#Ollie London
paranormalpeepee · 1 year
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Nightmare Blunt rotation 
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theyluvkarolina · 11 days
but god i love the english.
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stoportotouch · 8 months
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this is, for the avoidance of all doubt, the bridge that i cross every day on my way to log in to tumblr.
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geekynerfherder · 11 months
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Olly Moss.
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itsgxsly · 2 years
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ollywears · 4 months
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Olly Alexander wearing a Noir Kei Ninomiya S/S 2024 suspender jumpsuit outside the Radio 1 Studios in London (April 19, 2024).
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f1zzlest1ckzz · 8 months
paraphrasing because i cant be bothered to rewatxh the cutscene but i think about.
the scene where victoria is coming off her joy and shes singing london bridge to herself. and she goes. "we made them sing, ollie. so they wouldn't be afraid." and. :(
i think about that so much :(
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rbf451 · 1 year
blindchannel Sound on for flying kisses. ❤️‍🔥 At OVO Arena Wembley, London 29.3.2023
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
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Both LGBT people and straight people were jumping on this black asexual women. Mainly saying she couldn’t be asexual because she’s wearing fetish gear(like since when did asexuals have a dress code). In both the quotes and replies. Plus they were asking, “what right do asexuals not have?”
Either way, I think it’s time we had a discussion about asexuality leaving the LGBT community and forming a community of our own and making exclusive organizations that just support US(Asexuals). Because it’s pretty clear the rest of the LGBT doesn’t want us, and I’m not going to waste my time around people who don’t want us.
Here’s Yasmin’s Instagram if you want to support: https://instagram.com/theyasminbenoit?igshid=MTIzZWMxMTBkOA==
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lumiilys · 3 months
Had a dream I got lost travelling through London so I texted my uncle to ask directions and instead accidentally texted David Fane???? And he replied to me??? (He was very sweet but unable to help)
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chelemlem · 3 months
huge day for annoying people
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makeitquietly · 1 year
I do.
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gayclubsoap · 7 months
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stoportotouch · 9 months
back on the Hodge Subject. increasingly in my mind he DOES have a northern accent at least when he's on shore. the RP thing is affect and he drops it the second he's off a ship/no longer around The Navy.
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creekschaoscorner · 7 months
Saw we were talking about romance and I had to join (This is my first time not being ridiculously late to one of these lol)
Francis forms fleeting attachments often, but has a hard time with genuine connection. He enjoys the fun of flirtation and the honeymoon phase, but balks the second things get serious. He thought at one point he was poly (although I don’t think the victorians had a word for it), but multiple paramours didn’t stop him from getting cold feet when actual emotional vulnerability was required from him. It’s not a new development, he’s been running away from serious relationships ever since he was a teenager. Nowadays though he has a convenient justification- he believes himself to be in love with someone (The Unlucky Devil) who is very much not present. It’s very easy to pine for someone who you know will never actually return your feelings. There’s a security in the chase, in unrequited devotion. It doesn’t ask from him anything he’s afraid to give, because despite being an incredibly cowardly and selfish person, Francis places incredibly little value in his own life. Not that he’s not still heartbroken- he is. The week the Unlucky Devil spent living in his house was the best of his life. He left when Francis was no longer useful, but Francis would’ve done anything he asked to make him stay. It doesn’t matter anyways. The Unlucky Devil is gone, and Francis is alone, and even though he craves emotional intimacy he’ll never get it because he isn’t willing to put in the work
Josie doesn’t really do attachments. There’s never been a good time in her life for romance, and she hates most people anyways. The ones she can stand she can usually only stand for short periods of time, and her life has always been survival of the fittest- attachments give you something to lose. If she had the labels she might identify as ace, but when it comes to romance it’s hard to tell what’s a genuine lack of desire or just her distaste for most people
Ollie is aromantic! I don’t know if l they’d call themself that but they’re aromantic. They have no interest in settling down, but they enjoy the occasional fling and are a fiercely loyal friend. They’re very upfront about their lack of interest in romance and if the other person is alright with that, Ollie is fine to fool around. They find companionship in a vast network of friends, and while Ollie may flit in and out of their lives, they’ll always be there if they’re needed. A traditional relationship would tie them down in a way that would make them miserable, but Ollie doesn’t believe in using people. They give just as much as they take, and they’re perfectly happy with their life the way that it is, and the people closest to them understand that
(Including Vivian too bc I love him) Vivian to me is one of those people who likes the idea of romance more than he likes the actual process. He wants to be wanted, but putting in the work for someone else kind of scares him. He also has problems being emotionally vulnerable. I’m kind of starting to notice a pattern in my ocs oops. He would’ve done it, for Griz, he did really like her. But then Pages was there, and while being with Griz meant that Vivian would’ve had to do the hard work of becoming a better person, being with Pages meant Vivian could stay exactly the same and still get what he wanted. (Also, space bat fluffy). And it works out great for them- Pages wants the experience of wanting, Vivian wants to be wanted. They’re both perfectly happy with this arrangement, so while it’s definitely not an ideal relationship, it works great for them
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chriss-club · 1 year
with the power of taylor swift plz let ollie win 🙏🙏🙏
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