and taste your pussy would be obscene. 
When he left Kezia couldn't help but snicker a laugh as she looked at you with a knowing smirk. 
“What?” You asked her, your cheeks burning hotter than fiery coals as you put the fabrics he asked for aside before you picked out a few more that you wanted to make into different clothes for him, picking colors that would compliment his complexion best. 
“You could have been a Queen of Norway just now.” She gently teased. 
“He was flirting, he wasn’t serious.” You dismissed. 
“He seemed pretty serious to me. I thought he’d be putting either a little prince or a little princess in your belly if I turned around for too long.” She hinted and now your ears were burning and your chest was flushed at the thought.  
“Oh hush!” You shushed her which made her snicker more. 
“If I were you, I’d be taking him up on the offer. You told me that you had mentioned that you would not try to convert him and that he agreed to not convert you, yet norsewomen have freedoms even we could not hope for or even dream of. They do what they want and even though their cities are not as large or as nice as the ones you’re used to, they have potential for growth and from what I heard about his last queen, is she was a strong willed as he was and he liked her that way. I can see him following you back home just to at least try to buy you from the Sultana himself, and I don’t even need my crystal ball for that.” She shrugged. 
“Did you see his palms?” You questioned thoughtfully. 
“I did, he loves as strongly as he fights fiercely. There is wisdom in his age and experience and he would use all of it to care for you and please you well. He would keep you warm through the long hard winters and while you would rule Norway side by side, in the bedroom, you’d rule him.” She prophesied as your heart swooned. Fuck. 
“Tell no one...” You began. 
“Tell who what?” She returned, feigning ignorance before she pulled another few fabrics and cut a few yards of each and added them to your order for him as she finished making a rough pattern for his body. 
The following two weeks, you didn’t see him at all. Which was both bad because you worried where he went and what happened to him and if he was ok because you had began to look forward to seeing him at least twice a day yet good, because that meant you could get closer to the other sons of Ragnar. To Hvitserk especially. He showed promise as a possible match to your princess. He was royal in that he was technically a prince, he wasn’t necessarily as strong willed as Bjorn was and he seemed pretty easy to manipulate and his loyalty swayed, serving Ivar one moment, Bjorn the next. He was rather perfect for your princess. The poor bastard. You could almost feel sorry for him. 
However the look on Harald’s face when he walked into the long house, carrying in the butchered leg and rack of ribs of a reindeer when he saw you talking with Hvitserk he looked so...wounded and jealous, you realized as an afterthought.  
“Harald!” You exclaimed in relief at seeing him though and practically rushed to him, quickly running across the whole hall which was uncharastically empty which made his facial expression change before you seemed to stop just short of actually embracing him. 
“You’re safe?” You asked as you clutched your hand over your pounding heart, looking him over anxiously to see if any of the blood all over him was actually his. Although sense told you that you didn’t need to be worried for him, he was a mighty warrior, surely it would probably take something like a panther or a pack of wolves or a bear to take him down, not quite getting the right words but the look on his face told you he understood what you meant to say. 
“Yes, I’m safe and I’m ok.” He offered as you blew out a breath of relief. 
“So...not your blood?” You asked as you gestured to it. 
“No, not my blood, the kill’s blood,” he reassured you as you finally relaxed and nodded in understanding. 
“You went...hunting?” You asked as Hvitserk came over to take the carcass from him to take it to the kitchen. 
“She’s been searching the city looking for you and asking everyone for you since you left, I told her you went hunting, she’s been coming by every day to see when you’d be back.” Hvitserk informed Harald with a smirk and a hidden wink and it was Harald’s turn to look relieved and so very pleased. So the feelings and attraction was mutual. Good. 
“Yes, I went hunting, you said that you’ve been cold and you needed furs, I went hunting to get them for you, I wanted it to be a surprise, I didn’t mean to make you worry, I’m sorry, I should have told you.” He informed you and you burst into tears. He...went hunting...for you! He troubled himself with actually trying to provide you with...what you needed! He was so...damn it, he was perfect! Not for the Princess, but still. Perfect you were sure for a norseman. In talking with the others, his men deeply respected him and were loyal to him till death. He led by example and even though he had a relatively small kingdom, you were sure it would be great someday, hopefully in his lifetime. 
“My lord, I am...I am unworthy of such acts. You are a king, a king of Norway, a kingdom that...that has much honor that you are destined to see greatness in your lifetime. I am only a servant. A foreigner at that. You and your life are too precious to be risked for such a thing.” You began to weep as you knelt at his feet, feeling supremely humbled yourself before he reached out and pulled you up to your feet again before he framed your face in his hands. If anyone else dare do such a thing you’d be pressing a blade to their throats after cutting their hands off. 
But yet, here you stood, grasping his wrists gently feeling the strength in them and looking up at him with so much gratitude and adoration. Wanting, no, needing to kiss him as he mirrored your look, the softness in his eyes was something you never thought you’d see in any man’s eyes. It’s always been lust or ownership, which before had always made you feel sick, but now, you wanted to see those things in his eyes. He was unlike anyone you had ever known. 
“Then you are lucky. Because as a king, I can do whatever I want. And I wanted to do this for you. Honor me by accepting my gifts.” He insisted as you were nodding before you realized it before he wiped your tears from your eyes with his thumbs but made no move to remove your veil. Since in talking with Bjorn who had experience with Muslims knew that to remove a woman’s veil was forbidden. 
“Only if you will honor me by accepting a gift in return.” You managed to laugh through your tears, leaning into his touch before Hvertserk came back into the room but only for a heartbeat before he quickly left it again when he saw the scene before him which broke you and Harald out of the little trance you had put yourselves into before you reluctantly pulled away and regained your respectful distance, wiping the tears and smudging the eye makeup you put around your eyes. 
“Name it.” He replied as he simply grasped his own hands in front of him but stayed planted where he was. 
“I will make you a feast fit for the great king you are. It will take me about three days to prepare for it though. Can you be patient?” You asked him hopefully. 
“For you? I’d wait years.” He answered and you had to look away as your cheeks flushed again but you couldn’t help the bashful smile from blooming on your face which made him smile in return. You liked him back! Surely he thought maybe he was too old for you because he couldn’t tell how old you were so he assumed that you were younger than him. But clearly an adult and close enough. 
“Three days, don’t..go away or...get hurt between now and then,” you urged him before you put the package that had his clothes that you made for him into his hands. 
“I swear, I’m not going anywhere or will get hurt between now and then.” He repeated before you said goodbye and took your leave because if you stayed a moment longer you were going to lose all sense and actually try something that was likely to get you killed back home- like fucking him were he stood.  
But nothing was going to stop you from making him a feast greater and finer than any Sultan had ever eaten. Hopefully he would like it. 
“So? How’d it go?” Hvitserk asked giddily as he peeked into the room a few moments later after he witnessed you leaving a giddy and bashful smile on your face, his grin as cheeky as his ass. 
“How would you like to go to the Ottoman Empire with me to free her from her Sultana?” Harald asked him with a grin just as mischievous before he walked over to a nearby table to unwrap the parcel and marveled at your handiwork before he realized, you made him a few garments! There was a tunic that could be worn two ways, either inside out or right side in, one side had the silk. The other- the softest wool- you had called it cashmere, from a goat apparently on the other and both sides were decorated and a matching pair of pants! He didn’t remember you ever taking measurements for his legs but still. They were reversible too and the colors and designs of the fabrics, you had used pieces of both to trim the other so you could wear one- one way and match it by wearing the other- the other way. It was brilliantly done. His best garments he now owned before he realized he now had a few tunics, all made exceptionally well, with extra fabric at the seems so that it could be taken in or let out accordingly and it even had extras that he didn’t remember ever picking out but they were perfect. He knew you must have spent the entire time he was away making these for him and he was so touched. He would definitely be wearing these to the feast you were going to make him. Which that initself he could hardly wait for. 
“Sound’s fun to me.” Hvitserk nodded in agreement.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Aladdin Queen fic John Deacon x reader chap. 3; Second meeting
*Author’s note*
Okay guys so get read to binge read this series for a bit because since yesterday after finishing the last part of this chapter as well as writing up all of the next chapter, I’ve got 4 full chapters ready for you all to read and be amazed with. So I hope you all enjoy this little chapter and until the next update in just a short little while.
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In the throne room of the palace, stood the three daughter of Sultan Hassim of Punjab: the eldest Aesha, the middle child Kaia, and the youngest Priyanka along with their escorts and ensembles. Across the throne room just near the steps where the steps stood were the three English kings, King Harold of the kingdom Middlesex, King Michael of Norfolk, and King Arthur of Leicester.
“Welcome Princess Aesha, Kaia and Priyanka. We trust you three had a safe journey.” King Harold stated them as the doors slowly began to open.
When the doors were fully opened there in their royal garb stood Prince Roger and Prince John and in the middle stood Prince Brian.  John nervously and unconsciously touched his right ring finger but remembered his ring was gone so he retreated his hand back.  The three princesses stood in awe at seeing the three English princes.
“By Allah.” Whispered Priyanka.  The three princes slowly walked down the steps with grace and poise and soon coming behind them was a servant around their age with short black hair and a mustache across his lips, in his arms he carried a badger and coming from the other side were the two lions, one female and a male lion with his dark mane shining proudly.
“Daughters of Hassim, allow us to introduce our sons, my only son Prince Brian.” King Harold started off.
“My eldest and only son Prince Roger.” Continued King Michael.
“And my eldest son, Prince John.” Finished King Arthur.  The princesses stood in awe before the middle princess Kaia spoke.
“Why did no one tell us we would be meeting gods?”
“No one mentioned we would either.” Roger flirted back, but unlike how he would normally flirt with a woman, there was a bit of coldness to it.
“Aww thank you.” Kaia gushed obviously oblivious to Roger’s true meaning.
“They say back home in Punjab that we would be worthy of Lakshmi herself.” Bragged Priyanka as she made a high-class laugh and soon the escorts all laughed together in the same unison tone. “Men would line up the entire castle just to get a look at us.” The parrot on top of the advisor holding the snake staff laughed as John finally spoke.
“Funny. We share the same title but are clearly not cut from the same cloth when it comes to humility and self-awareness.” At that statement Priyanka shuffled nervously.  King Arthur cleared his throat and whispered.
“John, manners.” It was then Aesha noticed the badger the servant was holding and she said.
“Just what is that rat that servant boy is holding?”
“Badger. He’s a badger, actually. Not even relatively close to the rodent family.” Brian piped in defending his pet badger.
“It looks disgusting, take it out of my sight. I hate things that crawl!” Brian wanted to interject but his father told the servant to walk away with Brian’s badger.
“Oh forget about the rodent thing Aesha, check out those cats. They’re unlike anything I’ve ever seen.” Stated Priyanka. The male lion and lioness both glared at the princesses and were growling lowly.
“Indeed, especially the one with the luscious hair. She’s got to be the most beautifuliest cat I’ve ever laid eyes on.” Answered Kaia.
“He. Male lions have the mane, females don’t.” Roger answered as he stroked through his lion’s mane.
“They like you.” The parrot stated.
“What’s not to like? Back home cats adore us. Here kitty, kitty, kitties, hi kitty, kitties.” Priyanka walked up holding her hand out waving it towards the female lioness who just kept glaring and growling lowly, slowly baring her large canine fangs.  As Priyanka continued to coo at the lioness, she was then met with a roar and a swipe of cat claws.
Her screams echoed through the walls as the escorts all just laughed.
Later that night in the study room of the English kings, they all sat around a desk with maps, books, a globe and scrolls all surrounding them.  Standing before them was their grand vizier.
“My kings, our enemies grow stronger every day yet you allow your sons to dismiss the daughters of Hassim and a possible military alliance.”
“What enemies Paul?” asked king Arthur.
“Liverpool continues to amass.”
“Liverpool is our ally.”
“Was our ally.” Paul hissed out in emphasis.
“You would drag us into war with our oldest alley.”
“And you would allow our kingdom to sink into ruin for mere sentiment!”
“Paul!” roared Michael.  Paul ceased and turned towards the second king. “Remember your place.” Continued king Michael.
“I apologize. Forgive me king Michael, I went to far.” Paul said as he slowly walked towards the door.  But he stopped and slowly turned around and said “But,” it was then the eyes on his snake staff began to glow red.  
It was then the three kings looked at Paul like they were under a trance.
“If you would only reconsider, I think you three would see that invading Liverpool, is the right thing to do.”
“Invading…Liverpool is…..” Arthur droned out in a monotoned voice.
“Invade Liverpool?” Paul was forced to release the spell he had over the three kings as John soon came into the room with a lioness behind him.  His father Arthur turned towards his son as John continued, “Why would we invade mother’s homeland?”
“We would never invade Liverpool.” His father spoke.
“But an ally in Punjab would improve our situation.” Suggested Paul.
“Yes, if you and our sons would reconsider giving the princesses a chance.” Suggested king Harold.
“To rule? Uncle Harold I would rather have Nala as my Queen.”
“My son, we’re not getting any younger and…..we are running out of kingdoms. India is our only hope of a stronger worldly alliance.”
“Why must we marry a royal blood of a foreign country in order to help them? Now I have been preparing for this my whole life, I have read—”
“Books? But you cannot read experience Prince John. Inexperience is dangerous. People left unchecked will revolt, walls and borders unguarded will be attacked.” Paul spoke to him like he was scolding a child.
“Paul is right. One day,” his father came up to him and cupped the side of his face. “You will understand my son.” John looked up at his father breathing sharply but silently. “You may leave now.” John huffed before storming out of the studies with his lioness Nala following behind him.
John stopped in the middle of the hallway trying to calm himself down of his anger but also his sadness that his father still wouldn’t take him seriously.  
Nala, his lioness came up and sat in front of him softly huffing and staring up at him solemnly, but when Paul Prenter came around the corner, her ears narrowed back and she growled defensively.
“Life would be kinder to you, Prince John. You have no wisdom of the world like Brian, nor the ambition of Roger. I think it would be better for you to be seen and not heard.” Paul spoke as he got closer to the young prince.  As Prenter stared him down, he heard the threatening growl and was staring into the golden eyes of Nala.
He glared down at the big cat like he was looking at an abomination before calmly retreating back down the hallway.
John was now back in his, along with Brian’s and Roger’s, bedroom.  He began thinking back to what Paul said.  For years out of the three young Princes, John Deacon has always been the more quieter of the sons, he always relied more on his emotions rather than his actions.
Sure he would speak his mind when the time was necessary but he’d rather not get involved with things that were mostly stupid to him.  After he lost his mother just three years ago he was so depressed and would barely speak, so with each princess he’s met he’s either acted cold and distant, or retorted back with his words like he did earlier this afternoon.  As he walked around the room, he softly sung to himself.
Here comes a wave meant to wash me away A tide that is taking me under Broken again, left with nothing to say My voice drowned out in the thunder
But I can't cry And I can't start to crumble Whenever they try To shut me or cut me down
I can't stay silent Though they wanna keep me quiet And I tremble when they try it All I know is I won't go speechless
He sat down on the couch on the balcony before wiped away his hidden tears and trying to compose himself before Brian, Roger or their servant came through those doors.
*3rd Person POV*
Outside the palace, a merchant with a cart full of fresh supplies for the palace came pulling up to the gates of the palace and one of the guards told the gate keeper to open the gates.  Standing amongst the crowd of people, who were watching a fire eater perform his nightly routine, (Y/n) stood there and whispered.
“Okay Abu, you know what to do.” Abu hopped off my shoulder and pestered one of the guards.  As he was distracted, I walked up to one of the men and took his shawl off his back and wrapped it over my head and walked alongside the cart, pretending to be one of the assistance.
Unbeknownst to (y/n), something was watching her. The red parrot that always stood on Paul’s shoulder looked down from the perch he was on and said.
“Dirty monkey.” He then took off flying squawking out, “Street thief, street thief.” He flew high and over the palace till he arrived in another large study area that belong to his master, Paul who was now removing standing before a globe with a harsh look in his eyes.
“‘Remember your place, Paul’.”
“Remember your place.” The parrot mocked back.
“If I hear that one more time!”
“Sorry, master!”
“Another petty insult from those three small-minded English buffoons. They see a kingdom, where I see an empire.” Paul said as he walked around the globe towards a book that stood on a podium.
“Such vision.” His parrot spoke.
“Once that lamp sits in my hand…then I shall sit on the throne of England.”
“Thief in the palace.” His parrot spoke as it sat on the railing of the balcony.
“Thief. Thief in the palace?” asked Paul.
“That’s what I said. Thief!”
“What have you seen Iago?” Paul asked his parrot as he walked up towards him.
“Diamond in the rough.” As Paul now stood by his parrot Iago’s side he saw for himself just what the bird was talking about. Jumping and scaling across the top of some of the palace buildings was (Y/n).
After walking across the vineyard walls, (y/n) silently hopped down and hid behind one of the steel vineyard walls just as two guards turned around, wondering if they heard anything.
She then walked into the palace to see some servants cleaning up the room, while the captain of the guard monitored them. Telling them to either make bigger circles, or get a spot that they missed.  (Y/n) noticed an abandoned red sari so she grabbed it and wrapped it around herself.
Paul and Iago came around towards the very part of the palace where they saw (y/n) go into to and there was a female servant with her head bowed down, her face hidden as she held a tray of tea while two guards passed by her.  
When the servant revealed her face, it was (y/n). She softly smiled before walking off towards the Princes chambers.
“Who’s a clever girl?” Iago stated as Paul smirked.
“Indeed. She could be just who we are looking for.” Iago squawked as he flew off and Paul slipped away from the room.
Meanwhile in the Princes’ chambers John was standing along the balcony with the servant boy who came along with them to greet the Princesses.  Prince Brian was by his maps with his badger standing right beside him, sniffing the paper, while Roger sat along his bed with his pet lion by his side.
“But Jim, there has to be something we can do.” John said as their servant Jim prepped him his nightly attire.
“Three princesses want to marry you and your two friends, when will life get any easier?”
“It’s not that we don’t want to marry, it’s just that we…..” Roger spoke as he dried his wet hair after just having his bath.
“John wants to be king, you wish to explore the world, and Brian you wish to become an astronomer.”
“You remember what our mums used to say, we would only be as happy as our least happiest subject. If they saw what Roger and I did today, they would be heartbroken.”
“They would also want us to be safe Deacy. And clean. I’m taking the next bath. You better not have used all the hot water this time Roger.” Brian spoke up as he stood up and headed towards the bathroom.
“No promises.” Roger said.
“With Paul’s guards on every corner, soon he’d have them invading our neighbors, risking lives and for what?” John continued as he looked out towards the balcony.
“Well one good thing will come from this forceful commitment of marriage. When I’m king, I’ll finally have the power to get rid of that slimy leech. What do you think John beheaded or gutting him? Or maybe a hanging?”
“Roger Taylor sometimes you worry me lad.” Jim stated solemnly.
“Oh come off it Jim, you’re the only Irish man I would spare from punishment. But Paul deserves everything I’ve got planned coming to him. I still don’t get why our father’s made him the grand vizier. If anything I would’ve made him the royal poop cleaner to Simba here.” He spoke as he stroked his lion’s mane who huffed and lowly growled. “What do you say Simba? You could give that overdressed, self-absorbed Paul Prenter a thing or two to scream about wouldn’t you?” Roger cooed as he cupped his lion’s face before affectionately headbutting him.
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Simba rubbed up against Roger’s head before raising his head up and Roger proceeded to scratch under his chin down to his mid chest.
“To a degree I agree with Roger. We were born to do than marry some useless princess. It seems like all these princesses we are given don’t know how to speak up and just do whatever we say, or are too arrogant and spoiled.” John said.
“If you three had to choose a triplet of princesses, you lot could do worse than these three. I mean they do seem beautiful and yes they are a little spoiled but you’re just getting married. It’s not like you’ll have to talk to them.” Jim said.
“I wouldn’t go there Jim. Besides, he’d rather take that girl from the market place.” Roger teased as Jim softly chuckled before heading towards the bathroom to prepare Brian for his bath. John scoffed a chuckle. “Oh don’t play that John, you both we’re practically gaga for each other this afternoon. Hell she didn’t even notice me at all when we first met.”
“Yes Roger you’re very attractive, so much so that everyone confused you for a woman frequently while we were there.” John mocked back.
“Are you serious?!” cried out Brian from the bathroom.  Roger glared at John and hissed.
“You bitch.” John grinned smugly when a soft knock was heard at the door.  He walked down the two steps of the balcony and went up to the door and opened it to see someone with their back turned.
“Can I help you?” but when the person turned around, John was surprised to see the girl from the marketplace.
*My POV*
When the doors opened to reveal Jim, I held the tray of tea out and said.
“You? You! What are you doing here!? Get in here now!” he pulled me inside the room and quickly shut the door.
“I came to return your ring.”
“My ring? Where is it?”
“On your finger.” I looked around in awe before I caught the sight of Ben, shirtless but wearing nightly pants stroking a big cat of sorts.  I think I was a lion maybe? Never really seen those here but I have read stories about them. “Oh Ben hello.”
“Well, well look whose come back? Enjoying the view?”
“I’ll admit it’s not bad. I love what the princes have done with the place.”
“How did you get past the guards?” asked Jim.
“That was challenging, but I have my ways.” I said as I turned back towards him. “Hey Jim, while the princes are out, would you—like to go for a stroll? Have a little chat?” I now stood in front of him and he softly shook his head as he said.
“You’re unbelievable. You cannot just break into a palace and walk around like you own the place.”
“If you don’t have anything, you have to act like you own everything.”
“She’s got you there mate.” Ben said as he continued to stroke the lion.
“So what do you say? I did find your ring.”
“You did not find my ring, you stole it.”
“Correction the monkey stole it.”
“He’s your monkey.” He retorted.
“He’s still a monkey.” I argued back.  He softly grinned at me.
“Who ordered the tea?” it was then we all turned to see a tall lean man who had massive curly hair and hazel eyes.  He was in a bathrobe and standing by his side was another lion but without the hair, which made me think that this one was a female lion.  I looked at the man stunned but before I could say anything Jim spoke up.
“I did. For you, Prince John Deacon.” Oh my god this was Prince John.
“Your majesty.” I did my best to bow.
“Why are you being weird?” I heard Prince John say. I turned to look towards Jim who settled himself from doing something and just smiled at me.  I turned back towards the youngest English Prince and that’s when he face shined with realization.
“Oh I’m Prince John. Yes, mm-hmm. And it truly is good to be me. The young prince of Leicester. The accent I have is far unique and strange to anyone else of my little kingdom. But of course I always look up to Prince Brian because he is far superior to me with his wisdom for words and wisdom of numbers. Yes I do so admire that brother of mine.” He praised in an accent that almost clearly didn’t seem to fit him. “Now if you’ll excuse me, my precious lioness needs to be cleaned.” He then turned and walked away.
Okay that was—weird.  I turned towards Jim and he looked at me and said.
“Poor thing doesn’t get out much.” I hummed and turned my back as I set the tea set down on a nearby table.
“Clearly.” But when I turned back around I was suddenly greeted by the lioness staring me down.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in the bath?” she walked up towards me and sniffed my hand before softly whining out.
“Oi servant boys! This cat aren’t going to clean themselves you know!” Prince John proclaimed from the back room.
“But don’t cat’s usually clean themselves?” I asked.
“You have to leave now.” Jim urged me on as he dragged me towards the doors.
“Okay. But I’m coming back tomorrow night.”
“What? No you can’t….”
“Meet me in the courtyard beside the fountain when the moon hits above the minaret.” I then swiftly stole another ring from John’s finger, this time a silver medallion pin like ring that rested on his right ring finger. “To return this ring next.” Jim looked at me astonished.
I then reached up and gently but hesitantly tucked back a strand of his hair that fell to his eyes.  I fiddled the ring between my fingers at him giving him my promise, before finally slipping out of the room.
As I ditched the servant sari, Abu came up towards me and got up on my shoulder and we walked off.
*John’s POV*
“What a woman. Now if she had done that to me, I would’ve had her right then and there.” Roger whistled.
“Keep your urges to yourself.” I hissed.  I looked down at my right hand to see my ring finger was now naked but as I touched it, I swore I could still feel a hint of her fingers touching it as she went to grab my ring.
*My POV*
“Can you believe it Abu? The most heavily guarded place in all of Agrabah…” I said as Abu hung from my shoulder to my arm and we both admired the ring as well as me twirling around like it was nothing. But as I faced forward again, the captain of the guards stood before me.
“Evening.” He said as Abu came to hide behind my back.
“Evening.” My voice squeaked before I cleared my throat and I said again, “Evening.” There was silence before I said, “You’ve got guards behind me, don’t you?” suddenly my vision went black as something came over my head and I was dragged out of the palace.
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godofevrerything · 4 years
Hell Rising Chapter Four: Rin
I hated close knit neighborhoods. They were the most dangerous places to be in. Everyone knew everyone, and a stranger, especially a colored stranger, could be picked out in a second.
I looked around, feeling sick. The air smelled like exhaust and tar. Nothing like the clean air and spice from India.
The cargo ship had been suffocating. I had been running all around the ship for a week, in a constant state of panic.
It was a damn miracle that nobody tossed me overboard for trespassing.
I walked down the sidewalk as quickly as I could. The sooner I was out the the neighborhood, the better.
"You're not from around here, kid. What do you think you're doing?"
I jumped, fear pumping through me. But the question wasn't directed at me.
The security guard glared at the brunette boy in front of him. I ducked into the alley, and peaked out at the scene.
The boy was shaking. "I was j-just passing through, s-sir! I mean no h-harm, I swear!"
I felt a surge of empathy for the boy. He was taller than me, and several years older, maybe 17.
His blue gray eyes darted around in a panic. They swept to the alley and met mine, silently pleading me to help him.
I was conflicted. If I stepped out to help him, I'd get the brunt of the punishment. If the security was this gruff to a light haired, white boy, who knows what they would do to me.
But at the same time, if I helped him, he'd be in my debt. I could use him as my shield to get anywhere.
I drew in a breath.
Allah protect me.
I stepped out of the alley and plastered a relieved look on my face.
"Master, there you are!" I gasped. "Come along, the Madame will be furious if you aren't home for dinner!"
The guards head snapped to me, scowling darkly. "Are you this boys maid?"
I dropped into a low curtsy. "Sir, I am so sorry that the Master went astray. But we must go."
The guard took a step towards me, his eyes flashing. "What kind of damn brainless fool are you to lose your master? A stupid islander like you should know to keep close to their superior."
I bit back a yell. I shoved my hands into my pockets. I could feel the sparks crawling up to my wrist. No. I couldn't kill the guard. That would be the opposite of escaping quietly.
"Once again, I sincerely ap-"
"A cheap sorry, especially an apology from an islander doesn't change the fact that you superior has trespassed." he spat.
"Sir, do not speak to my maid that way."
We turned. The boy had drawn himself up to his full height. He was actually as tall as the security guard, if not, he was taller. But the scary thing was his cold eyes. All the nervousness was gone, replaced by a icy sense of confidence and superiority.
The security guard frowned. "It's a maid. She's not worth much."
"It doesn't matter." the boy scoffed. "She is my maid, and I do not tolerate anyone speaking to my staff that way."
Oh god. Didn't this kid know that people didn't think much about their staff? He was going to get us locked up for being decent.
"Also, if it's anyone who can speak to my staff that way, it's me. God knows how many times she screws up. And if her esteem goes too low, she won't be able to work as well." the boy added.
Well. Never mind.
For a long moment, the guard stared at us, his eyes narrowed.
Then he shook his head. "Go on then. Just remember to not loiter. And make sure to keep your staff in check." the guard addressed the boy.
The boy nodded. "Of course." he tossed a glare at me. "Now hurry up. If I'm late, you won't get any dinner tonight."
I gritted my teeth. Christ, he didn't have to be such an ass.
"Of course, Sir." I muttered.
We walked away from the guard as quickly as we could. I kept my head down, my heart in my throat. The boy was silent.
We made it a few blocks outside of the neighborhood when he spoke up.
"Um, thank you."
I glanced at him, raising my eyebrow.
He shifted, looking at anywhere but me. "For what you did back there. You, uh, saved me."
I scoffed. "Yeah, I know. And are you thanking the tree, or me?"
He looked at me, startled. "Huh? I'm thanking you?"
I smirked up at him. "Sounds like a question. And typically, you look at the person when you're thanking them."
He flushed. "Oh. Sorry."
I waved my hand. "Forget it. I don't need a thank you."
He frowned. "Then why were you making a big deal about it?"
I shrugged.
The boy swallowed. "So, I'm guessing that you need my help."
I chuckled. "Glad you brought that up. I'm going to need to travel with you."
He blinked. "Why can't you travel on your own?"
I sighed. "I could, but that would be extremely hard. I've traveled on my own for about a decade, and I can tell you; it's no picnic. You know that guard that you just talked to?"
He nodded.
"Well, imagine that you have to deal with that a hundred times a day, the harshness is ten times worse, and you don't ever have anyone like me to pop out and save you." I speared him with a look. "Now imagine dealing with that for every day, for a decade. Not pleasant, right?"
He shuddered. "No. But, if you've dealt with that for a decade, then why can't you deal with it for a bit longer?"
I groaned. "I can, but I don't want to. I mean, nobody would want to. And not to mention that if I slip up once, I'll be thrown in jail for life."
His mouth opened. "They're that harsh? Please tell me you're kidding!"
I smiled grimly. "Nope. Thats my life. I mean, the guard was awful to you, and you're white. I'm Indian, and not to mention, a girl."
He drew in a breath. "Alright. I'll help you. I have two tickets to Missouri. The train leaves at noon."
I grinned. "Great, lets go."
His eyes widened. "What? But you don't even know my name!"
I snorted. "So? Names don't matter to me. People come and go. No use trying to remember them. It's not like they're remember me."
He stared at me.
I sighed. "Look, are you coming or not?"
The boy held his hand out to me.
I frowned. "What are you doing?"
"It's a handshake." he said.
I glared at him. "I know that. But theres no point. It doesn't matter."
He shook his head. "It matters to me. Come on, it'll only take a minute."
I stared at his hand and sighed. I shook it quickly. "There, happy?"
He sighed. "That wasn't a proper handshake."
"It doesn't matter. You'll forget me anyways." I sneered.
He shook his head. "No, I won't."
I sighed. "Liar."
He frowned at me. "Are you always this cynical?"
I chuckled. "It's called being realistic. And since I don't think you'll stop asking, my name is Saundrine. But call me Rin."
He smiled. "I'm Ivan."
I glanced back at Ivan. He was just as innocent now as he was five years ago. He had become more confident, I supposed, but he still had the optimistic innocence.
I kept telling him that the world wasn't good. People died every day and the ones who lived came and went. Few stuck around, and most hurt you. If he had went around without me, I had no doubt that he'd be locked up in a lab by now. He'd probably blatantly flirt with some man, and the officials would drag him away.
He wore his heart on his sleeve. And never held his tongue.
I sighed. He was going to get killed someday if he didn't watch himself.
Rana squeezed my hand. "What are you thinking about, Sunshine?"
I drew in a breath. "When I first met Ivan. He's just as oblivious to the world as he was back then."
Rana smiled. "Cute. I'm just glad that you two didn't meet like Darcy and I met. Wouldn't want you to have nightmares like me."
I sighed. "That makes the two of us."
Kai tugged on my hand. "Amma?"
I looked at him. "Yes?"
"My feet are tired. Can you carry me, please?" he asked.
I chuckled. "Sure."
I put Kai on my shoulders. He yawned and lay his head on top of mine. I glanced at Rana. Sabrina was curled in her arms, fast asleep. I couldn't imagine the toll it took on them to escape the hotel. No wonder why they were exhausted.
We walked through the city, keeping our heads down. Ivan and Darcy were walking behind Rana and I, something they never did. They always walked in front of us, to sort of shield us from any officials. But now I supposed the roles became switched.
"-Johnson and Ivan Stravinsky. The two young adults not only destroyed their hotel room and grievously injured our police force, but have also been helping two convicts to flee from the law."
My head snapped up. There, on a TV screen in a shop window, were Darcy and Ivan's faces. Right on the news.
"That's right, Dan." the reporter continued. "Johnson and Stravinsky are reported to have helped the escaped convict Namarana Ishimi and a young woman. Ishimi is also reported to have two young children with her, and has been dragging them all around the country. It is unclear if the young women is Ishimi's accomplice or captive. Now, let's hear from David Ricker, the head of the police force."
"Ricker." Rana snarled.
Ricker appeared on the screen, wearing an oily smile. "Thank you Lindsay. I believe that Ms.Johnson and Mr.Stravinsky were simply brainwashed by Ishimi. They were two good young people who Ishimi manipulated into helping her. Nevertheless, they did cause considerable property damage, and not to mention the damage done to our fine police force."
"Well what were we supposed to do, you sick bastard?" Rana growled. "Let them kill us?"
"Rana, quiet." I hissed.
She exhaled angrily, her eyes trained on the screen.
I glanced back at Darcy and Ivan. They were stock still, their faces white. To my horror, there was a small crowd surrounding us, listening to the news.
"I truly believe that Johnson and Stravinsky can become sane again if they simply turn themselves in." Ricker sighed. "We have plenty of outstanding psychologists and medics who can help them through the trauma that Ishimi put them through. And once she is taken care of, I truly believe that the city will be safe again. For she is the reason of the unrest in the city."
"You sick son of a-" Rana hissed.
I stomped on her foot, cutting her off. She glared at me, and I glared back.
"Is there anything that you'd like to say to Ishimi, sir?" the reporter asked.
"Absolutely."Ricker chuckled. "Ishimi, I suggest that you turn yourself in. You've terrorized the country enough, and even manipulated innocent people into helping you. Turn yourself in, or we will be forced to drag you into government custody."
"Forced, my ass." Rana mumbled.
Luckily, nobody seemed to hear her.
"Come on." I muttered. "We've heard enough, let's go."
I grabbed Rana and Kai's hand, pulling them out of the crowd. Darcy and Ivan followed us, silent.
We made it two blocks before Darcy spoke, her voice shaky.
"You know, I always wanted to be on TV when I was little. But this is not what I meant."
Ivan shook his head. "None of us did."
Kai spoke up. "Haha, why were they saying all that stuff about you?"
Rana didn't answer, choosing to stare down at Sabrina in her arms.
"Haha doesn't want to talk right now, Kai. But don't mind what that man on TV said. He was lying." I whispered.
"But why was he lying?" Kai asked.
I shook my head. "Because he is evil. That what evil people do. They lie all the time to make themselves look like heroes. And they paint the real heroes as villains."
"That's awful." Kai whispered. "Can I kick him?"
"Yeah, I'll join you." Rana muttered.
"No, Kai. Kicking him won't solve anything." I sighed.
"But it would make me feel a hell of a lot better." Rana scoffed.
"It still won't change anything." I sighed. "If it would, trust me, I would have beat him black and blue already."
Rana let out a weak laugh.
We walked into a bookstore, ducking into the back isles.
I turned to Darcy. "In the cab, you said that you had a friend who would help us. You said she'd meet us here."
Darcy blinked. "Oh. Yeah."
"Yeah?" I asked. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Hi guys. Glad you made it out."
We turned. A girl approached us, smiling faintly. She was a bit younger than Rana, with short pastel pink hair.
Rana stared at her, frowning. The girls eyes were silver, and they flashed slightly when she looked at Rana.
"Something on my face?" she asked.
Rana blinked. "What? Oh no."
"Great." she sighed.
"Guys, this is my friend, Jae." Darcy said. "Rana, you've already met her when she took care of the kids. And Ivan knows her. Rin, Jae. Jae, Rin."
I nodded. "Hello."
"Hiya." Jae chuckled.
She turned to Darcy. "So are we going or not?"
"Going?" Rana asked. She held Sabrina a bit tighter, her eyes narrowed.
"Yeah, to the safe place." Jae snorted.
"Safe place?" I repeated.
"Well, one of them."
Darcy frowned. "Jae, you've never mentioned safe places."
Jae laughed lightly. "Ah, well. I've only known you for what, nine months? I couldn't trust you yet. Y'know how people turn your trust against you."
"I can relate." Rana muttered.
They shared a grim smile.
I frowned. "You said that there were multiple safe places. Why haven't we heard of any of them?"
Jae sighed. "Practically nobody knows about them. We have to be extremely careful about letting people know about the safe places. They're all connected, so if one wrong person hears about them, the government will be able to connect and destroy all of the safe places in a whole state. And then the ones out of the state."
"That's dumb." I muttered.
Jae glared at me. "Excuse me?"
"That all of the safe places are connected. I mean, every safe place shouldn't be shut down just because one is discovered. Really, at the most it should be all the safe places in a city connected. Not all in the state. And even if they're just connected in the city, it's idiotic." I scoffed.
Jae sneered at me. "Well, you aren't in charge of the safe places. So could you please shut your mouth and listen to me. Like you said, you didn't even know that they existed."
"Do not talk to Rin like that." Rana snapped. "You might know more about the safe places, but that only proves that you don't have as many street smarts."
Jae's mouth opened slightly. She stared at Rana in shock. Rana glared at her.
"Ummm... So, what about the safe place?" Darcy squeaked.
Jae looked her, lips pursed. "It's hidden. Follow me."
"Oh, so we're just supposed to trust you without any evidence that you're telling the truth?" Rana asked.
Jae paused. "I am telling the truth. I would never lie to you."
"We only met you today." I sighed. "We don't trust you."
Her eyes flashed. "You don't trust me. Darcy and Ivan trusts me."
Ivan raised his eyebrow.
"Is there a problem here?"
We all whirled around. There was young man standing a few feet from us.
"What?" Rana whispered.
"I asked if there is problem." the young man said. "You all are quite loud and rude. Also,"
He paused and frowned at Kai and Sabrina. "Children aren't allowed in the library."
"What are you talking about?" Darcy asked. "Libraries are for everyone."
He scoffed. "Well, they are not for people who aren't mature enough to take their private matters outside."
"Oh, and they are for people who stick their noses into other peoples private matters?" I scoffed.
The young man sputtered indignantly.
Rana shot me a glare and gave the man a sweet smile. "I'm terribly sorry for the disturbance, sir. We didn't mean to be this loud."
He sniffed. "Well, you have been."
Jae smiled. "We meant for it to be a small discussion, but it got," she paused, searching for a phrase that wouldn't have the man be suspicious.
"out of hand." Rana finished. "Truly, we apologize for the disturbance. And we'll be right out of your hair."
The man frowned at us. "Hold on, have I seen met you?" he asked.
He asked Darcy.
She froze. "What? N-no. Why?!"
Rana laughed quietly. "We've never seen you in our lives. Now if you'd excuse us,"
He shook his head. "No, I know I've seen you two."
He pointed at Darcy and Ivan.
They froze.
"Well, my two friends are stunt doubles!" Jae chirped. "You probably recognize them for a show."
"Yeah, they've had to stand in for some actors as well." Rana chuckled. "I'm so proud of them."
She gave Ivan and Darcy a bright smile.
The man frowned uncertainly. "No, I've seen them somewhere-"
He winced suddenly, grabbing his head in pain.
Rana frowned. "Are you alright?"
"Headache." he mumbled.
"Ah, well we'll just get out of your hair then." Jae chuckled.
She grabbed Darcy and Ivan's hands, slipping out of the mans view.
"Yes, we'll get going now." Rana said brightly. "After all, dealing with strangers might worsen your headache. And I know how bad headaches can get."
She grabbed Kai and my hand, rushing out of the bookstore before he could answer.
We met Jae, Ivan and Darcy a few blocks down.
"That was close." Jae croaked. "We have to get you to the safe place now."
"Then let's get going." Rana snapped.
They started walking down the sidewalk. All of them, without a single question or complaint.
I rushed after Rana and grabbed her arm. She jumped, glaring at me. I didn't care. I took Sabrina from her arms and gave the baby to Darcy. I told Kai to go walk with Ivan. He listened, and I went back to Rana.
"Rin, what the hell?" Rana demanded.
"Keep your voice down." I hissed.
She glared at me furiously.
"Why are you trusting Jae?" I whispered. "You don't know anything about her! For all you know, she could be leading us right to the Admin!"
"Jae is Darcy's friend." Rana whispered. "I trust Darcy's judgement."
"Darcy's judgement is what got us wasted in a dumpster and covered in hot sauce in Houston!" I snapped.
"Don't bring that up." Rana scowled. "I don't ever want to think about Houston. And I trust her judgement with people, not alcohol."
"Are you kidding me? Darcy is the type of person to trust a serial killer in the middle of the woods!"
"That's Ivan." Rana corrected.
"And," she hesitated. "I trust Jae. There is something about her that makes me trust her."
"What?!" I yelped.
"Look, if you can't trust Jae, then trust my judgement. You can do that, right Rin?" she asked.
I frowned. "Of course I trust you, but-"
"Great." she interrupted. "Now let's get going before the Admins men come back and try to kill us again."
"I second that." Jae called out.
"Were you eavesdropping?" I snapped.
"Nah, just heard the end bit." Jae chuckled. "Now hurry up."
We went down the street and ducked into an alley. I held onto Rana's hand tightly, frowning at Jae's back.
She yanked the manhole up and grinned at us. "Come on."
Jae dropped into the hole.
"No! Hell no. I am not climbing down into a sewer!" Darcy yelped.
Rana pulled her hand from mine and scooted into the hole. "Then enjoy getting pumped full off drugs and endless interrogation."
She disappeared from view.
Ivan hesitated and then went after her.
"Kai, sweetheart, come on down! I'll catch you!" Rana called up.
"Kai, no." I hissed.
He hesitated.
"Come on Kai, we got to move!"
"Come on, Amma." Kai said. "Haha will catch us."
"Kai?!" Darcy yelped.
He climbed down in the damn hole.
Darcy leaned over the hole. "Um, can I drop Sabrina down?"
I stormed over to Darcy. "Absolutely not. Drop her down that hole and I'll push you in."
"Don't listen to Rin!" Rana yelled. "Drop Sabrina. She won't push you in here, don't worry."
"Darcy." I hissed.
She dropped Sabrina.
And climbed down instantly.
I dropped to my knees and looked down the hole, my heart nearly beating out of my chest. What if Rana didn't catch Sabrina? What if Kai didn't get down alright? Why didn't I hear him? Why didn't I hear Ivan? Were they de-
"Got you, Sabi!"
I heard Sabrina squeal in delight, and Rana laughed. I heard Kai talking to Sabrina, and Ivan helping Darcy down.
Thank you Allah.
"Rin, come on!" Rana called. "We have to go. Hurry up!"
I swallowed. If Jae was leading us into a trap, well....
She was going to regret it.
I swung my body into the hole and yanked the cover closed. I climbed down the ladder as quickly as I could.
Rana grinned and gave me a quick peck. "There you are! Thought you weren't coming, Sunshine!"
I shook my head. "As if I would let my family walk around with a stranger."
Jae groaned. "We get it, you hate me. Now let's get going."
"Hate you? I don't-" I started.
But she was already walking away.
Rana grabbed my hand. "Come on, Sunshine. You can fry her if it's a trap, don't worry."
"How can I not worry?" I sighed.
We went down the sewer, holding hands in the dim light. Eventually, Jae stopped in front of a wall. She kicked the bottom of it.
"What are you-" Rana started.
A panel appeared on the wall. Jae leaned in and spoke quietly.
"It's Jae. I have some newbies with me. Darcy Johnson, Ivan Stravinsky, Namarana Ishimi, and-"
She glanced at me.
"Saundrine Iago." I said.
"- Saundrine Iago." she finished.
For a moment, nothing happened. Then there was a rumble. And the wall opened.
We stepped inside.
My mouth dropped open.
It was a huge pavilion, with hundreds of tent and booths. Everything was colorful. Voices filled the air.
Happy voices.
Jae grinned.
"Welcome to the Haven."
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Oh Allah, when you take me away from this world, take me in the state of Imaan.
Oh Allah, enter me into Jannah without any account.
Oh Allah, accept all my du‘a and keep me steadfast on Deen
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rest-in-being · 5 years
Steps to Tazkiyah-(Purification) of the Soul-(Nafs) (Note: this is written in a comprehensive abridged description, there is much more in detail that needs to be said for full understanding and guidance)
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. Alhamdulillahi rabbil-'alamin was-Salatu was-Salam 'ala Sayyidil-Mursalin wa 'ala 'Alihi wa Sahbihi Ajma'in.
*Step - 1 Those who are serious with Sufism first need take the 1st Step which is Tawab-(Repentance) and Last step Tawab-(Repentance), they need to recite "Astaghfirullah Ya Karim" - 1000 to 10'000 times a day - (I seek forgiveness from Allah oh Generous).
Take the first step to start the journey of Tawab-(Repentance) which is the journey home to Allah, to ones inner secret, found within the heart, and to increase ones, Rizq-(Provision) increase and know 'ilm-(knowledge) is Rizq-(Provision) too. And the heart is given Nur-(Light), this is the first step and last step to Allah, Dhikrullah-(Remembrance of Allah) is Nur-(Light), you need Nur-(Light), to see in the darkness, it opens the doors to the unseen world within you that is only by the veils of darkness of the Nafs-(Ego).
If you read "Astaghfirullah Ya Karim - 10'000 times a day for 40 days or longer in time your soul will slowly be full of Nur-(Light) and sins, like Ghiyba-(backbiting), Ghill-(Holding Grudges), Ghada-(Anger) or Swearing that are holding you back and tie you down are soon made easy to release from there attachments as they destroy blessing to the Ruh-(Soul). Kadhdhab-(lying) kills the Ruh-(Soul) and (blackens ones Face and Heart) and other sins cause pain to your heart. “Each time someone lies a black spot appears on his heart until his whole heart becomes black and he is written with Allah as a Kadhdhab a liar" Hadith.
The Nur-(Light) of "Astaghfirullah Ya Karim - 10'000 times a day will soon cause affects to your Ruh-(Soul). You will know when, you will feel pain in your heart from those and other sins done. Why? The Nur-(Light) of Dhikrullah-(Remembrance of Allah) starts wiping away Sins which cause darkness to the Heart, you will know as Nur-(Light) enters your heart by the grace of Allah, you will feel its affects are taken place. Because soon you feel the pain of those sins, tears flow down, you're forced to stop or lessen them or you become more aware of your conscious-(your feelings) and subconscious- (ego nafs) become aware of them and your soul makes or draws you to read Astaghfirullah even more.
Step - 2 Read in great Abundance Salawat-(prayers upon then Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم) and it will wash the darkness away and replace it with the Jamili-(Beauty) Nur-(Light) of Salawat-(prayers upon then Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم) will ornament and decoration your hearts like how a lamp illuminates a dark room with brighten, so recited everyday 1000 times. ( the lights of Jamil-Beauty are easier then Jalali-Majestic to handle)
Step - 3 Learning Fardh al 'ayn, and learning about Halal and Haram in food; basics of Fardh of Worship how to pray and fasting and what makes them invalid, pray extra Nafil like Salah Duha, the 6 Nafil after of Maghrib, Salah Tawab, Salah Tahajjud. Why is its Important to learning about Halal food, because eating Haram stops blessings in your ibadah-(Worship) for 40 days and Haram food force and increases Haraam thoughts and actions which will lead to Sins.
Step - 4 Important - Judge No one, find no faults with others, always be in a state of Husn-al Dhann-(Having a Good opinion or others) and learn Adaab-(Manners) and learn Akhlaq-(Behaviour or Character) as Adab is a part of Akhlaq. Busy yourself with Muhasbah-(Self Auditing or Accounting your own soul with mistakes and slips and sins NOT other people).
Be busy with serving others, this is Khidma-(Service others) through Charity works, or Naseeha-(Good Kind counselling) and never, ever judge them or their past actions instead think them better then yourself. We all fall and slip and make mistakes and Sin. Maybe your Khidma-(service others) is your Tawab-(Repentance), maybe their Dua'-(Pray) for you, is your Tawab-(Repentance) answered.
Never be pleased with your good actions and If you think you haven't fallen into major Sins or Sins then that is Kibr-(Arrogance) and far worse then sinners. As you will be full of 'Ujb-(Pride) which is the robe of Shaytan and he was full of knowledge too, instead be humble always and never be pleased with your good actions. But show Shukr-(Gratitude) that is be thankful, that Allah has allowed you to be in obedient to Him or brings you back to obedience when you sin, thus show Show Shukr-(Gratitude) and be humble.
By improving one's Akhlaq-(Behaviour or Character) one improve's their 'Ibadah-(Worship). The masters of 'ilm and hadith has said ‘We are more in need of acquiring 'Adab-(Manners) than learning Hadith’. So learn that lesson. All the books of Hadith have chapters on 'Adab and the book Al Adab Al Mufrad was separated by Imam Bukhari which is about learning 'Adab-(Manners.
Finally this last point, imprint this Hadith firmly on your mind and soul;
“I have not been sent as a Messenger, except to perfect character (Akhlaaq)” He also said that: “The nearest of you to me on the Day of Judgement will be the one who is best in character.” (Bukhari)
So without Adaab-(Manners) and Akhlaq-(Behaviour or Character) you’re Nothing! your 'Ibadah-(Worship won't benefit your much in the way to Tazkiyah-(Purification) of the Soul-(Nafs).
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Talking Christ #1
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The Talking Christ by Squared Circle Confidential signature plays until the scene transitions over to Kiersten Fraust and Logan Fenix sitting on opposite sides of the large glass table. A backdrop of the Talking Christ logo behind them ready to start the show.
Kiersten Fraust: Hey everybody and welcome to Talking Christ! I'm Kiersten Fraust and to my right is my very outspoken co-host Logan Fenix joining me tonight! Wooo! What a show Wrestling with Christ in Saudi Arabia was, right? 
Logan Fenix: It was a complete catastrophe, Kiersten, but it was the kind of catastrophe I could not look away from like a child falling down an escalator.  I laughed, I cried, I threw up in my mouth in sheer disgust and much much more.
Kiersten Fraust: I was very surprised how they got away with so much of the stuff that happened. Being Saudi Arabia and how strict things are over there. I'm just thankful that everybody who made the trip came back to the United States and their homes safely.
Logan Fenix: Got away with it?  Hercule Giles was over there forever, according to Brennan Devlin they’re still picking apart Bun Bun to this very day.  They all left pieces of themselves behind, quite literally, and none of them will ever be the same.  Do you know how much the therapy is going to cost them all?
Kiersten Fraust: Well, you know sometimes people tend to exaggerate things online and really... my mind is still trying to process everything that happened. The whole golden ticket championship madness throughout both nights of the show. Everyone thinking that Marty Kovacs was dead but shows up on night two very much alive. I mean there is a ton more which will require therapy for the viewers.
Logan Fenix: And what about say for instance, C.J. Sweet turning her back on everything she’d ever known in this business.  From the start of her career, she’d been the good girl, the fan favorite…  one big win and suddenly her personality shifted and she turned her back on Angel and the fans.  Somehow, that paid off and you know what?  I’m actually happy to see that side of her.
Kiersten Fraust: Seeing her in that light is kinda disturbing to me. It's honestly sad because she had so many fans rooting for her, rooting for Angel, rooting for this match but then she turns her back on them? I don't get it.
Logan Fenix: That’s what you do when you are trying to make that next step, to turn that next corner.  This CJ has a lot more stock in her than the last and I am happy to see it.  But then, we had on Night One, Jacob Kuntz taking on Winter Drell.  This one had a lot of potential to change the very outlook of Night Two.  Because if Kuntz won, it changed our main event from winner take all…  If Winter won, well, the chances of Winner Take All weren’t just chances anymore, they were happening.  Boy what a fight that was too.
Kiersten Fraust: Ever since Winter Drell won the CCW heavyweight championship she has done everything in her power to keep it. Like when she ate the light tube in her match against Jacob Kuntz. That match was very, very, very brutal thing to witness and I was just sitting at home watching. I can't imagine what it was like seeing it in person. Then Kuntz? Oh my lord, he was just taking the blunt of every light tube that came in contact with his... Uhh.. private area. 
Logan Fenix: But in the end, Winter Drell hung on…  somehow, the Queen of the Double Dragons ensured that she had her chance for Winter Take All.  Get it?  Winter take all.  But before we get to that..  Chang had an eventful weekend, he killed Allah!
Kiersten Fraust: While you're all celebrating it, I just don't know how to process it all. Were we all tripping on something we didn't know we took before this match or what? Like Chang killed this invisible presence. It's like...
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Kiersten Fraust: My words have failed me.
Logan Fenix: Love it, love everything about it, and let’s not forget what he did to Prince Salman.  You saw what he did, right?  It was like something out of the Avengers.  I kept waiting for Samuel L. Jackson to show up at the end and recruit him.
Kiersten Fraust: Throughout this match I was thinking how we were watching a collaboration between Avengers and Terminator movies in wrestling. But yeah, I saw what Chang did to Prince Salman. I wish I didn't but I did.
Logan Fenix: It was the most captivating, enthralling, some would even say erotic thing I’ve ever seen, Kiersten. 
Kiersten Fraust: Don't you mean exotic? Like Joe Exotic.
Logan Fenix: No, erotic.  As in I experienced confusing emotions in my brain, and in my nether regions.  My girlfriend Taylour and I had the best lovemaking experience of our lives after watching Chang’s matches.
Kiersten Fraust: Uhmmm... Okay. How about that Winter take all? It was one of the best things you've said tonight. And she really showed up in that match. The champ was kicking butt and much more.
Logan Fenix: Everything I say is good things, Frausty.  But you’re right!  What about when Redd Thunder and Duke Andrews hurled themselves into the Double Dragons, all of them went off the Heaven in a Cell to the floor.  Thank goodness for Wendy Wynne’s magic toilet paper maze…  it was magic right?  Actually, let’s not get into the mysticism of an enchanted toilet paper maze, we’ll be here all day.  What a move from Thunder and Andrews though, but it did not pay off in the end.
Kiersten Fraust: Constantine was about to win it for his team but then the freakin' devil shows up? The Saudi Arabia crowd definitely got more than what they bargained for. It was hellish with little sprinkles of good thrown in here and there.
Logan Fenix: It seemed like Satan may have been making an offer to Constantine too, but Winter took the deal instead…  and then the end, when the building was finally overrun?  And did you see the post-credits?!
Kiersten Fraust: Where Chang was holding Prince  Salman's heart and declaring he was going after Jesus next? Yeah, I saw it. I wonder how that match will go down, if it will be a match at all.
Logan Fenix: We did see a logo at the end for Wrestling With Christ: Satanic Service, maybe?  But let’s not get ahead, we have some guests!
Kiersten Fraust: Oh yes! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our very first guests to the show Conor Machina and Mitch McMaster.
Both men walk on to the set, Mitch acting like he had a few extra shots of hard liquor and Conor his cool and collected self. They sit at each end of the table as they are given microphones.
Kiersten Fraust: Guys! It's so great to have you here. Thanks for coming tonight.
Conor Machina: It's a pleasure to be here.
Mitch McMaster: Wow look at you honey.
Mitch scooting closer to Kiersten, obviously very inebriated and thirsty for a drink of that Frausty root beer.
Kiersten Fraust: Wow, and look at you too. But I wanted to ask how your client Barry is doing after the loss to Axel at Wrestling with Christ?
Mitch McMaster: Oh you like what I’ve got goin’ on don’t you honey?  Who?  Oh, Barry!  Barry, I love Barry, that kids been family for ages.  We’ll get Axel, don’t you worry.  My baby girl Angel made a bad choice in a man, and I have to protect her.
Kiersten Fraust: How did this match come about? 
Mitch McMaster: It all comes about at Wrestling With Christ 2.  He asked her to marry him, it was brief, but I caught it.  Now, I always dreamt of better for my girl, she’s so many generations ahead of wrestler that she deserves the best.  Instead, she has to deal with that wrestling equivalent of a mutt?  Nuh uh!  I thought maybe Barry would whoop some sense into this guy but, apparently, I need to look deeper because he cheated Badass Barry Saban.  You saw it right?!
Logan Fenix: The world saw it, Mitch.  Several closed fists, which should be banned but the referee just lets it go.
Conor Machina: I know the thought of your daughter marrying Axel gets you extremely hot under the collar and it's natural for you to disapprove of him and want better for Angel. But I have known Axel for a really long time and the guy's a good dude. Nobody would mess with her with him around.
Kiersten Fraust: I totally agree. 
Conor Machina: Now as far as the closed fists are concerned... What about that low blow Barry gave to Axel when you distracted the referee? Are you guys just selectively blind during the match? Barry had it coming.
Kiersten Fraust: Yes. Excellent point.
Mitch McMaster: You have a problem or something boy?  Your line of questioning is starting to get me hot under the collar, I did what I had to do and I’ll do it again.  But right now it seems to me you’re trying to rabble rouse and cause issue.  You’ve been looking at me cross-eyed this whole show and I might be an old man but this old man still got a lot of bullets left in his gun.
Conor chuckles into his microphone.
Conor Machina: I mean this with the utmost respect but come get your ass kicking, playboy. Pull the trigger.
Mitch McMaster: Oh it’s on, boy, I’m going to slap you around like your mama should have before she went out and let me put my thing in her way back in the day.
He jumped up as security rushed in to keep the two men separated.
Mitch McMaster: Better watch your ass big boy, me and the homies are coming for you.  Better sleep with one eye open cause froggy’s about to leap!  RIBBIT MOTHERFUCKER.
Conor Machina: Tell me... was there a secret stipulation to that match if Axel won, Angel had to call him daddy? 
Mitch McMaster: Watch yourself because McMaster spells disaster for you, kid!  And my daughter would never be into DDLG fetishism!  That tears it!
McMaster threw a shoe across the room at Conor, nearly taking his head off as he was drug out of the room.
Kiersten Fraust: Well, this is an interesting way to sign off. See everyone next time.
Mitch continues to shout out of camera view and the show finally comes to an end.
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islamic-connection · 5 years
Connecting with Salah Part 2: The Blessings of understanding the Salah
                                                  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Niyah for salah: “Oh Allah I am making … rakaahs of (fardh/sunnah/nafl/witr/) salaahtul (tahajjud/haajaat/istikhaara etc) for your pleasure, facing qiblah”. It is well known with any religious act, that it is the intention that reaches Allah, and not the act. This is mentioned in the quraan, regarding qurbani: 'Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you' (Quran 22:37). What you are doing is reading Arabic words from the quraan, on a prayer mat and physically moving up and down. This is the outwardly act. The inward intention is only known to you and Allah. So if Allah is All-Knowing of your intention, why the need to say it out? Because the mere mentioning of the words “for your pleasure Allah” is a strong and solid reminder of what our intention behind all our acts should be. You might say that your intention in performing salah is to enter Jannah. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, however this intention shifts the focus only on what is in it for you, instead of where the focus should be: seeking the pleasure of Allah, always and in all things. Allah is completely self-sufficient and requires nothing tangible from us. But what little you give through your sincere intentions will earn you manifold rewards on this earth and in the Hereafter. Therefore, start with making your intention for salah that you would like to earn Allah’s favour, but to do it with Ikhlaas (sincerity) you have to mean it. You cannot say it with your tongue, while picturing your palace in Jannah, ignoring the Only One who can grant you Jannah, let alone the palace.
Next, recite Allahu-Akbar. If I asked you what this meant, what would you say?
A)    Allah is Great
B)    Allah is Greater
C)    Allah is the Greatest
If you answered ‘B’, you would be correct. The Arabic word for ‘Great’ is عظيم (‘atheem’), the Arabic word for ‘Greatest’ is أعظم (‘A’tham). The word أكبر means ‘Greater’ or ‘Better’. Google it if you don’t believe me. Yes, الله أعظم (“Allah is the greatest), however in the context of beginning your salah, going into rukooh, going into sujood, getting up from sujood, standing back up and so forth, we say الله أكبر (“Allah is greater…than all your worldly pursuits, your worldly thoughts and concerns or your desire of Jannah.”) When you hear الله أكبر at the start and end of the Athaan, this means “Allah is greater than your business, your employment, your TV show, your cooking, your studying, your travelling.” Because Allah is. Without Allah’s blessings and bounty, you would have none of the things you hold so dear. Allah is greater than any material thing you could imagine. So leave what you are doing and go to salah.
When the Imaam says الله أكبر it is like a general calling his soldiers to attention, for the reason why they have gathered. Servant, you are here because Allah is greater than anything your mind can conceive. The repeated refrain throughout salaah is meant to draw your drifting attention span back to Allah. For although your worries and anxieties are weighing heavily on you, Allah is greater than them. Your sneakers are nicer than any of the other shoes on the rack in the masjid, but Allah is Greater than your ego.
Next, recite the Qiyaam du’aa: سُبْـحانَكَ اللّهُـمَّ وَبِحَمْـدِكَ وَتَبارَكَ اسْمُـكَ وَتَعـالى جَـدُّكَ وَلا إِلهَ غَيْرُك                                                                   Which means: “Glory be to Allah and praise be to Allah, Your name is Exhalted, and there is no God other than You.” As mentioned in a previous post, any supplication must begin with glorifying and praising Allah as He deserves.
Next, after reciting بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (which many believe is actually part of Surah Fatiha) one has to recite Surah Fatiha, a fardh of salah which, if absent, will nullify your salah.
Let’s look at a short tafseer of Surahtul Fatiha (The Opening of the Quraan). This short surah encapsulates all the guidance and wisdom required to be a Believer, a Submitter.
I seek Allah’s Protection from Shaytaan the accursed, In the name of Allah the Beneficent, The Merciful.
Verse 1: “All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.” Ruler, King, Master of the infinite universe whose dimensions are unfathomable. Every star, every planet, every moon, every comet, every meteor, and the vast lightyears between them, and all the living things that dwell on them.
Verse 2: “The Beneficent, The Most Merciful.” Beneficent means Generous, or One who brings about good. Everything you have is a result of Allah’s Generosity to His Creation. There is no other more merciful than Allah, who has more mercy than even your mother does. There is no sin, besides shirk that Allah cannot forgive. It is a sin to assume that Allah cannot forgive you, as this means that you deny one of Allah’s most important attributes.
Verse 3: “Master of the Day of Judgement.” This verse serves to remind us of the Appointed Day that is to come, and the fear that we should have regarding what state we will be in when that day approaches. Additionally, it teaches us that only Allah is Master of the Appointed Day, the arrival of which only Allah is aware of. The Angel Israfeel stands waiting for Allah’s instruction to blow the metaphoric horn to signify that the Appointed Day has arrived. The swelling of the sun, the crumbling of mountains, the resurrection of the dead will all take place at Allah’s will. Judgement of what is right and wrong, good deeds and the bad, is in Allah’s hands. This reminds us that if we wish to reach the Appointed Day in a good state, we should do what pleases the Master, and not mere mortals or our own egos. Surah Ar Rahmaan says that all creation shall perish, and all that will remain is the divine countenance of our Lord.
Verse 4: “You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help.” This verse is a strong reminder to refrain from shirk or anything that comes dangerously close to it. Allah is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and easily accessible (as close to you as your jugular vein). Surah Al Inshirah states: “At the end of the day when your activities are done, stand in prayer and direct your longing to your Lord.” There are no intermediaries between Allah and His creation. Do not pray for any doctor to cure you, but take the medication and ask Allah (Ash Shaafi) to cure you. Do not pray to empty coffins or pictures of saints for their intercession on your behalf. The verse is so simple and easy to understand, with no room for grey areas.
Verse 5: “Show us the straight path.” Do you know what the amazing thing about salah is? Allah had already showed us the straight path some 1400 years ago, when the quraan was revealed and the hadeeth were taught to muslims. After you recite Surahtul Fatiha, the very next surah you read is a direct answer from Allah to this plee for guidance, a lamp in the darkness. Alhamdulillah! It means “Oh Allah, show me the path to your door!” “Oh Allah, my love for You is the bridge, and my good deeds are the bricks on the straight path which my feet can walk on to Your door!” “Oh Allah do not turn me away from Your Door, because You have never and never will give up on us.” “Oh Allah, do not let my fear of You be an obstacle in the straight path to your Door, but rather the ores at my side, the wind in my sails.”
Verse 6: “Not the path of those who earn Your anger, nor of those who go astray.” Again, the quraan is full of surahs that mention which sins earn the wrath of Allah, and so are the volumes of hadeeth on every topic imaginable. The images of Pharoah (the Prophet Moses’s adopted brother), Abu Lahab and his wife come to mind. Those who oppress the ones who are dependent on them in some form out of a sense of power. Those who transgress against those who have a right over them. Those who oppress the Awliyah (beloved of Allah), those who disbelieve in Allah, and those who attribute partners to Allah. Ego is akin to shirk, if one believes that they are self-sufficient in all their needs. We pray that Allah makes clear to us what causes His anger and protects us from being among them.
Next, you read a 2nd surah. There are a multitude of tafseer available for every surah in the quraan, which explain the circumstances in which the surah was revealed as well as the exact transliteration, however here are some surahs that most of us know and recite in our salah, as well as a brief transliteration. This might help guide you as to which surah to follow Surah Fatiha with based on your particular need.
Surah Ikhlaas – A brief surah which reminds you of Allah’s Oneness and self-sufficiency. This surah is good for quelling one’s ego or any feelings that you are all you need to fulfil your own desires.
Surahtul Falaq – A short surah that which invokes Allah’s protection from black magic and the evil energy cast on you by someone who envies you.
Surahtun Naas – A short surah which invokes Allah’s protection from the unseen evil from that which Allah created. That does not mean that Allah created evil, or evil situations to throw you in, but rather that He created all creatures with the potential for great good, and great evil, and with this surah we ask Him for protection from evil from among men and jin-kind.
Surahtul Kaafiroon – A short surah invoking Allah’s protection from the disbelievers, and the persecution they might inflict on those who believe. Right wing white-supremacy comes to mind. However, this surah also teaches us tolerance. “To them is their religion, and to me is mine”.
Surahtul Kauthar – A surah that reminds you that Allah is the source of all your abundance, and that he deserves a kingly sacrifice for all of the abundance that He provides. Lastly in it, Allah tells our Nabi (PBUH) that his enemies will have no posterity. Their hatred of him ended when they died. A lot of our Nabi (PBUH)’s enemies had children who were devout muslims. Today, 1400 years later, there are over a billion muslims in the world. This shows that your enemies will not have an eternal impact on your life. The good that you leave behind on this earth as muslims will endure. Your enemies will not.
Surah An Nasr (Ithaa jaa…) – This surah talks about the conquest of Makkah, and the multitude of people who became muslims. Over 1 billion muslims in the world, from a handful 1400 years ago. When you read this surah, be thankful that Allah granted the muslims conquest over the Quraish so that it could grow wings and fly, or take root and grow, instead of being cut down in its youth. Remember the struggle that our Nabi (PBUH) and all his companions endured in order for us to reach the straight path. He (PBUH) carried all one billion of us on his back, and will continue to do so till the day of Judgement.
Surah Al Masad – This surah talks about Abu Lahab and his wife, and are a clear example of those who earn Allah’s wrath and who go astray.
Surah Maa’oon – This is the surah of small kindness. It relates the punishment for those who pray, or do good deeds, only to make a spectacle of them in front of others. They are the ones who pray without sincerity, turn away the poor and orphaned and withhold small kindnesses. Another reminder of those who are not on the straight path.
Surah Al ‘Asr – This is such a short but beautiful reminder of mental darkness. ‘Asr means dusk, but not in the literal sense. As mental and emotional dusk settles, we realise that we are at a loss. Yet in this surah Allah shows us how we can climb out of this darkness. Perhaps this surah also means that at the breaking of dusk, when we reflect on how we spent our waking hours, we are at a loss for accounting for the time.
Surah Al Takaathur – There are many authentic hadeeth that report that one must think that death will soon be upon them every time they pray (as it might likely be). This surah talks about how worldly competition diverts us, until we visit graveyards, and only then do we truly understand how much benefit such competition and diversion has accumulated for us.
Surah Ad Duhaa – This surah was revealed to the Nabi (SAW) when he went through a long period of time without any revelation from Allah, which made the Kuffaar doubt the authenticity of his claim to be Prophet. This surah was sent as a comfort to our Nabi (SAW) that he was not forsaken by Allah at any point, and a reminder of how Allah found him (PBUH) lost and guided him, or found him (PBUH) orphaned and provided for him. It was a reminder to do the same for other orphans and lost/misguided. Weren’t we all lost or misguided at some point in our lives? Has Allah not guided us all? Insha Allah, you find these posts to be guiding in some form or the other.
Surah Al Inshirah – This surah goes hand in hand with Ad Duhaa. It is another du’aa for those who feel forsaken. It talks of how Allah cleansed his (PBUH) heart and raised his reputation in this world and the Hereafter for him. This surah is particularly powerful when one feels distanced from Allah, by one’s own doing. Allah reminds you that He has never forsaken you. Turn to him and he will come flooding into your heart and mind. Allah tells us that with every hardship is ease, side by side, hand in hand, and not one after the other. In every difficulty, Allah has sent a means of ease to make the burden easier to bear. He asks that when you have completed all your tasks and chores for the day, that you turn to Baitullah and direct your longing to Him alone.
There is an exhaustive list, but these are just some of the shorter surahs which I like to use, that can relate to a lot of forms of guidance that I tend to need. This is why knowledge of the tafseer is of the utmost importance when it comes to understanding your salah better.
Again, the refrain of “Allah is Greater” than all my problems and needs. We move into rukooh which is a bow and utter the words “Subhaana Rabbiyal Atheem” (Glory be to Allah. My Lord, The Greatest). Then almost as if inspired and emboldened by Allah’s love and mercy, we rise proudly again with the words “Sami’allahu liman hamida” (Allah hears the one who praises Him) and “Rabbanaa walakal hamd” (Oh my Rabb, Praise is Yours.”). There can be no doubt that Allah hears the supplication of the one who appeals to Him, and will grant him or her what He deems is right, when He deems that the time is right.
Allahu Akbar – Allah is greater than you, and does not need your praise, but deserves it for all the blessings He has given you.
Next to bring yourself as low to the ground in prostration to your Rabb as is physically possible. Down on the ground eyes closed, recite “Subhaana rabbiyal a’laa” (Glory be to our Rabb, whose Greatness is incomprehensible). While down on the ground, eyes closed, let your mind get lost trying to comprehend Allah’s greatness. Picture every star, every stunning nebula, the rings of Saturn, the Giant swirling Storm on Jupiter, the vast solar flares as they leave the sun’s surface. Before you know it you realise that you lost yourself in a one or even two minute long sujood. Then we recite rabbighfirlee warhamdi (Oh my Rabb, forgive me and have mercy on me). Then back into sujood. Next contemplate the atom which has infinitesimal electrons circling equally minute protons. Picture the tiniest ant underground to the largest whale in the seas. Picture the serene snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas and the deep trenches of the ocean where the strangest and most mysterious creatures live. Think of the human heart and how it channels oxygen to your entire body, think of the mysterious mind and all of the secrets it holds, think of the kidneys and the tiny mechanisms that filter out impurities from our blood. Think of the tiny white blood cells that protect you from foreign invaders. Allah is the Master of everything on the earth and in the skies, in the heavens and underground. Allah is Master of all that is seen and unseen. Trust me, when you master this, you will never want to get up from sujood.
Tashahud (Compliments/Salutations)
التَّحِيَّاتُ لِلّٰهِ وَالصَّلَوَاتُ وَالطَّيِّبَاتُ، اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكَ أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ، اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْنَا وَ عَلٰى عِبَادِ اللهِ الصَّالِحِيْنَ، أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا اللهُ، وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَ رَسُوْلُهُ
 "Salutations to God and prayers and good deeds. Peace be upon you, O Prophet, and the mercy of God and his blessings. Peace be on us and on the righteous servants of God. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger." This is the Hanafi and Hanbali Tashahud. The Shaafi version differs slightly in the first line, as follows: لتحيات المباركات الصلوات الطيبات لله ("Blessed salutations, prayers and good deeds to God).
Al Nawawi said that the sunnah was to point your finger in the direction of the qiblah during Shahadahm and intend when pointing to affirm the Oneness of Allaah and exclusive devotion to Him.  
Next we recite a durood of our choice, most preferably Durood-e-Ibraheem which, according to an Al-Bukhaari narration, the Nabi (PBUH) instructed his followers to recite, including the salutations and blessings upon himself (PBUH) and his family. According to a scholar Ibnu al-Mulaqqan, Aa’isha (RA) stated that the Nabi (SAW) would end his witr salaah with prayers upon the Prophet of Allah.
One might send salutations to all the Umbiyaa (AS), but there are so many to recount that it would take a long time. Therefore we send blessings and salutations to Khaleelullah (AS) and Habeebullah (PBUH).
Lastly, the salaah is completed with a duaa for forgiveness. A common one used is outlined in the picture below. It means: “O Allah, I have wronged myself greatly and no one forgives sins but You, so grant me forgiveness from You and have mercy on me, for You are the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”. Asking for forgiveness is not a meaningless task that we perform in salah. It is an exercise is humility and self-awareness. The opportunity to ask Allah for forgiveness is greater than any of us can imagine. Therefore, dig deep and be honest with yourself when you say these words to Allah. There is no need to profess your sins to the world. They should remain between you and Allah, but you should confess them to him in these humble moments, with sincerity. The path to forgiveness involves the promise to never do the sin again and to ask Allah to keep you steadfast in this promise. Without owning up to your sins, how can you promise never to do them again, and hence be forgiven?
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This concludes the post on connecting with salah. There was no sunnah regarding du’aa after salaah, however this is a personal du’aa between you and Allah. Sufficient durood and praise of Allah is done during salaah, however du’aas such as Aayatul Qursi are good to end off your salaah, as well as the following du’aas:
رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ السَّمِيعُ العَلِيمُ - Oh my Rabb, accept this service from me. For Thou art the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.
رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ - Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire.
 رَبَّنَا لاَ تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ - Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate now after Thou hast guided us, but grant us mercy from Thine own Presence; for Thou art the Grantor of bounties without measure.
 رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَا أَنفُسَنَا وَإِن لَّمْ تَغْفِرْ لَنَا وَتَرْحَمْنَا لَنَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ - Our Lord! We have wronged our own souls: If thou forgive us not and bestow not upon us Thy Mercy, we shall certainly be lost.
 I hope this was beneficial. In the beginning I printed a lot of these supplications using large font and put them on my musallah as I read salah. Initially you would need to look at them to get the meanings, and your salah will take a bit longer, because you have to ponder over the meaning once you’ve read the Arabic, but eventually the English translation flows through your mind as the Arabic words leave your tongue.
 May this post be beneficial Insha Allah.
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kawaiisushi-nibbles · 6 years
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"You're very silly. You know that?" Su giggled, nuzzling herself in her wolf's arms.
They lay on the bed, in Jay's apartment, happily in each other's embrace.  The white doe had quickly come over that morning to surprise her wolf, and it made him filled with joy at the sight of her.  
They sat on the bed and talked, something they had wanted to do for weeks since both were busy on their parts. But today, Su had taken the day off for a break as Jay had a day off too so that they could spend more time together.
"Hey? Aren't you tired?" Su asked, turning her face to look at Jay, giving a smile.
"No, baby girl. I don't feel tired. I'm quite happy actually."
"Oh. Well, I thought you would be since you've been running in my mind all day."  She gave an innocent smile, as she waited for her wolf's response.
Jay's face deadpanned for a few minutes before he started snickering. "You're such a dork, Su!"
"Am not!" The white rabbit laughed and buried her face in his shirt.
They both chuckled, settling into a calm state. Jay put a paw on his bunny's hips, rubbing his thumb over it lightly. He watched her close her eyes, a warmth in his eyes, and snuggle to his side. They remained like that for a few moments, in peaceful silence, before Jay spoke up, "Hey... Do you want to change anything about me?"
Su looked up at him, quite puzzled. "Umm. No. Why would you ask that, love?"
Jay shook his head and gave a warm smile, kissing her small head. "Just a passing thought, princess."
The honey-eyed bunny gave a confused look before she shrugged and settled back into her position.
"I do want to change something about you though..."
Jay looked down to see his bunny look up at him in a slight shock and worry. He gave a knowing smile and put a paw on her small lips before she could say a word. He leaned down to her ears and softly whispered "Your last name..."
Su's ears perked up as she saw her wolf slowly move away from her, giving a smile, both severe and soft at the same time. She quickly gave a light laugh. "You know, when you say a pickup line, it should be told fast and spontaneously, right?"
Jay just nodded as he got up and he sat in front of her, not moving his eyes from the doe, as she slowly stopped laughing. Her face slowly turned into that of realisation, as he saw her big eyes search for any hints of amusement on his face.
She brought her paws slowly to her mouth in a small gasp. "You're serious?..."
Jay gave a relieved sigh, he didn't know he was holding. He slowly picked Su up in one arm and set her on the edge of the bed, as he got down on his knee in front of her.
The bunny's mouth gaped in disbelief, as the Arctic wolf held and kissed her paws, his kiss lingering on them before he looked up at her.
"Beloved...  We've been together for close to two years now... And we've gone through so much together...  And each and everyday, I feel like you help me become a better man. Better than I ever was...  You've been through all that I've thrown at you... My past, my mistakes, my constant worrying you. You've never once backed out. You neither doubted me nor push me away. We're so different and yet you make it seem like there isn't anything to worry about us. You're unlike anyone I've ever met in my life. Dorky, smart, kind, loving and most of all, God damn gorgeous... So beautiful... I couldn't take my eyes off of you when we met.. And I first thought to myself, 'Why would a girl like her, like a guy like me?' And you don't take that every single time. Every single time! Even though I don't feel that handsome, you treat me like I'm the only handsome wolf in the world. Isn't that right?"
Jay saw his bunny turn redder and redder as he kept on going. He smiled and took a deep breath.
"What I'm trying to say is... Su?..."
He pulled out a small box with one hand and opened it, showing it to her. "Will you marry me?... Will you become mine?... So that I can never lose what we have...? I can't live without you, love. I just can't... Will you become my bride?"
There was silence in the room for a long moment. Jay slowly gave a nervous look and looked down, thoughts racing in his mind. Was this too fast? Why won't she say anything?... He heard a small sniffle from the bunny and looked up to see tears running down her cheek.
"No..." She said, wiping a tear, as she tried to hold back a laugh. "I can't ever imagine being with someone as dorky and silly as you. Plus, I can't even begin with our height. No way am I marrying you!"
Jay's heart began to race, with realisation, as his own tears started to flow down his cheeks.  
"Love?? Why are you crying! I'm sorry! I want to marry you! I meant yes by th -!"  
Su quickly found herself enveloped by a pair of warm arms, and heard a cheerful laugh. She smiled and hugged her wolf tightly, sighing. He brought his forehead to touch hers, as he wiped her tears gazing into her mesmerising eyes... He gave her a soft kiss, holding her tiny body against his chest.
They let go gently, a gentle, loving smile on each face. Jay sat on his knees as he took the ring from its box and slipped it on his now fiancee's finger. It was a white gold ring with a polished cut diamond in the middle, and small diamonds engraved into the band.  He kissed her hands and nuzzled her head. "You nearly gave me a fright. I was wondering if all this was too fast."
Su pulled her wolf for a soft kiss. "What did you think I would say? No? Pfft! You don't know me at all then. Who else am I gonna beat at Halo?"
Jay chuckled as he picked her up and placed her on the pillows and his head on her chest. The doe perked up, giving a smirk. "I'm very interested at the thought of our wedding now, you know?"
"Oh? Why is that, cutie?" Jay asked, his paws slowly rubbing her hips.
"I just can't stop imagining how you'll look on that day. A tux would look good on you. It would also look perfect on the floor later, don't you think?"
Jay smirked as he got on all fours and rubbed his cheek lightly with his bunny's, whispering to her. "Do you have to wait so long just for that? We could do it now if you like."
Su slowly put her paws on his chest, pushing the shirt up. She gave a smug grin. "Why don't we then?"
Jay gave a smirk and growled in her ear as he bit her neck lightly, causing a moan from his bunny. He's going to to get more all day. 💕
Happy birthday, my Prince!! *i give you a big hug!* @nexijay I love you so much beloved and I thank Allah everyday for you being born, beloved. 💕💕 For if not with you, who would I spend the rest of this life with? 😋😘
This was a surprise request from me to Gloria @soranii314 who willingly agreed to make this without any payment. (Gloria, once again you're too kind.. 😢😢 Thank you so much! 😭) I wanted her to recreate a moment that we both wish to have soon. 💕💕 Honestly, this did happen but very differently. 😅 Don't you remember, beloved? 😂 @nexijay
But yes.. He did ask me to marry him and he has a ring for me which I'm waiting for him to slip it onto my fingers to become his one day.. 😌😌
I love you so so much, my Prince. You're the heart and joy of my world and I couldn't possibly live without you or your love. I love you too much to be without you, beloved. And when the chance comes to be yours, I will never leave you.. 💕💍💕
For now, take it easy, enjoy your day and make it as memorable as you can. 💕
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faiqhuzir · 5 years
hi peeps, let me express my dissatisfaction, disagreement, disappointment here, this is just too much for me, okay now, what’s the problem for Malaysia having stricter sharia’ laws?
hello ‘modern’, ‘woke’, ‘liberal’, and all other terms with Malaysians who’s having this modernized mindset, Malaysia or even the world, do not only revolve around you. oh my god people. 
I can’t stand this anymore, my twitter is flooding with these kind of stupid emotional tweets that mock those laws. the worst part is that this conversation about disagreeing with this religious bodies even occur in my house by some Malaysians. 
hey awak awak semua,
I myself not a pious person pun. far from a qualified and perfect person to talk about religious matters, but please la, I do have common sense. i’m tired with these groups of Malaysians complaining about the laws. dude, if you can't stand with them, walk away.
what’s the matter of tangkap orang yang tak puasa and then saman then bagi counseling dalam van jenazah? hello, ini semua dah kira ringan. the consequence of not fasting in our law, is not even heavy. well i would say this kind of saman bertepatan with a teaching in islam, hukuman adalah untuk memberi pengajaran supaya timbul malu dan insaf. 
people, I don’t know la what’s happening with you. 
Nanti kalau cakap yang tak puasa tu boleh mengancam islam sesorang dan risiko jatuh kafir bising pula. cakap haram mengkafirkan orang. really? then, is it not sinful stating that practices in islam are burdensome? pathetic. you commit enormous sins but you’ re proud of them. Nau’zubillah. ask for forgiveness from Allah people, do your solat, trust me, Allah will forgive you, Allah is the most merciful and forgiving and you can’t imagine how huge are those.
You know what, I've been living in states for almost a year now and only Allah knows how afraid I am when i’m praying by the roadside, during my sujood when I can’t see my surrounding. With all those shootings happening here, you never know how afraid I am. All those hardship in practising islam here. you people will never know until you live with this kind of condition, and yet, you still complaining about laws when you can practise freely, sujood to Allah, pray in a comfortable masjid in Malaysia. Allah. Nikmat mana lagi yang kau nak dustakan?
Fasting here is longer which is I believe by 2 hours. 2 jam sahaja, but yet, still susah for me because of the weather. Indy, tak menentu, sometime heavy rain in the morning, scorching sun at noon, haa malam panas. but Alhamdulillah, saya puasa penuh tahun ni. I believe that with greater hardship, comes a greater reward. Allah tak pernah tipu. Ada sahaja kawan kawan yang ‘mordenized’, tak puasa. but it’s okay. I know it’s tough here. tapi tolong la, at least CUBA. All of you are grown ups, oh my god, even kids can withstand hunger better than all of you. kadang kadang peliklah tengok kamu semua. terlalu ‘americanized.
Urgh I can’t contain this madness anymore, dah lah tak puasa, then complained about the laws in Malaysia. eh, tak ada JAKIM or JAIS or anything doesn't mean that you can freely tak puasa or anything, I would say you are unlucky because nobody will scold you and take action on you. UNLUCKY. Allah maha melihat. Jangan sembang lebat nak tunjuk hebat depan Allah. Konon jaga kubur sendiri, hah, let’s see later on when you die whether you can wrap yourself around those white sheets on your own, bury your body 7 feet down deep on your own. let’s see whether you are that great. 
sick of this kind of trash talking. too tired to counter these kind of arguments when they are too many on the other side. kenapa rasa diri tu hebat sangat? bangga tak cuba nak puasa? bangga tak solat? Allah. The only thing I can do is pray to Allah to open your heart to start practising teachings in Islam again my friends.
The thing that made me really mad is that stating that Malaysia is not an Islamic country. hey dude, maybe Malaysia is not an Islamic country because of no hudud or anything that I won’t touch because of my lack of knowledge, but most of us practise Islam here. Even you. I know you’re not fasting, but what’s with being proud of becoming a fake Chinese when you are in Malaysia to buy food from McD because you are not fasting? C’mon dude. You are older than me kot. Takkan tak boleh nak tahan puasa kot. Dekat Malaysia ja pun. Bangga. Siap complain how bad the system is. OH MY GOD! you make me sick of you. 
Hey dude, i’m feeling like cursing you.
STOP COMPLAINING AND COMPARING BECAUSE YOU ARE CURRENTLY IN STATES! United states is not an Islamic country. Takkan nak tangkap orang tak puasa? Takkan nak bawak van jenazah tangkap kau pulak? Nak suruh paderi tu siram holy water tu atas kepala suruh kau taubat sbb kau tak puasa? dude, common sense. they don't even care because they are practising different religions. ikut aku, aku nak sembur ja sorang sorang sebab tak cuba nak puasa. kadang sampai tak solat pun. okay sometimes I do pray lewat waktu, tapi most of the waktu, saya cuba solat awal. but oh my god, stop comparing laaa. letih mendengarnya. macam orang bodoh compare benda yang totally far cry. plain stupid. 
semoga anda sedar, dan kembali pada jalan Islam. Jangan rasa diri tu dah cukup ‘americanized’ sampai statement keluar dari mulut tu macam tak ada agama. 
for fellow Malaysians,
what’s the problem with stricter law in Malaysia? Jakim going around arresting people who are not fasting? arresting people who are not praying jumaah prayer? what’s the problem with that? kalau kau puasa, kau tak kena la. period. apa yang susah sangat nak faham? apa masalahnya? you’re affected because you are the people who are committing those sins. LOL. pathetic. then complains. ranting on twitter. spurting stupid statements like ‘Malaysia ni kolot’, ‘ pihak agama ni busy body dengan hal orang’. Allah. I myself wont’t live in a ‘MALAYSIA’ that is full of people with these kind of mindset. sebab apa? sebab tak nak kena subahat dosa, takut Allah nanti dah tak kurniakan barakah dekat negara. 
hey you pregnant mom on twitter, the chicken rice shop lady ranting on twitter,
you piss me off. if they don’t want to serve you, walk away. WALK AWAY AND FIND OTHER RESTAURANT. I myself have been in that particular situation. What did I do? WALK AWAY. EASY. Find other restaurant. i’m buying for my pregnant sister. you know what? i’m the one who apologize because i’m afraid i’m causing fitnah for the restaurant. TOLERATE LA AWAK. I don't really care about people eating in front of me, more to tak peduli because I've been fasting since I was a kid. percayalah, all fasting Malaysians don’t even care. it’s only because of the rule. Government tries in creating the tolerance and also politeness between the people, that’s why we have those kind of laws. TAKKAN KAU YANG TAK BOLEH TOLERATE KOT?
Nanti mula lah. ‘Kau belum ada isteri, kau tak tau’, ‘kau bukan mak, lelaki tau apa’. HAHAHA cliché. I don’t even care because of what? respecting others in ramadhan pun dapat pahala. When you can’t fast, but you have your meal out of the sightings of others pun dah dapat pahala. Sebab apa? Elak fitnah. Islam itu mudah TAPI JANGAN AMBIL MUDAH! Pekerja tu tak tau pun boleh serve. Salah ke dia nak elak risiko? memang ada satu sahaja kedai makan yang boleh beli? pathetic. I hope you realise that your rants on twitter, are useless, and only supported by people who are ‘woke’ enough.
tag me ‘conservative’, ‘orthodox’, ‘traditional’, or anything, I won’t even care. because I know, practising islam in Malaysia is so easy that it is not even burdensome. even a bit. within every 10 miles, you can find masjid or musolla, easy access for ablution, bazaar Ramadhan, grand celebration for raya. pernah solat tepi jalan? pernah kena tenung dengan orang sebab solat? pernah kena sangka bawa bom? pernah? tell me.
I believe that having a little bit strict islam in Malaysia is not a problem at all. Furthermore, we all follow imam Syafie’ and his mazhab is really strict for things related to ibadah. Allah. Strict sikit sahaja. bukan melampau. Allah switch the ease of practising Islam in Malaysia with a bit of stricter laws, stricter practise which leads to a much better, perfect ibadah. Didn’t I said before, with greater hardship comes greater rewards? similar in a non-muslim country. Allah switch the hardship of practising Islam there with simpler laws, simpler way of teachings. Allah itu maha adilkan? Dia kurniakan hamba hambaNya setimpal dengan kesusahan walaupun berbeza tempat. Sebab tu Islam ini agama indah. I saw my friend’s tweet that sounds almost like this, “you never understand islam fully until you go oversea”. Nah, I don’t agree with you. I believe that understanding Islam depends on yourself. Not the latitude or longitude of the earth. Friend, learning islam, practising islam, is yours to choose. I myself don't completely understand about Islam, but I never take easy on religious matters. Apa yang haram, cuba elakkan, yang halal dan disuruh, laksanakanlah walaupun terkadang susah.
Enough of writing this, been a while since i’m writing this long. It’s just I can’t contain myself when my housemate and ‘kenalan’ start to complain about religious systems in Malaysia. well, if you don’t practise, don’t complain. you are hiding your guilt by spurting those. LOL. Taubatlah. Masih ada masa.
Ending this with sadness of Ramadhan leaving me. Hopefully, I can meet Ramadhan again. InshaaAllah.
Assalamua’laikum peeps.
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