#One of them being me. Given we were talking about what movies we'd seen before (him far more than I) I was of course
boombox-fuckboy · 1 year
In addition to the myriad of other, far better reasons, one of the secret reasons I like indie fiction podcasts is because they fufill an innate draw to be a smug, insufferable little hipster.
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mustainegf · 28 days
OK. So you and ‘97 james r besties. You and him r play fighting. you pull on that fuckin wolf choker, and he *whines* and it turns into him dry humping you as you pull on the choker ♥️🦐
GUYS I JUST WANNA SAY IN ADVANCE!!! yes I know that irl James got the wolf necklace from cliff!! This is in no way disrespect to cliff or his memory. Let’s say James bought the necklace for himself in this fic!!
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What had begun as only another night, the evening innocently begun was just hanging out with James, my best friend, one with whom I was really just myself, had seen us spend countless hours upon this very same couch. We watched movies and talked about life, and sometimes we would just be in each other's soundless company, speaking without speaking.
A giggle rose, small, in the air between James and me as he started wresting with me on the couch. His rough hands held playfully to my arms as I pushed against him. It was an old game, waged hundreds of times before. There was a bubbly feeling of laughter. Yes, we were always close, but this was one of those moments when all our friendship cereal had gotten saturated with flirtation milk.
James had been showing off the stupid wolf choker he had recently been wearing, thinking it added something to his appearance, making him look 'edgy' or whatever. I couldn't help myself from teasing him about this. Slumped back on the couch, he hovered me with a smug grin smeared on his face, very obviously proud of the necklace, and I wasn't going to let this go without a little teasing given at his expense.
I reached forward and took the choker, pulling on it lightly. My fingers brushed against the leather as the metal wolf's head gleamed under the room light, and I couldn't resist yanking at it a little more, leaning into the joke. "Oh, oh, oh, look at the little wolf necklace on the tough guy!" I went on in my teasing way, voice of honey and sugar, as I tried for the big pitch, mocking.
James whined softly, a sound I hadn't expected to hear... at all. But something changed. The more I pulled on the necklace, the more James's expression changed. His eyes went darker. His gaze glued onto mine, and for a moment, I couldn't move, couldn't even breathe.
His breath was warm against my cheek, the kind that makes your pulse scramble as he got within an inch from my face. His lips were close enough for me to feel the heat coming off them.
The next thing I knew, I could feel him nudging against my leg, his hips shifting in a way that made my breath catch in my throat. It was electric, just a slow burn melting through my veins as realization set in. James let out this low, throaty moan, his eyes flicking shut for a brief moment as he leaned in even closer, if it was even possible.
His whines left me a bit in shock, my mind struggling to catch up with such a sudden change, but there couldn't be any denial in the fact that the flair of attraction from before had somehow turned into an actual full-blown fire. That look, the hunger, was impossible to tear my eyes from.
It was as if every wall we'd built over the years of just being friends crumbled in literal seconds. I yanked harder on the necklace, the leather biting into my fingers as I pulled, the silver of the wolfs head glimmering under my grip. I felt a strange control as James' eyes started to tip back into his head. His hips thrusted to some internal time as his cock was batted against my thigh, causing his flesh to tremble with every stroke.
"Ah, James, you are such a dirty boy," I teased, my voice raspy in a way I had not meant. It just slipped out, the words oozing out of me. "You like when I do that…pull on your little necklace, don't you?"
James's answer was a low growl, his hips jerking faster the way he was humping me, and his desperation sent a shiver up my spine. I just had to laugh at the comedy involved. Who would ever have thought that playful fighting would come to this? It was ridiculous, really, the way we'd gone from teasing each other like children to this heated, erotic moment.
I whispered, "You want me to pull harder, don't you? You want me to make you cum..." The words were bold, so much bolder than what I'd ever used with him before, but they seemed so right.
James gave a strangled moan; the rest of his body vibrated, and his hips twitched, humping at me like he couldn't help himself, like it was life or death.
"Fu-fuck. yes.".
I kept tugging harder on the choker, its leather digging into his neck with every yank. This friction drove me absolutely mad, every move of his cock upon my leg brought us both a surge of pleasure. "Oh, James, you're so close," I teased, my voice soft. "I can feel it. You're gonna cum in your pants, aren't you?"
The words were both challenge and promise. I could feel the way they affected him, his entire body tensing as he humped faster, the jerking of his hips back and forth like it was his life. All of a sudden, his body shook, breath hitching in his throat, and he paused for a brief moment before a shudder seemed to shoot up his core.
I could feel how the heat of his release was soaking through his boxers, and it was becoming more noticed with every passing second as a tiny wet patch spread, the evidence of his orgasm staining the fabric.
James slumped against me, and his body held a tremor with the effort he had used. He let out a low groan, his chest pumping up and down as he fought for breath. Again, I couldn't help letting a giggle out at just how ridiculous this all was. "You're such a dirty boy, James," I whispered into his ear.
James leaned back then, a lazy smile melted on his face, his eyes half lidded. "You're the one who's dirty," he panted. "You're the one who made me cum…"
I laughed, soflty, gazing back at the man. "Maybe I am," I said playfully, my tone light as I reached out, brushing a strand of hair away from his forehead. "But, you have to admit, it was fun."
James's grin widened, and the thread of fatigue broke as he leaned closer to nuzzle his nose against mine. "Of course," he whispered. His fingers trailed down my arm, sending shivers up my spine as he murmured, "Bedroom. Now. Where we can settle this the right way."
The dominant words suddenly caused a pool of pleasure between my thighs.
"And the necklace stays on."
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ac-liveblogs · 8 months
"the second funniest thing is the attempt to make us feel emotions about geto 'wants to do a genocide' suguru maybe not completely hating gojo :( and maybe.... being able to come back?" YES PLEASE OMG everyone on my tl were going on & on about how great these two were that when I finally watched the show I was like HUH? THIS is who you want me to root for?? THIS is what y'all were going crazy about? THESE TWO??
This 100% personal bias since it's one of my favorite manga but while watching jjk, I couldn't stop comparing parts of Gojo & Suguru to Donten ni Warau (especially Gojo to Tenka, one of the MCs of the manga, since they have similar personalities) and kept feeling like Donten did it better...
I haven't seen Donten ni Warau! But you're right - given all the hype I heard about these two, I was rather shocked to see what we were actually given to work with. 5 episodes of backstory, only one of which actually gave extended focus to Gojo and Geto's backstory, and the one movie where Geto gets to be a villain?
And then he's dead. Poof. It's been Kenjaku the whole time. I'm really bemused by it. I'm not kidding when I say JJK's first s2 opening had to do a lot of the legwork of establishing the tone of their friendship.
I'm really sorry, but I'm supposed to spend Hidden Inventory caring about Gojo and Geto instead of Riko? Instead of Gojo vs Toji? okay. (Toji's resurrection is the third funniest thing. Did you realise you killed him too soon, Mr Author? Talk about the most pointless resurrection ever. Like, I'm glad to see him, it's a good look, but?? Lol??)
It's a crying shame that ... well, JJK 0 was much better ground to stress test Gojo and Geto's relationship, and that was a one-off/movie. If we'd spent more time with villainous cult leader weirdo Geto bouncing off Gojo before killing him off and replacing him, maybe I'd be more engaged? As it is I'm just kinda. "Yep, he sure is a character that exists and was friends with Gojo I guess."
That being said, I'm not super sold on any relationships in JJK. I barely spend enough time with these characters to care when some of them died, let alone bought into their interpersonal relationships. Itadori and Megumi's friendship feels like an informed attribute most of the time - there's really not that much time between Itadori's 'return' and the Shibuya arc, and the Shibuya arc killed off Nanami and Nobara before they got to do much of anything...
I think JJK 0 works better with its cast given the time it has - I'm sold on the 2nd years though I won't be too shocked if that's the most significant interaction they end up getting given prior patterns, but the main characters... man, they faked out Itadori's death way too soon. And kept him off screen way too long. Say what you will about Naruto, but the Bell Test and the Land of Waves did a lot of heavy lifting when it came to establishing that the team comes to care about each other before the Chuunin Exams.
I mean, it falls off later with Team 7, but pre-Shippuuden.
I'm just so bewildered with this show. Characters I like died in season 2 before they did much of anything. Nothing interesting has happened yet. It feels like we missed a bunch of arcs that should've been crammed in before Shibuya. What's going on.
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here friend, overjoyed and obsessed with everything about the RWRB movie!! Obviously there's a lot I wish we'd seen, and this absolutely deserved to be a 4-6 episode mini series because it didn't give us much breathing room, but if I think about what we did see there isn't a single scene I would take out or exchange for another. Like if 2 hours was all they were allowed to show (I know you have an extended version somewhere Matthew Lopez, we are begging) I can't imagine them spending those 2 hours any better than the way they did. And given they couldn't tell every facet of the story in that time I'm glad they chose to just focus on the love story and do that well. The book will always be iconic in its own way but its not a bad thing that the movie struck out on its own to tell the story its way with the medium they had. I even can't be to mad about some of the missing lines since the movie had its own incredible dialogue (which of course includes every Zahra line).
I still think I'll keep Neptune as a song choice for now, but strictly applied to the one shot of Henry just floating in the water because ugh, that combined with his face right before he went in just broke me. But I can see so many other songs for this movie that are much happier and more hopeful because that's really what we got in the end, a fun, sweet, and amazing love story that I will be rewatching 15 more times. Cheers friend, we absolutely won 🪅🎉🪅🎉!!
Hello my friend! I'm back from my Tumblr post limit induced exile, followed by a quick trip out of town to meet my week old nephew (who is absolutely perfect).
I am still, as I re-read the book, mourning moments we missed that I just KNOW this cast would have performed perfectly, HOWEVER, thanks to the movie, it's very easy to hear/picture the cast while reading which was an unexpected delight I discovered (I usually still have "book" versions of characters in my head as I read, even if there is a movie, but this is proving to be an exception). This story and this cast really did deserve to be a mini series but Matthew Lopez did a great job with the 2 hour time limit distilling it down to it's essence: a love story. (But also, LOTR taught us that you can make a 3hr movie and people will still watch it in droves so like, why stop at 2 hours when 20-30 extra minutes would have made a HUGE difference in depth and clarity? ANYWAY)
Zahra was an icon in the book and she was an icon in the movie and every scene she was in was solid gold! TZP and NG sold THE FUCK out of every moment! It was FUN, it was PAINFUL, it was HILARIOUS, it was soft and gentle and intimate and fucking earnest in it's expression of this love story. This is WHY people love romantic books and movies! Because in a world that loves to mock anyone and anything for expressing true emotions outside of Anger and Lust, it's soothing to see people allowed to be earnest about Love, and Fear, and Heartache, and Romance, and Intimacy, and Desire, and Hope, and Joy and, and, and, and.
One of my favorite lines from National Treasure is "People don't really talk that way you know?" "I know, but they think that way." And to me, that's what I love about romantic books and movies! I think that way, with all the earnestness my soul can manage and it's so refreshing to see/read characters being able to do that and not be mocked mercilessly for it by the people around them. Not to soapbox too hard, but the amount of people calling this movie (and the book) "cringe" even in an vaguely affectionate way always rubs me the wrong way because it always seems to be the label put on things that are uninhibitedly joyful, and emotional, and romantic, and FREE to be that way, and also, typically, genres made by and loved by women or seen/derided as "effeminate". And consequently "cringe" and a waste of time, and a "lesser" form of art. This movie isn't perfect and of course there's more from the book that I wanted to see. But it's exactly what it said it would be. It's a romantic comedy! It's fun/funny, light, and enjoyable! There are stakes but you know love is going to win because how could it not? It gets you invested but not *worried* or stressed it's not going to work out or someone isn't going to make it, or will end up miserable because going in, you know the story is, at it's heart, a love story with a happy ending that is trying to make you relax and laugh for a bit. And in that regard, it's done perfectly.
Okay, soapbox done. I didn't sleep much so sorry not sorry if it's an incomprehensible mess. ANYWAY. Since this was more focused on the love story rather than the angst, Neptune doesn't fit as well as we thought it might, though you are ABSOLUTELY correct that it's perfect for the lake scene. I can't wait to hear your thoughts and which song we're going to talk about because there are SO many good options in the happier/hopeful catalog! I can't wait to turn this movie into my new "sick day/comfort watch" fave because it's just so full of heart and fun. Cheers bestie, we got a good one!
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thepariahcontinuum · 3 years
So I finished reading the Dune Trilogy.
I'm not gonna sit here and give an extensive book review, but what I will say is that I know my opinion is one that's going to be regarded as heresy by a certain subsection of old school geeks:
Dune has a legacy bigger than itself and had the potential to be a far more interesting story than the one Frank Herbert actually wrote.
I say that with all the praise I can muster, I have loved Warhammer 40k since I was a kid playing 3rd edition, Dune inspired 40k which by rights makes Dune the Grandparent of Grimdark Sci-Fi.
The individual ideas and how of them interact with each other to create Watsonian explanations for what is obviously rule of cool is Interested, the idea of advanced science actually regressing warfare to melee is a peak example of that.
The intricacies of a far future sci-fi Neo-Feudal empire has an absolute wealth of potential.
A future where science and invention got humanity across the galaxy only for us to disregard machinery, evolving and adapt to compensate for what we'd given up is interesting.
The idea of an entirely fabricated Messiah, with both the Messianic figure and the faith and prophecies telling of them being orchestrated by some larger, shadowy cabal over the course of centuries is interested.
The problems come from Herbert's writing style.
A lot of the world building feels hollow and shallow, a few Arabic words thrown in and some references to things that don't amount to anything whilst at the same time things that become major plot devices come out of nowhere....See Leto II taking on his "Second skin" we should have seen more Sand Trout behaviour before that, there's plenty of examples but that was just the first one to come to mind.
A lot of the characters feel like plot devices and set pieces rather than characters with arcs that amount to nothing, which leads to me not giving a single fuck about them. Feyd-Rautha and Beast Rabban could absolutely have been used more interestingly and the fact that Gurney got no closure at all felt strange.
Frank Herbert is either unwilling or incapable of writing both battles and naturally developing relationships....The Sardaukar had more weight and presence in a 40 second clip I saw of the new movie than they did in the entire trilogy, for all the talk about them they felt like they existed to get Worfed because all their wins were off screen. Paul had two years in which he got married, led a guerrilla campaign and fathered a child that was completely passed over....that is lunacy.
Finally, this one's going to get me accused of being all kinds of Woke SJW and I will wear those badges proudly, so consider this a pre-emptive fuck off.... Frank Herbert cannot write women. I'll tie this back to the previous point, upon their first meeting Paul was put into Chani's care; not only should we have seen their relationship and dynamic beyond "It happened because plot" but there is no reason that Chani shouldn't have been, at least for a time one of the Fedaykin Death Commandos.
Seriously that time skip could have been a book on its' own.
But anyway....Next on my to read list is "The Colour of magic" Pratchett's Discworld books have been recommended to me several times now.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
twisted wonderland theories part 3 : Opening explanation and parallels
Well well , hope you guys enjoyed reading the previous two parts of twst theories so far
Anyways , this is the third part . I decided to go through the opening and original disney animations and also black Butler anime references one more time so this is the combination of all I've found this time , together with some stuff you might've missed
Twst's official opening was pretty mysterious and is most likely giving us hints of the upcoming adventures during the storyline . Well here's the link to opening with eng sub and also the summary of the main character references that were given to us:
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1) Ace and Deuce's rivalship : We talked about this one a lot back in (part 2) so let's skip this one
2) Leona's sadness and pain : Leona's tearn falling to the ground and the Ruggie and Jack coming for him ; that's just how he always is : mentally sad and broken with a horribly frustrating past , but will avoid expressing himself and letting anyone see his pain anyway . Not really weird that these two are always around him , Leona does really need to be looked after ...
3) Azul's seek of power : He just looked...mad in this scene . Ursula's shadow on his fave and that creepy smile totally freaks anyone out. It really explains how great his desire of power is . His neglected self in the childhood and pretty poor talent got him to this point...
4) Jamil's cold and kinda confused self : Well this one isn't really clear yet since ch 4 isn't out . But perhaps depression has this guy... spending his whole life serving the the nasty Kalim he might've grown the same characteristics as Jafar , who was so long sick of being the second one in everything . But still his ideal of life is much different from Jafar's . We saw him hypnotizing Kalim in order to make him force students to do better at school . He's trying his best to leave up to his promises as the vice dorm leader but still , having the nasty Kalim as the dorm itself is making it a lot harder for him so he's got no choice but to hypnotize him...
5) Idia's severe anxiety and his protectiveness toward Ortho : This one was mentioned in s rather old re blog but here e go again : Well with how the rumors of the "cursed Shroud family" , Idia's anti-society self might be a bit explained . This guy's overblot is surely going to be EPIC ... we just know very few about him and yet that's more than enough for him to overblot at once . Also the mention of the process of bringing Ortho back to life was a bad hit...His family curse might've been the reason of whatever thst has happened to Ortho
6) Vil's anger of not being the fairest and breaking the mirror: This one's been pointed out a lot . His anger being the same as evil queen's and also the fear of him actually poisoning someone to become the fairest one more time....**
7) Malleus' isolated self and his hidden evil aura : This one's being shown too obviously . The lonely dark prince exposing his evil side under the full moonlight . All alone , beyond the forest of thorns (Lol how ironic) while the others are running to save him before it gets too late...***
(note : **,***: Vil and Malleus' description will be continued undercut)
Very well these were the general hints found on the opening , but don't miss the final seconds which included the biggest hidden facts you could've missed
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Firstly , the splitted ink (This one was previously discussed on part 1 but still...) : We talked about how in the "Epic Mickey", Mickey accidentally splits the magic ink over the kingdom and which led to the creation of "shadow blot". This sight seems to be much similar to what we had here in the epic mickey
Well this parallel might be more than just an accidental one and finally and it might actually be that overblot is kinda Crowley's fault , too
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Crowley crosses the mirror , turns into an actual crow and flies away...(DaMn YoU bIrDiE wHERe ArE yOu gOinG I'M noT doNe YeT-)
Well the reason he suddenly runs away isn't clear yet but being a fan of black butler for years , I was suddenly reminded of how Undertaker disappeared all of a sudden at this scene from the movie :" Book of Atlantic "
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pretty similar , aren't they..?
In Book of Atlantic , Undertaker revealed his original identity as a reaper and the mastermind behind the "Bizzare dolls' " project after pretending to be a just a crazy cookie lover for so long . And at once , he comes up with his stunning sudden self-reveal , leaving everyone in the room speechless
Now now , what do we have with Crowley?
A principal who keeps hiding his face (remember that Undertaker hid his eyes , too?) , telling everyone "how kind he is" many times ... also:
1) In the opening , he was standing smiling in the mirror hall while the seven dorms were burning through seven mirrors
2) He didn't ever try to stop anyone from overbloting ; even Riddle whose overblot occurred right in front of him
3) In the beggining of the game, he asked the mirror to choose the right one and then! and MC was chosen ! MC took the hand of the one appearing through the mirror (seemingly Dire Crowley) and came here. With all said , so why did the mirror reject MC afterwards?
Also , how couldn't he help MC return to Their own world and didn't know about it if he himself brought MC here..?(Could it be that...MC doesn't remember how she/he was brought here?)
4) If he literally is THIS useless and can't ever stop or help anything, then why would he be the principal.....?
Sooooo enough with Crowley ; but what's with these two....?
The spindle wheel & the poison apple ; Sleeping beauty and Snow white
Well it seems that Diasomnia and Pomefiore are going to play a greatly important role in the storyline . We were kinda sure of Diasomnia's but Pomefiore's...? What's so special with it?
(A few hours earlier)
(Me : Hmmm ... the black mirror...where have I seen this before..? *googling - searching Snow White- going to the magic mirror scene* Me : Uh...)
Well... here it is : The Crowley's beloved flower of evil , back at his days with evil queen
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feeling old yet ...?
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Btw , just how important is being "the fairest one of all "to him ? How 'far' would he go to be the fairest...? With the bitten apple in the last few seconds of opening , it most likely seems that he IS gonna 'kill' to be the fairest again ...Who would he kill ? We don't know . But how about our pretty small guy Epel? Could it be him ? The stubborn freshman who refuses following Vil around and is usually mistaken with a girl......?
Also , why would the original mirror be so important to Crowley? If Vil's supposed to represent evil queen , why isn't 'he' the one owing the mirror...?
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And now , the spindle wheel .Great maleficent's legacy , in the hands of Crowley...Well well this is 'too' much . Malleus' family treasure being kept hidden in NRC... pathetic
Also , the mirror which Vil broke in the opening . Well well seems like he isn't having the original magic mirror , afterall....
But wait , if there's the spindle wheel , who's gonna be the evil witch to pull the sweet princess to eternal sleep..? Right , there's only one who might be...
Well we talked about all we'd got so far , but what about Grim ? Isn't anyone going to mention his importance or why he was also mentioned in this chaotic final seconds of opening ???
So... this is what we had in the final seconds :
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1)The apple
2) Crowley
3)The black ink
5)The spindle wheel
We talked about all of them except nu 4 . But before that , I've got the same question as before : Why is it "Sleeping beauty" & "Snow white"..?
We discussed the "overblot Grim " hints in (part 2), but here's another thing :
Very well , ever heard of "Grimm brothers"...?
In the case that you don't know who they are , here' the point : They are the authors of 'original' versions of sleeping beauty & snow white; two of the darkest , deepest and possibly creepiest stories of their own throughout the history
I believe that most of you are familiar with the original versions , but you may like to take a look at these two if you haven't yet heard of them check the two of these stories out : (note: I'm aware that there are darker , deeper versions of these too but I'm not gonna mention any of them because : 1)They aren't written by Grimm brothers & 2) They include overly sensual and inappropriate content which has no place in my posts . If you care to know about them , check them at your own risk)
Alright , if you ever wondered who was Grim named after , I guess we've got it now . Mentioning Grim , Snow white and Sleeping beauty together at once is too direct to be a coincidence ...but it's also terrifying ...
Thinking that Disney is actually referring to the original books written by Grimm brothers is a bit too dark... Original stories are really horrible and a great way to ruin one's childhood , but all these hints fit each other way too great and now , they may no longer be just a coincidence...
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themadauthorshatter · 4 years
Man, I do not know how long it's been since I last made a post on Toppat!Charles, but it's been a while!!!!
If you haven't read the previous parts, you can find them here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3: https://themadauthors-bitch.tumblr.com/post/634320381188161536/i-dont-know-if-tumblr-showed-it-or-not-but-here
Part 4: https://themadauthors-bitch.tumblr.com/post/634769620050558976/welcome-back-one-and-all
Part 5:
Part 6:
As usual: RECAP!!!
Henry acts on his plan to rescue Charles, said plan being to use the location of the clan's next big heist to get info or Charles himself. The plan went awry with the heist succeeding, Ellie getting severely injured, and Henry getting the snot kicked out of him by none other than Charles himself, who had given up on the notion that he would be rescued and stepped up to join his captors. Confused about and torn apart by Charles's and Ellie's words, we left Henry alone and guilty over the night's events.
HEAVY recap, I know, but one more thing before we truly begin: Two of the clan's previous leaders make an appearance in this chapter.
We good with all that? Great!
We start off in the dead in night, in the middle of the dessert. Quiet and still as the moon shines high in the night sky.
Terrence Suave sprints on the sand as best as he can, panting heavily because he hasn't been full-fledged running in an eternity. CCC trucks are speeding behind him, but there is a bank truck ahead that just started driving and like hell Terrence isn't getting on it, especially if the truck is heading towards the city.
Nets and tranquilizers are being shot at him to retrieve him, but a lot of the darts keep bouncing off his augmentations and thankfully missing him and lqnding in the sand.
The CCC trucks are catching up, but Terrence continues running, tired and sore; his lungs burning and the stumps of where his arms and leg used to be are sore, not the metal, though there is a phantom limb feeling going on and it is not a good feeling to have right now; even if one of his legs are metal, the other is sore as hell.
He gets closer to the bank truck as its speed increases, Terrence letting out a yell as he jumps and snatches the latch of the door and hops on, holding on for dear life as he sees the CCC trucks slow and eventually turn around.
He heaves and breathes very fast and heavily as he watches the sky, noting the orbital station.
"Right," he says raspily, "you sorry son of a bitch."
We find him watching with a hollow expression as Ellie is doing some physical therapy to help her leg; Charles is surprisingly one hell of a shot.
The two partners haven't spoken since the plan backfired and while Ellie waves at Henry, Henry only keeps his expression.
It's hard to live life when you can't stop living.
The words have had plenty of time to sink in.
Ellie and Henry are the same.
And Henry feels dumb for not noticing sooner.
"Whatever happened between you two, you better patch it up before that CCC guy gets here."
Henry looks over his shoulder to see Galeforce walking to stand beside him.
"Bill Bullet called. Even though the mission... didn't go as planned, he still wants to bring you into his facility."
Henry turns back to Ellie in time to see her trip and fall down, her leg shaking. She's been walking for maybe an hour and, while she has gotten stronger, she is also tired and needs to rest.
'Only if Charles came back here safely. That was our agreement.'
"Guess he can't wait."
Henry continues to watch Ellie help herself into her crutches.
Charles is standing in that cafeteria area that Right was in in the Free Man ending and staring at Earth.
The heist was a success. The clan got the sapphire. No one got arrested.
But Ellie got hurt.
Sure, she wasn't there to help him, but she was still busy taking care of the toppat, and she got injured, so there's that.
"Like the view, kid?"
Charles doesn't look at Right when he walks up to and stands beside him.
"Reg always talked about wanting a view like this. 'E really liked the sky. Night, day, didn't matter. 'E jist didn't want to be stuck on the ground."
Charles turns his head slightly. "How close were you two?"
"Closer than you and those two criminals were."
Charles looks back at the window, content to let Right keep talking.
"The clan was in shambles after the last leader took over. Reg 'ad some big shoes to fill, and 'e knew that. Didn't stop 'im from stepping up." Right leans forward on the glass with his arm, his head against forearm. "'E was better than the other leaders. Smarter. 'E got the clan back on its feet. Never met a toppat leader who took good care of the clan."
Charles doesn't look at Right, but imagine if this was a game cutscene or movie or something. We'd have Right be closer to the camera and in better focus with Charles beside him, but seemingly behind him, with how the shot is framed, and out of focus.
Charles is back in focus as he asks, "He was that good, huh?"
Right only nods, not looking away from Earth.
"If that's the case, he should've been more careful, then. None of this would've happened, if he was."
Quick as a flash, Right grabs Charles and smashes him into the window by his collar.
"Careful, pilot. You might be in the toppat clan, but no one 'ere'll stop me from throwing you out there."
Right glares at Charles for a second longer before letting him go and leaving the room with no more words spoken.
Charles resumes staring at Earth.
Sorry, Ellie.
Back to Henry sleeping in his bed. I know, I'm so original, right?🤪🥴
Don't worry, this time is different.😉
While Henry sleeps, someone quite rudely bursts into his room, waking him up.
Before he can draw the gun under his pillow, one cybernetic hand grabbing his mouth while the other holds down the hand that's going for the gun, and a normal, human knee digs into his stomach.
"Sorry to wake you up, but this is important."
Henry's eyes adjust and and he sees Terrence Suave over him, sweaty, ragged, and shaking from running for miles on end.
Henry stares at his father with wide eyes before using his free hand to write a message on Terrence's forehead: 'What. The. Hell.'
"Just stay quiet, okay? I have an idea on how we can get your friend back and keep you out of-"
Henry shakes his head and writes another message.
'It didn't work. He got away with the sapphire and won't let is help.'
Terrence sits back on his heels and pulls Henry up into a sitting position. "What happened?"
Henry looks at his feet and signs, 'We tried hijacking the heist they planned. I think they were expecting us. They got the sapphire and Ellie got shot. Charles was with them.' Henry starts choling up and his signing becomes rougher. 'He won't come back. He shot Ellie. He shot us both. He's one of them now.'
Terrence lowers his head and runs his fingers through his hair at the news. "That's... I... I'm so sorry." After a second, he asks, "How is she? Your friend Ellie?"
Henry shrugs before signing, 'Getting better. We aren't talking right now.'
"You should," Terrence states matter-of-factly with a scowl. "She's the only friend you've got left and she's going through something that'd be easier to deal with with someone there for her."
Henry glares back. 'She's been through worse. And what do you know about being there for others?'
Terrence rolls his eye. "We're really getting into this right now? What did she even do? The clan took the sapphire and not her, right?"
At this, Henry nods, slowly and shamefully.
"Then quit being a baby and man up. Don't you two want to get your friend back?"
Henry doesn't respond for a second, after which he signs. 'What was your plan?'
Terrence's face stretches into a smile. "You might want to throw some clothes on and wake up your girlfriend."
Henry blanches at those words, but doesn't get anything out as Terrence leaves the room.
Nonetheless, he gets up and meets Terrence and Ellie outside, the latter using crutches because her leg isn't strong enough yet.
Remember, neither have talked since the night of the heist, so both are silent before Ellie asks, "So, um, who's this?"
"Terrence Suave," Terrence replies as he ahakes Ellie's hand. "Although he won't admit it, I'm Henry's father."
Ellie's eyes widen as she looks between the two. "Huh. I can see the resemblance."
Henry shakes his head and signs, 'Plan.'
Terrence gives Henry a withering look. "All work and no play, huh?" When neither Ellie or Henry answer back, Terrence sighs; we're done playing around now.
"You remeber that Wall place you were held at?"
"How hard is it to forget?" Ellie groans back.
Despite the unnecessary amount of salt, Terrence continues, "I have a friend there that has connections with the clan."
"As in he got arrested?"
"As in I sent him there to spy so I could plan a heist on the treasury. Guess Reg and Right forgot about him." He gives a chuckle and rubs the back if his head. "And you give me snark for leaving you," he says to Henry.
Henry glares at his father before the gears in his head start turning and he starts smiling.
'I think we need to pack our bags.'
Ellie joins him in this smiling, as does Terrence.
It is a LONG trip to get to The Wall, and a long process of explaining that they're only there for visiting, not arrest.
It certainly didn't help that Dmitri and Grigori had CCC guards and Bill Bullet at The Wall.
At the sight of them, Terrence quickly rushes Ellie and Henry into a nearby office and locks the door behind them.
"What was-"
"Okay," Terrence says slowly and under his breath, "change of plan. We're not doing this."
Where Henry rolls his eyes, Ellie bristles.
"Why not?"
Terrence mumbles under his breath, but both Henry and Ellie hear him say something along the lines of, "I kinda escaped, and now everyone's sort of looking for me."
Ellie cuts in, "You didn't think they'd look there first?"
"Give me a break, Red," Terrence barks. "I figured they'd be looking somewhere else by the time we got here."
Henry slinks past them and cracks the door open enough to look out into the cafeteria.
No wonder they overthrew you.
Henry watches Dmitri and Bill continue talking, the latter nodding at the former's words. When Bill looks over Dmitri's shoulders, Henry slips back inside and shuts the door; there are now more eyes than ever.
"What do we do?"
Henry gulps and shrugs before leaning back.
Terrence, however, is busy looking at files on a computer, specifically looking through the inmates that were arrsted during the time of Infiltrating the Airship.
I know. Great team dynamic, right? Best team ever, 10/10.
"Good news, I found Reggie."
Both Ellie and Henry turn to Terrence, who is very proud that he used a computer after so long and having only one eye.
"Twelfth floor. Just four levels down. If we're careful, we can take the stairs."
Henry shakes his head and points up to a vent, not in the ceiling, but close to it, on the wall.
He begins signing, but Ellie only looks confused as Terrence shakes his head.
"Not a good idea. You can crawl through just fine, but what about me and Ellie? How are we supposed to crawl around with this-" He points to his cybernetic leg, "-and that?" He points to Ellie's injured leg.
"What's he saying?"
"Apparently, our only option is to crawl our way to Reg through the vents, which is going to be impossible."
Henry signs agian, more frustrated now.
"We can't afford to be safe at the moment, if you haven't noticed." Terrence shakes his head and stage whispers to Ellie, "Close minded, just like his mother/father". (YOU decide if Henry's other parental figure was a man or a woman; I know toxic masculinity states men can't have emotional breakdowns that lead their kids into growing kleptomaniac tendencies, but I say FUCK TOXIC MASCULINITY).
Back on track, the comment APPALLS Ellie and makes Henry raise a fist, ready to swing-
All three turn as the guard bangs on the door.
With no more options, the three climb up into the vent, Terrence and Henry helping Ellie before Henry and Terrence climb in, just getting into and closing the vent as the guard, Dmitri, and Bill enter.
"Strange, I thought there was someone..."
As the guard trails off, Bill takes a look at the computer and then the vent as Dmitri yells at the guard; the warrant's reputation has suffered enough already with Henry's and Ellie's escape.
Ellie is wide eyed as she covers her mouth, Terrence is scooting backwards as slowly and quietly as he can, and Henry only stares back at Bill.
"Is there something wrong here, Corporal?"
Bill is silent as he and Henry continue to stare each other. Neither move or blink.
"No," Bullet says after a long couple of minutes. "Nothing at all."
Dmitri turns his heel and leaves the room with the guard following.
Bill takes a second, though, and closes the page Terrence was on.
With a wink and nod to Henry, he leaves the room and shuts the door behind him. "Don't be so hard on your guards, Dmitri. Rookies are allowed to make mistakes."
No one in the trio speaks for a little while, but Henry gives Ellie a smile. 'We're gonna be okay.'
With her leg still healing and his body being more than half metal, Henry is alone as he retrieves Reginald Copperbottom.
Currently, Reginald is lying on his bed and staring at the ceiling of his cell, bored and hungry because the guards lost track of time again.
To say living in The Wall was bad is an understatement. Honestly, Terrence has had it better than our boy Reginald because at least the CCC crew cared about Terrence's well being and mental state. (They don't want Terrence going insame and causing chaos.)
The time alone has also made him incredibly lonely and made him realize just how much he's taken for granted. Having colleagues doing stuff for and with you being one. Privacy is another.
Mostly, though, he misses Right, not having him AS his right hand man, but just having him around.
But he's gone.
He remimds himself of that a lot, but that doesn't stop his mind from wandering back to Right.
Henry kicks the vent open and bursts into the cell, throwing himself to his feet like a badass.
At the sight of the guy who got him arrested in the first place, Reginald presses himself against the wall, getting as small as he can; he has no weapons, no one to defend him, and it's only him and Henry in the room.
"Wait! WAIT! Don't-"
Before he can finish, Henry grabs him by the collar and points to the vent.
"What? What are you saying?"
Henry groans and rolls his eyes before writing on Reg's hand with his finger, like he does with Ellie.
'Want to get out of here and see the Right Hand Man again?'
Reginald is silent for a second, feeling the world stop for a second.
"He... He's-"
'He's alive, yes! And he has my friend Charles!'
Reginald purses his lip and pouts as he 'hmphs' and turns his head to the window. "I'd say it serves you right, given what you did to the clan and my right hand man."
Henry slaps him for that one.
'It doesn't matter now. Do you want to stay here or see him again?'
On the intercom, Grogori announces, "Attention, everyone. There are intruders here in The Wall. Keep an eye out and report to the warrant once you find and apprehend them."
It makes Henry pale and Reginald smirk.
Henry smacks a hand over Reginald's mouth and writes, 'LAST CHANCE. I WILL LEAVE YOU HERE, IF YOU DON'T AGREE TO COME WITH ME RIGHT NOW.'
As guards run closer, Reginald looks between the door and Henry, who hasn't broken eye contact ONCE.
This is his only chance of freedom, and, regardless of who's offering it, it is something he is going to look over.
Reginald nods and replies, "Alright," behind Henry's hand.
Both are gone when the guards arrive.
Inside the vent, Reginald groans in disgust as he crawls. "When do you suppose these were last cleaned? Is there no regard for good conditions here?"
Henry groans again and punched the back of Reginald's thigh.
Ellie and Terrence are sitting outside as guards run around like ants, simply watching as they have acquired a truck. (HURRAY!!)
"What's taking him?" Ellie ponders as she rests her head on the steering wheel. "I hope he didn't get caught."
"He'll be okay," Terrence replies, much to Ellie's surprise because of his earlier comment. "He's smart. Knows what he's doing." He turns to her, noting the slight bags under her eyes. "You two really care about each other, don't you?"
Ellie shrugs. "Well, yeah. Honestly, Henry and Charles... are the first real friends I've ever had." She sits up and tips her head as she smirks. "Ever tried having a game night with a heist partner?"
Terrence hisses and winces at that as he leans against the truck. "Try having a party with FIFTY of them. Don't know what got stolen from my room, but I never got it back."
Ellie chuckles. "Some loyal toppats."
Terrence can't help but snicker back. "Indeed."
Ellie's smile drops as she remembers what Henry told her, and the earlier comment. "Did you... Did you know about Henry before he visited you?"
"Of course I did," Terrence replies, more than a little offended at the question. "He's my son. Why wouldn't I?"
Ellie turns to the road they'll have to start driving on and rests her chin on the steering wheel. "He's just... confused on why you picked the clan over your family."
Terrence chews on his lip at that, more specifically the word Ellie used.
"He said you told him life is for living."
"I did," Terrence agrees. "Guess we have different opinions on what 'living' is."
Ellie nods, though she's more agreeing with Henry's 'living' than his father's.
"And I didn't pick the clan. I chose it."
Ellie scrunches her nose. "Same thing."
"Picking is what you do in an icecream shop when you want cookies cough or mint chocolate chip. Choosing is when you decide whether or not you want to be somewhere because it makes you or everyone happy. Picking is what you do in a shelter when you look for a cat or a dog. Choosing is figuring out what cat or dog you want to take home and take care of. Picking is me jumping form person to person just so I can get what I want from them, valuable stuff of any kind, money, skill, you name it. Choosing is me staying with what I see as having more value that I could use at any given time. Make sense?"
Ellie nods after a second. "Was it worth it?"
Terrence points to her leg. "Was that worth meeting Henry, Mrs. 'Living with many lives?'"
Ellie narrows his eyes, and Terrence holds up his hands.
"Easy, girl. No. It wasn't worth it. And I know because I chose wrong. I literally remind myself every day that I chose wrong. Won't change a thing, though." He turns to The Wall, watching the guards. "If he messes this up, it's all over."
Henry and Reginald sprint towards the truck, Ellie and Terrence waving them over.
The sight of the cybernetic male halts Reginald in his steps.
"T-Terrence... Suave!?"
Terrence glares at Reginald and crosses his arms. "Hey, Reggie."
"Y-You... But, I-... You-eh..."
Henry taps them on their shoulders and points to the truck, signing, 'Save it for later! Let's go!'
Before Terrence or Ellie can ask why, the four hear motorcycles approach, Dmitri riding one as a passenger and aiming a gun at the truck they're commandeering.
Ellie starts the truck and gets it moving as Terrence skids into the shotgun seat as the truck picks up speed.
Soon, Henry and Reginald are both sprinting as fast as they can behind the truck with both doors open. Having had more training and in the time between FtC and this timeline of CtM, Henry can better keep up with the truck, but Reginald is falling behind fast. Henry grabs Reginald's hand and pushes the former leader into the back of the truck.
"Don't stop!" Henry shouts as he grabs a bit of leather or cord hanging off the truck's back door and pulls it down, closing it and surprising Reginald.
As the truck speeds away, Henry makes a turn and darts into the woods.
The motorcycles follow, however, though they're on a path and not through trees.
Henry is ducking, diving, and constantly zigzagging as he's being shot at while trying not to run into a tree. For a while, he does okay, good, even, only getting scraped by stray branches and grazed by bullets, one in particular hitting his cheek.
But we know all good things must come to and end.
Henry looks behind him when he doesn't hear motorcycles behind him, only to look in front of him and get a tree branch to the face, not enough to knock him out but he does see stars.
Dmitri gets off the motorcycle he's on and gestures for the others to stay where they are, circling Henry as he tries to stand up.
"I knew you were here the moment that guard found the office door locked. Clever of you." Dmitri kicks Henry in the ribs and sends him back into the ground. "But not clever enough."
Henry expects another kick when he gets on his hands and knees, but it doesn't come; a punch does when he manages to get on his feet, one right into his nose that sends him spiraling back to the ground.
Remember, Henry just ran for maybe ten or fifteen minutes and got hit in the face with a tree branch.
There would have to be a miracle for Henry to win this fight.
"How long has it been since you and the girl escaped? A year? Two years?"
"Not long enough," Henry groans to mostly himself.
Dmitri slams his boot onto the back of his head for that one, earning a wince from some of the guards.
"Sir," one asks, "shouldn't we hold him up in maximum security?"
Henry's brain kicks into hyperdrive, already showing him how he could possibly escape such a situation, but a hard stomp on his hand snaps him out of it, making him scream because with his mind living another life, his body went numb, like he didn't have those injuries or they healed. The stomp just make every injure ten times worse.
"You've all seen how slippery this one can be," Dmitri shouts, grinding the sle of his boot into Henry's hand. "He escaped before, he can do it again."
Henry tries pushing off Dmitri's boot as he suddenly realizes what's probably going to happen to him; normally he wouldn't be worried because we've seen him come back from getting shot, but with Bill Bullet around there's a chance they can make sure he dies and doesn't come back, with all the CCC lniws already about Terrence.
Dmitri notices this and drives a really hard kick into Henry's teeth, sending him backward before stomping on his face, ribs, and legs.
"You've ruined everything I've worked for since the day I saw you, Henry Stickmin!"
Dmitri kneels down and grabs the hair on either side of Henry's head, smashing him into the ground repeatedly as hard as he can.
Before you start thinking I'm being too unfair to Henry during this scene:
Henry swings possibly the best punch ever and knocks out some fake acrylic teeth Dmitri had to get put in. It catches tolhe warrant off guard, and gives Henry the opportunity to kick him away.
With some more punching, hair pulling, and head smashing, THE FIGHT BEGINS!!!
Even with a busted hand, Henry does okay, mostly relying on right hooks and kicks to fight. Dmitri, however, is able to use simple punches, jabs, and hooks to knock out Henry.
It's something like a stilted dance, as in there's a little bit of a pause before the next attack.
Bith men beat each other bloody, but it ultimately ends with Henry kneeing Dmitri in the side and kicking him back, AND DMITRI CHEATING BY HITTING HENRY WITH A ROCK. (NO FAIR, DMITRI! YELLOW CARD AND FIVE MINUTE PENALTY!!!)
When Henry's down this time, though, Dmitri wastes no time driving his knee into Henry's stomach and slapping his hands around Henry's neck. The action makes Henry gasp because of the sudden air loss, having the wind knocked out of him before getting his air cut off, and start thrashing around, gagging and making all those gross choking sounds that make your stomach flip.
"Look at you," Dmitri spits as Henry tries to break free, kicking the ground and scratching at Dmitri's wrists. "All you rats are the same, but it was you that did all this! You cost me everything! You made me lose everything!" Dmitri tightens his grip on Henry's throat, making Henry gasp loudly. "Allow me to return the favor!"
On the ground, Henry is very quickly blacking out and can feel it as he tries hitting Dmitri off of him.
His movements slow and his eyes roll back as his hand drops.
Dmitri falls back as the guards take aim at where the shot came from.
More shots are fired, a some guards are taken down while the rest chase down the shooter, one ordered to take Dmitri back to The Wall.
Terrence climbs out of the trees and shakes his head at an unconscious Henry.
"Stupid, stupid idiot," he mumbles as he picks up Henry and slings him over his shoulders. "What were you thinking? What the hell were you thinking?"
Terrence walks through the trees as he carries Henry, silent all the way until he reaches the edge of the woods.
Bill Bullet stands waiting for him.
The two stare each other down, but Bill only stands with his hands in his pockets.
"You coming to take us back? We're a little busy right now."
"I can see that." Bullet sees Henry stir a little on Terrence's shoulders and fights the urge to smile; for someone who is so dangerous, he's so cute when he sleeps. "I guess genius over there has another plan?"
Terrence shakes his head. "It started off as my plan, but he had other ideas."
"Credit where credit's due."
After another silent stare down, Bill sighs and stands aside.
"He said he wanted his friend back safe before we brought him in. Better make this plan count."
Terrence nods as he seriously fights a smile and runs to where Ellie had left the truck, waiting for them both to get in so they can make like a banana and split.
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The Gray (Sanders' Sides)
Four: When He Sees Me
Logan was sitting at the kitchen island, reading The Murder of Roger Ackroyd for figuratively the millionth time. Patton had just taken a tray of chocolate chip cookies out of the oven when Roman skipped in, giggling. Patton smiled at him.
"Hey, kiddo! You seem happy! What's up?"
"I've never been better, padre," Roman said, removing a cookie from the sheet. "Janus dropped his stuff in my room this morning, and Remus and I formed King again and pranked Virgil!" Patton froze. Logan looked up from his book. His heart was beating at an alarming speed. Judging by the fact that there were no other factors present that could increase his heart rate to that extent, Logan concluded that the sudden change was from Roman's news of King Creativity's temporary return. It was no surprise, either. King Creativity involved Remus, who Logan admittedly had a rather large soft spot for.
"H-how did you--er, King-- prank Virgil," Patton asked. His reaction wasn't a surprise either. While Patton had no part in the splitting of King Creativity, his memories of him weren't very pleasant, as far as Logan could tell. Patton did not talk about King Creativity or the split often, and usually changed the subject rather quickly of he was brought up.
Roman's lively grin faltered. "Is everything alright," he asked.
"Everything's fine," Patton lied. "Tell us about the prank King pulled."
"Is this about Janus," Roman asked quitetly.
"Of course not," Patton gasped.
"Why? Are you afraid that we won't accept him as your partner," Logan asked. "Because, I assure you, no one has any objection to the two of you courting."
"This is about King, then." Patton sighed.
"Roman, it's not like that, it's just--"
"Are you considering reforming King Creativity permanently?" Roman shook his head.
"No. Remus and I ended up tearing each other apart when Thomas was five. We'd just do the same thing again. Why?"
"No reason." Roman grinned suddenly.
"Your face is red," he teased. Logan glared at him.
"Falsehood. My skin tone is the same as yours, Roman."
"Liar," Janus sang. He walked over to Patton, grabbed a cookie from the rack, kissed Roman's cheek, and left. His remark made Logan blush even more.
"Logan, do you have a crush on one of us?" Logan turned even redder than he thought possible.
"No! Silence yourself!"
"He's still lying." Janus grabbed a plate, put some cookies on it, and left again. Logan sighed.
"Alright. I may have taken a liking to your brother." Roman gasped dramatically while Patton squealed.
"Go talk to him" they ordered simultaneously. Logan shook his head.
"That isn't very likely to happen."
"Why not? You two would be perfect together! You could balance out his chaos, and he could help you lighten up a little," Patton said.
"Just like Anna and Kristoff or Maria and Captain Von Trapp," Roman added. Logan stared at the other two sides in utter incredulity. Did he really need to explain this to them?
"I am most comfortable dealing with facts and statistics. When I have all the information I need in one convinient location, I minimize the amount of guessing Thomas needs to do to find the best course of action to take in any given situation. I do not enjoy guessing games or dealing with feelings, especially ones I'm not familiar with. How am I supposed to operate in a situation such as this, where there are too many variables to determine the best course of action to take?" Patton and Roman exchanged a look.
"What do you mean by that, Lo," Patton asked.
"I mean I don't know enough about Remus to know whether or not I should tell him I like him."
"Really? My brother is kinda easy to figure out. He likes--"
"I know his basic personality. Part of that personality is his tendency to be unpredictable. I don't know if he'll randomly start singing that song he sang when he was introduced to Thomas, or if he'll begin to ask me personal questions before I decide I'm ready to answer them or if he eats Oreos and Kit Kats wrong."
"I get the Kit Kats, but there's a right and wrong way to eat Oreos?"
"Yes! You take them apart and eat each section individually, the way the manufacturer intended." Patton and Roman stared at him.
"Okay," Patton said. "But those things shouldn't stop you from talking to him, kiddo." Logan sighed.
"There's more than that, but I think I was clear with what I told you. I do not like going into situations without gathering enough data to know how to proceed."
"Wait. What's the more?"
"Don't worry about it. It's ridiculous."
"C'mon, Logie, you can tell us anything! What's bugging you?" Logan sighed. It couldn't hurt to tell them. Patton and Roman were his friends and wouldn't think any less of him.
"I am... Afraid. That he may not return my affection. What if he leaves as soon as I tell him how I feel? What if we do end up courting each other, only for him to be disappointed when he learns more about me? What if I share the most important parts of myself, only to have him push me away? I don't think I could find a way to recuperate from the emotional pain I'd experience."
"We, Logan, no one with any sense would do that to you. You have so much to offer!"
"Yeah, Lo. Don't you think you're being a bit defensive?"
"FALSEHOOD!" Patton and Roman flinched. "I've seen this many times in televised movies. Two people fall in love, only for one party to find that the other lied about their identity. One cannot be too careful when it comes to choosing a partner to spend their lives with. I don't know if Remus is planning to harm us or if he blames us for Janus leaving, or if we'll end up making each other miserable. He could use me to get to either of you, or even worse, he could really love me and draw me out of my shell. What if, as soon as I speak to him, he knows I like him? What if he shows me scenarioes I never thought possible, and I can't turn away from them? What if my heart rate increases when we're together? I'm afraid of being vounerable like that." Patton and Roman stared at him, eyes wide. Logan knew it was because that was the most open he'd been with any of them. He sighed, moved his glasses to the top of his head, and rubbed his eyes.
"I'm not prepared for anything that could happen between us. But I can't help but hope that, maybe, he likes me, too. It's unbearable." Logan felt two pairs of arms embrace him at once.
"Cheer up, nerdy wolverine," Roman said. "You'll figure it out."
"Yeah, Logan! And if you're too confused about anything, you can come talk to us!"
"Thank you, both. I will call upon you for assistance if the need be." Roman and Patton let go of him and grinned.
"Alright, Mister," Patton said cheerily. "March on over there and get your man!"
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
What Did You Do?
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Platonic Wilford Warfstache x gender neutral!reader
@insertadumbnamehere ty for the request!
A/N: ok, so, this one takes place before, during, and almost immediately after WKM. I figured that "The Warfstache Affair" would take place pretty soon after it, so yeah. Wilford is referred to as William and The Colonel. You two are besties. Rated... T for cursing. Uh,,, I finished this during study hall instead of studying so... Appreciate my work. Inform me on any mistakes please.
Asks and submissions are open!
Word Count: 2.2k
You sat in the living room of your house, waiting for your friend to show up. William had a knack for being late to everything, you knew this and have accepted it by now. You were browsing through movies, wondering what you guys should watch. Nothing about Safari's or about a war. You might trigger something. He'd been through too much.
You heard your door unlock and creak open. You'd given him a key at this point in your friendship. You looked up at the Colonel and smiled. He wasn't looking at you.
"Hey, Will," you greeted. He nodded to you, a small smile on his face. It seemed forced.
"Evening," he responded. You tilted your head slightly.
"I uh… was looking for a movie. Anything in mind?"
"No… not particularly…"
"Ok. Well I found some feel-good movies, or we have some horror if you'd--"
"I got a letter," he interrupted. You raised an eyebrow at him. He cleared his throat. "It's… it's from Mark…" you scrambled to your feet, walking over to him. He was holding a letter with "William J. Barnum" written on it. You knew about his… falling out with the actor. It was pretty bad, from what you heard. Over a girl as well. You thought that to be a bit immature, but you didn't need to tell him that.
"What does it say?" You asked.
"I don't know. I haven't looked yet."
"Why not?"
"I wanted to wait until I was over here," you squinted at him in confusion. "In case… I read something I don't like…"
"Well… open it!" You urged. He tore the top open and took out a piece of paper. He read it to himself. You didn't need him to read it out loud to you, as you looked over his boulder to read.
"I've… been invited to Markiplier Manor for… a party…" he explained. You stepped away from his shoulder and stood in front of him.
"Well?" You asked.
"Well what?"
"Are you going?"
"No! Why would I?" He asked. You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Because… he's your friend--"
"Was my friend, Y/N. Was my friend…" he spoke quietly. You rolled your eyes.
"Ah, yes. It must've slipped my mind that you two behaved like 3rd graders…"
"... And haven't talked to each other in years because of a girl." The Colonel stepped towards you.
"Celine is not just a girl…" he said in a warning tone.
"Yes, yes, I know. She's a woman. And you don't talk to your best friend because of her!"
"He's not my best friend, you are!" Your face heats up a bit. "And anyways, I didn't stop talking to him because of that, I stopped talking to him because he was a selfish prick!"
"And you didn't even try to talk it out? That seems a bit immature, Will…"
"Oh, please. Like you're mature…" you frowned at him.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You aren't exactly the most fair person yourself."
"Oh, really?" You raised your voice. "Care to elaborate, William?"
"Why, yes," he growled. "You're needy, you're selfish, you complain so much when you don't get everything you want--"
"What are you talking about?"
"Sometimes I don't want to hang out with you, Y/N!" He yelled. "Sometimes I just want to hang out in my own home by myself, but you just want me to hang out with you at every chance you get. And I do not want that!"
"Why not?!" You yelled, your voice cracking. You didn't have many friends, William was one of the few you had. Of course you wanted to hang out with him. You didn't have to be doing anything just… being near each other was fine for you. You could admit, you were a bit clingy.
"Sometimes you remind me of him," he sighed. You didn't think it was a compliment.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked. At this point, William had already lost his temper, and was now just spitting whatever popped into his mind.
"It means the only difference between you and him is that he has enough money to pay people to stick around! All your friends just feel sorry for you!" He snapped and realized his mistake all too late. You stared at him with a hurt look, feeling the tears glazing your eyes. You had trusted him with one of your insecurities. You had let him in. And now he was using that against you.
"Y/N…" you spun away from him. "Y/N I didn't mean…" he reached out to touch your shoulder, but you jerked away. He pulled back. You were letting the tears spill and quietly crying. Soft enough that he could tell you were trying to hide it, but loud enough that he heard you anyways. He put his arm back at his side.
"I'd like you to leave," you said, your voice wavering. His eyebrows furrowed.
"Leave, Will!" You demanded. He sighed.
"I'll… go to the party… we'll talk later, okay?" He said. You didn't respond. He sighed and left your house, leaving you to cry on your own.
It had been about a week since you'd seen or heard from the Colonel, and you were ready to talk. You thought he was just giving you space since he knew how upset you were. You texted him, "hi, Will. I wanted to apologize and say that I'm ready to talk whenever you are." And left it at that. You didn't think much about the fact that he didn't respond, until the next day.
Two policemen had shown up at your door.
"Can I help you?" You asked, slightly nervous.
"Do you know a William J. Barnum?" They asked. Your heart stopped.
"Um… yes…"
"We'd like to ask you a couple questions about him." You opened the door for them to come inside. You invited them to sit down on your couch, and made some coffee since it was early.
"So…" you began, nervously. "What's up with Will?"
"He went missing," The cop on the left said.
"After he presumably killed 5 people." You froze. William? Kill people? No… no, he couldn't… he wouldn't…
"Excuse me?" The cop on the right called your attention. You snapped up to him.
"When was the last time you saw him?"
"Oh… um… a couple days ago… he told me he was going to Markiplier Manor for a party… we had a fight… I haven't heard from him since then…"
"I'm sorry." The left cop apologized. You nodded at him. "Do you have any idea of where he could be?"
"Uh… no. No, I don't think so…"
"Do you have any idea of what could've cause him to do this?"
"Well… he has some anger issues… and, uh, he doesn't really like Mark… they had a… falling out a while ago… over a girl…"
"A girl?"
"Yes. Celine…"
"Celine? Sister of the mayor Celine?"
"She's one of the people who've gone missing since the party. Along with Mayor Damien, and a District Attorney." You widened your eyes.
"W-What about the other two?"
"You said he presumably killed five people? What about the other two?"
"Oh, uh… Mark's Butler told us that Markiplier was dead, but his body had gone missing. And uh, we found the body of a detective in the Manor. He was shot in the chest with a 357 Magnum." You frown. "Any recollection of that?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah… he takes his Magnum everywhere…"
"But… I never thought he'd…" you felt the tears burning your eyes as they threatened to fall. The left cop sets a gentle hand on your arm.
"I'm sorry about this. I know it's hard, especially if we don't even know for sure. But we need you to work with us," he consoled. They also you a couple more questions before standing up to leave.
"Here's the police station's number. Call if you get anything from him, okay?" The right cop said. You nodded, wipond your eyes with the back of your hand. They thanked you for the coffee and left. You sat on your couch, sighing. William…
"Damnit, William, what'd you get yourself into?" You mumbled and got out your phone.
William sat in the empty room, music playing on a boombox in the corner. He was thinking, and the beats of 80s songs were apparently helping with that.
Why were the police after him? He didn't do anything. He didn't kill anybody. He knew he didn't. I mean… the District Attorney was living proof of that. Abe was… fine. Right? Of course he was… if they were alive, why wouldn't he be? He started to laugh a bit. This was so… ridiculous! It was mad! He loved it!
There may have been something wrong with his head. Watching the person you killed come back after seven hours can do that to a person…
But he wasn't crazy. He wasn't. He knew that for a fact.
He turned his head to the phone he sat on the boombox and raised his eyebrows.
"Now, who could that be?" He said to no one in particular. He leaped to his feet and waltzed over.
He looked at the phone, checking to see who it was. The contact name was "N/N". You had changed it to your nickname a while ago, saying that if he had a nickname, you should have one too. He smiled widely as he saw it.
He picked up the phone.
"N/N! Hello, how are you? It's been a while, huh?" He said, his voice all over the place.
"William, what did you do?" You asked bluntly.
"Well, I missed you too…"
"William. What did you do?"
"Not much. I had some cake the other day and-"
"William..." You growled. He furrowed his eyebrows, wondering what you were so upset about. Then, he laughed.
"Ah, so the police got to you. I didn't do anything." He claimed.
"Don't lie to me, Will," you warned.
"I'm not! I would never!"
"Then why do the police think you killed five people?!"
"Five people? No!" He paused. "...maybe two or three…"
"It's fine, they came back! Well… one of them did…"
"What the hell are you talking about?" He grunted in frustration.
"I shot them in the chest. I sat right there next to the body for several hours. Then they just got back up. Right there in front of me."
"... okay… William-"
"I was thinking of changing my name, actually! What do you think about "Wilford Warfstache"?"
"I think we shouldn't talk for a while." You said quickly. William's smile dropped and he froze.
"What?" He asked softly.
"I think, until things calm down, you should lay low for a while and… we shouldn't talk."
"But… but I like talking-"
"I know, Will. I like talking to you too. But this is serious. You're in trouble for some really bad things. You should try not to make it worse, okay? Keep quiet and don't cause trouble." You commanded. "It'll be safer for the both of us if we don't stay in contact. You know my address, you have a key, I don't plan on moving anytime soon. If you really need to come here you can."
"I'm gonna miss you, Will." Your voice cracked as you spoke. William felt tears pricking at his own eyes.
"I'll… miss you too…"
"I'm sorry… about before…"
"I know… I am too…"
"... I love you…" you chuckled from the other end of the line.
"I… love you too…" Then you hung up. William stood there for a moment, not sure what to do. You were his best friend. What was he supposed to do now? Who was he supposed to have a movie night with? Who was he supposed to talk to?
He looked over to his previous spot on the floor, where he's left his gun. What was one way he could let you know he was doing good without contacting you?
He smiled and started giggling.
"Time to cause some chaos!"
It had been three weeks since your call with William. The police contacted you occasionally, asking if you heard anything. You always said no. You knew William, and he wouldn't do anything like that on purpose. So, you didn't tell the police anything.
You worried about William. He didn't seem like himself on the call. He seemed… loose. More… careless. That was worrying.
You sighed as you opened your front door, having just bought groceries. You sat the bags in your kitchen and turned on the TV to have some background noise as you cooked. You flipped through the channels until something on the news caught your eye. You went back to it
"--a gruesome series of murders committed by a man who calls himself "Wilford Warfstache". The police think this man may be the fugitive William J. Barnum, who is allegedly killed the actor Mark Fischbach, the mayor of the town, the mayor's sister, a detective on the case, and a district attorney." the newswoman explained. You gaped at the TV. "He is responsible for killing a woman, her husband, their neighbor, their dog, and possibly, their baby. If you see this man, call the number on screen right away." They showed a picture of William with his mustache dyed pink. You buried your face in your hands and swore.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me…"
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Unexpected Arrival -5
Pairing: Eventual Bucky x Reader, Possible Steve x Reader
Summary: As if working with the Avengers wasn’t exciting enough…. an unexpected visitor is about to change your life forever.
A/N- If you would like to be tagged in this just drop my ask/message and i will add you ⭐️
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Switching off the TV i got out of bed and stretched feeling my body crack in various places, i quickly checked on Evie who was fast asleep in her rocker before grabbing the baby monitor and heading to the kitchen for some tea and something to eat.
"Hey" Bucky says from the sofa startling me, it was nearly 9pm and i thought he'd still be out on his date.
"Hey" i replied quietly as i continued making my tea and grabbing some food.
"Where's Evie?"
"Sleeping in my room"
"You sure she's okay by herself...."
"She's fine" i nodded looking at the baby monitor that had a huge screen showing my sleeping baby girl "take a look for yourself" i pushed it closer to him.
"Did stark make this?"
"Of course!"
It was suddenly so quiet, you could of heard a pin drop!
"So why are you still here? Thought you had a hot date?"
"I never wanted to go on that stupid date. I kept trying to tell Sam that but you know what his like"
"I just wanted to be here, spend more time with you and Evie. But you've been locked away in your room for hours"
"Sorry, i feel asleep" i shrugged "then i watched a movie, i didn't know you were still here and i didn't want the team fussing...." i lied, i couldnt tell him that the truth was i had been sitting in my room crying over him!! I finished making my tea and poured out a cup of black coffee for Bucky knowing he would never turn down coffee.
"Here" i gave him a quick smile as i placed the steaming hot mug on the table in front of him. As i turned to go back into the kitchen Bucky reached forward taking my hand stopping me from leaving.
"Are you really okay?"
"Im fine" i nodded forcing a smile, i could already tell by the look on his face he wasnt buying it.
"Come here" he pulled me down next to him pulling me into his side so that i was curled up against his chest "you know you can talk to me"
"You sound like Steve" i mumbled rolling my eyes.
"Steve? When did you talk to Steve?"
"Earlier, he came by to check on me"
"He heard me crying and let himself in i didn't invite him in"
"Crying? Why were you crying?" He asked looking down at me with worried eyes.
"Im just hormonal, I'm literally crying at everything. Im a mess right now...."
"Thats understandable after what you've been through doll, it'll get better soon. Its not even been 24 hrs yet"
"Yeah i know" i nodded in agreement giving him a small smile.
"That why you got pissy about the whole date thing?" He suddenly asked making my heart start to race.
"Honestly? I don't know.... part of me was angry that you'd even consider going on that date when i had just given birth to your daughter. Then you said you felt like you need to be here, i wanted you to want to be here for her. I don't want to feel like me and Evie are ruining your life"
"What?? Y/N how could you ever think you and Evie ruin my life??" He looked down at me like i was crazy "You have given me the best thing I've ever had in my life. I know we didn't plan for this to happen but, I'm happy it did. And I'm glad that it was with you"
My head fell against his chest in an attempt to hide the fact i was crying again!!
"Doll..... are you crying?"
"Yes okay! I cant help it!" I moaned then we both started laughing at what a mess i was.
"I should get back to Evie, i don't want to leave her alone for too long" i said finally pulling myself out of Bucky's arms.
"Can i come and say goodnight? Is that okay?"
"Of course it is, you don't need permission Buck" i smiled at him before grabbing my tea and some chips and heading back to my room.
Evie was just waking up and starting to cry when we walked into my room, Bucky was straight over there lifting her into his arms.
"There's my girl" he cooed quietly, he loved her so much already it was clear from the way he looked at her, Evie instantly curled up against his neck and started falling asleep again.
"Come and sit down with her Buck, you cant stand there all night" i nodded to the empty side of the bed. He nodded before walking over and sitting next to me, as he got comfy i started a movie on Netflix and opened my chips leaving the bag between us so he could have some if he wanted.
"If i fall asleep wake me up at 3am for her feed" i said to Bucky like it was something we did all the time.
"Sure doll" he smiled down at me before his eyes focused back on the TV.
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Bucky woke me up at 3am as promised for Evie's feed, I don't even remember much of it to be honest, i felt like a zombie most of the time since having her. It became a regular thing over the next couple of days, Bucky would stay in my room with us and wake me up when it was time to feed Evie then we'd wake up cuddled up with Evie sleeping in her basket at the side of the bed. I could almost fool myself into thinking we more than two friends who had a baby together.
Waking up this morning i found myself alone in bed and Evie's basket empty, Bucky would probably be out in the common room with her letting me get some more rest. As i sat up i felt the front on my top was wet and looked down to see my breasts had been leaking!
"Really....this is just fantastic!" I groaned throwing back the covers and getting up, my breasts were hurting and feeling so full i could cry! I grabbed Bucky's hoodie that was on the back of my chair and went off to find Evie.  When i got to the common room Bucky was sat alone reading on the sofa, i looked around but there was no sign of Evie.
"Buck, where's Evie??" I asked needing to know where my baby was.
"Steve and Nat have taken her for a walk outside, trying the new stroller Tony made"
"Shit..." i muttered shifting uncomfortably "okay" i nodded before quickly heading to the room next to mine that was currently being decorated for Evie's nursery. I started rummaging through the many boxes looking for what i needed, i remember seeing one here somewhere!!
"Doll, what are you doing?" Bucky asked from the doorway, i turned to see him casually leaning against the door frame watching me.
"Looking for something....."
"What? If you tell me i can help you"
"I need the breast pump.... like now!"
"Why? Are you okay...."
"This is why!" I quickly opened the hoodie showing him my wet top, Bucky's eyes went wide and he actually blushed a little.
"i cant wait for them to bring Evie back, it hurts too much! I need to do this now"
"Okay, go wait in the bedroom i'll find it"
When i heard Bucky come back a couple minutes later i had already shed my wet top and was standing in sweatpants and my lilac nursing bra Nat had gone out to buy me.
"Shit sorry! I should have knocked" Bucky mumbled turning around quickly.
"Come on Buck its not like you haven't seen me in less" i rolled my eyes at him reaching for the box in his hand.
"My god how does this thing even work!!" I yelled getting frustrated with the damn thing.
"Let me see, just try and calm down" he said taking the pump and reading the instructions.
"I have no idea.... this is talking about nipple sizes!" Bucky said looking horrified shaking his head at me.
"Having this baby has left me with no dignity at all! pass me one of those bottles..." i pointed at one of the bottles that attaches to the pump "Bruce and Tony have literally seen everything! And now this!" I said taking the bottle from Bucky and turning my back to him while i unclasped the cup of my bra.
"Ow ow ow!" I cried as i tried to put pressure around my nipple "this is ridiculous!" My head dropped as i started crying at how hopeless i felt.
"Hey come on now, you can do this" Bucky said from behind me, i hadn't even noticed he was that close until i felt his chest against my back, his hands resting on my stomach.
"Do you want me to.... i could try and...."
"Im already humiliated Buck" i shook my head at him. I rested my head back against his chest and closed my eyes trying to calm myself down. When i felt Bucky's hands slowly moving up from my stomach to cup my breasts my eyes flew open, my heart racing.
"Shhh just relax" he whispered as his hands started to massage my breasts.... god he was good with his hands! I let my eyes fall closed again as i felt myself relaxing.
"You feeling okay?" He mumbled close to my ear.
"Yeah it feels better actually" i replied opening my eyes, i looked down to see Bucky holding the bottle in his metal hand whilst his right continued putting pressure in all the right places on my breast.....The bottle already filling slowly.
"This is so embarrassing..... i feel like a cow!" I moaned, Bucky just chuckled and kissed the side of my head "Thank you" i said quietly, as embarrassed as i was right now i was so grateful that he had helped me with this.
"No problem doll".
"You know this is a good thing, i get to help feed Evie now!" Bucky called through to me while i was in the bathroom cleaning up and getting in fresh clothes.
"I'll try and work that thing out so i can express too. That way you can feed her more"
"Thanks" he beamed at me at i came back out into the bedroom "you feeling okay now?"
"Yeah I'm good" i smiled "embarrassed but I'm okay"
Bucky pulled me into his arms and held me tight, his hands gently rubbing up and down my back.
"You have nothing to be embarrassed about sweetheart" he mumbled "we make a pretty good team you and me"
"Yeah we do. We always did though, thats how we got here Buck" i laughed thinking back to that mission in Alaska, we had been paired for that mission for that exact reason.
"Thats right, Steve said we were perfect for the job because we worked well together..... maybe we worked together a little too well" he said putting his arm around my shoulders "I mean, what are the chances that the one time i get you into bed i get you pregnant!"
"Must be those damn super sperm of yours!" I rolled my eyes at him.
"Must be" he chuckled "come on lets go find our girl".
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