#One's a complete tsundere with the other is teasing / taking advantage of their feelings only to start crushing later on themselves
sxilor-1010 · 10 months
It's late, I should be asleep, but instead have a crappy meme I made with one of my recent self ships.
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emojellyace08 · 1 year
Lookism Men x Female Reader "Their types on a woman" PART 3
A/N: I dunno how many times I'll say this but THANK YOU for 62 followers!!! Your support means so much to me and that's why I've been writing Lookism content for you! (I've been doing my best) So here's another one for the other characters. Genre: fluff ☁️ (for some parts) Warnings: Slight mentions of body parts (boobs, butts) and bit of dirty things/references and mature topics for Goo and Gun's part; not really a heavy nsfw post but I just have to add it for the sensitive and younger audience.
Jake Kim (Kim Gim Yeong)
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Seriously why is so cute and hot though. Like just look at this picture he's so precious.
But to be serious I can see Jake with someone who shares his humor. I can see him tweeting on Twitter "Who will be my Mrs. Boobs to my Mr. Butt?" while showing the picture of his buns just to annoy the heck out of Samuel and you (lmao that mf). If you reply back with an insult, trust me your cellphone will ring with bunch of notifications of Jake teasing the heck out of you "Aww I know you like my butt Y/N." "SHUT UP YOU'RE NOT EVEN THAT THICK". Although he won't take his jokes too far especially if you're uncomfortable with it and he'll apologize way too much if you got offended.
I can also see Jake with someone who has that playful charm beneath their serious personality but can be also easily teased (kind of a mix of a flirt and tsundere). "Mr. Butt?" "Mrs. Boobies?" "OH SHUT THE FU-".
And even you don't share the same humor completely, seeing you smile at his jokes makes his HEART MELLTTT (it makes him feel appreciated so much AHHHHHHHH).
And in addition, Jake likes their someone who is fair all the time. If a woman fights for her rights and for the people around her is the reasonable way, this man will fall for them. He really loves a woman with good morals. You know that his father treated him and his mother badly (as we know in the manhwa) that's why he used to hate getting involved with gangsters. I also headcannon that he doesn't like women who causes trouble all the time (especially in really bad ways like getting into fights with other people if you don't even have a reason to/drama queens). Jake also doesn't like women who takes advantage of other people especially in the wrong ways especially for money and power to boost up your hierarchy on a higher level. So if you're a man-eater, this man is not for you.
Am I the only one who headcannons that Jake doesn't like a woman who drinks alcohol and party too much? It kind of remind him of his father with other women (daddy issues). It's not that partying is completely bad, even himself probably drinks ones in a while but he's not really obsessed with it. And he also worries that if you go to a club alone, something bad will happen to you. You know people these days are complete perverts (he admits that he likes boobies and butts but he doesn't touch them without consent y'know). So if you wanna drink with somebody, if Jake's available he will even treat you! He'll buy your favorite snacks and brand of beer that you like! He'll even invite Jerry, Lineman, Sinu and other Big Deal members to join the party if you're okay with it. Sharing moments like this really makes him happy especially if you interact and get along with his friends/crewmates. And also going to expensive and fancy clubs (Club Vivi ehem) is just a waste of money for him, and you can be even involved to illegal stuff without knowing so it's much safer to drink with your homies in your/their place. Responsible women are also a win for him. Managing your time and your feelings for others can catch his attention especially if you're the gleeful and helpful type despite being reserved at times. Being a mature person can catch his attention and he finds that fascinating.
His types of dates will be cooking together or taking you to "fancy" restaurants if he has the budget to try being a romantic. Jake also likes a sentimental someone who sees his efforts despite it failing sometimes. Jake has that natural charm on him that can attract anybody (even gay men don't try to deny it). He may be a natural flirt but he would definitely show their real affection and their romantic side with someone if they really deserve it.
If you're the good joker in the class he'll be your perfect pair. He also really likes it when you deny that you like him back just to see your reaction but don't take it too far though it can hurt his feelings.
Goo Kim (Kim Joon Goo)
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Oh this mf doesn't like anybody, he's attracted to money.
Lol I'm kidding (but I think it's almost canon sooo...)
Like Jake, He likes a woman with a really similar and good sense of humor. He's easily bored and mostly an outgoing person contrasting Gun's personality. So having a someone who literally won't stop talking about non-sense topics can catch Goo's attention if he finds the conversation interesting. Or if a woman is often trying to be serious but easily gets distracted and annoyed, this could be a win-for-win for Goo. "Are you doing something important? Why won't I annoy you? You literally look so cute when you get angry." "Goo can you just-" "Hell no you're not giving me attention for 3 minutes straight" (*sigh* this guy).
And sorry to break it to you Jun Goo fangirls, but this dude LOVES SUGAR MOMMIES. You might expect something sweet for Goo's ideal type on a woman but he really probably uses loves women with LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY. But if he finds you interesting, he might give you a free tour on Disney Land lmao.
Or if he just thinks a woman is hot for his standards he just hits up on them, he likes boobs and butts no matter what size and is not ashamed of it? (and he'll probably... I don't wanna say it lol as long if he has consent).
Or probably when a woman is good at fighting, he might ask and request for you to be his secret friend ;) He's not like superrr obsessed to get someone as his successor like Gun. But if you have good fighting skills, why not ask you to work with him right? (He'll probably ask for your number too if he just finds you plain attractive). I just think that Goo just doesn't care about getting a date? If you find him hot or not? If you don't think he's attractive he'll play dumb and tease you even if your being honest about him not being your type. "Like really? You don't find me hot? Aww that's sad I thought you have higher standards in men". Or if you do find him hot he'll be like: "Aww thanks sweetheart, I always know that I'm smoking attractive". He will probably ask you out on a date if he finds you pretty too? But as we all know, Goo gets easily bored. So it's really risky for you to take your feelings on the other level. He mostly sees women for one night stands. So falling for him can lead to high expectations just because he's more talkative and chatty unlike Gun who's well reserved. Be careful.
Another thing, if a woman is a bit sadistic in terms of combat (you know like Kakegurui girls), he'll get a little bit too excited to get someone as his partner in crime. (I DO NOT CONDONE OR PROMOTE SADISM IN REAL LIFE INCASE OF FEELING THESE STUFF IN YOUR PERSONAL LIFE PLEASE SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP).
Overall Goo is a red flag, avoid as much as possible (We don't know much about him or his past/personal life so I'm not completely judging him but yeah).
Gun Park (Park Jung Gun)
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Another red flag here (I swear to God some handsome people are the most sussiest ones)
I think it's canon that (anybody regardless of gender), who Gun thinks or considers strong, fitting and has potential to be his successor, he will find them interesting? I feel like he's a m*sochist.
Or if he just finds someone hot he will just y'know.
But I think unlike Goo, Gun still have a bit of humanity inside him despite not being obvious at times (not when he's fighting he's literally a beast when beating someone's ass but y'know what I mean). He really finds a woman attractive if she has some core values in them. Like for example being fair in most cases. But he also really likes it when a woman is destructive in combat without loosing their cool.
Like some Lookism men, Gun hates whiny and noisy girls. If he almost can't handle Goo's immaturity, what more for just some side girl? (I know this might some rude or offensive for some fangirls but I want to make this accurate and possible). He's not really an affectionate person but he will appreciate it if his girlfriend can show her love for him in a different and interesting manner. Examples are cooking healthy dishes for him, giving him massages, going to the gym together, etc.. He's not really an outgoing person but I think if you initiated to go on public dates if both of you have the free time he won't mind it. He will also appreciate it if both of you share or split the bill for the spending or when living together at your shared apartment.
And also despite being h*rny sometimes, I also think that Gun really value someone not only for their looks, I headcannon that just like Hudson, he really likes it when their someone is passionate about what they want to do to succeed in life whether it's fighting or not. He absolutely despises people who won't risk to change their selves for the better and healthier side of them.
He's not much of a clingy person but he also likes someone who's caring. He might not admit it for the sake of not being seen as "vulnerable and weak" but if he really feels that if someone values him deeply he might actually start to like them. It's a slow process especially for someone like Gun who's known for being a monster in combat to be romantically involved. And he also likes being the role of the protector if he will ever get into a mature and real relationship.
Gun's taste in women is complex, it can be a playful chick and a bit insane one (I DON'T CONDONE THIS ONE IN REAL LIFE), a passionate girl reaching for success and happiness in life, or just a normal one. Either way, if he seriously falls in love with a girl/someone which is rare for it to happen, Goo will still tease him for it (not like he cares anyways).
Sinu Han (Han Sin Woo)
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A simp, a reasonable simp
You'll probably meet Sinu if you're part of the street that he will protect later on. You first thought that his hero-complex is getting in the way for himself since he can get in serious trouble if he keeps sacrificing himself just for the safety of others. But since he initiate it first out of good will and he has the ability to, I guess you and the other girls don't have a problem with it.
Though you can't help but to get worried sometimes. Not only you have to bandage his wounds every single time he gets injured but you also have to scold him to be more careful when he's fighting. With Sinu not having a parental figure and making the choice to be the protector of his home street, he really cherishes someone/a woman who cares for him.
I can also imagine him being with someone who knows to do household chores just like Eli. Cooking with Sinu and learning new recipes are his way to go activity to spend some time with you if both of you are not busy. He also appreciates it when you cook for him (even if its bad he'll still probably eat it lmao). He also really likes it when you bring him his favorite snacks and watch action-movies or the horror ones (which he will cling on to you tightly when he's scared) and just overall enjoying each other's company. He also likes it when their someone gives them massages. He's probably insecure about his scars from his previous fights but he really likes it when you give him compliments about he still looks pretty/handsome despite with having many scars on his body. You really value Sinu for just being himself, strong-willed and is willing to do anything just to protect the street. And Sinu loves it when you appreciate the things that he's doing for the future of your home, your friends who you will consider yourself your family.
A mature woman with a great sense of humor can really make Sinu fall for her. If you laugh at his jokes then make your back , it can make his day even better especially when he's burned out. He really likes it when you always have that calm yet beautiful smile on your face when you see or greet him. It also makes him feel respected.
Though things will take a turn when he has to sell his self to the Workers just for the sake of everybody, for your sake even. As much as he feels devastated to be separated from Big Deal, from you and from his home, he has to do this to protect everybody. Time passes by as the drama between the 4 major crews began to heat up. Jake being stressed and having to bring back Sinu, Samuel being an asshole and everybody else being devastated from their bosses' sudden leave. As much you try to be positive that Sinu will come home soon, you hate to admit that you're loosing faith that he'll ever come back.
On a "normal" day, you're just fixing the clothing that you're selling with the help of your other friends when a group of men just appeared on the roadway with you spotting a familiar someone. It's not just Jake, Jerry, Lineman, Brad and the others but a raven-haired tall male. You can't help to be teary as you run into Sinu hugging him. "SINU I MISSED YOU DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!" you whaled as your hot tears stained his new black hoodie but he couldn't care less. "I-I miss you too Y/N. I won't leave Big Deal and everybody again, especially you."
Oh how he missed for your warm hugs and you just being clingy. Your sweet, thoughtful, and soft hearted personality makes him realize on how lucky he is to have you. So please treat him well and give him lots of kisses! He really loves your affection.
A/N: Sorry if this feels rushed but I might probably do a James Lee, Samuel, Jerry, and Jace one lol good night I hope you liked this.
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jd-loves-fiction · 3 years
Omg,, an extremely pretty girlfriend who enjoys being punished?? Like s/o who acts like a brat to get themselves whooped by their boyfriends. Usually tactic being that they flirt with others, probs seducing them so that girlie can get that punishment she loves so much. Please for Wakasa,both haitanis and Sanzu.
🌑bimbo gf vibes??👀👀
❖ 𝐖𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐚 ❖
Well, good luck with getting that punishment with this man🥴
An unbothered king who sees right thru your schemes
So you're gonna have to try real hard and catch him off guard with it, like when he's tired or particularly stressed, otherwise you'll get nothing out of him except an amused smirk and a few teasing remarks
But once you do get thru to him, you're in for it
Oh god he gets wild when you push him buttons on bad days
He gets so mad that he doesn't even care about his usual way of handling you, which is just not letting any of your behavior get thru to him until you become desperate enough to drop your facade
He just gets blind with rage and lust, pulling you away from your newest victim with a scathing glare to pound you until he's worked all his anger out
He can't say he's completely against it on those days, since he gets to let him anger out in a healthier way than before and you get what you so desperately want
Overall, win win :)
❖ 𝐑𝐚𝐧 ❖
Ooooh you're trying to trick this man?? Good fucking luck lol
Sadistic king so you better be careful when you play with him
He's like the opposite of Wakasa, meaning that whenever you get into one of your moods he'll give it to you as hard as you deserve it
Might even turn it up as time goes on because it's amusing to see if you regret it when he plays rough with you
It's just so satisfying to see the look in your eyes once he breaks out the real kinky stuff 0_0
Can't stop teasing all throughout, "Too much? Isn't this what you wanted? I thought you could handle it."
❖ 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨 ❖
A lil bit of a hot take? Maybe? But probably the most gullible one
Like he only realizes he's fallen into your trap after you're done and exhausted and you start giggling like the cat that got the cream
He gets all tsundere
But also can't say he doesn't really like it, at least the end result, the process he doesn't like so much
Poor boy feels just a little insecure
So if you try this it might get you some punishment at first but it will quickly turn into something softer due to his need for reassurance
❖ 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐮 ❖
A mixture
Depends on the day and how high he is
If he feels like playing, he's gonna go along with you and extreme edging will follow
I mean like straight up walking out of the room for a smoke when you're tied up kind of extreme edging
Mans is crazy we know
But on some other days he won't be so amused
He'll just be curt with you or straight up ignore you until you start regretting your actions
He likes to take advantage of this vulnerability to get you to behave for him
So he beats you at your own game pretty easily 🥴
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abbynx · 3 years
La Squadra Esecuzione as Best Friends Headcanons
Formaggio - Very chill, first and foremost, he is down for anything to do. Videogames? He'll try to beat your ass. Cat cafes? Heck ye he is down - The type of friend who will coax you to cut class to hang out behind the school or climb over the school fence to hang around the local arcade or theatre. But if he get caught, he won't snitch and he's willing to take responsibility. Begrudgingly. - Ohhhh physical touch is bare minimum for him. He'll occasionally lean on you, perhaps shrink himself to fit himself in your pocket just to platonically cuddle and perhaps, use you as a transport. - Will high five you as a greeting, and will high five you as a farewell. Usually followed by a hug too uwu "Bro!" He holds his hand out for a high five, in which you instinctively grant him one, when he also entwines his fingers through yours and pulling you for a hug, patting your back for a second and pulling away. "I missed you bro!" - Prepare for dumb jokes, dumb puns that he effortlessly come up with as time goes by. You can't go on a day without him cracking a joke. You'd either roll your eyes at it or laugh along with him. There's nothing in between "You see that guy over there, bro?" He leans on you, arm draped around your shoulder as he points at a person from afar. "Yeah, what?" "I say... You'd be a perfect match." You glanced at him, hearing him shake a box of matches as he wiggled his eyebrows with a dumb grin. - *Finger guns and bro intensifies* Illuso - That weird person you don't see yourself associating yourself with somehow befriended him for some reason. Most likely started when you both started to wake up at 3 AM and meet in the middle of the dark, in the kitchen, wanting to grab something to eat. At first it is awkward, but soon you learned to bond through it! And soon enough, your midnight chats extended to become actual friendships! - Seems distant, but he cares. He's the type pretend not to care about you, but will glare (or more than glare depending at the severity) at people who hurt you. He is the 'I'm the only one allowed to insult them like that' type of friend. "Huh, Formaggio hasn't been teasing me. I wonder what happened." You wondered aloud, as you say beside your friend Illuso. "Must be because of his bruised jaw. The previous mission must've been tough for him." "Yeah... That..." - Probs touched-starved. He acts irritated and push you away when you try to hug him, but secretly loves it. If you stop trying to hug him, he'd be kinda sad but will not say anything. - This friendship includes you listening to him rant about every little thing, and brag about things he can't do. He appreciates you listening to be honest, and that's initially how your friendships started anyways. - Will use derogatory terms as a term of endearment. Please don't be offended, he doesn't mean any offense "Hey idiot! Get your sorry ass right here! Risotto said we have someone to take care of!" "Thanks, dumbass." "Eyo slut! Take a look at this fugly idiot!" - Does not have the habit of knocking. In fact, he just barges into your room, through the mirror. In more than one occasion has he seen you undressed but he couldn't care less about it. "Hey dumbass can I borrow your— hey, stop screaming! Anyways I ran out of hair ties, do me a solid—" - Everyone around you being confused to how you two are most unlikely to become friends, but you two are practically unlikely twins Prosciutto - You can not stop me from assuming he is quite the mom friend if you pry his shell hard enough. Perhaps a mom friend mixed with tsundere friend. "Hey! Drink your water or I'll break your ankles! No I don't care that we're in the middle of killing someone! I packed you some water and you didn't drink it! Well shit I didn't pack it specifically for you, I just managed to pack extra! Now go ahead and drink, I'll handle this one myself! While you're at it, coat yourself with sunscreen! If I hear you whining about being burnt, I swear to God—" - If you happen to be a mom friend too, you'd be bonding over the
mutual stress of having to look over the rest of the gang over a glass of wine as chaos around you ensues because you two decided to take a small break. "Formaggio and Ghiaccio is up at it again..." You sigh, swirling the content of your stemware as the distant bickering of the two aforementioned assassins echoed. "Just... Let's just lay low. It'll be over soon." Prosciutto sighs along as well, before downing his glass of whiskey. "Hopefully." And it didn't end, as it ensued and progressive got worse. Stands were called, knives were thrown, guns were shot. And two mom friends of La Squadra almost lost their voice from all the yelling and lecturing - Will scold you for your bad habits. Bad posture? He will walk behind you, press his knee on your back and roll your shoulders back whilst he lectures you about it. Messy time management? Will buy you crap to make you keep track of time. Sleeping so late? He will take whatever you're distracted with, demand you to turn your lights off as he lights soothing scented candles and tossing you some comfortable blankets to use. Barely taking care of yourself? Bro prepare yourself. "I don't understand how you live like this! You'd be dead if you were to continue that habit! At least help me help you to make you be better!" - Very blunt and honest to the point it stings, but he never lies to people he is closed to. He prefers being upfront with his loved ones and will try to rebuild their confidence and reassure them that they can be better than what they are. "When I say you're idiotic, you're but a burden, I mean it. You have all rights to be hurt by it, but don't just live with it. Prove me wrong, that you can be better than that and you'll be the best version of yourself. I know you can do it." - Will accept hugs, but will most likely not hug back. Maybe he'll just out one hand on your back and lightly stroke it, but that's it. But in rare occasions, he will return them too. Sometimes, he'll even initiate it. - Your connection to him as a friend has lead several advantages. No one in general can make a negative comment about you with Prosciutto around. His glare alone was scary and they would not wish to stick around and find out what he can do than just glaring. - Extremely appreciates when you help him around by simply carrying things for him, fetching him coffee and actually doing your damn job properly is enough to make him be filled with gratitude. Pesci - Baby. Okay, so this boy. Boy oh boy, he is baby. Take care of him, bro. Don't coddle him to the point of him being entirely dependent on you, but sis you can always reassure and make him improve himself! Perhaps a tamer version of his relationship with his brother. - You two will mostly likely be friends because you always defend him from the others from teasing him and rooting for him. He is very grateful for it and can't thank you enough. Either that, or Prosciutto paid you to babysit him. - Will constantly cling on your arm when he's anxious. It's up to you whether you'll snap at him and slap his hand away, or just let him hang around you. He'll just simply grab your wrist, and sooner and later he'd have his body pressed against yours, completely clinging on the entirety of your arm. "D-don't leave me, Y/N! I'm scared—!" - He is extremely thankful for you watching over him and protecting and by this, he tries to improve himself a lot more just so he can confidently say he can watch over you and protect you as well - Just the sweetest little thing, whenever he'd be away with Prosciutto for a mission he'd return home bearing gifts from travel and he'd give it to you. It would be something either miniature, or something practical like a knife sharpener or something. "I-I got this for you... I hope you like it! Big bro helped me pick!" - Honestly, I can imagine him just being the best, supportive and encouraging friend there could be. If ever you needed someone to confide in, he'd just sit and listen and will certainly not repeat what you told him to others. He'll try his best to comfort
you, taking inspiration to how you comfort him and will just try his best to make you feel better. "I know life is rough and hard and bad, but you always told me it will change and soon it all be over and better. It's good that you recognise you're in a bad place, now you need to take a break and then later you won't even know you've already forgotten your problem! It's okay to be sad, too, but not for too long." - The type of friend that will share anything he has. He has a cookie with him? Shit, he'll split it in half and give the other half to you. Some soda? Well I hope you don't mind drinking from the same can as he is, he will give it to you. Melone - So this nerd isn't a complete creepy pervert, not entirely at all. He's chill for most of the time, so he's a neat company if you don't mind him bombarding you with questions regarding your genetics, heritage records, blood type, zodiac signs and whatnot. But knows when to stop. - You most likely befriended him because he is one of the chill people in the group... Somewhat. Or perhaps you just started to bond over mutual love for steamy, erotic novels from the same author. If this man has shame, his guilty pleasures would be reading these types of trashy novels filled with smut. - He is great as a wingman. Complain to him about your lack of a love life, he'll observe your types and he'll somehow come up with a list by the next day enthusiastically listing them to you in a PowerPoint presentation. "If you're into girls, I have this one right here! She's compatible with your zodiac sign, although she has quite the temper she can be extremely passionate and affectionate— or perhaps you're into men, that I have as well. Several, actually. This other fellow right here is also a part of Passione from the Human trafficking branch, stoic and quite a stern one, but knows when to lay low at times and appreciate those around him— either him or the girl, you'd make good babies together!" "Melone, what the fuck—" - Very touchy. He'd lean his head on your lap as you both read on the couch, or randomly put his head on your shoulder during meetings, grab you by the arm while crossing the road, smacking your ass as a greeting (if you tell him stop, he'd stop of course), will pretend to kiss you just so he can see your reaction, anything. He is one affectionate nut that he sometimes forget about personal spaces. If you're not particularly fond of being touched like I am, simply tell him nope. I mean, he'd be sad but will respect your boundaries. The only time he'll actually respect established boundaries, to be honest. - Knows the most random facts and will share them to you for the fun of it. Additional to that, he will also mutter his shower thoughts and random cursed facts out loud just so he can curse you with the knowledge and confusion. "Did you know that dolphins masturbate using dead fishes? Also, there was an experiment involving dolphins in which one of the scientist fell in love and had sex with it. Another fact, is that dolphins are also seen doing the deed—" "Okay, Melone, I get it! Dolphins aren't as innocent as they seem! Stop ruining it for me already!" ... "Did you know that a woman once used mayonnaise as a lubri—" "MELONE!" - Being his friends meaning being his impulse control. If he intends to use his Stand on some innocent passerby just for the heck of it (for science, as he claims), smack him by the wrist and glare at him. If he eyes a particular someone for too long that the person gets too uncomfortable, try to divert his attention away. "Ow! Y/N what the heck—!" "What did I told you about oogling at people? It's impolite and creepy, stop that!" - He may not seem like it, but bro he cares a lot. If ever you had a problem, he'd sit and listen, offer you his shoulder to cry on, and perhaps hang out to divert your attention away from what's bothering and hurting you. And if you need advice, he'll try his best to come up with a flawless solution to your problems. But if comfort is what you need, his arms are open baby. Ghiaccio
- Bro you must need emergency ear plugs for this one, he is a massive screamer, a ticking time bomb with no timer that will erupt at random. If ear plugs aren't enough, cover your ears. - Befriending him was an impulse control befriending him. Well, all you did was to constantly try to calm his tits and cool his head to the point he actually barges in your room to hang out so that he can cool his head from all of the shenanigans occuring all around him, or maybe he just had another thought about something maddening about the world. "WELL WHY?! WHY IS WOMEN'S CLOTHES SIZING CHART DIFFER FROM EACH STORE?! THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE! INCHES AND CENTIMETRES EXISTS FOR A REASON, DAMNIT!" - There are moments where he isn't screaming, thankfully and he's a decent person to talk to. If you're a listener, he'll do the talking, just ranting about things, rambling on and on, before complaining, and then another outbursts comes out. By this, you simply sigh, put a hand on his shoulder and talk to him in a gentle, calming voice. It usually does the trick. Formaggio and Melone joked about this talent of yours as witchcraft. - He appreciates you a lot and honestly doesn't know what to do without you and by that, he knows he has to reciprocate the care you give him somehow to show he is grateful of your friendship and care. He isn't the type to be physically affectionate, but he is extremely thoughtful about his closed loved onesa and prefers to be practical about it. He would save you your seat in meetings, fetch you snacks if he ran out for an errand, etc etc. Extremely observant of your mannerisms, that he might point that out to you and you won't even realise you do that. - So like, he is very protective as a friend. He will do something whenever someone has wronged you in any way. The others teasing you? Bam, he'll shoot them back with a witty insult. Your s/o cheated on you? Ohohoho boi, be prepared to see their name on a headline on the daily news. Your order was wrong? Bam, he'll have the waiter shaking in fear from a screaming, angry Italian mafioso as he demands for them to remake your order correctly. "WELL CAGACAZZO?! QUIT STANDING AROUND AND GET ORDERS CORRECTLY—" "G-Ghiaccio it's just a minor thing, let it go—" "THEY SERVED YOU AN INGREDIENT YOU SPECIFICALLY TOLD THEM NOT TO INCLUDE BECAUSE YOU'RE ALLERGIC TO IT! WHY ARE YOU LETTING THIS SLIDE OFF?!" - All in all, he's just glad you're there for him because damn, someday his temper is going to get the best of him and he doesn't know what to do. And with your friendship, he's learned how to cope with his spontaneous anger by carrying soothing stuff to ease his nerves (courtesy of your suggestions and gifts for him) - Basically the dynamic of a rapid gremlin with rabies and a calm, sunshine personified angel. Everyone (Riz, including, but he's more subtle and dry about it) joked about the unlikely friendship, and how your ears must've lost a little bit of hearing capacity. Rissoto - I feel like he'd be extremely attached to a childhood friend. You've been friends since before you underwent the drastic change by going through a lot to get to where he is now, and still the only person that stuck around with him was you. By that, you became the most trusted by him due to the fact you've known each other for very long. - As his best friend, you're his confidant and finds himself often going to you if ever he needed advice, or needed to vent about his stress. He really isn't vocal but when he's confiding in you, his words spill out of his mouth usually sealed tightly just steadily flows, his big strong Capo veneer falls apart in front of you but he doesn't necessarily feel unsafe by being vulnerable. That's how he trusts you. - No one will dare to bad mouth you in front of the Capo, or else there'd be hell to pay for. I mean, teasing is fine, he knows you can handle burns from team mates here and there (and will silently smirk at it) but he will not stand it if they attempt to belittle you for something unreasonable. "Watch your mouth. That was
out of their control, stop blaming them for something they can't do." - The type of friend that doesn't know how to comfort someone, but will try their best. So as you spill your heart out, tears, snot, sweat and all, he'll just pull you to his chest and awkwardly pat your shoulders to get you calm and comforted. Not to mention, he is extremely stiff at the hug and is very unsure what words to say to you to not upset or offend you any further, so he'll just ride it out smoothly, and let you let it all out on his chest. It's not like he can't wash your tears, snot and sweat on his chest anyways. - Since he is very non-vocal, he's a good listener so rant all the way! Complain about the weather, about your lack of love life, about how underpaid the hitmen team is, anything! He won't find the perfect response, so he'll just nod along and perhaps comment occasionally on what your saying. "So like, ugh, I am soooo frustrated at how Prosciutto could say that to Pesci! He makes a good point, but it's redundant for him to be too harsh on him! Look, all I'm saying is, maybe Prosciutto should start choosing his words correctly so that Pesci won't feel too upset! You know???" You glanced at your friend, as he simply sat attentively beside you. He nods silently as a response. "Anyways—" - Extremely great at deduction and the way he reads people so easily is so unreal. And so he uses this to his advantage to know what's up with you whenever you seemed off. By this, he's able to tell whenever you're upset but scared to talk about it, frustrated but too busy to talk about, etc etc. And with this, he takes the time to drag you to take a seat, and talk about what's been bothering you. If you don't wish to talk about it at all, he'll let you be after with a reassurance that you can overcome whatever the heck you're going through. - Everyone is surprised that you two aren't married??? That you're just friends??? The way you two look just makes you two look like a couple and it boggles the others how you two aren't one.
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tastyykpop · 4 years
nct dating headcannons!
I only did 127 because there's so many but ill do the others if anyone requests it :)
ɴᴄᴛ ʙғ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ
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Mr. Moon Taeil is the definition of a cuddly boyfriend
Hes always holding your hand or kissing your cheek
Definitely gets shy when the members are around but in public youre all his
Hes super sincere about anything too but also knows how to joke around
I mean have you seen him with nct
Hes funny❗❗
Like he's gonna make you laugh no matter what
And those deep convos yall would have at night while cuddling>>>
"What if we were put on earth by aliens as an experiment to see if we would live and everytime we see ufos its just our cousins checking up on us"
Eyes wide open, "bro"
Taeils either the big or small spoon too
There's no in between
Also the biggest baby when yall are chilling
"I call small spoon!"
"But you were the small spoon last night"
"K and what about it"
10/10 would complain if you didn't want to sit with him and watch a movie or show
Would probably guilt trip you by saying you never watch something with him
Hes a sweet manipulator...
But he could easily replace you with one of the members
Like sicheng
Taeil will always ask if you've eaten
If you haven't eaten he gets big sad
Don't make him sad
Plus hes always checking on your health
And he'll know if your lying if you say you're doing fine when you're not
Also don't lie in general cuz he doesn't like that
That would make him trust you a bit less and he definitely wants trust in the relationship
Trust is a huge key or hes out
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This man 🥲
Boyfriend Material™
So gentle and loving
Loves making you feel special and will hype the shit out of you when you don't feel confident doing something
Will always make sure you're doing okay
Johnny puts in so much effort to make this relationship work and expects you to put the same amount of effort into it too
Like taeil, hes really big on trust
Add honesty to that list
Plus he expects you to be mature when needed
If you're the type of person who depends on someone else for everything and I'm mean everything he will actually leave
Hes not your babysitter❤
But he will take care of you to some extent
Like basic things for instance
He'll make you food if you're sick, get you water if your dehydrated, will get your feminine products when you need it
Very sweet😌
Okay and he spoils you but wbk
"Why are you getting me so much things?"
"Because I love you."
"But why did you get me a kitten costume???"
He has some kinks to work out 😐
Johnny will go to shop after shop even if you say you don't want something (you do but you just don't want him to pay) he'll get it without batting an eye
"Youve been staring at these shoes for 5 minutes imma buy them for you"
"Huh? No! I-"
"Too late"
will take you out to dinner all the time just to be romantic
Hes actually really good at romantic stuff
I say Johnny you say whipped
His free time is always you time
So don't bother saying your busy cuz now hes busy with you
"Johnny i got a test coming up can you come later? I need to study
"Thats cute im coming over to help"
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Judging taeyong on his looks, some say he would be cold to his girlfriend
Like a tsundere
But the man is quite the opposite
Though he can be stern if need be
He has 22 children what do you expect
Will literally treat you like his members and always taking care of you
But there will be times when you have to take care of him because hes so tired from work
He turns into a baby when he's tired or lazy too
So wrap him in a burrito blanket and hes all set for the day
Makes weird noises but thats normal
You're just watching tv and hes just making some old video game sounds with his mouth
No one questions it
If he didnt make sounds you'd probably question it
Talks in pout if he doesn't get his way with you
"Why don't you wanna play games with me~"
"Bruh I'm tired"
Or just gives you those big puppy eyes without even trying
Complete other person when you're not listening
He just kinda stares at you all intimidating like until you listen
Taeyong won't do anything too bad if you kept ignoring him, but you don't know that
Omg bro he'd literally bring you on vlive with him to chat
Even if the company is like '???Shes not an idol???'
But its taeyong so SM doesn't care🧍‍♂��
"We have special guest again! Its y/n-ah!!"
You'd be just chilling on his bed giving him a wtf look until you realize there's a camera and smile
"Shes cute. Isn't she cute guys?"
Don't try to escape the vlive, he'll just get up and sit you on his lap
Makes everyone watching jelly🥲
Bro he would make fun of you the same way he makes fun of doyoung
you'd be sitting with doyoung or sumn and taeyong just comes up to the both of you and decides
'Its time to end these two'
You and doyoung are just like 'tf did we do'
Somehow some other members are making fun of yall
Of course they aren't mean
Its all fun and games and gives you a good laugh after
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Hes literally a mom
But its ok
You love it
He also nags a lot
And if you don't listen he gets mad
You wouldn't tell him this but you find it funny
And cute🤐
"Youre almost as bad as dream" 
"what are u talking about im an angel"
"Kay then put the knife down we kinda need haechan to live"
Hes beaten you with a pillow once
In front of taeyong
Taeyong was watching like 👁👄👁
I dont think he cares much for pda tbh
But he doesn't hate it
He'll hug you a lot
And doyoung will probably kiss you here and there
But thats depending on his mood
If he's tired he'd probably just hold you in his arms
Either way he still makes you smile even with the smallest of touches
When you guys go out in public doyoung always holds your hand
I mean always
Remember when I said he doesn't seem like the type to be into pda
I lied
Doyoung wants everyone to know youre his
He won't kiss you but he will pull you into random hugs and hold your hand like he's gonna lose you any second
Doyoung also can't go anywhere without dressing his best
Like even if he's just practicing he's gotta look cute
And he always does because he's fucking kim doyoung
Doyoung also has a habit to make up names for you
Like one day he'll call you babe/baby
The next day could be angel or princess
Then there's you who just calls him bunny because he hates (loves) it
Expect some random gifts from him
Cuz like Johnny, he likes to spoil you
he just loves the smile thats plastered on your face
Pinches your cheeks evey time you smile too
When you guys are just chilling in the dorms you are always doing something to make doyoung get "angry"
"Angry" doyoung is a fun doyoung
Says you and taeyong 🤭
Literally will chase you around the dorm until he gets you and "scolds you"
Hell also scold taeyong
Sometimes you prank him with the other members
But doyoung knows youre just being playful
So he kinda laughs at you
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Hes a devil
He can go from calling you the cutest lil thang to saying the most inappropriate stuff
"U have such a pretty mouth" 
"no stop" 
"how about u use it on my-"
Besides that he's actually very nice
Although he doesn't really show his affection like how most couples would
At first hes kinda like a "cold boyfriend" but not?
Gives off a tsundere kinda vibe
He lives for pda
Especially if you initiate it
His favorite is kissing your neck
Not in a sexual way or trying to give you hickeys tho
He just comes over and kisses it
Probably has a neck kink 😳
Same 😌
When you guys are out in public his arm is always around your waist or shoulders
He gets easily jealous when you give anyone any attention
Especially if you have a pet
He will be pouty for God knows how long until you notice
"I'll make it up to you"
"ok then prove it *pats his lap*"
"...I can and will replace you with this animal"
Will not let a dude flirt with you
If he sees a dude flirt with you he just gives them ㄒ卄乇 ㄥㄖㄖҜ
Lowkey hot
But sometimes gives you that look if u aren't listening to him
Its an advantage
Freaks you out tho
When your sitting on the couch minding your own damn business yuta always pulls you onto his lap or sits you between his legs
He really likes to be close to you
So when you guys are sitting he keeps his head on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you gently rocking you both
Omg im making myself feel single
If you are sad yuta will always be the first person you lean on
Even if its not serious
"Who do I need to fuck up?"
"Im literally just on my period..."
The members sometimes tease him because they'd never seen him so in love
He looks at you like ur his everything
Because you are
He'll tell you that too
If you say something bad about urself he gives you a whole ass lecture about how u should love yourself the way he loves you
He'd be talking for 25 minutes but you stopped listening 30 minutes ago
Literally scolds you for not listening
Loves how well you get along with the members
But also hates how well you get along with specific members because of how similar you are with them
What I'm trying to say is that you are a bit too similar to mark🚶‍♂️
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Frat boy boyfriend
Lowkey wants to fuck everyday
Idk he gives off that vibe
But jaehyuns just chill half the time
Hes like an American boyfriend like bitch you're Korean 👁👄👁
Hes super cuddly and warm
Thats weird wait
Like when you're cold just snuggle into him because body heat <3
Always loosely has his arms around your waist when just laying down
Whole different story if you're sitting on his lap and just standing around
Back hugs😫😫
Dead ass the first thing he does if he sees you is give you a back hug
It works for a lot of things
Surprise? Back hug
You're cooking? Back hug
Horny? Back hug
Solves his life problems basically
Hes a freak omg
Very flirtatious too
Hes just that bitch
Either he makes you blush or roll your eyes
"Y/n you're ass is fat"
Def an ass guy😑
Hes the type of guy to put his hands in your jeans back pocket
Wait no im feeling jaehyun too much rn
Or when yall hug his hand doesn't rest on your back but your ass
If you're wearing some shorts or something that makes your but pop
Hes gonna smack it and pretend like nothing happened
Yo someone pls save me im in my jae feels
Nah I've been talking about his ass kink for too long
Okay for real though jaes actually really nice and kind of careless when it comes to you
Fuck everyone else, if you've fallen and scraped your knee hes gonna be that soccer mom and rip a band aid out of nowhere
But if one of his members scraped their knee he'd just look the other way and smile like nothing happened
Earlier I said he was chill but hes also loud too
You walk into the dorms and the first thing you hear is "Y/N!!" Wyd?
You swear he doesn't realize how loud he is half the time because of that deep voice
This bitch always makes sure youre healthy and tries to take you to the gym with him
It dont work cuz this bitch just stares at your ass
Nah I need to do the next member
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hes literally the cutest especially around you
When he greets you its basically a whole ass bear hug
Whole lots a kissing
Literally doesn't care where you guys are
He will kiss you anywhere
Loves to kiss your forehead because he doesn't have to bend down as much🤭
doesnt care if the members are there
Nobody ever questions it either
"youre my baby right?"
He does aegyo if he doesn't get his way
It works every time don't lie
Will probably sit on your lap for some reason
Hes not light
But if you can do it so can he
you guys never get into fights
Even if you do its never anything serious
"you fucking pushed me so u could win"
"false I accidentally bumped my arm into urs"
"whats accidental is the murder im going to commit"
Smh young love
Going shopping with jungwoo is like shopping with a kid
Will beg for any food he lays his eyes on
"Omg can we get cookies?🥺"
"only if your paying"
“*gently places cookie dough back* lmao cookies? Never heard of her"
No matter how tired the boy is he will always find time for you
Hell take you too your favorite restaurants and even if you insist on paying he wont let you
If you don't marry him I will
When you guys are walking in public he will always be holding your hand
Says its because he doesn't want you to get lost
But you know damn well its actually him who doesn't want to get lost😳
Jk you just know he wants to be close to you
If you make any suggestive joke he always knows how to counterpart it
Leaving you speechless like the members
When you guys are going to bed he has his arms wrapped around your waist
first thing jungwoo does before sleeping is giving you a kiss
Doesn't care if your asleep or awake
Then a quiet 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢
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i dont even know how to explain this relationship bruh
like its mark lee its gonna be a weird time
ok so marks actually hella nice
kinda bro or dude zones you but you do it back
theres a bunch of yo’s too
as someone who says yo a lot im happy i can relate to him
“yo youre doing that wrong though”
“dude im literally reading the directions, it said 3 cups of water”
“bro it says 3/4 oh my god”
yall cant cook 
taeyong wont even allow even you to help him cook
anyway marks special
but seriously marks actually a very gentle person with you
like legit is super nice to you even if you sometimes piss him off
marks probablys only been mad at you once then was like ‘its okay’
go to his practices cuz he loves that shit
he really likes when you are social with the members too
cuz then you guys are all friends and he can just bring you to places with them :D
this kid will literally not to pda in front of any member so you have to basically force him to just hug you
johnnys always making fun of you two and mark panics everytime while youre just like ‘yeah what about it’
compliment mark and hes blushing and squealing like an anime girl
inch resting concept 
“mark you look cute today”
“o-oh um..yeah thanks”
and this man can take compliments but with you its a whole new story
aight lemme get serious
marks mad sensitive 
so dont actually purposely make him mad, jealous, or upset
it would crush him
and he doesnt want someone like that in a relationship
cuz if he doesnt purposely do it to you, dont do it to him
take notes 
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hes a brat bye
would actually fight you just to get his way
makes fun of you on a regular
thinks hes cute 
hes not wrong
but actually he knows how to act mature when he needs to
like if youre genuinly getting upset with him, he will straighten up and quicky apologize, even give you a phat kiss and hug
might take you to get ice cream after if he really upset you
he can be nice
nah jk hes very nice and is a really energetic boyfriend
haechan always wants to do something with you liek go to the amusement park, go out to eat, or go shopping
sometimes makes everything seem like a hassle to leave and go somewhere with you cuz hes either lazy or playing video games
“cant you just go by yourself?”
“but what if i get lost”
“the ice cream place is literally five miles away”
“actually its seven so im gonna get lost”
hed groan the whole time just to be annoying but you dont care cuz you got your ice cream
if you go to any concert or practice, haechan always has to make things more sexy than they should be
like ‘fool’ became hella sexual and for what
its probably one of his favorites to make you blush
he loves your reactions
keeps him alive
hyucks always got something to say even at the most awful times
youre literally choking on water and he goes “ill give you something to choke on later”
and you have to cancel your dying session to smack his head
my guy has no filter
and he wont even hide that around the members
theres always that smirk on his cute ass face if he succeeds too
i have the sudden urge to fight him
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Hiiii yes!!! I absolutely love the way you write!! I'm so glad I accidentally stumbled across your blog!!! If it's okay, may I ask for some nsfw headcanons with Beelzebub and Mammon (separately) with a VERY sub female s/o? Completely fine if not tho!! Keep up with the amazing work!!!
Say Hiiii so yes I saw that you write nsfw now and uhhhhhhh, may I ask for some headcanons with Beel x a very sub!f!reader? Completely fine if not!!! Thank you :) hewwo 💕nsfw for the obey me boys with a really sub mc who just wants to be dominated? 
(idk if i wrote the fandom, so sending it twice, sorry) nsfw headcanons for obey me with a sub/bottom reader
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I hope nobody minds, but I got 4 different asks with the same type of request, so I’m mashing them together
Also, I really hope any NSFW stuff I write is okay! I’m really not that great at writing it, so I hope you all enjoy this!
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( I’m so happy that I got this sticker okay - And the other side of the card now, too, thanks Devil Flower! )
Lucifer is the epitome of a dominant top, so he’s perfect for you, especially if you WANT him to dominate you.
He doesn’t even try, it only comes natural to him - Everything about him - His gaze, his composure, his self-esteem, his pride, his confidence, his aura, his stature, everything about him SCREAMS dominant.
While yes, he will be having you squirming under him, a moaning mess calling our his name with no inhibitions or shame, he will still hold himself back the first few times, until/if he knows your boundaries, kinks and fetishes.
Lucifer would either have you undress for him, slowly, to admire your whole body, or would tease you with his ungloved hands by tracing every curve of your body with gentle and soft touches that make you want more.
His kisses are out of this world, hot and passionate with a small tint of rough, but never messy.
He actually loves biting your bottom lip, tugging on it slightly, teasing you a lot, loving to hear your whimper.
Prepare for either multiple orgasms, or a lot of edging and orgasm denial, because unless you’re begging for your sweet release, you won’t have any mercy from this one.
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Despite having a huge power bottom or submissive energy, he won’t care what role he has to do, as long as you’re enjoying it.
He has some big self-esteem issues, but honestly, if you two are having fun in bed, then he really trusts you a lot, and he won’t think or feel down in any way, so he will focus only on you and your pleasure.
He loves you so much that he wants to make sure you get multiple orgasms, he wants you to be happy, to love him, to enjoy being in his arms, to enjoy his touch.
He loves the Missionary position, if he has to top, because he can hold you close to his body, look you in the eyes, kiss your cheeks, forehead, lips, neck, jawline and cleavage as much as he wants.
Mammon loves seeing your cheeks get pink and when you look away as you’re feeling good and shift around, panting for air or biting your lip, trying to hide your moans.
Expect a loooot of compliments and body-worship because this boy literally venerates the ground you walk on, that’s how much he loves you, and he will do anything to make sure you’re happy, and you know you’re perfect inside and out, and that you’re more beautiful than any star, in his eyes.
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With Levi, it takes long until he gets riled up enough for him to be a DomTop, especially since he’s such a SubBot, a little blushy tsundere who likes to have someone dominate/top him, since it will spare him a lot of embarrassment.
However, that doesn’t mean he’s a bad DomTop, on the contrary, if he’s in the mood, he will be the best guy you’ve ever made love with.
It’s enough for him to see you in a short skirt, thigh highs, cute hairstyles that look anime-ish, or any cosplay/clothes with cosplay potential, and that’s it, he’s your guy for the whole night, he won’t leave you alone.
He’d put you in his lap and caress your thighs up and down, muttering how beautiful you are, and how much he wants to make love to you, hold you close to his chest, slowly undress you, pinching every inch of your body, commenting how much he loves every party of you and how beautiful you are.
Levi would make sure to kiss your lips and neck a lot, not caring if he leaves hickeys, mostly because he sees you enjoying those kisses so he doesn’t think about anything else, having it as an incentive to keep on going.
Say his name, say how much you love him, say how good he’s making you feel, and oh boy, you will see Valhalla in a way you’ve never dreamt of.
Also, he’s VERY good with his hands…Fingers…Thanks to all the gaming he’s done, and he’s veeeeery patient, and will know every little inch of your body and how it reacts, and you better bet that he’ll take advantage of that, only to hear your cute squeaks or whimpers.
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He can either be super gentle, or super rough, depending on how you like it. 
He’s a gentleman and he cares a lot about your pleasure, so he won’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with or dislike.
As well as that, Satan is afraid he’ll unintentionally hurt you by being too rough, since he’s a demon and compared to humans, he sometimes doesn’t realise the difference in strength, so he’d rather be gentle and know that you’re enjoying it, than seeing crude bruises or scratches.
He enjoys being a top and loves teasing you so much, being a lot into senses-play, so blindfolds, a bit of playful messing around, soft touches, messy kisses, he just wants both of you to have fun, so if you giggle and then moan, godamn, you’re killing his heart.
Satan likes hearing your voice while making love to you, and even more, when he’s in the prelude mode, just enjoying how wet he can get you only with his words, touches and kisses.
Sometimes, however, he can’t resist your charm too much, seeing you so vulnerable and ready to take him, so he doesn’t tease you too much, enough to beg and whimper for him, he will go right at it when he knows you’re ready and will rock your world like never before.
Your innocence is such a turn on, and the thought of somehow tainting you, in a devilish way, makes him want to do filthy things with you, enough for you to never want to let go of him, to never get enough of him, and love only him.
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Avatar of Lust? God of Lust? God of Love? God of Pleasure?
Honestly, Asmodeus is everything you would ever wish for in a love partner.
He makes you feel safe and secure, he makes you feel beautiful and love, and will give you enough self-confidence for you to be able to speak out anything you want.
There’s a weird fetish you have? Okay, Asmo’s gonna make sure he integrates it next time you make love.
You want to try out a new kink, but you’re ashamed or scared of it? No worries, Asmo will be gentle, and there is nobody more knowledgeable in this department, so you know everything he says is legit.
You just want to have a tender and passionate love-session with him, where all he does is pamper you and makes you feel loved? Yep, Asmo will be more than happy to ensure that happens.
You want to go rough and get dominated in a filthy way? No shame, Asmo will dirty talk in your ear how much of a slut you are for his dick with no problem or second thought.
He will NEVER judge you for anything you do in bed, and it only stays between the two of you, although he’s never going to shy away from complimenting you outside of your bedroom and saying how lovely you were and all that.
As well as that, Asmo would like to make sure you are pampered before and after your love-session, so he will make you do the whole skin-care routine with him, including a rose-bath with a glass of rose-wine or champagne.
Asmo is always very attentive at your every need, even if he doesn’t seem like that while at it, but it’s thanks to his experience that he doesn’t need to think about anything, and he can still make you scream his name with no real effort.
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(( I just got this too hnnnng, but no Alice in Devildom event card from Draw 10, I’m mad, lemme cry ))
He’s a very chill baby, so he won’t really care much about dom or sub, top or bot, basically, he’s a switch and will do whatever you’re comfortable with.
If he’s on top, he’ll be a bit wary because he doesn’t want to hurt you in any way, either from his demon strength, his huge body, or the fact that he constantly works out, so he’s even physically stronger than average.
Beel is very soft and will put your needs above his own, so he would give you so many tender kisses, will ask if you’re okay and feeling good, will touch you a lot, and of course, he will eat you out like there’s no tomorrow, provided you’re okay with it.
He will make sure you cum a few times before he goes further, wanting to be extra sure that you’re okay at all times, that he won’t hurt you, that he won’t be too rough without realising and all that.
Honestly, Beel is such a loving babe, he doesn’t believe in roles and anything of the sort, he lets emotion take over him, and makes sure to pleasure you, and if he sees you like it, he’ll continue with even more passion.
Can go on all night with no problem, but will go for as long as you’re able to, since human stamina isn’t as high as demon stamina.
He just really wants to love you and show you in any way possible that his feelings for you are infinite, so at the end, he will hold you tight to his chest, kissing your forehead and playing with your hair soothingly, staying awake until you fall asleep, just happy that he can look at you and indulge in your beauty and the fact that you really love him as much as he loves you.
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luci-four · 4 years
May I request headcanons for Solomon with a love interest that goes full-blown tsundere mode when teased? Thank you in advance ^^
A/N: Yes! I feel tsundere on a deep level; hope this is good enough for ya!
★・・・★ SOLOMON★・・・★
-Solomon is one of the kings of teasing, so MC is in for a ride. Part of his teasing is because it’s just who he is, another part is solely because he likes to see their reaction.
-He loves the pouty lips, the slight blush upon the apple of their cheeks, the turned-up nose and the glare that rolls down it from underneath those lashes. Just the sight of them in such a way, with their arms crossed and hip jutted out as well, gets him in a mixed state of love, lust, and a chaotic mood.
-Picture a perpetual (•⊙ω⊙•) face from the man. The second he realizes he’s said something (which, was innocent in his defense) that can get them riled up in such a way, he���s rolling with it.
-Solomon wants to see how far he can take it. What words can push them past the sneers, the blushing, the deflecting of affection and turn them from “angry” to a blushing, melted puddle.  
-His favourite type of teasing aside from verbal is to nip at their jaw while complimenting them. The way they turn their head away from him when words of love pass his lips leaves them completely open for it each time, and he utilizes it. The more they fight back, the more he does it.
-Laughs whenever they hit a certain stage of defiance that affects their voice. The range between an angry shrill and a deep, mumbled deflection is so vast, he can’t help but find it funny. All it does is cause them to cry out more over his antics.
-He’s gotten used to the silent treatment they give him after too much teasing. He’ll walk away with a smile and await their shy text asking for him to come back. He never goes far, just around the corner out of their sight. The sound of happiness they shout out when they think they’re alone is adorable and makes his day every time.
-Solomon is patient, and is only playfully exasperated with the way they deny his love and affection. Sometimes, he likes to say things just to prove himself right. If they tell him privately—or he can just tell—that they’re feeling a bit insecure over something, he’s learned to use it to his advantage. For example, if he tells them, “you look nice today”, they’ll respond with a huff and an “of course I do, I look nice everyday”. The smirk he gives them once they realize what they’ve said is only slightly cunning.
-As entertaining as the “hard” side of them is, he loves when he’s blessed enough to see the soft side. It isn’t too often, but they’re soft and gentle enough to make him melt, instead of the other way around. Something about the way they let their guard down for him is... intimate and loving. It’s a chance he never takes for granted; it’s the one time he isn’t teasing them.  
-When he sees this gentle side of MC, he milks it as much as possible. Watches everything he says and does his best not to overwhelm them to make them tsundere again. Only speaks to them softly, carefully, and tries his best to ensure there isn’t even the slightest trace of teasing in his tone. He just wants a kiss before they go back to pushing his face away from them.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 4 years
Burning Blue 1-5
"Liyue, Liyue come out"
"She's not coming"
Moon Carver sighed while Xiao surged foreword and continued to look for the little girl. Liyue was nowhere to be found, she was going home this evening and no one knew where she was. Everyone was looking for her because Mountain Shaper would live up to his name if he found his daughter went missing under the adepti's watch. Liyue's (self proclaimed) father did not take lightly to his little girl being in any kind of danger (Xiao had found that out the hard way) and with the stress of a war, he would most likely level the entire landscape.
Xiao groaned and leaned against a pillar "Where would she even hide?"
Moon Carver shrugged and looked around. Liyue was terribly shy and often hid from the others, only responding to Guizhong and occasionally Xiao. She acted like a scared puppy, and it was well known that she was very attached to the black and red crane adeptus.
"Oh curse her. We can't even track her down" Xiao groaned.
Moon Carver perked up "Wouldn't Mountain Shaper's magic rub off onto her?"
Xiao looked like he hit the jackpot for a moment, then his face fell "I don't think he would use magic around his precious little girl"
"You're right"
"Lavender's blue dilly dilly
Lavender's green
When I am king dilly dilly
You will be queen"
The two adepti looked up at the sound of a soft, deep voice singing a lullaby. A smaller, more feminine and frankly, more childish voice sang along.
"Who told you so dilly dilly
Who told you so?
T'was my own heart dilly dilly
That told me so"
"What the-?"
"Sh" Moon carver hushed the young adeptus and walked towards the pair of haunting voices at the end of the hallway. The door lead to an empty room, but, Moon Carver knew better. A pocket dimension, or rather, the entrance to one.
He gestured at the door, Xiao immediately got the idea and readied his spear. Liyue was naive, just like any other child, despite her seemingly advanced knowledge and understanding. She very well could be taken advantage of by the other... less kind adepti. He readied his blade, pushing open the door that started glowing blue.
A bright light enveloped the two adepti as they went through the portal, and they arrived at a collection of islands, lanterns, lilies, and small platforms floated around, creating ripples as if on water. There appeared to be tall mountains in the distance, Moon Carver caught his breath at the sight of a giant spirit stingray flying through the air, glowing golden as is weaved through he flying islands and thin peaks. There was an abundance of ruin like structures on the islands, waterfalls dropped into a void from ponds that looked like pools of sky.
The two went on cautiously through the dimension, it was clearly an adepti's abode. Pocket dimensions they controlled completely, they could take on a physical exterior like Mountain Shaper's Mansion, but it often betrayed the interior that was quite literally a world of it's own.
"Call up your men, Dilly dilly, Set them to work.
Some to the plow, Dilly dilly, Some to the fork
Some to make hay, Dilly dilly, Some to cut corn.
While you and I, Dilly dilly, Keep ourselves warm"
The male voice sang again. They followed the voices, they seemed to echo even though the abode looked to be out in the open, it even echoed through the halls of the adepti's palace.
They found themselves nearing an island that held a small pavilion like structure and pond on it. Under the shade of the roof sitting comfortably on throws of pillows was a man dressed in golds and greens with a little girl on his lap.
"Bosacius" Xiao said, bowing respectfully at his senior and leader of the Yaksha.  
The other Yaksha stopped singing and looked up at the pair "Ah, Xiao, Moon Carver, what brings you two here?"
"Her" Xiao replied, pointing at the child.
Liyue looked up at him with those big, blue eyes that were eerily intelligent for her age "If Mountain Shaper is not here yet, I'd like to stay with Mister Bosacious" she requested.
The white haired Yaksha chuckled at Moon Carver and Xiao's look of disdain "Little Liyue can stay if she likes"
"With all do respect, you shouldn't have to deal with-"
"Xiao" his senior chided "It's fine. I'll take her back when it is time"
Moon Carver raised a brow "Time is odd in these little pocket dimensions, are you sure you can keep track of time and bring her back by dark?"
Bosacious laughed "I may not be the best at keeping track of time, but I'm not as bad as you make me out to be, Lord Moon Carver"
"We didn't come all the way to come back out empty handed-"
Moon Carver stopped Xiao "We'll just inform the others. Besides, Liyue seems to like it here"
"I really do" Liyue piped up as she examined a rather large and exotic looking red flower in her hands, it had delicate gold carefully shaped like leaves around it, and the core almost seemed to glow. It looked artificial, yet Moon Carver swore he could feel it form where he stood, warm like a little candle, flickering along with his pulse.
Xiao sighed and relented, crossing his arms and bidding his leader goodbye, making his way back to the entrance of the abode. Moon Carver followed suit, leaving the leader of the Yaksha and the little girl to whatever they were doing.
Liyue peered at the curious flower in her hands, fingering the little gold leaves. The scarlet flower was surprisingly warm and the way it's center pulsed made her a bit sleepy...
"Liyue, look at this"
She blinked the sleep away form her blue eyes, watching as Bosacious cupped her tiny hands in his and suddenly the flower started to glow brightly, small flames replaced the seeds and Liyue gasped, almost dropping it.
The white haired man chuckled "It's ok. I've ordered the flames to not hurt you. They'll only keep you warm, shall you ever get cold"
"Really?" she asked with wide eyes, she held it closer to her face, the flames tickled her nose, causing her to wrinkle her face up. "That's very nice of you, Mister Bosacious"
He hummed and took it, pinning it to her hair "Won't it age and die?"
"No, Liyue. It's not a flower. It's just magic shaped to look like one"
Magic could really do that? Take and change shape?
"You seem amazed, Mountain Shaper has never showed you magic?"
Liyue shook her head "No, he says it's too dangerous for a kid. He said for my birthday next year he'll show me"
The little brunette yawned and leaned against the Yaksha "Are you tired, Liyue?"
She simply nodded "It's alright, sleep. I'll wake you up when you need to go"
Liyue yawned as Bosacious repositioned her and laid her head down on his lap, singing softly.
"Lavender's green, Dilly dilly, Lavender's blue.
If you love me, Dilly dilly, I will love you.
Let the birds sing, Dilly dilly, Let the lambs play.
We shall be safe, Dilly dilly, Out of harms way."
"Be careful damn it"
Liyue rolled over, only to fall and be caught by strong arms "Woah!"
She opened her eyes to see Mountain Shaper staring down at her lovingly.
"Mmmm Mounty?" she muttered.
"Mounty?" she craned her neck to see Bosacious standing there and seemingly laughing. The dark haired adpetus huffed and shifted Liyue so that she was closer to him and facing away from the Yaksha.
"I had no idea you had such a soft spot for children, Mounty" the white haired man teased, covering his ever growing smile.
Mountain Shaper growled and put Liyue into the carriage, lying her down on one side. She couldn't hear them as they two bickered slightly. Did Mountain Shaper really argue with all of the other adepti? She was too tired to hear their words... but she did hear them cuss a lot.
A few minutes later, Mountain Shaper finally stepped into the carriage, face a little flushed.
"Do you really argue with all of the other adepti?"
Mountain Shaper didn't answer her question and instead asked his own "Did you have fun with Bosacious?"
Liyue nodded as best she could lying down "I like him, he's nice, and funny, and he sings"
Mountain stared out the window as they left the adepti's palace behind "Dad likes him too"
It was silent for a moment before Liyue realized something "Did you just say you're my father?"
The adeptus jumped and shook his head "N-no. I didn't Liyue. Just, go to sleep"
Liyue sighed and snuggled into the seat, what a tsundere, as Guizhong put it "Ok... night dad"
She didn't hear him stutter to correct her. She was asleep, and they were homebound.
What does all of this mean for our dearest Bosacious and papa Mounty? You’ll all see very soon...
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honeyjxsung · 5 years
Stray Kids as your boyfriend
Request:  can u write a reaction for skz as your boyfriend?? please include woojin ONLY IF YOU DONT MIND, its comforting having him there still. ty!
a/n: this is my first reaction lol so pls be kind to me >.< i feel like this was too long so i apologize, but nonetheless Enjoy <33
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Literally a teddy bear
He's so cuddly its crazy
Like he may not seem like it but he really loves cuddling with you
But only when yall are alone
I think he’s moderately clingy(?) 
Like he’s down to hold your hand in front of his members but he gets embarrassed when you kiss him in public
A lot of forehead and temple kisses
Radiates husband energy
Like he's big husband material right there
Many picnic dates or just walking outside by the river
He will use his angelic voice to his advantage
He will serenade you with his guitar or piano
And every single time you melt
Literally gives bear hugs
And not the suffocating type
When he engulfs you into his arms you feel warm inside
And both of you love it
He’s the oldest so he’ll be a bit calm and collected when it comes to fighting
He would want to settle things down completely 
Like there’s no way either one of you is going to bed mad at each other
It just wouldn’t feel right
If it was his fault he’ll quickly apologize and be the bigger person and will make it up to you with a cute gift
If it was your fault he’ll instantly (and reasonably) forgive you and shower you with kisses
He just doesn’t want to fight with you
He’s just the right amount of jealous you feel?
He’ll leave you alone and let you have your freedom
But if anyone gets too close to your liking, you best know he’ll be right by your side
And that’s why you’re so grateful for him
Because he’s always there
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A really caring boyfriend
Always puts you first
Like always
But then again he’s a busy guy, given that he’s a leader of an idol group and all
And you get that
So you’ll normally spend some time with him in the studio
And you don’t mind because you love seeing him be so passionate about something he loves
But he would feel bad for making you stay with him so every once in a while he may take you somewhere fancy
He’s someone to give lots of back hugs
Most of the time he’ll back hug you unexpectedly because he thinks you being surprised is absolutely adorable
And the nicknames oh my god
yALLREADY KNOW about ‘baby girl’
He’s gonna call you that a lot
Fights will mostly be about him and his well being
The fact that he isn’t taking care of himself even if he’s saying he is just makes you a tad bit frustrated
And when you try to talk some sense into him, he also grows irritated because he’s so exhausted with everything
Which is why he may be a BIT stubborn when it comes to arguments
But he’ll later realize how childish he's being
He might unintentionally raise his voice, but will immediately soften up when he sees you tense
Whether or not it’s his fault, he’ll apologize nonetheless
He's a mature guy so he’s good at handling situations like this
But fighting isn’t common so luckily he doesn't have to deal with it often
He will end the fight by pulling you close and kissing you forehead
“Im sorry babygirl”
Ever so often he’ll let you listen to his unfinished works to get your opinion
He just wants you by his side because it gives him a sense of comfort
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He has a lot of difficulties showing his emotions, but he’s really so loving towards the people he loves
especially you
You both tend to tease each other a lot, but that’s just how you guys are
Pda and all that lovey dovey stuff may seem a bit awkward, but when he’s in need of attention, he’ll just cling on to you and not say anything
And you would have to shower him with affection to get him satisfied
And don’t worry, he’ll gladly return the favor in a blink of an eye
He tends to show his feelings physically
Like have you seen him with his members?
He will be all up in your face
Will love laying on your lap
Or he’ll just try to purposely annoy you because that's how his brain supposedly works
You guys would bicker a lot, and you wouldn’t really have actual fights, but there would be times when it would get serious
The cause would either be because of jealousy or he has been neglecting you
By neglecting you, i mean him not really showing any emotion toward you
It may take a while, but he will apologize
When he’s forgiven hell jump into bed with you and just hold you tight
If it’s you who’s apologizing, he wouldn’t really ‘say’ that he’s forgiven you
He would silently pull you close and kiss you
But that action alone will say a lot
Once again he's a jealous boy, so don’t be surprised if he holds onto your waist a bit tighter than before and clenches his jaw when you walk by some guys
Or a guy
Really he wouldn’t explicitly say that he’s jealous
He’ll just drop subtle hints
“That guy had big muscles don’t you think?”
But in the end you always tell him you love him and it makes him feel a whole lot better
But other than that he can be straightforward with other things
That’s why his members call him a statue
Because he tends to be soulless and poker-faced most of the time
Even when he’s trying not to be
But deep down you know how much of a softie your boyfriend can get
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He’s honestly such a cute bean
Will try to act all tough and ‘tsundere’ like but you both know he can’t keep that up
He’s actually really cheesy and clingy
And sometimes he can be a handful, but it's alright
He always gets picked on by his members about his height
So if you are shorter than him he is not going to let that opportunity of teasing you pass
He will snicker as he compares your heights
But of course you can’t let his cockiness get the best of him
So the other 8 members have your back and torment the poor boy
‘Wait that’s not even fair i'm being outnumbered!’
‘y/n, you were supposed to be on my side!’
He wants to impress you so he’ll invite you over and flex his rap skills
And 100% of the time he succeeds
Because you can never get over his flow
This guy is also really insecure so he’ll be pretty jealous and that’s mostly the cause of your fights
He’s afraid that he isn’t good enough and that he doesn’t deserve you
And that is absolutely not true
He’ll mostly cry only because he hates fighting with you
But of course he’s not gonna show it
He is someone who needs to recollect himself and will probably need some time by himself
And that’s when he’ll let it all out
He’ll feel embarrassed if he cries in front of you
So he tries his best to not cry when you’re near
When he’s calm he’ll apologize
And you give in quickly
Thank goodness
He just wants a bit of attention
Ok maybe a lot of attention
Because as much as he says he loves dark
Hes babie
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Your typical ulzzang boyfriend
He’ll take you to cute cliche dates
Cute walks at the park with ice cream
Also we all know how much he loves photography
He will take so many selfies with you and him
His phone is just filled with him and you doing stuff together
And occasionally some kkami pics
But mostly you two
He’ll bring you to the practice room and show you his dance moves
And possibly he’ll teach you some too
When he’s all sweaty he’ll tease you and try to hug you but you’ll run away from him
And most of the time it’ll end in play fighting
He’s gonna hug you either way and you start hitting him
But then again he can’t help it
Because he’s also really clingy and in need of your touch 25/8
Alright so ALL know hyunjin can be a petty bITCH
no cap 
He fights with his members so there will be times where he may fight with you
But obviously it’s not as violent you know
Nothing physical 
What yall are fighting about is probably stupid or small
He just tends to over exaggerate things which makes it become serious
And when he’s mad he can get pretty sarcastic and it gets kinda scary
Will most likely roll his eyes and give you the cold shoulder
You normally have to apologize first or make a move in order for him to apologize back
Almost all the time he’ll feel bad ignoring you so he’ll end up crying when you go up to him
He’ll spend his entire week not leaving your side
As a way to make it up to you
Did I mention he was clingy af?
Likes to wrap one arm around your shoulders
Doesn’t really say it out loud but he loves the height difference
He’ll subtly make things harder for you just to see you slightly frustrated
He finds it cute
Like he’d put things on the top shelf so you can call him to get it
“Babe can you please help me?”
“I don’t know, can I?”
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A cheeky mf
Loves to go out on dates, but if it’s anything scary, he’s gone
Expect many karaoke dates
He’ll try serenading you singing all up in your face
But you’ll just roll your eyes and laugh at how cringy he’s being 
Cuddles for days
He loves to show affection and get attention so he’ll always be with you so you can drop small compliments to make him happy
And it does
He’s really good with his words so the sweet nothings he’ll tell you often make you blush
And it’s surprising how quickly he makes them up on the spot
His freestyle skills are being put into good use am i right?
Once again he craves for attention so give him lots of praise
Oh and he keeps saying he’ll protect you or whatever but if you take him to a haunted house or anything related to that, he’ll hide behind you the entire time
He’s just a wimp
Likes to give you pet names
“Baby” is a regular though
Just somewhere along those lines
He tends to lay on your lap so you can play with his hair
If he falls asleep you normally take your chance and braid his hair so he wakes up looking like a 5 year old girl
Petty bitch #2
Just like hyunjin, jisung doesn’t really let his guard down
Because he’s good with words it’s difficult to win an argument with him
Even if he knows he’s wrong he’ll try his best to make him sound right
His pride tends to take over him and he’s aware that it’s a bad habit
He tries to fix himself because he doesn’t want to hurt or scare you
But when he’s really angry he will go oFF
He’s one of those types to realize what he’s done right after he’s done it
He’s quick to regret
So unlike changbin, if he ever scares you, he’ll immediately run up to you
He’d carefully hold you and repeatedly apologize
He’s a big cryer as well
Even if it’s in front of you his eyes will be bawling
And of course you forgive him
Yall will just end up on the couch or in bed holding each other but not utter a word
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Ok this boy is the sweetest 
He’s extremely caring and gentle to all
He tends to show his love physically 
Whether it’d be hand-holding, kissing, hugging, touching you in general, you name it
It explains why he's so mf clingy 
And you mf love it
Every once in a while he’ll give you gifts for no reason
Such as a promise ring
He has one to match as well 
He wears it everyday and gets all giddy when he sees you wear it too
Staying up to watch him play games is a regular
He always keeps the spare controller open because he wants you to join
And you do
Except most of the time you don't know how to play
At first he’d laugh at how terrible you are and would kill you every game to see you pout
But when he sees that you actually wanna play for him he gets soft and eventually teaches you the controls
Will die on purpose to see your face light up
Okay lowkey this guy can be scary 
He tries not to raise his voice, but his deep tone still sends shivers down your spine
Fighting may result in him cursing loudly in english (assuming yall are speaking korean)
But not at you
Never would he curse at you
Just out of frustration
When he sees you tear up he calms down a little and sighs
Without speaking he’ll open his arms out to you and will embrace you tightly
He’d say sorry and will try not to cry in front of you to stay strong
But if he does he won’t show it 
So he’ll bury his face in the crook of your neck so you won't see his tears
He just really hates fighting with you so it makes him sad
but don’t worry, fighting is a rare occurance
he’s really energetic most of the time, so be prepared
will love running around and yelling
he’s like a hyper 12 year old
and its cute
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Oh this guy
He’s a bubbly boyfriend
You’d describe him as a hyper puppy and the name fits him well
His face lights up when he’s with you and it’s so cute
The members are lowkey freaking out because the boy acts so mean to them 
They literally think he’s a different person when you’re around
It’s because he acts as if you’re made of glass
Like anyone can tell that you’re so precious to him
Seungmin’s wardrobe is literally full of hoodies so you have a great amount of them
Like when he’s sorting his clothes, he’d have a separate pile for you
It would be all the clothes he’s willing to lend to you
Similar to hyunjin, his camera roll would be full of you
But the thing that makes him and hyunjin different is that it won’t be selfies
It's just pictures of you and the scenery
But he knows you’re the real view (gag) 
The candid photos are his favorite because it really captures your natural beauty
He can stare at your pics for hours as creepy as it sounds
You get embarrassed but he hypes you up and calls you beautiful
And unlike han, the boy doesn’t really get scared easily so he can ACTUALLY protect you if yall are doing something slightly terrifying
But that’s after he laughs at your scared reaction
Which brings me to my next point
Occasionally he likes to tease you 
A little pranks here and there
And he’s so glad that you can take a joke
Because you’ll always get your revenge
Which is why there’s never a day when your relationship gets boring
Honestly I can't picture having a major fight with seungmin
But it would probably because he did or said something that really crossed the line
He’d get very defensive with hints of sarcasm
He wouldn’t necessarily yell or scream
He’d slightly raise his voice, though, to get his point through
When he gets to his boiling point, however, he would leave the room to blow off some steam
He’d use the time to really reflect what he’s done
When he comes back he’ll immediately go to you and hug you
He hates when you fight
He would very much prefer the small bickering any day
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Oh this precious gem
You and i.n would be in the honeymoon stage but not really
Like you guys are very comfortable with each other, but you are still lovey dovey, you feel?
But of course he won’t do the cute stuff in front of the members
holding your hand is an exception, but that’s it
He’ll get too flustered in front of them and he doesn’t want to be teased
He’s super cuddly and cuddles will often result in play fighting
He’s also super super giggly 
You live for his laughs
It just brings an immediate smile to your face
Like who doesn’t adore him?
Dates are either really exciting or really chill and relaxing
Like amusement parks and karaoke rooms on one hand and staying inside to sleep or play video games on the other
But if yall are inside it’ll either be at your place or at his when the members are gone
He’s just way too shy
Hoodies for days part tWO 
He’ll be the type to give you his baggy clothes
The way you look small in them makes him feel a bit more manly as if you’re his responsibility
He’s so used to being baby-ed that he wants to be the man for once
You have an unlimited supply of his hoodies
Its great
Plus jeongin loves when you give it back and your scent just marks the entirety of the fabric
It smells like home and he finds comfort in it
Just like how you find comfort when you can smell his cologne
Seriously it sounds weird, but trust me it’s cute
Obviously, he won’t tell you that he loves your perfume because he thinks he’ll make it awkward
But it's just something he looks forward to when you’re exchanging his hoodies
Even though he is the youngest, jeongin tries to be mature
He’s very understanding so fights will be rare
But then again he’s also extremely reserved
He’ll keep his negative feelings bottled up until he can’t take it anymore
He won’t really yell, he’ll just keep talking and talking
And he won’t let you interrupt because this boy has a lot to say
Arguments usually happen because he takes his anger out on you unintentionally
So he’ll apologize when he sees your widened eyes
He’ll soften up and will say sorry quietly before kissing your forehead
He might cry as well because he will feel so bad 
But you hush him as you hug his body tightly, telling him that it’s okay
Everything is okay.
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juminly · 4 years
Hey! Could I ask for a One Piece matchup? I've sent you the infos per discord ;D
Sonata of Love 
Summary: The story of how you fall in love with Law, Shanks and Coby. 
First Movement “Andante”: The Shichibukai, Trafalgar D. Law
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Context: Law overheard that you needed to go to a certain destination and he so happened to be passing by/actually going there and one of the Heart Pirates so graciously invited you to come with, without Law’s permission (which obviously drove him mad). He let you join on the journey (while being wary of you).
As an INTP, this man has quite a calm and serious exterior but it doesn’t necessarily reflect what is hidden deep down. His interest in you began brewing slowly but also grew as he continued to observe you with his analytical and piercing gaze. The beginning of your story would be slow and steady. The man is a strategist and a thinker at heart, and diving into the world of romance is as risky a move as attacking a Yonko. (at least to a man like him).
The more you interact with each other or just being around one another, you begin to notice how kind he is. It was only a matter of time that you would prove that you are trustworthy, seeing how easily you got along with his crew (more like his family) and how you were just one of the guys (but not to him). He begins warming up to you. How did he show it?
Both of you would tease each other endlessly about everything and anything, even the silliest things out there but the banter was definitely a major factor that contributed to heighten the attraction between the two of you. The connection between you becomes electric and almost palpable, which becomes more evident as time goes by.
His cold exterior is nothing but a facade, especially when you see how he melts when faced with Bepo’s pleading eyes and cute mannerisms. His contrariness is the perfect combination with your teasing nature and paves the way for more opportunity for both of you to be yourselves around each other.
He’s used to being surrounded by the silliness of his adorable dorky crew members, so he is definitely not fazed by your quirkiness and actually has a soft spot for it. His lips, usually pressed into a straight line would slightly quirk up on the sides, showing a half smile whenever you get engrossed into something you enjoy or are up to some shenanigans with whoever your partner(s) in crime is (are). (eventually, he will become your partner in crime)
He might often find himself lost in thought, imagining, calculating and planning four steps ahead of where he is, as he is obscenely focused on achieving his goals.
His hyperfocus might put him in situations where he can be sometimes not fully attentive to what you are saying however, he is quick to turn things around and would apologize and make it up to you by lending you his full attention.
The chemistry between you feels strongest when you simply talk to one another, about anything in the world; discovering the broad horizons hidden within your minds. The deeper the conversations got, the closer you became and the more you revealed to one another.
He respects your independence and freedom and he is definitely not meddlesome. He would definitely not bother you if you seemed to be fine on your own, would simply leave you to your own devices whenever you were satisfied doing whatever it is that you are doing. You both understand that you have certain boundaries that you don’t feel comfortable crossing and wouldn’t push one another into talking or doing something they are not comfortable doing (until either of you feel like they are ready to open up or actually want to ask for help). 
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The most adorable thing about this man is the way he blushes and pouts. There are multiple scenarios where that may happen: if he is caught thinking about something that he think he should not be thinking about (about you and the many things you could do together), whenever you tease him about a topic that turns out to be a bit sensitive cause it is related to you somehow or whenever he is talking about his feelings.
Your confession most probably went like this: 
- Law is sitting outside on the docks when everyone is asleep and just staring up at the moon, uncharacteristically humming to himself. - You suddenly show up and sit beside him. - Yuno: You realize that you have a terrible voice. *laughs* - Law: It’s not like your voice is any better. - Yuno: I never claimed that it was. *raises an eyebrow* - Law: But, you know… it actually is much better. I kinda like it. - Yuno: No, it’s not. Shut up! - Law: I’m telling you it is! You better shut your mouth. - Yuno: No, You sh... And just like that, Law kissed you ever so lightly, as an excuse to shut you up but blushed like crazy and stopped himself from apologizing after pulling back. He definitely did not regret kissing you but was afraid about what you thought of him. You never really showed romantic inclinations towards him and he wasn’t really planning on doing anything about it. The kiss just… happened. He was delightfully surprised when you grabbed his jacket and pulled him in for a deeper kiss before pushing him down on the hard wood of the docks and locked lips into they became swollen.
Once in a relationship with you, he is not demanding of your affections. He understands that your world does not revolve around him and his world does not revolve around you. He considers you as an intimate partner that he could share not only his ambitions with (like his crew), but his mind, body and soul (and the burdens that also come with life).
He actually loves to cuddle, especially when you’re the big spoon.
Places he kisses you to show affection: your hands.
NSFW ahead ~
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Most probably demisexual
He is a big ass tsundere in romance and in bed too! (Which makes teasing him even more satisfying)
Law most definitely read about sex before, touched himself now and then (rarely so) but his sexual experience is almost non-existent (“almost” because he is too ashamed to admit that he has no knowledge about something so essential).
As detached and cold as he makes himself to be, Law is quite the romantic lover and is especially fond of when you sweet talk him (even if you tease him while doing it).
When you coax the most erotic sounds from him, which are mostly very soft moans and grunts, Law gets awfully flustered and embarrassed (trying to cover his face), his cheeks tinged in a deep red that only made you want to do even more things to him. He often bites his lips, instinctively whining at your touch whenever you touch him, tease him or especially when you’re edging him.
He likes to cum on your face or your chest (only when you let him).
Favourite positions: cowgirl and doggy-style (whenever you’re pegging him, when he’s facing away from you, he’s less flustered and releases all his inhibitions [which becomes less of an issue for him as time goes by but he’ll always be your blushy boy]).
He likes to think that he has some sort of self-control but you know that from the moment he starts biting his lips, you know that he can’t hold himself back. And there is nothing more beautiful than seeing the always so composed Trafalgar D. Law, completely unhinged in the throes of lust.
He challenges you almost all the time and has trouble just completely giving in (but that’s just what he wants you to think because he actually enjoys when you dom him).
He loves to tease you but almost can’t take it when you tease him back because he is fully aware that you are his weakness. 
He does prefer being on the receiving end. However, relationships are all about giving and taking and he enjoys giving you pleasure more and more, feeling rewarded whenever you praise him or when he sees your beautiful face as you reach your climax.
He was quite open about trying new things but there were still slivers of doubt and possibly, slight fear in his eyes. Something in the back of his mind told him that you would love him less if he appeared weak before you, although he knew deep down that it was definitely not true. These insecurities were engraved in his mind after losing Rosinante, which, until adulthood, he was still suffering from.
When it came to experimenting, you were able to find ways where you were both able to meet each other halfway. A trait in your relationship that you both valued more than anything else: your communication and understanding of one another.
You knew that Law actually liked having your eyes on him while he touched himself. It’s not that he was proud and liked to put on a show and flaunt his body to you. It was more of his way of expressing his desire for you.
And how you discovered that? You walked in on him a few times while he would just be starting to pleasure himself (he began to touch himself more after being with you and would usually time it so that you could be there as a spectator), you woke up to hearing his whines (and a few moans when he calls out your name) while he jerked himself off as you laid beside him.
The easiest way to get him to try new things was if he did it “things” to himself with you being there with him. Slowly but surely, he became more comfortable with what he was not so familiar with (and the foreign sensations it came with). First, you played a game with him where he had to listen to every single thing you said before you rode him the rest of the night. Law was most cooperative when roleplaying with you so you took that to your advantage (and you always do).
Eager for his promised reward (while trying to look disgruntled about it), he listened to each and every word you had to say. His hands gliding over his chest and his thighs, teasing himself while he frowned at you, knowing that you would stretch things out as long as possible, until he was going to be completely spent. When you told him to suck on his fingers, he had absolutely no idea what you were planning and was surprised when you told him to slowly circle his fingers around his entrance and gently push one finger inside and then another, thrusting in and out. That’s when he mumbled (with gasps in between his words): “You are… a devil… in an angel’s body…”
You couldn’t help but fall deeper in love with him when you saw him explore his own body before you, diving into new experiences that he knew would satisfy the both of you. It was all about taking baby steps and then slowly introducing some toys into the picture: butt plugs, dildos before you actually started to fuck him (it took a bit of time but you finally got there!).
Even as his uncharacteristic tsundere-like shyness persists (which is usually displayed through cursing under his breath, lots of grumbling and pouting), he became more candid about his desires and needs. He happened to mumble something about wanting to feel himself filling you while also feeling full at the same time (he actually revealed his ultimate weakness to you!). It was up to you to read between the lines or force the words out of him.
You’ve offered him quite a few times to take control but after trying it out a few times, Law didn’t really feel like himself so he would just “pass” on your suggestions (never admitting the truth of matter, like the tsundere that he is).
His “reluctant” form of enthusiasm was more than inviting and was full of promise and potential.
Kinks: roleplay, orgasm denial (being the one denied), overstimulation (being the one overstimulated), being watched by you.
Second Movement “Allegro/Vivace”: The Yonkō, Akagami no Shanks
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Context: You caught his eye from the first time he had a chat with you. He was stopping by a bar/restaurant and being the friendly captain that he is, he struck up a conversation with you and it was enough to pique his interest in you. The way you talked back, the way you challenged his words and even questioned him and what he was doing as a pirate, unfazed by the fact that he is the infamous captain of the Red Hair pirates.
He was evidently struck by the innocence of your appearance but he didn’t let it fool him, especially with your overall demeanor. The way your smoky blue eyes held his, you thoroughly impressed him and that was enough to win him over. You were strong and there was nothing more attractive to him than a strong woman.
Always with a contagious smile on his face, happiness filled the air whenever you were near him. And just as pirates always needed sake to be around, Shanks felt something similar with you. He knew that you were pure of heart, a possible devil in disguise but most importantly, entertaining (which is something he could never turn down).
He didn’t push you to join him, but he let know that you were always welcome on his ship. And that’s how everything started. He didn’t need an extra crew member, he has all he needed. But he’s the type of person to live by the “You only live once” rule and he was not one to live with regrets. And he wasn’t going to let himself regret not having lived each moment of his life to the fullest.
In no time, you became one of the crew, each one of them teaching you a set of skills and you gained musical experience as you went from land to land, picking up on new skills and learning from various masters across the Blue Sea.
The Red Hair Captain treated everyone equally and was never one to demean any person for their social status, the pirate bounty or which faction they were part of. So, you felt respected and like you truly belonged on that ship, never feeling out of place for a moment.
But there was one day where you felt like things were different and that you were different to him. He often jokes around about the scars on his eye, not giving much importance to the topic (and basically, finding ways to evade it by bringing up other things very smoothly). But when you asked him about it one day when you were alone, he actually told you the truth about the matter. A serious and solemn expression washed over his face as he recounted to you the unfortunate events that lead to his scars, his ties to Blackbeard and his past as part of Roger’s crew.
He didn’t have to tell you that you were special to him. Actions spoke louder than words and that’s exactly what happened. And many times after that, which is something you’ve adopted as well.
Whenever you did something well (example: if you were playing a piece over and over again until you finally got it right) or when he simply wanted to thank you for a gesture, he would press a soft kiss to your forehead, cheek or even on your hand (as a form of reward). Since you’re a female, the crew thought nothing of his gestures, thinking that it was just his way with women (even though they knew for a fact that Shanks never really cared about one’s sex).
It came so easily, being physically intimate and close with the man, even when the sparks of attractions had only begun to set aflame the embers of your romance. Fleeting pecks on the cheek evolved onto swift kisses on the lips, given in a teasing manner. That’s one thing that you both have in common and drove you closer to one another.
Your first true kiss was not initiated by one of you, but it was a matter of both of you meeting each other in the middle, at least. There was no more teasing or chasing. It had been a long night and you were both exhausted, not wanting the time you shared to end (although you spent your waking hours surrounded by one another). Your eyes were locked on his and no words had to be spoken. The air is heavy and your mutual yearning was thick and palpable. One hand in his and the other on his neck, you pulled him in and he was most gladly reeled in to truly taste your lips, for the first time.
When you became lovers, it went without saying that this man had absolutely no shame and did not mind PDA at all, which is kinda endearing (especially when he never liked showing special treatment to anyone, but when it came to you, he can’t help but express his affection for you).
In every other aspect of your lives, both of you were completely independent and never really relied on one another. Being an INFJ (like you), he often liked to deal with things on his own and respected/valued the fact that you were also the same.
Shanks will go wherever the wind takes him and that’s what makes him so unpredictable. Nobody could ever tell what he’s thinking but he will always do the right thing. People might doubt the moral compass of a pirate but this man’s judgement can and should be unquestionable. And when it comes to you, he would never tie you down to him, knowing how dangerous of a life he leads.
Shanks would give you the choice to be with him on his ventures with his crew or go your separate way and pursue your own dreams. Even as your lover, he knows that he has no right to stand in the way of your path in your life. No matter where your paths may take you, your love will always bring you back together and it is always where you meet. His love for you is his Northern Star and no matter where he was, he would find you and the same goes for you.
Kisses of affection: on your forehead, your temples and your head.
NSFW ahead ~
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Shanks might possibly be secretly a hedonist and has no qualms of engaging with men or women to pursue a romantic liaison or for sexual pleasure. Pleasure is what he seeks  and he doesn’t care much about how he obtained it. Once he discovered your tendency and inclination to domination, he gladly submits to you while lightly challenging you here and there, just to keep things fun and for a nice laugh, now and then.
He is a true free-spirit and power dynamics are not a subject of his interest. Sexual intercourse is an enactment of one’s desires and instincts, a representation of one’s true feelings and an expression of one’s love (or hate). He simply wants  to be touched by you, to touch you and feel your love in whatever shape or form it may be.
He is very accommodating to your needs and adapts to satisfy them while obtaining mutual pleasure (also, only when you allow him to get it).
He is a very generous man and likes to give more than he likes to receive. He gets off the idea of giving you pleasure and is simply turned on by the fact that he is able to please you, in any shape or form (by submitting to you, touching you, letting you touch him etc…).
He isn’t loud but he is vocal enough for you to know whether he is enjoying what you are doing or not: soft to rough grunts and groans with the occasional guttural moan especially when you edge him.
He loves to cum on your hands (and watch you lick his release off your hands or even make him do it) or on your stomach.
Favourite positions: seated lotus and missionary (when you’re pegging him).
Dirty talk is 100% his thing and he’ll whisper the filthiest things in your ear, even with his crew around, to rile you up (and possibly enjoy the sweet punishment that he would suffer for making you so wet with just a few words).
Even with one hand, Shanks is extremely dexterous and with skilled and practiced fingers and his tongue, he could bring you to the brink of an orgasm. Considering the wealth of his knowledge and experience, the time it takes for you to reach your climax all depends on him and obviously, your instructions.
In fact, he helped you explore and learn more about the dom in you. Telling you about his previous experiences and his knowledge about sex, he allowed you to step further out of your comfort zone, where you would both experiment new things together.
He isn’t a sadist or a masochist but has a deep understanding and appreciation of the fine line between pain and pleasures and is completely enthralled when you edge him, as you make him beg and chase for a release that would be totally worth all the teasing and pain.
He already has an interesting collection of sex toys which he allows you to use on him (and would only use on you, if you suggested it or wanted to know how it would feel like). From different sized dildos, to butt plugs, nipple clamps, spreader bar, flogs , anal beads and even cock rings (which he is a big fan of). His collection is a representation of how truly adventurous he is as an individual.
About his interest in cock rings: He revels in the pain of you riding his swollen cock while it twitches and begs for release (figuratively and literally). He loves even the most sadistic thing you throw at him. With the cock ring  making his member throb insistently, he indulges the most in pleasuring you with his mouth, making you find your release over and over again with your legs about his shoulders and his head between your legs. Once you remove the ring from around his cock, one stroke from your hand or with one thrust inside you and he’s already in heaven.
How he is when pegging is involved: he enjoys the feeling of being filled and fucked by you. With his legs spread wide for you (or even wrapped around your waist), he likes watching you fuck him and pound into him while you stroke him simultaneously. You have the pleasure of seeing the captain in the most compromising, vulnerable and erotic state that anyone would ever have the chance to see.
Kinks: SM play, a bit of exhibitionism, breath play/choking, edging.
His possible weaknesses are when you ravage his neck and jerk him off, while telling him all the ways you plan on doing,  making him burn and writhe for you; when you lick off his release from his stomach and look into his eyes while doing so (he officially loses it).
Third Movement “Allegro Modera”: Rear-Admiral Coby/Koby
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Context: He saw you playing at a festival with a local band and he was completely entranced by the way you played. He was stationed at the Navy HQ for a while so he had the chance to roam around Sabaody Archipelago where he had the opportunity to come across you. It was one of the few gigs you had and the opportunities you used to improve your skills and be exposed to new and different things. 
One day, his legs took him to where your band always practiced and watched the entire session with bated breath. To anyone else, he just looked like either a weirdo or a music enthusiast but he was neither. He was mystified by the skill it took for each one of the musicians to actually play the way they did. 
You recognized him from the festival and went to speak to him (also because the band/orchestra manager wanted you to check it you guys were in some sort of trouble or something). He just blurted out of nowhere: “Would you like to play at Navy HQ?” (And somehow, you became regulars there and at some point, you became their band)
He’s actually a bookworm and spends a lot of his time studying about history, civilizations, the history of the Navy, Pirates and even the Celestial Dragons. He knows for a fact that this information will aid him into becoming a “good” and “righteous individual”.
He’s loyal as a dog when it comes to his friends and loved ones.
Being the peacemaker that he is, he is constantly striving to learn more about the world and about others. He strongly believes that once we learn more about one another and understand each other, there would be less conflict in the world. That type of thinking was ingrained in his mind whenever it came to his professional or personal life.
When it came to you, he was always curious and very keen to learn about you and about your interests, always asking you questions about things he didn’t know.
 He loved watching how your face lit up when you spoke about something you loved and it might his chest feel tighter in a very weird way (he actually went to the doctor to check if there was something wrong with him and the doctor had to tell him 1000x that he was the epitome of health).
Much like yourself, he becomes very animated and excited when you ask him about the books he’s read or about things that he’s learned from Garp, who he looks up immensely.
He is a training/fitness freak, taking . Trained all the soldiers so diligently until it completely wore him down but for some reason, having you around made him push himself and his soldiers even more (which made them come to you quite often and ask you to engage him in some other activity, but definitely not training).
It’s his duty (as part of the Navy) to protect others and always feels the need to protect the weak. That being said, you proved countless times that you could hold up on your own, without needing anyone else’s him.
Being surrounded by Marines doesn’t mean that you were in the most friendly of environment, some of the Navy soldiers obnoxiously thought of themselves as predators and tried to forcibly flirt with you or force you into joining them for a drink. Without resorting to violence, your words were more than enough to put the men in their place, cutting them like sharp knives.
In that instance, he found a kindred spirit in you. You were not one to throw themselves into needless action when there could be a smarter way out of situations.
However, that didn’t mean that you wouldn’t need the skill set to defend yourself. Which is why he started giving you self-defense lessons and soon after, began giving you private training as well. He strongly believed in your talent and thought that a talented woman with a beautiful (and striking) appearance such as yours could find herself in unwanted situations.
He respected your intelligence and actually loved the fact that you were quirky. It was refreshing when he was in an environment where he has to be so proper, being the rear-Admiral and all. 
However, his position never affected the way he treats those around him so he also ends up looking weird when he rambles about things out of nowhere (and soldiers are just dying to find excuses to make him shut up).
There were certain moments where he had to stop training but his body would start acting up on him because of the close contact with you. You were definitely strong and getting even stronger (which made him so proud of you!), but he was not immune to your femininity (and touching your curves).
Never got used to you teasing him, always blushing and too flustered to come up with a reply.
He was often teased by other Navy soldiers that he was a soldier through and through and lacked the mannerisms of a true gentleman (which was not true at all). This was a rumour that was spread amongst his comrades by Garp to actually get poor Koby to act on his feelings, which he had no idea about.
You once found him reading a bizarre looking book about flirting techniques and how to approach women. He looked like he was doing something sketchy and afraid to get caught. So, you snuck up next to him very slowly and sat next to him. He was hyper focused and couldn’t even tell that you were there [letting his guard down like that will get him killed! But you’re no killer ;)].
Your presence near him didn’t register until you grabbed his chin and locked your lips together, making his heart leap out of his body. He almost melted on the spot and became putty in your hands right then and there. The pink flush dusting his cheeks made you pepper soft pecks over his cheekbones, coaxing the most adorable throaty chuckle from the young gentleman.
As you became lovers, Coby didn’t feel the need to show off the fact that you were his or act protective in any kind of way. You were your own person and being his lover wasn’t something that would define who you were and become part of your identity.
In a professional capacity, you were simply employed by the same organization and knew that you wouldn’t always be by his side, which was more than okay with him.
He absolutely loves it when you play with his hair (as he lays his head on your lap and reads something while you are doing something else).
He loves watching you play music and sometimes, he starts tearing up when he does (you don’t bring it up to him because it brings back some sensitivity about him being called “crybaby” in the past). If you kiss his tears away, he would smile shyly at you and whisper every single time “You are just… so beautiful”.
He gets awfully flustered whenever you pat his head (but if a day goes by without you doing this, he feels like there is something missing).
Kisses of affection: cheeks and nose.
NSFW ahead ~
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Sex was not something he was acquainted with nor was it something that he paid much attention to. During his entire life, the only thing he’s ever done was relieve himself, only when he had to (in the morning, after training or in the nighttime when his body suddenly felt extremely hot and his cock would grow heavy and hard).
It was a journey of self-discovery that he embarked on with you. Coby was nervous the first few times, not knowing what to expect and what exactly he was supposed to do. But, you were always there to guide him through it all, discovering things about him as you touched him and taught him things about yourself, as you allowed him to touch you in return.
In the beginning, you were both satisfied with just hand jobs, fingering and oral sex but soon after that, things got hot and heavy quickly as you both simply needed more. Having trained him as well as you have, he didn’t bat a lash when you introduced sex toys into your dynamic (which he actually was excited to try).
This boy… Oh boy… He was born for you to please and born to please you. He was extremely vocal, his moans were the most salacious and scandalous thing you’ve ever heard, which makes you want to dom him even more than you already do.
His eyes are always so clear and inviting, his purity is almost palpable and the only thing he wants is you, no matter how he can. You know he is turned on when he licks his lips and they remain parted as he looks into your eyes.
Coby might seem like the timid type (which deep deep down, he still might be and it shows with the flush of his cheeks) but he is shameless when it comes to his desire for you. You told him to always be open about his desires when it came to your romantic/sexual relationship and that’s what he did and always intended to do, when it came to you.
Coby was a raw instrument, for you to fine tune, strum and use as you pleased. And he once told you while he was in the depth of passion, “Every single time we are together, I want you to play me like there is no tomorrow. Please.”
His diligence towards you and ensuring you were satisfied was heartwarming. The most adorable thing that you ever found in his room was a small notebook in his drawer where he took notes of the things you like and dislike, with scribbles and annotations everywhere. (you actually caught him once, writing in that same notebook in the middle of the night with a happy smile on your face, but you acted like you were asleep, not letting him know that you were in on his endearing little secret).
His favourite position: 69 (he enjoys being in a position where he is blessed by your touch and also being able to touch your skin and taste you + loves it when you both prepare each other for the sultry nights you spend together).
He can’t really decide on what other position could be his favourite because he enjoyed all the ones you’ve tried so far. However, he prefers the ones where you are facing each other.
He is incapable of dirty talk. He is too polite for that type of thing and respects you too much to even say filthy things in your presence (the worst curse he’s ever used is “shit” and with the occasional “fuck”, when things are really bad). He loves saying loving and sweet things to you, calling out your name and “my love/darling”.
For some reason, he doesn’t like the idea of covering you with his release. He’d much rather come inside of you. But, he also discovered he kinda likes to cum on your back (that one time you wanted to see how it would be like if he got really rough with you - in front of a mirror).
Whenever you suggest to him to do whatever he wants, he would get confused. He honestly believes that the way things are between you is actually how it’s supposed to be. But being the man that he is, he didn’t want to say “no” to you. He was most comfortable letting you take control, wanting to make sure that you were thoroughly satisfied and not risking the fact of doing something not to please you.
And when it actually happened, you thought that he was out for revenge for all the times you made him cry for release but he was only expressing his devotion to you. It was quite a spectacle when you were curious to see how he would be like if he took control. 
He turns into a starved animal but not in the way you thought. He covered your skin with kisses, not letting a single curve untouched or unkissed. Coby is into body worship and made sure that you were thoroughly aware of it, wanting you to know how devoted he is to you.
If anyone could be the perfect sub, it would definitely be him. He knows every single thing that pleases you and makes sure to apply every single bit of information he has in his mind into making you happy and satiated. He follows instructions almost too well. It sometimes feels like he can read your mind and between the lines of your words.  
The way he moves and rolls his hips… Hnghh… (enough said!)
Buttplugs might have become his favourite toy (he likes it when you put it in him even when it’s not in preparation for you to take him from the back). BUT, it’s actually a close race with ropes and flogs/whips.
The first time you ever tied him up, you could feel the tension in his body as he relinquishes every inch of him to you, utterly vulnerable to you (which was totally not something a rear Admiral should be doing). He trusted you more than anything and he wanted to show you that.
He loved that you talked him through it, your voice soothed him as you slowly eased him through the experience, binding him in ways he never thought were possible (unless he was captured by an enemy).
That was when you discovered he became undoubtedly turned on when you called him “baby” or especially “baby boy”.
Kinks: body worship, spanking (getting spanked), shibari and mirror sex (his body trembles at the thought of watching you drive him crazy and bringing him to the edge).
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Lap Fuddles
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(© forwardwalk ♈️ )
Genre: Smut
Warning: Sub!Renjun, Dom!Reader, Femdom, Thigh riding, Hair pulling, Spanking, Pegging, Degradation, Profanity, CFNM, Some pretty hardcore graphic dirty talk, Orgasm denial
Word Count: 2k
This can be seen as the continuation of this ask @submissivekpop​ (tbh I am the one who sent that in), which is my idea of “steamy passionate sex” mentioned in it, so I strongly recommend reading it beforehand to get a full grasp of the background of this scenario. 
This is also my first published work after I re-start my blog, and I hope doms thirsting after subby Renjun are satisfied!
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  "I thought you didn't like being on my lap...but here you are, riding me like a needy horny kit in calling..." You sneer as your hand comes down to slap and pinch Renjun’s cheek, which is still rosy from the spanking earlier, as the fingers of your other hand are still pumping his spot deliciously, causing his delicate body to slightly quiver and speed up his movements, dazed but focused on building up the sensation in his lower abdomen.
  Smirking at his fervent humping as well as his obviously heightened desires, your hand wanders around on his smooth skin. “Where is that defiant sulky little boy who insisted that sitting on my lap is ‘unmanly’ and ‘embarrassing’ hmm? Now look at you, enjoying yourself this shamelessly much just like a fucking slut. Do you think it’s still necessary to maintain your ludicrous ‘manly’ image, since you apparently prefer to be my whore?” 
  Renjun still continues to grind on you, so immersed in the friction provided by your jean-clad thigh that he fails to take notice of your rhetorical question, which soon earns him a firm tug on his hair as he whimpers at the sudden pain.
  “Do you still insist on being ‘manly’ while you are already whoring up?” You grab a handful of his hair, pulling your fingers out of his agape hole as you repeat the simplified question.
  “No... Miss, I don't anymore...please…" Renjun whines at the sense of loss on his prostate.
  “Please what? My little slut.” You deliberately tighten your thigh muscle to make him moan at the sudden change of sensation.
  “Please...Miss, I want…” Renjun sways his hips titillatingly, making his needs fairly noticeable.
  "Can’t even use your words properly, how pathetic." You tauntingly brush your fingers around his entrance in a circular motion. "Tell me exactly where you want me and what you want me to do with you. Make it clear."
  Renjun lowers his head, avoiding your piercing gaze as he blushes and stammers. "Please Miss...I want...mmff...I want you to f-fuck deep into my ass...hahh...w-with your fingers...please"
  "That's my good honest boy." You coo as you immediately push three fingers into him, making him yelp and grasp hard onto your shoulders at the shockwave of pleasure. "Does my slutty little kitten want something bigger and thicker?"
  "Y-yesss Miss...please…" Renjun shudders and stutters as he buries his face into the crook of your neck.
  You then plant a light kiss on his cheek before gesturing him to stand up for you to fasten the strap-on dildo around your crotch.
  "Be good and ride my cock. Show me exactly what a desperate fuckaholic you are." You seductively gaze at him as you are lubing the silicone toy.
  "Me...doing it...myself...again?” The tint on his cheeks begins to glow even redder. “Riding your thigh was already embarrassing enough, yet now you still want more? You are pushing it too far you evil devil…”
  You cock your eyebrow in amusement, despite his accusing tone, his complexion, slightly shifty gaze, as well as his lightly twitching cock all give away signs of his arousal.
  “So now I am the evil one here huh?” You disapprovingly scoff, getting up from the couch and push him downwards, forcing him to bend over the cushioned back. "Why bad-mouth the big mighty devil you love so fucking much," You grip hard onto his little waist before landing a hard slap on his still pinkish rear, "when your body reactions already obviously betrayed your words? Hmm my lying little kitten?" You then give him a few consecutive harsh spanks, causing him to let out pathetic whiny moans and squirm under the stinging sensation.
  "You think you are all difficult and formidable…" You slap him for the one last time, then reach down to caress his throbbing arousal generously, before going back up to resume his punishment. "...But in fact, you are nothing but a predictable little licentious kit that is putty in my hands…" You snicker as you press your still clothed chest against his back to breathe hotly near his ear, while your thumb lightly teases his slick entrance as the tips of the rest of your fingers brush stealthily against his sensitive flesh down south.
  "Does my untruthful little brat know why he can't win against his Mistress now?" You wickedly smack his cheeks as you begin to pump his shaft, internally smirking that Renjun is too carried away to utter any word. "It's because I know you too well, and I can read you in a split second just like an open book. I will take advantage of your every possible kink and torture every inch of you until your every single nerve bundle is burning with desires embroidered by my scent, touch, and everything me. Get that? My filthy slut?" Your clear enunciation of the last few words is followed by sadistic laughter ringing in Renjun's ear, the degradation sinking into his trembling body even more, as he can do nothing but hold on tightly to the couch for support.
  "You want to cum huh, my needy little fucktoy?" You sneer as you release your hand originally wrapped around his cock, focusing fully and solely rubbing between his cheeks, as he desperately nods. 
  "You want me to destroy that pretty little fuckhole with my massive dick until you can't get any load out of you anymore?"
  "Y-yesss Mistress...f-fuckk stop teasing me pleaasee…"
  After his plea, you creep behind him, spread his awaiting hole wide, before sliding into him in a slow cautious one-go. As he moans out at the feeling of being stuffed and stretched, you spank him twice, once for each cheek, to turn his sounds of satisfaction into gasps of surprise.
  "I'm still not done with disciplining you yet, slut." You growl as you intersperse your deep thrusts with loud smacks. "You should be punished not only because of your disobedience, but also your dishonesty for not coming clean with me about the true filthy side of you earlier."
  With your one hand still marking his cheek, your other hand creeps up to pinch his already hardened nipple. While Renjun's quivering and panting hard from the triple pleasure, you make his mind messier by pressing close up to him and nibbling his neck. "Now you can think of nothing but my cock buried deep inside you driving you senseless, just like a dim-witted whore you are." 
  Already lost count of how many times his pre-cum has oozed out of his slit, Renjun still wets himself even worse when he feels your tongue moisturizing his sweet spots, along with your gravelly moans vibrating against him. The only two things that matter to him now are first, your ruthless cock ramming into him, second, the last bits of his brain functions ordering him to moan as wantonly as he can because you've trained him to be shamelessly vocal for your enjoyment. You can easily tell the timing when he's getting nearer to his breaking point by the volume and coherence of his moans, but you decide to be cruel and delay his orgasm further.
  "Looks like someone has already got his fair share of dirty pleasure without doing much." Your sly remarks, as well as the withdrawal of your member, rip straight through his climax as he can't help but look into your eyes incredulously. "Why give me that look? You have to make up for the order you failed to follow! Now get your ass down to my lap again and worship my cock properly with that insatiable tight boypussy of yours."
  You quickly shift both of you into the desired position as Renjun, dreading being denied another orgasm again, obediently sinks down on your cock without much hesitation this time.
  "Oh you should've known better don't you?" You gleefully smirk as you slap his jiggling cheeks playfully like treating a toy. "You should know that I am the Queen that completely owns you, and you should be thankful that I grant you the privilege to let you share my throne on my lap, yet you decided to be an ungrateful little rascal." 
  You then commence fondling his balls that ache to be touched again. "See? If you had let me taken over you much more willingly without those stupid attempts to protest, we could have so much more fun together…" While one of your hands is still jerking him off, the other goes up to firmly tug his hair, pulling his head closer to you as your lips approach his ear. "The Queen enjoying the show her little cockslave is putting on and you getting the best fuck of your life...why were you just too stupid to realize that this spices things up for both of us sooner? My pretty little fuckpet?"
  "I was stupid, Your Highness." Renjun slides deeper into his subspace as he bounces up and down on you even faster. "Please allow your dumb slave to cum...please…"
  "Finally someone's remorseful." You muse in delight. "But still…" You steady your lower body and tighten your grip on Renjun, before starting to thrust back up into him, the sensation almost choking the pretty boy, as he leans his chin on your shoulder for extra support, a convenient position for you to whisper more nasty things to him.
  “Look at you now, riding my cock and following commands this well. You do have the potential to be my pliant plaything, but your snarky bratty mouth refused to surrender. But in fact, you are just a tsundere little kitten that treasures your useless pride a bit too much to admit that you love being humiliated and tortured, aren’t you?” Your hips move in sync with his, both of you focused on getting the dildo deeper inside him, as Renjun lets out a faint whimper indicating your pertinent descriptive words has worked on him. “But now since you have been good, I will fuck every last bit of your purity, sanity, rationality and your so-called masculinity out of you until you are a teary vulnerable mess and begging me to have mercy on you, because all you deserve is to be fucked open as my personal sleazy slut every single night…” 
  Renjun feels his second climax soon building up again as both the physical pleasure and the stimuli from your graphic degrading words resonate in harmony in his mind, sending him over the edge. You on the other hand, feel even more empowered and aroused at the fact that though with the fabric barrier of your clothes blocking direct contact with your sub, you still are blessed with the ability to wrap him around your finger, with more ecstasy dripping out of your heat at the sight of a beautifully flushed Renjun humping you in his honeyed voice.
  You respond to his fervent pleas to cum with some gentle coaxes, which soon milk hot spurts of seeds out of him as he gradually slows down and crashes onto you, burying his face into the crook of your neck. Doing your aftercare routine to get him back to his senses, you gently peck his limp body and wipe the tears away from the corner of his eyes, then wrap him in a comfy Moomin blanket he likes the most that you have already prepared next to you beforehand, and tell him how good he is at pleasuring you and how ethereal he looks right now while you affectionately pet his hair which is damp from sweat.
  Arms still tightly around your waist, Renjun finally looks up to face you, but avoids your direct gaze from time to time to prevent himself from burning with embarrassment. 
  “Now what? Still too shy to admit that you like lap cuddles?” You lightheartedly tease and nudge him.
  “No, I’m not!” Renjun’s voice, though sounding indignant at first, you can still detect the undertone that is filled with love and the cravings of more intimacy with you.
  You both giggle as you allow him to bury his face in your chest to indulge in your sweet fragrance that never fails to remind him whom he belongs to and feels safe with, cherishing the moment in comfortable silence where you just simply enjoy each other’s company.
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hypnotixstorm · 4 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* to do list *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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Normal Text = Have NOT started working on the request
Bold and Pink Text = I am CURRENTLY working on the request
Once I have completed a request it will be REMOVED from this list
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Can I get an imagine of Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho? Maybe an AU hundreds of years ago where he ends up caring for a human woman and teaching her how to defend herself. If you don't like that one, anything you think of.
Character: Kanda from DGM NSFW Prompt: "Make me." Love youuuuuu 😘
How about a NSFW scenario of Kakashi coming home to his sweet little naughty civilian S/O? 😜 A bit of role play where they call him sensei while he's doing them on the kitchen table?
Thanks for the Soi Bean Post! This gonna be my last Soi Fon request. Sorry for being quite a Soi Queen freak. For my request can you Soi after shower decides to wear s/o clothes. S/O tries to take picture of her. Then she tells that she has falling in love with you. You have changed let me take care of you. You can be very very very sluff on this one. Thanks!
ok ok so i have a few requests 🥺🥺 so! first could you maybe do an “I missed you.” with Rukia? 🥺💗 just fluff for my baby girl aaaa
Ichigo kissing his s/o in the rain 😆😆😆 Headcanons or scenario is up to you! 💙
ANYTHING SHIKAMARU. Deadass anything
Hey! I was wondering if I could request some Rukia x fem!reader relationship headcannons? Only if you're able to! Tysm! 💖
I hope requests are open but I was wondering if you could do something with byakuya and his s/o being like a very intimidating couple but his s/o is actually very sweet to everyone?
Kakashi x reader and instead of team 7 its now y/n tryna see whats under the mask and eventually she just asks and he actually reveals it adfhsjjs
Can I please get rat dad Ging being seduced by a younger woman who refuses to take “no” for an answer until he finally gives her what she wants? NSFW please! 💖
ok so please don't feel pressured to write this birthday imagine 🥺 i know u have a lot of requests rn ah. but! if you're able to i really would love another toshiro one bc i'm a sucker for him 😭 maybe one where he's really overworking himself so the reader helps him relax and it just ends in cuddles 🥺💓 only if you're able to! ilysm 💓💖💓💖💓💘💓💘💓
ok i swear this is the last one i feel bad requesting sm 😭 but maybe a “Do you wanna, maybe, go out sometime?” with toshiro bc he really is best boy 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
OKAY SO ANOTHER ONE WITH SABURO WITH UHHHH GOING ON A FIRST DATE WITH HIS S/O ICIXHAJGSSHSSUSKSU he'll probs driving his van around with the music blasting out 👀👀
honestly i would kinda die if u wrote some renji smut 😳😳 literally in any situation, i'm just needy rn 😭
ok ok i'm here hehe. how about, the reader gets really injured during a battle and shiro's kinda blaming himself for it. kindaaa angst into a super fluffy ending if that's ok hhh 🥺
Hi 🥰 Can I get a headcanon for Kakashi with a really seductive s/o, like she likes to tease him in public and whispers dirty things in his ear and calls him daddy? Nsfw pls? 😊😁
“make me” and hisoka??? thank you
hehe this is for the 🦋🦋 event! congrats on 200 bb!! so, i saw attack on titan on your list and i'm experiencing a severe lack of my best boy marco 🥺🥺 if you don't write for him that's fine hehe, but if you do, could i please maybe get a lil scenario where marco helps the reader out with her training and then they accidentally confess their feelings and it's just rlly fluffy and cute? 🥺 i need marco being happy in my life rn sbdjdhdjr 💓💓
“If you keep biting your lip like that, I’m holding you accountable for my actions.” for Kakashi please! I love him 🤤
If your requests are still open, can i ask for some domestic kakashi fluff? Ty
Hi mommas❤️❤️ CAN I PWEASE request some Guren (seraph of the end) relationship headcanons ? Not nsfw but maybe a little steamy 🥺🥰 I LOVE UU -🍒
Hi Chloe 🥰 Can I have some spicy nsfw headcanons for Yami where his s/o is acting really bratty during sex and he puts her in her place? 😪😂😊
Kageyama wirh Oikawas sister reader? there just chillin Nd stuff and toru comes over and picks y/n up and they hug and kageyama is like “eXcuSe mE???” forgive my spelling im on mobile lmao
Hiii❤️❤️ Can I request an imagine where you live in a small town and work at a cafe and Bakugou is your cliche small town boyfriend? Or headcanons! The idea is so cute and I love your writing 😊
okay so uHHHHH you can just go for Mephisto sharing some food with his s/o owo;; take your time on it too because i know it's gonna be really great either way!
A reader insert saved by vampire! main YYH crew from a pack of werewolves
Since you said requests are open maybe.. suga subbing for you? Idk he's just always appeared like someone who would love to please you in anyway possible.
V A M P I R E LAVI!!! DO IT GIRL!! 👌👌♥️♥️♥️
Fake dating with Lavi!!!!! Need more of the DGM boyz!! 😂
can I get an itachi x reader fic where it's itachi's birthday and the reader decides to give him a special night (👀), wearing lingerie, lighting candles, etc. for him to come home to? I love your work (and you!!) sm btw 🥺💞 - nina!! (@kunoichihatake)
hello ✨💕 it’s me, ryn 😘 if it’s okay, can i request a nishinoya x female!reader? perhaps a first date at the boardwalk with like the rides and carnival stuff? then at the end of the date he kisses her and it turns out the karasuno squad was following them the whole night hehe?
Hi! Can I request a prompt of some soft Kakashi, maybe some cuddles, perhaps it gets a little heated... a lil' Nsfw never hurt nobody👀👅 Thank you so muuch!~😍❤️
If I had kakashi in front of me I would tell him “aren’t you tired of being the most handsome man here?”
Hi! I saw that requests were open for the Haikyuu!! boys so here I am! I was wondering if I could request a Tsukki x reader where Tsukki has a crush on the reader but doesn't know how to express his feelings other then throwing insults. it can be angsty or fluffy I just really love Tsukki as a tsundere lol. (also btw I LOVE your theme and blog aesthetic its very pretty!)
Hey wifey😚 so Ichigo has stolen my heartttt can I get the strawberry boy with an S/O who gets super shy with with physical contact? Tyy💗💗
Fake dating with Lavi!!!!! Need more of the DGM boyz!! 😂
NSFW Vampire Squall (FF8) for very obvious reasons because UUUUUUGH
Hello there miss, my name is kandaxxx. Nice to meet you since I have definitely never requested from you before and this is definitely my first time and i am definitely not taking advantage of your bomb writing skills to ask you to write a “Choke me, daddy.” for Seymour from FF (love you forever and always!!!!!!)
hey butterfly 🥺 can you please write a story where the reader and (any character) are fighting and it turns out it was just about something stupid? like chicken nuggets? thank you 🥺💗
Eek! DGM! I was wondering if you would do a request for a general Allen Walker relationship HC? I don’t see him on the character list, but I’m just curious *bows* Thankyou senpai!
Spin The Bottle with any of the DGM characters that you're comfortable writing????? (but like obviously when Kanda spins the bottle it has to land on the reader [me] because YOU KNOW WHY OK????????) ilysm!!! 😍
I’m thinking a smut scenario of some kind that uses the prompts “Perhaps I need to remind you of your place.” and “Let me show you what happens to little brats who don’t follow the rules.” I feel like those are very Nozel Silva things to say. 😈 -bakubabes-hatake
Omfg HI mommy, Can i request really fluffy and soft itachi after he comes back from a mission? Non-massacre AU and you’re on the same team as sasuke lolol thirsty for them age gaps ❤️ thank youuuu ily -🍒
Can I get a fake dating with Kand--Roy Mustang (hahahaha) 👉👈🥺
Is this okay to ask for? Egor taking care of s/o who has period cramps... Ty!
can I get an itachi x reader fic where it's itachi's birthday and the reader decides to give him a special night (👀), wearing lingerie, lighting candles, etc. for him to come home to? I love your work (and you!!) sm btw 🥺💞 - nina!! (@kunoichihatake)
Hello! Can I please request some headcanons for Kiba with a S/O with a praise kink? And for Shikamaru with a S/O with a choking kink? Thank you so much.
Wow. Here is me putting in a request. Shocker, right?? 😂 I want some Greed, baby 😈 as for the prompt, it's not in your list, but could you maybe do something based off of "Oh my god. Did we just break the bed?" ???? 👉👈
It's a shame u only have one ling request, so could I request some Ling x Reader where they're both absolutely oblivious until Lan Fan or Ed or someone finally just tells them for them? Sorry if I didn't make any sense ❤️❤️
ok idk if you write threesomes but 😳😳 if you could write one with daichi and suga n maybe some dp, i'd probably die 🥺💓 only if you're comfortable with that tho ♡
Tyki flirting with his crush in his native language of Portuguese? I really love your work and please have some candy 🍬🍭🍫
hi butterfly! 🥰 i hope you're doing well! you already know what i'm going to ask you for — a request! i just feel really down in the dumps lately. can i request headcanons for an s/o that takes graduation pictures on their grandmother's 3 year death anniversary with kenma, nishinoya & kuroo? i hope you can do my request! you don't have to do it if you don't want to!
hehehe kuroo, tsukki and kageyama headcanons of their s/o sending them a nude while they at training and them making an excuse to get home and fUcK yOu SeNsELeSs - 🌊
Hello may I request itachi x reader. People learned the truth and he can finally return to his wife and children in the village 🥺 and they don’t have to be in secret anymore
holy shit,, i am starved for the squall content,,, if you don't mind, catching you wearing their clothes?
S/O walking in on kakashi masturbating? 👉👈 💕
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lord-explosion-baku · 5 years
Bakugou x reader
Warnings: fluff??, swearing
A/N: just a short lil snoot I wrote for everyone’s favorite hotshot’s birthday!!
It was Ashido’s idea to make you in charge of organizing the party, reasoning that you had been spending a lot more time with Bakugou so you would know what he would like the most. It was Sero’s idea to make the party a surprise, reasoning that Bakugou would never agree to a celebration if he knew about it but you didn’t want him to get upset on his special day so you asked him for permission.
“Absolutely not-“ was his immediate answer.
“Ohhh, come on! It should be fun! There’ll be food and music and presents! Please? Pretty please? If I didn’t tell you about it, it would’ve happened anyway and you would’ve had to suffer!”
“Actually that’s not true. Shitty hair already let it slip that you all were plotting something. I already planned on avoiding everyone at all costs.”
“Bakugou!” You whined, boldly placing your hands on his arms. “it’s not gonna hurt you to have a good time! Everyone already got you gifts and I’ve put down a deposit for the room we got for it! and… I don’t know, if you don’t wanna do this for you then do it for everyone else! It will make a lot of people happy!”
Bakugou would never admit it but he really did care about his friends. He might’ve not liked them all the time but you had to appeal to his tsundere side somehow.
“Tsss...” He pulled away from you, looking anywhere but your face. “You really paid for everything already?”
“Yup!” You grinned.
“And there’s no way you can get your deposit back?”
“Mmmm nope!” You totally could but he didn’t have to know that.
“Fine-“ he glared out in front of him “-but just know that I hate birthday cake.”
Needless to say, you were ecstatic.
You took full advantage of your party planning privileges, decking out the space you rented with all the classic birthday supplies: orange, black, and green streamer matching the color of his hero suit draped across the ceiling and fitting cartoon blast shaped balloons tied to each table bobbed against each other. You made a playlist full of Bakugou’s favorite music along with some other songs that you knew everyone else would enjoy. Food and drinks were provided by a catering service that Kirishima had recommended which you got a discount for because Kirishima was a “totally rad guy.” You might have gone a tad bit overboard for such a small get-together but anything was worth it for Bakugou… the two of you had gotten to be pretty close over the last few months... and you maybe had developed a tiny little crush on him and Ashido was just absurd enough to suggest that he reciprocated those feelings. Like, sure, the two of you did share a couple moments where you guys looked at each other for longer than you needed to when you were a ways away from each other but Bakugou always broke the eye contact. And okay, you were probably the only person Bakugou let touch for long periods of time but you were pretty handsy with a lot of people and you were sure he’d just gotten used to it… Not that any of that mattered for the party! You had to focus on making it a swell time and not because you had some silly crush! You were really just throwing this party out of the goodness of your heart!
Mina was the first to arrive clad in her best party outfit. She helped you a bit with making the snack table look more aesthetically pleasing. Sero was the next to arrive, ironically wearing sunglasses indoors and he brought silly party hats for everyone to wear. Jirou and Kaminari showed up together and they brought games that you’ve never heard of to play! You don’t know when Tokoyami showed up, he just happened to appear. You had invited him but you weren’t sure if he’d be attending since when you extended the invitation, he only said something cryptic that you didn’t quite understand. You were happy to see him nonetheless. Kirishima, under the guise that the party was still a supposed to be a surprise, escorted Bakugou into the room and when everyone jumped at them yelling “surprise!” Bakugou just rolled his eyes which wasn’t all that much of a giveaway that he was already in on it since that was a very Bakugou-esq thing to do.
Everyone seemed to have a good time! Sero and Kirishima attempted to play multiple birthday pranks on Bakugou which always ended with one of them getting swatted, Ashido and you danced a bit together to the wonky playlist you put together that she ended up tweaking a bit, and Kaminari attempted to explain how to play some of his weird games but he was too excited to really get whatever it was he was trying to say out so Jirou had to take over the games.
You lit the candles that were stuck inside your very special concoction of a dessert and the others let Bakugou know what was coming when they started to sing “Happy Birthday,” albeit, completely out of key. Still, everyone had stupid, contagious grins on their faces and even Bakugou smirked when he saw that you brought out a brownie platter rather than a cake.
“I added cinnamon and cayenne pepper,” you said with a wink. “I hope you like the kick!”
“Make a wish!” Ashido yelled, bouncing up and down.
Your heart skipped a beat when Bakugou looked at you, the glow from the candles complimenting his jaw structure. You couldn’t help but think that the birthday boy looked kinda handsome even while forced to wear that silly cone party hat.
Swiftly, he blew out every candle and everyone cheered for him.
You got a sense of accomplishment while Bakugou opened his presents; weights from Kirishima, a hoodie from Ashido, a ‘Guide To A Zen State Of Mind’ book from Sero, a skull which you were very unsure if it was real or not from Tokoyami, drumsticks from Jirou, and a welding torch from Kaminari. With the stress of making the party happen you didn’t actually manage to get him anything but you had doubt that he’d even notice.
While Sero and Kaminari were busy trying to pop Bakugou’s explosion balloons with their butts, you saw Bakugou go out to the balcony. You barely had any time to talk to him beforehand while you were his trying to make sure everyone was well fed and having a good time so you decided to join him!
“Did you like the party?” You leaned against the rail, looking over the vast city in front of you. You felt his eyes on you and you hoped he couldn’t tell how nervous you were to hear his answer.
“I guess,” he muttered back. Relief flooded over you. Had it been a couple months ago, that answer would’ve hurt but after having got to know Bakugou a bit more, you knew that ‘I guess’ was Bakugou for ‘sure did!’
“Well, good.” You tapped on the railing to beat of the music playing from inside. You get a nervous flutter when you feel his eyes slide over to you.
You pull on your shirt sleeves and look him in the eye. “So, what’d you wish for?”
He shot you a wicked grin and quirked a brow. “Why do you wanna know?”
“Innocent curiosity,” you smiled sweetly back at him.
“Yeah? Oh, hey, I couldn’t help but notice, you didn’t get me a gift! I mean, come on, L/N, it is my birthday.” He took a daring step closer to you.
“Wha-! But! Okay, sure but-! I threw you a party!”
“And? I told you I didn’t want a party,” still, he didn’t stop smiling through his teasing.
“And I made you brownies!”
“They were pretty good.” One more step closer. “It’s a shame I had to share them with rest of those losers.”
“Aww Bakugou, what could I possibly give you that you don’t already have?” You jabbed him in the ribs and he grabbed your hand.
“You tell me,” he said, pulling you closer. His hand ran up your arm to your elbow. This was the first time Bakugou initiated contact with you and you felt like your body was about to burst into flames! “What do you think I wished for?”
“I… have no idea,” his free hand brushed some of your hair out of your face. You were thankful it was dark outside or else he’d be able to see how red your face was, though, he was so close to you he could probably feel your body heat. “Bakugou?”
“Take a wild guess,” he whispered, inches away from your lips.
A wild guess? Oh, your thoughts were running rampant with crazy ideas but you couldn’t focus on just one with his lips so close to yours! You knew what you wanted but Bakugou was too hard to read and goodness! his hands were cupping your face and- and- you took that wild guess!
His lips were warm and he tasted like a mixture of chocolate and spice. Your hands found his jacket and you pulled him closer while you let your lips linger on his. He felt… nice, like unexpectedly soft and you let out a delighted shiver when one of his hands moved to your waist. The kiss was sweet and even though you had accepted that you really liked Bakugou you never expected to feel so right with him like this.
With a squeeze of your hip, he pulled away, eyes still closed and you could see him smiling. It was… cute?? You wanted to kiss him again but you suddenly got nervous and shy again.
“Um… is-is that what you wished for?”
“Maybe. Maybe not. If I told you, it wouldn’t come true.”
“But you just-!” You grabbed his hand, “Bakugou!”
He snickered and intertwined your fingers with yours. “Thanks for the party-“ a deep blush bloomed over his face “-but maybe next weekend we can do something just the two of us.”
Hands still together you placed them back on the railing. “That sounds really nice actually… is that what you wished for?”
He chuckled. “Kiss me again and maybe I’ll tell you.”
He never did tell you what he wished for but you were all too happy to comply with his request.
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jacscorner · 4 years
Moemon-Type Chart
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Just thought this would be a fun way to look at Moemon/Pokemon. Please note that these aren’t iron-clad rules. It’s just that these are all stereotypes built up since many Moemon tend to share these traits, and thus are put into these categories.
Bimbo - Normal: Disregarded by most Trainers, Bimbo-Types are incredibly loving and loyal, acting more like pets than combatant. They’re naturally more inclined towards love instead of war-however, they’re not to be underestimated. What they lack in style and grace, they make up for in being a ‘Jill-Of-All-Trades’, able to tip their tools into the pools of almost every other Type. Be wary, however, as Bimbo-Types tend to go into a raving heat cycles; each one is different and when they’re going through it, you’d best be able to handle them.
Punk - Poison: Rude, crude, and often with some kind of attitude, Punk-Types are notorious for being territorial. A Trainer with multiple Punk-Types should be careful, as they might fight amongst themselves for superiority-unless you’re into that. It’s commonly believed that their sour disposition holds a softer, gentler side-this is not a fact, some of them are, indeed, just bitches. Culling a Punk-Type from her bad habits is close to impossible, but some trainers have managed to make it happen before.
Smart - Psychic: While Psychic Powers doesn’t necessarily make on smart, Smart-Type Moemon tend to have a greater leaning towards gathering information. They have a reputation for being incredibly powerful, to the point where there was a point in time in Kanto History where Smart-Types with their psychic abilities were heavily sought after. They can be pretty hard to train, however; a Trainer that isn’t capable of reeling in a Smart-Type’s natural curiosity or their superiority complex might find themselves on the other end of the social leash. Recently, it’s been studied that Humans born around a community of Smart-Types have shown to exhibit Psychic Powers...
Milf - Grass: Milf-Types aren’t all moms from the get-go, but when they reach maturity, they tend to have a very voluptuous body type, gaining their name for just how fast they mature. It helps that no matter how many kids they may or may not have, they have very strong maternal instincts, making them great with kids and often used as nannies when not in combat. They’re often generous and loving to a fault, but a Trainer that can capture their hearts can find themselves with a very loyal Moemon. It’s often recommended that new Trainers start with a Milf-Type, as their more mild temperament makes them much easier to get along with.
Round - Ground: There’s a lot of debate about how to apply this ‘type’, as Generally, Round-Types tend to be towards a certain...body-type. They’re naturally built more towards a broader build, some of them having bigger butts or boobs, some of them having some noticeable chub. It’s unwise to be insensitive about this to your Moemon, as they may start a good rampage if you push their buttons. They may be quick to forgive you, given their softer personality, but everyone has a breaking point-as does your spine.
Frigid - Ice: Frigid-Types tend to have a a very ‘cold’ personality; they’re stand-offish, and more often then not will push you away even after being captured. Frigid-Types play a long game of ‘hard to get’, and only the most dedicated Trainers will be able to see their heart under all that ice. They’re stereotyped as ‘Kuuderes’ and ‘Tsunderes’, and while that isn’t entirely true, it takes time for them to warm up to their trainers. Be sure to keep your Frigid-Types plenty cool, as they tend to overheat pretty quickly. 
Sassy - Fire: Temperamental, proud, and more than a little bratty, that is the Sassy-Type. They’re incredibly stubborn, and love to tease and get a rise out of their Trainers. Members of this type tend to love combat and will seek out battle no matter what shape it takes, be it a Pokemon battle to wanting to fight you over what you guys eat for dinner. Plenty of new Trainers are put through the ringer when they pick the Sassy-Type Starter and find themselves with a girl that’s too hot to handle. 
Dumb - Rock: Intelligence is something hard to measure, but Dumb-Types certainly earn their name. It’s a mean title to give a type, but there is a kernel of truth to it; these types tend not to be concerned with knowledge, relying only on brute force and their naturally tough exterior. They may be a little slow, and perhaps somewhat forgetful, but Dumb-Types make up for their lack of brain power with their heavy heads. Keep in mind, however, that while they have a 1 in INT, long-lived Dumb-Types tend to have a 20 in WIS.
Bully - Dragon: If you hear the distinct ‘oh ho ho ho’ of a Bully-Type, they’ve already deemed you as their prey. Bully-Types get their names because of their inherit superiority complex, partially due to their rarity and partially due to how powerful they are. Trainers won’t have the luxury of giving any less than their best when dealing with them, as with even the slightest inch, they’ll try to dominate any situation. Bully-Types only respect those who are stronger than them, so Trainers will need to display their strength in order to keep them loyal.
Beach - Water: Surf, sand, and sand-witches, that’s the eternal motto of Beach-Types, called so since a majority of them hang around beaches or wear beachwear as though it’s normal clothes. While not vain, many Beach-Types tend to take a lot of stock in their physical appearance. They want to look good and be appreciated for looking good, so Trainers are recommended to compliment them plenty so they feel secure. They make for very charming partners for New Trainers, but more easy going than Sassy-Types, but aren’t as smothering as Milf-Types.
Drone - Bug: “The strength of the hive is the Bug, the strength of the Bug is the Hive”. Drone-Types are eternal followers, soldiers dedicated to a single cause-well, actually, they’re mostly made up of really shy, timid Moemon who form large colonies for safety. Drones are known for electing a ‘Queen’, or leaning on a Trainer, for leadership and guidance, and while some Moemon are more up to the task than others, it’s not uncommon for particularly meek Drones to seek out other, stronger Moemons to follow. Lately, there’s been an upswing in popularity in Drone-Type Moemon.
Goth - Dark: No, you cannot attract Goth-Types with Christian Death or 45 Grave, that will only upset them. Goth-Types are mostly loners, with few noticeable species working in tight, close-knit communities. Goth-Types are tough nuts to crack; it doesn’t help that Humans have persecuted them in the past and, even today, often treat Goth-Types as devils instead of sentient humanoids, no different from...well, Humans. They tend to come off as nasty, but they’re really just shy and often scared, so recruiting one can be difficult for the impatient.
Muscle - Fighting: Muscle-Types are pretty straight forward, with the members of the type pursuing the art of combat. Some are martial artists, some study the blade, and some just love to fight, to the point Trainers commonly refer to them as ‘fightsexual’. It’s not completely unheard of, as it’s common for Muscle-Types to seek out Trainers who will often train them and train with them. Trainers who can’t handle rigorous activity don’t make the best parnters for Muscle-Type, as they can get anxious if their Trainer isn’t striving for strength with them.
Spooky - Ghost: Have you ever seen a girl wonder through a graveyard? You might’ve encountered a Spooky-Type if you have. These Moemon absorb an odd energy called ‘ectoplasm’, which gives the properties of ‘ghosts’: they can turn invisible and intangible, many are capable of minor levitation, and the results tend to leave them sickly and pale, even if they’re perfectly healthy. Spooky-Types are known for being rather mischievous: some being no more than mild pranksters, some maliciously violent, so be careful and always carry a flashlight and a vacuum cleaner.
Toy - Steel: Toy-Type Moemon are an odd bunch; their bodies tend to be made up of some kind of inorganic matter, be it having titanium bones, iron skin, or steel teeth. Toy-Types are also notorious for having a very dry personality, if not coming off as disinterested, they can be rather strict and stern. Despite the playful name, Toy-Types are very rigid and unflinching, with many types not fully grasping common emotions naturally, either needing to learn them or learning to mimic them. They’re not cold and unfeeling, it’s just that they’re not naturally capable of expressing them.
Glam - Flying: Most scratch their heads at this choice in naming, but Glam-Types truly live up to their name. Glam-Types are incredibly graceful, these winged Moemon being able to soar with pristine elegance. Many Glam-Types work tirelessly on their appearances once they hit maturity, wanting to stand out as much as possible in the hopes of attracting a mate-and more often then not, they’re looking for a Human-Trainer or otherwise. For a Glam-Type, having a Human for a mate is a status symbol, and Glam-Types are all about making themselves appear to be more important than others and showing off.
Ditz - Electric: Not quite Dumb, but not quite Bimbo; Ditz-Types are often perceived as being eternally curious and full of energy. While I stress these Types are more like STEREOtypes, Ditz-Types have been shown to have severe lapses in judgement, with some being as foolish as to use their Electrical Powers on Round-Types, who are immune to them. Scientists believes that the access electricity going to their brains short circuits them, leaving them to be rather forgetful and easy prey for other Moemon to take advantage of until they reach maturity. Despite this, however, most Ditz-Types are rather upbeat, with many of them even showing traits of creative problem solving.
Cute - Fairy: A new type discovered, with their name still being developed, but Cute-Types really are just that: cute. They tend to have an aura of desirability, some of them even weaponizing this unassuming trait to lure in prey and showing a much more ‘combative’ personality lying underneath. Their sweet disposition is even enough to dissuade even Bully-Types from working their usual tactics on them-though it might help that their Draconic Ancestry gives them a fatal weakness to the distinct energy that Cute-Types radiate. Scientists are still trying to properly understand what this energy is, as we’re not totally sure what it is, how it affects them, or even why many types retroactively became or gained the ability once the type was discovered...
I mean, by this logic, my Bulbasaur is a Milf/Punk-Type. Which, I mean, I’m cool with that. Might even draw that at some point...
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maiuoart · 5 years
I’m curious now. What’s your version of the Underfell, Underswap and Horrortale bros like personality wise? What’s their soul traits? If you don’t mind me asking that is.
Okay, alright, lets do this. I had everything down for this before, but stupid me made a large mistake. ANYWAYS! Feel free to ask any any of them, though I won’t be too prone to really think about them much? Cause, my heart belongs to the Swapfells; But I still wouldn’t mind doing things like this for the other guys!!! ♥
Ask any and all questions you’d like of anything; Thank you for it!!
I’m going to give you how I see them after coming up to the surface~
UF!Sans/Red; Unlike others in the fandom, I can see Red as one of those types of guys who’s really chill and relaxed… 
Cept, y’know; He has no patiences. At all? He’s our hot-headed, ill tempered, little flirt of a gremlin who enjoys to play around with words and sayings. He has no filter, and is a huge sailor mouth! He’s a prickly little smart ass, but he’d more than likely flirt or try to gross someone out who doesn’t vibe right with him… Cause, y’know; 
“Whats life is ya gotta fight 24/7? it’s funnier t’gross the fucks out than gettin’ their juice on ya from punchin’ too hard, them damn jelly-bags.”
But, he still has a tsundere side to him that not a lot of people know… Because of his habits of irritability and jumping the gun, he may jump to accusations and if proven wrong or said the wrong things, well… He’ll try and make up for it. Without ruining too much of his pride, but he’ll still do something nice behind their backs. Or, awkwardly try to outright show he doesn’t want to lose them somehow or whatever. Y’know, he doesn’t fuckin’ care either way, but it’s hard to find some good pals, alright? ...Stop looking at him like that, y’fuck.
What I really like with this Red? He is the king of word plays. Constantly getting hit and degraded from his brother to stop being so vulgar lead him to become a huge flirt ‘Under The Table’, meaning he can say anything to make your mind sink right into the gutter, but if called out on it, he will play the innocent card and will point out that his wording is innocent; You’re just the fuck with a perverted mind. 
And he revels in that. Red had gotten to call his brother out on it more than once, and even though Edge KNOWS THAT’S NOT WHAT HE MEANT, he began to ignore it after some time.
It still irritated him, but Edge can’t do a damn thing about it… And it’s actually quite hilarious to him secretly to watch others have reactions to his brothers horrible humor.
All in all, Red is a Deviant, Devious, Perverted, Hot-headed, Careless, Prideful, but very-... Loving. Protective... Okay, so he might have a few nice soft and good bones in his body; But not like he’ll outright say it! Get off his spine, dammit!
...Red’s a mother fucking cat that loves attention but will attack you if you outwardly point it out. Don’t point it out and you won’t get bit.
Red’s Soul Trait is; Rage.     It can be mistaken for Determination; But the difference between the two side by side is that a Rage Trait is a lot brighter in hue than a DT.
UF!Papyrus/Edge; Our Egoistic, Narcissistic, Loud, Angry beanpole… But, there is something I have found quite enjoyable in my version than others in the fandom.
Much like in the fandom; He is still that boisterous asshole… However, he has a more different approach when going into an area unknown or an unknown being comes into his area. He is observant, quiet, and will take in a situation in front of him; If one is going on.
Once he is done observing, he will snap at everything he deems need be. Either to help or hinder a situation… But if there is none? Well, call him the Drama maker; Cause there should be. He’s prone to try and test people around him; See how his words can affect them, if he can push any buttons, and pretty much see how tough the ones around him are. He likes to test people’s patiences, after all.
But he does know how far to go before it gets too heated, stopping and bringing up other points in a situation or saying something about himself to get the person’s mind off his ‘Almost’ mistake; Which, it always seems to ease a situation down, allowing them to have some type of word before ‘He gets mad and walks off’. 
Edge, honestly; Doesn’t care what anyone thinks or says about himself. He knows that they have seen only his worst, and the fact it’s a front and a fake personality really makes him prideful of how easy he can hide his true self more. Being in the Guard, one had to train themselves to be something completely different, after all. 
You can say… Edge has a switched personality; His true one?Some days, not even He knows what it really is anymore… 
‘Fake it til you Make it’ was seriously made to be true to him, and at some points, Edge doesn’t remember what is real or not for his feelings. Red will occasionally see his true personality come back… His caring side, his side that’s actually much more relaxed. But with his Soul trait, it’s rare to see anymore. But deep down, Edge knows; He just wants the best for others... Likes to help, even if it’s not wanted from him!
....And maybe stir the pot up to keep things lively.
When it comes right down to it, Edge is; Observant as all hell, Dramatic, Egoistic, Speaks his mind, Teasing, Can be Rude, Low-key Caring... Actually, he’s more of a Romantic than his brother... And he’s actually super sweet when you get passed his sour exterior... Did I mention this boy is great to have to talk about troubles with? High-key LOVES to talk trash about any problems... And he’s protective as all hell. 
Is that friend who is; “WHO MADE YOU CRY? I WILL BEAT THEM UP.”
...I think I’m falling for this PapaBear. That's exactly what I’m thinking his true personality is. 
Edges Soul Trait is; Wrath.   This color is much deeper and more blood related, clear that between a DT Soul and his, it is easy to tell by how much darker his Soul is. Crimson, honestly.
US!Sans/Blue; Still the hyperactive, loveable, adorable Magnificent Blue! Never a dull moment with him, his energy doesn’t allow it!
Though he is mistaken for a child almost all the time due to his bright and more than positive outlook on life, similar and if not a mirrored version of UT!Papyrus, he makes due with it! Energetic, eccentric, and good for his works due to his mature side shines brightly; He still can’t help but be very put off when someone says he’s ‘too young to date’. 
He won’t lie when he gives his best motivational talks that make people’s eyes boggle and question his age, however. It always makes him laugh, either good heartedly or questionably is unknown.
Blue uses this to his advantage though, ironically. Might be considered more of a creep thing and that is; Using his childlike personality to be able to get close to someone for a bit. Meaning; Gets really friendly. Will hold their hands innocently, ask to sit in their laps, and cling to the person he likes like glue.
….Did I mention he has a bit of a possessive personality? Cause, he does.
What’s really funny? Is people will automatically think he’s innocent. I’m going down the sin train with this boy; He is a SIN-nimon. Though he barely has any experience in the bedroom, maybe once or twice with a one nighter, which he will not talk about, for reasons… It’s more of the fact that he had to learn things and is more prone to wanting to do everything he does with such a talent, it’ll leave them breathless. He loves to try new things, after all! ;) Unless reasons.
He’s amazingly smart and will be able to tell if someone is using him or taking him for granted. Though, he will allow it to pass for a while, believing that they just don’t know better or believing they’ll change given time! 
However, his patiences is run thin when even his Brother tries to keep him sheltered. He’s not blind to things like that, he sees it. He gets angry with it. Some fights will even come from it given the subject or mood both brothers are in; But still, it doesn’t change his brothers views at all. And that-.. Can kind of ruin his mood for a good while.
Above all, this dude is just purely; Considerate, Caring, Observant, Hyperactive, Goofy, Manipulative, Possessive, and might be a bit pervy when behind closed doors.
Blues Soul Trait Is; Patiences!   Like his Cyan color, he is amazingly patient with a LOT of things… Being so positive does have it’s downside though, and that tends to make his eccentric side shine a bit more…
US!Papyrus/Stretch; Hnnng, this is a hard one because all I’ve ever seen of this boy is how ultra overprotective and how much of an asshole he can be??? Like, I just. I really can’t for him? But i’m going to try.
Much like UT!Sans, he is very laid back and relaxed. He has a good bit of paranoia, some obsessive behavior, and minor possessive traits he shares with his little brother; But, he plays it all off with a chill atmosphere. 
He’s more prone to picking someone's brain apart and putting it back together to know exactly what's up and going; Sometimes it’ll even come off as rude, but nothing too hostile. 
He enjoys to prank the every loving fuck out of everyone and anyone; That's his form of puns. Jokes and japes are his favorite. I do know he enjoys to gross people out or even disturb them a little bit with gross pranks.
...Honestly, that is all I really have for this fellow. Really; I just want to call him an ass. ndskjgh If I can come up with something different, I will come back and redo this; But for now-... I just can’t get over my high horse in saying he’s an absolute fucker...
Stretch’s Soul Trait is; Justice with Bravery!   It’s a mixture between the two, both fighting for the main trait. It’s why his color is a Honey glow!
Please, someone tell me where these names come from; I’m not lazy or anything, but I read so many fanfics now that I can’t recall who came up with what names anymore; But I absolutely adored these more than Axe and Crooks; Which are more of names I can see as insults? So, I can see the other AU’s calling them that... But what they prefer to be called? Mars and Jupiter FTW! 
HT!Sans/Mars; He’s actually a very relaxed version of his old self. He can’t get too startled or else he may go into a panic. Due to his head injury, his reaction time is slowed down. It hurts when he thinks too hard, so he’s more just allowing everything to flow past him.
Forget and Forgive is what he goes by anymore. Somedays, that saying is hard; Only when the memories begin to turn and rupture in his mind like crashing waves does he feel the need to try and get himself to cook or work on easy projects to help ease distract himself. 
He’s forgetful, so Mars has to constantly write himself notes when he can; In his phone, on stickynotes, random pieces of paper, hell; He even carries a small notepad just in case something happens. His brother has the better memory, so he’ll ask Jupiter to recall something for him- Sometimes it’s repeated to the point Jupiter will gently remind his brother that; “Yes, You Have Told Me Already, Don’t Worry So Much! I Got Your Back, Brother!”
He’s quiet, spacey, but still holds his smarts to an extent. His mental ability is a bit staggered; But he doesn’t get violent or hostile unless its triggered by something... That something is if he holds wet meat that gives for too long, or the heavy scent of copper roams in the room for more than desired. 
He might have a bit of animalistic instincts piled into him due to what he ate back to survive... But it’s not like he had a choice, or the others. He knows that all he needs is Food; To get food, to gain food, for him and his brother. To take care of his kin when he has his episodes; All he can think about is Food, Food, Food.
So, what Mars’ personality holds?; Easy-going, Chill, Relaxed, Skittish; Please don’t startle the poor dude, Empathetic, Closed off.
Mars’ Soul Trait Color Is; Dulled Integrity.   Due to all the stress his universe gave him, he is dulled and almost void from have losing his Hope. Feelings of betrayal has seeped into his Soul, causing his once brilliant Soul to dim to a sick and pale blue.
HT!Papyrus/Jupiter; He is still his Glorious old self; But yet with an aura of both Maturity and Self awareness, he has turned into his shell quite a bit, much like his brother. He hates scaring others, and just wishes to enjoy his new life! But how can he do that when-... No, he will enjoy his new life!
Jupiter, the ever once Social butterfly, now is more closed off from others. He will still actively begin to open up faster than his brother if someone shows they don’t fear him; But he will remain distant if someone so much as stares at him wrong or hears that someone dislikes him just because of his looks or he’s intimidating. 
Yes, he has had dental work done on his crooked teeth. And yes, that had helped him gain more of his confidence back. However, he can’t help but always flinch at loud noises as they grate his hearing, squint even with his glasses to try and get his magic to focus in his sockets, and even to the point that he’s more prone to-... Walk, maybe too quietly for a lot of people to notice.
It’s not his fault his magic makes his bones lighter to stealth around... It was a need and a must back in the Underground, after all!
With his need to keep his mind distracted and preoccupied, he stays away from his signature dish unless absolutely need be. The smell can send his Soul flaring-... With the need to continue to cook and the absolute need to make it perfected. Most times if he cooks his Spaghetti, he has to hurry up and cook something completely new, just so it mixes with the scent and doesn’t send him spiralling to cook everything in the house for a huge feast.
His personality consist of; OCD, Quiet, Perceptive, Considerate, Easily Joyful, Excitable, Can become controlling; For good reasons though!
Jupiters Soul Trait Is; Dulled Bravery.   Much like his own brother, betrayal has dimmed his once glorious Soul... It’s no longer the vibrant Orange it once was; But that was alright! Because now, he neither fears nor wants to stand up to most things. Unless pushed, he will stay where he is; Content in the space. 
It’s safe. All safe. Just stay put and it’s all safe. Safe, Safe, Safe.
Thanks for asking, Darlin’! Some of these might change in the future, because I never gave any of them a real chance to shine in my mind; But I feel like I’m on the right track! ♥ 
If memory serves right, the Horrortale brothers are heavily reference from Lulu-Writes; Bones, Picked Clean. But I might be wrong!! So let me know if I am!
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jumarit38 · 7 years
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